Cambridge Legal Studies Preliminary

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Cambridge Legal Studies Preliminary textbook for year 11 and 12 students (HSC). Good luck!...





Paul Milgate Kate Dally Phil Webster Daryl Le Cornu Tim Kelly

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Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi Cambridge University Press 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia Information on this title: © Paul Milgate, Kate Dally, Phil Webster, Daryl Le Cornu, Tim Kelly 2010 First published 2006 Second edition 2010 Edited by L. Elaine Miller, Otmar Miller Consultancy Pty Ltd Designed and typeset by Mason Design Printed in China by Printplus National Library of Australia Cataloguing in Publication data Milgate, Paul. Cambridge preliminary legal studies / Paul Milgate … [et al.]. 2nd ed. 9780521134699 (pbk.) Includes index. Bibliography. For secondary school age. Law—Australia—Textbooks. Law—Examination—Study guides. Higher School Certificate Examination (N.S.W.)—Study guides. Milgate, Paul Dally, Kate. Webster, Phil. Le Cornu, Daryl. Kelly, Tim. 349.94 ISBN 978-0-521-13469-9 paperback Reproduction and Communication for educational purposes The Australian Copyright Act 1968 (the Act) allows a maximum of one chapter or 10% of the pages of this publication, whichever is the greater, to be reproduced and/or communicated by any educational institution for its educational purposes provided that the educational institution (or the body that administers it) has given a remuneration notice to Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) under the Act. For details of the CAL licence for educational institutions contact: Copyright Agency Limited Level 15, 233 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone: (02) 9394 7600 Facsimile: (02) 9394 7601 Email: [email protected] Reproduction and Communication for other purposes Except as permitted under the Act (for example a fair dealing for the purposes of study, research, criticism or review) no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission. All inquiries should be made to the publisher at the address above. Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work are correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. Student CD-ROM licence Please see the file ‘licence.txt’ on the Student CD-ROM that is packed with this book. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are respectfully advised that photographs of deceased people appear in this book and may cause distress.

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About the authors






Using Cambridge Legal Studies – Preliminary


Glossary of key words


Part I: The legal system




The meaning of law


Customs, rules and law


Values and ethics


Characteristics of just laws


The nature of justice


Procedural fairness and the principles of natural justice


The rule of law


Anarchy and tyranny


Chapter review




Australia’s legal heritage


Common law


Court hierarchy: Jurisdiction of state and federal courts


Statute law


The Constitution


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ customary laws


International law


International organisations


Relevance of international law to Australian law


Chapter review




Public law and private law


Criminal and civil court procedures


The legal profession


Common and civil law systems


Chapter review



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What is law reform?


Conditions that give rise to law reform


Agencies of reform


Mechanisms of law reform


Chapter review




Topic 1: Law reform and native title


Conditions that lead to law reform on native title


Operation of the legal system in relation to native title


Effectiveness of law reform in relation to native title


Topic 2: Law reform and sport


Conditions that lead to law reform in sport


Agencies of law reform in sport


Mechanisms of law reform in sport


Effectiveness of law reform in the sporting world


Topic 3: Law reform and sexual assault


Conditions that lead to law reform relating to sexual assault


Agencies of law reform relating to sexual assault


Mechanisms of law reform relating to sexual assault


Effectiveness of law reform relating to sexual assault


Chapter review


Part II: The individual and the law




What are rights and responsibilities?


The nature of individual rights


Individuals’ rights and responsibilities in relation to the state


International protection of rights


Chapter review






Law enforcement agencies


Disputes between individuals


Disputes with the state


Chapter review




The scope of new technology


Legal issues in cyberspace


Privacy, safety and censorship


Rights in cyberspace


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Current status and sources of law in cyberspace


Future directions




Chapter review








Children, young people and the law


Mechanisms for protecting the rights of children and young people


Responsiveness of the law




Chapter review






Women and the law


Mechanisms for achieving justice for women


Responsiveness of the legal system to efforts to achieve justice for women




Chapter review








9/11 and global terrorism


Mechanisms for achieving justice after the Bali bombings


Legal responses to terrorism




Chapter review






The Port Arthur massacre


Mechanisms for achieving justice after the Port Arthur massacre


Responsiveness of the legal system to the Port Arthur massacre




Chapter review






A brief history of the Mohamed Haneef case


Mechanisms for achieving justice in the Mohamed Haneef case


C o n tents

Part III: Law in practice


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Responsiveness of the law


The future for Australia


Chapter review




Outlaw motorcycle gangs in Australia


Mechanisms for achieving justice in relation to OMCGs


Responsiveness of the law


Chapter review






File sharing, digital copyright and the law


Mechanisms for achieving justice in relation to digital copyright


Responsiveness of the law


The future of digital copyright in Australia


Chapter review






Mechanisms for achieving justice in drug testing


Responsiveness of the law




Chapter review


Answers to multiple-choice questions






Student CD Contents Additional chapters C H APT ER 17 – GR OU PS O R I NDI VI DU A L S SU FFERI NG DI SA DVA NTA G E : MIGR AN T S

Introduction Migrants and the law Mechanisms for achieving justice for migrants Responsiveness of the legal system to migrants Future directions Chapter review


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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and the law Mechanisms for achieving justice Responsiveness of the law Additional material for Student Book chapters


C o n tents




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About the authors

Paul Milgate

Kate Dally

Daryl Le Cornu

Tim Kelly

Paul Milgate DipTeach BEd is Head of Legal Studies, Business Studies/Commerce and Economics at Xavier Catholic College on the north coast of NSW. He has extensive experience in Legal Studies, having taught it since its inception. He was a foundation member of the North Coast Legal Studies Teachers Association, which conducts student seminar days and provides funding for professional development in collaboration with Southern Cross University Faculty of Law and Justice.

Kate Dally BA DipEd is Head Teacher of Social Sciences at Birrong Girls High School in Sydney. She has extensive experience, having taught Social Sciences for the past 17 years. Her experience also covers HSC marking in both Legal Studies and Business Studies. She has also written for Success One Business Studies for a number of years.

Dr Daryl Le Cornu BA (Hons) DipEd PhD is currently HSIE Head Teacher at Mount Annan High School. He has taught Legal Studies for 16 years and is also very experienced in teaching other senior humanities courses. Daryl completed a doctorate in 2005 on the intellectual origins of multilateral cooperation and collective security in Britain during World War I. He is an experienced HSC marker for Legal Studies and Modern History. Daryl is also the Education Program Officer for the WCAA (World Citizens Association of Australia) and is a member of ACUNS (Academic Council on the United Nations System).

Tim Kelly BA DipEd DipLaw obtained his BA DipEd from the University of New South Wales in 1984 and completed his Diploma in Law from the Legal Practitioners Admissions Board in 1996. He began teaching Legal Studies in 1993 at St Mary’s Maitland. Since 1998, Tim has been the HSIE Coordinator at St Mary’s in Casino. Tim is also a tutor at Southern Cross University in HSIE Curriculum Specialisation and is a current HSC marker for Legal Studies.

Phil Webster Phil Webster BA DipEd MEd MACE is Head Teacher of Social Scence at Mosman High. He has over 20 years’ experience in HSIE as a teacher of Legal Studies, Society and Culture, and Business Studies, with a particular interest in the changing role of law in society. Phil is passionate about issues of human rights, justice and fairness in a rapidly changing world – a world in which the balance of power between the individual and state is constantly brought into question.


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Thanks to my wife, Barbara, my daughter, Ebony, and my son, Zach – a great team! PAUL MILGATE

Thanks to all of my family and friends who put up with me as I wrote my chapters. K ATE DALLY

To the boys at Hells Angels MC – thanks for your assistance with OMCGs. To Katie Wood at Amnesty – huge thanks for your support and research. To Abby, Frankie and Kobe, Daddy is not on the computer tonight! PHIL WEBSTER

I would like to dedicate this book to the ‘Class of 2008’ HSC Legal Studies students at Mount Annan High School. DARYL LE CORNU

To Amanda, Jack and Hannah – thanks, infinity times, always. TIM KELLY

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To the student Congratulations on choosing Cambridge Legal

the world and how you understand the concept of

Studies – Preliminary (Second Edition). This edition

achieving justice through the law.

has been completely updated to meet the require-

Cambridge Legal Studies – Preliminary (Second

ments of the 2009 Stage 6 Legal Studies Syllabus

Edition) is a comprehensive resource that intro-

in New South Wales.

duces you to a dynamic and challenging subject.

Legal Studies was first introduced into the NSW Curriculum in 1989. Since then, thousands of

outside the classroom.

students have finished their secondary schooling

You will discover a wealth of material that

better informed citizens, able to think more

introduces you to the Australian legal system, how

critically about the processes and institutions that

the individual interacts with and is affected by

shape their lives on a daily basis.

the law, and gain insight into how the law works

The rights people enjoy within democratic

in practice in a variety of contexts. You will be

societies have at times been eroded by governments

engaged and stimulated by up-to-date case law

when electorates become apathetic about their

and recent legislative developments. Practically,

freedoms and liberties. Legal Studies will allow

updated research and review activities will assist

you to explore the power vested in our democratic

to build your research skills and make sure that

institutions and wielded by our elected leaders. It

you are ready for your exam.

explores issues that will challenge the way you see


It brings the law to life for you, both inside and

We wish you luck and success.

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Using Cambridge Legal Studies – Preliminary

The Cambridge Legal Studies – Preliminary resource package consists of five components:

s legal research tips and information to help you understand case citations.

1 Student Book

4 Teacher CD-ROM

The Student Book contains all topics in Part I,

The Teacher CD-ROM contains a wide range

Part II (including additional topics under Law

of material to support students and teachers,

Reform in Action), and a range of contemporary

with course, lesson, assessment and homework

high-interest topics in Part III.


2 Student CD

5 Student and teacher website

The Student CD can be found at the back of the

The Cambridge Legal Studies website is a free

Student Book. It contains:

resource that presents additional activities, web-

s an electronic version of the Student Book

links, teaching plans and curriculum documents

s two additional chapters for Part III – Migrants

to support students and teachers.

and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders s additional resources for Chapters 8–12 s all Review activities in electronic format.

3 Study Toolkit The Study Toolkit packaged with the Student Book contains a wide range of material to help you succeed in Legal Studies, including: s exam preparation and study tips s additional multiple-choice, short-answer and extended response questions for each part of the course


This icon lets you know that there is some additional information or activities on the Student CD at the back of the book.

This icon lets you know that you will need to access the internet in order to complete an activity or research task.


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Key features of the Student Book


exclusive powers ex parte external affairs power federation indictable offences inquisitorial system jurisdiction legislative powers mediation natural justice obiter dicta opinio juris original jurisdiction

NSW Ombudsman calls for freeze on Taser guns By Belinda Merhab The Australian, 20 November 2008

C a m br i dge L ega l St udie s – P re lim in a r y

The lega l sy stem

o d d l aw In DPP v Darby [2002] NSWSC 1157, the government prosecutor appealed the decision of a magistrate that the actions of a police sniffer dog named Rocky, who put his nose on the defendant’s trouser pocket, constituted an illegal search. The Supreme Court of New South Wales held that Rocky’s action was not a search, but the search that the police officers did carry out (which found prohibited drugs) was legal because they had formed the opinion necessary for its legality – and that opinion resulted from information conveyed by the actions of Rocky.


Gutnick v Dow Jones & Co. Inc [2001] VSC 305 Commonwealth v Tasmania [1983] HCA 21 South Australia v Commonwealth [1942] HCA 14 Murphyores v The Commonwealth [1976] HCA 20 R v Brislan; Ex parte Williams [1935] HCA 78 Osland v R [1998] HCA 75 Roper v Simmons, 543 US 551 (2005)

precedent ratify ratio decidendi referendum residual powers sanction stare decisis summary offences statute law terra nullius treaty ultra vires

C a m br i dge L ega l St udi es – P re lim in a r y

THE NSW Ombudsman has recommended a two-year freeze on further roll-outs of Taser guns, saying police standards for their use are inadequate, and the health risks are unknown. Bruce Barbour told state parliament yesterday that general-duties police, who were issued the stun guns last month, were using Tasers at a higher rate than special operations police, who began using them in 2002. ‘It is clear the number of incidents where Tasers will be used in the future will increase significantly,’ Mr Barbour said. ‘There is already evidence of this. Tasers have been used on people on five occasions in the first two weeks of general-duties use. This compares with only 48 incidents over a fiveyear period’ by special unit officers.’ The Ombudsman’s investigation found officers from special units had predominantly used Tasers from a distance, but in the first two weeks of use by general-duties officers, in four out of the five incidents the Tasers were used in drive-stun mode, where the gun is applied directly to skin or clothing. The use of Tasers, which stun a victim by emitting a 50 000-volt electric shock, have been linked to heart complications and death. Queensland police last week Tasered a 16-year-old girl who had ignored police instructions to move on, because she was waiting with a sick friend for an ambulance to arrive. In another case, a 56-year-old NSW man who had threatened police with a frying pan died 12 days after receiving three Taser shocks. According to his death certificate, the man, who had heart disease, hepatitis C and schizophrenia, died of a heart attack. Mr Barbour was unable to say whether the Taser played a role in the man’s death. NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said he was only made aware of the man’s death through the Ombudsman’s report on the case.



Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) Australia Act 1986 (Cth) Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 (Cth)

C h a p t e r 2 : S o u rc e s o f c o n t e m p o r a r y A u s t r a l i a n l a w

Mr Scipione said there was a training manual for the use of Tasers, and officers had to get an 80 per cent pass rate in a written exam before they were accredited to use the weapon. Mr Scipione said Tasers had been drawn, but not necessarily used, 70 times since last month’s roll-out of the weapons. He said there had not been related injuries to police or citizens. Every Taser use was recorded by an inbuilt camera and was then downloaded and reviewed by Deputy Police Commissioner Dave Owens, he said. But Mr Barbour said general-duties police were inadequately trained and informed on Tasers and the associated dangers. ‘They do not give adequate guidance about situations where they shouldn’t be used,’ the Ombudsman said. ‘It must be remembered that Tasers are not a non-lethal weapon, they are just a less lethal weapon.’ Mr Barbour recommended a two-year review into Taser use, and said the standards that deemed Tasers safe applied only to healthy people.

Statutory bodies

were sent to gaol as a result of the NSW Royal

R EVI EW 7 . 5

Statutory bodies are authorities created by

Commission). However, it has been argued

1 Explain the process

statute for a public purpose. The following

that the inquiry into Aboriginal deaths in

of internal review of a

statutory bodies can investigate complaints

custody has failed to produce significant

government agency’s

improvements in the conditions leading to

decision. What are the

and disputes of certain types.

these deaths.

potential problems with


internal review?

NSW ( A D B)


The Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW


is part of the NSW Attorney General’s

While the Ombudsman has the power to

Department and was established under

investigate complaints made by the public,

the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW). Its


role is to promote principles and policies

Corruption (ICAC) has greater power. The

of equal opportunity throughout NSW,

ICAC Act 1988 (NSW) created the ICAC as an

to ensure that people are protected from

independent statutory body to investigate

discrimination on the basis of characteristics

alleged corruption in government. ICAC

such as disability, age, race and sex. It

attempts to protect the interests of the pub-

advises the government and also provides

lic, prevent breaches of public trust, and

an inquiry service to inform people about

influence the behaviour of public officials.



2 Explain the function of


their rights and responsibilities under

Some examples of corrupt behaviour

anti-discrimination laws. The Board will

include bribery, fraud and theft. ICAC has

investigate and conciliate complaints when

the power to investigate the activities of pri-

action is necessary. It has the power to

vate citizens if such behaviour affects the

issue fines for behaviour that violates anti-

proper administration of public offices. ICAC has the authority to ask the police

discrimination laws.

service to assist in its investigations, and

Figure 7.13 The use of Taser guns by the police is a controversial issue.

freedom of information legislation. 3 Describe the role administrative and other tribunals play in settling legal disputes. Give an example. 4 Outline the ways in which people’s privacy is protected in NSW. 5 What is judicial review? How does it differ from review of the merits of a decision? 6 Outline the role of an ombudsman. How is an ombudsman limited in solving disputes?


is therefore able to search for and seize

7 Explain the importance of

Commissions of inquiry are set up to

evidence where it sees fit. It does not have

natural justice as the state

investigate serious matters at both state

the power to prosecute offenders (that is the

attempts to enforce laws.

and federal level. They are not judicial

job of the Director of Public Prosecutions).

proceedings, but fact-finding exercises.

At the end of an investigation it can report

Royal Commissions are commissions of

to parliament that corrupt behaviour has

R ES EA R C H 7 . 2

inquiry with particularly strong powers

occurred, who committed it, and what

1 Visit the ADB website:

with respect to calling witnesses. In the

further action should be taken. If a citizen


past, such inquiries have investigated

feels that he or she has been wrongfully

issues such as Aboriginal deaths in custody

accused of corruption, he or she may seek

(Commonwealth, 1987) and corruption in

judicial review in the New South Wales

the NSW police service (NSW, 1995).

Supreme Court.

2 Choose ‘Resources and links’ from the left-hand menu and follow the link to ‘Legal cases from Equal Time’.

Commissions of inquiry do not have the

In 2005, ICAC investigated a claim that a

power to prosecute offenders. At the end

private tutoring firm was assisting English

of an inquiry, the commission will produce

Extension II students with work that was

evaluate the effectiveness



ultimately submitted as part of their HSC

of the ADB in bringing

which may include recommending criminal

assessment. Although ICAC did not ‘prove’

about just outcomes. You

prosecution of individuals. The government

that students had been assisted, it raised

should include a case that

may decide to act on the commission’s rec-

serious concerns about assessment tasks in

has been dismissed by the

ommendations: a number of police officers

the HSC that are of a ‘take-home’ nature.





The individual and the law

c h a p te r o b j e cti v e s

Media clip A number of current media articles are provided to help you understand how the law operates in real-world situations.


adversarial system appeal appellate jurisdiction bicameral bill committal hearing common law concurrent powers customary law defamation delegated legislation domestic law equity

m e dia c lip


Activities – Review and Research Throughout each chapter you will find a number of different activities. Review activities are designed to help you test your knowledge of key concepts and skills. Research activities are designed to extend your knowledge by researching relevant cases or issues using source material.

re le v a n t la w In this chapter, students will: s identify and apply legal concepts and terminology s describe the key features and operation of the Australian and international legal systems s discuss the effectiveness of the legal system in dealing with relevant issues s explain the relationship between the legal system and society s describe the role of the law in conflict resolution and its ability to respond to and initiate change s locate, select and organise legal information from a variety of sources s communicate legal information by using wellstructured responses.

k e y te r m s/v o c a b u l a ry

Chapter openers Each chapter of Cambridge Legal Studies – Preliminary begins with a chapter opener that contains: s #HAPTEROBJECTIVES s +EYTERMS s 2ELEVANTLAWINCLUDING important legislation and significant cases) s /DDLAWIN#HAPTERSn 

Sources of contemporary Australian law

3 Discuss two cases and

Chapter 7 – Resolving disputes


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content have been raised in Australia more

the US and particularly concerned with preserving

recently. The idea of ‘clean feed’ legislation origi-

have a contract. As May Donoghue

freedom of speech in the context of the internet.

nated during the Howard federal government and

our capacity to safeguard our sensitive personal

did not actually buy the ginger

John Perry Barlow, mentioned above, was a

involved the establishment of a filtering scheme

information. The Privacy Act has worked pretty well to

beer and thus had no contractual

founding member of the EFF and the CDA was the

that would be imposed on all Internet Service

date, but it now needs a host of refinements to help

relationship with the manufacturer,

stimulus for his ‘Declaration of the Independence

Providers (ISPs).

us navigate the Information Superhighway. These days,

in normal circumstances she would

of Cyberspace’.





suppliers with whom they didn’t

social networking websites – all of which challenge

Following a federal court’s ruling that the CDA

2007 continued to consider the proposal. The

violated the First Amendment, the US government

$70 million plan would block web pages listed in

a landmark decision and formed

appealed to the Supreme Court. A broad coalition

a ‘blacklist’ maintained by ACMA. It was argued

the basis of the tort of negligence

of individuals and groups had joined the American

that not only would this prevent internet users

worldwide, not only because of

Protecting children

Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as plaintiffs in the

from seeing unwanted and inappropriate material,

not have been able to sue.

information privacy touches almost every aspect of our daily lives, including our medical records and health

Figure 8.13 Does digitalv security exist? Donoghue Stevenson became

status, our finances creditworthiness, personal Figure 3.4 A decomposing snailand found in ginger alethe formed the basis of litigaton. details collected and stored on a multiplicity of public and corporate databases, and even the ability to control

The Labor government that was elected in

display by andMay distribution of from our own images. This case was the an appeal getting into ginger beer

the judgment relating to non-

original case, including not only the EFF, but also

but would combat child pornography itself. Two

One of thecontractual most significant concerns duty of care, butabout also cyber-

organisations and trade unions of editors and

potential types of filter were canvassed. Either

August 2008), space is the need oftoLord protect children, not only original decision. The defendant’s s an efficient system of inspection because Atkin’s ‘neighbour

publishers, high school journalism teachers, and

all pornographic material would be blocked, or

appeal had succeeded; Mrs

of the bottles before they from were inappropriate principle’:content and online predators,

Human Rights Watch. The ‘Reno’ in the title of

an ‘opt-in’ scheme would allow users to continue

Donoghue then appealed to the

but from serious criminal offenders who victimise sold to the consumer, including

the case was Janet Reno, Attorney General of the

receiving ‘adult material’.

David Weisbrot, (Media release, Donoghue, the plaintiff in the ALRC President bottles, and ALRC, 11


children. Child pornography a is, legal and moral ‘[T]here must be, is and some House of Lords. clear bottles that would make it 1 Mrs HowDonoghue are cyberbullying, cyberstalking and cyber-racism problem that general goes beyond the legality of images or conception of relations was bought easier to inspect. different fromby their counterparts in the world? text on the internet or other media. giving rise to a duty of care, of some ginger beer a friend in The physical court held that a 2 Should against these acts bemanufacturer specifically drafted In the United laws drafted to protect whichStates, the particular cases found the town oflaws Paisley, Scotland. is underto a legal duty cyberspace, or are existing laws adequate? children from inappropriate be in the books are butmaterial instancesmust ... Therelate gingertobeer was in a dark to the consumer to take reasonable 3 List somewhich non-legal ways that could bethat used drafted in such way asyou notare to to violate the right Thearule that love your glass bottle prevented care thetoarticle will not cause against cyber-racism and online to freedom of expression contained the First neighbour becomes, in law,inyou Mrsprotect Donoghue fromcyberbullying, seeing the injury to health. predators. the following agents in your answer: Amendment.must Another difficulty that if a law is too not injure yourisneighbour; contents. SomeConsider ginger beer Lord Atkin, one of the presiding

United States from 1993 to 2001.

The mandatory proposal was much more

The Supreme Court, affirming the lower court’s

restrictive than the voluntary ISP filter schemes

decision, held that the indecency provisions of the

operating in some European countries, which

CDA were an unconstitutional restriction of free

block only child pornography. One version of the

speech. The court found that the terms ‘offensive’

scheme in Australia would include a wider range

and ‘indecent’ were vague, and the provisions of

of material, some inappropriate for children but

the CDA overly broad, concluding that the CDA

not necessarily involving pornographic or violent

was not sufficiently narrowly tailored to the goal

content. ‘Social themes’ upsetting to children

broad in the and scope what should be Who prohibited, theof lawyer’s question: judges, referred to the precedent

of protecting minors from potentially harmful

could include divorce and euthanasia.

it can tooneighbour? much – including that is my receives content a case of Heaven v Pender (1883) 11 prohibit s olderto teenagers (e.g.ofsiblings, friends or which mentors of is unlikely torestricted be accessed children or to have reply.byYou must take proceeded pour the rest the QBD 503, established that to do with thecare victimisation of children. reasonable to avoid acts gingeryounger beer intochildren) Mrs Donoghue’s ‘under certain circumstances,anything one s and software This and other issues will be you further or omissions which can examined glass it was companies then that a man may owe a duty to another,

material. Moreover, there is no effective way to

parents wasspoured into a glass for her, s teachers which she drank.and Herschools friend then

s internetsnail service providers later in the discussion the proposed ‘clean reasonablyofforesee would be likelyfeed’ decomposing came out of even though there is no contract 4 How might ‘digital tattoo’ posethem’. problems legislation in to Australia. injure your neighbour. Who, the bottle. This someone’s made her feel between He went further forill,him her she in the List some hypothetical quite andorlater alsofuture? suffered than the narrow decision in Heaven, scenarios, then outline ways can prevent this dicta of Reno from severe gastroenteritis. Mrs that you however, citing obiter the

then, in law, is my neighbour? The

determine the age of an internet user.

passed a law known the Communications to have themas in contemplation care to anyone in a position where

Act of Two when provisions as 1996 being(CDA). so affected I am of the Mrs Donoghue alleged that failing to use ‘care and skill inDecency his For further information on digital CDAofprohibited the ‘knowing’ directing my mind transmission to the acts on the Stevenson had failed in his duty of conduct … would cause danger safety issues, see the Australian internet of obscene or indecent communior omissions that aresexual called in care to provide: injury’. government’s Net Alert website: cations or images to people under 18 years of age. question.’ s a system of working his business Until Donoghue v Stevenson, which would prevent snails individuals had no rights againstThis was seen by many as a violation of the

Increasingly, they are using less public methods

in that a user will seldom encounter content ‘by

such as peer-to-peer networks, which allow single

accident’. The internet should therefore be subject

computers to communicate with each other;

to less regulation.

encrypted networks, or smaller networks using codes that only the members know; or other systems that prevent public access. Consequently, blocking websites is not an effective means of

For full text of the decision in Reno

v American Civil Liberties Union, 521 US 844 (1997) see http:// &vol=000&invol=96-511

principle of freedom of expression. One of the

stopping the spread of child pornography. Some internet service providers dislike the proposal because it is too easily bypassed by users, and because enforcement would be too onerous. Another objection is the risk that the filter would block material that has nothing to do with the type of content that the law aims to fight.


s Non-legal responses include the establishment of anti-terrorism media campaigns and the establishment of memorials to the victims of the bombings. s The Bali bombings revived debate about the death penalty. s The Bali bombings saw the introduction of Australian anti-terrorism legislation and the strengthening of the enforcement agencies responsible for homeland security. s This legislation has come under criticism by those who believe it jeopardises civil liberties and key legal rights.

 Which of the following is NOT true of terrorism? A It can be utilised by fundamentalist religious groups or political groups. B It can be constituted by a threat of violence directed at a population in order to induce a government to change its policies. C It is intended to cause death, not fear. D It was used prior to 2001.  Jemaah Islamiyah was: A a peaceful Islamic organisation B a foreign terrorist organisation that established a branch in Indonesia C under suspicion from the CIA for having links with Al Qaeda well before the Bali bombings D the name of the Indonesian counterterrorism force  Which of the following alleged suspects responsible for the Bali bombings ended up walking free? A Iman Samudra B Abu Bakar Bashir C Amrozi D Ali Ghufron

 Which of the following was not a result of Australian–Indonesian cooperation since the Bali bombings? A Australian police involved in the identification of victims of the Bali bombings B the establishment of the Australian Federal Police C the establishment of the Jakarta Regional Cooperation Team D the establishment of the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation  Which of the following types of provision was contained in the anti-terrorism legislation passed by the Commonwealth after the Bali bombings? A detention of persons suspected of terrorism offences for the purpose of investigation B detention of illegal immigrants from countries known to harbour terrorists C immunity of anti-terrorism legislation from judicial review D immunity of any Commonwealth employee from prosecution

Cam b r i d g e L e g al S t u d i e s – P rel i m i na r y

Ch ap te r su m m a r y t a sk s

C h a p t e r 8 – T h e in d ivid u a l a n d t e ch n o lo g y

To pi c re vi e w

Mu lt i pl e -ch o i ce qu e s tio n s

Ch ap te r su m m a r y

b rbi d i mi m i na r yr y Cam r igdeg eL eLgeal g alS tSutduideise s– –P rel P rel i na 16840 Cam

s The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 11 September 2001 (9/11) mark the beginning of terrorism as a global phenomenon. s The Bali bombings was carried out by Indonesian Islamic extremists on 12 October 2002. Bombs were exploded at Paddy’s Bar and the Sari Club, both popular with Australian tourists. s While no group took immediate responsibility for the bombing, the radical Islamic association, Jemaah Islamiyah, was suspected. s Amrozi, Imam Samudra and Mukhlas stood trial for the Bali bombings and were found guilty. They were sentenced to death by firing squad and executed in November 2008.

Glossary terms All of the key terms in each CHAPTERANDMORE ARE defined for you in the margin and in the glossary at the end of the book. These definitions are designed to help you learn and revise key terms from the syllabus.

It has been pointed out that criminals that are accessible on the World Wide Web.

cation differs significantly from broadcast media,

le ga l l i n k s

Inof1996, due by to my public pressure, US Congress act that I oughtthe reasonably extended the notion of a duty

manufacturer of the ginger beer.

le ga l lin k s

(the respondent), who was the

World Wide Web a system of documents that are accessible on the internet and that are connected to each other through hyperlinks on which the user can click to be taken to another location. The World Wide Web is not the same thing as the internet.

distributing child pornography seldom use sites

The court’s view was that online communi-

v American Liberties answer seems Civil to be – persons who from happening with respect to your online judge, activities. Union, 521 US 844 are so closely and(1997) directly affected Donoghue sued David Stevenson dissenting Brett MR, who

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) companies that offer customers access to the internet

 Outline the situation regarding global terrorism before the Bali bombings.  What is the ‘war on terror’?  What was known about Jemaah Islamiyah before the Bali bombings?  Explain the connection between Hambali and the Bali bombings.  Who was Abu Bakar Bashir and why was he a suspect?  Why are good relations between Australia and Indonesia important from the Australian government’s point of view?

 Who were the main suspects arrested for the Bali bombings?  What was controversial about the trial of Abu Bakar Bashir?  Why was the Australian government’s policy towards the death penalty controversial? What key changes in anti-terrorism legislation have occurred in Australia since the Bali



Chapter review At the end of each chapter, you will find a summary of the chapter, multiple-choice questions and chapter tasks. In Part III you will also find extended response activities.


 Discuss the anti-terror legislation, with reference to the arguments for and against a bill of rights.  Outline how the Australian and Indonesian governments have cooperated since the Bali bombings.  Outline the key stages in the investigation of the Bali bombings.  Contrast the ‘war on terror’ and the ‘rule of law’ approaches taken in the fight against terrorism.  Describe the Australian government’s policy towards the death penalty.

Legal links In addition to the activities, there are suggested links to internet resources and activities in each chapter. These will help you extend your knowledge and stay upto-date with changes in the legal system.

Us i n g C a m b rid g e L e g al Stud ie s – P re lim inary

Similar concerns about offensive and obscene

(EFF), an international non-profit group based in


e-commerce, sophisticated surveillance devices and

The indiv idua l a nd the la w

A clean feed?

sation called the Electronic Frontier Foundation


L a w i n p r a ct i ce

ca se sp a ce

groups that held this view was an advocacy organi-

Although the federal Privacy Act is only 20 years old, it

Donoghue v was Stevenson (1932) introduced beforeAC the562 advent of supercomputers,

Case space A number of relevant legal cases appear throughout the text. Each case allows you to apply your knowledge of the legal system to realworld situations. Many cases are followed by a range of questions to help you test what you’ve learnt.

Marking criteria for the extended response questions can be found at www.cambridge. Refer to these criteria when planning and writing your response.

C h a p t e r 1 1 – T h e B a li b o m b in g s



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Glossary of key words

Syllabus outcomes, objectives, performance bands

meaning in the Higher School Certificate docu-

and examination questions have key words that

ments. Using this glossary will help students and

state what students are expected to be able to do.

teachers understand what is expected in responses

A glossary of key words has been developed to

to examinations and assessment tasks.

help provide a common language and consistent

Account account for: state reasons for, report on; give an account of; narrate a series of events or transactions Analyse identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications Apply use, utilise, employ in a particular situation Appreciate MAKEAJUDGMENTABOUTTHEVALUE of Assess MAKEAJUDGMENTOFVALUE QUALITY outcomes, results or size Calculate ascertain or determine from given facts, figures or information Clarify make clear or plain Classify arrange or include in classes or categories Compare show how things are similar or different Construct make; build; put together items or arguments Contrast show how things are different or opposite


Critically (analyse/evaluate) add a degree or level of accuracy, depth, knowledge and understanding, logic, questioning, REmECTIONANDQUALITYTOANALYSE evaluate) Deduce draw conclusions Define state meaning and identify essential qualities Demonstrate show by example Describe provide characteristics and features Discuss identify issues and provide points FORANDORAGAINST Distinguish recognise, note or indicate as being distinct or different from; note differences between Evaluate MAKEAJUDGMENTBASEDONCRITERIA determine the value of Examine inquire into Explain relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things EVIDENTPROVIDEWHYANDORHOW Extract CHOOSERELEVANTANDORAPPROPRIATE details

Identify recognise and name Interpret draw meaning from Investigate plan, inquire into and draw conclusions about Justify support an argument or conclusion Outline sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of Predict suggest what may happen based on available information Propose PUTFORWARDFOREXAMPLEAPOINTOF view, idea, argument, suggestion) for consideration or action Recall present remembered ideas, facts or experiences Recommend provide reasons in favour Recount retell a series of events Summarise concisely express the relevant details Synthesise put together various elements to make a whole

Extrapolate infer from what is known

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The legal system The legal system 40% of course time

1 Basic legal concepts s Meaning of law s Customs, rules and law s Values and ethics s #HARACTERISTICSOFJUSTLAWS

The leg al s y s tem


s .ATUREOFJUSTICEEQUALITY fairness and access s Procedural fairness s Rule of law s Anarchy and tyranny

2 Sources of contemporary Australian law s Aboriginal and Torres Strait s Common law Islander customary law s Statute law s International law s The Constitution

3 Classification of law s 0UBLICLAWEGCRIMINAL law, administrative law, constitutional law) s 0RIVATELAWCIVILLAWEGCONTRACT law, tort law, property law)

s Criminal and civil court procedures including legal personnel s Common and civil law systems

4 Law reform s Conditions that give rise to law REFORMEGCHANGINGSOCIAL VALUES NEWCONCEPTSOFJUSTICE new technology) s !GENCIESOFREFORMEG law reform commissions,

parliamentary committees, media) s -ECHANISMSOFREFORMEG courts, parliaments, United Nations, intergovernmental organisations)

5 Law reform in action Native title Law reform and sport

Law reform and sexual assault


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k e y t e r ms/ v ocab ul ary

c hap ter o b j e cti ve s

Basic legal concepts


In this chapter, students will: s identify and apply legal concepts and terminology s identify the changing nature of law s describe the interrelationship between customs, rules and laws s explain the relationship between the legal system and society

s DISCUSSTHENATUREOFJUSTICEINTERMSOFEQUALITY fairness and access s discuss the concept of procedural fairness and the rule of law s discuss the concepts of anarchy and tyranny s communicate legal information by using wellstructured responses.

anarchy customary law customs equality ethics fairness JUSTICE law legal system NATURALJUSTICE procedural fairness rule of law rules tyranny values

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The leg al s y s tem

odd l a w In New South Wales under the Crimes Act 1900 S ITISILLEGALTOTAKEMONEYTOHELPSOMEONE lNDTHEIRMISSINGDOG3ECTIONOFTHE!CT states the following: Whosoever corruptly takes any money or reward, directly or indirectly, under pretence, or upon account, of aiding any person to recover any dog which has been stolen, or which is in the possession of any person other than its owner, shall be liable to imprisonment for one year.


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The mea n i n g of law The law is a dynamic thing – a complex mecha-

about, we also need to understand why we live in

nism, evolving from hundreds of years of tradition,

a society.

culture and values.

A society is a group of human beings who are

In general terms, the law can be defined as

linked by mutual interests, relationships, shared

a set of enforceable rules of conduct which set

institutions and a common culture. In earliest

down guidelines for relationships between people

history, people usually banded together for basic

and organisations in a society. The law provides

survival and would agree to live by rules that

methods for ensuring the impartial treatment

protected their lives and their property.

RE VIE W 1.1 1 List the areas of law

of people, and outlines punishments for

This tradition has carried on throughout history.

those who do not follow the agreed rules

As groups of people formed societies, and cultural

of conduct.

groups within these societies, they established and

Despite the fact that it often seems to

enforced rules about the conduct of relationships.

be playing catch-up, the law attempts to

Laws today are imposed by the administrative

2 What other areas of law

keep pace with our ever-changing society.

institutions that govern a society; they cover all

can you think of? List at

To understand how these rules (known

members of society and there are consequences

related to the images provided below.

least five.

in modern society as ‘the law’) came

that follow if they are breached.

law a set of rules imposed on all members of a community which are officially recognised, binding and enforceable by persons or organisations such ASTHEPOLICEANDOR courts values principles, standards, or qualities considered worthwhile or desirable within a society rules regulations or principles governing procedure or controlling conduct

Figure 1.1 Laws regulate a wide variety of situations within society.


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The State Library of NSW provides

easy-to-read information about the

information on the history of the legal

Australian legal system:

system in Australia:

discover_collections/history_ nation/justice/index.html

Cu s toms, ru les a n d law Customs


Put simply, customs are established patterns of

If you were to look in a dictionary or on the

behaviour among people in a society or group.

internet, you would find many definitions of the

Customs vary depending on the culture, religion

word ‘rules’. Generally, rules refer to prescribed

and history of a group of people, society or country.

directions for conduct in certain situations. Rules

For example, in Australia it is customary for men

are generally made by groups and only affect

to shake hands when greeting a friend, whereas in

people within those groups. These rules often

Europe this greeting may be in the form of a kiss

vary between groups and are not enforceable by

on each cheek.

the state. For example, there are rules for playing

Where a custom is followed by most of the

games, behaviour in the classroom, and so on.

population over time, it may become part of

If these rules are broken, there is some form of

the laws of that society. Because of differences

punishment attached, enforce-

between societies, not all customs become law.

able by those involved in the

Customary law consists of established patterns

making of the rules (e.g. sus-

of behaviour that are accepted within a particular

pension, detention). Rules can

social setting. These principles and procedures

also be altered by these people

develop through general usage according to the

in order to deal with changes in

customs of a people, nation-state or group of

situations. This usually happens

nation-states. Customs arose to deal with problems

after consultation with the group

in the most harmonious ways. Over time, these

members involved.

customs become accepted as legal requirements.

In a legal sense, rules form the

Three areas in which customary law has influenced

basis of laws. However, rules can

the Australian legal system are:

be changed quite quickly with

s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customary

the agreement of those involved.


customary law principles and procedures that have developed according to the customs of a people or nation, or groups of nations, and are treated as obligatory nation-state a politically independent country

Laws, as you will discover, are

s English customary law

much more difficult to change

s international customary law.

and punishment is not always a

In many societies, most customary law is

customs collective habits or traditions that have developed in a society over a long period of time

The leg al s y s tem

legal links

The NSW Bar Association provides

simple process.

never written down, as is the case with Indigenous Australian customary law. In other societies, customary law eventually is recorded and transferred into written law in formal legal systems.

Figure 1.2 There may not be a law about wearing school uniform, but there is often a rule.


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R EVIEW 1.2 1 Complete the lists below by adding three additional examples of rules.

and they might incur a fine. The consequences of breaking rules are comparatively minor, however inconsiderate it may be to break them. Laws allow and prohibit a whole variety of


a Always inform your parents when you are going out. b

activities, from where rubbish should be placed to how we should treat fellow human beings. Failure to follow these regulations incurs penalties ranging from a fine to imprisonment. Laws have certain characteristics that make


them different from rules:


1 Laws are binding on the whole community. S C H OOL R UL ES

This means that they apply to all members of

a Students must always wear correct school


uniform on school grounds. b

2 Laws can be enforced. This means that penalties apply if a law is broken. 3 Laws are officially recognised. This means that


governments and courts recognise laws and


enforce them. S OC IAL ET IQUET T E

a Always cover your mouth and nose when sneezing in public.

4 Laws are accessible (or discoverable). This means that people can find out which law applies to a particular situation.


5 Laws relate to public interest. This means that


laws exist for things that concern the whole of society, and that interest is considered


to outweigh the costs or drawbacks of the government’s involvement in enforcing them. 6 Laws reflect rights and duties. This means


that everyone in society has responsibilities to

The law, as we know it, is made up of the formal

everyone has the right to be treated in the same

rules of society. These ‘legal rules’ have been

way by others.

agreed upon by the group and govern their

In Australia today, the laws of society are

behaviour and activities.

ethics  RULESORSTANDARDS governing the conduct of a person or the members of a PROFESSION AMAJOR branch of philosophy, which investigates the nature of values and of right and wrong conduct


others, such as the duty to drive safely, and that

mainly decided on by elected government officials

Laws are different from rules. For example,

at local, state or federal government levels. Judges

at the shopping centre, a sign on the escalator

also have the power to make laws in certain cases

requests that you stand to the left and do not take

when they set a precedent. This will be discussed

strollers on it. These rules exist for the safety and

in greater detail in the following chapters.

comfort of shoppers. However, they are just rules,

It is expected by society that the law will look

and that is why you will still see people standing

after all members of the group, and therefore that

on the right and taking their prams on the

any laws made will be fair, just and equitable. It is

escalator. There are also signs telling you that you

also expected that they will reflect traditional and

can’t smoke in shopping centres. This is a law and

current ethics and values. Although this represents

if someone did ‘light up’, they would be asked to

the ideal situation, what is actually attainable may

leave the shopping centre by security or the police,

be another matter.

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s to be obeyed by all citizens of a society s made by a law-making body s enforced through the courts s consequences of a breach results in a prescribed sanction imposed by the courts

s to be obeyed by specific individuals or groups s made by individuals or groups s enforced by leaders of a group s consequences of a breach at the discretion of the leader of a group

The leg al s y s tem

Table 1.1 Differences between laws and rules

Relationship between customs, rules and laws As people have joined together in communities,

s Over time, these rules became formalised laws,

a relationship has developed between rules, laws

known in society as ‘the law’.

and customs: s Whenever people have lived together in groups, they have developed rules to govern their behaviour and thus maintain the smooth running of activities. s These rules were based on the traditions, customs and values of the group. s These rules have penalties attached if members of the group fail to follow them. s Groups usually put someone, or a small group, in charge to enforce these rules and the associated penalties. In modern times, this became the government.

Figure 1.3 The House of Representatives Chamber in Parliament House, Canberra

Va l u es a n d e t h ic s We all have values by which we try to live. Living

legal system. Two classic examples (with varying

according to our ethics means that we do things

degrees of success) are:

that we consider to be morally right.

s The Mardi Gras (Sydney) – an internationally

Lawmakers try to incorporate these values

recognised annual event celebrating same-

and ethics into laws. However, it is very difficult

sex relationships. It originally started off as a

to make rules, and thus laws, about everyone’s

protest march against the treatment of same-

values, especially as there are often groups in

sex couples by the legal system and the lack of

society that have different standards of what is

protection afforded to their relationships.

morally right or wrong. For this reason laws will

s The Mardi Grass (Nimbin, northern NSW) – an

only cover those ethical values that are common

annual event that attempts to influence the gov-

to all. Over the past three decades many groups

ernment to relax the laws relating to the use and

have voiced their values and ethics in a public

cultivation of marijuana. It includes events like

manner in an attempt to influence the law and the

the Hemp Olympics and the Dope Pickers Ball.


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Ch a ra c te ri s t ic s o f j u s t l aws justice the legal principle of upholding generally accepted rights and enforcing responsibilities, ensuring that equal outcomes are achieved for those involved

The concept of justice involves the fair and

majority, while ensuring that the minority has the

impartial treatment of all persons, especially

opportunity to put their point of view. A just law is

under the law. In simple terms, justice can be

one that allows everyone to receive fair treatment

seen as the continued effort to do the right thing

and outcomes, and ensures that human rights are

by everyone. When it comes to making laws in

recognised and respected. This is not always an

a democratic society, justice involves consulting

easy thing to do, as you will learn throughout the

the people and carrying out the decisions of the

Legal Studies course.

T h e n a t u r e o f j u s t i ce legal system the system of courts, prosecutors and police in a country


The system of courts, prosecutors and police

for them. For example, children under 10 years

in a country is often called the legal system. It

of age cannot be held legally accountable for their

is the task of the legal system to ensure that all

actions and therefore cannot be convicted of a

equality the state or quality of being equal, that is, of having the same rights or status

citizens have equal access to the law and that

criminal offence. This presumption is known as

the law provides equality, fairness and justice to

doli incapax. In the case of 10–14-year-olds, the

all members of society. Equality, fairness and

court will make an assessment as to whether the

justice are central concepts which allow us to

child can tell the difference between right and

fairness free from bias, DISHONESTY ORINJUSTICE a concept commonly related to everyday activities

distinguish good law from bad law. However, if all

wrong, and this will influence the way in which

citizens do not have full and equal access to the

the matter is handled.

doli incapax a Latin term meaning ‘incapable of wrong’; the presumption that ACHILDUNDERYEARS of age cannot be held legally responsible for his or her actions and cannot be guilty of a criminal or civil offence

providing justifiable and appropriate outcomes.

legal system, equality, fairness and justice are just empty concepts. It is only by combining all of these principles that a legal system will be seen to be

Fairness Fairness and justice are usually associated with each other. The difference is that the term


‘fairness’ applies to everyday life, whereas ‘justice’

Equality means that all people in a society are treat-

different opinions about what is fair.

has more legal connotations. People may have

ed in the same way with respect to political, social

For example, suppose one team wins a sport

and civil rights and opportunities; no one enjoys

competition because all of its players, randomly

unfair advantage or suffers unfair disadvantage.

selected, happen to be taller than those on the

Although we would like to think that equality

other team. If the rules of the competition do

applies to everyone, our society tolerates many

not specify that both teams must have players of

types of equality and many forms of inequality. For

the same size, it may seem unfair to the losing

example, depending on the situation, a 10-year-old

team, but there is no ‘fact of the matter’. If Ann

child will be treated differently from a 17-year-old

places a bet on the team she knows has the taller

teenager or a 40-year-old adult.

players, and none of the other people who placed

While the law strives for equality, it also takes

bets knows anything about the teams or how tall

into account people’s different capacities, such as

the players are, Ann’s winning the bet may also

maturity, recognises that some people are more

be regarded as unfair – as a result of her having

vulnerable than others, and provides protection

knowledge the others lacked.

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In other words, even if it is sometimes possible for an opinion about what is fair to be justified or mistaken, there is no single social mechanism for deciding what is fair or ensuring fairness. When rules are made, it is expected that they

The leg al s y s tem

will be fair to those covered by them. In the same way, when a rule is translated into law, it is expected that it will be fair to all members of society. Justice is more specific than fairness, as the term is applied to situations covered by the law, which tries to ensure that everyone has the same opportunities.

Access The ultimate goal of the law is to protect the rights of all citizens in a society; however, the legal system can only fulfil this goal if all people have

Figure 1.4 Historically, Indigenous Australians have had limited access to the legal system in Australia.

equal access to the agencies and institutions of the law. Access refers to the ability to obtain or make

However, in reality, the legal system is not

use of something. The concept of justice suggests

accessible to everybody equally. Financially disad-

that everyone who is covered by a legal system and

vantaged people, disabled people, people from

its laws should have equal access to that system.


This includes ensuring that citizens are aware of

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and

the laws that affect them, and understand their

those who are institutionalised may experience

rights and responsibilities under these laws.

particular difficulties.



access the right or opportunity to make use of something


Procedu ra l fa i rness a n d t he p ri nc ip les o f n a t u ra l j u s t ice Procedural fairness refers to the idea that there

The assertion that ‘justice should not only

must be fairness in the processes that resolve

be done, but should be seen to be done’ comes

disputes. It is closely linked to the concept of

from the English case R v Sussex Justices; Ex parte

natural justice; the two terms are often used

McCarthy [1924] 1 KB 256. It was discovered that in


a criminal trial in which McCarthy was convicted of

Natural justice refers to the fact that everyone

dangerous driving, a clerk to the magistrates was

should be treated fairly in legal situations. There are

also a solicitor who had represented the person

two main principles of natural justice. These are:

suing McCarthy in a separate civil case arising

s the right to be heard – this includes the right to

out of the accident. Although the magistrates did

a fair hearing

not consult the clerk for his opinion, and the clerk

s the right to have a decision made by an unbiased

gave them no advice on the matter, McCarthy’s

decision-maker – even an appearance of bias is

conviction was overturned on the basis of the

enough to constitute a breach of natural justice.

possibility of bias.

procedural fairness / natural justice the body of principles used to ensure the FAIRNESSANDJUSTICEOF the decision-making procedures of courts; in Australia it generally refers to the right to present your case, the right to freedom from bias by decisionmakers, and the right to a decision based on logically relevant evidence


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T h e r u l e o f l aw rule of law the principle that no one is above the law; the most important application of the rule of law is that governmental authority is exercised in accordance with written, publicly disclosed laws that are adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural STEPSDUEPROCESS

The principle of the rule of law is that no one

what each individual believes is important has the

is above the law, including those who make the

same importance to the larger group.

Obvious breaches of the rule of law occur when

People will not follow rules if they do not

sanction a penalty imposed on those who break the law, usually in the form of a fine or punishment

officials make favourable decisions for relatives

agree with them or feel that the rules have no

and friends but apply the law fully for everyone

connection to them. This is especially so if the


penalty attached to the rule is seen as inadequate.

law. This means that the groups and individuals

Laws also function to protect all members of

who are involved in the legal system, such as the

society. They tell society what actions are and

legislators and judges who make, administer and

are not permitted. Laws apply sanctions to those

interpret the laws, the police who enforce the law

found guilty of a crime, and may act as a deterrent

and the lawyers who represent and advise people

to those who might otherwise commit a crime.

on the law, are all answerable to the same laws

Laws enable people to resolve disputes, as they

as every other citizen. Thus the rule of law means

empower the police force and the courts to enforce

that everyone is subject to the same laws.

and administer the law.

For example, think about the penalties attached to

Why do people obey the law?

riding your bike or skateboard in areas where it is

In general terms, people within a society like to

laws, others do not, as they do not consider the

have rules and laws because they create order.

penalty (e.g. a fine or demerit points) to be enough

Laws help each person to feel a sense of security

of a deterrent.

not permitted, or talking on a mobile phone when driving. While many people obey these rules and

– the law is clear about what is expected of them

As would be expected, however, laws against

as citizens and what they can expect from others.

more serious offences carry a range of stricter

As the law is based on customs, it also helps to

penalties, which are intended to make people

reinforce the values of most members of society.

think seriously about the consequences before

In principle, the law embodies the concept that

breaking the law.

Figure 1.5 People sometimes disobey laws if they do not consider the penalty to be sufficiently harsh.


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what reasons do members of society obey the law? 2 Define the following basic legal notions. You can choose to use words, pictures or cartoons to define them: a custom b rules c law d fairness e equality f justice g values h ethics 3 Write an explanation of why you chose to define the terms above using the format you did.

REVIEW 1.4 1 In your own words, describe what the article to the right is about. 2 Explain why the council has not actually prosecuted anyone. 3 Why do you think people may not obey this law? 4 Does society need a stronger type of legislation? Write two paragraphs, one arguing in favour of the legislation, the other arguing against it.

Cigarette beach ban goes up in smoke in Sydney The Sunday Telegraph *ANUARY Councils responsible for Sydney’s popular beaches have not fined one smoker, four years after the bans were introduced. Smokers at Bondi, Australia’s busiest beach, are ignoring Waverley Council signs that clearly prohibit the habit. They are also lighting up without fear of fines on 7AVERLEYSOTHERMAJORBEACHES "RONTEAND4AMARAMA although anti-smoking regulations have been in effect SINCE$ECEMBER Warringah Council, responsible for northern beaches including Collaroy and Dee Why, is also yet to issue a fine. Nor has Manly Council. A Waverley spokeswoman said the smoking ban was more about education and self-regulation than fines. ‘Rangers and lifeguards tell smokers nicely to move away from the sand,’ she said. ‘Most people are happy to go to the promenade when told they cannot smoke on the beach. It’s not about money, it’s more about the environment.’ A Manly Council spokeswoman said smokers were constantly warned against lighting up through public broadcast over microphones at Manly, North Steyne and Queenscliff beaches. The only council to have utilised its power to fine is -OSMAN WHICHLASTYEARlNEDTHREEPEOPLEFOR smoking on the foreshore reserve at Balmoral beach. Action on Smoking and Health Australia CEO Anne *ONESSAIDCOUNCILS@HAVEABLINDSPOTONTHISISSUE ‘It does make a mockery of laws if there is no intention to ENFORCETHEM -S*ONESSAID ‘Waverley needs to be more proactive given that Bondi is such a popular beach.’ Clean Up Australia lists cigarette butts as one of the most common items littering our beaches. ‘It can be a health issue when beaches are crowded with families and small children can put cigarette butts in their mouths,’ Ms *ONESSAID Randwick Council is considering introducing smoking lNESAFTER YEAR OLD!DAM&AHY -AJEEDSTARTEDA community campaign to ban the habit on Coogee beach last year.

The leg al s y s tem

1 Why do we need laws? For

m e d i a cl i p



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A n a rc hy a n d t y ra n ny anarchy the absence of laws and government

The rules and laws that have evolved for different societies are based on the customs, values and ethics that are part of these traditions. Most people want and accept rules as a necessary part of everyday life due to the belief that all people should be treated equally and with fairness. Rules are needed to ensure that our behaviour is regulated to meet the common expectations of society. The absence of laws, the inability to enforce laws or the unfair and unequal application of laws can result in states of anarchy or tyranny.

Anarchy When people believe that the law has let them down in some way, they may declare, ‘We live in a state of anarchy!’ What exactly do they mean by this? The word ‘anarchy’ comes from the Greek word anarchia, which means ‘without a ruler’. Anarchy, therefore, is a term used to describe a state of chaos and disorder resulting from the absence of rules and laws. A state of anarchy may break out during a revolution or after a natural disaster, because the law enforcement agencies no longer exist or are unable to enforce the laws of a society. Violence and widespread looting are two early indicators that a society or group is on the verge of anarchy. In August 2005, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, USA, violence and looting became widespread, with residents forced to protect themselves and their properties from looters and criminals. In order to avoid a full-blown state of anarchy, thousands of National Guard and federal troops were sent to secure the area and enforce the law. While the majority of people believe that an absence of rules and laws leads to a disorganised, chaotic society, certain philosophers, theorists and anarchist movements believe that anarchy does not imply chaos, but rather a ruler-free society with voluntary social harmony.

Figure 1.6 !FTER(URRICANE+ATRINAIN PARTSOF.EW Orleans slipped into a brief state of anarchy.


Figure 1.7 The ‘Circle-A’ is the most widely recognised symbol for anarchy.

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The leg al s y s tem Figure 1.8 Modern-day anarchist groups protest against the dominant power of governments and large corporations.

RES EARCH 1.1 Prepare a report on anarchy and modern-day anarchist organisations. In your report include the following:

Tyranny If anarchy is the absence of laws and law enforcement agencies, then tyranny is the opposite. By definition, a tyrant is a single leader who has

s a definition

unlimited power over the people in a country or

s a history

state. Generally, tyrannical power involves severe

s information on two anarchist organisations

punishment for any infringements of the law.

and their beliefs s modern-day anarchists and their activities. To help you with your research, the following websites may provide a starting point.

tyranny rule by a single leader holding absolute power in a nation-state

Some modern-day examples of tyrannical power in action include Saddam Hussein’s rule in Iraq prior to his arrest in 2003 and Robert Mugabe’s control of power in Zimbabwe.

Alternatively, you may prefer to choose your own group to research. s (web portal for anarchist groups in Australia) s (anarchist group based in Auckland, New Zealand) s (UK-based activists) s (UK Anarchist Federation website has an enormous list of links to anarchist groups worldwide) These groups often protest at: s G8 summits s European Union meetings s World Trade Organization meetings.

Figure 1.9 Zimbabwe tyrant Robert Mugabe and an example of a protest against him.


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Ch a p te r s u m m a ry M ul ti p l e- c hoi ce q ues ti o n s 14

s The law of a country has developed from the rules of the dominant community. s These rules are based on the customs, values and ethics of that community. s Rules and laws have different characteristics. s The term for the absence of government is ‘anarchy’.

1 Which of these statements about the difference between a rule and a law is true? a Rules are not binding on the whole of the community. b Rules do not involve rights and responsibilities. c Rules are not enforceable. d Rules have nothing to do with ethics. 2 What is anarchy? a constant violence and disorder b the absence of law c wearing black clothes to break the rules d rebellion against the government 3 What are ethics? a allowing people to be different b a mix of equality and fairness c the principles that help us make decisions about right and wrong behaviour d different people’s perceptions of the law 4 A police officer charges a man for crossing the road against the lights, but does not book a woman doing the same thing. Why is this UNJUST a The police officer should concentrate on serious crimes. b Studies show that women are better at crossing roads.

s The law is based on the notions of fairness, EQUALITYANDJUSTICE s The law covers all members of society and has penalties attached for infringements of the law. s People follow the law because it provides them with protection against wrongful behaviour.

c The police officer has not treated all pedestrians equally. d You should be allowed to cross the road wherever you want. 5 What is the purpose of the law? a to divide power among all of the different groups in society b to provide stability for the ruling government c to maintain order in society d to make people do things that no one wants to do

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The leg al s y s tem

Ch a p te r s u m m a ry ta s k s

1 Describe the difference between anarchy and the law. 2 Explain how anarchy and a structured system of law are not compatible. 3 Account for the relationship between rules, laws and custom.

4 Compare and contrast ‘rules’ and ‘laws’. 5 What is the relationship between fairness, EQUALITYANDJUSTICE 6 )SLAWNECESSARY*USTIFYYOURANSWER 7 Why do people have different perceptions about the law?


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ke y t e r m s/ v o c a b ul ar y

c hap ter ob j e cti ve s

Sources of contemporary Australian law


In this chapter, students will: s identify and apply legal concepts and terminology s describe the key features and operation of the Australian and international legal systems s discuss the effectiveness of the legal system in dealing with relevant issues s explain the relationship between the legal system and society s describe the role of the law in conflict resolution and its ability to respond to and initiate change s locate, select and organise legal information from a variety of sources s communicate legal information by using wellstructured responses.

adversarial system appeal APPELLATEJURISDICTION bicameral bill committal hearing common law concurrent powers customary law defamation delegated legislation domestic law equity

exclusive powers ex parte external affairs power federation indictable offences inquisitorial system JURISDICTION legislative powers mediation NATURALJUSTICE obiter dicta OPINIOJURIS ORIGINALJURISDICTION

precedent ratify ratio decidendi referendum residual powers sanction stare decisis summary offences statute law terra nullius treaty ultra vires

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Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 5+ Australia Act 1986 #TH Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 #TH SIGNIFIC AN T C AS ES

Gutnick v Dow Jones & Co. Inc;=63# Commonwealth v Tasmania;=(#! South Australia v Commonwealth;=(#! Murphyores v The Commonwealth;= (#! R v Brislan; Ex parte Williams;=(#! Osland v R ;=(#! Roper v Simmons 53

T he leg al s y s tem

rel ev ant l aw

odd l a w In DPP v Darby ;=.373# THE government prosecutor appealed the decision of a magistrate that the actions of a police sniffer dog named Rocky, who put his nose on the defendant’s trouser pocket, constituted an illegal search. The Supreme Court of New South Wales held that Rocky’s action was not a search, but the search that the police officers did carry OUTWHICHFOUNDPROHIBITEDDRUGS WASLEGAL because they had formed the opinion necessary for its legality – and that opinion resulted from information conveyed by the actions of Rocky.


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Au s t ra lia’s lega l herita ge common law law made by courts; historically, law common to England

Legal processes and practices used in Australia

An impartial judge (and sometimes a jury) will

today are based on the model developed in England.

listen to the evidence presented by both parties and

When the British came to Australia in 1788, they

make a decision as to which side has proved their

statute law law made by parliament

brought with them the law that applied in Britain,

case, and thus disproved the other side’s case.

adversarial system a system of resolving legal conflicts, used in common law countries such as England and Australia, that relies on the skill of representatives for EACHSIDEEGDEFENSE and prosecution lawyers) who present their cases to an impartial decisionmaker inquisitorial system a legal system where the court or a part of the court EGTHEJUDGE IS actively involved in conducting the trial and determining what questions to ask; used in some countries with civil legal systems as opposed to common law systems

known as common law. Contemporary Australian law has evolved from both common law and statute law. Common law refers to laws created in court –

The inquisitorial system

that is, decisions made by judges. Statute law refers

In an inquisitorial system, the court is actively

to laws made by parliament. These concepts are

involved in determining the way in which the

discussed in further detail below.

competing claims are presented. It is different from the adversarial system, where the role of the

The adversarial system of trial

court is to act as an impartial referee.

The English system of law has heavily influenced

Europe, as well as Japan and some other countries.

Australian law and practice, including the way

In this system, called the civil law system, a judge

in which court cases are conducted. As a result,

or group of judges have the task of investigating

Australia uses the adversarial system as part of

the case before them.

The inquisitorial system derives from the Roman and Napoleonic codes. It is found in

both criminal and civil court proceedings. The word

Indonesia uses an inquisitorial system for

‘adversary’ means ‘opponent’. In a trial the two

criminal trials. This means that the judges will

sides of the case try to prove their version of the

conduct an inquiry into the truth of what occurred:

facts and disprove the version of the other side. The

that is, the facts behind the legal issues in dispute.

defendant in a criminal trial does not have to prove

They are able to admit evidence that might not

anything, as he or she is assumed to be innocent

be admitted in an Australian court. Judges are

until proven guilty. However, most people accused

empowered to decide which witnesses will be

of a crime will retain the services of a legal team to

called, and could even call for outside testimony

show how the prosecution’s case is flawed.

that had not been requested by either side.

Co m m o n l aw courts of equity historically, courts whose decisions were more discretionary and based on moral principles, and which served as an antidote to the inflexibility of the common law

The term ‘common law’ has many different uses,

including Australia, New Zealand, Canada and

as you would find if you were to put the term into

the USA.

a search engine on the internet. Common law in Australia today includes elements of the following: s court-made law (as opposed to laws made by parliament) s law developed by the courts of common law, as distinct from the courts of equity


Development of the common law The British legal system itself developed from a number of sources. In Anglo-Saxon England, for

s the system of court-based law used in the United

example, questions about rights and obligations

Kingdom and many of its former colonies,

were decided on the basis of local custom and

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The leg al s y s tem Figure 2.1 Australian common law is based on the English system. Shown here are the Houses of Parliament in London.

disputes were resolved by local courts. After the

said to have committed it (the defendant) had to

Normans invaded England in the 11th century,

swear an oath. The defendant might have the help

they began a system of travelling judges who

of ‘oath-helpers’ – people willing to swear to his

applied a common set of laws to all areas of

innocence. If the court found the defendant’s oath

England. Petitions from people who felt that the

believable, he or she could simply walk away. If,

local courts had been unjust were dealt with on

however, the plaintiff could bring witnesses who

the premise that similar cases should be treated

would swear that the defendant had committed

in a similar way. The decisions made by the judges

the act, the defendant might be required to parti-

provided the precedents for later cases, and the

cipate in a ‘trial by ordeal’.

laws they applied became the basis of the British legal system.

Before the ordeal, the defendant had to fast for three days and attend a special mass. He was then

This system was the one brought over to

given a painful task to complete or to bear, such

Australia with the First Fleet, but gradually

as carrying a red-hot iron bar a certain distance in

Australia has developed its own legal system

his bare hands, retrieving a stone from a cauldron

based on its statute law and common law. Many

of boiling water, putting his hand into a flame, or

British legal principles have been retained in the

being thrown into a river or pond. If the defendant

Australian system. These include the principles of

completed the task without injury or death, if the

natural justice.

wound healed within a prescribed period, or if the

From about the sixth to the 11th century, the law was enforced by local administrative bodies.

defendant sank, he or she was considered innocent and set free; if not, execution usually followed.

The king’s appointees, the church, and local

Trial by ordeal continued after the Norman

landlords all had a role in court resolution of legal

conquest, though there were new requirements

matters. Crimes were treated as wrongs for which

imposed by the church, for example that no one

the offender had to compensate the victim.

could be made to undergo an ordeal without the

If the court accepted a case, both the person

bishop’s permission. It was eventually condemned

against whom the illegal act was allegedly

by the church in 1215 and abolished by royal

committed (the plaintiff) and the person who was

decree in 1219.


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to the king claiming that the common law courts had made unjust decisions. It became the job of the Chancellor to deal with these petitions. For many years, the Chancellor was a priest, as well as a judge. Chancellors did not base their judgments on precedent and form; instead, they were influenced by Christian principles. This body of law, which developed to deal with the injustices that had crept into the common law and was set up to hear these petitions, became known as equity. As a court of equity, the Court of Chancery looked at the features of each case to decide what Figure 2.2 An example of a water ordeal: the guilty would float, the innocent sink.

was fair or just in the particular circumstances. The moral principles on which equitable decisions were based were called the rules (or maxims) of

equity the body of law that supplements the common law and CORRECTSINJUSTICESBY JUDGINGEACHCASEON its merits and applying principles of fairness

In order to consolidate his hold on the country,

equity, and are still used today.

William the Conqueror sent judges (or justices)

The systems of common law and equity co-

around the country with three main tasks to

existed, but not always peacefully. In the early

carry out:

17th century, a dispute between the Chancellor

1 administer a common set of laws throughout the

and the Chief Justice of the King’s Bench was


resolved through the personal intervention of

2 report on any threats to the throne

the king, James I, who called a conference of

3 assess the wealth of the country so that tax

judges. They concluded that in the case of conflict

could be levied.

between the common law and equity, equity

When the next ruler, Henry II, came to the

should prevail. As a result, rules of equity always

throne in 1154, there was a well-established

override common law.

practice of sending royal justices throughout the

There are equitable remedies for wrongs not

countryside to listen to disputes, work out solutions

recognised by the common law. Some of these

and apply punishments, and ensure that common

remedies are non-financial: for example, the court

rulings were made overall. These judges also had

may order someone to do what he or she promised

authority to make decisions when they heard new

but then failed to do, or may set aside an unfair

cases. In this way, a set of uniform laws developed


throughout England. Thus common law as we know

In the 1870s, the British parliament passed

it today has evolved from judicial decisions that

legislation merging the courts of common law

were based in tradition, custom and precedent.

and the courts of equity, allowing judges to apply the rules of common law or equity (or both) in a

Development of equity

particular case. The Australian colonies followed suit with similar legislation.

The procedure for bringing a case before the court was rigidly formal. In Anglo-Saxon times, if a party failed to follow the prescribed steps, he could lose his case. Even later, the common law would hold


The doctrine of precedent

that a person was bound by a contract, even if he

As stated above, the common law, or case law, is

had made a mistake or been tricked into signing it.

the law developed by judges when deciding cases.

By the 15th century, people were bringing petitions

Not only are there rules about the presentation of

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decidendi of a higher court will set a binding

must resolve disputes on the basis of decisions

precedent on lower courts;

made in similar cases. A judgment that is followed

s obiter dicta – other remarks made by the

is called a precedent, and it provides the authority

judge regarding the conduct of the trial, for

for the legal principle contained in the decision.

example about the credibility of a witness.

The doctrine of precedent is also known as stare

These remarks do not form part of the decision

decisis – Latin for ‘the decision stands’.

and thus do not set a precedent.

The purpose of precedent is to ensure that people are treated fairly, and that the law develops


in a consistent and coherent fashion. It means that


old cases retain authority and their decisions can

If the facts or relevant points of law are significantly

be used as the basis for decisions in modern court

different from a previous case, the case may be

cases. Thus the doctrine of precedent works to

distinguished from the earlier one and its ratio

limit a judge’s ability to be creative when it comes

decidendi does not have to be followed.

to making a decision.

When a higher court upholds an appeal of a lower court’s decision, the decision of the lower

Making and following precedent

courts is reversed.

When there has been no previous decision to

A court may refuse to follow a decision of

provide guidance for deciding a case, a court must

another court which is at a lower or equal level in

use principles of the existing common law and

the hierarchy. This refusal is called overruling the

statute law to make its decision. The judges will also

decision of the lower court.

pay attention to social developments and common sense. Their new decision creates a precedent. Another way in which precedents are created


is a dispute about the meaning or application of a

Lower courts are bound to follow decisions of

section of an Act, or about the meaning of a word,

superior courts, regardless of whether the judge

a court may have to resolve the question. For

believes a decision of the higher court is correct.

example, if a statute requires that the local council

This is known as ‘binding

must approve the removal of trees from any land,

precedent’. For example,

a developer might not agree that the term ‘trees’


includes dead trees. Judicial interpretation of the

Local Courts and District

legislation might be needed to determine whether

Court must follow the deci-

council approval must be sought for the removal of

sions of the New South

dead trees just as for live ones.

Wales Supreme Court. All



ratio decidendi ,ATIN THELEGAL REASONFORAJUDGES decision obiter dicta ,ATIN COMMENTS FROMAJUDGEINACASE that are not directly relevant to the case, and therefore not legally binding SINGULAROBITER dictum)


While courts are not bound to follow other

state and federal courts in

courts’ interpretations of statutes, they are usually

Australia are bound by the

expected to do so. This is because if a court decision

decisions of the High Court

has not resulted in parliament changing the

of Australia. Only the ratio

wording of legislation, it suggests that parliament

decidendi of the superior

is satisfied with the court’s interpretation.

court is binding. The High Court is not

usually is made up of two parts:

strictly bound by its own

s the ratio decidendi – the legal reason why

decisions, though it usually

a judge came to a particular decision. A ratio

stare decisis a Latin term meaning ‘the decision stands’; the doctrine that a decision must be followed by all lower courts

Rules of precedent

is in the interpretation of legislation. Where there

When a judge gives a decision in a case, it

precedent AJUDGMENTTHATIS authority for a legal principle, and that serves to provide guidance for deciding cases that have similar facts

follows them.

Figure 2.3 4HEJUDGEACTSASAN ‘umpire’ in a court case.


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The leg al s y s tem

evidence and the running of the case, but judges


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ca s e s p a ce

jurisdiction the powers of a court, depending on its geographic area, the type of matters that can be decided, and the type of remedies that can be sought


Decisions made in other Australian states or

Superior courts do not have to follow decisions

other common law countries, such as the United

made in lower courts. They may, however, use them

States or the United Kingdom, may influence an

to help make a decision. This is called ‘persuasive

Australian judgment. The higher the court in its

precedent’.Persuasive precedent may also include

own jurisdiction’s hierarchy, the more persuasive

obiter dicta of a judge in a higher court.

the precedent will be.

The law of defamation and the internet Gutnick v Dow Jones & Co. Inc. [2001] VSC 305 In this case, the plaintiff argued

in New York, USA, the plaintiff

that he had been defamed over

successfully argued that he had

cases to look at the internet as

the internet. The defendant,

been defamed in his own city

a source of defamation. It set

Dow Jones, publishes an online

because more than 300 people

a precedent for defamation

news magazine. An article

had accessed the report in

claims being brought across

in that magazine discussed

Melbourne. The Supreme Court

jurisdictional boundaries, and

the business dealings of the

of Victoria held that publication

sparked international interest.

plaintiff, a prominent Melbourne

occurs when an article is

The decision shows that

businessman, and alleged

downloaded, and that a plaintiff

internet communication is no

that he was involved in money

can bring proceedings in any

different from other forms of

laundering and fraud. Even

jurisdiction where the offending

communication, and is subject

though the article originated

statements can be accessed.

to the same laws.

This was one of the first legal

defamation the act of making statements or suggestions that harm someone’s reputation in the community

Cou r t h ie ra rc hy : j u ri sdic t io n of s t ate a n d fede ra l cou r t s

appeal an application to have a higher court reconsider a lower court’s decision, on the basis of an error of law

Australia has two levels of law: state and federal.


State and territory courts

As a result, there are separate state and federal jurisdictions, each of which has its own court

The state court system in New South Wales


operates under the following hierarchy:

All courts have the power to hear a case for

1 Lower courts

the first time. Some courts can also hear appeals

2 Intermediate courts

from lower courts. This means they can reconsider

3 Superior courts.

the decision of a lower court, where the losing

The Australian Capital Territory does not have

party believes there has been an error in the

the intermediate level, but is otherwise similar.

lower court’s legal reasoning. Figure 2.4 shows the

Each court has its own jurisdiction, or area over

structure of state courts in New South Wales, and

which it has authority. Minor matters are dealt with

federal courts in Australia. The arrows show the

lower in the court hierarchy, whereas the higher

specific courts that can hear appeals from each of

courts are reserved for more serious matters and

the lower courts.

appeals from the lower courts.

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Federal superior courts

Supreme Court of the ACT


Non-family law matters

Supreme Court of NSW

Federal specialist courts

State intermediate courts


District Court of NSW

The leg al s y s tem

Federal superior courts

Family law matters

Federal lower courts

Territory lower courts

State lower courts

&EDERAL-AGISTRATES Court of Australia

Magistrates’ Court of the ACT

Local Court of NSW

Coroner’s Court of the ACT

Coroner’s Court of NSW

Children’s Court of the ACT

Children’s Court of NSW Land and Environment Court of NSW


In criminal cases, minor offences such as loitering and obstructing traffic are called summary

Territory, the court that has this role is called the Magistrates’ Court.

offences – these are dealt with in the lower courts.

Most criminal matters are heard in the Local

More serious criminal offences, such as assault

or Magistrates’ Court, as only very serious crimes

and murder, are called indictable offences –

are referred to the District or Supreme Courts. In

these are dealt with in the higher courts.

the case of indictable offences, the magistrate will listen to an outline of the evidence to determine

Lower courts

whether the prosecution has a strong enough case to be able to try the defendant in the District Court


or Supreme Court. This preliminary hearing is

In New South Wales, the Local Court deals with

called a ‘committal hearing’.

minor criminal matters and minor civil disputes.

The Local Court in New South Wales has

In this court a magistrate will hear and decide

jurisdiction to deal with the following areas:

the case, and will set the punishment for criminal

s minor criminal and summary offences

offences. The Local Court is also known as the

s civil matters with a monetary value of $5000

Magistrates’ Court, and in the Australian Capital

summary offences criminal offences that can be dealt with by a SINGLEJUDGEWITHOUT AJURYANDDONOT require a preliminary hearing indictable offences serious criminal offences that require ANINDICTMENTA formal, written charge) and a preliminary hearing; they are typically tried before a JUDGEANDJURYANDARE SUBJECTTOAGREATER penalty

to $60 000


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committal hearings inquiries held in the Local or Magistrates’ Court to determine whether there is enough evidence against the defendant to warrant a trial in a HIGHERCOURTTHISIS called establishing a prima facie case) coronial inquests investigations into deaths that have occurred in unusual circumstances, held in the Coroner’s Court and overseen by a magistrate called the Coroner larceny taking another person’s property with intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property; also known as stealing appellate jurisdiction the ability or power of a court to hear appeals of the decisions of lower courts and to REJECT AFlRMORMODIFY those decisions

s committal hearings

serious charges like manslaughter, sexual assault

s a limited range of family law matters, such as

and large-scale drug importation. The only

property settlements and residence orders for

charges with which the District Court cannot deal

children. In this area, the Local Court has federal

are murder, treason, and piracy, which must be

jurisdiction and in these matters is essentially

dealt with by the Supreme Court.

part of the Federal Court hierarchy. The Magistrates’ Court of the Australian Capital Territory has similar jurisdiction, although it can

A judge and sometimes a jury will hear cases tried in a District Court. The District Court deals with criminal offences

hear and decide civil matters with a maximum

such as:

monetary value of $50 000.

s manslaughter, malicious wounding, and danger-


s assaults

In New South Wales and in the Australian Capital

s sexual assaults

Territory, the role of the Coroner’s Court is to

s offences

ous driving





ensure that unexplained or suspicious deaths

robbery, breaking and entering, larceny and

(or suspected deaths), fires and explosions are


properly investigated. If necessary, coronial inquests are carried out and cases are handed to a higher court for trial.

s importing, supplying or possessing prohibited drugs s offences involving fraud, including passing valueless cheques, obtaining money by decep-


tion, and forgery.

In New South Wales and in the Australian Capital

The District Court has an unlimited jurisdiction

Territory, the Children’s Court deals with civil

in claims for damages for personal injuries arising

matters related to the care and protection of

out of a motor vehicle accident. It also handles

children and young people. It also deals with

civil cases where the amount claimed is between

criminal cases involving persons under the age

$60 000 and $750 000. If both parties agree, the

of 18 at the time of the offence, or (in New South

court can deal with cases where larger amounts

Wales) under the age of 21 when charged with a

are involved. It also has appellate jurisdiction.

crime they committed while under the age of 18. L AN D AN D EN VIR ONM ENT C O U RT

corporations law legislation that regulates corporations and the securities and futures industry in Australia; it is administered by the Australian Securities and Investments #OMMISSION!3)#


Superior courts

The Land and Environment Court is a specialist court


responsible for interpreting and enforcing environ-

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the

mental law in the state of New South Wales. It has a

state or territory hierarchy. It deals with the most

wide jurisdiction and deals with matters related to

serious criminal matters and civil cases involving

environmental planning (e.g. zoning of park lands),

large sums of money (there are no monetary limits

environmental offences (e.g. illegal polluting or

on its civil jurisdiction). It also deals with appeals

dumping) and appeals to local council rulings.

from the lower courts in that state or territory. The Supreme Court has criminal jurisdiction

Intermediate courts

over the most serious indictable offences such as murder and manslaughter, attempted murder,


kidnapping, major conspiracy and drug-related

The District Court of New South Wales deals with

charges, and Commonwealth prosecutions for

more serious criminal matters. These include

serious breaches of the corporations law. All

everything from charges of larceny to more

cases are heard before a judge and jury.

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be dissolved, with jurisdiction for family law

monetary damages in the Supreme Court. It

matters returning to the Family Court and for all

hears matters on claims for damages for personal

other matters returning to the Federal Court. The

injury, breach of contract, professional negligence,

reasons given for the restructure were to reduce

possession of land, and defamation. Most civil

the financial costs of operating an additional court,

matters are dealt with by a judge alone, although a

conflict over resources, and individuals’ confusion

jury is used in some circumstances.

about which court has the appropriate jurisdiction

The Supreme Court also hears appeals. The

to hear their particular case. Some of the savings

Court of Appeal is the highest court in each state

expected to result from the restructure would be

and territory, for both civil and criminal matters.

used to provide non-adversarial dispute resolution

Three judges hear most appeals, but some are

services in the area of family law.

T he leg al s y s tem

In civil matters, there is no upper limit to

heard by two, and, in special cases, they may be heard by more than three. If the judges cannot

The Federal Court of Australia

agree, the majority view prevails. To appeal to

The Federal Court of Australia was established by

the High Court from the Court of Appeal, special

an Act of Parliament in 1976. It assumed some of

permission must be granted by the High Court.

the jurisdiction formerly exercised by the High Court of Australia and all of the jurisdiction of two

Federal courts

courts that had dealt with industrial matters and

The federal court system has a hierarchy in much

by federal law (except for family law matters),

the same way as the state court system does.

as well as some summary criminal offences.

These include:

The Federal Court’s position in the federal court

bankruptcy. It deals with civil disputes governed

hierarchy is equivalent to that of the Supreme

The Federal Magistrates’ Court of Australia

Courts in the states and territories. In relation to

The Federal Magistrates’ Court of Australia was

to the Family Court of Australia, and superior to

established by the Commonwealth Parliament

the Federal Magistrates’ Court.

the other courts in the federal hierarchy, it is equal

towards the end of 1999 and conducted its first sittings in July 2000.

The Family Court of Australia

The Federal Magistrates’ Court was established

The Family Court of Australia is a superior federal

to relieve some of the case load of the Federal

court which deals with the most complex family

and Family Courts and reduce the cost and time

law matters. It was established by the Australian

required to deal with more minor federal matters.

Parliament in 1975. Its main function is to rule on

The jurisdiction of the Federal Magistrates’

cases related to specialised areas in family law,

Court includes family law and child support,

such as divorce, parenting orders, the division of

administrative law, bankruptcy, human rights,

property and spousal maintenance. In its appellate

consumer protection and trade practices, privacy,

jurisdiction, it can hear appeals from a decision of a

migration, copyright, and industrial law. It does

federal magistrate or a single Family Court judge.

not deal with criminal matters. It shares its original jurisdiction with the Family Court of Australia and

The High Court of Australia

the Federal Court of Australia; matters can be

The High Court of Australia is the highest court in

transferred between these courts, depending on

the Australian judicial system. It was established

the complexity of the legal issues.

in 1901 under section 71 of the Australian Consti-

In November 2008, the federal government

tution. The High Court deals with appeals from

decided that the Federal Magistrates’ Court would

the Federal Court of Australia, the Family Court


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Figure 2.5 The High Court of Australia is located in Canberra.

interpretation of the Australian Constitution and

Courts. It also deals with cases concerning the

the constitutional validity of laws.

l eg al l i nks

of Australia, and the state and territory Supreme

R EVI EW 2 . 1 Legal Access Services is a site that

1 Why do we need courts?

was set up to provide legal advice

2 Explain the meaning of ‘court hierarchy’.

to ordinary Australians. It provides

3 Which court is the highest in Australia?

information on the Australian legal

4 Outline the types of matters that are

system. The following pages provide information on the court system: aspx?Id=AuInfJudicial Lawlink, hosted by the NSW

heard in the local court. Who hears these matters? 5 Indicate the types of cases that are dealt with in the District Court of New South Wales. Who decides these cases?

Attorney General’s Office, has

6 Describe the role of the Supreme Court.

information about the courts of NSW

7 Explain the importance of the High Court.

and Australia:

8 In which court would the following matters


most likely be heard?


a a murder trial

The ACT government provides information on that territory’s courts and tribunals: The Australian Government

b an appeal from the NSW Supreme Court c a hearing for the offence of using offensive language in public d an investigation into a suspicious death

Attorney-General’s website has

e an armed robbery trial

information about the federal legal

f the preliminary hearing for a kidnapping

system and courts: nsf/Page/Legalsystemand justice_TheCourts

case g a civil dispute between business partners involving $100 million h a case dealing with an aspect of the Australian Constitution


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The leg al s y s tem


Government members of parliament Executive members of parliament Non-government members of parliament

House of Representatives


Figure 2.6 Parliament of Australia

St a t u te l aw Statute law is the law made by parliament. It is

and the territories, all state parliaments and the

also known as ‘legislation’ or ‘Acts of Parliament’.

federal parliament are bicameral. This means

In Australia, any parliament has the power to

that they have two houses, an upper house and

make statute law. This means that state, territory

a lower house. The Australian Capital Territory’s

and federal governments all have the right to

parliament is unicameral: it only has a lower

make laws. The Australian Constitution sets out

house, called the Legislative Assembly. In New

the powers of the state and federal parliaments

South Wales, the lower house is known as the

with respect to making law.

Legislative Assembly and the upper house is called

bicameral containing two chambers or houses of parliament

the Legislative Council.

The role and structure of parliament

Senate (the upper house) and the House of Repre-

A parliament is a body of elected representatives.

formed by the political party that has the majority

It debates proposed legislation, passes or rejects

of seats in the lower house. Sometimes parties

it, and amends legislation. Apart from Queensland

will unite to form a government (such as the

In federal parliament, the two houses are the sentatives (the lower house). The government is


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bill a drafted law that has not yet been passed by parliament delegated legislation laws made by authorities other than parliament, who are delegated the power to do this by an Act of Parliament

Liberal–National Coalition). The prime minister is

The Executive Council is made up of the

the leader of the government. The political party or

Governor or Governor-General and selected mini-

parties who have the remaining seats in the lower

sters. It is the body that enables legislation to be

house form the opposition. Ministers are those

put into operation. The British monarchy still plays

members of the government who have a special

a role in parliament in Australia.

responsibility for particular departments, e.g.

The Queen must assent to laws. She is repre-

Minister for Education, Minister for the Environ-

sented in Australia by the Governor-General at

ment. Some or all of the ministers form the Cabinet.

federal level and governors at the state level.

Cabinet makes decisions on policy and laws to be

legal links

drafted for consideration by parliament.

The legislative process Passing legislation

For information on the

One of the most important functions of parlia ment

Commonwealth Parliament

is the passing of laws. Most laws are introduced by

go to

the party that holds government. A proposed new law is known as a bill. The making of a law can be time-consuming and difficult. The process is open

Figure 2.7 Parliament House, Canberra


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to public scrutiny, and as a result, well-

Capital Territory has fewer steps, as there

organised pressure groups and members

is only one legislative chamber. Bills of

of electorates can influence parliamentar-

the ACT are not given royal assent by the

ians’ opinions. Bills are usually introduced

Governor-General, and this territory has

by ministers, who are responsible for their

no Governor or Administrator.

R EVI EW 2 . 2 1 Explain how common law originated. 2 Describe how people were England. What were the

can introduce a bill; however, if a bill

Delegated legislation

is introduced by a member who is not a

Delegated legislation is legislation made

minister (called a backbencher), the bill is

by non-parliamentary bodies. It involves

known as a private member’s bill.

‘less impor tant’ laws that parliament does

problems with this system? 3 Define equity law and explain how it differs from the common law.

As members of parliament are subject

not have time to draft, consider and pass,

4 Explain why Australian law

to elections every few years, they are well

and so delegates the responsibility to

is based on common law

aware of the consequences of passing un-

‘subordinate’ bodies, such as government


popular legislation. This means that pro-

departments or local councils. The Act

posed legislation often undergoes much

that authorises a body to make delegated

between court-made law

discussion in parliament and may be

legislation is called an ‘enabling Act’.

and statute law.

redrafted many times. Before a bill passes and becomes federal

Types of delegated legislation include: 1 regulations





law, it requires the approval of both houses

Governor-General, state Governors or

of parliament and the Governor-General.

members of the Executive Council

It then becomes an Act of Parliament. The process for passing laws through the New South Wales Parliament (as well

2 ordinances – laws made for Australian territories (e.g. Norfolk Island and the Australian Antarctic Territory)

5 Identify the differences

6 How is the principle of precedent used in court decisions? 7 Evaluate the importance of the Gutnick v Dow Jones & Co. Inc case. 8 Devise a way to explain to

as other states with bicameral parliaments)

3 rules – legislation made for government

the public how an Act of

is generally the same as passing laws

departments, usually by the department

Parliament is made. You

through Federal Parliament. This process


may wish to use a series of

is outlined in Figure 2.8. The process for passing laws in the Legislative Assembly of the Australian

4 by-laws – laws made by local councils which are restricted to the area governed by that council.

The leg al s y s tem

tried for crimes in medieval

preparation. Any member of parliament

cartoons or a storyboard. 9 Define delegated legislation. Demonstrate your knowledge with appropriate examples.

Table 2.1 The advantages and disadvantages of delegated legislation Advantages


s The people making the legislation are usually experts in that field. s Delegation of minor legislation frees up parliamentary time for very serious issues. s It is easier to amend delegated legislation and thus it is more flexible.

s Members of parliament do not have the time or expertise to fully check the delegated legislation. s With many different bodies involved in making delegated legislation, there can be inconsistencies. s Little publicity surrounds the delegated legislation and thus the public usually cannot voice their views.

Act of Parliament Statute law, resulting from a bill successfully passing through parliament and gaining royal assent


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Need for new law is identified

Influences on governments to make laws come from many and varied sources. These include: s COMMUNITYINTERESTLOBBYGROUPS s electoral mandate s the need to continue or enhance existing laws s party policy s NATIONALINTERNATIONALEVENTS s proposals put forward during election campaigns.

Draft bill

Cabinet approves the drafting of a bill. The proposed bill is drafted by parliamentary clerks and timetabled for its first reading in the Lower House. The bill is presented by the minister, ready for its first reading.

First reading

The first ‘formal’ reading of the bill takes place by the Clerk of the Parliament who reads out the title of the bill. Each member receives a copy of the proposed Act.

Second reading

The minister then speaks about the proposed Act, elaborating on its general aims. Debate over the bill takes place. This stage is completed by the Clerk reading the title of the bill for the second time.

Committee stage

The bill is examined and debated INDETAILANDCHANGESKNOWNAS amendments) are made if necessary.

Third reading

During the third reading a vote is taken on the bill. If the bill passes, it moves to the Upper House.

Upper House

In the Upper House, the process is repeated. If the bill does not pass in the Upper House is may be returned to the Lower House for AMENDMENTSORMAYBEREJECTED

Royal assent

If the bill is passed in the Upper House, it is presented to the 'OVERNORINTHECASEOF.37 legislation) or Governor-General INTHECASEOFFEDERALLEGISLATION for formal approval. The bill now becomes an Act of Parliament and is law as of the date specified in the Act.

Figure 2.8 The passage of a bill through parliament


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A constitution is a set of rules that may apply to

six colonies amalgamated into one nation under

a social club, a large-scale organisation or even

one centralised government. An emotional and

a nation. On 1 January 1901, Australia gained a

sometimes bitter debate raged for two decades

Commonwealth Constitution, which outlined the

until federation was achieved.

legal framework and rules that apply to the governance of Australia. Prior to the Australian Constitution coming into

It is important to look at the arguments for and against federation in Australia because these





force, Australia consisted of six colonies, which

content of the final constitution document. As

were independent of each other with the right to

with any democratic process, politicians have to

govern within their own borders. These six colonies

persuade the public to vote for their proposals,

were not answerable to any authority in Australia,

and sometimes they have to make trade-offs to

but rather to the British government. By the 1880s

gain voter confidence. This was essential to get

various groups and individuals began to promote

the necessary votes in the each of the federation

the concept that Australia would be better off if the



Arguments against federation

Economics: the removal of trade barriers between the colonies would promote a more efficient economy

Trade: tariffs could be used to protect industries in certain colonies from competition in other colonies

Transport: a national rail network would overcome problems caused by the colonies having different rail gauges

Fear: smaller states believed that the more populous and ‘richer’ states would simply override their interests

Defence: as the colonies were far from Britain and thus from Britain’s ability to assist in the event of attack, a unified military force would reduce vulnerability

Apathy: many people felt that federation was irrelevant to their daily lives; this was compounded by the severe economic DEPRESSIONOFTHES

Nationalism: there was a desire to foster a unique Australian identity and culture distinct FROMTHE@MOTHERCOUNTRY %NGLANDIN OF!USTRALIANSWEREOF"RITISHORIGIN

Expense: federation would be expensive to achieve and a national government would be expensive to run

Racial ‘purity’: implementing national policies restricting immigration would ‘keep Australia WHITETHEWhite Australia Policy)

Cheap labour: Queensland was determined to protect its sugar industry by allowing Pacific )SLANDERSKANAKAS TOWORKONTHESUGAR plantations

After a series of referendums in 1898, 1899 and

ment was required. The Commonwealth of Australia

1900, the colonies eventually found a compromise

Constitution Act 1900 (UK) was passed and Australia

position on a proposed constitution, but, before it

came into existence as a nation on 1 January 1901.

could take effect, approval from the British Parlia-

The key features of this British Act were:

federation the process of uniting several states to form a single national government referendum the referral of a particular issue to the electorate for a vote rail gauge the distance between the inner sides of the two rails of a train line White Australia Policy the government policy of allowing only Europeans and English-speaking people to immigrate to Australia tariff a tax that must be paid on imports or exports


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The leg al s y s tem

T h e Co n s t i t u t io n


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Figure 2.9 Kanakas at work on the Queensland cane farms


s Australia was a federated nation consisting of

s The Senate provides a ‘check’ (restraint) on

six states (Western Australia joined shortly after

the power of the House of Representatives.

the other states). The Northern Territory gained

The Senate is sometimes called the ‘states’

self-government in 1978 and the ACT in 1988.

house’, since all states have the same number

s There was a bicameral federal parliament (House of Representatives and Senate).

s abbreviation for ‘section’ of any legislation; ‘ss’ is the abbreviation for @SECTIONSPLURAL

of senators (12) regardless of population. Each territory has two senators.

s A High Court of Australia was established to

s Section 128, which covers the process for alter-

oversee any other courts and provide ‘final

ing the Constitution, specifies that a majority

and conclusive’ judgments upon any appeals it

of states need to vote ‘yes’ on a proposal for

hears (s 73 of the Australian Constitution).

it to succeed – that is, four out of six states.

s It outlined both the division of power and the

In addition, an absolute majority of voters

separation of powers as they would apply in

Australia-wide must vote ‘yes’ – that is, 50 per


cent of voters plus one. It should be noted that

s It enabled the Constitution to be altered by a ref-

this strict requirement has made constitutional

erendum (s 128 of the Australian Constitution).

change very difficult: no referendum has suc-

The Constitution itself is s 9 of the Common-

ceeded since 1977.

wealth of Australia Constitution Act. Although

s The ‘division of power’ outlined in s 51 ensures

the Constitution came into force through an Act

that the states have control over the ‘residual

of the British parliament, the Act brought the

powers’, that is, those not listed in s 51. This will

Commonwealth of Australia into existence as a

be examined in detail later in this chapter.

nation, and the Constitution can be changed only by a referendum of Australian voters. The Australian Constitution contains certain


Division of power

‘checks and balances’ as a result of debate and

After all the controversy and discussions leading

discussion during the federation process:

up to the formalisation of the Australian Consti-

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tution, the fundamental concern of what powers the states would retain and what powers the federal government would have was resolved in Chapter I, Part V of the Constitution, in sections 51 to 60. Quite simply, the Constitution divided up

The leg al s y s tem

the powers between the federal government and the states. Section 51 of the Constitution specifies the legislative powers of the federal parliament. The federal parliament has the power to make laws with respect to all of the matters listed in s 51. These are sometimes referred to as the ‘enumerated powers’. It is important to realise that the states can also make laws in many of the areas listed in s 51, namely, those areas over which the federal and state governments have concurrent powers. Section 52 outlines the exclusive powers of the federal government – that is, those areas in which only the Commonwealth (federal) parliament can legislate: i

the seat of government of the Commonwealth, and all places acquired by the Commonwealth for public purposes

ii matters relating to any department of the public service controlled by the Commonwealth, according to the Constitution iii other matters declared by the Constitution to

Figure 2.11 The states’ different rail gauges were a ‘legacy’ of the colonial system of Australia. The Constitution refers to this ISSUEINSXXXII XXXIII ANDXXXIV 2AILGAUGESFORALLSTATES are now standardised, allowing efficient interstate rail travel.

be within the exclusive power of the Commonwealth parliament.

wealth make contradictory laws. This is found

The exclusive powers of the federal government

in s 109: ‘When a law of a State is inconsistent

include the areas of trade and commerce with other

with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall

countries, foreign relations (‘external affairs’), and

prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the

national defence. While s 90, for example, states

inconsistency, be invalid.’ This will be discussed

clearly that the federal government has exclusive

later in this chapter.

power over customs, and s 114 forbids the states

Those powers which belong solely to the states

from raising or maintaining any military force,

are known as the residual powers. Each state

determining how the Constitution applies to a

has its own constitution, which enables the state

real-life question or dispute is not always clear-cut.

to make laws in various areas, but excludes any

Constitutional interpretation is the task of the High

area directly denied to the states by the Australian

Court, and we will look at some important cases in

Constitution. Chapter V of the Constitution outlines

which that court has clarified the nature and scope

some of these prohibitions. Some of the key residual

of the powers.

powers are in the areas of de facto relationships (in

Obviously there needs to be a conflict resolution mechanism in place if a state and the Common-

legislative powers the legal power or capacity to make laws concurrent powers existing at the same time; powers held by both state and federal parliaments exclusive powers powers that can be exercised only by the federal parliament residual powers those remaining matters on which the states can legislate, which are not referred to in the Constitution

NSW this now includes same-sex relationships), crime, hospitals and public transport.


