CallClerk User Guide

December 16, 2016 | Author: rrjl | Category: N/A
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CallClerk User Guide...


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CallClerk - Overview What can CallClerk Caller ID Software do for you? Let you know who's calling before you pick up the phone; a customizable caller id display shows pictures, names and numbers, a computerized voice announces the caller, and personalized distinctive rings can be played for individual callers or by caller type (familiar, unfamiliar, and blocked). Calls can also be reported in a similar way to all PCs connected to yours over a network. Automatically block (hang-up) on unwanted calls; Works with your own private list, and at your option an ever changing community database, of known nuisance callers to determine if a call should be blocked, Ability to play a 'Take me off your calling list' message and the Standard Intercept Tone (a special sound that may fool some telemarketers' autodial software into believing your phone line is not connected). Let you record your phone conversations; Send you an e-mail, tweet to twitter, or post to your facebook page to let you know you have just received a call; Great for when you're at work or on the road and would like to know who’s calling you at home! Replace your Answering Machine; Play a default greeting or one specific to the caller, Record and play back messages, Sends messages left on the answering machine to you via E-Mail, Remotely listen to your messages and if you wish remotely change your default message. Send and Receive Faxes; Automatically create and post your directory and call history to a password protected web site; Your web based history log can contain incoming and/or outgoing calls, Messages and faxes can be automatically uploaded too - meaning you can access them from virtually anywhere. Pop up a Microsoft Outlook contact card and/or Microsoft Outlook Journal entry; Automatically link to an internet reverse phone number lookup service to find out more information about your caller; Run up to three reverse number look-ups at one time on the caller's phone number or name or both. Automatically run other software programs when a call is received; Supports passing multiple arguments such as caller id name and caller id number to other software programs or batch files. Make dialing an outgoing number a snap; CallClerk can dial: a number you've selected in an Internet Explorer browser session or one you have copied into the clipboard; very handy when you're surfing the web and want to call a number typed out on a web page, from a Speed Dial list; from the directory or history logs; the last number received or dialed; or a number that you enter through CallClerk's DialPad. Let your computer work as a speaker phone; Provides for music on hold. Keep track of your calls, CallClerk Caller ID Software supports: a printable history log of incoming and outgoing calls, and a printable directory that lets you tailor the reported names so you can see when “Uncle John” is calling (instead of “SMITH, J”). Keep track of calls (received and placed) in your Computer’s Windows Application Log; Share your computer’s modem with other software applications (when in TAPI mode); and Auto detect if your modem supports Caller ID. CallClerk Caller ID Software extends as much functionality as your computer's operating system, modem and phone line will allow. Maximum functionality is available when you are running Windows 7, Vista or XP with a TAPI compliant voice modem subscribe to a Caller ID service from your phone company, and have a broadband (cable or DSL) internet connection. MS Outlook is needed to enable MS Outlook contacts and journal entry pop-ups. CallClerk also works with various limitations with Windows 2000, with non-TAPI modems and when you don't subscribe to a Caller ID service. A broadband internet connection is needed to enable call reporting via e-mail, internet reverse number lookup, and the web page update function. The web page update function requires you to have a domain name and subscribe to a web hosting service such as Lunarpages.

CallClerk - Outline

How CallClerk behaves can be tailored to your personal preferences through the Settings window. CallClerk was written by Rob Latour and is being distributed as Shareware.

CallClerk – Frequently Asked Questions Here are the answers to Frequently Asked Questions about CallClerk: Q1. What are some modems that CallClerk has worked with? Please click here. A1. Q2. How does my PC need to be connected to the internet and with my phone company to work with CallClerk? Please click here. A2. Q3. My modem does not report Caller ID information - rather I get 'Unknown' for either or both the caller's name and number, why? Sadly there are many reasons for this, happily there are solutions too. Here are the most common reasons, and how they can be resolved: 1. A few entries are missing or incorrect in your Window's system registry. CallClerk can fix these for you automatically, just go to the CallClerk Settings - Modem window, click the button entitled 'Click here if Caller ID is not working' and follow the instructions (which include a reboot), for more information please see the CallClerk - Settings - Modems. 2. Some modems require a modem driver update, which you can get from your modem manufacture, before Caller ID reporting will work correctly. 3. You have a DSL high speed internet connection (the kind from your phone company as opposed to your cable company) and the Internet Caller ID signals are too closely paired, in this case try adding (or removing) a DSL line filter. 4. You computer may be behind a PBX / Switchboard (such as in a small office) that does not deliver caller id in a standard way. You can check this by running a simple Caller ID box off the line you are trying to monitor, if it does not report caller id your modem will not be able to either. 5. If you look in your CallClerk - Session log, you may see something about CallClerk not being able to negotiate this version of TAPI (Microsoft’s interface program used between programs and the operating system/modem). Just look for the word "negotiate" in your session log. If this is the case, the problem is that you have tried another caller id software program and that program has loaded in your computer an older version of TAPI. The fix for this is to simply reload the most current version of tapi. You can get it for free from Microsoft at: It’s a big download but will fix your problem after a reboot if that is what is causing it. 6. On the CallClerk – Settings – Modem window you have the ‘Maximum number of rings before reporting Unknown Caller’ too low. In many countries (including the US and Canada) the standard is to deliver Caller ID info between the first and second ring. Setting the ‘Maximum number of rings before reporting Unknown’ to 3 is a safe bet. A3. 7. You don’t have your phone line plugged in correctly to your computer modem. For example I had a client who had their phone line plugged in the back of their computer but from there it went into a surge protector power bar, which in turn was not plugged into the wall jack. 8. You are living in country where your phone company does not deliver caller id name (example: the UK or New Zealand); in which case please just ensure the option 'My phone company does not deliver Caller ID Name to me' is checked on the CallClerk - Settings - Modem window. 9. You are living in country where your modem is unable to interpret caller id for (example: the UK); in which case please e-mail [email protected] for more information. 10. You don't subscribe to a caller id service from your phone company (but need to if you want your modem to be able to detect the caller id information). 11. Your modem doesn't support Caller ID reporting, not all modems that say they report Caller ID actually do, please see Q1 and A1 above. 12. Your modem originally supported Caller ID reporting, however a power spike on your phone line has knocked out the Caller ID reporting circrity in your modem - even though your modem still reports the ring information. While this is rare, it can happen. 13. You have an USB modem plugged into a multiple USB port hub, try plugging it directly into a USB port on your PC. 14. You have many devices on your phone line circute, phones, answering machines, faxes, caller id boxes, etc. and together they are drawing down too much power from your phone line, try detaching some of these. 15. You are using the registered version of Malwarebytes and have the option to "block malicious websites" checked - which one CallClerk client has reported caused thier modem to not report caller id correctly. Q4. CallClerk's Call Blocking and Ansering Machine functions don't work, why is this?

CallClerk - Outline

There is likely another program running on your system which is preventing CallClerk from picking up the call, for more information please click here. Q5. What versions of Windows does CallClerk run on and do I need anything else? CallClerk Caller ID Software extends as much functionality as your computer's operating system, modem and phone line will allow. Maximum functionality is available when you are running Windows 8, 7, Vista or XP with a TAPI compliant voice fax modem, subscribe to a Caller ID service from your phone company, and have a broadband (cable or DSL) internet connection. MS Outlook (32 bit) is needed to enable MS Outlook contacts and journal entry pop-ups. CallClerk also works with various limitations with non-TAPI modems and when you don't subscribe A5. to a Caller ID service. A broadband internet connection is needed to enable call reporting via e-mail, internet reverse number lookup, call blocking, automatic tweeting, and the web page update function. The web page update function requires you to have your own domain name and subscribe to a web hosting service, such as Lunarpages, which supports ftp uploads. A4.

Q6. Can CallClerk be run as a Microsoft Windows service? Yes, with the help of a third party utility called FireDaemon (assuming you are running Windows XP or 2000). However, changes by Microsoft since Vista make this for the most part unworkable in Vista, Windows 7 and 8. A6. Please click here for detailed instructions on how to set this up. Q7. To make use of the web site update function, do you recommend any particular web hosting service? Yes, Lunarpages. A7. Q8. Where can I get additional voices (for announcing and answering machine remote access)? To get more voices please click here. A8. Q9. Where can I find the messages left on the answering machine, or those associated with recorded conversations? In the CallClerk - History window. A9. Q10. Where does CallClerk data get stored? By default, your CallClerk data and settings are stored in the locations recommended by Microsoft; there exact locations can be found by reviewing the top of the CallClerk - Session log. Your CallClerk data (your directory, history, messages, etc.) is stored in a Microsoft Access Database name: callclerk.mdb Your CallClerk settings (your choices about how CallClerk works) are stored in a file called: callclerk.dat A10.

If you wish, you may change the location for your data may at the top of the CallClerk – Settings – Database window. Backups of your data and your settings (assuming you have the backup function turned on in the CallClerk – Settings – Database window) are stored in the same location as your CallClerk data. CallClerk events notifications are stored in the Windows Event Log.

Q11. Are the e-mail, ftp and passwords that CallClerk uses encrypted when stored on my hard drive? Yes A11. Q12. Does CallClerk contain adware or spyware? No A12. Q13. I don’t know my e-mail smtp server name, whether or not it requires authentication, my username or my e-mail password, what can I do? Call your Internet Service Provider, they will be able to answer these questions for you. A13. Q14. Will CallClerk work without a phone line modem (either internal or external) connected to my PC? CallClerk will run without a phone line modem (either internal or external) connected to your PC; however, in this case CallClerk will only be able to report incoming calls if it is linked through a network to another version of CallClerk running on a PC that does have a modem attached to it. A14. Additional help information is available on sharing over a network. Q15. Will CallClerk work if my modem does not support CallerID? CallClerk will run if your modem does not support CallerID, however its functionally will be diminished. You may still however be able to log and announce calls (although they will appear to all come from an unknown caller). Also you may still receive messages and faxes, e-mail these, A15. and dial out. For more information please see the help section entitled Reporting an Unknown Caller when Caller ID information is not available. Q16. Must I subscribe to the CallerID service on the phone line I want CallClerk to work with? If you do not subscribe to the CallerID service, CallClerk will not be able to identify incoming callers to you. However the functionality as A16. described in A12. directly above may still be available to you. Q17. I have a dial-up internet connection, will CallClerk work for me? CallClerk is designed to work with a broadband internet connection for sending e-mails, doing internet reverse number look ups and updating

CallClerk - Outline

your web page. If you do not have a broadband internet connection, but do have a phone line modem that supports CallerID all CallClerk functions except e-mail notification, reverse number lookup and updating your web page should work; if you don’t have a broadband internet A17. connection turn off these options on the Control Panel. Q18. Will CallClerk allow other programs that need access to my modem to run at the same time? When in TAPI mode CallClerk may potentially be able to share the modem with other programs – depending on how they were designed. When A18. in COM Port mode CallClerk will not be able to share the modem; you will need to shutdown CallClerk for the other program to work correctly, and you will need to shut down the other program to have CallClerk work correctly. Q19. Does CallClerk need to access the internet? CallClerk accesses the internet to: send out e-mails, do reverse number lookups, update your web page, use the and/or twitter services, check for updates, validate registration and licensing, and to link to CallClerk also uses messaging within your local network to facilitate the reporting of incoming calls between your networked PCs and for unhiding the CallClerk Systray Icon. A19. With respect to e-mails: CallClerk sends out e-mails related to the phone calls you receive or the test requests you make. CallClerk only sends e-mails to the addresses on the CallClerk - E-Mail - Setting Window. The Control Panel controls if e-mails are sent out or not. If access to your mail server is unavailable when and email notification of a call is to be sent, then the email will be queued until access is restored. Q20. I have a firewall, will this effect how CallClerk works? Use the Check for Update feature on the CallClerk - Main to test the impact your firewall has on CallClerk; in some cases you will be prompted A20. to confirm CallClerk’s access to the internet. Q21. CallClerk reports the caller's phone number ok but not their name, what can I do? In the CallClerk - Settings - Modem window select the option to 'Use modem directly'. Also set the AT command that enables CallerID to end with the number 2 instead of the number 1. For example if the current setting says "+VCID=1" change it to "+VCID=2", or if the current setting says "#CC1" then change it to "#CC2", and so forth. Click the [Send Command Now] button and then click the [OK] button. A21.

Finally, in some areas you can subscribe to a CallerID service that reports the caller's phone number but not their name. Also in other cases, for example with cell phone callers, some phone companies only pass the phone number even if you subscribe to a service that is suppose to pass both the caller's name and number. If either of these apply, CallClerk can still report a name, based on the incoming number, where one has been entered in the CallClerk - Directory. Q22. My phone makes a distinctive ring when long distance calls are received and CallClerk does not report long distance calls, what can I do? Some modems and Windows Operating Systems don’t work with long distance distinctive ring enabled, try turning the long distance distinctive ring off. A22.

As and example, Bell Canada uses *49 for this. If you are a Bell Canada subscriber pick up your phone’s receiver, dial *49, wait a second or two and hang up. To turn distinctive ring back on, simply repeat this process. If you are not a Bell Canada subscriber contact your phone company and ask them about how to turn off long distance distinctive ring in your service area. Q23. Why did CallClerk not report a particular call but reported many others? It may be possible that the caller hung up before your modem was sent the Caller ID information, also some modems don't always correctly and A23. consistently report Caller ID information; check theCallClerk - Session Log to see what's going on. Q24. I have a support question, how do I contact you? A24. On the CallClerk - Main window click - Help - Support via E-Mail; or e-mail [email protected]

CallClerk - Command Line Options CallClerk supports a variety of command line options, these are:

main dial dial=phonenumber= dial clipboard directory history settings hide disconnect=ignore

opens the CallClerk - Main window opens the CallClerk - Dial Out window opens the CallClerk - Dial Out window ready to dial the identified number opens the CallClerk - Dial Out window and loads the clipboard's contents as the number to dial opens the CallClerk - Directory window opens the CallClerk - History window opens the CallClerk - Settings window hides the CallClerk Systray Icon causes CallClerk to ignore the disconnect command from your modem causes CallClerk to ignore the disconnect command from your modem sent to your modem from disconnectremote=ignore the caller's line exit causes CallClerk to exit. If a call or backup is in progress it will complete before exiting extrabroadcast perform an extra set of UDP broadcasts on port 10081 when a call is being processed nojournalpopup suppress the pop-up of the Outlook Journal entry when a new Journal Entry is created notimecheck ignore significant date variations since the last time it was last run tapicalleridandring=ignore ignore the caller id and ring info in tapi mode


by default CallClerk uses network broadcasts to report calls across your network; this option provides for an alternative method in the case where your network broadcasts are being blocked. Using this method requires all your PCs to be sharing the same CallClerk database over your network

CallClerk - Outline


causes CallClerk to show its systray icon with a white background - easier for some to see

Command line options can be entered through the dos command window or via a windows short cut; the order of the options is not important. If CallClerk is not running it will be started when the command line is entered; if CallClerk is already running the command line options will be applied to the already running version of CallClerk. Here are some example command line entries are: "C:\Program Files\CallClerk\CallClerk.exe” dial causes CallClerk to start with the Systray icon and the CallClerk Dial Out window visible "C:\Program Files\CallClerk\CallClerk.exe” history directory causes CallClerk to start with the Systray icon, History, and Directory windows visible "C:\Program Files\CallClerk\CallClerk.exe” hide dial causes CallClerk to start with its Systray icon hidden and with the CallClerk Dial Out window visible

"C:\Program Files\CallClerk\CallClerk.exe” causes CallClerk to start with the Systray icon visible

Here is an example of how you woudl set CallClerk to have a command line option used startup: Step1: Press the Windows Key and the “R” key at the same time Step 2: In the window that pops up, type shell:startup and click the OK button

Step 3:

In the window that appears, right click on the CallClerk entry and select ‘Properties’ Step 4:

Click the Shortcut tab, and then in the field that says target following where it says CallClerk.exe” add a space and then the command line parameter(s)

CallClerk - Outline

When done click the OK button The next time you restart your PC, you should see in the CallClerk - Session log that the program started using the command line parameter.

CallClerk - Chrome Extension The CallClerk - Chrome Extension allows you to select a phone number while in your Chrome browser session, right click on it and then have the CallClerk Dial Pad automatically brought up with the number you selected pre-populated in it.

CallClerk - Outline

The number you select can be a regular number, such as 555 435-7669, or one that contains numbers and letters such as 555 HelpNow. Using Chrome (v20 or above), you can get the Chrome Extension from the following web site address: This is what the a Chrome browser session, using the CallClerk Dial function looks like:

To find out how to integrate CallClerk Dial with Internet Explorer please look here. To find out how to integrate CallClerk Dial with Firefox please look here.

CallClerk - Firefox Add On The CallClerk - Firefox Add - On allows you to select a phone number while in your Firefox browser session, right click on it and then have the CallClerk Dial Pad automatically brought up with the number you selected prepopulated in it. The number you select can be a regular number, such as 555 435-7669, or one that contains numbers and letters such as 555 HelpNow. If you have not installed CallClerk within its default directory ( c:\Program Files\ClerkClerk ) , once you have installed the add in there is an option for you to tell the Add - On where you installed CallClerk. In Firefox, just click on Tools - Add -Ons to access your list of Firefox Add - Ons, and then select Options on the CallClerk Add - On to open the options window. Next identify to the system where the program ccDialHelper.exe can be found (it will be in the same directory as CallClerk is installed). To install the Add - On please visit and click on the 'Add to Firefox (Windows)' button. This is what the a Firefox browser session, using the CallClerk Dial function looks like:

CallClerk - Outline

To find out how to integrate CallClerk Dial with Internet Explorer please look here. To find out how to integrate CallClerk Dial with Chrome please look here.

CallClerk - Settings - Dial Out The CallClerk - Settings - Dial Out window is used to control the CallClerk - Dial Out window. Options that can be set are: 1. Allow Dial Out - this option must be checked before CallClerk can place an outgoing phone call.

2. Allow immediate Dial Out - when this option is checked, CallClerk will immediately dial out (without waiting for you to click the [Dial] button on the CallClerk - Dial Out window ) in certain circumstances. With this option checked CallClerk will immediately dial: from either Internet Explorer or Firefox (see point 3 directly below), when you dial using the command line dial function ( for more information click here ). when you select and entry either the CallClerk Directory or History windows and press [F4], and when you use the Dial from Clipboard Hot Key (that is set on the CallClerk - Settings - Misc. window). Regardless of if this option checked or not: CallClerk will immediately start dialing when you click on a speed dial button on the CallClerk - Dial Out window, but will not immediately start dialing when you double click on an entry in either of the CallClerk Directory or History windows. Please note the Allow Dial Out Option (above) must be checked for the Allow Immediate Dial Out option to be enabled.

CallClerk - Outline

3. Allow other computers to remotely connect calls via this computer's modem This option allows you to enter a dial command from another networked computer running CallClerk, and have this computer (the one with the modem in it) actually connect the call. CallClerk does this by calling the number, waiting the number of seconds you identify in the option 'When other computers connect calls thru this computer's modem, hang up the call in this many seconds', and then hanging up. So for example, you can use the dial command on a laptop computer, have a server computer with a modem dial the call, pick up an extension phone, and then after the number of seconds identified the server will then hang up the call - but because you picked up an extension phone the call will remain connected until you hang up the extension phone. For this to work fully the options 'Allow dial out' and 'Allow immediate dial out' should also be checked.

4. Allow this computer to remotely connect a call via another computer. This option works in conjunction with the option described in item 3 directly above. For it to work, you need another computer running CallClerk with a modem in it connected to a phone line. The other computer's name is identified in the 'Computer Name' field identified on the same (CallClerk - Settings - Dialout) windows. The computer name of the other computer can be found near the top of the CallClerk Session Log of the other computer. When after the computer name has been entered the button 'Check access to other computer' is clicked, CallClerk will check to see the other computer is connected and configured correctly.

5. If you want CallClerk to prompt you for the name of the person you called if the dialed number is not already in directory,

6. Auto Filter - when 'Auto Filter' is selected CallClerk will automatically filter out non-dialable characters from the clipboard when it loads the display area of the CallClerk - Dial Out window; this default can be overridden on the CallClerk - Dial Out window,

7. Include Dial-out option in Microsoft Internet Explorer. Selecting this option will add a context sensitive 'CallClerk Dial' option within Internet Explorer.

Once you have selected this option future Internet Explorer sessions will be enabled with this feature; that is to say if you have any open Internet Explorer sessions you will need to close them and re-open them before this feature will work.

Also the option 'Enable Protection Mode' in Internet Explorer's - Internet Options - Security window will need to be unchecked.

To invoke this feature, simply highlight a number to be dialed on the web page you are surfing and right click on your mouse (as you would if you were intending to copy it into your clipboard) the pop-up menu will include a option to perform a 'CallClerk Dial' select this number to have the CallClerk Dial-Out window appear with the number preloaded. click the [Dial] button on the Dial Out window to dial the call.

