Calibration of Laboratory Mechanical-Rammer Soil Compactors: Standard Practices For

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Designation: D2168 – 10

Standard Practices for

Calibration of Laboratory Mechanical-Rammer Soil Compactors1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D2168; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of  original adoption or, in the case of revis original revision, ion, the year of last revision. revision. A number in paren parenthese thesess indicates the year of last reappr reapproval. oval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

mass (lbm) or the recording of density in lbm/ft 3 shall not be regarded as a nonconformance with this standard. 1.6   This standar standard d doe doess not purport purport to add addre ress ss all of the safet sa fetyy co conc ncern erns, s, if an anyy, as asso socia ciated ted wit with h its us use. e. It is th thee responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro priate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

1. Sco Scope* pe* 1.1 The These se pra practic ctices es for the cali calibra bration tion of mech mechani anical cal soi soill compactors are for use in checking and adjusting mechanical devi de vices ces us used ed in la labo bora rato tory ry co comp mpac actin ting g of so soil il an and d so soililaggreg agg regate ate in acco accorda rdance nce with Test Met Method hodss   D698, D698,   D1557, D1557, Practice   D6026, D6026,   and other methods methods of a simi similar lar nature that might mig ht spe specif cify y the these se pra practic ctices. es. Cali Calibra bratio tion n for use with one practice does not qualify the equipment for use with another practice. 1.2 The weight weight of the mechanical mechanical rammer rammer is adj adjust usted ed as

2. Referenc Referenced ed Documents 2.1   ASTM Standards:2 D653   Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained Fluids D698   Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12 400 ft-lbf/ft 3(600 kN-m/m3)) D1557   Test Test Metho Methods ds for Labor Laboratory atory Compaction Characteristi ter istics cs of Soi Soill Usi Using ng Mod Modifie ified d Ef Effor fortt (56 (56,00 ,000 0 ftft-lbf lbf/  /  3 3 ft (2,700 kN-m/m )) D2487   Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) D3740   Practice for Minimu Minimum m Requir Requirements ements for Agencies Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construction D6026  Practice for Using Significant Digits in Geotechnical Data E11   Specification for Woven Wire Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test Sieves E145   Specifi Specificat cation ion for Gra Gravit vity-C y-Conv onvecti ection on and For Forced ced-Ventilation Ovens

described into 5.4 and  and  6.5  6.5 in orderresult to provide for the mechanical compactorin 5.4 produce the insame as the manual compactor. 1.3 Two alternative procedures procedures are prov provided ided as follo follows: ws: Practi Pra ctice ce A Practi Pra ctice ce B

Calibrati Calibr ation on bas based ed on the com compac pactio tion n of of a selected soil sample Calibr Cal ibrati ation on bas based ed on the def deform ormati ation on of a standard lead cylinder

Section 5 6

1.4 If a mechan mechanical ical compactor compactor is calibra calibrated ted in accor accordance dance with the requirements of either Practice A or Practice B, it is nott ne no neces cessa sary ry fo forr th thee me mech chan anic ical al co comp mpac acto torr to me meet et th thee requirements of the other practice. 1.5 The values stated in inch-poun inch-pound d units are to be regar regarded ded as th thee st stan anda dard rd.. Th Thee va valu lues es gi give ven n in pa pare rent nthe hese sess ar aree fo forr information only. 1.5.1 It is common practice practice in the engin engineering eering professio profession n to concurrently use pounds to repres concurrently represent ent both a unit of mass (lbm) and an d a fo forc rcee (l (lbf bf). ). Th This is im impl plici icitly tly co comb mbin ines es tw two o se sepa para rate te systems of units; that is, the absolute system and the gravitational system. It is scientifically undesirable to combine the use of tw two o sep separ arate ate se sets ts of in inch ch-p -pou ound nd un units its wi with thin in a sin singl glee standard. This standard has been written using the gravitational system of units when dealing with the inch-pound system. In this system, the poun pound d (lbf) represents a unit of force (weight). (weight). However, the use of balances or scales recording pounds of 

