Short Description
Instrumentation Calibration, Design and Techniques
Instrumentation and instrument What is instrumentation? In general defnition this can be defned as the art and and science o measurement and/or control. Is
achieved by using an “instrument” .
Instrumentation based on industrial application: “It is the application o instrument or the purpose o measuring, observing, transmitting, indicating, recording, monitoring, and controlling any industrial process variable”.
What is an instrument? Is
any device used directly or indirectly in order to accomplish an objective or task. In Instrumentation, an instrument is any sensing, measuring, transmitting, indicating, or controlling device associated with a process or system. E. !easuring a body temperature using a thermometer.
Instrument application categories and functional divisions. Factory
automation instruments Plant safety or safeguarding instruments Product Quality monitoring/control instruments Environmental condition monitoring /control instruments. Process variable measurement and control instruments.
Implementing instrumentation •
o! is instrumentation implemented?
". #ingle or #tand alone #ystem. $. %omple #ystem
Instrumentation system "nstrumentation system # is an arrangement o two or more instruments connected together to perorm a unifed task. Each instrument operates independently according to its specifc task. &ailure rom one member o instrument, means ailure o the entire instrument system. #implest orm o instrumentation
Automation Is
a system concept that utili'es instrumentation system to perorm a certain task or se(uences o operations in an automatic manner or without human intervention. )oth maimi'ing (uantity o production and (uality and durability o produced goods is greatly improved.
AUTOMAT! "#O$%% Is
a process or se(uence o production activities done in an automatic manner. %&PE' (F )*%(+)%E P-($E'' *ighly !echani'ed +rocess %hemical
and +hysical +rocess
What is Maintenance? ll
actions necessary or retaining an item, or restoring to it, a serviceable condition, include servicing, repair, modifcation, overhaul, inspection and condition verifcation. -eep systems e(uipment in working order. o repair the e(uipment ater &I012E.
&uestion? 3hy
do we need maintenance4 3hat are the costs o doing maintenance4 3hat are the costs o not doing maintenance4 3hat are the benefts o maintenance4 *ow can maintenance increase proftability o company4
"urpose of Maintenance •
• • •
ttempt to maimi'e perormance o production e(uipment e5ciently and regularly +revent breakdown or ailures !inimi'e production loss rom ailures Increase reliability o the operating systems
"rinciple Ob'ectives in Maintenance •
o achieve product (uality and customer satisaction through adjusted and serviced e(uipment • !aimi'e useul lie o e(uipment • -eep e(uipment sae and prevent saety ha'ards • !inimi'e re(uency and severity o interruptions • !aimi'e production capacity 6 through high utili'ation o acility
Maintenance Ob'ectives •
!ust be consistent with the goals o production 7cost, (uality, delivery, saety8 !ust be comprehensive and include specifc responsibilities
Maintenance $osts • • • •
%ost to replace or repair 0osses o output 9elayed shipment #crap and rework
(ailure &ailure
6 inability to produce work in appropriate manner E(uipment / machine ailure on production :oor 6 worn out bearing, pump, pressure leaks, broken shat, overheated machine etc. E(uipment ailure in o5ce 6 ailure o power supply, air;conditioned system, computer network, photocopy machine .
%ontinue troubleshooting by applying Elimination by Input / Output Test method.
pply Root Cause Analysis 72%8.
limination by /!eductive Approach0 roubleshooting by eliminating one component rom the other component in a loop by deduction or logical thinking method.
limination by !eductive Approach ".
1nderstand properly the etent o the problem based on given acts, data and symptoms.
#tart troubleshooting by frst using Elimination by Deduction method. I the cause o the problem is highly identifed, perorm corrective action at once to solve the problem.
%ontinue troubleshooting by applying Elimination by Input / Output Test method.
pply Root Cause Analysis 72%8.
1uidelines in using !eductive Approach: ".naly'e
the etent o the problem based on given acts or symptoms.
up with a probability per element based on given acts and decide which element most likely to cause the problem.
>.2ectiy ?.pply
problem i already possible.
2oot %ause nalysis 72%8.
limination by /Input2Output Test0 or /$ause 3 ffect Method0 roubleshooting by applying an input and monitoring the output per loop component based on elements input/output relationship table.
1uidelines in using Input2Output Test: ".
Established the details o each loop component o a given control loop. 1sing the degree o probability based on the result o your “9eductive pproach@, perorm “Input/Autput@ est. 2ectiy problem encountered while doing input/output test. pply 2oot %ause nalysis 72%8.
%ignificant use of /Input2Output Test0 or /$ause 3 ffect0 Input/Autput est i properly administered is a very e=ective tool in identiying e(uipment unctional, potential and hidden ailures. ny ailure identifed during the test could trigger appropriate maintenance action/s.
Applying #oot $ause Analysis ,#$A-
What is a /#oot $ause Analysis0 It is a systematic approach to maintenance problem analysis. It emphasi'e mainly on the main cause or root cause o the problem not just the temporary solution. his concept could be well implemented by considering the = (uestionsB Is
the problem clearly identifed and understood based on given symptoms4 Is the corrective action done really corrects the problem4
Other factors need to be considered in troubleshooting instrumentation system problem: • •
0oop confguration / system integrity. Instrument type, installation, calibration C physical conditions. Environmental conditions.
