Output of selective IMSI trace on RNC includes other IMSIs Hello Experts,
We are having challenges running selective IMSI traces via moshell on the RNC. When we set the traces for an IMSI, ou have other IMSIs in the output. In some cases, the IMSI originall inten!e! to trace !oes not appear in the output. "he outputs for selctive IMSI traces using #E"R are $uite !ifficult to inetrprete even after !eco!ing. "his pro%lem is for RNC &'() an! &'*) %oth of them are on W((+. in!l share our experience of how to effectivel carr out selective IMSI trace exclu!ing other IMSIs. -est regar!s ao
/oste!0 )(1)&1*)(* (*0*' % Mitesh /atel
2iew /roperties
2iew /roperties
Can ou let 3now what traces ou are running4+re ou using monitor4 uer show error4 lh 5mo!6 uei!trace on 7ue imsi xxxxxxx Show 8uote! Messages
/oste!0 )(1)&1*)(* (*099 % Mihir /ra3ash :imae
Hi , please fin! %elow proce!ure 0 i use! it an! wor3s fine.
uer 7i 9)9*9)*)))');() 57777777777get the M'?9 Now co,@ the same and eAecute the command in new termina$ :o,t:ericsson:amos:moshe$$:monitor;'>'?9 tee trace.$o# (the trace wi$$ be saved in the trace.$o#)
Now either co,@ the out,ut or u,$oad the fi$e in the be$ow mentioned $in% for on$ine decoded out,ut http://utran01.epa.ericsson.se/flowfox/live.html
To deactivate the traces! use be$ow commands $hsh '''' te defau$t $h mod te defau$t IU*IC monD
ther traces $hsh '?'' te e trace trace> U*IU*IC $hsh '?'' ueidtrace on Due imsi '?+
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