Campus Journalism Complete Slides

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Objectives: 1. to develop the writing and editing skills of campus journalists 2. to mold them into responsible  journalists by adhering to ethical ethical and moral standards in media profession


News Writing 1. Involves getting facts and transmitting these to the reader 2. Undergoes 3-part process process before reaching the reader: 1. coverage: refers to getting the news by

witnessing event, interview, printed material or the all three


News Writing: 3-Part Process 2. Interpretation: involves explaining the news, filling the background, forecasting, and sometimes passing moral judgment. This is mainly the responsibility of the editor and columnists. 3. Play: assigning of “value” to the news. This is done by the copyreader, news editor and layout person



Facts and information that has meaning to the readers

 Anything that concerns concerns the school, its its students, the teachers, and parents

 Activities inside and outside the classroom: 1. worthwhile and extraordinary acts of students


School News  Activities inside and and outside the classroom: classroom: 2. Stories of success, conflicts or suspense 3. Anything that informs, entertains or sets students, teachers or administrators thinking about reforms and improvements 4. School convocations and other programs 5. Interviews of visiting personages


   Attributes of good news stories: 1. Timeliness: The event, idea or opinion must be timely to make the news interesting.

 Another word for timeliness is immediacy: immediacy: the more recent the event, the more interesting it is to the community. 2. Factuality: News story must be factual – factual – based  based on real events or happenings, on real ideas or opinions, and not the fruit of one’s creative mind.


Good News Story  Attributes of Good 3. Proximity: refers to the nearness of event to the readers. Readers would be more interested in events near them . 4. Prominence: refers to both places and people. For example, Boracay is prominent because of its white beaches and being a top tourist attraction in the Philippines.


  Prominence can also be exemplified by being: 1. elected to a public office 2. accomplishing something extraordinary extraordinary,, like topping the board exam, winning the lottery 3. wealthy or respectable in the community 4. to an controversial, event, a crimestubborn, or an accident 5. witness troublesome, defiant to rules like not wearing the uniform as sign of protest


 Attributes of Good Good News Story 5. Significance: refers to an event, idea, opinion that are important and interesting to people in the community or campus For example the K-12 Curriculum as an educational reform. Will this improve the quality of Filipino students as a whole? Will the government be able to improve quality teaching and learning?


News Story  Attributes of a Good News 6. Oddity: refers to events that deviates from the normal course events. For example, a woman gives birth to a Siamese twin or gives birth to a baby with tails instead of feet.


 NEWS S GATHERING GATHERING  NEW 1. Actual coverage of an event or happening being in the scene taking down notes observing behavior 2 . Interview for opinions, reactions, reactions, plans, programs 3. Writing from documents like speeches, statements, research reports and other written materials (“armchair journalists”) j ournalists”)


The News Structure Hard news or straight news deals with concrete and fast breaking events. Hard news is objective, direct and factual. Soft news is featurized, subjective, and sometimes interpretative.



Lead paragraph: primary or more important facts

Succeeding paragraphs: facts become less important

Closing paragraph: least important facts that can be deleted without ruining the story



Lead paragraph: least important facts

Succeeding paragraphs: paragraphs: facts become more interesting

Closing paragraph: primary or most important facts



 Straight news are written in the inverted pyramid structure.

Important facts are placed in the opening

paragraphs, referred referred to as lead. Details and background are placed in the succeeding paragraphs in descending importance. Traditionally, straight news answers the 5 “W’s” and one “H”  “H” 


  Four Components of the Inverted Pyramid 1. Primary or main lead: a single paragraph which may contain a maximum of five lines and which may answer the four “W”s, what,  what,  where, when, who 2. Secondary of support lead: may consist two paragraphs that explain or compliment the primary lead


Four Components of the Inverted Pyramid 3. Details or particulars: All particulars: All available facts are presented, particularly those that would answer the other “W” (why) and one “H” (how). 4. Background: Relevant events are recounted and incorporated in the background. Like a flashback, the readers are given insight into the events preceding the one that is being reported. When deleted from the story story,, the news story can still stand.


  Primary Lead Secondary /Support Lead Details of Particulars



  Example of straight news using the inverted pyramid structure Facts: The president of the Mindanao  Association of Private Private Schools appeals for financial subsidy from the government for the full implementation of K-to- 12.


Primary lead or main lead The president of the Mindanao Association of Private Schools appeals for financial subsidy from the government for the implementation of K-to- 12. There is a great need of financial subsidy for teachers’ training and scholarship for students who cannot go to college.


