Cambridge Academic English
March 30, 2017 | Author: Sara Devila | Category: N/A
Short Description
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Cambridge Academic English An integrated skills course for EAP
Research study
• an interview-based longitudinal study of the experiences of 28 undergraduates at Hong Kong Polytechnic University • A questionnaire survey completed by 3,009 firstyear students Evans & Morrison 2011
Ranking productive skills
Speaking • speaking clearly (pronunciation) • speaking accurately (grammar) • communicating ideas fluently
Writing • linking sentences smoothly • using appropriate style • using grammar correctly
Speaking 1 speaking accurately (grammar) 2 communicating ideas fluently 3 speaking clearly (pronunciation)
Writing 1 = using grammar correctly & linking sentences smoothly 2 using appropriate style Evans & Morrison 2011
Student comments
We can only use some simple words to express ourselves rather than use a large range of words with similar meanings to express ourselves.
Evans & Morrison 2011
Student comments
Academic writing is the most difficult part for me because when I write sentence I find many things to do. For example I have to organise the writing and think about the grammar.
I think I want to learn more vocabulary and the grammar especially passive. Sometimes I’ve got some ideas, but I don’t know how to write down sentences. Intermediate level learners
Conclusion from study
These findings suggest that freshmen need particular assistance with academic writing (notably style, grammar and cohesion) and technical vocabulary … Evans & Morrison 2011
Key issues for students
• Students are concerned about both oral and written language • Students want to be more accurate • Students know their language needs to be more complex and sophisticated in an academic context • Students think better control of grammar and vocabulary will lead to greater accuracy, complexity and sophistication
An EAP grammar syllabus
• What should an EAP grammar syllabus include? • How should this syllabus be organised?
An EAP grammar syllabus
… sentence grammar is not a good basis on which to build the syllabus framework … (it) ignores the specific applications that grammar items such as the present perfect and modals have in academic discourse. For example, the present perfect is important in the narrative of a literature review (an academic genre) … Alexander, Argent & Spencer 2008
An EAP grammar syllabus
Genre or text type approach Example: Text type comparison & contrast
Grammar point comparative adjectives
Uncovering EAP McCarter & Jakes (2009)
An EAP grammar syllabus
Which genre for these grammar points? • passives • narrative verb forms • noun phrases • subordination
An EAP grammar syllabus
Cambridge Grammar of English – Carter & McCarthy (2006)
An EAP grammar syllabus
Cambridge Grammar of English (Carter & McCarthy 2006)
• shows how grammar points can relate to different genre • includes items found in all genre • comprehensive • corpus-based
Approach to language in Cambridge Academic English
• grammar and vocabulary contextualised • authentic academic texts used • academic corpus used to check language examples and to get more examples • discovery approach • practice of language
Language in Cambridge Academic English
• • • •
Explicit focus on grammar and vocabulary Contextualisation in authentic academic texts Cognitively engaging discovery tasks Corpus-informed focus on language
Cambridge Academic English: other key features
• Integrated skills work
Cambridge Academic English: other key features
• Encourages independent learning through Study Tips
Cambridge Academic English: other key features
• Develops awareness of disciplinary differences
Cambridge Academic English: other key features
• Authentic academic discourse including real filmed lectures on DVD
Cambridge Academic English: key features
• • • • • • •
Comprehensive language coverage Integration of language and skills Integrated skills work Corpus informed Encourages independent learning Develops awareness of disciplinary difference Authentic academic discourse
Cambridge Academic English: levels
Book 1 • intermediate, B1+, e.g. foundation programmes IELTS 4.5 5 / 5.5 Book 2 • upper-intermediate, B2+, e.g. pre-sessional programme IELTS 5 5.5 / 6 Book 3 • advanced, C1+, e.g. in-sessional; academics IELTS 5.5 6 / 6.5
Cambridge Academic English: components
• • • • •
Student’s Book Teacher’s Book Class Audio CD DVD Free extra video lectures and worksheets on CUP website
Cambridge Academic English: organisation
10 units: reading, speaking & listening, writing, grammar & vocabulary
5 units: listening to lectures & seminar skills
9 mm spine
Courseconsultant: Michael McCarthy
Tamzen Armer (BSc Anatomical Sciences, CELTA, DELTA) hasprofessional experience asascientific researcher at the Institute of Neurology, London and the Christie Hospital, Manchester. She currently teachesEnglish at t he University of Canberra, Australia.
