Cancellation of Mortgage Sample

March 9, 2017 | Author: Esli Adam Rojas | Category: N/A
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Cancellation of Mortgage...


CANCELLATION OF MORTGAGE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, by a certain instrument in writing, made and executed at Davao City on March 25, 2003 by EMILIANA VDA. DE GARCIA (mortgagor), mortgaged to RICARDO V. GARCIA (mortgagee), of legal age, Filipino, married to Maria Ingrid Garcia, and a resident of Davao City, the real property covered by P-13154 for the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand (P250, 000.00) Pesos; WHEREAS, the mortgagor certify that the above mortgage and the debt secured by such mortgage are fully paid, and that the mortgage is fully and forever released from the property described therein; WHEREAS, the mortgagor release to the person or persons legally entitled thereto all right, title and interest that the undersigned may have acquired in and to the property by reason of such mortgage; NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the above premises, the mortgagee herein fully and forever release and cancel the said mortgage and authorize or direct the office of the Register of Deeds for Davao City to discharge and cancel the mortgage of record. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the party hereto set his hand this 4th day of March, 2011, at Davao City, Philippines.

RICARDO V. GARCIA Mortgagee SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF: ____________________ ____________________ ACKNOWLEDGMENT REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) CITY OF DAVAO )s.s. x- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x BEFORE ME, in the City of Davao, Philippines, this 4th day of March, 2011, personally appeared; Name: 1. RICARDO V. GARCIA

Com. Tax Cert. No./ Valid ID 26392380

Issued on / Issued at 01-18-2011/ Davao City

known to me and to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge to me that the same is his voluntary act and deed. The forgoing instrument, consisting of this page, this acknowledgment is written refers to CANCELLATION OF MORTGAGE signed by the party and his instrumental witnesses on this page hereof. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL.

Doc No. 208; Page No. 42; Book No. I; Series of 2011.

BIBIANO M. BUSTAMANTE Notary Public UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2012 PTR NO. 9561071 / 12-06-10 D.C. IBP NO. 808238 / 12-06-10 D.C. Roll No. 41867 dtd 05-08-97 TIN 137-555-475

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