Canada Convention 2012

April 16, 2017 | Author: Orangoetan | Category: N/A
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Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



TABLE OF CONTENTS Blue Jay Quentin Trollip ...04 Cat Giang Dinh ...11 Bear Joseph Wu ...14 Anteater Hoang T. Quyet ...16 Elephant Head Paulius Mielinis ...18 Bull Christophe Boudias ...21 Acqua Márcia Krone ...24 Woman in a Burka Bernie Peyton ...31 Crow Stephan Weber ...35 Lemur Julio Eduardo ...39 Gorilla Joseph Wu ...46 Guacamaya Elva Villegas ...49 Plesiosaurus Paulius Mielinis ...50 Penguin Julio Eduardo ...53 Moose Stephan Weber ...58 Dreaming Bear Giang Dinh ...63 Slug Miroslav Mrajca ...65 Dragon Helix Eric Gjerde ...69 Spirit Fox & Heart Ioana Stoian ...70 Hell Cobra Kade Chan ...75 Cockatoo Hoang T. Quyet ...82 Pig Stephan Weber ...85 Moorish Stars Eric Gjerde ...88 Rhombus Flagstone Eric Gjerde ...89 Owl Joseph Wu ...92 Hippo Christophe Boudias ...94 Wen’s Dragon Sok Song ...95 Two Butterflies (one for YVR) Michael G. LaFosse ...97 Emperor Penguin Quentin Trollip ...99 Origami Canada thanks its featured guests, friends and supporters who graciously allowed us to reproduce their diagrams. We are very grateful for their kindness and generosity.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.


4 I designed this model specifically for the first official Origami Canada Convention held in Vancouver, BC. The Blue Jay is BC’s provincial bird. The main challenge was the white stripe on the wings, so I used a base where I had the raw corner free to use for this colour-change. The tips of the wings are also situated on the edge of the square so they can be colour-changed. The “shoulders” of the wings are separate flaps so they can be shaped and also allow for the colour –changed ring around the neck. The central graft has three functions: adding length to the tail, splitting the central flap to form two individual legs, and adding more paper in the head area to shape the detail. Shaping is required for a good result, especially the head.



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Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

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Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



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Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



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Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

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Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



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Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.




designed and created by Joseph Wu

 




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Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.


 


Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



19 18





17 21

16 15





13 7

9 8

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

10 11


Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.




Elephant Head


Model & Diagrams by Paulius Mielinis


© 2011 Lithuania

Paper: any (preferably two colored: grey + white) Size: >15 cm Start white side up Valey folds.






Turn over.

Squash fold. Note the reference.

Fold to the center.

Fold and unfold.


Fold and unfold in half.






Valey folds.


Valey fold down.


Turn over. Crease two angle bisectors.







Pleat using existing creases and flatten at the top. Inside reverse fold.

Fold and unfold.

17 Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Fold and unfold as far as it goes.

Fold and unfold angle bisectors.


Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.


20 12/11/2011





2 Modèle et Diagramme : Christophe Boudias ;-)

Inside reverse fold.

Focus on this part.


Valey fold on the right while squashing the eye.



1. Marquer les plis.

2. Plier suivant la diagonale.

3. Pli aplati (Squash fold).



Like this. Back to normal view.


Repeat steps 20-22 on the left.



4. Rentrer les angles.

5. Pli vallée.

6. Pli aplati (Squash fold).

7. Rentrer les angles.

Mountain fold.

25 26

8. Rentrer les angles.

9. Rentrer les angles.

10. Pli valée.

3 last stape

Elephant head is done.

Pleat and shape the trunk.

11. Marquer les bissectrices.

Shape the tusks.

19 Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

12. Plier vers le bas.

13. Plier vers la gauche.

14. Pli pivot.

15. Pli vallée.

16. Répéter les étapes 13 à 15 côté gauche.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.


22 19. Fermer le modèle.


17. Plier vers la gauche.

32. Pli en oreille de lapin.

33. Rentrer.

18. Marquer les plis et retourner.

34. Aplatir.

Pli inversé interieur.

