Campaign (9e) - War Zone Nachmund 1 - Vigilus Alone

July 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Campaign (9e) - War Zone Nachmund 1 - Vigilus Alone...



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Vigus s  wod on e ik of descion Firs cked y bes xenos ordes rom ith d thot, ts pred pr ed hvesprls en rembed rem bed eore eore te ntmris sss o Cos worspers Wa ontnes o ge e  e pne, br eo e cg o teir wning ith, ith, m1y pryng pry ng o svion s te wrp storms o e Gre R i eve ose o doom. Is eoe d ever nerer

Vgilus a is eigbourng sysems with he Nacmnd Ssecor e e as sads of Impeia esisae esisa e a

artey ey o ancs  s also a eposed art s beaig eat Ipeia ommanders planetary govenors keenmine

Gautet sradg Imperal forces o eile side and rng em_nt� a wa o eake  ta ta ey a ll aod aod here

e orter end o the val Nacmund Gate This uge coror o space s oe of e  e few nown hanels hanels that conecs conec s e wo aves of of te gal ow ivided by e carx Maedicum - e Grea Ri. No oe knows fo erai ow is seemngly stale egion came aout ogh thee ae a e wspers wspers of towerng,ac towerng, ac oeisks at pulse w arae power bied bie d deep nde Vgilus' srace sr ace Wile te sog so g violet soms have ent ei and swalowed eie secos a ousads of wods i tei seeng embrace, e Nacmud av igale Ye i s o Gaue emas avigale saay o e Ipeium, I peium, i s a last espeate espe ate leie leie  ei bes meas o beaig houg the Geat i from e mpeim ancs and senng ai o the nigtmars and emate egion o te

sraegos a even the ig ods of ea e a temseves udersad the mmesee stategic impoance mmes impoa nce of odig e Gaue It 1ust be eld ot oly for e sake o Man's fe f e aoss the g a, ut a  so s  o·to poect Holy Holy erra itse itse  Yet a eeer ielet sll - ae other pans a ar moe ancie - as other fo the Nachm Gaunte ad Vgis is oly the latest step  a ogcraed sceme o coqes Abaddo he Despole Wama Wamaser ser and od of he Ba Lego of Heetic Astaes rst vaded Vgius i e wake of Ok ores or es an Geesteae Clts Cl ts risngs Te waod ueashed a devasaing apocaypse agaist e plae pla e  s sw conest was ave aveed ed by e Imperium lroug the sacce o a grea eo ad a blow o Abaddos pide

ae some wo eve ev e tnk e seeks to desand by wha meas mea s  ee Gautlet s eld open a l. Whe s miion streces o Abadon as sse edics o oner Vgilus i s name Tog s nitia vasion was eed le planets efeces wee sorey wekened. Xeos raiders sil page Vigis May ompanes of pace Maines ave le o reepoy to oe wa zones A e same tme may surroundng systems ave ee overwelmed ad Vigils as ecome a haven for survng foes Asa Militaum Kigt househols househols oAsa o a e  e Adepus Mehius Mehius Te Wadens of e Gauntle Gauntle stl maitain maita in a defensive pesee aon Vglus Vglus ad wil o see  os wot a g Daness n despai despai crowd aoud e gutteig beaon of ope tat Vigls

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mpem Nil Nilus. us. Now, the Wamaster's pans have efocsed o n s we srategy. Aaddo seeks o ontro the etire Namu

owever his ielne - strechig om e reaive sany of e mperiu1 

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once embodied cilng ie es sensig the ed of a dyig dyi g beast. f Vigils • fals, he last opes of ose wihi e .,i1� Imperm Nls ould e sned o '



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Iperial estimate of he Ge Rif' dange, cued by ial enc d pal once ae  stan x.

Alpham (Rea/pae) Beta (Tempal Orhdxy ah II aitc Flx Augu} De (Abeatn {Clas 4 II Patenoval mag Gammafex Wap Canne Ruptue II Emanatu anetatn r6d Da6 Erem II Empy Anmaly Cnmed} Ultma (Maletm a;r -


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sips dona in u of is, or y wealy patrons sekng o absolve a    was anoine ftim of sn t  w Ecclsarcal dspnsation as  Crsad of Minas Consecraton Eni spaeads of Castigaor ae tanks n oly Exorcis mssi carrirs carrir s n  vscal livy of e Oer w care to wa in te sps longside longside a ass of ancin aagon warsis ancin warsis  ac riuly

psycicay snsiv tird y psycicay yss bursng in tei as A concssiv ow wav of mpyric nrgy sca te sips dsoying sval n an insan. Te venerable Masclass batlecruse Hal ofSol of Sol snapped along is mislong spine as  sips Gr lds ovloadd. A followng warp cunt swp e srviving vsses aong w it, as r Navigaos scramd a e ea cris

