Canvas Painting for Beginners

January 4, 2017 | Author: Lemdy Anwuna | Category: N/A
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This Complimentary Ebook Provided By Teresa Thomas Bohannon

 Author of the the Original Regency Romance Novel A Ver  y Merry Chase Very

Prepared for istribution By !ady"eb#s !ady"eb #s $irtual Coffee Table Books

All Rights Reserved%Teresa Thomas Bohannon &''(

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This Complimentary Ebook Provided By Teresa Thomas Bohannon

 Author of the the Original Regency Romance Novel A Ver  y Merry Chase Very

Prepared for istribution By !ady"eb#s !ady"eb #s $irtual Coffee Table Books

All Rights Reserved%Teresa Thomas Bohannon &''(

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Canvas Painting 101! Beginners )uide To Canvas Painting

Legal Notice:- The author and publisher of this Ebook and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this Ebook. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this Ebook. The information contained in this Ebook is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this Ebook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. The author and publisher disclaim any warranties e!press or implied", merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other conse#uential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided $as is%, and without warranties. &s always, the advice of a competent legal, ta!, accounting or other professional should be sought. The author and publisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any sites listed or linked to in this Ebook. &ll links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or e!plicit purpose.

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Table of Contents Chapter 1 – Painting 101 Chapter 2 – Understanding Paints Chapter 3 – Choosing Your Brushes Chapter 4 – Color Your World Chapter  – !ight "our#es in Painting Chapter $ – What t%pe of painter are %ou& Chapter ' – Choosing ( "ub)e#t Chapter * – "etting Up Your "tudio Chapter + – (rt "uppl% ,esour#es Chapter 10 – Clean Up Ti-e Chapter 11 – .ree (rt !essons Chapter 12 – Ta/e Care of Your Creation Chapter 13 – Pa% (ttention to etail Chapter 14 – n)o% Your "ub)e#t Chapter 1 – .reuentl% (s/ed uestions Chapter 1$ – (rt "#hools Chapter 1' – useu-s of .ine (rt Chapter 1* – One .inal Word

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Chapter 1 – Painting 101 People have been e*pressing themselves through painting for thousands of years+ Even the cavemen sho,ed great hunts or other events ,ith paints made from berries and plants+ There -ust seems to be an innate need to sho, others our thoughts. feelings. and ideas through pictures+ The phrase / A picture is ,orth a thousand ,ords0 is so very true+ "ith colors and design you can e*press every emotion you feel+ "hether it is a ,oman in a garden ,aiting for her lover or an old barn set in a field of ,ild flo,ers. the sub-ect bring memories and feelings to the fore front of the vie,er#s mind+ All of this being accomplished on a blank canvas ,ith paint+ There are some basics the beginning artist should kno,+ Although you may have been sketching and dra,ing for years. the first time you pick up a brush it ,ill seem foreign to you+ This is fine+ 1ou ,ill become very familiar ,ith each of the brushes and the strokes they can make+ They ,ill soon be as comfortable in your hand as the charcoal pencil you use on the sketch pad+ Paints can add style and creativity to an art piece+ A single tear drop on the face can take on a totally ne, dimension by adding color+ Paints allo, you to do this ,ith ease+ The types of paint you use ,ill also allo, you to be more creative+ 2any artists use the oil paints for e*tend pro-ects+ The oils do not dry as 3uickly and can be re-uvenated ,ith a little turpentine or mineral spirits+ This allo,s the artist to continue the pro-ect another day+ The brushes you use ,ith an oil painting must be cleaned e*tremely ,ell+ 4f you allo, them to sit in the cleaning solution they can loose their shape+ This means you may not be able to use certain brushes to achieve a particular brush stroke+ "hen the artist uses acrylic paints. the dry time is e*tremely fast+ 2any times. a pro-ect ,hich is being done in half an hour or so ,ill be done ,ith acrylic paints because of the ease of use+ Clean up ,ith soap and ,ater is a 3uick task+ The brushes ,ash up 3uickly and cleanly+ Allo,ing them to dry either on a flat surface or standing ,ith bristles up ,ill keep their original shape+ The best thing to do ,hen first beginning canvas painting is to e*periment+ Try using oils+ Become familiar ,ith acrylics+ 1ou ,ill eventually choose ,hich medium you prefer to ,ork ,ith+ By playing ,ith each. you can determine ho, the paints mi*. get a feel for ho, they flo, onto the canvas. and become familiar ,ith blending+ These are all important for the novice artist to consider+  Another factor is the type of canvas you ,ill ,ant to use+ There are stretch canvases. rolled canvas. canvas boards. and canvas mats+ Each one can

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be used for different styles. art,ork. and even paints+ "hich one you use ,ill be determined by ,hich one you feel more comfortable painting upon+ The information can become over,helming ,hen you start painting on canvas+ )etting to kno, the terminology ,ill help clear some things up a little bit+ 5ere are some terms ,e ,ill be using in this book+  Abstract  6 abstract art depicts the sub-ect by using form and color+ 1ou

may see a resemblance to the original piece+ 5o,ever. the sub-ect is generally represented in more geometric shapes than the natural setting+