21. Déplier vers la gauche.

20. Plier vers la droite.

22. Retourner l’épaisseur.

35. Pli inversé interieur.

36. Pli montagne.

37. Marquer un pli montagne.

23. Prochaine étape: Vue en coupe de la partie entourée.

25. Pli aplati (Squash fold)

24. Crimp

38. Basculer vers la gauche selon l’axe verticale

39. Marquer un pli vallée.

40. Pli montagne.

Sink sur la corne, répéter derrière.

26. Pli montagne pour cacher la pointe.

27. Enfoncement de l’aile gauche.

41. Pli inversé extérieur.

42. Pli vallée vers l’arrière.

28. Cacher à l’intérieur.

43. Plier la patte vers l’avant. Répéter derrière.

30. Plier la partie en couleur vers la gauche 44. Plier la patte vers l’avant. Glisser l’épaule sous le cou, répéter derrière.

29. Pli en oreille de lapin.

45. Pli zig-zag pour les pattes, pli inversé intérieur pour la queue.

31. Répéter les étapes 27 à 29.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Le Taureau est terminé !

46. Modelage final: Affiner les cornes, Crimp pour le cou, Rentrer le ventre par un pli montagne, pli inversé intérieur pour la queue, Crimp pour les sabots.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.


30 Woman in a Burka Bernard Peyton California, USA Intermediate, copyright 2006

1. Use a bi-colored square, blue or black on one side, and white to light brown on the other side. Wet folding is suited for this model. Crease the diagonals at the top.


2. Crease the midpoint of the left edge.

3. Bring the top right corner to the left edge midpoint and crease the bottom edge at point P.



4. Fold-unfold the right side to point P.

5. Fold-unfold the same amount of paper along the top edge.

6. Kite fold the bottom left corner to the downward diagonal and pinch the left edge at point Q.





7. Bring the right bottom corner to point Q. Pinch the top edge at point R. Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

8. Fold-unfold the corner to the diagonal through point R.

9. Fold-unfold the corner to the crease you just made.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.





10. Pleat the corner by changing the fold of step 9 to a mountain fold. The valley fold above lies between the intersections of folds 4 and 5 with the paper edges.

11. Valley fold the corner down on the crease of step 8.

13. Valley fold the bottom half of the model up asymmetrically. The fold starts at the left edge where the diagonal of step 1 intersects it. The fold touches the tip of the folded over corner on the right side.

14. Mountain fold the corner parallel to the top edge of the darkened small triangle. Xray lines indicate location of the paper edges underneath. Adjust the height of this fold to reveal two small triangular “eyes”.

12. Valley fold edges on creases of steps 4 and 5.

15. Mountain fold the right edge on a crease a bit lower than the edge of the layer behind it. Fold-unfold the left edge in a similar fashion and then fold the flap down.

19. Valley fold along the diagonal crease of step 1.

22. Mountain crease the left flap of the model on a line nearly parallel its edge.

20. Refold the top edges. Adjust folds 15 and 17 if the top layer crinkles after this step. Your woman’s eyes should look like the inset illustration of the next step.

23. Unfold the left edge. Fold-unfold the right edge to a crease of the last step.

Note: Make sure eyes are visible after crossing flaps.

21. Cross the two sides so that their edges meet the crease of the opposing side. Don’t crease sharply.

24. Crease the left side of the model as indicated and then fold down the left edge (step 5). Valley fold the right side up. The upper edge of the resultant flap is parallel to the crease of step 23.

reverse side

16. Unfold the edges. Note: The previous folds allow the bottom half of the model to fit under the folded over edges of the top half.

17. Valley fold the bottom edge of the left corner along the crease of step 15.

18. Fold the bottom half of the model up along the crease of step 13.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

25. Valley fold the left bottom edge up on the crease just made. Unfold the last step on the right side.

26. Fold the left tip down. The edges on the left side meet. Valley fold this “foot” assembly to the right. The bottom edges of this fold also lie along the same line.

