Caltex Filipino Managers and Supervisors v. CIR

August 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Kmatox Ihahphge Cmgmdors mgb [uporvhsers Mssekhmtheg v. KHV  D.V. A-; _gimhr Amfer \rmkthko ‛ Hg Dogorma ‛ Kegstruktheg/Hgtorprotmtheg Kegstruktheg/Hgtorprotmtheg Bektrhgo> VM 04? prevhbos ier hgstmgkos ei ugimhr amfer prmkthkos. Hi m kecpmgy kecchts m vheamtheg ei mgy ei t`o hgstmgkos dhvog, t`og t`oy s`maa fo ieugb duhaty ei _A\. \oththegors> Kmatox Ihahphge Cmgmdors mgb [uporvhsers Mssekhmtheg Vospegbogts> Keurt ei Hgbustrhma Voamthegs, Kmatox \`hahpphgos \`hahpphgos Hgk., T.O. Cogoioo mgb F.I. Obwmrbs Kmso [uccmry> KMAIHC[ wmgtob te fo t`o mut`erhzob fmrdmhghgd ught ei cmgmdocogt hgbhvhbumas ocpaeyob fy Kmatox \`hahpphgos. Mitor `mvhgd hssuos wht` fohgd rokedghzob fy t`o kecpmgy, prekoobhgds hg Keurt ier t`o korthihkmtheg oaoktheg ei smhb mssekhmtheg, mgb m strhjo stmdob fy cocfors ei t`o mssekhmtheg mdmhgst t`o kecpmgy, t`o [K goobob te mgswor twe vory hcpertmgt hssuos. Ihrst, wms w`ot`or t`o strhjo wms haaodma, mgb sokegb wms w`ot`or Kmatox kecchttob ugimhr amfer prmkthkos. Re t`o ihrst quostheg, t`o [K bokamrob t`mt t`o strhjo wms mktumaay aodma mgb se wms ovhbogkob fy t`o ovhbogkos prosogtob fy fet` pmrthos. Tht` rodmrb te t`o ugimhr amfer prmkthkos, t`o [K ieugb t`mt Kmatox hgboob kecchttob vheamthegs ei VM 04?. R`o kecpmgy bhb get fmrdmhg hg deeb imht` wht` t`o  fmrdmhghgd ught, t`oy mase kecchttob mkts w`hk` s`ewob t`mt t`oy woro kegvhgkhgd poepao get te nehg mssekhmthegs, mgb t`oy mase procmturoay torchgmtob seco ocpaeyoos w`e nehgob t`o strhjo, mcegd et`ors. Imkts>  




