Call To Nation Swami Vivekananda
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SWAMI VIVEKANANDA VIVEKANANDA (photo taken by Shri Bharat Churia!" 1. He is an atheist w who ho does not believe believe in himself himself.. The old religi religions ons said that he was an atheist who did not believe in God. The new religion says that he is an atheist who does not believe in himself. CW II 301 301 2. The histo history ry of the worl world d is the hist history ory of a few men wh who o had faith in themselv themselves. es. That faith calls the divinity within. You can do anything. You fail only when you do not strive sufficiently to manifest infinite in finite power. As soon as a man or a nation loses faith, death comes. CW VIII 228 . !aith, fa faith, ith, fai faith th in ourselv ourselves, es, fait faith, h, faith in God, th this is is the secre secrett of greatness. greatness. "f you have faith in all the three hundred and thirty millions of your mythological Gods, and in all the Gods which foreigners have now and again introduced into your midst midst,, and stil stilll have no faith in yours yourselves elves,, there is no salva salvation tion for you. CW III 190 #. $ev $ever er thin% ther there e is any anythi thing ng impos impossib sible le for the sou soul. l. "t is grea greates testt hearsa hearsay y to thin% so. "f there is sin, this is the only sin & to say that you are wea%, or others are wea%. CW II '(
). *e free+ ho hope pe for noth nothing ing fro from m anyone anyone.. " am sure sure,, if you loo% bac% upo upon n your lives, you will find that you were always trying to get help from others, which never came. All the help that has come was from within yourselves. CW II 324 324 . $ever say say,, -$o, never say say,, -" cannot, for you are infinite infinite.. /ven time and space are as nothing compared with your nature. You can do anything and everything, you are almighty almighty.. CW II 300 0. Ye are the ch chil ildre dren n of God, God, th the e sh shar arers ers of im immo mort rtal al blis bliss, s, hol holy y an and d pe perfe rfect ct beings. Ye divinities on earth sinners "t is a sin to call a man so+ it is a standing libel on human nature. 3ome up, 4 lions, and sha%e off the delusion that you are sheep+ you are souls immortal, spirit spirits s free blest and eternal. eternal. CW I 11 (. $ev $ever er mind the stru struggle ggles, s, the mist mista%e a%es. s. " never hear heard d a cow tel telll a lie lie,, but it is only on ly a cow ne neve verr a ma man. n. 5o ne nev ver mi mind nd the hese se failu ailure res s, the hese se lit little tle bac%slidings+ hold the ideal a thousand times+ and if you fail a thousand times ma%e the attempt once more. CW II 152 6. Th The e re reme medy dy fo forr we wea% a%ne ness ss is no nott br broo oodi ding ng ov over er we wea% a%ne ness ss,, bu butt thin% hin%in ing g of strength. Teach Teach men of strength that is alread already y within them. CW II 300 1'. "f th the ere is o on ne wo worrd yo you u fi fin nd co com ming li li% %e a bomb fr fro om th the e 7p 7pn nishads, burs bu rsti ting ng li%e li%e a bo bom mb& b&sh shel elll up upon on mas asse ses s of igno ignora ranc nce, e, it is the wo word rd,, fearlessness.. CW III 160 fearlessness 11. "f you loo%, you will find that " have never 8uoted anything but the 7pni 7p nish shads ads.. An And d of th the e 7p 7pni nish shads ads,, it is onl only y that that one idea, idea, st stren rengt gth. h. Th The e 8uintessence of the 9edas and 9edanta and all lies in that word. CW VIII 267 12.. 12 *e s sttro rong ng,, my my y you oung ng fri frien ends ds,, tha thatt is is m my y ad advi vic ce to y you ou.. Y You ou w wil illl b be e ne near arer er to heave heaven n th throu rough gh fo foot otbal balll th than an th thro rough ugh st stud udy y of the the Gita Gita.. These are bold words, but " have to say them, for " love you. " %now where the shoe pinches. " have gained a little e:perience. You will understand the Gita better with your biceps, your muscles, a little stronger. CW III 242 1. Th Thiis iis s on one e 8ue 8uestion " pu putt to e ev very m me en; n;...Are yo you u st strron ong g< =o y you ou ffe eel strength< for " %now it is the truth alone that gives strength;;.5trength is the worlds IIe+201 201 %nes 1#.medicine 1#. Th This isfor iis s the gr grea eat t fac fact+ t+ disease. 5 5tr tren engt gth h CW is llif ife+ w wea ea%n ess s is de deat ath. h. 5 5tr tren engt gth h is ffel elic icit ity y, life eternal, immortal+ wea%ness is constant strain and misery, wea%ness is death. CW II 3 3 1).. 1) To s suc ucce ceed ed,, you you mu must st ha have ve tr trem emen endo dous us pe pers rsev ever eran anc ce, tr trem emen endo dous us wi will ll.. -" -" will drin% the ocean, says the persevering soul, -at my will, mountains will crumble up. Have that sort of energy, that sort of will+ wor% hard, and you will reach the goal. CW I 178 1. >e >en n, me men n, th the ese ar are e wa wan nted+ e ev ver ery ythin hing els else wi willl be rea ead dy, bu butt st strron ong g, vigorous, believing young men, sincere to the bac%bone, are wanted. A hundred such and the world become revolutioni?ed. CW III 223-24 223-24 10.av A re no dr dru ua< ms >a%e ma ma%e de iin n eth the ebo co cou try ry< a th the boys ysunhear he ar the th de deep oned so soun d ttof thes thuese instruments. Hearing from boyhood the sound of these effeminate forms of
music, ;; the country is w well&nigh ell&nigh converted into a country of women. CW II 232 1(. =eat ath h is b bet ettter th tha an a vege gettating iig gno norran antt li liffe+ it iis s be bettter tto o di die e on tthe he battle&field than to live a life of defeat. CW II 124 124 16.. 16 3o 3ome me,, d do o som somet ethi hing ng he hero roic ic,, * *ro rotthe herr, w wha hatt if if y yo ou d do on not ot att attain ain mukti , what if you suffer damnation a few times< "s the saying untrue@ -There are some saints who, full of holiness in thought, word, and deed, please the whole world by th thei eirr nu numer merous ous be benef nefic icent ent ac acts ts,, an and d wh who o dev develo elop p thei theirr ow own n he heart arts s by magnifying an atom of virtue in others as if it were as great a mountain. CW VI 314-5 2'.. 2' 3a 3an n an any ything hing b be e do done ne u unl nles ess s ev ever ery ybo body dy e e: :ert erts hi hims msel elff to to hi his s ut utmo most st< < -" -"tt is the man of action, the lion&heart that the Goddess of ealth resorts to. $o need of loo loo%in %ing g behi behind. nd. !4B !4B AB= AB= e wan wantt inf infini inite te ene energy rgy,, inf infini inite te ?ea ?eal, l, infinite courage, and infinite patience, then, only will great things be achieved. CW VI 383-84 383-84 21.. 