27. Swivel the paper’s edge up as you refold the right side of the model. Adjust folds if necessary to make a rectangle of light paper on the reverse side of this flap.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



28. Narrow the flap with a valley fold. Fold the end of the flap to the left on an existing crease. This flap end will become a hand.

31. Shape the hand by folding corners behind, creating a thumb, and narrowing the wrist and curling fingers.

29. Fold the hand assembly up on the crease of step 23. You are now ready for final shaping.

30. Fold the right side of the model past the center on the crease of step 21. Don’t pinch it sharply. Curve the lower edge of this flap.

32. Fold the left side of the model under the right side with the hand. Round the contour of the model like a cone (see next diagram).

bottom view

33. Fold the foot up, shape the arms and wrist with curved valley folds, and dent the right side with a valley crease that angles down

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.




Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.




created and designed by Joseph Wu




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 Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.





   

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Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.





Model & Diagrams by Paulius Mielinis


© 2012 Lithuania

Paper: any Size: 20 cm Start white side up




17 Flatten.

Valey fold up.



Tuck the flap under.


Repeat steps 16 to 19 on the left.


Reverse fold the tip, close the opened flap.

16 Fold and unfold.

Fold and unfold just in the middle.

15 Fold and unfold.


Closed sink.



13 Crimp folds.

Fold one flap to the left.

Turn over. Fold and unfold.

Fold and unfold.




Turn over.




Mountain fold behind, then rotate. Fold and unfold.

Swivel fold. Fold and unfold angle bisectors.

Valey fold. Fold and unfold angle bisectors.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.




24 22 23

Mountain folds.


Valey fold. Valey fold and tuck he flaps under. Release trapped paper.




Inside reverse folds. Don't fold all the way down. Leave some space at the tip.


Turn over.

Crimp a pair of paddles.

Mountain fold the tip.



31 Shape the paddles.


Finished Plesiosaurus.

Shape the body. Narrow the neck and tail.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.




 

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 


     

 


 

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

 


 

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



 

 

 

 






 




  

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.






 

 


Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



Slug Created & diagrammed by Miroslav Mrajca from Czech Republic


2 3

Fold and unfold


Valley fold

5 Turn over

Fold and unfold



Fold and unfold

Inside reverse fold Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Fold and unfold

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.











fold pattern



Fold and unfold Inside reverse fold

Fold and unfold




27 12



Pleat fold

Turn over


Squash fold

Fold and unfold

Open sinks


Valley fold



Fold and unfold

Close sinks


Fold and unfold


Valley fold Fold and unfold

Petal fold

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.


Fold and unfold



Fold and unfold



Valley fold

Valley fold

Fold and unfold Rabbit-ear again

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.







Completed slug

Zoom out

Final shaping



Valley fold

36 Mountain fold



35 Inside crimp fold Dragon Helix Copyright Eric Gjerde 2012 Repeat the pattern using a long vertical strip of paper. The tessellation will twist into a helix!

Turn over

Zoom in

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



Spirit Fox & Heart The Spirit Fox & Heart are two simple models, made from a single square of paper. For the fox, it helps if the paper is slightly transparent when backlit so that the facial expression is visible. Follow the photo steps below to create your own fox and heart!

Spirit Fox & Heart Copyright Ioana Stoian 2012

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, 1 photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada andIoana Stoian — ofSpirit Fox participants. & Heart displayed, is for the express purpose Origami Canada

Permission purposes. The model may be used commercially (sold, 2 is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching Ioana Stoian —notSpirit Fox & Heart displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model— may not be used commercially (sold, 3 Ioana Stoian Spirit Fox & Heart displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, 4 Ioana Stoian — Spirit Fox & Heart displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



地獄眼鏡蛇 Designed and diagramed by : Chan Pak Hei , Kade 陳柏熹

(Hong Kong)

Copyright © 2010 Chan Pak Hei , Kade

1. Paper scale : 1:33

Grid 1

Grid 2



Grid 1

Grid 1

Grid 2

Grid 2

Grid 3

Grid 31


Grid 2


Grid 32

Grid 33

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model— may not be used commercially (sold, 5 Ioana Stoian Spirit Fox & Heart displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.