To learn how to add the CallClerk Dial feature to Firefox, please click here. To learn how to add the CallClerk Dial feature to Chrome, please click here. 8. If, by default, edit rules will be applied when loading the dial out number in the CallClerk - Dial Out window this default can be overridden on the CallClerk - Dial Out window,

9. Your local area code for 7 digit dialing, Note: if you have multiple local area codes simple enter each with a semi-colon between each for example:


CallClerk - Outline

10. Your local area code for 10 digit dialing, Note: if you have multiple local area codes simple enter each with a semi-colon between each for example:


11. A prefix to be added for local calls, Note: if you need to dial your local area code to reach a local number set this field to include %Area Code% for example: 8%Area Code%

(if you need to dial 8 and then your area code and then the number)

or just: %Area Code%

(if you need dial the areacode and then the number (with no leading 1))

12. A prefix to be added for long distance calls. Note: this prefix (usually used in conjunction with discount long distance services) is ignored for numbers that begin with: (1) 800 / 822 / 833 / 844 / 855 / 866 / 877 / 888 / 899 Note - for the prefixes to be added for local and long distance callers: in addition to the digits 0 through 9, many modems support the following special characters to control the dialing sequence: a comma "," (without the quotes) - for a Pause of usually 2 or 3 seconds, a capital letter "W" (without the quotes) - to wait for a dial tone, an "@" symbol (without the quotes) - to wait for silence, and a explanation mark "!" (without the quotes) - to cause a hook flash. Click the [Test] button to test CallClerk's Dial Out function. Please note: The Allow Dial Out Option must be checked enable the [Test] button. Also, if you have made any changes to CallClerk's Settings you will need to apply them before running a test - CallClerk will notify you of this fact as necessary. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden.

The CallClerk - Settings - Dial Out window looks like this:

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CallClerk - Licensing and Registering Overview The CallClerk - About window details CallClerk’s build date (version), copyright information, shareware and licensing terms and purchasing information. Until CallClerk is licensed and registered the CallClerk - About window lets you know how long you have left in the evaluation period. After the evaluation period is over, CallClerk will continue to operate but with a reduced set of functionality. Licensing and registering CallClerk provides for its ongoing use with full functionality. You must slide the scroll bar beside the licensing text to see all of the licensing text. To license and register CallClerk click on the [License and Register CallClerk] button to be brought to the CallClerk CallClerk - Licensing and Registering window . Click [OK] to close the window. The CallClerk - About window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

Licenses Section Title: CallClerk Standard License. CallClerk Copyright © 2017 Rob Latour. All rights reserved. This license applies to the standard-licensed version of CallClerk. The standard-licensed version of CallClerk applies to a copy of CallClerk that has been registered following the payment of a $39 (U.S.) licensing fee. If you have an evaluation version of CallClerk, see the section titled CallClerk Evaluation License. CallClerk Standard License Your Agreement to this License This License only applies to the English-language version of the CallClerk software and its accompanying files, data and materials ("CallClerk"). You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using, installing, copying, or distributing this software. Unless you have a different license agreement signed by Rob Latour, your use, installation, copying, or distribution of CallClerk indicates your acceptance of this agreement ("License"). If you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions of this License, then do not use, install, copy, or distribute any copy of CallClerk with which this License is included. The terms and conditions of this License describe the permitted use and user(s) of each Licensed Copy of CallClerk. For purposes of this License, if you have a valid single-copy license, you have the right to use a single "Licensed Copy" of CallClerk; if you or your organization have/has a valid multi-user license, then you or your organization have/has the right to use up to a number of "Licensed Copies" of CallClerk equal to the number of copies indicated in the documents issued by Rob Latour when granting the license. Scope of License Each Licensed Copy of CallClerk may either be used by a single person who uses the software personally on one or more computers, or installed on a single workstation used non-simultaneously by multiple people, but not both. This is not a concurrent use license. Each Licensed Copy may be accessed through a network, provided that you have purchased rights to use a Licensed Copy for each workstation that will access CallClerk through the network. For instance, if 3 different workstations will access CallClerk on the network, you must purchase rights to use 3 Licensed Copies of CallClerk, regardless of whether the 3 workstations will access CallClerk at different times, or concurrently. All rights of any kind in CallClerk which are not expressly granted in this License are entirely and exclusively reserved to and by Rob

CallClerk - Outline

Latour. CallClerk is protected by copyright laws and other applicable laws and treaties. You may use, install and distribute CallClerk solely as expressly provided in this License. You may not rent, lease, loan, sublicense, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on, CallClerk, nor permit anyone else to do so. You may not make your CallClerk registration code(s) available to anyone else. You may not make access to CallClerk available to others in connection with a service bureau, application service provider, or similar business, nor permit anyone else to do so. Warranty Disclaimers and Liability Limitations CallClerk, and any and all accompanying software, files, data and materials, are distributed and provided "AS IS" and with no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Rob Latour does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use of, or the results of the use of, CallClerk. Rob Latour does not warrant that the operation of CallClerk will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the use of any passwords and/or encryption features will be effective in preventing the unintentional disclosure of information contained in any file. You acknowledge that good data processing procedure dictates that any program, including CallClerk, must be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before there is any reliance on it, and you hereby assume the entire risk of all use of the copies of CallClerk covered by this License. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of this License. Except to the extent expressly prohibited by applicable statutes, Rob Latour shall not be liable for any damage or financial loss arising out of the use of, or inability to use, CallClerk. Any liability of Rob Latour will be limited exclusively to refund of the license fee paid to Rob Latour. Except to the extent expressly prohibited by applicable statutes, in no event shall Rob Latour, or his partner(s), employees, affiliates, or contractors be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, or punitive damages whatsoever relating to the use of CallClerk, or to your relationship with Rob Latour, (including, without limitation, loss or disclosure of data or information, loss of profit, revenue, business opportunity or business advantage, or business interruption), whether based upon a claim or action of contract, warranty, negligence, strict liability, contribution, indemnity, or any other legal theory or cause of action, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In addition, in no event does Rob Latour authorize you or anyone else to use CallClerk in applications or systems where CallClerk's failure to perform can reasonably be expected to result in a significant physical injury, or in loss of property, or in loss of life. Any such use is entirely at your own risk, and you agree to hold Rob Latour harmless from any and all claims or losses relating to such unauthorized use. General This License is the complete statement of the agreement between the parties on the subject matter, and merges and supersedes all other or prior understandings, purchase orders, agreements, and arrangements. This License shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario, without regard to Ontario choice-of-law rules. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue for all matters relating to this License shall be in courts and fora located in the Province of Ontario, and you consent to such jurisdiction and venue. There are no third-party beneficiaries of any promises, obligations, or representations made by Rob Latour herein. Any waiver by Rob Latour of any violation of this License by you shall not constitute, nor contribute to, a waiver by Rob Latour of any other or future violation by you of the same provision, or any other provision, of this License. If any part of this License or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is for any reason held invalid or unenforceable, it shall be deemed severable, and the validity of the remainder of this License, or the applications of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.

Section Title: CallClerk Evaluation License. CallClerk Copyright © 2015 Rob Latour. All rights reserved. This license applies to the evaluation version of CallClerk. The evaluation version of CallClerk applies to a copy of CallClerk that has either not been registered or for which a payment of a $39 (U.S.) licensing fee has not been made. If you do not have an evaluation version of CallClerk, see the section titled CallClerk Standard License. CallClerk Evaluation License Your Agreement to this License You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using, installing, copying, distributing, or transmitting this software. By using, installing, copying, distributing, or transmitting CallClerk ("CallClerk"), you agree to all of the terms of this agreement ("License"). Please read the license terms below. If you do not agree to all of the terms of this License, then do not use, install, copy, distribute, or transmit CallClerk. Scope of License This is not free software. Subject to the terms below, you are hereby licensed by Rob Latour to use up to three copies of CallClerk, on up to three (3) computers or workstations, for evaluation purposes without charge for a period of 30 days. If you use this software after the 30-day evaluation period, a license fee of $39 (U.S.) is required. Payment must be in U.S. dollars and sent to [email protected] via PayPal ( Use of CallClerk after the 30-day evaluation period without payment of the license fee is a breach of this License and a violation of Canadian and international copyright laws.

CallClerk - Outline

Payment of a License fee entitles the Licensee to receive one (1) registration code that provides for CallClerk to function without reduced functionality beyond the 30-day evaluation period. CallClerk will automatically reduce its functionality after the 30-day evaluation period if it is not registered. CallClerk may automatically reduce its functionality set at any time if the mechanisms it uses to determine that it is not registered cause it to do so. Subject to all of the terms of this License, you may, without making any payment to Rob Latour: a. give exact copies of this evaluation version of CallClerk personally to anyone; b. distribute exact copies of this evaluation version of CallClerk, if done exclusively through electronic channels; and c. make as many exact copies of this evaluation version of CallClerk as you wish, for purposes of distribution as described in (a) and (b) above. You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any copies, however made, and from distributing such copies with other products of any kind, commercial or otherwise, without prior written permission from Rob Latour. Rob Latour reserves the right to revoke the above distribution rights at any time, for any or no reason. All rights of any kind in CallClerk which are not expressly granted in this License are entirely and exclusively reserved to and by Rob Latour. CallClerk is protected by copyright laws and other applicable laws and treaties. You may not rent, lease, sublicense, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on, CallClerk, nor permit anyone else to do so. You may not make access to CallClerk available to others in connection with a service bureau, application service provider, or similar business, nor permit anyone else to do so. You agree the use of your registration code(s) may be monitored and enforced. Warranty Disclaimers and Liability Limitations CallClerk, and any and all accompanying software, files, data and materials, are distributed and provided "AS IS" and with no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Rob Latour does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use of, or the results of the use of, CallClerk. Rob Latour does not warrant that the operation of CallClerk will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the use of any passwords and/or encryption features will be effective in preventing the unintentional disclosure of information contained in any file. You acknowledge that good data processing procedure dictates that any program, including CallClerk, must be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before there is any reliance on it, and you hereby assume the entire risk of all use of the copies of CallClerk covered by this License. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of this License. Except to the extent expressly prohibited by applicable statutes, Rob Latour shall not be liable for any damage or financial loss arising out of the use of, or inability to use, CallClerk. Any liability of Rob Latour will be limited exclusively to refund of the license fee paid to Rob Latour. Except to the extent expressly prohibited by applicable statutes, in no event shall Rob Latour, or his partner(s), employees, affiliates, or contractors be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, or punitive damages whatsoever relating to the use of CallClerk, or to your relationship with Rob Latour, (including, without limitation, loss or disclosure of data or information, loss of profit, revenue, business opportunity or business advantage, or business interruption), whether based upon a claim or action of contract, warranty, negligence, strict liability, contribution, indemnity, or any other legal theory or cause of action, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In addition, in no event does Rob Latour authorize you or anyone else to use CallClerk in applications or systems where CallClerk's failure to perform can reasonably be expected to result in a significant physical injury, or in loss of property, or in loss of life. Any such use is entirely at your own risk, and you agree to hold Rob Latour harmless from any and all claims or losses relating to such unauthorized use. General This License is the complete statement of the agreement between the parties on the subject matter, and merges and supersedes all other or prior understandings, purchase orders, agreements, and arrangements. This License shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario, without regard to Ontario choice-of-law rules. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue for all matters relating to this License shall be in courts and fora located in the Province of Ontario, and you consent to such jurisdiction and venue. There are no third-party beneficiaries of any promises, obligations, or representations made by Rob Latour herein. Any waiver by Rob Latour of any violation of this License by you shall not constitute, nor contribute to, a waiver by Rob Latour of any other or future violation by you of the same provision, or any other provision, of this License. If any part of this License or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is for any reason held invalid or unenforceable, it shall be deemed severable, and the validity of the remainder of this License, or the applications of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.

CallClerk - Passing call information into another program With CallClerk you can relay the information about an incoming call, for example the caller's name and number, into other programs.

This may be done either as soon as the caller id information is received, or via a proxy program called 'ccLauncher' which lets you determine if and when the call information is relayed.

For information on how to relay the call information immediately into another program please refer to CallClerk - Settings - Run Program.

CallClerk - Outline

Using ccLauncher ccLauncher is a program designed to allow you to decide if and when information related to an incoming call should be passed into another program.

This is especially handy as calls arrive unexpectedly and you may or may not want to run another program when that happens.

CallClerk and ccLauncher work together to pop-up a window that identifies the caller's name and number as well as the time associated with the call. This window also gives you the choice of either continuing to run another program, or simply exiting and doing nothing. Here is what the ccLauncher window looks like:

ccLauncher is set up via the CallClerk - Settings - Run Program window. Here's how:

1. on the CallClerk - Settings - Run Program Window, in the 'Program' field, enter "ccLauncher" (without the quotes)

2. on the CallClerk - Settings - Run Program Window, in the 'Arguments' field, enter the following: button="Text to Show on main button" the path and file name of program to run followed by the pipe character (" | ") followed by the arguments to be passed in for example button="OK" c:\windows\notepad.exe | %Unformatted Number%.txt

here is an example:

CallClerk - Outline

In the above case, when a call arrives the ccLauncher window will pop-up. Following this you can chose to either (in the example above) click the OK program to run the notepad program passing to it the information you have defined, or to simply do nothing by clicking on the 'X' to exit the ccLauncher window.

Advanced Usage

The above example, and those shown at CallClerk - Settings - Run Program, illustrate how to pass information into a program that accepts command line parameters.

However, in some cases you may want to pass call information into another program which has not been designed to receive information in this way.

For example, you may want to have a caller's phone number passed into a customer database program, however information into that program is normally just entered via the keyboard.

If this is the case CallClerk may still be able to help you out, however setup is a little more complex. The following explains what you will need to know, as well as how to set it up:

What you need to know

First, you need to know the path and file name of the program you want to run. For example c:\program files\some directory\someprogram.exe

Second, you need to know keystroke by keystroke, how you would enter the information you want CallClerk to atomically provide your other application. For example you might want to start the program and then enter: Function Key 7 Tab Tab The last seven digits of the phone number

CallClerk - Outline

Finally, you need know the title of the window that you want the information passed into. Please note a Window's title is seen at the very top of the Window - to the left of the minimize, maximize and close buttons.

What you need to do

Next, you will need to create a visual basic script file similar to the file keyingscript.vbs found in the program folder in which CallClerk is installed (the contents of which are shown at the bottom of this web page). The example script contains instructions for tailoring it to suite your needs.

Once created, save that script file someplace on your hard drive.

Finally, set the CallClerk - Settings - Run a program to invoke ccLauncher and to pass into it the information you would like keyed into your other program. Here is an example:

Additional Notes:

Clicking on the small box inside the Main button opens up another window which shows you what program ccLaucher will run as well as the arguments that will be past into it.

Keys you can send:

Key A to Z Backspace Break Caps Lock Del or Delete Down Arrow End Enter


Key 0 to 9 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7

Code 0 to 9 {F1} {F2} {F3} {F4} {F5} {F6} {F7}

CallClerk - Outline

Esc or Escape Help Home INS or INSERT Left Arrow Num Lock Page Down Page Up Print Screen Right Arrow Scroll Lock Tab Up Arrow


F8 F9 F10

{F8} {F9} {F10}





F12 F13 F14 F15 F16

{F12} {F13} {F14} {F15} {F16}

To specify keys combined with any combination of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys, precede the key code with one or more of the following codes: SHIFT + CTRL ^ ALT % For example ^C represents pressing the CTRL and 'C' keys together at the same time.

Contents of CallClerk's keyingscript.vbs example file:

' CallClerk test key entry script ' Copyright Rob Latour 2012 All Rights Reserved ' for more information please see: ' This is example vbs script which illustrates how to pass information from CallClerk and ccLauncher ' into another program, as if you had keyed it on a keyboard ' In this example, information is passed into Microsoft's Calculator program. ' Although this would be unlikely useful in an ongoing practice, it provides for a good learning example ' do not change the next ten lines of code; they are used to pass information into this script set iArgs=wscript.Arguments dim KeysIn if iArgs.Count = 1 then KeysIn = iArgs(0) else KeysIn = iArgs(0) for x = 1 to iArgs.Count - 1 KeysIn = KeysIn & " " & iArgs(x) next end if ' do not change the next line of code, it is used as part of initialization Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' the next line of code can or can not be commented out ' to comment it out you just need to begin it with a single quote, as was done with this comment line ' if you do not comment it out the program identified will be started when this script is run ' if you do comment it out, the program will be assumed to be running when this script is run ' please note, the name of the program, surrounded by quotes is the full path and program name of the ' program you want to run objShell.Run "C:\Windows\System32\calc" ' if you have commented out the above line, you can comment out the line below as well ' it is used to provide a brief pause allowing time for the program identified above to start ' the number 500 represents the number of milliseconds associated with the pause ' 1000 milliseconds = 1 seconds, 500 milliseconds (as identified in the line below) represent 1/2 second Wscript.Sleep 500 ' do NOT comment this next line of code, it is used to identify the Window title of the program that you ' want information passed into. Please note a Window's title is seen at the very top of the Window ' to the left of the minimize, maximize and close buttons objShell.AppActivate "Calc" ' a brief pause Wscript.Sleep 200 ' this is where the information passed into this script from CallClerk is sent to the program you have ' specified as if it had been entered on the keyboard objShell.SendKeys KeysIn ' the next set of four lines of code illustrate how you can also have additional 'hard coded' ' keystrokes passed in if needed you can add similar lines any place after the line of code ' which contains the objShell.AppActivate command (as above)

CallClerk - Outline

'Wscript.Sleep 100 'objShell.SendKeys "2" 'Wscript.Sleep 100 'objShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" ' for more information on keystrokes you can use, please see: '

CallClerk - Sending and Receiving Faxes You can use CallClerk to send and receive faxes. To do this your modem will need to support faxing in TAPI mode. As CallClerk uses TAPI to send and receive faxes you can use other fax programs, such as the one that comes with Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP Pro, in conjunction with CallClerk to also send faxes. For example from Microsoft Word you can send a fax using the Microsoft Fax facility while CallClerk remains running. Receiving Faxes: There are six ways to set CallClerk up to receive a fax: 1. Identify the caller's number as a fax machine in the CallClerk - Directory. When you do this CallClerk will answer calls from the caller as a fax call and automatically start receiving the fax. Because CallClerk will know the caller is a fax machine based on the caller's number, CallClerk can pick up the call and start processing the incoming fax usually after just one ring. 2. When the call comes in, you can manually answer it by clicking on the Answer button on the CallClerk - Display window and then click on the [Receive Fax] button on the CallClerk - Dial Out window. 3. You can place a call using the CallClerk - Dial Out window and when the other party is ready to start sending you their fax you can click on the [Receive Fax] button on the CallClerk - Dial Out window. 4. You can have someone call you, let the answering machine pick up and then have them press "*" (star) on their phone's key pad to have CallClerk enter fax receive mode. If you would like to do this often you can customize your default answering machine greeting to instruct callers to press star now to start sending a fax. 5. If CallClerk should treat all Unfamiliar Callers as fax callers. Once this option is checked all incoming calls from new numbers and numbers in your CallClerk - Directory that are marked as unfamiliar callers will be treated as faxes. Note: Familiar and Blocked callers will be handled as normal; in this way, for example, you can still auto hang-up on blocked callers. 6. Have CallClerk automatically receive a fax your modem reports a distinctive ring; this option is set on the CallClerk - Settings - Fax window.

Received faxes can be accessed via the CallClerk - History window. Sending Faxes: There are two ways you can set CallClerk to send faxes:

CallClerk - Outline

1. On the CallClerk - History window select a history entry with an associated fax and then from the menu select Faxes - Forward Fax via Fax. 2. On the CallClerk - Dial Out window click on the [Send Fax] button. The Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) is a very widely used format and can produce graphics supported by most many types of both compressed and uncompressed images. The TIFF image files that are used by CallClerk for faxing must meet to the following requirements: The color count must be 1 BPS (Bits per Sample), which means black & white color. The width of the picture must be 1728 pixels. There is no requirement for the height of the picture. The resolution must be of 200x200 dpi (Fine Resolution) or 200x100 dpi (Standard Resolution). The Image must be in uncompressed format or in one of the following compressed format: MH (CCITT Group 3-1D), MR (CCITT Group 3-2D), MMR (CCITT Group 4), Packbits or ZLib. Optionally you may also fax JPG or BMP files, however, CallClerk will automatically convert a temporary copy of them to TIFF format before they are sent.

When you are sending or receiving a fax the CallClerk - Fax Status window will appear. To cancel the fax click the [Cancel Fax] button. The CallClerk - Fax Status window looks like this:

Shareware CallClerk is Shareware. Shareware is copyrighted software available for downloading and for use on a free, limited evaluation basis. In the case of CallClerk the free limited evaluation basis allows it to be used with full functionality for 30 days from when it was first installed. CallClerk must be licensed if its use continues beyond 30 days from when it was first installed. The license cost of CallClerk is $39 (U.S.). Once a copy of CallClerk is licensed the licensee will be sent a registration code and instructions on how to unlock the restrictions associated with CallClerk’s 30 day free limited evaluation. After the 30 day free limited evaluation period, if not licensed and registered CallClerk will continue to operate but with a restricted and reduced set of functionality.