Suggested primary or main lead: In a symposium dated June 30, 2012, the president of the Mindanao Association of Private School Presidents propose to seek for financial subsidy from the government to guarantee full implementation of K-to- 12.


Primary or main lead  Answers for the following following W’s W’s 


president of the Mindanao Association Association of Teach eachers ers

Where:   symposium Where: When: What:

June 30, 2012 appeal for financial subsidy


 Suggested Support Lead The president of the Mindanao Association of Private Presidents , Mr. Abelardo Reyes, School presented his proposal to seek seek for government financial subsidy , during a onehour symposium at the CB Conference Hall attended by presidents of private schools and the Secretary of Education.


Suggested Support Lead Mr. Reyes talked about all presidents of private Mr. schools in Mindanao should put their acts together to get financial assistance from the government for its educational reform, specifically K-to-12.


Suggested details or particulars:  According to Mr. Mr. Reyes, there is need for this financial subsidy to be able to fully implement the K-to-12 program through intensive training of teachers and scholarship program for students who cannot afford to college.



: 1. to fully implement the educational reform, specifically K-to- 12 program 2. to finance teachers’ training and scholarships of students who cannot afford to go to college

How :

all private schools put their acts together and propose government financial subsidy


  Suggested Background 1. Government through the department of education is going to implement K-to-12 starting school year 2012-2013 for kindergarten and Senior HS in 2016-2018 2. This educational reform of the government seeks the help of private schools by supporting the K-to-12 Program. 3. Private schools anticipates great financial loss when the full implementation takes place in 2016.


the traditional inverted pyramid  Advantages of the 1. Facilitates reading  A busy reader needs to know know the news at once. 2. Facilitates makeup or layout, layout, design page Layout artist should get immediately the more important facts of the story as consideration for the page design. Artist would also know what to strike out if the space is limited.


inverted pyramid  Advantages of inverted 3. Facilitates headline writing Just by reading the first few paragraphs, the editor can easily prepare the headline of the story.


 Tips in Writing Writing a Good lead paragraph 1. Use short simple declarative sentences. 2. Don’t try to say everything in one sentence, sentence,   only the most important facts. Break up long sentences. Remember that one paragraph usually consists only of one complete sentence. 3. Never use an important or unusual word twice in the same sentence. 4. Avoid Avoid repetition of phrases, clauses and similar grammatical constructions. 5. Be able to answer at least the four “W’S”.  “W’S”. 


Types of Lead 1. Who lead or name feature RAMON S.conglomerate ANG yesterday took full control of San Miguel Corp. (SMC) after its chair , Eduardo Cojouangco Jr. , sold a huge chunk of his stake in the diversified firm to his hard-charging protégé.


Types of Lead 2. What or event feature PUBLIC education it seems will always be shackled with dire lack of resources, from manpower to logistics and infrastructures.


Types of Lead 3. How Lead (often used for unusual happenings and action stories) Left to starve in a shanty that served as his prison, an 8-year-old Burmese boy was kidnapped in Laguna province on Friday was found abandoned yesterday morning in Taytay, Rizal province, by agents of the National Bureau of Investigation.


Types of Lead 4. Why Lead To providePresident lan d to millions land of landless peasants, Corazon Aquino signed a sweeping and controversial land reform program. 5. When Lead (used if an event takes place at an unconventional hour, or in making an announcement ann ouncement where the time is important to the reader) Tomorrow, July 30, is the last day for cash card application from Pagibig.


Types of Lead 6. Where Lead: Used if an event takes place Convalescent homes in Solano have been sites for beauty contests to choose representatives to the fifth annual My Fair Lady Pageant. Contestants are mostly in their 70s, 80s and 90s.


What questions will readers ask with these leads? 1. The school play “ Way Back Home” will will   be presented tomorrow twice. 2. The final meeting of the Homemakers Club will be held today, today, activity period in room 210. 3. The Music Guild boasts a grand champion winner in last week’s regional contest in Davao City City.. 4. The greatly anticipated event graduation to which the seniors have been looking forward for so long, is just around the corner corne r. 5. Two Two new drama groups grou ps have been organized this school year.


Possible Questions for the Weak Leads 1. When? At what hour? Where? 2. What is planned? Who planned it? 3. Who is the champion? What honor did he win? 4. Where is it? How will it be carried out? Who will participate? How many seniors will be there? 5. What are they? Why were they formed?


