May 12, 2017 | Author: ANTHONY WRITER | Category: N/A
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Brihat parasara Hora shastra states in Chapter 3., Shloka 68 : “Whichever portion is ruled by Saturn, will be the ...


CALCULATION AND INTERPRETATION OF GULIKA AND MANDI GUI.IKA AND MANDI Brihat parasara Hora shastra states in Chapter 3., Shloka 68 : ―Whichever portion is ruled by Saturn, will be the portion of Gulika‖.

As there are many methods of calculations of Gulika and Mandi in our granthas, at this juncture, it is always advisable to follow the methods which are research-based. Hence I have chosen to follow the methods of Dr. K.S, Charak as stated in his book Essentials of Medical Astrology. Gulika:


In daytimes the lords of the first 7 parts are the seven planets reckoned from the lord of the week-day chosen in the order, the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.


The 8th or last portion has no lord. Therefore Gulika's position corresponds to the ascendant rising at the beginning of Saturn's part (that is the beginning of the 7th part).


A lagna (ascendant) is for the time when Gulika begins. This represents the longitude of Gulika.

Rising time of Gulika for 11th May 2014 (Sunday)

Sunrise at Mumbai Sunset in Mumbai

Hrs 06 19

Min 20 16

Dinural arc (dinmaan)



1/8th part of dinmaan

12 hrs 56 min /8


1 hr 37 min

On a Sunday, during the day time, Saturn‘s part begins at the 7th part from Sunrise. Therefore to find out the beginning of Saturn‘s part on Sunday (11.5.2014), we have to multiply 1 hr 37 min x 6 = 09 hrs 42 mins. To find out the beginning of Saturn‘s part during the dinmaan, add 09 hrs 42 mins to Sunrise as follows: Sunrise Saturns part ends after The rise of Gulika

06 09 16

20 42 02

(at the beginning of Saturn‘s part)

The ascendant for 16 hrs 02 mins will give us the longitude for Gulika. Finding out the longitude of Gulika The Sidereal time for 11th May 2014 (Raphael‘s Ephemeris)

ST correction Rising time of Gulika (-) LMT correction of Mumbai and then add it to corrected ST (16.02.00 (-) 00.38.40 = 15.23.20 (-) 12..00..00 = 03.23.20 * Plus ST for 03 hr 23 min 20 sec = 34 secs (33.40)

Hrs 03 00 03 03 06 00 06

Min 16 00 15 23 39 00 39

Sec 47 48 (-) 59 20* (+) 19 34 53

Notes prepared for students by Anthony writer for students of Jyotisha Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, India



Go to table of houses at 19 N lat. We get the following: Asc

^ ‗‘

ST at 19 degree latitude 06 43 31 06 39 11 00 04 20


‗ 10

G 18 09 17 01 01

ST or RAMC for Gulika Minus the lower ST 19 N(@) Movement of Asc. from

06 06

39 39 00

53 11 42

06 39 11 to 06 39 53


^ ‗‘ 01

01 x 00 42 04 21

= 0

(0 9 51.23) rounded up to 10


^ 06 +





09 G 17 00 10 09 G 27

= Sayana long.) Minus ayanamsa= 24 03 (-) Nirayan longitude 15 F 24 of Gulika Asc for 06 39 53

Rishi Parasara in the following shloka has described the commencement of Gulika as follows:

Here the cusp of the sign rising at the beginning of the Gulika segment is considered as Gulika. EFFECTS OF GULIKA IN VARIOUS HOUSES (PHALA—DEEPIKA) 1st House - cruel outlook, eye problems, extreme dislike for classical and traditional literature and rituals, curses himself. 2nd House - Speaks ill of others, has family troubles and monetary hardship. 3rd House - arrogant, self-centered and remain aloof from society, likes drinking and has opposition with siblings. 4th House - Lives in unclean environment. Shortage of funds and no pleasure of any conveyance. 5th House - Worries on account of children. rigid views and lack higher education.