21 *e n not ot in d des espa paiir+ tthe he w way ay is ver ery y d dif iffi fic cult, ult, lli% i%e e w wal al% %ing ing on the the e edg dge e of a ra?or+ yet despair not, arise, awa%e, and find the ideal, the goal. CW II 124 124 22.. 22 h hy y we weep epes estt tho thou, u, bro brotther< her< The There re iis s ne neit ithe herr de deat ath, h, n nor or d dis isea ease se ffor or tthe hee. e. hy weepest thou, brother< There is neither misery, nor misfortune for thee. hy weepest thou, brother< $either change nor death was predicted of thee. Thou art /:istence Absolute. ;; *e your own self. CW V 275 2.. 2 Ce Cett peo peopl ple es say ay wh what atev ever er th they ey li%e li%e,, s sti tic% c% to yo your ur ow own nc con onvi vict ctio ions ns,, a and nd rest rest assured, the world will be at your feet. They say, say, -have faith in this fellow fellow,, or that fellow, but " say, -Have faith in yourself all power is in you be conscious and bring it out. 5ay, -" can do everything. -/ven the poison of sna%e is powerless, if you can firmly deny it. CW VI 274 274 2#. 4nce when " was in Varanasi , " was passing through a place where there was a large tan% of water on one side and high wall on the other. "t was in the grounds where there were many mon%ey mon%eys. s. The mon%eys of Varanasi are are huge brutes and sometimes surly. They now too% it into their heads not to allow me to pass through As their street street, , so they howled and shrie%ed andthe clutched my feet as " passed. they pressed closer, " began to run, but faster at " ran, the faster came the mon%eys, and they began to bite at me. "t seemed impossible to escape, but Dust then " met a stranger who called to me, -!ace the brutes. " turned and faced the mon%eys, and they fell bac% and finally fled. That is the lesson for all life face the terrible, face it boldly. boldly. CW I 338 2). 5tand up and fight $o $ott on one e ste step, ba bac c%, th tha at is th the e id ide ea. !i !ig ght it ou outt, whatever comes. Cet the stars move from the spheres Cet the whole world stand against us =eath means only a change of garment. hat of it< Thus fight You gain nothing by becoming cowards. Ta%ing a step bac%ward, you do not avoid any misfortune. You have cried to all Gods in the world. Has miseries ceased< GodsYou come to infinite, help youdeathless, when you have succeeded. 5oyou whatare is the usea >a% %e th that at on one e idea idea y you ourr li life fe tthi hin% n% of it, it, d dre ream am of iit, t, live on that idea. Cet the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea alone. This is the way to success. ;.. "f we really want to be blessed, and ma%e others blessed, we must go deeper. CW I 177 20.. 20 All All tthe he g gre reat at p pro roph phet ets s, sai saint nts s, a and nd tthe he s see eers rs of the w wor orlld w wha hatt di did d th they ey do< "n one span of life, they lived the whole life of humanity, traversed the whole length of time that it ta%es the ordinary humanity to come to perfection. "n one life, they perfect themselves+ they have no thought for anything else, never live a moment for any other idea, and thus the way is shortened for them. This is what is meant by concentration, intensifying the power of assimilation, thus shortening the time. CW I 157 2(.. 2( Th The e mo more re tthi his s po pow wer o off c con once cent ntra rattion, ion, tthe he m mor ore e % %no now wled ledge iis s ac ac8u 8uiired, red, because this is the one and only method of ac8uiring %nowledge. /ven the lowest shoeblac%, if he gives more concentration, will blac% shoes better+ the coo% with concentration will coo% a meal all the better. "n ma%ing money, or in worshipping God, or in doing anything, the better the power of concentration, the better will that thing be done. This is the one call, the one %noc%, which opens the gates of nature, and lets out the floods of light. CW II 391 391 26.. 26 Ho How wh has as all all the the %n %now owle ledg dge e in in tthe he wo worl rld db bee een ng gai aine ned db but ut the the c con once cent ntra rati tion on of the powers of mind< The world is ready to give its secrets, if we only %now how to %noc%, how to give it the necessary blow. The strength and force of the blow come through concentration. There is no limit to the power of the human mind. The more concentration it is, the more power is brought to bean on one point+ that is the secret. CW I 130-31 130-31 '.. ' $o fo forc rce ec can an be cr crea eate ted+ d+ it ca can no onl nly yb be ed dir irec ecte ted. d. Th Ther eref efor ore, e, we mu must st lear learn n to control the grand powers that are already in our hands, and by will power ma%e them spiritual, instead of animal. Thus it is clearly seen that cha chastity stity is the cornerstone of all morality and of all religions. CW VIII 46 1.. 1 !r !ree ee e, e, wh who oc can anno nott, for for a m mom omen entt, go gov vern ern ou ourr ow own nm miind nds, s, na nay y, c can anno nott hold our minds on a subDect, focus, it on a point to the e:clusion of everything el else se,, fo for r a mo mome nt ded Yet will we drag ca call ll ou ours rsel elve ves s dow fr free ee. Th Thin in% % of it. it... .... ..Th The mi mind nd uncontrolled uncont rolled andment unguided ungui us down, down, n,. forever & rend us,e %ill us+ and the mind controlled and guided will save us, free us. CW VI 30 2. Th The e ma maiin di diffferen enc ce be bettween m me en an and d th the e an aniima malls is tthe he d diifferen rence in their power of concentration. All success in any line of wor% is the result of this. ;.. The difference in the power of concentration also constitutes the difference betw be twee een n ma man n an and d ma man. n. 3o 3omp mpar are e th the e lowe lowest st wi with th the the high highes estt ma man. n. Th The e difference is in the degree of concentration. CW VI 37 .. $i $ine nety ty per perc cen entt of tho thoug ught ht&f &for orc ce is w was aste ted d by tthe he o ord rdin inar ary y hu huma man n be bein ing, g, therefore he is constantly committing blunders+ the trained man or mind never ma%es a mista%e. CW VI 123-24 123-24 #.worldh ha at must wo worr% have yo you u do eiron :cepwill t ffro rom th the ewould me men n cross of lliittlethe he hea arts< $o $ot thin hinmust g in tth he You an e: ifmyou ocean. You be strong enough to pierce mountains. CW VI 297
