Short Description
This project report on canteen management system in C++, provides the facility to accept canteen products details and st...
…………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… Project Report On
……………………… CLASS—XII
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wou! "#e to con$e% &% 'e(rt)u t'(n t'(n#* #* to ………… …………… …………… ……………+ …+Co Co&p &put ute er Sc"ence, w'o (w(%* -($e $(u(.e *u-*u--e* e*t" t"on on* * / -u"! -u"!(n (nce ce )o )or r co&p co&pe et" t"on on o) &% project0 1e 'epe! &e to un!er*t(n! / re&e&.er "&port(nt !et("* o) t'e project0 M% project '(* .een ( *ucce** on% .ec(u*e o) '"* -u"!(nce0 I (& e*pec"(% "n!ente! / I (& (*o .e'o!en to &% )r"en!*0 An! 2n(% I t'(n# to t'e &e&.er* o) &% )(&"% )or t'e"r *upport / encour(-e&ent0 encour(-e&ent0
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……………………………….. (Computer Science faculty )
Content 1. Introduction 2. Source Co Code 3. Output 4. Requirement 5. d!ant d!anta" a"e# e# and di#ad! di#ad!ant anta"e a"e# # $. Conclu#ion %. Sy#tem de de#i" #i"n
This project CANTEEN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM includes some facilities of customer's and products search, display, display, modification, delete etc. This software searches the client data which is store in the record and then gives permission to place the order by b y the customer. customer. The software used for small scale canteens which have limited customers and products and wants to maintain the records.
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