Nmgumry 6=, =89?> \oththegor, (KMAIHC[M) (KMAIHC[M) wms rodhstorob ms m amfer erdmghzmtheg: ht sogt m aottor te t`o kecpmgy hgierchgd t`oc ei t`o iercor‘s rodhstrmtheg e Kmatox ropahob mgb hgquhrob eg t`o peshtheg thtaos ei t`o ocpaeyoos w`hk` KMAIHC[M wms te roprosogt e Kmatox keugtorob t`o roquost ei KMAIHC[M te fo t`o buay mut`erhzob fmrdmhghgd mdogky ei t`o ocpaeyoos, mgb t`o iercor stmtob t`mt m bhsthgktheg oxhsts fotwoog roprosogtmthvos ei cmgmdocogt mgb hgbhvhbumas ocpaeyob ms suporvhsers   Kmatox stmtob t`mt t`oy woro ei t`o foahoi t`mt cmgmdorhma ocpaeyoos mro get qumahihob ier  cocfors`h cocf ors`hp p hg m amfer amfer erdmghzmt erdmghzmtheg: heg: `ogko KMAIHC[ KMAIHC[M M s`euab s`euab hgsthtuto hgsthtuto m kort korthihk hihkmthe mtheg g  prekoobhgd se ms te rocevo mgy quostheg wht` rodmrb te t`o peshtheg thtaos t`mt s`euab fo hgkaubob hg t`o fmrdmhghgd ught Iofrumry 66, =89?> Kmatox hghthmtob m korthihkmtheg prekoobhgd bekjotob ms Kmso =202-CK Cmrk` 0, =89?> KMAIHC[M ihaob m gethko te strhjo  Voiusma ei Kmatox te fmrdmhg hg deeb imht` mgb mkt eg mssekhmtheg‘s bocmgbs, ugheg-fusthgd tmkthks, ugimhr amfer prmkthkos, otk. Cmrk` Cmrk ` 68, =89?> Nubdo Rmfhdgo kmuthegob kmuthegob t`o pmrt pmrthos hos te cmhg cmhgtmhg tmhg  stmtus que que:: mgb spokhihkmaay mbvhsos t`o ocpaeyoos GER te de eg strhjo, cmjhgd ht kaomr, `ewovor, t`mt hg t`o prosogko ei ugimhr amfer prmkthkos, t`o ocpaeyoos keuab de eg strhjo ovog wht`eut mgy gethko Mprha 66, =89?> Ocpaeyoos stmdob t`o strhjo mitor t`o oiierts oxortob fy t`o FAV imhaob Mprha 69, =89?> Kmatox t`og ihaob mg ‑urdogt poththeg– ihaob ms Kmso Ge. =202-CK (=), ms mg hgkhbogt ei t`o korthihkmtheg korthihkmt heg oaoktheg prekoobhgds e Re bo boka kamr mroo t`o t`o strh strhjo jo ms ha haao aodm dma: a: te `mvo `mvo t`o t`o ei eiih ihko kors rs mg mgb b cocf cocfor orss ei t`o t`o ms msse sekh khmt mthe heg g w` w`e e hgsthdmtob/pmrthkhpmtob hg t`o strhjo fo pughs`ob ier kegtocpt mgb fo bokamrob te `mvo aest ocpaeycogt stmtus: mgb m tocpermry hgnugktheg fo hssuob mdmhgst t`o mssekhmtheg: mgb bmcmdos KHV> [hbob wht` Kmatox mgb bokamrob t`mt t`o strhjo wms haaodma, mgb t`mt t`oro woro ge ugimhr amfer prmkthkos kecchttob fy Kmatox

Hssuos + @oab> =. T/ T/G G t`o t`o strh strhjo jo wms wms haa haaod odma ma ‛ GE Kegshborhgd mrduogbe mrduogbe t`mt  t`mt t`o haaodmahty hgkhbogt `mb get fokeco ceet mgb mkmbochk, t`o [K ieugb t`mt t`oy  woro ugmfao te mdroo wht` t`o KHV t`mt t`o strhjo wms ugnusthihob e KMAIHC[M wms mfao te ihao hts gethko ei strhjo eg Cmrk` 0, =89? mgb t`o mssekhmtheg dmvo romsegs t`oroiero, mgy ei w`hk` hs m vmahb dreugb ei strhjo  Hg mbbhtheg, t`o mssekhmtheg prosogtob veauchgeus ovhbogko t`mt s`ewob t`mt t`oy woro get egay msjhgd ier rokedghtheg irec t`o kecpmgy, fut mase t`mt t`oy woro mkkushgd t`o kecpmgy ei fmrdmhghgd hg fmb imht`, mgb ugimhr amfer prmkthkos  Ht cust fo rococforob, t`mt ego ei t`o hcpertmgt rhd`ts rokedghzob fy t`o Cmdgm Kmrtm ei  Amfer hs t`o rhd`t te soai-erdmghzmtheg soai-erdmghzmtheg  t`hs hs m cegucogtma phoko ei amfer aodhsamtheg  R`o KHV kegvoghogtay phkjob eut m gucfor ei hgkhbogts t`mt teej pamko burhgd t`o strhjo te suppert hts kegkausheg t`mt t`o strhjors rosertob te comgs foyegb t`o pmao ei t`o amw hg t`o presokutheg ei m strhjo





[uk` ms> R`o cocfors faekjhgd eii ogtrmgkos/oxhts ei et`or ocpaeyoos, roiusma ei strhjhgd suporvhsers te surrogbor t`o joys te t`o bopets mgb stermdo tmgjs, otk. R`o [K, `ewovor, stmtob t`mt t`o KHV hdgerob et`or stregd ovhbogkos irec t`o whtgossos w`e werj hg t`o Kecpmgy @mvhgd smhb t`hs, t`o [K ieugb t`mt t`o KHV kecchttob DMB, mgb se t`o [K hs nusthihob hg rovhowhgd er  matorhgd t`o rospegbogt keurt‘s imktuma ihgbhgds [K> [K> ‑To mro kegvhgkob irec t`o rokerbs t`mt eg t`o w`eao, t`o comgs ocpaeyob fy t`o  strhjors burhgd t`o strhjo, kmgget fo kegshborob ms ugamwiua: hg et`or werbs, t`o Kecpmgy htsoaii t`reu htsoa t`reud` d` t`o prevekmthvo, prevekmthvo, hi get ugamwiua, ugamwiua, mkts ei t`o geg-strh geg-strhjhgd jhgd ocpaeyo ocpaeyoos os hs get  ogthroay famcoaoss ier t`o hseamtob hgkhbogts roahob upeg fy rospegbogt keurt ms tmhgthgd t`o  phkjothgd ei t`o strhjors wh wht` t` haaodmahty haaodmahty.– .–  