). Good and evil thoughts are each a potent power, and they fill the universe. As vibration continues, so thought remains in the form of thought until translated into action. !or e:ample, force is latent in the arm until he stri%es a blow, when he translates it into activity. e are the heirs of good and evil thought. "f we ma%e ourselves pure and the instruments of good thoughts, these will enter us. The good soul will not be receptive to evil thoughts. CW VI 134 134 .. "n tthe he his histo tory ry o off ma man% n%iind nd,, you you wil willl fin find d th that at tthe here re c co ome > >es ess sen enge gers rs,, an and d that from their very birth there mission is found and formed. The whole plan is there, laid down+ and you see them swerving not one inch from that. *ecause they come with with a mission mission,, they come wi with th a message, ;.. hen they s spea%, pea%, each word is direct+ it bursts li%e a bomb&shell. hat is in the word, unless it has the Eower behind< hat matters is what language you spea%, and how you arrange your language< hat matters it whether you spea% correct grammar or with fine rhetoric< hat matters it whether your language is ornamental or not< The 8uestion is@ hether or not you have anything to give< "t is a 8uestion of giving and ta%ing, and not n ot listening. Have you anything to give< that is the first 8uestion. "f you have, then, give. CW VI 122-23-24 122-23-24 0.. 0 h hat atev ever er yo you ud do, o, devo devote te yo your ur wh whol ole em min ind, d, he hear artt a and nd so soul ul to it. it. " on once ce me mett a great sannyasi, sannyasi, who cleans cleansed ed his brass coo%in coo%ing g utensils, utensils, ma%ing them shine li%e gold, with as much care and attention as he bestowed on his worship and meditation. Life p284 p284 (. How to at atttain ain pu puri ritty li liv ving tthi his s li liffe< 5 5h hall all we a alll go tto o th the e fo forres estt ca cav ves< hat good it would do< "f the mind is not under control, it is no use living in a cave because the same mind will bring disturbances disturbances there. e will find twent twenty y devils in the cave because all the devils are in mind. "f the mind is under control, we can have the cave anywhere, wherever we are. "t is our own mental attitude which ma%es the world what it is for us. 4ur thoughts ma%e things beautiful, our thoughts ma%e things ugly. The whole world is in our own minds. Cearn to see things in proper light. CW I 440-41 440-41 6. hat do " care if >ohammed as as a a good man, or *uddha =oes that alter m! own goodness or evilan is higher than all animals, than all angels+ none is greater than man. CW 1 142 #2. $an is man% s& l&n' as (e is stru''lin' t& rise a)&*e nature, nature , and his nature is the bothlines, internal ;;. And we read the history of with nations between we and shalle:ternal. always find that theif rise of a nation comes an increase in the number of such men+ and the fall begins when the pursuit after the "nfinite, however vain the 7tilitarian may call it, has ceased. That is to say,
the mainspring of the strength of every race lies in its spirituality, and the death of that race begins the day that spirituality wanes and materialism gains ground. CW II 64-65 #. Th Thiis w wo orld rld is tth he gr gre eat gym gymnas asiium wh whe ere w we e co com me to m ma a%e ou ours rse elves strong. CW V 410 ##.. ## All All he heal alth thy y so soci cial al c ch han ange ges s are are th the e ma mani nife fest stat atio ions ns of of th the e sp spir irit itua uall fo forc rces es wor%ing within, and if these are strong and well adDusted. 5ociety will arrange itself accordingly. /ach individual has to wor% out his own salvation+ there is no other way, and so also with nations. ;.. "t is very easy to point out the defects of institutions, all being more or less imperfect, but he is the real benefactor of humani hum anity ty wh who o he help lps s th the e ind indiv ivid idual ual to ov over erco come me his his im impe perf rfec ecti tion ons s un under der whatever institutions he may live. The individuals being raised, the nation and its institutions are bound to rise. CW V 415-16 #). You h hav ave e to g grrow ffro rom m in ins side ou outt. $o $one c can an tte eac ach h yo you, u, n no one ca can n ma ma% %e you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul. CW V 410 #.. # >e >en n iin ng gen ener eral al lay lay a all ll th the eb bla lame me of life life on thei theirr ffel ello lowm wmen en,, o orr, fai faili ling ng that that,, on God, or they conDure up a ghost, and say it is fate. here is fate, and who is fate< e reap what we sow. e are the ma%ers of our own fate. $one else has the blame, none has the praise. The wind is blowing+ and those vessels whose sails are unfurled it, and forward their but those their sails furled docatch not catch thego wind. "s theon fault of way, the wind< CW IIwhich 224 have 224 #0. 5ay, -T -Th his mi mis sery th that at " a am m su sufffering ring iis s of m my y ow own n do doiing ng,, an and d th tha at ve very ry thing proves that it will have to be undone by me alone. That which " created, " can demolish+ that which is created by someone else, " shall never be able to destroy destro y. Theref Therefore, ore, stand up, be bold, be strong strong.. T Ta%e a%e the whole responsibi responsibility lity on your own shoulders, shoulders, and %now that you are the creato creatorr of your own destiny destiny.. All the strength and succor you want is within yourselves. CW II 225 #(.. #( >a >a%e %e your your ow own n ffut utur ure. e. -Cet -Cet th the ed dea ead dp pas astt b bur ury y iits ts de dead ad. . Th The e iinf nfin init ite e ffut utur ure e is before you, and you must always remember that each word, thought and deed lays up a store for you, and that as the bad thoughts and bad wor%s are ready to spring upon li%e tigers, so also is the of inspiring hope that theangels good thoughts and good deeds are ready withthere the power hundred thousand to defend you always and for ever. CW II 225 #6. -4u 4urrs not not to to re rea ason why why, ou ourrs but but to to do a and nd d diie. * *e e of go good ch che eer a an nd believe that we are selected by the Cord to do great things, and we will do them. CW V 23 23 )'.. )' 7n 7nfo fort rtun unat atel ely y, in in tthi his s llif ife, e, th the e va vast st ma maDo Dori rity ty of pe pers rson ons sa are re g gro ropi ping ng tthr hrou ough gh this dar% life without any ideal at all. "f a man with an ideal ma%es a thousand mist mi sta% a%es es,, " am su sure re th that at th the e ma man n wi with thou outt an idea ideall ma ma%e %es s fift fifty y thous thousan and. d. Therefore, it is better to have an ideal. CW II 152 )1. >an begins to struggle and fight against nature. He ma%es many mi mist sta% a%es es,,hen he su suf ffe fers, . *u *uttnature ev even entu tual ally ly,, he his co con8u n8uer ers sCW na natu ture re249 and reali? i?es es his his freedom. he is becomes slave. VII 249 real
