CAESAR II User Guide

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CAESAR II User's Guide

Version 2013 R1 (6.10) November 2012 DICAS-PE-200104D

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Contents What's New in CAESAR II ......................................................................................................................... 17 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 21 About the CAESAR II Documentation .................................................................................................. 22 Software Support/User Assistance ....................................................................................................... 22 Software Revision Procedures.............................................................................................................. 23 Updates and License Types ................................................................................................................. 25 Getting Started ........................................................................................................................................... 27 Starting CAESAR II ............................................................................................................................... 27 Understanding Jobs .............................................................................................................................. 28 Basic Operation..................................................................................................................................... 28 Create a new job ............................................................................................................................ 28 Piping Input generation................................................................................................................... 29 Model Error Checking ..................................................................................................................... 32 Building Load Cases....................................................................................................................... 33 Run a static analysis....................................................................................................................... 33 Static Output Review ...................................................................................................................... 33 Main Menu ............................................................................................................................................ 34 File Menu ........................................................................................................................................ 35 Input Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 36 Analysis Menu ................................................................................................................................ 36 Output Menu ................................................................................................................................... 37 Tools Menu ..................................................................................................................................... 37 Diagnostics Menu ........................................................................................................................... 38 ESL Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 38 View Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 38 Help Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 38 Configuration and Environment .............................................................................................................. 41 CAESAR II Configuration File Generation ............................................................................................ 41 Computational Control .......................................................................................................................... 43 Convergence Tolerances ............................................................................................................... 43 Input Spreadsheet Defaults ............................................................................................................ 45 Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................................. 47 Database Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 49 Databases ...................................................................................................................................... 49 ODBC Settings ............................................................................................................................... 53 FRP Pipe Properties ............................................................................................................................. 54 Material Properties ......................................................................................................................... 54 Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 56 Geometry Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 57 Bends.............................................................................................................................................. 58 Input Items ...................................................................................................................................... 59

CAESAR II User's Guide


Contents Graphic Settings.................................................................................................................................... 60 Advanced Options .......................................................................................................................... 61 Background Colors ......................................................................................................................... 62 Component Colors .......................................................................................................................... 62 Marker Options ............................................................................................................................... 64 Miscellaneous Options ................................................................................................................... 64 Output Colors ................................................................................................................................. 67 Text Options ................................................................................................................................... 69 Visual Options ................................................................................................................................ 70 Miscellaneous Options .......................................................................................................................... 72 Input Items ...................................................................................................................................... 72 Output Items ................................................................................................................................... 74 System Level Items ........................................................................................................................ 75 SIFs and Stresses ................................................................................................................................. 76 Advanced Settings .......................................................................................................................... 77 B31.3 Code-Specific Settings ......................................................................................................... 78 Code-Specific Settings ................................................................................................................... 79 General Settings ............................................................................................................................. 82 Set/Change Password .......................................................................................................................... 87 New Password ................................................................................................................................ 87 Access Protected Data ................................................................................................................... 87 Change Password .......................................................................................................................... 87 Remove Password ......................................................................................................................... 88 Piping Input Reference ............................................................................................................................. 89 Classic Piping Input Dialog Box ............................................................................................................ 90 Navigating the Classic Piping Input Dialog Box using the Function Keys ...................................... 91 Help Screens and Units .................................................................................................................. 91 Node Numbers ............................................................................................................................... 91 Deltas.............................................................................................................................................. 92 Pipe Sizes ....................................................................................................................................... 95 Operating Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 99 Component Information ................................................................................................................ 102 Boundary Conditions .................................................................................................................... 131 Loading Conditions ....................................................................................................................... 165 Materials ....................................................................................................................................... 170 Material Elastic Properties ............................................................................................................ 192 Densities ....................................................................................................................................... 194 Line Number ................................................................................................................................. 197 Available Commands .......................................................................................................................... 198 File Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 198 Edit Menu ..................................................................................................................................... 202 Model Menu .................................................................................................................................. 213 Environment Menu ....................................................................................................................... 250 Options Menu ............................................................................................................................... 288 View Menu .................................................................................................................................... 293 Tools Menu ................................................................................................................................... 296 3D Modeler.......................................................................................................................................... 305 3D Graphics Configuration ........................................................................................................... 308 Changing the Model Display ........................................................................................................ 310 Manipulating the Toolbar .............................................................................................................. 311 Highlighting Graphics ................................................................................................................... 311 Displaying Displacements, Forces, Uniform Loads, and Wind/Wave Loads ............................... 313


CAESAR II User's Guide

Contents Limiting the Display ...................................................................................................................... 315 Saving an Image for Later Presentation ....................................................................................... 315 Walking Through the Model ......................................................................................................... 316 Move Geometry ............................................................................................................................ 317 S3D/SPR Import View ......................................................................................................................... 319 Load S3D/SPR Model .................................................................................................................. 319 Show/Hide S3D/SPR Model ....................................................................................................... 323 Dim S3D/SPR Model .................................................................................................................. 323 S3D/SPR Visibility Options ........................................................................................................... 324 Structural Steel Modeler ......................................................................................................................... 325 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 325 Structural Steel Graphics .................................................................................................................... 329 Sample Input ....................................................................................................................................... 331 Structural Steel Example #1 ......................................................................................................... 331 Structural Steel Example #2 ......................................................................................................... 341 Structural Steel Example #3 ......................................................................................................... 350 The Structural Modeler Window.......................................................................................................... 356 Model Setup using the Structural Steel Wizard ............................................................................ 357 Insert Menu ......................................................................................................................................... 358 Before Current Element ................................................................................................................ 358 After the Current Element ............................................................................................................. 358 At End of Model ............................................................................................................................ 359 Commands Menu ................................................................................................................................ 359 Node ............................................................................................................................................. 359 NFill............................................................................................................................................... 360 NGen ............................................................................................................................................ 360 Fix ................................................................................................................................................. 362 Elem.............................................................................................................................................. 365 EFill ............................................................................................................................................... 366 EGen............................................................................................................................................. 368 Edim.............................................................................................................................................. 371 Angle............................................................................................................................................. 373 Unif ............................................................................................................................................... 374 Orient ............................................................................................................................................ 376 Load .............................................................................................................................................. 377 Wind Loads ................................................................................................................................... 378 GLoads ......................................................................................................................................... 380 MatId ............................................................................................................................................. 381 SecId............................................................................................................................................. 382 Free End Connections - FREE ..................................................................................................... 384 Beams........................................................................................................................................... 386 Braces........................................................................................................................................... 388 Columns ....................................................................................................................................... 390 Default .......................................................................................................................................... 392 Comment ...................................................................................................................................... 393 Vertical .......................................................................................................................................... 393 Unit ............................................................................................................................................... 394 List Options ................................................................................................................................... 394

CAESAR II User's Guide


Contents Structural Databases .......................................................................................................................... 395 AISC 1977 Database .................................................................................................................... 395 AISC 1989 Database .................................................................................................................... 400 German 1991 Database ............................................................................................................... 405 Australian 1990 Database ............................................................................................................ 406 South African 1992 Database ...................................................................................................... 408 Korean 1990 Database................................................................................................................. 408 UK 1993 Database ....................................................................................................................... 410 Buried Pipe Modeler ................................................................................................................................ 411 Buried Pipe Modeler Window .............................................................................................................. 413 From Node .................................................................................................................................... 414 To Node ........................................................................................................................................ 414 Soil Model No. .............................................................................................................................. 414 From/To End Mesh ....................................................................................................................... 415 User-Defined Lateral "K" .............................................................................................................. 415 Ultimate Lateral Load ................................................................................................................... 416 User-Defined Axial Stif ................................................................................................................. 416 Ultimate Axial Load....................................................................................................................... 416 User-Defined Upward Stif ............................................................................................................. 416 Ultimate Upward Load .................................................................................................................. 416 User-Defined Downward Stif ........................................................................................................ 417 Ultimate Downward Load ............................................................................................................. 417 Soil Models .......................................................................................................................................... 417 CAESAR II Basic Model ............................................................................................................... 418 American Lifelines Alliance Soil Model ......................................................................................... 419 Basic Soil Modeler Dialog Box ..................................................................................................... 423 Model an underground piping system ................................................................................................. 429 Buried Pipe Example .......................................................................................................................... 430 Static Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 437 Static Analysis Overview ..................................................................................................................... 437 Error Checking .............................................................................................................................. 437 Static Load Case Editor ................................................................................................................ 439 Building Static Load Cases .......................................................................................................... 440 Providing Wind Data ..................................................................................................................... 448 Providing Wave Data .................................................................................................................... 450 Execution of Static Analysis ......................................................................................................... 450 Definition of a Load Case ............................................................................................................. 452 Controlling Results ....................................................................................................................... 456 Static Analysis Dialog Box .................................................................................................................. 456 Load Case Editor Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) ..................................................................... 457 Load Case Options Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) .................................................................. 459 Wind Loads Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) .............................................................................. 465 Wave Loads Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box .............................................................................. 479 Static Output Processor ......................................................................................................................... 483 Work with Reports ............................................................................................................................... 484 Filter Reports ................................................................................................................................ 485 Printing or Saving Reports to File Notes ...................................................................................... 486


CAESAR II User's Guide

Contents Report Options .................................................................................................................................... 487 Displacements .............................................................................................................................. 488 Restraints ..................................................................................................................................... 489 Restraint Report - In Local Element Coordinates ......................................................................... 490 Restraint Summary ....................................................................................................................... 492 Nozzle Check Report.................................................................................................................... 493 Flange Reports ............................................................................................................................. 493 Global Element Forces ................................................................................................................. 495 Local Element Forces ................................................................................................................... 495 Stresses ........................................................................................................................................ 496 Stress Summary ........................................................................................................................... 497 Code Compliance Report ............................................................................................................. 498 Cumulative Usage Report ............................................................................................................ 499 General Computed Results ................................................................................................................. 499 Load Case Report ........................................................................................................................ 500 Hanger Table with Text ................................................................................................................ 501 Input Echo .................................................................................................................................... 502 Miscellaneous Data ...................................................................................................................... 503 Warnings ...................................................................................................................................... 503 Output Viewer Wizard ......................................................................................................................... 504 Report Template Editor ....................................................................................................................... 505 Available Commands .......................................................................................................................... 507 View Menu .................................................................................................................................... 507 Options Menu ............................................................................................................................... 512 Plot Options Menu ........................................................................................................................ 518 Plot View Menu ............................................................................................................................. 524 Event Viewer Dialog Box .............................................................................................................. 526 Dynamic Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 527 Dynamic Loads in Piping Systems...................................................................................................... 527 Random ........................................................................................................................................ 529 Harmonic ...................................................................................................................................... 529 Impulse ......................................................................................................................................... 531 Model Modifications for Dynamic Analysis ......................................................................................... 533 Dynamic Analysis Workflow ................................................................................................................ 533 The Dynamic Analysis Window........................................................................................................... 535 Modal Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 536 Harmonic Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 536 Earthquake Response Spectrum Analysis ................................................................................... 537 Relief Loads and Water Hammer/Slug Flow Spectra Analysis .................................................... 537 Time History Analysis ................................................................................................................... 538 Excitation Frequencies Tab ................................................................................................................ 538 Starting Frequency ....................................................................................................................... 539 Ending Frequency ........................................................................................................................ 539 Increment ...................................................................................................................................... 539 Load Cycles .................................................................................................................................. 540 Harmonic Forces Tab ......................................................................................................................... 540 Force............................................................................................................................................. 541 Direction ....................................................................................................................................... 542 Phase............................................................................................................................................ 542 Start Node .................................................................................................................................... 542 Stop Node ..................................................................................................................................... 542 Increment ...................................................................................................................................... 542

CAESAR II User's Guide


Contents Harmonic Displacements Tab ............................................................................................................. 543 Displacement ................................................................................................................................ 544 Direction ....................................................................................................................................... 544 Phase............................................................................................................................................ 544 Start Node .................................................................................................................................... 545 Stop Node ..................................................................................................................................... 545 Increment ...................................................................................................................................... 545 Spectrum/Time History Definitions Tab .............................................................................................. 546 Name ............................................................................................................................................ 547 Range Type .................................................................................................................................. 548 Ordinate Type ............................................................................................................................... 548 Range Interpol .............................................................................................................................. 549 Ordinate Interpol ........................................................................................................................... 549 Examples ...................................................................................................................................... 549 Spectrum/Time History Load Cases Tab ............................................................................................ 550 Spectrum/Time History Profile ...................................................................................................... 552 Factor............................................................................................................................................ 553 Dir. ................................................................................................................................................ 553 Start Node .................................................................................................................................... 554 Stop Node ..................................................................................................................................... 554 Increment ...................................................................................................................................... 554 Anchor Movement ........................................................................................................................ 554 Force Set # ................................................................................................................................... 555 Force Sets Tab ............................................................................................................................. 555 Examples ...................................................................................................................................... 560 Static/Dynamic Combinations Tab ...................................................................................................... 564 Load Case .................................................................................................................................... 565 Factor............................................................................................................................................ 565 Examples ...................................................................................................................................... 565 Lumped Masses Tab .......................................................................................................................... 568 Mass ............................................................................................................................................. 569 Direction ....................................................................................................................................... 569 Start Node .................................................................................................................................... 569 Stop Node ..................................................................................................................................... 569 Increments .................................................................................................................................... 569 Snubbers Tab...................................................................................................................................... 570 Stiffness ........................................................................................................................................ 570 Direction ....................................................................................................................................... 570 Node ............................................................................................................................................. 570 CNode........................................................................................................................................... 571 Control Parameters Tab ...................................................................................................................... 571 Analysis Type (Harmonic/Spectrum/Modes/Range/TimeHist) ..................................................... 573 Static Load Case for Nonlinear Restraint Status .......................................................................... 582 Max. No. of Eigenvalues Calculated ............................................................................................ 583 Frequency Cutoff (HZ) .................................................................................................................. 585 Closely Spaced Mode Criteria/Time History Time Step (ms) ....................................................... 586 Load Duration (DSRSS) (sec) ...................................................................................................... 587 Damping (DSRSS) (ratio of critical) .............................................................................................. 587 ZPA (Reg. Guide 1.60/UBC - g's) # Time History Output Cases......................................... 588 Re-use Last Eigensolution (Frequencies and Mode Shapes) ...................................................... 591 Spatial or Modal Combination First .............................................................................................. 591 Spatial Combination Method (SRSS/ABS) ................................................................................... 592 Modal Combination Method (Group/10%/DSRSS/ABS/SRSS) ................................................... 592


CAESAR II User's Guide

Contents Include Pseudostatic (Anchor Movement) Components (Y/N) .................................................... 595 Include Missing Mass Components .............................................................................................. 595 Pseudostatic (Anchor Movement) Comb. Method (SRSS/ABS) .................................................. 597 Missing Mass Combination Method (SRSS/ABS) ........................................................................ 597 Directional Combination Method (SRSS/ABS) ............................................................................. 598 Mass Model (LUMPED/CONSISTENT) ....................................................................................... 598 Sturm Sequence Check on Computed Eigenvalues .................................................................... 598 Advanced Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 599 Estimated Number of Significant Figures in Eigenvalues ............................................................ 600 Jacobi Sweep Tolerance .............................................................................................................. 600 Decomposition Singularity Tolerance ........................................................................................... 600 Subspace Size (0-Not Used) ........................................................................................................ 600 No. to Converge Before Shift Allowed (0 - Not Used) .................................................................. 601 No. of Iterations Per Shift (0 - Pgm computed) ............................................................................ 601 % of Iterations Per Shift Before Orthogonalization ....................................................................... 602 Force Orthogonalization After Convergence (Y/N) ...................................................................... 602 Use Out-of-Core Eigensolver (Y/N) .............................................................................................. 602 Frequency Array Spaces .............................................................................................................. 602 Directive Builder .................................................................................................................................. 603 Enter/Edit Spectrum Data ................................................................................................................... 604 Range ........................................................................................................................................... 604 Ordinate ........................................................................................................................................ 604 DLF/Spectrum Generator .................................................................................................................... 605 Spectrum Name............................................................................................................................ 605 Spectrum Type ............................................................................................................................. 606 Generate Spectrum ...................................................................................................................... 613 Relief Load Synthesis ......................................................................................................................... 613 Relief Load Synthesis for Gases Greater Than 15 psig ............................................................... 614 Relief Load Synthesis for Liquids ................................................................................................. 617 Example Output - Gas Relief Load Synthesis .............................................................................. 619 Example Output - Liquid Relief Load Synthesis ........................................................................... 623 Analysis Results .................................................................................................................................. 625 Modal ............................................................................................................................................ 625 Harmonic ...................................................................................................................................... 626 Spectrum ...................................................................................................................................... 627 Time History ................................................................................................................................. 627 Dynamic Output Processing .................................................................................................................. 629 Dynamic Output Window .................................................................................................................... 629 Open a Job ................................................................................................................................... 631 Enter a Report Title ...................................................................................................................... 631 View Load Cases .......................................................................................................................... 632 Send Reports to Microsoft Word .................................................................................................. 632 View Reports ................................................................................................................................ 632 Dynamic Output Animation Window ................................................................................................... 643 Save Animation to File.................................................................................................................. 644 Animation of Static Results -Displacements................................................................................. 644 Animation of Dynamic Results –Modal/Spectrum ........................................................................ 645 Animation of Dynamic Results – Harmonic .................................................................................. 645 Animation of Dynamic Results – Time History ............................................................................. 645 Relief Load Synthesis Results ............................................................................................................ 646

CAESAR II User's Guide


Contents Generate Stress Isometrics Overview ................................................................................................... 647 Add input feature information .............................................................................................................. 648 Add output feature information ............................................................................................................ 650 Add custom annotations for nodal features ........................................................................................ 651 Add custom annotations for elemental features ................................................................................. 653 Set Project Information ....................................................................................................................... 654 Configure annotation preferences....................................................................................................... 655 Configure isometric drawing split points ............................................................................................. 656 Create a drawing using the default style ............................................................................................. 658 Create a drawing using an existing style ............................................................................................ 659 Create a drawing using a new style .................................................................................................... 659 Create and save an annotation template ............................................................................................ 661 Apply a Template ................................................................................................................................ 661 Stress Isometric Tutorials ................................................................................................................... 662 Tutorial A - Creating a stress isometric drawing using the default drawing style ......................... 662 Tutorial B - Adding annotations for Input and Output features ..................................................... 665 Tutorial C - Adding custom annotations and configure annotations preferences ........................ 667 Tutorial D - Creating and applying a stress iso template ............................................................. 671 Equipment Component and Compliance .............................................................................................. 675 Intersection Stress Intensification Factors .......................................................................................... 676 Intersection Type .......................................................................................................................... 679 Piping Code ID ............................................................................................................................. 679 Header Pipe Outside Diameter .................................................................................................... 680 Header Pipe Wall Thickness ........................................................................................................ 680 Branch Pipe Outside Diameter ..................................................................................................... 680 Branch Pipe Wall Thickness ......................................................................................................... 680 Branch Largest Diameter at Intersection ...................................................................................... 680 Pad Thickness .............................................................................................................................. 681 Intersection Crotch Radius ........................................................................................................... 681 Intersection Crotch Thickness ...................................................................................................... 681 Extrusion Crotch Radius ............................................................................................................... 681 Weld Type .................................................................................................................................... 681 Ferritic Material ............................................................................................................................. 682 Design Temperature ..................................................................................................................... 682 Bend Stress Intensification Factors .................................................................................................... 682 Bend Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 684 Trunnion Tab ................................................................................................................................ 687 WRC 107/297 Vessel/Nozzle Stresses .............................................................................................. 689 WRC Bulletin 107(537) ................................................................................................................. 691 WRC Bulletin 297 ......................................................................................................................... 693 Flange Leakage/Stress Calculations .................................................................................................. 694 Flange Tab ................................................................................................................................... 696 Bolts and Gasket Tab ................................................................................................................... 699 Material Data Tab ......................................................................................................................... 707 Loads Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 709 Flange Rating ............................................................................................................................... 710 Pipeline Remaining Strength Calculations (B31G) ............................................................................. 712 Data Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 715 Measurements Tab....................................................................................................................... 716


CAESAR II User's Guide

Contents Expansion Joint Rating ....................................................................................................................... 717 Geometry ...................................................................................................................................... 720 Displacements and Rotations ....................................................................................................... 721 Allowables .................................................................................................................................... 722 Structural Steel Checks - AISC ........................................................................................................... 722 Global Input .................................................................................................................................. 724 Local Member Data Tab ............................................................................................................... 727 NEMA SM23 (Steam Turbines) .......................................................................................................... 730 NEMA Turbine Example ............................................................................................................... 732 NEMA Input Data Tab .................................................................................................................. 734 API 610 (Centrifugal Pumps) .............................................................................................................. 736 Input Data Tab .............................................................................................................................. 740 Suction Nozzle Tab ...................................................................................................................... 743 Discharge Nozzle Tab .................................................................................................................. 744 API 617 (Centrifugal Compressors) .................................................................................................... 745 API 617 Input Tab......................................................................................................................... 746 Suction Nozzle Tab ...................................................................................................................... 748 Discharge Nozzle Tab .................................................................................................................. 749 Extraction Nozzle #1 Tab ............................................................................................................. 750 Extraction Nozzle #2 Tab ............................................................................................................. 752 API 661 (Air Cooled Heat Exchangers) .............................................................................................. 753 Input Data Tab .............................................................................................................................. 755 Inlet Nozzle Tab............................................................................................................................ 756 Outlet Nozzle Tab ......................................................................................................................... 757 Heat Exchange Institute ...................................................................................................................... 758 HEI Nozzle .................................................................................................................................... 760 API 560 (Fired Heaters for General Refinery Services)...................................................................... 761 API 560 Input Data Tab ................................................................................................................ 763 Technical Discussions ............................................................................................................................ 765 Rigid Element Application ................................................................................................................... 765 Rigid Weight ................................................................................................................................. 765 Fluid Weight in Rigid Elements .................................................................................................... 766 Insulation Weight on Rigid Elements ............................................................................................ 766 In-Line Flange Evaluation ................................................................................................................... 767 Kellogg Equivalent Pressure Method ........................................................................................... 767 ASME NC-3658.3 Calculation Method for B16.5 Flanged Joints with High Strength Bolting ............................................................................................................................ 767 Cold Spring ......................................................................................................................................... 768 Expansion Joints ................................................................................................................................. 770 Effective ID ................................................................................................................................... 771 Hanger Sizing Algorithm ..................................................................................................................... 772 Spring Design Requirements ....................................................................................................... 772 Restrained Weight Case............................................................................................................... 772 Pre-Selection Load Case 2 – Setting Hanger Deflection through the Operating Case ............................................................................................................................................. 773 Post-Selection Load Case (Optional) – Setting the Actual Installed (Cold) Load ........................ 773 Create Spring Load Cases ........................................................................................................... 774 Constant Effort Support ................................................................................................................ 774 Including the Spring Hanger Stiffness in the Design Algorithm.................................................... 775 Other Notes on Hanger Sizing ..................................................................................................... 775 Class 1 Branch Flexibilities ................................................................................................................. 775 Modeling Friction Effects ..................................................................................................................... 778

CAESAR II User's Guide


Contents Nonlinear Code Compliance ............................................................................................................... 779 Sustained Stresses and Nonlinear Restraints .................................................................................... 779 Notes on Occasional Load Cases ................................................................................................ 781 Static Seismic Inertial Loads ............................................................................................................... 782 Wind Loads ......................................................................................................................................... 783 Elevation ....................................................................................................................................... 785 Hydrodynamic (Wave and Current) Loading ...................................................................................... 785 Ocean Wave Particulars ............................................................................................................... 787 Applicable Wave Theory Determination ....................................................................................... 788 Pseudo-Static Hydrodynamic Loading ......................................................................................... 788 Airy Wave Theory Implementation ............................................................................................... 789 STOKES 5th Order Wave Theory Implementation ...................................................................... 789 Stream Function Wave Theory Implementation ........................................................................... 790 Ocean Currents ............................................................................................................................ 790 Technical Notes on CAESAR II Hydrodynamic Loading .............................................................. 790 Input: Specifying Hydrodynamic Parameters in CAESAR II ........................................................ 793 Current Data ................................................................................................................................. 794 Wave Data .................................................................................................................................... 794 Seawater Data .............................................................................................................................. 795 Piping Element Data ..................................................................................................................... 796 References ................................................................................................................................... 796 Evaluating Vessel Stresses ................................................................................................................ 797 ASME Section VIII Division 2-Elastic Nozzle Comprehensive Analysis (pre-2007) .................... 797 Elastic Analyses of Shells near Nozzles Using WRC 107 ........................................................... 799 Description of Alternate Simplified ASME Section VIII Division 2 Elastic Nozzle Analysis pre-2007 ......................................................................................................................... 800 ASME Section VIII Division 2-Elastic Nozzle Simplified Analysis pre-2007 ................................. 801 Inclusion of Missing Mass Correction ................................................................................................. 801 Maximum Stress Versus Extracted Loads ................................................................................... 805 Fatigue Analysis Using CAESAR II..................................................................................................... 806 Fatigue Basics .............................................................................................................................. 806 Fatigue Analysis of Piping Systems ............................................................................................. 807 Static Analysis Fatigue Example .................................................................................................. 808 Fatigue Capabilities in Dynamic Analysis ..................................................................................... 815 Creating the .FAT Files................................................................................................................. 816 Calculation of Fatigue Stresses .................................................................................................... 817 Pipe Stress Analysis of FRP Piping .................................................................................................... 818 Underlying Theory ........................................................................................................................ 818 FRP Analysis Using CAESAR II ................................................................................................... 831 Code Compliance Considerations ...................................................................................................... 837 General Comments on Configuration Settings' Effect on Piping Code Calculations ................... 838 Code-Specific Notes ..................................................................................................................... 842 Local Coordinates ............................................................................................................................... 874 Other Global Coordinate Systems ................................................................................................ 875 The Right Hand Rule .................................................................................................................... 876 Pipe Stress Analysis Coordinate Systems ................................................................................... 878 Defining a Model ........................................................................................................................... 881 Using Local Coordinates .............................................................................................................. 883 CAESAR II Local Coordinate Definitions...................................................................................... 884 Applications Using Global and Local Coordinates ....................................................................... 886 Restraint Data in Local Element Coordinates .............................................................................. 892 Transforming from Global to Local ............................................................................................... 892 Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................................................................ 893


CAESAR II User's Guide

Contents Miscellaneous Processors ..................................................................................................................... 895 Accounting .......................................................................................................................................... 895 Accounting System Activation ...................................................................................................... 897 Batch Stream Processing ................................................................................................................... 900 Define Jobs to Run ....................................................................................................................... 900 Analyze Specified Jobs ................................................................................................................ 900 CAESAR II Fatal Error Processing ..................................................................................................... 900 Units File Operations .......................................................................................................................... 901 Create/Review Units ..................................................................................................................... 902 Change Model Units ..................................................................................................................... 904 Material Database ............................................................................................................................... 905 Number ......................................................................................................................................... 906 Name ............................................................................................................................................ 906 Applicable Piping Code ................................................................................................................ 906 Density .......................................................................................................................................... 907 Minimum Temperature Curve (A-D) ............................................................................................. 907 Eff, Cf, z ........................................................................................................................................ 907 Cold Elastic Modulus .................................................................................................................... 907 Poisson's Ratio ............................................................................................................................. 907 FAC............................................................................................................................................... 908 Laminate Type .............................................................................................................................. 908 Eh / Ea .......................................................................................................................................... 908 Temperature ................................................................................................................................. 908 Exp. Coeff. .................................................................................................................................... 909 Allowable Stress ........................................................................................................................... 909 Elastic Modulus ............................................................................................................................ 909 Yield Stress .................................................................................................................................. 909 Ult Tensile Stress ......................................................................................................................... 909 Weld Strength Reduction Factor (W) ........................................................................................... 909 Add a new material to the database ............................................................................................. 910 Delete a material from the database ............................................................................................ 911 Edit a material in the database ..................................................................................................... 911 External Interfaces .................................................................................................................................. 913 CAESAR II Neutral File ....................................................................................................................... 914 Version and Job Title Information ................................................................................................. 915 Control Information ....................................................................................................................... 915 Basic Element Data ...................................................................................................................... 916 Auxiliary Element Data ................................................................................................................. 918 Miscellaneous Data Group #1 ...................................................................................................... 925 Units Conversion Data.................................................................................................................. 928 Nodal Coordinate Data ................................................................................................................. 929 CAESAR II Data Matrix ....................................................................................................................... 929 Batch Output File ................................................................................................................................ 930 Data Export Wizard ............................................................................................................................. 931 CAESAR II Input and Output Files Dialog Box ............................................................................. 933 CAESAR II Input Export Options Dialog Box ............................................................................... 934 CAESAR II Output Report Options Dialog Box ............................................................................ 963 Intergraph CADWorx Plant ................................................................................................................. 975 CADPIPE ............................................................................................................................................ 975 CADPIPE Example Transfer ........................................................................................................ 977 General Notes .............................................................................................................................. 981

CAESAR II User's Guide


Contents Error Code Statements ................................................................................................................. 981 CADPIPE LOG File Discussion .................................................................................................... 982 Section 1 - Entity Information ....................................................................................................... 983 Section 2-Segment Information .................................................................................................... 983 Section 3-Final CAESAR II Data .................................................................................................. 984 Checking the CADPIPE/CAESAR II Data Transfer ...................................................................... 985 Intergraph Smart 3D PCF ................................................................................................................... 986 Intergraph PDS ................................................................................................................................... 986 File Name ..................................................................................................................................... 987 Browse .......................................................................................................................................... 988 Minimum Anchor Node ................................................................................................................. 988 Maximum Anchor Node ................................................................................................................ 988 Start Node .................................................................................................................................... 988 Increment ...................................................................................................................................... 988 Filter Out Elements Whose Diameter is Less Than ..................................................................... 988 Remove HA Elements .................................................................................................................. 988 Force Consistent Bend Materials ................................................................................................. 989 Include Additional Bend Nodes .................................................................................................... 989 Enable Advanced Element Sort ................................................................................................... 989 Model TEES as 3 Elements ......................................................................................................... 989 Model Rotation ............................................................................................................................. 989 Neutral File Weight Units .............................................................................................................. 989 Neutral File Insulation Units ......................................................................................................... 990 Data Modification and Details ....................................................................................................... 990 Example Neutral File from PDS ................................................................................................... 991 Intergraph Data After Element Sort .............................................................................................. 998 Intergraph Data After TEE/Cross Modifications ........................................................................... 999 Intergraph Data After Valve Modifications .................................................................................. 1000 Intergraph Data After Bend Modifications .................................................................................. 1003 PCF ................................................................................................................................................... 1009 PCF Interface Custom Attributes ................................................................................................ 1010 How to Use the PCF Interface .................................................................................................... 1023 PRO-ISO ........................................................................................................................................... 1029 PRO-ISO Example Transfer ....................................................................................................... 1032 Check the PRO-ISO/CAESAR II Data Transfer ......................................................................... 1033 LIQT .................................................................................................................................................. 1034 Technical Discussion of LIQT Interface...................................................................................... 1034 How to Use the LIQT Interface ................................................................................................... 1035 Example 1 ................................................................................................................................... 1036 Example 2 ................................................................................................................................... 1038 AFT IMPULSE................................................................................................................................... 1040 How to Use the AFT IMPULSE Interface ................................................................................... 1040 PIPENET ........................................................................................................................................... 1041 Technical Discussion of the PIPENET Interface ........................................................................ 1041 How to Use the CAESAR II / PIPENET Interface ...................................................................... 1042 Pipeplus ............................................................................................................................................ 1042 How to Use the Pipeplus Interface ............................................................................................. 1042 FlowMaster ........................................................................................................................................ 1046 How to Use the Flowmaster Interface ........................................................................................ 1047 Data Export to ODBC Compliant Databases .................................................................................... 1049 DSN Setup .................................................................................................................................. 1049 Controlling the Data Export ........................................................................................................ 1052


CAESAR II User's Guide

Contents File Sets .................................................................................................................................................. 1053 CAESAR II File Guide ....................................................................................................................... 1053 Required Program Files .................................................................................................................... 1054 Required Error Data Files ................................................................................................................. 1055 Required Data Sets ........................................................................................................................... 1056 Required Printer/Listing Files ............................................................................................................ 1058 Dynamics Files .................................................................................................................................. 1060 Auxiliary Sets .................................................................................................................................... 1060 Structural Data Files ......................................................................................................................... 1061 Example Files.................................................................................................................................... 1061 External Interface Files ..................................................................................................................... 1062 CAESAR II Operational (Job) Data ................................................................................................... 1063 Update History ....................................................................................................................................... 1067 CAESAR II Initial Capabilities (12/84) ............................................................................................... 1068 CAESAR II Version 1.1S Features (2/86) ......................................................................................... 1068 CAESAR II Version 2.0A Features (10/86) ....................................................................................... 1068 CAESAR II Version 2.1C Features (6/87) ......................................................................................... 1069 CAESAR II Version 2.2B Features (9/88) ......................................................................................... 1070 CAESAR II Version 3.0 Features (4/90) ........................................................................................... 1070 CAESAR II Version 3.1 Features (11/90) ......................................................................................... 1071 CAESAR II Version 3.15 Features (9/91) ......................................................................................... 1071 Flange Leakage and Stress Calculations ................................................................................... 1072 WRC 297 Local Stress Calculations .......................................................................................... 1072 Stress Intensification Factor Scratchpad .................................................................................... 1072 Miscellaneous ............................................................................................................................. 1072 CAESAR II Version 3.16 Features (12/91) ....................................................................................... 1073 CAESAR II Version 3.17 Features (3/92) ......................................................................................... 1073 CAESAR II Version 3.18 Features (9/92) ......................................................................................... 1074 CAESAR II Version 3.19 Features (3/93) ......................................................................................... 1075 CAESAR II Version 3.20 Features (10/93) ....................................................................................... 1076 CAESAR II Version 3.21 Changes and Enhancements (7/94) ......................................................... 1077 CAESAR II Version 3.22 Changes & Enhancements (4/95) ............................................................ 1078 CAESAR II Version 3.23 Changes (3/96) ......................................................................................... 1079 CAESAR II Version 3.24 Changes & Enhancements (3/97) ............................................................ 1080 CAESAR II Version 4.00 Changes and Enhancements (1/98) ......................................................... 1082 CAESAR II Version 4.10 Changes and Enhancements (1/99) ......................................................... 1082 CAESAR II Version 4.20 Changes and Enhancements (2/00) ......................................................... 1082 CAESAR II Version 4.30 Changes and Enhancements (3/01) ......................................................... 1083 CAESAR II Version 4.40 Changes and Enhancements (5/02) ......................................................... 1083 CAESAR II Version 4.50 Changes and Enhancements (11/03) ....................................................... 1084 CAESAR II Version 5.00 Changes and Enhancements (11/05) ....................................................... 1085 CAESAR II Version 5.10 Changes and Enhancements (9/07) ......................................................... 1085 CAESAR II Version 5.20 Changes and Enhancements (4/09) ......................................................... 1086 CAESAR II Version 5.30 Changes and Enhancements (11/10) ....................................................... 1087 CAESAR II Version 5.31 Changes and Enhancements (5/12) ......................................................... 1088 Index ....................................................................................................................................................... 1089

CAESAR II User's Guide




CAESAR II User's Guide

What's New in CAESAR II The latest CAESAR II release delivers a number of significant new and extended capabilities in response to current market requirements, as well as direct feedback from the growing CAESAR II user community. The following changes have been made to CAESAR II: CAESAR II 2013 R1, Version 6.10  Updated piping code information for ASME B31.1, B31.3, B31.8, B31.9, and Z662 codes. 

Enhanced and improved the Smart 3D to CAESAR II interface (PCF). (This is also available in Version 5.31.)

Introduced a faster, interactive, on-demand and flexible PCF interface, called Advanced PCF (APCF) Import, into the Piping Input processor. From the APCF Import dialog box, you can quickly import the model from design software, such as Intergraph's SmartPlant 3D, saving time while reducing errors. (APCF Import is also available in Version 5.31.)

CAESAR II User's Guide


What's New in CAESAR II


Added the import of the SmartPlant 3D (S3D)/SmartPlant Review (SPR) graphic environment (VUE file), along with filtering capabilities within CAESAR II input to provide context to the pipe stress analyst. You can also generate this VUE file from SmartPlant Review.

Updated the CAESAR II Data Export Wizard to support ODBC Microsoft Access format, which facilitates round-trip results to S3D and SPR.  Added an option to store a revision number and line numbers.  Added a new Restraint Summary output report.  Included new functionality so you can send a user Load Case name, if specified.  Implemented other enhancements to simplify the process for generating the database.

Added new element order commands for block operations: invert and change sequence. 

Invert reverses the order of one or more elements in a selected group, as well as the node numbering.

Change Sequence moves (or rearranges) the sequence of one or more blocks of elements to another location in the CAESAR II model.

Added usability improvements to reduce the input and editing time.  Enhanced line numbers with a Renumber operation that lets you select a group of nodes on which to perform block operations.  Added functionality that lets you renumber when you select elements on the graphical model.  Added functionality that lets you renumber boundary nodes after using the Renumber operation.  Enhanced the graphical model with an option to retain the colors for line numbers across user sessions on a per-job basis.  Included the ability to deselect a window by using the SHIFT + CLICK window selection.  Added ability to edit or delete annotations on the input and output graphics.

Increased performance and functionality with enhancements.  Updated the personal Isogen module to Personal ISOGEN 2012 R1 (8.1).  Updated the CAESAR II 3D Graphics engine.

Continued standardization for development using ASME NQA-1.

CAESAR II User's Guide

What's New in CAESAR II 

Implemented Japanese localization in the following areas:  Translated the user interface (Static Analysis module) and selected documentation in Japanese.  Added Japanese seismic code, KHK Level 1.  Added spring hanger databases for Mitsubishi, Yamashita, Sanwa Tekki, and Techno.

Updated and enhanced documentation to include more context-sensitive (F1) help and additional task-oriented information.

Updated the CAESAR II main menu to use the Office 2010 ribbon interface.

Technical Changes The following list details changes to CAESAR II 2013 R1 (Version 6.10), which may affect the numeric results:  Rewrote the methodology used by the Piping Error checker (PIERCK.EXE) in determining duplicated allowable stress data for the elements. (Distributed in CAESAR II 2011 R1 Version 5.30.02, 110830 build.) 

Corrected the calculation of the bending stress at the From end of elements for PD 8010-2 (to use the SIF for the From end instead of the To end). (Distributed in CAESAR II 2011 R1 Version 5.30.02, 110830 build.)

Corrected the usage of the in-plane/out-of-plane SIF configuration setting for CODETI bends. (Distributed in CAESAR II 2011 R1 Version 5.30.04, 120525 build.)

Corrected the PD 8010-2 equivalent stress calculation to consider both positive and negative bending effects. (Distributed in CAESAR II 2011 R1 Version 5.30.04, 120525 build.)

Implemented additional changes to how the software duplicates the Wc and Sy material values to succeeding elements.

Corrected the calculation of the NC/ND branch stress index for reduced intersections of reinforced tees.

Corrected the calculation of the (dynamic) mass matrix for elements with refractory lining.

Added corrosion consideration in the SIF computation for the CODETI piping code.

Implemented the piping code updates for B31.9 2011 Edition.

CAESAR II User's Guide


What's New in CAESAR II


Implemented the piping code updates for B31.8 2010 Edition, including the hoops stress change for Chapter VIII.

Implemented the piping code updates for B31.3 2010 Edition, including the following revisions:  Modified the calculation of longitudinal stress for Sustained loads (SUS). This previously optional calculation was referred to as ASME Code Case 178.  Added input values for two new stress indexes (It, Ia). The software uses the index values in the new computation of Sustained and Occasional stresses.  Added the ability to calculate the allowable stress for Sustained and Occasional cases at the temperature of the corresponding operating case. The software defaults the value to the minimum Sh value; however, you can select a corresponding Sh.  Revised the allowable that CAESAR II uses for Appendix P Operating range cases to include a new reduction option based on the ratio of yield versus tensile strength (Sy/St).  Updated the material properties in accordance with Appendix A.  Updated the SIF determination of Fillet or Socket welds.

Modified how the software determines the Sc value to use with range load cases.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Introduction ®

CAESAR II is a PC-based pipe stress analysis software package that is developed, marketed and sold by Intergraph CAS. This software is an engineering tool used in the mechanical design and analysis of piping systems. Use CAESAR II to create a model of the piping system represented by simple 3D beam elements and to define the loading conditions imposed on the system. With this input, CAESAR II produces results in the form of displacements, loads, and stresses throughout the system. Additionally, CAESAR II compares these results to limits specified by recognized codes and standards.

What are the Applications of CAESAR II CAESAR II is most often used for the mechanical design of new piping systems. Loads, displacements, and stresses can be estimated through analysis of the piping model in CAESAR II. CAESAR II incorporates many of the limitations placed on these systems and their attached equipment. These limits are typically specified by engineering bodies (such as the ASME B31 committees, ASME Section VIII, and the Welding Research Council) or by manufacturers of piping-related equipment (API, NEMA, or EJMA). Hot piping systems present a unique problem to the mechanical engineer. These irregular structures experience great thermal strain that must be absorbed by the piping, supports, and attached equipment. These structures must be stiff enough to support their own weight but flexible enough to accept thermal growth. CAESAR II is not limited to thermal analysis of piping systems. CAESAR II also has the capability of modeling and analyzing the full range of static and dynamic loads which can be imposed on the system. Because of this, CAESAR II is not only a tool for new design. It is also valuable in troubleshooting or redesigning existing systems. You can determine the cause of failure or evaluate the severity of unanticipated operating conditions such as fluid to piping interaction or mechanical vibration caused by rotating equipment.

Why is CAESAR II from other Pipe Stress Software Our staff of experienced pipe stress engineers are involved in day-to-day software development, program support, and training. This approach has produced software that most closely fits the requirements of today‘s pipe stress industry. Data entry is simple and straight-forward through dialog boxes. CAESAR II provides the widest range of modeling and analysis capabilities without becoming too complicated for simple system analysis. You can tailor your CAESAR II installation through default settings and customized databases. Comprehensive input graphics confirm the model construction before the analysis is made. The software's interactive output processor presents results on the monitor for quick review or sends complete reports to a file or printer. CAESAR II uses standard analysis guidelines and provides the latest recognized opinions for these analyses. ® ® CAESAR II also offers seamless interaction with Intergraph CADWorx Plant, which is an ® AutoCAD -based design and drafting system for creating orthographic, isometric, and 3D piping drawings. The two-way-link automatically generates stress analysis models of piping layouts or creates spectacular stress isometrics in minutes from CAESAR II models. CAESAR II is a field-proven engineering analysis program. It is a widely recognized product with a large customer base and an excellent support and development record.

CAESAR II User's Guide



In This Section About the CAESAR II Documentation ........................................... 22 Software Support/User Assistance ................................................ 22 Software Revision Procedures ...................................................... 23 Updates and License Types .......................................................... 25

About the CAESAR II Documentation The supporting software documentation is organized in the following manuals: CAESAR II User's Guide - Describes the basic operation and flow of the commands found in CAESAR II. This manual gives an overview of the software capabilities and introduces model creation, analysis, and output review. It explains the function of, input for, and output from each module of the program. This manual also explains much of the theory behind CAESAR II calculations. It is intended as a general road map for the software. CAESAR II Application Guide - Provides examples of how to use CAESAR II. These examples illustrate methods of modeling individual piping components as well as complete piping systems. This document contains tutorials on system modeling and analysis. The CAESAR II Application Guide is a reference providing quick "how to" information on specific subjects. CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide - Provides version and technical change details in addition to installation and commonly used information. This document also lists the currently implemented piping codes (with publication and revision dates) and related stress and allowable equations. You can view and print any of the manuals by clicking Help > On - line Documentation on the CAESAR II Main menu.

Software Support/User Assistance Intergraph CAS understands that CAESAR II is a complex analysis tool. While the documentation is intended to explain piping analysis, system modeling, and results interpretation, you may have additional questions. We understand the engineer‘s need to produce efficient, economical, and expeditious designs. To that end, we have a staff of helpful professionals ready to address any CAESAR II and piping issues raised by you. CAESAR II support is available by telephone, e-mail, fax, and the Internet. We provide this service at no additional charge to you for questions focused on the current version of the software. Formal training in CAESAR II and pipe stress analysis is also available from Intergraph CAS. We schedule regular training classes in Houston and provide in-house and open attendance training around the world. These courses focus on the expertise available for modeling, analysis, and design. To aid internet users when contacting technical support, Intergraph CAS has added an option that generates an e-mail template with the basic computer and CAESAR II version details. This information is typically what is needed to resolve technical support issues. To use this option, click Help > Email CAESAR II Support. This command starts the default e-mail client and populates an e-mail with the default information.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Introduction The e-mail is addressed to Technical Support and contains all the information relevant to your CAESAR II installation. Enter the problem description at the Type Message Here prompt and attach any necessary files. You can contact Intergraph CAS Technical Support or Sales:  ICAS Dealer Support ( ) or ICAS General Support (  Technical Support E-mail: [email protected]  Phone: 1-800-766-7701 (CAESAR II Direct), 280-890-4566 (General)  Fax: 281-890-3301  Sales E-mail: [email protected]  Knowledge-based Articles/Tutorials (US and Canada only):

Software Revision Procedures CAESAR II is updated continually to reflect engineering code addenda, operational enhancements, your requests, operating system modifications, and corrections. New versions are planned and targeted for a specific release date. However, there may be corrections necessary to the current version before the next version can be released. When this occurs, a correction to the current version is made. This correction is referred to as a "build." A build is finalized, announced, and posted to the web site. All maintenance builds for new releases contain all previous builds. This increases the download size and time required to obtain the build, but only one build is required at any given time.

Identifying Builds When posted on the web site, builds are identified with the program identifier and the date the build was generated, as in C2YYY-YYMMDD.exe.

Can Builds be Applied to Any Version? No. As new versions are released, additional input items become necessary and must be stored in the software data files. In addition, file formats and databases change. A build is intended for one specific version of the software. Using a build on a different version without specific advice from Intergraph CAS Support is a sure way to cripple the software.

Obtaining Builds Builds are available for download at our website ( and are arranged in sub-folders by program. Each file contained in the folder includes a description , its size, and the creation date.

What is Contained in a Specific Build? Each build contains a file named BUILD.TXT containing a description of all corrections and enhancements in the current build. When necessary, additional usage instructions can be found in this file.

Installing Builds Builds distributed for Windows-based applications use a Windows installation procedure with a standard SETUP.EXE program to actually install the build. This procedure ensures that the necessary files are registered with the system and that the uninstall utility can perform its task.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Introduction Detecting/Checking Builds When a build is ready to be released, Help > About CAESAR II is revised to reflect the build level. To see which program modules have been modified, you can run an Intergraph CAS utility program from within the program folder. Diagnostics > Build Version scans each of the .EXE modules in the program folder and lists the size, memory requirements, and build level for each file. A sample display from this utility is shown below.

Archiving and Reinstalling an Older, Patched Version When a new version of the software is released, what should be done with the old, existing version? The distribution disks sent from Intergraph CAS should be saved. Additionally, any builds obtained should be archived. This allows full usage of this version at some later time, if it becomes necessary. To reinstall an older version of the software, first install the software from the Intergraph CAS CDs. Then, install the latest build. Each build includes the modifications made in all prior builds.


CAESAR II User's Guide


Updates and License Types You can identify CAESAR II update sets by their version number. The current release is Version 2013 R1 (6.10). Intergraph CAS schedules and distributes these updates periodically, depending on their scope and necessity. The type of CAESAR II license that you have determines whether you receive these updates. There are three types of CAESAR II licenses: Full Run - Provides unlimited access to CAESAR II. Updates, maintenance, and support are available on an annual basis. Lease - Provides unlimited access to CAESAR II with updates, maintenance, and support provided as long as the lease is in effect. Limited Run - Provides 50 static or dynamic analyses of piping system models over an unlimited period of time, but does not include program updates. Your license is upgraded, if necessary, whenever you purchase a new set of 50 runs. Intergraph CAS only ships the current version of CAESAR II, no matter which type of license you purchase. Updates will be delivered on request to lease users and to full run users who have a current support/maintenance contract.

CAESAR II User's Guide




CAESAR II User's Guide


Getting Started This section explains the CAESAR II basic operation, and steps you through a quick static piping analysis. The main steps required to perform a static analysis are: 1. Starting CAESAR II (on page 27) 2. Create a new job (on page 28) 3. Piping Input generation (on page 29) 4. Model Error Checking (on page 32) 5. Building Load Cases (on page 33) 6. Run a static analysis (on page 33) 7. Static Output Review (on page 33) A complete tutorial is provided in the CAESAR II Applications Guide.

In This Section Starting CAESAR II ........................................................................ 27 Understanding Jobs ....................................................................... 28 Basic Operation ............................................................................. 28 Main Menu ..................................................................................... 34

Starting CAESAR II 1. Click Start > All Programs > Intergraph CAS > CAESAR II > CAESAR II. You may also have a CAESAR II icon on your desktop that you can use to start CAESAR II. The main CAESAR II window displays.

This window contains the main menu and toolbar from which you select jobs and analysis types, start analysis, and review output. 2. Click File > Set Default Data Directory. The Default Data Directory Specification dialog box displays.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Getting Started 3. Define the folder to save your jobs and other CAESAR II data files. The default folder is C:\ProgramData\Intergraph CAS\CAESAR II\version\Examples. 4. From the Language menu, select your language for the interface. 5. In Windows Explorer, go to C:\ProgramData\Intergraph CAS\CAESAR II\version\System. 6. Using a text editor, open Company.txt and specify your company name on the first line. This will place your company name is the header of CAESAR II calculations.

Understanding Jobs All CAESAR II analyses require a job name for identification purposes. All subsequent input, analysis, or output reviews reference the job specified. You create a new job by selecting File > New or by clicking New on the main toolbar. You open an existing job by selecting File > Open or by clicking Open on the main toolbar. After you have created or opened a job, the job name displays in the title bar of the main CAESAR II window. Use the commands on the Input, Analysis, and Output menus to define, analyze, and review your data.

Basic Operation To help you get familiar with CAESAR II, we will step through a basic piping analysis.

Topics Create a new job ............................................................................ 28 Piping Input generation .................................................................. 29 Model Error Checking .................................................................... 32 Building Load Cases ...................................................................... 33 Run a static analysis ...................................................................... 33 Static Output Review ..................................................................... 33

Create a new job 1. Click Start > All Programs > Intergraph ICAS > CAESAR II > CAESAR II . The CAESAR II main window displays. 2. Click File > New. The New Job Name Specification dialog box displays. 3. In the Enter the name for the NEW job file box, type MyFirstPipingModel. 4. Select the Piping Input option. 5. In the Enter the data directory box, type C:\temp\CAESAR II. You can put your job file in another folder if you want, just remember where and substitute that folder for C:\temp\CAESAR II when needed.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Getting Started 6. Click OK. The job is created and the job name displays in the main window title bar.

Next, the Review Current Units dialog box displays. 7. Review the units listed in the dialog box, and then click OK. The Piping Input window displays. You can use Input > Piping to activate the Piping Input window.

Piping Input generation Model input generation consists of describing the piping elements and any external influences (boundary conditions or loads) acting on those elements. Two node numbers identify each pipe element end. Every pipe element also requires the specification of geometric, cross sectional, and material data. One method of data entry is the Piping Spreadsheet. You define a piping element on its own spreadsheet. Some data, when defined on a piping element, is automatically duplicated by CAESAR II to subsequent piping spreadsheets. This means that for many elements you only have to confirm the node numbers and enter the delta-dimensions, and then CAESAR II automatically duplicates from the previous element the other data such as pipe diameter, operating temperatures, material type, and so forth. You can always enter specific data to override the duplicated data in the piping spreadsheet for an element. The menus, toolbars, and accelerators offer a number of additional commands to enter auxiliary processors or use special modelers or databases. The commands and general input instructions of the piping spreadsheet are discussed in detail in Piping Input Reference (on page 89). 1. In the DX box, type 10-0 (which is 10 ft). 2. In the Diameter box, type 8 (8-in. nominal). CAESAR II automatically converts this value to the actual diameter. 3. In the Wt/Sch box, type S (standard schedule pipe wall). CAESAR II automatically converts this to wall thickness. 4. In the Temp 1 box, type 600 (degrees Fahrenheit). 5. In the Pressure 1 box, type 150 (psig). 6. Double-click the Bend check box. The Bends tab displays.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Getting Started This adds a long radius bend at the end of the element, and adds intermediate nodes 18 and 19 at the near weld and mid-points of the bend, respectively (node 20 physically represents the far weld point of the bend).

7. Double-click the Restraint check box. The Restraint tab displays.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Getting Started 8. In the first Node box, type 10, and then select ANC from the first Type drop list.

9. Select A106 B from the Material drop list. This selection fills in the material parameters such as density and modulus elasticity. 10. Double-click the Allowable Stress check box. The Allowable Stresses tab displays. 11. Select the B31.3 code from the Code drop list. Allowable stresses for the given material, temperature, and code display automatically. 12. In the Fluid Den 1 box, type 0.85SG (0.85 specific gravity). The software automatically converts this value to density. 13. After you finish defining the first element, you need to move to the next element. You can do this by pressing Alt-C, by clicking Continue , or by selecting Edit > Continue from the menu. Node numbers are automatically generated in the From and To boxes and data is carried forward from the previous element. 14. In the DY box, type 10-0 (10 feet). 15. Double-click the Restraint check box. 16. In the first Node box, type 30, and then select ANC from the first Type drop list. The two-element model (a well-defined configuration anchored at each end) is complete.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Getting Started The piping input preprocessor has an interactive graphics and a list view function to make model editing and verification easier. You can verify your model using the Graphics or List utilities, although a combination of both modes is recommended. By default, the graphics screen displays to the right of the input spreadsheet. You can click the small pin in the upper-left corner to collapse the input spreadsheet to provide maximum graphic space.

Model Error Checking When you are finished modeling, you must run File > Error Check before you can run an analysis. The two main functions of this error check are to verify your input data by checking each individual piping element for consistency and to build the execution data files used by the analysis and review processes. Errors that will prevent the analysis from running (such as a corrosion allowance greater than the wall thickness) are flagged as fatal errors and display in red text. Unusual items (such as a change of direction without a bend or intersection) are flagged as warnings and display in green text. Other informational messages that may show intermediate calculations or general notes display in blue text. All messages display in the Errors and Warnings tab next to the model graphics. When you double-click an error or warning message, CAESAR II displays the spreadsheet of the associated element and highlights the element in the graphic display. You can sort error


CAESAR II User's Guide

Getting Started messages by clicking the column titles. Use File > Print to print the entire error report or selected sections. Use the options arrow on the Error Check icon to display only fatal errors or all errors. If there is a fatal error, you must return to the input module to make corrections. Click the Classic Piping Input tab or double-click the row number for the error message. If the error check process completes without fatal errors, a center of gravity report displays, the analysis data files are generated, and the solution phase can commence. If fatal errors do exist, the analysis data files are not generated and the solution phase cannot begin. You must make corrections and rerun the Error Checker until successful before analysis is permitted.

Building Load Cases After the analysis data files have been created by the error checker, you can run a static analysis. The first step of a static analysis is to define the load cases. For new jobs (there are no previous solution files available), the static analysis module recommends load cases to you based on the load types encountered in the input file. These recommended load cases are usually sufficient to satisfy the piping code requirements for the Sustained and Expansion load cases. If the recommended load cases are not satisfactory, you can modify them. 1. From the Piping Input window, select Edit > Edit Static Load Cases . The Static Analysis dialog box displays. 2. You can build loads two ways:  Combine the load components defined in the input (weight, displacements, thermal cases, and so forth) into load cases (basic cases), or  Combine pre-existing load cases into new load cases (combination cases). 3. Build the basic cases by selecting one or more load components in the Loads Defined in Input list and then dragging and dropping them to the Load Cases list to the right. You can also type on any of the individual load case lines. Stress types (indicating which code equations should be used to calculate and check the stresses) are selected from the Stress Type list. Combination cases, if needed, must follow the basic cases. You can build combination cases by selecting one or more load components and the dragging and dropping the basic load cases from earlier in the load case list to combine cases (or blank load cases) later in the list. You can have a maximum of 999 static load cases. For more information, see Static Analysis Dialog Box (on page 456).

Run a static analysis After the load cases are defined, you can run the analysis. 1. Select File > Batch Run to run the actual finite element solution. The analysis creates the element stiffness matrices and load vectors and solves for displacements, forces and moments, reactions, and stresses. The analysis also performs the design and selection of spring hangers and iterative stiffness matrix modifications for nonlinear restraints. Finally, the Static Output Processor window displays.

Static Output Review When the analysis is finished, you can review the results using the Static Output Processor window.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Getting Started 1. On the main CAESAR II window, select Output > Static. The Static Output Processor window displays. 2. In the Load Case Analyzed list, select one or more load cases for which to review results. 3. In the Standard Reports list, select one or more reports to review. 4. Click --> Add. 5. Select where you want to view the results: the screen, Microsoft Word or Excel, the printer, or an ASCII file. 6. Click Finish to view the reports. 7. Click Options > Graphical Output to review the analytic results in graphics mode, which can produce displaced shapes, stress distributions, and restraint actions. The actual study of the results depends on the purpose of each load case and the reason for the analysis. Usually the review checks that the system stresses are below their allowables, restraint loads are acceptable, and displacements are not excessive. Additional post processing (such as equipment, nozzle, and structural steel checks) might be required depending on the model and type of analysis. After you finish reviewing the output, return to the main window by exiting the output review module.

Main Menu After starting CAESAR II, the main menu and toolbar appear. Keep this window as small as possible to conserve screen space.

Topics File Menu ....................................................................................... 34 Input Menu ..................................................................................... 36 Analysis Menu ............................................................................... 36 Output Menu .................................................................................. 37 Tools Menu .................................................................................... 37 Diagnostics Menu .......................................................................... 38 ESL Menu ...................................................................................... 38 View Menu ..................................................................................... 38 Help Menu...................................................................................... 38


CAESAR II User's Guide

Getting Started

File Menu The File menu is used to create and save piping and structural jobs.

Topics Set Default Data Directory ............................................................. 35 New ................................................................................................ 35 Open .............................................................................................. 35

Set Default Data Directory Sets the default data (project) directory without selecting a specific job file. Some CAESAR II options do not require that a job be selected but must know in which directory to work. All CAESAR II generated data files are written to this directory. Click File > Set Default Data Directory on the main menu to activate the Default Data Directory Specification dialog box. Click Examples to set the default data directory to the examples directory delivered with CAESAR II.

The data directory specification is very important because any configuration, units, or other data files found in that directory are considered to be local to that job.

New Starts a new piping or structural job. Click File > New Job Name Specification dialog box.

on the main menu to activate the New

New Job Name Specification Dialog Box Controls parameters for creating a new CAESAR II job. Enter the name for the NEW job file - Specifies the job name. Piping Input - Indicates that the job is a piping job. Structural Input - Indicates that the job is a structural job. Enter the data directory - Specifies the location of the job file. You can type the directory into the field, or click the browse button to browse to the directory.

Open Opens an existing piping or structural job. Click File > Open on the main menu to activate the Open dialog box. Use the Open dialog box to browse to and select the job file to open. Click System to jump to the CAESAR II system folder. Click Example to jump to the CAESAR II delivered example jobs folder.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Getting Started You can also roll-back to a previous revision of a piping input job using the Open dialog box. CAESAR II saves the last 25 revisions, deleting the oldest revision when necessary. 1. Click File > Open. 2. Browse to and then select the piping input job to roll-back. 3. In the Previous Revisions list in the bottom-right corner of the Open dialog box, select the revision to rollback to.

4. Click Open. The software asks you to confirm restoring the selected backup. 5. Click Yes to restore the previous revision.

Input Menu The Input menu is used to select the modules to define the job input parameters. Piping and Underground are available for piping jobs. Structural Steel is available for structural jobs. Piping - Defines piping job parameters. For more information, see Piping Input Reference (on page 89). Underground - Converts an existing piping model to buried pipe. For more information, see Buried Pipe Modeler (on page 411). Structural Steel - Defines structural steel for the job. For more information, see Structural Steel Modeler (on page 325).

Analysis Menu The Analysis menu displays the available calculations in CAESAR II. Statics - Performs Static analysis of pipe or structure. The command is available after error checking the input files. For more information, see Static Analysis Dialog Box (on page 456). Dynamics - Performs Dynamic analysis of pipe or structure. The command is avail\-able after error checking the input files. For more information, see Dynamic Analysis (on page 527).


CAESAR II User's Guide

Getting Started SIFs - Displays scratch pads used to calculate stress intensification factors at intersections and bends. For more information, see Intersection Stress Intensification Factors (on page 676) and Bend Stress Intensification Factors (on page 682). WRC 107(537)/297 - Calculates stresses in vessels due to attached piping. For more information, see WRC 107 Vessel Stresses (see "WRC Bulletin 107(537)" on page 691). Flanges - Performs flange stress and leakage calculations. For more information, see Flange Leakage/Stress Calculations (on page 694). B31.G - Estimates pipeline remaining life. For more information, see Pipeline Remaining Strength Calculations (B31G) (on page 712). Expansion Joint Rating - Evaluates expansion joints using EJMA equations. For more information, see Expansion Joint Rating (on page 717). AISC - Performs AISC code check on structural steel elements. NEMA SM23 - Evaluates piping loads on steam turbine nozzles. API 610 - Evaluates piping loads on centrifugal pumps. API 617 - Evaluates piping loads on compressors. API 661 - Evaluates piping loads on air-cooled heat exchangers. HEI Standard - Evaluates piping loads on feedwater heaters. API 560 - Evaluates piping loads on fired heaters.

Output Menu The Output menu lists all available output of piping or structural calculations that can be selected for review. Static - Displays the results of a static analysis. For more information, see Static Output Processor Window (see "Static Output Processor" on page 483). Harmonic - Displays Harmonic Loading results. Spectrum Modal - Displays Natural Frequency/Mode Shape calculations or Uni\-form/Force Spectrum Loading results. Time History - Displays Time History Load Simulation results. Animation - Displays Animated Graphic simulations of any of the above results.

Tools Menu The Tools menu activates various CAESAR II supporting utilities. Configure/Setup - The CAESAR.cfg configuration file contains directives that dictate how CAESAR II will operate on a particular computer and how it will perform a particular analysis. Each time that you open the software, it searches for this configuration file in the current data folder. If the configuration file is not found in the current data folder, the software then searches the CAESAR II system folder. If the configuration file is not found in either location, a fatal error is generated and CAESAR II exits. For more information, see Configuration and Environment (on page 41). Calculator - Launches an on-screen calculator. Create/Review Units - Creates custom sets of units or lets you review the units configuration. For more information, see Create/Review Units (on page 902). Change Model Units - Converts an existing input file to a new set of units. For more information, see Change Model Units (on page 904).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Getting Started Material Database - Edits or adds to the CAESAR II Material Database. For more information, see Material Database (on page 905). Accounting - Activates or customizes job accounting or generates accounting reports. For more information, see Accounting (on page 895). Multi-Job Analysis - Enables the user to run a stream of jobs without operator intervention. For more information, see Batch Stream Processing (on page 900). External Interfaces - Displays the interfaces to and from third party software (both CAD and analytical). For more information, see External Interfaces (on page 913). ISOGEN Isometrics - Starts CAESAR II Isometrics. For more information, see Generate Stress Isometrics (see "Generate Stress Isometrics Overview" on page 647). I-Configure - Starts I-Configure. Explore System Folder - Opens the CAESAR II System folder. Reset Layouts to Default - Restores all CAESAR II window layouts to the default positions. In addition, all toolbar customizations are reset to the default state and your video driver is to OpenGL.

Diagnostics Menu The Diagnostics menu activates utilities to help troubleshoot problem installations. CRC Check - Verifies program files are not corrupted. Build Version - Determines the build version of CAESAR II files. Error Review - Reviews description of CAESAR II errors.

ESL Menu The ESL menu accesses utilities that interact with the External Software Lock (ESL). These commands are disabled if you are using SmartPlant License Manager. Show Data - Displays data stored on the ESL. Access Codes - Allows runs to be added or other ESL changes, to be made either through Fax or E-mail (in conjunction with option below). Authorization Codes - See the Access Codes option. Check ESL Driver - Verifies the location and version of the ESL. Install ESL Driver - Installs the ESL Drivers.

View Menu The View menu is used to enable and customize the status bar and all toolbars. Toolbar - Displays or hides toolbars and allows you to customize toolbars. Status Bar - Displays or hides the status bar at the bottom of the window.

Help Menu The Help menu displays the available CAESAR II documentation. Online Documentation - Displays CAESAR II documentation in HTML or PDF format. Desktop (Online) Help - Launches Intergraph CAS online technical support. Online Registration - Enables you to register electronically with Intergraph CAS. An active internet connection is required.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Getting Started Information - Provides information on the best ways to contact Intergraph CAS personnel for technical support and provides internet links for Intergraph CAS downloads and information. Check for Upgrades - Enables you to verify the most current version of CAESAR II is installed. About CAESAR II - Displays CAESAR II version and copyright information. Throughout CAESAR II context-sensitive, on-screen help is available by clicking ? or pressing [F1] while the cursor is in any input field. A help screen displays showing a discussion and the required units, if applicable.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Getting Started


CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment This section discusses the configuration options that are available.

In This Section CAESAR II Configuration File Generation ..................................... 41 Computational Control ................................................................... 43 Database Definitions ...................................................................... 48 FRP Pipe Properties ...................................................................... 54 Geometry Definitions ..................................................................... 57 Graphic Settings ............................................................................ 60 Miscellaneous Options ................................................................... 72 SIFs and Stresses ......................................................................... 76 Set/Change Password ................................................................... 87

CAESAR II Configuration File Generation The CAESAR.cfg configuration file contains instructions that dictate how CAESAR II operates on a particular computer and how it performs a particular analysis. Each time that you open the software, it searches for this configuration file in the current data directory and uses it to perform the analysis. If the configuration file is not found in the current data directory, the software then searches the installation folder. If the configuration file is not found in either location, a fatal error is generated and CAESAR II exits. The CAESAR.cfg file may vary from computer to computer, and many of the configuration spreadsheet values modify the analysis. To produce identical results between computers, use the same configuration file. Make a copy of the setup file to be archived with input and output data so that identical reruns can be made. The units file, if it is modified, must also be identical if the same results are to be produced.

View the current CAESAR.cfg file 1. To display the CAESAR.cfg file, click Tools > Configure/Setup. Alternatively, you can click Configure on the toolbar. The CAESAR II Configuration Editor window displays. The attributes for Computational Control display.  In the left-hand pane, the configuration spreadsheets categories display.  In the right-hand pane, the configuration spreadsheet values for that category display.  The Data Directory displays the path where the current configuration file is stored. 2. Click the title in the Categories pane to navigate to the appropriate configuration spreadsheets. 3. Click the X in the right-hand corner to exit.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment Create a new CAESAR.cfg file 1. Click Tools > Configure/Setup to display the CAESAR.cfg file. Alternatively, you can click Configure on the toolbar. The CAESAR II Configuration Editor window displays. The attributes for Computational Control display. 2. Click Save and Exit

located in the top-left corner of the Configuration Editor window.

Change the current CAESAR.cfg file for this computer 1. To display the CAESAR.cfg file, click Tools > Configure/Setup. Alternatively, you can click Configure on the toolbar. The CAESAR II Configuration Editor window displays. The attributes for Computational Control display. 2. Click the description to change a value for a configuration attribute, A drop-down menu which contains the possible values for the attribute displays. 3. Select a new value. The new value displays in bold text. 4. Continue changing values until you are finished. 5. Click Save and Exit

located in the top-left corner of the Configuration Editor window.

Reset the current CAESAR.cfg file to the default settings 

Click Alt D to reset an individual field value in the current configuration file to its default value.  Click Reset All -> Set Current Defaults to reset all the values for the current configuration file to the default values. 1. Click Tools > Configure/Setup to display the CAESAR.cfg file. Alternatively, you can click Configure on the toolbar. The CAESAR II Configuration Editor window displays. The attributes for Computational Control display. 2. Click the Reset All drop-down menu. The various default file options display. 3. Select your desired default file. The values in left-hand pane change to the default values. Values change to normal text from bold text. 4. Save the changes. The following section explains each of the CAESAR II configuration file Category options.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Computational Control The Computational Control category provides access to the following groups of configuration settings:  Convergence Tolerances (on page 43)  Input Spreadsheet Defaults (on page 45)  Miscellaneous (on page 47)

Figure 1: Computation Control Configuration Settings

Convergence Tolerances Topics Decomposition Singularity Tolerance ............................................ 44 Friction Angle Variation .................................................................. 44 Friction Normal Force Variation ..................................................... 44 Friction Slide Multiplier ................................................................... 44 Friction Stiffness ............................................................................ 44 Rod Increment (Degrees) .............................................................. 45 Rod Tolerance (Degrees) .............................................................. 45

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment

Decomposition Singularity Tolerance Defines the value used by the software to check the ratio of off-diagonal to on-diagonal coefficients in the row. The default value is 1.0 e+10. If this ratio is greater than the decomposition singularity tolerance, then a numerical error may occur. This problem does not have to be associated with a system singularity. This condition can exist when very small, and/or long pipes are connected to very short, and/or large pipes. These solutions have several general characteristics:  When computer precision errors of this type occur, they are very local in nature. They typically affect only a single element or very small part of the model and are readily noticeable upon inspection.  The 1E10 limit can be increased to 1E11 or 1E12 and still provide a reasonable check on solution accuracy. Any solution computed after increasing the limit should always be checked closely for reasonableness. At 1E11 or 1E12, the number of significant figures in the local solution is reduced to two or three.  Although the 1E10 limit can be increased to 1E20 or 1E30 to get the job to run, it is important to remember that the possibility for a locally errant solution exists when stiffness ratios are allowed to get this high. Solutions should be carefully checked.

Friction Angle Variation Specifies the friction sliding angle variation. The default value is 15-degrees. This parameter had more significance in software versions prior to 2.1. It is currently only used in the first iteration when a restraint goes from the non-sliding to sliding state. All subsequent iterations compensate for the angle variation automatically.

Friction Normal Force Variation Defines the amount of variation in the normal force that is permitted before an adjustment is made in the sliding friction force. The default value is 0.15, or 15 percent. Normally, you should not adjust this value.

Friction Slide Multiplier Specifies the internal friction sliding force multiplier. You should never adjust this value unless you are instructed to do so by Intergraph CAS Support.

Friction Stiffness Specifies the friction restraint stiffness. The default value for the friction restraint stiffness is 1.0E+06 lb/in. If the structural load normal to a friction restraint is less than the restraint load multiplied by the coefficient of friction, the pipe will not move at this support – this restraint node is "non-sliding." To model the non-sliding state, stiffnesses are inserted in the two directions perpendicular to the restraint's line of action to oppose any sliding motion. Nonlinear convergence problems may be alleviated by reducing the friction restraint stiffness. Lower friction stiffness will more readily distribute friction loads throughout the system and allow nonlinear convergence. However, this lower stiffness affects the accuracy of the results. Lower


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment stiffness values permit more "non-sliding" movement, but given the indeterminate nature of the friction problem in general, this error may not be crucial.

Rod Increment (Degrees) Specifies the maximum amount of angular change that any one support can experience between iterations. For difficult-to-converge problems, values of 0.1 have proven effective. When small values are used, you should be prepared for a large number of iterations. The total number of iterations can be estimated from the following: Estimate number of Iterations = 1.5(x)/(r)/(Rod Increment) Where: x = maximum horizontal displacement at any one rod r = rod length at that support

Rod Tolerance (Degrees) Specifies the angular plus-or-minus permitted convergence error. Unless the change from iteration n to iteration n+1 is less than this value, the rod will not converge. The default value is 1.0 degree. For systems subject to large horizontal displacements, values of 5.0 degrees for convergence tolerances have been used successfully.

Input Spreadsheet Defaults Topics Alpha Tolerance ............................................................................. 45 Coefficient of Friction (Mu) ............................................................. 45 Default Rotational Restraint Stiffness ............................................ 45 Default Translational Restraint Stiffness ....................................... 46 Hanger Default Restraint Stiffness ................................................ 46 Minimum Wall Mill Tolerance (%) .................................................. 46 New Job Ambient Temperature ..................................................... 46 New Job Bourdon Pressure ........................................................... 46

Alpha Tolerance Indicates the breakpoint at which CAESAR II decides that the entry in the Temp fields on the input spreadsheet is a thermal expansion coefficient or a temperature. The default value is 0.05. Any entry in the Temp fields whose absolute magnitude is less than 0.05 is taken to be a thermal expansion coefficient in terms of inches per inch (dimensionless).

Coefficient of Friction (Mu) Specifies the value that is applied by default as the coefficient of friction to all translational restraints. If you enter 0, which is the default value, no friction is applied.

Default Rotational Restraint Stiffness Defines the value used for non-specified rotational restraint stiffnesses. By default this value is assumed to be (1.0E12 in-lb/deg).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment

Default Translational Restraint Stiffness Defines the value used for non-specified translational restraint stiffnesses. By default this value is assumed to be (1.0E12 lb./in).

Hanger Default Restraint Stiffness Defines the value used for computing the hanger restrained weight loads. Where hangers are adjacent to other supports or are themselves very close, such as where there are two hangers on either side of a trunnion support, the CAESAR II hanger design algorithm may generate poorly distributed hot hanger loads in the vicinity of the close hangers. Using a more flexible support for computing the hanger restrained weight loads often allows the design algorithm to more effectively distribute the system‘s weight. A typical entry is 50,000 lbs/in.; the default value is (1.0E12 lb/in).

Minimum Wall Mill Tolerance (%) Specifies the default percentage of wall thickness allowed for mill and other mechanical tolerances. For most piping codes, this value is only used during the minimum wall thickness computation. Mill tolerance is usually not considered in the flexibility analysis. The default value is 12.5, corresponding to a 12.5% tolerance. To eliminate mill tolerance consideration, set Minimum Wall Mill Tolerance (%) to 0.0.

New Job Ambient Temperature Represents the installed, or zero expansion, strain state. The default ambient temperature for all elements in the system is 70ºF/21ºC. This value is only used to initialize the ambient temperature input field for new jobs. Changing this configuration value will not affect existing jobs. To change the ambient temperature for an existing job, use the Ambient Temperature (on page 259) field in the Piping Input Special Execution Parameters dialog box.

New Job Bourdon Pressure Specifies the type of Bourdon pressure effect used. The Bourdon effect causes straight pipe to elongate and bends to open up translationally along a line connecting the curvature end points. If the Bourdon effect is disabled, there will be no global displacements due to pressure.  None - Disables the Bourdon effect. There will be no global displacements due to pressure.  Trans Only - Includes only translation effects (Bourdon Pressure Option #1).  Trans + Rot - Includes translational and rotational effects on bends. This option may apply for bends that are formed or rolled from straight pipe, where the bend-cross section will be slightly oval due to the bending process. (Bourdon Pressure Option #2) 


For straight pipe, Bourdon Pressure Option #1 is the same as Bourdon Pressure Option #2. For elbows, Bourdon Pressure Option #1 should apply for forged and welded fittings where the bend cross-section can be considered essentially circular. The Bourdon effect (Trans only) is always considered when FRP pipe is used, regardless of the actual setting of the Bourdon flag.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Miscellaneous Topics Bend Axial Shape .......................................................................... 47 Ignore Spring Hanger Stiffness...................................................... 47 Include Insulation in Hydrotest....................................................... 47 Include Spring Stiffness in Hanger OPE Travel Cases ................. 47 Incore Numerical Check ................................................................ 47 Missing Mass ZPA ......................................................................... 48 Use Pressure Stiffening on Bends ................................................. 48 WRC-107 Interpolation Method ..................................................... 48 WRC-107(537) Version ................................................................. 48

Bend Axial Shape Controls whether the displacement mode is ignored. For bends 45-degrees or smaller, a major contributor to deformation can be the axial displacement of the short-arched pipe. With the axial shape function disabled, this displacement mode is ignored and the bend will be stiffer.

Ignore Spring Hanger Stiffness Indicates whether the software uses the stiffness of spring hangers in the analysis. The default setting is False, meaning that the software does not ignore the stiffness of spring hangers. Setting this option to True is consistent with hand computation methods of spring hanger design, which ignores the effects of the springs. Intergraph CAS recommends that you never change this value.

Include Insulation in Hydrotest Controls whether the weight of any insulation and cladding will be considered in the hydrotest case. To ignore the insulation and cladding in the hydrotest case, select False (the default setting). To include the weight of insulation and cladding in the hydrotest case, select True.

Include Spring Stiffness in Hanger OPE Travel Cases Controls how the software handles spring hangers. If you select True, the software places the designed spring stiffness into the Hanger Operating Travel Case and iterates until the system balances. This iteration scheme therefore considers the effect of the spring hanger stiffness on the thermal growth of the system (vertical travel of the spring). If this option is used, it is very important that the hanger load in the cold case (in the physical system) be adjusted to match the reported hanger cold load. If you select False, spring hangers are designed the traditional way.

Incore Numerical Check Enables the incore solution module to test the solution stability for the current model and loadings. This option, if selected, adds the solution of an extra load case to the analysis.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment

Missing Mass ZPA Indicates which spectrum value CAESAR II uses. If you select Extracted (the default setting), the software will use the spectrum value at the last "extracted" mode. Changing this value to Spectrum instructs CAESAR II to use the last spectrum value as the ZPA for the missing mass computations.

Use Pressure Stiffening on Bends Controls whether CAESAR II includes pressure stiffening effects in those codes that do not explicitly require its use. In these cases, pressure stiffening effects will apply to all bends, elbows, and both miter types. In all cases, the pressure used is the maximum of all pressures defined for the element. Pressure stiffening effects are defined in Appendix D of B31.1 and B31.3. When set to Default, the software considers the pressure stiffening of bends according to the active piping code.

WRC-107 Interpolation Method Specifies the interpolation method used by the software. The curves in WRC Bulletin 107 cover typical applications of nozzles in vessels or piping; however, should any of the interpolation parameters, such as U, Beta, and so forth, fall outside the limits of the available curves, then CAESAR II uses the last curve value in the appropriate WRC table.

WRC-107(537) Version Sets the version of the WRC-107(537) bulletin used in the computations. Valid options are:  Aug'65 - August 1965  Mar'79 - March 1979  March '79 1B1/2B1 - March 1979 with the 1B1-1 and 2B-1 off axis curves. This is the default setting. In 2010, WRC Bulletin 537 was released. According to the foreword of WRC Bulletin 537, "WRC 537 provides exactly the same content in a more useful and clear format. It is not an update or a revision of 107." CAESAR II uses the graphs from Bulletin 107. Bulletin 537 simply provides equations in place of the curves found in Bulletin 107.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Database Definitions The Database Definitions category provides access to the following groups of configuration settings:  Databases (on page 49)  ODBC Settings (on page 53)

Databases Topics Alternate CAESAR II Distributed Data Path .................................. 50 Default Spring Hanger Table ......................................................... 50 Expansion Joints ............................................................................ 51 Load Case Template ..................................................................... 51 Piping Size Specification ............................................................... 51 Structural Database ....................................................................... 51 Units File Name ............................................................................. 51 User Material Database File Name ............................................... 52 Valve/Flange Data File Location .................................................... 53 Valves and Flanges ....................................................................... 53

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment

Alternate CAESAR II Distributed Data Path Specifies which system folder will remain active. Select a folder in the list. Because the CAESAR.cfg file is written to the local data folder, you can configure different data folders to reference different system folders. All of the system folders contain formatting files, units files, text files, and other user-configurable data files. Some of these formatting files are language or code-specific. Therefore, you may want to switch between system folders depending on the current job. System folder names must use the following naming convention:, where .xxx, is a three-character suffix identifying the folder. You can create as many system folders as needed below the CAESAR II installation folder, presuming you follow the required naming convention. Any folders so named and located display in the Alternate CAESAR II Distributed Data Path list. 

 

There must be a primary system folder, named System, in which the software can place accounting, version, and diagnostic files that it creates during execution. The location of the primary system folder is dependent on the specific edition of the Windows Operating System as follows:  Windows XP "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\INTERGRAPH CAS\CAESAR II\x.xx\System"  Windows Vista "C:\Program Data\INTERGRAPH CAS, Inc\CAESAR II\x.xx\System"  Windows 7 "C:\Program Data\INTERGRAPH CAS, Inc\CAESAR II\x.xx\System" For versions 5.30 and later, x.xx in each of the above sample paths represents the CAESAR II version number. The CAESAR II distribution CD contains language files for English, French, German, and Spanish. These formatting files can be installed in separate system folders, with an appropriate suffix, to allow switching between languages. The secondary system folders are only referenced for language and formatting files.

Default Spring Hanger Table Defines the value of the default spring hanger table, which is referenced during the spring hanger design stage of the solution. The software includes tables from more than 30 different vendors.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Expansion Joints Specifies which expansion joint database the software should reference during subsequent input sessions. Available databases provided include Pathway, Senior Flexonics, IWK, Piping Technology, and China.

Load Case Template Specifies which load case template is active. The active template file is used to recommend load cases.  

Because the CAESAR.cfg file is written to the local data folder, you can configure different data directories to reference different template files. The software first searches for template files in the local data folder, followed by the active System folder.

Piping Size Specification Specifies the piping specification standard. Select one of the following standards: ANSI (American National Standard), JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard), or DIN (German Standard). By default, the software uses the ANSI pipe size and schedule tables in the input processor.

Structural Database Specifies which database file is used to acquire the structural steel shape labels and cross section properties. Select one of the following: AISC 1977, AISC 1989, German 1991, South African 1991, Korean 1990, Australian 1990, United Kingdom, or China.

Units File Name Specifies which of the available units files is active. The active units file is used for new job creation and all output generation.  

Because the CAESAR.cfg file is written to the local data directory, you can configure different data directories to reference different units files. The software first searches for units files in the local data directory, followed by the active System directory.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment

User Material Database File Name Specifies which user material database (UMD) file the software will access. By default, when you add to or modify the supplied material database, the changes are saved to a file named umat1.umd, which is located in the \System folder. Versions of CAESAR II prior to 5.30 used the name umat1.bin. This file can be copied, then renamed, if necessary, to umat1.umd. In some cases, it may be necessary to manipulate several UMD files. This can occur if UMD files are acquired from different sources. Because a specific file name can only be used once, it will be necessary to rename any additional UMD files. As long as the file suffix is UMD, and the file resides in the \System folder, the various CAESAR II modules will be able to access them. Material database files are accessed as described below: Piping Input and Analysis The CAESAR II supplied material database (cmat.bin) is read.  The specified user material database (UMD) is read. Updated materials in the UMD file are used in place of those from the CAESAR II supplied database. The Material Database Editor The CAESAR II supplied material database (cmat.bin) is read.  The specified user material database (UMD) is read. Updated materials in the UMD file are used in place of those from the CAESAR II supplied database.  Any changes or additions are saved to the specified user material database (UMD).

Create a New UMD File 1. Open the Configuration Editor and click Database Definitions. 2. In User Material File Name, type in a new name.   

The UMD suffix should not be changed. The file name plus the period plus the UMD suffix should not exceed 15 characters. Do not use spaces (blanks) in the file name.

3. Before exiting the Configuration Editor, click Save and Exit to save the modified configuration. 4. When you open the Piping Input or the Material Database Editor, the new UMD file will be created.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Valve/Flange Data File Location Defines where CAESAR II looks for the valve/flange data file. The possible settings for this directive are:  CAESARII Directory - Directs the software to look for the valve/flange data files in the CAESAR II folders below %allusersprofile%.  Specs in CII, Data in CW - Directs the software to look for the specification files in the CAESAR II folders below %allusersprofile%, but to look for the actual data files in the CADWorx folders.  CADWorx Directory - Directs the software to look for the valve/flange data files in the CADWorx folders.

Valves and Flanges Specifies which valve/flange database should be referenced by CAESAR II during subsequent input sessions. The available databases are:  GENERIC.VHD - Reference a generic database.  CRANE.VHD - Reference the Crane database.  NOFLANGE.VHD - Reference a database (generic) without attached flanges.  CADWORKX.VHD - Reference the CADWorx Plant database.

ODBC Settings Topics Append Reruns to Existing Data.................................................... 53 Enable Data Export to ODBC-Compliant Databases .................... 53 ODBC Compliant Database Name ................................................ 54

Append Reruns to Existing Data Controls how the software handles data from multiple runs.  False - Overwrite data from previous runs in the ODBC database. This is the default setting.  True - Add new data to the database, thus storing multiple runs of the same job in the database.

Enable Data Export to ODBC-Compliant Databases Turns on or off the capability to create ODBC-compliant databases for static output.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment

ODBC Compliant Database Name Enter the name of the ODBC project database. All jobs run in this data folder will write their output to the database specified here.

FRP Pipe Properties The FRP Properties category provides access to the following groups of configuration settings:  Material Properties (on page 54)  Settings (on page 56)

Material Properties Topics Axial Modulus of Elasticity ............................................................. 55 Axial Strain: Hoop Stress (Ea/Eh*Vh/a) ......................................... 55 FRP Alpha (xe-06) ......................................................................... 55 FRP Density ................................................................................... 55 FRP Laminate Type ....................................................................... 55 FRP Property Data File .................................................................. 56 Ratio Shear Modulus: Elastic Modulus .......................................... 56


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Axial Modulus of Elasticity Displays the axial elastic modulus of fiberglass reinforced plastic pipe. This is the default value used to set the data in the input processor. When necessary, you may override this value.

Axial Strain: Hoop Stress (Ea/Eh*Vh/a) Displays the product of the ratio of the axial to the hoop elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio, which relates the strain in the axial direction to a stress in the hoop direction.  Ea - Elastic modulus in the axial direction.  Eh - Elastic modulus in the hoop direction.  Vh/a - Poisson's ratio relating the strain in the axial direction due to a stress in the hoop direction.

FRP Alpha (xe-06) Enter the thermal expansion coefficient for the fiberglass reinforced plastic pipe used (multiplied by 1,000,000). For example, if the value is 8.5E-6 in/in/deg, you will enter 8.5. The exponent (E-6) is implied. If a single expansion coefficient is too limiting for your application, the actual thermal expansion may always be calculated at temperature in inches per inch (or mm per mm) and entered directly into the Temperature field on the Pipe spreadsheet.

FRP Density Displays the weight of the pipe material on a per unit volume basis. This field is used to set the default weight density of FRP materials in the piping input module.

FRP Laminate Type Specifies the default laminate type as defined in the BS 7159 code for the fiberglass reinforced plastic pipe. Valid laminate types are:  CSM and Woven Roving - Chopped strand mat (CSM) and woven roving (WR) construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.  CSM and Multi-filament - Chopped strand mat and multi-filament roving construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.  CSM - All chopped strand mat construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer. The software uses this entry to calculate the flexibility and stress intensity factors of bends; therefore, this default entry may be overridden using the Type field on the bend auxiliary dialog boxes.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment

FRP Property Data File Select the file from which the software will read the standard FRP material properties. After the file is selected, the software will give you the option of reading in from that file. You may create FRP material files as text files with the .frp extension; these files should be stored in the CAESAR\System sub-folder. The format of the files must adhere to the format shown in the following sample FRP data file:

The data lines must exactly follow the order shown in the above sample FRP data file. The four data lines defining the UKOOA envelope are intended for future use and may be omitted.

Ratio Shear Modulus: Elastic Modulus Enter the ratio of the shear modulus to the modulus of elasticity (in the axial direction) of the fiberglass reinforced plastic pipe used. For example, if the material modulus of elasticity (axial) is 3.2E6 psi, and the shear modulus is 8.0E5 psi, the ratio of these two, 0.25, should be entered.

Settings Topics BS 7159 Pressure Stiffening.......................................................... 56 Exclude F2 from UKOOA Bending Stress ..................................... 57 Use FRP Flexibilities ...................................................................... 57 Use FRP SIF .................................................................................. 57

BS 7159 Pressure Stiffening Displays the method used to calculate the effect of pressure stiffening on the bend SIFs. The BS 7159 code explicitly requires that the effect of pressure stiffening on the bend SIFs be calculated using the design strain (this is based upon the assumption that the FRP piping is fully pressurized to its design limit). This is the default method for CAESAR II. When the piping is pressurized to a value much lower than its design pressure, it may be more accurate to calculate pressure stiffening based on the actual pressure stress, rather than its design strain. This alternative method is a deviation from the explicit instructions of the BS 7159 code.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Exclude F2 from UKOOA Bending Stress Modifies the UKOOA requirements for axial bending stress. Some sources, such as Shell's DEP (December 1998) and ISO/DIS 14692 suggest that, when using the UKOOA code, the axial bending stress should not be multiplied by the Part Factor f2 (the System Factor of Safety) prior to combination with the longitudinal pressure stress.  True - Modify the UKOOA requirements for axial bending stress.  False - Use the UKOOA exactly as written.

Use FRP Flexibilities Controls the fitting flexibility factor used by the software.  True - Set the fitting flexibility factor to 1.0 when FRP pipe is selected (Material #20). This is the default setting.  False - Apply the standard "code" flexibility factor equations to all FRP fittings. If the BS 7159 or UKOOA Codes are in effect, code flexibility factors will always be used, regardless of the setting of this directive.

Use FRP SIF Controls the SIF used by the software.  True - Set the fitting SIF to 2.3 when FRP pipe is selected (Material #20). This is the default setting.  False,- Apply the standard "code" SIF equations to all FRP fittings. Optionally, you can manually enter an alternative value. If the BS 7159 or UKOOA Codes are in effect, code SIFs will always be used, regardless of the setting of this directive.

Geometry Definitions The Geometry Directives category provides access to the following groups of configuration settings:  Bends (on page 58)  Input Items (on page 59)

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Configuration and Environment

Bends Topics Bend Length Attachment Percent .................................................. 58 Maximum Allowable Bend Angle ................................................... 58 Minimum Allowable Bend Angle .................................................... 58 Minimum Angle to Adjacent Bend.................................................. 59

Bend Length Attachment Percent Controls the amount of accuracy included in the system dimensions around bends. The default attachment is 1.0 percent. Whenever the element leaving the tangent intersection of a bend is within (n)% of the bend radius on either side of the weldline, CAESAR II inserts an element from the bend weldline to the To node of the element leaving the bend. The inserted element has a length equal to exactly (n)% of the bend radius. You can use Bend Length Attachment Percent to adjust this percentage to reduce the error due to the inserted element; however, the length tolerance for elements leaving the bend will also be reduced.

Maximum Allowable Bend Angle Specifies the maximum angle CAESAR II will accept for a bend. The default value is 95-degrees. Very large angles, short radius bends can cause numerical problems during solution. When you have a reasonable radius and a large angle, problems rarely arise. However, if the large angle bend plots well when compared to the surrounding elements, then the bend can probably be used without difficulty. Well-proportioned bends up to 135-degrees have been tested without a problem.

Minimum Allowable Bend Angle Specifies the minimum angle CAESAR II will accept for a bend angle. The default value is 5.0 degrees. Very small angles, short radius bends can cause numerical problems during solution. When you have a reasonable radius and a small angle, problems rarely arise. However, if the small angle bend is grossly small compared to the surrounding elements, then a different modeling approach is recommended so that the bend is not used.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Minimum Angle to Adjacent Bend Controls the CAESAR II error checking tolerance for the "closeness" of points on the bend curvature. The default value is 5.0-degrees. Nodes on a bend curvature that are too close together can cause numerical problems during solution. Where the radius of the bend is large, such as in a cross-country pipeline, it is not uncommon to find nodes on a bend curvature closer than 5-degrees.

Input Items Topics Auto Node Number Increment ....................................................... 59 Connect Geometry Through CNodes ............................................ 59 Horizontal Thermal Bowing Tolerance .......................................... 59 Loop Closure Tolerance ................................................................ 60 Z-Axis Vertical ................................................................................ 60

Auto Node Number Increment Sets the value for the Automatic Node Numbering routine. Any non-zero, positive value that you enter is used to automatically assume the To node value on the piping input spreadsheets. The new To node number is determined as: "To Node" = "From Node" + Auto Node Number Increment If this value is set to 0.0, automatic node numbering is disabled.

Connect Geometry Through CNodes Controls whether each restraint, nozzle, or hanger exists at the same point in space as its connecting node. Restraints, flexible nozzles, and spring hangers may be defined with connecting nodes. By default, CAESAR II ignores the position of the restraint node and the connecting node. They may be at the same point, or they may be hundreds of feet apart. In many cases, enabling this option will cause "plot-wise" disconnected parts of the system to be re-connected and to appear as-expected in both input and output plots.

Horizontal Thermal Bowing Tolerance Specifies the maximum slope of a straight pipe element for which thermal bowing effects will be considered. Thermal bowing is usually associated with fluid carrying horizontal pipes in which the fluid does not fill the cross section. In these cases, there is a temperature differential across the cross section. You can use Horizontal Thermal Bowing Tolerance to define the interpretation of "horizontal." By default, the software uses a value of 0.0001 as the horizontal threshold value. If a pipe element‘s pitch is less than this tolerance, the element is considered to be horizontal, and thermal bowing loads can be applied to it. An element‘s pitch is computed using the following formula: 2 2 2 1/2 PITCH = | DY | / ( DX + DY + DZ )

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment

Loop Closure Tolerance Sets the loop closure tolerance used by CAESAR II for error checking. You can set this value interactively for each job analyzed, or you can enter the desired loop closure tolerance using this option and override the software default value of 1.0 in without distraction.

Z-Axis Vertical Controls in which plane the Z-axis lies. By default, CAESAR II assumes the Y-axis is vertical with the X- and Z-axes in the horizontal plane.  False - Place the Z-axis in the horizontal plane. This is the default setting.  True - Make the Z-axis vertical. The X- and Y-axes will be in the horizontal plane. This setting applies only to jobs created after this setting is changed.

Graphic Settings The Graphics Settings category provides access to configuration settings that used to set the different plot option colors, font characteristics, and the view options.  Advanced Options - Contains options that should only be used by graphics experts. For more information, see Advanced Options (on page 61).  Background Colors - Contains options that define the color of the plot window. For more information, see Background Colors (on page 62).  Component Colors - Contains options that define the color for various components in the plot. For more information, see Component Colors (on page 62).  Marker Options - Contains options that set the node marker color and size. For more information, see Marker Options (on page 64).  Miscellaneous Options - Contains options that determine how graphics are displayed either by default or when using the Reset Plot option. For more information, see Miscellaneous Options (on page 64).  Output Colors - Contains options that set the colors used when plotting code stress in output. For more information, see Output Colors (on page 67).  Text Options - Contains options for defining font, font style, font size, and color. Scripts are supported. For more information, see Text Options (on page 69).  Visual Options - Contains options that control general plotting visibility. For more information, see Visual Options (on page 70).


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment To change a color, click it once and then click the ellipses button that appears to the right. Select a color in the dialog box that appears, and then click OK. To save the color settings, click Save and Exit before closing the Configuration Editor.

Advanced Options Topics Backplane Culling .......................................................................... 61 Culling Maximum Extent ................................................................ 62 Use Culling Frustrum ..................................................................... 62

Backplane Culling This setting should only be used by graphics experts. If you are experiencing difficulties with your graphics, contact Intergraph CAS Support for assistance.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment

Culling Maximum Extent This setting should only be used by graphics experts. If you are experiencing difficulties with your graphics, contact Intergraph CAS Support for assistance.

Use Culling Frustrum This setting should only be used by graphics experts. If you are experiencing difficulties with your graphics, contact Intergraph CAS Support for assistance.

Background Colors Topics Bottom ............................................................................................ 62 Top ................................................................................................. 62 Use Background Color ................................................................... 62

Bottom Sets the color for the bottom of the plot window.

Top Sets the color for the top of the plot window.

Use Background Color Controls the background color. Set this option to True if you want the plot background to be one uniform color instead of blending between the top and bottom colors.

Component Colors Topics Anchor CNode ............................................................................... 63 Anchors .......................................................................................... 63 Expansion Joints ............................................................................ 63 Flange ............................................................................................ 63 Hanger CNode ............................................................................... 63 Hangers ......................................................................................... 63 Nozzles .......................................................................................... 63 Pipes .............................................................................................. 63 Restraint CNode ............................................................................ 63 Restraints ....................................................................................... 63 Rigids ............................................................................................. 64 SIFs/Tees....................................................................................... 64 Steel ............................................................................................... 64


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Anchor CNode Sets the color of Cnode anchors when displayed in the graphics.

Anchors Sets the color of anchors when displayed in the graphics.

Expansion Joints Sets the color of expansion joints when displayed in the graphics.

Flange Sets the color of all flanges when displayed in the graphics.

Hanger CNode Sets the color of Cnode hangers when displayed in the graphics.

Hangers Sets the color of the spring hangers (and spring cans) when displayed in the graphics.

Nozzles Sets the color of all nozzles when displayed in the graphics.

Pipes Sets the color of all pipe elements when displayed in the graphics.

Restraint CNode Sets the color of the restraint Cnode when displayed in the graphics.

Restraints Sets the color of all restraints (except for anchors and hangers) when displayed in the graphics.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment

Rigids Sets the color of all rigid elements when displayed in the graphics.

SIFs/Tees Sets the color of all tees when displayed in the graphics.

Steel Sets the color of all structural steel elements in both the structural steel plot and the piping plot when structural steel is included.

Marker Options Topics Marker Color .................................................................................. 64 Marker Size .................................................................................... 64

Marker Color Sets the color of the node markers shown in the graphics.

Marker Size Sets the size of the node markers shown in the graphics.

Miscellaneous Options These options determine how graphics display by default or how they display when you use the Reset Plot option while in the graphics.

Topics Default Operator ............................................................................ 65 Default Projection Mode ................................................................ 65 Default Render Mode ..................................................................... 65 Default View ................................................................................... 65 Disable Graphic Tooltip Bubble ..................................................... 65 Force Black and White Printing ..................................................... 66 Idle Processing Count .................................................................... 66 Optimal Frame Rate ...................................................................... 66 Restore Previous Anchor Size ....................................................... 66 Restore Previous Hanger Size ...................................................... 66 Restore Previous Operator ............................................................ 66 Restore Previous Projection Mode ................................................ 67 Restore Previous Render Mode .................................................... 67 Restore Previous Restraint Size .................................................... 67 Restore Previous View .................................................................. 67 Video Driver ................................................................................... 67


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Default Operator Controls the initial display of graphics. Available options are Zoom to Window, Annotate, Orbit, Pan, Restore Previous, Select, and Zoom with Mouse. The default setting is Zoom to Window.

Default Projection Mode Specifies the projection of graphics in the software. You can select Orthographic, Perspective, or Stretched. The default projection setting is Orthographic.

Default Render Mode Specifies the render mode. Available options are Phong Shading, Centerline, Flat, Gouraud Shading, Silhouette, Triangulated, and Wireframe, either with or without hidden lines. The default render mode setting is Phong Shading. Centerline and Silhouette are the fastest render modes and less memory intensive for your computer graphics card.

Default View Specifies the graphical view. Available options are SE Isometric, SW Isometric, NW Isometric, NE Isometric, Top, Bottom, Front, Back, Left, Right, and Restore Previous. The default view setting is SE Isometric.

Disable Graphic Tooltip Bubble Enables or disables the tooltip bubble that displays information about the element that you mouse over in the graphics view.  True - Tooltip bubble does not display.  False - Tooltip bubble displays.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment

Force Black and White Printing Controls printing output of graphics. If set to True, graphics are printed using only black and white.

Idle Processing Count Controls the number of objects the software is allowed to draw during a single idle cycle. CAESAR II draws the model whenever your machine becomes idle, that is, whenever any interaction between you and the computer ceases. For example, there may three or four idle messages between keystrokes. On slower machines, it may increase performance to lower this value, and vice versa.

Optimal Frame Rate Determines how many times per second the software will re-draw the piping display when it is being manipulated, such as when you are zooming, panning, or rotating the display. If you experience graphics problems such as sluggishness during operations or large boxes being drawn instead of the piping system display, lower this number.

Restore Previous Anchor Size Returns the anchor size to its previous setting.  True - Restore the anchor size to its previous setting.  False - Use the default setting.

Restore Previous Hanger Size Returns the hanger size to its previous setting.  True - Restore the hanger size to its previous setting.  False - Use the default setting.

Restore Previous Operator Returns the operator to its previous setting.  True - Restore the operator to its previous setting.  False - Use the default setting.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Restore Previous Projection Mode Returns the projection mode to its previous state. Projection mode is either isometric or orthographic.  True - Restore the projection mode to its previous setting.  False - Use the default setting.

Restore Previous Render Mode Returns the render mode to its previous state. Four render modes are available in CAESAR II: solids, wireframes, silhouette, and centerline.  True - Restore the render mode to its previous setting.  False - Use the default setting.

Restore Previous Restraint Size Returns the restraint size to its previous setting.  True - Restore the restraint size to its previous setting.  False - Use the default setting.

Restore Previous View Returns the standard view to its previous setting. The standard views are Front, Back, Top, Bottom, Left, Right, SW Isometric, SE Isometric, NW Isometric and NE Isometric.  True - Restore the standard view to its previous setting.  False - Use the default setting.

Video Driver Determines the video driver used in plotting. Select OpenGL, Direct 3D, or Windows Basic Video.

Output Colors Topics Actual Stress Settings .................................................................... 68 Displaced Shape ............................................................................ 68 Percent Stress Settings ................................................................. 68

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment

Actual Stress Settings Assigns a color to a specific level of stress. When plotting code stress in output, the software will color the elements in terms of actual stress. The levels are currently set as follows: Level

Actual Stress

Level 1

30,000 psi

When plotting code stress in output, the software can also color elements in terms of percent of code allowable. For more information, see Percent Stress Settings (on page 68).

Displaced Shape Sets the color of the Displaced Shape option when displayed in output graphics.

Percent Stress Settings Assigns a color to a specific level of stress. When plotting code stress in output, the software will color the elements in terms of the percent of code allowable. The levels are currently set as follows: Level

Percent (of Code Allowable) Stress

Level 1

< 20%

Level 2

20 to 40%

Level 3

40 to 60%

Level 4

60 to 80%

Level 5

80 to 100%

Level 6


When plotting code stress in output, the software can also color elements in terms of actual stress. For more information, see Actual Stress Settings (on page 68).


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Text Options You can use these options to select font, font style, and font size and color. Scripts are supported. The different plot texts are node numbers and names, annotation, and legends.

Topics Annotation Text .............................................................................. 69 Legend Text ................................................................................... 69 Node Text ...................................................................................... 69 Output Text .................................................................................... 69 Rendered Mode Text Always Visible ............................................. 69 Silhouette Mode Text Always Visible ............................................. 69

Annotation Text Defines the font, font size, and color of annotation text.

Legend Text Sets the text color and font style settings of all legends, such as displacements, temperatures, and so forth, when displayed in the graphics.

Node Text Determines the color and font style settings of node numbers and node names when displayed in the graphics.

Output Text Defines the font, font size, and color of output text.

Rendered Mode Text Always Visible Controls the display of rendered text. By default, the software will not draw text that is occluded by anything else, including other text. For example, if a pipe is in front of text, the text will not be drawn. If some text overlaps other text, the text that is further back will be hidden. To override this behavior so that all text is shown, set RenderedModeTextAlwaysVisible to True.

Silhouette Mode Text Always Visible Controls the display of silhouette text.

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Configuration and Environment

Visual Options These options control general plotting visibility.

Topics Always Use System Colors............................................................ 70 Always Use System Fonts ............................................................. 70 Axis Mode ...................................................................................... 70 Fixed Size Restraint Size ............................................................... 70 Hide Overlapping Text ................................................................... 70 Restraint Helix is a Line ................................................................. 71 Shadow Mode ................................................................................ 71 Show Bounding Box ...................................................................... 71 Smooth Transitions ........................................................................ 71 Use Fixed Size Restraints ............................................................. 71 Visibility % ...................................................................................... 71

Always Use System Colors Stores the colors the software uses to display the model in the registry.

Always Use System Fonts Stores the fonts that the software uses to display the model in the registry.

Axis Mode Turns on and off the display of the axes in the plot. By default, the axes displays in the lower left corner of the plot.

Fixed Size Restraint Size Controls the restraint size. By default, the software draws restraints relative to the size of the pipe to which they are attached. For example, the symbol is larger on a 12-inch pipe than on a 2-inch pipe. You can override this behavior so that the software uses the same size restraint everywhere by setting Use Fixed Size Restraints (on page 71) to True and defining a Fixed Size Restraint Size value.

Hide Overlapping Text Hides node text that is overwritten by other text. This makes reading the plot easier, but eliminates some node text.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Restraint Helix is a Line Controls how the software draws a restraint helix. By default, a restraint with a variable retention is drawn with a small spring to indicate that it is not fixed. If this property is set to True (the default setting), the software draws the spring as a line; otherwise, the software draws the spring as a coiled cylinder. If drawing the restraint helix as a line degrades plot performance, set Restraint Helix is a Line to False.

Shadow Mode Defines the shadow mode. Select Hard, Soft, or None. The default setting is None.

Show Bounding Box Controls whether a bounding box appears around the model when it is being manipulated--for example, rotated or panned-- with the mouse.  True - Display a bounding box.  False - Suppress the display of a bounding box.

Smooth Transitions Specifies whether graphics have a smooth transition when the view is changed.  True - Enable smooth transition.  False - Change the view instantly. This option reduces the video card memory requirements.

Use Fixed Size Restraints Controls the size of the restraint. When it is set to True, this property draws restraints based on the value defined by the property Fixed Size Restraint Size (on page 70).

Visibility % Determines the percentage of incident light that passes through an element volume when using the Translucent Objects or Hidden Lines option in the graphics. Setting this to zero makes all elements completely opaque while a setting of 100% renders all elements transparent. The default setting is 50%.

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Configuration and Environment

Miscellaneous Options The Miscellaneous Options category provides access to the following groups of configuration settings:  Input Items (on page 72)  Output Items (on page 74)  System Level Items (on page 75)

Input Items Topics Autosave Time Interval .................................................................. 73 Disable "File Open" Graphic Thumbnail ........................................ 73 Disable Undo/Redo Ability ............................................................. 73 Dynamic Example Input Text ......................................................... 73 Enable Autosave ............................................................................ 73 Prompted Autosave ....................................................................... 74


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Autosave Time Interval Sets the time interval used to perform the auto-save function. Type a value in minutes.

Disable "File Open" Graphic Thumbnail Controls whether the graphic thumbnail plot in the Open dialog box (accessed by clicking File > Open in the software) is displayed. The graphics thumbnail plots a small image of the model as a single line drawing. On some slower, memory limited processors, or when scanning very large models, this thumbnail graphic may take a few seconds to plot the model.  True - Turn on the display of thumbnail graphics.  False - Turn off the display of thumbnail graphics.

Disable Undo/Redo Ability Controls the Undo/Redo feature of the input module. On some installations, it may be useful to disable the Undo/Redo feature of the input module. With Undo/Redo enabled, CAESAR II can process a job approximately one-half the size of that which can be processed when Undo/Redo is disabled (for similar memory settings). Likewise, with Undo/Redo enabled, the input module speed may be reduced.

Dynamic Example Input Text Controls how much example text is placed in new dynamic input files. By default, the software places example text and spectrum definitions in the input stream of new dynamic input files. After you are familiar with the input, this example text may be unnecessary. Select from the following options to vary how much of this example text is incorporated in the input:  MAX - Place all of the examples and spectrum definitions in the input stream of new dynamic input files.  NONE -Eliminate all the example text and all the built-in spectrum definitions. This setting is intended for experienced users.  SPEC - Eliminate all of the example text, but leaves the predefined spectrum definition. This means that the built-in spectrum definitions (El Centro, and so forth) will still be defined and available for use.

Enable Autosave Controls whether CAESAR II will automatically save the piping input at specified intervals.  True - Turn on autosave.  False - Turn off autosave.

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Configuration and Environment

Prompted Autosave Controls whether the software prompts you at the specified time interval to save the input. You must also set Enable Autosave to True.  True - Prompt before performing the autosave  False - Perform the autosave without prompting.

Output Items Topics Displacement Reports Sorted by Nodes ....................................... 74 Output Reports by Load Case ....................................................... 74 Output Table of Contents ............................................................... 74 Time History Animation .................................................................. 75

Displacement Reports Sorted by Nodes Turns on and off nodal sort. By default, the software sorts the nodes in ascending order during the force/stress computations. This produces a displacement output report in which the nodes are ordered in increasing magnitude. Select False to turn off this nodal sort. The resulting displacement reports will be produced in the order the nodes were entered during model building.

Output Reports by Load Case Controls how output reports are sorted. By default, the software generates output reports sorted by load case. Select False to turn off this option, which causes output reports to be sorted by type. For reports by type, all displacement reports will be generated, then all restraint reports, then all force reports, and so on.

Output Table of Contents Controls the generation of a table of contents, which is normally produced after a static or a dynamic output session.  True - Generate a table of contents upon exit. This is the default setting.  False - Suppress generation of a table of contents.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Time History Animation Controls the creation of the file used to animate the time history displacement of the piping system. By default, this setting is turned on, which instructs CAESAR II to generate a file of displacements, .XYT, for every time step. This file is used in subsequent interactive animation sessions by the user. The size of this file is dependent on the size of the model and the number of time steps analyzed. Consequently, it may be advantageous from a disk usage point of view not to create this file.  True - Generate the displacement file. This is the default setting.  False - Suppress generation of the displacement file.

System Level Items Topics Compress CAESAR II Files ........................................................... 75 Memory Allocated (Mb) .................................................................. 76 User ID ........................................................................................... 76

Compress CAESAR II Files Controls the compression of CAESAR II files. True - Compress all of the CAESAR II job files into an archive named .c2, when the job is not active. After the archive is created, the component files (_a, _j, _p, _7, _s, and so forth) are deleted. False - Leave the component files in the data directory and do not create the c2 archive. The advantages and disadvantages to using the compressed c2 archive are outlined follows: Advantages  Only one job file exists in the data directory.  The job and all related data are easily archived.  The job and all related data can be transmitted in its entirety. Disadvantages  The archive makes it difficult to get to the component files.  The archive is big, since it contains all component files, so saving or transmitting takes more resources than manipulating a single component file would.  For larger jobs, the compression/decompression activity slows down file access.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment

Memory Allocated (Mb) Modifies the Windows registry to increase the amount of RAM available to CAESAR II. Setting this option to a number greater than the available RAM will cause Windows to use Virtual Memory (hard disk space to be used as RAM). Because doing this may slow the software, it is usually recommended only for very large piping models.

User ID Creates a control file for a specific computer. Enter a three-character user ID for each user, or more exactly, each workstation. When multiple workstations attempt to access CAESAR II data in the same directory simultaneously, the control file in the data directory becomes corrupted, which may cause abnormal software execution. In situations where there may be more than one concurrent user running CAESAR II in a given data directory, you can use this option to create a separate control file for each computer, thus allowing simultaneous access of the CAESAR II data within the same directory. This user ID is not a password and is specific to the computer requiring access and not to the user.

SIFs and Stresses The SIFs and Stresses category provides access to the following groups of configuration settings:  Advanced Settings (on page 77)  B31.3 Code-Specific Settings (on page 78)


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Configuration and Environment  

Code-Specific Settings (on page 79) General Settings (on page 82)

Advanced Settings Topics Class 1 Branch Flexibility ............................................................... 77 Use Schneider ............................................................................... 78 Use WRC 329 ................................................................................ 78

Class 1 Branch Flexibility Activates the Class 1 flexibility calculations. By default, this setting is False. The appearance of this parameter in the configuration file will completely change the modeling of intersections in the analysis. For intersections not satisfying the reduced branch rules that d/D  0.5 and that D/T100, the branch will start at the surface of the header pipe. A perfectly rigid junction between the center\-line of the header and surface will be formed automatically by CAESAR II using the element offset calculations. SIFs act at the surface point for the branch. When the reduced branch rules are satisfied, the local flexibility of the header is also inserted at this surface point. Intersections not satisfying the reduced intersection rules will be stiffer and carry more loads, while intersections satisfying the reduced intersection rules will be more flexible and will carry less load. All changes to the model are completely transparent to the user. In systems where the intersection flexibility is a major component of the overall system stiffness,

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment you are urged to run the analysis both with and without the Class 1 Branch Flexibility active to determine the effect of this modeling on the analysis.

Use Schneider Activates the Schneider reduced intersection assumptions. By default, this setting is False. It was because of observations by Schneider that much of the work on WRC 329 was started. Schneider pointed out that the code SIFs could be in error when the d/D ratio at the intersection was less than 1.0 and greater than 0.5. In this d/D range, the SIFs could be in error by a factor as high as 2.0. Using the Schneider option in CAESAR II results in a multiplication of the out of plane branch stress intensification by a number between 1 and 2 when the d/D ratio for the inter\-section is between 0.5 and 1.0. For B31.1 and other codes that do not differentiate between in and out-of-plane SIFs, the multiplication will be used for the single stress intensification given.

Use WRC 329 Activates the WRC329 guidelines for all intersections, not just for reduced intersections. By default, this setting is False. The recommendations made by Rodabaugh in section 5.0 of WRC329 will be followed exactly in making the stress calculations for intersections. Every attempt has been made to improve the stress calculations for all codes, not just the four discussed in Rodabaugh‘s paper. Throughout this document, WRC330 and WRC329 are used synonymously (330 was the draft version of 329). When finally published, the official WRC designation was 329.

B31.3 Code-Specific Settings Topics Apply Para 319.2.3(c) Saxial ......................................................... 78 Implement Appendix P ................................................................... 79 Set Sustained SIF Multiplier .......................................................... 79 Use SL Formulation Para 320 (2010) ............................................ 79

Apply Para 319.2.3(c) Saxial Enables the software to include axial terms in the expansion stress according to Paragraph 319.2.3(c) of B31.3. Choose one of the following settings:  No (Default) - Exclude axial stresses from the (Expansion) Displacement Stress Range value. (This is Se in Eq. (17) of B31.3.)  |Sa| + Se - Include the absolute value of the axial stress to the (Expansion) Displacement Stress Range, and report the sum as the (Expansion) Displacement Stress Range, Se. This selection is more conservative than ( |Sa| + Sb ) ** 2.  ( |Sa| + Sb ) ** 2 - Include the absolute value for the axial stress to the bending term in the (Expansion) Displacement Stress Range equation (Se, Eq (17) in B31.3). This selection is less conservative than |Sa| + Se. This option is more nearly theoretically correct, and consistent with Appendix P Eqs (P17a) and (P17b).


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Implement Appendix P Controls the implementation of the alternate rules in B31.3 Appendix P. This option produces a code compliance operating load case, with allowable stress values.

Set Sustained SIF Multiplier Modifies the SIF. The default setting is 1.0. The following interpretations apply to B31.3 code prior to the 2010 Edition. B31.3 Code Interpretation 1-34 dated February 23, 1981 File: 1470-1 states that for sustained and occasional loads you can use an SIF of 0.75i, but not less than 1.0. To comply with this interpretation (1-34), you would enter 0.75. B31.3 Code Interpretation 6-03 dated December 14, 1987 permitted you to ignore the stress intensification for sustained and occasional loads. To comply with this interpretation (6-03), enter 0.0001.

Use SL Formulation Para 320 (2010) Controls what formula CAESAR II uses for computing longitudinal stress for sustained loads (SL) for the B31.3 code. The 2010 Edition of B31.3 code introduced a specific formula for computing SL. This code formula was previously optional and referred to as B31.3 Code Case 178. The software defaults to automatically computing sustained loads using this formula. You can change the Use B31.3-2010 SL Formulation configuration setting in the Configuration Editor > SIFs and Stresses to False if you do not want CAESAR II to use this formula, for example in the case of pre-2010 Edition jobs. CAESAR II sets this configuration setting to True by default, which means the software overrides the directives for F/A and torsion and uses this formula to calculate sustained case stresses.

Code-Specific Settings Topics B31.1 Reduced Z Fix ..................................................................... 80 B31.1/B31.3 Verified Welding and Contour Tees .......................... 80 EN-13480 - Use In-Plane/Out-Plane SIF ....................................... 80 Ignore B31.3 Wc Factor ................................................................. 80 No RTF/WLT in Reduced Fitting SIFs ........................................... 80 Occasional Load Factor ................................................................. 81 Pressure Variation in EXP Case .................................................... 81 Reduced Intersection ..................................................................... 81

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment

B31.1 Reduced Z Fix Makes the correction to the reduced branch stress calculation that existed in the 1980 through 1989 versions of B31.1. This error was corrected in the 1989 version of B31.1.  True - Turn on the correction. This is the default setting.  False - Turn off the correction.

B31.1/B31.3 Verified Welding and Contour Tees Controls the assumption that the geometry of B31.3 welding and contour insert tees (sweepolets) meets the dimensional requirements of the code and can be classified as B16.9 tees.  True - Assume that the fitting geometry meets the requirements of Note 11, introduced in the A01 addendum, and a flexibility characteristic of 4.4*T/r will be used.  False - Use a flexibility characteristic of 3.1*T/r, as per the A01 addendum. This is the default setting. In order to match runs made with CAESAR II prior to Version 4.40, set this option to True. Prior to Version 4.40, CAESAR II always used a flexibility characteristic of 4.4*T/r.

EN-13480 - Use In-Plane/Out-Plane SIF Controls the use of in-plane and out-of-plane SIFs. The EN-13480 piping code (and other European piping codes) defaults to the use of a single SIF, applied to the SRSS of all three bending moments. Optionally, you can utilize distinct in-plane and out-of-plane SIF values for in-plane and out-of-plane moments. To use distinct in-plane and out-of-plane SIFs, select True.

Ignore B31.3 Wc Factor Controls the application of the circumferential weld strength reduction factor, which is now an option in B31.1 and B31.3.  True - Suppress the application of a weld strength reduction factor.  False - Apply the weld strength reduction factor at all bends, tees, and reducers for temperatures greater than the starting creep temperature, as defined in the code.

No RTF/WLT in Reduced Fitting SIFs Controls whether welding tees and reinforced tees are included in the SIFs for reduced fittings. Part of the discussion centers around just what should be considered a reduced fitting. The CAESAR II default (False) is to assume that welding tees and reinforced fabricated tees are covered by the reduced fitting expressions, even though the reduced fitting expressions do not explicitly cover these intersection types. If you want to leave welding tees and rein\-forced tees out of this definition, set this option to True.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Occasional Load Factor Specifies the occasional load factor. The default value of 0.0 tells CAESAR II to use the value that the active piping code recommends. B31.1 states that the calculated stress may exceed the maximum allowable stress from Appendix A, (Sh), by 15% if the event duration occurs less than 10% of any 24-hour operating period, and by 20% if the event duration occurs less than 1% of any 24 hour operating period. The default for B31.1 applications is 15%. If 20% is more suitable for the system being analyzed, then this option can be used to enter the 20%. B31.3 states, "The sum of the longitudinal stresses due to pressure, weight, and other sustained loadings (S1) and of the stresses produced by occasional loads such as wind or earthquake may be as much as 1.33 times the allowable stress given in Appendix A. Where the allowable stress value exceeds 2/3 of yield strength at temperature, the allowable stress value must be reduced as specified in Note 3 in 302.3.2." The default for B31.3 applications is 33%. If this is too high for the material and temperature specified, then a smaller occasional load factor could be input. This configuration option is used to seed new job files. After the static load cases have been defined, changing this directive will have no effect for static analysis. For existing static load case definitions, the occasional load multiplier can be changed on the Load Case Options tab. Dynamic analyses will always reference this configuration option.

Pressure Variation in EXP Case Controls whether any pressure variation between the referenced load cases will be considered in the resulting expansion case. When set to Default, the software considers the pressure variation according to the active piping code.

Reduced Intersection Defines the code rules for reduced intersection. Select one of the following options:  B31.1 (Pre 1980) - Use the pre-1980 B31.1 code rules used for reduced intersection. These rules did not define a separate branch SIF for the reduced branch end. The branch stress intensification factor will be the same as the header stress intensification factor regardless of the branch-to-header diameter ratio.  B31.1 (Post 1980) - Use the post-1980 B31.1 code rules for reduced intersections. The reduced intersection SIF equations in B31.1 from 1980 through 1989 generated unnecessarily high SIFs because of a mistake made in the implementation. (This is according to WRC329.) For this reason, many analysts opted for the pre-1980 B31.1 SIF calculation. CAESAR II corrects this mistake by automatically setting B31.1 Reduced Z Fix to True (the default setting). You can vary the status of this flag in the CAESAR II configuration file to generate any interpretation of B31.1 desired. The default for a new job is for B31.1(Post 1980) and for B31.1 Reduced Z Fix to be set to True.

The No RFT/WLT in Reduced Fitting SIFs (see "No RTF/WLT in Reduced Fitting SIFs" on page 80) option also affects the SIF calculations at reduced intersections. WRC 329 - Use the recommendations of WRC329 for reduced intersections. A reduced intersection is any intersection where the d/D ratio is less than 0.975. The WRC329 recommendations result in more conservative stress calculations in some instances and less conservative stress calculations in others. In all cases, the WRC329 values should be more accurate and more in-line with the respective codes intent.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment  

ASME Sect. III - Use the 1985 ASME Section III NC and ND rules for reduced intersections. Schneider - Activate the Schneider reduced intersection stress intensification factor multiplication. Has the same effect as Use Schneider (on page 78).

General Settings Topics Add F/A in Stresses ....................................................................... 82 Add Torsion in SL Stress ............................................................... 82 All Cases Corroded ........................................................................ 83 Allow User's SIF at Bend ............................................................... 83 Base Hoop Stress On (ID/OD/Mean/Lamé) .................................. 83 Default Piping Code ....................................................................... 83 New Job Liberal Expansion Stress Allowable ............................... 84 Use PD/4t....................................................................................... 84 Yield Stress Criterion ..................................................................... 85

Add F/A in Stresses Specifies whether the axial stress term is included in the code stress computation. Setting this option to Default causes CAESAR II to use whatever the currently active piping code recommends. Only the B31.3-type piping codes, that is, codes where the sustained stress equation is not explicitly given, have the F/A stresses included in the sustained and occasional stress equations. The B31.1-type codes do not include the F/A stresses because the equations given explicitly in the code do not include it. The F/A stresses discussed here are not due to longitudinal pressure. These are the F/A stresses due to structural loads in the piping system itself.

Add Torsion in SL Stress Controls how the software handles the torsion term in those codes that do not include it already by default. Some piping codes include torsion in the sustained and occasional stresses by explicitly including it in the stress equation (B31.1), and some do not include torsion in the sustained and occasional stresses by implicitly calling for longitudinal stresses only (B31.3). To force CAESAR II to include the torsion term in those codes that do not include it already by default, select Yes. If you select Default, the software uses whatever the currently active piping code implies. In a sustained stress analysis of a very hot piping system subject to creep, it is recommended that you include torsion in the sustained stress calculation using this parameter in the setup file.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

All Cases Corroded Controls whether CAESAR II uses corroded section modulus in stress calculations. A recent version of the B31.3 piping code mentioned reducing the section modulus for sustained or occasional stress calculations by the reduction in wall thickness due to corrosion. Some have interpreted this to mean that the reduced section modulus should be used for all stress calculations, including expansion. This option allows you to apply this conservative interpretation of the code. Enabling All Cases Corroded causes the software to use the corroded section modulus for the calculation of all stress types. This method is recommended as conservative, and probably more realistic as corrosion can significantly affect fatigue life, or expansion. If, however, you disable this option, the software will strictly follow the piping code recommendations. That is, depending on the active piping code, some load cases will consider corrosion and some will not.

Allow User's SIF at Bend Controls the stress intensification factor for bends. Previously this was not permitted, and the code-defined SIF was always used. To override the code‘s calculated SIF for bends, select True. The user-defined SIF acts over the entire bend curvature and must be specified at the To end of the bend element. The default setting is False.

Base Hoop Stress On (ID/OD/Mean/Lamé) Indicates how the value of hoop stress should be calculated. The default is to use the ID of the pipe. Most piping codes consider the effects of pressure in the longitudinal component of the CODE stress. Usually, the value of the hoop stress has no bearing on the CODE stress, so changing this directive does not affect the acceptability of the piping system. If necessary, you may change the way CAESAR II computes the hoop stress value. Available options are:  ID - Compute hoop stress according to Pd/2t, where d is the internal diameter of the pipe.  OD - Compute hoop stress according to Pd/2t, where d is the outer diameter of the pipe.  Mean - Compute hoop stress according to Pd/2t, where d is the average or mean diameter of the pipe.  Lamé - Compute maximum hoop stress according to Lamé's solution: s = P(Ro2+Ri2)/(Ro2-Ri2).

Default Piping Code Specifies the piping code that you design to most often. This code will be used as the default if no code is specified in the problem input. The default piping code is B31.3, the chemical plant and petroleum refinery code. Valid entries are:  B31.1  B31.3  B31.4  B31.4 Chapter IX  B31.5  B31.8  B31.8 Chapter VIII  B31.11

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Configuration and Environment                         

ASME-NC(Class 2) ASME-ND(Class 3) NAVY505, Z662 Z662 Chapter 11 BS806 SWEDISH1 SWEDISH2 B31.1-1967 STOOMWEZEN RCCM-C RCCM-D CODETI Norwegian FDBR BS-7159 UKOOA IGE/TD/12 DNV EN-13480 GPTC/Z380 PD 8010-1 PD 8010-2 ISO-14692 HPGSL JPI

New Job Liberal Expansion Stress Allowable Instructs the software to default new jobs to use the liberal expansion stress allowable. This allowable adds the difference between the hot allowable stress and the sustained stress to the allowable expansion stress range if it is allowed by the particular code in use. To instruct the software to default new jobs to not use this allowable, select False.

Use PD/4t Instructs the software to use the simplified form of the longitudinal stress term when computing sustained stresses. Some codes permit this simplified form when the pipe wall thickness is thin. This option is used most often when you are comparing CAESAR II results to older pipe stress program results. The more comprehensive calculation--the default--is recommended.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment

Yield Stress Criterion Specifies the method the software uses to calculate maximum stress. CAESAR II can calculate this maximum stress (which is not a code stress) according to either the von Mises Theory or the Maximum Shear Theory. Code stress refers to a stress calculated by an equation provided by the code. For more information on code-defined stresses, see the CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide. The Stresses Extended output report produced by CAESAR II contains a value representative of the maximum stress state through the cross section, calculated according to the indicated yield criteria theory. Configuration Setting

Failure Theory

Calculated Stress

Max3D Shear

Maximum Shear Stress

Maximum Stress Intensity

von Mises

Maximum Energy of Distortion

Octahedral Shearing Stress

CAESAR II computes the selected stress at four points along the axis normal to the plane of bending (outside top, inside top, inside bottom, outside bottom), and includes the maximum value in the stresses report. The equations used for each of these yield criteria are listed below. If Von Mises Theory is used, the software computes the octahedral shearing stress, which differs from the von Mises stress by a constant factor. For codes B31.4 Chapter IX, B31.8 Chapter VIII, and DnV, this setting controls which equation the software uses to compute the equivalent stress. For these three codes, the software uses the equations shown in the piping code to determine the yield stress criterion in the Stresses Extended output report.

Stress Formulation CAESAR II reports the largest stress using four calculation points through the pipe cross section, as show in the following figure.

The four points are established by a line perpendicular to the bending moment acting on the pipe (shown in red). Points 1 and 4 are on the outside surface of the pipe, where radial stress is zero. Point 1 is in bending tension and Point 4 is in bending compression. Points 2 and 3 are on the inside surface of the pipe where radial stress is compressive (negative) pressure. Longitudinal stress (Sl), hoop stress (Sh), radial stress (Sr) and shear stress (St) are calculated at each position using the appropriate formulas.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment


Longitudinal Stress (Sl)

Radial Shear Stress Stress (St) (Sr)

Hoop Stress (Sh)

1 2 3 4 The table formulas assume that this is a B31.3-style stress equation with Lamé hoop stress. These stresses are translated into the principal stresses S1, S2, and S3. The following shows a graphical representation of a typical calculation of the four position points.

Determine the principal stress using the longitudinal stress (Sl), the hoop stress (Sh), and the sheer stress (St)—which sets the red line. The principal stress refers to the points where the red circle crosses the normal stress axis (shear stress equals zero). Place the radial stress (Sr) (which has a shear stress of zero) on the same axis. The largest intersection point is S1 and the smallest is S3.

Equivalent Stress, Octahedral Shearing Stress, von Mises Stress:


CAESAR II User's Guide

Configuration and Environment Use the S1, S2, and S3 values in the equation above to determine the octahedral shearing stress at each position. CAESAR II reports the largest of these four values.

3D Maximum Shear Stress Intensity (S.I.): S.I. = S1-S3 When you configure CAESAR II to report 3D maximum shear stress intensity, the software reports the largest intensity (S1-S3).

Set/Change Password The Security command provides you with the option of using a password protection scheme for the configuration file. By setting a password on the primary configuration file (done by setting the default data folder to the CAESAR II software folder), a corporate standard can be enforced throughout the network. Subsequent use of the configuration module in other data folders will allow only modification of display or other environment directives that do not affect calculated results. When you click the Security command, a menu displays with the following four options:  New Password (on page 87)  Access Protected Data (on page 87)  Change Password (on page 87)  Remove Password (on page 88)

New Password Enter a password. After entering a password, you have the ability to change configuration settings from the program folder, or alter or remove the password.  

Initially, New Password is the only option available. When entering a new password, you are prompted for the new password a second time to ensure the password was typed as expected the first time.

Access Protected Data Allows you to modify protected options. This option is accessible only after a password exists. The use of this option is not necessary if there is no previously specified password. If no password has been set, you can modify all configuration settings.

Change Password Allows you to change your current password. You must first enter the correct existing password. The current password may be changed at any time by anyone who has authorization to do so. After a password has been set, all computation controls, stress options, and any other configuration options, which could affect the CAESAR II computations are disabled and cannot be changed. All protected option labels, edit boxes, and default buttons are grayed out when disabled.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Configuration and Environment

Remove Password Deletes the current password. Anyone with authorization can remove the current password by entering the correct existing password for this option. After a password is removed, all options that appear in the Configuration Editor can be modified from any folder where you have read/write access rights.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference


Piping Input Reference This section describes how to specify job parameters through the menus, boxes, and commands of the software. To edit a piping model, open a piping file from the CAESAR II main menu. Then, click Input > Piping. The CAESAR II Classic Piping Input dialog box displays.

This dialog box describes the piping on an element-by-element basis. It consists of menus and toolbars which perform a number of supporting operations, and data fields that contain information about each piping element. A graphic representation of the model displays automatically. This model updates as you add new elements.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference In This Section Classic Piping Input Dialog Box ..................................................... 90 Available Commands ..................................................................... 198 3D Modeler .................................................................................... 305 S3D/SPR Import View ................................................................... 319

Classic Piping Input Dialog Box Data boxes are grouped into blocks of related data on the left side of the screen. Double click >> in the upper right corner of any group to display an expanded set of boxes in a dialog box. You can arrange these dialog boxes to meet your needs. The right side of the screen offers an auxiliary area with tabs that support items entered through check boxes. Press F12 to display the various auxiliary tabs.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference

Navigating the Classic Piping Input Dialog Box using the Function Keys Function keys help you to quickly type data without using the mouse to move to various input boxes. By default, when you place the cursor inside a box on the Classic Piping Input dialog box, pressing a function key on the keyboard moves the cursor to the beginning of a block of input data according to the list below. Function Key



From Node






Temp 1




Elastic Modulus (c)


Refractory Thickness


Line number

Help Screens and Units Press the question mark key ? or the F1 function key while the cursor is in any of the input data cells to display interactive help text for that item. Hover the cursor over a box to display a tool tip indicating the current units.

Node Numbers Each element is identified by its end node number. Because each input screen represents a piping element, you must specify the element end points - the From node and To node. These points are used as locations at which information can be entered or extracted. The From node and To node are both required. CAESAR II generates both values if the AUTO_NODE_INCREMENT option is set to a value other than zero using the Tools > Configure/Setup command on the main menu. Double-click >> to display the Edit Node Numbers dialog box.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

From Specifies the node number for the starting end of the element. Node numbers must be numeric, ranging from 1 to 32000. Normally, the From node number is automatically generated by CAESAR II from the preceding element. You can change the node numbers, but be careful not to use the same node number more than once in a model.

To Specifies the node number for the end of the element. Node numbers must be numeric, ranging from 1 to 32000. You can change the node numbers, but be careful not to use the same node number more than once in a model.

Name Assigns nonnumeric names to node points. Double-click the Name check box to display an auxiliary dialog box where you can assign names of up to 10 characters to the From and To nodes. These names display instead of the node numbers in graphic plots and reports. Nonnumeric names can be truncated in 80 column reports.

Deltas Type element lengths as delta dimensions according to the X, Y, and Z rectangular coordinate system established for the piping system. The Y-axis represents the vertical axis in CAESAR II. CAESAR II treats each element as a vector. The vector length is equal to the element length. The vector direction points from the From node to the To node. The delta dimensions DX, DY, and DZ, are the measurements along the X, Y, and Z-axes between the From node and the To node. In most cases you only need to use one of the three options, because the piping usually runs along the global axes. Where the piping element is skewed, you must make two or three entries. You must define at least one option for all elements except zero-length expansion joints. When you are using feet and inches for compound length and length units, valid entries include formats such as: 3-6, 3 ft. -6 in, and 3-6-3/16. You can use offsets to modify the stiffness of the current element by adjusting its length and the orientation of its neutral axis in 3-D space.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Double-click >> to display the Edit Deltas dialog box.

DX Specifies the X component of the element. CAESAR II accepts [compound length]-[length]-[fraction] formats (such as feet - inch - fraction or meter - decimal - centimeters) as valid input values in most cells. You can use simple forms of addition, multiplication, and division as well as exponential format. Optionally, use a tic mark ( ' ) instead of the first dash ( - ), to indicate feet in this field.

DY Specifies the Y component of the element. CAESAR II accepts [compound length]-[length]-[fraction] formats (such as feet - inch - fraction or meter - decimal - centimeters) as valid input values in most cells. You can use simple forms of addition, multiplication, and division as well as exponential format. Optionally, use a tic mark ( ' ) instead of the first dash ( - ), to indicate feet in this field.

DZ Specifies the Z component of the element. CAESAR II accepts [compound length]-[length]-[fraction] formats (such as feet - inch - fraction or meter - decimal - centimeters) as valid input values in most cells. You can use simple forms of addition, multiplication, and division as well as exponential format. Optionally, use a tic mark ( ' ) instead of the first dash ( - ), to indicate feet in this field.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

Offsets Indicates whether the software corrects modeled dimensions of an element back to its actual dimensions. Double-click the Offsets check box on the Classic Piping Input dialog box to select or clear this option. Specify the distances from the position of the From node in 3-D space to the actual From end of the element. Specify the distances from the position of the To node in 3-D space to the actual To end of the element. If you leave any offset direction distances blank, the software defaults them to zero. Thermal expansion is ―0‖ for the offset portion of an offset element. No element flexibility is generated for the offset portion of the element. The following figure shows a common usage for the offset element.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference

Length Specifies the distance between the To node and the From node. Optionally, use a tic mark ( ' ) instead of the first dash ( - ), to indicate feet in this field.

Direction Cosines Specifies the X, Y, and Z components or element direction cosines. For an element aligned with the X-axis, Cos X ..... 1.0 Cos Y ..... Cos Z ..... For an element aligned with the Y-axis, Cos X ..... Cos Y ..... 1.0 Cos Z ..... For an element aligned with the Z-axis, Cos X ..... Cos Y ..... Cos Z ..... 1.0

Pipe Sizes Type the dimensions for the element. Plus mill tolerance is used only for the IGE/TD/12 piping code. Seam weld is used only for the IGE/TD/12 piping code. These options carry forward from one element to the next during the design session so you only need to type values for those elements at which a change occurs. You can specify nominal pipe sizes and schedules. CAESAR II converts these values to actual outside diameter and wall thickness. Outside diameter and wall thickness are required data inputs. Nominal diameters, thicknesses, and schedule numbers are a function of the pipe size specification. Click Tools > Configure/Setup on the main menu or click CAESAR II Configuration on the CAESAR II Tools toolbar to select ANSI, JIS, or DIN as the piping size specification.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Double-click >> to display the Edit Pipe Sizes dialog box.

Diameter Specifies the pipe diameter. Normally, you should type the nominal diameter and CAESAR II converts it to the actual outer diameter necessary for the analysis. There are two ways to prevent this conversion:  Use a modified UNITS file with the Nominal Pipe Schedules turned off,  Specify diameters whose values are off slightly from a nominal size (in English units the tolerance on diameter is 0.063 in.). Use F1 to obtain additional information and the current units for this input box. Available nominal diameters are determined by the active pipe size specification, set by the configuration software. The following are the available nominal diameters. ANSI Nominal Pipe ODs, in inches (file ap.bin) ½ ¾ 1 1 ½ 2 2 ½ 3 3 ½ 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 42 JIS Nominal Pipe ODs, in millimeters (file jp.bin) 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 90 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 DIN Nominal Pipe ODs, in millimeters (file dp.bin) 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference

Wt/Sch Specifies the thickness of the pipe. Normal input consists of a schedule indicator (such as S, XS, or 40), which is converted to the proper wall thickness by CAESAR II. If actual thickness is entered, CAESAR II accepts it as entered. Available schedule indicators are determined by the active piping specification, set by the configuration software.

ANSI B36.10 Steel Nominal Wall Thickness Designation: S - Standard XS - Extra Strong XXS - Double Extra Strong

ANSI B36.10 Steel Pipe Numbers: 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

ANSI B36.19 Stainless Steel Schedules: 5S 10S 40S 80S

JIS PIPE SCHEDULES 1990 Steel Schedules: 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1990 Stainless Steel Schedules: 5S 10S 40S

DIN PIPE SCHEDULES None Only the s (standard) schedule applies to wall thickness calculations for DIN.

Seam Welded Indicates whether the piping element is seam welded

B31.1 / B31.3 If the B31.1 or B31.3 piping codes are active, select the Seam-welded check box to activate the Wl box. Wl (the weld strength reduction factor) is used by the software to determine the minimum wall thickness of the element.

IGE/TD/12 If the IGE/TD/12 piping code is active, select the Seam welded check box when straight pipes are seam welded. This option affects the stress intensification factor calculations for that pipe section due to seam welded fabrication.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

WI Factor Specifies the WI factor.

+Mill Tol %; Wl Specifies the positive mill tolerance. This option is only enabled when IGE/TD/12 is active. It is used when the Base Stress/Flexibility On option of the Special Execution Options is set to Plus Mill Tolerance. In that case, piping stiffness and section modulus is based on the nominal wall thickness increased by this percentage. You can change this value on an element-by-element basis. If the B31.3 piping code is activated, this box specifies the weld strength reduction factor (W l), to be used in the minimum wall calculation for straight pipe.

-Mill Tol % Displays the negative mill tolerance. This value is read from the configuration file and used in minimum wall thickness calculations. Also, for IGE/TD/12, this value is used when the Base Stress/Flexibility On option of the Special Execution Options is set to Plus Mill Tolerance. In that case, piping stiffness and section modulus is based on the nominal wall thickness, decreased by this percentage. You can change this value on an element-by-element basis.

Corrosion Specifies the corrosion allowance used to calculate a reduced section modulus. There is a configuration option available to consider all stress cases as corroded. For more information, see All Cases Corroded (on page 83).

Pipe Density Displays the pipe density value. The appropriate pipe density is filled in automatically when you provide a proper material number. You can override this value at any time. The software then duplicates the value through the rest of the input.

Fluid Density Displays the fluid density. Specify the fluid density when the internal fluid the piping system transports significantly affects the weight loads. When the specific gravity of the fluid is known, you can type that instead of the density. For example, you could type 0.85SG. Specific gravities are converted to the appropriate densities immediately on input. To type specific gravity, follow the numeric value with the letters SG (no spaces). The software automatically converts this value to density. In the default ENGLISH units system, densities are typed in pounds per cubic inch.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference

Propagate Properties Indicates whether to propagate the property changes. Clear this checkbox to indicate that properties apply to the current element only.

Operating Conditions You can specify up to nine temperatures and ten pressures (one extra for the hydrostatic test pressure) for each piping element. The temperatures are actual temperatures, not changes from the ambient temperature. CAESAR II uses these temperatures to obtain the thermal strain and allowable stresses for the element from the Material Database. As an alternative, you can directly specify the thermal strains. For more information, see Alpha Tolerance (on page 45). Thermal strains have absolute values on the order of 0.002, and are unitless. Pressures are typed as gauge values and cannot be negative. Each temperature and each pressure that you typed creates a loading for you to use when building load cases. Both thermal and pressure data carries forward from one element to the next until changed. Typing a value in the Hydro pressure box causes CAESAR II to build a hydro case in the set of recommended load cases. CAESAR II uses an ambient temperature of 70°F, unless changed using the Special Execution Parameters option. For more information, see New Job Ambient Temperature (on page 46). Double-click >> to display the Edit Operating Conditions dialog box.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

Temperatures Specifies operating temperatures. There are nine temperature boxes to allow up to nine different operating cases. The error checker validates temperature values to insure that they are within the code allowed ranges. You can exceed the ranges by typing the expansion coefficient in the temperature box in units of length/length. When you are using material 21 (user-defined material), type a thermal expansion coefficient instead of a temperature. Values, whose absolute values are less than the Alpha Tolerance, in the temperature box are taken to be thermal expansion coefficients. The Alpha Tolerance is a configuration file parameter and is taken to be 0.05 by default. For example, if you wanted to type the thermal expansion coefficient equivalent to 11.37in./100ft., the calculation would be: 11.37in./100ft. * 1 ft./ 12in. = .009475 in./in. Type this into the appropriate Temperature box. A cut short does no more than reduce the length of a pipe element to zero. For example; if you wanted 8.5 cm of cold spring you could put in an 8.5 cm long element and then thermally shrink its length to zero. This allows the cold spring to be manipulated as an individual thermal case rather than as a concentrated force. Access to operating conditions 4 through 9 is granted through the Extended Operating Conditions dialog box, accessible by clicking the >> button in the upper right corner of the frame surrounding the standard Temperature and Pressure input boxes. You can keep this dialog box open or closed for your convenience.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference CAESAR II automatically suggests load cases according to IGE/TD/12 Appendix 7. Use the following conventions for the specification of the operating conditions. T1 – Maximum Temperature T2 – Minimum Temperature T3 – Minimum Summer Temperature T4 – Maximum Winter Temperature T5 – Maximum Temperature (flow induced) (optional) T6 – Minimum Temperature (flow induced) (optional) P1 – Maximum Incidental Pressure P2 – Maximum Operating Pressure P3 – Compressor Operation P4 – Demand Pressure HP – Hydrotest Pressure

Thermal Expansion Displays thermal expansion coefficients. CAESAR II displays the corresponding thermal expansion coefficients in the fields when you enter operating temperatures in the temperature fields. When the thermal expansion coefficients are not in the material database, you can enter thermal expansion coefficients in the temperature field if the absolute values are less than the Alpha Tolerance in the configuration. The Alpha Tolerance is 0.05 by default. For more information, see Alpha Tolerance (on page 45). You can enter up to nine thermal expansion coefficients in units of length/length in the temperature field on the Extended Operating Conditions dialogue box. CAESAR II displays these values in the Thermal Expansion boxes.

Pressures Specifies operating pressures. There are ten pressure boxes to allow up to nine operating, and one hydrotest, pressure cases. When you type multiple pressures, be careful with the setup of the analysis load cases. Inspect the software's recommendations carefully before proceeding. Access to operating pressures 3 through 9 is granted through the Extended Operating Conditions dialog box, accessible by using the >> button in the upper right corner of the frame surrounding the standard Temperature and Pressure input boxes. You can leave this dialog box open or closed for your convenience. Type a value in the HydroPress box to signal CAESAR II to recommend a Hydrotest load case. Type the design gage pressure (that is, the difference between the internal and external pressures). The Bourdon effect (pressure elongation) is disabled by default because it is assumed to be non-conservative. If you want to enable the Bourdon effect, you can do so by using the Special Execution options. For more information, see New Job Bourdon Pressure (on page 46). The Bourdon effect is always considered in the analysis of fiberglass reinforced plastic pipe, which is Material id=20. CAESAR II automatically suggests load cases according to IGE/TD/12 Appendix 7. You must use the following conventions for the specification of the operating conditions. T1 – Maximum Temperature T2 – Minimum Temperature

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference T3 – Minimum Summer Temperature T4 – Maximum Winter Temperature T5 – Maximum Temperature (flow induced) (optional) T6 – Minimum Temperature (flow induced) (optional) P1 – Maximum Incidental Pressure P2 – Maximum Operating Pressure P3 – Compressor Operation P4 – Demand Pressure HP – Hydrotest Pressure

Component Information Special components, such as bends, rigid elements, expansion joints, and tees require additional information. You can define this information by selecting the component checkbox and then typing data in the auxiliary dialog box.

Bend Double-click Bend if the active element ends in a bend, elbow or mitered joint. This displays the auxiliary dialog box tab on the right hand side of the screen. CAESAR II usually assigns three nodes to a bend. This defines near, mid, and far nodes on the bend. For more information, see Bends (on page 103).

Rigid Double-click Rigid if the active element is much stiffer than the connecting pipe, such as a flange or valve. This displays an auxiliary dialog box tab to collect the component weight. For more information, see Rigid (on page 107). For rigid elements, CAESAR II follows these rules:  When the rigid element weight is defined as a value other than zero, CAESAR II computes any extra weight due to insulation and contained fluid. The software then adds that value to the defined weight value.  The weight of fluid added to a non-zero weight rigid element is equal to the same weight that would be computed for an equivalent straight pipe. The weight of insulation added is equal to the same weight that would be computed for an equivalent straight pipe multiplied by 1.75.  If the weight of a rigid element is zero or blank, CAESAR II assumes that the element is an artificial construction element rather than an actual piping element. In this case, no insulation or fluid weight is computed for that element.  The stiffness of the rigid element is relative to the diameter wall thickness. Make sure that the diameter on a rigid element indicates the rigid stiffness to generate.

Expansion Joint Double-click Expansion Joint if the active element is an expansion joint. This displays an auxiliary dialog box tab, used to collect stiffness parameters and effective diameter. For more information, see Expansion Joints (on page 108). Expansion joints can be modeled as


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference zero-length (with all stiffnesses acting at a single point) or as finite-length (with the stiffnesses acting over a continuous element). In the former case, all stiffness must be typed. In the latter case, either the lateral or angular stiffness must be omitted.

SIF & Tees Double-click SIF & Tees if the active element has special stress intensification factors (SIFs). CAESAR II automatically calculates these factors for each component. For more information, see SIFs & Tees (on page 111). Bends, rigids, and expansion joints are mutually exclusive. For more information, see Rigid (on page 107) and Expansion Joints (on page 108).

Bends Indicates that the element is entering a bend. Select or clear this option by double-clicking the Bend check box on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. You can place Intermediate node points at specified angles along the bend, or at the bend mid-point (M).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Radius Displays the bend radius. CAESAR II assumes a long radius by default. You can override this value. Alternatively, select a value from the list.  Long - Indicates a long radius bend. The radius is equal to 1.5 times the nominal diameter.  Short - Indicates a short radius bend. The radius is equal to the nominal pipe diameter.  3D - Indicates a 3D bend. The radius is equal to 3 times the nominal diameter.  5D - Indicates a 5D bend. The radius is equal to 5 times the nominal diameter.

Type Specifies the bend type. For most codes, this refers to the number of attached flanges and can be selected from the list. If there are no flanges on the bend, leave Type blank. A bend should be considered flanged if there is any heavy or rigid body within two diameters of the bend that significantly restricts the bends ability to ovalize. When using the BS 7159 or UKOOA Codes with Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) pipe, this entry refers to the material laminate type and may be 1, 2, or 3. These laminate types are  All chopped strand mat (CSM) constructing with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.  Chopped strand mat (CSM) and woven roving (WR) construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.  Chopped strand mat (CSM) and multi-filament roving construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer. The laminate type affects the calculation of flexibility factors and stress intensification factors for the BS 7159 and UKOOA Codes only. For ISO 14692, only type 3 filament-wound laminate is considered.

