CAP Insignia & Uniforms I

February 8, 2017 | Author: CAP History Library | Category: N/A
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piled by

Col Louisq S. Morse, CAP


CoI, Ioulsa [i. Morse, Cha

Clrrl1 Air Patrol


lrrnan, Hi





an effort to rematerial contalned hereln has been assenbled !nlnslgnia fron 191*1 untforros and construet the hlstor,v of Ctvtl Alr Patrol regUlatl-ons io the present aate.' The scerclty of obsolete dLrectlves and has rnade the task a dlfflcult one' The

ln January The forrnall0n of the clvll Alr Patrol Hlstorlcal comnittee the research already Ig82 was t,he organ.lzatlonts flrst offort to coordlnate record and docr:'lent i.n progress by a number of lnLerested members, and toare already nrost gratlcAp hlstory. r/ltrlle the rrork ls tedlous, the results fytng.

to clvil Alr Thls prrtlcular compllatton contains all lmown refererices I9L1. Tfre material has Patrol unlforms and lnsippla, beglnnlng 1n December Unlforrns, Clvll- Air Pabeen d1vLded lnlo lhree sections',' Cfvlf Alr Patrol trol Insignia, and a catalog of clvll Air Patrol lnslgnia. portlons The flrst twc sections Lnclude, chronologically, approprlate Ru1es, Regulatlons, of civtl Alr Palrol General Memorandums, Br:lletins, as letters' such documents, Manuals, and olher appllcabla Patrol 1ns5'gn1a' The thlrd section lllustrates each item of civll Air flrst authoand glves arr aata app1lcab1-a thereto, such-as deslgner, whgn rtzed, crlterla for r{ear, changes to crllerl"a, and date lt became obsolete' thls l[any people have contrlbuted lnfornatlon and documents to bring fron the st;:'ff at compilatlon to fmltlon. Asslstance has been recel-ved Base, A1a'o"i''i, Natlonal if"aaqu.ri"r", ii"ff Alr Patrol, lda:orelL Alr Force A' Blascoand fron the Natlonal Archlves ln Washlngton. Lt. coI. Leonard LL' Col' Lester vlch, cAP, Vlce Chalrrnan of the cAP Hlstorlcal corrnlttee, cAP' all Ragan, Lee Capt. cAPr_and B. Hopper, cAP, M,aJ. AxeI Ian 0sf1ln8, ttrey had located ln thelr frrrnlshea ilterlit" members of the as well as to "o#itt"", research r*ork, To all oi ttu above-mentloned indlvlduals, and documents' rqv items lnslgnia the many others who have sent unlforms, record posslble' hlstorJ'cal tiis slncere appreclatLon and thanks for maklng



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Ir. C.




What Is the Cittil Air Patrol? The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is the o-rg.anization rf tt-," liriiian aviation .eiources of the United States for national defense service'

By What Authority Is the CAP Created? By order of the Director, Office of Civilian Defense.

llnder Whst AgencY of Gooernntent Is the CAP Established?

The Oflice of Civiiian Defense (OCD)'

Will the CAP Replace Auiatiort Units Formed bY S'tof es as a Part of the (Jniformed State Guarels or Home Defense TrooPs?

l,[ot ae CAP members. Fersonnel are at liberty to volunteer if theY desire'

Wit! Seroice in the CAP ExemPt Elisibte Persons from Military Dutv'' The CAP ig definitely a national defen'se aid to eupplernent rnilitary effort'


Wil[ Seruice in the CAP Insure Priority in Securinc Aoiation EquiPment ar Replacements? First must No such guarantee can be itade' -::'med services' the oi thJrequirernents corne flil"*i.rg them will be those of the auxiliary services, such as CAP.

Will the Cirtil Air Patrol


Be Uniformed?

Whot Witl Be the Relationship Betuseen Existing or "In Process" State Aoiation Ciuit Defense (Jnits and the CAP? In each such case, rnutually satisfact-rr{ Flans are in procesB to enroll the individuals and equiprnent in the CAP. lJ6g.t

Wil! Personnel of the CAP Be Used far Cornbat DutY?

ls the CAP Set


The organization chart is on page 3'

Witl a Nation-ttside Training Program Be Annaunced? covering Yes. A training directive for CAP, preparaboth flisht and sround service, is in ti"". Ii is .ompiled fronr rnaterial furniehed bv the Army, Navy, Civil Aeronautica Adrninigiration, and other experienced sources'

Will Personncl and Equipment of the CAP IJe Aoailable for Reguestcd Use by the Arm,:d Forces or Other Gooetnmental Agencies? Yes, if individuals are willing to accept eervice .ro"., *""h recluest. In such-casesr orders and remuneration wiil be provided by the agency utilizing the individual and his or her equipment, rih"te and as authorized by law'

is being patented and uniforrns Yee. Insignia J"r;gttua. "They will 6i available-for purchase lry |ou at reaionable prices, through your


May Aircraft or Automobiles, Voluntatily

[Jsed by Ousners for CAP, CanY Distinsuishing Insignia? Yes. The patented insignia of C.A,P-,maY -''for p"i"tea or decaled on -eq.riptt,ent utiiized 'CAP .rpott written authorization of the Wing (State) Comrnander.

Witl There Be Auards for Outstanding Merit and Dettotion to DutY? Yes. Such awari* c being developed b]'the Aviatior: Pi::;rrr:ng Staff of CAP.