)2.. )2 " di dis sagre agree e wit with h th the e id idea ea tha thatt fre freed edom om is is o obe bedi dien enc ce tto o th the e la law wo off na natture. ure. " do not underst understand and what that means. A Accordi ccording ng to histor history y of human progress progress,, it is disobedience to nature that has constituted that progress. CW VIII 257 ).. ) !o !orr the the wo worl rld dc can an be go good od an and d pur pure, e, on only ly if ou ourr liv lives es are are g goo ood da and nd pu pure re.. "t "t is an effect, and we are the means. Therefore, let us purify ourselves. Cet us ma%e ourselves perfect. CW II 9 )#.. )# h hat at is th the eu use se of figh fighti ting ng an and d com compl plai aini ning ng< an is not bound by any which CW II 348 t is )0.laws e:cepting )0. >y id idea eal, l, those inde in deed ed, , can can he b be e ma%es put put int into ofor a himself. ffew ew words ords, ,a and nd ttha hat is@ to to p pre reac ach hu unt nto o man%ind their =ivinity, and how to ma%e it manifest in every movement of life. CW VII 498 )(.. )( Eu Euri ritty, pa pattienc ience, e, a and nd p per erse sev ver eran anc ce are tthe he tthr hree ee e es sse sent ntiials als to su suc cce cess ss,, and above all love. CW VI 281 281 )6.. )6 Ci Ciffe is e eve verr e: e:pa pand ndiing ng,, cont contra rac ctio tion is d dea eath th.. T The he s sel elff&s &see ee% %ing ing ma man n wh who o is loo%ing after his personal comforts and leading a la?y life there is no room for him even in hell. CW VI 294 294 '. " am s su ure Go God d wil will pa parrdon a ma man n wh who o wi willl us use e hi his s re rea ason an and d ca can nnot believe, rather than a man who believes blindly instead of using his faculties He hasthese givenprophets him. ;;. must reason+ and when reason provesboo%s to us spea% the truth of ande great men and about whom the ancient in every country, we shall believe in them. e shall believe in them when we see such prophets among ourselves. ourselves. e shall then find that they were not peculi peculiar ar men, but only illustrations of certain principals. CW VI 12-13 12-13 1. hy should you not try to hit the mar%< e become wiser through failures. Time is infinite. Coo% at the wall. =id the wall ever tell a lie< "t is always the wall. >an tells a lie and becomes a God, too. "t is better to do something+ never mind even if it proves to be wrong+ it is better than doing nothing. The cow never tells a lie+ but she remains a cow, all the time. =o something CW IV 126-27 2.way toGo on do doiinbase g goo ood d, thin% hin%iing ho$ever ly th tho ousay gh ghttsany co con n tinuoisushopeless, ly, that is is because th the e on onlly suppress impressions. man he only represents a character, a bundle of habits, which can be chec%ed by new and better ones. 3haracter is repeated habits, and repeated habits alone
can reform character. ;. The chaste brain has tremendous energy and gigantic will power. CW I 208%263 208%263 .. e ca can n over overco come me tthe he d dif iffi fic culty ulty b by y co cons nsttan antt pr prac acti tice ce.. e e must must lear learn n th that at nothing can happen to us, unless we ma%e ourselves susceptible to it. CW II 7 #.. # "w was as on onc ce tr trav avel elin ing g in th the e Hi Hima mala lay yas a and nd tthe he llon ong g ro road ad s sttretc retche hed d be beffore ore us. e poor mon%s cannot get anybody to carry us, so we had to ma%e all the way on foot. There was an old man with us. ;; He said, -4h, 5ir, how to cross it+ " cannot wal% any more+ my chest will brea%. " said to him, -Coo% down at your feet. He did so, and " said, -The road that is under your feet is that you have passed and is the same road that you see before you+ it will be soon under your feet. The highest things are under your feet, because you are =ivine 5tars. CW VIII 186-87 ). -"t is tthe he c co owar ard d and and th the e foo fool wh who o sa say ys, FT FTh his is m my y fa fatte so s say ays s th the e 5ans%rit 5ans%r it proverb. *ut it is the strong man who stands up and says, -" will ma%e my own fate. "t is people who are getting old who tal% of fate. Young men generally do not come to astrology. CW VIII 184 184 . "f yo you u re real allly w wan antt to Du Dudge th the e char charac actter of a m man an,, lo loo o% no nott at h hiis gr gre eat performances. /very fool may become a hero at one time or another. atch a man do his most common actions+ those are indeed the things which will tell you the beings real character a great man. Greatbut occasions the lowest of human to someof%ind of greatness, he alonerouse is theeven really great man whose character is great always, the same wherever he be. CW I 29 29 0. /very go goo od th thou oug ght that that we we se sen nd to th the e wo worrld, wi witthout th thiin%ing o off an any y return, will be stored up there and brea% one lin% in the chain, and ma%e us purer and purer, until we become the purest of mortals. CW I 116 (. "f you proDect hatred and Dealousy, they will rebound on you with compound interest. $o power can avert them+ when once you put them in motion, you will have to bear them. Bemembering this will prevent you from doing wic%ed things. CW I 262 6. /verything is conscious which rebels against nature@ there, consciousness is manifested. ust try where to %ill athere little ant, even it will once resist to save its life. here there is struggle, is rebellion, there is the sign of life, their consciousness is manifested. CW VI 453 453 0'. "snt it m ma an that ma ma% %es mo mon ney< here did you ever hear of money ma%ing man< "f you can ma%e your thoughts and words perfectly perfectly at one, if you can, " say, ma%e yourself one in speech and action, money will pour in at your feet of itself, li%e water. CW VI 455 01.. 01 Th The e ro road ad to tthe he Good Good is th the e ro roug ughe hest st an and ds sttee eepe pest st in the the u uni niv verse erse.. "t "t is is a wonder that so many succeed, no wonder that so many fall. 3haracter has to be established through a thousand stumbles. CW VIII 382 02.. 02 /a /ach ch w wor or% % h has as to to pa pass ss thr hrou ough gh the thes se s sta tage ges s rrid idic icul ule, e, o opp ppos osiition tion,, a and nd th then en ac acce cept ptan ance ce.. /a /ach ch man man who who th thin in%s %s ah ahea ead d of his his time time is su sure re to be misunderstoo misund erstood. d. 5o the oppositio opposition n and persecuti persecution on are welcom welcome, e, only " have to be steady and pure and must have immense faith in God, and all these will vanish. CW V 91 91