Angle Displays the angle to a point on the bend curvature. You can place additional nodes at any point on the bend curvature provided the added nodes are not within five degrees of each other. You can change the 5º node-spacing limit by using the configuration. For more information, see Minimum Angle to Adjacent Bend (on page 59). The element To node is always physically located at the far end of the bend. By default, CAESAR II places a node at the midpoint of the bend (designated by the letter M in this box) as well as at the zero degree position (start) of the bend, if possible.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Node Displays the node number associated with the extra point on the bend. CAESAR II places unique node numbers in these boxes whenever you initiate a bend. New, unique node numbers must be assigned to the points whenever you add points on the bend curvature. If numbering by fives and the To node number for the bend element is 35, a logical choice for the node number for an added node at 30 degrees on the bend would be 34. You can treat the added nodes on the bend like any other nodes in the piping system. Nodes on the bend curvature may be restrained, displaced, or placed at the intersection of more than two pipes. Nodes on a bend curvature are most commonly used as an intersection for a dummy leg or for the location of a restraint. All nodes defined in this manner are plotted at the tangent intersection point for the bend.

Miter Points Displays the number of cuts in the bend if it is mitered. When you type a number, CAESAR II checks if the mitered bend input is closely or widely spaced. If the bend is determined to be widely spaced, and the number of miter cuts is greater than one, the bend should be broken down into ―n‖ single cut widely spaced miters, where ―n‖ is the total number of cuts in the bend. The number of cuts and the radius of the bend are all that is required to calculate the SIFs and flexibilities for the bend as defined in the B31 codes. The bend radius and the bend miter spacing are related by the following equations:  Closely Spaced Miters R = S / (2 tan θ ) q = Bend Angle / (2 n) where n = number of miter cuts  Widely Spaced Miters R = r2 (1.0 + cot q) / 2.0 r2 = (ri + ro) / 2.0 θ = Bend Angle / 2.0

Fitting Thickness Specifies the thickness of the bend if that thickness is different than the thickness of the matching pipe. If the thickness is greater than the matching pipe wall thickness, then the inside diameter of the bend is smaller than the inside diameter of the matching pipe. CAESAR II calculates section modulus for stress computations based on the properties of the matching pipe as defined by the codes. The pipe thickness is used twice when calculating SIFs and flexibility factors; once as Tn, and once when determining the mean cross-sectional radius of the pipe in the equation for the flexibility characteristic (h): h = (Tn)(R) / (r2) Tn = Thickness of bend or fitting R = Bend radius r = Mean cross-sectional radius of matching pipe = (OD - WT) / 2 OD = Outside Diameter of matching pipe WT = Wall Thickness of matching pipe

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Most codes use the actual thickness of the fitting (this entry) for Tn, and the wall thickness of the matching pipe for the calculation of the mean cross-sectional radius of the pipe (the WT value). More specifically, the individual codes use the two wall thicknesses as follows: Code

For Tn:

For Mean Radius Calculation:






Matching Pipe



Matching Pipe



Matching Pipe



Matching Pipe

B31.8 Ch VIII


Matching Pipe



Matching Pipe



Matching Pipe


Matching Pipe

Matching Pipe

NAVY 505



B31.1 (1967)





Matching Pipe

BS 806







Matching Pipe

Matching Pipe










BS 7159











Matching Pipe



Matching Pipe

The bend fitting thickness (FTG) is always used as the pipe thickness in the stiffness matrix calculations. However, the thickness of the matching pipe (WT) is always used in the bend stress calculations.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference K-Factor Specifies the bend flexibility factor. CAESAR II calculates the factor according to the current piping code. You can type a value to override this calculation.

Seam-Welded Indicates that the bend is seam welded.  B31.3 If the B31.3 piping code is active, the Seam Welded check box is used to activate the Wl box for bends. The Wl box is the weld strength reduction factor used to determine the minimum wall thickness of the bend element.  IGE/TD/12 Used by IGE/TD/12 to calculate the stress intensification factors due to seam welded elbow fabrication as opposed to extruded elbow fabrication. This option is only available when IGE/TD/12 is active.

Wl for Bends B31.1 / B31.3 - Defines the weld strength reduction factor (W l) for bend elements. This value is used in the minimum wall thickness calculations. ISO 14692 - Replaces this box with EPTp/(EbTb) where Ep and Eb are the axial modulus of the attached pipe and the bend respectively, T p and Tb are the average wall thickness of the attached pipe and the bend respectively. If these values are omitted, the software uses a default value of 1.0. This value affects the calculation of the flexibility factor for bends.

Rigid Indicates that you are supplying rigid element data. Select or clear this option by double-clicking the Rigid check box on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. Type a value for Rigid Weight. This value should always be zero or positive and should not include the weight of any insulation or fluid. If you type no weight, then CAESAR II models the element as a weightless construction element. Rigid weights are defined automatically if you use the Valve and Flange database.

CAESAR II automatically includes 1.0 times the fluid weight of equivalent straight pipe and 1.75 times the insulation weight of equivalent straight pipe. Rigid elements with zero weight are considered to be modeling constructs and do not have fluid or insulation weight added.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference The rigid element stiffness is proportional to the matching pipe. For example, a 13 in. long 12 in. diameter rigid element is stiffer than a 13 in. long 2 in. diameter rigid element. This fact should be observed when modeling rigid elements that are part of a small pipe/large vessel, or small pipe/heavy equipment model. The stiffness properties are computed using 10 times the thickness of the rigid element. For additional details, see Technical Discussions (on page 765). Enter the rigid element in the DX, DY, and DZ boxes. See Valve (on page 216) for automatic input for these types of components.

Expansion Joints Indicates that you are supplying expansion joint data. Select or clear this option by double-clicking Expansion Joint on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. This auxiliary dialog box tab controls options for expansion joint stiffness parameters and effective diameter. For a non-zero length expansion joint, you must omit either the transverse or the bending stiffness. Setting the effective diameter to zero deactivates the pressure thrust load. Use this method in conjunction with setting a large axial stiffness to simulate the effect of axial tie-rods.

Zero Length Expansion Joints Specifies zeros in the DX, DY, and DZ fields (or leave the fields blank) for hinged and gimball joints. Use 1.0 to define completely flexible stiffness and 1.0E12 to define completely rigid stiffness. You must type all stiffnesses.

Finite Length Expansion Joints Specifies the expansion joint vector in the DX, DY, and DZ boxes. Because the transverse stiffness is directly related to the bending stiffness for finite length expansion joints, type only one of these stiffnesses. CAESAR II calculates the other stiffness automatically based on flexible length, effective ID, and the other stiffness. In general, type the transverse stiffness and leave the bending stiffness blank.

Bellows Stiffness Properties Specifies the expansion joint parameters. If the element length is zero, then you should define all of the stiffnesses. If the element length is not zero, then you should leave blank either the Bending Stif or the Trans Stif box. CAESAR II automatically calculates the stiffness that you did not type. You can type all stiffnesses for rubber expansion joints If the torsional stiffness value is not specified, CAESAR II uses a default value of 0.10000E+06. Bending STIFFNESSES from EJMA (and from most expansion joint manufacturers) that are used in a finite length expansion joint model should be multiplied by four before being used in any piping software. Bending STIFFNESSES from EJMA (and from most expansion joint manufacturers) that are used in a ZERO length expansion joint model should be used without modification.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Use 1.0 for bellows stiffnesses that are completely flexible. Use 1.0E12 for rigid bellows stiffnesses. Zero length expansion joints can be used in many modeling applications, such as defining struts or hinged ends. The orientation of zero length expansion joints is taken from the element that precedes the expansion joint if the To node of the preceding element is equal to the From node on the expansion joint element. If the preceding element does not go into the expansion joint, then the orientation is taken from the element that follows the expansion joint if it properly leaves the joint.

Effective ID Specifies the effective inside diameter for pressure thrust from the manufacturer's catalog. For all load cases, including pressure, CAESAR II calculates the pressure thrust force tending to blow the bellows apart. If left blank, or zero, then no axial thrust force due to pressure is calculated. Many manufacturers give the effective area of the expansion joint: A eff. The Effective ID is calculated from the effective area by: Effective ID = (4Aeff / )


Reducer Indicates that you are supplying reducer data. Select or clear this option by double-clicking Reducer on the Classic Piping Input dialog box.

Specifies the Diameter 2, Thickness 2, and Alpha values at the To node of the reducer. The diameter and wall thickness at the From node of the reducer element are taken from the current piping element data. CAESAR II constructs a concentric reducer element made of ten pipe cylinders, each of a successively larger or smaller diameter and wall thickness over the element length. CAESAR II calculates SIFs according to the current piping code (for more information, see Code Compliance Considerations (on page 837)) and applies these internally to the Code Stress

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Calculations. These SIFs are dependent on the slope of the reducer transition (among other code-specific considerations), Alpha. If Alpha is left blank, then the software calculates this value based on the change in pipe diameter over 60% of the element length. If specified, Diameter 2 and Thickness 2 are carried forward when the next pipe element is created as Diameter and Wt/Sch. If not specified, Diameter 2 and Thickness 2 are assumed to be equal to Diameter and Wt/Sch on the following element dialog box.

If there is no value for Alpha is specified on the dialog box, CAESAR II reports the alpha value in the Errors and Warnings dialog box.

Diameter 2 Specifies the diameter at the To of the reducer element. The value carries forward as the diameter of the following element. Nominal values are converted to actual values if that feature is active. If left blank, CAESAR II uses the diameter from the following element as Diameter 2.

Thickness 2 Specifies the wall thickness at the To node of the reducer element. The value carries forward as the wall thickness of the following element. Nominal values are converted to actual values if that feature is active. If this option is left blank, CAESAR II uses the thickness from the following element as Thickness 2.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Alpha Specifies the slope, in degrees, of the reducer transition. If left blank, CAESAR II assumes the slope equal to the arc tangent 1/2(the change in diameters) / (length of sloped portion of reducer). TD/12. This entry is a required input for IGE/TD/12.

Because all reducers are different, the actual length of sloped portion of reducer is unknown unless you define it. Because of this, if Alpha is not specified, CAESAR II makes an assumption that the length of sloped portion of reducer is equal to 60% of the total reducer length. If you leave the Alpha value blank, then CAESAR II defaults to arc tangent 1/2(the change in diameters) / (0.60 x element length).

R1 Specifies the transition radius for the large end of the reducer as shown in Appendix 4, Table 8 of IGE/TD/12 Code. This option is enabled only when IGE/TD/12 is active.

R2 Specifies the transition radius for the small end of the reducer as shown in Appendix 4, Table 8 of IGE/TD/12. This option is enabled only when IGE/TD/12 is active.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

SIFs & Tees Indicates that you are supplying SIF and tee data. Select or clear by double-clicking the SIFs & Tees check box on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. This auxiliary dialog box tab controls options for stress intensification factors (SIFs), or fitting types, for up to two nodes per element. If you select components from the list, CAESAR II automatically calculates the SIF values according to the applicable code unless you override this behavior. Certain fittings and certain codes require additional data. Boxes display as appropriate for the selected fitting.

There are two basic component types:  Three element intersection components  Two element joint components


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference A fully defined intersection model requires that three pipes frame into the intersection node and that two of them are co-linear. Partial intersection assumptions are made for junctions where you have coded one or two pipes into the intersection node, but these models are not recommended. Two element joint components can be formed equally well with one or two elements framing into the node. You only need to type the intersection or joint type and properties on one of the elements going to the junction. CAESAR II duplicates the intersection characteristics for all other pipes framing into the intersection. Fully review the warning messages coming from CAESAR II during error checking. These messages detail any assumptions made during the assembly and calculation of the intersection SIFs. The available intersections and joint types, along with the other parameters that can affect the stress intensification factors for the respective component, are shown in the table that follows.

Input Items Optionally Effecting SIF Calculations 1














































CAESAR II User's Guide








Piping Input Reference Node Specifies the node number where the stress intensification exists. CAESAR II displays the To node of the current element by default. You can type any node in the system, but it is most often at a pipe intersection or joint. If the node is at an intersection, CAESAR II calculates SIFs for all pipes going to the intersection if the intersection Type is specified. You only need to type the intersection type once. CAESAR II finds all other pipes framing into the intersection and applies the appropriate SIFs. If the node is at a two-pipe joint, such as a butt weld, CAESAR II calculates SIFs for the two pipes going to the joint node if the joint Type is specified. You only need to specify the joint type once. CAESAR II finds the other pipe completing the joint and applies the appropriate SIFs. If the node is not at an intersection or a joint then, leave the Type box blank and type user defined SIFs in the SIF(i) and SIF(o) boxes. Entries in the SIF(i) and SIF(o) boxes only apply to the element on which they are defined. User defined stress intensification factors must be greater than or equal to one. CAESAR II calculates and displays code-defined SIFs in the Intersection SIF scratchpad. Access this scratchpad by clicking Environment > Review SIFs at Intersection Nodes on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. You can modify parameters used in the scratchpad so that you can observe the effects of different geometries and thicknesses. Most changes made in the scratchpad can be automatically transferred back into the model. If the node is on any part of the bend curvature then the following applies: 1. You cannot override code calculated SIFs for bends by default. A configuration option exists to override this default. For more information, see Allow User's SIF at Bend (on page 83). If you set Allow User's SIF at Bend to True, then you can specify SIFs for bend To nodes. The SIFs specified in this way apply for the entire bend curvature. 2. CAESAR II applies user-defined SIFs to straight pipe going to points on a bend curvature regardless of any parameter in the setup file. This option is commonly used to intensify injector tie-ins at bends, or dummy legs, or other bend attachment-type of supports.

Type Specifies the type of tee or joint.  For non-FRP piping codes, there are six types of tees and ten types of joints. These elements correspond to 1 to 6 and 7 to 16 in the previous table. For more information, see Input Items Optionally Effecting SIF Calculations (on page 113).  For BS 7159 and UKOOA, there are two types of tees: Moulded and Fabricated. Moulded tee corresponds to Welding tee (3) or Extruded welding tee (6), and Fabricated tee corresponds to Reinforced fabricated tee (1).  For ISO 14692, there are types of tee and joints: Tee, Qualified tee and Joint.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference SIF (i) Indicates the in-plane stress intensification factors (SIFs) for a bend or intersection. Specify this value for any point in the piping system by selecting the SIFs & Tees check box on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. Enter the node number to which the stress applies. Then, specify the SIF (i) and SIF (o) values on the SIFs/Tees tab. If you do not specify a value in the SIF (i) and SIF (o) boxes, CAESAR IIperforms code-related calculations. For more information on stress intensification factors (SIFs) in CAESAR II, see Stress Intensification Factors Details. SIF (o) Indicates the out-of-plane stress intensification factors (SIFs) for a bend or intersection. Specify this value for any point in the piping system by selecting the SIFs & Tees check box on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. Enter the node number to which the stress applies. Then, specify the SIF (i) and SIF (o) values on the SIFs/Tees tab. If you do not specify a value in the SIF (i) and SIF (o) boxes, CAESAR II performs code-related calculations. For more information on stress intensification factors (SIFs) in CAESAR II, see Stress Intensification Factors Details. Stress Index - Axial (Ia) Indicates the sustained longitudinal (axial) force index (I a). You can use this index value (along with the longitudinal force due to sustained loads and the dimensions of a cross-sectional area of the pipe) to determine the amount of stress that is due to sustained longitudinal force. Specify this value for any point in the piping system by selecting the SIFs & Tees check box on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. Enter the node number to which the stress index applies. Then, specify the Stress Index - Axial (Ia) and Stress Index - Torsion (It) values on the SIFs/Tees tab. If you do not specify a value in the Stress Index - Axial (Ia) box, CAESAR II sets the value to 1.0 by default. For more information on stress intensification factors (SIFs) in CAESAR II, see Stress Intensification Factors Details. Stress Index - Torsion (It) Indicates the sustained torsional moment index (It). You can use this index value (along with the torsional moment due to sustained loads) to determine the amount of stress that is due to sustained torsional moment. Specify this value for any point in the piping system by selecting the SIFs & Tees check box on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. Enter the node number to which the stress index applies. Then, specify the Stress Index - Torsion (It) and Stress Index - Axial (Ia) values on the SIFs/Tees tab. If you do not specify a value in the Stress Index - Torsion (It) box, CAESAR II sets the value to 1.0 by default. For more information on stress intensification factors (SIFs) in CAESAR II, see Stress Intensification Factors Details.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Pad Thk Specifies the thickness of the reinforcing pad for reinforced fabricated or full encirclement tees, intersection type #1 and #17 respectively. The pad thickness is only valid for these intersection types. In most piping codes, the beneficial effect of the pad thickness is limited to 1.5 times the nominal thickness of the header. This factor does not apply in BS 806 or Z184, and is 2.5 in the Swedish piping code. If the thickness of a type 1 or type 17 intersection is left blank or zero the SIFs for an unreinforced fabricated tee are used.

Ftg Ro Specifies the fitting outside radius for branch connections. This option is used for reduced branch connections in the ASME and B31.1 piping codes, Bonney Forge Insert Weldolets, and for WRC 329 intersection SIF calculations. Configuration options exist to invoke the WRC 329 calculations and to limit the application of the reduced branch connection rules to unreinforced fabricated tees, sweepolets, weldolets, and extruded welding tees. If omitted, Ftg Ro defaults to the outside radius of the branch pipe.

CROTCH R Specifies the crotch radius of the formed lip on an extruded welding tee, intersection type 6. This is also the intersection weld crotch radius for WRC329 calculations. Specifying this value can result in a 50% reduction in the stress intensification at the WRC 329 intersection. If you attempt to reduce the stress riser at a fabricated intersection by guaranteeing that there is a smooth transition radius from the header to the branch pipe, then you may reduce the resulting stress intensification by a factor of 2.0.

WELD (D) Specifies the average circumferential weld mismatch measured at the inside diameter of the pipe. This value is used for Butt Welds and Tapered transitions. This is the average; not the maximum mismatch. You must verify that any maximum mismatch requirements are satisfied for your particular code. FILLET Specifies the fillet leg length. This option is used only in conjunction with a socket weld component. This value is the length of the shorter leg for an unequal leg fillet weld. If a fillet leg is given, both socket weld types result in the same SIF. See appendix D of the B31 piping codes for further clarification.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Weld ID Specifies the weld ID value. The following values are valid. 0 or BLANK - As Welded 1 - Finished/Ground Flush Used for: BONNEY FORGE SWEEPOLETS BONNEY FORGE INSERT WELDOLETS BUTT WELDS IN THE SWEDISH PIPING CODE If this value is 1 then the weld is considered to be ground flush on the inside and out and the SIF is taken as 1.0. For more information on how input parameters are used to compute SIFs for girth butt welds, see WELD (D) (on page 116).

B1; Wc Specifies values that depend upon the code that you are using.

ASME Class 2 and ASME Class 3 Defines the primary stress index used for the given node on the current element. Unless you otherwise over ride this value, the following values are applied for ASME Class 2 and Class 3 piping: Straight Pipe:

B1 = 0.5 B2 = 1.0

Curved Pipe:

B1 = -0.1 + 0.4h; but not 0.5 B2 = 1.30/h**2/3 but not Special Execution Parameters command on the Classic Piping Input dialog box.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Vector 1, Vector 2, Vector 3 Specifies the three components of the uniform load for a vector. You can enter as many as three vectors. The components of the uniform load are along the global X, Y, and Z directions. The uniform load is either in terms of force per unit length or in terms of a magnifier of gravitational loading (G).

in G's, in F/L Indicates the unit of the uniform load.

Wind / Wave Loads Indicates that you are supplying environmental load data. Select or clear this option by double-clicking the Wind/Wave check box on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. This auxiliary dialog box tab indicates whether this portion of the pipe is exposed to wind or wave loading. The pipe cannot be exposed to both. Selecting Wind exposes the pipe to wind loading; selecting Wave exposes the pipe to wave, current, and buoyancy loadings; selecting Off turns off both types of loading. This dialog box tab is also used to specify the Wind Shape Factor when Wind is specified. The dialog box tab is used to specify various wave coefficients when Wave is specified. The software automatically computes the wave coefficients if you leave these boxes blank. Entries on this auxiliary dialog box tab apply to all subsequent piping, until changed on a later element. Specific wind and wave load cases are built using the Static Load Case Editor.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Wind Loads Indicates that you are supplying wind load data.

Wind load data is distributive and applies to the current and all following elements until you change it.

Wind Shape Factor Specifies the coefficient as defined in ASCE#7 in Figure 6-21 for chimneys, tanks, and similar structure. A value of 0.5 to 0.65 is typically used for cylindrical sections. Activating the wind option activates the Wind Load Input tab, which is accessed from the Load Case Editor during static analysis.

Wave Loads Indicates that you are supplying wave load data.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Wave load data is distributive and applies to current and all following elements until you change it.

Drag Coefficient, Cd Specifies the drag coefficient as recommended by API RP2A. Typical values range from 0.6 to 1.20. Type 0.0 to calculate the drag coefficient based on particle velocities. Added Mass Coefficient, Ca Specifies the added mass coefficient. This coefficient accounts for the added mass of fluid entrained into the pipe. Typical values range from 0.5 to 1.0. Type 0.0 to calculate the added mass coefficient based on particle velocities.

Lift Coefficient, Cl Specifies the lift coefficient. This coefficient accounts for wave lift which is the force perpendicular to both the element axis and the particle velocity vector. Type a value of 0.0 to calculate the added lift coefficient based on particle velocities.

Marine Growth Specifies the thickness of any marine growth adhering to the external pipe wall. The software increases the pipe diameter experiencing wave loading by twice this value.

Marine Growth Density Specifies the density used if you are including the weight of the marine growth in the pipe weight. If you leave this box blank, the software ignores the weight of the marine growth.

Off Indicates that you do not want either wind or wave loads on the current and all following elements until you change it.

Materials CAESAR II requires the specification of the pipe material‘s elastic modulus, Poisson‘s ratio, density, and (in most cases) expansion coefficient. The software provides a database containing the parameters for many common piping materials. This information is retrieved by picking a material from the list, by typing the material number, or by typing the entire material name and then picking it from the match list.

The coefficient of expansion does not appear on the dialog box, but you can review it during error checking. These material properties carry forward from one element to the next during the design session so you only need to type values for those elements in which a change occurs.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Double-click >> to display the Edit Materials dialog box.

Material Displays the material name. Materials are specified either by name or number. All available material names and their CAESAR II material numbers are displayed in the list. Because this list is quite long, typing a partial material name (such as A106) allows you to select from matching materials.  Numbers 1-17 corresponds to the generic materials without code allowable stresses.  Material 18 represents the cold spring element for cut short.  Material 19 represents the cold spring element for cut long.  Material 20 is used to define Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) pipe.  Material 21 is for user-defined material. When you select a material from the database, the physical properties as well as the allowable stresses are obtained and placed in the dialog box. If you change the temperature or piping code later, these allowable stress values are automatically updated. For user-defined material, enter the corresponding properties.

Allowable Stress Indicates that you are supplying allowable stress data. Select or clear this option by double-clicking the Allowable Stress check box on the Classic Piping Input dialog box.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference This auxiliary dialog box tab is used to select the piping code and to enter any data required for the code check. Allowable stresses are automatically updated for material, temperature and code if available in the Material Database.

The Allowable Stress Auxiliary changes according to the piping code. It incorporates piping codes with their associated inputs. Press F1 to display the help screen to be sure that you correctly interpret each new input data cell. Allowable stress data is distributive and applies to current and all following elements until you change it. Click Fatigue Curves to specify material fatigue curve data. The Material Fatigue Curve dialog box displays. Type stress versus cycle data with up to 8 points per curve.

Code Specifies the piping code. CAESAR II uses B31.3 by default. You can change this default setting in the configuration. The following table lists the piping codes. You can find their current publication dates in the CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide.



Swedish Power Piping Code (Method 1)


Swedish Power Piping Code (Method 2)


B31.1 - 1967

CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference B31.4, Chapter IX






B31.8, Chapter VIII




Norwegian TBK-6


ASME Sect III NC (Class 2) FDBR ASME Sect III ND (Class 3) BS 7159 Navy 505




CAN/CSA Z662, Chapter 11


BS 806

ISO 14692


PD 8010-1


PD 8010-2

JPI The following topics discuss each of the input data cells. For more information about code compliance considerations, see Technical Discussions (on page 765).

SC Specifies the cold stress value. Typically, this is the cold allowable stress for the specific material taken directly from the governing piping code. CAESAR II fills this box automatically after you select the material and piping code. The value of SC is usually divided by the longitudinal weld efficiency (Eff) before being used. See the notes that follow for the specific piping code. B31.1 - Allowable stress tables in Appendix A include the longitudinal weld joint efficiencies where applicable. Do not use these efficiencies for flexibility stress calculations. If the joint efficiency (Eff) is given on this dialog box, then CAESAR II divides the SC by the joint efficiency before using it in the allowable stress equations. B31.3 - Values from tables in Appendix A do not include the joint efficiency. The Eff value should be zero, blank, or one. The 1980 version of B31.3 included the longitudinal weld joint efficiencies as part of the tables in Appendix A. If you are using this version of the code, then you should type a value for Eff in the appropriate box on this dialog box. B31.4, B31.4 Chapter IX - Not used. The only stress value in B31.4 is the yield stress taken from Table 1 in the appendix. For more information, see Sy (on page 179). B31.5 - Values from tables in Appendix A do not include the joint efficiency. The value of Eff should be zero, blank, or one. B31.8 - Su, the specified minimum ultimate tensile strength. B31.8 Chapter VIII - Not used. The only stress value in B31.8 is the yield stress taken from Appendix D. For more information, see Sy (on page 179).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference B31.9 - SC is taken directly from I-1. If you define a value for Eff, the software only uses it in the minimum wall thickness check. B31.11 - Not used. The only stress value used in B31.11 is the yield stress. ASME NC and ND - SC is taken directly from Appendix I. If you define a value for Eff, the software ignores it. Navy 505 - There is no mention of joint efficiency in the 505 specification; however, it is implied in Footnote 1 of Table TIIA. If a joint efficiency is given, then CAESAR II divides SC by the joint efficiency before using it in the allowable stress equations. Eff should be zero, blank, or one. CAN Z662 - Not used. The only stress value in Z184 is the yield stress specified in the standards or specification under which the pipe was purchased. For more information, see Sy (on page 179). BS 806 - 0.2% of the proof stress at room temperature from Appendix E. Eff is not used in BS 806. If you define a value for Eff, the software ignores it. Swedish Method 1 - Not used. Method 1 only uses the yield or creep rupture stress at temperature (SHn and Fn respectively on this dialog box). Eff is used, but is the circumferential weld joint efficiency and has a different meaning. Swedish Method 2 - SC is the allowable stress at room temperature from Appendix 2. Eff is not used. If you define a value for Eff, the software ignores it. B31.1 (1967) - SC is the allowable stress at room temperature from the tables in Appendix A. These tables include the longitudinal weld joint efficiencies where applicable. Do not use these efficiencies for flexibility stress calculations. If you define a value for Eff, then CAESAR II divides the SC by the joint efficiency before using it in the allowable stress equations. Stoomwezen (1989) - SC is the yield stress at room temperature. This value is referred to as Re in the code. RCC-M C, D - SC is taken from the Appendix. Eff is not used. If you define a value for Eff, the software ignores it. CODETI - This is famb from the code. Eff is not used. If you define a value for Eff, the software ignores it. Norwegian - This is f1 from the code. Eff is not used for longitudinal joint efficiency. BS 7159 - Not used. Design stress is typed in the SH boxes. UKOO - Not used. Design stress (in the hoop direction) is typed in the SH boxes. IGE/TD/1 - Not used. DN - Not used. EN-13480 - SC is the basic allowable stress at minimum metal temperature as defined in Section 12.1.3. GPTC/Z380 - Not used. PD 8010-1 - Not used. PD 8010-2 - Not used. ISO 14692 - SC is used in a different way. See reference for ISO 14692. HPGSL - Not used. JPI - Not used.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference SH1, SH2, ... SH9 Specifies the hot stresses. Typically, these are the hot allowable stress for the specific material taken directly from the governing piping code. CAESAR II fills the boxes automatically after you select the material and piping code. There are nine boxes corresponding to the nine operating temperatures. You must type a value for each defined temperature case. The value of SH is usually divided by the longitudinal weld efficiency (Eff) before being used. See the recommendations that follow for the specific piping code. B31.1 - Allowable stress from Appendix A. For more information, see SC (on page 173). B31.3 - Allowable stress from Appendix A. For more information, see SC (on page 173). B31.4 - B31.4 Chapter IX. SH is not used. B31.5 - Allowable stress from Appendix A. For more information, see SC (on page 173). B31.8 - Temperature derating factor, T, according to Table 841.116A. B31.8, Chapter VIII - Temperature derating factor, T (according to Table 841.116A). B31.9 - Allowable stress from Table I-1. For more information, see SC (on page 173). B31.11 - Not used. ASME NC and ND - Allowable stress from Appendix I. Navy 505 - Allowable stress from Table XIIA. For more information, see SC (on page 173). CAN Z662 - Not used. BS 806 - 0.2% of the proof stress at design temperature Appendix E. Eff is not used. Swedish Method 1 - Yield stress at temperature from Appendix 1. Swedish Method 2 - Allowable stress at temperature from Appendix 2. B31.1 (1967) - Allowable stress from Appendix A. For more information, see SC (on page 173). Stoomwezen - Yield stress at design temperature. This value is referred to as Re (vm) in the code. RCC-M C, D - Taken from the Appendix. CODETI - f from the code. Norwegian - f2 from the code. FDBR - Hot allowable defined in Section 3.2. BS 7159 - Design stress sd in the longitudinal direction as defined in Section 4.3 of the code. That is σd =Σd * Elamx . Specify design stress in the circumferential (hoop) direction by typing the ratio of the circumferential design stress to the axial design stress in the Eff box. Because design strain should be the same for both directions, the value in the Eff box is also the ratio of Elamf(hoop) to Elamx (longitudinal). UKOOA - Allowable design stress in the hoop direction defined in the code as f1 * LTHS. The three hot allowable stress boxes correspond to the three possible temperature cases. DNV - Yield stress is used here instead of hot allowable stress. IGE/TD/12 - Yield stress is used here instead of a hot allowable stress. EN-13480 - Allowable stress at maximum metal temperature. GPTC/Z380 - Temperature reduction factor T according to Par. 192.115. PD-8010 (Part 1 & Part 2) - Not used. ISO 14692 - SH is used in a different way. See the reference for ISO 14692. HPGSL - Not used. JPI - Not used.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference SY1, SY2, ... SY9 Specifies the yield point or 0.2% endurance strength at the design temperature. This option only displays when you select JPL or HPGSL in the Codes list. This is Syt, the specified minimum yield or stated proof stress of the pipe material at maximum temperature. If you do not enter a value, the software takes the value from the Material Database if that value is available and applicable.

UTS1, UTS2, ... UTS9 Specifies the ultimate tensile strength at the design temperature. If you do not enter a value, the software takes the value from the Material Database if that value is available and applicable.

F1, F2, ... F9 Specifies the stress range reduction factor for most piping codes. B31.1 - Stress range reduction factor is obtained from equation 1c. Consult the applicable piping code for methods of combining cycle life data where several thermal states exist and where the number of thermal cycles is high. The software assumes a value of one if you do not type a value. B31.3 - Stress range reduction factor is obtained from equation 1c corresponding to Fig 302.3.5. If certain criteria are met, then the stress range reduction factor is allowed to exceed 1.0. The number of cycles can be specified in this box for B31.3. This allows CAESAR II to compute the cyclic reduction factor according to equation 1c. B31.4 - Not used. B31.8 - Stress range reduction factor is obtained from the equation given in Section 833.8(b). The number of cycles can be specified in this box for B31.8 which allows CAESAR II to compute the cyclic reduction factor according to this equation. B31.8 CHAPTER VIII - Not used. B31.9 - References B31.1 for detailed stress analysis. For more information, see Paragraph 919.4.1.b. CODETI - Called U in the code. NORWEGIAN - Called fr in the code. This value can be as high as 2.34. DNV - Material ultimate tensile strength at temperature. CAN Z662  F1 = L - the location factor is obtained from Table 4.2 Application





General & Cased crossings




















Gas (non-sour)


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Other





General & Cased crossings

























General & Cased crossings

























Uncased railway crossings





All others





Gas (sour service)



Class 1 - Location areas containing ten or fewer dwelling units intended for human occupancy Class 2 - Location areas containing 11 to 46 dwelling units intended for human occupancy OR buildings with more than 20 persons outside areas with more than 20 persons industrial installations Class 3 - Location areas with more than 46 dwelling units intended for human occupancy OR institutions where rapid evacuation may be difficult Class 4 - Location areas where buildings intended for human occupancy have 4 or more stories. F2 = T - The temperature derating factor, is obtained from Table 4.4 Temperature

Derating Factor T

up to 120 (C)










F3 - F9 - Not used.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference CAN Z662 Chapter 11  F1 - Not used.  F2 = T - Temperature derating factor obtained from Table 4.4  F3 = - Design factor for Condition A from Table 11.1.  F4 = - Design factor for Condition B from Table 11.1.  F5 - F9 - Not used. BS 806 - Mean stress to failure in design life at design temperature. F1, F2, ... F9. This value corresponds to the nine possible thermal states. FDBR - Identical to B31.1,unless you type the expansion coefficients directly instead of temperatures. In that case, the software cannot determine Ehot. In this case, type a value of 1.0 in the FAC box and use these boxes to specify the product of f * Ehot / Ecold for each temperature case. SWEDISH METHOD 1 - Creep rupture stress at temperature. F1, F2 ... F9. This value corresponds to the nine possible thermal states. STOOMWEZEN - Creep related material properties as follows:  F1 = Rrg - Average creep stress to produce 1% permanent set after 100,000 hours at temperature (vm).  F2 = Rmg - Average creep tensile stress to produce rupture after 100,000 hours at temperature (vm).  F3 = Rmmin - Minimum creep tensile stress to produce rupture after 100,000 hours at temperature (vm). BS 7159 - Fatigue factor Kn. This value is used inversely compared to other codes so that its value is greater than 1.0. Kn is calculated as follows: Kn = 1 + 0.25(As/sn) (log10(n) - 3) Where: As = stress range during fatigue cycle σn = Maximum stress during fatigue cycle n = number of stress cycles during design life UKOOA - Ratio r from the material UKOOA idealized allowable stress envelope. This ratio is defined as sa(0:1)/sa(2:1) as shown on the figure below. One value should be given for each of the operating temperature cases. IGE/TD/12 - UTS value. EN-13480 - Stress range reduction factor taken from Table 12.1.3-1 (which matches the B31.1 table above), or computed from equation 12.1.3-4. You can specify the number of cycles in this box for EN-13480. This allows CAESAR II to compute the cyclic reduction factor according to equation 12.1.3-4. GPTC/Z380 - Not used. PD-8010 (Part 1 & Part 2) - Not used. ISO 14692 – F is used in a different way. See the Reference for ISO 14692. HPGSL - Stress range reduction factor at design temperature. JPI - Stress range reduction factor at design temperature.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Eff Specifies the longitudinal weld joint efficiency. The field changes according to the current piping code. B31.1, B31.1-1967, B31.5 - Allowable stress tables include longitudinal weld joint efficiencies where applicable. If Eff is specified, then values for SC and SH are divided by Eff before they are used in the flexibility calculations. Eff is ignored in the minimum wall calculation. B31.3, B31.4, B31.8, B31.9, B31.11, NAVY 505, Z662 (J), BS 806 (e), CODETI (z), FDBR (vl), GPTC/Z380 - Allowable stress or yield stress tables do not include longitudinal weld joint efficiencies. Eff is ignored for the flexibility calculations. SH is multiplied by Eff when calculating the minimum wall thickness. B31.4 Chapter IX, B31.8 Chapter VIII, ASME NC, ASME ND, RCCM-C, RCCM-D - Ignored for both flexibility and minimum wall thickness calculations. The box is disabled for these codes. Swedish Method 1, Swedish Method 2, Norwegian TBK 5-6 - Circumferential joint factor z and is used in the calculation of the code stresses rather than in the calculation of the allowables. This applies to both flexibility or minimum wall thickness. Stoomwezen - Cyclic reduction factor referred to as Cf in the code. CAESAR II does not consider weld joint efficiency for this code. BS 7159 - Ratio of the hoop modulus to the axial modulus of elasticity Eh/Ea. The software uses a default value of 1.0, as though the material is isotropic if you leave this box blank. UKOOA - Replace this box with f2. This is the system design factor. The value is typically 0.67. IGE/TD/12 - Replace this box with Dfac. This is the system design factor (f) as described in Table 2 of the IFE/TD/12 code. The value must be 0.3, 0.5, and 0.67. DNV - Replaces this box with usage factor Ns (pressure yielding) from Tables C1 or C2. The value must be between 0.77 and 0.96. EN-13480 - Ignored for the flexibility calculations. SH is multiplied by Eff when calculating the minimum wall thickness. PD-8010 Part 1 - Weld joint factor used in determining the allowable hoop stress. See Section for details. PD-8010 Part 2 - Not used. ISO 14692 – Eff is used in different way. See the Reference for ISO 14692. HPGSL - Longitudinal weld joint efficiency. JPI - Longitudinal weld joint efficiency.

Sy Specifies the yield stress. CAESAR II fills the box automatically after you select the material and piping code. The field changes according to the current piping code, and is generally used for the transmission and non-US piping codes. B31.1 - Used only for the hydrotest allowable. B31.3 - Used only for the hydrotest allowable. B31.4, B31.4 Chapter IX - Used for the allowable stress determination.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference B31.5 - Used to satisfy the requirements of Paragraph 523.2.2.f.4. This paragraph addresses ferrous materials in piping systems between -20F and -150F. The value typed here should be the quantity (40% of the allowable) as detailed in the Code. When Sy is defined, the OPE case is considered a stress case. This value is the allowable reported in the output report. The computed operating stress includes all longitudinal components and ignore torsion. B31.8, B31.8 Chapter VIII - Specified minimum yield stress. B31.9 - Used only for the hydrotest allowable. B31.11 - Specified minimum yield stress. ASME Sect III Class 2 and 3 - Basic Material Yield Strength at design temperature for use in Eqn. 9 for consideration of Level A and B service limits. Level C and Level D service limits must be satisfied in separate runs by adjusting the value for the occasional factor in the CAESAR II configuration file. If the occasional factor is set to 1.2, the allowable stress is the minimum of 1.2 x 1.5 SH or 1.5 SY. If the factor is 1.5, the allowable is the minimum of 1.5 x 1.5 SH or 1.8 SY. If the factor is 2.0, the allowable is the minimum of 2.0 x 1.5 SH or 2.0 SY. To satisfy the code, replace SH with SM for the latter two. Navy 505 - Not used. CAN Z662 - Minimum yield strength taken from the standards or specifications under which the pipe was purchased or according to clause 4.3.3. BS 806 - Sustained stress limit. The lower of 0.8 X 0.2% Proof stress value or the creep rupture design stress value defined in Appendix A under cold, or any other, operating condition. See 17.2(c) Swedish Method 1 - Not used. Type the yield stress at temperature in the respective SHn boxes for the up to nine possible thermal states. Swedish Method 2 - Ultimate tensile strength at room temperature. B31.1 (1967) - Not used. Stoomwezen (1989) - Tensile strength at room temperature. This value is referred to as Rm in the code. RCC-M C, D - Used only for the hydrotest allowable. CODETI - Used only for the hydrotest allowable. Norwegian - Allowable stress at 7000 load cycles, RS, from Code Table 10.2. If you do not type a value, then this factor is not considered to control the expansion stress allowable. FDBR - Used only for the hydrotest allowable. BS 7159 - Not used. UKOOA - Not used. IGE/TD/12 - Minimum yield stress (SMYS). DnV - Used only for the hydrotest allowable. EN-13480 - Used only for the hydrotest allowable. GPTC/Z380 - Minimum yield stress. PD-8010 Part 1 - Minimum yield stress. PD-8010 Part 2 - Minimum yield stress. ISO-14692 - Sy is used in a different way. See the Reference for ISO 14692. HPGSL - Not used. JPI - Not used.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference SYa Specifies the specified minimum yield or stated proof stress of the pipe material at room temperature. This is also referred to as SMYS or SY. If you do not enter a value, the software takes the value from the Material Database if that value is available and applicable.

SY (c) Specifies the minimum yield point or 0.2% endurance strength at room temperature.

Ksd Material shakedown factor described in Table 4 of the IGE/TD/12 code. Typical values are:  Carbon Steel: 1.8  Austenitic Steeel: 2.0

UTSa Specifies the ultimate tensile strength of the pipe material corresponding to the specified ambient temperature.

UTS (c) Specifies the minimum tensile strength at room temperature.

DFac Specifies the system design factor (f) as described in Table 2 of the IGE/TD/12 code. Its value must be 0.3, 0.5, and 0.67. If you do not enter a value, the software takes the value from the Material Database if that value is available and applicable.

Fac Specifies the multiplication factor. The field changes according to the current piping code, and is generally used for the transmission and non-US piping codes. B31.1 - Not used. B31.3 - Not used. B31.4 - Indicates whether the pipe is restrained, such as long or buried, or unrestrained. The equation for pipe under complete axial restraint is: Stress = (Fac) x abs[ E(T2-T1) + (1-) Shoop ] + (SE + SL)(1-Fac)

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Where: E = elastic modulus  = thermal expansion coefficient per degree T2 = operating temperature T1 = ambient temperature  = Poisson's ratio Shoop = hoop stress in the pipe. SE = expansion stress due to bending SL = sustained stress due to pressure. Fac should be 1.0, 0.0, or 0.001. This value should be one for pipe under complete axial restraint. This value should be one when the pipe is fully restrained, such as buried for a long distance. The default value for Fac is 0.0. When Fac is 0.001, this indicates to CAESAR II that the pipe is buried but that the soil supports have been modeled. This causes the hoop stress component, rather than the longitudinal stress, to be added to the operating stresses if the axial stress is compressive. B31.4 Chapter IX - F1, hoop stress design factor, according to Table A402.3.5(a) of B31.4. Appropriate values are 0.72 for pipelines or 0.60 for platform piping and risers. B31.5 - Not used. B31.8 - Construction design factor from Table 841.114B. Construction Type: (Descriptions are approx.)


A (CLASS 1) Wasteland, Deserts, Mountains, Grazing Land, Farmland, Sparsely Populated Areas.


B (CLASS 2) Fringe Areas Around Cities, Industrial Areas, Ranch, or Country Estates.


C (CLASS 3) Suburban Housing Developments, Shopping Centers, Residential Areas.


D (CLASS 4) Multi-Story Buildings are prevalent, traffic is heavy, and where there may be numerous other utilities underground.

0.40 (0.4 defaults if left blank)

B31.8 Chapter VIII - F1, Hoop stress design factor, according to Table A842.22 of B31.8. Appropriate values are 0.72 for pipelines or 0.50 for platform piping and risers. B31.9 - Not used. B31.11 - Indicates whether the pipe is restrained, such as long or buried, or unrestrained. The equation for pipe under complete axial restraint is: Stress = (Fac) x abs[ E(T2-T1) + (1-) Shoop ] + (SE + SL)(1-Fac) Where: E = elastic modulus  = thermal expansion coefficient per degree T2 = operating temperature T1 = ambient temperature  = Poisson's ratio Shoop = hoop stress in the pipe. SE = expansion stress due to bending SL = sustained stress due to pressure. Fac should be 1.0, 0.0, or 0.001. This value should be one for pipe under complete axial restraint. This value should be one when the pipe is fully restrained, such as buried for a long distance. The default value for Fac is 0.0. When Fac is 0.001, this indicates to CAESAR II that


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference the pipe is buried but that the soil supports have been modeled. This causes the hoop stress component, rather than the longitudinal stress, to be added to the operating stresses if the axial stress is compressive. ASME Sect III, Class 2 and 3 - Not used. B31.1 (1967) - Not used. Navy 505 - Not used CAN Z662 - Indicates whether the pipe is restrained, such as long or buried, or unrestrained. The equation for pipe under complete axial restraint is: Stress = (Fac) x abs[ E(T2-T1) + (1-) Shoop ] + (SE + SL)(1-Fac) Where: E = elastic modulus  = thermal expansion coefficient per degree T2 = operating temperature T1 = ambient temperature  = Poisson's ratio Shoop = hoop stress in the pipe. SE = expansion stress due to bending SL = sustained stress due to pressure. Fac should be 1.0, 0.0, or 0.001. This value should be one for pipe under complete axial restraint. This value should be one when the pipe is fully restrained, such as buried for a long distance. The default value for Fac is 0.0. When Fac is 0.001, this indicates to CAESAR II that the pipe is buried but that the soil supports have been modeled. This causes the hoop stress component, rather than the longitudinal stress, to be added to the operating stresses if the axial stress is compressive. BS806 - Not used. Swedish Power Code, Method 1 - Sigma(tn) multiplier. This value is usually 1.5. This value should be 1.35 for prestressed (cold sprung) piping. The default value is 1.5. Swedish Power Code, Method 2 - Not used. Stoomwezen - Constant whose value is either 0.44 or 0.5. For more information, see Stoomwezen Section 5.2. RCC-M C, D - Not used. CODETI - Not used. Norwegian - Material ultimate tensile strength at room temperature, RM. If this value is not specified, this factor is not considered to control the expansion stress allowable. FDBR - Overrides the ratio of Ehot/Ecold which is automatically determined by CAESAR II. The modulus ratio is used to compute the expansion case allowable stress based on the material and temperature. Normally, you can leave this box blank. However, if necessary, you can type a value greater than zero and less than one to override the ratio calculated by the software. To use FBDR, type the hot modulus in the Elastic Modulus box of the dialog box. CAESAR II looks up the cold modulus and computes this necessary ratio. Using the hot modulus in the flexibility analysis is a deviation of FBDR from every other piping code in CAESAR II. If you type expansion coefficients directly instead of temperatures, then the software cannot determine Ecold. In this case, type a value of 1.0 in this cell and use the cyclic reduction factor boxes to specify the product of (f * Ehot /Ecold) for each temperature case. BS 7159 - Mean temperature change multiplier k as defined in Section 7.2.1 of the code. This should be 0.85 for liquids, 0.8 for gases, and 1.0 for ambient temperature changes. If left blank, this value defaults to 1.0.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference UKOOA - Mean temperature change multiplier k as defined for the BS 7159. If left blank, this value defaults to 1.0. IGE/TD/12 - Material shakedown factor Ksd described in Table 4 of the IGE/TD/12 code. Typical values are 1.8 for carbon steel and 2.0 for austenitic steel.. HPGSL - Not used. JPI - Not used. DNV - Usage factor Nu (pressure bursting) from Tables C1or C2. Values must be between 0.64 and 0.84. EN-13480 - Not used. GPTC/Z380 - Construction design factor from Table 192.111. PD-8010 Part 1 - Same usage as B31.4. PD-8010 Part 2 - Not used. ISO 14692 - Fac is used in a different way. See the Reference for ISO 14692.

Pvar Specifies the pressure variance. The field changes according to the current piping code. ASME and RCC-M C, D - Variance in the pressure between operating and peak to be used as the component in equation 9 above that found from B1 * P * Do / 2tn. Do not type the peak pressure for Pvar. Type the difference between the operating pressure and the peak pressure. Swedish Power Code, Methods 1 & 2 - Beta for the Seff calculation. If not given, this value defaults to 10%. Type ten percent as 10.0. Values must be between 0.1 and 25.0. Values specified outside of this range are automatically adjusted to the outer limit of the allowed range. The definition for beta, as given in the Swedish piping code in section, is the "maximum allowable minus the tolerance as a percentage of the nominal wall thickness". Stoomwezen - Cm coefficient in the code whose value is usually 1.0. Norwegian - Difference between design pressure P (in equation 10.7) and peak pressure Pmaks (in equation 10.8). The table that follows defines when each of these parameters is valid input for the piping code (V) or not required (N). DNV - Usage factor N for equivalent stress check from Table C4. Values must be between 0.77 and 1.00. PD-8010 Part 1 - Design factor as discussed in Section Typical limits on this value are 0.3 and 0.72, depending on categories and class locations. This design factor determines the allowable hoop stress. This value has no units for PD-8010 Part 1. PD-8010 Part 2 - Design factor as discussed in Section 6.4.1 Table 2. Type the value of fd for the hoop stress evaluation. This value should be either 0.6 (riser/land fall) or 0.72 (seabed/tie-in). CAESAR II determines the appropriate fd values for the equivalent stress from Table 2. This value has no units for PD-8010 Part 2. This value is taken from the Material Database, if available and applicable, unless you enter a value. ISO 14692 - Pvar is used in a different way. See the Reference for ISO 14692.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference "f" Allowed Maximum of 1.2 Indicates whether to allow a maximum cyclic reduction factor. The 2004 edition of B31.3 permits the cyclic reduction factor (f) to exceed 1.0 under certain conditions. To allow "f" to exceed 1.0, up to the limit of 1.2, click On. To prohibit "f" from exceeding 1.0, click Off. This setting is distributive and applies to current and all following elements until you change it.

Appendix P - OPE Allowable Reduction Indicates whether the software reduces the Operating Range Allowable value by 15%. Appendix P in the 2010 Edition of B31.3 requires a reduction of the Operating Range Allowable value by 15% for materials with ratio of Sy/St > 0.8. The software selects this check box by default for the B31.3 code. When selected, CAESAR II performs this reduction, when applicable. You must set the Implement Appendix P configuration setting to True for CAESAR II to display this check box on the Allowable Stresses tab of the Classic Piping Input dialog box. You can find this configuration setting in the SIFs and Stresses > B31.3 Code-Specific Settings section of the the Configuration Editor.

Restrained Piping per B31.8 Indicates whether or not the piping is restrained. B31.8 (2003) distinguishes between restrained and unrestrained piping for the purposes of stress computations. When implementing the B31.8 piping code, you must define which sections of the piping system are restrained according to Code Section 833.1. If the pipe is restrained, click On. If the pipe is not restrained, click Off. In general, restrained piping is piping in which the soil or supports prevent axial displacement of flexure at bends. Unrestrained piping is piping that is free to displace axially or flex at bends. Additional details are provided in Section 833.1. For more information, consult the code directly.

Fatigue Curves Displays the Material Fatigue Curves dialog box.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

Cycle Stress Table Specifies cycle and stress values. Use the material fatigue curve data to evaluate fatigue load cases and cumulative use scenarios. You can enter up to eight cycle-stress pairs. These values must be entered in ascending cycle order. IGE/TD/12 provides the opportunity to enter up to five fatigue curves, representing fatigue classes D, E, F, G, and W. Fatigue evaluations are explicitly specified by IGE/TD/12. CAESAR II offers them as extensions to other codes. You must type cycle/stress pairs in ascending order (ascending by cycles). Type stress values as the allowable stress range rather than allowable stress amplitude. The software considers fatigue curves to be specified using a logarithmic interpolation. Static fatigue cases are evaluated against the full range of the fatigue curve, while dynamic fatigue cases are assumed to represent amplitudes, and are therefore evaluated against half of the range of the fatigue curve. Read from File Displays the Open dialog box so that you can select a file (some files are shipped with CAESAR II) and read cycles and stress data into the Cycles and Stress boxes.

Composition/Type Specifies the material composition of the pipe.  Aluminum - Aluminum alloy or alloy steel containing 9% nickel. For use at temperatures lower than room temperature.  Austenite - Austenite stainless steel and high nickel contained allows. For use at temperatures higher than room temperature.  Others - Any material other than aluminum or austenite.

TD/12 Modulus Correction IGE/TD/12 Section A5.6 requires that the allowable fatigue stress (as specified in the fatigue 3 2 curves) be adjusted by the ratio of the material modulus-of-elasticity divided by 20910 N/mm . This divisor can be adjusted if necessary by changing the entry in the Modulus Correction box.

Allowable Stress (ISO 14692) Activates allowable stress data. Select or clear this option by double-clicking the Allowable Stress check box on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. When you select material 20 for FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic) and piping code ISO 14692, the Allowable Stress auxiliary dialog box changes.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference al(0:1) Specifies the long term axial stress at 0:1 stress ratio. Typically, the axial stress (hoop stress is 0 at this point) is lower than the axial stress al(2:1) (hoop stress is double the axial stress at this point). The ratio of these stresses, called bi-axial stress ratio, can range between 0.5 and 0.75 for plain pipe depending on the winding angle and specific pipe type .

al(1:1) Specifies the long term axial stress at 1:1 stress ratio. According to ISO 14962,, hoop stress has the same value as that for axial stresses at a 1:1 stress ratio, that is hl(1:1)=al(1:1). However, CAESAR II allows you to type different values for al(1:1) and hl(1:1) for a generalized failure profile. In this case, CAESAR II displays a warning message in the Error Checker. If you leave both the al(1:1) and hl(1:1) boxes blank, CAESAR II assumes that a simplified envelope is used for plain pipe.

hl(1:1) Specifies the long term hoop stress at 1:1 stress ratio. According to ISO 14692, hoop stress has the same value as that for axial stresses at a 1:1 stress ratio. That is, hl(1:1) = al(1:1). However, CAESAR II allows a different value for al(1:1) and hl(1:1) for a generalized failure profile. In this case, CAESAR II displays a warning message displays in the Error Checker. If you specify al(1:1) and leave hl(1:1) blank, CAESAR II assumes that hl(1:1) is equal to al(1:1), and displays a warning message in the Error Checker. For more information, see al(1:1) (on page 187).

al(2:1) Specifies the long term axial stress at a 2:1 stress ratio. According to ISO 14962, hoop stress is twice the axial stress at a 2:1 ratio, that is hl(2:1) = 2 * al(2:1). This is a natural condition when a pressurized pipe is enclosed at both ends. However CAESAR II allows you to type different values for hl(2:1) ≠ 2 * al(2:1). In this case, CAESAR II displays a warning message in the Error Checker.

hl(2:1) Specifies the long term hoop stress at a 2:1 stress ratio. According to ISO 14692, hoop stress is twice the axial stress at a 2:1 stress ratio. That is, hl(2:1)= 2*al(2:1). However, CAESAR II allows hl(2:1) to have a different value than twice of al(2:1). In this case, CAESAR II displays a warning message in the Error Checker. If you specify al(2:1) and leave hl(2:1) blank, CAESAR II assumes that hl(2:1) is equal to twice al(2:1), and displays a warning message in the error checker. For more information, see al(2:1) (on page 187).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Qs Specifies the qualified stress for joints, bends, and tees. A qualified stress, Qs, provided by the manufacturer is defined as:

Pq is the qualified pressure; D is the average diameter of the pipe; tr is the average reinforced wall thickness of the pipe. The qualified stress, qs, for fittings is calculated as:

 

CAESAR II does not require qualified stress Qs for plain pipe. Qs for pipe = hl(2:1), and hl(2:1) is required input for plain pipe. You must enter qualified stress Qs for joints, bends and tees even if these fitting are not in the piping model. You can enter positive values (1000.0 for Qs and 1.0 for r, for example) to pass the Error Checker.

r Specifies the bi-axial stress ratio for bends, tees, and joints. The bi-axial stress r is defined as:

where: sh(2:1) is the short-term hoop strength, under 2:1 stress conditions; sa(0:1) is the short-term axial strength, under axial loading only.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference In the absence of data from the manufacturer, use the default values: Fitting


Short-term Strength Bi-axial Stress Ratio (r)*


 

Filament-wound unidirectional 90° and ± ° Filament-wound and hand-lay 1 100% hand-lay


Filament-wound and hand-lay 1


Other Hand laminated

CSM/WR 1, 9


Spigot/Socket Adhesive or Mechanical Connection Threaded Flange Laminated

   

1.0 0.45 1.0 2.0


  

  

0.45 1.0 1.9

You can use a higher factor for r if justified by testing according to 6.2.6 ISO 14692-2-2002. CAESAR II assumes that the bi-axial stress ratio r is 1.0 for tees according to ISO 14692. CAESAR II displays a warning message in the Error Checker if the bi-axial stress ratio r is greater than 20 for bends or joints. You can ignore the warning message. If a piping system has no joints or bends, the corresponding bi-axial stress ratio r should not be required. However, you must type a positive value (such as 1.0) for r to get rid of error messages.

Eh/Ea Specifies the ratio of the hoop modulus to the axial modulus of elasticity. If you leave this box blank, CAESAR II uses a default value of 2.0.

Hand Lay Indicates that the bend is hand-layed. If this box is selected, the software assumes smooth bends. This affects the calculations of both the flexibility factor and the SIFs for the bend.

1, 2, ... 9 for Partial Factor for Temperature (A1) Specifies the partial factor for temperature. Because each operating temperature needs an A 1 factor, you may need to specify up to 9 factors if all 9 operating temperatures are defined in a model. If you leave the boxes blank, CAESAR II uses the default value of 1.0. The following passage is from ISO14692-3:2002(E) section 7.4.2 Design Temperature. The effect of temperature on reduction of mechanical properties shall be accounted for by the partial factor A1, which is determined according to Annex D in ISO 14692-2:2002.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference The maximum operating temperature of the piping system shall not exceed the temperature used to calculate the partial factor A1 of the GRP components. If the operating temperature is less than or equal to 65°C, then A1 is generally equal to 1.0 The effect of low temperatures on material properties and system performance shall be considered. For service temperatures below 0°C, the principal should consider the need for additional testing, depending on the resin system. Both qualification as well as additional mechanical tests should be considered. Glass Reinforced Plastic GRP materials do not undergo ductile/brittle transition within the temperature range of this part of ISO 14692. Because of this, there is no significant abrupt change in mechanical properties at low temperatures. A concern is that at temperatures lower than –35°C, internal residual stresses could become large enough to reduce the safe operating envelope of the piping system.

Chemical Resistance (A2) Specifies the partial factor for chemical resistance. If you leave the box blank, CAESAR II uses the default value of 1.0. The following passage is from ISO 14692-3:2002(E) section 7.4.3 Chemical Degradation. The effect of chemical degradation of all system components from either the transported medium or the external environment shall be considered on both the pressure and temperature ratings. System components shall include adhesive and elastomeric seals/locking rings, if used, as well as the basic glass fiber and resin materials. The effect of chemical degradation shall be accounted for by the partial factor A 2 for chemical resistance, which is determined according to Annex D in ISO 14692-2:2002. If the normal service fluid is water, then A2 = 1. Reference shall be made to manufacturers' data if available. 

In general, the aqueous fluids specified in the qualification procedures of ISO 14692-2:2002 are among the more aggressive environments likely to be encountered. However, strong acids, alkalis, hypochlorite, glycol, aromatics and alcohol can also reduce the properties of Glass Reinforced Plastic(GRP) piping components; the effect depends on the chemical concentration, temperature and resin type. The information from the manufacturers' tables is based on experience and laboratory tests at atmospheric pressure, on published literature, raw material suppliers' data, and so on. Chemical concentrations, wall stresses, reinforcement type and resin have not always been taken into account. Therefore the tables only give an indication of the suitability of the piping components to transport the listed chemicals. In addition, the mixing of chemicals may cause severe situations.

Cyclic Service (A3) Specifies the partial factor for cyclic service. If you leave the box blank, CAESAR II uses the default value of 1.0. The following passage is from ISO 14692-3:2002(E) section 7.4.4 Fatigue and Cyclic Loading. Cyclic loading is not necessarily limited to pressure loads. Thermal and other cyclic loads shall therefore be considered when assessing cyclic severity. If the predicted number of pressure or other loading cycle is less than 7000 over the design life, the service shall be considered static. If required, the limited cyclic capability of the pipe system components can be demonstrated according to 6.4.5 of ISO 14692-2:2002.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference If the predicted number of pressure or other loading cycles exceeds 7000 over the design life, then the designer shall determine the design cyclic severity, Rc, of the piping system. Rc is defined as:

where Fmin and Fmax are the minimum and maximum loads (or stresses) of the load (or stress) cycle. The partial factor, A3 , for cyclic service is given by:

where N is the total number of cycles during service life. This equation is intended for cyclic internal pressure loading only, but may be applied with caution to axial loads provided they remain tensile, that is, it is not applicable for reversible loading.

System Design Factor Specifies the system design factor. This value is multiplied by the occasional load factor (k) to generate the value of the part factor for loading (f 2). If you leave this box blank, CAESAR II uses the default value of 0.67. The purpose of the system design factor is to define an acceptable margin of safety between the strength of the material and the operating stresses for the three load cases. These load cases are occasional, sustained including thermal loads, and sustained excluding thermal loads. The following table shows the relationship between the system design factor, the occasional load factor, and f2, along with their default values. Loading Type

Load Duration

System Design Occasional Factor (SDF) Load Factor


Short-term 0.67



Sustained Including Long-term 0.67 Thermal Loads



Sustained Excluding Thermal Loads



Long-term 0.67

Part Factor For Loading (f2)

The part factor for loading f2 is equal to System Design Factor times the Occ Load Factor.

Thermal Factor (k) Specifies the thermal factor. This factor is defined in Section 8.4 of ISO-14692-3:2002(E). In the absence of further information, the thermal factor k should be taken as 0.85 for liquids and 0.8 for gasses. If you leave this box blank, CAESAR II uses a default value of 1.0.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

Material Elastic Properties Specifies the elastic modulus and Poisson‘s ratio of the material. These values must be typed for Material type 21 (user specified).

Material properties in the database can be changed permanently using the CAESAR II Material Database editor. For more information, see Material Database (on page 905). Double-click >> to display the Edit Elastic Properties dialog box.

Material Properties Displays the properties associated with the material. CAESAR II automatically fills in the Modulus of Elasticity, Poisson's Ratio, and other material properties. If you want to change any material property extracted from the material database, change the value in the corresponding box.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference

Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) The CAESAR II FRP pipe element models an orthotropic material whose properties can be defined by: Ea - Axial Modulus-of-elasticity Eh - Hoop Modulus-of-elasticity h/a - Poisson's ratio of the strain in the axial direction resulting from a stress in the hoop direction. G - Shear Modulus (Not related to the Elastic Modulus and Poisson's ratio in the conventional manner.)

FRP pipe is specified by setting the Material box to 20. The material name displays and FRP properties from the configuration file display on the dialog box. Some of the material parameters are renamed when the FRP material is selected: Elastic Modulus changes to Elastic Modulus/axial and Poisson's Ratio changes to "E a/Eh*h/a". The latter entry requires the value of the following expression: (Ea*h/a) / Eh. This expression is equal to a/h, Poisson's ratio of the strain in the hoop direction resulting from a stress in the axial direction. The shear modulus G is defined by typing the ratio of G/Ea (shear modulus to axial modulus) on the special execution parameters screen. You can type only one ratio for each job. The decrease in flexural stiffness at bends and intersections due to changes in the circular cross-section is typically negligible because the hoop modulus is usually considerably higher than the axial modulus for FRP pipe. Because of this, a default flexibility factor of 1 is used for these components. Similarly, because the fatigue tests performed by Markl on steel pipe is likely to have no bearing on FRP design, an SIF of 2.3 is applied for all fittings. CAESAR II uses these recommendations for all FRP fittings unless you specifically override the defaults. You can override the defaults on a point-by-point basis or by forcing all calculations to adhere to the requirements of the governing code through a CAESAR II configuration parameter. Note that if the BS 7159, UKOOA, or ISO 14692 code is in effect, all SIFs and flexibility factors are calculated according to that code regardless of the configuration parameter settings.

Propagate Properties Indicates whether to propagate the property changes. Clear this checkbox to indicate that properties apply to the current element only.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

Densities The densities of the piping material, insulation, and fluid contents are specified in this block. The piping material density is a required entry and is usually extracted from the Material Database. You can also type Fluid density in terms of specific gravity, if convenient, by following the input immediately with the letters: SG, for example, 0.85SG (there can be no spaces between the number and the SG).

If an insulation thickness is specified (in the pipe section properties block) but no insulation density is specified, CAESAR II defaults to the density of calcium silicate. Double-click >> to display the Edit Densities dialog box.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference

Refract Thk Specifies the thickness of refractory to apply to the piping. Refractory is applied to the inside of the pipe. It is included in the dead weight of the system and reduces the internal pipe area affecting the fluid weight in the system.

Refract Density Displays the density of the refractory lining. If you select a value from the list, the numeric value replaces the material name when the box is registered. Refractory densities are much higher than insulation densities and could lead to under sized restraints. Densities for some typical refractory materials display below: MATERIAL

DENSITY (lb./ )



















B & W KAO-TAB 95


B & W KAOLITE 2200




B & W KAOLITE 2500-LI.


CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

Insul Thk Specifies the thickness of the insulation to be applied to the piping. Insulation applied to the outside of the pipe is included in the dead weight of the system and in the projected pipe area used for wind load computations. Even if you specify the unit weight of the insulation or cladding, the thickness values are still required so that the software can determine the correct projected area.

Clad Thk Specifies the thickness of the cladding to be applied to the piping. Cladding is applied to the outside of the insulation. It is included in the dead weight of the system and in the projected pipe area used for wind load computations. Even if you specify the unit weight of cladding plus insulation, the thickness values are still required so that the software can determine the correct projected area.

Insulation Density Displays the density of the insulation on a per unit volume basis. If you select a value from the list, the numeric value replaces the material name when the box is registered. If you leave this box blank, then the software assumes that the insulation is CALCIUM SILICATE having a density of 0.006655. Verify that this assumed value is appropriate for the current application. Sample density values for insulation materials are: MATERIAL


























CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference

Cladding Density Displays the thickness of the cladding to apply to the piping. Cladding is applied to the outside of the insulation and is included in the dead weight of the system. Cladding is also included in the projected pipe area used for wind load computations.

Insul/Cladding Unit Weight Displays an alternative to specifying the insulation and cladding thickness and density. This is an optional combined uniform load (weight per unit length). If you are applying wind loads, then you must type the insulation and cladding thickness to obtain the correct projected area for wind load computation.

Propagate Properties Indicates whether to propagate the property changes. Clear this checkbox to indicate that properties apply to the current element only.

Line Number Specifies the line number for an element.

Line numbers carry forward to successive elements. Because of this, you only need to specify data on the first element of a new line. To assign a line number name, do one of the following:  Select the Line Number box, or press F9. Select to automatically assign a name. The line number is named ―Line Number X‖, where ―X‖ is a sequential number.  Use the auto-complete feature that populates with the nearest match as you type. For example, if you have a line named ―8‖-300-123‖ and you want to assign 8‖-150-124, Type ‗8‘ and the box automatically fills with the first line number that matches what you have typed. Press End to change the last character.

See Also Line Numbers (on page 250)

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

Available Commands Topics File Menu ....................................................................................... 198 Edit Menu ....................................................................................... 202 Model Menu ................................................................................... 213 Environment Menu ......................................................................... 250 Options Menu................................................................................. 288 View Menu ..................................................................................... 293 Tools Menu .................................................................................... 296

File Menu Performs actions associated with opening, closing, and running the job file.

New Creates a new CAESAR II job.

New Job Name Specification Dialog Box Controls parameters for creating a new CAESAR II job. Enter the name for the NEW job file - Specifies the job name. Piping Input - Indicates that the job is a piping job. Structural Input - Indicates that the job is a structural job. Enter the data directory - Specifies the location of the job file. You can type the directory into the field, or click the browse button to browse to the directory.

Open Opens an existing CAESAR II job.

Open Dialog Box Controls options for opening existing files. Look in - Specifies the directory in which the file exists. Name - Lists the files in the selected directory that match the selected file type. You can sort the list by clicking the Name, Data modified, or Type column headers. File Name - Specifies the name of the selected file. This field is automatically filled in if you click a file in the Name list. Files of type - Specifies the type of file listed in the Name list. System - Changes the Look in field to the CAESAR II System folder. Examples - changes the Look in field to the CAESAR II Examples folder.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference

Open CADWorx Model Opens an existing CADWorx model.

Open Dialog Box Controls options for opening existing files. Look in - Specifies the directory in which the file exists. Name - Lists the files in the selected directory that match the selected file type. You can sort the list by clicking the Name, Data modified, or Type column headers. File Name - Specifies the name of the selected file. This field is automatically filled in if you click a file in the Name list. Files of type - Specifies the type of file listed in the Name list. System - Changes the Look in field to the CAESAR II System folder. Examples - changes the Look in field to the CAESAR II Examples folder.

Save Saves the current CAESAR II job under its current name.

Save As Saves the current CAESAR II job under a new name.

Save As Dialog Box Save in - Specifies the directory in which to save the job. Name - Lists the files in the selected directory that match the selected file type. You can sort the list by clicking the Name, Data modified, or Type column headers. File Name - Specifies the name of the selected file. This field is automatically filled in if you click a file in the Name list. Save as type - Specifies the type of file listed in the Name list. Save - Writes the file to the selected directory.

Save as Graphics Image Saves the current CAESAR II job as an HTML page, .TIFF, .BMP, or .JPG file.

Save As Dialog Box Save in - Specifies the directory in which to save the job. Name - Lists the files in the selected directory that match the selected file type. You can sort the list by clicking the Name, Data modified, or Type column headers. File Name - Specifies the name of the selected file. This field is automatically filled in if you click a file in the Name list. Save as type - Specifies the type of file listed in the Name list. Save - Writes the file to the selected directory.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

Archive Assigns a password to the job to prevent inadvertent alteration of the model or to type the password to unlock the file. Archived input files cannot be altered or saved without this password; however, they can be opened and reviewed.

Archive Dialog Box Controls options for archiving a CAESAR II job. Password - Specifies the password for the job. Enter a password between 6 and 24 characters in length.

Error Check Sends the model through interactive error checking. This is the first step of analysis. When the error check is complete, the Errors and Warnings dialog box displays the results. For more information, see Error Checking (on page 437).

Batch Run Error checks the model in a non-interactive way. This process halts only for fatal errors. It uses the existing or default static load cases and performs the static analysis.

Print Setup Sets up the printer for the input listing.

Print Setup Dialog Box Controls parameters for setting up a printer. Name - Specifies the name of the printer. Properties - Displays printer properties. Size - Specifies the size of the paper in the printer. Source - Specifies the active paper tray Portrait - Prints the file using a vertical orientation. Landscape - Prints the file using a horizontal orientation. Network - Allows you to specify a printer from the network.

Print Preview Displays a preview of the print job.

Print Prints the current job. The software prompts you to select the reports to print, prior to printing. You can change the report contents by modifying the .inp file. Any time an input listing is written to a file or to the printer, the format of each of the reports is obtained from the .inp file. The .inp files are ASCII text files which can be modified to create


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference reports of differing styles or content. You can modify the Initial.inp to change the page length in the report, and the starting and stopping column positions. Any text editor (such as Notepad) can be used to change any of the .inp files. If you change the .inp file, you may receive fatal errors during report generation if impossible formats, or if invalid commands are requested. If you prefer a different (more columnar) form of the basic element data, three additional formatting files have been provided. ELEMENT0.INP - Intergraph CAS standard element format ELEMENT1.INP - 1st alternate element format ELEMENT2.INP - 2nd alternate element format ELEMENT3.INP - 3rd alternate element format To use any of these formatting files, change directories to the CAESAR II\System directory. Then, copy the formatting file that you want to use into Element.inp. To print an Input Echo from the input dialog box, click File > Print. To write an Input Echo to the screen for review, click File > Print Preview. You can print an input listing from the output module as part of the entire output report.

Input Listing Options Dialog Box Controls which options are included in the print job. Select the box for items to include. Clear the box for items not to include.

Recent Piping Files Displays a list of most recently opened piping files.

Recent Structural Files Displays a list of most recently opened structural files.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

Exit Closes the session. You are prompted to save unsaved changes.

Edit Menu Performs actions associated with cutting and pasting, navigating through the elements, and performing a few small utilities.

Cut Cuts selected elements from the document and pastes them to the Clipboard. The selected elements replace the previous contents of the Clipboard.

Copy Copies selected elements to the Clipboard. When you use this command, it replaces the previous contents of the Clipboard with the new contents.

Paste Inserts the Clipboard contents into the file. The command is not available if the Clipboard is empty.

Continue Moves the dialog box to the next element in the model. The software adds a new element if there is no next element.

Duplicate Copies the selected element either before or after the current element.

Insert Inserts an element.

Insert Element Dialog Box Controls options for inserting an element. Before - Inserts a new element prior to the current element. The To node of the new element is then equal to the From node of the current element. After - Inserts a new element following the current element. The From node of the new element is then equal to the To node of the current element.

Delete Deletes the current element.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference

Find Displays a specific element in the view. This command displays a dialog box that allows you to specify the From and To nodes to search for. You can enter the node numbers in either of the two fields, or in both. If you entering only the From node number, the software searches for the first available element that starts with that node number. If you enter only the To node number, the software searches for an element ending with that node number. When the software locates the element it highlights the element and fits it in the view. You can zoom out to better identify the location of the highlighted element within the model.

Find Element Dialog Box Controls parameters for finding elements. Node Numbers - Specifies the node numbers to search for. Enter a single node number to find the next element containing that node number (either as a From or To node). Enter two node numbers to find the next element containing both of those node numbers (in either order). Zoom to Node if Found - Indicates that the software will display the found node in the active view.

Global Specifies the absolute (global) coordinates for the start node of each discontiguous system segment. This may be required for three reasons: 1. To show nodal coordinates in absolute, rather than relative coordinates. 2. Defining global coordinates for discontiguous segments allows the piping segments to plot in the correct locations, rather than superimposed at the origin. 3. It is important that the pipe be given the correct elevation if wind loading is present.

Global Coordinates Dialog Box Controls parameters for defining the absolute coordinates for the start node of an element. X - Specifies the X coordinate. Y - Specifies the Y coordinate. Z - Specifies the Z coordinate.

Close Loop Closes a loop by filling in the delta coordinates between two nodes in the model.

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Increment Specifies the increment between nodes. CAESAR II uses the nodal increment set in Configure/Setup when generating the From and To nodes for new elements. You can override this behavior by typing a different value in this dialog box. For more information, see Auto Node Number Increment (on page 59).

Set Node Increment Dialog Box Specifies the parameters for setting an increment between nodes. Node increment - Specifies the increment between node numbers.

Distance Finds the distance between two nodes. You can find the distance between the origin and a node that you specify, or the distance between two nodes.

Distance Dialog Box Controls the parameters for finding distances between nodes. Origin and Current Node - Calculates the distance between coordinate (0.0,0.0,0.0) and the To node of the current element. Nodes - Calculates the distance between two nodes. Enter the node numbers in the fields.

List Displays all of the applicable input data in a dialog box. You can edit, delete, or modify data in the lists. Show All Lists - Displays the List dialog box. Close All Lists - Closes the List dialog box and clears (un-checks) all the list options, such as Allowables, Bends, Elements, and so forth. The List dialog box contains a row of tabs at the bottom. These tabs specify the various list options that can be displayed. When you select a tab, the row headings at the top of the dialog box display the specific input data and controlling parameters in the corresponding columns. All of the input data can be accessed through the various List reports. An example List dialog box is shown below with the Elements List.


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Piping Input Reference The reports are generated in column format. Move the cursor into any box to type a new value to replace the original value. You can scroll through the reports either vertically or horizontally. Press F1 while in any of the data cells to display help information. Cell input may be deleted by highlighting the selection and pressing Delete. Standard Windows commands such as Cut and Paste are supported on a box-by-box basis. If you edit input data on the List dialog box, the software updates the Classic Piping Input dialog box as well. Values that carry forward on the Classic Piping Input dialog box are highlighted in red if there is a change in the data value. For example, in the example shown above, the PIPE OD in. value changes from 8.6250 inch to 6.6250 inch on the element From Node 30 to To Node 50. The first element in the list with the new value is highlighted in red. Note that elements 2 through 3 inherit the value of element 1 automatically. In this example, the value of the PIPE OD in. does not change until you enter a new value for element 4. All elements below element 4 inherit that value unless a new value in entered. Other options from the Elements List include the following: The Find command (started with Ctrl F or Edit > Find) quickly jumps to the element where the given node is located. Find remembers the last node number that you typed, so subsequent searches of the same node can be accomplished by pressing Ctrl F. Access to the element Auxiliary Data screens is available by highlighting an element row and right-clicking on an element line and clicking Block Operation > Aux Screens. By single-clicking on any checked items from the dialog box shown below the appropriate Auxiliary Data box displays. You can edit the data in the Auxiliary Data box, which updates the input dialog box. Additionally, you can type new data by double-clicking on any of the unchecked boxes to open the Auxiliary Data dialog box. You can delete an entire Auxiliary Data box by double-clicking on the checked item. A prompt warns you of the operation.

Block Operations The software provides the ability to perform global editing operations on selected parts of the piping system. These operations include varieties of rotations, deletions, duplications, node renumbering, and status reporting.

To access Block Operations commands from the 3D Graphics pane 1. Access the Block Operations commands from the Block Operations tool bar.

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Piping Input Reference 2. Select one of the following icons to perform the indicated operation.  Rotate  Duplicate  Delete  Renumber  Invert  Change Sequence

To access Block Operations commands from the Elements dialog box 1. Right-click in the Elements dialog box to display the menu. 2. Click Block Operation. 3. Select one of the sub-menu items to perform the indicated operation.  Rotate  Delete  Duplicate  Nodes  Invert  Change Sequence  Status

To define a block of elements in the 3D Graphics pane 1. Use the Select Element button on the Standard Operators tool bar to select a single element. You can click on the element in the 3D Graphics pane to select it. The selected element highlights. 2. To select more than one element, move the cursor to each additional element to select in the 3D Graphics pane and press the Shift key while clicking the additional elements. The entire group (block) of elements highlights. Alternatively, you can click the Select Group icon in the Standard tool bar and draw a box around the items you want to select. The highlighted elements define the set that any Block Operations command affects. A block may contain any number of elements from a single element to every element in the model.

To define a block of elements from the Elements dialog box 1. Move the cursor to the first element in the group (block) to be operated on and click the row number for that item. This element highlights in the Element dialog box and in the 3D Graphics pane. 2. Move the cursor to the last element in the group (block) to be operated on, press Shift and click the corresponding row number. 3. Alternatively, you can click the Select Group icon in the Standard tool bar and draw a box around the items you want to select. The entire group (block) of elements highlights. The highlighted rows define the elements that any block operations affect. A block may contain any number of elements from a single element to every element in the model.


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Piping Input Reference To define a block of elements by selecting by Line Number 1. Display the LineNumbers dialog box. 2. Select the element or block of elements you want to do a Block Operation on. The corresponding element(s) highlight in the 3D Graphics pane. The highlighted rows define the elements that any block operations change. A block may contain any number of elements from a single element to every element in the model. Rotate Rotates elements defined in the block. Displays the Block Rotate dialog box. This dialog box rotates the block through some angle about the X, Y, or Z axis. Unskew - Returns skewed geometry to an orthogonal orientation. Setup - Determines what in the block should be rotated, including restraints, displacements, force/moments, uniform loads, flexible nozzles, flanges, and element characteristics. The default is for all items that appear in the block to be rotated with the block. Degrees - Specifies the degrees of the rotation. Delete Deletes the selected block of elements. A confirmation message displays before the delete action is taken.

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Piping Input Reference Duplicate Duplicates elements in a block. Displays the Block Duplicate dialog box. You can make identical copies of the block. You can also make a mirror image by flipping the chosen elements in one of the orthogonal planes. Mirror imaging is done on the piping delta dimensions only. That is, restraints are copied but not mirror imaged. A +Y restraint does not become a -Y restraint when mirrored in the XZ plane.

Setup - Restraints, displacements, forces/moments, uniform loads, nozzles, flanges, and element characteristics can be individually included or excluded from the duplication. After the type of duplication is determined, you must decide the following:  Where in the Elements List to put the duplicated group of elements, either at the end of the current block, the end of the input file, or after a specific element in the model.  What node increments to add to the nodes in the block so that they define unique pipe elements. Be sure this increment is large enough to avoid any duplication of node numbers. Renumber Rearrange the node numbers in the block. You can use this feature to clean up part or all of the piping system. It is not unusual to put the entire model in one block and do a full renumber of all of the nodes. Make copies of any large jobs before renumbering them. Be particularly careful when renumbering systems containing large numbers of interconnected restraints with CNodes. 1. Select the block of nodes you want to renumber. You can do this in the 3D Graphics pane or in the Elements dialog box. 2. Click the Renumber icon in the Block Operations tool bar.


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Piping Input Reference The Block Renumber dialog box displays.

The Renumber check box is selected. 3. Enter the starting node in Start Node. 4. Enter the increment for the renumbering in Node Increment. Be sure that the start node and increment values results in unique node numbers for the elements being renumbered. 5. If you want to renumber the nodes of the elements that are connected to the selected block, check the Renumber the boundary nodes check box. CAESAR II renumbers the nodes of the elements that are connected to the selected block and the model is connected the same way as it was before the renumber. The boundary nodes include the From and To nodes of the elements connected to the selected block plus the nodes of the auxiliary data block that are connected to the selected block. Every node in the block on the piping system is renumbered. It is common for CAESAR II not to renumber a CNode in a block. This is because the CNode is connected to a node outside the block. The CNodes are not renumbered if they do not connect to a node in the block and on the piping system. Any possible confusion can be avoided in these instances by starting the renumbering at a node greater than the largest node in the model. If all of the nodes are renumbered successfully (that is, there are not any dangling CNodes), then the node Increment command can be issued with a negative increment to shift the newly renumbered nodes back into the original range.

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Piping Input Reference Typically, you may graphically select multiple blocks to renumber. However CAESAR II can only perform the renumber operation for the first block. In this case, CAESAR II displays a message box with information about which block will be renumbered. You can then continue to renumber the second block and so on until all blocks are renumbered.

Invert Assigns new From Node and To Node values to the selected block of elements. The Invert command reverses the order of the elements in the selected group as well as the node numbering while preserving the geometry of the input model. Contiguous segments (sets of elements) may be selected in either the Elements dialog box, the 3D Graphics pane, or the Line Numbers dialog box.

Why Use the Invert command The Invert command can be very helpful when you have imported a new piping input model from an external source, such as a Piping Component File (PCF), and you want to re-assign node numbers. For example, for an imported run from a termination to a tee, invert it to run from the tee to the termination.

To Use the Invert command 1. Select the block of elements (nodes) you want to finvert, either from the Elements dialog box or from the 3D Graphics pane or from the Line Numbers dialog box. 

If you select a block of elements from the Elements dialog box or from the Line Numbers dialog box, the corresponding elements are selected (highlighted) in the 3D Graphics panel. If you select a block of elements in the 3D Graphics pane or from the Line Numbers dialog box, the corresponding elements are NOT selected (highlighted) in the Elements dialog box.

2. Click the Invert icon on the Block Operations tool bar. Alternatively, right-click in the Elements dialog box to display the menu and click Block Operation > Invert. The node numbers are reversed. Notice that nothing changes in the 3D Graphics pane- only the node numbers are changed.


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Piping Input Reference 3. Review the Elements dialog box to verify the new node number assignments. The From Node and To Node values are renumbered for the selected elements. For example: Element Number

Original node numbers

New node number


95 - 100

115 - 110


100- 105

110 -105


105 - 110

105 - 100


110 - 115

100 - 95

Change Sequence Changes or rearranges the sequence (order) of elements while preserving the geometry.

Why Use the Change Sequence Command Typically, the Elements dialog box displays by the order of elements entered during the input process. The order in the list is important because when you specify some particular input values for an element in the list, that value propagates to all the elements in the list following it UNTIL that value is explicitly changed. When you import piping model data (in the form of PCFs) from other piping input design software such as Intergraph Smart3D, CAESAR II imports the elements in one sequence. However, that sequence may not be what you want. For example, you may want all the high pressure elements to be listed together. This reduces the number of unique input fields to verify and can help you to logically organize the model. You can re-organize elements in a way so that those with similar carry-forward properties are placed consecutively.

To Use the Change Sequence Command 1. Select the block of elements (nodes) whose sequence you want to change, either from the Elements dialog box , from the 3D Graphics pane, or from Line Numbers dialog box. 2. Click Change Sequence in the Block Operations tool bar. Alternately, you can right-click in the Elements dialog box and click Block Operations > Change Sequence. The Change Sequence dialog box displays.

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Piping Input Reference 3. Choose where in the list you want to move the selected block.  To move the selected block AFTER a given element, click Follow.  To move the selected block BEFORE a given element, click Precede. The cursor changes to indicate the operation is in progress. 4. From the Elements dialog box, position the cursor in the line where you want the selected block to be placed. Alternatively, you can select elements in the 3D Graphics pane and then click on the element where you want to move them. The selected block of elements displays in the new order. The 3D graphics model does not change. This command only affects the Elements dialog box display contents. Remember that this command provides you with the capability of organizing "like" types of elements together. To re-store the order of the Elements dialog box to the original list, use the Undo button. Status Displays the Block Status dialog box. This dialog box displays the piping data in the current job and in the block.

Next Element Skips to the next element.

Previous Element Skips to the previous element.

First Element Skips to the first element.

Last Element Skips to the last element.

Undo Reverses or cancels any modeling steps. This can also be accomplished by pressing Ctrl-Z. You can undo an unlimited number of steps. Undo is limited only by the amount of available memory. Making any input change while in the middle of the undo stack resets the redo stack.

Redo Repeats the last step done You can redo an unlimited number of steps. Redo is limited by the amount of available memory. Making any input change while in the middle of the redo stack resets the undo stack.


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Piping Input Reference

Edit Static Load Cases Displays the Static Analysis dialog box. For more information, see Static Analysis (on page 437).

Edit Dynamic Load Cases Displays the Dynamic Analysis dialog box displaying static load information. For more information, see Dynamic Analysis Overview (see "Dynamic Loads in Piping Systems" on page 527).

Review Units Displays the Review Current Units dialog box. This dialog box displays the units used to create the report file. Changing the units in the configuration does not affect the input. To change the input units, click Tools > Change Model Units.

Model Menu Performs actions associated with modeling as well as specifying associated system-wide information.

Break Divides an element into two or more individual elements. Click Model > Beak on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. This command displays the Break at element - dialog box.

Break at element - Dialog Box Controls options for breaking an element.  A straight run of pipe between two nodes needs to be broken to insert a restraint, or some other change in properties.

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A long straight run of pipe needs to be broken into multiple, uniform lengths of pipe with similar support conditions on each length. For example, a long straight run of rack piping, or a buried run with multiple soil supports at each point in the run.

The example above illustrates a single nodal insert between the nodes 10 and 20. The node to be inserted is 15 and is 6 ft. from the node 10. Alternatively, you could insert node 15 an appropriate distance from the To node 20. If there was some other node in the model with a restraint (or imposed displacements) like the one to be put on the newly generated node 15, then the node identifying that restraint location could be filled in at the line Get Support From Node and the restraint would be automatically placed at 15. In this case, the +Y support at node 10 is copied to node 15. For multiple inserts in a rack piping system the dialog box might appear as follows:


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If you type the node where a +Y restraint has already been defined at the prompt for "support condition", a +Y restraint is placed at all of the generated nodes, namely 110, 112, ... , 120. The multiple insert Break is used primarily for three reasons:  Rack piping supports where the total length and node spacing is known and typed directly when requested at the prompts.  Underground pipe runs where the overall length of the run is known, and the lengths of the individual elements in the run are known.  To add mass points in order to refine a model for dynamic analysis. Break does not work when the element is an expansion joint or the delta dimensions in the DX, DY, and DZ boxes are blank or zero. Insert Single Node - Indicates that only one node is inserted. Insert Multiple Nodes - Indicates that more than one node is inserted.

Single Node Information New Node Number - Indicates the node number for the inserted node. Distance in (in.) from Node - Specifies the distance from the selected node.

Multiple Node Information Total Number of Break Elements - Specifies the number of elements to insert. Node Step - Specifies the increment between node numbers. Length of each element - Displays the length of each element to insert.

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Piping Input Reference Allow Duplicate Node Numbers - Indicates that duplicate node numbers are allowed. Get Support From Node - Specifies the node from which to copy support information.

Valve Provides access to the valve and flange databases. This command displays the Valve and Flange Database: dialog box.

Valve and Flange Database: Dialog Box There are currently four databases provided:  CRANE steel valves and total flange length  GENERIC valves and 2/3 flange length  Corner and Lada valves - no flanges  CADWorx Plant (this is the CAESAR II default) CAESAR II automatically generates data lengths and weights of rigid elements for flange-valve -flange combinations when you select the Flange-Valve-Flange check box. The CRANE database contains all flanged and welded fittings in the CRANE steel valve catalog. The GENERIC database contains information from a variety of sources. In some cases, such as weights for control valves, information from different sources was found to vary considerably. In these cases the largest reasonable weight was selected for use in the database. In other cases only the length of the fitting was available.

The default database, CADWorx Plant, is a subset of the full component database provided with CADWorx Plant, Intergraph CAS's piping design and drafting software. This database offers nine different component types (gate, globe, check, control, ball, plug, butterfly valves, flange pair, and single flange) as well as four different end types (flanged, no-flanged, threaded,


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Piping Input Reference or socket). Selection of flanged-end components or flanges themselves automatically provides for gaskets.

Selecting flanged ends (FLG) for a valve simply adds the length and weight of two flanges and gaskets to the valve length and weight. NOFLG selects a valve without including the two mating flanges. Rigid Type - Specifies the rigid type for the fitting. End Type - Specifies the end type for the fitting. Class - Specifies the class for the fitting. Whole element - Indicates that the selections apply to the whole element. From end - Indicates that the selections apply to the From end of the fitting. To end - Indicates that the selections apply to the To end of the fitting. Both ends - Indicates that the selections apply to both ends of the fitting. Flange-Valve-Flange - Automatically generates data lengths and weights of rigid elements for flange-valve-flange combinations. Activate Flange Check - Turns on the flange check.

Adding an Element from the Valve Flange Database 1. Type the node numbers for the rigid element in the From and To boxes on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. 2. Click Valve/Flange on the toolbar, or click Model > Valve from the menu. 3. Highlight blocks to select the fitting. 4. Select where to insert the new element.

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Piping Input Reference Clicking the Flange Valve Flange check box enables CAESAR II to generate three RIGID elements whose length and weight are automatically populated with data from the Valve/Flange database. 5. Click OK to accept the selection. If the particular selection is valid for the current line size, CAESAR II displays the length of the element in the DX, DY, and DZ boxes, designates the element as RIGID, and inserts the weight in the appropriate slot in the Auxiliary box. The assumed orientation of the rigid is taken from the preceding element. CAESAR II is doing a table lookup based on line-size and is inserting the selected table values into the dialog box. Should the line size change at a later time, you must come back and ask CAESAR II to perform another table look-up for the new size. Use of the CADWorx Plant database offers several benefits over the use of other databases:  The CADWorx Plant database provides more accurate component lengths and weights than those typically available in the GENERIC database.  Using the same component data for CAESAR II and CADWorx Plant modeling promotes the efficiency of the bi-directional interface between them. Total sharing of data files and specifications between CAESAR II and CADWorx Plant occurs when the CADWorx installation option is saved in the registry. In that case, you should edit the third line of the CADWORX.VHD file to name the actual CADWorx specifications. These specifications are located in the CADWORX\SPEC subdirectory. For more information on editing this file, see below.  You can more easily modify the CADWorx Plant Valve and Flange database, because the specification files and component data files are ASCII text files. This process, which involves possibly editing the CADWORX.VHD, specification, and data files, is described below. The CADWORX.VHD file is structured as follows:

 

The first line must read CADWORX.DAT. It must not be changed. The second line is editable. It must begin with a zero. The second number on the line designates the number of specifications to make available. It can be a maximum of 7.  The third line is editable. It lists the available specifications. Each specification name must consist of 8 characters, padded by blanks on the right. The specification names designate files with extension .SPC, located in the SPEC subdirectory of the CAESAR II or the CADWorx Plant specification directory (if the CADWORX option is set in the registry).  The fourth line is editable. It designates whether each specification uses English or Metric nominal pipe sizes. Seven blanks followed by a 1 indicate an English nominal, while seven blanks followed by a 2 indicate a metric nominal.  The last five lines are not editable. The specification files are located in the SPEC subdirectory of the CAESAR installation directory. They are designated by the extension .SPC. The specification files correlate pipe size and component with the appropriate data file. Individual lines in the file list the library (subdirectory to the LIB_I or LIB_M directory, depending on whether English or Metric units are in effect), file name (with an extension equal to the library name), range of nominal pipe sizes for which the specified data file applies. You can edit any of these items. The last item on the line is


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Piping Input Reference the component type number, and should not be changed. Other items in the file pertain to CADWorx Plant and are not significant to CAESAR II. The data files hold the dimensional and weight values. Data files for different types of components hold different types of data. The data columns are labeled. The only data with significance to CAESAR II involves the weight and lengths. You can change these values. The following is a typical component data file for weld neck flanges:

You can find more extensive information on editing these files in the CADWorx Plant User Manual.

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Expansion Joint Displays the Expansion Joint Database and Expansion Joint Modeler dialog boxes. CAESAR II automatically generates an expansion joint model from catalog data that you select. The catalog used may be selected in the CAESAR II Configure/Setup routine. You decide where in the model the expansion joint should go, that is, between which two nodes, and the modeler assembles the completed joint. Selectable joint styles include Untied, Tied, Hinged, Gimbaled, Untied-Universal, and Tied Universal expansion joints. An example selection session is illustrated as follows. Of particular note are the following items:  You can select any of four material types. These material types are used to adjust the bellows stiffnesses to the actual highest temperature in the model. This typically results in higher stiffnesses than those shown in the vendor's catalog because the stiffnesses in the catalog may be based on a higher design temperature.  You can select any combination of end types.  Bellows, liner, cover, rod, and hinge or gimbal assembly weights are looked up from the stored database and automatically included in the expansion joint model.  For universal joints, the minimum allowed length is stored, but when the available space exceeds the minimum allowed, you are prompted for the length that you want the expansion joint assembly to occupy.  The last screen that follows shows the "proposed" model before it is inserted into the CAESAR II input. This allows you to investigate the characteristics of several joints before settling on one.  Actual maximum pressure ratings are also a part of the database, and in many cases exceed the nominal pressure rating shown in the catalog. You can use pressures up to these actual allowed maximums.  Allowed joint movements are also stored as part of the database and are printed with each proposed model. These values should be recorded for use in checking the model after a successful design pass has been completed.  Pressure thrust is included in the modeling considerations for each of the expansion joint styles, removing this concern.  In the case of "tied" expansion joints, rigid elements are used to model the tie-bars. Restraints with connecting nodes are used to contain the pressure thrust, and to keep the ends of the expansion joint parallel.


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Piping Input Reference

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Piping Input Reference


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Piping Input Reference Expansion Joint Modeler - From / To Nodes Indicates whether the expansion joint assembly should be installed at the From end or the To end of the current element if the length of the current element exceeds the length of the expansion joint assembly.

Expansion Joint Modeler - Hinge/Pin Axis Specifies the direction cosines which define the axis of the hinge pin of the expansion joint assembly. That is, the axis about which the joint can rotate. For example, if the hinge can rotate about the X-axis, type:1.0 0.0 0.0

Expansion Joint Modeler - Tie Bar Plane Specifies the direction cosines corresponding to a line drawn from the mid-point of one tie rod to the mid-point of the other. If an expansion joint has only two tie rods permitting rotation about the plane defined by the tie rods, type the direction cosines which, when crossed with the axis of the expansion joint assembly, define the plane. In this example, you would enter VX as1.000, VY as -0.000, and VZ as 0.000.

Expansion Joint Modeler - Overall Length Specifies the length of the universal joint. Alternatively, select the check box to default the joint length to the shortest recommended length. The length of a universal joint is variable depending upon the length of the intermediate spool piece.

Expansion Joint Modeler - Expansion Joint Database Specifies the database to use in the modeler. The current expansion joint vendor provides multiple databases. You can change the default expansion joint vendor in Expansion Joints (on page 51).

Torsional Spring Rates Type a large value such as 1E10 if the torsional spring rate is unknown. This produces conservative results. These results are conservative with respect to loads and non-conservative with respect to displacements. It is very common to rate the bellows allowed torsion by the amount of rotation that it experiences. Large torsional stiffnesses result in small, seemingly satisfactory rotations. When results from a piping analysis are communicated back to the expansion joint manufacturer, it is important to report both the rotation and the stiffness used to produce that rotation. For more information, see Expansion Joints (on page 770).

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Piping Input Reference Expansion Joint Design Notes It was common practice in the expansion joint industry to design expansion joint bellows and hardware (restraints) for the system pressure, and pressure thrust only. Generally, no consideration was given to the system deadweight or thermal forces. This poor practice was tolerated before the wide-spread use of piping analysis software because:  The deadweight and thermal forces are normally small compared to the pressure and pressure thrust.  Designers laid out expansion joints so that the thermal forces were very low and therefore not significant.  The allowable stresses used in hardware designs have a significant safety factor. The forces and moments generally were not known. Today, when an expansion joint is modeled, it is recommended that al information relating to the joint be submitted to the expansion joint manufacturer. This is especially true of the forces and moments resulting from the operating loads, such as deadweight, thermal forces, and operating deflections. Better evaluations of the loading conditions on the bellows and hardware simply help the manufacturer make sure that his design is suited for the intended installation and service.

Expansion Joint Modeler - Modeler Results Click Build to insert the proposed model of the expansion joint assembly into the piping system model. The Bellows Catalog Data (at the bottom of the Expansion Joint Modeler dialog box) shows the bellows stiffness parameters and allowable movements from the vendor catalog. Note the allowable movements for later evaluation of the expansion joint.

Expansion Joint Modeler Notes Expansion joints cannot be inserted on an element that is either already rigid or an expansion joint. Bends, however, can be at either end of the element where you are inserting the expansion. You do not have to give a length on the element where you are inserting the expansion joint. The six types of expansion joint models supported currently by CAESAR II are:  Untied single bellows  Tied single bellows  Hinged single bellows  Gimbaled single bellows  Untied universal bellows  Tied universal bellows The four possible joint end types are:  Welded-end  Slip-on flange  Weld neck flange  Plate flange If the length of the element to receive the expansion joint model is given, then the expansion joint assembly should fit within this length. If it does not, a warning message displays. If a


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference universal joint has been requested, the length of the receiving element should be at least long enough to accept the smallest possible universal length, as defined by the minimum spool piece size from the manufacturers' database. If the element to receive the universal expansion joint model is zero, you are prompted for the expansion joint length. If the element to receive the universal expansion joint model had an original length, then the maximum possible space available for the universal is reported and you are asked for the length. If the element to receive any expansion joint is longer than the expansion joint to be inserted, you are prompted for the end of the element where the joint should be inserted. Overall universal lengths should be limited to about 10 times the pipe diameter before the center spool piece weight begins to become a problem. If there is a bend at either the From or the To end of the element to receive the expansion joint, then you must define the length of the element. To find extra nodes needed for the expansion joint model, CAESAR II starts with the element From node and increments by one until a sufficient number of nodes not used elsewhere in the model are encountered. It is these nodes that are reported in the Proposed-model dialog box. Angular stiffnesses reported are given in the current set of units. Only the translational stiffness label is found at the top of the bellows stiffness report. If you are unsure about the rotational stiffness units, they may be seen either in the help screens or in the UNITS report from the LIST option. You are prompted to adjust the stiffness for the expansion joint if the highest operating temperature is given and not equal to the expansion joint catalog design temperature. This reduces bellows stiffnesses greater than those published in the catalog. Bellows, tie-bar, and hinge/gimbal assembly weights are combined together and distributed over the expansion joint rigid end pieces. The expansion joint modeler makes every attempt possible to generate nodes in the model that are unique. Inspect the nodes that are generated closely and make sure that you do not use them unintentionally in any future model building. Review the generated CAESAR II models and be sure that everything is consistent with your intentions.

Expansion Joint Styles The following six styles of expansion joints are built automatically by CAESAR II. With each type is a brief discussion of its use when associated with hot, pressurized equipment protection.

Untied Specifies a single unrestrained expansion joint. This type of joint can absorb movement in all directions. It also subjects the system to pressure thrust which must be designed for, external to the expansion joint. This type of joint should almost never be used by the expansion joint novice needing to protect hot, pressurized equipment. Guide restrictions limiting displacements into the joint, regular maintenance problems because of all of the support hardware away from the bellows, and pressure thrust make using and analyzing this type of bellows difficult.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Tied Specifies a tied single expansion joint that is capable only of transverse (lateral) movement. Pressure thrust is restrained internally by the tie-bars. This is a good, dependable expansion joint to use for several reasons:  You do not have to design for pressure thrust.  Tie rods provide stability to the overall joint. This makes working with it in the field easier.  There is a single displacement mode (lateral). You can compare this mode directly to the rated lateral movement in the catalog without the need for the relatively complicated geometric calculations in the Expansion Joint Rating. The disadvantages to the single tied expansion joint are:  They are fairly stiff in practice. This joint often does not provide the needed flexibility to sufficiently reduce the loads on sensitive equipment.  The tie-bar assembly does provide some nonlinear restraining effect on flexibility that is unaccounted for in the analysis. This may be appreciable when the bellows displacement becomes large, such as when it is most critical that it perform as predicted.

Hinged Specifies a single hinged expansion joint. This type of joint can only angulate about one axis. Pressure thrust is retained internally by the hinge mechanism. Hinge joints are often used in pairs to absorb considerable displacement in a single plane while transmitting very little load to any attached equipment. The piping system must be designed to assure that displacement into the hinges is planar for all types of thermal and occasional loadings to be experienced by the system. Where pressure loads to be absorbed by the hinge mechanism are high, considerable friction forces can be generated that somewhat limits further flexing of the joint. This transmits larger loads than expected back into the piping system.

Gimbal Specifies a single gimbal expansion joint. This type of joint can angulate about two axes. Gimbaled joints restrain both pressure thrust and torsion by the gimbal mechanism. These joints are often used in pairs to absorb considerable displacement in several directions, while transmitting very little load to any attached equipment.

U-UNIV Specifies an untied universal expansion joint. This type of unit is similar to a single unrestrained expansion joint. It can absorb movement in all directions and normally has a much higher capacity for transverse (lateral) deflection than a single bellows. An untied universal subjects the system to pressure thrust loads which must be designed for external to the expansion joint. Even when pressure is negligible, these joints can often be difficult to use in practice unless proper guiding of the thermal displacement protects the joint against unwanted movement.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference T-UNIV Specifies a tied universal expansion joint. This is similar to a tied single joint, except that the tied universal has much higher transverse (lateral) movement capability. Pressure thrust loads are restrained internally by the tie-bars. These types of joints are a good option where vertical pipe runs close to the equipment are available. The tie-bars restrict movement to a single mode (lateral) and eliminate the worry about pressure thrust design. Longer lengths result in smaller lateral stiffnesses, but overall length is somewhat restricted by the weight of the center spool. A good rule of thumb is to restrict the overall length of the assembly to ten times the pipe diameter. Be careful not to put the assembly into compression, as the tie bar mechanisms are not designed to take this load and damage to the bellows can result. These six types of expansion joints are not all of the types available, but they are the most common. If a joint is needed that is not covered by the above, select the style closest to that required. Edit the resulting input after the EJ Modeler is complete and processing returns to the Classic Piping Input dialog box.

Available Expansion Joint End-Types The following expansion joint end-types are available in the CAESAR II modeler.

Welded Indicates standard pipe beveled for welding.

Slipon Indicates a slip-on flange.

WN Indicates a weld neck flange.

Plate Indicates a plate flange in accordance with the manufacturers catalog. Slip-on, weld neck, and plate flanges may not be available in all diameters and pressure ratings, such as over 24-in. diameters. Consult the catalog for specific interface dimensions, codes, and materials. When you select a combination that is not available, you are warned that there are no database values for his particular geometry and line size.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Bellows Application Notes The following considerations are important when selecting the number of convolutions for a particular application:

Movement Capability The more convolutions selected, the greater the movement capacity of the bellows. It is a common practice to perform a quick hand calculation to estimate the required movement and then select the number of convolutions from the rated movements in the catalog. After an analysis is performed, the exact evaluation of the bellows performance can be made using the expansion joint rating module provided with CAESAR II.

Spring Forces Specifies the spring forces. The more convolutions that you select, the lower the resulting bellows spring forces become. This is particularly critical when the expansion joint is located near rotating equipment.

Available Space The more convolutions selected, the greater the required overall length. If working in a confined area, the number of convolutions may be restricted by the space.

Pressure Rating The pressure rating should be equal to, or larger than the design pressure of the system. In many instances, larger pressures can be tolerated than the rated pressure shown. In many small diameter expansion joints, the same bellows is used in 50, 150, and 300 psi-rated joints. The CAESAR II modeler contains the true minimum pressure limits for all of the bellows in the database, and checks the maximum pressure in the line (as specified) against the allowed pressure. This allows you to select a smaller joint with more flexibility for certain applications.

Materials Bellows can be formed from most ductile materials that can be welded by the automatic T.I.G. butt welding process and yield a homogeneous ductile weld structure. Because the specific media content varies from system to system, and most media data specified prior to system operation is approximate with considerable fluctuation possible, it is not feasible to make specific recommendations concerning bellows materials. The following are the four most common bellows materials that are supported by CAESAR II:  304SS—A240 tp 304 Stainless Steel  316SS—A240 tp 316 Stainless Steel  600Inc—Inco 600 High Nickel  625Inc—Inco 625 High Nickel


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Liners Internal liners smooth the flow through the expansion joint. The smooth flow reduces pressure drop and also prevents flow-induced vibration of the bellows. Liners are generally recommended when the flow velocity exceeds 1.3 ft./sec. as a minimum, and are definitely recommended when the flow velocity exceeds about 25 ft./sec. Consult the manufacturers catalog for additional information. Heavy gage liners should be used in high velocity or turbulent flow systems. Also, heavy liners should be used when the media is abrasive.

Covers External covers protect very thin bellows, (0.010 to 0.090 in.) from mechanical damage. Covers are also recommended when the line is insulated.

Title Page Displays the title page of the current job. This is up to 60 lines of text that is stored with the problem, and may be used for detailing run histories, discussing assumptions, and so on. These lines may be printed with the output report through the input echo.

Hanger Design Control Data Displays system-wide hanger design criteria.

Hanger Design Control Data Dialog Box Spring hanger design can be globally controlled by typing data into the Hanger Design Control Data dialog box shown above. The Hanger Design Control Data dialog box contains five items that also appear on each individual hanger design spreadsheet. These parameters can be set once in the dialog box, and then apply for all individual hangers to be defined unless specifically overridden at the individual hanger input level. These items are:  Short-range springs  Rigid support displacement criteria  Maximum-allowed travel limit  Hanger table  Multiple load-case design option

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

In addition, the Hanger Design Control Data dialog box tells the hanger design algorithm the number of temperature cases to be used in the hanger design, and whether or not the actual cold loads should be calculated. All of these options are discussed in detail in the following sections.

No. of Hanger - Design Operating Load Cases Specifies the number of load cases to be considered when designing spring hangers. This value may be between 1 and 9 and corresponds to the number of thermal load cases to be used in hanger design. If more than one operating case is to be considered in the hanger design then you must also select the Multiple Load Case Design Option to use.

Calculate Actual Cold Loads Indicates that CAESAR II makes one additional pass after the hanger design is completed and the hangers are installed, to determine the actual installed loads that should be used when the hangers are first installed and the load flanges adjusted in the field. This calculation tends to be important in the following situations:  The stiffness of the piping system is small.  The stiffness of the hanger selected is high.  The hanger travel is large. This is usually more important in smaller diameter piping systems that are spring supported away from equipment nozzles. Actual cold loads should be calculated when springs in smaller diameter lines are to be adjusted in the cold position.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Allow Short Range Springs Indicates that hanger design allows short range springs. CAESAR II gives you the option of excluding short range springs from consideration from the selection algorithms. Short range springs are considered specialty items in some instances and are not used unless their shorter length is required for clearance reasons. Clear this check box in this case. If this option is not selected, CAESAR II selects a mid-range spring over a short-range spring, assuming that they are more standard, readily available, and in general cheaper than their short-range counterparts. If the default should be that short range springs are used wherever possible, then check the box on the Hanger Design Control Data dialog box.

Allowable Load Variation (%) Specifies the limit on the allowed variation between the hot and cold hanger loads. If this value is not specified, the only limit on load variation is that inherent in the spring table. This is approximately 100% when the hot load is smaller than the cold load and 50% when the hot load is larger than the cold load. Hot loads are smaller than cold loads whenever the operating displacement in the Y direction is positive. The default value for the load variation is 25%. The Allowable Load Variation value is the percentage variation from the hot load:

or as may be more familiar:

The Allowable Load Variation value is typed as a percentage. For example, type twenty five percent as 25.0.

Rigid Support Displacement Criteria Specifies the minimum amount of travel for hanger design. This is a cost saving feature that replaces unnecessary springs with rigid rods. The hanger design algorithm operates by first running a restrained weight case. The load to be supported by the hanger in the operating condition is determined from this case. After the hanger design load is known, the software runs an operating case with the hot hanger load installed. This analysis determines the travel at the hanger location. If this determined hanger travel is less than the Rigid Support Displacement Criteria, then a rigid Y-support is selected instead of a spring for the location. The software does not apply the criteria if you leave the Rigid Support Displacement Criteria box blank or zero. A typical value is 0.1 in. You should insert a single directional restraint instead of a rigid rod in some cases. Rigid rods are double-acting restraints. In some cases these can develop large hold down forces that do not really exist because the support has lifted off, or because the rigid rod has bowed

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference slightly. When this condition develops, you should rerun the hanger design inserting single directional restraints where rigid rods were put in by CAESAR II. Do not replace hangers with rigid rods in very stiff parts of the piping system. These parts are usually associated with rotating equipment or vessel nozzles that need to be protected.

Maximum Allowed Travel Limit Specifies the maximum amount of travel for hanger design. CAESAR II selects a constant effort support if the design operating travel exceeds this limit, even though a variable support from the manufacturer table would have been satisfactory in every other respect. You can design a constant effort hanger by specifying a very small number for the Maximum Allowed Travel Limit. A value of 0.001 typically forces CAESAR II to select a constant effort support for a particular location.

Hanger Table Specifies the active hanger table. The following spring tables are currently included in CAESAR II: 1. Anvil

2. Bergen Power

3. Power Piping

4. NPS Industries

5. Lisega

6. Fronek

7. Piping Technology

8. Capitol

9. Piping Services

10. Basic Engineers

11. Inoflex

12. E. Myatt


14. BHEL

15. Flexider

16. Carpenter & Paterson

17. Pipe Supports Ltd.

18. Witzenmann

19. Sarathi

20. Myricks

21. China Power

22. Pipe Supports USA

23. Quality Pipe Supports 24. PiHASA 25. Binder

26. Gradior

27. NHK

28. PSSI GmbH

29. Seonghwa

30. Mitsubishi

31. Yamashita

32. Sanwa Tekki

33. Techno Industries Additional design options are invoked if you use the following checkboxes.  Extended Range  Cold Load  Hot load centered (if possible)


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference For example, to use Grinnell Springs and cold load design, select the Cold Load Design checkbox. To use Grinnell Extended Range springs, click Cold Load Design, and to get the design Hot load centered in the middle of the hanger table, if possible, select all three checkboxes. The Hanger Design Control Data dialog box defaults to the hanger table-specified in the configuration file. CAESAR II includes the maximum load range to permit the selection of less expensive variable support hangers in place of constant effort supports when the spring loads are just outside the manufacturers recommended range. Make sure that the maximum load range is available from the manufacturer as a standard item. Extended Load Range Springs - Extended load ranges are the most extreme ranges on the spring load table. Some manufacturers build double-spring supports to accommodate this range. Others adjust the top or bottom travel limits to accommodate either end of the extended table. Make sure that the manufacturer can supply the spring before you use the maximum ranges. Use of the extended range often eliminates the need to go to a constant effort support. Lisega springs do not support the extended range idea. A request for extended Lisega springs results in the standard Lisega spring table and ranges. Cold Load Spring Hanger Design - Cold load spring hanger design is a method of designing the springs in which the hot (or operating) load is supported in the cold (or installed) position of the piping. This method of spring design offers several advantages over the more usual hot load design:  Hanger stops are easier to remove.  There is no excessive movement from the neutral position when the system is cold or when the stops are removed.  Spring loads can be adjusted before the system is brought up to temperature.  Some feel that the cold load approach yields a much more dependable design.  Operating loads on connected equipment are lower in some system configurations. A hot vertical riser anchored at the bottom turning horizontally into a nozzle connection is a typical configuration resulting in this load-reduction. The spring to be designed is at the elbow adjacent to the nozzle. Operating loads are lower because the difference between the hot and cold loads counters the moment produced by the vertical thermal expansion from the anchor. The disadvantages to cold load design are:  In some systems, the loads on rotating equipment may be increased by a value proportional to the spring rate times the travel in the hot condition.  Most installations are done on a hot load design basis. The decision to use hot or cold load hanger design rests with you. Middle of the Table Hanger Design (Hot Load Centered) - Many designers prefer that the hot load be centered as closely as possible to the middle of the spring table. This provides as much variability as possible in both directions before the spring bottoms out when the system is hot. This was necessary before effective computer modeling of piping systems, when the weights at hangers were approximated by chart methods or calculated by hand. Activating this option does not guarantee that spring hot loads is at the middle of the spring table, but CAESAR II makes every effort to move the hot load to this position. The CAESAR II design algorithm goes to a higher size spring if the design load is closer to the middle of the larger spring's range, but never switches spring types. This option, when it is effective, can only result in a one-size larger spring. CAESAR II attempts to move the hot load to the next higher spring when it is within 10% of the maximum travel range for the spring. If the new spring is not satisfactory, then the old one is used to get a hot load close to the middle of the table even though its hot load is within 10% of the high end of the table load range.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

Multiple Load Case Design Options Specifies the multiple load case design option. Whenever more than one thermal load case is used in the hanger sizing algorithm, CAESAR II must know how you want to weigh the results from the different cases. There are currently 13 different methods that you can use for multiple load case hanger design selection. These 13 methods are described in greater detail under the hanger auxiliary data section. 1. Design per Load Case #1 2. Design per Load Case #2 3. Design per Load Case #3 4. Design per Load Case #4 5. Design per Load Case #5 6. Design per Load Case #6 7. Design per Load Case #7 8. Design per Load Case #8 9. Design per Load Case #9 10. Design for the maximum operating load 11. Design for the maximum travel 12. Design for the average load and the average travel 13. Design for the maximum load and the maximum travel

Seismic Wizard Selects a particular Seismic Code and its associated data. The wizard computes the applicable g factor and fills in the appropriate data cells. X-component is set into Vector 1, Y-component is set into Vector 2, and Z-component is set into Vector 3; all other load components are set to zero. A warning displays if the current element has uniform loads defined. Because the wizard sets data in gravitational loading, you must verify other uniform load definitions for correctness.

ASCE Static Seismic Wizard Computes the static g factor based on the ASCE 7-2005 (IBC 2006) methodology.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference

CAESAR II displays the calculated gravity factor on the Uniform Loads tab.

Uniform Loads Tab

Importance Factor I (ASCE) Specifies the component importance factor from ASCE #7 Section 13.1.3. Type 1.5 for life-safety components, components containing hazardous material, or components that are required for continuous operation. Type 1.0 for all others.

Response Factor R (ASCE) Specifies the component response modification factor, from ASCE #7 Table 13.6-1. Type 12.0 for piping according to ASME B31 with joints made by welding or brazing. Type a value range as low as 3.0 for other joints and for less ductile materials.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Max. Mapped Res. Acc. Ss (ASCE) Specifies the maximum mapped MCE spectral response acceleration at short periods according to Section 11.4.1, Chapter 22 – Seismic Ground Motion and Long-period Transition Maps – provide values for Ss.

Site Class (ASCE) Specifies the site class code. Based on the soil properties, the site is classified as Site Class A, B, C, D, E, or F according to Chapter 20. If you do not know the soil properties in sufficient detail to determine the site class, use Site Class D.

Component Elevation Ratio z/h (ASCE) Specifies the ratio of height in structure at the point of attachment over the average height of the supporting structure.

Component Amplification Factor ap (ASCE) Specifies the component amplification factor from Table 13.6-1. Type 2.5 for distribution system, such as piping. This term reflects the relationship of the piping response to the structure response.

ASCE Example Problem For further information on the Seismic Wizard see the example below. The Importance Factor IP = 1 The Component Response Modification Factor RP = 12.0, from Table 13.6-1 for "Piping in accordance with ASME B31", The Mapped MCE Spectral Response Acceleration Ss = 1.552, Mapped MCE Spectral Response Acceleration at short periods according to section 11.4.1. The Site Coefficient (Fa) = 1.0 for Site Class D, according to Table 11.4-1. The Maximum Considered Earthquake MCE SMS - The MCE is adjusted for site class effects as defined in Section 11.4.3, SMS = Fa SS = 1.552 SDS - Design elastic response acceleration at short period (0.2 sec), from Section 11.4.4. SDS= 2/3 SMS = 2/3 * 1.552 = 1.0347 The appropriate seismic acceleration is aH = [ (0.4aPSDS) / ( RP / IP )] ( 1 + 2z/h) = [(0.4 x 2.5 x 1.0347)/(12.0/1.0)](1 + 2 * 0.5) = 0.17245 Check limits on aH: aH = 0.3 * SDS * IP = 0.3 * 1.0347 * 1.0 = 0.31041 aH = 0.31041 aH = 0.2 SDS= 0.2 * 1.0347 = 0.20694,


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Section 13.1.7 states, "The earthquake loads determined in accordance with Section 13.3.1 shall be multiplied by a factor of 0.7." aH = 0.7 * 0.31041 = 0.2173 av = 0.7 * 0.20694 = 0.1149 CAESAR II displays the calculated gravity factor on the Uniform Loads tab.

CFE Sismo Static Seismic Wizard Computes the static g factor based on the Manual De Diseno por Sismo (Seismic Design Manual) 1993 methodology.

CFE Sismo Seismic Wizard CAESAR II displays the calculated gravity factor on the Uniform Loads tab.

Uniform Loads Tab

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Seismic Zone (CFE) Specifies the seismic zone. Zone D is the zone of highest seismic activity. Zone A is the least active. For more information, review the Manual De Diseno por Sismo (Seismic Design Manual). A map with different regions displays on page 1.3.29.

Structure Group (CFE) Specifies the structural group as defined in the following table: Group A

High Degree of Safety

Group B

Intermediate Degree of Safety

Group C

Low Degree of Safety

Soil Type (CFE) Specifies the soil type as defined in the following table: I Hard Soil

Ground deposits formed exclusively by layers with propagation velocity bo = 700 m/s or modulus of rigidity >= 85000 t/m2

II Med. Soil

Ground deposits with fundamental period of vibration and effective velocity of propagation which meets the condition: c5  5c  cc

III Soft Soil

Ground deposits with fundamental period of effective vibration of propagation which meets the conditions: c5  5c  cc

First Mode Period (CFE) Specifies the period of first natural mode of the piping system in seconds.

Increase Factor (CFE) Specifies the increase factor. The Mexican Earthquake Code considers an SRSS type effect on the structure. This value scales up the earthquake loads in a linear (Scalar) fashion. This value is traditionally 1.118 and should always be greater or equal to 1.0.

CFE Sismo Example Problem For further information on CFE Sismo, see the example below. For seismic zone D and soil type I, the following parameters are found in Table 3.1. 0 a = 0.50 C = 0.50 Ta (s) = 0.0 Tb (s) = 0.0 r=½ If T> Tb , then r a = c ( Ta / Tb) = 0.50 * (0.6 / 1.15) ^ 0.5 = 0.3612


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference For a structure group of A – High Safety, the acceleration is multiplied by 1.5 a = 0.3612 * 1.5 = 0.5417 CAESAR II displays the calculated gravity factor on the Uniform Loads tab.

NBC Static Seismic Wizard Computes the static g factor based on the NBC 2005 methodology.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Importance Factor IE (NBC) Specifies the importance factor as defined in Article as defined in the following table: Importance Category

Importance Factor (IE)









Site Class (NBC) Specifies the site classification for the seismic site response from Table

Sa(0.2) (NBC) Specifies the spectral response acceleration value at 0.2 seconds as defined in Paragraph

Component Elevation Ratio [hx/hn] (NBC) Specifies the component elevation ratio. The values hx and hn are the height above the base to level n or x respectively. The base of the structure is the level at which horizontal earthquake motions are imparted to the structure.

Component Amplification Factor [Rp] (NBC) Specifies the force amplification factor from Table

Element or Component Factor [Cp] (NBC) Specifies the component factor from Table

Component Force Amp. Factor [Ar] (NBC) Specifies the component response modification factor from Table


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference NBC Example For further information on the use of the Static Seismic Wizard see the example below. Importance Factor IE = 1.0 for a "Normal" category by Table The Site Class is "C" for "Very dense soil and soft rock" by Table Sa (0.2) = 0.55, spectral response acceleration value at 0.2 s, as defined in Sentence According to Table,Fa = 1.0: Sp = Cp Ar Ax / Rp = 1 * 1 * (1 + 2 * 0.5) / 3 = 0.6667 Cp = 1, Ar = 1 and Rp = 3 according to Table The maximum value of Sp is 4.0 and minimum value of Sp is 0.7, therefore: Sp = 0.7 aH= 0.3 * Fa Sa (0.2)IE Sp = 0.3 * 1.0 * 0.55 * 1.0 * 0.7 = 0.1155 CAESAR II displays the calculated gravity factor on the Uniform Loads tab.

Optimization Wizard Assists with expansion loop design. This wizard allows you to specify the element into which the loop should be incorporated, the loop type, the item to be optimized - nodal stress or restraint load, and the target value to which the item should be optimized. The optimization routines run the analysis several times to arrive at an acceptable loop size such that the code stress or restraint load on the target element is at the specified limit. Besides offering the opportunity to specify various loop configurations and a selection of height to width ratios, the wizard also provides an option to allow CAESAR II to select the most economical (based on length of pipe and number of bends) of those possible. To use the optimization wizard, the job must be run at least once so that there is an issue, such as an overstress, to resolve. These results must be current. The process is illustrated by the example LOOP-WIZARD.C2, as displayed below. Reviewing the results of the LOOP-WIZARD job shows that it is suffering an expansion overstress of 46,741 psi. The allowable value at node 20 is 41,288 psi. This is due to the expansion of the long run 60-140. A loop should be installed somewhere along that run. The questions are where, and how big should it be?

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

Before you start the Loop Optimizer, examine the area of the plant surrounding the piping system. To do this, import the CADWorx (or AutoCAD) plant model, using the CADWorks Model command. In this case, import the ...\EXAMPLES\LOOP-WIZARD-PLANT\OVERALL.DWG model. This model shows that there is a convenient area to place a loop beside element 60-70.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Select element 60-70 and then click Model > Optimization Wizard Optimization Wizard. The Loop Design Wizard dialog box displays.

start the Loop

Using the Loop Optimization Wizard: 1. Loop 60-70 is already indicated as the element upon which the loop is installed. You can change this value by selecting a different value from the list, or by selecting other elements in the model. 2. Click Stress as the optimization type. Optionally, you can optimize restraint load components as well. 3. Select EXP from the Load Case list. This fills in the element list showing stresses on the left side of the dialog box. 4. Type 36,000 in the Stress box to define a target maximum stress. This value refines the element list, so that it displays only those elements with stress levels higher than the target. 5. Select the Max Stress box to limit the maximum stress in the system to the target value. 6. Select the Loop Type from the available icons. For this example, select the first loop type.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference 7. Select from the Height to Width Ratio list to allow the loop height to vary to any size while keeping the width constant. In this case, the terminal run of pipe is set to one bend radius with the loop width fixed to the remaining length of element 60-70.

At this point there are two alternatives to indicating where the loop should be placed.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference 8. Click Draw Cube to generate a transparent cube anchored on the selected element. You can adjust the size and location of this cube by using the mouse. Use the corner points (Pt1 or Pt2) to adjust the major direction of the loop and the available space. Use the triangle to adjust the minor axis of the loop and the available space. Drag the cube over the decking adjacent to element 60-70 to build a cube with a Major dimension of 17ft 11 inches in the –X direction.

9. After the dialog box is complete, Click Design to start the optimization procedure. The progress of the design scheme displays. After the loop is designed, you are informed of how much pipe and how many bends were required to create the loop.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference 10. Click Undo to restart the Loop Wizard using different loop types. You can use this information to find the most economical implementation.

When the optimizer finishes, the new expansion loop is inserted into the selected element.

11. Run a final analysis to verify all results. There are instances where the optimizer reports an error. Examples of such situations are: (a) requesting a loop insertion in an element that is not long enough, or (b) setting an impossible target maximum. Selecting the special loop type enables CAESAR II to select the best loop to reach the indicated target. This loop type is indicated on the dialog box by a lightning bolt. The best


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference characteristic of each loop is based on the relative cost of bends to straight pipe. When you select the lightning bolt loop type, the Bend Cost Factor box activates. The default value of 100 indicates that a bend costs 100 times as much as the equivalent length of straight pipe. Adjust this value can as necessary.

Loop Optimization Wizard Overview The Loop Optimization Wizard automates the sizing of expansion loops in a piping system.

Optimization Type Specifies the type of output value to reduce. The available values include Stress Level and Restraint Load Component.

Load Case (for Design) Specifies the load case for which to reduce an output value. Adding a loop may well solve a problem in a displacement-driven load case (Operating or Expansion) but not in a force-driven load case (Sustained or Occasional). After you select the Load Case value, the software displays Stress or Restraint Load output values for review and selection.

Target Stress Specifies the target level to which you would like to reduce the output value. Typing a stress value (or a Load, in conjunction with a Load Component type) acts as a filter, showing only elements which have stress values exceeding that level. This target value also becomes the stress or load for which the selected target (Maximum System Stress, Restraint Load Component, or Node) is optimized. Design is not activated until you designate both a Target and Optimization Type.

Max. Stress Optimizes the maximum stress level in the system (as opposed to a stress level at a single node) to the value in the Target Data box. Design is not activated until you designate both a Target and Optimization Type.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference At Node Specifies either the node at which the stress level is to be optimized (and the element upon which that node is located) or the node at which a restraint load component is to be optimized (along with the Load Component Type). Double-click one of the entries in the Element/Node/Stress list or a Load Component in the Restraint Load to automatically fill in these entries. Design is not activated until you designate both a Target and Optimization Type.

On Element

For Stress Optimization: Specifies the element on which the node for which the stress level is to be optimized is located. Double-click one of the entries in the Element/Node/Stress list to automatically fill in this entry. Design is not activated until you designate both a Target and Optimization Type.

For Restraint Load Optimization: Specifies the restraint load component which is to be optimized. Double-click one of the Load Component entries in the Restraint Load list to automatically fill in this entry. Design is not activated until you designate both a Target and Optimization Type.

Element/Node/Stress/Restraint Load Component Displays the items which you can double-click to automatically fill in the entries designating the item (either nodal stress or restraint load component) for which the results should be optimized.

Create Loop on Element Specifies the element which is replaced by the loop. You can select the element from the list or from the model. The Loop Optimization Wizard can only be used to substitute loops in place of single elements.

Loop Type Specifies the general configuration of the loop.


Type #1 - places the loop at the From end of the original element in the plane of the Major Direction.

Type #2 - Places a 2-D (both dimensions the same size) loop at the From end of the original element, first in the plane of the Major Direction and then in the plane of the Minor Direction.

Type #3 - Places the loop in the middle of the original element in the plane of the Major Direction.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference

Type #4 - Places 2-D (both dimensions the same size) loop in the middle of the original element, first in the plane of the Major Direction and then in the plane of the Minor Direction.

Type #5 - Places the loop at the To end of the original element, in the plane of the Major Direction.

Type #6 - Places 2-D (both dimensions the same size) loop at the To end of the original element, first in the plane of the Major Direction and then in the plane of the Minor Direction.

Type # 7 - Builds a loop of the same size as the original element.

Type # 8 - Builds a 2-D (both dimensions the same size) loop of the same size as the original element, first in the Major Direction and then in the Minor Direction.

Type #9 - Causes CAESAR II to try all eight loop types and find the most economically efficient solution based on total pipe length and number of bends.

Bend Cost Factor Specifies the relative cost of a bend relative to straight pipe. This value is used when CAESAR II is asked to select the most economic loop design. For example, if a bend (including hardware, fabrication, and other costs) costs 100 times as much as the same length of straight pipe, then the appropriate value would be 100.0.

Width to Height Ratio Specifies the loop height to width ratio that should be maintained when building the loop. Available options are 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, and none. Select none if the segments of the selected loop configurations still coincide with the original element run. For example, segment #4 of Loop Type #1, segment #6 of Loop Type #2, segments #1 and #5 of Loop Type #3, segments #1 and #7 of Loop Type #4, or segment #1 of Loop Types #5 and #6 have a length equal to exactly the length of a long radius bend. This entry does not apply in the event that Loop Types #7 or #8 were selected. In this case, the height to width ratio is not used. The height varies as necessary and the width is held constant to the length necessary to make up the original element length. This last option is often preferable in areas where there is limited room for wide loops.

Draw Cube Graphically creates the anticipated area where the loop is installed. This cube may then be resized or moved to reflect the preferred area for the loop. The Loop Optimization Wizard tries to design a loop that fits in the allocated space.

Major Direction Specifies the direction and distance of the primary direction of the loop.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Minor Direction Specifies direction and distance of the secondary direction of a 2-D loop.

Major Direction Available Space Specifies the maximum available space for the loop in the major direction.

Minor Direction Available Space Specifies the maximum available space for the loop in the minor direction.

Design (Button) Begins the loop optimization process. If an appropriate loop cannot be designed, you must change some of the parameters and try again.

Line Numbers Displays the Line Numbers dialog box.

Line Numbers Dialog Box Controls options for line numbers. Create from Selection - Creates line numbers from the selected elements. Remove Line Number - Deletes line numbers from the selected elements. Reset Visibility Settings - Returns visibility settings to their default settings. - Limits the elements that display to those elements that match the text in this field. Clear this field to display all elements. Show/Hide - Turns the display of line numbers for elements on or off. Visibility - Specifies the opacity of elements. 100% indicates that the element is opaque. 0% indicates that the element is completely translucent, or invisible. Color - Displays the Color dialog box from which you can specify a color for the element. Name - Specifies the name of the element.

See Also Line Number (on page 197)

Environment Menu Performs actions associated with miscellaneous items.

Review SIFs at Intersection Nodes Displays the Node Selection dialog box.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Node Selection Dialog Box Controls options for selecting the node. Enter intersection Node Number to be reviewed - Specifies the number of the node where you want to evaluate the stress intensification factors. OK - Displays the Review Intersection SIF's dialog box.

Review Intersection SIF's Dialog Box Controls options for reviewing intersection SIFs. Node – Specifies the node number where the stress intensification exists. CAESAR II displays the To node of the current element by default. You can type any node in the system, but it is most often at a pipe intersection or joint. If the node is at an intersection, CAESAR II calculates SIFs for all pipes going to the intersection if the intersection Type is specified. You only need to type the intersection type once. CAESAR II finds all other pipes framing into the intersection and applies the appropriate SIFs. If the node is at a two-pipe joint, such as a butt weld, CAESAR II calculates SIFs for the two pipes going to the joint node if the joint Type is specified. You only need to specify the joint type once. CAESAR II finds the other pipe completing the joint and applies the appropriate SIFs. If the node is not at an intersection or a joint then, leave the Type box blank and type user defined SIFs in the SIF(i) and SIF(o) boxes. Entries in the SIF(i) and SIF(o) boxes only apply to the element on which they are defined. User defined stress intensification factors must be greater than or equal to one. CAESAR II calculates and displays code-defined SIFs in the Intersection SIF scratchpad. Access this scratchpad by clicking Environment > Review SIFs at Intersection Nodes on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. You can modify parameters used in the scratchpad so that you can observe the effects of different geometries and thicknesses. Most changes made in the scratchpad can be automatically transferred back into the model. If the node is on any part of the bend curvature then the following applies: 1. You cannot override code calculated SIFs for bends by default. A configuration option exists to override this default. For more information, see Allow User's SIF at Bend (on page 83). If you set Allow User's SIF at Bend to True, then you can specify SIFs for bend To nodes. The SIFs specified in this way apply for the entire bend curvature. 2. CAESAR II applies user-defined SIFs to straight pipe going to points on a bend curvature regardless of any parameter in the setup file. This option is commonly used to intensify injector tie-ins at bends, or dummy legs, or other bend attachment-type of supports. Type – Specifies the type of tee or joint.  For non-FRP piping codes, there are six types of tees and ten types of joints. These elements correspond to 1 to 6 and 7 to 16 in the previous table. For more information, see Input Items Optionally Effecting SIF Calculations (on page 113).  For BS 7159 and UKOOA, there are two types of tees: Moulded and Fabricated. Moulded tee corresponds to Welding tee (3) or Extruded welding tee (6), and Fabricated tee corresponds to Reinforced fabricated tee (1). For ISO 14692, there are types of tee and joints: Tee, Qualified tee and Joint. Pad Thk – Specifies the thickness of the reinforcing pad for reinforced fabricated or full encirclement tees, intersection type #1 and #17 respectively. The pad thickness is only valid for these intersection types. In most piping codes, the beneficial effect of the pad thickness is limited to 1.5 times the nominal thickness of the header. This factor does not apply in BS 806 or Z184, and is 2.5 in the Swedish piping code. If the thickness of a type 1 or type 17 intersection is left blank or zero the SIFs for an unreinforced fabricated tee are used.

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Piping Input Reference Ftg Ro – Specifies the fitting outside radius for branch connections. This option is used for reduced branch connections in the ASME and B31.1 piping codes, Bonney Forge Insert Weldolets, and for WRC 329 intersection SIF calculations. Configuration options exist to invoke the WRC 329 calculations and to limit the application of the reduced branch connection rules to unreinforced fabricated tees, sweepolets, weldolets, and extruded welding tees. If omitted, Ftg Ro defaults to the outside radius of the branch pipe. Crotch R – Specifies the crotch radius of the formed lip on an extruded welding tee, intersection type 6. This is also the intersection weld crotch radius for WRC329 calculations. Specifying this value can result in a 50% reduction in the stress intensification at the WRC 329 intersection. If you attempt to reduce the stress riser at a fabricated intersection by guaranteeing that there is a smooth transition radius from the header to the branch pipe, then you may reduce the resulting stress intensification by a factor of 2.0. Weld ID – Specifies the weld ID value. The following values are valid. 0 or BLANK - As Welded 1 - Finished/Ground Flush Used for: BONNEY FORGE SWEEPOLETS BONNEY FORGE INSERT WELDOLETS BUTT WELDS IN THE SWEDISH PIPING CODE If this value is 1 then the weld is considered to be ground flush on the inside and out and the SIF is taken as 1.0. For more information on how input parameters are used to compute SIFs for girth butt welds, see WELD (D) (on page 116). Weld(d) – Specifies the average circumferential weld mismatch measured at the inside diameter of the pipe. This value is used for Butt Welds and Tapered transitions. This is the average; not the maximum mismatch. You must verify that any maximum mismatch requirements are satisfied for your particular code. Fillet – Specifies the fillet leg length. This option is used only in conjunction with a socket weld component. This value is the length of the shorter leg for an unequal leg fillet weld. If a fillet leg is given, both socket weld types result in the same SIF. See appendix D of the B31 piping codes for further clarification. Header OD – Specifies the actual outside diameter of the header matching pipe. Header Thk – Specifies the actual wall thickness of the header matching pipe. Branch OD – Specifies the actual outside diameter of the matching pipe. Branch Thk – Specifies the actual wall thickness of the matching pipe. Header SIF(i) – Displays the SIF in-plane for the header. Header SIF(o) – Displays the SIF out-of-plane for the header. Branch SIF(i) – Displays the SIF in-plane for the branch. Branch SIF(o) – Displays the SIF out-of-plane for the branch. Flexibility Characteristic – Displays the flexibility characteristic. Branch Section Modulus – Displays the branch section modulus. Recalculate - Displays SIFs after you enter a different set of data. If you change the input data, CAESAR II allows you to transfer the data back to the CAESAR II model.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference

Review SIFs at Bend Nodes Displays the Node Selection dialog box.

Node Selection Dialog Box Controls options for selecting the node. Enter bend Node Number to be reviewed - Specifies the node number where you want to evaluate the stress intensification factors. OK - Displays the Review Bend SIF's dialog box.

Review Bend SIF's Dialog Box Controls options for reviewing bend SIFs. Node – Displays the node number. Bend Radius – Displays the bend radius. CAESAR II assumes a long radius by default. You can override this value. Alternatively, select a value from the list.  Long - Indicates a long radius bend. The radius is equal to 1.5 times the nominal diameter.  Short - Indicates a short radius bend. The radius is equal to the nominal pipe diameter.  3D - Indicates a 3D bend. The radius is equal to 3 times the nominal diameter.  5D - Indicates a 5D bend. The radius is equal to 5 times the nominal diameter. Bend Type – Specifies the bend type. For most codes, this refers to the number of attached flanges and can be selected from the list. If there are no flanges on the bend, leave Type blank. A bend should be considered flanged if there is any heavy or rigid body within two diameters of the bend that significantly restricts the bends ability to ovalize. When using the BS 7159 or UKOOA Codes with Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) pipe, this entry refers to the material laminate type and may be 1, 2, or 3. These laminate types are  All chopped strand mat (CSM) constructing with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.  Chopped strand mat (CSM) and woven roving (WR) construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.  Chopped strand mat (CSM) and multi-filament roving construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer. The laminate type affects the calculation of flexibility factors and stress intensification factors for the BS 7159 and UKOOA Codes only. For ISO 14692, only type 3 filament-wound laminate is considered. Bend Angle – Displays the bend angle. Fitting Thickness – Specifies the thickness of the bend if that thickness is different than the thickness of the matching pipe. If the thickness is greater than the matching pipe wall thickness, then the inside diameter of the bend is smaller than the inside diameter of the matching pipe. CAESAR II calculates section modulus for stress computations based on the properties of the matching pipe as defined by the codes. The pipe thickness is used twice when calculating SIFs and flexibility factors; once as Tn, and once when determining the mean cross-sectional radius of the pipe in the equation for the flexibility characteristic (h): h = (Tn)(R) / (r2) Tn = Thickness of bend or fitting R = Bend radius

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Piping Input Reference r = Mean cross-sectional radius of matching pipe = (OD - WT) / 2 OD = Outside Diameter of matching pipe WT = Wall Thickness of matching pipe Most codes use the actual thickness of the fitting (this entry) for Tn, and the wall thickness of the matching pipe for the calculation of the mean cross-sectional radius of the pipe (the WT value). More specifically, the individual codes use the two wall thicknesses as follows: Code

For Tn:

For Mean Radius Calculation:






Matching Pipe



Matching Pipe



Matching Pipe



Matching Pipe

B31.8 Ch VIII


Matching Pipe



Matching Pipe



Matching Pipe


Matching Pipe

Matching Pipe

NAVY 505



B31.1 (1967)





Matching Pipe

BS 806







Matching Pipe

Matching Pipe










BS 7159











Matching Pipe



Matching Pipe

The bend fitting thickness (FTG) is always used as the pipe thickness in the stiffness matrix calculations. However, the thickness of the matching pipe (WT) is always used in the bend stress calculations. Number of Miter Cuts – Displays the number of cuts in the bend if it is mitered. When you type a number, CAESAR II checks if the mitered bend input is closely or widely spaced. If the bend is


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference determined to be widely spaced, and the number of miter cuts is greater than one, the bend should be broken down into ―n‖ single cut widely spaced miters, where ―n‖ is the total number of cuts in the bend. The number of cuts and the radius of the bend are all that is required to calculate the SIFs and flexibilities for the bend as defined in the B31 codes. The bend radius and the bend miter spacing are related by the following equations:  Closely Spaced Miters R = S / (2 tan θ ) q = Bend Angle / (2 n) where n = number of miter cuts  Widely Spaced Miters R = r2 (1.0 + cot q) / 2.0 r2 = (ri + ro) / 2.0 θ = Bend Angle / 2.0 Seam Weld – Indicates that the bend is seam welded.  B31.3 If the B31.3 piping code is active, the Seam Welded check box is used to activate the Wl box for bends. The Wl box is the weld strength reduction factor used to determine the minimum wall thickness of the bend element.  IGE/TD/12 Used by IGE/TD/12 to calculate the stress intensification factors due to seam welded elbow fabrication as opposed to extruded elbow fabrication. This option is only available when IGE/TD/12 is active. Matching Pipe OD – Specifies the outside diameter of the matching pipe. This is used in the average cross sectional radius calculation: r2 = (OD - WT) / 2 OD = Outside Diameter as entered WT = Wall Thickness of attached pipe The B31.3 (1993) code defines r2 as the mean radius of matching pipe. Matching Pipe Thk – Specifies the match pipe wall thickness. You should not subtract any corrosion. All SIF calculations are made ignoring corrosion. This wall thickness is used in the mean radius (r2) calculation as defined in the piping codes. Elastic Modulus – Specifies the elastic modulus among EC, E1 to E9. This value is used for the pressure stiffening calculations. Pressure – Specifies the pressures among PMax, P1 to P9, PHydro and none. This value is used for the pressure stiffening calculations. Bend In-Plane SIF – Displays the SIF under in-plane bending. Bend Out-of-Plane SIF – Displays the SIF under out-of-plane bending. In-Plane Flexibility Factor – Displays the flexibility factor under in-plane bending. Out-of-Plane Flexibility – Displays the flexibility factor under out-of-plane bending. Flexibility Characteristic – Displays the pipe factor. Recalculate - Displays the SIFs after you enter a different set of data. If you change the input data, CAESAR II allows you to transfer the data back to a CAESAR II model.

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Piping Input Reference

Special Execution Parameters Displays the Special Execution Parameters dialog box. Click Environment > Special Execution Parameters. These parameters remain set for that particular job.

Print Forces on Rigids and Expansion Joints Indicates whether forces are printed on rigid elements and expansion joints. Forces and moments are not normally printed for these elements because the forces that act on these elements can usually be read directly from the forces that act on the adjacent pipe elements. Select this option to cause forces and moments to be calculated and printed for all rigid elements and expansion joints in the system.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Print Alphas and Pipe Properties Indicates whether the software prints alphas and pipe properties. CAESAR II prints the thermal expansion coefficients along with the pipe, insulation, fluid, and refractory weights in the error checker. This report can be very useful during error checking to help identify possible problems in the temperature or weight input specifications. Rigid elements and expansion joints are treated the same as straight pipe. Rigid weights and insulation cladding factors are not reflected in this table.

Activate Bourdon Effects Specifies the Bourdon effects option to use. Choose the option from the drop list to activate the Bourdon pressure effect. The Bourdon pressure effect causes straight pipes to elongate, or displace along their axes, and causes curved pipes or bends to elongate along the line that connects the bends near and far nodes. If the Bourdon effect is not activated, there are no global displacements due to pressure. The Bourdon effect is always considered when plastic pipe is used, regardless of the setting of the Activate Bourdon Effects option. By default, CAESAR II does not include the Bourdon effect in the analysis of steel piping systems. That is, there are no displacements of the system due to pressure. As an option, you can include pressure displacement effects. These effects can be appreciable in long runs of pipe or in high pressure, large diameter bends adjacent to sensitive equipment. Bourdon effects are almost always important in fiberglass reinforced plastic piping systems. For this reason the Bourdon (Translational) is automatically turned on for all FRP pipe runs and bends. Two Bourdon options are available:  Use the Translation only option when the elbows in the system are forged or welded fittings and can reasonably be assumed to have a circular cross section.  Use the Translational & Rotational option when the bends in the system are fabricated by the hot or cold bending of straight pipe. In these cases the slight residual ovalization of the bend cross section, after bending, causes the bend to try to straighten out when pressurized. Fixed end moments are associated with this opening. These fixed end moments do not exist when the original shape of the bend cross-section is circular.

Branch Error and Coordinate Prompts Specifies how branch error and coordinate prompts display. You are prompted for two pieces of information:  The loop closure tolerance.  The global coordinates of the first point of the piping system and each following piece of the piping system that is not connected to the first. This data is needed the first time CAESAR II prepares a global geometry calculation. This calculation is made on three different occasions:  Before preprocessor plots are generated.  Before global coordinate reports are built.  Before error checking is performed. Alternatively, you can select Edit > Global and specify the global coordinates to avoid any prompting.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference There are several major uses for this flag:  Set the loop closure tolerance.  Define the elevation of the piping system for wind/wave load calculations.  Give the proper east-west or north-south coordinates for dimension checks.  Move parts of the system around in the plotted output for visual checking. Whenever you create a physical loop in the piping system, there are at least two different sets of dimensions between the same points. If the two dimensions are not within a certain tolerance of each other, a fatal error occurs. You can set this tolerance interactively or in the configuration file. Select Both for the Branch Error and Coordinate Prompts option to cause CAESAR II to interactively prompt for this tolerance.

Thermal Bowing Delta Temperature Specifies the temperature differential which exists between the top of the pipe and the bottom of the pipe. This differential is used to compute an elemental load. It is added to each temperature case for horizontal pipes. This entry is computed from the equation: dT = Ttop - Tbottom For example, consider a horizontal pipe where the temperature on the top is 20 degrees hotter than the temperature on the bottom. The proper value to type in this box is 20, not -20.

Liberal Stress Allowable Indicates whether or not to use liberal stress allowable. Conservative formulation of the allowable expansion stress range for many codes in CAESAR II is calculated from: f ( 1.25 Sc + .25 Sh ) When select this option, the difference between Sh and Sl, provided Sh > Sl, is added to the term inside the parenthesis. That is: SA(Liberal) = f[ 1.25 Sc + .25 Sh + ( Sh - Sl) ] The liberal expression is only used when there is at least one sustained stress case in the load set. If there is more than one sustained stress case in a single problem, then the largest of Sl, considering all of the sustained cases, for any single element end is chosen to subtract from Sh. Because the sustained stress varies from one pipe to another, the allowable expansion stress also varies. By default, CAESAR II uses the liberal stress allowable setting in the configuration file in its computation of the expansion stress allowable. New models are created using this configuration setting. If you do not want to use this default setting for calculating the expansion, clear this check box.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Uniform Load in G's Specifies whether to use a magnifier of gravitational loading for the uniform load. Uniform load can be defined either in terms of force per unit length or in terms of a magnifier of gravitational loading. Uniform load in G's is used most often for static earthquake loadings. 

Earthquake loads are occasional loadings and as such are not directly addressed by the CAESAR II recommended load case logic. You must form your own combination cases at the output processor level that represent the algebraic sum of the stresses due to sustained and occasional loads. For more information, see Occasional Load Factor (on page 81). When you select this option, the in G’s radio button is activated on the first Uniform Load auxiliary dialog box on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. You can override this option by selecting the in F/L option.

Ambient Temperature Specifies the actual ambient temperature. The default ambient temperature for all elements in the system is 70°F/21°C. If this does not accurately represent the installed, or zero expansion strain state, then type the actual value in this box. The ambient temperature is used in conjunction with the specified hot temperature and the interpolated expansion coefficient to calculate the thermal expansion per inch of pipe length experienced by the element when going from the ambient temperature to the hot temperature. A default ambient temperature can be defined in the configuration file. For more information, see New Job Ambient Temperature (on page 46). The software uses this configuration file value to set the ambient temperature when you create a new model.

FRP Coef. of Thermal Expansion (x 1,000,000 ) Specifies the thermal expansion coefficient. The default thermal expansion coefficient for fiberglass reinforced plastic pipe is 12.0E-6 in./in./deg.F. If you have a more suitable value for the particular composite, type that value in this box. For example, if the improved value was: 8.5E-6 in./in./deg. F., then type 8.5 in this box. The exponent (E-6) is implied. This expansion coefficient is used in conjunction with the temperatures on the Classic Piping Input dialog box for each plastic pipe element to calculate the thermal expansion for the element. This method does not provide for any variation in the thermal expansion coefficient as a function of temperature. This could prove limiting should there be parts of the system at different non-ambient temperatures. In this case, you can always calculate the thermal expansion at temperature in inches per inch and input this value directly into the Temperature box on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. For new models, the default value is obtained from the configuration file.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference FRP Ratio of Shear Modulus/Emod Axial Specifies the ratio of the shear modulus to the modulus of elasticity in the axial direction of the fiberglass reinforced plastic pipe. For example, if the material modulus-of-elasticity (axial) is 3.2E6 psi, and the shear modulus is 8.0E5 psi, type 0.25 as the ratio of these two. For new models, the default value is obtained from the configuration file.

