Campaign (9e) - War Zone Nachmund 1 - Vigilus Alone
July 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Campaign (9e) - War Zone Nachmund 1 - Vigilus Alone...
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Vigus s wod on e ik of descion Firs cked y bes xenos ordes rom ith d thot, ts pred pr ed hvesprls en rembed rem bed eore eore te ntmris sss o Cos worspers Wa ontnes o ge e e pne, br eo e cg o teir wning ith, ith, m1y pryng pry ng o svion s te wrp storms o e Gre R i eve ose o doom. Is eoe d ever nerer
Vgilus a is eigbourng sysems with he Nacmnd Ssecor e e as sads of Impeia esisae esisa e a
artey ey o ancs s also a eposed art s beaig eat Ipeia ommanders planetary govenors keenmine
Gautet sradg Imperal forces o eile side and rng em_nt� a wa o eake ta ta ey a ll aod aod here
e orter end o the val Nacmund Gate This uge coror o space s oe of e e few nown hanels hanels that conecs conec s e wo aves of of te gal ow ivided by e carx Maedicum - e Grea Ri. No oe knows fo erai ow is seemngly stale egion came aout ogh thee ae a e wspers wspers of towerng,ac towerng, ac oeisks at pulse w arae power bied bie d deep nde Vgilus' srace sr ace Wile te sog so g violet soms have ent ei and swalowed eie secos a ousads of wods i tei seeng embrace, e Nacmud av igale Ye i s o Gaue emas avigale saay o e Ipeium, I peium, i s a last espeate espe ate leie leie ei bes meas o beaig houg the Geat i from e mpeim ancs and senng ai o the nigtmars and emate egion o te
sraegos a even the ig ods of ea e a temseves udersad the mmesee stategic impoance mmes impoa nce of odig e Gaue It 1ust be eld ot oly for e sake o Man's fe f e aoss the g a, ut a so s o·to poect Holy Holy erra itse itse Yet a eeer ielet sll - ae other pans a ar moe ancie - as other fo the Nachm Gaunte ad Vgis is oly the latest step a ogcraed sceme o coqes Abaddo he Despole Wama Wamaser ser and od of he Ba Lego of Heetic Astaes rst vaded Vgius i e wake of Ok ores or es an Geesteae Clts Cl ts risngs Te waod ueashed a devasaing apocaypse agaist e plae pla e s sw conest was ave aveed ed by e Imperium lroug the sacce o a grea eo ad a blow o Abaddos pide
ae some wo eve ev e tnk e seeks to desand by wha meas mea s ee Gautlet s eld open a l. Whe s miion streces o Abadon as sse edics o oner Vgilus i s name Tog s nitia vasion was eed le planets efeces wee sorey wekened. Xeos raiders sil page Vigis May ompanes of pace Maines ave le o reepoy to oe wa zones A e same tme may surroundng systems ave ee overwelmed ad Vigils as ecome a haven for survng foes Asa Militaum Kigt househols househols oAsa o a e e Adepus Mehius Mehius Te Wadens of e Gauntle Gauntle stl maitain maita in a defensive pesee aon Vglus Vglus ad wil o see os wot a g Daness n despai despai crowd aoud e gutteig beaon of ope tat Vigls
mpem Nil Nilus. us. Now, the Wamaster's pans have efocsed o n s we srategy. Aaddo seeks o ontro the etire Namu
owever his ielne - strechig om e reaive sany of e mperiu1
once embodied cilng ie es sensig the ed of a dyig dyi g beast. f Vigils • fals, he last opes of ose wihi e .,i1� Imperm Nls ould e sned o '
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Iperial estimate of he Ge Rif' dange, cued by ial enc d pal once ae stan x.