Above are t,o forms of abstract art+  Accent  6 )iving e*ceptional detail to a certain ob-ect in the painting to bring

attention to it+

A good e*ample of accenting+  Acrylic  6 A type of paint ,hich dries 3uickly+ 4t can easily be cleaned up

,ith mineral spirits+  Alla Prima 6 2eaning /at the first0 in 4talian. this phrase means the painting

is completed ,ith -ust one sitting+ Cool colors 6 Colors associated ,ith the cold such as blue+

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Color Wheel  6 Any full spectrum circular diagram ,hich represents the

relationships of colors+

This allo,s the colors to be compared for contrast+ Composition 6 The arrangement of the elements in an art piece+

Medium 6 The type of pain being used to create a ,ork of art+ 4t can also

mean the binder. usually an oil+ Palette 6 The painter#s board ,here colors can be mi*ed and and different

hues can be created+

A before and after shot+ Perspective 6 Being able to reproduce the same height. depth. and

distance perception in a t,o dimensional medium that the human eye ,ould perceive+   This photograph is a good representation of perspective+ Pigment  6 The colored substance created by natural elements and

synthetic ones ,hich are mi*ed ,ith certain binders to create paints+ Primary colors  6 A color ,hich can not be created by mi*ing other colors+

The only three primary colors are red. blue. and yello,+ "ith these three all other colors can be created+ 7"hite is not a color+ 4t is the absence of color+ Black is the combination of all colors+8 Secondary colors 6 Any color ,hich can be created from mi*ing the

primary colors. such as violet. green. and orange+ Warm colors 6 5ues ,hich represent ,armth such as orange. red. yello,+

No, that you kno, some of the language. let#s step into the art studio+

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Chapter 2 – Understanding Paints There are t,o types of paints ,hich ,ork ,ell on canvas+ One is oil and the other is acrylic+ 1ou need to choose ,hich painting medium you ,ill be using+ 9ome people prefer the oils to the acrylics+ There are several differences bet,een the t,o paints+ The oil can take days to dry completely+ This allo,s the artist to continue ,ith the painting for days after the original sitting+ The acrylics are not so forgiving+ These paints can dry ,ithin hours+ 4f you think you can make a mistake and go back later to fi* it. you are ,rong+ Oil paints are made up of pigment and oils+ A simple paint can be made from dried saffron and peanut oil+ 2i*ed properly you can use this formula to create a ,onderful shade of yello, ,hich you could also eat+ 2ost of the oil paints on the market are poisonous. so al,ays keep them out of the hands of children+ "hen oil paints are made from three things+ This is pigment. oil. and some type of drying agent+ The latter ,as added because the oils took too long to dry+ rying agents can be things like a paint thinner+  Although the primary colors can be formulated into any other color in the spectrum. there is no need to try creating the same color every time you paint+ Oil paints come in any shade or hue you can think of. from black to ,hite+ Each color can be blended ,ith another to add even more combinations+ There is literally no color you can not reproduce on the canvas ,ith oil paints+ Oil paints can be used to create te*tures+ They can be spread on thick or thin+ One thing you ,ill learn is the more thick you have the paint the longer it ,ill take to dry+ Also. a thick layer of oil paint ,ill crack as it dries+ This is not good for the painting+ The best thing to do ,hen ,orking ,ith oils is to create the ,ork in layers+ This ,ill allo, the paint to dry evenly and prevent cracking+ This is one reason ,hy some artists spend days creating an art piece instead of rushing through alla prima+  Acrylics are synthetic paints designed to mi* and blend -ust like the oils+ The main difference is the dry time+ "hile oils can take days. acrylics can take only hours+ There are advantages to using acrylics over oils+ "hen you need the pro-ect done 3uickly. the acrylics are up to the task+ By

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having a faster dry time. the painting can have layers added in hours instead of days+ "ith acrylics. the artist can be assured of a straight line for hori:ons or other needs+ 1ou can actually apply masking tape to dried acrylic paint+ "hen you peel the tape off. there is no danger of lifting the paint off the canvas+ This ensures clean. precise lines every time+ "ith oils. you ,ould have to use an edger and still take the chance of smearing the paints+ 9ome artists prefer acrylics+ 9ome prefer oils+ There are those ,ho go back and forth bet,een the t,o. depending on the pro-ect+ 4t is advisable to learn about each one+ 1ou should e*periment ,ith at least the primary colors to see ,hich you prefer+ Everyone should learn all there is to art+ By e*perimenting ,ith the different mediums. you can learn 3uite a bit+