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l e g a l i n fo

Commonwealth Government legislative powers The following extract from the Australian


Constitution lists some of the legislative


powers of the federal parliament.

it is deemed necessary to make special laws;

Section 51. The

(xxvii) immigration and emigration;






(xxviii) the influx of criminals;

Constitution, have power to make laws for


the peace, order, and good government of


the Commonwealth with respect to:



[…] (v)


the Parliament has power to make laws; (xxxii) the control of railways with respect to transport for the naval and military

postal, telegraphic, telephonic, and other like services; the naval and military defence of the

purposes of the Commonwealth; (xxxiii) the acquisition, with the consent of a State, of any railways of the State

Commonwealth and of the several

on terms arranged between the

States, and the control of the forces to execute and maintain the laws of the Commonwealth;

Commonwealth and the State; (xxxiv) railway construction and extension in any State with the consent of that

[…] (xii)

currency, coinage, and legal tender;

[…] (xv)

State; (xxxv) conciliation the

weights and measures;

(xxxvii) matters referred to the Parliament



divorce and matrimonial causes; and in relation thereto, parental rights, and the custody and guardianship of infants;

(xxiiiA) the provision of maternity allowpensions,






Parliament or Parliaments of any State or States, but so that the law shall extend only to States by whose Parliaments the matter is referred,

invalid and old-age pensions;







arbitration and

beyond the limits of any one State;

naturalization and aliens;





of industrial disputes extending

[…] (xix)

the acquisition of property on just

any purpose in respect of which

taxation; but so as not to discriminate between States or parts of States;

external affairs;

terms from any State or person for

trade and commerce with other countries, and among the States;


the people of any race, for whom

or which afterwards adopt the law;


endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical, sick ness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription), benefits to students and family allowances;


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If either the Commonwealth or a state

Franklin was included as one such area.

government passes a law that contravenes

Now there was a state law allowing the

the Australian Constitution, then that law

construction of the dam and a federal law

would be deemed unconstitutional and

which demanded that it be stopped.

thus be declared invalid.

The case went to the High Court.

Technically the government would be

There are seven judges on the full

said to be acting ultra vires. But what

bench of the High Court. In a 4–3

happens if the state and Commonwealth

decision, the court ruled that the federal

laws were both valid, as can often be the

government was validly using the

case with a concurrent power? This

external affairs power of the Constitution

situation arose in Commonwealth v

(s 51(xxix)), which gives it the authority to

Tasmania [1983] HCA 21, known more

legislate on any matter of ‘international

commonly as the Tasmanian Dam case.

concern’. Although Tasmania had argued

Tasmania wanted to build a

that the construction of the dam and the

hydroelectric dam on the Franklin

regulation of that area of the state were

and Gordon river system. A group of

purely internal or domestic affairs, the

environmentalists began a protest

High Court held that the Commonwealth

campaign against this proposal and the

had the power to make laws with respect

Wilderness Society and the Australian

to international obligations that also

Conservation Foundation got actively

govern conduct within Australia. Under

involved. Nationwide protests were

s 109, the federal law would override the

organised under the ‘No Dams’ slogan,

state law. Section 109 states that ‘when a

and a range of high-profile personalities

law of a State is inconsistent with a law of

took up the cause.

the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail,

Tasmania refused to budge. The

ultra vires ,ATIN BEYONDTHE power or authority legally held by a person, institution or statute to perform an act external affairs power the power of the Commonwealth to legislate on international matters involving Australia; interpreted by the High Court to mean that when the Commonwealth signs an international treaty or convention it has the authority to enact laws to give effect to this international law within Australia

T he leg al s y s tem

ca s e s p a ce

Commonwealth v Tasmania [1983] HCA 21 (‘Tasmanian Dam case’)

and the former shall, to the extent of the

Tasmanian government argued that the

inconsistency, be invalid’. The construction

building of the dam was a residual power

of the dam was stopped and the Franklin

and the protesters, while entitled to their

River was ultimately preserved for future

view, were not going to change Tasmania’s


decision. In the lead-up to the 1983 federal election, the leader of the Australian Labor Party promised to stop the dam if elected. Labor won the election, but Tasmania continued to build the dam. The federal government recognised the Wild Rivers area as a region of special significance and it was listed under the World Heritage Convention. The federal government passed the World Heritage (Property Conservation) Act 1983 (Cth), which specified that such areas of special significance should be protected. The



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ca s e s tu d y

Amending the Australian Constitution The law and the legal system must be dynamic to be effective. Mechanisms must be in place to change ineffective, obsolete

General for royal assent. In 1967, one of the more popular

or unfair laws. Statutes (Acts of Parliament)

referendums altered s 51(xxvi) and deleted

can be changed through the parliamentary

s 127, which enabled the Commonwealth

process. Common law can be changed

government to pass laws in relation

through the courts when a judge

to Aboriginal people and Torres Strait

sets a new precedent. The Australian

Islanders. This ensured consistency of

Constitution, while technically a statute,

laws, as some states had discriminatory

has a unique alteration process contained

laws and were reluctant to change them.

within it. This process is found in Chapter

Other successful referendums included

VII, ‘Alteration of the Constitution’, s 128,

amending s 72 so that judges in the

and is known as a referendum.

High Court and the other federal courts

Of the 44 proposed amendments to

bipartisan having the support of THETWOMAJOR political parties

5 The alteration must go to the Governor-

had to retire at age 70. This was the last

the constitution, only eight have been

successful referendum; the next nine

successful. In some published copies

proposals were all defeated. The last

of the Australian Constitution, these

referendum was held on 11 November

successful amendments are often shown

1999 and involved changing Australia to

in bold type or by having deleted parts

a republic with a president appointed

ruled through (see s 51(xxvi)). The margin

by a two-thirds majority of both houses

notes also indicate alterations made

of parliament, which would require

to the Constitution after a successful

bipartisan support of the nomination. The

referendum. The specifics of successfully

proposal was soundly defeated, but the

altering the Australian Constitution, as set

push to make Australia a fully independent

out in s 128, are:

nation remains.

1 The proposed change must pass both houses (Senate and House of Representatives) with an absolute majority. 2 The proposed change must be put to the electors ‘not less than two months nor more than six months’ after going through both houses. 3 There must be an absolute majority of voters Australia-wide who approve the change, that is, 50 per cent of voters plus one. 4 There must be a majority of states that approve the change, that is, four of the six states must vote for the change.


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REVIEW 2.3 1 Define the term ‘constitution’. 2 Use examples to outline the constitutional division of

c Outline the process by which the federal government could construct a rail line from Brisbane

power. In your answer distinguish between:

to Melbourne. Refer to s 51(xxxii), (xxxiii) and

a legislative powers


b enumerated powers c concurrent powers d exclusive powers e residual powers. 3 Study the extract of s 51 and answer the following

d What part of the Constitution reproduced here has been altered by a referendum? Explain the impact of this amendment. e Explain s 51 (xxxvii) in your own words. 4 Write a summary of Commonwealth v Tasmania [1983]


HCA 21 using the following headings:

a Under what section of the Constitution can the

a facts

federal government legislate with respect to

b issue

imports and exports? Explain your answer.

c judgment.

b With specific reference to s 51(xxi) and (xxii) outline

5 With specific reference to s 128, outline why it is so

the grounds on which de facto relationships are

difficult to alter the Australian Constitution, even if

considered residual powers. Explain why these

more than 50 per cent of voters want the proposed

relationships were not covered in the Constitution


by our ‘founding fathers’.


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Separation of powers The separation of powers doctrine was developed by the 18th-century French political philosopher, Charles de Secondat Montesquieu. He believed that the civil liberties of the public were at risk if civil liberties basic individual rights, such as freedom of speech and religion, which are protected by law

the key organs of government were controlled by one person or group. Montesquieu identified these key organs of government as: s the legislature – the law-makers (in Australia this is the parliament: the House of Representatives and the Senate) s the executive – the ministers and government departments who administer the laws made by parliament (in Australia the Governor-General,

is, the ministers and the prime minister are members of both the executive and the legislature – the separation of powers does not exist in its pure form in Australia. The key feature of the separation of powers in Australia is that there is a clear distinction between the judiciary and the other arms of government. For a true democracy to operate, and in the interests of justice, it is imperative that there be no overlap between the judicial and non-judicial arms of government. Protecting the independence of the judiciary is one of the cornerstones of our democracy. This becomes evident when a court makes a decision that is not in accordance with government policy.

the Prime Minister and Cabinet are members of the executive) s the judiciary – the courts which interpret and

Role of the High Court

apply the law.

Chapter III of the Australian Constitution is titled

If one person or group controls all three organs

‘The Judicature’ and it is within this chapter that the

or arms of government, then he, she or it has

judicial system of the Commonwealth is created.

unfettered power and the risk of

Section 71 creates the High Court of Australia and

dictatorship is very real. If the three

specifies that it must contain one Chief Justice

arms are independent, each acts as

and at least two other judges. In September 2008,

a check on the others, ensuring that

Robert Shenton French was appointed the 12th

no branch abuses its power and

Chief Justice of the High Court.

RE VIE W 2.4 1 Distinguish between the three ‘arms’ of government. 2 Explain how the separation of powers operates in Australia. 3 Outline the significance of the separation of powers for the functioning of a democracy.

that civil liberties are protected.

The first sitting of the High Court was on

Australia’s founders certainly

6 October 1903, with three judges. In 1906 the

wanted the doctrine of the separ-

number of judges was increased to five and in

ation of powers to apply upon

1912 the number of judges was further increased

federation. The first three chapters

to its current number, seven.

R E SEA RC H 2.1

of the Constitution are set out in

1 Investigate the concept

accordance with the doctrine:

Parliament to create other courts. Over time,

s Chapter I – The Parliament

parliament has created the Federal Court, the

of mandatory sentencing and discuss how this may come into conflict with the independence of the judiciary when determining punishments.

s Chapter II – The Executive (sections 61 to 70) s Chapter III – The Judicature

Family Court and the Federal Magistrates Court, which all come under federal jurisdiction. Section 72 outlines how High Court judges are appointed, and as a result of a successful refer-

(sections 71 to 80)

endum in 1977, specifies that they must retire

In theory Australia has adopted

when they reach the age of 70. Most High Court

operation of the separation

the doctrine of the separation of

judges come from the bench of the state Supreme

of powers in Australia with its

powers. However, because some

Courts or the Federal Court. They are chosen by the

operation in either France or

members of the executive are

‘Governor-General in Council’, which essentially

the United States of America.

members of the legislature – that

means they are chosen by the government of the

2 Compare and contrast the


(sections 1 to 60)

Section 71 also allows the Commonwealth

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day. While most sittings are in Canberra, cases

way in which the law maintains its relevance and

can be heard in the other capital cities and even


by video link if it is warranted.

When a case concerning the interpretation of

High Court jurisdiction

all seven judges hear and decide the matter. This

The High Court has both original and appellate

ensures a final decision, even though decisions

jurisdiction. The original jurisdiction of the High

need not be unanimous. The High Court is the

Court is outlined in ss 75 and 76:

highest court in the Australian judicial system, and since 1986, there are no other avenues of appeal

Section 75

available. The Australia Act 1986 (Cth) severed

In all matters –

the judicial link with England; appeals from the

(i) arising under any treaty; (ii) affecting consuls or other representatives of other countries;

Australian judicial system no longer go to the Privy Council in England for final determination.

(iii) in which the Commonwealth, or a person suing or being sued on behalf of the Commonwealth, is a party; (iv) between States, or between residents of different States, or between a State and a resident of

The impact of the High Court: Interpreting the Constitution Invariably, the High Court’s interpretation of the

another State; (v) in which a writ of mandamus or prohibition

Constitution involves stipulating what areas the

or an injunction is sought against an officer of

Commonwealth can legislate on and what areas

the Commonwealth;

belong to the states. In association with such decisions, the High Court makes statements on

the High Court shall have original jurisdiction.

The leg al s y s tem

the Constitution comes before the High Court,

original jurisdiction the ability or power of a court to hear a case in the first instance mandamus a court order compelling a government official or organisation to perform a particular task prohibition a court order that forbids a lower level court from hearing or taking further action in a case or matter injunction a court order stopping an individual or organisation from performing a particular action

how each level of government can use its powers

Section 76 The Parliament may make laws conferring original jurisdiction on the High Court in any matter – (i) arising under this Constitution, or involving its interpretation; (ii) arising







Parliament; (iii) of Admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; (iv) relating to the same subject matter claimed under the laws of different States.

Cases which come under original jurisdiction begin in the High Court itself. Matters relating to the interpretation of the Constitution fall under s 76(i) and this role of the High Court has at times had an enormous influence on determining the division of power between the states and the Commonwealth. As community conditions, standards and attitudes evolve, they should be reflected in the views expressed by the judiciary. This is another

Figure 2.14 The High Court makes statements on how each level of government can use its powers, and outlines any limits on these powers.


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fiscal relating to government financial matters

and outlines any limits on such powers. For

taxes. In return, the Commonwealth agreed to

example, in the Tasmanian Dam case, the High

return to the states a grant of money about equal to

Court said in obiter dicta that the Commonwealth

what they could no longer collect as income tax.

can only use the external affairs power when

These grants are under s 96, which states that

entering legitimate international treaties or con-

‘the Parliament may grant financial assistance

ventions. In other words, the Commonwealth

to any state on such terms and conditions as the

Government could not enter a treaty with another

Parliament thinks fit’. The states believed the new

country simply to gain legitimacy to override a

law would not only deny them financial inde-

state law that it disagreed with. Initially High Court

pendence, but would allow the Commonwealth to

decisions favoured the states, but over time a

dictate how they spent these grants.

broader approach to interpreting the Constitution

The states did not like this proposal, as it would

has seen a shift in the legislative balance between

make them reliant on the Commonwealth for the

the states and the Commonwealth. The following

bulk of their revenue. The states went to the High

cases are examples of the High Court exercising its

Court, claiming the new law was aimed primarily

original jurisdiction to interpret the Constitution.

at denying them the right to collect income tax and thus reducing their fiscal independence. The High

South Australia v Commonwealth (the ‘First Uniform Tax case’) [1942] HCA 14

Court ruled that this was irrelevant; the proposed

Section 51(ii) of the Constitution clearly gives the taxes. This was considered a concurrent power,

Murphyores v The Commonwealth (‘Fraser Island case’) [1976] HCA 20

so both the Commonwealth and the states were

Murphyores extracted certain minerals from sands

collecting income taxes until 1942. As a wartime

on Fraser Island under a lease granted by the

emergency measure, federal laws were introduced

Queensland government. Such a lease was certain-

which effectively made the Commonwealth the

ly constitutionally valid, and the environmental

only level of government able to collect income

consequences were also a state concern.

Commonwealth the legislative power to collect

law was constitutional and therefore valid.



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with the project, partly on environmental grounds,

R ESEAR CH 2 . 2 1 Go to Write a

but had no constitutional power to simply shut

report on any two cases dealing with the Constitution,

down the operations on Fraser Island. Instead it


relied on one of its legislative powers – specifically

a the facts of the case

s 51(i), over trade and commerce – to prohibit

b which section of the Constitution the case refers to

export of the minerals. Murphyores relied on those

c the High Court’s decision

exports for its financial viability, but under s 112

d the significance of the decision.

of the Customs Act 1901 (Cth), the Commonwealth could prohibit the export of any goods from Australia, either absolutely or unless certain conditions were complied with.

The leg al s y s tem

The Commonwealth government disagreed

2 Go to and list the current members of the High Court. 3 Go to and undertake a virtual tour of the High Court.

Murphyores went to the High Court, arguing that the Commonwealth had acted outside its constitutional power, but the High Court noted that, while the effect of the use of s 51 may well be to override a traditional state power, the Commonwealth

Appeals to the High Court from lower courts

was within its rights to prohibit the exports of the

Section 73 outlines the appellate jurisdiction of the

minerals. The motivation for the Commonwealth’s

High Court. It stipulates that the High Court has

use of the power – such as concern about the

jurisdiction to ‘hear and determine all judgments’

environmental effects – was irrelevant.

from any cases emanating from: s the

R v Brislan; Ex parte Williams [1935] HCA 78 Dulcie Williams was convicted of operating an appliance for the purpose of receiving messages by








jurisdiction s any



jurisdiction s the Supreme Court of any state.

‘wireless telegraphy’ without proper authorisation.

Section 73 also states that ‘the judgment of

What she was maintaining was an ordinary

the High Court in all such cases shall be final

radio ‘wireless broadcasting receiving set’ (that

and conclusive’. Currently, all appeal cases must

is, a radio). In the appeal, it was claimed that

be granted special leave before the case will be

the Commonwealth had acted ultra vires when

heard by the High Court. Chapter 4 of the High

charging her under the Wireless Telegraphy Act

Court Rules 2004, which became effective on

1905, as the section under which she was charged

1 January 2005, deals with the practice and

does not extend to radio sets and if it did, it was

procedure of the High Court in its appellate

invalid, because s 51(v) of the Constitution covers


‘postal, telegraphic, telephonic and other like services’, but not broadcasting.

Generally, appeals relate to questions of law, or a matter that is of such significance as

The High Court ruled that ‘upon its true

to warrant the attention of the High Court, or a

interpretation’ the Commonwealth is able to

dispute between the opinions of various courts

legislate in respect of any such broadcasting

that requires a final adjudication. The workload of

services. Consequently, it has been accepted that

the High Court has built up over the decades and

the Commonwealth has the constitutional power

there are numerous examples of the High Court

to make laws with respect to new developments

deciding matters in its appellate jurisdiction. One

in communications technology, such as television

of the more famous cases is Osland v R, a 1998

and the internet.

appeal from the Victorian Supreme Court.

R ‘R’ at the beginning of a case name refers to Regina ,ATINFOR@1UEEN  Since Australia is a constitutional monarchy this refers to our head of state on whose behalf the prosecution case is run. When the head of state is a male, as WASTHECASEIN the ‘R’ stands for Rex, which is Latin for ‘King’. ex parte ,ATIN @FROMONESIDE in a case this means the other side is absent or unrepresented special leave where the High Court grants approval for the case to go before it on APPELLATEJURISDICTION questions of law a disputed legal contention that is left FORTHEJUDGETODECIDE EGWHETHERCERTAIN evidence is admissible)


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ca s e s p a ce

Osland v R [1998] HCA 75 On 30 July 1991 Heather Osland

of grounds including the conduct

sought a formal pardon from

and her son David Albion planned

of the trial, criminal complicity,

the Governor of Victoria, in

to get Frank Osland (Heather’s

evidence issues and causation

an attempt to clear her name.

husband and David’s stepfather)


When the pardon was refused,

out of their lives. They first dug

she sought access to documents

the issue of ‘battered woman

outlining the reasons why. In

by putting sedatives in his

syndrome’ (BWS) for the first

2008, Heather Osland stated:

evening meal to induce sleep.

time in Australia. The High Court

‘Domestic violence is a big issue

David Albion carried the plan

confirmed its admissibility into

today, but in my day it was locked

to finality after Frank went to

evidence if it ‘related to the

in a cupboard.’

bed by fatally hitting him over

particular facts of the case’. The

the head with an iron pipe in the

High Court specified that BWS

presence of Heather. Later, David

was not a new discrete defence

and Heather buried Frank in the

but was applicable in Australia

grave they had earlier prepared.

where ‘ … expert evidence is

David and Heather did not

received to describe common

deny digging the ‘hole’ (as they

features of the conduct in

called it) or giving Frank the

abusive relationships and where

sedatives. They also did not deny

provocation and self defence are

that David delivered the fatal

put in issue’.

blow or that they buried Frank

The point was made, obiter

in the ‘hole’. Heather reported

dictum, that abusive relationships

Frank as a missing person. It

are not gender-specific.

wasn’t until January 1995 that the pair were charged with murder. Both David and Heather

As a result of this ruling, ‘battered partner syndrome’ was accepted into the fabric of

Figure 2.16 Changing social attitudes should be reflected in High Court rulings. Domestic violence is no longer a ‘hidden CRIME ANDMOREJUSTOUTCOMES are now possible, depending on the facts of the case.

relied on self-defence and

the criminal justice system; that

provocation to account for

is, victims in such relationships

their actions. The defence

could use it where the facts did

provided detailed evidence of

not allow them to rely solely on

extreme violent behaviour by

provocation or self-defence.

Frank over the years, and its

Ironically, the High Court ruled

R ESEAR CH 2 . 3

escalation in the days preceding

that it did not apply in Osland’s

1 Read Heather Osland’s

his death. David and Heather


believed there would be dire

Justice Kirby noted that the

story, in her own words, at

consequences for them if Frank

raising of battered partner


realised he had been drugged.

syndrome ‘does not raise a

2 Conduct research using

Initially David was acquitted

protective cloak over an accused

the internet, then

and Heather was convicted of

charged with murder’.

compare and contrast

murder and sentenced to 14


The High Court also dealt with

a grave, then drugged Frank

Heather Osland spent nine-

years’ imprisonment. Heather

and-a-half years in prison. She

appealed this decision on a range

was released in July 2005 but

Said Morgan’s case with Heather Osland’s.

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review a decision on its merits. Appeals can go to the High Court, by leave.

The system of judicial review involves review of

A far more effective and efficient way for indi-

the actions of a government official or department,

viduals to appeal the decision of a government

by a court of law. Generally the system of judicial

official or body is through non-judicial review

review involves investigating the legality of a

of administrative action in the Administrative

decision or action. The High Court exercises

Appeals Tribunal, which has jurisdiction to review

judicial review whenever it makes a decision about

the merits. Courts other than federal courts may

whether a particular law is constitutionally valid or

also review decisions on the merits, if they have

not. It has almost unlimited jurisdiction to review

statutory authority to do so.

Commonwealth administrative decisions.

Generally, judicial review involves the court

The Federal Court undertakes most judicial

with appropriate jurisdiction investigating whether

reviews by applying the Administrative Decisions

a government official or department has acted

(Judicial Review) Act 1977 (Cth). It is important

ultra vires, or whether he, she or it has followed

to understand that this Act applies strict rules

the rules of natural justice (procedural fairness).

and does not give the Federal Court the power to

These concepts are covered in the HSC course.

merits review analysis of the facts presented in a case, and often the policy choices that led to the decision natural justice the body of principles used to ensure the FAIRNESSANDJUSTICEOF the decision-making procedures of courts; in Australia it generally refers to the right to present your case, the right to freedom from bias by decisionmakers, and the right to a decision based on logically relevant evidence

The leg al s y s tem

Judicial review

Aborigi na l a n d To rres St ra it I s l a n de r Peop l es’ c u s t o m a r y l aw s The Indigenous cultures of Australia are the oldest

Torres Strait Islander communities, speaking

living cultures in the world. Over time, they have

different languages and with various cultural

been influenced by other peoples, both those who

beliefs, practices and traditions. It was very

came to Australia to stay and those who visited

much a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, and one in

Australia for trade or other reasons, but did not stay.

which gender played a role: men hunted the large

Indigenous peoples also traded among themselves

animals such as kangaroos, emus and turtles, and

and exchanged ideas, songs and dances. These

the women and children hunted smaller animals

exchanges often took place at large ceremonial

and collected fruits, berries and other plants.

gatherings where many people collected together.

On the coast, people relied on catching fish and

The gatherings often occurred at a time and place

many types of shellfish. Not all Indigenous peoples

when there were plenty of particular foods.

were nomadic; in many cases, groups would






stay in an area only for a certain period of time

cultures have changed and developed over time.

because of seasonal variations and the availability

Colonisation of Australia brought rapid changes to

of food.

Indigenous society and dramatically affected the land and the way people lived.

There is no single system of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander law. The separate Indigenous

Prior to European settlement, only Indigenous

nations developed their own laws, but there were

people populated Australia. When the First Fleet

also common aspects among groups. All of these

sailed into Sydney Harbour in 1788, Aboriginal

laws are spiritually based and closely linked to the

people inhabited the whole of Australia and Torres

land. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander law is

Strait Islanders lived on the islands between

based on tradition, ritual and socially acceptable

Australia and what is now Papua New Guinea.

conduct. For this reason it is known as ‘customary

Australia had many different Aboriginal and


customary law principles and procedures that have developed through general usage according to the customs of a people or nation, or groups of nations


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A main difference between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customary law and the British

The spiritual nature of Indigenous customary law

legal tradition can be seen in the area of land

terra nullius ,ATIN @LANDBELONGING to no-one’; the idea that when the first Europeans came to Australia the land was owned by no-one and thus was open to settlement. It has been JUDGEDLEGALLYINVALID Dreamtime also known as ‘the Dreaming’, the source of Indigenous Australian customary law

ownership. The right to possess property is a key

The Dreaming is the basis of much Aboriginal

principle of English and European law. However, to

and Torres Strait Islander law. The Dreaming, also

many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,

known as the Dreamtime, is the history of Abori-

land is sacred and cannot be owned. Instead people

ginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It explains

are custodians of the land, looking after it for

how the land, animals, plants and sky were created

future generations. This collective guardianship is

and has a very strong religious element.

a key feature of customary law. However, the lack

Due to the secrecy that covers many of the

of tangible ownership is the reason why the British

traditional laws and the cultural role played by

people felt that they could settle and impose British

oral history, in contrast to written documentation,

property law in Australia. The British considered

it is hard to describe these laws and their links to

Australia to be an unoccupied land, as they could

the Dreamtime. In addition, laws will differ from

not see any signs of ownership, such as fences and

community to community.

signs. The term that they used for this is ‘terra

However, it can be agreed that law and religion

nullius’, a Latin expression meaning ‘empty land’.

are very closely related, and that many laws have

Although federal and state legislation and the

evolved from the Dreamtime and are concerned

common law govern Australia, many Indigenous

with the treatment of the land and those who live

people still follow their own customary law as

on it.


Since 1788, many Indigenous people have lived under two legal systems, the common law system deriving from Britain and Indigenous customary law. As more than two-thirds of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders live in remote areas, they are more likely to use customary law to settle a dispute.

Diversity of Indigenous societies Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander law is tribal and different tribes have their own variations of customary law. Australia is a large land mass, and as a result, different languages and modes of conduct developed. However, the similarities in customary law outweigh the differences. For example, under traditional law, the majority of Indigenous communities will generally see that disputes are not restricted to individuals. The resolution of the dispute, involving negotiation, mediation and conciliation, will involve everyone Figure 2.17 Aboriginal rock paintings


in the community. There are also offences that

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would be held during ceremonial times. Elders

punishable under traditional law. Examples include

and influential members of the tribe might meet

insulting an elder and the singing of sacred songs

with the people in conflict and use discussion and

in public. These offences are common to most

dialogue in an attempt to settle the dispute.

Indigenous societies regardless of where they are located in Australia.

Relationships and their maintenance are very important in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. It is through these relationships that

Ritual and oral traditions within Indigenous societies

people are able to pass on and follow traditional

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander law is part

Enforcement and sanction within Indigenous societies

of everyday life. The law is an integral part of the values, customs and ethics of Indigenous peoples and has developed over many thousands of

laws. As a result, mediation has an important role in dispute resolution.

years. Most laws relate to marriage, child-rearing,

It is expected that everyone in the community

religion, family and kinship. Customary laws have

will follow and reinforce the traditional laws. In

been passed from generation to generation by

traditional societies, order is maintained through

word of mouth and through ritual. Stories, songs

self-regulation and consensus among family

and dances are used to help people remember the

heads. Elders play an important role in guiding

laws of their group. Different people in the tribe

decisions related to enforcing the law, intervening

know different laws. For example, women have

as necessary.

knowledge of some laws that they pass on to girls at a certain age.

Offences under traditional law may be breaches of sacred law or offences against other persons or

During ceremonial meetings at communal

property. The boundary between these categories

gathering places, laws are passed on by and

is not always clear. Where sacred law has been

to the appropriate people and reinforced often

broken, elders are often directly involved in

through dance and storytelling. Many of these

applying sanctions.

ceremonies are sacred and people from outside

Sanctions vary from place to place. The relatives

the community are not permitted to participate

of the wronged party, ceremonial leaders, or both

or watch. The stories have been handed down for

may be involved in the punishment, the form of

thousands of years and explain things such as the

which may be determined through negotiations

creation of all things, why things happen, tribal

and/or kinship relationships. For the most serious

boundaries, family relationships, cultural practices

offences, elders may need to ensure that the

and forbidden acts.

punishment is appropriately carried out and

kinship family relationships, including all extended family relationships; an important part of Indigenous cultures and values, which dictate how all people in the group behave toward each other

The leg al s y s tem

are not recognised by non-customary law but are

elders older men and women of recognised wisdom and authority, who are the keepers of traditional knowledge within Indigenous communities; they are responsible for such things as initiations and the handing down of punishments when community laws are broken mediation a process in which two parties are brought together for the purpose of discussing and resolving a conflict sanction a penalty or punishment imposed for breaking the law

restraint is exercised.

Dispute resolution within Indigenous societies

to exile, spearing or death. Punishment by death

When customary laws are broken or disputes arise

possibly because of conflict with Australian law.

within traditional Indigenous societies, the family

The justification for physical punishments such as

and the community are involved. Discussions or

spearings or beatings is sometimes expressed as to

meetings, rather than formal judicial processes,

‘restore balance’ for the parties and their families.

Punishments range from ridicule and shaming is much less frequent today than in the past,


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Figure 2.18 4HISMAPISJUSTONEREPRESENTATIONOFMANYOTHERMAPSOURCESTHATAREAVAILABLEFOR!BORIGINAL!USTRALIA5SING PUBLISHEDRESOURCESAVAILABLEBETWEENn THISMAPATTEMPTSTOREPRESENTALLTHELANGUAGEORTRIBALORNATIONGROUPS of the Indigenous people of Australia. It indicates only the general location of larger groupings of people which may include smaller groups such as clans, dialects or individual languages in a group. Boundaries are not intended to be exact. This map is ./435)4!",%&/253%)..!4)6%4)4,%!.$/4(%2,!.$#,!)-3$AVID2(ORTON CREATOR ¥!BORIGINAL3TUDIES0RESS !)!43)3AND!USLIG3INCLAIR +NIGHT -ERZ 

mitigation making the severity of an offence or a sentence milder or less severe


The significance of land and bodies of water to Indigenous societies

Islander people have links with the sea, lakes, rivers and all bodies of water. These are not owned by individuals, but are cared for by the group under customary law.

The idea of individual land ownership is alien to

Each group has distinct responsibilities govern-

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander thought. Being

ing the way that they look after their land and

a member of a tribe means that a person is able

bodies of water. These responsibilities are tied into

to live on and use the resources of certain lands.

their traditional laws and the stories and rituals that

Thus, the land belongs to the group and loss of this

pass on these laws and responsibilities. Failure to

land means losing the tribe’s culture and history.

follow the traditional laws can be seen as a failure to

In the same way, Aboriginal and Torres Strait

show respect for the land and traditional values.

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The relevance of customary law today In the past twenty years there has been greater legal recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders’

The leg al s y s tem

rights as the traditional landholders of Australia. Many aspects of customary law can be seen embodied in Australian law today. The practice of sustainable development, for example, is the basis for current environmental laws. Conciliation and mediation are increasingly used to resolve disputes in criminal, consumer and employment law. Customary laws are also sometimes taken into account when an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander is charged with a crime. For example, where an act has been done because Aboriginal customary law requires it, but the act amounts to an offence under Australian law, this may be raised in mitigation of the offence. Evidence that a criminal offence was provoked by the victim’s

Figure 2.19 In Indigenous societies, land belongs to a group and not to individuals.

breaking customary law may also be a mitigating factor, and evidence that an offender is to receive traditional punishment may be submitted in mitigation of a sentence.

R EV I EW 2 . 5 1 Describe the importance

R ESEAR C H 2 . 4 Visit the website

In some places where there are a large number

of tradition in Aboriginal

of people living a traditional lifestyle, elders will

and Torres Strait Islander

Go to ‘Stories of the Dreaming’

customary law.

and complete the following

be consulted by those involved in maintaining and enforcing the law. However, there is much debate about the role

2 Explain the different relationships that

of customary law in prosecuting, defending and

Europeans and Aboriginal

punishing offenders, and those in the legal system

and Torres Strait Islanders

are always wary of being accused of unfairness if

have with the land.

everyone is not treated equally by the law. As a

3 Why is it not possible

result legislatures have been reluctant to formally

to refer to a uniform

incorporate customary laws into Australian law.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customary

1 Explain the importance of the Dreaming to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 2 Identify how Dreaming stories are passed on through generations. 3 Who has custody of these stories? 4 Discuss why many of these

law? 4 What do the laws of Indigenous Australian peoples have in common? 5 Identify some ways in

Figure 2.20 Land Council meeting of the elders, &ITZROY#ROSSING 7! /CTOBER


stories are called ‘sacred’ and ‘secret’. 5 Look at the list of stories and their summaries and

which customary law is

distinguish the common

relevant to the Australian

themes of many of these

contemporary legal



6 Choose a story and briefly tell what it is about.


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International law States and sovereignty: The differences between domestic and international law domestic law the law of a nation opinio juris sive necessitatis ,ATIN @OPINIONTHATAN act is necessary by rule of law’: the principle that for the practice of a state to be customary international law, the state must believe that international law requires it

In this sense, international law is different from domestic law. Nation-states are powerful entities and to force a nation-state to take a particular course of action can have far-reaching implications for the international community. As a result

Each country has laws for its own people, known

international law relies on countries consenting to

as domestic law. A country can do this because

cooperate in the enforcement of these laws.

it is an autonomous (independent) state which has

A further point of difference is that law is adhered to not simply because it can be enforced,

sovereignty. A state, in the legal sense, is an independent

but because it is generally accepted by the whole

entity that is recognised by other states on an

community. As the world is made up of diverse

international basis. In order to be a state, a place

cultures with different values, not all countries will

must have:

agree with all international laws and may ignore

s a defined territory

a law if they feel that it is not in their national

s a permanent population

interest to do so.

s an effective government s the




However, nation-states are interdependent into


in many ways, and the recognition of this world


community provides one of the motivations for

Sovereignty means that the state has the

following international law.

authority to make rules for its population and the power to enforce these rules. The term ‘state’ can refer to a political division within a federation, such as New South Wales or Tasmania, or (in an

Sources of international law

international context) to an autonomous nation-

The main sources of international law are customs,


treaties, legal decisions and legal writings.

International law governs the relationships


between nation-states. International law enables

Customary international law

nations to participate in trade and commerce

Customary international law is not contained

and provides mechanisms for the maintenance of

within a written document. Instead it is based on

peace and security and the reduction of conflict.

long-established traditions or common practices

International law also covers fundamental human

followed by many nations to the point that they are

rights, making it illegal to do such things as torture

accepted as being fair and right by the international

political prisoners or commit genocide.

community. For example, customary international

One of the main criticisms of international

law regulating war had been in existence for a long

law is that it lacks enforcement. There are many

time before the Hague and Geneva Conventions

examples around the world of nation-states

explicitly outlined rules governing the conduct of

breaching international law as result of state

nations when in conflict, such as the manner in

sovereignty, especially in the area of human rights.

which prisoners of war and civilians were to be

International law could not prevent genocide in


Rwanda in the 1990s and has not prevented crimes

This form of international law develops over

against humanity committed in the Darfur region

time, as it requires ‘constant and uniform’ practice

of Sudan since 2003.

of states in order to be accepted as law. It should

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nation-states accept that the practice is binding upon them. This principle is termed opinio juris sive necessitatis (shortened to opinio juris). Critics of customary international law point out that it can be difficult to establish that it exists, and the time lag involved in its being accepted as law has rendered it secondary to treaties and conventions as a source of international obligations. The number of nations in existence since the end of the First World War has also grown considerably and hence getting consensus has become more problematic. In addition, the rate of change in the world today is rapid and at times requires a more immediate response. For example, what is the most effective means of limiting damage from the economic crisis of 2008? Would customary law or treaties be the more appropriate way of regulating global financial markets? Most of the laws prohibiting crimes against humanity originated as customary international law. Important examples include the condemnation of slavery and genocide.

Treaties and declarations Treaties are the most commonly used source of international law. According to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969), a treaty is an international agreement concluded between states in written form and governed by the guidelines of international law. Another way

Child executions There are still a handful of countries in the world today that execute offenders for crimes committed when they were under the age of 18. It is evident that child executions breach international treaties. Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states that ‘sentence of death shall not be imposed for crimes committed by persons below eighteen years of age’. Article 37 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC) provides that ‘neither capital punishment nor life imprisonment without possibility of release shall

The leg al s y s tem

practice, it is still not considered law unless the

ca s e s tu d y

be noted that even if there is constant and uniform

be imposed for offences committed by persons below eighteen years of age’. In Roper v Simmons, 543 US 551 (2005), the US Supreme Court held that executing offenders who were minors when they committed the crime violates the Eighth Amendment, which prohibits ‘cruel and unusual punishments’. The court found that standards of decency had evolved since 1989, when it had ruled that the execution of 16- and 17-year-old offenders was constitutional. There was now a national consensus that death is disproportionate punishment for juveniles. In addition to state legislation and practice, the court had also considered international trends. Bodies including the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and Amnesty International believe that ‘the exclusion of child offenders from the death penalty is now so widely accepted in law and practice that it has become a rule of customary international law’.

of looking at it is that a treaty is an agreement between legal equals and may cover any sphere of international relations between the parties.

its organs and agencies. Each country that is a

Treaties can be either:

signatory to this treaty has a seat in the General

s bilateral – between two nations, for example

Assembly and participates in UN processes.

the Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia

The more nations that sign a treaty, the more

and Australia on the Framework for Security

powerful that treaty will be. Treaties are used to

Cooperation (the ‘Lombok Treaty’), concerning

make specific laws and to control conduct and

their common security and respective national

cooperation between and within nations. A treaty

security; or

may also establish an international organisation,

s multilateral – between many nations, for

as for example the Rome Statute of the International

example the Charter of the United Nations,

Criminal Court. There is no set way of making a

which established the United Nations (UN) and

treaty, but most treaties are made through direct

treaty an international agreement concluded between states in written form and governed by the guidelines of international law; treaties may also be referred to as conventions or covenants.


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Declarations are also international instruments, but they differ from treaties. Declarations state and clarify the parties’ position on particular issues, but do not impose legally binding provisions that must be followed. A famous example is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The United Nations Commission on Human Rights was established, following the Second World War and the Holocaust, to draft the declaration – the first universal statement on the basic principles of human rights. Among its chief purposes was to define the meaning of the words ‘fundamental freedoms’ and ‘human rights’, which appear in the UN Charter. In 1948 the declaration was ratified by a proclamation by the United Nations General Assembly. Forty-eight countries voted in favour of it, with none voting against it and only eight abstaining. The declaration is the foundation for two binding UN human rights covenants: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). Its principles are contained in other treaties as well.

Legal decisions The International Court of Justice (ICJ), which is part of the United Nations, is the judicial body Figure 2.21 The International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands

that deals with disputes between states. Many treaties designate the ICJ as the means of resolving disputes that arise under the treaty.

ratify to formally confirm that the country intends to be bound by the treaty

negotiations between nations. If all parties involved

Stare decisis does not apply to decisions of the

agree, the treaty will be signed. A document will

ICJ. According to Article 59 of the Statute of the

only become a treaty if all parties have the intention

International Court of Justice, a decision of this court

declarations formal statements of a party’s position on a particular issue. Declarations are not legally binding under international law.

of being bound by its provisions and obligations

only binds the parties to the particular dispute.

at the time of signing. The treaty only becomes

However, the court considers past rulings in its

binding on a nation when that nation ratifies it –

decisions, and ICJ decisions may help to shape the

that is, confirms that it intends to be bound.

content of treaties.

United Nations a world organisation dedicated to world peace and the sovereignty and equality of all its members


For some countries, such as France, treaties

There are other international courts and tribu-

which that country has ratified automatically

nals whose judgments contribute to establishing

become part of the domestic law. Other countries

international law. The International Criminal Court

require domestic legislation to be passed in order

(ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights

for the treaty to be implemented into their law.

(ECHR) are two examples. The ICC was set up

In other cases, whether domestic legislation is

to prosecute the most serious crimes concerning

required will depend on the type of treaty.

the worldwide community; the ECHR is a regional

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rules of international law. Scholarly legal writings

Convention on Human Rights. Specialised courts

may be drawn upon for the purpose of interpreting

have also been set up for particular purposes and

treaties or determining their application in

time-frames, such as war crimes arising from a

international disputes.

specific conflict. Examples of this type of court are

Governments may also seek the advice of

the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former

experts on matters of international law. For

Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal

example, in 2007 the Sydney Panel of Independent

for Rwanda.

International Legal Experts provided advice to the

The leg al s y s tem

court that rules on violations of the European

Australian government on whether the legality

Legal writings

of Japan’s ‘scientific’ whaling program could be

Due to the changing international political land-

challenged under the Antarctic Treaty System,

scape and the developing nature of international

the International Convention for the Regulation of

law, the writings of respected international law-

Whaling (1946) and two other treaties. Although

yers, judges and academics have an important

commercial whaling has been prohibited since

part to play in guiding decision-making and treaty

1986 for all members of the International Whaling

formation. Along with judicial decisions, scholarly

Commission, Japan has relied on an exemption in

writings are mentioned in Article 38(1)(d) of the

the whaling treaty that permits killing whales for

Statute of the ICJ as a means of determining the

scientific research.

I n t e r n a t i o n a l o r g a n i s a t io n s The United Nations

The UN’s International Law Commission is the body primarily responsible for codifying and

The United Nations is the chief organisation

developing international law. The UN General

involved in international law. It was established

Assembly’s Legal Committee (Sixth Committee)

in 1945 by the Charter of the United Nations. At

receives the Commission’s reports and considers

its first meetings, fifty-one countries were repre-

its recommendations. It may then organise a con-

sented; by 2009, there were 192 members. Its

ference to draw up a convention based on those

main objectives are to maintain global peace

recommendations, that the member countries

and security; to develop friendly relations among

vote upon.

nations based on respect for equal rights and

Critics of the United Nations believe that reform

each nation’s right to govern its own political,

is necessary for its continued relevance. State

economic and social development; and to promote

sovereignty often poses a challenge to the authority

cooperation in solving international problems. The

of the UN, especially in situations involving peace

UN has been central to the protection of human

and security. It has also been suggested that the

rights and to developing a legal framework to

structure of the Security Council should be re-

address terrorism, drug trafficking, the clearing

examined (this will be discussed later). As the UN has

of landmines, and protection of the environment.

no powers to make countries enact its resolutions

It has also been active in concrete efforts to fight

into domestic law or to follow a particular course of

disease, reduce poverty, provide emergency relief

action, it effectiveness is very much dependent on

in natural disasters, and many other humanitarian

the political will of nation-states.


The main organs of the UN are discussed below.


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The General Assembly meets every year and can meet more often if required.

The Security Council The Security Council is the most powerful part of the UN. It is the executive of the United Nations and has the final say about the security and peacekeeping activities of the General Assembly. The Security Council consists of five permanent members: the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Russia, China and France (countries that were victorious in the Second World War). There are also ten non-permanent members who serve for two years each. Australia has been a member of the Security Council four times since 1945. Under the Charter of the United Nations, it is the Security Council that has primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security. As such it is able to investigate disputes that could lead to conflict. It can issue economic sanctions against nation-states to persuade them to change their policies, or to prevent or stop aggression. It can also send ‘peacekeeping’ troops from member states into areas where there is conflict, to separate opposing forces and to reduce tension. It may also authorise collective military action. Security Council Resolutions require a unanFigure 2.22 The United Nations Headquarters in New York

imous vote of all five permanent members of the Security Council. If one of the permanent members votes against the resolution then it is not carried.

The General Assembly

This is called the ‘veto power’ and is considered

General Assembly the main body of the United Nations, made up of all of the member nations

The General Assembly is made up of repre-

one of the fundamental weaknesses of the current

sentatives from all member nations and is the

structure of the Security Council. For example,

main forum for multilateral discussion on all

in 2004, the Security Council held continuing

international matters covered by the UN Charter.

discussions to address the humanitarian crisis in

Security Council the arm of the United Nations responsible for maintaining world peace and security

It discusses and makes recommendations on the

the Darfur region of Sudan. There, Arab militias

operation of the UN, on conflicts between nations,

with Sudanese government backing were engaged

and on practical questions regarding political

in a horrific campaign of forcible relocation of

cooperation, human rights and international law.

certain groups (‘ethnic cleansing’) involving rape,

It appoints the non-permanent members of the

murder and torture. China and Russia, which

Security Council and oversees the UN budget. It has

had significant oil interests in Sudan, threatened

established a number of committees, commissions

to veto any Security Council resolution involving

and working groups for particular purposes.

economic sanctions. Resolution 1564, passed


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The leg al s y s tem

Figure 2.23 The UN General Assembly

in September, disappointed many human rights

The other main organs of the United Nations are

groups due to the absence of stronger measures

the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship

such as an immediate oil embargo and targeted

Council, the Secretariat and the International

sanctions against government officials.

Court of Justice (discussed below).

that having been set up over sixty years ago it does not reflect a broad spectrum of cultural values evident in the world today. For example, it could be argued that the inclusion of a Muslim nation as a permanent member would make it a more representative body.

l eg al l i nks

A further criticism of the Security Council is For more information on these bodies go to

Figure 2.24 The UN Security Council controls the UN peacekeeping corps.


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jurisdiction the power of a court to rule on a question

The International Court of Justice

areas. Many IGOs are subsidiary agencies of the

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the

decisions about international issues such as

principal judicial organ of the United Nations. It

refugees, tariffs or wealth. The International

was established in 1945 and its main functions

Labour Organization is a UN agency whose aim is

are to settle disputes submitted to it by states

to ensure the safe and fair treatment of workers.

UN; others have been formed to make collective

and to give advisory opinions on legal questions

Regional organisations also play an impor-

submitted by the General Assembly, the Security

tant role in international decision-making. For

Council, or other bodies as permitted by the

example, the European Union is an economic

General Assembly. The ICJ can only hear disputes

and political partnership of European nations that

if the nations involved accept the jurisdiction of

have agreed to cooperate for the common good.

the court.

It has regulatory powers covering areas such as

There are two distinct types of cases upon which the court may rule. The first type is legal

human rights, the environment, economic policies and trade.

disputes (contentious issues) between states, on which the court produces binding rulings. The second type is advisory proceedings,

Figure 2.25 The symbol of the Red Cross

Non-government organisations

in which the General Assembly




associations based on common interests and aims,

requests the court’s opinion on

which have no connection with any government.

any legal question. Other UN

They make contributions in a wide range of

organs may request advisory

areas, from world peace, disaster relief, and



environmental protection to promoting education

respect to their own activities.

and alleviating poverty. They do this by informing

Although advisory opinions do

the public and lobbying governments to take action

not have to concern particular

on issues of concern. Examples of international

controversies between states,

NGOs include the Red Cross, Greenpeace and

they often do.

World Vision.








A well-known human rights NGO is Amnesty

Intergovernmental organisations Intergovernmental


International. It has an estimated 2.2 million members and subscribers throughout the world. It is independent of any national government: that is, it (IGOs)


does not rely on funding from any national govern-

organised groups of nation-states, established

ments. According to its official site (www.amnesty.

to pursue mutual interests in a wide variety of

org), Amnesty International takes action to: s stop violence against women

le g al li nk s

s defend the rights and dignity of those trapped


in poverty Go to

s abolish the death penalty

IGOs.htm. This site lists all IGOs

s oppose torture and combat terror with justice

in the world alphabetically,

s free prisoners of conscience

with website addresses.

s protect the rights of refugees and migrants s regulate the global arms trade.

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As discussed earlier, in some countries ratification

treaties regulating the exploration and use of outer

of a treaty automatically makes it part of that


country’s domestic law. This is not the case in Australia. For some treaties, new legislation may be required to implement it in Australian law. For others,

Treaties also influence Australian law in the development of the common law, in judicial review of decisions, and in the judicial interpretation of statutes.

existing federal or state/territory legislation is

Examples of human rights treaties that have

sufficient (in other words, the terms of the conven-

some of their provisions reflected in state or

tion are already being satisfied by domestic law).

territory and/or federal legislation include:

To pass new legislation implementing a treaty,

s International Covenant on Civil and Political

the federal government may rely on the external

Rights (ICCPR) – see for example Human Rights

affairs power in s 51(xxix) of the Constitution. It

Act 2004 (ACT); Charter of Human Rights and

may also rely on other powers, for example the trade and commerce power in s 51(i) if the subject matter involves shipping. International law does not dictate the way in

Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic) s Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC) – see for example Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), in particular s 67ZC

which Australia implements the obligations it has

s Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of

under treaties. The preferred method of giving

Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) – Sex

effect to most treaty obligations is by incorporating

Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth)

the actual text of the treaty provisions into domestic

s Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel,

legislation. For example, the Space Activities Act

Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

1998 (Cth) contains provisions from several UN

(CAT) – Crimes (Torture) Act 1988 (Cth).

REVIEW 2.6 1 Explain two different ways that the term ‘state’ can be used.

The leg al s y s tem

Re l eva nce o f i nternat iona l law to Au s t ra l ia n l aw

R ESEAR CH 2 . 5 1 Go to the United Nations

R ESEAR CH 2 . 6 Investigate adversarial and


inquisitorial legal systems. Write

Choose one of the issues that

a report that looks at the origins

‘international law’. Outline the different

the United Nations covers

and workings of adversarial

ways in which international law is made.

(for example human rights).

and inquisitorial legal systems.

3 Why was the United Nations established?

2 Write a report about some of

2 Identify what is meant by the term

Include a comparison of

4 Discuss the limitations of international law.

the recent initiatives taken by

the systems, looking at the

5 Describe the functions of the UN General

the UN in this area.

advantages and disadvantages

Assembly. 6 Explain the importance of the UN Security Council. 7 Outline the role of the International Court of Justice. Discuss its limitations. 8 Identify some organisations that influence international law.

3 Outline any problems that

of each system. You might like

you see the UN facing as it

to look at Indonesia and recent

undertakes these initiatives.

trials that have taken place with respect to terrorist activity and drug smuggling. Come to a conclusion about which system you think is better for Australia.


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C hap te r s u m m a ry M ul t i p l e -c ho i c e q ues ti ons 56

s The Australian Constitution took shape during the process of federation. s The constitutional division of powers outlines the responsibilities of the Commonwealth and the states by reference to concurrent, exclusive and residual powers. s The High Court has the ultimate responsibility for interpreting the Constitution. s The High Court is the final court of appeal IN!USTRALIAITSAPPELLATEJURISDICTION BUTIT ALSOHASORIGINALJURISDICTIONFORSOMEMATTERS notably constitutional law. s The Constitution indicates how the separation of powers operates in Australia. It is IMPORTANTTONOTETHATONLYTHEJUDICIARYIS truly independent in Australia. s The separation of powers ensures that individual rights and the democratic system are protected. s The law in Australia, prior to European settlement, was customary law based on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditions, rituals and acceptable conduct.

s Customary law still has relevance in Australia today and elements of it have been incorporated into dispute resolution procedures. s Contemporary Australian law is based on English common law and adapted over time to suit modern Australian society. s The Australian Constitution sets out the fundamental rules of Australian law. Parliament has the power to make changes to these laws as long as the correct processes are followed. The government in power at the time will influence changes to the law. s The doctrine of precedent is an element of COMMONLAWWHICHREQUIRESJUDGESTOFOLLOW rulings made in previous court cases, unless they are inconsistent with a higher court’s decision or wrong in law. s Australia is recognised internationally as a sovereign state with the authority to make its own laws. s Australia also takes part in international lawmaking through its membership of the United Nations and by being a signatory of international treaties.

1 Which section of the Constitution outlines the legislative powers of the Commonwealth Government? a S b S c S d S 2 On what grounds would it be unconstitutional FORACURRENT$ISTRICT#OURTJUDGETOBE elected to the House of Representatives? a it offends the division of powers b it offends the separation of powers c it would be ultra vires d it is not allowed under the referendum PROVISIONSOFS 3 Australia does not follow the doctrine of the separation of powers in its pure form because: a Australia does not have a president b members of the executive and the legislature are completely separate c some members of the executive are also members of the legislature d Australia is still a monarchy

4 2EFERRINGTOS WHICHOFTHEFOLLOWING statements is true? a Victoria would be able to produce its own notes and coins. b Queensland is able to pass laws to allow migrants into the state to work in agriculture. c New South Wales is able to legislate to legalise same-sex marriages. d South Australia can build a rail line along its southern coastline. 5 How would the High Court decide a case where a state and the Commonwealth exercising a concurrent power come into conflict? a it would rule in favour of the state as its law was passed first b ITWOULDAPPLYSANDRULEINFAVOUROF the state c ITWOULDAPPLYSANDRULEINFAVOUROF the Commonwealth d it would rule in favour of the Commonwealth because it must act in accordance with the Prime Minister’s wishes

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C ha p t er s um m ary tasks

1 %XPLAINANDJUSTIFYTHEDIFFERENT@CHECKS and balances’ provided by the Australian Constitution. 2 Explain the difference between the ‘division of power’ and the ‘separation of powers’ under the Constitution. 3 Use examples to describe the various roles of the High Court. 4 Class debate: If the Constitution were to be rewritten today, what current state government powers should go directly to the federal government? 5 Explain the difference between common law and statute law. Analyse their relationship. 6 Describe the distinguishing features of Indigenous Australian law.

The leg al s y s tem

6 What is common law? a parliament-made law b JUDGE MADELAW c the legal principles developed in England and followed in Australia d law that resolves disputes between two individuals 7 When is a binding precedent set? a when it is established by a higher court b WHENAJUDGEHASDETERMINEDTHATTHEFACTS of a case are similar to another case c WHENAJUDGEACCEPTSTHEADVICEFROMA JUDGEINAHIGHERCOURT d when parliament passes a law about a case 8 What is the main purpose of equity? a TOACHIEVEJUSTICE b to achieve fairness c to achieve equality d to achieve damages


Which of these statements about the Security Council is true? a ITISOPENFORALLCOUNTRIESTOJOIN b it has the authority to send armed forces into countries c it must take the advice of the General Assembly on matters involving peacekeeping d it has limited powers 10 Which of these features does the adversary system involve? a THEUSEOFAJURYINALLCOURTCASES b the payment of damages to the victim of a crime c JUDGESCOLLECTINGEVIDENCE d each side presenting its case and testing the opposition’s evidence


Discuss the relationship between the government and the whole parliament when it comes to making new laws or amending current laws. 8 Evaluate the influence of international law on domestic law. 9 %XPLAINTHEJURISDICTIONOFEACHOFTHECOURTS in New South Wales or the Australian Capital Territory. 10 Critically analyse the ways that Indigenous Australian law has been, and can be, incorporated into the contemporary Australian legal system.


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k ey t er m s / v o c ab u l a r y

c hap ter ob j e cti ve s

Classification of law


In this chapter, students will: s identify and apply legal concepts and terminology s describe the key features and operation of the Australian and international legal systems s discuss the effectiveness of the legal system in dealing with relevant issues s explain the relationship between the legal system and society s describe the role of the law in conflict resolution and its ability to respond to and initiate change s locate, select and organise legal information from a variety of sources s communicate legal information by using wellstructured responses.

balance of probabilities beyond reasonable doubt burden of proof CIVILJURISDICTION credibility cross-examination damages defendant examination in chief INJUNCTION intellectual property JURY

plaintiff pleadings prima facie private law prosecutor public law specific performance standard of proof the state

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Australian Constitution Crimes Act 1900 .37 Crimes Act 1900 !#4 Criminal Code 2002 !#4 Judiciary Act 1903 #TH SIGNIFIC AN T C AS ES

Donoghue v Stevenson !# Roach v Electoral Commissioner;=(#!

The leg al s y s tem

rel ev ant l aw

odd l a w 5NDERS!OFTHECrimes Act 1900.37 it is an offence to steal rocks, stones or similar material. This section states: Stealing of rock, stone etc. Whosoever steals: A ANYROCKORROCKS B ANYSTONEORSTONES OR C ANYGRAVEL SOIL SANDORCLAY that is or are in, on or under, or forms or form part of any land shall, on conviction by a Local #OURT BELIABLETOIMPRISONMENTFORMONTHS ORTOPAYAlNEOFPENALTYUNITS ORBOTH


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Pub l i c l a w a n d p r i va t e l a w public law the body of law governing relationships between individuals and the state, and the structure and operation of government ITSELFEGCRIMINAL administrative, and constitutional law) private law the body of law governing relationships between individuals EGCONTRACTLAW TORTS family law and property law)

There are many different ways of classifying law.

Criminal law

One is to separate it into two main categories:

Criminal law is the body of rules under which

public law and private law.

certain acts or omissions are punished by the

Public law is the body of law dealing with

state. Its function is to maintain public safety and

relationships between individuals and the state,

order for the whole of society. The state has this

and with the structure and operation of the

responsibility because an offence is seen as being


against the whole community even if only one

Private law is the body of law governing relationships between individuals – that is, individual citizens but also organisations and companies. Private law is also referred to as civil law.

individual is affected. This is because the offence is seen to damage the moral order of society. In Australia, criminal law is the responsibility of each state. The common law plays a significant role in Australian jurisdictions including New South

Public law

Wales and the ACT, but each state and territory also

Public law deals with the powers and obligations

The actions and punishments covered by these

of government and citizens, and the relationships

laws are the same, or similar, in all states and terri-

between persons and the state. Three main areas

tories as it would be too confusing for everyone

of public law are criminal, administrative, and

involved if what was a major crime in one state

constitutional law.

was not in another. The criminal justice systems of

has its own legislation to cover criminal behaviour.

the states and territories are also similar. In New South Wales, the main criminal statute is the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). The ACT has both its own Crimes Act 1900 (ACT) and the Criminal Code 2002 (ACT). The Code is the result of the ACT’s adoption of provisions of the Model Criminal Code, a cooperative project between the Commonwealth, state and territory governments to develop more uniform legislation. Parts of these Acts have been reviewed and changed to reflect changes in society. For example, the Crimes Acts have been amended to

l e ga l l i nk s

Figure 3.1 The Supreme Court of New South Wales

cover automobile and computer crimes. As with

Go the following web pages to view the

Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), the Crimes Act


1900 (ACT) and the Criminal Code 2002 (ACT) in full: consol_act/ca190082/ consol_act/cc200294/


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all areas of law, sections of Acts will always lag

limited to deciding whether or not the decision

behind changes in society due to the speed of

was lawfully, fairly and rationally made. At the

change and the procedures and processes involved

federal level, the Australian Constitution gives

in changing laws.

the High Court jurisdiction to give specified

Administrative law

government officers. The parliament has con-

Administrative law is the area of law that deals with

ferred a similar jurisdiction on the Federal Court

government powers and decisions made by gov-

under section 39B of the Judiciary Act 1903

ernment bodies. It is based on the English model.


Administrative law exists to ensure the account-

Government departments have information

ability of the administrative actions and decisions

about appealing against decisions on their websites.

made by the government and its departments.

In NSW, appeals against government decisions are

Administrative law cannot be used to challenge

heard by the Administrative Decisions Tribunal

all government dealings, for example policy deci-

(ADT), and in the ACT, by the ACT Civil and

sions and the giving of advice. An example of a

Administrative Tribunal.

The leg al s y s tem

remedies against unlawful action by federal

decision that cannot be challenged is an increase that are set up to administer these policy decisions can be challenged under administrative law. In this way, a taxpayer could challenge his or her tax assessment under administrative law, on certain specific grounds. In Australia, administrative law is complicated by the different levels of government. An individual must be aware of which government body was responsible for the action before he or she can challenge it.

l eg al l i nk s

in taxes. However, the actions of the departments Information on the NSW Administrative Decisions Tribunal is at: adt/ll_adt.nsf/pages/adt_index Information on the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal is at: category.php?id=20

There are three ways in which a person can seek a review of a decision made by a government agency. The avenue taken depends upon the

Constitutional law

nature of the complaint and whether the complaint

Constitutional law is the branch of public law that

is made against a federal or state decision. These

focuses on the rules governing the executive,

avenues are:

legislative and judicial functions of government

s Internal review occurs when a decision made

– that is, the Constitution. The Australian

by a member or officer of an agency is reviewed

Constitution divides legislative power between

by another person in the agency. It can be

the Commonwealth and the states by conferring

sought by requesting the reconsideration of a

on the Commonwealth Parliament the power to

decision or by following set procedures where

make laws with respect to particular topics. It

more formal mechanisms exist.

also specifies that when there are inconsistencies

s External review is review of a decision by a person or body outside the agency that made the decision. This is a more formal system which provides review of the merits of a decision.

between state and Commonwealth legislation, the Commonwealth will prevail. If a law violates the rules contained in the Australian Constitution, the case must go to the

s Judicial review of administrative decisions can

High Court of Australia. The High Court has the role

be provided only by courts, and their role is

of deciding cases of special federal significance,


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including challenges to the constitutional validity

Commissioner [2007] HCA 43. It concerned

of laws. Procedures in this court are similar to

the disqualification of full-time prisoners from

those of other courts in the sense that they are

voting in Commonwealth elections. The history

very formal and the two sides argue their cases,

behind this case was that prior to amendment

usually represented by highly respected barristers.

of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 in 2006,

However, they differ in the following ways:

prisoners serving a sentence of less than three

s Cases are heard by one or more judges (called

years were entitled to vote in elections. The 2006

Justices). Cases involving interpretation of the

amendments took away the right to vote of any

Constitution and those of great public impor-

prisoner serving a sentence.

tance are heard by all seven Justices.

Vickie Lee Roach, a serving prisoner, took the

s Decisions are not given at the end of the

case to the High Court on the ground that the

hearing; they are only delivered after much

Act as amended was unconstitutional. Her team


of lawyers argued that the new law breached

s Each justice makes his or her own decision on

her implied constitutional freedoms of political

cases. When a decision is not unanimous, the

participation and political communication. After

majority decision will prevail.

hearing the case, the majority of the court found

s Decisions of the High Court are binding on all

the amended law to be invalid, but accepted

courts in Australia.

the validity of the previous law, which banned

A recent case that challenged the constitu-

prisoners from voting if they were serving a term

tionality of a statute was that of Roach v Electoral

of three years or more.

Private law The aim of private law is to regulate relationships between individual persons, companies and organisations. Private rights are protected by both statute and common law. When an individual brings a court action against another individual for infringement of his or her private rights, it must be in a court exercising civil jurisdiction and the

civil jurisdiction the power of a court to hear matters involving disputes between private individuals, and to award civil remedies

action is known as a civil proceeding. Three major areas of civil law are contract law, tort law and property law.

damages monetary compensation for harm or loss suffered

Contract law A contract is an agreement, or promise, between two or more parties that is recognised by law. Contract law is concerned with the recognition of this agreement and the actions taken to enforce it. When one of the parties to a contract believes that all or part of the contract has been breached, he or she can bring a legal action in a civil court. Damages are usually the common law remedy available for breach of contract. Damages are Figure 3.2 The Australian Constitution


viewed as a substitute for performance of the

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contract – that is, for the other party doing what he or she agreed to do by signing the contract. Thus they are designed to put the plaintiff in the position he or she would have been in if the contract had been performed properly, that is, to compen-

The leg al s y s tem

sate him or her. The amount of compensatory damages is intended simply to provide the plaintiff with the benefits that he or she would have had if the defendant had kept the agreement, not to punish the defendant. The plaintiff may also seek one of the following remedies: s An injunction – this is an order usually directing a party not to do something, e.g. ordering the defendant to cease the conduct breaching the contract. In some cases, an injunction may require the party to do something, e.g. requiring a telephone customer to remove wiring that he or she installed, and that was not authorised by the telephone company. s Specific performance – this is an order

Figure 3.3 A mortgage contract being signed

directing the breaching party to perform the contract in the way specified by the court. It will only be ordered if the amount of damages does

plaintiff to the position he or she was in before the

not provide adequate compensation.

wrong was committed.

In each instance, civil court case procedures

All torts entitle the alleged victim to take legal

are followed, where the offended party must argue

action against the alleged perpetrator in a civil

that a breach of contract has occurred. The level of

court and claim compensation. However, court

court where the case is heard depends on the level

action can be expensive, in terms of both time and

of damages sought.

money, so it is important that plaintiffs take this into account when deciding whether the wrong-

Tort law

doing is worth bringing a case.

Torts are ‘civil wrongs’. The word ‘tort’ comes

There are many different types of torts, all of

from the French word meaning ‘wrong’. Tort cases

which are regulated by statute as well as common

deal with situations in which someone has done

law. They arise from different types of activity and

something to interfere with the rights of someone


else. Another way of putting it is that a tort occurs

s negligence

when someone breaches or fails to fulfil a duty

s nuisance – public and private

that he or she owes to someone.

s trespass to land

Breach of contract is also a civil wrong, but the difference between tort and agreements is that

plaintiff the person who initiates a civil action injunction a court order requiring an individual or organisation to PERFORM ORMORE commonly) not to perform a particular action specific performance an order requiring the defendant to perform the acts that the contract obliged him or her to perform

s false imprisonment s defamation.

with agreements there is already a legal relation-

The case that established the modern tort of

ship between the parties at the time of the wrong,

negligence and that clearly shows the difference

whereas in torts there is no legal relationship prior

between tort law and contract law is ‘the snail in

to the wrong. The law of torts tries to restore the

the bottle’ case.


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ca s e s p a ce

Donoghue v Stevenson (1932) AC 562

suppliers with whom they didn’t have a contract. As May Donoghue did not actually buy the ginger beer and thus had no contractual relationship with the manufacturer, in normal circumstances she would not have been able to sue. Donoghue v Stevenson became

Figure 3.4 A decomposing snail found in ginger ale formed the basis of litigaton.

a landmark decision and formed the basis of the tort of negligence worldwide, not only because of

This case was an appeal by May

from getting into ginger beer

the judgment relating to non-

Donoghue, the plaintiff in the

bottles, and

contractual duty of care, but also

original decision. The defendant’s

because of Lord Atkin’s ‘neighbour

of the bottles before they were

Donoghue then appealed to the

sold to the consumer, including

House of Lords.

clear bottles that would make it

‘[T]here must be, and is, some

easier to inspect.

general conception of relations

The court held that a

giving rise to a duty of care, of

Mrs Donoghue was bought some ginger beer by a friend in


the town of Paisley, Scotland.

manufacturer is under a legal duty

which the particular cases found

The ginger beer was in a dark

to the consumer to take reasonable

in the books are but instances ...

glass bottle which prevented

care that the article will not cause

The rule that you are to love your

Mrs Donoghue from seeing the

injury to health.

neighbour becomes, in law, you

contents. Some ginger beer was poured into a glass for her,

Lord Atkin, one of the presiding

must not injure your neighbour;

judges, referred to the precedent

and the lawyer’s question: Who

which she drank. Her friend then

case of Heaven v Pender (1883) 11

is my neighbour? receives a

proceeded to pour the rest of the

QBD 503, which established that

restricted reply. You must take

ginger beer into Mrs Donoghue’s

‘under certain circumstances, one

reasonable care to avoid acts

glass and it was then that a

man may owe a duty to another,

or omissions which you can

decomposing snail came out of

even though there is no contract

reasonably foresee would be likely

the bottle. This made her feel

between them’. He went further

to injure your neighbour. Who,

quite ill, and later she also suffered

than the narrow decision in Heaven,

then, in law, is my neighbour? The

from severe gastroenteritis. Mrs

however, citing obiter dicta of the

answer seems to be – persons who

Donoghue sued David Stevenson

dissenting judge, Brett MR, who

are so closely and directly affected

(the respondent), who was the

extended the notion of a duty of

by my act that I ought reasonably

manufacturer of the ginger beer.

care to anyone in a position where

to have them in contemplation

failing to use ‘care and skill in his

as being so affected when I am

Stevenson had failed in his duty of

conduct … would cause danger of

directing my mind to the acts

care to provide:


or omissions that are called in

Mrs Donoghue alleged that

s a system of working his business which would prevent snails


s an efficient system of inspection

appeal had succeeded; Mrs

Until Donoghue v Stevenson,


individuals had no rights against

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Figure 3.5 One of the most important types of property dealt with under property law is real property, that is, the actual land and anything attached to that land.

Property law

One of the most important types of property

Property law is a wide area of law that governs

dealt with under property law is real property. Real

relations involving things and interests that can

property is the actual land and anything attached

be owned and that have a commercial value.

to that land, as opposed to personal property,

These include objects capable of being possessed

which includes everything else.

physically, but also less tangible interests, such

Property rights are legal rights to possess, use or

as shares in a company. The products of creative

benefit from something. A violation of such rights

effort, including text, images, designs, inventions,

often involves breaking the terms of a contract.

computer programs and other intangible objects,

Legal action for breaches of property law can take

are protected by statute and common law

place in either the criminal court or civil court,

governing intellectual property.

depending on the offending action.

prosecutor the person formally conducting legal proceedings against someone accused of a criminal offence; the prosecutor acts on behalf of the state or the Crown defendant the person who is accused of a crime or a civil wrong; in a criminal case, the defendant is also referred to as the accused the state a term that is used to refer to the government and the people that it governs onus the burden or duty of proving the case to the court

C r i m i n a l a n d c i v i l cou r t p rocedu res There are many differences between criminal and

necessary to be familiar with some of these key

civil law court cases. Before discussing criminal

differences and relevant terminology.

and civil court procedures in more depth, it is

Key differences between criminal and civil court proceedings s Criminal cases feature a prosecutor and a defendant.

s Civil cases feature a plaintiff and a defendant.

s In criminal cases, the state brings the case to court.

s In civil cases, an individual or organisation brings the case to court.

s In criminal cases, the onus is on the prosecutor to prove the case.

s In civil cases, the onus is on the plaintiff to prove the case.

s In criminal cases, the standard of proof that applies is that the prosecutor must prove the case beyond reasonable doubt. 4HISISAHIGHERSTANDARDOFPROOFTHANIS required in civil cases.)

s In civil cases, the standard of proof a plaintiff must meet is the balance of probabilities4HISISALOWERSTANDARDOF proof than is needed in criminal cases.)

standard of proof the degree or level of proof required in order for the plaintiff INACIVILCASE OR THEPROSECUTIONINA criminal case) to prove their case beyond reasonable doubt the standard of proof required in a criminal case in order for the PROSECUTIONTHESTATE to obtain a conviction against the accused balance of probabilities the standard of proof required in a civil case in order for a plaintiff to succeed in proving the case against the defendant


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The leg al s y s tem

intellectual property intangible property that has commercial value and can be protected by law, e.g. text, images, designs, inventions and computer programs


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Criminal and civil law can overlap. The victim of a crime whose case has been heard in criminal court may also wish to take the case to civil court to obtain compensation for injuries suffered as a result of the defendant’s conduct. In both cases, however, the legal outcome will be decided according to the adversarial system of trial. This means jury a group of people who listen to all of the evidence in a court case and decide on the verdict

a judge, and sometimes a jury, hears both sides of the case as put forward by representatives of the parties involved. The judge considers the evidence and makes a decision in favour of one of the parties.

Criminal procedure Criminal law proceedings are the legal processes in which a person accused of a crime is prosecuted to secure a conviction and punishment, such as a fine or imprisonment. The two main types of criminal hearings are summary hearings and trial by jury. The type of hearing depends upon the seriousness of the offence that the accused is alleged to have committed, that is, whether it is a summary or indictable offence. Summary offences are relatively minor and include certain traffic offences and offensive behaviour. They are heard and decided by a magis-

REVIEW 3.1 1 Distinguish between public and private law.

trate or judge without a jury. An indictable offence is a serious criminal

2 Outline the differences and similarities

offence and may be heard by a judge and a jury.

between civil and criminal court cases.

Crimes in this category include murder, sexual

3 Outline the role of administrative law. How can an administrative decision of a

assault and malicious wounding. Legislation has been passed to allow some some

government body be challenged?

indictable offences to be prosecuted summarily

4 Which courts can decide questions of

(that is, as summary proceedings) in the Local

constitutional law? What types of questions are in this category? 5 What types of remedies can be sought by the plaintiff if a contract is breached?

Court (NSW) or Magistrates’ Court (ACT). For summary matters in New South Wales, the police themselves may prosecute the case in the Local Court. Not only do the police investigate

6 What is meant by tort law?

crimes and arrest suspects, a specially trained

7 What is property and what is property law

police officer called the police prosecutor repre-

concerned with?

sents the state in court. More serious crimes are prosecuted by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). In the ACT, the DPP is responsible for prosecuting all criminal matters in both the Magistrates’ Court and Supreme Court. The accused, known as ‘the defendant’, will usually employ a lawyer to represent him or her. Some people may choose to represent themselves, depending on the seriousness of the charges. The case that the accused puts forward is called ‘the defence’. Before an accused person can be tried for an indictable offence, there must be a committal hearing. To have the matter put before a jury the prosecutor must convince the magistrate that there is a sufficiently strong case that the accused



has committed an indictable offence.

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the seriousness of the offence, and in the Supreme

In criminal cases, the defendant is presumed to be

Court in the ACT. Criminal trials are heard before a

innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof

jury of twelve people, unless the accused elects to

(the onus) rests on the prosecution, which must

have his or her case heard before a judge alone.

prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused

The jury’s job is to consider whether there is

has committed the offence with which he or she

enough evidence to convict the accused. The judge

is charged. The prosecution needs to convince

advises the jury and deals with questions of law.

the jury that the crime was committed by the

The jury will consider the evidence provided in a

defendant for the defendant to be found guilty. It is

court case and decide on issues of fact on the basis

the job of the defence to disprove the prosecution’s

of this evidence. In both NSW and the ACT, the

case and provide evidence to show the innocence

jury must come to a unanimous verdict – that is,

of their client. The standard of proof refers to the level of

they must all agree.

proof required in order for the party that has the burden of proof to succeed. In a criminal case, the

Criminal trial process At the start of the trial, the indictment is read to the accused, who may plead guilty or not guilty. The prosecution begins with an opening address, setting out the facts of the case and the evidence that will be presented to prove the defendant’s guilt. Each side then calls witnesses and ‘examines’

standard is ‘beyond reasonable doubt’. This means that to return a guilty verdict, no jury member can have any doubt that the crime was committed by the accused.

examination in chief. Its purpose, for the

or Magistrates’ Court. These courts do not make

prosecution, is to establish facts to prove the case.

use of juries and judges. Rather, a magistrate

For the defence, its purpose is to disprove the

makes the decision. Matters are generally handled

prosecution’s case.

quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively. to

In the Local and Magistrates’ Courts, the law-

examine the witnesses of its opponent, in order

yers and magistrates do not wear traditional

to call into question the opponent’s version of the

robes and solicitors carry out most legal work.

facts, or a witness’s credibility.

The proceedings are less formal than the higher



credibility trustworthiness, reliability, believability burden of proof the responsibility of a party to prove a case in court standard of proof the level of proof required in order the party that has the burden of proof to succeed


Most criminal cases are dealt with by the Local


cross-examination questioning a witness called by the other side, to produce information relevant to one’s case or to call the witness’s credibility into question

Hearings in the different courts

them by asking them questions. This is called


examination in chief questioning a witness, by the barrister who called that witness

The leg al s y s tem

District or Supreme Court in NSW, depending on

Burden and standard of proof in criminal cases

Trials of indictable matters take place in the

After all of the evidence has been given, each

courts. Many defendants choose to represent

side gives a closing address to the jury. This final

themselves and so argue their case without the

speech draws together the evidence and provides

help of a lawyer.

an argument for that side’s position. It may also answer arguments that could be made by the


other side. The judge will then ‘sum up’ the case

A coronial inquest will occur when there is

and instruct the jury on how to go about the task

an unnatural death or an unexplained fire or

of reaching a verdict. The jury goes to another

explosion. The proceedings are more inquisitorial

room to deliberate until a verdict is reached. If the

than normal court proceedings, as the coroner’s

jury returns a verdict of ‘guilty’, sentencing occurs

office will gather all of the evidence. If there is

either at that time, or at a later date determined

evidence that a serious crime has been committed,

by the court.

the coroner will recommend that an indictment be


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issued and the accused will be tried in a court of law in the usual way. C H I L DREN’S C O U RT H E A RI NG S

Children charged with a crime are treated differently by the court system, as immature persons are regarded as having a different degree of responsibility from adults. Conviction by a Children’s Court, even for a serious crime, has less severe consequences than conviction in an ordinary criminal court. Most charges against people under 18 years of age are heard in a special Children’s Court hearing. They are usually heard before a magistrate who specialises in children’s cases and takes reasonable measures to ensure that the child understands the proceedings. The case is heard in a closed court and the public is not allowed to attend. If journalists are present, they are not permitted to publish the identity of the offender. In New South Wales, if the child is under 16 years of age, no conviction is recorded.

Figure 3.7 The Children’s Court on Lonsdale Street in Melbourne, Victoria

Civil procedure Civil proceedings are court actions that are the result of disputes between individuals. Unlike criminal proceedings, they are initiated by individuals

REVIEW 3.2 1 Explain the differences

RESEAR CH 3 . 1 1 Go to the following site: www.

between an indictable offence and a summary offence. 2 Who hosts this site? Why was

2 What is the task of the prosecution in a criminal trial?

it set up?

or organisations, rather than the state, and they deal with such matters as breach of contract, property disputes and negligence. The person who initiates the civil action, called ‘the plaintiff’, will start proceedings by issuing a statement of claim

3 Go to ‘Courts and Tribunals’.

or a summons (in the ACT, called an originating

How does it go about this

Imagine that you are doing

application) to the party who has committed the


work experience at the local

breach or the wrong. This party is called ‘the defen-

primary school and have

dant’ and may be an individual or an organisation.

3 Compare and contrast the roles of the prosecution and

to teach Year 6 about the

the defence in a criminal trial.

Local Court. Develop an

The process in a civil claim

internet activity based on the

The statement of claim outlines the facts of the

information on the website.

dispute and the parties involved in the dispute.

4 Describe the role played by a jury. How are they selected? 5 What is a coronial inquest?

There are rules for the way in which it must be

6 Outline the ways in which

‘served’ on the defendant, which must be followed


children charged with a crime

strictly. As discussed in Chapter 2, the court that

are protected. Account for

has jurisdiction to decide a civil matter will depend

this protection. Do you think

on the type of claim and the monetary amount

this is reasonable?


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make a ruling. If the plaintiff is successful, the

will exchange and file with the court, which set

judge will make a decision about the amount of

out the issues that are to be decided by the court,

relief (or compensation) to be given to the plaintiff

are called pleadings. The statement of claim or

by the defendant. This compensation usually

originating application will therefore be the first

takes the form of damages in a monetary form,

pleading in the sequence of the case. There may be

or an injunction, which is a court order prohibiting

many pleadings, alternating between the parties,

specified activities.

over the course of the case.

the plaintiff’s allegations, or admit them but plead

Burden and standard of proof in civil cases

additional facts to counter the effect of admitting

The burden of proof in a civil

them. A defendant may also file a counterclaim

case is on the injured party

against the plaintiff.

(the plaintiff) to prove his

The defendant responds with a statement of defence. This statement may deny or challenge

At this stage, the parties are able to obtain

or her allegations. The rules

more information about each other’s arguments

of civil procedure give the

through a process called ‘discovery’. This process

defendant the opportunity

allows each party to obtain information to assist

to submit evidence to rebut

them in responding to the other party’s claims and

the plaintiff’s case. To rebut

allegations. Interrogatories are written questions

generally means to disprove

submitted to the other party, which must be

a statement or evidence pre-

answered. They must be relevant to a matter in

sented by another.

question. At this point, many civil disputes are

In civil cases, the standard

resolved. In most cases legal practitioners prepare

of proof is ‘on the balance

the documents, as they have an understanding of

of probabilities’. This means

the processes and can give appropriate and timely

that the plaintiff, who has

advice on legal matters.

the burden of proof, must

If the dispute cannot be settled, the matter will

prove that it was more prob-

be referred to trial. During the trial, each side has

able than not that he or she

the right to produce evidence, call witnesses and

suffered injury or loss as a

carry out cross-examinations. When both sides

result of the actions of the

have presented all evidence, the judge or jury will


pleadings written statements of the parties to a civil dispute that set out the issues to be decided by the court

R EVI EW 3 . 3 1 Draw a flow diagram showing the steps taken in civil legal action. 2 How would you decide in which court to bring a personal injury claim for negligence that resulted

The leg al s y s tem

The documents that the defendant and plaintiff

in medical bills of $100 000? 3 What sorts of facts might be sought in discovery in a case involving a debt that was not paid? 4 Decide whether the following cases involve criminal law or civil law. a You are held up at knifepoint and your mobile phone is stolen. b A man trips over a box on the supermarket floor and breaks an ankle. c A woman is convicted of driving with a blood alcohol level of 0.08. d Your friend is caught with marijuana. e You find a cockroach in a salad you just ordered in a restaurant. f A neighbour’s music at 3 a.m. every night wakes you up constantly. 5 Is it more difficult to prove a case in criminal law or civil law? Why? 6 With a classmate, make a poster (either by drawing or cutting out pictures) showing as many civil wrongs and criminal acts as you


can. Draw up a table to list these.


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Understanding criminal and civil cases

2 Reading about cases online Accessing cases online is one of the most timeefficient ways of collecting information about

There are a number of ways in which you can gain a

criminal and civil cases. Two reliable sites to visit

better understanding and appreciation of the oper-

are (look under ‘Links’)

ation of criminal and civil law. This can be done



resources’). Both of these sites have information

1 Compiling a media file

about rulings on a wide variety of court cases.

Keeping a record of specific cases that are reported

3 Observation

in the media is an excellent method for building a

Observing a court case in action is an important

sound understanding of criminal and civil cases.

way of reinforcing and extending your knowledge

In order to help you record and summarise your

of criminal and civil law. The Lawlink NSW website

findings, a Media File pro forma is provided for

( lists all courts in NSW,

you on the Student CD. It’s recommended that

and information about ACT courts can be found

you print a number of copies of this pro forma,

at Students are able to

make notes specific to each case and attach them

visit most courts that are open to the general

to each article you collect.

public. However, if a school group is thinking about



attending a court, it is important to contact the court to ensure that correct protocols and etiquette can be followed.

The lega l profession Court cases involve a number of participants. Some

role. The official and unofficial participants of most

of these people play an official legal role in the

court cases are outlined below. The red numbers in

court proceedings, while others play an unofficial

the text correspond to the numbers in Figure 3.9.











Figure 3.9 Court cases involve a number of participants.


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Legal professionals


Barristers and solicitors

People seeking legal advice will usually contact a

Judges and magistrates

solicitor first. Solicitors give legal advice to people

Judges and magistrates preside over court cases.

on a wide range of legal issues. They have completed

They are seen as the umpires of court cases,

a recognised law course and carried out relevant

making sure that the rules are followed and that

work experience to achieve their qualification.

a fair trial is carried out. They are legally qualified

Solicitors may work in any of a number of

professionals who have considerable experience in

practice areas. Some of the major areas of employ-

the law.

ment are family law, conveyancing for real estate

Judges sit in intermediate and superior courts

transactions, and the preparation of wills and con-

(District and Supreme courts). The role of the

tracts. Traditionally, only barristers could represent

judge is to adjudicate in cases: the judge makes

parties in court. Solicitors will most often prepare

decisions about points of law and gives instructions

a brief for a barrister when a case must go before a

to the jury to make sure that they understand the

court, as well as doing research and providing legal

proceedings and evidence presented. The judge is

advice. In the Local or Magistrates’ Court, however,

required to hand down sentences and rulings. In

it is more common to see solicitors appearing

civil cases, particularly civil cases, the judge will

on behalf of clients. For each state and territory,

sit without a jury and therefore is responsible for

there are separate associations for solicitors and

the final decision.

barristers, and in NSW, barristers and solicitors are

A magistrate is in charge of a lower court. After

issued different practising certificates.

hearing both sides of the case, the magistrate will

Barristers often specialise in one area of law

decide whether a person is guilty or innocent.

(e.g. family law), which allows them to develop a

The magistrate will decide on the punishment in

depth of knowledge and expertise in the area.

criminal cases, and the amount of money awarded in civil cases.

Solicitors will generally approach a barrister on behalf of their client. The barrister will then

Magistrates will refer very serious criminal

represent the client in either a criminal or civil

offences to the District Court (in NSW) or to the

court proceeding. Barristers have two main roles

Supreme Court (in the ACT). The magistrate

in court proceedings:

will hear some indictable matters to determine

s To provide legal advice on the likely outcome

whether such a matter should go to trial. If there is

of a court case, based on the facts provided to

enough evidence to establish a prima facie case,

them by their client. This allows the client to

and thus justify the expense of a trial, it will be

decide which course of action is best.

referred to a higher court. 2

Judge’s associate

The leg al s y s tem


s To present their client’s case in court. 5


The judge’s associate is a confidential secretary to

A witness gives evidence to support the case in

the judge and is a clerk of the court in which the

court. Both parties can call witnesses. A witness

judge is presiding. He or she generally has a law

must stay outside the courtroom until his or her


name is called. When they are called they must

prima facie ,ATIN @ONTHEFACE at first sight: having sufficient evidence established against a defendant to warrant a trial in a higher court of law

take the witness stand and swear an oath or make 3


an affirmation to tell the truth.

A tipstaff supports the judge in procedural and organisational matters when court is in session.


Court officer

When court is not in session, the tipstaff may

The court officer organises the court lists and calls

provide research and administrative support.

witnesses into the courtroom. He or she administers


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the oath or affirmation, ensures that the public are seated in the right areas, and announces the arrival and departure of the judge or judges. The court officer communicates questions from jurors to the judge and passes documents from the bar table to the associate, who passes them to the judge, jury or witnesses. He or she also advises the judge’s associate when the jury is ready to return a verdict, operates audiovisual equipment where necessary, gives instructions to the jury and answers questions from jurors, and looks after the jury room and the comfort of the jurors. 7

Court reporter

All court proceedings are recorded, either in shorthand or using a shorthand machine, or in audio and/

Figure 3.10 The media, following a high profile court case

or visual form. A transcript of the proceedings is an accurate written record of what has been said.

selection of the entire panel of jurors, or individual jurors. ‘Challenges for cause’ are based on the

Other participants

person not being qualified to serve on a jury, being ineligible or disqualified, or being suspected

Corrective services officer

of bias. Both sides can also exercise a certain

A corrective services officer is required to guard

number of ‘peremptory challenges’ of prospective

the accused in a criminal case and escort that

jurors, without having to give a reason. However,

person to and from the courtroom.

challenging the selection of a juror can be difficult: neither side knows anything about them in


advance apart from their names, and peremptory

A jury is a panel of citizens, selected at random,

challenges are usually based on nothing more

who consider the evidence and decide on questions

than name or appearance (e.g. age, gender, race,

raised in the case. Their job can be described as

clothing, physique).

‘fact-finding’, and their decision is called a verdict. Before a court case begins, they are sworn in.

RE VIE W 3.4 1 Outline the role of a judge or magistrate in court proceedings. 2 What forms of legal

In most cases, a criminal trial

The person who brings a civil action against some-

involves a jury of 12 people. Civil

one else is called the plaintiff, while the person

cases may be heard by a judge

who must defend his or her actions is called the

alone or (in NSW) with a jury of

defendant. In a criminal trial, the defendant is

four people.

the person accused of the crime, and there is no

The members of a jury are


ordinary citizens selected at ran-

representation are available to

dom from the jury list, which is


a person who is having legal

compiled from the electoral roll.

The media often attend high-profile court cases in

problems? 3 Compare and contrast the roles of the judge and the jury.


Plaintiffs and defendants

In a criminal trial, both the

order to report on them. Generally, representatives

prosecution and the defence have

from the media sit in the media gallery or wait

the right to challenge either the

outside the court in order to interview people.

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Co m m o n a n d c i v i l l a w s ys te m s Most countries throughout the world use a system

law governing relationships between private

of law based on the common and civil principles of

individuals, in contrast to the criminal law.

Civil law has its origins in Roman law. It is a codified system that uses a set of rules (known as the code of law) that are applied and interpreted

Civil law systems in other countries The term ‘civil law’ sometimes causes confusion.

by judges. This form of legal system is still used in

In the Australian legal system it refers to private

many countries of the world.

law (i.e. disputes between individuals). However,

Common law, on the other hand, was developed

the term ‘civil law’ also describes the legal systems

by custom. It began long before there were any

of those countries that have developed from the

written laws but continued to be applied by courts

Roman law system instead of the English common

long after written laws came into use.

law system.

The main difference between the two systems is

Today, countries such as France, Germany and

that in civil law, judges apply the rules in the code

Italy are civil law countries. Civil law countries

of law to the various cases before them, whereas

usually have an inquisitorial system of trial as

in common law, the rules are derived in part from

opposed to the common law adversarial system.

specific court rulings.

In an inquisitorial system of trial, the judge collects

In countries that have a legal system based on common law, civil law refers to the area of

Figure 3.11 The ruins of the Forum Romanum2OMAN &ORUM

The leg al s y s tem

law – or a combination of both.

the evidence for both sides in a dispute, and is actively involved in the fact-finding task.

Figure 3.12 Common law in Australia has its origins in customary law developed in England. This image shows Queen Elizabeth I in the Court of King’s Bench – the highest COMMONLAWCOURTIN%NGLANDUNTIL

Figure 3.13 The Palazzo della Consulta, seat of the Italian Constitutional Court, DESIGNEDBY&ERDINANDO&UGA


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Ch a p te r s u m m a ry M ul ti p l e- c hoi ce q ues ti ons 74

s The law is divided into public and private law. There are differences in the ways that infringements of public and private law are dealt with by the courts. s Public law governs relationships between individuals and the state and includes criminal, administrative and constitutional law. s The Australian Constitution sets out the foundational rules of Australian government. Constitutional law governs any changes made to these laws. s Private law governs relationships between individuals or between them and organisations or companies. It includes contract, tort and property law.

1 Why is criminal law prosecuted by the state rather than by individual citizens? a Victims of crime are usually unable to afford legal representation. b Crime is considered a wrong against us all and thus a matter of public law. c Crime is often due to government decisions or policy and the state must take responsibility for it. d It is a matter of organisation and thus is a subset of administrative law. 2 What is the main purpose of administrative law? a TOACHIEVEJUSTICEINCIVILCASES b to ensure fairness in government decisions c to allow people to bring criminal charges against government departments d to allow people to receive damages in civil cases 3 What is the High Court’s role in relation to the laws made by parliament? a to decide whether they are consistent with the Australian Constitution b to exercise veto power if necessary, when a bill comes before parliament c to ensure that they are consistent with international treaties that Australia has signed d to advise the minor parties on how they can get laws passed

s The court where the case is heard will depend on such things as the severity of the crime in criminal cases and the amount of damages sought in civil cases. s Criminal and civil court procedures are different in a number of ways. In a criminal trial, the prosecution has the burden of proof. In a civil matter, the plaintiff has the burden of proof. s The standard of proof in a criminal trial is beyond reasonable doubt. In a civil hearing, it is on the balance of probabilities. s Contemporary Australian law is based on English common law. Many other countries use the civil law system, which is based on a statutory code rather than on precedent.

4 What can a plaintiff expect from a successful tort claim? a compensation from the defendant in the form of damages b compensation from the state c ANINJUNCTIONTOPREVENTTHEDEFENDANT from approaching the plaintiff’s solicitor d an order of specific performance 5 Which of these statements about the burden and standard of proof is true? a The defence in a criminal trial must prove that the defendant is innocent, beyond reasonable doubt. b The defendant in a civil trial must prove that the plaintiff’s case is flawed, on the balance of probabilities. c The plaintiff in a civil trial must prove his or her case on the balance of probabilities. d The plaintiff in a civil trial must prove that the defendant is guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

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The leg al s y s tem

Ch a p te r s u m m a ry ta s k s

1 Outline the main ways that a person can seek a remedy if a government decision is unfair. $OYOUTHINKMANYPEOPLESEEKJUSTICEINTHIS WAY*USTIFYYOURANSWER 2 What remedies are available when you have a contract for services and the other party fails to do what they agreed to do? 3 What is tort law? Discuss the idea that tort law has turned us into a society that sues each other when things go wrong. 4 Explain the roles of prosecution and defence in a criminal case. 5 Compare and contrast the features of criminal and civil law.


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ke y t e r m s/ v o c a b ul ar y

c hap ter ob j e cti ve s

Law reform


In this chapter, students will: s discuss legal concepts and terminology with respect to law reform s debate the legal system’s ability to address issues in society that may contribute to law reform s discuss the relationship that exists between the legal system and the society in which it operates s discuss the place of the law in addressing and responding to change s identify and assess the conditions in society that contribute to law reform s describe and evaluate the role and operation of agencies and agents involved in law reform.

Apprehended Domestic 6IOLENCE/RDER!$6/ balance of power capital punishment de facto relationship forensic fraud Hansard HUNGJURY

identity theft precedent public morality social values terms of reference 9OUTH*USTICE#ONFERENCES

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Marriage Act 1961 #TH Property (Relationships) Act 1984 .37 Crimes (Forensic Procedures) !CT.37 Crimes Act 1900.37 Young Offenders Act 1997.37 Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act .37 Australian Law Reform Commission Act 1996 #TH Law Reform Commission Act 1967 .37 Jury Act 1977 .37 Family Law Act 1975 #TH

The leg al s y s tem

rel ev ant l aw

odd l a w The Commonwealth and all states and territories except the ACT, which is land-locked, have passed similar statutes, each of which is titled the Crimes at Sea Act. These Acts allow the federal and state governments to enter into a cooperative agreement to divide up responsibility for enforcing the law relating to CRIMESCOMMITTEDATSEA*URISDICTIONDEPENDS on the part of the sea where the crime was committed. Although some states have passed laws allowing a defendant to be convicted ONTHEBASISOFAMAJORITYJURYVERDICT THISIS not permitted in any areas of the sea where THE#OMMONWEALTHHASJURISDICTION BECAUSE only unanimous verdicts are constitutionally permitted where the offence is against federal law: Cheatle v R ;=(#!


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W h a t i s l aw r e f o r m? Australian society is constantly evolving and

Changes to laws should not only recognise

changing. Given the speed at which social values

the changes taking place in society, but should

change, the law can sometimes seem anachron-

reflect those changes which have produced better

istic, or slow to respond. The saying often quoted is

circumstances for significant portions of society,

‘Society moves ahead and the law limps behind’.

as well as providing protections against harm.

As suggested in previous chapters, the law

However, law reform is not always smooth or

needs to be similarly dynamic in order for the

easy, as not all members of society may agree with

community to respect and follow it. But mere

particular changes to the law or see the need for

change is not enough to constitute ‘reform’. As the

them. The extent of disagreement often depends

Hon Justice Michael Kirby, a former member of the

on the conditions that gave rise to law reform: in

High Court Bench, wrote:

other words, on what is driving the need to reform

In our language, the word ‘reform’ tends to connote an improvement, an advance: not just for change, a change for the better. M.D. Kirby, Reform the Law: Essays on the renewal of the Australian legal system /XFORD

the law. This chapter examines the conditions that give rise to law reform, and the agents and mechanisms that can bring it about once the reform needed has been identified.


Co n d i t i o n s t h a t g i ve r i s e t o l aw reform Changing social values Social values are standards or principles that guide people in their thinking about aspects of their society and that are underpinned by beliefs about right and wrong. Social values are not necessarily the same as individual values, but they both influence and are influenced by individuals’ judgment. Both individual and social values and ethics are shaped by various cultural factors, often including religion. When the majority of people within a society hold similar views about an issue, the views can be said to reflect public morality. The law must reflect the social values of the majority of the community if it is to stay relevant and be assured Figure 4.1 Historically, social values in Australia have been heavily influenced by the Christian faith.


of a high rate of compliance. As Australia is a diverse multicultural society, it can sometimes be

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in de facto relationships. At this time there

indeed there is anything approaching consensus

were calls to recognise same-sex couples in the

on an issue.

same way. After some impassioned speeches

The problem for lawmakers is that public

in both houses of the NSW Parliament, the De

morality is not static; it continues to evolve. These

Facto Relationships Act was amended to include

changing social values are an impetus for law

same-sex couples and was renamed the Property

reform. There are many examples of legislation

(Relationships) Act 1984 (NSW).

that has been introduced, repealed or amended

Under this Act, factors for a court to consider

after courts have handed down decisions. Judicial

when determining whether a couple are in a de

decisions are one way in which legislators and

facto relationship include the duration of the

others recognise that the existing law no longer

relationship, how long they have lived together,

reflects the community’s social values. In most

whether it is a sexual relationship, and their

cases, as indicated above, the law usually lags

financial dependence or interdependence. Impor-

behind changes in social values. This is not always

tantly, these factors also include the degree of

a negative feature of the law, as deliberate and

mutual commitment to a shared bond and whether

well-thought-out changes to our laws take time.

they are publicly recognised as a couple. While

The following example demonstrates how law

this Act gave couples in these relationships certain

reform has been a direct response to changing

property rights, it also recognised the legitimacy

social values.

and value of their relationship.

social values ethical standards that guide people in their thinking about aspects of their society public morality standards of behaviour generally agreed upon by the community de facto relationship FROMTHE,ATINTERM meaning ‘existing in fact’): a relationship between two adults who are not married but are living together as a couple

The leg al s y s tem

difficult to gauge the mood of the community, if

Changing social values regarding same-sex relationships Many of Australia’s social values have been influenced by its Christian traditions, including the belief that the family is one of the cornerstones of a stable society. Part of the traditional belief has been the understanding that a family must have a mother and a father in a heterosexual relationship recognised formally by religious ceremony and legally by marriage legislation – currently the Marriage Act 1961 (Cth). Over the past 40 years, the idea of what constitutes a family has evolved to the point where the definition above no longer reflects the social values of a significant number of Australians. Moreover, many Australians in same-sex rela-

Figure 4.2 Part of a protest for same-sex couples

tionships were living together without the legal protections afforded to people living in hetero-

Further legislative change occurred with the

sexual relationships. This meant that they had

Property (Relationships) Legislation Amendment

few rights – especially property rights – if the

Act 1999 (NSW), which amended 25 other Acts

relationship ended.

whose provisions excluded same-sex couples.

