Campaign Proposal for Toyota Prius

December 10, 2016 | Author: MeganGraceLandau | Category: N/A
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During my Senior Seminar publics relations course I was tasked with creating a PR campaign to increase sales on Toyota P...


Landau  1   Megan  Landau   Nov.  9,  2015   COMM483   Midterm  Exam  Case  Proposal     2016  Toyota  Prius:  The  Ultimate  Green  Machine     Situation  Analysis   Toyota  has  been  ranked  the  world’s  top  automaker  for  the  past  three  years,  and  cars   in  its  Prius  family  have  sold  consistently  well  since  the  first  generation  went  on  sale   in  2000.  However,  as  of  July  2015,  Prius  sales  are  down  15.4  percent  for  the  year.   Prius  models  still  sell  successfully  among  certain  publics,  but  sales  among  the   Hispanic  community  are  very  poor.  This  poses  a  problem  for  Toyota  because  the   Hispanic  population  in  the  United  States  is  growing  rapidly  and  Hispanic  consumers   are  projected  to  be  the  auto  industry’s  growth  engine  for  the  next  20  to  30  years.   The  Prius  represents  the  future,  but  the  buying  power  of  Hispanic  consumers  in  the   US  is  a  key  factor  in  that  future.       Problem  Statement   Toyota  Prius  sales  are  falling  in  the  United  States,  and  sales  are  specifically  low   among  the  Hispanic  community.  If  the  Prius  does  not  receive  increased  awareness,   appreciation  and  sales,  especially  among  Hispanic  consumers,  its  ranking  and  sales   will  continue  to  fall  and  Toyota  will  miss  out  on  the  growth  opportunity  presented   by  Hispanic  consumers.        



Landau  2   SWOT  Analysis   • Strengths   o Toyota  has  been  ranked  the  world’s  top  automaker  for  the  past  three   years.   o The  Prius  family  has  reached  global  cumulative  sales  of  5.15  million  units   as  of  May  2015,  representing  68  percent  of  the  7.8  million  hybrids  sold   worldwide  by  Toyota.   o Toyota  has  a  strong  local  presence  in  the  US,  with  1,500  dealerships  and   10  manufacturing  plants  that  employ  more  than  33,000  Americans.   o Toyota  was  ranked  second  in  a  2015  reliability  study,  and  proves   reliability  in  many  specific  ways.  About  80  percent  of  all  Toyota  vehicles   sold  over  the  past  20  years  are  still  on  the  road  today,  and  the  Prius  C  was   ranked  85  percent  more  reliable  than  the  average  of  its  competing  cars.   o The  fourth  generation  2016  Prius  will  look  and  feel  significantly  different   from  the  older  versions,  with  enhancements  in  driving  dynamics,  styling   and  luxury  features.  The  model  will  appeal  to  audiences  who  are  looking   for  a  sporty  car.     o The  fourth  generation  Prius  will  have  better  fuel  efficiency,  a  more   efficient  engine,  a  smaller  yet  more  effective  battery,  and  new  safety   technology.   o Toyota  has  been  the  top  selling  brand  among  Hispanic  consumers  for  the   past  10  years.   o Toyota  has  a  dedicated  corporate  department,  the  Hispanic  Business   Strategy  Group,  that  can  help  in  directing  strategies  used  to  increase   prominence  among  Hispanic  consumers.   • Weaknesses   o As  of  July  2015,  Prius  sales  were  down  15.4  percent  for  the  year.   o Hispanic  consumers  only  represent  6  percent  of  overall  Prius  sales.   o Many  Toyota  dealerships  face  language  barriers  between  employees  and   customers,  but  it  is  difficult  to  train  employees  who  only  speak  Spanish.   o The  training  programs  for  new  salesmen  do  not  typically  include   strategies  on  how  to  sell  to  Hispanic  consumers.   o The  majority  of  Toyota’s  previous  marketing  strategies  have  focused  on   traditional  techniques,  but  these  techniques  are  not  very  effective  for   Hispanic  consumers.   • Opportunities   o The  sale  of  conventionally  fueled  cars  is  declining,  and  by  2050  the  sale  of   gas  and  diesel  cars  is  projected  to  be  near  zero—Hybrid  and  fuel  cell  cars   will  account  for  global  vehicle  sales.   o There  are  currently  53  million  Hispanic  people  in  the  US,  accounting  for   17  percent  of  the  population.  By  2050,  one  out  of  every  three  Americans   will  be  Hispanic.  This  growing  Hispanic  population  is  projected  to  be  the   auto  industry’s  growth  engine  for  the  next  20  to  30  years.   o In  many  regions  of  the  US,  there  is  an  untapped  market  for  marketing   materials  that  are  created  specifically  with  Hispanic  consumers  in  mind.  