0.. 0 /a /ach ch s sou oull is pot poten enti tial ally ly d div ivin ine. e. T Th he goal goal is to m man anif ifes estt th thiis di divi vini nitty wi with thin in by controlling nature, e:ternal and internal. =o this either by wor%, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy by one, or more, or all of these and be free. This is the whole of religi religion. on. =octrine =octrines, s, or dogmas dogmas,, or ritual rituals, s, or boo%s, or temples, or forms, are but secondary details. CW I 257 0#.. 0# /a /ach ch o one ne tthi hin% n%s s hi his sm met etho hod d is is be bes st. 9 9er ery yg goo ood d *u *utt re reme memb mber er,, it ma may yb be e good for !&u !&u.. 4ne food which is very indigestible to one is very digestible to another. *ecause it is very good for you, do not Dump Du mp to the conclusion that your method is everybodys method, that ac%s coat fits ohn and >ary. All the uneducated, uncultured, unthin%ing men and women have been put into that sort so rt of st stra rait it Dac% Dac%et et Th Thin in% % for your yourse selv lves es.. *e *eco come me ath atheis eists ts *ec ecom ome e materialists That would be better. /:ercise the mind hat right, have you to say that this mans method is wrong< "t may be wrong for you. That is to say, if you underta%e the method, you will be degraded+ but that does not mean that he will be degraded. Therefore, if you have %nowledge and see a man wea%, do not condemn him. Go to his level and help him if you can. He must grow grow.. " can put five buc%et&fuls of %nowledge into his head in five hours. *ut what good will it do< He will be a little worse than before. CW I 470 0).. 0) Go a and nd pr prea each ch to al all@ l@ -Ari -Arise se,, a aw wa% a%e, e, sleep leep no m mor ore+ e+ w wit ithi hin n e eac ach h of yo you, u, there power to remove allyou wants all that miseries. and%nowledge, that power will beismanifested. ;; "f canand thin% infinite*elieve power,this, infinite and indomitable energy lie within you, and if you can bring out that power, you also can become li%e me. CW VI 454 454 0. /duc ucat atiion is th the ma mani niffes esttation of tth he pe perf rfe ection al alrrea ead dy in m ma an. CW IV 358 00.. 00 h hat at iis s ed educ ucat atio ion< n< ""s s it b boo oo%& %&llea earn rnin ing< g< $ $o. o. ""s s it d diiverse erse % %no nowl wled edge ge< < $o $ott even that. The training by which the current and e:pression of will are brought under control and become fruitful is called education. CW IV 400 0(. To me th the e ve very ry e es ssen enc ce of ed edu ucation is co con ncentra ntrattion of mi min nd, n not ot tth he collecting facts. "f " had to do my education over again, and had any voice in the matter, " would notand study facts at all. " would instrument develop the" power concentration and detachment, then with a perfect could of collect facts at will. CW VI 38-39 38-39 06.. 06 Th The e ed educ ucat atio ion n whi which ch do does es no nott h hel elp p tthe he com ommo mon nm mas ass so off p peo eopl ple e tto oe e8u 8uiip th them emse selv lves es fo forr th the e st strug ruggl gle e fo forr life life,, whic which h do does es no nott bri bring ng out st stren rengt gth h of character, a spirit of philanthropy, and the courage of a lion is it worth the name< Beal education is that which enables one to stand on his, own legs. CW VII 147-48 ('.. (' /d /duc ucat atio ion n is no nott the the amo amoun untt of of inf infor orma mattion ion th that at is pu putt int into o yo your ur b brrain ain an and d runs riot there, undigested all your life. e must have life&building, man&ma%ing, character&ma% charac ter&ma%ing, ing, assimila assimilation tion of ideas. "f you have assim assimilated ilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any man who has got by heart h eart a whole librar library y. CW III 302 (1.. (1 In Inow owle ledg dge e is inhe inhere rent nt in m man an++ no no %n %now owle ledg dge ec com omes es ffro rom m ou outtsid side+ iitt is is al alll inside. ;. e say $ewton discovered gravitation. as it sitting anywhere in a
corner waiting for him< "t was in his own mind+ the time came and he found it out. All %nowledge that the world has ever received comes from the mind, the infinite library of the universe is in your own mind. The e:ternal world is simply the suggestion, the occasion, which sets you to study your own mind. CW I 28 (2. /very on one e wa wan nts to c co ommand, and and no o on ne wa wan nts to o ob bey+ an and d th thiis is owing owi ng to the abse absence nce of that wonde wonderful rful )ra(ma+(ar!a )ra(ma+(ar!a system of yore. !irst, learn to obey. The command will come by itself. Always first learn to be a servant and then you will be fit to be a master. CW III 134-35 (. /duc ucat atiion, education, educ ucat atiion, on, ed edu ucation alo alone Tra rav veling throu oug gh many cities of /urope and observing in them the comforts and education of even the poor people, there was brought to my mind the state of our own poor people, and " used to shed tears. hat made the difference< /ducation was the answer " got. CW IV 483 483 (#. hat we want is the s(ra,,(a# s(ra,,(a# 7nfortunately, 7nfortunately, it has nearly vanished from "ndia, and this is why we are in our present state. hat ma%es the difference between man and man is the difference in this s(ra,,(a s(ra,,(a and and nothing else. hat ma%es one man great and another wea% and low is this s(ra,,(a s(ra,,(a.. CW III 319 319 (). Gi Giv ve up th the e aw awfful dis disease th that at iis s cr cree eep ping iin nto ou ourr na nattional b blloo ood, d, tth hat idea of ridiculing everything, that loss of seriousness. Give that up. *e strong s(ra,,(a, (.and have The this onls(ra,,(a y service, and to beverything e done foelse r ouis r bound lower to clafollow. sses isCW to IIIg320 ive them education, to develop their lost individuality. ;;. Give them ideas that is the only help they re8uire, and then the rest must follow as the effect. 4urs is to put the chemicals together, the crystalli?ation comes in the law of nature. ;.. $ow if the mountain does not come to >ohammed, >ohamme >ohammed d must go to mountain. "f the poor boy cannot come to education, education must go to him. CW IV 362-63 362-63 (0.. (0 e wa want nt ttha hatt educ educat atio ion n by w whi hich ch c cha hara rac cter ter is ffor orme med, d, s sttreng rength th o off mi mind nd iis s increased, the intellect is e:panded, and by which one can stand on ones own feet. CW V 342 feet. (( force (( "s th that at ed educ ucat atio ion, n, as a rres esul to off w whi hich ch the the w wel elll b bei eing ng co cont ntin inuo uous usly ly ch cho% o%ed ed through generations, isultnow well&nigh %illed out+ under whose sway, why mention new ideas, even the old ones are disappearing one by one+ is that education which is slowly ma%ing man a machine< "t is more blessed, in my opinion, even to go wrong, impelled by ones free will and intelligence, than to be good as an automation. CW IV 490 (6. h ha at w we e wan wantt ar are w wes esttern sc science c cou oup pled w wiith 9 9ed eda anta, nta, )ra(ma+(ar!a as th the e gu guid idin ing g mott motto, o, an and d also also s(ra,,(a s(ra,,(a and faith in ones own self. ;.. 9edanta says that within man is all %nowledge even in a boy it is so and it re8uires only awa%ening, and that much is the wor% of a teacher. ;; *ut the root is religion. Beligion is as rice, and everything else, li%e the curries. Ta%ing only curries causes indigestion, and so is the case with ta%ing rice alone. CW V 366 6'.. 6' =o you s see ee,, sim simpl ply yb by y obs obser erva vanc nce eo off s str tric ictt b bra rahm hmac acha hary rya a JJc con onti tine nenc nceK eK,, a all ll learning can be mastered in a very short time one has an unfailing memory of