Notes prepared for students by Anthony writer for students of Jyotisha Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, India


CALCULATION AND INTERPRETATION OF GULIKA AND MANDI 6th House- engages himself in many vices and suffers from their ill effects. Always bothered by enemies. 7th House – cynical character and spoils reputation in family circle – distrustful about spouse. 8th House - Life full of continuous predicaments. Suffer from chronic diseases – speak ill of others. Always danger to longevity. 9th House - Suffering due to early death of father. No religious aptitude. 10th House - No proper and profitable sources of income. shifting profession and unsuccessful in business. 11th House - Gains from offspring. abundance of wealth. Luxurious life style. 12th House - Poor living. Unable to meet family expenses. Depends on others for financial help. Gulika gives favourable results in upachaya houses like 3 – 6 – 10 and 11. The unavourable results of Gulika are lost when the rashi and Navamsa Lords of Gulika dispositor are debilitated or combust. CONJUNCTION OR ASSOCIATION OF PLANETS WITH GULIKA The natural karaka planets when associated with Gulika destroy or diminish good results of that planet. Gulika and Sun - creates lack of comforts for father , harmful to the longevity of Father. Gulika and Moon - Loss of comforts from mother. Gulika and Mars - Adverse family relations with co-borns and suffer from their early death. Gulika and Mercury - Native remain mentally disturbed. Gulika and Jupiter - the native becomes a hypocrite, misuses the religious feelings of others. religious fanatic. Gulika and Venus - brings troubles from women and ruins marital life. Gulika and Saturn - leads to disease and skin disorder and allergy diseases. Gulika and Rahu - Prone to infection and virus diseases. Gulika and Ketu - Fear from fire, bad characters and criminals.

GULIKA AND RAJA YOGAS Even with many unfavourable traits mentioned above, Gulika posses powers of conferring Raja Yoga like honouring the native with highest position in profession/career, dignity and honour throughout life, political powers leading to holding ministerial post. Name and fame and comforts of luxurious life. Phala Deepika Chapter 25 sloka – 18 describe as follows:

These Raja Yogas will fructify in case the dispositor of Gulika, its Navamsa lords are placed in Kendra or trikona houses or in its own sign or in its exaltation. These avasthas of Gulika dispositor nullify the adverse effects of Gulika and give Raj Yoga results. But its propensity as maraca remain intact. 

A Special Rule

A point 180º from Gulika is also considered as acutely malefic in the natal chart. This point must be taken into consideration when the lethal potential of a planet is to be determined. This is better known as the Notes prepared for students by Anthony writer for students of Jyotisha Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, India


CALCULATION AND INTERPRETATION OF GULIKA AND MANDI Pramaana Gulika in Vedic astrology. The dispositor of Gulika or Pramaana Gulika may prove fatal during its dasha, etc., displacing the other maraka or killer planets. The dasha periods of the dispositor of Gulika or its navamsha lord may prove hazardous. 

Gulika in houses 1, 5 or 9 authorises the lagna lord to disburse the maraka effect during its dasha.

Trouble results during the dasha of a planet that happens to be an associate of Gulika in the rashi chart.

• Severe troubles are also likely during the dasha of any planet associating with Gulika in the navamsha or the dwadashamsha charts.

• Specially adverse results ensue during the dasha period of Jupiter or Saturn when they associate with Gulika in the navamsha, or the dasha of the Sun when it associates with Gulika in the dwadashamsha, or that of the Moon associating with Gulika in the Trimamsha chart. Raja-yoga from Gulika

The dispositor of Gulika, its navamsha lord, placed in a kendra or trikona, or in its own sign or in exaltation, mollifies the adverse effects of Gulika and gives yoga effects, though its lethal propensity (markatwa) would remain intact. The Phaladeepika states:

Let the Gulika be in a kendra, a trikona, or be strong, in its own house, or in exaltation or in a friendly house. A potent Raja-yoga results from this disposition.  when the Gulika is associated with Jupiter in the lagna.  1) king or similar status , wealthy  2) having elephants, chariots, vehicles  3) Respected in the house / village / city

To Mitigate the Evil The evil of Gulika must be neutralised by prescribed remedies. Says Parashara: one should worship lord Shiva regularly in the evening, bow down to the Sun-god and lord Vishnu in the morning, and light a holy lamp of ‗ghee‘ before a Shiva temple. This would defy the evil arising out of an adverse disposition of Gulika.