76 6.


8. 18.









Open sink

Repeat 24-25



Repeat 10-12








Open sink




Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.


78 30.












Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.













Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.


80 54.







Completed Grid 33




Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.






by Hoang Tien Quyet July 2012












18 17

12 8

13 8-9


10 11

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

½ ½


14 15

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.







29 Outside reverse fold. Use the creases made in step 26.



32 33



37 36


Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



(This pattern is made up of “waterbombed” collapses with rhombus tiles inbetween. It is meant to be 3D.)

Moorish Stars Symbol denotes a hex twist

Copyright Eric Gjerde 2012

Rhombus Flagstone Tessellation Copyright Eric Gjerde 2007

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



ミミズク Owl (May 2012)


ジョセフ·ウー Joseph Wu

ついている折り筋で縁を折 る、内側をひろげてつぶす Fold using existing creases, open squash inside.

ついている折り筋で立体な U字型に折る Fold using existing creases in a tri-dimensional U-shape.



16 半分に折り筋をつける Fold in half. Unfold.



たたまれている部分を引き 出す Pull out flap trapped inside.



縁を中心に合わせて折る Fold the edges along the center line.



カドを中心に合わせて折り 筋をつける Fold the corner to the center. Unfold.



ついている折り筋で立体な U字型に折る Fold using existing creases in a tri-dimensional U-shape.


ついている折り筋で折る Fold using existing creases.

カドを縁と合わせ て折り筋をつける Fold corner to edge and crease where indicated.

全部ひろげる Unfold everything.



カドとカドを合わせて折り 筋をつける Fold corner to corner and crease as indicated.

縁を折り筋に合わせて折り 筋をつける Fold edge to the crease and unfold.

カドを線に合わせて折り筋 をつける Fold the corner to the crease. Unfold.


縁を中心に合わせて折り筋 をつける Fold edge to the center line and crease where indicated.

折り筋を縁に合わせて折り 筋をつける Fold the crease to the edge. Unfold.





カドとカドを合わせて折り 筋をつける Fold corner to corner and crease where indicated. 縁を折り筋に合わせて折り 筋をつける Fold edge to the line and crease where indicated.

縁を三番目の折り筋に合わ せて折る Fold edge to the third line.

縁を中心に合わせて折る Fold the edges along the center line.

縁を折り筋に合わせて折り 筋をつける Fold edge to the line and crease where indicated.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.






カドを内側に折り込む Mountain fold between the points indicated.

ついている折り筋で中割り折り Inside reverse fold using existing creases.




ついている折り筋で中割り折り Inside reverse fold using existing creases.

24 完成 Model Completed.

26 27

縁を立てる Make the flap stand upright.

ついている折り筋で谷折り Valley fold using existing creases.



内側に折り込む Push and sink the corner inside.

ついている折り筋で谷折り Valley fold using existing creases.


縁を縁と合わせて折る Fold edge to edge.


36 37

ついている折り筋で中わり折り Inside reverse fold using existing creases.

カドを内側に折り込む Fold the corner under the layer. 31-37




反対側も31-37と同じ ように折る Repeat steps 31-37 on the other side.


ついている折り筋を山折りにし てその縁と中心線に合わせて 折り筋をしっかりつける Make the existing crease into mountain, and fold that edge along the center. Crease well.

中わり折りをひろげる Unfold the inside reverse.

ついている折り筋を使って つまみ折り 平らにならない Rabbit ear fold using existing creases indicated. Model will not lie flat.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

ついている折り筋を使って 中わり折り Inside reverse using existing creases.


途中 In progress. 縁と縁を合わせて、 ひろげてつぶす Fold edge to edge and squash.


ついている折り筋を使って 中わり折り Inside reverse using existing creases.