CallClerk – Reporting/Sharing over a Network CallClerk can work on a single PC (workstation) or over a network. When CallClerk works over a network it can report calls received by one workstation on the network to all other workstations on the same network, even if the other workstations do not have modems attached to them. In order for CallClerk to work you must subscribe to the Caller ID service from your local phone company and have a modem, or similar device, that reports Caller ID information connected to either a single workstation or at least one workstation on the network. The option 'Report calls from Networked PCs' on the CallClerk - Settings - Control Panel should be checked when you want CallClerk to report calls on a PC that were received by another PC. You may also optionally enable CallClerk to share a single CallClerk database among all workstations. To do this set the CallClerk database location to a single file on a shared drive jointly accessible to all workstations. The location of the shared database can be be updated on each workstation using the CallClerk – Settings – Database window of each workstation. If you have several phone lines to monitor you can monitor one line per computer. You can use the CallClerk - Settings - Phone line window to give each monitored line an unique name which will appear the CallClerk - History window. If you elect to share the database all recorded calls, regardless of the PC they were received on, will be recorded in the same database. If you elect not share the database CallClerk will still report all calls received among all PCs, but only record the call in the database of the PC on which the call was received.

CallClerk - Outline

Please Note: if you are running multiple copies of CallClerk over the network, you should not configure your systems to allow multiple modems to monitor the same line. To test reporting over a network: 1. optionally setup CallClerk to share a single database as outlined above; 2. ensure all workstations have the sliding display option turned on in the CallClerk - Settings - Control Panel; and 3. click on the [Test} button on the CallClerk - Settings - Display window. The CallClerk display should appear on all the workstations running CallClerk which have been configured as described above. For workstations that do not have a modem attached directly to them, the ‘No Modem’ option should be used on the CallClerk – Settings – Modem window. Also, please be aware, the only PCs from which you will be able to answer and place calls using CallClerk, will be those in which you have a modem. Also those PCs will only be able to answer and place calls on the line associated with the modem for that particular PC. If you would like to run multiple versions of CallClerk on your network, you should know that discounts are available for multiple licenses of CallClerk, for more information please see:

CallClerk - Special Programs The following is a recap of the special programs that are installed with CallClerk:

ccAppLogSetup ccAppLogSetup is used in behind the scenes by CallClerk to provide CallClerk access to your Windows' Application log. It will be run automatically by CallClerk as needed. It only needs to be run once.

ccBlock ccBlock can be used to remotely block an incoming/active call to a specific line or to all active lines. This can be used, for example, by home automation systems that allow you to use a hand held remote to run a program on you PC. Here are two examples of how you can set it up:

ccBlock Phone Line Identifier ccBlock *

In the first example above, the Phone Line Identifier is the value you have set on the CallClerk - Settings - Phone Line Identifier window. In the second example above, the * mean all active lines.

ccDBMerge cDBMerge is used to merge two CallClerk databases into one. The program asks for the file names of a primary, secondary, and merge database. The primary and secondary databases are combined into the merge database. If there are conflicting entries in the primary and secondary databases, for example duplicate CallClerk directory entries, the entries in the primary database will generally prevail.

ccDialHelper ccDialHelper is used in behind the scenes to enable dialing directly from Internet Explorer or Firefox. You may also use it as follows:

ccDialHelper (Host=or) Dial= RemoteConnect= Hangup

For example:

CallClerk - Outline

ccDialHelper Dial=5551234567 ccDialHelper Host=RobsPC Dial=5551234567 ccDialHelper Host= Dial=5551234567 ccDialHelper RemoteConnect=5551234567 ccDialHelper Host=RobsPC RemoteConnect=5551234567 ccDialHelper Host= RemoteConnect=5551234567 ccDialHelper Hangup ccDialHelper Host=RobsPC Hangup ccDialHelper Host= Hangup ccDialHelper

Dials 5551234567 on the current computer Dials 5551234567 from the computer with computer name RobsPC Dials 5551234567 from the computer at IP Address Call 5551234567 on the current computer, pause, and hangup Call 5551234567 on RobsPC, pause, and hangup Call 5551234567 the computer at IP Address, pause, and hangup Hangup the call on the current computer Hangup the call on RobsPC Hangup the call on the computer at IP Address Dials the number in the Windows clipboard

For ccDialHelper to work fully the options 'Allow dial out', 'Allow immediate dial out' and 'Allow this computer to remotely connect a call via this computer's modem' should be checked on the CallClerk - Settings - Dialout window.

ccLauncher ccLauncher can be used in conjunction with the CallClerk Run Program feature to prompt you before you running another program or opening a webpage. If you use ccLauncher to open a web page you can also included arguments associated with the phone call you are receiving in the webpage url. The argument button="some text" changes the default button on the ccLauncher popup to be the text you identify.

Here is an example of how you would set ccLauncher up to work: Using Program:

C:\Program Files (x86)\CallClerk\ccLauncher.exe


button="Open" Number%

For more information on ccLauncher please click here.

ccModemFix ccModemFix is used by CallClerk to fix your Windows' registry entries such that your modem will recognize caller id in tapi mode.

ccRescan ccRescan causes CallClerk to rescan for modems/tapi devices.

ccPCRestart ccPCRestart will cause CallClerk to be gracefully shut down and then after CallClerk is shut down your PC will be restarted. If CallClerk is processing a call or a backup then CallClerk will not be restarted until after that activity has completed. Before restarting your PC, ccPCRestart will show you a count down windows for 10 seconds during which time you can abort the restart. However, once the count down is over, your system will be restarted. Warning: when this happens, unsaved work may be lost.

ccRestart ccRestart will cause CallClerk to be gracefully shut down and then restarted. If CallClerk is processing a call or a backup then CallClerk will not be restarted until after that activity has completed.

ccUninstall ccUnininstall uninstalls CallClerk.

CallClerk - Settings

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk settings are changed from the CallClerk - Settings window. To access the CallClerk - Settings window select File - Settings from the CallClerk - Main window. Settings that can be changed pertain to: 1. how CallClerk handles incoming calls, this is done through the Control Panel; 2. the look and actions associated with CallClerk incoming call display window; this is done through the Display tab; 3. how the ringing sound works for incoming calls; this is done through the Ring tab; 4. the voice announcement heard on an incoming message; this is done through the Announce tab; 5. e-mail notification; this is done through the E-Mail tab; 6. the answering machine; this is done through the Answering Machine tab; 7. how the Call Blocking feature works; this is done through the Call Blocking tab; 8. the internet service to be used for reverse phone number lookups; this is done through the Reverse Lookup tab; 9. other programs to be run a call is received; this is done through the Run Program tab; 10. how CallClerk interfaces and pop-ups MS Outlook contacts; this is done through the Outlook tab; 11. the way in which CallClerk will update a web page for you; this is done through the Web Page tab; 12. a phone line identifier; this is done through the Phone Line tab; 13. the fax machine; this is done through the Fax tab; 14. whether CallClerk will allow outgoing calls and various dial out options; this is done through the Dial Out tab; 15. the speaker phone; this is done through the Speaker Phone tab; 16. if answered calls will automatically be recorded; this is done through the Recording tab; 17. the type of modem used; this is done through the Modem tab; 18. whether CallClerk activity should be logged; this is done through the Logs tab, 19. where the CallClerk Directory and History database is located; this is done through the Database tab; and 20. options for starting and stopping CallClerk; this is done through the Misc tab.

CallClerk - Settings - Announce The CallClerk - Settings - Announce window allows you to set how CallClerk will speak a message to announce an incoming call. Voice settings are also used by CallClerk in support of the remote access answering machine functions. These voice features work with Windows XP and Window 2000's text-to-speech functionality. The text that appears in the 'Announcement starts with' entry on the CallClerk - Settings - Announce window will be announced when an incoming call is received (assuming the appropriate setting in the CallClerk - Settings - Control Panel window). You can also check on the Caller's Display Name and Number options to have those associated values announced too. CallClerk also provides for the following substitutions in any of the search strings fields: %Formatted Number% (will format the phone number as 555-123-4567 and substitute it) %Unformatted Number% (will format the phone number as 5551234567 and substitute it) %Display Name% (will substitute the Display Name (from the Directory) %Caller ID Name% (will substitute the Caller ID Name (as provided by your phone company) %Date% (will substitute with the current date in the format YYYY-MM-DD) %Year% (will substitute with the current year in the format YYYY) %Month% (will substitute with the current month in the format MM) %Day% (will substitute with the current day (01-31) in the format DD) %Time% (will substitute with the current tim in the format HH-MM-SS) %Hour% (will substitute with the current hour in the format HH) %Minutes% (will substitute with the current minutes in the format MM) %Seconds% (will substitute with the current seconds in the format SS) %Caller Type% (will substitute with one of the following values as appropriate: Familiar, Unfamiliar, Blocked) %Phone Line Identifier% (will substitute with the phone line identifier of the line receiving the call)

CallClerk - Outline

Here are a few examples of how the Announcement can be configured: %Display Name% is calling Attention you have an incoming call from %Caller ID Name% at %Unformatted Number% You can also change the maximum number of times to announce the caller. The caller will first be announced when the call's Caller ID information is received by your phone company. After that announcements will continue each time CallClerk detects a ring - up until you have heard the maximum number of announcements. After you have heard the maximum number of announcements, CallClerk will play the ring sound (assuming you have the ring feature turned on in the CallClerk - Settings - Control Panel window). As in several countries the caller ID only comes in after the first ring, you can also set if you want to hear a first ring (before the caller id is known and the announcement is made) via the CallClerk - Settings - Ring window. To change the default voice CallClerk uses select a voice from the voice drop down box. To change the Voice Speed and Volume slide the associate slider bars. Click the [Test] button to test an announcement. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk – Settings window will be hidden.

Here is what the CallClerk – Settings – Announce window looks like:

CallClerk - Settings - Answering Machine The CallClerk - Settings - Answering Machine window is used to control the CallClerk Answering Machine. High level options that can be set are: 1. Number of Rings before answering machine picks up 2. If a greeting is to be played 3. If messages are to be recorded 4. If Remote Access it to be allowed

CallClerk - Outline

Number of Rings before the Answering Machine picks up The number of Rings before CallClerk picks up the line is set at the top of the screen. It will be the value for 'Number of rings before the answering machine picks up' plus the value for 'Extra rings when there are no unplayed message (Toll Saver)' What is a Toll Saver? ... This is the number of additional rings that will be processed before the answering machine picks up when you have no new messages to listen to. The toll saver an old concept, used by people who used to pick up their messages via a long distance call from their answering machine. Basically, for example, with the answering machine set to pick up after 4 rings and the toll saver set to 2, when you call your number and there are message to listen to, your phone will ring 4 times before the answering machine kicks in, if however there are no messages to play your phone will ring 6 times before the answering machine kicked in. According if you hear 5 or 6 rings you know you have no messages and can hang up without incurring long distance charges. You can also select to have the answering machine start as soon as possible after the Caller ID information is known. In most cases this will be just after the ring following when the caller id is transmitted. These options apply separately to Familiar, Unfamiliar, and Blocked callers. A similar option for a Custom Caller can be set on the Call Clerk - Directory Add/Edit window. This option overrides the Toll Saver feature described above. Greeting CallClerk comes with a default greeting which can be played, or if you like overridden by a default greeting you record yourself. You can record your own default greeting by clicking on the [Record] button (it will turn to a red [Stop] button), speaking into a microphone connected to your sound card, and then clicking on the red [Stop] button to end your recording. You can also import a pre-recorded .wav file. To do this click on the [Import] button, find the file and click on OK. Also, for those who like to change their greeting files often - CallClerk will additionally look for files named: "CallClerkGreetingFamiliar.wav", "CallClerkGreetingUnFamiliar.wav", "CallClerkGreetingBlocked.wav", "CallClerkGreeting.wav", (without the quotes) in the same directory that your settings are stored. If CallClerk finds one of these files (and it is in the correct audio format as described below) CallClerk will use this greeting as the default. Please note the CallClerkGreeting wav files should be in the following format: audio format: PCM audio sample rate: 8.000 kHz audio sample size: 16 Bits channels: 1 (Mono) Aside from the default greeting, individual greetings by caller can be assigned via the CallClerk - Directory Add/Edit window. In Summary, here is the pecking order CallClerk uses to determine which greeting will be played: if available, an individual greeting as established for a specific caller via the CallClerk - Directory - Add/Edit 1. window will be played, if item 1 above is not found, the file "CallClerkGreetingFamilliar.wav", "CallClerkGreetingUnFamilliar.wav", 2. or "CallClerkGreetingBlocked.wav" (depending on the caller type) located in the same directory as your CallClerk settings are stored will be played, if items 1 and 2 above are not found, the file "CallClerkGreeting.wav" file located in the same directory 3. as your CallClerk settings are stored will be played, if items 1 through 3 above are not found, the message you record by clicking on the [Record] button on the 4. CallClerk - Settings - Answering Machine window, will be played if items 1 through 4 above are not found CallClerk's preloaded default message will be played as the final 5. alternative.

CallClerk - Outline

Recorded Messages If a message is to be recorded you can optionally set a maximum time limit (in seconds) for the recorded message. Note: Some modems tell CallClerk when an call ends, others do not. If you have a modem that does not tell CallClerk when a call ends CallClerk may end up recording each message beyond the point when the caller hangs up. Although in a worse case this will ultimately be ended after the max time for recording a message is reached, CallClerk can also detect a long period of silence and use that as the signal to end the call. To turn the feature on or off you can click the button entitled 'End on Silence ON/OFF'. When you do this a new window will pop up. On this window you can check the option to end recording when silence is detected or not. You can also set the period of silence (in seconds). Additionally, as silence is a subjective thing, with some lines having to deal with static line noise, you can also set the threshold for silence (as a percentage of the maximum volume). Clicking the default button on this screen provides a standard set of settings that work in many cases. To provide you with a notification that you have received a Recorded Message, CallClerk can flash your Keyboard's Caps Lock light, Num Lock light and/or Scroll Lock light. It can also cause your PC to repeatedly beep if you like. To stop one of the keyboard lights from flashing simply press the associated key. For example if you have set CallClerk up to flash the Caps Lock light when you receive a fax, simply press the Caps Lock key to stop the flashing. If you have selected the repeating beep option CallClerk will make a beep sound through you PC speakers every minute. You can stop the beeping by pressing the Scroll Lock key. If you don't press one of the keys to stop the flashing/beeping CallClerk will continue the flashing/beeping until you have viewed all unreviewed messages in the CallClerk History window. Please note similar options can be set on the CallClerk - Settings - Fax window for faxes. Remote Access to Messages If Remote Access to Messages is enabled you must enter a remote access code. To access your messages remotely you dial your phone line and enter your remote access code on a touch tone dial pad. Remote access codes must be numeric and cannot start with: a zero is used to stop the answering machine if it is playing a greeting / recording a message - for '0' example when you pick up the line and the answering machine is in the process of recording a message from someone and you want to talk to them. '99' a '99' is used to block a call when the answering machine is active. After you have done this commands that you can use are: 1 to listen to your unplayed messages 2 to listen to all messages 3 to listen to all messages and review calls with no messages 4 to go back one message 5 to restart current message 6 to go forward one message 7 to Hang-Up 0 to stop all playing and recording * to change your default greeting # to repeat these commands CallClerk will recap these messages for you when you remotely access your messages. CallClerk will also recap the date, time, name and number associated with all calls prior to playing their associated messages (if any) for you. After every 5th reported call you will be asked if you are still there and to press 9 to continue. If you don't press 9 you will be asked a second time. If you do not press 9 CallClerk will hang up the call. This is done as some modems do not effectively report the caller has hung up on the other end. It prevents CallClerk from holding your line open replaying all your messages even after the remote caller has hung up. You can further restrict remote access to your messages by listing phone numbers (as identified in terms of their callerid number) in a list of numbers that CallClerk will only allow access to your messages from. Multiple numbers are separated by a semi-colon (;), with a semi-colon also following the last number. To access your messages from any phone, leave the restricted list empty. Notes: 1. If CallClerk's answering machine picks up a call and you later pick up the phone you can press "0" (zero) on your phone's keypad to stop all playing and recording. 2. To receive a fax you can have the caller press "*" on their phone's dialpad to put CallClerk in fax receive mode. If you would like to let people know they can do this you can change your default answering greeting to instruct them to do so if they so wish. Notifications To let you know a message was left on the answering machine, you can have CallClerk change its Systray Icon's background to golden, flash your keyboard's the caps lock light, num lock light, and/or scroll lock light, and/or sound a

CallClerk - Outline

repeating beep. If CallClerk's Systray icon is turned golden, it will stay that way until you have reviewed all your messages. To stop a flashing keyboard key, simply press the associated key (caps lock, num lock, or scroll lock). To stop the beeping, press the Scroll Lock key.

Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk Settings window will be hidden.

The CallClerk - Settings - Answering Machine window looks like this:

CallClerk - Settings - Automatic Number Announcement Circuit (ANAC) The CallClerk - Settings - Automatic Number Announcement Circuit (ANAC) controls what CallClerk plays over the phone line in terms of ANAC information.

This is a feature can be used, for example by phone technicians, to call a line and have the Caller ID information played back to them.

ANAC playback starts as soon as the caller id information is known.

CallClerk - Outline

You may set CallClerk to play: an optional opening message, the Caller ID Number and or Caller ID Name as many as 5 times, and an optional closing message.

Notes: 1. While ANAC may be set for Familiar, Unfamiliar, Blocked and Custom callers. 2. The opening and closing messages are optional. Whatever is typed into the the opening and closing messages will be played to the caller before and after (respectively) the ANAC information. If these values are left blank they will be ignored. Also the same special special codes used by the CallClerk run program feature can be used in the opening and closing messages.

Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden.

The CallClerk - Settings - Automatic Number Announcement Circut window looks like this:

CallClerk - Settings - Call Blocking The CallClerk - Settings - Call Blocking window controls how CallClerk blocks phone calls.

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk blocks calls based on the caller id information provided by your phone company. Either the caller id phone number or caller id name can be used to block a call.

To block calls, the Call Blocking feature needs to be turned 'ON' in the CallClerk - Settings - Control Panel window for Blocked Callers.

How CallClerk determines which calls to block CallClerk determines how to block a call based on a variety of factors.

Directory entries:

First, its important to note that each call has associated with it a directory entry. Directory entries are automatically generated for all new callers. Each directory entry contains information that helps CallClerk determine how to block calls - this information includes the caller id data from your phone company as well as a CallClerk Caller Type. For more information the CallClerk Directory click here. CallClerk Caller Types: Call Blocking by Caller Type:

By default CallClerk's Call Blocking feature is turned on for 'Blocked' callers and off for 'Familiar' and 'Unfamiliar' callers. These setting can be changed on the CallClerk - Settings - Control Panel window. Directory entries with caller types of 'Custom' allow all of CallClerk's feature, including Call Blocking, to be turned on or off in any combination. CallClerk determines if its going to block a call or not as follows:

1. When a call comes in, if CallClerk finds a directory entry exactly matching the caller's caller id number, CallClerk will use the caller type of the associated directory entry to determine if the call should be blocked. 2. If there is no matching directory entry, CallClerk will look to see if you have any directory entries set up to handle calls with high level prefixes - for example for all 1-800 calls. If such an entry is found, CallClerk will block the call based on the caller type of that templated entry. For more information please click here. 3. If there is still no match, CallClerk will look to see if you have a Directory entry set up to handle calls with a specific name - for example all calls from "Doe, John" regardless of the number. If such an entry is found, CallClerk will block the call based on the caller type of that templated entry. For more information please click here. 4. If there is still no match and you are using CallClerk's Outlook integration feature, CallClerk will check to see if the caller's number can be found in your Outlook contact lists. If a match is found CallClerk assigns an 'Unfamiliar' caller type. Outlook entries can also be imported into the CallClerk directory, and the imported directory entries can have their caller types set to 'Familiar', 'Unfamiliar' or 'Blocked' through the import process. If the Outlook entries are imported into the directory, their caller type in the directory will be used (point 1 above) rather than an 'Unfamiliar' caller type being used. 5. If there is still no match, CallClerk will look in your personal Blacklists and Whitelists for names and numbers to determine if the call should be blocked. CallClerk will block a call if it finds a matching entry in either your name and number Blacklist as long as that entry is not superseded by an entry in your Whitelists. For example a Blacklisted Caller ID name entry that matches to the pattern "*Lawncare*" can be used to block any call that has a caller id name containing the word "Lawncare". However if there is also a Whitelist entry for *Joes Lawncare* then calls from "Joes Lawncare" will not be blocked, but calls from "Raphs Lawncare" will be blocked. CallClerk's Blacklist and Whitelist processing is described in more detail below. 6. If there is still no match, then if the option to 'Block when Caller ID Name matches Caller ID Number is checked, then the call will be blocked if the Caller ID Name and Number match. 7. If the call has not yet been blocked, then if the option 'Block invalid numbers in North America' is checked, the call will be blocked if the Caller ID number is invalid according to the North America Numbering Plan (NANP) standards (for more information please see below). 8. If the call has not yet been blocked, and if the caller id information is not covered by a Whitelist name or number entry, CallClerk can optionally also check the database of nuisance callers, as described in more detail below, to determine if the call should be blocked. 9. If while the answering machine is active you press '99' on your phone's dial pad, the call will be blocked. 10. If the call has not yet been blocked, CallClerk will designate the call with a 'Unfamiliar' caller type and assuming you have 'Unfamiliar' calls set up with the Call Blocking feature turned off in the CallClerk - Settings - Control Panel, the call will not be blocked. Note: As all new calls are generally assigned a default caller type of 'Unfamiliar' setting the Call Blocking feature 'ON' for 'Unfamiliar' and 'Blocked' callers, and off for 'Familiar' callers, will effectively have CallClerk block all new calls except if they are in your Familiar list. The above all happens very quickly As soon as CallClerk gets the caller id info it starts to work on blocking your call as needed. In most countries the caller id information is normally delivered between the first and second ring - the U.S. and Canada are examples. In these cases it means that you may hear your phone ring once before you phone company delivers the caller id information and before CallClerk can decide to block the call or not. Also, even through checking the can take some time in some cases this can happen well within a couple seconds, and even in that situation the call can be blocked before the second ring. However, in some countries phone companies deliver the caller id information before the first ring - the U.K. and Israel are examples. In these cases you may not even hear the phone ring at all when a call is blocked. What happens when a call is blocked When CallClerk 'blocks a call' what it does is answers the call, optionally plays a Special Information Tone (SIT) and/or pre-recorded message and then hangs-up. The SIT may fool some telemarketer's auto dial equipment into believing your line is disconnected.