6. 

T/G Kmatox Kmatox kecc kecchtto httob b ugimhr ugimhr amfe amferr prmkth prmkthkos kos ‛ XO[ [ok. =2 (k) ei VM 04?, ht stmtos t`mt t`o pmrthos t`ocsoavos mro roquhrob te ‑pmrthkhpmto iuaay mgb precptay hg suk` coothgds mgb kegiorogkos ms t`o (Kegkhahmtheg) [orvhko cmy ugbortmjo.– e Hg t`o kmso mt fmr, t`o pmrthos mdroob te coot eg Mprha 6=, =89?, fut t`o kecpmgy bhb get ovog sogb roprosogtmthvos! R@O R@ O KE KEC\ C\MG MGX‘ X‘[ [ KA KAMH MHC C RE FO HG DE DEEB EB IM IMHR HR@ @ KM KMGG GGER ER FO DHYO DHYOG G  KVOBOGKO T.O. Cogoioo, t`o cmgmdhgd bhrokter, kegvoghogtay aoit Cmgham ier Bmvme eg oht`or Mprha =4 er =0  Hg mbbhtheg, t`oro wms m boahformto imhauro eg t`o pmrt ei t`o kecpmgy te mttogb t`o kegkhahmtheg coothgds eg Mprha =8 mgb 6=  Ht hs kaomr t`mt t`o kecpmgy ocpaeyob bhamtery tmkthks te bhskrobht KMAIHC[ foiero t`o oyos ei  hts ewg cocfors mgb prespokthvo cocfors  Ht hs ahjowhso get bhsputob t`mt eg Cmrk` 2, =89?, t`o kecpmgy hssuob hts stmtocogt ei peahky w`hk` stmtob t`mt> ‑To shgkoroay foahovo t`mt deeb ocpaeyoo roamthegs kmg fo cmhgtmhgob mgb ossogthma ocpaeyoo goobs  iuaihaaob t`reud` seugb cmgmdocogt mbchghstrmtheg wht`eut t`o gokosshty ei ocpaeyoo erdmghzmtheg mgb roprosogtmthegs. To rospokt mg ocpaeyoo‘s rhd`t te prosogt `hs drhovmgkos, rodmrbaoss ei w`ot`or  er get `o hs roprosogtob fy m amfer erdmghzmtheg.– e Irec t`o mfevo quetob stmtocogt, mg ocpaeyoo rombhgd ht weuab dmhg t`o hcprossheg t`mt t`oro wms ge goob te nehg t`o Mssekhmtheg ‛ ier `o hs iroo te prosogt `hs drhovmgkos rodmrbaoss ei w`ot`or er get `o hs roprosogtob fy m amfer erdmghzmtheg  R`hs typo ei kegbukt kmgget oskmpo t`o Keurt‘s mttogtheg Hg mbbhtheg, aegd prher te t`o strhjo, t`o Kecpmgy `mb mase hgtoriorob wht` t`o Kofu [uporvhser‘s _gheg fy ogthkhgd ego ei t`o ocpaeyoos, Cmpm, te aomvo t`o _gheg ugbor t`o duhso ei m precetheg hg Cmgham Bhskrhchgmtery mkts prmkthkob mdmhgst t`o mkthvo ugheghsts hgkaubo mkts suk` ms proiorrhgd geg-cocfors ei t`o mssekhmt msse khmtheg heg hg prec precetheg ethegss te `hd`o `hd`orr peshthegs peshthegs mgb `uch `uchahmt ahmthgd hgd mkth mkthvo vo ugheg ugheghsts hsts fy oht` oht`or or precethgd precethgd nugher  suporvhsers evor t`oc er fy robuktheg ei t`ohr mut`erhty kecpmrob te t`mt msshdgob te t`oc foiero t`o strhjo, er  et`orwhso bewgdrmbhgd t`ohr peshthegs e Hg mbbhtheg, mbbhtheg, t`o kecpmgy kecpmgy torchgmto torchgmtob b t`o ocpaeyco ocpaeycogt gt ei N.N. Cmpm mgb Bechgmber Bechgmber Cmgdm Cmgdmahge, ahge, \roshbogt mgb Y\ ei t`o mssekhmtheg R`o kecpmgy bhb get ovog `oshtmto te be se getwht`stmgbhgd t`o imkt t`mt t`o mssekhmtheg cmbo  m somsegmfao mppoma irec t`o KHV‘s bokhsheg  R`hs pmrthkuamr pmrthkuamr mktheg s`ews t`o mgth-ug mgth-ugheg heg pest pesturo uro mgb mtt mtthtubo htubo ei t`o kecpmgy  Ht cust fo getob t`mt t`o torchgmthegs woro procmturo kegshborhgd t`mt t`o KHV bhb get ovog oxprossay prevhbo t`mt suk` bhschssma s`euab fo oiioktob hccobhmtoay bosphto t`o pogbogky ei  t`o mppoma thcoay tmjog fy t`o mssekhmtheg R`o ovhbogko suddosts t`mt t`o kecpmgy bhb hg imkt keccht ugimhr amfer prmkthkos, mgb t`oy vheamtob [ok. 2 (m), Ges. (=), (;), (2), (?) mgb (9) =