In 1984, the New South Wales government

For example, it amended the Wills, Probate and

passed the De Facto Relationships Act 1984 (NSW),

Administration Act 1898 (NSW) to give a de facto

which established certain rights for people living

spouse of a person who died without a will the


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estate all of the property that a person leaves upon death

same rights as a husband or wife with respect to It is estimated that there are approximately

no talk in politics of amending the Marriage Act

capital punishment the practice of sentencing a person TODEATHBYJUDICIAL process; also referred to as the ‘death penalty’

100 federal Acts that discriminate against same-

to allow same-sex marriages. The federal govern-

sex couples. The Rudd government has indicated

ment has consistently refused to consider this

an intention to pass legislation to remove discri-

reform. It seems that marriage is one area where

minatory legislative provisions. This will mean

members of government do not believe that the

that same sex-couples will have the same status

public has shifted far enough in their thinking to

as heterosexual de facto couples at both state and

warrant legislative reform.

the deceased person’s estate.

An interesting question to ponder given the legislative changes at state level is why is there little or

ca s e s tu d y

federal levels.

Whose social values should prevail? In California, same sex-marriages were

Same-Sex Marriage’, the BBC reported:

recognised when the Supreme Court

‘The referendum called for the California

of that state ruled in May 2008 that

constitution to be amended by adding

legislation banning these marriages was

the phrase: “Only marriage between a

discriminatory and violated the state

man and a woman is valid or recognised in

constitution. Since then there have been


many couples who have legitimised their

The state’s Attorney General has stated

relationships in the eyes of the law through

that those marriages conducted after the


court ruling will remain valid.

In November 2008, voters overturned

Public morality is not clear-cut on this

the court ruling by agreeing through

issue in California. With legal challenges

referendum to change the state’s

expected to follow the referendum result,

constitution in a ballot called ‘Proposition

it may be some time before there is

8’. In an article titled ‘California Bans

certainty in this area.

R EV I EW 4 . 1 1 Outline the sequence of events that led to the Property (Relationships) Legislation Amendment Act 1999 (NSW). What did that Act accomplish? 2 What are some other types of social changes that might lead to law reform? How might the reform be accomplished?



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Youth Justice Conferences meetings of all the people who may be affected by a crime committed by a young offender; used to help them to accept responsibility for their actions while avoiding the court system

When the law is unable to deliver just outcomes to individuals and the community, there may be a need for law reform. For example, if the criminal law is failing victims,





accused, new concepts of justice may need to be formulated.

Figure 4.4 Capital punishment, now abolished in Australia, was once seen as a way of dealing with the most heinous of crimes.

In the past, capital punishment for particular murder offences was seen as the

a greater emphasis on rehabilitation, and

R ESEA RC H 4 . 1

most effective way of dealing with the most

because deterrence clearly was not being

Go the following websites to

heinous crimes. It was a case of society

achieved, capital punishment no longer

research law reform in the

delivering pure retribution for a crime: ‘a

served the community’s purposes.

areas outlined.

life for a life’. It was also suggested that

Another notable example of changes in

it provided a strong deterrent to those

the way the law punishes offenders can be

work and assess whether they

disposed to commit murder. In fact, in

seen in Youth Justice Conferences estab-

are an improvement on the

a significant number of homicides the

lished under the Young Offenders Act 1997

previous ways in which the law

offender and the victim knew each other,

(NSW). This is discussed in more detail in

dealt with these issues.

and many involved extreme breakdown of

Chapter 9. Youth Justice Conferences are an

family relationships. Many murderers could

attempt to divert young first-time offend-

be described as one-time killers unlikely

ers away from the court system and hence

to reoffend. When capital punishment

a criminal record. Their aim is to act as a

was abolished in each of the Australian

‘circuit breaker’ in a young person’s behav-

states, the murder rate remained relatively

iour trajectory. A conference may involve

unchanged, suggesting that as a form of

members of the community, the offender’s

punishment it had little deterrent value.

family, the victim and his or her family, and

Identify how the initiatives

C I RC L E SE N T E N C IN G indigenous/interventions/ alternatives/circle.html journals/AILR/2004/16.html stories/2008/07/16/2305266.

It was also recognised that, whatever

professionals such as a social worker. Youth

the chances of a criminal’s rehabilitation,

Justice Conferencing has enjoyed support

executing him or her extinguishes the

from the community, as it has achieved posi-


possibility completely. There are very

tive results for young first-time offenders.

strong arguments that capital punishment

Some have argued that it should be used for


violates prohibitions of cruel, inhuman and

a wider range of offences, including serious


degrading punishments in international

offences, because it obliges the young


human rights treaties, and that where it

person to consider the consequences of his


exists, it is imposed more often on poor,

or her actions, in particular the harm caused



to the victim.




persons. In addition, there is the risk of

Other law reform initiatives to address


new concepts of justice include circle

As a result of these moral arguments and

sentencing for Indigenous offenders, the


practical considerations, social attitudes

NSW Drug Court and the enforcement


with respect to capital punishment shifted

of parenting orders in the Family Court,

and no Australian jurisdiction now permits

to name a few. All of these reforms are

it. Because the concept of what justice

attempts to deal with issues that the current

requires shifted from pure retribution to

laws were clearly failing to address.

killing an innocent person.


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The leg al s y s tem

New concepts of justice


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ca s e s tu d y

New concepts of justice to combat domestic violence Domestic violence is different from violence

introducing the concept of an Apprehended

perpetrated on the street, in schools or in the

Domestic Violence Order (ADVO). ADVOs

workplace. The Women’s Action Alliance defines

could be obtained by victims through the Local

domestic violence as ‘violence occurring within a

Court or the police. The court must be satisfied

household or between family members. Its most

‘on the balance of probabilities’ that the person

common form is violence by a husband against

has reasonable grounds for fear – a lower

a wife (legal or de facto) but it can also include

standard of proof than ‘beyond reasonable

violence by wife against a husband or child

doubt’. An ADVO can be tailored to suit the

against parent. Violence by parent against child

victim’s situation; for example it can forbid

is more commonly referred to as child abuse’.

the accused from coming close to the victim’s

Domestic violence can be manifested

children, residence, place of work, or another

sexually, physically or verbally and in most cases

specified place that the victim frequents. It is a

causes psychological harm to the victim. Victims

criminal offence to breach an ADVO.

of domestic violence are usually isolated socially

As more became understood about the

and they often stay in these relationships for

perpetrators and circumstances of domestic

many reasons, including fear of reprisal.

violence, significant law reform continued to

In the past, victims of domestic violence had

unfold. Some of these developments have

to report an incident to the local police. In many


cases the victim was told that this was a private

s The Crimes (Domestic Violence) Amendment

matter more appropriately sorted out within

Act 1993 (NSW) – allowed police to apply

the family. Research has indicated that the initial

for interim ADVOs after hours by telephone,

response of the police to a victim’s report of

as well as making it an offence to ‘stalk’ or

domestic violence will determine whether that victim proceeds further with the complaint. The victim also had to rely on assault

‘intimidate’ a person. s The Crimes Amendment (Apprehended Violence) Act 1999 (NSW) – distinguished

provisions under the relevant criminal

between orders taken out for domestic

legislation. Not only were there often delays in

violence and those relating to ‘personal

bringing the matter to court, but the necessity

violence’ in other situations, such as disputes

of proving the charge beyond reasonable doubt

between neighbours. In addition, the police

could be a high hurdle when the evidence was

must record in writing why they did not

essentially one person’s word against another’s.

proceed with criminal charges for a breach of

Victims of domestic violence incidents had

an ADVO.

inadequate protection under the law and it was clear that the legislation was not sufficient.

s Amendments to the Bail Act 1978 (NSW) – removed the presumption that bail will be granted in relation to domestic violence



offences or breaching an ADVO, where the

In New South Wales, the Crimes (Domestic

defendant has a history of violence.

Violence) Amendment Act 1982 (NSW) inserted

s Amendments to the Firearms Act 1989 (NSW)

new provisions into the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW),

– allowed police to seize any firearms present

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conditions and begin targeted case management

violence incident.

processes focusing on protection. Upon arriving

After 30 years of amendments to various

at the scene of an incident, they can, with the

legislation, especially the Crimes Act, it was felt

consent of the victim, use video and still-image

that the crime of domestic violence deserved

cameras to photograph the scene and any

a stand-alone Act of Parliament. Hence the

injuries, and record any witness statements.

Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 (NSW) was passed and took effect in 2008. This Act repealed Part 15A of the Crimes

Thereafter, weekly meetings with representatives from welfare agencies, the Local Court, the Department of Community Services

Act, which dealt with apprehended violence

and the police are scheduled, to assist the victim

orders, and re-enacted those provisions as a

and ensure that his or her needs are met. The

new Act, with some modifications and additional

Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions will

provisions. It was also felt that domestic

also provide a prosecutor specifically trained

violence was treated as a lesser crime, hidden

in the legal and social issues associated with

in the Crimes Act. Under the new Act a person

domestic violence cases, who will handle the case

may be charged with a ‘domestic violence

from start to finish. Each cases is to be finalised

offence’. While the acts constituting such an

within 12 weeks, in an effort to minimise the

offence are not new, being charged with the

stress and trauma on the victim and any children.

criminal acts under the new name has significant

The DVICM also offers support to offenders

implications for bail, the offender’s criminal

to assist with their own psychological and social

record and any future convictions.

difficulties. Police and correction officers are

Under s 38, an ADVO made to protect an

Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO) a court order used for the protection of a person involved in an intimate, spousal or de facto relationship

T he leg al s y s tem

when called to the scene of a domestic

involved in the process.

adult must automatically include any children

The photographic evidence has been

living with that adult, unless sufficient reasons

credited with an increase in guilty pleas by

are given are to why they should be left off.

offenders, from 50% in 2004 to approximately 63% by 2006.


While an increase in financial resources, as


well as political will, is necessary to ensure the

The NSW government has recognised that

ongoing effectiveness of programs such as the

there is still room for improvement, with respect

DVICM, its positive results to date indicate that

to both the protection of victims and the

such costs would go towards breaking the cycle

prevention of domestic violence in the future.

of violence and protecting individuals in their

The Domestic Violence Intervention Court

own homes.

response to domestic violence by the police and government agencies in an attempt to support victims and break the cycle of violence. Once a report is made the police will make an immediate request for an ADVO. They can also initiate an arrest warrant with strict bail

le g al li nk s

Model (DVICM) involves a coordinated

Go to the following website to read more about the law relating to domestic violence: www.liac. violence_66.pdf


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New technology Advances in technology always put the law under pressure to remain current. New technology contributes to changes that may be either radical and sweeping or subtle and incremental. For instance, the invention of the petrol-powered motor vehicle changed the way people in industrialised countries lived over the course of the twentieth century, and required the introduction of new laws for safety, ownership and licensing, and (eventually) environmental protection.

More recently the progress made in ‘birth technologies’ has also seen changes to laws at both state and federal level to resolve issues about parentage, inheritance, and financial maintenance. As children can now be conceived from donated biological material, the law had to clarify and differentiate biological rights and obligations from ‘social’ rights and obligations deriving from the family roles and relationships in which people actually live. The use of DNA evidence in criminal matters has led to convictions where previously, without other physical evidence, there would have been no conviction. As technology has improved, so have the chances of solving previous ‘cold cases’. In NSW, there are more than 400 unsolved homicides, dating back as far as 1975. Because DNA is very stable and can last for a significant period of time, biological material collected can still be used, decades later, to create DNA profiles for analysis. In 2008 some of these unsolved cases were reopened for police investigation, with DNA analysis a key tool. The Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000 (NSW) was introduced to set guidelines for the DNA testing of criminal suspects. The Act sets out who may be tested and who may order the test, as well as detailed requirements for how the procedures may be conducted. The manner in

Figure 4.5 The invention of the motor car resulted in enormous social change, including changes to legal systems around the world.

which a DNA sample is obtained can determine its admissibility in court. In 2007, several amendments to the Act took place. Among other changes, s 11 was revised to allow DNA samples to be collected from suspects

forensic relating to the detection and investigation of crime


The development of life support devices and

in an increased range of offences, which include

treatments since the 1960s has meant that the

some indictable offences as well as a number of

legal definition of death had to be changed. Rather

summary offences.

than referring to the cessation of respiration and

Another major change concerned the period of

heartbeat, most jurisdictions now require the

time that a suspect’s DNA material could be kept

irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire

for forensic use. Under the Act prior to the 2007

brain, as it is now possible to keep a person’s heart

amendments, DNA material had to be destroyed

and lungs operating for a significant period of time,

after 12 months if the criminal case against the

but with no brain function.

person did not proceed. However, under the

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amended s 88(2)(c), where DNA has been collected from a suspect who ends up being convicted of a different crime as a result of an investigation of the same acts, the DNA material does not have to be destroyed.

The leg al s y s tem

Such provisions are intended to increase conviction rates. Some have argued, however, that without sufficient legislative protections relating to the use of this technology, there can be an erosion of the rights of accused persons. For example, the wait time for the results of a DNA test can be up to 180 days. This raises serious issues if the prosecution case is dependent on that evidence, especially if the accused has been refused bail. In order to speed up the process, the NSW government decided in 2008 to outsource some of its testing to private laboratories. Such delegation of responsibility will generally require further safeguards to ensure privacy, confidentiality, and integrity of the testing procedures.

Figure 4.6 Advances in medical technology, such AS)6& ARECREATINGNEWCHALLENGESFORTHELAW

R EV I EW 4 . 2 1 What are the factors that have to be balanced when introducing new legislation or amendments that use scientific advances to increase police investigative powers? 2 What are some other scientific advances that have led or may lead to legislative changes? List some of the considerations that need to be considered or balanced when making changes.

Figure 4.7 DNA testing holds great potential for law enforcement agencies, but brings with it a range of legal and ethical issues.


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ca s e s tu d y

Identity theft Over the past ten years there has been an

obtaining loans, government benefits or

increase in what is known as ‘identity theft’ or

employment benefits; evading the payment

‘identity fraud’. With the development of more

of taxes; money laundering; drug smuggling;

sophisticated computers, scanning devices and

people smuggling; or stalking or intimidating

software applications, this type of crime has


become easier. It is also attractive, as it can

The theft or assumption of another person’s

yield significant rewards with a high probability

identity, or the use of his or her personal

of not being caught.

information, was not itself a criminal offence

Identity theft has the potential to cause

in most Australian jurisdictions until recently.

immediate financial loss as well as damage to

(The first states to enact legislation specifically

a victim’s credit rating and reputation. It can

criminalising identity theft were South

also be psychologically distressing to know that

Australia and Queensland, in 2003 and 2007

someone else is using your identity to engage in

respectively.) Rather, it was what was done with

serious criminal activities. Those activities could

the stolen identity. Because assuming another

include using credit card numbers; fraudulently

person’s identity was a preparatory step in

Figure 4.8 The advent of digital technology has made identity theft easier to commit and more DIFlCULTTOPROSECUTEBECAUSEOFFENCESARECOMMITTEDACROSSJURISDICTIONALBORDERS


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in respect of such act, or pretence, under any

theft, such offences could be used to prosecute

other enactment or at Common Law.

the identity theft. However, that requires the prosecution to prove the associated offence. It can be difficult to adapt specific theft, fraud and forgery offences to fit the facts of identity crime. Much existing legislation, including the provisions in the Model Criminal Code referred to in Chapter 3, requires at least proof that the accused had the intent to use the information in his or her possession to obtain a financial benefit. However, identities can be assumed for other reasons, for example to cross national borders for the purposes of organised crime or terrorism. Law reform in this area could include the enactment of state and federal legislation creating one or more general identity crime offences. In 2008, this was the recommendation

Other sections in the Crimes Act that could

identity theft obtaining or using the identity of another person in order to commit a range of fraudulent activities, usually to obtain financial gain

be used to prosecute identity crime include: s Personating owner of stock or property (s 184A) s Fraudulent misappropriation (s 178A) s Obtaining money etc. by deception (s 178BA) s Obtaining money by false or misleading

fraud a dishonest act, done intentionally in order to deceive

statements (s 178BB) s Obtaining credit by fraud (s 178C)

The leg al s y s tem

the commission of offences such as fraud or

s Obtaining property by false pretences or wilfully false statements with intent to defraud (s 179) Unauthorised access to and modification of computer data are covered in Part 6 of the Act, and these also might be used to prosecute identity crime.

of the Model Criminal Law Officers’ Committee of the Standing Committee of AttorneysGeneral. The model offences would include making, supplying or using information about a person that is capable of being used to identify

R ESEAR CH 4 . 2

him or her; possessing such information with

Go to

intent to commit or facilitate an indictable

russell/2002-07-fraud.pdf and research the types of

offence; and possessing equipment to create

criminal activities that can be carried out under the

such information.

following categories: s Terrorism


Section 184 of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) is

s Unlawful immigration s Fraud involving e-mail and the Internet s Dissemination of obscene materials electronically

the provision most directly relevant to Identity

s Funds transfer fraud

theft. It states:

s Health benefits fraud

Whosoever falsely personates, or pretends to

s Social security fraud

be, some other person, with intent fraudulently to obtain any property, shall be liable to imprisonment for seven years. Nothing in this section shall prevent any person so personating, or pretending, from being proceeded against


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Agencies of reform As discussed above, there are various reasons as to

advise the government on how the law can be

why the law may become dated or no longer able

changed to meet current needs. It also works to

to regulate society in a fair and just manner. The

bring about harmonisation of Commonwealth,

terms of reference a set of guidelines used to define the purpose and scope of an inquiry

extent to which the law may need to be reformed

state and territory laws where possible. It must

is usually investigated and reported upon by one

ensure that laws, proposals and recommendations

or more of the following organisations or groups.

do not trespass on personal rights and are con-

harmonisation agreement among the laws of different JURISDICTIONS

Law reform commissions

particularly in the area of human rights.

Law reform commissions have been established by

consultation. Once the ALRC has completed an

sedition words or acts said or done with the intention of urging others to use force against the government

various parliaments within their own jurisdictions

inquiry and report, it will make recommendations

to report on matters referred to them under what

to the federal government through the Attorney-

is called the terms of reference for a particular

General. The government can accept all or some

inquiry. The reports may contain recommend-

of the recommendations or can ignore the report

ations for ways to modernise or simplify the law,

altogether. Sometimes the political climate at the

hung jury AJURYTHATISUNABLETO reach agreement

or to eliminate defects.

time may determine whether the commission’s

sistent with Australia’s international obligations,

An essential feature of law reform commissions

An inquiry involves a process of research and

recommendations become enacted into law.

is that they are independent of the parliament

In its annual reports, the ALRC publishes a

that established them. This is important because

summary of the implementation status of its re-

political interference in the research and reporting

commendations. More than 80 per cent of ALRC’s

process can skew the findings. It has also been

recommendations have been either substantially

said that when a government provides the terms of

or partially implemented by the government.

reference for an inquiry into an area of law reform,

Some of the more recent areas of law reform

it should not already know the answer. In other

examined by the ALRC are the federal sedition

words, the government should not know what the

laws, privacy laws, and freedom of information

end result or recommendations will be.


For the purposes of our area of study, the two law reform commissions to be examined are the

The NSW Law Reform Commission

Australian Law Reform Commission and the NSW

This commission was set up under the Law Reform

Law Reform Commission.

Commission Act 1967 (NSW). It was the first of its kind in Australia. It has a similar role to the ALRC,

The Australian Law Reform Commission

but at the state level: to consider the laws of NSW

The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC)

that are out of date, unnecessary, too complex,

was established in 1975 and operates under the

or defective. Its role also includes consolidating

Australian Law Reform Commission Act 1996 (Cth).

overlapping legislation, hence simplifying the law.

It is an independent statutory (set up by a statute)

The NSW government will refer issues to the

body. The main role of the Commission is to review Commonwealth laws relevant to matters referred


with a view to eliminating aspects of the law

Commission for investigation as to what, if any, law reform is necessary. In its research it will generally consult with the public.

to it by the Attorney-General, to conduct inquiries

A report released by the Commission in

into areas of law reform in these areas, and to

2005 was on majority verdicts in criminal trials.

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R ES E A RC H 4 . 3

The proposal was to investigate changing from

for deliberation has passed (not less

unanimous verdicts to majority verdicts of 11 or

than eight hours) and where the court

Go to

10 jurors.

is satisfied that it is unlikely the jury will


reach a unanimous verdict.

and select from one of

Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research in 2002

It appears that the changes may have

showed that 8 per cent of trials in the District

been politically motivated, rather than

Commission’s completed

Court between 1998 and 2001 resulted in a hung

to reform a law that was not working.

reports dating from

jury. It also showed that in over 90 per cent of

An appeal to the ‘law and order’ vote has

2005. Provide a brief

these hung juries the vote was 7–5 or 8–4. Given

been a common feature of the political

outline of the following:

these statistics, there did not appear to be a strong

landscape since the late 1980s in NSW.

s the purpose of the

basis for changing the system. There weren’t

A reason given for the introduction of

many cases in which a jury was unable to return a

the law was to protect the victims of

verdict because of one recalcitrant juror.

crime from the anguish of a lengthy

the NSW Law Reform

report s the findings of the report.

Other arguments for majority verdicts were that

retrial. The extent to which this law will

Ask your teacher for

it would make verdicts quicker and easier, would

compromise the right of the accused to

some assistance as you

create less pressure on jurors, and would be consis-

a trial with the highest standard of proof

review the report you

tent with most other Australian jurisdictions.

remains to be seen.

have chosen.

The leg al s y s tem

Prior to this inquiry, research by the NSW

Arguments for retaining unanimity included: s It accords with the principle of ‘beyond reasonable doubt’. Arguably, if one or two jurors are not confident that the accused is guilty, that is enough to constitute reasonable doubt. s It allows for greater deliberation of the issues. s Juries may disagree for good reasons. s It promotes community confidence in the justice system. s It is consistent with the requirement of unanimity in trials for Commonwealth offences. s The number of hung juries is relatively small. In its conclusions the Commission stated:

Parliamentary committees Parliamentary committees can be established by both houses of parliament. For example, at the federal level the House of Representatives and/or the Senate may not have sufficient time in parliamentary sitting sessions to discuss issues that arise from a particular piece of legislation. There may be flaws in the effectiveness of a law or the legislation may be particularly complex, requiring greater scrutiny. Committees scrutinise government acti-

We believe that until a comprehensive study is

vity, including policy and administrative decisions,

conducted in NSW to determine the existing prac-

and oversee the expenditure of public money.

tices in NSW jury trials, and what improvements

A vote is usually taken to take something to

need to be made, no major overhaul of the jury

committee. A committee may involve only Senators

system should be attempted … The facts are

or Members of the House of Representatives. A ‘joint

that we simply do not know enough about how

committee’ will have both Members and Senators.

actual juries really deliberate and why they reach

A ‘standing committee’ is a committee that

the decisions they do ... Until more information

is permanent during the life of the body that

is uncovered as to the problems that need to be

appointed it. Standing committees inquire into and

addressed, the introduction of majority verdicts

report on matters referred to them by the Senate

would be of limited value.

or House of Representatives, including estimates

Despite this advice, the NSW government

of expenditure, bills, and the performance of dep-

passed the Jury Amendment (Verdicts) Act 2006. It

artments allocated to them. An example of such a

amends the Jury Act 1977 (NSW) to allow majority

committee is the Senate Standing Committee on

verdicts of 11–1 or 10–1 after a reasonable time

Finance and Public Administration.


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terms of reference a set of guidelines used to define the purpose and scope of an inquiry into law reform Hansard a full account of what is said in parliament or in parliamentary inquiries; named for English printer T. C. Hansard n WHOlRST printed a parliamentary transcript table to place on the table for discussion

‘Select committees’ are small committees appointed for a particular purpose, or a once-only task.

the media can be a powerful vehicle for holding governments accountable. The effectiveness of non-legal mechanisms in

Once a committee has been asked to undertake

influencing law reform can depend on the politics

an inquiry, the terms of reference are drawn up.

of the day. For example, an issue that affects voters

Members of the public as well as experts in a field

in a hotly contested electorate, or an electorate

may be asked to give submissions. The committee

that is part of the government’s key support base,

will hear witnesses, examine evidence, and

is more likely to be addressed than one that affects

formulate conclusions. The media usually attend

voters in a safe seat. If votes in an electorate do not

and report on committee proceedings.

pose a threat to seats in parliament, then the issue

As the hearings are conducted in public, every submission is recorded in Hansard and avail-

may be ignored in the hope that it will eventually fade from public attention.

able on the Internet. At the end of the inquiry

The modern media can promote law reform

the committee will write and table a report in

simply by reporting the stories of individuals who


may suffer discrimination, persecution or financial loss due to a poorly framed law. For example, the

The media

plight of victims of sexual assault has received

One of the hallmarks of a sound

over the past few years. The resulting law reform

working democracy is a ‘free’

recognised that sexual assault is a ‘special crime’

and ‘fair’ press. This means that

which cannot be treated as all other crimes and

the government is not able to

requires additional legal responses. This will be

influence what is reported and

examined in greater detail in Chapter 5.

significant attention by all forms of mass media

how it is reported, so stories that reach the public are an accurate account of what is really happening.



feature of a working democracy

Non-government organisations (NGOs) are organi-

is diversity of media ownership to

sations that are independent of governments.

dilute the influence of individuals

They are under no obligation to conform to any

or media companies who may

government policy and therefore can be a source

have a particular ideological view

of objective information about various issues

to push.

around the world. This is particularly important

Because of their large audience and geographical reach, current affairs programs like the ABC’s

for people who live in countries with repressive governments that restrict freedom of speech. The common characteristics of NGOs have been

‘7.30 Report’ are able to interview

identified as follows:

important political figures, such

s They are formed voluntarily by individuals.

as the prime minister, state

s They are independent of government.

premiers and cabinet ministers,

s They are not for private personal gain or profit.

about contentious issues. Keeping

Money generated goes towards the goals of the

citizens informed allows them to

organisation, though it may also be used to

apply public pressure on governments to address

produce information and for expenses such as

injustices, incompetence or corruption. Thus

utilities, publications, and paid employees.

Figure 4.9 Current affairs programs on television are able to influence popular opinion and apply public pressure on issues of social and legal importance.


Non-government organisations

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s Their aim is to improve people’s circumstances and prospects, within the scope of their mission.

Commonwealth: Guidelines for Good Policy and Practice 4HE #OMMONWEALTH&OUNDATION ,ONDON 

Figure 4.10 !CTION!ID!USTRALIAFORMERLY!USTCARE is part of an international anti-poverty agency active in OVERCOUNTRIES

NGOs can work with governments where there

public as well as governmental inquiries. They may

are shared goals. The Australian government’s

do this by writing letters, requesting a meeting

overseas aid program has the aim of reducing

with a representative or senator, or making policy

poverty in developing countries. The program

submissions, or by writing letters to the editor or

is managed by the Australian Agency for Inter-

calling talkback radio. A lobby group may also be

national Development (AusAID). Among other

an NGO, an industry group or other interest group.

tasks, AusAID provides funding for NGOs within

The Lone Fathers Association of Australia has

Australia that have this particular mission and that

been a strong advocate for ‘shared equal parent-

undergo an accreditation process to ensure that

ing’. Amendments to the Family Law Act 1975

they have strong community support.

(Cth) in 2006 were intended to encourage the

As a mechanism for law reform the effectiveness

use of non-court-based services for dealing with

of NGOs can vary. Some NGOs such as Amnesty

relationship difficulties and separation, and to

International, discussed in Chapter 2, and Green-

ensure that children have meaningful relationships

peace have developed a formidable reputation in

with both parents after a separation or divorce. A

their pursuit of goals such as human rights and

number of organisations including the Women’s

combating environmental threats. Consequently,

Refuge Resource Centre, the Family Law Director

they now have the resources and the tactics, devel-

of NSW Legal Aid, and Women’s

oped over many years, to put pressure on nations.

Legal Services NSW made sub-

The leg al s y s tem

C. Ball and L. Dunn, Non-Governmental Organisations in the

R EVI EW 4 . 3

Due to NGOs’ independent status, however,

missions to a state inquiry into

governments and other institutions can ignore

the impact of the amendments,

1 Compare and contrast the

them and continue to carry out practices that are

expressing concern that they not

aims and methods of the

contrary to the NGOs’ goals. The Royal Society for

only subordinate children’s best

following agencies of law

the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) has

interests to the interests of the


campaigned for an end to live animal exports to

parents, but also offer reduced

a Law Reform Commissions

other countries, while the Australian government

protections for victims of family

is reluctant to stop this profitable trade.

violence. Former Chief Justice of the Family Court Alistair Nicholson

Lobby groups

commented that the amendments

A lobby group is an organised group of people who

enced by fathers’ groups and did

try to influence government ministers or other

little to reform family law’.

were ‘ill-researched, unduly influ-

and lobby groups b Parliamentary committees and Law Reform Commissions c Lobby groups and the media d Lobby groups and NGOs

members of parliament to advance their social or

Lobby groups can be important

political agenda. The goal may be to change the

agents of law reform as long as some

individuals can contribute

law, to keep a particular law that already exists, or

groups’ interests are not favoured

to an inquiry by a law

to introduce new laws.

over others simply because they

reform commission or a

are better organised and can more

parliamentary committee on

effectively articulate their views.

an issue that concerns them?

Lobby groups target members of parliament, parliamentary committees, the media and the

2 What are some of the ways


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Mec h a n i s m s o f l aw r e f o r m The mechanisms of law reform are the ‘machinery’

The impetus for this type of change, however,

that actually brings about changes. These include

usually comes from other sources: namely the

judicial and legislative branches of government, as

conditions that lead to law reform and the agents

well as international organisations.

of reform. Detailed knowledge of the subject matter is often required to report and comment

precedent AJUDGMENTTHATIS authority for a legal principle, and that serves to provide guidance for deciding cases that have similar facts balance of power the power held by the political party whose vote is needed to pass legislation; usually determined in the upper house of parliament under the Westminster system of government


accurately on areas where reform is needed,

The manner in which courts make law through

extend to this level.

and parliamentarians’ expertise does not always

precedent, as outlined in Chapter 2, can be con-

The parliament is still a place, though, where

sidered a means of law reform. Precedents made

proposed laws are debated. This can be a rigorous

in higher courts clarify what the law should be,

and intense process, especially if a proposed law

in cases where the law is in an early stage of

is controversial or is a radical departure from

development or where there is a need to clarify

previous laws. If a political party holds government,

the meaning of words contained in legislation.

it obviously has a greater chance of its bills being

Sometimes, matters come before a court

passed. A bill’s fate, however, may depend on

before they have been considered by parliament.

which party or parties hold the balance of power

However, courts do not consciously set out to

in the Senate.

reform the law. The role of judges is to deal with

Political parties present their policies to the

the matter before them, and as such law reform in

voters prior to each election, and if voted into

the courts comes about in an ad hoc or piecemeal

power they are expected to fulfil these promises.

way. Although changes to the law do occur as a

For example, the Labor Party under Kevin Rudd

result of judicial decisions, they do so over an

campaigned in 2007 with the promise of repealing

extended time frame.

John Howard’s ‘Work Choices’ legislation. By the

Even so, it is well recognised that courts,

end of 2008, the Rudd government had introduced

especially the High Court of Australia, have deli-

new workplace relations legislation that abolished

vered and will continue to deliver decisions that

some of the harsher elements found in Work

revolutionise the legal landscape in Australia. An


obvious example is the 1992 Mabo decision

As parliament is the branch of government

declaring that native title still existed within

that makes law, it will continue to be the main

Australia and that the concept of ‘terra nullius’

mechanism by which major law reform will be

was a legal lie perpet u-

carried out.

ated by the British at the time of settlement.

The United Nations


The United Nations is the chief organisation

Parliaments today are

Nations in the development and implementation of

the institution where most

international treaties was outlined in Chapter 2. As

law reform is realised.

such it is the primary mechanism in the evolution

The process of changing

and reform of the law governing nation-states.

the law occurs through Figure 4.11 The Australian Senate chamber


the passage of all bills.

involved in international law. The role of the United

The effectiveness of the UN in promoting peace and security around the world via international

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When parliament wants to amend an Act,

they are no longer needed. They must contain

it has to pass another Act to accomplish

a provision to guard against their purpose

this. For example, the Crimes (Forensic

being ‘undone’ when they are repealed,

Procedures) Amendment Act 2007 (NSW),

however. Section 4(2) of the Crimes (Forensic

which changed several sections of the Crimes

Procedures) Amendment Act 2007 states that

(Forensic Procedures) Act 2000 (NSW), was

‘the repeal of this Act does not … affect any

enacted and came into force through normal

amendment made by this Act’.

parliamentary procedures. However, you

The function of an amending Act is just

will not find it in the current statutes of NSW,

that: to amend. The Act that it amends is

because it has been repealed. Indeed, s 4(1)

called the ‘principal Act’.

of the Act states that ‘this Act is repealed

You may be able to view amending Acts,

on the day following the day on which all of

and previous versions of principal Acts,

the provisions of this Act have commenced’.

in some online legislation databases by

What’s going on?

choosing ‘History’ or ‘Acts (Point-in-Time)’.

Amending Acts are passed for a very

‘Consolidated Acts’ and ‘In Force Legislation’

specific purpose: to amend another piece of

will usually contain only Acts that are

legislation. They are often very short-lived,

currently in force – i.e. Acts that have not

and once they have accomplished their task,

been repealed.

The leg al s y s tem

l e g a l i n fo

Amending Acts

law is discussed in more detail in Chapter 2. Law reform may take place when Australia implements a treaty by passing domestic legislation that takes account of the international obligations.

Intergovernmental organisations As mentioned in Chapter 2, many intergovernmental organisations (IGOs) are subsidiaries of the UN. These bodies are established to meet and decide upon certain international issues such as refugees, tariffs and wealth. To this extent they contribute to international law reform on a global

Figure 4.12 The United Nations, Geneva

as well a regional scale through the promotion and development of multilateral and bilateral treaties.

Royal Commissions – agd.nsf/Page/Consultationsreformsandreviews_

Other agencies


Other agencies of law reform also exist. Go to the


websites below to research the role they perform in contributing to law reform in Australia.

The NSW Coroner – The Office of the NSW Ombudsman – www.


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C hap ter s u m m a ry M u lt i p le - c ho i c e q ues ti ons 94

s Law reform is the process of changing the law to make it more current, correct defects, SIMPLIFYIT ANDREMEDYINJUSTICE s The conditions that give rise to law reform are changing social conditions, new concepts of JUSTICE ANDNEWTECHNOLOGY s The law must reflect social values if it is to stay relevant and to ensure a high rate of compliance. s 7HENTHELAWFAILSTODELIVERJUSTOUTCOMESTO individuals or groups within the community, ITMAYMEANTHATNEWCONCEPTSOFJUSTICEARE needed. s The rate of technological change in the world today has put the law under significant pressure to stay current. The law must change to accommodate new possibilities. s Law reform commissions have been established by various parliaments within THEIROWNJURISDICTIONSTOREPORTONMATTERS referred to them. They are independent of government and submit recommendations that the government can implement fully, partially or not at all.

1 Which of the following statements is the most correct way to describe public morality? a a shared set of religious beliefs b crimes committed against the community c similar values and beliefs held by the MAJORITYOFTHECOMMUNITYATAPARTICULAR point in time d the shared set of beliefs held by the Australian Parliament 2 Law reform is necessary at times because technology advances at a rate faster than the law. Which of the following is not an area in which the law has had to change due to technological change? a identity theft b same-sex relationships c )6&PROCEDURES d collection of DNA evidence

s Parliamentary committees are established by both houses of parliament to examine ways of addressing flaws in legislation or simplifying the effectiveness of a law or the legislation may be particularly complex which may require greater scrutiny. It could also be the case that developments within society warrant greater attention before the legislature and therefore a committee is set up. s The media influence law reform by keeping citizens informed and holding governments accountable. s .ONGOVERNMENTALORGANISATIONS.'/S are organisations that are independent of governments. Their aim is to influence governments to make changes that will improve people’s conditions. s The primary mechanisms of law reform are the courts and parliaments. The United Nations can be a mechanism of law reform in Australia through the country’s participation in international treaties.

3 Law reform commissions have been set up by parliaments to investigate areas of potential law reform. Which of the following determines the scope of their investigation? a ministers’ directions to the Commission b terms of reference c public opinion d media commentary 4 Which of the following is not an agent of law reform? a unions b the Queen c superior courts d lobby groups 5 What could citizens do about a federal law that explicitly discriminates against naturalised citizens who were born overseas? a &ORMA,AW2EFORM#OMMISSIONATLOCAL level. b Bring defamation proceedings against TV or radio stations that run programs on that law. c Call talkback radio stations and form a lobby group to pressure parliament. d Lobby the state Supreme Court.

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The leg al s y s tem

C hap ter s u m m a ry ta s k s

1 Explain what is meant by law reform. 2 Explain why changing social conditions contribute to the need for law reform. 3 Explain, using examples, how the law has lagged behind technology. 4 Discuss the reasons why Australia no longer imposes capital punishment for murder. 5 Describe to what extent the law has improved its response to domestic violence. 6 Outline some of the problems that have arisen with the advent of DNA evidence. 7 Explain why identity crime can be difficult to prosecute.

8 Explain to what extent Law Reform Commissions are an effective instrument for changing the law. 9 Explain how the United Nations can be a vehicle for law reform in Australia. 10 Outline the strengths and weaknesses of the courts and Parliament as vehicles for law reform.


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k e y t er m s/ v oc ab u la r y

c hap ter ob j e cti ve s

Law reform in action


In this chapter, students will: s identify and apply legal concepts and terminology s discuss the effectiveness of the legal system in addressing issues s investigate the interrelationship between the legal system and society s discuss the role of law in encouraging cooperation and resolving conflict s discuss the role of law in initiating and responding to change s locate, select and organise legal information from a variety of sources including legislation, cases, media reports, international instruments and documents s account for differing perspectives and interpretations of legal information and issues s communicate legal information using well-structured responses

Topic 1: Law reform and native title dispossession martial law native title nomadic pastoralists terra nullius Topic 2: Law reform and sport assault civil litigation conciliation

contempt of court express consent indictable offence sponsorship tort law trespass to the person vicarious liability Topic 3: Law reform and sexual assault complainant consent in camera sexual assault

Topic 1: Law reform and native title I M P O RTA NT L EG I SL ATI O N

Racial Discrimination Act 1975 #TH Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 #TH Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984#TH Native Title Act 1993#TH Native Title Amendment Act 1998 #TH Native Title Amendment Act 2007#TH Native Title Amendment Act (Technical Amendments) Act 2007#TH National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.37 Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.37 SI G NI FI C A NT C A SES

Mabo v Queensland;=(#! Mabo and Others v State of Queensland (No. 2);=(#! Milirrpum v Nabalco Pty Ltd  &,2 Wik Peoples v Queensland ;=(#! Members of the Yorta Yorta Aboriginal Community v Victoria;=(#! Topic 2: Law reform and sport I M P O RTA NT L EG I SL ATI O N

Racial Discrimination Act 1975 #TH Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 .37 Sex Discrimination Act 1984 #TH Australian Sports Commission Act 1989 #TH Disability Discrimination Act 1992 #TH

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The leg al s y s tem

Topic 1 Law reform and native title Topic 2 Law reform and sport Topic 3 Law reform and sexual assault relev ant l aw SIGNIFIC AN T C AS ES

Gardner v AANA Ltd ;=&-#! Rogers v Bugden and Canterbury-Bankstown  !42  Taylor v Moorabbin Saints Junior Football League and Football Victoria Ltd ;=6#!4  Topic 3: Law reform and sexual assault IM PORTA N T L EGIS L AT ION

Criminal Procedure Act 1986 .37 Criminal Procedure Amendment (Sexual Offence Case Management) Act 2005 .37 Criminal Procedure Amendment (Evidence) Act 2005 .37 Criminal Procedure Further Amendment (Evidence) Act 2005 .37 Crimes Amendment (Consent – Sexual Assault Offences) Act 2007.37 SIGNIFIC AN T C AS ES

R v Anon 'ANGRAPECASE R v MM R v Mc R v Mak and others R v BS and MS 'ANGRAPETRIAL

od d l a w In the state of Louisiana, USA, a person could land in JAILFORUPTOTENYEARSFORSTEALINGANALLIGATOR ,OUISIANA2EVISED3TATUTES23 Theft of an alligator A. Theft of an alligator is the misappropriation or taking of an alligator, an alligator’s skin, or a part of an alligator, whether dead or alive, belonging to another, either without the consent of the other to the misappropriation or taking, or by means of fradulent conduct, practices, or representations. An intent to deprive the other permanently of the alligator, the alligator’s skin, or a part of the alligator is essential. " ;7=HENTHEMISAPPROPRIATIONORTAKING amounts to a value of five hundred dollars or more shall be imprisoned, with or without hard labor, for not more than ten years, or may be fined not more than three thousand dollars, or both.  7HENTHEMISAPPROPRIATIONORTAKINGAMOUNTSTO a value of three hundred dollars or more, but less than … five hundred dollars, the offender shall be imprisoned, with or without hard labor, for not more than two years or may be fined not more than two thousand dollars, or both.  7HENTHEMISAPPROPRIATIONORTAKINGAMOUNTS to less than a value of three hundred dollars, the offender shall be imprisoned for not more than six months or may be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or both. …


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To p i c 1: L aw r e f o r m a n d n a t i ve t i t l e

Co n d i t i o n s t h a t l ea d t o l aw r e f o r m o n n a t i ve t i t le native title the right of Indigenous people to their traditional lands

In basic terms, ‘native title’ refers to the right to land by the original inhabitants. In Australia

History of government policy

it has a legal significance and it is a right to an

nomadic a term used to describe people who tend to travel and change settlements frequently

area of land, claimed by peoples whose ancestors

‘Aboriginals’, as they were called by past

were the original inhabitants before European

generations, are more appropriately referred to as

settlement and who can prove that they have had

‘Indigenous Australians’, as this term encompasses

a continuous association with that land.

both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

In fact, the term has such significance that it is

Torres Strait Islanders are of Melanesian origin.

dispossession the removal or expulsion of people from their traditional lands

the name given by the High Court to Indigenous

One of the most famous Torres Strait Islanders

property rights as recognised by the Court in Mabo

is the late Eddie Mabo, who was born on Murray

and Others v State of Queensland (No. 2) [1992]

Island (Mer) and belongs to the Meriam people. We

HCA 23. The Mabo decision was the first legal

will refer to Eddie Mabo and his legal battles later

martial law military government and laws imposed on civilian society, which overrides civil law

recognition that the Indigenous people of Australia

in this chapter.

had a system of law and ownership of their lands

Indigenous people have inhabited the Austra-

that existed long before European occupation and

lian continent for the past 50 000 years, living a

settlement. This recognition overthrew the idea

mostly nomadic lifestyle. Although they did not

of terra nullius and subsequent cases have led to

use legal documents or written laws, it is un-

efforts to enshrine native title in legislation.

disputed that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples used oral law, customs and traditions to maintain order and control behaviour. Tribal elders employed negotiation, discussion, rulings and sanctions when it came to unacceptable behaviour, and traditional Indigenous society was and is rule-governed. It is clear from the map on page 46 that Indigenous people lived in distinct tribal and language groups, and it is not accurate to categorise Indigenous people as belonging to a single cultural group. In 1788, when the First Fleet arrived, the belief at the time was that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were ‘savages’, with no concept of land ownership. There were no fences, landlords, tenants or farms to speak of, and therefore the British government declared the land terra nullius (land belonging to no one, or

Figure 5.1 Eddie Mabo outside the High Court, with his legal team


uninhabited land).

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The colonial laws and policies relating to Indigenous people did not serve their interests.

Some examples of these laws and policies can be seen in Table 5.1.



Dispossession/dispersal (1788–1800s) Since Indigenous people were not recognised as citizens, it was not a criminal offence to hunt, shoot and kill them. The general belief was that Indigenous people would eventually ‘die out’.

– Massive reduction in Indigenous population. – Traditional Indigenous areas were converted to farming lands.

– Martial lawIN.37

– Aboriginal people could be shot on sight if armed with spears, or even if they were unarmed and within a certain distance of houses or settlements.


– Settlers were authorised to shoot Aboriginal people.

The leg al s y s tem

Table 5.1 Government policies and their effects on Indigenous Australians

Protection (1869–1909) – Aboriginal Protection Act 18696IC

– These Acts gave wide powers to the Board for the Protection of Aborigines, which governed where Aboriginal people could live ANDWORK WHATJOBSTHEYCOULDDO ANDWHOMTHEYCOULDMARRYAND associate with.

– Aborigines Protection Act 1909.37

– The powers of the Board under the NSW Act were similarly wide, and included the power to remove children from homes to be placed in missions.

Assimilation and integration (1900–1967) – By this time, Indigenous populations were a long way from ‘dying out’, and the policy was to ‘Europeanise’ them so that they would leave behind their language, culture, artefacts and traditions, become ‘similar’ to white people, and ‘integrate’ into mainstream society.

n4HE%UROPEANMAJORITYATTEMPTEDTOTEACHTHE)NDIGENOUS population to be ‘white’. This was met with both submission and resistance.

– Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 #TH

n!BORIGINALPEOPLEBECAME!USTRALIANCITIZENSASDISTINCTFROM British), along with everyone else, but not all states gave them full rights, such as the right to vote in Commonwealth elections

nS@%XEMPTIONCERTIlCATESOR@#ITIZENSHIP certificates’ were given to some Aboriginal people by some states.

– Effectively, these certificates meant the holders were ‘not Aboriginal’. They certificates had strict conditions such as requiring a ‘European lifestyle’, and could be revoked without warning.

nAMENDMENTSTOTHECommonwealth Electoral Act 1918 #TH

– The amendments gave the right to vote in Commonwealth elections to all Indigenous people in states that had not already provided for this right.


– The phrase ‘other than the Aboriginal race in any State’ was removed FROMSXXVI GIVINGTHE#OMMONWEALTHTHEPOWERTOMAKELAWS SPECIlCALLYFORTHEBENElTOF!BORIGINALPEOPLE3ECTION WHICH provided that Aboriginal people were not counted as part of the population for census purposes, was deleted.


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To p i c 1: L a w r e f o r m a n d n a t i v e t i t l e

Figure 5.2 [email protected],AND

R EV I EW 5 . 1 1 Describe the legal system of Indigenous Australians prior to 1788. 2 Identify the Latin term meaning ‘land belonging to no one’. 3 Describe the three main policies of Australian governments in relation to Indigenous people from 1788 to 1967. List one effect of each policy.

Figure 5.3 Under the policy of protectionism, Aboriginal people were forced to live on reserves – often under terrible conditions.


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Part of the rich and diverse cultural heritage of

nearly as far west as the current border of Western

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples was

Australia – belonged to the Crown, not to the

a well-developed structure of laws that governed

Indigenous people.

their relations with one another and with the land.

The concept of terra nullius has had a vast

All of this changed with European settlement.

impact on the Indigenous population. Their treat-

It was to take 200 years before this system was

ment by the colonists, loss of land, loss of culture

formally recognised.

and dispersal have led to considerable social

The leg al s y s tem

O p era t io n o f t he lega l s ys tem i n re l a t io n to n a t i ve t i t le

problems. This will be discussed in more detail

The doctrine of terra nullius in Australia

later in the course. By the 1840s, for example,

The term ‘terra nullius’ means ‘land belonging to

been forcibly relocated.

most Aboriginal people in Tasmania had either been killed, died from introduced diseases, or

no one’. As a common law concept, it refers not

The concept of terra nullius has also had an

only to uninhabited territory, but also to territory

enormous impact on native title claims. Any

that has no recognisable system of law, or social

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community

or political organisation. Under the ‘doctrine of

that has tried to claim native title has had to prove

reception’, when uninhabited land was colonised

that they are the traditional owners of the land and

by Britain and no other system of law was apparent,

have an ongoing connection with it. As the land

then English law would dominate.

was considered empty prior to British settlement,

Over the course of a few decades, the perception

it also meant that the settlers could possess most

that the country had very few inhabitants, and

arable land with government approval – which

that they had no political or legal organisation

entailed driving off anyone else who might be

terra nullius ,ATIN @LANDBELONGING to no one’; the idea and legal concept that when the first Europeans came to Australia the land was owned by no one and thus was open to settlement

and thus no sovereignty, led to the legal fiction justifying British possession and the imposition of British law. Although Governor Arthur Phillip was under orders to establish friendly relations with the native people, and did make serious efforts in this area, language and cultural barriers meant that negotiations had limited success. Terra nullius as a justification for British policy was clearly evident by 1835, when businessman and explorer John Batman attempted to lease land from the Indigenous people in the area around the Yarra River in what is now Victoria. Batman negotiated a treaty for the transfer of the land in exchange for tools, weapons, food and blankets. Shortly thereafter Governor Richard Bourke declared the treaty null and void, on the basis that New South Wales – which extended from Cape York in the north to Wilson’s Promontory in the south and

Figure 5.4 Indigenous Australians have a strong bond with the land.


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To p i c 1: L a w r e f o r m a n d n a t i v e t i t l e

living on this land at the time. If the traditional

of the 19th century, government policies tended

owners of the land have been forced off their land

to condone violence. One of the most significant

(in some cases 200 years ago), how then do they

and tragic events of the 1800s occurred in New

prove a continuing connection with this land under

South Wales at Myall Creek, near Bingara. In June

Aboriginal law and custom?

1838, a group of Indigenous people who had set up camp on a cattle station were brutally attacked

The legal status of Indigenous Australians up to 1967

and killed by a group of white men (11 convicts and 1 free man), who claimed they were acting in retaliation for the theft of cattle. Twenty-eight men, women and children were slaughtered.

The doctrine of terra nullius meant that in the

The Governor of New South Wales, Sir George

eyes of the law Indigenous Australians did not

Gipps, ordered a police investigation into the

exist as citizens. The criminal laws did not protect

massacre. This was the first time that the British

Indigenous people, and throughout the first half

colonial administration had taken a decision to apply the criminal law on behalf of the Indigenous people. Initially, the 11 convicts were found not guilty of the crime. However, a subsequent retrial sent seven men to their death by hanging. As a result of this event, any further massacres of Aboriginal people went unreported. Up until the 1967 referendum, there were two references to Aboriginal people in the Constitution: sections 51(xxvi) and 127. Section 127 excluded Aboriginal people from the census. Section 51(xxvi) gave the responsibility for Aboriginal affairs to state governments. Since there were no federal laws governing the welfare of Indigenous people, different states interpreted their rights and legal status in various ways, resulting in inconsistencies and inhumanity. The 1967 referendum did not give Indigenous Australians the right to vote. The right to vote in Commonwealth elections had already been extended to all Indigenous Australians who did not already have this right under the laws of their state – namely, those in Western Australia and Queensland – by amendments in 1962 to the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Cth). The right to vote in state elections had been achieved in all states by 1965. Nor did the referendum grant citizenship to

Figure 5.5 Bill Onus, President of the Victorian Aborigines’ Advancement League, was the only Aboriginal to take part in the MARCHFOR!BORIGINAL2IGHTSREFERENDUM -AY


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: most of the federal and state laws discriminating against them had been repealed by 1967. However, the

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referendum became a symbol of the public recognition of the rights of Indigenous Australians, and its success reflects this change in attitudes and beliefs that was taking place in the 1960s. Over 90 per cent of the population voted ‘yes’ on the

The leg al s y s tem

amendments to the Constitution. Section 51 (xxvi) was amended to allow the federal government to legislate for Indigenous people and to override any discriminatory state laws. Section 127 was deleted. From this point on, Aboriginal affairs became a federal issue, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were counted in the census.

The development of native title Native title claims in the Northern Territory


In 1963, Yolngu people from the Gove Peninsula, in eastern Arnhem Land, sent a bark petition to

to the failure of the Gove land rights case. A

the Commonwealth government protesting the

royal commission into Aboriginal land rights was

removal of some 300 hectares of land for bauxite

established, under Justice Edward Woodward,

mining without their permission. The petition

who as a barrister had acted for the Yolngu people

failed to move the federal government to recognise

in the case. The findings of the commission led

the rights of the Yolngu people and hence the

to the drafting of the Aboriginal Land Rights

‘Gove land rights case’ (Milirrpum v Nabalco Pty Ltd

(Northern Territory) Act 1976 (Cth). This was the

(1971) 17 FLR 141) commenced in the Northern

first legislation in Australia to establish a land

Territory Supreme Court in 1971. In his ruling,

claim process by which traditional owners could

Justice Blackburn stated that if the Yolngu people

claim various parcels of land that were listed as

did have any type of native title rights, they would

available for claim.

have been extinguished under common law. Thus,

In response to the Gurindji land claim, the

the doctrine of terra nullius prevailed and they

government negotiated with the owners of the

could not prevent mining on the land.

stations to return part of the land to the traditional

Three years after the unsuccessful Yolngu

owners. The photo above depicts Prime Minister

petition, members of the Gurindji people walked

Gough Whitlam symbolically handing native title

off the job at two cattle stations in the Northern

back to the Gurindji people in 1975.

Territory, protesting against poor working conditions and pay. Their action was also a protest

The Mabo cases

against dispossession of their traditional lands by

Between 1985 and 1992, Eddie Mabo and four other


men from the Murray Islands (the island known

In 1972, the Australian Labor Party, led by

as Mer) challenged the Queensland government in

Gough Whitlam, was elected after 23 years in

two cases in the High Court of Australia: Mabo v

opposition. That year, the government established

Queensland [1988] HCA 69 and Mabo v Queensland

the Department of Aboriginal Affairs in response

(No. 2) [1992] HCA 23.

pastoralists farmers raising sheep or cattle, usually on large areas of land


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To p i c 1: L a w r e f o r m a n d n a t i v e t i t l e

The first case questioned the validity of a

legal position of landholders and the processes that

state law that attempted to abolish native title by

must be followed in claiming native title, the federal

asserting state ownership of the islands off the

government passed the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth).

coast of Queensland. The High Court held that the

The Mabo case and the ensuing legislation

Queensland Act was inconsistent with the Racial

significantly changed the legal status of Indigenous

Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth), because under it,

people in relation to native title and gave some

the Meriam people’s right to own property would

people access to parcels of land throughout

be limited to a greater extent than that of other

Australia to practise their traditional way of life.

members of the community. Where federal and

It did not allow Indigenous people to ‘own’ land,

state laws conflict, federal law prevails.

thereby restricting access to current owners. In

The second case, now known as the Mabo case,

December 1993, during the passage of the Native

concerned the Meriam people’s rights to occupy

Title Bill through parliament, Prime Minister Paul

and control Murray Island (Mer). Although Eddie

Keating said:

Mabo and one of his fellow plaintiffs died during this time, in May 1992, the High Court ruled (by six

[T]oday, as a nation, we take a major step

judges to one) that Australia was not terra nullius

towards a new and better relationship between

and that the Meriam people clearly held native title

Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians. We

to their land.

give the Indigenous people of Australia, at last, the

The decision of the High Court in the Mabo

standing they are owed as the original occupants

case introduced the legal doctrine of native title

of this continent, the standing they are owed

into Australian law. In recognising the traditional

as seminal contributors to our national life and

rights of the Meriam people to their islands in the

culture: as workers, soldiers, explorers, artists,

eastern Torres Strait, the court also held that native

sportsmen and women – as a defining element

title existed for all Indigenous people in Australia

in the character of this nation – and the standing

prior to European contact. To make clearer the

they are owed as victims of grave injustices, as people who have survived the loss of their land and the shattering of their culture.

R EV I EW 5 . 2 1 Describe the changing legal status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people prior to 1967 and up to 1993. Why do you think laws have changed? 2 How was the Yolngu people’s native title claim resolved in court? What was the newly elected Whitlam government’s response to this decision? 3 Explain the importance of the 1992 Mabo decision for the legal status of Indigenous people. 4 Evaluate the statement made by Prime Minister Paul Keating in 1993 on the

Figure 5.7 Eddie Mabo took his challenge to the High Court and won.


passing of the Native Title Act.

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Native title means the right of indigenous people to live on their land and use it for traditional purposes.

Claimants may obtain one of three types of determination: s unopposed determination (if the application is uncontested) s consented determination (if the parties involved reach an agreement through mediation)

Throughout the world there has been growing

s litigated determination (the application is

recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples to

contested in a court of law, and a judge makes

their own lands. Hunting and fishing rights and

a decision).

The leg al s y s tem

Growing recognition of native title in some countries

land ownership rights have been returned to many indigenous groups in different countries.

The role of the High Court

There has also been a move to give greater

With respect to native title claims, the High Court

self-determination to indigenous groups. Self-

of Australia has the same role as it does with any

determination means the rights of indigenous

other legal case: as a court that hears appeals

peoples to control the use of their traditional lands,

about decisions made in other courts of Australia. It

as well as the local economy and social policy.

cannot show sympathy or favouritism or be swayed

M¯aoris in New Zealand, Inuits in Greenland and

by public opinion when hearing these cases.

Canada, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

Initial claims of native title are brought before the

are three indigenous groups who have been given

National Native Title Tribunal, which investigates

greater recognition in terms of native title and self-

and mediates claims made by Aboriginal and

determination in their own countries.

Torres Strait Islander peoples. The Federal Court of Australia will make the determination on whether

l eg al l i nks

native title exists. Any appeal against a determination is made to a full sitting of the Federal Court The Native Title Research Unit (NTRU) provides independent research on native title. Information relating to with native title can be

and then to the High Court of Australia. Thus, the High Court acts as a court of last resort in determining whether native title exists in claims made about certain geographical places in Australia.

found at its website: http://ntru.

The role of Parliament Parliament’s role in recognising native title is enacting legislation to protect the property rights

Agencies of law reform on native title

of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

When claiming traditional ownership of land,

introduced in Australia. As mentioned above, the

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups must

Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) was enacted in response

have their claims legally validated. The only courts

to lobbying by the Indigenous community for

that can make this determination in Australia are

statutory law reflecting the Mabo decision, but

the Federal Court and the High Court. Initial claims

also lobbying by the mining and pastoral sectors

are brought to the National Native Title Tribunal

concerned about potential claims of native title on

but this body cannot make legal decisions about

their land.

native title; it can only carry out research and make recommendations.

Public pressure and lobbying by interested parties have seen new laws regarding native title

Members of parliament, as representatives of their constituents, also have a role to play in


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To p i c 1: L a w r e f o r m a n d n a t i v e t i t l e

introducing and encouraging discussion and

As a result of the Mabo decision, the federal

debate about issues that concern all Australians.

government enacted the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth).

In this way parliament is able to address issues of

The purpose of this Act is to:

equity and justice.

s provide for the recognition and protection of

In 2008, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologised

native title

to Indigenous Australians for past injustices inflic-

s establish ways in which future dealings that

ted on them. Speaking in the House of Repre-

affect native title may proceed and set stan-

sentatives in Canberra on 13 February 2008, Mr

dards for these dealings

Rudd said the Parliament apologised for laws and policies which had ‘inflicted profound grief, suffer-

s establish a mechanism for determining native title claims

ing and loss on these our fellow Australians’. Actions

s provide for the validation of past grants of

such as these by politicians and parliament are a

property interests that may be thrown into

way of bringing about social, if not legal, change.

doubt because of the recognition of native title. The Act stopped short of defining native title

Major High Court decisions on native title and subsequent legal developments

and created the Native Title Tribunal to determine the validity of native title claims. If native title holders are unable to reclaim their lands and thus exercise their rights, the tribunal determines the compensation to be paid.

Native title was not recognised in Australia until 1992, when the High Court, in the Mabo decision,

The Wik case

overturned the doctrine of terra nullius.

The Mabo decision and the Native Title Act resulted in other Aboriginal groups attempting to reclaim


The Mabo case

land. The Wik and the Thayorre people launched

The Mabo case is important because it led to the

a case against the Queensland government in

introduction of native title legislation. It is also

1996 (Wik Peoples v Queensland [1996] HCA 40),

significant because it gave recognition to the

claiming native title rights to land that was being

Indigenous inhabitants of Australia.

used by pastoralists, under pastoral leases. Under

In this case, the High Court recognised the

a pastoral lease, the government owns the land

existence of native title for a group of Murray

but the farmers have exclusive right to use it. The

Islanders in the Torres Strait. Eddie Mabo argued

Federal Court ruled that the existence of pastoral

that they could prove uninterrupted occupancy

leases extinguished the right to native title. This

of traditional lands, and that the state legislation

decision was appealed to the High Court, which

annexing the islands did not extinguish their pre-

ruled that the Wik and Thayorre people were

existing rights to it.

entitled to their traditional lands. The court found

The case required the High Court to consider

that pastoral leases and native title could coexist,

the legality of the declaration of terra nullius. The

but that when conflict arose the pastoral leases

court ruled that the islanders were the traditional

would prevail.

owners of the land and that they had the right

While the Wik decision did not grant automatic

to possess and occupy the islands and enjoy use

title over Crown land, it caused concern among

of their traditional lands. The High Court also

pastoralists and mining companies that they

established guidelines for future claims of native

would have to enter into lengthy negotiations with

title. These guidelines included the provision of

Indigenous people over access to and use of land.

compensation where the native title rights were

In response to this concern in rural Australia,

taken back by the federal government.

the federal government enacted the Native Title

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R EVI EW 5 . 3

Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) but also introduced

appealed to the High Court

some changes on its own. There was much debate

(Members of the Yorta Yorta

‘self-determination’. Which

in parliament over this Act before it was passed.

Aboriginal Community v Victoria

Indigenous groups have

While the government had a large majority in the

[2002] HCA 58). They claimed

gained greater recognition in

House of Representatives, it did not enjoy as much

that the trial judge and the

support in the Senate.

majority of the Full Court had

The main provisions of the Act are as follows:

been wrong in requiring them to

s It extinguished native title over any land that

prove continuous observance of

was considered privately owned prior to

traditional laws and customs in

1 January 1994.

relation to land. The High Court

1 Define ‘native title’ and

these areas?

The leg al s y s tem

Amendment Act 1998 (Cth), which amended the

2 Assess the significance of the Mabo decision. 3 What was the impact of the Wik case? 4 Explain how a government

s When native title exists alongside a pastoral

handed down its decision in

might respond to the

lease, the pastoralist is allowed to use the

December 2002 and upheld the

following. Give examples.

land for primary production without having to

decision of the Federal Court by

a a court decision whose

consult people who have native title interests.

a majority of five to two.

outcomes or likely

s Tough tests were imposed to determine right

In its decision, the High

to native title. At least one member of the

Court considered the meaning

claimants must prove a continuous link with

of the phrase ‘traditional laws

the traditional lands.

and customs’ and what was

consequences are as yet

required for proving continuous


consequences the government supports b a court decision whose

The Yorta Yorta native title case

observance of these laws and

The Yorta Yorta people are Indigenous Australians

customs. In its decision, which

within society about a court

whose traditional lands are located in north-east

was to influence future native


Victoria. They applied to the Native Title Tribunal

title claims, the court held that in

for determination of native title in respect of public

order to prove native title, claim-

land and water in February 1994. The Yorta Yorta

ants must establish there has

6 Outline the legal history of

Aboriginal community claimed that some areas of

been an acknowledgment and

their claim to native title.

state forests and waterways in northern Victoria and

observance of laws and customs

southern New South Wales were their traditional

on a substantially uninterrupted

lands. The Native Title Registrar, who assesses

basis since the arrival of British

claimants’ applications to the Tribunal, accepted

sovereignty. The fact that these

their application in May 1994 and it was subject to

laws and customs have been

mediation from September 1994 until May 1995. It

passed down orally is not suf-

was then referred to the Federal Court.

ficient; claimants must show that their way of life

c the concerns of groups

5 Identify the native title claim of the Yorta Yorta community.

7 Explain the reasons their claim was denied. 8 How does this decision affect other native title claims?

The claim was dismissed by the Federal Court.

is influenced by these traditions. In this way, the

Justice Olney concluded that the evidence did

High Court decision clarified the law with respect

not support the claim, as the Yorta Yorta people

to the evidence required to prove native title.

had stopped occupying their traditional lands in the 19th century. He said: ‘The tide of history has indeed washed away any real acknowledgment of their traditional laws and any real observance of their traditional customs.’

The National Native Title Tribunal The National Native Title Tribunal is a federal

The Yorta Yorta people appealed this decision

government agency set up under the Native Title

but the Full Court of the Federal Court upheld

Act 1993 (Cth). It mediates native title claims under

Justice Olney’s findings.

the direction of the Federal Court of Australia.


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To p i c 1: L a w r e f o r m a n d n a t i v e t i t l e

The aim of the Native Title Tribunal is to help

This Act established a system of land councils.

to resolve native title issues. The tribunal plays a

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council has the power

variety of roles; for example, it acts as an arbitrator

to make claims on Crown land, approve or reject

in some situations where the people involved cannot

agreements to allow mining on Aboriginal land,

reach agreement about proposed developments. It

conciliate disputes, and advise the state government

also assists people who want to negotiate other sorts

on land rights. The Act provided for the ownership

of agreements, such as Indigenous land use agree-

of reserve land to be transferred to the Aboriginal

ments. If requested, the tribunal will assist people in

people, through a local or the state Land Council, but

negotiations about proposed developments (future

in fact only a small percentage of land has been so

acts), such as mining. It is not a court and does not

transferred. Section 28 of the Act provided for 7.5%

decide whether or not native title exists.

of land tax in NSW to be paid to the state Aboriginal Land Council to meet administrative costs and to

Native title legislation

finance land purchases and future development, but this ceased in 1998 due to a ‘sunset clause’ in

State legislation

the Act, and s 28 was repealed in 2001.

As discussed, the Mabo and Wik decisions led to

The Act also permits local Land Councils to

Commonwealth legislation in the area of native

negotiate agreements with the owners of land to

title and self-determination for Aboriginal people

give Aborigines access to the land for the purpose

and Torres Strait Islanders. State legislation has

of hunting, fishing or gathering.

also been enacted to give rights to and protect the interests of Indigenous Australians.

Federal legislation

The National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW)

Federal parliament has enacted legislation to pro-

provides for the protection of places and relics

tect all parties involved in and affected by native

which are of significance to Aboriginal culture.

title claims. As discussed above, the Native Title

Under this Act, it is an offence knowingly to

Act 1993 (Cth) was the Australian government’s

destroy, disturb or remove these objects or to

response to the High Court’s Mabo decision. The

destroy, deface or damage these places.

Act provides for the recognition of native title and

The Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW) recognises that: s land was traditionally owned and occupied by Aboriginal people s land has spiritual, social, cultural and economic significance to Aboriginal people s it is appropriate to acknowledge the importance of land to Aboriginal people

the integration of this form of property right into the land title system. The Howard federal government responded to the High Court’s Wik decision with the Native Title Amendment Act 1998 (Cth). The amendments incorporated the High Court’s decision that native title rights could coexist on land held by pastoral leaseholders. The same government amended the

s government decisions made in the past have had

legislation by the Native Title Amendment Act 2007

a negative effect on Aboriginal land ownership.

(Cth) and the Native Title Amendment (Technical Amendments) Act 2007 (Cth). The 2007 changes

l eg a l l in k s

were intended to improve the overall efficiency of the processes involved in claiming native title. The Federal Court of Australia’s website provides information about the processes in claiming native title: native/litigants_nt_what.html

Commonwealth legislation has also been enacted to provide some Indigenous rights over bodies of water. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth) is used to protect areas of water and of land that have cultural significance for Indigenous people.


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Native title as a collective right A collective right is one that is claimed and shared by a group of people. Native title is a

The leg al s y s tem

collective right as it cannot be claimed by an individual, only by a group (for example the Wik people). All members of the group share the rights that are gained. However, despite native title being a collective right, an individual can bring a claim before the courts, as seen in the Mabo case. As the individual is acting on behalf of the group, all members of the community that he or she represents will share the rights gained.

Figure 5.8 An Aboriginal boy fishes in Manbalbirrlarri billabong AT$JUKALAJARRANG !RNHEM,AND4HISISAVERYSPECIALPLACEFORTHE Ganalbingu clan with important rock art, burial caves, secret and sacred sites.

Ef fec t iveness of law reform i n re l a t io n to n a t i ve t i t le As we have seen, there has been progress in the

over this land they excluded the Yorta Yorta

area of law reform relating to native title. However,

community. This is a problem faced by other

this progress has been relatively slow. Due to the

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

very nature of the law, all those involved in native

in claiming traditional ownership.

title claims must be considered when proposing

It is undeniable that major

and enacting new legislation, and as such, the

steps have been taken with

Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) and its amendments

respect to native title, by both the

1 Draw a timeline showing the

recognise not only the rights of the traditional

judicial and legislative branches

recognition of native title

owners, but also those of current landholders.

of government. However, those

rights and self-determination

Although one of the biggest legal steps forward

interested in reform are also faced

for Aboriginal and Torres

was the overturning of the concept of terra nullius

with the fact that the law protects

Strait Islanders in Australia

in the Mabo case, the initial use of terra nullius by

the property rights of people

and in New South Wales.

the British has continued to be a major stumbling

who themselves had nothing to

2 Outline the major legislation

block by those communities making native title

do with colonial dispossession,

governing native title at the

claims. Consider the Yorta Yorta people’s claim for

but whose interests are at odds

federal and state levels.

their traditional lands in Victoria. The court cases

with native title claims. Future

3 Outline the major federal and

took eight years and the claim was eventually

progress is likely to depend on

state legislation protecting

denied. The basis of the High Court’s determination

the articulation and maintenance

places and objects of cultural

was that the Yorta Yorta could not prove a recent

of new concepts of justice, and

significance for Indigenous

history of traditional ownership of this land. The

sustained public commitment to


main reason that they could not prove this history

electing governments that will

of ownership was because when the British took

legislate for those aims.

R EV I EW 5 . 4

4 In what way is native title a collective right?


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To p i c 2 : L aw r e f o r m a n d s p o r t

Co n d i t i o n s t h a t l ea d t o l aw ref o rm i n s por t ‘Australia’ and ‘sport’ are terms that are almost

the sponsor to gain exposure to millions of viewers.

synonymous. Sport is a part of Australian culture

The standards to which players and coaches are

and Australians have performed incredibly well

held go beyond the ordinary expectations of

on the world stage for many years. Winning

etiquette owed to the team and to competitors, as

world championships is a matter of great pride,

not only the club but the sporting code and the

particularly in swimming, rugby union, netball

sponsoring companies are brought under scrutiny

and women’s basketball. In addition, Australian

by antisocial behaviour.

sport has become ‘big business’. The rise of full-

Athletes’ movements off the field are just as

time or professional sport means that athletes such

closely scrutinised by the public and fans as their

as Darren Lockyer (NRL), Kieren Jack (AFL) and

on-field performance. The media are not hesitant

Mortlock Stirling (Super 14) are ‘at work’ when we

about reporting behaviour that is not appropriate

watch them playing live or on a television screen.

for a ‘role model’, and some players such as Todd

These athletes are considered employees and their

Carney of the NRL and Ben Cousins of the AFL have

teams or organisations are their employers.

incurred suspensions from their sporting bodies

Large corporations now favour associating sponsorship the support of an individual, event, or organisation financially or through the provision of products or services

for drink-driving and drug use, respectively.

themselves with a team or competition through

Government has also taken a greater role in

sponsorship deals that provide material support

sport over the past three decades. The Australian

in exchange for advertising. The names and logos

Institute of Sport (AIS) was established in 1981

of national and multinational companies can be

after more than eight years of government-

seen on football players’ jumpers and prominently

commissioned studies of sports institutes in

displayed around the grounds; a major sponsor of

Europe. The purpose of the AIS is to develop the

Cricket Australia has been a fried chicken chain.

highest quality of sport by providing facilities and

These multimillion-dollar sponsorship deals enable

funding to athletes and organisations.



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Discrimination laws (e.g. Trudy Gardner case)

Contracts (e.g. Sonny Bill Williams)


e.g. Trespass against person – assault/battery

The leg al s y s tem

Criminal offences (e.g. drug use)

e.g. Negligence – Richard Vowles

Figure 5.10 Sport law spans a number of different areas of law.

In addition to changes in the way sport is seen,

$450 000 per year by the Canterbury Bulldogs in

there have been broader social changes that affect

the NRL. Although contracts are broken from time

the ways in which sport and the law interact.

to time in many areas of business, often leading

Greater willingness to hold others accountable

to civil litigation, it came to most fans as a huge

for harm and to seek civil remedies for real or

surprise when Williams broke his contract in 2008

perceived wrongdoing has affected both amateur

by leaving Australia to play rugby union in France,

and professional sport.

without even telling the club or his team-mates of

‘Sport law’ ranges over the areas of contract law,

his decision.

tort law, and the criminal law, and encompasses

Many sporting contracts contain ‘get-out’ clauses

efforts to promote safety in sport, to provide

for both parties so that if players are injured or

remedies for those injured, to regulate behaviour on

playing poorly, clubs may release them from their

tort law the body of law that deals with civil wrongs including negligence, defamation, trespass and nuisance civil litigation court action brought to remedy a wrong or breach of contract

and off the field, and to ensure equal opportunity and fair treatment for individuals and groups who engage in sport. As social attitudes change, the law must develop accordingly. We will look at some of the areas in which it has had to accommodate new patterns and demands. As discussed in Chapter 4, law reform can be prompted by the recommendations of specialised law reform bodies or various other agencies or agents, and it can be brought about directly by court decisions or legislation.

Civil law: breach of contract Professional athletes are required to sign contracts that legally bind their playing services to a club and a competition. Sonny Bill Williams was paid

Figure 5.11 Sonny Bill Williams lost a large sum of money when he breached his contract with the NRL Bulldogs.


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To p i c 2 : L a w r e f o r m a n d s p o r t

contempt of court words or actions that show a disregard for the authority of the court or interfere with its powers express consent consent given directly, either oral or written

playing lists. However, in this case, there was no

the safety of players. In rugby union, eight players

‘get-out’ clause; Williams sought a release from his

pushing against each other creates a dangerous

contract to play for another team for a far greater

situation and refeeres must follow certain proce-


dures before they allow a scrum to begin.

The chief executive officer of the NRL called on

Amateur and professional players give express

the International Rugby Board, the governing and

consent to acts that would constitute the basis for

lawmaking body for rugby union, to stop Williams

the criminal offence of assault – an indictable

from switching codes. The board said it had no

offence – when done in a non-sporting context.

jurisdiction over individual clubs’ contracts.

When players participate in various sports, they

The Bulldogs and the NRL obtained a temporary

accept the risk of harms that can occur within

injunction preventing Williams from playing for

the course of the game. In contact sports such as

the French club, Toulon, and initiated proceedings

rugby league, rugby union and Australian Rules

in the NSW Supreme Court. The consequences

football, players can break bones, be rendered

of breaching the injunction could have been

unconscious and in extreme cases, be injured to

contempt of court proceedings against Williams,

the point of quadriplegia. For example, grabbing a

or the Bulldogs may have been able to seize his

person and slamming him to the ground would be

assets. As Williams is an outstanding player who

the basis of an assault charge if inflicted without

draws many fans, and the Bulldogs had invested

consent. However, players give express consent to

much time and money in his training

tackles in rugby. They do not give express consent

and development, his breach of

to behaviour that is prohibited by the rules.

REVIEW 5.5 1 Define the term ‘sport law’.

contract could have entitled them to

2 What are some of the


consequences of sport being

In 2001, John Hopoate, an NRL player for the Sydney-based Wests Tigers, was brought before


the NRL Judiciary for inserting his finger between

reached between the parties, with

opposing players’ buttocks after they had been

Williams being ordered to pay

tackled. Hopoate was caught on video clearly

resolving a contract dispute

$750 000 to the Bulldogs, and agree-

carrying out the offences and was found guilty of

were attempted in the Sonny

ing not to play in the NRL before

‘unsportsmanlike interference’. He maintained that

Bill Williams case? What was

2013. His contract with the Bulldogs

he had done nothing wrong and stated, ‘I’m a great

the final outcome?

would have expired in 2012.

believer in what happens on the field should stay

‘big business’? 3 What mechanisms for




there.’ He was suspended from play for 12 weeks.

Harm suffered in sport indictable offence a serious criminal offence that requires ANINDICTMENTAFORMAL written charge) and a preliminary hearing; indictable offences are typically tried before AJUDGEANDJURYAND ARESUBJECTTOAGREATER penalty

There is a long-standing adage in sport that ‘what

Avenues for justice: civil or criminal?

happens on the field stays on the field’. It means

Interference with another person outside the

that if there is an altercation or disagreement

rules of sport, or threats that cause a person to

between players during a competitive match, it

apprehend immediate and unlawful violence, can

is to be forgotten when the full-time siren sounds

constitute assault, leading to criminal charges.

and complaints are not to be made to referees,

However, those involved in sport often choose to

sporting administrators or indeed police.

use the professional judicial mechanisms, such as

Rules of games or sports are different from laws. However, when made by sporting bodies, they


league tribunals, to enforce codes of behaviour and impose sanctions.

are often referred to as ‘codes of conduct’ that all

Others have chosen to sue other players or clubs

players are required to follow. Such rules may also

for damages and loss of wages through the civil law

include specific rules in contact sports that concern

system. As discussed in Chapter 3, the standard

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of proof required of the prosecution in a criminal case is ‘beyond reasonable doubt’. In a civil case, the plaintiff need only prove the defendant’s liability ‘on the balance of probabilities’. This just means that it is more probable than not that the

The leg al s y s tem

defendant is responsible for the wrong suffered – an easier requirement to satisfy. In






compensation schemes for victims, maintained and administered by the state, the sums involved are generally much lower than the amount of financial compensation that a successful plaintiff could






compensation available in NSW for a victim of a violent crime is $50 000. Since professional athletes can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, victims’ compensation is seen as inadequate. When pursued as a civil case, direct contact with a person’s body without the person’s consent is one of the intentional torts of trespass

Figure 5.12 Tackles in many contact sports are fairly common.

to the person. Another avenue that may be taken in the civil

rugby league in NSW. Kennedy sued both Pender

law is negligence, where a club, league or other

and the Narooma Rugby League Football Club for

agency involved in sport has failed to fulfil its

$40 000 in medical bills. The club’s lawyers argued

duty of care to the participants. In a high-profile

that because the players were volunteers, the club

NSW case (Rogers v Bugden and Canterbury-

could not be responsible for their conduct.

Bankstown (1993) ATR 81-246), Steve Rogers sued

The NSW District Court held that although

Mark Bugden after a high tackle from Bugden in

players were not paid to play, the benefits that

a 1985 rugby league match broke his jaw. Rogers

they derived from the relationship were significant

experienced dental problems, surgery, pain and

enough to form a relationship of employment, and

distress. Compensatory damages of more than

Pender was doing what the club expected him

$68 000 were awarded and the court held that

to do.

Bugden’s club bore vicarious liability for the assault because Bugden’s actions were done in the course of his employment as a player. His contract professional



vicarious liability the legal liability imposed on one person or agent EGANEMPLOYER for the wrongful acts of another, when those acts were done within the scope of the legal relationship between them, such as employment

1 Consider the idea that ‘what happens on

authorised the use of force when tackling. Other

R EVI EW 5 . 6

trespass to the person a tort involving direct contact with a person’s body without that person’s consent


damages for loss of wages, in addition to medical expenses, pain and suffering. Even in the ‘non-professionalised’ world of

the field, stays on the field’. Is it ever an appropriate approach to behaviour in sport? Discuss, with illustrations. 2 Explain why athletes would rather pursue

amateur sport, material loss may be considered in

action in civil law courts rather than

the decision as to the quantum of damages awarded.

through the criminal justice system.

In 1997, Darren Kennedy’s jaw was broken by a

3 Explain what it means for a club to be

high tackle by Gary Pender in an amateur game of

vicariously liable for the acts of its players.


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To p i c 2 : L a w r e f o r m a n d s p o r t

Equal opportunity in sport

the average boy has greater lean body mass than the average girl, and there is an appreciable difference in their performance in sports. The

In 2003, a junior Australian Rules Football league in Victoria banned a 13-year-old from playing in its competition because of her sex. The player, Helen Taylor, along with two other girls aged 14 and 15, challenged the ban. involved in sport and the range of sports open to female players have increased dramatically over the past few decades, there are still some challenges Go to




socially and legally.

girls. He concluded that the differences are not sufficiently great in the under-14 age group, but

Civil and Administrative Tribunal

look at the Anti-Discrimination Act

(Taylor v Moorabbin Saints Junior

1977 (NSW).


1 Discrimination on the basis

Victoria Ltd [2004] VCAT 158),




of sex is explicitly prohibited


by this Act. What other

all girls aged 12 or over from

characteristics of persons

competing alongside boys in

besides their sex do not justify

the junior competitions. Despite

discrimination, according to the

anti-discrimination legislation in


the various states and territories


group. So excluding Helen Taylor was unlawful, though not the exclusion of the other two girls. The judge added that it would be preferable if Football Victoria would, instead of excluding girls, give them the choice of whether to participate. While the decision was a victory for Helen

Taylor’s case, in the Victorian

nsw/consol_act/aa1977204/ and

2 Are any of these characteristics

is a lawful reason to separate the boys from the

they are sufficiently significant in the under-15 age

While both the number of girls and women


judge’s task was to determine at what age there



and at federal level, all Australian

Taylor, questions remain about its application to other sports, and how great the differences between boys’ and girls’ physical attributes would have to be in other sports in order to justify an exception to the relevant legislation. There are also differences in the legislation of the various states and territories. In NSW, the exception to the prohibition of sex discrimination is much less specific, and allows female (or male) players to be excluded in any circumstances. Section 38 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW), headed ‘Sport’, states:

relevant to discrimination

jurisdictions contain exceptions

within sport? Can you imagine

allowing exclusions on the basis

Nothing in this Part renders unlawful the exclusion

situations in which they might be

of sex. The Equal Opportunity

of persons of the one sex from participation in

relevant? Discuss.



any sporting activity not being the coaching of

exclusion of one sex from a

persons engaged in any sporting activity, the

in any way from these other

sport if strength, stamina or

administration of any sporting activity or any

characteristics? Why or why not?

size is relevant. Post-puberty,

prescribed sporting activity.

3 Is a person’s sex different




Agencies of law reform i n spor t


The Australian Human Rights Commission

Opportunity Commission (HREOC) prior to 2008.

The Australian Human Rights Commission is an

discrimination complaints and breaches of human

independent statutory organisation, established in

rights; holds public inquiries; provides advice

1986. It was called the Human Rights and Equal

and submissions to parliament; and conducts

It investigates and reports to federal parliament about issues of human rights compliance; resolves

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It provides advice to the government and funding

issues. These issues cover a broad range of areas,

to national sporting organisations. The Australian

including employment, education, the provision of

Institute for Sport (AIS), mentioned above, is one

goods and services, and sport.

of its divisions.

The Human Rights Commission can investigate

As a result of the netball ban, the ASC was asked

complaints of discrimination and assist in reach-

to investigate the issues surrounding pregnant

ing agreement between a complainant and the

athletes. It hosted the National Forum on Preg-

organisation or company against which the com-

nancy in Sport in August 2001, with participants

plaint is made. It does this through conciliation,

from government, industry and non-government

in which it acts as an impartial referee while the

organisations. The conclusions formed the basis

parties talk through their concerns and look for

for a set of guidelines for the Australian sporting


industry on pregnancy in sport.

In 2001, the All Australia Netball Association

In addition to clearing the way

(AANA) issued a ban to prevent pregnant women

for pregnant women to continue

from playing in the Trophy competition. This

to play sport, the guidelines offer

included the captain of the Adelaide Ravens, Trudy

information and advice to protect

Gardner, who was 15 weeks pregnant at the time.

sporting clubs. As employers,

Gardner lodged a complaint with HREOC,

clubs are concerned to avoid

claiming discrimination on the grounds of her

being sued for negligence if a

pregnancy under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984

player suffers foreseeable harm

(Cth). Gardner and AANA were unable to resolve

to herself or her foetus while

the disagreement in that forum and she took the

engaging in sport.

conciliation a method of legal dispute resolution involving a third party who helps the parties to reach agreement

The leg al s y s tem

research into human rights and discrimination

R ESEARC H 5 . 2 Go to and research other areas dealt with by the Australian Human Rights Commission in relation to sport. You might first try searching the site using the word ‘sport’.

them to court, seeking an injunction to allow her to continue to play pending the outcome of her complaint. She missed three games due to the ban, but the Federal Magistrates’ Court granted the interim injunction. As a result of missing those three games, Gardner lost match payments and sponsorship. Gardner successfully sued the Netball Association in 2003 (Gardner v AANA Ltd [2003] FMCA 81), seeking damages for distress, pain and suffering, as well as the loss of the match payments and sponsorship money. The Federal Magistrates’ Court found that the prohibition had breached ss 7 and 22 of the Sex Discrimination Act.

The Australian Sports Commission The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) is a statutory authority of the Australian government. Established through the Australian Sports Commission Act 1989 (Cth), the ASC plays a role in the development and operation of sport at all levels.

Figure 5.13 Netballer Trudy Gardner, who lodged a complaint with HREOC, claiming discrimination on the grounds of her pregnancy


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To p i c 2 : L a w r e f o r m a n d s p o r t

Mec h a n i s m s o f l aw r e f o r m i n spo r t The courts

s commercial,

As discussed in Chapter 4, the courts’ role in interpreting legislation as applied to a particular case is to clarify its meaning. Where a higher court sets a precedent, it is making a statement about the purpose of the legislation and the way the law should be applied in the future. A court’s consideration of a situation and the arguments for and against a claim can reveal unfairness or injustice in the legislation itself. The Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner in 2003, Pru Goward, commented




saying that it was good to see the courts developing case law around Figure 5.14 Nick D’Arcy was convicted of inflicting bodily harm and subsequently dropped from the Olympic Swim Team.


Sex Discrimination Act.


circumstances of pregnant women continuing to pursue sport at high levels constituted a new appliation of the anti-discrimination legislation.

RE VIE W 5.7




sponsorship, and television rights, as well as civilliability claims, such as athletes’ accidental injuries during competition s disciplinary, including drug-related problems, violence on the field, and abuse of referees. Disciplinary cases are generally first dealt with by the ‘competent sports authorities’, for example the Australian Olympic Committee. Appeals then may go to the CAS. Many of the disputes brought before the CAS are quite serious. A recent case is that of Nick D’Arcy, a swimmer chosen for the Australian Olympic team in 2008. At a celebration party on the night he was chosen, D’Arcy was involved in an argument over alcohol with a fellow swimmer. D’Arcy punched Simon Cowley, breaking his nose, eye socket and jaw, and was subsequently convicted in the NSW Local Court of recklessly inflicting grievous bodily harm. The Australian Olympic Committee dropped him from the Olympic team for bringing the team into disrepute. D’Arcy unsuccessfully appealed to the Court of Arbitration for a place on the 2008 Olympic team. No precedent was set in this case.

that the law as it relates to

The Court of Arbitration for Sport

pregnant athletes should be

The Court of Arbitration for Sport

different from ordinary laws

(CAS) was established in 1984 as part

protecting equal opportunity

of the International Olympic Commit-

for women athletes?

tee. It is an international arbitration


2 What types of matters

body set up to settle disputes related

As we have seen, matters sometimes come before

are heard by the Court of

to sport. It is based in Lausanne,

a court before they have been considered by

Arbitration for Sport?

Switzerland, and has courts in New

parliament. When a legal decision reflects new

1 How could it be argued

3 Is a fight on a football field in


After discussions with Swimming Australia, the sport’s governing body, D’Arcy agreed that he would not swim competitively until August 2009.

York City and Sydney, as well as ad

social patterns or attitudes, parliaments may

a close match different from

hoc, temporary courts in Olympics

enact, amend or repeal legislation to ensure that

a fight on a street corner and

host cities. The CAS settles disputes

the statute law stays current and credible. This

if so, should penalties for

through arbitration, where the parties

often happens after extensive consultation with

fights on the sporting ground

have agreed to its jurisdiction, and its

bodies such as law reform commissions, human

be less than for assaults

decisions are binding. It hears two

rights commissions, or – in the case of sport law –

committed on the street?

types of dispute:

the Australian Sports Commission.

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Ef fec t iveness of law reform i n t he s p o r t i n g wo r l d Breaches of contract in the sporting world may have different particulars from breaches of contract in other areas of business, but the mechanisms and remedies are not markedly different. The Sonny Bill Williams case examined above illustrates the increasingly global nature of commercial sport, and may be interesting because

where no one is at fault – for example where a

The leg al s y s tem


tackle is perfectly within the rules of the game – are just as much in need of financial assistance as those awarded damages, yet insurance coverage may be inadequate to their needs. While these are legitimate concerns, it is hard to see how law reform would be the appropriate means of addressing them.

it crossed jurisdictional boundaries: two countries and two different rugby codes. However, it is not clear that there is a significant need for law reform in this area.

Equal opportunity in sport Local, national and international interest in

Harm suffered in sport

ensuring women’s equality with men in all areas,

A greater readiness to sue and the professional-

legislation at both state and federal level. Australia

isation of sport are two social factors contributing

is a signatory to the United Nations Convention on

to players’ preference for civil remedies rather

the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination

than the criminal law. While the sums of money

Against Women, and domestic legislation imple-

involved are relatively large in professional sport,

menting this treaty makes discrimination on the

the purpose of tort law remains the same: to

basis of sex unlawful.

compensate people for losses or damage suffered as a result of wrongs done to them.

including participation in sport, has prompted

In addition, legislation such as the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) and the Disability

Clubs, teams and referees are under a duty of

Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) protects other groups

care to safeguard their players’ health and welfare,

that have historically been disadvantaged. The

especially with respect to reducing the risk of

work of statutory bodies such as the Australian

injury. In 1998, a rugby union player, Richard


Vowles, successfully sued the Welsh Rugby Union

is vital in addressing issues of

for damages after he became a quadriplegic

equal opportunity, and court

in a scrum that collapsed, breaking his neck.

cases such as Trudy Gardner’s

Go to

According to the rules, the referee should not have

have provided further factors


allowed that scrum if he considered that it would

for parliaments to think about

pdf and review the details and

be dangerous to continue.

when drafting legislation. In the

comments on the Richard Vowles

One consequence of widespread recourse to the

course of law reform, parlia-


civil law is fear of lawsuits. For example, schools

ments must balance concerns

1 Explain why the referee was

may decide to phase out contact sports such as

about negligence claims against

rugby if claims by students injured while playing

the need for fairness.



R ESEAR C H 5 . 3

held liable for Vowles’ injury. 2 What is ‘contributory

become a common occurrence. Another concern

negligence’, and why was it

is that players who are seriously hurt in situations

relevant in this case?


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To p i c 3 : L aw r e f o r m a n d s ex u a l a s s a u l t

Co n d i t i o n s t h a t l ea d t o l aw r e f o r m r e l a t i n g t o s exu a l a ss a u l t One of the central aims of the criminal justice

Crisis Centre in that year. According to Australian

system is to prosecute criminal offenders on behalf

Bureau of Statistics (ABS) figures, only 15–20% of

of the victims and the community. Throughout

sexual assaults are reported so the real rate could

this process there is a tension between the rights

be around 50 000 to 60 000 incidents a year.

of the accused and the interests of individuals and the community, and getting this balance right is a constant challenge for the state.

Table 5.2 Reports to the NSW Rape Crisis #ENTRE*ULYTO*UNE

There has been significant law reform in relation sexual assault a general term for criminal offences involving unwanted sexual contact; acts include unwanted touching or groping, indecent acts of other kinds, and rape

to sexual assault offences over the past decade. This has been motivated by perceptions that the criminal justice system was failing to deliver just outcomes for victims and the community. Sexual offences are the least reported crimes in NSW and have the lowest conviction rates. This is compounded by delays in cases, contributing to a low rate of satisfaction on the part of victims. In 2004–05 most of the major categories of crime experienced



example, the number of breakins fell 11%, armed robbery without a weapon fell 18.2%, and stealing from a person fell 21.4%. These declines are in stark contrast to the figures for sexual offences. According




Bureau of Crime Statistics, there were around 9200 recorded




various sexual offences in NSW in the year ending September Figure 5.15 Sexual assaults are the least reported crimes in NSW.


Callers New callers Repeat callers Total callers Telephone Online E-mail


Presenting issues (new callers) Sexual assault Childhood sexual assault Gang rape Drugged and assaulted Supporters – professional and other Other When the assault occurred (new callers) ,ASTDAYS DAYSTOMONTHS -ORETHANMONTHS


Age (new callers) TO n n n n 


2004. There were another

New South Wales Rape Crisis Centre – www.nswrapecrisis.

3352 calls made to the Rape


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This is an extremely low rate of reporting. According to the SBS television program Insight on 25 October 2005, it can be attributed to the following factors. A lot of victims do not report because they do not believe they are going to win,

The leg al s y s tem

they believe it will be too much trouble, or they cannot face it emotionally. Compounding this is the fact that in 70 per cent of cases, the offender is known to the victim, making proof more difficult. The results of a statewide survey of victims and service providers, conducted by the NSW Criminal Justice Sexual Offences Taskforce in 2005, revealed that victims were ill-served by the legal system in terms of their practical needs. There was no established system for addressing the ‘multiple needs’ of some victims, including translation, mental health support, accommodation and counselling. They had insufficient or inaccurate information about processes for getting help.

Figure 5.16 The lack of doctors specialising in sexual assault has the potential to reduce the LIKELIHOODOFJUSTOUTCOMESFORVICTIMSOFSEXUAL assault.

Moreover, only 2 per cent of accused sex attackers were convicted in 2004. The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) will

examiners have training in clinical practice and

generally prosecute if there are prospects of a

forensic assessments and routinely give evidence

conviction and it is in the public interest. Where

in court, this initiative was seen by some as a

the victim knows the attacker – the vast majority

‘resource efficiency’ measure.

of reported cases – much of the case will rely on

As a result of these and other factors, most

one person’s word against that of another unless

formal complaints of sexual offences do not result

there is convincing physical evidence. Advocates

in formal investigations and most investigations

for victims argue that cases likely to proceed

do not lead to trials. The 2005 national Personal

involve a stranger, because it is easier to establish

Safety Survey reported that only 19 per cent of

that the sex was not consensual, the assaults are

women who had experienced sexual violence by a

often of a more severe nature, and there is more

male offender had reported this to the police.

likely to be strong physical evidence. Physical evidence often poses another major

In NSW in 2004 the number of sexual offences

obstacle. Victims of sexual assault will generally

reported to police exceeded the number of proven

need to be physically examined and questioned

charges by about ten to one. … [A]pproximately

in detail in order to obtain evidence that can be

8% of sexual offences committed against children

used in court.

and 10% of recorded sexual offences against adults

In addition, there has been a real lack of state resources provided to doctors who work in sexual assault services. Beginning in 2004, the NSW Department of Health introduced training for

reported to police are ultimately proven at court. *ACQUELINE&ITZGERALD @4HE!TTRITIONOF3EXUAL/FFENCES FROMTHE.EW3OUTH7ALES#RIMINAL*USTICE3YSTEM Contemporary Issues in Crime and Justice *ANUARY NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research

‘Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners’ of sexual assault victims, instead of doctors. Although the nurse

See Figure 5.17 on the following page.