   Activity 1.Write a news story using the inverted pyramid structure with any of these topics: a. Inauguration of the new Event Center b. Celebration of School Foundation Day c. Promotion of Green Environment in School d. Visit of Jessica Sanchez in the University 2. Identify Identify sources of 10 news items of your your school paper


Straight News:

Hard News

Concerned with timely or important events Feature Story : Soft News 

Concerned with human interest Immediacy of event is secondary - human interest, mood, atmosphere, emotion, irony irony,, or humor are more valuable. Good feature aims to give pleasure and entertainment in addition to information. Straight news appeals to the physical; feature story appeals to the soul or the emotion.


  For example: Streetchildren lay down on the rough pavement with stone pillows against their young heads one dark Christmas evening, December 24, 2012. In his desire to save his friends who were carried away by the strong and sudden flash floods, Angelo almost drowned to death yesterday at the peak of typhoon Sendong.


10 Tips on Feature Writing 1. Choose carefully the topic you wish to write. 2. Be sure that your feature f eature story is credible. It must deal with facts and reality. 3. Enliven your feature with anecdotes or dialogs. 4. In a personal experience write-up, use the first person or second person point of view.


 Tips… Tips…   5. Use “quotations” of famous persons. They add credibility and elegance to your writing. 6. Use imagery or figures of speech that readers will understand. 7. Use sophisticated language may be allowed, but only when it can communicate properly.


  10 Tips in Feature Writing 8. Keep you paragraphs short and snappy snappy.. 9. Include human interest aspects in your informative or news features. 10. The opening and closing paragraphs in a feature story are important parts so put a linkage between the two and dramatize it.


   A good feature writer writer should : 1. Be inquisitive and eager to learn 2. Be sympathetic toward other people’ people’s s feelings 3. Have an eye for human interest angle 4. Capable of seeing beneath the surface of ordinary events 5. Have a wide vocabulary 6. Have some literary inclinations


Types of Features 1. Personality Profile or Personality Sketch an essay about a person’s character character and traits; done through research and actual interview with the person 2. Human Interest Stories a human interest story showing the subject’s oddity, or its practical, emotional, or entertainment value


Types of Features 3. Trend Trend Stories: Examine people, things, or organizations that are having impact on society. (on latest fads) 4. In-depth Stories: Stories written from extensive research and interviews. 5. Backgrounders: Analysis piece that adds meaning to current issues in the news. These articles explain why a tragedy happens, who are to be blamed and what are the repercussions or the after effects.


Types of Features 6. Newsfeature: story based on a recent event but written in a more relaxed style, using literary devices. 7.

Humorous Feature: entertaining with wit and

humor 8. Personal Experience: an unusual experience written in the first person


Types of Feature 9. How-to-feature article: explain a process or method accompanied with illustration or photos 10. Analytical Essay: essays written in various various  journalistic styles styles –  –   witty, anything

funny,, account funny account of  – from  –  from mundane to



STYLEBOOK Consistency Well-edited Well-edi ted campus newspaper should have a style-book containing the rules that staff members must observe. Basic Instructions 1.Ensure accuracy of all stories. Verify your facts before reporting. 2. Verify the spellin spelling g of all names. 3. Verify all dates and numbers.


Stylebook: Basic Instructions 4. Gather all facts of a story. story. Omission of one important fact will ruin a good story story.. Do not hesitate to return to the source of information for additional facts. 5.

In reporting about a meeting, concentrate on the actions and decisions during the meeting in the first paragraph. Information about the meeting as to when and where it was held or the group that held the meeting can be placed at the details or particulars portion of the story story..


Stylebook: Basic Instructions 6. Be definite and specific. 7. Use the active voice instead of the passive voice, except when the person or thing acted upon is more important than the agent agent of action.


  Stylebook: Basic Instructions Do not open the story with a listing of names. 9.  Avoid beginning sentences sentences with :”It :”It is (was)”, “There was (were)”, “There”. The first 8.

sentence of a news story must contain the important elements.


Basic Instructions 10. Do not editorialize. Write Write only facts and/or quote the opinion of other. 11. Write short paragraphs. Long paragraphs make a page dull and uninteresting. 12. Write stories neatly. Rewrite the story rather than submit one with numerous corrections.


Basic Instructions: Use of Titles Titles 1. Use “Miss” with name of unmarried woman unless another title is more appropriate. In the first reference, reference, use the woman’s first and and   last name. Subsequently, use the last name. Example: Ms. Josie Lim; Ms. Lim 2. Some newspapers newspapers do use Ms in reference reference to to mature woman, whether married or single. This is safe especially if you are not sure of the marital status of the woman referred to.