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mananed n is own sacrd srie T Sisrs of t Csad oned i dady sils ng ng  ulen passag passag  n wosipful coma simulaons punsing riuas of nrance and spilc spil c payr sssions Barly a housand of e Sses forcs rmaine bein to gard ir sancuay  many ims tat nmbr w amongs  Crsae of Mnas Consc Conscraion raion d by tei errifyingly aggressv Conss Pcpor Pcp or Corinn ena. '

Canoness tnar's ndreds of passona wariors fomd  sly ar of h Csa,    r ry sl in te ps psss of comba ws supplemene y a conclav of oing  oing kiers sperdd by asor G K Arco agellants penien engnes Empo worspping mrd culiss an gang gs from s om wold of Acadis - wom  ad  ad cariably ennoble as is Fratr Fratrss Miiia - wer consgnd o i own cai s i s ti frvour lad o confrontaons w Hrenas Siss Yolas xisd far cos to e dangros lminal zones a  Ganls dg w as far as frqeny frqen y unrelab astonavigaon cod ascrtn  rioous somsTe soms of e Gas i and cun Crsae eesw ad ma goo pogss as y nared t pon a a  wc  sps wou tansae ino reaspace reaspac e a e edge of t systm. Tis unlookedfor priod of rlaive saf safyy  on wc t Sistrs neivo neivocay cay aribte to hi fai - was ct rually sort as nal ppaaons fo anslaion wr mad. T warp eavd ad spasme; te Grea Ri swd and is stoms pane to swalow    Yolars Sysm Sysm wol. 

of Yoaris' blions of souls cou e a on te ts Yoaris - if is plans ad no bn pysica pysicaly ly ton apar apar-- ad bn caimd y t warp.

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' '

or mons,  Cusade's remanng sips oild n  umlos swel swelss and ows of e Grea Rs fings, ging coids of  ioen swel ha ad ovan Yolas. Mo tan f  f of e sps a suved suv ed he nial srg, t mor were swp away by rogue crrns as  mss ays wo wo on oing co e sen of e psyic psyic acon


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of ngy te Asronomcan; formless swls an mavoln, panasmal cs srrondd  srnn ee. Evenay, ei ause avgaors rpor a fain t sady sad y ilumnaon Wi no o pon of frnc frnc and iacion, on, despising er Crsaes ndoln iaci rnar ba  sipmasrs make fo  bacon

  

meged from Wn t t naly meged  warp  ncin sps batered n venn fewer ve fewer in i n number number asromcancs an sellar  srs poclaimed y wr on  fngs of  Vgis Sysem Caonss Hna wasd no tim n orering  forcs  bsigd plan Seoknw of is og mportance a  lad a bn dene eeic oo a Yola Yolaris ris se vow o qnc is is trs trs  on igs Te Cnonss ecpor was isgust by wat s found on  suc no only t presnc of vie traiors to t GoEmperor an aominale xnos xnos monsrosies, monsros ies, u e anarcy and confusion in  wak of Clgas dpatr. rena conaced e emnans of  ooy

Tr of  ls avgatos avgatos - iI1c iI1cldin ldingg at of e agsip  wr lld y wat tey saw in t wap's epts ei





Rose eeories alead ghng on Vg:s earnng o heirag hei ragcc osses an wndling numers. She took he remans o he Cusade of Mnas Consecraon o e srface srfa ce e wo wo nconng aal a al ss astg a oue toug he orbting Caos and Ork ships and lande hem ear te souen end of Hye Hyea a Hive Hivesrawl srawl.. Hee Hee,, Hrena asorbed e remanng oo Rose fores an e te combined com bined am o several housand sols n couneataks o e fon le rvn rvngg Chaos Space Spa ce



" •

deendes The foce te Heeti deendes Heet i Asartes no a ghti ghtigg wihrawa _usng tem sreet b see to he soue sou e ran wa and coing o eako ea ko attems att ems a eve un. un. Fnal Fnal he Chaos Sace Marnes ed escapng no e Wases b basng hge holes  e foie wals of te t e hvesrawl. TH E BREAKER THE OF CROWNS Caoness Hres bloodCrsa Crsade de was amongs e rst of man Imeral fores