CallClerk - Outline

You can use CallClerk's default pre-recorded message for blocked callers, which say "Please take this number off your calling list and do not call again, calls to this number are being logged.", or you may record your own. Non voice modems, which can not play the SIT or the call blocking message, will simply answer the line wait a few seconds and hang up. Blacklists and Whitelists CallClerk supports Blacklists and Whitelists for both CallerID Names and Numbers. When CallClerk is deciding if it is going to block a call it looks at these lists. To determine if a call is going to be blocked based on the Blacklists and White Lists the program checks the Caller ID Name from the phone company and the Caller ID Number from the phone company to see if there is a match in the black / white lists. :

Black / White lists for names may contain "*"s. A "*" means any characters. Example entries: Smith, Joe

matches exactly against 'Smith, Joe' - nothing more, nothing less


matchs any name equal to or starting with 'Smith', for example: ‘Smith’, ‘Smith and Wesson’, or ‘Smithsonian Institute’


matchs any name equal to or ending is Smith, for example: ‘Smith’, ‘Fred Smith’, or ‘Johnny Blacksmith’


matchs any name equal to or containing 'Smith', for example: 'Smith', ‘Smith and Wesson’, ‘Fred Smith’, or ‘Goldsmith, Charlie’


maches any name containing in part or in whole 'Sm' and in part or in whole 'Joe', for example: 'Smith, Joe', or 'Smallwood, Joey'

Please note: capitalization is ignored when matching against names Blacklists for number contain the leading digits of a phone number. Example entries: 800 877 866 420123 Note: some phone company's in North America require a 1 in front of long distance numbers. Example: 1800 The call will then be blocked unless there is a Whitelist entry that overides at least one of the blacklisted entries

For example a Whitelist entry of Joes Lawncare would override *Lawncare* for a call from Joes Lawncare but not one from Ralphs Lawncare. Also a Whitelist entry of 800555 would override a blacklist entry of 800 for the number 8005551234 but not for the number 8005561234.

To add a new entry to a blacklist or whitelist, just enter it at the bottom of the list. To edit an existing entry, just double click on the entry in the list and edit it. To remove an entry, just double click on the entry in the list, delete all the numbers/characters for that entry, and then click anywhere else on the windows. CallClerk automatically sorts entries in your blacklists and whitelists. Blacklists and Whitelists can be imported and exported from the CallClerk - Blacklists and Whitelists window. To get to this window just click the button entitled 'Update Blacklists and Whitelists' on the CallClerk - Settings - Call Blocking window.

Offer to blacklist the names of newly blocked callers If the option to 'Offer to blacklist the names of newly blocked callers' is checked, CallClerk will prompt you to add a Caller ID Name blacklist entry (if one does not already exist). This will allow the program to automatically block callers with that same Caller ID Name regardless of the Caller ID number being used. As at the time that a blacklist entry is created some directory entries may already exist with a Caller ID other than Blocked, CallClerk will also check for any such entries and if any exist the program will ask you if you want it to automatically update those existing entries too.

Blocking a call based on the Caller ID Information

When a call comes in for the first time from a particular caller id number, CallClerk will create a new directory entry for it. When this happens CallClerk set the callers' Caller Type to 'Unfamiliar' be default. In the future, if you want calls from this number blocked you simply need to change the Caller Type for that particular number to 'Blocked' in your CallClerk Directory.

Optionally, you may also use the Edit - Add feature on the CallClerk - Directory window to add numbers to be blocked before they come in for the first time.

Additionally, for new callers CallClerk can optionally check the community database of nuisance callers to help determine if the call should be automatically blocked. This is done in real time, usually well within a couple seconds.

Also, in more advanced use, for new callers (from phone numbers that aren't yet stored in the CallClerk directory) the caller type can optionally be determined based on generic templates - for more information about setting up generic templates please see the help related to the CallClerk - Directory.

CallClerk - Outline

In some countries phone companies deliver the caller id information before the first ring - the U.K. and Israel are examples. However, in most countries the caller id information is normally delivered between the first and second ring - the U.S. and Canada are examples. Although CallClerk allows for this, it means that you may hear your phone ring once before you phone company delivers the caller id information and CallClerk can decide to block the call based on it.

When CallClerk 'blocks a call' what it does is answers the call, optionally plays a Special Information Tone (SIT) and/or pre-recorded message and then hangs-up.

The SIT may fool some telemarketer's auto dial equipment into believing your line is disconnected.

You can use CallClerk's default pre-recorded message for blocked callers, which say "Please take this number off your calling list and do not call again, calls to this number are being logged.", or you may record your own

Call blocking with the help of is an independent online service used by those who want to access and report information on nuisance callers. CallClerk is designed to interface with to help identify calls to be automatically blocked. provides a score for nuisance callers based reporting from the community. Scoring in roughly translates into one point being applied for each unique person who reports the caller's number. CallClerk can also work with to determine scoring based on the number of calls reported in a particular time frame. CallClerk works with this scoring system and your choices to automatically block a call, here's how ....

First, you need a (free) account from Once you have your account, just enter your user id and password on the CallClerk - Settings - Call Blocking window. Please note: when setting up your userid and password on the website please do not use any special characters in either, that is to say please only use letters and numbers in your userid and password. After you have entered your account information just set the criteria at which new callers will be automatically blocked - for example a score of 2 in the last 90 days. New callers will then be assessed and blocked based on the criteria you have set. When CallClerk blocks a call with the help of the CallClerk pop up window will appear in orange and the caller's call type will be set to 'Blocked'. If you don't see the orange pop up don't worry, as after that all calls from that number will be blocked (and the CallClerk pop up window will appear in red). To prevent the call from being blocked, simply change the caller's call type to 'familiar' or 'unfamiliar' in the CallClerk directory (assuming the Call Blocking feature is turned 'OFF' in the CallClerk control panel for those types of callers.

Reporting a caller to You can report nuisance callers to with the help of CallClerk. This is done by either clicking the 'Block' button on the CallClerk Display Pop-up window, or by clicking on 'Edit - Report to' from the CallClerk - Directory or CallClerk - History windows. When you do this you will be provided a confirmation window (example below) showing you the caller id information and allowing you to optionally enter 'who this really is' (if you feel the caller id name was not a good indication), as well as your comments about the caller/call. You can optional identify your postal code in the CallClerk - Settings - Call Blocking window to have calls reported by you mapped on the service.

If you have already reported the caller's number to at least once before and the caller's number is tagged with a caller type of blocked, then subsequent calls from that number will be blocked and reported to automatically. Please note, you need to report a caller's number to at least once before the subsequent calls from that same number will be automatically reported to That is to say, if you block a call but have never reported it to before, subsequent calls from that number will not be automatically reported to

If you report of a nuisance caller to it will be publically viewable by the community. Your reporting will also be helpful to other CallClerk users using this service.

Call Blocking based on a match of Caller ID Name and Caller ID Number Sometimes when telemarketers spoof their caller id information the Caller ID Name and Caller ID Number they use match. CallClerk allows you to automatically block such calls. In terms of matching, this means when the Caller ID Name and the Caller ID Number are either the same, or when either of the two has the digit "1" in front of it and the other does not. For example, 5551234576 and 15551234567 are considered matches. Of note, even with the option set to block calls when the Caller ID Name and Caller ID Number match, a caller can be overridden not to be blocked if it is already set up as an entry in the CallClerk Directory with a caller type of something other than ' Blocked' , or if either the name or number are defined in the CallClerk Whitelist.

CallClerk - Outline

Call Blocking based on an invalid North American Number This option is only available if your Windows Regional Settings indicate you are in a country which uses the North America Numbering Plan (NANP) standard. If your Windows Regional Settings indicate you are not in a country using the NANP standard then this option will be greyed out. If the option 'Block invalid numbers in North America' is checked, the call will be blocked if the Caller ID number is invalid according to NANP standards. Exceptions are allowed for 'unknown', '0', 'O' (out of area), and 'P' (private) calls which will be allowed. Also for the purpose of this test an Area Code is valid if it follows the NANP numbering rules, even if it not yet assigned. For example, Area Code '011' is invalid and would cause the call to be blocked, while Area Code '255' would not be blocked as it is valid albeit unassigned. A list of unassigned Area Codes can be found here, you may add them to your blacklisted area codes if you would like them to be blocked.

When a call is blocked (automatically hung up on) Options that can be set are: 1. Play Standard Intercept Tone (SIT) before hanging up. The SIT is a special sound used to identify numbers that are invalid, in some cases this will fool telemarketers auto dial systems into thinking your number is not valid. 2. Play a message before hanging-up. If this option is checked CallClerk will play a message to the blocked caller before hanging up. The first place CallClerk will look for the message to be played is the directory entry for the specific caller. If no specific greeting exits CallClerk will play your personal default blocked message which you recorded or imported. If you have not recorded or imported a personal default blocked message CallClerk will play a default message that says "Please take this number off your calling list and do not call again. Calls to this number are being logged.". You can record your own default blocked message by clicking on the [Record] button (it will turn to a red [Stop] button), speaking into a microphone connected to your sound card, and then clicking on the red [Stop] button to end your recording. You can also import a pre-recorded .wav file. To do this click on the [Import] button, find the file and click on OK. NOTE: these options can only be set if you are using a modem in TAPI mode. For more information please see the CallClerk - Settings - Modem window. To test the above click on either of the test buttons. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden.

The CallClerk - Settings - Call Blocking window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

Here is what the Blacklist Whitelist window looks like:

The Call Blocking confirmation window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Control Panel The CallClerk - Settings - Control Panel is used to control how CallClerk handles incoming calls. There are three types of incoming calls: 1. Familiar, 2. Unfamiliar, 3. Blocked. By default CallClerk will set all new calls to a call type of Unfamiliar. Each caller's call type can be changed in the CallClerk - Directory window. Also, CallClerk can report calls from the PC that CallClerk is running on, or another PC that CallClerk is running on that is networked to it. The source of where the call is reported from is called CallClerk's call source. To process calls reported over the network ensure the 'Report calls from Networked PCs' is checked. For more information on this feature please see the help topic Sharing over a Network When a call is received CallClerk will determine its call type and call source and handle reporting of the call based on the settings of the Control Panel. To activate or deactivate a processing feature click on the ON/OFF button associated with that feature. You can set the days and times that the Ring and Announce functions as well as the E-Mail function will be activated by clicking the picture of the clock to the left of their descriptions. When you do this a CallClerk - Activation Times window will appear. This window provides its own detailed help on setting activation times. Selections apply whether the reporting function is being driven by a call reported by this PC's modem or over the network. To restore the default settings for the CallClerk Control Panel click on the [Defaults] button. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden. The CallClerk - Settings - Control Panel window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

The CallClerk - Activation Date and Time window looks like this:

CallClerk - Settings - Database The CallClerk - Settings – Database window is used to set the location of the CallClerk Database; the CallClerk Database stores the CallClerk Directory and History entries. This setting window is also used to release hard disk space associated with deleted and updated records.

CallClerk - Outline

Changing the location of the CallClerk Database You can find the location of the CallClerk Database by looking at the Database Location value at the top of the CallClerk - Settings - Database window; here is an example path and file name: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\CallClerk\callclerk.mdb

You may change the CallClerk Database location by clicking on [Change Database Location] button; this will open up the CallClerk – Database Relocate window (samples below). The location of the CallClerk Database can only be changed to a directory in which a CallClerk Database exists. To copy, or move the CallClerk Database, as you are changing locations using the CallClerk – Database Relocate window: 1. click the right mouse button on the file ‘callclerk.mdb’ and select ‘copy’ or ‘move’ as appropriate in the original directory, 2. navigate to the your new desired location by changing the ‘Look in’ selection, and 3. click the right mouse button in the file area of the new desired location and select ‘paste’.

Alternatively, you may copy or move the CallClerk Database before you start CallClerk, and once CallClerk starts you can change the setting for its location. If you move the CallClerk Database without updating its’ location in the CallClerk – Settings – Database window a warning message will appear at startup time.

Compacting the Database As entries are updated or deleted in the CallClerk Database additional disk space becomes available for return to the system. Clicking the [Compact Now] button compresses the CallClerk database and returns any space no longer needed.

Backing-up and Restoring the CallClerk Database and Preferences file Backup: To backup either the CallClerk database, preference file or both, 1. click on the check box of the files you would like to backup 2. click on the [Backup] button You will be prompted for a save location, you may either click on 'OK' to accept the current save location, or select a save location and then click 'OK' to backup the CallClerk Database. The CallClerk Database will be compacted prior to it being backed-up. You can also select to have the Database and/or Settings backed up automatically on a periodic basis. If the option to run an automatic back up is selected CallClerk will automatically run a backup to the frequency you select. Backups will be run when due, soon after you start CallClerk, or if you leave CallClerk running past midnight at approximately five minutes past midnight. Backup times may be delayed if CallClerk is busy doing other things, such as processing an incoming call, at the time the backup is scheduled to be run. Restore: To restore either the CallClerk database, preference file or both, 1. click on the check box of the files you would like to backup 2. click on the [Restore] button You will be prompted to select for the location and filename of the previously backed-up file(s). Once selected click 'OK'. Daily History Purge: You can have CallClerk automatically delete history entry that are over a certain number of days old. CallClerk will automatically run a database

CallClerk - Outline

purge soon after you start it or if you leave CallClerk running past midnight at approximately five minutes past midnight. Purge times may be delayed if CallClerk is busy doing other things, such as processing an incoming call, at the time the backup is scheduled to be run. After a database purge has been run, CallClerk will compact your database.

IMPORTANT NOTES History entries are purged/deleted based on the day they are created and the current date. CallClerk uses your PC's clock to determine the date a History entry is created and the current date. Accordingly, if sometime in the future you advance or back date your PC's clock date, for what ever reason, you should be aware that CallClerk's purge/delete functionality may end up deleting entries you may had not intended to delete. For example: If you set your PC's system date ahead one year, and have CallClerk set to delete all records over 90 days old, you may inadvertently end up deleting all your history records. If a History entry has a message or fax associated with it, the message or fax will be deleted too. Once a history entry is purged/deleted CallClerk can not restore it nor its associated message or fax.

Audio Format Click the Audio Format to set the audio format messages will be saved in from the CallClerk - History window. For more information on Audio Formats please see Setting the Audio Format. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk – Settings window will be hidden.

Here is what the CallClerk – Settings - Database window looks like:

CallClerk - Outline

Here is what the CallClerk - Database Relocate window looks like:

Here is what the CallClerk - Database Relocate window looks like after right clicking on the callclerk.mdb file:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Settings - Display The CallClerk - Settings - Display window has several options that may be set, where appropriate click the check box or radio button beside the option to enable or disable the option. When a check or radio button is selected then that option is enabled otherwise that option is disabled. The options on this window are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


The Display size (small, medium, large) of the CallClerk - Display window; If the Display window should include the date and time; If the Display window should include the Phone Line Identifier of the line on which the call is being received; If CallClerk should offer to answer the incoming call (modem must be in TAPI mode using a voice modem); If CallClerk should offer to block the incoming call (for calls received by this PC that are not from familiar callers); Font; click on the Font button to change the Font of the text in the display; Please note, CallClerk will automatically and dynamically optimize the font size on the pop-up display Colours, click on the Font, Background, and Panel buttons to change the colour of the Font, Background and Panel of the display; The default picture to be show when the CallClerk - Display window is opened; If the CallClerk - Display window should slide open and close or alternatively fade in and out (*); If the CallClerk - Display window should open and/or close immediately; If you have mulitple computer montiors hooked up to your PC, the monitor on which the Pop-up Display will appear; The screen position; select where on the screen you would like to CallClerk - Display window to appear from. Options include Top Right, Top Middle, Top Left, Middle Right, Middle, Middle Left, Bottom Right, Bottom Middle, and Bottom Left; Direction, depending on the Screen position setting you may also be able to choose the direction in which the CallClerk Display window appears from; Transparency (*); you may slide the slider left and right to make the CallClerk - Display window more (to the left) or less (to the right) transparent (see through); and Open History window when a new call is received. The purpose of this setting is to allow you to quickly see a list of all previous callers when you return to your PC after being away from it for a while. If this option is checked the CallClerk History window will be opened after the CallClerk Display has been closed. However, if you click on the CallClerk Display when it opens it will close automatically and the CallClerk - History window will not be opened. In conjunction with this option you can also chose to show only the call history for the current caller (only) when the History window opens. When the History window is opened in the way, pressing F2 in the History window will revert it to displaying the history information for all callers.

CallClerk - Outline


Deactivate Screensaver. If checked, CallClerk will attempt to deactivate your screensaver when the display window is to appear.

(*) Note: Fade in and out and Transparency will be automatically disabled for Windows 98 users, the Windows 98 operating system does not support this functionality Click the [Defaults] button to return the display settings to their defaults. Click the [Test] button to experiment with these options. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden. The CallClerk - Settings - Display window looks like:

CallClerk - Settings - DTMF Signaling The CallClerk - Settings - DTMF Signaling window is used to set the options related to Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) signaling. DTMF signals are the sounds you hear when you press the buttons on your phone's dial pad. There are many electronic devices and systems which react to DTMF signals, with some systems being able to tell on which side of the telephone call (the caller's side or the receiver's side) the DTMF signal was sent. For example the DTMF signals, of 123, might be used to open a door in the lobby of an apartment building, but only if sent from the apartment owner's phone. DTMF Signaling may be turned on for Familiar, Unfamiliar, or Blocked callers in the CallClerk - Settings - Control Panel window, additionally distinctive DTMF signaling can be set for a specific caller in the CallClerk - Directory Add/Edit window. When DTMF Signaling is used, CallClerk will answer a the call, send a DTMF signal, and then hang up. In this way, further to the example above, CallClerk can be set up (for example) to open an apartment lobby door based on a call from your cell phone number, or a group of people's cell phones if they were all to be identified as familiar callers. The DTMF signals which may be used include: the numbers 0 thru 9, the letters A thru D, star, and pound ( “0123456789ABCD*#” ).

CallClerk - Outline

The CallClerk - Settings - Signaling window looks like this:

CallClerk - Settings - E-Mail The CallClerk - Settings - E-Mail window has several options that may be set, where appropriate click the check box or radio button beside the option to enable or disable the option. When a check or radio button is selected then that option is enabled otherwise that option is disabled. The options on this window are: 1. E-Mail From: the e-mail address from which the e-mail should appear to have come; 2. E-Mail Display Name: a user friendly display name for the From name on the e-mail; 3. E-Mail To: the e-mail recipient(s) that the e-mail should be sent to Notes: A single e-mail recipient may, most simply, be identified by their e-mail address, for example: [email protected] Optionally a 'user friendly' name may be added in front of an e-mail address, for example: John Doe [email protected] Multiple recipients each separated by a comma (",") can be used, for example: John Doe [email protected],Jane Doe [email protected], Jim [email protected] Many companies providing cell phone and/or pager services offer you the ability to send an e-mail to a special e-mail account specific to your cell phone or pager in order that you may receive a text on your cell phone or a page on your numeric or alphanumeric pager. Ask your cell phone or pager provider if they provide this service, or search online for it ( it is often refered to as a sms gateway ). Please note, your provider may charge you extra for this service, its best to check with them first.