Landau  3  

o Hispanic  consumers  respond  very  well  to  products,  services,  and   marketing  materials  that  specifically  address  their  identity.     o The  average  age  of  Hispanics  in  the  US  is  30,  versus  42  for  non-­‐Hispanic   Americans.  This  means  12  extra  potential  years  of  car-­‐buying  life  for  the   average  Hispanic.     o Last  year  21  percent  of  Hispanic  vehicle  purchases  were  for  a  first   vehicle,  which  creates  the  opportunity  for  a  brand  to  make  a  positive  first   impression.   o Some  states  and  cities  have  rapidly  growing  Hispanic  populations,  such  as   Alabama,  Kentucky,  South  Carolina,  Tennessee,  Charlotte,  N.C.  and   Raleigh,  N.C.   o Within  the  auto  industry,  Hispanic  consumers  are  25  percent  more  likely   to  be  influenced  by  advertising.   Threats   o The  current  demand  for  hybrid  cars  is  declining  due  to  lower  gas  prices.   This  year,  gas  prices  have  hit  their  lowest  levels  in  11  years.     o New  cars  produced  by  companies  like  Tesla  are  now  giving  consumers   the  opportunity  to  purchase  a  vehicle  that  is  hybrid  or  electric  but  more   luxurious  and  upscale  than  the  Prius.   o Hybrids  are  increasingly  challenged  by  even  more  futuristic  technologies,   such  as  the  purely  electric  car  and  the  fuel  cell,  which  both  produce  zero   emissions.     o Many  Hispanic  consumers  have  no  connection  to  the  long-­‐established   advertising  channels  that  dominate  the  US  auto  marketing  industry,  such   as  network  TV.   o Some  newer  Hispanic  arrivals  to  the  US  cannot  buy  cars  due  to  residency   issues,  such  as  not  having  driver’s  licenses  and  difficulty  receiving  car   loans  if  they  lack  permanent  residence  in  the  US.  

  Research   Secondary  Research   First,  I  conducted  an  environmental  scan  by  researching  other  auto  campaigns  that   have  had  a  focus  on  either  hybrid  cars  or  Hispanic  consumers.  I  found  many   statistics,  anecdotes  and  past  campaigns  that  relate  to  these  categories.  For  example,   Eric  Lyman,  Vice  President  of  Industry  Insights  at  TrueCar,  explained  how  hybrid   cars  represent  an  increasingly  crowded  field,  even  as  gas  prices  are  spiraling   downward.  “Competition  in  the  alternative  fuel-­‐space  is  fiercer  than  ever,”  he  noted.   “There  are  now  several  modes  in  the  marketplace  since  the  last  Prius  launch,   including  the  Ford  C-­‐Max  and  Honda  Accord  plug-­‐ins.  The  second-­‐generation   (Chevrolet)  Volt  comes  out  later  this  year,  as  will  the  Audi  e-­‐tron,  and  Tesla  has   become  a  force  in  electric  vehicles.”  This  environmental  scan  also  produced   information  about  past  successful  Toyota  practices,  for  example,  successful  tactics   used  in  the  South  Dade  Toyota  dealership  on  the  south  side  of  Miami.  The   environmental  scan  produced  many  more  interesting  insights,  and  I  included  many   of  them  in  the  opportunities  and  threats  sections  of  my  SWOT  analysis.      

Landau  4   I  conducted  a  website  review  to  find  what  has  already  been  released  about  the  2016   Prius  and  the  Prius  family  in  general.  For  example,  on  the  “All-­‐New  2016  Toyota   Prius”  page  of  the  Toyota  website,  I  learned  that  the  current  theme  associated  with   the  car  is  “Rethink  everything.”  I  played  off  this  idea,  as  well  as  the  existing  slogan,   “Beyond  Possible:  The  Sky’s  the  Limit”  when  creating  my  campaign  theme  and  key   messages.    