What ls the.Bcrsis of Seroice in the CltP? Altogether voluntarY.'

Wilt Seroice in the CAP Interfere With My Work? the tirne No. The purpose of CAP is to utilize ,o.r to* "p..,d in casual flying or other avialion activiiy. C.AP witrl furnish an object'ive, you to take a rnore worthwhile part "".ttittg in b"th-""iation and the national defense'

CML i'1R f'ATllii:' Generai Orders

0fflce of


Janua:3" '"1 ,.'ot:t*? * l(at,lonal Headquart,ers, Cj-t{lIan I*f'sttl:* (,vashtitgt,onJ

llo, 1,

Clvll Air Patrol',

belng desl-gnatec by Ig_glsn+:1y$"ilul1ggIng: ljnj-forrrs are the Ouartorrnaster Corps ofl11*""i'ffi5ffi;n{-frlch dlvlglon will also furnish UnLfor:ns speciflcaticr:':s. Thr,.se *pae3-flcations vil-I be submltted to manufacturers. wlth the t,c securs thern Lhrough placlng onde:'s can be securee{ by pt-+rsonnei enilt,}*:* {-'-r:or:"ed rrnlforrns Lhe by the Wing Corrnand_er9 where Squ,tCro:r Conurnnders erhi-, r,{}L 't,. of the Clvll Alr Patrc;'i nay secure, .aiiy volunteer rlerli-er Ii tiley can l:e pr:'ch;isei:i" ;,,hrr;ugh chennelg,, :i cop"v of **i.:o", speciflcat.lons and color designation and

section VIII,

have t,ire unlforrn nrade y:ri';r;.i*1;r l'.1' al-ilr tallor' Uri1forms nrrlr b* v..rorn b;r an;l **url-'r:. of the ctvll Air" Patrol aL any ti-rne, bul n:ilst c, t';, i.t] p*r.sor,*el *'i,u*,-,n acrlvs duty:rsslgr'-ment and at all forrnatlons, crills anC fori:ri} oct,rslcns, cr up:n sr:ei: other occasions as lndividuals $ay be oiflcia]l.y,g the Clvl.l- Alr I'alrol-"

'. }enera.l. lletnorandirn 9, l-ei:rua;'y 1;, )'.2 * lia'-i-r:.,11 f ieaCrjiir.r'l":s, Clvil /ril PaL:'oI, (,ri'fice of Civi"L!a:i i,aft:rise ( ri":ningtonJ Un1f',r'nrs & Inslgni-a fcl' l'-,af I Pe:':;r:nrici; liz |,ave,l:t iri,.jsi n'irt::}:el c-f requesfs iron all over Lhe court+"I-;*, 'ls':-':;; fcr j rr.l*oya":|-lr_,n olr +;)rtj .,i.i.i" j., " -'i.nj li:.; Pai:rol unif orrns and insign-ia ' lrom wariT,here beel nr.n.;r 1etai]s -,,r rvori< out and decisions to be secured oul ch,,nnels ci +;he l',ar" ileitr,artmeni, anrj" vie have been',+orking wi+.h all inssibieThespeed t6; ircri, a-l--L co;np11c;rtl-ons;rnc, get firm cons'rdl,'rents and lirai approvals. ,",rni:'!erI rf mq*.erial- -ir,r" i;. ;1.. P" flti':l-j ssioned 0fficer uniforns.las been'large one, \': t/r'-vrv: tllar Department, and l-icw, r,hrolgh 'i:he cc r'ig'lrt ;rrrrl lt,ft lorrrlr. i r,' i,1,, l';r rrg, rrg 1,,,, wit lr rt itr.lrr'tl Il;r1rs :rtrti

Iiyurt: l.-Otcttout.

b. Ilainuytt 'l'lrc ri\ir)co:i-r is n cornnrer.cill rrrorlol, tnit(lc fr'orrr trlrrisl):u.el)t ltllrstic, colt.rtless, of cotrverrt iorrll tlt:sign. 5. Coat and Jacket, Winter and S:in:mer Pattern (lig. 2): t. Cout. 'I'lre c,ritl is tlro Air Iforcc t1,1rc s('nri-l'oIrn-fittc(l singlc-br.errsterl r))o(lcl rvittr forrr' :16-ligrlo (j,\I' lrrrttorrs iur(l f)lcilrc(l br.t:rrsL lroclicts rvith stitclrr,tl {lrrps.'l'lrc self-rnltter'itl t.1'yrrt

slrorrltlt r loolls extt'rrrl rrrrrler.tlrc collrtl to brrttoti

\vitlr l 2:-r-li;yte O,\l' brrttorr. Iior. rvirrtcr tlrt tultt(f t'irtl is selgc lit-i:t,. 'tr 1S-o2.. bllg, slratle 8{; glblu'(iirtr, ;.;1.s1y 1,,i is rilrtiorrrr'i . linl sutrrrncr Llrc tiu,[',r,;ri is trt.rpir.rtl rvorstt'cl ()r i.lbiu'dine, trrrr. s)r;rtltr 1l);l (.\ir Iion.c t.v1lc). 'I'lrc srrmrnnr ,'()rrt i)r s'-1)-oz. trrrr trollicitl \vor.sterl or girbllrtIinc is llt ()l)tiorr:rl itcru. b..inr,/,:r:t. 'J'lrt' jrr
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