FRP Laminate Type Specifies the default laminate type as defined in the BS 7159 code for the fiberglass reinforced plastic pipe. Valid laminate types are:  CSM and Woven Roving - Chopped strand mat (CSM) and woven roving (WR) construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.  CSM and Multi-filament - Chopped strand mat and multi-filament roving construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.  CSM - All chopped strand mat construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer. The software uses this entry to calculate the flexibility and stress intensity factors of bends; therefore, this default entry may be overridden using the Type field on the bend auxiliary dialog boxes.

Z-Axis Vertical Indicates that the Z axis is vertical. Traditionally CAESAR II has used a coordinate system where the Y-axis coincides with the vertical axis. In one alternative coordinate system, the Z-axis represents the vertical axis (with the X axis chosen arbitrarily, and the Y-axis being defined according to the right hand rule. CAESAR II now gives you the ability to model using either coordinate system. You can also switch between the systems in most cases. You can specify that CAESAR II start with the Z axis vertical. For more information, see Z-Axis Vertical (on page 60). A new piping model determines its axis orientation based on the setting in the Configure/Setup module. An existing piping model uses the same axis orientation under which it was last saved. You can change the axis orientation from Y-Axis to Z-Axis vertical by clicking the check box on the Environment-Special Execution Parameters dialog box. Clicking this check box causes the model to immediately convert to match the new axis orientation. That is, Y-values become Z-values or the reverse. There is no change in the model; only the representation changes. This allows any piping input file to be immediately translated from one coordinate system into the other. When including other piping files in a model, the axis orientation of the included files need not match that of the piping model. Translation occurs immediately upon inclusion. When including structural files in a piping model, the axis orientation of the include files need not match that of the piping model. Translation occurs immediately upon inclusion. The axis orientation on the Static Load Case Builder (such as wind and wave loads), the Static Output Processor, The Dynamic Input Module, and the Dynamic Output Processor is dictated by the orientation of the model input file.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Bandwidth Optimizer Options Orders the set of equations that represent the piping system for both static and dynamic analyses. The optimizer may be run with a variety of different switch settings. The default settings were chosen for their combination of ordering efficiency and speed. These settings should suffice for the majority of piping systems analyzed. For systems having greater than 100 nodes, or that are highly interconnected, the following optimum parameters should be used.  Optimizer Method = Both  Next Node Selection = Decreasing  Final Ordering = Reversed  Collins Ordering = Band  Degree Determination = Connections  User Control = None If the User Control is set to Allow User Re-looping, CAESAR II lets you interactively try as many different combinations of switch settings as needed. When the most efficient ordering is obtained, you can continue on with the analysis. This interactive prompting for optimization parameters is done in the analysis level processing.

Include Piping Input Files Includes other piping models in the current piping model. Piping models added may have a node offset applied and can optionally be rotated about the Y-axis before being added.

Include Piping Files Dialog Box File Name - Displays the file to include. Click Browse to browse for the file name. The file need not reside in the current data directory. Read Now - Specifies whether or not the file is read immediately. Select Y if the file is to be read immediately and stored as part of the current input. The file read may be edited as part of the current job. Select N, if the file is to be read for plotting and fully processed only during error checking. The file read may not be edited as part of the current job. RotY - Specifies the angle about the Y axis to rotate the model before including it in the current job. The rotation applies regardless of the Read Now setting. Restraints, uniform loads, and concentrated forces are not rotated. Additionally, the rotation of the model can be accomplished from the List utility For more information, see Rotate (on page 207). Inc - Specifies the increment to be added to all of the nodes in the model before including it in the current job. The node increment applies regardless of the Read Now setting.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

Including Structural Input Files Includes existing structural model into the current job. The structural model must have been built and successfully error checked in the structural steel preprocessor accessed from the CAESAR II menu. For more information, see Structural Steel Modeler (on page 325). After a structural model has been built, you can include it into any piping input. You can include the names of up to 20 different structural models. After this is done, you can plot and analyze the structural model with the piping model. The structural models need not reside in the current folder. Piping systems are usually tied to structural steel models by the use of restraints with connecting nodes. Make absolutely sure there are no node number conflicts between structure and pipe models. After you define a restraint with a connecting node between the pipe and structure, CAESAR II knows where to put the structure in the resulting preprocessor plot. If no connection between the pipe and the structure is given, the structure is plotted starting from the origin of the piping system. In this case, the resulting plot may not meet your expectations.

Advanced PCF Import (APCF) The Advanced PCF Import (APCF) option provides an interactive, customizable way of importing Piping Component Files (PCFs) to the CAESAR II piping environment.  Provides more control and flexibility over element sequencing and node numbering  Provides the capability to build and verify the model in an incremental way  Provides the capability to selectively update the CAESAR II model An interactive interface is built directly into the CAESAR II input environment that:  Does everything that the PCF batch process does (See PCF/Intergraph Smart 3D PCF doc in External Interfaces section)  Builds the piping input model on a line-by-line basis if needed  Provides the ability to define and control node numbering  Uses the Block Operations modeling tools to ease modeling changes. You can perform the APCF function to create a new model or add to any existing job model. The CAESAR II input model constructed from the PCFs assumes the Units System of the current job, plus automatically attach/intersect the piping generated from the PCF to the existing piping, if appropriate. The PCF file format is a standard drawing exchange format developed by Alias Ltd. A PCF is a flat text file containing detailed information about the piping system components. The information is extracted from a CAD system. Details on the format of the PCF and its capabilities can be obtained from Alias.

Converting the PCF 1. Before you begin the conversion, determine:  Which files will be converted  How they should be combined  How they should be numbered on the first conversion process. 2. Click Environment > Advanced PCF Import (APCF) to begin the conversion of a PCF(s) to a CAESAR II Piping Input file.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference The Advanced PCF Import (APCF) dialog box displays.

3. Click Choose Files. 4. Select the PCF(s) to convert. A PCF has a file extension of .pcf.

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Piping Input Reference PCFs may be selected all at once or each one may be added to the conversion list just prior to being converted. Only those files with the check box selected are processed.

Files can be arranged in the order you want to process them by dragging-and-dropping the file names to the desired position in the conversion list. In the example, the elements of the header, which includes files TPA-551-0012, 551-00513, 521-90100_BL, 521-90100, and 521-90102, are processed first. Vents off of that header are processed next (in the example, 521-12101, 521-12113, 521-12112, 521-12111, 521-12138, 521-12137, 521-10103, 521-10104, 521-90461). Finally, the separate detached section files (551-0012, 551-0041) are processed last. 5. Set the conversion options listed in the lower left-hand pane.  Condense Options  Miscellaneous Options  CAESAR II Element Properties The options can be set identically for all conversion passes, or they can be changed for each pass. The example uses Piping Materials based on Pipe Spec and also set a Diameter Limit (exclude pipes below 3" nominal) as well as condense rigids, tees, and bends.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference In this example, clear the check boxes for all files except those comprising the header. This converts the header files. To process them together, define a Start Node of 0 for files 2 through 5 ("0" signifies "carry on numbering with the next available number"). Start numbering the system with node 1000 and continue with an increment of 10. This means that all of the elements from all of the files are combined, sorted, ordered, numbered, and so forth. For example, a header from the first five files is processed before adding branches from the first file as though they came from a single large PCF. This is assured by processing a group of files together during the same process, and defining the Start Node for files after the first in the group as "0". Processing files individually or entering a Start Node (or changing the Node Increment) for specific files in the group being processed causes those files to be processed individually. 6. Begin the conversion by clicking the Begin Processing button. This creates the first portion of the CAESAR II piping input model. At this point, all CAESAR II functions (3D graphics pane, Classic Input Piping dialog box, Elements dialog box) are available for examining the resultant piping input model. Remember that you can use the Undo button.

7. In the example, you can select the vent lines to be processed separately, each with their own numbering system. 8. In the example, check each of the next 9 file names, plus define the Start Node for each.

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Piping Input Reference This causes each individual vent line to be fully processed before proceeding to the next. Alternatively these files could be processed individually simply by running them one at a time.

The vents are processed as requested.


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Piping Input Reference Undo is available.

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Piping Input Reference 9. Process the second detached section, with both files processed together, and the Start Node set at node at 10000.


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Piping Input Reference After the conversion processing completes, the CAESAR II piping input model looks like this in the example.

At this point, the entries for Delta Coordinates, Temperatures, Pressures, and so forth may contain values calculated to several decimal places due to repetitive unit conversions and other calculations during the conversion process. For example, see the DX = -5390.7523 mm and the Temp 1 = 250.0214C. These entries can be automatically rounded to the nearest integer by closing the APCF Import dialog box using the "X" in the right top corner.

We recommend that this round-off process not be done until all PCFs have been imported. This is because connectivity is determined based upon sharing global coordinates. If element delta coordinates get rounded off, then nodal global coordinates may get changed enough that they fall outside of the connection tolerances.

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Piping Input Reference

Warnings in Log.RTF file During the conversion process, Status Messages display in the Message Area in the lower right of the dialog box. These messages are also written to a LOG file with the name XXXX.LOG.RTF, where XXXX represents the name (less the extension) of the Combined CAESAR II file (in the case where many PCFs are being combined into a single CAESAR II model) or the first CAESAR II file in the list (where one or more PCFs are being combined into individualCAESAR II models). 1. Click Save Warnings to save the warnings to a different file.

Topics PCF Interface Custom Attributes ................................................... 270 How to Use the Advanced PCF Import (APCF) ............................. 283

PCF Interface Custom Attributes PCFs contain custom attributes in the form of component-attribute. Intergraph Smart 3D can generate PCFs with ISO_STRESS PCF configuration. This configuration assures that a number of various data fields are passed in specific PCF data fields.  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE1 = Design pressure  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE2 = Maximum temperature  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE3 = Material name  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE4 = Wall thickness (reducing thickness in the case of reducing components)  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE5 = Insulation thickness  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE6 = Insulation density  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE7 = Corrosion allowance  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE8 = Component weight  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE9 = Fluid density  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE10 = Hydro test pressure The units associated with the values of these attributes are defined by including a descriptive unit label after the value. For example, the pressure attribute, COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE1, can be specified as COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE1 15.3 barg. If the unit label chosen (barg) is not one of the labels recognized by CAESAR II as defined through Tools > Create/Review Units on the CAESAR II Main menu, then you must include that label in the PCF_UNITS_MAP.TXT file in the CAESAR II System folder. 

The only PCF SUPPORT attribute that is not ignored is the SUPPORT-DIRECTION attribute. It must have a value of UP, DOWN, EAST, WEST, NORTH, or SOUTH.  One note on the Material Number setting is that the selected material is applied to a piping element as the default only if the PCF COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE3 for that element is not specified or recognized. You can achieve the best results by preparing customized mapping files before beginning the conversion process. You may use default mapping files if the values fit our model. There are a number of mapping files that define various values. Locate these files in the CAESAR II System folder.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference PCF Unit Mapping The PCF_UNITS_MAP.TXT file maps the PCF Units name to the conversion factor used to convert it to the CAESAR II internal units (English). This file defines three columns: CAESAR II Unit

Displays the internal unit used by the software

PCF Unit

Displays the user-supplied unit label

Conversion from CAESAR II -> PCF

Displays the conversion factor used to convert the user-supplied unit to a CAESAR II internal unit

Comments can be added at the end of each line separated from the last column value by spaces and preceded by the "*" character. All PCF component attributes can be specified inside the PCF with their associated units. Any unit specified by the PCF component attributes which is not a standard internal CAESAR II unit as defined by the Tools > Create/Review Units dialog box on the CAESAR II Main menu needs to be mapped inside the PCF_UNITS_MAP.TXT file. CAESAR II divides the user-supplied value by this constant to calculate the value for the attribute that is displayed by the software according to the units specified in the configuration options (except that temperature from C° to F° will also add the 32 °).

To Modify the PCF_UNITS_MAP.TXT File Locate this file in the CAESAR II System folder. This is an optional task. You can review the default file and determine if you need to make changes to fit your model. 1. Open the PCF_UNITS_MAP.TXT file in any text editor, such as Notepad. An example of the CAESAR II default file is shown below.

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Piping Input Reference 2. Modify any of the units definitions or add another unit definition as needed. 3. Save, and close the file.

PCF Material Mapping The PCF_MAT_MAP.TXT file maps PCF material names to a corresponding CAESAR II material number. Note that the first line is currently reserved to the CAESAR II version number. The match in this file must be an exact match. If no match is found, then the software searches the CAESAR II material database to find the "best match" (where the "best match" tries to do an intelligent match, adjusting for dashes, spaces, "GR", "SA" versus "A", and so forth) for the material name. PCF COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE3 is used by the software to set the material attribute for each component. If the COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE3 value is not defined or recognized, the software applies the default material as specified by the Material Number value in the dialog box. Any material specified by the PCF COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE3 which is not a standard CAESAR II material as defined in the Tools > Material Data Base dialog under the Material > Edit… menu must be mapped inside the PCF_MAT_MAP.TXT file.

To Modify the PCF_MAT_MAP.TXT File This file is located in the CAESAR II System folder. This is an optional task. You can review the default file and determine if you need to make changes to fit your model. 1. Open the PCF_MAT_MAP.TXT file in any text viewer, such as Notepad. The CAESAR II default file looks like this.

2. Modify any of the materials definitions. 3. Save and close the file.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference PCF Restraint Mapping The PCF_RES_MAP.TXT file defines the CAESAR II restraint types corresponding to PCF support/restraint names. The PCF SUPPORT attribute is used by CAESAR II to apply supports at the specified coordinates. Only the SUPPORT-DIRECTION identifier is interpreted by the software if no match is found for a particular support NAME in the PCF_RES_MAP.TXT file. The SUPPORT-DIRECTION identifier must have a value of UP, DOWN, EAST, WEST, NORTH, or SOUTH. In order to fine-tune the support configuration placed on the imported model by CAESAR II for a given PCF SUPPORT component, the PCF support NAME identifier value needs to be mapped in the PCF_RES_MAP.TXT file. The example below shows a typical PCF SUPPORT component, highlighting the support NAME value which should be used to define CAESAR II support mapping.

To Modify the PCF_RES_MAP.TXT File Locate the file in the CAESAR II system folder. This is an optional task. You can review the default file and determine if you need to make changes to fit your model. This file defines the CAESAR II function corresponding to PCF support/restraint names. 1. Open the PCF_RES_MAP.TXT file in any text editor, such as Notepad. 2. Modify any of the restraints definitions. 3. Save, and close the file. In the example, the Support type VG100 corresponds functionally to two CAESAR II supports:  +Vertical support (weight support)  Guide, each with friction coefficients equal to 0.3

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Piping Input Reference This file supports a wide range of support functions, plus the key words MU= (for friction) and GAP= (to define gaps in the restraint).

Syntax for each support type is: - CAESAR II considers a matching as any PCF support/restraint name that contains this (not an exact match). Best results are achieved if the are listed in order of longest names to shortest names. Otherwise VG1" might register as a match before VG100 is processed. - Followed by N lines of: This means how many CAESAR II restraints need to get placed on the corresponding Restraint auxiliary screen. N should be limited to 4 or less. - This is defined in terms of CAESAR II function (GUI, LIM, VHGR, and so forth.), Global Axes (VERT, NS, EW, and so forth), or Local Axes (A, B, C, and so forth):  ANC, GUI, LIM, VHGR, CHGR – These create a CAESAR II Anchor, Guide, Axial Restraint, Variable Hanger, or Constant Hanger, respectively. The last two create to-be-designed hangers, which may end up as either variable or constant hangers.  VERT, EW, NS – These create translational restraints corresponding to the compass points of the global axes (Y, X, Z respectively for the Y-up setting, and Z, X, Y respectively for the Z-up setting). See the figure below. One-way restraints may be created by prefixing with "+" or "-".


A, B, C – These create translational restraints corresponding to the local axes of the support/pipe installation. The A corresponds to the centerline of the pipe, B corresponds to

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Piping Input Reference the "direction" attributed to the support, and C corresponds to the cross-product of the A and B axes. As with the global restraints, one-way restraints may be created by prefixing with + or -. See the figure below.

Optional keyword followed by a value for adding a friction coefficient to the restraint (not valid with ANC, VHGR, CHGR). Optional keyword followed by a value and set of units for adding a gap to the restraint (not valid with ANC, VHGR, CHGR). The software also processes equipment nozzles designated by the END-CONNECTION-EQUIPMENT keyword as imposed thermal displacements in all degrees of freedom, all with values of 0.0. This creates an initial behavior of an anchor, but allows you to easily impose actual thermal displacements when known.

Examples The examples below illustrate typical restraint configurations, along with suggested mapping entries. Variable Spring Hanger

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Piping Input Reference These represent variable spring hangers, and are mapped onto a single CAESAR II support (= VHGR). This is interpreted as a program-designed spring hanger in CAESAR II.

Constant Effort Spring Hanger This represents a constant effort spring hanger, and thus is mapped onto a single CAESAR II support (= CHGR). This is treated as a program-designed spring hanger in CAESAR II. Note that it is identical to the VHGR shown in the figure above.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference These hanger rod assemblies only resist downward (weight) loads, and allow upward movement. In CAESAR II, they are typically modeled as +Y (or +Z, depending on how the vertical axis is set).

These sliding supports only resist downward (weight) loads, and allow upward movement. They are represented as a single +VERT support. However, since they slide against a base, most stress analysts prefer to add a friction coefficient (MU=x.xx).

YRIGID 1 VERT MU=0.3 or YRIGID 1 B MU=0.3 These restraints resist load/movement in both directions (so the "+" of the previous two supports is eliminated). If the restraint is always installed vertically, then use the first definition (VERT). If the restraint is installed in any direction (for example, vertically or horizontally), use the second definition B, indicating that it acts along the installed support direction. This assumes that the

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Piping Input Reference installed direction of the restraint is always defined as the direction from the main steel towards the pipe. Since sliding is involved, a friction coefficient is included as well.

UGUIDE 1 GUI MU=0.3 or UGUIDE 1 C MU=0.3 If this restraint is always installed vertically on horizontal lines (as shown in the figure above), then the support function can always be modeled as a Guide (with sliding friction). If the restraint may be installed in any direction at all (with restraint direction corresponding to the direction of the attachment point toward the pipe), then use the second definition (C) as it represents the direction lateral to the pipe and the restraint.

TEESUPPORT 2 +VERT MU=0.3 GUI MU=0.3 This restraint maps to two functions:  +VERTical  GUIde


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Piping Input Reference Since sliding is involved in both functions, friction coefficients are provided for both.

VERTLATERAL 2 VERT MU=0.3 GUI MU=0.3 or VERTLATERAL 2 B MU=0.3 C MU=0.3 This restraint maps to two functions:  up/down restraint  side-to-side restraint If it is always installed vertically, then it is defined as a VERTical and a GUIde. If it is possible that the restraint may be rotated about the pipe to be installed in any direction, then use the second definition, which represents restraint along the direction of the support as well as lateral to the support and pipe.


CAESAR II User's Guide

2 MU=0.3 MU=0.3 2 MU=0.3 MU=0.3


Piping Input Reference This restraint maps to two functions:  +VERT support  An axial restraint. The axial restraint can be defined equally as LIM or A (as A corresponds to restraint along the direction of the pipe centerline).

SWAYSTRUT 1 B These represent sway struts, which may be installed in any direction, and provide restraint along the line of action of the sway strut. Assuming that the restraint direction corresponds to the direction of the sway strut, then the best way to define these restraints is B (restraint along the support direction).




CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference These restraints all restrict movement of the pipe in all six degrees-of-freedom, so they can be defined as Anchors ("ANC").



In the example above, the pipe (and the local A-axis) is running into the page. With B up, +C is to the right. Some of these can get quite complex, especially if restraints have different gaps in different directions. It may require trial and error to determine exactly how the +/- restraint directions correspond to the support direction passed in the PCF. In some cases, you may want to model the restraint behavior in CAESAR II rather than in the mapping file. PCF Stress Intensification Factor Mapping The PCF_SIF_MAP.TXT file defines the CAESAR II SIF data to be applied at the intersection of tees and olets. The file also provides support for some SIF keywords. Stress Intensification Factors (SIF) are not assigned a separate PCF COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE or defined in any other way inside PCFs. In order to tune Stress Intensification Factor settings of imported PCF components, CAESAR II provides the PCF_SIF_MAP.TXT mapping file. The file defines five columns: SKEYS

PCF components use SKEYS to indicate how their subtype is used within the general component group.


Should be set to the SIF type number used by CAESAR II as shown in the CAESAR II SIF TYPE figure below.


(optional) Should be set to the SIF pad thickness, including the applicable unit (for example, PAD=10 MM)

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Piping Input Reference


(optional) Should be set to the in-plane SIF of the component. This is a multiplier, and therefore unit-less (for example, Ii=1.23)


(optional) Should be set to the out-plane SIF of the component. This is a multiplier, and therefore unit-less (for example, Io=2.34)

Applying the above example values to set the TERF SKEY to the associated reinforced type requires the following mapping entry to be specified inside the PCF_RES_MAP.TXT file: TERF 1 PAD=10 MM Ii=1.23 Io=2.34 Each PCF component defines an SKEY. For an example, see the SUPPORT component identifier listed in the figure in PCF Restaint Mapping (see "PCF Restraint Mapping" on page 273) (SKEY 01HG). In this case, these are typically four-character words indicating tee type (CROSS, OLET) and end type. The PCF menu command matches the SKEYS to the entries in this mapping file. If an SKEY is not found in this file, you should add it.

To Modify the PCF_SIF_MAP.TXT File Locate this file in the CAESAR II system folder. This step is strongly recommended in order to take advantage of the capabilities of the PCF menu command.


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Piping Input Reference 1. Open the PCF_SIF_MAP.TXT file in any text editor, such as Notepad.

2. Modify any of the SIF definitions. 3. Save, and close the file.

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Piping Input Reference How to Use the Advanced PCF Import (APCF) 1. Click Environment > Advanced PCF Import (APCF) from the Piping Input menu. The Advanced PCF Import (APCF) dialog box displays.

2. Click the Choose Files button.  A PCF must have a file extension of .pcf.  You can add one or multiple files to be converted.  Remove PCF(s) from the File Name list by pressing Delete on the keyboard. The selected file(s) displays in the File Name portion of the dialog box. 3. Enter the Start Node and Increment value for each of the file names. 4. Change any of the Conversion Options in the lower left-hand pane as needed.  Condense Rigids (on page 286)  Condense Tees (on page 1027)  Condense Elbows (on page 286)  Use Pipe Materials Only (on page 286)  Combine PCF Files (on page 287)


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Piping Input Reference  Model Rotation (on page 287)  Diameter Limit (on page 287)  Material Number (on page 287)  Pipe Schedule/Wall Thickness (on page 287) 5. Click the Begin Processing button to initiate the conversion process. During the Conversion Process, Status Messages display in the Message Area in the lower right of the PCF Interface dialog box. These messages are also written to a LOG file with the name XXXX.LOG.RTF, where XXXX represents the name (less the extension) of the Combined CAESAR II file. The log file is placed in the selected CAESAR II output file folder. 6. View your new CAESAR II input model. For example, this CAESAR II model was created from the sample file 1001-P.PCF:

 

Elements are ordered and nodes are numbered in a logical manner. The following attributes transfer correctly from the PCF_UNITS_ MAP_TXT file.  Materials  Diameter and Wall Thickness  Corrosion Allowance and Fluid Density  Operating Conditions (Temperature and Pressures) also are translated. The following attributes transfer correctly from the PCF_RES_MAP.TXT file.  Restraints

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Piping Input Reference 

The following attributes transfer correctly from the PCF_SIF_MAP.TXT file.  Tees convert with the correct SIFs – in this case a Welding Tee and a Weldolet.  Besides supports/restraints, boundary conditions such as equipment connections transfer (in this example, at all three nozzle connections are set). The user can easily change the thermal displacements.  Weights of in-line components, insulation thickness and density, all material properties, and Allowable Stress information transfer correctly.  Line numbers are assigned according to the name of the PCF file. In this example, the output displays the applicable CAESAR II warnings, which are informational only.  Phantom components (PCF items marked as "CONTINUATION" or "STATUS DOTTED" or "MATERIAL LIST EXCLUDE") are ignored during the conversion process.  Tee components are modeled using the thickness of the matching pipe.  Node Numbering preferences (start node and increment) are based on the Node Numbering Increment set in the active CAESAR II Configuration file. Start Node Indicates the starting node number in the resulting CAESAR II model. By default, the entire model is renumbered using this value as the starting point. To disable renumbering, you must set this option and Increment (on page 286) to zero. Increment Defines the value used as a node number increment. This value is used during the renumbering of the model. To disable renumbering, you must set this option and Start Node (on page 286) to zero. Condense Rigids Instructs the software to combine rigids that connect to each other into a single element. This indicates whether these items should be condensed/merged into adjacent elements. For example, a valve with adjacent gaskets and flanges would be combined into a single rigid element. If activated, then elements are condensed/merged unless there is a valid reason not to (change of cross section, change of operating conditions, restraint at the location, and so forth). The default value is TRUE. Condense Elbows Controls whether the software treats elbows as two designated elements. When set to TRUE, this directive instructs the software NOT to treat elbows as two designated elements. Rather, it is condensed into its adjacent elements for each direction in which the elbow travels. The default value is TRUE. Use Pipe Materials Only Instructs the software to apply pipe materials only as defined by the PCF COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE3 identifiers. Activating this option replaces the material of various components (elbows, valves, flanges, reducers, tees, and so forth) with the appropriate piping material, where possible, leading to a much more homogenous CAESAR II model. Matching components to their corresponding piping material is done by assembling a matrix of Pipe Spec/diameter combinations, based the available data transmitted in the PCF. Where an exact match is available, the material


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Piping Input Reference substitution is made. Where piping materials are available for the Pipe Spec but not the diameter, a match is made to the closest diameter. Where no piping material is available for the Pipe Spec, the component material is retained. For example, A106 Grade B would be applied but A234 Grade WPB would be ignored. If you choose to condense Rigids, Tees, or Elbows, set Use Pipe Materials Only to TRUE. Combine PCF Files Converts and combines PCFs in the dialog box into a single CAESAR II model. You are prompted for the name of the combined CAESAR II file. When you merge multiple PCFs into a single CAESAR II model using Combine PCF Files, line numbers are assigned based on the originating PCF name. Model Rotation The rotation of the +X-axis of the CAESAR II model should be rotated about the vertical axis away from the PCF's East compass point. The default setting is zero, which imposes no rotation. Select +90 to rotate the model a positive 90-degrees. Select -90 to rotate the model a negative 90-degrees. Z can also be vertical based on special execution setting. Alternatively, you can rotate the model after importing it to CAESAR II. Use the Rotate command on the Block Operations toolbar.

Diameter Limit Use this to exclude the processing of small pipes, such as vents and drains, by specifying the size (nominal diameter) below which pipes will be ignored. Enter a diameter limit of -1.000 to include all pipe sizes that you want to import into CAESAR II. Material Number Select the CAESAR II material to be assigned to components which do not have the material attribute explicitly set otherwise. The default is low carbon steel (material number 1). Pipe Schedule/Wall Thickness Select the default schedule of the pipe to be used in case the wall thickness of the pipe cannot be determined from the PCF.

Show Informational Messages Displays informational messages upon the conversion of nominal to actual diameters, schedule to wall thickness, and specific gravity to density. Click Environment > Show Informational Messages. Clear the check box to suppress these messages.

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Piping Input Reference

Reset View on Refresh Controls the way graphics behave when you add or modify elements. When this option is turned on, CAESAR II resets the plot to the default view each time you refresh.

CAESAR II Configuration Opens the configuration file for review and editing. For more information, see Configuration and Environment (on page 41).

Options Menu Performs actions associated with the display of the model.

Range Displays only the elements that contain nodes within a range. This is helpful when you need to locate specific nodes or a group of related elements in a large model. This command displays the Range dialog box. Alternatively, press U. 

Using the Range command affects the display and operation of other 3D graphics highlighting options. For example, if part of the model is not visible because of the use of the Range command, then the Diameters command only highlights the elements that are visible. Also, if using the Range command hides any nodes containing the predefined displacements, the Displacements legend grid still displays, but the model may not highlight correctly. Find may not work properly for the part of the model that is hidden by the range. The corresponding message displays in the status bar.

Range Dialog Box

Restraints Turns the display of restraints on or off.

Anchors Turns the display of anchors on or off.


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Piping Input Reference

Displacements Turns the display of displacements on or off.

Hangers Turns the display of hangers on or off.

Nozzle Flexibility Turns the display of nozzle flexibility on or off.

Flange Check Turns flange checking on or off.

Nozzle Check Turns nozzle checking on or off.

Forces Updates the model to show each force in a different color. Use this option to see the force variations throughout the system or to verify that changes have been made. A color key displays the force defined in the model. You can change the assigned colors to meet your needs. The force parameters display in a table. Use the scroll bars to view all of the data. Click Next >> and Previous > and Previous Toolbars, or right-click the toolbar, and then select Customize. You can also customize toolbars by pressing Shift and dragging buttons to new positions. Click Reset on the Customize dialog box to undo changes.

Customize Dialog box Controls options for customizing the CAESAR II interface.

Toolbars Tab (Customize Dialog Box) Controls options for customizing toolbars. Toolbars - Displays the toolbars. Select the checkbox to display the toolbar. Clear the checkbox to hide the toolbar. New - Displays the New Toolbar dialog box. Rename - Displays the Rename Toolbar dialog box. Delete - Deletes the selected toolbar. You can only delete custom toolbars. Reset - Returns the toolbars to their original configuration.

New Toolbar Dialog Box Controls options for creating new toolbars. Toolbar name - Displays the name of the toolbar.

Rename Toolbar Dialog Box Controls options for renaming toolbars. Toolbar name - Displays the name of the toolbar.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Commands Tab (Customize Dialog Box) Controls options for adding commands to toolbars. Categories - Controls the category of commands available to drag. Commands - Lists the commands in the selected category. Select a command and drag it to a toolbar.

Options Tab (Customize Dialog Box) Controls options for toolbars. Always show full menus - Specifies whether menus show all commands, or only the most commonly used commands. Show full menus after a short delay - Indicates whether or not menus expand to show all commands. This option is only available if Always show full menus is cleared. Reset menu and toolbar usage data - Returns the Always show full menus and Show full menus after a short delay check boxes to their default settings. Large icons - Displays large icons on the toolbars and menus. Show ScreenTips on toolbars - Displays tooltips when you hover the cursor above toolbar buttons. Show shortcut keys in ScreenTips - Displays the keyboard shortcut keys as tooltips when you hover the cursor above toolbar buttons. This option is only available if Show ScreenTips on toolbars is selected. Menu animations - Specifies how menu animations are applied.

Keyboard Tab (Customize Dialog Box) Controls options for assigning keyboard shortcuts to commands. Category - Specifies the category of commands to modify. Commands - Lists the commands in the category. Key assignments - Lists the keyboard shortcuts assigned to the selected command. Press new shortcut key - Displays the shortcut key. Description - Displays a description of the selected command. Assign - Adds the shortcut key from the Press new shortcut key field to the Key assignments list for the command. Remove - Deletes the selected entry from the Key assignments list. Reset All - Returns all keyboard shortcuts to their default settings.

Menus Tab (Customize Dialog Box) Controls options for customizing menus. Show Menu - Specifies the active menu. Reset - Returns the selected menu to the default settings. Select context menu - Specifies the active context menu. Reset - Returns the selected context menu to the default settings.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference

Reset Resets the view to the default settings.

Toggle Graphics Update Turns graphics updating on or off.

Front View Displays the model from the front. Alternatively, press Z.

Back View Displays the model from the back. Alternatively, press Shift + Z.

Top View Displays the model from the top. Alternatively, press Y.

Bottom View Displays the model from the bottom. Alternatively, press Shift + Y.

Left-side View Displays the model from the left side. Alternatively, press X.

Right-side View Displays the model from the right side. Alternatively, press Shift + R.

Southeast ISO View Displays the model isometrically from the southeast. Alternatively, press F10.

Southwest ISO View Displays the model isometrically from the southwest.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

Northeast ISO View Displays the model isometrically from the northeast.

Northwest ISO View Displays the model isometrically from the northwest.

4 View Displays the model in four windows. This command automatically places the horizontal and vertical dividers, or splitter bars, and changes the cursor to a four-way arrow. You can change the position of the splitter bars by moving the mouse. Click to fix the position. Drag the splitter bars to change the size of the windows. Drag the splitter bars out of the view to remove those views. You can drag the splitter located at the top or left scroll bar to add views. You can manipulate the image in any of these panes individually.

Review Error Report Displays the Errors and Warnings dialog box. This option is only available if you have run the File > Error Check command. For more information, see Error Check (on page 200).

Review Static Results Displays the results of the static load analysis. This option is only available if you have run the Edit > Edit Static Load Cases command. For more information, see Edit Static Load Cases.

Tools Menu Performs actions associated with toolbars, mini-windows, and importing and exporting displacements.

Reset Toolbar Layout Sets toolbars to the default layout.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference

Mini-windows Displays a list of mini-windows that you can display. Mini-windows provide a quick way to provide specific types of data. Node Numbers - Displays the Edit Node Numbers dialog box. Edit Deltas - Displays the Edit Deltas dialog box. Pipe Sizes - Displays the Edit Pipe Sizes dialog box. Temps & Pressures - Displays the Edit Operating Conditions dialog box. Materials - Displays the Edit Materials dialog box. Elastic Properties - Displays the Edit Elastic Properties dialog box. Densities - Displays the Edit Densities dialog box. Auxiliary Data - Displays the Auxiliary Data dialog box. Classic Input - Displays the Classic Piping Input dialog box.

Import/Export Displacements from File Imports or exports nodal displacements from a file. CAESAR II Versions 5.10 and later enables you to import and export displacements to and from a text file. This feature is very useful in situations where you need to define several displacements in a CAESAR II model. You can import the displacements into a CAESAR II model with a few mouse clicks instead of manually typing all the displacements in the Classic Piping Input. A displacements file in the specified format must exist. This feature works only on From and To nodes using a fixed file (.disp) format for versions 5.10 and 5.20. In CAESAR II Version 2013 R1 (6.10), this feature works on the From and To nodes, CNodes, and Bend middle nodes in either the fixed file format (.disp), or the comma separated value (.csv) format. You can easily generate and maintain a displacement file in .csv format using Microsoft Excel™.

Import/Export Displacements Dialog Box Controls parameters for importing and exporting nodal displacements. Export Displacements To a File - Specifies the file name for the export. Type the full path to the file, or use the browse button to browse to the file. Export - Exports the nodal displacements to the specified file. Import Displacements From a File - Specifies the file name for the import. Type the full path to the file, or use the browse button to browse to the file. Import - Imports the specified nodal displacement file.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Displacement File Formats A displacement file is a flat text file in (versions 5.10 and 5.20), which can be created and edited by any text editor such as Notepad. In CAESAR II Version 2013 R1 (6.10) a displacement file can be in either fixed format .disp or comma separated value format .csv. For both formats, use * to indicate a comment line in the displacement file. You can type anything on the line following the *. Displacement files can have as many comment lines as necessary. The comment line is not counted in line numbering in the file format descriptions.

Fixed Format A fixed format displacement file has the .disp extension and this format: 1. The first line has only one the conversion factor value, which is used to divide the translational displacements (DX, DY, and DZ) to convert them to the internal unit of inches. 2. The second line is either Y axis up or Z axis up to indicate the CAESAR II Coordinate System that the following displacement data corresponds to. 3. All the remaining lines are displacement data lines: a. Each line must have 58 values: Node X, Y, Z and 54 displacements for the nodes (6 degrees of freedom times 9 vectors is 54). b. The first value is a node number. c. The following three values, the three coordinates of a node, are ignored. d. The final 54 values are displacements of the node, in the order: DX1, DY1, DZ1, RX1, RY1, RZ1... DX9, DY9, DZ9, RX9, RY9, RZ9. e. The first character space is reserved for the comment "*", each of the 58 values must be 12 characters long so the total length of a displacement data line should be 697 (1+58x12) characters long. f. The position of each of the 54 displacement values is used to determine its location in a CAESAR II model. For example, values at position 5, 8, 55 and 58 correspond to DX1, and RX1, DZ9, and RZ9 of the node in the model. g. A value must occupy a 12 character field. When a value has fewer than 12 characters, you must pad either to the left or right of the blanks to make it 12 characters in length. If there is no displacement value, a 12 character blank field must be reserved for it. When creating the blank space use the Space Bar. Do not use the Tab key.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Comma Separated Value Format A comma separated value format displacement file has the .csv extension and follows this format: 1. The first line has only the conversion factor value, which is used to divide the translational displacements (DX, DY, and DZ) to convert them to the internal unit of inches. 2. The second line is either Y axis up or Z axis up to indicate the CAESAR II Coordinate System that the following displacement data corresponds to. 3. All the remaining lines are displacement data lines: a. Each line could have 58 values: Nodes X, Y, Z and the 54 displacements for the node (6 degrees-of-freedom times 9 vectors is 54). b. The first value is a node number, which is required. c. The following three values, the three coordinates of the node, are ignored. d. The final 54 values are displacements of the node, in the order: DX1, DY1, DZ1, RX1, RY1, RZ1... DX9, DY9, DZ9, RX9, RY9, RZ9. They are optional. You can specify all 54 values, or not a single value, or any number of values in between. e. Values are separated by commas. The length of a displacement data line is not fixed. f. Because each value is followed by a comma, a comma counter is used to determine the placement of the value in a CAESAR II model. For example, values at positions 5, 8, 55 and 58 correspond to DX1, and RX1, DZ9, and RZ9 of the node in the model, respectively. g. A value can be any number of characters in length. When there is no displacement value, you can use a zero length or blank field. For example, if a comma is followed by a comma, or if a comma is followed by blank spaces and then a comma, it means that its corresponding location in a CAESAR II model has no displacement value. Generally, the csv format is recommended for a displacement file because it is relatively easy to generate and maintain in Microsoft Excel™. The fixed format of a displacement file is more difficult to maintain. A displacement file from version 5.10 or 5.20 cannot be used directly in CAESAR II Version 2013 R1 (6.10) because the formats are different.

Warning Messages There are three kinds of warning messages: 1. Node xxx is not in the model - Indicates that a node in the displacement file does not exist in the CAESAR II model. 2. Node xxx could not find an empty location - Indicates that a node in the displacement file exists in the CAESAR II model but that the software thinks that all displacement slots in the model have already been occupied by other nodes. In this case, it is still possible for you to input displacements for the node through the CAESAR II Classic Piping Input dialog box. 3. Node xxx does not have displacements - Indicates that a node in the displacement file does not have a displacement value. where xxx denotes a node number such as 100. Generally, when a warning message is issued it indicates that an error exists either in the displacement file or in the corresponding CAESAR II model. Carefully examine the offending node in the displacement file or in the corresponding model and correct the error.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Summary Report The Import and Export Summary reports are generated in the import and export operations. The reports provide information about the nodes in a displacement file just imported into a CAESAR II Import model: 1. The number of displacement nodes existing in the model before import. 2. The number of displacement nodes existing in the model after import. 3. The number of displacement nodes that have been read in. 4. The number of displacement nodes that are not in the model. 5. The number of displacement nodes that cannot find empty locations in the model. 6. The number of displacement nodes that do not have displacements. 7. The number of displacement nodes that have stored displacements in the model. 8. The number of displacement nodes that are replacing values in the model. 9. The number of displacement nodes that are new in the model. Similar in operation to the warning messages, the summary report can help you identify potential problems in a displacement file. However, you should remember the following points: 1. Because every displacement data line in a displacement file has a node number, the total number of nodes processed is equal to the total number of displacement data lines in the file. 2. Each displacement data line should have a unique node number. However, if the same node number appears in many data lines, it would be counted many times. In this case, the displacement values in the last data line are used in the model, overwriting the previous values. 3. If no node number appears in a displacement data line, CAESAR II indicates the corresponding data line number and stops the import process. 4. If there is a node in a displacement file that is not in the model, or cannot find a slot in the model, or does not have a displacement, the displacement file or the model should be checked carefully to understand the reasons behind it. 5. If a displacement node exists both in the model and the displacement file, the displacement values from the file are used to overwrite the ones in the model, and this node is counted as a replacement node. 6. The number of displacement nodes existing in the model after import should be equal to the number of displacement nodes existing in the model before import, plus the number of new displacement nodes. 7. The number of displacement nodes that have stored displacements in the model should be equal to the number of replacement nodes, plus the number of new displacement nodes.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Exporting Displacements to a File 1. Click Tools > Import/Export Displacements from File. The Import/Export Displacements dialog box displays. 2. Type the path and name of a displacement file in the Export Displacements To a File box, or click ... to browse to the file. 3. Click Export to send the nodal displacements to the selected file. 4. Click Done to exit the Import/Export Displacements dialog. If there are no displacements in a CAESAR II job, an export operation creates a displacement template file in which all nodes are listed according to the element list.

Importing Displacements from a File 1. Click Tools > Import/Export Displacements from File. The Import/Export Displacements dialog box displays. 2. Type the path and name of the displacement file in the Import Displacements From a File box, or click ... to browse to the file. The Open dialog box displays.

Two file formats can be used to create a displacement file: Fixed format with a .disp file extension. Commas Separated Value format with a .csv file extension. By default, displacement files display in comma separated values format(.csv).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference You can also choose displacement files with the fixed format (.disp) by clicking Displacement Import File (*.dsp) from the Files of type list.

3. Select the displacement file. 4. Click Open. 5. Click Import.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference During the import process, if an erroneous condition is detected for a displacement node a warning message displays. A summary report is generated after all displacement data is processed.

For more details about warning messages and the summary report, see Imposed Loads. 6. After reviewing warning messages and a summary report, click Done. The first two figures show displacement files Notepad for disp and csv formats. The third and fourth figures show displacement files in Microsoft Excel.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference For a detailed description of both file formats, see Displacement File Formats (on page 298).

Notepad Example (*.disp) format

Notepad Example (*.csv) format

Excel Example (*.csv) format If a CAESAR II job has no displacements the displacement export operation creates a displacement template file as shown below.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference

Excel Example (*.csv) format Displacement File Template

3D Modeler When you start CAESAR II and start the piping input processor, the software automatically displays a graphic representation of the model to the right of the Classic Piping Input dialog box. To increase the window space available for graphics you can hide the Classic Piping Input dialog box by clicking . The initial view for a job that has never been plotted displays according to the configuration defaults. These defaults include:  A rendered view - restraints shown  XYZ compass - isometric view  Tees and nozzles highlighted - orthographic projection The plotting begins by displaying the model in centerline/single line mode to speed up the process. Then all the elements are rendered one-by-one. Later, the restraints and other relevant items are added.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference The model is fully operational while it is being drawn. You can apply any available option to the model at any time. The status bar at the bottom displays the drawing progress in the form of Drawing element X of Y. When the plot operation is complete the status message changes to Ready.

When you hover the cursor over a button, the name of the button and a short description of the functionality displays in the status bar at the bottom of the view window. There are several methods of accomplishing nearly every command in the Input Plot utility. You can access commands by clicking buttons, by selecting menu items, or by using hot keys. Center Line View - Displays model data in single line mode. This often makes the view clearer. In this mode, restraints and other element information items display. Display the volume or double line plot by clicking the corresponding button. Press V to switch among the views in the following order: Shaded View (rendered mode) / Two Line Mode / Center Line View. Shaded View - Displays the model as shaded 3D shapes. Restraints and other element information items display. Silhouette - Displays the model as a silhouette. Restraints and other element information items display. Hidden Line Wire Frame - Displays the model as a wire frame with hidden lines removed. Restraints and other element information items display. Wire Frame - Displays the model as a wire frame. Restraints and other element information items display.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Translucent - Displays the model as translucent 3D shapes. Restraints and other element information items display. Front - Displays the model from the front. Alternatively, press Z. Back - Displays the model from the back. Alternatively, press Shift + Z. Top - Displays the model from the top. Alternatively, press Y. Bottom - Displays the model from the bottom. Alternatively, press Shift + Y. Left - Displays the model from the left. Alternatively, press X. Right - Displays the model from the right. Alternatively, press Shift + X. Southeast ISO View - Displays the model isometrically from the southeast. Alternatively, press F10. Node Numbers - Turns the display of node numbers on or off. Alternatively, press N. You can display node numbers for a specific element such as only restraints or only anchors. Length - Turns the display of element lengths on or off. Alternatively, press L. Select Element - Select a single element in the model. Hover over an element in the model to display information about that element. Press Ctrl when you select to add or remove elements from the selection. Select Group - Select a group of elements in the model by dragging a window around them. You can add elements to the selection by pressing Ctrl while dragging the window. Remove elements from the selection by pressing Shift while dragging the window. Perspective - Displays the model in perspective mode. Orthographic - Displays the model in orthographic mode. You can turn off the display of nodes, restraints, hangers, and anchors for a clearer view. The size of boundary condition symbols (such as restraints, anchors, and hangers) is relative to the pipe size outer diameter. You can change the size of these symbols clicking the black arrow to the right of the relevant button and selecting a size from the list. You can adjust the color of the node numbers, lengths, elements, boundary conditions, and so on by clicking Change Display Options . For more information, see 3D Graphics Configuration (on page 308). Reset - Returns the model returns to its default state as defined by the configuration. Any elements hidden by the Range command are restored. Zoom - Increases or decreases the magnification of the model. Move the cursor up or down holding the left mouse button. Release the mouse button to stop the zoom. Alternatively, press + and - to zoom in and out. You can change the zoom level of the model while in another command by rotating the mouse wheel. Zoom to Window - Changes the magnification of the model to fit an area that you specify. Click one corner of the area and then while holding the mouse button, stretch a box diagonally to the opposite corner of the area Zoom to Selection - Fits the selected element in the view. Zoom to Extents - Fits the entire model in the view.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Orbit - Rotates the model interactively. Rotate the model using the mouse or the arrow keys on the keyboard. To use the mouse, click the left mouse button on the model to start a bounding box. Hold the left mouse button and move the mouse to the other end of the bounding box. Release the mouse button to update the view. If the bounding box is not visible, check the corresponding box on the User Options tab of the Plot Configuration dialog box For more information, see 3D Graphics Configuration (on page 308). During rotation, the model may in centerline mode, or some of the geometry details may disappear or become distorted. This is to improve the display speed. The actual conversion depends on the size and complexity of the model. After the rotation is complete, the model returns to its original state. Another method of orbiting the model is the Gyro-operator. Press G. The model performs a 360-degree rotation in the plane of view. Pan - Pans the model. The cursor changes to a hand. Move the cursor while holding down the left mouse button. You can also pan the view while another command is active by holding down the middle mouse button or mouse wheel while moving the mouse. Walk Through - Explores the model with a setup similar to a virtual reality application. This command produces the effect of walking towards the model Load CADWorx Model - Displays the model in CADWorx.

3D Graphics Configuration The CAESAR II 3D Graphics engine remembers the state of the model between sessions. When you exit and return, the model displays in the same state in which it was last viewed. To obtain a more uniform look for the graphics, change the color and font options: 1. Click Tools > Configure/Setup on the main menu to display the CAESAR II Configuration Editor dialog box. 2. Open the Graphics Settings category. 3. Set the Always Use System Fonts and Always Use System Colors options to True under the Visual Options section.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference These settings are stored in the computer's registry and CAESAR II always displays the graphics according to these settings.

If the settings are set to False, then the state of each model is maintained individually as an XML data file (job- name.XML) in the current data folder. After starting another input session, CAESAR II reads this XML file and restores the 3D graphics to its previous state. This includes the rotation and zoom level of the model; color settings, data display, and the current graphics operator. Option



Select any color item in the list, then click to display a Windows color selection tool. Select the new color. Click Reset All to return all of the settings to CAESAR II defaults, as defined in configuration,.


Selecting any font item in the list, then click to display the standard Windows font selection tool. Set the options to meet your requirements and click OK.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

Changing the Model Display You can specify the way the model displays when you open a file. The session can start with a preset command active (such as Zoom), or start with the last command still active. Similarly, the graphics can start in a preset view (such as isometric), or in the last rotated zoomed position.




Show Bounding Box

Determines if rotations using the mouse include an outline box surrounding the model.

Hide Overlapped Text

Prevents text from appearing on top of other text items.

Restore Previous Operator

Determines whether the software remembers your last command (operator) between sessions or always defaults to a specified command.

Restore Previous View

Determines whether the graphics engine remembers the last displayed view of the model, or defaults to a specified view.

Default Projection Mode

Determines the initial projection style of the model.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Visibility

Alters the degree of transparency when translucent pipe is activated. Increasing this value makes it easier to see through the pipe elements. The Visibility option is only effective when viewing the model in rendered mode.


Displays a symbol denoting the element‘s end points.

Manipulating the Toolbar You can rearrange or remove buttons on toolbars. There are two methods to make these adjustments.  Right-click the toolbar, and click Customize.  Remove or reposition the button using drag and drop. To remove buttons from the toolbar click the down arrow located at the end of each toolbar and then click Add or Remove Buttons. Turn on the check box to add buttons to the toolbar. Clear the checkbox to remove buttons. To rearrange buttons, press ALT and then drag the button to a different location. To restore the CAESAR II default toolbar configuration, click Reset . For more information, see Toolbars (on page 293).

Highlighting Graphics You can review the piping model in the context of certain data such as by diameter, wall thickness, temperature, or pressure. Command



Updates the model to show each diameter in a different color. Use this option to see the diameter variations throughout the system or to verify that diameter changes have been made. Alternatively, press D. A color key displays the diameters defined in the model. You can change the assigned colors to meet your needs.

Wall Thickness

Updates the model to show each wall thickness in a different color. Use this option to see the wall thickness variations throughout the system or to verify that changes have been made. Alternatively, press W. A color key displays the thicknesses defined in the model. You can change the assigned colors to meet your needs.

Insulation Thickness

CAESAR II User's Guide

Updates the model to show each insulation thickness in a different color. Use this option to see the insulation thickness variations throughout the system or to verify that changes have been made. Alternatively, press I. A color key displays the thicknesses defined in the model. You can change the assigned colors to meet your needs. You can change the display to cladding thickness or refractory thickness by selecting that option from the list.


Piping Input Reference


Cladding Thickness

Updates the model to show each cladding thickness in a different color. Use this option to see the cladding thickness variations throughout the system or to verify that changes have been made. A color key displays the thicknesses defined in the model. You can change the assigned colors to meet your needs. You can change the display to insulation thickness or refractory thickness by selecting that option from the list.

Refractory Thickness

Updates the model to show each refractory thickness in a different color. Use this option to see the refractory thickness variations throughout the system or to verify that changes have been made. A color key displays the thicknesses defined in the model. You can change the assigned colors to meet your needs. You can change the display to insulation thickness or cladding thickness by selecting that option from the list.


Updates the model to show each material in a different color. Use this option to see the material variations throughout the system or to verify that changes have been made. Alternatively, press M. A color key displays the materials defined in the model. You can change the assigned colors to meet your needs.

Piping Codes

Updates the model to show each piping code in a different color. Use this option to see the piping code variations throughout the system or to verify that changes have been made.


Updates the model to show each corrosion allowance in a different color. Use this option to see the corrosion variations throughout the system or to verify that changes have been made. A color key displays the corrosion allowances defined in the model. You can change the assigned colors to meet your needs.

Pipe Density

Updates the model to show each pipe density in a different color. Use this option to see the pipe density variations throughout the system or to verify that changes have been made. A color key displays the pipe densities defined in the model. You can change the assigned colors to meet your needs.

Fluid Density

Updates the model to show each fluid density in a different color. Use this option to see the fluid density variations throughout the system or to verify that changes have been made. A color key displays the fluid densities defined in the model. You can change the assigned colors to meet your needs.

Insulation Density

Updates the model to show each insulation density in a different color. Use this option to see the insulation density variations throughout the system or to verify that changes have been made. A color key displays the insulation densities defined in the model. You can change the assigned colors to meet your needs. You can change the display to cladding density, insulation or cladding unit weight, or refractory density by selecting that option from the list.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Cladding Density

Updates the model to show each cladding density in a different color. Use this option to see the cladding density variations throughout the system or to verify that changes have been made. A color key displays the cladding densities defined in the model. You can change the assigned colors to meet your needs. You can change the display to insulation density, insulation or cladding unit weight, or refractory density by selecting that option from the list.

Insul/Cladding Unit Wt. Updates the model to show each insulation or cladding unit weight in a different color. Use this option to see the variations throughout the system or to verify that changes have been made. A color key displays the insulation or cladding unit weights defined in the model. You can change the assigned colors to meet your needs. You can change the display to insulation density, cladding density, or refractory density by selecting that option from the list. Refractory Density

 

 

Updates the model to show each refractory density in a different color. Use this option to see the refractory density variations throughout the system or to verify that changes have been made. A color key displays the refractory densities defined in the model. You can change the assigned colors to meet your needs. You can change the display to insulation density, insulation or cladding unit weight, or insulation density by selecting that option from the list.

The legend window can be resized, docked, or removed from view. You can still zoom, pan, or rotate the model while in highlight mode. You can also use any of orthographic projections and single line or volume modes without affecting the model highlighted state. Clicking one of the highlight commands a second time cancels the coloring effect. If you print the model while it is in highlight mode, the color key legend displays in the upper left corner of the page, even if the actual legend window has been dragged away from the view.

Displaying Displacements, Forces, Uniform Loads, and Wind/Wave Loads You can display applied or predefined displacements, forces, uniform loads, or wind and wave loads in a table. You can scroll the display windows vertically and/or horizontally to view all node points where data has been defined. To move through the defined displacement or force vectors 1 through 9, click Next >> and Previous Save As Graphics Image. The model geometry, colors, highlighting, as well as restraints and most of the other options are transferred to the graphic. The default graphic file name is the job name with

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference an extension .TIF. This is a standard Windows-supported image file extension that can be opened for viewing. The image resolution can also be changed in the Save Image dialog box. This is a static graphic file. Due to certain limitations of the modeler, the legend window and text cannot be saved to the graphic. However, all coloring, as well as the annotations and markups are saved. You also have the option to save the graphics as .HTML file. After saving as .HTML CAESAR II creates two files in the current data directory using the current job name: *.HTML and *.HSF. Opening the .HTML file displays the corresponding .HSF file. This is an interactive file. The first time a CAESAR II-created .HTML file is opened with an Internet browser, you receive a message asking you to download a control from Tech Soft 3D. Answer Yes to allow the download, and the image displays. After the model displays, right-clicking the model shows the available viewing options such as orbit, pan, zoom, different render modes, and so on. The image can be printed or copied to the clipboard. Internet Explorer (IE) version 5.0 and earlier may not display the image properly. Intergraph CAS recommends IE6 or later. Annotate - Adds a brief description to the model. The annotation may be especially useful in the output processor. The annotation text box is a single line. Annotation is printed and saved to the bitmap. Annotation is not saved to HTML. Annotate w/Leader - Adds a brief description to the model. This annotation includes a leader line. Drag the annotation box to extend the leader. The annotation text box is a single line. The annotation with a leader stays with the model when you zoom, pan, rotate, or use any of the highlight options. Annotation is printed and saved to the bitmap. Annotation is not saved to HTML. The color, font face, and size of the annotation text can be changed by clicking Tools > Configure/Setup on the main menu. For more information, see 3D Graphics Configuration (on page 308). Freehand Markup - Draws a line in the model. Click and drag the mouse to draw the line. Rectangle Markup - Draws a rectangle in the model. Click and drag the mouse to draw the rectangle. Circle Markup - Draws a circle in the model. Click and drag the mouse to draw the circle.   

The markup annotation text box is a single line. The color and the font face/size cannot be changed. The default color is red. Markup annotations are saved to the .TIF file and spooled to the printer. The geometry and the text of the markup annotations are temporary. They are not saved with the model. These graphics and disappear from view with any change such as zoom, rotate, pan, or reset all.

Walking Through the Model CAESAR II lets you explore the model with a feature similar in operation to a virtual reality game. It produces the effect of walking towards the model. After you are close to or inside the model, you can look left, right, up, and down, step to a side, or ride an elevator up and down. Walk Through is useful in providing a real-time interactive view of the model.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Click Walk Through

to display the cursor as a pair of feet.

Walking Around You can begin walking by clicking and holding the left mouse button. Move forward by moving the mouse toward the top of the window. Move back by doing the opposite. Walk Through also provides an additional control that aids in navigation. Clicking the various hot spots on the control duplicates mouse movements with the added benefit of providing the ability to move in a perfectly straight line. In addition, Walk Through also provides you with the added functionality of determining the walking speed. In general, walking speed is determined by the distance between where you first click and how far you move the mouse. The keys below which, if held down while walking, effect walk through's operation: Shift - Changes the walk mode to run mode, effectively doubling the walk speed. Ctrl - Changes the walk mode to slow mode, effectively halving the walk speed. Alt - Enables you to look left or right without changing the walk path. Releasing the key, automatically returns your viewpoint to looking forward. To exit from this command, click any other command.

Move Geometry Moves selected elements to a new location in the model.

Moving elements 1. Click Move Geometry to display marker control points at all nodes and tangent points. On bends, the marker control points display on the far weld-line. 2. Click and drag the cursor to select the nodes to move. 3. Click any of the selected nodes. The mouse is in move mode. The mouse movement is clamped to either the x, y, or z axis. 4. To change the axis press Tab or click one of the Axis commands on the Edit Mode toolbar. 5. Click to specify the new location. The model geometry is updates. 6. Alternatively, you can type the magnitude of the movement. If you type a single number, the movement is applied to the currently selected axis. You can move in multiple directions at once by typing , , .

CAESAR II User's Guide


S3D/SPR Import View CAESAR II provides functionality to load SmartPlant3D / SmartMarine3D (S3D/SPR) reference models either partially or in full. Loaded S3D/SPR graphic models can then be filtered to adjust the visibility of or isolate specific component classes. This functionality allows you to interpret the design environment surrounding the piping system and use this knowledge to readily identify optimal support point and expansion loop locations, judge available clearances, and so forth. Generally, this functionality provides a more seamless means of communication across all disciplines involved in the design process when Smart 3D is used as the overall design platform. This document reviews all options available to you when working with S3D/SPR reference models. Click the S3D Import View icon in the Reference Models Tools tool bar in the Piping Input window. Drop-down menu options are:  Load S3D/SPR Model  Show/Hide S3D/SPR Model  Dim S3D/SPR Model  S3D/SPR Visibility Options

Load S3D/SPR Model In the Reference CAD Models tool bar, click the The Load S3D/SPR Model dialog box displays.

CAESAR II User's Guide



Piping Input Reference

Load S3D/SPR Dialog Box To Load a Full Smart 3D model from a VUE file 1. Click the Select a file button and navigate to the location of the VUE file you want to display. Alternatively, you can type the path name in the field. 2. Select Full Load. 3. Click Load File to display the Smart 3D graphic file in the CAESAR II 3D Graphics pane.

To Load a Partial Smart 3D model using the Bounding Box The bounding box functionality allows you to only see the details of the S3D/SPR graphic model within a box. You can either define the bounding box to the boundaries of the existing CAESAR II model or select part of the existing CAESAR II model using the Select by Window option on the Standard Operators tool bar. Then, click the Draw Cube button, and adjust as needed. 1. Click Select a file and select a Smart 3D VUE file to display. 2. Click the Partial Load button. 3. Click the Re-import check box to refresh or change your visibility settings. 4. Click the Use Model Bounding-Box radio button.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference 5. Alternatively, select elements in the area of interest by drawing a selection window around them using the Selection by Window option in the Standard Operators tool bar. Then click the option Bounding-box from Selection. 6. Click Draw Cube button. You can then re-size or pan the cube is all six dimensions (up, down, left, right, front, back) until you have enclosed all the parts of the model you want to load into a CAESAR II model. As shown in the figure above, the bounding box has 6 markers:  Anchor Marker - This marker indicates the starting point of the bounding box (shown in red). You cannot resize the model using this marker. The 3 faces to which the anchor marker is connected are fixed (cannot be moved via any of the markers). You can move the whole bounding box by panning it.  Top Face Marker - This marker is used to move the top face (for example, the face which is perpendicular to top-view-axis of the model, such as Y_Up, Z_Up).  Base Markers - The bounding box has 3 base markers which allow you to re-size the bounding box by selecting any one of them and dragging the mouse.  Base Marker 1 moves the rest of the two faces along with Base Marker 3  Base Marker 2 moves these two faces simultaneously  Base Marker 3 moves the rest of the two faces along with Base Marker 1  Centroid Marker - This marker sits at the center of the bounding box volume and moves the whole bounding box from one position to another. The values for the X, Y, and Z axes display in the Starting Point boxes depending on how you manipulate the size and shape of the cube with the graphics tools. You cannot enter data in the Starting Point boxes; they are for informational purposes only. 1. Click the Load File button. This displays the components lying inside the bounding box. A component that originates within the bounding box and extends beyond the boundaries of the bounding box displays in its entirety. A component that lies completely outside of the bounding box is totally excluded from the view.

Select a file Select a Smart 3D VUE file from your hard drive. Alternatively, you can type the path name to the location of your VUE file.

Full Load Click this radio button if you want to load the entire Smart 3D model from the selected VUE file. You can select either Full Load or Partial Load as one of the VUE Loading Options.

Partial Load Click this radio button if you want to load a selected portion of the Smart 3D model from the selected VUE file. This option allows you to use the bounding box to filter the S3D/SPR model to the area of interest. You can select either Full Load or Partial Load as one of the VUE Loading Options.

Re-Import Select this check box if you want to re-import or refresh a Smart 3D VUE file.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference Use Model Bounding Box Select this radio button to define the bounding box you want to use. This option defines the bounding box to the boundaries of your existing CAESAR II model.

Bounding - Box from Selection Select this radio button to define a Bounding-Box from the selected part of the model.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Piping Input Reference Starting Point X The values for the X, Y, and Z axes display in the Starting Point boxes depending on how you manipulate the size and shape of the cube with the graphics tools. You cannot enter data in the Starting Point boxes; they are for informational purposes only.

Starting Point Y The values for the X, Y, and Z axes display in the Starting Point boxes depending on how you manipulate the size and shape of the cube with the graphics tools. You cannot enter data in the Starting Point boxes; they are for informational purposes only.

Starting Point Z The values for the X, Y, and Z axes display in the Starting Point boxes depending on how you manipulate the size and shape of the cube with the graphics tools. You cannot enter data in the Starting Point boxes; they are for informational purposes only.

Bounding Volume - Width Enter a value for the Bounding Volume Width.

Bounding Volume : Height Enter a value for the Bounding Volume Height.

Bounding Volume - Depth Enter a value for the Bounding Volume Depth.

Show/Hide S3D/SPR Model In the Reference CAD Models tool bar, click the icon drop-down list and click Show 3D Model. This option is available if there is a S3D model to display.

Dim S3D/SPR Model In the Reference CAD Models tool bar, click the icon drop-down list and click Dim 3D Model. This option is available if there is a S3D model to display.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Piping Input Reference

S3D/SPR Visibility Options In the Reference CAD Models tool bar, click the icon drop-down list and click S3D/SPR Visibility Option. This option is available if there is a S3D/SPR model to display. You can then modify the graphics to display/hide types of components from the S3D/SPR graphic model.

S3D Graphics Environment Dialog Box 1. Select the S3D/SPR Visibility Options menu option from the S3D Import View menu. The Graphics Environment Options dialog box displays.

Use this option to hide details of the S3D/SPR reference model that are not needed or could be distracting while you are working with this model. For example, if you import a Smart 3D piping model using the CAESAR II APCF or PCF option and want to reference the S3D/SPR graphic model for context, the piping elements in the CAESAR II model and the S3D/SPR graphic reference model can overlap and cause confusion. You can turn off the display of piping elements from the S3D/SPR graphic reference model enabling you to compare the changes more easily. 2. You can select a value from 0% to 100% for each of the five categories of components in a Smart 3D model. The value is the percentage of light allowed to pass through the object. For example, a low percentage value indicates the graphics elements are nearly invisible. 3. Check the corresponding check box(es) to display the elements for a given category or select the top check box to display all the categories. The Smart 3D graphic displays the categories you select at the given visibility values. 4. Click the

Hide/show icon to hide or display the S3D model graphic.

5. Click the refresh visibility icon to refresh the S3D model graphic to display the revised visibility settings.


CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler Structural Input or Input > Structural Steel adds structural elements to a model. Using the modeler, you can perform the following functions:  Open and view structural files.  Enter command and parameter data to build structural models.

In This Section Overview .........................................................................................325 Structural Steel Graphics ................................................................329 Sample Input...................................................................................331 The Structural Modeler Window .....................................................356 Insert Menu .....................................................................................358 Commands Menu ...........................................................................359 Structural Databases ......................................................................395


CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler Start the CAESAR II Structural Element Processor from the main menu by opening a structural file, and then choosing Input > Structural Steel.

Define the structural steel model Input is interactive, and you use commands to define parameters. If you are not familiar with the command input, thoroughly review the examples in this section, and use F1 to launch help.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler The following example shows a structural steel model with two sections and multiple elements defined. FIX 5 ALL - Fixes node 5, all degrees of freedom. SECID=1,W10X49 - Defines properties for section #1 (a 20-inch wide flange of 49 pounds per foot). EDIM 5 10 DY=12-0 - Defines a vertical member from 5 to 10.

Because many structures have a considerable degree of repeatability, there are various forms, options, and deviations for these commands to help you generate large structural models. The method of single element generation is well suited to the needs of most pipers. Create new lines by selecting a keyword command from the Edit menu or from the toolbar. The most commonly used commands are as follows: EDim (on page 371) - Defines structural elements. Fix (on page 362) - Defines structural anchors (ALL) or restraints. Load (on page 377) - Defines concentrated forces. Unif (on page 374) - Defines uniform loads. Secid (on page 382) - Defines cross-section properties. From the Edit menu you can complete other common functions, including: Edit > Undo - Reverse the last action. Edit > Copy Card - Copies an existing card. You must select the card you want to copy first. Edit > Paste Card - Pastes a card in the model where you have your cursor. Edit > Delete Card - Deletes a card. You must select the card you want to delete first. Certain commands set parameters that remain set for all further element generations: Default (on page 392) - sets the default Section ID and Material ID. Angle (on page 373) - sets the default element orientation. Beams (on page 386), Braces (on page 388), and Columns (on page 390) - sets the default end connection type.

Select the database for a structural steel model The full AISC database with more than 900 cross-sectional shapes is available on a ―per-member-name‖ basis. Additionally, you can define any arbitrary cross-sectional shapes.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler You must use the CAESAR II Configuration Editor to select the proper database before starting the construction of a structural model. You can select sections from a tree structure, grouping the sections by type. Sections include the following:  AISC77.BIN (see AISC 1977 Database (on page 395))  AISC89.BIN (see AISC 1989 Database (on page 400))  UK. BIN (see UK Database (see "UK 1993 Database" on page 410))  AUST90.BIN (see Australian Database (see "Australian 1990 Database" on page 406))  SAFRICA.BIN (see South African Database (see "South African 1992 Database" on page 408))  KOREAN.BIN (see Korean Database (see "Korean 1990 Database" on page 408))  GERM91.BIN (see German Database (see "German 1991 Database" on page 405))

AISC names should be typed exactly as shown in the AISC handbook with the exception that fractions should be represented as decimals to four decimal places. Input is case-sensitive. For example, the angle L6X3-1/2X1/2 would be entered L6X3.5X0.5000. Member-end connection freedom is a concept used quite frequently in structural analysis that has no real parallel in piping work. Several of the structural examples contain free-end connection specifications (such as column, beam, and brace), so you should study these examples for details. Structural models may be run alone (singularly), or may be included in piping jobs.

Run the structural model without piping (singularly) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Open the structural file Click Input > Structural Steel. Enter the structural steel model. Click File > Save to exit the model. Click Yes. The program saves, checks, and builds the CAESAR II execution files automatically. The software opens the Model Generation Status dialog box.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler 6. Click OK, and close the Structural Steel Modeler dialog box to return to the main menu. 7. Click Analysis > Statics to start CAESAR II at the analysis level. 8. Select the load cases you want to analyze. CAESAR II recommends the weight only (W) load case. If needed, create additional load cases to address other input loads or concentrated forces. 9. Click Run Analysis to begin the analysis, and then click OK. When the analysis finishes, it places the files in the CAESAR II Static Output processor. You can click Static Output to view or print output reports. 10. Exit the Static Output Processor. If needed, click Analysis > AISC to independently run a Unity Check (stress evaluation) for the most heavily loaded members, as defined by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). Displacements, forces, and moments are available for each structural element.

Include the structural model in a piping job Use caution when establishing steel node numbers. Common nodes with piping have the steel anchored to the corresponding pipe node. Usually, piping is connected to steel through restraints with connecting nodes (CNodes). 1. Complete steps 1 through 6 from the previous section for running a structural model alone. 2. Open the Piping Input file. 3. Edit the piping file to meet your requirements. 4. Click Environment > Include Structural Files. The Include Structural Files dialog box displays. 5. Click Browse to select the structural files to include in the piping job. You can include up to 10 structural input files. 6. Click OK. 7. Exit the Include Structural Files dialog box after all structural models have been included in the piping job. 8. Click Run Analysis to begin error checking the model. After you resolve and eliminate any warnings and errors, you can run the entire model successfully. The structural elements are included in the model for the flexibility calculations. These elements appear as any other pipe element, except that stresses are not computed. Stand-alone AISC Code Check software is available to verify that forces and moments on standard structural shapes do not exceed the various allowable stress limits as defined by the American Institute of Steel Construction.

Structural Steel Graphics The graphics model in the Structural Steel Modeler lets you verify the model geometry for completeness and accuracy. An interactive Card Stack pane lets you enter and update the element data. The graphics view instantly reflects any changes.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler The Structural Steel Modeler 3D graphics engine shares the same general capabilities as the graphics model of the Piping Input Processor. It uses the same toolbar that lets you zoom, orbit, pan, and perform several other options. You also have the ability to switch orthographic views and volume to single line mode.

The structural steel model can also show or hide the supports and restraints, anchors, the compass, node numbers, and element lengths. The restraints may also be changed in size relative to the structural elements. The graphics view displays in the right pane when you define enough information in the Card Stack pane. For example, using Method 2 - Node/Element Specification Generator, if you have only specified the Nodes for the card stack, the graphics view does not display because there is not a model to show. However, after you define a single element (Elem) between two points in space, a corresponding graphical element displays in the graphic view. When using Method 1 Element Definition Edim (similar to defining elements in the CAESAR II Piping Input Processor), the corresponding graphical element displays after the Edim command finishes. You can resize or disable the Card Stack pane from showing to allow the graphics view to fill the entire screen. Additionally, you can dock the Card Stack pane on or off the main window. After you dock the pane off the main window, you can remove it completely from the view or close it. To show or hide the Card Stack pane, click . The Structural Steel Modeler has a Change Display Option that lets you change the default colors for all steel elements and restraints. For more information, see 3D Graphics Configuration (on page 308). Loads, such as uniform or wind, are not available in graphics mode in the Structural Steel Modeler. An additional feature of the Structural Steel Modeler is the ability to flip the coordinate system automatically between displaying the Y-axis up (or Y-up) to the Z-axis up (or Z-up). All relevant data is modified to comply with the new coordinate system.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler

Sample Input This section contains structural steel examples. These examples are presented so that you can enter them into the computer from the listed input.

Structural Steel Example #1 Determine the stiffness of the structural steel support shown below. Use the estimated rigid support piping loads from the piping analysis to back-calculate each stiffness.

A U-bolt pins the pipe to the top of the channel at node 20. The piping loads output from the pipe stress program are: Fx= -39.0 lbs. Fy= -1975.0 lbs. Fz= 1350.0 lbs.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler Complete the initial specifications for Example #1 1. Click File > New from the CAESAR II main menu. 2. Enter a job name (for example, SUPP), click the Structural Input option, and browse to select the data directory. Then, click OK.

The software opens the Units Selection dialog box. 3. Specify the units to use with this job, then click Next. The software opens the Vertical Axis Selection dialog box. 4. Verify that the vertical axis is set to the Y-axis,and then click Next. Selecting the Y-axis means that the gravity works in the Y--axis direction on this model. Be sure this coordinate system matches the piping model. The software opens the Material Specification dialog box.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler 5. Click Next in the Material Specification dialog box to use default material properties. The software opens the Cross Section Specification dialog box.

6. Specify the cross section by typing in the name exactly as it appears (including exact capitalization and trailing zeros) or by clicking Select Section ID and selecting the name from the list. For this example, enter the Section ID 1 name as W16X26. 7. Click Add Another Section to create other cross sections. Enter Section ID 2 as MC8X22.8 and Section ID 3 as L6X4X0.5000. Repeat this until you have three sections specified in this example, then click Next. The software opens the Model Definition dialog box. 8. Select Method 1 Element Definitions (the default setting) to use the Element Dimension (EDIM) option to define individual elements that span between two node points. Then, click Finish. This input works similarly to piping input, where elements are defined by their end points and delta X, Y, Z distances between those end points. The Method 2 Node/Element Specifications option uses commands to define an array of nodes in space and commands to add elements bounded by these nodes.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler The software opens the CAESAR II Structural Modeler dialog box, where you can interactively input data. Click the arrow on each line in the modeler to expand or condense the information.

Specify the structural steel model input for Example #1 1. Click on the Commands toolbar to enter commands and parameters that define the model input.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler 2. Click Edim to add the first element to the end of the list, then click the arrow to the left to expand the data for that group, and enter the column data.

Notice that the first element is at node 5 to node 10 and runs 12 feet in the Y direction and has a section number of 1 (the default section). Press TAB to move quickly from one Card Stack box to the next.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler 3. When you complete the first element, click the next four elements.

Edim and repeat the entry process to add

To delete a card element, select Edit > Delete Card. To copy an existing card element, select Edit > Copy Card.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler After you complete the element entry, the software displays the current model.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler 4. Click

Fix to add the restraint at the base of the column.

5. Click Loads to enter the loads on this support. You can use a previous CAESAR II analysis for these loads. 6. Enter the loads at Node 20 [(FX, FY, FZ)=(-39, -1975, 1350)].


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler The software displays the completed model.

7. Add comments to the model by first setting where CAESAR II inserts comments from the Insert menu option. You can specify for comments to appear before or after the currently selected element, or at the end of the model elements list. Click Comment to add comments to the model.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler After you insert a comment, you must click the down arrow to expand the comment element and add the comment text. The following example shows the completed model with new comments inserted.

8. Click File > Save to check and save the model. Then, click OK. CAESAR II checks the input. If the error checker does not find any fatal errors, CAESAR II writes the execution files and you can use the model in a piping analysis or you can analyze the model singularly. For the purposes of this example, you will analyze the model by itself. 9. Close the CAESAR II Structural Modeler dialog box and return to the CAESAR II main menu. 10. With the SUPP file still open as the current model, click Analysis > Statics on the toolbar. Remember to replace the Weight load in Load Case 1 (L1) with F1 (the applied loads). 11. Click Run the Analysis. CAESAR II performs the structural steel analysis, just as a piping analysis.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler The output from a structural analysis is comprised of displacements, forces, and moments. The results from the analysis of the SUPP model show the displacements at Node 20.

These displacements are excessive for a support, which is to be assumed rigid in another analysis. The translational stiffness for the support can be computed as follows: Kx = 39 lb. / 10.125 in. = 3.85 lb./in Ky = 1975 lb. / 0.4228 in. = 4671 lb./in. Kz = 1350 lb. / 0.8444 in. = 1599 lb./in.

Structural Steel Example #2 Design a support to limit the loads on the waste heat boiler‘s flue gas nozzle connection. The maximum allowable loads on the nozzle are as follows: Faxial = 1500 lb. Fshear = 500 lb. Mtorsion = 10000 ft. lb. Mbending = 5000 ft. lb. In this example, create the structural steel input file, SUPP2.str, from a text file. The structural steel preprocessor converts this file to the CAESAR II model.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler Check the piping and structure shown in the following four figures:


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler Create the structural input file using a text editor 1. Using a text editor, enter the following input parameters for the model: UNIT ENGLISH.FIL ;DEFINE SECTIONS SECID 1 W24X104 SECID 2 W18X50 ;DEFINE MATERIALS MATID 1 YM=29E6 POIS=0.3 G=11.6E6 DENS=0.283 ;COLUMN STRONG AXIS ORIENTATION ANGLE=90 ;VERTICAL COLUMNS EDIM 230 235 DY=10EDIM 235 220 DY=13-10 EDIM 200 205 DY=10EDIM 205 210 DY=13-10 ;SLOPED COLUMNS EDIM 245 250 DX=8.392- DY=10EDIM 260 255 DX=8.392- DY=10EDIM 250 220 DX=11.608- DY=13-10 EDIM 255 210 DX=11.608- DY=13-10 MAKE BEAMS DEFAULT SECTION DEFAULT SECID=2; EDIM 235 240 DZ=-2.5EDIM 240 205 DZ=-2.5EDIM 220 215 DZ=-2.5EDIM 215 210 DZ= -2.5EDIM 250 255 DZ=-5;THE FINAL SET OF HORIZONTAL BEAMS ;ALONG THE X AXIS HAVE A ;STANDARD STRONG AXIS ORIENTATION ANGLE=0 EDIM 250 235 DX=11.608EDIM 255 205 DX=11.608;ANCHOR THE BASE NODES FIX 200 TO=260 BY=30 ALL FIX 245 ALL After the data is processed, this file does not display the line breaks in Microsoft's Notepad text editor, but the data remains valid. Use a more robust editor to display the individual lines. 2. Name and save the file as SUPP2.str.

Import the structural input file into the Structural Steel Modeler 1. Click File > Open from the CAESAR II main menu. 2. Change File of type to Structural (*.str) SUPP2.str. Then, click Open.


and navigate to the file you created,

CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler 3. Click Input > Structural Steel from the CAESAR II main menu. The software opens the structural model for SUPP2.str.

4. After you have confirmed that the model is correct, click File > Save, and click Yes to save the model. 5. Select all the check boxes in the Model Generation Status dialog box, and click OK. CAESAR II checks the input. If the error checker does not find any fatal errors, CAESAR II writes the execution files and you can use the model in a piping analysis or you can analyze the model singularly. For the purposes of this example, you will analyze the model with a piping model. 6. Close the CAESAR II Structural Modeler dialog box and return to the CAESAR II main menu.

Input piping data for Example #2 Next, enter the input for the piping system to be analyzed in a new piping job. 1. Click File > New from the CAESAR II main menu. 2. Change File of type to Piping Input (*.c2) , enter the file name as PIPE2 (for the purposes of this example). 3. Navigate and select the CAESAR II data folder, and click OK. The software opens the Review Current Units dialog box. 4. Verify the current units are English, then click OK. The software opens the piping input for PIPE2.c2. 5. Click the Classic Piping Input tab on the left of the graphical display.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler Enter the the piping input data using the Input Echo report data shown below. For more information on how to quickly enter piping input data, see Navigating the Classic Piping Input Dialog Box using the Function Keys (on page 91). PIPE DATA From 5 to 10 DX= 6.417 ft. PIPE Dia = 30.000 in. Wall= .375 in. GENERAL T1= 850 F Mat= (186)A335 P5 Insul Thk= .000 in. BEND at "TO" end Radius= 45.000 in. (LONG) RESTRAINTS Node 5 ANC ALLOWABLE STRESSES B31.3 (2008) ---------------------------------------------------------From 10 to 15 DY= -8.000 ft. ---------------------------------------------------------From 15 to 20 DY= -13.833 ft ---------------------------------------------------------From 20 to 25 DY= -8.000 ft. BEND at "TO" end Radius= 45.000 in. (LONG) ---------------------------------------------------------From 25 to 30 DX= 10.000 ft. RESTRAINTS Node 30 +Y ---------------------------------------------------------From 30 To 35 DX= 30.000 ft. RESTRAINTS Node 35 +Y ---------------------------------------------------------From 35 To 40 DX= 10.000 ft. BEND at "TO" end Radius= 45.000 in. (LONG) ---------------------------------------------------------From 40 To 45 DZ= -3.750 ft. ---------------------------------------------------------From 45 To 50 DZ= -4.000 ft. PIPE Dia= 30.000 in. Wall= .375 in. Insul Thk= .000 in. REDUCER Diam2= 36.000 in. Wall2= .375 in. ---------------------------------------------------------From 50 To 55 DZ= -20.000 ft. PIPE Dia= 36.000 in. Wall= .375 in. Insul Thk= .000 in. ---------------------------------------------------------From 55 To 60 DZ= -20.000 ft.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler ---------------------------------------------------------From 60 To 65 DZ= -10.000 ft. RESTRAINTS Node 65 ANC ---------------------------------------------------------From 15 To 115 DX= -2.500 ft. PIPE Dia= 30.000 in. Wall= .375 in. Insul Thk= .000 in. RIGID Weight= .00 lb. RESTRAINTS Node 115 X Cnode 215 Node 115 Z Cnode 215 ---------------------------------------------------------From 20 To 120 DX= -2.500 ft. RIGID Weight= .00 lb. RESTRAINTS Node 120 X Cnode 240 In this piping input example, there are two weightless, rigid elements at nodes 15 to 115 and 20 to 120 that run out from the pipe centerline to the connecting points of the structure. The two restraint sets at the end of the data—115 and 120—are pipe nodes and their CNodes—215 and 240—are structural steel nodes in SUPP2.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler Connect the pipe to the structure 1. From the Classic Piping Input dialog box, click Environment > Include Structural Input Files. The software opens the Include Structural Files dialog box. 2. Enter the name of the structural steel model to be included (in this example, SUPP2). You can type the name and click Add, or click Browse to search for the file (which has the .str or the compressed .c2s extension), select the file, and click OK. 3. If the pipe and structure do not plot properly relative to one-another, then one of the following situations may have occurred: a. The connecting nodes were not defined correctly. b. The Connect Geometry Through CNodes option was not set to True in the Configuration Editor. For more information, see Connect Geometry Through CNodes (on page 59) in the Configuration Options. Refer to the Pipe2 plotted pipe and structure shown below:

4. After the software plots the pipe and structure relative to one another, exit the Piping Input (see "Piping Input generation" on page 29) dialog box and run the error check. The error checker includes the pipe and structure together during checking. The execution files that the software writes also include the structural data.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler 5. Run the analysis using the default load cases. The following shows the restraint report for Load Case 1, W+T1 (OPE):

The loads on the anchor at 5 are excessive. The structural steel frame and pipe support structure as shown are not satisfactory.

In this example, displacement of the structure is small relative to the displacement of the pipe. The pipe is thermally expanding out away from the boiler nozzle and down, away from the boiler nozzle.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler The pipe is pulling the structure in the positive X direction at the top support and pushing the structure in the negative X direction at the bottom support. These displacements result in higher loads on the boiler nozzle. The vertical location of the structural supports should be studied more closely. You could add vertical springs at 30 and 35, which might help, along with a repositioning of the structural supports vertically. For example, the support at node 120 should be moved down so that its line of action in the X direction more closely coincides with the center line of the pipe between nodes 25 and 40.

Structural Steel Example #3 Estimate the X, Y, and Z stiffness of the structure at the point 1000. In general, the stiffness of a three-dimensional structure, condensed down to the stiffness of a single point, must be represented by a 66 stiffness matrix. As a first estimate, only the on-diagonal, translational stiffnesses are estimated.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler Specify the structural input data for Example #3 1. Click File > New from the CAESAR II main menu. 2. Change File of type to Structural Input, enter the file name as SUPP3 (for the purposes of this example). 3. Navigate and select the CAESAR II data folder, and click OK. The software opens the Units Selection dialog box. 4. Click Next to accept ENGLISH,FIL, the default value for current units. The software opens the Vertical Axis Selection dialog box. 5. Verify that the vertical axis is set to the Y-axis,and then click Next. The software opens the Material Specification dialog box. 6. Click Next in the Material Specification dialog box to use default material properties. The software opens the Cross Section Specification dialog box. 7. Specify the two cross sections, Section ID 1 as W12X65 and Section ID 2 as W10X22. The software opens the Model Definition dialog box. Select Method 1 Element Definitions (the default setting) to use the element dimension (EDIM) method of input. Then, click Finish. The software opens the CAESAR II Structural Modeler dialog box, where you can interactively input data. Click the arrow on each line in the modeler to expand or condense the information. 8. Use the interactive input processor to input the following commands. You can also import these commands by inputting them in a text editor and then importing the .str file into the model. For more information, see Structural Steel Example 2 (see "Structural Steel Example #2" on page 341). UNIT ENGLISH.FIL VERTICAL=Y MATID 1 YM=29E6 POIS=0.3 G=11.6E6 DENS=0.283 SECID 1 W12X65 SECID 2 W10X22 ; Preceding entries completed by opening dialog ; Columns have strong axis in Z (Default is X) ANGLE=90 ; Generate all columns EDIM FROM=5 TO=10 BY=5 LAST=20 DY=12EDIM 25 30 BY=5 LAST=40 DY=12EDIM 45 50 BY=5 LAST=60 DY=12EDIM 65 70 BY=5 LAST=80 DY=12; Beam orientation is standard ANGLE=0 ; Set the default Section ID to 2 DEF SECID=2 ; Beams are pinned, both ends are free to rotate BEAM FREE FBNDSTR FBNDWEAK FTORS TBNDSTR TBNDWEAK TTORS ; Define most beams EDIM 10 30 5 LAST=35 DZ=-14EDIM 30 50 5 LAST=60 DX=-10EDIM 50 70 5 LAST=80 DZ=14EDIM 70 10 5 LAST=20 DX=10; Node 1000 will be fixed in rotation

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler BEAM FIX FAXIAL FSHRSTR FSHRWEAK TAXIAL TBNDSTR TBNDWEAK TSHRSTR TSHRWEAK TTORS ; Add midpoint 1000 on top beam EDIM 20 1000 DZ=-7EDIM 40 1000 DZ=7; Define anchors at the bottom of each column FIX 5 65 BY=20 ALL ; Set representative loads LOAD 1000 FX=0000 FY=10000 FZ=10000 9. After you enter all of the model data, the SUPP3 structural model appears as follows:

10. When you are satisfied that the model has been entered properly, click File > Save to check and save the model. CAESAR II checks the input. If no fatal errors are found, the software writes the CAESAR II Execution files. The model may now be used in a piping analysis or analyzed by itself. For the purposes of this example the model will be analyzed by itself. 11. Return to the CAESAR II Main menu.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler Analyze the structural model for Example #3 The structural input processor generates a number of lists you can use for documentation and checking. 1. Open the Classic Piping Input dialog box for the SUPP3 model. 2. Click Analysis > Statics. From this point, structural steel analysis is performed just like a piping analysis. Output from a structural analysis is comprised of displacements, forces, and moments. Remember to replace the Weight load in Load Case 1 with F1 (the applied loads). The Displacements and Global Element Forces reports for the (Force Only) load case are shown below:

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Structural Steel Modeler


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler

The structure is more stiff in the X direction, even though the Z dimension is greater, due to the orientation of the columns. The Global Element Forces (which displays forces and moments) report is particularly interesting because all of the beams have pinned ends. Most of the beams carry no load. This is because the transfer of the load to the beams in this model is due to rotations at the column ends, and not translations. Cross-braces would eliminate this problem and cause the beams to pick up more of the load. The 1000 end of the elements from 20-1000 and from 40-1000 carries a moment because it is not a pinned end connection. The 1000 end is just a point at midspan for the application of the load. Kx = 10,000 lb. / 7.0909 in. = 1410 lb./in Ky = 10,000 lb. / 0.2828 in. = 35360 lb./in. Kz = 10,000 lb. / 25.7434 in. = 388 lb./in.

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Structural Steel Modeler

The Structural Modeler Window Use Structural Input to enter information to build your structural model. The Structural Modeler window is divided into two sections. The Card Stack pane displays model parameters, called cards, on the left and the graphical view of the model you are building displays on the right.

The Card Stack pane is sub-divided into two columns. The first column displays cards and card parameters. Enter parameter data in the second column. To add a card to the stack, select the command from either the Commands menu or the Commands tool bar. For more information, see Commands Menu (on page 359). Click + to expand the Card Stack and view the parameters available for a command. Type or select the values in the second column. Add all the commands to the card stack then click to generate the structural model. Card Stack, List Options, and Errors tabs are available at the bottom of the Card Stack pane. The tabs display mode, keyword and error information. Click Auto Hide to collapse the tabs to the left side of the window. Click Close X to hide the tabs. The Errors tab does not display when there are no errors in the model.


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Structural Steel Modeler

Model Setup using the Structural Steel Wizard Define job parameters for a new model using the Structural Steel Wizard.

Create a new job file 1. Click File > New. The New Job Name Specification dialog box appears. 2. In the Enter the name for the NEW job file box, type the name of the structural steel file you want to create. 3. Select Structural Input . 4. In the Enter the data directory box, type the directory name or browse for a directory. 5. Click OK. The Units Selection page of the Structural Steel Wizard appears.

Select a units file Use the Units Selection page of the Structural Steel Wizard to select the units file to use with your model. 1. In the Select a units file for this model box, select a units file. 2. Click Next. The Vertical Axis Selection page of the Structural Steel Wizard appears. Click Accept Defaults if you want to use the options previously selected in Tools > Configure/Setup.

Select a vertical axis Use the Vertical Selection page of the Structural Steel Wizard to select the units file to use with your model. 1. In the Select which axis is vertical for this box, select Y or Z. 2. Click Next. The Material Specification page of the Structural Steel Wizard appears.

Select material properties Use the Materials Specification page of the Structural Steel Wizard to enter material properties for the structural steel members. 1. Type values for Density, Yield Strength, Young's (Young's Modulus), Poisson's Ratio and Shear Modulus. 2. Optionally, type one or more thermal expansion coefficient values for Expansion Coefficients. 3. Click Add Another Material if you need to define additional material properties. The value of the Material ID increases by one. 4. Click Next. The Cross Section Specification page of the Structural Steel Wizard appears. You can have up to nine values for the Expansion Coefficient and use a separate Material ID for each coefficient.

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Structural Steel Modeler

Define a cross-section Use the Cross Section Specification page of the Structural Steel Wizard to enter the cross-sections in the model. 1. Click Select Section ID. The Section ID Selection dialog box appears. 2. Expand the hierarchy as needed, select a cross-section and click OK. You can also type a cross section name in the Name box. For more information, see Structural Databases (on page 395) for cross section names in the CAESAR II databases. 3. Optionally, select User Defined? to create a custom section. Enter values for Area, Ixx (moment of inertia about the strong axis), Iyy (moment of inertia about the weak axis), Torsional R (torsional resistivity constant), BoxH (overall height) and BoxW (overall width). 4. Click Add Another Section if you need to define additional cross-sections. The value for the Section ID increases by one. 5. Click Next. The Model Definition page of the Structural Steel Wizard appears.

Select the model definition method Use the Model Definition page of the Structural Steel Wizard to select the method you need to build your model. 1. Select Method 1 - Element Definitions or Method 2 - Node / Element Specification. 2. Click Finish. The Structural Steel Wizard closes and the new job file opens in the Structural Steel Modeler window.

Insert Menu Use the Insert menu to specify where to place a command from the Command menu in the Card Stock pane.

Before Current Element Places a new card above the selected card in the Card Stack.

After the Current Element Places a new card below the selected command in the Card Stack.


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Structural Steel Modeler

At End of Model Places a new card at the end of the model (that is, at the bottom of the Card Stack).

Commands Menu Use the Commands Menu to add cards in the Card Stack pane. The cards define parameters used in the structural model.

Node Node or Commands > Node defines the coordinates of a point in global X, Y, and Z space and places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

Define the coordinates 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the NODE command in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click Node . The NODE card is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the NODE card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the NODE properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors.

node number Specifies the node number.

x, y, z Specifies the global coordinates.

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Structural Steel Modeler

NFill NFill or Commands > NFill defines evenly spaced nodes between two end points and places the following card in the Card Stack:

Add a node between defined end points 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the NFILL card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click Nfill . The NFILL card is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the NFILL card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the NFILL properties. 6. Click Save if you are finished. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors.

from Specifies the from node number.

to Specifies the to node number.

by Specifies the increment in the range.

NGen NGen or Commands > NGen duplicates patterns of nodes and places the following card in the Card Stack pane:


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler The first and last node in the base node pattern must exist before you can use NGen. Other nodes not previously defined in the base node pattern are evenly spaced by a defined increment between the first and last node. Subsequent nodal patterns start from the base pattern. DX, DY, and DZ offsets define nodes duplicated from the base pattern of nodes.

Duplicate node 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the NGEN card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click NGen . The NGEN card is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the NGEN card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the NGEN properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors.

from Specifies the first node in the base node pattern. You must enter a value for an existing node before you can use NGen.

to Specifies the last node in the base node pattern. You must enter a value for an existing node before you can use NGen.

inc Specifies a value for the increment you want to use in the base node pattern between the first node and the last node. If you do not enter a value, the default is 1.

last Specifies the number of times to duplicate the base node pattern. If you do not enter a value, single pattern duplication occurs.

nodeInc Specifies a value for the increment that you want to use in the base node pattern to the nodes in the first generated pattern and then from this pattern to the next generated pattern and so forth.

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Structural Steel Modeler

dx, dy, dz Specifies the global coordinate offsets to get from the nodes in the base pattern to the nodes in the first generated pattern, and then from this pattern to the next generated pattern, and so forth.

Example The nodes from 1100 to 2000 with an increment of 100 are duplicated twice. Each new pattern is offset by 10 ft. in the Z-direction. The new nodes created are from 2100 to 3000 and also from 3100 to 4000.

Fix Fix or Commands > Fix defines the restraint boundary conditions at the structural member end points and places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

Define restraint boundary conditions 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the FIX card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click Fix . The FIX card is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the FIX card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the FIX properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically begins to check the model for errors. If needed you can enter the stiffness in the field following the fixity indicator. If you omit the stiffness value, the fixity is considered to be rigid.


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Structural Steel Modeler

from Specifies the first node number in the range. If you are using FIX to define a single node point, you do not need values for to and by.

to Specifies the last node number in the range. If you are using FIX to define a single node point, you do not need values for to and by.

by Specifies the increment in the range. If you are using FIX to define a single node point, you do not need values for to and by.

x Specifies the Free or Fixed value in the x direction.

x stiffness Specifies the value for the translational stiffness in the x direction.

y Specifies the Free or Fixed value in the y direction.

y stiffness Specifies the value for the translational stiffness in the y direction.

z Specifies the Free or Fixed value in the z direction.

z stiffness Specifies the value for the translational stiffness in the z direction.

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Structural Steel Modeler

rx Specifies the value for the rotation in the x direction.

rx stiffness Specifies the value for the rotational stiffness in the x direction.

ry Specifies the value for the rotation in the y direction.

ry stiffness Specifies the value for the rotational stiffness in the y direction.

rz Specifies the value for the rotation in the z direction.

rz stiffness Specifies the value for the rotational stiffness in the z direction.

all Specifies that all six degrees of freedom (DOF) are Free or Fixed. This parameter is the equivalent of an anchor.

all stiffness Specifies the same stiffness value for all six degrees of freedom (DOF).

Example 1. FIX 1 ALL. Fix all degrees of freedom at node #1. 2. FIX 5 X1000 Y1000 Z1000. Fix X, Y and Z degrees of freedom at node #5, and use 1,000 lb./in. springs. 3. FIX 100 TO 110. ALL Fix rigidly all degrees of freedom for the nodes from 100 to 110. The increment between 100 and 110 defaults to 1. Eleven nodes have their fixities defined here. 4. FIX 105 TO 125 BY 5 X1000,1000,1000 Fix X, Y, and Z degrees of freedom for the nodes: 105, 110, 115, 120, and 125, and use 1,000 lb./in. springs. 5. FIX (1) to (10) ALL Fix all degrees of freedom for the first 10 nodes in the node list.


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Structural Steel Modeler

Elem Elem or Commands > Elem defines a single element between two nodes and places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

You can use a section identifier and a material identifier for the element. If you omit the section and/or material IDs the program uses the current default.

Define an element between two elements 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the ELEM card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click ELEM . The ELEM command is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the ELEM card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the ELEM properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors.

from Specifies the from node number.

to Specifies the to node number.

secId Specifies the Section ID for the first element generated.

matId Specifies the Material ID for the first element generated.

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Structural Steel Modeler

EFill EFill generates a consecutive string of elements and places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

You can use the EFill command at any time, none of the elements generated need to exist prior to adding the EFill command.

Add consecutive elements 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the EFILL card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click EFill . The EFILL card is added to the card stack. 4. Click to expand the EFILL card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the EFILL properties. 6. Click Save to finish adding cards to the Card Stack. The stack is saved and the Error Checker checks your model for errors

from Specifies the from node number on the first element generated.

to Specifies the to node number on the first element generated.


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Structural Steel Modeler

inc Specifies the increment to get from the from node on the first element to the from node on the second element. If you do not enter a value, the default is 1.

incTo Specifies the increment to use to get from the to node of the first element to the to node of the second element. If you do not enter a value, the value of inc is used.

last Specifies the to node on the last element generated.

secId Specifies the Section ID for the first element generated.

matId Specifies the Material ID for the first element generated.

insecid Specifies the increment to use to get from the Section ID for the first element to the Section ID for the second element. If you do not enter a value, the default is 0.

incMatId Specifies the increment to get from the Material ID for the first element to the Material ID for the second element. If you do not enter a value, the default is 0.

Example Elements are generated between each pair of nodes between nodes 1200 and 2000. The increment between From nodes and To nodes is 100. Nine elements are created in this example. Elem was not necessary here. Create all nine elements using EFill and by substituting node 1100 in place of node 1200 in the from field.

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Structural Steel Modeler

EGen EGen or Commands EGen duplicates patterns of elements and places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

Existing elements in the base pattern are redefined during generation.

Duplicate elements 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the EGEN card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click EGen . The EGEN card is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the EGEN card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the EGEN properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker checks the model for errors.

from Specifies the from node on the first element in the base pattern.

to Specifies the to node on the first element in the base pattern.


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Structural Steel Modeler

inc Specifies the increment to use to get from the from node on the first element in the base pattern to the from node on the second element in base pattern. If you do not enter a value, the default is 1.

incTo Specifies the increment to use to get from the to node of the first element to the to node of the second element. If you do not enter a value, the value of inc is used.

last Specifies the to node on the last element in the base pattern. The software generates multiple copies from the base pattern of elements.

genInc Specifies the increment to get from the from node on the first element in the base pattern to the from node on the first element in the first duplicate pattern.

genIncTo Specifies the increment to use to get from the to node on the first element in the base pattern to the to node on the first element in the first duplicate pattern. If you do not enter a value, the value of genInc is used.

genLast Specifies the to node on the last element in the last pattern to be duplicated from the base pattern.

secId Specifies the Section ID to use for the elements in the base pattern. If you do not enter a value, the value from the Default card is used. For more information, see Default (on page 392).

matId Specifies the Material ID to use for the elements in the base pattern. If you do not enter a value, the value from the Default card is used. For more information, see Default (on page 392).

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Structural Steel Modeler

inSecId Specifies the Section ID increment to use between patterns. For example, the first pattern of elements generated from the base pattern of elements has a Section ID of SECID + INCSECID. If you do not enter a value, the default is 0.

incMatId Specifies the Material ID increment to use between patterns. If you do not enter a value, the default is 0.

Example Building on the Example for EFill (see "Example" on page 367). The base element pattern from 1100 to 2000 is reproduced two additional times, from 2100 to 3000 and from 3100 to 4000. Each element has nodal increments of 100. The increment between the Base Element and the Next Element is 1000 and the last node in the last pattern is 4000. The cross members are created using the base pattern from 1100 to 2100 and reproducing it in nodal increments of 100 until node 4000 is reached.


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Structural Steel Modeler

Edim EDim or Commands > EDim defines elements using the dimensions of the element instead of references to nodes and places the following card in the Card Stock pane:

Any existing elements encountered are redefined. If you are defining a single element, do not enter values for inc, incto, and last.

Define elements using element dimensions 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the EDIM card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click EDim . The EDIM card is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the EDIM card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the EDIM properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker checks the model for errors.

from Specifies the from node on the first element to be defined.

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Structural Steel Modeler

to Specifies the to node on the last element to be defined.

inc Specifies the increment to get from the from node on the first element to the from node on the second element. If you do not enter a value, the default is 1.

incTo Specifies the increment to use to get from the to node of the first element to the to node of the second element. If you do not enter a value, the value of inc is used.

last Specifies the to node on the last element to be defined.

dx, dy, dz Specifies the global coordinate offsets to get from the nodes in the base pattern to the nodes in the first generated pattern, and then from this pattern to the next generated pattern, and so forth.

secID Specifies the Section ID for the first element. If you do not enter a value, the current default is used.

matID Specifies the Material ID for the first element. If you do not enter a value, the current default is used.

incSecId Specifies the Section ID increment to use to get from the Section ID of the first element to the Section ID of the second element.

incmatId Specifies the Material ID increment to get from the Material ID of the first element to the Material ID of the second element.


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Structural Steel Modeler

Example 1. EDIM 5 to 10 DY = 12-3 SECID=2. Column 12-3 high from 5 to 10. 2. EDIM 5, 10 DY=12-3, 2. Same column 3. EDIM 2 TO 3 LAST=8 DX=13-3. Defining beams 13-3 long and elements 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7, and 7-8. INC defaults to 1.

Angle Angle or Commands > Angle defines the default element strong axis orientation and places the following card in in the Card Stack pane:

Define the element strong axis 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the ANGLE card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click Angle . The ANGLE card is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the ANGLE card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the ANGLE properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors.

Define structural columns when the strong axis is not parallel to the global X-axis Use Angle with a structural column when the strong axis of the column is not parallel to the global X-axis. When the strong axis of the column is parallel to the global Z-axis, redefine the default orientation to ANGLE=90. Define the column elements then use ANGLE again to reset the default orientation to its original value of ANGLE=0.0.

Define the angle of rotation Orient and Angle both define the angle of rotation in degrees about the element center line from the standard orientation to the element strong axis. Use Orient to define this angle for a single element or for a group of elements, and Angle to define the default orientation to its original value, such as, ANGLE=0.0. The default orientation angle is 0º.

Find the positive angular rotation Use the right hand rule to find positive angular rotation. Extend the thumb along the element in the direction of the to node. The fingers of the right hand circle in the direction of a positive orientation angle.

Determine the default element orientation  

If the member is vertical, then the default strong axis is along the global-X axis. If the member is non-vertical then the default strong axis is perpendicular to the center line of the member and in the horizontal plane of the member.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler The strong axis for the WF shape is:

angle Specifies a value for the default Strong Axis Orientation Angle to use for all subsequent defined elements.

Unif Unif or Commands > Unif defines a constant uniform load that acts over the full length of the member and places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

Uniform loads can have special meanings when used in CAESAR II Piping runs. If you are defining a uniform load that acts on a single element only, do not enter values for inc, incTo, and last.

Define a uniform load 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the UNIF command in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click Unif . The UNIF card is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the UNIF card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the UNIF properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors.


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Structural Steel Modeler

from Specifies the from node on the first element this uniform load is to act on.

to Specifies the to node on the first element this uniform load is to act on.

inc Specifies the increment to get from the from node on the first element to the from node on the second element. If you do not enter a value, the default is 1.

incTo Specifies the increment to use to get from the to node of the first element to the to node of the second element. If you do not enter a value, the value of inc is used.

last Specifies the to node on the last element this uniform load is to act on.

ux, uy, uz Specifies the magnitude of the uniform load in the global X, Y, and Z directions. Unless used in a piping analysis using G loads, use uniform loads in units of force per unit length of member. When used in a piping analysis with G loads the uniform loads are in units of gravitational acceleration, for example, uy=-1 would define a uniform load identical to the member weight load.

Examples 1. UNIF 1 TO 2 UY=-2.3 On the element from 1 to 2 a uniform load with a magnitude of 2.3 lbs. per inch acts in the -Y direction. 2. UNIF 1, 2, UY -2, 3 Same 3. UNIF 100 TO 200 INC=2 INCTO=3 4. LAST=500 UX=0.03, -1, 0.03 There are uniform loads acting on elements 100-200, 102-203,...,300-500 with a small horizontal component and a -1 load in the Y. It looks like you have G load input for the piping problem. 5. UNIF (1) to (30) UY=-2.3 The first thirty elements in the element list have a uniform load of -2.3 pounds per inch acting in the -Y direction.

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Structural Steel Modeler

Orient Orient or Commands > Orient defines the element strong axis orientation and places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

Define the element strong axis orientation 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the ORIENT card in the needed position in the Card Stack. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click Orient . The ORIENT card is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the ORIENT card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the ORIENT properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors.

from Specifies the from node on the first element. You can use node numbers or element indices as values for from.

to Specifies the to node on the first element. You can use node numbers or element indices as values for to.

inc Specifies the increment to get from the from node on the first element to the from node on the second element. If you do not enter a value, the default is 1.


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Structural Steel Modeler

incTo Specifies the increment to use to get from the to node of the first element to the to node of the second element. If you do not enter a value, the value of inc is used.

last Specifies the to node on the last element to have its orientation angle defined.

angle Specifies the rotation in degrees from the default position to the actual position of the member strong axis.

Examples 1. ORIENT 1 TO 2 ANGLE=90. The strong axis for the element from 1 to 2 is 90º away from the default position. 2. ORIENT 5 TO 10 INC=5 LAST=30 ANGLE=90. The vertical column elements: 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-25, and 25-30 have their strong axes 90º away from the default position. Their new strong axis is along the Z axis. With their new orientation, the columns are better suited to take X direction forces. 3. ORIENT 1 TO (20) ANGLE=90. The first twenty elements in the element list have their strong axes 90º away from the default position.

Load Load or Commands > Load defines concentrated forces and moments that act at structural member end points. It places the following card in the Card Stock pane:

Define concentrated forces and moments 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the LOAD card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click Load . The LOAD command is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the LOAD card and view the properties.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler 5. Add values to the LOAD properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors.

from Specifies the from node on the first element the load is to act on. If you are defining a load for a single node point, you do not need values for to and by.

to Specifies the to node on the first element the load is to act on. If you are defining a load for a single node point, you do not need values for to and by.

by Specifies the increment in the range. If you are defining a load for a single node point, you do not need values for to and by.

fx, fy, fz Specifies the magnitude of concentrated forces in the global X, Y, and Z directions.

mx, my, mz Specifies the magnitude of the moments in the global X, Y, and Z directions.

Examples 1. LOAD 305 FY-1000. Have a minus 1,000 lb. Y direction load acting at the structural node #305. 2. LOAD 10 TO 18 BY=1 FX=707, FZ=707. Have skewed loads in the horizontal plane acting at each of the nodes 10, 11,..., 17, 18. You do not have to use by here, the default is 1. th 3. LOAD (15) to (25) FY=-383. A load of 383 pounds acts in the -Y direction on the 15 th through the 25 nodes in the Node list.

Wind Loads Wind or Commands > Wind defines the magnitude of the wind shape factor for the structural elements and places a card in the Card Stack pane:


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler Define wind shape factor 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the WIND card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click Wind . The Wind card is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the WIND card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the WIND properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker checks the model for errors.

from Specifies the from node on the first element the wind load is to act on.

to Specifies the to node on the first element the wind load is to act on.

inc Specifies the increment to get from the from node on the first element to the from node on the second element. If you do not enter a value, the default is 1.

incTo Specifies the increment to use to get from the to node of the first element to the to node of the second element. If you do not enter a value, the value of inc is used.

last Specifies the to node of the last element the wind load is to act on.

shape Specifies a value for the magnitude of the wind shape factor. For structural steel members this value is usually 2.0. For elements not exposed to the wind, disable wind loading on the structure by resetting this value to 0. This value populates to all subsequently defined elements. If you do not enter a value, the default is 2.0.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler

Examples 1. WIND 1 TO 2 SHAPE=2.0. The element from 1 to 2 has a shape factor with a magnitude of 2.0 applied. This value is applied to all the following elements. 2. WIND 1, 2, SHAPE 2.0. Same 3. WIND 100 TO 200 INC=2 INCTO=3 4. LAST=500 SHAPE=1.8 There is a wind shape factor of 1.8 on elements 100-200, 102-203,...,300-500.

GLoads GLoad or Commands > GLoad processes all specified uniform loads as G loads instead of force/length loads and places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

 

You cannot use this command with any other parameters. If structural and piping models are mixed, the GLOADS cards must match. For example, uniform loads in the piping model must be designed as G loads in the special execution parameters.

Specify GLoads 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the GLOADS card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click GLoad . The GLOADS card is added to the card stack. 4. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler

MatId MatId or Commands > MatId specifies material properties that correspond to a Material ID number and places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

You must have at least one valid material specification in the input file. For more information, see Material Properties (on page 192).

Add material properties 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the MATID card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click MatId . The MATID card is added to the Card Stack. You can use one Matid for a group of elements that has many Section IDs (Secid). 4. Click to expand the Matid card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the Matid properties. Use Matid 1 for default A-36 structural steel properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors.

matId Specifies a Material ID number. This number is usually 1, and numbered sequentially for additional materials. You can change the value assigned by the model input file.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler

ym Specifies a value for Young‘s Modulus of Elasticity. The default value is 30,000,000 (30x106) psi for A-36 structural steel.

pois Specifies a value for Poisson‘s Ratio. The default value is 0.3 for A-36 structural steel.

g Specifies a value for the shear modulus. The default value is 11,000,000 (11x106) psi for A-36 structural steel and is typically about one-third the value of Young's Modulus.

ys Specifies a value for the yield strength. The default value is 36,000 (36x103) psi for A-36 structural steel. This property is currently not used.

dens Specifies a value for the material density. The default value is 0.283 for A-36 structural steel.

Alpha [x] Specifies from one to nine values for the coefficients of thermal expansion. Enter values for Alpha after entering a value for dens.

SecId SecId or Commands > SecId assigns member cross-section properties to the Section ID numbers and places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

Add cross-section properties 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the SECID card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click SecId . The SECID card is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the SECID card and view the properties.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler 5. Add values to the SECID properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors.

section Id Specifies a user-defined Section ID for this set of cross-section properties. Section IDs usually start at 1 and increase incrementally by one, but you can assign values in any order.

name Specifies an American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) shape name. For a user-defined shape, type USER. You must enter the AISC names exactly as shown in the AISC handbook with the exceptions:  Enter fractions as decimals. For example, type LX6X3-1/2X1/2 as L6X3.5X0.5  Omit all leading or trailing zeros. You can select the section name from the window after clicking the Select Section ID button.

User-Defined Specifies a user-defined shape. You must enter values for the additional parameters to define a user-defined cross-section.

area 2

Specifies the cross-section area (in length units).

lxx 4

Specifies the strong axis moment of inertia (in length units).

lyy 4

Specifies the weak axis moment of inertia (in length units).

torsion 4

Specifies the torsional resistivity constant (in length units).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler boxH Specifies the height (along the weak axis) of a rectangular box for plotting.

boxW Specifies the width (along the strong axis) of a rectangular box for plotting.

Free End Connections - FREE Free or Commands > Free defines the free element end connection types and places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

For example, use Free to describe the element ends in a structure that has pinned-only beam-to-column connections. You can also use Beams , Braces , and Columns to set the free end connection defaults for certain types of members. For more information, see Beams (on page 386), Braces (on page 388), and Columns (on page 390). After you define each element and set the defaults, the program automatically adds a card to the Card Stack and adds values to FREE parameters. Use this to help keep track of the connections and nodes that define the element.

Define Free End connection types 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the FREE card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click Free . The Free command is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the FREE card and view the properties.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler 5. Add values to the FREE properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors.

from Specifies the from node on the first element that this FREE command is to apply to.

to Specifies the to node on the first element that this FREE command is to apply to.

inc Specifies the increment to get from the from node on the first element to the from node on the second element. If you do not enter a value, the default is 1.

incTo Specifies the increment to use to get from the to node of the first element to the to node of the second element. If you do not enter a value, the value of inc is used.

last Specifies a value for the to node on the last element this FREE command is to apply to. You can omit last, inc, and incTo if the FREE command is only to apply to a single element.

Parameters for Degrees of Freedom The following parameters define the degrees of freedom (DOF) at the element end that is free. Any combination can be used.

At the from node FAXIAL

Axial translational DOF


Strong axis shear translational DOF


Weak axis shear translational DOF


Torsional DOF


Strong axis bending DOF


Weak axis bending DOF

At the to node TAXIAL

Axial translational DOF


Strong axis shear translational DOF


Weak axis shear translational DOF


Torsional DOF

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler TBNDSTR

Strong axis bending DOF


Weak axis bending DOF

Examples 1. A small WF shape has a pinned connection to a large I-beam. The weak axis bending of the WF shape is not transmitted to the web of the I-beam. If the element defining the WF shape uses nodes 1040 to 1045 then the FREE card for this element has the following format: FREE 1040 TO 1045 fbndweak, tbndweak 2. The westward side of a building has a row of beams on the ground floor that are attached rigidly to columns at the other end. The beams are identified by the pattern of nodes: 610-710, 620-720, 630-730, ..., 690-790. There are eight beams in this group. The 600 end is pinned. The FREE cards for this group have the following format: FREE 610 TO 710 INC=10 LAST=790 ftors, fbndstr, fbndweak

Beams Beams or Commands > Beams defines default end connection types for members identified by the orientation of their center lines. It places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

A beam is any member whose center line lies completely along either the global X or global Z axis. After you use Beams to define the element end connections, any element subsequently defined inherits those end connection conditions. Use the standard structural element connections Beams , Braces , and Columns to define default end connection types for members identified by the orientation of their center line. For more information, see Braces (on page 388), and Columns (on page 390).

Add beam element connections 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the BEAMS card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click Beams . The BEAMS card is added to the Card Stack.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler 4. Click to expand the BEAMS card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the BEAMS properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors. If fix is the only parameter defined for Beams, then all degrees of freedom for the beam are fixed.

mode Defines the beams end connection type:  Free - Releases end connections.  Fix - Resets released end connections. If fix is the only parameter defined for Beams, then all degrees of freedom for the beam are fixed.

Parameters for Degrees of Freedom The following parameters define the degrees of freedom (DOF) at each element end. Any combination can be used. By default, each end is fixed in all six degrees of freedom.

At the from node FAXIAL

Axial translational DOF


Strong axis shear translational DOF


Weak axis shear translational DOF


Torsional DOF


Strong axis bending DOF


Weak axis bending DOF

At the to node TAXIAL

Axial translational DOF


Strong axis shear translational DOF


Weak axis shear translational DOF


Torsional DOF


Strong axis bending DOF


Weak axis bending DOF

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler

Examples 1. A group of beams that has both ends pinned must use the Free command. The BEAMS card for this group has the following format: Beams FREE  ftors  fbndstr  fbndweak  tbndstr  tbndweak 2. Pinned-end beams must be returned to end connection default values. The BEAMS card for this group has the following format: Beams FIX  ftors  fbndstr  fbndweak  tbndstr  tbndweak

Braces Braces or Commands > Braces defines default end connection types for members identified by the orientation of their center lines. It places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

A brace is any member whose center line does not completely lie along any of the global axes. After you use Braces to define element end connections, any brace element subsequently defined inherits those end connection conditions. Use the standard structural element connections Beams , Braces , and Columns to define default end connection types for members identified by the orientation of their center line. For more information, see Beams (on page 386) and Columns (on page 390).


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler Add Braces 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the BRACES card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click Braces . The BRACES command is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the BRACES card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the BRACES properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors. If fix is the only parameter defined for Braces, then all degrees of freedom for the brace are fixed.

mode Defines the braces end connection type:  Free - Releases end connections.  Fix - Resets released end connections. If fix is the only parameter defined for Braces, then all degrees of freedom for the brace are fixed.

Parameters for Degrees of Freedom The following parameters define the degrees of freedom (DOF) at each element end. Any combination can be used. By default, each end is fixed in all six degrees of freedom.

At the from node FAXIAL

Axial translational DOF


Strong axis shear translational DOF


Weak axis shear translational DOF


Torsional DOF


Strong axis bending DOF


Weak axis bending DOF

At the to node TAXIAL

Axial translational DOF


Strong axis shear translational DOF


Weak axis shear translational DOF


Torsional DOF


Strong axis bending DOF


Weak axis bending DOF

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler

Examples 1. A group of braces that has both ends pinned to adjoining columns must use the Free command. The BRACES card for this group has the following format: Braces FREE  ftors  fbndstr  fbndweak  tbndstr  tbndweak 2. Pinned-end braces must be returned to end connection default values. The BRACES card for this group has the following format: Braces FIX  ftors  fbndstr  fbndweak  tbndstr  tbndweak If Fix appears on the line following Braces then all end connections for the brace are fixed.

Columns Columns or Commands > Columns defines default end connection types for members identified by the orientation of their center lines. It places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

A column is any member whose centerline is completely vertical. After you use Columns define the element end connections, any element subsequently defined inherits those end connection freedoms.


Use the standard structural element connections Beams , Braces , and Columns to define default end connections types for members identified by the orientation of their center line. For more information, see Beams (on page 386) and Braces (on page 388).


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler Add columns 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the COLUMNS card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click Columns . The Columns command is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the COLUMNS card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the COLUMNS properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors. If fix is the only parameter defined for Columns, then all degrees of freedom for the column are fixed.

mode Defines the columns end connection type:  Free - Releases end connections.  Fix - Resets released end connections. If fix is the only parameter defined for Columns, then all degrees of freedom for the column are fixed.

Parameters for Degrees of Freedom The following parameters define the degrees of freedom (DOF) at each element end. Any combination can be used. By default, each end is fixed in all six degrees of freedom.

At the from node FAXIAL

Axial translational DOF


Strong axis shear translational DOF


Weak axis shear translational DOF


Torsional DOF


Strong axis bending DOF


Weak axis bending DOF

At the to node TAXIAL

Axial translational DOF


Strong axis shear translational DOF


Weak axis shear translational DOF


Torsional DOF


Strong axis bending DOF


Weak axis bending DOF

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler

Examples 1. A group of corner columns that are pinned at their to ends must use the Free command. The COLUMNS card for this group has the following format: Columns FREE  ftors  fbndstr  fbndweak  tbndstr  tbndweak 2. Pinned-end columns must be returned to end connection default values. The COLUMNS card for this group has the following format: Columns FIX  ftors  fbndstr  fbndweak  tbndstr  tbndweak If Fix is all that appears on the line following Columns, then all end connections for the column are fixed. As a general rule an element cannot undergo rigid body motion. Therefore, an element cannot have both ttors and ftors released at the same time. Additionally beams typically have moment releases only at their ends, not at intermediate nodes used to apply loads or connect bracing.

Default Default or Commands > Default specifies the default values of the Section ID and the Material ID and places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

If you create an element without a Section ID or Material ID, the default values defined here are used.

Set the default Section ID or Material ID 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the DEFAULT card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click Default . The DEFAULT card is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the DEFAULT card and view the properties. 5. Add values to the DEFAULT properties. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler

Comment Comment or Commands > Comment adds a comment card to the Card Stack pane:

Add a comment 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane. 2. Use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the COMMENT card in the needed position. For more information, see Insert Menu (on page 358). 3. Click Comment . The COMMENT card is added to the Card Stack. 4. Click to expand the COMMENT card. 5. Type the information to add. 6. Click Save to finish. The CAESAR II Error Checker automatically checks the model for errors.

Vertical Vertical or Commands > Vertical specifies the axis orientation of a new or existing model and places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

The axis orientation of the Static Load Case Builder, (for example in wind and wave loads), the Static Output Processor, the Dynamic Input Module, and the Dynamic Output Processor is specified only by the orientation in the input file. For more information, see Select a Vertical Axis (on page 357). Unlike the piping and equipment files elsewhere in CAESAR II, changing this command does not change the orientation of the structural input file. It rotates the model into the new coordinate system. When you include the structural files in a piping model, the axis orientations of the structural files do not have to match the orientation of the piping model. The software translates the orientation.

Specify the axis orientation 1. Select the appropriate row in the Card Stack pane and use the needed command from the Insert menu to place the VERTICAL card in the needed position. For more information, see the Insert Menu (on page 358). 2. Click Vertical . The Vertical command is added to the Card Stack. 3. Select Y or Z as the vertical axis.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler Find the axis orientation of a new model In the main CAESAR II window, click Tools > Configure/Setup to determine the axis orientation of a new structural model based on the selected setting.

Find the axis orientation of an existing model Open an existing model and check the last saved axis orientation to visually determine the axis orientation.

Unit Unit or Commands > Unit specifies the unit file and places the following card in the Card Stack pane:

Use this command before entering any material, section, or dimensional data. You do not have to choose the same file selected in configuration setup. For more information, see Select a units file (on page 357).

List Options List Options displays node and coordinate data, specifies node ranges, and selects reports. Click ALL to display a copy of each report.

View reports 1. Click the List Options tab located at the bottom of the Card Stock. The List Options pane appears. 2. Select the report you want to see. The selected report appears in the Report pane.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler

Structural Databases The CAESAR II Structural databases contain over 20 different properties for each crosssection. For the finite element solution, only six of these items are employed:  Area  Strong axis moment of inertia  Weak axis moment of inertia  Torsional resistivity constant  Member section height  Member section depth There are seven different structural databases included in CAESAR II  AISC 1977  AISC 1989  German 1991  Australian 1990  South African 1992  Korean 1990  UK 1993

AISC 1977 Database W36X300


W36X260 W36X245





W36X170 W36X160





W33X201 W33X152





W30X191 W30X173

















W24X104 W24X94















































W14X500 W14X455





W14X311 W14X283





W14X176 W14X159



CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler W14X120




















W12X230 W12X210





W12X120 W12X106



























































M12X11.8 M10X9




M5X18.9 M4X13


S24X106 S24X100

S24X90 S24X80





S18X70 S18X54.7





S12X35 S12X31.8













































CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler























































WT16.5X100.5 WT16.5X76




















































































CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler

































































































































CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler Double Angle - Long Legs Back - to - Back D8X8X1.1250
























D3.5X3.5X0.3125 D3.5X3.5X0.2500 D3X3X0.5000 D3X3X0.3750




D2.5X2.5X0.3750 D2.5X2.5X0.3125

D2.5X2.5X0.2500 D2.5X2.5X0.1875 D2X2X0.3750 D2X2X0.3125







































D3.5X2.5X0.3125 D3.5X2.5X0.2500 D3X2.5X0.3750 D3X2.5X0.2500










CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler Double Angle - Short Legs Back - to - Back B8X6X1.0000



































B3.5X2.5X0.3125 B3.5X2.5X0.2500 B3X2.5X0.3750 B3X2.5X0.2500










AISC 1989 Database W44X285 W44X248





W40X268 W40X244





W40X531 W40X480





W40X297 W40X277





W40X167 W40X149





W36X588 W36X527





W36X328 W36X300





W36X256 W36X232





W36X160 W36X150





W33X468 W33X424





W33X263 W33X241





W33X141 W33X130





W30X433 W30X391






CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler W30X235 W30X211





W30X124 W30X116





W27X494 W27X448





W27X281 W27X258





W27X161 W27X146





W24X492 W24X450





W24X279 W24X250





W24X162 W24X146










W21X402 W21X364





W21X223 W21X201





W21X122 W21X111










W18X283 W18X258





W18X158 W18X143





























































CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler WT12X88






































































































CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler

CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler


CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler

German 1991 Database I80

I100 I120





I220 I240





I340 I360





I475 I500




IPE100 IPE120 IPE140 IPE160 IPE180


IPE220 IPE240 IPE270 IPE300 IPE330


IPE400 IPE450 IPE500 IPE550 IPE600
























































































CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler















Australian 1990 Database UB760X244 UB760X220 UB760X197

UB760X173 UB760X148 UB690X140

UB690X125 UB610X125 UB610X113

UB610X101 UB530X92




















UC310X283 UC310X240 UC310X198 UC310X158

UC310X137 UC310X118










UBP310X79 UBP250X85





TFC125X65 TFC100X50



PFC300X90 PFC250X90 PFC230X75 PFC200X75 PFC180X75


EL200X200X26 EL200X200X20 EL200X200X18 EL200X200X16 EL200X200X13 EL150X150X19 EL150X150X16 EL150X150X12 EL150X150X10 EL125X125X16 EL125X125X12 EL125X125X10



EL100X100X12 EL100X100X10










CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler EL65X65X10






















UL150X100X12 UL150X100X10


















CAESAR II User's Guide


Structural Steel Modeler

South African 1992 Database

Korean 1990 Database















































CAESAR II User's Guide

Structural Steel Modeler W250X125












L250X250X35 L250X250X25 L200X200X25 L200X200X20 L200X200X15 L175X175X15 L175X175X12 L150X150X19 L150X150X15 L150X150X12 L150X150X10 L130X130X15 L130X130X12 L130X130X10 L130X130X9 L120X120X8

L100X100X13 L100X100X10 L100X100X8



































CAESAR II User's Guide






Structural Steel Modeler

UK 1993 Database


CAESAR II User's Guide


Buried Pipe Modeler Buried Pipe Modeler or Input > Underground takes an unburied layout and buries it. The modeler performs the following functions:  Allows the direct input of soil properties. The modeler contains the equations for buried pipe stiffnesses. These equations are used to calculate the stiffnesses on a per length of pipe basis and then generate the restraints that simulate the discrete buried pipe restraint.  Breaks down straight and curved lengths of pipe to locate soil restraints using a zone concept. Where transverse bearing is a concern near bends, tees, and entry/exit points, soil restraints are located in close proximity.  Breaks down straight and curved pipe so that when axial loads dominate, soil restraints are spaced far apart.  Allows the direct entry of user-defined soil stiffnesses on a pipe-length basis. Input parameters include axial, transverse, upward, and downward stiffnesses, as well as ultimate loads. You can specify stiffnesses separately or in conjunction with CAESAR II‘s automatically generated soil stiffnesses. The Buried Pipe Modeler is designed to read a standard CAESAR II input data file that describes the basic layout of the piping system as if it was not buried. From this input, the software creates a second input data file that contains the buried pipe model. This second input file typically contains a much larger number of elements and restraints than the first job. The first file that serves as the pattern is called the original job. The second file that contains the element mesh refinement and the buried pipe restraints is called the buried job. CAESAR II names the buried file by appending the letter B to the name of the original job. The original job must already exist. During the process of creating the buried model, the modeler removes any restraints in the buried section. Any additional restraints in the buried section can be entered in the resulting buried model. The buried job, if it exists, is overwritten by the successful generation of a buried pipe model. It is the buried job that is eventually run to compute displacements and stresses. Typical buried pipe displacements are considerably different than similar above-ground displacements. Buried pipe deforms laterally in areas immediately adjacent to changes in directions, such as those found in bends and tees. In areas far removed from bends and tees, the deformation is primarily axial. The optimal size of an element, that is, the distance between a single FROM and a TO node, is dependent upon which of these deformation patterns is to be modeled. Because there is no continuous support model, the software must locate additional point supports along a line to simulate this continuous support. These additional point supports can also be user-defined. For a given stiffness per unit length, one of the following must be added:  Several closely spaced, low stiffness supports  A limited number of distant and high stiffness supports Where the deformation is lateral, smaller elements are needed to properly distribute the forces from the pipe to the soil. The length over which the pipe deflects laterally is called the "lateral bearing length" and can be calculated using the following equation: 0.25 Lb = 0.75(π) [4EI/Ktr]

CAESAR II User's Guide


Buried Pipe Modeler Where: E


Pipe modulus of elasticity



Pipe moment of inertia

Ktr =

Transverse soil stiffness on a per length basis

CAESAR II places three elements in the vicinity of this bearing span to properly model the local load distribution. The bearing span lengths in a piping system are called the Zone 1 lengths. The intermediate lengths in a piping system are called Zone 2 lengths, and the axial displacement lengths in a piping system are called the Zone 3 lengths. To properly transmit axial loads, Zone 3 element lengths are computed using 100 x Do, where Do is the outside diameter of the piping. The Zone 2 mesh consists of four elements of increasing length; starting at 1.5 times the length of a Zone 1 element at its Zone 1 end, and progressing in equal increments to the last which is 50 x Do long at the Zone 3 end. CAESAR II views a typical piping system element breakdown or mesh distribution as shown below. All pipe density is set to zero for all pipe identified as buried so that deadweight causes no bending around these point supports.

CAESAR II automatically puts a Zone 1 mesh gradient at each side of the pipe framing into an elbow. You must tell CAESAR II where the other Zone 1 areas are located in the piping system. A critical part of the modeling of an underground piping system is the proper definition of Zone 1or lateral bearing regions. These bearing regions primarily occur:  On either side of a change in direction.  For all pipes framing into an intersection.  At points where the pipe enters or leaves the soil.  Using any user-defined node within or near Zone 1.

Data Conversion CAESAR II converts the original job into the buried job by meshing the existing elements and adding soil restraints. The conversion process creates all of the necessary elements to satisfy


CAESAR II User's Guide

Buried Pipe Modeler the Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3 requirements, and places restraints on the elements in these zones. All elbows are broken down into at least two curved sections, and very long radius elbows are broken down into segments whose lengths are not longer than the elements in the immediately adjacent Zone 1 pipe section. Node numbers are generated by adding ―1‖ to the element‘s FROM node number. The software checks a node number to make sure that is unique in the model. All densities on buried pipe elements are zeroed to simulate the continuous support of the pipe weight. A conversion log is also generated, which details the process in full.

See also Buried Pipe Modeler Window (on page 413) Soil Models (on page 417)

Buried Pipe Modeler Window To start the Buried Pipe Modeler, click Underground Pipe Modeler displays:

. The following window

Alternatively, you can click Input > Underground. The Buried Pipe Modeler window is used to enter the buried element descriptions for the job and allows you to define:  Which part of the piping system is buried  Mesh spacing at specific element ends  Soil stiffnesses The first two columns of the data input grid contain element node numbers for each piping element included in the original system. The next three columns allow you to describe the sections of the piping system that are buried and to define any required fine mesh areas. A finer mesh area is necessary for buried areas that will need to undergo lateral displacements. The remaining eight columns are used to define soil stiffnesses and ultimate loads.

Buried Pipe Modeler Toolbar The Buried Pipe Molder toolbar displays icons for commonly-used commands. Open - Opens an input data file that will serve as the original job.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Buried Pipe Modeler Save - Creates an input data file that contains the buried pipe model. By default, the software appends the filename of the original job with the letter B to create the second input data file (the buried job). Print - Prints the data input from the Buried Pipe Modeler window. Soil Models - Opens the Basic Soil Modeler dialog box in which you specify soil properties for the CAESAR II buried pipe equations used by the software to generate one or more soil restraint systems. For more information, see Basic Soil Modeler Dialog Box (on page 423). Convert - Converts the original job into the buried job by meshing the existing elements and adding soil restraints. Find - Activates the search feature.

Change the Name of a Buried Pipe Job 1. Click File > Change Buried Pipe Job Name. 2. In the Change Job Name dialog box, type a new name for the buried pipe job and click OK. The software updates the name of the job.

From Node Displays the node number for the starting end of the element

To Node Displays the node number for the end of the piping element.

Soil Model No. Defines which of the elements in the model are buried.  If you enter 0, the element is not buried.  If you enter 1, then the buried soil stiffnesses per length basis should be defined in columns 6 through 13.  If you enter a number greater than 1, the software points to a CAESAR II soil restraint model generated using the equations outlined in Soil Models (on page 417). You can define soil properties, such as buried depth, friction factor, undrained shear strength, using the Basic Soil Modeler dialog box (on page 423). The software uses these properties to calculate the buried soil stiffnesses on a stiffness per length basis. Because the soil properties can change from point-to-point along the pipeline, several different soil models can be entered for a single job. Each different soil model is given a unique soil model number starting with 2. Consider the following example:


From Node

To Node

Soil Model No.
















CAESAR II User's Guide

Buried Pipe Modeler 30






The pipe from nodes 5 through 15 is not buried. From nodes 15 through 30, you will define your own stiffnesses (using columns 6 through 13 of the data input area). From nodes 35 through 40, the software will use the property values defined in the corresponding soil model number to generate stiffnesses.

From/To End Mesh Indicates a fine mesh is needed at the From or To element end. Long, single elements that you enter need to be broken down into smaller elements to properly distribute the soil forces. The software performs this breakdown automatically. If the particular end of an element will undergo lateral displacement, it must have a finer mesh than an element end that only undergoes axial displacements. Axial displacement ends are at the end of a virtual anchor length. Element ends undergo lateral displacements wherever there is a bend at the end of the element. In this case, the software automatically places a fine mesh along the element entering the bend and along the element leaving the bend. At all other locations, you must tell the software where the fine meshes must go. These locations include:  1 - Element ends that frame into intersections.  2 - Element ends that enter or exit from the soil.  3 - Element ends where there is any change in direction not defined by a bend. Follow the rule that too many mesh elements will never hurt the solution, whereas too few may produce incorrect results. Thus, always check the appropriate box if you are uncertain. Consider the following example:

CAESAR II places a fine mesh at the 5 end of the element because the pipe enters the soil at 5 and there are probably some displacements there. The software automatically places fine meshes at element ends where there are bends, so checking the FROM END MESH/TO END MESH boxes is not needed on the 10-15 element. A fine mesh is also placed at each element end that frames into the intersection at 20. Finally, a fine mesh is placed at the terminal points 35 and 30.

User-Defined Lateral "K" Specifies the soil stiffness perpendicular to the pipe axis on a stiffness per length basis. This stiffness value acts in both directions perpendicular to the pipe. This option is required if Soil Model No. (on page 414) is set to 1; otherwise, leave this option blank. The smallest allowable non-zero value is 0.5.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Buried Pipe Modeler

Ultimate Lateral Load Specifies the ultimate lateral load carrying capacity of the soil on a force per length basis. It is at this point in the loading where the soil behavior becomes perfectly plastic. This option is required if Soil Model No. (on page 414) is set to 1; otherwise, leave this option blank. The smallest allowable non-zero value is 0.5.

User-Defined Axial Stif Specifies the soil stiffness along the axis of the pipe on a stiffness per length basis. This stiffness value acts in both directions along the axis of the pipe. This option is required if Soil Model No. (on page 414) is set to 1; otherwise, leave this option blank. The smallest allowable non-zero value is 0.5. To stimulate a rigid, perfectly plastic soil for axial pipeline deformation, enter 1.0E12.

Ultimate Axial Load Specifies the ultimate axial load carrying capacity of the soil on a force per length basis. It is at this point in the loading where the soil behavior becomes perfectly plastic. This option is required if Soil Model No. (on page 414) is set to 1; otherwise, leave this option blank. The smallest allowable non-zero value is 0.5.

User-Defined Upward Stif Specifies the soil stiffness in the upward direction on a stiffness per length basis. The value that you enter is the stiffness that will resist upward displacement of the pipeline. This option is required if Soil Model No. (on page 414) is set to 1; otherwise, you can leave this option blank. The smallest allowable non-zero value is 0.5.  

If the upward and downward stiffnesses are equal, then you need only enter a value for one--the stiffness value that is not entered defaults to the stiffness value that is entered. If both User-Defined Upward Stif and User-Defined Downward Stif (on page 417) are set to 0 or left blank, a fatal error results.

Ultimate Upward Load Specifies the ultimate upward load carrying capacity of the soil on a force per length basis. The value you enter is the maximum resistance of the soil to an upward displacement of the pipeline. It is at this point in the loading where the soil behavior becomes perfectly plastic. This option is required if Soil Model No. (on page 414) is set to 1; otherwise, leave this option blank. The smallest allowable non-zero value is 0.5.  


If the upward and downward ultimate loads are equal, then you need only enter a value for one. The other load defaults to the entered value. If both Ultimate Upward Load and Ultimate Downward Load (on page 417) are set to 0 or left blank, a fatal error results.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Buried Pipe Modeler

User-Defined Downward Stif Specifies the soil stiffness in the downward direction on a stiffness per length basis. The value that you enter is the stiffness that will resist downward (-Y) displacement of the pipeline. This option is required if Soil Model No. (on page 414) is set to 1; otherwise, you can leave this option blank. The smallest allowable non-zero value is 0.5.  

If the upward and downward stiffnesses are equal, then you need only enter a value for one. The other stiffness defaults to the entered value. If both User-Defined Upward Stif (on page 416) and User-Defined Downward Stif are set to 0 or left blank, a fatal error results.

Ultimate Downward Load Specifies the ultimate downward load carrying capacity of the soil on a force per length basis. The value you enter is the maximum resistance of the soil to a downward (-Y) displacement of the pipeline. It is at this point in the loading where the soil behavior becomes perfectly plastic. This option is required if Soil Model No. (on page 414) is set to 1; otherwise, leave this option blank. The smallest allowable non-zero value is 0.5.  

If the upward and downward ultimate loads are equal, then you need only enter a value for one. The other load defaults to the entered value. If both Ultimate Upward Load (on page 416) and Ultimate Downward Load are set to 0 or left blank, a fatal error results.

Soil Models Only use the following procedures for estimating soil distributed stiffnesses and ultimate loads when you do not have better available data or methods suited. The soil restraint modeling algorithms used by the software are based on the following:  CAESAR II Basic Model - ―Stress Analysis Methods for Underground Pipelines,‖ L.C. Peng, published in 1978 in Pipeline Industry. For more information, see CAESAR II Basic Model (on page 418).  American Lifelines Alliance - "Appendix B: Soil Spring Representation" from the Guidelines for the Design of Buried Steel Pipe by the American Lifelines Alliance ( For more information, see American Lifelines Alliance (see "American Lifelines Alliance Soil Model" on page 419). Soil supports are modeled as bi-linear springs having an initial stiffness, an ultimate load, and a yield stiffness. The yield stiffness is typically set close to zero. After the ultimate load on the soil is reached, there is no further increase in load even though the displacement may continue. The axial and transverse ultimate loads must be calculated to analyze buried pipe. Many researchers differentiate between horizontal, upward, and downward transverse loads, but when the variance in predicted soil properties and methods are considered, this differentiation is often unwarranted. The software allows the explicit entry of these data if it is necessary to your specific project.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Buried Pipe Modeler After the axial and lateral ultimate loads are known, the stiffness in each direction can be determined by dividing the ultimate load by the yield displacement. Researchers have found that the yield displacement is related to both the buried depth and the pipe diameter. The calculated ultimate loads and stiffnesses are on a force per unit length of pipe basis.

See also Basic Soil Modeler Dialog Box (on page 423)

CAESAR II Basic Model The following recommendations apply when you select CAESAR II Basic Model as the Soil Model Type in the Basic Soil Modeler dialog box. For more information about the dialog box and the available soil properties, see Basic Soil Modeler dialog box (on page 423). Either FRICTION COEFFICIENT or UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH may be left blank. With clays, the friction coefficient is typically left blank and is automatically estimated by CAESAR II as Su/600 psf. Both sandy soils and clay-like soils can be defined here.

The soil restraint equations use these soil properties to generate restraint ultimate loads and stiffnesses. Defining a value for TEMPERATURE CHANGE is optional. If entered the thermal strain is used to compute and print the theoretical ―virtual anchor length. These equations are: Axial Ultimate Load (Fax) Fax = μD[ (2ρsH) + (πρpt) + (πρf)(D/4) ] Where: μD = Friction coefficient, typical values are: 0.4 for silt 0.5 for sand 0.6 for gravel 0.6 for clay or Su/600 ρs= Soil density H = Buried depth to the top of pipe ρp= Pipe density t = Pipe nominal wall thickness ρf= Fluid density D = Pipe diameter Su = Undrained shear strength (specified for clay-like soils) Transverse Ultimate Load (Ftr) 2 2 Ftr = 0.5ρs(H+D) [tan(45 + φ/2)] OCM


CAESAR II User's Guide

Buried Pipe Modeler If Su is given (that is, the soil is clay), then Ftr as calculated above is multiplied by Su/250 psf. Where: φ = Angle of internal friction, typical values are: 27-45 for sand 26-35 for silt 0 for clay 

OVERBURDEN COMPACTION MULTIPLIER (OCM) is an artificial CAESAR II term that allows you to take a conservative approach when modeling uncertain soil response. Because a higher stiffness generally produces conservative results, you may wish to increase the transverse soil stiffness. CAESAR II uses the OCM to serve this purpose. You can reduce the OCM from its default of 8 to values ranging from 5 to 7, depending on the degree of compaction of the backfill. There is no theory which suggests that the OCM cannot equal 1.0. For a strict implementation of Peng's Theory as discussed in his articles (April 78 and May 78 issue of Pipeline Industry), use a value of 1.0 for the OCM. Yield Displacement (yd): yd = Yield Displacement Factor(H+D) The Yield Displacement Factor defaults to 0.015(suggested for H = 3D). Axial Stiffness (Kax) on a per length of pipe basis: Kax=Fax / yd Transverse Stiffness (Ktr) on a per length of pipe basis: Ktr=Ftr / yd

American Lifelines Alliance Soil Model The following information references "Appendix B: Soil Spring Representation" in the American Lifelines Alliance document Guidelines for the Design of Buried Steel Pipe ( This document provides bilinear stiffness of soil for axial, lateral, uplift and bearing. Each stiffness term has a component associated with sandy soils (subscripted q) and a component associated with clays (subscripted c). Data can be entered for pure granular soils and pure clays. Soil stiffness for both clay and sand (cohesive and granular soils, respectively) are defined through the following user-defined parameters: c = soil cohesion representative of the soil backfill H = soil depth to top of pipe (this is converted by C2 to depth to pipe centerline in ALA calculations)  = effective unit weight of soil  = total dry unit weight of fill Ko = coefficient of earth pressure at rest (can be calculated based on internal friction angle of soil) f = coating-dependent factor relating the internal friction angle of the soil to the friction angle at the soil-pipe interface φ = internal friction angle of soil

CAESAR II User's Guide


Buried Pipe Modeler

Elastic range of soil is either fixed or a function of D & H with limits based on D.


Yield Displacement Factor


Limited by

Δt (dT) – Axial

Length units

Δp (dP) – Lateral

Multiple of D


Δqu (dQu) – Upward

Multiple of H


Δqu (dQu) – Upward

Multiple of D

Δqd (dQd) – Downward

Multiple of D

CAESAR II User's Guide

Buried Pipe Modeler Axial

Tu = peak friction force at pipe-soil interface maximum axial soil force per unit length that can be transmitted to pipe) D = pipe OD  = adhesion factor (for clays only)

c = soil cohesion representative of the soil backfill (undrained shear strength) H = depth of cover to pipe centerline = effective unit weight of soil Ko = coefficient of earth pressure at rest The ratio of the horizontal effective stress acting on a supporting structure and the vertical effective stress in the soil at that point. At rest indicates the pipe does not move for this calculation. δ = interface angle of friction for pipe and soil,  = f f = coating-dependent factor relating the internal friction angle of the soil to the friction angle at the soil-pipe interface Pipe Coating




Coal Tar


Rough Steel


Smooth Steel


Fusion Bonded Epoxy




 = internal friction angle of soil Δt = axial displacement to develop Tu = 0.1 inch for dense sand, 0.2 inch for loose sand, 0.3 inch for stiff clay, and 0.4 inch for soft clay

CAESAR II User's Guide


Buried Pipe Modeler Lateral Pu = maximum horizontal soil bearing capacity (maximum lateral soil force per unit length that can be transmitted to pipe) Nch = horizontal soil bearing capacity factor for clay (0 for c=0) Nqh = horizontal soil bearing capacity factor for sand (0 for =0°)






















































-5.425E-3 -1.153E-4







-6.443E-3 -1.299E-4

Nqh can be interpolated for φ between 20°and 45°.

Vertical Uplift Qu = maximum vertical upward soil bearing capacity (maximum vertical uplift soil force per unit length that can be transmitted to pipe) Ncv = vertical upward soil bearing capacity factor for clay (0 for c=0)

Nqv = vertical upward soil bearing capacity factor for sand


CAESAR II User's Guide

Buried Pipe Modeler

= 0.01H to 0.02H for dense to loose sands < 0.1D = 0.1H to 0.2H for stiff to soft clays < 0.2D

Vertical Bearing

Qd - maximum vertical bearing soil force per unit length that can be transmitted to pipe. Nc, Nq, N = vertical downward soil bearing capacity factors

 = total dry unit weight of fill qd = vertical displacement to develop Qd = 0.1D for granular soils = 0.2D for cohesive soils

Basic Soil Modeler Dialog Box Soil Models specifies options for the soil model method to use and defines basic soil properties, such as undrained sheer strength, friction angles, and so forth. The modeler uses the values that you define to compute axial, lateral, upward, and downward stiffnesses, along with ultimate loads. Each set of soil properties is identified by a unique soil model number, starting with the number 2. The soil model number is used in the buried element descriptions to tell CAESAR II in what type of soil the pipe is buried. You can enter up to 15 different soil model numbers in any one buried pipe job.  

Soil model number 1 is reserved for user-defined values. The soil models you enter do not have to be used in the current job. This provides a convenient mechanism for soil property range studies.

Soil Model Type and Classification Select the soil model method on which the software will base its calculations. Three different soil model methods are available, each with its own set of soil properties.  American Lifelines Alliance (Sand/Gravel) - This is the default model is that is presented for granular soils in "Appendix B" of the America Lifelines Alliance document Guidelines for the Design of Buried Steel Pipe. This model was developed jointly by the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency in July 2001 (addenda through February 2005.  American Lifelines Alliance (Clay) - This model is for clay soils and from the same document as American Lifelines Alliance (Sand/Gravel).  CAESAR II Basic Model - A modified implementation of the method described by L.C. Peng in his two-part article "Stress Analysis Methods for Underground Pipe Lines", published in Pipe Line Industry (April/May 1978). For more information, see Soil Models (on page 417).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Buried Pipe Modeler

ALPHA - ADHESION FACTOR Specifies the soil adhesion factor. This option displays only when you select American Lifelines Alliance in the Soil Model Type list and Clay as the Soil Classification. If no value is defined, the soil adhesion factor is calculated using C - SOIL COHESION OF BACKFILL based upon the following equation: Alpha = 0.608-0.123C-0.274/(C**2+1)+0.695/(C**3+1) Where C is in kips/sq.ft. Possible values are listed in Figure B.2, "Appendix B: Soil Spring Representation" from the Guidelines for the Design of Buried Steel Pipe by the American Lifelines Alliance

C - SOIL COHESION OF BACKFILL Specifies the soil cohesion representative of the backfill. This option displays only when you select American Lifelines Alliance in the Soil Model Type list and Clay as the Soil Classification. Typical values for cohesive soils are between 2.5 and 20 psi (18 and 140kPa).

dP - YIELD DISP FACTOR, LAT, MAX MULTIPLE OF D Specifies the value of the soil displacement at which the ultimate lateral restraint load is developed. This is calculated using as the following equation: dP = 0.4 (H + D/2) However, the calculated value must be limited to a maximum multiple for the pipe outer diameter (D). Typical values are between 0.1 and 0.15.

dQd - YIELD DISP FACTOR, DOWN, MULTIPLE OF D Specifies the value of the soil displacement at which the ultimate downward restraint load is development. This value is calculated as a multiple of the pipe outer diameter (D). Typical values are as follows:  Granular soils - 0.1  Cohesive soils - 0.2

dQu - YIELD DISP FACTOR, UP, MAX MULTIPLE OF D Specifies the value of the soil displacement at which the ultimate upward restraint load is developed. This value is calculated as per the following equation: dQu = MIN (MULTIPLE OF H) * H, (MULTIPLE OF D) * D) The maximum multiple of the pipe outer diameter (D), must be entered here. Typical values are as follows:  Sand - 0.1  Clay - 0.2


CAESAR II User's Guide

Buried Pipe Modeler

dQu - YIELD DISP FACTOR, UPWARD, MULTIPLE of H Specifies the value of the soil displacement at which the ultimate upward restraint load is developed. This value is calculated as per the following equation: dQu - MIN (MULTIPLE OF H) * H, (MULTIPLE OF D) * D The maximum multiple of the pipe buried depth (H) must be entered here. Typical values are as follows:  Dense Sand - 0.01  Loose Sand - 0.02  Stiff Clay - 0.1  Soft Clay - 0.2

dT - YIELD DISP FACTOR, AXIAL Specifies the value of the soil displacement at which the ultimate axial restraint load is developed. This option displays only when you select American Lifeline Alliance in the Soil Model Type list. Typical values are as follows:  Dense Sand - 0.1 in. (2.5 mm.)  Loose Sand - 0.2 in (5.0 mm.)  Stiff Clay - 0.3 in. (7.5 mm.)  Soft Clay - 0.4 in. (10 mm.)