3. Signi Significanc ficancee and Use 3.1 Mechan Mechanical ical compactors compactors are common commonly ly used to replace the han hand d com compac pactor torss req requir uired ed for Test Met Method hodss   D698   and D1557 in D1557  in cases where it is necessary to increase production. 3.2 The design of mechanical mechanical compactors compactors is such that it is nece ne cess ssar ary y to ha have ve a ca calib libra ratio tion n pr proc oces esss th that at go goes es be beyo yond nd determining the mass and drop of the hammer.


These practices are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 Committee D18 on  on Soil and Rock and are the dir Rock direct ect res respon ponsib sibili ility ty of Sub Subcom commit mittee tee   D18.03   on Texture exture,, Plasticity and Density Characteristics of Soils. Current Curre nt editio edition n approv approved ed July 1, 2010. Published Published August 2010. Originally Originally apprroved in 1990. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as D2168–02a. DOI:


For refere referenced nced ASTM stand standards, ards, visit the ASTM webs website, ite, www www.ast,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For  Annual Book of ASTM  Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on


the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.   Copyright. (C) ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbour Drive, PO box C700 West Conshohocken, PA United States

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);  



D2168 – 10 1—The he qu qual alit ity y of th thee re resu sult lt pr prod oduc uced ed by th this is st stan anda dard rd is NOTE   1—T dependent depend ent on the com compet petenc encee of the per person sonnel nel per perfor formin ming g it, and the suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the criteriaa in Practi criteri Practice ce D3740  D3740   are generally considered capable of competent and obj object ective ive tes testing ting/sa /sampl mpling ing/in /inspe spectio ction/a n/and nd the lik like. e. Use Users rs of thi thiss standard are cautioned that compliance with Practice  D3740  D3740   does not in itself assure reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740 Practice  D3740 provides  provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.

mechanical compactor is to be calibrated. Operate the compacmechanical tor for a minimum of 25 drops to cause friction in the parts to become constant, allowing the rammer to fall on soil or other soft materia material. l.

4. Appar Apparatus atus

5.2 Obtain approximat approximately ely 50 lb (23 kg) of soil classified as CL in acc accord ordanc ancee with Clas Classific sificatio ation n   D2487. D2487. If ex exces cessi sive ve moisture is present, dry the soil until it becomes friable. Drying may be in air or by use of a drying apparatus such that the temperature temper ature of the sample does not exceed 140°F (60°C). Pass the soil through a No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve conforming to the requirement requi rementss of Specifi Specification cation   E11 E11..   Discard Discard any mate materia riall remain ma inin ing g on th thee si siev eve, e, an and d th thor orou ough ghly ly bl blen end d th thee ma mater teria iall passing the sieve until it is uniform. The material shall then be prepared prepa red for compac compaction tion in accord accordance ance with either Methods D698   or D698 or D1557  D1557  as appropriate for the mechanical compactor being calibrated.

NOTE  3—In order to provide satisfactory results, mechanical compactors must be in excellent working condition. Improper operation of the raising raisin g and releas releasee mecha mechanisms nisms can introd introduce uce seriou seriouss error errors. s.