4. Priority: the priority associated with the e-mail;

5. Your e-mail server's authentication method;

CallClerk - Outline

Options include: Auto-Select, None, Logon, Plain, CRAM-MD5, and NTML If you chose Auto-Select CallClerk will work to chose an appropriate method for you automatically 6. An option to Logon to your incoming mail server before sending mail (when this option is selected you must also identify your POP server's name in the POP server address); 7. The User ID associated with you Internet account.If you don't know this, contact your internet service provider; 8. Your User ID's password.Click the Change Password button to open the Change Password dialog box to change your password.Note changing your password in CallClerk will effect a password change for CallClerk only; 9.The POP and SMTP Server addresses (the POP address is only required if your server requires you to Logon to your incoming mail server before sending e-mails) - if you don't know these, contact your internet service provider; By default CallClerk will use port 25 when connecting to these servers. You can change the port that CallClerk uses on either or both servers by simply adding a ":port number" without the quotes after the server name. For example if your smtp server is called and you want to connect on port 587 you would use: 10. Whether the POP and SMTP servers require the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol or not (most do not); also if the SMTP Serve requires Transport Layer Security (TLS). For example gmail uses TLS on port 587; 11. What to E-Mail, more specifically you can chose what to send in the subject line and the message body. Options include: for the subject line: date, time, name and number for the body: labels, date, time, name, number, recorded message and/or faxes. Notes: a) Labels are words describing the information being e-mailed, for example the label in "Name: John Doe" is "Name:". Omitting labels can help if you are sending the e-mail through a text messaging service to your cell phone, and your text message length is restricted. b) Name and number each have two checked states: - when checked the directory's display name/display number will be e-mailed - when checked & grey an unformatted caller id name/unformatted caller id number will be e-mailed c) Recorded messages and faxes can be zipped. Zipping a message will decrease its size and in some cases allow it to pass through e-mail filters. d) If you select to send messages or faxes a confirmation line will also appear in the e-mail to confirm if a message/fax was sent or not; in the case that the answering machine is off an associated message will also appear. 12. Audio Format, sets the Audio Format for the message to be sent; for more information please see: Setting the Audio.Format. 13. E-mail saver options. E-mail saver options are designed to cut down on the number of e-mails CallClerk sends; this is handy for people who, for example, use the CallClerk e-mail function to send them a text message on their cellphone - but where their cell phone company charges them for each incoming text message. 13.1 From time to time, you may get a call from someone who only lets the phone ring once or twice and then hangs up. If you don't want to get an e-mail for such calls you can set a threshold number of rings required for CallClerk to report a call to you via E-Mail. By default the value in "Only send an E-Mail after this many rings" is set to one. This means that, assuming the associated Send EMail option is set to ON in the CallClerk - Settings - Control panel, then an e-mail will be sent to you immediately after the Caller ID's information is know (except if the Answering Machine option is set to ON and you have set CallClerk up to e-mail you answering machine messages, in which case CallClerk will wait for the message to be left, or if the incoming call is a fax and you have set CallClerk up to e-mail you faxes, in which case CallClerk will wait for the fax to be received). Accordingly, excluding the above conditions, if you set the value for "Only send an E-Mail after this many rings" to 3, and the phone only rings twice then CallClerk will not send you an e-mail. 13.2 If you only want to be e-mailed for a particular caller only once if they call multiple times over a specific timeframe then you can just set the time limit. After that an e-mail will only be sent once regardless of the number of additional calls from the same number that are received in the specified time frame. 13.3 The option to "Only send an E-Mail if a message or fax was left" will tell CallClerk to do exactly that if checked.

CallClerk - Outline

Usage Tip in relation to Blogs: Blogs (WebLogs) allow people to publish a diary of events through the internet - for more information on Blogs search the internet for the term 'Blog'. Certain Blog hosting services provide for the posting of information to your own person Blog through the use of e-mail and a specified address that you own. CallClerk has been designed to allow you to e-mail to a Blog, if you so wish, and to protect your privacy by allowing you to select what CallClerk information is posted on your Blog (see item 6. above). Also, you can neaten up your Blog postings by selecting 'Subject Only' (see item 6. above) as a 'What to E-Mail' option. Click the [Test] button to test sending an e-mail.If you have a firewall you may be prompted to allow CallClerk to access the internet.CallClerk only accesses the internet to send e-mails. CallClerk will only send e-mails to the address(es) you specify in the E-Mail setting window. Also, CallClerk will only send an e-mail when the [Test] button on the CallClerk - Settings - E-Mail window is clicked, or when an incoming phone call is received and you have selected 'Send an E-mail to report an incoming call' from the CallClerk - Settings - E-Mail window.

If you hold down the [Ctrl] key while you click the [Test] button, you will be prompted to delete any queued emails (if there are any).

If you hold down the [Alt] key while you click the [Test] button the test e-mail will be sent to the 'E-mail From' address instead of the 'E-Mail To' address. Notes:

1. If an email can not be sent out because access to the smtp server is unavailable (for example because it is down, or internet access is unavailable) the email will be queued. The email will then be sent once the access to the smtp server is re-established (CallClerk will check every couple of minutes for this). Queued emails will be preserved even if you exit and restart CallClerk or reboot your machine. However, CallClerk does have to be running for the queued emails to be sent out.

2. If you are using gmail as your smtp sever, according to this article from Goolge you will need to "Turn On" "Access for less secure apps" within your Google Account's settings - this is done here:

Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden. The CallClerk - Settings - E-Mail window looks like this:

CallClerk - Settings - Fax

CallClerk - Outline

The CallClerk - Settings - Fax window is used to set various fax options, these are: 1. If faxing is allowed. If the 'Allow Faxing' option is checked then CallClerk will be enabled to send and receive faxes. Note: this field will only be enabled if CallClerk determines it can use the modem you selected on the CallClerk - Settings - Modem window for faxing. 2. Fax Identifier; a name that identifies your CallClerk fax machine to other fax machines (Maximum 20 characters). 3. The Default 'From' Name to be use on the Forward Via Fax window. 4. To let you know you have received a fax, you can have CallClerk change its Systray Icon's background to golden, flash your keyboard's the caps lock light, num lock light, and/or scroll lock light, and/or sound a repeating beep. If CallClerk's Systray icon is turned golden, it will stay that way until you have reviewed all your faxes. To stop a flashing keyboard key, simply press the associated key (caps lock, num lock, or scroll lock). To stop the beeping, press the Scroll Lock key.

Please note: similar options can be set on the CallClerk - Settings - Answering Machine window for messages. 5. Whether CallClerk will automatically print a fax after it is received or not (checked means that it will). Prints will be sent to your default printer. 6. If CallClerk should treat all Unfamiliar Callers as fax callers. Once this option is checked all incoming calls from new numbers and numbers in your CallClerk - Directory that are marked as unfamiliar callers will be treated as faxes. Note: Familiar and Blocked callers will be handled as normal; in this way, for example, you can still auto hang-up on blocked callers. 7. If CallClerk will automatically start receiving a fax if your receive a call with a distinctive ring (you modem needs to support distinctive ring recognition). Notifications

Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden. The CallClerk - Settings - Fax window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Settings - Logs The CallClerk - Settings - Logs window allows you to determine which, if any, logs will be used. Click the check box beside the option to enable or disable the option. When a check appears in the check box then the option is enabled, when no check appears the option is disabled. Settings that can be changed pertain to: 1. whether a Session Log will be maintained; if checked a Session Log will be kept from the time CallClerk starts to the time it ends. Session Logs are stored in memory and not kept after CallClerk ends unless the option to 'Log to Disk' is checked. If the option 'Log to Disk' is checked the session log will be written to disk. You can determine the location of the session log by viewing the session log itself - the location of the session log is identified near the top of the log usually around the 10th entry or sooner. The session log is a good tool to see what is happening with CallClerk in behind the scenes. To clear the information related to previous session logs written to disk, simply uncheck the 'Log to Disk' option and click 'Apply'. 2. whether CallClerk will write certain events to the Windows Application Log (Windows 2000 and Windows XP). The events written to the Windows Application Log are kept after CallClerk ends. i.

Whether each time CallClerk starts and ends should be recorded in the Windows Application Log


Whether incoming calls should be reported in the Windows Application Log

iii. Whether errors should be reported in the Windows Application Log Note: CallClerk will also potentially write non-optional events to the Windows Application Log; these include diagnostic information Clicking on the [View] button for either of the logs allows you to view the logs. Clicking on the [Test] button allows you to test a recording an entry in the Windows Application Log. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden. The CallClerk - Settings - Logs window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Settings - Misc. The CallClerk - Settings – Misc. window is used to various misc. settings. CallClerk will behave when it is started and stopped. As well this window controls a few misc. settings including boosting CallClerk's priority when needed, how often CallClerk checks its version and what will happen when you double click the CallClerk systray icon.

Click the check box beside an option to enable or disable that option. When a check appears in the check box then the option is enabled, when no check appears the option is disabled. For start-up there are two options that may be set, these are: 1. Start CallClerk when you logon; when checked a shortcut to CallClerk will be put in your Windows Startup folder, this will cause CallClerk to be started each time your log on to your computer. When the check mark is removed from the check box the shortcut to CallClerk will be removed from your Startup folder; and 2. Show a Splash Window when CallClerk starts; when checked a splash screen will appear when CallClerk is started, when not check the splash screen will not appear.

For shutdown (stopping) there is one option that may be set, it is: 1. Confirm Shut Down when exiting – if this option is checked CallClerk will confirm shut down when exiting. Other misc. settings allow you to: 1. Choose the window you would like to open up when you double click on the CallClerk Systray Icon. Select the window you want to open up from the drop down box. 2.

Show a white background under the CallClerk icon in your systray.


Set Hot Keys.

Hot Keys will allow you to open up the CallClerk Dial, Directory, History, and/or Settings windows when they are pressed, regardless of what application you are currently using.

CallClerk - Outline

You can also set a Hot Key to open up the CallClerk Dial window and load into it the contents of your clipboard. Hot Keys values are defined by you. Just type the combination of keys into the text box associate with each system wide Hot Key option. Key values are surrounded by square brackets, for example: [CTRL], [ALT], [F3], [A] Key values you can use are: Letters:

[A] .. [Z]


[Keyboard0] ... [Keyboard9], [NumberPad0] ... [NumberPad9]

Function Keys:

[F1] ... [F12]

Special Keys:

[HOME] [END] [ESC] [INSERT] [BACKSPACE] [PRTSCN] [DELETE] [PAGEUP] [PAGEDOWN] [ARROWUP] [ARROWDOWN] [ARROWLEFT] [ARROWRIGHT] [\] [|] [,] [] [:] [;] ["] ['] [-] [_] [=] [+] [?] [/] ['] [~]

Modifiers you can use are: [CTRL] - the control key [ALT] - the alt key [WIN] - the windows key [SHIFT] - the shift key Keys values must be used in combination with one or more modifiers, for example: [CTRL] [H] [CTRL] [ALT] [H] Only the functions keys do not require a modifier (but can have a modifier if desired), for example: [F10] [ALT] [F10] You can only use one Key Value, for example: [ALT] [J] is ok [ALT] [J] [H] is not ok When you are typing in the key values they will appear in red until you have entered a valid combination, after which time they will appear in black. For example: [CTRL] [F [CTRL] [F10] 4. Automatically format the display number; this option is set on by default, it will format the caller id number into a display number such as 5551234567 into (555) 123-4567. CallClerk uses the Windows Regional Settings Location to determine the display format to be used. By default it is set to the format used in Canada and the US, however the formats from other countries such as the UK, Italy, Brazil and Israel are also supported. Unchecking this option simply puts the unformatted caller id number, as supplied by your phone company, in the display field. 5. Boost CallClerk's Priority as needed CallClerk's priority will be upgrade as needed from time to time - on some machines this will allow you to see the Display Screen and Outlook info sooner (note: this option is only available on PCs with multi-core processors); 6. Start Outlook before loading contacts (this is generally not needed, however if Outlook uses add-ins or if you are prompted by Outlook to choose a default profile selecting this option may help if CallClerk is being held up by an Outlook prompt when it is started) (Please note, to check this option Outlook must already be running.); 7. Set special actions to be taken when you click on the picture on the CallClerk - Pop-up Display, or Double Click on a History entry, Directory entry or the CallClerk Systray Icon;

CallClerk - Outline

8. Have CallClerk automatically check that it's version is up to date. You can also click the [Check Now] button to have this check run immediately. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is clicked then the CallClerk – Settings window will be hidden.

Here is what the CallClerk - Settings – Start & Stop window looks like:

Here is what you will see after clicking the [Check Now] button if there is a new version available.

CallClerk - Settings - Modem The CallClerk - Settings – Modem window is used to configure your modem to report incoming calls. Your modem must support Caller ID reporting and you must subscribe to a Caller ID service through your phone company for CallClerk to report incoming calls. Finding a good Modem A phone modem is needed to enable many of CallClerk's core features. Unfortunately only some modems provide the full support needed for CallClerk to do its job. Many modems will however allow CallClerk to at least a partial job. CallClerk automatically provides to you as much functionality as it can from your modem. For more information, please visit the modems web page at

CallClerk - Outline

Problems with some modems reporting Caller ID If Caller ID number and/or Caller ID name are not reporting correctly from your TAPI modem; you can have CallClerk attempt to fix this by making some system registry updates for you. To do this click on the [Click here if Caller ID is notw working] button. Once done follow the instructions. A subsequent window will appear that offers you the option to update your registry to fix caller id reporting, or if you have already done this and want to revert to the original registry settings then an option to do that instead. CallClerk will make the changes right away but they will not take effect until you restart your PC. CallClerk will ask you if you want to restart your system once the changes are applied. ** Please note: You must be signed on to an id that has administrative privileges for this to work ** If your modem is working just great You can click on the [Click here if Caller ID is working fine] button to remove buttons on the CallClerk - Settings - Modem window that you really don't need. If you want to restore this button (because it will even remove itself), then just click on the Auto Set button. Auto Set The very first time CallClerk runs it will attempt to find a modem that supports Caller ID. If CallClerk is unable to find a modem that supports Caller ID, or if you would like to change the modem selected, the instructions below will help you make those changes. Click on the [Auto Set] button to return to CallClerk's default modem selection. You should also click the [Auto Set] button after you add or remove any modems. After you click on the [Auto Set] you will not be able to click on it again until you have closed the CallClerk - Settings window and opened it up again.

Manual Settings The following details how you can manually set which modem and Caller ID reporting method CallClerk uses.

There are two possible ways to enable Caller ID reporting using your modem: 1. TAPI mode, and 2. COM Port mode (using Caller ID AT commands). Some modems support one or both of these modes, while some modems support neither. CallClerk will be able to report incoming calls if your modem correctly supports at least one of these modes. Between the two modes, in generally TAPI is best choice; as the COM Port mode requires dedicated use of your modem and TAPI does not. If you are unsure which modes your modem supports, try TAPI first, if it doesn't work try using COM Port. Select either the ‘TAPI’ or ‘Use modem directly (COM Port)’ option at the top of the CallClerk - Settings – Modem window to chose the mode CallClerk will use.

1.Using TAPI a) Select the ‘TAPI’ option at the top of the CallClerk - Settings – Modem window. b) CallClerk will populate the drop down list will a list of all TAPI modems connected to your PC; select the modem you would like to use. If no modems appear in the drop down list then TAPI is not supported for your modem(s) – try using COM Port Where TAPI modems are available their capabilities will be listed. 2. Caller ID AT commands a) Select the ‘Use modem directly (COM Port)’ option at the top of the CallClerk - Settings – Modem window. b) CallClerk will allow you to select your modem from a drop down menu of all modems connected to your PC; select the modem you would like to use. c) Once you have selected a modem you must then determine if it works with: i)

Formatted Presentation of Caller ID information, or

CallClerk - Outline


Unformatted Presentation of Caller ID information.

d) To figure out which presentation mode(s) your modem supports you can check your modem's user manual. If this is not possible, you can select from a drop down list of common AT Commands that enable Caller ID on many modems and then click on the [Send Command Now] button. e) When you click on the [Send Command Now] button the Session Log Window will open up. Look for an 'OK' in the session log following the issuing of the AT command to confirm your modem has been set up to enable Caller ID. If you don't see an 'OK' try another AT Command from the drop down menu. If you get an 'OK' great, go with that.

Notes: Note 1: If after receiving an incoming call CallClerk does not report the call, check the session log to see the Tags (words that identify the type of Caller ID data being reported) that appear to the left of the Caller ID information reported. Update the Tags in the Modem Setting Window to match the tags in that appear in the Session Log. The tags that appear in the Modem Setting Window by default are the most commonly used ones. Note 2: Usually if a modem is supports one presentation mode it supports the other too. In some instances however one presentation mode may work but the other does not. Note 3: If you find you are getting a formatted message but it is not reporting properly try an unformatted one; the command is usually the same with the exception of how it ends (usually a ‘1’ for formatted and a ‘2’ for unformatted’). As an example the command ‘AT +VCID=1’ is used to return a formatted Caller ID response on some modems, while the command ‘AT VCID=2’ an unformatted response on those same modems. Note 4: If you subscribe to a Caller ID service with your phone company that provides Caller ID number only (and not Caller ID name) then the Caller ID name Tag should contain the word "NONE" (without the quotes).

Reporting an Unknown Caller when Caller ID information is not available In most cases when you have a modem that support Caller ID information the Caller ID information is reported by the modem just fine. However there are are a variety of cases when a modem will not report caller id information, these include: 1. You do not subscribe to a Caller ID service from your phone company; 2. The modem does not support Caller ID reporting; 3. The modem's drivers are incorrectly configured; 4. The phone company sends the Caller ID information in a non-standard way for a particular area code; 5. The modem simply did not report Caller ID information this time around (it happens!) If your phone company does not report Caller ID name to you (but does report Caller ID Number) please check the option entitled 'My phone company does not report Caller ID Name to me'. In these, or any other case, where your modem is detecting a ring but not Caller ID information CallClerk is configurable to report an 'Unknown' Caller. To do this set the value for 'Maximum number of rings before reporting Unknown Caller'; the value for this option ranges between 1 and 4. As Caller ID information in most countries is passed between the 1st and 2nd ring you should only set this value to 1 if you live in a country, such as the UK, where the caller id comes in before the first ring, or you do not subscribe to a caller id service. Setting this value to a 3 or a 4 allows extra time for the caller id to come in. No Modem If your PC does not have a modem, or if you do not wish to use the modem attached to your PC, then select the ‘No Modem’ option. With the ‘No Modem’ option selected CallClerk may still be able to report calls to you, for more information on this feature please see the help information associated with the CallClerk - Sharing Over a Network help page.

Ghost calls Check 'Ignore ghost calls' to have CallClerk ignore calls that only ring once and for which no caller id information was provided.

CallClerk - Outline

Stripping beyond the 10th digit Check 'Strip Caller ID digits beyond 10 digits' to have CallClerk process caller id numbers of more than 10 digits as if they contained only the first (left to right) 10 digits. This option can be used to reduce the confusion associated with the same international phone number being reported in different ways by you phone company. For example in the UK an international call from North America from number 1555123457 can be reported as a call from 15551234567, 015551234567, 0015551234567, 0115551234567, 00115551234567 and/or 0011015551234567 at different times by the same phone company. Checking this option tells CallClerk to always handle this number as if it was reported by the phone company as 15551234567.

Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk – Settings window will be hidden.