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2/9/09 8:36:20 PM

To p i c 3 : L a w r e f o r m a n d s e c x u a l a s s a u l t

Given the estimates of the number of unreported


incidents, this conviction rate represents a small 

proportion of incidents that are occurring. It is worth asking why this is the case, especially when

compared to all other categories of crime. 

R EV I EW 5 . 8

1 Give some reasons for the low percentage 

of sexual crimes that are actually reported to police.


Recorded incidents

Proven charges

2 What are some of the difficulties in proving a sexual assault case when the victim knows the attacker?


Figure 5.17 Number of recorded incidents and proven charges for SEXUALANDINDECENTASSAULTSIN.37 n

3 Why is specific training important for doctors and nurses dealing with sexual assault victims?

Age n c i es o f l aw r e f o r m r e l a t i n g to sexua l a ss a u l t The Criminal Justice Sexual Offences Taskforce

circuit television altered the impact of the evidence as it was received – that is, whether it was likely to reduce the empathy the jury might have for the

The Criminal Justice Sexual Offences Taskforce was

victim or the accused. The AIC found that there was

established in 2004 by the NSW Attorney General

no real difference in jury responses. These findings

to investigate issues relating to sexual assault and

went some way to convincing the government that

the prosecution of these crimes. Its task was to

this could be a reliable mode of delivering evidence

advise the Attorney General on how the criminal

for traumatised victims who did not want to be in

justice system could become more responsive to

the same room as the accused.

victims of sexual assault without undermining the right of the accused to receive a fair trial. The Taskforce had input from a broad crosssection of government and non-government organisations, in an effort to obtain various viewpoints

The NSW Rape Crisis Centre has been at the fore-

on the criminal justice system. It produced 70

front of reforms to the way sexual assault matters

recommendations for implementation. As a result

are dealt with by the NSW criminal justice system.

of its report, new legislation was passed from

This organisation was started in the 1970s by a

2005, some of which is discussed below.


New South Wales Rape Crisis Centre

group of women who voluntarily assisted victims of

In conjunction with the Taskforce investigation,

sexual assault in NSW. In 1974, the Whitlam federal

the NSW government also asked the Australian

government provided funding so that services

Institute of Criminology (AIC) to investigate the

could be upgraded and made permanent, and the

question of whether giving evidence via closed-

workers paid. The centre runs 24 hours a day and

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Rape Crisis Centre go to www.

provides support and counselling for anyone in

by the media and have horrified the public and

NSW who has experienced sexual violence.

many in the legal profession. Frequently, however,

The leg al s y s tem

legal links

Figure 5.18 The NSW Rape Crisis Centre is a  HOURTELEPHONEANDONLINECRISIS SUPPORT and referral service for anyone in NSW who has experienced sexual violence.

For more information on the NSW

the positive outcomes have been accompanied

The NSW Bar Association

by less desirable ones, such as the rights of the

The NSW Bar Association, the professional

and a readiness to exploit the prejudices of some

organisation for barristers in the state, has rewritten

segments of the public. In the 2004 Sydney gang

its own rules for the cross-examination of alleged

rape trials, an ugly racist theme surfaced in some

victims of sexual assault matters. Questions that

of the public rhetoric focusing on the ethnicity

belittle, confuse or mislead victims are to be

of the rapists. The media can be an unreliable

banned. Attacks on the victim, it is hoped, will

instrument of justice.

accused being accorded a fairly low importance,

now not be permitted in the courtroom.

R ESEAR CH 5 . 4

The media Criminal cases involving sexual assault have received significant media attention over the past decade. In some cases this frenzied attention has led to undesirable results, such as in 2004 when the conviction of one of five men accused of gang rape, Tayyab Sheikh, was overturned in the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal and a new trial ordered. When sensationalistic coverage gives a jury access to inadmissible material, the jury’s ability to ignore

1 Obtain some or all of the following articles from the archives of each newspaper or using a search engine. s Natasha Wallace, ‘A daughter’s agony, her family’s suffering’, Sydney Morning Herald, 29 July 2004 s Paul Sheehan, ’Why sexual violence is almost legal: Our inflexible, forbidding court system alienates many who deserve justice’, Sydney Morning Herald, 9 August 2004

this information may be put into doubt and thus

s Paul Sheehan, ‘Rough, slow justice for

the accused may not receive a fair trial. The judges

rape victims’, Sydney Morning Herald,

said this was regrettable but ‘a conviction following

10 April 2006

an unfair trial is a conviction obtained at too high a price’. In other cases, the media’s influence on public

s Kate Sikora, ‘Standing up for victims’, The Daily Telegraph, 9 October 2006 s Janet Fife-Yeomans, ‘Damning report

opinion, law organisations and governments has

shows how we fail our sex case children’,

resulted in changes that improve the treatment of

The Daily Telegraph, 3 October 2008

victims of serious sexual assault crimes in court.

2 Outline the criticisms made of the criminal

Victims being forced to recount their experience

justice system in these articles. Could the

over and over, and defence counsel badgering

high profile of these cases have led to some

victims in cross-examination to call their credibility

of the law reform measures outlined below?

into question, have been graphically portrayed



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2/9/09 8:36:24 PM

To p i c 3 : L a w r e f o r m a n d s e c x u a l a s s a u l t

Mec h a n i s m s o f l aw r e f o r m r e l a t i n g t o s exu a l a ss a u l t Parliament

unrepresented accused from cross-examining

There have been many Acts passed by the NSW Parliament over the past few years to usher in reform in sexual assault matters. Some of the key legislation has been: s Criminal Procedure Amendment (Sexual Offence Case Management) Act 2005 (NSW) This Act amended the Criminal Procedure Act 1986 (NSW) to provide that a pre-trial order made by a judge in proceedings relating to a sexual offence is binding on whatever judge presides at the trial. Rulings on the admissibility of evidence by a judge other than the trial judge need to be binding on the trial judge, so that delays in the commencement of criminal

the complainant. s Crimes Amendment (Consent – Sexual Assault Offences) Act 2007 (NSW) A person’s lack of consent and knowledge that the person is not consenting are elements of sexual assault offences, such as rape. If someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, there may be no capacity to give consent. In court, an accused will be examined by the prosecution on what steps he took to ensure that there was consent. The Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) was amended to place the onus on the defendant to prove there was consent; in the past the prosecution had this responsibility.

proceedings are minimised. The legislation was designed to minimise the stress and trauma on complainant a person alleging that a sexual assault has been committed against him or her in camera ,ATIN PRIVATELYONLY specified persons SUCHASTHEJUDGECAN be present during the testimony or proceeding consent free and voluntary agreement to sexual intercourse


complainants giving evidence, who have to

The courts

prepare themselves to give evidence every time

While recommendations of the Criminal Justice

a trial is scheduled and rescheduled.

Sexual Offences Taskforce have changed the

s Criminal Procedure Amendment (Evidence) Act

manner in which judges and the courts deal with

2005 (NSW)

matters of serious sexual assaults, these changes

This Act amended the Criminal Procedure Act

have largely been brought about as a result of

1986 (NSW) to allow a transcript or recording

legislation. Changes in social attitudes regarding

of a complainant’s evidence in any retrial. If

sex crimes will doubtless lead to future court

the evidence is admitted in a retrial, then the

decisions rethinking the law or looking at criminal

complainant cannot be forced to give further

law issues in the area of sexual assault in a way

evidence unless she or he decides to do so.

that leads to law reform.

s Criminal




Judges in cases where a guilty verdict was

(Evidence) Act 2005 (NSW)

returned did hand down some severe penalties,

Certain provisions of this Act were designed to

both to send a message of general deterrence

ensure that improper questions were not put

to the community and to reflect the severity of

to complainants during cross examination. It

the offences. For example, Bilal Skaf, who was

also provided for evidence to given ‘in camera’

convicted as the ringleader in a series of gang rapes

(privately) and for support people to be close

in Sydney in 2000, was sentenced to 55 years gaol

to a complainant when giving evidence. The

with a non-parole period of 40 years.

Act also introduced a new section into the

It has been suggested that specialist courts for

Criminal Procedure Act 1986 to prevent an

sexual offences would lessen the trauma suffered

C a m b r i d g e L e g al S tu d ie s – Pre limin ary

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far as to recommend a specialist court, its

would improve conviction rates. Some of

recommendations included a specialised

Choose one or more of the

the features of such courts would include

case management process using specially

following articles to read

appropriate technology, such as closed-

trained judges and prosecutors, screening


circuit television, and facilities such as

processes, technology and other features

s Richard Ackland, ‘New rape

separate entrances for defendants and

of such a court.

victims. While the Taskforce did not go so

trial is on a slim premise’, Sydney Morning Herald, 5 March 2004, www.smh. /1078378906956.html s Jocelynne Scutt, ‘The rights and wrongs of the courtroom’, Sydney Morning Herald, 23 May 2005, www.

The leg al s y s tem

R ESEA RC H 5 . 5

by victims when giving evidence, and The-rights-and-wrongs-ofthe-courtroom/2005/05/22/ 1116700591974.html s Clare Buttner, ‘Justice failing rape victims’, Lawyers Weekly, 29 May 2007, http://www.lawyersweekly. archive/2007/05/29/justicefailing-rape-victims.aspx 1 What is the author arguing? 2 What support does he or she offer for his or her ideas? 3 Discuss.

Figure 5.19 An effective poster produced as part of the Northern Beaches Men Against Sexual Assault Campaign


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To p i c 3 : L a w r e f o r m a n d s e c x u a l a s s a u l t

Ef fec t iveness of law reform r e l a t i n g t o s exu a l a ss a u l t As discussed, the low reporting rates for sexual

number of cases in 1995. The difficulties of

crimes, and consequently the low number of

prosecuting such cases still exist, including victims’

offenders successfully prosecuted, were a serious

reluctance to be ‘grilled in the witness box’.

concern to the NSW government and to the com-

The changes to the NSW Barristers’ Rules with

munity at large. The legislation passed from 2005

respect to the questioning of sexual assault victims

on has been an attempt to address this problem.

can only be a good thing. It is also a sign that the

The chief task is to ensure that victims are not

publicity and pressure exerted by the various

further traumatised by the court process, while

agencies of law reform have prompted a rethink of

protecting the right of an accused to a fair trial.

the way defence lawyers will conduct their cases

Changes to the law of consent in late 2007 may

in the future.

prove to deliver a significant shift in outcomes for

In a speech to the NSW Rape Crisis Centre AGM

the complainant. In the vast majority of matters,

in 2007, the state Minister for Women, Verity Firth

where the accused is known to the complainant,

MP, commented that at least two-thirds of the 70

a reversal of the onus of proof regarding consent

recommendations of the Criminal Justice Sexual

may make it more difficult for the accused to deny

Offences Taskforce had been implemented. In

criminal responsibility. It may in turn encourage

addition to the legislative provisions, she stated

more victims to report offences.

that some the following initiatives are also taking

As the new laws are applied in the courts, there will be more information for assessing whether the requirement of ‘reasonable grounds’ for believing that there was consent will unfairly prejudice juries against a defendant. At this stage it appears that the

REVIEW 5.9 1 How has the NSW Parliament addressed the need for reform in the area of sexual assault crimes? Give examples. 2 What other agencies have had a role in bringing about changes to the way trials are conducted? Classify each of these agencies with respect

reforms are having little practical impact. Figures from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics show

place: s Continuing efforts to address delays in sexual assault






introduced mandatory timetables. s Closing






evidence. s Complainants can use remote witness facilities in 78 locations across the state. s Judges are required to disallow improper cross-

that police only arrested offenders

examination questions.

in 21 per cent of the sexual assault

Finally, continuing efforts to educate the public

cases that were reported in 2007.

are equally important. Sexual assault crimes

Further figures show the success

are crimes of violence, and certain beliefs about

rate of the police in solving sexual

gender in our society need to be articulated and

assaults has dropped dramatically.

challenged if these crimes are to be properly

Police were solving double the

addressed by the criminal justice system.

to their function and purpose within the legal system. 3 Outline some of the changes that have taken place. 4 How could success in this area be measured? Give examples.


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To p i c s um m ar y t a sks

s ‘Native title’ refers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ right to an area of land with which they have had an ongoing association. s The concept of terra nullius was used to JUSTIFYTHEIMPLEMENTATIONOF"RITISHLAWAND the dispossession of Indigenous peoples.

s 4HEREFERENDUMAMENDEDTHE Constitution to allow the Commonwealth to legislate for Indigenous Australians, and to allow them to be counted in the census. s The Mabo case was a significant High Court decision that abolished terra nullius and led the federal government to pass the Native Title Act 1993#TH  s &URTHERSTATEANDFEDERALLEGISLATIONAND court decisions have been instrumental in law reform in the area of native title.

1 British policies towards Indigenous Australians were based on which of the following? a colonial conquest, then attempts at assimilation b mediation c native title d implied rights contained in the Constitution 2 7HATWASTHEEFFECTOFTHEAMENDMENTS to the Australian Constitution? a They gave Indigenous people the right to vote. b They allowed the Commonwealth to make laws for Indigenous Australians, and allowed them to be counted in the census. c They gave them native title. d They gave Australian citizenship to all Aboriginal people in NSW and Victoria. 3 Which of the following statements is true of the Wik decision? a It gave Indigenous people native title over all pastoral land.

b The High Court held that pastoral leases could coexist with native title, but where there was a conflict, the pastoral lease took priority. c It overturned Mabo. d The High Court found that the Native Title Act 1993 was unconstitutional. 4 The aim of the National Native Title Tribunal is: a to assist with native title negotiations b to determine whether a particular place is terra nullius c TOADVISETHE&EDERAL#OURTOF!USTRALIAON native title d to hear criminal cases involving Indigenous Australians 5 Which of the following statements is true of native title? a It can be claimed by an individual. b It is a collective right shared by a group. c It is the modern term for terra nullius. d )TISCONTAINEDINSOFTHE#ONSTITUTION

1 In your own words, describe the Myall Creek Massacre. Why do you think this massacre occurred? 2 Create a timeline outlining the key stages of Indigenous Australians’ right to vote in federal elections. 3 In your own words, discuss the aims of the Native Title Tribunal. Why was it implemented?

4 Who was Eddie Mabo? How did he change Indigenous rights? 5 Describe the relationship between court decisions and subsequent legislation, and explain how law reform relating to native title has taken place so far.

The leg al s y s tem

M ul ti p l e- c hoi ce q u e s ti o n s

To p i c s u m m a ry

To p i c 1: L aw r e f o r m a n d n a t i ve t i t l e


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To p i c su m ma r y t as ks

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To p i c s u m m a ry

To p i c 2 : L aw r e f o r m a n d s p o r t


s Sport law is a complex combination of tort, criminal, and contract law, and is based on both statute and common law. s 3PORTHASCHANGEDDRAMATICALLYINTHELAST YEARSITISBROADCASTNATIONWIDE ANDMAJOR companies spend vast sums of money to sponsor teams and competitions. s Athletes are held responsible for their intentional actions both on and off the sporting field.

s Rules of the games, set down by governing bodies, can be enforced through the court system, and players may face criminal charges or civil action for harm inflicted. s Coaches, referees and administrators may be SUBJECTTOACLAIMINNEGLIGENCEFORBREACHING a duty of care. s Agencies of law reform in sport include the Australian Sports Commission with respect to various matters, as well as the Australian Human Rights Commission with respect to discrimination.

1 Sport law is: a the rules of any particular sporting body b the law made by the Australian Sports Commission c a combination of various statutes, common LAWJUDGMENTSANDTORTLAW d none of the above 2 Express consent is a term that means: a Players may do whatever it takes to win a game. b What happens on the field stays on the field. c Players must give consent before they play a game. d Players accept the possibilities that can occur within the course of the game. 3 Victims of assault on a sporting field usually take legal action through civil courts because: a Criminal law does not apply on the sporting field.

b Victim compensation is inadequate for professional athletes. c There is usually not enough evidence. d Witness statements from players cannot be accepted in courts. 4 Vicarious liability refers to: a referees’ and officials’ responsibility for the enforcement of rules b employers being held accountable for their employees’ actions c financial liability of sporting bodies d none of the above 5 The case of Trudy Gardner demonstrates: a a conflict between sporting rules and antidiscrimination laws b HOWSPORTINGBODIESARESUBJECTTOLEGAL action c the ability of individuals to challenge decisions in courts d all of the above.

1 Outline the changes in attitudes to sport that have occurred over the past few decades. List some of the consequences of these changes. 2 Explain the importance of the law in governing on-field behaviour in contact sports. 3 Explain how contract law relates to professional athletes and clubs. What can happen if a contract is breached?

4 Why do you think victims of violence on the sporting field don’t report an offence to police? 5 Discuss two ways in which women’s participation in sport has led to law reform.

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1 Which of the following was not a reason to reform the law in the area of sexual assault? a low rate of reported sexual offences b low rate of convictions c poor level of service to victims in terms of information and resources d the media were insufficiently interested in sexual assault cases 2 4HE#RIMINAL*USTICE3EXUAL/FFENCES 4ASKFORCESETUPINHASBROUGHTABOUT which of the following changes? a legislation to improve procedures regarding the giving of evidence b LEGISLATIONREQUIRINGJUDGMENTSTOREmECT public opinion about sexual offenders c a greater number of sexual offences reported d a statutory requirement that the media report cases with greater understanding of the law 3 The NSW government asked the Australian )NSTITUTEOF#RIMINOLOGY!)# TOINVESTIGATE whether giving evidence via closed-circuit television altered the way in which the evidence was received, that is, whether it AFFECTEDJURIESEMPATHYFORTHEVICTIMORTHE accused. Which of the following best reflects those findings? a *URIESWEREMORELIKELYTOFAVOURTHE accused. b *URIESWEREMORELIKELYTOFAVOURTHEVICTIM c 4HEREWASNODIFFERENCEINJURYRESPONSES d Closed-circuit TV evidence was more likely to permit the presentation of graphic evidence.

s Agencies of law reform relating to sexual assault include parliamentary inquiries such ASTHE#RIMINAL*USTICE3EXUAL/FFENCES Taskforce, non-government organisations such as the NSW Rape Crisis Centre, and professional organisations. s The media have been influential in putting pressure on governments to reform the laws relating to sexual assault. s 3INCE VARIOUSLEGISLATIONHASBEEN passed in NSW to improve criminal procedure in relation to sexual assault cases.

The leg al s y s tem

To p i c s u m m a ry

s There has been significant law reform relating to sexual assault over the past decade, PROMPTEDBYTHEFAILUREOFTHECRIMINALJUSTICE SYSTEMTODELIVERJUSTOUTCOMESFORVICTIMS s Sexual assault is a crime with one of the lowest conviction rates in NSW due to investigation failures, delays in cases, a lack of resources and a lack of information provided to victims.

M ul ti p l e- c hoi ce q ues ti o n s

To p i c 3 : L aw r e f o r m a n d s ex u a l a s s a u l t

4 The Crimes Amendment (Consent – Sexual Assault Offences) Act 2007.37 CHANGED the Crimes Act with respect to consent. Which of the following is correct? a Documentary evidence is needed to establish consent. b The onus of proof of consent has been reversed. c Partial consent may be established. d None of the above 5 The Criminal Procedure Further Amendment (Evidence) Act 2005 .37 MADEWHICHOFTHE following changes to the Criminal Procedure Act 1986.37  a Hearsay evidence can now be admitted to prove that the complainant consented to sexual intercourse. b It prohibited the cross-examination of victims by an accused person representing himself. c It allows a transcript or recording of a complainant’s evidence in any retrial. d It reaffirmed the right of an unrepresented accused to cross-examine the alleged victim.


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To p i c s u m m a ry ta s k s

To p i c 3 : L aw r e f o r m a n d s ex u a l a s s a u l t


1 Outline the main issues that prompted law reform in the area of sexual assault. 2 Discuss the changes to the law of consent from the perspective of the victim and the accused. 3 Identify and describe the role of some nonlegal measures in addressing the effectiveness of the law in dealing with sexual assault.

4 Describe at least three legislative reforms to the law relating to sexual assault. 5 Assess the effectiveness of law reform in addressing the issues around sexual assault.

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The ind iv id ual and th e law


The individual and the law The individual and the law

1 Your rights and responsibilities s The nature of individual rights s The relationship between rights and responsibilities

30% of course time 2 Enforcing rights s Role of the federal and state police and other law enforcement agencies s Disputes between individuals: – alternative dispute resolution – negotiation – mediation – arbitration – courts s Disputes with the state: – informal methods: – media – members of parliament – trade unions

– interest groups, including non-government organisations – formal methods: – internal review – external review: administrative, judicial, Ombudsman, statutory bodies including: Australian Human Rights Commission, Independent Commission against Corruption (ICAC), Royal Commissions

3 Contemporary issue: the individual and technology s Scope of technology s Effects of technology on the individual s Legal implications

s Difficulties with enforcing rights s Future directions: the role of law reform


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ke y t e r ms

c hap ter ob j e cti ve s

Your rights and responsibilities


In this chapter, students will: s investigate the effects of legal and non-legal institutions on individuals s explore the relationship between rights and responsibilities in various contexts s discuss the necessary balance between the rights of individuals and the state s evaluate the effectiveness of legal instruments for achieving justice for both individuals and society s identify and apply appropriate legal terms and concepts

bill of rights implied rights political autonomy responsibilities rights self-determination self-executing tortious

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Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) Education Act 1990 (NSW) Summary Offences Act 1988 (NSW) World Youth Day Act 2006 (NSW) SIGNIFIC AN T C AS ES

Progressive Mailing House Pty Ltd v Tabali Pty Ltd [1985] HCA 14 Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562 Wilson v Tyneside Window Cleaning Co. [1958] 2 QB 110 Evans v State of NSW [2008] FCAFC 130

The ind iv id ual and th e law

rel ev ant l aw

odd l a w In 1976, Reef Beach, NSW, was declared a legally nude beach by the state premier. When locals became distressed in the early 1990s by ‘immoral behaviour’, Peter McDonald ran for the seat of Manly in the NSW Parliament promising to get rid of the nudists. The local council (Manly Council) also attempted to use a 1919 law to oust them. The nudists won in the Local Court after charges were brought against them in 1993 for a nude protest swim, but McDonald then used a private member’s bill to change the 1919 legislation. The court decision was reversed and nude bathing became illegal.

Cha pter 6 – Your rights a nd res pons i bi l i ti es

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7 H A T A R E R I G H T S A N D R ES P O N S I B I L I T IES rights legal or moral entitlements or permissions

Rights are entitlements that people have by

her children, and all persons have a responsibility

legal or moral authority. If you have a right to

not to commit criminal and tortious acts. States,

something, others are legally or morally prohibited

groups, organisations, corporations and societies

responsibilities legal or moral obligations to others

from taking it away from you. A person has a

have responsibilities, just as individuals do.

tortious wrongful; constituting a tort or breach of duty to others

right to do something or possess something as a

Rights and responsibilities are interrelated.

result of being in a particular group or a particular

Where someone has a responsibility to another

legal class of persons. For example, only citizens

person, the other person has a corresponding right

over the age of 18 have the legal right to vote in

to be treated in a particular way. Where citizens

Australia. Human rights are fundamental rights

have particular rights, the state has a responsibility

that every person has on the basis of being a

to protect those rights and ensure that they are

human being, without regard to nationality, age,

not violated by individuals, groups or the state

sex, or other characteristics. ‘Human beings’ is

itself. Where the members of a group have a legal

a class of persons, just as ‘persons over 18’ or

responsibility to do something, the group has

‘Australian citizens’ is a class or group of persons.

a right to expect it. For example, members of a

Responsibilities are legal or moral obligations

trade union are responsible for paying their union

that a person may have to another person, to a

dues; everyone on the electoral roll in a state has

group, or to the state, society, or other people gen-

the responsibility to serve on a jury if randomly

erally. There are responsibilities to act in par ticular


ways, as well as responsibilities to refrain from certain acts. For example, a parent has both legal and moral responsibility for taking care of his or

,EGALBASISOFRIGHTS For a right to have a legal basis, it must be protected by law and thus be enforceable. In Australia, legal rights may be protected by statute or by common law.

3TATUTE An example of a right protected by statute is the right not to be excluded or restricted on the basis of race, colour or ethnic origin. This right is contained in the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) and is very broad, extending to people’s treatment in ‘political, economic, social, cultural, or any other field of public life’ (s 9). For example, an employer would not be able to dismiss an employee because he or she was from a certain racial group. Nor would a political party be able to Figure 6.1 Voting is compulsory for people over the age of 18. But apart from being compulsory, it is also a right.


refuse to allow someone to join because of his or her ethnic origin.

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is parents’ duty to send their children to school.

Other rights are protected by common law, par-

Another is the duty of the state to ensure that

ticularly in contract law and tort law. For example,

every child has the best possible education, and to

if one party to a contract breaches a term of the

provide public schools. These duties are contained

contract (that is, fails to do what he or she agreed

in Acts such as the Education Act 1990 (NSW), and

to do), and the term that has been breached is a

are based on the principle, stated in s 4 of the Act,

very important one, the other party has the right to

that every child has the right to an education.

The ind iv id ual and th e law


end the contract (Progressive Mailing House Pty Ltd v Tabali Pty Ltd [1985] HCA 14). Or to take a very general example that we have seen in the context of tort law, if someone purchases a product, he or she has a common law right to enjoy it without being exposed to anything harmful or unpleasant (Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562).


#OMMONLAW Other legal responsibilities are based on the common law. For example, the duty of care is a well-known common law duty. As expressed in Donoghue v Stevenson, it is owed to all persons who are likely to be ‘closely and directly affected’ by your acts. Other contexts in which there is a duty of care include doctors’ duty to their patients, airlines’ duty to passengers, and employers’ duty to

As stated above, where someone has a right,

ensure that their employees have safe conditions in

someone else has a corresponding responsibility.

which to do their work (Wilson v Tyneside Window Cleaning Co. [1958] 2 QB 110). Breach of the duty


of care, resulting in harm that could be foreseen,

Legal responsibilities are also called ‘obligations’

entitles the person harmed to bring an action for

or ‘duties’. An example of a statutory obligation


negligence carelessness; a tort that involves breach of a duty of care resulting in harm that could be foreseen


not be the law – if it is currently the law it cannot be argued that it is not currently binding, whether someone likes it or not.

The main difference between legal rights and

While moral rights and responsibilities may

moral rights is that people can argue from different

have binding force for everyone, only those who

ethical viewpoints about whether a certain moral

believe that they are binding are likely to behave

right exists, whereas legal rights are contained in

accordingly and try to persuade others to do so.

statutes or in the body of decisions constituting

In other words, moral rights and responsibilities

common law, and it cannot be disputed that these

are not enforceable. While many laws have been

are binding in the jurisdictions to which the statute

passed because they agree with the moral views

or the common law applies. Although people

of most people in a community, and are complied

might argue that a particular law or common law

with for similar reasons, the law is sometimes slow

principle is not just – in other words, that it should

to change to reflect changes in social attitudes

Cha pter 6 – Your rights a nd res pons i bi l i ti es

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Figure 6.2 A controversial moral right is the right to die.

bill of rights a statement of basic human rights and privileges

and public morality. As discussed in Chapter 4,

sets out specifically what individuals are entitled

this is why law reform is an important feature of

to expect of their government. Australia is the only

Australian law.

western democracy that does not have one.

An example of a controversial moral right is the

Although the UK has no single constitutional

right to die. Some people diagnosed with terminal

document, the English Bill of Rights of 1689 sets

illnesses have argued that they have a right to die

out a few fundamental rights and is still in force

if they choose, rather than suffering pain and loss

today. However, it is limited in its scope and deals

of dignity. However, euthanasia is not a legal right

mainly with succession to the throne and the

in any Australian jurisdiction.

way in which English law was to be adopted in its

Another example is the right in NSW to engage

colonies (see p. 145 on the ‘doctrine of reception’).

in sexual activity. Consensual heterosexual and

As one of the 47 member countries of the Council

homosexual sex is legal for persons over the age

of Europe, the UK is a party to the European

of 16. However, many religious and social leaders

Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and

in our community would argue that this age is

Fundamental Freedoms (1953) and is bound by it.

inappropriate. Hence, while persons over 16 have

In the USA, the Bill of Rights, ratified in 1791, con-

a legal right to consensual sex, some would dispute

sists of the first ten amendments to the Constitution

the existence of a moral right to it.

and contains fundamental rights of individuals in private life, in the criminal justice process, and


with respect to the government generally.


civil, democratic and human rights, including

Countries including the United States of America,

government intrusions into individuals’ lives.

the United Kingdom and New Zealand have a document known as a bill of rights. Such a document


New Zealand’s Bill of Rights Act 1990 contains freedom from discrimination, and freedoms from Table 6.1 shows some examples of rights contained in bills of rights.

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The right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, degrading, or disproportionately severe treatment or punishment (s 9)

The right not to be subjected to excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishments (Amendment VIII)

The right not to be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Article 3)

The right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and belief, including the right to adopt and to hold opinions without interference (s 13); freedom of expression (s 14)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press (Amendment I)

The right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion (Article 9); freedom of expression, including freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference (Article 10)

Everyone who is arrested shall be informed of the reason; shall have and be informed of: the right: to consult a lawyer, to be released if the arrest is not lawful, to be charged and brought to court promptly or released, and not to be a witness against himself (s 23).

No person shall be held to answer for a capital crime unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, nor compelled in a criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law (Amendment V) The right to a speedy and public trial by jury, to be informed of the nature and reason for the accusation, to have a lawyer (Amendment VI)

Everyone charged with a criminal offence has the right to be informed of the nature and reason for the accusation, to have adequate time and facilities to prepare his defence, to have a lawyer, to have witnesses on his behalf under the same conditions as witnesses against him, to have a fair trial, and to be presumed innocent until proved guilty (Article 6)

The ind iv id ual and th e law

Table 6.1 Examples of rights enshrined in a bill of rights T A

2 %3%!2 #(    Go to constitution.table.html#amendments to view the United States Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution). 1 Choose three rights that are contained in the US Bill of Rights. Summarise these rights in your own words. 2 For each of these rights, explain why it was considered important enough to be included in the US Bill of Rights. 3 Are these considerations still relevant today? Why or why not? You may need to do further research. Try

Figure 6.3 The US Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution.

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freedom (s 116) and the right to trial by jury (s 80).

In Australia, a bill of rights has never existed,

constitutional protection for a broader range of

as the authors of our Constitution believed that

human rights has featured in Australian political

citizens’ rights would be protected by decisions of

dialogue since the 1890s and continues today.

the courts or by various statutes made as the need

Some of the arguments for and against a bill of

arose. The Australian Constitution does set out a

rights are summarised in Table 6.2.

However, the debate over the need for explicit

number of rights, including the right to religious

Table 6.2 Arguments for and against a bill of rights in Australia

2% 6)% 7  1 Make a list of five rights and corresponding responsibilities 2 Describe the difference between legal and moral rights, using examples. 3 ‘Citizens have the right to end their own lives if they are terminally ill.’ Discuss the legal and moral issues arising from this idea. 4 What are some further arguments for and against an Australian bill of rights? Do we need a bill of rights? Justify your answer.



s Australian law gives insufficient protection to fundamental freedoms, and a bill of rights would enshrine those rights. s A bill of rights would make our current laws more cohesive and accessible, rather than being ‘locked up’ in past judgments and statutes. s We are becoming increasingly internationalised and need to be aware of international laws. A bill of rights would bring Australia in line with other countries. s A bill of rights would allow Australia to meet its international obligations more effectively. s A bill of rights would protect the rights of minorities. s The High Court’s interpretation of ‘implied rights’ in the Constitution is too limited: we need a document explicitly setting out our rights.

s Rights are already protected by statutes and the common law. s A bill of rights makes little practical difference in the protection of rights. s Enabling judges to strike down laws made by parliament that are inconsistent with a bill of rights would be undemocratic. s Rights written in a bill of rights can become outdated very quickly in a rapidly changing world. s A bill of rights would actually restrict rights, because once defined, a right is limited by the words in which it is expressed. s The judiciary would become too political if there were a bill of rights.




the common law, they also have responsibilities.

Australian citizens have certain expectations of

come into conflict.

At times the rights of individuals and their responsibilities to the local, state or national community

their local, state and federal government, and

Over the past few years in New South Wales,

understand that while citizens enjoy the rights

smoking cigarettes has been outlawed in more and

granted by the constitution, other statutes, and

more places. Manly Council, which governs Manly

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The ind iv id ual and th e law

Beach through delegated authority, introduced a no-cigarette policy for its beach in 2004. Council rangers are now able to fine people smoking on the beach up to $50. Individuals’ desire to smoke on the beach clearly conflicts not only with the desires of non-smokers to have a smoke-free environment in proximity to them, but also with the council’s interest in keeping the beach free of cigarette butts,

Figure 6.4 A no-smoking sign on Manly Beach, Sydney

which create not only an ugly sight for tourists but also hazards for marine life when they are washed into the ocean. It could be argued that individuals’ responsibility to assist overrides their right to enjoy a cigarette on the beach. A newspaper article outlining this case is presented on page 11. Other conflicts between individuals and the state are seen as more serious. At times, governments have asked citizens to be willing to die in wars that the citizens oppose. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the Australian government felt obliged to assist in the United States’ effort to defeat communism. Approximately 47 000 young men were conscripted to fight in the Vietnam

Figure 6.5 Young men were selected randomly from birth records to fight in the Vietnam War.

War between 1966 and 1972, through the enactment of a law that permitted them to select young men randomly from birth records. If an individual

eat, the clothes they wear, the jobs they do and

refused to respond to a letter from the government,

how many children they have. Laws based on

he was pursued and often gaoled for breaking the

religious beliefs would violate constitutional pro-

law. Those who believed that violence or war was

hibitions in Australia, the USA and many other

morally wrong, or that the Vietnam War was not a

countries, and moral justifications of laws dealing

just war, were known as ‘conscientious objectors’.

with such individual matters would not last long

Individuals’ rights in relation to the state have

in a multicultural society with diverse beliefs.

taken a new turn since 11 September 2001, when not

Nonetheless, there are examples where govern-

only the United States but other countries including

ments have tried to exert statutory authority

Australia began to enact legislation to protect its

within these areas.

citizens from terrorism. We will look at some of the

In Louisiana and Virginia, USA, in 2004 and

problems for individual rights in Chapter 13, which

2005, the state governments attempted to outlaw

deals with the case of Mohamed Haneef. Haneef,

the wearing of trousers that reveal underpants – a

an Indian-born Australian resident, was detained

fashion among teenagers at the time, inspired by

without charge for 12 days in connection with a

hip-hop artists who have displayed it at concerts

bombing that he had nothing to do with.

and on album covers. The proposed legislation was based on the view that such fashions were indecent


and offensive to the rest of the community and on

In all Western democratic countries, individuals

lead-up to the USA presidential elections of 2008,

can govern themselves in terms of the food they

Barack Obama weighed into the debate.

the criminal offence of indecent exposure. In the

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Kick in Pants from O ‘Brothers, stop sagging’ By Geoff Earle, Post Correspondent Jacksonville, Florida – Barack Obama has a message for America’s youth: Pull up your pants! New York Post, 4 November 2008

In an interview with MTV’s Sway Calloway, Obama fielded a question from Eric, a Huntington Beach, California man who referenced a town ordinance that tried to outlaw a street fashion trend in which young men wear their baggy pants down well below their underwear. Obama said such laws were ‘a waste of time’, but didn’t hold back on his own view on the fad. ‘Having said that, brothers should pull up their pants,’ he declared. ‘You are walking by your mother, your grandmother, your underwear is showing. What’s wrong with that? Come on. Some people might not want to see your underwear – I’m one of them,’ he added. Here is my attitude. I think people passing a law against people wearing sagging pants is a waste of time. We should be focused on creating jobs, improving our schools, health care, dealing with the war in Iraq. Any public official who is worrying about sagging pants probably needs to spend some time focusing on real problems out there,’ he said. Although Obama doesn’t usually cast himself as the parenting police, he has gotten some of his biggest applause at rallies by telling parents to make their children turn off the TV. Stressing responsibility is a page from the playbook of Bill Clinton, who came out for school uniforms. (Clinton also had a famous MTV underwear moment in the 1992 campaign, when he was asked whether he wore boxers or briefs.) A Florida judge threw out a saggy-pants law in Riviera Beach, Florida, in September after a teen was arrested for showing four to five inches of his boxers.


After Obama’s underwear comments, Calloway asked about people who get fired for tattoos or dreadlocks. Calloway wears long dreadlocks, which Obama said ‘looked tight’. ‘It’s one thing if an employer discriminates on the basis of gender or sexual orientation or obviously, race or ethnicity,’ Obama said, adding it was OK for employers to set standards. He noted that his daughter Malia wears twists in her hair. ‘To me, it looks great. Obviously, I would be upset if she were discriminated against on that basis,’ Obama said.

Figure 6.6 Should governments have the right to enforce codes of dress?

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The ind iv id ual and th e law

2%6)%7 1 Discuss the rights of a local council to ban: s smoking on a beach s the use of mobile phones s topless sunbathing. 2 Read the article on page 138. Outline the reasons why any government is likely to be unsuccessful in outlawing the display of underpants. Are there any countries that enforce the wearing of certain clothing? Do they have a right? You should try to write at least one point or argument for both sides of these scenarios. 3 Discuss whether a police officer in New South Wales could arrest you for indecency or offensive conduct under the Summary Offences Act 1988 (NSW). (This Act outlaws offensive, indecent or antisocial behaviour.)

Figure 6.7 Tasmanian logging and woodchipping company Gunns brought civil action against individuals and environment groups for a number of alleged acts of protest against its activities in logging natural growth forests.


stated. In a series of cases, the court found that laws limiting political advertising, prohibiting criticism of government authorities, and restricting

As discussed above, the Australian Constitution

the provision of information about migration

does not contain a bill of rights. It does expressly

breached an implied constitutional right to political

protect a few rights of individuals. These are:

communication. This right cannot be taken away

s s 80: the right to a trial by jury

by a statute.

s s 116: freedom of religion s s 117: the right not to be discriminated against on the basis of one’s state of residence

implied rights civil and political rights that can be inferred from the Constitution, rather than being expressly stated

However, this implied right only protects individuals from limits on a particular type of communication (political), and the only limits from

s s 51(xxxi): the right to compensation if one’s

which they are protected are limits imposed by the

property is compulsorily acquired for any

government. A person cannot rely on the implied

purpose in respect of which the Commonwealth

right if another individual, an organisation or

government has the power to make laws.

corporation attempts to prevent his or her exercise

It was only in the early 1990s that the High

of free speech. For example, in 2004 the Tasmanian

Court began to interpret the Constitution in such






a way as to find rights for individuals that were

brought civil action in the Victorian Supreme Court

implied rights rather than expressly (explicitly)

against 20 individuals and environmental groups,

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for a number of alleged acts of protest against its

to $5500 for the sale or distribution of a range of

activities. The lawsuits alleged conspiracy to injure

items, including stickers, t-shirts and condoms. A

Gunns and unlawful interference with its business.

group called the NoToPope Coalition, protesting

Many commentators argued that the lawsuits were

the pronouncements of Pope Benedict XVI on

intended to intimidate the protestors and tie them

sex and condoms by handing out such items,

up in an expensive, time-consuming process –

challenged the regulation in the Full Federal Court

effectively silencing them.

as an intrusion on their freedom of expression.

The issue of freedom of expression arose in

The court struck down the part of one clause of

2008 when the Catholic Church and the NSW

the regulation relating to ‘annoying conduct’, but

government hosted World Youth Day in Sydney.

retaining the prohibitions on ‘inconveniencing’,

While celebrations and events ran for a week in

obstructing, or putting people’s safety at risk.

July, special powers were granted to police through

They held that it was not parliament’s intention

the World Youth Day Act 2006 (NSW) and World

that regulations would be made preventing the

Youth Day Regulation 2008. The Act prohibited

exercise of free speech.

conduct that ‘annoyed or inconvenienced’ the

Some critics of this decision (Evans v State of NSW

participants, and police could issue fines of up

[2008] FCAFC 130) have questioned the jurisdiction

Figure 6.8 World Youth Day, Sydney, 2008


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of the Federal Court, arguing that only the High Court has the power to interpret the Constitution. The judgment could also be questioned on the basis of its application of the implied right, given the very narrow scope that the right was found to have in the High Court cases of the 1990s. Also in 2008, a British atheists’ group paid to place large advertisements on London buses, with messages such as ‘Sleep in on Sundays’ and ‘There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life’. When the Atheist Foundation of Australia attempted to place similar advertisements, they were unsuccessful. Australia’s largest outdoor advertising company, APN Outdoor, rejected the proposal for ads on Australian public transport. The president of the Atheist Foundation, David Nicholls, commented that the experience highlighted Australia’s need for legislation prohibiting such a refusal, and that the laws of western Europe, the US and Britain

Figure 6.9 Defending free speech can be very expensive if you are taken to court for defamation.

are far better than those of Australia with respect to freedom of speech. On the other hand, it could obligation to do business or not do business with


anyone they choose, and that for the government

Another factor complicating the exercise of

to impede that choice is inappropriate.

freedom of expression is the risk of defamation.

be argued that private companies are under no

To what extent can you criticise your teacher, friend or boss, and possibly hurt his or her reputation?


What legal rights and responsibilities do you have

1 Explain the difference between an

as the speaker or writer? And how well does the

‘express right’ and an ‘implied right’. 2 What rights are expressly guaranteed by the Constitution? 3 Do Australians have a right to free speech? Justify your answer. 4 Consider the case of the ads on buses.

law work to protect reputations on the one hand and free speech on the other? You are legally protected from being sued if: s what you say is true, or s it is your honest opinion, not a statement of fact, on a matter of public interest, and the

Should the government be able to

facts on which the opinion is based are clearly

pass legislation requiring companies

stated, or

to agree to purchase and display

defamation the act of making statements or suggestions that harm someone’s reputation in the community

s you have a legal, social or moral duty to com-

the ads celebrating atheism? What

municate something to a person and the person

about advertisements for religious

has a corresponding duty to hear or read it.

organisations? Discuss with respect to

Even if you were taken to court and successfully

each of the following issues:

used one of the three defences listed above, it may

s freedom of expression

cost you a significant sum in legal fees. Consider the

s s 116 of the Australian Constitution

case of Jodie Power and Mercedes Corby below.

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m e d i a cl i p

Channel Seven guilty in Corby defamation case ABC Online, 29 May 2008

A New South Wales Supreme Court jury has found that Channel Seven defamed Mercedes Corby in a series of news and current affairs stories broadcast earlier this year. Ms Corby sued Channel Seven over the network’s interviews with her former best friend, Jodie Power, in February. The sister of convicted drug smuggler Schappelle Corby argued she was defamed by false implications that she was a drug dealer and smuggler. Channel Seven mounted a defence of truth, but was struck down on all but one point. The jury found that Seven did establish that it was true Mercedes Corby was guilty of the crime of possession of marijuana, but not that she was a smuggler or dealer. ‘I just want to say I’m really happy, I’ve still got more to do but I’m really happy with the outcome,’ Ms Corby said outside the court. ‘Thanks to my great legal team.’ Outside the court, Jodie Power expressed her disappointment with the decision. ‘I can walk out of here and hold my head high and know I have told the absolute truth and I didn’t have to invent any stories about myself,’ she said. The court is yet to decide on damages.

Figure 6.10 Mercedes Corby

2 %6) %7    Read the media clip and answer the following questions: 1 Explain how Channel 7 could tell the truth but still lose the case. 2 Outline how Mercedes Corby felt she was defamed. 3 Evaluate the current laws on defamation. What responsibilities do you have when you talk about someone else?


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As discussed in Chapter 2, international law

express the international community’s aspirations

can be made through the formation of treaties

with respect to an area of human rights. They are

between two or more nations. Treaties become

generally developed through the United Nations or

binding on the citizens of an individual nation

other international organisations, such as subsid-

either automatically upon ratification, if the treaty

iary bodies of the UN, and while they are not legally

is self-executing, or once the nation has passed

binding, they are morally binding and influential in

domestic legislation to implement the treaty as

setting standards for the protection of rights.

part of its own laws. In Australia, treaties must be

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is

implemented through domestic legislation in order

an important declaration of the rights to which

to become binding.

all humans are entitled. The following extract

Declarations are different from treaties in that

l eg al i nfo

they simply state the parties’ intentions; they

self-executing (of a treaty) automatically becoming binding on a state party to the treaty as soon as the treaty has been ratified

summarises what the UN is trying to achieve internationally.

%XTRACTOF5NIVERSAL$ECLARATIONOF(UMAN2IGHTS The full text of the Declaration can be viewed

Article 11


(1). Everyone charged with a penal offence

Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees

Article 4. No one shall be held in slavery or

necessary for his defence.

servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be

(2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal

prohibited in all their forms.

offence on account of any act or omission

Article 5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that

Article 9. No one shall be subjected to

was applicable at the time the penal offence

arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

was committed.

Article 10. Everyone is entitled in full

Article 15.

equality to a fair and public hearing by an

(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.

independent and impartial tribunal, in the

(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his

determination of his rights and obligations

nationality nor denied the right to change his

and of any criminal charge against him.


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,IMITATIONSOF INTERNATIONALLAWIN PROTECTINGRIGHTS Parties to international law are nation-states, not individuals, and international law requires the full participation and cooperation of nationstates in order to function effectively. Some states may occasionally or frequently choose to ignore declarations, treaties and UN resolutions, just self-determination the right to determine one’s own acts without external influence; the freedom of the people of a given territory to determine their own political status or independence from their current state

as some citizens choose to ignore the laws of their state. The consequences for nation-states, however, are seldom as immediate or certain as they are for individuals who ignore the law.

mine their own political status (how they want to be recognised), and to pursue their own economic, social and cultural development. Selfdetermination is enshrined in the United Nations Charter, as well as in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (see above) expresses this right in terms of all individuals’ right to a nationality. The UN Charter, Chapter 1, Article 1, part 2 includes self-determination as one of the purposes or goals of the UN: To develop friendly relations among nations based

Rights are something thought to be possessed

on respect for the principle of equal rights and

not only by individuals, but also by peoples or

self-determination of peoples, and to take other

nations. Self-determination is a key right of

appropriate measures to strengthen universal

peoples. It means the right of a group to deter-


Figure 6.11 People at a rally showing their concerns about the Indonesian occupation of East Timor.


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British laws and were not considered to constitute

international politics, for example the Basque

a system of law at all. The ‘doctrine of reception’

independence movement in Spain and that of the

mandated that uninhabited land colonised by

Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. In some cases, the United

Britain would be subject to English law – despite

Nations has intervened. In other cases, sometimes

the vastly different languages, cultures, beliefs

because of individual member states’ reluctance

and traditions of the people who actually inhabited

to become involved in high-risk conflicts where

the land.

their own interests are at stake, there has been no UN action.

political autonomy self-determination, independence

One way in which self-determination is demonstrated in Australian Indigenous communities is

One place where the UN has intervened, with

through the use of tribal law rather

some limited success, has been in East Timor

than the English common law.

(now Timor-Leste). Indonesia, the former ruling

Circle sentencing is an example of

power of East Timor, opposed the indepen-

tribal law in practice.

2 %6) %7    1 What are the purposes of the Universal Declaration of

dence movement for many years, as East

Human Rights?

Timor contained considerable resource wealth


and lay geographically within the Indonesian

Circle sentencing courts have been

archipelago. In 1999, the UN intervened and was

established in several locations

assisted by Australian troops to keep the peace

in NSW, the ACT and WA. Their

between pro- and anti-independence supporters

introduction is based on Canadian

while a referendum was held. Although a large


majority of East Timorese voted for independence

communities and has the goal

2 %3%!2 # (   

from Indonesia, violence and internal conflict

of preventing crime, supporting

Go to


2 How are those rights enforced? Suggest some possible ways they could be more effectively enforced.


continued, with pro-Indonesian militias launching

victims and giving Indigenous


attacks from within and outside East Timor,

people greater involvement in the

alternatives/circle.html and read

and an assassination attempt on President José

criminal justice system. Sentences

the article by Brendan Thomas,

Ramos-Horta in 2008.

are more likely to be meaningful

‘Circle sentencing : involving

for the offender if imposed by

Aboriginal communities in the


authorities within his or her own

sentencing process’ (2000).


1 What are the aims of circle

The question of whether peoples who want

following way. When an accused

2 What are the benefits?

independence from a colonial power have a right

person in a criminal trial has

3 What are the drawbacks?

to such independence may be addressed from

pleaded guilty or been found guilty,

a general viewpoint but also considered in the

and is a member of an Indigenous

context of the particular historical facts of a place.

community, the magistrate travels

The United Nations declared a decade for

to the accused’s community for

World Indigenous Rights from 1995 to 2004. The

the purpose of sentencing. The

UN hoped to promote the rights, languages and

magistrate and other persons sit

cultures of all Indigenous peoples and to draft a

in a circle, discuss the matter and

Charter of Indigenous Human Rights.

arrive at an appropriate sentence.

Circle sentencing works in the

As we saw in Chapters 2 and 5, Australian

The group will include the offender,

Indigenous people have faced serious challenges

the victim and their families, as

to their political autonomy since European settle-

well as respected members of the

ment. Their laws were radically different from

local Indigenous community.


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Self-determination is a constant theme in


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C hap ter s u m m a ry M u lt i p le - c ho i c e q ues ti ons 146

s Rights and responsibilities are contained in both statute and common law. s Moral rights are not actually enforceable by law and therefore cannot be upheld in a court of law. s Australia is the only Western democracy that does not have a separate bill of rights. s The rights and responsibilities of individuals and the state have varied over time and extend from government interest in personal dress to conscription in wartime to antiterrorism measures that go much farther in limiting people’s rights. s The Australian Constitution contains a few express protections for individual rights, and the High Court has recently defined an implied right to freedom of political communication.

 How are legal rights protected? A by statute law B by common law C by both statute and common law D by ethics and religious customs  Which of these statements about moral rights is true? A They have no legal basis. B They can be enforced. C They are the same as legal rights. D None of the above  Which of these statements is true? A Every state in the world has a bill of rights. B A bill of rights can only be drafted by the United Nations. C A bill of rights is a document setting out the rights of individual citizens. D A bill of rights is part of Australia’s Constitution.

s International efforts to articulate and protect rights are contained in numerous conventions, treaties and declarations. There are often difficulties in enforcement, as some states do not recognise these agreements or have not incorporated these rights in domestic legislation. s The right to self-determination is an internationally recognised right of peoples.

 What sort of right is the right to euthanasia? A a common law right B a legal right C a moral right D none of the above  How is the right to freedom of speech protected? A by statute B by common law C by both common and statute law D it is not protected by either statute or common law

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The ind iv id ual and th e law

C hap ter s u m m a ry ta s k s

 Outline the arguments for and against a bill of rights in Australia.  List two examples of how rights are protected by statute and common law in Australia.  Describe the difference between moral and legal rights, using examples.  Give an example of a conflict between the rights of individuals and their responsibilities to the state, and discuss how it might best be resolved.  Discuss the right of Indigenous people in Australia to self-determination.  Explain the concept of circle sentencing. Why might it be effective?

 Explain the reasons for constructing declarations of rights. List some examples of such declarations.  What other rights are not expressly contained in the Australian Constitution, but enjoyed by Australians as a result of statutory or common law? Discuss.  How does defamation pose a threat to individuals’ free expression? What defences are available to someone who has critical things to say about a political figure?  How are internationally recognised rights protected in Australia? Discuss.

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k e y t er m s

c hap ter ob j e cti ve s

Resolving disputes


In this chapter, students will: s investigate the roles of various law enforcement agencies s discuss various methods of dispute resolution between individuals s investigate formal and informal methods of dispute resolution between individuals and the state s assess the effectiveness of legal and non-legal instruments in resolving disputes between individuals and the state s compare and contrast individuals’ disputes with other individuals and with the state s identify the difference between formal and informal methods of challenging state power as the state attempts to enforce rights s identify and apply appropriate legal terms and concepts.

alternative dispute resolution apprehended violence orders (AVO) arbitration Australian Federal Police conciliation freedom of information (FOI) law enforcement agencies mediation negotiation state police

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Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) Criminal Code 1995 (Cth) Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth) Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth) Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) Freedom of Information Act 1989 (NSW)

The ind iv id ual and th e law

rel ev ant l aw

odd l a w The Northern Territory National Emergency Response Act 2007 (Cth) required people buying more than $100 of alcohol to provide photographic identification and to state where they intended to drink it. In 2009, police said it hadn’t brought about any increase in prosecutions for criminal offences of any type. Bottle shop records indicate that drinkers often mocked the law, with purchasers stating that they intended to drink the alcohol in locations such as ‘at the prime minister’s residence’.


Toonen v Australia, Communication No. 488/1992, UN Doc CCPR/C/50/D/488/1992 (1994) Croome v Tasmania [1997] HCA 5

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law enforcement agencies those bodies that have the role of enforcing the law; they are created by Acts of Parliament and include the police and some government departments

)NT RODUC T ION This chapter will examine the nature of disputes

resolution. It will investigate the role of various law

between individuals and how they can be resolved

enforcement agencies in upholding statutes at

in a variety of ways. It will also look at individuals’

both state and federal level, as well as some of the

disputes with the state over issues such as wrongful

legal restrictions placed on these agencies.

apprehended violence orders court orders to protect a person who fears violence or harassment from a particular person. In NSW, ‘apprehended personal violence orders’ prohibit violence between members of the public; ‘apprehended domestic violence orders’ prohibit violence in the context of a family.

arrest or access to information, and methods of

state police law enforcement agencies with statewide jurisdiction


The police have rules that they must obey when they perform these duties. To ensure that evidence


is collected correctly and thus is able to be used

Police do not make the laws; they only enforce

by the prosecution in a court case, the police are

them. They try to see that law and order in a com-

covered by a code of practice. This code covers:

munity are maintained by preventing unlawful

s police powers to stop, search and detain

acts, investigating crimes and arresting offenders.

people s police powers to enter and search premises and seize property s police powers to arrest, detain and question suspects s the way in which suspects and others are to be treated by police. Each state and territory in Australia has its own police force. The New South Wales Police Force is primarily concerned with enforcing criminal law, particularly those offences contained in the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). Some of the most serious crimes are clearly those against the person, such as homicide, manslaughter and sexual assault. More recently, new laws have been passed to combat organised gangs and terrorist activities. Other aspects of state policing include assisting with mediation in family and neighbourhood disputes, particularly those involving domestic violence. The application and enforcement of apprehended violence orders restricting the movements of some individuals in relation to others

Figure 7.1 Vigilant police officers


is another part of the job of the state police.

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A current issue for state policing is the use of taser or stun guns, also called Controlled Electronic Devices (CEDs), to subdue, apprehend and disable suspects. These weapons deliver a strong shock that disrupts the central nervous system. In 1995, a mentally unstable man, Roni Levi, threatened a number of people on Bondi beach with a knife. Police shot him dead after he ignored repeated warnings to drop his weapon. Advocates of CEDs argue that Mr Levi might still be alive today if police carried CEDs rather than firearms. There was a renewed call for CEDs to be carried by police in December 2008. This followed an incident in which Tyler Cassidy, a 15-year-old Victorian youth, was shot dead after brandishing a knife and making threats towards police. However, while healthy adults are unlikely to suffer lasting damage from a CED, abnormal heartbeat may

Figure 7.2 The Australian Federal Police enforce federal and criminal law across state boundaries.

be brought on in persons with existing heart disease or other risk factors such as mental illness, drug use or alcohol use, or high stress. A recent

Australians overseas. Crime legislation enforced

Amnesty International report, ‘Less than Lethal?’,

by the AFP includes the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) and

documented the deaths of 334 people in the

the Criminal Code 1995 (Cth). Offences include

United States after CEDs were used on them. In

drug importation and distribution, and crimes

more than 40 of the cases, coroners found that the

relating to Commonwealth entities (e.g. bribery of

shocks had led to or contributed to the death.

Commonwealth public officials). The powers of the

Another problem with CEDs is that they are open to abuse by police officers and there appear

AFP are set out in the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 (Cth).

to be few guidelines or restrictions on their use,

Significantly, the nature of the AFP, and what is

leaving suspects at the mercy of some overzealous

required of it, have changed since 11 September

officers. Amnesty International’s study found that

2001. The AFP has reacted to a rapidly changing

90 per cent of those who died after having a CED

environment, particularly in relation to terrorism

used on them were unarmed and did not pose

and terrorist organisations. There is now a greater

a threat to the public. Information on the NSW

focus on international operations.

Ombudsman’s special report to parliament on the use of CEDs in NSW is found on page 164.

The new challenges the AFP faces include terrorism, human trafficking and sexual slavery, cybercrime and family matters. The AFP’s role


in the family law process is to act upon specific

The Australian Federal Police are responsible

orders of the Family Court. Generally the AFP will

for enforcing federal law and criminal law where

enforce a court order where there is an actual

crimes cross state boundaries. The key role of

fear that a child may be removed from Australia.

the Australian Federal Police is to prevent and

Sections 65Y and 65Z of the Family Law Act 1975

detect crimes against Commonwealth law within

(Cth) provide that a child who is subject to family

Australia, and in certain circumstances, by

law proceedings must not be removed from

Australian Federal Police the federal police agency of the Commonwealth of Australia, set up to enforce the federal laws and to protect the interests of Australia both domestically and internationally

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the Commonwealth of Australia. A party who

move through air- and seaports. Customs works

removes or attempts to remove a child from the

closely with the Australian Federal Police, as well

Commonwealth of Australia may be sentenced up

as with the Australian Quarantine and Inspection

to three years’ imprisonment.

Service, the Department of Immigration and

Chapter 13 details the events of Mohamed

Citizenship and the Department of Defence, to

Haneef and the AFP’s investigations into Haneef’s

detect and discourage unlawful movement of

alleged role in a terrorist attack in Glasgow,

goods and people across the border.

Scotland. It is not the most glowing of reports, as

The Australian Customs and Border Protection

the AFP spent $8 million investigating Dr Haneef,

Service (ACBPS) employs more than 5500 people

only for him to be found to have been wrongfully

in Australia and overseas, has a fleet of sea patrol


vessels, and uses two aerial surveillance planes for surveillance of borders. The key areas of concern

!DDITIONALLAW ENFORCEMENTAGENCIESIN !USTRALIA !USTRALIAN#USTOMSAND"ORDER 0ROTECTION3ERVICE The Australian Customs Service was renamed in late 2008 to recognise the importance of its role in maintaining the security and integrity of Australia’s borders. It was originally known as the Department of Trade and Customs and was the first government department established in 1901. Approximately 20 million passengers each year

for ACBPS are: s Immigration – ensuring that passengers are moving legally across borders s Quarantine – monitoring and confiscating goods harmful to animal and human life s Family law – enforcing court orders and preventing parents from illegally removing their children from Australia s Law enforcement. Protecting the Australian community through the interception of illegal drugs and firearms is a high priority and sophisticated techniques are used to target aircraft, vessels, cargo, postal items and travellers considered a risk. The techniques include intelligence analysis as well as the use of detector dogs and computer technology. In August 2008, the AFP seized 4.4 tonnes of MDMA, also known as ‘ecstasy’. X-rays and inspection of a suspicious shipping container that had arrived in Melbourne in June revealed 3000 tomato tins, which actually contained ecstasy tablets, not tomatoes. AFP commissioner Mick Keelty commented that the successful operation was a result of coordination between Customs, local police and the AFP. Sixteen people were arrested and drugs worth $440 million were removed from illegal circulation.

!USTRALIAN#RIME#OMMISSION (ACC) Figure 7.3 Illegal drugs being intercepted by Australian Customs and Border Protection Service.


The Australian Crime Commission (ACC) is a Commonwealth statutory body working nationally

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The ind iv id ual and th e law

Figure 7.4 ‘Technology-enabled crime’ encompasses both crimes committed directly against computers and computer systems and traditional crimes committed with the use of technology.

counter serious and organised crime. In NSW, the


Australian Crime Commission (New South Wales) Act

The AHTCC is hosted by the AFP and attempts to

2003 (NSW) was passed to enable the full operation

provide a national approach to technology crime.

of the ACC in NSW. Similar legislation was passed

Its brief is to combat serious and complex crimes

in the other states and territories, effectively

involving computer technology, such as online

bringing the Australian Crime Commission Act

fraud, mule recruitment, and offensive and pro-

2002 (Cth) into state or territory law. All arms of

hibited internet content. ‘Technology-enabled

intelligence gathering and law enforcement were

crime’ encompasses both crimes committed

thereby brought together to unify the fight against

directly against computers and computer systems

serious, organised criminal activity.

and traditional crimes committed with the use of

with other federal, state and territory agencies to

The ACC has both intelligence and investigative

technology. The first category, detailed in Part 10.7

functions and capabilities. To better enable

of the Criminal Code 1995 (Cth), includes:

Australia to meet the threats posed by nationally

s computer intrusions (gaining unauthorised

significant crime, the ACC performs a number of

access to data in a computer or computer

important functions, including: s collecting and analysing criminal intelligence data s providing advice to the ACC Board on National Criminal Intelligence Priorities (NCIPs) s providing and maintaining effective and effi-

system) s unauthorised modification of data, including destruction of data s denial-of-service attacks (the deliberate impairment of service) s the creation and distribution of malicious soft-

cient criminal intelligence systems including

ware (e.g. viruses, worms, trojans).

the Australian Criminal Intelligence Database

Each state and territory in Australia has its own

s investigating federally relevant criminal activity and forming task forces, for example, Strike

mule recruitment the attempt to procure a person (the ‘mule’) to receive and deliver illegal funds to criminals abroad or at home without the knowledge of the ‘mule’; this is usually done through a fake company and may involve getting an unsuspecting employee to sign a contract and transfer funds on behalf of organised criminals

legislation, similar to the Commonwealth legislation, covering computer-related offences.

Force Tuno II, a homicide squad established to

Another task of the AHTCC is to police and

investigate a string of possibly related murders,

remove inappropriate and illegal internet content,

attempted murders and suspected murders

such as child pornography and racially based ‘hate’

over a 15-year period.

sites. Identity fraud is also a growing criminal

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expanding; it employs more than 1500 people and plans to grow to over 1800. ASIO’s information is used by 75 government departments, police, and senior decision-makers. Chapter 13 outlines the role of ASIO in the arrest and detention of terror suspect Mohamed Haneef, in which ASIO correctly advised the AFP that Dr Haneef was not a suspect in the 2007 Glasgow Figure 7.5 ‘Phishing’ lures unsuspecting computer users to provide financial details over the internet.

Airport bombing and that there was virtually no evidence linking Dr Haneef to this terrorist attack.

activity, especially with the increasing use of social


networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook.

Some Commonwealth and state government

Identities are usually stolen through ‘phishing’,

departments have the authority to enforce specific

whereby e-mail is used to lure unsuspecting

laws. The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has the

computer users to a fake website where they

power to enforce certain laws for the protection

provide their bank account details.

and benefit of society. For example, under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth), the ATO


can investigate and prosecute individuals or companies in relation to tax offences.

The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation

The main issues relating to income tax involve

(ASIO) is Australia’s national security service,

either the avoidance of tax or the under-payment

established under the ASIO Act 1979 (Cth). It

of tax. In 2007, Glenn Wheatley, manager of the

was initially established in 1949

singer John Farnham, was gaoled for three years


as Australia’s security service,

for defrauding the Commonwealth of $318 000.

1 What is a law enforcement

to guard against activities such

Wheatley was using a so-called tax minimisation

agency? Give an example

as espionage (spying), sabotage,

scheme, sending income from the John Farnham

of a government body that

politically motivated violence, and

tour to another country without declaring it to

has enforcement powers and

attacks on our nation’s defence

the ATO. Another ongoing tax case is that of Paul

briefly summarise its specific

systems. ASIO’s main role is to

Hogan, star of Crocodile Dundee, one of the world’s


gather information that will help

highest grossing films. Hogan is alleged to have

the federal government and other

‘hidden’ some of his income from the ATO.

2 Explain the role of the police in the legal system. Comment on

law enforcement agencies such

Other laws administered by the ATO include

the importance of jurisdiction

as the AFP to prevent and thwart

those governing fringe benefits tax (FBT), the Goods

in law enforcement.

attacks on Australia. ASIO’s role is

and Services Tax (GST), and superannuation.

$ I S P U T ES B E T WEE N I N D I V I D U A L S Disputes between individuals are highly variable in

between individuals is that of ‘neighbourhood’

terms of their nature, complexity and seriousness.


One of the more common types of disputes


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by Matthew Benns The Sun-Herald, 21 August 2005

Neighbours are more likely to argue with each other about garden fences than any other issue, new figures have revealed. In one instance, two neighbours ended up in court 78 times – their latest stoush involving claims of genital exposure. Almost one-third of all neighbour disputes that go to mediation with the Community Justice Centre Program involve fences. ‘People fight about everything to do with a fence – colour, height, paling or Colorbond, trellis or not,’ Program director Deborah Sharp said. But she suspected that, behind the fights over the garden fence, lay deeper issues that only came to a head with a disagreement about the fence. ‘Fences can cause conflict but quite often they argue about the fence when it’s really about lifestyle or cultural issues,’ Ms Sharp said. If mediation fails, neighbours turn to the courts. At Warriewood, two neighbours have taken each other to court 78 times, with the latest conflict being over an illegally constructed fence one claims she put up to protect her from her neighbour’s naked genitals. After disputes about fences, the next big cause of offence between neighbours is invasion of privacy, which could be anything from noise to arguing over a shared driveway. Neighbours also rowed about each other’s children, lifestyle and environmental factors such as smoke or noise, visitors, parking and plants, trees and shrubs in each other’s gardens. ‘The issue can seem quite small but because people get very distressed by it they lose perspective,’ Ms Sharp said. ‘We don’t make a judgment on the issue. Quite a lot of disputes start with the way children play in a neighbourhood. There is a domino effect – people take their children’s sides and whole streets get involved. Eventually somebody rings us and we go to everybody involved

The ind iv id ual and th e law

m e d i a cl i p

The naked truth and the myth of neighbourly love

in pre-mediation to find out what the issues are.’ A time is then set for a meeting. If the parties do not agree to setting the time the mediators know there is little hope of ever reaching a settlement. Sometimes the solution is as simple as organising a barbecue and ensuring that all the neighbours attend and get to know each other. Social analyst David Chalke of AustraliaSCAN said people felt their home, their neighbourhood and local area had become far more important in recent years. ‘In the 1980s and 90s we were cocooning and fortressing and running away from the world,’ Mr Chalke said. ‘We have invested a lot of money renovating our homes and installing massive TVs [so] that home is incredibly important to us. Before, it was just a base we used to go out into the world. Now home is our world. Also, because of the turmoil we have been through in the past decade, we are far less tolerant of people whom we believe are breaking the rules. We saw it over the Tampa episode where people were saying it was OK for Australia to take refugees, but they had to follow the rules. We want the system to force people to stick to the rules. We see on TV every night people grizzling about councils and neighbours. We see people getting compensation for wrongs and they think, hey, I can do that too.’ NSW has 3000 disputes a year that are mediated by the government-funded Community Justice Centre Program – 1000 of those are in Sydney. The Law and Justice Foundation carried out a survey two years ago in Bega in southern NSW and found that 12.7 per cent of the population had taken some form of legal action after a dispute with neighbours.

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beneficial outcome. It involves consideration of

alternative dispute resolution dispute resolution processes, such as mediation, arbitration and conciliation, that do not involve courts negotiation any dialogue intended to resolve disputes and/or produce an agreement on further courses of action mediation a form of alternative dispute resolution designed to help two (or more) parties, in the presence of a neutral third party, to reach an agreement conciliation a form of alternative dispute resolution in which the disputing parties use the services of a conciliator, who takes an active role, advising the parties, suggesting alternatives and encouraging the parties to reach agreement. The conciliator does not make the decision for them arbitration a form of alternative dispute resolution in which the disputing parties present their cases before an arbitrator, who makes a decision that is binding on the parties

the other party’s views, and often some degree of compromise. Many parents teach their children negotiating skills and you’d probably be surprised at how often you negotiate with friends, teachers and parents. In a legal sense, negotiation is frequently the first stage of resolving a dispute between parties. Negotiation only involves the parFigure 7.6 Alternative dispute resolution may be as simple as two parties talking it through, or as complex as court-ordered mediation or arbitration.

ties involved and therefore is usually low in cost.

-EDIATIONANDCONCILIATION Mediation and conciliation are similar processes and are usually confidential. Both processes involve


an independent and neutral third party who helps the parties to negotiate and reach a decision about their dispute that they both find acceptable.

Going to court can be expensive in terms of both

The mediator does not provide advice on the

money and time. There has been pressure to

matters or impose a decision on the parties. The

provide alternatives to court processes for solving

mediator may have not particular expertise in the

legal disputes. It has been estimated that the

subject area, but will be an expert in the process

average civil case costs $30 000–40 000, which

of mediation. Through his or her negotiation and

puts many average wage earners in a precarious

listening skills, the mediator is able to assist the

position should they lose. Logically, any claim

parties in examining the issues, and the parties

against another party for less than this amount

will come up with their own solutions to settle the

would seem useless, yet the financial cost of loss or


damage below this amount may still be significant to the person who suffers it.

In conciliation, the third party also helps the parties to identify the issues, consider alternative

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) uses a

options to solve the dispute, and reach an

variety of methods to resolve disputes between

agreement. In contrast to a mediator, the conciliator

parties without involving court processes. ADR

may advise the parties, although he or she does

allows the participants not only to save time

not make a decision for them. A conciliator may

and money, but also to have more control over

be a legal practitioner or professionally qualified


in the subject matter of the dispute. He or she

Alternative dispute resolution may be as simple

will be responsible for managing the process,

as two parties talking through their dispute, or as

explaining the rules and acting as an umpire. In

complex as court-ordered mediation or arbitration.

conciliation, the parties may also have their own

Mediation involves a neutral third party who

legal advisers.

attempts to help the parties come to an agreement. In arbitration, the neutral third party will make a


decision that is binding on the parties involved in

Arbitration is a formal dispute resolution process

the dispute. These are discussed below.

in which two or more parties refer their dispute to an independent third person (the arbitrator)



for determination. It is useful when the subject

Negotiation means discussion between two or

matter of the dispute requires an expert and/or

more parties with the aim of reaching a mutually

when a court-like procedure is desired, but with a

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The ind iv id ual and th e law

greater degree of confidentiality. It is used when a contract specifies arbitration for resolution of any disputes arising, in industrial relations matters, and in tenant and landlord disputes. It has become the preferred procedure in Australia for disputes involving commercial contracts. The NSW teachers’ dispute with the Department of Education and Training in 2008–09 provides an example of how disputes can be resolved with a combination of arbitration and negotiation. During 2008, NSW teachers and their union, the Teachers Federation, failed in their attempt to negotiate with their employer, the Department of Education and Training, over staffing and salaries. A key point in their disagreement was that the government had decided to drop an incentive

Figure 7.7 Northern Beaches TAFE teachers protest about imposing work conditions proposed by the State Government, 6 November 2008.

scheme that gave teachers who undertook work in remote or disadvantaged areas a place at the top of the list for transfer to more desirable schools

funded by the NSW government

2 %6) %7   

later in their careers.

and provide their services free of

1 Distinguish between the

The Teachers Federation decided to take the


processes of mediation,

case to the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC),

Matters dealt with by CJCs

the statutory body with the power to conciliate and

include family disputes and youth

arbitrate to resolve industrial disputes. However,

conflict, workplace grievances,

a date for the IRC to review the dispute was not

neighbourhood arguments and

alternative dispute resolution

available until March 2009. The teachers decided

community disputes.

rather than taking the other

conciliation, and arbitration. Where does negotiation fit in? 2 Why might someone prefer

this was too long to wait and undertook strike action

CJCs are designed to resolve

in November. Finally, the dispute was resolved in

disputes between members of

December 2008 through negotiation and the threat

the same community. As these

of more strike action in 2009. Although there were

people usually have an ongoing relationship, it is

several areas of compromise, the government

important that a dispute over something like a

withdrew the provision that schools would no

fence is resolved as quickly and economically as

longer be obliged to accept service transfers; the

possible with no long-lasting acrimony. A dispute

incentive transfer scheme was maintained; and the

over an issue such as who is responsible for the

teachers again had a legally enforceable collective

repair of a fence can be resolved at a CJC by the

agreement and greater job security, rather than

parties talking through their dispute with a neutral

individual contracts of limited duration.

mediator. It will be more satisfactorily resolved here

party to court? Give reasons.

than in a formal and confrontational courtroom.


existed since 1988 as a non-profit organisation

Community justice centres (CJCs) aim to resolve

to help solve disputes between neighbours. One

disputes through mediation. There are six centres

of the main methods used to solve disputes is

throughout NSW, providing informal and impartial

mediation. According to the CRS website, 83 per

dispute resolution services to all sections of the

cent of mediated neighbourhood disputes are

community and government agencies. CJCs are

solved by mutual agreement.

In the Australian Capital Territory, the CRS has

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2 %3%!2 #(    1 Go to lec/ll_lec.nsf/pages/LEC_tree_removal_

The Land and Environment Court of New South Wales (LEC) is a specialist court with a wide jurisdiction. It has the same status in the court hierarchy as the Supreme Court of NSW, and is responsible for interpreting and enforcing environmental law in NSW. Proceedings that can come before the LEC include: s Administrative or merits review: the court re-

refusal and choose the case Bowan v Glanville [2008] NSWLEC 10. 2 Summarise the dispute between neighbours in relation to trees. Evaluate the court’s judgment. Why can’t the neighbours negotiate a settlement without resorting to the Land and Environment Court?

hears a case that has been decided by a body such as a local council s Civil proceedings arising from a breach or potential breach of the law s Criminal proceedings for environmental offences. The LEC’s jurisdiction is granted by more than

1 Define ADR. Outline some of the forms it may take. Which one do you think would

60 NSW Acts. It does not have the power to hear

have the most desirable results? Justify

matters outside that statutory jurisdiction. It deals

your answer.

with environmental, development, building and

2 If you are having problems with your

planning disputes, and certain types of native title

neighbours, why should going to court be

claims. Alternative dispute resolution is integrated

the last step taken?

within its procedures. Among the statutes granting the court jurisdiction

Figure 7.8 The court is able to make judgments on issues involving the removal or pruning of trees and who should pay.

2 %6) %7   

3 What options are there for settling a dispute with your neighbour? Discuss,

is the Trees (Disputes Between Neighbours) Act 2006

with reference to the types of disputes

(NSW). This Act allows the court to make judgments

that might arise.

on issues involving the removal or pruning of trees and who should pay.

$ISPUTESWITHTHESTATE There are a number of methods by which state

the media of a decision they think is unfair, unjust

power or government decisions and policies can

or harsh. There have been many instances in

be challenged. Some of these are informal or ‘non-

which major networks have taken on a story and

legal’ methods, and others involve formal legal

caused the government to overturn a decision.


For example, it could be argued that children were released from migrant detention centres



in August 2005 as a result of media pressure. If


choose to listen and reverse a policy decision.

By writing a letter, sending e-mail or calling tele-

In this case, the Commonwealth Department of

vision and radio stations, citizens are able to inform

Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, as it then

individuals and pressure groups constantly appear on television and radio, the government may

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Figure 7.10 Maxine McKew, who won former Prime Minister Howard’s seat of Bennelong in 2007

was called, explained that it had ‘softened’ its

or the party that is in power. Some voters would

stance on the detention of immigrants.

argue that Mr Howard lost his seat because he was

The internet is a source of information and a

not attending to the needs of his electorate. Ms

means of communication. By means of common

McKew’s campaign focused on issues within the








physically, online or both to discuss situations

Some electorates or regions are significantly

where public officers have allegedly acted unjustly.

more affected by certain issues than others. If the

One such site, entitled ‘Whistleblowers Australia’,

Pacific Highway between Sydney and Brisbane


were to be widened, residents of towns along this

The goal of Whistleblowers Australia (WBA) is to help promote a society in which it is possible to speak out without reprisal about corruption, dangers to the public and other vital social issues, and to help those who speak out in this way to help themselves.

The ind iv id ual and th e law

Figure 7.9 The forbidding exterior of the Woomera detention centre

highway could be directly affected. An MP in an affected area might be able to convince his or her party to reconsider an executive or Cabinet decision. However, this issue would clearly be irrelevant to residents of Western Australia. Members of the public can also contact their federal or state member of parliament, or local councillor, if they feel they have been wronged by a government department or agency in that


jurisdiction. Local members and councillors can

Members of state and federal parliament (MPs)

help in resolving the dispute so that it does not

are elected by voters to represent a particular area

need to go to court or a tribunal. Local members

or electorate. For example, former Prime Minister

and councillors rely on being re-elected to their

John Howard held the federal seat of Bennelong, in

position, so it is in their interest to help their

Sydney, before being defeated by Maxine McKew

constituents resolve disputes quickly.

in the 2007 federal election. All citizens within an electorate are able to


contact the office of their representative and speak

Groups of people in various industries unite to form

to their MP about an issue that may trouble them.

trade unions to protect their rights and conditions

The MP may take this issue back to Parliament

of employment. Unions can help to negotiate

House in Canberra and discuss it with other MPs

a workplace agreement containing important

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Figure 7.11 ACTU union campaign, Your Rights at Work: a multimillion-dollar campaign to fight WorkChoices

provisions about workplace safety, wages and

the campaign, and asks supporters and union

conditions. They will also take action when an

members to join. ‘Your Rights at Work’ continued

employer proposes to change the conditions of

to exist after the 2007 federal election. Although

work in a way that is detrimental to employees.

the new government enacted new legislation,

In Australia, the legislative approach to industrial

some people believe that unions need to maintain

relations was historically based on conciliation and

pressure on any government to ensure that

arbitration. Going on strike is a last resort.

workers’ rights are not eroded.

In the early 1970s, one union, the Builders worksites so that various sites of heritage value


in Sydney were not demolished for the purpose

People can also form groups where they share

of potential property development. These ‘green

political values or aims, or have a specific goal

bans’ were highly successful: a small park in

of challenging a state decision. Individuals can

Hunters Hill and terrace houses in Victoria Street,

choose to join these groups and engage in activity

Potts Point, still exist today. The historic area of

of various types, or donate money to fund their

Labourers Federation, banned workers from

Sydney known as ‘The Rocks’ was


2% 6)% 7 

also saved and protected by the

For example, Greenpeace, a non-government

1 How would you go about

actions of unions placing bans on

organisation, was actively involved in the protest

challenging the state if they

work at the proposed demolition

and prevention of Japanese whaling in 2006. By

refused to award you the


manoeuvring their boats to positions that were

Higher School Certificate?

More recently the ACTU ran

directly in line with the whaling boat harpoons,

What laws and means would

an extensive and expensive cam-

the activists prevented the whale hunters from

you utilise to investigate why

paign entitled ‘Your Rights at

firing at whales.

you did not receive your HSC?

Work’. The campaign included

2 Which of the informal methods






billboard posters, television and

organisation is Amnesty International, which is

of challenging state power

radio commercials to challenge

concerned solely with the protection of human

would be the most effective

the federal workplace relations

rights worldwide. To promote respect for human

and why?

laws, known at the time as ‘Work

rights, raise awareness of abuse and intervene

3 Evaluate the effectiveness

Choices’. The Australian Council

to protect people facing violations of their rights,

of informal methods of

of Trade Unions created a website

Amnesty publishes information, conducts research

challenging state power.

with information and updates on

and campaigns to raise money for its initiatives.


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The ind iv id ual and th e law


Reviews of government activities can also be undertaken externally. There are a number of

Challenges to decisions of government or govern-

avenues by which an external review can be

ment bodies can also be made on a formal or legal

pursued. These include the following.




In New South Wales, government departments

Administrative and other quasi-judicial tribunals are

can review their own decisions, procedures or

bodies that review specific administrative decisions

behaviour. Such reviews are very cost-effective,

of government agencies. They offer a time-efficient,

but can be ineffective in terms of practical out-

low-cost means of resolving legal disputes and

comes if the people conducting the review have

problems. They are different from courts, as they

been involved with a decision that is not appro-

have narrow areas of jurisdiction, are less formal,

priate or incorrect.

usually do not allow legal representation and are

A recent example is that of the Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association of

not bound by rules of evidence and so can take into account a variety of factors in finding a solution.

NSW (CPSA). The organisation promotes the

Some examples of tribunals in New South

interests of pensioners and low-income retirees.

Wales are the NSW Consumer, Trader and

When a booking fee was introduced for country

Tenancy Tribunal, which deals with disputes

train fares in 2006, the CPSA applied to RailCorp,

between consumers and businesses, and the

the state-owned passenger rail system, to see

NSW Administrative Decisions Tribunal, which

documents related to community consultation.

hears cases involving allegations of discrimination

The Minister for Transport claimed that there had


been extensive consultation and that it indicated

administrative decisions of NSW government

‘overwhelming community support’ for the book-

bodies. For example, the Consumer, Trader and

ing fee. Previously, pensioners were entitled to

Tenancy Tribunal’s role is to resolve disputes

four free rail trips per year.

between tenants, landlords, traders and consumers

The CPSA’s application was made under the





in a timely and effective manner.

Freedom of Information Act 1989 (NSW), which gives

The Administrative Decisions Tribunal has

people the right to obtain access to information

six divisions and an appeal panel. The divisions

held by government authorities, ministers and

will conduct reviews of decisions by government

other public agencies. The legislation also gives

agencies in the following categories:

the right to request changes to personal records

s the community services sector, including child

that are inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, and

care and disability services

to seek review of a decision not to grant access

s decisions of the Chief Commissioner of State

or to amend records. Other states and territories,

Revenue, many having to do with state taxation

and the Commonwealth, have similar freedom of

s professional conduct of legal practitioners and

information (FOI) legislation. The application was denied, so the CPSA requested an internal review. The review found that there had been no community consultation about the booking fee.

property conveyancers s equal opportunity claims referred to the Tribunal by the Anti-Discrimination Board s retail tenancy and ‘unconscionable conduct’ claims against retail landlords

freedom of information (FOI) the principle that people should be able to have access to information relating to the administration of government decision-making and information held by the government. FOI legislation governs the processes of obtaining this information, at state and federal level. conveyancers people who deal professionally with the legal and practical matters involved in the transfer of titles to property when real estate is sold and purchased

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s decisions of government agencies under a wide variety of laws (the General Division).

state privacy legislation to help people to protect their privacy.

The most frequent applications for review heard by the General Division of the Administrative


Decisions Tribunal have to do with freedom of

Law courts at both state and federal level have

information applications, privacy, and licensing

the power to review administrative decisions and

matters relating to firearms, the security industry,

actions. As discussed in Chapter 2, the term ‘judicial

passenger transport and the building industry.

review’ is used to describe a process whereby a court with the relevant jurisdiction can review a


decision made by a government department only

All individuals have a right to privacy. Most people

on the basis of whether the decision was lawfully

would agree that that it is not a pleasant feeling to

made. Judicial review does not pronounce on the

know that somebody who is not close to you has

merits of the decision: that is, whether or not it

access to information about you.

was a good decision or the right decision in the

In a broad sense, laws have been enacted at

What is legal can vary depending on the circum-

about you from being released to companies,

stances of each case, but as general rule, decisions

government departments or other citizens. The

are subject to the following requirements:

Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) gives you the right to make

s Natural justice

a complaint if you think personal information

s You will study this concept in greater detail

about you, including health information, has been

in the HSC course. In this context, natural

mishandled by a Commonwealth government

justice refers to the person affected having the

agency or a private sector organisation. There are

opportunity to be heard, and the decision being

legal responsibilities that government departments


must carry out in the collection and storage of personal information of individuals. For example, if you have been convicted of a criminal offence, there are limits on how long information about this can be used. The Criminal Records Act 1991 (NSW) provides that after a person has been crime-free for a certain amount



both state and federal level to prevent information

s The decision must be authorised by the Act under which it was made and must be based only on relevant considerations. s The decision-maker must have jurisdiction to make the decision. s The decision must be justified by appropriate evidence.

of time, most minor offences are treated as

s The decision-maker must have observed all pro-

‘spent’ convictions. Once a conviction is spent, the

cedures required by law in making the decision,

person does not have to disclose it to prospective

and there must have been no errors of law.

employers, insurance agents, banks, and so on.

A person desiring judicial review must have

Unauthorised release of information about a

standing: that is, he or she must be directly

person’s spent conviction is subject to penalties.

affected by the issue. There would be huge costs

At the state level in NSW, the chief Acts protect-

associated with judicial reviews if they could be

ing privacy are the Privacy and Personal Information

ordered by any interested persons, whether they

Protection Act 1998 (NSW) and the Health Records

were directly affected or not.

and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW). Persons

If judicial review finds a decision flawed in one

who feel that their personal information has been

or more ways, the remedies that courts can issue

misused may either request an internal review or

will depend on the nature of the error that was

complain to Privacy NSW, established under the

made by the decision-maker. They include:

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The ind iv id ual and th e law Figure 7.12 One of the main areas of complaint received by the Office of the Ombudsman involves child abuse and neglect.

s prohibition – an order that stops a decision from being made or implemented s certiorari – an order that reverses a decision that has already been made

Junee Correctional Centre, government and nongovernment schools, and agencies providing child care and residential care. The ombudsman does not have the power to impose any punishment or

s mandamus – an order that compels the decision-

fine on a government agency or department. He or

maker to perform certain types of public duties

she can, however, make recommendations to the

that have not been performed

department in question or to the New South Wales

s injunction – an order that prohibits the decisionmaker from implementing an invalid decision, or

Parliament. Some of the main areas of complaint received

compels the performance of a duty in decisions

by the office involve:

where mandamus is not available.

s delivery of community services s child abuse and neglect


s the operation of the police force. Any citizen can make a complaint to the ombud-

In 1809, the Swedish Parliament created a new

sman, but it must be in writing. All complaints are

official known as the ‘Justitieombudsmannen’.

taken seriously, but are only followed through if a

This loosely translates as ‘citizens’ defender’ or

prima facie case exists – that is, if the complaint

‘representative of the people’. The Office of the

would raise concern ‘on first view’. Such concern

Ombudsman was created by statute in 1974 in New

could only exist if there were witnesses to an

South Wales, and federally in 1977.

event or if a citizen had very strong and irrefutable

The office acts as a formal external control,


with legal power to investigate complaints made by

If a complaint is made in writing, the ombuds-

citizens. Public sector agencies and some private

man’s office will investigate and assess whether

sector agencies providing public services can use

the complaint is justified. If it sees that the

the ombudsman’s office to deal with complaints

complaint is justified, the ombudsman will make

against them or their officers: for example, RailCorp,

recommendations for rectifying the problem.

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m e d i a cl i p

NSW Ombudsman calls for freeze on Taser guns By Belinda Merhab The Australian, 20 November 2008

THE NSW Ombudsman has recommended a two-year freeze on further roll-outs of Taser guns, saying police standards for their use are inadequate, and the health risks are unknown. Bruce Barbour told state parliament yesterday that general-duties police, who were issued the stun guns last month, were using Tasers at a higher rate than special operations police, who began using them in 2002. ‘It is clear the number of incidents where Tasers will be used in the future will increase significantly,’ Mr Barbour said. ‘There is already evidence of this. Tasers have been used on people on five occasions in the first two weeks of general-duties use. This compares with only 48 incidents over a fiveyear period’ by special unit officers.’ The Ombudsman’s investigation found officers from special units had predominantly used Tasers from a distance, but in the first two weeks of use by general-duties officers, in four out of the five incidents the Tasers were used in drive-stun mode, where the gun is applied directly to skin or clothing. The use of Tasers, which stun a victim by emitting a 50 000-volt electric shock, have been linked to heart complications and death. Queensland police last week Tasered a 16-year-old girl who had ignored police instructions to move on, because she was waiting with a sick friend for an ambulance to arrive. In another case, a 56-year-old NSW man who had threatened police with a frying pan died 12 days after receiving three Taser shocks. According to his death certificate, the man, who had heart disease, hepatitis C and schizophrenia, died of a heart attack. Mr Barbour was unable to say whether the Taser played a role in the man’s death. NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said he was only made aware of the man’s death through the Ombudsman’s report on the case.


Mr Scipione said there was a training manual for the use of Tasers, and officers had to get an 80 per cent pass rate in a written exam before they were accredited to use the weapon. Mr Scipione said Tasers had been drawn, but not necessarily used, 70 times since last month’s roll-out of the weapons. He said there had not been related injuries to police or citizens. Every Taser use was recorded by an inbuilt camera and was then downloaded and reviewed by Deputy Police Commissioner Dave Owens, he said. But Mr Barbour said general-duties police were inadequately trained and informed on Tasers and the associated dangers. ‘They do not give adequate guidance about situations where they shouldn’t be used,’ the Ombudsman said. ‘It must be remembered that Tasers are not a non-lethal weapon, they are just a less lethal weapon.’ Mr Barbour recommended a two-year review into Taser use, and said the standards that deemed Tasers safe applied only to healthy people.

Figure 7.13 The use of Taser guns by the police is a controversial issue.

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were sent to gaol as a result of the NSW Royal

2 %6 ) %7   

Statutory bodies are authorities created by

Commission). However, it has been argued

1 Explain the process

statute for a public purpose. The following

that the inquiry into Aboriginal deaths in

of internal review of a

statutory bodies can investigate complaints

custody has failed to produce significant

government agency’s

and disputes of certain types.

improvements in the conditions leading to

decision. What are the

these deaths.

potential problems with


internal review?



The Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW


is part of the NSW Attorney General’s

While the Ombudsman has the power to

Department and was established under

investigate complaints made by the public,

the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW). Its



administrative and other

role is to promote principles and policies

Corruption (ICAC) has greater power. The

tribunals play in settling

of equal opportunity throughout NSW,

ICAC Act 1988 (NSW) created the ICAC as an

legal disputes. Give an

to ensure that people are protected from

independent statutory body to investigate


discrimination on the basis of characteristics

alleged corruption in government. ICAC

such as disability, age, race and sex. It

attempts to protect the interests of the pub-

advises the government and also provides

lic, prevent breaches of public trust, and

an inquiry service to inform people about

influence the behaviour of public officials.



2 Explain the function of

their rights and responsibilities under

Some examples of corrupt behaviour

anti-discrimination laws. The Board will

include bribery, fraud and theft. ICAC has

investigate and conciliate complaints when

the power to investigate the activities of pri-

action is necessary. It has the power to

vate citizens if such behaviour affects the

issue fines for behaviour that violates anti-

proper administration of public offices. ICAC has the authority to ask the police

discrimination laws.

The ind iv id ual and th e law


service to assist in its investigations, and

freedom of information legislation. 3 Describe the role

4 Outline the ways in which people’s privacy is protected in NSW. 5 What is judicial review? How does it differ from review of the merits of a decision? 6 Outline the role of an ombudsman. How is an ombudsman limited in solving disputes?


is therefore able to search for and seize

7 Explain the importance of

Commissions of inquiry are set up to

evidence where it sees fit. It does not have

natural justice as the state

investigate serious matters at both state

the power to prosecute offenders (that is the

attempts to enforce laws.

and federal level. They are not judicial

job of the Director of Public Prosecutions).

proceedings, but fact-finding exercises.

At the end of an investigation it can report

Royal Commissions are commissions of

to parliament that corrupt behaviour has

2 %3%! 2# (   

inquiry with particularly strong powers

occurred, who committed it, and what

1 Visit the ADB website:

with respect to calling witnesses. In the

further action should be taken. If a citizen

past, such inquiries have investigated

feels that he or she has been wrongfully

issues such as Aboriginal deaths in custody

accused of corruption, he or she may seek

(Commonwealth, 1987) and corruption in

judicial review in the New South Wales

from the left-hand menu

the NSW police service (NSW, 1995).

Supreme Court.

and follow the link to ‘Legal

http://www.lawlink.nsw. 2 Choose ‘Resources and links’

cases from Equal Time’.

Commissions of inquiry do not have the

In 2005, ICAC investigated a claim that a

power to prosecute offenders. At the end

private tutoring firm was assisting English

of an inquiry, the commission will produce

Extension II students with work that was

evaluate the effectiveness



ultimately submitted as part of their HSC

of the ADB in bringing

which may include recommending criminal

assessment. Although ICAC did not ‘prove’

about just outcomes. You

prosecution of individuals. The government

that students had been assisted, it raised

should include a case that

may decide to act on the commission’s rec-

serious concerns about assessment tasks in

has been dismissed by the

ommendations: a number of police officers

the HSC that are of a ‘take-home’ nature.




3 Discuss two cases and

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s the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) s the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of

Rape widespread during civil war

Gay student bashed

Racial Discrimination (CERD) s the Universal Declaration of Human Rights


(UDHR). The last declaration is the most widely known and longest standing (1948) and aims to address some of the issues raised in the following headlines.

Refugees sent to Nauru

Aussie faces execution

Human rights bodies under the umbrella of the UN include the Commission on Human Rights,

Human Rights today-Amnesty International booklet.

now known as the Human Rights Council, whose state members discuss and debate human rights

Figure 7.14 Headlines frequently carry breaches of human rights.

concerns. There are also committees that monitor each of the conventions listed above, and that can rule on individual complaints relating only


to a single convention. The UN Human Rights



Committee is one of these. It rules on individual

AHRC, is a national government body, formerly

complaints pertaining only to the International

called the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity

Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). State

Commission. It was established by an Act of the

signatories to the First Optional Protocol to the

federal parliament, the Human Rights and Equal

ICCPR have agreed that their citizens can seek an

Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth). The Federal

opinion from the Committee regarding breaches

Attorney-General is the minister responsible for

of the ICCPR.




the Commission.

In 1991, a Tasmanian man, Nicholas Toonen,

As detailed in Chapter 5, the Commission plays a

complained to the Committee that certain

central role in contributing to the maintenance and

sections of Tasmania’s Criminal Code criminalised

improvement of a tolerant, equitable and demo-

his sexual orientation. In the case, Toonen v

cratic society. It provides information through public

Australia (1994), it was argued that the Tasmanian

education programs aimed at the community,

legislation breached Articles 2, 17 and 26 of the

government and business sectors. It also holds

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

public inquiries, advises parliament,

(ICCPR): namely, the right to privacy and the right

2%3 % ! 2#( 

conducts research and investigates dis-

to equal treatment before the law. The Human

Go to

crimination complaints.

Rights Committee ruled that the Tasmanian law constituted a violation of individuals’ privacy



under Article 17 and that Tasmania should amend

of the human rights treaties

International treaties and declarations

its criminal code.

listed on p 166.

containing key principles of human

1 Investigate the provisions

2 Briefly summarise the purpose of each of these treaties.

rights include:

the Human Rights (Sexual Conduct) Act 1994 (Cth)

s the International Covenant on Civil

to override the offending sections of the Criminal

and Political Rights (ICCPR) s the

reluctant to change its laws. It took a High Court

types of rights contained

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

decision (Croome v Tasmania [1997] HCA 5), which

in the ICCPR and the types


held that Tasmania’s law was inconsistent with the

of rights contained in the ICESCR.



Code 1924 (Tas). Nonetheless, Tasmania was on

3 Compare and contrast the


The federal government responded by enacting

s the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC)

Commonwealth Act, to force an amendment to the Criminal Code.

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T he ind iv id ual and th e law

To p i c s u m m a ry M ul ti p l e- c hoi ce q ue s ti o n s Top i c s um m ar y t a sks

s Law enforcement agencies at local, state and federal level have the task of enforcing laws and rights within their jurisdiction. These include state and federal police, ASIO, Customs (ACBPS), the Australian Crime Commission and the Australian High Tech Crime Centre. s The nature of policing has changed dramatically since 2001 in response to terrorism, cybercrime and border protection. s Disputes between individuals can be resolved using various legal (formal) and non-legal (informal) methods.

s Disputes between individuals and the state can also be resolved using formal and informal methods. The state does not have unlimited or arbitrary power. s The Australian Human Rights Commission and the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW carry out vital roles in enforcing legislation that protects these rights. s Cases such as Toonen v Australia and issues such as the use of CEDs illustrate the ongoing need for law reform in relation to human rights and their enforcement.