Tamzen Armer SeriesEditor : Jeremy Day ISBN: 978 0 521 68939 7
o di Au
Cambridge English f or
in Use Advanced
Vocabulary reference and p ractice With a nswers
ISBN: 978 0 521 71518 8
Second Edition
Michael McCarthy Felicity O’Dell
9 mm spine
a very thor ough r epre epresentation of the basic requirement of pr esen esenting scientifi c analyses
Tamzen Armer SeriesEditor : Jeremy Day
Daniela R obles, PhD student , Molecular Biology
Cambridge English for Scientis ts i s for i ntermediate to u pper i ntermediate l evel (B1– B2) learnerso f English w ho need t o use English i n a scientific research o r study environment. Thisshort course (40–60 hoursteachingtime) usesp ractical t askst o develop t he l anguage and communic ation s killsne eded b y student and profe ssiona l scientistsf rom a ll di scipline s. Each of t he t en units r elates t o o ne or more case studiesbased o n r eal p ublished r esearch. Practical skillsin clude: applying f or r esearch f unding writing for p ublication presenting a nd socialising at a confe rence
Professional English
Dr Andr ew Sug den, Scienc e International I belie ve it doesan e xc xcellent job at portr aying everyday situationsin the lab and I especially enjoyed the audioscrip audioscript , which I think isan accurate r epresentatio epresentation of c onversations between a student an and his/her adviser .
For t he FREE online Teacher’s Book and photocopiable activities, go to w w bri orscientists The course can be u sed i n the classroom o r for self-study and i ssuitab le for scientists studying o r working in a w ide r ange of s cientifi c discipline s. The cour se also includes a glo ssary of useful vocabulary. Cambridge English for …i sa seriesof short courses f or different areaso f English f or Specifi c Purposes. Written for p rofessionals by p rofessionalst hey combine the b est i n ELT methodology w ith r eal professional p ractice.
Cambridge English for
Upper Intermediate
An integrated skills course for EAP
Student’s Book
Martin Hewings
Martin Hewingsand Craig Thaine
Courseconsultant: Michael McCarthy
Courseconsultant: Michael McCarthy
Tamzen Armer (BSc Anatomical Sciences, CELTA, DELTA) hasprofessional experience asascientific r esearcher at the Institute of Neurology, London and t he Christie Hospital, Manchester. She currently teaches English at t he University of Canberra, Australia.
Tamzen Armer SeriesEditor : Jeremy Day ISBN: 978 0 521 68939 7
9 mm spine
Class Audio CD (9780521165242) DVD (9780521165310) Audio and DVD pack (9781107607156)
Also recommended for use with CambridgeAcademicEnglish:
Craig Thaine
Wit h
CVR CEF SCIENTISTS ARMER 978 0 521 15409 3
With a nswers
Second Edition
applying f or r esearch f unding writing for p ublication presenting and socialising a t a confe rence
Cam br id ge English f or Sci ent ist s
Vocabulary reference and p ractice
Michael McCarthy Felicity O’Dell
Each of t he t en units r elates t o o ne or more case studiesbased o n r eal p ublished r esearch. Practical skillsin clude:
Cambridge English for …i sa serieso f short courses f or different areaso f English f or Specifi c Purposes. Written for p rofessionals by p rofessionalst hey combine the best i n ELT methodology w ith r eal professional p ractice.
Thisshort course (40–60 hoursteachingtime) usesp ractical t askst o develop t he l anguage and communic ation s killsne eded b y student and professiona l scientistsf rom a ll di scipline s.
The course can b e u sed i n the classro om o r for self-study and i ssuitable for scientists studying o r working in a w ide r ange of s cientifi c discipline s. The cour se also includes a glossary of useful vocabulary.
McCarthy and O’Dell Aca demic Vocabula ry in Use Advanced
in Use
Cambridge English for
Daniela R obles, PhD student , Molecular Biology
For the FREE online Teacher’s Book and photocopiable activities, go to w w bri orscientists Cambridge English for Scientistsi s for i ntermediate to upper i ntermediate l evel (B1– B2) learnerso f English w ho need t o use English i n a scientific research o r study environment.
