Be sure to use clean SAE J967 Calibration Oil when testing. Dirty test oil will damage comonents o! the !uel in"ection no##le. $he temerature o! the test oil must be 6%& to 7%& ' ()*& to +,& C- !or good test results.
Order calibration oil by part number, in the quantities needed, according to the information that follows: Kent-Moore Corp. 1501 South Jackson St. Jackson, MI 49203 J-26400- ! gal" #$%"& litre'(J-26400-$ !$ gal" #6") litre'(J-26400-*0 !*0 gal" #$$*" litre'(J26400- ! gal" #20%"2 litre'( Viscosit !i" Co#pan 3200 South $estern %&e. Chica'o, I( )0)0* +iscor alibration luid$4%)-./ J-&6)/1ailable in *0 gal" #$$*" litre' or gal" #20%"2 litre' drums"
4$0 3O5 .738 89O /" 4)2$ ube" ;" 4$46 8auge, 0 to $000 psi #0 to 6&00 >les" =" 8auge protector 1al1e for 4$46 8auge #;'" " 8auge protector 1al1e for 22*24 8auge #'" " On-off 1al1e" 8" ump isolator 1al1e" ?" 4)20 itting" J" %)44 /dapter for capsule no>>les" @" 4244 /dapter for pencil-type no>>les"
A9/ +/5+ 5" 8auge protector 1al1e #must be in open position at all times'"
position approximately .100 in. (2.54 mm). Because of this, the rack setting must be checke !ith an application of force against the rack in the "#$%&'"" irection to remoe the free moement bet!een the rack an the stop collar in the goernor.
*+ -#/'"" %$$ 11. ack shutoff leer.
9. ea the rack setting measurement on the ial inicator. ake reference to the *+ -$//3 3"'*/'3 for the correct rack setting imension. 10. /o aust the fuel rack setting, loosen the locknut on austment scre! (12) an turn as neee. /ighten the locknut an check the rack setting again.
"#$% *+ *67#-/$3/ 12. *ustment scre!.
11. *fter the austment proceure is one, tighten the austment scre! locknut to a tor8ue of 9 : ; lb.ft. (12 : 4 3,age.+s,?returnurl@siswebsis... 45213
To check the accuracy of the water temperature gauge, use the 9S9102 Thermistor Thermometer Group. Special Instruction Form o. S!"S#1$0 has instructions for the use of the 9S9102 Thermistor Thermometer Group. %emo&e the plug ne't to the sensor unit for the water temperature gauge in the water outlet manifol(. Install re(ucing )ushing an( pro)e in this hole. Start the engine an( get the coolant warm. !ake a comparison of the temperature at positions 1 an( 2 on the water temperature gauge an( the temperature on the thermistor thermometer. *se the chart to fin( the temperature at positions 1 an( 2.
Coolant Level Switch Testing
+ower the coolant le&el in the system to cause the float 1- to lower an( cause the switch points to make contact. This can )e (one )y remo&ing some of the coolant or with application of 10 to 20 psi #0 to 1$0 ka- of air pressure to the &ent line connection 2- on top of the switch. +ook at the float an( switch as the coolant le&el lowers. The float position on the later type switch is shown )y the switch operating arm $-. The (e&ice connecte( will )e acti&ate( as the points make contact.
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