  When  conducing  a  media  analysis,  I  found  many  articles  about  Hispanic  buying   tendencies,  the  status  of  hybrid  cars  over  time,  and  more.  For  example,  on  the   Corporate  Univision  website,  I  learned  about  tactics  WalMart  and  Paragon  have   used  to  appeal  to  Hispanic  consumers.  I  also  read  stories  that  detail  the  successes   and  failures  of  other  car  companies  in  attempting  to  sell  cars  to  Hispanic   communities.  These  stories  often  compared  Toyota,  Chevrolet,  Nissan  and   Volkswagen  sales  and  campaign  strategies.       Primary  Research   I  recommend  conducting  a  nation-­‐wide  public  opinion  survey  before  further   campaign  planning  begins.  This  survey  should  be  online  and  targeted  at  potential   Hispanic  car  consumers.  The  survey  may  ask  the  following  questions  to  a  minimum   of  500  participants:   • Have  you  heard  of  the  Toyota  Prius?   • Have  you  ever  owned  a  Toyota  Prius?   • Have  you  ever  owned  a  car?   • Have  you  ever  owned  a  hybrid  car?   • On  a  scale  from  strongly  agree  to  strongly  disagree:  I  think  the  2016  Toyota   Prius  is  the  best  hybrid  option  in  terms  of  value  


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• • •

On  a  scale  from  strongly  agree  to  strongly  disagree:  I  think  the  2016  Toyota   Prius  is  the  best  hybrid  option  in  terms  of  gas  mileage   On  a  scale  from  strongly  agree  to  strongly  disagree:  I  think  the  2016  Toyota   Prius  is  the  best  hybrid  option  in  terms  of  reliability   Check  all  that  apply:  I  think  the  classification  “hybrid”  indicates  the  following   features  in  a  car   Do  you  feel  connected  to  the  auto  industry’s  messages  aimed  at  you  in  the   media?  If  not,  what  could  the  industry  do  to  increase  communication  with   you?   Check  all  that  apply:  Do  you  plan  on  buying  a  hybrid  car  as  your  next  vehicle?   Check  all  that  apply:  What  safety  features  are  most  important  to  you  in  a  car?   Check  all  that  apply:  What  style  features  are  most  important  to  you  in  a  car?  

  I  also  recommend  conducting  two  focus  groups  with  approximately  10  participants   each.  This  focus  group  will  allow  the  Prius  team  to  find  the  real  motivators  for  the   Hispanic  community  in  terms  of  vehicle  purchases.  The  participants  should   represent  a  wide  range  of  segmented  publics,  including  first-­‐time  car  buyers,  those   who  own/have  owned  a  hybrid,  those  who  have  not  owned  a  hybrid,  previous   Toyota  customers,  and  those  who  have  never  purchased  a  Toyota  vehicle.  The   survey  may  ask  the  following  questions:   • As  a  member  of  the  Hispanic  community  in  the  US,  do  you  feel  messages  from   the  auto  industry  in  the  media  directly  apply  to  you?  If  yes,  why?  Which   messages  and  brands  apply  the  most?   • How  could  messages  from  the  auto  industry  relate  more  directly  to  you  and   your  needs?   • First-­‐time  buyers,  have  you  ever  been  in  a  car  showroom?  Did  you  feel   overwhelmed?  Are  you  nervous  to  buy  your  first  car?   • Previous  buyers,  how  would  you  rate  your  experience  in  your  car  dealership?   Do  you  have  a  language  barrier  with  the  employees  you  work  with?  Do  the   employees  seem  to  go  out  of  their  way  to  make  you  comfortable?   • What  types  of  activities  would  you  like  to  see  at  a  Verde  Day  event  at  a  car   dealership?   • How  much  do  you  know  about  hybrid  cars?  Could  you  list  three  reasons  why   hybrid  cars  are  beneficial?   • What  are  the  three  most  important  features  or  aspects  of  a  car  for  you?                      