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Chapter 3 – Choosing Your Brushes 1ou cannot do very much painting ,ithout a brush+ Although some people ,ould argue ,ith that statement. for no, ,e ,ill assume you ,ill be using a standard artist#s brush+ There are as many brushes on the market as there are paints+ 9ome are made better than others+ o not fall under the misconception that more e*pensive is better+ This is not al,ays the case+ 4 have spent ;&' on a brush to have the bristles fall out during my first session+ 4 have one brush 4 have used for four years no, that 4 paid ;or the oils. you can cover them ,ith plastic as ,ell+ 1ou can also submerge them in ,ater for later use+

+5 What are the benefits of acrylic paints?  Acrylic paints have a

3uick drying time+ This means you can actually start. finish. and possibly frame a painting all in one day+ "ith oils it can take days for the paint to dry+ Acrylics can blend and mi* -ust as ,ell as the oil paints+ 9ome artists prefer the acrylics to the oils and vice versa+ The acrylics can also be built up+ This can actually give you an almost three dimensional look on the canvas+ 105 "oes it matter how thic! I put the paint on the canvas? 1ou

should never put more paint on a canvas than you need to+ The paint has to dry bet,een layers or you could have problems ,ith flaking and cracking+ The painting can be built up to generate the look you ,ant+ 115 Why did my painting crac!? The more paint you have on a canvas

means the more space the paint has to cover+ As an artist layers paint on the rule of /fat over lean0 applies+ This means the paint has more medium mi*ed in ,ith it as each layer is added+ The addition of the oil makes the paint more fle*ible+ This means there is less chance of the painting cracking as it dries+ 125 Is there a way to seal my painting after it is done? "hen you

have completed a painting you ,ill ,ant to seal it to make sure smoke. dust. and other foreign matter does not damage it+ 1ou can varnish the painting+ 1ou need to make sure the painting is completely cured before sealing+ Also. the varnish should be a very thin coat of clear varnish+ A thick coat can cause the paint to appear yello,ed as time goes by+ 135 Why don#t my paintings loo! natural? "e see things in three

dimensions+ The painting should reflect this+ 4n order to achieve this. as in a landscape. start ,ith the background first+ This means the entire background. from the sky to the grass+ Then you ,ould go in and add the mountains or distant tree line+ 1ou al,ays need to ,ork from the back to the front to give the painting more realism+

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Chapter 1" – Art &)hoos There are colleges every,here that have an art program+ Each one can offer great instruction+ 4f you are planning to attend a school for their art program al,ays determine ,hat the curriculum is and ,hat degree you can earn+ 9ome only offer an associateJs degree ,hile others can offer much more+ 1ou ,ill have to make the choice as to ,hat you ,ant from the school+ 5ere is a list of art schools to consider+ The Art 4nstitute of Pittsburgh The Art 4nstitute of Chicago To find other art instituteJs you can go to the ART 4nstitute ,eb site+ There are many all over the country and in Canada+ =niversity of Te*asK College of >ine Arts Carnegie 2ellon#s College of >ine Arts There are many other fine art schools available both ,ith campus learning or on line classes+ Each one offers financial aid to its students+ The ability to further your education is possible+ 9peak ,ith a campus advisor to determine your needs+

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Chapter 1% – Museums o# -ine Art Throughout the ,orld there are many places to see some of the greatest ,orks of art ever produced+ 1ou could spend days in these fantastic e*hibition halls studying the styles and techni3ues of some of the greatest artists ,ho ever painted+ 5ere are a fe, to get you started+ 2useum of >ine Arts. Boston Philadelphia 2useum of Art The 2etropolitan 2useum of Art The 2useum of >ine Arts 5ouston 2any of the fine arts museums offer partial sho,ings of their e*hibits on the 4nternet+ 1ou can appreciate the beauty of the paintings at home+ This also allo,s you to vie, more museums ,hich may not be as close to you+

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Chapter 1* – 5ne -ina !ord There are many people all over the ,orld ,ho have aspired to become great artists+ 2any have succeeded+ None have failed+ >or each person in their o,n uni3ue ,ay is an artist+ "hether you create the picture ,ith paint. pencil. or computer graphics the point is you are creating+ 1ou are e*pressing yourself in a ,ay that is en-oyable to you+ Others may find great inspiration in your ,ork+ Criticism ,ill al,ays come. ,hether it be from others or even yourself+ o not let it bother you+  Art is a ,ay of e*pressing our thoughts. feelings. and emotions+ "e can sho, ,ho ,e really are by ,hat ,e put on the blank canvas+ This can sometimes be e*tremely thought provoking+ 4t can be comical or ,himsical+ The point is that it e*presses something+ 1ou capture the essence of ,ho you are ,hen you begin to paint+ Even if you cannot afford to make a living out of painting. do it for the -oy of it+ o it because you find a love for painting+ o it every day+ This is your time to shine+ !et everyone kno, you painted that picture on your ,all+ Tell them you ,ere the master artist ,hen they ask ,here you got it+ !et them kno, you can tell your story by the pictures you create+

Painting is a ,ay of loving ,hat you do and doing ,hat you love+ Remember. a picture is ,orth a thousand ,ords. no matter ho, it is displayed+

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