Basic Instruction: Use of Titles Titles 3. In first reference r eference to mature men, use “Mr.” “Mr.” with the first name and last name, unless another title is more appropriate. In further reference, use the appropriate title and the last name. 4. Avoid using long and cumbersome titles before a name. Do not write Chief of Police Luis T. Santos. Instead write, Luis Santos, chief of police.


Basic Instruction: Use of Titles Titles 5. Always capitalize a title when it precedes a name: Superintendent Martinez. Do not capitalize titles that follow the name: L.M. Martinez, superintendent of schools. 6. Upon the first mention of a person in a story, unless that person’s position in the community is well it is best to follow the name with shortknown, description or title to identify him/her. him/her . a Example: Maria Lourdes Lopez, director of Logistical Services


 Basic Instruction: Use of Titles 7. Avoid using a single initial. Use both initials or the first name. Write A.B. Reyes or Amelia Amelia Reyes. Doabbreviated not write A.when Reyes. 8. Titles T itles are used before a person’s full name or before his/her first name’s initial and his surname. Titles are spelled out when only the surname follow. Titles are spelled out when only the surname follows. Example: Prof. Lyndon Devero Professor Devero


Basic Instruction: Use of Titles Titles 9. The titles Dr., Mr., and Mrs. are always abbreviated. The following titles are never abbreviated: president, secretary, treasurer, director, governor, attorney, general, ambassador, consul-general, minister, vice mayor, councilor 10. Congressman is used with a person’s surname, surname, as in Congressman Garcia. When the full name is given, use the abbreviated title: Rep. Manuel Ruiz.


  Basic Instructions: Spelling 1.

2. 3.

 Avoid all abbreviations except a few standard ones that are understood by the average reader of your paper.  Always spell out the days of the week. In giving an exact date, spell out the names of the months that have less than five letters; abbreviate the names of months with five letters or more. Ex. June 15, Nov. 19. When the name of the month stands alone without a day, day, spell it out. Ex. The war broke out in December,, not in December i n Dec., 1941.)


Basic Instructions: Spelling 4. Spell out “fort”, “port” and “mount”: Fort  Fort  Santiago, Port Pilar, Mount Apo Spell out names of provinces and cities. 6. Spell out names. 5.


Spell out “street”, “avenue”, when used with the name of the street: Ninth Street, Rizal  Avenue


 Avoid British spellings.


Basic Instructions: Spelling 9. Some papers prefer employe to employees; cigaret to cigarette; traveled to travelled. 10. Hyphens should be dropped in nominative forms particularly in verb-preposition combinations such as cleanup, getaway, kickoff, etc, However, there are exceptio exceptions ns like cast-off, cave-in, head-on, stand-in.

11. If in doubt, consult the dictionary.  

Basic Instructions: Use of Numbers 1.

Never begin a sentence with the figure, but when the number is the most important element in the sentence, begin the sentence with the number and spell it out. Example: Ninety-three students were awarded scholarship grants. During the anniversary, 93 persons students were awarded scholarships.


Basic Instructions: Use of Numbers 2. Spell out numbers less than ten except: a) the hour of the day: Write Write 8 o’clock or 8 p.m., 7:30 a.m. Do not write: Eight o’clock (except the beginning of a sentence) Never use ciphers when giving an exact hour. Do not write 8.00 o’clock. Instead, write 8 o’clock or 8 p.m.  p.m. 


Basic Instructions: Use of Numbers 2.

b. In the statement of a definite sum of money: Write P5. Do not write five peso except at the beginning of a sentence. Do not use ciphers to show an even amount of pesos with no centavos; omit the ciphers: P6


Editing and Headline Writing The Newsroom The editorial department, collectively called the Desk. It is where news materials, stories from the beat, wire reports, press releases, photos and illustrations are gathered.


The Copy Editor Copy editor :  cleans a reporter reporter’s ’s story story,, called copy copy     slotman, deskman, or sub-editor  improves other person’s work or does “copy fixing”   fixing”  keeps the substance of the story as s/he makes 

the story better or better organized Works as a member of the editorial team headed by the editor-in-chief; supervised by the managing editor or executive editor


Other types of news stories Interpretive news: news that appeals to the emotion and attempts to gain a response from the reader News Feature or news article: informative discussion of news events or technical subjects in expository form. It is halfway between a news story and an editorial.