Landau  6   Planning   Goal   The  Toyota  Prius  will  be  recognized  as  the  brand  of  choice  for  car  consumers,   especially  Hispanic  consumers     Objectives   1. Establish  a  strong  presence  in  three  Hispanic-­‐focused  media  markets  by   achieving  1  million  impressions  in  each  market  by  the  end  of  the  campaign   2. Obtain  at  least  15  percent  of  overall  Prius  sales  from  members  of  the   Hispanic  community  during  the  year  following  the  release  of  the  2016  model   3. Support  individual  dealerships  by  including  Hispanic-­‐focused  training  in  at   least  4  employee-­‐wide  events  during  the  year  following  the  release  of  the   2016  model     Objective  one  is  an  output  objective  because  it  aims  for  media  attention  in  Hispanic-­‐ focused  media  markets.  Objectives  two  and  three  are  outcome  objectives  because   they  desire  changes  in  awareness  and  action  among  Hispanic  consumers  and  Toyota   dealership  employees.       Publics   • Primary  Public:  Hispanic  car  consumers   o First-­‐time  Hispanic  car  buyers   o Hispanic  consumers  who  have  previously  purchased  a  hybrid  car   o Hispanic  consumers  who  have  never  purchased  a  hybrid  car   • Secondary  Public:  All  car  consumers   • Intervening  Publics:  News  media,  specifically  Hispanic-­‐focused  news  media    



Landau  7   Message  points   • 2016  Toyota  Prius:  The  Green  Machine   o The  2016  Prius  Charge  is  one  of  the  most  fuel  efficient  cars  on  the   market   o Purchasing  a  Prius  is  not  only  beneficial  for  the  environment,  but  also   for  your  wallet   • The  All-­‐New  2016  Toyota  Prius:  Rethink  Everything   o The  2016  Prius  shatters  expectations   o The  all-­‐new  model  is  more  efficient  than  ever,  and  its  bold  design  and   enhanced  features  shake  up  the  hybrid  landscape     Spokesperson   Sofia  Vegara  will  be  the  spokesperson  of  the  campaign       Theme   2016  Toyota  Prius:  The  Ultimate  Green  Machine     Strategies  and  Tactics   Big  Idea   The  2016  Toyota  Prius  is  The  Ultimate  Green  Machine—it  lets  you  go  beyond  what’s   possible.     This  idea  is  based  on  the  2016  Prius’  existing  slogan,  which  is  Beyond  Possible:  The   Sky’s  the  Limit.  The  idea  of  the  campaign  is  that  the  Prius  is  the  ultimate  machine.  It   can  accomplish  anything,  including  being  green-­‐friendly  for  your  wallet,  green-­‐ friendly  for  the  environment,  and  unstoppable  in  taking  you  in  where  you  want  to   go.  The  campaign  will  show  the  car  helping  its  drivers  accomplish  things  that  could   be  considered  “beyond  possible.”     Strategies   Objective  1:  Establish  a  strong  presence  in  three  Hispanic-­‐focused  media  markets  by   achieving  1  million  impressions  in  each  market  by  the  end  of  the  campaign   • Expand  on  existing  partnership  between  Univision  Communications  Inc.  and   Toyota   • Through  TV  programming,  position  the  Prius  as  an  unstoppable  green   machine  in  ways  that  relate  to  the  various  segments  of  the  primary  public   • Engage  potential  consumers  in  interactive  social  media  campaigns  that  tie  to   Univision  programming   • Saturate  Hispanic  news-­‐media  with  stories  about  the  2016  Toyota  Prius  and   any  new  developments  about  the  2017  Prius   • Generate  a  strong  advertising  presence  on  mobile  apps  and  mobile  sites  that   are  popular  among  Hispanic  consumers   • Use  the  media  to  build  anticipation  for  the  2017  Toyota  Prius    