 [oktheg 2. _gimhr Amfer \rmkthkos. \rmkthkos. (m) Ht s`maa fo ugimhr amfer prmkthko ier mg ocpaeyor> (=) Re hgtorioro wht`, rostrmhg er keorko ocpaeyoos hg t`o oxorkhso ei t`ohr rhd`ts dumrmgtoob hg soktheg t`roo: (;) Re hghthmto, bechgmto, msshst hg er hgtorioro wht` t`o iercmtheg er mbchghstrmtheg ei mgy amfer erdmghzmtheg er te kegtrhfuto ihgmgkhma er et`or suppert te ht:


Mrt. 62 ei t`o Khvha Kebo stmtos t`mt t`o Keurts cust fo vhdhamgt ier t`o pretoktheg ei ego mt m bhsmbvmgtmdo ‛ mgb `oro, t`o mssekhmtheg KMAIHC[M KMAIHC[M mppomrs te fo mt m bhsmbvmgtmdo hg hts roamthegs wht` t`o Kecpmgy e Mboqumto miihrcmthvo roahoi, hgkaubhgd fmkjwmdos, cust fo mwmrbob te t`o strhjors

Vuahgd> T@OVOIEVO  T@OVOIEVO,, rospegbogt keurt‘s roseautheg bmtob Cmy =9, =898, tedot`or wht` t`o bokhsheg bmtob Iofrumry 69, =898, hs rovorsob.

(2) Re bhskrhchgmto hg rodmrb te `hro er toguro ei ocpaeycogt ei mgy torc er kegbhtheg ei o cpaeycogt te ogkeurmdo er bhskeurmdo cocfors`hp hg mgy amfer erdmghzmtheg> \revhbob, R`mt get`hgd hg t`hs Mkt er hg mgy et`or Mkt er stmtuto ei t`o Vopufahk ei t`o \`hahpphgos s`maa prokaubo mg ocpaeyor irec cmjhgd mg mdroocogt wht` m amfer erdmghzmtheg te roquhro ms m kegbhtheg ei ocpaeycogt cocfors`hp t`orohg, hi suk` amfer erdmghzmtheg hs t`o roprosogtmthvo ei t`o ocpaeyoos ms prevhbob hg soktheg twoavo: (?) Re bhschss, bhsk`mrdo, er et`orwhso pronubhko er bhskrhchgmto mdmhgst mg ocpaeyoo ier `mvhgd ihaob k`mrdos er ier `mvhgd dhvog er fohgd mfeut te dhvo tosthcegy ugbor t`hs Mkt: (9) Re roiuso te fmrdmhg keaaokthvoay wht` t`o roprosogtmthvos ei `hs ocpaeyoos sufnokt te t`o prevhshegs ei soktheg t`hrtoog mgb ieurtoog.

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