cap gains
Short Description
capital gains...
Provisions of Capital Gains Under Taxation Act 1961 Capital gains should be taken to mean profits or gains arising to the assessee from the ‘transfer’ of a ‘capital asset’.
"Capital asset " means property of any kind held by an assessee, whether or not connected with his business or profession, but does not include (i) Any stock-in-trade, consumable stores or raw materials held for the purposes of his business or profession (ii) !ersonal effects, that is to say, moable property (including wearing ap parel and furniture, but e#cluding $ewellery) held for personal use by the assessee or any member of his family dependent on him. %#planation & 'or the purposes of this sub-clause, "ewellery" "ewellery" includes - (a) rnaments made of gold, siler, platinum or any other precious metal or any alloy containing one or more of such precious metals, whether or not containing any precious or semi-precious stone, and whether or not worked or sewn into any wearing apparel (b) !recious or semi-precious stones, whether or not set in any furniture, utensil or other article or worked or sewn into any wearing apparel (iii) Agricultural land in *ndia, not being land situate (a) *n any area which is comprised within the $urisdiction of a municipality (whether known as a municipality, municipal corporation, notified area committee, town area committee, town committee, or by any other name) or a cantonment board and which has a population of not less than ten thousand according to the last preceding census of which the releant figures hae been published before the +st day of the preious year or (b) *n any area within such distance, not being more than eight kilometers k ilometers from the local limits of any municipality or cantonment board referred to in item (a), as the entral oernment may, haing regard to the e#tent of, and scope for, urbanisation of that area and other releant considerations, specify / in this behalf by notification in the fficial a0ette (i) 1 +2 per cent old 3onds, +455, or 5 per cent old 3onds, +46/, 7ational 8efence old 3onds, +46/, issued by the entral oernment () 9pecial 3earer 3onds, +44+, issued by the entral oernment (i) old 8eposit 3onds issued under the old 8eposit 9cheme, +444 notified by the entral oernment
Short-term and long-term capital assets-
apital assets hae been subdiided into two categories i0. :short-term capital assets; and longterm capital assets;. 9ec (4A) defines a long term capital asset; as meaning a capital asset which is not a short term asset. 1 months preceding the date of its transfer;. As regards holdings of shares, units, securities, or a 0ero coupon bond, the period of holding any capital asset has been statutorily reduced to + months. 1 months, otherwise the capital asset becomes a short-term capital asset. Transfer-sec.!"#$
apital gains arise only on the transfer of a capital asset. 9ec (=5) defines the transfer in relation to a capital asset, and in sec.=? ()-(?) whereby certain transactions, by implication, hae been treated as case of transfer although normally those might not be so treated.
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