4.1 For Practice Practice A, in addition to the apparatus apparatus requireme requirements nts specified in Test Methods  D698  D698   and and D1557  D1557,,   the following is required: 4.1.1   Drying —Thermostatically cally contr controlled olled oven, Drying Oven Oven—  — —Thermostati preferably of the forced-draft type, meeting the requirements for Specifi Specification cation E145  E145   and capable of maintaining a uniform temperature of 140   6  5°F (60   6  3°C) throughout the drying chamber. 4.2 For Practice Practice B, in addition to the apparatus apparatus requirements requirements specified in Test Methods D698 Methods  D698 and  and  D1557  D1557,,  the following are required: 4.2.1   Lead Deform Deformation ation Appar Apparatus atus—A lead def deform ormatio ation n apparatus consisting of an anvil, guide collar, and striking pin, as shown in Fig. in  Fig. 1. 1. 4.2.2   Micrometer —A —A one-inch (25-mm) outside micrometer or caliper reading to 0.001 in. (0.02 mm), for determining the length of the lead cylinders. As an alternative, a one-inch (25-mm) dial comparator reading to 0.001 in. (0.02 mm) may be used to determine either the length of the lead cylinder, or of the com complet pletee lead def deform ormatio ation n app apparat aratus us asse assembl mbly y. To measure meas ure the com comple plete te ass assemb embly ly,, a dial comparato comparatorr with a minimum opening of 2 in. (50 mm) is required (see  Fig. 2). 2).

NOTE  4—The amount of soil used will vary greatly depending on the number of water content unit mass determinations number determinations required. required.

5.3 Usi Using ng the soil pre prepar pared ed in acco accorda rdance nce with  with   5.2 5.2,,  determinee opt min optimu imum m moi moistu sture re and maximum maximum dry unit wei weight ght by Method Metho d A of either Test Methods Methods D698  D698 or  or D1557  D1557 or  or whichever method meth od is app approp ropria riate te for the mec mechan hanica icall com compac pactor tor bei being ng calibrated. calibr ated. Prepare one curve using the mechan mechanical ical compactor and another using the manual compactor. Record the values of  gmax, the maximum dry unit weight obtained with the manual compactor, and  g max, the maximum dry unit weight obtained with the mechanical compactor. 5.4 Determ Determine ine   W , the per percen centage tage dif differ ferenc encee of max maximu imum m dry unit weight values for a single set of data (see Section  7  7). ). If the absolute value of   W   is equal to or less than 2.0, the mechanical compactor is satisfactory for immediate use. If the absolu abs olute te valu valuee of   W   is gr grea eater ter th than an 2. 2.0, 0, th then en ob obtai tain n tw two o additional sets of data. Use the same soil sample, prepared in accordance with   5.2 5.2,,  that was used previously. Determine   W , the average percentage difference of maximum dry unit mass values for three sets of data (see Section   7). If the absolute valu va luee of   W    is eq equa uall to or le less ss th than an 2. 2.0, 0, th thee me mech chan anic ical al compac com pactor tor is sat satisf isfacto actory ry for imm immedi ediate ate use use.. If the abs absolu olute te ¯  value of   W  is greater than 2.0, then adjust the rammer mass of the mech mechani anical cal com compac pactor tor in acco accorda rdance nce with with   5.5 5.5..   Then secure three new values of  g  g max  and compute a new value of  ¯  ¯  is equal W  . Repeat this procedure procedure until the absolute value of  W   W  to or less than 2.0. 5.5 Make changes changes in the weigh weightt of the mechan mechanical ical hammer with due consideration to good workmanship. Makeshift modification fica tionss that cou could ld af affec fectt the ope operat ration ion of the mec mechan hanical ical compactor are not permitted. The maximum permissible variation in the weight of the mechanical hammer as the result of  calibration is as follows: The total mass added to the original mass of the hammer as received from the manufacturer must not exceed ten percent of its original mass. If it is necessary to add more than ten percent, The mechanical compactor is to be rebuilt or repaired. If the calibration indicates that the mass of  the original rammer needs to be reduced to less than 5.5 lbf  8

NOTE   2—The 2—The use of ver vernie nierr cal caliper iperss is not recommen recommended ded since the vernier calipers can produce erroneous readings if not zeroed correctly, or if the vernier caliper is not of high quality.