 State and federal police officers: A make and enforce laws B enforce laws C investigate criminal laws in New South Wales D none of the above  The AFP’s role has A changed dramatically since 2001 B remained unchanged since 1901 C been modified by NSW Police D been seconded by ASIO  When disputing parties present their cases to an independent person who makes a decision that is legally binding, the process is known as: A negotiation B mediation C arbitration D all of the above

 Informal methods of challenging state power include: A media, trade unions and external review B trade unions, internal review, courts C members of parliament, trade unions and media D internal and external review and media  Statutory bodies include: A the ADB, the AHRC and ICAC B Amnesty International, ADB and ABC C ADB, AFP and the media D ABC, ADB and the ATO

 Outline the roles of the AHRC and the ADB of NSW. Explain why individuals and the state require such bodies.  Describe the role of at least three law enforcement agencies in NSW or Australia.  Explain how the role of one law enforcement agency has changed since 2001.  Discuss the use of Taser guns by police forces to subdue and detain criminal suspects.

 Identify and describe a recent dispute between individuals that has been solved through mediation, arbitration or negotiation.  What is your opinion of the AHRC, the ADB of NSW or ICAC? Do you think we need such bodies?

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k e y t e r ms

c hap ter ob j e cti ve s

Contemporary issue: The individual and technology


In this chapter, students will: s investigate the way in which the law has an impact on the interrelationship between individuals and technology in cyberspace s identify the key features of the relationship between the individual and technology in cyberspace s describe how the individual relates in cyberspace to other individuals, to institutions, organisations, corporations and governments s investigate the nature of the interrelationship between the individual, the legal system and cyberspace s discuss the effectiveness of the legal system in addressing issues that relate to the individual in cyberspace.

copyright cyberbullying cyberspace cyberstalking digital dossier disinhibition effect extradition Internet Service Providers (ISPs) internet laissez-faire libertarians online predators

patents racial hatred terrorism trademarks

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Communications Decency Act of 1996, 47 USC § 230 Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) Crimes Amendment (Computer Offences) Act 2001 (NSW) Criminal Code 1995 (Cth) Cybercrime Act 2001 (Cth) Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) Racial Hatred Act 1995 (Cth) Spam Act 2003 (Cth) Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth)

The ind iv id ual and th e law

rel ev ant l aw

odd l a w The Spam Act 2003 (Cth) makes it an offence to send, or cause to be sent, unsolicited commercial e-mail messages. Other countries, including the USA and the UK, have similar legislation. However, the global volume of spam doubled in the year ending 30 June 2008, according to research by UK online security company Marshal. The report attributed the quantity of spam to spam criminals controlling networks of thousands of infected personal computers, which allow them to send up to a million spam messages for as little as $5–10. The report also found that 29 per cent of internet users have actually purchased goods from the spam they receive.


Reno v American Civil Liberties Union, 521 US 844 (1997) Australian Broadcasting Corporation v Lenah Game Meats Pty Ltd [2001] HCA 63 United States of America v Ivanov, 175 F Supp 2d 367 (D Conn 2001) Department of Internal Affairs v Atkinson and Others (High Court of New Zealand, 19 December 2008)

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4HESCOPEOFNEWTEC H NOLOGY Governments face many challenges in trying to

users in the world and growth shows no sign

make regulations and laws where technology is

of slowing. As a result, cybertechnology and

concerned. The main difficulty is that technology

cyberspace are major areas of interest for citizens

is often on the cutting edge of development and

and lawmakers all over the world.

therefore often gives rise to issues that have

This chapter will focus on the individual in

rarely or never been raised in political, legal and

cyberspace and explore some of the key issues and

community discussions.

legal implications of new technology for the ind-

As Australians, we are exposed to technology

ividual, as well as the evolution of law in response

every day – from making EFTPOS transactions,

to these issues and the challenges for law reform

internet a global network of interconnected computer networks that allows users to obtain and share information in a number of ways

shopping on the internet, and e-mailing our

in protecting individuals’ rights.

technology – that is, the storage, sending and

Nearly three decades after the novelist William

cyberspace the ‘environment’ in which electronic communication occurs; the culture of the internet

retrieval of information through computer systems.

Gibson coined the term ‘cyberspace’ in his

‘Information’ is a broad category encompassing

1982 story ‘Burning Chrome’, the internet has

data of all types. Information may be expressed in

become so widely available that it has forever

mathematical form, as computer code, verbally, or

changed our lives. Today, people are spending

in some other type of language.

more and more of their time in cyberspace for

libertarians advocates of minimal government control or interference in the lives of individuals

friends, to being involved in discussions about the ethics of stem cell research, genetically modified foods, and cloning of animals or humans. An important area of technology is information


One of the most important and interesting

entertainment, leisure, business, communication,

technological developments, particularly in terms

education, research and even political activism.

of the law, has been the creation of the internet.

New developments in technology have long been

Currently, there are well over 1.5 billion internet

the catalyst for great social, cultural and economic changes. However, the changes now being brought about by technological innovations relating to the internet are affecting our lives with unprecedented speed and in unpredictable ways. Cyberspace is the global online virtual world created by the interconnection of millions of computers on the internet. By the beginning of the 21st century, cyberspace has emerged as a kind of parallel universe in which people live a part of their lives. We now speak of our online and our offline lives. Like any other new area of human activity, there is a need for law applicable to cyberspace. Currently, no government or court can claim cyberspace as its exclusive jurisdiction. Its global nature poses particular challenges for the law. In 1996, the American writer and political activist John Perry Barlow published ‘A Declaration

Figure 8.1 ATM transactions are now commonplace technology.


of the Independence of Cyberspace’. This short

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The ind iv id ual and th e law Figure 8.2 John Perry Barlow, who wrote ‘A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace’ in 1996

manifesto declared that government has no

2 % 3 % ! 2# (   

legitimacy in cyberspace, and that those who

Refer to Chapter 8 on the Student

‘gather’ there have formed a democratic and

CD for information relating to:

egalitarian social contract that has no need of

s The history of the internet

external controls.

s The birth of the World Wide Web

Despite the optimism of anarchists and libertarians, it has become painfully apparent that cyberspace is no different from any other

s Visions and visionaries of the World Wide Web s Architecture of the internet

Go to www. top25.htm and list the top ten countries with the highest internet penetration rate.

area of human activity. There is the potential for great good but also for great harm, and laws and regulations are needed.


if you wish. While domain names are actually

There are at least three distinctive features of

identifiers for computers on the internet, and the

cyberspace that pose unique challenges for legal

IP number (physical address) of the computer


being used can usually be determined, there is

s It facilitates anonymity. The internet has

software that can be used to encrypt internet

made it much easier for persons to distribute

activity or to hide identifying information

information and messages anonymously or


using a pseudonym. Web-based e-mail services

feature of cyberspace has certain advantages

and many online discussion forums allow you

for individuals’ privacy, but it also provides

to create a user name and hide your identity

opportunities for cybercriminals.






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Figure 8.4 The speed at which cyberspace grows means that the law struggles to keep pace.

Figure 8.3 At work in cyberspace

s It





connected to the internet do not just retrieve information as a television receives programs from a network; they also permit information

familiar categories, but they may also take on new characteristics. Some of the areas of law concerning cyberspace are as follows.

and services to be created and supplied through the internet. They can be used to create software programs that improve their


performance or enhance or change their role.


This feature makes the internet unlike any

Hacking is unathorised access to data held in

other electrical device or network that has ever

a computer or computer system, changing the

been developed.

data, interfering with electronic communication

s It is global. The internet went from being a

between computers, or impairing the security,

collection of networks in the United States

reliability or function of stored electronic data. A

to being a global system. Cyberspace lacks

person may engage in hacking out of curiosity, for

national boundaries. Like-minded

monetary gain, to alter data for some other reason,

people can communicate with each

or maliciously to spread a virus. Hacking also has

other and join online communities

the potential to be used in an act of terrorism.

2% 6)% 7  1 List some of the positive

regardless of where they live in the

The Cybercrime Act 2001 (Cth) amended the

aspects of the global nature of

world. However, the negative side

Criminal Code 1995 (Cth), as well as the Crimes Act


to the lack of national boundaries is

1914 (Cth) and several other Commonwealth Acts.

that it is difficult for a nation-state

It created offences pertaining to computers, data

especially with respect to the

to control what goes on within its

and the internet, now contained in the Criminal

enactment and enforcement

territorial borders, if those activities

Code 1995 (Cth). As these are federal offences,

of laws.

are also taking place in cyberspace.

there must be a ‘Commonwealth connecting

2 List some of the drawbacks,

factor’: for example, the computers are owned or



operated by the federal government, the data is

Even in cases where jurisdiction is clear, there

network’ – which includes the internet.

held by the federal government, or the offender’s actions are carried out via a ‘telecommunications

are difficulties with enforcement of the law in

A hacker may also be charged under state law.

cyberspace. Criminal and civil wrongs in cyber-

For example, in 2001, a former employee of the

space can sometimes be classified into the

company that installed a computerised sewerage

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The ind iv id ual and th e law

system for Maroochy Shire Council, Queensland hacked into the council’s computers and caused one million litres of raw sewage to run into public parks and creeks in the Sunshine Coast area. He was convicted on various charges stemming from his breach of s 408D of the Criminal Code 1899 (Qld), which prohibits unauthorised use of identification information for the purpose of committing an indictable offence. The legislation is not specifically about computer hacking. He appealed to the Queensland Supreme Court, where convictions on two of the charges were set aside but the sentence of two years’ imprisonment was not changed (R v Boden [2002] QCA 164). Figure 8.5 Hackers are criminals. Refer to Chapter 8 on the Student CD for information relating to United States v Ivanov, 175 F Supp 2d 367 (D Conn 2001).

Another type of scam is ‘phishing’, in which the recipient of e-mail that appears to be from a bank is asked to submit his or her account details. The information is then used to steal the person’s



Fraud is intentional misrepresentation or conceal-

Fraud may also be perpetrated through the

ment of information in order to deceive or mislead.

use of fake websites. In Australian Competition

On the internet, fraud can be carried out in a

and Consumer Commission v Chen [2002] FCA

number of ways and can occur in conjunction with

1248, the Australian Competition and Consumer


Commission (ACCC) sought declarations from

A scam is an attempt to obtain money through

the Federal Court of Australia that a foreigner,

deception. Many scams, unique to the internet,

Richard Chen, had breached key provisions of the

have developed in recent years. They can function

Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) prohibiting conduct

through unsolicited e-mail, websites promoting

likely to mislead or deceive consumers. Chen, an

pyramid selling (where people are offered the right

American, did not live in Australia and all of his

to sell a product or service, as well as the right

activity was conducted from the United States.

to sell the scheme itself in the same way), and

He operated three websites that appeared to be

unsolicited advertisements that come up when a

associated with the Sydney Opera House, and

search is performed.

purported to sell tickets to performances there.

Perhaps the most well-known e-mail scams are

The stated price for the tickets was twice the price

the ones in which e-mail promises the recipient

of genuine ones, and consumers who provided

huge rewards for helping a government, a bank, an

their credit card details never received tickets.

organisation or a family in Nigeria (or some other

The Federal Court granted the declarations, as

country) out of some legal or financial difficulty.

well as an injunction requiring Chen to remove

This assistance invariably involves transferring

the websites, take steps to prevent Australian

money electronically or supplying bank account

residents from accessing them, and stop operating


misleading and deceptive websites.

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legal links

commercial electronic messages through e-mail, For further information on internet

instant message services (IM), telephone text

fraud see the AFP website: www.

messages (Short Message Service, or SMS), or

multimedia message service (MMS). It does not


cover faxes, voice telephone calls or messages, or unsolicited ads that pop up to be seen by an internet user. The Act was passed as a result of public concerns about spam. As discussed above, e-mail can be used for the purpose of fraud. The ways in which people’s e-mail addresses and personal information are collected and handled for the purpose of ‘spamming’ also raises privacy issues. Although the Spam Act applies to any spam regardless of content, a significant portion of the unwanted spam that people dislike contains advertisements for pornography and other products related to sex, illegal gambling schemes, pyramid selling, and misleading or deceptive advertisements. Its method of distribution means that inappropriate material can be sent to minors. The Spam (Consequential Amendments) Act 2003

Figure 8.6 People can be betrayed by spam. Senders can elicit money from gullible victims.

(Cth) amended the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth) and the Australian Communications Authority

2%3 % ! 2#( 


Act 1997 (Cth) to enable effective enforcement.

1 Go to these two websites and find

Spam is junk mail received

The Spam Act is enforced by the Australian

definitions for the scams listed



Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), a


is harmless but much of it

Commonwealth statutory authority responsible for


is malicious and potentially

the regulation of radio and television broadcasting,


damaging to the recipient. Spam

telephone communications, and the internet.

s – Online auction and shopping scams


is also known as unsolicited bulk e-mail. In other words, this is e-mail that the the recipient

– Domain name renewal scams

has not asked for or granted

– Spam (junk mail) offers

permission to have sent to

– Free offers on the internet

him or her. It is bulk because

– Modem jacking

it is sent to large numbers of

– Spyware and key-loggers

people, often through the use of

– Ringtone scams

mailing lists. It does not matter

– Up-front payment scams

what the content of the e-mail

2 Make a list of the other types of

is; if it is unsolicited it is spam.

internet scams.

Under the Spam Act 2003 (Cth), it is illegal to send, or cause to be sent, unsolicited


Figure 8.7 Despite legislation against spam, it still proliferates.

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1 Name three types of crime committed by means of the internet. Explain how each of these can cause harm to people. 2 What is fraud? How can it be committed by means of the internet? What are some

The ind iv id ual and th e law

legal links


For further discussion of spam and what is being done internationally to tackle it, visit some of the following websites: s spamlaw.php

other ways fraud can be committed,


besides the internet?


3 What is spam? Is it merely an annoyance,


or does it raise serious legal issues?


Explain, using examples.

To see the current Australian

4 List legislation that has been passed

spam legislation, visit the following

specifically to deal with cybercrime.

site and enter ‘Spam Act 2003’ into

What other legislation has been used

the Quick Search field:

to prosecute crimes committed in


2% 3%!2#(  Refer to Chapter 8 on the Student CD

1 Go to the ACMA website and find out how to make complaints about spam:

for information relating to Department

of Internal Affairs v Atkinson and Others (High Court of New Zealand,

2 Go to the ACMA website and outline

19 December 2008)

the various ways in which spam is being fought in Australia: pc=PC_310308


are a number of treaties and

2 %3%!2# (   

The term ‘intellectual property’ refers to crea-

international organisations that

Go to the website of the

tions of the mind that have commercial value.

deal specifically with intellectual

World Intellectual Property

These include inventions, literary works, artistic

property issues on the internet.

Organization (WIPO):

works, music, software programs, databases,

Intellectual property law pro-

plant varieties, trademarks and designs. Most of

tects the legal rights arising from

these things can be created or published on the

a person’s intellectual creations.







ideas 1 Locate WIPO’s definition of intellectual property. 2 Make a list of the treaties

Intellectual property is the exception when

themselves but to the expression

regarding intellectual

it comes to international law and cyberspace.

of these ideas. So the idea must

property. They can be found

In many areas of law, international treaties do

have developed into something


not distinguish between offences committed

tangible – for example a software

in cyberspace and otherwise; however, there

program or an essay – to qualify

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Copyright is the type of protection given to work intended to convey information or enjoyment of literary form, such as books, software, broadcasts, films and music. Material that has been produced in Australia is protected by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and also receives protection under the laws of other countries that are signatories to the international treaties of which Australia is a signatory. The international conventions that ensure that any protection given to Australian creative works also apply globally are: s Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (1886) s Universal Copyright Convention (1952) s Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations (1961) s World Trade Organization Agreement on TradeRelated Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) (1994) s WIPO Copyright Treaty (1996) s WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (1996) New challenges for the law relating to copyright have arisen as a result of digital technology – that is, information represented by discrete signals. Computers are digital machines and cyberspace is therefore a ‘digital environment’. Digital technology has made it very easy to copy and share music and film, and the legal issues relating to this are Figure 8.8 WIPO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland

explored in Chapter 15. Another major area of copyright violation

for protection. Three types of intellectual property

involves computer software that is copied and sold

rights are copyright, trademarks, and patents.

without authorisation, causing losses of billions of dollars to the companies that originally created the programs. Such unauthorised production is

l e ga l l i nk s

copyright an exclusive right to publish, copy, publicly perform, broadcast, or make an adaptation of certain forms of expression, namely sounds, words or visual images

in breach of the World Trade Organization agreeFor further information, go to

ments, negotiated and signed by most of the

the WTO site and read about

world’s trading nations. If countries refuse to act

intellectual property treaties:

against intellectual property violations within their

borders, other countries whose companies are suffering loss as a result can ask the WTO to take action.


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causes disadvantage to the people who produce

Trademarks are signs or symbols that give a person

that art and information, some have argued that

or corporation the legal right to use, license or sell

with the rapid development of cyberspace, we need

the product or service for which it is registered. A

to rethink the concept of property and the laws that

trademark distinguishes a person’s or company’s

govern property of all types.

product from all others’ products. Some registered trademarks have become famous images that will forever be associated with certain brands

Refer to Chapter 8 on the Student CD for

of goods.

information relating to: s cyber-warfare


s cyberterrorism

Patents are for the protection of intellectual prop-

trademarks words, names, symbols, devices or any combination of these, used to identify and distinguish the goods or services of one company from those of another

T he ind iv id ual and th e law

Figure 8.9 Trademarks of major companies make them readily identifiable.

patents rights granted for any device, substance, method or process which is new, inventive or useful

encourage people to continue research or develop new products or technology. A patent gives the owner the exclusive right to derive commercial benefit from the invention for the term of the patent, within Australia and its territories. International agreements regarding patents, such as the Patent Cooperation Treaty (1970), give our trading partners

l eg al l i nks

erty in inventions. The aim of patent laws is to

For information on trademarks see what_index.shtml For further information on patents see www.ipaustralia.

similar rights and ensure that the patent rights of Australian inventors are upheld overseas. Of these three types of rights – copyright, trademarks and patent – copyright has the most

2 %6 ) %7   

relevance to cyberspace. Information technology

1 What is a property right?

has greatly reduced the cost of reproduction of text, images and multimedia products, and the internet has similarly reduced the cost of transportation and

(Refer to Chapter 3.) Explain the specific nature of intellectual property rights, in contrast to other kinds of property. 2 What can be protected by each of the following? Explain how

distribution. (Consider the difference between a

each of these works.

truckload of books and the same content published

s copyright

electronically.) The ‘culture’ of the internet has been

s trademark

a further factor in problems relating to intellectual

s patent

property: many resources are freely shared in cyberspace, with no or minimal commercial profit expected. While the ease of obtaining information and entertainment without paying for it clearly

3 How are intellectual property rights affected by the increasing use of the internet? Discuss, with examples. 4 Outline some of the legal means of protecting intellectual property in Australia and internationally.

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0RI VA C Y S A F E T Y A N D CE N S O R S H I P cyberbullying harassment using digital media such as websites, e-mail, chat rooms, social networking pages or instant messaging cyberstalking repeated harassment using e-mail, textmessaging or other digital media with the intention of causing fear or intimidation

There are a number of ways in which individuals

stage, as online information remains indefinitely

are vulnerable in cyberspace. These include:

in cyberspace.

s cyberbullying

Another potential danger of revealing too

s cyberstalking

much about oneself is that false identities are

s racial hatred

easily created, and the person with whom you are

s exposure to violent, disturbing and/or illegal

communicating may not be genuine. Parents may

material including child pornography s exposure to adult material inappropriate for children s intrusions into privacy.

be justifiably concerned about online predators, who assume an identity in order to entice young people into harmful encounters online or in the physical world.

In cyberspace, there are few barriers between

For others, the disinhibition effect may contri-

disinhibition effect the tendency to say and do things in cyberspace that the person wouldn’t ordinarily say or do in the face-to-face world

individuals and potentially harmful content. In

bute to behaviour such as rude language, harsh

addition, people who have grown up with the

personal criticism, or violent online games. At the

internet and are comfortable using it and other

extreme end of the continuum, the disinhibited

forms of digital technology may be less cautious

behaviour may include threats, cyberbullying or

than those who have adapted to it and adopted it


online predators people with malicious intent, such as sex offenders, pedophiles, who give false and misleading identities with the aim of enticing their victims into harmful encounters online or in real life

at a later point in their lives.

racial hatred abuse or denigration of a person because of his or her race, or verbal abuse or denigration of a race generally


Racial hatred is illegal in Australia under the

Online, people tend to loosen up and reveal

Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth). The Racial

things that they would be less likely to divulge in

Hatred Act 1995 (Cth) amended this Act to extend

their offline world. Psychologists call this feeling of

its coverage, giving people a mechanism to com-

invincibility the ‘disinhibition effect’.

plain about racial hatred. In the offline world

Social networking sites such as MySpace and

racial hatred may occur through speech, gestures,

Facebook and online communication media such

images or written publications. This law applies

as chat rooms require varying degrees of public

equally to cyberspace, at least for people under

personal disclosure – that is, information of a

the jurisdiction of Australian law. As with other

personal nature is shared in what is essentially

types of expression, it is relatively easy for anyone

a public forum. The impression that friends

to fan racial hatred in cyberspace. In late 2008,

are ‘chatting’ in a controlled, private space is

there were calls in Australia to toughen laws on

an illusion. Other people can access this infor-

cyber-racism after a spate of occurrences on social

mation, either immediately or at some later

networking sites.

Figure 8.10 Facebook® is an online social networking site that requires personal information.

Figure 8.11 In late 2008, there were calls to toughen laws in Australia on cyber-racism that was occurring, particularly on social networking sites.

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Student CD for information relating to cyber-racism. See media clip, ‘Call to overhaul cyber-racism laws’.

The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) contains ‘Privacy

The ind iv id ual and th e law

Refer to Chapter 8 on the

Principles’ covering federal government agencies and relating to the handling of citizens’ personal information such as social security, health insurance and taxation. Amendments to the Act in 2000 extended the privacy regime to parts of the private sector, relating to how businesses should collect, store, use and disclose personal

2%3%!2#(  Research the laws involving cyber-racism in Australia and evaluate their effectiveness. Start with the following website: www. cyberracism/index.html

information. Some states and territories, including NSW, have also enacted privacy legislation; others have privacy schemes for government agencies based on the privacy principles contained in the federal Act. There is currently no statutory tort for breach of privacy. However, in Australian Broadcasting Corporation v Lenah Game Meats Pty Ltd [2001]


HCA 63, the High Court held that there was nothing

The information that we present about ourselves

there have been several cases heard in state courts

online, including photographs, forms our ‘digital

that point towards the recognition of such a tort.

standing in the way of developing one. Since then,

dossier’. This ‘digital dossier’ comprises all the

In 2008, the Australian Law Reform Commission

information about a person, which is held in

(ALRC) published a report titled For Your Infor-

multiple locations.

mation: Australian Privacy Law and Practice, in

Governments and businesses have always

which it recommended extensive changes to

collected information about individuals but now

privacy laws and practices to take account of new

the speed of data collection practices has outpaced

technology, as well as a way that individuals can

methods of protecting that data.

bring a civil action for serious breach of privacy.

digital dossier all the types of information about a person that he or she has deliberately or unintentionally put onto the internet, held in multiple locations

There has been a trend towards the use of services and storage of files, documents, e-mail and other personal information online, on sites that the user does not own or control, and need not have knowledge of or expertise in their creation or maintenance. Individuals have little control over how the most powerful search engines use their information. Information, stories, photos and anything else you may post on a website may be removed later, but they have already been recorded in an internet archive, as well as in a search engine ‘cache’ – a ‘snapshot’ that is taken of the page as it originally appeared. Other people may also copy your words or photos and post them on their own websites or web pages. So your information acts like a ‘digital tattoo’: even when it’s no longer wanted for display, it is not easily removed.

Figure 8.12 Identity theft is one of the many crimes that can be committed in cyberspace.

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Although the federal Privacy Act is only 20 years old, it was introduced before the advent of supercomputers, the






e-commerce, sophisticated surveillance devices and social networking websites – all of which challenge our capacity to safeguard our sensitive personal information. The Privacy Act has worked pretty well to date, but it now needs a host of refinements to help us navigate the Information Superhighway. These days, information privacy touches almost every aspect of our daily lives, including our medical records and health

Figure 8.13 Does digital security exist?

status, our finances and creditworthiness, the personal details collected and stored on a multiplicity of public and corporate databases, and even the ability to control the display and distribution of our own images.


David Weisbrot, ALRC President (Media release, ALRC, 11

One of the most significant concerns about cyber-

August 2008),

space is the need to protect children, not only from inappropriate content and online predators, but from serious criminal offenders who victimise


children. Child pornography is a legal and moral

1 How are cyberbullying, cyberstalking and cyber-racism different from their counterparts in the physical world? 2 Should laws against these acts be specifically drafted to relate to cyberspace, or are existing laws adequate? 3 List some non-legal ways that could be used to

problem that goes beyond the legality of images or text on the internet or other media. In the United States, laws drafted to protect children from inappropriate material must be drafted in such a way as not to violate the right

protect against cyberbullying, cyber-racism and online

to freedom of expression contained in the First

predators. Consider the following agents in your answer:

Amendment. Another difficulty is that if a law is too

s parents

broad in the scope of what should be prohibited,

s teachers and schools

it can prohibit too much – including content that

s older teenagers (e.g. siblings, friends or mentors of

is unlikely to be accessed by children or to have

younger children)

anything to do with the victimisation of children.

s software companies

This and other issues will be further examined

s internet service providers

later in the discussion of the proposed ‘clean feed’

4 How might someone’s ‘digital tattoo’ pose problems

legislation in Australia.

for him or her in the future? List some hypothetical scenarios, then outline ways that you can prevent this from happening with respect to your online activities.

Reno v American Civil Liberties Union 53 In 1996, due to public pressure, the US Congress

l e g al l i nk s

passed a law known as the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA). Two provisions of the For further information on digital safety issues, see the Australian government’s Net Alert website:

CDA prohibited the ‘knowing’ transmission on the internet of obscene or indecent sexual communications or images to people under 18 years of age. This was seen by many as a violation of the principle of freedom of expression. One of the


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sation called the Electronic Frontier Foundation

Similar concerns about offensive and obscene

(EFF), an international non-profit group based in

content have been raised in Australia more

the US and particularly concerned with preserving

recently. The idea of ‘clean feed’ legislation origi-

freedom of speech in the context of the internet.

nated during the Howard federal government and

John Perry Barlow, mentioned above, was a

involved the establishment of a filtering scheme

founding member of the EFF and the CDA was the

that would be imposed on all Internet Service

stimulus for his ‘Declaration of the Independence

Providers (ISPs).

of Cyberspace’.

The Labor government that was elected in

Following a federal court’s ruling that the CDA

2007 continued to consider the proposal. The

violated the First Amendment, the US government

$70 million plan would block web pages listed in

appealed to the Supreme Court. A broad coalition

a ‘blacklist’ maintained by ACMA. It was argued

of individuals and groups had joined the American

that not only would this prevent internet users

Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as plaintiffs in the

from seeing unwanted and inappropriate material,

original case, including not only the EFF, but also

but would combat child pornography itself. Two

organisations and trade unions of editors and

potential types of filter were canvassed. Either

publishers, high school journalism teachers, and

all pornographic material would be blocked, or

Human Rights Watch. The ‘Reno’ in the title of

an ‘opt-in’ scheme would allow users to continue

the case was Janet Reno, Attorney General of the

receiving ‘adult material’.

United States from 1993 to 2001.

The mandatory proposal was much more

The Supreme Court, affirming the lower court’s

restrictive than the voluntary ISP filter schemes

decision, held that the indecency provisions of the

operating in some European countries, which

CDA were an unconstitutional restriction of free

block only child pornography. One version of the

speech. The court found that the terms ‘offensive’

scheme in Australia would include a wider range

and ‘indecent’ were vague, and the provisions of

of material, some inappropriate for children but

the CDA overly broad, concluding that the CDA

not necessarily involving pornographic or violent

was not sufficiently narrowly tailored to the goal

content. ‘Social themes’ upsetting to children

of protecting minors from potentially harmful

could include divorce and euthanasia.

material. Moreover, there is no effective way to determine the age of an internet user.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) companies that offer customers access to the internet World Wide Web a system of documents that are accessible on the internet and that are connected to each other through hyperlinks on which the user can click to be taken to another location. The World Wide Web is not the same thing as the internet.

The ind iv id ual and th e law

groups that held this view was an advocacy organi-

It has been pointed out that criminals distributing child pornography seldom use sites

The court’s view was that online communi-

that are accessible on the World Wide Web.

cation differs significantly from broadcast media,

Increasingly, they are using less public methods

in that a user will seldom encounter content ‘by

such as peer-to-peer networks, which allow single

accident’. The internet should therefore be subject

computers to communicate with each other;

to less regulation.

encrypted networks, or smaller networks using codes that only the members know; or other

l e ga l l i nk s

systems that prevent public access. Consequently, blocking websites is not an effective means of For full text of the decision in Reno

v American Civil Liberties Union, 521 US 844 (1997) see http:// &vol=000&invol=96-511

stopping the spread of child pornography. Some internet service providers dislike the proposal because it is too easily bypassed by users, and because enforcement would be too onerous. Another objection is the risk that the filter would block material that has nothing to do with the type of content that the law aims to fight.

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Figure 8.14 On 5 May 2008, a seminar about internet censorship was held at the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo, Norway. Debate continues around the world about governments’ rights to introduce mandatory ISP filtering.

2 I G H T S I N C Y B E R S P A CE laissez-faire a French word literally translated as ‘allow to do’, used to describe economic philosophies that government should not intervene in business; may also be used in a broader sense of minimal government intervention in most aspects of society

,AISSEZ FAIREAPPROACHTO RIGHTS Some internet commentators advocate a laissezfaire approach to information, which means they do not think it should be regulated in any way. They argue that individuals are capable of determining the quality of internet content and that governments should not intervene in the ‘marketplace of ideas’. One of the organisations taking

2% 3%! 2#(  See Barlow’s ‘A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace’, of 8 February 1996, at





in 1990 with the primary goals of defending free speech, privacy, and consumer rights.

and to ensure reasonable quality overall. The advocates do not trust the marketplace of ideas. They advocate a more active role for governments in regulating quality on the internet. This approach would involve: s enacting legislation and or international treaties s imposing obligations on ISPs to block certain content s strengthening enforcement agencies. The Australian government has taken a more interventionist approach in the debate about ‘clean feed’ regulation. Other means of dealing with questionable material in cyberspace have been suggested. Many


of these methods of improving the quality of infor-

Other commentators argue that an

both private and public. These include not only

that governments should

appropriate role for governments is to

governments, lawmakers, and law enforcement

keep out of cyberspace.

ensure that the law deals with online

agencies, but also parents, teachers, software com-

~barlow/Declaration-Final.html 1 What are the key points of the speech? 2 Discuss Barlow’s assertion


this line is the Electronic Frontier

phenomena such as race hatred and pornography,

mation rely on the active involvement of online communities and of key actors and stakeholders,

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2 %6 ) %7   

need to take a leadership role, but would also need

1 How is the debate about government

to give the other agents considerable freedom and

regulation of internet content in the USA

scope. Some of the ideas include the establishment

different from the form that it takes in

of national or international bodies for the accredit-

Australia? How is it similar?

ation of websites; greater use of reputation and

2 Do you think Reno v ACLU would be decided

industry ratings systems, as used by YouTube, eBay

in the same way today? Give reasons for

and iTunes; greater use of brands and labels (‘trust

your answer. How likely is it that an internet

marks’); government funding of internet awareness

user might encounter content ‘by accident’?

and digital media literacy skill classes in schools; search engine filtering; and encouragement of social norms, for example as Wikipedia has done with respect to the requirement of a ‘neutral point of view’ in all of its content. In most cases, the law can only set minimum

Give examples. 3 What were the positions of the two sides in the ‘clean feed’ debate? 4 Outline at least one argument for each side in the philosophical debate about how governments should approach individual

standards. Making laws in relation to cyberspace

rights regarding internet content. Be sure

is very difficult, as there is a dearth of inter-

to provide reasons (evidence) for the claims

national agreements. Most of the laws regarding cyberspace are national laws which are tied to

The ind iv id ual and th e law

panies and other businesses. Governments would

that each side might make. 5 Think of at least one objection to the

local values. Limits on national law enforcement

argument for each side’s view. Which view

remain despite the global nature of the internet.

is the more plausible? Justify your answer.

#U RRENTS TAT U SA NDSOU RCESOF LAWI NC YBER SPACE The sources of law in relation to cyberspace are as follows.

There are also Acts at federal and state level that specifically pertain to cyberspace activity, such as the Spam Act 2003 (Cth).




Superior courts can create precedents in relation

Nation-states have produced numerous laws to

to the legalities of activities in cyberspace. As

govern use of the Internet within their borders.

we saw, the US Supreme Court’s decision in

Many laws relating to cyberspace are contained

Reno v ACLU that the indecency provisions in the

within more general statutes. For example, the

Communications Decency Act of 1996 were uncon-

Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) contains sections 308 to

stitutional restrictions on free speech resulted

308I, which set out computer offences, including

in those statutory provisions being struck down.

hacking. These provisions were added in 2001

Although courts in one country are not bound

by means of the Crimes Amendment (Computer

by decisions in another country (that is, foreign

Offences) Act 2001 (NSW).

decisions cannot serve as precedent), judges

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sometimes refer to cases from other countries in

This includes trade aspects of intellectual

their decisions.

property, which are dealt with via the TRIPS agreement. See


trips_e/trips_e.htm The WTO also deals with

Unlike other areas of law where issues cross


national boundaries, there are few specific inter-

s Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and

national treaties that deal specifically with cyber-

Numbers (ICANN): This non-profit corporation

space. Given the exponential rise in internet use

was established in 1998 to coordinate the

since the 1990s, one would expect that there

naming system on the internet which is used

would be many international treaties to deal with

to identify all websites. It has international

common issues faced by all nation-states. This is

representation but is very much under US

yet to occur, however.

government control. ICANN’s role is strictly

Some international organisations and their

limited to the management of the domain

current roles with respect to governance in cyber-

naming system. However, it has the potential

space are listed below.

to become the most powerful organisation

s The United Nations: The UN has little control

overseeing the internet if in the future there

over the internet or what happens in cyberspace,

is a wider representation of the international

except in the area of intellectual property. There

community. See

are no UN-sponsored treaties or conventions

s Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA):

that are specifically designed to govern cyber-

IANA is one of the oldest internationally organ-

space. Intellectual property aspects of internet

ised institutions, having been established by

use are looked after by WIPO.

the US Defence Information Agency in 1972 for

s The World Intellectual Property Organization

the purpose of assigning unique addresses to all

(WIPO): WIPO is a specialised agency of the

computers connected in networks at that time.

United Nations concerned with intellectual prop-

In 1973 the addressing system known as the

erty. See

Internet Protocol, or IP, became the accepted

s European Union (EU): The EU is an economic

way of connecting all networked computers. In

and political partnership of European nations

1984 a simpler way of naming internet address-

that has regulatory powers in various areas

es was worked out with the establishment of

of social and economic life. In 2003, the EU

the name server. Up to this point every internet

reformulated its regulatory framework covering

address was known by a long number such as

communications, to cover ‘all electronic com- Now, simpler names could be

munication networks and services’, and began

assigned to these numbers to produce easy-

to review that framework in 2008 to ensure that

to-remember addresses. So, an IP address

it stays current. The EU has made a number of

like could become an easy-to-

treaties relating to cyberspace. Parties to the

remember name like ‘’ In 1985

Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime

this was formalised as ‘Domain Name System’,

(2001), for example, include 38 European

or DNS, and the top-level domain names

countries, Canada, Japan, Montenegro, South

such as .com, .net and .org were introduced.

Africa, and the USA. For more information on

In 1998 IANA became part of ICANN. Today

the EU, see

it manages over 20 million domain names,

s The World Trade Organization (WTO): The WTO looks after trade matters between nations.


E-commerce matters: see

with around 40 000 registered every day. See

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lawsuit by alleged victims of fraud. Without the

In order to combat cybercrime of all sorts, there

threat of prosecutions to limit the relatively small

must be enforceable laws. Cyberspace is a new

number of dishonest users, cybercrime could ruin

and exciting development in society, but arguably

an online business. Governments are needed,

there is no reason to think people are any better

to create an environment where the rule of law

able to regulate social behaviour there than in any

prevails and where law enforcement mechanisms

other place, in the absence of external authority.

will deter those who break the law.

In 1995, when eBay was founded, the company’s

Governments provide public goods that enable

owners did not believe that they needed to rely on

individuals and businesses to use the internet

government or laws to make their online business

effectively. These public goods are:

work. They had an online ‘feedback forum’ where

s the cable network and communication laws

buyers and sellers could post praise and complaints

s criminal law

about one another and their transactions, and

s laws governing property rights

one ‘customer support person’ who was paid

s enforcement agencies.

$100 a month to resolve disputes. However, with

Essentially, the smooth functioning of the

the growth of the company, scams began to

internet depends on governments preventing

proliferate. Goods were offered but not delivered,

harm and protecting rights. Countries whose

hundreds of would-be buyers were affected, and

governments do a poor job of this are finding that

it was only a matter of time before eBay faced a

big companies are refusing to do business there.

The ind iv id ual and th e law


Figure 8.15 Cyborgs are the way of the future …

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3TRATEGIESFOR GOVERNMENTS In their efforts to exert control in cyberspace, gov-


ernments do not have to be completely effective

One of the greatest challenges for governments is

to be adequately effective. Achieving perfect legal

that each new technological innovation tends to

control is quite often just too expensive.

make it easier for the law to be violated in some way. Often there will be a race between people using

extradition the handing over of a person accused of a crime by the authorities of the country where he or she has taken refuge, to the authorities of the country where the crime was committed


new technology to avoid the law, and authorities

One way in which governments can exert control

using new technology against the lawbreakers. It

over content is by enlisting local intermediaries

can be quite costly for governments to chase and

such as internet service providers and the com-

shut down illegal operations in cyberspace. Also,

panies that control the physical internet connec-

only developed (first world) countries have the

tions. They can also influence the policy of what

financial and other resources to do this.

goes on the local portals for search engines. By

Another major difficulty for governments

utilising financial intermediaries, such as PayPal,

seeking to control content is the risk of censorship.

banks or credit card companies,

As we have seen, this is of particular concern to

a government can wield huge

countries with explicit protection for freedom

influence over an industry –

of expression. On the other hand, countries

indeed, can cripple it without

that have no qualms about limiting free speech,

going to court.

such as China and Saudi Arabia, have achieved

2% 3%! 2#(  1 Go to the website of the Commonwealth Department of Broadband, Communications





unprecedented control over internet content

and the Digital Economy and

countries that have utilised these

locate the page discussing ISP

methods are not known for


As there are many different legislative regimes

having a high regard for freedom


in the world, what is illegal in one country may be

of expression or for corporate


permitted in another. In the absence of effective

independence from government.

international conventions to deal with content

support/cybersafety_plan/ internet_service_provider_isp_ filtering


within their jurisdictions.

that has human rights implications, such as child pornography, some nations have implemented measures such as ISP filtering.

2 Choose ‘Part 3: International

Quite often the simplest way a

Survey Final’ and research

government can assert control

the ISP filtering schemes

over cyberspace is by physically

implemented by the nine

arresting an individual suspected

2 %6) %7   

European countries surveyed.

of cybercrime. The difficulty is

1 Why are strategies involving the use of

3 How do these schemes attempt

that the person must be within

intermediaries (such as ISPs, companies

to protect innocent content

the territorial borders of the

that provide physical infrastructure, and

providers and internet users

government that is seeking him

banks) problematic? List some of the

while filtering out objectionable

or her. Otherwise, extradition

objections that could be made to these


treaties can be used to remove


the person from the country

2 Name three problems for governments

objectional material that they

where he or she has taken

seeking to make certain types of web



content illegal.

4 What are the types of


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criminals to slip back into anonymity once they know they have been detected.


terrorism. Cyberterrorism is usually understood

Cybercrime is big business and it poses a challenge

to mean unlawful attacks or threats of attack

for law enforcement agencies. Crimes such as data

on computer systems, with the intent to cause

theft, data tampering, and the creation of viruses

harm or fear and to bring about some political or

and worms are enormously damaging. Companies

ideological objective. For example, it might involve

also tend to under-report the effects of cybercrime

the disruption of infrastructure, such as electrical

on their business because they do not want the

systems or computer networks.

adverse publicity.

Another type of crime on the internet is

The only binding international treaty on

ISPs are not capable of blocking criminal

cybercrime to have been formed to date is the

activity unless they have the specific details of

Council of Europe’s Convention on Cybercrime

which user is involved. In combating cybercrime

(2001), which entered into force in July 2004.

the enforcement agencies have to work quickly

However, it has been difficult getting countries

to deal with criminal acts because it is easy for

to agree to sign the convention due to sensitivity

terrorism violence or the threat of violence, directed at an innocent group of people for the purpose of coercing another party, such as a government, into a course of action that it would not otherwise pursue

The ind iv id ual and th e law


Figure 8.16 The laws that govern cybercrime have to constantly evolve in order to match the speed and growth of cyberspace.

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about sovereignty and authorising third parties

Some of ICANN’s achievements have included:

to do cross-border searches. Also, there are civil

s decentralisation of the sale and distribution of

liberties concerns that the treaty jeopardises free

domain names, which led to a significant drop

speech and privacy rights. Forty-three nations

in the price of registering a domain name

had signed the convention as of 2009, but only about a third of these had ratified it. Though the

s establishment of an effective method of resolving trademark disputes

aims of the treaty are noble it has not yet made

s reduction in the incidence of cybersquatting –

a significant contribution to fighting cybercrime.

that is, making a profit from the use of someone

Nations are still relying on unilateral action and

else’s domain name.

ad hoc cooperation with a few other like-minded

Most of all, ICANN has ensured the stability

nations to fight cybercrime. However, the Convention on Cybercrime (Draft 25), along with the recommendations of the Model

of the internet so that individuals, businesses and governments rarely worry about the internet collapsing.

Criminal Code Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General, influenced the development of Australia’s Cybercrime Act 2001


(Cth), discussed earlier in the chapter.

Law’s effectiveness in cyberspace has been limited because the internet is a global medium

l eg al l i nks

and laws are limited by national boundaries. The tension between global and local interests, as well For further information about the Convention on Cybercrime, see economiccrime/cybercrime/ default_en.asp

as the cost of enforcing law with respect to the internet, has been a hindrance. In addition, law enforcement is tied to its area of jurisdiction, and the anonymity possible on the internet has made it difficult to trace offenders. Often, law must use a case-by-case approach, and prioritise cases according to which have the most reasonable prospect of enforcement.



When drafting legislation and agreements, both

One organisation that has enormous potential to

national governments and international organi-

be the ultimate global authority on the internet is

sations must ensure that the new law or reform

the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and

can accommodate the rapid pace of technological

Numbers, or ICANN. This non-profit organisation

change, so that it is not made redundant or

is responsible for the domain name system (DNS).

irrelevant in a short time. They must also avoid

The founders of ICANN intended it to be the

the unintended consequences of well-intentioned

ultimate authority for the internet. However, the US

laws, balancing the protection of people directly or

government has had responsibility for its oversight,

indirectly affected by activities in cyberspace with

under a memorandum of understanding between

individual rights and community good.

ICANN and the US Department of Commerce, from

Given the international nature of cyberspace,

1998 to 2009. Representatives of other countries

its effective regulation will require, at the very

and other observers have questioned why the US

least, cooperation among nation-states. A binding

should have primary authority, and argued that it

and enforceable international regime will require

should be more independent and therefore more

considerable effort, and quite possibly a voluntary


relinquishment of some national authority.

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 Two distinct features of cyberspace that will influence laws relating to it are its: A security and predictability B anonymity and global character C political progressivism and educational value D democracy and communitarianism  It can be concluded from the US Supreme Court decision in Reno v ACLU that: A Cyberspace requires some degree of government control. B Laws that attempt to regulate internet content may restrict free speech. C Online communication is more like a conference call than a private conversation. D All of the above  The international organisation concerned with copyright law is: A ICANN B IANA C the UN D WIPO

The ind iv id ual and th e law

C hap te r s u m m a ry M ul t i p l e- c h oi c e q ues ti ons

s Cyberspace is an area in which the law is playing an increasing but controversial role. The characteristics of cyberspace include global coverage, easy anonymity for users, and the facilitation of creative activity. s Crimes specific to cyberspace include hacking and spam. s Fraud and violations of intellectual property rights are not specific to cyberspace, but they take on a distinctive character in that context. s Privacy and safety issues are of concern to many internet users, and particularly to parents of young users.

s The ALRC has recommended the development of a statutory tort of breach of privacy, and other reforms to take account of new technology. s Efforts to protect children from indecent or inappropriate material on the internet can conflict with the protection of individual rights to free expression. Combating serious criminal activity that makes use of the internet faces similar challenges, as well as the difficulty of enforcement. s Philosophical approaches to rights in cyberspace fall into two general camps: laissez-faire and interventionist. s While greater government control of cyberspace has clear benefits with respect to fighting crime, democratic governments must ensure that individuals’ civil rights are not violated. s International regulation of cyberspace is in its infancy.

 Spam is: A the unauthorised duplication of goods protected by intellectual property law. B an unsolicited commercial electronic message. C an attempt to gain money through some sort of deception. D the intentional misrepresentation or concealment of information in order to deceive or mislead.  A digital tattoo is: A a unique type of computer identifier used by some European countries. B a software program unique to the individual, which is stored online somewhere in cyberspace. C a type of internet scam. D information placed on the internet that is no longer wanted but that cannot be easily removed.

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C hap ter s u m m a ry ta s k s Top i c revi ew 190

 Identify the various sources of law in cyberspace. Give examples.  Describe the various types of criminal offences that occur in cyberspace.  List the various types of intellectual property and explain how cyberspace may pose unique problems for the law in relation to them.  Describe the various ways in which privacy can be violated in cyberspace.  Explain how privacy is protected in Australia.  List some of the problems arising from the free and unrestricted transmission of information in cyberspace.

 List some of the problems arising from government efforts to prevent the transmission of some types of information in cyberspace.  Explain why government control of cyberspace is constantly challenged.  List the international organisations that have some authority for the regulation of cyberspace, and describe the function and jurisdiction of each.  Outline the reasons why law is not always effective in cyberspace.


 Evaluate the role of case law in shaping the regulation of the internet. Refer to two prominent cases in your answer.  Describe the features of the internet and explain the implications of these features on lawmaking in cyberspace.  ‘In our world, whatever the human mind may create can be reproduced and distributed infinitely at no cost.’ Assess the implications of this aspect of John Perry Barlow’s 1992 vision of cyberspace.  Evaluate the usefulness of international treaties in governing cyberspace.  Assess the effectiveness of government efforts to fight crime in cyberspace.

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Law in practice Law in practice 30% of course time

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Children and young people Women


The Bali bombings The Port Arthur Massacre


Mohamed Haneef Outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMCGs)


File sharing and digital copyright Drug testing


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A r e a 1: G r o u p s o r i n d i v i d u a l s s u f fe r i n g d i s a d va nt a g e


ke y t e r m s / vo c a b ul ar y

c hap ter ob j e cti ve s

Children and young people


In this chapter, students will: s explore legal concepts and terminology relating to children and young people s investigate the main features of the Australian and international legal systems in relation to children and young people s analyse the legal system’s effectiveness in delivering justice and addressing issues in society relating to children and young people s investigate the place of the law in encouraging cooperation and resolving conflict with regard to children and young people

adoption order cautions children doli incapax foundling guarantor indictable offence juvenile prohibited person public space sanction summary offences torts warnings

s investigate the role of the law in addressing and responding to change with respect to children and young people s find and use legal information from a range of sources s develop the ability effectively to communicate legal information and issues.

working with children check young person youth justice conferences

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L aw in p rac tic e

rel ev ant l aw IM PORTA N T L EGIS L AT ION

Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) Education Act 1990 (NSW) Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW) Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1995 (NSW) Australian Citizenship Act 2007 (Cth) Adoption Act 2000 (NSW) Children (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987 (NSW) Young Offenders Act 1997 (NSW) Children (Protection and Parental Responsibility) Act 1997 (NSW) Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 (NSW) Children’s Court Act 1987 (NSW) Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) SIGNIFIC AN T C AS ES

Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Health Authority [1985] 3 All ER 402 Department of Health and Community Services (NT) v JWB (‘Marion’s case’) [1992] HCA 15 Re W (A Minor) [1993] Fam 64

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Int roduc t ion children generally persons aged 15 years and younger, depending on the legal context

Children and young people represent the future

This chapter will examine the disadvantages

of society. The respect we afford them and the

that children and young people encounter, the

way in which we support and nurture their social,

legal and non-legal means adopted to address

emotional and cognitive development are crucial

those disadvantages, and the limitations of these

young people in NSW, persons aged 16–18 years

to the maintenance of a fair and just community.


# H I L D R E N YOU N G P E O P L E A N DT HELAW (OWTHELAW !HISTORYOFTHESTATUS DEFINES@CHILDHOOD OFCHILDRENANDYOUNG AND@YOUNG PEOPLE PERSON Historically, children had no legal rights until they Traditionally, the legal age of adult-

reached adulthood. It was not until the late 19th

hood was 21. In the past 20 to 30

century that concern about the working conditions

years, most jurisdictions have lowered

of children, and the broader effects that child

this age to 18.

labour had on the quality of many children’s lives,

Article 1 of the Convention on the

Figure 9.1 Under the law, a person aged 15 or younger is generally regarded as a ‘child’. In NSW, a person between the ages of 16 and 18 is considered a ‘young person’.


set in motion significant changes.

Rights of the Child (CROC) states that

Throughout the 19th century, children in poorer

anyone under the age of 18 is a child

families were constantly threatened by the spread

unless the national law specifies an

of disease. They lived in dirty, overcrowded housing

earlier age.

with very poor sanitation. It is estimated that

The Children and Young Persons

about half the funerals in London were for children

(Care and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW)

under the age of ten, many of whom had died from

defines a ‘young person’ as someone

preventable diseases. The infant mortality rate

aged between 16 and 18.

was as high as 50 per cent for children in their first

These definitions are important

year. Many children also experienced violence on

because laws treat children and young

a regular basis. For many, poverty and crime were

people differently from adults. These

significant influences in their formative years.

laws are intended to:

Joining a gang, crime and prostitution were ways

s prevent them from being exploited

of surviving until adulthood.

s protect them from the conse-

Children committing criminal acts were treated

quences of making uninformed

in the same way as adult offenders. The concept


of an age before which a person could not be held

s protect others from being dis-

criminally responsible – doli incapax – did not

advantaged by dealing with a

exist, and children as young as seven or eight were

person who is a minor.

convicted of serious criminal offences.

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L aw in p rac tic e Figure 9.2 The industrial era introduced young children to long work hours and dangerous machinery.

Children were forced to work from a young age.

churches were heavily involved in education,

The beginning of the industrial era saw the begin-

with many Anglican, Catholic and Jewish families

ning of child labour in factories, where they worked

preferring to send their children to a religious

long hours, usually with dangerous machinery, for

school. In Australia, the Church of England ini-

very low pay. They also experienced work-related

tially assumed responsibility for the education

diseases due to hard physical labour or from work-

of colonists. Following disagreements between

ing with industrial chemicals, unprotected.

Anglicans, Presbyterians and Catholics as to which

The concept of public education did not exist.

religion had authority for this task, each colony

The education children received depended on the

between 1872 and 1895 passed Education Acts

wealth of their family. Private tutors or governesses

making primary education a state responsibility

who taught the children at home were one option

and stipulating that it would be ‘free, compulsory

for the rich, or boys could be sent to exclusive

and secular’. Many parents of limited economic

boarding schools.

means needed their children to be working, and

In 1870, the Elementary Education Act was

it wasn’t until the introduction of a minimum

passed in England, which introduced compulsory

working age that children began to attend school

universal education for children aged 5–13. The


doli incapax a Latin term meaning ‘incapable of wrong’; the presumption that a child under 10 years of age cannot be held legally responsible for his or her actions and cannot be guilty of a criminal or civil offence

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By the end of the 19th century, governments,

have one’s own name and identity, to be raised by

religious institutions and charities had become

one’s family and to have a relationship with both

aware that children required specific legislation to

parents, even if the parents are separated.

protect them from violence and abuse, and to give

CROC is the most widely ratified human rights

them greater opportunities to develop socially and

treaty, with more than 193 countries having


ratified it. The exceptions are the United States


on the Rights of the Child, which assesses state



parties’ performance, reports to the UN General

advanced the rights of children and young people

Assembly, and makes recommendations. The

internationally and in common law countries were

committee does not have the power to hear

the opening for signature of the United Nations

individual complaints of violations of children’s

Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC), and


and Somalia. It is monitored by the UN Committee significant





the Gillick case in England. TH E G I L L I C K C A SE C ON VEN T ION ON T H E RI G H TS O F TH E

Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Health Authority


[1985] 3 All ER 402 was a House of Lords decision.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)

The Department of Health and Social Security

sets out a comprehensive set of rights for all

(DHSS) had distributed a flyer advising doctors

children and young people. It covers civil, political,

that they could lawfully provide contraception

economic, social and cultural rights, and requires

and advice to persons under 16 years old without

that all state parties act in the best interests of

their parents’ consent. The local health authority

the child. The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) and other

refused to promise Victoria Gillick, a mother of

Australian legislation endeavour to reflect that

five daughters, that they would not provide advice

objective. The basic rights of a child, as set out in

and contraception to her daughters without her

Articles 1–40 of CROC, include the right to life, to

consent. Gillick brought an action against the health authority and the DHSS, based on her belief that a child under 16 was too young to make such


2 %3 %!2 #(   

a decision without parental consent. Justice Woolf

1 What challenges did children

Go to the Office of the High

in the first instance held that Mrs Gillick was not

and young people experience

Commissioner for Human

entitled to declarations prohibiting the doctors

in the 19th century in

Rights at

at the clinic from prescribing contraceptives or

England? Give examples.


providing advice to her daughters. The Court

1 Write a one-page summary

of Appeal allowed Mrs Gillick’s appeal, and the

2 What is meant by doli incapax? 3 Outline how the law defines

of CROC. 2 What is the significance

behalf of the health authority, took the matter to the

children and young people.

of CROC? Does it bear

House of Lords, which affirmed the appeal on the

Use examples.

any relation to the Gillick

basis that a 16-year-old was capable of consent in

case? Give reasons for your

medical matters, provided that she ‘has sufficient


understanding and intelligence to understand fully

4 Read about the facts of the Gillick case at http://news.


Department of Health and Social Security, on

what is proposed’. In other words, children have

dates/stories/july/26/ and

the right and the ability to make decisions to affect

comment on the implication

their lives, and they can do so competently as

of the decision by the House

long as they understand the implications of their

of Lords.


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#IVILLAWINRELATION TOCHILDRENANDYOUNG PEOPLE The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) governs disputes between married and de facto couples, including

L aw in p rac tic e

disputes relating to children. The ‘paramount consideration’ for orders relating to children made under this Act must be the children’s best interests. Many other aspects of the law applying to children come under state jurisdiction. In New South Wales, these include the following matters.

2EGISTRATIONANDCITIZENSHIP Parents have the responsibility to register the birth of their child under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1995 (NSW). The parents have seven days after the birth to give notice of the birth, and 60 days to complete the registration process.

Figure 9.3 A child with a member of his adopting family

This puts the existence of the child on the public If a child is a foundling, the person who

the father or mother in most cases, and therefore

has been granted guardianship of the child is

affords to the child all legal rights and protections.

responsible for having the child’s birth registered.

The parent or parents also assume responsibilities

An adoption order made under the Adoption Act

under the law for the child’s welfare. If a child is

2000 (NSW) must also be registered (Births, Deaths

stillborn, the state Registrar of Births, Deaths and

and Marriages Act 1995 (NSW) s 23). A child’s name

Marriages must be notified within 48 hours.

may be changed, and generally the child must

l eg a l i nf o

record and gives the child a legal name, that of

The Australian Citizenship Acts#TH AND The Australian Citizenship Act 2007

is an Australian citizen. Children born

(Cth) replaced the Australian Citizen-

overseas to a parent who is an

ship Act 1948 (Cth). It sets out how a

Australian citizen may apply for

person becomes an Australian citizen,

registration as an Australian citizen by

the circumstances in which a person

descent, if they meet certain criteria.

may cease to be a citizen, and some

A child who is a perma nent resident

other matters related to citizenship.

and who has been legally adopted also

Under the Act, any child born in

automatic ally

Australia is automatically an Austra-



foundling a deserted infant whose parents’ identity is unknown adoption order a court order that establishes a new legal relationship between potential adoptive parents and a child eligible for adoption. It also severs the legal relationship that existed between the adoptive child and his or her natural or legally recognised parents or guardians prior to the adoption process.


lian citizen if at least one of the parents

Cha pter 9 – Children a nd young peopl e

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2/9/09 8:00:28 PM

consent to this change (Adoption Act 2000 (NSW)

s Children living in less disadvantaged areas were

s 101; Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1995 (NSW)

more likely to work, and work decreased with

ss 28, 29).

increased social disadvantage. Children with greater household responsibilities had fewer


opportunities to work.

Children have the right to be educated, and it

s Young workers were paid less than mature people

is compulsory for children aged 6–15 to attend

doing the same jobs, possibly because they often

school under the Education Act 1990 (NSW). Under

work on an informal or casual basis and their

s 22 of this Act, parents must send their children

work is outside regulatory requirements.

to a government school or a nongovernment school registered

s High levels of harassment and injury were reported by the children surveyed.

2%3 % ! 2#( 

with the NSW Board of Studies,

Go to www.youngpeopleatwork.

or and www.lawstuff.

schooling. Section 4 of the Act

In Department of Health and Community Services to research other aspects

asserts that it is the duty of the

(NT) v JWB (‘Marion’s case’) [1992] HCA 15, the

of work for children and young

state to ensure that every child

High Court of Australia followed the decision in

people. Summarise your findings in

receives an education of the

the Gillick case, holding that once a person has

a few paragraphs.

highest quality.

sufficient maturity and intelligence to understand






what is proposed, she or he is capable of consenting


to medical treatment.

Generally it is acknowledged that it is in the best

This common law test is subject to s 49 of the

interests of children that they remain in school

Minors (Property and Contracts) Act 1970 (NSW),

and receive a formal primary and secondary

which protects a medical practitioner from liability

education. According to the Office of Industrial

in tort for treating a young person, if the young

Relations in NSW, there is no minimum legal age

person has given consent to the medical or dental

limit for young workers. If, however, they are

treatment and is aged 14 or over.

under 15, they must receive authorisation from

Parents have the responsibility to seek proper

the NSW Department of Education and Training

medical care for their children, even if they have

to leave school. Young people in the workplace are

religious objections. The Children and Young

covered by all of the relevant workplace and safety

Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW) s 174

legislation for workers in NSW.

authorises a medical or dental practitioner to carry

The NSW Commission for Children and Young surveyed 10 999 children and young people in Years 7–10 living in NSW about their working experiences. The report gave an interesting profile of young workers throughout the state. Although the survey found that the majority of children could list both positive and negative

le g al li nk s

People, in its 2005 report Children at Work,

To read the recommendations of the NSW Commission for Children and Young People responding to the issues in the Children at Work report, go to:

aspects of working, and that they especially


liked getting paid and gaining experience and


responsibility, the report also showed some trends of concern:


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guardian who acts as a guarantor to ensure that

person without parental consent

the contractual obligations are fulfilled.

As legislation does not deal with a young

The Supreme Court of NSW can confer the

person’s right to refuse medical treatment, this

capacity to enter a legal contract upon a minor

issue is governed by the common law. If a child

(s 26).

under 16 refuses medical treatment, parents have a right to insist that it be performed, despite the


Gillick test of competency (Re W (A Minor) [1993]

There is no age restriction on taking legal action

Fam 64). A court can override a young person’s

for a civil wrong. If a child is injured as a result

refusal of medical treatment if the refusal is not in

of someone else’s negligence, is a victim of

his or her best interests.

defamation, or suffers loss or damage as a result of some other wrongful behaviour, he or she is


entitled to sue the wrongdoer.

Children and young people are protected from dis-

A child is also personally responsible for his or

crimination on the basis of age by Part 4G of the

her own wrongful acts. The general rule is that

Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW). This Act also

parents are not liable for torts

outlaws discrimination on the basis of sex, race,

committed by their children.

guarantor a person who gives a formal promise that someone else’s contract will be fulfilled, often backed by some form of asset that will stand as collateral to secure the promise torts civil wrongs involving breach of a duty; torts include negligence, defamation, nuisance, and trespass to the person, goods or land

L aw in p rac tic e

out emergency treatment on a child or young

2 %6 ) %7   

sexuality and other characteristics, and applies to discrimination in work, education and the pro-


vision of goods and services. There are a number

Young people do not have the

of exceptions, however, relating to superannuation,

right to leave their parents’ home

insurance, credit applications, vehicle safety, and

before the age of 18. However,

legal rights and responsibilities

sport, and the Act does not affect the operation of

the law would not normally force

in each of the following areas,

laws relating to the legal capacity of children or of

young people over the age of

along with the statutory or

laws specifically designed to protect them.

16 to stay at home against their

common law source of each of

wishes. The following factors

the rights and obligations:


would be considered: maturity,

a education

Under the Minors (Property and Contracts) Act 1970


b work

(NSW), people under 18 are generally not bound

environment, and the parents’

c medical treatment

by a contract, lease or other transaction (ss 8, 17).


d entering a contract


1 How does a child become an


Australian citizen? 2 List a child’s or young person’s

The courts will not enforce such contracts, even if they do exist. The exception to this, contained in s 19 of the Act, is a situation where a young person enters an

Refer to Chapter 9 on the Student CD

agreement that is for his or her own benefit and

for information relating to:

is a necessity, such as accommodation or food.

s family matters, including inheritance

For example, a young person who leaves home

and parentage

at 16 to take an apprenticeship and has to sign a

s care and control

rental lease for accommodation, or needs to buy a

s Children and Young Persons

car on finance for transport, will be bound by the

(Care and Protection) Act


1998 (NSW)

Some minors may be able to enter into certain contractual arrangements if they have a parent or

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sanctions penalties imposed on those who break the law, usually in the form of a fine or punishment


juvenile a child or young person, generally under 18 years of age, although this may vary depending on the context

youth justice conferences a measure to divert young offenders from the court system through a conference that addresses the offender’s behaviour in a more holistic manner

those indictable offences that can be dealt with summarily. The principles of the Act are that: s the least restrictive sanction should be applied where possible s children should be informed of their right to seek legal advice s criminal proceedings are not to be started if there is an appropriate alternative for dealing with a matter. Under the Act, children and young offenders who have committed an offence covered in the Act may proceed through a three-tiered system of diversionary processes, comprising warnings, cautions and youth justice conferences. A warning can be given by a police officer, either at the place where the child was found offending or anywhere else. The child must be told Figure 9.4 Between the ages of 10 and 14 a child may be found guilty of a criminal offence.

of the nature, purpose and effect of the warning. No conditions can be attached to the warning, and no additional sanctions imposed. The police officer must ensure that the child understands the

Section 5 of the Children (Criminal Proceedings)

warning, and must notify the parents.

Act 1987 (NSW) clearly states the principle of doli

A caution is given by a police officer or a

incapax: ‘It shall be conclusively presumed that no

specialist youth officer when the child admits

child who is under the age of 10 years can be guilty

the offence. It is used where the offence is more

of an offence.’ This is the same in all jurisdictions

serious. The officer must determine whether a

in Australia.

matter is appropriately dealt with by caution by

Between the ages of 10 and 14 a child may

considering the seriousness of the offence, the

be found guilty of a criminal offence, but the

degree of violence involved and harm caused to

prosecution must rebut the notion of doli incapax

the victim, and the number and nature of any

and show that the child, at the time of the alleged

offences the child has committed. He or she must

offence, could distinguish between right and

ensure that the child understands the nature,

wrong. From the ages of 14 to 17, children and

purpose and effect of the caution, and that he or

young people are held fully responsible for their

she is entitled to obtain legal advice and to choose

actions. However, they are subject to a different

to have a court deal with the matter. A court may

range of criminal sanctions than adults who have

also give a caution. Before a caution is given, the

committed the same offences. Detention is a last

offender must be given a written notice of it.

resort for a juvenile offender in all states and territories.


of providing diversionary measures for young The Act only applies to summary offences and to

indictable offences serious criminal offences that require an indictment (a formal, written charge) and a preliminary hearing; they are typically tried before a judge and jury and are subject to a greater penalty

cautions formal notices given to young offenders where the offence is more serious than one appropriately dealt with by a warning

The Young Offenders Act 1997 (NSW) has the aim offenders as alternatives to court appearances.

summary offences criminal offences that can be dealt with by a single judge without a jury and do not require a preliminary hearing

warnings formal notices given to a young offender, usually for a first minor offence

The Young Offenders Act 1997 .37

A youth justice conference may be used for offences of the same gravity as those for which a

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caution is imposed, or one that is more serious, such as those involving harm to a victim. Conferences are designed to encourage the offender to take responsibility for his or her own actions, to provide support services, to promote the rights of victims,

L aw in p rac tic e

and to involve families and others in the justice

legal links


Go to gen/y2.html for more information on warnings, cautions and youth justice conferences.

Refer to Chapter 9 on the Student CD for information relating to: s Crimes Legislation Amendment (Police and Public Safety) Act 1998 (NSW) s Children (Protection and Parental Responsibility) Act 1997 (NSW)

Figure 9.5 The Young Offenders Act aims to divert young offenders from the court system.


monitors and reports on the extent to which that nation is complying with its international



The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC)

The Committee on the Rights of the Child meets

has been important in putting the rights of children

to examine reports from ratifying countries. The

on the global agenda. Ratification usually means a

18 committee members are independent experts

government passing domestic laws to give effect

in the field of human rights, who are elected by the

to some or all of the principles of an international

governments of ratifying countries. As mentioned

treaty. Once a nation-state has signed and ratified

above, the committee has no coercive power.

a treaty, the United Nations committee structure

Australia has a responsibility under the convention

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Figure 9.6 Child slavery and the use of children and young people as soldiers are continuing human rights challenges, despite international instruments such as CROC.

‘working with children check’ a check by the NSW Commission for Children and Young People on the appropriateness of a person in NSW to work in child-related employment

to report to the committee on the steps that it has


taken to give full effect to the contained rights.


numerous Acts that protect children and young

The commission implements and monitors

prohibited person a person prohibited from working in childrelated employment because of a conviction of a serious sex offence, murder of a child, or an offence involving violence toward a child

people by restricting their activities and by placing

the ‘working with children check’, the man-

responsibilities on adults to ensure the welfare

datory employment screening by employers of

of children and young people. Certain rights of

job applicants in child-related employment, as

children have also been enshrined in legislation,

outlined in the Children and Young Persons (Care

which in turn has created legal institutions and

and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW). The Commission

processes that promote and protect these rights.

for Children and Young People Act 1998 (NSW)

The courts have also played a role, through cases

contains offences with penalties for employers

The NSW Commission for Children and Young


People is a statutory body set up in 1998 to promote

Federal and state parliaments have passed

needs of children and young people.

respect for and understanding of the interests and

that have affirmed the current

who employ a person in child-related employment


law or changed the law through

without sufficient scrutiny of the person, or who

1 Outline the main role of the


knowingly employ a prohibited person in child-

NSW Commission for Children and Young People. 2 Describe what is meant by the ‘working with children check’.


Some of the legal institutions

related employment. These requirements on

in NSW that have been set up

employers reduce the likelihood of prohibited

to protect children and young

persons having contact with children in the course

people are as follows.

of their work.

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individuals’ complaints about the administration of

Across NSW, there are 13 children’s magistrates

government agencies or the agencies’ compliance

sitting in seven specialist Children’s Courts. Five

with specific legislation. Traditionally, the office

of these courts are in metropolitan areas. There

is seen as representing the people’s interests,

are also five children’s registrars appointed

and its credibility comes from its reputation for

under the Children’s Court Act 1987 (NSW) to

impartiality, independence from government and

assist in the administration of matters before


the court. The court has a dual role: determining

There have been calls for a specialist ‘children’s

matters of juvenile offenders that appear before

ombudsman’ that can take a more targeted

it, and also determining care and protection

approach to issues facing children and young people

matters concerning children referred to it by the

in their dealings with government agencies.

Department of Community Services (DOCS).

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Another important role performed by the

Under the Children and Young Persons (Care

ombudsman’s office is investigating and reporting

and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW) ss 71 and 72, the

on ‘reviewable deaths’ of children in NSW. A

court may make care orders if it is satisfied on the

death is reviewable if the child or a sibling has

balance of probabilities that the child or young

been reported to DOCS at any time and for any

person is in need of care or protection.

matter in the three years prior to the child’s death. With the objective of preventing harm, abuse


and neglect of children, the ombudsman’s office


assesses whether the child protection system

The Department of Community Services (DOCS) is

could have prevented some of these deaths. In

responsible for the care and protection of children

2007, 601 children died in NSW, and 156 of those

in NSW. It carries out this role in cooperation with

deaths (25.9%) were reviewable.

non-government organisations and government agencies. Its activities include the provision of


accommodation and support for children and

As discussed in Chapter 7, the Administrative Deci-

young people who need to live away from their

sions Tribunal reviews administrative decisions of

families, the regulation of child care through

NSW government bodies. Its Community Services

licensing, and the funding and regulation of

Division deals with applications for review of

adoption services.

decisions made by DOCS. The division also hears applications for declarations that a person seeking


to apply for a job working with children is not

Legal Aid NSW provides a range of services to

a prohibited person under the Commission for

children and young people in NSW. It represents

Children and Young People Act 1998 (NSW).

children and young people in a variety of matters, from welfare proceedings in the Children’s Court


to family law matters in the Family Court. Its

In 2009 the Council of Australian Governments

legal representatives will also appear for children

(COAG), an intergovernmental forum made up of

and young people facing criminal charges in the

the federal and all state and territory governments,

Children’s Court.

published its National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009–2020. This initiative


has the aim of fighting child abuse and neglect

The main role of the NSW Ombudsman is to act

by preventing it in the first place – that is, by

as an independent review body that deals with

protecting the safety and well-being of children.

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.ON LEGALRESPONSES As children and young people cannot vote, it is difficult at times for their voices to be heard. There are some very effective non-legal mechanisms that keep the issues of children and young people on the political agenda. They may be the first point of call, and can either provide valuable information about a person’s rights or refer the person on to a relevant source.

4RADEUNIONS Trade unions are organisations of workers who act together to maintain their rights to good working conditions. The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) provides information about pay and conditions, health and safety issues, apprenticeships and training, and negotiating employment contracts, for young people entering the workforce for the first time.

+IDS(ELPLINE The Kids Helpline ( or 1800 551 800) is just one of many organisations from which children and young people in crisis can seek advice. It offers 24-hour free telephone and online counselling and referral about issues including family relationships, child abuse, mental health, bullying, drugs and alcohol, eating and weight issues, as well as specific issues faced by people Figure 9.7 The ACTU provides information for children and young people entering the workforce.

from Indigenous, non-English-speaking or rural backgrounds.

le g al li nk s

3TOP#HILD!BUSE Stop Child Abuse is a service provided by the The Worksite for Schools Website at provides fact sheets, case studies, job profiles and other information about work, specifically directed to young people.

Australian Childhood Foundation to educate the community about child abuse. It provides a directory of services in every state to provide help and support for people who have experienced child abuse, as well as parents and others who are concerned about their own situation or want to report child abuse. Its web address is www.


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2 %3%!2 #(   

1 Describe the role of the NSW Ombudsman

Use the following websites to research the roles of the

in protecting the rights of children and

institutions and organisations in protecting the interests of

young people.

children and young people. Prepare a fact sheet on two of

Decisions Tribunal can play in protecting the rights of children. 3 What are the strengths and weaknesses of non-legal mechanisms with respect to the rights of children?

your choosing. s Committee on the Rights of the Child:

L aw in p rac tic e

2 Outline the role the Administrative s The NSW Commission for Children and Young People: s The NSW Children’s Court: s The Department of Community Services (DOCS): pc=pc=HOME.HTML s Legal Aid NSW: s The NSW Ombudsman: s The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU):

2ESPONSIVENESSOFT HELAW As they grow through adolescence and into adult-

Seen and heard: Young people and the legal pro-

hood, young people are more likely to take risks. At

cess, a joint inquiry of the Human Rights and Equal

the same time there are adults in society who abuse

Opportunity Commission and the Australian Law

and exploit children and young people. This means

Reform Commission conducted in 1997, examined

that children and young people will sometimes be

the relationship of children and young people and

at risk of harm, or at risk of harming others.

the legal process. Seventy-eight per cent of the 843

It is in this light that the legislation and mecha-

children and young people surveyed said that the

nisms in place to ensure justice for children and

police rarely treated young people with sufficient

young people will be evaluated.

respect. It could be argued that children and young


people on the whole do not have a good relationship with the police. Young people are frequently targeted for police

If children and young people come into contact

intervention – for lacking ‘respect’, for being

with the criminal justice system, it is usually

‘rowdy’, for being part of the ‘rave culture’, or

through interaction with a police officer when

simply for being young and out in public.

being arrested or questioned about some matter. This experience can influence their attitude to authority and to the wider community in general.

‘Young People and Public Space’ conference workshop presented by the Youth Justice Coalition and Youth Action and Policy Association, 2002

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The Seen and heard inquiry also examined


how policing could become more consistent with

In some jurisdictions it is alleged that police rely

CROC provisions and recommended that national

heavily on arrest to gather evidence or to further

standards should be implemented via legislation

the interrogation of suspects. In other words,

or policy in certain areas of concern. Some of the

arrest can be used as a method of investigation.

main areas are outlined below.

This is especially so for Indigenous youth. Article 37(b) of CROC states that arrest should be a ‘last resort’, not a routine practice, as it can be a very negative experience for children and

Refer to Chapter 9 on the Student CD

young people. The Seen and heard report also

for information relating to young people

recommended that for children at risk, welfare

and public space.

and health services may be the more appropriate agencies to deal with the situation. This is not to deny that arrest is appropriate when it is necessary for a police officer to protect the community. All suspects have the right to contact a lawyer and to have him or her present during questioning, as long as this does not interfere with the police investigation. Persons under 18 can contact the Legal Aid Youth Hotline if they have been arrested and need legal advice. However, people do not always exercise this opportunity because they are not aware of their rights, sometimes exacerbated by language difficulties, cultural differences or age. The Australian Law Reform Commission and others have recommended greater efforts by police to inform accused persons of their rights in terms that they can understand and act on.

3ENTENCINGOFYOUNGOFFENDERS Another area of concern at the time of the Seen and heard report was the sentencing of juveniles. Children and young people, more than any other offenders, have the best chance of rehabilitation and reintegration into society. As such, the sentence that offenders receive should take into account the age of the offender and the circumstances under which the offence was committed. The report noted that research has indicated that detention and other harsh sentencing options are generally ineffective as deterrents to reoffending. Figure 9.8 Detention and other harsh sentencing options are reported as being ineffective deterrants to reoffending.


Most jurisdictions do this. In New South Wales, the courts follow guidelines under the Children

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(Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987 (NSW) which give special consideration to juvenile offenders.

Refer to Chapter 9 on the Student CD

However, the report suggested that there was

for information relating to:

room for improvement in this area and that ‘[m]

s Care and protection of children and

homelessness, family circumstances … and so on in determining sentences for children’ and that

young people s Children and young people in the workplace

L aw in p rac tic e

ore attention is needed to social factors such as

‘[s]entences should take into account the special health and other requirements of children and young people’.



Children around the world are exploited and

While youth conferencing generally deals with

abused where the laws of their countries fail to

matters that would be dealt with summarily, it can,

offer protection to them. There are approximately

under the Young Offenders Act 1997 (NSW), be

250 million child labourers worldwide. In 2007

used for some indictable offences such as robbery

it was estimated there were as many as 300 000

and aggravated break, enter and steal. One of the

children and young people involved in armed

criticisms of well-intentioned laws like the Young

conflict, with up to 100 000 of these believed to

Offenders Act is that they are not being used for a

be in Africa.

sufficiently wide range of offences, and therefore

In countries ravaged by war and famine, where

that some young offenders are missing out on the

family structures have been destroyed, children

benefits that conferencing offers.

lack the protection normally afforded to them with-

The Shopfront Youth Legal Centre, in its sub-

in the family. Very recently in Australia, children

mission in response to the NSW Law Reform

sat in immigration detention centres, having

Commission paper on sentencing young offenders

broken no laws, as a result of the previous federal

in 2003, argued that:

government’s punitive laws relating to asylum

Youth justice conferencing is suitable for a wide range of offences, even very serious ones. It is

seekers. In other countries minors are still being executed for the crimes they have committed.

not a ‘soft option’. Indeed, it could be said that conferencing works best in the case of relatively serious offences because the young offender is obliged to consider the consequences of his or her actions, in particular the harm caused to the victim. In most cases, conferencing is a more effective mechanism than court for achieving this.

A further criticism of the application of the provisions of the Young Offenders Act is that police discretion results in some matters that should be referred to a conference not being so referred. One way of ensuring that more matters are referred to conferencing would be to reduce police discretion by making some matters mandatory for referral.

Figure 9.9 Children gathering potatoes on a large farm in Maine, USA. Schools do not open until the potatoes are harvested.

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Figure 9.10 Many products sold throughout the world are still made using forced child labour.


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cess for scrutiny of draft legislation for compliance

As discussed earlier in this chapter, the Committee

CROC include:

on the Rights of the Child examines the reports of

s The defence of ‘lawful correction’ is still available

parties to CROC and their compliance with their

in all states and territories to parents who use

obligations under it. The committee can report

corporal punishment on their children, except

and publish adverse findings on countries that

in NSW, where it has been limited by legislation

have failed to enforce the rights of its children.

prohibiting force to the head or neck, and force

Sovereign nation-states can choose to ignore or

causing harm ‘likely to last for

comply with such findings.

more than a short period’.

with treaty principles should be a high priority. Other deficiencies in Australian law regarding

corporal punishment the physical punishment of people, especially of children, by hitting them public space areas set aside in which members of the community can associate and assemble

L aw in p rac tic e

!USTRALIASOBLIGATIONSUNDER THEConvention on the Rights of the Child

2 %3%! 2# (    Research an international

Australia has been a strong supporter of CROC

s There are laws under which

from the very outset, and has an extensive body of

police can deny children and

human rights issue regarding

federal and state law in place designed to protect

young people use of public

children and young people.

and promote the welfare of children and young

space by asking them to leave

Prepare a fact sheet outlining

people. At the same time, there are still areas

or removing them: for example

the issue. Issues could include

where Australia can do better.

Part 3, Division 2 of the Child-

child slavery, the use of


children as soldiers in conflict

The Joint Standing Committee on Treaties was established to inquire into and report on matters




Responsibility) Act 1997 (NSW).

or forced child labour. Use

arising from treaties, proposed treaty actions,

s Children and young people are

any questions relating to a treaty referred to it by

paid less for doing the same work

either house of parliament or a minister, and other

as adults on junior rates of pay.

ENGACT500152004 and that

matters referred to it by the Minister for Foreign

s It is argued that the criminal age

website’s ‘search’ function to

Affairs. For example, in 1998 its Report 17 looked

of responsibility of 10 is too low.

the website http://www.

get started.

at domestic ramifications of ratification; federal, state and territory progress in complying with CROC; the adequacy of programs and services for children’s health, education and welfare; the

Refer to Chapter 9 on the Student CD

adequacy of legislation in addressing the needs of

for information relating to

children; and further action required. Nonetheless,

child executions.

some have argued that the development of a pro-

Co nc l u s io n The rights of children have come a long way.

There is still cause for great concern about the

Australian legislation has established processes

exploitation and abuse of children internationally.

and institutions to recognise and protect the

The force of international law relies on the domestic

important role that children and young people play

measures taken to implement the rights contained

in our society. It is accepted that these individuals

in treaties such as CROC, and the pressure brought

have special needs because of their age, and

to bear by the parties, not only by the treaty-based

that their physical, intellectual, emotional and

human rights committees.

social development depends on legal and social mechanisms to allow them to flourish.

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C hap t e r s u m m a ry M u l t i p l e -c ho i ce q ues ti ons 210

s Historically, children had no legal rights. This began to change gradually in the 19th century, with the introduction of free compulsory education and laws limiting children’s labour. s The Convention on the Rights of the Child was an important development in promoting the rights of children and young people. It is the most signed of all international treaties. s The law generally defines a child as a person under the age of 16, and a young person as one aged 16 to 18. s The status and rights of children under the law are contained mainly in legislation in the areas of work, education, discrimination, medical treatment, and contracts. s All states in Australia have enacted care and protection legislation over the last 30 years. s Children and young people are given special consideration in respect to criminal law, which takes into account the age of the offender at the time of the offence.

 Which of the following is a feature of doli incapax in NSW? A Children and young people are responsible for their crimes from the age of 14. B There are certain crimes for which children and young people are not responsible. C Children and young people under the age of 10 are not responsible for their crimes. D People with mental disabilities are not responsible for their crimes.  Which of the following is the best definition for ‘young person’? A a person under the age of 16 B a person between the ages of 12 and 16 C a person aged between 16 and 18 D a person aged between 18 and 25  Which of the following is not a reason for the law to treat children and young people differently? A to prevent them from being exploited B to protect them from the consequences of making uninformed decisions C to give them the best chance of finding appropriate employment

s The Young Offenders Act 1997 (NSW) provides diversionary measures for young offenders who have committed summary offences and some indictable offences. s The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child oversees the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. s The NSW Commission for Children and Young People is an independent body that conducts research related to children and young people. It also conducts ‘working with children’ checks. s The Children’s Court has a dual role with respect to children and young people. It hears criminal matters relating to young offenders as well as care applications for children and young people considered to be at risk of harm. s The Department of Community Services (DOCS) investigates reports of children considered at risk of harm. s Non-legal mechanisms for protecting the rights of children and young people include counselling services and other community organisations.

D to protect others from being disadvantaged by dealing with a person who is a minor  Which of the following statements best describes Australia’s obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC)? A Laws must be passed within Australia to implement all of the provisions of CROC. B Australia can pass whatever laws it chooses to, as it is a sovereign nation. C Australia can pass whatever laws it chooses to, as it is a sovereign nation, but it is obliged to pass laws to implement the provisions contained in CROC. D Australia will pass laws recommended by the United Nations General Assembly.  Which of the following bodies monitors the mandatory screening of applicants for jobs in child care? A Australian Council of Trade Unions B Department of Community Services NSW C NSW Commission for Children and Young People D Committee on the Rights of the Child

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C hap t e r s u m m a ry ta s k s Top i c revi ew

 Outline what changed in the treatment of children and young people by the end of the 19th century. Explain why this occurred.  In three paragraphs, define child abuse and explain some of the issues in relation to it.  Provide examples of contexts where the criminal justice system treats children and young people differently from adults.  Explain how the Young Offenders Act 1997 (NSW) is unique.

 Comment on the extent to which the United Nations can regulate the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child throughout Australia and the rest of the world.  Outline the roles of the NSW Commission for Children and Young People.  What challenges might confront DOCS in performing its role effectively?  Identify at least two non-legal mechanisms that promote the rights of children and young people.


Critically evaluate how the legal system responds to the issue of juvenile justice. Refer to strategies for crime prevention, issues surrounding arrest and detention, diversionary schemes and court proceedings for young people.

Marking criteria for the extended response question can be found at www.cambridge. Refer to these criteria when planning and writing your response.

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A r e a 1: G r o u p s o r i n d i v i d u a l s s u f fe r i n g d i s a d va nt a g e


k e y t er m s/ v oc ab u l a r y

c hap ter ob j e cti ve s



In this chapter, students will: s explore legal concepts and terminology with respect to women s investigate the main features of the Australian and international legal systems with respect to women s analyse the effectiveness of the legal system to deliver justice and adequately address issues in society relating to women s investigate the place of the law in encouraging cooperation and resolving conflict with regard to women and the law s investigate the role of the law in addressing and responding to change with respect to women

s find and use legal information from a range of sources s develop the ability effectively to communicate legal information and issues

direct discrimination entered into force feminism gender segregation glass ceiling indirect discrimination nation-state opened for signature optional protocol poverty line reservation sexual harassment

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rel ev ant l aw IM PORTA N T L EGIS L AT ION

Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth) Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (Cth) Women’s Legal Status Act 1918 (NSW) SIGNIFIC AN T C AS ES

O’Callaghan v Loder [1984] EOC 92-023

Cha pter 10 – Women

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Int roduc t ion For centuries, women have campaigned for change

men in all facets of society. Gender should not be a

in order to have their voices heard. Throughout

factor in determining the worth of an individual’s

history men have held most of the political power

work, but women have been discriminated against

and owned most of the wealth in most societies.

in many areas and denied equality of opportunity,

Intended or not, policies and laws have favoured

especially in the workplace.

7O MENA NDT HELAW At both federal and state levels, there is a sub-

today will be examined, as well as the legal and

stantial body of legislation and policy specifically

non-legal mechanisms for achieving equality

relating to the rights of women. In this unit of

(primarily in the workplace) and an evaluation of

study, the changing status of women in Australia

the effectiveness of these responses. Other issues relevant to the rights of women in Australia today will be covered in the HSC course in the unit on family law.

(ISTORICALROLESAND attitudes For many years, the attitude that women are different from men and inferior in significant ways has been reflected in the laws and policies of Western societies. These attitudes meant that women had only a short period of paid employment – if any – until they married and took up the role they were destined to fulfil – that of homemaker. Men almost exclusively held all positions of power and owned practically all property. It followed that the position of women in society was one of subservience and powerlessness. Women’s working lives involved domestic duties such as rearing children, preparing food, sewing and various other tasks in the home. This position was strongly influenced by biology. As most women were always bearing children (no reliable and safe contraception was available), they were left at home, dependent on their male partners. Views of women’s essential nature extended Figure 10.1 Historically, women’s role was that of homemaker.


to various aspects of social life, and sometimes

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attempts were made to explain or justify these views. Much was written and said by men about women, especially in Victorian England, from reasons as to why they belong in the home bearing children to analysis of their sexual desires.

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There have been signature times throughout the last 120 years where women’s restricted roles were more prominently challenged. The two World Wars saw women, through necessity, take on nontraditional roles due to the shortage of men on the home front. This was especially so during the Second World War. Women ran farms, worked in factories, and generally maintained productivity at home. Although this work was at times hard and challenging, it was also liberating for many women, because for the first time they understood their full potential outside the traditional roles assigned to them in society. Women also began to question why many areas of employment were denied to them, and more importantly, why they did not receive equal pay. In 1943, an Australian Women’s Conference for Victory in War and Victory in Peace was held in Sydney. The participants drew up a program of reforms for the government to incorporate into postwar Australia. This document, the Australian Women’s Charter, contained 23 objectives such as the establishment of a national network of child

Figure 10.2 During the Second World War women took on roles in factories and on farms to help with the war effort.

care centres, and equal pay. It is considered a ‘landmark manifesto’ of Australian feminism. For many women, though, the end of the war meant room had to be made for the returning soldiers, and they resumed their domestic roles as wives, mothers and homemakers.

and the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) were products of this era. In 1975 the United Nations

feminism the advocacy of rights for women on the basis of the equality of men and women; there are many varieties of feminist ideas in political and social thought

proclaimed that year to be Inter-

The 1960s and 1970s was the next significant

national Women’s Year to promote

2 %6) %7    

period of time when women questioned their

issues relating to women around

1 Describe the social attitudes

secondary status to men and why they did not

the world.

about women prior to the

enjoy the same rights as men. The feminist

Today in Australia there is a

20th century and give some

movement of this time challenged, for example,

significant body of law that protects

reasons why these attitudes

discrimination in the workplace and liquor

the rights of women and promotes

permeated society.

licensing laws in some states that said women

equality of opportunity. Having

2 Prepare a detailed timeline

couldn’t be served in the public bar. Important

said this, the status of women in

to outline the historical

pieces of legislation such as the Family Law Act

society today is still affected by

development of the roles of

1975 (Cth), the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW)

particular issues and concerns.

women in society.

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enter professions. Many women who had successfully completed their degrees were able to do so, and some were elected to parliament in the 1920s.


NSW enrolled in secondary school increased from

A person’s status in society is greatly influenced

46.7% in 1989 to 52.2% in 2004. The retention rate

by opportunities to acquire skilled employment.

in Years 11 and 12 nationally has also increased

Historically, women who wanted to enter pro-

steadily over the last 20 years, from 37% to

fessions had many barriers to overcome – some

81% in 2005. Women also constituted over 50%

of which persist today. The formal education that

of people enrolled in higher education courses

most young girls received was usually short in

and represented 49% of students in vocational

duration and assumed a future as a homemaker.

education. The number of women in NSW with

In the 19th century, there seemed no pressing reason for young women to complete their

The proportion of young women aged 15–19 in

post-school qualifications has also risen, from 38% in 1990 to 52% in 2005.

secondary education, let alone go to university.

Women, however, have been under-represented

Those women who were able to attend university

in trade apprenticeships in NSW. Of all persons

to study courses such as law and medicine did so

undertaking apprenticeships in 2006, only 13.5%

in the knowledge that even if they passed their

were women. This seems consistent with the level

exams, they were not given degrees and effectively

of occupational segregation seen in NSW and

were barred from practising in their chosen field.

throughout Australia today, especially in the trades.

This did not deter some women, whose thirst

Occupational segregation will be examined later.

for knowledge and a chance to use their talents spurred them on anyway.

With respect to labour force participation, women have made significant gains. Women aged

Passage of the Women’s Legal Status Act 1918

over 15 made up 45% of the NSW labour force in

(NSW) opened the way to recognition of the right to

2005, and the median age of women in the labour force was 38 years. However, in 2005, of all the women in NSW who were working, 42.9% were employed part-time and they represented 70.8% of all part-time workers. In 2006, nationally, 58% of all women aged 15–64 were in the workforce, with 45% of these working part-time, while only 18% of men worked parttime. Across Australia, women still constitute the majority of part-time and casual workers, and workers in these categories often lack job security and other benefits available to those in full-time employment, such as parental leave and holiday pay. These and other issues such as pay equity and women in leadership roles will be discussed later. Large proportions of all new apprenticeships and traineeships for the 12 months to June 2006 were in the Intermediate Clerical, Sales and Service Workers (31.7%) and Tradespersons and Related

Figure 10.3 Women have been and continue to be under-represented in trade apprenticeships in NSW.


Workers (28.4%) occupational groups (see Table 10.1). Most (85.9%) of the new apprentices and

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trainees in the Tradespersons and Related Workers

apprentices and trainees in the Intermediate

occupation group were men, whereas 70% of new

Clerical, Sales and Service Workers were women.




2 %6) % 7     1 Examine Table 10.1


above and outline the

Managers and administrators




occupation groups in





which women were well

Associate professionals

11 180

11 260

22 450

represented and under-

Tradespersons and related workers

65 290

10 680

75 970




Intermediate clerical, sales and service workers

25 450

59 330

84 780

Intermediate production and transport workers

25 490


29 830


10 620

17 480

apprenticeships and

17 930


25 410

trainee commencements.

157 050

110 200

267 250

Advanced clerical and service workers

Elementary clerical, sales and service workers Labourers and related workers Total

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Table 10.1 Apprentice and trainee commencements by occupation group and gender, June 2006

represented in 2006. 2 Give some possible reasons for women’s under-representation in some areas of

NCVER, National Apprentice and Trainee collection, September 2006 estimates, unpublished data


meets certain income tests. Separated parents can

In the early 20th century, the provision of welfare

receive financial assistance with the cost of child

payments to people who were unemployed or

care through the Child Support Agency.

other wise experiencing difficulty earning an

Studies have shown that over the long term,

income was not seen as a responsibility of the

women fare far worse financially than men after

federal government. This changed with the Great

a divorce. In addition, around 90% of lone-parent

Depression in the early 1930s, when it became

families are headed by women. The responsibilities

apparent that at times people may be unemployed

of child care present significant barriers to entering

due to circumstances beyond their control.

the workforce. While financial support from the

Unemployment benefits today are available

government is therefore vital, most people who

to women as well as men. There are also family

are dependent on welfare as their main source of

allowance payments to assist with the costs of

income nevertheless live below the poverty line.

raising children, and low-income families may also receive rental assistance to help with private rental accommodation. All people who have carers’ responsibilities,

Refer to Chapter 10 on the Student CD

for example for a disabled family member, can

for information relating to:

receive Carer Payment benefits because their

s marriage

responsibilities affect their ability to earn an

s the right to own property

income. The majority of carers are women. Most

s the ability to sue and enter

recipients of Parenting Payments are also women.

poverty line the minimum level of income needed to meet basic necessities and below which a household is defined as poor; an adequate standard of living and thus the poverty line will be different for different countries


A person, regardless of marital status, can qualify

s the right to vote

for Parenting Payments if he or she has primary

s jury service.

responsibility for one or more young children and

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employers. Moreover, they are often less able to afford to work only part-time. Migrant women have been employed in factories in substandard conditions throughout Australia. Because these women have little English, they have not always been aware of their rights. Some of these workplaces are characterised by unsafe conditions, onerous shift work, bullying, inadequate toilet and rest room facilities, little attempt to have multilingual health and safety signs, and pay that does not meet legal minimum wage conditions. The trend towards contracting with labour hire companies for casual workers has exacerbated the problems, as companies thereby avoid legal obligations that they would otherwise have to employees. A large number of migrant women also carry out home-based work. While this work offers flexible hours and there is no need to pay for child care, evidence suggests that many women work long hours in poor conditions and are paid a pittance on a piecework basis. In 1992, the federal government Inquiry into Equal Opportunity and Equal Status for Women in Australia reported on this situation in its publication Half Way to Equal. As documented in the submission of the Asian Women at Work Action Group to the 2007 National Industrial Relations Inquiry, and a July 2008 report by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, as it then was known, the problems Figure 10.4 Migrant factory workers

are still very much in evidence. It has also been noted that immigrant women have an unemployment rate higher than Australian-born people, and for those from non-



English-speaking backgrounds, it is even higher than for immigrants fluent in English.

Migrant women throughout Australia experience

Even those migrant women with a high level of

the same barriers as other women, but the prob-

educational qualifications usually cannot work in

lems are compounded by a language barrier,

Australia without undertaking expensive bridging

especially in the workplace. There is a high con-

courses, sometimes on top of a recognised lan-

centration of migrant women in in blue-collar jobs

guage course. As a result, many of these women

which are not known for flexible working hours,

must take jobs that pay far less than the jobs they

and generally have less confidence in negotiating

would have had in their original countries, because

job-sharing or part-time options with their

their qualifications are not recognised.

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2 %3%!2 #(    

1 Explain some of the main

Asian Women at Work ( has a

issues in the workplace facing

membership of over 1300 migrant women workers. The

women from non- English-

group works to educate and empower Asian women

speaking backgrounds.

workers in Australia. 1 Use a search engine to find websites that discuss the

English-speaking backgrounds are more likely to be exploited

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2 Outline why women from non-

activities of Asian Women at Work. 2 List the specific difficulties that migrant women face at

in the workplace.

work. 3 What recommendations does the group make for tackling these difficulties? 4 What agents would be involved in these efforts and what are their roles?

)NDIGENOUSWOMEN The impact of colonisation on Indigenous women was devastating. In addition to disease and massacre, it is generally accepted that there were many examples of young girls and women being victims of sexual assaults from the non-Indigenous community. For the children of the stolen generation and their families, the consequences of the practice of taking children from their parents were great spiritual, physical and emotional suffering. Today, compared to non-Indigenous women, Aboriginal women fall behind on most indicators of health and well-being. The life expectancy of Indigenous women is 65 years compared to 83 years for non-Indigenous women. Indigenous women are twice as likely to suffer from cervical cancer and eight times more likely to die from it than non-Indigenous women. Diabetes resulting from dietary and lifestyle

Figure 10.5 Today, compared to non-Indigenous women, Aboriginal women fall behind on most indicators of health and well-being.

issues is a major problem. Indigenous women between the ages of 35 and 64 are 33 times more likely to die from diabetes than non-Indigenous

34.2% for non-Indigenous women.