Here is what the two CallClerk - CallClerk - Settings – Modem windows look like:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Settings - Outlook The CallClerk - Settings - Outlook window is used to set the options associated with interfacing CallClerk and Microsoft Outlook. Please note: MS

CallClerk - Outline

Outlook is supported, Microsoft Outlook Express is not supported. Outlook Contacts and Journal Entries CallClerk can pop-up MS Outlook Contacts and MS Outlook Journal entries when you receive or place a call using CallClerk. Options at the top of this window give you the choice of what CallClerk will pop-up (Contact Card and/or Journal Entry) when a call is received and/or placed. The Outlook Contact entry is useful in getting quick information about the person you are talking to. The Outlook Journal entry is useful in allowing you to track the details of the call (including taking notes on it). CallClerk will automatically associate all Outloock Contact Cards with the phone number being received or dialed to the Outlook Journal entry it creates. If you would like to start the Journal call timer as soon as the Journal entry pops-up there is also an option for that on this window as well. Outlook contact folders to be search CallClerk will search your system to determine the Outlook Contact folders that CallClerk can work with, simply put a check mark beside the Outlook Contact folders you would like CallClerk to work with. When a new call comes in CallClerk will search your selected contact folders to find a phone number matching the one that was received. Any and all Outlook contact entries that have a matching phone number will be popped-up. If you update the Outlook contact entry that is popped-up and save it, the change will be made permanent within Outlook. Creating new Outlook contact entries If no matching phone number is found CallClerk can optionally create and pop-up a new Outlook entry for the caller. Check the 'create a new Outlook contact when none can be found for the caller' option if you would like this to happen. If you save the new Outlook contact entry, it will be saved by Outlook - if you do not save it then it will not be kept. CallClerk keeps specific Outlook's contact card information in its memory for quicker Pop-ups CallClerk refreshs its Outlook information in memory based on a cycle identified in the CallClerk - Settings - Outlook windows. If you regularly update your Outlooks contacts you can elect to have this refresh occur more frequently (the default is once every 180 minutes), if you hardly ever update your Outlook contacts you can elect to have the this refresh happen less often. Regardless, when a call comes in, CallClerk will find its associated Outlook card whether it is in memory or not; however CallClerk will just find it faster if it is in memory. Click the [Refresh Now] button to perform an immediate refresh. Special Match If you would like CallClerk to only match the last seven digits of the caller id phone number against the numbers in your Outlook contact folders simply check the option to "Match only the last 7 digits of the phone number". Click either of the [Test] buttons to test these feature (there is one button to test incoming calls, another to test outgoing calls); when you do so you will be prompted for a number and or name (depending on which substitution strings you used) - enter the full number including the area code or use the defaults provided. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden. The CallClerk - Settings - Outlook window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

The CallClerk - Test Outlook Pop-up window looks like this:

CallClerk - Settings - Phone Line The CallClerk - Settings - Phone Line window is used to identify the phone line being monitored by CallClerk. Calls received by a particular PC will update the corresponding history entry with a reference to the phone line being monitoring. This is handy when multiple versions of CallClerk, each sharing the same database, are running over the network (with each different PC monitoring a different phone line). These phone line references are shown on CallClerk - History Window Note: CallClerk can only monitor one phone line per PC. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden. The CallClerk - Settings - Phone Line window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Settings - Recording The CallClerk - Settings - Recording window is used to start CallClerk's recording a call you click on the [Answer] button of the CallClerk Display window or when you place a call through the DialPad: If the option 'Automatically start recording calls answered by CallClerk' is checked then CallClerk will begin recording the call as soon as it is answered via the [Answer] button of the CallClerk Display window. If the option 'Automatically start recording calls placed by CallClerk' is checked then CallClerk will begin recording the call as soon as it is place through the DialPad. For more information on how recorded conversations work please refer to the "recording conversations" section of the CallClerk Dial-Out help documentation. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden. The CallClerk - Settings - Recording window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Settings - Reverse Lookup The CallClerk - Settings - Reverse Lookup window is used to identify the internet search service(s) used to provide for reverse lookups. Reverse Lookups CallClerk comes configured pointing to some example search services; these services are not part of CallClerk rather is simply referenced by it. To find other internet reverse lookup services simply search the internet for "Telephone Number Reverse Lookup". CallClerk can automatically look up a caller's phone number or name using up to three search services. The search services to be used can be changed by updating the search strings fields on the Settings - Reverse Lookup window. Searches will only be conducted where as search string field is not empty. CallClerk also provides for the following substitutions in any of the search strings fields: %Formatted Number% (will format the phone number as 555-123-4567 and substitute it in the search string %Unformatted Number% (will format the phone number as 5551234567 and substitute it in the search string %Display Name% (will substitute the Display Name (from the Directory) in the search string %Caller ID Name% (will substitute the Caller ID Name (as provided by your phone company) in the search string %Caller ID Number% (will substitute the Caller ID Number (as provide by your phone company) in the search string Here are few examples of how the search strings can be configured: Number% Number% ID Name% Name% Number% %Caller ID Name% Name%&sm=Yahoo%21+Search&fr=FP-tab-web-t&toggle=1&ei=UTF-8 Number% You may click any of the [Google Number], [411 Number], [ Number], [Google Display Name], or [Google Caller ID Name] buttons to load one of these defaults, or may enter your own search string.

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For each lookup, you may also check an option that will cause the lookup to happen if the caller id number is known but the caller id name is not. Notes: CallClerk will launch each search one after the other, if you are using a tab enabled browser, such as FireFox, each search will appear in its own tab. If you are not using a tab enabled browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, you will need to click the back button to view previous searches. In some locations, such as Canada, the area code is not reported by your phone company for local calls. As the internet reverse lookup service will require this information CallClerk will need to know it. In this case your local area code information will be taken from the 'My Area Code' field on the CallClerk - Settings - Dial-out window. If checked, the option Suppress Reverse Number Lookups when Outlook Contact Card is found will suppress reverse number lookups if the Outlook Pop-up feature is turned on and an Outlook Contact Card is found for the caller. The CallClerk - Control Panel is used to turn the reverse number lookup function on or off for familiar, unfamiliar and blocked callers. Click the [Test] button to test this feature; when you do so you will be prompted for a number and or name (depending on which search strings you used) - enter the full number including the area code or use the defaults provided. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden. The CallClerk - Settings - Reverse Lookup window looks like this:

The CallClerk - Test Reverse Lookup window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Settings - Ring The CallClerk - Settings - Ring window lets you set the rings to be heard through your PC speakers when a call is received. Rings can be set for each of Familiar, Unfamiliar and Blocked Callers. Additional a unique ring can be set for use while the caller id number is not yet known.

New Rings can be added (renamed and deleted) by clicking the [Manage Rings] button - this brings up the CallClerk - Manage Rings window. An option to delay the first ring until Caller ID information is known is also available; when checked the ring will not be played until the caller id information has been received and CallClerk can determine if the call is from a familiar, unfamiliar or blocked caller. In this way you can, for example, setup CallClerk to never play a ring sound for a blocked call. Note: CallClerk cannot surpress the ring sound made by any phones you may have on the line. Click any of the [Play] buttons to play the sound of the ringing through your PC speakers.

Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden.

Here is what the CallClerk - Settings - Ring window looks like:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Settings - Run Program The CallClerk - Settings - Run Program window is used to set the programs (and their arguments) which can be run for Familiar, Unfamiliar and Blocked Callers. Run Program CallClerk can automatically run a program on your PC when you receive a call. The CallClerk - Control Panel is used to turn the reverse number lookup function on or off for familiar, unfamiliar and blocked callers. Programs to be run may be the same or different between Familiar, Unfamiliar, Blocked and Custom Callers. CallClerk supports the running of all types of programs (.exe, .com, .bat, .vbs, ....); each program can also have arguments passed into it. To identify the program to be run either enter its full drive, path and filename in the associate program box, or click on the appropriate [Find] button to find the program on your computer system. CallClerk provides a variety of substitutions in any of the program or argument fields. To see a list of all possible substitutions please click on the Advanced tab on the CallClerk - Settings - Run Program Window (screen shot below). Here are few examples of how the search strings can be configured: Program Name


c:\windows\notepad.exe c:\windows\notepad.exe

%Display Name%.txt


Call Record for %Display Name% %Date% %Time%.txt

c:\my batch files\mybatch%Unformatted Number%.bat

%Display Name% %Date%

Note: In some locations, such as Canada, the area code is not reported by your phone company for local calls; in these case your local area code information will be taken from the 'My Area Code' field on the CallClerk - Settings - Dial-out window if it is available. If checked, the option to suppress Run Programs when Caller ID Number is not known will suppress run programs if the Caller ID number is not known (for example "0" or "P", "Unknown", "Private", etc.).

CallClerk - Outline

If checked, the option to suppress Run Programs when Outlook Contact Card is found will suppress run programs if the Outlook Pop-up feature is turned on and an Outlook Contact Card is found for the caller. Click the [Test] button to test this feature; when you do so you will be prompted for a number and or name (depending on which substitution strings you used) - enter the full number including the area code or use the defaults provided. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden. The CallClerk - Settings - Reverse Lookup window looks like this:

The CallClerk - Test Reverse Lookup window looks like this:

The CallClerk - Settings - Run Program - Advanced window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Settings - Social The CallClerk - Settings - Social window is used to set various in relation to sending social updates. CallClerk supports social updates through Facebook and Twitter. Setting up to use Facebook Before CallClerk can post information about an incoming or outgoing call to your Facebook account you will first need: 1. A Facebook account (to sign up for one for free please visit 2. To Authorize CallClerk to post to your Facebook account. To do this, just click the 'Authorize CallClerk to Post' button on the CallClerk - Settings Social window and follow the instructions. Some notes about Facebook authorization: Facebook authorizations are free and can be done in less than a minute, however, Facebook will only authorize you to automatically post via CallClerk for ~60 days, after which time you have to re-authorize CallClerk. Also, even though CallClerk doesn't retain your Facebook user id or password (rather it keeps a special token that Facebook provides when you get your authorization), Facebook will require you to re-authorize CallClerk if you change your Facebook password. CallClerk shows you when your authorization period will expire on the CallClerk - Settings - Social window. CallClerk will prompt you at startup if your authorization period will be expiring soon or has expired, in which case you can return to the CallClerk Settings - Social window and reauthorize CallClerk. When you authorize CallClerk to post, Facebook will give you an option with respect to who can see the CallClerk posts. In short, your options include: 'Only me' (the default), your 'Friends', or 'Public' (everyone). Setting up to use Twitter Before CallClerk can tweet (report) an incoming or outgoing call on Twitter you will first need: 1. A Twitter account (to sign up for one for free please visit ) 2. To Authorize CallClerk to tweet to your account.

CallClerk - Outline

To do this, just click the 'Get Twitter Authorization PIN' button on the CallClerk - Settings - Social window and follow the instructions. Some notes about Twitter authorization: Facebook authorizations are free and can be done in less than a minute, and you should only have to do them once, unless you want to change the account CallClerk tweets to. Twitter does not provide an option to keep your tweets private. Posting and Tweeting You can set if CallClerk post / tweets incoming, outgoing or both incoming or outgoing calls; just check (to tweet) or uncheck (not to post/tweet) the appropriate option. Also to post/tweet incoming calls, the Social option must be turned 'ON' on the CallClerk - Settings - Control Panel for the caller types (Familiar, Unfamiliar, Blocked) that you would like to tweet. The information you post/tweet is also determined by you; you can choose to post/tweet the CallClerk Display Name/Caller ID name, CallClerk Display Number/Caller ID number, date and/or time that a call was received or placed. Regarding the name and number options: a dark check in the name or number option signifies that CallClerk is to tweet the CallClerk display name or number; a light check in these same options indicates that CallClerk is to tweet the caller ID name or caller ID number, while no check signifies that CallClerk will not tweet this information. If none of the options name, number, date, or time are checked, but you have checked the option to tweet incoming or outgoing calls then either just 'Call received' or 'Call placed' (as appropriate) will appear in the tweet. Once you have Authorized CallClerk to post/tweet to your account, you can click the 'Test' button to send a test post/tweet. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden. The CallClerk - Settings - Run Program window looks like this:

CallClerk - Settings - Speaker Phone The CallClerk - Settings - Speaker Phone window lets you set if the Speaker Phone will automatically be turned on by default when a call is either

CallClerk - Outline

answered or dialed. Check the value 'Turn Speaker Phone on by default' to have the speaker phone turned on by default. If not checked the speaker phone will be turned off by default. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk - Settings window will be hidden.

Here is what the CallClerk - Settings - Speaker Phone window looks like:

CallClerk - Settings - Web Page The CallClerk - Settings - Web Page window allows you to set up your preferences for uploading a directory web page and a history log web page, as well as optionally messages and faxes, each time a call is receive. Screen shot examples are included at the bottom of this document. If you decide to upload your messages and/or faxes you will be able to access them while online by double clicking on the associated icon on your web page. Web Hosting with FTP (File Transfer Protocol) required: To make use of this function you will require a web site domain name and a hosting service that allows for FTP file transfer. Depending on your internet service provider you may or may not have this already. If you do not have these services you will need to get them in order to use this particular function of CallClerk. Domain name registration and Hosting services can be purchased separately from different providers or you can get them together as a package. These services do no come bundled with CallClerk. One provider that offers both Domain Name Registration and Hosting Services as bundled package is LunarPages. Here is a link to where you can get more information on the services and costs offered by Lunar Pages. > LunarPages < CallClerk has been hosted by Lunarpages since April 2004, their service and support are excellent. A word about Privacy:

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Posting a list of your calls, messages and faxes on the internet may lead to privacy issues for some. Accordingly it is important to note that with some hosting services, such as LunarPages, you can add password protection to prevent your web page from being generally viewed by everyone. If you desire this level of protection you should check with your hosting provider to see if they offer it. How to set it up with Lunar Pages is explained below. Additionally, the web page that CallClerk builds for you by default has embedded in it an instruction to web site search engines robots telling them not to index the page. Accordingly even if you choose not to password protect access to your web page this feature will prevent most search engines from indexing your web page. Settings: Web Page content Directory: You can have Familiar, Unfamiliar and/or Blocked directory entries uploaded to a Directory web page. If you select the option to Include directory entries where the caller's name is not identified all Directory entries will be uploaded, otherwise only directory entries where their is a directory name will be uploaded to your web page. History: Incoming and Outgoing Calls The CallClerk - Settings - Web Page window allows you chose if you what only incoming calls, only outgoing calls or both incoming and outgoing calls listed on your web page. Days to report Enter the number of days that you want, from the present, that you want to have reported on your web page. 1 day means just today,2 days means today and yesterday, and so on. 0 days means all days in your history log. Messages and Faxes Where there is an associated message/recording or fax with a call, you can chose if you what these uploaded or not. If you choose to upload your messages or faxes then CallClerk will only upload them if they are not already on your web server. Uploaded messages can be placed on your server in a variety of formats. When CallClerk records a message it uses the highest quality possible, this however results in a large file. You can click the Auto Format button to set an audio format which will result in a smaller file size for file upload. Many, if not all, the smaller file sizes offer sound quality that can be quite acceptable to some. The advantage of using a smaller file size are that the upload and playing processes go much faster, you bandwidth is saved, and CallClerk may be able to reset itself to accept the next incoming call faster. Link to an Internet Reverse Lookup service The phone number displayed by CallClerk on your web page can optionally include a hyper link to a web page look up service. Click the 'Google Number' or '411 Number' to you these services, or use your own - you can use substitutions similar to those describe for CallClerk's reverse number lookup function. Leave this field blank if you do not want to link to an internet reverse number lookup. Web Page address: Enter the full web page address, for example: Notes: 1: the web page address must end with /history.html or /directory.html 2. if your web site is being hosted by a web site hosting company, such as Lunarpages, the web site address should begin with http://

3: if your web site is an internal site, you can should enter the drive, path and file name (instead of the http://), as an example: F:/callclerkinternalsite/history.html

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Doing this will trigger CallClerk to copy the files via your network as opposed to FTPing them. 4: When you click the test button your directory and history web pages will be uploaded and CallClerk will open the web page that you specify in the Web Page address text box. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Settings FTP Site: Enter the full name of your ftp site, starting with ftp:// Please note this does not include the name of your web page Log on info: Click Anonymous or include your user id and password as required by your hosting provider Port and PASV options Port will almost always need to be 21 If 21 does not work contact your hosting service provider PASV (Passive) should be checked or unchecked depending on your hosting provider. Deleting Files from your Hosting Service CallClerk will only upload files to your FTP server, it will not however delete them. Accordingly if you want to delete old messages on your ftp server you should use your hosting servers File Manager function, or use a FTP software tool to do this. Using Lunar Pages

The following is a step by step walkthru of how to set up a LunarPages account to allow for CallClerk web page updates.

Log on at LunarPages, and click on the Control Panel tab and the Control Panel button From the LunarPages control panel 1.0 Set up a Directory to store your phone log web page, messages and faxes 1.1 from the Lunarpages Control Panel window click on File Manager 1.2 click on the picture of the folder to the left of the directory named Public_html 1.3 click on the words Create New Folder 1.4 in the text box that appears to the right, enter the following (please note: use lower case only): phonelog 1.5 close the File Manager window

2.0 Setting up FTP Manager 2.1 from the Lunarpages Control Panel window click on FTP Manager 2.2 click on FTP Accounts 2.3 click on "add FTP Account" 2.4 type a user name and password note: capitalization is important 2.5 delete the value in the directory field (it will be /yourusername) and replace it with:

CallClerk - Outline

/phonelog 2.6 click Create 2.7 close the FTP Manager window 3.0 Password protect web access to your information (optional) 3.1 from the Lunarpages Control Panel window click on Password Protect Directory 3.2 click on the phonelog directory (which you created in step 1 above) 3.3 check the box that says the directory requires a password 3.4 click save 3.5 click goback 3.6 in the fields (near the bottom of the window) that say User Name and Password, enter a User Name and password notes: capitalization is important, this password may be different from the one used in step 2.4 above 3.7 click on Add/Modify authorized user 4.0 Log Out of LunarPages 5.0 On the CallClerk - Settings - WebUpate window set the web page address as: set the ftp site as: set the filename as: phonelog.html set your FTP User ID as: [email protected] (where xxxx is the user id that you used in step 2.4 above) set your FTP Password as: the password you used in step 2.4 above 6.0 Click the CallClerk [Apply] button on the CallClerk - Settings - Web Update window 7.0 Click the CallClerk [Test] button on the CallClerk - Settings - Web Update window Important notes: - the very first time you run a test CallClerk will load all graphics, messages and faxes to your server as required to complete your web page, accordingly the greater the number of days you have indicated in the Days to report field the longer it will take for CallClerk to complete uploading the information to your server; - the value you set by using the Set Audio Format button will impact the time it takes to upload your message files; and - subsequent test will complete much faster as many of the necessary files will already be on your server and will not need to be uploaded again. 8.0 When all uploads are complete, CallClerk will open your default browser. If you had selected a user name and password in step 3.6 above you will be prompted for these 9.0 If later you wish to delete old messages/faxes from the Lunarpages web host server you can by using Microsoft Internet explorer. To do this (using XP):

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9.1 start Microsoft Internet Explorer as you normally would 9.2 in the address bar, type press enter 9.3 you will see an error window - just click OK 9.4 on the Microsoft Internet Explorer menu bar click File - Logon As in the user name field type: [email protected] (where xxxx is the user id that you used in step 2.4 above) and in the Password field enter your password (that you used in step 2.4 above) Click on save password if you would like to do this for next time Click OK 9.5 you will now see a list of all the files in your phonelog directory 9.6 right click on the file(s) you do not want and delete them; if you accidentally delete a file required by CallClerk, CallClerk will replace it the next time your web page is updated. Once the current settings have been modified the changes may be permanently applied by clicking on the [Apply] or [OK] button or voided by clicking on the [Cancel] button. If either the [OK] or [Cancel] button is pressed then the CallClerk – Settings window will be hidden. The CallClerk - History window looks like this:

Here is an example of directory and history page web pages created by CallClerk:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Window Here is a quick reference to the various CallClerk windows: l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Splash Main Settings Display Dial Out Directory History Session Log Windows Application Event Log About Licensing and Registering Missing Database The CallClerk Systray Icon

CallClerk - About The CallClerk - About window details CallClerk’s build date (version), copyright information, shareware and licensing terms and purchasing information. Until CallClerk is licensed and registered the CallClerk - About window lets you know how long you have left in the evaluation period. After the evaluation period is over, CallClerk will continue to operate but with a reduced set of functionality. Licensing and registering CallClerk provides for its ongoing use with full functionality. You must slide the scroll bar beside the licensing text to see all of the licensing text. To license and register CallClerk click on the [License and Register CallClerk] button to be brought to the CallClerk CallClerk - Licensing and Registering window .