Notes prepared for students by Anthony writer for students of Jyotisha Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, India



MANDI Considering the duration of day and night to be equal – 12 hours or 30 ghatis – Mandi rises as follows on the days mentioned (in case the birth is for day time: Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

At ghatis 26 22 18 14 10 6 2

If the birth is at night, then consider the values given above for the day falling 5th from above:

Night Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

At ghatis 10 6 2 26 22 18 14

Usually, the duration of the day is not exactly 30 ghatikas. In such cases Mandi should be appropriately altered. Formula for calculating Mandi : Formula for day time birth: Duration of the day in ghati palas x 26, 22, 18, 14, 10, 6 or 2 (from Sunday onwards) 30 Formula for night time birth: Duration of the night in ghati palas x 10, 6, 2, 26, 22, 18. or 14 (from Sunday onwards) 30

Rising time of Mandi for 11th May 2014 (Sunday day time) Dinmaan

= 12 hrs 56 min x 2.5 = 32 ghatis 20 palas

Formula for day (Sunday): Gh p

gh p



min sec

Notes prepared for students by Anthony writer for students of Jyotisha Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, India


CALCULATION AND INTERPRETATION OF GULIKA AND MANDI 32 20 x 26 = 28 01 20 / 2.5 ( to convert it into hrs min secs) = 11 30 Add it to Sunrise 06

20 00 (+)

Rise of Mandi

32 32


12 32

The ascendant for 17hrs 32 mins 32 secs will give us the longitude for mandi. Finding out the longitude of Mandi The Sidereal time for 11th May 2014 (Raphael‘s Ephemeris)

ST correction Rising time of mandi (-) LMT correction of Mumbai and then add it to corrected ST (17.32.32 (-) 00.38.40 = 16.53.52 (-) 12.00..00 = 04.53.52 * Plus ST for 04 hr 53in 52 sec = 49 secs

Hrs 03 00 03 04 08 00 08

Min 16 00 15 53 09 00 10

Sec 47 48 (-) 59 52* (+) 51 49 40

Go to table of houses at 19 N lat. We get the following: Asc ^ ‗‘ ‗ 01H 12 00 15 00 57

ST at 19 degree latitude


08 12 53 08 08 44 00 04 09

ST or RAMC for Mandi Minus the lower ST 19 N(@)

08 08

10 08 01

40 44 56

Movement of Asc. from 08 08 44 to 08 10 40 Working ^ ‗‘ 00 57 x 01 56 = 0 26 04 09

^ ‗‘ 08 08 44 = 00 H 15 + 00 26 Asc for 06 16 49 = 00 H 41 Sayana long.) Minus ayanamsa= 24 03 (-) Nirayan longitude 06 G 38 of Mandi

Notes prepared for students by Anthony writer for students of Jyotisha Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, India



Results of Mandi in Various Houses: The results of Mandi in Various Houses are given: 1st House: Thin, Built, Diseased Eyes 2nd House: Harsh speech, Poor intellect 3rd House: Good for Health, Conceited 4th House: Bereft of home comforts 5th House: Unstable mind, Pervert thinking, Short life 6th House: Good for Health 7th House: Poor Intellect 8th House: Diseased Face and Eyes, Short stature 9th House: Suffers deprivations of various sorts 10th House: Not good for health, Indulges in unscrupulous deeds 11th House: Good for health 12th House: Miserable

Sources and references : Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra Prasna Marg Phala Deepika Utarakalamruta Essentials of Medical astrology –by Dr. K.S. Charak

Notes prepared for students by Anthony writer for students of Jyotisha Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, India


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