what one hears or %nows but once. "t is owing to this want of continence that everything is on the brin% of ruin in our country. CW VII 224 224 61. >y iid dea of e ed ducation is p pe ersonal c co ontact wi witth tth he te tea acher 'uru'ra(a*asa.. ithout the personal life of a teacher, there should be no education. Ta%e *asa your universities, what have they done during the fifty years Jthis was said in 1(60K of their e:istence< They have not produced one original man. They are merely e:amining body. The idea of the sacrifice for the common weal is not yet developed in our nation. CW VI 224 224 62. rut( ,&es n&t pa! (&ma'e t& an! s&+iet!% an+ient an, m&,ern# .&+iet! (as t& pa! (&ma'e t& rut( &r ,ie# 5ociet 5ocieties ies should be molded upon the truth, and truth has not to adDust itself to the society. ;. (at s&+iet! is t(e 'reatest% (ere t(e (i'(est trut(s )e+&me pra+ti+al# That is my opinion+ and society is not fit for the highest truths, ma%e it so+ and the sooner, the better. CW II 8485 6. " sa say y, lib liberate, un und do th the e shac%les of pe peo ople as mu muc ch as yo you u ca can n. ;. ;... hen you would be able to sacrifice all desire for happiness for the sa%e of society, then you would be the *uddha, then you would be free. CW VI 491 491 6#. 6# 6#.. Three ree tth hings ar are e ne nec cessary tto o ma ma%e ev eve er ma man n gr gre eat, at, e ev very na nattion great. 1. 3 3onvict onviction ion o off the powers of g goodness oodness.. 2. Absenc Absence e of Dealous Dealousy y and Helping are trying tryi belt and good. CW 29 6).suspicion. 6). 6) ""ff . y you our r idea ideall all is is who ma matt tter er, , m mat attng ter to s sha halt ttho hou udobe be. . * *eh ehol old d VII 4u 4urr29 idea id eall is is tthe he 5pirit. That alone e:ists. $othing else e:ists, and li%e Him, we live fore ever. CW VIII 72 6.. 6 Th The e Hin indu du ma man n dr drin in%s %s reli religi giou ous sly, ly, slee sleeps ps re reli ligi giou ous sly, ly, wa wal% l%s s reli religi giou ous sly, ly, marries religiously, robs religiously. ;; /ach nation has a mission for the world. 5o long as that mission is not hurt, that nation lives, despite every difficulty. *ut as soon as its mission is destroyed, the nation collapses. CW VIII 74-75 60. =o yo you u not not fi find nd iin n hi his stor ory y, that that tth he fi firs rstt de dea ath si sig gn of a na nattion ha has s be bee en unchastity< hen that has entered, the end of the race is in sight. CW II 101 101 6(.down $ ow we a arre no not muc much mo mor re mo morrasaid l th tha atoday. n th the e an ani imanot ls . e e ar are e you on onllyif he hel ld by the whips of tsociety. "f society -" will punish you steal, we should Dust ma%e a rush for each others property. "t is the policeman that ma%es us moral. "t is social opinion that ma%es us moral, and really, we are little better than animals. CW II 164 164 66.. 66 Th The e ma maDDor oriity o off sect sects s will will b be e tr tran ansi sien ent, t, a and nd llas astt on only ly a as s bu bubb bble les, s, b bec ecau ause se the leaders are not usually men of character. Eerfect love, the heart never reacting, this is what builds character. There is no allegiance possible where there is no character in the leader, and perfect purity ensures the most lasting allegiance and confidence. Ta%e up an idea, devote yourself to it, struggle on in patience, and the sun will rise for you. CW VI 135 1''. 1' '. e ar are e as as%e %ed@ d@ ha hatt good good iis s yo your ur rrel elig igio ion n to s soc ocie iety ty< < 5o 5oci ciet ety y is ma made de a test of truth. $ow this is very illogical. 5ociety is only a stage of growth through which we are passing. ;.. "f the social state were permanent, it would be the same as if the baby remained a baby. There can be no perfect man&baby+ the
words are a contradiction in terms, so there can be no perfect society. >an must and will grow out of such early stages. ;; >y >aster used to say, -hy dont you help your own lotus flower to bloom< The bees will then come of themselves. CW VI 144 144 1'1. =o not recogni?e wic%edness in others. ic%edness is ignorance, wea%ness. hat is the good of telling people they are wea%< 3riticism and destruction are of no avail. e must give them something higher+ tell them of their own glorious nature, their birthright. CW VI 141-42 1'2. 1' 2. h hat at " sa say y is no nott -B -Bef efor orm m,, bu butt ->ov ->ove e on on. . $ $ot othi hing ng iis s to too o ba bad d to re refo form rm.. Adaptability is the whole mystery of life the principle underneath, which serves serves to unfold it. AdDustment or adaptation is the outcome of the self&pitted against e:ternal forces tending to suppress it. He who adDusts himself best lives the longest. /ven if " do not preach this, society is changing, it must change. CW VI 110 1'. $othing e ellse iis s n nec eces ess sary bu but th thes ese e l&*e% sin+erit! , and patien+e and patien+e.. hat is life, but growth, i.e. e:pansion, i.e. love. Therefore, all love is life, it is the only law of life, all selfishness is death, and this is true here and hereafter. "t is life to do good, and it is death not do good to others. $inety perc percent ent of human brutes you see are dead, are ghosts for none lives, my boys, but he who loves. CW IV 367 one 1'#. 1'#. 4n one side side,, ne new w "ndi "ndia a iis ss say ayin ing, g, -"f -"f w we e on only ly ad adop optt w wes este tern rn iidea deas, s, we west stern ern language, western food, western dress, and western manners, we shall be as strong and powerful as the western nations+ on the other, old "ndia is saying, -!ools *y imitation, others ideas never become ones own+ nothing, unless earned, is your own. =oes the ass in the lions s%in become the lion< 4n one si side de,, new new "n "ndi dia a is sayi saying ng,, - -ha hatt th the e we west ster ern n na nati tion ons s do is sure surely ly good good,, otherwise, how did they become so great< 4n the other side, old "ndia is saying, -The flash of lightning is intensely bright, but only for a moment+ loo% out boys, it is da??ling your eyes. *eware CW IV 477 1'). 1' ). 