In general4 the follo+ing simple guide 5uestions +ill help an Instrument Technician perform effective maintenance: • • • • •
3hat is the problem4 3hat do we think caused the problem4 3hat evidence do we have about the causes4 3hat solution7s8 do you have in mind4 *ow will the solution7s8 eliminate the cause o the problem4
$orrecting Instrument Output response: 3hat do you think will be your courses o actions i ater doing an input/output test, the actual measured values are signifcantly di=erent rom the desired values4
Do Adjustment
Why Instrument $alibration is 6ecessary? he successul operation o any automated industrial process depends on the accuracy and perormance o each instrument in the measurement and control loop. Instrument calibration helps to ensure that a process operates e!ciently and saely within plant specifcations and produces a product o optimum quality"
7ample n Instrument technician is conducting an Input/Autput test o an I/+ converter shown in the fgure. Input is ?;$D m rom 2% and output is >;" psi. he resulting s &ound I/A able is shown belowB
(indings )ased on the s &oundB I/A test able below, the I/+ shows an error o D.$psi in every test point. In;order to eliminate the error, the instrument sensitivity was adjusted. ter adjustment, another Input/Autput test was conducted, and the result is shown on the I/A able on the right. his time the error in psi per test point is D. the process o adjusting the error is what is called %0I)2IAF. he able that contains the data ater calibration is called s 0etB I/A est As 8eft: I2O Test Table As (ound: I2O Test Table able.
$alibration “Calibration is an insurance policy that verifies the accuracy of test instruments.” %alibration is the act o checking and veriying the accuracy o a measurement instrument by comparison with a reerence standard. +roperly calibrated instruments perorm to manuacturers published specifcations. 2egularly calibrating measurement instruments ensures the accuracy o measurements that are relied upon during design and manuacturing test.
Why $alibrate? 3hile most instruments that are evaluated and calibrated normally pass the test, instrument perormance can change over time. here are several actors that can contribute to this change including drit, normal wear and tear, lack o proper maintenance, user error, and improper use and abuse o e(uipment. 2egular calibration ensures that test and measurement instruments are operating at a known perormance level.
Why is $alibration #e5uired? )y doing proper calibration procedure and through proper interpretation o the calibration results, instrument error/s can be identifed and be corrected.
%alibration is re(uired by law.
Instrument $alibration $ycles %alibration is not a one;time occurrence. Instruments must be calibrated periodically to ensure specifed perormance. Each instrument re(uires a specifc interval between calibrations. his interval is determined by the instruments owner and is oten based on the manuacturers recommendations. he original e(uipment manuacturers 7AE!8 calibration intervals are typically based on conservative perormance or the average user. &or best results, the instrument owner should use several additional actors in determining the optimal calibration interval, includingB he re(uired accuracy or the application vs. the instruments specifed accuracy. he business impact o using AA
$alibration &uality %ystem he International Argani'ation or #tandardi'ation 7I#A8 is comprised o representatives rom various national organi'ations and has "G$ member countries. I#A develops standards or industry and trade. +artnering with I#A registered calibration providers ensures that the provider ollows standard practices. I#A HDDD is a amily o standards that provide a ramework or managing an organi'ations processes and a set o standardi'ed re(uirements or a (uality management system. I#A/IE%"JD$ is a standard used by testing and calibration laboratories. 0aboratories implement the
$alibration according to 8egal Metrology %alibration according to 2.. H$>G o $DD> 72E+1)0I% % FA. H$>G *E FIAF0 !E2A0AKL % A& $DD>8, is a set o operations establishing under specifed condition, relationship between values indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system, or values represented by material measure, and its corresponding known values o
Instrument $alibration )loc* !iagram *nput Measurement "tandard (*M")
7nit 7nder Test (77T)
9utput Measurement "tandard (9M")
b-ac 8ote: *M" 9M" are commonly !nown as C35*43T94"+
When is $alibration #e5uired? ".Aver a period o time $.%hange in process parameters >.%hange in environmental conditions ?.%hange in instrument mounting position .)eore .)eore installation o new n ew instrument G.ter any instrument repair J.3hen process verifcation is re(uired M.Kovernmental 2egulation 7i.e.2 H$>G8 H.Ather reasons deemed necessary
9o+ often instrument is calibrated? )y practice, the re(uency o calibration depends upon the classifcation o the instrumentsB
Critical# n instrument which, i not conorming to specifcation, could potentially compromise product or process (uality and saety. 7ypical is twice yearly8 $on%critical# n instrument whose unction is not critical to product or process (uality, but whose unction is more o an operational signifcance. 7ypical is yearly8 Reerence Only# n instrument whose unction is not critical to product (uality, not
$ost and #is* of 6ot $alibrating %alibration can be easily ignored or cycles etended beyond their recommended time rame, which may increase operational risk or regulatory compliance. Feglecting routine calibration schedules can lead to (uality and regulatory issues, increasing downtime, and increase epenses. I a company is unable to meet its customer or regulatory re(uirements, they introduce signifcant risk o business interruption, loss o operating privileges, or compromised public saety. 3hen compared with the signifcant business risks associated with non;compliance, calibration
Types of $alibration
Wor*shop4 8aboratory or )ench $alibration %alibration utili'ing deal conditions such as room temperature, humidity, room pressure, vibration C etc. )ench %alibration is perormed in the shop on the bench with power supplied rom an eternal source. It may be perormed upon receipts o new instruments prior to installation. his provides an assurance that the instrument received is undamaged. his also allows confguration and calibration in a avourable environment. Advantages !isadvantages ;+ *nstrument is removed, cleaned and inspected+
;+ #roblem may encounter during pullout and installation+
? )ased on defnition under $.$ o the I#A Kuide to the Epression o 1ncertainty in !easurement 7K1!8, the word “uncertainty@ means 9A1), and thus in its broadest sense “uncertainty o measurement@ means doubt about the validity o the result o a measurement.