Alpham (Rea/pae) Beta (Tempal Orhdxy ah II aitc Flx Augu} De (Abeatn {Clas 4 II Patenoval mag Gammafex Wap Canne Ruptue II Emanatu anetatn r6d Da6 Erem II Empy Anmaly Cnmed} Ultma (Maletm a;r -
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sips dona in u of is, or y wealy patrons sekng o absolve a was anoine ftim of sn t w Ecclsarcal dspnsation as Crsad of Minas Consecraton Eni spaeads of Castigaor ae tanks n oly Exorcis mssi carrirs carrir s n vscal livy of e Oer w care to wa in te sps longside longside a ass of ancin aagon warsis ancin warsis ac riuly
psycicay snsiv tird y psycicay yss bursng in tei as A concssiv ow wav of mpyric nrgy sca te sips dsoying sval n an insan. Te venerable Masclass batlecruse Hal ofSol of Sol snapped along is mislong spine as sips Gr lds ovloadd. A followng warp cunt swp e srviving vsses aong w it, as r Navigaos scramd a e ea cris
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mananed n is own sacrd srie T Sisrs of t Csad oned i dady sils ng ng ulen passag passag n wosipful coma simulaons punsing riuas of nrance and spilc spil c payr sssions Barly a housand of e Sses forcs rmaine bein to gard ir sancuay many ims tat nmbr w amongs Crsae of Mnas Consc Conscraion raion d by tei errifyingly aggressv Conss Pcpor Pcp or Corinn ena. '
Canoness tnar's ndreds of passona wariors fomd sly ar of h Csa, r ry sl in te ps psss of comba ws supplemene y a conclav of oing oing kiers sperdd by asor G K Arco agellants penien engnes Empo worspping mrd culiss an gang gs from s om wold of Acadis - wom ad ad cariably ennoble as is Fratr Fratrss Miiia - wer consgnd o i own cai s i s ti frvour lad o confrontaons w Hrenas Siss Yolas xisd far cos to e dangros lminal zones a Ganls dg w as far as frqeny frqen y unrelab astonavigaon cod ascrtn rioous somsTe soms of e Gas i and cun Crsae eesw ad ma goo pogss as y nared t pon a a wc sps wou tansae ino reaspace reaspac e a e edge of t systm. Tis unlookedfor priod of rlaive saf safyy on wc t Sistrs neivo neivocay cay aribte to hi fai - was ct rually sort as nal ppaaons fo anslaion wr mad. T warp eavd ad spasme; te Grea Ri swd and is stoms pane to swalow Yolars Sysm Sysm wol.
of Yoaris' blions of souls cou e a on te ts Yoaris - if is plans ad no bn pysica pysicaly ly ton apar apar-- ad bn caimd y t warp.
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or mons, Cusade's remanng sips oild n umlos swel swelss and ows of e Grea Rs fings, ging coids of ioen swel ha ad ovan Yolas. Mo tan f f of e sps a suved suv ed he nial srg, t mor were swp away by rogue crrns as mss ays wo wo on oing co e sen of e psyic psyic acon
of ngy te Asronomcan; formless swls an mavoln, panasmal cs srrondd srnn ee. Evenay, ei ause avgaors rpor a fain t sady sad y ilumnaon Wi no o pon of frnc frnc and iacion, on, despising er Crsaes ndoln iaci rnar ba sipmasrs make fo bacon
meged from Wn t t naly meged warp ncin sps batered n venn fewer ve fewer in i n number number asromcancs an sellar srs poclaimed y wr on fngs of Vgis Sysem Caonss Hna wasd no tim n orering forcs bsigd plan Seoknw of is og mportance a lad a bn dene eeic oo a Yola Yolaris ris se vow o qnc is is trs trs on igs Te Cnonss ecpor was isgust by wat s found on suc no only t presnc of vie traiors to t GoEmperor an aominale xnos xnos monsrosies, monsros ies, u e anarcy and confusion in wak of Clgas dpatr. rena conaced e emnans of ooy
Tr of ls avgatos avgatos - iI1c iI1cldin ldingg at of e agsip wr lld y wat tey saw in t wap's epts ei