Professional English
Dr Andr ew Sug den, Scienc e International I believe it doesan e xc xcellent job at portr aying everyda y situationsin the lab and I especially enjoyed the audioscrip audioscript , which I think isan accurate r epresentatio epresentation of c onversations between a student an and his/her adviser .
Cam b r idge Engl i sh f or Scien t ist s
SeriesEditor : Jeremy Day
a very thor ough r epre epresentation of the basic requir ement of pr esen esenting scientifi c analyses
Wit h
Tamzen Armer
McCarthy and O’Dell Academic Voca bulary in Use Advanced
Cambridge English f or
Course components: Student’s Book (9780521165211) Teacher’s Book (9780521165273)
Cambridge Academic English
B1+ Also recommended for use with CambridgeAcademicEnglish:
Student’s Book
Additional resources are available online at
Class Audio CD (9780521165235) DVD (9780521165297) Audio and DVD pack (9781107607149)
The Class Audio CD accompanies the list ening and speaking sections and gives students focused listening practice and strategies to participate in tutorials and group work.
Upper Intermediate
Course components: Student’s Book (9780521165204) Teacher’s Book (9780521165266)
An integrated skills course for EAP
The DVD is linked to the lecture skills units. It includes real lectures from the University of Cambridge by renowned lecturers in their elds; student int erviews give tips on academic life and studies.
Student’s Book
Additional resources are available online at
integrated academic skills and authentic academic t exts in each main unit ‘Study tips’ and ‘Focus on your subject’ sections to encourage independent learning and personalisation exercises informed by the Cambridge Academic Corpus a list of key academic words, essential for development of academic vocabulary dedicated lecture skills units t o prepare students for attending lectures in English
The Class Audio CD accompanies the list ening and speaking sections and gives students focused listening practice and strategies to participate in tutorials and group work.
Key features of the course
An integrated skills course for EAP
The DVD is linked to the lecture skills units. It includes real lectures from the University of Cambridge by renowned lecturers in their elds; student int erviews give tips on academic life and studies.
Cambridge Academic English
The C1Advanced Student’s Book consolidates academic study skills. Students’ analytical skills are challenged with an increased range of authentic writt en and spoken academic texts. From essay organisation, taking notes, group discussion t o writing references and paraphrasing texts, the students are presented with a wealth of practice opportunities t o enhance all academic skills at this level.
integrated academic skills and authentic academic t exts in each main unit ‘Study tips’ and ‘Focus on your subject’ sections to encourage independent learning and personalisation exercises informed by the Cambridge Academic Corpus a list of key academic words, essential for development of academic vocabulary dedicated lecture skills units t o prepare students for attending lectures in English
This three-level course provides students with the academic skills and languag e needed for university study. Aimed at students of all disciplines, the course consists of ten integrated skills units that develop academic language and critical thinking skills essential in academic contexts. Five lecture skills units provide authentic practice in listening to lectures and note-taking.
Cambridge Academic English Student’s Book
Key features of the course
An integrated skills course for EAP
Cambridge Academic English Student’s Book
Cambridge Academic English Student’s Book
Cambridge Academic English
The B2 Upper Int ermediate Student’s Book gives students further practice in academic study skills. Students analyse characteristics of written and spoken academic t exts, develop awareness of academic culture and learn t o avoid plagiarism. From essay organisation, taking notes, group discussion t o writing references and paraphrasing texts, the students are presented with a wealth of practice opportunities to enhance all academic skills.
Cambridge Academic English
This three-level course provides students with the academic skills and languag e needed for university study. Aimed at students of all disciplines, the course consists of ten integrated skills units that develop academic language and critical thinking skills essential in academic contexts. Five lecture skills units provide authentic practice in listening to lectures and note-taking.
978 0 521 15409 3
An integrated skills course for EAP
9780521165211 Cambridge Academic English Advanced Students Book CVR C M Y K
Cambridge Academic English
Hewings, Thaine, McCarthy
9 mm spine
Hewings, McCarthy
Thaine, McCarthy
9780521165204 Cambridge Academic English Upper Intermediate Students Book CVR C M Y K
9 mm spine
dio Au
ISBN: 978 0 521 71518 8
9 mm spine
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