If you have already registered CallClerk, clicking on the 'This copy of CallClerk is licensed to' box will display your registration code to and copy it to your clipboard. Click [OK] to close the window. The CallClerk - About window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk – Database not found If the CallClerk database is missing from where CallClerk expects it to be, CallClerk will display the CallClerk Database Not Found window at start-up. The location of where CallClerk expected to find the CallClerk database is shown at the top of this window. Options you can chose include: 1. Try Again This is used when the CallClerk database may have become temporarily unavailable, for example when it is stored on the network and the network was temporarily down. 2. Find the database This is used to manually locate the CallClerk database on your system 3. Restore the database from a previous backup This is used to restore the database from a previous backup. The backup could have been made through an earlier backup using the backup function on the CallClerk Settings - Database window, or by an earlier copy of the CallClerk.mdb to a backup location 4. Create a new empty database If you select this a new empty database will be created at the location identified a the top of the CallClerk Database Not Found window. 5. Ignore CallClerk will continue to run but some functions will not be available. 6. Exit CallClerk CallClerk will be exited (stopped). Click the [OK] button to have CallClerk act upon the option you have chosen. Here is what the CallClerk Database Not Found window looks like:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Dial Out Window The CallClerk - Dial Out window is used to answer incoming calls (requires a TAPI modem) and place outgoing calls. To answer an incoming call click on 'Answer' on the CallClerk Display Window. To place outgoing calls it can be accessed from the Main window, Directory window, History window and CallClerk Systray icon. To use Dial Out – the ‘Allow Dial Out’ option must be enabled in the Settings – Dial Out window and either the 'Use TAPI' or 'Use modem directly' options must be selected in the Settings - Modem window. The CallClerk Dial Out window allows you dial from the: speed dial list, last number dialed (redial), last number received, Directory window, History window, a phone number stored in the your PC's clipboard, a number you enter via the Dial Pad , or via the keyboard. When a call is connected the CallClerk Dial Out window will change to include options for: a speaker phone music on hold recording a conversation Additionally you can use this window to Send and Receive Faxes. Note each of these options will only appear if you have a TAPI modem and you are using it in TAPI mode. Also for the speaker phone options you require a TAPI modem with speaker phone capabilities. Dial Out Edit Rules This window also allows you to toggle on and off the Dial Out Edit rules set in the Settings – Dial Out window. When the Dial Out Edit Rules are on you will see this symbol beside the dial out display area: With Dial Out Edit Rules on CallClerk will: - Replace key pad letters with numbers, for example 555-Help is translated to 555-4357 - As appropriate, add the number you identified in the CallClerk - Settings - DialOut window to proceed long distance calls When the Dial Out Edit Rules are off you will see this symbol beside the dial out display area: Speed Dial Click on the [Speed Dial] button and the CallClerk - Dial Out - Speed Dial list will appear (see illustration below). You may add up to twenty entries in the Speed Dial List. Each entry on the Speed Dial List buttons, may contain a 'name' and phone 'number'. The 'name' is optional and describes the phone 'number'. Entries may be entered by keying them into the fields on the screen.

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Entries may also be loaded from the Directory. Clicking on a Speed Dial List button when its associated name and number fields are blank will cause the CallClerk - Directory window to appear, select a directory entry and then 'OK' to load the name and numbers found in the directory into the associated Speed Dial button fields. Clicking on a Speed Dial List button when its associated number contains a value will causes CallClerk to dial the speed dial number immediately. You can also press the Alt key and the Number/Letter of the speedial button to start the speed dial process. For button 10 you can press [Alt][0]. Note: Speed Dial numbers are dialed just as they are displayed in the CallClerk - Dial Out - Speed Dial window. Edit Dialing Rules are NOT applied to Speed Dial Numbers. Last Number Dialed (redial) If since the last time you have started CallClerk you have dialed a phone number using the CallClerk Dial Out window, the [Last Number Dialed] button will be enabled. Click on the [Last Number Dialed] button and the last number dialed will be loaded into the Dial Out Display area. Click on the [Dial] to begin the dialing sequence (see more information below). Last Number Received If their are history entries in your CallClerk History Log the [Last Number Received] button will be enabled. Click on the [Last Number Received] button and the phone number most recently stored and maintained in the History Log will be loaded into the Dial Out Display area. Click on the [Dial] to begin the dialing sequence (see more information below). Directory Window Click on the [Directory] button and the Directory window will appear. Select an entry to dial in the Directory window and click [OK]. The entry you selected will be copied to the Dial Out Display area. Click on the [Dial] to begin the dialing sequence (see more information below). History Window Click on the [History] button and the History window will appear. Select an entry to dial in the History window and click [OK]. The entry you selected will be copied to the Dial Out Display area. Click on the [Dial] to begin the dialing sequence (see more information below). Clipboard Click on the [ Load from Clipboard] button and the contents of the Windows’ clipboard are put into the Dial Out Display area. If the Auto Filter option is checked CallClerk will automatically filter out non-dialable characters from the clipboard when it loads the Dial Out Display area. The default value for 'Auto Filter' is set from the Settings – Dial Out window. You may additionally update the number to be dialed in the Dial Out Display area prior to beginning the dialing sequence. Click on the [Dial] to begin the dialing sequence (see more information below). Dial Pad Click on any of the Dial Pad buttons and the Dial Out Display area will be updated accordingly. The [Pause] button will insert a 'comma' into the Dial Out Display area. A common will cause your modem to pause when dialing - usually for about two or three seconds. Click on the [Dial] to begin the dialing sequence (see more information below). After you have hung-up, if you have dialed a number for which thier is no directory name you will be prompted to enter one - doing so is optional. Keyboard Click on the Dial Out Display area and you may update the number to be dialed directly. In addition to the digits 0 through 9, many modems support the following special characters to control the dialing sequence:

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a comma "," (without the quotes) - for a Pause of usually 2 or 3 seconds, a capital letter "W" (without the quotes) - to wait for a dial tone, (Note: to enter a "W" the Dial Out Edit Rules must be off) an "@" symbol (without the quotes) - to wait for silence, and a explanation mark "!" (without the quotes) - to cause a hook flash. When you have finished updating the Dial Out Display area click on the [Dial] to begin the dialing sequence (see more information below). Dialing Sequence (as reference above) Click the [Dial] button to dial the number in the Dial Out Display Area. When the [Dial] button is clicked the modem will place the outgoing call, also the [Dial] button will change into a pale yellow [Pick-up] button and the Dial Pad buttons will turn pale yellow. Click the Dial Pad buttons to dial additional digits after the call has been placed; this is handy when you are calling a business and a machine asks you to press a number, or dial an extension number, to continue. Click the [Pick-up] button when you are finished dialing and have picked up your phone’s handset. Speaker phone

Requires a TAPI modem with speaker phone capabilities. You can set speaker and mic volume and gain levels, as well as mute them through these controls. Notes: 1. If you are using the speaker phone function, CallClerk will only activate the speak volume after it has completely finished dialing. 2. To prevent windows from activating the speaker volume before CallClerk has finished dialing click on: Start - Windows - Settings - Control Panel - Phone and Modem Options - Modems (tab) - Click on your modem - Properties - Modem Speaker Volume and make sure the slider is all the way to the left (off) and then click ok - ok. 3. You can set CallClerk to automatically turn the speaker phone on when dialing or answering a call using the CallClerk - Settings - Speaker Phone window.

Music on Hold Requires a TAPI Modem with speaker phone capabilities. Plays the wav files found in the CallClerk's music directory when the Music On Hold button is ON. Notes: 1. The location of CallClerk's music directory is detailed near the beginning of the CallClerk - Session Log but in most cases will be either: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\CallClerk\Music\ or C:\WINDOWS\All Users\Application Data\CallClerk\Music\ 2. The wav file that comes with CallClerk can be replace by one or more wav files, however the file properties of each wav file must be as follows: audio format: PCM audio sample rate: 8.000 kHz audio sample size: 16 Bits channels: 1 (Mono) Microsoft Windows' Sound Recorder program may be used change the properties of a wav file, to do this: a) this Start Microsoft Windows' SoundRecorder Start - Programs - Accessories - Entertainment - Sound Recorder

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b) open a wav file - File - Open c) select File - Save As beside Format, click the [Change] button and select the options outlined above d) give the file a name (it should end in with a .wav extension) and select OK e) copy the file you created to the CallClerk music directory

3. Wav files are played in a continuous loop one after another when the Music On Hold button is ON.

4. When the Music On Hold button is ON the Speaker Phone Speaker and Mic are automatically turned OFF.

Recording a conversation

Requires a TAPI voice modem. After you have dialed or answered a call a [Record] button will appear in the Dial Out window. Click the [Record] button to record the phone conversation. When you click the [Record] button it turns red and is renamed 'Recording'. Click the red [Recording] button to stop recording. Recordings accessed through the CallClerk History window. If you would like to begin a recording automatically when a call is answered by clicking the [Answer] button on the CallClerk Display then the 'Automatically record calls answered by CallClerk' option on the CallClerk - Settings - Recording window should be checked. You can record and stop recording multiple times during the same phone call. Sending a Fax Requires a TAPI modem Click the [Send Fax] button to send a fax You will then be prompted to select a TIF file to send as a fax ( for more information on TIF files see Sending and Receiving Faxes )

You may also select a JPG or BMP file to be faxed. Following this the Forward via Fax window will appear.

Translating Key Pad Letters to Numbers CallClerk applies the international standard for translating letters to numbers: 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQRS TUV WXYZ

Misc. In the case where you have answered a call from an 'Unfamiliar' caller, the Dial Pad window will also show a [Block] button; click this if you would like to block the call after answering it. You will be prompted to confirm this action, and if you say yes you will be prompted to let CallClerk know if you would like to block all calls from this number into the future. Click the [Cancel] button to close the CallClerk – Dial Out window. The CallClerk - Dial Out window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

After connecting to a call the CallClerk - Dial Out window looks like this: (note this screen will only appear if you have a TAPI modem. Also Speaker phone functions will only appear if your TAPI modem supports speaker phone functions).

The CallClerk - Dial Out - Speed Dial Window looks like:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - (Google Contacts / Outlook) Directory Import The CallClerk - Directory Import Wizard allows you to copy information from your MS Google Contacts or Outlook Contact folder(s) into the CallClerk Directory. To access this Wizard go to the CallClerk - Directory window and click on "File - Import from Google" or "File - Import from Outlook" The CallClerk Import Wizard will ask you a series of questions to accomplish the import, each set of questions is contained on its own tab page. Simply advance through the tab pages / questions by clicking on the [Next] button (additional instructions navigation instructions are contained on the first tab page). On the Backup tab, if you click the [Backup Now] button a backup of your CallClerk database will be made. If needed you can restore this backup using the Restore function on the CallClerk - Settings - Database window. The location of the backup will be the default location used by the CallClerk - Settings - Database window. For the Google Import Wizard, you will need to enter your Google (GMail) ID and Password.

For the Outlook Import Wizard, on the Folders tap page select the Outlook contact folders you would like to import. On the Numbers tab you will have to identify how local and long distance calls are reported to you by your phone company. If you have been using CallClerk for a while, and there are both local and local and long distance callers recorded in yourDirectory then click the button entitled " Click here to have try and CallClerk determine these settings". Another way to tell is by looking at the Caller ID Number column in the CallClerk - Directory window. Please note you will need to click View - More Information on the CallClerk - Directory window to see the Caller ID Number column. If your phone company local reports calls in a seven digit format then you will need to identify your local area code. This will be taken from the value in the CallClerk - Settings - Dialout window if available; if not you will need to enter it. If your local calls are reported to you in a 10 digit format then your long distance calls will be reported in a 10 digit format as well. If your local calls are reported to you in a 11 digit format then your long distance calls will be reported in a 11 digit format as well. If you live in the United Kingdom you should select "UK Format". All other questions in the should not require any additional explanation. Click the [Import Now] button to import the Outlook records. When you do this the CallClerk session log will pop-up and you will be able to see the progress of the import. When the import is complete a pop-up window will appear, click OK and this window and the CallClerk - Import window will close. When the import is complete you will be able to identify these records as their Directory Phone numbers will be the formated numbers found in Outlook but their CallerID numbers will be set to "Unknown". Later if you receive a call from someone who's Directory entry was imported from Outlook CallClerk will automatically update the CallerID Number to be the CallerID number as supplied by your phone company.

CallClerk - Directory Window The CallClerk - Directory window provides a listing of all past callers. From this window you can: review the list of past callers, assign tailored Display Names and phone numbers, associate a picture to a particular caller and define the caller type of each caller. The directory entries can also be sorted, dialed, printed and/or deleted. A reverse number lookup can also be performed on a directory entry. All directory records are displayed in the directory table of the CallClerk - Directory window. CallClerk automatically creates a new directory record when a call is received for the first time from a new phone number. A directory record may be manually created by selecting 'Edit - Add' from the CallClerk - Directory window’s menu bar. Directory entries can also be imported from Microsoft Outlook or a Comma Separated File or exported to a Comma Separated File. The Display Name and Directory Phone Number are those which appear in the CallClerk - Display. When a new directory record is created the value in these fields are set to the same values as are reported by your local phone company, however, some automatic editing may be done to make these records appear more presentable. Abbreviated and Full Directory Window The Directory window has two formats: abbreviated and full.

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To switch between abbreviated and full formats, click the View - More Detail option off the menu bar.

Assigning tailored display names and phone numbers To assign tailored display names and phone numbers, select 'Edit - Edit' from the CallClerk - Directory window’s menu bar. An Add/Edit window will appear and you will be able to update the display name and directory number fields associated with this caller. For example, you can change the name “SMITH JOHN” to “Mom and Dad”. You can also edit the display name and phone number information, on the left hand side of the window, for the current entry. To change the current entry scroll to it in the directory list and click on it. Setting the Caller Type Indicator The Caller Type indicator identifies callers as being either Familiar, Unfamiliar, Blocked or Custom. This information, along with the settings on the CallClerk - Settings - Control Panel, is used to control how CallClerk process an incoming call. By default all new callers are set to Unfamiliar. The Customized option let's you tailor CallClerk specific actions for a particular directory; just click on the 'Customize' button and then change the caller type to 'Custom' to set your desired features for that particular caller. To change the Caller Type for one or more directory entries: To select a single directory entry to be updated, click on the grey box to the left of the directory record. To select multiple directory entries in a series to be updated, click on the grey box to the left of the first entry in the series, hold the [Shift] key down and click on the grey box to the left of the last entry in the series; To select various directory entries within the window hold the [Ctrl] key down and click on the grey box to the left of each directory record you want to update. Change the Caller Type indicator to the desired value. Note: Regardless of if a call is blocked (or not) a history record will be recorded for the call. Working with Once you have set up an account on you can use the service to confirm the name of a caller and /or report a nuisance caller to the service. To perform either of these functions, just click on Edit and then either "Check for caller's identity" or ''Report to" - please see CallClerk - Settings - Call Blocking for more information.


Clicking the 'Customize' button on the CallClerk - Directory window opens up the CallClerk - Directory Add/Edit window. From here you can set a variety of options as described below: Setting the Picture to be associated with a Directory Entry To set the picture for a Directory Entry, scroll to that entry in the directory list and click on it. Following this click on the [Change Picture] button and update the picture on the CallClerk - Directory Add/Edit window. To update the picture on the CallClerk - Directory Add/Edit window, click [Set] on the CallClerk - Directory Add/Edit window to add a picture (you will be prompted to locate a picture file on your computer) or click [Remove] to remove an existing picture. When a call is received from the associated caller the picture you have set will be displayed if the 'Include Picture' option is selected on the CallClerk Settings - Display window. Setting a Distinctive Ring A distinctive ring can be set for a particular caller by clicking on the [Customize] button and then selecting a ring from the drop down list of available rings. Additional rings can be added through the [Manage Ring] button.

Setting a Distinctive Greeting A distinctive greeting can be set for a particular caller by clicking on the [Customize] button and then clicking on the [Record] button. The recorded greeting will only be played for calls received from the number associated with the directory entry. Once recorded a greeting can be played by clicking the [Play] button or removed by pressing the [Remove] button. You can also import a pre-recorded .wav file. To do this click on the [Import] button, find the file and click on OK. Please note the wav file must be in a particular format (shown below). CallClerk will attempt to convert whatever sound file you are importing into this format. If however it can not because it doesn't recognize the format, you should first save it in the following format: audio format: PCM

CallClerk - Outline

audio sample rate: 8.000 kHz audio sample size: 16 Bits channels: 1 (Mono) Microsoft Windows' Sound Recorder program may be used change the properties of a wav file, to do this: a) this Start Microsoft Windows' SoundRecorder Start - Programs - Accessories - Entertainment - Sound Recorder b) open a wav file - File - Open c) select File - Save As beside Format, click the [Change] button and select the options outlined above d) give the file a name (it should end in with a .wav extension) and select OK e) copy the file you created to the CallClerk music directory

Setting a Distinctive DTMF signal

As an alternative to an answering machine greeting you can have CallClerk emulate phone dial pad buttons being pressed on your phone. This may be used, for example, to open an apartment lobby door when you call from your cell phone. DTMF signals you can use are the numbers 0 thru 9, the letters A thru D, star, and pound ( “0123456789ABCD*#” ).

Custom Caller Type Functions When the Caller Type is set to 'Custom' you can specifically turn on (checked) or off (unchecked) each of CallClerk's features for a particular caller. Just check/uncheck the options as you like.

When the Caller Type is 'Familiar', 'Unfamiliar', or 'Blocked' you can not change these options.

The option 'Answer asap' is only available for the 'Custom' Caller Type. When this option is checked CallClerk will start the answering machine following the ring that comes after the Caller ID information is received - this regardless of the number of rings that CallClerk normally waits for until it starts the answering machine.

Setting a Special Dialing Prefix and/or Suffix

You can set a special Dialing Prefix and/or Suffix for use when dialing a specific directory contact.

For example for a prefix you can add your phone company's code for hiding your caller id info when you call someone, or for a suffix you can add the numbers needed to navigate a menu driven interactive voice response system (for example you can add the numbers associated with "Press '1' for English or '2' for French, and then Press '1' to get our hours of operation ... ".

In addition to the digits 0 through 9, many modems support the following special characters to control the dialing sequence: a star "*" (without the quotes) a hash "#" (without the quotes) a comma "," (without the quotes) - for a Pause of usually 2 or 3 seconds, a capital letter "W" (without the quotes) - to wait for a dial tone, an "@" symbol (without the quotes) - to wait for silence, and an explanation mark "!" (without the quotes) - to cause a hook flash.

Please note: when you add either a dialing prefix or a dialing suffix to a directory entry, the edit rules on the CallClerk - Settings - Dial Out Window will be ignored.

CallClerk - Outline

Setting the Fax Indicator

When the Fax indicator is checked calls from this caller will automatically answered and process as faxes

Advanced: Setting up CallClerk to handle all calls from a specific caller id name in the same way regardless of their caller id number For example if "ABC Inc" has several outgoing phone lines and you want all calls from "ABC Inc" to be handled in the same way, here is how to set this up: On the CallClerk - Directory window click on Edit - Add from the menu bar Enter the following: Display Name: ABC Inc Display Number: * Caller ID Name: ABC INC Caller ID Number: * Also, you can set any other option on the CallClerk - Directory - Add/Edit window that you like; for example if you want all calls blocked from ABC Inc then on the CallClerk - Directory - Add/Edit window select a caller type of blocked. After you have done this the next time you get a call from "ABC Company" where CallClerk does not already have a directory entry defined for that Caller ID number, CallClerk will create a new directory entry for you using the directory entry with the "*" in it as a template. All settings including caller type (Familiar/Unfamiliar/Blocked), Picture, Ring Name, Distinctive Greeting will be copied over from the template you created. Setting up CallClerk to handle all calls with the specific caller id number prefix: For example if you want all calls from a 1-800 number to be handled in the same way, here is how to set it up: On the CallClerk - Directory window click on Edit - Add from the menu bar. Enter the following: Display Name: * Display Number: 1800* Caller ID Name: * Caller ID Number: 1800* You may also set any other option on the CallClerk - Directory - Add/Edit window that you like; for example if you want all calls blocked from 1-800 numbers then on the CallClerk - Directory - Add/Edit window select a caller type of blocked. Of note: some phone companies always deliver the caller id with the leading 1, while others deliver the leading 1 either sometimes or never. Take a look at the 'From Phone Company' (Caller ID) Number on other existing CallClerk - Directory items to see if you need to put a leading 1 in or not. Do not add in any spaces, brackets, or hyphens in the prefix. You can enter as many prefixes, as above, as you like. You can have your prefixes set up for as many digits (>1) as you like, for example: 1888* or 1555* or 1555729* (and/or 888* 555* 555729* as the case may be). After you have done this the next time you get a call from a number matching your prefix rules (where CallClerk does not already have a directory entry defined for the full caller id number) CallClerk will create a new directory entry for you with all settings including caller type (Familiar/Unfamiliar/Blocked), Picture, Ring Name, Distinctive Greeting copied over from the template you created. Sorting: By default directory records are sorted based on the Display Name. To change the sort order, click on any one of the headings in the directory table and the directory records will be resorted based on criteria specific to that heading. Clicking on the same heading more than once changes the sort order from ascending to descending (and visa versa).


CallClerk - Outline

Click on View and any of 'Custom', 'Familiar', 'Unfamiliar' and 'Blocked' to toggle on or off viewing of history entries with those Caller Types.

Searching: By default directory entries are shown. To search for specific directory entries by directory name just type the name you are searching for in the search box at the bottom of the window. As you type the directory entries not matching your search criteria will be dynamically filtered out. To clear your search criteria click on the picture of the magnifying glass at the bottom of the window.

Dialing: The phone number associated with a directory record can be dialed by selecting the directory record (click on the grey box to the left of the directory record to do this) and then selecting File – Dial from the CallClerk - Directory window’s menu bar. Updating Web Page: If you have made changes to your directory, for example changing a display name, you can manually update your web page by clicking on File Update Web Page. Note: this will be done for you automatically the next time a call is received if you have the update web page setting turned to on in the Control Panel.