Rose eeories alead ghng on Vg:s earnng o heirag hei ragcc osses an wndling numers. She took he remans o he Cusade of Mnas Consecraon o e srface srfa ce e wo wo nconng aal a al ss astg a oue toug he orbting Caos and Ork ships and lande hem ear te souen end of Hye Hyea a Hive Hivesrawl srawl.. Hee Hee,, Hrena asorbed e remanng oo Rose fores an e te combined com bined am o several housand sols n couneataks o e fon le rvn rvngg Chaos Space Spa ce
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deendes The foce te Heeti deendes Heet i Asartes no a ghti ghtigg wihrawa _usng tem sreet b see to he soue sou e ran wa and coing o eako ea ko attems att ems a eve un. un. Fnal Fnal he Chaos Sace Marnes ed escapng no e Wases b basng hge holes e foie wals of te t e hvesrawl. TH E BREAKER THE OF CROWNS Caoness Hres bloodCrsa Crsade de was amongs e rst of man Imeral fores
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anges o e Gaue Ga ue one one reached rea ched he sen1 unscahe. Some like te Vageshzza 87h Arm Gro so have arrved over wo eas revous wee mos w mo s were regees an an am remnans eeng e eng egho eghouring uring ssems, cag he srouding war sorms e someow avng ound ound te wa to Vglus. ome of tei ews whseed ales aong ners vox neworks of of tei Navgaos Navg aos sensng a pale eaon in e mds o maness ust as e Crusae ad
Manes fuher ad a d rhe rhe souh souh Her
arrvng at Vglus i he mos aer e
One of ose arriving a Vgi us, oweve
massoned seeces a fuous bae anger ilamed ilam ed he he earts eart s of Hyeria's
Vengf Ven gfll Spirit Spi rit vnse vnse og og few ad been as rutalse as te Crusade b e
ha soug soug te ssem ot o t uroseull uroseull Erasmus Car�avonus was an Inquso o he Oo Malles. Malles. Te learned lear ned aemon huterr ad gahered hute ga hered knowledge o he foul Nociit Crowns eeced across Viglus b meas of hs menagee of psc entents and on wces. Te enslave seers sed ot e Crowns a fom beo te souhern en o e Nacmud Ganle pedg hei owers a oe er ive ivess feel Caavonus eleved e ad a d dsovee te wifused strucures' el uose an foeseen e supve eects eects uon e Nacmu Gauntlet. He ie iee e o emlo hs eie orces an all his acumuaedd fobidden acumuae fobidden ore ore to ear he h e Noct Crowns down and sever he wars hol on e world. At e Inistos commd were he Black Iooclass, an eie foce foce of warors uners an dead-ee shots Te were raw raw rom rom a nmber o locaios te ses exsee as ecug grons fo Caavolus nown to emesus who ran hem. Mlarm emesus tranng us; uregstee penl colonies isoaed Aeus Mechicus cesugcal c esugcal ouos a a Dearmeno Dear meno Muntoum eecuon fors these wee js some of he unnown nd someimes unkowng caches of slled secmens avale oscrtse he seceive Regarl scrtse sicall Inusior sicall and spriualfor spriual for n ace of corruon ad equped o a degree onl an Inuisior of e Hol Odos could aor, e were Caravonu male male s wth whch e could eac ou an cush e daemo swl and seetl Tere was lle hane o te Inu Inuiso isorr beng able o conduc condu c is o oen ensiv sivee
nsee o Vigilus enely nsee Vigilus oweve oweve Te oveiquive ehe e ooishly bave Roge aer ee wee mnor teas he had saely eimae he pas wio malevole quay owg aou . Leadng amy of his seeted odme odm e io io a empeuous empeuo us wa zone z one w mlipe baig aio aio wa a dere matte. Caravol aval
e nqusios ee empyi senses questg ot tog hs ewor of psyally aed sevats a eie orge temple o y as ey sprea ro orge spe ay aght e ai e was lookig or Amongs e lou lous s o warp war p eegy sara s arag g he plet plet daw hee y he web ooh Cow e deeed a e. At te souer en o Megaoreal ea rpo e ou
oe n age o he Asa Mlaum ata! Revealig hs deny o he frgeed frge ed ma Caravo Caravolnu lnu ordee m o omm is is enire oe i a al ou ps agas oe eemy ak. A te Asra Mlau M laum m ores ores groud poerously o aion, he Iqusor ad is most atle-ardened veterans oowed i a seo wave
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in Megaboeas fomented dsrus a uease rom he very begig. he Sygian Sygia n ehPiess ehPie ss ojere e