GAMMA - DRY SOIL DENSITY Specifies the dry density of the soil on a per unit volume basis. This option displays only if you select American Lifeline Alliance in the Soil Model Type list and Sand/Gravel as the Soil Classification. Typical soil densities are listed below: Soil

Dry Density 4.33E-2 lb./

Clay Very Loose Sand

Underground to open the modeler. 2. Click File > Open on the Buried Pipe Modeler main menu and select the original unburied job. The original job serves as the basis for the buried pipe model. It must already exist and need only contain the basic geometry of the piping system. The modeler will remove any existing restraints in the buried portion. 3. Click Soil Models on the Basic Pipe Modeler toolbar. 4. In the Basic Soil Modeler dialog box, select a Soil Model Type. The software populates the dialog box with soil data properties specific to the soil model you select. 5. Enter the necessary soil data and click OK to exit the dialog box. To enter additional soil models, click Add New Soil Model. The software saves the soil data in a file with the extension SOI. 6. In columns 1-5 of the buried element data input area, describe the sections of the piping system that are buried and define any required fine mesh areas and click Save . User-defined soil data can be entered in columns 6-13. 7. On the Basic Pipe Modeler toolbar, click Convert to convert the original model into the buried model. This step produces a detailed description of the conversion. By default, the software appends the name of the job with the letter B. For example, if the original job is named UndergroundPipe, the software saves the second input file with the name UndergroundPipe B. If the default name is not appropriate, click File > Change Buried Pipe Change Name and rename the buried job. 8. Click File > Exit to return the CAESAR II main window. From here, you can use Input > Piping to review and edit the buried model, add any additional underground restraints (such as thrust block) to the buried model, and perform the analysis of the buried pipe job. 

A buried pipe example problem is provided to illustrate the features of the modeler. This example should not be considered a guide for recommended underground piping design. For more information, see Buried Pipe Example (on page 430).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Buried Pipe Modeler

Buried Pipe Example The following buried pipe example problem is provided to illustrate the features of the modeler. This example should not be considered a guide for recommended underground piping design. Consider the following example:

The following input listing represents the unburied model shown above.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Buried Pipe Modeler Terminal nodes 100 and 1900 are above ground. Nodes 1250 and 1650 (on the sloped runs) mark the soil entry and exit points. Using the Basic Soil Modeler dialog box (on page 423), Soil Model Number 2 properties for a sandy soil is defined.

Elements 1250-1300 through 1600-1650 are buried using soil model number 2. Zone 1 meshing is indicated at the entry and exit points.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Buried Pipe Modeler Clicking Convert model.


on the Buried Pipe Modeler toolbar begins the conversion to a buried

CAESAR II User's Guide

Buried Pipe Modeler The screen listing can also be printed.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Buried Pipe Modeler The original unburied model is shown along with the buried model below. Restraints have been added around the elbows and along the straight runs.

Bi-linear restraints have been added to the buried model. The stiffness used is based upon the distance between nodes.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Buried Pipe Modeler The first buried element, 1250-1251, has no density.

The buried job can now be analyzed.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Buried Pipe Modeler


CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis Displays the Static Analysis dialog box.

In This Section Static Analysis Overview ............................................................... 437 Static Analysis Dialog Box ............................................................. 456

Static Analysis Overview You must run error checking before you can run static analysis. If error checking reports no fatal errors, you can specify the load cases to analyze. CAESAR II recommends an initial set of load cases that you can edit.

Error Checking You must successfully complete the error checking portion of the piping preprocessor before you can perform static analysis. The required analysis data files are created after error checking is completed. Similarly, any changes that you make to the model are not reflected in the analysis unless you rerun the error checking. CAESAR II does not allow an analysis to take place until you successfully run the error checker if the input has changed. Error Check - Saves the input and starts the error checking procedure. This command is only available from the piping or structural steel input dialog boxes. Batch Run - Checks the input data, analyzes the system, and presents the results without any additional actions from you. The software assumes that the loading cases do not need to change and that the default account number (if accounting active) is correct. These criteria are usually met after the first pass through the analysis. The error checker software reviews the CAESAR II model and alerts you to any possible errors, inconsistencies, or noteworthy items. These items display in a grid as errors, warnings, or notes. The total numbers of errors, warnings, or notes display in corresponding boxes above the message grid. Double-click the column headers to sort the messages by type, message number, or element/node number. Click File > Print to print the messages.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis

Fatal Error Message The software reports an error when the analysis cannot continue. This is caused by a problem in the model such as a piping element with no defined length. These errors are called fatal errors because you must correct them before you can continue the analysis. Click the error message to display to the associated element. Click the tabs at the bottom of the window to display either the Classic Piping Input dialog box or the Errors and Warnings dialog box.

Warning Message The software reports a warning when there is a problem that can be overcome using some assumptions. An example of this is the wall thickness of an element that is insufficient to meet the minimum wall thickness for the given pressure (hoop stress). You do not have to correct warnings to get a successful analysis, but you should carefully review them.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis

Note Message The software reports a note to inform you of a fact related to the model. An example of a note is the number of hangers to be designed by CAESAR II. There is nothing for you to correct when a note displays.

Static Load Case Editor After error-checking your model, specify your static load cases using the Edit Static Load Cases command, which is only available after you have successfully error checked the piping input file. The Static Analysis dialog box lists the following:  Available loads that are defined in the input.  Available stress types.  Current load cases offered for analysis.  For detailed information on this dialog box, see Static Analysis Dialog Box (on page 456).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis CAESAR II lists recommended load cases if the job is entering static analysis for the first time. The list displays loads saved during the last session if the job has been run previously.

Building Static Load Cases The CAESAR II load case editor combines native and combination loads as needed by the various piping codes that CAESAR II supports. This section describes which load cases to use in a variety of situations. If you need assistance in load case definition for a situation not covered here, or if you need further clarification of the load cases described, please contact ICAS Technical Support by e-mail at [email protected]. Standard load cases for B31.1, B31.3, ASME SECT III Class 2 & 3, NAVY 505, B31.4, B31.5, B31.8, B31.9, B31.11, Canadian Z662, RCC-M C & D, Stoomwezen, CODETI, Norwegian, FDBR, and BS 806 piping codes are as follows Standard load cases for situations where you have weight, temperature, and pressure: L1









* Use the algebraic combination method on the Load Case Options tab for the expansion case. Some of the piping codes perform a code stress check on the operating case and some do not. For more information, see the CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide for the equations used by the various piping codes to obtain code stress and allowable stress.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis The expansion case is a combination case that results from subtracting the sustained case from the operating case. Because of this, the expansion case represents the change in the piping system due to the effect of temperature, but in the presence of other loads. This is important because the restraint status of the operating and sustained cases can be different if there are nonlinear restraints (such as +Y, -Z, any restraint with a gap, and so on) or boundary conditions (such as friction). Standard load cases for B31.4 Ch IX, B31.8 Ch VIII, and DNV codes: L1






No expansion stress is calculated for these piping codes. Standard load cases for BS7159 and UKOOA piping codes: L1



No expansion or sustained stress is calculated for these piping codes.

Load Cases with Hanger Design When CAESAR II designs spring hangers, two additional load cases are required. The letter H designates the hanger installation load (pre-load) that is always present in a spring hanger. L1


(HGR) *HS = Rigid



(HGR) *HS = Ignore



(OPE) *HS = As Designed



(SUS) *HS = As Designed



(EXP) **

*HS is the hanger stiffness defined on the Load Case Options tab. ** Use the algebraic combination method on the Load Case Options tab. When you use only predefined spring hangers, there is no need for the first two load cases. However, the letter H is still required in the operating and sustained load cases. Other hanger load cases are required when you use multiple load case design. In such instances, let CAESAR II recommend the load cases. You can then add or edit the non-hanger design load cases as necessary.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis

Load Cases with Thermal Displacements Thermal displacements are generally associated with specific operating conditions. D1 is applied with T1, D2 to T2, and so on. When one temperature is below ambient, and one is above ambient, you can determine the full expansion stress range. L1











(EXP) * effects of D1 and T1



(EXP) * effects of D2 and T2



(EXP) * full expansion stress range

* Use the algebraic combination method on the Load Case Options tab. Include the thermal displacements in the operating cases as shown for piping codes with no expansion stress computation.

Load Cases with Thermal Displacements and Settlement Use a CNode for settlement on any affected restraints. This CNode must be a node number that is not used elsewhere in the model. Place the settlement on the CNode using a displacement vector that is not already used for thermal displacements. This example uses D3 to describe restraint settlement. L1














(EXP) * effects of D1 and T1 and settlement



(EXP) * effects of D2 and T2 and settlement



(EXP) * full expansion stress range between OPE1 and OPE2

Settlement is evaluated as an expansion load because it is strain related with a half-cycle. * Include the thermal and settlement displacements in the operating cases as shown for piping codes with no expansion stress computation.

Load Cases with Pitch and Roll There is often platform movement, or relative movement, between two platforms with inter-connected piping, in an offshore piping system. This also applies to FSPO and other shipboard piping systems. Apply the pitch and roll displacements to CNodes on each affected restraint. Use displacement vectors not already in use to describe thermal displacement boundary conditions. There is usually a + displacement and a - displacement to describe the


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis peak pitch and roll conditions. Look at the state of the platform at its peaks to determine the worst two conditions for relative displacement between piping separated by the largest distance along the line of wave travel. D3 and D4 describe two peak pitch conditions. D1 is a thermal displacement. L1











(EXP) *



(EXP) *

* Use the algebraic combination method on the Load Case Options tab of the Static Analysis dialog box. It is likely that you will want to perform a fatigue analysis because of the large number of displacement cycles common in pitch and roll situations. Select the appropriate fatigue curve on the first piping input under the Allowable Stress area on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. Add the following cases to the previous example on the Load Case Options tab. Enter the number of cycles for each pitch condition for fatigue stress type (FAT). L6








The 21000000 represents 21 million load cycles during the life of the piping system. Use the number of cycles that you would expect to occur during the life of such a storm for large displacements, such as those that occur during a 1-year, 30-year, or 100-year event. Multiply this number by the number storms likely to happen during the lifetime of the piping system.

Static Seismic Load Cases In the Classic Piping Input dialog box, click the Uniform Loads tab and select the in G's option. On the first element, type the seismic load in Gs. Enter the X-direction acceleration in the Vector 1 box, the Y-direction acceleration in the Vector 2 box, and the Z-direction acceleration in the Vector 3 box. This makes load case generation easier. Because a seismic event is likely to occur while the piping system is in operation, an operating case should have all operating loads plus the seismic load. This load case is then used with the standard operating case to segregate the effect of the seismic load. The seismic load is then combined with the static sustained load case for code compliance considerations. L1
























CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis L9







































Load cases 2 through 7 include all the loads and call these operating cases. The subtracted uniform load vectors reverse the direction of the uniform load applied. Use these load case results for occasional restraint loads and occasional displacements. Load cases 10 through 15 signify the segregated occasional loads. These are called occasional load cases, but you do not need a code stress check here because these are only part of the final solution for code compliance. Because of this, you can select the Suppress option for the Output Status on the Load Case Options tab. Also, these combination load cases all use the Algebraic Combination Method on the Load Case Options tab. Load cases 16 through 21 are all used for code compliance. Add the segregated occasional results to the sustained case results and use either the Scalar or ABS Absolute Value Combination Method on the Load Case Options tab. Both scalar and absolute will give the same code stress results although the displacements, forces, and moments could be different. Because you do not use any results except the stresses for combination cases, it does not matter which combination method you use. Sometimes you want to combine the results of vertical g-loads with horizontal g-loads. A factor is often applied to the vertical g-load component of the combined load. You can accomplish this when you type the Uniform Load data on the Classic Piping Input dialog box for the vertical component, or you can do this directly in the load case editor as shown below. Using the previous example, combine .67 vertical g-load with each horizontal component.


























CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis L9

























































Sometimes you need to combine the horizontal and vertical components of seismic loading. You can do this on the Static Analysis dialog box. Set up the static seismic load cases as shown in the first example, then combine the segregated horizontal and vertical load cases together using the SRSS Combination Method on the Load Case Options tab. Add these results to the sustained case. L1





























(OCC) *



(OCC) *

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis L12


(OCC) *



(OCC) *



(OCC) *



(OCC) *



(OCC) **



(OCC) **



(OCC) **



(OCC) **



(OCC) **



(OCC) **



(OCC) **



(OCC) **



(OCC) ***



(OCC) ***



(OCC) ***



(OCC) ***



(OCC) ***



(OCC) ***



(OCC) ***



(OCC) ***

* Use the algebraic combination method on the Load Case Options tab. ** Use the SRSS combination method on the Load Case Options tab. *** Use the ABS or Scalar combination method on the Load Case Options tab. Change the operating load cases that include seismic loads to OCC for piping codes that do not perform a sustained code stress check. Use these cases for code compliance. The combination cases are not needed in such cases.

Recommended Load Cases When you initially open the Static Analysis dialog box, the software recommends three types of load cases, based on the loads defined in the model: Operating, Sustained, and Expansion. The software does not recommend Occasional load cases. Operating load cases represent the loads acting on the pipe during hot operation. These load cases include primary loadings (weight pressure, and force), secondary loadings (displacements and thermal expansions). Operating cases are used to find hot displacements for interference checking, and to find hot restraint and equipment loads. CAESAR II combines weight, pressure case, and hanger loads with each of the thermal load cases when recommending operating load cases. For example, the software combines the first displacement set with the first thermal set, the second displacement set with the second thermal set, and so on. Then, the software combines any cold spring loads.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis Sustained load cases represent the primary force-driven loadings acting on the pipe. This case is weight and pressure alone. This usually coincides with the cold as-installed load case. Sustained load cases are used to satisfy the code sustained stress requirements, as well as to calculate as-installed restraint and equipment loads. Sustained load cases are generally built by combining weight with each of the pressure and force sets, and then with any hanger loads. Expansion load cases represent the range between the displacement extremes usually between the operating and sustained cases. Expansion load cases are used to meet expansion stress requirements. Generally, when you specify only one temperature and one pressure, the recommended cases look similar to the following: Case 1

W+D1+T1+P1+H (OPE)


Case 2

W+P1+H (SUS)

Sustained load case

Case 3

L1-L2 (EXP)

Expansion load case

Review any load recommendations made by CAESAR II. CAESAR II does not recommend any occasional load cases. Definition of these is your responsibility. If the recommended load cases do not satisfy the analysis requirements, you can delete or modify them. Conversely, you can reset the load cases at any time to the software recommended set. If you have an operating temperature below ambient in addition to one above ambient you should add another expansion load case as follows: Case 1

W+D1+T1+P1+H (OPE)


Case 2

W+D2+T2 +P1+H (OPE)


Case 3

W+P1+H (SUS)

Sustained load case

Case 4

L1-L3 (EXP)

Expansion load case

Case 5

L2-L3 (EXP)

Expansion load case

Case 6

L2-L1 (EXP)

Add this case because CAESAR II does not recommended it automatically.

Recommended Load Cases for Hanger Selection Two additional load cases must be analyzed to get the data required to select a variable support if you want to let the software design spring hangers. The two basic requirements for sizing hangers are the deadweight carried by the hanger, which is hanger hot load, and the range of vertical travel to be accommodated. The first load case, traditionally called Restrained Weight, consists of only deadweight (W). For this analysis, CAESAR II includes a rigid restraint in the vertical direction at every location where a hanger is to be sized. The load on the restraint from this analysis is the deadweight that must be carried by the support in the hot condition. For the second load case, the hanger is replaced with an upward force equal to the calculated hot load, and an operating load case is run. This load case, traditionally called Free Thermal, includes the deadweight and thermal effects, the first pressure set if defined, and any displacements, W+D1+T1+P1. The vertical displacements of the hanger locations, along with the previously calculated deadweights, are then passed on to the hanger selection routine. After the hangers are sized, the added forces are removed and replaced with the selected supports along with

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis their pre-loads cold loads designated by load component H. Load component H can appear in the load cases for hanger design if you have predefined any springs. In this case, it would represent the pre-defined operating loads. CAESAR II then continues with the load case recommendations as defined above. A typical set of recommended load cases for a single operating load case spring hanger design is as follows: Case 1


Weight for hanger loads

Case 2


Operating for hanger travel

Case 3

W+D1+T1+P1+H (OPE)

Operating, hangers included

Case 4

W+P1+H (SUS)

Sustained load case

Case 5

L3-L4 (EXP)

Expansion load case

These hanger sizing load Cases 1 and 2 generally supply no information to the output reports other than the data found in the hanger tables. Cases 3, 4, and 5 match the recommended load cases for a standard analysis with one thermal and one pressure defined. The displacement combination numbers in Case 5 have changed to reflect the new order. If multiple temperatures and pressures existed in the input, they too would appear in this set after the second spring hanger design load case. Two other hanger design criteria also affect the recommended load cases. If the actual cold loads for selected springs are to be calculated, one additional load case, WNC+H, would appear before Case 3. If the hanger design criteria of the piping system is set so that the proposed springs must accommodate more than one operating condition, other load cases must appear before Case 3 above. You must perform an extra hanger design operating load case for each additional operating load case used to design springs. See Load Cases with Hanger Design (on page 441) for more information on these options.

Providing Wind Data If you specify the wind shape factor in the Classic Piping Input dialog box, CAESAR II lists WIN1, WIN2, WIN3 and WIN4 as available loads in Static Load Case Editor. Because the software requires additional information to make an analysis, CAESAR II activates the Wind Loads tab so that you can define the extra wind load data.

You can specify up to four different wind load profiles. Omit any of them to exclude the data from the analysis. CAESAR II supports thirteen wind codes. For more information, see Wind Loads Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) (on page 464).


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis Select Wind Code or Profile There are thirteen wind codes that you can use to generate wind loads on piping systems. AS/NZ 1170:2002

IBC 2006

Brazil NBR 6123

IS 875


Mexico 1993

China GB 50009

NBC 2005

EN 1991-1-4:2005


ASCE # 7 Standard Edition 2005

User -Defined Pressure versus Elevation Table

User-Defined Velocity versus Elevation Table

Wind Direction Specification You define wind direction by using the Wind Direction Specification boxes. You only need to specify the method and the wind direction if you are using a pressure or velocity versus elevation table. After clicking User Wind Profile, a dialog box prompts you for the corresponding pressure or velocity table. You only need to make a single entry in the table if a uniform pressure or velocity is to act over the entire piping system. Otherwise, type the pressure or velocity profile for the applicable wind loading.

ASCE #7 Wind Load Parameters According to ASCE #7, the following are typical basic wind-speed values:  California and West Coast Areas -124.6 ft./sec. (85 mph)  Rocky Mountains - 132.0 ft./sec (90 mph)  Great Plains - 132.0 ft./sec (90 mph)  Non-Coastal Eastern United States -132.0 ft./sec (90 mph)  Gulf Coast - 190.6 ft./sec (130 mph)  Florida-Carolinas - 190.6 ft./sec (130 mph)  Miami - 212.6 ft./sec (145 mph)  New England Coastal Areas - 176.0 ft./sec (120 mph)

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis

Providing Wave Data If you specify the hydrodynamic coefficients in Classic Piping Input dialog box, CAESAR II lists WAV1, WAV2, WAV3 and WAV4 as available loads in Static Load Case Editor. Because the software requires additional information to make an analysis, CAESAR II activates the Wave Loads tab so that you can define the extra wave load data.

You can specify up to four different wave load profiles. Current data and wave data can be specified and included together. Omit either of them to exclude the data from the analysis. CAESAR II supports three current models and six wave models. For more information, see Wave Loads Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box (on page 479).

Execution of Static Analysis The static analysis performed by CAESAR II follows the regular finite element solution routine. Element stiffnesses are combined to form a global system stiffness matrix. Each basic load case defines a set of loads for the ends of all the elements. These elemental load sets are combined into system load vectors. Using the relationship of force equals stiffness times displacement (F=KX), the unknown system deflections and rotations can be calculated. The known deflections however, may change during the analysis as hanger sizing, nonlinear supports, and friction all affect both the stiffness matrix and load vectors. The root solution from this equation, the system-wide deflections and rotations, is used with the element stiffnesses to determine the global (X, Y, Z) forces and moments at the end of each element. These forces and moments are translated into a local coordinate system for the element from which the code-defined stresses are calculated. Forces and moments on anchors, restraints, and fixed displacement points are summed to balance all global forces and moments entering the node. Algebraic combinations of the basic load cases pick up this process where appropriate — at the displacement, force and moment, or stress level. After the setup for the solution is complete, the calculation of the displacements and rotations is repeated for each of the basic load cases. During this step, the Incore Solution Status dialog box displays.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis

This dialog box serves as a monitor of the static analysis. It is divided into several areas. The upper-left side reflects the job size by listing the number of equations to be solved and the bandwidth of the matrix that holds these equations. Multiplying the number of equations by the bandwidth gives a relative indication of the job size. This area also lists the current load case being analyzed and the total number of basic load cases to be solved. The iteration count, as well as the current case number, shows how much work has been completed. Load cases with nonlinear restraints can require several solutions, or iterations, before the changing assumptions about the restraint configuration, such as resting or lifting off, active or inactive, are confirmed. In the lower-left corner of the Incore Solver dialog box are two bar graphs that indicate where the program is in an individual solution. These bar graphs illustrate the speed of the solution. By checking the data in this first box, you have an idea of how much longer to wait for the results. The right side of the solution screen also provides information regarding the status of nonlinear restraints and hangers in the job. For example, messages noting the number of restraints that have yet to converge or any hangers that appear to be taking no load, are displayed here. You can step through nonlinear restraint status on an individual basis by pressing the F2 through F4 keys. After the analysis of the system deflections and rotations, the results are post-processed to calculate the local forces, moments, and stresses for the basic load cases and all results for the algebraic combinations, for example L1-L2. These total system results are stored in a file with the suffix _P (for example, TUTOR._P).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis The _A, or input file, the _P, or output file, and the OTL (Output Time Link file) are all that are required to archive the static analysis. The remaining scratch files can be deleted without any impact on the completed work. During this post-processing, the Status frame lists the element for which the forces and stresses are being calculated. After the last stresses of an element are computed, the output processor dialog box displays. Use this dialog box to review the graphic and tabular results of the analysis. For more information on interactive processing of output results, see Dynamic Input and Analysis.

Definition of a Load Case In CAESAR II, a load case is a group of piping system loads that are analyzed together and occur at the same time. An example of a load case is an operating analysis composed of the thermal, deadweight, and pressure loads together. Another example is an as-installed analysis of deadweight loads alone. A load case can also be composed of the combinations of the results of other load cases. For example, a load case can be the difference in displacements between the operating and installed cases. No matter what the contents of the load case, it always produces a set of reports, which list restraint loads, displacements and rotations, internal forces, moments, and stresses. Because of piping code definitions of calculation methods and/or allowable stresses, the load cases are also tagged with a stress type. For example, the combination mentioned previously might be tagged as an EXPansion stress case.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis Piping System Loads The piping system loads that compose the basic non-combination load sets relate to various input items found on the Classic Piping Input dialog box. The following tables list the individual load set designations, their names and the input items, which make them available for analysis. Designation


Input items which activate this load case



Pipe Weight, Insulation Weight, Refractory Weight, Cladding Weight, Fluid Weight, Rigid Weight


Weight No fluid Contents

Pipe Weight, Insulation Weight, Refractory Weight, Cladding Weight, Rigid Weight


Water Weight

Pipe Weight, Insulation Weight, Refractory Weight, Cladding Weight, Water-filled Weight, Rigid Weight (usually used for Hydro Test)


Thermal Set 1

Temperature #1


Thermal Set 2

Temperature #2


Thermal Set 3

Temperature #3


Thermal Set 9

Temperature #9


Pressure Set 1

Pressure #1


Pressure Set 2

Pressure #2


Pressure Set 3

Pressure #3


Pressure Set 9

Pressure #9


Hydrostatic Test Pressure

Hydro Pressure


Displacements Set 1

Displacements (1st Vector)


Displacements Set 2

Displacements (2nd Vector)


Displacements Set 3

Displacements (3rd Vector)


Displacement Set 9

Displacements (9th Vector)


Force Set 1

Forces/Moments (1st Vector)


Force Set 2

Forces/Moments (2nd Vector)


Force Set 3

Forces/Moments (3rd Vector)


Force Set 9

Forces/Moments (9th Vector)


Wind Load 1

Wind Shape Factor


Wind Load 2

Wind Shape Factor


Wind Load 3

Wind Shape Factor

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis WIN4

Wind Load 4

Wind Shape Factor


Wave Load 1

Wave Load On


Wave Load 2

Wave Load On


Wave Load 3

Wave Load On


Wave Load 4

Wave Load On


Uniform Loads

Uniform Loads (1st Vector)


Uniform Loads

Uniform Loads (2nd Vector)


Uniform Loads

Uniform Loads (3rd Vector)


Cold Spring

Material # 18 or 19


Hanger Initial Loads

Hanger Design or Prespecified Hangers

Available piping system loads display on the left side of the Static Analysis dialog box.

Basic Load Cases Basic load cases can consist of a single load, such as WNC for an as-installed weight analysis. A basic load can also include several loads added together, such as W+T1+P1+D1+F1 for an operating analysis. The stress categories SUStained, EXPansion, OCCasional, OPErating, and FATigue are specified at the end of the load case definition. The definition of the two examples is: WNC (SUS) and W+T1+P1+D1+H (OPE). Enter each basic load case in this manner. Load components, such as W, T1, D1, WIND1, can be preceded by scale factors such as 2.0, -0.5, and so forth. Likewise, you can precede references to previous load cases by scale factors when you build combination cases. This provides you with several benefits.  If one loading is a multiple of the other (such as Safe Shutdown Earthquake being two times Operating Basis Earthquake) you only have to type one loading in the Classic Piping Input dialog box. You can use this loading in a scaled or unscaled form in the Static Analysis dialog box.  If a loading can be directionally reversible, such as wind or earthquake, you only have to type one loading in the Classic Piping Input dialog box. You can use this loading preceded by a + or a - to switch the direction.  Load Rating Design Factor (LRDF) methods can be implemented by scaling individual load components by their risk-dependent factors. For example: 1.05W + 1.1T1+1.1D1+1.25 WIND1 You can select the stress type from the list on each line. You can combine the results of the basic load cases using algebraic combination cases. Always type these algebraic combinations after the last of the basic load cases. Designate combinations of basic load cases by using the prefix L1, L2, and so on.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis You must specify the expected number of load cycles for all load cases with stress type FAT.

The following family of load cases provides an example of algebraic combinations. Load Case



W+T1+P1+H+0.67C Hot operating. The 0.67scale factor takes credit only for 2/3 S (OPE) of the cold spring.


W1+P1+H+0.67CS( Cold operating with cold spring included. OPE)



Traditional sustained case.



Wind case. This will be manipulated later to represent average wind 1X, maximum wind 2X (in the positive and negative directions).



Traditional cold to hot expansion case. Use L for load, rather than DS.



Same case evaluated for fatigue at 10,000 cycles.



Hot operating with average wind (in positive direction).



Hot operating with average wind (in negative direction).



Hot operating with maximum wind (in positive direction).



Hot operating with maximum wind (in negative direction).



Cold operating with average wind (in positive direction).

CAESAR II User's Guide



Static Analysis Load Case





Cold operating with average wind (in negative direction).



Cold operating with maximum wind (in positive direction).



Cold operating with maximum wind (in negative direction).



Occasional stress case, sustained plus average wind.



Occasional stress case, sustained plus maximum wind.


L9+L10+L11+L12(O Maximum restraint load case. The combination option PE) should be MAX.

CAESAR II permits the specification of up to 999 load cases for analysis. Copy the model to a new file to specify the additional load cases if more cases are required.

Controlling Results CAESAR II allows you to specify whether any or all of the load case results are retained for review in the Static Analysis dialog box. You can use the two options found on the Load Case Options tab. These are Output Status (on page 460) and Output Type (on page 460).

Static Analysis Dialog Box Controls options for static analysis.

File Menu Save - Saves the file. For more information, see Save (on page 199). Print - Prints the file. For more information, see Print (on page 200). Analyze - Runs the static analysis. Exit - Closes the Static Analysis dialog box.

Edit Menu Add Entry - Inserts a blank load case following the selected line in the list. If no line is selected, the load case is added at the end of the list. To select a load case, click the number to the left of the list. Delete Entry - Removes the current entry from the Load Cases list. Recommend - Replaces the current load cases with the CAESAR II recommended load cases. Load Cycles - Hides or displays the Load Cycles column in the Load Cases list. Entries in this column are only valid for load cases defined with the fatigue stress type. Import Load Cases - Copies the load cases from a file. The units and load types of the copied file must match those of the current file. Click the blank line above L1, and then click Add Entry beginning of the currently defined load cases.


to add a new load case to the

CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis Tabs Load Case Editor Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) (on page 457) Load Case Options Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) (on page 459) Wind Loads Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) (on page 464) Wave Loads Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box (on page 479)

Load Case Editor Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) Controls options for editing load cases. You can define up to 999 load cases. Click a line in the Load Cases list to edit the load. You can only specify the load components listed in the Loads Defined in Input list. The entries must be identical to what is displayed in the list. You can change the Stress Type value by clicking in the box and then selecting a different value from the list. Stress type determines the stress calculation method and the allowable stress to use. You can build load cases by dragging components from the Loads Defined in Input list and dropping them on the Load Cases list. Drag basic load cases and drop them on other load cases to create algebraic combination cases. CAESAR II prompts you for the combination type when necessary. Use the Load Case Options tab to select combination methods and other specifics pertaining to the load cases. When you define a fatigue (FAT) stress type for a load case, the software displays the Load Cycles box. Enter the number of anticipated load cycles for that load case. You must specify all basic (non-combination) load sets before you can declare any algebraic combinations. This is true for both user-defined and edited load cases.

Loads Defined in Input Displays the load types available in the model input. For example, if T2 displays on the list then the model has defined Operating Temperature 2. If T2 does not display then the model does not include a second operating temperature. The load types that can be defined are: W - Weight including pipe, fluid, and insulation. WW - Weight including pipe, water filled, and insulation. WNC - Weight with no contents. Includes pipe and insulation. T1 - Operating temperature 1. T2 - T9 - Additional operating temperatures 2 through 9. P1 - Operating pressure 1. P2 - P9 - Additional operating pressures 2 through 9. F1 - Concentrated force vector 1. F2 - F9 - Additional force vectors 2 through 9. D1 - Displacement vector 1. D2 - D9 - Additional displacement vectors 2 through 9. U1 - Uniform load vector 1. U2 - U3 - Additional uniform load vectors 2 through 3. WIN1 - Wind load vector 1 WIN2 - WIN4 - Additional wind load vectors 2 through 4. WAV1 - Wave load vector 1.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis WAV2 - WAV4 - Additional wave load vectors 1 through 4. CS - cold spring, material 18 or 19. H - Hanger initial loads. HP - Hydrostatic pressure.

Load Cases Defines the load cases to be analyzed. Load cases are comprised of one or more major load types as defined in the input. Major load cases are load cases that require a solution to the matrix equation [K]{x} = {f}. For example:  W+T1+P1+F1 (OPE) is a major load case  W+P1+F1 (SUS) is a major load case Algebraic combination load cases are combinations of previously solved major load cases. For example:  L1-L2 (EXP) is a combination case which combines the displacements, forces, and stresses using a combination method that you select in Load Case Options.  L4+L6+L8 (OCC) is a combination case which combines the displacements, forces, and stresses using a combination method that you select in Load Case Options. The + and - signs are unary operators/sign of multiplier. If no value precedes the load for major load cases or the load case for combination cases, then the multiplier is +1.0 or -1.0. If a value precedes the load or the load case, then the multiplier is +value or -value.

Stress Types Displays the stress types. The stress type applies to the load cases. It defines how the element stresses and allowables are computed. The available stress types are: OPE - Operating case. For B31.1 and B31.3 (and similar codes) this case is not a code compliance case. Allowable stresses are not reported. SUS - Sustained case. EXP - Expansion case. OCC - Occasional load case. FAT - Fatigue load case. HGR - Spring hanger design. These are load cases that CAESAR II uses internally to design and select spring hangers. Results are not available for these cases. HYD - Hydro test. Select hanger status. For a hydrotest case, the default hanger status is rigid or locked.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis

Load Cycles Load cycles are used only for fatigue type load cases. The load cycle value is the anticipated number of applications of this load on the system. This value is used to determine the allowable stress from the fatigue curve for the material. For static cases, calculated stresses are considered full range. For dynamic cases, calculated stresses are considered half range, which is the amplitude of the full stress range.

Recommend Displays the Recommended Load Cases dialog box. This dialog box suggests the load cases that should be run to satisfy the basic requirements of the piping codes. You can then choose to run the load cases as presented, or you can modify them to meet your requirements.

Recommended Load Cases Dialog box Displays a list of load cases that CAESAR II recommends to satisfy the expansion and sustained code compliance requirements. You can choose to run the load cases as presented, or you can modify the cases to meet your requirements.

Load Cycles Adds a Load Cycles column to the dialog box.

Import Load Cases Opens a load case file.

Load Case Options Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) Controls options for load cases, including defining more meaningful load case names.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis The user-defined names appear in the Load Case report. For more information, see Controlling Results (on page 456). You can use these names in place of the default load case names anywhere in the Static Analysis dialog box.

Load Case Name Describes the CAESAR II load case name. This name replaces the CAESAR II load case definition name when you review the output. Clear the box to display the CAESAR II load case definition name. Load case names cannot exceed 132 characters.

Output Status Controls the disposition of the load case results. The available options are Keep or Suppress.  Use Keep when the load case is producing results that you want to review. The default for all new cases (except for HGR load cases) is Keep.  Use Suppress for artificial cases such as the preliminary hanger cases, or intermediate construction cases. Load cases used for hanger design, that is, the weight load case and hanger travel cases designated with the stress type HGR, must be designated as Suppress. For example, a wind only load case could be designated as Suppress because it was built only to be used in subsequent combinations and has no value as a standalone load case. For all load cases created under previous versions of CAESAR II, all load cases except the HGR cases are converted as Keep.

Output Type Designates the type of results available for load cases that have a Keep status. Use this field to help minimize clutter on the output and to ensure that only meaningful results are retained. The available options are:  Disp/Force/Stress - Provides displacements, restraint loads, global and local forces, and stresses. This is a good choice for operating cases where you are designing to a code which does a code check on operating stresses, because the load case is of interest for interference checking (displacements) and restraint loads at one operating extreme (forces).  Disp/Force - Provides displacements restraint loads, global and local forces. This is a good choice for OPE cases where you are designing for those codes which do not do a code check on OPE stresses.  Disp/Stress - Provides displacements and stresses only.  Force/Stress - Provides restraint loads, global and local forces, and stresses. This is a good choice for the Sustained (cold) case, because the load case would be of interest for restraint loads at one operating extreme (forces), and code compliance (stresses). FR combination loads cases developed under previous versions of CAESAR II are converted with this force/stress type.  Disp - Provides displacements only.  Force - Provides restraint loads, global, and local forces only.  Stress - Provides stresses only. This is a good choice for a sustained plus occasional load case (with Abs combination method), because this is an artificial construct used for code stress checking purposes. ST combination load cases developed under previous versions of CAESAR II are converted with this stress type.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis

Combination Method Specifies the combination method to use for combination cases only. Load cases to combine are designated as L1, L2, and so on. Select the combination method from the list. Load case results are multiplied by any associated scale factors before performing the combination and comparison. The available methods are: Algebraic - Indicates a signed algebraic combination of displacement and force level. This method combines the displacement vectors and the force vectors algebraically and then calculates the stresses from the combined forces. Displacements are the algebraic combination of the displacement vectors. Forces are the algebraic combination of the force vectors. Stresses are not combined. Stresses are calculated from the algebraically combined forces. The Algebraic method would typically be used to calculate EXP code stresses. The obsolete CAESAR II combination methods DS and FR used an Algebraic combination method. Therefore, load cases built in previous versions of CAESAR II using the DS and FR methods are converted to the Algebraic method. Also, new combination cases automatically default to this method, unless you change them. Algebraic combinations can be built only from basic load cases. Basic load cases are non-combination load cases or other load cases built using the Algebraic combination method. Scalar - Indicates a signed combination of displacement, force, and stress level. This method combines the displacement vectors, force vectors, and stress scalars. Displacements are the algebraic combination of the displacement vectors. Forces are the algebraic combination of the force vectors. Stresses are the scalar combination of the stress scalars. The combination of displacements and forces are the same for ALG and Scalar methods. The combinations of stress levels are different between ALG and Scalar methods because the stresses are calculated from the combined forces in the ALG method and summed in the Scalar method. . For example: Load Case 1: bending stress = 100 psi, due to X-moment Load Case 2: bending stress - 100 psi, due to Z-moment Algebraic (vectorial) sum = square root of (100*100 + 100*100) = 141.4 psi Scalar sum = 100 + 100 = 200 psi Scalar is typically used to sum (SUS + OCC) code stresses. The obsolete CAESAR II combination methods ST used a Scalar combination method. Therefore, load cases built in previous versions of CAESAR II using the ST method are converted to the Scalar method. SRSS - Indicates a combination of the square root of the sum of the squares of quantities, such as the displacements of the forces or the stresses. Displacements are the square root of the sum of the squares of the displacements of all cases included in the combination. Forces are the square root of the sum of the squares of the forces of all cases included in the combination. Stresses are the square root of the sum of the squares of the stresses of all cases included in the combination. This method is typically used to combine seismic directional components. ABS - Indicates a combination of the absolute values of quantities, such as the displacements, the forces, or the stresses. Displacements are the sum of the absolute value of the displacements of all cases included in the combination. Forces are the sum of the absolute value of the forces of all cases included in the combination. Stresses are the sum of the absolute value of the stresses of all cases included in the combination. This method is typically used to combine SUS cases with OCC cases for occasional stress code check.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis MAX - Indicates a combination that reports the maximum displacement, the maximum force, and the maximum stress value of the cases combined. This method retains the original sign. Displacements are the displacements having the maximum absolute values of all the load cases included in the combination. Forces are the forces having the maximum absolute values of all the load cases included in the combination. Stresses are the stresses having the maximum absolute values of all the load cases included in the combination. This method is typically used to report the greatest restraint loads from among a selected set of load cases. MIN - Indicates a combination that reports the minimum displacement, the minimum force, and the minimum stress value of the cases combined. This method retains the original sign. Displacements are the displacements having the minimum absolute values of all the load cases included in the combination. Forces are the forces having the minimum absolute values of all the load cases included in the combination. Stresses are the stresses having the minimum absolute values of all the load cases included in the combination. SIGNMAX - Indicates a combination that reports the maximum displacement, the maximum force, and the maximum stress value of the cases combined. The sign is considered in the comparison. Displacements are the maximum signed values of all the displacements from each case included in the combination. Forces are the maximum signed values of all the forces from each case included in the combination. Stresses are the maximum signed values of all the stresses from each case included in the combination. This method is typically used in conjunction with SignMin to report the envelope of restrain loads from among a selected set of load cases. SIGNMIN - Indicates a combination that reports the minimum displacement, the minimum force, and the minimum stress value of the cases combined. The sign is considered in the comparison. Displacements are the minimum signed values of all the displacements from each case included in the combination. Forces are the minimum signed values of all the forces from each case included in the combination. Stresses are the minimum signed values of all the stresses from each case included in the combination. This method is typically used in conjunction with SignMax to report the envelope of restraint loads from among a selected set of load cases.

Snubbers Active Indicates whether snubbers are active. Select the check box to indicate that snubbers are considered to be rigid restraints for the load case. By default, OCC load cases activate this option while other types of load cases clear this option.

Hanger Stiffness Specifies the hanger stiffness for the load case. The three options are: As Designed, Rigid, and Ignore. As Designed - Causes the software to consider the actual spring hanger stiffnesses. Use this option for most real (non-hanger design) load cases. Rigid - Causes the software to model the spring hangers as rigid restraints. Use this option for restrained weight cases and hydrotest cases if the spring hangers are pinned. Ignore - Causes the software to remove the spring hanger stiffnesses from the model. Use this option for hanger travel cases, unless you want to include the stiffness of the selected spring in the operating for hanger travel case and iterate to a solution. In that case, select As Designed. You must also adjust the hanger load in the cold case (in the physical system) to match the reported hanger cold load. User-defined hangers are not made rigid during restrained weight cases.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis

Elastic Modulus Designates use of Cold (EC) or any of the nine (EH1-EH9) hot elastic moduli to determine results on a load case per condition basis. EC - Cold elastic modulus. EH1 - Hot elastic modulus corresponding to T1. EH2 - EH9 - Hot elastic modulus corresponding to T2 through T9.

Elbow Stiffening Pressure Specifies the pressure used to determine the modifiers for the SIF and k factors. Pmax - Maximum of P1 through P9. None - No pressure stiffening for the elbow. P1 - P9 - Operating pressures 1 through 9. Phydro - Hydrostatic pressure.

Elbow Stiffening Elastic Modulus Specifies the elastic modulus is used to determine the modifiers for the SIF and k factors. EC - Cold elastic modulus. EH1 - EH9 - Hot elastic modulus corresponding to T1 through T9.

SUS Case Sh Designates the use of a hot allowable stress (Sh) to determine the results on a per-load case basis. Use this option for sustained (SUS) and occasional (OCC) load cases. Sh_min - Minimum of Sh1 through Sh9. Sh1 - Sh9 - Hot allowable stresses corresponding to T1 though T9. The SUS Case Sh option applies only to B31.3 2010 Edition codes and later.

Friction Multiplier Specifies the multiplier of friction factors used in this particular load case. The friction factor (Mu) used at each restraint is this multiplier times the Mu factor at each restraint. Set this value to zero to deactivate friction for this load case.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis

Occ Load Factor Displays/overrides the occasional load factor defined in the configuration. The default value changes according to the piping code and the frequency of occurrence. ISO-14962 - Occasional load factors are defined differently for different load cases (Operating, Sustained, Occasional, and Hydrotest). The default occasional load factors for these load cases are:  1.0 - Sustained load cases  1.25 - Operating load cases  1.33 - Occasional and Hydrotest cases The Occasional load factor and the System design factor from the Allowable Stress dialog box are multiplied together to generate the Part Factor for Loading (f2) as defined in ISO-14692. As an example, using a default system design factor of 0.67 with the above default occasional load factors results in the following default values for the part factor for loading: Load Case Type

System Design Factor

Occasional Load Factor

Part Factor for Loading

















Flange Analysis Temperature Specifies the temperature used to determine the flange allowable. None – No flange analysis. T1 - T9 - Operating temperatures 1 through 9. Tmax - Maximum of T1 through T9. TAmb – Ambient temperature.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis

Wind Loads Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) Controls options for wind loads.

Editing Wind Case Specifies the wind case to edit. The first box indicates the active wind case. The second box displays the total number of defined cases.

Copy Wind Vector Displays the Copy Environmental Loading Data dialog box, which is used to copy the wind data from any defined wind case to any remaining wind case. This is especially useful for large wind pressure or Velocity versus Elevation tables.

Copy Environmental Loading Data Dialog Box Copies the wind or wave data from the current wind or wave case to any specified remaining wind or wave case. Use this feature when there is large wind or wave pressure or with Velocity versus Elevation tables.

Select Wind Code or Profile Specifies the wind code or one of the user-defined (velocity or pressure) profiles. Depending on the choice here, the dialog is updates.

Wind Direction Specification Specifies the direction vector (cosine) which defines the direction of the wind. The magnitude of the vector is not significant. For example:  Wind in X direction, vector is 1, 0, 0  Wind in Z direction, vector is 0, 0, 1  Wind at 45 degrees, vector is .707, 0, .707

User Wind Profile Displays the CAESAR II dialog box.

CAESAR II Dialog Box Specifies the Pressure and Elevation values. The units used in the grid are taken from the input file. They do not necessarily match the current setting in the configuration file.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis

Basic Wind Speed Specifies the three-second gust speed at 33 ft. (10 m.) above ground for Exposure C category as determined according to Section

Wind Exposure Specifies the wind exposure. This value is the exposure category that adequately reflects the characteristics of ground surface irregularities. Exposure categories are defined in ASCE #7-2005 Sec. as follows:  2 - Exposure B - Urban, suburban, and wooded areas, prevailing, for at least 2,600 ft. upwind.  3 - Exposure C - All cases not "B" or "D".  4 - Exposure D - Flat coastal areas, prevailing at least, 5,000 ft. upwind. 2, 3 and 4 are the options for wind exposure categories, and are equivalent to categories B, C, and D, from ASCE #7-2005.

Structural Damping Coef. Specifies the structural damping coefficient. This value is the percentage of critical damping and is used to calculate the gust factor for the wind load calculations.

Structural Classification Specifies the classification of buildings and structures based on the type of occupancy. ASCE #7-1995 Table 1-1, classification is as follows: 1 - Category I - Failure represents low hazard. 2 - Category II - All structures except 1, 3, and 4. 3 - Category III - Primary occupancy more than 300 people. 4 - Category IV - Essential facilities (Hospitals, and so forth) 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the options for structural classification categories, and are equivalent to categories I, II, III and IV defined in ASCE#7.

Importance Factor Specifies the importance factor (I). This value is used to calculate the velocity pressure for wind load calculations. The importance factor depends on the structural classification and whether or not the region is prone to hurricanes, as shown in the table below. For ASCE #7-2005 Input the importance factor from ASCE #7-2005 Table 6-1




Hurricane Prone













CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis 1, 2, 3, and 4 are the options for structural classification categories, and are equivalent to categories I, II, III and IV, defined in ASCE #7.

Structure Natural Frequency, f (Hz) Specifies the natural frequency used to calculate the dynamic wind gust effect factor for dynamically sensitive structures. (f < 1 Hz. ) If the natural frequency is zero CAESAR II uses a gust effect factor 0.85.

Height of Hill or Escarpment Specifies the height of hill or escarpment value. This value is the height relative to the upwind terrain. It is used in calculations of the topographic factor of structures sited on the upper half of hills and ridges or near the edges of escarpments.

Crest Distance Specifies the distance upwind of crest to where the difference in ground elevation is half the height of hill or escarpment.

Distance from Crest to Site Specifies the distance upwind or downwind from the crest to the building site.

Hill Type Specifies the hill type. This value is the hill type is defined as follows: 0 - NO HILL 1 - 2-D Ridge 2 - 2-D Escarpment 3 - 3-D Axisymmetric Hill

Design Wind Speed Specifies the NBC Reference Wind Pressure. The reference velocity pressure q is the appropriate value determined in conformance with Subsection 1.1.3 (based on probability) or Table C-1. Design Wind Speed - Specifies the design value of the wind speed. This varies according to geographical location and according to company or vendor standards. Typical wind speeds in miles per hour are 85.0, 100.0, 110.0, and 120.0. Type the lowest value reasonably allowed by the standards you are following because the wind design pressure (and thus force) increases as the square of the speed.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis

UBC Options Specifies options for the UBC and IBC wind codes. UBC Exposure Factor/IBC Exposure Constant - Specifies the UBC Exposure Factor as defined in UBC-91 Section 2312 or the IBC Exposure Constant:  Exposure B - Terrain with building, forest or surface irregularities 20 feet or more in height covering at least 20 percent or the area extending one mile or more from the site.  Exposure C - Terrain which is flat and generally open, extending one-half mile or more from the site in any full quadrant.  Exposure D - The most severe exposure with basic wind speeds of 80 mph or more. Terrain which is flat and unobstructed facing large bodies of water over one mile or more in width relative to any quadrant of the building site. This exposure extends inland from the shoreline 1/4 mile or 0 times the building (vessel) height, whichever is greater. Most petrochemical sites use a value of 3, exposure C. This value is used to set the Gust Factor Coefficient (Ce) found in Table 23-G. UBC Importance Factor - Specifies the UBC importance factor. The software uses this value directly without modification. This value is taken from Table 23-L of the UBC standard. Followings are the context of Table 23-L: Category


I - Essential facilities


II - Hazardous facilities


III - Special occupancy structures


IV - Standard occupancy structures


Reference Wind Pressure Specifies the NBC Reference Wind Pressure. The reference velocity pressure q is the appropriate value determined in conformance with Subsection 1.1.3 (based on probability) or Table C-1. Design Wind Speed - Specifies the design value of the wind speed. This varies according to geographical location and according to company or vendor standards. Typical wind speeds in miles per hour are 85.0, 100.0, 110.0, and 120.0. Type the lowest value reasonably allowed by the standards you are following because the wind design pressure (and thus force) increases as the square of the speed.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis

NBC Importance Factor Specifies the NBC importance factor. This value is the importance factor for wind taken from the table below. This is table on page 4-17 of Division B of NBC 2005. Importance Category

Importance Factor, Iw ULS











Post Disaster



Roughness Factor Specifies the Roughness Factor: 1 - Round, moderately smooth 2 - Round, rough (D'/D = 0.02) 3 - Round, very rough (D'/D = 0.08)

Height of the Windward Face Specifies the height of a piping section that is exposed to wind blow.

Ref. Wind Velocity [Vb,0] Specifies the fundamental value of the basic wind velocity of the area where the equipment is situated. Vb,0 is used along with Cdir and CSeason to compute Vb. Terrain Category - Select the appropriate terrain category from the table below. Category 0 generates the highest wind loads while category 4 produces the lowest wind loads. Terrain Category



Sea or Coastal area exposed to the open sea


Lakes or flat and horizontal areas with negligible vegetation and without obstacles


Area with low vegetation such as grass and isolated obstacles (trees, buildings) with separations of at least 20 obstacle heights


Area with regular cover of vegetation or buildings or with isolated obstacles with separations of maximum 20 obstacle heights (such as villages, suburban terrain, permanent forest)


Area in which at least 15% of the surface is covered with buildings and their average height exceeds 15 m

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis Directionality Factor [Cdir] - Value of the directional factor Cdir found in the National Annex. The recommended value is 1.0. Season Factor [Cseason] - Value of the season factor Cseason found in the National Annex. The recommended value is 1.0. Structural Factor [CsCd] - Structural factor used to determine the force on the vessel. This value is defined in Section of the EN 1991-1-4:2005(E) Wind load specification in Annex D. This value normally ranges between 0.90 and 1.10. The greater the structural factor value, the higher the element load. Force Coefficient [Cf] - Force coefficient which accounts for the fact that the vessel is circular in cross section. This value modifies the area of the vessel that the wind is blowing against. This value is often specified in the design specifications or can be computed based on the methodology given in Section 7.9 for circular cylinders. A typical value for Cf would be between 0.7 and 0.8.

Mexico 1993 Options Specifies the options available for the Mexico 1993 wind code. Paragraph 4.6.2 ISOTACH MAPS. REGIONAL VELOCITY, VR - Velocity of the wind, VR, is the maximum mean velocity likely to occur within a certain recurrence period in a determined zone or region of the country. The isotach maps that are included in this clause with the different periods of return, such velocities refer to homogenous conditions that correspond to a height of 10 meters over the surface of the floor in the flat terrain (Category 2 per table I.1). It does not consider the local terrain roughness characteristics or the specific topography of the site. Therefore, such velocity is associated with 3 second wind gusts and it takes into account the possibility that there might be hurricane winds present in the coastal zones. The regional velocity, VR, is determined by taking into account the geographic location of the site of the building's uproot and its destination. In figures I.1 through I.4, the isotach regional maps are shown, corresponding to the periods of recurrence for 200, 50 and 10 years. The importance of the structures (Para. 4.3) dictates the periods of recurrence which should be considered for the wind design. From this, the groups A, B and C associate themselves with the periods of return of 200, 50 and 10 years, respectively. The uproot site is located in the map with the recurrence period which corresponds to the group to which the building belongs to, in order to obtain the regional velocity. In the Tomo III from Ayudas de Dise O a table is shown with the main cities in the country and their corresponding regional velocities for the different periods of return. Structural Classification - Specifies the structural classification. Class



Every remote structural element exposed directly to the wind action. Horizontal or vertical structures that measure less than 20 meters of length.


Horizontal or vertical structures that measure between 20 and 50 meters of length.


Horizontal or vertical structures that measure more than 50 meters of length.

Terrain Category - Defined in Table I.1, based on the type of soil and roughness.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis Category



Open terrain, practically smooth, without obstructions.


Flat or undulating soil, with few obstructions.


Terrain covered by many obstructions narrowly spaced.


Terrain with many big, tall, narrowly spaced obstructions.

TOPOGRAPHY FACTOR, FT (Paragraph 4.5.4) - This factor takes into account the local topographic effect from the place in which the structure uproots. For example, if the building is found on the hillsides, on top of hills or on mountains at important heights with respect to the general level of the terrain of its outskirts, it is probable that wind accelerations generates and the regional velocity should be increased. Damping Factor - Typically, this value is 0.01. DRAG COEFFICIENT, Ca (Table 1.28) Cross Section

Type of Surface

H/b 1



ò 40

Smooth or little rough (d'/b ÷ 0.0)





Rough (d'/b ÷ 0.02)





Very rough (d'/b ÷ 0.08)





Circular 2 (bVD 6 m /s)






Hexagonal or octagonal






Square (wind normal to a Any face)





Square (wind on a corner)





Circular 2 (bVD  6 m /s)


where:  b is the diameter or the horizontal dimension of the structure, including the roughness of the wall; to determine the product bVD, this diameter is the one that is located at two thirds of the total height, from the level of the land, in m  d' is the dimension that exceeds from the roughness, such as ribs or "spoilers", in m  VD is the velocity of the wind of design (4.6), in m/s, and it is valued for the two thirds of the total height For intermediate values of H/b and d'/b lineal interpolation is permitted. Strouhal Number St - The Strouhal number is unitless; 0.2 for circular sections and 0.14 for rectangular sections.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis Barometric Height Height

Barometric Pressure (mm Hg)

















Ambient Temperature Specifies the actual ambient temperature. The default ambient temperature for all elements in the system is 70°F/21°C. If this does not accurately represent the installed, or zero expansion strain state, then type the actual value in this box. The ambient temperature is used in conjunction with the specified hot temperature and the interpolated expansion coefficient to calculate the thermal expansion per inch of pipe length experienced by the element when going from the ambient temperature to the hot temperature. A default ambient temperature can be defined in the configuration file. For more information, see New Job Ambient Temperature (on page 46). The software uses this configuration file value to set the ambient temperature when you create a new model.

Terrain Roughness Category Specifies the terrain roughness category.







Open terrain, Coastal flat stripes, swamp practically smooth and zones, aerial fields, pasture fields without obstructions. and crop lands with no hedges or fences. Flat snow-covered surfaces.

The minimum length for this type of terrain in the direction of the wind must be of 2000 m or 10 times the height of the structure to be designed.


Flat terrain or undulated, with few obstructions.

Crop lands or farms with few obstructions around such as hedges of fences, trees and scattered buildings.

The obstructions have a height of 1.5 to 10 m, in a minimum length of 1500 m.


Terrain covered by many obstructions narrowly spaced out.

Urban, suburban areas and forests, or any other terrain with many obstructions widely scattered. The sizes of the buildings are like the houses and living spaces.

The obstructions have a 3 to 5 m height. The minimum length for this type of terrain in the direction of the wind must be 500 m or 10 times the height of the structure.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis 4

Terrain with many big, Cities with downtown areas and tall, and narrowly well developed industrial complex spaced-out areas. obstructions.

At least 50% of the buildings have a height of more than 20 m. The obstructions measure up from 10 to 30 m in height. The minimum length for this type of land in the direction of the wind should be the biggest between 400 m and 10 times the height of the construction.

Pipe Surface Condition Specifies the pipe surface condition. The three options are: 1 Smooth, 2 Rough, and 3 Very Rough.

Total Wind Height Specifies the structural damping coefficient. This value is the percentage of critical damping and is used to calculate the gust factor for the wind load calculations.

Brazil NBR 6123 Options Specifies options for the Brazil NBR 6123 wind code. Basic Wind Velocity (Vo) - Velocity from a three second gust, exceeded only once in 50 years. It is measured at 10 meters over smooth open ground and depends on the plant location. As a general rule, the wind may blow in any horizontal direction. This velocity is taken from Figure 1, and item 8 which shows the iso-velocities over Brazil. The referred to Figures and Tables are found in the Petrobras document BPE-500-P4-19i and the Brazilian Wind Code NBR 6123. Topographical Factor (S1) - Accounts for the variations and profile of the land. For plain or slightly uneven ground, use a value of 1. The larger this value is, the greater the final computed wind pressure is. If the vessel is on a hill top, this value should be computed according to section 5.2 of NBR 6123. Roughness Category (S2) Category



Plain ground with large dimensions (more than 5 km of extension)


Plain (or slightly uneven) ground with few, and separated, obstacles


Plain or uneven ground obstructed by obstacles (walls or separated low buildings)


Ground with many grouped obstacles in industrial or urban areas


Ground with many grouped and tall obstacles (such as developed industrial areas)

Using Category I produces a higher wind load than Category II and so forth. Dimension Class -

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis Class



Greatest dimension is less than or equal to 20 meters


Greatest dimension is greater than 20m and less than 50 meters


Greatest dimension is greater than or equal to 50 meters

Statistical Factor (S3) - Accounts for security and the expected life of the equipment. For industrial plants S3 is generally taken to be 1.0. Pipe Surface Condition - Vessel surface condition can be classified as smooth or rough. A selection of rough results in an increased value of the shape coefficient. Using a rough classification generates a higher wind load on the vessel as there is more drag. The shape coefficient is computed based on the height to diameter ratio of the vessel.

IS-875 Options Specifies options for the IS-875 wind code IS-875 Basic Wind Speed - Basic wind speed as applicable to 10 m height above mean ground level for different zones in the country can be directly calculated if the proper value is defined in the Wind Zone Number box. Alternatively, wind speed can be defined here. Basic wind speed should be based on peak gust velocity averaged over a short time interval of about 3 seconds and correspond to mean heights above ground level in an open terrain. This box is optional. IS-875 Wind Zone Number - Figure 1 of IS-875 shows different Wind Zones of the country. Various zone numbers and corresponding Basic Wind Speed values are: Zone 1

33 m/sec 73.82 miles/hour

Zone 2

39 m/sec 87.25 miles/hour

Zone 3

44 m/sec 98.43 miles/hour

Zone 4

47 m/sec 105.15 miles/hour

Zone 5

50 m/sec 111.86 miles/hour

Zone 6

55 m/sec 123.04 miles/hour

The value typed here must be between 1 and 6. The zone the vessel is in is determined from a map of India showing the various wind zones. Optionally, you can define the basic wind speed directly in the Basic Wind Speed box. If the wind speed is specified, it overrides the value of wind speed and zone based on the table above. IS-875 Risk Factor (K1) - Assuming the mean probable design life as 100 years, the corresponding risk coefficient values for various wind zones are:




Zone 1


Zone 2


Zone 3


Zone 4


Zone 5


Zone 6


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis IS-875 Terrain Category - Terrain in which specific equipment is assessed as one of the following categories:  Category 1 - Exposed open terrain with few or no obstructions and in which the average height of any object surrounding the equipment is less than 1.5 m. This category includes open sea - coasts and flat treeless plains.  Category 2 - Open terrain with well scattered obstructions having height generally between 1.5 to 10 m. This includes airfields, open parklands and undeveloped sparsely built up outskirts of towns and suburbs. This category is commonly used for design purpose.  Category 3 - Terrain with numerous closely spaced obstructions having the size of buildings and structures up to 10 m in height. This includes well wooded areas, towns, and industrial areas full or partially developed.  Category 4 - Terrain with numerous tall, closely spaced obstructions. This includes large city centers, generally with obstructions above 25 m, and well developed industrial complexes. IS-875 Equipment Class - Equipment and structures are classified into following classes depending upon their size.  Class A - Equipment and components having a maximum dimension (greatest horizontal or vertical dimension) less than 20 m.  Class B - Equipment and components having a maximum dimension (greatest horizontal or vertical dimension) between 20 and 50 m.  Class C - Equipment and components having a maximum dimension (greatest horizontal or vertical dimension) greater than 50 m. IS-875 Topography Factor - The topography factor ranges between 1.0 and 1.36. This factor takes care of local topographic features such as hills, valleys, cliffs, ridges and so on, which can significantly affect wind speed in their vicinity. The effect of topography is to accelerate wind near summits of hills or crests of cliffs and decelerate the wind in valleys or near the foot of cliffs. Effect of topography is significant if upwind slope is greater than about 3 degrees. Below 3 degrees, the value of K3 can be taken as 1.0. For slopes above 3 degrees, the value of K3 ranges between 1.0 and 1.36. Use the Gust Response Factor - If this box is checked, the software computes the gust response factor per IS-875 and uses it in the appropriate equations. Experience has shown that these gust response factors are very conservative. Select this box only if the design specifications and the customer or owner explicitly require you to do so.

Beta Specifies the structural damping coefficient. Type the value of structural damping coefficient (percentage of critical damping) beta. The default value is 0.01. This value is used to compute the dynamic gust effect factor G as outlined in the commentary section 6.6 page 158 of ASCE 95 or section 6.5.8 pages 29-30 of the 98 standard. If your design Code is not ASCE, then the software uses the damping coefficient in accordance with that particular wind design code. If your design specification does not call out for a specific value of beta, then leave the value of 0.01 in this cell. Please note that other values of beta can be specified for the filled case and the empty case. Again if the specifications do not supply these values for empty and filled leave these cells blank.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis

As/Nz 1170:2002 Options Specifies options for the As/Nz 1170L2002 wind code. Design Wind Speed - Design Wind Speed Vr. This is the regional wind speed described in section 3.2 of the code. Wind Region -Wind region. The wind region is determined from the geographic locations for Australia and New Zealand. The maps of these locations are in Figure 3.1 of the code. Terrain Category - Value discussed in section 4.2.1 of the code. These categories are defined as:  Category 1 - Exposed open terrain with few or no obstructions and water surfaces at serviceable wind speeds  Category 2 - Water surfaces, open terrain, grassland with few, well-scattered obstructions having heights generally from 1.5 m to 10 m.  Category 3 - Terrain with numerous closely spaced obstructions 3 m to 5 m high such as areas of suburban housing  Category 4 - Terrain with numerous large, high (10 m to 30 m high) and closely spaced obstructions such as large city centers and well-developed industrial complexes Choose the terrain category with due regard to the permanence of the obstructions that constitute the surface roughness. In particular, vegetation in tropical cyclonic regions cannot be relied upon to maintain surface roughness during wind events. Lee Effect Multiplier (Mlee) - Specifies the Lee Effect Multiplier. The default value is 1.0. Paragraph 4.4.3 discusses the issue of the lee effect multiplier. In the case of New Zealand, reference is made to the New Zealand site map. For all other sites, it shall be taken as 1.0. Hill Shape Factor (Mh) - Specifies the appropriate hill shape factor, which can be obtained from Table 4.4 of the code. Please refer to paragraph 4.4.2 which gives precise details for the derivation of the hill shape factor. Upwind Slope (H/2Lu)


< 0.05










>= 0.45


Wind Direction Multiplier (Md) - Specifies the wind direction multiplier. The default value is 1.0 The wind direction multiplier is detailed in paragraph 3.4 of the code, specifically Table 3.2. As the wind multiplier is determined from the cardinal wind directions (N, NE, E, SE, S SW, W and NW), the value for any direction is specified in the table as 1.0. We recommend this value be used for all cases. Convert to Permissible Stress Gust Wind Speed - In the standard AS/NZS 1170.2 Supp 1:2002 Section C3 there is a discussion regarding the division of the wind speed given in the standard by the square root of 1.5. Checking the box converts the wind speed given to a permissible stress basis. Doing this lowers the wind loads on the vessel.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis Surface Roughness Value (hr) - This value is used to compute the ratio hr/d which is then used to compute the drag force coefficient (Cd) for rounded cylindrical shapes per Table E3. For pressure vessels, this value ranges from 0.003 mm for painted metal surfaces to 15 mm for heavily rusted surfaces. Light rust has a value of 2.5 mm while galvanized steel has a value of 0.15 mm. The ratio hr/d is taken to be unitless (mm/mm). Site Elevation (E) Specify the height of the site above the mean sea level, E. Average Spacing of Shielding Buildings - Specifies the average spacing of the shielding buildings. This is discussed in paragraph 4.3.3 of the code. Average Breadth of Shielding Buildings (bs) - Specifies the average breadth of the buildings that shield the piping. Average Height of Shielding Buildings (hs) - Specifies the average height of the buildings that shield the piping. Number of Upwind Bldgs at 45 degs - Specifies the number of upwind buildings within a 45 degree arc. The upwind buildings are the ones shielding the piping.

BS-6399-97 Options Specifies options for the BS-6499-97 British Wind Code. Design Wind Speed - Specifies the design value of the wind speed. These vary according to geographical location and according to company or vendor standards. Here are a few typical wind speeds in miles per hour. Typical wind speeds are shown in Figure 6 of BS 6399. The wind speeds are only relevant to the United Kingdom. The wind speeds vary typically from 20 m/sec to 31 m/sec (44.7 mph to 69.3 mph). Type the lowest value reasonably allowed by the standards you are following, because the wind design pressure (and thus force) increases as the square of the speed. Site Elevation - delta s - Enter the site altitude above mean sea level (paragraph of the code). Use this value plus the Base Elevation to calculate the height of each point in the vessel above mean sea level. For example, if the vessel is installed on a site that is 100 m (328 ft) above sea level, it is exposed to a higher wind pressure (P) than if installed on the beach (at mean sea level). Upwind Building Height (Obstruction Height) - Ho - For buildings in town terrain, type the average height of the building upwind of the piping (as they tend to shield the piping from the wind). To be conservative, this value can be zero, so the piping takes the full force of the wind. Ho is used to modify the effective piping wind height (He) for any piping element. See paragraph of BS6399. Upwind Building Spacing - X - For buildings in town terrain, type the average spacing of the buildings upwind of the piping (as they tend to shield the piping from the wind). If the buildings are closer together, they provide greater protection from the wind. See paragraph of BS6399. Pipe Location - Specifies the location where the system is installed, either in the country, or in a town. The BS6399 factors in Table 4 modify the wind velocity. The final wind pressure acting on any element of the piping is determined by the distance from the coast, whether located in the country or a town, and the effective height (He). This table derives Sb, which is calculated by internally. Distance to Coast Line - Specifies the distance the vessel is located from the coast in kilometers. This distance affects the corrected wind speed (Ve). The BS6399 factors in Table 4 modify the wind velocity. The final wind pressure acting on any element of the vessel is determined by the distance from the coast, whether located in the country or a town, and the effective height (He). This table derives Sb, which is calculated by internally.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis Size Effect Factor - Ca - Specifies the size effect factor Ca. This value is normally taken from Figure 4 of BS-6399-2. This factor generally ranges from 0.53 to a maximum value of 1.0. The size effect factor is a function of the diagonal dimension a, the effective height, the site in the town or country and the distance to the sea. Factor Kb from Table 1 - Kb - Specifies the 'Building-type factor Kb' taken from Table 1 of BS6399. Choose from one of five values: 8, 4, 2, 1 or 0.5. CAESAR II sets the default to 2, but any other value may be chosen. Please note the following limitations of Kb based on the vessel height: Kb

Maximum Vessel Total Height


23 m (75.4 ft)


75 m (246 ft)


240 m (787 ft)


300 m (984 ft)


300 m (984 ft)

Designing towers over 75 meters in height is unlikely and you would need to consider many other things. BS 6399 Table 1. Building-type Factor Kb 8

Welded Steel unclad frames


Bolted steel and reinforced concrete unclad frames


Portal sheds and similar light structures with few internal walls


Framed buildings with structural walls around lifts and stairs only (e.g. office buildings of open plan or with partitioning)


Framed buildings with structural walls around lifts and stairs with additional masonry subdivision walls (for example, apartment buildings), building of masonry construction and timber-framed housing

Annual Probability Factor - Q - Calculates the final probability factor (Sp) associated with the likelihood of high velocity gusts occurring over certain periods such as 50 years. The default value is Q = 0.02. The code sets 0.02 as a standard value for a mean recurrence value of 50 years. Annex D of BS6399 should be consulted for a fuller explanation.





NOTE 1: The annual mode, corresponding to the most likely annual maximum value. (Sp = 0.749)


NOTE 2: For the serviceability limit, assuming the partial factor for loads for the ultimate limit is f = 1.4 and for the serviceability limit is f = 1.0, giving Sp = Sqrt(1 / 1.4) = 0.845. (Sp = 0.845)


NOTE 3: The standard design value, corresponding to a mean recurrence interval of 50 years. (Sp = 1.000)


NOTE 4: The design risk for bridges, corresponding to a mean recurrence interval of 50 years. (Sp = 1.048)

CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis 0.00574

NOTE 5: The annual risk corresponding to the standard partial factor for loads, corresponding to a mean recurrence interval 1754 years. This is back-calculated assuming the partial factor load for the ultimate limit is ?f = 1.4 and all risk is ascribed to the recurrence of wind. (Sp = Sqrt(1.4))


NOTE 6: The design risk for nuclear installations, corresponding to a mean recurrence interval of 10,000 years. (Sp = 1.263)

Seasonal Factor - Ss - BS6399 in paragraph states: "...For permanent buildings and buildings exposed for continuous periods of more than 6 months a value of 1.0 should be used for Ss..." PVElite uses 1.0 as the default value for this reason. Using a value of less than 1.0 is not recommended, or should only be used with solid research. Directional Factor - Sd - Taken from Table 3 of BS6399. Because a tower is symmetrical about its central axis, the default value has been taken as 1.0. It is recommended that this value not be reduced other than for exceptional circumstances. For other values, please consult Table 3. The values in that table range between 0.73 and 1.00.

Wave Loads Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box Controls options for wave loads.

Editing Wave Case Specifies the wave case to edit. The first box indicates the active wave case. The second box displays the total number of defined cases.

Copy Wave Vector Displays the Copy Environmental Loading Data dialog box.

Copy Environmental Loading Data Dialog Box Copies the wind or wave data from the current wind or wave case to any specified remaining wind or wave case. Use this feature when there is large wind or wave pressure or with Velocity versus Elevation tables.

Current Profile Type Specifies the means of modeling the current speed against the depth profile. Available current profiles are:  Power Law - Current speed decays with depth to the 1/7 power.  Linear Table - Define the depth versus. speed table  Linear - Current speed decays linearly with depth becoming zero at the sea bottom.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis

Surface Velocity Specifies the current speed at the free surface elevation, excluding the wave. This value is superseded by the entries in a depth versus speed table.

Direction Cosines Specifies the X- and Z- cosines defining the direction of the current. The current direction may differ from the direction of any accompanying wave.

Wave Theory Specifies the wave theory by which to model any wave effects. The available theories are:  Stream Function - Dean's stream function theory  Stream Function, Modified - Dean's stream function theory modified to include a shear current. This shear current is assumed to vary linearly from the surface speed to the bottom speed. Therefore, this option only works with the Linear current profile.  STOKE'S 5th - Stoke's 5th order wave theory.  STOKE'S 5th, Modified - Stoke's 5th order wave theory modified to address particle data above the mean sea level.  AIRY - Basic linear wave theory.  AIRY, Modified - Basic linear wave theory modified to address particle data above the mean sea level.

Stream Function Order Specifies the order of the stream function when using the stream function wave theory. Typical values are from 5-21.

Water Depth Specifies the water depth at this location.

Wave Height Specifies the wave height (the crest to trough distance).

Wave Period Specifies the wave period. That is, the time it takes for successive crests to pass a fixed reference point.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Analysis

Wave Kinematics Factor Specifies the wave kinematics factor. According to Section 2.3.1b of API RP 2A-WSD "Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms -Working Stress Design", the horizontal wave velocities calculated by the Stream Function or Stokes 5th wave theories may be multiplied by this factor in order to fit them to the wave spreading and other irregularities associated with real world wave characteristics. Typical ranges for this factor are 0.85 to 0.95 for tropical storms and 0.95 to 1.0 for extra-tropical storms. For particular recommendations for Gulf of Mexico and other U.S. waters, refer to Sections 2.3.4d.1 and 2.3.4f.1 of API RP 2A-WSD.

Wave Direction Cosines Specifies the X- and Z- cosines defining the direction of the wave. The wave direction may differ from the direction of any accompanying current.

Wave Phase Option Indicates whether all elements of the model should be simultaneously loaded with the same phase of the wave (typically the phase of maximum loading) or whether each element experiences a different loading phase, based upon its location relative to the model origin.

Phase Angle Specifies the wave phase angle to use to calculate the wave loadings at either:  every element  model origin

Free Surface Elevation Specifies the elevation of mean sea level, in terms of model elevation. This submerges the elements of the model to the appropriate level.

Kinematic Viscosity Specifies the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. Typical values for seawater are: Temp (F)


Temp (C)


















CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Analysis

Density Specifies the density of the sea water. A typical value for salt water is 0.037 (lb./ or 0.00103 (kg/

Current Table Depth Displays the depth values. When using Linear Table Current Model, type up to 10 depths. A value of 0.0 indicates the surface. Positive numbers indicate distance downward from the surface.

Current Table Velocity Displays the velocity values. When using Linear Table Current Model, type up to the current speeds corresponding to the specified depths. Current speed typed in this table overrides the Surface Velocity value.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Output Processor


Static Output Processor Provides an interactive review of static analysis results for the open job. The Static Output Processor window automatically displays upon completion of a static analysis. You can also select Output > Static from the main CAESAR II menu to open the window anytime after an analysis has been completed. The Static Output Processor window displays analysis results in a tabular form, in a graphical animated form, or a combination of the two. Use commands in the Static Output Processor window to:  Interactively review reports for any selected combination of load cases and/or report types.  Print or save to file copies for any combination of load cases and/or report types.  Add title lines to output reports.  Select extended or summarized versions of most standard reports. Load Cases Analyzed - Lists all of the load cases which have been analyzed for the current job. The cases are numbered, and labeled with the type (load category) addressed by the case. Load types are:  OPE - operating, not a stress compliance case for B31.1/B31.3 and similar codes.  SUS - sustained, stress compliance for primary loads.  EXP - expansion, stress compliance for secondary loads.  OCC - occasional, stress compliance for occasional loads.  FAT - fatigue, stress compliance for cumulative damage.  HAR - harmonic case for dynamic evaluation of harmonic loads.  HGR - construction case used for spring hanger design - results are not available for these load cases. The load case description also includes the individual load components that contributed to the load case. The results for a load case can be viewed by selecting the load case. Multiple load cases can be selected using the and keys in combination with the mouse. Load cases can be deselected by using the key in combination with the mouse. Standard Reports - Lists the available reports associated with those load cases. For more information, see Work with Reports (on page 484) and Report Options (on page 487). General Computed Results - Lists reports, such as input listings or hanger selection reports, that are not associated with load cases. For more information, see General Computed Results (on page 499). Custom Reports - Lists generated or imported custom reports. For more information, see Work with Reports (on page 484) and Report Template Editor (on page 505). Output Viewer Wizard - Selects specific reports and reviews their order before sending the output to the selected device. To close the Output Viewer Wizard, click Less Custom Reports > New on the menu). You can also customize an existing report by selecting the load case, a standard or custom report name, and then clicking Edit an Existing Custom Report Template (Options > Custom Reports > Edit on the menu).

The Report Template Editor dialog box consists of two sections: the template editor to the left and the preview grid to the right. The template editor has a tree-like structure and resembles Window Explorer‘s folder view. There are 11 major categories available: Template Name and Template Settings for general report editing, and several output fields; Displacements, Restraints, Local Restraints, Equipment Nozzle Checks, Global and Local Forces, Flange Evaluation, Stresses, and Hanger Table Data. The Template Name category allows you to specify the report name, enter a brief description of the report, and select the report type. The report name followed by the template description displays on the preview grid if the Include Report Name option is checked under the Template Settings category. There are three report types available:  Individual - Generates output reports, one per selected load case, in a format similar to the standard Displacements or Restraints reports.  Summary - Generates a single output report for all the specified load cases as a summary, in a format similar to the standard Restraint Summary report.  Code Compliance - Generates an output stress check report for multiple load cases as a single report, similar to the standard Code Compliance report.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Output Processor Actual columns and their order on the reports are controlled solely by you. Data from various categories can be customized on a single report to suit your needs. The Template Settings category provides options for the report header and the report body text, formatting, and alignment. You can also set the font face, size, and color for the header and the report body. You can include or remove specific header text (such as Report Name, Job Title or Filters Description) by selecting and clearing the check box next to the corresponding item. Report Line Spacing changes the spacing between lines of text. The Summary Line check box (used with Summary-type reports) toggles the appearance of the summary line with MAX values for each field or column per node. Select the Node Number/Name check box (used with Summary-type reports) to repeat the Node information on each Loadcase line. If you clear this option, then the node will appear on the separate line above the data for load cases. These two options may help with later data manipulations when sending the reports to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Any changes in the editor are immediately reflected in the preview window. Each of the following categories consists of related output data. For example, the Displacements category contains three translational (DX, DY, and DZ) and three rotational (RX, RY, and RZ) fields, Stresses contains Axial, Bending, and Code stresses among other stress related fields. A number next to the field name indicates the Column Order this field will be placed in. When nothing or a zero value is specified, this column will not be included in the current report. Each field contains the following information: Field Name



Column Number

Indicates the order of the fields in the output report.


Indicates the number of decimal places to be displayed.

Sort Order

Specifies whether the data in the column is in ascending, descending, or in no order. This gives you flexibility of reviewing reports for maximum (or minimum) values.


Specifies the text font face, size and color for this field whenever special formatting is required. Set the generic font settings for the entire report at the Template Settings > Body category.

Align Values

Controls left, right, or center alignment of the values in the column.

Field Caption

Customize the name of the field as it appears on the report. This may be useful to customize the display of the output displacements in the report to reflect the plant North/South/East/West directions or vertical and Horizontal notations instead of generic X, Y, Z.

Column Width

Controls the size of the column in terms of the number of displayed characters or digits. In addition, resizing the columns in the Preview Grid adjusts the Column Width value. Type 0 to close the column and remove it from the report. Type -1 to size the column to the predefined default size.

Units Based Precision

Indicates whether to enable the automatic control of the displayed number of decimal places to be calculated based on the selected display units. This value is used together with the Units Conversion Label value. The Precision value is ignored in this case. When set to No, the Precision value takes place.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Output Processor When a category or any particular field is highlighted in the editor, the help text for this field displays in the Help box at the bottom of the editor window. The Preview Grid on the right of the Custom Report Template Editor dialog is interactive. You can drag the columns by their heading to arrange the order of the fields in the reports. Double-clicking the column header sorts that column‘s values in ascending or descending order. The dragged column number or sorted order value will automatically be saved in the Column Number or Sort Order entry of that field in the editor tree. Click the column header once to highlight that field in the editor tree, extend its contents and scroll it to view. The Preview Grid is limited to the first 50 lines. The entire report is available after you select the appropriate load cases and custom report name on the Static Output Processor dialog box and click View Report. Any current changes to the custom report template can be saved by clicking Save. The custom report template can also be saved under a different name by clicking Save As... The Save As... dialog box prompts you to enter the new template name, a brief description, and the report type. Click Preview Report to remove the grid lines from the Preview Grid. Click the same button again to add the grid lines for editing.

Available Commands The Static Output Processor window menus and toolbars provide commands to review, create, and modify reports. The 3D/HOOPS Graphics toolbars navigate and display report information in graphics mode.

Topics View Menu ..................................................................................... 507 Options Menu ................................................................................ 511 Plot Options Menu ......................................................................... 518 Plot View Menu .............................................................................. 524 Event Viewer Dialog Box ............................................................... 526

View Menu Activates and disables toolbars.

Topics Standard Toolbar ........................................................................... 508 Displacements Toolbar .................................................................. 509 Grow Toolbar ................................................................................. 509 Restraints Toolbar ......................................................................... 509 Stresses Toolbar ............................................................................ 510 Reports Navigation Toolbar ........................................................... 511 Custom Reports Toolbar................................................................ 511

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Output Processor

Standard Toolbar Open - Opens a different job for output review. You are prompted for the file to open. Save - Saves the selected reports to a text file. You are prompted for the file name. A table of contents for all currently selected reports is added to the end of the text file. Load Case Name - Selects either the CAESAR II Default Load Case Names or the User-Defined Load Case Names for output reports. The selected name also displays in the Load Cases Analyzed list box in the Static Output Processor window. The user-defined load case names are entered in the Load Case Editor on the Load Options tab, see Load Case Options Tab (see "Load Case Options Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box)" on page 459). Node Name - Defines the formatting of the node numbers and names for generated reports. Select the format to use from the Node Name Choice dialog box. Title Lines - Inserts report titles for a group of reports. For more information, see Title Lines (on page 517). Return to Input - Opens the Piping Input Processor. For more information, see Piping Input Reference (on page 89). View Animation - Shows animation of the displacement solution. For more information, see View Animations (on page 516). Graphical Output - Superimposes analytical results onto a plot of the system model. For more information, see Graphical Output (on page 516). Print - Prints the selected reports. After closing, or exiting, a Table of Contents is printed. Using Microsoft Word - Send the report directly to Microsoft Word. For more information, see Using Microsoft Word (on page 513). Using Microsoft Excel - Sends output reports directly to Excel. For more information, see Using Microsoft Excel (on page 513). On Screen - Displays the selected reports in a window on the computer screen. For more information, see On Screen (on page 512).


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Output Processor

Displacements Toolbar Maximum Displacements - Places the actual magnitude of the X, Y, or Z displacements on the currently displayed model. The element containing the displaced node is highlighted, and the camera viewpoint is repositioned preserving the optical distance to the model. This brings the displaced node to the center of the view. 1. The software starts with the highest value for the given direction. After you press Enter, the remaining values are placed in a similar manner until all values become zero. 2. Click Maximum Displacements again to clear the view of the displayed values and highlighting. Click Show > Displacement > Maximum Displacement >X, Y, or Z to access this command from the menu. If Show Element Viewer Grid is selected, then the viewer displays the Displacements report for the selected load case and highlights the column and row to represent the displacement direction and current node.

Grow Toolbar Deflected Shape - Overlays the scaled geometry with a different color into the current plot for the selected load case. Click the down arrow to display an additional menu with the selected feature checked and the Adjust Deflection Scale option. Adjust Deflection Scale - Specifies the deflected shape plot scale factor. You may not be able to see the deflected shape if the value is too small. If you enter a scale value that is too large, the model may be discontinued. Select Show > Displacement > Scale to access this command from the menu. Grow - Displays the expansion of a selected pipe due to the addition of heat.

Restraints Toolbar Output Restraints Symbols - Adds restraint symbols to the plot. Restraints are plotted as arrowheads with the direction of the arrow indicating the direction of the force exerted by the restraint on the piping geometry. Maximum Restraint Loads - Places the actual magnitude of the calculated restraint loads for a selected load case on the currently displayed geometry. Maximum Restraints Loads displays the load magnitude value next to the node, highlights the element containing the node, and is brought to the center of the graphics view. The Zoom to Selection and Show Event Viewer Grid options are still available. After pressing Enter, any remaining values are placed in a similar manner.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Output Processor

Stresses Toolbar Overstress - Displays the overstressed point distribution for a particular load case. Nodes with a calculated code stress to allowable stress ratio of 100% or more display in red. The remaining nodes or elements display in the color selected for the lowest percent ratio. This feature is useful to quickly observe the overstressed areas in the model. Overstressed conditions are only detected for load cases where a code compliance check was done (such as where there are allowable stresses available). Overstressed nodes display in red in the Event Viewer dialog box (if it is enabled). The model is still fully functional. You can zoom, pan, or rotate it. Maximum Code Stress - Displays the stress magnitudes in descending order. Maximum Code Stress operation is similar to Maximum Displacements. The stress value is displayed next to the node, and the element containing the node is highlighted and moved to the center of the view. If needed, use the Zoom to Selection and Show Event Viewer Grid options. Press Enter and the next highest value is placed with corresponding element highlighting. In addition to the numbers that could be found in a corresponding report, this command provides a graphical representation and distribution of large, calculated code stresses throughout the system. Code Stress Colors by Value - Displays the piping system in a range of colors where the color corresponds to a certain boundary value of the code stress. Use this feature to see the distribution of the code stresses in the model for a particular load case. In addition to the model color highlight in the graphics view, the corresponding color key legend window is displayed in the top left corner of the graphics view. The legend window can be resized and moved. The colors and corresponding stress levels can be set in the Configuration/Environment. For more information, see Configuration and Environment (on page 41). Code Stress Colors by Percent - Displays the piping system in a range of colors, where the color corresponds to a certain percentage ratio of code stress to allowable stress. This option is only valid for load cases where a code compliance check was done such as where there are allowable stresses. Use Code Stress Colors by Percent to see the distribution of the code stress to allowable ratios in the model for a particular load case. The legend window with the corresponding color key also displays in the upper-left corner of the graphics view. The legend window can be resized and moved. Clicking the arrow to the right of the button displays an additional menu with two options: Display and Adjust Settings. Selecting the Display option displays the color distribution. Selecting the Adjust Settings option displays the Stress Settings dialog box where values and corresponding colors can be set or adjusted. These settings are related to the particular job for which they are set, and are saved in the corresponding job_name.XML file in the current job data directory (see 3D Graphics Configuration (on page 308)).


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Output Processor

Reports Navigation Toolbar Navigation commands in this toolbar become enabled by selecting at least one report. /

View Previous Report / View Next Report - Navigates through the report tabs. Go To - Displays the list of currently-opened reports in alphabetical order so that you can quickly and conveniently display the required report. Find in Report - Provides search capabilities for a specific node number, maximum values of any of the report fields, of for any text or number. Zoom In / Zoom Out - Zooms the view in or out without affecting the actual report font or formatting. The zoom level can also be controlled from the right-mouse-click context menu. The zoom level is applied to the current report and is temporal until the report is closed. Save Current Custom Report Template - Saves the changes to the custom report when the Report Template Editor is opened. Save Current Custom Report Template with a New Name - Enables keeping the original report and saving the changes to another report when the Report Template Editor is launched. Preview Report - Removes the grid lines from the Preview Grid. Clicking the button again adds the grid lines.

Custom Reports Toolbar Commands in the Custom Reports toolbar enable you to manipulate the generated reports. Add New Custom Report Template - Creates a new custom report. For more information, see New Custom Report Template (on page 513). Edit Existing Custom Report Template - Modifies an existing custom report. For more information, see Edit Custom Report Template (on page 514). Delete Custom Report Template - Deletes a custom report. For more information, see Delete Custom Report Template (on page 515). Reset Default Custom Report Templates - Replaces the current custom report templates with the default templates. For more information, see Reset Default Custom Report Templates (on page 515). Import Custom Report - Imports a custom report template. For more information, see Import Custom Report (on page 515). Export Custom Report - Saves any custom generated report to a text file. For more information, see Export Custom Report (on page 515).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Output Processor

Options Menu Specifies common settings that are available on all reports such as how node numbers display and title information.

Topics On Screen ...................................................................................... 512 Set Report Font ............................................................................. 512 Using Microsoft Word .................................................................... 513 Using Microsoft Excel .................................................................... 513 New Custom Report Template ...................................................... 513 Edit Custom Report Template ....................................................... 514 Delete Custom Report Template ................................................... 515 Reset Default Custom Report Templates ...................................... 515 Import Custom Report ................................................................... 515 Export Custom Report ................................................................... 515 View Animations ............................................................................ 516 Graphical Output ............................................................................ 516 Title Lines....................................................................................... 517 Load Case Name ........................................................................... 517 Node Name .................................................................................... 517 Return to Input ............................................................................... 517

On Screen Displays the selected reports on the monitor. This permits the analysis data to be reviewed interactively in text format. After selecting the combination of one or more active load cases with any combination of report options, select Options > View Reports > On Screen. Each report is presented one at a time for inspection. You can scroll through the reports vertically and horizontally. You can also click On Screen on the toolbar.

Set Report Font Activates the Font dialog box used to define the text font, font style, and font size. You can select this command from Options > View Reports > Set Report Font on the Static Output Processor window menus, or by clicking the small down arrow next to On Screen on the standard toolbar. Some fonts that you can display reports in to the screen may not be available on your printer. If the font is not available for your printer, the closest matching font on your printer is used.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Output Processor

Using Microsoft Word Send output reports directly to Microsoft Word, which permits the use of all of Microsoft Word formatting features (font selection, margin control, and so forth) and printer support from CAESAR II. Select Options > View Reports > Using Microsoft Word or click on the toolbar. Word is available as an output device to the Static Output Processor and the Dynamic Output windows. You can append multiple reports to form a final report by: 1. Select the required reports. 2. Click View Reports Using Microsoft Word . 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add more reports. A table of contents, reflecting the cumulatively produced reports, displays on the first page of the Microsoft Word document.

Using Microsoft Excel Sends output reports directly to Excel, which permits the use of all of Microsoft Excel‘s features and printer support from CAESAR II. Excel is available as an output device to the Static Output Processor window. You can append multiple reports to form a final report by: 1. Select the required reports. 2. Click View Reports using Microsoft Excel . 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add more reports. Each report displays in a separate spreadsheet with the corresponding report name. There is no generated table of contents.

New Custom Report Template Creates a new custom report using the Report Template Editor dialog box. For more information, see Report Template Editor (on page 505). You must select at least one load case from the Load Cases Analyzed list before you can create a new report template. 1. From the Load Cases Analyzed list, select the load case for the custom report template. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Click Options > Custom Reports > New . In the Template Name box, enter a name for your custom report. In the Template Description box, enter a description. Using the Report Template Editor dialog box options, create your custom report.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Output Processor 6. Click Save Current Custom Report Template

on the Reports Navigation toolbar.

Do not use File > Save or the Save command on the main toolbar. Your report appears in the Custom Reports list.

Edit Custom Report Template Modifies and saves existing custom reports using the Report Template Editor. For more information, see Report Template Editor (on page 505). 1. Select one or more load cases from the list. 2. From the Custom Reports list, select the report to edit. 3. Select Options > Custom Reports > Edit . 4. Using the Report Template Editor dialog box options, edit your custom report. 5. Click Save Current Custom Report Template

on the Reports Navigation toolbar.

Do not use File > Save or the Save command on the main toolbar. - OR Click Save Current Custom Report Template with a New Name new custom report leaving the original report unchanged.


to save your edit to a

CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Output Processor

Delete Custom Report Template Deletes a custom report template. You cannot delete a standard delivered report using this command. You cannot undo the deletion of a custom report template. 1. From the Custom Reports list, select the report to delete. 2. Select Options > Custom Reports > Delete . 3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the report.

Reset Default Custom Report Templates Replaces the current report templates, both CAESAR II delivered and custom defined reports, with the default report templates delivered with CAESAR II. Use this command if you received a new version or a patch of CAESAR II and want to use the new reports. Make sure that you export any custom reports that you want to keep before using this command. This command affects ALL jobs system-wide and cannot be undone. For more information about exporting custom reports, see Export Custom Report (on page 515).

Import Custom Report Imports a custom report template that was exported earlier using Options > Custom Reports > Export . The report template file extension is *.C2RPT and can be read from any network location. After the report template file is imported, it becomes a part of the current configuration. The new report is appended to the Custom Reports list of the Static Output Processor window. The default name of the template file corresponds to the custom report name. You can also access this feature by selecting Options > Custom Reports > Import.

Export Custom Report Saves any custom generated report to a text file, which you can then share with others. The report template file name extension is *.C2RPT and can be saved to any accessible location. The default file name is the custom report name. Use Options > Custom Reports > Import to import these saved custom reports. 1. In the Custom Reports list, select the report to export. 2. Select Options > Custom Reports > Export 3. Select a folder and enter a file name. 4. Click Save.

CAESAR II User's Guide



Static Output Processor

View Animations Displays the piping system as it moves to the displaced position of the basic load cases. To animate the static results, select Options > View Animations. The following screen appears:

The Animated Plot menu has several plot selections. Motion and Volume Motion are the commands to activate the animation. Motion uses centerline representation while Volume Motion produces 3D graphics. Select the load case from the drop down list. Animations may be sped up, slowed down, or stopped using the toolbars. CAESAR II also enables you to save animated plots as HTML files by selecting File > Save As Animation. After saving these files, you can view them on any computer outside of CAESAR II. The corresponding animation graphics file .HSF must be transferred along with the HTML file for proper display.

Graphical Output To support a graphics mode, the Static Output Processor window provides 3D/HOOPS Graphics toolbars that contain commands to zoom, orbit, and pan, as well as provide the ability to switch views and modes. The 3D/HOOPS Graphics Output toolbar commands include the display of displaced shapes, highlighting and zooming to maxi\-mum displacements, restraint loads, and stresses of the model. Another advantage provided by 3D/HOOPS graphics is the graphical representation of stresses by value and by percentage use color.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Output Processor A variety of CAESAR II Output Plot functions, accessed from the Output toolbar or the Show menu, are broken into sub-menus:  Displacements  Restraints  Forces/Moments  Stresses

Output Toolbar Show Event Viewer Grid - Shows or hides the Event Viewer on the plot. See Event Viewer Dialog Box (on page 526). Select Elements - Selects one element at a time in the graphics. The Event Viewer dialog box is also used in conjunction with Select Elements. When Select Elements is active, or when you double-click on an element, CAESAR II highlights the element and displays it in the Event Viewer dialog box with the corresponding element highlighted in the report grid.

Title Lines Inserts report titles for a group of reports. You can enter a two-line title or description for a report. The title can be assigned once for all load case reports sent to the printer or a disk drive; or the title can be changed for each individual report before it is moved to the output device. The title line allows for 28 characters per line.

Load Case Name Selects either the CAESAR II Default Load Case Names or the User-Defined Load Case Names for output reports. The selected name also displays in the Load Cases Analyzed list box in the Static Output Processor window. The user-defined load case names are entered in the Load Case Editor on the Load Options tab, see Load Case Options Tab (see "Load Case Options Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box)" on page 459).

Node Name Defines the formatting of the node numbers and names for generated reports. Select the format to use from the Node Name Choice dialog box.

Return to Input Opens the Piping Input Processor. For more information, see Piping Input Reference (on page 89).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Output Processor

Plot Options Menu Performs actions associated with the display of the model. You must select Options > Graphical Output before these commands are available.

Topics Range ............................................................................................ 519 Restraints ....................................................................................... 519 Anchors .......................................................................................... 519 Displacements ............................................................................... 519 Hangers ......................................................................................... 519 Nozzle Flexibility ............................................................................ 519 Flange Check ................................................................................. 519 Nozzle Check ................................................................................. 520 Forces ............................................................................................ 520 Uniform Loads ............................................................................... 520 Wind/Wave..................................................................................... 520 Compass ........................................................................................ 520 Node Numbers ............................................................................... 521 Length ............................................................................................ 521 Tees ............................................................................................... 521 Expansion Joints ............................................................................ 521 Diameters....................................................................................... 521 Wall Thickness ............................................................................... 521 Corrosion ....................................................................................... 521 Piping Codes ................................................................................. 522 Material .......................................................................................... 522 Pipe Density ................................................................................... 522 Fluid Density .................................................................................. 522 Refractory Thickness ..................................................................... 522 Refractory Density ......................................................................... 522 Insulation Thickness ...................................................................... 523 Insulation Density .......................................................................... 523 Cladding Thickness ....................................................................... 523 Cladding Density ............................................................................ 523 Insul/Cladding Unit Wt. .................................................................. 523 Temperatures ................................................................................ 523 Pressures ....................................................................................... 524


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Output Processor

Range Displays only the elements that contain nodes within a range. This is helpful when you need to locate specific nodes or a group of related elements in a large model. This command displays the Range dialog box. Alternatively, press U. 

Using the Range command affects the display and operation of other 3D graphics highlighting options. For example, if part of the model is not visible because of the use of the Range command, then the Diameters command only highlights the elements that are visible. Also, if using the Range command hides any nodes containing the predefined displacements, the Displacements legend grid still displays, but the model may not highlight correctly. Find may not work properly for the part of the model that is hidden by the range. The corresponding message displays in the status bar.

Range Dialog Box

Restraints Turns the display of restraints on or off.

Anchors Turns the display of anchors on or off.

Displacements Turns the display of displacements on or off.

Hangers Turns the display of hangers on or off.

Nozzle Flexibility Turns the display of nozzle flexibility on or off.

Flange Check Turns flange checking on or off.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Output Processor

Nozzle Check Turns nozzle checking on or off.

Forces Updates the model to show each force in a different color. Use this option to see the force variations throughout the system or to verify that changes have been made. A color key displays the force defined in the model. You can change the assigned colors to meet your needs. The force parameters display in a table. Use the scroll bars to view all of the data. Click Next >> and Previous > and Previous > and Previous Graphical Output before these commands are available.

Topics Reset.............................................................................................. 524 Front View ...................................................................................... 524 Back View ...................................................................................... 524 Top View ........................................................................................ 524 Bottom View ................................................................................... 525 Left-side View ................................................................................ 525 Right-side View .............................................................................. 525 Southeast ISO View....................................................................... 525 Southwest ISO View ...................................................................... 525 Northeast ISO View ....................................................................... 525 Northwest ISO View ....................................................................... 525 4 View ............................................................................................ 525

Reset Resets the view to the default settings.

Front View Displays the model from the front. Alternatively, press Z.

Back View Displays the model from the back. Alternatively, press Shift + Z.

Top View Displays the model from the top. Alternatively, press Y.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Static Output Processor

Bottom View Displays the model from the bottom. Alternatively, press Shift + Y.

Left-side View Displays the model from the left side. Alternatively, press X.

Right-side View Displays the model from the right side. Alternatively, press Shift + R.

Southeast ISO View Displays the model isometrically from the southeast. Alternatively, press F10.

Southwest ISO View Displays the model isometrically from the southwest.

Northeast ISO View Displays the model isometrically from the northeast.

Northwest ISO View Displays the model isometrically from the northwest.

4 View Displays the model in four windows. This command automatically places the horizontal and vertical dividers, or splitter bars, and changes the cursor to a four-way arrow. You can change the position of the splitter bars by moving the mouse. Click to fix the position. Drag the splitter bars to change the size of the windows. Drag the splitter bars out of the view to remove those views. You can drag the splitter located at the top or left scroll bar to add views. You can manipulate the image in any of these panes individually.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Static Output Processor

Event Viewer Dialog Box Use options in the Event Viewer dialog box to navigate among the elements, navigate to various reports within a load case, and view the reports for other load cases. This is done in the Report Selection window on the left in the dialog box. The dialog box has a tree structure similar in operation to Windows Explorer.  Click the + sign for a particular load case expands the tree to show reports.  Select the report to display the data in the grid view to the right.  Select a node or an element in the grid view when Select Elements is enabled to highlight the corresponding element on the graphics view.  Zoom to the selected element if the corresponding Zoom to Selection is enabled. Similarly, click an element on the graphics view to highlight the corresponding data row in the report view. This is a bidirectional connection.  Change the load case within the Event Viewer dialog box to update the graphics view (if applicable), and the Load Case Selection box on the toolbar.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis


Dynamic Analysis Performs dynamic analysis on a piping model. This section introduces dynamic analysis concepts and describes data input for each of the options available. The command is also available from Analysis > Dynamics.

In This Section Dynamic Loads in Piping Systems ................................................ 527 Model Modifications for Dynamic Analysis .................................... 533 Dynamic Analysis Workflow........................................................... 533 The Dynamic Analysis Window ..................................................... 535 Excitation Frequencies Tab ........................................................... 538 Harmonic Forces Tab .................................................................... 540 Harmonic Displacements Tab........................................................ 543 Spectrum/Time History Definitions Tab ......................................... 546 Spectrum/Time History Load Cases Tab ....................................... 550 Static/Dynamic Combinations Tab ................................................ 564 Lumped Masses Tab ..................................................................... 568 Snubbers Tab ................................................................................ 570 Control Parameters Tab ................................................................ 571 Advanced Tab ................................................................................ 599 Directive Builder ............................................................................. 603 Enter/Edit Spectrum Data .............................................................. 604 DLF/Spectrum Generator .............................................................. 605 Relief Load Synthesis .................................................................... 613 Analysis Results ............................................................................ 625

Dynamic Loads in Piping Systems A piping system can respond far differently to a dynamic load than it would to a static load of the same magnitude. Static loads are those which are applied slowly enough that the system has time to react and internally distribute the loads, thus remaining in equilibrium. In equilibrium, all forces and moments are resolved (that is, the sum of the forces and moments are zero) and the pipe does not move. A dynamic load changes quickly with time. The piping system does not have time to internally distribute the loads. Forces and moments are not always resolved, resulting in unbalanced loads and pipe movement. Because the sum of forces and moments are not in equilibrium, the internally-induced loads can be different—either higher or lower—than the applied loads. The software provides several methods for analyzing different types of system response under dynamic loads. Each method provides a trade-off of accuracy versus computing requirements. The methods include modal natural frequency calculations, harmonic analysis, response spectrum analysis, and time history analysis. Modal natural frequency analysis measures the tendency of a piping system to respond to dynamic loads. The modal natural frequencies of a system typically should not be too close to

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis equipment operating frequencies. As a general rule, higher natural frequencies usually cause less trouble than low natural frequencies. CAESAR II provides calculation of modal natural frequencies and animated plots of the associated mode shapes. Harmonic analysis addresses dynamic loads that are cyclic in nature, such as fluid pulsation in reciprocating pump lines or vibration due to rotating equipment. These loads are modeled as concentrated forces or displacements at one or more points in the system. To provide the proper phase relationship between multiple loads, a phase angle can also be used. Any number of forcing frequencies can be analyzed for equipment start-up and operating modes. Harmonic responses represent the maximum dynamic amplitude the piping system undergoes and have the same form as a static analysis: node deflections and rotations, local forces and moments, restraint loads, and stresses. For example, if the results show an X displacement of 5.8 cm at a node, then the dynamic motion due to the cyclic excitation is from +5.8 cm. to -5.8 cm. at that node. The stresses shown are one half of, or one amplitude of, the full cyclic stress range. Response spectrum analysis allows an impulse-type transient event to be characterized by response versus frequency spectra. Each mode of vibration of the piping system is related to one response on the spectrum. These modal responses are summed together to produce the total system response. The stresses for these analyses, summed with the sustained stresses, are compared to the occasional stress allowables defined by the piping code. Spectral analysis can be used in a wide variety of applications. For example, in uniform inertial loading, ground motion associated with a seismic event is supplied as displacement, velocity, or acceleration response spectra. The assumption is that all supports move with the defined ground motion and the piping system ―catches up‖ to the supports. It is this inertial effect which loads the system. The shock spectra, which define the ground motion, can vary between the three global directions and can even change for different groups of supports (such as independent or uniform support motion). Another example is based on single point loading. CAESAR II uses this technique to analyze a wide variety of impulse-type transient loads. Relief valve loads, water hammer loads, slug flow loads, and rapid valve closure type loads all cause single impulse dynamic loads at various points in the piping system. The response to these dynamic forces can be predicted using the force spectrum method. Time history analysis is one of the most accurate methods, because it uses numeric integration of the dynamic equation of motion to simulate the system response throughout the load duration. This method can solve any type of dynamic loading, but due to its exact solution, requires more resources (such as computer memory, calculation speed and time) than other methods. Time history analysis is not appropriate when, for example, the spectrum method offers sufficient accuracy. Force versus time profiles for piping are usually one of three types: Random (on page 529), Harmonic (see Newsletter Index, or Impulse (on page 531). Each profile has a preferred solution method. These profiles and the load types identified with them are described below.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Random With this type of profile, the load unpredictably changes direction or magnitude with time. Even with the unpredictability, some load characteristics can predominate. Loads with random force/time profiles are best solved using a spectrum method or a static equivalent. The major types of loads with random time profiles are wind and earthquake.

Wind Wind velocity causes forces due to the decrease of wind momentum as the air strikes the pipe creating an equivalent pressure on the pipe. Wind loadings, even though they can have predominant directions and average velocities over a given time, are subject to gusting, such as sudden changes in direction and velocity. As the time period lengthens, the number of wind changes also increases in an unpredictable manner, eventually encompassing nearly all directions and a wide range of velocities.

Earthquake Seismic (earthquake) loadings are caused by the introduction of random ground motion, such as accelerations, velocities, and displacements and corresponding inertia loads (the mass of the system times the acceleration) into a structure through the structure-to-ground anchorage. Random ground motion is the sum of an infinite number of individual harmonic (cyclic) ground motions. Two earthquakes can be similar in terms of predominant direction (for example, along a fault), predominant harmonic frequencies (if some underlying cyclic motions tend to dominate), and maximum ground motion, but their exact behavior at any given time can be quite different and unpredictable.

Harmonic With this type of profile, the load changes direction and/or magnitude following a harmonic profile, ranging from its minimum to its maximum over a fixed time period. For example, the load can be described by a function of the form: F(t) = A + B cos( t + ) Where: F(t) = force magnitude as a function of time A = mean force B = variation of maximum and minimum force from mean  = angular frequency (radian/sec)  = phase angle (radians) t = time (sec) Loads with harmonic force/time profiles are best solved using a harmonic method. The major types of loads with harmonic time profiles are equipment vibration, acoustic vibration, and pulsation.

Equipment Vibration If rotating equipment attached to a pipe is slightly out-of-tolerance (for example, when a drive shaft is out-of-round), it can impose a small cyclic displacement onto the pipe at the point of attachment. This is the location where the displacement cycle most likely corresponds to the operating cycle of the equipment. The displacement at the pipe connection can be imperceptibly

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis small, but could cause significant dynamic-loading problems. Loading versus time is easily predicted after the operating cycle and variation from tolerance is known.

Acoustic Vibration If fluid flow characteristics are changed within a pipe (for example, when flow conditions change from laminar to turbulent as the fluid passes through an orifice), slight lateral vibrations may be set up within the pipe. These vibrations often fit harmonic patterns, with predominant frequencies somewhat predictable based upon the flow conditions. For example, Strouhal‘s equation predicts that the developed frequency (Hz) of vibration caused by flow through an orifice will be somewhere between 0.2 V/D and 0.3 V/D, where V is the fluid velocity (ft./sec) and D is the diameter of the orifice (ft). Wind flow around a pipe sets up lateral displacements as well (a phenomenon known as vortex shedding), with an exciting frequency of approximately 0.18 V/D, where V is the wind velocity and D is the outer diameter of the pipe.

Pulsation During the operation of a reciprocating pump or a compressor, the fluid is compressed by pistons driven by a rotating shaft. This causes a cyclic change over time in the fluid pressure at any specified location in the system. Unequal fluid pressures at opposing elbow pairs or closures create an unbalanced pressure load in the system. Because the pressure balance changes with the cycle of the compressor, the unbalanced force also changes. The frequency of the force cycle is likely to be some multiple of that of the equipment operating cycle, because multiple pistons cause a corresponding number of force variations during each shaft rotation. The pressure variations continue to move along through the fluid. In a steady state flow condition, unbalanced forces may be present simultaneously at any number of elbow pairs in the system. Load magnitudes can vary. Load cycles may or may not be in phase with each other, depending upon the pulse velocity, the distance of each elbow pair from the compressor, and the length of the piping legs between the elbow pairs. For example, if the pressure at elbow a is Pa(t) and the pressure at elbow b is Pb(t), then the unbalanced force acting along the pipe between the two elbows is: F(t) = (Pa(t) - Pb(t)) A Where: A = internal area of the pipe Assuming that the pressure peak hits the elbow "a" at time t = 0, Pa(t) is: Pa(t) = Pavg + 0.5 (dP) cos  t Where: Pavg = average pressure in the line dP = alternating component of the pressure  = driving angular frequency of pulse If the length of the pipe between the elbows is L, then the pressure pulse reaches elbow bts after it has passed elbow a: ts = L / c Where: c = speed of sound in the fluid


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis Therefore the expression for the pressure at elbow b is: Pb(t) = Pavg + 0.5(dP) cos (  t - Q) Where: Q

= phase shift between the pressure peaks at a and b =  ts

Combining these equations, the unbalanced pressure force acting on an elbow pair is: F(t) = 0.5(dP)A * [ cos t - cos (t - L/c) ] Under steady-state conditions, a similar situation exists at all elbow pairs throughout the piping system.

Impulse With this type of profile, the load magnitude ramps up from zero to some value, remains relatively constant for a time, and then ramps down to zero again. For rapid ramping times, this type of profile resembles a rectangle. Loads with impulse force/time profiles are best solved using time history or force spectrum methods. Major types of loads with impulse time profiles are relief valve, fluid hammer, and slug flow.

Relief Valve When system pressure reaches a dangerous level, relief valves are set to open in order to vent fluid and reduce the internal pressure. Venting through the valve causes a jet force to act on the piping system. This force ramps up from zero to its full value over the opening time of the valve. The relief valve remains open (and the jet force remains relatively constant) until sufficient fluid is vented to relieve the over-pressure condition. The valve then closes, ramping down the jet force over the closing time of the valve.

Fluid Hammer When the flow of fluid through a system is suddenly halted through valve closure or a pump trip, the fluid in the remainder of the system cannot be stopped instantaneously. As fluid continues to flow into the area of stoppage (upstream of the valve or pump), the fluid compresses causing a high pressure situation. On the other side of the restriction, the fluid moves away from the stoppage point, creating a low pressure (vacuum) situation. Fluid at the next elbow or closure along the pipeline is still at the original operating pressure, resulting in an unbalanced pressure force acting on the valve seat or the elbow. The fluid continues to flow, compressing (or decompressing) fluid further away from the point of flow stoppage, causing the leading edge of the pressure pulse to move through the line. As the pulse moves past the first elbow, the pressure is now equalized at each end of the pipe run, leading to a balanced (that is, zero) pressure load on the first pipe leg. The unbalanced pressure, by passing the elbow, has now shifted to the second leg. The unbalanced pressure load continues to rise and fall in sequential legs as the pressure pulse travels back to the source, or forward to the sink. The ramp up time of the profile roughly coincides with the elapsed time from full flow to low flow, such as the closing time of the valve or trip time of the pump. Because the leading edge of the pressure pulse is not expected to change as the pulse travels through the system, the ramp-down time is the same. The duration of the load from initiation through the beginning of the down ramp is equal to the time required for the pressure pulse to travel the length of the pipe leg.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis Slug Flow Most piping systems are designed to handle single-phase fluids (that is, fluids that are uniformly liquid or gas). Under certain circumstances, the fluid may have multiple phases. For example, slurry systems transport solid materials in liquids and gases may condense, creating pockets of liquid in otherwise gaseous media. Systems carrying multi-phase fluids are susceptible to slug flow. In general, fluid changes direction in a piping system through the application of forces at elbows. This force is equal to the change in momentum with respect to time, or Fr = dp / dt = v A [2(1 - cos )] Where: dp = change in momentum dt = change in time 2

 v A


= fluid density = fluid velocity = internal area of pipe

 = inclusion angle at elbow With constant fluid density, this force is normally constant and is small enough that it can be easily absorbed through tension in the pipe wall. The force is then passed on to adjacent elbows with equal and opposite loads, zeroing the net load on the system. Therefore these types of momentum loads are usually ignored in analysis. If the fluid velocity or density changes with time, this momentum load will also change with time, leading to a dynamic load which may not be canceled by the load at other elbows. For example, consider a slug of liquid in a gas system. The steady state momentum load is insignificant because the fluid density of a gas is effectively zero. The liquid suddenly slug hits the elbow, increasing the momentum load by orders of magnitude. This load lasts only as long as it takes for the slug to traverse the elbow, and then suddenly drops to near zero again with the exact profile of the slug load depending upon the shape of the slug. The time duration of the load depends upon the length of the slug divided by the velocity of the fluid.

Where: F1 = v A(1 - cos ) 2

Fr = v A [2(1 - cos )] 2


F2 = v A sin  2


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Model Modifications for Dynamic Analysis To perform a dynamic analysis, the static model must first be created and error checked. The model is also usually run through static analysis before the dynamic analysis begins, but this is not required unless nonlinear supports or hanger selections are included in the model. If nonlinear supports are present, the static analysis must be run and the results made available before the dynamic analysis can be performed. The dynamic analysis techniques used by CAESAR II require strict linearity in the piping and structural systems. Dynamic responses associated with nonlinear effects are not addressed. An example of a nonlinear effect is slapping, such as when a pipe lifts off the rack at one moment and impacts the rack the next. For the dynamic model, the pipe must be either held down or allowed to move freely. Nonlinear restraints used in the static analysis must be set to active or inactive for the dynamic analysis. CAESAR II allows you to set the nonlinear restraints to any configuration found in the static results by specifying the value of Static Load Case for Nonlinear Restraint Status (on page 582) on the Control Parameters tab. You usually select the operating case to set the nonlinear restraint configuration. For example, if a +Y support is active in the static operating case and the operating case is used to set the status of the nonlinear supports for dynamics, CAESAR II installs a double-acting Y support at that location for the dynamic analysis. The pipe does not move up or down at that point regardless of the dynamic load. Another nonlinear effect is friction. Friction effects must also be linearized for use in dynamic analysis. By default, CAESAR II excludes the effects of friction from the dynamic analysis. If requested, CAESAR II can approximate the friction resistance to movement in the dynamic model by including spring stiffness normal to the restraint line of action. For a Y restraint with friction, the friction stiffness is added in the X and Z directions. You define the stiffness of these springs as a function of the friction load calculated in the static analysis. CAESAR II calculates the friction stiffness by multiplying the resultant force on the restraint from the selected static case results, the friction coefficient, and the Stiffness Factor for Friction defined on the Control Parameters tab. For example, if a normal force on the restraint from the static analysis is 1000 lb and the friction coefficient (mu) is 0.3, then the total friction load is 300 lb. If Stiffness Factor for Friction is 500, then springs having a stiffness of SQRT(10002 + 3002)*0.3*500=156605 lb./in are inserted into the dynamic model in the two directions perpendicular to the line of action of the friction restraint. Converting friction damping into stiffness is not mathematically legitimate, but serves as a good engineering approximation for dynamic friction in a wide variety of situations.

Dynamic Analysis Workflow Before starting and error checking a dynamic analysis, develop dynamic analysis data using the following steps. The steps can occur in any order.

Specify the loads You do not need to specify dynamic loads if only natural frequencies are to be counted or calculated. Harmonic analysis requires the driving frequencies and forces or displacements to define and locate the sinusoidally varying point loads. Creating the dynamic loads for spectra or time history analysis requires the most attention. The response spectra or time history profile must be defined, built, or selected. Force sets are built for force response spectra and time history analysis. Response spectra/time history and force sets are combined with other data to build the load cases to be analyzed. Finally, additional load cases may be constructed by combining shock results with static results to check code

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis compliance on occasional stresses. The software provides methods to simplify many of these tasks.

Modify the mass and stiffness model For dynamic analysis, CAESAR II converts each piping element from a continuous beam element between two nodes to a stiffness between two masses. Additional stiffness is added at the node points to model anchors, restraints, hangers, and other supports in the static analysis model. The masses assigned to each node are one half the sum of all element masses framing into the node. These masses are used as translational inertias only. Rotational moments of inertia are ignored in the dynamic mass model. Their inclusion in the analysis would cause a large increase in solution time without a corresponding improvement in the general accuracy of the analysis. In many instances, the mass and stiffness established in the static model is used without modification in the dynamic analysis. Some situations, however, can be improved by the deletion of mass points or degrees of freedom. This usually occurs in models with unnecessary masses far from the area of interest or unnecessary degrees of freedom that do not act in the direction of interest. Some piping systems have supports that are installed to suppress vibration and do not affect the static analysis. If these shock absorbers or snubbers were not part of the static model, they can be added to the dynamic model as additional stiffness.

Set the parameters that control the analysis Options on the Control Parameters tab set the type of analysis to be performed: calculation of natural frequencies and mode shapes, harmonic analysis, spectral analysis, or time history. General settings for the analysis are also defined, such as maximum frequency cutoff, mode summation methods, static configuration for nonlinear restraints, and the friction factor for including friction in the dynamic analysis. The Advanced tab allows you to change the parameters governing the eigensolution which does the modal extraction. These parameters should only be altered under special circumstances. For more information, see Control Parameters Tab (on page 571) and Advanced Tab (on page 599).


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

The Dynamic Analysis Window After the basic model has been constructed, click Analysis > Dynamics or Dynamic Analysis to perform a dynamic analysis. The Dynamic Analysis window opens.

Toolbar Commands Analysi Specifies the type of analysis. Select Modal, Harmonic, Earthquake (spectrum), s Relief Loads (spectrum), Water Hammer/Slug Flow (spectrum), or Time History. Type The window tabs change for each analysis. Save Input and File > Save Input - Saves entered values to the CAESAR II file. Check Input and File > Check Input - Opens the Dynamic Syntax Check dialog box to check entered values for errors. Run the Analysis and File > Run Analysis - Performs the error check and, if no errors are found, performs the analysis the dynamic analysis for the selected Analysis Type and the entered values. Analysis results are then available for review. For more information, see Analysis Results (on page 625). Add Entry and Edit > Add Entry - Adds a row to the table. Delete Entry and Edit > Delete Entry - Deletes a row from the table. Enter/Edit Spectrum Data and Tools > Spectrum Data Points - Specifies spectrum data for manually-entered or ASCII-file-based spectrum definitions. For more information, see Enter/Edit Spectrum Data (on page 604). DLF/Spectrum Generator and Tools > DLF Spectrum Generator - Converts spectrum time waveform excitation data into a frequency domain dynamic load factor (DLF) curve or other response spectrum. For more information, see DLF/Spectrum Generator (on page 605).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis Relief Load Synthesis and Tools > Relief Load Synthesis - Calculates the magnitudes of relieving thrust forces. For more information, see Relief Load Synthesis (on page 613). Cmt

Changes the selected row in the table to a comment line. You can add comment lines anywhere in the table.

Modal Analysis (on page 536) Harmonic Analysis (on page 536) Earthquake Response Spectrum Analysis (on page 537) Relief Loads and Water Hammer/Slug Flow Spectra Analysis (on page 537) Time History Analysis (on page 538) Dynamic analysis uses the units from the piping input file or from the configuration file of a structural-only analysis. For more information on dynamic load cases, data, and procedures, see Interfaces (see "External Interfaces" on page 913). If the model contains spring hangers selected by the software or nonlinear boundary conditions (such as single directional supports, gaps, rods, or friction), then a static analysis must be performed before the dynamic analysis to determine how the nonlinear supports are acting.

Modal Analysis Enter values on the following tabs when Modal is selected for Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. Lumped Masses Tab (on page 568) Snubbers Tab (on page 570) Control Parameters Tab (on page 571) Advanced Tab (on page 599) Modal analysis extracts natural frequencies and shapes for the modes of vibration of the pipe system. No loads are specified.

Harmonic Analysis Enter values on the following tabs when Harmonic is selected for Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. Excitation Frequencies Tab (on page 538) Harmonic Forces Tab (on page 540) Harmonic Displacements Tab (on page 543) Lumped Masses Tab (on page 568) Snubbers Tab (on page 570) Control Parameters Tab (on page 571)


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Earthquake Response Spectrum Analysis Enter values on the following tabs when Earthquake (spectrum) is selected for Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. Spectrum Definitions Tab (see "Spectrum/Time History Definitions Tab" on page 546) Spectrum Load Cases Tab (see "Spectrum/Time History Load Cases Tab" on page 550) Static/Dynamic Combinations Tab (on page 564) Lumped Masses Tab (on page 568) Snubbers Tab (on page 570) Control Parameters Tab (on page 571) Advanced Tab (on page 599) For earthquake loads, you define one or more response spectra and apply them in a specified direction over part or all of the piping system.

Relief Loads and Water Hammer/Slug Flow Spectra Analysis Enter values on the following tabs when Relief Loads (spectrum) or Water Hammer/Slug Flow (spectrum) are selected for Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. Spectrum Definitions Tab (see "Spectrum/Time History Definitions Tab" on page 546) Force Sets Tab (on page 555) Spectrum Load Cases Tab (see "Spectrum/Time History Load Cases Tab" on page 550) Static/Dynamic Combinations Tab (on page 564) Lumped Masses Tab (on page 568) Snubbers Tab (on page 570) Control Parameters Tab (on page 571) Advanced Tab (on page 599)

Relief Loads This method solves relief valve loading on a piping system through force spectrum analysis. The force-time profile is estimated using relief load synthesis and then converted to a force multiplier (dynamic load factor, or DLF) spectrum. The force is then applied in conjunction with this spectrum.

Water Hammer/Slug Flow This method solves water hammer or slug problems. It is similar to the force spectrum analysis used for relief valve loadings, except that relief load synthesis is not required. The force-time profile is estimated and then converted to a force multiplier spectrum. This is linked to force sets in the load cases. Force-time profile estimation methods are shown in the CAESAR II Applications Guide. Steps proceed as described for relief loads.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis

Time History Analysis Enter values on the following tabs when Time History is selected for Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. Time History Definitions Tab (see "Spectrum/Time History Definitions Tab" on page 546) Force Sets Tab (on page 555) Time History Load Cases Tab (see "Spectrum/Time History Load Cases Tab" on page 550) Static/Dynamic Combinations Tab (on page 564) Lumped Masses Tab (on page 568) Snubbers Tab (on page 570) Control Parameters Tab (on page 571) Advanced Tab (on page 599) Time history analysis solves the dynamic equation of motion for extracted nodes of vibration. The results are then summed to find the system results. Loadings are specified in terms of force-time profiles and force sets. The force-time profile defines the load timing. The force set defines the load direction and location. Either the profile or the force set can be used to define the magnitude.

Excitation Frequencies Tab This tab is available when Harmonic is selected for Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. One or more individual frequencies or frequency ranges can be specified, one to a row. CAESAR II performs a separate analysis for each frequency. A frequency range has values for Starting Frequency, Ending Frequency, and Increment. You can enter the number of anticipated load cycles for each frequency range. Load cases are then calculated with a fatigue stress type. Otherwise, the load cases are calculated with an occasional stress type. Harmonic loads may be specified on the Harmonic Forces Tab (on page 540) or the Harmonic Displacements Tab (on page 543).

Topics Starting Frequency ........................................................................ 539 Ending Frequency .......................................................................... 539 Increment ....................................................................................... 539 Load Cycles ................................................................................... 540


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Starting Frequency Specifies the starting frequency for the analysis in Hertz (Hz). This is the frequency at which the harmonic forces or displacements are applied. Harmonic displacements and forces have the form: A*cosine(t+ ) where A is the amplitude of the force or displacement,  is the phase angle, and  is the frequency of the loading. Real and imaginary solutions are developed for each frequency in the defined range, from which any phased solution can be calculated. There must be a starting frequency for a frequency range to be valid.

Ending Frequency Specifies the ending frequency for a range of frequencies. Enter the frequency in Hertz (Hz). The harmonic forces or displacements are applied at each frequency between the Starting Frequency (on page 539) and Ending Frequency according to the value specified for Increment (on page 539). This is an optional value.

Increment Specifies the frequency increment used to step from Starting Frequency (on page 539) to Ending Frequency (on page 539). The harmonic forces or displacements are applied at each frequency along the specified increment. This is an optional value. If no value is entered, the software uses a default increment of 1.0 Hz. The frequencies for harmonic excitation are taken from each defined frequency range. Individual frequencies for excitation are calculated using a "do loop" type of logic to determine the frequencies in a specified frequency range: X = STARTING FREQUENCY 5 CONTINUE COMPUTE SOLUTION FOR FREQUENCY "X" X = X + INCREMENT IF( X .LT. ENDING FREQUENCY+0.001) GO TO 5 The sign of the frequency increment may be modified by the software to properly step from the starting frequency to the ending frequency. The starting frequency, the ending frequency, or the increment may be given as a fraction.

Example Find harmonic solutions for the following group of turbine equipment speeds:  Warm up speed: 100 rpm  Speed increments to bring turbine online: 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400, 2800, 3200 rpm. Speeds are passed through very slowly while coming up to operating speed.  Operating speed: 3600 rpm Convert rotations per minute to cycles per second (Hertz) by dividing by 60:  Warm up speed: 100/60  Speed increments: 400/60 to 3200/60 by increments of 400/60  Operating speed: 3600/60

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis A low frequency field vibration exists in the piping system at about 3 Hertz:  Approximate field-observed excitation frequency: 3 Hz The response of the piping system when the dynamic load is applied at 3 Hz is almost zero. This is true regardless of the magnitude of the dynamic load. The maxi\-mum varying pressure load was applied, and there were still no appreciable dynamic displacements when the excitation frequency was 3 Hz. Apply the dynamic load over a range of frequencies around 3 Hertz and see if any dynamic response can be observed.  Group of field-observed frequencies: "Guessed"  Excitation frequency: 3 Hz  Defined by the input below are: (2.5, 2.6, 2.7, ..., 3.3, 3.4, 3.5) Hz. 2.5 3.5 0.1

Load Cycles Specifies the number of load cycles. If the harmonic load case is also subjected to fatigue loading, enter the number of expected cycles. This is an optional value. The load cycle value is the anticipated number of applications of the load on the system. This value is used to determine the allowable stress from the fatigue curve for the material. For static cases, the full range of calculated stresses is considered. For dynamic cases, half the range (that is, the amplitude) of calculated stresses is considered.

Harmonic Forces Tab This tab is available when Harmonic is selected for Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. Values must be entered on either the Harmonic Forces tab or the Harmonic Displacements tab.

Harmonic Phasing Phasing is important if more than one force or displacement is included. The phase angle (entered in degrees) relates the timing of one load or displacement to another. For example, if two harmonic loads act along the same line but at different nodes, the loads can be directed towards each other (that is, in opposite directions), producing no net dynamic imbalance on the system. The loads can also act in the same direction (that is, to the right or to the left together), producing a net dynamic imbalance in the system equal to the sum of the two forces. The phase angle determines this relationship. For example, the follow load data is entered for in-phase loading of 1500 lbf in the X direction with a 0º phase at nodes 10 and 105:





Start Node









CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis The follow load data is entered for out-of-phase loading of 1500 lbf in the X direction with the phase in opposite directions at nodes 10 and 105, pulling the system apart: Force



Start Node









The two most common phased loadings are those due to rotating equipment and reciprocating pumps. Rotating equipment can have an eccentricity, a speed, and a mass. These items must be converted into a harmonic load acting on the rotor at the theoretical mass centerline. The magnitude of the harmonic load is calculated from: Fn = (mass)(speed)2(eccentricity) where speed is the angular velocity of the shaft in cycles per second. This load is applied along both axes perpendicular to the shaft axis and at a 90º phase shift. In the case of a reciprocating pump, the pump introduces a pressure wave into the line at some regular interval that is related to the pump valving and speed. This pressure wave moves away from the pump at the speed of sound in the fluid. These pressure waves cause loads at each bend in the piping system. The load on each subsequent elbow in the system, starting from the first elbow, is phase-shifted by an amount that is a function of the distance between the elbows, from the first elbow to the current elbow. The amount of phase shift between elbow-elbow pairs produces the net unbalanced dynamic load in the piping. The phase shift, in degrees from the first elbow, is calculated from: phase = [(frequency)(length) / (speed of sound)]360º where frequency is the frequency of wave introduction at the pump, and length is the distance from the first elbow to the current elbow under study. The magnitude of the pressure load at each elbow is: Harmonic Force = 0.5 (Pressure variation) (Area) With phasing considerations, all specified loads are considered to act together at each applied frequency.

Topics Force .............................................................................................. 541 Direction ......................................................................................... 542 Phase ............................................................................................. 542 Start Node ...................................................................................... 542 Stop Node ...................................................................................... 542 Increment ....................................................................................... 542

Force Specifies the magnitude of the harmonic force to be applied. The form of the harmonic forcing function is: F(t) = A*cosine(t-) where "F(t)" is the force as a function of time. "A" is the maximum amplitude of the dynamic force. "" is the frequency of the excitation (in radians per second), and "" is the phase angle (in radians).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis

Direction Specifies the direction of the force. Valid entries are X, Y, Z, direction cosines, or direction vectors. The format for direction cosines is (cx, cy, cz), such as (0.707,0.0,0.707). The format for direction vectors is (vx, vy, vz), such as (1,0,1).

Phase Specifies the phase angle of the force in degrees. Harmonic loading can start with its maximum load at time equal to zero, or the harmonic load can start with its maximum at any time between zero and 2*/ seconds. The phase angle f is the method used to specify this time shift in the dynamic load waveform. The phase angle is calculated from the time shift using the equation: (degrees) = 180t/ where t is given in seconds and  is given in radians per second. The phase angle is usually entered as either zero or 90. Use the phase specification when defining eccentric loads on rotating equipment. A value for Phase is required. If the phase angle is zero, you must enter 0.

Start Node Specifies the starting node number in the model at which the force is applied. If entered without values for Stop Node and Increment, then the start node must exist in the piping system. If entered with values for Stop Node and Increment, then the range of nodes identified in the range must include at least one node in the piping system.

Stop Node Specifies the ending node number in the model through which the force is applied. Used as a part of a "range of nodes" force loading with Start Node and Increment. This value is optional.

Increment Specifies the node number increment used to step from Start Node to Stop Node. Each node that is incremented between the start and stop nodes is loaded with the value of Force. This value is optional.

Example 1 A pressure pulse traveling in the line causes the line to shake at about 2 hertz. The magnitude of the pressure loading is estimated to be about 460 lb. The pressure wave travels from 95 to 100. The harmonic force to model this load is shown as follows. The magnitude is divided by 2 because the total variation in the dynamic load is a function of the cosine, which varies from -1 to 1. To find the true response magnitudes from a positive-only harmonic load pulse, a static solution with 460/2 lb. acting in the +X direction is superimposed on the static 460/2 lb. solution to provide the constant shifting of the load axis. There is a negative load at node 95 due to the negative sign on the cosine. The pressure pulse is always positive and a negative load never exists. The superposition of the 460/2 static solution assures that the dynamic load (and probably the resulting displacements) is always positive. 460 LB pressure load at 2 Hertz 460/2 X 0 95


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis Example 2 A pump is shaking in the X-Y plane. The pump axis is along the global Z axis. The magnitude of the dynamic load is calculated to be 750 lb. from the manufacturer-provided masses and eccentricities. Apply this rotating equipment load on the inline pump at node 350. The X and Y loads are 90 degrees out of phase with one another. When the X load is at its maximum the Y load is zero, and when the Y load is at its maximum the X load is zero. Estimated eccentric load on inline pump DOH-V33203001 750 X 0 350 750 Y 90 350

Harmonic Displacements Tab This tab is available when Harmonic is selected for Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. Values must be entered on either the Harmonic Forces tab or the Harmonic Displacements tab.

Harmonic Phasing Phasing is important if more than one force or displacement is included. The phase angle (entered in degrees) relates the timing of one load or displacement to another. For example, if two harmonic loads act along the same line but at different nodes, the loads can be directed towards each other (that is, in opposite directions), producing no net dynamic imbalance on the system. The loads can also act in the same direction (that is, to the right or to the left together), producing a net dynamic imbalance in the system equal to the sum of the two forces. The phase angle determines this relationship. For example, the follow load data is entered for in-phase loading of 1500 lbf in the X direction with a 0º phase at nodes 10 and 105: Force



Start Node









The follow load data is entered for out-of-phase loading of 1500 lbf in the X direction with the phase in opposite directions at nodes 10 and 105, pulling the system apart: Force



Start Node









The two most common phased loadings are those due to rotating equipment and reciprocating pumps. Rotating equipment can have an eccentricity, a speed, and a mass. These items must be converted into a harmonic load acting on the rotor at the theoretical mass centerline. The magnitude of the harmonic load is calculated from: Fn = (mass)(speed)2(eccentricity) where speed is the angular velocity of the shaft in cycles per second. This load is applied along both axes perpendicular to the shaft axis and at a 90º phase shift. In the case of a reciprocating pump, the pump introduces a pressure wave into the line at some regular interval that is related to the pump valving and speed. This pressure wave moves away

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis from the pump at the speed of sound in the fluid. These pressure waves cause loads at each bend in the piping system. The load on each subsequent elbow in the system, starting from the first elbow, is phase-shifted by an amount that is a function of the distance between the elbows, from the first elbow to the current elbow. The amount of phase shift between elbow-elbow pairs produces the net unbalanced dynamic load in the piping. The phase shift, in degrees from the first elbow, is calculated from: phase = [(frequency)(length) / (speed of sound)]360º where frequency is the frequency of wave introduction at the pump, and length is the distance from the first elbow to the current elbow under study. The magnitude of the pressure load at each elbow is: Harmonic Force = 0.5 (Pressure variation) (Area) With phasing considerations, all specified loads are considered to act together at each applied frequency.

Topics Displacement ................................................................................. 544 Direction ......................................................................................... 544 Phase ............................................................................................. 544 Start Node ...................................................................................... 545 Stop Node ...................................................................................... 545 Increment ....................................................................................... 545

Displacement Specifies the magnitude of the displacement to be applied. The form of the harmonic displacement function is: D(t)=(A)*cosine(t-) where "D(t)" is the displacement as a function of time, "A" is the maximum amplitude of the dynamic displacement. "" is the frequency of the excitation (in radians per second), and "" is the phase angle (in radians).

Direction Specifies the direction of the displacement. Valid entries are X, Y, Z, direction cosines, or direction vectors. The format for direction cosines is (cx,cy, cz), such as (0.707,0.0,0.707). The format for direction vectors is (vx, vy, vz), such as (1,0,1).

Phase Specifies the phase angle of the displacement in degrees. Harmonic displacement can start with its maximum displacement at time equal to zero, or the harmonic displacements can start with its maximum displacements at any time between zero and t + 2 / seconds. The phase angle is the method used to specify this time shift in the dynamic load waveform. The phase angle can be calculated from the time shift using the equation:  (degrees) = 180t / where t is given in seconds and  is given in radians per second. A value for Phase is required. If the phase angle is zero, you must enter 0.0.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Start Node Specifies the number of the starting node in the model at which the displacement is applied. If the node is a supported node, then the dynamic displacement is assumed to act at the support point. If the node is not sup\-ported, then the dynamic displacement is assumed to describe the exact motion of the pipe at that point. This differentiation only becomes important when the node is supported by a flexible restraint. For example, node 55 is supported in the Y direction by a restraint having a stiffness of 5,000 lb./in. A harmonic displacement is also specified at node 55 in the Y direction. In this case, the harmonic displacement does not describe the dis\-placement that is attached to 55. Instead, the displacement creates a load in the Y direction at 55 equal to the harmonic displacement times 5,000 lb./in. If Start Node has a value but Stop Node and Increment do not, then the start node must exist in the piping system. If all three have values, then the range of nodes identified in the range must include at least one node in the piping system.

Stop Node Specifies the number of the ending node in the model through which the displacement is applied. Used as a part of a "range of nodes" displacement loading with Start Node and Increment. This value is optional.

Increment Specifies the node number increment used to step from Start Node to Stop Node. Each node incremented between the start and stop nodes is displaced with the value of Displacement. This value is optional.

Example 1 A large ethylene compressor shakes the node exiting the compressor flange a field-measured 8 mils in the Y direction, and 3 mils in the Z direction. The dynamic displacements are assumed to be simultaneous with no phase shift. This is because the load causing the displacements is believed to be from the compressor plunger moving in the X, or axial, direction. The dis\-placements are skewed because the piping configuration entering the compressor is itself skewed. Harmonic Displacements at Compressor Flange 0.008








CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis Example 2 Applying estimated eccentric forces to the pump described in the harmonic force example (see "Increment" on page 542) did not produce the displacements witnessed in the field. Field personnel have measured the dynamic displacements in the vertical (Y) and transverse (Z) directions at the pump piping connections. The centerline of the pump, at the intersection of the horizontal suction and vertical discharge is node 15. The magnitude of the Z displacement is measured at 12 mil. The magnitude of the Y displacement is measured at 3 mils. It is assumed that the vibration is due to the rotation of the pump shaft, and so the Z and Y loads will be taken to be 90 degrees out of phase. Harmonic displacements modeling pump vibration on the inline pump DOH-V33203001: Z magnitude of the load - zero deg. phase shift 0.012 Z 0 15 Y magnitude of the load - 90 deg. phase shift 0.003 Y 90 15

Spectrum/Time History Definitions Tab The Spectrum Definitions tab is available when Earthquake (spectrum), Relief Loads (spectrum) and Water Hammer/Slug Flow (spectrum) are selected for Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. The Time History Definitions tab is available when Time History is selected for Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window.

Spectrum Definitions One analysis may have multiple spectrum types and definitions. Predefined spectra are included in the spectrum definition list. Any combination of these predefined spectra can be used as is, deleted, or used with any other defined spectra.

You can include the basic spectrum data definitions in the comments for each ASCII spectrum file. Select Cmt to create a comment line. For more information, see Enter/Edit Spectrum Data (on page 604) and Examples (on page 549).

Spectrum Data Files Special force spectrum data files are created by the DLF/Spectrum Generator (on page 605). The response spectrum table values are entered directly or saved as a file. Data stored in a file can be used by any analysis.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis When using a file created by DLF/Spectrum Generator , you must specify the type of data which contained in the file, because the file only contains a table of data points. This data is always frequency versus force-multiplier with linear interpolation. A typical definition is in this format: Name

Range Type

Ordinate Type

Range Interpol

Ordinate Interpol






The data in this file may also be read in directly using Enter/Edit Spectrum Data . In this case, omit the "#" from the spectrum declaration. For more information, see Enter/Edit Spectrum Data (on page 604).

Time History Definitions

Time history profiles are defined in a way similar to the definition of response spectra. The profile must be given a name, time versus force data definitions, and interpolation methods. Response spectra data must also be defined directly or from a file. The profile data may be entered with actual forces or normalized to 1.0, depending on how the force sets are defined. One force-time profile should be defined for each independent point load on the piping system. The load case consists of one or more force profiles. Multiple force profiles can create a staggered loading on the system.

Topics Name ............................................................................................. 547 Range Type ................................................................................... 548 Ordinate Type ................................................................................ 548 Range Interpol ............................................................................... 549 Ordinate Interpol ............................................................................ 549 Examples ....................................................................................... 549

Name Specifies the name of the spectrum. Names should reflect the spectrum and its intended use. This name is used when defining the load cases. The name can be any 24-character identifier and is associated with a particular spectrum or load profile. Do not include spaces in the name. The following predefined spectra are delivered with the software. No additional definitions are required when using these spectra.

El Centro The El Centro California N-S component, taken from Biggs, "Introduction to Structural Dynamics," applies to systems with 5-10 percent critical damping.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis REG. GUIDE 1.60 1.60H.5 and 1.60V.5 1.60H2 and 1.60V2 1.60H5 and 1.60V5 1.60H7 and 1.60V7 1.60H1.0 and 1.60V10 Each of these spectra defines the horizontal and vertical components for 0.5, 2, 5, 7, and 10 percent critically damped systems. Associated with each of these spectra is a value for ZPA. (Zero Period Acceleration), the maximum ground acceleration at the site. This value defaults to 0.5 g and can be changed on the Control Parameters Tab (on page 571).

Uniform Building Code UBCSOIL1 UBCSOIL2 UBCSOIL3 These spectra represent the normalized (horizontal) response spectra for three soil types provided in Figure 23-3 of the Uniform Building Code, (1991 Edition). 

The spectrum name (or load profile) can be preceded by a (#) sign. The (#) sign instructs CAESAR II to read the spectrum table from a file having the same name as the spectrum with no extension. Several jobs in the current folder can then access this shock data.

If data is to be entered manually, click Enter/Edit Spectrum Data , then create new rows and enter the appropriate Range Type and Ordinate Type values. For more information, see Enter/Edit Spectrum Data (on page 604). The complete definition of a shock includes its name, range type, ordinate type, range interpolation method, ordinate interpolation method, and the shock data point table. Everything but the shock data point table can be entered on the

Range Type Specifies the type of values on the abscissa (horizontal) axis of the spectrum/DLF curve. Select FREQUENCY or PERIOD. If the value is PERIOD, then the spectrum table data is in seconds. If the value is FREQUENCY, then the data is in Hertz (cycles per second). For Time History analysis only, select TIME. The spectrum table data is in milliseconds (ms). The values can be abbreviated by any part of the word, but only the first letter is required.

Ordinate Type Specifies the type of values on the ordinate (vertical) axis of the spectrum/DLF curve. Select FREQUENCY , VELOCITY, ACCELERATION, G-ACCELERATION, or FORCE-MULTIPLIER. If the value is FREQUENCY, then the spectrum table data is in Hertz (cycles per second).If the value is VELOCITY, then the data is in length per second. If the value is ACCELERATION, then the data is in length per second squared. If the value is G-ACCELERATION, then the data are in g's. For Time History analysis only, select FORCE-MULTIPLIER. The values can be abbreviated by any part of the word, but only the first letter is required.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Range Interpol Specifies how the values on the abscissa (horizontal) axis are interpolated. Select LINEAR or LOGARITHMIC. See Examples (on page 549) for additional discussion. The values can be abbreviated as LIN and LOG.

Ordinate Interpol Specifies how the values on the ordinate (vertical) axis are interpolated. Select LINEAR or LOGARITHMIC. See Examples (on page 549) for additional discussion. The values can be abbreviated as LIN and LOG.

Examples Example 1 The analysis requires that the El Centro shock be applied in the X and Z directions using a factor of 1.0, and in the Y direction using a factor of 0.667. No spectrum definition is required for this shock. El Centro is a predefined spectrum. All of its shock data resides in the CAESAR II shock database.

Example 2 The analysis requires the use of the Nuclear Regulatory Guide 1.60 shock loads. At a maximum acceleration value of 0.25 g‘s, analysis is to be performed using 1.0 times the horizontal and vertical components of the shock as specified in Reg. Guide 1.60. There is no spectrum definition required for either of these two shock loads. The Reg. Guide 1.60 shock spectra are predefined. You must only specify the maximum acceleration (ZPA) of 0.25 g‘s on the Control Parameters Tab (on page 571), and must use the Reg. Guide spectra corresponding to the anticipated system damping. Lower damping values mean more conservative results.

Example 3 The analysis requires a shock spectrum that is given by the client and developed for the site. A plot of the spectrum appears as follows. The horizontal axis is period and the vertical axis is acceleration. Because of the variation of the numbers along each axis, a logarithmic interpolation for each axis is used. Because the shock name is not preceded by a (#) sign, the spectrum is not predefined, and you must manually enter the points for this spectrum. The spectrum definition input for pointing to this file is: Name

Range Type

Ordinate Type

Range Interpol

Ordinate Interpol






Example 4 All analysis on a particular project requires the use of the spectrum table shown as follows. The data points of the spectrum are entered into an ASCII file named BENCH1 in the current folder.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis The file can be created using any standard editor. The spectrum definition input for pointing to this file is: Name

Range Type

Ordinate Type

Range Interpol

Ordinate Interpol






Listing of ASCII file "BENCH1": * SPECTRUM FOR NUCLEAR BENCHMARK NO.1. THIS SPECTRUM IS * TO BE USED FOR ALL LINES ON PROJECT 1-130023-A03. * FILENAME = "BENCH1" * RANGE TYPE = PERIOD (SECONDS) * ORDINATE TYPE = ACCELERATION (IN./SEC./SEC.) * INTERPOLATION FOR BOTH AXES = LOGARITHMIC. PERIOD(SEC) ACCELERATION(IN/SEC/SEC) 0.1698E-02 0.1450E+03 0.2800E-01 0.3800E+03 0.5800E-01 0.7750E+03 0.7100E-01 0.7750E+03 0.9100E-01 0.4400E+03 0.1140E+00 0.1188E+04 0.1410E+00 0.1188E+04 0.1720E+00 0.7000E+03 0.2000E+00 0.8710E+03 0.8710E+03 0.2500E+00 0.3230E+00 0.4000E+03

Spectrum/Time History Load Cases Tab The Spectrum Load Cases tab is available when Earthquake (spectrum), Relief Loads (spectrum) and Water Hammer/Slug Flow (spectrum) are selected for Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. The Time History Load Cases tab is available when Time History is selected for Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. A time history analysis has only one load case.

Load cases consist of simultaneously applied spectra. Each spectrum in the case is assigned a direction and factor.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis Additional Spectrum Options The following options are only available for the Earthquake (spectrum), Relief Loads (spectrum) and Water Hammer/Slug Flow (spectrum) analysis types. Editing Load Case - Specifies a load case to edit. Stress Types - Specifies the stress type for the load case:  OPE - Stress from operating loads.  OCC - Stress from occasional short-term loads.  SUS - Stress from primary sustained loads.  EXP - Stress from secondary thermal expansion loads.  FAT - Stress from fatigue loads. Fatigue Cycles - Specifies the number of fatigue cycles. This option is only available when FAT is selected for Stress Types. Directives - Displays the Directive Builder (on page 603) dialog box. Add New Load Case - Adds a new load case. Delete Current Load Case - Deletes the current load case.

Load Cases for Force Spectrum Spectrum load cases for force spectrum analyses are set up differently than spectrum load cases for earthquake analyses. Force spectrum analyses must link a force multiplier spectrum to a force set. A load case definition consists of one or more lines, as shown below. The direction specified on this line does not need to be the direction of the load (which is specified in the force set). This direction is used for labeling and designation of independent versus dependent loadings. Spectrum



Force Set #





Complexity increases as the number of components in the load case goes beyond one, and as the time history phenomena being modeled deviates from true impulse type loading. For more information, see Examples (on page 560).

Load Cases for Earthquakes For earthquakes, the direction defines the orientation of the uniform inertial loading. Earthquakes typically have X, Y, and Z components. The factor is used to modify the magnitude of the shock. For example, the seismic evaluation of a piping system includes two load cases:  1.0 times (100% of) the El Centro spectrum in the X direction and 0.67 times (67% of) the El Centro spectrum in the Y direction  1.0 in Z and 0.67 in Y. CAESAR II also supports options for independent support motion earthquakes, where parts of the system are exposed to different shocks. For example, a piping system is supported from both ground and building supports. Because the building filters the earthquake, supports attached to the building are not exposed to the same shock as the supports attached to the ground. Two different shock inputs are required: one for the ground supports and one for the building supports. To specify an independent support motion shock, the node range that defines a particular group of supports is required. The maximum displacement (seismic anchor movements) of the support attachment point must also be specified.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis The example below shows a typical uniform support earthquake specification and a typical independent support motion earthquake: * UNIFORM SUPPORT MOTION EARTHQUAKE INPUT ELCENTRO 1 X ELCENTRO 1 Z ELCENTRO .667 Y * INDEPENDENT SUPPORT MOTION EARTHQUAKE INPUT HGROUND 1 X 1 100 1 0.25 HGROUND 1 Z 1 100 1 0.25 VGROUND 1 Y 1 100 1 0.167 HBUILDING 1 X 101 300 1 0.36 HBUILDING 1 Z 101 300 1 0.36 VBUILDING 1 Y 101 300 1 0.24 The uniform support motion earthquake contains only components of the El Centro earthquake acting uniformly through all of the supports. There is a 33% reduction in the earthquake‘s magnitude in the Y direction. The independent support motion earthquake above has two different support groups: 1-100 and 101-300. The 1-100 group is exposed to a ground spectrum. The 101-300 group is exposed to a building spectrum. Different horizontal and vertical components are used for the ground and the building spectra. The last values specified are the seismic support movements (that is the Anchor Movement). Stress Types can be assigned to the spectrum load cases. If FAT is selected, you must also enter a value for Fatigue Cycles, the number of anticipated load cycles.