4.2.3   Guide Sleeve Pedestal—A guide sleeve pedestal for use with guide sleeves used to control the drop of the manual rammers in Test Methods  Methods   D698  D698   and and D1557  D1557 (see  (see Fig.  Fig. 3) 3). 4.2.4   Test Cylinders—A supply of commercially pure lead test cylinders having individual weights such that the lightest cylinder is within 0.06 g of the heaviest, each having a length of 0.675  6  0.005 in. (17.1  6  0.1 mm) and a diameter of 0.310 0.002 in. (7. (7.87 87   6   0.05 0.05 mm) mm)..3 A min minimu imum m of ten test 6   0.002 cylinde cyli nders rs is req requir uired ed for the cali calibra bratio tion n of one mech mechani anical cal compactor. However, depending on circumstances, as many as 100 test cylinders may be required.


5. Procedu Procedure—Prac re—Practice tice A 5.1 Eva Evaluat luatee the mech mechani anical cal and man manual ual com compac pactor torss for evidencee of wea evidenc wearr, malf malfunc unctio tion, n, and nee need d of ser servic vicing ing and adjustment. Clean, adjust, and lubricate the compactors so as to meet all requirements of the manufacturer, and the applicable metho met hod d un unde derr wh whic ich h th they ey wi will ll be us used ed an and d fo forr wh which ich the 3

The sole source of supply of the lead test cylinders known to the committee at

this time is Hornady Manufacturing Co., P.O. Box 1848, Grand Island, Nebr. 68801 in lot lotss of 500 500.. If you are awa aware re of alt altern ernati ative ve sup suppli pliers ers,, ple please ase provide provide thi thiss information informa tion to ASTM Intern Internationa ationall Headq Headquarter uarters. s. Your comme comments nts will receiv receivee carefull consi carefu considerati deration on at a meeti meeting ng of the responsible responsible techni technical cal committee,1 which you may attend.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);  



D2168 – 10

in. 2.10 17 ⁄ 8 15 ⁄ 8 11 ⁄ 2 1.250 1.248 0.626 0.625 1  ⁄ 2 0.317  ⁄ 4 1  ⁄ 8 1  ⁄ 16 16 1  ⁄ 32 32 0.005 0.004 0.002 0.001 1

mm 53.34 48 41 38 31.75 31.70 15.90 15.88 13



8.05 6.4 3.2 1.6 0.79 0.13 0.10 0.05 0.02


NOTE   1—Ins 1—Inside ide dimension dimension of guide collar should slip easily over raised section of anvil without excessive excessive free play play.. Anvil should slip easily inside guide sleeve pedest pedestal al witho without ut excess excessive ive free play. FIG. 1 Lead Deformation Apparatus

(2.49 kg) or 10 lbf (4.54 kg) depending on the test method rammer standard, standard, carefu carefully lly recheck all equipment and calibr calibraationss and report tion report the procedur procedure. e. If rem remova ovall of mas masss is sti still ll

NOTE   5—Graphic 5—Graphical al proce procedures dures are helpfu helpfull in estim estimating ating the correc correctt amount of mass to be added or subtracted.

indicated, the height-of-drop should be adjusted.

be nec necessa essary ry,, the then n imp improp roper er ope operat ration ion of the mec mechan hanical ical

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);  

5.6 If a larger change change than that permitted in 5.5 in  5.5  is found to



D2168 – 10 compac tor is ind indicat icated. ed. Eva Evalua luate te and adj adjust ust the mec mechan hanica icall compactor compactor in order to determine and eliminate the cause of the malfunction and repeat the calibration procedure. 5.7 Do not use the mech mechani anical cal compactor compactor if the indicated indicated weight change still exceeds that permitted in   5.5 5.5.. 6. Procedur Procedure—Practi e—Practice ce B 6.1 Eva Evalua luate te and adjust adjust the mechanical mechanical and man manual ual compactors as described in  in   5.1 5.1 of  of Practice A. 6.2   Deforma Deformation tionfor bythe themanual Manual Man ual Compac Com pactor  tor follows: —Obtain the —Obtain deformation value compactor as 6.2.1 6.2 .1 Sel Select ect a set of lea lead d cyli cylinde nders rs from the sam samee lot or ship sh ipme ment nt.. Re Remo move ve an any y bu burr rrss fr from om th thee en ends ds of th thee le lead ad cylinders using a fine grade of emery cloth. NOTE   6—Deformation of the lead cylinders is affected by changes in temperature.. Take preca temperature precautions utions to maint maintain ain the cylind cylinders ers within   65°F (62.7°C 2.7°C)) durin during g the calibration calibration of the mecha mechanical nical compactor compactor and the securing of the manual compactor values. in.