Like the news story, it is based entirely on fact.

Unlike the news story (based on current events), the news feature is based on facts of general interest obtained partly from printed sources.

Like the editorial, the news article is expository in form.


Side-Bar Story 

 A brief news item on some some lighter aspects aspects of an event run side by side a significant news item. Example: An article about celebrities who distributed food stuffs and clothes to flood victims, serving like workers and errand person


Special Types of News Stories 1. News Brief: a news round – round –up; up; a news item that is composed of no more than 2 paragraphs 2. Bulletin: important but last minute news in a running story. It is printed on the first page in boldfaced typed and may be boxed. 3. Flash: It present the basic facts of a fresh story that comes too late to be run as a full blown news item.


Special Types of News Stories 4. The Classroom Story: an interpretative news on the academic front. This is most of the time neglected by most school papers. This provides balance and present a true picture of the school. 5. The Meeting Story: It includes purpose, time and place, name of organization, participants, background, information about speakers, kind of meeting, feature angle, what happened


Special Types of News Stories 6. The speech story: It includes the speaker and his background, theme of the speech, occasion, time and place, quotations description of audience, including unusual reaction.


Special Types of News Stories 7. Box Story:  A news story enclosed in a ”box”  ”box”  (printed material in black lines, usually rectangular). Types of copy suitable to be enclosed in a box: a. Short important news item b. Summaries of large news items c. Lists of related events in connection with

the news story  

Special Types of News Stories d. Short feature stories, often connected with a news article e. special announcements f.

Game schedules or records of previous contests g. reports on fund fund –  –raising raising Box story is used to emphasize, add variety and attractiveness in make-up. It must present a strong, single idea in clear and simple language


Sources of News 1. Beats: backbone of news coverage. Beats in school paper include: school and class organization,(presidents, advisers and PRO’s),o PRO’s),offices ffices (guidance, administration)department heads, athletic coaches, sponsors of activities, parents’ association association and others. others.   2. Tips Tips from teachers and students 3. Publicity and press releases


Sources of News 4. Printed material: school calendar (yearly, monthly), daily bulletin, students’ handbook, athletic schedule, honors, subjects to be offered,, financial statements offered 5. A record of all coming activities usually prepared by news editor and managing editor


   Academic Coverage Coverage 1. Visitors or speakers in the classroom cl assroom 2. Unusual goings-on 3. Experiments 4. Panel discussions or special programs 5. Special projects 6. Field trips


Tips for the Reporter 1. Understand the story before covering it. a. know the background by reading, talking to people, taking notes b. Get the possible news sources. Get the full names and their correct spelling c. Know the kind of story required. d. Know the type of write-up expected – expected –  

straight, interpretive, feature  

Tips for the Reporter 2. Make appointments in advance of deadlines. 3. Know how to t o conduct an interview, either in person or by telephone. a. Be tactful and courteous. b. Try Try to make a good impression and be sincere. c. Plan what Plan what to say say.. Explain at once that you are a reported for the school paper. paper. d. You are not to argue, but get facts and opinions of

the interviewee.  

Sports News Sports page gives thrill to school life as it covers rivalry between schools and between intramural teams. Managing Sports News 1. Contribute to good sportsmanship sportsmanship –  – no  no alibi, no boasting. 2. Encourage feature treatment to give known facts reader interest. 3. Have a variety variety of material. material. Include interviews, features, column, features, items about graduates who are involved in athletics in larger


  Sports News

4. Play advance news. 5. Use cartoons, illustrations, photographs. photographs. 6. Play it up in the front page. 7. While playing up major sports, do not overlook minor sports stories.


Kinds of Sports Articles Articles 1. Advance Story: furnishes the reader plenty of data – data  – line  line ups, strong and weak points of contenders, performance records of individuals or teams, betting odds, tradition and history, systems of play, other angles.

 Advance story may involve more than one game. It may combine future and past games or it may report on a game game after deadline but but

before publication.  