Load Case for Time History Only a single load case is defined for time history analysis. The direction entry (Dir.) is used only for labeling, not as an analytic input value.

Topics Spectrum/Time History Profile ....................................................... 552 Factor ............................................................................................. 553 Dir. ................................................................................................. 553 Start Node ...................................................................................... 554 Stop Node ...................................................................................... 554 Increment ....................................................................................... 554 Anchor Movement .......................................................................... 554 Force Set # .................................................................................... 555 Force Sets Tab .............................................................................. 555 Examples ....................................................................................... 560

Spectrum/Time History Profile Specifies the name of a spectrum or time history pulse/shock definition applied to the load case, as defined on the Spectrum/Time History Definitions Tab (on page 546). More than one definition can be listed, with one on each row. Each spectrum or time history pulse specified is applied to the model in this load case.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Factor Specifies a value for the spectrum shock table multiplier. This value is usually 1.0.

Dir. Specifies the applied direction of the spectrum/DLF shock load. Select X, Y, or Z. You can also enter direction cosines, such as (.707, 0, .707), or direction vectors, such as (1,0,1). This value is used as follows, depending on the analysis type: For earthquake analysis:  Direction specifies the loading direction.  Direction indicates the dependence or independence of the loads. When modal combinations precede spatial combinations, loads with the same direction are summed at the modal level before any spatial combination.  Direction acts as an output label for the maximum contributor, such as 3X(1), where the first profile in direction X is reported as X(1). 3X(1) indicates that the largest contributor to the total response is from the third mode of vibration and due to the first spectrum/shock defined as X. For force spectrum analysis, the force vector (direction) is already established:  Direction indicates the dependence or independence of the loads as discussed above.  Direction acts as an output label for the maximum contributor, as discussed above for earthquake analysis. For time history analysis, time history combinations are algebraic (in-phase):  Direction acts only as an output label for the maximum contributor, such as 3X(1). To define an earthquake type of loading, CAESAR II must know what how the earthquake shock acts from the shock spectrum table. CAESAR II must also know the direction of the shock. A shock load case is typically comprised of three shock components in the X, Y, and Z directions. The combination of each of these components shock loads defines the earthquakes dynamic loading of the piping system. Skewed directions can be entered by giving a direction cosine or direction vector. Skewed shock contributions are entered when the piping or structural system appears particularly sensitive to a shock along a skewed line. This most often occurs when a majority of the piping system does not lay along the X and Z axes. Any number of shock components can act in the same direction. For example, there can be two X direction components. This usually occurs with independent support shock contributions where one X direction component applies to one support group and another X direction component applies to a different support group. There can also be two shock components in the same direction without having independent support contributions, by defining two shock contributions in the same direction without start, stop, or increment node entries. In the simplest form of force spectrum loading, there is only a single shock component in the load case. For that situation, there is only a single line of input on the Load Cases tab. When there are multiple lines of input on the load case screen, such as in analyzing a traveling pressure wave that impacts different elbow-elbow pairs, there can be many components to the shock load case. The combination of responses from each of these shock loading components can be established in one of two ways. If the value of Direction is the same for each load component, then the directional combination method is used to combine the responses from each load component. If the value of Direction is different for each load component, then the spatial combination method is used to combine the responses from each load component. Directional combinations are always made before modal combinations, while spatial

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis combinations can be made before or after modal combinations. The default is to perform the modal combinations before spatial combinations. Either spatial or directional combinations can be made using the ABS or SRSS method.

Start Node Specifies the number of the starting node of a group of restraints at which the spectrum load is applied for independent support motion analysis (ISM). The spectrum is applied to all restraint nodes in the group between Start Node and Stop Node in steps of Increment. The range of nodes must include at least one node in the piping system. The component of an independent support shock applies only to a group of support points. For example, different shock spectra are generated for rack level piping and for ground level piping. The rack supports are subject to one shock excitation, influenced by the rack‘s response to the earthquake. The ground level supports are subject to a different shock excitation, not influenced by the rack. One node range is used to define the rack support shock contributions and another is used to define the ground support shock contributions. This option is only available when Earthquake (spectrum) is selected for Analysis Type.

Stop Node Specifies the number of the ending node of a group of restraints at which the spectrum load is applied for independent support motion analysis (ISM). The spectrum is applied to all restraint nodes in the group between Start Node and Stop Node in steps of Increment. The range of nodes must include at least one node in the piping system. If no value is entered, the load is applied at the start node. This option is only available when Earthquake (spectrum) is selected for Analysis Type.

Increment Specifies the node number increment used to step from Start Node to Stop Node for in a group of restraints that is loaded by this spectrum for Independent Support Motion analysis (ISM). The spectrum is applied to all restraint nodes in the group between Start Node and Stop Node in steps of Increment. The range of nodes must include at least one node in the piping system. If no value is entered, the load is applied at the start node. This option is only available when Earthquake (spectrum) is selected for Analysis Type.

Anchor Movement Specifies the absolute displacement of the restraints included in this spectrum shock case for independent support motion analysis (ISM). This displacement is applied to all restrained nodes in the node group, and is used to calculate the pseudostatic load components representing the relative displacement of the individual restraint sets. If no value is entered, and if the defined shock for this row does not encompass the entire system, this value is calculated by the software. The value is taken from the lowest frequency entry of the response spectrum: the 2 specified displacement, velocity/frequency (for velocity spectra), or acceleration/frequency (for acceleration spectra). Frequency is angular frequency. This option is only available when Earthquake (spectrum) is selected for Analysis Type.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Force Set # Specifies the force set number corresponding to a set entered in the Force Sets tab if the spectrum/load profile name describes a force-type spectrum (instead of displacement, velocity, or acceleration). For more information, see Force Sets Tab (on page 555). If no value is entered, Factor and Dir. must also have no values. This option is not available when Earthquake (spectrum) is selected for Analysis Type.

Force Sets Tab The Force Sets tab is available when Relief Loads (spectrum), Water Hammer/Slug Flow (spectrum), and Time History are selected for Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. Spectrum or time history analysis can have multiple force sets.

Force spectrum analyses, such as a relief valve loading, differ from earthquake analyses because there is no implicit definition of the load distribution. For example, the loading for earthquakes is uniform over the entire structure and proportional to the pipe mass. For relief valves and other point loadings, the load is not uniformly distributed and is not proportional to the mass. A water hammer load is proportional to the speed of sound and the initial velocity of the fluid. Its point of application is at subsequent elbow-elbow pairs. Force spectrum analyses require more information than the more common earthquake simulations: the load magnitude, direction, and location. Forces that occur together are grouped into like-numbered force sets and are manipulated in the analysis together. For example, the following shows two different loading levels of the same type of load: Force



Force Set #









For a skewed load, force components belong to the same force set, because the components always occur together: Force



Force Set #









CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis Force Spectrum Workflow The general procedure for applying a force spectrum load is as follows: 1. Determine the pulse time history acting at a single node or over a group of nodes. The pulse waveform must be the same for all nodes in a group, but the maximum pulse amplitude may vary. 2. To convert a time history to a response spectrum, use the DLF/Spectrum Generator (on page 605) to build a DLF versus frequency file for the time-pulse waveform. This is a standard shock table file. This step is not needed for a time history analysis. The data is automatically added to the dynamic input and can be saved to a separate file. 3. On the Spectrum Definitions tab or Time History Definitions tab, define the DLF versus frequency file just created as a force spectrum data file with linear interpolation along the frequency axis and linear interpolation along the ordinate axis. Begin the shock name with a #. The software then reads the shock table from the data file. 4. Determine the maximum force magnitude that acts on each node subject to the pulse load. 5. On the Force Sets tab, specify the maximum amplitude of the dynamic load, the direction, and the nodes. If the force-time profiles are normalized to 1.0, the maximum magnitudes of the loads are entered here. If the profiles are entered using their actual values, the force set values are entered as 1.0. 6. On the Spectrum Load Cases tab or Time History Load Cases tab, enter the force spectrum name (defined in the Spectrum Definitions tab), the table multiplication factor (usually 1.0), a direction, and the Force Set # (defined on the Force Sets tab). This step defines the link between the force spectrum and the force loading pattern. 7. Set up any other parameters needed to run the spectrum analysis. Perform error checking, and after there are no fatal errors, run the analysis.  

You can include any number of user comment lines by clicking Cmt. There can be any number of line entries in the Force spectrum data. If there are multiple force spectrum components in a single dynamic load case, carefully select the combination method. The same rules that cover earthquake shocks and components apply to force spectrum shocks and components

Topics Force...............................................................................................556 Direction..........................................................................................557 Node ...............................................................................................557 Force Set # .....................................................................................557 Examples ........................................................................................557

Force Specifies the magnitude of the impulse force (dynamic load) at the node. The sign of this value is according to the CAESAR II global coordinate system The total applied force is the product of this value, the selected force value from the spectrum or load profile, and the factor entered for the load case.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Direction Specifies the direction of the impulse force (dynamic load). Valid entries are X, Y, Z, direction cosines, or direction vectors. The format for direction cosines is (cx, cy, cz), such as (0.707,0.0,0.707). The format for direction vectors is (vx, vy, vz), such as (1,0,1).

Node Specifies the node at which the impulse force (dynamic load) is applied. The node must exist in the model.

Force Set # Specifies the numeric value associated with this row (force set). Force sets are used to construct the dynamic load cases. Values are arbitrary, but usually start at 1 and increment by one. Each impulse can be assigned to a different force set, which provides the most capability when constructing load cases. Multiple rows with the same value form a single force set.

Examples Example 1 Nodes 5, 10, and 15 define a cantilever pipe leg that is part of an offshore production platform. The dynamic load as a function of time is equal to a half sine wave. The waveform is the same for all three nodes, but the maximum dynamic load on node 5 is 5030 lb., on node 10 is 10,370 lb., and on node 15 is 30,537 lb. Three force sets are built for this problem. One has the dynamic loads acting in the X direction. The second has the dynamic loads acting in the Z direction. The third has the dynamic loads acting simultaneously in the X an Z directions. The force spectrum input data is: X DIRECTION HALF SINE WAVE/CURRENT LOADING Force



Force Set #
















Force Set #













CAESAR II User's Guide





Force Set #

























Example 2 A relief valve at node 565 is being investigated for different reactor decompression conditions. The maximum load for the first condition is 320 kips in the X direction. The maximum load for the second decompression condition is 150 kips in the X direction. The third decompression condition maximum load is 50 kips. Three different maximum force sets are defined: REACTOR DECOMP CONDITION 1 Force 320000



Force Set #







Force Set #







Force Set #





Example 3 A startup shock wave passes through a single elbow system. Nodes in the piping model are 5, 10, and 15 as shown:

As the wave starts off between 5 and 10 there is an initial dynamic axial load on the anchor at 5. When the shock wave hits the elbow at 10, the axial load in the 5-10 elements balance the initial imbalance at node 5, and there become an axial imbalance in the 10-15 element. This shock load is modeled as two completely separate impacts on the piping system. The first is the


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Dynamic Analysis dynamic anchor load at 5. If 5 is a flexible anchor then this load may cause dynamic displacements of the piping system and 5 will just be subject to the dynamic time history pulse due to the shock. Assume the anchor at 5 is a flexible vessel nozzle. The second shock load is the unbalanced dynamic pressure load in the 10-15 element that exists until the shock reaches the node 15. Friction losses in the line reduce the shock magnitude as it travels down the line. In the time the wave leaves the anchor at 5 until it encounters the bend at 10 there is a 50% drop in the pulse strength as shown:

This pressure drop was calculated using a transient fluid simulator. Between nodes 10 and 15 the pulse strength drops even further as shown:

The force spectrum loads are:

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Force Set #








Force Set #





Examples Example 1 Define a shock load case that excites the entire piping system with a vibration of one times the El Centro earthquake in the X direction, one times the El Centro earthquake in the Z, and 0.667 times the El Centro earthquake in the Y direction. Spectrum












Example 2 Define a shock load case that excites the piping system with the horizontal and vertical components of the Reg. Guide 1.60 shock spectra for a 2 percent critically damped system. The maximum ground acceleration is 0.22 g‘s. The maximum ground acceleration is set on the Control Parameters tab and has no effect on the shock load case definitions. Spectrum












Example 3 Define a shock load case that is comprised of custom shocks BENCH1 and BENCH2. BENCH1 acts in the X and Z directions, and BENCH2 acts in the Y direction. The scale factor for all shocks is 1.0.














CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis One of the shock load cases excites the piping system along a line that is 45 degrees off of the global axes in the horizontal plane. It is suspected that this direction of excitation yields the worst possible results. Apply the custom shock BENCH1 in the horizontal direction and BENCH2 in the vertical direction. Spectrum








(-1,0,1 )




Example 4 Define a shock load case that excites the piping system with a vibration of two times the El Centro earthquake in the X, Y, and Z directions. There should be two shock load cases. The first should use an independent summation and the second a simultaneous summation. The load cases are defined as shown. Remember that independent summation means MODAL then SPATIAL, and simultaneous means SPATIAL then MODAL. There are several ways to accomplish the same objective using parameters on other tabs, such as the Control Parameters tab. Only the method using the explicit definition of the load case combination method is shown in this example. LOAD CASE 1 SHOCK CONTRIBUTIONS MODAL(GROUP), SPATIAL(SRSS), MODAL COMBINATIONS FIRST Spectrum
























CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis Example 5 Define a shock case that has the custom spectrum 1DIR acting only in the Z direction. Set the stress type for the case to be operating and use modal summations before spatial summations. Modal or spatial summations are not shown below because modal summation is the CAESAR II default and is controlled by Spatial or Modal Combination First (on page 591) on the Control Parameters tab. Stress Types: OPE Spectrum






Example 6 The support nodes 5, 25, 35, 45, and 56 are pipe shoes sitting on concrete foundations. The support nodes 140, 145, 157, 160, and 180 are second level rack sup\-ports, that is, pipe shoes sitting on structural steel beams in the second level of the rack. The ground level shock spectrum name is GROUND04, and the second level rack spectrum name is RACKLEVEL2-04. Set up the shock load case to define these independent support excitations and omit any relative support movement. GROUND LEVEL EXCITATION Spectrum



Start Node

Stop Node


Anchor Movement

























Start Node

Stop Node


Anchor Movement






















Next, set up a shock load case, and define all combinations options explicitly. Use the same shock components as defined above, except assume that the pseudostatic component is added using the SRSS combination method. Also change the modal summation method to SRSS. This is the recommended method. When the modal summation method is SRSS it does not matter whether modal or spatial combinations are performed first. The order is only a factor when closely spaced modes are considered in the grouping, 10 percent, and DSRSS methods. MODAL(SRSS),PSEUDOSTATIC(SRSS),SPATIAL(SRSS)


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis GROUND LEVEL EXCITATION Spectrum



Start Node

Stop Node




















Anchor Movement




Start Node

Stop Node




















Anchor Movement

Example 7 The last elbow in the relief valve piping is at node 295. The spectrum name: BLAST contains the DLF response spectrum for relief valve firing. SPECTRUM/TIME HISTORY FORCE SET #1 contains the load information and its point of application. Show the load case input that provides the most conservative combination of modal results. Because there is only a single loading, no consideration is given to spatial or directional combinations. Shock Name, Factor, Direction, and Force Set # ABSOLUTE MODAL SUMMATION, ONLY A SINGLE LOADING COMPONENT AND SO NO CONSIDERATION GIVEN TO SPATIAL OR DIRECTIONAL COMBINATIONS. BLAST, 1, X, 1 MODAL (ABS) Click Directives to open the Directive Builder dialog box and select these values. For more information, see Directive Builder (on page 603). Use the same example above and combine the modes using the grouping method. This will produce the most realistic solution. BLAST, 1, X, 1 MODAL (GROUP)

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis Example 8 (Force Response Spectrum) There are two elbow-to-elbow pairs that are of significance in this job. Water hammer loads act on the elbow at 40 in the X direction and on the elbow at 135 in the Y-direction. In the SPECTRUM/TIME HISTORY FORCE SET input, force set #1 is defined as the load at 40 and force set #2 is defined as the load at 135. Add the response quantities from each load component first, using an ABS summation, and then the resulting modal response quantities, using the grouping summation method. Two identical methods for achieving the same results are shown. Shock Name, Factor, Direction, and Force set # BECAUSE THE "DIRECTION" INPUT IS THE SAME, THAT IS "X", FOR BOTH, LOAD CONTRIBUTIONS, THE DIRECTIONAL COMBINATION METHOD WILL GOVERN HOW THE HAMMER 40 AND HAMMER135 RESPONSES ARE COMBINED. HAMMER40, 1, X, 1 HAMMER135, 1, X, 2 DIRECTIONAL (ABS), MODAL(GROUP) or BECAUSE THE "DIRECTION" INPUT IS DIFFERENT, THAT IS "X" AND "Y," THE SPATIAL COMBINATION METHOD WILL GOVERN HOW THE HAMMER40 AND HAMMER135 RESPONSES ARE COMBINED. NOTE THAT ON THE DIRECTIVE LINE THE "SPATIAL" DIRECTIVE COMES BEFORE THE "MODAL" DIRECTIVE. HAMMER40, 1, X, 1 HAMMER135, 1, Y, 2 SPATIAL(ABS), MODAL(GROUP)

Static/Dynamic Combinations Tab The Static/Dynamic Combinations tab is available when Earthquake (spectrum), Relief Loads (spectrum), Water Hammer/Slug Flow (spectrum), and Time History are selected for Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. Each analysis can have multiple load case combinations. Multiple static and dynamic cases can exist:  Each static or dynamic case must be on a separate line.  The order of the load cases is not important, and has no effect on the results.  Comment lines may be included.  Static cases alone can be combined without dynamic cases.  Dynamic cases alone can be combined without static cases.  Most piping codes combine occasional dynamic stresses with sustained static stresses. This combination is compared to the occasional allowable stress. Each combination references static load case and dynamic load case numbers to be combined. Any number of static or dynamic loads can be combined in a single combination load case. Each combination is on a separate row.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis Additional Options The following options are also available: Editing Load Case - Select a load case to edit. Stress Types - Select the stress type for the load case:  OPE - Stress from operating loads.  OCC - Stress from occasional short-term loads.  SUS - Stress from primary sustained loads.  EXP - Stress from secondary thermal expansion loads.  FAT - Stress from fatigue loads. This option is not available for time history analysis. Fatigue Cycles - Specifies the number of fatigue cycles. This option is only available when FAT is selected for Stress Types and is s not available for time history analysis. Directives - Opens the Directive Builder (on page 603) dialog box, where you can control the combination method parameters, using methods such as ABS and SRSS (square root of the sum of the squares). Add New Load Case - Adds a new load case. Delete Current Load Case - Deletes the current load case.

Topics Load Case...................................................................................... 565 Factor ............................................................................................. 565 Examples ....................................................................................... 565

Load Case Specifies the static or dynamic load case to be included in the combination case. Select a load case from the list. Static load cases start with S, and dynamic load cases are start with D. Each is then followed by a load case number of a static or shock analysis defined on the Load Cases tab. For more information, see Spectrum/Time History Load Cases Tab (on page 550). The following examples are valid values: S1, STATIC1, S3, STATIC3, D1, DYNAMICS1, S#1, and D#1. Use any length up to 24 characters. For static load case definitions, the static case must exist and have already been run (also, the S can‘t refer to a spring hanger design case). For dynamic load case definitions, the dynamic load case number refers to the shock load case.

Factor Specifies a multiplication factor to be applied to the results of the load case. The resulting product is then used in the combination case. The default is 1.0.

Examples Example 1 The static load cases are: 1 = W+P1+D1+T1+H (OPE) 2 = W+P1+H (SUS) 3 = L1 - L2 (EXP)

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis The dynamic load cases are: 1 = Operating Basis Earthquake 2 = 1/2 the Operating Basis Earthquake Combine the operating basis earthquake stresses with the sustained static stresses: Load Case






or Load Case






Example 2 The static load cases are: 1 = W + P1 (For hanger design) 2 = W + P1 + D1 + T1 (For hanger design) 3 = W + P1 + D1 + T1 + H (OPE) 4 = W + P1 + H (SUS) 5 = L3 - L4 (EXP) There is one dynamic load case. Create an occasional case that is the sum of the sustained and the dynamic stresses using the SRSS combination method and the ABS combination method. Additionally, combine the expansion static case and the dynamic case using the SRSS combination method. This is a total of three combination load cases. The first two static hanger design load cases cannot be used in a combination case. * COMBINATION CASE 1: * SRSS COMBINATION OF SUSTAINED AND DYNAMIC CASES STRESSTYPE(OCC), COMBINATION(SRSS) Load Case














CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis Load Case






Stress type and combination are defined on the Directive Builder dialog box. For more information, see Directive Builder (on page 603).

Example 3 The static load cases are: 1 = W+T1+P+D1+H (OPE) 2 = W+P+H (SUS) 3 = U1 (OCC) Static seismic simulation 4 = L1-L2 (EXP) 5 = L2+L3 (OCC) (SCALAR) Create an SRSS combination of the static seismic case and both the sustained and operating static cases: * COMBINATION CASE 1: COMBINATION (SRSS), STRESSTYPE (OCC) Load Case












Example 4 The static load cases are: 1 = W+P1(Hanger design restrained weight case) 2 = W+T1+P1+D1 (Hanger design load case #1) 3 = W+T2+P1+D1 (Hanger design load case #2) 4 = WNC+P1(Hanger design actual cold loads) 5 = W+T1+H+P1+D1 (OPE) 6 = W+P1+H(SUS) 7 = L5-L6 (EXP) Combine the static sustained stresses with 1/2 the shock case 1 results, 1/2 the shock case 2 results, and 1.333 times the shock case 3 results. The combination method is SRSS. For a second combination case, combine the static sustained stresses with 1/2 the shock case 4 results, 1/2 the shock case 5 results, and 1.333 times the shock case 6 results. * COMBINATION CASE 1:

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis COMBINATION (SRSS) Load Case STATIC6

Factor 1


















Factor 1







Lumped Masses Tab This tab is available for any selection of Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. Add or delete mass from the model. Extra mass which that is ignored as insignificant in the static model (such as a flange pair) can be added here. Weights modeled as downward acting concentrated forces are also added here because CAESAR II does not assume that concentrated forces are system weights (that is, forces due to gravity acting on a mass). Masses can also be deleted from the static mass model to economize the analysis. This is the same as deleting degrees-of-freedom. If the system response to some dynamic load is isolated to specific sections of the piping system, other sections of the system may be removed from the dynamic model by removing their mass. Mass can also be deleted selectively for any of the three global coordinate directions when deletion of directional degrees-of-freedom is desired. For example, if a piping system includes a structural frame where the piping rests on the structure and is connected to it only in the Y direction, these two systems are independent of each other in the X and Z directions. The X and Z mass of the structure can be removed without affecting the analysis results. With the X and Z masses removed, calculations proceed much faster.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis Topics Mass .............................................................................................. 569 Direction ......................................................................................... 569 Start Node ...................................................................................... 569 Stop Node ...................................................................................... 569 Increments ..................................................................................... 569

Mass Specifies the magnitude of the concentrated mass (in current units) to be applied to the specified node. A positive value is added to the calculated mass assigned to the node, a negative value is subtracted from the calculated mass, and a zero value eliminates the mass.

Direction Specifies the direction in which the mass acts. The values for translated mass are X, Y, Z, and ALL (where ALL represents X, Y, and Z). The values for rotated mass are RX, RY, RZ, and RALL (where RALL represents RX, RY, and RZ). Rotational masses only apply when the consistent mass model is used. For more information, see Mass Model (LUMPED/CONSISTENT) (on page 598) on the Control Parameters tab.

Start Node Specifies the number of the starting node at which this mass is applied. If entered without values for Stop Node and Increment, then the start node must exist in the piping system. If entered with values for Stop Node and Increment, then the range of nodes identified in the range must include at least one node in the piping system.

Stop Node Specifies the number of the ending node in the model to which the mass is applied. Used as part of a "range of nodes" lumped mass command with Start Node and Increment. This value is optional.

Increments Specifies the node number increment used to step from Start Node to Stop Node. Used as part of a "range of nodes" lumped mass command. This value is optional and defaults to 1 if no value is entered. There can be any number of line entries on the Lumped Masses tab. The zero mass capability is particularly useful when you are not interested in the modes for part of the system. That part of the system is usually modeled only for its stiffness effect.

Example 1 450 is added to the assigned mass at node 40 in the X, Y, and Z directions. 450 ALL 40

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis Example 2 All nodes from 12 to 25 have all assigned mass removed in the X, Y, and Z directions. Some nodes may not exist in this range but this is acceptable as long as at least one node in the range exists in the system. 0.0 ALL 12 25 1

Example 3 375 is added in the X, Y, and Z directions for nodes 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50, if they exist. All assigned mass is removed for all nodes from 1 and 600 in the X and Y directions. 375 A 25 50 5 0.0 X 1 600 1 0.0 Y 1 600 1

Snubbers Tab This tab is available for any selection of Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. Add snubbers to the model. Snubbers are supports that only resist dynamic loading while allowing static displacement, such as displacement from thermal growth. Snubbers must have their stiffness defined. Snubbers are not rigid by default because they are typically not as stiff as other types of restraints. Snubbers may also be added in Input > Piping as part of the static model. In either the static or dynamic analysis, a snubber is idealized as a stiffness rather than damping at a point.

Topics Stiffness ......................................................................................... 570 Direction ......................................................................................... 570 Node .............................................................................................. 570 CNode ............................................................................................ 571

Stiffness Specifies the stiffness of the snubber. The value must be positive. If the snubber is rigid enter a value of 1.0E12.

Direction Specifies the direction for the line of action of the snubber. Valid entries are X, Y, Z, direction cosines, or direction vectors. The format for direction cosines is (cx, cy, cz), such as (0.707,0.0,0.707). The format for direction vectors is (vx, vy, vz), such as (1,0,1).

Node Specifies the node number where the snubber acts. Connecting nodes for snubbers work in the same way as for restraints.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

CNode Specifies the second node number to which the other end of the snubber is connected. This value is optional. If the snubber acts between the piping system and a fixed point in space, then do not enter a value for CNode. Connecting nodes for snubbers works in the same way as for restraints.

Example 1 Add a rigid snubber at node 150 in the Z direction. 1E12 Z 150

Example 2 Add rigid snubbers at nodes 160, 165, and 170 in the Z direction. 1E12 Z 160 1E12 Z 165 1E12 Z 170

Example 3 Add a rigid snubber between the structural steel node 1005 and the piping node 405 in the Z direction. 1E12 Z 405 1005

Example 4 Add a 5,000 lb./in. snubber in the X and Y directions at the piping node 500. The X snubber connects to the structural steel node 1050 and the Y snubber connects to the overhead line at node 743. * HORIZONTAL SNUBBER BETWEEN STEAM LINE AND STEEL 5000 X 500 1050. * VERTICAL SNUBBER BETWEEN STEAM LINE AND OVER HEAD COOLING WATER LINE 5000 Y 500 743

Control Parameters Tab This tab is available for any selection of Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis The type of analysis determines the parameters available on the Control Parameters tab. The software displays the list of applicable parameters. The control parameters available for each analysis are shown below:

Table Notes: X



Required if system has nonlinear restraints or hanger design.


Used only where friction is defined.


Max. No. of Eigenvalues and Frequency Cutoff work as a pair in terminating the eigen extraction.


Used if modal combination method is GROUP.


Used if modal combination method is DSRSS.


Used if USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.60 or Uniform Building Code seismic spectra are specified in the shock definition.


Used if independent support movement (USM) loads are present or if defined shock does not include all supports in the system.


Used if pseudo-static components are included.


Used if missing mass components are included.


Used if more than one spectrum load is applied in the same direction.

For modal analysis, set the number of modes of vibration to extract by specifying a maximum number, a cutoff frequency, or both.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis Topics Analysis Type (Harmonic/Spectrum/Modes/Range/TimeHist) ...... 573 Static Load Case for Nonlinear Restraint Status ........................... 582 Max. No. of Eigenvalues Calculated .............................................. 583 Frequency Cutoff (HZ) ................................................................... 585 Closely Spaced Mode Criteria/Time History Time Step (ms) ........ 586 Load Duration (DSRSS) (sec) ....................................................... 587 Damping (DSRSS) (ratio of critical) ............................................... 587 ZPA (Reg. Guide 1.60/UBC - g's) # Time History Output Cases ....................................................................................................... 588 Re-use Last Eigensolution (Frequencies and Mode Shapes) ....... 591 Spatial or Modal Combination First ............................................... 591 Spatial Combination Method (SRSS/ABS) .................................... 592 Modal Combination Method (Group/10%/DSRSS/ABS/SRSS) .... 592 Include Pseudostatic (Anchor Movement) Components (Y/N) ...... 595 Include Missing Mass Components ............................................... 595 Pseudostatic (Anchor Movement) Comb. Method (SRSS/ABS) ... 597 Missing Mass Combination Method (SRSS/ABS) ......................... 597 Directional Combination Method (SRSS/ABS) .............................. 598 Mass Model (LUMPED/CONSISTENT)......................................... 598 Sturm Sequence Check on Computed Eigenvalues ..................... 598

Analysis Type (Harmonic/Spectrum/Modes/Range/TimeHist) Displays the dynamic analysis type selected for Analysis Type. For more information, see The Dynamic Analysis Window (on page 535). Displays M (Modal), H (Harmonic), S1 (Earthquake spectrum), S2 (Relief Loads spectrum), S3 (Water Hammer/Slug Flow spectrum), or T (Time History). Harmonic Analysis (on page 573) Spectrum Analysis (on page 577) Time History (on page 580)

Harmonic Analysis The response of a system to a dynamically applied load is generally expressed through the dynamic equation of motion: Where: M = system mass matrix = acceleration vector, as a function of time C = system damping matrix = velocity vector, as a function of time K = system stiffness matrix x(t) = displacement vector, as a function of time F(t) = applied load vector, as a function of time The harmonic solver is most commonly used to analyze low frequency field vibrations due to fluid pulsation or out-of-round rotating equipment displacements. This differential equation

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis cannot be solved explicitly, except in a few specific cases. Harmonic analysis looks at one of these cases—the set of dynamic problems where the forces or displacements (such as pulsation or vibration) acting on the piping system take sinusoidal forms. When damping is zero under harmonic loading, the dynamic equation of the system can be reduced to M (t) + K x(t) = F0 cos (w t + Q) Where: F0 = harmonic load vector w = angular forcing frequency of harmonic load (radian/sec) t = time Q = phase angle (radians) This differential equation is solved directly for the nodal displacements at any time. From there the system reactions, forces and moments, and stresses are calculated. The equation has a solution of the form x (t) = A cos (w t + Q) Where: A = vector of maximum harmonic displacements of system Because acceleration is the second derivative of displacement with respect to time, (t) = -A w2 cos w t Inserting these equations for displacement and acceleration back into the basic harmonic equation of motion yields, -M A  cos ( t + Q) + K A cos ( t + Q) = Fo cos ( t + Q) 2

Dividing both sides of this equation by cos ( t + Q), -M A  + K A = Fo Reordering this equation, 2

(K - M  ) A = Fo This is exactly the same form of the equation as is solved for all linear (static) piping problems. The solution time for each excitation frequency takes only as long as a single static solution, and, when there is no phase relationship to the loading, the results directly give the maximum dynamic responses. Due to the speed of the analysis, and because the solutions are so directly applicable, you should make as much use of this capability as possible. Keep two considerations in mind:  When damping is not zero, the harmonic equation can only be solved if the damping matrix is defined as the sum of multiples of the mass and stiffness matrix (Rayleigh damping), that is [C] = a [M] + b [K] On a modal basis, the relationship between the ratio of critical damping Cc and the constants a and b is 2

Where:  = Undamped natural frequency of mode (rad/sec) For practical problems, a is extremely small, and can be ignored. The definition of b reduces to = 2 Cc/


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

CAESAR II uses this implementation of damping for its harmonic analysis, but two problems exist. First, for multi-degree-of-freedom systems, there is not really a single b, but there must be only a single b in order to get a solution of the harmonic equation. The second problem is that the modal frequencies are not known prior to generation of the damping matrix. Therefore the w used in the calculation of b is the forcing frequency of the load, instead of the natural frequency of a mode. When the forcing frequency of the load is in the vicinity of a modal frequency, this gives a good estimation of the true damping. If multiple harmonic loads occur simultaneously and are not in phase, system response is the sum of the responses due to the individual loads x(t) = S Ai cos ( t + Qi) Where: Ai = displacement vector of system under load i Qi = phase angle of load i In this case, an absolute maximum solution cannot be found. Solutions for each load, and the sum of these, must be found at various times in the load cycle. These combinations are then reviewed in order to determine which one causes the worst load case. Alternatively, CAESAR II can select the frequency/phase pairs which maximize the system displacement.

Damped harmonics always cause a phased response. The biggest use by far of the harmonic solver is in analyzing low frequency field vibrations resulting from either fluid pulsation or out-of-round rotating equipment displacements. The approach typically used is described briefly below: 1. A potential dynamic problem is first identified in the field. Large cyclic vibrations or high stresses (fatigue failure) are present in an existing piping system, raising questions of whether this represents a dangerous situation. As many symptoms of the problem (such as quantifiable displacements or overstress points) are identified as possible for future use in refining the dynamic model. 2. A model of the piping system is built using CAESAR II. This should be done as accurately as possible, because system and load characteristics affect the magnitude of the developed response. In the area where the vibration occurs, you should accurately represent valve operators, flange pairs, orifice plates, and other in-line equipment. You may also want to add additional nodes in the area of the vibration. 3. Assume the cause of the load, and estimate the frequency, magnitude, point, and direction of the load. This is difficult because dynamic loads can come from many sources. Dynamic loads may be due to factors such as internal pressure pulses, external vibration, flow shedding at intersections, and two-phase flow. In almost all cases, there is some frequency content of the excitation that corresponds to (and therefore excites) a system mechanical natural frequency. If the load is caused by equipment, then the forcing frequency is probably some multiple of the operating frequency. If the load is due to acoustic flow problems, then the forcing frequency can be estimated through the use of Strouhal‘s equations (from fluid dynamics). Use the best assumptions available to estimate the magnitudes and points of application of the dynamic load. 4. Model the loading using harmonic forces or displacements, normally depending upon whether the cause is assumed to be pulsation or vibration. Perform several harmonic analyses, sweeping the frequencies through a range centered about the target frequency to account for uncertainty. Examine the results of each of the analyses for signs of large displacements, indicating harmonic resonance. If the resonance is present, compare the results of the analysis to the known symptoms from the field. If they are not similar, or if there is no resonance, this indicates that the dynamic model is not a good one. It must then be improved, either in terms of a more accurate system (static) model, a better estimate of the load, or a finer sweep through the frequency range. After the model has been refined,

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis repeat this step until the mathematical model behaves just like the actual piping system in the field. 5. At this point, the model is a good representation of the piping system, the loads and the relationship of the load characteristics to the system characteristics. 6. Evaluate the results of this run in order to determine whether they indicate a problem. Because harmonic stresses are cyclic, they should be evaluated against the endurance limit of the piping material. Displacements should be reviewed against interference limits or esthetic guidelines. 7. If the situation is deemed to be a problem, its cause must be identified. The cause is normally the excitation of a single mode of vibration. For example, the Dynamic Load Factor for a single damped mode of vibration, with a harmonic load applied is

Where: DLF = dynamic loading factor Cc = ratio of system damping to "critical damping," where "critical damping" = f = forcing frequency of applied harmonic load n = natural frequency of mode of vibration A modal extraction of the system is done; one or more of these modes should have a natural frequency close to the forcing frequency of the applied load. The problem mode can be further identified as having a shape very similar to the shape of the total system vibration. This mode shape has been dynamically magnified far beyond the other modes and predominates in the final vibrated shape. 8. The problem mode must be eliminated. You typically want to add a restraint at a high point and in the direction of the mode shape. If this cannot be done, the mode may also be altered by changing the mass distribution of the system. If no modification of the system is possible, it may be possible to alter the forcing frequency of the load. If the dynamic load was assumed to be due to internal acoustics, you should reroute the pipe to change the internal flow conditions. This may resolve or amplify the problem, but in either case avoids CAESAR II‘s "good model" of the system. After modifying the system, the harmonic problem is re-run using the single forcing frequency determined as a "good model." The stresses and displacements are then re-evaluated. 9. If the dynamic problem has been adequately solved, the system is now re-analyzed statically to determine the effects of any modifications on the static loading cases. Adding restraint normally increases expansion stresses, while adding mass increases sustained stresses. Process output from a harmonic analysis in two ways:  Use the output processor to review displacement, restraint, force, or stress data either graphically or in report form.  Animate the displacement pattern for each of the frequency load cases. The results of harmonic dynamic loads cannot be combined using the Static/Dynamic Combination option.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Spectrum Analysis Spectrum analysis attempts to estimate the maximum response developed in a system during a transient load. The results are a statistical summation of the maxi\-mum displacements, forces, reactions, and stresses. The individual responses do not represent an actual physical loading case because the maxima may all occur at different times. Spectrum analyses are especially useful when the loading profile is random, or not exactly known, such as with seismic loads. CAESAR II provides the ability to perform two types of spectrum analyses which may be combined: seismic and force spectra. Seismic loadings may be evaluated either uniformly over the entire system, or applied through individual support groups with corresponding anchor movements. Force spectra analyses may be used to analyze impulse loadings, such as those due to relief valve, fluid hammer, or slug flow.

Seismic Spectrum Analysis Seismic loads cannot be solved through time history analyses, because earthquakes cause random motion which may be different for each earthquake, even those occurring at the same site. To simplify the analytical definition of the earthquake, it is necessary to get the expected random waveform of acceleration (or velocity or displacement) versus time into a simple frequency-content plot. The most predominantly used frequency-content plot is the response spectrum. A response spectrum for an earthquake load can be developed by placing a series of single degree-of-freedom oscillators on a mechanical shake table and feeding a typical (for a specific site) earthquake time history through it, measuring the maximum response (displacement, velocity, or acceleration) of each oscillator. The expectation is that even though all earthquakes are different, similar ones should produce the same maximum responses, even though the time at which they occur differs with each individual occurrence. Responses are based on the maximum ground displacement and acceleration, the dynamic load factors determined by the ratios of the pre\-dominant harmonic frequencies of the earthquake to the natural frequencies of the oscillators, and system damping. Response spectra for a number of damping values can be generated by plotting the maximum response for each oscillator. A plot of a set of typical response spectra is shown below:

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis Seismic response spectra resemble harmonic Dynamic Load Factor curves, because seismic loads indicate strong harmonic tendencies. As the damping value increases, the system response approaches ground motion. Seismic spectra also usually show strong evidence of flexible, resonant, and rigid areas. Spectra may have multiple peaks due to filtering by the building and/or piping system. Multiple peaks are usually enveloped in order to account for uncertainties in the analysis. Seismic response spectra peaks are typically spread to account for inaccuracies as well. The idea behind the generation of the response spectra is that the modes of vibration of a system respond to the load in the exact same manner as a single degree-of-freedom oscillator. System response may be plotted in terms of displacement, velocity, or acceleration, because these terms of the spectra are all related by the frequency: d=v/=a/ Where: d = displacement from response spectrum at frequency v = velocity from response spectrum at frequency 2

= angular frequency at which response spectrum parameters are taken a = acceleration from response spectrum at frequency Response Spectrum analysis proceeds according to the following steps: Modes of vibration are extracted from the system using an Eigensolver algorithm. Each mode has a characteristic frequency and mode shape. 1. The maximum response of each mode under the applied load is determined from the spectrum value corresponding to the natural frequency of the mode. 2. The total system response is determined by summing the individual modal responses, using methods that reflect the time independence of the responses and the portion of system mass allocated to each mode. There are four major sources of earthquake spectra available in CAESAR II: El Centro This predefined data is taken from J. Biggs‘ Introduction to Structural Dynamics and is based on the north-south component of the May 18, 1940 El Centro California earthquake. The recorded maximum acceleration was 0.33 g. The spectrum provided here is intended to apply to elastic systems having 5 to 10 percent critical damping. Nuclear Regulatory Guide 1.60 The predefined spectrum names are: 1.60H.5 1.60V.5 - Horizontal/vertical, 0.5% damping 1.60H2 1.60V2 - Horizontal/vertical, 2.0% damping 1.60H5 1.60V5 - Horizontal/vertical, 5.0% damping 1.60H7 1.60V7 - Horizontal/vertical ,7.0% damping 1.60H10 1.60V10 - Horizontal/vertical, 10.0% damping These spectra are constructed according to the instructions given in Regulatory Guide 1.60 for seismic design of nuclear plants. They must also be scaled up or down by the maximum ground acceleration (ZPA—zero period acceleration), specified in the CAESAR II control parameter spreadsheet.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis Uniform Building Code The pre\-defined spectrum names are: UBCSOIL1 Spectrum for rock and stiff soils UBCSOIL2 Spectrum for deep cohesionless or stiff clay soils UBCSOIL3 Spectrum for soft to medium clays and sands These spectra represent the normalized response spectra shapes for three soil types provided in Figure 23-3 of the Uniform Building Code (1991 Edition). When used, they must be scaled by the ZPA, which is the product of Z and I, where Z is the seismic zone coefficient and I is the earthquake importance factor, from UBC Tables 23-I and 23-L. The ZPA can be specific using the CAESAR II control parameter spreadsheet. User defined spectra User defined spectra may be entered with period or frequency as the range, and displacement, velocity, or acceleration as the ordinate. These spectra may be read in from a text file or entered directly into a spectrum table during dynamic input processing.

Independent Support Motion Applications Earthquake ground motions are caused by the passing of acoustic shock waves through the soil. These waves are usually hundreds of feet long. If supports having foundations in the soil are grouped together within a several hundred foot radius, they typically see exactly the same excitation from the earthquake. If all of the supports for a particular piping system are attached directly to ground type supports, each support is excited by an essentially identical time waveform. This type of excitation is known as uniform support excitation. Often pipe is supported from rack, building, or vessel structures as well as from ground type supports. These intermediate structures sometimes filter or accentuate the effect of the earthquake. In this situation, the supports attached to the intermediate structure are not exposed to the same excitation as those that are attached directly to ground foundations. To accurately model these systems, different shocks must be applied to different parts of the piping system. This type of excitation is known as independent support motion (ISM) excitation. While the different support groups are exposed to different shocks, there are also relative movements between support groups that don‘t exist for uniform support excitation. The movement of one support group relative to another is termed pseudostatic displacement, or seismic anchor movements. For uniform support excitation, there are spatial and modal response components available for combination. For independent support excitation, there are spatial and modal response components available for each different support group, plus pseudostatic components of the earthquake that must also be added into the dynamic response. The major difference when running ISM type earthquake loads comes while building the shock load cases. In the uniform excitation case, the shock acts implicitly over all of the supports in the system. In the ISM case different shocks act on different groups of supports. The Spectrum Load Cases tab appears, with the following parameters:  Spectrum (name)  Factor  Dir (direction)  Start Node  Stop Node  Increment  Anchor Movement Name, Factor, and Dir are all that is required for uniform support excitations. For ISM type shocks, the group of nodes over which the shock acts must be specified as well, using Start Node, Stop Node, and Increment. Anchor Movement is used to explicitly define the seismic

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis displacement of the restraint set. This displacement is used to calculate the pseudostatic load components. If omitted, the software defaults to the displacement derived from the response spectrum entry corresponding to the lowest frequency.

Force Spectrum Analysis A similar method can be followed for non-random loads, such as an impulse load for which the force versus time profile is known. A look at the equation for the earthquake problem explains why the force spectrum solution is very similar to the earthquake solution: The term on the right hand side is a dynamic force acting on the piping system, such as F = Ma, so the analogous equation to be solved for the force spectrum problem is: Where: F = the dynamic load (water hammer or relief valve) Instead of the displacement, velocity, or acceleration spectrum used for the seismic problem, a Dynamic Load Factor spectrum is used for a force spectrum problem. A DLF spectrum gives the ratio of the maximum dynamic displacement divided by the maximum static displacement. The earthquake response spectrum analysis method starts with the time history of an earthquake excitation. The force spectrum analysis method is done in exactly the same way, except that the analysis starts with the force versus time profile. Just as for the earthquake, this time history loading is applied to a shake table of single degree-of-freedom bodies. A response spectrum (DLF versus natural frequency) is generated by dividing the maximum oscillator displacements by the static displacements expected under the same load. An alternate means of generating a response spectrum for an impulse load is to numerically integrate the dynamic equation of motion for oscillators of various frequencies under the applied load. Use Tools > DLF Spectrum Generator. Process output from a spectrum analysis in two ways:  Use the output processor to review the natural frequencies, mode shapes, participation factors, included mass/force, displacements, restraint loads, forces, or stresses in report form. Dynamic results also show the largest modal contributor, along with the mode and shock load responsible for that contribution.  Animate the individual mode shapes extracted for the spectrum analysis.

Time History Time history analysis is a more accurate, more computationally intensive analytical method than response spectrum analysis. It is best suited to impulse loadings or other transient loadings where the profile is known. This method of analysis involves the actual solution of the dynamic equation of motion throughout the duration of the applied load and subsequent system vibration, providing a true simulation of the system response. As noted in Harmonic Analysis (on page 573), the dynamic equation of motion for a system is

This differential equation cannot be solved explicitly, but may be integrated using numeric techniques by slicing the duration of the load into many small time steps. Assuming that the change in acceleration between time slices is linear, the system accelerations, velocities, displacements, and corresponding reactions, internal forces, and stresses are calculated at successive time steps.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis Because the total response of a system is equivalent to the sum of the responses of its individual modes of vibration, the above equation can be simplified assuming that the damping matrix C is orthogonal. Use the transformation x = FX, to be expressed in modal coordinates:

Where: = acceleration vector (in modal coordinates), as a function of time C´ = diagonal damping matrix, where entry C´i = wi ci i = angular frequency of mode i ci = ratio of damping to critical damping for mode i (t) = velocity vector (in modal coordinates), as a function of time x(t) = displacement vector (in modal coordinates), as a function of time  = diagonal stiffness matrix, where entry i = i This transformation represents N uncoupled second order differential equations, where N is the number of modes of vibration extracted. N can then be integrated and summed, using the in-phase, algebraic summation method to give the total system response. CAESAR II uses the Wilson  method (an extension of the Newmark method) to integrate the equations of motion, providing an unconditionally stable algorithm regardless of time step size chosen. Only one dynamic load can be defined for a time history analysis. This dynamic load case can be used in as many static/dynamic combination load case as necessary. The single load case may consist of multiple force profiles applied to the system simultaneously or sequentially. Each force versus time profile is entered as a spectrum with an ordinate of Force (in current units) and a range of Time (in milliseconds). The profiles are defined by entering the time and force coordinates of the corner points defining the profile. 2

A time can only be entered once. A time with zero force outside of the defined profile need not be entered explicitly. For example, the profiles shown in the following figure are entered as: Time (MS)


Time (MS)














CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis The load profiles are linked with force sets (indicating magnitude, direction, and location of the applied load) in the shock case. The magnitude of the applied load is determined by the product of the profile force, the force set magnitude, and the scale in the shock case. Only forces, not moments or restraint displacements, can be entered in the time history load profile. Moments can be modeled using force couples, and restraint displacements can be simulated by entering forces equal to the desired displacement times the restraint stiffness in the direction of the displacement. Process output from a Time History analysis in three ways:  Use the output processor to review the natural frequencies, mode shapes, participation factors, included mass/force, displacements, and restraint loads, forces, or stresses in report form. CAESAR II‘s implementation of time history analysis provides two types of results. One results case contains the maximum individual components (such as axial stress, X-displacement, and MZ reaction) of the system response, along with the time at which it occurred. Several results cases represent the actual system response at specific times. Dynamic results also show the largest modal contributor, along with the mode and transient load responsible for that contribution.  Animate the shock displacement for the transient load cases. During animation, the displacements, forces, moments, stresses, and other data associated with individual elements are displayed at every time step and for the dynamic load alone, or for any of the static/dynamic combinations.  Animate the individual mode shapes included in the time history response.

Static Load Case for Nonlinear Restraint Status (Available for: Modal, Harmonic, Spectrum, Range, and Time History) Specifies the static load case as described below. Select a load case from the list. CAESAR II cannot perform a dynamic analysis on nonlinear systems. For dynamic analyses, a one-directional restraint must be modeled as either seated (active) or lifted off (inactive), and a gap must be either open (inactive) or closed (active). This process is automated when the static load case is selected. CAESAR II automatically sets the linear condition at the non-linear restraints in the system to correspond to their status in the selected load case. Think of this as being the loading condition of the system (such as operating load) at the time at which the dynamic load occurs. This automated linearization does not always provide an appropriate dynamic model, and you may need to select other static load cases or manually alter the restraint condition in order to simulate the correct dynamic response. A static load case must precede the dynamics job whenever:  There are spring hangers to be designed in the job. The static runs must be made in order to determine the spring rate to be used in the dynamic model.  There are non-linear restraints in the system, such as one-directional restraints, large-rotation rods, bi-linear restraints, or gaps. The static analysis must be made in order to determine the active status of each of the restraints for linearization of the dynamic model.  There are frictional restraints in the job, such as any restraints with a nonzero µ (mu) value. The most common static load cases during a typical CAESAR II analysis are:

Example 1: Analyses containing no hanger design 1 = W+P1+D1+T1+H (OPE) 2 = W+P1+H (SUS) 3 = L1-L2 (EXP)


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis If the operating condition is likely to exist throughout the duration of the dynamic transient, use parameter 1. If the installed condition is more likely to exist during the transient, use parameter 2. It is extremely unlikely that expansion case 3 is correct, because it does not represent the system status at any given time, but represents the difference between the first two cases.

Example 2: Analyses containing hanger design 1 = W+P1(For hanger design) 2 = W+P1+D1+T1(For hanger design) 3 = W+P1+D1+T1+H (OPE) 4 = W+P1+H (SUS) 5 = L3-L4 (EXP) The correct static load cases to use are those in which the selected spring hangers have been included. If the operating condition is the correct load case, use parameter 3. For the installed condition, use parameter 4.

Stiffness Factor for Friction (Available for: Modal, Harmonic, Spectrum, Range, and Time History) Specifies the friction stiffness factor as described below. Enter a value greater than zero to consider friction stiffness in the analysis. Enter 0.0 to ignore friction in the analysis. Dynamic analyses in CAESAR II act only on linear systems, so any non-linearities must be linearized prior to analysis. Modeling of friction in dynamic models presents a special case, because friction actually impacts the dynamic response in two ways. Static friction (before breakaway) affects the stiffness of the system by providing additional restraint. Kinetic friction (after breakaway) affects the damping component of dynamic response. Due to mathematical constraints, damping is ignored for all analyses except time history and harmonics, for which it is only considered on a system-wide basis. CAESAR II allows friction to be taken into account through the use of this friction stiffness factor. The software approximates the restraining effect of friction on the pipe by including stiffnesses transverse to the direction of the restraint at which friction was specified. The stiffness of these "frictional" restraints is calculated as: Kfriction = (F) (µ) (Fact) Where: Kfriction = Stiffness of frictional restraint inserted by CAESAR II. F = The load at the restraint taken from the selected static solution. µ = Friction coefficient at restraint, as defined in the static model. Fact = Friction stiffness factor entered here. This factor should be adjusted as necessary in order to make the dynamic model simulate the actual dynamic response of the system. The factor does not correspond to any actual dynamic parameter, but is actually an adjustment factor to modify system stiffness. Entering a friction factor greater than zero causes these friction stiffnesses to be inserted into the dynamic analysis. Increasing this factor correspondingly increases the effect of the friction. Values such as 1000 are typical. Entering a friction factor equal to zero ignores any frictional effect in the dynamic analysis.

Max. No. of Eigenvalues Calculated (Available for: Modal, Spectrum, and Time History)

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis Specifies the number of modal responses to be included in the system results through a mode number cutoff. Enter a value for Setting. Enter 0 to limit modes extracted to the value of Frequency Cutoff (HZ) (on page 585). Enter higher values as described below. The first stage of the spectrum and time history analyses (and the only step for modal analysis) is the use of the Eigensolver algorithm to extract piping system natural frequencies and mode shapes. For the spectrum and time history analyses, the response under loading is calculated for each of the modes, with the system response being the sum of the individual modal responses. The more modes that are extracted, the more the sum of those modal responses resembles the actual system response. This algorithm uses an iterative method for finding successive modes, so extraction of a large number of modes usually requires much more time than does a static solution of the same piping system. The object is to extract sufficient modes to get a suitable solution, without straining computational resources. This parameter is used, in combination with Frequency Cutoff (HZ), to limit the maximum number of modes of vibration to be extracted during the dynamic analysis. If this parameter is entered as 0, the number of modes extracted is limited only by the frequency cutoff and the number of degrees-of-freedom in the system model.

Example A system has the following natural frequencies: Mode Number

Frequency (Hz)



















The modes extracted for different values of Max. No. of Eigenvalues Calculated and Frequency Cutoff are: Max. No. of Eigenvalues Calculated

Frequency Cutoff

Number of Modes extracted













If you are more interested in providing an accurate representation of the system displacements, request the extraction of a few modes, allowing a rapid calculation time. However, if an accurate estimate of the forces and stresses in the system is the objective, calculation time grows as it becomes necessary to extract far more modes. This is particularly true when solving a fluid


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis hammer problem in the presence of axial restraints. Often modes with natural frequencies of up to 300 Hz are large contributors to the solution. To determine how many modes are sufficient, extract a certain number of modes and review the results. Repeat the analysis by extracting five to ten additional modes and comparing the new results to the old. If there are significant changes between the results, repeat the analysis again, adding five to ten more modes. This iterative process continues until the results taper off, becoming asymptotic. This procedure has two drawbacks. First is the time involved in making the multiple analyses and the time involved in extracting the potentially large number of modes. The second drawback, occurring with spectrum analysis, is less obvious. A degree of conservatism is introduced when combining the contributions of the higher order modes. Possible spectral mode summation methods include methods that combine modal results as same-sign (positive) values: SRSS, ABSOLUTE, and GROUP. Theory states that the rigid modes act in phase with each other, and should be combined algebraically, permitting the response of some rigid modes to cancel the effect of other rigid modes. This is what occurs in a time history analysis. Because of this conservatism, it is possible to get results which exceed twice the applied load, despite the fact that the Dynamic Load Factor (DLF) of an impulse load cannot be greater than 2.0.

Frequency Cutoff (HZ) (Available for: Modal, Spectrum, and Time History) Specifies a frequency cutoff point in Hertz as described below. When extracting modes to be used in dynamic analysis, you can specify a value for either Max. No. of Eigenvalues Calculated (on page 583) or a frequency cutoff. Modal extraction ceases when the Eigensolver extracts either the number of modes requested, or extracts a mode with a frequency above the cutoff, whichever comes first. You can select a frequency cutoff point for modes up to, but not far beyond, a recognized "rigid" frequency, and then include the missing mass correction For more information, see Include Missing Mass Components (on page 595). Choosing a cutoff frequency to the left of the resonant peak of the response spectrum provides a non-conservative result, because resonant responses may be missed. During spectrum analysis, using a cutoff frequency to the right of the peak, but still in the resonant range, yields either over- or under-conservative results, depending upon the method used to extract the ZPA from the response spectrum. For time history analysis, selecting a cutoff frequency to the right of the peak, but still in the resonant range, usually yields non-conservative results. The missing mass force is applied with a dynamic load factor of 1.0. Extracting a large number of rigid modes for calculation of the dynamic response may be conservative in the case of spectrum analysis, because all spectral modal combination methods (such as SRSS, GROUP, and ABS) give conservative results versus the algebraic combination method used during time history analysis. This gives a more realistic representation of the net response of the rigid modes. Based upon the response spectrum shown below, an appropriate cutoff point for the modal extraction is about 33 Hz. 1. Non-conservative cutoff (Misses amplification of any modes in resonant range) 2. Conservative cutoff (Multiplies missing mass contribution by excessive DLF—1.6) 3. Optimal cutoff (Includes all modes in resonant range, uses low DLF—1.05—for missing mass contribution, minimizes combination of rigid modes)

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis 4. Conservative Cutoff (Too many rigid modes combined using non-conservative summation methods)

When the analysis type is SPECTRUM, MODES, or TIMEHIST, either this parameter or Max. No. of Eigenvalues Calculated (on page 583) must have a value.

Closely Spaced Mode Criteria/Time History Time Step (ms) (Available for: Spectrum/GROUP and Time History) Specifies a frequency or time-slice spacing as described below. The usage of this parameter varies with the analysis type.

Spectrum Analysis For a spectrum analysis with the GROUP Modal Combination Method (as defined by USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.92), this value specifies the frequency spacing defining each modal group, that is, the percentage of the base frequency between the lowest and highest frequency of the group. Regulatory Guide 1.92 specifies the group spacing criteria as 10%, or 0.1. This is the default value in CAESAR II. For more information, see Modal Combination Method (Group/10%/DSRSS/ABS/SRSS) (on page 592).

Time History Analysis For a time history analysis, this value is the length of the time slice, in milliseconds. The software uses the value during its step-by-step integration of the equations of motion for each of the extracted modes. CAESAR II uses the unconditionally stable Wilson q integration method where any size time step provides a solution. A smaller step provides greater accuracy but more strain on computational resources. The time step should be sufficiently small that it can accurately map the force versus time load profile (that is, the time step should be smaller than typical force ramp times). Additionally, the time step must be small enough that the contribution of the higher order modes is not filtered from the response. For this reason, the time step should be selected so that time step (in seconds) times maximum modal frequency (in Hz) is less than 0.1. For example, if Frequency Cutoff (HZ) (on page 585) is 50 Hz, this value should be set to a maximum of 2 milliseconds: 0.002 sec x 50 Hz = 0.1


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Load Duration (DSRSS) (sec) (Available for: Spectrum/DSRSS and Time History) Specifies the duration of the applied dynamic load, as described below.

Spectrum Analysis For a time history analysis, this parameter specifies the total length of time over which the dynamic response is simulated. The load duration divided by the time step size from Closely Spaced Mode Criteria/Time History Time Step (ms) (on page 586) gives the total number of integration steps making up the solution. CAESAR II limits the number of time steps to 5000 or as permitted by available memory and system size. The duration should be at least equal to the maximum duration of the applied load plus the period of the first extracted mode. This allows simulation of the system response throughout the imposition of the external load, plus one full cycle of the resulting free vibration. After this point, the response dies out according to the damping value used. For example, if the applied load is expected to last 150 milliseconds and the lowest extracted frequency is 3 Hz, set the load duration to a minimum of 0.150 plus 1/3, or 0.483 seconds.

Time History Analysis For a spectrum analysis using the double sum (DSRSS) modal combination method (as defined by USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.92), this value specifies the duration of the earthquake. This duration is used to calculate the modal correlation coefficients based on empirical data. For more information, see Modal Combination Method (Group/10%/DSRSS/ABS/SRSS) (on page 592).

Damping (DSRSS) (ratio of critical) (Available for: Spectrum/DSRSS, Harmonics, and Time History) Specifies the ratio of critical damping as described below. Typical values for piping systems, as recommended in USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.61 and ASME Code Case N-411, range from 0.01 to 0.05, based upon pipe size, earthquake severity, and the natural frequencies of the system. Damping is not generally considered in the mathematical solutions required for spectrum or harmonic analysis. It is ignored or solved as specialized cases in most analyses, and must be instead considered through adjustment of the applied loads (by generation of the response spectrum) and/or system stiffness. For a time history analysis, damping is used explicitly, because this method uses a numeric solution to integrate the dynamic equations of motion. For a spectrum analysis using the double sum (DSRSS) modal combination method (as defined by USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.92), the damping value is used in the calculation of the modal correlation coefficients. CAESAR II does not permit the specification of damping values for individual modes. For more information, see Modal Combination Method (Group/10%/DSRSS/ABS/SRSS) (on page 592). For a harmonic analysis, this ratio is converted to Rayleigh Damping, where the damping matrix can be expressed as multiples of the mass and stiffness matrices: [C] = a [M] + b [K]

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis On a modal basis, the relationship between the ratio of critical damping C c and the constants  and  are given as:

Where:  = undamped natural frequency of mode (radians/sec) For many practical problems,  is extremely small, and so may be ignored, reducing the relationships to: =0  = 2 Cc /  CAESAR II uses this implementation of damping for its harmonic analysis, with the exception that a single  is calculated for the multi-degree-of-freedom system, and the  used is that of the load forcing frequency. When the forcing frequency is in the vicinity of a modal frequency, this gives an accurate estimate of the true damping value.

ZPA (Reg. Guide 1.60/UBC - g's) # Time History Output Cases (Available for: Spectrum/1.60/UBC and Time History) Specifies an acceleration factor or distinct times as described below. The usage of this parameter varies with the analysis type.

Normalized Response Spectra For specific pre-defined normalized response spectra, this value is the acceleration factor (in g's) by which the spectrum is scaled. For example, when a spectrum analysis uses one of the pre-defined spectra names beginning with "1.60" (such as 1.60H.5 or 1.60V7), CAESAR II constructs an earthquake spectrum according to the instructions given in USNRC (formerly USAEC) Regulatory Guide 1.60. This guide requires that the shape of the response spectrum be chosen from the curves shown in the following figures, based upon the system damping value. The last number in the default CAESAR II spectrum name indicates the percent critical damping. For example, 1.60H.5 indicates 0.5% critical damping, while 1.60V7 indicates 7%. If the analysis uses one of the pre-defined spectra names beginning with "UBC" (such as UBCSOIL1), CAESAR II uses the normalized seismic response spectra for the corresponding soil type from Table 23-3 of the Uniform Building Code (1991 Edition). Reg Guide 1.60 and the UBC curves are normalized to represent a ground acceleration (ZPA or zero period acceleration) of 1g. The true value is actually site dependent. Therefore, using the ZPA value appropriately scales any Regulatory Guide 1.60 or the Uniform Building Code response spectra.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis

Time History Analysis For a time history analysis, this value is the number of distinct times at which the results of the load cases (the dynamic load as well as all static/dynamic combinations) are generated. In addition, CAESAR II generates one set of results for each load case containing the maximum of each output value (such as displacement, force, or stress) along with the time at which it occurred. The times for which results are generated are determined by dividing as evenly as possible the load duration by the number of output times. For example, if the load duration is one second and five output cases are requested, results are available at 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 milliseconds, in addition to the maximum case. The total number of results cases generated for an analysis is the product of the number of load cases (one dynamic case plus the number of static/dynamic combination cases) times the number of results cases per load (one maxima case plus the requested number of output cases). The total number of results cases is limited to 999: (1 + # Static/Dynamic Combinations) x (1 + # Output Cases) 999 At least one output case, in addition to the automatically generated maxima case, must be requested. More than one is not necessary, because the worst case results are reflected in the maxima case and individual results at every time step are available through the ELEMENT command when animating time history results.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Re-use Last Eigensolution (Frequencies and Mode Shapes) (Available for: Spectrum and Time History) Specifies the handling of the previous eignesolution when repeating a dynamic analysis. Select N (for no) to perform a new eigensolution. Select Y (for yes) to skip the eigensolution and reuse the results of the earlier analysis, and only perform calculations for displacements, reactions, forces, and stresses. This option is only valid after an initial eigensolution is performed and is still available. The mass and stiffness parameters of the model must be unchanged or the previous eigensolution is invalid.

Spatial or Modal Combination First (Available for: Spectrum) Specifies the method for combining load case results as described below. Select Spatial to first combine spatial components of the load case. Select Modal to first combine modal components of the load case. In a spectrum analysis, each of the modal responses must be summed. In addition, if multiple shocks have been applied to the structure in multiple directions, the results must be combined, such as spatially combining the X-direction, Y-direction, and Z-direction results. A difference in the final results (spatial first versus modal first) arises whenever different methods are used for the spatial and modal combinations. The combination of spatial components first implies that the shock loads are dependent, while the combination of modal components first implies that the shock loads are independent. Dependent and independent refer to the time relationship between the X, Y, and Z components of the earthquake. With a dependent shock case, the X, Y, and Z components of the earthquake have a direct relationship. A change in the shock along one direction produces a corresponding change in the other directions. For example, an earthquake acts along a specific direction having components in more than one axis, with a fault at a 30° angle between the X- and Z-axes. The Z-direction load is scaled by a factor of tan 30°, but the identical version of the X-direction load is used. In this example, spatial combinations should be made first. An independent shock has X, Y, and Z time histories producing related frequency spectra but completely unrelated time histories. The Independent type of earthquake is far more common, so in most cases the modal components should be combined first. For example, IEEE 344-1975 (IEEE Recommended Practices for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations) states: "Earthquakes produce random ground motions which are characterized by simultaneous but statistically INDEPENDENT horizontal and vertical components."

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis This is usually less of an issue for force spectrum combinations. Normally there are no separate spatial components to combine because X- Y- and Z-shocks are not acting simultaneously. When there is more than one potential force load, the spatial combination method may be used to indicate the independence of the loadings. For example, select Modal if two independent relief valves may or may not fire simultaneously and the two shocks are defined as being in different directions (such as X and Y). If the two valves are dependent and will definitely open simultaneously, select Spatial. Otherwise, the direction defined for a force spectrum loading has no particular meaning. 

Nuclear Regulatory Guide 1.92 (published in February, 1976) describes the requirements for combining spatial components when performing seismic response spectra analysis for nuclear power plants. Because all time history combinations are done algebraically (in-phase), this option has no effect on time history results.

Spatial Combination Method (SRSS/ABS) (Available for: Spectrum) Specifies the method for combining the spatial contributions of the shocks in a single spectrum load case. Select SRSS for a square root of the sum of the squares combination method. Select ABS for an absolute combination method. This option is only used for spectrum runs with more than a single excitation direction. Because directional forces are usually combined vectorially, SRSS is usually the best selection. ABS is provided for additional conservatism. Because all time history combinations are done algebraically (in-phase) this option has no effect on time history results.

Modal Combination Method (Group/10%/DSRSS/ABS/SRSS) (Available for: Spectrum) Specifies the method for combining individual modes into the total system response.  GROUP - Grouping Method (on page 593)  10% - Ten Percent Method (on page 593)  DSRSS - Double Sum Method (on page 594)  SRSS - Square Root of the Sum of the Squares Method (on page 594)  ABS - Absolute Method (on page 595) The response spectrum yields the maximum response at any time during the course of the applied load, and each of the modes of vibration usually have different frequencies .As a result, the peak responses of all modes do not occur simultaneously and an appropriate means of summing the modal responses must be considered. Nuclear Regulatory Guide 1.92 (published in February, 1976) defines the requirements for combining modal responses when performing seismic response spectra analysis for nuclear power plants. The four options presented there are available, along with one other, for modal combinations under non-nuclear seismic and force spectrum analyses.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Grouping Method This method is defined in USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.92. The grouping method attempts to eliminate the drawbacks of the Absolute and SRSS methods. It assumes that modes are completely correlated with any modes with similar closely spaced frequencies, and are completely uncorrelated with those modes with widely different frequencies. The total system response is calculated as

Where: R = total system response of the element N = number of significant modes considered in the modal response combination th Rk = the peak value of the response of the element due to the k mode P = number of groups of closely-spaced modes (where modes are considered to be closely-spaced if their frequencies are within 10% of the base mode in the group), excluding individual separated modes. No mode can be in more than one group. i = number of first mode in group q j = number of last mode in group q Rlq = response of mode l in group q Rmq = response of mode m in group q The responses of any modes which have frequencies within 10% of each other are added together absolutely, and the results of each of these groups are combined with the remaining individual modal results using the SRSS method. The 10% value controlling the definition of closely spaced frequencies can be changed by using the Closely Spaced Mode Criteria/Time History Time Step (ms) (on page 586) parameter.

Ten Percent Method This method is defined in the USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.92. The ten percent method is similar to the grouping method. It assumes that modes are completely correlated with any modes with similar closely spaced frequencies, and are completely uncorrelated with those modes with widely different frequencies. The grouping method assumes that modes are only correlated with those that fall within the group (within a 10% band). This method assumes that modes are correlated with those that fall within 10% of the subject model, effectively creating a 20% band (10% up and approximately 10% down). The total system response is calculated as

Where: th th Ri, Rj = the peak value of the response of the element due to the i and j mode, respectively, where mode i and j are any frequencies within 10% of the each other, The 10% value controlling the definition of closely spaced frequencies can be changed by using the Closely Spaced Mode Criteria/Time History Time Step (ms) (on page 586) parameter.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis

Double Sum Method This method is defined in USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.92. This combination method is the most technically correct for earthquake loads, because it attempts to estimate the actual intermodal correlation coefficient based upon empirical data. The total system response is calculated as:

Where: Rs = the peak value of the response of the element due to mode s eks = intermodal correlation coefficient = [ 1 + {( k' - s') /(ßk' k + ßs' s)} ]

2 -1

k' = k [ 1 - ßk ]

2 1/2

s' = s [ 1 - ßs ]

2 1/2

ßk' = ßk + 2 / ( td k ) ßs' = ßs + 2 / ( td s ) k = frequency of mode k, rad/sec s = frequency of mode s, rad/sec ßk = ratio of damping to critical damping of mode k, dimensionless ßs = ratio of damping to critical damping of mode s, dimensionless td = duration of earthquake, sec The load duration (td) and the damping ratio (ß) can be specified by using the Load Duration (DSRSS) (sec) (on page 587) and Damping (DSRSS) (ratio of critical) (on page 587) parameters.

Square Root of the Sum of the Squares Method This method defines the total system response as the square root of the sum of the squares of the individual modal responses. This is effectively the same as using the double sum method with all correlation coefficients equal to 0.0, or the grouping method with none of the modes being closely spaced. The total system response is calculated as:

This method is based upon the statistical assumption that all modal responses are completely independent, with the maxima following a relatively uniform distribution throughout the duration of the applied load. This is usually non-conservative, especially if there are any modes with very close frequencies, because those modes will usually experience their maximum DLF at approximately the same time during the load profile. Because all time history combinations are done algebraically (in-phase), this modal combination method has no effect on time history results.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Absolute Method This method defines the total system response as the sum of the absolute values of the individual modal responses. This is effectively the same as using the double sum method with all correlation coefficients equal to 1.0, or the grouping method, with all modes being closely spaced. The total system response is calculated as:

This method gives the most conservative result, because it assumes that the all maximum modal responses occur at exactly the same time during the course of the applied load. This is usually overly-conservative, because modes with different natural frequencies will probably experience their maximum DLF at different times during the load profile.

Include Pseudostatic (Anchor Movement) Components (Y/N) (Available for: Spectrum with ISM included) Specifies the inclusion of independent support motion (anchor movement) components as part of a shock load case and independent support spectral loadings, as described below. Select Y (for yes) to include the components or N (for no) to ignore them. The excitation of a group of supports produces both a dynamic response and a static response. The static response is due to the movement of one group of supports or anchors relative to another group of supports or anchors. These static components of the dynamic shock loads are called pseudostatic components. USNRC recommendations (August 1985) suggest the following procedure for pseudostatic components: 1. For each support group, calculate the maximum absolute response for each input direction. 2. Combine same direction responses using the absolute sum method. 3. Combine directional responses using the SRSS method. 4. Obtain the total response by combining the dynamic and pseudostatic responses, using the SRSS method.

Include Missing Mass Components (Available for: Spectrum and Time History) Specifies the inclusion of a correction representing the contribution of higher order modes not explicitly extracted for the modal/dynamic response, providing greater accuracy without additional calculation time. Select Y (for yes) or N (for no). During spectrum (either seismic or force spectrum) or time history analyses, the response of a system under a dynamic load is determined by superposition of modal results. One of the advantages of this type of modal analysis is that only a limited number of modes are excited and need to be included in the analysis. The drawback to this method is that although displacements may be obtained with good accuracy using only a few of the lowest frequency modes, the force, reaction, and stress results may require extraction of far more modes (possibly far into the rigid range) before acceptable accuracy is attained. This option automatically calculates the net (in-phase) contribution of all non-extracted modes and combines it with the modal contributions, avoiding the long calculation time and excessively conservative summation methods. For more information, see Inclusion of Missing Mass Correction (on page 801).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis Use Included Missing Mass Components on the Control Parameters tab as an alternative method of ensuring that sufficient modes are considered in the dynamic model. This report is compiled for all spectrum and time history shock cases, whether missing mass is to be included or not. It displays the percentage of system mass along each of the three global axes and the percentage of total force which has been captured by the extracted modes. For more information, see Include Missing Mass Components (on page 595). The percentage of system mass active along each of the three global axes (X-, Y-, and Z-) is calculated by summing the modal mass (corresponding to the appropriate directional degree-of-freedom) attributed to the extracted modes and dividing that sum by the sum of the system mass acting in the same direction: Summed over i = 1 to n, by 6 (X-direction degrees of freedom): % Active MassX Summed over 1 = 2 to n, by 6 (Y-direction degrees of freedom): % Active MassY Summed over 1 = 3 to n, by 6(Z-direction degrees of freedom): % Active MassZ Where: Me = vector (by degree-of-freedom) of sum (over all extracted modes) of effective modal masses M = vector corresponding to main diagonal of system mass matrix The maximum possible percentage of active mass that is theoretically possible is 100%, with 90-95% usually indicating that a sufficient number of modes have been extracted to provide a good dynamic model. The percentage of active force is calculated by the following factors:  Separately summing the components of the effective force acting along each of the three directional degrees-of-freedom  Combining them algebraically  Doing the same for the applied load  Taking the ratio of the effective load divided by the applied load

Examples Summed over i = 1 to n, by 6 (X - Direction degrees of freedom): Fe = Fe x


Fx = F[i] Summed over i = 2 to n, by 6 (Y - Direction degrees of freedom): Fe = Fe y


Fy = F[i] Summed over i = 3 to n, by 6 (Z - Direction degrees of freedom): Fe = Fe z


Fz = F[i]


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis Where: FeX,FeY,FeZ = effective force (allocated to extracted modes) acting along the global X-, Y-, and Z-axes, respectively Fr = vector of effective forces (allocated to extracted modes) FX,FY,FZ = total system forces acting along the global X-, Y-, and Z-axes, respectively F = vector of total system forces The maximum possible percentage which is theoretically possible for this value is also 100%. In practice it may be higher, indicating an uneven distribution of the load and mass in the system model. There is nothing inherently wrong with an analysis where the included force exceeds 100%. If the missing mass correction is included, the modal loadings are adjusted to automatically conform to the applied loading. The percentage of included force can often be brought under 100% by extracting a few more modes. At other times, the situation can be remedied by improving the dynamic model through a finer element mesh, or, more importantly, equalizing the mass point spacing in the vicinity of the load.

Pseudostatic (Anchor Movement) Comb. Method (SRSS/ABS) (Available for: Spectrum) Specifies the method for combining pseudostatic responses with dynamic (inertial) responses. Select SRSS for a square root of the sum of the squares combination method. Select ABS for an absolute combination method. This option is applicable only when there is at least one independent support motion excitation component in a shock load case. Pseudostatic combinations are performed after all directional, spatial, and modal combinations. Select SRSS for pseudostatic combinations, as recommended by USNRC. ABS gives conservative results. For more information, see Include Pseudostatic (Anchor Movement) Components (Y/N) (on page 595).

Missing Mass Combination Method (SRSS/ABS) (Available for: Spectrum) Specifies the method for combining the missing mass/force correction components with the modal (dynamic) results. Select SRSS for a square root of the sum of the squares combination method. Select ABS for an absolute combination method. Research suggests that the modal and rigid portions of the response are statistically independent, so SRSS is usually most accurate. ABS provides a more conservative result, based upon the assumption that the modal maxima occur simultaneously with the maximum ground acceleration. Missing mass components are combined following the modal combination. For more information, see Include Missing Mass Components (on page 595). Even though missing mass components may be included during time history analyses, all time history combinations are done algebraically (in-phase), so this parameter has no effect on time history results.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis

Directional Combination Method (SRSS/ABS) (Available for: Spectrum) Specifies the method for combining shock components acting in the same direction. Select SRSS for a square root of the sum of the squares combination method. Select ABS for an absolute combination method. This option is typically used with independent support motion load cases, where responses from different support groups caused by excitation in the same direction are combined. It also combines the rare case of multiple uniform shock spectra acting in the same direction. Select ABS for directional combinations of pseudostatic responses, as recommended by USNRC. Select SRSS for force spectrum loads when several loads are all defined with the same shock direction. The loads are then modeled as independent loads. ABS always models as dependent loads. For more information, see Include Pseudostatic (Anchor Movement) Components (Y/N) (on page 595). Because all time history combinations are done algebraically (in-phase) this parameter has no effect on time history results.

Mass Model (LUMPED/CONSISTENT) (Available for: Modal, Harmonic, Spectrum, and Time History) Specifies a mass model type. Select CONSISTENT or LUMPED. A lumped mass model makes very coarse simplifications that often result in correspondingly coarse results. The benefit is that it does not require a lot of memory for data storage. The consistent mass model is well documented. Most texts on the subject, such as Structural Dynamics - Theory and Computation by Mario Paz, describe how to build the mass matrix. The consistent mass matrix takes into consideration the effects of bending and other rotational effects of the beam on its mass distribution, gives a more realistic result, but requires much more data storage.  

If mass is added at a degree of freedom, CAESAR II assumes that it is a concentrated mass, and puts it on the on-diagonal term, effectively treating it as a lumped mass. If mass is zeroed at a degree of freedom, CAESAR II assumes that you want to eliminate consideration of that DOF and zero out all elements on that row/column.

Sturm Sequence Check on Computed Eigenvalues (Available for: Spectrum, Modal, and Time History) Specifies usage of the Sturm sequence calculation as described below. Select Y (for yes) or N (for no). Y is the default value. In most cases, the eigensolver detects modal frequencies from the lowest to the highest frequency. When there is a strong directional dependency in the system, the modes may converge in the wrong order. This could cause a problem if the eigensolver reaches the cutoff number of modes, but has not found the modes with the lowest frequency.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis This procedure determines the number of modes that should have been found between the highest and lowest frequencies, and compares that against the actual number of modes extracted. If those numbers are different, a warning appears. For example, if 22 natural frequencies are extracted for a system, and if the highest natural frequency is 33.5 Hz, the Sturm sequence checks that there are exactly 22 natural frequencies in the model between zero and 33.5+p Hz, where p is a numerical tolerance found from:

The Sturm sequence check fails where there are two identical frequencies at the last frequency extracted. For example, consider a system with the following natural frequencies: 0.6637





If you only ask for the first four natural frequencies, a Sturm sequence failure occurs because there are five frequencies that exist in the range between 0.0 and 4.5667 + p (where p is 0.0041). To correct this problem, you can:  Increase the frequency cutoff by the number of frequencies not found. (This number is reported by the Sturm sequence check.)  Increase the value of Frequency Cutoff (HZ) (on page 585) by some small amount, if the frequency cutoff terminated the eigensolution. This usually allows the lost modes to fall into the solution frequency range.  Fix the subspace size at 10 and rerun the job. Increasing the number of approximation vectors improves the possibility that at least one of them contains some component of the missing modes, allowing the vector to properly converge.

Advanced Tab This tab is available when Modal, Earthquake (spectrum), Relief Loads (spectrum), Water Hammer/Slug Flow (spectrum), and Time History are selected for Analysis Type in the Dynamic Analysis window. The values on this tab rarely need to be changed.

Topics Estimated Number of Significant Figures in Eigenvalues .............. 600 Jacobi Sweep Tolerance ............................................................... 600 Decomposition Singularity Tolerance ............................................ 600 Subspace Size (0-Not Used) ......................................................... 600 No. to Converge Before Shift Allowed (0 - Not Used) ................... 601 No. of Iterations Per Shift (0 - Pgm computed).............................. 601 % of Iterations Per Shift Before Orthogonalization ........................ 602 Force Orthogonalization After Convergence (Y/N) ........................ 602 Use Out-of-Core Eigensolver (Y/N) ............................................... 602 Frequency Array Spaces ............................................................... 602

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis

Estimated Number of Significant Figures in Eigenvalues 2

Specifies the approximate number of significant figures in the calculated eigenvalues ( , where  is the angular frequency in rad/sec). The default value is 6. For example, if a calculated eigenvalue is 44032.32383 using the default value of 6, then the first digit to the right of the decimal is usually the last accurately computed figure. The eigenvectors, or mode shapes, are calculated to half as many significant figures as are the eigenvalues. If the eigenvalues have six significant figures of accuracy, then the eigenvectors have three. This number should not be decreased. Increases to 8 or 10 are not unusual but result in slower solutions with little change in response results.

Jacobi Sweep Tolerance Specifies the Jacobi sweep tolerance in scientific notation. The default value is 1.0E-12. Eigen analyses use an NxN subspace to calculate the natural frequencies and mode shapes for a reduced problem. The first step is to perform a Jacobi denationalization of the subspace. Iterations are performed until the off-diagonal terms of the matrix are approximately zero. Off-diagonal terms are considered to be close enough to zero when their ratio to the on-diagonal term in the row is smaller the Jacobi sweep tolerance. Do not change the default value unless you understand the IEEE-488 double precision word (of approximately 14 significant figures) on the IBM PC and the approximate size of the on-diagonal coefficients in the stiffness matrix for the problem to be solved (which may be estimated from simple beam expressions).

Decomposition Singularity Tolerance Specifies the decomposition singularity tolerance for the eigensolver in scientific notation. The default value is 1E10. During the decomposition of what may be a shifted stiffness matrix, the eigensolver performs a singularity check to make sure that the shift is not too close to an eigenvalue that is to be calculated. If a singular condition is detected, a new shift, not quite as aggressive as the last one, is calculated and a new decomposition is attempted. If the new composition fails, a fatal error is reported. Increasing the singularity tolerance may eliminate this fatal error, but do not enter a value greater than 1E13. Singularity problems may also exist when very light, small diameter piping is attached to very heavy, large diameter piping, or when very short lengths of pipe are adjacent to very long lengths of pipe.

Subspace Size (0-Not Used) Specifies the subspace size as described below. The default value is 0 and usually does not need to be changed. The software then selects an expected optimal subspace size. The eigensolution reduces the NDOFxNDOF problem to an NxN problem during each subspace iteration, where N is the subspace size. For the default value of 0, CAESAR II uses the square root of the bandwidth as the subspace size, with a minimum of 4, resulting in sizes of 4 to 8 for typical piping configurations. Increasing the subspace size slows the eigensolution but increases the numerical stability. Values in the range between 12 and 15 are appropriate when unusual geometries or dynamic properties are encountered, or when a job is large (having 100 elements or more, and/or requires that 25 or more frequencies be extracted).


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

No. to Converge Before Shift Allowed (0 - Not Used) Specifies the shifting strategy for the eigen problem to be solved as described below. For a value of 0, CAESAR II selects an estimated optimal shifting strategy. Improving the convergence characteristics increases the speed of the eigensolution. The convergence rate for the lowest eigenpair in the subspace is inversely proportional to 1/2, where 1 is the lowest eigenvalue in the current subspace and 2 is the next lowest eigenvalue in the current subspace. A slow convergence rate is represented by an eigenvalue ratio of one, and a fast convergence rate is represented by an eigenvalue ratio of zero. The shift is employed to get the convergence rate as close to zero as possible. The cost of each shift is one decomposition of the system set of equations. The typical shift value is equal to the last computed eigenvalue plus 90 percent of the difference between this value and the lowest estimated nonconverged eigenvalue in the subspace. As 1 shifts closer to zero, the ratio 1/2 becomes increasingly smaller and the convergence rate increases. When eigenvalues are very closely spaced, shifting can result in eigenvalues being lost (as checked by the Sturm sequence check). A large value entered for this parameter effectively disables shifting so that no eigenvalues are missed, but the solution takes longer to run. When the system to be analyzed is very large, shifting the set of equations can be very time consuming. In these cases, set the value between 4 and 8.

No. of Iterations Per Shift (0 - Pgm computed) Specifies the number of subspace iterations per shift as described below. For a value of 0, CAESAR II calculates an estimated optimal number of iterations. This parameter and % of Iterations Per Shift Before Orthogonalization (on page 602) control solution shifting by limiting the number of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizations. Trying to limit this number is very dangerous for small subspace problems, but less dangerous when the subspace size is large, at around 10-20 percent of the total number of eigenpairs required. Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization is by default performed once during each subspace iteration. The orthogonalization assures that the eigenvector subspace does not converge to an already found eigenpair. A large number of repeated eigenpairs calculations can appreciably slow down the extraction of the highest eigenpairs. Proper setting of these two parameters limits the orthogonalization in the eigensolution, such as to every second, third, or fourth iteration, and increases the solution speed. The subspace may still converge to earlier eigenpairs during subsequent non-orthogonalized subspace iteration passes. Use caution when setting these parameters. Select Y as the value for Force Orthogonalization After Convergence (Y/N) (on page 602) if the frequency of orthogonalization is slowed.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis

% of Iterations Per Shift Before Orthogonalization Specifies the decimal equivalent of the needed percentage, as described below. For a value of 0, CAESAR II calculates a number of iterations per shift to be performed. A maximum of N eigenpairs can conceivably converge per subspace pass, where N is the subspace size (although this is highly unlikely). By default a Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization is performed for each subspace pass. This parameter and No. of Iterations Per Shift (0 - Pgm computed) (on page 601) control solution shifting by limiting the number of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizations. For example, if 12 is the number of iterations, and this parameter is 50 percent (entered as 0.50), the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization is performed every six iterations. Use caution when setting these parameters. Select Y as the value for Force Orthogonalization After Convergence (Y/N) (on page 602) if the frequency of orthogonalization is slowed.

Force Orthogonalization After Convergence (Y/N) Specifies whether CAESAR II forces orthogonalization after eigenpair convergence. Select Y (for yes) or N (for no). Select Y for eigensolutions when % of Iterations Per Shift Before Orthogonalization (on page 602) is set to a non-zero value. When a subspace pass completes and sees at least one eigenpair convergence, a Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization is performed even if the specified percentage of iterations has not been completed.

Use Out-of-Core Eigensolver (Y/N) Specifies use of the out-of-core eigensolver. Select Y (for yes) or N (for no). This out-of-core eigensolver is used primarily as a benchmarking and debugging aid. Select Y to automatically run the out-of-core eigensolver on any problem size. Using this solver can take considerably more time than the in-core solver, but always produce exactly the same results. A problem may be too big to fit into the in-core solver because the capacity is based upon the amount of available extended memory. The out-of-core solver then runs automatically. This parameter does not need to be changed to Y to have this automatic switch occur.

Frequency Array Spaces Specifies the maximum number of eigenpairs that can be extracted for the problem. The default value of 100 is arbitrary. Increase the value as needed.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Directive Builder Click Directives on the Spectrum Load Cases or Static/Dynamic Combinations tabs to open the Directive Builder dialog box and select parameters for the current load case. These parameters are load-case-specific changes to the global parameters set for all dynamic analysis load cases. For more information, see Spectrum/Time History Load Cases Tab (on page 550) and Static/Dynamic Combinations Tab (on page 564). For most analyses, the global parameters apply and you do not need to specify the parameters on this dialog box.

Directional Combination Method - Select SRSS or ABS. For more information, see Missing Mass Combination Method (SRSS/ABS) (on page 597). Modal Combination Method - Select GROUP, 10%, DSRSS, SRSS, or ABS. For more information, see Modal Combination Method (Group/10%/DSRSS/ABS/SRSS) (on page 592). Spatial Combination Method - Select SRSS or ABS. For more information, see Spatial Combination Method (SRSS/ABS) (on page 592). Spatial or Modal Combination First - Select SPATIAL or MODAL. For more information, see Re-use Last Eigensolution (Frequencies and Mode Shapes) (on page 591). Pseudostatic Combination Method - Select SRSS or ABS. For more information, see Pseudostatic (Anchor Movement) Comb. Method (SRSS/ABS) (on page 597). Missing Mass Combination Method - Select SRSS or ABS. For more information, see Missing Mass Combination Method (SRSS/ABS) (on page 597). Static/Dynamic Combination Method - Select SRSS or ABS to define how the load case is combined. The ABS method takes the absolute value of all displacement, force, and stress data for each load case and adds them. The SRSS method sums the square of all displacement, force, and stress data for each load case and then takes the square root of the result. This is the only parameter available on the Static/Dynamic Combinations tab.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis

Enter/Edit Spectrum Data Enter/Edit Spectrum Data and Tools > Spectrum Data Points allow you to view and edit spectrum data for manually-entered or ASCII-file-based spectrum definitions. The command is available when entering values on the Spectrum Definitions tab or the Time History Definitions tab. For more information, see Spectrum/Time History Definitions Tab (on page 546). Click the command, make a selection in the Select a Spectrum Name dialog box, and click OK. The spectrum name dialog box appears. You can add, edit, or delete rows, or add ASCII data. Enter a sufficient number of data points to fully describe the spectrum.

Add Row - Adds a new row after the selected row. Delete Row - Deletes the selected row. Read From File - Reads data from an ASCII text file.

Range Specifies a spectrum range value. The range/ordinate pairs define the spectrum/DLF curve.

Ordinate Specifies a spectrum ordinate value. The range/ordinate pairs define the spectrum/DLF curve. Valid formats are:  Exponents, such as 0.3003E+03, 0.3423E-03, or 0.3003E3.  Explicit multiplication or division, such as 4032.3/386, or 1.0323*12.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

DLF/Spectrum Generator DLF/Spectrum Generator and Tools > DLF Spectrum Generator converts spectrum time waveform excitation data into a frequency domain dynamic load factor (DLF) curve. DLF data is automatically referenced in the Spectrum Definitions tab. For more information, see Spectrum/Time History Definitions Tab (on page 546). The DLF curve can also be saved to a file and later referenced by CAESAR II as a FORCE response spectrum curve.

Spectrum Name Displays the name of the selected value of Spectrum Type. You can type a different name. For UBC, ASCE7, IBC, and CFE Diseno por Sismo:  This is the group name for the pair of seismic shock spectra that is generated here. A suffix of H and V is added to indicate the horizontal and vertical spectrum, respectively. After it has been properly entered, these names are listed in the Spectrum Definitions tab and can be used to build load cases on the Spectrum Load Cases tab. For B31.1 Relief & User Defined Time History Waveform:  This is the name given to the Force Response Spectrum created from the time history load defined here. After it has been properly entered, this name is listed in the Spectrum Definitions tab and can be used to build load cases on the Spectrum Load Cases tab.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis

Spectrum Type Specifies the name of the spectrum. The data from this spectrum is used to generate the DLF curve.

UBC Select to create earthquake spectra (horizontal and vertical) according to the 1997 Uniform Building Code. The horizontal design response spectrum is based on UBC Figure 16-3 shown below. Ts=Cv/2.5Ca & T0=Ts/5

The vertical spectrum is to 50% of I•Ca across the entire period range.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis Importance Factor Specifies the seismic importance factor, I, as defined in Table 16-K. The calculated spectrum accelerations are multiplied by this value to generate the horizontal shock spectrum. Values range from 1.0 to 1.25 based on the function of the structure. For this code, the vertical shock spectrum is also multiplied by the importance factor.

Seismic Coefficient Ca Specifies the zero period acceleration, Ca, for the site as defined in Table 16-Q. The value is based on soil profile type and seismic zone factor, and ranges from 0.06 to 0.66.

Seismic Coefficient Cv Specifies the ground acceleration at higher periods (lower frequencies), Cv, for the site as defined in Table 16-R. The value is based on soil profile type and seismic zone factor, and ranges from 0.06 to 1.92.

ASCE7 Select to create earthquake spectra (horizontal and vertical) according to the ASCE #7-02 standard. The horizontal design response spectrum is based on ASCE 7, Figure shown below. Ts=SD1/SDS & T0=Ts/5. Above a period of four seconds, the horizontal spectrum acceleration changes.

The vertical spectrum is set to 20% of SDS (from across the entire period range. Neither I nor R affects the vertical spectrum.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis Importance Factor Specifies the occupancy importance factor, based on the function of the structure. The calculated spectrum accelerations are multiplied by this value to generate the horizontal shock spectrum.  ASCE 7 - The occupancy importance factor is I, as defined in Table 11.5. Values range from 1.0 to 1.5 and applied according to paragraph 12.9.2.  IBC - The occupancy importance factor is IE, as defined in Section 1616.2 and shown in Table 1604.5. Values range from 1.0 to 1.5.

Site Coefficient Fa Specifies the acceleration-based site coefficient Fa. This value adjusts the mapped short period acceleration and is based on site class (soil profile) and the mapped short period maximum considered earthquake acceleration (Ss). Values range from 0.8 to 2.5.  ASCE 7 - Fa is listed in Table 11.4-1.  IBC - Fa is listed in Table

Site Coefficient Fv Specifies the velocity-based site coefficient Fv. This value adjusts the mapped one-second period acceleration and is based on site class (soil profile) and the mapped one-second period maximum considered earthquake acceleration (S1). Values range from 0.8 to 3.5.  ASCE 7 - Fv is listed in Table 11.4-2.  IBC - Fv is listed in Table 1615.1.2(2).

Mapped MCESRA at Short Periods (Ss) Specifies the mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration at short periods, Ss. This is the mapped ground acceleration at the system location for a structure having a period of 0.2 second and 5% critical damping.  ASCE 7 - Ss values are mapped in Chapter 22.  IBC - Ss values are mapped in Section 1615.1.

Mapped MCESRA at One Second (S1) Specifies the mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration at a period of one second, S1.This is the mapped ground acceleration at the system location for a structure having a period of one second and 5% critical damping.  ASCE 7 - S1 values are mapped in Chapter 22.  IBC - S1 values are mapped in Section 1615.1.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis Response Modification R Specifies the response modification coefficient, R. This coefficient reflects system ductility. The calculated spectrum accelerations are divided by this value to generate the horizontal shock spectrum. Values range from 3.0 to 8.0 for most plant structures. A value of 3.5 for piping is common.  ASCE 7 - R is defined in Table 12.2-1 and applied according to paragraph 12.9.2.  IBC - R is defined in Table 1617.6 and used according to equation 16-53.

IBC Select to create earthquake spectra (horizontal and vertical) according to the International Building Code, 2000. The horizontal design response spectrum is based on IBC 2000, Fig. 1615.1.4 shown below. Ts=SD1/SDS & T0=Ts/5

The vertical spectrum is set to 20% of SDS (from 1617.1.2) across the entire period range. IBC generally uses the same spectrum data parameters as ASCE7 (on page 607).

CFE Diseno por Sismo Select to create earthquake spectra (horizontal and vertical) according to the Mexico's Earthquake Resistant Design code. As with every other earthquake loading analysis, the object is to calculate the shear force at the center of mass of each vessel element. After the shear force at each elevation is known, the moments are accumulated to the base, leg or lug support. You should begin the analysis by calculating the weights and centroidal distances of all of the vessel elements. It is very important to model the structure in sections that are appropriate in length. For cylinders, this value is about 10 or 12 feet (3 m). This ensures that the software has enough information to calculate the natural period of vibration with sufficient accuracy. Using the input data and calculated earthquake weights and natural frequency, CAESAR II determines the values from table 3.1 of the Mexican Seismic Code.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis The values are: ao

Spectral coordinate used in computing a


Spectral coordinate used in computing a


Period value used in computing a


Period value used in computing a


Exponent used in computing a For group A structures, the values of the spectral ordinates a o and c are multiplied by 1.5.

Seismic Zone Specifies the seismic zone. Select A, B, C, or D. The zones are described in Manual de Diseno por Sismo for Mexico. The map on page 1.3.29 shows the seismic zones.

Soil Type Specifies the soil type.  I - Hard Soil - Ground deposits formed exclusively by layers with propagation velocity b 0 = 700 m/s or modulus of rigidity  85000.  II - Medium Soil - Ground deposits with fundamental period of vibration and effective velocity of propagation which meets the condition Bc Ts + Bs Tc > Bc Tc.  III - Soft Soil - Ground deposits with fundamental period of vibration and effective velocity of propagation which meets the condition Bc Ts + Bs Tc < Bc Tc.

Structural Group Specifies the structural group based on the degree of safety. Select A - High Safety, B Intermediate Safety, or C - Low Safety. Towers and tanks are examples of group A structures requiring a high degree of safety in their design

Increase Factor Specifies a value for the increased factor of safety, as required by some facilities. The default value is 1.0. This value directly multiplies the spectrum values. This value is traditionally 1.118 and should always be greater than or equal to 1.0.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

B31.1 Appendix II (Safety Valve) Force Response Spectrum Selecting to create a normalized force response spectrum for loads from a safety valve discharge into an open system according to the nonmandatory rules of B31.1, Appendix II Rules for the Design of Safety Valve Installations. The spectrum is based on B31.1 Appendix II, Fig. II-3-2.

Opening Time Specifies the opening time of the relief value in milliseconds.

User Defined Time History Waveform Select to create a normalized force response (Dynamic Load Factor or DLF) spectrum based on manually entered load versus time history.

Maximum Table Frequency Specifies the maximum frequency in the table to be used to generate the DLF curve. This value is usually no more than 100 Hz and is commonly 40 to 60 Hz for relief valves. For other types of impulse loadings, a larger maximum may be needed. If piping frequencies greater than this value are found in the system and included in the spectrum analysis, then the spectrum value at the maximum table frequency is used. You can decide which frequencies are important and how high the frequency must go by looking at the solution participation factors and the animated mode shapes. Only the lower frequencies typically contribute to the system displacements, forces, and stresses.

Number of Points Specifies the number of points to be generated for the spectrum table. Fifteen to twenty points are usually sufficient. These points are distributed in a cubic relationship starting at zero hertz.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis Enter Pulse Data Specifies time and force pulse data for the waveform. Click Enter Pulse Data to enter the Time and Force values as shown below. This command is available only for User Defined Time History Waveform.

Figure 2: Input Table Dialog

Save/Continue - Saves the force spectrum values to an ASCII file.

Time Specifies time waveform values in milliseconds for the points to be modeled.

Force Specifies forces corresponding to the points on the force/time curve. The absolute magnitude of the force is not important, but the form of the time history loading is important. The actual maximum value of the dynamic load is taken from the force pattern defined on the Force Sets Tab (on page 555). There can be any number of line entries in the excitation frequency data.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Generate Spectrum Displays the Spectrum Table Values dialog box with the force spectrum values based on entered spectrum data. This command is available for all values of Spectrum Type except User Defined Time History Waveform.

Save To File - Saves the force spectrum values to an ASCII file. For seismic spectra, two files are saved: horizontal (with H appended to the file name) and vertical (with V appended to the file name). Use this command if you want to reuse the spectrum values in other analyses. Click OK if you only want to use the values in the current analysis. OK - Loads the spectrum data into the current analysis. Cancel - Closes the window without loading the spectrum data into the current analysis.

Relief Load Synthesis Relief Load Synthesis and Tools > Relief Load Synthesis calculates the magnitudes of relieving thrust forces. Dynamic forces associated with relieving devices can cause considerable mechanical damage to equipment and supports. There are two types of destructive dynamic forces associated with relief devices that must be evaluated:  Thrust at the valve/atmosphere interface.  Acoustic shock due to the sudden change in fluid momentum and the associated traveling pressure waves. The first step in performing a relief load analysis is to compute the magnitudes of the relieving thrust forces. For open-type vent systems, use Relief Load Synthesis . Results are calculated for liquids and for gases greater than 15 psig. This command is only available when Relief Loads (spectrum) and Time History are selected as Analysis Type. The discussion here concerns only the thrust at the valve/atmosphere interface. Acoustic traveling pressure waves can be addressed similar to water hammer. For more information, see Relief Loads and Water Hammer/Slug Flow Spectra Analysis (on page 537).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis

Relief Load Synthesis for Gases Greater Than 15 psig Click Gas to enter gas properties. CAESAR II assumes that a successful vent stack/relief system design maintains the following gas properties:

Line Temperature Specifies the stagnation condition temperature of the gas to be relieved. This is typically the gas temperature upstream of the relief valve.

Pressure (abs) Specifies the stagnation pressure of the gas to be relieved. This is typically the gas pressure upstream of the relief valve. This value is the absolute pressure. Stagnation properties can vary considerably from line properties if the gas flow velocity in the line is high.

ID of Relief Valve Orifice Specifies the flow passage inside diameter for the smallest diameter in the relief valve throat. This information is typically provided by the relief valve manufacturer.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

ID of Relief Valve Piping Specifies the flow passage inside diameter of the relief valve piping.

ID of Vent Stack Piping Specifies the inside diameter of the vent stack piping. If CAESAR II is sizing the vent stack, or if the vent stack piping is the same size as the relief valve piping, then do not enter a value.

Length of the Vent Stack Specifies the length of the vent stack. Add double the lengths of fittings and elbows or calculate the appropriate equivalent lengths for non-pipe fittings and add the lengths. Typical values for these constants are shown below: Ratio of Gas-Specific Heats

(k) Gas Constant (R)

(ft. lbf./lbm./deg. R

Superheated Steam

1.300 Nitrogen


Saturated Steam

1.100 Carbon Dioxide



1.399 Acetylene


Carbon Dioxide

1.288 Ammonia



1.232 n-Butane



1.304 Ethane



1.093 Ethylene



1.187 Methane



1.240 Propane






This value is a required.

Ratio of Gas Specific Heats (k) Specifies the ratio of gas specific heats, k. The value for air is 1.4.

Gas Constant (R) Specifies the gas constant, R. The value for air is 53.0.

Does the Vent Pipe have an Umbrella Fitting (Y/N) Specifies whether or not the vent pipe has an umbrella fitting. Select Y (for yes) if the vent stack slips inside of the piping system, or N (for no) if the vent stack is connected to the piping system.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis Umbrella Fitting Example The vent stack pipe is not hard-piped to the relief valve pipe. The relief valve pipe slips inside of the vent pipe.

Non-Umbrella Fitting Example The vent stack pipe is hard-piped to the relief valve pipe.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Should CAESAR II Size the Vent Stack (Y/N) Specifies whether or not the software sizes the vent stack. Select Y (for yes) for CAESAR II to calculate the length and diameter of the vent stack. The software sizing algorithm searches through a table of available inside pipe diameters starting at the smallest diameter until a vent stack ID is found that satisfies the thermodynamic criteria. The calculated inside diameter is automatically inserted into the input.

Relief Load Synthesis for Liquids Click Liquid to enter liquid properties. CAESAR II assumes that a liquid vent system has one of the following configurations:

Relief Valve or Rupture Disk Specifies whether a relief valve or rupture disk is used. Select RV for a relief valve. The software sets the nozzle coefficient, k, to 0.80. Select RD for a rupture disk. The software sets the nozzle coefficient, k, to 0.67. You can also enter the relieving device nozzle coefficient k if it is known.

Supply Press. (abs) Specifies the stagnation, or zero velocity, pressure of the supply line.

ID Relief Orifice or Rupture Disk Opening Specifies the inside diameter of the contracted opening in the relieving device. This information is typically provided by the relief valve manufacturer. For special purpose calculations, this ID may be equal to the ID of the relief exit piping.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis

ID Relief Exit Piping Specifies the inside diameter of the piping connected to the downstream side of the relief valve.

ID Manifold Piping Specifies the insider diameter of the manifold if the relief exit piping runs into a manifold. Do not enter a value if there is not a manifold.

ID Supply Header Specifies the inside diameter of the supply header.

Fluid Density (Specific Gravity) Specifies the specific gravity of the fluid being relieved.

Length of Relief Exit Piping Specifies the equivalent length of the relief exit piping. Add twice the piping length for fittings and elbows, or the calculated fitting equivalent length.

Length of Manifold Piping Specifies the equivalent length of the manifold piping, if any. Add twice the piping length for fitting and elbows. Enter 0 or do not enter a value if there is not a manifold system or if the manifold is not filled by the relieving fluid.

Fluid Bulk Modulus Specifies the bulk modulus of the fluid. If no value is entered, a default valve of 250,000 psi is used. See Example Output - Liquid Relief Load Synthesis (on page 623) for typical values. These are the values for an iso\-thermal compression as taken from Marks Standard Handbook for Engineers, p. 3-35, 8th edition.

Supply Header Pipe Wall Thickness Specifies the wall thickness of the supply header.  


The error message "NUMERICAL ERROR OR NO FLOW CONDITION DETECTED," means that a physically impossible configuration was described. Flashing of volatile relief liquids is not considered in this analysis. If the relieving liquid flashes in the exhaust piping as its pressure drops to atmospheric, then use another method to calculate the resulting gas properties and thrust loads.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Example Output - Gas Relief Load Synthesis

Figure 3: Relief Load Synthesis Output (Gas)

Topics Computed Mass Flowrate (Vent Gas) ........................................... 620 Thrust at Valve Pipe/Vent Pipe Interface ....................................... 620 Thrust at the Vent Pipe Exit ........................................................... 620 Transient Pressure Rise on Valve Opening .................................. 621 Transient Pressure Rise on Valve Closing .................................... 621 Thermodynamic Entropy Limit/Subsonic Vent Exit Limit ............... 621 Valve Orifice Gas Conditions/Vent Pipe Exit Gas Conditions/ Subsonic Velocity Gas Conditions ................................................. 622

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis

Computed Mass Flowrate (Vent Gas) The calculated gas mass flow rate, based on choked conditions at the relief orifice. If greater mass flow rates are expected, then investigate the error in either the approach used by CAESAR II or in the expected mass flow rate.

Thrust at Valve Pipe/Vent Pipe Interface The thrust load acting back on the relief valve piping if there is an umbrella fitting between the vent stack and the relief valve piping. If the vent stack is hard piped to the relief valve piping, then this intermediate thrust is balanced by tensile loads in the pipe and can be ignored.

Thrust load acts directly on valve opening. Only the valve pipe/vent stack interface thrust acts in this configuration.

Thrust at the Vent Pipe Exit The thrust load acting on the elbow just before the pipe opens into the atmosphere when there is an elbow in the vent stack piping.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Transient Pressure Rise on Valve Opening The estimated magnitude of the negative pressure wave that is superimposed on the line pressure when the relief valve fist opens. This negative pressure wave moves back through the relief system piping similar to the pressure wave in the downstream piping of a water hammer type system. The magnitude of this wave is estimated as (Po-Pa)*Ap, where Po is the stagnation pressure at the source, Pa is atmospheric pressure, and Ap is the area of the header piping.

Transient Pressure Rise on Valve Closing The estimated magnitude of the positive pressure wave that is superimposed on the line pressure when the relief device slams shut. This positive pressure wave moves back through the relief system piping similar to the pressure wave in the supply side piping of a water hammer type system. The magnitude of this wave is estimated from: r*c*dv where r is the fluid density, c is the speed of sound in the fluid and dv is the change in the velocity of the fluid.

Thermodynamic Entropy Limit/Subsonic Vent Exit Limit The thermodynamic entropy limit or subsonic vent exit limit. These values should always be greater than one. If either value falls below 1.0, then the thermodynamic assumptions made regarding the gas properties are incorrect and the calculated thrust values should be disregarded.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis

Valve Orifice Gas Conditions/Vent Pipe Exit Gas Conditions/Subsonic Velocity Gas Conditions The thermodynamic properties of the gas at three critical points in the relief system.

The entire formulation for the thrust gas properties is based on an ideal gas equation of state. If the pressures and temperatures displayed above for the gas being vented are outside of the range where the ideal gas laws apply, then some alternate source should be sought for the calculation of the thrust loads of the system. In addition, all three of these points should be sufficiently clear of the gas saturation line. When the exit gas conditions become saturated, the magnitude of the thrust load can be reduced significantly. In this case, consult the manufacturer.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Example Output - Liquid Relief Load Synthesis Computed Mass Flow Rate The calculated exhaust mass flow rate in U.S. gallons per minute. CAESAR II makes the necessary pressure drop calculations between the stagnation pressure upstream of the relief device and atmospheric conditions at the exit of the manifold.

Thrust at the End of the Exit Piping The calculated thrust load at the last cross section in the exit piping. If there is no manifold, then this is the external thrust load acting on the piping system. If there is a manifold, then this thrust is opposed by tension in the pipe wall at the junction of the exit piping and manifold. For more information, see the graphics in Orifice Flow Conditions/Exit Pipe End Flow Conditions/Manifold Pipe End Flow Conditions (on page 624).

Thrust at the End of the Manifold Piping The calculated thrust load at the last cross section in the manifold piping. If there is no manifold system, then this thrust is equal to the thrust at the end of the exit piping. See the figures that follow for clarification. For more information, see the graphics in Orifice Flow Conditions/Exit Pipe End Flow Conditions/Manifold Pipe End Flow Conditions (on page 624).

Transient Pressure Rise on Valve Opening The estimated magnitude of the negative pressure wave that is superimposed on the line pressure when the relief valve fist opens. This negative pressure wave moves back through the relief system piping similar to the pressure wave in the downstream piping of a water hammer type system. The magnitude of this wave is estimated as (Po-Pa)*Ap, where Po is the stagnation pressure at the source, Pa is atmospheric pressure, and Ap is the area of the header piping.

Transient Pressure Rise on Valve Closing The estimated magnitude of the positive pressure wave that is superimposed on the line pressure when the relief device slams shut. This positive pressure wave moves back through the relief system piping similar to the pressure wave in the supply side piping of a water hammer type system. The magnitude of this wave is estimated from: r*c*dv where r is the fluid density, c is the speed of sound in the fluid and dv is the change in the velocity of the fluid.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis

Orifice Flow Conditions/Exit Pipe End Flow Conditions/Manifold Pipe End Flow Conditions The calculated fluid properties at the three critical cross-sections in the relief piping. If pressures or velocities here do not seem reasonable, then some characteristic of the relief model is in error.

If the L dimensions are significant (by several feet), then unbalanced thrust loads acting between the elbow-elbow pairs are very similar to a water hammer load. Water hammer pulses travel at the speed of sound in the fluid, while the fluid/atmosphere interface pulses travel at the velocity of the flowing fluid. These unbalanced loads can cause significant piping displacements in much shorter pipe runs. The magnitude of these loads is equivalent to the calculated thrust and the duration may be found from the calculated fluid velocity and distance between each elbow-elbow pair.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Analysis Results Each type of dynamic analysis has its own procedure for producing results, but all start in the same way: 1. Save and check the dynamic input. 2. Run the analysis. 3. The account number is requested (if accounting is active). 4. The ESL is accessed (limited run ESLs are decremented). 5. The element and system stiffness matrices are assembled. 6. Load vectors are created where appropriate. 7. The system mass matrix is generated. From this point the processing progresses according to the type of analysis selected. After calculations are complete, control is passed to the Dynamic Output Processor. For more information, see Dynamic Output Processing (on page 629).

Topics Modal ............................................................................................. 625 Harmonic........................................................................................ 626 Spectrum........................................................................................ 627 Time History ................................................................................... 627

Modal After dynamic initialization and basic equation assembly are completed, CAESAR II opens the Dynamic Eigensolver, which calculates natural frequencies and modes of vibration.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis Each natural frequency appears as it is calculated, along with the lapsed time of the analysis. The processor searches for the natural frequencies, starting with the lowest, and continues until the frequency cutoff is exceeded or the mode count reaches its limit. Both the frequency cutoff and mode cutoff are dynamic analysis control parameters. The amount of time to calculate or find these frequencies is a function of the system size, the grouping of the frequencies and the cutoff settings. Eigensolution may be canceled at any time, with the analysis continuing using the mode shapes calculated up to that point. After the last frequency is calculated, the software uses the Sturm Sequence Check to confirm that no modes were skipped. If the check fails, you can return to the dynamic input or continue with the spectral analysis. Sturm Sequence Check failures are usually satisfied if the frequency cutoff is set to a value greater than the last frequency calculated. After calculations are complete, control is passed to the Dynamic Output Processor. You can review natural frequencies and mode shapes in text format. You can also display the node shapes in and animated format.

Harmonic For each forcing frequency listed in the dynamic input, CAESAR II performs a separate analysis. These analyses are similar to static analyses and take the same amount of time to complete. At the completion of each solution, the forcing frequency, its largest calculated deflection, and the phase angle associated with it are listed. The root results for each frequency, and the system deflections, are saved for further processing. Only twenty frequencies may be carried beyond this point and into the output processor. When all frequencies are analyzed, the software presents the frequencies. You can then select the frequencies and phase angles needed for further analysis. This choice can be made after checking deflections at pertinent nodes for those frequencies.

Selecting Phase Angles Phased solutions are generated when damping is considered or when you enter phase angles in the dynamic input. For all phased harmonic analyses, you can select separate phase angle solutions, including the cycle maxima and minima, for each excitation frequency. Each separate phase angle solution represents a point in time during one complete cycle of the system response. For a solution without phase angles, you know when the maximum stresses, forces, and displacements occur. When phase angles are entered, you do not know when the maximum stresses, forces, and displacements are going to occur during the cycle. For this reason, the displacements and stresses are often checked for a number of points during the cycle for each excitation frequency. You must select these points interactively when the harmonic solution ends. There is a complete displacement, force, moment, and stress solution for each frequency/phase selected for output. You have the option of letting the software select the frequency/phase pairs offering the largest displacements on a system basis. The largest displacement solution usually represents the largest stress solution, but this is not always guaranteed. The displaced shapes for the remaining frequencies are processed like static cases, with local force, moment, and stress calculations. Control then shifts to the Dynamic Output Processor, which provides an animated display of the harmonic results. All harmonic results are amplitudes. For example, if a harmonic stress is reported as 15,200 psi, then the stress due to the dynamic load, which is superimposed onto any steady state component of the stress, can be expected to vary between +15,200 psi and -15,200 psi. The total stress range due to this particular dynamic loading is 30,400 psi.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Dynamic Analysis

Spectrum The spectrum analysis procedure can be broken down into:  Calculating the system‘s natural frequencies, mode shapes, and mass participation factors  Pulling the corresponding response amplitudes from the spectrum table and calculating the system response for each mode of vibration  Combining the modal responses and directional components of the shock. The first part of the analysis proceeds exactly as in modal analysis. After natural frequencies are calculated, system displacements, forces, moments, and stresses are calculated and combined on the modal level. After all the results are collected, the Dynamic Output Processor appears. You can review spectral results, natural frequencies, and animated mode shapes.

Time History Modal time history analysis follows steps similar to a spectrum analysis. The modes of vibration of the system are calculated. The dynamic equation of motion is solved through numeric integration techniques for each mode at a number of successive time steps. The modal results are then summed, yielding system responses at each time step. The Dynamic Output Processor displays one load case (and optionally, one load combination) with the maximum loads developed throughout the load application. You can also request snap-shot cases at different load levels.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Dynamic Analysis


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Dynamic Output Processing In This Section Dynamic Output Window ............................................................... 629 Dynamic Output Animation Window .............................................. 643 Relief Load Synthesis Results ....................................................... 646

Dynamic Output Window Shows the load case analysis and results of a dynamic analysis operation. The Dynamic Output window is accessed directly following completion of the dynamic analysis, or it can be accessed anytime subsequently from the following commands in the Output menu:  Harmonic - Displays the results from a harmonic analysis.  Frequency/Modal - Displays results from a modal-only solution. This command is also enabled if a spectrum solution was run.  Spectrum - Displays results from earthquake, water-hammer, and relief valve solutions.  Time History - Displays time history results.

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Dynamic Output Processing Window Commands Open - Opens a different job for output review. You are prompted for the file; Modal/Spectrum results are stored in *._s files, while Time History results are stored in *._t files. Save - Writes the selected reports to file, in ASCII format. Print - Prints the selected reports. To print a hard copy of the reports click File > Print. To send reports to a file rather than the printer, click File > Save, and then type in or select the name of the file. To change the file name for a new report, select File > Save As. View Animation - Allows you to view animated motion. Modem and spectrum results allow animation of the mode shapes, while time history analysis provides an animated simulation of the system response to the force-time profile. Input - Displays the Piping Input window. View Load Cases - Provides a summary of each dynamic load case including the spectrum name, scale factor, direction cosines, and node range. Word - Sends reports to Microsoft Word. View Reports - Displays the selected reports in the Dynamic Output window.

Dynamic Output Window Display Lists Load Cases Analyzed - Shows the load cases that were analyzed. For spectrum analysis, the load cases listed constitute all of the spectrum load cases as well as all of the static/dynamic combinations. For time history analysis, the listed loads are the results maxima case containing each of the snap-shot cases for the single time history load case, and each of the static/dynamic combinations. Report Options - Shows the reports available for the analyzed load cases. General Results - Lists reports that are not associated with load cases. For a description of the options, see Report Types (on page 633). You can select the reports and the load cases you want to view by Use CTRL+ or SHIFT+ and select one or more load cases and reports. You can send the reports to a printer, print to a file, save to a file or set to display. The General Results Reports that display in the right-hand column do not require that a Report Option be selected highlight to print.


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Dynamic Output Processing

Open a Job Opens a different job for output review. To review an output from a different job, click Open and browse for the output file. Modal and Spectrum results are stored in *._s files. Time History results are stored in *._t files.

Enter a Report Title To include a report title at the top of each page of the report, click Enter Report Titles . There are two options for report titles, Edit 2-line Report Title and Edit Load Case Labels.

Click Edit 2-line Report Title and the following dialog box appears.

These two lines will be added to the top of each report page. Enter the report title, and click OK. Now click Edit Load Case Labels and the following dialog box appears.

Here you can change the names of the load cases as they appear in the reports. Click OK to close, and then click Done.

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Dynamic Output Processing

View Load Cases To review the dynamic load cases including spectrum name, scale factor, direction cosines, and node range, click View Load Cases


Here you can scroll through the various load cases. Click OK to close.

Send Reports to Microsoft Word This feature is activated when producing a report and enables the use of all of MS Word formatting, such as font selection and margin control, and printing features. You can append multiple reports to form a final report. All reports that are to be saved in the Word output file need not be declared at one time. Subsequent reports sent to the file during the session are appended to the file started in the session. (These output files are only closed when a new output device, file or printer is defined.) After closing the report, a table of contents is added. 1. To send a report to Microsoft Word, select the reports and click View Reports using Microsoft Word . Microsoft Word automatically opens, and the report is generated. Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple reports at once.

View Reports Each report selected is presented, one at a time, for inspection. Scroll through the reports where necessary. See Report Types (on page 633) for a list of available reports.

View Reports Commands The following toolbar displays at the top of the report when you click View Reports. < Previous - Takes you back to the previous report. > Next - Takes you to the next report. Find - Enables you to locate and highlight text in the report such as node numbers. Print - Prints the selected report(s).


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Dynamic Output Processing

Report Types Two types of reports are available from the Dynamic Output window: reports that are associated with specific load cases (the Report Options shown in the center column), and reports that are not associated with specific load cases (the General Results in the right column). For modal analysis, there are no load cases, so the center column is blank. Reports associated with load cases are those associated with the spectral or time history displacement solution. The report options are displacements, reactions, forces, moments, and stresses.

Displacements Provides the magnitude of the displacement for each load case. The summing methodology for Spectral analysis results in all positive displacements. For time history analysis, the results include the applicable sign. The displacement report gives the maximum displacement that is anticipated because the application of the dynamic shock. For spectral analysis, note that all of the displacement values are positive. The direction of the displacement is indeterminate. For example, there is a tendency for the system to oscillate because of the potential energy stored after undergoing some maximum dynamic movement. The displacements printed are relative to the movement of the earth.

Restraints Provides the magnitude of the reactions for each load case. A typical entry is shown below. NODE



716 649 2X(1)

The first line for each node contains the maximum load that occurred at some time during the dynamic event. The second line for each node contains the maximum modal contribution to the load. The third line for each node tells the mode and loading that was responsible for the maximum. This form of the report permits easy identification of the culprit modes. The mode identification line is broken down as follows: 2




load direction

(load component)

For example, at node 5 the resultant dynamic load due to the shock was 716. The largest modal component (of the 716) was 649, due to mode 2, and produced by the first X direction component (either the first support motion set for displacement response spectrum analysis, or the first force set for force response spectrum analysis). This form of dynamic output report enables you to know if there is a problem. If there is a problem, it enables you to identify which mode of vibration and load component is the major contributor to the problem. If the component shows up as a (P), then it was the pseudo-static (seismic anchor movement) contribution of the loading that resulted in the major component of the response. If the

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Dynamic Output Processing component shows up as an (M), it indicates a missing mass contribution. A typical restraint report is shown below.

Local Forces Provides elemental forces and moments in the element local a-b-c coordinate system. The a-b-c coordinate system is defined below. For straight pipe not connected to an intersection:  a is along the element axis (for example, perpendicular to the pipe cross-section)  b is a XY, unless a is vertical and then b is along the X axis  c is a Xb. For bends and elbows, and for each segment end:  a is along the element axis (perpendicular to the pipe cross-section)  b is to the plane of the bend  c is a Xb. For intersections, and for each segment framing into the intersection:  a is along the element axis (perpendicular to the pipe cross-section)  b is to the plane of the intersection  c is a Xb. The X indicates the vector cross product. Force, moment, and stress reports are similar to restraint reports in that each has the maximum response, followed by: 1. Modal maximum


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Dynamic Output Processing 2. Modal maximum load identifier. All force/moment reports are set up to represent the forces and moments that act on the end of the element to keep the element in equilibrium.

Global Forces Contains information identical to information provided for Local Forces (on page 634), except that it is oriented along the global X, Y, and Z axes. A typical report is shown below.

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Dynamic Output Processing Stresses Contains axial, bending, maximum octahedral, and code stresses, as well as in-plane and out-of-plane stress intensification factors. These reports contain mode and modal maximum data. A typical report is shown below.


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Dynamic Output Processing Forces/Stresses Summarizes the forces and code stresses for a particular load case. This report contains maximum responses, the calculated stress, and the calculated stress allowable.

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Dynamic Output Processing Cumulative Usage Shows on an element-by-element basis the impact of each load case on the total fatigue allowable and the cumulative impact of all simultaneously-selected load cases. This report is available only for one or more fatigue stress types. Only one report is generated, regardless of the number of selected fatigue load cases. If the total usage factor exceeds 1.0; it implies fatigue failure under that loading condition.

Mass Participation Factors Provides one number for each mode and load direction for a dynamic load case. This value provides you with an understanding of the effect that the dynamic loading and the mass had on


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Dynamic Output Processing the particular mode. The absolute magnitude has no significance; only the relationship between values for a single load case is important.

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Dynamic Output Processing Natural Frequencies Calculated modal natural frequencies are reported in Hertz and radians per second. The period is reported in seconds.

Modes Mass Normalized Scales the largest displacement in the mode shape to the largest mass in the model.

Modes Unity Normalized Scales the largest displacement in the mode shape to 1.0, with all other displacements and rotations scaled accordingly. This mode report is the easiest way to get an understanding of the mode shape. The example below shows two mode shapes from a small job. In the first mode, the largest single component is in the Y direction. In the second mode, the largest single component is in the Z direction.


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Dynamic Output Processing Unity normalized means that the largest displacement component in the mode is set to 1.0, and all other displacement values are scaled accordingly.

Included Mass Data Displays the percent of the total system mass/force included in the extracted modes, and the percent of system mass/force included in the missing mass correction (if any) for each of the individual shocks of the dynamic load cases. The value gives an indication of the accuracy of the total system response captured by the dynamic model, with 100% being the ideal. % Mass Included - Shows the percentage of mass active in each of the X, Y, and Z directions. % Force Active - Shows the value that is computed by taking the algebraic sum in each of the global directions, and then applying the SRSS method to each of the three directions. The sums of the three directions are added vectorally. % Force Added - Shows the value obtained by subtracting % Force Active from 100.

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Dynamic Output Processing Dynamic Input Lists the input for the piping model or for the dynamic input.

Mass Model Shows how CAESAR II lumped masses for the dynamic runs. The mass lumping report should show a fairly uniform distribution of masses. Large or irregular variations in the values must be investigated. Usually these large values can be reduced by breaking down exceedingly long, straight runs of pipe. The mass lumping report, shown below is very uniform in distribution, and should produce a good dynamic solution. CAESAR II ignores rotational terms.


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Dynamic Output Processing Active Boundary Conditions Shows how CAESAR II deals with the nonlinear restraints in the job. It shows which directional supports are included, which gaps are assumed closed, and how friction resistance is modeled.

Dynamic Output Animation Window The Dynamic Output Animation window enables you to review analytic results in graphic mode. This window shares the same general capabilities as the Piping Input window. It uses the 3D/HOOPS graphic standard toolbar that provides zoom, orbit, pan, and several other navigation options. It also provides the ability to switch views and modes. You can open the animation windows by clicking Output > Animation and then selecting the appropriate animation type. Dynamic Output Animation window can be activated from the Dynamic Output window by clicking View Animation . The animation commands enable you to view animated motion of the system for static displacements or various dynamic movements. The mode and spectrum results, for example, allow animation of the mode shapes, while time history analysis provides an animated simulation of the system response to the force-time profile. A piping model is shown in its default state (volume mode, isometric view, orthographic projection). If necessary, you can display the model using an isometric view, or by any of the defined orthographic views: Front/Back, Top/Bottom, or Left/Right by clicking the corresponding toolbar buttons. You can interactively rotate, zoom, or pan the model. Zoom to Window and Zoom to Selection options are also available.

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Dynamic Output Processing Perspective or orthographic projections can also be set. Node numbers can be displayed by clicking Nodes. The desired load case or mode shape can be selected from the corresponding drop down list. The frequency of the load case associated with the animation is shown at the top of the view plot whenever the Action > Titles option is selected. The Animated Plot menu displays several plot selections. Motion and Volume Motion activate the animation. The Motion command uses the centerline representation while Volume Motion produces the volume graphics image. Each of the motion options causes the graphics processor to animate the current plot. If Node Numbers is clicked, the node number text is moved together with the corresponding node. When the plot is animated in the window, it may be sped up, slowed down, or stopped using appropriate the toolbar command. After selecting a different load case or mode shape from the drop down list, the motion automatically stops. Select one of the motion commands again to activate the model movement. The File > Print Motion command prints all of the vibration positions of the current mode. It is not available for time history animation. For clarity purposes, we recommend you use the single line (Motion) option to generate the printouts.

Save Animation to File The animated graphics can be saved to a file by clicking Create an Animation File. Alternatively, you can access this command from the Dynamic Plot File > Save as Animation. After activating this command, the standard MS Windows Save As dialog box displays and prompts you to enter the file name and directory to save the files. By default the current file name and current data directory is used. There are two file types that are created: an HTML file and an HSF file. To view the saved animation, find the corresponding HTML file and double-click it. The corresponding HSF file containing the animation routines is displayed. The HTML file contains buttons to play or pause the animation. The model can also be viewed at different orthogonal planes, or returned to the isometric view. The HTML is an interactive file. The first time a CAESAR II file is created, the HTML file is opened with your default internet browser. The software displays a message requesting permission to download a control from Tech Soft 3D. Click Yes to allow the download, after which the image displays. After the model appears, right-click the model to view the available options such as orbit, pan, zoom, and/or different render modes. The image can be printed or copied to the clipboard.

Animation of Static Results -Displacements You can view the piping system as it moves to the displaced position for the basic load cases. To animate the static results, click Static Output > Options > View Animation. You can click View Animation to view graphic animation of the displacement solution. Static animation graphics has all the standard model projection and motion toolbar commands. The load case can be selected from the drop-down list. The title consists of the load case name followed by the file name, and can be toggled on and off from the Action menu. The Static Animation processor allows viewing of the single line and volume motion, controls the speed of the movement, and the animation can be saved to a file as described above. We recommend you use the Deflected Shape command button on the 3D/HOOPS Graphics view of the Static Output Processor toolbar. For more information refer to 3D/HOOPS Graphics Tutorial for Static Output Processor, Deflected Shape.


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Dynamic Output Processing

Animation of Dynamic Results –Modal/Spectrum You can view the calculated modes of vibration that correspond to particular natural frequencies of the system. This feature is available from the Dynamic Output Animation window after running the modal analysis. After invoking the modal animation type, the system is displayed in its default state. Natural frequencies can be selected from the drop-down list to animate the corresponding mode shape. The title shows the natural frequency in Hz followed by the current file name and the date. Animated graphics for a particular mode shape (frequency) can be viewed in a single line or volume mode motion with speed control, and/or saved to an HTML file for later presentation.

Animation of Dynamic Results – Harmonic You can calculate the system response to the excitation frequency. This response can be animated. The Harmonics animation module can be launched from the animation Harmonic Output window by clicking View Animation . The system displays in its default isometric state. The animation screen displays the same toolbar options described earlier, which allow single line and volume motion as well as speed up and slow down options. Occasional cases corresponding to the excitation frequencies may be selected from the drop down list. The title shows the currently selected frequency, file name, and the date. The title may be disabled from the Action menu. Animated graphics for each analyzed load case can be saved to an HTML file for later presentation.

Animation of Dynamic Results – Time History The Time History animation window can be launched from the Dynamic Output Animation window by clicking View Animation . The system displays in the centerline isometric mode. The model can be rotated, zoomed, or panned and can be set to different orthographic projections. The current time history time step and the job name are shown in the title on the top of the graphics view. Due to complexity of the time history calculations and to decrease the animation time, the animation is only available in centerline mode. Save Animation to File is not available in the time history animation for the same reason. An additional feature of the Time History animation module is the Element Viewer. The Element Viewer displays specific element information for a given time step. After clicking Element Viewer, the Element Info dialog box displays the nodal displacements, forces, moments, code stress, and SIF information provided for the current element at a current time step. Clicking Next >> or Previous Open to open a model. 2. On the Home tab, click Generate Stress Isometrics to open the model in the C2Isogen module. 3. Select StressIso > Annotations. 4. Select the Nodal Annotations tab to view a list of all the nodes in the model. 5. To add a note for a node, click the associated cell in the User Annotation column and then type your note. 6. Select StressIso > Save Annotation to save custom annotations.

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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview The comments you add in the User Annotations column can be viewed only in the drawing, tags for user annotations are not visible in the display area.


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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview

Add custom annotations for elemental features The Elemental Annotations tab lists all the elements of the model, you can add custom remarks for each element in the User Annotation column on this tab. The From, From Name, To, and To Name columns display the information you enter for each node in CAESAR II. To add personal notes for the elements: 1. Select File > Open to open a model. 2. On the Home tab, click Generate Stress Isometrics to open the model in the C2Isogen module. 3. Select StressIso > Annotations. 4. Select the Elemental Annotations tab to view a list of model elements. 5. To add a comment for an element, click the associated cell in the User Annotations column, and then type your comment. 6. Select StressIso > Save Annotation to save custom annotations. The comments you add in the User Annotations column can be viewed only in the drawing, tags for user annotations are not visible in the display area.

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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview

Set Project Information The Project Attributes tab defines general information about your project. 1. Select File > Open to open a model. 2. On the Home tab, click Generate Stress Isometrics to open the model in the C2Isogen module. 3. Select StressIso > Annotations. 4. Select the Project Attributes tab. 5. Type values for each attribute in the Attribute Value column. 6. Select StressIso > Save Annotation to save the values.


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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview

Configure annotation preferences The Settings tab on the Stress Isometric Annotations pane lists all the input and output features available for annotation. You select a text box shape for each feature allowing you to represent information in different text box shapes on the drawing. The feature information is then displayed in the drawing according to the shape you select. 1. Select File > Open to open a model. 2. On the Home tab, click Generate Stress Isometrics to open the model in the C2Isogen module. 3. Select StressIso > Annotations. 4. Select the Settings tab to view the list of features. 5. Click TextBox Shape list associated to a feature, and then select a text box shape for the feature. 6. Select StressIso > Save Annotation to save annotation preferences. The text box shapes you select for different features are visible only in the drawing.

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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview

Configure isometric drawing split points The Split tab defines the split points for new isometric drawings. For example, your model contains nodes 10 through 250. If you select nodes 90 and 170 for example, the first isometric drawing will have nodes 10 through 80. The second isometric drawing will have nodes 90 through 160, and the third isometric drawing will have nodes 170 through 250. 1. Select File > Open to open a model. 2. On the Home tab, click Generate Stress Isometrics to open the model in the C2Isogen module. 3. Select StressIso > Annotations. 4. Select the Split tab. 5. In the Split column, select the nodes at which to start new isometric drawings.


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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview 6. Select StressIso > Save Annotation to save the values.

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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview

Create a drawing using the default style 1

You can use different drawing styles to create a drawing. Using the Isometric Drawing Generation dialog box you can select a style or create a new style. Selecting the default style to create a drawing applies predefined set of styles and rules to the drawing. Use this option if you are not familiar with the drawing styles, or, if you do not want to create a custom drawing style. To create a drawing using the default style: 1. Select File > Open to open a model. 2. On the Home tab, click Generate Stress Isometrics to open the model in the C2Isogen module. 3. Select StressIso > Create Drawing to open the Isometric Drawing Generation dialog box. 4. Select Use Default Style, and then click OK to create drawings. The Drawings dialog box displays a list of drawings created for the piping model. 5. Select the drawings to view, and then click View to open the drawings in your default viewer.    

The drawings created using the default style are saved in the same folder as the piping model. The unit system used in creating the pipe model is used in the drawing, by default. You cannot make any changes to the default drawing style. The drawing status message displays the number of files and drawings created for the model, and reports the errors generated during creation of the drawing.


A drawing style is a set a parameters that you define to represent your piping system drawing. These parameters typically include drawing format, drawing size, drawing frame, units, and options to display other information like materials list, weld list, and so on.


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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview

Create a drawing using an existing style Using this option you can apply an existing drawing style and create a drawing. You must have an existing style to use this option. You can create a new style using C2Isogen, or some other application like Alias I-Configure. To create a drawing using an existing style: 1. Select File > Open to open a model. 2. On the Home tab, click Generate Stress Isometrics to open the model in the C2Isogen module. 3. Select StressIso > Create Drawing to open the Isometric Drawing Generation dialog box. 4. Select Use Existing Style, and then click OK to open the Select Existing Style dialog box. 2 5. To select an isometric directory for your project, click Browse, and then select the root directory. 3 6. To select a project , click Browse, and then select a project. 7. To select an isometric style, click Browse, and then select the style you want to apply. 8. Click Create Drawing to open the Drawings dialog box. 9. Select the drawings to view, and then click View to open the drawings in your default viewer. You must follow the standard folder structure to save the project file and the styles.

Create a drawing using a new style Using this feature you can customize various parameters associated to a drawing such as the drawing frame, units, drawing size, and so on. To create a new style you must first create an


An isometric directory is the root directory for files associated to a style. An isometric directory can contain many projects. 3 Projects are create in an isometric directory and contain different drawing styles.

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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview isometric directory. The style you create is saved in a project that is created when you create an isometric directory for a new style. To define and create a new style: 1. Select File > Open to open a model. 2. On the Home tab, click Generate Stress Isometrics to open the model in the C2Isogen module. 3. Select StressIso > Create Drawing to open the Isometric Drawing Generation dialog box. 4. Select Create New Style, and then click OK to open the Isometric Style Configuration dialog box. 5. To the right of Create New Isometric Directory, click Browse to select an empty folder, or create a new folder. 6. Under Create New Isometric Directory, click Create to generate the required folder structure and files. 4 7. To select a drawing frame , click Browse and select a drawing frame in the Open Drawing Frame Template dialog box. 8. Similarly, to specify a folder to save your drawings in Drawing Path, click Browse and select a folder. 9. Select Units to select a unit system for your drawing. 10. Select Drawing Size to select a size for the drawing. 11. Click Create Drawing to save the style you created and generate drawing files. 12. On the Drawings dialog box, select the files you want to view, and then click View to open the drawings in your default viewer.  

You must choose an empty folder to create an isometric directory. If you want to delete an existing style, you must use to delete the style.


Drawing frames are the backing sheets used to create your drawing. By default, different types of drawing frames are generated when you create a new style.


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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview

Create and save an annotation template You can create a standard template and apply this template to different piping models. The selections that you make while creating a template are then applied to the new model. To include nodes or elements associated to an input feature you must select all the nodes or elements of that feature. To create and save a template: 1. Select File > Open to open a model. 2. On the Home tab, click Generate Stress Isometrics to open the model in the C2Isogen module. 3. Select StressIso > Annotations to open the Stress Isometric Annotations pane. 4. Select the Input tab. 5. From the Feature list, select an input feature that you want to include in your template. 6. To select all the nodes or elements, press SHIFT and then select the first and the last check box of the list. 7. Similarly, select all the nodes and elements of other input features that you want to include in your template. 8. To define annotation preferences for your template, click the Settings tab and select text box shapes for the input features. 9. Select StressIso > Save Template to open the Save Annotation Template dialog box. 10. On the Save Annotation Template dialog box, type a file name and then click Save to save the template. Only input features can be selected and saved as a template.

Apply a Template You can apply an existing template to a new piping model. All the selections made while creating a template are applied to the new model along with the annotation preferences. You can apply a template to a piping model only if a stress Iso file associated to the model does not already exist. To apply an annotation template to a new model. 1. Select File > Open to open a model. 2. On the Home tab, click Generate Stress Isometrics to open the model in the C2Isogen module. 3. Select StressIso > Apply Template to open the Open Annotation Template dialog box. 4. Select the template file to use, and then click Open to apply the template. 5. To clear all annotations, select StressIso > Reset Annotation. 6. To save the applied annotations, select StressIso > Save Annotation.

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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview

Stress Isometric Tutorials

Topics Tutorial A - Creating a stress isometric drawing using the default drawing style ................................................................................................ 662 Tutorial B - Adding annotations for Input and Output features ...... 664 Tutorial C - Adding custom annotations and configure annotations preferences .................................................................................... 667 Tutorial D - Creating and applying a stress iso template ............... 670

Tutorial A - Creating a stress isometric drawing using the default drawing style Using Stress Isometric Annotations you can annotate the input and output features from CAESAR II and generate a drawing in different formats. Stress Isometric Annotations provides you the flexibility to define different drawing styles to create a drawing. This tutorial directs you to open a file in CAESAR II and create a drawing using the default drawing style.

Topics Opening an existing CAESAR II file .............................................. 662 Creating a drawing using the default style ..................................... 663


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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview

Opening an existing CAESAR II file 1. Select Start > Intergraph CAS > CAESAR II > CAESAR II. 2. Select File > Open. 3. On the Open dialog box, click the Examples button on the right side. This opens the Examples folder. 4. Select RELIEF.c2 from the file list, and then click Open. 5. On the Home tab, click Generate Stress Isometrics module.

to open the model in the C2Isogen

Creating a drawing using the default style To create a drawing using the default drawing style: 1. Select StressIso > Create Drawing to open the Isometric Drawing Generation dialog box. You can select an existing drawing style, create new style, or use the default drawing style to create a drawing. 2. Select Use Default Style, and then click OK to generate the drawing files. The drawing files you create using default style are saved in the model folder.

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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview 3. Select the drawing from the list, and then click View to view the drawing in your default viewer or select an application in the Open With dialog box. The drawing you created without any annotations displays.


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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview

Tutorial B - Adding annotations for Input and Output features This tutorial instructs you on how to annotate input and output features of a model. The Stress Isometric Annotations pane lists all the input and output features used in the CAESAR II file.

Topics Adding annotations for input features ............................................ 665 Adding annotations for output features .......................................... 666

Adding annotations for input features In Tutorial A (see "Tutorial A - Creating a stress isometric drawing using the default drawing style" on page 662), we learned to open a CAESAR II file and create a drawing without any annotations. All the information associated to the input features is saved in the CAESAR II file when you define specific inputs for a model. You can make the drawing more insightful by adding this information to the drawing. In this part of the tutorial we add annotations for input features to the Relief.c2 file. 1. Select File > Open. 2. On the Open dialog box, click the Examples button on the right side. 3. Select RELIEF.c2 from the file list, and then click Open. 4. On the Home tab, click Generate Stress Isometrics to open the model in the C2Isogen module. 5. Select StressIso > Annotations to open the Stress Isometric Annotations pane. By default, the pane opens the Input tab.

6. The Feature list displays all the input features available in CAESAR II. Depending on the feature you select a list of nodes associated to the feature is displayed.

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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview Click the check boxes in the Select column if you want to include the information associated to the node or element in your drawing. For example, select Node Numbers in the Feature list, and then select nodes 110 and 115. Annotations for the selected node numbers are added to the model and are visible in the display area.

Adding annotations for output features Similar to the input features, CAESAR II file saves the result data after you analyze a model. The Output tab lists the load cases used for the stress analysis and classifies them as Displacement, Restraint, and Stresses induced in the model for each case. You can make this result data available in the drawing by selecting nodes and elements displayed for the result type. To add annotations for output features: 1. Select the Output tab to view the load cases used for stress analysis.


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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview 2. The Load Cases list displays a list of load cases used in the analysis, the results generated for each load case are listed in the Results box. You can view a list of nodes or elements for each result set and then select nodes and elements you want to annotate. Let us consider Load Case 3 and then select elements 75-80 and 110-115 for Stress. You can now view the annotations for the selected elements in the display area.

Tutorial C - Adding custom annotations and configure annotations preferences Along with annotating input and output features you can also add custom notes to the nodes and elements of a model. The annotations you add can be represented in different formats to improve drawing readability. In this tutorial we learn to add custom notes to nodes and elements and choose representation formats for the features.

Topics Adding custom annotations ........................................................... 667 Configuring annotation preferences .............................................. 669

Adding custom annotations In the earlier tutorial we learned to add annotations for input and output features. In this tutorial we continue adding annotations to Relief.c2 file we opened in Opening an existing CAESAR II file (on page 662). To add custom annotations:

CAESAR II User's Guide


Generate Stress Isometrics Overview Select Nodal Annotations tab to view the list of nodes defined in the model. You can now add your remarks in the User Annotations cell associated to each node. For example, click the cell associated to node 80 and type This is a user annotation for node 80.

1. Similarly, select Elemental Annotations tab to view the list of elements in the model and add your remarks in the User Annotation cell associated to the element you want to annotate. Here we add a note for element 75-80. 2. Click the User Annotations cell associated to element 75-80 and type This is a custom annotation for element 75-80.


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Generate Stress Isometrics Overview The custom annotations you add are not shown in the display area and can be viewed only in the drawing.

Configuring annotation preferences All the information that you annotate in your drawing can be represented in different formats, selecting different textbox shapes to display different feature can make the drawing more easy to understand. In this part of the tutorial we learn to configure annotation preferences for the drawing. It is evident in the drawing illustrated in the first part of this tutorial that all the annotations you made are displayed in a rectangular box. This makes it difficult to differentiate between the input, output, and custom annotations added to the drawing. To choose different formats to represent your annotations: 1. Select the Settings tab to view the list of input, output, and custom annotation features. You can select different box shapes for the features you annotate.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Generate Stress Isometrics Overview 2. Let us select Circle for Node Numbers, No Box for Output Stress Data, and Filleted Rectangle for Nodal Annotations and Elemental Annotations.

You cannot view these changes in the display area, the changes you made are updated when you create a drawing.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Generate Stress Isometrics Overview

Tutorial D - Creating and applying a stress iso template This tutorial instructs you to create a template for stress iso annotations .You can apply this template to your piping models and ensure consistency in representation of the input features in the drawing. Only input features of a model can be included in a template, we recommend you open a piping model that has all the input features you want to include in your template.

Topics Creating a template ....................................................................... 671 Applying a template ....................................................................... 673

Creating a template In this tutorial we learn to create and save a stress iso annotation template. For this tutorial, open Relief.c2 from the CAESAR II example folders. To create a template: 1. Select StressIso > Annotation to open the Stress Isometric Annotations pane. You can only include the input features in a template. To include an input feature in a template you must select all the nodes listed for that feature.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Generate Stress Isometrics Overview 2. Click the Feature list, select a feature, and then select all the nodes listed for the feature. For example let us select all the nodes listed for the Restraint/hanger Types feature.

3. Similarly, select all the nodes or elements of other input features that you want to include. 4. Select Settings tab to specify a text box shape for the input feature you selected in the earlier part of this tutorial. Let us select Filleted Rectangle for the Restraint/hanger types feature. 5. Select StressIso > Save Template to save your selections as a template. A template file with .ist extension is saved in the model folder.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Generate Stress Isometrics Overview

Applying a template After you create and save a template, you can apply this template to your piping models. When you select all the nodes of a feature to create a template, that input feature gets selected when you apply the template to a new piping model. You can clear the selections if you do not want to display all the nodes or elements of the input feature included in a template. This part of the tutorial directs you on how to apply a saved template to a piping model. You can apply a template to a piping model only if the model is not already annotated and the stress iso file (.iso) associated to the model does not exist. To apply a template to a new model: 1. Select Start > Intergraph CAS > CAESAR II > CAESAR II. 2. Select File > Open. 3. On the Open dialog box, click the Examples button on the right side. This opens the Examples folder. 4. Select Jacket.c2 from the file list, and then click Open. 5. On the Home tab, click Generate Stress Isometrics to open the model in the C2Isogen module. 6. Select StressIso > Apply Annotation, and then select a template file. 7. Select StressIso > Annotation to view the selections you made while creating the template in the display area.

It can be seen in the above figure that all the nodes listed under Restraint/hanger types are selected in the new model.

CAESAR II User's Guide



Equipment Component and Compliance You can use the CAESAR II Equipment and Component Compliance Analysis modules to enter data and check vessels, flanges, turbines, compressors, pumps and heat exchangers for excessive piping loads according to appropriate standards. Output reports can be sent to the printer, the terminal, or saved as a file. Suction (inlet), discharge (exhaust), and extraction lines are analyzed for forces and moments in separate runs of pipe stress software. After all of the loadings for a particular piece of equipment are calculated, you can run an analysis to determine if these loads are acceptable according to the governing code. A convenient feature of the analysis modules is the ability to separately analyze the nozzles on equipment separately. You often only have suction side loads, and the dimensions of the pump are unknown. In these cases, CAESAR II accepts a zero or a blank entry for the unknown data and generates a single-nozzle equipment check report. Although overall compliance is not being evaluated, you can still check individual nozzle limits. This is a valuable tool, especially if you are more interested in load guidance, rather than some fixed or precise limit on allowables. The analysis modules are available on the CAESAR II Analysis menu and share the same interface for easy transition between the modules. SIFs @ Intersections - Calculates stress intensification factors at intersections. For more information, see Intersection Stress Intensification Factors (on page 676). SIFs @ Bends - Calculates stress intensification factors at bends. For more information, see Bend Stress Intensification Factors (on page 682). WRC 107/207 - Calculates stresses in vessels due to attached piping. For more information, see WRC 107/297 Vessel/Nozzle Stresses (on page 689). Flanges - Performs flange stress and leakage calculations. For more information, see Flange Leakage/Stress Calculations (on page 694). B31.G - Estimates pipeline remaining life. For more information, see Pipeline Remaining Strength Calculations (B31G) (on page 712). Expansion Joint Rating - Evaluates expansion joints using EJMA equations. For more information, see Expansion Joint Rating (on page 717). AISC - Performs AISC code check on structural steel elements. For more information, see Structural Steel Checks - AISC (on page 722). NEMA SM23 - Evaluates piping loads on steam turbine nozzles. For more information, NEMA SM23 (Steam Turbines) (on page 730). API 610 - Evaluates piping loads on centrifugal pumps. For more information, see API 610 (Centrifugal Pumps) (on page 736). API 617 - Evaluates piping loads on compressors. For more information, see API 617 (Centrifugal Compressors) (on page 745). API 661 - Evaluates piping loads on air-cooled heat exchangers. For more information, see API 661 (Air Cooled Heat Exchangers) (on page 753). HEI Standard - Evaluates piping loads on feedwater heaters. For more information, see Heat Exchange Institute (on page 758). API 560 - Evaluates piping loads on fired heaters. For more information, see API 560 (Fired Heaters for General Refinery Services) (on page 761).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Equipment Component and Compliance In This Section Intersection Stress Intensification Factors ..................................... 676 Bend Stress Intensification Factors ............................................... 682 WRC 107/297 Vessel/Nozzle Stresses ......................................... 689 Flange Leakage/Stress Calculations ............................................. 694 Pipeline Remaining Strength Calculations (B31G) ........................ 712 Expansion Joint Rating .................................................................. 717 Structural Steel Checks - AISC...................................................... 722 NEMA SM23 (Steam Turbines) ..................................................... 730 API 610 (Centrifugal Pumps) ......................................................... 736 API 617 (Centrifugal Compressors) ............................................... 745 API 661 (Air Cooled Heat Exchangers) ......................................... 753 Heat Exchange Institute ................................................................. 758 API 560 (Fired Heaters for General Refinery Services) ................ 761

Intersection Stress Intensification Factors Analysis > SIFs @ Intersections computes intersection stress intensification factors (SIFs) for any of the three-pipe type intersections available in CAESAR II. To begin, specify a new job name in the New Job Name Specification dialog box or click Browse to navigate to an existing job file. All CAESAR II analyses require a job name for identification purposes. After you have created, or opened, a job, you can enter input data on the Global Input and Local Member tabs and Output menus to define, analyze, and review your data.