8 3 2 1 1  ⁄ 4 1  ⁄ 8 0.001

203 76 51 25 6.4 3.2 0.02


6.2.2 Obtain  c 1, the (initial) micrometer or dial comparator reading before impact, following the procedures decribed in 6.2.5.. 6.2.5 6.2.3 Place the base plate of the compaction compaction mold on a rigid foun fo unda datio tion. n. On th thee ba base se pl plate ate,, pl plac acee th thee as asse semb mble led d lea lead d deformation apparatus with the lead cylinder (see Fig. (see  Fig. 4) 4) and guide sleeve pedestal in place. Insert the guide sleeve of the manual compactor into the recess in the guide sleeve pedestal. Check that the distance from rammer release point to striking pin contact meets the specified requirements. Apply one drop of the manual rammer with the guide sleeve of the manual compactor held vertically, so that the rammer does not strike the guide sleeve pedestal. 6.2.4 Obtain  c 2, the micrometer or dial comparator reading after impact, following the procedures described in  6.2.5  6.2.5.. The difference between dial readings   c1   and   c2   is equal to   D, the deformation value. 6.2.5 Obtain readings readings for   c1   and   c2  either by: 6.2.5 .1 Direct measurement measurement of the length of the lead cylinder, using the outside micrometer caliper or an equivalent dial comparator.

FIG. 2 Dial Comparator



2.77 2.13 3  ⁄ 8 1  ⁄ 8 0.03 0.005

70.4 54.10 10 3.2 0.8 0.13


NOTE   1—Thi 1—Thiss di dime mens nsio ion n mu must st be eq equa uall to th thee he heig ight ht of the the le lead ad deformation apparatus when assembled with the lead cylinder in place,  6 0.01 in. (60.25mm). within a tolerance of  6 NOTE   2—Dia 2—Diameter meter A is such that guide sleeve sleeve of rammer rammer fits easily into recess without free play. FIG. 3 Guide Sleeve Pedestal FIG. 4 Lead Deformation Apparatus Assembly Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);  