sruues. es. I was sil one of the oronal sruu soued y iss e erve of he Wo eaers former laore
Mos o he Guardsme ed wn Moso mnues fele y y volley o o ralng weapo re or wh oa u y ual
here eier heiro bakstoe was or em o haulfoem em for orreor and eeo eeo for e se ey ey ha pu t o. We he Iqio Iqio eqese eqes e arogammai aa aa o te plae p lae he Omnssian adeps wavere a elaye srinsing evey srap of ormaio eore ey pase i o e omehg beay hem W hs heavy ow iig is ae, Caavols a ie gue a e moved rom o isi searg or ue o oih Crow. Cro w. Asra loate he st oih Miam ns from owor o wor an eve e plae pla e ow Vga Vga ua eame spios of each ote woerig e qor ha had d ome fo oe o hem
a sefs eh-rie who a as her o her oe i wit he Cao Gos exhage o alse promies o freeom n powe ey wee eroiouy eing e ae1pts o an mpeial Guar eame to bo tem n ad u em ow suge o mtas ad othng na na aakg e mpeal mpeal lie a severa po. Caravolnus ordee e ak Caravolnus oolass o lanig positos were ey ue eored eored Cimera taspor to rash throug wal weaee by mos o w Hs pers ook up poo poo ed eyre, teir Inqitora Inqitor a tan ta ng g alo:g hem hem o
aggers. agg ers. u eir how of foe a� a smar espose roma trggered lts te aor' el eluge uge o repowe ep owe a sau reveag whee e egt of numes ha ha een een ide No No Catavou' lanig reerve io e egh egh Cmeras C meras rasg hrogh asly eee efene lies ad uneang trem o heay heay are and expl explov ovee o o Caravolus Caravolus ore roug he enemys oe as ey reased reas ed e rap may eeued a hey u u ned ned · o un A e Ba Ioolas ue own tose ew oo sae or teried to yie he Iqtor soe io i o he plaa te iss a ruse om ere e ael oilh Cown stoo mpoent
a weghig weghig up wheher mig o b e sae o hrow some geen geen on onrp rp beore im le a aal oerg.
pik o oe marke y muao ad ue sgl sgl as he rao' ampos e Isor onoed e atled
o op e Iuior Iuior a he opened a sk-boud ome o iaboli oe a ega nanng e Rite o Ung
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ES CA P I N G TH THE RIFT R IFT Toug a surge ath in te Viglus Sysem ad elped o renew ts deenders sprs, negbouring systems n e orlds er eree o oerwelmed erwelmed by Aaddon' Aaddon's armes or consume con sumed d by conulsons conuls ons Namud Sub-sector Sub-se ctor aredfar ared far worse. Countless worlds pus ed agans e imis ote o te Namund Gaunte On man e Grea R's man words suc su c as R's warp sorms s orms as ty pused � Organafor, a desperae race for evacuaon overrode strateges of dggg n n and holdng out nily glnfo mss s lirum depoymes hd commeced jus in ime They fed o om om mlple lng zones zones o coer plney upsings fom coue�s cls of ·os wo wo shipp shippes, pocypiciss dmsdy eveles n oming ggs of ciminls oeece mi. ed by he C 203 Regme ed e Gene D'os h e mper Gd G ds s foces foce s ncude ncude demiregmes demiregmes specilsed compnies nd uxili om ordin Kieg, Kieg, Sos nd Keruv Te pln plnes es sgle, e1npere conen d oce oc e bee se of olig gssn d ee ee de bsins rsing o pe of seppes in he ero eed ciy ses mouds comp comp re! tomee e eme hive ces ly conece by eocee nsys e plets cpil of Geondis ly on ·e efeded pomonoy he lnmss' wesen exreme, suoued by
moued shuttle pos nd vs lnding sies Beyo he he conines conines coslies ocens of feric sls wee so oxc nd coosive hey coed he used bech heds wih desiccg cyse deposis Aigv Ai gv engies see emi em i feedbck fom he rcing curres geneed by he sdgelk sdgelkee ses. Tose shules shules d lighers lighers h dche in he we wee coode in mer of mies whle nyng livg shiveled i gony upon coc wih he iquid hs n n defece enbled mny lge slnds suounghe suoung he conen o suvive n isolon. TH UNITY OF HAE
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