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Equipment Component and Compliance The software opens the Intersection Stress Intensification Factors window.

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Equipment Component and Compliance Enter the necessary problem-specific data in the input fields, and then click Run Analysis to run the analysis. After processing is complete, stress intensification factors are reported for a range of different configuration values on the Output tab, as shown below.

Topics Intersection Type ........................................................................... 679 Piping Code ID ............................................................................... 679 Header Pipe Outside Diameter ...................................................... 680 Header Pipe Wall Thickness.......................................................... 680 Branch Pipe Outside Diameter ...................................................... 680 Branch Pipe Wall Thickness .......................................................... 680 Branch Largest Diameter at Intersection ....................................... 680 Pad Thickness ............................................................................... 681 Intersection Crotch Radius ............................................................ 681 Intersection Crotch Thickness ....................................................... 681 Extrusion Crotch Radius ................................................................ 681 Weld Type ...................................................................................... 681 Ferritic Material .............................................................................. 682 Design Temperature ...................................................................... 682


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Equipment Component and Compliance

Intersection Type Specifies the intersection type to be reviewed. After you click Run Analysis , the software generates tables that show the relationship between the SIFs for the entered piping code, WRC 329, ASME III (NC and ND), and Schneider recommendations. You can choose from the following:  Reinforced Fabricated Tee  Unreinforced Fabricated Tee  Welding Tee  Sweepolet  Weldolet  Extruded Welding Tee  Bonney Forge Sweepolet  Bonney Forge Latrolet  Bonney Forge Insert Weldolet

Piping Code ID Specifies the piping code ID. The following piping codes are allowed:  1 - B31.1  3 - B31.3  4 - B31.4  5 - B31.5  8 -B31.8 & B31.8, Chapter VIII  10 - B31.9  11 - B31.11  12 - ASME Sect.III, Class 2  13 - ASME Sect.III, Class 3  14 - Navy 505 (1984)  15 - CAN/CSA Z662  16 - CAN/CSA Z662, Chapter 11  17 - BS 806 (1993) (Issue 1, September 1993)  18 - Swedish Method 1, 2nd Edition Stockholm (1979)  19 - Swedish Method 2, 2nd Edition Stockholm (1979)  20 - B31.1 (1967)  21 - Stoomwezen  22 - RCC-M C  23 - RCC-M D  24 - CODETI  25 - Norwegian TBK 5-6  26 - FDBR  27 - BS 7159  28 - UKOOA  29 - IGE/TD/12  30 - Det Norske Veritas (DNV) (1996)  31 - B31.4, Chapter IX (Offshore)

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Equipment Component and Compliance  32 - EN-13480  33 - GPTC/Z380  34 - PD-8010, Part 1  35 - PD-8010, Part 2  36 - ISO-14692  37 - HPGSL  38 - JPI For a complete list of current publication dates for piping codes, see the CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide.

Header Pipe Outside Diameter Specifies the outside diameter of the matching pipe. Do not enter the fitting diameter.

Header Pipe Wall Thickness Specifies the wall thickness of the header matching pipe. Do not enter the fitting thickness.

Branch Pipe Outside Diameter Specifies the outside diameter of the matching pipe. Do not enter the diameter of the fitting.

Branch Pipe Wall Thickness Specifies the wall thickness of the matching pipe. Do not enter the wall thickness of the fitting.

Branch Largest Diameter at Intersection Specifies the largest diameter for the branch pipe fitting at the intersection. See the figures in the piping code appendices for a more detailed description of this dimension. This is the largest diameter of any thickened nozzle neck or transition that exists at the intersection. Defaults to the matching pipe diameter if omitted.


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Equipment Component and Compliance

Pad Thickness Specifies the thickness of the pad on the reinforced fabricated tee. In most piping codes, the beneficial effect of the thickness of a pad is limited to a thickness less than 1.5 times the nominal thickness of the fitting. This factor does not apply in BS806 or Z6662, and is 2.5 in the Swedish piping code. This option displays only for reinforced fabricated tees.

Intersection Crotch Radius Specifies the intersection weld crotch radius for WRC329. Specifying this value can result in a 50% reduction in the stress intensification at the intersection when WRC 329 intersection options are selected. When you specify this value, you are assuring that there no significant stress riser at the intersection weld. To be effective in reducing the stress intensification, this value must be bigger than Tb/2 and Th/2. You must also check the value (Tb'+y)/2 in the code, where y is the largest thickness at the intersection. The crotch radius must also be larger than this value. As of the 2001 addendum, B31.3 uses this value to determine if the fitting meets the geometric criteria of B16.9 (see Note 8 in Appendix D of B31.3 for details). If this value and the Intersection Crotch Thickness are defined, CAESAR II applies Note 8 to determine how the flexibility characteristic is to be computed. If these values are left blank, the software uses the setting in the configuration file to determine how the flexibility characteristic is to be computed.

Intersection Crotch Thickness Specifies the thickness of the fitting in the crotch. As of the 2001 addendum, B31.3 uses this value to determine if the fitting meets the geometric criteria of B16.9 (see Note 8 in Appendix D of B31.3 for details). If this value and the Intersection Crotch Radius are defined, CAESAR II applies Note 8 to determine how the flexibility characteristic is to be computed. If these values are left blank, the software uses the setting in the configuration file to determine how the flexibility characteristic is to be computed.

Extrusion Crotch Radius Specifies the crotch radius for extruded welding tees. This option displays only for extruded welding tees.

Weld Type Specifies the weld type.  As Welded - This is an unfinished weld.  Finished/Ground Flush - The weld is ground flush on the inside and out and the SIF is 1.0.

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Equipment Component and Compliance

Ferritic Material Indicates that the material for this tee is ferrous, which enables the Y value to be computed on the highest temperature value specified. This option is available for when you select ASME NC and ASME ND in the Piping Code ID list.

Design Temperature Specifies the system highest temperature. This value is required for piping codes ASME NC and ASME ND to calculate material properties.

Bend Stress Intensification Factors Analysis > SIFs @ Bends provides a scratch pad for determining stress intensification factors (SIFs) for various bend configurations under different codes. You can compute bend stress intensification factors for the following:  Pipe bends without any additional attachments. These calculations are done according to the piping code being used.  Mitered pipe bends. These calculations are done according to the piping code being used.  Pipe bends with a trunnion attachment. These calculations are taken from the paper ―Stress Indices for Piping Elbows with Trunnion Attachments for Moment and Axial Loads,‖ by Hankinson, Budlong and Albano, in the PVP Vol. 129, 1987. To begin, specify a new job name in the New Job Name Specification dialog box or click Browse to navigate to an existing job file. All CAESAR II analyses require a job name for identification purposes. After you have created, or opened, a job, you can enter input data on the Global Input and Local Member tabs and Output menus to define, analyze, and review your data.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Equipment Component and Compliance The Bend Stress Intensification Factors window consists of two input tabs--the Bend tab (on page 684) and the Trunnion tab (on page 687).

In most cases data that does not apply is left blank. For example, to review the SIFs for a bend that does not have a trunnion, do not enter values for the trunnion-related input fields on the Trunnion tab.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Equipment Component and Compliance

Bend Tab Topics Piping Code ID ............................................................................... 684 Pipe Outside Diameter ................................................................... 685 Wall Thickness of Attached Pipe ................................................... 685 Wall Thickness of Bend ................................................................. 685 Bend Radius .................................................................................. 685 Bend Angle (Degrees) ................................................................... 686 Number of Flanges (Laminate Type for BS7159 & UKOOA) ........ 686 Number of Cuts .............................................................................. 686 Seam Welded ................................................................................ 686 Pressure (Design Strain for BS 7159 & UKOOA) .......................... 686 Elastic Modulus .............................................................................. 687 Pressure Stiffening ........................................................................ 687

Piping Code ID Identifies the piping code. The following piping codes are allowed:  1 - B31.1  3 - B31.3  4 - B31.4  5 - B31.5  8 -B31.8 & B31.8, Chapter VIII  10 - B31.9  11 - B31.11  12 - ASME Sect.III, Class 2  13 - ASME Sect.III, Class 3  14 - Navy 505 (1984)  15 - CAN/CSA Z662  16 - CAN/CSA Z662, Chapter 11  17 - BS 806 (1993) (Issue 1, September 1993)  18 - Swedish Method 1, 2nd Edition Stockholm (1979)  19 - Swedish Method 2, 2nd Edition Stockholm (1979)  20 - B31.1 (1967)  21 - Stoomwezen  22 - RCC-M C  23 - RCC-M D  24 - CODETI  25 - Norwegian TBK 5-6  26 - FDBR  27 - BS 7159  28 - UKOOA  29 - IGE/TD/12  30 - Det Norske Veritas (DNV) (1996)  31 - B31.4, Chapter IX (Offshore)


CAESAR II User's Guide

Equipment Component and Compliance        

32 - EN-13480 33 - GPTC/Z380 34 - PD-8010, Part 1 35 - PD-8010, Part 2 36 - ISO-14692 37 - HPGSL 38 - JPI For a complete list of current publication dates for piping codes, see the CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide.

Pipe Outside Diameter Defines the pipe outside diameter in the units shown. Used in the average cross sectional radius calculation:  r2 = (OD - WT) / 2  OD = Outside Diameter as entered  WT = Wall Thickness of attached pipe The B31.3 code defines r2 as the "mean radius of matching pipe".

Wall Thickness of Attached Pipe Specifies the matching pipe nominal wall thickness. Do not subtract out any corrosion. All SIF calculations are made ignoring corrosion. This wall thickness is used in the (r2), mean radius calculation as defined in the piping codes.

Wall Thickness of Bend Specifies the thickness of the bend fitting if it is different than the thickness of the matching pipe. This is the thickness used in the flexibility characteristic equation for (h): h = Tn = r


(Tn)(R) / (ry) Thickness of bend or fitting Mean cross sectional radius of matching pipe

Bend Radius Specify the radius of the bend. The distance from the arc center to the centerline of the bend curvature.

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Equipment Component and Compliance

Bend Angle (Degrees) Specifies the angle between the downstream leg of the bend and a straight line extending along the upstream leg of the bend. If no value is entered, the software uses the default value of 90º.

Number of Flanges (Laminate Type for BS7159 & UKOOA) Sets the number of rigid fittings that are attached to the end of the bend preventing the ovalization of the bend .Ovalization provides for a large amount of the flexibility of the bend. BS-806 (the British Power Piping Code) recommends that flanges or valves (or any rigid cross-sectional fitting) that are within two diameters of the ending weld point of the bend be considered as attached to the end of the bend for this calculation. Attachments to the end of the bend are considered to affect about 30º of the arc of the bend. For the BS 7159 code, this entry refers to the material laminate type and must be of the following values:  1 - All chopped strand mat (CSM) construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.  2 - Chopped strand mat (CSM) and woven roving (WR) construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.  3 - Chopped strand mat (CSM) and multi-filament roving construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer. Laminate type affects the calculation of flexibility factors and stress intensification factors for the BS 7159 code only.

Number of Cuts Specifies the number of cuts in the miter bend. If only a single cut is entered, then the bend is always considered to be a widely spaced mitered bend. For multi-cut miters, CASEAR II uses the radius and the number of cuts to determine if the miter is closely or widely spaced.

Seam Welded Indicates when straight pipes are seam welded and affects the SIF calculations for that pipe section due to seam welded fabrication. This option is only available when IGE/TD/12 is active.

Pressure (Design Strain for BS 7159 & UKOOA) Specifies the pressure design strain. This is an optional entry, used with the pressure stiffening calculation. For the BS 7159 Code, this entry is the material Design Strain, îd.


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Equipment Component and Compliance

Elastic Modulus Identifies the cold modulus of elasticity. Used with the pressure stiffening calculation. This is an optional entry.

Pressure Stiffening Controls the pressure stiffening effects on elbows. Pressure stiffening has its most significant effect in larger diameter bends adjacent to sensitive equipment (compressors). Including pressure stiffening where it is not included by default draws more of the system moment to the nozzle adjacent to the bend. This option is controlled using the CAESAR II setup file but is most commonly left to the default condition. The default is different for each piping code because some codes mention pressure stiffening explicitly, while others do not. Available options are:  Yes - Include pressure stiffening.  No - Remove pressure stiffening.  Default - Follow the piping code default.

Trunnion Tab There are limits that must be satisfied before SIFs can be calculated on trunnions. These limits come directly from the paper by Hankinson, Budlong and Albano. t/T ≥ 0.2 and t/T ≤ 2.0 D/T ≥ 20 and D/T ≤ 60 d/D ≥ 0.3 and d/D ≤ 0.8 Where: t = Wall thickness of the trunnion T = Wall thickness of the bend d = Outside diameter of the trunnion D = Outside diameter of the bend To review the SIFs for a bend that does not have a trunnion, do not enter values for the trunnion-related input fields on the Trunnion tab.

Topics Outside Diameter ........................................................................... 688 Wall Thickness ............................................................................... 688 Stress Concentration Factor .......................................................... 688 Stress Concentrations and Intensification ..................................... 688

CAESAR II User's Guide


Equipment Component and Compliance

Outside Diameter Specifies the staunchion outside diameter. This is an optional entry, used only if there is a staunchion or dummy leg attached to the bend. If you define Staunchion OD, you must also define Wall Thickness. The stress intensification factors for dummy legs is from the paper: "Stress Indices for Piping Elbows with Trunnion attachments for Moment and Axial Loads.", PVP Vol. 129, 1987. The equation (1.7)i = (C2)(K2)is used to get from the calculated (C2) coefficients to the stress intensification factor (i). If you do not define a value for the stress concentration factor, it defaults to 2.0.

Wall Thickness Designates the staunchion wall thickness. This is an optional entry, used only if there is a staunchion or dummy leg attached to the bend. The stress intensification factors for dummy legs are from the paper: "Stress Indices for Piping Elbows with Trunnion attachments for Moment and Axial Loads.", PVP Vol. 129, 1987. The equation (1.7)i = (C2)(K2) is used to get from the calculated (C2) coefficients to the stress intensification factor (i). If you do not define a value for the stress concentration factor, it defaults to 2.0.

Stress Concentration Factor The equation (1.7)i = (C2)(K2) is used to get from the calculated (C2) coefficients to the stress intensification factor (i). If you do not define a value for the stress concentration factor, it defaults to 2.0.

Stress Concentrations and Intensification Designates the stress intensification calculation for bends with trunnions. It is based on the relationship between the ASME NB stress indices C2, K2, and the B31 code i factor or stress intensification factor. That relationship has long been taken to be (m)(i) = (C2)(K2) Where: m = multiplier, usually either 1.7 or 2. i = B31 stress intensification factor C2 = ASME NB secondary stress index K2 = ASME NB peak stress index The peak stress index (K2) is commonly known as the ―stress concentration factor.‖ This factor is the ratio of the highest point stress at an intensification (or an elbow) and the nominal local computed stress at the same point. Peak stresses typically only exist in a very small volume of material, on the order of fractions of the wall thickness of the part. Because most piping components are formed without crude notches, gross imperfections or other anomalies, the peak stress index is kept well in control. Where a smooth transition radius is provided which is at least t/2, and where (t) is the characteristic thickness of the part, the peak stress index is typically taken as 1.0. At unfinished welds, sockets, and where no transition radius is provided, the peak stress index approaches values of 2.0.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Equipment Component and Compliance If you enter a trunnion (where there will be a weld between the trunnion and the elbow), and you do not enter a stress concentration factor, CAESAR II assumes a stress concentration factor of 2.0.

WRC 107/297 Vessel/Nozzle Stresses Analysis > WRC 107/297 calculates stresses in vessels due to attached piping. The software opens the WRC 107/297 window.

The module allows multiple analyses to be saved inside the same file. The Job Explorer--the left pane of the WRC 107/297 window--lists each analysis contained in the job, sorted by analysis type: WRC-107 or WRC-297. The items in the list are created by combining the item description and the item number, which can be subsequently changed in the data input window. The Loads pane, which contains a data input grid, displays the selected analysis type. The following commands are available on the WRC 107/297 toolbar. Defines a data set as a WRC-107 analysis. Defines a data set as a WRC-297 analysis. Starts the analysis and displays the results in the WRC 197/207 window. Performs the initial WRC 107 calculation and summation and sends the result to Microsoft™ Word.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Equipment Component and Compliance Removes an analysis from the job. To add a new analysis to the job, click the corresponding analysis type, 107 or 297,on the toolbar. You can remove an analysis from the job by selecting it in the Job Explorer, and then clicking Erase on the toolbar. To display an analysis in the Loads pane, select it from the list in the Job Explorer. The analysis results and the graphical representation display on the Analysis and Drawing tabs on the right side of the Loads pane. The data that displays on both of these tabs automatically updates after each change in the Loads pane, even if they are hidden. The following example shows a sample analysis report.

Nozzle curves in the WRC Bulletin 107 cover typical applications of nozzles in vessels or piping. If any of the interpolation parameters fall outside the limits of the available curves, CAESAR II uses the last curve value in the appropriate WRC table.

Topics WRC Bulletin 107(537) .................................................................. 691 WRC Bulletin 297 .......................................................................... 693


CAESAR II User's Guide

Equipment Component and Compliance

WRC Bulletin 107(537) The Welding Research Council Bulletin 107 (WRC 107) has been used extensively since 1965 to estimate local stresses in vessel/attachment junctions. There are three editions of the WRC 107 bulletin available in the software. You can set the default using Tools > Configure/Setup. For more information about the options available in the editor, see Configuration and Environment (on page 41). In 2010, WRC Bulletin 537 was released. According to the foreword of WRC Bulletin 537, "WRC 537 provides exactly the same content in a more useful and clear format. It is not an update or a revision of 107." CAESAR II uses the graphs from Bulletin 107. Bulletin 537 simply provides equations in place of the curves found in Bulletin 107. The WRC 107 Bulletin provides an analytical tool to evaluate the vessel stresses in the immediate vicinity of a nozzle. You can use this method to compute the stresses at both the inner and outer surfaces of the vessel wall, and report the stresses in the longitudinal and circumferential axes of the vessel/nozzle intersection. The convention adopted by WRC 107 to define the applicable orientations of the applied loads and stresses for both spherical and cylindrical vessels are shown below.

Spherical Shells

Cylindrical Shells

Defining WRC Axes: P-axis: Along nozzle centerline and positive entering vessel. M1-axis: Perpendicular to nozzle centerline along convenient global axis. M2-axis: Cross P-axis into M1 axis and the result is M2-axis.

Defining WRC Axes: P-axis: Along nozzle centerline and positive entering vessel. MC-axis: Along vessel centerline and positive to correspond with any parallel global axis. M2-axis: Cross the P-axis with MC axis and result is ML-axis.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Equipment Component and Compliance Defining WRC Stress Points: u - Upper, stress on outside of vessel wall at junction. l - Lower, stress on inside of vessel at junction. A - Position on vessel at junction along negative M1 axis. B - Position on vessel at junction along positive M2 axis. C - Position on vessel at junction along positive M2 axis. D - Position on vessel at junction along negative M2 axis.

Defining WRC Stress Points: u - Upper, stress on outside of vessel wall at junction. l - Lower, means stress on inside of vessel at junction. A - Position on vessel at junction along negative MC axis. B - Position on vessel at junction, along positive MC axis. C - Position on vessel at junction, along positive ML axis. D - Position on vessel at junction, along negative ML axis. Shear axis VC is parallel and in the same direction as the bending axis ML. Shear axis VL is parallel and in the opposite direction as the bending axis MC.

WRC 107 is commonly used to conservatively estimate vessel shell stress state at the edge of a reinforcing pad. The stress state in the vessel wall when the nozzle has a reinforcing pad can be estimated by considering a solid plug with an outside diameter equal to the O.D. of the reinforcing pad, subjected to the same nozzle loading. Before attempting to use WRC 107 to evaluate the stress state of any nozzle-vessel junction, always verify that the geometric restrictions limiting the application of WRC 107 are not exceeded. These vary according to the attachment and vessel types. Refer to the WRC 107 bulletin directory for this information. Using WRC 107 is not recommended when the nozzle is very light or when the parameters in the WRC 107 data curves are unreasonably exceeded. Output from WRC 107 includes the figure numbers for the curves accessed, the curve abscissa, and the values retrieved. Check these outputs against the actual curve in WRC 107 to become familiar with the accuracy of the stresses calculated. For example, if parameters for a particular problem are always near or past the end of the figures curve data, then the calculated stresses may not be reliable.

WRC 107 Stress Summations Because the stresses computed by WRC 107 are highly localized, they do not fall immediately under the B31 code rules as defined by B31.1 or B31.3. However, Appendix 4-1 of ASME Section VIII, Division 2 ―Mandatory Design Based on Stress Analysis‖ does provide a detailed approach for dealing with these local stresses. The analysis procedure outlined in the aforementioned code is used in CAESAR II to perform the stress evaluation. In order to evaluate the stresses through an elastic analysis, three stress combinations (summations) must be made:  Pm  Pm + Pl + Pb  Pm + Pl + Pb + Q P is the design pressure of the system. Pm is the general membrane stress due to internal pressure removed from discontinuities and can be estimated for the vessel wall from the expression (PD) / (4t) for the longitudinal component and (PD) / (2t) for the hoop component. The allowable for Pm is kSmh, where Smh is the allowable stress intensity. The value of k can be taken from Table AD-150.1 of the code, which ranges from 1.0 for sustained loads to 1.2 for sustained plus wind loads or sustained plus earthquake loads. Pl is the local membrane stress


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Equipment Component and Compliance at the junction due to the sustained piping loads. Pb is the local bending stress (and is zero at the nozzle to vessel connections according to Section VIII, Division 2 of ASME Code). Q is the secondary stress due to thermal expansion piping loads or the bending stress due to internal pressure thrust and sustained piping loads. The allowable stress intensity for the second stress combination is 1.5kSmh, as defined by the Figure 4-130.1 of the Code. Smh is the hot stress intensity allowable at the given design temperature. Both Pl and Q are calculated by WRC 107. The third combination defines the range of the stress intensity, and its allowable is limited to 1.5(Smc+Smh). A summation is provided automatically following the WRC 107 analysis and displays on the Drawing window within the main WRC 107/297 window. The calculation provides a comparison of the stress intensities to the entered allowables, along with a corresponding Pass/Fail ruling. Failed items display in red.

WRC Bulletin 297 Published in August of 1984, Welding Research Council (WRC) 297 attempts to extend the existing analysis tools for the evaluation of stresses in cylinder-to-cylinder intersections. WRC 297 differs from the widely-used WRC 107 primarily in that WRC 297 is designed for larger d/D ratios (up to 0.5). WRC 297 also computes stresses in the nozzle and the vessel, whereas WRC 107 only computes stresses in the vessel. The CAESAR II WRC 297 module provides input tabs for vessel data, nozzle data, and imposed loads. WRC 297 supports one set of loads. You can enter the loads in either global CAESAR II convention or in the local WRC 297 coordinate system. If the global CAESAR II convention is selected, vessel and nozzle direction cosines must be present in order to convert the loads into the local WRC 297 convention as discussed in the WRC 297 bulletin. The CAESAR II version of WRC 297 adds the pressure component of the stress using Lame‘s equations, multiplied by the stress intensification factors found in ASME Section VIII, Div. 2,

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Equipment Component and Compliance Table AD-560.7. The pressure stress calculation is not a part of the WRC 297 bulletin but is added here for your convenience. CAESAR II also uses, through Input > Piping, the nozzle flexibility calculations described in WRC 297. For more information, see Piping Input Reference (on page 89). After you provide the necessary input, CAESAR II calculates the stress components at the four locations on the vessel around the nozzle and also the corresponding locations on the nozzle. Stresses are calculated on both the outer and inner surfaces (upper and lower). These stress components are resolved into stress intensities at these 16 points around the connection. For more information on the allowable limits for these stresses and output processing, see WRC Bulletin 107 (see "WRC Bulletin 107(537)" on page 691).

Flange Leakage/Stress Calculations Analysis > Flanges performs flange stress and leakage calculations. Historically, there have been two different ways to calculate stress and one way to estimate leakage for flanges that have received general application over the past 20 years. The stress calculation methods are from the following sources:  ASME Section VIII  ANSI B16.5 Rating Tables The leakage calculations are also based on the B16.5 rating table approach. Leakage is a function of the relative stiffnesses of the flange, gasket and bolting. Using the B16.5 estimated stress calculations to predict leakage does not consider the gasket type, stiffness of the flange, or the stiffness of the bolting. Using B16.5 to estimate leakage makes the tendency to leak proportional to the allowable stress in the flange. A flange with a higher allowable is able to resist higher moments without leakage. Leakage is very weakly tied to allowable stress, if at all. Flanges attempts to improve upon the solution of this difficult analysis problem. Equations model the flexibility of the annular flange plate and its ability to rotate under moment, axial force, and pressure. The results compare favorably with three-dimensional finite element analysis of the flange junction. These correlations assume that the distance between the inside diameter of the flange and the center of the effective gasket loading diameter is smaller than the distance between the effective gasket loading diameter and the bolt circle diameter. In other words, that (G-ID) < (BC-G), where, G is the effective gasket loading diameter, ID is the inside diameter of the flange, and BC is the diameter of the bolt circle. The following trends apply:  Thinner flanges have a greater the tendency to leak.  Larger diameter flanges have a greater tendency to leak.  Stiffer gaskets have a greater tendency to leak.  Leakage is a function of bolt tightening stress. To begin working with the flange stress and leakage calculations, specify a new job name in the New Job Name Specification dialog box or click Browse to navigate to an existing job file. All CAESAR II analyses require a job name for identification purposes. After you have created, or opened, a job, you can enter input data on the Global Input and Local Member tabs and Output menus to define, analyze, and review your data.


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Equipment Component and Compliance The software opens the Flange Leakage/Stress Calculations window.

Input for the flange stress and leakage calculations is divided into four input tabs:  Flange (see "Flange Tab" on page 695) - Describes flange geometry.  Bolts and Gasket (see "Bolts and Gasket Tab" on page 699) - Defines data for the bolts and gasket.  Material Data (see "Material Data Tab" on page 707) - Defines material and stress-related data.  Loads (see "Loads Tab" on page 709) - Describes the imposed loads.

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Flange Tab The following options are used to describe flange geometry.

Topics Flange Type ................................................................................... 696 Flange Class .................................................................................. 696 Flange Grade ................................................................................. 696 Flange Outside Diameter (A) ......................................................... 697 Flange Inside Diameter (B) ............................................................ 697 Flange Thickness (t) ...................................................................... 698 Flange Face OD or Lapjt Cnt ......................................................... 698 Flange Face ID or Lapjt Cnt ID ...................................................... 698 Small End Hub Thickness.............................................................. 698 Large End Hub Thickness ............................................................. 699 Hub Length .................................................................................... 699

Flange Type Specifies the flange type. Selecting a flange type is required only if an ASME stress calculation for the flange is needed. If you are performing only a leakage check, you can omit this entry.

Flange Class Identifies the ANSI B16.5 or API 605 flange rating, (class).  B16.5 valid classes are 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, 2500  API 605 valid classes are 75, 150, 300, 400, 600, 900 B16.5 specifications govern up to, and including 24-inch pipe; API 605 specifications govern nominal pipe sizes 26- though 60-inch. The flange rating entry is used to access the B16.5 or API pressure/temperature rating table. Minimum and maximum allowed ratings for all different materials available in the tables are stored. Minimum and maximum computed allowed equivalent pressures, and safety factors are found from this data. API 605 does not have minimum and maximum data. The minimum and maximum data is the same when the nominal English pipe size is greater than 24-inches.

Flange Grade Specifies the grade of the attached flange. The grade of the attached flange is a value such as 1.1, 1.2, or 2.1. It can be found in the ANSI Standard B16.5 code for flanges and fittings. The flange grade is used in conjunction with the flange class and design temperature to look up the allowable pressure rating for the ANSI flange. If the grade is 1.10, then type 1.101. If you are designing a custom flange and do not want the printout for the allowable pressure, then type 0.


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Flange Outside Diameter (A) Defines the flange outside diameter if an ASME stress calculation for the flange is needed. You can omit this entry if only a leakage check is to be performed. This value is required only for ASME stress calculations. It is available in the flange ANSI B16.5/API dimensional database. You can access the flange database properties by pressing Ctrl+F from any data input field in the Flange tab.

Flange Inside Diameter (B) Specifies the inner diameter of the flange. For integral type flanges, this value will also be the inner pipe diameter. This value is referred to as "B" in the ASME code. The flange inside diameter is contained in the flange database. The software looks up this value whenever you press Ctrl+ F in the Flange tab. The flange database contains properties of ANSI B16.5 and API 605 flanges. For inside diameters not specified in B16.5, the matching ID of standard wall pipe is used. Verify this dimension based on the actual application and use of the flange. The following table shows pipe inside diameters for various nominal sizes. All sizes are shown in inches. Nominal Size

Matching Inside Pipe Diameter STD

Sch 40

Sch 60

Sch 80







































































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Flange Thickness (t) Specifies the thickness of the flange. The flange thickness is contained in the flange database. The software looks up this value whenever you press Ctrl+F while working in the Flange tab. The flange database contains properties of ANSI B16.5 and API 605 flanges.

Flange Face OD or Lapjt Cnt Indicates one of the following:  For all except lap joints - The outer diameter of the flange face. The software uses the minimum of the flange face outer diameter and the gasket outer diameter to calculate the outside flange contact point but uses the maximum in design when selecting the bolt circle. This is done so that the bolts do not interfere with the gasket. The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inside contact point of the gasket. This value is required for calculating the contact gasket width and the effective gasket diameter, G.  For lap joints - The lap joint contact outer diameter. This is usually the flange face outer diameter. For additional details, see ASME Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 2, Figure 2-4, Sketches 1 and 1A.

Flange Face ID or Lapjt Cnt ID Indicates one of the following:  For all except lap joints - The inner diameter of the flange face. The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inner contact point of the gasket. This value is required for calculating the contact gasket width and the effective gasket diameter, G.  For lap joints - The lap joint contact inner diameter. This is usually the flange inner diameter. For additional details, see ASME Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 2, Figure 2-4, Sketches 1 and 1A.

Small End Hub Thickness Specifies the thickness of the small end of the hub. This value is referred to as g0 in the ASME code. For weld neck flange types, this is the thickness of the shell at the end of the flange. For slip on flange geometries, this is the thickness of the hub at the small end. For flange geometries without hubs, this thickness can be entered as zero, or omitted. This value is required only for ASME stress calculations. It is available in the flange ANSI B16.5/API dimensional database. You can access the flange database properties by pressing Ctrl+F from any data input field in the Flange tab.


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Large End Hub Thickness Specify the thickness of the large end of the hub. This value is referred to as g1 in the ASME code. It can be the same as Small Hub Thickness. For flange geometries without hubs, this thickness can be entered as zero, or left blank. This value is required only for ASME stress calculations. It is available in the flange ANSI B16.5/API dimensional database. You can access the flange database properties by pressing Ctrl+F from any data cell in the Flange tab.

Hub Length Defines the hub length. This value is referred to as h in the ASME code. For flange geometries without hubs, this length can be entered as zero, or left blank. This value is required only for ASME stress calculations. It is available in the flange ANSI B16.5/API dimensional database. You can access the flange database properties by pressing Ctrl+F from any data input field in the Flange tab. When analyzing an optional type flange that is welded at the hub end, enter the hub length as the leg of the weld, and include the thickness of the weld in the large end. When analyzing a flange with no hub, such as a ring flange or a lap joint flange, enter a zero or leave the field blank for the Hub Length, Small End Hub Thickness, and Large End Hub Thickness. When designing a loose, ring-type flange that has a fillet weld at the back, enter the size of a leg of the fillet weld as the large end of the hub.

Bolts and Gasket Tab The following options are used to define data for the bolts and gasket.

Topics Number of Bolts ............................................................................. 700 Bolt Diameter ................................................................................. 700 Bolt Initial Tightening Stress .......................................................... 700 Gasket Outer Diameter .................................................................. 701 Gasket Inner Diameter ................................................................... 701 Uncompressed Gasket Thickness ................................................. 701 Effective Gasket Modulus .............................................................. 701 Leak Pressure Ratio ...................................................................... 701 Gasket Seating Stress ................................................................... 703 Nubbin Width or Ring ..................................................................... 705 Facing Sketch ................................................................................ 705 Facing Column ............................................................................... 705

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Number of Bolts Specifies the number of bolts. The number of bolts in standard ANSI B16.5 and API 605 flanges is contained in the flange database and is accessed by the software whenever you press Ctrl+F.

Bolt Diameter Specifies the nominal diameter of the bolts. Standard bolt diameters for ANSI B16.5 and API 605 flanges are contained in the flange database and are accessed by the software whenever press Ctrl+F.

Bolt Initial Tightening Stress Specifies the stress induced in the bolt during tightening after the flange has been seated. This is the stress in the bolt when the system is about to be pressurized and thermally loaded. If this value is omitted, the software uses the following bolt tightening rule to compute the tightening stress in the bolt. (In English units: å(i) = 45,000 / û(d). This entry is used only in the flexibility model of the flange to estimate the initial compression of the gasket.

Bolt Tightening Stress Notes This is a critical item for leakage determination and for computing stresses in the flange. The ASME Code bases its stress calculations on a predetermined, specified, fixed equation for the bolt stress. The resulting value is however often not related to the actual tightening stress that appears in the flange when the bolts are tightened. For this reason, Bolt Initial Tightening Stress, is used only for the flexibility/leakage determination. The value for the bolt tightening stress used in the ASME Flange Stress Calculations is as defined by the ASME Code: Bolt Load = Hydrostatic End Force + Force for Leaktight Joint If Bolt Initial Tightening Stress is left blank, CAESAR II uses the value

Where 45,000 psi is a constant and d is the nominal diameter of the bolt. This is a rule of thumb tightening stress that will typically be applied by field personnel tightening the bolts. This computed value is printed in the output from the Flanges output. Compare this value to the bolt stress printed in the ASME stress report (also in the output). The ―rule-of-thumb‖ tightening stress is frequently larger than the ASME required stress. When the ASME required stress is entered into the Bolt Initial Tightening Stress field, a comparison of the leakage safety factors can be made and the sensitivity of the joint to the tightening torque can be determined. You are strongly encouraged to adjust these numbers to get a feel for the relationship between all of the factors involved.


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Gasket Outer Diameter Specifies the outer diameter of the gasket. The software uses the minimum of the flange face outer diameter and the gasket outer diameter to calculate the outside flange contact point, but uses the maximum in design when selecting the bolt circle. This is done so that the bolts do not interfere with the gasket. The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inside contact point of the gasket. This value is required for calculating the contact gasket width and the effective gasket diameter, G.

Gasket Inner Diameter Specifies the inner diameter of the gasket. The software uses the maximum of the flange face ID and the gasket ID to calculate the inner contact point of the gasket. This value is required for calculating the contact gasket width and the effective gasket diameter, G.

Uncompressed Gasket Thickness Specifies the uncompressed thickness of the gasket. The software uses this value to construct an elastic compression model of the gasket reaction at the effective gasket diameter.

Effective Gasket Modulus Specifies the modulus of elasticity of the gasket material that occurs during loading and unloading of the gasket. Several sources have shown this modulus to be somewhat higher than the initial tightening modulus for spiral wound metal gaskets. Typical values used for spiral wound metal gaskets are:  High End: 437500.0  Low End: 347000.0 Typical values are between 300,000 and 400,000 psi for spiral wound gaskets. The higher the modulus the greater the tendency for the software to predict leakage. Errors on the high side when estimating this value will lead to a more conservative design.

Leak Pressure Ratio Specifies the ratio of gasket pressure to internal pressure at the instant when leakage starts multiplied by a factor of safety. This is termed the "Gasket Factor" in ASME Sect. VIII Div. 1

CAESAR II User's Guide


Equipment Component and Compliance The following table, extracted from Sect VIII Div. 1 gives gasket factors for some common types of gaskets. Gasket Materials and Contact Facings Notes Table 2-5.1 Gasket Material

Seating Stress y (^06)

Self-energizing types (O rings, metallic elastomer, and other self-sealing types)



Elastomers without fabric or a high percent of asbestos fiber: Below 75A Shore Durometer 75A or higher Shore Durometer

.50 1.00

0. 200.

Asbestos with Suitable Binder 1/8" thick 1/16" thick 1/32" thick

2.00 2.75 3.50

600. 3700. 6500.

Elastomers with cotton fabric



Elastomers with Asbestos fabric 3 ply 2 ply 1 ply

2.25 2.50 2.75

2200. 2900. 3700.

Vegetable fiber



Spiral-wound, asbestos filled: Carbon Stainless, Monel, Nickel alloys

2.50 3.00

10000. 10000.

2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50

2900. 3700. 4500. 5500. 6500.

2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75

3700. 4500. 5500. 6500. 7600.

Corrugated Metal, w/ Asbestos or corrugated metal, jacketed with: soft aluminum soft copper or brass iron or soft steel Monel or 4%-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel alloys Corrugated Metal: soft aluminum soft copper or brass iron or soft steel Monel or 4%-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel alloys


Gasket Factor m

CAESAR II User's Guide

Equipment Component and Compliance Flat metal, jacketed asbestos filled soft aluminum soft copper or brass iron or soft steel Monel 4%-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel alloys

3.25 3.50 3.75 3.50 3.75 3.75

5500. 6500. 7600. 8000. 9000. 9000.

Grooved Metal soft aluminum soft copper or brass iron or soft steel Monel or 4%-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel alloys

3.25 3.50 3.75 3.75 4.25

5500. 6500. 7600. 9000. 10100.

Solid flat metal soft aluminum soft copper or brass iron or soft steel Monel or 4%-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel alloys

4.00 4.75 5.50 6.00 6.50

8800. 13000. 18000. 21800. 26000.

Gasket Seating Stress Specifies the initial seating stress required for the gasket being used. This entry is required only if ASME stress calculations are to be performed. The following table, extracted from Sect VIII Div. 1 gives gasket factors for some common types of gaskets. Gasket Materials and Contact Facings Notes Table 2-5.1 Gasket Material

Gasket Factor m

Seating Stress y (^06)

Self-energizing types (O rings, metallic elastomer, and other self-sealing types)



Elastomers without fabric or a high percent of asbestos fiber: Below 75A Shore Durometer 75A or higher Shore Durometer

.50 1.00

0. 200.

Asbestos with Suitable Binder 1/8" thick 1/16" thick 1/32" thick

2.00 2.75 3.50

600. 3700. 6500.

Elastomers with cotton fabric



CAESAR II User's Guide


Equipment Component and Compliance Elastomers with Asbestos fabric 3 ply 2 ply 1 ply

2.25 2.50 2.75

2200. 2900. 3700.

Vegetable fiber



Spiral-wound, asbestos filled: Carbon Stainless, Monel, Nickel alloys

2.50 3.00

10000. 10000.

2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50

2900. 3700. 4500. 5500. 6500.

Corrugated Metal: soft aluminum soft copper or brass iron or soft steel Monel or 4%-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel alloys

2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75

3700. 4500. 5500. 6500. 7600.

Flat metal, jacketed asbestos filled soft aluminum soft copper or brass iron or soft steel Monel 4%-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel alloys

3.25 3.50 3.75 3.50 3.75 3.75

5500. 6500. 7600. 8000. 9000. 9000.

Grooved Metal soft aluminum soft copper or brass iron or soft steel Monel or 4%-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel alloys

3.25 3.50 3.75 3.75 4.25

5500. 6500. 7600. 9000. 10100.

Solid flat metal soft aluminum soft copper or brass iron or soft steel Monel or 4%-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel alloys

4.00 4.75 5.50 6.00 6.50

8800. 13000. 18000. 21800. 26000.

Corrugated Metal, w/ Asbestos or corrugated metal, jacketed with: soft aluminum soft copper or brass iron or soft steel Monel or 4%-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel alloys


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Nubbin Width or Ring Specifies the nubbin width, if applicable. This value is required only for facing sketches 1c, 1d, 2 and 6 (FLANGE) equivalents 3, 4, 5, and 9). For sketch 9, this is not a nubbin width but the contact width of the metallic ring.

Facing Sketch Specifies the facing sketch number according to the following correlations, according to Table 2-5-2 of the ASME code. Facing Sketch

CAESAR II Equivalent




flat finish faces



serrated finish faces



raised nubbin-flat finish



raised nubbin-serrated finish



1/64 inch nubbin



1/64 inch nubbin both sides



large serrations, one side



large serrations, both sides



metallic O-ring type gasket

This value is required for calculating the contact gasket width and the effective gasket diameter, G.

Facing Column Specifies the facing column number according to the following correlations: Gasket Material Self-energizing types (O rings, metallic elastomer, and other self-sealing types) Elastomers without fabric or a high percent of asbestos fiber: Below 75A Shore Durometer 75A or higher Shore Durometer

Facing Column 2

2 2

Asbestos with Suitable Binder 1/8" thick 1/16" thick 1/32" thick

2 2 2

Elastomers with cotton fabric


CAESAR II User's Guide


Equipment Component and Compliance Elastomers with Asbestos fabric 3 ply 2 ply 1 ply

2 2 2

Vegetable fiber


Spiral-wound, asbestos filled: Carbon Stainless, Monel, Nickel alloys

2 2

Corrugated Metal, w/ Asbestos or corrugated metal, jacketed with: soft aluminum soft copper or brass iron or soft steel Monel or 4%-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel alloys


2 2 2 2 3.50

Corrugated Metal: soft aluminum soft copper or brass iron or soft steel Monel or 4%-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel alloys

2 2 2 2 2

Flat metal, jacketed asbestos filled soft aluminum soft copper or brass iron or soft steel Monel 4%-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel alloys

2 2 2 2 2 2

Grooved Metal soft aluminum soft copper or brass iron or soft steel Monel or 4%-6% chrome Stainless steels and nickel alloys

2 2 2 2 2

Solid flat metal soft aluminum soft copper or brass iron or soft steel Monel or 4%-6% chrome

2 2 2 2

Stainless steels and nickel alloys


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Material Data Tab The following options are used to define material and stress-related data.

Topics Flange Material .............................................................................. 707 Bolt Material ................................................................................... 707 Design Temperature ...................................................................... 707 Flange Allowable @ Design Temperature ..................................... 707 Flange Allowable @ Ambient Temperature ................................... 708 Flange Modulus of Elasticity @ Design ......................................... 708 Flange Modulus of Elasticity @ Ambient ....................................... 708 Bolt Allowable @ Design Temperature.......................................... 708 Bolt Allowable @ Ambient Temperature........................................ 708 Flange Allowable @ Stress Multiplier ............................................ 709 Bolt Allowable Stress Multiplier...................................................... 709

Flange Material Displays the material database for flanges, taken from ASME Section VIII, Division 1.

Bolt Material Displays the material database for bolting, taken from ASME Section VIII, Division 1.

Design Temperature Specifies the flange design temperature. This value is required for ASME stress calculations, and for ANSI B16.5/API rating table look-ups. The design temperature is not used in the flexibility model of the flange.

Flange Allowable @ Design Temperature Specifies the allowable stress for the flange material at the design temperature. This value is required only if an ASME stress analysis of the flange is to be performed. This value is available in the ASME Sect. VIII Div. 1 material database delivered with the software. You can access the database by typing a material name in the Flange Material box or by clicking Browse and selecting a material in the Material Selection list. After it is in the database, fill in the spaces for database entry where the defaults are not correct. Press F1 when the material inputs are satisfactory. The material selection can be changed after pressing F1 by moving the cursor around the tab fields and pressing Enter when the cursor is on the appropriate material. When you select the material in this way, it becomes the default for the next material database entry.

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Flange Allowable @ Ambient Temperature Specifies the allowable stress for the flange material at the ambient temperature. This value is only required if an ASME stress analysis of the flange is to be performed. This value is available in the ASME Sect. VIII Div. 1 material database delivered with the software. You can access the database by typing a material name in the Flange Material box or by clicking Browse and selecting a material in the Material Selection list. After it is in the database, fill in the spaces for database entry where the defaults are not correct. Press F1 when the material inputs are satisfactory. The material selection can be changed after pressing F1 by moving the cursor around the tab fields and pressing Enter when the cursor is on the appropriate material. When you select the material in this way, it becomes the default for the next material database entry.

Flange Modulus of Elasticity @ Design Defines the value of the modulus of elasticity to be used for the determination of the Flange Rigidity Factor "J", for the DESIGN case defined in Appendix S of the A93 addendum.

Flange Modulus of Elasticity @ Ambient Defines the value of the modulus of elasticity to be used for the determination of the Flange Rigidity Factor "J", for the SEATING case defined in Appendix S of the A93 addendum.

Bolt Allowable @ Design Temperature Indicates the allowable stress for the bolt material at the design temperature. This value is only required if an ASME stress analysis of the flange is to be performed. This value is available in the ASME Sect. VIII Div. 1 material database delivered with the software. You can access the database by typing a material name in the Flange Material box or by clicking Browse and selecting a material in the Material Selection list. After it is in the database, fill in the spaces for database entry where the defaults are not correct. Press F1 when the material inputs are satisfactory. The material selection can be changed after pressing F1 by moving the cursor around the tab fields and pressing Enter when the cursor is on the appropriate material. When you select the material in this way, it becomes the default for the next material database entry.

Bolt Allowable @ Ambient Temperature Specify the allowable stress for the bolt material at the ambient temperature. This value is only required if an ASME stress analysis of the flange is to be performed. This value is available in the ASME Sect. VIII Div. 1 material database delivered with the software. You can access the database by typing a material name in the Flange Material box or by clicking Browse and selecting a material in the Material Selection list. After it is in the database, fill in the spaces for database entry where the defaults are not correct. Press F1 when the material inputs are satisfactory. The material selection can be changed after pressing F1 by moving the cursor around the tab fields and pressing Enter when the cursor is on the appropriate material. When you select the material in this way, it becomes the default for the next material database entry.


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Flange Allowable @ Stress Multiplier Applies the increased allowable (1.5) for the radial and tangential operating ASME flange allowables. This increase is implied in B31.1 Appendix II Section 4.2.3 when it states that the longitudinal hub, tangential and radial stress allowables are equal to the yield stress at design temperature, which is essentially 1.5(S). Prior to the 1992 edition of the ASME NC code, NC paragraph 3658.1(d) also stated that the tangential and radial stress allowables could be increased by 50%. The 1992 edition of NC eliminated this increase on these allowables.

Bolt Allowable Stress Multiplier Designates a factor by which to increase the operating bolt allowables. Section VIII Division 2, Article 4-141 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code allows for operating loads on bolts to equal two times the standard table allowables. In some cases, this increase can be by as much as three times the table allowables.

Loads Tab The following options are used to describe the imposed loads.

Topics Design Pressure ............................................................................ 709 Axial Force ..................................................................................... 709 Bending Moment ............................................................................ 710 Disable Leakage Calculations ....................................................... 710 Disable Stress Calculations ........................................................... 710 Disable ANSI B16.5 Check ............................................................ 710

Design Pressure Indicates the internal line pressure (lbs./ in gage. This pressure is used in the flexibility model of the flange in the ASME stress calculations and is the B16.5/API rating.

Axial Force Defines the externally applied axial force applied to the flange joint by the attached piping. The software does not include the effect of shear forces in the flexibility model.

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Bending Moment Specifies the external moment applied to the flange joint by the attached piping. If you have two bending moments, SRSS them and enter the result here.

Disable Leakage Calculations Turns off the leakage calculations performed by CAESAR II. Use this option if you want a flange report, which only contains ASME Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 2 results.

Disable Stress Calculations Turns off the flange stress calculations performed by CAESAR II. Use this option if you want a flange report, which only contains leakage calculations and omits ASME Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 2 results.

Disable ANSI B16.5 Check Turns off the report for the ANSI B16.5 Equivalent Pressure check. This check compares the equivalent pressure to the MAWP (as listed in ANSI B16.5) for the flange class and material. The ANSI MAWP does not consider bolting or gasket properties, and it is not a good indicator of the leakage characteristics of the flange.

Flange Rating This is an optional input. It has been a common practice in the industry to use the ANSI B16.5 and API 605 temperature/pressure rating tables as a gauge for leakage. Because these rating tables are based on allowable stresses and are not intended for leakage prediction, the leakage predictions that resulted are a function of the allowable stress for the flange material, not the flexibility, or modulus of elasticity, of the flange. To give you a comparison to the old practice, the minimum and maximum rating table values from ANSI and API are stored and are used to print minimum and maximum leakage safety factors that are predicted from this method. An example of the output that you get upon entering the flange rating is shown below: EQUIVALENT PRESSURE MODEL ————————Equivalent Pressure (lb./ 1639.85 ANSI/API Min Equivalent Pressure Allowed 1080.00 ANSI/API Max Equivalent Pressure Allowed 1815.00 According to the older method, this shows that leakage occurred if a carbon steel flange is used, and leakage does not occur if an alloy flange is used. Both flanges have essentially the same flexibility tendency to leak. The following input parameters are used only for the ASME Section VIII Division 1 stress calculations:  Flange Type  Flange Outside Diameter  Design Temperature  Small End Hub Thickness  Large End Hub Thickness  Hub Length  Flange Allowables  Bolt Allowables


CAESAR II User's Guide

Equipment Component and Compliance  Gasket Seating Stress  Optional Allowable Multipliers  Flange Face & Gasket Dimensions Specify the Flange Type (on page 696) on the Flange (see "Flange Tab" on page 695) tab. To acquire material allowables from the Section VIII, Division 1 material library, use the Flange Material (on page 707) list on the Material Data (see "Material Data Tab" on page 707) tab. An input listing for a typical flange analysis is shown below: CA E S A R I I MISCELLANEOUS REPORT ECHO Flange Inside Diameter [B](in.) 30.560 Flange Thickness [t](in.) 4.060 Flange Rating (Optional) 300.000 Bolt Circle Diameter (in.) 38.500 Number of Bolts 32.000 Bolt Diameter (in.) 1.500 Bolt Initial Tightening Stress(lb./ Effective Gasket Diameter [G] (in.) 33.888 Uncompressed Gasket Thickness (in.) 0.063 Basic Gasket Width [b0] (in.) 0.375 Leak Pressure Ratio [m] 2.750 Effective Gasket Modulus(b./ 300,000.000 Externally Applied Moment (optional)( 24,000.000 Externally Applied Force (optional)(lb.) 1,000.000 Pressure [P](lb./ 400.000 The following inputs are required only if you wish to perform stress calcs as per Sect VIII Div. 1 Flange Type (1-8, see ?-Help or Alt-P to plot) 1.000 Flange Outside Diameter [A](in.) 41.500 Design Temperature°F 650.000 Small End Hub Thickness [g0](in.) 1.690 Large End Hub Thickness [g1](in.) 3.440 Hub Length [h](in.) 6.620 Flange Allowable @Design Temperature(lb./ 17,500.000 Flange Allowable @Ambient Temperature(lb./ 17,500.000 Flange Modulus of Elasticity @Design(lb./ 0.279E+08 Flange Modulus of Elasticity @Ambient(lb./ 0.279E+08 Bolt Allowable @Design Temperature(lb./ 25,000.000 Bolt Allowable @Ambient Temperature(lb./ 25,000.000 Gasket Seating Stress [y](lb./ 3,700.000 Flange Allowable Stress Multiplier 1.000 Bolt Allowable Stress Multiplier (VIII Div 2 4-1411.000 Disable Leakage Calculations (Y/N) N Flange Face OD or Lapjt Cnt OD(in.) 34.500 Flange Face ID or Lapjt Cnt ID(in.) 33.000 Gasket Outer Diameter (in.) 36.000 Gasket Inner Diameter (in.) 33.000 Nubbin Width (in.) Facing Sketch 1.000 Facing Column 2.000 Disable Leakage Calculations (Y/N) N

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Pipeline Remaining Strength Calculations (B31G) Analysis > B31G evaluates corroded pipelines to determine when specific pipe segments must be replaced. The original B31G document is conservative. CAESAR II performs additional calculations to modify the original criteria. This additional work can be found in project report PR-3805, by Battelle, Inc. The details of the original B31G criteria, as well as the modified methods, are discussed in detail in this report. CAESAR II determines the following values according to the original B31G criteria and four modified methods. The values are  The hoop stress to cause failure  The maximum allowed operating pressure  The maximum allowed flaw length The four modified methods vary in the manner in which the corroded area is estimated. The methods are:  .85dL - Approximates the corroded area as 0.85 times the maximum pit depth times the flaw length.  Exact - Determines the corroded area numerically using the trapezoid method.  Equivalent - Determines the corroded area by multiplying the average pit depth by the flaw length. Additionally, an equivalent flaw length (flaw length * average pit depth / maximum pit depth) is used in the computation of the Folias factor.  Effective - Uses a numerical trapezoid summation; however, various sub-lengths of the total flaw length are used to arrive at a worst case condition. If the sub-length that produces the worst case coincides with the total length, the Exact and Effective methods yield the same result. To begin, specify a new job name in the New Job Name Specification dialog box or click Browse to navigate to an existing job file. All CAESAR II analyses require a job name for identification purposes. After you have created, or opened, a job, you can enter input data on the Global Input and Local Member tabs and Output menus to define, analyze, and review your data.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Equipment Component and Compliance The software opens the Pipeline Remaining Strength Calculations (B31G) window. The window consists of two input tabs--Data (see "Data Tab" on page 714) and Measurements (see "Measurements Tab" on page 716).

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Equipment Component and Compliance After the data is entered, click Run Analysis report is shown below:

 


to begin the computations. A typical output

For additional information or backup on these computations, an intermediate computation file is generated. For more information on the analysis methods used by this command, see the B31G document or the Battelle project report PR-3-805.

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Data Tab Most of the data required by this processor is acquired through actual field measurements.

Topics Pipe Nominal Diameter .................................................................. 715 Pipe Wall Thickness ...................................................................... 715 Design Pressure ............................................................................ 715 Material Yield Strength .................................................................. 715 Material Specified Minimum Yield ................................................. 715 Flaw Length ................................................................................... 715 Measurement Increment ................................................................ 715 Factor of Safety (FS) ..................................................................... 716 Design Factor (S) ........................................................................... 716

Pipe Nominal Diameter Specifies the pipe diameter.

Pipe Wall Thickness Specifies the un-corroded pipe wall thickness.

Design Pressure Specifies the design pressure. This value is the maximum pressure reported in the output section, although the maximum allowed pressure may be less than the input design pressure.

Material Yield Strength Defines the material yield strength. If this value is unknown, enter the specified minimum yield strength in this cell.

Material Specified Minimum Yield Defines the minimum yield strength.

Flaw Length Indicates the length of flaw or anomaly. This value is a measured quantity, usually taken in a straight line.

Measurement Increment Specify the measurement increment in this cell. This value defines how often along the flaw length depth or thickness measurements are made. The number of measurements should be calculated by (flaw length / measurement increment) + 1.

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Factor of Safety (FS) Defines the factor of safety. For those pipelines in which the maximum operating stress level does not exceed 72% of the specified minimum yield strength, the safety factor is 100/72 = 1.39. The safety factor cannot be less than 1.0.

Design Factor (S) Specifies the design factor from the applicable piping code.

Measurements Tab You can enter a maximum of twenty pit measurements on the Measurements input screen.

First, you must define the measurements. Select Pits if the measurements are in pit depths. Select Thicknesses if the measurements are remaining wall thicknesses. Pit depths are required for the computations. If remaining thicknesses are specified, the pit depths are computed from wall thickness - remaining thickness. In the individual cells, enter the measurement obtained along the flaw length. The values are based on the selection of Pits or Thicknesses.


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Expansion Joint Rating Analysis > Expansion Joint Rating computes a limit for the total displacement per corrugation of an expansion joint. According to EJMA (Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association), the maximum permitted amount of axial movement per corrugation is defined as e rated where ex + ey + eq < erated The terms in the above equation are defined as:  ex = The axial displacement per corrugation resulting from imposed axial movements.  ey = The axial displacement per corrugation resulting from imposed lateral deflections.  eq = The axial displacement per corrugation resulting from imposed angular rotation, that is, bending.  erated = The maximum permitted amount of axial movement per corrugation. You can find this value in the expansion joint manufacturer‘s catalog. In addition, EJMA states, ―Also, [as an expansion joint is rotated or deflected laterally] it should be noted that one side of the bellows attains a larger projected area than the opposite side. Under the action of the applied pressure, unbalanced forces are set up which tend to distort the expansion joint further. In order to control the effects of these two factors a second limit is established by the manufacturer upon the amount of angular rotation and/or lateral deflection which may be imposed upon the expansion joint. This limit may be less than the rated movement. Therefore, in the selection of an expansion joint, care must be exercised to avoid exceeding either of these manufacturer‘s limits.‖ This module is intended to assist you in satisfying these limitations. This module computes the terms defined in the above equation and the movement of the joint ends relative to each other. These relative movements are reported in both the local joint coordinate system and the global coordinate system. To begin, specify a new job name in the New Job Name Specification dialog box or click Browse to navigate to an existing job file. All CAESAR II analyses require a job name for identification purposes. After you have created, or opened, a job, you can enter input data on the Global Input and Local Member tabs and Output menus to define, analyze, and review your data.

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Equipment Component and Compliance The software opens the EJMA Expansion Joint window. The window consists of three input screens--Geometry (on page 720), Displacements and Rotations (on page 721), and Allowables (on page 722).

After the necessary data is entered, click Run Analysis to begin the computations. After processing completes, a report displaying both the input echo and the output calculations are shown on a new tab called Output.


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Equipment Component and Compliance The units used for the coordinate and displacement values are the length units defined in the active units file. Rotations are in units of degrees.

C A E S A R II MISCELLANEOUS REPORT ECHO EJMA EXPANSION JOINT RATING Node Number for “FROM” end 120.000 Node Number for “TO” end 125.000 Number of Convolutions 4.000 Flexible Joint Length (in.)4.447 Effective Diameter(in.)4.996 X Coordinate of “from” end (in.).000 Y Coordinate of “from” end (in.).000 Z Coordinate of “from” end (in.).000 X Coordinate of “to” end (in.)4.447 X Displacement of “from” end (in.).300 Y Displacement of “from” end (in.).250 Z Displacement of “from” end (in.).000 X Rotation of “from” end (deg).000 Y Rotation of “from” end (deg)1.222 Z Rotation of “from” end (deg).030 X Displacement of “to” end (in.)-.100 Y Displacement of “to” end (in.).120 Z Displacement of “to” end (in.).000 X Rotation of “to” end (deg).000

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Equipment Component and Compliance Y Rotation of “to” end (deg)-.020 Z Rotation of “to” end (deg).890 OUTPUT: AXIAL DISPLACEMENTS PER CONVOLUTION Axial Displacement.100 Axial Displacement due to Lateral .133 Axial Displacement due to Rotation.016 Axial Displacement TOTAL.250 RELATIVE MOVEMENTS OF END “i” WITH RESPECT TO END “j” (Local Joint Coordinate System) Relative Axial Displacement, “x”.401 Relative Lateral Displacement, “y”.158 Relative Bending, “theta” (deg)1.511 Relative Torsion (deg) .019 RELATIVE MOVEMENTS OF END “i” WITH RESPECT TO END “j” (Global Piping Coordinate System) Relative X Displacement-.399 Relative Y Displacement-.132 Relative Z Displacement.095 Relative Rotation about X (deg).000 Relative Rotation about Y (deg)-1.242 Relative Rotation about Z (deg).860 In the previous output, the axial displacement total in the report is the total axial displacement per corrugation due to axial, lateral, and rotational displacement of the expansion joint ends. This is the value that is compared to the rated axial displacement per corrugation. If e(total) is greater than the rated axial displacement per corrugation, then there is the possibility of premature bellows failure. Be sure that the displacement rating from the manufacturer is on a per corrugation basis. If it is not, multiply the axial displacement total by the number of corrugations and compare this value to the manufacturer‘s allowable axial displacement. Most manufacturers allowed rating is for some set number of cycles (often 10,000). If the actual number of cycles is less, then the allowed movement can often be greater. Similarly, if the actual number of cycles is greater than 10,000, then the allowed movement can be smaller. In special situations, contact the manufacturers because many factors can affect allowed bellows movement. The y in the report is the total relative lateral displacement of one end of the bellows with respect to the other, and theta is the total relative angular rotation of one end of the bellows with respect to the other. CAESAR II does not include x in the denominator for the lateral displacement calculations as outlined in EJMA.

Geometry Topics Node Number for "From" End ........................................................ 721 Node Number for "To" End ............................................................ 721 Number of Convolutions ................................................................ 721 Flexible Joint Length ...................................................................... 721 Effective Diameter ......................................................................... 721 Z Axis Up ....................................................................................... 721 Coordinates.................................................................................... 721


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Node Number for "From" End Identifies the node number that represents the From end of the expansion joint. This value is used for labeling purposes.

Node Number for "To" End Identifies the node number that represents the To end of the expansion joint. This value is used for labeling purposes.

Number of Convolutions Defines the number of convolutions in the expansion joint.

Flexible Joint Length Specifies the flexible length of the bellows.

Effective Diameter Specifies the diameter of the circle whose area is equal to the effective area of the expansion joint. The effective ID can be estimated using the following equation: 1.13 * sqrt (Effective Area) You can find the effective area of the joint in the manufacturer's catalog.

Z Axis Up Indicates that the z-axis is upward in your CAESAR II input file.

Coordinates Defines the spatial coordinate at the appropriate end of the expansion joint

Displacements and Rotations Defines the displacements and rotations at the appropriate end of the expansion joint. These values typically come from the displacement report of a CAESAR II run.

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Allowables Specifies the allowed expansion joint movement (translation or rotation) on a per convolution basis and for the entire bellows. Enter values using the following units of measure: Axial





inches or degrees


inches or degrees

You can acquire this data using the vendor catalog.

Structural Steel Checks - AISC Analyze > AISC performs AISC code check on structural steel elements. Compliance is evaluated according to the AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction) code. This code check uses the forces and moments at the ends of the structural members, computes stresses, and allowables, and determines a unity check value. If the unity check value is less than 1.0, the member is acceptable for the given loading conditions. CAESAR II performs the AISC unity check according to either the 1977 or the 1989 edition of the AISC code. Member properties are obtained from the AISC database and used to compute the actual and allowable stress values for the axial and bending terms comprising the unity check equations. The database must be either AISC77.BIN or AISC89.BIN and is set using Tools > Configuration/Setup. For more information, see Configuration and Environment (on page 41). There are a few differences between the 1977 and 1989 AISC Code Revisions that affect unity check computation. The most noticeable difference is that the 1989 code provides a method for computing the unity check on single angles. This procedure, which was not addressed in the 1977 code, can be found in a special code section following the commentary. The steps necessary to compute the unity check for single angles can be followed by reviewing the message file (generated upon request). The other differences between these two code revisions deal with members in compression. Several constants for Qs have been altered, and a new factor k c‖ has been added. ―kc‖ is a compression element restraint coefficient defined in the 1989 edition of the code. Because of these code differences, CAESAR II stores the name of the active database in the input file for the AISC module when the data file is first created. Attempting to switch databases or compute unity checks on angles using the 1977 code generates error messages and processing terminates. You are urged to consult the applicable AISC Manuals when using this command. To begin the unity check calculations, specify a new job name in the New Job Name Specification dialog box or click Browse to navigate to an existing job file. All CAESAR II analyses require a job name for identification purposes. After you have created, or opened, a job, you can enter input data on the Global Input and Local Member tabs and Output menus to define, analyze, and review your data.


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Equipment Component and Compliance The software displays the AISC window, which consists of two input screens:Global Input (on page 724) and Local Member Data (see "Local Member Data Tab" on page 727).

Output Reports You can direct the output reports to the screen or to a printer. The output report begins with a one page summary describing the current global data and units, as shown below.

The remaining pages in the output report show the data for the individual members. The last column of the report contains the most important data (namely the unity check value) and the

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Equipment Component and Compliance governing AISC equation. A sample member output reports are shown below. The report is applicable to jobs where sidesway is allowed.

Global Input The following options are used to enter data that applies to all members being evaluated.

Topics Structural Code .............................................................................. 725 Allowable Stress Increase Factor .................................................. 725 Stress Reduction Factors Cmy and Cmz ...................................... 725 Young‘s Modulus ........................................................................... 725 Material Yield Strength .................................................................. 725 Bending Coefficient ........................................................................ 726 Form Factor Qa ............................................................................. 726 Allow Sidesway .............................................................................. 726 Resize Members Whose Unity Check Value Is . . . ....................... 726 Minimum Desired Unity Check ...................................................... 726 Maximum Desired Unity Check ..................................................... 727


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Structural Code Identifies the code and year, typically matching the database in use. Slight variations in the computations depend on which code year is selected. Single angles can only be checked if AISC 1989 is selected.

Allowable Stress Increase Factor Designates the multiplication factor applied to the computed values of the axial and bending allowable stresses. Typically, this value is 1.0. However, in extreme events, such as earthquakes and 100-year storms, the AISC code permits the allowable stresses to be increased by a factor. Usually, a 1/3 increase is applied to the computed allowables, making the allowable stress increase factor equal to 1.33. For more details see the AISC code, section 1.5.6.

Stress Reduction Factors Cmy and Cmz Specifies the interaction formula coefficients (Cmy and Cmz) for the strong and weak axis of the elements (in-plane and out-of-plane). Values include the following:  0.85 for compression members in frames subject to joint translation (sidesway).  For restrained compression members in frames braced against sidesway and not subject to transverse loading between supports in the plane of bending: 0.6 - 0.4(M1/M2)

but not less than 0.4, where (M1/M2) is the ratio of the smaller to larger moments at the ends, of that portion of the member un-braced in the plane of bending under consideration. For compression members in frames braced against joint translation in the plane of loading and subject to transverse loading between supports, the value of Cmy can be determined by rational analysis. Alternatively, the following values are suggested per the AISC code:  0.85 for members whose ends are restrained against rotation in the plane of bending.  1.0 for members whose ends are unrestrained against rotation in the plane of bending.

Young’s Modulus Specifies the slope of the linear portion of the stress-strain diagram. For structural steel this value is usually 29,000,000 psi.

Material Yield Strength Defines the minimum yield stress of the steel being used. The term yield stress denotes the minimum yield point (for those steels that have a yield point) or the minimum yield strength (for those that do not have a yield point).

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Bending Coefficient Specifies the bending coefficient (Cb). Use 1.0 in computing the value of Fby and Fbz for use in Formula 1.6-1a or when the bending moment at any point in an unbraced length is larger than the moment at either end of the same length. Otherwise, Cb shall be: Cb = 1.75 + 1.05(M1/M2) + 0.3(M1/M2)2 but not more than 2.3, where (M1/M2) is the ratio of the smaller to larger moments at the ends.

Form Factor Qa Defines the allowable axial stress reduction factor equal to the effective area divided by the actual area. Consult the latest edition of the AISC code for the current computation methods for the effective area.

Allow Sidesway Controls the ability of a frame or structure to experience sidesway (joint translation). This affects the computation of several of the coefficients used in the unity check equations. Additionally, for frames braced against sidesway, moments at each end of the member are required. Sidesway is allowed.

Resize Members Whose Unity Check Value Is . . . Determines whether the AISC module attempts to resize specific members as a result of the unity check computations. This option is most often used for an initial pass at optimization. Selecting this option requires that you specify a minimum unity check and a maximum unity check. If the computed unity check falls outside this range, the module resizes the member appropriately. The final member size is shown in the output report. A resized member overwrites the initial input member size in the input file (input and output share a common file). If member resizing occurs, check the final member size to ensure the following: 1. The selected member is commonly available. 2. The selected member is optimal in its group. 3. The selected member does not violate fabrication requirements for flange or web size.

Minimum Desired Unity Check Defines the minimum acceptable unity check allowed. Accepted values are between 0.0 and 1.0. Members whose computed unity check value is less than this minimum are resized to a smaller shape. The Minimum Desired Unity Check value must be less than the Maximum Desired Unity Check value. The recommended value for the minimum desired unity check is 0.7, which allows lightly loaded members to be reduced in size.


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Maximum Desired Unity Check Defines the maximum acceptable unity check allowed. Accepted values are between 0.0 and 1.0. Members whose computed unity check value is greater than this maximum are resized to a larger shape. The Maximum Desired Unity Check value must be greater than the Minimum Desired Unity Check value. The recommended value for the maximum desired unity check is 0.9, which leaves a margin for loading inaccuracies.

Local Member Data Tab The following options are used to enter local member data for each member being evaluated.

Topics Member Start Node ....................................................................... 727 Member End Node ......................................................................... 727 Member Type ................................................................................. 728 In-And Out-Of-Plane Fixity Coefficients Ky And Kz ....................... 728 Unsupported Axial Length ............................................................. 728 Unsupported Length (In-Plane Bending) ....................................... 728 Unsupported Length (Out-Of-Plane Bending) ............................... 728 Double Angle Spacing ................................................................... 729 Young's Modulus ........................................................................... 729 Material Yield Strength .................................................................. 729 Axial Member Force ....................................................................... 729 In-Plane Bending Moment ............................................................. 729 Out-of-Plane Bending Moment ...................................................... 729 In-Plane ―Small‖ Bending Moment ................................................. 729 In-Plane ―Large‖ Bending Moment ................................................ 730 Out-of-Plane ―Small‖ Bending Moment .......................................... 730 Out-of-Plane ―Large‖ Bending Moment ......................................... 730

Member Start Node Identifies the start node, or ―i‖ end, of a structural element. This option is required. Enter an integer value between 1 and 32,000.

Member End Node Identifies the member end node, or the ―j‖ end, of a structural element. This option is required. Enter an integer value between 1 and 32,000.

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Member Type Specifies the AISC shape label found in the AISC manual. The shape label is used to acquire the member geometric properties from the database. For properties to be obtained, the label you enter must match exactly the label in the database. Because many of the angle labels can be found in the single angles, the double angles (long legs back to back), and the double angles (short legs back to back), require an angle type to tell them apart. Enter a D double angles with equal legs, and double angles with long legs back to back. Enter a B for double angles with short legs back to back.

In-And Out-Of-Plane Fixity Coefficients Ky And Kz Specifies the coefficients used to compute the strong and weak axis slenderness ratios. Recommended values are listed in the following table: End Conditions Theoretical K Recommended Design K fixed-fixed


















Unsupported Axial Length Defines the length used to determine the buckling strength of the member. Typically, this is the total length of the member.

Unsupported Length (In-Plane Bending) Defines the length of the member between braces or supports which prevent bending about the strong axis of the member.

Unsupported Length (Out-Of-Plane Bending) Defines the length of the member between braces or supports which prevent bending about the weak axis of the member.


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Double Angle Spacing Indicates the gap or space separating the adjacent legs. The spacing, as defined in the AISC manual, must be 0.0, .375, or .75-inches.

Young's Modulus Specifies the slope of the linear portion of the stress-strain diagram. For structural steel this value is usually 29,000,000 psi. This value of Young‘s modulus overrides the Young's Modulus (see "Young’s Modulus" on page 725) value specified on the Global Input tab.

Material Yield Strength Defines the minimum yield stress of the steel being used. The term yield stress denotes the minimum yield point (for those steels that have a yield point) or the minimum yield strength (for those that do not have a yield point). This value of the material yield strength overrides the Material Yield Strength (on page 725) value specified on the Global Input tab.

Axial Member Force Specifies the force (tension or compression) that acts along the axis of the member. The sign of the number is not significant because a worst case load condition is assumed, that is, all positive loads.

In-Plane Bending Moment Specifies the maximum bending moment in the member (when sidesway is permitted) that will cause bending about the strong axis Y-Y of the member. The sign of the number is not significant because a worst case load condition of all positive loads is assumed

Out-of-Plane Bending Moment Specifies the maximum bending moment in the member (when sidesway is permitted) that will cause bending about the weak axis Z-Z of the member. The sign of the number is not significant because a worst case load condition of all positive loads is assumed

In-Plane “Small” Bending Moment Specifies the end moments for structures braced against sidesway. This value is the smaller of the two in-plane bending moments that cause bending about the strong axis Y-Y of the member.

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In-Plane “Large” Bending Moment Specifies the end moments for structures braced against sidesway. This value is the larger of the two in-plane bending moments which cause bending about the strong axis Y-Y of the member.

Out-of-Plane “Small” Bending Moment Specifies the end moments for structures braced against sidesway. This value is the smaller of the two out-of-plane bending moments that cause bending about the weak axis Z-Z of the member.

Out-of-Plane “Large” Bending Moment Specifies the end moments for structures braced against sidesway. This value is the larger of the two out-of-plane bending moments that cause bending about the weak axis Z-Z of the member.

NEMA SM23 (Steam Turbines) Analysis > NEMA SM23 evaluates piping loads on steam turbine nozzles. There are two types of force/moment allowables computed during a NEMA run:  Individual nozzle allowables.  Cumulative equipment allowables. Each individual suction, discharge, and extraction nozzle must satisfy the equation: 3F + M < 500De Where: F = resultant force on the particular nozzle. M = resultant moment on the particular nozzle. De = effective nominal pipe size of the connection.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Equipment Component and Compliance A typical discharge nozzle calculation is shown below

For cumulative equipment allowables, NEMA SM23 states that "the combined resultants of the forces and moments of the inlet, extraction, and exhaust connections resolved at the centerline of the exhaust connection", be within a certain multiple of Dc, where Dc is the diameter of an opening whose area is equal to the sum of the areas of all of the individual equipment connections. A typical turbine cumulative (summation) equipment calculation is shown below:

SFX, SFY, and SFZ are the respective components of the forces from all connections resolved at the discharge nozzle. FC(RSLT) is the result of these forces. SMX, SMY and SMZ are the respective components of the moments from all connections resolved at the discharge nozzle. Dc is the diameter of the equivalent opening as discussed above. The software opens the NEMA SM23 window. Aside from the description, there is only one input tab for the NEMA turbine. The Nema Input tab enables iterative addiction of an arbitrary number of nozzles to the model. To add a nozzle, click Add Nozzle.

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Equipment Component and Compliance

NEMA Turbine Example Consider a turbine where node 35 represents the inlet nozzle and node 50 represents the outlet nozzle. The output from a CAESAR II analysis of this piping system includes the forces and moments acting on the pipe elements that attach to the turbine: NODE



































To find the forces acting on the turbine at points 35 and 50, reverse the sign of the forces that act on the piping: LOADS ON TURBINE @ 35 -108 -67 -93 -162 47 481 LOADS ON TURBINE @ 50 192 -7 11 -369 522 -39

Output Reports The first page of the output is the input echo. The second page, as well as some of the remaining pages, displays the individual nozzle calculations. The last page displays the summation calculations. The example below shows a sample input echo report. The actual number of output pages varies and depends on the number of nozzles defined in the input.

The NEMA output report for the above turbine example shows that the turbine passed. The highest summation load is only 56% of the allowable. If the turbine had failed, **FAILED** would have displayed, in red, under the STATUS column opposite to the load combination that was


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Equipment Component and Compliance excessive. The following two examples show sample NEMA output nozzle calculations and NEMA output summation calculations, respectively.

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NEMA Input Data Tab The following options are used to enter input data used to evaluate piping loads for steam turbine nozzles.

Topics Z-Axis Vertical ................................................................................ 734 Cos X & Y ...................................................................................... 734 Nozzle Number .............................................................................. 734 Nozzle Type ................................................................................... 735 Nozzle Diameter ............................................................................ 735 DX .................................................................................................. 735 DY .................................................................................................. 735 DZ .................................................................................................. 735 Global Force FX ............................................................................. 736 Global Force FY ............................................................................. 736 Global Force FZ ............................................................................. 736 Global Moment MX ........................................................................ 736 Global Moment MY ........................................................................ 736 Global Moment MZ ........................................................................ 736 Select Load Jobs and Load Case .................................................. 736

Z-Axis Vertical Controls the plane in which the Z-axis lies. By default, CAESAR II assumes the Y-axis is vertical with the X- and Z-axes in the horizontal plane. If you select this option, the software places the Z-axis in the vertical plane, and the X- and Y-axes are in the horizontal plane.

Cos X & Y Specifies the direction cosines (X, Z) for the equipment shaft centerline. For example, if shaft CL is along the Z-axis, the direction cosines are as follows: cosine X = 0.0 cosine Z = 1.0

Nozzle Number Identifies the node number that describes the nozzle flange connection. Enter a positive number only.


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Nozzle Type Identifies the nozzle type. This is used only for informational purposes in the output report.

Nozzle Diameter Specifies the nozzle pipe nominal diameter.

DX Specifies the X-distance from the force/moment resolution point to the nozzle. NEMA SM 23 is ambiguous about the point of resolution of the combined forces and moments. The resolution points are interpreted to be the following two points: 1. The face of the flange at the exhaust nozzle connection. 2. The intersection point of the exhaust nozzle centerline and the equipment shaft centerline. In order to resolve the forces and moments at the current nozzle connection, enter the X-distance from the current nozzle to each connection. Distance from the exhaust to the exhaust nozzle is 0.0. In order to resolve the forces and moments at the intersection point of the exhaust nozzle and the shaft centerlines, enter the X-distance from the intersection point to each connection.

DY Specifies the Y-distance from the force/moment resolution point to the nozzle. NEMA SM 23 is ambiguous about the point of resolution of the combined forces and moments. The resolution points are interpreted to be the following two points: 1. The face of the flange at the exhaust nozzle connection. 2. The intersection point of the exhaust nozzle centerline and the equipment shaft centerline. In order to resolve the forces and moments at the current nozzle connection, enter the Y-distance from the current nozzle to each connection. Distance from the exhaust to the exhaust nozzle is 0.0. In order to resolve the forces and moments at the intersection point of the exhaust nozzle and the shaft centerlines, enter the Y-distance from the intersection point to each connection.

DZ Specifies the Z-distance from the force/moment resolution point to the nozzle. NEMA SM 23 is ambiguous about the point of resolution of the combined forces and moments. The resolution points are interpreted to be the following two points: 1. The face of the flange at the exhaust nozzle connection. 2. The intersection point of the exhaust nozzle centerline and the equipment shaft centerline. In order to resolve the forces and moments at the current nozzle connection, enter the Z-distance from the current nozzle to each connection. Distance from the exhaust to the exhaust nozzle is 0.0. In order to resolve the forces and moments at the intersection point of the exhaust nozzle and the shaft centerlines, enter the Z-distance from the intersection point to each connection.

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Global Force FX Specifies the X-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the nozzle.

Global Force FY Specifies the Y-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the nozzle.

Global Force FZ Specifies the Z-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the nozzle.

Global Moment MX Specifies the X-component of the moment that the piping system exerts on the nozzle.

Global Moment MY Specifies the Y-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the nozzle.

Global Moment MZ Specifies the Z-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the nozzle.

Select Load Jobs and Load Case Opens up a dialog box that you can use to navigate to the appropriate loads job or load case.

API 610 (Centrifugal Pumps) Analyze > API 610 evaluates piping loads on centrifugal pumps. In October 2004, API released the 10th edition of API 610 for centrifugal pumps for general refinery service. The API 610 load satisfaction criteria are outlined below:


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Equipment Component and Compliance If clause F.1.2 is satisfied, then the pump is acceptable. Clause F.1.2a states that the individual component nozzle loads must fall below two times the allowables listed in the Nozzle Loadings table (Table 4) shown below:

Further, F.1.2 b) and c) must also be satisfied. Clause F.1.2b states that the resultant applied forces and moments acting on each pump nozzle flange shall satisfy the equations F.1 and F.2 of the code. Referring to the API 610 report, you can determine whether F.1.2b is satisfied by comparing the Force/Moment to two. If either resultant exceeds two, the nozzle status is reported as ** FAILED **. The F.1.2c requirements give equations translating the applied component forces and moments to the center of the pump. The requirements of these equations, and whether they have satisfied API 610, are shown on the bottom of the report. To begin an analysis of piping loads on centrifugal pumps, specify a new job name in the New Job Name Specification dialog box or click Browse to navigate to an existing job file. . All CAESAR II analyses require a job name for identification purposes. After you have created, or opened, a job, you can enter input data on the Global Input and Local Member tabs and Output menus to define, analyze, and review your data. The software displays the API 610 window, which consists of three data input tabs: Input Data (see "Input Data Tab" on page 740), Suction Nozzle (see "Suction Nozzle Tab" on page 743), and Discharge Nozzle (see "Discharge Nozzle Tab" on page 744).

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Equipment Component and Compliance The following example is taken from the API 610 code and shows the review of an overhung end-suction process pump in English units. The three CAESAR II input tabs are shown.


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An example of the processing output is shown below: API 610 Discharge Nozzle

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Input Data Tab The following options are used to enter input data used to evaluate piping loads on centrifugal pumps.

Topics Vertical In-Line Pumps................................................................... 740 Centerline Direction Cosine X........................................................ 741 Centerline Direction Cosine Z ........................................................ 741 Basepoint Node Number ............................................................... 742 Suction Nozzle Node Number ....................................................... 742 Suction Nozzle Nominal Diameter ................................................. 742 Suction Nozzle Type ...................................................................... 742 Discharge ....................................................................................... 742 Discharge Nozzle Nominal Diameter ............................................. 742 Discharge Nozzle Type .................................................................. 742 Factor for Table 4 Allowables ........................................................ 743

Vertical In-Line Pumps Indicates that the pump is the vertical in-line type supported only by the attached piping. API states that for the vertical in-line pump, you can use 2.0 times the loads from Table 4. However,


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Equipment Component and Compliance even if the pump fails the 2.0 Table 2 criteria, it may still pass. If the principal stress on the nozzle is less than 6,000 psi, then that nozzle passes. If the principal stress on either nozzle is greater than 6,000 psi, the overall status is reported as **FAILED** In API 610 there is an example problem which illustrates the way stresses are computed on these in-line pump nozzles. The two basic equations for determining stress are Stresses (s) = Force / Area + Moment / Section Modulus Shear Stresses (t) = Force / Area + Torque * distance / J Where J is the polar moment of inertia. In the second equation, both terms of the equation are always added together. On the other hand, the Force/Area term in the first equation depends on the sign of the force (tension or compression) that you enter in the force and moment spreadsheet. The sign of the force is determined by Centerline Direction Cosine X (on page 741). For vertical in-line pumps, enter the value in the direction extending from the discharge to the suction nozzle. The distances that are usually entered for pedestal mounted pumps can be left blank because they are not used.

Centerline Direction Cosine X Indicates one of the following, depending on whether Vertical In-Line Pumps is selected.  Vertical In-Line Pumps - Specifies the direction cosines (X,Z) for the nozzles. The positive direction is from discharge to the suction nozzle. For example, if the nozzles are in the X-axis, the direction cosines are: cosine X=1.0 cosine Z=0.0  Horizontal Pumps - Specifies the direction cosines (X,Z) for the pump centerline. For example, if the pump is along the Z-axis, the direction cosines are: cosine X=0.0 cosine Z=1.0

Centerline Direction Cosine Z Indicates one of the following, depending on whether Vertical In-Line Pumps is selected.  Vertical In-Line Pumps - Specifies the direction cosines (X,Z) for the nozzles. The positive direction is from discharge to the suction nozzle. For example, if the nozzles are in the X-axis, the direction cosines are: cosine X=1.0 cosine Z=0.0  Horizontal Pumps - Specifies the direction cosines (X,Z) for the pump centerline. For example, if the pump is along the Z-axis, the direction cosines are: cosine X=0.0 cosine Z=1.0

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Basepoint Node Number Identifies the node number that describes the intersection of the axis of the shaft and the centerline of the pedestals. Enter only a positive value. This node does not have to appear in any of the piping models but is used by API 610 as a point of reference on the pump about which to sum moments. In the 8th Ed. of the Standard, the base point refers to the center of the pump. The center of the pump is defined by the intersection of the pump shaft centerline and a vertical plane passing midway between the four pedestals.

Suction Nozzle Node Number Identifies the node number that describes the suction nozzle flange connection. Enter only a positive number.

Suction Nozzle Nominal Diameter Defines the suction nozzle pipe nominal diameter.

Suction Nozzle Type Specifies the location of the suction nozzle. Select Top, Side, or End. Each position has different allowables. For pumps with centerline along Y-axis (vertical), select Side.

Discharge Identifies the node number that describes the discharge nozzle flange connection. Enter only a positive number.

Discharge Nozzle Nominal Diameter Defines the discharge nozzle pipe nominal diameter.

Discharge Nozzle Type Specifies the location of the discharge nozzle. Select Top, Side, or End. Each position has different allowables. For pumps with centerline along Y-axis (vertical), select Side.


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Factor for Table 4 Allowables Defines the factor by which all Table 4 allowables are multiplied. This value is between 1.0 and 2.0. Values less than 1.0 are replaced by a default factor of 1.0, while values larger than 2.0 are replaced by a default factor of 2.0. If left blank, a default value of 1.0 is used. Typically, a value of 1.0 is used when evaluating individual nozzle loads. When checking vertical in-line pumps, this value can be equal to 2.0. The value of 2.0 is also valid when suction and discharge nozzle loads are evaluated together as defined in Appendix F of the API 610 Standard.

Suction Nozzle Tab The following options are used to enter input data for suction nozzles.

Topics DX .................................................................................................. 743 DY .................................................................................................. 743 DZ .................................................................................................. 744 Forces on Nozzle ........................................................................... 744 Moments on Nozzle ....................................................................... 744

DX Specifies the distance between the suction nozzle and base point along the X-axis. Enter a positive value if the suction nozzle X-coordinate is greater than that of the base point, that is, if the suction nozzle is farther out on the positive X-axis.  

When analyzing vertical in-line pumps, the X-, Y-, and Z-distances (DX, DY, and DZ) are not used. The API 610 10th Edition defines the base point as the center of the pump. The center of the pump is defined as the intersection of the pump shaft centerline and a vertical plane passing through the center of the two pedestals.

DY Specifies the distance between the suction nozzle and base point along the Y-axis. Enter a positive value if the suction nozzle Y-coordinate is greater than that of the base point, that is, if the suction nozzle is farther out on the positive Y-axis.  

When analyzing vertical in-line pumps, the X, Y, and Z distances (DX, DY, and DZ) are not used. The API 610 10th Edition defines the base point as the center of the pump. The center of the pump is defined as the intersection of the pump shaft centerline and a vertical plane passing through the center of the two pedestals.

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DZ Specifies the distance between the suction nozzle and base point along the Z-axis. Enter a positive value if the suction nozzle Z-coordinate is greater than that of the base point, that is, if the suction nozzle is farther out on the positive Z-axis.  

When analyzing vertical in-line pumps, the X, Y, and Z distances (DX, DY, and DZ) are not used. The API 610 10th Edition defines the base point as the center of the pump. The center of the pump is defined as the intersection of the pump shaft centerline and a vertical plane passing through the center of the two pedestals.

Forces on Nozzle Identifies the X-, Y-, or Z-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the suction nozzle. Enter the forces in their global orientation. For vertical in-line pumps, the orientation of the nozzle centerline is used to determine if the nozzle is in tension or compression. Positive direction is from discharge to suction nozzle.

Moments on Nozzle Identifies the X-, Y-, or Z-component of the moment that the piping system exerts on the suction nozzle.

Discharge Nozzle Tab The following options are used to enter input data used for discharge nozzles.

Topics DX .................................................................................................. 744 DY .................................................................................................. 745 DZ .................................................................................................. 745 Forces on Nozzle ........................................................................... 745 Moments on Nozzle ....................................................................... 745

DX Specifies the distance between the discharge nozzle and base point along the X-axis. Enter a positive value if the discharge nozzle X-coordinate is greater than that of the base point, that is, if the discharge nozzle is farther out on the positive X-axis.  


When analyzing vertical in-line pumps, the X-, Y-, and Z- distances (DX, DY, and DZ) are not used. The API 610 10th Edition defines the base point as the center of the pump. The center of the pump is defined as the intersection of the pump shaft centerline and a vertical plane passing through the center of the two pedestals.

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DY Specifies the distance between the discharge nozzle and base point along the Y-axis. Enter a positive value if the discharge nozzle Y-coordinate is greater than that of the base point, that is, if the discharge nozzle is farther out on the positive Y-axis.  

When analyzing vertical in-line pumps, the X-, Y-, and Z-distances (DX, DY, and DZ) are not used. The API 610 10th Edition defines the base point as the center of the pump. The center of the pump is defined as the intersection of the pump shaft centerline and a vertical plane passing through the center of the two pedestals.

DZ Specifies the distance between the discharge nozzle and base point along the Z-axis. Enter a positive value if the discharge nozzle Z-coordinate is greater than that of the base point, that is, if the discharge nozzle is farther out on the positive Z-axis.  

When analyzing vertical in-line pumps, the X-, Y-, and Z-distances (DX, DY, and DZ) are not used. The API 610 10th Edition defines the base point as the center of the pump. The center of the pump is defined as the intersection of the pump shaft centerline and a vertical plane passing through the center of the two pedestals.

Forces on Nozzle Identifies the X-, Y-, or Z-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the discharge nozzle. Enter the forces in their global orientation. For vertical in-line pumps, the orientation of the nozzle centerline is used to determine if the nozzle is in tension or compression. Positive direction is from discharge to suction nozzle.

Moments on Nozzle Identifies the X-, Y-, or Z-component of the moment that the piping system exerts on the discharge nozzle.

API 617 (Centrifugal Compressors) Analysis > API 617 evaluates piping loads on compressors. The requirements of this standard are similar to those of NEMA SM-23 (1991). The allowable load values for API-617 are approximately 85% higher than the NEMA allowables. To begin, specify a new job name in the New Job Name Specification dialog box or click Browse to navigate to an existing job file. All CAESAR II analyses require a job name for identification purposes. After you have created, or opened, a job, you can enter input data on the Global Input and Local Member tabs and Output menus to define, analyze, and review your data. The software opens the API 617 window, which consists of the following five input tabs:

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API 617 Input (see "API 617 Input Tab" on page 746) Suction Nozzle (see "Suction Nozzle Tab" on page 748) Discharge Nozzle (see "Discharge Nozzle Tab" on page 749) Extraction Nozzle #1 (see "Extraction Nozzle #1 Tab" on page 750) Extraction Nozzle #2 (see "Extraction Nozzle #2 Tab" on page 752)

API 617 Input Tab Topics Node Number................................................................................. 747 Nominal Diameter .......................................................................... 747 Node Number................................................................................. 747 Nominal Diameter .......................................................................... 747 Node Number................................................................................. 747 Nominal Diameter .......................................................................... 747 Node Number................................................................................. 747 Nominal Diameter .......................................................................... 747 Equipment Centerline .................................................................... 747 Factor for Allowables ..................................................................... 748


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Node Number Indicates the node number that describes the suction nozzle flange connection. Enter a positive number.

Nominal Diameter Specifies the suction nozzle pipe nominal diameter.

Node Number Indicates the node number that describes the extraction nozzle #1 flange connection. Enter a positive number.

Nominal Diameter Specifies the extraction nozzle #1 pipe nominal diameter.

Node Number Indicates the node number that describes the discharge nozzle flange connection. Enter a positive number.

Nominal Diameter Specifies the discharge nozzle pipe nominal diameter.

Node Number Indicates the node number that describes the extraction nozzle #2 flange connection. Enter a positive number.

Nominal Diameter Specifies the extraction nozzle #2 pipe nominal diameter.

Equipment Centerline Indicates the direction cosines (X,Z) for the equipment shaft centerline. For example, if shaft CL is along the Z-axis, the direction cosines are: cosine X = 0.0 cosine Z = 1.0

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Factor for Allowables Designates the multiplication factor by which all allowables are multiplied, if necessary API 617 does not recommend the use of a multiplier. The code specifically states what the allowables are.

Suction Nozzle Tab The following options are used to enter input data for suction nozzles.

Topics X Distance to Suction .................................................................... 748 Y Distance to Suction .................................................................... 748 Z Distance to Suction ..................................................................... 748 X Force Acting on Suction Nozzle ................................................. 748 Y Force Acting on Suction Nozzle ................................................. 748 Z Force Acting on Suction Nozzle ................................................. 749 X Moment Acting on Suction Nozzle ............................................. 749 Y Moment Acting on suction Nozzle .............................................. 749 Z Moment Acting on Suction Nozzle ............................................. 749

X Distance to Suction Specifies the X-distance from the largest suction/discharge nozzle to the suction nozzle.

Y Distance to Suction Specifies the Y-distance from the largest suction/discharge nozzle to the suction nozzle.

Z Distance to Suction Specifies the Z-distance from the largest suction/discharge nozzle to the suction nozzle.

X Force Acting on Suction Nozzle Specifies the X-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the suction nozzle.

Y Force Acting on Suction Nozzle Specifies the Y-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the suction nozzle.


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Z Force Acting on Suction Nozzle Specifies the Z-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the suction nozzle.

X Moment Acting on Suction Nozzle Specifies the X-component of the moment that the piping system exerts on the suction nozzle.

Y Moment Acting on suction Nozzle Specifies the Y-component of the moment that the piping system exerts on the suction nozzle.

Z Moment Acting on Suction Nozzle Specifies the Z-component of the moment that the piping system exerts on the suction nozzle.

Discharge Nozzle Tab The following options are used to enter input data for discharge nozzles.

Topics X Distance to Discharge ................................................................ 749 Y Distance to Discharge ................................................................ 749 Z Distance to Discharge ................................................................ 750 X Force Acting on Discharge Nozzle ............................................. 750 Y Force Acting on Discharge Nozzle ............................................. 750 Z Force Acting on Discharge Nozzle ............................................. 750 X Moment Acting on Discharge Nozzle ......................................... 750 Y Moment Acting on Discharge Nozzle ......................................... 750 Z Force Acting on Discharge Nozzle ............................................. 750

X Distance to Discharge Specifies the X-distance from the largest suction/discharge nozzle to the discharge nozzle.

Y Distance to Discharge Specifies the Y-distance from the largest suction/discharge nozzle to the discharge nozzle.

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Z Distance to Discharge Specifies the Z-distance from the largest suction/discharge nozzle to the discharge nozzle.

X Force Acting on Discharge Nozzle Specifies the X-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the discharge nozzle.

Y Force Acting on Discharge Nozzle Specifies the Y-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the discharge nozzle.

Z Force Acting on Discharge Nozzle Specifies the Z-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the discharge nozzle.

X Moment Acting on Discharge Nozzle Specifies the X-component of the moment that the piping system exerts on the discharge nozzle.

Y Moment Acting on Discharge Nozzle Specifies the Y-component of the moment that the piping system exerts on the discharge nozzle.

Z Force Acting on Discharge Nozzle Specifies the Z-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the discharge nozzle.

Extraction Nozzle #1 Tab The following options are used to enter input data for the extraction nozzle #1.

Topics X Distance to Extraction Nozzle #1 ............................................... 751 Y Distance to Extraction Nozzle #1 ............................................... 751 Z Distance to Extraction Nozzle #1 ............................................... 751 X Force Acting on the Extraction Nozzle ....................................... 751 Y Force Acting on the Extraction Nozzle ....................................... 751 Z Force Acting on the Extraction Nozzle ....................................... 751 X Moment Acting on the Extraction Nozzle ................................... 751 Y Moment Acting on the Extraction Nozzle ................................... 751 Z Moment Acting on the Extraction Nozzle ................................... 751


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X Distance to Extraction Nozzle #1 Specifies the X-distance from the largest suction/discharge nozzle to the extraction nozzle #1.

Y Distance to Extraction Nozzle #1 Specifies the Y-distance from the largest suction/discharge nozzle to the extraction nozzle #1.

Z Distance to Extraction Nozzle #1 Specifies the Z-distance from the largest suction/discharge nozzle to the extraction nozzle #1.

X Force Acting on the Extraction Nozzle Specifies the X-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the extraction nozzle #1.

Y Force Acting on the Extraction Nozzle Specifies the Y-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the extraction nozzle #1.

Z Force Acting on the Extraction Nozzle Specifies the Z-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the extraction nozzle #1.

X Moment Acting on the Extraction Nozzle Specifies the X-component of the moment that the piping system exerts on the extraction nozzle #1.

Y Moment Acting on the Extraction Nozzle Specifies the Y-component of the moment that the piping system exerts on the extraction nozzle #1.

Z Moment Acting on the Extraction Nozzle Specifies the Z-component of the moment that the piping system exerts on the extraction nozzle #1.

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Extraction Nozzle #2 Tab The following options are used to enter input data for the extraction nozzle #2.

Topics X Distance to Extraction Nozzle #2 ............................................... 752 Y Distance to Extraction Nozzle #2 ............................................... 752 Z Distance to Extraction Nozzle #2 ............................................... 752 X Force Acting on the Extraction Nozzle ....................................... 752 Y Moment Acting on Extraction Nozzle ......................................... 752 Z Force Acting on the Extraction Nozzle ....................................... 752 X Moment Acting on the Extraction Nozzle ................................... 753 Y Moment Acting on the Extraction Nozzle ................................... 753 Z Moment Acting on the Extraction Nozzle ................................... 753

X Distance to Extraction Nozzle #2 Specifies the X-distance from the largest suction/discharge nozzle to the extraction nozzle #2.

Y Distance to Extraction Nozzle #2 Specifies the Y-distance from the largest suction/discharge nozzle to the extraction nozzle #2.

Z Distance to Extraction Nozzle #2 Specifies the Z-distance from the largest suction/discharge nozzle to the extraction nozzle #2.

X Force Acting on the Extraction Nozzle Specifies the X-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the extraction nozzle #1.

Y Moment Acting on Extraction Nozzle Specifies the Y-component of the moment that the piping system exerts on |the extraction nozzle #2.

Z Force Acting on the Extraction Nozzle Specifies the Z-component of the force that the piping system exerts on the extraction nozzle #1.


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X Moment Acting on the Extraction Nozzle Specifies the X-component of the moment that the piping system exerts on the extraction nozzle #1.

Y Moment Acting on the Extraction Nozzle Specifies the Y-component of the moment that the piping system exerts on the extraction nozzle #1.

Z Moment Acting on the Extraction Nozzle Specifies the Z-component of the moment that the piping system exerts on the extraction nozzle #1.

API 661 (Air Cooled Heat Exchangers) Analysis > API 661 evaluates piping loads on air-cooled heat exchangers. These calculations cover the allowed loads on the vertical, co-linear nozzles (item 9 in the figure below) found on most single or multi-bundled air cooled heat exchangers. The following figures from API 661 illustrate the type of open exchanger body analyzed by this standard.

The two requirements must be met for API 661compliance:  - Each nozzle in the corroded condition must be capable of withstanding the moments and forces defined in Heat Exchangers figure.  - The sum of the forces and moments on each fixed header, that is, each individual bundle, must be less than 1,500 lb. transverse to the bundle, 2,500 lb. axial to the bundle, and 3,000 pound axial on the nozzle centerline. The allowed moments are 3,000, 2,000, and 4,000 ft.-lb., respectively. This recognizes that the application of these moments and forces will cause movement and that this movement will tend to reduce the actual loads.

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Equipment Component and Compliance To begin, specify a new job name in the New Job Name Specification dialog box or click Browse to navigate to an existing job file. All CAESAR II analyses require a job name for identification purposes. After you have created, or opened, a job, you can enter input data on the Global Input and Local Member tabs and Output menus to define, analyze, and review your data. The software opens the API 661 window, which consists of the following three screens for input of project-specific data: Input Data (see "Input Data Tab" on page 755), Inlet Nozzle (see "Inlet Nozzle Tab" on page 756), and Outlet Nozzle (see "Outlet Nozzle Tab" on page 757).


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Equipment Component and Compliance A typical API 661 report is shown below:

Input Data Tab The following options are used to enter input data used to evaluate piping loads on air-cooled heat exchangers.

Topics Inlet Nozzle Node Number............................................................. 756 Inlet Nozzle Nominal Diameter ...................................................... 756 Outlet Nozzle Node Number .......................................................... 756 Outlet Nozzle Nominal Diameter ................................................... 756 Table 4 Force and Moment Multiplier ............................................ 756 Resultant Force and Moment Multiplier ......................................... 756 Tube Bundle Direction ................................................................... 756

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Inlet Nozzle Node Number Indicates the inlet nozzle node number that is the connecting point between piping and the exchanger. This entry is optional. If defined, enter a positive number.

Inlet Nozzle Nominal Diameter Specifies the nominal diameter of the exchanger inlet connection.

Outlet Nozzle Node Number Indicates the outlet nozzle node number that is the connecting point between piping and the exchanger. This entry is optional. If defined, enter a positive number.

Outlet Nozzle Nominal Diameter Specifies the nominal diameter of the exchanger outlet connection.

Table 4 Force and Moment Multiplier Defines the Table 4 (Figure 6) Force and Moment multiplier. This is the value upon which the passed or failed status is based. If you leave this option blank, the software uses a default value of 1.0.

Resultant Force and Moment Multiplier Indicates the resultant force and moment multiplier. The computed force and moment ratios are compared to this value. If you leave this option blank, the software uses a default value of 1.0.

Tube Bundle Direction Specifies the CAESAR II global tube direction. If the X-direction is defined, the force and moment allowables for the X- and Z-directions are flipped. The same applies to the Resultant Force and Moment Multiplier allowables.

Inlet Nozzle Tab The following options are used to enter input data for the inlet nozzle.

Topics Y Distance from Nozzle Face to Header Center ........................... 757 X Force Applied to Inlet Nozzle ..................................................... 757 Y Force Applied to Inlet Nozzle ..................................................... 757 Z Force Applied to Inlet Nozzle...................................................... 757 X Moment Applied to Inlet Nozzle ................................................. 757 Y Moment Applied to Inlet Nozzle ................................................. 757 Z Moment Applied to Inlet Nozzle .................................................. 757


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Y Distance from Nozzle Face to Header Center Designates the Y-dimension of the suction nozzle to the header center. This dimension must be positive. Refer to Figure 5 in API 661. In the figure, the number 6 arrowhead points to the approximate center of the header location.

X Force Applied to Inlet Nozzle Specifies the X-force that the piping system exerts on the inlet nozzle.

Y Force Applied to Inlet Nozzle Specifies the Y-force that the piping system exerts on the inlet nozzle. This component can be considered a radial load.

Z Force Applied to Inlet Nozzle Specifies the Z-force that the piping system exerts on the inlet nozzle.

X Moment Applied to Inlet Nozzle Specifies the X-moment that the piping system exerts on the inlet nozzle.

Y Moment Applied to Inlet Nozzle Specifies the Y-moment that the piping system exerts on the inlet nozzle.

Z Moment Applied to Inlet Nozzle Specifies the Z-moment that the piping system exerts on the Inlet nozzle.

Outlet Nozzle Tab The following options are used to enter input data for the outlet nozzle.

Topics Y Distance From Header Center to Nozzle Face .......................... 758 X Force Applied to Outlet Nozzle .................................................. 758 Y Force Applied to Outlet Nozzle .................................................. 758 Z Force Applied to Outlet Nozzle ................................................... 758 X Moment Applied to Outlet Nozzle ............................................... 758 Y Moment Applied to Outlet Nozzle ............................................... 758 Z Moment Applied to Suction Nozzle ............................................ 758

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Equipment Component and Compliance

Y Distance From Header Center to Nozzle Face Indicates the Y-dimension of the header center to the discharge nozzle. Refer to Figure 5 in API 661. In this figure, the number 6 arrowhead points to the approximate center of the header location.

X Force Applied to Outlet Nozzle Indicates the X-force which the piping system exerts on the outlet nozzle.

Y Force Applied to Outlet Nozzle Specifies the Y-force that the piping system exerts on the outlet nozzle. This can be considered a radial load.

Z Force Applied to Outlet Nozzle Specifies the Z-force that the piping system exerts on the outlet nozzle.

X Moment Applied to Outlet Nozzle Specifies the X-moment that the piping system exerts on the outlet nozzle.

Y Moment Applied to Outlet Nozzle Specifies the Y-moment which the piping system exerts on the outlet nozzle.

Z Moment Applied to Suction Nozzle Specifies the Z-moment which the piping system exerts on the outlet nozzle.

Heat Exchange Institute Analysis > HEI Standard evaluates the allowable loads on shell type heat exchanger nozzles. To begin, specify a new job name in the New Job Name Specification dialog box or click Browse to navigate to an existing job file. All CAESAR II analyses require a job name for identification purposes. After you have created, or opened, a job, you can enter input data on the Global Input and Local Member tabs and Output menus to define, analyze, and review your data.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Equipment Component and Compliance The software opens the HEI STD window, in which you can enter the necessary input data. The following example shows sample input for the HEI module:

Because the pressure is greater than zero, a pressure thrust force is computed and combined with the radial force. Section 3.14 of the HEI bulletin discusses the computational methods used to compute these allowable loads. The method employed by HEI is a simplification of the WRC 107 method, where the allowable loads have been linearized to show the relationship between the maximum permitted radial force and the maximum permitted moment vector. If this relationship is plotted (using the moments as the abscissa and the forces as the ordinate), a straight line can be drawn between the maximum permitted force and the maximum permitted moment vector, forming a triangle with the axes. For any set of applied forces and moments, the nozzle passes if the location of these loads falls inside the triangle. Conversely, the nozzle fails if the location of the loads falls outside the triangle. Because the pressure is greater than zero, a pressure thrust force is computed and combined with the radial force modified to include both the plot of the allowables and the location of the current load set on this plot. The HEI bulletin states that the effect of internal pressure has been included in the combined stresses; however, the effect of the pressure on the nozzle thrust has not. This requires combination with the other radial loads. CAESAR II automatically computes the pressure thrust and adds it to the radial force if Add Pressure Thrust is selected on the HEI Nozzle (on page 760) tab.

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Equipment Component and Compliance

HEI Nozzle The following options are used to enter input data for shell type heat exchanger nozzles.

Topics Design Pressure ............................................................................ 760 Nozzle Outside Diameter ............................................................... 760 Shell Outside Diameter .................................................................. 760 Shell Thickness .............................................................................. 760 Material Yield Strength .................................................................. 760 Material Allowable Stress .............................................................. 760 Maximum Radial Force .................................................................. 761 Maximum Longitudinal Moment ..................................................... 761 Add Pressure Thrust Force............................................................ 761

Design Pressure Sets the design pressure under which the vessel is operating. Enter a non-negative value.

Nozzle Outside Diameter Indicates the outside diameter of the nozzle attachment.

Shell Outside Diameter Indicates the outside diameter of the pressure vessel.

Shell Thickness Defines the shell wall thickness. This software does not take any corrosion allowance into consideration.

Material Yield Strength Specifies the yield strength (Sy) of the shell material at the operating temperature. Refer to ASME Section VIII Division 1 for this information. Enter a positive value. The yield strength is greater than the allowable stress.

Material Allowable Stress Indicates the allowable stress of the shell material at the operating temperature, according to ASME Section VIII Division 1. Enter a positive value.


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Maximum Radial Force Defines the radial force that the piping system is exerting on the nozzle. If you enter a negative number, the force is considered to be compressive and is counteracted by any included pressure thrust force. The pressure thrust force is calculated using the nozzle diameter and the shell thickness. The maximum force for the given moment includes the pressure thrust force term.

Maximum Longitudinal Moment Specifies the moment about the transverse axis of the vessel which the piping exerts on the nozzle. Enter a non-negative value.

Add Pressure Thrust Force Controls whether the thrust force generated by the internal pressure is included or ignored. Select this option to include the pressure thrust force. To ignore this force, do not select this option. This is the default setting. All versions prior to CAESAR II 3.21a always included the pressure thrust force in analysis.

API 560 (Fired Heaters for General Refinery Services) Analysis > API 560 evaluates piping loads on fired heaters. To begin, specify a new job name in the New Job Name Specification dialog box or click Browse to navigate to an existing job file. All CAESAR II analyses require a job name for identification purposes. After you have created, or opened, a job, you can enter input data on the Global Input and Local Member tabs and Output menus to define, analyze, and review your data.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Equipment Component and Compliance The software opens the API 560 window. The window consists of one input tab on which you can enter data for the tube nominal diameter and the forces and moments acting on the tube.

When you run the analysis, CAESAR II compares the input forces and moments to the allowables as published in API 560. An example of the equipment report output is shown below.



CAESAR II User's Guide

Equipment Component and Compliance

API 560 Input Data Tab The following options are used to enter input data for the tube nominal diameter and the forces and moments acting on the tube.

Topics Tube Node Number ....................................................................... 763 Tube Nominal Diameter ................................................................. 763 Tube Axial Force ............................................................................ 763 Tube Horizontal Shear Force......................................................... 763 Tube Vertical Shear Force ............................................................. 763 Tube Torsional Moment ................................................................. 764 Tube Horizontal Moment ............................................................... 764 Tube Vertical Moment .................................................................... 764

Tube Node Number Identifies the node number for the tube that is being analyzed. Because there are many tubes in a fired heater, analyze the most highly loaded tubes.

Tube Nominal Diameter Indicates the nominal diameter of the tube.

Tube Axial Force Specifies the axial force acting on the tube at the tube/header junction. If the tube direction is X, then enter the FX value from the appropriate load case.

Tube Horizontal Shear Force Specifies the horizontal force acting on the tube at the tube/header junction. If the tube direction is X, then enter the FZ value from the appropriate load case.

Tube Vertical Shear Force Specifies the vertical force acting on the tube at the tube/header junction. If the tube direction is X, then enter the FY value from the appropriate load case.

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Equipment Component and Compliance

Tube Torsional Moment Indicates the torsional moment acting on the tube at the tube/header junction. If the tube direction is X, then enter the MX value from the appropriate load case.

Tube Horizontal Moment Indicates the horizontal moment acting on the tube at the tube/header junction. If the tube direction is X, then enter the MZ value from the appropriate load case.

Tube Vertical Moment Indicates the vertical moment acting on the tube at the tube/header junction. If the tube direction is X, then enter the MY value from the appropriate load case.


CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions In This Section Rigid Element Application .............................................................. 765 In-Line Flange Evaluation .............................................................. 767 Cold Spring .................................................................................... 768 Expansion Joints ............................................................................ 770 Hanger Sizing Algorithm ................................................................ 772 Class 1 Branch Flexibilities ............................................................ 775 Modeling Friction Effects ............................................................... 778 Nonlinear Code Compliance .......................................................... 779 Sustained Stresses and Nonlinear Restraints ............................... 779 Static Seismic Inertial Loads.......................................................... 782 Wind Loads .................................................................................... 783 Hydrodynamic (Wave and Current) Loading ................................. 785 Evaluating Vessel Stresses ........................................................... 797 Inclusion of Missing Mass Correction ............................................ 801 Fatigue Analysis Using CAESAR II ............................................... 805 Pipe Stress Analysis of FRP Piping ............................................... 818 Code Compliance Considerations ................................................. 837 Local Coordinates .......................................................................... 874

Rigid Element Application A piping element that is stiffer or heavier than pipe of the same size (for example, a flanged valve) can be modeled as a rigid element in CAESAR II. CAESAR II sets the stiffness of a rigid element based on the inside diameter defined for the pipe but with a wall thickness set to ten times the entered value. Note that long ―rigid‖ elements may bend. Rigid elements in CAESAR II are rigid relative to the pipe around it. For example, if a 6-inch line ties into a 72-inch heat exchanger and rigid elements are used to model the heat exchanger, those exchanger elements are better represented by 72 inch pipe rather than 6 inch pipe.

Rigid Weight Specifies a value for the weight of the rigid element. The rigid material weight is the weight of the rigid excluding insulation, refractory, cladding, or fluid. If left blank, then the weight of the rigid defaults to 0. A rigid element with zero weight is often used as a construction element, used to move a centerline load to the shell wall, or used to model the effective stiffness and thermal growth of a piece of equipment. If left blank or 0, then the software does not add the additional weight due either to insulation, refractory, cladding, or fluid.

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Fluid Weight in Rigid Elements The fluid weight in a rigid element is assumed to be equal to the fluid weight in an equivalent straight pipe of similar length and inside diameter.

Insulation Weight on Rigid Elements The insulation weight for the rigid is assumed to be equal to 1.75 times the insulation for an equivalent length of straight pipe of the entered outside diameter.

Total Weight on Rigid Elements The total weight for rigid elements where the entered weight is zero will be zero. The total weight for rigid elements where the entered weight is not zero is calculated as follows: Weight = W u + W f + W r +1.75(W i+W c) Where: W u = User-defined rigid weight (the Thermal Expansion/Pipe Weight report will show user-defined weight divided by entered length) W f = Calculated fluid weight for equivalent straight pipe (this is reduced by refractory lining) W r = Calculated refractory weight for equivalent straight pipe W i = Calculated insulation cladding weight for equivalent straight pipe W c = Calculated cladding weight for equivalent straight pipe CAESAR II does not calculate stress on rigid elements. Forces and moments are not normally printed for rigid elements however, you can select the appropriate check box found in Environment>Special Execution Parameters from the Piping Input spreadsheet to print these loads.

Modeling using Rigids Zero-weight rigid elements are useful where modeling non-pipe components where thermal growth or load transfer is important. Use zero-weight rigids to model piping hardware such as expansion joint tie rods, base plates, and trunnions. You can also use these dummy rigids to provide connectivity between the centerline of an element and the outside edge of the element. The most common example of this is when you need to add a dummy rigid that runs from the node at the centerline of the vessel to the outside wall where you want to connect the nozzle. You can also model equipment using a series of rigid elements, joining nozzles to a body and perhaps to a support point. This approach will properly distribute thermal strain through the component based on this geometry and the entered element temperatures. For more information on the use of these construction rigids, see the CAESAR II Applications Guide in various sections as appropriate to a particular modeling technique.


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Technical Discussions

In-Line Flange Evaluation Allows you to choose the method to use for evaluating flanges under load:  The Kellogg Equivalent Pressure Method  The ASME NC-365.8 Calculation for B16.5 Flanged Joints

Kellogg Equivalent Pressure Method Converts piping axial forces and bending moments into an equivalent pressure on the flange. After the conversion is complete, the software adds this equivalent pressure to the pressure defined in the load case. It then compares this sum to the allowable pressure rating for the flange at the appropriate temperature. (The pressure-temperature table is defined in the model input and the temperature is specified in the Load Case Options.) The formula for the total equivalent pressure displays below: 3


Peq = 16M/()G + 4F/ ()G + PD Where: Peq = total equivalent pressure (for checking against flange rating) M = calculated bending moment on flange G = diameter of effective gasket reaction F = absolute value of the calculated axial force on flange PD = pressure specified in the load case (for example, P1 for W+T1+P1) The allowable pressure rating will be multiplied by the occasional load factor specified in the Load Case Options.

ASME NC-3658.3 Calculation Method for B16.5 Flanged Joints with High Strength Bolting Restricted to joints using flanges, bolting, and gaskets as specified in ANSI B16.5 that use bolting materials having an S value at 100°F (38°C) greater than or equal to 20,000 psi (138 MPa). CAESAR II uses the analysis method for Service Level A as stated in NC-3658.3(a)(2): Mfs ≤ 3125(Sy/36,000)CAb or Mfd ≤ 6250(Sy/36,000)CAb Where: Mfs = Bending or torsional moment, whichever is greater, acting on the flange, and due to weight, thermal expansion, sustained anchor movements, relief valve steady state thrust, and other sustained mechanical loads. CAESAR II considers any moments developed during a non-Occasional Load Case to be Mfs. Mfd = Bending or torsional moment, whichever is greater, acting on the flange, as defined for Mfs and but also including any dynamic loadings. CAESAR II considers any moments developed during an Occasional Load Case to be Mfd, effectively the doubling flange capacity for Occasional loadings. Sy = Yield strength of flange material at design temperature. CAESAR II allows evaluation to be done using as many as 10 different temperatures; Sy/36,000; where Sy, is given in psi, cannot be greater than 36,000 psi

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Technical Discussions C = Bolt circle diameter Ab = Total cross sectional area of bolts PD = Design pressure CAESAR II calculates an Equivalent Stress S in the flange and compares it to Sy (or 2*Sy for occasional load cases), in the following manner: S = 36,000* Mfs / (CAb * 3125) ≤ Min(Sy, 36000) (non-Occ) S = 36,000 * Mfd / (CAb * 3125) ≤ 2.0 * Min(Sy, 36000) (Occ) For systems of units that do not express stress in psi, the software converts the 36,000 values in the above equations to the appropriate set of units. You can do flange evaluations in Static Analysis only.

Cold Spring Cold spring is a method where you introduce pipe strain in the installed state to modify the resulting strain in the operating state. Adding this preload is commonly used to adjust (reduce) equipment load in the operating state. A cut short describes an intentional gap in the pipe assembly requiring an initial tensile load to close the final joint. A cut long describes an intentional overlap in the pipe assembly requiring an initial compressive load to close the final joint. This initial gap or overlap is modeled as a cut short material or a cut long material, respectively. CAESAR II reduces the cut short to zero length and doubles the cut long in any load case that includes the ―CS‖ load in the load case definition. This initial cold pull is difficult to implement with any accuracy and, being used in systems that operate in the creep range, their long term effect is difficult to control or even predict. Due to the difficulty of properly installing a cold spring system, most piping codes recommend that you only use two-thirds of the specified cold spring for equipment load calculations. You can calculate the cold spring element length (ignoring equipment growth) by using the following equation: Ci = xLi  dT Where: Ci = length of cold spring in direction i; where i is X, Y, or Z (inches) Li = total length of pipe subject to expansion in direction i (inches) = mean thermal expansion coefficient of material between ambient and operating temperature (in/in/°F) dT = change in temperature (°F) x = percent cold spring When x = 0%, there is no cold spring and there will be no reduction in the thermal strain found in the operating load. When x = 100%, the operating load will have no thermal strain as all the expected pipe strain will be realized in the installed state of the piping system. If x = 50%, the pipe strain will be shared equally by both the installed load and operating load. This percent cold spring (x) is not the same term as the two-thirds allowance mentioned above. No credit can be taken for cold spring in the stress calculations, because the expansion stress provisions of the piping codes require the evaluation of the stress range, which is unaffected by cold spring, except perhaps in the presence of non-linear boundary conditions, as discussed below. The cold spring adjusts installed and operating loads and the stress mean, but not the stress range used in most expansion stress calculations.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions Cold Spring Considerations You must consider several factors when using cold spring:  Verify that the cold reactions on equipment nozzles due to cold spring do not exceed nozzle allowables.  Verify that the expansion stress range does not include the effect of the cold spring.  Verify that the cold spring value/tolerance is much greater than fabrication tolerances.  For elevated temperature cases, where cold spring is used to reduce operating equipment load, using the hot modulus of analysis may also have a significant effect on the load magnitude.

Modeling cold springs 1. Specify the cold gaps or overlaps as elements defined as cut short or cut long materials, respectively. 2. Make the lengths of the cold spring elements only ⅔ of their actual lengths to implement the code recommendations. 3. Reset the material property on the element following the cold spring element. 4. Analyze the cold spring system by running the following load cases: Load Case 1 (OPE) W+T1+P1+CS includes all of the design cold spring Load Case 2 (OPE)

W+P1+CS includes all of the design cold spring but not the temperature.

Load Case 3 (SUS)

W+P1 standard sustained case for code stress check

Load Case4 (EXP)

L1-L2 expansion case for code stress check.

Both the sustained loads and the operating loads must fall within the manufacturer‘s allowables for a specific piece of equipment. 5. Verify that using cold spring in the ambient state does not overload a piece of rotating equipment as the unit starts. Material numbers 18 and 19 are used to signal CAESAR II that the element in the spreadsheet represents a length of pipe that is to be cut short or long during fabrication.

Other Applications for Cold Spring While often used to reduce the magnitude of loads on equipment and restraints (see below), you can also use cold spring to accelerate the thermal shakedown of the system in fewer operating cycles.

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Expansion Joints Checking the expansion joint box on the element enables definition of an expansion joint for that element. Expansion joints can be modeled as a single element across the flexible length of the joint or as a zero length element at the midpoint of the expansion joint. Expansion joints elements have a zero length if the Delta fields on the Pipe Element spreadsheet are left blank or zero. When an expansion joint has a defined length, CAESAR II builds the expansion joint as a beam element using the element length with the entered expansion joint stiffnesses. Four stiffness values define the expansion joint:  Axial  Transverse  Torsion  Bending

Examples of the Stiffnesses

Define Finite Length Joints For expansion joints where flexible length is defined, the bending stiffness is defined by the entered, flexible, length and the transverse stiffness of the joint. Some expansion joint catalogs list what would be called bending flexibility rather than the required bending stiffness used in CAESAR II. This bending flexibility is adequate for an expansion joint modeled by two rigid elements that are pinned at the joint midpoint (a zero length expansion joint) but it is the wrong value for a flexible beam element. To address this ambiguity, CAESAR II calculates and applies a bending stiffness based on the entered expansion joint length and transverse stiffness. We suggest that you only enter the bending term from manufacturers' catalogs when using the zero-length expansion joint model or for rubber joint which do not follow beam bending definitions. Typically, expansion joint manufacturers do not supply torsional stiffness data. If the manufacturer does not supply the data, enter a large torsional stiffness value, and verify that the resulting load on the bellows is not excessive. When the piping system is tight, and the diameter large, the magnitude of the large torsional stiffness can significantly affect the magnitude of the torsion carried by the joints. For example, a stiffness of 100,000 and 1E12


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Technical Discussions can produce considerably different torsional load results. Conservatively speaking, the tendency is to use the larger stiffness except that the torsional stiffness value is probably closer to the 100,000 In instances where a large torsional stiffness value is important, you can get a stiffness estimate from the manufacturer, or use the equation below to derive an estimate. Use this equation to conservatively estimate torsional loads on the bellows and surrounding equipment.

Where  = 3.14159 Re = Expansion joint effective radius t = Bellows thickness E = Elastic Modulus  = Poisson‘s Ratio L = Flexible bellows length When the expansion joint has a zero length, none of the expansion joint stiffnesses are related. You must be sure that you enter a value in all of the Stiffness fields.

Calculate the Pressure Thrust CAESAR II calculates the pressure thrust on the expansion joint if you type a value for the bellows Effective ID on the Expansion Joint auxiliary dialog box. If there is no Effective ID, the mathematical model for pressure thrust applies a force equal to the pressure multiplied by the effective area of the bellows at the two nodes that define the expansion joint. The force can open the bellows if the pressure is positive, and close the bellows if the pressure is negative. You should note that this model does not correctly locate pressure load components in the vicinity of the expansion joint. In most cases, the misapplied load does not affect the solution. There are two components of the pressure thrust to apply in practice rather than the one component applied in the model. The first component is equal to the pressure times the inside area of the pipe and acts at the first change in direction of the pipe on either side of the expansion joint. This load will tend to put the pipe wall between the change in direction and the expansion joint in tension. The second component is equal to the pressure times the difference between the bellows effective area and inside pipe area. This load acts at the end of the expansion joint and tends to open the bellows up putting the pipe between the expansion joint and the change in direction in compression. In the mathematical model, the full component of the pressure thrust force is placed on the ends of the bellows instead of having a portion shifted out on either side of the expansion joint.

Effective ID The pressure area used to set the pressure thrust force on an expansion joint is provided by the expansion joint manufacturer either as an effective area or effective inside diameter (ID). If the pressure thrust load is to be included in the analysis, the Effective ID must be provided in the expansion joint model definition. Any load case that includes a pressure term (for example, …+P1…) will include a thrust force on either end of the expansion joint based on this effective ID.

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Technical Discussions

Hanger Sizing Algorithm At locations that you define, CAESAR II will select a rigid, variable or constant effort support using the automated procedure defined here. Attention here is focused on selecting a variable (spring) support from a manufacturer‘s catalog. Be sure to review and verify all supports sized by CAESAR II.

Spring Design Requirements A rigid rod is selected if the vertical thermal growth at the location is less than the value entered as ―Rigid Support Displacement Criteria‖ and a constant support is selected if the vertical thermal growth at the location is greater than the value entered as ―Max. Allowed Travel Limit‖. Otherwise, CAESAR II selects the smallest single spring that satisfies all design requirements provided in the hanger design data. The spring design requirements are: 1. Both the operating (typically hot) and the installed (typically cold) loads must be within the allowed working range of the spring. 2. The absolute value of the change in the load (the product of the travel and the selected spring rate) divided by the design load must be less than the specified "Allowable Load Variation" value. The default variation is 25%. MSS SP-69 defines load variation as the ratio of the change in load and the operating load. CAESAR II, in using the design load, will use the theoretical cold load (discussed below), instead of the operating load, if the user selects "Cold Load" design. 3. If you specify "Available Space", then this space must be greater than the basic height of the spring selected. Positive values are compared with hanger height and negative values are compared with spring can height. If the software cannot find a single spring that satisfies the design requirements, it searches for two identical springs that will each carry half the load. If the software cannot find any springs that satisfies the design requirements, it recommends a constant effort support for the location.

Restrained Weight Case If you need to design a hanger, the first analysis case that you must run is the restrained weight case. This case usually includes weight, pressure, and concentrated loads. Hanger hot loads are calculated in the restrained weight case.

Run the restrained weight case 1. Place rigid Y-restraints at each hanger location. 2. Determine any anchors you want to designate as freed. 3. Verify the freed anchors are properly released. Loads on the Y-restraints at hangers, calculated from the restrained weight case, are designated as the hanger hot design loads.


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Technical Discussions

Pre-Selection Load Case 2 – Setting Hanger Deflection through the Operating Case After the restrained weight case, you must run an operating analysis. The operating case must always be the second load case in the set of defined analysis cases. You can define the operating load cases for hanger design any way you see fit. CAESAR II recommends the load cases it thinks you should run whenever it detects the first attempt to analyze a particular system. You can accept or reject the recommendations. If you define your own hanger design load cases, you must understand exactly what is done in the "restrained weight" and operating passes of the hanger design algorithm.

Run an operating case 1. Remove the Y-restraints. 2. Insert the hot loads calculated from the hanger locations in the restrained weight analysis. 3. Change any freed anchors from the restrained weight analysis to fixed. The vertical displacement of the operating case at each hanger location defines the travel of that particular hanger. If there are single directional restraints or gaps in the system and a changed status in the operating case, then the hanger loads are redistributed. When CAESAR II detects a nonlinear status change, it reruns the restrained weight case with the restraints left as they were at the end of the operating case. To determine the updated travel, you must calculate the new restraint loads and run another operating case.

Post-Selection Load Case (Optional) – Setting the Actual Installed (Cold) Load If you need to calculate the actual hanger installed loads, the third analysis level combination case must define the weight configuration that exists in the field when a spring is installed. Typically, this case includes weight without fluid contents and other live loads. The theoretical cold, or installed load, is the load on the spring when the "unbalanced" installed load is applied and the pipe is not allowed to displace vertically (the load will be "balanced" when the pipe is in the operating or design position). The actual installed load may differ from the theoretical installed load by (K)(d), where (K) is the spring stiffness and (d) is the displacement of the pipe in the installed condition.

Calculate the actual installed load 1. Install the hangers. 2. Apply the theoretical cold load and all other loads (for example, empty weight) that will be present when the springs are set. 3. Calculate the position of all springs (d). 4. Set the actual installed spring load based on this installed position (installed load = Theoretical Cold Load - (K)(d)).

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Technical Discussions

Create Spring Load Cases Up to three load cases are needed for spring sizing:  "Restrained" Weight (required)  Operating (required)  Installed Weight (optional) After the Hanger Algorithm runs the hanger load cases, it selects the hangers. The program inserts the newly-selected springs into the piping system and includes them and their preload (the Theoretical Cold Load) in the analysis of all remaining load cases. Hanger installed loads are concentrated forces and are only included in subsequent load cases that contain the hanger preload force set (+H). You can specify any number of user-defined load cases after setting up the required spring load cases. Spring hanger design does not affect the ability of CAESAR II to check code compliance. In load cases recommended by CAESAR II, the normal code compliance cases always follow the set of load cases required for hanger design. Multiple operating case spring hanger design implies that hanger loads and travels from more than one operating case are included in the spring hanger selection algorithm. Each spring in a multiple operating case hanger design has a Multiple Load Case Design option. This design option tells CAESAR II how multiple loads and travels for a single hanger are combined to get a single design load and travel. The set-up of the analysis cases is slightly different for multiple operating case hanger design in that now there is more than one operating case. You can use the Hanger Design Control dialog to specify the actual number of operating cases. The load cases that you analyze for multiple load case hanger design operating cases are:  Restrained Weight (this does not change)  Operating case #1

 

Operating case #9 Installed Weight (if requested)

Constant Effort Support Enables you to specify the support load for a constant effort hanger and define the hanger location. This value is also included in all hanger design runs and all analysis cases following the hanger cases that include the hanger preload force set in their formulation.


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Technical Discussions

Including the Spring Hanger Stiffness in the Design Algorithm The operating cases for hanger travel are normally analyzed with no stiffness included at the hanger locations. This is why these cases are traditionally referred to as "free thermal" cases. However, when the piping system is very flexible, or the selected springs are very stiff, the actual resulting spring loads in the installed condition can vary significantly from the theoretically calculated results. With such a load change, perhaps this shorter, more accurate spring deflection may allow a smaller spring selection. In that case, CAESAR II enables you to include, using an iterative process, the stiffness of the selected springs in the operating cases for hanger travel. You can activate this trait for all new models through the Configure\Setup by setting the option to Include Travel to As Designed. You can also activate this option for individual models on the Load Case Options Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) (on page 459) tab by changing the Hanger Stiffness option to As Designed. Selecting this option could lead to convergence problems. If you use this option, be sure to check the hanger load in the cold case in the field so that it matches the reported hanger Cold Load. You must always include the hanger preload force set H (the Theoretical Cold Load) in subsequent load cases. Applying thermal and displacement effects to the live loaded system should make an installed hanger move to the hot, or balanced, load in this operating case.

Other Notes on Hanger Sizing At times, CAESAR II indicates that certain hanger locations carry no load and selects ―zero load” constant effort supports at these locations. Typically, zero load constant effort supports indicate poor hanger locations. It is important to not simply ignore these selections as and other hangers selected in the vicinity of these ―zero load‖ hangers have improper operating loads assigned. Relocate or remove these ―zero load‖ selections. Unless you specifically designate your hanger design load cases with a KEEP status, they display in the output reports as NOT ACTIVE.

Class 1 Branch Flexibilities This analytical option was added to CAESAR II for the following reasons:  Automatic local flexibilities at intersections help you bound the true solution. Because the computer time to do an analysis is less expensive, more frequently you can run several solutions of the same model using slightly different input techniques to determine the effect of the modeling difference on the results. This gives you a degree of confidence in the numbers you get. For example, structural steel supporting structures can be modeled to see the effect of their stiffnesses, nozzle flexibilities can be added at vessel connections to see how these features redistribute load throughout the model, friction is added to watch its effect on displacements and equipment loads, and with CAESAR II you can include Class 1 intersection flexibilities. The characteristic that makes this option convenient to use is that you can enable or disable the Class 1 flexibilities using a single option in the setup file. No other modification to the input required.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions 

In WRC 329, there are a number of suggestions made to improve the stress calculations at intersections. These suggestions are fairly substantial and are given in order of importance. The most important item, as felt by E. Rodabaugh, in improving the stress calculations at intersections is given, in part, as follows: "In piping system analyses, it may be assumed that the flexibility is represented by a rigid joint at the branch-to-run centerlines juncture. However, you should be aware that this assumption can be inaccurate and should consider the use of a more appropriate flexibility representation."  Use of the Class 1 Branch Flexibility feature may be summarized as follows: Include the Class 1 Branch Flex option in the setup file.  Where reduced branch geometry requirements are satisfied, CAESAR II constructs a rigid offset from the centerline of the header pipe to its surface, and then adds the local flexibility of the header pipe, between the end of the offset, at the header, and the start of the branch. Stresses computed for the branch are for the point at its connection with the header.  Where reduced branch geometry requirements are not satisfied, CAESAR II constructs a rigid offset from the centerline of the header pipe to its surface. The branch piping starts at the end of this rigid offset. There is NO local flexibility due to the header added. (It is deemed to be insignificant.) Stresses computed for the branch are for the point at its connection with the header. The reduced branch geometry requirements that CAESAR II checks are d/D  0.5 and

D/T  100.0

Where: d = Diameter of Branch D = Diameter of Header T = Wall thickness of Header If you use the Class 1 branch flexibilities, intersection models in the analysis become stiffer when the reduced geometry requirements do not apply, and become more flexible when the reduced geometry requirements do apply. Stiffer intersections typically carry more loads and thus have higher stresses lowering the stress in other parts of the system that have been unloaded. More flexible intersections typically carry less load and thus have lower stresses. This causes higher stresses in other parts of the system that have "picked up" the extra load. The branch flexibility rules used in CAESAR II are taken from ASME III, Subsection NB, (Class 1), 1992 Edition, Issued December 31, 1992, from Code Sections NB-3686.4 and NB-3686.5. When the reduced branch rules apply, use the following equations for the local stiffnesses: TRANSLATIONAL: AXIAL = RIGID CIRCUMFERENTIAL = RIGID LONGITUDINAL = RIGID ROTATIONAL: AXIAL = RIGID CIRCUMFERENTIAL = (kx)d/EI LONGITUDINAL = (kz)d/EI


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions Where: RIGID = 1.0E12 lb./in. or 1.0E12 d = Branch Diameter E = Young‘s Modulus I = Cross Section Moment of Inertia D = Header Diameter T = Header Thickness Tb = Branch Fitting Thickness 1.5 0.5 kx = 0.1(D/T) [(T/t)(d/D)] (Tb/T) 0.5 kz = 0.2(D/T)[(T/t)(d/D)] (Tb/T) For more information, see WRC 329 Section 4.9 Flexibility Factors. A brief quote from this section follows: "The significance of "k" depends upon the specifics of the piping system. Qualitatively, if "k" is small compared to the length of the piping system, including the effect of elbows and their k-factors, then the inclusion of "k" for branch connections will have only minor effects on the calculated moments. Conversely, if "k" is large compared to the piping system length, then the inclusion of "k" for branch connections will have major effects. The largest effect will be to greatly reduce the magnitude of the calculated moments acting on the branch connection. To illustrate the potential significance of "k‘s" for branch connections, we use the equation [above] to calculate "k" for a branch connection with D=30 in., d=12.75 in., and T=t=0.375 in.: 1.5 0.5 k = 0.1(80) (0.425) * (1.0) = 46.6 This compares to the more typical rigid-joint interpretation that k=1, rather than k=46.6 !" Further discussion in section 4.9 illustrates additional problems that can arise by overestimating the stiffness at branch connections. Problems arise by believing "mistakenly" that the stress at the intersection is too high. Further reference should be made to this section in WRC 329. Branch automatic flexibility generation can be used where the user has only defined the branch element in the model, that is has left the header piping out of the analysis. In this case there will be no "offset" equal to one-half of the header diameter applied to the branch end. A "partial intersection" is one where either the header pipe is not modeled, is modeled with a single element, or is part of a geometric intersection where the header pipes are not colinear. In the case where there is no header pipe going to the intersection, there will be no modification to the model for the class 1 branch flexibilities. When at least a single header pipe is recognized, the local flexibility directions are defined by the branch alone and in accordance with the CAESAR II defaults for circumferential and longitudinal directions for the branch and header. You must build full intersection models at all times, not only when employing the class 1 branch flexibility. In most cases, building full intersection models eliminates problems caused by the assumptions necessary when a partial intersection is described. In the equations in NB-3686.5 for tn, the thickness of the branch pipe is used in all cases. When branches are skewed with respect to the header pipe, and where the two header pipes are colinear, the local Class 1 flexibilities are still taken to be the longitudinal and circumferential directions that are tangent to the header surface at its intersection with the branch. Class 1 branch flexibilities can be formed at both ends of a single pipe element. The offsets necessary to form the class 1 intersections are automatically generated by CAESAR II. There is no extra input required by you to have CAESAR II build these intersections. If there are already user-defined offsets at an intersection end, the computed offset to get from the header centerline to its surface along the centerline of the branch is added to the already entered user offset.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions Automatic offsets are generated providing that the distance from the header centerline to the header surface along the branch centerline is less than or equal to 98% of the total pipe straight length. When an element with a bend designation is part of an intersection model, the offset and flexibility calculations are not performed.

Modeling Friction Effects There are two methods to solving friction problems:  Insert a force at the node which must be overcome for motion to occur.  Insert a stiffness which applies an increasing force up to the value of Mu * Normal Force. CAESAR II uses the stiffness method. If there is motion at the node under evaluation then the friction force is equal to Mu * Normal force. However, because there is a non-rigid stiffness placed at that location to resist the initial motion; the node could experience some displacement. The force at the node is the product of the displacement and the stiffness. If the resultant force is less than the maximum friction force (Mu * Normal Force) the node is assumed to be not sliding. As a result, you might see displacements at nodes that have not achieved the "sliding" friction force in the output report. The maximum value of the force at the node is the friction force (Mu * Normal force). After the system reaches this value, the reaction at the node stops increasing. This constant force value is then applied to the global load vector during the next iteration to determine the nodal displacements. The example below explains what happens in a "friction" problem. 1. The default friction stiffness is 1,000,000 lb./in. To solve convergence problems, consider decreasing this value. 2. Until the calculated load at the node equals (Mu * Normal force), the restraint load is the product of the displacement multiplied by the friction stiffness. 3. Should the calculated load exceed the maximum value of the friction force, the friction force stops increasing because a constant effort force opposite the sliding direction is inserted in the model in place of the friction stiffness. If you increase the friction stiffness in the setup file, the displacements at the node may decrease slightly. Usually, this causes a re-distribution of the loads throughout the system that could have an adverse effect on the solution convergence. If problems arise during the solution of a job with friction at supports, reducing the friction stiffness typically improves convergence. You must do several runs with varying values of the friction stiffness to ensure the behavior of the system is consistent. For more information on this subject, see "Inclusion of a Support Friction into a Computerized Solution of a Self-Compensating Pipeline" by J. Sobieszczanski, published in the Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Engineering for Industry, August 1972. A summary of the major points of this paper is below.

Summary of J. Sobieszczanski’s ASME Paper 


For dry friction, the friction force magnitude is a step function of displacement. This discontinuity means the problem as intrinsically nonlinear and eliminates the possibility of using the superposition principle. The friction loading on the pipe can be represented by an ordinary differential equation of the fourth order with a variable coefficient that is a nonlinear function of both dependent and independent variables. No solution in closed form is known for an equation of this type. The solution has to be sought by means of numerical integration to be carried out specifically for a particular pipeline configuration.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions   

Dry friction can be idealized by a fictitious elastic foundation, discretized to a set of elastic spring supports. A well-known property of an elastic system with dry friction constraints is that it may attain several static equilibrium positions within limits determined by the friction forces. The whole problem then has clearly not a deterministic, but a stochastic character.

Nonlinear Code Compliance You can adhere to nonlinear piping code compliance requirements by doing the following: 1. Performing an operating and sustained analysis of the system and including with each case the effect of nonlinear restraints. 2. Subtracting the sustained case displacements from the operating case displacements to find the displacement range. 3. Calculating the expansion stresses from the displacement range solved for in step 2. CAESAR II uses this method for calculating the expansion stress range. In addition, CAESAR II scans your input and recommends load cases and combinations for performing the operating, sustained, and expansion stress calculations. This recommendation is useful when performing spring hanger analysis of a multiple operating case system.

Sustained Stresses and Nonlinear Restraints The proper computation of sustained stresses has been an issue since the late 1970s when computerized pipe stress analysis programs first attempted to address the problem of non-linear restraints. The existing piping codes offered little guidance on the subject, because their criteria were developed during the era when all analyses were simplified to behave in a strictly linear fashion. The problem arises because the codes require that a piping system be analyzed separately for sustained loadings; you must determine which stresses are caused by which loadings. Sustained loads are force loadings that are assumed not to change, while expansion loadings are displacement loadings that vary with the system operating conditions. Determination of the sustained loads is the simple part — most everybody agrees that those forces consist of weight, pressure, and spring preloads. These forces remain relatively constant as the piping system goes through its thermal growth. However, confusion occurs when the status of nonlinear restraints change (pipes lift off of supports, gaps close, and so forth) as the pipe goes from installed to operating state. In this case, you must determine which boundary conditions to use when evaluating the applied forces. Or in other words, what portion of the stress in the operating case is caused by weight loads, and what portion is caused by expansion effects? There is no corresponding confusion on the question of calculating expansion stresses, because the codes are explicit in their instructions that the expansion stress range is the difference between the operating and cold stress positions, both of which are known. The obvious answer to this question by the developers of some pipe stress programs was that the sustained stress calculation should be done using the operating, or hot boundary condition. This compounded the problem in that the laws of superposition no longer held. In other words, the results of sustained (W+P) and thermal (T) cases, when added together, did not equal the results of the operating (W+P+T) case. One pioneering program, DYNAFLEX, attempted to resolve this by introducing the concept of the "thermal component of weight" an oxymoron, in our opinion. Other programs, notably those which came from the mainframe/linear analysis world, had to approximate the behavior of these non-linear restraints. Their approach to the problem is to run an operating case, obtain the restraint status, and modify the model according to these results. All subsequent load cases analyzed use this restraint configuration. The fact

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions that the laws of static superposition did not hold was hopefully not noticed by the user. CAESAR II, on the other hand, represents technology developed expressly for operation on the personal computer, and therefore incorporates directly the effects of non-linear restraints. This is done by considering each load case independently. The restraint configuration is determined for each load case by the program as it runs, based upon the actual loads that are considered present. Some users have asserted that there are actually two sustained load cases. In fact, there has been a B31.3 code interpretation that indicates that the sustained stress may also be checked with the operating restraint configuration. Calculating the sustained stresses using the operating restraint status raises several other issues; what modulus of elasticity should be used, and which sustained stresses should be used for occasional cases. It is our assertion that there is only one sustained case (otherwise, it is not "sustained") there can be, however, multiple sustained stress distributions. The two most obvious are those associated with the cold (installed) and hot (operating) configurations; however, there are also numerous in-between, as the piping system load steps from cold to hot. Whether the "true" sustained load case occurs during the installed or operating case is a matter of the frame of reference. If an engineer first sees a system in its cold condition, and watches it expand to its operating condition, it appears that the first case (because weight and pressure — primary loads — are present) is the sustained case, and the changes he viewed are thermal effects (due to heat up) — secondary loads due to displacements. If a second engineer first sees the same system in the operating case and watches it cool down to the cold case, he may believe that the first case he saw (the operating case) is the sustained case, and changes experienced from hot to cold are the thermal expansion effects (the thermal stress ranges are the same in both cases). Consider the further implications of cryogenic systems where changes from installed to operating are the same as those experienced by hot systems when going from operating to installed. After elastic shakedown has occurred, the question becomes clouded even further due to the presence of thermally induced pre-stresses in the pipe during both the cold and hot conditions. We feel either the operating or installed case (or some other one in-between) could justifiably be selected for analysis as the sustained case, as long as the program is consistent. We have selected the installed case (less the effect of cold spring) as our reference sustained case, because thermal effects can be completely omitted from the solution (as intended by the code). This best represents the support configuration when the sustained loads are initially applied. If the pipe lifts off of a support when going from installed to operating, we view this as a thermal effect which is — consistent with the piping codes‘ view of thermal effects as the variation of stress distribution as the piping system goes from cold to hot, and is explicitly corroborated by one code, an earlier edition of the French petrochemical code, which states that weight stress distributions due to thermal growth of the pipe should be considered as expansion stresses). For example, we feel that a change in a rigid support load from 2,000 lbs to zero should be treated no differently than would be a variable spring load changing from 6,000 lbs to 4,000 lbs (or another rigid support load going 2,000 lbs to 1 lb). In the former case, if the pipe became "overstressed", it would yield, and sag back to the support, relieving the stress. This process is identical to the way that all other expansion stresses are relieved in a piping system. We are confident that our interpretation is correct. However, we understand that our users may not always agree with us — that is why CAESAR II provides the greatest ability to custom tailor the analysis to your individual specifications. If you want, you can analyze a "hot sustained" case by adding two load cases to those normally recommended by CAESAR II. This is done by assuming that the pipe expands first, and then the sustained loads are applied (this is of course an idealized concept, but the stresses can only be segregated by segregating the applied loads, so the sustained loads can only be applied either before, or after, the expansion loads).


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions The following are the default load cases, as well as those required for a "hot sustained." Default


L1: W+P1+T1(OPE)

L1: W+P1+T1(OPE)

L2: W+P1(SUS)

L2: W+P1(SUS)

L3: L1-L2(EXP)

L3: T1(EXP) L4: L1-L2(EXP) L5: L1-L3(SUS)

In the new load case list, the second case still represents the cold sustained, while the fourth case represents the expansion case (note that L1-L2, or W+P1+T1-W-P1, equals T1, with non-linear effects taken into account). The third case represents the thermal growth of the "weightless," non-pressurized pipe, against the non-linear restraints. The fifth case (L1-L3, or W+P1+T1-T1, equals W+P1) represents the application of weight and pressure to that expanded case, or the "hot sustained" case. Note that when the piping system is analyzed as above, the actual effects of the non-linear restraints are considered (they are not arbitrarily removed from the model), and the laws of superposition still hold. An alternative school of thought believes that a "hot sustained" is only valid if: (1) the sustained, primary loads are applied, (2) all springs are showing their Hot Load settings, and (3) any supports that lift off (or otherwise become non-active) have been removed from the model. An analysis such as this is achievable by setting the "Keep/Discard" status of the Restrained Weight case (the first hanger design load case) to "Keep", thus permitting the results of that case to be viewable as for any other load case. The Restrained Weight case automatically removes restraints that become non-active during the designated operating case, and apply the Hot Load at each of the hanger locations.

Notes on Occasional Load Cases Several piping codes require that you add the stresses from occasional loads (such as wind or earthquake) to the sustained stresses (due to weight, pressure, and other constant loads) before comparing them to their allowables. You can recreate this combination in CAESAR II using the following load cases: CASE # 1



Sustained stresses




Wind load set




Uniform g load set for earthquake




Code stresses for wind




Code stresses for earthquake*

* Scalar Summation Method required If you must model nonlinear effects in the system, the load case combinations are not so straight forward. Friction, one-direction restraints, and double-acting restraints with gaps are the nonlinear items which complicate modeling. For this example, we will use wind loading on a long vertical run of pipe with a guide. Assume there is a 1-inch gap between the pipe and guide. Under normal operation, the pipe moves ¾-inch towards the stop leaving a gap of 1-¾-inch on either side of the pipe and a ¼-inch gap on the other side. If you analyze the wind loads alone, the pipe is allowed to move 1-inch from its center point in the guide to the guide stop. Because

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions occasional loads are usually analyzed with the system in operation, the pipe may be limited to a ¼-inch motion as the gap is closed in one direction, and 1-¾-inch if the gap is closed in the opposite direction. With nonlinear effects modeled in the system, the occasional deflections (and stresses) are influenced by the operating position of the piping. The following list of CAESAR II load cases takes this point into consideration. The load cases displayed below are only for wind acting in one direction, that is, +X. Depending on the system, the most critical loads could occur in any direction +/-X, +/-Z, or skewed in XZ. The intention of the load case construction is to find the effect of the occasional load on the piping system in the operating condition. The stress due to the moment change from the operating to the operating plus wind case is added to the stress from the sustained case. CASE # 1



Operation analysis




Sustained stresses


W+T1+P1+WIN D1


Operating analysis with wind




Expansion stresses (Algebraic summation)




Net deflection of wind(Algebraic summation)




Code stresses for wind (Scalar summation)

Case 5 computes the isolated wind effect on the piping system in the operating condition. Case 6 adds the stresses from Case 5 to the sustained stresses from Case 2.