Kinds of Sports Article 2. The report of the event 3. Analytical Story: accompanies the straight report and carries a review of the game – game – the  the strategies, the key player, the outstanding performer 4. The “off court” story involves conflicts among sportsmen, officials and side-lights


Kinds of Sports Article 5. The follow-up sports story is a summary of the activities of a team during the week or season. It is brief in a school paper and includes only details about outstanding plays and players. 6. Sports article: It gives summaries about past records and performances of a team, new rules, athletic tradition, career of a prominent player


Kinds of Sports Article 7. Sports Feature: Personality sketch of an athlete 8. Sports Column: miscellaneou miscellaneous s facts about prominent athletes; sports gossip is written and signed by the sports editor or a staff member who is well-acquainted with the athletes


The Editorial Page  The soul of the newspaper  Contains the masthead, editorial column, readers’ views, editorial cartoon  cartoon   Forum for students’ opinion  opinion  Masthead  Contains a permanent typographical character  Contains the frequency, place, staff members, emblem


Editorial Platform  Contains one or two brief statements of purpose and ideals Editorial Policy  Determined by traditions, practices and policies of the school, the students’ voice expressed through the editors, the student government and other recognized student leaders. The editorial always conforms conforms to the editorial policy policy..


The Editorial 

The newspaper’s means of advising the reader of the significance of events. It informs, interprets, convinces, persuades or entertains the readers.

The writer of the editorial expresses group opinion rather than individual opinion. This explains why the editorial is unsigned.


 Writing the Editorial 1. It must must not go against against policy of the paper paper.. 2. Topic is of interest to the reader. reader. Prefer current topics, especially controversial ones. However, However, notarticle manufacture 4. do Limit to only one oissues. ne aspect aspect of the chosen chosen topic. 5. Have a purpose well in mind. 6. Obtain sufficient data. 7. Take a stand on contro controversial versial issues. 8. Use sound reasoning . Make each each step step lead logically to the conclusion.


Writing the Editorial 1. Be brief (rarely more than 300 words). Longer sentences and paragraphs than in the news story may be used. 2. Write simply and direct directly ly.. Use more formal language and wider vocabulary than in news writing. 3. Be impersonal. Use the third person or the impersonal “we”. Never use “I” except in direct quotations.

4. Be sincere rather than “smart”.  

Writing the Editorial 5. Write clearly and vigorously. 6. Present facts, rather than mere opinion. 7. Be authoritative, but don’t preach.  preach.  8. Use various devices to catch and keep the reader’s interest like a striking title, good lead, illustration in the form of a brief narrative, analogy, analogy, comparison and contrast. 9. End the editorial appropriately. 10. Relate the editorial to the lives of the readers.


Writing the Editorial Editorial Leads 1. A simple statement of the situation, problem, or news events to be written about 2. A question challengi challenging ng attention 3. A striking statement arousing reader’s interest 4. A narration or a vital question


Writing the Editorial Increasing Student Reader Interest 1. Limit the editorial page. 2. Use cartoons and illustrations. 3. Use an occasional guest editorial. 4. Put the masthead at the bottom to make room for the editorial. 5. morecolumns, and shorter editorials. 6. Write Use wider such as double column for the editorial; one and a half columns for the editorial columns


Designing the Paper  An excellent paper paper is judged on the type and of type and photos the newsplacement page. Other elements includeingood news coverage, news selection, editing and headline writing.


Designing the Paper  A typical newspaper page is made up up of the following display elements: 1. Body text 2. Headlines, kickers, subheads 3. photos 4. illustrations and graphics 5. white spaces

6. rule or column lines  

Designing the Paper Make up refers to the arrangement of the display elements on a newspaper. Layout is the arrangement of these elements in an advertising copy or a magazine type.


Designing the Paper Functions of Newspaper Makeup 1. provide attractive appearance and pleasing harmony or contrast 2. show relative importance of news and feature materials through their positioning in the pages 3. facilitate reading by avoiding

monotony and disharmony  

Designing the Paper 3 Types of Layout 1. the balanced makeup: achieved through symmetry.  A page is divided into into two. Everything on the left is balanced by something on the right and vice versa. It is confidence inspiring , but too formal.


Types of Layout

2. a. Contrast Balance: Balance is achievedand by contrast. Example: Pictures on one side are balanced by headlines on another or black spots by white spots. b. Right Brace: identified by heavy concentration of pictures and headlines on the upper left hand corner.


Types of Layout 2. Brace b. Left brace: identified by a heavy concentration of pictures and headlines on the upper left hand corner Brace is a good substitute for streamers ( the use of the full spread for the headlines) 3. Circus Makeup: columns are broken up

into various lengths.  