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anges o e Gaue Ga ue one one reached rea ched he sen1 unscahe. Some like te Vageshzza 87h Arm Gro so have arrved over wo eas revous wee mos w mo s were regees an an  am remnans eeng e  eng egho eghouring uring ssems, cag  he srouding war sorms e someow avng ound ound te wa to Vglus. ome of tei ews whseed ales aong ners vox neworks of of tei Navgaos Navg aos sensng a pale eaon in e mds o maness ust as e Crusae ad

Manes fuher ad a d rhe rhe souh souh Her

arrvng at Vglus i he mos aer e

One of ose arriving a Vgi us, oweve

massoned seeces a fuous bae anger ilamed ilam ed he he earts eart s of Hyeria's

Vengf Ven gfll Spirit Spi rit vnse vnse og og few ad been as rutalse as te Crusade b e

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nsee  o Vigilus enely nsee Vigilus oweve oweve Te oveiquive ehe e ooishly bave Roge aer  ee wee mnor teas he had saely eimae  he pas  wio  malevole quay owg aou . Leadng  amy of his seeted odme odm e io io a empeuous empeuo us wa zone z one w mlipe baig aio aio wa a dere matte. Caravol aval

e nqusios ee empyi senses questg ot tog hs ewor of psyally aed sevats a eie orge temple o y as ey sprea ro orge spe ay aght e ai e was lookig or Amongs e lou lous s o warp war p eegy sara s arag g he plet plet daw hee y he web ooh Cow e deeed a e. At te souer en o Megaoreal ea rpo e ou

oe n age o he Asa Mlaum ata! Revealig hs deny o he frgeed frge ed ma Caravo Caravolnu lnu ordee m o omm is is enire oe i a al ou ps agas oe eemy ak. A te Asra Mlau M laum m ores ores groud poerously o aion, he Iqusor ad is most atle-ardened veterans oowed i a seo wave

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. 


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in Megaboeas fomented dsrus a uease rom he very begig. he Sygian Sygia n ehPiess ehPie ss ojere e

sruues. es. I was sil one of the oronal sruu soued y iss  e erve of he Wo eaers former laore

Mos o he Guardsme ed wn Moso mnues fele y y volley o o  ralng weapo re or wh oa u y ual

here eier heiro bakstoe was or em  o haulfoem  em for orreor and eeo eeo for e se ey ey ha pu  t o. We he Iqio Iqio eqese eqes e arogammai aa aa o te plae p lae he Omnssian adeps wavere a elaye srinsing evey srap of ormaio eore ey pase i o e omehg beay hem W hs heavy ow iig is ae, Caavols  a ie gue a e moved rom  o isi searg or ue o oih Crow. Cro w. Asra loate he st oih Miam ns from owor o wor an eve e plae pla e ow Vga Vga  ua eame spios of each ote woerig  e qor ha had d ome fo oe o hem

a sefs eh-rie who a as her o her oe i wit he Cao Gos  exhage o alse promies o freeom n powe ey wee eroiouy eing e ae1pts o an mpeial Guar eame to bo tem n ad u em ow suge o mtas ad othng na na aakg e mpeal  mpeal lie a severa po. Caravolnus ordee e ak Caravolnus oolass o lanig positos were ey ue eored eored Cimera taspor to rash throug wal weaee by mos o w Hs pers ook up poo poo   ed eyre, teir Inqitora Inqitor a tan ta ng g alo:g hem hem o

aggers. agg ers. u eir how of foe a�  a smar espose roma trggered lts te aor' el eluge uge o repowe ep owe a sau reveag whee e egt of numes ha ha  een een ide No No  Catavou' lanig reerve  io e egh egh Cmeras C meras rasg hrogh asly eee efene lies ad uneang trem o heay heay are and expl explov ovee o o  Caravolus Caravolus ore roug he enemys oe as ey reased reas ed e rap may eeued a hey u  u ned ned · o un A e Ba Ioolas ue own tose ew oo sae or teried to yie he Iqtor soe io i o he plaa te iss a ruse om ere  e ael oilh Cown stoo mpoent

a weghig weghig up wheher  mig o b e sae o hrow some geen geen on onrp rp beore im le a aal oerg.

pik o oe marke y muao ad ue sgl sgl as he rao' ampos e Isor onoed e atled

o op e Iuior Iuior a he opened a sk-boud ome o iaboli oe a ega nanng e Rite o Ung

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