Capacitor 1 Worksheet A

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Physics 2 Lab


Spring 2019-2020

Dep. Of Applied Physics and Sharjah


University of

Capacitors 1   Name :


Construct the follo Construct following wing electrical electrical circuit (Capacito (Capacitor), r), using using PhET simulation simulation,, or using the following link.

htps://pheon/legacy/capacior-lab  You have to play and enjoy using this simulation to be familiar with, because we are are go goin ing g to us use e duri during ng th this is peri period od.. We ha have ve thre three e pa part rts s to do us usin ing g this this simulation


Physics 2 Lab


Spring 2019-2020

First Part: Capacitance and Area C= ₀A/d: ↋

In this part the distance, d, between the plates is kept constant d= 10x10 -3m and the area of the plates is changed. You are to record the values for area (in m 2) and the capacitance C (in F). Take at least eight values of A and C, and then fill the table below:

d= 10x10-3 m A (m2)

C (F)

1- Use Excel Excel to pl plot ot the relatio relationshi nship p between between A and C. 2- Draw the best best straight-lin straight-line e equation equation and determine determine its slop slope. e.

3- From the slope, slope, determine determine the value value of the permittivi permittivity ty of free space ᵒ.

4- Determine the percentage error using the real value

=8.85X10 -12 C2/N.m2

↋ ᵒ


Physics 2 Lab


Spring 2019-2020

Second Part: Capacitance and distance C= ᵒA/d: ↋

In this part the area, A, of the plate is kept constant A= 100x10 -6  m2  and the dist distan ance ce d betw betwee een n the the pl plat ates es is chan change ged. d. Yo You u are are to reco record rd the the va valu lues es for for distance (in m) and the capacitance C (in F). Take at least eight values of d and C, and then fill the table below by calculating (1/d):

A= 100x10-6 m2 d (m)

1/d ( m-1)

C (F)

1- Use Excel Excel to plot the the relationsh relationship ip betwee between n (1/d) and C. C. 2- Draw the best best straight-lin straight-line e equation equation and determine determine its slop slope. e.

3- From the slope, slope, determine determine the value value of the permittivi permittivity ty of free space ᵒ 

4- Determine the percentage error using the real value


↋ ᵒ=




Physics 2 Lab


Third Part: Volt Vo ltag age: e: CV=Q


Spring 2019-2020



1- Connect Connect the circui circuitt shown in the first first part. part. -13

2- Ch Setange the th e real value capacit capacitor or C=0.89x C=0 .89x10 10the F.n re 3Chan ge the val valu vaue lue eofofthe the powe power r supp su pply ly V, then reco cord rd the val value ues s for for the the charge Q (in C) and the potential difference V ( in V) Capacitance real from PhET (0.89x10-13)F V(Volts)


4- Plot the relations relationship hip between between Q and V (first (first column column) ) using Excel, Excel, and then determine the value of the slope.

5- From the the slope determ determine ine the the value of C ( in F)

6- Calculate Calculate the pe percen rcentage tage error error in your result. result.


Physics 2 Lab


Spring 2019-2020

Fourth Part: Voltage and Electric field V=Ed: 1-

Connect the power supply across the capacitor and record it value V(in


volt) Record Rec ord the value value of the dis distan tance ce d (in m) betwee between n the plates plates of the capacitor.


Use the formula V=Ed, to determine the electric field (E) between the plates


Calculate the charge Q ( in C) C) of the capacitor using th the e formula E=Q/A ᵒ


Compare the value of charge with the value shown from PhET.

C(F) PhET Calculations






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