  Guidelines in Layouting 1. Avoid tombstoning Placing of two or more heads in the same face type at approximately the same level in adjacent columns 2. Know the relative value of each part of the front page. Order of importance follows the S pattern like: B A C D


Guidelines in Layouting 3. Build from the top down. 4. Distribute headlines. Put on the front page only what is important. A cluttered page is not necessarily a newsy page. 5.Have plenty of white space as breathing space. This can be achieved by the use of sub-heads, shorter paragraphs, shorter stories.


Guidelines in Layouting 7. Use photos – photos – not  not bad, obscene, small or firing squads 8. Use of caps and lower case is better than all caps. 9. Avoid too many brinks or peripheries (secondary heads). 10. Use the ears, left or right hand corner of the front page for announcements, ads, etc.



Guidelines in Layouting 11. Headlines should not have letters that impinge on one another as in fat heads. 12. There should be not lot of white space

between letters as in thin heads.  

Guidelines in Layouting 13. Avoid jumping stories if at all possible. 14. Avoid separating related stories and pictures. 15. Avoid breaking stories to the tops of the columns. The top of every column should have headline or cut. This can be avoided by setting part of a long story in two columns - running the remaining part into the 2nd column under the head which is set in two columns.


Guidelines in Layouting 16. Avoid placing a small head on a rather long story story.. 17. Avoid Avoid excessive leading. 18. Avoid having gray areas. Break them up with the use of subheads, indented bold face, paragraphs, use of small stories with small headlines.


Guidelines in Layouting 19. Keep long columns of six-point six -point type and tabular material to a minimum, especially on the front page. 20. Avoid placing cuts or boxes where they will be surrounded by body type. They should be attached on the top or bottom of the pages or display that is firmly positioned.


  Guidelines in Layouting 21. Avoid having the top of the page too heavy.. A spread beneath the heavy the fold fold will wil l help prevent this.


  Qualities of a Good Makeup 1. Contrast  A bold headline next to the column of gray body text creates a pleasing contrast 2. Balance  Achieved by arranging heavy heavy and dark elements to offset one another Example:  A three-column picture on on the upper left-hand corner can be balanced with three-decked, three

column head on the right side  

  Guidelines in Layouting 3. Symmetry Each page should have focus of attention, a headline, a picture, or a combination of both ensure that the reader’s eyes fall first on that spot.  spot.  4. Unity The page should be attractive as a whole, with all its parts fitting harmoniously together. together.


  Nameplate or logo

This is printed across the top of the front page. Stationary nameplates stay on the same space on every issue. Roving nameplate is moved from time to time.


Use of Subhead  A single line of the same type as the body body text set in bold or italics that gives gist of a part of the story that follows. It is a clause or a complete sentence. It serves as title of the succeeding portion of the story.  Another purpose purpose of subhead is to break a series of gray lines.


 Use of Photos   

Photos improve makeup and convey message. Use of photos and illustrations help the art of communicating. The art of communicating using photographs and illustrations is called iconography.

Functions of illustration   Attract attention  Illustrate a point in the story  Tell a story itself through the help of caption

Give visual relief to the makeup of the story


Qualities of a good photo 1. Prominence: pictures of prominent personalities attract interest of readers. 2. Action: Readers are attracted by action. “Firing squad photo” may just end up in the editor’s editor ’s trash can.  can.  3. Human interest: Pictures showing emotions that one can relate to are


Qualities of a good photo 4. Drama: pictures of fires, accidents or victims of an earthquake or typhoon belong to this category. 5. Timeliness. Immediacy enhances the value of a picture.


Improving photographs 1. Cropping: cutting away of portions of pictures that are not needed. Editor marks with red pencil undesired parts. 2. Retouching: elimination of undesirable background to emphasize the center of interest. 3. Bleeding: a device done by printing picture so that it extends across the margin of off the edge of the paper or magazine page.


Writing the Caption 1. It should be brief, not to exceed five lines if it is for two column photos: three lines if the photo occupies five columns 2. It should be in the present tense to stress the timeliness of the event. 3. It should tell the gist of the story that accompanies the photo. 4. Don’t include in the caption what is already obvious in the photo for example a person laughing in the photo, don’t say the person is laughing.


Procedures for Dummying Preliminary Steps 1. Copyread and adjust the length according to the first dummy. Some staffs make a small and rough sketch instead of actual size dummy. 2. Mark for the printer indicating the column width (usually 2 inches ) the size and style of body type. Much of the material is set in standard roman type,

usually 8 10 points.


Procedures for Dummying Specify larger fonts or bold face for important news and announcements; smaller type for long lists, list s, programs, minor stories, some features. Preparing the Final Dummy 1. Draw up a dummy sheet or use one furnished by the printer with margins

and columns indicated.  