Landau  8   Objective  2:  Obtain  at  least  15  percent  of  overall  Prius  sales  from  members  of  the   Hispanic  community  during  the  year  following  the  release  of  the  2016  model   • Position  the  Prius  as  the  car  that  offers  the  best  value,  gas  mileage,  and   reliability  in  comparison  to  other  hybrids   • Draw  attention  to  the  environmental  benefits  of  hybrid  cars  by  reminding  or   informing  consumers  about  a  hybrid’s  positive  impacts   • Share  information  and  engage  with  users  on  an  interactive  “Ultimate  Green   Machine”  website     • Engage  local  consumers  in  quarterly  “Verde  Day”  events  at  dealerships  that   allow  all  consumers,  with  an  emphasis  on  Hispanic  consumers,  to  test  the   new  Prius  and  learn  about  its  benefits     Objective  3:  Support  individual  dealerships  by  including  Hispanic-­‐focused  training   in  at  least  4  employee-­‐wide  events  during  the  year  following  the  release  of  the  2016   model   • Highlight  the  need  for  improved  consumer  relations  with  Hispanic   consumers   • Corporate:  Provide  resources  for  Hispanic-­‐friendly  selling  strategies  to   dealership  owners   • Dealership  owners:  Provide  salespeople  with  the  training  they  need  to   successfully  sell  the  Prius  to  Hispanic  consumers     Tactics   • Partner  with  “Republica  Deportiva”  (Sports  Republic),  a  weekly  two-­‐hour   sports  show;  “Hoy”  (Today),  a  daily  morning  show;  and  “Lo  Que  La  Vida  Me   Robo,”  a  telenova,  which  all  air  on  the  Univision  Network   • Hold  a  contest  that  invites  Hispanic  consumers  of  all  ages  to  submit  their   “Beyond  Possible”  challenges;  winning  entries  will  be  featured  on  Republica   Deportiva  and  Hoy  as  spokesperson  Sofia  Vegara  and  TV  hosts  use  the  Prius   to  accomplish  the  challenge   • Work  with  “Lo  Que  La  Vida  Me  Robo”  to  showcase  the  2016  Prius  alongside   the  other  Toyota  vehicles  that  are  featured  in  the  show   • Run  an  “unstoppable  green  machine”  interactive  social  media  campaign  that   is  delivered  via  the  UVideos  second  screen  and  social  media  platforms   • Submit  press  releases  and  kits  about  the  2016  Prius  that  are  tailored   specifically  to  Hispanic  news  sources  and  traditional  news  sources  that  share   the  features  of  car   • Use  Sofia  Vegara  for  a  media  tour  where  she  presents  information  about  the   Prius  and  engages  with  Hispanic  consumers  to  accomplish  “beyond  possible”   challenges  with  the  help  of  the  “ultimate  green  machine,”  the  Prius   • Run  an  “ultimate  green  machine”  branded  advertising  on  mobile  apps  and   mobile  sites  that  are  popular  among  Hispanic  consumers   • Share  “ultimate  green  machine”  challenge  videos  on  Toyota  and  Prius  social   media  accounts  

Landau  9   • •

Create  infographics  in  both  English  and  Spanish  that  explain  the  positive   impacts  of  hybrid  vehicles     Host  quarterly  “Verde  Day”  events  where  all  local  consumers  are  invited  to   festive  gatherings  at  Toyota  dealerships.   o Present  information  about  the  Prius  in  both  English  and  Spanish  to   attendees   o Share  “Verde”  (green)  benefits  of  the  Prius  in  terms  of  the   environment  and  the  consumer’s  wallet   o Promote  the  hashtag  #verdeday  on  Twitter,  Instagram  and  Facebook   to  generate  buzz  about  the  event  and  the  car   Implement  an  internal  communication  plan  to  better  spread  tips  on  selling   the  Prius  to  Hispanic  consumers  including  a  monthly  spotlight  on  a   successful  dealership  owner  in  an  internal  newsletter,  weekly  email  blasts   with  tips,  free  online  English  and  Spanish  lessons  for  employees,  and  more   Host  quarterly  workshops  that  teach  Toyota  dealership  owners  and   employees  strategies  on  how  to  better  equip  themselves  to  sell  the  Prius  to   Hispanic  consumers,  including  lowering  cultural  barriers,  language  barriers,   and  more  




Landau  10   Evaluation   • Outputs   o How  many  traditional,  mainstream  news  sources  ran  stories  about  the   2016  Prius?  How  many  impressions  from  these  sources?   o How  many  Hispanic-­‐focused  news  sources  ran  stories  about  the   Prius?  How  many  impressions  from  these  sources?   o How  many  hits  did  the  “Ultimate  Green  Machine”  website  receive?   How  long  did  users  spend  on  the  site?   o How  many  times  was  the  hashtag  #VerdeDay  used  on  social  media,   and  on  what  sites?   o How  many  consumers  attended  each  Verde  Day  event?   o How  many  employees  and  dealership  owners  attended  training   workshops?   o How  many  press  releases  did  Toyota  release?   o How  many  episodes  of  each  Univision  show  did  the  Prius  appear  in?   How  much  total  airing  time  was  the  Prius  featured  in?  How  many   viewers  saw  the  Prius  during  the  shows?   o How  many  impressions  did  advertisements  on  mobile  apps  and   mobile  sites  receive?   o How  many  corporate  training  workshops  happened?  How  many   dealership  owners  or  employees  attended?   o How  many  dealership  training  workshops  happened?  How  many   employees  attended?   • Outcomes  (Will  conduct  surveys  at  the  end  of  events,  such  as  Verde  Day  and   training  workshops,  and  will  conduct  a  nation-­‐wide  follow  up  survey  at  the   end  of  the  campaign  that  is  similar  to  the  survey  conducted  in  the  research   stage)   o What  percent  of  consumers  express  an  interest  in  the  2017  model?   o What  percent  of  consumers  are  interested  in  buying  a  hybrid  car  in   the  future?   o What  percent  of  overall  Prius  sales  were  from  members  of  the   Hispanic  community  during  the  year  following  the  release  of  the  2016   model?   o What  percent  of  consumers  think  the  Prius  is  the  best,  or  one  of  the   best,  cars  in  terms  of  value,  gas  mileage  and  reliability  in  comparison   to  other  hybrids?   o After  attending  a  Verde  Day  event,  what  percent  of  consumers  buy  the   Prius  on  the  spot?  What  percent  of  consumers  buy  the  Prius  within   one  month?  What  percent  of  consumers  by  the  Prius  within  six   months?   o After  attending  a  training  workshop,  what  percent  of  dealership   owners  and  employees  feel  equipped  to  adequately  help  Hispanic   consumers?      