2 %6 ) %7    


With respect to higher education,

1 Outline some of the health

Their labour force participation rate was 43%

only 3.5% of Indigenous women

compared to 52% participation for non-Indigenous

held a degree, whereas 14% of non-

women in 2001. Retention rates to Year 11 and

Indigenous women did so. Thus

12 were 24% for Indigenous women aged 15 and

far, many government attempts to

attempts to resolve these

over in NSW. Nationally only 16.3% of Indigenous

overcome these entrenched disad-

issues have failed. Suggest

women had a post-school qualification, compared to

vantages have failed.

possible reasons for this.

and well-being issues facing Indigenous women today. 2 Assess why some of the

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- E C H A N I S M S F O R A C H I EV I N G J U S T I CE F O R WO M E N Problems confronting women today include

against Women, the body set up to monitor the

political and economic inequality; unequal access

implementation of the treaty. Articles 23 set out

to education, training and development; difficulty

the provisions governing the formal operation

in gaining promotion; unequal pay; and sexual

of the treaty, for example the time frame for its


being open for signature and entering into force, and how disputes about interpretation are to be

opened for signature (of a treaty) having negotiations concluded and ready for parties’ signatures. Many treaties, especially those convened by the UN, will be open for signature only until a certain date; others, such as the Geneva Conventions, are open for signature indefinitely entered into force (of a treaty) having become binding upon those states which have consented to be bound by it nation-state a politically independent country direct discrimination a practice or policy of treating a person or group of people less favourably than another person or group in the same position, on the basis of sex, race, national or ethnic origin, age, sexuality or other characteristic indirect discrimination practices or policies that appear to be neutral or fair because they treat everyone in the same way, but which adversely affect a higher proportion of people from one particular group





obligation to ensure that its laws and policies

The main treaty that addresses discrimination

protect the rights of all women and promote

against women around the world is the United

equality of opportunity.

As a signatory country, Australia has an

Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). It was opened for signature in 1979 and entered into force in 1981. The preamble of CEDAW acknowledges that

Refer to Chapter 10 on the Student CD for: s information relating to the role of the

the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal

United Nations in protecting the rights

Declaration of Human Rights affirm that all human

of women

beings are born free and are equal in dignity and

s an extract from the United Nations

rights. It also acknowledges that under human

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms

rights treaties, nation-states have responsibilities

of Discrimination Against Women

to ‘ensure the equal rights of men and women to enjoy all economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights’. discrimination against women continues to exist


around the world. The treaty states that this

Legislation protecting women from discrimination


exists at both state and federal levels in Australia.

It affirms that, despite these various instruments,

is an obstacle to the participation of women, on equal terms with men, in the political, social, economic and cultural life of their countries, hampers the growth of the prosperity of society and the family and makes more difficult the full development of the potentialities of women in the service of their countries and of humanity.

Discrimination means treating someone unfairly because of some characteristic. Discrimination on the basis of sex may be considered to include discrimination because of someone’s marital status or because she is pregnant or likely to become pregnant. There are two types of sex discrimination:




indirect discrimination. Direct discrimination is

The Convention contains 30 articles. Articles

a more blatant form and is more easily identified:

1–16 set out the main rights of women. Articles 17–

for example, where male employees are offered

22 outline the powers and responsibilities of the

first choice for extra overtime ahead of female

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination


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Figure 10.6 More women than men interrupt their working lives for a period of time when they have children.

Indirect discrimination is usually harder to

sexual harassment as a form of discrimination

detect. It occurs when there is a procedure, rule

in employment and education and makes this

or practice that on the face of it is the same for

behaviour illegal.

everyone and not discriminatory, but when carried

The other main aim of the Act is to promote

out, actually discriminates against a particular

community respect for the principle of the equality

group of people. Indirect discrimination can occur

of men and women.

even when there is no intention to discriminate. An

The Sex Discrimination Act makes it illegal to:

example provided by the Australian Human Rights

s discriminate against someone on the basis of

Commission is a situation where a manager offers a wage increase to all employees who have worked for the company for a number of years without interruption. On the face of it this may not seem

sexual harassment any unwelcome sexual behaviour, such as sexual advances, suggestive comments, unwanted touching, written communication or gestures, especially in the workplace

sex, marital status or pregnancy s dismiss someone from her or his job on the basis of the person’s family responsibilities s sexually harass someone.

discriminatory; however, given the fact that many

Sexual harassment is any unwelcome or un-

more women than men interrupt their working

wanted sexual behaviour which makes a person

lives for a period of time when they have children,

feel offended or humiliated and where that reac-

this policy has the effect of treating women less

tion is reasonable in the circumstances. It has

favourably than men.

nothing to do with mutual attraction or friendship. It occurs when a woman is subject to unwelcome


behaviour from others because of her gender. It

Some but not all provisions of the Convention on

can include behaviour such as unwanted sexual

the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination

advances, touching without consent, or making

Against Women were implemented in Australian

jokes or suggestive comments that are gender-

law through the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth).


The Act aims to eliminate discrimination on

Often there is a power imbalance between the

the basis of sex, marital status or pregnancy

harasser and the harassed; usually the harasser

in a number of key areas such as employment,

occupies a higher position at the workplace. The

education, the provision of goods, facilities and

person being harassed may think that her (or his)

services, accommodation and housing, insurance

advancement, or indeed continued employment,

and superannuation. The Act explicitly included

depends on accepting such sexual overtures. This

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can make it difficult to establish a case for the harassment, even if the person decides later to

Refer to Chapter 10 on the Student CD

make a complaint. In O’Callaghan v Loder [1984]

for information relating to:

EOC 92-023, Loder, who was the Commissioner for

UÊ the Australian Human Rights

Main Roads, made sexual advances to an employee, O’Callaghan. While the NSW Equal Opportunity Tribunal recognised the power imbalance and was

Commission UÊ a range of sex discrimination cases from 2006 to 2007

sympathetic to O’Callaghan, it nevertheless held that there is also an onus on the employee to make it known to the employer if his conduct is unwel-

RE VIE W 10.5 1 Describe the difference between direct and indirect discrimination.

A NTI -DI SC RI M I NATI O N A C T 1 9 77 ( N S W )

come. The tribunal was not satisfied that

The broad-based Anti-Discrimination Act 1977

O’Callaghan had made it clear to Loder

(NSW) outlaws discrimination on the basis of sex,

that she was offended by his behaviour;

race, gender, marital status, disability, respon-

therefore, if Loder was not aware that his

sibility as a carer, homosexuality, and age. It

conduct amounted to sexual harassment,

also establishes the Anti-Discrimination Board,

he did not breach the law.

which is part of the NSW Attorney General’s

A person who has a complaint under the

Department, to oversee the implementation of

Sex Discrimination Act can take action

the Act. The Equal Opportunity Division of the

discrimination is difficult

through the Australian Human Rights

NSW Administrative Decisions Tribunal hears

to establish and then

Commission, set up under the Human

complaints of discrimination.


Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

Women who feel they have been discriminated

3 Outline the objectives of

Act 1986 (Cth) and formerly called the

against can make a complaint to the Anti-

the Sex Discrimination

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity

Discrimination Board, which will investigate the

Act 1984 (Cth).

Commission (HREOC). The Commission

complaint and try to help the parties to reach a

will investigate the complaint and organise

solution. If the board cannot resolve a complaint,

by ‘sexual harassment’.

a conciliation conference to try to resolve

women can take their case to the Equal Oppor-

What needs to occur

the complaint with the other party. If

tunity Division of the Administrative Decisions

before a complaint of

conciliation fails, the complainant may

Tribunal, established under the Administrative

sexual harassment can

make an application to the Federal Court to

Decisions Tribunal Act 1997 (NSW), which can

be initiated?

have the complaint heard.

make a decision like a court.

2 Explain why indirect

4 Define what is meant

Table 10.2 Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) – complaints received by ground 2006–07 Sex Discrimination Act


Sex discrimination

Percentages (%)








Sexual harassment










Marital status

Parental status/ family responsibility Victimisation Aiding, permitting, instructing another personto do the act complained of (s 105) Total

Australian Human Rights Commission, Annual Report 2006–07


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women should be dealt with on

2 %3%!2# (    

complaint within 12 months of the alleged incident

the basis of merit’. This means

1 Go to

and it must be in writing.

that matters such as selection and


promotion of employees should

nsf/pages/cl_adt and research


be based solely on their quali-

some decisions made by the

THE W OR K PL AC E AC T 1999 ( C T H )

fications, experience and ability

Equal Opportunity Division of

The principles of equal opportunity in the work-

to do the job.

the Administrative Decisions

place reflect the right to equitable access to jobs,

The Act also establishes the

career paths, training and staff development and

Equal Opportunity for Women in

equitable conditions of employment.

the Workplace Agency to oversee

of the Anti-Discrimination

the implementation of the Act.

Board website (www.lawlink.

In essence equal opportunity is about:

Tribunal in 2008. 3 Go to the publications section

s treating people with dignity and respect, click on

s unbiased management decisions


‘publications’ and then ‘fact

s ensuring equal access in all areas of employ-

There are agencies at both federal

sheets’. Select a fact sheet

ment including recruitment, training and

and state levels that provide

that is relevant to women and

development, promotion, transfer, access to

policy advice on women’s issues.

summarise women’s rights in

information, supervision and management of

The federal Office for Women

staff and conditions of employment, with all

(OfW) is part of the Department

selection based on merit (the best person for

of Families, Housing, Community

the job)

Services and Indigenous Affairs.

s recognition and respect for the social and

this area.

Its primary role is to provide policy

cultural backgrounds of staff and customers.

advice to the Minister for the Status of Women, and

In other words, diversity is valued.

to ensure that government and Cabinet decisions

The Equal Opportunity for Women in the

about legislation, policy and budgetary matters are

Workplace Act requires certain organisations to

made with a view to their effect on women. The

establish workplace programs to remove the

OfW also administers programs to combat issues

barriers to women in the workplace, both when

such as domestic violence and sexual assault,

they enter and as they advance. Under the Act, any

represents the Australian government at national

organisation that has 100 or more employees and

and international forums on women’s issues, and

that is a higher education institution, a private sector

has primary responsibility within the government

company, a non-profit or community organisation,

for Australia’s obligations under CEDAW.

a private school, or a union must develop and implement such a workplace program.

At state level in NSW, the Office for Women’s Policy is part of the Policy Development Division of

The Act’s objectives reflect the idea that in a just

the NSW Premier’s Department. It advises the state

and fair world there should be an equitable spread of

government and works with other government

both sexes in management and support jobs across

agencies and non-government organisations to

all industries. At present this is not case. It is also

develop programs and policies with positive

hoped that equal opportunity will provide much

consequences for women. The office also has res-

needed role models in managerial positions so that

ponsibility for a Violence Prevention Coordination

younger women will aspire to these positions. As

Unit, to lead and manage government policy relating

well, no woman can be considered for a particular

to the prevention of domestic and family violence.

job for which she is not suitably qualified. The Act

It funds the Women’s Information and Referral

is not about putting women in jobs ahead of men:

Service, a confidential telephone contact number

section 2A(a) clearly states that one of its objects

for information about organisations and services

is ‘to promote the principle that employment for

for women in NSW.

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Complainants generally must make their


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Figure 10.7 Some companies provide mentoring for high-achieving university graduates.

2 %6) %7     Refer to Chapter 10 on the Student CD for information relating to the Equal Opportunity for Women Agency.

1 Explain the role of the Office for Women and the Office for Women’s Policy. 2 List and discuss some issues that might be raised by these offices in the development of law and policy relating to: s requirements for businesses regarding conditions of employment s budget provisions regarding the funding of health care

Figure 10.8 The ACTU has in recent times campaigned strongly for better rights for women in the workplace.


s programs in which business leaders provide mentoring for high-achieving university graduates

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.ON LEGALRESPONSES Legal mechanisms have been put in place to overcome the historical and cultural barriers that women still face. There are also some very effective informal measures that keep the issues

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of women on the political agenda.

2OLEOFTRADEUNIONS In the early part of the 20th century, unions were against women’s full participation in the workplace. As women were paid less than men, unions did not want a situation where employers were able to exploit this cheap labour and force men out of jobs. Today unions are strong advocates for the rights of women in the workplace. The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) lists the following achievements to which the union movement has contributed: s the principle of equal pay for equal work s parental leave for women s improved child care s universal superannuation s anti-discrimination




legislation. A fundamental challenge still facing the ACTU itself is the fact that women are still underrepresented in the executive levels of the major unions in Australia compared to their level of union membership. Most recently, the ACTU has campaigned for paid maternity leave, which it believes is

Figure 10.9 Workers protest against industrial relations reforms in Melbourne.

a fundamental human right and a necessary measure to address the discrimination and disadvantage suffered by women who choose to be

to bond with and breastfeed their babies without

parents. At least 157 countries have had some

financial considerations necessitating an early

form of paid leave, and of the 30 member states

return to work.

of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation

In May 2009 the Commonwealth government

and Development (OECD), only Australia and the

announced that 18 weeks’ paid parental leave

United States did not. Without paid maternity

would be introduced, starting in 2011. The delayed

leave, women face a lack of job security and

start date was due to the effects of the global

income loss if they take time off after bearing a

financial crisis on the budget. The scheme extends

child. Paid maternity leave gives mothers time

paid leave to either parent of a newborn child if

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Now, just what does this thing do again?

Figure 10.10 Even today the Office for Women is collating data showing that women still do more housework than men.

2%3 % ! 2#(  1 Visit the web page titled ‘Engaging with women’s organisations’ on the Office for Women website at www.fahcsia. Pages/engaging_womens_org. aspx and research two national women’s organisations. Outline the main issues with which they are concerned, and their objectives. 2 Visit the WEL homepage at http:// and research two policy positions of WEL. Write a one-page report on what you discover.


he or she is the primary carer and

Electoral Lobby (WEL), founded in 1972.

earns less than $150 000 per year. The

WEL is dedicated to ‘creating a society

decision was welcomed by parents, the


union movement, Sex Discrimination

potential are unrestricted, acknow-







ledged and respected, and where

and commentators who have argued

women and men share equally in

that law and policies making it easier

society’s responsibilities and rewards’.

for fathers to take a greater role in child

WEL is a self-funded, non-profit

care are necessary in order for women

organisation, not affiliated with any

truly to have choices.

political party, that lobbies governments, publishes research papers, parti-


cipates in public debate, participates

There are non-government organisa-

in legal cases where women’s human

tions (NGOs) throughout Australia that

rights are at issue, and conducts

promote issues important to women. A

campaigns to raise awareness of these







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As we have seen in previous chapters, the law is

them to refuse to comply with certain parts of the

constantly evolving through legislation and the

treaty. Hence the Committee on the Elimination

courts. It must reflect the changing values of the

of Discrimination Against Women is not able to

society it is meant to regulate. Over the past 30

declare a nation-state to be in violation of the

years, women in Australia have seen landmark

treaty where it has entered certain reservations.

legislation passed addressing the issues they face,

The committee can only continue to encourage

especially in the workplace.

nation-states to review their current reservations.

In spite of the many improvements that women

Upon ratification, the Australian government

have fought for and achieved, there are still

entered a reservation with respect to paid mater-

many areas that require constant vigilance and

nity leave. It also entered a reservation stating

persistence in order for change to occur. It is in

that it ‘does not accept the application of the

this light that the legislation and mechanisms for

Convention in so far as it would require alteration

achieving justice for women will be evaluated.

of Defence Force policy which excludes women

We will look at the responsiveness of the law in

from combat duties’. In 2000, the government

relation to Australia’s international obligations

withdrew the latter reservation and stated that it

under CEDAW, discrimination, equality of oppor-

would be reviewing this policy to define ‘combat’

tunity (especially in the workplace), and issues

and ‘combat-related duties’ more closely. As of

emanating from these such as pay equity, gender

2009, it is likely to withdraw the reservation as to

segregation, sexual harassment and child care.

paid maternity leave, as well.


are still many areas where women experience

Women around the world are exploited and

women and girls sold into sex slavery each year

abused as a result of their unequal position under

and that approximately a quarter of all women

the laws of their countries. The UN Convention

experience domestic violence. It is estimated

on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination

that up to 130 million women are victims of geni-

Against Women (CEDAW) was a significant step

tal mutilation. Literacy is still a major cause of

forward in highlighting the issues and getting

concern: two-thirds of all adults who are illiterate

nation-states to commit to ending discrimination

are women. This is a consequence of poor edu-

against women.

cation opportunities for girls compared to boys,

Due in large part to parties’ reservations, there discrimination and violations of their human rights. It is believed that there are at least four million

Sovereign states can choose to comply with or

especially in developing countries. Women are

ignore their international obligations and usually

also four times more likely to be infected with HIV/

act out of economic or political self-interest in

AIDS than men, and up to 130 million women die

determining their course of action. CEDAW is

from this disease each year. Education about the

one of the treaties most ignored by nation-states.

spread of AIDS and programs that address specific

Those nation-states that have signed the treaty

health issues relating to women are not adequate

have included many reservations, which allow

in many poorer countries.

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gender segregation the separation of people according to their gender reservation a statement made by a nation-state when signing or ratifying a treaty, that allows it to exclude certain provisions or modify them as they apply to the nation-state’s own practice

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Figure 10.11 The fifty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of Women entitled ‘Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the twenty-first century’, at the UN Headquarters in New York.

optional protocol an addendum to a treaty, agreed to by the parties at a later date, to create enforcement provisions or to interpret the treaty in light of later developments


At the same time, 179 countries have ratified

to the international community about its com-

CEDAW and have passed laws consistent with the

mitment to the treaty. Australia has a good record

treaty. Millions more girls now receive a primary

with respect to laws and policies in place for

school education and millions of women have

women, compared to other countries in the world.

been able to take out loans or now have the right

The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) is one such

to own or inherit property in their own right. The


issues listed above are now well established on the

Critical assessments have suggested that there

global agenda, whereas prior to CEDAW they were

are gaps in our laws with respect to women. For

isolated issues in different countries, the extent of

example, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity

which was not effectively monitored.

Commission’s 1999 report Pregnant and Productive

An optional protocol has been approved by

discussed the idea that it is a right, not a privilege,

the UN General Assembly to provide an additional

to work while pregnant, and pointed out gaps in the

enforcement mechanism, as exists with most

coverage of federal anti-discrimination legislation

other human rights instruments. This would allow

regarding that issue. Other critics have noted that

individuals and groups to be able to make a direct

the Sex Discrimination Act fails to take into account

complaint to the CEDAW committee about alleged

the fact that gender may combine with other

breaches of the treaty. The optional protocol does

characteristics of a person (e.g. race, disability or

not add extra rights. Rather, it tries to improve the

sexuality), resulting in different forms of disadvan-

enforceability of the existing instrument.

tage. In other words, it is not the case that discri-

The Australian government has an opportunity

mination is the same for all women, regardless of

to sign the optional protocol and send a message

their individual attributes. Moreover, its reliance

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on complaints by individuals or groups directly

There are other factors that limit

affected, rather than addressing discrimination at

the effectiveness of the legislation in

1 Explain with examples

the systemic level, makes enforcement problematic

redressing grievances. Even if a com-

why there is a need

(see Beth Gaze, ‘The Sex Discrimination Act after

plainant wins the case and is awarded

for treaties such as

Twenty Years: Achievements, Disappointments,

damages, a woman may have to

the Convention on the

Disillusionment and Alternatives’, University of New

return to a hostile work environment.

Elimination of All Forms

South Wales Law Journal, 2004, p. 53).

On top of this, the cost – economic

of Discrimination Against

and emotional – may be extensive.

Women (CEDAW).

Commission) argues that Australia’s signing on

Proving that an employer or other

to the optional protocol would provide the will to

person has discriminated against a

and how do they limit the

correct such deficiencies, as individuals then would

complainant can be difficult, and most

effectiveness of CEDAW?

be able to complain directly to the committee,

of the time not possible. At the same

3 Evaluate the extent to


time, the Sex Discrimination Act has

which the Australian

enabled some important cases to be

government has

won. In 1994, a woman won $160 000

implemented the

after losing her career and a position

provisions of CEDAW.








as a partner in a law firm. This was

2 What are reservations

4 Outline how the

the largest award under the Act at the

signing of the optional


time, but many would argue that this

protocol for CEDAW

State and federal anti-discrimination Acts provide

is a small amount for a career. For

would strengthen the

far-reaching protection to women who experience

people who win cases the damages

enforcement of the

any form of discrimination in the workplace.

awarded are usually under $10 000.


There are few restrictions placed on women as to






what work they do. This is to some extent due to

Discrimination Act regarding sexual

discrimination law. Women today have moved into

harassment have been effective in that the only

the workforce in unprecedented numbers.

requirement is to show that the unacceptable

The effectiveness of the legislation may, how-

behaviour actually took place. Complaints of sexual

ever, still be limited by a lack of knowledge of

harassment remain high, but this could also be

rights or reluctance to exercise those rights. This

attributed to women’s greater awareness of their

can be for many reasons, such as fear of dismissal,

rights. A HREOC phone poll conducted in 2003 was

failure to recognise that there is a problem, or being

used to gauge the prevalence of sexual harassment

unaware that such rights exist in the first place.

in Australia. The findings revealed that 41% of

Most of the blatant forms of discrimination

Australian women aged 18–64 and 14% of men had

have disappeared due to complaints made against

experienced sexual harassment. Of these incidents,

employers and the educative effect of the laws.

two-thirds occurred in the workplace and less than

Discrimination today is usually more subtle and

one-third of these were reported to employers or

covert. Generally these types of discrimination

external authorities.

involve systematic practices of disadvantage. If an

HREOC also reviewed its own complaints data

employer has such a practice or policy that does

and found that that up to 67% of those who made a

disadvantage women, it is not illegal if the court

complaint left their place of employment. Of these,

believes it to be ‘reasonable’ (s 7(b) of the Act).

72% stated the harassment started in the first

This may go part of the way towards explaining

year of employment. Although unmeasured, the

the ‘glass ceiling’ that women have described as

economic cost to employers and the community

an impediment to their career progress.

as a result of this staff turnover is a poor use of

glass ceiling an invisible barrier that prevents women from rising in an organisation through promotion; on the face of it, a company may not directly discriminate, but subtle practices may still discourage women or prevent them from being promoted to more responsible and better paid positions

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HREOC (now the Australian Human Rights

2 %6 ) % 7    


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human resources. It also reflects a residual lack of

simplify the definition of ‘indirect discrimination’.

respect for female colleagues in the workplace, as

The number of exemptions under the Act, such as

most of the complainants are women.

those relating to superannuation and insurance,

In spite of some of the criticisms outlined above,

have also been recently reduced.

the Sex Discrimination Act has continued to evolve.

It should be noted that the dif ference between

In 1992, the Act was amended to ban discrimination

the anti-discrimination and equal oppor tunity

on the basis of the occupation or identity of one’s

laws is that discrimination legislation is complaint-

husband or wife. The idea of ‘reasonableness’ as a

based, whereas the Equal Opportunity for Women

defence for direct discrimination on the grounds of

in the Workplace Act 1999 (Cth) is based on the

pregnancy was also removed.

introduction of programs to eliminate discrimi-

In indirect discrimination cases, the onus of

nation at a systemic level.

proof is on employers to provide a defence as to why systems and policies alleged to be indirectly discriminatory are reasonable and necessary. The definition of ‘sexual

Refer to Chapter 10 on the Student CD

2% 6)% 7 

harassment’ was strengthened, with

for information relating to:

1 Draw up a table with two

the complainant only having to show

s pay equity

columns headed ‘strengths’

that she or he ‘reasonably’ felt

s gender segregation of the workforce

and ‘weaknesses’, then list

offended, humiliated or intimidated.

s patterns of employment

the strengths and weaknesses

In 1994, amendments extended

of the Sex Discrimination Act

the scope of protection under the

1984 (Cth).

Act. One of these measures was to

s equal opportunity in the workplace

Co nc l u s io n Women have made substantial progress histor-

they get into the workforce they find they face un-

ically on many indicators. The law, however, is only

equal pay, discrimination in access to good jobs

a part of the solution. It is not possible to legislate

and advancement in the workforce, and that they

attitudes, and firmly held beliefs sometimes can

are still assigned primary responsibility for child

never be changed. Hence improvement of women’s

care by a society that devalues both motherhood

rights and status in society will be generational,

and children, and is reluctant to provide adequate

and the importance of educative programs cannot

public support for the care and education of all its

be overstated.


Beth Gaze, in another article, argues that both legal and social change are essential:

Beth Gaze, ‘Twenty Years of the Sex Discrimination Act: Assessing its achievements’, The Alternative Law Journal 30(1), February 2005

When women have equal access to economic resources, many other changes in their lives will

If we are to prosper as a nation, we cannot

follow. Girls and women in Australia are still in a

continue to disenfranchise 50% of the population.

double bind. They are told that they have equality

It is in everyone’s interest to make our society

and can pursue a career and the opportunities

more just and more fair.

offered by the world equally with boys, but when


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C hap t e r s u m m a ry

s Women historically were treated as second-class citizens. They were explicitly discriminated against in the areas of marriage, property, the right to vote, the ability to sue and enter contracts, and jury service. s Today women enjoy the same rights as men in most of these areas, but still experience economic, legal and social disadvantage. s Women from non-English-speaking backgrounds and Indigenous women face additional barriers to equality of opportunity. s The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women is the international treaty specifically addressing the many areas in which women experience discrimination. s In Australia, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation has been passed at federal and state level. The chief Acts discussed in this chapter are the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth), the AntiDiscrimination Act 1977 (NSW), and the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (Cth). s The Australian Human Rights Commission (formerly HREOC) is a statutory body set up to administer the five federal antidiscrimination laws, one of which is the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth). s The Equality Opportunity for Women Agency (EOWA) is a statutory body, one of whose main functions is to oversee the development of equality of opportunity programs within organisations required to report under the Act.

s Two legal mechanisms that exist to promote the rights and equality of women are the federal Office for Women and the NSW Office for Women’s Policy. These bodies attempt to influence legislation and policy as it applies to women. s The ACTU and the Women’s Electoral Lobby are non-government groups that campaign on issues concerning women, especially in the workplace. s The effectiveness of CEDAW is limited by the many reservations by state parties. CEDAW’s strength is dependent on state parties affirming its principles in domestic legislation. s The effectiveness of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) is limited by factors such as lack of knowledge of rights, reluctance to exercise them, and the difficulty of proving discrimination. s The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) has been strengthened by amendments that extend its scope, and remove certain exemptions and defences. The only requirement in sexual harassment cases is to prove that the offensive behaviour actually took place. The onus is on the employer to show why indirect discrimination was ‘reasonable’.

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M ul ti pl e -ch o i ce q u e s ti o n s 232

 Which of the following statements about women’s historical status is NOT true? A Women have been seen as essentially different from men and therefore expected to have different social roles. B Women’s jobs have been valued less and paid less. C Events such as wars, despite their enormous social cost, have sometimes also provided opportunities for women. D Women have not always had the same rights as men because in the past, most women preferred the traditional social roles.  Which of the following statements relating to women’s workforce participation is true? A Part-time and casual workers usually have the same work conditions as full-time workers, and they are paid the same, proportional to hours worked. B Workplace relations laws relating to pay and conditions are enforced more strictly in relation to labour hire firms and companies contracting to ‘outworkers’. C Many migrants to Australia have difficulty getting jobs suited to their qualifications, which may not be recognised, and they may face the additional challenge of making time to learn English. D Indigenous and migrant women have a lower unemployment rate than other Australian women, but they often have trouble getting part-time or casual work.

 The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women contains: A anti-discrimination laws that can be adapted to suit a country’s cultural traditions B provisions condemning discrimination against women and setting out ways in which the state parties are to combat and prohibit it C provisions that can be enforced by the UN Security Council or the General Assembly D a preamble stating that women are biologically the same as men and therefore not entitled to special treatment such as safety precautions at work when pregnant  The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) prohibits: A unwanted touching and dirty jokes at work B indirect discrimination at work unless it is part of a ‘reasonable policy’ C discrimination against doctors’ wives because of their husbands’ profession D all of the above  Australia’s signing the optional protocol for the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women will allow which of the following to happen? A The federal government will be able to pass legislation prohibiting discrimination. B The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women will advise nation-states on how best to implement the treaty. C The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women will recommend trade sanctions against nationstates in breach of the treaty. D Individual Australians will be able to complain directly to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women.

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 Evaluate the effectiveness of the legal system in dealing with discrimination against women.  ‘[The ideal worker] works full time and overtime and takes little or no time off for childbearing or child-rearing. Though this ideal worker norm does not define all jobs today, it defines the good ones: full-time blue-collar jobs in the working-class context and high-level executive and professional jobs for the middle class and above. When work is structured in this way, caregivers often cannot perform as ideal workers.’ (Joan Williams, Unbending Gender: Why Family and Work Conflict and What to Do About It (Oxford University Press, New York, 1999), pp. 91–4) A What consequences do these expectations of the ‘ideal worker’ have for women? B Do these consequences also apply to men? If your answer is ‘no’, would your answer be different if more men took a more active role in parenting?

L aw in p rac tic e

C hap t e r s u m m a ry ta s k s Top i c revi ew

 Explain why women were treated as inferior to men in early Australian society.  Explain the particular barriers experienced by Indigenous women and migrant women.  Describe the different types of discrimination that women experience in Australian society.  Define the term ‘equal opportunity’ and outline how it is provided for in Australian law.  Outline the role of the main international mechanism that promotes the rights of women around the world.  How is the NSW Office for Women’s Policy different from its Commonwealth counterpart?  Assess the effectiveness of non-legal mechanisms in improving the rights of women in the workplace.

 Explain the limitations that exist for a more effective implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).  Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth). What reforms have taken place through amendments? Discuss the effectiveness of the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (Cth) in removing barriers to equal opportunity in the workplace.

C Suggest some legal and non-legal mechanisms for addressing these consequences. Discuss.

Marking criteria for the extended response questions can be found at www.cambridge. Refer to these criteria when planning and writing your responses.

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A r e a 2 : Eve n t s w h i c h h i g h l i g h t l e g a l i s s u e s


k ey t er m s / v oc ab u l a r y

c hap ter ob j e cti ve s

The Bali bombings


In this chapter, students will: s describe the features of international law enforcement s describe the interaction between domestic legal systems of Australia and Indonesia s evaluate the effectiveness of using legal approaches consistent with the rule of law s evaluate the effectiveness of the law in achieving justice for victims s evaluate the effectiveness of legislation and other measures introduced in response to terrorism s locate quality information from authoritative sources using the internet.

9/11 Al Qaeda rule of law Osama bin Laden Islamic extremists superpower Jemaah Islamiyah Central Intelligence Agency jihad ‘war on terror’

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rel ev ant l aw IM PORTA N T L EGIS L AT ION

Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism Act 2002 (Cth) Border Security Legislation Amendment Act 2002 (Cth) Telecommunications Interception Legislation Amendment Act 2002 (Cth) Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2002 (Cth) Criminal Code Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2003 (Cth) Charter of the United Nations Amendment Act 2002 (Cth) Anti-Terrorism Act 2004 (Cth) Anti-Terrorism Act (No. 2) 2005 (Cth) SIGNIFIC AN T C AS ES

R v Mallah [2005] NSWSC 358 R v Thomas [2006] VSCA 165 R v Lodhi [2006] NSWSC 691 R v Benbrika [2007] VSC 261

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Int roduc t ion 9/11 a term used to describe the terrorist attacks in the United States on 11 September 2001; otherwise known as September 11 ‘war on terror’ the term used in 2002 by US President George W. Bush to refer to his administration’s efforts to fight terrorism anywhere in the world using any means Al Qaeda an international Islamic extremist group, responsible for attacks on military and civilian targets in various countries, the most notable being the attacks on the US on 9/11 rule of law the principle that no one is above the law; the most important application of the rule of law is that governmental authority is exercised in accordance with written, publicly disclosed laws adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps (due process) Osama bin Laden Saudi Arabian-born founder of the Al Qaeda terrorist organisation Islamic extremists people who follow an extreme version of the Islamic religion which sanctions the use of violence to achieve their objectives

The Bali bombings were Australia’s 9/11. On

enforcement agencies to tackle the terrorist threat

12 October 2002, Australians were targeted by

on their doorstep. When compared with the ‘war

Islamic extremists in the most populous Muslim

on terror’ approach that the United States pursued

country in the world – Indonesia. How Australia

against Al Qaeda, the methods used by Australia

responded to this global terrorist act had the

and Indonesia, which were consistent with the rule

potential to damage its relationship with its

of law, were successful. The perpetrators of the

largest Asian neighbour – a relationship already

Bali bombings were caught, tried, and sentenced.

soured by Australia’s intervention in the conflict

In the US, however, after many painful and costly

in East Timor. Unlike the United States, Australia

years of the ‘war on terror’, Osama bin Laden

did not have the capacity to employ a ‘war on

remains at large and Al Qaeda is still a threat to

terror’ approach against Indonesia. Instead, the

global security. If a rule of law approach had been

Australian and Indonesian governments used the

followed by the US, would this result have been

full force of both their legal systems and their police


A NDGLOBA LTERRORIS M The Bali bombings occurred one year after the

cells all around the world, prepared to strike at

‘September 11’ terrorist attacks in the United

any target. Their goals were to cause maximum

States. 9/11 has been seen as a wake-up call to

terror and panic while gaining a worldwide forum

the Western world to the demands of Islamic

to promote their cause.

extremists and their ability to cause widespread

In the face of increasing political and economic

fear. The terrorists who captured the planes and

instability throughout parts of the Muslim world,

flew them into the World Trade Center and the

terror organisations have provided a refuge for

Pentagon belonged to Al Qaeda. Their goal was

many young Muslim men who feel disenfranchised

to strike at the heart of the world’s most powerful

by what they view as anti-Arab and anti-Muslim

nation. Al Qaeda’s leader, Osama bin Laden, saw US

Western policies. Some have been motivated by bin

involvement in the Middle East – especially support

Laden’s September 11 attacks to carry out terror

for Israel – as an affront to Muslim interests, law

acts of their own against the US and its allies. In

and way of life. Bin Laden believed that Al Qaeda

the eyes of many Islamic extremists in Indonesia,

would be victorious in battle against the world’s

Australia was the most prominent American ally in

last remaining superpower, the United States,

the Asian region, and Australian and other tourists

just as it had been when it fought the former USSR

on the popular island of Bali were a logical target

(the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, dissolved

for terrorism.

at the end of the Cold War) in Afghanistan. From the 1970s, terrorist acts were often a front page news item; however, they were acts confined



to remote locations. The September 11 attacks

In the tourist district of Kuta in Bali just after

changed all that. Terrorism became a global

11 p.m. on 12 October 2002, a small bomb was

phenomenon and terror organisations mobilised

detonated in the backpack of a suicide bomber

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L aw in p rac tic e Figure 11.1 The Bali bombings destroyed the Sari Club and Paddy’s Bar, which were popular with Australian tourists.

Figure 11.2 Osama bin Laden

Figure 11.3 On 11 September 2001 the world entered an age of global terrorism.

at Paddy’s Bar. As people fled, another more

consulate in Bali; this was smaller and caused

powerful car bomb of about 1000 kilograms was

only slight damage. A total of 88 of the 202 people

detonated ten to fifteen seconds later in a white

killed were Australians. Another 209 people were

Mitsubishi van parked outside the Sari Club. This

wounded, most suffering from horrific burns. Bali’s

bomb caused massive damage, leaving a one-

local hospitals could not cope with the number of

metre-deep crater large enough for three cars. A

injured and many burns victims of all nationalities

third bomb was detonated outside the American

were flown to hospitals in Darwin by the RAAF.

superpower a country that has a dominant role in world politics and possesses military power in excess of other nations. At the end of the Second World War (1945) the USA and USSR were known as ‘superpowers’ because of their huge armies and nuclear arsenals. terrorism violence or the threat of violence, directed at an innocent group of people for the purpose of coercing another party, such as a government, into a course of action that it would not otherwise pursue

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l eg al l i nks

Figure 11.4 Chaos on the night of the Bali bombings

Jemaah Islamiyah a radical Islamic organisation that has links with Al Qaeda Central Intelligence Agency the spy agency of the United States of America, responsible for gathering national security intelligence


reached Australia’s doorstep. The horrific images For an eyewitness account of the

of suffering and the harrowing accounts of the

blast that night see the Sydney

survivors were widely broadcast in the print, radio

Morning Herald article of 14

and television news media. All the while, people

October 2002 at

struggled to comprehend the perpetrators’ moti-


vations. At the government level there was


worldwide condemnation. Australian and Indo-

A large collection of articles,

nesian leaders both condemned the terrorist acts

photo galleries and video reports

and vowed to track down those responsible using

from 13–20 October 2002 has

every legal means available to them. It was imme-

been compiled by the Sydney

diately clear that the Australian and Indonesian

Morning Herald webpage and can

police would work cooperatively to bring the per-

be accessed at

petrators of the Bali bombings to trial.


While no terrorist group took immediate responsibility for the Bali bombings, authorities around the world believed it to be the work of the radical Islamic association, Jemaah Islamiyah, known


as JI. Jemaah Islamiyah’s spiritual leader, cleric

People from all around the world expressed anger

Abu Bakar Bashir, was already under suspicion

over the Bali bombings. The attack was seen by

from the United States’ spy agency, the Central

many as a sign that full-scale terrorist activity had

Intelligence Agency (CIA). The US government

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2 %6) %7    

that Jemaah Islamiyah posed a serious terrorist

1 What other types of extremism are

threat in the region. According to a New York Times

there in the world today? Discuss, with

report on 13 August 2002, the Americans believed

reference to the following factors:

there was new evidence of a direct link between

s economic privilege

Al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah. They identified

s oppression

an Al Qaeda operative, Riduan Isamuddin, also

s political or cultural history

known as Hambali, who had links with Abu Bakar Bashir. Requests to take action from the US, the Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia, however, were ignored. At this stage, the Indonesian government

L aw in p rac tic e

had earlier advised the Indonesian government

2 Why are the September 11 attacks on the United States seen as a ‘success’ by Al Qaeda? 3 What is Jemaah Islamiyah?

was unwilling to publicly acknowledge that it had citizens involved in organised terrorism. After the Bali bombings, it had no choice but to act decisively against the terrorist threat within its borders.

Refer to Chapter 11 on the Student CD for additional activities relating to the reactions to the Bali bombings.

)NDONESIANAND!USTRALIAN relations The Bali bombings had the potential to destabilise Australian and Indonesian relations. Relations between the two nations have been difficult since the Indonesian republic was founded in 1949. Tensions were exacerbated in 1999 when Australia sent troops into East Timor to support the United Nations




Figure 11.5 Riduan Isamuddin, also known as Hambali, was a key Al Qaeda operative who helped to mastermind the 9/11 attacks on the US and had links with Abu Bakar Bashir.

Figure 11.6 Abu Bakar Bashir is the spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah and a key figure in the Bali bombings.


transition to independence from Indonesia. The

able to cooperate in their efforts to track down

Bali bombings threatened to create a further

those responsible for the blast. Indonesia also had

division between Australia and the world’s most

economic motivations through its strong tourism

populous Muslim nation.

links with Australia, which it feared losing if it

Indonesia had recently emerged from years

did not act quickly and decisively. In addition,

of dictatorship to become a democracy based on

Indonesia needed to restore its reputation after

the rule of law. As a result, in the wake of the Bali

the poor handling of the killing of five Australian

bombings, they were keen to cooperate and behave

newsmen at Balibo in East Timor in 1975. Those

in a manner expected of a democratic nation. The

responsible for the deaths of the Balibo Five have

Indonesian and Australian governments were

still not been brought to justice.

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- E C H A N I S M S F O R A C H I EV I N G J U S T I CE AFTERTHE"ALIBOMBINGS ,EGALRESPONSES !USTRALIANn)NDONESIAN ENFORCEMENTCOOPERATION Within 24 hours of the Bali bombings, a team of investigative and forensic officers from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) arrived in Bali to assist the Indonesian National Police. A joint operation was launched and an effective partnership was forged between the two enforcement agencies. The AFP called the investigation ‘Operation Alliance’ and at its height over 120 police officers from state and federal Australian police forces worked beside Indonesian and international experts. ASIO officers were also involved. One of the biggest tasks faced was victim identification. This is an area in which the AFP has particular expertise. AFP officers were also involved in forensic investigation of the blast site to determine the nature and origin of the bomb.

32-year-old university graduate, Imam Samudra, was arrested after police traced his credit card details from an ATM. The chief Indonesian investigator, General I Made Mangku Pastika, stated that Samudra was most likely the leader of the group in both the planning and its execution. Apparently, Samudra had stayed in Bali for days after the Bali bombings to survey the destruction. Two other men were later arrested, both Amrozi’s brothers: Ali Imron and Ali Ghufron, also known as Mukhlas. Indonesian




arrests of people implicated in the Bali bombings as late as July 2003. In one week in early July they arrested nine suspected Jemaah Islamiyah militants and seized large quantities of bombmaking chemicals, which indicated that more attacks were planned. In August 2002, Riduan Isamuddin, alias Hambali, was arrested by the United States. Hambali had been a close friend of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who planned the September 11 attacks and was known as the ‘Osama bin Laden

Refer to Chapter 11 on the Student CD

of south-east Asia’. He was the most wanted terror

for additional activities relating to the

suspect in the region, representing an important

Australian Federal Police

link between the Al Qaeda network and Jemaah

and ASIO’s responses to the


Bali bombings.

The US authorities did not, however, follow the rule of law approach once they had Hambali in custody. Hambali was declared to be guilty, by



public figures including the US president, before

After an extensive joint police investigation numer-

in a secret location for three years where he is

ous arrests were made, which eventually led to 33

widely believed to have been tortured. Further

convictions. On 18 October 2002, the 64-year-old

calling into question the United States’ respect

cleric and spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, Abu

for the rule of law in this case was Hambali’s

Bakar Bashir, was taken in for questioning. Bashir

detention in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Since the

was an open admirer of bin Laden.

commencement of the ‘war on terror’ the United

sufficient evidence was found to substantiate his alleged crimes. In addition, the CIA held Hambali

The second major arrest occurred in November

States has held suspected terrorists there for years

2002: a 40-year-old mechanic named Ali Amrozi

without trial and outside the rules of the Geneva

bin Haji Nurhasyim, also known as Amrozi. A


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Figure 11.7 Ali Ghufron, also Figure 11.8 Imam Samudra known as Mukhlas, was found guilty was the mastermind of the Bali and sentenced to death. bombings and the only university graduate among the bombers.

Figure 11.9 Amrozi – the smiling assassin – who did not show remorse during his trial

How the US handled Hambali had

years. He was freed on 14 June 2006 and his

2 %3% ! 2# (    

negative consequences for the prosecution

conviction was overturned by Indonesia’s

Access the internet to

of the Bali bombers. First, the Americans

Supreme Court in December of the same

search for the article

refused investigators access to Hambali

year. The most important information

‘Hambali and the

to question him over the Bali bombings. It

missing from the prosecution’s case against

Guantánamo Problem’

is widely believed that Hambali’s evidence

Bashir was information that could have

by Joe Boyle. It provides



been obtained from Hambali that would

a point of view on the

Bakar Bashir by linking him to the attack.

have connected him to Jemaah Islamiyah.

difficult question of what

Relatives of the victims of the Bali bombings


to do with Hambali once

remain angry that the Unites States has not

intelligence information about Hambali from

the detention camp is

brought Hambali to trial. The possibility

other nations’ intelligence agencies. This was

closed down.

of a trial is further complicated by the fact

in stark contrast to the intelligence sharing

1 Read the article and

of his illegal treatment in the aftermath

between the AFP and the Indonesian police.

summarise the key

of his arrest. In 2009, the new American

The trials of the Bali bombers attracted

president, Barack Obama, announced that

worldwide publicity. The image that stands

2 Identify the reasons why

Guantánamo Bay would close within a

out from this period is of Amrozi repeatedly

releasing Hambali to the

year of his taking office. What will happen

smiling during his trial, which led to his being

Indonesian authorities

to Hambali? One possible answer to this

called ‘The Smiling Assassin.’ Amrozi was

may not occur.

question is that he could be released into the

charged with buying the explosives and the

3 Write a one-page report

custody of the Indonesian government and

van used in the bombing. On 8 August 2003,

on what you think should

tried there.

he was found guilty in the Bali court and

be done with Hambali

executed on 9 November 2008.

once Guantánamo Bay








Imam Samudra was portrayed as the field

Abu Bakar Bashir faced trial a number of

commander of the Bali bombings. He was

times for various charges related to the Bali

put on trial, found guilty on 8 August 2003

bombings. He was, however, acquitted of the

and executed on 9 November 2008. Samudra

most serious terrorism-related charges and

thanked prosecutors for giving him the death

was sentenced to four years for sedition.

sentence because, he said, it would bring

He appealed this charge and further trials

him closer to God. In his evidence, Samudra

followed. Bashir was eventually charged with

said that the Bali bombings bombing was

conspiracy and sentenced to two-and-a-half

part of jihad.


is closed down. Provide reasons for your opinion.

jihad in Islam, a term meaning ‘struggle’; used without any qualifiers it is generally understood in the West to refer to a ‘holy war’ on behalf of Islam

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2 %6) %7    

Access the internet to find the article ‘Long Trail of Clues that Led to a

1 In pairs, discuss why you think

Bali Suspect’, by Jane Perlez. It details the steps taken to track down and

tensions increased between

arrest Amrozi.

Australia and Indonesia over

1 Read the article and make a list of the ‘clues’ that led to Amrozi’s arrest.

East Timor in 1999.

2 Use the internet to locate information about how the law enforcement

2 Identify who the Australian

authorities were able to track down and arrest Samudra and the other

Federal Police worked with in

Bali bombers, Ali Imron and Ali Ghufron.

Operation Alliance.

3 In different cultures, facial expressions and gestures can mean different

3 Evaluate the reasons why a

things. Locate some evidence that may suggest Amrozi’s ‘smile’ means

conviction against Abu Bakar

something other than what we in Australia may take it to mean.

Bashir was difficult to secure.


significant non-legal responses to the bombings highlighted the need for awareness on the part of


all Australians that an attack could happen here.

The Bali bombings alerted the Australian govern-

National Security office (www.nationalsecurity.

ment to the possibility that a terrorist attack could, launched a public information campaign

occur close to or on Australian soil. One of the most

and a National Security Hotline in response to the

The Commonwealth government, through its

Bali bombings. The goal of the campaign, the first phase of which commenced in December 2002, the second in September 2004 and the third in August 2007, is to ensure that the Australian people are alert and on the lookout for any possible warning signs of a terrorist attack. Some criticised this campaign for causing unnecessary fear and creating a culture of suspicion in which people were encouraged to spy on and ‘dob in’ their neighbours. Muslim Australians reported feeling discriminated against in their day-to-day lives. In 2005, arrests were made in Sydney and Melbourne after raids by ASIO and the AFP, foiling a plot to carry out a terror attack on Australian soil. While a direct link has not been drawn between the public information campaign and these arrests, the campaign has contributed to a new awareness by Australians that they live in an age of terror.

-EMORIALSANDVICTIMSUPPORT One of the most important non-legal responses to Figure 11.10 ‘Every detail helps’: the third phase of the National Security Public Information Campaign, launched in August 2007


the Bali bombings was the collective grief expressed by the Australian and Indonesian people. With 88 Australians killed and many others seriously

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R EVI EW 1 1 . 3

injured, many people knew someone, or

Beach), Canberra, Melbourne and Perth.

knew someone who knew someone, who

In addition, Prince Charles opened a

had been involved in the bombings. Public

memorial globe with 202 doves carved

Commonwealth government’s

memorials act as a tribute to victims and a

into it (representing the 202 people killed)

National Security Campaign.

way to show support for victims and their

in London. The Sydney memorial is made


up of three interlocking bronze shapes

of the Commonwealth


that represent figures offering each other

government’s National

been erected in Bali, on the former sites

support. The Melbourne memorial incor-

Security campaigns.

of both the Sari Club and Paddy’s Bar,

porates a fountain and reflecting pool that

and in Australia, in Sydney (at Coogee

incorporates 202 individual waterspouts.



Figure 11.11 Peace Park Memorial at the former site of the Sari Club

Figure 11.13 Bali Memorial, Sydney

2 Identify any negative features

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1 Identify the benefits of the

Figure 11.12 Bali Memorial at the former site of Paddy’s Bar

Figure 11.14 The names of the 202 people killed by the Bali bombers

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,EGA LRESPONSESTOTERRORIS M 4HEDEATHPENALTY The Bali bombings prompted much discussion of legal responses to terrorism generally. One controversial issue that regained attention was the morality and appropriateness of the death penalty as a means of achieving justice. The Australian federal government abolished the

2% 3%! 2#(  Using the United Nations website ( as a starting point, investigate the UN’s position on capital punishment (the death penalty). 1 Locate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In what ways can this document be said to be ‘against’ the death penalty? 2 Identify the role of the UN Human Rights Council on this issue. (The Human Rights Council replaced the UN Commission on Human Rights in 2006.) 3 Using both the UN website and a more general internet search, research the names of the countries yet to abolish the death penalty. What reasons have these countries offered for not doing so? 4 Write a one-page report on whether you think Australia’s inconsistent position on the death penalty in relation to the Bali bombers and the Bali Nine will harm our international reputation on this issue.


death penalty in 1973 and had taken a national and international stance against it, in line with United Nations policies. Some individual members of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) took their party’s stated opposition to the death penalty very seriously. Robert McClelland, Attorney-General in the

Figure 11.15 Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was silent on the issue of the death penalty during the execution of the Bali bombers.

Rudd Labor government, expressed his opposition to the use of the death penalty to deal with the Bali bombers. The Australian government, however,

Refer to Chapter 11 on the Student CD

was silent on the issue when the Bali

for additional activities relating to the

bombers were sentenced to death.

death penalty.

Surveys showed that well over 50 per cent of Australians were in favour of the Bali bombers receiving the death penalty. What repercussions does this have for Australians convicted of capital offences in other countries? The Bali


Nine, on death row in Indonesia for

In an international context, the cooperative

drug trafficking, would seem to have

approach taken by the Australian and Indonesian

little reason to believe their govern-

police force and governments was highly effective.

ment would take a stand on a human

While the American-instigated ‘war on terror’ had

rights issue that directly affected

failed to destroy Al Qaeda or apprehend Osama bin

them. However, after Amrozi and his

Laden, the Australian–Indonesian effort to bring

brothers were executed on 9 Nov-

the Bali bombers to justice was a success. The

ember 2008, the Rudd government

one area in which this international cooperation

returned to publicly opposing the

may be considered a failure was in the attempts

death penalty. Human rights advo-

to convict Abu Bakar Bashir of a major role in

cates, including outspoken Julian

the bombings. As noted, this failure was largely

Burnside QC, have accused the gov-

due to the United States’ reluctance to share CIA

ernment of hypocrisy on the issue.

intelligence gained from Hambali.

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Keelty explained that together Australia

2 %3%!2 # (    

term reform in the relationship between

and Indonesia were dedicated to making

Visit the website for the Jakarta

Australian and Indonesian enforcement

the region safer by addressing the threat

Centre for Law Enforcement

agencies. With a view to longer-term

of terrorism wherever it occurred. Austra-

Cooperation (JCLEC) at www.

measures, the AFP has invested heavily in

lia was committed to providing the INP

Indonesia – its Jakarta office constitutes

with assistance in the areas of counter-

1 What activities are undertaken

the second largest deployment of AFP

terrorism, intelligence and forensics.

officers in a foreign country. From here,

2 Go to the Australian section

AFP agents can be deployed to any trouble spot in the region. The AFP established the Jakarta Regional Cooperation Team (JRCT) to assist the Indonesian National Police in their investigations into the Bali bombings and the later bombing of the Australian embassy in 2004. The AFP has

by the Centre? of the ‘Useful links’ web page.

Refer to Chapter 11 on the Student CD for additional activities relating to international cooperation in the aftermath of the Bali bombings.

What information can be accessed from here? 3 Discuss how the Centre’s activities assist in the fight against terrorism in our region.

L aw in p rac tic e

There has also been substantial long-

also helped develop the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC) to augment the Indonesian law enforcement agencies’ ability to deal with terrorism, drug trafficking and people smuggling.

2 %6) %7    

Over 2000 Indonesian police have now

1 Why do you think the Australian federal government

completed programs offered by JCLEC. The cooperation between the Indonesian National Police (INP) and the AFP culminated in the signing of a memorandum of understanding in 2002 and a

was silent on the issue of the death penalty when it came to the Bali bombers? 2 What was the accusation of Julian Burnside, QC, against the federal government? Why? 3 Identify the ways in which the Australian Federal

visit to Australia by the Head of the INP

Police has cooperated with Indonesian law

in March 2003. AFP Commissioner Mick

enforcement authorities.

Figure 11.16 Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty was in charge of the AFP at the time of the Bali bombings.

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with Security Council decisions relating to terrorism and the Commonwealth’s ability to freeze the assets of certain parties.

A major initiative that resulted from September 11

s Anti-Terrorism Act 2004 (Cth)

and the Bali bombings was the implementation

s Anti-Terrorism Act (No. 2) 2005 (Cth).

of anti-terrorism legislation in Australia and a

Australia had already been a signatory to a

strengthening of the enforcement agencies respon-

number of international treaties that deal with

sible for homeland security. A number of terrorism-

terrorism. Some key treaties are:

related statutes were enacted by the Australian

s International Convention for the Suppression of

government to deal with the perceived threat of a

s International Convention for the Suppression of

terrorist attack on Australian soil. A few of the key legislative changes were contained in the following enactments:

Financing of Terrorism (1999) More

s Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism Act 2002 (Cth)






International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Terrorism (2005).

s Border Security Legislation Amendment Act 2002

Since the Bali bombings, law enforcement


authorities have been on high alert to counter any

This Act amended legislation including the

attempted terrorist attack on Australian soil. As of

Customs Act 1901 (Cth) with respect to restricted

2009 there has been no successful terrorist attack

areas; passengers, goods and mail in transit

on Australian soil. However, there have been a

through Australia; airlines and other matters.

number of high-profile arrests and cases arising

s Telecommunications



out of terrorism-related charges. These include: s Zaky Mallah was the first person charged under

Amendment Act 2002 (Cth) This Act amended the Telecommunications

the 2002 legislation. In the NSW Supreme

(Interception) Act 1979 (Cth) and the Australian

Court in 2005 he was found not guilty on two

Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979 (Cth)

charges of preparing for a terrorist act when

(‘ASIO Act’).

a jury found he had not planned to kill ASIO

s Australian




officers in a suicide mission: R v Mallah [2005]

Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2003 (Cth)

NSWSC 358. He pleaded guilty to a charge of

This Act amended the ASIO Act 1979 (Cth), the

threatening to kill a Commonwealth officer and

Intelligence Services Act 2001 (Cth), and the

was jailed for two-and-a-half years: R v Mallah

Telecommunications (Interception) Act 1979 (Cth).

[2005] NSWSC 317.

s Criminal Code Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2003

s Joseph Terrence Thomas, nicknamed ‘Jihad


Jack’ by the media, was arrested in 2004. In

This Act amended the Criminal Code 1995 (Cth)

R v Thomas [2006] VSCA 165, his appeal was

and other legislation.

heard by the Victorian Supreme Court, Court of

s Charter of the United Nations Amendment Act


Terrorist Bombings (1997)

Appeal. Thomas had been found guilty in the

2002 (Cth)

Supreme Court of Victoria of receiving funds

This Act amended the Charter of the United Nations

from a terrorist organisation and possessing

Act 1945 (Cth), which approved the Charter of

a falsified Australian passport (which he had

the United Nations and enabled Australia to

altered to hide the length of time he spent in

apply sanctions giving effect to certain decisions

Pakistan, allegedly in contact with Al Qaeda).

of the UN Security Council. (See Chapter 2 for

His counsel argued that confessions made out

information about the UN and the Security

of court are not admissible unless voluntarily

Council.) In particular, this amending Act deals

made, and that Thomas’s statements to the

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vant to the investigation of a serious terrorism

been excluded. The Court of Appeal quashed

offence. The union expressed concern that these

the convictions and ordered a later retrial.

powers could be used to demand any confidential

s Faheem Khalid Lodhi, arrested in 2006, was

information obtained for the purpose of articles or

the first person to be convicted of preparing

broadcasts, including sources’ names and details,

for a terrorist act. He was also found guilty on

and could thus undermine journalists’ ability to do

two other charges and sentenced to 20 years’

their job properly.

imprisonment, with a 15-year non-parole period: R v Lodhi [2006] NSWSC 691.

L aw in p rac tic e

AFP, without a lawyer present, should have

Because of such provisions, some have argued that the anti-terror laws point to the need for an

s Abdul Nacer Benbrika was arrested in 2006,

Australian bill of rights. As discussed in Chapter 6,

with 21 other people in NSW and Victoria. In his

one argument against a bill of rights is that it is

trial before the Supreme Court of Victoria, he

not needed in Australia because rights are already

was found guilty of the charge of being a leader

protected by existing statutes, and these statutes

of a terrorist cell: R v Benbrika [2007] VSC 261.

have been passed by a responsible legislature that has the best interests of the nation in mind.


Another argument against a bill of rights is that it

Some of the legislation passed by Australia,

would lead to the courts becoming ‘too political’

like that of some other countries including the

in their efforts to uphold individual rights. But if

UK and the US, has been criticised as giving

parliament can’t be trusted to preserve individual

powers to the executive government that are far

freedoms in the laws it enacts, then not only

too great. In particular, sections 23CA, 23CB and

does review of statutes by courts become more

23CD of the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) introduced by

urgent, but it might also be necessary to enshrine

the Anti-Terrorism Act 2004 (Cth) have increased

those freedoms in a bill of rights that cannot be

individuals’ risk of being detained or imprisoned

overridden by legislation.

without evidence of their guilt being presented or proved in court. Laws permitting detention without charge conflict with Article 9(1) of the

Co nc l u s io n

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

The Bali bombings showed Australia that they are

The ASIO Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2003 (Cth)

not immune to global terrorism. Unlike the ‘war

introduced new offences relating to involvement

on terror’ waged by the United States, the joint

with terrorist organisations. The definition of

Indonesian–Australian response to the 2002 terror-

‘terrorist act’ is extremely wide, resulting in many

ist attack has seen the conviction of those tried

innocent organisations potentially being classed

and found responsible. Furthermore, Australia has

as terrorist: for example, a group that supports

gained a willing partner in the region with which to

people who participate in political protests

combat terrorism and illegal drug trade.

where the police are . It also places the onus on a

Domestically, the Bali attack has led to the intro-

defendant to show that he or she was not reckless

duction of anti-terrorism legislation giving Austra-

about whether an organisation was one of those

lian law enforcement agencies greater powers to

banned by the legislation.

deal with the threat of a terrorist attack on Austra-

The Anti-Terrorism Act 2005 (Cth) alarmed

lian soil. The new legislation has attracted heavy

the Australian journalists’ union, the Media,

criticism from legal scholars and others, who have

Entertainment and Arts Alliance. Schedule 6 of

argued that it undermines key legal rights. It has

this Act gave AFP officers the power to request

prompted much debate about how best to protect

in writing that a person produce documents, if

Australia from terrorism outside and inside our

the officer considers that the documents are rele-

borders, while preserving fundamental freedoms.

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Ch a p te r s u m m a ry M u lt i p le - c hoi ce q ues ti ons 248

s The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 11 September 2001 (9/11) mark the beginning of terrorism as a global phenomenon. s The Bali bombings was carried out by Indonesian Islamic extremists on 12 October 2002. Bombs were exploded at Paddy’s Bar and the Sari Club, both popular with Australian tourists. s While no group took immediate responsibility for the bombing, the radical Islamic association, Jemaah Islamiyah, was suspected. s Amrozi, Imam Samudra and Mukhlas stood trial for the Bali bombings and were found guilty. They were sentenced to death by firing squad and executed in November 2008.

s Non-legal responses include the establishment of anti-terrorism media campaigns and the establishment of memorials to the victims of the bombings. s The Bali bombings revived debate about the death penalty. s The Bali bombings saw the introduction of Australian anti-terrorism legislation and the strengthening of the enforcement agencies responsible for homeland security. s This legislation has come under criticism by those who believe it jeopardises civil liberties and key legal rights.

 Which of the following is NOT true of terrorism? A It can be utilised by fundamentalist religious groups or political groups. B It can be constituted by a threat of violence directed at a population in order to induce a government to change its policies. C It is intended to cause death, not fear. D It was used prior to 2001.  Jemaah Islamiyah was: A a peaceful Islamic organisation B a foreign terrorist organisation that established a branch in Indonesia C under suspicion from the CIA for having links with Al Qaeda well before the Bali bombings D the name of the Indonesian counterterrorism force  Which of the following alleged suspects responsible for the Bali bombings ended up walking free? A Iman Samudra B Abu Bakar Bashir C Amrozi D Ali Ghufron

 Which of the following was not a result of Australian–Indonesian cooperation since the Bali bombings? A Australian police involved in the identification of victims of the Bali bombings B the establishment of the Australian Federal Police C the establishment of the Jakarta Regional Cooperation Team D the establishment of the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation  Which of the following types of provision was contained in the anti-terrorism legislation passed by the Commonwealth after the Bali bombings? A detention of persons suspected of terrorism offences for the purpose of investigation B detention of illegal immigrants from countries known to harbour terrorists C immunity of anti-terrorism legislation from judicial review D immunity of any Commonwealth employee from prosecution

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Ch a p te r s u m m a ry ta s k s Top i c revi ew

 Outline the situation regarding global terrorism before the Bali bombings.  What is the ‘war on terror’?  What was known about Jemaah Islamiyah before the Bali bombings?  Explain the connection between Hambali and the Bali bombings.  Who was Abu Bakar Bashir and why was he a suspect?  Why are good relations between Australia and Indonesia important from the Australian government’s point of view?

 Who were the main suspects arrested for the Bali bombings?  What was controversial about the trial of Abu Bakar Bashir?  Why was the Australian government’s policy towards the death penalty controversial? What key changes in anti-terrorism legislation have occurred in Australia since the Bali bombings?


 Discuss the anti-terror legislation, with reference to the arguments for and against a bill of rights.  Outline how the Australian and Indonesian governments have cooperated since the Bali bombings.  Outline the key stages in the investigation of the Bali bombings.  Contrast the ‘war on terror’ and the ‘rule of law’ approaches taken in the fight against terrorism.  Describe the Australian government’s policy towards the death penalty.

Marking criteria for the extended response questions can be found at www.cambridge. Refer to these criteria when planning and writing your response.

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A r e a 2 : Eve n t s w h i c h h i g h l i g h t l e g a l i s s u e s


k ey t er m s / v oc ab u l a r y

c hap ter ob j e cti ve s

The Port Arthur massacre


In this chapter, students will: s describe the key features of Australia’s courts and parliaments s identify the relevant legal terminology in investigating and discussing case and statute law s evaluate the effectiveness of Australia’s legal system in achieving reform of the gun laws s investigate the relationship between society and the legal system s recognise differing perspectives on issues related to the reform of gun laws s locate quality information from authoritative sources using the internet.

conspiracy theories homicide indictment massacre on remand suicide

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L aw in p rac tic e

rel ev ant l aw SIGNIFIC AN T C AS ES

R v Bryant (Supreme Court of Tasmania, Cox CJ, 22 Nov 1996)

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Int roduc t ion

massacre the intentional killing of a large number of people

On Sunday, 28 April 1996, a young Tasmanian

in society. Other critics even suggested that a

man called Martin Bryant ate a meal on the deck

conspiracy was in play and that the massacre had

of the Broad Arrow Café located at the Port Arthur

been orchestrated as a catalyst for law reform.

historical site. When he was finished he entered

The swift response of the Australian legal system

the café, took a rifle from his bag and started

to the problem of automatic weapons engendered

indiscriminately shooting. He then moved to the

enormous international interest, winning both

gift shop and then on to the car park, where he

praise and condemnation. In the United States,

pulled out an automatic weapon, firing at the

anti-gun coalitions took heart and redoubled their

people there. Driving up the road, he continued

efforts towards reform of gun laws, while leaders

shooting. By the time he was finished he had killed

in the gun lobby thundered out warnings that the

35 people.

United States government might try to do the

The horrific massacre at Port Arthur sent

same as Australia.

shock waves around the nation. Mass murder on

The effectiveness of gun law reform in Australia

such a scale was something Australians had never

in the wake of the Port Arthur massacre stands in

experienced before. The Port Arthur massacre also

stark contrast to the failure thus far in the United

set in motion a chain of events that eventually led

States. In an international context, it also contrasts

to a complete reform of Australia’s gun laws. This

with the failure to achieve an international

reform revealed a significant division in Australian

agreement on controlling the trade in small arms.

society between those for and against gun control.

Most of the small arms available around the world

Not everyone agreed with the reforms, or saw gun

to every armed group, militia or criminal are used

control as a solution to the incidence of violence

to maim, injure or kill innocent civilians.


Port Arthur, arriving at about 1.10 p.m. He parked his car and entered the Broad Arrow Café, where

The facts of the Port Arthur massacre reveal the

he purchased a meal and ate it on the deck. After

deliberate and intentional nature of Martin Bryant’s

eating, Bryant returned the tray and returned to

crimes. On the morning of the massacre Martin

his table where he pulled an AR-15 semi-automatic

Bryant left his home in Hobart and drove to Port

rifle from his bag. Entering the café, he began

Arthur, approximately one hour’s drive to the east.

systematically shooting people at close range.

Port Arthur is one of Australia’s most significant

He moved into the gift shop and did the same.

historic sites, as it was the site of one of Australia’s

Returning to his bag for additional ammunition,

most notorious convict settlements in the early

he reloaded and returned to shoot the people in

1800s. As was common, on the day in question

the gift shop who had taken cover behind tables

Port Arthur was overflowing with tourists.

and furniture. In the first 90 seconds, 20 people

On his drive to Port Arthur that day Martin


had been killed and 12 were injured.

Bryant stopped off at a guesthouse called Seascape

Bryant continued into the car park behind the

Cottage, where he entered and killed the owners,

café. People could hear the commotion and had

David and Noelene Martin. Bryant then drove to

taken cover behind the buses. He shot and killed

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L aw in p rac tic e Figure 12.1 The Penitentiary at Port Arthur, near where Bryant went on his killing rampage

another four people, wounding others. Bryant

Hobart. An 18-hour stand-off ensued because

continued shooting people on the grounds of the

Bryant claimed he had hostages. The following day,

historic site, then got into his car and drove past

Bryant set fire to the house, taunting the police to

the toll booth and onto the main road. Before

come in and get him. Eventually, Bryant ran from

exiting, he had killed seven more people, including

the house with his clothes alight and was captured

Nanette Mikac and her two young daughters,

by police. He was arrested and taken to hospital

Madeline and Alannah, aged three and six. Bryant

under police guard.

chased Alannah behind a tree in order to kill her.

During the initial period of his police question-

Bryant then drove up the main road to a service

ing, Bryant admitted to hijacking the BMW car but

station located at a General Store. He used the

denied having shot anyone. He also stated that

BMW he was driving – having killed the driver

he had not visited Port Arthur that day. Bryant

and passenger and stolen it – to block a Toyota

also claimed that the guns found by police were

Corolla from leaving the pump area. He forced the

not his. On 20 April, during a bedside hearing in

male occupant into the boot of the BMW, shot the

hospital where he was being held because of his

female occupant of the Corolla, dragged her body

burns from the fire, Bryant was charged with just

out of the car. got into the driver’s seat of the BMW

one murder. Police said additional charges would

and took off down the road with the male hostage

follow. On 22 May, Bryant appeared via a video

locked in the boot. A police officer arrived soon

link from Risdon Prison to the Magistrates’ Court

after and went in chase of Bryant a few minutes

for a remand hearing.


During the following weeks, the police inves-

Bryant returned to the Seascape guesthouse

tigated all the events of the day, which resulted

where he had begun his murderous killing spree

in the final charges being laid against him: 35

earlier that morning. At the house he took a hostage

counts of murder, 20 of attempted murder, four

inside and set fire to the stolen BMW. At around

of aggravated assault, eight of wounding, three of

2 p.m. police officers arrived but were forced to

causing grievous bodily harm, one of arson and

take shelter for a few hours in a ditch while Bryant

one of unlawfully setting fire to property.

fired on them with an automatic weapon. At 9 p.m.

Because of the magnitude of the killings, in a

a Special Operations police team arrived from

place popular with Australian and international

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Figure 12.2 People gather to pay tribute to the victims who died in the Broad Arrow Café during the Port Arthur massacre.

tourists alike, the Port Arthur massacre attracted considerable media attention and debate. There was interest also in Bryant himself. What kind



of person would do this? Was he of sound mind?

On 5 July 1996, a total of 72 criminal charges were

Those who knew Bryant were questioned by

filed against Martin Bryant in the Supreme Court

journalists eager to paint a picture for the public

of Tasmania, in Hobart. Bryant did not enter a plea

of who Martin Bryant was. A number of conflicting

to any of these charges.

stories emerged. Distant relatives provided an

The police obtained 551 statements from

album full of photographs. Two of Bryant’s ex-

witnesses in their investigations into the events of

girlfriends provided some more. On 30 April the

that day in Port Arthur. In September 1996, Bryant’s

first photos of Bryant appeared on the front pages

lawyer convinced him to plead guilty, and Bryant

of the nation’s press. The Australian newspaper

was convicted on 13 November 1996 of an un-

enhanced a photograph of Bryant that exaggerated

precedented list of crimes. The judge commented

the whiteness of his eyes to give him an eerie,

that he found it difficult to imagine a more chilling

spaced-out look. Debate about Bryant’s early life,

catalogue of crimes that were carried out in a

history of gun use, state of mind and motivations

coldly premeditated way, yet whose victims were

remain today, as does curiosity about his life in

selected randomly. The judge remarked on the


continuing effects of the killings on survivors, the

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families and friends of those whom he had killed,

2 %3%!2 #(    

the eyewitnesses, and the Port Arthur workers,

Read the sentencing report in R v Bryant and write a

ambulance officers and police officers who had to

report that addresses the following questions.

cope with the injured and dead.

1 What comments did the judge make about Martin

sentences of life imprisonment without parole for

Bryant’s intellectual ability and mental health? 2 Evaluate whether the judge’s observations about

the murders, plus 21 years for each of the other

Bryant’s upbringing, his social isolation, his intellectual

counts in the indictment.

ability and his mental health had any effect on the

L aw in p rac tic e

On 22 November 1996, Bryant received 35

sentence. 3 What comment did the judge make about remorse on Refer to Chapter 12 on the Student CD for information relating to R v Bryant (Supreme Court of Tasmania, Cox CJ, 22 Nov 1996).

the part of Bryant? 4 What comment did the judge make about Bryant having pleaded guilty? Did this affect Bryant’s sentence? 5 What comments did the judge make in weighing up

)MPRISONMENT After his arrest, Bryant was held in hospital under

Bryant’s crime with the mitigating factors such as his upbringing, social isolation, intellectual capacity and mental state? 6 What was the final sentence?

police guard while he was treated for his burns. While on remand for seven months until the

indictment information presented for the prosecution of one or more criminal offences; a formal written charge

conclusion of his trial, Bryant was held in nearsolitary confinement in a specially built cell at the medium- to maximum-security Risdon Prison. In 1997 Martin Bryant began his formal prison

on remand (of an accused) in custody pending and/ or during his or her trial

sentence at the old Risdon prison hospital and became one of its most notorious inmates. He spent most of his time up to 2006 alone in his cell. Though the prison authorities did not consider Bryant to be mentally ill, they held the view that the prison hospital was the safest place for him because he was the most hated prisoner among the inmates. Apparently, he had been the target of

Figure 12.3 Who is Martin Bryant?

a number of assaults and many of the inmates had made death threats against him. In 2006, the Tasmanian government moved

Some relatives and friends of the slain Port

Bryant into the newly constructed Wilfred Lopes

Arthur victims were outraged that Bryant would

Centre, a mental health facility a few hundred

be serving his sentence in such a facility. First,

metres from the prison. There are no guards

they objected because they felt they should have

inside the 35-bed unit, only nurses, doctors and

been told of the move prior to its occurrence.

support staff, and most inmates are not confined

Secondly, they believed that it was inappro-

to cells but free to wander around the complex.

priate for someone who had not been declared

The centre was substantially a hospital with a

insane at the time of conviction to be hospitalised.

therapeutic environment.

The previous year, the state’s chief forensic

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Figure 12.4 Bryant’s move from maximum security at Risdon Prison (above) to a mental health facility angered survivors and family members of the victims of the Port Arthur massacre.

psychiatrist, Dr John Crawshaw, had stated that

Prison. Bryant has been transferred back to

Bryant did not meet the criteria for admission to

maximum security Risdon Prison on at least one

the Wilfred Lopes Centre.

occasion, in response to the public outcry about

Their biggest objection, however, was the idea

his being housed in the Wilfred Lopes Centre,

that Bryant would be free to move around hospital

Bryant has attempted suicide a number of

freely when they believed that he should be

times during his incarceration. As of May 2009, he

confined to a prison cell for the rest of his life.

was being held at the Wilfred Lopes Centre, but in

In a leaked letter from Tasmania’s Director


of Prisons, Graeme Barber, to Dr Crawshaw, the reasons for transferring Bryant to the Wilfred Lopes Centre were stated as concerns for Bryant’s



health, well-being and safety, and the need to

Since the day of the Port Arthur massacre there

protect other inmates. Those opposed to the move

has been speculation about Bryant’s motivation

questioned the validity of these concerns, given

for the killing spree, focusing in large part on his

the recent $90 million redevelopment of Risdon

childhood and his sanity. In 2006, Bryant’s lawyer,

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2 %6 ) %7    

about his former client. Extracts were published

1 From the information above create a

in the Bulletin magazine, along with transcripts of

timeline of events on the day of the Port

conversations between Bryant and Avery, school

Arthur massacre until Bryant’s arrest.

reports, and psychiatric assessments. Avery’s

2 Do you think people will ever know why

behaviour and the magazine’s publication of the

Martin Bryant did what he did? Why are a

material were condemned by the legal community

murderer’s motives a continuing source

and many in the media as both professionally

of fascination?

questionable and inconsiderate of the feelings of

3 What are the arguments for and against

victims and their families. In 2009, journalists

Bryant serving part of his sentence in a

Robert Wainwright and Paola Totaro published

mental health facility rather than a prison?

Born or bred?: Martin Bryant, the making of a mass

What facts does the answer depend on?

murderer, again delving into his past.

Discuss in small groups.

One of the ideas about Bryant’s motives, put

L aw in p rac tic e

John Avery, was reported to be writing a book

4 If a convicted murderer is found to be sane,

forward by the defence psychiatrist, Paul Mullen,

what are the aims of the criminal sentence

was that Bryant was inspired by a lone gunman’s

imposed? Justify your answer.

massacre of 16 children and one adult on 13 March 2006 in the Scottish town of Dunblane. Other speculation has focused on Bryant’s below-normal

2 %6 ) %7    

intellect and resulting social isolation and anger,

1 Identify the various conspiracy claims that

desire for attention, and a long-term grudge against

have surrounded the Port Arthur massacre.

his first victims, who had bought the Seascape

2 How valid do you think these claims are?

property that he had wanted to buy.

3 In what ways do these claims dishonour the memory of those who died in the massacre?

#ONSPIRACYCLAIMS From the beginning, conspiracy theories have

2 %3%!2 #(    

surrounded the Port Arthur massacre. These

The articles ‘Bryant is an Overweight Zombie’

suggest that the massacre was actually carried out

and ‘Inside the Mind of a Mass Murderer’ both

by special operatives who framed Bryant. According

attempt to provide some insight into who

to some of the proponents of conspiracy theories,

Martin Bryant is and explain his motivations.

particularly those that are strong opponents of

Answer the questions below.

gun control, the purpose of the massacre was to

1 How does Bryant’s mother describe her

provide a platform for the federal government to bring about gun control law reform. A more recent conspiracy theory is that the Port Arthur massacre was a plot to make it easier for terrorists to take over Australia if all of our guns have been confiscated. These theories do not enjoy any credibility in legal or scholarly circles. Their merit may be at least

conspiracy theories speculation that there is a cover-up of the information surrounding a significant event by government or other authorities

son’s imprisonment at Risdon Prison? 2 Do the comments made by the psychologist and defence lawyer shed any light on what motivated Bryant? 3 Is there any way to assess whether Bryant feels any guilt for his actions from the information in these articles? 4 Why is Bryant’s decision to enter a guilty

partly determined by noting which organisations

plea considered a controversial one?

hold them. For instance, the Holocaust-denying

5 Does speculation about a murderer’s

Australian-based Adelaide Institute continues to

motivations serve any useful purpose?

peddle the conspiracy line.


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in a total of 32 deaths. Each of these incidents was premeditated and all were carried out by people


who legally owned guns. The most well-known of

By the 1980s there were approximately four

Massacre and the Queen Street Massacre. The

million privately owned guns in Australia and

Victorian government acted swiftly to introduce

about 700 gun deaths each year. These guns were

tougher gun laws. This action was opposed by

owned primarily for hunting and by farmers, who

the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia,

used them to kill pests such as rabbits and feral

an organisation formed to promote sports such

animals. The majority of gun deaths occurred due

as target shooting and hunting, and which also

to misuse of rifle-type guns rather than handguns.

represents the interests of gun owners. The Asso-

The gun laws were fairly weak and varied greatly

ciation organised a protest march by 27 000 of

among the states and territories.

its members through the streets of Melbourne.

these occurred in Melbourne: the Hoddle Street

The gun debate in Australia started in Victoria

However, public sentiment against weak gun laws

after two separate incidents in which 14-year-old

meant that the Victorian government persevered

girls were accidentally killed by sporting shooters.

with its reforms.

As a result, the Victorian government introduced

These state reforms were complemented at the

a shooter’s licence, which, while fairly weak by

federal level by the Hawke government’s estab-

today’s standards, was nevertheless the first

lishment of the National Committee on Violence,

serious attempt to place some control on guns.

which produced a report in 1990 containing 30

Then in 1987, Australia experienced six gun massacres over the course of the year that resulted





dations was registration of high-powered rifles. The reforms that followed represented a significant step towards gun control in Australia. In 1991, a gunman shot six people in a shopping mall at Strathfield, NSW with an ex-military semi-automatic rifle that he had easily obtained. Widespread outrage and debate followed. In 1992, the New South Wales government introduced tougher gun laws. Many pro-gun groups bitterly opposed these laws, particularly since prior to the Strathfield massacre the NSW Liberal government had been ready to introduce softer laws. The tougher gun laws led to the formation of the Shooters’ Party in NSW. The Shooters’ Party has had a seat in the NSW upper house since then. Also in reaction to the tougher laws, the Sporting

Figure 12.5 The Sporting Shooters Association of Australia opposed gun reforms.

Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA) began looking to the National Rifle Association (NRA) in the United States for ideas on how to counter the


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tougher legal regime for guns that was taking root in Australia. The NRA is a powerful lobby group with the goal of promoting firearm ownership rights, relying on a broad interpretation of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution, which

L aw in p rac tic e

gives people the right to keep and bear arms. Overall, the effect of the gun massacres that occurred in Australia between 1987 and 1991 was the development of public concern about guns, which coincided with leaders who were willing to enact the necessary legal reforms to put the nation on the path of a sensible gun control regime.

'UNLAWREFORMAFTERTHE0ORT !RTHURMASSACRE By the 1990s, Tasmania was the odd state out in terms of gun law reform. This made it quite easy for Martin Bryant to purchase the guns that he

Figure 12.6 When John Howard spoke to a hostile rally of pro-gun enthusiasts he was wearing a bullet-proof vest.

used to kill 35 people. In response to the public outcry about gun control after the massacre, Prime Minister John Howard initiated a discussion on tougher gun law reforms. He was backed by


2 %6 ) %7     1 Make a list of Australian gun law reforms from 1980

Deputy Prime Minister Tim Fisher. By the end of ment signed the National Agreement on Gun Laws.


This agreement stated that:

The deaths of 35 people at the

s gun ownership is a privilege and not a right

hands of Martin Bryant shocked

s semi-automatic weapons must be strictly

Austra lians. Of the stories that

1997, the state governments and federal govern-

to 1997. 2 Investigate the gun massacres that occurred in Australia in 1987. 3 Evaluate the effectiveness

emerged from that day, the murder

of the government’s

s all guns must be registered

of Nanette Mikac and her two young

response to public concern

s guns must be stored securely

daughters, Alannah and Madeline,

about gun use.

s there must be a 28-day cooling-off period when

aged 6 and 3 respectively, were


buying guns.

particularly devastating. Australians

Such proposals seemed sensible to the average

were reminded of the fragile nature of human life

Australian; however, some National Party parlia-

and the destructive potential of guns.

mentarians and pro-gun lobby groups, such as

Walter Mikac lost his wife and daughters. These

the SSAA, were horrified and did everything they

events had a profound effect on another Australian

could to stop the proposed new laws. It was in this

father of two young girls, Phil West, who along with

context that conspiracy theories about the Port

a small group of volunteers established the Alannah

Arthur massacre sprouted. Some gun enthusiasts

and Madeline Foundation. The Foundation’s goal

began to argue that the Port Arthur massacre was

is to keep children safe from violence. It does

a government conspiracy and that Martin Bryant

not receive government funding, but relies on

was set up, all with the aim of using it as an excuse

fund-raising events, private grants and individual

to take guns away from all the law-abiding gun

donations to continue its work. The Foundation

owners in the country.

runs programs to assist with the recovery of

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children who have witnessed or experienced

federal, state and local governments. HRH Crown

violence, and to prevent violence and bullying in

Princess Mary of Denmark is the International

schools. It also acts as a children’s advocate before

Patron of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation.

2ESPONSIVENESSOFTHELEGALSYSTEM TOTHE0ORT!RTHURMASSACRE suicide the intentional taking of one’s own life homicide the act of killing another human being


year from suicides, unintentional killings and homicides had dropped dramatically. In the 1980s the deaths per year from gun-related causes

From 1998, Australia experienced a marked

averaged 700. By 1999 they were around 300 and

decrease in gun deaths when compared to the

by 2003, gun-related deaths had dropped to 290

1970s and 1980s. Handguns, however, appeared

per year. This trend has continued since.

as a new menace in 2002. In a shooting that

While Australia has directly addressed the

occurred at Monash University in Victoria that

problem of gun deaths, other countries, such as

year, two people were killed and five injured

the United States, have not been as effective in

when a student, who was a licensed pistol shooter,

meeting this challenge. Political leaders in the

fired handguns in an econometrics class, killing

US have not been successful in countering the

two students and injuring four students and a

strong pro-gun culture supported by the extremely


effective lobbying of the NRA. Gun massacres

After the Monash shootings the Australian Crime Commission was formed. It is a statutory body

remain a feature of life in the US, and the sale of firearms continues to grow every year.

that, in partnership with other law enforcement agencies, develops strategies for dealing with serious and organised crime. One of the first things on its agenda was illegal trafficking in handguns. It

Refer to Chapter 12 on the Student CD

had become apparent that there was an increase

for information relating to death tolls

in illegal handgun use.

of the world’s worst shootings.

While handguns were emerging as the new

l eg a l l i n ks

threat in crime, the total number of deaths per


A paper written in 2000, titled ‘Australia’s

argued that this led to a more rational

New Gun Control Philosophy: Public

philosophy of gun control, which is more

Health Paramount’, by Rebecca Peters

effective in reducing the number of

and Roland Browne in The Drawing Board:

firearm-related deaths.

An Australian Review of Public Affairs,

This can be downloaded from

argued that Australia took a public health

the following web address: www.

approach to gun law reform instead of

a criminal justice approach. The authors


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700 600 500

L aw in p rac tic e

Total T


Suicide S


Homicide H 200

A Accident


Other O

0 1991











Figure 12.7 Firearm related deaths in Australia, 1991–2001

2%3 % ! 2#( 

2 %3%!2 #(    

2 %3%!2 # (    

Read the article ‘Death tolls of the world’s

1 View the 2002 documentary

Go to the Australian Institute of

worst shootings.’ Despite Australia’s Port

Bowling for Columbine. What

Criminology website, read the

Arthur massacre holding the number one

are the main points it makes

abstract for ‘Firearm related

spot for the world’s worst single non-

about guns in the United

deaths in Australia, 1991–2001’,

wartime shooting, the United States can be


said to have the most frequent occurrence

2 For further information

tandi2/tandi269.html, and

of shootings.

about the film and about

answer the following questions:

1 Draw up a table showing country,

the issue of guns in the

1 What has been the

gunman, location, weapons, killed and

United States, go to the

percentage decrease in


website for the film: www.

firearm-related deaths in the

2 How does Port Arthur compare with other similar massacres? 3 Identify similarities in location, 3 For further information about the issue of guns in

motivation of the killer, and the

the United States, go to the

availability of weapons.

website of the Brady Center

4 Investigate the Second Amendment to

to Prevent Gun Violence (an

the Constitution of the United States.

NGO) at www.bradycenter.

Why do you think gun law reform might


be more difficult to achieve in the US in light of this clause? 5 Visit the website of the National Rifle

4 Research other media reports and academic

period 1991–2001? 2 What proportion of deaths involved males? 3 What age group has the highest risk? 4 What was the most common weapon used? 5 What other weapon has seen increased use? 6 Which accounted for the

reports about the gun issue

most deaths: homicide,

Association (NRA) at See

in the United States. What

accident or suicide? What

what information you can find about how

arguments and tactics are

are the implications of

the NRA can continue to oppose gun law

being used by those groups

this finding for health

reform even in the face of a massacre like

arguing for gun law reform?


the one at Columbine High School.

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in particular, semi-automatic rifles and shotguns. Approximately 640 000 guns were collected under the scheme. Victoria was the state to hand in the greatest proportion of its registered weapons that were on the ‘prohibited’ list. The long-term effectiveness of this scheme has been closely monitored, with conflicting reports emerging. Some have indicated that because Australia has not had a mass gun-related shooting since Port Arthur, the buy-back scheme was a success. Other reports have indicated that the scheme has had no real effect on overall murder rates. The only area where the National Firearms Agreement – the collective name for federal and state gun reforms – may have had some impact is in suicide rates. Part of the difficulty in measuring the success of the buy-back scheme and its impact on crime rates is that 90 per cent of homicides are committed with unregistered firearms.

2 %3%!2 #(     The following newspaper articles from the Sydney Morning Herald in 2006 give two different perspectives on the effectiveness of the guns buy-back scheme since 1996. Locate the following articles at www.smh. and answer the questions below: s Matthew Moore, ‘Buyback has no effect on murder rate’, 24 October 2006

Figure 12.8 Guns handed in during the buyback scheme in 1997 were destroyed at scrap-metal yards.

s Don Weatherburn, ‘Study no excuse to shoot down the law’, 26 October 2006 1 Read the two articles listed above and summarise their key points.


Australia on this debate by searching for ‘Recent Reports on Australian Gun

As part of the reform of gun laws and culture in

Laws’ (Wednesday 10 January 2007) on

Australia, a buy-back scheme and amnesty were

the Gun Control Australia website (www.

introduced by the Howard government in the

aftermath of the Port Arthur massacre. Money was


2 Find the commentary of the Gun Control

3 Write a one-page report discussing

given to people who willingly handed over guns

the effectiveness of the guns buy-back

that appeared on a list of prohibited weapons –


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2 %3%!2 #(    

Search the internet to find the following

The problem of guns, or small arms as they are

articles about a tragic shooting:

known in international law, is one that plagues

s Michelle Fenech and Rebecca Senescall,

the whole world. The main problem is that too

‘Boy, 14, charged with murder over

many guns are sold (both legally and illegally)

friend’s shooting’, Camden Advertiser,

to people in poor countries characterised

8 December 2008

by civil unrest and poverty. Many of the

s ‘Man charged after Josef Cruickshank’s

thousand people killed by firearms each day

shooting death’, The Australian,

are innocent women and children. There is an

9 December 2008

attempt to establish an effective UN treaty

1 What are the implications of this shooting

on small arms, but without the United States’

for gun laws, the policing of those laws

backing, there is little chance of success.

and the education of young people?

1 Research the issue of the gun violence

2 What has been the outcome of this

around the world by going to the website

case? Locate the outcome by searching

of the International Action Network on

for further media reports and court

Small Arms (an NGO) at and


download its report titled ‘Gun Violence:

3 Go to the Australian Institute of Criminology website (

L aw in p rac tic e

2% 3%!2#( 

The Global Crisis’. 2 Go to the United Nations website (www.

and find out how many people die from and find out about progress on the

accidental discharge of a firearm each year.

small arms treaty.

4 Evaluate the implications for the legal system in dealing with accidental death from firearms. Suggest legal and nonlegal ways that this type of tragedy could be minimised. For instance, is it a case of further reform of the relevant laws, greater police powers, education, or some other means?

Co nc l u s io n It can be argued that Australia’s legal system

handguns, both legal and illegal, has gained the

has been effective in dealing with the issue of

attention of our nation’s lawmakers. It seems that

deaths from firearms since tough measures were

gun-related issues are never far from resurfacing.

introduced in the aftermath of the Port Arthur

Our gun laws and enforcement measures need

massacre in 1996. The dangers posed by both

to be constantly revisited to ensure they stay

legal and illegal guns, however, are something

abreast of changing trends in the use of firearms,

that we can never become complacent about.

both nationally and internationally. This is an

Tragic accidents and suicides will continue to

issue in which there is always room for further law

occur and there will still be homicides committed


with firearms. Since 2002, the proliferation of

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s The Port Arthur massacre on 28 April 1996 is the worst massacre in Australian history. s The Port Arthur massacre set in motion a chain of events that led to gun reform in Australia at both state and federal levels. s The Australian government – when compared to the governments of other countries, especially the United States – can be said to have acted quickly and decisively to enact gun law reform. s Media coverage of the Port Arthur massacre was concerned with Martin Bryant’s motives and trying to understand how and why he would indiscriminately kill 35 people. s On 22 November 1996, Bryant was sentenced to 35 life sentences without the possibility of parole.

 The high-powered semi-automatic weapons that Martin Bryant used on 28 April 1996 were: A imported from the United States B bought legally in Tasmania C acquired illegally D illegal under existing Commonwealth legislation  Martin Bryant’s motive for his crime: A was that he had been bullied and abused as a child B was that he had a hatred of foreign tourists C was that he was insane and did not really know what he was doing D is not known for sure  The most probable reason for the growth of conspiracy theories about the Port Arthur massacre is: A Australian political leaders have refused to speak publicly about the massacre. B Martin Bryant was denied natural justice. C pro-gun groups here and overseas oppose attempts by governments in Australia to toughen the laws on guns. D Martin Bryant was not capable of using a gun.

s Before 1996, gun laws varied greatly among the states and territories. The Victorian government introduced tougher laws after the Hoddle Street and Queen Street massacres. These reforms were opposed by the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia. s After the Port Arthur massacre, a National Agreement on Gun Laws was signed by state and federal governments at the end of 1997. s From 1998, Australian has experienced a decrease in gun deaths. Despite this decrease, it is difficult effectively to measure the success of the gun buy-back scheme.

 The toughening of gun laws in Australia since 1996 has led to: A no change in the number of deaths from firearms each year B a doubling of the number of deaths from firearms each year C a decrease of the number of deaths from firearms each year D the elimination of all deaths from acts of homicide using a gun  Achieving reforms of the gun laws in the United States is extremely difficult because: A many politicians are against making tougher laws B the NRA has enormous cultural power and political clout C arms manufacturers successfully lobby politicians against tougher laws D all of the above

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 Describe the massacre at Port Arthur in 1996 and outline the responses of the police, the courts and the political leaders.  Discuss the controversies surrounding Martin Bryant’s sentencing and his imprisonment.  Evaluate the effectiveness of the Australian legal system in dealing with the problem of gun-related deaths.  Explain the difficulty of achieving reform on laws related to small arms on the global level.

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Ch a p te r s u m m a ry ta s k s Top i c revi ew

 Summarise the events on the day of 28 April 1996 in your own words.  How was Martin Bryant brought to justice?  Explain why Martin Bryant has been the subject of controversy since his imprisonment.  Explain why the Port Arthur massacre has generated claims of a conspiracy.

 Outline some of the events that prompted gun law reform in Australia before 1996.  Outline the legal responses to gun-related deaths in Australia before 1996.  What was Tasmania’s attitude to gun law reform before 1996?  What was the National Agreement on Guns and how did it propose to toughen up the gun laws in Australia?

 If gun law reform since 1996 has seen positive results in Australia, why has the United States been unable to do the same with its gun laws?

Marking criteria for the extended response questions can be found at www.cambridge. Refer to these criteria when planning and writing your response.

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A r e a 3 : I n d i v i d u a l s o r g r o u p s i n c o n f l i c t w i t h t h e s t a te


ke y t e r ms

c hap ter ob j e cti ve s

Mohamed Haneef


In this chapter, students will: s explore legal concepts and terminology with respect to Mohamed Haneef and the law s investigate the legal system’s ability to address issues relating to Mohamed Haneef s explore the differences in the laws in relation to Mohamed Haneef s investigate the role of the law in addressing and responding to change in relation to terrorist threats s describe the legal and non-legal responses to Mohamed Haneef’s case s evaluate the effectiveness of legal and non-legal responses in achieving justice for Mohamed Haneef.

Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) guilt by association ministerial discretion pro bono reckless separation of powers surety terrorism

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rel ev ant l aw IM PORTA N T L EGIS L AT ION

Anti-Terrorism Act 2004 (Cth) Anti-Terrorism Act (No. 2) 2005 (Cth) Criminal Code 1995 (Cth) Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) Migration Act 1958 (Cth) Terrorism (Police Powers) Act 2002 (NSW) Crimes Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2004 (NSW) SIGNIFIC AN T C AS ES

Haneef v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2007] FCA 1273 Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v Haneef [2007] FCAFC 203

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! B R I E F H I S TO R Y O F T H E - O H A ME D (A NEEFC A SE The case of Dr Mohamed Haneef is one of the

attack) caused a great deal of controversy in

most highly publicised and politicised incidents

Australia and India. He was the first person

in recent Australian legal history. The facts of the

arrested and detained under the Anti-Terrorism

case and the context in which it took place are

Act (No. 2) 2005 (Cth) and the first to have his

not only interesting from a social and political

detention extended to twelve days under the Act

perspective, but also raise a number of important

without being charged with a crime.

legal issues for Australia relating to the separation

This chapter will explore the events that led

of powers, the presumption of innocence, and

to Mohamed Haneef’s arrest and detention and

guilt by association.

analyse the legal responses to his case. In order to

Dr Haneef, a medical doctor from India, first

understand these events, it is necessary to place

arrived in Australia in 2006 on a temporary skilled

them in the broader social and political context:

working visa and was employed at the Gold Coast

a post-September 11 context characterised by

Hospital in Southport, Queensland for almost a

pervasive fear of further terrorist attacks against

year before his case became international news.





Dr Haneef’s arrest and detention on 2 July 2007

motivated governments to use the full force of

on suspicion of terror-related activity (specifically

their legal systems and law enforcement agencies

in relation to the Glasgow International Airport

to tackle the terrorist threat on their doorstep.

Figure 13.1 Mohamed Haneef



Figure 13.2 The attacks on 11 September 2001 caused widespread fear and fuelled the ‘War on Terror’.