D2168 – 10 .2 Obtain Obtaining ing a measur measurement ement of the assembled defor6.2.5 mation apparatus, secured by placing it in the dial comparator so that the top center of the   1 ⁄ 4-in. (6.4-mm) steel ball of the striking pin is directly under the tip of the dial stem. 6.2.6 Repeat  6.2.2-6.2.5   using an unused lead cylinder for each determination until five deformation values are obtained ¯ , the average value; that do not vary more than 2.0 % from   D that is, the absolute value of  v  v1 must be less than 2.0 for the five values selected (see 7.2 (see  7.2). ). The deformation value for the manual ¯  method shall be taken as   D 6.3   Deforma Deformatio tion n by the . Mec Mechan hanica icall Com Compac pactor  tor —Obtain —Obtain the deformation value (change in height) of the lead cylinder by the mechanical compactor as follows: 6.3.1 6.3 .1 Sele Select ct a set of at least five lead cylinde cylinders rs from the same lot or shipment. Remove any burrs from the ends of the lead cylinders using a fine grade emery cloth (see  Note 6). 6). 6.3.2 Place the assembled lead deformation apparatus on the base of the mechanical compactor at such location that the striking pin will be centered on the face of the rammer at the moment of contact of the two. ¯    for 6.3.3 6.3 .3 Obtain the ave averag ragee def deform ormatio ation n val value ue   D for th thee mechanical compactor using the same procedure specified in 6.2,,  except do not use the guide sleeve pedestal. The mechani6.2 cal compactor must operate in the normal manner so as to lift thee ra th ramm mmer er fr from om th thee str strik ikin ing g pi pin n co cont ntac actt ele eleva vati tion on to th thee specifie spe cified d rel release ease hei height ght.. Rais Raising ing and rel releasi easing ng the ram rammer mer manua man ually lly or by an any y pr proc oced edur uree ot othe herr th than an th that at of no norm rmal al automati auto maticc ope operati ration on is pro prohib hibited ited.. It may be ben benefici eficial al to tempora temp orarily rily sus suspen pend d ope operati ration on of the aut automa omatic tic tur turnta ntable ble during durin g the calibra calibration tion proce procedure. dure. 6.3.4 Repeat 6.3.2 Repeat  6.3.2 and  and  6.3.3  6.3.3 on  on remaining lead cylinders in set. 6.4 Calcula Calculate te   v2, the percentage difference of the average deform def ormatio ation n valu value, e, usi using ng the mec mechan hanical ical ram rammer mer,, fro from m the average deformation value, using the manual rammer (see 7.2 (see  7.2). ). If   v2   does does no nott va vary ry mo more re th than an   62.0 2.0,, the then n the mec mechan hanical ical compactor is satisfactory for immediate use. 6.5 6. 5 If  v  v 2  exceeds6  2.0, repeat 6.3.2 repeat  6.3.2 and  and  6.3.3  6.3.3,,  securing two additional additio nal values of  v  v 2. Average the absolute value of all three values of   v2. If this average is equal to or less than 2.0, the mechanical compactor is satisfactory for immediate use. If the absolute mean value of   v2   is greater than 2.0, then adjust the rammer weight of the mechanical rammer in accordance with 5.5   and obtain additional sets of mechanical compactor data until the mean value of   v2  for three sets of data is equal to or less than 2.0. 6.6 Follo Follow w the same procedure procedure as described for Practice Practice A in   5.5 in 5.5,,  5.6  5.6,,   and and   5.7 5.7..

¯  W 


gmax   g¯ max   g




g¯  max   8

= average average percen percentage tage dif differen ference ce of maximu maximum m unit weight values for three sets of data, = max maximu imum m un unit it weight weight value value ob obta tain ined ed by th thee manual method, = aver average age of three three maxim maximum um unit unit weight weight values values obtained by the manual method, = max maximu imum m un unit it we weig ight ht value value ob obta tain ined ed by th thee mechanical method, and = aver average age of three three maximum maximum unit unit weight weight values values obtained by the mechanical method.

7.2 Calculate Calculate the per percen centag tagee dif differ ferenc encee of ave averag ragee lead deformation values as follows:  D 5  c1 2  c2

 D  5  c 1 2  c 8


g max! / gmax #  3   100




¯  ! /  D ¯  ]  3  100 n 1 5  [~ D  2   D  D 8




¯   2   D ¯  ! /  D ¯  #  3  100 n2 5  [~  D  D 8

where: c1  

= micrometer or dial compa comparator rator readin reading g befor beforee

impact, manual rammer, = microme micr ometer ter or dia dial l com compar parator ator rea readin ding g afte afterr impact, manual rammer, c1   = microm micrometer eter or dial compa comparator rator readin reading g befor beforee impact, mechanical rammer, c2   = micromete micrometerr or dia diall com compar parator ator rea readin ding g afte afterr impact, mechanical rammer,  D   = defo deforma rmatio tion n val value ue for sin single gle lead cyl cylind inder er,, manual rammer,  D   = defor deformat mation ion val value ue for sin single gle lead cyl cylind inder er,, mechanical rammer, ¯   and  D ¯    = ave  D averag ragee def deform ormatio ation n valu values es for manual manual and mechanical mechan ical rammer rammerss respec respectively tively,, where   v1 and   v 1  values do not exceed  6 2.0 %,   = percenta percentage ge var variati iation on fro from m the mean of ind indiin1 vidual deformation values obtained using the manual rammer,   = percentag percentagee var variati iation on fro from m the mean of ind indiin1 vidual deformation values obtained using the mechanical rammer,   = percen percentage tage dif differen ference ce of the averag averagee defor deformaman2 tion value using the mechanical rammer from the av aver erage age de defo form rmati ation on va value lue us usin ing g th thee manual rammer, and  N    = num number ber of test tests. s. c2