Static Seismic Inertial Loads Static earthquake loads are applied in a manner very similar to static wind loads. The static loading magnitude is considered to be in direct proportion to the weight of the element. Express earthquake load magnitudes in terms of the gravitational acceleration constant g. If you model an earthquake with a 0.5-g load in the X direction, then half of the systems weight is turned into a uniform load and applied in the X direction. You create earthquake static load cases the same way you create wind occasional load cases. Use the same load case, nonlinearity, and directional sensitivity logic. In some cases, the client specifies the magnitude of the earthquake loading in g's and the direction(s). In other cases, analysis is left to the discretion of the analyst. It is not unusual to see only X-Y or Z-Y components of an earthquake. It is also not uncommon to see X, Y, and Z simultaneous components. Dynamic (response spectrum) evaluation of earthquake loads are discussed later in this section, in the dynamic analysis and output sections, and in the screen reference section. The ASCE #7 method for determining earthquake coefficients is described below. After you calculate the earthquake coefficients, enter the g-factors as uniform loads on the piping spreadsheet.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions Calculate the horizontal seismic design force using equation 13.3-1 from ASCE 7 (10): Fp = [(0.4 ap SDS W p) / (Rp / Ip)] (1 + 2 z / h) But since W p is "component operating weight", Fp/W p = calculated (horizontal) acceleration, aH, so; aH = [(0.4 ap SDS) / ( Rp / Ip )] (1 + 2 z / h), additionally; aH  1.6 SDS Ip and: aH  0.3 SDS Ip Where: ap = Component amplification factor, from Table 13.6-1 = 2.5 for "Piping" SDS = Design elastic response acceleration at short period (0.2 sec), from Section 11.4.4 Rp = Component response modification factor, from Table 13.6-1 = 12.0 for "Piping in accordance with ASME B31... with joints made by welding or brazing"; values range as low as 3.0 for other joints and for less ductile materials. Ip = Component importance factor, from Section 13.1.3 = 1.5 for life-safety components, components containing hazardous material, or components that are required for continuous operation; 1.0 for all others z = Height in structure at point of attachment h = Average roof height of structure

Wind Loads You can define your own wind pressure profile or wind speed profile, or you can access wind load data from the following wind codes:

     

ASCE7 2005 AS/NZ 1170:2002 Brazil NBR 6123 BS6399-97 China GB 50009

    

IBC 2006 IS 875 Mexico 1993 NBC 2005 UBC

EN 1991-1-4:2005

Generate Wind Loads By defining a wind shape factor in the model input, CAESAR II allows you to define up to four wind vectors in the Load Case Editor. Multiply the pipe exposed area by the equivalent wind pressure and the pipe shape factor. CAESAR II includes insulation thickness in the cladding. You must also consider the angle to the wind with your calculations.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions Determine the Equivalent Wind Pressure There are three ways to determine the equivalent wind pressure:  Selecting a regional wind specification (by building code)  Use the Pressure versus Elevation Table Entry method  Use the Velocity versus Elevation Table Entry method

Calculate the Total Wind Force on the Element Calculate the total wind force on the element by using the following equation: F = PeqSA Where: F = the total wind force on the element Apply the wind force in the three global directions as a function of the element direction cosines. Peq = the equivalent wind pressure (dynamic pressure) Calculate Peq for each end of the element and then take the average. The average applies uniformly over the whole length of the element. S = the pipe element wind shape factor A = the pipe element exposed area as shown in the figure to the right. If you enter velocity versus elevation table data, then the program converts the velocity to a dynamic pressure using the following equation: P = 1/2 V


Where V is the wind velocity and  is the air density. Enter the Wind Shape Factor on the piping spreadsheet. For cylindrical elements, a value between 0.5 and 0.7 is used. A value of 0.65 is typical. The wind shape factor as entered is distributive. This means that the shape factor entered on a spreadsheet is carried forward and applies for all following elements until zeroed or changed. There is no need to enter the same shape factor on each piping spreadsheet. Zero or disable the wind shape factor if the piping system runs inside of a building or similarly protective structure. Enter wind load parameters on the Wind Loads (see "Wind Loads Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box)" on page 464) tab of the Static Load Case Builder. You can enter up to four different wind loads per analysis. These typically might be setup to model wind loads in the +X, -X, +Z, and -Z directions.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions

Elevation It is important to set the proper elevation of the piping system (height above ground) when running a wind analysis. When a wind shape factor is specified in the input, CAESAR II prompts you for the elevation (and horizontal coordinates) of this first node. By default, CAESAR II assigns the "From" node of the first element an elevation of 0.0. You can also use the procedure below to set the reference wind elevation of the piping system.

Set the true elevation 1. Click EDIT > GLOBAL. A dialog appears. 2. Enter the global coordinates of the first node in the system. 3. Repeat step 2 for each (if any) disconnected section until you are finished. You can specify and save the coordinates for up to 100 node points from the model.

Hydrodynamic (Wave and Current) Loading Ocean waves are generated by wind and propagate out of the generating area. Ocean wave generation is dependent on the wind speed, the duration of the wind, the water depth, and the distance over which the wind blows the fetch length. There are several two dimensional wave theories, but the three most widely used are the Airy (linear) wave theory, Stokes 5th Order wave theory, and Dean's Stream Function wave theory. The latter two theories are non-linear wave theories and provide a better description of the near surface effects of the wave. Of course, wave motion is a three dimensional action but it can be adequately represented by two dimensions. One dimension is the direction the wave travels, and the other dimension is vertical through the water column. Two dimensional waves are not found in the marine environment, but are somewhat easy to define and determine properties for. In actuality, waves undergo spreading, in the third dimension. To understand this concept think about a stone dropped in a pond. As the wave spreads, the diameter of the circle increases. In addition to wave spreading, a real sea state includes waves of various periods, heights, and lengths. To address these actual conditions you must use a sea spectrum that includes a spreading function. Airy (linear) wave theory assumes the free surface is symmetric about the mean water level. Additionally, water particle motion is in a closed circular orbit, the diameter of which decays with depth. You should take the term circular loosely because, the orbit varies from circular to elliptical based on whether the wave is in shallow or deep water. Additionally, for shallow water waves, the wave height to depth ratio (H/D) is limited to 0.78 to avoid breaking. None of the wave theories address breaking waves.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions The figure below shows a typical wave and associated hydrodynamic parameters.

    


SWL - The still water level. L - The wave length or horizontal distance between successive crests or troughs. H - The wave height or vertical distance between the crest and trough. D - The water depth or vertical distance from the bottom to the still water level.  - The surface elevation measured from the still water level.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions

Ocean Wave Particulars The Airy Wave Theory Implementation (on page 789) theory provides a good first approximation to the water particle behavior. The nonlinear theories provide a better description of particle tH motion, over a wider range depths and wave heights. Stokes 5 Wave theory is based on a power series. This wave theory does not apply the symmetric free surface restriction. Additionally, the particle paths are no longer closed orbits, which mean there is a gradual drift of the fluid particles, that is, a mass transport. tH Stokes 5 Order Wave theory however, does not adequately address steeper waves over a complete range of depths. Dean‘s Stream Function wave theory attempts to address this deficiency. This wave theory employs an iterative numerical technique to solve the stream function equation. The stream function describes not only the geometry of a two dimensional flow, but also the components of the velocity vector at any point, and the flow rate between any two streamlines. The most suitable wave theory is dependent on the wave height, the wave period, and the water depth. Based on these parameters, the applicable wave theory can be determined from the figure below (from API-RP2A, American Petroleum Institute - Recommended Practice 2A).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions

Applicable Wave Theory Determination The limiting wave steepness for most deep water waves is usually determined by the Miche Limit: H / L = 0.142 tanh( kd ) Where: H is the wave height L is the wave length k is the wave number (2)/L d is the water depth

Pseudo-Static Hydrodynamic Loading You can model individual pipe elements that experience loading due to hydrodynamic effects. Fluid effects can impose a substantial load on the piping elements in a manner similar to, but more complex than wind loading. Use wave theories and profiles to compute the water particle velocities and accelerations at the 2 node points. Then use, Morrison‘s equation, F = ½ *  * Cd * D * U * |U| + /4 * * Cm * D * A to compute the force on the element. Where: - is the fluid density Cd- is the drag coefficient D - is the pipe diameter U - is the particle velocity Cm - is the inertial coefficient A - is the particle acceleration The particle velocities and accelerations are vector quantities that include the effects of any applied waves or currents. In addition to the force imposed by Morrison‘s equation, piping elements are also subjected to a lift force and a buoyancy force. The lift force is defined as the force acting normal to the plane formed by the velocity vector and the axis of the element. The lift force is defined as: Fl = ½ * * Cl * D * U2 Where:  - is the fluid density Cl - is the lift coefficient D - is the pipe diameter U - is the particle velocity The buoyancy force acts upward and is equal to the weight of the fluid volume displaced by the element. A piping system can be described by using the standard finite element equation: [K] {x} = {f} Where: [K] - is the global stiffness matrix for the entire system {x} - is the displacement / rotation vector to solve for {f} - is global load vector


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions Calculate pseudo-static hydrodynamic loading 1. Place the element loads generated by the hydrodynamic effects in their proper locations in {f}, similar to weight, pressure, and temperature. 2. Perform a standard finite element solution on the system of equations to finalize [K] and {f}. 3. Use the resulting displacement vector {x} to compute element forces. 4. Use the computed element forces to compute the element stresses. Except for the buoyancy force, all other hydrodynamic forces acting on the element are a function of the particle velocities and accelerations.

Airy Wave Theory Implementation Airy Wave theory is also known as Linear Wave theory due to the assumption that the wave profile is symmetric about the mean water level. Standard Airy Wave theory allows for the computation of the water particle velocities and accelerations between the mean surface elevation and the bottom. The Modified Airy Wave theory allows for the consideration of the actual free surface elevation in the computation of the particle data. CAESAR II includes both the standard and modified forms of the Airy wave theory. To apply the Airy Wave theory, you must enter several descriptive parameters about the wave. The software uses these parameters along with the Newton-Raphston iteration to determine the wave length. Each wave has its own unique wave length that the program determines solving the dispersion relation, shown below: 2

L = (gT / 2) * tanh(2D / L) Where: g - is the acceleration of gravity T - is the wave period D - is the mean water depth L - is the wave length to solve for After determining the wave length (L), you can determine any other wave parameters you want. The parameters determined and used by CAESAR II are: the horizontal and vertical particle velocities (UX and UY), the horizontal and vertical particle acceleration (AX and AY), and the surface elevation above (or below) the mean water level (ETA). For more information on the equations for these parameters, refer to any text which discusses ocean wave theories.

STOKES 5th Order Wave Theory Implementation th

The Stokes Wave is a 5 order gravity non-linear wave. CAESAR II uses the solution technique described in a paper published in 1960 by Skjelbreia and Hendrickson of the National Engineering Science Company. The standard formulation as well as a modified formulation, to the free surface, is available in CAESAR II Stokes 5th Order Wave Theory. The solution follows a procedure very similar to that used in the Airy Wave Theory Implementation (on page 789). You can determine the characteristic parameters of the wave by using Newton-Raphston iteration, after finding the water particle values of interest. The Newton-Raphston iteration procedure solves two non-linear equations for constants beta and lambda. After you determine these values, you can compute the other constants. After computing all of the constants, use CAESAR II to compute: the horizontal and vertical particle velocities (UX and UY), the horizontal and vertical particle acceleration (AX and AY), and the surface elevation above the mean water level (ETA).

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions

Stream Function Wave Theory Implementation The solution to Dean's Stream Function Wave Theory used by CAESAR II is described in the text by Sarpkaya and Issacson. As previously mentioned, this is a numerical technique to solve the stream function. The solution subsequently obtained, provides the horizontal and vertical particle velocities (UX and UY), the horizontal and vertical particle acceleration (AX and AY), and the surface elevation above the mean water level (ETA).

Ocean Currents In addition to the forces imposed by ocean waves, piping elements can also be subjected to forces imposed by ocean currents. There are three different ocean current models in CAESAR II: linear current, piece-wise, and power law profile.  The linear current profile assumes that the current velocity through the water column varies linearly from the specified surface velocity (at the surface) to zero (at the bottom).  The piece-wise linear profile employs linear interpolation between specific user-defined depth/velocity points.  The power law profile decays the surface velocity to the 1/7 power. While waves produce unsteady flow where the particle velocities and accelerations at a point constantly change, currents produce a steady, non-varying flow.

Technical Notes on CAESAR II Hydrodynamic Loading The input parameters necessary to define the fluid loading are described in detail in the next section. The basic parameters describe the wave height and period, and the current velocity. The most difficult to obtain, and also the most important parameters, are the drag, inertia, and lift coefficients: Cd, Cm, and Cl. Based on the recommendations of API RP2A and DNV (Det Norske Veritas), values for Cd range from 0.6 to 1.2, values for Cm range from 1.5 to 2.0. Values for Cl show a wide range of scatter, but the approximate mean value is 0.7. The inertia coefficient Cm is equal to one plus the added mass coefficient Ca. This added mass value accounts for the mass of the fluid assumed to be entrained with the piping element. In actuality, these coefficients are a function of the fluid particle velocity, which varies over the water column. In general practice, two dimensionless parameters are computed that are used to obtain the Cd, Cm, and Cl values from published charts. The first dimensionless parameter is the Keulegan-Carpenter Number, K. K is defined as: K = Um * T / D Where: Um = Maximum Fluid Particle Velocity T = Wave Period D = Characteristic Diameter of the Element The second dimensionless parameter is the Reynolds number, Re. Re is defined as Re = U m * D /  Where: Um = Maximum Fluid Particle Velocity D = Characteristic Diameter of the Element = Kinematic Viscosity of the Fluid 1.26e-5 ft /sec for Sea Water 2


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Technical Discussions After you calculate K and Re use the charts to obtain Cd, Cm, and Cl. For more information, see Mechanics of Wave Forces on Offshore Structures by T. Sarpkaya. Figures 3.21, 3.22, and 3.25 are example charts, which display below.

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In order to determine these coefficients, the fluid particle velocity (at the location of interest) must be determined. The appropriate wave theory is solved, and these particle velocities are readily obtained. Of the wave theories discussed, the modified Airy and Stokes 5th theories include a modification of the depth-decay function. The standard theories use a depth-decay function equal to cosh(kz) / sinh(kd), Where: k - is the wave number, 2 /L L - is the wave length d - is the water depth z - is the elevation in the water column where the data is to be determined The modified theories include an additional term in the numerator of this depth-decay function. The modified depth-decay function is equal to cosh(d) / sinh(kd), Where: - is equal to z / (d + h) The term d represents the effective height of the point at which the particle velocity and acceleration are to be computed. The use of this term keeps the effective height below the still water level. This means that the velocity and acceleration computed are convergent for actual heights above the still water level. As previously stated, the drag, inertia, and lift coefficients are a function of the fluid velocity and the diameter of the element in question. Note that the fluid particle velocities vary with both depth and position in the wave train (as determined by the applied wave theory). Therefore, these coefficients are in fact not constants. However, from a practical engineering point of view, varying these coefficients as a function of location in the Fluid field is usually not implemented. This practice can be justified when one considers the inaccuracies involved in specifying the instantaneous wave height and period. According to Sarpkaya, these values are insufficient to accurately predict wave forces, a consideration of the previous fluid particle history is necessary. In light of these uncertainties, constant values for Cd, Cm, and Cl are recommended by API and many other references. The effects of marine growth must also be considered. Marine growth has the following effects on the system loading: the increased pipe diameters increase the hydrodynamic loading; the increased roughness causes an increase in Cd, and therefore the hydrodynamic loading; the increase in mass and added mass cause reduced natural frequencies and increase the dynamic


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Technical Discussions amplification factor; it causes an increase in the structural weight; and possibly causes hydrodynamic instabilities, such as vortex shedding. Finally, Morrison‘s force equation is based the "small body" assumption. The term "small" refers to the "diameter to wave length" ratio. If this ratio exceeds 0.2, the inertial force is no longer in phase with the acceleration of the fluid particles and diffraction effects must be considered. In such cases, the fluid loading as typically implemented by CAESAR II is no longer applicable. Additional discussions on hydrodynamic loads and wave theories can be found in the references at the end of this article.

Input: Specifying Hydrodynamic Parameters in CAESAR II The hydrodynamic load analysis requires the specification of several measurable parameters that quantify the physical aspects of the environmental phenomenon in question. You can enter four different wave loads here. Use the Editing Load Case buttons to move up or down between the Wave Load Input Spreadsheets. The necessary hydrodynamic parameters are discussed in the following paragraphs and a CAESAR II hydrodynamic loading dialog is shown in the figure below.

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Current Data Profile Type — Defines the interpolation method you want CAESAR II to use to determine the current velocity as a function of depth. Available options for this entry are:  Power Law Profile — Determines the current velocity at depth D according to the equation: p Vd = Vs * [di / D] Where: Vd - is the velocity at depth di Vs - is the specified velocity at the surface D - is the water depth p - is the power, set to 1/7  Piece-wise Linear Profile — Performs a linear interpolation of a velocity verse depth table that you must provide, to determine the current velocity at depth d i. The table should start at the surface (a depth of zero) and progress in increasing depth to the sea bed.  Linear Profile — Performs a linear interpolation to determine the current velocity at depth di. However, this method assumes the current velocity varies linearly from the specified surface velocity to zero at the sea bed.  Current Speed — Defines the current speed at the surface. The units for this entry are (length/time) as defined by the active units file at the time of input. This value should always be a positive entry.  Current Direction Cosines — Defines the direction of fluid transport due to the current. These fields are unit-less and follow the standard software global axis convention.

Wave Data Wave Theory Indicator — Specifies which wave theory to use to compute the water particle velocities and accelerations. The wave theories available are: Standard Airy Wave — This is also known as linear wave theory. Discussion of this theory can be found in the previously mentioned references. Modified Airy Wave — This is a modification of the standard Airy theory which includes the free surface effects due to the wave. The modification consists of determining a depth scaling factor equal to the depth divided by the depth plus the surface elevation. Note that this scale factor varies as a function of the location in the wave train.  Standard Stokes 5th Wave — This is a 5th order wave theory, also discussed in the previously mentioned references.  Modified Stokes 5th Wave — This is a modification of the standard Stokes 5th theory. The modification is the same as applied to the Airy theory.  Stream Function Wave — This is Dean‘s Stream Function theory, also discussed in the previously mentioned references.  Modified Stream Function Wave — This is Dean‘s Stream Function theory, modified to directly consider current in the wave solution. Stream Function Order — When the Stream Function theory is activated, the solution order must be defined. Typical values for the stream function order range from 3 to 13, and must be an odd value (see API-RP2A figure). Water Depth — Defines the vertical distance (in units of length) from the still water level the surface to the sea bed. Wave Height — Defines the height of the incident wave. The height is the vertical distance in units of length from the wave crest to the wave trough.


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Seawater Data Free Surface Elevation — Defines the height of the free surface from the global system origin. If the system origin is at the free surface, this entry should be specified as zero. If the system origin is at the sea bottom, this entry is equal to the water depth. By default, the first node in a CAESAR II model is at an elevation of zero. You can change the elevation by pressing [Alt-+G]. Kinematic Viscosity — Defines the kinematic viscosity of water. This value is used to determine the Reynolds number, which is subsequently used to determine the hydrodynamic coefficients Cd, Cm, and Cl. Typical values of kinematic viscosity for sea water display below. Temp Deg (F)


Temp (C)






















e-6 e-6 e-6 e-6

Fluid Weight Density - Defines the weight density of the fluid. For sea water, this value is approximately .037037 pounds per cubic inch (.001025 kg/cm3, 1.0256SG).

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Piping Element Data Element Exposure — In implementing hydrodynamic loading in a software program, you must be able to indicate that elements are either exposed to the fluid or not exposed to the fluid. In CAESAR II, this is accomplished by a set of options, which indicate that the particular element is exposed to hydrodynamic loads, wind loads, or not exposed. This specification carries forward for all subsequent elements until changed. Hydrodynamic Coefficients — Piping elements that are subjected to hydrodynamic loading must have drag (Cd), inertia (Cm), and a lift (Cl) coefficient defined. The specification of these items is optional. Alternatively, you can specify these values as constants to be applied to all subsequent exposed elements, regardless of depth or phase position in the wave. Alternatively, You can leave these values blank, which causes CAESAR II to interpolate their values from the charts previously discussed. Marine Growth — Defines the amount of marine growth on the piping elements. This value is used to increase the diameter of the piping elements. The units for this field are the units of the current diameter. The diameter used in the computation of the hydrodynamic forces is equal to the pipe diameter plus twice the marine growth entry.

References 1. Mechanics of Wave Forces On Offshore Structures, Turgut Sarpkaya and Michael Isaacson, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1982, ISBN 0-442-25402-4. 2. Handbook of Ocean and Underwater Engineering, Myers, Holm, and McAllister, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1969, ISBN 07-044245 -2. 3. Fifth Order Gravity Wave Theory, Lars Skjelbreia and James Hendrickson, National Engineering Science Co., Pasadena, California, 1960. 4. Planning and Design of Fixed Offshore Platforms, McClelland and Reifel, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1986, ISBN 0-442-25223-4. 5. Intercomparison of Near-Bottom Kinematics by Several Wave Theories and Field and Laboratory Data, R. G. Dean and M. Perlin, Coastal Engineering, #9 (1986), p399-437. 6. A Finite Amplitude Wave on a Linear Shear Current, R. A. Dalrymple, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 79, No 30, 1974. 7. Application of Stream Function Wave Theory to Offshore Design Problems, R. G. Dean, OTC #1613, 1972. 8. Stream Function Representation of Nonlinear Ocean Waves, R. G. Dean, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 70, No 18, 1965. 9. American Petroleum Institute - Recommended Practice 2A (API-RP2A), American Petroleum Institute, July 1993. 10. Improved Algorithm for Stream Function Wave Theory, Min-Chih Huang, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, January 1989. 11. Stream Function Wave Theory with Profile Constraints, Min-Chih Huang, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, January/February 1993.


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Evaluating Vessel Stresses ASME Section VIII Division 2 — CAESAR II applies rules prior to the 2007 Edition — provides a procedure to analyze the local stresses in vessels and nozzles. For this example, we will only discuss the nozzle analysis approach. Always refer to the applicable design code if any of the limits described in this section are approached, or if any unusual material, weld, or stress situation exists, or there are non-linear concerns such as the operation of material within creep range. The first step is to determine if the elastic approach is satisfactory. To summarize, Section AD-160 states that if the model meets all of the following conditions, then a fatigue analysis is not required: 1. The expected design number of full-range pressure cycles does not exceed the number of allowed cycles corresponding to a Sa value of 3Sm (4Sm for non-integral attachments) on the material fatigue curve. Sm is the allowable stress intensity for the material at the operating temperature. 2. The expected design range of pressure cycles other than startup or shutdown must be less than ⅓ (¼ for non-integral attachments) the design pressure times (Sa/Sm), where Sa is the value from the material fatigue curve for the specified number of significant pressure fluctuations. 3. The vessel does not experience localized high stress due to heating. 4. The full range of stress intensities due to mechanical loads including piping reactions does not exceed Sa, from the fatigue curve, for the expected number of load fluctuations. After deciding if an elastic analysis is satisfactory, you must determine whether to take either a simplified or a comprehensive approach to do the vessel stress analysis. For more information on the simplified or the comprehensive approach, see ASME Section VIII Division 2-Elastic Nozzle Simplified Analysis (see "ASME Section VIII Division 2-Elastic Nozzle Simplified Analysis pre-2007" on page 801) or ASME Section VIII Division 2-Elastic Nozzle Comprehensive Analysis (see "ASME Section VIII Division 2-Elastic Nozzle Comprehensive Analysis (pre-2007)" on page 797). For more information on Section VIII Division 2 requirements, refer to the latest version of the ASME code.

ASME Section VIII Division 2-Elastic Nozzle Comprehensive Analysis (pre-2007) To address the local allowable stress problem, you should have the endurance curve for the material of construction and complete design pressure/temperature loading information. Carefully consult the code before performing the local stress analysis if:  any elastic limit is approached  there is anything unusual in the nozzle/vessel connection design The material Sm table and the endurance curve for carbon steels used in this section are for illustration purposes. You should only use values taken directly from the code in your design. There are three criteria you must satisfy before considering stresses in the vessel wall due to nozzle loads within the allowables. The three criteria are summarized as: Pm < kSmh Pm + Pl + Pb< 1.5kSmh Pm + Pl + Pb + Q < 3Smavg

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Technical Discussions Where Pm, Pl, Pb, and Q are the general primary membrane stress, the local primary membrane stress, the local primary bending stress, and the total secondary stresses (membrane plus bending), respectively; and k, Smh, and Smavg are the occasional stress factor, the hot material allowable stress intensity, and the average material stress intensity (S mh + Smc) / 2. The stress classification defined by the Section VIII Division 2 code in the vicinity of nozzles, classifies the bending stress terms caused by any external load moments or internal pressure in the vessel wall near a nozzle or other opening, as secondary stress Q, regardless of whether they were caused by sustained or expansion loads. This definition causes P b to disappear and leads to a more detailed classification:  Pm - General primary membrane stress (primarily due to internal pressure)  Pl - Local primary membrane stress, which may include the following:  Membrane stress due to internal pressure  Local membrane stress due to applied sustained forces and moments  Q - Secondary stresses, which may include the following:  Bending stress due to internal pressure  Bending stress due to applied sustained loads  Membrane stress due to applied expansion loads  Bending stress due to applied expansion loads Each of the stress terms defined in the above classifications contains three parts: two stress components in normal directions and one shear stress component. To combine these stresses, the following rules apply: 1. Compute the normal and shear components for each of the three stress types, that is, P m, Pl, and Q. 2. Compute the stress intensity due to the Pm and compare it against kSmh. 3. Add the individual normal and shear stress components due to Pm and Pl; compute the resultant stress intensity and compare its value against 1.5kSmh. 4. Add the individual normal and shear stress components due to Pm, Pl, and Q, compute the resultant stress intensity, and compare its value to against 3Smavg. 5. Determine if there is an occasional load as well as a sustained load, these types can be repeated using a value of 1.2 for k. These criteria can be readily found from Figure 4-130.1 of Appendix 4 of ASME Section VIII, Division 2 2004 and the surrounding text. Note that the primary bending stress term, P b, is not applicable to the shell stress evaluation, and therefore disappears from the Section VIII, Division 2 requirements. Using the same analogy, write the peak stress limit as: Pl + Pb + Q + F < Sa The preceding equation need not be satisfied, provided the elastic limit criteria of AD-160 is met based on the statement explicitly given in Section 5-100, which is cited below: "If the specified operation of the vessel meets all of the conditions of AD-160, no analysis for cyclic operation is required and it can be assumed that the peak stress limit discussed in 4-135 has been satisfied by compliance with the applicable requirements for materials, design, fabrication, testing and inspection of this division."


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Elastic Analyses of Shells near Nozzles Using WRC 107 Check vessel stresses in shells using WRC 107 1. Check the geometric limitation to see whether WRC 107 is applicable. 2. If yes, determine whether the elastic approach as outlined in Section VIII Division 2 AD-160 is applicable. 3. Compute the sustained, expansion, and occasional loads in the vessel shell due to the applied nozzle loads. 4. Consider the local restraint configuration to determine whether some or all the axial pressure thrust load P * Ain should be added to the sustained and occasional loads. If you choose, the program can automatically calculate the thrust load and add it to the applied loads. 5. Calculate the pressure stresses, Pm, on the vessel shell wall in both the longitudinal and circumferential hoop directions for both sustained and occasional load cases. Notice that two different pressure terms are required in carrying out the pressure stress calculations. P is the design pressure of the system (sustained), while Pvar is the difference between the peak pressure and the design pressure of the system, which is used to qualify the vessel membrane stress under the occasional load case. If you enter the pressure value, the software automatically calculates the Pm stresses. 6. The processor will calculate the Pl, and Q stresses as defined earlier. If needed, you can simultaneously compute the local stresses due to sustained, expansion, and occasional loads. 7. Obtain the various stress components by combining the stress intensities computed from applying the sustained, expansion, and occasional loads, if applicable. 8. Then use stress intensities to carry out the stress summations. If needed, use the results to determine the acceptability of the local stresses in the vessel shell. Notice how CAESAR II provides the WRC 107 Stress Summation module in line with the stress calculation routines. The equations used in CAESAR II to qualify the various stress components can be summarized as follows: Pm(SUS) < Smh Pm(SUS + OCC) < 1.2Smh Pm(SUS) + Pl(SUS) < 1.5Smh Pm(SUS + OCC) + Pl(SUS + OCC) < 1.5(1.2)Smh Pm(SUS + OCC) + Pl(SUS + OCC) + Q(SUS + EXP + OCC) < 1.5(S mc + Smh)

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Description of Alternate Simplified ASME Section VIII Division 2 Elastic Nozzle Analysis pre-2007 The most difficult problem associated with the comprehensive ASME Section VIII Division 2 nozzle/vessel analysis involves the pressure calculation. Hoop and longitudinal pressure hand calculations are not considered reliable, and axial pressure loading on the junction is often miscalculated or omitted. Another issue with the comprehensive calculation is the amount of time it takes to organize and manipulate the stress data. For these reasons, an alternate simplified approach was developed using three checks. The first check, Pm due to pressure, must be  1.0 Smh. To eliminate the concern for pressure, both the loading pressure term on the left side of the inequality and the allowable pressure term on the right side of the inequality cancel out. This assumes that the area of reinforcement around the nozzle satisfies the pressure requirements. Also, let Pm equal the maximum value. The second check, Pm + Pl + Pb, must be  1.5 Smh. Subtract the stress due to pressure, Pm, from both sides of the inequality and assuming Pm equals Smh. This reduces the check to: Pl + Pb  0.5 Smh (due to external sustained forces without pressure). The third check, Pm + Pl + Q, is the root of the application controversy. There are three schools of thought:  Pm+Pl+Q is an operating loading condition, and as such, includes the loads due to pressure and weight.  Pm+Pl+Q is the range of loads or the expansion loading condition, and as such, excludes the effects of sustained, or primary loads. Also, exclude the primary sustained loads like weight and pressure.  Pm+Pl+Q is the range of loads and excludes the primary load weight, but includes the varying pressure load at least in those thermal load cases where the system goes from a startup ambient temperature and pressure condition to operating condition. To simplify the calculation, assume that Pm, due to pressure, is included on both sides of the Pm+Pl+Pb+Q < 3Sm inequality. Also, assume that the area reinforcement requirements are exactly satisfied. Again, let Pm = Sm and subtract this term from the expansion allowable (Pm + Pl + Q < 3Sm) to provide a simplified allowable limit. The expansion, operating, or both loads from the CAESAR II Restraint report (see "Restraints" on page 489) must satisfy the computed stress requirement: Pl + Pb + Q (operating or expansion excluding pressure) < 2Sm. To summarize: 1. Ensure proper nozzle reinforcement for pressure and assume pressure stresses are at their maximum. 2. Compare primary stresses without pressure to ½Smh. 3. Compare stresses due to the sum of primary and secondary loads to 2S m(avg); where Sm(avg) is the average of the hot and cold allowable stress intensities Smh and Smc.


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ASME Section VIII Division 2-Elastic Nozzle Simplified Analysis pre-2007 1. Perform a CAESAR II analysis of the piping loads on the vessel/nozzle junction. Use WRC 297 flexibilities to compute loads more accurately, but less conservatively or do two analyses, one with flexibilities and one without. From this analysis you should have sustained, operating, and expansion loads on the vessel/nozzle junction. 2. Find Smh and Smc from the Sect. VIII allowable stress tables. Smh is the vessel material hot allowable, and Smc is the vessel material cold allowable. 3. Run WRC 107 with the sustained loads on the vessel/nozzle junction from CAESAR II, and verify that the computed stress intensities are < 0.5 Smh. This operation helps in conservatively considering bending stresses from internal pressure and sustained moments and also lets you categorize the stresses and moment as a primary classification. If the operation fails, review the stresses in more detail. 4. Run WRC 107 with the operating loads on the vessel/nozzle junction from CAESAR II, and verify that the computed stress intensities are < Smh + Smc. 5. Run WRC 107 with the expansion loads on the vessel/nozzle junction from CAESAR II, and verify that the computed stress intensities are < Smh + Smc. Should any of the checks described fail, then perform the more comprehensive analysis of the junction described earlier. For more information, see ASME Section VIII Division 2 - Elastic Analysis of Nozzle Comprehensive Analysis (see "ASME Section VIII Division 2-Elastic Nozzle Comprehensive Analysis (pre-2007)" on page 797).

Inclusion of Missing Mass Correction The response of a system under a dynamic load is often determined by superposition of modal results, with CAESAR II specifically providing the Spectral Analysis method for use. One of the advantages of modal analysis is that usually only a limited number of modes are excited and need be included in the analysis. The drawback to this method is that although displacements may be obtained with good accuracy using only a few of the lowest frequency modes, the force, reaction, and stress results may require extraction of far more modes, possibly far into the rigid range, before acceptable accuracy is attained. The Missing Mass option offers the ability to include a correction which represents the quasi-static contribution of the higher order modes not explicitly extracted for the modal/dynamic response, thus providing greater accuracy with reduced calculation time. The dynamic response of a linear multi-degree-of-freedom system is described by the following equation: Ma(t) + Cv(t) + Kx(t) = F(t) Where: M = n x n mass matrix of system C = n x n damping matrix of system K = n x n stiffness matrix of system

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Technical Discussions a(t) = n x 1, time-dependent acceleration vector v(t) = n x 1, time-dependent velocity vector x(t) = n x 1, time-dependent displacement vector F(t) = n x 1, time-dependent applied force vector Assuming harmonic motion and neglecting damping, the free vibration eigenvalue problem for this system is 2

K - M = 0 Where: = n x n mode shape matrix  = n x n matrix where each diagonal entry is the angular frequency squared of the corresponding mode 2

The modal matrix can be normalized such that  M = I (where I is the n x n identity matrix) T 2 and   =  . T

Partition the modal matrix  into two sub-matrices: = [e r ] Where: e = mode shapes extracted for dynamic analysis (that is., lowest frequency modes) r = residual (non-extracted) mode shapes (corresponding to rigid response, or the "missing mass" contribution) The extracted mode shapes are orthogonal to the residual mode shapes, or: e x r = 0 The displacement components can be expressed as linear combinations of the mode shapes: T

x = Y = e Ye + r Yr = xe + xr Where: x = Total System Displacements xe = System Displacements Due to Extracted Modes xr = System Displacements Due to Residual Modes Y = Generalized Modal Coordinates Ye = partition of Y Matrix Corresponding to Extracted Modes Yr = Partition of Y Matrix Corresponding to Residual Modes The dynamic load vector can be expressed in similar terms: F = K Y = K e Ye + Kr Yr = Fe + Fr Where: F = Total System Load Vector Fe = Load Vector Due to Extracted Modes Fr = Load Vector Due to Residual Modes Y = Generalized Modal Coordinates Ye = Partition of Y Matrix Corresponding to Extracted Modes Yr = Partition of Y Matrix Corresponding to Residual Modes


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Technical Discussions Normally, modal superposition analyses completely neglect the rigid response the displacement Xr caused by the load Fr. This response, of the non-extracted modes, can be obtained from the system displacement under a static loading Fr. Based upon the relation\-ships stated above, you can estimate Fr as follows: F = K e Ye + K r Yr Multiplying both sides bye and considering that e r = 0: T

T e

F = e K e Ye + T

Substituting e for 2

T e

T e


K r Yr = e K e Ye T

K e and solving for Ye:

e F = e Ye T


Ye = e e F The residual force can now be stated as T


Fr = F - K e Ye = F - e K e e F As seen earlier T


 M  = I  =  K  T




Substituting e Me e for e K e: T



Fr = F - e M e e e F = F - e Me F Therefore, CAESAR II calculates the residual response (and includes it as the missing mass contribution) according to the following procedure: 1. The missing mass load is calculated for each individual shock load as: T




Fr = F -  e M  e F T

The load vector F represents the product of:  the force set vector and the rigid DLF for force spectrum loading;  the product of the mass matrix, ZPA, and directional vector for non-ISM seismic loads;  and the product of the mass matrix, ZPA, and displacement matrix (under unit ISM support displacement) for seismic anchor movement loads. Note that the missing mass load will vary, depending upon the number of modes extracted by the user and the cutoff frequency selected (or more specifically, the DLF or acceleration corresponding to the cutoff frequency). "Rigid," for the purposes of determining the rigid DLF, or the ZPA, may be designated by the user, through a setup parameter, to be either the DLF/acceleration associated with the frequency of the last extracted mode, or the true spectral DLF/ ZPA that corresponding to the largest entered frequency of the input spectrum. 2. The missing mass load is applied to the structure as a static load. The static structural response is then combined (according to the user-specified combination method) with the dynamically amplified modal responses as if it was a modal response. Actually this static response is the algebraic sum of the responses of all non-extracted modes—representing in-phase response, as would be expected from rigid modes. 3. The Missing Mass Data report is compiled for all shock cases, whether missing mass is to be included or not. The percent of mass active is calculated according to: % Active Mass = 1 - ( Fr[i] /  F [i]) summed over i = 1 to n, where n is the number of modes included The maximum possible percent that is theoretically possible for this value is of course 100%; however numerical inaccuracies may occasionally cause the value to be slightly higher. If the missing mass correction factor is included, the percent of mass included in the correction is shown in the report as well.

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Technical Discussions Because the CAESAR II procedure assumes that the missing mass correction represents the contribution of rigid modes, and that the ZPA is based upon the spectral ordinate value at the frequency of the last extracted mode, we recommend that you extract modes up to, but not far beyond, a recognized "rigid" frequency. Choosing a cutoff frequency below the spectrum‘s resonant peak [point (1) below] provides a non-conservative result, because resonant responses may be missed. Using a cutoff frequency higher than the peak (2), but still in the resonant range, will yield conservative results, because the ZPA/rigid DLF will be overestimated. Extracting a large number of rigid modes for calculation of the dynamic response may be conservative (4), because all available modal combination methods (SRSS, GROUP, ABS, and so forth) give conservative results versus the algebraic combination method which gives a more realistic representation of the net response of the rigid modes. Based upon the response spectrum shown below, an appropriate cutoff point for the modal extraction would be about 33 Hz (3).


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Maximum Stress Versus Extracted Loads

CAESAR II provides two options for combining the missing mass correction with modal dynamic results SRSS and Absolute. The Absolute Combination method provides the more conservative result and is based upon the assumption that dynamic amplification is going to occur simultaneously with the maximum ground acceleration or force load. Literature (References 1, 2) states that the modal and the rigid portions of the response to typical dynamic loads are actually statistically independent, so that the SRSS Combination method is a more accurate representation of reality. Because the SRSS Combination method is most closely aligned to reality, CAESAR II defaults to this missing mass combination method.

References 1. A. K. Gupta, Response Spectrum Method in Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures, CRC Press, 1990 2. K. M. Vashi, "Computation of Seismic Response from Higher Frequency Modes," ASME 80-C2/PVP-50, 1980 3. O. E. Hansteen and K. Bell, "On the Accuracy of Mode Superposition Analysis in Structural Dynamics," Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Volume 7, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 1979

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions

Fatigue Analysis Using CAESAR II For most piping codes supported by CAESAR II, performing a fatigue analysis is an extension to, rather than an explicit part of, the code requirements. However, it is an explicit part of the IGE/TD/12 Pipework Stress Analysis for Gas Industry Plant code.

Fatigue Basics Piping and vessels have been known to suffer from sudden failure following years of successful service. Research done during the 1940s and 1950s, primarily advanced by A. R. C. Markl‘s "Piping Flexibility Analysis," published in 1955, provided an explanation for this phenomenon, as well as design criteria aimed at avoiding failures of this type. The explanation was that materials were failing due to fatigue, a process leading to the propagation of cracks, and subsequent fracture, following repeated cyclic loading. Steels and other metals are made up of organized patterns of molecules, known as crystal structures. However, these patterns are not maintained throughout the steel producing an ideal homogeneous material, but are found in microscopic isolated island-like areas called grains. Inside each grain a pattern of molecules is preserved. From one grain boundary to the next the molecular pattern is the same, but the orientations differ. As a result, grain boundaries are high energy borders. Plastic deformation begins within a grain that is subject to both a high stress and oriented such that the stress causes a slippage between adjacent layers in the same pattern. The incremental slippages, called dislocations, cause local cold-working. On the first application of the stress, dislocations can move through many of the grains that are in the local area of high stress. As the stress is repeated, more dislocations move through their respective grains. Dislocation movement is impeded by the grain boundaries. After multiple stress applications, the dislocations tend to accumulate at grain boundaries. Eventually they become so dense that the grains "lock up" causing a loss of ductility and thus preventing further dislocation movement. Subsequent applications of the stress cause the grain to tear, forming cracks. Repeated stress applications cause the cracks to grow. Unless abated, the cracks propagate with additional stress applications until sufficient cross sectional strength is lost to cause a catastrophic failure of the material.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions You can estimate the fatigue capacity of a material through the application of cyclic tensile/compressive displacement loads with a uniaxial test machine. A plot of the cyclic stress capacity of a material is called a fatigue or endurance curve. These curves are generated through multiple cyclic tests at different stress levels. The number of cycles to failure usually increases as the applied cyclic stress decreases, often until a threshold stress, known as the endurance limit, is reached below which no fatigue failure occurs, regardless of the number of applied cycles. An endurance curve for carbon and low alloy steels, taken from the ASME Section VIII Division 2 Pressure Vessel Code displays below:

Fatigue Analysis of Piping Systems IGE/TD/12 does present specific requirements for true fatigue evaluation of systems subject to a cyclic loading threshold. Furthermore, ASME Section III, Subsection NB and ASME Section VIII Division 2 provide guidelines by which fatigue evaluation rules can be applied to piping and other pressure retaining equipment. These procedures have been adapted, where possible, to the methodology used by CAESAR II.

Perform fatigue analysis 1. From the Allowable auxiliary dialog box, enter fatigue data or import it in from a text file. You can also define your own fatigue curves as discussed later in this section. By doing this, you assign the fatigue curve data to the piping material. To help with your fatigue analysis, CAESAR II provides a number of commonly used curves.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions 2. From either the Static or Dynamic Load Case Builders you must define, for every fatigue load case, the number of anticipated cycles. Also we have added a new FAT stress type. 3. Unless explicitly defined in the applicable code, CAESAR II calculates the fatigue stress the same way it calculates the stress intensity. IGE/TD/12 is the only piping code supported by CAESAR II that has explicit instructions for calculating fatigue stresses. For more information on IGE/TD/12, refer to IGE/TD/12 (on page 870). 4. Allowable fatigue stresses are interpolated logarithmically from the fatigue curve based upon the number of cycles designated for the load case. For static load cases, the calculated stress is assumed to be a peak-to-peak cyclic value (for example, thermal expansion, settlement, pressure, and so forth), so the allowable stress is extracted directly from the fatigue curve. For harmonic and dynamic load cases, the calculated stress is assumed to be a zero-to-peak cyclic value (for example, vibration, earth\-quake, and so forth), so the extracted allowable is divided by two prior to use in the comparison. 5. The flip side of calculating the allowable fatigue stress for the designated number of cycles is the calculation of the allowable number of cycles for the calculated stress level. You can do this by logarithmically interpolating the "Cycles" axis of the fatigue curve based upon the calculated stress value. Because static stresses are assumed to be peak-to-peak cyclic values, the allowable number of cycles is interpolated directly from the fatigue curve. Because harmonic and dynamic stresses are assumed to be zero-to-peak cyclic values, the allow\-able number of cycles is interpolated using twice the calculated stress value. 6. CAESAR II provides two reports for viewing the results of load cases for the FAT stress type. The first of these is the standard Stress report that shows the calculated fatigue stress and fatigue allowable at each node. You can generate individual stress reports for each load case to show whether any of the individual load cases in isolation fail the system However, in those instances where there is more than one cyclic load case potentially contributing to a fatigue failure, the Cumulative Usage report is appropriate. To generate this report, select all the FAT load cases that contribute to the overall system degradation. The Cumulative Usage report lists for each node point the usage ratio actual cycle divided by allowable cycles, and then sums these to obtain the total cumulative usage. A total greater than 1.0 indicates a potential fatigue failure.

Static Analysis Fatigue Example Consider a sample job that potentially has several different cyclic load variations:  Operating cycle from ambient 70°F to 500°F, 12,000 cycles anticipated  Shut down external temperature variation from ambient 70°F to -20°F, 200 cycles anticipated  Pressurization to 1800 psig, 12,000 cycles anticipated  Pressure fluctuations of +/- 30 psi from the 1800 psig, 200,000 cycles anticipated


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions To do a proper fatigue analysis, you must group the load pairs that represent the worst-case combination of stress ranges between extreme states. These load variations can be laid out in graphical form. The figure below shows a sketch of the various operating ranges this system experiences. Each horizontal line represents an operating range. At the each end of each horizontal line, the temperatures and pressures defining the range are noted. At the center of each horizontal line, the number of cycles for each range is defined.

Using this sketch of the operating ranges, the four fatigue load cases can be determined. Case 1: Cover the absolute extreme, from -20°F and 0 psi to 500°F and 1830 psi. This occurs 200 times. As a result of this case, the cycles for the ranges defined must be reduced by 200. The first range (-20, 0 to 70, 0) is reduced to zero, and has no contribution to additional load cases. The second range (70, 0 to 500, 1800) is reduced to 11,800 cycles. The third and fourth ranges are similarly reduced to 199,800 cycles. These same steps can be used to arrive at cases 2 through 4, reducing the number of considered cycles at each step. This procedure is summarized in the table below. Segment

-20, 0 to 70, 0 70, 0 to 500, 1800 500, 1700 to 500, 1800

500, 1800 to 500, 1830






After 1





After 2





After 3





After 4






This table is then used to set the load cases as cycles between the following load values:  Between -20°F, 0 psig and 500°F, 1830 psig (200 cycles)  Between 70°F, 0 psig and 500°F, 1830 psig (11,800 cycles)  Between 500°F, 1770 psig and 500°F, 1830 psig (188,000 cycles)  Between 500°F, 1770 psig and 500°F, 1800 psig (12,000 cycles)

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions These temperatures and pressures are entered as operating conditions accordingly:

Next enter the fatigue curve data for the material. This is done by clicking Fatigue Curves to activate the Material Fatigue Curve dialog box. This dialog box can be used to enter the fatigue curve for the materials. For IGE/ TD/12, you only need to enter five sets of fatigue curves for fatigue classes D, E, F, G, and W. 1. Enter up to eight Cycle versus Stress data points to define the curve. Interpolations are made logarithmically. 2. Enter Cycle/Stress pairs in ascending cycle order.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions 3. Enter stress values as the allowable stress range, rather than the allowable Stress Amplitude.

You can enter fatigue curve data from a text file, by clicking Read from file. This displays a list of all \CAESAR\SYSTEM\*.FAT files.

The following fatigue curve files are delivered with CAESAR II. You can also construct additional fatigue curve files. For more information on fatigue curve files, see Appendix A below:  5-110-1A.FAT ASME Section VIII Division 2 Figure 5-110.1, UTS < 80 ksi  5-110-1B.FAT ASME Section VIII Division 2 Figure 5-110.1, UTS = 115-130 ksi  5-110-2A.FAT ASME Section VIII Division 2 Figure 5-110.2, Curve A  5-110-2B.FAT ASME Section VIII Division 2 Figure 5-110.2, Curve B  5-110-2C.FAT ASME Section VIII Division 2 Figure 5-110.2, Curve C

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions In this case for A106B low carbon steel operating at 500°F, 5-110-1A.FAT is the appropriate selection. This populates the fatigue curve data boxes in the dialog box:

Error check the job, and set up your load cases. The static load case builder offers a new stress type, FAT (fatigue). Selecting this stress type does the following: 1. Enables you to define the number of cycles for the load case. Dragging the FAT stress type into the load case or clicking the Load Cycles button opens the Load Cycles field. 2. Calculates the stress range as per the Fatigue Stress method of the applicable code. This is the stress intensity for all codes except IGE/TD/12. 3. Compares the calculated stress range to the full value extracted from the fatigue curve. Indicates that the load case may be included in the Cumulative Usage report.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions The last four load cases represent the load set pairs defined earlier.

After you run the job the presence of a FAT stress type adds the Cumulative Usage report to the list of available reports.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions You can check the fatigue stress range against the fatigue curve allowable for each load case by selecting it along with the Stresses report. A review of each load case confirms that all stress levels passed.

However, this is not a true evaluation of the situation because it is not a case of either-or. The piping system is subjected to all of these load cases throughout its expected design life, not just one of them. Therefore, we must also review the Cumulative Usage (see "Cumulative Usage Report" on page 499) report, which shows the total effect of all fatigue load cases, or any user-selected combination, on the design life of the system. This report lists for each load case the expected number of cycles, the allowable number of cycles (based upon the calculated stress), and the Usage Ratio (actual cycles divided by allowable cycles).


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions The Usage Ratios are then summed for all selected load cases. If this sum exceeds 1.0, the system has exceeded its fatigue capabilities. In this case, it is apparent that with the maximum cumulative usage ratio of 0.87 at node 115, this system is not predicted to fail due to fatigue:

Fatigue Capabilities in Dynamic Analysis Fatigue analysis capability is also available for harmonic and dynamic analyses. Harmonic load cases are entered as they always have been. They can be designated as being stress type FAT by entering the number of expected load cycles on the harmonic input dialog box:

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions This produces the same types of reports as are available for the static analysis. They can be processed as discussed earlier.

The only difference between the harmonic and static fatigue analyses is that for harmonic jobs the calculated stresses are assumed to be zero-to-peak calculations so that they are compared to only half of the stress value extracted from the fatigue curve. Likewise, when creating the Cumulative Usage report, the number of allowable cycles is based upon twice the calculated stress. For other dynamic applications (response spectrum and time history), the stress type can be identified as fatigue by selecting the stress type from the drop list for the Load Case or Static/Dynamic Combination, and by entering the number of expected cycles in the provided field. Note that as with the harmonic analyses, the calculated stresses are assumed to be zero-to-peak calculations so that they are compared to only half of the stress value extracted from the fatigue curve. Likewise, when creating the Cumulative Usage report, the number of allowable cycles is based upon twice the calculated stress.

Creating the .FAT Files The .FAT file is a text file, containing the data points necessary to describe the fatigue curve for the material, for both butt welded and fillet welded fittings. A sample FAT file is shown below. * ASME SECTION VIII DIVISION 2 FATIGUE CURVE * FIGURE 5-110.1 * DESIGN FATIGUE CURVES FOR CARBON, LOW ALLOY, SERIES 4XX, * HIGH ALLOY AND HIGH TENSILE STEELS FOR TEMPERATURES NOT * EXCEEDING 700 F * FOR UTS  80 KSI * 0.5000000 - STRESS MULTIPLIER (PSI); ALSO CONVERTS AMPLITUDE TO FULL RANGE * 10 580000.0 100 205000.0 1000 83000.0 10000 38000.0 100000 20000.0 500000 13500.0 1000000 12500.0 0 0.0 *


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions You can create this text file by using any text editor. Lines beginning with an * are treated as comment lines. It is good practice to use comment lines so that the data can be tied to a specific material curve. The first data line in the file the stress multiplier. This value is used to adjust the data values from "zero to peak" to "peak to peak" or to convert the stress levels to psi. The entered values are divided by this number. For example, if the stress values in the file represent the stress amplitude, in psi, rather than a range, this "stress multiplier" should be 0.5. Following the stress multiplier is the Fatigue Curve Data table. This table consists of eight lines, of two columns. The first column is the Cycle column, and the second is the Stress column. For each value in the cycle column, a corresponding stress value from the material fatigue curve is listed in the stress column. Fatigue curves intended for use with IGE/TD/12 are built slightly different. The first data line contains three values: the stress multiplier, a modulus of elasticity correction, and a modulus of elasticity multiplier (the correction factor is divided by this to convert to psi). After the files are read in, the modulus of elasticity correction is inserted into the appropriate field on the Fatigue Curve dialog. IGE/TD/12 fatigue files also include five sequential fatigue curves, Fatigue Class D, E, F, G, and W, rather than one. You can use optional comment lines to separate the tables. The comments help with the readability of the data file. You can best determine the format of the IGE/TD/12 fatigue files by reviewing the contents of the TD12ST.FAT file. In all tables, the number of cycles increases as you work down the table. If you do not have enough data to use all eight lines, fill the unused lines with zeroes.

Calculation of Fatigue Stresses For IGE/TD/12 the computation of fatigue stresses is detailed in Section 5.4.4 of that code. This section of the code states: "The principal stress in any plane can be calculated for any set of conditions from the following formula:"

Where: Sh = Hoop stress Sa = Axial stress Sq = Shear stress "This should be used for establishing the range of stress, due regard being paid to the direction and sign." For all other piping codes in CAESAR II, the fatigue stress is computed as the stress intensity, as follows: 3D Maximum Shear Stress Intensity (Default) SI = Maximum of:  S1OT - S3OT  S1OB - S3OB  Max(S1IT,RPS) - Min(S3IT,RPS)  Max(S1IB,RPS) - Min(S3IB,RPS) Where: S1OT=Maximum Principal Stress, Outside Top 2 2 = (SLOT+HPSO)/2.0+(((SLOT-HPSO)/2.0) +TSO )1/2 S3OT=Minimum Principal Stress, Outside Top 2 2 =(SLOT+HPSO)/2.0-(((SLOT-HPSO)/2.0) +TSO ) 1/2

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Technical Discussions

S1IT=Maximum Principal Stress, Inside Top 2 2 =(SLIT+HPSI)/2.0+(((SLIT-HPSI)/2.0) +TSI ) 1/2 S3IT=Minimum Principal Stress, Inside Top 2 2 =(SLIT+HPSI)/2.0-(((SLIT-HPSI)/2.0) +TSI ) 1/2 S1OB=Maximum Principal Stress, Outside Top 2 2 =(SLOB+HPSO)/2.0+ (((SLOB-HPSO)/2.0) +TSO ) 1/2 S3OB=Minimum Principal Stress, Outside Bottom 2 2 =(SLOB+HPSO)/2.0- (((SLOB-HPSO)/2.0) +TSO ) 1/2 S1IB=Maximum Principal Stress, Inside Bottom 2 =(SLIB+HPSI)/2.0+ (((SLIB-HPSI)/2.0)2+TSI ) 1/2 S3IB=Minimum Principal Stress, Inside Bottom 2 2 =(SLIB+HPSI)/2.0- (((SLIB-HPSI)/2.0) +TSI ) 1/2 RPS=Radial Pressure Stress, Inside HPSI=Hoop Pressure Stress (Inside, from Lame's Equation) HPSO=Hoop Pressure Stress (Outside, from Lame's Equation) SLOT=Longitudinal Stress, Outside Top SLIT=Longitudinal Stress, Inside Top SLOB=Longitudinal Stress, Outside Bottom SLIB=Longitudinal Stress, Inside Bottom TSI=Torsional Stress, Inside TSO=Torsional Stress, Outside

Pipe Stress Analysis of FRP Piping Underlying Theory The behavior of steel and other homogeneous materials has been long understood, permitting their widespread use as construction materials. The development of the piping and pressure vessel codes (Reference 1) in the early part of this century led to the confidence in their use in piping applications. The work of Markl and others in the 1940‘s and 1950‘s was responsible for the formalization of today‘s pipe stress methods, leading to an ensuing diversification of piping codes on an industry by industry basis. The advent of the digital computer, and with it the appearance of the first pipe stress analysis software (Reference 2), further increased the confidence with which steel pipe could be used in critical applications. The 1980‘s saw the wide spread proliferation of the microcomputer, with associated pipe stress analysis software, which in conjunction with training, technical support, and available literature, has brought stress analysis capability to almost all engineers. In short, an accumulated experience of close to 100 years, in conjunction with ever improving technology has led to the utmost confidence on the


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions part of today‘s engineers when specifying, designing, and analyzing steel, or other metallic, pipe. For fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) and other composite piping materials, the situation is not the same. Fiberglass reinforced plastic was developed only as recently as the 1950‘s, and did not come into wide spread use until a decade later (Reference 3). There is not a large base of stress analysis experience, although not from a lack of commitment on the part of FRP vendors. Most vendors conduct extensive stress testing on their components, including hydrostatic and cyclic pressure, uni-axial tensile and compressive, bending, and combined loading tests. The problem is due to the traditional difficulty associated with, and lack of understanding of, stress analysis of heterogeneous materials. First, the behavior and failure modes of these materials are highly complex and not fully understood, leading to inexact analytical methods and a general lack of agreement on the best course of action to follow. This lack of agreement has slowed the simplification and standardization of the analytical methods into universally recognized codes BS 7159 Code Design and Construction of Glass Reinforced Plastics Piping (GRP) Systems for Individual Plants or Sites and UKOOA Specification and Recommended Practice for the Use of GRP Piping Offshore being notable exceptions. Second, the heterogeneous, orthotropic behavior of FRP and other composite materials has hindered the use of the pipe stress analysis algorithms developed for homogeneous, isotropic materials associated with crystalline structures. A lack of generally accepted analytical procedures has contributed to a general reluctance to use FRP piping for critical applications. Stress analysis of FRP components must be viewed on many levels. These levels, or scales, have been called Micro-Mini-Macro levels, with analysis proceeding along the levels according to the "MMM" principle (Reference 4).

Micro-Level Analysis Stress analysis on the "Micro" level refers to the detailed evaluation of the individual materials and boundary mechanisms comprising the composite material. In general, FRP pipe is manufactured from laminates, which are constructed from elongated fibers of a commercial grade of glass, E-glass, which are coated with a coupling agent or sizing prior to being embedded in a thermosetting plastic material, typically epoxy or polyester resin. This means, on the micro scale, that an analytical model must be created which simulates the interface between these elements. Because the number and orientation of fibers is unknown at any given location in a FRP sample, the simplest representation of the micro-model is that of a single fiber, extending the length of the sample, embedded in a square profile of matrix.

Micro Level GRP Sample -- Single Fiber Embedded in Square Profile of Matrix

Evaluation of this model requires use of the material parameters of: 1. the glass fiber 2. the coupling agent or sizing layer normally of such microscopic proportion that it may be ignored

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions 3. the plastic matrix It must be considered that these material parameters might vary for an individual material based upon tensile, compressive, or shear applications of the imposed stresses, and typical values vary significantly between the fiber and matrix (Reference 5):


Young's Modulus Ultimate Strength

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

tensile (MPa)


Glass Fiber 72.5 x10 Plastic Matrix


2.75 x 10


tensile (MPa) 1.5 x 10


5.0 x 10


.07 x 10


7.0 x 10


The following failure modes of the composite must be similarly evaluated to:  failure of the fiber  failure of the coupling agent layer  failure of the matrix  failure of the fiber-coupling agent bond  failure of the coupling agent-matrix bond Because of uncertainties about the degree to which the fiber has been coated with the coupling agent and about the nature of some of these failure modes, this evaluation is typically reduced to:  failure of the fiber  failure of the matrix  failure of the fiber-matrix interface

You can evaluate stresses in the individual components through finite element analysis of the strain continuity and equilibrium equations, based upon the assumption that there is a good bond between the fiber and matrix, resulting in compatible strains between the two. For normal stresses applied parallel to the glass fiber: f = m = af / Ef = am / Em af = am Ef / Em Where: f = Strain in the Fiber  = Strain in the Matrix af = Normal Stress Parallel to Fiber, in the Fiber Ef = Modulus of Elasticity of the Fiber am = Axial Normal Stress Parallel to Fiber, in the Matrix Em = Modulus of Elasticity of the Matrix


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions Due to the large ratio of the modulus of elasticity of the fiber to that of the matrix, it is apparent that nearly all of the axial normal stress in the fiber-matrix composite is carried by the fiber. Exact values are (Reference 6): af = L / [ + (1-)Em/Ef] am = L / [Ef/Em + (1-)] Where: L = nominal longitudinal stress across composite  = glass content by volume The continuity equations for the glass-matrix composite seem less complex for normal stresses perpendicular to the fibers, because the weak point of the material seems to be limited by the glass-free cross-section, shown below:

Stress Intensification in Matrix Cross-Section

For this reason, it would appear that the strength of the composite would be equal to that of the matrix for stresses in this direction. In fact, its strength is less than that of the matrix due to stress intensification in the matrix caused by the irregular stress distribution in the vicinity of the stiffer glass. Because the elongation over distance D1 must be equal to that over the longer distance D2, the strain, and thus the stress at location D1 must exceed that at D2 by the ratio D2/D1. Maximum intensified transverse normal stresses in the composite are:

Where: b = intensified normal stress transverse to the fiber, in the composite  = nominal transverse normal stress across composite m = Poisson's ratio of the matrix Because of the Poisson effect, this stress produces an additional 'am equal to the following: 'am = Vmb

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions Shear stress can be allocated to the individual components again through the use of continuity equations. It would appear that the stiffer glass would resist the bulk of the shear stresses. However, unless the fibers are infinitely long, all shears must eventually pass through the matrix in order to get from fiber to fiber. Shear stress between fiber and matrix can be estimated as

Where: ab = intensified shear stress in composite T = nominal shear stress across composite Gm = shear modulus of elasticity in matrix Gf = shear modulus of elasticity in fiber Determination of the stresses in the fiber-matrix interface is more complex. The bonding agent has an inappreciable thickness, and thus has an indeterminate stiffness for consideration in the continuity equations. Also, the interface behaves significantly differently in shear, tension, and compression, showing virtually no effects from the latter. The state of the stress in the interface is best solved by omitting its contribution from the continuity equations, and simply considering that it carries all stresses that must be transferred from fiber to matrix. After the stresses have been apportioned, they must be evaluated against appropriate failure criteria. The behavior of homogeneous, isotropic materials such as glass and plastic resin, under a state of multiple stresses is better understood. Failure criterion for isotropic material reduces the combined normal and shear stresses (a, b, c, ab, ac, bc) to a single stress, an equivalent stress, that can be compared to the tensile stress present at failure in a material under uniaxial loading, that is, the ultimate tensile stress, S ult. Different theories, and different equivalent stress functions f(a, b, c, ab, ac, bc) have been proposed, with possibly the most widely accepted being the Huber-von Mises-Hencky criterion, which states that failure will occur when the equivalent stress reaches a critical value the ultimate strength of the material: eq = {1/2 [(a - b) + (b - c) + (c - a) + 6(ab + ac + bc )}  Sult This theory does not fully cover all failure modes of the fiber in that it omits reference to direction of stress, that is, tensile versus compressive. The fibers, being relatively long and thin, predominantly demonstrate buckling as their failure mode when loaded in compression. 2







CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions The equivalent stress failure criterion has been corroborated, with slightly non-conservative results, by testing. Little is known about the failure mode of the adhesive interface, although empirical evidence points to a failure criterion which is more of a linear relationship between the normal and the square of the shear stresses. Failure testing of a composite material loaded only in transverse normal and shear stresses are shown in the following figure. The kink in the curve shows the transition from the matrix to the interface as the failure point.

Mini-Level Analysis

Mini-Level Analysis Fiber Distribution Models Although feasible in concept, micro level analysis is not feasible in practice. This is due to the uncertainty of the arrangement of the glass in the composite the thousands of fibers that might be randomly distributed, semi-randomly oriented, although primarily in a parallel pattern, and of randomly varying lengths. This condition indicates that a sample can truly be evaluated only on a statistical basis, thus rendering detailed finite element analysis inappropriate. For mini-level analysis, a laminate layer is considered to act as a continuous hence the common reference to this method as the "continuum" method, material, with material properties and failure modes estimated by integrating them over the assumed cross-sectional distribution, which is, averaging. The assumption regarding the distribution of the fibers can have a marked effect on the determination of the material parameters. Two of the most commonly postulated distributions are the square and the hexagonal, with the latter generally considered as being a better representation of randomly distributed fibers.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions The stress-strain relationships, for those sections evaluated as continua, can be written as: aa = aa/EL - (VL/EL)bb - (VL/EL)cc bb = -(VL/EL)aa + bb/ET - (VT/ET)cc cc = -(VL/EL)aa - (VT/ET)bb + cc/ET ab = ab / 2 GL bc = bc / 2 GT ac = ac / 2 GL Where: ij = strain along direction i on face j ij, ab = stress (normal, shear) along direction i on face j EL = modulus of elasticity of laminate layer in longitudinal direction VL = Poisson‘s ratio of laminate layer in longitudinal direction ET = modulus of elasticity of laminate layer in transverse direction VT = Poisson‘s ratio of laminate layer in transverse direction GL = shear modulus of elasticity of laminate layer in longitudinal direction GT = shear modulus of elasticity of laminate layer in transverse direction These relationships require that four modules of elasticity, EL, ET, GL, and GT, and two Poisson‘s ratios, VL and V, be evaluated for the continuum. Extensive research (References 4 - 10) has been done to estimate these parameters. There is general consensus that the longitudinal terms can be explicitly calculated; for cases where the fibers are significantly stiffer than the matrix, they are: EL = EF + EM(1 - ) GL = GM +/ [ 1 / (GF - GM) + (1 -) / (2GM)] VL = VF + VM(1 - ) You cannot calculate parameters in the transverse direction. You can only calculate the upper and lower bounds. Correlations with empirical results have yielded approximations (Reference 5 and 6): 2 2 1.25 2 ET = [EM(1+0.85f ) / {(1-VM )[(1-f) + f(EM/EF)/(1-VM )]} GT = GM (1 + 0.6) / [(1 - ) +  (GM/GF)] VT = VL (EL / ET) Use of these parameters permits the development of the homogeneous material models that facilitate the calculation of longitudinal and transverse stresses acting on a laminate layer. The resulting stresses can be allocated to the individual fibers and matrix using relationships developed during the micro analysis. 1.25


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Technical Discussions

Macro-Level Analysis

Macro to Micros Stress Conversion Where Mini-level analysis provides the means of evaluation of individual laminate layers, Macro-level analysis provides the means of evaluating components made up of multiple laminate layers. It is based upon the assumption that not only the composite behaves as a continuum, but that the series of laminate layers acts as a homogeneous material with properties estimated based on the properties of the layer and the winding angle, and that finally, failure criteria are functions of the level of equivalent stress. Laminate properties may be estimated by summing the layer properties (adjusted for winding angle) over all layers. For example

Where: ExLAM = Longitudinal modulus of elasticity of laminate tLAM = thickness of laminate E⊥k = Longitudinal modulus of elasticity of laminate layer k Cik = transformation matrix orienting axes of layer k to longitudinal laminate axis Cjk = transformation matrix orienting axes of layer k to transverse laminate axis tk = thickness of laminate layer k After composite properties are determined, the component stiffness parameters can be determined as though it were made of homogeneous material that is, based on component cross-sectional and composite material properties. Normal and shear stresses can be determined from 1) forces and moments acting on the cross-sections, and 2) the cross-sectional properties themselves. These relationships can be written as: aa = Faa / Aaa ± Mba / Sba ± Mca / Sca bb = Fbb / Abb ± Mab / Sab ± Mcb / Scb cc = Fcc / Acc ± Mac / Sac ± Mbc / Sbc ab = Fab / Aab ± Mbb / Rab ac = Fac / Aac ± Mcc / Rac ba = Fba / Aba ± Maa / Rba bc = Fbc / Abc ± Mcc / Rbc ca = Fca / Aca ± Maa / Rca cb = Fcb / Acb ± Mbb / Rcb

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions Where: ij = normal stress along axis i on face j Fij = force acting along axis i on face j Aij = area resisting force along axis i on face j Mij = moment acting about axis i on face j Sij = section modulus about axis i on face j ij = shear stress along axis i on face j Rij = torsional resistivity about axis i on face j Using the relationships developed under macro, mini, and micro analysis, these stresses can be resolved back into local stresses within the laminate layer, and from there, back into stresses within the fiber and the matrix. From these, the failure criteria of those microscopic components, and hence, the component as a whole, can be checked.

Implementation of Macro-Level Analysis for Piping Systems The macro-level analysis described above is the basis for the preeminent FRP piping codes in use today, including Code BS 7159 (Design and Construction of Glass Reinforced Plastics Piping Systems for Individual Plants or Sites) and the UKOOA Specification and Recommended Practice for the Use of GRP Piping Offshore.

BS 7159 BS 7159 uses methods and formulas familiar to the world of steel piping stress analysis in order to calculate stresses on the cross-section, with the assumption that FRP components have material parameters based on continuum evaluation or test. All coincident loads, such as thermal, weight, pressure, and axial extension due to pressure need be evaluated simultaneously. Failure is based on the equivalent stress calculation method. Because one normal stress (radial stress) is traditionally considered to be negligible in typical piping configurations, this calculation reduces to the greater of (except when axial stresses are compressive): (when axial stress is greater than hoop) (when hoop stress is greater than axial) A slight difficulty arises when evaluating the calculated stress against an allowable, due to the orthotropic nature of the FRP piping normally the laminate is designed in such a way to make the pipe much stronger in the hoop, than in the longitudinal, direction, providing more than one allowable stress. This difficulty is resolved by defining the allowable in terms of a design strained, rather than stress, in effect adjusting the stress allowable in proportion to the strength in each direction. In other words, the allowable stresses for the two equivalent stresses above would be (ed ELAMX) and (ed ELAMH) respectively. In lieu of test data, system design strain is selected from Tables 4.3 and 4.4 of the Code, based on expected chemical and temperature conditions. Actual stress equations as enumerated by BS 7159 display below: 1. Combined stress straights and bends: C = (f + 4S ) or


C = (X + 4S





2 0.5


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions Where: ELAM = modulus of elasticity of the laminate; in CAESAR II, the first equation uses the modulus for the hoop direction and in the second equation, the modulus for the longitudinal direction is used. C = combined stress Φ = circumferential stress = ΦP + ΦB S = torsional stress = MS(Di + 2td) / 4I X = longitudinal stress = XP + XB ΦP = circumferential pressure stress = mP(Di + td) / 2 td ΦB = circumferential bending stress 2 2 0.5 = [(Di + 2td) / 2I] [(Mi SIFΦi) + Mo SIFΦo) ] for bends, = 0 for straights MS = torsional moment on cross-section Di = internal pipe diameter td = design thickness of reference laminate I = moment of inertia of pipe m = pressure stress multiplier of component P = internal pressure Mi = in-plane bending moment on cross-section SIFΦi= circumferential stress intensification factor for in-plane moment M = out-plane bending moment on cross-section SIFΦo = circumferential stress intensification factor for out-plane moment XP = longitudinal pressure stress = P(Di+ td) / 4 td XB = longitudinal bending stress 2 2 0.5 = [(Di + 2td) / 2I] [(Mi SIFxi) + Mo SIFxo) ] SIFxi = longitudinal stress intensification factor for in-plane moment SIFxo = longitudinal stress intensification factor for out-plane moment 2. Combined stress branch connections: CB = ((ΦP + bB) + 4SB ) Where: 2

2 0.5

 d ELAM

CB = branch combined stress ΦP = circumferential pressure stress = mP(Di + tM) / 2 tM bB = non-directional bending stress 2 2 0.5 = [(Di + 2td) / 2I] [(Mi SIFBi) + Mo SIFBo) ] SB = branch torsional stress = MS(Di + 2td) / 4I tM = thickness of the reference laminate at the main run

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Technical Discussions SIFBi = branch stress intensification factor for in-plane moment SIFBo = branch stress intensification factor for out-plane moment 3. When longitudinal stress is negative (net compressive): Φ - VΦx x  Φ ELAMΦ Where: VΦx = Poisson‘s ratio giving strain in longitudinal direction caused by stress in circumferential direction Φ = design strain in circumferential direction ELAMΦ= modulus of elasticity in circumferential direction BS 7159 also dictates the means of calculating flexibility and stress intensification (k- and i-) factors for bend and tee components, for use during the flexibility analysis.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions BS 7159 imposes a number of limitations on its use, the most notable being: the limitation of a system to a design pressure of 10 bar, the restriction to the use of designated design laminates, and the limited applicability of the k- and i- factor calculations to pipe bends (that is, mean wall thickness around the intrados must be 1.75 times the nominal thickness or less).

This code appears to be more sophisticated, yet easy to use. We recommend that its calculation techniques be applied even to FRP systems outside its explicit scope, with the following recommendations:  Pressure stiffening of bends should be based on actual design pressure, rather than allowable design strain.  Design strain should be based on manufacturer‘s test and experience data wherever possible (with consideration for expected operating conditions).  Fitting k- and i- factors should be based on manufacturer‘s test or analytic data, if available.

UKOOA The UKOOA Specification is similar in many respects to the BS 7159 Code, except that it simplifies the calculation requirements in exchange for imposing more limitations and more conservatism on the piping operating conditions. Rather than explicitly calculating a combined stress, the specification defines an idealized envelope of combinations of axial and hoop stresses that cause the equivalent stress to reach failure. This curve represents the plot of: (x / x-all) + (hoop / hoop-all) - [x hoop / (x-all hoop-all)] 1.0 2

CAESAR II User's Guide



Technical Discussions Where: x-all = allowable stress, axial hoop-all = allowable stress, hoop The specification conservatively limits you to that part of the curve falling under the line between x-all (also known as sa(0:1)) and the intersection point on the curve where hoop is twice sx-(a natural condition for a pipe loaded only with pressure), as shown in the following figure.

An implicit modification to this requirement is the fact that pressure stresses are given a factor of safety (typically equal to 2/3) while other loads are not. This gives an explicit requirement of: Pdes  f1 f2 f3 LTHP Where: Pdes = allowable design pressure f1 = factor of safety for 97.5% lower confidence limit, usually 0.85 f2 = system factor of safety, usually 0.67 f3 = ratio of residual allowable, after mechanical loads = 1 - (2 a ) / (r f1 LTHS) b

b a

= axial bending stress due to mechanical loads

r = a(0:1)/a(2:1) a(0:1) = long term axial tensile strength in absence of pressure load a(2:1) = long term axial tensile strength under only pressure loading LTHS = long term hydrostatic strength (hoop stress allowable) LTHP = long term hydrostatic pressure allowable This has been implemented in the CAESAR II pipe stress analysis software as: Code Stress a (f2 /r) + PDm / (4t) b

Code Allowable 

(f1 f2 LTHS) / 2.0

Where: P = design pressure D = pipe mean diameter t = pipe wall thickness K and i-factors for bends are to be taken from the BS 7159 Code, while no such factors are to be used for tees. The UKOOA Specification is limited in that shear stresses are ignored in the evaluation process; no consideration is given to conditions where axial stresses are compressive; and most required calculations are not explicitly detailed.


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Technical Discussions

FRP Analysis Using CAESAR II Practical Applications CAESAR II has had the ability to model orthotropic materials such as FRP almost since its inception. It also can specifically handle the requirements of the BS 7159 Code, the UKOOA Specification, and more recently ISO 14692. FRP material parameters corresponding to those of many vendors‘ lines are provided with CAESAR II. You can pre-select these parameters to be the default values whenever FRP piping is used. Other options, as to whether the BS 7159 pressure stiffening requirements should be carried out using design strain or actual strain can be set in CAESAR II‘s configuration module as well.

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Technical Discussions

Selecting material 20 — Plastic (FRP) – activates CAESAR II‘s orthotropic material model and brings in the appropriate material parameters from the pre-selected materials. The orthotropic material model is indicated by the changing of two fields from their previous isotropic values: Elastic Modulus (C) changes to Elastic Modulus/axial and Poisson's Ratio changes to Ea/Eh*Vh/a.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions These changes are necessary because orthotropic models require more material parameters than do isotropic. For example, there is no longer a single modulus of elasticity for the material, but now two: axial and hoop. There is no longer a single Poisson‘s ratio, but again two: Vh/a (Poisson‘s ratio relating strain in the axial direction due to stress-induced strain in the hoop direction) and Va/h (Poisson‘s ratio relating strain in the hoop direction due to stress-induced strain in the axial direction). Also, unlike isotropic materials, the shear modulus does not follow the relationship G = 1 / E (1-V), so that value must be explicitly input.

To minimize input, a few of these parameters can be combined due to their use in the program. Generally, the only time that the modulus of elasticity in the hoop direction or the Poisson‘s ratios is used during flexibility analysis is when calculating piping elongation due to pressure (note that the modulus of elasticity in the hoop direction is used when determining certain stress allowables for the BS 7159 code): dx = (x / Ea - Va/h * hoop / Eh) L

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions Where: dx

= extension of piping element due to pressure


= longitudinal pressure stress in the piping element


= modulus of elasticity in the axial direction


= Poisson‘s ratio relating strain in the axial direction due to stress-induced strain in the hoop direction

hoop = hoop pressure stress in the piping element Eh

= modulus of elasticity in the hoop direction


= length of piping element

This equation can be rearranged, to require only a single new parameter, as: dx = (x - Va/h hoop * (Ea / Eh )) * L / Ea In theory, that single parameter, Vh/a is identical to (Ea / Eh * Va/h) giving: dx = (x Vh/ahoop) * L / Ea The shear modulus of the material is required in ordered to develop the stiffness matrix. In CAESAR II, this value, expressed as a ratio of the axial modulus of elasticity, is brought in from the pre-selected material, or can be changed on a problem-wise basis using the Special Execution Parameter (see "Special Execution Parameters" on page 255) dialog box accessed by the Environment menu from the piping spreadsheet (see figure). This dialog box also shows the coefficient of thermal expansion (extracted from the vendor file or user entered) for the material, as well as the default laminate type, as defined by the BS 7159 Code:  Type 1 – All chopped strand mat (CSM) construction with an internal and an external surface tissue reinforced layer.  Type 2 – Chopped strand mat (CSM) and woven roving (WR) construction with an internal and an external surface tissue reinforced layer.  Type 3 – Chopped strand mat (CSM) and multi-filament roving construction with an internal and an external surface tissue reinforced layer. The latter is used during the calculation of flexibility and stress intensification factors for piping bends. You can enter bend and tee information by using the auxiliary spreadsheets.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions You can also change bend radius and laminate type data on a bend by bend basis, as shown in the corresponding figure.

Specify BS 7159 fabricated and molded tee types by defining CAESAR II tee types 1 and 3 respectively at intersection points. CAESAR II automatically calculates the appropriate flexibility and stress intensification factors for these fittings as per code requirements. Enter the required code data on the Allowables auxiliary spreadsheet. The program provides fields for both codes, number 27 – BS 7159 and number 28 – UKOOA. After selecting BS 7159, CAESAR II provides fields for entry of the following code parameters: SH1 through SH9 = Longitudinal Design Stress = d ELAMX Kn1 through Kn9 = Cyclic Reduction Factor (as per BS 7159 paragraph 4.3.4) Eh/Ea = Ratio of Hoop Modulus of Elasticity to Axial Modulus of Elasticity K = Temperature Differential Multiplier (as per BS 7159 paragraph 7.2.1)

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions After selecting UKOOA, CAESAR II provides fields for entry of the following code parameters: SH1 through SH9 = hoop design stress = f 1 * LTHS R1 through R9 = ratio r = (a(0:1) / a(2:1)) f2 = system factor of safety (defaults to 0.67 if omitted) K = temperature differential multiplier (same as BS 7159) These parameters need only be entered a single time, unless they change at some point in the system.

Performing the analysis is simpler than the system modeling. evaluates the operating parameters and automatically builds the appropriate load cases. In this case, three are built:  Operating includes pipe and fluid weight, temperature, equipment displacements, and pressure. This case is used to determine maximum code stress/strain, operational equipment nozzle and restraint loads, hot displacements, and so forth.  Cold (same as above, except excluding temperature and equipment movements). This case is used to determine cold equipment nozzle and restraint loads.  Expansion (cyclic stress range between the cold and hot case). This case may be used to evaluate fatigue criteria as per paragraph 4.3.4 of the BS 7159 Code. After analyzing the response of the system under these loads, CAESAR II displays a menu of possible output reports. Reports may be designated by selecting a combination of load case and results type (displacements, restraint loads, element forces and moments, and stresses). From the stress report, you can determine at a glance whether the system passed or failed the stress criteria. For UKOOA, the piping is considered to be within allowable limits when the operating stress falls within the idealized stress envelope this is illustrated by the shaded area in the following figure.


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Technical Discussions

Conclusion A pipe stress analysis program with worldwide acceptance is now available for evaluation of FRP piping systems as per the requirements of the most sophisticated FRP piping codes. This means that access to the same analytical methods and tools enjoyed by engineers using steel pipe is available to users of FRP piping design.

References 1. Cross, Wilbur, An Authorized History of the ASME Boiler an Pressure Vessel Code, ASME, 1990 2. Olson, J. and Cramer, R., "Pipe Flexibility Analysis Using IBM 705 Computer Pro\-gram MEC 21, Mare Island Report 277-59," 1959 3. Fiberglass Pipe Handbook, Composites Institute of the Society of the Plastics Indus\-try, 1989 4. Hashin, Z., "Analysis of Composite Materials a Survey," Journal of Applied Mechanics, Sept. 1983 5. Greaves, G., "Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Pipe Design," Ciba-Geigy Pipe Systems 6. Puck, A. and Schneider, W., "On Failure Mechanisms and Failure Criteria of Filament-Wound Glass-Fibre/Resin Composites," Plastics and Polymers, Feb. 1969 7. Hashin, Z., "The Elastic Moduli of Heterogeneous Materials," Journal of Applied Mechanics, March 1962 8. Hashin, Z. and Rosen, B. Walter, "The Elastic Moduli of Fibre Reinforced Materials," Journal of Applied Mechanics, June 1964 9. Whitney, J. M. and Riley, M. B., "Elastic Properties of Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials," AIAA Journal, Sept. 1966 10. Walpole, L. J., "Elastic Behavior of Composite Materials: Theoretical Foundations," Advances in Applied Mechanics, Volume 21, Academic Press, 1989 11. BS 7159: 1989 British Standard Code of Practice for Design and Construction of Glass Reinforced Plastics GRP Piping Systems for Individual Plants or Sites. 12. UK Offshore Operators Association Specification and Recommended Practice for the Use of GRP Piping Offshore., 1994

Code Compliance Considerations This section comprises general notes that cover code compliance. The first several pages contain information that applies to all of the codes. The last pages contain code-specific discussions. Review the general notes, highlighting those that apply to your problem. Also, review the notes for the piping code that you need. Configuration and Environment (on page 41) gives details about the various parameters that you can use in the CAESAR II setup file. Many of these parameters are discussed from an "application point-of-view" in the text that follows. For more information on the CAESAR II setup file, see Configuration and Environment (on page 41).

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Technical Discussions

General Comments on Configuration Settings' Effect on Piping Code Calculations Stress Intensification Factors (SIF) for all codes Use the table below to determine which SIF value you need. If you have...

then use an SIF Value of ...

threaded joints


double welded slip-on flanges


lap joint flanges with B16.9 stub ends


Calculate Bonney Forge sweepolet and insert weldolet fittings Use the Weld ID on the SIF & TEE Auxiliary dialog box to calculate the sweepolet and insert weldolet fittings. If you can verify that the welds for these fittings are finished or dressed, then specifying the weld ID lowers the SIF.

Bend SIF overrides User-defined bend SIF overrides affect the entire cross section of the bend, and as such you cannot use them to specify a single point on the bend curvature. You must specify the SIFs for the bend TO node. CAESAR II will apply this SIF, in place of the code SIF, over the entire bend curvature, from weldline to weldline. The default value for Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) bend and intersection SIFs is 2.3. Use this value for all user-modified bends and intersections. The default flexibility factor value for FRP bends is 1.0. If you modify these values, and generate the SIFs using the steel fatigue tests you might not be able to use them as a basis for SIFs with FRP fittings. CAESAR II does not permit the use of SIF values less than 1.0.

WRC 329 The only piping codes that cannot take advantage of the WRC 329 options, or the option to use the ASME NC and ND rules for reduced intersections, are BS806 and the Swedish Power Method 1. These codes do not use the effective section modulus, and any extrapolation of the ASME methods into these codes is unwarranted. There is a small difference between Use WRC329 and Reduced Intersection = WRC329. Use Use WRC329 for all full and reduced intersections that are not welding tees or reinforced tees. Use Reduced Intersection =WRC329 for reduced fittings that are not welding tees or reinforced fabricated tees. A fitting is reduced when d/D is less than 0.975.

WRC 329 impact on use with B31.3, B31.4, B31.11, or B31.1 (1967) codes 1. Include torsional stresses in all stress calculations (sustained and occasional). 2. Use a torsional SIF of (r/R) io. 2/3 3 3. Compute i(ib) use 0.6(R/T) [1+0.5(r/R) ](r/rp).


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions 2/3


4. For i(ob) use 1.5(R/T) (r/R) (r/rp) and i(ob)(t/T)>1.5 2/3 when (r/R) < 0.9 use 0.9(R/T) (r/rp) and i(ob)(t/T)>1.0 when (r/R) = 1.0 and use interpolation when 1.0 > (r/R) > 0.9 2/3 5. For ir use 0.8 (R/T) (r/R), and ir > 2.1 6. If the radius at the junction provided is greater than the larger of t/2 or T/2, then divide the calculated SIFs by 2.0, but with ib>1.5 and ir>1.5.

WRC 329 impact on use with B31.1, B31.8, ASME III NC, ASME III ND, Navy 505, Z183, Z184, or Swedish Method 2 codes 2/3


1. For ib use 1.5(R/T) (r/R) (r/rp), and ib(t/T)>1.5 when (r/R) < 0.9 2/3 use 0.9(R/T) (r/rp), and ib(t/T)>1.0 when (r/R) = 1.0 and use interpolation when 1.0 > (r/R) > 0.9 2/3 2. For ir use 0.8 (R/T) (r/R), and ir > 2.1 3. If a radius at the provided junction is greater than the larger of t/2 or T/2, then divide the calculated SIFs by 2.0, but with ib>1.5 and ir>1.5. Bonney Forge Sweepolets tend to be a little more conservative because they are used for fittings in the nuclear industry. Bonney Forge Sweepolet equations can generate SIFs less than one because they are stronger than the girth butt weld used as the unity basis for the code fitting SIFs. CAESAR II does not permit SIFs of less than 1.0. If you generate a Bonney Forge Sweepolet SIF that is less than 1.0, the default value 1.0 is used. The Bonney Forge SIF Data came from the technical flyer: "Bonney Forge Stress Intensification Factors" Bulletin 789/Sl-1, Copyright 1976. Although CAESAR II allows the specification of two element intersections, you cannot specify two SIFs at a single node and get an increased SIF. For example, you cannot specify a socket weld SIF and an intersection SIF at the same point.

Stress calculations for under-specified fittings For two element joints use the largest diameter and the smallest wall thickness, when discrepancies exist between the two adjoining pipes. For two element fittings modeled as socket welds use the largest wall thickness. Both of these selections generate the largest SIFs and the most conservative stress calculations for under-specified fittings. The mismatch given for girth butt welds is the average mismatch and not the maximum mismatch. You must verify that any maximum mismatch requirements are satisfied. If a fillet leg is given in conjunction with a socket weld SIF definition, then both socket weld types result in the same SIF.

B31.3 sustained case SIF The B31.3 sustained case SIF factor in the setup file affects all of the following codes: B31.4, B31.8, B31.11, Navy 505, Z662, and B31.1 (1967). The default value for the B31.3 SUS case SIF factor is 1.0.

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Technical Discussions Corrosion Calculate the corroded effective section modulus by using (r )te Where: r is the average cross sectional radius of the non-corroded pipe (te) is the corroded thickness. 2

Select the thickness (te) based on the non-corroded thicknesses of the branch and header, in other words, the lesser of Th and iTb. The resulting value has the corrosion subtracted from it before the effective section modulus calculation is made. Always use the corroded wall thickness to calculate the Maximum Shear Stress regardless of the setting of the All Stress Cases Corroded option located in the setup file.

Using more than one Piping Code If you use different piping codes in one job, the code that displays at the top of the Output Stress report is the last code used during model input. SIFs, allowables, and code equations are all computed in accordance with the code that varies with the input. When there are multiple piping codes in the same piping job, and a piping code change occurs at an intersection, if the intersection is completely defined with three pipes framing into the intersection then the piping code used to generate the SIF equations will be that one associated with the first header pipe framing into the intersection. If the intersection is only partially defined, then the piping code will be selected from the first pipe framing into the intersection point.

Axial Stress in the Expansion Stress Range The ASME piping codes primarily combine moments for thermal expansion stresses. When there is any tendency for large axial forces to exist in the pipe these code equations are not adequate. An example of this is for buried or partially buried pipe. Here the axial stresses can be very high. B31.4 directs you to compute a longitudinal stress for completely restrained pipe. CAESAR II enables you to specify just how much of the pipe is buried. This longitudinal stress is then added to the stress calculations for thermal and contributes to a failure prediction that might have otherwise been ignored. Similar effects can be achieved in CAESAR II by using the axial soil restraint and telling the setup file to include F/A components in the stress calculations. Be aware that for any type of problem, if large axial loads are developed because of the design, the piping code might not be adequately considering it.

Application of Torsion in Stress Calculations The piping codes that do not, by default, include torsion in the sustained or occasional stress calculations display below: B31.3

Navy 505




B31.1 (1967)



These codes tell you to add the longitudinal stresses due to weight, pressure, and other sustained loadings so torsion is not added. Torsional shear stresses are not longitudinal stresses. You can request that torsion is added into the sustained and occasional stress equations by including the Add Torsion in SL Stress option in the setup file. The torsion stress is still not intensified as it is in the power piping codes. This lack of intensification is considered


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions an oversight and is corrected in WRC 329. You can include this fix by running any of the above codes and including the Use WRC330 option in the setup file.

Radius Entry for Mitered Joints The radius given in CAESAR II is always the equivalent closely spaced miter radius. Only use the radius calculation for widely spaced miters in the piping codes after breaking the widely spaced miter bend down into individual single cut miters as recommended.

Reduced intersection calculations Use reduced intersection calculations when d/D < 0.975. Where: d = Outside Diameter of the Branch D = Outside Diameter of the Header B31.1 and the ASME Section III piping codes provide stress intensification factors for reduced branch ends. None of the other piping codes provide these SIFs. The Reduced Intersection option in the setup file enables other piping code users to access improved SIFs for reduced fittings. You should review the notes associated with the B31.1 and the ASME Section III codes that follow to verify that any other parameters or input associated with the reduced intersection calculations are set as necessary.

Pressure Stiffening If you request pressure stiffening for those codes that do not normally provide it, CAESAR II applies pressure stiffening for all bends and for both miter types.

Occasional Load Factors The defaults occasional load factor from the setup file used in the evaluation of the allowable stress, display the text that follows for each of the piping codes.  B31.1: The occasional load factor is 1.15.  B31.3: The occasional load factor is 1.33.  B31.4: This is 0.8Sy as defined in the most recent edition of B31.4. OCC does not affect a B31.4 analysis in CAESAR II.  B31.5: The occasional load factor is 1.33.  B31.8: Occasional cases are not specifically defined. If you enter an OCC load case the allowable defaults to 1.0 times the sustained allowable stress in other words OCC=1.0.  B31.11: This is 0.88Sy as defined in the most recent edition of B31.11 OCC does not affect a B31.11 analysis in CAESAR II.  ASME Section III NC and ND: The default value of OCC is 1.2, the occasional stress allowable is 1.8 (1.2 X 1.5)Sh but not greater than 1.5Sy. If OCC is 1.5 or 2.0, the allowable is set to the minimum of 2.25Sh/1.8Sy (Level C) or 3.0Sh/2.0Sy (Level D). Note in the latter two cases, enter Sm for Sh.  Navy 505: Occasional cases are not addressed but defaults to the method used in B31.1, and an OCC value of 1.15 is the default.  Z662: The occasional case is not defined, but if you make an entry the allowable for the case defaults to 1.0 times the sustained allowable.  BS806: The occasional load case is not defined, but if you make an entry the allowable stress for the OCC load case is KSh. This is the occasional load factor times the sustained allow\-able. The default value for k is 1.0.

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Technical Discussions 

Swedish Method 1: OCC is not used. The load cases are not differentiated. The same allowable Sigma(ber)/1.5 is used for all load cases.  Swedish Method 2: Uses an OCC default of 1.2 as recommended in the Swedish Piping Code.  B31.1(1967): OCC default is 1.15.  Stoomwezen: OCC default is 1.2.  RCC-M C&D: OCC default is 1.2.  CODETI: OCC default is 1.15.  NORWEGIAN: OCC default is 1.2.  FBDR: OCC default is 1.15  BS 7159: The occasional load case is not defined.  UKOOA: The occasional load case is not defined.  IGE/TD/12: Table 4 of the code addresses occasional stress increases. The occasional factor in the setup file has no bearing on this code.  EN-13480: The occasional load factor varies from 1.0 to 1.8, depending on the loading. Refer to Section 12.3.3 for details.  GPTC/Z380: Occasional cases are not specifically defined. If you enter an OCC load case the allowable defaults to 1.0 times the sustained allowable stress in other words OCC=1.0.  HPGSL: The occasional load factor is 1.33.  JPI: The occasional load factor is 1.33. You can change the occasional load factor from the program defaults by using the setup file. Enter the value as a percent. To get an occasional load factor of 1.5, you must type 50.0.

Code-Specific Notes B31.1 Calculate pressure stiffening using B31.1 Pressure stiffening is defined by default in the code. You can exclude pressure stiffening on bends in the analysis by including the Use Pressure Stiffening=No option in the setup file.

Flanged end modifications using B31.1 Modifications resulting from flanged ends are permitted in the code providing the bend is not a widely spaced miter. CAESAR II does not verify the B31.1 criteria "B" length for closely spaced miters. B31.1 does not by default add F/A into the stress calculation. F/A and the pressure stresses are added to the bending stress, whether the tensile or compressive component of bending, to produce the largest longitudinal stress component. This is true for all codes where the addition of axial and pressure terms are concerned. You can include the axial force terms into the code stress by inserting the Add F/A In Stress=Yes option in the setup file. The F/A forces are structural forces developed in the pipe independent of the pressure PD/4t forces.

Calculate reduced branch stress intensification factors (SIFs) using B31.1 In 1980, B31.1 added a reduced branch SIF equation to Appendix D. This equation came from ASME Section III. However, B31.1 continued to use the effective section modulus calculation for the branch. The ASME Section III rules clearly stated that the branch section modulus, not the effective section modulus should be used with the new SIF. B31.1 continued use of the effective


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions section modulus produced unnecessarily high calculated stresses. This error was corrected in the 1989 version of B31.1. Prior to CAESAR II version 3.0, you had two options:  Use the pre-1980 version of the B31.1 SIF rules  Use the very conservative post-1980 B31.1 SIF rules These options also exist in version 3.0 and later except that the section modulus problem is corrected. If you need to run version 3.0 and later without the section modulus correction, then include the B31.1 Reduced Z Fix=No option in the setup file.

Calculate reduced intersection branch using B31.1 Reduced intersection branch SIFs were not intended for reinforced or welding tees. Conservative results are produced, but the original researchers did not intend for SIFs to be used for these fittings. You can disable the reduced branch fitting calculations for reinforced or welded tees by including the No Reduced SIF for RFT and WLT option in the setup file. This produces less conservative results, but can in some cases be justified. B31.1 102.3.2 (c) says to divide the allowable stresses coming from the stress tables in Appendix A by the applicable weld joint factors listed in Paragraph 102.4.3.

Calculate the B31.1 stress allowables Use the equations below to calculate the stress allowables. Expansion Allowable = f [ (1.25/Eff)(Sc+Sh) - Sl ] Sustained Allowable = Sh/Eff Occasional Allowable = Sh/Eff * (Occ) Where: f = Cyclic Reduction Factor Eff = Longitudinal Weld Joint Efficiency Sc = Cold Allowable Stress Sh = Hot Allowable Stress Sl = Sustained Stress Occ = Occasional Load Factor Default is 1.15

Calculate stress intensification factors (SIFs) for intersections using B31.1 Inplane and outplane SIFs for intersections are the same.

B31.1 reducer default values The default flexibility factor value is 1.0. Use the following equation to determine the SIF value: maximum of 2.0 or 0.5 + .01*Alpha* SQRT(D2/t2). Where: D1- Diameter of the Large End t1- Thickness of the Large End D2 - Diameter of the Small End t2 - Thickness of the Small End Alpha - the Reducer Cone Angle in Degrees. Where: Alpha = atan[ 0.5 * (D1-D2) / (length of the sloped portion of the reducer) ]

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Technical Discussions Alpha is the slope of the reducer transition in degrees. If left blank, the value is set from an estimated slope equal to the arc tangent times 1/2 the change in diameters times sixty percent of the entered reducer length. Alpha cannot exceed 60° and the larger of D1/t1 and D2/t2 cannot exceed 100.

B31.3 Flanged end modifications using B31.3 Modifications resulting from flanged ends are permitted in the code providing the bend is not a widely spaced miter.

Calculate stress intensification factors (SIFs) for intersections using B31.3 In-plane and out-plane SIFs for intersections are separate and unique. B31.3 piping code gives the equation for the expansion stress. Because that equation does not include the longitudinal stress due to axial loads in the pipe, CAESAR II does not include the F/A component of the stress in the expansion stress equation. The code also says that you can add the F/A component where it is significant. Change this by including the Add F/A In Stress option in the setup file. The F/A longitudinal stress components are added by default to the code stress component for all other stress categories.

B31.3 girth butt welds default value The default SIF value for a girth butt weld is 1.0. This is also Markl‘s original basis for SIFs.

Calculate socket welds using B31.3 B31.3 makes no distinction between socket welds with undercut and socket welds without undercut. Codes that do differentiate use 1.3 for socket welds with no undercut, and 2.1 for all others. Unless you are specifying a fillet weld leg length, use a default SIF value of 1.3 for all B31.3 socket welds.

Calculate the B31.3 stress allowables Use the equations below to calculate the stress allowables. Expansion Allowable = f [ (1.25)(Sc+Sh) - Sl ] Sustained Allowable = Sh Occasional Allowable = Sh * (Occ) Where: f = Cyclic Reduction Factor Sc = Cold Allowable Stress Sh = Hot Allowable Stress (as selected) Sl = Sustained Stress Occ = Occasional Load Factor Default is 1.33

Calculate corroded stress using B31.3 By default, B31.3 applied corrosion to section modulus calculation for sustained and occasional stress calculation. Specifying All Stress Cases Corroded in the setup file performs the corroded stress calculations for all stress calculations.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions Calculate pressure effects on miters using B31.3 Pressure effects on miters are allowed in the B31.3 piping code.

B31.3 reducer default values The default SIF value is 1.0. The default flexibility factor value is 1.0.

B31.4 Calculate pressure stiffening using B31.4 Pressure stiffening is defined by default in the code. You can exclude pressure stiffening on bends in the analysis by including the Use Pressure Stiffening on Bends in the setup file.

Flanged end modifications using B31.4 Modifications resulting from flanged ends are permitted in the code providing the bend is not a widely spaced miter.

B31.4 girth butt welds default value The default SIF value for a girth butt weld is 1.0. This is also Markl‘s original basis for SIFs.

Calculate stress intensification factors (SIFs) for intersections using B31.4 In-plane and out-plane SIFs for intersections are separate and unique.

Calculate the B31.4 stress allowables Use the equations below to calculate the stress allowables. Expansion Allowable = (0.72)(Sy) Sustained Allowable = (0.75)(0.72)(Sy) Occasional Allowable = (0.8)(Sy) Operating Allowable = (0.9)(Sy) if the axial stress is compressive, no code check is done if axial stress tensile Where: Sy = Specified Minimum Yield Stress B31.4 does not use EFF, (found in the Allowable Stress auxiliary field). The minimum yield stress is all that is required to compute flexibility stress allowables.

Calculate effective section modulus using B31.4 B31.4 has no provision for using an effective section modulus calculation at intersections.

Calculate liberal allowable using B31.4 B31.4 does not include a provision for the liberal allowable. This particular option is not used for B31.4 stress allowable calculations. The occasional load factor, used in the other piping codes for determining the allowable stress for occasional load sets, is not used in B31.4, as the default allowable stress is 0.8 times the minimum yield stress. CAESAR II assumes that 419.6.4(b) establishes a requirement for the allowable operating stress at 90% of Sy; when the net axial stress is compressive (for example, when longitudinal pressure stresses can be ignored in underground pipes). The last sentence in the paragraph establishes that: "Beam bending stresses shall be included in the longitudinal stress for those

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Technical Discussions portions of the restrained line which are supported above ground." You have two options for including the axial stress in your analyses: 1. Include axial friction restraints and include the ADD_F/A parameter into the setup file. Set Fac to 0.001 to indicate that the line is buried, so longitudinal pressure stresses are not present, so the hoop stress component must be considered. 2. Use the Fac value to have CAESAR II compute the "axially-restrained" stress and include it during stress calculations. If you enter a nonzero Fac value, then multiply the pressure plus axial loads in the pipe by (1-Fac). This gives a more realistic estimation of the axial stress in the pipe when you include both of the effects above. Paragraph 419.6.4(b) requires 1) the reduction of the axial expansion stress by the product of Poisson's ratio and the pressure hoop stress, and 2) the addiction of the hoop stress to the axial stress. The latter represents the calculation of stress intensity when the axial stress is compressive, implying that there is no longitudinal pressure stress in buried pipe (the pressure loads are transmitted directly to the soil). CAESAR II handles this case in the Operating Load Case, where the hoop stress is added in and the allowable stress is set to 0.9 Sy whenever the axial stress is compressive. If Fac is 0.001, the piping element is considered buried, so the longitudinal pressure stress is replaced by the product of Poisson‘s ratio and the hoop stress, in keeping with the spirit of paragraph 419.6.4(b). "Fac" is automatically set to 0.001 when B31.4 pipe is sent through the Buried Pipe Modeler. The stress due to axial force is also included for these elements. The Fac variable should probably not be set to 1.0 with B31.4 and thermal expansion cases where you are going from one thermal state to another state. In other words, where the case is of the form: L1-L2, and both L1 and L2 contain temperatures. In this case, the thermal expansion used in the restrained pipe calculation comes from the last thermal specified in the load case definition. In the example above the thermal expansion associated with the L2 load case. The Base Hoop Stress On OD flag in the setup file is used by B31.4 when the hoop stress is calculated for the restrained pipe longitudinal stress calculation. The default is to base the hoop stress calculation on the average diameter, and the equation PD/2t. In the mechanical stress calculations the hoop stress is based on the inside diameter. This is the hoop stress that is printed in the extended CAESAR II Stress report.

B31.4 reducer default values The default SIF value is 1.0. The default Flexibility Factor value is 1.0.


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Technical Discussions

B31.4 Chapter IX Chapter IX presents the offshore requirements of the B31.4 (on page 845).

Calculate Stress Intensification Factors (SIFs), flexibility factors, and section moduli Calculate all SIFs, flexibility factors, and section moduli exactly as stated in the standard B31.4 code.

Calculate stress using B31.4 Chapter IX Use the uncorroded wall thickness to make stress calculations.

Calculate load cases using B31.4 Chapter IX There is no provision for a code check for the expansion load case, so no expansion cases are generated under this code. Operating, sustained, or occasional load cases are treated identically. Do three stress calculations for these load cases, each with a different allowable limit. The Stress Report displays the calculation causing the highest percent of allowable along with its specific allowable. These three stress checks are: Hoop Stress: Sh  F1 Sy Longitudinal Stress: |SL|  0.8 Sy Equivalent Stress: Se  0.9 Sy Where: Sh = (Pi – Pe) D / 2t Pi = Internal Pressure Pe = External Pressure D = Outer Diameter t = Wall Thickness F1 = Hoop Stress Design Factor 0.60 or 0.72, see Table A402.3.5(a) of the B31.4 Code Sy = Specified Minimum Yield Strength SL = Sa + Sb or Sa - Sb, whichever results in greater stress value Sa = Axial Stress Positive Tensile and Negative Compressive Sb = Bending Stress 2 2 1/2 Se = 2[((SL - Sh)/2) + St ] St = Torsional Stress

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B31.5 B31.5 reducer default values The default SIF value is 1.0. The default flexibility factor value is 1.0.

B31.8 Restrained Pipe (as defined in Section 833.1): For Straight Pipe: Both SL and SC < 0.9ST (OPE) Both SL, and SC < 0.9ST (SUS) SL < 0.9ST and Sc < ST (OCC) and * The Stress Report displays the calculation causing the highest percent of allowable along with its specific allowable. For All Other Components SL < 0.9ST (OPE, SUS, OCC)

Unrestrained Pipe (as defined in Section 833.1): SL < 0.75ST (SUS, OCC) SE < f[1.25(SC + SH) – SL] (EXP) Where: SL = SP + SX + SB SP = 0.3SHoop (for restrained pipe); 0.5SHoop (for unrestrained pipe) SX = R/A SB = MB/Z (for straight pipe/bends with SIF = 1.0); MR/Z (for other components) 2 2 SC = Max (|SHoop – SL|, sqrt[SL – SLSHoop + SHoop ]) 2 2 MR = sqrt[(0.75iiMi) + (0.75ioMo)2 + Mt ] SE = ME/Z 2 2 ME = sqrt[(0.75iiMi) + (0.75ioMo)2 + Mt ] S = Specified Minimum Yield Stress T = Temperature Derating Factor SH = 0.33SUT SC = 0.33SU SU = Specified Minimum Ultimate Tensile Stress B31.8 distinguishes between restrained and unrestrained piping for the purposes of stress computations. To implement B31.8 you must define which sections of the piping system are restrained, as per Code Section 833.1. In general, restrained piping is piping in which the soil or supports prevent axial displacement of flexure at bends. Conversely, unrestrained piping is piping that is free to displace axially or flex at bends. For more information, see Section 833.1. Processing a B31.8 model through the Buried Pipe Modeler designates the buried sections as restrained. For restrained pipe, B31.8 specifies that the operating case stresses should include the thermal axial stress component, a constant stress due to linear thermal expansion, but exclude thermal


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions bending stresses from the SB component. Because CAESAR II cannot go back and segregate internal thermal forces and moments from those of other loads, the thermal axial stresses are calculated and included as part of SX (as opposed to added as a constant), and thermal bending stresses are conservatively included in SB. Bending stress SB is defined differently for straight pipe or "large-radius" bends than it is for other components. CAESAR II resolves the ambiguity of exactly what constitutes a "large-radius" bend by considering any bend having an SIF of 1.0 as being a "large-radius" bend.

Occasional load default values The occasional load default value for B31.8 is 1.111 (1/0.9) and is only applied to the allowable for SC combined stress calculated only in straight pipes. The allowable in this case is ST as opposed to 0.9ST. There is no provision for increasing or decreasing this allowable. In the case of occasional stresses in straight pipes, there are potentially two stresses (S L and SC) to be compared against two different allowable limits. CAESAR II only prints the one that provides the greater ratio of calculated stress versus allowable stress. You can visually determine which stress prints by examining the magnitude of the allowable.

Calculate pressure stiffening using B31.8 Pressure stiffening is included by default in the code. You can exclude pressure stiffening on bends in the analysis by setting the Use Pressure Stiffening switch in the setup file.

Modifications to the flexibility factor and Stress Intensification Factor (SIF) using B31.8 Modifications to the flexibility factor and SIF of bends resulting from flanged ends are permitted by the code.

Calculate socket welds using B31.8 B31.8 makes no distinction between socket welds with undercut and socket welds without undercut. Unless you are specifying a fillet weld leg length, use a default SIF value of 2.1 for all B31.8 socket welds.

Using reducers with B31.8 Use of reducers is subject to the following limitations:  Alpha the reducer cone angle is limited to 60°  The larger of D1/SQRT(t1) and D2/SQRT(t2) cannot exceed 100 where D1/t1 and D2/t2 are the diameters and thicknesses of the large and small ends, respectively.

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Technical Discussions

B31.8 Chapter VIII Chapter VIII discusses the offshore requirements of B31.8. For more information, see B31.8 (on page 848)

Calculate the Stress Intensification Factors (SIFs), flexibility factors, and section moduli using B31.8 Chapter VIII Calculate all SIFs, flexibility factors, and section moduli exactly as in the standard B31.8 Code. Make all stress calculations using the non-corroded wall thickness for the hoop and longitudinal stresses. Use the corroded thickness for the combined stress.

Calculate the expansion load case using B31.8 Chapter VIII There is no provision for a code check for the expansion load case, so no expansion cases are generated under this code.

Calculate the operating, sustained, or occasional load cases using B31.8 Chapter VIII Operating, sustained, or occasional load cases are treated identically. For these load cases, you must perform three stress calculations, each with specific allowable limits. The stress calculation causing the highest percent of allowable displays in the stress report along with its specific allowable. The stress checks are: Hoop Stress: Sh  F1ST Longitudinal Stress: |SL|  0.8S Equivalent Stress: Se  0.9S Where: Sh = (Pi – Pe) D / 2t Pi = Internal Pressure Pe = External Pressure D = Outer Diameter t = Wall Thickness F1 = Hoop Stress Design Factor 0.50 or 0.72 see Table A842.22 of B31.8 S = Specified Minimum Yield Strength T = Temperature Derating Factor see Table 841.116A of B31.8 The product of S and T, the yield stress at operating temperature, is required in the SH field of the CAESAR II Input: SL = Maximum Longitudinal Stress Positive Tensile and Negative Compressive 2 2 1/2 Se = 2[((SL - Sh)/2) + Ss ] Ss = Torsional Stress


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Technical Discussions

B31.9 Notes Paragraph 919.4.1.b states that for analysis methods follow B31.1. For more information, refer to B31.1 (see "B31.3 Code-Specific Settings" on page 78).

B31.11 Calculate pressure stiffening using B31.11 Pressure stiffening is included by default in the code. You can exclude pressure stiffening on bends in the analysis by setting the Use Pressure Stiffening switch in the setup file.

Flanged end modifications using B31.11 Modifications resulting from flanged ends are permitted in the code provided the bend is not a widely spaced miter.

B31.11 girth butt welds default value The default SIF value for a girth butt weld is 1.0. This is also Markl‘s original basis for SIFs.

Calculate stress intensification factors (SIFs) for intersections using B31.11 In-plane and out-plane SIFs for intersections are separate and unique.

Calculate the B31.11 allowable stresses Use the equations below to calculate the stress allowables. Expansion Allowable = (0.72)(Sy) Sustained Allowable = (0.75)(0.72)(Sy) Occasional Allowable = (0.88)(Sy) Operating Allowable = (0.9)(Sy) if the axial stress is compressive; no code check done if the axial stress is tensile Where: Sy = Specified Minimum Yield Stress B31.11 does not use EFF, found on the Allowable Stress Auxiliary field. The minimum yield stress is all that is required to compute flexibility stress allowables.

Calculate effective section modulus using B31.11 B31.11 has no provision for using an effective section modulus calculation at intersections.

Calculate liberal allowable using B31.11 B31.11 does not include a provision for the liberal allowable. This option is not used for B31.11 stress allowable calculations. The occasional load factor, used in the other piping codes for determining the allowable stress for occasional load sets, is also not used in B31.11, as the allowable stress is 0.88 times the minimum yield stress. CAESAR II assumes that 1119.6.4(b) establishes a requirement for the allowable operating stress at 90% of Sy when the net axial stress is compressive (when longitudinal pressure stresses can be ignored in underground pipes). The last sentence in the paragraph establishes that: "Beam bending stresses shall be included in the longitudinal stress for those portions of the

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions restrained line which are supported above ground." You have two options for including this axial stress in your analyses: 1. Include axial friction restraints and include the Add F/A option in the setup file. Set Fac to 0.001 to indicate that the line is buried, so longitudinal pressure stresses are not present, and so the hoop stress component is considered. 2. Use Fac to tell CAESAR II to compute the axially-restrained stress and include it during stress calculations. If you enter a nonzero Fac, the pressure plus axial loads in the pipe are multiplied by (1-Fac). This gives a more realistic estimation of the axial stress in the pipe when you have included both of the effects above. Paragraph 1119.6.4(b) requires 1) the reduction of the axial expansion stress by the product of Poisson‘s ratio and the pressure hoop stress, and 2) the addition of the hoop stress to the axial stress. The latter represents the calculation of stress intensity when the axial stress is compressive, implying that there is no longitudinal pressure stress in buried pipe (the pressure loads are transmitted directly to the soil). CAESAR II handles this case in the operating load case, where the hoop stress is added in and the allowable stress is set to 0.9 Sy whenever the axial stress is compressive. If Fac is 0.001, the piping element is considered buried, so the longitudinal pressure stress is replaced by the product of Poisson‘s ratio and the hoop stress, in keeping with the spirit of paragraph 1119.6.4(b). Fac is automatically set to 0.001 when B31.11 pipe is sent through the buried pipe modeler (on page 411). The stress due to axial force is also included for these elements. Do not set Fac to 1.0 when using B31.11with thermal expansion cases where you are going from one thermal state to another state. In other words where the case is of the form: L1-L2, and both L1 and L2 contain temperatures. In this case the thermal expansion used in the restrained pipe calculation comes from the last thermal specified in the load case definition. In the example above the thermal expansion associated with the L2 load case. When calculating the hoop stress for the restrained pipe longitudinal stress calculation use the Base Hoop Stress On option in the setup file. The default is to base the hoop stress calculation on D = average diameter in the equation PD/2t. In mechanical stress calculations the hoop stress is based on the inside diameter. This is the hoop stress that displays in the extended CAESAR II Stress report.

B31.11 reducer default values The default SIF value is 1.0. The default flexibility factor value is 1.0.

ASME III Subsections NC and ND Calculate pressure stiffening using NC and ND Pressure stiffening is not defined by default in this code. You can include pressure stiffening on bends in the analysis by including the Use Pressure Stiffening=Yes option in the setup file.

Flanged end modifications using NC and ND Modifications resulting from flanged ends are permitted in this code providing the bend is not a widely spaced miter.

Minimum SIF for reinforced and unreinforced fabricated tees using NC and ND The minimum SIF for reinforced and unreinforced fabricated tees is 2.1.

Calculate B1 and B2 using NC and ND Calculate B1 and B2 according to the equations in ASME NC and ND.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions Calculate liberal allowable using NC and ND If you are using this piping code and define a dynamic load case as an ―Expansion‖, a request for Liberal Allowable is ignored and the (Sh-Sl) term is removed from the allowed limit (see below). This is a programming decision rather than an interpretation of the piping code or a recommendation for doing dynamic analysis.

Calculate stress intensification factors (SIFs) for intersections using NC and ND Inplane and outplane SIFs for intersections are the same.

Using WRC 329 with NC or ND For all intersections that are not welding tees or reinforced fabricated tees use the equation 2 *r *t to calculate the approximate section modulus for the stress calculations. This includes all reduced intersections and all d/D ratios.

Determine the branch SIF using NC or ND If you do not want to use the branch SIF of the Code for welding and reinforced reducing tees, include the No Reduced SIF for RFT and WLT flag in the setup file.

Calculate the NC and ND stress allowables Use the equations below to calculate the stress allowables. Expansion Allowable = f(1.25Sc + 0.25Sh) + (Sh-Sl) Sustained Allowable = 1.5Sh If not at an intersection Occasional Allowable = 1.8Sh not greater than 1.5Sy, if OCC=1.2; 2.25Sh not greater than 1.8Sy, if OCC=1.5; 3.0Sh not greater than 2.0Sy, if OCC=2.0 Where: f = Cyclic Reduction Factor Sc = Cold Allowable Sh = Hot Allowable Sl = Sustained Stress from PD/4t+0.75iMb Sy = Material Yield Stress OCC = Occasional Factor from the CAESAR II configuration file

Calculate two pipe intersections using NC and ND For two pipe intersections, for example butt welds or socket welds, B1 and B2 factors are 1.0. If the ratio of the average branch to average run radius is less than 0.5, then apply the reduced intersection rules to the B1 and B2 calculations regardless of the intersection type. If the reduced intersection rules do not apply then use the following rules for butt welded fittings: B2b = 0.4 * (R/T)**2/3 but not < 1.0 B2r = 0.5 * (R/T)**2/3 but not < 1.0 You can modify the values for B1 and B2 for any node in the SIF&TEE auxiliary field. Any changes you make to B1 and B2 on an auxiliary field only apply for that element, regardless of whether the node is an intersection or not.

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Technical Discussions Calculate the ratio of r/R using NC and ND When r/R < 0.5 use the following equations for B1 and B2: B2b = 0.50 C2b but not < 1.0 B2r = 0.75 C2r but not < 1.0 2/3 1/2 C2b = 3(R/T) (r/R) (t/T)(r/rp), but not < 1.5 1/4 C2r = 1.15(r/t) but not < 1.5

Branch SIFs using NC and ND WRC 329 produces smaller branch SIFs than ASME NC and ND, and the same run SIFs. The branch SIFs are smaller by a factor of 2. This is when d/D P(Dm)/(4t) and it is compressive (OPE) and (OPE) Circumferential Stress for straight pipes

for bends

for tees Dm and t are always for the Run Pipe

Calculate the allowable stress limits using BS 7159 BS 7159 allowables are based on material design strain d. Therefore allowable stresses differ in the axial and hoop directions by the ratio of the axial and hoop moduli of elasticity: Sh = dEx SHOOP = (dEx) (Eh/Ex) Enter the ratio Eh/Ex in the allowable stress Eff field. If left blank, the value defaults to 1.0 for isotropic materials.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions Calculate pressure stiffening using BS 7159 Pressure stiffening of bends is done assuming the bends are fully pressurized up to the design strain of the components. You can exclude pressure stiffening on bends by including the Use Pressure Stiffening option in the configuration file. BS 7159 does not by default add F/A into the stress calculation (unless this puts an element into compression as described above). Use the Add F/A in Stress option to tell CAESAR II to include the axial force term into the code stress.

Calculate the fatigue factor using BS 7159 The fatigue factor, Kn, is used inversely relative to the cyclic reduction factor in most codes, so its value should be greater than or equal to 1.0 (allowable stress is divided by this number). K n is calculated as: Kn = 1.0 + 0.25 (As/n) (Log10(n) - 3.0) Where: As = Stress Range During Fatigue Cycle n = Maximum Stress During Fatigue Cycle n = Number of Cycles During Design Life Enter Kn in the Cyclic Reduction Factor fields. BS 7159 requires that you consider the thermal strain of the pipe material as being from 80% 85% below the true material strain due to insulation effects of the pipe wall. Enter this reduction factor K in the allowable stress FAC field. If left blank, this value defaults to 1.0.

Calculate the stress intensity and flexibility factors of bends using BS 7159 The stress intensity and flexibility factors of bends vary based on laminate type:  All chopped strand mat (CSM) construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.  CSM and woven roving (WR) construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.  CSM and multi-filament roving construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer. You can enter the laminate type in the Bend Type field, or set the type default on the Special Execution Parameter dialog box.

Calculate SIFs for Reducers using BS 7159 BS 7159 does not mention reducers for SIF calculations.

UKOOA The United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association (UKOOA) Specification and Recommended Practice for the Use of GRP Piping Offshore is similar in many respects to the BS 7159, except that it simplifies the calculation requirements in exchange for imposing more conservatism on the piping operating conditions. Rather than explicitly calculating a combined stress, the specification defines an idealized envelope of combinations of axial and hoop stresses which cause the equivalent stress to reach failure. This curve represents the plot of: (x / -all) + hoop / hoop-all) - [x hoop / (x-all hoop-all)] 1.0 2

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Technical Discussions Where: x-all = Allowable Stress Axial hoop-all = Allowable Stress Hoop The specification conservatively limits you to that part of the curve falling under the line between x-all also known as a(0:1) and the intersection point on the curve where hoop is twice x a natural condition for a pipe loaded only with pressure. An implicit modification to this requirement is the fact that pressure stresses are given a factor of safety typically equal to 2/3 while other stresses are not. This gives an explicit requirement of: Pdes f1 f2 f3 LTHP Where: Pdes = Allowable Design Pressure f1 = Factor of Safety for 97.5% Lower Confidence Limit Usually 0.85 f2 = System Factor of Safety Usually 0.67 f3 = Ratio of Residual Allowable After Mechanical Loads b = 1 - (2 sa ) / (r f1 LTHS) b sa = Axial Bending Stress Due to Mechanical Loads r = a(0:1) / a(2:1) a(0:1) = Long Term Axial Tensile Strength In Absence Of Pressure Load a(2:1) = Long Term Axial Tensile Strength Under Pressure Loading Only LTHS = Long Term Hydrostatic Strength Hoop Stress Allowable LTHP = Long Term Hydrostatic Pressure Allowable This is implemented in the CAESAR II using the following equations: Code Stress a (f2 /r) + PDm / (4t) b

Code Allowable 

(f1 f2 LTHS) / 2.0

Where: P = Design Pressure Dm = Pipe Mean Diameter t = Pipe Wall Thickness On the Allowable auxiliary dialog box, the product of f1 and LTHS is entered in the SH1, SH2, SH3 fields; r is entered in the F1, F2, F3 fields; f2 is entered in the Eff field; and the temperature reduction factor K (described for BS 7159 above) is entered in the Fac field if omitted, it defaults to 1.0. K- and i-factors for bends and tees, and bending and pressure stresses are calculated as described for the BS 7159.

Calculate SIFs using UKOOA UKOOA refers to BS 7159 for SIF calculations.

IGE/TD/12 CAESAR II performs calculations as per the IGE/TD/12 Edition 2 code requirements. The complexity of these requirements far exceeds what can be described here. We recommend that you acquire a copy of this code from the International Institution of Gas Engineers & Managers.


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Det Norske Veritas (DNV) This code is entitled "Rules for Submarine Pipeline Systems." The Allowable Stress Design (ASD) provisions of the code are implemented here, rather than the limit state requirements.

Calculate the Stress Intensification Factors (SIFs), flexibility factors, or section moduli using DNV DNV does not provide any guidance on calculating SIFs, flexibility factors, or section moduli. An informal poll of DNV experts and users was taken and the decision was made to use the B31.1 Power Code. Make all stress calculations using the corroded wall thickness.

Calculate the expansion load case using DNV There is no provision for a code check for the expansion load case, so no expansion cases are generated under this code.

Calculate the operating, sustained, or occasional load cases using DNV Treat the operating, sustained, or occasional load cases identically. For these load cases, you must perform three stress calculations with different allowable limits. The stress calculation causing the highest percent of allowable is reported in the stress report, along with its specific allowable. These stress checks are: Hoop Stress:

Sh ns SMYS

Hoop Stress:

Sh nu SMTS

Longitudinal Stress:


Equivalent Stress:

Se  n SMYS

Where: Sh = (Pi – Pe) (D – t) / 2t Pi = Internal Pressure Pe = External Pressure D = Outer Diameter t = Wall Thickness ns = Hoop Stress Yielding Usage Factor; see Tables C1 and C2 of the DNV Code SMYS = Specified Minimum Yield Strength at Operating Temperature nu = Hoop Stress Bursting Usage Factor; see Tables C1 and C2 of the DNV Code SMTS = Specified Minimum Tensile Strength at Operating Temperature SL = Maximum Longitudinal Stress n = Equivalent Stress Usage Factor; see Table C4 of the DNV Code 2 2 2 1/2 Se = [Sh + SL - ShSL + 3t ] t = Torsional Stress

Calculate reducers using DNV DNV does not mention reducers for SIF calculations.

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EN-13480 Flexibility calculations using EN-13480 EN-13480 uses the hot modulus of elasticity in the flexibility calculations (Sect The expansion allowable stress is subsequently modified by the ratio of Eh/Ec.

Calculate the flexibility stresses using EN-13480 EN-13480 provides two methods of determining the flexibility stresses. The CAESAR II default implementation is to use Sections 12.3.2 through 12.3.6, which perform an SRSS of the bending moments with a single SIF. As an alternative, the flexibility stresses can be determined by distinguishing between in and out of plane bending, using distinct SIFs, as discussed in Section 12.3.1. The option to implement this alternative can be found on the "SIF & Stress" tab of the configuration module.

EN-13480 pressure stiffening EN-13480 does not consider pressure stiffening effects on bends.

GPTC/Z380 The recommendations of this code apply only to above ground steel piping through 450°F. GPTC/Z380 and B31.8, prior to 2004, recommendations are similar in many ways. The differences between GPTC/Z380 and B31.8 display below:  The longitudinal joint factors vary slightly between B31.8 Table 841.115a and GPTC/Z380 Table 192.113.  The design factor in B31.8 Table 841.114b provides more detail than GPTC/Z380 Table 192.11.  The allowable for the combined stress calculation in GPTC/Z380 Section 192.159-1.5e includes a "0.75" factor, while B31.8 Section 833.4 does not.  GPTC/Z380 uses a single stress intensification factor (SIF) for both in-plane and out-of-plane loads, while B31.8 distinguishes between in-plane and out-of-plane SIFs.

ISO-14692 ISO-14692 addresses the analysis of Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) pipe. Qualification is based on the comparison of actual stresses, hoop and axial, to a failure envelope. See BS 7159 (on page 867) for the CAESAR II approach for FRP pipe analysis.

HPGSL Calculate stress intensification factors (SIFs) for intersections using HPGSL HPGSL provides two separate equations to calculate the in-plane and out-plane stress intensification factors (SIFs) for intersections.

Calculate expansion stress using HPGSL HPGSL provides an equation to calculate the expansion stress. This equation does not include calculations for the longitudinal stress due to axial loads in the pipe. CAESAR II does not include the F/A longitudinal stress component for stress in the expansion stress equation. You can change this by including the Add F/A In Stress option in the configuration file. The program


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Technical Discussions adds the F/A longitudinal stress component, by default, to the code stress component for all other stress categories.

HPGSL girth butt welds default value The default SIF value for a girth butt weld is 1.0. This is also Markl‘s original basis for SIFs.

Calculate socket welds using HPGSL HPGSL makes no distinction between socket welds with undercut and socket welds without undercut. Codes that do differentiate use 1.3 for socket welds with no undercut, and 2.1 for all others. Unless you are specifying a fillet weld leg length, use a default SIF value of 1.3.

Calculate the HPGSL stress allowables Use the equations below to calculate the stress allowables. Expansion Allowable


f [ (1.25/Eff)(Sc+Sh) - Sl ]

Sustained Allowable



Occasional Allowable =


Where: f = Cyclic Reduction Factor Eff = Weld Joint Efficiency Minimum Wall Thickness Only Sc = Cold Allowable Stress Sh = Hot Allowable Stress SI = Sustained Stress Occ = Occasional Load Factor Default is 1.33 When specifying a corrosion allowance, do not use a corrosion value in the sustained and occasional stress calculations.

HPGSL reducer default values The default SIF value is 1.0. The default Flexibility Factor value is 1.0.

HPGSL Pressure effects Pressure effects on miters are allowed in this piping code.

JPI Calculate stress intensification factors (SIFs) for intersections using JPI JPI provides two separate equations to calculate the in-plane and out-plane SIFs for intersections.

Calculate expansion stress using JPI JPI provides an equation to calculate the expansion stress. However, this equation does not include calculations for the longitudinal stress due to axial loads in the pipe. CAESAR II does not include the F/A longitudinal stress component for stress in the expansion stress equation. The program adds the F/A longitudinal stress component, by default, to the code stress component for all other stress categories.

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Technical Discussions JPI girth butt welds default value The default SIF value for a girth butt weld is 1.0. This is also Markl‘s original basis for SIFs.

Calculate socket welds using JPI JPI makes no distinction between socket welds with undercut and socket welds without undercut. Unless you are specifying a fillet weld leg length, use a default SIF value of 1.3.

Calculate the JPI Stress allowables Expansion Allowable

= f [ (1.25/Eff)(Sc+Sh) - Sl ]

Sustained Allowable

= Sh/Eff

Occasional Allowable = (Occ)*Sh/Eff Where: f = Cyclic Reduction Factor Eff = Weld Joint Efficiency minimum wall thickness only Sc = Cold Allowable Stress Sh = Hot Allowable Stress SI = Sustained Stress Occ = Occasional Load Factor Default - 1.33 When specifying a corrosion allowance, do not use a corrosion value in the sustained and occasional stress calculations.

JPl reducer default value The default SIF value is 1.0. The default Flexibility Factor value is 1.0.

Pressure effects and JPl Pressure effects on miters are allowed in this piping code.

Local Coordinates Many analytical models in engineering are based upon being able to define a real physical object mathematically. This is accomplished by mapping the dimensions of the physical object into a similar mathematical space. Mathematical space is usually assumed to be either two-dimensional or three-dimensional. For piping analysis, the three dimensional space is necessary, because almost all piping systems are three dimensional in nature.


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Technical Discussions Two typical three-dimensional mathematical systems are shown below in Figure 1. Both of these systems are "Cartesian Coordinate Systems". Each axis in these systems is perpendicular to all other axes.

Figure 1 – Typical Cartesian Coordinate Systems In addition, for these Cartesian coordinate systems the "right hand rule" is used to define positive rotation about each axis and the relationship, or ordering, between the axes. Before illustrating the "right hand rule", there are several traits of the systems in Figure 1 that should be noted.  Each axis can be thought of as a "number line", where the zero point is the point where all of the axes intersect. While only the positive side of each axis is shown in Figure 1, each axis has a negative side as well.  The direction of the arrow heads indicates the positive direction of each axis.  In Figure 1, the X-axis has one arrowhead, the Y-axis has two arrowheads, and the Z-axis has three arrowheads. The circular arcs labeled RX, RY, and RZ define the direction of positive rotation about each axis. (This point will be dis\-cussed later.)  Any point in space can be mapped to these coordinate systems by using its position along the number lines. For example, a point 5 units down the X-axis would have a coordinate of (5.0, 0.0, 0.0). A point 5 units down the X-axis and 6 units down the Y-axis would have a coordinate of (5.0, 6.0, 0.0).  Notice that if the system on the right side of Figure 1 is rotated a positive 90-degrees about the X-axis, the result is the system on the left side of Figure 1. The coordinate system on the left side of Figure 1 is the default CAESAR II global coordinate system. In this system, the X and Z axes define the horizontal plane, and the Y-axis is vertical. The other coordinate system in Figure 1 can be obtained in CAESAR II by selecting the Z-axis Vertical option, discussed later in this section. All further discussion in this section targets this default coordinate system, unless other\-wise noted.

Other Global Coordinate Systems There are other types of coordinate systems that can be used to mathematically map a physical object.  A Polar coordinate system maps points in a two dimensional space using a radius and a rotation angle (r, theta).

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A Cylindrical coordinate system maps points using a radius, a rotation angle, and an elevation (r, theta, z). The origin in this system could be considered the center of the bottom of a cylinder. Cylindrical coordinates are convenient to use when there is an axis of symmetry in the model.  A Spherical coordinate system maps points using a radius and two rotation angles (r, theta, phi). The origin in this system could be considered the center of a sphere. Spherical coordinates are convenient to use when there is a point which is the center of symmetry in the model. Typically, none of these coordinate systems are easily used to map piping systems. Most piping software deals exclusively with the Cartesian coordinate system.

The Right Hand Rule In the Cartesian coordinate system, each axis has a positive and a negative side, as previously mentioned. Translations, straight-line movement, can be defined as movement along these axes. Rotation can also occur around these axes, as illustrated by the arcs in Figure 1. A standard rule must be applied in order to define the direction of positive rotation about these axes. The right hand rule is used as the standard. Put the thumb of your right hand along the axis, in the positive direction of the axis. The direction your fingers curl is positive rotation about that axis. This is best illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2 – The Right Hand Rule The right hand rule can also be used to describe the relationship between the three axes. Mathematically, the relationship between the axes can be defined as: X cross Y = Z (EQ 1) Y cross Z = X (EQ 2) Z cross X = Y (EQ 3) Where cross indicates the vector cross product.


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Technical Discussions Physically, using your right hand, what do the above equations mean? This question is best answered by Figure 3.

Figure 3 – The Right Hand Rule - Continued The left pane of Figure 3 corresponds to vector equation 3 above. Similarly, the center pane in Figure 3 also corresponds to vector equation 3 above. The right pane in Figure 3 corresponds to vector equation 2 above. All panes of Figure 3 refer to the left hand image of Figure 1. Straight-line movement along any axis can be therefore described as positive or negative, depending on the direction of motion. This straight-line movement accounts for three of the six degrees of freedom associated with a given node point in a model. Analysis of a model requires the discretization of the model into a set of nodes and elements. Depending on the analysis and the element used, the associated nodes have certain degrees of freedom. For pipe stress analysis, using 3D Beam Elements, each node in the model has six degrees of freedom. The other three degrees of freedom are the rotations about each of the axes. In accordance with the right hand rule, positive rotation about each axis is defined as shown in Figures 1 and 2. When modeling a system mathematically, there are two coordinate systems to deal with, a global or model coordinate system and a local (or elemental) coordinate system. The global or model coordinate system is fixed, and can be considered a constant characteristic of the analysis at hand. The local coordinate system is defined on an elemental basis. Each element defines its own local coordinate system. The orientation of these local systems varies with the orientation of the elements. An important concept here is the fact that local coordinate systems are defined by, and therefore associated with, elements. Local coordinate systems are not defined for, or associated with, nodes.

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Pipe Stress Analysis Coordinate Systems As noted previously, most pipe stress analysis computer programs use the 3D Beam Element. This element can be described as an infinitely thin stick, spanning between two nodes. Each of these nodes has six degrees of freedom three translations and three rotations. Piping systems models are constructed by defining a series of elements, connected by nodes. These pipe elements are typically defined as vectors, in terms of delta dimensions referenced to a global coordinate system. Several example pipe elements are shown below in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Example Pipe Elements For most pipe stress applications, there are two dominant global coordinate systems to choose from, either Y-axis or Z-axis up. These two systems are depicted in Figure 1. As previously noted, the global coordinate system is fixed. All nodal coordinates and element delta dimensions are referenced to this global coordinate system. For example, in Figure 4 above, the pipe element spanning from node 10 to node 20 is defined with a DX (delta X) dimension of 5 ft. Additionally, node 20 has a global X coordinate 5 ft. greater that the global X coordinate of node 10. Similar statements could be made about the other two elements in Figure 4, only these elements are aligned with the global Y and global Z axes. In CAESAR II, you can choose between the two global coordinate systems shown in Figure 1. By default, the CAESAR II global coordinate system puts the global Y-axis vertical, as shown in the left half of Figure 1, and in Figure 4. There are two ways to change the CAESAR II global coordinate system so that the global Z-axis is vertical.


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Technical Discussions The first method is to modify the configuration file in the current data directory. This can be accomplished from the Main Menu, by selecting Tools>Configure Setup. After the configuration dialog appears, select the Geometry tab, as shown in Figure 5. On this tab, click the Z-axis Vertical check box, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 5 - Geometry Configuration After the Z axis Vertical check box is selected, the CAESAR II global coordinate system is in accordance with the right half of Figure 1. This configuration affects all new jobs created in this data directory. Existing jobs with the Y-axis vertical are not affected by this configuration change.

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Technical Discussions The second method to obtain a global coordinate system with the Z-axis vertical is to switch coordinate systems from within the input for the specific job at hand. This can be accomplished from the Special Execution Parameters dialog box of the piping input processor. This dialog box is shown below in Figure 6.

Figure 6 - Special Execution Parameters Dialog Checking the Z Axis Vertical check box immediately changes the orientation of the global coordinate system axis, with corresponding updates to the element delta dimensions. However, the relative positions and lengths of the elements are not affected by this switch.


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Defining a Model Using the CAESAR II default coordinate system (Y axis vertical), and assuming the system shown below in Figure 7, the corresponding element definitions are given in Figure 8.

Figure 7 - Sample Piping Model

Figure 8 - Sample Piping Model Element Definitions For this sample model, most of the element definitions are very simple:  The first element, 10-20, is defined as 5 ft. in the positive global X direction. This element starts at the model origin.  The second element, 20-30, is defined as 5 ft. in the positive global Y direction. This element begins at the end of the first element, because both elements share node 20.  The third element, 30-40, is defined as 5 ft. in the negative global Z direction. Note in Figure 8 that the delta dimension for this element is a negative number. This is necessary to define the element in a negative direction.  The fourth element, 40-50, runs in both the positive global X and negative global Y directions. This element slopes to the right and down, and is defined with delta dimensions in both the DX and DY fields. Notice that these delta dimensions are equal in magnitude; therefore this element slopes at 45 degrees.

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Technical Discussions Continuing the model, from node 50, along the same 45 degree slope can be rather tedious, because most often only the overall element length is known, not its components in the global directions. In CAESAR II this can be best accomplished by activating the Edit Deltas dialog box, shown below in Figure 9. The Edit Deltas dialog box can be activated by clicking the Browse button next to the DX field. Using this dialog box, you can enter the element length, and CAESAR II determines the appropriate components in the global directions, based on the current direction cosines, which default to those of the preceding element.

Figure 9 - Edit Deltas Dialog Box CAESAR II provides an additional coding tool, for longer runs of pipe with uniform node spacing. Element Break enables you to break an element into equal length segments, given a node number increment. In the preceding example, the model is defined solely using delta dimensions. By constructing the model in this fashion, it is assumed that the world coordinates of node 10 the first node in the model are at (0., 0., 0.). This assumption is acceptable in all but one instance, when environmental loads are applied to the model. In this instance, the elevation of the model is critical to the determination of the environmental loads, and therefore must be specified. In CAESAR II, the specification of the starting node of the model can be accomplished using the Alt+G key combination, and all nodal coordinates are displayed as absolute coordinates. Regardless of whether or not the global coordinates of the starting node are specified, the relative geometry of the model will plot the same. After a model has been defined, there are a number of operations that can be performed on the entire system, or on any section of the system. These operations include:  Translating the model: translation can be accomplished by specifying the global coordinates of the starting node of the model. If the model consists of disconnected segments, CAESAR II requests the coordinates of the starting node of each segment.


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Rotating the model: by using the List processor or by clicking List Input . The List processor presents the model in a spreadsheet, format, as shown in Figure 8. Options in this processor allow you to rotate the model about any of the three global axes, or a specified amount. For example, if the model shown in Figures 7 and 8 is rotated a negative -90 degrees about the global Y-axis, the result is as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10 - Example of Model Rotation  Duplicating the model: duplication can also be accomplished by using the List processor. The entire model, or any sub-section of the model, can be duplicated.

Using Local Coordinates When analyzing a piping system, there are a number of items that must be checked and verified. These items include: Operating Loads On Restraints & Terminal Points

Maximum Operating Displacements

Hanger design results

Code stresses for code cases

Equipment Evaluations

Vessel Nozzle Evaluation

Expansion joint evaluation Restraint loads and displacements are checked in the global coordinate system. This is necessary because restraint loads and displacements are nodal quantities. Element loads and stresses are most often evaluated in their local coordinate system. A good example illustrating the use of a local (element) coordinate system is the free body diagram, of forces and moments. The forces and moments in this free body diagram remain the same, regardless of the position of the element in the global coordinate system. Note however, that each element has its own local coordinate system. Furthermore, the local coordinate system of one element may be different from the local coordinate system of a different element. While the global coordinate system is typically referred to using the capital letters X, Y, and Z, local coordinate systems use a variety of nomenclature. In almost all cases, local coordinate systems use lower case letters. Typical local coordinate system axes are: xyz, abc, and uvw. CAESAR II uses xyz to denote the local element coordinate system. The local coordinate system for an element is related to the global coordinate system through a rule. There may be a number of such rules, depending on the type of element. In CAESAR II, the following rules are used to define the local coordinate systems of the piping elements in a model.

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CAESAR II Local Coordinate Definitions Rule 1 - Straight Pipe -- For straight pipe elements, the local X-axis always points from the "From Node" to the "To Node". You can find the local Y-axis by using the vector cross product of the local X-axis along with the global Y-axis.

Apply the "Right Hand Rule" to the local Y-axis 1. Lay your right hand on the pipe, with the wrist at the From Node, and the fingers pointing to the To Node. 2. Align or rotate your hand so that the global Y-axis points perpendicularly out from the palm. The thumb is now aligned with the local Y-axis for this element.

Find the local Z-axis Find the local Z-axis by using the vector cross product of the local x and local y axes. An exception to this rule is the case of a vertical element. In this case, the local X-axis is still aligned in the From - To direction. However, you cannot cross a vertical element into global Y, so the local Y-axis was arbitrarily assigned to align with the global X-axis. The straight elements of the model in Figure 7 are reproduced below in Figure 11, along with their local coordinate systems. Notice that each of these straight elements has its own local coordinate system, and that in this model, they are all aligned differently.

Figure 11 - Local Coordinate Systems for Straight Elements (1) In Figure 11, the positive direction of the local X-axis for each element is defined according to the From - To definition of the element. For example, the local X-axis of element 10-20 is aligned with the positive global X-axis, because that is the direction defined in moving from node 10 to node 20. The local X-axis of element 30-40 is aligned with the negative global Z-axis, because that is the direction defined in moving from node 30 to node 40. Figure 11 should be studied to ensure a good understanding of how the local element coordinate system can be defined based on the definition of the element, especially with regard to the skewed element 40-50.


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Technical Discussions As an additional example, the local element coordinate systems for the rotated system of Figure 10 are shown below in Figure 12.

Figure 12 - Local Coordinate Systems for Straight Elements (2) Rule 2 - Bend Elements -- For the near weld line of bend elements, the local X-axis is directed along the incoming tangent, in the From – To direction. The local Z-axis points to the center of the circle described by the bend. For the far weld line of bend elements, the local X-axis is directed along the outgoing tangent, in the From – To direction. The local Z-axis points to the center of the circle described by the bend. In both cases, the local Y-axis can be found by applying the right hand rule. The local coordinate system for the bends in the example model of Figure 7 display below in Figure 13.

Figure 13 – Local Coordinate Systems for Bend Elements Rule 3 - Tee Elements -- For tees, there is no element or fitting as there is in a CAD application. Rather designating a node as a tee simply applies code defined SIFs at that point, for the three elements framing into the tee node. As usual, the local X-axis is defined by the element From To direction. The local Y-axis coincides with the line that defines the in-plane plane of the tee. In other words, the local Y-axis is perpendicular to the plane of the three tee elements. The positive direction of the local Y-axis is found by vectorally crossing the local X-axis of the header

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Technical Discussions element with the local X-axis of the branch, and then reversing the sign direction. In those cases where the two header elements have opposite local x axes, CAESAR II chooses the first one that it finds. The local Z-axis can then be determined using the right-hand rule. The local Z-axis coincides with the out-of-plane axis of the tee, for each element. Examples of local coordinates for elements framing into tees are depicted below in Figure 14.

Figure 14 - Local Coordinate Systems for Tee Elements

Applications Using Global and Local Coordinates Global coordinates are used most often when dealing with piping models. Global coordinates are used to define the model and review nodal results. Even though element stresses are defined in terms of axial and bending directions, which are local coordinate system terms, local coordinates are rarely used. A typical piping analysis scenario is:  A decision is made as to how the global coordinate system for the piping model will align with the plant coordinate system. Usually, one of the two horizontal axes is selected to correspond to the North direction. However, if this results in a majority of the system being skewed with respect to the global axes, you should consider realigning the model. It is best to have most of the system aligned with one of the global coordinate axes.  The piping system is then assigned node points at locations where: there is a change in direction, a support, a terminal point, a point of cross section change, a point of load application, or any other point of interest. After you assign the nodes, define the piping model using the delta dimensions as dictated by the orientation of the global coordinate system. Use Break, List, Rotate, Duplicate, and the Direction Cosines to construct the model.  After verifying the input, confirming the load cases, and analyzing the model, output review commences. Output review involves checking various output reports to ensure the system responds within certain limits. These checks include:


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Checking that operating displacements make sense and are within any operational limits to avoid ponding. Displacements, being nodal quantities, are reviewed in the global coordinate system. There is no local coordinate system associated with nodes. For the model defined in Figures 7 and 8, the operating displacements are shown in Figure 15 below.

Figure 15 - Operating Displacements This report shows the movements of all of the nodes in the model, in each of the six degrees of freedom, in the global coordinate system.

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Checking that the restraint loads for the structural load cases are reasonable. This includes ensuring that the restraints can be designed to carry the computed load. Restraints being nodal quantities are reviewed in the global coordinate system. There is no local coordinate system associated with restraints. For the model defined in Figures 7 and 8, the operating / sustained restraint summary is shown in Figure 16 below.

Figure 16 - Operating / Sustained Restraint Summary This report shows the loads on the anchor at 10 and the nozzle at 50, for all six degrees of freedom, for the two selected structural load cases, in the global coordinate system.


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Checking the code cases for codes stress compliance. Typically the code stress is compared to the allowable stress for each node on each element. Occasionally, when there is an overstress condition, a review of axial, bending, and torsion stresses are necessary. These stresses axial, bending, and torsion are local coordinate system terms, and therefore relate to the element‘s local coordinate system. For the model defined in Figures 7 and 8, a portion of the sustained stress report is shown in Figure 17 below.

Figure 17 - Sustained Stress Report These reports provide sufficient information to evaluate the pipe elements in the model, to ensure proper behavior and code compliance. However, the analyst‘s job is not complete, loads and stress must still be evaluated at terminal points, where the piping system connects to equipment or vessel nozzles. Depending on the type of equipment or nozzle, various procedures and codes are applied. These include API-610 for pumps and WRC-107 for vessel nozzles, as well as others. In the case of API-610 and WRC-107, a local coordinate system specific to these codes is employed. These local coordinate systems are defined in terms of the pump or nozzle/vessel geometry.

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Technical Discussions When the equipment coordinate system aligns with the global coordinate system of the piping model, the nozzle loads from the restraint report (node 50 in Figure 14) can be used in the nozzle evaluation. However, when the equipment nozzle is skewed as it is in the case of node 50 in Figure 14, the application of the loads is more difficult. In this case, it is best to use the loads from the element‘s force/moment report, in local coordinates. The only thing to remember here is to flip the signs on all of the forces and moments, because the element force/moment report shows the loads on the pipe element, not on the nozzle. For the element FROM node 40 to node 50, the local element force/moment report is shown in Figure 18 below.

Figure 18 - Local Element Force/Moment Report Because the correlation between the pipe model‘s coordinate systems and those of equipment codes API and WRC are often times tedious and error prone, CAESAR II provides an option in its equipment modules to acquire the loads on the nozzle directly from the static output. Select the node and the load case; CAESAR II acquires the loads and rotates them into the proper coordinate system as defined by the applicable equipment code. You really do not have to be concerned with the transformation from global to local coordinates, even for skewed components. This is illustrated below, in Figure 19. In this figure, the API-610 nozzle loads at node 50 have been acquired by clicking Select Loads Job and Load Case.


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Technical Discussions Notice that the loads shown in Figure 19 are in the CAESAR II global coordinate system. This can be easily verified by comparing these values to those in the restraint summary for the operating load case as shown previously in Figure 16.

Figure 19 - API-610 Nozzle Load Acquisition In the corresponding output report for this API-610 analysis, both the global and API local loads are reported. This is shown below in Figure 20.

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Technical Discussions

Figure 20 - API-610 Nozzle Output Report Segments Notice in Figure 20, that each report segment indicates which values are related to the global coordinate system and which are related to the local API coordinate system.

Restraint Data in Local Element Coordinates A new report Local Restraint Loads (see "Restraint Report - In Local Element Coordinates" on page 490), is available to assist in dealing with restraint loads on skewed nozzles. This report uses the local coordinate system of the "defining" element (because restraints do not have a local coordinate system). If the restraint is defined on the straight element to which the restraint is attached, then the proper orientation of local loads is reported in the Local Restraint Loads report. However, if the restraint was defined on some other element, or on the mid-side node of a bend, then the loads reported in the Local Restraint Loads report are associated with the local coordinate system of that defining element.

Transforming from Global to Local Converting or transforming values from the CAESAR II Global Coordinate System to a local coordinate system involves applying a number of rotation matrices to the global values. Matrix mathematics is not a trivial task, and you must exercise the utmost care to arrive at the correct result. To complete this task, visit the CAESAR II Downloads page at and click CAESAR II "Global to Local" to download the GlbtoLocal utility, glbtoLoca. zip. For more information, see the July 2001 issue of our Mechanical Engineering News. For an example on how to use the GlbtoLocal utility using the nozzle at node 50 see below. The element 40-50 is defined with the delta coordinates of: DX = 3 ft. (6.426 in) DY = -3 ft. (6.426 in) DZ = 0.0 The global restraint forces at node 50, in global coordinates, for the operating case are: FX = 323 MX = -953 FY = 4 MY = -9 FZ = -271 MZ = -548


CAESAR II User's Guide

Technical Discussions Using this data as input to GlbtoLocal, the utility yields the forces on the restraint in the element‘s local coordinate system. This is shown in Figure 21 below.