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L aw in p rac tic e Figure 13.3 Terrorist attacks in London, Madrid and Bali in the wake of the September 11 attacks fuelled a ‘climate of fear’ around the world.


killing innocent civilians, they are intended to influence political events. Most people believe that

Terrorist attacks are nothing new. Throughout

political change, on either a national or international

history, individuals, political and religious organi-

level, should take place as a result of discussion,

sations have committed terrorist attacks in an

argument and negotiation, not violence.

attempt to achieve certain political and social objec-

As we saw in Chapter 11, terrorism has become

tives. The word ‘terrorism’ is often politically and

a global phenomenon. The brief list of major

emotionally charged. Terrorist acts are designed to

terrorist attacks below gives some idea of the

coerce or intimidate a government or other group

frequency and severity of attacks in the wake of

into taking a course of action it would not otherwise

11 September 2001. Not only did these events kill

take. These acts are considered particularly heinous

and injure thousands of innocent people, they also

because in addition to the crime of harming or

fuelled a ‘climate of fear’ around the world.

terrorism violence or the threat of violence, directed at an innocent group of people for the purpose of coercing another party, such as a government, into a course of action that it would not otherwise pursue

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s 12 October 2002 – Bali bombings This attack took place in the tourist district of

at Glasgow International Airport in Scotland, in the afternoon of Saturday, 30 June 2007.

Kuta on the Indonesian island of Bali, killing 202

The incident involved a Jeep Cherokee, loaded

people. Various members of Jemaah Islamiyah,

with canisters containing explosive propane gas,

a radical Islamist group, were convicted in

which was driven into glass doors at the airport

relation to the bombings.

terminal entrance. The propane canisters failed

s 11 March 2004 – Madrid bombings

to explode; however, the car was set ablaze. The

This attack took place aboard four commuter

car was prevented from entering the terminal by

trains in Madrid, Spain, killing 191 people and

security bollards that had been installed outside

wounding a further 1800. In total, 10 separate

the entrance. Although nobody was killed at the

explosions were recorded. A loose group of

scene, the car’s driver suffered severe burns

Moroccan, Syrian, and Algerian Muslims was

to 90 per cent of his body and later died, and a

suspected of having carried out the attacks. As

number of injuries were sustained by members

of May 2009, 21 people, most from north Africa,

of the public, including those who helped police

had been convicted in Spain for taking part in

detain the car’s occupants.

the attacks, and more were still being arrested.

The attack was said to be the first such terrorist

s 7 July 2005 and 21 July 2005 – London

attack to target Scotland and was linked to a failed


attack in London the previous day. The London

The 7 July attacks were a series of coordinated

attempt had involved two separate car bombs in

suicide bombings on London’s public tran-

the centre of the city, which were detected and

sport system. The bombings killed 52 people

disabled before they could explode. The Glasgow

and injured a further 700. A group of British

attack occurred only three days after Gordon

Muslims unhappy with Britain’s involvement in

Brown, a Scottish-born MP from Glasgow, was

the Iraq war was later identified as having been

appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

responsible for the attacks.

Within three days, eight people suspected of

The 21 July attacks were a second series of

involvement in the Glasgow and London incidents

four explosions on the London Underground

had been taken into custody. The two men in the

and on a bus. Fortunately, the main explosive

car at Glasgow International Airport, arrested at the

charges failed to detonate during this attack

scene, were identified as passenger Bilal Abdullah,

and no casualties were recorded.

a British-born medical doctor of Iraqi descent, and

s 1 October 2005 – second Bali bombings

driver Kafeel (‘Khalid’) Ahmed, an engineer who

These attacks occurred at two sites, Jimbaran

was born in Bangalore, India, raised in Saudi Arabia,

and Kuta, on the island of Bali. Twenty people

and was studying for a PhD at Cambridge Univer-

were killed and 129 people were injured by

sity in the UK. A suicide note left behind indicated

three suicide bombers. As with the bombings

that the two had intended to die in the attack.

in 2002, Jemaah Islamiyah are believed to be responsible for the attacks.

On 2 August 2007, Kafeel Ahmed died of the third-degree burns he sustained, while Bilal Abdullah was later found guilty in the UK of



conspiracy to commit murder and was sentenced

Following the spate of international terrorist attacks

18 months’ jail after pleading guilty to failing to

described above, there was an attempted bombing

disclose information that could have prevented

to 32 years in prison. Kafeel’s brother, Dr Sabeel Ahmed, was also later sentenced in the UK to

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an act of terrorism. Sabeel had received an e-mail

Dr Haneef arrived in Australia with his wife on

message from Kafeel and details of his will before

11 September 2006 and commenced work at the

the attack, but was later cleared of having any

Gold Coast Hospital on 18 September, moving into

actual knowledge of the bombings.

a nearby apartment in Southport. His wife, Firdous


she returned to India for family support during

On 2 July 2007, two days after the attack, a 27-year-

continued working at the hospital in Australia

old junior medical doctor, Dr Mohamed Haneef,

and on 26 June 2007 their daughter was born in

was arrested by the Australian Federal Police

Bangalore. Shortly afterwards a series of events

(AFP) at Brisbane Airport, on suspicion of a link to

began that would change both their lives and leave

the Glasgow International Airport attack.

a permanent mark on Australia’s legal history.

the final months of her pregnancy. Dr Haneef

Dr Haneef was the first person detained in Australia under newly introduced anti-terrorism


laws. His detention without charge by police

The Australian Federal Police arrested Dr Haneef

became the longest in Australia’s recent history

at Brisbane Airport on 2 July 2007, following

and the case became a cause for controversy in

information received from UK intelligence agencies

both Australia and India. Dr Haneef was eventually

that Australian police believed linked him to the

released and all charges withdrawn, but the case

Glasgow Airport attack. Some of the facts and

brought to light important questions about the

allegations that influenced the AFP’s belief were:

law and its application by both police and the

s Family relationship: Dr Haneef was a distant

Australian government, and its implications for

relative of both the driver involved in the

Australian law will continue into the future.

Glasgow International Airport attack, Kafeel

Australian Federal Police (AFP) the federal police agency of the Commonwealth of Australia, set up to enforce the federal laws and to protect the interests of Australia both domestically and internationally

L aw in p rac tic e

Arshiya, later became pregnant and in March 2007

Ahmed, and Kafeel’s brother Sabeel Ahmed,


who at that stage was only a suspect in the

Mohamed Haneef was born in 1979 and raised

case. Dr Haneef was the brothers’ first cousin

in Mudigere, a small town surrounded by coffee

once removed – that is, they shared the same

plantations in the state of Karnataka, India.


Following his father’s death in a motor vehicle

s SIM card : During investigations into the

accident when Mohamed was 18 years old, his

Glasgow incident, UK police discovered a

family moved to Bangalore, the state capital,

mobile phone SIM card in Sabeel Ahmed’s flat,

where he completed his education and eventually

which was registered to Mohamed Haneef. Dr

attained a medical degree with first-class honours

Haneef had left the SIM card with friends in his

in 2002 from Dr B. R. Ambedkar Medical College.

old flat when he departed from the UK in 2006,

After graduation, Haneef completed his intern-

as it still contained credit. Sabeel Ahmed later

ship in India, then moved to the United Kingdom,

moved into the flat.

where he worked in a hospital at Runcorn,

One of the critical issues in the case was an

Cheshire in north-west England. After seeing an

allegation made by the AFP and Commonwealth

advertisement in the British Medical Journal, he

prosecutors that the SIM card was actually found

applied to work in Australia under Australia’s

inside the Jeep Cherokee used in the attack. This

temporary skilled worker scheme and obtained a

allegation later turned out to be false. It was

job as a medical doctor at Queensland’s Gold

revealed that UK police had originally told the

Coast Hospital.

AFP that the card was in the Jeep, but this was

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and alone in Australia after he learnt there could be a problem with his old SIM card, and wanted the support of his family. s Shared flat: In a formal court statement, the AFP claimed that Dr Haneef had told them that he had lived in the UK at his Liverpool flat with two of the suspects of the Glasgow attack. However, the record of Dr Haneef’s interview with police shows that he told them that he had lived at the Liverpool flat with several named doctors, none of whom was a suspect in the Glasgow incident. Dr Haneef had moved out of this flat before Sabeel Ahmed moved in. He had visited Cambridge on two occasions in 2004 while in the UK to stay with Kafeel Ahmed, for a total of six days. The error was not corrected by the AFP. s Contact with suspects: The AFP also alleged that Dr Haneef had been in continuing contact with both of the suspects of the Glasgow attack. Dr Haneef’s laptop was seized by police and details Figure 13.4 The SIM card given to Sabeel Ahmed was one of the key issues in the Haneef case.

of financial transactions investigated. Links between Dr Haneef and other terror suspects were also alleged, and later proved to be false. At the time of Haneef’s arrest, the Federal

later clarified. Some concerns were expressed

Police Commissioner, Mick Keelty, acknowledged

about AFP’s handling of the information.

that he ‘may have done nothing wrong and may at

s One-way ticket : When Dr Haneef was arrested

the end of the day be free to go’. Despite this, from

at Brisbane Airport he had a one-way airline

the time of his arrest to the day of his release on

ticket to Bangalore, India, paid for by his father-

27 July, Dr Haneef would spend a total of 25 days

in-law. This created a perception that he was

in detention, only then to be released without any

attempting to flee the country and may have

charge. During this time the then Federal Minister

been involved in the terrorist attacks. This

for Immigration and Citizenship, Kevin Andrews,

perception was strengthened when it was dis-

also made the controversial decision to cancel Dr

covered that Dr Haneef had received a phone

Haneef’s Australian working visa, a decision that

call from the brothers’ mother telling him that

was later appealed in the Federal Court of Australia

the police wanted to speak to him about ‘some

and overturned.

problem’ involving his SIM card. However, this is still a tenuous connection.


The case resulted in intense media speculation and commentary and eventually a full inquiry into

As stated by Dr Haneef in his interviews with

the affair, ordered by the Federal Attorney-General

police, there was another significant reason for

after the change in government following the 2007

his departure: he wanted to be with his wife

federal election. A timeline of all the major events

and newborn daughter, who had been born by

in the case of Dr Haneef is set out on page 273.

caesarean section only days before and was not

Details and analysis of the legal elements of the

well. It is possible that he also felt frightened

case are discussed below.

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11 September 2006

Dr Mohamed Haneef arrives in Australia with his wife, Firdous Arshiya, under a temporary skilled working visa.

18 September 2006

Dr Haneef commences work as a registrar at the Gold Coast Hospital in Queensland.

26 June 2007

Dr Haneef’s wife, Firdous Arshiya, gives birth to their first child in Bangalore, India.

29 June 2007

An attempted terrorist attack in London fails after car bombs intended to explode are discovered and disabled.

30 June 2007

Attack at Glasgow International Airport; a distant relative of Dr Haneef’s, Khafeel Ahmed, is identified as the driver.

2 July 2007

Dr Haneef is arrested by the AFP at Brisbane Airport about to board a plane to Bangalore, India. Dr Haneef is detained under Australia’s new anti-terrorism laws pending further investigation.

14 July 2007

AFP formally charges Dr Haneef for the offence of ‘recklessly providing support to a terrorist organisation’, punishable by up to 15 years’ imprisonment.

16 July 2007

18 July 2007

27 July 2007

29 July 2007 21 August 2007 21 December 2007 13 March 2008 21 November 2008 23 December 2008

Brisbane Magistrates’ Court grants Dr Haneef bail under ‘exceptional circumstances’, with bail set at $10 000. Federal Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Kevin Andrews decides to cancel Mohamed Haneef’s visa. Queensland Department of Health suspends Dr Haneef’s employment without pay pending the outcome of the charges. Dr Haneef remains in custody without exercising his bail. Dr Haneef’s barrister, Stephem Keim SC, confirms that he leaked a transcript of the initial AFP interview with Dr Haneef to counter a campaign of damaging allegations by law enforcement agencies. Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions withdraws the charge after the $3.2 million investigation against Dr Haneef, citing ‘no reasonable prospect of a conviction’. This followed an admission by the AFP the week before that the SIM card was not found at the scene of the Glasgow attack as previously alleged. Dr Haneef is released from custody.

L aw in p rac tic e


2 %6) % 7     1 Describe the international events leading up to the 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack. What were some of the incidents that had occurred in Australia and abroad? 2 What was some of the evidence that police alleged linked Dr Haneef to the Glasgow attack and attempted London bombings? How were these claims

Dr Haneef voluntarily returns to India, no longer with a valid Australian working visa.

argued and do you

Federal Court of Australia overturns the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship’s decision to cancel Dr Haneef’s visa.


believe they were 3 Using the timeline

Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia confirms the judgment overturning the visa cancellation.

above, describe in

Federal Attorney-General announces an inquiry into the case of Dr Haneef, called the Clarke Inquiry.

of the most important

Findings and recommendations of the Clarke Inquiry are presented to the government.

during the case of Dr

Clarke Inquiry report is presented to the public.


chronological order five events that occurred Haneef. Justify your

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- E C H A N I S M S F O R A C H I EV I N G J U S T I CE I NT HE-OHA MED(A NEEFC A SE The laws applied in the case of Mohamed Haneef

or charges. The object of these amendments

fall into three main categories:

was ‘to prevent an imminent terrorist act’ or ‘to

s Anti-terrorism laws which had allowed Dr Haneef

preserve evidence of or relating to a recent terror-

to be detained for 12 days without charge

ist act’. Under a preventative detention order,

s Anti-terrorism laws under which Dr Haneef was

a person has the right to contact a lawyer, one

eventually charged, and later released after the

family member or household member, his or her

charge was dropped

employer, and one employee or business partner,

s Australian migration law relating to the

but only to let them know that he or she is safe and

cancellation of Dr Haneef’s visa, and the later

cannot be contacted. The person being detained is

overturning of that decision.

not allowed to tell them that he or she is under a

These laws and other factors that were influ-

preventative detention order.

ential in Dr Haneef’s case, including the reactions

The Act also introduced new crimes with

of politicians, the media and the community, are

severe punishments for supporting or recklessly

examined below.

providing funds to a potential terrorist. Under the new s 103.2(1)(b) of the Criminal Code 1995 (Cth),


the individual did not need to know that the person receiving the funds was a terrorist, only that he or

reckless able to foresee negative consequences of doing something, but carrying on with the act regardless. Recklessness implies a state of mind that is not as strong as an intention to do something, but for some criminal offences it is considered equivalent to intention for the purpose of establishing fault.


One of the features of the case that made it so

she was reckless about the possibility.

controversial was the use of recently introduced anti-terrorism laws. The Anti-Terrorism Act (No. 2) 2005 (Cth) was


passed by the federal parliament in December

Following the terrorist attack at Glasgow Inter-

2005 amid much public and political debate. It

national Airport in June 2007, Mohamed Haneef

and other laws were introduced in an effort to

became the first person in Australia to be detained

hamper the activities of any potential terrorists in

under the Anti-Terrorism Act (No. 2) 2005 (Cth). Dr

Australia, and it included numerous provisions that

Haneef also became the first person to have his

were seen as a departure from accepted standards

detention extended under the Act and the first to be

of the criminal law and the separation of powers.

charged with supporting a terrorist organisation.

They were widely criticised as being ‘rushed’ and

Probably the most controversial aspect of the

in one incident a confidential draft of the legi-

case was those first 12 days of Dr Haneef’s

slation was published online by the ACT Chief

detention, as they involved detention of a suspect

Minister, Jon Stanhope, who stated that ‘law of this

without charge. Although the Anti-Terrorism Act

significance made in this haste can’t be good law’.

(No. 2) 2005 (Cth) only permits detention without

Nevertheless, the laws were passed without the

charge for 48 hours, complementary state legi-

full support of the parliament or the public, and

slation implementing the preventative detention

without incorporating many of the amendments

scheme could be passed, under which someone

and protections proposed.

could be detained for up to 14 days without charge.

Schedule 4 of the Act amended the Criminal Code

This was agreed between the Commonwealth and

1995 (Cth). The changes included the introduction

state governments in September 2005. In NSW,

of preventative detention – that is, short-term

the Terrorism (Police Powers) Act 2002 (NSW), as

detention for named individuals without evidence

amended by the Crimes Legislation Amendment

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(Terrorism) Act 2004 (NSW), permitted exactly that, provided that the police obtained a preventative detention order from the Supreme Court of NSW to prevent an imminent terrorist act or preserve evidence of a recent terrorist act. wife until he had been held in detention for nine days. It was not until 14 July 2007 that Australian Federal Police made the decision, following consultation with the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP), to formally charge Dr Haneef under s 102.7(2) of the Criminal Code

Figure 13.5 Dr Haneef’s barrister, Mr Stephen Keim SC

1995 (Cth) with the offence of providing support to a terrorist organisation, being reckless as to

evidential links by the AFP and prosecutors, as

whether it is a terrorist organisation.

outlined earlier in this chapter, suggests that the

This new approach represents a significant

case against Dr Haneef may have been one of

departure from accepted law regarding involun-

guilt by association rather than any real evidence

tary detention and the separation of powers

linking him to the crime accused.

between the government and the courts. In the

Perhaps an earlier indication of this was evident

case of Lim v Minister for Immigration [1992] HCA

in the granting of bail by the Brisbane Magistrates’

64, the separation of powers was interpreted

Court to Dr Haneef following formal charges by

by the High Court of Australia as preventing

the AFP. Under the terrorism legislation, ostensibly

involuntary detention by the government except

for the protection of the public interest, bail could

as a consequence of a court’s finding of criminal

only be granted for terrorism offences under

guilt. Some exceptions are possible, for example

‘exceptional circumstances’. In an emotional

a short period of detention following a person’s

hearing during which Dr Haneef reportedly wept,

arrest before he or she can practically be brought

Dr Haneef’s barrister, Stephen Keim SC, argued for

before a court, or when awaiting trial on remand

his release on bail, as the prosecution’s case was

following a charge if bail is refused by a court.

‘extremely weak’. Commonwealth prosecutors

It has been argued that state legislation that

argued that Dr Haneef should remain behind bars.

gives a state court a power that is incompatible with

The magistrate made the decision to grant Dr

constitutional restrictions on federal courts (such

Haneef bail on the condition that he would provide

as the power to grant a preventative detention

a $10 000 surety.

order) is also a new and disturbing departure from

These deficiencies highlight some of the

the principles enunciated in Lim and also in Kable

dangers inherent in the anti-terrorism laws and

v DPP (NSW) [1996] HCA 24.

their potential to severely restrict a person’s

As discussed above, serious deficiencies were

liberty. Following the bail hearing, the Queensland

later discovered in the evidence used by Australian

Department of Health suspended Dr Haneef’s

police to detain Dr Haneef and repeatedly to extend

employment without pay pending the outcome of

that detention. The decision to charge Dr Haneef

the charges. Although bail was granted, Dr Haneef

was also controversial and involved questions

elected to remain in custody without exercising

about the quality of the evidence against him and

his right to bail, probably due to the high dollar

the soundness of the decision by the AFP and

amount required for bail and the government’s

Commonwealth prosecutors. This is particularly

decision to cancel Dr Haneef’s visa, as discussed

relevant where the reliance on certain tenuous


Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) independent prosecuting agency established by a federal Act to prosecute alleged offences under federal laws separation of powers the doctrine that the powers and functions of the judiciary are separate from those of the legislature and the executive guilt by association criminal liability imposed for associating with another person who commits a crime, rather than for committing that crime oneself surety a sum of money provided to support an accused person’s undertaking that he or she will return to court for hearing at a later date, as a condition of granting bail; it is agreed that the money will be forfeited if the accused fails to appear

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Dr Haneef was not even permitted to contact his


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ministerial discretion power granted to a minister under an Act to make a specified decision or order


Without a valid Australian visa to remain, and

Another significant aspect of the case involved

most likely without any desire to remain after the

the cancellation of Dr Haneef’s working visa

events, Dr Haneef voluntarily returned to India on

under Australian migration law. In Australia, the

29 July 2007.

governing statute is the Migration Act 1958 (Cth). It

However, the Federal Court case challenging the

is enforced by the federal Minister for Immigration

Minister’s decision went ahead and on 21 August

and Citizenship and overseen where necessary by

2007, Justice Spender of the Federal Court of

the federal courts.

Australia set aside the decision on the basis that

Dr Haneef had been granted a ‘business (long

the Minister had erred in applying the wrong test

stay)’ visa under the Act, which was valid from

of ‘association’. Justice Spender also noted that the

30 August 2006 to 30 August 2009 and was

circumstances had since changed.

sponsored by his employer, the Queensland Dep-

The government appealed to the Full Court of

artment of Health. On the day of Dr Haneef’s bail

the Federal Court but the judgment was upheld on

hearing on 16 July 2007, immediately following the

21 December 2007. In an interesting comment in

decision to grant Dr Haneef bail, the then Minister

the case, Justice Spender had questioned the char-

for Immigration and Citizenship, Kevin Andrews,

acter grounds of associating with terrorists under-

used his power of ministerial discretion under

pinning the Minister’s decision. ‘Unfortunately I

s 501(3) of the Act to cancel Dr Haneef’s visa.

wouldn’t pass the character test on your statement

The direct consequence of the Minister’s decision

because I’ve been associated with people suspec-

was severe. As a result of his visa being cancelled,

ted of criminal conduct,’ Justice Spender said to the

Dr Haneef effectively became an ‘unlawful non-

Immigration Department’s counsel.

citizen’ under the Act, which meant that he became liable to detention by the Department of Immigration pending his removal from Australia. In effect, this meant that if Dr Haneef accepted his right to bail and release from custody, he could be liable for further detention under different laws. The grounds for this decision were questioned not only by Dr Haneef’s legal team but by many commentators. The Minister had made his decision on the basis that Dr Haneef had failed the ‘character test’ necessary for the granting of the visa, based on a reasonable suspicion that he

2 %6 ) %7     1 What were the three main categories of laws applied in the case of Dr Haneef? 2 What were the anti-terrorism laws applied in the case of Dr Haneef and why were they controversial? 3 Describe the legal events surrounding the cancellation of Dr Haneef’s Australian visa. Do you think that the cancellation was justified on the facts?

had an association with terrorists. Dr Haneef’s legal team brought the decision before the Federal


Court of Australia for review. The charges against Dr Haneef had been



withdrawn by the Commonwealth Director of

As is true of many high-profile cases, the Australian

Public Prosecutions on 27 July 2007, citing ‘no

media were very influential in shaping public

reasonable prospect of a conviction’, and Dr

opinion with respect to the case of Dr Haneef.

Haneef was immediately released from custody

Media coverage at the time was generally highly

and his passport returned to him. The Minister

critical of the government’s position and the

stated that he was seeking advice on Dr Haneef’s

lack of evidence in the case and there was much

visa and did not intend to detain him but that he

analysis of the impact of the government’s new

had a responsibility to act in the national interest.

anti-terrorism laws.

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L aw in p rac tic e Figure 13.6 The media in Australia were very influential in shaping public opinion in the Haneef case.

Perhaps the most important event in the

to a copy of that document, and that document

reporting of the case occurred when Dr Haneef’s

was provided to him, without any restrictions

barrister, Stephen Keim SC, leaked a 142-page

whatsoever. He was perfectly entitled, through me,

transcript of Dr Haneef’s initial interview with

to release that document.’ Mr Keim argued that

the AFP to the media. According to Keim, the

the government was applying a double standard,

transcript clearly showed ‘the very thin case

in that government authorities had also leaked

that the police are claiming to have’. Both John

parts of the transcript to the media to suggest that

Howard, then Prime Minister, and Mick Keelty,

the case against Dr Haneef was stronger than it

then Federal Police Commissioner, expressed

actually was. Mr Keim was later cleared of any

outrage at the leak.

professional misconduct and was given a civil

Before the source of the leak was identified,

rights award for his effort. He was also named an

Prime Minister Howard had publicly condemned

‘Australian of the Year’ by the Weekend Australian

it, saying, ‘Whoever’s been responsible for leaking


this document is not trying to make sure that

Following Dr Haneef’s release on 27 July 2007,

justice is done. Whoever’s responsible for this is

in an interesting comment on political influence

trying to frustrate the process and it should be

in the case, prominent barrister Lex Lasry QC


stated that bungles in the case against Dr Haneef

Initially, Mr Keelty took the unusual step of

may have been caused by political pressure in an

publicly criticising Mr Keim and suggested that he

election year. ‘I think there were pressures probably

would pursue legal action to charge the source of

on the offices of the DPP and to some extent on

the leak with contempt of court because the court

the AFP, probably resulting in converting whatever

proceedings had already begun and because the

suspicion there was into a charge which was not

leak undermined judicial process.

supported by any evidence,’ he said. ‘I think this

Mr Keim, however, successfully argued that

case demonstrates a couple of things and one of

his client, ‘pursuant to the legislation under which

them is that politicians ought to keep out of these

he was detained and questioned, has a legal right

cases and leave the police to do their work.’

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legal links

pro bono a Latin term meaning ‘for the public good’, used to describe work that is done by a lawyer or barrister on a voluntary basis and without payment, where there are issues of community concern or significant effect on disadvantaged groups

The ABC closely covered the issues

website is devoted to the Mohamed

in the Mohamed Haneef case as they

Haneef case and includes a viewable

developed. An episode of its current

copy of the original episode:

affairs show Four Corners was aired on

1 October 2007 discussing the issues in


the case. The following ABC Four Corners


The support of people in the legal community is

Throughout the case, a number of political

evident from the fact that Haneef’s legal team,

organisations, community groups and profession-

including Stephen Keim SC, agreed to represent

als provided assistance as well as commentary.

him pro bono, that is, at no cost.

Figure 13.7 Community support for Haneef during the case was strong.


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valuable commentary and expert opinion to media

The Haneef case was not only controversial in

reporters and in some cases staged demonstrations

Australia, but also received widespread attention

in support of Haneef. Some of these organisations,

internationally, particularly in Dr Haneef’s home

including links to their respective websites, are

country, India and not surprisingly in the country

listed below in the ‘Legal links’ box.

where the original terrorist attacks took place, the

Members of the Australian public fiercely

L aw in p rac tic e

In addition, many other organisations provided

United Kingdom.

debated the case, with some arguing that the

In the UK, a Guardian editorial condemned the

federal government would not have treated

‘grubby’ Howard government’s ‘demonising’ of

someone in this fashion if they knew he was

Haneef as ‘irresponsible electioneering’ to push it

innocent, and others suggesting that the Howard

to victory in the federal elections of 2007. In India,

government was trying to capitalise on terrorism

The Hindu newspaper accused the Australian

to gain support in an election year.

government of ‘high-handed action verging on vengefulness’. The paper, usually more restrained, called the investigation a ‘shambles’ and claimed

l eg al l in k s

the Howard government’s fight against terrorism was based on an ‘authoritarian mind-set and Visit the websites below and investigate the purpose of the organisations. Discuss the contributions each organisation may have made to the case of Dr Haneef. Australian Lawyers Alliance: Amnesty International Australia: Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network: Law Council of Australia:

indeed bloody-mindedness’. The





involved in the case following a direct appeal to the Indian Prime Minister by Dr Haneef’s wife, Firdous Arshiya. It was reported that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was so worried about Dr Haneef after

2 %6) %7    

this that he was unable to sleep.

1 How did the media shape

The Indian involvement resulted

public opinion in response to

in direct discussions between the

the case of Dr Haneef? Were

two countries about the facts and

there any allegations about

progress of the case and included

political influence on the case?

a number of exclusive visits to Dr

2 How did the national and

Haneef by officials from the Indian

international community

High Commission in Australia

respond to the case of Dr

while Haneef was still in custody.

Haneef? Were the responses negative or positive?

2ES P O N S I VE N ESS O F T H E L AW One of the most significant outcomes of the case

The inquiry would include recommendations as

of Dr Haneef was the decision by the newly elected

to how to improve the law and law enforcement

Rudd government to institute an inquiry into the

agencies, to prevent such a situation occurring in

whole affair, to establish the facts and determine

the future.

what went wrong in the application of the laws.

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stances would not occur again. The main

On 13 March 2008 the Commonwealth Attorney-

recommendations of the report included:

General, Robert McClelland, announced an inquiry

s that the provisions of the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth)

into the ‘arrest, detention, charging, prosecution

in relation to terrorism offences, introduced by

and release’ of Dr Haneef, to be conducted by the

the Anti-Terrorism Act 2004 (Cth), be compre-

former NSW Supreme Court Justice, the Hon. John

hensively reviewed by an independent reviewer s that the government take steps to review

Clarke, QC. The Clarke Inquiry lacked a number of powers:

and determine ways to clarify the roles and

for example it had no power to compel witnesses


to answer questions and was impeded by the

agencies relating to counterterrorism and the

classified status of documents and difficulties

information that they collect




negotiating the national security concerns of

s amending s 102.7 of the Criminal Code 1995

the various agencies. Despite these limitations,

(Cth) under which Dr Haneef was charged, to

the report included a number of crucial findings

remove uncertainties about the element of fault

and recommendations. One of the main findings

or intention

was the conclusion that the

s recommendations to inform the Minister for

material used as evidence in

Immigration and Citizenship of the relevant

2%3 % ! 2#( 

the case against Dr Haneef was

evidence in a counterterrorism case, to ensure

Conduct an internet search based

‘completely deficient’. The report

proper cooperation regarding visas

on the links above relating to the

stated that the main AFP officer

s development of ways to educate officers

government’s response to the

responsible for the investigation,

involved in counterterrorism cases about the

Clarke Inquiry and answer the

Commander Ramzi Jabbour, had

various roles and responsibilities of agencies and

following questions:

‘lost objectivity’ and was ‘unable

departments, and about the investigation and

1 Has the government made any

to see that the evidence he

prosecution of terrorist offences in Australia.

changes to the anti-terrorism

regarded as highly incriminating

For the most part, the government has agreed

laws following the findings of

in fact amounted to very little’.

the Clarke Inquiry?

The report included numerous

2 Has the government


Inquiry. However, many of the recommendations


are complex and will take time to implement. At

implemented any of the

the effectiveness of the laws

the time of publication, it remains to be seen which

recommendations of the report?

and ensure that similar circum-

of these changes will be put into practice.

l eg a l l in ks


to the recommendations made by the Clarke

The official website of the Clarke Inquiry

The Australian government’s official

into the case of Dr Mohamed Haneef

response to the Clarke Inquiry is available

has the inquiry’s terms of reference,

on the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s

statements and transcripts, submissions


from all parties concerned in the case, and a copy of the final report: www. haneefcaseinquiry.nsf/Page/Home


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with the Labor Party to call publicly for a government apology to Dr Haneef. As yet, however, no formal apology has been made.

Following the public release of the Clarke Inquiry

Dr Haneef also said that he may seek sub-

Report on 23 December 2008 and the government’s

stantial compensation for loss of income and

response, a number of events relevant to the case

damage to his reputation. No announcement has

have taken place.

yet been made by the government relating to any

In an interview with ABC Radio shortly after the

L aw in p rac tic e


compensation payable to him.

release of the report, Dr Haneef said, ‘I’m very,

More recently, on 2 September

very pleased and very relieved.’ Dr Haneef, then

2009 Mick Keelty announced his

based in Dubai, said the Clarke Inquiry had finally

intention to resign from the position

2 %3%! 2# (    

proved his innocence. While he said it was too

of Australian Federal Police Com-

Search the internet for any

early to talk of a return to Australia, he suggested

missioner. While some, including

recent developments related

that an apology from the Australian government


to the Dr Haneef case.

would be appreciated. He said that the case had

General Robert McClelland, rejected

done great damage to his reputation, not only in

suggestions that the fallout from the

any compensation from the

Australia but also in India and around the world.

Clarke Inquiry was responsible for

Australian government for

Dr Haneef’s legal team, including Bernard

his resignation, many others, includ-

his time in detention?

Murphy, chair of the national law firm Maurice

ing Dr Haneef’s lawyers, welcomed

Blackburn, and barrister Stephen Keim, SC, have

the decision, stating that the AFP

any formal apology to

also gone on record several times calling for a

had been an ‘organisational disaster’

Dr Haneef or to the public

public apology from the government. In December

under Mick Keelty.

for the AFP’s handling of



1 Has Dr Haneef received

2 Has the government made

the case?

2008, Queensland Premier Anna Bligh broke ranks

4HEFU T U REFOR!U S T RA LIA The Clarke Inquiry included some damning

a clear illustration of the dangers inherent in such

condemnation of the handling of the Haneef case

laws and their potential for abuse. It remains to be

and of the laws used to detain and prosecute him.

seen whether there will be changes to the laws as

This is particularly true of the controversial anti-

recommended by the Clarke Inquiry.

terrorism laws introduced in 2004 and 2005, as discussed above.

One final comment on the case was that of former Queensland Premier Peter Beattie,

Media commentary and the involvement of

speak ing after Dr Haneef’s release on 27 July

interested groups has increased public awareness

2007. Congratulating the Commonwealth DPP

of the laws and shed light on some of their defi-

for reviewing and dropping the charges against

ciencies and the potential dangers that the

Haneef, Beattie reiterated the importance of

changes to the law represent. The question that

people ‘having the guts to stand up and make the

must be considered is whether these laws are

point’ about unjust laws. The outcome of the case

truly necessary responses to terrorist threats. But

‘proves the system works … this is an indication

these threats cannot be seen in isolation from the

that Australia is fair-minded’, he said, and as such,

impact of such laws on the liberty of the individual

it ‘vindicates the Australian way of life’.

and the rule of law. The case of Dr Haneef provides

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Ch a p te r s u m m a ry M u lt i p le - c hoi ce q ues ti ons 282

s Recent terrorist attacks have changed legal and political systems around the world and governments have gone to various lengths to try to eradicate terrorism. s Individuals such as Mohamed Haneef who are accused of terrorist activities may be subject to questionable legal processes as a result of governments’ zeal to catch and prosecute. s The Australian government recently introduced new anti-terrorism laws and Haneef was the first person to be detained under the Anti-Terrorism Act (No. 2) 2005 (Cth) and the first to be charged with supporting a terrorist organisation. s Some Australian counter-terrorism laws can be in conflict with fundamental principles relating to the rights of individuals.

 The granting of bail in the Mohamed Haneef case demonstrates: A the seriousness of the charge B support for the anti-terrorism laws C a lack of sufficient evidence D none of the above  Dr Haneef was charged on the basis of: A a SIM card given to his relative B involvement in the Madrid bombings of 2004 C the cancellation of his working visa D all of the above  The Clarke Inquiry found that: A Dr Haneef was guilty of aiding terrorism B the evidence against Dr Haneef was not sufficient C the AFP and ASIO had acted properly in the case D Minister Andrews had no right to cancel Dr Haneef’s visa

s The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions eventually withdrew the charges against Haneef, citing ‘no reasonable prospect of a conviction’. s The decision of the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship to revoke Haneef’s visa was overturned by the Federal Court. s There was considerable media, legal and community support for Dr Haneef in Australia and internationally. s While the laws have come under close scrutiny and criticism, debate continues over whether they are adequate to deal with terrorist threats while upholding the legitimate rights of individuals.

 The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship cancelled Dr Haneef’s visa because: A Dr Haneef had overstayed his visa B Dr Haneef had given his relative his old SIM card C Dr Haneef was involved in the Glasgow International Airport attack D Dr Haneef failed the character test  The new anti-terrorism laws challenge the rule of law because: A suspects like Dr Haneef can now be arrested arbitrarily and investigated for a terrorist activity B state laws have been superseded C bail now has a higher threshold D sedition now has a new definition

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L aw in p rac tic e

Ch a p te r s u m m a ry ta s k s Top i c revi ew

 Outline the alleged links between Dr Haneef and his cousins in the United Kingdom.  What do you understand by the term ‘guilt by association’? How does this term apply to the Haneef case?

 Comment on the Minister’s decision to cancel Dr Haneef’s visa. What was the reasoning behind the decision and do you think it was justified?  Explain the circumstances of Dr Haneef’s detention for 25 days. Under what different laws was he detained?  Do you think we need different laws for terror suspects? Explain your response using the Haneef case as an example.


 ‘Australia’s new terrorist laws severely erode civil liberties’. Discuss this statement in light of the Haneef case.  Consider whether Dr Haneef should be able to receive compensation from the federal government. Explain why and discuss what amount you think would be fair and reasonable.

Marking criteria for the extended response questions can be found at www.cambridge. Refer to these criteria when planning and writing your responses.

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A r e a 3 : I n d i v i d u a l s o r g r o u p s i n c o n f l i c t w i t h t h e s t a te


ke y t er m s

chap ter ob j e cti ve s

Outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMCGs)


In this chapter, students will: s explore the background and issues related to organised crime and OMCGs in Australia s identify and apply legal concepts and terminology relating to OMCGs and the law s investigate the legal system’s ability to address issues relating to OMCGs s explore the different possible approaches of the legal system to organised crime and OMCGs s discuss the legal issues that these approaches will create s describe the legal and non-legal responses to OMCGs

bookmaking chapter coercive powers colours control order digital piracy draconian laws extortion guilt by association money laundering outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMCGs)

s explore the different legal approaches adopted by federal and state legal systems in relation to OMCGs s evaluate the effectiveness of legal and non-legal responses in achieving justice in relation to OMCGs in conflict with the state and the public.

organised crime patch task force rule of law

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L aw in p rac tic e

rel ev ant l aw IM PORTA N T L EGIS L AT ION

Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008 (SA) Crimes Legislation Amendment (Gangs) Act 2006 (NSW) Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009 (NSW) SIGNIFIC AN T C AS ES

The Milperra Massacre Trials

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/ U T L AW M O T O R C YC L E GA N G S I N!U S T RA L IA outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMCGs) organisations whose members use the structure of a motorcycle club as a front for criminal activity

Recent high-profile incidents involving members

According to the Australian Crime Commission

of outlaw motorcycle gangs have attracted the

(ACC), a federal statutory body established to

attention of the media, law enforcement bodies

investigate and combat serious crime, OMCGs

and legislators across Australia. In one of the most

represent a ‘real and present danger to the

recent incidents, a 29-year-old man, Anthony

Australian community’. In New South Wales

money laundering disguising money obtained from illegal activities to make it appear legal

Zervas, was killed at Sydney Airport on 22 March

between October 2008 and March 2009, 185 gang

2009 after being brutally bashed in the head with

members were charged with 527 offences relating

a metal pole. The incident involved an attack

mainly to violence, drugs and weapons.

by members of the Sydney-based Comanchero

The ACC estimates that there are currently 39

extortion obtaining money or property from a person or group by force, intimidation or illegal power

motorcycle club against members of the widely

active OMCGs in Australia, with approximately

known Hells Angels club. The man killed was

3300 full members, and with strong and complex

returning to Sydney from a party in Melbourne

criminal networks that operate in many illicit

with his brother and a friend, both of whom were

markets throughout Australia. Reports suggest

Hells Angels members.

that the groups’ main areas of criminal operations

organised crime illegal activities organised by criminal groups or enterprises, most commonly for the purpose of generating financial profit

The incident sparked public debate about the rising crime associated with outlaw motorcycle

are manufacturing and distributing illicit drugs, money laundering and extortion.

gangs (OMCGs) in Australia, amid fears that

OMCGs are not specific to Australia but are

the incident could ignite an all-out war between

present in many countries around the world. Some

members of rival motorcycle gangs.

of the most well-known OMCGs internationally include the Hells Angels and the Bandidos. Some 19 groups are estimated to operate in New South Wales alone, with some other famous groups including the Comancheros, the Finks, the Rebels and the Gypsy Jokers. This chapter investigates some of the issues relating to OMCGs and organised crime in general, and discusses some of the complex legal mechanisms that have attempted to deal with the issues.

/RGANISEDCRIME Organised crime can be defined as illegal activities organised by groups of criminals, most commonly for the purpose of generating financial profit. The most well-known organised crime groups in existence today are the Mafia, particularly the Figure 14.1 On 22 March 2009, Anthony Zervas was brutally murdered at Sydney Airport. The incident sparked a full review of the legislation relating to OMCGs in NSW.


Sicilian and American Cosa Nostra, the Japanese Yakuza, the Chinese Triads and the Colombian drug cartels. It has been popularised by books,

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movies and television shows, such as the HBO series The Sopranos, about an American Mafia family, and the Australian series Underbelly and A Tale of Two Cities, which are loosely based on the gangland wars in Melbourne in the 1990s and in

L aw in p rac tic e

New South Wales and Victoria in the 1970s. Organised crime has a long history worldwide. Throughout history pirates, highwaymen and bandits have attacked trade routes and roads to steal and profit from the goods being transported. Many people are familiar, for example, with the stories of the Kelly Gang in 19th-century Australia. Smuggling and organised drug-trafficking rings have also been common in many countries. Some of the current criminal organisations in Italy and Japan can be traced back over many centuries.

Figure 14.2 Top members of the Yamaguchi-gumi, Japan’s largest Yakuza organisation

Today, organised criminal groups operate in various areas of illegal business. The most common

same brush without justification or fair process.

of these are:

With motorcycle gangs in particular this can be

s drug manufacture and distribution

a significant problem: simply being a member of

s extortion and money laundering

one of the many legitimate motorcycle gangs may

s prostitution

arouse unfounded suspicion from the public, or

s people smuggling

even the police, that an individual is involved in

s environmental crimes such as the dumping of

some kind of wrongdoing.

toxic waste s counterfeiting of money

digital piracy unauthorised reproduction and distribution of digital music, software, videos or other material, often for profit bookmaking the activity of calculating odds on sporting and other events and taking bets

s digital piracy s illegal bookmaking and gambling. Figure 14.3, published by the ACC, shows the most common areas of organised crime in



Austra lia today. As the chart shows, the largest is illegal drug trading, but also common are money laundering and fraud. A new area is technology

High-tech ech cy cyber yber

crime, such as internet and credit card fraud. OMCGs have been identified in Australia as


Money laundering

operating in some of the areas of organised crime discussed above. However, it is important to note that simply belonging to, participating in or associating with one of these groups does not


necessarily mean that a person has committed any crime. It may only be a small number of individuals in such a group, rather than the organisation as a whole, who are involved in any illegal activities. There is a serious danger that all members might be painted with the

Figure 14.3 Illicit markets in which organised crime groups operate

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wheels’. The AMA currently claims to have close

Motorcycle clubs are not new. The first motorcycle

to 300 000 members and promotes various

was invented in 1885 in Stuttgart, Germany and

motorcycling events in the US and around the

motorcycles were commercially available by 1894.

world. The AMA also acts as an advocate for

One of the oldest motorcycle clubs, the Yonkers

motorcyclists before governments, local and

Motorcycle Club, was founded in Yonkers, New

international lawmakers, and the general public.

York in 1903.

There are hundreds of motorcycling organi-

There is nothing inherently wrong or criminal

sations in Australia. Clubs in New South Wales

about belonging to a motorcycle club. Many

include the Ulysses Club, the Ambassadors and the

people join motorcycle clubs to share a common

Vietnam Veterans. The organisational structures of

interest in motorcycles, or for recreational riding

clubs vary, but they often have elected officers and

or competition, and members of clubs come from

directors, annual fees and a regular publication.

all walks of life.

The clubs often sponsor social events and organise

Today, the largest motorcycling organisation

recreational or competition rallies. One of the

worldwide is the American Motorcyclist Asso -

biggest motorcycling competitions in Australia

ciation (AMA), which was founded in 1924. It

is the Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix, which

represents people with an interest in motorcycling

is an international event held annually on Phillip

– or as described by the AMA, ‘freedom on two

Island, Victoria.

Figure 14.4 Motorcycle clubs have evolved over time in much the same way as the motorcycle itself.


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The American Motorcyclist

of Australia (MRAA) is a non-profit

Association (AMA) promotes the

organisation founded in 1978

interests of motorcyclists generally

that represents the interests of

and organises various motorcycling

Australian motorcyclists. It aims


to promote fair and sensible laws,

The website of the Australian

road safety, and a better image for

Motorcycle Grand Prix is

Australian motorcyclists.


1 What are outlaw motorcycle gangs and how widespread are they in Australia? 2 What is organised crime

L aw in p rac tic e

legal links

2 %6) % 7     The Motorcycle Riders Association

and how does it relate to OMCGs? 3 What is the difference between OMCGs and everyday motorcycle clubs?


rider was arrested and locked in a police cell, an

Outlaw motorcycle gangs represent only a very

man police force to release their friend. The event

small percentage of motorcycle groups. Some

became known as the Hollister riots. In a now

OMCGs have a long history, with one of the largest

famous statement, an AMA spokesperson clarified

international clubs, the Hells Angels, first formed

that it was only ‘one per cent’ of the riders that

in 1948 in Fontana, California.

weekend who had caused the trouble, and that the

estimated 750 riders challenged the local seven-

OMCGs began to emerge in Australia in the

other 99 per cent were law-abiding citizens. This

1960s and spread quickly across all states, with

distinction between ‘11 per cent’ and ‘99 per cent’

New South Wales now home to the greatest number

is still used by OMCG commentators today, and

of clubs and club branches, known as chapters.

‘1 per cent’ is sometimes even used by OMCG

The largest gang in Australia is believed to be the

members themselves as a mark of their identity.

Rebels, with an estimated 2000 members. The history of OMCGs is different from that of

Identity is important to OMCGs. Many motorcycle clubs, both mainstream clubs and OMCGs,

mainstream motorcycling clubs, and their roots

will have unique club ‘patches’ on the back of their

can be traced back to the late 1940s, following

members’ vests. These patches feature the club’s

the end of the Second World War. A number of

logo, name and often the initials ‘MC’ (motorcycle

motorcycling clubs began to emerge in the United

club), together with the club’s local branch or

States when servicemen returned from the war.

chapter. These patches form what is known as the

They formed clubs to mix with other returned

club’s ‘colours’. For OMCGs, the club’s colours are

servicemen, to share their interest in popular

very important to both the club and its members.

motorcycling, and possibly to escape the routine

Sometimes in order for a member to earn the club’s

of returning to full-time work.

patches, the club might require a vote and swearing

One of the first criminal incidents attributed to

of allegiance to the club, or the performance of

OMCGs was on 4 July 1947, American Indepen-

tasks. A member losing his (or her) colours, for

dence Day, when the American Motorcyclist

example to the police or a rival gang, might result

Association sponsored a series of motorcycle races

in some form of penalty or even expulsion from the

in the small town of Hollister, California. One of

club. Some OMCGs even have an additional patch

the motorcycle groups involved was reported to

with ‘1 per cent’, to clearly distinguish themselves

have initiated drag racing on the main streets of

from the norms and values of mainstream clubs;

town, as well as drunken brawling. When one

other patches include symbols such as a skull and

chapter a local branch of a motorcycle club patch a symbol or club logo attached to the back of a motorcycle club member’s vest colours a motor cycle club’s standard vest showing the club’s patches on the back as a mark of identification

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crossbones. The colours will also act as a crucial

2 %3%!2 #(    

identifier for law enforcement agencies seeking to

Visit the website of the Australian Hells

prove OMCG involvement.

Angels and evaluate the content of the site.

The structure of an OMCG is often another important factor for the law in identifying the group

1 Are there any references to criminal activity on the site?

and its levels of membership under the defined

2 What attitudes are conveyed by the

legal terms for such organisations. The history and

photographs posted in the site’s

organisation of one such club, the Hells Angels, is

photo gallery?

c a s e s tu d y

discussed below.

4HE(ELLS!NGELS The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club

activities. If absent, the President is

originated in Fontana, California in 1948.

replaced by a Vice-President.

Initially, it attracted soldiers returning from the Second World War, and later the

the behaviour of members at meetings and

Vietnam War. The name ‘Hells Angels’

special events, such as funerals.

had been in use by several US air fighting

The Secretary-Treasurer controls

squadrons during both the First and

finances, with duties such as collecting

Second World Wars.

fees and paying club expenses, and may

The fact that many of the club’s founding members came from military backgrounds influenced the structure of the club and

sometimes act as intelligence gatherer if operations by police are pending. The Road Captain organises and

formed the basis of the military-style

navigates mandatory bike rides, including

hierarchy and notions of territory or ‘turf’

rest stops for food and petrol.

that still exist today. Over time, the Hells Angels grew from a

It is believed that there is a code of conduct governed by the Sergeant-at-

small club in California to an international

Arms, which may differ slightly from

organisation with approximately 189

chapter to chapter. It lays down three major

chapters in 22 countries.

rules that apply to all members:

An article published by Neal Hall in the


The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for

1 No sexual assault.

Vancouver Sun in 2005 provided insight

2 No use of heroin.

into the hierarchy of the Hells Angels Club

3 No ‘burning’ of drug deals (that is,

and the social structure of its individual

attempting to ‘rip off’ a buyer or seller).

chapters. In his article, Hall cited the expert

In Australia, the official Hells Angels

opinion of Sergeant Jacques Lemieux, an

website displays a range of activities based

Ottawa-based expert on the Hells Angels.

around the riding of motorcycles with

According to Lemieux, each chapter

prizes and giveaways. It features notices of

holds weekly meetings known as ‘church’.

events, e-mail contacts and a photo gallery.

The President is the absolute leader, and

It does not list any set of rules for club

makes key decisions about the chapter’s

members to abide by.

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L aw in p rac tic e Figure 14.5 Club colours are made up of a number of patches.

Figure 14.6 The Hells Angels mother chapter in New York


exposure for violent criminal activity was also one

As mentioned above, according to the Australian

in 1984, in what became known as the ‘Milperra

Crime Commission, OMCGs present a visible


of the largest criminal court cases in Australian history. The incidents occurred in a Sydney suburb

threat of complex and highly functional criminal networks. Although estimates vary, the cost of OMCG activities has been estimated at around $2.2 billion per annum. They are reputed to be involved in: s the manufacture and distribution of illegal drugs s money laundering and extortion s trade in illegal firearms s trade in stolen goods s violent crimes and motor vehicle offences. On the other hand, OMCG members claim that their clubs are legitimate motorcycle organisations and not used as fronts for organised crime, as claimed by law enforcement agencies. Many outlaw motorcycle gangs are believed to be involved in outwardly legitimate businesses such as entertainment, private security, finance, transport, natural resources and construction. One of the most important Australian cases in which OMCGs received widespread media

Figure 14.7 Milperra Massacre, the aftermath

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ca s e s p a ce

4HE-ILPERRA-ASSACRETRIALS The court case following the ‘Milperra

killed, along with a 14-year-old girl caught in

Massacre’ was at the time one of the largest

the crossfire while she sold raffle tickets. More

criminal trials in Australian history. In total,

than 20 others were wounded.

43 people were charged with seven counts of murder. The Milperra Massacre took place on

the instigator of the violence as the ‘supreme

Father’s Day 1984 in the Sydney suburb

commander’ of the Comancheros, and the

of Milperra. It involved two rival gangs,

person primarily responsible for the decision

the Bandidos and the Comancheros, and

that members of his club go to Milperra in

a number of other motorcycle gangs. The

force and armed.

chief conflict between the Bandidos and

Ross was given a life sentence for his

Comancheros was over the defection of the

part in the violence. Seven other members

former Bandido leader, William ‘Jock’ Ross,

of the Comancheros gang received life

to the Comancheros. There was intense

sentences and 16 Bandidos served 14 years for

rivalry between them and other outlaw

manslaughter. No ‘biker’ testified in the cases

gangs for control of the cocaine trade

and many of the details of the event are still

and the manufacture and supply of speed

unknown to this day.

(amphetamines). The heavily armed gangs clashed in the car

As a result of the massacre, the Firearms and Dangerous Weapons Act 1973 (NSW) was

park of the Viking Tavern in Milperra during

subsequently amended to introduce a new

a motorcycle swap meet. In the resulting

licensing regime for the control of firearms.

violence there was a murderous shoot-out

(The legislation currently in force in NSW is the

that saw four Comancheros and two Bandidos

Firearms Act 1996.)

Since the Milperra Massacre there have been

shots were fired into the doors by three men

many public and violent incidents involving

in balaclavas. About 150 people were inside

OMCGs across Australia. Some of the most shock-

when the shooting broke out. It was alleged the

ing recent examples include:

shootings were OMCG-related and a warning

s In 1999 in Geelong, Victoria, two public bomb-

to the club’s owners that they should use their

ings within 24 hours were the result of violence

security guards to further the club’s drug

following the torture and murder of a member


of the Comancheros by the Bandidos and the torching of the rival gang’s Sydney clubhouse.

s In 2006, Russell Oldham, the former Sergeantat-Arms of the Bandidos, is believed to have

s In Perth in 2001, former Western Australian

shot dead his chapter President, Rodney Monk,

Chief Detective Don Hancock and his companion

in a restaurant. The apparent cause of the

were blown up by a car bomb planted by the

murder was the affair Monk was having with

Gypsy Jokers. following an incident where one

his female parole officer, against club rules,

of the Gypsy Jokers’ members was shot and

further exacerbated by an order given by Monk

killed in a pub.

for Oldham to be expelled from the gang and

s In 2006 there was a drive-by shooting of a Sydney nightclub named ‘Gas’, in which 50


The judge in the case. Justice Adrian Roden of the Supreme Court of NSW, named Ross as

his club colours removed. Oldham was found dead several days later in an apparent suicide.

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is on the rise, and that OMCGs are moving into

Parramatta and Granville chapters of the

the maritime and security industries. OMCGs are

Nomads, previously affiliated with the Coman-

becoming more sophisticated. As with legitimate

cheros, defected to the Bandidos. The defection

business, the competition for profit and territory

caused a new eruption of violence between

can result in friction and rivalry, and the reports

the Comancheros and Bandidos, involving fire-

suggest that there may be a consolidation of the

bombings and drive-by shootings and resulting

smaller groups into larger and more powerful

in some 340 arrests and 883 charges. New

organisations controlling criminal operations in

South Wales Police set up Operation Ranmore


to stop the escalation of violence.

As an issue of public and

The above cases illustrate only the public, violent

political concern in all Austra-

2 %6) %7    

face of some OMCG activities. The black market

lian jurisdictions, OMCGs have

1 How did OMCGs develop and

criminal activities of OMCG-related business,

received much attention from

what is their history?

such the trade in illegal drugs or firearms, or

lawmakers. Some of the attempts

2 What are some of the

illegal financial activities like money laundering

by lawmakers and members of

characteristics of OMCGs and

and extortion, are often not as well known to


what is their structure?

the public.

problems, and some of the impli-

However, reports from Australia’s intelligence agencies suggest that crime associated with OMCGs





L aw in p rac tic e

s In early 2007 more than 60 members of the

3 What are some of the recent

cations of those attempts, are

cases involving OMCGs and

discussed in more detail below.

what issues do they present?

- E C H A N I S M S F O R A C H I EV I N G JU S T ICEI NRELAT IONTO/-#'S Recent media attention and public concern follow-

s establishing police task forces or increasing

ing some of the violent OMCG-related incidents

police powers to gather intelligence on OMCGs

have resulted in important, and unprecedented,

and target their activities

legislative responses. One of the main difficulties is that OMCG

s enacting laws that aim to criminalise the clubs themselves or participation in the clubs.

activities are a nationwide problem, but the prob-

The implications of these different approaches

lems often occur and are dealt with on a state-wide

are often a point of intense debate by politicians,

basis. Each of the different jurisdictions in Australia

law interest groups and other interested parties.

has elected to address the issue in different ways. In addition to the legal responses, responses of


the public and interested groups have helped to

All Australian states and territories have statutory

shape the approach to OMCGs around the country.

offences under which the members of OMCGs can be prosecuted for criminal acts. For example,


prosecutions of participants in the violent incidents

Legal responses to OMCGs fall into three

standard criminal laws like assault, murder,


firearms offences or offences of dealing in illegal

s enacting laws to prosecute individuals for the


specific crimes that they have committed, such as assault, drug offences or money laundering

mentioned above would have been made under

One of the difficulties encountered by police in dealing with OMCG criminal activities is that

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Figure 14.8 Most jurisdictions in Australia focus of the types of illegal activities OMCGs might be involved in.

task force a special group or committee of experts formed for the express purpose of studying a particular problem coercive powers special powers sometimes given to a commission or police task force that allow it to summon any witness to give evidence or produce any documents – these powers are usually only vested in courts

prosecuting for individual crimes can seem


inadequate to deal with the widespread nature of

Another legislative response in Australia has been

the problem. The police work and the evidence

to provide greater powers to law enforcement

required to prosecute the individual crimes on

agencies to prevent, investigate and disrupt OMCG

a case-by-case basis is time-consuming and

or other organised crime activities. This often

resource-intensive. This is especially true with

involves the setting up of special law enforcement

OMCGs, where a ‘code of silence’ among club

agencies, or task forces, with special powers to

members, combined with a fear of speaking

investigate and prosecute the more serious crimes.

out on the part of both victims and other people

Some of these special powers might involve:

associated with the clubs, means that the evidence

s telecommunications interception

needed to convict will be very difficult to obtain.

s the use of surveillance devices

Convictions of only those individuals who can be

s special coercive powers

little impact on the wider organisational nature of

s sharing intelligence between state, national and

OMCG activities. As a result, most jurisdictions in

international agencies.

Australia have in place legislative frameworks that

Some of these special powers are controversial

focus more on criminalising the types of activities

because they increase the traditionally accepted

that OMCGs might be involved in, and that target

powers of government and law enforcement

the businesses and profits of those activities. These

agencies. They provide certain powers to police,

may feature:

such as coercive powers to compel witnesses to

s money laundering offences

give evidence, that are normally held only by the

s trafficking and smuggling offences

courts. When these powers are allowed, they

s orders for reporting of financial transactions,

will usually require a high degree of oversight


to ensure they are not abused. Such laws raise

s legislation whose object is to deprive criminals

important issues about the separation of powers,

of the proceeds or benefits derived from

as introduced in Chapter 2 – that is, the doctrine

their offences, to prevent reinvestment of the

that the powers and functions of the judiciary are

proceeds in further criminal activities, and to

separate from those of the other two branches of

enable law enforcement agencies to trace those


proceeds: for example the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (Cth).


s search warrants

proved to have committed those crimes can have

Due to reported increases in OMCG activity in recent years, in 2006 the Australian Crime

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in Australia approach the issues in the

2 %3% ! 2# (    

crime group’ and established the OMCG National

same way. The difficulties concern

Use the internet to search

Intelligence Task Force to investigate OMCG

questions of precisely how and by

for recent media articles

membership and activities and establish national

what process a group is defined as

about OMCGs and answer

policies to address the issues. In 2008, this task

criminal, and what level of individual

the following questions:

force was replaced by the Serious and Organised


1 Are there any new police

Crime National Intelligence Task Force, which has

example, would a group of four

task forces focusing on

a strong focus on OMCGs but also on other areas

teenagers going into a store to shoplift

OMCG activities?

of organised crime. It also works with agencies in

a DVD be a ‘criminal organisation’?

2 Where are these task

different Australian jurisdictions, and encourages

Would all four be equally guilty?

forces based, what is


Who should determine this and what

their jurisdiction (state,

crimes should be covered?

territory or federal), and

In addition to the federal government, a number of states have set up operations and task forces to




The four main issues that must be

what powers do they

deal with organised crime activities. For example:

determined are:

s In March 2009, the New South Wales police

s Defining an organisation – this

established Strike Force Raptor to target the

includes how many people can

illegal activities of OMCGs. By the end of April,

form a group (for example, two or more; three

more than 50 arrests had been made and 120

or more) and what activities or objectives make

charges laid, and substantial quantities of

it illegal (for example committing a serious

amphetamines and firearms seized.

offence or obtaining some profit or advantage

s In New South Wales, Operation Ranmore


L aw in p rac tic e

Commission recognised OMCGs as a ‘high risk

from it)

was set up in 2007 as part of a crackdown on OMCGs, enabling police to raid the clubhouses of the Finks, Rebels, Lone Wolf and Fourth Reich and obtain evidence to lay charges. s In Queensland, the OMCG Task Force Hydra was established to target OMCGs and resulted in a number of charges for criminal activities. s In Victoria, the Purana Task Force was set up in 2003 to investigate the Melbourne gangland killings, and made a number of critical arrests.

,AWSTARGETINGORGANISATIONS ANDMEMBERSHIP Probably the most controversial approach to OMCGs is the introduction of laws that target or criminalise the clubs themselves rather than the individual crimes committed. In effect, this approach ‘outlaws’ motorcycle gangs in the true sense. This approach is most contentious where the law attempts to criminalise individual membership of or association with such clubs. There are a number of fundamental legal difficulties with this approach and no two jurisdictions

Figure 14.9 Motorcycle gangs tend to be targeted as a whole rather than as individuals when crimes are committed that involve their members.

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s What is the criminal link – the level of criminal activity that is required (for example: committed

rule of law the principle that no one is above the law; the most important application of the rule of law is that governmental authority is exercised in accordance with written, publicly disclosed laws adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps (due process) guilt by association criminal liability imposed for associating with another person who commits a crime, rather than for committing that crime oneself

than being applied equally to all.

a past offence, intends to commit an offence or

The second problem with the approach is that

come together to commit an offence, or simply

it affects a person’s fundamental freedom to asso-

poses a risk or threat of committing an offence)

ciate by introducing laws of guilt by association

s Process for determining – who can make the

– under which a person may be found criminally

decision on whether a particular group is a

liable simply by associating with another person

criminal organisation (for example: the courts

who commits a crime, even though that person

only, a government official, or simply the

has committed no crime himself or herself.


Three Australian states have recently attempted

s Individual involvement – what involvement

to enact laws with elements of the approaches

with the group a person must have to be

outlined above. In Queensland, the first bill failed

considered criminal (e.g. leading the group, being

to pass in the Queensland Parliament and a second

a member of it, recruiting others, participating

has been proposed. In South Australia and New

in it, supporting it, or simply associating with a

South Wales, the bills were passed and enacted

member of it).

into law. Some of their provisions and associated

Many commentators have acknowledged the

issues are outlined below.

risks that this approach may pose to fundamental and accepted interpretations of the criminal law,


and especially to an individual’s civil rights. Some

In 2007, the Queensland State Opposition intro-

of the serious questions raised are:

duced into the state parliament the Criminal Code

s Should an organisation be criminalised if its

(Organised Criminal Groups) Amendment Bill

members only appear to be potential offenders,

2007. The bill’s purpose was to amend existing

rather than actually committing or intending to

laws to extend their coverage beyond parties to

commit an offence?

offences, and to make it an offence to ‘participate’

s Should government officials or the police have

as a member of an organised criminal group. Its

the power to declare an organisation criminal,

provisions included:

or should this only be determined by a court?

s defining an organised criminal group as three or

Should the organisation’s members be given an

more people with an ‘objective’ of committing

opportunity to respond?

a serious crime for material benefit, or of

s Should a person be criminally liable for participating in such an organisation when he


target individuals or individual associations, rather

committing a serious violent offence s penalties of up to five years’ imprisonment for

or she has not committed any other offence?

participation as a member of that organisation,

s Should a person be criminally liable for

if the person knew it was a criminal organisation

simply associating with a member of such an

and his or her participation contributed to the


occurrence of criminal activity

Two central concepts of the law are brought

s defining ‘member’ to include anyone identifying

into question by this approach. The first is the

himself or herself as a member, for example by

rule of law, introduced in Chapter 1: that is, the

wearing the club’s insignia, patches or colours.

principle that laws should be applied in the same

Critics of the bill questioned the lack of

way to all individuals. The danger of criminalising

connection between participation and actual

organisations, especially where police or govern-

criminal activity. The then Queensland Attorney-

ment officials can make the determination without

General and Minister for Justice Kerry Shrine

court oversight, is that the law may be used to

described the bill as ‘ill-conceived, unnecessary’

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and ‘[extending the] basic principles of criminal

Some of the most critical provisions

2 %3% ! 2# (    

of the South Australian Act are:

Research information about

act or omission by the accused is necessary’.

s The Attorney-General can declare

new Queensland legislation

The bill did not receive enough support to

any organisation a criminal organi-

targeting organised crime.

pass. However, following the violent killing of

sation without stating grounds and

and answer the following

Anthony Zervas at Sydney Airport in 2009, the

without right of appeal or court


Queensland government announced that it would

review. For example, the Finks

1 Has the law been

prepare new laws giving police the power to apply

have now been declared a criminal

to the Supreme Court for an order prohibiting


L aw in p rac tic e

liability to guilt by association’ where ‘no specific

passed? 2 What changes does it

identified members of an outlaw motorcycle gang

s The Act creates an offence with a

from associating with each other. At the time of

penalty of five years’ imprisonment

publication the proposed legislation had not yet

for anyone who associates more

the 2007 bill discussed

been revealed.

than five times a year with a


make? 3 How does it differ from

member of a declared criminal SOUTH A US T R AL IAN APPR OAC H

organisation. This means a person

In South Australia in 2008, following numerous

can be deemed guilty by association

incidents involving OMCGs including a shoot-out

as a result of any contact or meeting, even

at an Adelaide nightclub where one gang member

though that contact could be entirely innocent.

was killed, the South Australian government

s The Police Commissioner can apply to the SA

enacted the Serious and Organised Crime (Control)

Magistrates’ Court for control orders prohibiting

Act 2008 (SA). The South Australian laws aimed

a person from associating with, communicating

to disrupt activities of OMCGs and other criminal

with or being in the vicinity of specified people.

organisations and protect the public from their

These orders can be made without the standard


criminal onus of proof beyond reasonable

The Act gave unprecedented new powers to the


control order an order made by a court, government official or police officer to restrict an individual’s liberty, for example from doing a specified act or being in a specified place

government, allowing it to declare an organisation a criminal organisation and allowing police officers to make control orders preventing individual members of that organisation from doing specified acts or being in specified places. The laws are similar to some of the special terrorism laws introduced by the federal government following the ‘September 11’ terrorist attacks. For example, the Anti-Terrorism Act (No. 2) 1995 (Cth) introduced two new Divisions into the Criminal Code 1995 (Cth) allowing control orders and preventative detention orders to be made against individuals. The South Australian Act is not restricted to OMCGs but can apply to any declared organisation. A ‘declared organisation’ is one whose members associate for the purpose of organising or engaging in serious criminal activity, and that represents a risk to public safety and order, according to the SA Attorney-General.

Figure 14.10 South Australian Premier Mike Rann presents the new Act to the media.

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s A ‘senior police officer’ can prohibit a person or class of people, without court oversight, from being at a specified place or area or attending a

NSW Act did not include an offence for simply being a member of the organisation. Immediately following the Zervas murder at

specified event.

Sydney Airport, NSW Premier Nathan Rees intro-

The Act has attracted much criticism for its

duced new laws claimed to be ‘tougher than South

severe restrictions and lack of adherence to

Australia’s’ and rapidly passed a new Act through

long-standing principles of the criminal law. For

parliament to deal more specifically with OMCGs:

example, the Law Society of South Australia stated

the Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act

that ‘the legislation goes too far’, that it ‘under-

2009 (NSW). Some of the important changes are:

mines the presumption of innocence, restricts or

s Police can make an application to the Supreme

removes the right to silence’, and does not allow

Court to have an organisation declared criminal.

courts to ‘challenge possibly biased, unfounded,

This provision for court oversight stands in

or unreasonable decisions of the Attorney-General

stark contrast to the South Australia law, where

or Commissioner of Police’. Individuals may have

it is the Attorney-General who can make the

no right to know the reasons for an order or to


challenge the truth or reliability of those reasons.

s Membership of a declared organisation is an

Court challenges contesting the Act are certain

offence, as is ‘association’ between members of

to occur .

a declared organisation who are under control orders. ‘Association’ includes either being in


company with someone or communicating

In New South Wales, there have been numerous

with someone by any means. Declared gang

amendments to the law and legislation since the

members who continue to associate can face

1984 Milperra Massacre. In 2005 after several

two years’ imprisonment for a first offence or

gang-related incidents, including the December

five years for a second.

2005 Cronulla riots, the New South Wales

s The Act contains new offences for recruiting

government introduced the Crimes Legislation

members of a declared organisation, said

Amendment (Gangs) Act 2006 (NSW) to bring in a

to prevent establishment of younger ‘feeder

series of reforms specifically directed at OMCGs

groups’ for the organisations.

and organised crime. These included: s increased penalties for activities related to organised crime

easier for police to seize items connected to criminal organisations.

s increased powers for police to apply for search

As with the South Australian Act, some of

and seizure warrants, including the power to

the main concerns expressed were the potential

remove fortifications or surveillance cameras

for immediate charges and control orders to

designed to stop police entry, powers to pacify

undermine the presumption of innocence, and

guard dogs and even to block drains (to prevent

concerns about rights to freedom of association.

the flushing of drugs down the sink or toilet)

On the other hand, Australian Federal Police

s new offences for recruiting another person to

Commissioner Mick Keelty stated in an interview

carry out or assist in criminal activity


s It authorises new search warrants to make it

that he believed the new laws were appropriate:

s the introduction of offences for knowingly

‘New South Wales does have a particular problem

participating in a criminal organisation. The

… of the number of outlaw motorcycle gangs that

definition of a criminal organisation was almost

we’re aware of, 19 of them are situated in NSW,’

identical to the one contained in the Queens-

he said. ‘So of the nearly 40 gangs, nearly half of

land bill described above. Significantly, the

them are in NSW.’

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ABC Online, 3 April 2009

The New South Wales Parliament has passed controversial legislation targeting bikie gangs. The Greens voted against the laws, saying the new legislation could lead to police corruption. The legislation passed the Upper House of Parliament late last night following a lengthy debate. Under the laws police will be able to apply to have motorcycle clubs declared criminal organisations. Members could then be jailed for associating with each other and prevented from working in certain jobs. The legislation has been criticised by the NSW Law Society and the Bar Association, who say it is unlikely to withstand legal challenges. But NSW Attorney-General John Hatzistergos says he is confident it will be effective. ‘This legislation has the capacity to cause severe damage to these organisations,’ he said. ‘The Government has taken senior legal advice in relation to the legislation and its

capacity to be able to withstand constitutional challenge and on that basis has proceeded. ‘We have carefully considered the provisions of the legislation and the structures we have established.’ The laws follow a wave of bikie gang violence including the fatal bashing of the brother of a hells angel at Sydney Airport. CORRUPTION FEARS

The New South Wales Greens say the state’s new bikie legislation could lead to police corruption. Greens MLC Lee Rhiannon says the legislation is open to abuse. ‘It gives extraordinary discretionary powers to police,’ she said. ‘It also undermines the current rules of evidence, it weakens the right of freedom of association, and we are concerned that it could play out in a way that could increase the possibility for police corruption.’ Ms Rhiannon says legislation will not solve the problem of gang violence. ‘The challenge with this legislation was to pass it so that it improved public safety and ended gang-related criminal activity while preserving long-held tenants of the justice system, but that has not been achieved,’ she said.

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m e d i a cl i p

Controversial bikie laws pass NSW Parliament

2 %6) %7     1 What are the three main legal responses to OMCGs and organised crime? 2 What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? 3 How does the legislation differ between Australian jurisdictions? Which approach or approaches do you think are best and why?

Figure 14.11 Belconnen Police Station, ACT

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.ON LEGALRESPONSES In addition to the responses of lawmakers and law enforcement agencies as discussed above, there are a number of other responses to consider. These include those of the general public, the media, politicians, interest groups, and the OMCGs themselves. Some of these responses are explored below.


May, about 300 members of the different gangs converged on Parliament House in Adelaide and presented a petition against the new legislation. In response, South Australian Premier Mike Rann described the laws as the ‘world’s toughest antibikie legislation’ and stated, ‘We are talking about drug dealers on wheels and we are not going to bend or break because of [a] protest.’ In another interesting form of protest, in

Media coverage, and the ability of media reports

response to Queensland’s Operation Hydra aimed

to shape public opinion, have played a crucial part

at curbing criminal OMCG activities, a number of

in political responses to OMCGs. Violent incidents

OMCGs met to discuss tactics to fight fines issued

related to OMCGs are widely covered by the print

to motorcyclists. One of the tactics was a cam-

and broadcast media, and politicians are often keen

paign to fight all fines in court to create backlogs

to reassure the public that they are being ‘tough on

in the system, with the aim of forcing police to

crime’. This is most evident in the rapid response

reduce fines for traffic infringements.

of the New South Wales government, following the Sydney Airport murder, to strengthen organised


crime laws.

In one unique response to the OMCG issue,

The media have enabled public discussion of

members of the South Australian public who were

the advantages and drawbacks of the laws being

strongly opposed to the Serious and Organised

proposed, and they have the power to influence the

Crime (Control) Act 2008 (SA) and its implications

way the issues are dealt with by legislatures and

for civil rights decided to make their voice and

the police.

concerns heard by politicians by establishing a new political party, the F.R.E.E. Australia Party.


The party obtained formal political status on

Various sectors of the public have voiced their

19 March 2009 and is open to anyone who is

opinions on OMCGs and the law’s response

registered to vote in South Australia. Among its

through demonstrations. In March 2009 about 700

members are a number of motorcyclists con-

members of clubs including the Hells Angels, Gypsy

cerned about the introduction of the Act. Party

Jokers, Rebels and Finks organised a ride through

spokesperson Paul Kuhn said that the party

the towns of South Australia’s Barossa Valley,

opposes the Act, but is concerned about a number

accompanied by a police escort, to protest against

of other issues as well. ‘The name of the party

the Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008.

itself is FREE, which stands for Freedom, Rights,

It took place in conjunction with the Gypsy Jokers’

Environment and Education,’ he said in an inter-

annual ride, which had never before been open

view with ABC News.

to other clubs. In a second peaceful protest in

le g al li nk s

2 %6 ) %7    


1 Describe some of the non-legal responses The F.R.E.E. Australia Party’s

to organised crime. How do they influence

website is at www.freeaustralia.

changes in the law?


2 What non-legal responses do you believe are most effective in dealing with OMCG issues and why?

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Figure 14.12 The Freedom Rights Environment Educate Australia Party has branches in South Australia, Queensland and New South Wales, and hopes to soon become a national party.

Res p o n s i ve n ess o f t he l aw Public order and safety are usually cited as the

and freedom of movement. Laws departing from

chief reasons for changing the law to address

these principles require mechanisms for review.

OMCGs. Due to the violence often associated

While it is too soon to assess the effectiveness

with many of their activities, OMCGs receive

of these laws – not only in reducing criminal

widespread media attention and result in often

activities and violence associated with OMCGs, but

emotive public discussion. The political responses

in ensuring justice for all parties concerned – they

of some Australian jurisdictions have focused on

will be judged on the facts over time.

draconian laws laws that are excessively harsh or severe – from Draco, a Greek legislator (7th century CE) whose laws imposed cruel and severe penalties for crimes

‘ramping up the laws’, being ‘tough on crime’ and ‘smashing criminal gangs’. The three main types of legislative responses to OMCGs and other organised crime are laws

R EV I EW 1 4 . 5

R ESEARC H 1 4 . 4

1 How do the responses

Search for recent news stories

targeting their activities, laws establishing police

of different jurisdictions

related to OMCGs and answer

task forces and special police powers, and

compare in addressing

the following questions:

laws that criminalise the organisations or their

OMCG-related activities?

1 Have there been any

members. Not all jurisdictions in Austra lia have

Which legal responses do

recent incidents involving

introduced laws in the third category. Following

you think are the most

OMCGs in New South

the Sydney Airport incident, both Victoria and the

effective and why?

Wales or around Australia?

ACT stated that current laws were sufficient and

2 How far should the law go

What happened in those incidents?

they had no intention of introducing new laws.

in attempting to address

Other states and commentators have claimed

the activities of OMCGs

that this may create ‘safe haven’ and ‘legislative

and other organised

charges have been laid

gaps’ for OMCGs to exploit, but there has been no

criminal groups? Do you

against OMCG members? Do

evidence of this to date.

think the responses have

the articles suggest that the

been appropriate?

new laws have been used or

Legal responses need to be carefully weighed,

2 What recent arrests or

and their implications considered, to avoid creating

have been effective?

‘draconian laws’ or sacrificing fundamental prin-

3 Have there been any

ciples such as the rule of law, the separation of

problems or court challenges

powers and the presumption of innocence, or

associated with the new

individual rights such as freedom of association


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Ch a p te r s u m m a ry M u lt i p le - c hoi ce q ues ti ons 302

s Organised crime is a problem for Australian society and for the law. It operates in many different industries and is associated with many different illegal activities. s Motorcycle groups have been in existence for over a hundred years and most were formed simply to share a common interest in motorcycles. s Outlaw motorcycle gang membership is a growing problem in Australia and there have been many recent public incidents involving OMCGs. s There are different legal approaches to OMCGs, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

 Organised crime can be defined as: A illegal activities carried out by organised groups, usually for financial gain B illegal activities carried out by more than one person in a single incident, where timing is important C activities such as rallies and protests organised by motorcycle gangs without a permit D exercise of certain police powers without authorising legislation  The largest area of organised crime activity is: A digital piracy B extortion C drug trafficking D drunken brawling  ‘Draconian’ laws are: A harsh, strict and punitive B enforced by both state and federal governments C enforced by state but not federal governments D enacted by the United Nations

s These include laws to prosecute individuals for specific crimes, the establishment of task forces, increased police powers, and laws that criminalise the clubs or participation in them. s Some of these approaches have ramifications with respect to fundamental principals of the criminal law and individual rights. s Different Australian jurisdictions have adopted different approaches to deal with the issues. s The media, politicians, the public and OMCGs themselves have voiced their views on the issues and on the legal responses. s The law needs to balance the interests of all parties involved s It is too soon to assess the effectiveness of recent responses of the law to OMCGs.

 Under the South Australian Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008 (SA), who can declare an organisation criminal? A the Police Commissioner B the Supreme Court C the Premier D the Attorney-General  What is one reason for enacting controversial laws outlawing motorcycle gangs? A to encourage competition between state premiers for the toughest anti-bikie laws B to give greater powers to police to compensate for their low pay C to limit motorcycle transport, which has a high degree of road fatalities D to target organised crime, which can be difficult to fight under ordinary laws against criminal acts

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Ch a p te r s u m m a ry ta s k s Top i c revi ew

 Discuss the problems of organised crime in Australia. What types of activities are related to organised crime and how widespread are they in Australia?  Outline the origins of motorcycle gangs and OMCGs. Are they different, and if so, how?

 Outline the different legal approaches to OMCGs.  Describe some of the recent changes to Australian laws to deal with OMCGs. How do these differ from previous laws?  Do you think some organisations should be criminalised? What level of participation in criminal organisations do you think should be prosecuted?


 ‘Bikie gangs are like any other organisation or club. There are criminals in all walks of life’. Discuss this statement with reference to the law and at least one OMCG.  Evaluate the responsiveness of the law in dealing with OMCGs. Do you think the legal approaches are fair? Which approaches do you think are most appropriate and why?

Marking criteria for the extended response questions can be found at www.cambridge. Refer to these criteria when planning and writing your responses.

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Area 4 : Criminal or civil cases that raise issues of interest to students


ke y t er m s

c hap ter ob j e cti ve s

File sharing and digital copyright


In this chapter, students will: s explore legal concepts and terminology relating to digital copyright and the law s investigate the legal system’s ability to address issues relating to digital copyright s explore the differences that exist between Australian and international law in relation to digital copyright s investigate the role of the law in addressing and responding to changes in relation to digital copyright s describe the legal and non-legal responses to digital copyright infringements

s evaluate the effectiveness of legal and non-legal responses to digital copyright infringements.

copyright copyright infringement copyright notice digital copyright extradition file sharing format-shifting intellectual property internet piracy piracy space-shifting technical protection measure time-shifting

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rel ev ant l aw IM PORTA N T L EGIS L AT ION AN D T R E ATI ES

Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) Copyright Act (Digital Agenda Amendments) 2000 (Cth) Copyright Amendment Act 2006 (Cth) US Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act 2004 (Cth) SIGNIFIC AN T C AS ES

A&M Records Inc. v Napster Inc., 239 F3d 1004 (9th Cir 2001) Universal Music Australia Pty Ltd v Sharman License Holdings Ltd [2005] FCA 1242 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. (MGM) v Grokster Ltd, 545 US 913 (2005) United States of America v Griffiths [2004] FCA 879

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&I L E S H A R I N G D I G I T A L COPY R I G H T A N DT HELAW download to receive data from a central system to one’s own, local network or computer

The internet has given people not only access to a

Copyright is the area of intellectual property

whole world of information, but opportunities to

law that protects a person’s right to an original

use and interact with it in a way that they never

expression of an idea. It allows the creator the

could before. Photos, music, videos and software

right to do or prohibit certain acts relating to that

intellectual property intangible property that has commercial value and can be protected by law, e.g. text, images, designs, inventions and computer programs.

can be viewed and heard on our own computers or

expression, for example to reproduce it, publish it

transferred to other devices. The internet makes it

or make an adaptation.

copyright an exclusive right to publish, copy, publicly perform, broadcast, or make an adaptation of certain forms of expression, namely sounds, words or visual images digital copyright copyright as it applies to digital media digital piracy unauthorised reproduction and distribution of digital music, software, videos or other material, often for profit

possible to download these files to keep or share,

Historically, copyright law was confined to

sometimes for a fee but sometimes without paying

text-based material, but over time has expanded

for it. In some cases, the act of downloading this

to include rights in a range of types of works,

material may infringe another person’s intellectual

including books, films, software and music. The

property rights.

arrival of the internet over the past two decades has brought with it many challenges to traditional


concepts in copyright law. Copyright law has had

This has become an area of concern not just for

it applies to this relatively new medium. One of

the owners of the material but also for lawmakers

the most significant issues in this area is digital

on a domestic and international scale. The

piracy occurring by means of file sharing. File

concept of intellectual property in cyberspace

sharing means distributing electronically stored

was introduced in Chapter 8. As discussed, intel-

information, often without authorisation.

to adapt to the new digital environment, and ‘digital copyright’ simply refers to copyright as

lectual property law protects a person’s rights to intellectual works and other intangible, or non-


physical, property that the person has created.

Digital technology has enabled the average

Three types of legal protection for intellectual

computer user to make copies of almost anything

property are patents, trademarks and copyright.

with ease, much to the discomfort of the music and

file sharing the practice of distributing electronically stored information such as computer programs, music and video files, especially through the use of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks

movie industries. Digital copying is like oxygen in cyberspace – that is, the internet itself is dependent on the ability of users to upload, download and transmit digital text, files, web pages and so on. However, copyright infringement through unauthorised file sharing poses serious challenges for the laws of digital copyright. It has resulted in ongoing legal battles involving individuals, the

upload to send data from a local system or computer to a central or remote system, for other users to view, hear, or use

music, film and television industries, and online file sharing services. Popular portable devices that can easily transfer digital music between computers have allowed users to obtain their entertainment for free, or for only a nominal cost. However, to the music Figure 15.1 Copyright is one of the three types of protection for intellectual property.


industry and media networks digital copying was considered piracy. The term ‘pirate’ has been

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piracy (1) an illegal act of robbery of a ship at sea, outside the jurisdiction of any state; (2) the infringement of copyright

Figure 15.2 Computer users often illegally download overseas TV series before their release in Australia, and then watch them on their laptops, or burn them to DVD.

internet piracy unauthorised downloading or distribution of copyrighted material by means of the internet

used in this sense even before the first copyright

The music and other media industries were

laws were put in place in England with the Statute

often accused of being slow to catch on and offer

of Anne in 1709. An early reference was made by

accessible digital media solutions to meet this

English writer Daniel Defoe in 1703. He said of

rapidly growing market demand. The law was also

people who were distributing copies of his poem,

slow to change. For example, until 2006, it was still

‘A True-Born Englishman’, on the streets: ‘It’s

illegal under Australian copyright laws for some-

being printed again and again by pirates, as they

one to copy legitimately purchased music from his

call them.’ It is claimed that some 80 000 copies

or her own computer to a portable music device, or

were pirated on the streets of England, Ireland and

to upload the contents of a legitimately purchased

America and that this may even have contributed

CD into his or her computer’s

to Defoe’s fame by making his work available more

digital music library. Recording a

cheaply to the general public.

television program onto a video-

2 %6) %7     1 Outline what is meant by

peer-to-peer (P2P) networks computer networks in which individual participants are directly connected to each other, rather than through a central server

The term ‘internet piracy’ has been coined

tape for later viewing or even

to describe the downloading and/or distribution

making a music compilation on

digital copyright and how this

of unauthorised copies of music, film, television

a CD or cassette tape still con-

fits into the broader area of

programs, games and software via the internet.

stituted copyright infringement.

intellectual property law. 2 Explain what is meant by

This can be done by various means such as

Increasingly easy access to ‘free’

file sharing or peer-to-peer (P2P) networks,

file sharing technologies began

copyright infringement

BitTorrent programs, pirate servers, or websites. It

to put significant pressure on the

and piracy and how these

can also be done by people known as ‘hard goods

legal system to adapt. However, the

can occur in the digital

pirates’, who distribute illegal copies of copy-

absence of any adequate reform

righted material recorded on DVDs, CDs or video-

eventually led to costly legal battles,

tapes for profit.

both local and international, insti-

sharing arose and why it has

Digital copying over the internet grew rapidly in

gated by music industry and other

become a problem for industry

popularity, as it allowed users to obtain music and

media bodies in an attempt to

other media files freely, quickly, relatively simply,

protect their copyright and alleged

in the comfort of their own homes, and in an easily

loss of profit.

environment. 3 Explain how issues of file

and for lawmakers. 4 Discuss some of the changes to digital copyright that needed to be made to the

transferable and shareable format. It also allowed

Many of the legal issues relating

users to store and transport their own music and

to digital copyright and file sharing

law and within the relevant

media files much more easily than on multiple CDs

continue unresolved to this day.

industries, in order to respond

or DVDs, or the earlier and even bulkier videotape

These are discussed in more detail

to the growth of file sharing

and cassette tape collections.

in the following sections.


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copyright infringement the unauthorised use of copyright material in a manner that violates the owner’s rights


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- E C H A N I S M S F O R A C H I EV I N G J U S T I CE I N R E L A T I O N T O D I G I T A L CO PY R I G H T There are a number of legal mechanisms in place

relation to piracy of copyright material for trade or

to protect a copyright owner’s rights in his or her

profit on a commercial scale.

material. In Australia, copyright law is complex

In recent years, digital copyright issues have

and comes from many different sources, including

also attracted various non-legal responses. These

legislation, international treaties on copyright

include broad public education campaigns by

protection, and an expanding body of case law.

government and non-government bodies and

Many of these laws apply to copyright in the

the establishment of government and industry

digital environment and allow copyright owners to

organisations to monitor and provide advice on

bring civil action against those they believe to have

digital copyright issues, or to provide a voice for

infringed their rights. Many of the cases relating

the various groups affected. There has also been

specifically to digital copyright centre around the

high-profile coverage of digital copyright by the

question of who actually infringed copyright, and

media and industry bodies, as well as important

how their offence can be proved when it took place

commercial responses to changes in the digital

in a digital environment.

media and file sharing markets.

In addition to civil action by the copyright owners, Australian law also provides for criminal prosecution of copyright infringement coming under several categories of offence, with penalties including fines or even imprisonment. Currently, these copyright offences are used mainly in






matters are among the enumerated powers of the Commonwealth parliament (s 51(xviii) of the Australian Constitution) and are thus a federal responsibility. The Act that governs Australia’s copyright laws is the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). The Copyright Act replaced an outdated Act based on older UK copyright law, and it brought together some of the principles from the case law on copyright at the time. The original Copyright Act has been subject to many amendments since it was first brought in, to respond to the changing issues in copyright law. It is known for being one of the largest and most complex Australian statutes and currently runs to a total of 646 pages. Australian courts have had to decide how the Copyright Act is to be interpreted and applied in greatly different Figure 15.3 Police remove boxes of pirated DVDs from a truck after seizing them from a house in Melbourne in 2008. They believe they seized around $30 million worth of illegal merchandise during this raid.


contexts. As a result, trying to work out how copyright applies in a particular situation can require looking at both the Copyright Act itself and previous court decisions.

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Some countries, such as the United States and Canada, have government systems for the registration of copyright. In Australia, individuals do not need to do anything in order to get copyright protection for their work: if a work meets the

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requirements for protection in the Copyright Act, it is automatically protected as soon as it is created, without the need for any registration. For a person’s work to qualify for copyright protection under the Copyright Act, the work must be: s the type of thing to which copyright applies (e.g. an artistic work or a musical work); s the result of some skill and effort (original and

Figure 15.4 In Australia, you do not need to do anything in order to get copyright protection for your work: if it meets the requirements for protection in the Copyright Act it is automatically protected as soon as it is created.

not merely copied from someone else); and s recorded or ‘fixed’ (for example on paper, a computer disk or a CD).

processes that are used to do so. It also introduced

Many people also choose to add a copyright

prohibitions on making or distributing devices

notice to their work to remind people that it is

designed to break technological protection

protected by copyright and to let them know who

measures, which are the digital ‘locks’ put in

is claiming copyright. However, for some forms of

place to limit copying or accessing of copyright

copyright, especially where copyright exists in the

materials. For example, access might be available

contents of a digital file such as a music or sound

only by use of an access code or a process such

file, it is often more difficult for the owner to label

as decryption or unscrambling, authorised by the

the work as copyright protected. Some individuals

copyright owner.

or companies now add what is known as a digital watermark to files containing copyright material


in order to ensure that information about the

I M P L EM ENTATI O N A C T 2 0 0 4 (C TH )

copyright owner is retained within the file.

In 2004 Australia entered into an agreement with

copyright notice a notice added to a work to inform people of who owns the copyright and when the work was created, e.g. ‘© Random Business Pty Ltd 2011’ technological protection measures tools or ‘locks’ that copyright owners use to prevent unauthorised copying or access to copyright materials

the US called the Australia–United States Free Trade


Agreement (AUSFTA). As part of the agreement,

Since the year 2000, the Australian government

copyright laws to bring them more into line with

has had to review and amend the Copyright Act a

US laws and with certain international treaties.

number of times to adapt it to social, economic

One of the main amendments was to extend the

and technological changes. Some of the most

expiration of an owner’s copyright from 50 years

important amendments are as follows.

to 70 years after the author’s death. Another

Australia was required to amend a number of its

significant provision affecting digital copyright COPYRIGH T AC T ( DIGITAL AGEN DA

was to limit the liability of internet service

AM END MEN T S ) 2000 ( C T H )

providers for copyright infringements committed

This Act updated a number of provisions of

by their customers (Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) Part

the Copyright Act to include recent changes in

V, Division 2AA).

digital technology. It amended the definition of ‘communication’ of a work to include the act of


making a work available online or transmitting

This Act introduced further amendments to

it electronically, and to cover the technical

Austra lian copyright law that were required under

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space-shifting transferring music or a sound recording from one format to another or from one device to another, for example copying a music file from a computer to a portable player time-shifting recording a television or radio broadcast for later viewing or listening format-shifting copying books, journals, photos or videos from one format to another format, for example scanning a photo to digital format or printing a newspaper article

AUSFTA. It also updated a number of technological

Although the Copyright Act has come a long

provisions that were widely seen as outdated or

way in addressing some of the developments in

unfair. Some of the most important amendments

digital copyright issues, there are still a number of

to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) were as follows:

issues that have been left to the courts or to future

s the introduction of new criminal enforcement

legislation to resolve. It is also important to note

provisions, including on-the-spot fines for

that many apparently innocuous uses of copyright

copyright infringement

material, such as downloading or uploading files

s provisions permitting the copying of music

containing copyright material via the internet or

from format to format or device to device for

sharing them with friends on a personal website,

personal use, known as space-shifting

may still constitute infringement of another

s provisions allowing the recording of television or radio broadcasts for later viewing, called

person’s copyright and therefore may not be legal under Australian law.

time-shifting s provisions allowing individuals to change the


format of copyright materials for personal use,

Another important part of Australian copyright

known as format-shifting, for example scan-

law comes from international copyright treaties

ning photos into digital files or printing an

that aim to ensure that copyright is protected


across international borders and that important

s widening of the provisions on technological

copyright issues are addressed similarly by

protection measures to make it an offence for

different countries. This is particularly relevant

individuals even to use a device designed to

to digital copyright, where works are constantly

unlock technological protection measures.

imported and exported between countries through the internet, through portable devices and through trade in music, software, films and DVDs. In Australia, international treaties must be incorporated into domestic legislation before they can become binding, and so the most important provisions of Australia’s international treaties should already be incorporated into the Copyright Act or other relevant legislation. However, the international treaties themselves are important measures





for Australian copyright holders in overseas jurisdictions, and to protect overseas copyright holders





within Australia. Australian works are protected automatically in most other countries. In the same way, works from most other countries are automatically protected in Australia. As mentioned in Chapter 8, the main treaties relating to copyright include: s Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Figure 15.5 Since 2000, the Australian government has had to review and amend the Copyright Act a number of times to adapt it to social, economic and technological changes.


Artistic Works (accepted by Australia in 1928) s World Trade Organization Agreement on TradeRelated Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) (accepted by Australia in 1995)

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s Australia–United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) (accepted by Australia in 2004) s World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty (accepted by Australia in 2007)

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#ASELAWONDIGITALCOPYRIGHT The difficulty in applying digital copyright law and the scale of the file-sharing problem has led to a number of civil cases in recent years. As the internet is international by nature, the court challenges have occurred worldwide, with some of the most important cases in the US and in Australia.

Figure 15.6 Shawn Fanning, founder of Napster, a file-sharing website that shook the foundations of the music industry

They have involved complex legal arguments attempting to resolve how the laws apply to the different file sharing technologies and where the

per song for downloading songs like ‘If You’re Happy

liability should lie for infringements committed

and You Know It Clap Your Hands’. The girl said she

using those technologies.

thought ‘it was OK to download music’ because her

The first major legal battle relating to file sharing

mother had bought the Kazaa program for US$29.95.

and copyright infringement was in 2001 and

Eventually Kazaa settled the case with the girl’s

involved an 18-year-old named Shawn Fanning,

family for the sum of US$2000.

who set up an online file-sharing service called

The RIAA continued to bring civil actions

Napster. Napster was one of the first internet

against ordinary consumers who engaged in file

services dedicated to sharing mainly popular

sharing, and by 2005 the RIAA had sued 12 000

music and video files between users. Complaints

people. The main difference between Napster and

of copyright infringement had been received from

Kazaa was that Kazaa did not hold or store the

some of the most high-profile recording artists,

files centrally, but supplied the software and the

including Metallica and Madonna. In the US case

means for individual users to share files. One of

A&M Records Inc. v Napster Inc., 239 F3d 1004 (9th

the most significant cases against file sharing was

Cir 2001), the United States Court of Appeals for

launched against Kazaa in Australia in 2005 and

the Ninth Circuit found that Napster had infringed

this is discussed on the following page.

copyright by allowing its users to upload and download copyright-protected material on its central network. Napster was forced to change its service and business model to prevent its users from infringing copyright. Despite the outcome of the case, new file-sharing networks quickly arose, with one called Kazaa emerging as the most dominant. By 2004 Kazaa’s program had been downloaded 319 million times. This resulted in some of the most brutal legal battles related to file sharing. For example, in 2003 the US Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) launched a series of lawsuits against some 261 individual users of Kazaa for copyright infringement through file sharing. One of these lawsuits involved a twelve-year-old girl who was sued for US$150 000

Figure 15.7 Niklas Zennstrom, the co-founder and CEO of Kazaa; creator of Skype; and cofounder of Joost

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ca s e s p a ce

Universal Music Australia Pty Ltd v Sharman License Holdings Ltd;=&#! THE+AZAACASE A legal action was brought in

In his decision, Justice Murray

its software to increase its

the Federal Court of Australia in

Wilcox ruled that with its file-

advertising revenue.

2005 by 30 record companies,

sharing technology, Kazaa was

including major international

liable for copyright infringement

that Sharman ‘probably cannot

labels such as Universal,

because it had ‘authorised’ users

totally prevent copyright

EMI, Sony BMG and Warner,

to infringe the record companies’

infringement by users’, and as

against Kazaa’s Sydney-based

copyright. He found although

a result did not order Kazaa to

developer and distributor,

there were technical measures

be shut down. Concerned to

Sharman Networks. The record

that could have enabled Sharman

ensure that the software should

companies claimed that the

to ‘curtail – although probably

continue to be available for

Kazaa software, by allowing

not totally to prevent – the

people who use it for legitimate

users to download music for free

sharing of copyrighted files’,

purposes, the court allowed

over the internet, encouraged

Sharman had not implemented

Sharman to continue distributing

copyright infringement on an

them because this would have

its file-sharing software, but only

unprecedented scale.

been against its financial interest.

if it adopted certain technical

Justice Wilcox acknowledged

The Federal Court found that

Because Sharman made its

measures to stop and discourage

most of Kazaa’s music files were

money from advertising on

the infringement of copyright

‘shared without the approval of

the Kazaa system, it wanted

using that software.

the relevant copyright owner’.

to maximise file sharing using

2%3 % ! 2#( 


seeking to educate the general public and to report on the ongoing developments.