5oci 5ocial al llif ife e in th the e es estt is is lli% i%e eap peal eal of llau aught ghter+ er+ but un under derne neat ath, h, it iis saw wail ail.. "t endsintensity. in a sob.$ow Thehere, fun and all ononthe it is full of tragic it is frivolity sad andare gloomy thesurface@ outside,really but underneath are carelessness and merriment. CW VIII 261-62 1'. 1' . As ffar ar b bac ac% % as tthe he d day ays s of th the e 7p 7pni nish shad ads, s, w we e ha have ve tthr hrow own n th the e ch chal alle leng nge e to th the e wo worl rld@ d@ -$ -$ot ot by pr prog ogen eny y, no nott by we weal alth th,, bu butt by renu renunc ncia iati tion on alon alone e immortality is reached. Bace after race has ta%en the challenge up and tried their utmost to solve the world&riddle on the plane of desires. They have all failed in the past the old ones have become e:tinct under the weight of wic%edness and misery, misery, which lust for power and gold brings in its train, and the new ones are tottering to their fall. The 8uestion has yet to be decided whether peace will survive or war+ whether patience will survive or non&forbearance+ whether goodness will survive or wic%edness+ whether muscle will survive or brain bra in++ wh whet ethe herr wo world rldli lines ness s wi will ll su surv rviv ive e or sp spiri iritu tual alit ity y. e hav have e so solv lved ed ou our r problem ages ago. ;. 4ur solution is unworldliness renunciation. CW IV 31415
1'0. 1' 0. 4n 4ne e of the the g gre reat ates estt le less sson ons s " hav have le lear arne ned d in m my y li life fe iis s to p pay ay a as s mu much ch attention to the means of wor% as to its end. ;.. " have always been learning great lessons from that one principle, and it appears to me that all the secret of success is there@ to pay as much attention to the means as to the end. CW II 1 1 1'(. 1' (. 4u 4urr duty duty to ot othe hers rs m mea eans ns hel helpi ping ng ot othe hers rs++ do doin ing g go good od tto o th the e wo worl rld. d. hy hy should we do good to the world< Apparently to help the world, but really to help ourselves. ;.. =o not stand on a high pedestal and ta%e five cents in your hand and say, -Here, my poor man, but be grateful that the poor man is there, so that by ma%ing a gift to him, you are able to help yourself. "t is not the receiver that is blessed, but it is the giver. *e than%ful that you are allowed to e:ercise your power of benevolence and mercy in the world, and thus become pure and perfect. CW I 75-76 perfect. 1'6. "t is th the e lev evel el h hea ead ded man, th the e cal calm ma man n, of go goo od Dudgm gme ent an and d cool nerves, of great sympathy and love, and who does good wor% and so does good to himself. himself. CW I 79 79 11' 1'.. Gr Grea eatt wor or% % re re8u 8uiire res s gr grea eatt an and d pers persis iste tent nt ef effo fort rt fo forr a lon ong g time time.. $eith either er need we trouble ourselves, if a few fail. "t is in the nature of things that many should fall, that troubles should come, that tremendous difficulties should arise, that selfishness and all the other devils in the human heart should struggle hard, when theyevi are about to driven byo the fire of spirituality. CW 111. "n doi doing ng evil, l, w we e in inDu Dure re be o our urse selv lves esout a and nd oth ther ers s al also so. . "n d doi oing ng g goo ood, d,VIII w we e382 do good to ourselves and to others as well. ;.. According to Iarmayoga, the action one has done cannot be destroyed until it has borne its fruit+ no power in nature can stop it from yielding its results. "f " do an evil action, " must suffer for it+ there is no power in this universe to stop or to stay it. 5imilarly, if " do a good action, there is no power in the universe which can stop its bearing good results. CW I 82 112 12.. Th The e wat atch chw wor ord d of all well well&b &bei eing ng,, of all mora morall goo good, d, is no nott -" -" bu butt -Th Thou ou. . ho cares whether there is heaven or a hell, who cares if there is a soul or not, who cares if there is an unchang unchangeable eable or not< Here is the world, and it is full of misery. out yourselves+ into it as *uddha did,first andlesson struggle to learnt, lessenwhether it or dieyou in the attempt. Go !orget this is the to be are a theist or an atheist, whether you are an agnostic or a 9edantist, a 3hristian or a >ohammedan. >ohammedan. CW II 353 353 11 1.. *u *udd ddha ha is is th the e on only ly pro proph phet et who who sai said, d, --"" do n not ot c car are e to % %no now w yo your ur v var ario ious us theories about God. hat is the use of discussing all the subtle doctrines about the soul< =o good and be good. And this will ta%e you to the freedom and to whatever truth there is. ;; He wor%s best who wor%s without any motive, neither for money, nor for fame, nor for anything else+ and when a man can do that, he will be a *uddha, *uddha, and out of him will come the power to wor% in such a manner as will transform the world. CW I 117-18 11# 1#.. 5e 5elf lfis ishn hnes ess s is th the e chi chief ef sin, sin, th thin in%i %ing ng of ou ours rsel elve ves s fi firs rst. t. He He who thi thin% n%s, s, --"" will eat first, " will have more money than others, and " will possess everything, he who thin%s, -" will go to heaven before others, " will get to heaven before others, " will get mu%ti before others, is the selfish man. The unselfish man
says, -" will be last, " do not care to go to heaven, " will even go to hell, if by doings so " can help my brothers. This unselfishness is the test of religion. He who has more of this unselfis unselfishness hness is more spiritual and nearer to 5iva. CW III 143 143 11) 1).. You ca cann nnot ot help help an anyo yone ne,, you you ca can n onl only y se serv rve+ e+ s ser erve ve th the e ch chil ildr dren en of tthe he Cord, serve the Cord Himself, if you have the privilege. "f the Cord grants that you can help any one of His children, blessed you are+ do not thin% too much of yourselves. *lessed you are that, that privilege was given to you when others had it not. =o it only as a worship. CW III 246 11 1.. *les *lesse sed d ar are e we tha thatt we ar are e gi give ven n th the e pr priv ivil ileg ege e of w wor or%i %ing ng ffor or H Him im,, no nott of helping Him. 3ut out this word help from your mind. You cannot help+ it is blaspheming. You are here yourself at His pleasure. =o you mean to say, you help Him< You worship. hen you give a morsel of food to the dog, you worship the dog as God. God is in that dog. He is all and in all. CW V 246 110 10.. Af Afte terr so muc much h au aust ster erit ity y, " ha have ve u und nder erst stoo ood d th this is a as s th the e re real al ttru ruth th G God od iis s present in every Diva+ there is no other God beside that. -ho serves Diva, serves God indeed. CW VI 247 11(. "f in th this is hell hell of a wor world ld,, o one ne ca can n br brin ing g a llit ittl tle e DDoy oy an and d pe peac ace e ev even en ffor or a da day y into the heart of single person, that much alone is true+ this " have learnt after suffering life+ else isarmere moonshine. Very 176 116 16. . 