8. Repor Reportt 8.1 The report shall include the following information information:: 8.1.1 Identifi 8.1.1 Identificat cation ion of lab labora orator tory y com compac pactor tor by mak make, e, model, and serial number,


¯  5  [~g¯  W  ¯ max! / g¯ max# 3  100 max 2 g 8

where: W   


¯  ! /  D ¯ ]  3  100 n1@ D 2   D  D

7.1 Calc Calcula ulate te the per percen centag tagee dif differ ferenc encee of max maximu imum m uni unitt weight values as follows: max 2


¯   5  (  D  (~~c 1 2  c 2! /  N 

7. Calc Calculat ulations ions



¯   5  (  D  (~~c1 2  c 2! /  N 


W   5  [~g


8.1.2 ASTM designation designation of labor laboratory atory compaction compaction proce proce-dure for which the compactor was calibrated, = percen percentage tage dif differ ferenc encee of max maximu imum m unit unit weig weight ht values for a single set of data,

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);  

8.1.3 Date of calibration, calibration, 8.1.4 Practic Practicee used (A or B), 5


D2168 – 10 8.1.5 .5 For Practice Practice A onl only: y: clas classifi sificati cation on of soi soill use used d by 8.1 Classification  D2487  D2487,, 8.1.6 For Practice A only: only: experimental experimental values of  g  g max  and g max, 8.1.7 For Practice Practice B only: experimen experimental tal values of  c  c 1,  c 1,  c 2, and  c 2, 8.1.8 Calculat Calculations, ions, and 8.1.9 Initial and adjusted weights weights of rammer rammer..

9. Pre Precisi cision on and Bias 9.1 These practices practices describe calibration calibration methods methods that do not produc pro ducee a test result; result; the theref refore ore,, nei neithe therr a pre precisi cision on or bia biass statement is applicable.



10. Keyw Keywords ords


10.1 labor laboratory atory compactio compaction; n; mechanical mechanical rammer; rammer; moisture density

SUMMARY OF CHANGES Committee Committ ee D18 has ide identifi ntified ed the loc locatio ation n of sel selecte ected d cha change ngess to the these se pra practic ctices es sin since ce the last issue, D2168–02a, that may impact the use of these practices. (Approved July 1, 2010) (1) Added Practic Practicee   D6026   to Sco Scope pe and Refe Referen renced ced Doc Docuuments. (2) Added new 1.5.1 new  1.5.1.. (3) Replaced “thoroughly inspect” and “carefully inspect” with “evaluate” throughout. (4) Added tolerances to 4.2.2 to  4.2.2..

(5) Revised   5.5 5.5.. Deleted old Note 5 and renumbered subsequent notes. (6 ) Added a statement regarding turntable in 6.3.3 in  6.3.3.. (7 ) Changed the standard from “Test Methods” to “Practices” throughout.

ASTM International International takes no positi position on respecting the validi validity ty of any patent rights assert asserted ed in connec connection tion with any item mentio mentioned  ned  in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk  of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and  if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards  and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the  responsible respon sible technical technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not receiv received ed a fair hearing you should  make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above  address addr ess or at 610610-832832-9585 9585 (pho (phone), ne), 610610-832832-9555 9555 (fax (fax), ), or serv service@ ice@astm .org (e-m (e-mail) ail);; or thro through ugh the ASTM webs website  ite  (www.astm. (www org). Permission Permission rights to photocopy the standa standard rd may also be secure secured d from the ASTM website (www.astm.or (  g/  COPYRIGHT/).

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