Another important case in the file sharing wars was the US case of

It is often expensive, lengthy and difficult

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios

for those in the music industry to pursue

Inc. (MGM) v Grokster Ltd, 545

persons who are illegally downloading


US 913 (2005). MGM argued that

files. It is also disputed whether pursuing

Despite attempts to put a stop to file-

file sharing software created and

ordinary computer users is an effective

sharing activities, there has been seemingly

actively marketed by Grokster

option. Corporations have tended to take

unstoppable growth in the market for file-

encouraged illegal downloading

legal action against only serial offenders,

sharing technologies and portable devices

of movies. Research the file-

as a deterrent, and against those who

with which to use them.

sharing issues in this case and

are making a profit through copyright

discuss the results.



Supplementing the growth in portable music and video devices has been the

In addition, it would obviously not be

emergence of a large and competitive

possible for a company to bring a lawsuit

market offering legitimate downloading

against every individual who is infringing

services. For a small fee, users are given

copyright. Instead, consumer markets have

access to authorised copyright material in

been forced to adapt, to offer alternatives

a format they request. One of the largest

to illegal file sharing to meet the growing

players in this market has been the popular

demand. A number of industry and non-

iTunes Music Store, launched in 2003 by

industry bodies have been established,

the founder of Apple Inc., Steve Jobs.

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By striking a deal with major record labels to offer a legitimate file sharing service, iTunes ensured that the music industry could receive payment for their copyright material while giving users a convenient and safe method of getting songs from the internet.

L aw in p rac tic e

The store has since expanded to include copyright works from other industries threatened by digital copyright




shows, films, radio, software and digital books. The popu larity of stores like iTunes and its success in returning a profit to the affected industries has shown that the traditional legal responses are not always the most effective.


Figure 15.8 A number of industry and non-industry bodies have been established to educate the general public on copyright and infringement issues regarding media obtained over the internet.

A number of organisations and interest groups in Australia contribute to the discussion about copy-


right and digital technology and provide research,


advice and education to the public, businesses and

AFACT was established in 2004 to protect the

the government. Some of these are listed below.

Australian television and movie industry against the effects of copyright theft. It works with industry,


government and law enforcement agencies to


achieve its aims.

The Attorney-General’s Department holds responsibility for Australia’s copyright laws. It provides


information about copyright law and works closely

I NC . (E FA )

with groups and organisations that have an interest

Electronic Frontiers Australia is a non-profit

in the development of copyright law in Australia.

national organisation, independent of government, representing internet users who are concerned


about freedom of expression in the online

The ACC is an independent non-profit organisation

environment and related issues. It aims to protect

that provides information and advice about

and promote civil liberties, advocate change in

copyright in Australia. The Council also produces

the law and educate the community about online

publications, carries out research and makes

social, political, and civil liberties issues.

submissions on copyright policy in Australia. It Australian Council for the Arts. M USIC IN DUS T RY PIR AC Y INVESTIGAT ION S ( MIPI)

MIPI acts on behalf of the music industry in Australia to provide investigative services and copyright enforcement, and is highly involved in

le g al li nk s

is funded by the Australian Government and the The website of the Attorney-General’s Department provides information on copyright: The website of the Australian Copyright Council provides information on its activities: The website of Electronic Frontiers Australia provides information on current issues at

educating the Australia public about the costs of music piracy to the music industry.

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2 %3%!2 #(    

1 Identify the domestic and international

1 Look for some further information on the

protection that is provided for Australian

internet about the Kazaa case. What were

owners of copyright materials.

some of the arguments used by the parties

2 How does an artist receive copyright

and do you think they were justified? Do

protection for his or her material and how

you think the outcome of the case was

can other people identify it?


3 Why did traditional copyright law have

2 Investigate some of the alternatives for

to change to include digital copyright

legally purchasing online media. Why do

protection and how did this affect ordinary

you think some computer users continue to

computer users?

download using file sharing technologies,

4 How has the music industry dealt with digital copyright infringers and how has the market responded? 5 Describe some of the measures taken by independent agencies to protect copyright.

and do you think this is justifiable? Why? 3 Look at the websites for each of the institutions and agencies listed above and describe how each agency is trying to educate the public about illegal copying and file sharing. 4 Which institutions and agencies do you think are more successful in achieving their goal of minimising digital copyright infringement? Why?

2ES P O N S I VE N ESS O F T H E L AW As discussed above, there has been much recent

infringement illegal, and in some cases include

change in both domestic and international

severe fines or possible prison sentences. While

copyright law, as lawmakers around the world try

prosecutions for digital copyright infringements

to keep up with the rate of technological change.

do not yet appear to be directed at the average

There have also been many civil lawsuits brought

computer user, there have been some important

by the music industry in an attempt to curb the

cases that need to be considered.

problem and deter future copyright infringement,

For example, in November 2007, Jose Duarte, 21,

as well as criminal prosecutions for large-scale

became the first person convicted in Australia for

piracy. This section considers some of those

recording a film from a cinema screen. In Sydney’s

responses and the future direction of the law.

Downing Centre Local Court, Duarte pleaded


Movie using the camera in his mobile phone and

So far this chapter has mainly looked at the use of

the internet within hours of its global release but

the civil law in response to digital copyright issues.

prior to its US release. A criminal conviction under

But as mentioned above, the Copyright Act includes

the Copyright Act was recorded against Duarte and

provisions that make certain acts of copyright

he was fined $1000.

guilty to making an illegal copy of The Simpsons


uploading it to the internet. The film’s distributors confirmed that an illegal copy of the movie was on

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L aw in p rac tic e Figure 15.9 AFACT protects the film industry against piracy and copyright infringements in Australia.

Figure 15.10 Prosecutions for digital copyright infringements are not yet completely directed at the average computer user, but this could change in the very near future.

There have been many more recent examples of prosecutions for copyright infringements, ranging from smaller violations to very large and expensive piracy operations. Examples of these cases can be seen on the AFACT website, whose address is provided in the link below. A recent criminal case in Australia relates to the extradition of Australian resident Hew Raymond Griffiths for trial in the US on charges of copyright infringement for illegal software distribution. This is discussed in the

l eg a l l i n ks

‘Case Space’ on page 316.

Figure 15.11 The housing commission townhouse in which Hew Raymond Griffiths was reputed to live – as a wanted fugitive – at Berkley Vale on the Central Coast

The Australian Federation Against

current criminal cases under way against

Copyright Theft (AFACT) provides

Australians who have infringed film

news articles and updates on criminal

copyright and some of the penalties that

prosecutions against movie piracy and

have been applied:

copyright infringements in Australia.


Visit the website and discuss some of the

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ca s e s p a ce

United States of America v Griffiths;=&#! In a case closely watched by the

Coast of NSW, had not taken any

was sentenced to 51 months in

rest of the world, Hew Raymond

money for his activities. Drink

a US prison. This sentence was

Griffiths was accused by the

or Die specialised in ‘cracking’

reduced to account for time

US of being a ringleader in an

copyright-protected software,

served in Australian custody and

internet software piracy network

movies, games and music by

in March 2008 he returned to

called Drink or Die. The case is of

removing the embedded codes,


interest not just because it sets

then distributing them free of

a benchmark in the prosecution


of digital copyright infringement,

The extradition was a controversial topic in Australia,

The US Government took the

as it led to questions about

but also because it involves an

case for extradition to the Federal

why Griffiths could not be

Australian resident indicted by a

Court of Australia, with lengthy

prosecuted in Australia, where

court in the State of Virginia, US

proceedings involving three

he had also infringed Australian

for copyright infringement under

Australian court cases. The US

copyright law. Extradition to a

the US law. The case highlights

Government was successful in the

foreign country merely because

the serious consequences for

Federal Court of Australia and in

businesses in that country

internet users worldwide if they

the Full Court on appeal. Griffiths

were affected by the person’s

are charged with infringement

applied to the High Court of

acts was seen by some to be a

of internationally protected

Australia for special leave to

disproportionate response, and


appeal, which was refused.

one that implied an inappropriate

Pending the High Court hearing

degree of influence over Australia

to extradite Griffiths for his

of his application, he was held in

by the foreign country. On the

infringements, despite the fact

custody in Australia. In February

other hand, the decision to

that he was not a fugitive and

2007, Griffiths was extradited to

extradite Griffiths was praised

had not committed a violent

the US, where he pleaded guilty

by some as an important step

crime. Griffiths, who lived in a

in a Virginia court to criminal

in enforcing the international

modest house on the Central

copyright infringement. Griffiths

protection of copyright.

The US Government sought



Despite stronger legislation, a constant stream

of whom are downloading every month. Nearly

of court actions and the arrival of alternatives to

70 per cent of Australians agree that illegal file

illegal file sharing, the issue of digital copyright

sharing is stealing, but only half of all 14- to

infringement has far from disappeared. For

24-year-olds agree with this statement. There is

example, Australian music industry organisation

a common perception that accessing ‘free music’

Music Industry Piracy Investigations (MIPI) has

from home does not really hurt anyone, and as

carried out research into the extent of music piracy

discussed above this is a perception that both the

in Australia, which found that around 2.8 million

music industry and governments have tried very

Australians download music illegally, 75 per cent

hard to change. It is not only record companies

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L aw in p rac tic e Figure 15.12 The law has to constantly and rapidly keep adapting itself to meet the challenges for copyright law and digital technology.

that are deprived of income by illegal distribution

2 %3%!2 #(    

2 %6 ) %7    

of music, but also the musicians, composers and

1 Research some of the recent

1 Discuss whether and

authors who created the musical works.

cases involving file sharing

in what circumstances

and digital copyright,

criminal prosecution for

nology continues to change and technology

including the current status

copyright infringement is an

expands into more areas traditionally protected

of the Australian case

appropriate response.

by copyright. Although most of the civil actions

between AFACT and internet

to date have centred around the music industry,

service provider iiNet. How

Hew Raymond Griffiths was

the battle is now turning to film and video media

do you think these cases are

important for Australia and

and television networks. For example, a civil case

changing the effectiveness

outline the outcome of the

was commenced in 2008 by AFACT in Western

of digital copyright in

Australia against internet service provider iiNet.

Australia and its impact on

3 Discuss whether you think

It involves large movie industry players such as

ordinary computer users?

the responses to digital

Issues are likely to multiply as internet tech-

Village Roadshow, Universal Pictures, Disney

2 A controversial new

2 Explain why the case of


copyright infringement in

Enterprises and the Seven Network, and is

international treaty on

Australia and around the

important internationally because it tests the

copyright infringement

world have been sufficient

liability of internet service providers for the copy-

called the Anti-

and what actions you think

right infringements of their customers.

Counterfeiting Trade

might be used in the future.

The law has adapted very rapidly in recent

Agreement (ACTA) is under

years to meet some of the challenges for copyright

negotiation in response to

law and digital technology. The effectiveness of

pirated copyright-protected

many of these laws is yet to be seen, as cases will

works. Research the current

be played out in the courts in the coming years.

status of this treaty and

As technology continues to change and people

consider how it might affect

become more familiar with how to use it, as well

Australian copyright laws.

as how to abuse it, the law will continue to adapt.

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Ch a p te r s u m m a ry M u lt i p l e- c hoi ce q ues ti ons 318

s Digital copyright protects against the unauthorised use of copyright material in an online environment. s Original material (also known as intellectual property) is protected by both domestic and international copyright laws. s The music and film industries have brought civil actions against persons infringing copyright. Two of the leading cases were the Napster and Kazaa cases in the US. s Criminal prosecutions for copyright infringement have also been undertaken, including NSW Local Court case against Jose Duarte for recording a movie in a cinema and United States of America v Griffiths, which involved an Australian distributing illegal software and other media for free.

 What is the meaning of internet piracy? A the downloading of movies without the owner’s permission B the downloading of music without parental permission C the downloading and/or distribution of media without the owner’s permission D the downloading and/or distribution of media without parental permission  How are copyright owners protected from internet piracy in Australia? A by professional standards of ethics in the music and movie industries B by state and territory laws C by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) D by Border Protection Command  What effect has the Australia–United States Free Trade Agreement had on the protection of copyright in Australia? A It has helped to develop more copyright uniform laws. B It allows Australians and Americans to copy each other’s media for free. C It has provided one copyright law for the whole world. D It has provided an agreement that Australia and America will play each other’s music on the radio.

s The average user of the internet does not see illegal downloading as a serious crime. s Education of the public therefore plays an important role in dealing with the issue. s In general, those operators that make profits from illegal downloading will be pursued, rather than individual users.

 Why was AFACT established? A to lobby for the rights of Australians accused of internet piracy in the United States B to represent Australians concerned about freedom of expression and civil liberties C to protect the music industry from illegal downloading and educate the public about internet piracy D to protect the film and television industry from illegal downloading and educate the public about internet piracy  Why is the case USA v Griffiths so important? A It involved the creation of enormous wealth through illegal downloading using the internet. B It involved an Australian citizen being charged in an American court for crimes committed on the internet. C It involved a case of mistaken identity, as the prosecution assumed Griffiths was American. D It involved an American citizen being charged in an Australian court for crimes committed on the internet.

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L aw in p rac tic e

Ch a p te r s u m m a ry ta s k s Top i c revi ew

 Outline what is meant by internet piracy and illegal file sharing and what laws are relevant.  Explain why stopping illegal downloading of material and file sharing is a problem for lawmakers.  Discuss some of the approaches of lawmakers to digital copyright issues. Do you think the law has effectively adapted to protect digital copyright?

 Outline some of the approaches of industry, organisations and the market to the issue. Which approaches do you think are the most effective and why?  Propose a campaign to educate young people about digital copyright, outlining some of the issues and consequences for infringing copyright in Australia.


‘Digital copyright is effectively protected in Australia.’ Critically evaluate this statement with reference to some of the legal efforts to protect digital copyright. Also discuss some of the non-legal responses to the issue and their effectiveness.

Marking criteria for the extended response question can be found at www.cambridge. Refer to these criteria when planning and writing your response.

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Area 4 : Criminal or civil cases that raise issues of interest to students


ke y t e r ms

c hap ter ob j e cti ve s

Drug testing


In this chapter, students will: s explore legal concepts and terminology in respect to drugs and drug testing s investigate the ability of the legal system to address issues relating to drug testing s explore the differences that exist between state and federal law in relation to drug testing s investigate the role of the law in addressing and responding to change in relation to drug testing s describe the legal and non-legal responses to drug testing s evaluate the effectiveness of legal and non-legal responses to drug testing.

illicit drug prescription drug legal drug privacy information privacy bodily privacy consent employment contract

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L aw in p rac tic e

rel ev ant l aw IM PORTA N T L EGIS L AT ION AN D T R E ATI ES

Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW) Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Drug Testing) Act 2006 (NSW) Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 (NSW) Rail Safety Act 2008 (NSW) Defence Act 1903 (Cth) Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Act 2006 (Cth) Sports Drug Testing Act 1995 (NSW) SIGNIFIC AN T C AS ES

BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd v Construction, Mining, Energy, Timberyards, Sawmills and Woodworkers Union of Australia (WA Branch) [1998] WA IR Comm 130 Shell Refining (Australia) Pty Ltd, Clyde Refinery v CMFEU [2008] AIRC 510 Candido v Hi Fi Supermarket Pty Ltd [2003] AIRC 983

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Int roduc t ion Recent surveys in Australia indicate that drug use

of Australians aged 14 years or over used alcohol

is a regular part of life for many people. The most

at least weekly, 16.6 per cent were daily tobacco

common drug use in Australia involves legal drugs

smokers, and 13.4 per cent had recently used

such as caffeine, medicinal drugs, alcohol and

prohibited drugs such as cannabis. Over the past

tobacco. Although less common, statistics indicate

decade there has been a significant decline in

that a significant number of people have also used

the use of tobacco, but an increase in the use of

prohibited drugs at some point in their lives.

alcohol. The use of prohibited drugs has remained

For example, a 2007 study conducted by the

at a generally lower rate in comparison. The table

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, a federal

below shows some of the statistics on recent drug

government agency, indicated that 41.3 per cent

use by people in Australia.

Table 16.1 Summary of drug use in Australia, 1993–2007 (as a proportion of the population aged 14 years or older) $RUGBEHAVIOUR













12.7 1.7 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.2 n.a.

13.1 3.5 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.4 n.a.

17.9 5.2 3.0 0.2 0.3 0.9 0.8 0.2

12.9 3.1 1.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1

11.3 3.1 1.0 – 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1

9.1 # 2.5 # 1.4 # – 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.1

n.a. 2.0 0.5 1.3 1.2 n.a. n.a. 0.5 14.0

n.a. 2.1 1.0 1.8 0.9 n.a. n.a. 0.6 17.0

n.a. 3.7 1.4 3.0 2.4 n.a. n.a. 0.8 22.0

0.3 3.4 1.3 1.1 2.9 n.a. n.a. 0.6 16.9

0.2 3.2 1.0 0.7 3.4 0.3 0.1 0.4 15.3

0.2 2.3 # 1.6 # 0.6 3.5 0.2 0.1 0.5 13.4 #








LLLICITDRUGS Marijuana/cannabis Pain-killers/analgesics * Tranquillisers sleeping pills* Steroids* Barbiturates* Inhalants Heroin Methadone ** or Buprenorphine Other opiates/opioids* Methamphetamine (speed)* Cocaine Hallucinogens Ecstasy*** Ketamine GHB Injected drugs Any illicit .ONEOFTHEABOVE

* For non-medical purposes ** Non-maintenance *** This category included substances known as ‘Designer drugs’ before 2004. # Difference between 2004 result and 2007 result is statistically significantly (2-tailed

= 0.05).

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare,


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In the general sense a drug can be defined as any substance that alters bodily function, whether to treat or prevent disease or for other purposes. Of course, the effect on a person will depend on the nature of the drug itself and the quantity and

L aw in p rac tic e

circumstances in which it is used. A drug’s effects might be minimal or temporary, such as, for example, the stimulant effect of caffeine. However, in some circumstances, drugs can result in serious side effects or long-term health problems. Because of the negative effects of some drugs and the danger they can pose to users and the people around them, societies have developed laws over time to prohibit certain drugs or to restrict their use. More recently, technology has enabled testing for the presence of drugs in situations where the drug is prohibited or deemed unsuitable, for

Figure 16.1 A selection of mind-altering substances

example in the workplace, when driving a car or in some public places. This chapter looks at some of the laws and cases on drug testing in Australia and explores some of the issues relating to the application of those laws, and the effects of the laws on the individual and on society in general.

$RUGSANDTHELAW Certain drugs have been restricted or prohibited by societies since far back in recorded history. For example, one of the earliest recorded prohibitions was against the use of alcohol under Islamic sharia law, attributed to passages from the Qur’an from the seventh century CE. In Europe Pope Innocent VIII issued a prohibition on cannabis in 1484, and one of the first laws against smoking in public places was issued in 1632 in America by the Massachusetts General Court.

Figure 16.2 Even coffee has been prohibited at certain times throughout history.

Even coffee has been prohibited at certain times throughout history. For example in 1675 King Charles II of England, concerned that the

of Coffee Houses. The law called for the closure

increasing popularity of coffee in coffee houses

of all cafés and prohibited sale of coffee, tea and

across the kingdom was causing rebellion among

even chocolate. Not surprisingly, the law was

his people and producing ‘very evil and dangerous

so unpopular that the people forced the king to

effects’, issued a Proclamation for the Suppression

overturn it within just one week.

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Laws may restrict the sale, advertising or licensing of a drug, prohibit its cultivation or trafficking, or impose restrictions on the age of drug users or the places or situations in which the drug can be used. For example, tobacco is a type of legal drug whose use is subject to a number of conditions. A breach of these restrictions will generally result in a fine. Some of the current laws in Australia and New South Wales that impose conditions on the sale or use of tobacco include: s a prohibition on advertising tobacco products – Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992 (Cth) s compulsory health warning labels on cigarette packs – Trade Practices (Consumer Product Information Standards) (Tobacco) Regulations 2004 (Cth) s higher taxes on cigarettes – Excise Act 1901 (Cth) s making it an offence to sell cigarettes to persons under 18 years old – Public Health Act 1991 (NSW) s a prohibition on smoking in enclosed public places – Smoke-free Environment Act 2000 (NSW). With respect to illicit drugs, different laws will apply depending on the type of drug and the





from minor summary offences to more serious indictable offences, with corresponding penalties from a recorded conviction or a small fine to life Figure 16.3 King Charles II of England attempted to prohibit coffee in 1675.

imprisonment. Prohibited activities include use of certain drugs, possession of specified amounts, cultivation, trafficking and importation. Types of offences and the laws in which they are contained

legal drug a drug that is not prohibited under the law, although some other restrictions may apply prescription drug a type of legal drug that can be obtained only by a doctor’s prescription illicit drug also called an illegal drug; a drug that is prohibited by law


Australia today has both federal and state


legislation relating to drugs, as well as local laws.

s illicit drug offences under New South Wales

These laws cover various social aspects of drug use

state law, including a list of prohibited drugs –

and address issues including such as the trade and

Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 (NSW)

supply of drugs, use and possession of drugs, and access to or treatment with medicinal drugs. The laws will differ depending on whether the drug is a legal drug, for example aspirin, caffeine,

s importation of illicit drugs, including a list of prohibited drugs – Customs Act 1901 (Cth) and Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 (Cth)

tobacco, or alcohol; a prescription drug such as

s trafficking of illicit drugs – Crimes (Traffic in

birth control, antibiotics or anti-depressants; or an

Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances) Act

illicit drug such as cannabis, heroin or ecstasy.

1990 (Cth).

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2 %3%!2 # (     There are several international treaties relating to drugs. Go to the Australian Institute of Criminology website (www.

L aw in p rac tic e

Figure 16.4 Australian laws impose many restrictions on tobacco products.

international/treaties.html), list the treaties to which Australia is a party, and for each treaty, answer the following questions: 1 What are its aims? 2 Does the treaty focus on the possession, use, or sale of drugs, or on other activities involving drugs? 3 What kinds of drugs does it

Figure 16.5 Under the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 (NSW) s 148, police do not need a warrant to use sniffer dogs to detect drugs in pubs, at entertainment events and on public transport in New South Wales.

deal with? 4 What methods does it use to achieve its aims? 5 How many nation-states are parties to the treaty?


of the testing, the practical limitations of the equipment being used and the costs

Many drugs, both legal and illicit, can

associated with testing will determine

alter perception, emotion, judgment or

what tests are carried out. The methods

behaviour and as a result can interfere

used have varying levels of accuracy and

with the way a person carries out tasks

instrusiveness. They include:

2 %6) %7    

such as playing sport, driving a car

s surveys or questionnaires

1 How common is drug use in

or completing work duties. Driving a

s interviews or clinical observation

car under the influence of alcohol or

s assessment of a person’s clothes or

operating heavy machinery under the

belongings, using sniffer dogs or scan-

influence of cannabis, for example, can

ning equipment

endanger both the person and others. This is one of the reasons that law enforcement agencies, employers and

s testing of bodily tissue (skin, hair, nails) s testing of bodily fluids (breath, saliva,

Australia? What types of drug use are most common? 2 Describe some of the history behind drug laws throughout the world. What types of drugs have been restricted by the law and why? 3 What are some of the laws

others have begun to test individuals

blood, urine or sweat).

for the presence of drugs in particular

Technological advances in drug test-

circumstances, in order to deter or

ing methods now enable more accurate

prohibit drugs? What are some

penalise their use.

results than in the past.

of the penalties that can apply

in Australia that restrict or

for not complying with the

The drugs for which people may

The legal implications of testing will

be tested include legal drugs such as

depend on the method used and the

alcohol, prescription drugs and over-

reasons that justify the testing. This can

4 What are some of the methods



touch on areas of both criminal and civil

used for drug testing and in

illegal drugs such as cannabis, cocaine,

law and raises issue of consent, necessity,

what situations do you think

amphetamines and heroin. The purpose

privacy and broader social policy.

they might be used?




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- E C H A N I S M S F O R A C H I EV I N G J U S T I CE I NDRUGTES T I NG Drug testing has been introduced or considered in


many different areas over the past two decades.

Probably the most visible instance where drug

These are discussed in detail below.

testing is used is for motor vehicle drivers. Safety on the roads is cited as the primary reason for


testing in this situation.

Drug testing can be seen as an intrusive act. For

by the police force, and any state or territory

this reason, in many instances where it has been

police officer in Australia can require a person

introduced, laws and policies have had to be

driving a motor vehicle to undergo a roadside

adapted, both to permit the testing and to provide

breath test to determine whether there is more

a clear and transparent process to follow.

than the permitted concentration of alcohol in the

Changes to the law will depend on the context

As this is an area of criminal law, it is enforced

blood. More recently, some states and territories,

of the drug testing. For example:

including New South Wales, have introduced

s Roadside testing of motor vehicle drivers might

random drug testing to identify drivers under

require a change in police powers and the

the influence of other drugs, such as cannabis,

introduction of new driving offences.

ecstasy, speed or some prescription drugs that can

s Different government employers might require

impair driving ability. In 2006, the Road Transport

changes to their statutory powers to allow them

Legislation Amendment (Drug Testing) Act 2006

to test certain employees for drugs.

(NSW) was passed to amend the Road Transport

s Private sector employers might require changes to their staff employment contracts or the introduction of new policies and guidelines.

(Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 (NSW). This authorised random testing of drivers. The testing will usually involve two stages: a preliminary oral fluid test plus a secondary test to confirm the results. Where a driver’s behaviour suggests impaired driving ability, police may order the driver to undergo more intrusive testing by a medical officer, such as testing samples of blood and urine. Penalties for returning a positive reading can vary depending on the circumstances and the drug, including fines, suspension of licence or even a prison sentence. In May 2009, NSW police reported that 34 335 motorists had been tested, 757 tested positive for illicit substances, and 598 were prosecuted in court. Of those prosecuted, approximately 98 per cent had convictions recorded against them. Given these results, and the safety implications for all people using public roads, there appears to be general public approval of this type of drug testing, provided that the process and

Figure 16.6 ACT Police Breath Testing/Command truck


methods used are fair and transparent.

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4ESTINGEMPLOYEESINTHE WORKPLACE As Australia has no national comprehensive drug strategy or legislation governing employers’ approach to drugs, the issue of drug testing in the

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workplace is largely governed by occupational health and safety legislation, which varies from state to state. JUSTIFIC AT ION S F OR WOR K PL AC E D RU G TESTING

Four main reasons are commonly cited to justify testing individuals for the presence of drugs in the workplace. Whether these reasons are fair and just would need to be assessed according to the

Figure 16.7 Workplace safety is one reason put forward to justify random drug testing in the workplace.

particular workplace context and the extent of the testing proposed. They are: s safety of the individual and others

absenteeism, as well as the costs of health care or

s productivity of an organisation or individual

workers’ compensation.

s health of individuals using drugs s integrity or reputation of the company or the group to which the individual belongs.

Health: The current or long-term mental or physical health of the individual may be used as a reason for drug testing, especially in schools, sport

Safety: The primary reason for drug testing in the

and the workplace. Drug testing might be used to

workplace is safety – ensuring that employees are

identify individuals who may need help with drug

fit to carry out their duties. This is especially so in

dependency or other health problems related

jobs where health or even lives can be put at risk

to their drug use. A significant question here

if employees are not alert, such as those involving

is whether the health of the individual is rightly

the operation of vehicles or equipment requiring

the concern of an outside party or whether it is a

precision. The use of drugs that impair judgment

private matter for the individual.

poses a risk to the user’s own safety and to the safety of other employees and/or customers or the

Integrity: One final justification for conducting

general public.

drug tests relates to the integrity and reputation of

In New South Wales, under the Occupational

the company or organisation to which the indi-

Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW) s 8, employers

vidual belongs. For example, over the past few

have a general duty to ensure the health, safety

decades, many athletes have returned positive test

and welfare of their employees while they are

results for performance-enhancing and other illicit

at work. Employers often point to this duty to

drugs. As a consequence, some sporting associa-

justify the introduction of workplace drug testing

tions have claimed, their sponsors or the general


public are likely to have negative perceptions of their sport or association. Similarly, some com-

Productivity: Another reason often cited for

panies, organisations, government bodies or even

carrying out random drug testing in the workplace

schools may be concerned that reports of

is that by helping to identify workers who are using

employees’ or students’ drug use will affect their

drugs, it can reduce the cost of time lost due to

reputation and the way their work practices,

the effect of drugs, accidents in the workplace, and

culture, discipline or performance are viewed.

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workplace policies are just. A few of these cases

Employees themselves, however, may see this test-

will be considered later in this chapter.

ing as an infringement of their rights and an invasion

Workplace drug testing might be performed by

of their privacy. This is especially the case where

or on behalf of public or private sector employers

more intrusive methods of drug testing are pro-

or by the relevant government regulatory bodies

posed, such as saliva or blood and urine samples.

for the industry. For example, drug testing of

Other important issues are:

coal mine employees might include drug testing

s Who is to be tested: for example, whether it is

by mining companies or by the New South Wales

targeted at one individual or random testing

Chief Inspector of Coal Mines. Some of the

across the entire workforce

industries where drug testing is carried out are

s When and where: the time and place of testing,

outlined below.

for example at work or home, in private or in front of other people s Refusal: what happens when a person refuses to take a test or cannot take a test


Employees of the State Rail Authority in NSW may be subject to drug testing under the Rail Safety

s Information: what is done with the information

(Drug and Alcohol Testing) Regulation 2008 (NSW).

received and how long this information can be

The most significant reason for this testing is


the safety of drivers, passengers and the general

s Penalties: whether the penalties that apply are reasonable or too harsh

public, given the high possibility of danger should something go wrong.

s Review: the reliability and independence of

Employees carrying out ‘rail safety work’, as

the tests and whether a person has a right to

defined in s 7 of the Rail Safety Act 2008 (NSW),

complain or review the process.

include drivers, signal operators, workers who

If a company fails to consider these issues from

couple or uncouple trains, those whose work is

the perspective of its employees, the introduction

maintenance, repair, or inspection of trains, equip-

of drug testing in the workplace can result in

ment or infrastructure, and those who manage

civil action. Some of the court judgments arising

and monitor safe working systems or passenger

from these circumstances have served to clarify

safety. All of these employees are be subject to the

the processes that can be used to ensure that

regulation. These employees can be randomly

Figure 16.8 Two common areas in which random drug testing is conducted


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tested before or during their shifts where there is

A person may also be required to undertake a drug

reasonable cause to believe that there are drugs in

test before appointment or enlistment.

their system, or where the employee has been involved in an accident.



testing of some employees, particularly flight and

All members of the armed services in Australia

cabin crew. Recent events have also resulted in

are subject to some form of drug testing. Again the

the Commonwealth Civil Aviation Safety Authority

safety of the employees and the general public is

considering the introduction of new civil aviation

the primary concern, in addition to integrity and

regulations, to permit drug testing of employees

the Defence Force’s reputation nationally and

in safety-sensitive areas, including air traffic con-


trollers, baggage handlers, refuellers and other ground staff. The media clip below illustrates

drug testing of all armed services personnel as

some of the issues that might be considered under

part of the Prohibited Substance Testing Program.

these laws.

med i a cl i p

Part VIIIA of the Defence Act 1903 (Cth) authorises

Aviation sector faces widespread drug testing by Andrew West The Age, 13 May 2009

Pilots, air traffic controllers and baggage handlers will be subject to random tests for drug and alcohol use under a new system to be phased in by Australia’s air safety regulator this month. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority will begin testing ‘safety-sensitive personnel’ who are involved in the control or maintenance of aircraft. CASA estimates the new regulations will cover up to 120 000 pilots, flight attendants, aircraft engineers, refuellers, flight controllers and ground staff. ‘It’s been in the pipeline for several years,’ a CASA spokesman, Peter Gibson, said. ‘The scope is, quite intentionally, fairly wide to include anybody who could have a safety impact on the aircraft.’ Mr Gibson said baggage handlers were also included in the testing because they had regular contact with aircraft on the tarmac. ‘This will occur at Sydney Airport, or at Bourke, or anywhere there is safety-sensitive activity,’ he said.

L aw in p rac tic e

Some Australian airlines conduct pre-employment

Under the system, any staff member of an airline, government agency, engineering or ground services company found with a blood alcohol level of more than 0.02 per cent, or any trace of drugs, would be immediately stood down. The worker would have a second test and see a doctor for an assessment. If a doctor detects a dependence problem, the employee will enter rehabilitation. Staff whose misuse of drugs or alcohol is assessed as one-off or out of character will be able to return to work after a brief break. Offenders may also face fines up to $5500. The decision to introduce widespread random testing came after a plane crash on Hamilton Island in 2002 left six people, including a family of four from New Zealand, dead. Police later found cannabis and smoking utensils in the pilot’s car. Mr Gibson said all companies involved in the aviation industry would have to introduce drug- and alcohol-management plans for staff and rehabilitation for affected staff. ‘All the key players in the industry have signed up,’ he said. Unions representing the pilots and air traffic controllers support the testing, which will be carried out on site by the pathology company Symbion.

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that tend to impair work performance.

1 What are some of the main

Drug testing of professional athletes,

The reasons for testing include ethical and

reasons why employers and the

such as rugby league players, could be

practical concerns about fair play between

public might want to introduce



competitors, the reputation of teams and

workplace drug testing?

drug testing. Drug testing for amateur or

sporting codes, and the health and safety

2 What are some of the most

semi-professional athletes is generally

of individual players and the fans who look

important issues for employees

a matter for individual clubs or sporting

up to them. As a result many governing

who are facing a drug test?

associations. The National Anti-Doping

sporting bodies have adopted drug testing

3 What types of workplace are

Scheme governs drug testing required

in order to prevent so-called drug cheats

subject to drug testing in

of athletes who have been selected to

and improve the integrity of their sports.

Australia and do you think

compete as representatives of Australia in

The laws on drug testing in sport are

it is justified? What other

international sporting competitions. The

generally different from those governing

workplaces do you think

body that administers the scheme is the

drug testing in the workplace. They include

should consider drug testing of

Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority

state and federal legislation about testing


(ASADA), established by the Australian

standards and often incorporate codes

Sports Anti-Doping Authority Act 2006 (Cth).

and policies drafted by individual sporting

drug testing and answer the

It has the power to investigate anti-doping

associations, such as those the sporting

following questions:

rule violations, make recommendations

codes of football leagues. Independent

a Why is the Civil Aviation

on its findings, and present cases against

bodies, such as ASADA and the Australian

alleged offenders at sport tribunals.

Sports Drug Medical Advisory Committee,

4 Read the article on airline

Safety Authority proposing




The term ‘doping’ refers to the use of

assist in educating, setting standards,

b Which airline and airport

a drug to improve athletic performance,

conducting and reviewing sports drug

employees might have to

and drug testing of people in sport


undergo the proposed tests?

involves some different issues from


to introduce drug testing?




those usually present in the workplace.

Authority Act 2006 (Cth) was amended in

employee tests positive to a

It usually focuses on the detection of

2008 to bring it into compliance with the

drug test?

performance-enhancing drugs, such as

World Anti-Doping Code.

c What happens if an

anabolic steroids, rather than on drugs

In New South Wales, the Sports Drug Testing Act 1995 (NSW) contains provisions for drug testing of persons who participate in sporting activities receiving funding from the state, or under a program administered by a body that receives funding from the state.

4ESTINGINSCHOOLS Reasons often offered for drug testing in schools are the immediate and longterm health of students, and the safety of students in the school environment. There is little evidence that drug testing is or has been used in Australian schools Figure 16.9 Even swimming stars such as Grant Hackett are subjected to rigorous drug testing to ensure fair competition.


to date, although it is widespread in the United States. The issues and laws are different from those applicable in sport

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or the workplace, as the vast majority of persons

considerations, the report concluded that drug

who would be affected by drug testing in schools

testing of students is not appropriate for Australian

are minors – that is, people under 18 years of age.

schools. The ABC News media clip below discusses

While the school has a duty of care to protect its

some of the issues raised in the report.

Australia strict laws of privacy apply to protect individuals’ rights. In 2008 a federal government report by the Australian National Council on Drugs thoroughly investigated the advantages and disadvantages of drug testing in Australian schools. After looking at

L aw in p rac tic e

to consent to certain invasions of privacy. In

legal links

students, persons under 18 lack the legal capacity

A copy of the report Drug Testing in Schools is available on the website of the Australian National Council on Drugs: au/assets/pdf/rp16_drug_ testing_in_schools.pdf

m ed i a cl i p

all the issues, including the relevant legal and ethical

2 %6) % 7    

School drugs test a ‘waste of money’

1 What are some of the

by Michael Turtle

main reasons for drug

ABC Online, 26 March 2008

testing in sport? Do you agree?

A year-long study from the federal government’s advisory group on drugs has found drug testing in schools would be a waste of money. The report was commissioned by the Australian National Council on Drugs after debate in the community about compulsory drug testing in schools. It found that any testing system would be ineffective and not always give the right results. Report author Ann Roche says it would also have negative effects like creating mistrust and stigma. ‘Level of use is actually quite low so you’re kind of looking for a needle in a haystack, therefore there’ll be more error,’ she said. ‘To falsely accuse a young person of illicit drug use is really problematic.’ The study found it would cost about $350 million to do a saliva test for every student in the country and it says that money could be better spent elsewhere. New South Wales Education Minister John Della Bosca says he agrees with the report’s recommendations. Mr Della Bosca says it would also be monumental waste of taxpayer funds. ‘Fewer than 2 per cent of our suspensions and expulsions were resulting from drug use or drug selling in schools,’ he said. ‘If students are suspended for using or possessing drugs at school, part of their return to school program will involve anti-drug counselling. This is a far more effective way of dealing with illicit drug use.’

2 Do you know of any cases in the media where athletes have been accused of drug use? How do you think the legal and ethical considerations mentioned above in the context of drug testing in sport might apply to the case? 3 What are some of the legal issues relating to drug testing in schools? 4 Do you think that drug testing in schools is necessary or appropriate?

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privacy a person’s right to be free from unwanted intrusion or public scrutiny

/THERLEGALRESPONSESTO DRUGTESTING When drug testing is to be carried out, there are

protect information relating to individuals. These

information privacy protection against inappropriate handling of a person’s personal information, with rules for the collection and handling of personal data and records

three parties to be considered: the person being

principles relate to the collection, storage, access

tested, the person (or organisation) carrying out

to, accuracy of, use and disclosure of information.

the testing, and the general public. Parties’ rights


and obligations can come from specific legislation.

allow cases to be reviewed by the NSW Privacy

In sport, they can also come from sporting

Commissioner. The agencies bound by the Act

codes of conduct. Relevant areas of law include

include state government departments, statutory

bodily privacy protection from physically invasive procedures without the person’s consent

employment law and criminal law.

authorities, the police, and local councils.

consent free and voluntary agreement by a rational person who is able to understand and make a decision about the matter to which he or she agrees

In New South Wales, the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) sets out 12 Information Protection Principles (IPPs) to






The main federal law protecting privacy of


personal information is the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Australian privacy laws offer some protection

It offers similar protection as the NSW Act. Eleven

to individuals required to undergo a drug test.

IPPs apply to Commonwealth and Australian

Several different types of privacy are relevant to

Capital Territory government agencies that collect

drug testing:

information about individuals. Ten further IPPs

s information privacy – including rules about

apply to certain private companies (for example,

the collection and handling of personal data

credit providers and credit reporting agencies,

and records

which have access to individuals’ personal tax file

s bodily privacy – protection from physically

numbers) and to all health service providers.

invasive procedures, such as blood or saliva

mation that a person sends or receives, such as mail, e-mail or phone conversations s territorial privacy – limits intrusions into certain environments, for example video surveillance,

l eg al l i nks

tests, without the person’s consent s privacy of communications – protects infor-

Privacy NSW is the office of the New South Wales Privacy Commissioner. It provides advice to employers and individuals

searches or identity checks in the workplace or

on privacy issues and privacy

in the home.

complaints: au/lawlink/privacynsw/ll_pnsw. nsf/pages/PNSW_index

Central to the question of whether a person’s right to physical privacy or to information privacy has been breached is whether the person freely consented to the physical procedure or the disclosure of information. An individual’s right to bodily privacy is entrenched in both the common law and legislation in the form of prohibitions on criminal assault. It is also implied by the tort of trespass to the person. The law may consider Figure 16.10 Physical and information privacy are two issues linked to drug testing.


a breach of a person’s bodily privacy to be an act of assault or trespass unless that individual has

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voluntarily consented. Only in rare circumstances can a lawful invasion of a person’s bodily privacy occur without this consent, for example in some situations of medical emergency where that person is unconscious or otherwise incapable of

L aw in p rac tic e

consenting. Drug testing cannot be forced on an individual and any process for drug testing of individuals must consider and comply with legal requirements for consent. The most difficult issue for organisations conducting drug testing is what to do when a person refuses to consent to testing. (For example, should an athlete’s refusal result in an immediate penalty or suspension?) The way an organisation deals with refusal to consent will depend on its

Figure 16.11 In some sectors, drug testing may become part of the interview process.

rules relating to drug testing. agreed to this when they first accepted the job.

%MPLOYERANDEMPLOYEERIGHTS In addition to the issues of privacy and consent, the rights of an employee are protected by his or her employment contract. This may be a collective agreement negotiated by the employees at a company or by their trade union, or an individual contract applying to the individual worker. Workplace agreements are legal and binding contracts and require both parties to abide by

Discussion with unions when drafting appropriate policies can strengthen an employer’s justification for instituting drug testing programs. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, drug policies are often instituted under the occupational health and safety (OHS) policy of a workplace. In NSW, the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW) contains obligations upon employers to en-

employment contract a contract between an employer and employee(s) which sets out matters including the pay, hours, working conditions, benefits and obligations of the employee and the rights and responsibilities of the employer

sure that the workplace is safe and fit to work in.

Where there is a requirement not to use certain drugs at or away from work, or where drug testing is a requirement of employment in a workplace, this will often be a term of an employment contract. The contract will form the basis of an employee’s agreement to those terms when the employee first joins that particular workplace.

l e g al l i nks

their conditions.

WorkCover NSW is responsible for overseeing occupational health and safety laws in New South Wales. Information on OHS laws can be seen on their website at

Where workers in a particular industry belong to a union, the union can assist employees in negotiating fair workplace conditions. Unions usually have more power than individual employees

2 %6 ) %7    

to change or negotiate employment terms, and

1 Describe and evaluate the ways that

can often provide the most security against such

employees are protected against random

things as dismissal where an employee refuses to

drug testing in the workplace.

take a random drug test or tests positive. For employers, employment contracts will

2 How are employers’ rights protected? 3 Propose a constructive approach to a

often form the basis for justifying the use of

workplace drugs and alcohol policy. What

drug testing, as it can be claimed that employees

would you include in the policy and why?

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about the way a policy is being implemented, or help to persuade organisations to change or update their drug testing policies if required.

When the introduction of drug testing in a workplace is proposed, a number of factors outside the law


may need to be considered. These might include the

Another area of relevance is the emergence in

degree of employee or community support for the

recent years of a market in drug testing. A number

proposal, and whether there are other alternatives

of companies in the commercial sector now offer

available such as targeted education programs

drug testing and consultancy services, for example

about drugs and workplace safety, peer support,

assistance in legal compliance and drafting of drug

employee assistance or counselling programs for

testing policies. In addition, the manufacturers and

people affected by drugs. Other agencies may be

retailers of commercially available drug testing

helpful in assessing the benefits and drawbacks of

products have an interest in the introduction

drug testing, and in addressing drug issues in other

of compulsory drug testing in the workplace.

ways. These include trade unions, commercial

Commercial interests may also include the interests

interests, the media, or interested governement

of the company or organisation itself in promoting

and non-government organisations.

or being seen to promote productivity in the workplace. Commercial interest is an important


consideration in the growth of drug testing in the

Community reaction is important when considering

workplace and should always be carefully weighed

drug testing. As discussed at the beginning of

against the real necessity or reasonableness of the

this chapter, the community would be unlikely to

testing in each individual case.

support, for example, a prohibition on caffeine or of these substances. Public support of drug testing proposals can often be critical to their success. For example, in a 2004 survey conducted by the Australian Government Office of the Privacy Commissioner, respondents were asked about their attitudes toward random

leg al l i nks

aspirin, or the testing of individuals for the presence The following company is an example of an Australian laboratory that conducts drug testing services for Australian businesses. Visit the website and consider how the laws

drug testing. Of the respondents, 16 per cent said that

you have learnt about apply:

drug testing of employees was never appropriate.

The majority of respondents (59 per cent) saw


random drug testing as appropriate only where necessary to ensure safety, and only 23 per cent of respondents suggested that drug testing was appropriate whenever employers chose.

4HEMEDIA A further consideration, especially where issues



of integrity and reputation are important, is the

As discussed above, trade unions can play an impor-

media. The media can play an important role in

tant role in negotiating employment contracts and

informing the public attitude toward drug testing,

workplace drug testing policies. Unions may be able

and media coverage, both positive and negative,

to provide additional support such as mediation or

can be important in encouraging or discouraging

counselling services, provide a voice for concerns

its spread.

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significant impact on the perceived integrity of high-profile sports figures or sporting clubs. While the exposure and condemnation of illicit drug use can be considered a positive consequence,

The Australian National Council on Drugs, as mentioned above, provides advice and advocacy to government and the public on drug-related issues and is

media coverage and commentary can also have

influential in shaping national drug

a detrimental effect on clubs or even individual


careers, especially where allegations of drug use

The Australian Drug Information

cause long-lasting damage to reputation but are

Network (ADIN) serves as a central

not based on factual evidence.

point of access to alcohol and drug

L aw in p rac tic e

respect to drug testing in sport. It can have a

legal links

Media coverage is especially influential with

information provided by prominent

'OVERNMENTANDNON GOVERNMENTORGANISATIONS A number of government and other organisations

organisations in Australia and internationally: The New South Wales Road

are instrumental in providing research, com-

Transport Authority provides

mentary, advice or assistance for the public and

information and advice in relation

for the parties involved. In addition to the NSW

to roadside drug testing of motor

and federal Privacy Commissions and WorkCover

vehicle drivers:

NSW, some other organisations are listed in the

‘Legal links’ box on the right.

2ES P O N S I VE N ESS O F T H E L AW As we have seen, there are a number of ways in

the full extent of this practice and the effectiveness

which the Australian legal system addresses drug

of current laws in protecting the parties’ interests

testing.There is legislation prohibiting or restricting

are difficult to measure. Particularly in the private

certain drugs and creating offences for certain

sector, the extent to which drug testing practices

dealings with those drugs. There is legislation

are routinely carried out is not clear, especially

relating to drug testing in individual workplaces,

where drug testing is carried out by a company

for example in the Australian Defence Force or the

before the person actually begins working for it.

NSW State Rail Authority. Drug testing in sports

While technological methods for performing

is overseen by a different legislative regime and

drug tests have improved, there is little evidence

advisory bodies, as well as individual sporting

as to their effectiveness in deterring drug use or

codes and sporting tribunals. For other workplaces,

preventing injury or crime. For example, a 2006

more general laws relate to issues of information

review by the NSW Ombudsman into the use of

privacy and bodily privacy, especially in relation

sniffer dogs, titled Review of the Police Powers

to consent.

(Drug Detection Dogs) Act 2001, found no evidence

While it is clear that workplace drug testing in

that sniffer dogs deterred drug use or reduced

New South Wales is being carried out by various

drug-related crime. The review also found that

organisations in both the public and private sectors,

sniffer dogs were only successful in targeting drug

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ca s e s p a ce

dealers in 1.4 per cent of cases: in other words,

have been able to provide some guidance on

they targeted mostly recreational users, and only

best practice in the use of drug testing programs.

by chance might they detect a supplier.

The following case illustrates the importance of

For employers and employees one of the most

consultation with employees when drafting a drug

important methods of oversight is provided by

testing policy. It was one of the first Australian cases

state and federal industrial relations systems that

involving compulsory drug testing in the workplace.

cover disputes between employers and employees.

It was brought before the Western Australian

Judgments of these industrial relations tribunals

Industrial Relations Commission in 1998.

BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd v Construction, Mining, Energy, Timberyards, Sawmills and Woodworkers Union of Australia (WA Branch) ;=7!)2#OMM The employer, a mining

compulsory drug testing scheme

company, wished to introduce

implement the program to meet

rather than having to wait until

a drug testing program for all

its obligations under the Mining

a staff member showed signs of

employees. While it had sought

Safety and Inspection Act 1994

impairment to test him or her.

the input of employees and most

(WA), which prohibited a person

With respect to the invasion

of the employees had agreed

being in a mine while under the

of privacy, it was noted that

to the program, the union was

influence of alcohol or drugs, and

safeguards against wrongful

opposed to it. The union argued

its OHS duty to maintain a safe

use of the test results had been

that there was no evidence that


put in place and that BHP had

such a drastic program was


BHP argued that it needed to

The Commission found that

agreed to review the policy if

needed, as there had been no

BHP’s proposed drug testing

new technologies allowed for less

drug-related incidents, and a

program was reasonable. BHP

intrusive testing methods.

positive urine test did not reliably

had undertaken a consultation

indicate actual impairment on the

process, and the policy was

job. They said the drug testing

acceptable to the majority of

constituted an unreasonable

employees. The Commission

intrusion into the privacy of the

also considered it reasonable for


the company to put in place a

More recent cases have tested the fairness and

In another important case from the AIRC,

consistency of random employee drug testing

Shell Refining (Australia) Pty Ltd, Clyde Refinery v

policy. For example, in 2003 in the case Candido

CMFEU [2008] AIRC 510, the relevant union, while

v Hi Fi Supermarket Pty Ltd [2003] AIRC 983, the

not disputing the role played by drug testing in

Australian Industrial Relations Commision (AIRC)

workplace safety, argued that the testing of urine

ruled that the dismissal of a salesperson for

samples detects drug use over a longer period

smoking marijuana at work was unfair because the

than did oral samples – not merely recent use.

two other employees caught smoking marijuana

Impairment resulting from drug use tends to last

were only given a warning.

for hours, not days. Therefore, urine samples could

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L aw in p rac tic e Figure 16.12 BHP won the right to drug test their employees to ensure their safety when at work.

be seen as an unnecessary invasion of privacy and

method is available. Saliva testing

2 %6) %7    

saliva samples should be sufficient. Shell’s position

both indicates actual impairment

1 Explain why it is difficult to

was that the policy was designed to address

and is unlikely to detect drug use

assess the effectiveness of

habitual drug use as well as actual impairment,

having no effect on employees’

drug testing laws.

and that urine testing provides more information.

performance. In the same case, the

2 What are some of the recent

The AIRC held that because urine testing has a

Commission also found that it was

cases involving drug testing

longer ‘window of detection’, which may interfere

appropriate for Shell to conduct

in the workplace and what

with employees’ privacy, it would be unjust and un-

drug testing for some employees

are the main points arising

reasonable to use that method when a more precise

and not others.

from these judgments?

Co nc l u s io n Drug testing continues to be an area of concern

Where drug testing policies are introduced,

for many Australians. As it is a relatively recent

care is required to ensure that the reasons for the

practice, states have attempted to adapt existing

policy are clear and justified, that the methods

laws such as those relating to privacy and consent

and processes are carefully considered, that

in order to afford protection for the parties

consultation and monitoring take place, and that

involved. Where laws have not been adequate,

the consequences of a positive test result are fairly

both legislators and the courts have acted to ensure

applied. As technologies evolve and drug testing

that drug testing policies remain fair, protect all

expands into different areas of society, the law will

the parties’ interests and decrease the incidence

continue to develop to provide greater clarity in

of disputes.

relation to parties’ rights and obligations.

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Ch a p te r s u m m a ry M u lt i p l e- c hoi ce q ues ti ons 338

s Use of many different types of drugs is common in Australia, some of which are restricted or prohibited by law. s Drug testing has arisen as a way to prevent some of the negative effects of drug use. s Drug testing laws differ depending on the context. s In the workplace, safety, productivity, health of employees and company reputation are the main reasons offered for drug testing. s Issues of concern include privacy considerations and employees’ rights, especially if companies are thought to be implementing drug testing as a way of exerting control over their employees.

 What are illicit drugs? A drugs that the law restricts B drugs that you can only buy with a medical prescription C drugs that the law prohibits D all of the above  For what reasons might employers randomly test workers for drugs? A to keep samples of workers’ DNA on file B to see whether workers are able to carry out their work duties responsibly and safely C to abide by laws set down by the government D to show workers that drugs are not acceptable in the workplace  Which of the following is NOT a reason for drug testing in sport? A to ensure that no athlete enjoys an unfair advantage provided by performanceenhancing substances B to protect athletes’ health and safety C to protect sporting clubs’ reputation and integrity D to ensure that professional athletes are earning no additional income from illicit drug dealing

s Drug use in sport is different from other contexts, in that prohibited substances are used to enhance performance. s Drug testing in Australian schools is generally believed to be unnecessary and inappropriate. s Non-legal considerations relating to drug testing include community support, the views of employees and their unions, and commercial interests. s It is difficult to judge the effectiveness of drug testing and the applicable laws, but the courts have been able to provide some guidance on best practice.

 Which type of privacy is most important to consider in drug testing? A territorial privacy B bodily privacy C privacy of communications D information privacy  What issue was the dispute about in Shell Refining v CMFEU? A whether employees could take recreational drugs on their holidays B whether all employees should be tested C whether urine or oral samples should be tested D whether all employees should be tested and whether urine or oral samples should be tested

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L aw in p rac tic e

Ch a p te r s u m m a ry ta s k s Top i c revi ew

 Construct a table that shows some of the most important considerations for employees and employers in drug testing.  Outline some of the rights and obligations for each party and describe the basis of these rights and obligations.  Explain how you would go about formulating a workplace drug and alcohol policy. What would it include and how would you notify workers about this policy?

 Investigate a workplace where drug testing is used. Write a report of your findings including arguments for and against the testing, any legislation that applies and any other issues.  Evaluate the need for drug testing in various social contexts.  Do you think the police should become involved if someone tests positive to a drug test? Justify your answer.


 ‘The technology of drug testing is being permitted to shape the limits of human privacy and dignity. The situation should be the other way around.’ Evaluate this statement, drawing on arguments for and against random drug testing.  Evaluate the effectiveness of the legal system in achieving justice for both employees and employers in the area of random drug testing.

Marking criteria for the extended response questions can be found at www.cambridge. Refer to these criteria when planning and writing your responses.

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Pa rt I

Answers to multiplechoice questions



1a 2b 3c 4c 5c

1c 2b 3b 4b 5c



1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 c 6 b and c 7 a 8 b 9 b and d 10 d

To pi c 1 – 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b To pi c 2 – 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 b 5 d To pi c 3 – 1 d 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 b


P art I I

1b 2b 3a 4a 5c


1c 2a 3c 4c 5d C H APT ER 7

1b 2a 3c 4c 5a C H APT ER 8

Pa r t I II

1b 2b 3d 4b 5d


1c 2c 3c 4c 5c

CH A P TER 1 3 1c 2a 3b 4d 5a


C H A PTE R 1 4

1d 2c 3b 4d 5d

1a 2c 3a 4d 5d


C H A PTE R 1 5

1c 2c 3b 4b 5a

1c 2c 3a 4d 5b


C H A PTE R 1 6

1b 2d 3c 4c 5d

1c 2b 3d 4b 5d


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9/11 a term used to describe the terrorist attacks in the United States on 11 September 2001; otherwise known as September 11 access the right or opportunity to make use of something Act of Parliament Statute law, resulting from a bill successfully passing through parliament and gaining royal assent adoption order a court order that establishes a new legal relationship between potential adoptive parents and a child eligible for adoption. It also severs the legal relationship that existed between the adoptive child and his or her natural or legally recognised parents or guardians prior to the adoption process. adversarial system a system of resolving legal conflicts, used in common law countries such as England and Australia, that relies on the skill of representatives for each side (e.g. defense and prosecution lawyers) who present their cases to an impartial decisionmaker Al Qaeda an international Islamic extremist group, responsible for attacks on military and civilian targets in various countries, the most notable being the attacks on the US on 9/11 alternative dispute resolution dispute resolution processes, such as mediation, arbitration and conciliation, that do not involve courts anarchy the absence of laws and government appeal an application to have a higher court reconsider a lower court’s decision, on the basis of an error of law

appellate jurisdiction the ability or power of a court to hear appeals of the decisions of lower courts and to reject, affirm or modify those decisions apprehended violence orders court orders to protect a person who fears violence or harassment from a particular person. In NSW, ‘apprehended personal violence orders’ prohibit violence between members of the public; ‘apprehended domestic violence orders’ prohibit violence in the context of a family. arbitration a form of alternative dispute resolution in which the disputing parties present their cases before an arbitrator, who makes a decision that is binding on the parties Australian Federal Police the federal police agency of the Commonwealth of Australia, set up to enforce the federal laws and to protect the interests of Australia both domestically and internationally balance of power the power held by the political party whose vote is needed to pass legislation; usually determined in the upper house of parliament under the Westminster system of government balance of probabilities the standard of proof required in a civil case in order for a plaintiff to succeed in proving the case against the defendant beyond reasonable doubt the standard of proof required in a criminal case in order for the prosecution (the state) to obtain a conviction against the accused bicameral containing two chambers or houses of parliament bill a drafted law that has not yet been passed by parliament

bill of rights a statement of basic human rights and privileges bipartisan having the support of the two major political parties bodily privacy protection from physically invasive procedures without the person’s consent bookmaking the activity of calculating odds on sporting and other events and taking bets burden of proof the responsibility of a party to prove a case in court capital punishment the practice of sentencing a person to death by judicial process; also referred to as the ‘death penalty’ caution a formal notice given to a young offender where the offence is more serious than one appropriately dealt with by a warning Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) the spy agency of the United States of America, responsible for gathering national security intelligence chapter a local branch of a motorcycle club children generally persons aged 15 years and younger, depending on the legal context civil jurisdiction the power of a court to hear matters involving disputes between private individuals, and to award civil remedies civil liberties basic individual rights, such as freedom of speech and religion, which are protected by law coercive powers special powers sometimes given to a commission or police task force that allow it to summon any witness to give evidence or produce any documents – these powers are usually only vested in courts


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colours a motor cycle club’s standard vest showing the club’s patches on the back as a mark of identification committal hearings inquiries held in the Local or Magistrates’ Court to determine whether there is enough evidence against the defendant to warrant a trial in a higher court (this is called establishing a prima facie case) common law law made by courts; historically, law common to England Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) independent prosecuting agency established by a federal Act to prosecute alleged offences under federal laws complainant a person alleging that a sexual assault has been committed against him or her conciliation a method of legal dispute resolution involving a third party who helps the parties to reach agreement. The conciliator takes an active role, advising the parties, suggesting alternatives and encouraging the parties to reach agreement, but does not make the decision for them concurrent powers existing at the same time; powers held by both state and federal parliaments consent (1) free and voluntary agreement by a rational person who is able to understand and make a decision about the matter to which he or she agrees; (2) free and voluntary agreement to sexual intercourse conspiracy theories speculation that there is a cover-up of the information surrounding a significant event by government or other authorities contempt of court words or actions that show a disregard for the authority of the court or interfere with its powers control order an order made by a court, government official or police officer to restrict an individual’s liberty, for example from doing a specified act or being in a specified place


conveyancers people who deal professionally with the legal and practical matters involved in the transfer of titles to property when real estate is sold and purchased

cyberbullying harassment using digital media such as websites, e-mail, chat rooms, social networking pages or instant messaging

copyright an exclusive right to publish, copy, publicly perform, broadcast, or make an adaptation of certain forms of expression, namely sounds, words or visual images

cyberspace the ‘environment’ in which electronic communication occurs; the culture of the internet

copyright infringement the unauthorised use of copyright material in a manner that violates the owner’s rights copyright notice a notice added to a work to inform people of who owns the copyright and when the work was created, e.g. ‘© Random Business Pty Ltd 2010’

cyberstalking repeated harassment using e-mail, textmessaging or other digital media with the intention of causing fear or intimidation damages monetary compensation for harm or loss suffered declaration a formal statement of the parties’ position on a particular issue. Declarations are not legally binding under international law.

coronial inquests investigations into deaths that have occurred in unusual circumstances, held in the Coroner’s Court and overseen by a magistrate called the Coroner

de facto relationship (from the Latin term meaning ‘existing in fact’): a relationship between two adults who are not married but are living together as a couple

corporal punishment the physical punishment of people, especially of children, by hitting them

defamation the act of making statements or suggestions that harm someone’s reputation in the community

corporations law legislation that regulates corporations and the securities and futures industry in Australia; it is administered by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) courts of equity historically, courts whose decisions were more discretionary and based on moral principles, and which served as an antidote to the inflexibility of the common law credibility trustworthiness, reliability, believability cross-examination questioning a witness called by the other side, to produce information relevant to one’s case or to call the witness’s credibility into question customary law principles and procedures that have developed according to the customs of a people or nation, or groups of nations, and are treated as obligatory customs collective habits or traditions that have developed in a society over a long period of time

defendant the person who is accused of a crime or a civil wrong; in a criminal case, the defendant is also referred to as the accused delegated legislation laws made by authorities other than parliament, who are delegated the power to do this by an Act of Parliament digital copyright copyright as it applies to digital media digital dossier all the types of information about a person that he or she has deliberately or unintentionally put onto the internet, held in multiple locations digital piracy unauthorised reproduction and distribution of digital music, software, videos or other material, often for profit direct discrimination a practice or policy of treating a person or group of people less favourably than another person or group in the same position, on the basis of sex, race, national or ethnic origin, age, sexuality or other characteristic

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dispossession the removal or expulsion of people from their traditional lands doli incapax a Latin term meaning ‘incapable of wrong’; the presumption that a child under 10 years of age cannot be held legally responsible for his or her actions and cannot be guilty of a criminal or civil offence domestic law the law of a nation download to receive data from a central system to one’s own, local network or computer draconian laws laws that are excessively harsh or severe – from Draco, a Greek legislator (7th century CE) whose laws imposed cruel and severe penalties for crimes Dreamtime also known as ‘the Dreaming’, the source of Indigenous Australian customary law elders older men and women of recognised wisdom and authority, who are the keepers of traditional knowledge within Indigenous communities; they are responsible for such things as initiations and the handing down of punishments when community laws are broken employment contract a contract between an employer and employee(s) which sets out matters including the pay, hours, working conditions, benefits and obligations of the employee and the rights and responsibilities of the employer entered into force (of a treaty) having become binding upon those states which have consented to be bound by it equality the state or quality of being equal, that is, of having the same rights or status equity the body of law that supplements the common law and corrects injustices by judging each case on its merits and applying principles of fairness estate all of the property that a person leaves upon death

ethics (1) rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession; (2) a major branch of philosophy, which investigates the nature of values and of right and wrong conduct examination in chief questioning a witness, by the barrister who called that witness exclusive powers powers that can be exercised only by the federal parliament ex parte (Latin) ‘from one side’; in a case this means the other side is absent or unrepresented express consent consent given directly, either oral or written external affairs power the power of the Commonwealth to legislate on international matters involving Australia; interpreted by the High Court to mean that when the Commonwealth signs an international treaty or convention it has the authority to enact laws to give effect to this international law within Australia extortion obtaining money or property from a person or group by force, intimidation or illegal power extradition the handing over of a person accused of a crime by the authorities of the country where he or she has taken refuge, to the authorities of the country where the crime was committed fairness free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice; a concept commonly related to everyday activities

fiscal relating to government financial matters forensic relating to the detection and investigation of crime format-shifting copying books, journals, photos or videos from one format to another format, for example scanning a photo to digital format or printing a newspaper article foundling a deserted infant whose parents’ identity is unknown

G lo s s ary

disinhibition effect the tendency to say and do things in cyberspace that the person wouldn’t ordinarily say or do in the face-to-face world

fraud a dishonest act, done intentionally in order to deceive freedom of information (FOI) the principle that people should be able to have access to information relating to the administration of government decision-making and information held by the government. FOI legislation governs the processes of obtaining this information, at state and federal level. gender segregation the separation of people according to their gender General Assembly the main body of the United Nations, made up of all of the member nations glass ceiling an invisible barrier that prevents women from rising in an organisation through promotion; on the face of it, a company may not directly discriminate, but subtle practices may still discourage women or prevent them from being promoted to more responsible and better paid positions

federation the process of uniting several states to form a single national government

guarantor a person who gives a formal promise that someone else’s contract will be fulfilled, often backed by some form of asset that will stand as collateral to secure the promise

feminism the advocacy of rights for women on the basis of the equality of men and women; there are many varieties of feminist ideas in political and social thought

guilt by association criminal liability imposed for associating with another person who commits a crime, rather than for committing that crime oneself

file sharing the practice of distributing electronically stored information such as computer programs, music and video files, especially through the use of peerto-peer (P2P) networks

Hansard a full account of what is said in parliament or in parliamentary inquiries; named for English printer T. C. Hansard (1776–1833), who first printed a parliamentary transcript

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harmonisation agreement among the laws of different jurisdictions homicide the act of killing another human being hung jury a jury that is unable to reach agreement identity theft obtaining or using the identity of another person in order to commit a range of fraudulent activities, usually to obtain financial gain illicit drug also called an illegal drug; a drug that is prohibited by law implied rights civil and political rights that can be inferred from the Constitution, rather than being expressly stated in camera (Latin) privately; only specified persons such as the judge can be present during the testimony or proceeding indictable offences serious criminal offences that require an indictment (a formal, written charge) and a preliminary hearing; they are typically tried before a judge and jury and are subject to a greater penalty indictment information presented for the prosecution of one or more criminal offences; a formal written charge indirect discrimination practices or policies that appear to be neutral or fair because they treat everyone in the same way, but which adversely affect a higher proportion of people from one particular group information privacy protection against inappropriate handling of a person’s personal information, with rules for the collection and handling of personal data and records injunction a court order requiring an individual or organisation to perform, or (more commonly) not to perform a particular action inquisitorial system a legal system where the court or a part of the court (e.g. the judge) is actively involved in conducting the trial and determining what questions to ask; used in some countries with civil legal systems as opposed to common law systems


intellectual property intangible property that has commercial value and can be protected by law, e.g. text, images, designs, inventions and computer programs internet a global network of interconnected computer networks that allows users to obtain and share information in a number of ways internet piracy unauthorised downloading or distribution of copyrighted material by means of the internet Internet Service Providers (ISPs) companies that offer customers access to the internet Islamic extremists people who follow an extreme version of the Islamic religion which sanctions the use of violence to achieve their objectives Jemaah Islamiyah a radical Islamic organisation that has links with Al Qaeda jihad in Islam, a term meaning ‘struggle’; used without any qualifiers it is generally understood in the West to refer to a ‘holy war’ on behalf of Islam jurisdiction the powers of a court, depending on its geographic area, the type of matters that can be decided, and the type of remedies that can be sought jury a group of people who listen to all of the evidence in a court case and decide on the verdict justice the legal principle of upholding generally accepted rights and enforcing responsibilities, ensuring that equal outcomes are achieved for those involved juvenile a child or young person, generally under 18 years of age, although this may vary depending on the context kinship family relationships, including all extended family relationships; an important part of Indigenous cultures and values, which dictate how all people in the group behave toward each other laissez-faire a French word literally translated as ‘allow to do’, used to

describe economic philosophies that government should not intervene in business; may also be used in a broader sense of minimal government intervention in most aspects of society larceny taking another person’s property with intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property; also known as stealing law a set of rules imposed on all members of a community which are officially recognised, binding and enforceable by persons or organisations such as the police and/or courts law enforcement agencies those bodies that have the role of enforcing the law; they are created by Acts of Parliament and include the police and some government departments legal drug a drug that is not prohibited under the law, although some other restrictions may apply legal system the system of courts, prosecutors and police in a country legislative powers the legal power or capacity to make laws libertarians advocates of minimal government control or interference in the lives of individuals mandamus a court order compelling a government official or organisation to perform a particular task martial law military government and laws imposed on civilian society, which overrides civil law massacre the intentional killing of a large number of people mediation (1) a process in which two parties are brought together for the purpose of discussing and resolving a conflict; (2) a form of alternative dispute resolution designed to help two (or more) parties, in the presence of a neutral third party, to reach an agreement merits review analysis of the facts presented in a case, and often the policy choices that led to the decision

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mitigation making the severity of an offence or a sentence milder or less severe money laundering disguising money obtained from illegal activities to make it appear legal mule recruitment the attempt to procure a person (the ‘mule’) to receive and deliver illegal funds to criminals abroad or at home without the knowledge of the ‘mule’; this is usually done through a fake company and may involve getting an unsuspecting employee to sign a contract and transfer funds on behalf of organised criminals. nation-state a politically independent country native title the right of Indigenous people to their traditional lands natural justice the body of principles used to ensure the fairness and justice of the decisionmaking procedures of courts; in Australia it generally refers to the right to present your case, the right to freedom from bias by decision-makers, and the right to a decision based on logically relevant evidence negligence carelessness; a tort that involves breach of a duty of care resulting in harm that could be foreseen negotiation any dialogue intended to resolve disputes and/or produce an agreement on further courses of action nomadic a term used to describe people who tend to travel and change settlements frequently obiter dicta (Latin) comments from a judge in a case that are not directly relevant to the case, and therefore not legally binding (singular: obiter dictum) on remand (of an accused) in custody pending and/or during his or her trial

online predators people with malicious intent, such as sex offenders, pedophiles, who give false and misleading identities with the aim of enticing their victims into harmful encounters online or in real life onus the burden or duty of proving the case to the court

peer-to-peer (P2P) networks computer networks in which individual participants are directly connected to each other, rather than through a central server piracy (1) an illegal act of robbery of a ship at sea, outside the jurisdiction of any state; (2) the infringement of copyright

opened for signature (of a treaty) having negotiations concluded and ready for parties’ signatures. Many treaties, especially those convened by the UN, will be open for signature only until a certain date; others, such as the Geneva Conventions, are open for signature indefinitely.

plaintiff the person who initiates a civil action

opinio juris sive necessitatis (Latin) ‘opinion that an act is necessary by rule of law’: the principle that for the practice of a state to be customary international law, the state must believe that international law requires it

poverty line the minimum level of income needed to meet basic necessities and below which a household is defined as poor; an adequate standard of living and thus the poverty line will be different for different countries

optional protocol an addendum to a treaty, agreed to by the parties at a later date, to create enforcement provisions or to interpret the treaty in light of later developments organised crime illegal activities organised by criminal groups or enterprises, most commonly for the purpose of generating financial profit original jurisdiction the ability or power of a court to hear a case in the first instance outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMCGs) organisations whose members use the structure of a motorcycle club as a front for criminal activity pastoralists farmers raising sheep or cattle, usually on large areas of land patch a symbol or club logo attached to the back of a motorcycle club member’s vest patents rights granted for any device, substance, method or process which is new, inventive or useful

pleadings written statements of the parties to a civil dispute that set out the issues to be decided by the court

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ministerial discretion power granted to a minister under an Act to make a specified decision or order

political autonomy selfdetermination, independence

precedent a judgment that is authority for a legal principle, and that serves to provide guidance for deciding cases that have similar facts prescription drug a type of legal drug that can be obtained only by a doctor’s prescription prima facie (Latin) ‘on the face’; at first sight: having sufficient evidence established against a defendant to warrant a trial in a higher court of law privacy a person’s right to be free from unwanted intrusion or public scrutiny private law the body of law governing relationships between individuals (e.g. contract law, torts, family law and property law) pro bono a Latin term meaning ‘for the public good’, used to describe work that is done by a lawyer or barrister on a voluntary basis and without payment, where there are issues of community concern or significant effect on disadvantaged groups

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procedural fairness / natural justice the body of principles used to ensure the fairness and justice of the decision-making procedures of courts; in Australia it generally refers to the right to present your case, the right to freedom from bias by decision-makers, and the right to a decision based on logically relevant evidence prohibited person a person prohibited from working in childrelated employment because of a conviction of a serious sex offence, murder of a child, or an offence involving violence toward a child prohibition a court order that forbids a lower level court from hearing or taking further action in a case or matter prosecutor the person formally conducting legal proceedings against someone accused of a criminal offence; the prosecutor acts on behalf of the state or the Crown public law the body of law governing relationships between individuals and the state, and the structure and operation of government itself (e.g. criminal, administrative, and constitutional law) public morality standards of behaviour generally agreed upon by the community public space areas set aside in which members of the community can associate and assemble question of law a disputed legal contention that is left for the judge to decide (for example whether certain evidence is admissible) R ‘R’ at the beginning of a case name refers to Regina (Latin for ‘Queen’). Since Australia is a constitutional monarchy this refers to our head of state on whose behalf the prosecution case is run. When the head of state is a male, as was the case in 1935, the ‘R’ stands for Rex, which is Latin for ‘King’. racial hatred abuse or denigration of a person because of his or her race, or verbal abuse or denigration of a race generally


rail gauge the distance between the inner sides of the two rails of a train line ratify to formally confirm that the country intends to be bound by the treaty ratio decidendi (Latin) the legal reason for a judge’s decision reckless able to foresee negative consequences of doing something, but carrying on with the act regardless. Recklessness implies a state of mind that is not as strong as an intention to do something, but for some criminal offences it is considered equivalent to intention for the purpose of establishing fault. referendum the referral of a particular issue to the electorate for a vote reservation a statement made by a nation-state when signing or ratifying a treaty, that allows it to exclude certain provisions or modify them as they apply to the nation-state’s own practice residual powers those remaining matters on which the states can legislate, which are not referred to in the Constitution responsibilities legal or moral obligations to others rights legal or moral entitlements or permissions rule of law the principle that no one is above the law; the most important application of the rule of law is that governmental authority is exercised in accordance with written, publicly disclosed laws that are adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps (due process) rules regulations or principles governing procedure or controlling conduct s abbreviation for ‘section’ of any legislation; ‘ss’ is the abbreviation for ‘sections’ (plural) sanction a penalty imposed on those who break the law, usually in the form of a fine or punishment

Security Council the arm of the United Nations responsible for maintaining world peace and security sedition words or acts said or done with the intention of urging others to use force against the government self-determination the right to determine one’s own acts without external influence; the freedom of the people of a given territory to determine their own political status or independence from their current state self-executing (of a treaty) automatically becoming binding on a state party to the treaty as soon as the treaty has been ratified separation of powers the doctrine that the powers and functions of the judiciary are separate from those of the legislature and the executive sexual assault a general term for criminal offences involving unwanted sexual contact; acts include unwanted touching or groping, indecent acts of other kinds, and rape sexual harassment any unwelcome sexual behaviour, such as sexual advances, suggestive comments, unwanted touching, written communication or gestures, especially in the workplace social values ethical standards that guide people in their thinking about aspects of their society space-shifting transferring music or a sound recording from one format to another or from one device to another, for example copying a music file from a computer to a portable player special leave approval granted by the High Court for a case to go before it on appeal specific performance an order requiring the defendant to perform the acts that the contract obliged him or her to perform sponsorship the support of an individual, event, or organisation financially or through the provision of products or services

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stare decisis a Latin term meaning ‘the decision stands’; the doctrine that a decision must be followed by all lower courts the state a term that is used to refer to the government and the people that it governs state police law enforcement agencies with statewide jurisdiction statute law law made by parliament suicide the intentional taking of one’s own life summary offences criminal offences that can be dealt with by a single judge without a jury and do not require a preliminary hearing superpower a country that has a dominant role in world politics and possesses military power in excess of other nations. At the end of the Second World War (1945) the USA and USSR were known as ‘superpowers’ because of their huge armies and nuclear arsenals. surety a sum of money provided to support an accused person’s undertaking that he or she will return to court for hearing at a later date, as a condition of granting bail; it is agreed that the money will be forfeited if the accused fails to appear table to place on the table for discussion tariff a tax that must be paid on imports or exports task force a special group or committee of experts formed for the express purpose of studying a particular problem technological protection measures tools or ‘locks’ that copyright owners use to prevent unauthorised copying or access to copyright materials

terms of reference a set of guidelines used to define the purpose and scope of an inquiry terra nullius ‘land belonging to no one’; the idea and legal concept that when the first Europeans came to Australia the land was owned by no one and thus was open to settlement. It has been judged legally invalid. terrorism violence or the threat of violence, directed at an innocent group of people for the purpose of coercing another party, such as a government, into a course of action that it would not otherwise pursue time-shifting recording a television or radio broadcast for later viewing or listening tortious wrongful; constituting a tort or breach of duty to others torts civil wrongs involving breach of a duty; torts include negligence, defamation, nuisance, and trespass to the person, goods or land

United Nations a world organisation dedicated to world peace and the sovereignty and equality of all its members upload to send data from a local system or computer to a central or remote system, for other users to view, hear, or use values principles, standards, or qualities considered worthwhile or desirable within a society vicarious liability the legal liability imposed on one person or agent (e.g. an employer) for the wrongful acts of another, when those acts were done within the scope of the legal relationship between them, such as employment ‘war on terror’ the term used in 2002 by US President George W. Bush to refer to his administration’s efforts to fight terrorism anywhere in the world using any means warning a formal notice given to a young offender, usually for a first minor offence

tort law the body of law that deals with civil wrongs including negligence, defamation, trespass and nuisance

White Australia Policy the government policy of allowing only Europeans and English-speaking people to immigrate to Australia

trade marks words, names, symbols, devices or any combination of these, used to identify and distinguish the goods or services of one company from those of another

‘working with children check’ a check by the NSW Commission for Children and Young People on the appropriateness of a person in NSW to work in child-related employment.

treaty an international agreement concluded between states in written form and governed by the guidelines of international law; treaties may also be referred to as conventions or covenants.

World Wide Web a system of documents that are accessible on the internet and that are connected to each other through hyperlinks on which the user can click to be taken to another location. The World Wide Web is not the same thing as the internet.

trespass to the person a tort involving direct contact with a person’s body without that person’s consent tyranny rule by a single leader holding absolute power in a nation-state ultra vires (Latin) beyond the power or authority legally held by a person, institution or statute to perform an act

G lo s s ary

standard of proof the degree or level of proof required in order for the plaintiff (in a civil case) or the prosecution (in a criminal case) to prove their case

young people in NSW, persons aged 16–18 years Youth Justice Conferences meetings of all the people who may be affected by a crime committed by a young offender; used to help them to accept responsibility for their actions while avoiding the court system

Gl os s ary

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Australian Childhood Foundation 204

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

Australian Constitution

access to civil law 9

amending 36, 93

customary law 5, 43–7

federal legislative powers 31, 33, 34–5

disadvantages 44

judicial system 61

government policies 98

key features 61, 136, 308

language and culture 43–6

religious freedom 139

legal status 101 see also native title

separation of powers 38 Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) 160, 204,

Aboriginal Land Rights Act 97, 108 access 8–9

225 Australian Crime Commission (ACC) 152–3, 260, 286,

ACTU see Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) 43

291, 294 Australian Customs and Border Protection Service

Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 (Cth) 17, 43, 61

155 Australian Federal Police (AFP) 151–2, 240, 245, 271,

Administrative Decisions Tribunal (ADT) 61 Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 17

275, 281, 298 Australian Human Rights Commission 114–17, 166,

administrative law 25, 61 adversarial system 18, 66, 73

221–2, 229 Australian Law Reform Commission 88, 116, 179,

ADVO see Apprehended Domestic Violence Order affirmative action 225

205–7 Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO)

AFP see Australian Federal Police

154, 246

Al Qaeda 236–7, 239–40, 244, 246 alternative dispute resolution (ADR) 156–8


Amnesty International 49, 54, 91, 151, 160, 166, 279

balance of power 92

anarchy 12–13

balance of probabilities 65, 69, 82, 113, 203

Anti-Discrimination Act 97, 114, 165, 199, 215, 222,

Bali bombings 234–49


barristers 62, 71, 121, 124

Anti-Discrimination Board (ADB) 161, 165, 222

bicameral 27, 29, 32

anti-discrimination legislation 114, 116, 228–9

bill of rights 134–6, 139, 247

Anti-Terrorism Act 246–7, 268, 274, 280, 297


appeals 22, 24–5, 32, 39, 41, 43, 61, 105, 116, 311

registration 197–8

appeals to High Court 38–9, 41–2

technologies 84

appellate jurisdiction 24–5, 39, 41

Births Deaths and Marriages Act 193, 197–8

Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO) 82–3

Britain see United Kingdom

arbitration 34, 116, 156–7, 160

Bryant, Martin 250–57

arrest 13, 66, 83, 124, 150, 152, 154, 205–6, 241–2,

Builders Labourers Federation 160

246–7 ASIO see Australian Security Intelligence Organisation

burden of proof 67, 69 by-laws 29

assimilation Indigenous peoples 99 Attorney-General 26–7, 88, 166, 244, 272, 280, 298–9, 313 Australia Act 1986 (Cth) 17, 39


C Cabinet 28, 30, 38, 90, 159, 223 capital punishment 45, 49, 80–1, 209 care and protection 24, 194, 198–9, 202–3

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care application 210

federation process 31–2

case law 20, 116, 308, 311

High Court 21, 23, 25–6, 32–3, 35–6, 38–42, 61–2, 78, 92, 98, 103–108, 136, 139–40, 166,

cautions 200–1

179, 198, 275, 316

CDPP see Commonwealth Director of Public

judicial review 43, 55, 61, 162, 165


separation of powers 38

certiorari 163

transfer of power from Britain 31–2

child care 161, 163, 215, 217–8, 225–7, 230

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

child labour 194–5, 207, 209

220–1, 227

Children (Criminal Proceedings) Act 200, 207 Children (Protection and Parental Responsibility) Act

Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC) 49, 55, 166, 194, 196, 201

193, 201, 209

Australia’s obligations under 201

children 24, 43, 68, 82–3, 91, 99, 102, 119, 132,

child executions 49

137–8, 152, 155, 158, 180–1, 192–211 see also Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC) Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 193–4, 198–9, 202–3

copyright 25, 176–7, 306–19 Copyright Act 176, 308–10, 314–5 coronial inquiries 24, 67 corporations law 24

Children’s Court Act 193, 203

Court of Appeal 25, 196, 246–7, 311

Children’s Court

court-made law 18

hearings 23–4, 68, 203


children’s rights 196

of equity 18

China 52, 186

procedures 23 State and Federal 22–6

circle sentencing 81, 145 civil court proceedings 18, 65–9

Covenant on Civil and Political Rights see International Covenant on Civil and Political

civil law 18, 60, 62, 65–6, 70, 73, 111–3, 117, 197,

Rights (ICCPR)

314, 325 civil law systems 73

Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights see International Covenant on Economic Social

civil liberties 38, 180–1, 188, 313

and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)

Clarke Inquiry 273, 280–81 Commission for Children and Young People 198,

Crimes Act 3, 59, 60, 83, 87, 122, 150–1, 172, 183, 247, 280

202 Commission for Children and Young People Act 202–3

Crimes Legislation Amendment (Police and Public Safety) Act 201, 274, 298

commissions of inquiry 165 committal hearings 24

criminal law

Committee on the Rights of the Child 196, 201, 209

court proceedings 66–70

common law 18–22, 36, 44, 55, 60, 62–3, 65, 73,

vs civil law 60–3

87, 101, 103, 132–3, 136, 145, 196, 198–9,

CROC see Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC)

332 Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) 66, 83, 119, 165, 273, 275–6 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) 17, 31–2

I nd ex

child care proceedings 203

cross-examination 67, 69, 121 customary law 5, 43–7, 49, 73 customs 5, 7, 10, 12, 33, 45, 48, 98, 107 Customs Act 41, 246, 324

Commonwealth v Tasmania 35, 40

cyberbullying 178

Community Justice Centres (CJCs) 157

cybercrime 184–8

concurrent powers 33

cyberspace 170–90

conscientious objectors 137

cyberstalking 178

Constitution see Australian Constitution constitutional law 61


constitutional system

damages 24–5, 62–3, 69, 112–3, 117, 142, 229

division of power 32–3, 39

de facto relationships 33, 79–83


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death penalty 49, 54, 244

equal pay see pay equity

deaths in custody 165

equality 8–9, 117, 143, 214

Declaration of Human Rights see Universal

equity 18–20, 106, 216, 227

Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

ethics 6–7, 12, 45, 78, 170

defamation 22, 25, 63, 141–2, 199

European Union 54, 135, 184

defence 31, 33, 66, 69, 72, 121, 124

euthanasia 181, 134

defendants 65, 72

ex parte 41

delegated authority 137

exclusive powers 33

delegated legislation 29

Executive Council 28–9

democracy 38, 90, 134, 239

external reviews 61, 161–2

Department of Community Services (DOCS) 83, 203,

extradition 186, 315–6

205 detention centres 158–9, 207


development of 18–20

fairness see procedural fairness

obedience to 10

Family Court 23, 25, 38, 81, 91, 151, 203

vs rules and customs 4–7

Family Law Act 55, 77, 91, 196–7, 215

dictatorship 38, 239

Federal Court 21–2, 24–6, 36, 38–9, 41, 43, 61, 105–8

digital copyright 304–19

federal parliament

discrimination 55, 90, 104, 114–5, 134, 166, 199,

legislative powers 33, 34


role and structure 27–8

direct discrimination 220–2, 230

Federation 31–2, 38, 48

indirect discrimination 220–2

file sharing 304–19

District Court 21, 23–4, 71, 89, 113, 124

Firearms Act 82, 292

doctrine of precedent 21–22

Franklin Dam case see Commonwealth v Tasmania

doli incapax 8

Fraser Island 40–1

domestic law 48

fraud 22, 24, 86–7, 153, 165, 173–4, 185, 287

domestic violence 82–3

free speech 139–41, 181–2, 186–8

Donoghue v. Stevenson 59, 64

Freedom of Information Act 149, 161

Dreamtime 44 Drink or Die 316


drug testing 320–339

General Assembly (UN) 49–54, 169, 228

duties 6, 133, 150, 163, 214

Geneva Conventions 48, 240

duty of care 64, 113, 117, 133, 331

genocide 48–49 Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Health Authority


196, 198–9

East Timor 145, 236, 239

glass ceiling 229

elders 45, 47, 98

Gove land rights case see Milirrpum v Nabalco Pty Ltd


Governor-General 27–30, 36, 38–9,

children 202

Greenpeace 54, 91, 160

law 47, 159, 204

Griffiths, Hew Raymond 315–6

sex discrimination 214–5, 221, 223, 229

Guantanamo Bay 240–1

women 214–7

gun laws 258–63

enforcement 12, 45, 48, 81, 150, 152–4, 172, 174,

Gutnick v Dow Jones & Co Inc 17, 22

181, 183, 185, 187, 229, 236, 240, 245–6, 260, 268, 279, 286, 291, 294, 300, 310, 313, 325 equal opportunity 111, 114, 161, 165–6, 205, 218, 222–3, 228 Equal Opportunity for Women Agency (EOWA) 224 (CD) Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 213, 223–4, 230


H hacking 172–3, 183 Haneef, Mohamed 266–83 harassment 150, 178, 198, 220–2, 227, 229 High Court 21, 23, 25–6, 32–3, 35–6, 38–42, 61–2, 78, 92, 98, 103–108, 136, 139–40, 166, 179, 198, 275, 316

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House of Representatives 27, 32, 36, 38, 89, 106–7

Jemaah Islamiyah 238–40, 270

Howard, John 92, 108, 159, 181, 259, 262, 277, 279

judges 6, 10, 18, 20–22, 65–73, 92, 104–5, 107,

human rights 25, 48–55, 81, 132, 134, 136, 143–5,


160, 166, 186, 196, 201, 205, 209, 218, 220,

judicial review 43, 55, 61, 162, 165

222, 226–30

judiciary 38–9, 61, 136, 294

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

jurisdiction 22, 39 jury 18–9, 24–5, 66–8, 71–2, 88–9, 120–1, 132,

(HREOC) see Australian Human Rights

136, 142

Commission Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 149, 166, 213, 222

hung jury 89 Jury Act 89 jury service 72, 217, 231

Hussein, Saddam 13

justice 8–9, 19–20, 28, 43, 81–3, 106, 112–3, 120



identity theft 86–7

Kazaa 311–2

immigration detention centres

Kids Helpline 204

see detention centres

I nd ex

see also Universal Declaration of Human Rights

kinship 45

Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) 165–6 indictable offences 23–4, 66, 84, 112, 200, 207, 324 Indigenous Australians see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

L land rights 103, 108 larceny 24 law enforcement see enforcement law reform

indirect discrimination see discrimination

agencies of 88–91

Indonesia 18, 49, 145, 236–9, 240–7

and native title 98–109

injunctions 39, 63, 69, 112, 115, 163, 173

and sexual assault 118–24

inquisitorial system 18, 73

and sport 110–17

intellectual property 65

conditions that give rise to 78–9

and digital copyright 306–8, 311

definition 78

in cyberspace 175–7, 184 intergovernmental organisations (IGOs) 54, 93

mechanisms of 92–3 law

internal reviews 161

definition 4–7

International Court of Justice (ICJ) 50, 53–7

legal aid 91, 203, 206

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

legal professions 70–2

(ICCPR) 49–50, 55, 144, 166, 247 International Covenant on Economic Social and

legal system 5, 7–8, 18–30 legislation

Cultural Rights (ICESCR) 50, 144, 166

delegated 29

International Criminal Court (ICC) 49–50

passing through parliament 28–30

international customary law 49–50

libel 139–40

international law 48–55

lobby groups 91–2

differences between domestic and 48

Local Courts 19, 21–4, 66, 83, 116

relevance to Australian law 55 sources 48–9 international treaties and declarations 49–50 internet 5, 18, 22, 41, 90, 153, 159, 170–188, 287, 306, 309–10 piracy 306–7

M Mabo Eddie 98, 103–4, 106 Mabo v Queensland 98, 109 magistrates 71 Magistrates’ Court 23–5, 38, 67, 71, 115, 253, 273, 275, 297

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) 181, 186, 309, 317

mandamus 39

Israel 237

Ma¯ori land rights 105


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marriage 34, 45, 79–80, 197–8, 217

parliamentary committees 89–90

Marriage Act 79–80

participation of women 220

media 72, 90

patents 176–7, 188, 306

Members of Parliament (MPs) 27, 29, 91, 105, 159

pay equity 216, 227, 230

Milirrpum v Nabalco Pty Ltd 103

plaintiff 63, 72

Milperra Massacre 291–2, 298

police 6, 8, 10, 66, 82–3, 119, 150–3 New South Wales Police Force 150, 165, 293, 295,

Mugabe, Robert 13


Murphyores v The Commonwealth 40–1

Australian Federal Police (AFP) 151–2, 240, 245,

Myall Creek massacre 102

271, 275, 281, 298


Port Arthur massacre 250–65 gun reform after 258–63

nation-state 5, 48–9, 51–2, 54 nationalism 31

poverty line 217

native title 98–109

precedent 20–22, 92

Native Title Act 104, 108–9

prima facie 71, 163

Native Title Amendment Act 108

privacy 25, 85, 88, 155, 162, 166, 171, 174, 179

Native Title Tribunal 107–8

Privacy Act 162, 179–80, 332

natural justice 9, 43

Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 162, 332

negligence 25, 63–4, 68, 111, 113, 115, 117, 133, 199

private law 60–70

New Zealand 18, 105, 134–5, 329

Privy Council 39

non-government organisations (NGOs) 54, 90–1

procedural fairness 9, 43

NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) 108

prohibition 39

NSW Commission for Children and Young People

Property (Relationships) Legislation Amendment Act 79

198, 202–3

property law 44, 62, 65, 175

NSW Law Reform Commission 88–9

prosecutor 8, 65–6, 83, 123, 241, 271

NSW Ombudsman 163–4

protection children see care and protection


Indigenous peoples 99

obiter dicta 21

public law 60–70

observation of court proceedings 70

public morality 78

Office for Women (NSW) 223

public space 201, 205–6, 209

Office for Women (OfW) 223 ombudsmen


offices of 163

R v. Brislan; ex parte Williams 41

NSW Ombudsman 93, 151

Racial Discrimination Act 97, 104, 117, 132, 166

OMCGs see outlaw motorcycle gangs

Racial Hatred Act 178

opinio juris sive necessitates 49

rail gauges 31–2

optional protocol 166, 228–9

ratification 55, 143, 201, 209, 227

ordinances 29

ratio decidendi 21

organised crime 153, 260, 286–7, 291, 294–8, 300

reasonable doubt 65

original jurisdiction 25, 39–41

Red Cross 54

Osland v R 41–2

referendum process 31–2, 36, 38, 80, 102, 145

outlaw motorcycle gangs 284–303

referendums Federation 31–2


1967 referendum 99, 102

paid maternity leave 225, 227

refugees 54, 93, 155, 166


regulations 6, 11, 29, 35, 170–1, 174, 181–2, 140,

passing bill through 30


324, 329

role of 18–20, 27–8, 105–6, 108–9, 115–6, 122

Reno v American Civil Liberties Union 180–182

structure of 27–8

republic referendum 36

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technology 41, 84–5, 123, 152, 168–90, 287, 306,


309, 312, 317

common law vs statutory 18–19 domestic 48

terra nullius 44, 92, 98, 101–4, 106, 109

legal vs moral and customary 8–9,

terrorist attacks 236–7, 268–70, 272, 279, 297

see also human rights; land rights

torts 60–5, 111, 113, 117, 132–3, 179, 198–9, 332

royal assent 30

torture 48, 53–5, 133, 143

royal commissions 93, 103, 165

Trade Practices (Consumer Product Information Standards) (Tobacco) Regulations 324

Rudd, Kevin 80, 92, 106, 244 rule of law 10, 185, 236, 240, 281, 296, 301

trade unions see Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)

rules need for 4–7, 61, 68, 73

trademarks 175–7, 188, 306

vs laws and customs 5–7

trial by ordeal 19–20

I nd ex

tribunals 50, 112, 161, 330, 335


tyranny 12–13

same-sex relationships 79–80 sanctions 10, 45


Security Council (UN) 51–4, 246

ultra vires 35

separation of powers 32, 38, 268, 274–5, 294, 301

United Kingdom 18–19, 22, 52, 134, 270–1, 279

Sex Discrimination Act 55, 97, 115–6, 213, 215,

United Nations (UN)

221–2, 229–30

charter 49, 51–2

sex slavery 227

legal decisions 50–1, 93

sexual harassment 220–2, 227, 229–30

obligations of governments 51–2

Shopfront Youth Legal Centre 207

peacekeeping 52

slander 141

see also Conventions entries; International

smoking bans 11

Covenants entries; Universal Declaration of

solicitors 67, 71 sources of law

Human Rights (UDHR) United States

Australian law 55

bill of rights 135

international law 49–51, 55 South Australia v Commonwealth 40

juvenile executions 48, 196 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

sovereignty 48, 51, 101, 107, 188

50, 143–4, 166, 220

spam 169, 174–5 Spam Act 169, 174–5, 183


spiritual nature of customary law 44

values 7–9, 78–9

standard of proof 65

Vietnam War 137, 290

stare decisis 21 state and territory courts 22–5


state power

Whistleblowers Australia (WBA) 159

formal (i.e. legal) means to challenge 161–6

White Australia Policy 31

informal (i.e. non-legal) means to challenge

Whitlam, Gough 103, 120


Wik case 106–7

statute law 18, 27–30

William the Conqueror 20

statutory authority 43, 115, 137, 174

WIPO see World Intellectual Property Organization

summary offences 23, 66, 84, 200, 324

Wireless Telegraphy Act 41

Summary Offences Act 131, 139


Supreme Court 21–6, 38, 41, 49, 66, 71, 80, 103, 112, 139, 142, 158, 165, 173, 181

anti-discrimination legislation 114, 165, 215, 222, 225, 229–30 changing status 216–9

T Tampa incident 155 tariffs 31, 54, 93

indigenous women 219 protection of rights 220–5 Women’s Electoral Lobby (WEL) 226


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Women’s Information and Referral Service 223


Women’s Legal Status Act 216

Yorta Yorta native title case 107,109


Young Offenders Act 81

aging 216 gender segregation 227, 230

young person 192–211 legal definition 194

working with children check 202

Youth Action and Policy Association (YAPA) 205

World Intellectual Property Organization 184, 311

youth conferencing 207

World Trade Organization 176, 184, 311

Youth Justice Conferences 81

World Wide Web 171, 181 World Youth Day 140 WTO see World Trade Organization


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