4n 4ne eallidea idmy ea ttha hatt all " see see c cle lear as as d day ayli ligh ghtt is is th that atCW m mis iser y iis s c cau ause sed d by i'n&ran+e and nothing else. ho will give the world light< 5acrifice in the past has been the Caw, Caw, it will be, alas, for the ages to come. The earths bravest and best will have hav e to sa sacr crif ific ice e th them emse selv lves es fo forr th the e go good od of ma many ny,, for for the the we welf lfar are e of all. all. *uddhas by the hundred are necessary with eternal love and pity. CW VII 498 12'. 12 '. Ce Cett us cal calml mly y an and d in m man anly ly fas fashi hion on g go o to w wor or%, %, iins nste tead ad o off di diss ssip ipat atin ing g ou our r energy in unnecessary fretting and fuming. ", for one, thoroughly believe that no power in the universe can withhold from anyone anything he really deserves. The past was great no doubt, but " sincerely believe that the future will be more glorious still. CW IV 396 121. 12 1. *eho hold ld,, piteous how how me men na are re alre alread ady ywails. in in tthe heAdvance DDaw aws so off the th es sha har% r% of infa infatu tuat atio ion n 4h 4h,, listen *e to their heart&rending !orward 4 ye brave souls, to se sett free free th thos ose e th that at ar are e in fe fett tter ers, s, to less lessen en the the bu burd rden en of wo woe e of the the miserable, and to illumine the abysmal dar%ness of ignorant hearts. Coo%, how the 9edanta proclaims by beat of drums, dru ms, -*e fearless CW VII 500-01 500-01 122. 12 2. Th The e onl only y way way of get getti ting ng ou ourr divi divine ne n nat atur ure e ma mani nife fest sted ed iis s by h hel elpi ping ng o oth ther ers s to do the same. "f there is ine8uality in nature, still there must be e8ual chance for all or if greater for some and for some less the wea%er should be given more chance than the strong. "n other words, a *rahmana is not much in need of education as a 3handala. "f the son of a *rahmana needs one teacher, that of a 3handala needs ten. !or greater help must be given to him whom nature has not endowed with an acute intellect from birth. "t is a madman who carries coals to $ewcastle. The poor, the downtrodden, the ignorant let these be your God. CW VI 319 God. 319
12. 12 . Th This is iis s th the e gi gist st o off al alll wo wors rshi hip p to b be e pu pure re a and nd tto o do g goo ood d to o otthe hers rs.. He who sees 5iva in the poor, in the wea%, and in the diseased, really worship 5iva+ and if he sees 5iva only in the image, his worship is but preliminary. CW III 141-42 12#. 12 #. Th The e li life fe of of *u *udd ddha ha sho shows ws th that at ev even en a m man an w who ho d doe oes s no nott be beli liev eve e in G God od,, has no metaphysics, belongs to no sect, and does not go to any church, or temple,, and is a confused material temple materialist, ist, even he can attai attain n to the highest highest.. ;. He was the only man who was ever ready to give up his life for animals, to stop a sacrifice. He once said to a %ing@ -"f the sacrifice of lamb helps you to go to heaven, sacrificing a man will help you better+ so sacrifice me. The %ing was astonished. CW IV 136 12). 12 ). -The -The go good od lliv ive e ffor or oth other ers sa alo lone. ne. The wi wise se ma man ns sho houl uld ds sac acri rifi fice ce hims himsel elff for for others. " can secure my own good only by doing your good. There is no other way, none whatsoever. CW VI 317 12. 12 . Go ffro rom m vi vill llag age e to vil villa lage ge,, do goo good d to hum human anit ity y an and d to tthe he w wor orld ld a att la larg rge. e. Go to hell yourse yourself lf to buy salva salvation tion for others. ;; -hen death is certai certain, n, it is better to die for a good cause. CW VI 265-67 120. Th Thro roug ugh hout the the history ory of the worl world d, you find grea reat men ma%e grea eatt sacrifices and the mass of man%ind enDoy the benefit. "f you want to give up everything for for your salvation, it is a%e yourself a dynamo. eel , first for the world. ;; As% yourself, does your mind react in hatred or Dealousy< Good wor%s are continually are being undone by the tons of hatred and anger which are being poured out on the world. world. "f you are pure, if you are str strong, ong, !&u% &ne man, &ne man, are e8ual to the whole world. CW world. CW VI 144-45 1). 1 ). i ill ll s suc uch h a da day yc com ome e wh when en tthi his s llif ife e wi will ll g go o fo forr th the e sa sa%e %e o off ot othe hers rs go good od< < The world not ahearts childsblood. play & This and great menta%ing are those who build highways for others withistheir has been place through eternity, that one builds a bridge by laying down his own body, and thousands of others cross the river through its help. *e it so *e it so CW VI 273-74 273-74 1. 1 . Be Beli ligi gion on iis s th the e id idea ea w whi hic ch is rrai ais sing ing a br brut ute e un untto ma man n an and d a ma man n un unto to God. God. CW V 409 409 10. The definition of God and man@ >an is an infinite circle whose circumference is no where, but the center is located in one spot+ and God is an infinite infini te circle whose circumferenc circumference e is nowhere but center is everyw everywhere. here. CW II 33 33 1(. The difference between God and the devil is in nothing e:cept in unselfishness and selfishness. The devilma%es %nowshim as much asApply God, the is as powerful as God+ only he has no holiness that a devil. same idea to the modern world@ e:cess of %nowledge and power, without holiness, ma%es human beings devil. CW I 425 16. 9irtue is that which tends to our improvement, and vice is to our degeneration. >an is made of three 8ualities brutal, human and godly. That which tends to increase the divinity in you is virtue, and that which tends to increase brutality in you is vice. You must %ill the brutal nature and become human, that is, loving and charitable. You must transcend that too and become pure bli bliss, ss, 5ac 5achch hchida idanana nananda, nda, fire fire wit withou houtt burn burning, ing, won wonderf derfull ully y lov loving ing,, but without the wea%ness of human h uman love, without the feeling of misery. CW VI 112 1#'. nselfis(ness is G&, . 4ne may live on a throne, in a golden palace, and be perfectly unselfish+ and then he is in God. CW V 409 409 34>E"C/= *Y 5HB" *HABAT 3H7B"ACA, >A$AG/B 4! TH/ GB47E
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