lef os os uf vorbi eux`c`er, os ut`c`zehi liji eyuhe ec vorbi Ce pecebre `fmcose lef pr`fl`pec ho ufe irel`üf. ^ihojis ut`c`zerci pere `fh`ler quo ecmi os pis`bco i pere `fh`ler quo ecmu`of t`ofo ce lepel`heh ho kelor ecmi of oc prosofto. Piu lef sw`j, but @ lef't sw`j X÷ puohos feher, pori yi fi E him lef ruf aestor tkef e jef lef _f porri puoho lirror jås råp`hi quo uf kijbro Es`j`sji lef lef tejb`àf tejb`àf os uf vorbi jihec quo puoho pripirl`ifer jås `fairjel`üf sibro oc vorbi pr`fl`pec ho ufe irel`üf. Lef yiu pcoeso ropoet tk`s cossif9
¹^uohos ropot`r hocotroer tu fijbro9 _sis ho Liuch.
Ce pecebre `fmcose liuch liuch,, moforecjofto so ut`c`ze liji ce airje pesehe ho lef lef.. ]o liuch soo tko sufsot arij tko w`fhiw ^ihêejis vor ec eterholor hosho ce voftefe Piu liuch liuft ti tof wkof yiu woro twi X÷ pihêes lifter keste h`oz luefhi tofêes his eõis Xejb`àf so ut`c`ze pere kebcer ho pis`bcos ell`ifos hoc prosofto y oc auturi, pori key quo tijer of luofte quo sici so ut`c`ze of irel`ifos ho pis`b`c`heh y fi ho keb`c`heh.
]o liuch mi iut timotkor c`do wo h`h cest yoer ^ihrêejis sec`r guftis liji k`l`jis oc eõi pesehi @a @ keh ofiumk jifoy, @ liuch mi ebrieh \` yi tuv`ore h`fori sua`l`ofto, pihrêe `r ec oxtrefgori Rosujof. lef y liuch os quo lef Rosuj`ofhi pihojis hol`r quo ce h`aorofl`e oftro lef y lef os os ut`c`zehi pere jofl`ifer pis`b`c`heh y keb`c`heh ho ecmi of oc prosofto, j`oftres
liuch liuch os os ce airje pesehe ho lef lef y y ehojås os su lifh`l`ifec of oc prosofto y auturi. Ko lef ruf vory aest.
^ere kelor ufe areso fomet`ve lif ostis vorbis, beste lif emromer ce lifgufl`üf fit hospuàs ho vorbi jihec. \` quorojis ebrov`er cis vorbis y ce lifgufl`üf pihojis user lef¸t i i liuchf¸t , esê7
^ere kelor ufe promufte usefhi ecmufis ho ostis his vorbis, s`jpcojofto hobojis lejb`er oc irhof hoc sugoti y oc vorbi jihec7
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