Measurement Uncertainty $oncept
Measured alue @ .B m)ar C Uncertainty of measurement
$ommon %ources of Uncertainty Environmental conditions +ersonal bias in reading values &inite instrument resolution %alibration o standards 2ounding o measurement !ethods C procedures o measurement #tability o power supply and etc.
Ishi*a+a ,fishbone diagram-: nvironment
#ressure ibration others
"tability others
'irect or *nferred
Connection wire resistance
"tability of utilities
9thers 9thers
Measurement method 3 procedure
Measurement system 3 utilities
Uncertainty can be e7pressed in terms of the follo+ing: ". $. >.
#tandard 1ncertaintyB ui %ombined 1ncertaintyB uc Epanded 1ncertaintyB # $ uc %k&
Methods of valuating %tandard Uncertainty ui $omponents: ". ype Evaluation 7o uncertainty8 6 is the method o evaluating uncertainty by the statistical analysis o a series o observations. In this case, the standard uncertainty is the eperimental standard deviation o the mean that ollows rom an averaging procedure.
$. ype ) Evaluation 7o uncertainty8 6 method o evaluation o uncertainty by means other than the statistical analysis o series o observations. In this case the evaluation o the standard uncertainty is based on some pool o inormation such asB •
previous measurement dataO
eperience with or general knowledge o the behavior and properties o relevant materials and instrument
manuacturers specifcations
data provided in calibration and other certifcates other relevant inormation
%ample: $alculating %tandard Uncertainty ,ui) of (lo+meter and "roving Tan* in terms of %tandard !eviation ,%T!-: "D;validation runs were conducted on a :owmeter calibration system using >DDD batch si'e. 2esults were tabulated and #9< o the :owmeter and the proving tank were calculated. 2esults shown on the let table. ui o &lowmeter is >."> ui o +roving tank is ".D
The $ombined %tandard Uncertainty ,u c- :
he combined standard uncertainty o a measurement result, suggested symbol uc, is taken to represent the estimated standard deviation o the result. It is obtained by combining the individual standard uncertainties ui, whether arising rom ype or a ype ) evaluation, using the usual method or combining standard deviations.
$alculating the $ombine %tandard Uncertainty ,u c - of (lo+meter and "roving tan*: ui of Flowmeter is >+;> and ui of #roving Tan! is ;+@?
Combine 7ncertainty
(uc ) = (ui of Flowmeter)D E (ui of #roving Tan! )D (>+;>)D E (;.0 )D
Combine 7ncertainty
(uc )
= !.!
7panded Uncertainty ,U -: (uantity defning an interval about the result o a measurement that may be epected to encompass a large raction o the distribution o values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand. he epanded uncertainty denoted by * is obtained by multiplying the combined standard uncertainty uc by a coverage actor k. husO #Puc7k8 T47 Measurement 9bserved measurement E2-7
$alculating the 7panded Uncertainty ,U - of (lo+meter and "roving tan*: (") = uc (#) = !.! ($) = %&' .
xpanded 7ncertainty
here: uc = Combine standard uncertainty # = Coverage Factor
%tatement of Uncertainty of Measurement in $ertificates In calibration certifcates , the complete result o the measurement consisting o the estimate y o the measurand and the associated epanded uncertainty * shall be given in the orm 7y /# *. o this an eplanatory note must be added he reported e*panded uncertainty of measurement is stated which in the general case should have the as the standard uncertainty of measurement multiplied by the ollowB covera+e factor #=$, -hich for a normal distribution corresponds to a covera+e probability of appro*imately / level of confidence.
8evel of $onfidence: !ost o epanded uncertainty calculations are based on coverage actor 7kP$8 and confdence level o HQ 7" chance in $D that the value o the measurand lies outside the interval8.
D. $ompliance to I%OEF;G %alibration technical re(uirements per +F# I#A/EI% "JD$B$DDD *uman &actors 7+ersonnel8 Environmental %onditions est C %alibration !ethods and !ethod . 1ncertainty o !easurements ?. %ompliance to I#A;"JD$ " Acceptable Tolerance
G. Acceptable Tolerance Every
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