カドとカドを合わせて折る 平らにならない Fold corner to corner. Model will not lie flat.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.


94 07/09/2011 2 0

2 0


3 Pli en

Pli inversé intérieur qui amène la pointe jusqu’en haut.

1 Base de l’oiseau.


inches (10 cm) tall at the head.

Modèle et Diagramme : Christophe Boudias ;-) A: Pli en oreille de lapin, répéter derrière.

4 Basculer les

oreille de lapin, répéter derrière.

Sok Song

PaPer Info: 12-inch (30 cm) scrapbook paper was used to make this model that stands 4

Rentrer les pointes des pattes


Wen’s Dragon

TIPs and TrIcks: Scrapbook, kami, or giftwrap paper would all work well. The Dragon looks

great in different sizes. There is a pocket underneath so you can use the model as a finger puppet or mount it on a stick for decorative purposes. You can inside reverse the legs at the end to make them pointed as shown in the alternate image on the Contents page. Steps 1-6 show an alternate way of folding the Preliminary Base.



épaisseurs de papier vers la gauche suivant l’axe vertical. Répéter derrière.


B: Fermer le modèle



3 Fold down one folded corner.

Unfold to right.


6 Pli en

7 Basculer la

oreille de lapin, répéter derrière.

queue jusqu’au repère donné.

9 Pli iversé intérieur jusqu’au repère donné. Ouvrir la pointe.

8 Pli iversé

intérieur jusqu’au repère donné.

10 Ouvrir la pointe.

9 Open sink the top using existing creases.

5 Fold down other folded corner. Note: the triangle flaps will be on opposite sides. 7

8 b



13 11

Pli vallée d’un tier.

12 Pli vallée.

Pli vallée vers le centre, le modèle n’est plus plat!



a : Pli oreille de lapin pour la partie centrale. b: Pli oreille de lapin.

15 Former les narines.Plier le modèle en deux par un pli montagne.

6a Open and squash center pocket as shown.

6b Squash in progress.

L’hippopotame est terminé ! 16 Pli inversé intérieur sur la queue, arrondir le ventre. Derrière les oreilles: crimp sur le cou.



Elargir le bas des pattes avants. Zoom sur la tête.



Former les yeux Crimp pour les à l’aide d’un oreilles puis les objet pointu. ouvrir et les arrondir.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



13 Rabbit ear to form the wing.

14 Repeat steps 12-13 on other side.

15 Narrow the points as shown. Note: when you are doing the other side, you will need to move the wings over.

16 Narrow again as shown. Note: beware of paper creep. It’s best not to fold quite to the edge.

17 Inside reverse as long as possible.


180° Finished Wen’s Dragon! 18 Fold down the sides as shown.

11 Inside reverse all four corners as shown.

23 Pleat the wing. Repeat behind.


22 Fold up the wing as shown. Repeat behind.


21 Inside reverse so the horn sticks out as shown in next step.

20 Inside reverse the head. Note: the reference is the top of the white section on the inside.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



“Oh no, not another origami penguin!” is usually the first reaction when presenting yet another penguin design to the abundant existing ones. With this design I tried to be a bit more specific in the type of penguin, namely the Emperor Penguin- the largest of all the penguins. Although the colours are the same as for most other origami penguins, the shape of especially the large chest, head and the longer beak makes this variation so recognisable.

 

 

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It is possible to obtain different head positions with this design, and so a whole Emperor Penguin family can be folded by applying only slight variations to the folding sequence. The legs are also quite “long” for a penguin design, so the baby penguin can thus be placed in the father’s “pouch”.


Most papers will work well, but thicker papers that are wet-folded are best to give more volume to the final result.

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Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

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Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



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Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

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Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.



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Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

Permission is granted for duplication of these diagrams for personal use of Origami Canada participants and for teaching purposes. The model may not be used commercially (sold, displayed, photographed or taught) without the express consent of the designer. This publication is © Origami Canada and is for the express purpose of Origami Canada participants.

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