Preparing the Dummy 2. Number the galley proofs to be cut and pasted on the dummy 3. Clip all printed materials that will go on a given page. Include news stories with their headlines and all illustrations. In clipping, allow a margin of 1/16 of an

inch all around, to avoid cutting the type.


Preparing the Dummy 4. Decide what pictures pictures are to go on the page. Crop them, and determine and mark their size and give them labels such as I-A, I-A, 1-B, & 1-C. 1-C. Mark their places on the page. 5. Have the cutlines cutlines for the pictures set into type. 6. Arrange the material material in the page space according to the principles of good newspaper makeup. 7. Paste the materials in place.


Preparing the Dummy 8. Indicate the guideline of the story in the proper column/s. 9. Mark all portions to be deleted on the galley proof. 10. Mark the places for cuts with X. 11. Indicate the headlines on the spaces they will occupy.

12. Do not dummy too tightly.  

Getting Started Choosing the Staff 1. Staff can be chosen chosen from a writing writing class. 2. Schools may offer journalism workshops. 3. It is advisable to choose the next year’s staff before the end of the school year. However,, flexibility must permit transferees, However freshmen and other desirable members to become members of the t he school paper paper..


The Staff Members 1. News reporters: the key persons of the school paper 2. Editor: organizer, leader, superreporter,, looks into each page of each reporter issue and gets the paper printed 3. Managing Editor: having the qualifications of an editor 4. Associate Editor: carries on the job when

the editor is absent  

Getting Started 4. Candidates may fill up application forms citing their experiences, qualifications, recommendations and position preferred. 5. Candidates may be given examination covering news writing and editorial writing, sports writing, and others – others  –   depending upon the position the candidate wants.

6. Qualified applicants undergo training.


Getting Started 7. Feature writer/editor: usually who has talent for writing original stories 8. Sports writer/editor : must understand sports; able to express ordinary facts in interesting way Duties of School Paper Staff Code of Ethics ( see printed copies)

 Activities: Write a 3-paragraph report on a recent radio or TV newscast


Parts and Section of the School Paper News Section Front Page 1. Name plate: the line of type on the front page designating the name of the publication. It may reappear in reduced size elsewhere, as on the editorial page. 2. Ears: a design placed at the right or left of a name plate 3. Streamer (banner) : a headline extending across the top of the page. If located at the nameplate, it is called skyline or umbrella head.


Parts and Section of the School Paper Front page 4. Headline (head) : a general term for all titles of news stories 5. Deck: (a bank, readout) subordinate headline immediately below its mother head line 6. Lead: intro to a straight, or formal, usually the first paragraph 7. Column: a vertical section of printed material 8. Column rules: the printed line used to separate columns

9. News story: any item of news


Parts and Section of the School Paper Front Page 9. Fold: the point at which the newspaper is folded in half 10. Byline: the name of the writer placed at the top or at the bottom of the story 11. Box: B ox: any printed matter surrounded or partly enclosed by a special border line 12. Cutline (caption): (caption): text accompanying photos and otherone art line of several words 13. Teaser (kicker): in small type run above the headline 14. Credit line: a line of type crediting the source of an

item, a photo or a cartoon


Parts and Section of the School Paper Inside News Page 1. Running Head – Head – a  a line of type at the top of all newspaper pages, except the first, giving the name of paper and date of issue 2. Folio – Folio – page  page number, found at the top of each page of the paper, except the

first, alongside the running head.


Parts and Section of the School Paper Editorial Page 1. Flag (masthead) 2. Editorial: a journalistic writing designed to interpret news 3. Editorial Column: a timely and regular presentation of various kinds of editorial writer by same writer; sometimes a guest columnist 4. Cartoon 5. Letter to the Editor 6. Folio 7. Running head


Parts and Section of the School Paper Sports Page 1. Columns : similar to editorial columns 2. Sports News 3. Features 4. Cuts 5. Folio 6. Running head Features Page 1. Feature Story (English and Filipino) 2. Regular Features 3. Special Features 4. Cuts 5. Folio

6. Running head


 Activities: 1. Make a dummy of the: a. front page of the school paper,, indicating the parts paper and contents. b. editorial page, indicating the parts and contents. 2. Go over the front page of the newspaper and with a red pen, number a sample of each of the following: a. local news e. ad i. news feature b. foreign news f. lead story  j. headline with a

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