Landau  11   •

Outtakes   o What  percent  of  consumers  can  identify  at  least  three  reasons  to  buy  a   hybrid  car?   o What  percent  of  consumers  think  the  2016  is  the  best  hybrid  car  on   the  market?   o How  many  celebrities  or  other  public  figures  (other  than  Sofia   Vegara)  endorsed  the  Prius?   Outgrowths   o Did  any  other  organizations  or  companies  offer  to  help  our  campaign   or  partner  with  us?  If  yes,  how  many?   o Did  any  other  minority  groups  express  interest  in  the  Prius  family?  

  Source  List  

Aslani, Ali. "2016 Toyota Prius Reportedly Coming with Great Gas Mileage and Overall Feature Set, More Details." Master Herald. N.p., 23 Oct. 2015. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. Cappell, Lindsay. "Sales to Hispanics Outpacing the Market." Automotive News. N.p., 18 May 2015. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. Cappell, Lindsay. "Sales to Hispanics Outpacing the Market." Automotive News. N.p., 18 May 2015. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. Forbes, Thon. "4th-Gen Prius Rocks In Vegas As Buyers Shift Toward Guzzlers." Media Post, 10 Sept. 2015. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. "From C-Suite to Main Street: Walmart and Paragon Honda Share Local Marketing Tips." Univision. N.p., 14 Jan. 2015. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. Hirsh, Jerry. "Who Buys Teslas? Prius Owners and Drivers of Exotic Cars." Los Angeles Times. N.p., 10 Feb. 2015. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. Kageyama, Yuri. "Toyota Rolls out Fourth-generation Prius Hybrid with Promises of Better Mileage and Ride." U.S.News & World Report, 15 Oct. 2015. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. Kubota, Yoko. "Toyota Maps Out Decline of Conventionally Fueled Cars." WSJ. N.p., 14 Oct. 2015. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. Mahoney, John. "LEAKED: Toyota Prius to Get Sporty.", 29 Sept. 2015. Web. 9 Nov. 2015.

Landau  12  

Mays, Kelsey. "Consumer Reports Reliability Study: Toyota Thrives, Fiat Fails." N.p., 21 Oct. 2015. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. "Mobile Is the Gateway to Auto Information for Hispanics." Univision. N.p., 06 Mar. 2015. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. "New Research by The NPD Group and Univision Examines the Shopping Behaviors of U.S. Hispanics." NPD Group. N.p., 10 Aug. 2015. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. "Toyota to Be Integrated into Televisa Telenovela "Lo Que La Vida Me Robo"" Toyota to Be Integrated into Televisa Telenovela "Lo Que La Vida Me Robo" N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. "Toyota Tundra Hispanic Sales Growth Driven by Transmedia Sponsorship." Univision. N.p., 20 May 2014. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. Trefis Team. "Japanese Auto Makers Post Surprising Sales Gains in September." Trefis. N.p., 19 Oct. 2015. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. Trudell, Craig. "Toyota Fends Off VW to Stay Biggest Carmaker a Third Year." Bloomberg. N.p., 20 Jan. 2015. Web. 9 Nov. 2015. Trudell, Craig. "Volkswagen Loses Global Sales Lead to Toyota Amid Diesel Scandal." Bloomberg. N.p., 26 Oct. 2015. Web. 9 Nov. 2015.  

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