Printing: To print a report of all directory records, select 'File - Print' from the CallClerk - Directory window’s menu bar. Deleting: Directory records can be deleted by selecting the directory records to be deleted and then clicking on Edit – Delete from the Directory window menu bar. To select a single directory record to be deleted, click on the grey box to the left of the directory record. To select multiple directory records in a series to be deleted, click on the grey box to the left of the first record in the series, hold the [Shift] key down and click on the grey box to the left of the last record in the series; To select various directory records within the window hold the [Ctrl] key down and click on the grey box to the left of each directory record you want to delete. For each directory record to be deleted: CallClerk will prompt you to confirm you want to delete the directory record, and If there are history records associated with the directory record, CallClerk will prompt you to confirm that these should be deleted too. CallClerk will only delete a directory record if there are no associated history records or you confirm that they may be deleted. Note: CallClerk cannot restore a directory or history record once it has been deleted.

Opening the History window from the Directory window: Select View – All History to open the CallClerk - History window from the CallClerk - Directory window. Select View - History for the number of your caller to view the history of all calls from that particular number Select View - History for the name of your caller to view the history of all calls containing that display name.

Outlook Contact Card: Select View - Outlook Contact Card to view the Outlook contact card(s) associated with the selected directory entry. Reverse Number Look up: Select View - Reverse Lookup to do a reverse lookup on a selected directory entry.

Importing Directory entries: Select File - Import to chose from one of two types of imports:

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1. From Google Contacts; this will start the CallClerk Google Contacts Import Wizard which will copy information from the your Google Contacts into the CallClerk directory. When the import is complete you will be able to identify these records as their Directory Phone numbers will be the formatted numbers but their CallerID numbers will be set to "Unknown". Later if you receive a call from someone who's Directory entry was imported CallClerk will automatically update the CallerID Number to be the CallerID number as supplied by your phone company. 2. From Outlook; this will start the CallClerk Outlook Import Wizard which will copy information from the Outlook Contact folders which you select into

the CallClerk directory. When the import is complete you will be able to identify these records as their Directory Phone numbers will be the formatted numbers found in Outlook but their CallerID numbers will be set to "Unknown". Later if you receive a call from someone who's Directory entry was imported from Outlook CallClerk will automatically update the CallerID Number to be the CallerID number as supplied by your phone company. 3. From a CSV File, this will start a directory import from a Comma Value Separated file. You will be prompted for the name of the CSV file to import as well as whether or not you want your CallClerk Directory entries to be overwritten if they are found in the import CSV file. To see the format of the CSV file simply do an Export of your current Directory entries.

You can also automatically import into the CallClerk Directory by copying a csv file called "import.csv" (without the quotes) to the same directory that your CallClerk Database is stored in. To know where the callclerk.mdb file is found, just go to the CallClerk – Settings – Database window and look under where it says ‘Database Location’. When importing via this method: - entries that don't already exist in your CallClerk Directory will be added to your CallClerk directory, - entries which already exist in your CallClerk Directory will not be overwritten, - a record of the import process will be written to the CallClerk Session log, and - once the import process completes the file “import.csv” will be deleted.

Exporting Directory entries: Select File - Export to export your CallClerk Directory entries into a CSV (Comma Value Separated) file. You will be prompted for a file name once you provide it CallClerk will immediately export all your CallClerk Directory entries to that file. Setting the colours on the Directory window: Select File - Set Table Colours to change the colours on the Directory window. The colours you select for the directory window will also be used for the specialized directory entries on the Speed Dial window. Setting the Font Select File - Set Font - Auto to have CallClerk automatically set the font and font size to match your window. Select File - Set Font - Fixed to set you own font and font size. Double clicking in the section area: If you double click on the selection area (the rectangular box to the left of the display name for an entry) the program will perform the action defined in the CallClerk - Settings - Misc window under where it says 'Double Clicking' and 'Directory entry'.

Closing the Directory window: To close the CallClerk - Directory window click the [OK] button or select File – Close from the CallClerk - Directory window’s menu bar.

Here is what the CallClerk - Directory window looks like:

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Here is what the CallClerk -Directory - Add/Edit window looks like:

CallClerk - Display Window

CallClerk - Outline

The CallClerk - Display window appears when a call is received (assuming the appropriate caller type and setting in the Control Panel). Clicking on the CallClerk - Display window will close it right away. If you don’t click on the CallClerk - Display window it will close itself approximately ten seconds after the last ring. If the option “Offer to Answer calls” is checked in the CallClerk - Settings - Display Window the display window will include an 'Answer' button for all but familiar callers; if this button is clicked CallClerk will answer the incoming call and pop-up the CallClerk - Dial Out Window. If the option “Offer to Block calls” is checked in the CallClerk - Settings - Display Window the display window will include a 'Block' button for all but familiar callers; if this button is clicked CallClerk will hang up on the incoming call. You will then be prompted to let CallClerk know if this caller should be considered a blocked caller from this point forward. Note: a default Display Name is automatically set when a call is first received. If you have the Outlook Popup function turned on CallClerk will first look to see if it can find the caller's number in your Outlook Contact Cards, if CallClerk finds an Outlook Contact Card with the incoming phone number your Outlook Contact Card's full name will be used as the default display name for this caller. If CallClerk can not find an Outlook Contact Card for this caller, it will use the Caller ID Name sent by your phone company (if available) as the default display name. Otherwise CallClerk will identify the caller as 'Unknown'. The display name for the caller can be updated at any time on the CallClerk - Directory Window. Here is what the default CallClerk – Display window looks like:

CallClerk - Forward Fax/Message via E-Mail The CallClerk - Forward Fax/Message via Fax windows allow you to forward a fax or message that you have received to others via E-Mail To review the fax to be sent click on the left or right arrow keys beside the picture of the fax (or rotate your mouse wheel) or click on the fax itself to open the Fax Viewer. To review to message to be sent click on the [Play Message] button. Address the E-Mail as you would a normal E-Mail, adding an optional subject and message if you like. Notes: A singe e-mail recipient may, most simply, be identified by their e-mail address, for example: [email protected] Optionally a 'user friendly' name may be added in front of an e-mail address, for example: John Doe [email protected] Multiple recipients each separated by a comma (",") can be used, for example: John Doe [email protected],Jane Doe [email protected], Jim [email protected]

You can send the fax /message in zipped format by clicking the Zip Fax/Message option.

Note: you need to preconfigure E-Mail settings in the CallClerk - Settings - E-Mail window before you can E-Mail a Fax or Message. Click [Send] to send the E-Mail. Click [Cancel] to close the window without sending the fax. The CallClerk - Forward Fax/Message via E-Mail windows looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Forward via Fax The CallClerk - Forward via Fax allows you to forward a fax that you have received to someone else via fax. To review the fax to be sent click on the left or right arrow keys beside the picture of the fax (or rotate your mouse wheel) or click on the fax itself to open the Fax Viewer. To suppress a cover page sent to you on the original fax uncheck the Include First Page from Original option. To add your own cover page check the Include Cover Page option and type your desired information in the fields below. Click [Send Fax] to send the fax to the number identified in the phone number field. Click [Cancel] to close the window without sending the fax. The CallClerk - Forward via Fax window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - History Window The CallClerk - History window provides a listing of incoming and outgoing calls; from this window you can review all history records on file and, if you like, sort, dial, print or delete them. You can also use this window to play the messages recorded on calls. A reverse number lookup can also be performed on any history entry. All history records are displayed in the CallClerk - History window.

Abbreviated and Full History Windows The History window has two formats: abbreviated and full. To switch between abbreviated and full formats, click the View - More Detail option off the menu bar.

Viewing Incoming and Outgoing Calls: Click on View - Incoming Calls and/or View Outgoing Calls to select which types of calls you would like to see in the CallClerk - History Window; by default both types are shown. Please note: With respect to placed calls, Clerk can only log calls that are placed via the CallClerk Dial Pad; it will not record calls place by, for example, an extension phone.

Sorting: By default history records are sorted based on the date and time they were recorded. To change the sort order of the history records click on any one of the headings in the Call History table and the history records will be resorted based on criteria specific to that heading. Clicking on the same heading more than once changes the sort order from ascending to descending (and visa versa).

Filtering: Click on View and 'Incoming Calls', 'Outgoing Calls', or 'Unreviewed Messages / Faxes' to filter the viewing of history entries.

Searching: By default history entries are shown. To search for specific history entries by directory name just type the name you are searching for in the search box at the bottom of the window. As you type the history entries not matching your search criteria will be dynamically filtered out. To clear your search criteria click on the picture of the magnifying glass at the bottom of the window.

CallClerk - Outline

Dialing: The phone number associated with a history record can be dialed by selecting the history record (click on the grey box to the left of the history record to do this) and then selecting File – Dial from the CallClerk - History window’s menu bar.

Updating Web Page: If you have made changes to your history log, for example if you have deleted a message or call, you can manually update your web page by clicking on File - Update Web Page. Note: this will be done for you automatically the next time a call is received if you have the update web page setting turned to on in the Control Panel.

Working with Once you have set up an account on you can use the service to confirm the name of a caller and /or report a nuisance caller to the service. To perform either of these functions, just click on Edit and then either "Check for caller's identity" or ''Report to" - please see CallClerk - Settings - Call Blocking for more information Printing: To print a report of all history records, select 'File - Print' from the CallClerk - History window’s menu bar.

Link to Directory: From time to time your modem may report an unknown caller to CallClerk even thought the caller id information shows up on a caller id box attached to the same line. In these cases CallClerk allows you to 'touch up' the History entry by associating a caller (already listed in your Directory) with the call. When the caller id number is unknown, select the History entry and click the 'Edit' - 'Link to Directory' menu commands to touch it up. When you do this CallClerk will open up the CallClerk - Directory - simply double click on the Directory entry you want to associate the call with and CallClerk will do the rest (following a confirmation prompt). If the caller info is not unknown you can still touch it up, however you will have to press the ALT key as you select the History entry in order to do so. Deleting: History records can be deleted by selecting the history record(s) to be deleted and then clicking on Edit – Delete from the CallClerk - History window’s menu bar. To select a single history record to be deleted, click on the grey box to the left of the history record; To select multiple history records in a series to be deleted, click on the grey box to the left of the first record in the series, hold the [Shift] key down and click on the grey box to the left of the last record in the series; To select various records within the window hold the [Ctrl] key down and click on the grey box to the left of each history record you want to delete. Note: CallClerk cannot restore a history record once it has been deleted. Working with Faxes: The Faxes option on the Menu Bar will be available any time a history entry containing a fax is highlighted. From the Faxes option on the Menu Bar you will be able to: View a Fax Select this option to open the Fax Viewer Mark Faxes Reviewed / Not Reviewed When a fax is viewed or forwarded CallClerk will mark it as 'Reviewed'. Select Fax - Mark as Reviewed / Not Reviewed to change the Reviewed / Not Reviewed indicators on the fax(es) you select.

CallClerk - Outline

(see 'Deleting' above to find out how to select multiple messages or faxes) Forward a Fax via E-Mail To quickly e-mail a Fax click this option. The Forward via E-Mail window will then appear. Forward a Fax via Fax To quickly Fax out a Fax you have received click this option. The Forward via Fax window will then appear. Save a Fax to Disk Faxes are stored within CallClerk's Database. To save a selected Fax to a separate disk file select Save Fax to Disk. Delete a Fax Select Fax - Delete to delete a Fax from the CallClerk Database. Note: when a Fax is deleted in this way the history entry still remains. To delete the whole history record, Fax and all, see the section entitled Deleting above. Note: CallClerk cannot restore a Fax once it has been deleted. Working with Messages: The Messages option on the Menu Bar will be available any time a history entry containing a message is highlighted. From the Message option on the Menu Bar you will be able to: Play Messages Select Message - 'Play' to begin playing the message associated with the current record. If multiple messages are selected (see Deleting Messages above to find out how to select multiple messages) all selected messages will be played. Select Message - 'Stop Playing' while a message is playing to stop playing the message. Select Message - 'Play using Default Player' plays the message using your default sound file player (usually allowing you to start, stop, restart, forward, rewind etc. you message in the way you are most familiar with)

Mark Messages Reviewed / Not Reviewed When a message is played CallClerk will mark it as 'Reviewed'. Select Message - Mark as Reviewed / Not Reviewed to change the Reviewed / Not Reviewed indicators on the message(s) you select. (see 'Deleting' above to find out how to select multiple messages or faxes) Forward a Message via E-Mail To quickly e-mail a recorded message click this option. The Forward via E-Mail window will then appear. Save a Message to Disk Messages are stored within CallClerk's Database. To save a selected message to a separate disk file select Save Message to Disk. Please note the audio format in which the message will be saved is set on the CallClerk - Settings - Database window. Delete a Message Select Message - Delete to delete a message from the CallClerk Database. Note: when a message is deleted in this way the history entry still remains. To delete the whole history record, message and all, see the section entitled Deleting above. Note: CallClerk cannot restore a message once it has been deleted. Reverse Number Look up: Select View - Internet Reverse Lookup to do a reverse lookup on a selected history entry. Opening the Directory window from the History window: Select View – Directory to open the CallClerk - Directory window from the CallClerk - History window.

CallClerk - Outline

Exporting History entries: Select File - Export and either 'Abridged' or 'Complete' to export your CallClerk History entries into a CSV (Comma Value Separated) file. You will be prompted for a file name once you provide it CallClerk will immediately export all your CallClerk History entries to that file. An Abridge export will detail only core History data, while a Complete export will yield a complete exported record associated with each call. Setting the colours on the History window: Select File - Set Table Colours to change the colours on the History window. Setting the Font Select File - Set Font - Auto to have CallClerk automatically set the font and font size to match your window. Select File - Set Font - Fixed to set you own font and font size. Seeing More Data Click the [More] Button to see the line number associated with the History Record; this number can be different when multiple versions of CallClerk are monitoring multiple phone lines but sharing a common database. Click the [Less] button to hide the line number on the History Window.

Double clicking in the section area: If you double click on the selection area (the rectangular box to the left of the date for an entry) the program will perform the action defined in the CallClerk - Settings - Misc window under where it says 'Double Clicking' and 'History entry'.

Closing the History window: To close the CallClerk - History window click the [OK] button or select File – Close from the CallClerk - History window’s menu bar. The CallClerk - History window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Image Viewer The CallClerk - Image Viewer window lets you view and print faxes. Viewing faxes The Window Viewer can be made larger or smaller by clicking on the bottom right had side of the window and dragging it to a new size. The maximize button makes the screen as large as possible. Clicking on the + or - magnifying glass zooms in and out There are two buttons to the left of the hand that zoom the fax to actual size and zoom it to fit the screen The hand symbol when clicked allows you to move the fax around the viewer window Printing faxes The tool button allows you to set your printer The Print button prints the fax Click [X] to close the window. The CallClerk - Image View window looks like this:

CallClerk – Licensing and Registering The CallClerk – Licensing and Registering window facilitates licensing and registering CallClerk.

To license and register Call Clerk: 1.

Click the [Review the CallClerk Standard License Agreement] button to review the CallClerk Standard License Agreement,


Visit to license CallClerk,

CallClerk - Outline


Within two business days (usually much sooner) you will be e-mailed a Registration Code and instructions on how to easily enter it into CallClerk.

Licensing and registering CallClerk provides for its ongoing use with full functionality.

Click [OK] to close the window if you have entered your registration code. Click [Cancel] to close the window.

The CallClerk - Licensing and Registering window looks like this:

CallClerk – Main Window CallClerk’s - Main window allows you to gain easy access to all of CallClerk’s primary windows and commands. The windows and commands that may be accessed from the CallClerk - Main window are: File:

View: Logs: Help:

Settings (to set CallClerk options) Dial (to place an outgoing call) Close (to close the Main window) Exit (to stop CallClerk from running) History (to view the history log of all calls) Directory (to view the directory of all callers) Session Log (to view the current session log) Windows Application Event Log (to view the CallClerk events stored in the Windows Application Event Log) Content (to view the contents of CallClerk’s help documentation) Index (to view the index of CallClerk’s help documentation) Search (to search CallClerk’s help documentation) About (to view CallClerk’s version number and licensing information) Check for Update (access to confirm if you are running the most current version of CallClerk) Support via E-Mail (to send an e-mail to [email protected])

Click [OK] to close the CallClerk - Main window. The CallClerk - Main window looks like this:


CallClerk – Session Log Window The CallClerk - Session Log window provides a record of CallClerk activity since the last time CallClerk was started (or the last time it was cleared). The activity reported includes: receiving and logging calls, sending e-mails, modem commands and miscellaneous diagnostics. Click the [Copy to Clipboard] button to load a plain text copy of the Session Log into the clipboard. Click the [Clear] button to clear the Session Log. Click the [OK] button to hide the Session Log window. The CallClerk – Session Log window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Setting the Audio Format The CallClerk - Set Audio Format window allows you to change the audio format to be used when: saving messages/recordings from history to disk, sending e-mails, and uploading a web page. The setting for each of the above is independent of the others, i.e. the format for saving of a message to disk can be different from the format for emailing a message. All CallClerk messages are stored in the CallClerk database as wav PCM 8kHz, 16Bit Mono; this is the standard format used by voice modems - it does however result in large wav files being created. Changing the setting of audio format to be used results in small files for working with, e-mailing and uploading (and playing via a web browser). Some loss in quality may occur, you can experiment with these settings to find the one that works best for you. Please note, regardless of these settings, CallClerk maintains the original message in its database in its original format, conversions are done each time they are needed. The CallClerk - Set Audio Format window looks like this:

CallClerk - Outline

CallClerk - Splash Window The CallClerk - Splash Window confirms that CallClerk has loaded. This window also confirms the version of CallClerk that is running. The CallClerk - Splash window will only appear if the Splash window option is set in the Settings - Startup window. Here is what the CallClerk – Splash Window looks like:

CallClerk – Systray Icon The CallClerk systray icon can be found in the Window’s systray. The Window’s systray is usually found at the bottom right hand side of your Window’s screen, it contains a series of icons representing running programs. The CallClerk’s systray icon looks like a small black candlestick phone.

Moving the mouse over the CallClerk systray icon: will cause a pop-up window to appear. The pop-up window identifies the date, time and name associated with the most recent call CallClerk received. (Each time CallClerk starts it loads this information form the history file, after that this information is updated as new calls are received.)

Double clicking on the CallClerk systray icon: causes the window selected in the CallClerk - Settings - Start/Stop window to open.

Right clicking on the CallClerk systray icon: causes the CallClerk systray menu to appear. From the CallClerk systray menu you may select (click on) and open any one of the following CallClerk windows: Clipboard Dial, Main Window, Directory, History, Session Log, Windows Application Event Log, Settings or About. You may also select to Exit (stop from running) CallClerk or to hide the CallClerk systray icon. If there is currently a call connected then you can also select to Hang-up on the current call if you like; this option will be greyed out if there is not a current call connected.

CallClerk - Outline

Hiding the CallClerk systray icon If you select ‘Hide Icon’ after right clicking on the CallClerk systray icon, the CallClerk systray icon will be removed from the series of icons in the Windows systray, however, CallClerk will continue to run. Hiding the CallClerk systray icon will prevent you from accessing CallClerk windows until the CallClerk systray icon is next restored. To restore the CallClerk systray icon just click on the CallClerk program icon on your desktop or in your program list. Running CallClerk with the systray icon hidden still allows for the tracking and reporting of calls although, depending on the settings selected with respect to reporting calls in the CallClerk Settings window, this may not be apparent to the user. When your system is rebooted the CallClerk systray icon will reappear unless an override option is placed in CallClerk’s startup shortcut. To override CallClerk such that its systray icon does not appear on startup, change CallClerk’s shortcut properties in your Window’s startup folder from their default of: "C:\Program Files\CallClerk\CallClerk.exe" to "C:\Program Files\CallClerk\CallClerk.exe” /Hide This can be done by right clicking on the CallClerk icon in your Windows Startup folder, selecting properties, making the change noted above and clicking ‘OK’. When the CallClerk systray icon is hidden Windows Task Manager may be used to stop CallClerk from running; in Window Task Manager CallClerk is found as a process named ‘CallClerk.exe’.

Here is what the CallClerk Systray menu looks like:

CallClerk – Windows Application Event Log Window The CallClerk - Windows Application Event Log window reports all event records created by CallClerk. You can also use Microsoft’s Event Log Viewer to view CallClerk events. Individual event log entries are summarized in the event log table in the upper section of the window. Clicking on an individual event entry in the event log table causes the detailed information associated with that entry to be displayed in the detailed section below the event log table. Clicking on the checkboxes beside the various filters allows for the associated event records to be shown or hidden. If an event log filter check box is checked the associated summary and detailed information can be viewed, if an event log filter check box is unchecked the associated summary and detailed information are hidden. Please note: this window may take a very long time to load if you have not recently cleared out your Windows Application Event Log; you can do this from the Windows - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Event Viewer - Application window. You can set CallClerk to record certain events using the CallClerk – Settings – Log window. Click the [OK] button to hide the Windows Application Event Log window. The CallClerk – Windows Application Event Log window looks like this:

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