Example Global to Local Transformation

Compare the set of values labeled Rotated Displacements / Load Vector with the Local Element Force / Moment report, as shown above. A change in sign is necessary because the Restraint report shows loads acting on the restraint, while the Element report shows loads acting on the element.

Frequently Asked Questions What are global coordinates? Global coordinates defines the mapping of a physical system into a mathematical system. For a given model, the global coordinate system is fixed for the entire model. In CAESAR II, there are two alternative global coordinate systems that you can apply to a model. Both coordinate systems follow the Right Hand Rule and use X, Y, and Z as mutually perpendicular axes. The first uses the Y-axis vertical, while the second uses the Z axis Z-axis as vertical. What are local coordinates? Local coordinates represent the mapping for a single element. Use Local coordinate systems to define positive and negative directions and loads on elements. Typically, Local Coordinate systems are aligned with the elements, therefore vary throughout the model. What coordinates are used to plot and view the model? Use the global coordinate system of the model to generate plots of the model. This is necessary because each element has its own local coordinate system, and these local systems vary from element to element. Local coordinate systems are an element property, not a system property. How do you obtain nodal displacements in local coordinates? In general, you do not. Displacements are a nodal property. Nodes do not have local coordinate systems, elements do. For more information, see Restraint Data in Local Element Coordinates. What do you do with local coordinates? In most instances nothing. The local coordinates are only useful in CAESAR II is when dealing with a skewed nozzle. This coordinate system is used in the Local Restraint Report.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Technical Discussions


CAESAR II User's Guide


Miscellaneous Processors This section discusses the processors that are available in CAESAR II.

In This Section Accounting ..................................................................................... 895 Batch Stream Processing .............................................................. 900 CAESAR II Fatal Error Processing ................................................ 900 Units File Operations ..................................................................... 901 Material Database .......................................................................... 905

Accounting The CAESAR II accounting system possesses the following characteristics:  It is an optional function. If you have no need to keep accounting records of your runs, then you never need to use it.  Allows you to conveniently control all pricing factors. The total price of any job is computed from: IF (C4 > 0.0) THEN cost = C1*cputime + (C2*nodes + C3*elements) * C4 * numcases + C5 ELSE cost = C1*cputime + (C2*nodes + C3*elements) + C5 ENDIF

    

You can enter C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5 one time, and change them only when necessary. Any of the constants may be zero, but at least one constant must be greater than zero. Accounting reports are generated on a per run basis and are summarized on a per account basis. You can generate reports for any requested combination of account numbers. Account numbers are user-defined and may contain up to 25 alphanumeric characters. Account and program access can be controlled using the optional password protection feature. Account numbers can be identified for each job using either of the following two methods:  Select the account number from a table of allowed account numbers; otherwise, the system defaults to the last valid account number input. The account number table is set up and maintained by the account manager.  Enter an account number, which can be any non-blank string, in a text box. There is no default, but your entry must match one of the allowed account numbers previously input by the account manager.  

Access to the available account number list is password protected. If you do not have a valid account number, the run is not permitted.

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Miscellaneous Processors 

All generated reports contain the following items:  Account number  Job name  Time and date of run  Number of nodes, elements, and load cases  Calculated job cost Accounting summary reports include subtotals on a per account number basis, the number of jobs run under the account, and the time period the account has been active.

Accounting File Structure The CAESAR II accounting file (ACCTG.DAT) contains all of the information used by CAESAR II to produce accounting reports. The file format allows you to create a program to access or manipulate the file. You can open the accounting file (in FORTRAN) with the following: OPEN(1,FILE=’ACCTG.DAT’,STATUS=’OLD’,FORM=’BINARY’, ACCESS=’DIRECT’,RECL=55) The following information is stored on each record:







Name of the job being run



Analysis CPU time used (Seconds)



Number of nodes in the job



Number of elements in the job



Number of load cases in the job



Year the job was run



Month the job was run



Day of the month the job was run



Hour of the day the job was run



Minutes of the hour when the job was run



Seconds of the minute when the job was run


CHARACTER*25 Account number to be billed for job

CAESAR II User's Guide

Miscellaneous Processors The first record contains only a single integer value (ILAST), giving the last valid record number in the accounting file. The number of job entries is equal to (ILAST-1). This first record may be read: READ(1,REC=1) ILAST

Accounting System Activation The accounting system is delivered in an uninitialized state and must be changed to active before it can be used. To access the accounting system, click Tools > Accounting on the Main Menu. The CAESAR II Accounting dialog box displays. You can use the options in this dialog box to specify the accounting method, set pricing, define account numbers, and generate reports.

For information about the options available on a specific dialog box tab, see:  Activate Accounting Tab (on page 898)  Pricing Factors Tab (on page 898)  Account Numbers Tab (on page 899)  Reports Tab (on page 899)  Status Tab (on page 900) After the accounting system is initialized, the pricing factors are set, and account numbers entered, you can initiate jobs with account tracking. The prompt for the account number appears during analysis immediately after you initiate the accounting process.  

The prompt for accounting information requires user-account identification. If you selected Type 2 on the Activate Accounting tab (on page 898), enter a valid account number, or click OK for the default (last used) account number.

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Miscellaneous Processors 

If you selected Type 1, select the appropriate account number from the list and click OK to continue.

Activate Accounting Tab Select the applicable accounting method (Type 1 or Type 2), and then click Activate Accounting. After the accounting system is activated, click OK in the message box. If the accounting system becomes unnecessary, deactivate it by clicking Deactivate Accounting.

Pricing Factors Tab Enter any costs as appropriate; blanks are allowed. Each rate is multiplied by the respective job quantity, and the sum of these products is equivalent to the job cost. Job costs are calculated on an integer dollar basis, and are never be less than one dollar. Any of the five rate constants can be zero, but not all; none of the constants may be negative. Rate per CPU second - Specifies the cost per second of computer processing time. Rate per NODE - Specifies the cost per node in the input file. Rate per ELEMENT - Specifies the cost per element in the input file. Rate per LOAD CASE - Specifies the cost per load case evaluated during the analysis. Desired monetary label - Specifies the monetary label. For example, type $ for US dollars. Submit - Saves the pricing factors.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Miscellaneous Processors

Account Numbers Tab Enter the required account numbers, and then click Save. These are the numbers that the software uses to prompt you for an account number during program execution.

Reports Tab Accounts - Controls for which accounts a report is generated. Select Entire Data File to generate a report that includes all accounts. To generate a report for a specific account or set of accounts, select Specific Accounts, click Select Accounts, and select the accounts from the list that displays. Date Range - Controls the range of dates for which a report is generated. Select Entire Data File to generate a report that includes all dates. Select Specific Date Range to specify a range of dates for which to generate a report. Report - Controls the length of the report. Select Detailed to generate a full report; select Summary to generate a shorter report. The example below shows a sample detailed report.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Miscellaneous Processors

Status Tab Summarizes the number of accounts and pricing factors that are in the current accounting system. A total count of the number of accounting records (analysis runs) is also included.

Batch Stream Processing Tools > Multi-Job Analysis opens the Batch Stream Processor, which you can use to analyze multiple jobs in batch mode. You can run up to twelve different jobs completely unattended. Before initiating the batch stream process, verify that the batch jobs meet the following criteria:  All jobs are located in the same data folder, and the default data folder is set to this folder.  All jobs have successfully passed error checking and must have dynamic load cases defined. If the static load cases have not been defined, CAESAR II uses the standard recommended cases.  Accounting is turned off or is set so that a default account number can be assumed by the software. The Batch Stream Processor creates a log file, named BATCH.LOG, and saves it in the same folder as the batch jobs. You can use the log file to review processing times and to help diagnose any failures in the batch process. The log file is a standard ASCII text file, which can be edited or printed using a standard text editor, such as Notepad.

Define Jobs to Run Opens the Batch Stream Data Definition dialog box in which you can define the names and job types to be executed by the stream. The job names are the usual CAESAR II job names that have been prepared for analysis.

Analyze Specified Jobs Analyzes all previously defined jobs. You do not have to analyze the jobs immediately. Job names and analysis types are stored in a data file, BATCH.STM, which can be invoked at any time.

CAESAR II Fatal Error Processing CAESAR II makes every effort to alert you when it encounters data that is inconsistent or unusual for the type of analysis that it is performing. Even so, the potential still exists for user-modeling techniques or hardware/operating system problems that can generate an error condition within the CAESAR II computation routines. Recognizing this potential, the software performs internal self-checks to trap abnormal conditions such as full hard disks, invalid or expired ESLs, file corruption, and insufficient free memory. Whenever a fatal error condition arises, CAESAR II aborts the current process and uses a multi-stage approach to provide you with an explanation regarding why the process was aborted.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Miscellaneous Processors First, each error trap/condition is assigned a unique number. When an abort condition occurs, this error number and a short description of the fatal error are displayed in a Help Facility window similar to the one shown below.

When you click OK, the software closes the Help Facility window and opens the Additional Error Information dialog box. You can use this dialog box to reference another error number, which can be useful when one error definition references another. Clicking OK on the Additional Error Information dialog box returns the software to the main CAESAR II window. At any time, you can review fatal error information by clicking Diagnostics > Error Review, entering the appropriate error number, and then clicking OK. The Help Facility window opens and displays the corresponding fatal error description.

Units File Operations The active units file as specified in the configuration file is used with all new input files and all existing output files in the given data directory. The units file specified in the configuration file does not modify the units in an existing CAESAR II input file

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Miscellaneous Processors

Create/Review Units Creates a custom units file. Click Tools > Create/Review Units to display the CAESAR II Units Maintenance dialog box, which you can use to create a new units file or to review data in an existing units file.

Review Existing Units File Enables the Existing Files to Review list, which contains all existing units files located in both the data folder and the program folder. Select the units file you want to review, and then click View/Edit File. The software displays the Units File Review window, which contains all CAESAR II dimensional items, their internal units, the conversion factor between the internal units and the user-specified units, and the user-defined units.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Miscellaneous Processors

Create a New Units File Creates a new units file and activates the Existing File to Start From list and New Units File Name box. After you have completed both items, click View > Edit File. The software displays the Units File Maintenance dialog box, in which you can edit your units and conversion factor entries.

If the user-defined units for a given item exist in the list, then it is not necessary to specify a conversion factor, as it is updated automatically. If a new set of units is required, such as, for example, feet (instead of inches) in the Length category, either select the new unit name (ft.) in the User Units list and select the new conversion factor in the Constant list or type a new factor in the text box.

Existing File to Start From Select an existing units file in the list. In CAESAR II, you create a new units file by using an existing units file as a template. For ease and simplicity, we recommend that the units contained within the existing file closely mirror the units contained within the new file to be created.

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Miscellaneous Processors

New Units File Name Enter a unique file name without the extension.

View/Edit File Displays one of the following windows, depending on whether you are reviewing an existing units file or creating a new one.  User File Review - Displays only when you click View/Edit File in conjunction with reviewing an existing units file (see "Review Existing Units File" on page 902). The contents of this window are read-only.  User File Maintenance - Displays only when you click View/Edit File in conjunction with creating a new units file (see "Create a New Units File" on page 903). The contents of this window are editable.

Change Model Units Converts an existing input file to a new set of units. Click Tools > Change Model Units. The software opens the CAESAR II Input File Units Conversion dialog box.

Enter the Name of the Input File to Convert Type the full path name followed by the input file name, including the .c2a extension, to be converted. Alternatively, you can click Browse and use Windows Explorer to navigate to the appropriate file.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Miscellaneous Processors

Enter the Name of the Units File to Use Select the name of the appropriate units file in the list of available units files.

Enter the Name of the Output File (Optional) Type the full path name followed by the input file name that corresponds to the new input file. If you select an existing ._a file using Browse, the converted file overwrites the existing ._a file chosen from the list.

Material Database CAESAR II delivers a material database that defines the physical properties and code-dependent allowable stresses for more than 300 materials. You can edit and manage the delivered materials data, as well as create new materials, using the Material Database Editor. To open the editor, click Tools > Material Data Base or click Materials on the toolbar.

Material Database Editor Toolbar The Material Database Editor toolbar displays icons for commonly-used commands. Print - Prints the materials data for every material in the entire material database. Cut - Removes the selected data from its current location and places a copy on the Clipboard. Copy - Creates a copy of the selected data and places it on the Clipboard. Paste - Places a copy of the Clipboard contents in the specified location.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Miscellaneous Processors Clear Screen to Add - Saves the current editor window contents, and then clears the screen so you can add a new material. For more information, see Add a new material to the database (on page 910). Edit a Material - Allows you to edit a material item in the database. For more information, see Edit a material in the database (on page 911). Delete a Material - Deletes the material from the database. For more information, see Delete a material from the database (on page 911). Save Material - Saves the changes made to the current material item. Print the Current Material - Prints only the materials data for the current material item.

It is your responsibility to check material allowables and other physical property data for the particular code being used. While Intergraph CAS makes every attempt to keep the material database up-to-date, the codes are subject to change frequently, and the accuracy of the database is not guaranteed. The Material Database Editor does not modify the data in the material database delivered with CAESAR II. Any changes that you make are saved to a secondary database, which, by default, is named umat1.umd and is located in the \System directory. You can specify a different secondary database using User Material Database File Name (on page 52) in the Configuration Editor. This setup permits multiple user-supplied database files to be used on a single system.

What do you want to do?   

Add a new material to the database (on page 910) Delete a material from the database (on page 911) Edit a material in the database (on page 911)

Number Enter a number by which the material is to be referenced. The number must be between 101 and 999 and should not already be a reference for another material.

Name Enter the material name as listed in the applicable code.

Applicable Piping Code Select the CAESAR II piping code for the material. The following piping codes are currently supported:




NAVY 505





CAN Z662


BS 7159

B31.1 1967


BS 806





Swedish 1





Swedish 2

Norwegian TBK-6







CAESAR II User's Guide

Miscellaneous Processors

Density Enter the density of the material.

Minimum Temperature Curve (A-D) Specify the curve used to check the material. As defined by B31.3 (Section 323.2.2), some carbon steels are limited to a ―minimum metal‖ temperature as shown in Figure 323.2.2. If this code section is applicable, select A, B, C, or D. If this code section is not applicable, leave this field blank. CAESAR II does not currently use this information.

Eff, Cf, z Enter the appropriate factor as required by the following piping codes:  Stoomwezen - Enter the cyclic reduction factor. This is referred to in the code as Cf.  Norwegian TBK-6 - Enter the circumferential weld strength factor. This is referred to in the code as z.  BS 7159 - Enter the ratio of the design stress (d) in the circumferential (hoop) direction to the design stress in the longitudinal direction. Because design stress is defined in Sec. 4.3 of the code as: dÆ = d * EIamÆ, sdx = d * EIamx and design strain should be the same for both directions, this entry is also the ratio of the moduli of elasticity: EIamÆ (hoop) to EIamÆ (longitudinal) For Norwegian TBK-6 and BS 7159 piping codes, if the Eff, Cf, z field is left blank, the software uses the default value of 1.0.

Cold Elastic Modulus Enter the value of the elastic modulus to be used in code compliance stress cases. The software uses this value only if no Elastic Modulus (on page 909) is given for the ambient (70° F) temperature.

Poisson's Ratio Enter the value to be used for Poisson‘s ratio. This input is only required for metals.

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Miscellaneous Processors

FAC Enter the applicable factor as determined by the following piping codes.  Stoomwezen - Enter 0.44 or 0.5. This value is used to compute the equilibrium stresses as discussed in Section 5.2 of the code. You can use 0.5 for steel if the design and fabrication are such that stress peaks are avoided.  Norwegian - Enter the material ultimate tensile strength at room temperature Rm. If you do not define a value, this factor is not considered to control the expansion stress allowable.

Laminate Type Enter the laminate type (as defined in the BS 7159 code) of the fiberglass reinforced plastic pipe used. Valid laminate types are:  CSM and Woven Roving - Chopped strand mat (CSM) and woven roving (WR) construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.  CSM and Multi-filament - Chopped strand mat and multi-filament roving construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.  CSM - All chopped strand mat construction with internal and external surface tissue reinforced layer.

Eh / Ea Displays the ratio of the hoop modulus to the axial modulus of elasticity. If omitted, the software uses a default value of 2.0.

Temperature Enter the temperature that corresponds to the database values you will add in the remaining cells.

In the database delivered with the software, all temperatures are in 100°F increments. Some codes list physical property values in 50°F increments; therefore, small discrepancies may occur between CAESAR II and a given code because of the interpolation of data.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Miscellaneous Processors

Exp. Coeff. Enter the coefficient of thermal expansion at the reference Temperature in the indicated units. 6 This value must be multiplied by 10 F prior to being entered. For example, for carbon steel at 400-deg F, B 31.3 Table C-3 gives an expansion coefficient of 6.82  in/in/Fº. Thus, you would enter 6.82 in the database.

Allowable Stress Enter the code allowable stress corresponding to the reference Temperature. These values generally correspond to the SC and SH values on the allowable auxiliary screens.

Elastic Modulus Enter the modulus of elasticity to the reference Temperature. If no entry is given for ambient (70° F), the software uses the value defined for Cold Elastic Modulus (on page 907).

Yield Stress Enter the yield stress that corresponds to the reference Temperature.

Ult Tensile Stress Enter the temperature dependent stress value (lbs./ value varies by piping code. Valid entries based on the current piping code are:  BS 806 - Mean stress to failure for design life at temperature.  Swedish Method 1 - Creep rupture stress at temperature.  Stoomwezen - Rrg average creep stress to produce 1% permanent set after 100,000 hours at temperature (vm).  IGE/TD/12 - Ultimate tensile strength.  Norwegian - The material ultimate tensile strength at room temperature is Rm (lbs./sq. in.). If no value is entered, this factor is not considered to control the expansion stress allowable.

Weld Strength Reduction Factor (W) The Weld Strength Reduction Factor, W, is a temperature dependent value from B31.3/B31.1. CAESAR II uses this value as: W1 - A longitudinal reduction factor used in the determination of the pipe's minimum wall thickness. Wc - A circumferential reduction factor used in the determination of the allowable stress. The use of W is optional, and is controlled through a configuration setting in the SIF and Stresses section of the Configuration Editor.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Miscellaneous Processors

Add a new material to the database When adding a new material to the database, you must add at least two records in the Material Database Editor. The first record saves the new material for the All Codes option. CAESAR II uses the All Codes option to populate the Material list in the Classic Piping Input dialog box. Enter all the material information except for the allowable stresses. You can add subsequent records for the same material to address additional piping codes and identify the allowable stresses for each piping code. 1. In the Material Database Editor, click Clear Screen to Add . The software saves any data currently shown in the editor window, and then clears the window contents. 2. Enter the required data for the new material, except for the allowable stresses. At a minimum, you must specify the Number and select All Codes in the Applicable Piping Code list. You must enter a number that is less than 1000. If you enter a number that currently exists in the database, the software prompts you to enter a different number. 3. Click Save Material to save the new material. 4. After you save the new material, you can add subsequent new material records to modify the piping code and define the allowable stresses. Select the Applicable Piping Code for the new material. Then, specify the allowable stresses. 5. Click Save Material to save the new material in the Piping Input processor. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add new material records for each piping code that you need. 6. Close the Material Database Editor dialog box, and open the Classic Piping Input dialog box for the current job.


CAESAR II User's Guide

Miscellaneous Processors CAESAR II displays the new material as an option in the Material list on the Classic Piping Input dialog box.

Delete a material from the database 1. In the Material Database Editor, click Delete a Material . 2. Select the material item you want to delete, and then click OK. The software deletes the material from the database. You can only delete user-defined materials. Materials that are delivered with the CAESAR II material database cannot be deleted. If no user-defined materials exist in the database, the software displays an informational message.

Edit a material in the database 1. In the Material Database Editor, click Edit a Material . 2. In the Material Selection dialog box, do one of the following to select the material item you want to modify:  Scroll through the list and double-click the material name.  Type all or part of a material name or number in the text box and click Search. The software searches the database and displays matching materials for selection. 3. Edit the material item as needed, and then click Save Material the material database.  

to save your changes to

The Piping Code ID list corresponds to the piping code ID on the Piping Input dialog box. To exit the dialog box without selecting a material press Esc or click Cancel.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Miscellaneous Processors


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces


External Interfaces External Interfaces allow data transfer between CAESAR II and other software applications. To view a list of those software applications, click Tools > External Interfaces in the Main menu.

In most cases, data transfer is from a drawing or analysis package to CAESAR II. However, the CAESAR II Neutral File transfers both to and from CAESAR II. Intergraph CADWorx Plant provides a seamless, bi-directional interface between CADWorx and CAESAR II without a translation procedure.  Most of the interfaces are CAD interfaces. The exceptions are LIQT, AFT IMPULSE™, ® PIPENET™, Pipeplus, FlowMaster , the CAESAR II Data Matrix, and the CAESAR II Neutral File.  CAD interfaces (CADPIPE, Intergraph Smart 3D PCF, Intergraph PDS, and PCF) are intended to transfer piping geometry into CAESAR II. The resulting CAESAR II input must be thoroughly checked, with loads, restraints, and other specifics added.  The CAESAR II Neutral File and the Intergraph CADWorx Plant interfaces are capable of transferring 100% of the data that comprises the _A (input) file.  LIQT, AFT IMPULSE, PIPENET, PipePlus, and FlowMaster are transient analysis packages for liquids in piping networks that calculate pressure imbalances as a function of time. The CAESAR II interface converts this LIQT output from these packages to create force response spectra for CAESAR II dynamic input.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces 

The interfaces typically prompt you for a file name, transfer the data, and then prompt for another file name. This cycle continues either until a blank file name is encountered or you cancel the process.  Before beginning an interface to CAESAR II, follow the requirements of the CAESAR II Neutral File interface. This enables all of the spreadsheet data to be transferred. Intergraph CADWorx Plant is the Intergraph CAS piping design and drafting software for the AutoCAD environment. Data may be completely and seamlessly transferred between CAESAR II and Intergraph CADWorx Plant, without creating any neutral files or going through any intermediate steps.

CAESAR II Neutral File Enables access to any particular data item from an _A input file, to enable a complete _A file to be built from a CAD application. The general neutral file can be used to send data either to or from the standard CAESAR II binary input file, otherwise known as the _A file. The name of the file used or generated by this interface is the CAESAR II job name with the extension .CII. Also, the interface allows CAESAR II input data to be used for other analysis purposes. The content and format described in this section is subject to change as a function of the enhancements made to CAESAR II. Every effort is being made to keep "drastic" changes to a minimum. ®‘ ®‘ Several third-party CAD applications, such as AVEVA s PDMS and Jacobus‘ PlantSpace™, also support this neutral file. If you prefer, instead of launching this interface from Tools > External Interface, the processor can be run in "batch mode" from either a batch file or the command line as shown below. f:\ProgramDirectory\iecho f:\DataDirectory\NeutralFile.cii where: f:\ProgramDirectory and f:\DataDirectory must be changed as appropriate. The CAESAR II neutral file, also referred to as the .CII file, is divided into sections which organize the piping data in logical groupings. Section divisions are denoted in the neutral file by the ‗#$‘ character sequence found in columns 1 and 2. The token following the #$ character sequence is a section identifier that is used by CAESAR II for data sequencing purposes, and to aid you in reading the neutral file. For each item listed on the following pages, the necessary FORTRAN format for the input/output is provided. The variables listed below are used in dimensioning arrays.  N1—Base memory allocation quantity used to set array sizes. For example, if N1=2,000, your neutral file can handle up to 2,000 elements.  N2—1/2 N1  N3—1/3 N1  N4—1/4 N1  N5—1/5 N1  N6—N1/13.33


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

Version and Job Title Information #$ VERSION - Provides section header information. Use FORTRAN format (2X, 4G13.6) to write the values of the following variables on the first line of the neutral file:  GVERSION is the version of the neutral file interface being used. This corresponds to the major version number of CAESAR II (4 for 4.x., for example).  RVERSION is the specific CAESAR II version generating this file, for example. 4.50.  SPARE are unused (at this time) locations on the record. The next 60 lines of 75 characters each are reserved for the CAESAR II title-page text. Use FORTRAN format (2X, A75). The last line of the job title array, if blank, is set by this transfer interface. The text that is set here indicates that the file was created by the CAESAR II interface.

Control Information #$ CONTROL - Provides the section division header. The #$ and space are required, and the word CONTROL is in all uppercase. Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6I13) to write the values of the following variables on the next line of the neutral file: NUMELT - Defines the number of piping elements (spreadsheets) in the input file. NUMNOZ - Defines the number of nozzles in the input file. NOHGRS - Defines the number of spring hangers in the input file. NONAM - Defines the number of Node Name data blocks in the input file. NORED - Defines the number of reducers in the input file. NUMFLG - Defines the number of flanges in the input file. Write 13 items that contain the number of auxiliary data types used in the input file followed by the vertical axis indicator. Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6I13). These 13 values are:  The number of bend auxiliary data blocks in the input file.  The number of rigid-element auxiliary data blocks in the input file.  The number of expansion-joint auxiliary data blocks in the input file.  The number of restraint auxiliary data blocks in the input file.  The number of displacement auxiliary data blocks in the input file.  The number of force/moment auxiliary data blocks in the input file.  The number of uniform-load auxiliary data blocks in the input file.  The number of wind-load auxiliary data blocks in the input file.  The number of element-offset auxiliary data blocks in the input file.  The number of allowable-stress auxiliary data blocks in the input file.  The number of intersection auxiliary data blocks in the input file. IZUP flag. Equal to zero (0) for the global -Y axis vertical; equal to 1 for the global -Z axis vertical.  The number of (nozzle) equipment limits data blocks in the input file.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

Basic Element Data #$ ELEMENTS - Contains integer and real data for each element in the input file. The data is organized as shown below. 1. Real values for element "i" 2. Integer values for element "i" 3. Real values for element "i+1" 4. Integer values for element "i+1" These real and integer values are stored in arrays that are described below. A 98-member array (REL) contains the real basic-element data. The REL array is dimensioned (N1,98). Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6) to write the values of the following 53 items on the appropriate nine lines of the neutral file. 1. FROM node number 2. TO node number 3. Delta X 4. Delta Y 5. Delta Z 6. Diameter (value stored here is actual OD) 7. Wall Thickness (actual) 8. Insulation Thickness 9. Corrosion Allowance 10. Thermal Expansion Coefficient #1 (or Temperature #1) 11. Thermal Expansion Coefficient #2 (or Temperature #2) 12. Thermal Expansion Coefficient #3 (or Temperature #3) 13. Thermal Expansion Coefficient #4 (or Temperature #4) 14. Thermal Expansion Coefficient #5 (or Temperature #5) 15. Thermal Expansion Coefficient #6 (or Temperature #6) 16. Thermal Expansion Coefficient #7 (or Temperature #7) 17. Thermal Expansion Coefficient #8 (or Temperature #8) 18. Thermal Expansion Coefficient #9 (or Temperature #9) 19. Pressure #1 20. Pressure #2 21. Pressure #3 22. Pressure #4 23. Pressure #5 24. Pressure #6 25. Pressure #7 26. Pressure #8 27. Pressure #9 28. Elastic Modulus (cold) 29. Poisson‘s Ratio 30. Pipe Density


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces 31. Insulation Density 32. Fluid Density 33. Minus Mill Tolerance 34. Plus Mill Tolerance 35. Seam Weld (1=Yes, 0=No) 36. Hydro Pressure 37. Elastic Modulus (Hot #1) 38. Elastic Modulus (Hot #2) 39. Elastic Modulus (Hot #3) 40. Elastic Modulus (Hot #4) 41. Elastic Modulus (Hot #5) 42. Elastic Modulus (Hot #6) 43. Elastic Modulus (Hot #7) 44. Elastic Modulus (Hot #8) 45. Elastic Modulus (Hot #9) 46. "wL" Factor 47. -not used48. -not used49. Cladding Thickness 50. Cladding Density 51. Insulation + Cladding Weight/length 52. Refractory Thickness 53. Refractory Density Non-specified real values are assigned a value of 0.0 by this interface. If the delta coordinates are not specified, they default to zero. If the To/From fields are not specified, it is considered an error. An 18-member array (IEL) contains the pointers to the auxiliary data arrays. The IEL array is dimensioned (N1,18). At this time, only 15 of the members of this array are used. Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6I13) to write the values of the following 15 items on the next three lines of the neutral file. 1. Pointer to Bend Auxiliary field. This indicates where in the bend auxiliary array the bend data for the current element can be found. 2. Pointer to Rigid Element Auxiliary field. 3. Pointer to Expansion Joint Auxiliary field. 4. Pointer to Restraint Auxiliary field. 5. Pointer to Displacement Auxiliary field. 6. Pointer to Force/Moment Auxiliary field. 7. Pointer to Uniform Load Auxiliary field. 8. Pointer to Wind Load Auxiliary field. 9. Pointer to Element Offset Auxiliary field. 10. Pointer to Allowable Stress Auxiliary field. 11. Pointer to Intersection Auxiliary field.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces 12. 13. 14. 15.

Pointer to Node Name Auxiliary field. Pointer to Reducer Auxiliary field. Pointer to Flange Auxiliary field. Pointer to Nozzle/Equipment Check Auxiliary field.

When there is no auxiliary data of a particular type associated with the current element use a pointer value of zero.

Auxiliary Element Data #$ AUX_DATA - Contains the auxiliary data corresponding to the elements. This data is arranged in the same order as the IAUXAU array described previously. For example, if IAUXAU(1) contains a 3, then there are three bends in the model, and their data is found next in the neutral file. Likewise, if IAUXAU(2) contains a 5, then there are five rigid elements in the model and their data follows the bend data. Each set of auxiliary data is separated by a sub-section header. If a particular value in IAUXAU is zero, then only the subsection header is written to the neutral file. The data storage for these arrays is allocated at runtime based on the available free system memory. These arrays are allocated proportionally as a percentage of the n-number of elements allowed. Four proportions are used: 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, and 1/5. These proportions correspond to the variables: N2, N3, N4, and N5. Maintain these proportions to ensure that the neutral file reader can accept the file. #$ NODENAME - Defines the Node Name data. To maintain downward compatibility, this section is optional. The data for each element set of node names in the input file is listed here. A two-member array (NAM) defines each set of node names. The NAM array is dimensioned (N6, 2). Use the FORTRAN format (2X, A10, 16X, A10) to read the character name of the FROM node and then that of the TO node. #$ BEND - Defines the bend data. The data for each bend in the input file is listed here. A 15-member array (BND) defines each bend. The BND array is dimensioned (N3,15). Only 13 items are currently used. Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6) to write the values of the following 13 items on the next three lines of the neutral file. 1. Bend radius 2. Type: 1 - single flange; 2 - double flange; 0 or blank - welded 3. Angle to node position #1 4. Node number at position #1 5. Angle to node position #2 6. Node number at position #2 7. Angle to node position #3 8. Node number at position #3 9. Number of miter cuts 10. Fitting thickness of bend if different from the pipe 11. Seam Weld (1=Yes, 0=No) 12. Bend flexibility (K) factor 13. Weld strength reduction factor WL #$ RIGID - Defines the rigid data. The data for each rigid in the input file is listed here. A single-element array (RIG) is used for each rigid. The RIG array is dimensioned (N3,1). The single element of the array represents the rigid weight.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6) to write the value. #$ EXPJT - Defines the expansion joint data. The data for each expansion joint in the input file is listed here. The EXP array is dimensioned (N5,5). Use FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6) to write the values of the following five items on the next line of the neutral file. 1. Axial stiffness 2. Transverse stiffness 3. Bending stiffness 4. Torsional stiffness 5. Effective inside bellows diameter #$ RESTRANT - Defines the restraint data. The data for each restraint auxiliary data block in the input file is listed here. The RES array is dimensioned (N2,36). Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6) to write the values of the following nine items on the next two lines of the neutral file. These nine items are repeated four times for the four possible restraints defined in the auxiliary data block. This requires two lines in the neutral file for each restraint specification. This means eight lines total for each restraint auxiliary. 1. Restraint node number 2. Restraint type (see additional notes to follow) 3. Restraint stiffness 4. Restraint gap 5. Restraint friction coefficient 6. Restraint connecting node 7. X direction cosine 8. Y direction cosine 9. Z direction cosine The restraint type is an integer value whose valid range is from 1 to 62. The 62 possible restraint types include:

#$ DISPLMNT - Defines the displacement data. The data for each displacement auxiliary data block in the input file is listed here. Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6) to write the values of the following 55 items on the next lines of the neutral file. The DIS array is dimensioned (N3,110).

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces This requires 10 lines in the neutral file for each displacement specification. This means 20 lines total for each displacement auxiliary.

These 55 items are repeated twice for the two possible displacements defined on the auxiliary. Unspecified displacement values (free-displacement degrees of freedom, for example) are designated by using a value of 9999.99. #$ FORCMNT - Defines the start of the force/moment data. The data for each force/moment auxiliary data block in the input file is listed here. Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6) to write the values of the following 55 items on the next ten lines of the neutral file. The FOR array is dimensioned (N3,38). This requires ten lines in the neutral file for each force/moment specification. This means 20 lines total for each force/moment auxiliary data block.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces #$ UNIFORM - Defines the start of the uniform load data. The data for each uniform load in the input file is listed here. Use FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6) to write the values of the following 12 items on the next two lines of the neutral file. The UNI array is dimensioned (N5,36). Currently three vectors of four values each (three directions and a G-load flag) are used. This requires two lines in the neutral file for each uniform load auxiliary data block. G-flag is 1 for the input values in G's and 0 for input values in force-per-length notation. {vector 1 & 2}



UZ1 G-fla UX2 UY2 g1

{vector 2 & 3}


G-flag UX3 UY3 2

UZ3 G-flag 3

#$ WIND - Defines the start of the wind/wave data. The data for each wind/wave specification in the input file is listed here. The WIND array is dimensioned (N5,6). Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6) to write the set of values on the next line of the neutral file. This requires a single line in the neutral file for each wind auxiliary. The data items on each line are as follows: 1. Entry type (0.0 for Wind, 1.0 for Wave, 2.0 for Off) 2. Wind shape factor or wave drag coefficient 3. Wave added mass coefficient 4. Wave lift coefficient 5. Wave marine growth 6. Marine growth density #$ OFFSETS - Defines the start of the element offset data. The data for each offset pipe in the input file is listed here. Use FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6) to write the values of the following six items on the next line of the neutral file. The OFF array is dimensioned (N5,6). This requires a single line in the neutral file for each offset auxiliary. 1. Element FROM node offset in X direction 2. Element FROM node offset in Y direction 3. Element FROM node offset in Z direction 4. Element TO node offset in X direction 5. Element TO node offset in Y direction 6. Element TO node offset in Z direction #$ ALLOWBLS - Defines the start of the allowable stress data. The data for each allowable spec in the input file is listed here. Use FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6) to write the values of the following 153 items on the next 26 lines of the neutral file. The ALL array is dimensioned (N5,153). 1. Cold allowable stress 2. Hot allowable for thermal case #1 3. Hot allowable for thermal case #2 4. Hot allowable for thermal case #3 5. Code cyclic reduction factor for thermal case #1 6. Code cyclic reduction factor for thermal case #2 7. Code cyclic reduction factor for thermal case #3

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces 8. Eff. 9. Sy 10. Fac 11. Pmax 12. Piping code id 13. Hot allowable for thermal case #4 14. Hot allowable for thermal case #5 15. Hot allowable for thermal case #6 16. Hot allowable for thermal case #7 17. Hot allowable for thermal case #8 18. Hot allowable for thermal case #9 19. Code cyclic reduction factor for thermal case #4 20. Code cyclic reduction factor for thermal case #5 21. Code cyclic reduction factor for thermal case #6 22. Code cyclic reduction factor for thermal case #7 23. Code cyclic reduction factor for thermal case #8 24. Code cyclic reduction factor for thermal case #9 Items 25 through 32 represent Cycles, and items 33 through 40 represent Stresses for eight BW (butt-weld)/Class D Fatigue pairs. Items 41 through 48 represent Cycles, and items 49 through 56 represent Stresses for eight FW (fillet-weld)/Class E Fatigue pairs. Items 57 through 64 represent Cycles, and items 65 through 72 represent Stresses for eight Class F Fatigue pairs used with TD/12 piping code. Items 73 through 80 represent Cycles, and items 81 through 88 represent Stresses for eight Class G Fatigue pairs used with TD/12 piping code. Items 89 through 96 represent Cycles, and items 97 through 104 represent Stresses for eight Class W Fatigue pairs used with TD/12 piping code. Item 105 – Elastic Modulus correction Item 106 – has different meanings based on the active piping code: Allowed Cycles Maximum (per B31.3); Restrained Piping (per B31.8); Material Composition/Type (per HPGSL and JPI). Item 107 – UTS ambient Item 108 – Allowable Sy/St value Items 109 through 117 represent nine SY values at temperature. Items 118 through 126 represent nine UTS values at temperature. Items 127 through 153 are currently unused. Write the value of 0.000000. 

Some of these items (notably 8-24) may have various meanings based on the active piping code.  Piping code ISO-14692 has special mapping for the first 24 items. #$ SIF&TEES - Defines the start of the SIF/TEE data. The data for each SIF/TEE specification in the input file is listed here. Use FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6) to write the values of the following 30 items, for each of the two tees that can be specified on the dialog box. The SIF array is dimensioned (N4,60).


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces The software requires five lines in the neutral file for each SIF/TEE specified. This means you must specify 10 lines total for each auxiliary element. The information in parenthesis below gives information about each input value. 1. Node (the intersection node number) 2. Type (the intersection type code, if not specified this auxiliary this is only used to specify SIFs) 3. SIF (i) (SIF, in-plane)* 4. SIF (o) (SIF, out-of-plane)* 5. Weld (d) (circumferential weld mismatch, used for butt welds and tapered transitions 6. Fillet (fillet leg length) 7. Pad Thk (thickness of the reinforcing pad) 8. Ftg Ro (fitting outside radius for branch connections) 9. Crotch R (crotch radius of the formed lip on an extruded welding tee) 10. Weld ID (weld ID value) 11. B1 (code-specific value) 12. B2 (code-specific value) 13-22* *Values 3, 4, 11, and 13-22 are for the IGE/TD/12 piping code. 23. (code-related "Note" options) 24. (code-related "Note" options) 25. Stress Index - Axial (Ia) 26. Stress Index - Torsional (It) Some of these values may have different meanings based on the piping code you have selected. For more information on piping input specifics, see SIFs & Tees (on page 111). #$ REDUCERS - This subsection header defines the start of the REDUCER data. The data for each REDUCER spec in the input file is listed here. Use FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6) to write the values of the following five items on the next line of the neutral file. The RED array is dimensioned (N6,5). This requires one line in the neutral file for each REDUCER specified. 1. Second diameter of the reducer 2. Second thickness of the reducer 3. Alpha angle of the reducer 4. R1 value of the reducer for the TD/12 piping code 5. R2 value of the reducer for the TD/12 piping code These values are repeated for the second intersection specification. #$ FLANGES - Defines the FLANGE data. The data for each FLANGE spec in the input file is listed here. There are 72 data values used to describe a flange. 1. FROM/TO (0 = FROM, 1 = TO, 2= BOTH) 2. METHOD (0 = PEQ, 1 = ASME NC) 3. GASKET OR BOLT CIRCLE DIAMETER, DEPENDING ON METHOD 4. BOLT AREA (ASME METHOD ONLY) 5. SYC (ASME METHOD ONLY) 6. SY1 (ASME METHOD ONLY)

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

SY2 (ASME METHOD ONLY) SY3 (ASME METHOD ONLY) SY4 (ASME METHOD ONLY) SY5 (ASME METHOD ONLY) SY6 (ASME METHOD ONLY) SY7 (ASME METHOD ONLY) SY8 (ASME METHOD ONLY) SY9 (ASME METHOD ONLY) 15-24 CLASS NAME, (40 CHAR MAX) 25-48 24 TEMPERATURES OF THE TEMP/PRESS RATING CURVE (PEQ METHOD ONLY) 17. 49-72 24 PRESSURES OF THE TEMP/PRESS RATING CURVE (PEQ METHOD ONLY) These values are arranged in the neutral file on 12 lines using a format of (2X, 6G13.6) unless otherwise specified: Line 1: Flange items 1-5 Line 2: Flange items 6-11 Line 3: Flange items 12-14 Line 4: Class Name, using a format of (2X, A40) Line 5: Flange items 25-30 Line 6: Flange items 31-36 Line 7: Flange items 37-42 Line 8: Flange items 43-48 Line 9: Flange items 49-54 Line 10: Flange items 55-60 Line 11: Flange items 61-66 Line 12: Flange items 67-72 All 12 lines must be written to the neutral file for each flange. Unused fields/values can be represented by 0.00. #$ EQUIPMNT - Defines the Equipment/Nozzle Check data. The data for each EQUIPMNT spec in the input file is listed here. There are two sets of 17 data values that use a format of (2X, 6G13.6) as shown below: 1. Node Number 2. Limiting load value FX 3. Limiting load value FY 4. Limiting load value FZ 5. Limiting load value MX 6. Limiting load value MY 7. Limiting load value MZ 8. Reference axis direction cosine CosX 9. Reference axis direction cosine CosY 10. Reference axis direction cosine CosZ 11. Flange rating 12. Interaction method: 0=absolute; 1=SRSS; 2=Unity Check;


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Items 13-17 are spares represented by 0.00. These values are arranged in the neutral file on six lines. All six lines must be written to the neutral file for each Nozzle/Equipment check. Unused fields/values can be represented by 0.00.

Miscellaneous Data Group #1 #$ MISCEL_1 - Contains the material id (RRMAT) for each element in the input file, the nozzle data (VFLEX), the hanger data, and the execution options. Material ID - Contains the material id number in the first array for each element in the input file. Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6). The RRMAT array is dimensioned (N1). The material ids range from 1 to 699 (See the User‘s Guide for details). The number of lines required to write the RRMAT array in the neutral file is determined by the following FORTRAN routine: NLINES = NUMELT / 6 IF(MOD(NUMELT,6).NE.0)THEN NLINES = NLINES + 1 ENDIF Nozzles - Describes the flexible (WRC-297, PD-5500, API 650) nozzles in the input file. The value 9999.99 represents infinity. Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6). The nozzle (VFLEX) contains 16 values for each nozzle in the input. This requires four lines in the neutral WRC-297, PD-5500, and/or API 650 spread\-sheet. The VFLEX array is dimensioned (N6, 16). For WRC-297 nozzles, the 16 items are: 1. Nozzle Node Number 2. Vessel Node Number (optional) 3. Nozzle type indicator (-1.0101 = 297, 1.0 = 650) 4. Nozzle Outside Diameter (in.) 5. Nozzle Wall Thickness (in.) 6. Vessel Outside Diameter (in.) 7. Vessel Wall Thickness (in.) 8. Vessel Reinforcing Pad Thickness (in.) 9. Spare (not used) 10. Dist. to stiffeners or head (in.) (9999.99 = ì) 11. Dist. to opposite side stiffeners or head (in.) (9999.99 = ì) 12. Vessel centerline direction vector X 13. Vessel centerline direction vector Y 14. Vessel centerline direction vector Z 15. Vessel Temperature (optional) (°F) 16. Vessel Material # (optional)(1-17) For PD-5500 nozzles, the 16 items are: 1. Nozzle Node Number 2. Vessel Node Number (optional) 3. Nozzle type indicator (2.0-5500)

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces 4. Vessel Type (0-Cylinder, 1-Sphere) 5. Nozzle Outside Diameter (in.) 6. Vessel Outside Diameter (in.) 7. Vessel Wall Thickness (in.) 8. Vessel Reinforcing Pad Thickness (in.) 9. Spare (not used) 10. Dist. to stiffeners or head (in.) (9999.99 = ì) 11. Dist. to opposite side stiffeners or head (in.) (9999.99 = ì) 12. Vessel centerline direction vector X 13. Vessel centerline direction vector Y 14. Vessel centerline direction vector Z 15. Vessel Temperature (optional) (°F) 16. Vessel Material # (optional) (1-17) For API 650 nozzles, the 16 items are: 1. Nozzle 2. Specific gravity of fluid 3. Thermal expansion coefficient (in/in/deg) 4. Delta Temperature (°F) 5. Elastic Modulus (psi) Hangers - Describes the spring hangers in the input file. Some of the hanger data listed below represents uninitialized data. In the instances where this uninitialized data represent infinite values (such as maximum travel limit and available space), it is reported here as 9999.99. The next line contains values for the following parameters in FORTRAN format (2X, I13, 5G13.6):  IDFTABLE is the default hanger table.  DEFVAR is the default for allowed load variation.  DEFRIG is the default for rigid support displacement criteria.  DEFMXTRAVEL is the default for maximum allowed travel.  DEFSHTSPR is the default for allowing short range springs (0=no 1=yes).  DEFMUL is the default multi-load case design option. The next line contains values for the following parameters in the FORTRAN format (2X, 5I13):  IDFOPER is the default number of hanger design operating cases (always 1).  IACTCLD is the default cold load calculation switch (0=no, 1=yes).  IHGRLDS is the number of hanger operating loads (0 -3).  IACTUAL is the load case defining actual cold loads.  IMULTIOPTS is the multi-load case design option (1-7). An array of hanger node numbers (IHGRNODE) is read and written for each hanger in the input file and is dimensioned (N5). There are seven lines in the neutral file for this data if all N5 hangers are specified. Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6I13).


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces A 10-element array (HGRDAT) is read and written for each hanger in the input file. The HGRDAT array is dimensioned (10,N5). Each hanger in the model requires two lines in the neutral file. Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6). 1. Hanger stiffness 2. Allowable load variation 3. Rigid support displacement criteria 4. Allowed space for hanger 5. Cold load #1 (theoretical) 6. Hot load #1 (initialize to 0.0) 7. User defined operating load f/ variable springs (init to 0.0) 8. Maximum allowed travel limit 9. Multiple load case design option 10. Hanger hardware weight A four-element array (IHGRFREE) is read/written for each hanger in the input file. The IHGRFREE array is dimensioned ( 4,N5). Each hanger in the file requires one line in the neutral file. Use FORTRAN format (2X, 6I13). 1. Anchor node to be freed (#1) 2. Anchor node to be freed (#2) 3. d.o.f. type for #1 (1-free Y, 2-free XY, 3-free ZY, 4-free X, Y, Z, 5-free all) 4. d.o.f. type for #2 An array (IHGRNUM) lists the number of hangers at this location for each hanger in the input file. There is one entry here for every hanger in the file. The IHGRNUM array is dimensioned (N5). There are seven lines in the neutral file for this data if all N5 hangers are specified. Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6I13). An array (IHGRTABLE) lists the hanger table numbers for each hanger in the input file. There is one entry here for every hanger in the file. The IHGRTABLE is dimensioned (N5). There are seven lines in the neutral file for this data if all N5 hangers are specified. Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6I13). An array of flags (IHGRSHORT) indicates if short range springs can be used at each hanger location. The IHGRSHORT array is dimensioned (N5). There are seven lines in the neutral file for this data. Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6I13).  0 = cannot use short range springs  1 = can use short range springs An array of connecting node numbers (IHGRCN) is available for each hanger. The IHGRCN array is dimensioned (N5). There are seven lines in the neutral file for this data if all N5 hangers are specified. Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 6I13). Execution Options - Defines the execution options used by CAESAR II. Use the FORTRAN format (2X, 4I13, G13.6, I13). This requires three lines in the neutral file. These values are:  Print forces on rigids and expansion joints 0=no, 1=yes  Print alphas & pipe props. during error checking 0=no, 1=yes  Activate Bourdon Pressure Effects 0, 1, or 2  Activate Branch Error and Coordinate Prompts 0=no, 1=yes  Thermal Bowing Delta Temperature degrees  Use Liberal Stress Allowable 0=no, 1=yes

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces For the following data, use the FORTRAN format: (2X, I13, 2G13.6, 3I13):  Uniform Load Input in g‘s 0=no, 1=yes  Stress Stiffening due to Pressure 0, 1, 2  Ambient Temperature (If not 70.00 deg F ) degrees  FRP Expansion * 1,000,000 len/len/deg  Optimizer 0-Both, 1-CuthillMcKee, 2-Collins  Next Node Selection 0-Decreasing, 1-Increasing For the following data, use the FORTRAN format (2X, 4I13, G13.6, I13):  Final Ordering 0-Reversed, 1-Not Reversed  Collins Ordering 0-Band, 1-No. of Coefficients  Degree Determination 0-Connections, 1-Band  User Control 0-None, 1-Allow User Re-Looping  FRP Shear ratio  Laminate type

Units Conversion Data #$ UNITS - Defines both the conversion constants and the conversion labels. The conversion constants are all REAL*4 values in FORTRAN format (2X, 6G13.6). This requires four lines in the neutral file. The character definitions for the labels are listed below. CNVLEN - Defines the length conversion CNVFOR - Defines the force conversion CNVMAS - Defines the mass conversion CNVMIN - Defines the moment (input) conversion CNVMOU - Defines the moment (output) conversion CNVSTR - Defines the stress conversion CNVTSC - Defines the temperature conversion CNVTOF - Defines the temperature offset CNVPRE - Defines the Pressure conversion CNVYM - Defines the Young‘s modulus conversion CNVPDN - Defines the pipe density conversion CNVIDN - Defines the insulation density conversion CNVFDN - Defines the fluid density conversion CNVTSF - Defines the translational stiffness conversion CNVUNI - Defines the uniform load conversion CNVWND - Defines the wind load conversion CNVELE - Defines the elevation conversion CNVCLN - Defines the compound length conversion CNVDIA - Defines the diameter conversion CNVTHK - Wall thickness conversion Next, enter the following labels for units, one per line, in the format given in the label descriptions. This requires 24 lines in the neutral file. CCVNAME - Defines the name of the units used, such as English (CHARACTER*15) CCVNOM - Sets On or Off, and tells PREPIP whether or not nominal diameters are allowed (CHARACTER* 3)


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces CCVLEN - Defines the length label (CHARACTER* 3) CCVFOR - Defines the force label (CHARACTER* 3) CCVMAS - Defines the mass label (CHARACTER* 3) CCVMIN - Defines the moment (input) label (CHARACTER* 6) CCVMOU - Defines the moment (output) label (CHARACTER* 6) CCVSTR - Defines the stress label (CHARACTER*10) CCVTSC - Defines the temperature label (CHARACTER* 1) CCVTOF - Defines the temperature offset/label (CHARACTER* 1) CCVPRE - Defines the pressure label (CHARACTER*10) CCVYM - Defines Young‘s modulus label (CHARACTER*10) CCVPDN - Defines the pipe density label (CHARACTER*10) CCVIDN - Defines the insulation density label (CHARACTER*10) CCVFDN - Defines the fluid density label (CHARACTER*10) CCVTSF - Defines the translational stiffness label (CHARACTER* 7) CCVRSF - Defines the rotational stiffness label (CHARACTER*10) CCVUNI - Defines the uniform load label (CHARACTER* 7) CCVGLD - Defines the gravitational load label (CHARACTER* 3) CCVWND - Defines the wind load label (CHARACTER*10) CCVELE - Defines the elevation label (CHARACTER* 3) CCVCLN - Defines the compound length label (CHARACTER* 3) CCVDIA - Defines the diameter label (CHARACTER* 3) CCVTHK - Defines the wall thickness label (CHARACTER* 3)

Nodal Coordinate Data #$ COORDS - Specifies the X, Y, Z global coordinates of the starting node point of each discontinuous piping segment. The data in this section of the neutral file is optional; it may not exist. The existence of this data depends on user preference and the particular job. The data is defined below. NXYZ - Defines how many sets of coordinates follow. Use FORTRAN format (2X, I13). INODE, XCORD, YCORD, ZCORD - Consists of four values in a line and is repeated NXYZ times. Use FORTRAN format (2X, I13, 3F13.4) to define a node number and the X, Y, Z global coordinates. This section only exists in Versions 3.22 and later.

CAESAR II Data Matrix The generic CAESAR II data matrix input routine creates a CAESAR II file from a simple neutral file. The Data Matrix Interface transfers only the piping geometry. This requires you to input additional data to complete the stress model. It expects to read a file that contains a single line of data for each pipe in the model. Each line of data contains 12 parameters as listed below. ELMT - Defines the element number sequential from 1. N1 - Defines the From node number. N2 - Defines the To node number.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces DX - Defines the delta dimension in the global "X" direction. DY - Defines the delta dimension in the global "Y" direction (the "Y" axis is vertical in CAESAR II). DZ - Defines the delta dimension in the global "Z" direction. DIAM - Defines the actual pipe diameter. THK - Defines the actual pipe wall thickness. ANCH - Provides a restraint flag. A value of 1 sets the From node to be restrained. A zero (0) value is otherwise and is currently ignored. BEND - Defines the bend indicator. A value of 1 sets a bend at the To node. A zero (0) value is no bend. BRAD - Defines the bend radius if not a long radius bend. RIGID - Defines a rigid element flag. A value of 1 sets the element to rigid. A value of zero (0) value sets the element to nonrigid. All values in the matrix should be real floating point numbers. The format for each line of data must be (12E13.6). This generic interface prompts for an arbitrary conversion constant for the delta dimensions, and the diameter /thickness values to overcome any differences between the assumed units of the neutral file and the CAESAR II defaults. If you are developing a completely new interface, use the CAESAR II Neutral File (on page 914).

Batch Output File Aids in the generation of output from large Static models/runs. 1. Click Tools > External Interfaces > Batch Output File. The Big-Print Setup dialog box displays.

2. Enter the job name in the Enter the job name for "batch" output processing box. The default location is the current data directory displayed in the title bar of the Main menu. To select another file, specify the full path name. 3. In the Output Device section, select the type of output file to be generated. 4. In the Report Selection section, select the check box for each type of report you want.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces 5. Click OK. The specific job is accessed and the Load Case Selection dialog box displays. Hanger design cases, if they exist, are the first load cases listed in the dialog box. Reports for hanger design cases are usually not generated. 6. Select the load cases to appear in the output report/file by checking the load cases you want. Reports are generated to the specified output file or device. 7. Click OK in the Done dialog box. Output device Ascii Text File

Job name.OUT located in same directory as the original CAESAR II job

Binary file

Job name.BIN located in same directory as the original CAESAR II job. The contents of the binary file is the same as the text file, only formatted as binary real* 4 data. Use this format to provide other applications easy access to the data.

Active printer

Sent directly to the specified printer

Data Export Wizard Provides export of both the input model and output data. You can also export output data automatically with each analysis through ODBC Settings in the configuration file under Database Definitions. This wizard is compatible with ODBC Microsoft Access and Excel and can also export data in XML format. The Excel interface produces a semicolon delimited text file that can quickly be imported into Excel. You can access the Data Export Wizard by clicking Tools > External Interfaces > Data Export Wizard.

Export Data Using the Data Export Wizard 1. Click Tools > Eternal Interfaces > Data Export Wizard. The Data Export Wizard displays. 2. Review the export types and click Next to proceed. 3. On the Input and Output Files page, browse for the required CAESAR II piping file to export. This file can be the .C2 file or the specific ._A file). By default, the current CAESAR II file is selected for export. 4. Specify a revision number for the exported data set, if applicable. 5. Select Export Output Data Also if you want to include any output results (if available) in the exported data set. 6. Select Use System Units to convert the output data to the set of units currently defined in the CAESAR II Configure/Setup.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces 7. Do one of the following: a. Click Quick XML Export to transfer the input data to the "filename_ INPUT.xml" file and output data to the "filename_OUTPUT.xml" file (where filename is the name of the file you selected to export). CAESAR II prompts you and asks if you want to open the newly exported file. Click OK to open the file or Cancel to exit the wizard.



10. 11.

You must have the appropriate application installed to open the file format or the exported file does not open. b. Complete steps 8 through 15. Click Browse in the Select the Data Export Output File box and navigate to the location of the output data. CAESAR II defaults the output filename to the name of the file you have open currently. Select the Save as type list to specify the required data output. You can export files in the following formats: .mdb (Microsoft Office 2001/2002/Access Database, .accdb (Microsoft Office 2007/2010/Access Database), .txt (Microsoft Excel compatible text), or .xml (Extensible Markup Language). Click Save. Click Next. CAESAR II displays the CAESAR II Input Export Options dialog box.

12. Select the input options you want to export and then click Next.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces CAESAR II displays the CAESAR II Output Report Options dialog box.

13. Select the static load cases for your results and the output report options that you want to export. Several built-in reports, queries, and other helpful options are provided in the default Access file format, or you can develop custom reports and queries. 14. Click Finish. CAESAR II prompts you and asks if you want to open the newly exported file. 15. Do one of the following: a. Click OK to open the exported file. b. Click Cancel to close the wizard.

CAESAR II Input and Output Files Dialog Box Select the file that you want to export. Additionally, you can specify details about the file, such as a revision number, whether or not you want output results included in the exported data set, and if you want to convert the output data set into another unit of measure. Also, you specify for CAESAR II to perform a quick export of the job, where CAESAR II uses a standard naming convention and exports the input and output of the job into .xml format.

Select CAESAR II File Browse and select the CAESAR II file that you want to export. This file can be a CAESAR II (.C2) file or the specific CAESAR II binary input (._A) file. By default, the current CAESAR II file is selected for export.

Specify Revision Number Specifies a revision number for the CAESAR II exported file. The revision number is stored as ISSUE_NO in the exported file.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

Export Output Data Also Indicates whether you want to also export output reports. If you select this checkbox, CAESAR II prompts you with the Output Report Options dialog box after you specify input export options.

Use System Units Indicates that CAESAR II uses the units of measure specified in the CAESAR II configuration file (Caesar.cfg, which is located in the current input file directory) for the exported output file. When not selected, CAESAR II uses the units of measure specified in the selected input file.

Quick XML Export Click Quick Xml Export if you want CAESAR II to export the selected file using all default export options selected. CAESAR II immediately begins the export, exporting the input data to the "filename_ INPUT.xml" file and output data to the "filename_OUTPUT.xml" file (where filename is the name of the file you selected to export).

Select Data Export Output File Click Browse to locate and select an existing output file to which you want to export the current file, or specify a file name and format for the data export. You can export files in the following formats: .mdb (Microsoft Office 2001/2002/Access Database), .accdb (Microsoft Office 2007/2010/Access Database), .txt (Microsoft Excel compatible text), or .xml (Extensible Markup Language).

CAESAR II Input Export Options Dialog Box Select the input options to export.

Elements Exports the basic element data including pointers to auxiliary data. Microsoft Access table name: INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA XML Primary Tag: PIPINGELEMENT.


Data Name

Access Column Name XML Tag Name

From node number



To node number



Delta X



Delta Y



Delta Z



Diameter (actual OD)



Wall Thickness (actual)



Insulation Thickness



Corrosion Allowance



CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Data Name

Access Column Name XML Tag Name

Thermal Expansion Coefficient #1 or Temperature #1



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #2 or Temperature #2



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #3 or Temperature #3



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #4 or Temperature #4



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #5 or Temperature #5



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #6 or Temperature #6



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #7 or Temperature #7



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #8 or Temperature #8



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #9 or Temperature #9



Pressure #1



Pressure #2



Pressure #3



Pressure #4



Pressure #5



Pressure #6



Pressure #7



Pressure #8



Pressure #9



Elastic Modulus



Poisson's Ratio



Pipe Density



Insulation Density



Fluid Density



Material Number



Material Name



Plus Mill Tolerance



CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces Data Name

Access Column Name XML Tag Name

Minus Mill Tolerance



Seam Weld



Auxiliary Data Pointers The auxiliary data pointers indicate the location of the details for each piece of auxiliary data. For example, if Bend Pointer is equal to 1 here, then the details of this bend will be contained in the Bend table where the bend number is also equal to 1. Auxiliary pointers are only applicable to data export for Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel and not to XML. Pointer Type

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name

Bend Auxiliary



Rigid Element Auxiliary



Expansion Joint Auxiliary



Restraint Auxiliary



Displacement Auxiliary



Force/Moment Auxiliary



Uniform Load Auxiliary



Wind/Wave Load Auxiliary WLOAD_PTR


Element Offset Auxiliary



Allowable Stress Auxiliary



Intersection Auxiliary



Hangers Auxiliary



Nozzles Auxiliary



Reducers Auxiliary



Flanges Auxiliary



Bends Exports all the bend information defined in the job. Below are the details of the bend data available from CAESAR II along with the respective column names and XML tag names. Microsoft Access table name: INPUT_BENDS Microsoft Excel section name: BEND DATA XML Primary Tag: BEND


Data Name

Access Column Name XML Tag Name

Bend Radius



CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Data Name

Access Column Name XML Tag Name

Type (1-Single flange, 2- double flange, 0 or blank- welded)



Angle to node position #1



Node number at position #1



Angle to node position #2



Node number at position #2



Angle to node position #3



Node number at position #3



Number of miter cuts



Fitting thickness of bend if different from the pipe



Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.BEND_PTR = INPUT_BENDS.BEND_PTR

Rigids Exports rigid information of all rigid elements defined in the input file. Microsoft Access table name: INPUT_RIGIDS Microsoft Excel Section Name: RIGID DATA XML Primary Tag: RIGID Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name

Rigid Weight



Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.RIGID_PTR = INPUT_BENDS.RIGID_NUM.

Expansion Joints Export expansion joint information of all expansion joints defined in the input file. Microsoft Access table name: INPUT_EXPJT Microsoft Excel Section Name: EXPANSION JOINT DATA XML Primary Tag Name: EXPANSIONJOINT Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name

Axial stiffness



Transverse stiffness



Bending Stiffness



Torsional stiffness



Effective inside bellows diameter BEL_DIA

CAESAR II User's Guide



External Interfaces Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.EXPJT_PTR = INPUT_EXPJT.EXPJT_PTR.

Restraints Export Restraint information of all restraints defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_RESTRAINTS Microsoft Excel Section Name: RESTRAINT DATA XML Primary Tag Name: RESTRAINT Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Node number



Restraint type (see "Restraint Codes" on page 951)









Friction coefficient



Connecting node



X direction cosine



Y direction cosine



Z direction cosine



Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.REST_PTR = INPUT_RESTRAINTS.REST_PTR.

Displacements Export user specified displacement information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_DISPLMNT Microsoft Excel Section Name: DISPLACEMENT DATA XML Primary Tag Name: DISPLACEMENTS Data Name


Column Name

XML Tag Name

Displacement Number DISP_NUM


Node Number



Vector Number



X axis displacement



Y axis displacement



Z axis displacement



X axis rotation



Y axis rotation



Z axis rotation



CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces *These tags are child tags of the VECTOR tag. Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.DISP_PTR = INPUT_DISPLMNT.DISP_PTR

Forces/Moments Export user specified forces/moments information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_FORCMNT Microsoft Excel Section Name: FORCES/MOMENTS DATA XML Primary Tag Name: FORCESMOMENTS Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Force/Moment Number FORCMNT_NUM


Node Number



Vector Number



X axis force



Y axis force



Z axis force



X axis moment



Y axis moment



Z axis moment



*These tags are child tags of the VECTOR tag. Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.FORCMNT_PTR = INPUT_FORCMNT.FORCMNT_PTR

Uniform Load Export user specified uniform load information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_UNIFORM Microsoft Excel Section Name: UNIFORM LOAD DATA XML Primary Tag Name: UNIFORMLOAD Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Uniform Load Number UNIF_NUM


X axis load



Y axis load



Z axis load



Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.ULOAD_PTR = INPUT_UNIFORM.ULOAD_PTR

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces Wind / Wave Export user specified wind or wave information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_WIND Microsoft Excel Section Name: WIND/WAVE DATA XML Primary Tag Name: WIND or WAVE Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Entry Type


Not Applicable

Wind Shape Factor OR Wave Drag Coefficient



Wave added mass coefficient



Wave Lift Coefficient



Wave Marine Growth


Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.WLOAD_PTR = INPUT_WIND.WIND_PTR

Offsets Export user specified offset information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_OFFSETS Microsoft Excel Section Name: OFFSET DATA Microsoft XML Primary Tag Name: OFFSET Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

From node offset in X direction



From node offset in Y direction



From node offset in Z direction



To node offset in X direction



To node offset in Y direction



To node offset in Z direction



Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.OFFSETS_PTR = INPUT_OFFSETS.OFFSETS_PTR

Allowables Export user specified allowable stress information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_ALLOWBLS Microsoft Excel Section Name: ALLOWABLE STRESS DATA XML Primary Tag Name: ALLOWABLESTRESS


Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Case Number



Cold Allowable



CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Eff












Piping Code



Hot Allowable



Cyclic Reduction Factor



Cycles for BW (butt-weld) fatigue pair



Stress for BW fatigue pair



Cycles for FW (fillet-weld) fatigue pair FILLETWELDCYCLES


Stress for FW fatigue pair



* These tags are child tags of CASE_NUM (can range from 1 through 9) Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.ALLOW_PTR = INPUT_ALLOWBLS.ALLOW_PTR

SIF's & Tees Export user specified SIF information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_SIFTEES Microsoft Excel Section Name: SIF DATA XML Primary Tag Name: SIF Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

SIF Number



Node Number






SIF In-Plane



SIF Out-Plane



Circumferential Weld






Pad Thickness









Weld ID









CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.INT_PTR = INPUT_SIFTEES.SIF_PTR

WRC297 Nozzle Export user specified WRC297 nozzle information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_NOZZLES_WRC297 Microsoft Excel Section Name: WRC297 NOZZLE DATA XML Primary Tag Name: WRC297_NOZZLE Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Nozzle Node Number



Vessel Node Number



Nozzle Outside Diameter



Nozzle Wall Thickness



Vessel Outside Diameter



Vessel Wall Thickness



Vessel Reinforcing Pad Thickness



Dist. to stiffeners or head



Dist. to opposite side stiffeners or head



Vessel centerline direction vector X



Vessel centerline direction vector Y



Vessel centerline direction vector Z



Vessel Temperature



Vessel Material #



Material Name



Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.NOZ_PTR = INPUT_NOZZLES_WRC297.NOZ_PTR

API650 Nozzle Export user specified API650 nozzle information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_NOZZLES_API650 Microsoft Excel Section Name: API650 NOZZLE DATA XML Primary Tag Name: API650_NOZZLE


Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Nozzle Node Number



Tank Node Number



Nozzle Outside Diameter



Nozzle Wall Thickness



CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Tank Outside Diameter



Tank Wall Thickness






Nozzle height



Fluid height



Fluid specific gravity



Thermal expansion coefficient THERM_EXP_COEFF THERM_EXP_COEFF Temperature change



Elastic modulus



Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.NOZ_PTR = INPUT_NOZZLES_API650.NOZ_PTR

BS5500 Nozzle Export user specified BS5500 nozzle information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_NOZZLES_BS5500 Microsoft Excel Section Name: BS5500 NOZZLE DATA XML Primary Tag Name: BS5500_NOZZLE Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Nozzle Node Number



Vessel Node Number



Vessel Type



Nozzle Outside Diameter



Vessel Outside Diameter



Vessel Wall Thickness



Vessel Reinforcing Pad Thickness



Dist. to stiffeners or head



Dist. to opposite side stiffeners or head DIST_OPP_HEAD


Vessel centerline direction vector X



Vessel centerline direction vector Y



Vessel centerline direction vector Z



Vessel Temperature



Vessel Material #



Material Name



CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.NOZ_PTR = INPUT_NOZZLES_BS5500.NOZ_PTR

Hangers Export user specified hanger information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_HANGERS Microsoft Excel Section Name: HANGER DATA XML Primary Tag Name: HANGER Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Node number



Connecting node



Constant effort support load or stiffness



Rigid support displacement criteria



Load variation



Available space for hanger



Theoretical cold load



Operating load



Maximum travel limit



Multiple load case option



Anchor to be freed #1



Anchor to be freed #2



Degree of freedom for #1



Degree of freedom for #2



Number of hangers



Hanger table



Short range springs



Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.HGR_PTR = INPUT_HANGERS.HGR_PTR


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Reducers Export user specified reducer information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_REDUCERS Microsoft Excel Section Name: XML Primary Tag Name: Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name











Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.RED_PTR = INPUT_REDUCERS.RED_PTR

Flanges Export user specified flange information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_FLANGES Microsoft Excel Section Name: XML Primary Tag Name: Data Name

CAESAR II User's Guide

Column Name

XML Tag Name


































External Interfaces Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name





Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.FLG_PTR = INPUT_FLANGES.FLG_PTR

Title Export user specified title information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_TITLE Microsoft Excel Section Name: XML Primary Tag Name: Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name



Equipment Export user specified equipment information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_EQUIPMENT Microsoft Excel Section Name: XML Primary Tag Name: Data Name


Column Name

XML Tag Name



























CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name























Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.EQP_PTR = INPUT_EQUIPMENT.EQP_PTR

Elements Input Export Option - SHARED Exports the basic element data including pointers to auxiliary data. Microsoft Access table name: INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA XML Primary Tag: PIPINGELEMENT. Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name

From node number



To node number



Delta X



Delta Y



Delta Z



Diameter (actual OD)



Wall Thickness (actual)



Insulation Thickness



Corrosion Allowance



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #1 or Temperature #1



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #2 or Temperature #2



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #3 or Temperature #3



CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces


Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name

Thermal Expansion Coefficient #4 or Temperature #4



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #5 or Temperature #5



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #6 or Temperature #6



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #7 or Temperature #7



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #8 or Temperature #8



Thermal Expansion Coefficient #9 or Temperature #9



Pressure #1



Pressure #2



Pressure #3



Pressure #4



Pressure #5



Pressure #6



Pressure #7



Pressure #8



Pressure #9



Elastic Modulus



Poisson's Ratio



Pipe Density



Insulation Density



Fluid Density



Material Number



Material Name



Plus Mill Tolerance



Minus Mill Tolerance



Seam Weld



CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Auxiliary Data Pointers The auxiliary data pointers indicate the location of the details for each piece of auxiliary data. For example, if Bend Pointer is equal to 1 here, then the details of this bend will be contained in the Bend table where the bend number is also equal to 1. Auxiliary pointers are only applicable to data export for Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel and not to XML. Pointer Type

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name

Bend Auxiliary



Rigid Element Auxiliary



Expansion Joint Auxiliary



Restraint Auxiliary



Displacement Auxiliary



Force/Moment Auxiliary



Uniform Load Auxiliary



Wind/Wave Load Auxiliary WLOAD_PTR


Element Offset Auxiliary



Allowable Stress Auxiliary



Intersection Auxiliary



Hangers Auxiliary



Nozzles Auxiliary



Reducers Auxiliary



Flanges Auxiliary



Bends Input Export Option - SHARED Exports all the bend information defined in the job. Below are the details of the bend data available from CAESAR II along with the respective column names and XML tag names. Microsoft Access table name: INPUT_BENDS Microsoft Excel section name: BEND DATA XML Primary Tag: BEND Data Name

Access Column Name XML Tag Name

Bend Radius



Type (1-Single flange, 2- double flange, 0 or blank- welded)



Angle to node position #1



Node number at position #1



Angle to node position #2



CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces Data Name

Access Column Name XML Tag Name

Node number at position #2



Angle to node position #3



Node number at position #3



Number of miter cuts



Fitting thickness of bend if different FIT_THICK from the pipe


Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.BEND_PTR = INPUT_BENDS.BEND_PTR

Rigids Input Export Option - SHARED Exports rigid information of all rigid elements defined in the input file. Microsoft Access table name: INPUT_RIGIDS Microsoft Excel Section Name: RIGID DATA XML Primary Tag: RIGID Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name

Rigid Weight



Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.RIGID_PTR = INPUT_BENDS.RIGID_NUM.

Expansion Joints Input Export Option - SHARED Export expansion joint information of all expansion joints defined in the input file. Microsoft Access table name: INPUT_EXPJT Microsoft Excel Section Name: EXPANSION JOINT DATA XML Primary Tag Name: EXPANSIONJOINT Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name

Axial stiffness



Transverse stiffness



Bending Stiffness



Torsional stiffness



Effective inside bellows diameter BEL_DIA


Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.EXPJT_PTR = INPUT_EXPJT.EXPJT_PTR.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

Restraints Input Export Option - SHARED Export Restraint information of all restraints defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_RESTRAINTS Microsoft Excel Section Name: RESTRAINT DATA XML Primary Tag Name: RESTRAINT Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Node number



Restraint type (see "Restraint Codes" on page 951)









Friction coefficient



Connecting node



X direction cosine



Y direction cosine



Z direction cosine



Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.REST_PTR = INPUT_RESTRAINTS.REST_PTR.

Restraint Codes There are 62 different restraints available in CAESAR II. When the restraint information is exported to a format such as Microsoft Access, a restraint type code is exported. The following is the key for those restraint codes. Code

Abbreviation Type






Translational Double Acting



Translational Double Acting



Translational Double Acting



Rotational Double Acting



Rotational Double Acting



Rotational Double Acting



Guide, Double Acting



Double Acting Limit Stop



Translational Double Acting Snubber



Translational Double Acting Snubber

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces



Abbreviation Type



Translational Double Acting Snubber



Translational Directional



Translational Directional



Translational Directional



Translational Directional



Translational Directional



Translational Directional



Rotational Directional



Rotational Directional



Rotational Directional



Rotational Directional



Rotational Directional



Rotational Directional



Directional Limit Stop



Directional Limit Stop



Large Rotation Rod



Large Rotation Rod



Large Rotation Rod



Large Rotation Rod



Large Rotation Rod



Large Rotation Rod



Large Rotation Rod



Large Rotation Rod



Large Rotation Rod



Translational Double Acting Bilinear



Translational Double Acting Bilinear



Translational Double Acting Bilinear



Rotational Double Acting Bilinear



Rotational Double Acting Bilinear



Rotational Double Acting Bilinear



Translational Directional Bilinear



Translational Directional Bilinear

CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Code

Abbreviation Type



Translational Directional Bilinear



Translational Directional Bilinear



Translational Directional Bilinear



Translational Directional Bilinear



Rotational Directional Bilinear



Rotational Directional Bilinear



Rotational Directional Bilinear



Rotational Directional Bilinear



Rotational Directional Bilinear



Rotational Directional Bilinear



Rotational Directional Bilinear



Rotational Directional Bilinear



Rotational Directional Bilinear



Directional Snubber



Directional Snubber



Directional Snubber



Directional Snubber



Directional Snubber



Directional Snubber

Displacements Input Export Option - SHARED Export user specified displacement information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_DISPLMNT Microsoft Excel Section Name: DISPLACEMENT DATA XML Primary Tag Name: DISPLACEMENTS Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Displacement Number DISP_NUM


Node Number



Vector Number



X axis displacement



Y axis displacement



Z axis displacement



X axis rotation



CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Y axis rotation



Z axis rotation



*These tags are child tags of the VECTOR tag. Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.DISP_PTR = INPUT_DISPLMNT.DISP_PTR

Forces Moments Input Export Option - SHARED Export user specified forces/moments information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_FORCMNT Microsoft Excel Section Name: FORCES/MOMENTS DATA XML Primary Tag Name: FORCESMOMENTS Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Force/Moment Number FORCMNT_NUM


Node Number



Vector Number



X axis force



Y axis force



Z axis force



X axis moment



Y axis moment



Z axis moment



*These tags are child tags of the VECTOR tag. Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.FORCMNT_PTR = INPUT_FORCMNT.FORCMNT_PTR

Uniform Load Input Export Option - SHARED Export user specified uniform load information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_UNIFORM Microsoft Excel Section Name: UNIFORM LOAD DATA XML Primary Tag Name: UNIFORMLOAD Data Name


Column Name

XML Tag Name

Uniform Load Number UNIF_NUM


X axis load



Y axis load



Z axis load



CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.ULOAD_PTR = INPUT_UNIFORM.ULOAD_PTR

Wind Wave Input Export Option - SHARED Export user specified wind or wave information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_WIND Microsoft Excel Section Name: WIND/WAVE DATA XML Primary Tag Name: WIND or WAVE Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Entry Type


Not Applicable

Wind Shape Factor OR Wave Drag Coefficient



Wave added mass coefficient



Wave Lift Coefficient



Wave Marine Growth


Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.WLOAD_PTR = INPUT_WIND.WIND_PTR

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

Offsets Input Export Option - SHARED Export user specified offset information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_OFFSETS Microsoft Excel Section Name: OFFSET DATA Microsoft XML Primary Tag Name: OFFSET Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

From node offset in X direction



From node offset in Y direction



From node offset in Z direction



To node offset in X direction



To node offset in Y direction



To node offset in Z direction



Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.OFFSETS_PTR = INPUT_OFFSETS.OFFSETS_PTR

Allowables Input Export Option - SHARED Export user specified allowable stress information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_ALLOWBLS Microsoft Excel Section Name: ALLOWABLE STRESS DATA XML Primary Tag Name: ALLOWABLESTRESS Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Case Number



Cold Allowable















Piping Code



Hot Allowable



Cyclic Reduction Factor



Cycles for BW (butt-weld) fatigue pair



Stress for BW fatigue pair



Cycles for FW (fillet-weld) fatigue pair FILLETWELDCYCLES


Stress for FW fatigue pair



* These tags are child tags of CASE_NUM (can range from 1 through 9)


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.ALLOW_PTR = INPUT_ALLOWBLS.ALLOW_PTR

SIFs Tees Input Export Option - SHARED Export user specified SIF information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_SIFTEES Microsoft Excel Section Name: SIF DATA XML Primary Tag Name: SIF Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

SIF Number



Node Number






SIF In-Plane



SIF Out-Plane



Circumferential Weld






Pad Thickness









Weld ID









Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.INT_PTR = INPUT_SIFTEES.SIF_PTR

WR297 Nozzle Input Export Option - SHARED Export user specified WRC297 nozzle information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_NOZZLES_WRC297 Microsoft Excel Section Name: WRC297 NOZZLE DATA XML Primary Tag Name: WRC297_NOZZLE Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Nozzle Node Number



Vessel Node Number



Nozzle Outside Diameter



Nozzle Wall Thickness



Vessel Outside Diameter



CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Vessel Wall Thickness



Vessel Reinforcing Pad Thickness



Dist. to stiffeners or head



Dist. to opposite side stiffeners or head



Vessel centerline direction vector X



Vessel centerline direction vector Y



Vessel centerline direction vector Z



Vessel Temperature



Vessel Material #



Material Name



Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.NOZ_PTR = INPUT_NOZZLES_WRC297.NOZ_PTR

API650 Nozzle Input Export Option - SHARED Export user specified API650 nozzle information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_NOZZLES_API650 Microsoft Excel Section Name: API650 NOZZLE DATA XML Primary Tag Name: API650_NOZZLE Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Nozzle Node Number



Tank Node Number



Nozzle Outside Diameter



Nozzle Wall Thickness



Tank Outside Diameter



Tank Wall Thickness






Nozzle height



Fluid height



Fluid specific gravity



Thermal expansion coefficient THERM_EXP_COEFF THERM_EXP_COEFF Temperature change



Elastic modulus



Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.NOZ_PTR = INPUT_NOZZLES_API650.NOZ_PTR


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

BS5500 Nozzle Input Export Option - SHARED Export user specified BS5500 nozzle information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_NOZZLES_BS5500 Microsoft Excel Section Name: BS5500 NOZZLE DATA XML Primary Tag Name: BS5500_NOZZLE Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Nozzle Node Number



Vessel Node Number



Vessel Type



Nozzle Outside Diameter



Vessel Outside Diameter



Vessel Wall Thickness



Vessel Reinforcing Pad Thickness



Dist. to stiffeners or head



Dist. to opposite side stiffeners or head DIST_OPP_HEAD


Vessel centerline direction vector X



Vessel centerline direction vector Y



Vessel centerline direction vector Z



Vessel Temperature



Vessel Material #



Material Name



Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.NOZ_PTR = INPUT_NOZZLES_BS5500.NOZ_PTR

Hangers Input Export Option - SHARED Export user specified hanger information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_HANGERS Microsoft Excel Section Name: HANGER DATA XML Primary Tag Name: HANGER Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Node number



Connecting node



Constant effort support load or stiffness



Rigid support displacement criteria



CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name

Load variation



Available space for hanger



Theoretical cold load



Operating load



Maximum travel limit



Multiple load case option



Anchor to be freed #1



Anchor to be freed #2



Degree of freedom for #1



Degree of freedom for #2



Number of hangers



Hanger table



Short range springs



Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.HGR_PTR = INPUT_HANGERS.HGR_PTR

Reducers Input Export Option - SHARED Export user specified reducer information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_REDUCERS Microsoft Excel Section Name: XML Primary Tag Name: Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name











Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.RED_PTR = INPUT_REDUCERS.RED_PTR


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

Flanges Input Export Option - SHARED Export user specified flange information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_FLANGES Microsoft Excel Section Name: XML Primary Tag Name: Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name





































Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.FLG_PTR = INPUT_FLANGES.FLG_PTR

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

Title Input Export Option - SHARED Export user specified title information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_TITLE Microsoft Excel Section Name: XML Primary Tag Name: Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name



Equipment Input Export Options - SHARED Export user specified equipment information defined in the input file. Microsoft Access Table Name: INPUT_EQUIPMENT Microsoft Excel Section Name: XML Primary Tag Name: Data Name


Column Name

XML Tag Name









































CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Data Name

Column Name

XML Tag Name









Access and Excel contain a number that identifies on which element they were defined. INPUT_BASIC_ELEMENT_DATA.EQP_PTR = INPUT_EQUIPMENT.EQP_PTR

CAESAR II Output Report Options Dialog Box Select the output reports to export.

Static Load Cases Displays the list of load cases that are available for exporting. The load cases might not contain data for all reports. The generation of data for all reports is controlled by Load Case Options Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) (on page 459). If Hanger Reports is selected, the load case selection is not effective because Hanger reports are not tied to any particular load case.

Displacement Reports Exports the displacement report for the selected load cases. In Microsoft Access, this data is stored in the table OUTPUT_DISPLACEMENTS. In XML, these data values appear under the tag DISPLACEMENT_REPORT. Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name




Load Case



Translation X



Translation Y



Translation Z



Translation Units



Rotation X



Rotation Y



Rotation Z



Rotation Units



CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces Restraint Reports Exports the restraint report for the selected load cases. In Microsoft Access, this data is stored in the table OUTPUT_RESTRAINTS. In XML, these data values appear under the tag RESTRAINT_REPORT. Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name




Load Case



Force X



Force Y



Force Z



Resultant Force



Force Units



Moment X



Moment Y



Moment Z



Resultant Moment



Moment Units



Restraint Type



Global Force Reports Exports the global force report for the selected load cases. In Microsoft Access, this data is stored in the table OUTPUT_GLOBAL_ELEMENT_FORCES. In XML, these data values appear under the tag GLOBAL_FORCE_REPORT.


Data Name

Access Column Name XML Tag Name

From Node



To Node



Load Case



Force X From Node



Force Y From Node



Force Z From Node



Force X To Node



Force Y To Node



Force Z To Node



Force Units



Moment X From Node



CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Data Name

Access Column Name XML Tag Name

Moment Y From Node



Moment Z From Node



Moment X To Node



Moment Y To Node



Moment Z To Node



Moment Units



Axial Force From Node



Axial Force To Node



Shear Force From Node



Shear Force To Node



Bending Moment From Node



Bending Moment To Node



Torsion Moment From Node



Torsion Moment To Node



Local Force Report Exports the global force report for the selected load cases. In Microsoft Access, this data is stored in the table OUTPUT_LOCAL_ELEMENT_FORCES. In XML, these data values appear under the tag LOCAL_FORCE_REPORT. Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name

From Node



To Node



Load Case



Force X From Node



Force Y From Node



Force Z From Node



Force X To Node



Force Y To Node



Force Z To Node



Force Units



Moment X From Node



Moment Y From Node



Moment Z From Node



CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name

Moment X To Node



Moment Y To Node



Moment Z To Node



Moment Units



Stress Reports Exports the stress report for the selected load cases. In Microsoft Access, this data is stored in the table OUTPUT_STRESSES. In XML, these data values appear under the tag STRESS_REPORT.


Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name

Axial Stress From Node



Axial Stress To Node



Torsion Stress From Node



Torsion Stress To Node



Bending Stress From Node



Bending Stress To Node



Hoop Stress From Node



Torsion Stress To Node



Code Stress From Node



Code Stress To Node



Code Stress From Node



Code Stress To Node















Max 3D Stress Intensity



Max 3D Stress Intensity



Percent Stress From



Percent Stress To



CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Hanger Reports Exports the hanger report. In Microsoft Access, this data is stored in the table OUTPUT_HANGERS. In XML, these data values appear under the tag HANGER_REPORT. Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name

Number Required



Hanger Node









Vertical Movement



Hot Load



Theoretical Installed Load TH_INSTALL_LOAD


Actual Installed Load



Spring Rate



Horizontal Movement



Load Variation






Load Units



Movement Units



Spring Units



Equipment Reports Exports the equipment reports. In Microsoft Access, this data is stored in the table OUTPUT_EQUIPMENT. In XML, these data values appear under the tag EQUIPMENT. Data Name

CAESAR II User's Guide

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name






















External Interfaces FRES_LIMIT










































Select All - Selects all reports for export. Clear All - Clears the selection of all reports.

Static Load Cases Output Report Options - SHARED Displays the list of load cases that are available for exporting. The load cases might not contain data for all reports. The generation of data for all reports is controlled by Load Case Options Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) (on page 459). If Hanger Reports is selected, the load case selection is not effective because Hanger reports are not tied to any particular load case.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

Displacement Reports Output Report Option - SHARED Exports the displacement report for the selected load cases. In Microsoft Access, this data is stored in the table OUTPUT_DISPLACEMENTS. In XML, these data values appear under the tag DISPLACEMENT_REPORT. Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name




Load Case



Translation X



Translation Y



Translation Z



Translation Units



Rotation X



Rotation Y



Rotation Z



Rotation Units



Restraint Reports Output Report Option - SHARED Exports the restraint report for the selected load cases. In Microsoft Access, this data is stored in the table OUTPUT_RESTRAINTS. In XML, these data values appear under the tag RESTRAINT_REPORT. Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name




Load Case



Force X



Force Y



Force Z



Resultant Force



Force Units



Moment X



Moment Y



Moment Z



Resultant Moment



Moment Units



Restraint Type



CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

Global Force Reports Output Report Option - SHARED Exports the global force report for the selected load cases. In Microsoft Access, this data is stored in the table OUTPUT_GLOBAL_ELEMENT_FORCES. In XML, these data values appear under the tag GLOBAL_FORCE_REPORT.


Data Name

Access Column Name XML Tag Name

From Node



To Node



Load Case



Force X From Node



Force Y From Node



Force Z From Node



Force X To Node



Force Y To Node



Force Z To Node



Force Units



Moment X From Node



Moment Y From Node



Moment Z From Node



Moment X To Node



Moment Y To Node



Moment Z To Node



Moment Units



Axial Force From Node



Axial Force To Node



Shear Force From Node



Shear Force To Node



Bending Moment From Node



Bending Moment To Node



Torsion Moment From Node



Torsion Moment To Node



CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

Local Force Report Output Report Option - SHARED Exports the global force report for the selected load cases. In Microsoft Access, this data is stored in the table OUTPUT_LOCAL_ELEMENT_FORCES. In XML, these data values appear under the tag LOCAL_FORCE_REPORT. Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name

From Node



To Node



Load Case



Force X From Node



Force Y From Node



Force Z From Node



Force X To Node



Force Y To Node



Force Z To Node



Force Units



Moment X From Node



Moment Y From Node



Moment Z From Node



Moment X To Node



Moment Y To Node



Moment Z To Node



Moment Units



CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

Stress Reports Output Report Option - SHARED Exports the stress report for the selected load cases. In Microsoft Access, this data is stored in the table OUTPUT_STRESSES. In XML, these data values appear under the tag STRESS_REPORT.


Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name

Axial Stress From Node



Axial Stress To Node



Torsion Stress From Node



Torsion Stress To Node



Bending Stress From Node



Bending Stress To Node



Hoop Stress From Node



Torsion Stress To Node



Code Stress From Node



Code Stress To Node



Code Stress From Node



Code Stress To Node















Max 3D Stress Intensity



Max 3D Stress Intensity



Percent Stress From



Percent Stress To



CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

Hanger Reports Output Report Option - SHARED Exports the hanger report. In Microsoft Access, this data is stored in the table OUTPUT_HANGERS. In XML, these data values appear under the tag HANGER_REPORT. Data Name

Access Column Name

XML Tag Name

Number Required



Hanger Node









Vertical Movement



Hot Load



Theoretical Installed Load TH_INSTALL_LOAD


Actual Installed Load



Spring Rate



Horizontal Movement



Load Variation






Load Units



Movement Units



Spring Units



CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

Equipment Reports Output Report Option - SHARED Exports the equipment reports. In Microsoft Access, this data is stored in the table OUTPUT_EQUIPMENT. In XML, these data values appear under the tag EQUIPMENT. Data Name


Access Column Name

XML Tag Name































































CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

Intergraph CADWorx Plant Provides a bi-directional data transfer link to CAESAR II. Intergraph CADWorx Plant is an AutoCAD-based design/drafting product that allows you to create models in ortho, iso, 2D, or 3D modes. You can transfer these models into CAESAR II; likewise, models built in CAESAR II can be sent into Intergraph CADWorx Plant. Modifications made in either product are retained for future transfers. Intergraph CADWorx Plant also allows CAESAR II output data to be imported and placed on the drawing. This provides the ability to generate stress and restraint isometrics. Because the external interface operates seamlessly, no action is required in CAESAR II. Intergraph CADWorx Plant reads CAESAR II _A (input) and _P (output) files without modification, and creates CAESAR II _A files directly. The Intergraph CADWorx Plant command that appears on the Tools menu serves only as a reminder that the external interface exists. For more information about importing and exporting data between these two products, refer to documentation delivered with lntergraph CADWorx Plant.

CADPIPE Provides a one-way transfer of the geometry data from CADPIPE to CAESAR II. The geometry data consists of pipe lengths, diameters, thicknesses, connectivities, and node numbers. All nodal specific quantities, such as restraints, loads, and displacements, must be manually added to the CAESAR II input file. The CADPIPE external interface is set up so that several models can be transferred in a single session. During data transfer, the interface first prompts you for the name of the CADPIPE connectivity (.UDE) neutral file. After you specify the file name, the data transfer process begins. When that transfer is complete, the interface prompts you for another neutral file name. This cycle continues until you cancel the data transfer process. 

The neutral file read by the interface must be generated by the CADPIPE software. For more information, refer to the CADPIPE product documentation.  The CADPIPE neutral file must be transferred to the current CAESAR II folder so that it is available to the external interface. The interface reads the CADPIPE neutral file, and generates the CAESAR II input file and a log file of the data transfer process. Check the data in both the CAESAR II input file and the log file for consistency and any assumptions made by the interface. The following paragraphs describe the layout of the data extracted from the CADPIPE neutral file and how it is arranged for storage in the interface. The data storage is maintained in two arrays. The first array contains geometry data for each pipe element; the second array contains additional load and specification data. In the first array, an entry is required for each piece of pipe in the system. "Pipe" refers to an entity between two nodes, which can be a pipe or a rigid element. There are 12 values per entry, and all values must be specified.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

Field 1- ELMT

Enter the pipe element number, which can correspond to an entry in the second array. This is also the pipe or element number in the model. Values must be sequential from 1.

Field 2 - N1

Enter the From node number, which is the starting node for the element. Values must be greater than zero and less than 32000.

Field 3 - N2

Enter the To node number, which is the ending node for the element. Values must be greater than zero and less than 32000.

Field 4 - DX

Enter the delta X dimension for the element. This is the distance between N1 and N2 in the X direction.

Field 5 - DY

Enter the delta Y dimension for the element. This is the distance between N1 and N2 in the Y direction. In CAESAR II, Y is vertical.

Field 6 - DZ

Enter the delta Z dimension for the element. This is the distance between N1 and N2 in the Z direction.

Field 7 - DIAM

Enter the pipe outer diameter.

Field 8 - THK

Enter the pipe wall thickness.

Field 9 - ANCH

Specify the location of the restraint (support). If there is a restraint on N1, ANCH is 1. If there is a restraint on N2, then ANCH is 2. The type of restraint can be obtained from the second array.

Field 10 - BND

Specify whether there is a bend at the N2 end of the element. If BND is 1, there is a bend at N2. If BND is 0, this is a straight pipe.

Field 11 - BRAD

Specify the bend radius if the bend is not a long radius bend. This value is the required bend radius.

Field 12 - RIGD

Indicate whether the current element is a rigid element.

Records in the second array are only necessary when additional data is required. This means there is always a record in the first array for pipe element #1, which could be the only entry in the array. Any additional entries contain some type of change to data normally duplicated forward by CAESAR II. Field 1 - ELMT

Enter the pipe element number, which corresponds to an entry in the first array. This is also a pipe or element number in the model. Values are sequential from 1.

Field 2 - TEMP1

Enter the operating temperature for load case 1. You can find this value by scanning the CADPIPE data for the maximum temperature.

Field 3 - PRESS1

Enter the operating pressure for load case 1. You can find this value by scanning the CADPIPE data for the maximum pressure.

Field 4 - RGDWGT Enter the weight of rigid elements. This entry is only required if you set the RIGID flag in the first array.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Field 5 - TEEFLG

Specify the TEE type. Acceptable values are:

      Field 6 - RESTYP

1 - reinforced 2 - unreinforced 3 - welding tee 4 - sweepolet 5 - weldolet 6 - extruded welding tee

Specify the restraint (support) type indicator. Acceptable values are:

      

0 - anchor 1 - double acting X 2 - double acting Y 3 - double acting Z 4 - double acting RX 5 - double acting RY 6 - double acting RZ

Field 7 - RINFO1

Enter the restraint stiffness for the support.

Field 8 - RINFO2

Enter the restraint gap for the support.

Field 9 - RINFO3

Enter the restraint friction coefficient for the support.

Field 10 - MATID

Enter the CAESAR II material ID value. If the coefficient of expansion is to be changed, it should be entered in the Temperature field above (Field 2).

Field 11 - EMOD

Enter the value of Young‘s modulus.

Field 12 - POIS

Enter the value of Poisson‘s ratio.

Field 13 - GAMMA Enter the weight density of the material. Field 14 - INSTHK

Enter the insulation thickness.

Field 15 - INSWGT Enter the weight density of the insulation material. Field 16 FLDWGT

Enter the weight density of the pipe contents (fluid).

Field 17 - TEENOD Enter the element node number where there is a tee. Field 18

Placeholder for future development.

Field 19

Placeholder for future development.

Field 20

Placeholder for future development.

CADPIPE Example Transfer The following is an example connectivity file produced by the CADPIPE interface. Examination of this file reveals two distinct regions. The first region defines the entities which make up the piping system; the second region connects the entities. Both regions are required for the interface to work properly. The first line of each entity definition contains various codes that define: the element type, the element diameter, and the element thickness.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces BEGIN_ENTITY ENTITY_NUMBER 1 ATTRIBUTES 1CAESAR AAA1 C-2OBB—1dLATL INSERTION 1.80000000e+002 3.36000000e+002 1.20000000e+003 END 1.80000000e+002 3.36000000e+002 1.20000000e+003 END 1.80000000e+002 3.35999961e+002 1.20350000e+003 END_ENTITY BEGIN_ENTITY ENTITY_NUMBER 2 ATTRIBUTES 1CAESAR AAA1 C-2OPP—ATLATL 134.50 INSERTION 1.80000000e+002 3.35999997e+002 1.27075000e+003 END 1.80000000e+002 3.35999961e+002 1.20350000e+003 END 1.80000000e+002 3.36000033e+002 1.33800000e+003 END_ENTITY BEGIN_ENTITY ENTITY_NUMBER 3 ATTRIBUTES 1CAESAR AAA1 C-3O1B—ATLATL INSERTION 1.80000000e+002 3.36000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 1.89000000e+002 3.36000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 1.80000000e+002 3.36000033e+002 1.33800000e+003 END_ENTITY BEGIN_ENTITY ENTITY_NUMBER 4 ATTRIBUTES 1CAESAR AAA1 C-0OPP—ATLATL 105.38 INSERTION 2.41687500e+002 3.35999959e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 1.89000000e+002 3.36000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 2.94375000e+002 3.35999917e+002 1.34700000e+003 END_ENTITY BEGIN_ENTITY ENTITY_NUMBER 5 ATTRIBUTES 1CAESAR AAA1 C-0O2H—ATLATLATL INSERTION 3.00000000e+002 3.36000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 3.05625000e+002 3.36000083e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 2.94375000e+002 3.35999917e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 3.00000083e+002 3.30375000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END_ENTITY BEGIN_ENTITY ENTITY_NUMBER 6 ATTRIBUTES 1CAESAR AAA1 C-0O1B—ATLATL INSERTION 4.02000000e+002 3.36000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 3.93000000e+002 3.35999934e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 4.01999934e+002 3.45000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END_ENTITY BEGIN_ENTITY ENTITY_NUMBER 7 ATTRIBUTES 1CAESAR AAA1 C-0OPP—ATLATL 90.00 INSERTION 4.02000017e+002 3.90000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 4.01999934e+002 3.45000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 4.02000099e+002 4.35000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END_ENTITY BEGIN_ENTITY ENTITY_NUMBER 8 ATTRIBUTES 1CAESAR AAA1 C-3O1B—ATLATL INSERTION 4.02000000e+002 4.44000000e+002 1.34700000e+003


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces END 4.02000099e+002 4.35000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 4.02000033e+002 4.44000000e+002 1.33800000e+003 END_ENTITY BEGIN_ENTITY ENTITY_NUMBER 9 ATTRIBUTES 1CAESAR AAA1 C-2OBB—1dLATL INSERTION 4.02000000e+002 4.44000000e+002 1.20000000e+003 END 4.02000000e+002 4.44000000e+002 1.20000000e+003 END 4.02000000e+002 4.43999961e+002 1.20350000e+003 END_ENTITY BEGIN_ENTITY ENTITY_NUMBER 10 ATTRIBUTES 1CAESAR AAA1 C-2OPP—ATLATL 134.50 INSERTION 4.02000017e+002 4.43999981e+002 1.27075000e+003 END 4.02000000e+002 4.43999961e+002 1.20350000e+003 END 4.02000033e+002 4.44000000e+002 1.33800000e+003 END_ENTITY BEGIN_ENTITY ENTITY_NUMBER 11 ATTRIBUTES 1CAESAR AAA1 C-0O1B—ATLATL INSERTION 3.00000000e+002 2.16000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 2.99999967e+002 2.25000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 3.09000000e+002 2.16000033e+002 1.34700000e+003 END_ENTITY BEGIN_ENTITY ENTITY_NUMBER 12 ATTRIBUTES 1CAESAR AAA1 C-0OPP—ATLATL 105.38 INSERTION 3.00000025e+002 2.77687500e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 2.99999967e+002 2.25000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 3.00000083e+002 3.30375000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END_ENTITY BEGIN_ENTITY ENTITY_NUMBER 13 ATTRIBUTES 1CAESAR AAA1 C-0OPP—ATLZTL 69.00 INSERTION 3.43500000e+002 2.16000017e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 3.09000000e+002 2.16000033e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 3.78000000e+002 2.16000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 END_ENTITY BEGIN_ENTITY ENTITY_NUMBER 14 ATTRIBUTES 1CAESAR AAA1 C-0OPP—ATLATL 87.38 INSERTION 3.49312500e+002 3.36000008e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 3.05625000e+002 3.36000083e+002 1.34700000e+003 END 3.93000000e+002 3.35999934e+002 1.34700000e+003 END_ENTITY BEGIN_RUN LINE_NUMBER CAESAR AAA1 BEGIN_COORD 1.80000000e+002 3.00000000e+002 1.20000000e+003 END_COORD 3.00000000e+002 3.36000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 BEGIN_SEGMENT BEGIN_COORD 1.80000000e+002 3.00000000e+002 1.20000000e+003 END_COORD 1.80000000e+002 3.36000000e+002 1.20000000e+003 ENTITY 1 END_SEGMENT

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3.36000000e+002 1.20000000e+003 3.36000000e+002 1.34700000e+003

3.36000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 3.36000000e+002 1.34700000e+003

3.36000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 2.16000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 3.36000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 2.16000000e+002 1.34700000e+003

2.16000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 2.16000000e+002 1.34700000e+003

3.36000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 4.44000000e+002 1.20000000e+003 3.36000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 3.36000000e+002 1.34700000e+003

3.36000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 4.44000000e+002 1.34700000e+003

4.44000000e+002 1.34700000e+003 4.44000000e+002 1.20000000e+003

CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces ENTITY 8 ENTITY 10 ENTITY 9 END_SEGMENT BEGIN_SEGMENT BEGIN_COORD 4.02000000e+002 4.44000000e+002 1.20000000e+003 END_COORD 4.44000000e+002 4.44000000e+002 1.20000000e+003 ENTITY 9 END_SEGMENT END_RUN As the interface runs, status messages display for information purposes. After the transfer is complete, review the log file to insure that there are no unexplained errors or warnings. The log file generated for the above .UDE file is listed as follows. *** CAESAR II / CADPIPE Geometry Translator *** CADPIPE data as read in for NEUTRAL file: NRGTST1.UDE

General Notes This file contains the status of the data conversion from the CADPIPE ISO system to the CAESAR II stress analysis package. The data contained in this file is grouped into three sections: 1. Entity information 2. Segment connectivity information 3. Final interpreted CAESAR II data. Anomalies with final CAESAR II model geometry should be traced through this file, possibly back to the CADPIPE connectivity file. Notes and warning messages are shown below as necessary. Because all required CAESAR II data is not available in the CADPIPE environment, CAESAR II must make certain modeling assumptions. As such, it is important that you verify the following assumptions: 1. Thicknesses of .05 are generated by the software because no match could be found in the standard CAESAR II diameter/thickness tables. This value must be corrected after it is in CAESAR II. 2. Rigid elements are assumed to have a weight of 1.0. This value should be corrected after it is in CAESAR II. 3. Temperatures, pressures, and other loading items are not available for transfer by the interface. 4. Restraint information is not available for transfer by the interface. 5. Material #1 (low carbon steel) is assumed by the interface.

Error Code Statements 1. The item code for this entity indicates that it is a custom bend. The interface makes the transfer assuming it is a long radius elbow. The correction to the proper radius must take place in CAESAR II. 2. The item code for this entity indicates that it is a mitered bend. The interface makes the transfer assuming it is a long radius elbow. The correction to the proper radius and number of cuts must take place in CAESAR II.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces 3. The item code for this entity indicates that it is some type of OLET fitting. Because there is only a single reference to this entity in the CADPIPE neutral file, this segment is not contiguous with the rest of the model in CAESAR II. The interface attempts to connect the OLET as it sees fit. The final geometry should be checked. 4. The item code for this entity is unknown to the current version of the interface. The entity is set to a 2 node, zero length rigid element. You must modify the CAESAR II data to correct this anomaly. 5. The segment being processed referenced an ENTITY that was not defined in the ENTITY Information section of the .UDE file. This indicates some type of error during the generation of the neutral file. Regenerate the neutral file before using the interface again.

CADPIPE LOG File Discussion The log file is useful in identifying problems that may have been encountered by the interface during the data transfer. The log file is divided into the following sections:  Introduction - Lists general notes about the interface and defines the error code. Typically, this is a one-page summary.  Section 1 - Lists the entity information as read from the CADPIPE connectivity file. Each entity is grouped into one of four possible element types, node numbers are assigned, and the coordinate system is rotated to conform to the standard pipe stress coordinate system (Y vertical).  Section 2 - Details the interpretation and model building process.  Section 3 - Lists the final transformed data which the interface system wrote as the CAESAR II input file. The following is a sample log file: Section 1-Entity Information --------------------------------------------------------Element types are: 1 - Pipe 2 - Bend 3 - Intersection 4 - Rigid Interpreted Entity information for: 14 Entities.


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External Interfaces

Section 1 - Entity Information Section 1-Entity Information --------------------------------------------------------Element types are: 1 - Pipe 2 - Bend 3 - Intersection 4 - Rigid Interpreted Entity information for: 14 Entities.

Section 2-Segment Information Processing LINE_NUMBER: CAESAR AAA1 Entity 1 Original nodes: 10. 20. STARTING new segment with new Entity # 1, "FROM" node is 10. CAESAR II type is PIPE Final nodes: 10. 20. Finished processing segment with entities: 1 Entity 1 Original nodes: 10. 20. STARTING new segment with old Entity # 1, "FROM" node is 20. CAESAR II type is 1. Entity 1 PIPE has already been processed. Skip in progress. Entity 2 Original nodes: 30. 40. Final nodes: 20. 40. Entity 3 Original nodes: 50. 60. Switched TO/FROM orientation. Final nodes: 40. 50. Finished processing segment with entities: 1 2 3 Entity 3 Original nodes: 60. 50. STARTING new segment with old Entity # 3, "FROM" node is 50. CAESAR II type is 2. Entity 3 BEND has already been processed. Skip in progress. Entity 4 Original nodes: 70. 80. Final nodes: 50. 80. Entity 5 Original nodes: 90. 100. Resetting element 4 "TO" node from 80. to 100. and adjusting deltas. Finished processing segment with entities: 3 4 5 Processing LINE_NUMBER: CAESAR AAA1 Entity 5 Original nodes: 100. 100. STARTING new segment with old Entity # 5, "FROM" node is 100. CAESAR II type is 3. Entity 5 TEE has already been processed. Skip in progress. Entity 12 Original nodes: 230. 240. Switched TO/FROM orientation. Final nodes: 100. 230. Entity 11 Original nodes: 210. 220. Final nodes: 230. 220. Finished processing segment with entities: 5 12 11 Entity 11 Original nodes: 210. 220. STARTING new segment with old Entity # 11, "FROM" node is 220.

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External Interfaces CAESAR II type is 2. Entity 11 BEND has already been processed. Skip in progress. Entity 13 Original nodes: 250. 260. Final nodes: 220. 260. Finished processing segment with entities: 11 13 Processing LINE_NUMBER: CAESAR AAA1 Entity 5 Original nodes: 100. 100. STARTING new segment with old Entity # 5, "FROM" node is 100. CAESAR II type is 3. Entity 5 TEE has already been processed. Skip in progress. Entity 14 Original nodes: 270. 280. Final nodes: 100. 280. Entity 6 Original nodes: 110. 120. Final nodes: 280. 120. Finished processing segment with entities: 5 14 6 Entity 6 Original nodes: 110. 120. STARTING new segment with old Entity # 6, "FROM" node is 120. CAESAR II type is 2. Entity 6 BEND has already been processed. Skip in progress. Entity 7 Original nodes: 130. 140. Final nodes: 120. 140. Entity 8 Original nodes: 150. 160. Final nodes: 140. 160. Finished processing segment with entities: 6 7 8 Entity 8 Original nodes: 150. 160. STARTING new segment with old Entity # 8, "FROM" node is 160. CAESAR II type is 2. Entity 8 BEND has already been processed. Skip in progress. Entity 10 Original nodes: 190. 200. Switched TO/FROM orientation. Final nodes: 160. 190. Entity 9 Original nodes: 170. 180. Switched TO/FROM orientation. Final nodes: 190. 170. Finished processing segment with entities: 8 10 9 Entity 9 Original nodes: 180. 170. STARTING new segment with old Entity # 9, "FROM" node is 170. CAESAR II type is 1. Entity 9 PIPE has already been processed. Skip in progress. Finished processing segment with entities: 9

Section 3-Final CAESAR II Data *** C A E S A R I I INTERPRETED GEOMETRY DATA *** *** C A E S A R I I INTERPRETED PROPERTY DATA *** Part 1 *** C A E S A R I I INTERPRETED PROPERTY DATA *** Part 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Data transferred to CAESAR II array structures.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces The CAESAR II job file name is: NRGTST._A Starting generation of CAESAR II input file for:  13 Elements  4 Bends  0 Rigids  0 Restraints Conversion of data to CAESAR II completed.

Checking the CADPIPE/CAESAR II Data Transfer It is important to verify the resulting CAESAR II input file. Begin by reviewing the log file to see if any errors or warnings were generated. The log file is a standard ASCII text file that can be output to a printer or viewed with a text editor, such Notepad. Next, enter the input mode of CAESAR II and plot the model. The CAESAR II plot for the CADPIPE data transfer example is shown in the following figure.

If the resulting CAESAR II geometry is inconsistent with the CADPIPE drawing, use the log file to identify the problem: 1. Identify the problem area and locate the relevant elements in Section 3 of the log file. 2. Find the appropriate segment in Section 2 of the log file and verify that it contains the same entities as shown in the CADPIPE connectivity file. 3. Verify that the information in Section 1 of the log file matches the interpreted data in Section 3. Anomalies with the resulting CAESAR II geometry can usually be attributed to one of the following causes:  An unexpected geometry condition was handed to the CAESAR II interface. The solution is to update the interface for the current condition. Forward the .UDE file to Intergraph CAS Support for analysis and subsequent interface modification.

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External Interfaces 

An unknown item code was encountered during the data transfer, indicating that the CADPIPE software has been updated and new item codes added. Because the interface does not recognize the new items, it must be modified. Contact Intergraph CAS Support for assistance. OLET entities in the CADPIPE connectivity file do not contain a reference to the piping element they intersect. As a result, the interface attempts to determine the associated pipe using coordinate computation and 3D intersection calculations. Potentially, the procedure can pass over the intersection point, and the branch containing the OLET plots at the origin of the CAESAR II model. You can correct this in the CAESAR II input by breaking the intersected pipe and assigning the OLET node number to the break point. Some CADPIPE connectivity files that have been submitted to Intergraph CAS for analysis have been found to contain errors consisting of either pipe doubling back on itself or piping elements indicated as bends where there was no change in direction. Errors such as these can be detected by the CAESAR II error checker when it is run prior to attempting the data transfer.

Intergraph Smart 3D PCF Processes a Piping Component File (PCF) or multiple PCFs generated from Intergraph SmartPlant® 3D, and then generates a CAESAR II piping input model file from the conversion information. Both the Intergraph Smart 3D PCF and the PCF menu options in the External Interfaces menu operate the same. See PCF (on page 1009) for detailed information about how this command works.

Intergraph PDS Transfers piping system geometry from an Intergraph neutral file to a standard CAESAR II _A binary input file. The geometry data consists of pipe lengths, diameters, thicknesses, connectivities, and node numbers. All nodal specific quantities, such as loads, displacements, and so forth, must be manually added to the CAESAR II input file. There are three basic steps necessary to generate a CAESAR II input file from an Intergraph neutral file:


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces 1. Click Tools > External Interfaces > Intergraph PDS to create an Intergraph neutral file.

2. Transfer this ASCII file to the CAESAR folder. You can create and transfer as many Intergraph neutral files as necessary. During data transfer, the interface continues to prompt you for neutral file names until you cancel the session. 3. Verify the proper units file is active in the folder in which the neutral file is located. This is necessary for the proper conversion of the data.

File Name Specifies the full path and filename of the neutral file. When you open the software, this field displays the current data path. You can manually add a file name to the end of this string, or click Browse to search for a neutral file.

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External Interfaces

Browse Opens a standard file selection dialog box from which you can search for the appropriate neutral file. You can use the options at the bottom of the dialog box to switch between the neutral file suffix types, such as .N or .NEU.

Minimum Anchor Node Identifies the node number interpreted as the minimum node number for a terminal point in the model. Only change the default value if your Intergraph system has been set up with a different anchor node range.

Maximum Anchor Node Identifies the node number interpreted as the maximum node number for a terminal point in the model. Only change the default value if your Intergraph system has been set up with a different anchor node range.

Start Node Indicates the starting node number in the resulting CAESAR II model. By default, the entire model is renumbered using this value as the starting point. To disable renumbering, you must set this option and Increment (on page 286) to zero.

Increment Defines the value used as a node number increment. This value is used during the renumbering of the model. To disable renumbering, you must set this option and Start Node (on page 286) to zero.

Filter Out Elements Whose Diameter is Less Than Defines the minimum allowed pipe size. Any elements less than this minimum diameter are ignored. This option is used to keep drain lines and taps out of the stress model.

Remove HA Elements Controls whether HA elements are removed. Typically, HA (hanger-support direction) elements should be removed. The support is placed on the pipe where the HA element joins it. Clear this check box to keep HA elements in the stress model.


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External Interfaces

Force Consistent Bend Materials Allows the interface to ensure that all bend elements, incoming and outgoing, have the same material name and properties. Often, bends are given a material specification that is different from that of the attached piping, even though the properties are the same. Select this option to change the material information on the bend elements to that of the attached piping.

Include Additional Bend Nodes Allows the interface to add a mid-point node and a near-point node on bends. Clear this box to cause bends to have only the far-point node.

Enable Advanced Element Sort Allows a second, more thorough sorting of the elements. This sort considers the length of the runs, the diameter, and the elevation in determining where to begin the node numbering sequence. By default, this option is turned on. Turning off this option uses only the first sort where the elements are sorted starting with the largest (diameter) anchor nodes and proceeds to the smallest.

Model TEES as 3 Elements Instructs the software to treat tees as three elements, instead of condensing them down to a point. In either case, the SIF is applied at the tee node. Using three elements allows pipe properties of the tee to differ from those of the attached piping.

Model Rotation The rotation of the +X-axis of the CAESAR II model should be rotated about the vertical axis away from the PCF's East compass point. The default setting is zero, which imposes no rotation. Select +90 to rotate the model a positive 90-degrees. Select -90 to rotate the model a negative 90-degrees. Z can also be vertical based on special execution setting. Alternatively, you can rotate the model after importing it to CAESAR II. Use the Rotate command on the Block Operations toolbar.

Neutral File Weight Units Defines the value for the neutral file weight units. This value allows the software to properly interpret the weight values contained in the neutral file. This is necessary because the neutral file does not indicate the units for the weight values. The value you select should match the corresponding value in the active CAESAR II units file.

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External Interfaces

Neutral File Insulation Units Specifies the value for the neutral file insulation units. This value allows the software to properly interpret the insulation thickness values contained in the neutral file. This is necessary because the neutral file does not indicate the units for insulation thickness values. The value you select should match the corresponding value in the active CAESAR II units file.

Data Modification and Details After the Intergraph PDS data transfer is complete, you can open the CAESAR II input files. You must make the following modifications and additions:  Specification of material properties. Material 1 is assumed, unless a material mapping file is provided.  Specification of temperatures and pressures. The temperature/pressure pairs are assigned to T1, T2, T3 and P1, and P2 in order.  Specification of intersection types. Unreinforced is assumed.  Specification of restraints details. By default, only anchors and double acting supports are detected by the interface. If the exact type of restraint is to be transferred, PDS must be configured to generate the CAESAR II restraint type indicators. These restraint type indicators are shown in the Additional Notes section of the complete Neutral File interface, discussed later in this chapter. These restraint type values must be placed in HA Field 7 of the neutral file.  The fluid density can be transferred into CAESAR II also. Place this density value in Field 7 of the neutral file. The density value should be defined according to the density unit used in the CAESAR II units file, not in terms of specific gravity.  Specification of other loads. The weight of rigid elements can be transferred into CAESAR II for 3W, 4W, AV, RB, and VA type elements. For the weight of these elements to transfer, the weight value must be placed in Field 8.  Insulation thickness and density can also be transferred into CAESAR II. The thickness and density values should be placed in Fields 9 and 10, respectively. In addition, review the log file generated by the interface for any anomalies. The interface sorts the elements and then ensures that diameters and wall thicknesses are defined for each element. Depending on how disorganized the Intergraph neutral file is, some assumptions made by the interface may not be correct and may require you to modify the resulting CAESAR II input file. If the interface encounters any major problems, the process aborts and no CAESAR II input is generated. In these instances, contact Intergraph CAS Support for assistance. If necessary, you can define a material mapping file to relate the material designations in the Intergraph neutral file to the standard CAESAR II materials. You must name this file PDS_MAT.MAP, and place it beneath the application's \SYSTEM subfolder. This mapping file contains two fields of data per line. Field 1 is 5 characters wide, and contains the CAESAR II material number that corresponds to the PDS material name. Field 2 is held in columns 7 through 21 and contains the PDS material name as it appears in the neutral file. Neither of these values should contain a decimal point.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

Example Neutral File from PDS The following is an example neutral file from PDS. ! Model Design file(s) : ZG2:[006,006]MDLTEST.DGN ! : ZG2:[006,006]EQPTEST.DGN ! Line name(s) : P-1002 ! Date : 26-JUL-89 13:58:12 DRAW ,P-1002,P-1002 LOAD, 202000E, 1, 3, 100.00, 300.00, 0.00, 500.00 LOAD, 202000E, 4, 6, 200.00, 400.00, 0.00, 0.00 LSET, 202000E,3,6,5,3 LOAD, 102001F, 1, 3, 100.00, 300.00, 0.00, 500.00 LOAD, 102001F, 4, 6, 200.00, 400.00, 0.00, 0.00 LSET, 102001F,3,6,5,3 LOAD, 202000F, 1, 3, 100.00, 300.00, 0.00, 500.00 LOAD, 202000F, 4, 6, 200.00, 400.00, 0.00, 0.00 LSET, 202000F,3,6,5,3 LOAD, 102001A, 1, 3, 100.00, 300.00, 0.00, 500.00 LOAD, 102001A, 4, 6, 200.00, 400.00, 0.00, 0.00 LSET, 102001A,3,6,5,3 LOAD, 102001D, 1, 3, 100.00, 300.00, 0.00, 500.00 LOAD, 102001D, 4, 6, 200.00, 400.00, 0.00, 0.00 LSET, 102001D,3,6,5,3 LOAD, 1020020, 1, 3, 100.00, 300.00, 0.00, 500.00 LOAD, 1020020, 4, 6, 200.00, 400.00, 0.00, 0.00 LSET, 1020020,3,6,5,3 LOAD, 1020023, 1, 3, 100.00, 300.00, 0.00, 500.00 LOAD, 1020023, 4, 6, 200.00, 400.00, 0.00, 0.00 LSET, 1020023,3,6,5,3 CODE,CODE23,ASME2,1982,D TF, 3020009,16"x10"STDCB390155,,CODE23, 25, 24 PROP,TF, 3020009, 1,A105,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,TF, 3020009, 2,0,0.0,90 PROP,TF, 3020009, 3,16.,16,BE,0.375,, 202000E PROP,TF, 3020009, 4,10.,10.75,BE,0.365,, 102001F RB, 302000B,16"STDCB30255,,CODE23, 901, 26 PROP,RB, 302000B, 1,A234-WPB,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,RB, 302000B, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 202000E PROP,RB, 302000B, 4,0.,0,BW,0.,, 202000E

CAESAR II User's Guide






























External Interfaces PI, 5020013,16"STDCB10075,,CODE23, 26, 25 PROP,PI, 5020013, 1,API-5L-B,0.0000E+00,0.0000E+00,,0,,0.0000E+00 PROP,PI, 5020013, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 202000E PROP,PI, 5020013, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 202000E RB, 302000A,16"STDCB30255,,CODE23, 902, 12 PROP,RB, 302000A, 1,A234-WPB,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,RB, 302000A, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 202000F PROP,RB, 302000A, 4,0.,0,BW,0.,, 202000F TF, 302000C,16"x10"STDCB390155,,CODE23, 15, 14 PROP,TF, 302000C, 1,A105,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,TF, 302000C, 2,0,0.0,90 PROP,TF, 302000C, 3,16.,16,BE,0.375,, 202000F PROP,TF, 302000C, 4,10.,10.75,BE,0.365,, 102001A PI, 5020014,16"STDCB10075,,CODE23, 17, 15 PROP,PI, 5020014, 1,API-5L-B,0.0000E+00,0.0000E+00,,0,,0.0000E+00 PROP,PI, 5020014, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 102001D PROP,PI, 5020014, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 102001D FL, 3020042,10"STDCB20015,,CODE23, 27, 13 PROP,FL, 3020042, 1,A105,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,FL, 3020042, 3,10.,16,WN,0.,CL150, 102001A PROP,FL, 3020042, 4,10.,10.75,BW,0.365,CL150, 102001A PI, 5020015,10"STDCB10075,,CODE23, 14, 13 PROP,PI, 5020015, 1,API-5L-B,0.0000E+00,0.0000E+00,,0,,0.0000E+00 PROP,PI, 5020015, 3,10.,10.75,BW,0.365,, 102001A PROP,PI, 5020015, 4,10.,10.75,BW,0.365,, 102001A TE, 3020008,16"STDCB30245,,CODE23, 22, 17, 20, 951 PROP,TE, 3020008, 1,A234-WPB,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,TE, 3020008, 2,0,0.0,90 PROP,TE, 3020008, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020020 PROP,TE, 3020008, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 102001D PROP,TE, 3020008, 5,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 FL, 3020041,10"STDCB20015,,CODE23, 28, 23 PROP,FL, 3020041, 1,A105,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,FL, 3020041, 3,10.,16,WN,0.,CL150, 102001F PROP,FL, 3020041, 4,10.,10.75,BW,0.365,CL150, 102001F PI, 5020012,10"STDCB10075,,CODE23, 23, 24 PROP,PI, 5020012, 1,API-5L-B,0.0000E+00,0.0000E+00,,0,,0.0000E+00 PROP,PI, 5020012, 3,10.,10.75,BW,0.365,, 102001F PROP,PI, 5020012, 4,10.,10.75,BW,0.365,, 102001F EL, 3020040,16"STDCB30215,,CODE23, 903, 1, 952 PROP,EL, 3020040, 1,A234-WPB,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,EL, 3020040, 2,24,90,0,0. PROP,EL, 3020040, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,EL, 3020040, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 EL, 3020023,16"STDCB30215,,CODE23, 18, 16, 953 PROP,EL, 3020023, 1,A234-WPB,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,EL, 3020023, 2,24,90,0,0. PROP,EL, 3020023, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,EL, 3020023, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 EL, 3020024,16"STDCB30215,,CODE23, 16, 10, 954 PROP,EL, 3020024, 1,A234-WPB,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,EL, 3020024, 2,24,90,0,0. PROP,EL, 3020024, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,EL, 3020024, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces EL, 302002A,16"STDCB30215,,CODE23, 11, 9, 955 PROP,EL, 302002A, 1,A234-WPB,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,EL, 302002A, 2,24,90,0,0. PROP,EL, 302002A, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,EL, 302002A, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 EL, 302002B,16"STDCB30215,,CODE23, 8, 6, 956 PROP,EL, 302002B, 1,A234-WPB,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,EL, 302002B, 2,24,90,0,0. PROP,EL, 302002B, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,EL, 302002B, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 EL, 302003C,16"STDCB30235,,CODE23, 5, 3, 957 PROP,EL, 302003C, 1,A234-WPB,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,EL, 302003C, 2,24.1421,45,0,0. PROP,EL, 302003C, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,EL, 302003C, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 EL, 302003D,16"STDCB30215,,CODE23, 4, 2, 958 PROP,EL, 302003D, 1,A234-WPB,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,EL, 302003D, 2,24,90,0,0. PROP,EL, 302003D, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,EL, 302003D, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PI, 5020016,16"STDCB10075,,CODE23, 19, 18 PROP,PI, 5020016, 1,API-5L-B,0.0000E+00,0.0000E+00,,0,,0.0000E+00 PROP,PI, 5020016, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,PI, 5020016, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PI, 5020018,16"STDCB10075,,CODE23, 10, 11 PROP,PI, 5020018, 1,API-5L-B,0.0000E+00,0.0000E+00,,0,,0.0000E+00 PROP,PI, 5020018, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,PI, 5020018, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PI, 5020019,16"STDCB10075,,CODE23, 9, 8 PROP,PI, 5020019, 1,API-5L-B,0.0000E+00,0.0000E+00,,0,,0.0000E+00 PROP,PI, 5020019, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,PI, 5020019, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PI, 502001A,16"STDCB10075,,CODE23, 6, 7 PROP,PI, 502001A, 1,API-5L-B,0.0000E+00,0.0000E+00,,0,,0.0000E+00 PROP,PI, 502001A, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,PI, 502001A, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PI, 502001B,16"STDCB10075,,CODE23, 3, 4 PROP,PI, 502001B, 1,API-5L-B,0.0000E+00,0.0000E+00,,0,,0.0000E+00 PROP,PI, 502001B, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,PI, 502001B, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PI, 502001C,16"STDCB10075,,CODE23, 2, 1 PROP,PI, 502001C, 1,API-5L-B,0.0000E+00,0.0000E+00,,0,,0.0000E+00 PROP,PI, 502001C, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,PI, 502001C, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 EL, 302003E,16"STDCB30235,,CODE23, 5, 7, 959 PROP,EL, 302003E, 1,A234-WPB,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,EL, 302003E, 2,24.1421,45,0,0. PROP,EL, 302003E, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,EL, 302003E, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 EL, 302005A,16"STDCB30215,,CODE23, 19, 21, 960 PROP,EL, 302005A, 1,A234-WPB,0,0,0,0,0,0. PROP,EL, 302005A, 2,24,90,0,0. PROP,EL, 302005A, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,EL, 302005A, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces PI, 502005E,16"STDCB10075,,CODE23, 21, 20 PROP,PI, 502005E, 1,API-5L-B,0.0000E+00,0.0000E+00,,0,,0.0000E+00 PROP,PI, 502005E, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PROP,PI, 502005E, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020023 PI, 5027531,16"STDCB10075,,CODE23, 25, 22 PROP,PI, 5027531, 1,API-5L-B,0.0000E+00,0.0000E+00,,0,,0.0000E+00 PROP,PI, 5027531, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020020 PROP,PI, 5027531, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 1020020 PI, 5027532,16"STDCB10075,,CODE23, 15, 12 PROP,PI, 5027532, 1,API-5L-B,0.0000E+00,0.0000E+00,,0,,0.0000E+00 PROP,PI, 5027532, 3,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 202000F PROP,PI, 5027532, 4,16.,16,BW,0.375,, 202000F LNOD, 27,RE, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 LNOD, 28,RE, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 NODE, 1, 12024.00, 12000.00, 3011.12, 2, 0.00 NODE, 2, 12044.50, 12000.00, 3011.12, 2, 0.00 NODE, 3, 12068.50, 12000.00, 2470.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 4, 12068.50, 12000.00, 2987.12, 2, 0.00 NODE, 5, 12075.57, 12000.00, 2452.93, 2, 0.00 NODE, 6, 12082.64, 12000.00, 1764.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 7, 12082.64, 12000.00, 2435.86, 2, 0.00 NODE, 8, 12106.64, 12000.00, 1740.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 9, 12168.00, 12000.00, 1740.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 10, 12192.00, 11815.00, 1740.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 11, 12192.00, 11976.00, 1740.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 12, 12198.00, 11911.00, 1644.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 13, 12210.00, 11911.00, 1594.12, 2, 0.00 NODE, 14, 12210.00, 11911.00, 1632.94, 2, 0.00 NODE, 15, 12210.00, 11911.00, 1644.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 16, 12216.00, 11791.00, 1740.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 17, 12228.00, 11911.00, 1644.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 18, 12240.00, 11815.00, 1740.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 19, 12240.00, 11887.00, 1740.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 20, 12240.00, 11911.00, 1656.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 21, 12240.00, 11911.00, 1716.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 22, 12252.00, 11911.00, 1644.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 23, 12270.00, 11911.00, 1594.12, 2, 0.00 NODE, 24, 12270.00, 11911.00, 1632.94, 2, 0.00 NODE, 25, 12270.00, 11911.00, 1644.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 26, 12282.00, 11911.00, 1644.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 27, 12210.00, 11911.00, 1590.05, 2, 0.00 NODE, 28, 12270.00, 11911.00, 1590.05, 2, 0.00 NODE, 901, 12285.50, 11911.00, 1644.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 902, 12194.50, 11911.00, 1644.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 903, 12000.00, 12000.00, 2987.12, 2, 0.00 NODE, 904, 12210.00, 11911.00, 1577.18, 2, 0.00 NODE, 905, 12270.00, 11911.00, 1577.18, 2, 0.00 NODE, 951, 12240.00, 11911.00, 1644.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 952, 12000.00, 12000.00, 3011.12, 2, 0.00 NODE, 953, 12240.00, 11791.00, 1740.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 954, 12192.00, 11791.00, 1740.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 955, 12192.00, 12000.00, 1740.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 956, 12082.64, 12000.00, 1740.00, 2, 0.00 NODE, 957, 12068.50, 12000.00, 2460.00, 2, 0.00


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces NODE, NODE, NODE,

958, 959, 960,

12068.50, 12082.64, 12240.00,

12000.00, 12000.00, 11911.00,

3011.12, 2445.86, 1740.00,

2, 2, 2,

0.00 0.00 0.00

The .LOG file produced by the CAESAR II translator is shown below, followed by a plot of the job from the CAESAR II input module. *** CAESAR II / Intergraph Geometry Translator *** INTERGRAPH DATA AS READ IN FOR FILE: P-1002.NEU Maximum Temperature and Pressure encountered: 300.0 Looking for node: 901 Have sorted element: 1, its location pointer is: 2 Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 10 Looking for node: 26 Have sorted element: 2, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 9 Looking for node: 25 Have sorted element: 3, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 14 Looking for node: 24 Have sorted element: 4, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 9 Looking for node: 23 Have sorted element: 5, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 7 Looking for node:

Looking for node: 15 Have sorted element: 8, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 14

CAESAR II User's Guide






Looking for node: 902 Have sorted element: 6, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 10 Looking for node: 12 Have sorted element: 7, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 9

Looking for node: Have sorted element:


14 9, its location pointer is:






External Interfaces Number of "resume" nodes is: Element type is: 9


Looking for node: 13 Have sorted element: 10, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 7 Looking for node: 27 Looking for node: 903 Have sorted element: 11, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 5 Looking for node: 1 Have sorted element: 12, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 9 Looking for node: 2 Have sorted element: 13, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 5 Looking for node: 4 Have sorted element: 14, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 9 Looking for node: 3 Have sorted element: 15, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 5 Looking for node: 5 Have sorted element: 16, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 5 Looking for node: 7 Have sorted element: 17, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 9 Looking for node: 6 Have sorted element: 18, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 5 Looking for node: 8 Have sorted element: 19, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 9 Looking for node:













CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Have sorted element: 20, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 5 Looking for node: 11 Have sorted element: 21, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 9 Looking for node: 10 Have sorted element: 22, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 5 Looking for node: 16 Have sorted element: 23, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 5 Looking for node: 18 Have sorted element: 24, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 9 Looking for node: 19 Have sorted element: 25, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 5 Looking for node: 21 Have sorted element: 26, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 9 Looking for node: 20 Have sorted element: 27, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 13 Looking for node: 22 Have sorted element: 28, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 1 Element type is: 9 Looking for node:

CAESAR II User's Guide










Looking for node: 17 Have sorted element: 29, its location pointer is: Number of "resume" nodes is: 0 Element type is: 9 Looking for node:





External Interfaces

Intergraph Data After Element Sort


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

Intergraph Data After TEE/Cross Modifications

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces (End nodes replaced with center point, and TEE/CROSS element removed. Modifications also performed on 3 & 4 way valves.)

Intergraph Data After Valve Modifications

(Flange lengths added to valve lengths.) ** BEND MODIFICATION START ** INCOMING ELEMENT: 11 NODES: 1 BEND ELEMENT : 11 NODES: 903 EXITING ELEMENT : 12 NODES: 1 CURRENT COORDINTES FOR ELEMENT: 11 NODE: 1 X, Y, Z = 12024.00 NODE: 903 X, Y, Z = 12000.00 CURRENT COORDINTES FOR ELEMENT: 12 NODE: 1 X, Y, Z = 12024.00 NODE: 2 X, Y, Z = 12044.50 — COMPUTED TANGENT INTERSECTION POINT NODE: 1 X, Y, Z = 12000.00


903 1 2 3011.12 -12000.00 2987.12 -12000.00 3011.12 -12000.00 3011.12 -12000.00 — 3011.12 -12000.00

CAESAR II User's Guide


CAESAR II User's Guide

2 4 3 2987.12 -12000.00 3011.12 -12000.00 2987.12 -12000.00 2470.00 -12000.00 — 3011.12 -12000.00 3 5 7 2452.93 -12000.00 2470.00 -12000.00 2452.93 -12000.00 2435.86 -12000.00 — 2460.00 -12000.00 5 7 6 2435.86 -12000.00 2460.00 -12000.00 2435.86 -12000.00 1764.00 -12000.00 — 2445.86 -12000.00 6 8 9 1740.00 -12000.00 1764.00 -12000.00 1740.00 -12000.00 1740.00 -12000.00 — 1740.00 -12000.00 9 11 10 1740.00 -11976.00


External Interfaces



1740.00 -12000.00


— 1740.00 -11791.00

1740.00 -11976.00 1740.00 -11815.00 — 1740.00 -12000.00 10 16 18 1740.00 -11791.00 1740.00 -11815.00 1740.00 -11791.00 1740.00 -11815.00

16 18 19 1740.00 -11815.00 1740.00 -11791.00 1740.00 -11815.00 1740.00 -11887.00 — 1740.00 -11791.00 19 21 951 1716.00 -11911.00 1740.00 -11887.00 1716.00 -11911.00 1644.00 -11911.00 — 1740.00 -11911.00

CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

Intergraph Data After Bend Modifications

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

(Far Weld Line Nodal coordinates changed to Tangent Intersection Point coordinates) DATA FOR PROPERTY ARRAY WITH # ENTRIES = 5 LOCATIONS 1-11 LOCATIONS 1, 12-20 *** CAESAR II INTERPRETED GEOMETRY DATA *** *** CAESAR II INTERPRETED PROPERTY DATA *** Part 1 *** CAESAR II INTERPRETED PROPERTY DATA *** Part 2


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

The CAESAR II job file name is P-1002_A Y Starting generation of CAESAR II input file for:  28 elements  9 Bends  2 Rigids  2 Restraints


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Conversion of data to CAESAR II completed.

PCF Processes a single Piping Component File (PCF) or multiple PCFs, and then generates a CAESAR II piping input model file from the conversion information. The goal of the conversion process is:  To create a CAESAR II model that is complete, ready to run, and contains no errors.  To provide a method for stress engineers to quickly and accurately collect data. After the PCF is created from external software, it can be converted to a CAESAR II piping input model file. The Intergraph Smart3D PCF and the PCF menu options in the External Interfaces menu operate the same. The PCF file format is a standard drawing exchange format developed by Alias Ltd. The PCF is a flat text file containing detailed information about the piping system components. The information is extracted from a CAD system. Details on the format of the PCF and its capabilities can be obtained from Alias. A valid PCF has a .pcf file extension name.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

PCF Interface Custom Attributes PCFs contain custom attributes in the form of component-attribute. Intergraph Smart 3D can generate PCFs with ISO_STRESS PCF configuration. This configuration assures that a number of various data fields are passed in specific PCF data fields.  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE1 = Design pressure  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE2 = Maximum temperature  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE3 = Material name  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE4 = Wall thickness (reducing thickness in the case of reducing components)  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE5 = Insulation thickness  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE6 = Insulation density  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE7 = Corrosion allowance  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE8 = Component weight  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE9 = Fluid density  COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE10 = Hydro test pressure The units associated with the values of these attributes are defined by including a descriptive unit label after the value. For example, the pressure attribute, COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE1, can be specified as COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE1 15.3 barg. If the unit label chosen (barg) is not one of the labels recognized by CAESAR II as defined through Tools > Create/Review Units on the CAESAR II Main menu, then you must include that label in the PCF_UNITS_MAP.TXT file in the CAESAR II System folder. 

The only PCF SUPPORT attribute that is not ignored is the SUPPORT-DIRECTION attribute. It must have a value of UP, DOWN, EAST, WEST, NORTH, or SOUTH.  One note on the Material Number setting is that the selected material is applied to a piping element as the default only if the PCF COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE3 for that element is not specified or recognized. You can achieve the best results by preparing customized mapping files before beginning the conversion process. You may use default mapping files if the values fit our model. There are a number of mapping files that define various values. Locate these files in the CAESAR II System folder.

PCF Unit Mapping The PCF_UNITS_MAP.TXT file maps the PCF Units name to the conversion factor used to convert it to the CAESAR II internal units (English). This file defines three columns: CAESAR II Unit

Displays the internal unit used by the software

PCF Unit

Displays the user-supplied unit label

Conversion from CAESAR II -> PCF

Displays the conversion factor used to convert the user-supplied unit to a CAESAR II internal unit

Comments can be added at the end of each line separated from the last column value by spaces and preceded by the "*" character.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces All PCF component attributes can be specified inside the PCF with their associated units. Any unit specified by the PCF component attributes which is not a standard internal CAESAR II unit as defined by the Tools > Create/Review Units dialog box on the CAESAR II Main menu needs to be mapped inside the PCF_UNITS_MAP.TXT file. CAESAR II divides the user-supplied value by this constant to calculate the value for the attribute that is displayed by the software according to the units specified in the configuration options (except that temperature from C° to F° will also add the 32 °).

To Modify the PCF_UNITS_MAP.TXT File Locate this file in the CAESAR II System folder. This is an optional task. You can review the default file and determine if you need to make changes to fit your model. 1. Open the PCF_UNITS_MAP.TXT file in any text editor, such as Notepad. An example of the CAESAR II default file is shown below.

2. Modify any of the units definitions or add another unit definition as needed. 3. Save, and close the file.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

PCF Material Mapping The PCF_MAT_MAP.TXT file maps PCF material names to a corresponding CAESAR II material number. Note that the first line is currently reserved to the CAESAR II version number. The match in this file must be an exact match. If no match is found, then the software searches the CAESAR II material database to find the "best match" (where the "best match" tries to do an intelligent match, adjusting for dashes, spaces, "GR", "SA" versus "A", and so forth) for the material name. PCF COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE3 is used by the software to set the material attribute for each component. If the COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE3 value is not defined or recognized, the software applies the default material as specified by the Material Number value in the dialog box. Any material specified by the PCF COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE3 which is not a standard CAESAR II material as defined in the Tools > Material Data Base dialog under the Material > Edit… menu must be mapped inside the PCF_MAT_MAP.TXT file.

To Modify the PCF_MAT_MAP.TXT File This file is located in the CAESAR II System folder. This is an optional task. You can review the default file and determine if you need to make changes to fit your model. 1. Open the PCF_MAT_MAP.TXT file in any text viewer, such as Notepad. The CAESAR II default file looks like this.

2. Modify any of the materials definitions. 3. Save and close the file.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

PCF Restraint Mapping The PCF_RES_MAP.TXT file defines the CAESAR II restraint types corresponding to PCF support/restraint names. The PCF SUPPORT attribute is used by CAESAR II to apply supports at the specified coordinates. Only the SUPPORT-DIRECTION identifier is interpreted by the software if no match is found for a particular support NAME in the PCF_RES_MAP.TXT file. The SUPPORT-DIRECTION identifier must have a value of UP, DOWN, EAST, WEST, NORTH, or SOUTH. In order to fine-tune the support configuration placed on the imported model by CAESAR II for a given PCF SUPPORT component, the PCF support NAME identifier value needs to be mapped in the PCF_RES_MAP.TXT file. The example below shows a typical PCF SUPPORT component, highlighting the support NAME value which should be used to define CAESAR II support mapping.

To Modify the PCF_RES_MAP.TXT File Locate the file in the CAESAR II system folder. This is an optional task. You can review the default file and determine if you need to make changes to fit your model. This file defines the CAESAR II function corresponding to PCF support/restraint names. 1. Open the PCF_RES_MAP.TXT file in any text editor, such as Notepad. 2. Modify any of the restraints definitions. 3. Save, and close the file. In the example, the Support type VG100 corresponds functionally to two CAESAR II supports:  +Vertical support (weight support)  Guide, each with friction coefficients equal to 0.3

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces This file supports a wide range of support functions, plus the key words MU= (for friction) and GAP= (to define gaps in the restraint).

Syntax for each support type is: - CAESAR II considers a matching as any PCF support/restraint name that contains this (not an exact match). Best results are achieved if the are listed in order of longest names to shortest names. Otherwise VG1" might register as a match before VG100 is processed. - Followed by N lines of: This means how many CAESAR II restraints need to get placed on the corresponding Restraint auxiliary screen. N should be limited to 4 or less. - This is defined in terms of CAESAR II function (GUI, LIM, VHGR, and so forth.), Global Axes (VERT, NS, EW, and so forth), or Local Axes (A, B, C, and so forth):  ANC, GUI, LIM, VHGR, CHGR – These create a CAESAR II Anchor, Guide, Axial Restraint, Variable Hanger, or Constant Hanger, respectively. The last two create to-be-designed hangers, which may end up as either variable or constant hangers.  VERT, EW, NS – These create translational restraints corresponding to the compass points of the global axes (Y, X, Z respectively for the Y-up setting, and Z, X, Y respectively for the Z-up setting). See the figure below. One-way restraints may be created by prefixing with "+" or "-".


A, B, C – These create translational restraints corresponding to the local axes of the support/pipe installation. The A corresponds to the centerline of the pipe, B corresponds to

CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces the "direction" attributed to the support, and C corresponds to the cross-product of the A and B axes. As with the global restraints, one-way restraints may be created by prefixing with + or -. See the figure below.

Optional keyword followed by a value for adding a friction coefficient to the restraint (not valid with ANC, VHGR, CHGR). Optional keyword followed by a value and set of units for adding a gap to the restraint (not valid with ANC, VHGR, CHGR). The software also processes equipment nozzles designated by the END-CONNECTION-EQUIPMENT keyword as imposed thermal displacements in all degrees of freedom, all with values of 0.0. This creates an initial behavior of an anchor, but allows you to easily impose actual thermal displacements when known.

Examples The examples below illustrate typical restraint configurations, along with suggested mapping entries. Variable Spring Hanger

These represent variable spring hangers, and are mapped onto a single CAESAR II support (= VHGR). This is interpreted as a program-designed spring hanger in CAESAR II.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

Constant Effort Spring Hanger This represents a constant effort spring hanger, and thus is mapped onto a single CAESAR II support (= CHGR). This is treated as a program-designed spring hanger in CAESAR II. Note that it is identical to the VHGR shown in the figure above.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces These hanger rod assemblies only resist downward (weight) loads, and allow upward movement. In CAESAR II, they are typically modeled as +Y (or +Z, depending on how the vertical axis is set).

These sliding supports only resist downward (weight) loads, and allow upward movement. They are represented as a single +VERT support. However, since they slide against a base, most stress analysts prefer to add a friction coefficient (MU=x.xx).

YRIGID 1 VERT MU=0.3 or YRIGID 1 B MU=0.3 These restraints resist load/movement in both directions (so the "+" of the previous two supports is eliminated). If the restraint is always installed vertically, then use the first definition (VERT). If the restraint is installed in any direction (for example, vertically or horizontally), use the second definition B, indicating that it acts along the installed support direction. This assumes that the

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces installed direction of the restraint is always defined as the direction from the main steel towards the pipe. Since sliding is involved, a friction coefficient is included as well.

UGUIDE 1 GUI MU=0.3 or UGUIDE 1 C MU=0.3 If this restraint is always installed vertically on horizontal lines (as shown in the figure above), then the support function can always be modeled as a Guide (with sliding friction). If the restraint may be installed in any direction at all (with restraint direction corresponding to the direction of the attachment point toward the pipe), then use the second definition (C) as it represents the direction lateral to the pipe and the restraint.

TEESUPPORT 2 +VERT MU=0.3 GUI MU=0.3 This restraint maps to two functions:  +VERTical  GUIde


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Since sliding is involved in both functions, friction coefficients are provided for both.

VERTLATERAL 2 VERT MU=0.3 GUI MU=0.3 or VERTLATERAL 2 B MU=0.3 C MU=0.3 This restraint maps to two functions:  up/down restraint  side-to-side restraint If it is always installed vertically, then it is defined as a VERTical and a GUIde. If it is possible that the restraint may be rotated about the pipe to be installed in any direction, then use the second definition, which represents restraint along the direction of the support as well as lateral to the support and pipe.

VERTAXIAL 2 +VERT MU=0.3 LIM MU=0.3 or VERTAXIAL 2 +VERT MU=0.3 A MU=0.3 This restraint maps to two functions:  +VERT support

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces 

An axial restraint. The axial restraint can be defined equally as LIM or A (as A corresponds to restraint along the direction of the pipe centerline).

SWAYSTRUT 1 B These represent sway struts, which may be installed in any direction, and provide restraint along the line of action of the sway strut. Assuming that the restraint direction corresponds to the direction of the sway strut, then the best way to define these restraints is B (restraint along the support direction).




CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces These restraints all restrict movement of the pipe in all six degrees-of-freedom, so they can be defined as Anchors ("ANC").



In the example above, the pipe (and the local A-axis) is running into the page. With B up, +C is to the right. Some of these can get quite complex, especially if restraints have different gaps in different directions. It may require trial and error to determine exactly how the +/- restraint directions correspond to the support direction passed in the PCF. In some cases, you may want to model the restraint behavior in CAESAR II rather than in the mapping file.

PCF Stress Intensification Factor Mapping The PCF_SIF_MAP.TXT file defines the CAESAR II SIF data to be applied at the intersection of tees and olets. The file also provides support for some SIF keywords. Stress Intensification Factors (SIF) are not assigned a separate PCF COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE or defined in any other way inside PCFs. In order to tune Stress Intensification Factor settings of imported PCF components, CAESAR II provides the PCF_SIF_MAP.TXT mapping file. The file defines five columns: SKEYS

PCF components use SKEYS to indicate how their subtype is used within the general component group.


Should be set to the SIF type number used by CAESAR II as shown in the CAESAR II SIF TYPE figure below.


(optional) Should be set to the SIF pad thickness, including the applicable unit (for example, PAD=10 MM)


(optional) Should be set to the in-plane SIF of the component. This is a multiplier, and therefore unit-less (for example, Ii=1.23)

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces Io=X.XX

(optional) Should be set to the out-plane SIF of the component. This is a multiplier, and therefore unit-less (for example, Io=2.34)

Applying the above example values to set the TERF SKEY to the associated reinforced type requires the following mapping entry to be specified inside the PCF_RES_MAP.TXT file: TERF 1 PAD=10 MM Ii=1.23 Io=2.34 Each PCF component defines an SKEY. For an example, see the SUPPORT component identifier listed in the figure in PCF Restraint Mapping (see "PCF Restraint Mapping" on page 273) (SKEY 01HG). In this case, these are typically four-character words indicating tee type (CROSS, OLET) and end type. The PCF menu command matches the SKEYS to the entries in this mapping file. If an SKEY is not found in this file, you should add it.

To Modify the PCF_SIF_MAP.TXT File Locate this file in the CAESAR II system folder. This step is strongly recommended in order to take advantage of the capabilities of the PCF menu command.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces 1. Open the PCF_SIF_MAP.TXT file in any text editor, such as Notepad.

2. Modify any of the SIF definitions. 3. Save, and close the file.

How to Use the PCF Interface 1. Click Tools > External Interfaces > PCF or Tools > External Interfaces > Intergraph Smart3D PCF from the Main menu. The Intergraph Smart3D PCF and the PCF options are identical.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces The PCF Interface dialog box displays.

2. Click Add PCF Files to Conversion List

on the toolbar.

  

A PCF must have a file extension of .pcf. You can add one or multiple files to be converted. You can remove PCF(s) from the list by clicking Remove PCF Files from the Conversion List . The selected file(s) displays in the PCF Files section of the dialog box. The default corresponding CAESAR II input file that will be built from the conversion process displays in the CAESAR II Files section of the dialog box. You can change the path by clicking the "..." ellipsis button and selecting another path. 3. Change any of the options listed under Conversion Options, as needed.  Condense Rigids (on page 286)  Condense Tees (on page 1027)  Condense Elbows (on page 286)  Use Pipe Materials Only (on page 286)


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces     

Combine PCF Files (on page 287) Model Rotation (on page 287) Diameter Limit (on page 287) Material Number (on page 287) Pipe Schedule/Wall Thickness (on page 287)

4. Click Convert selected PCF files into CAESAR II to initiate the conversion process. During the conversion process, status messages display in the Message Area, which is located in the lower right of the PCF Interface dialog box. These messages are also written to a LOG file with the name XXXX.LOG, where XXXX represents the name (less the extension) of the combined CAESAR II file. The log file is placed in the selected CAESAR II output file folder.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces 5. View your new CAESAR II input model. For example, this CAESAR II model was created from the sample file 1001-P.PCF:

 

  

 


Elements are ordered and nodes are numbered in a logical manner. The following attributes transfer correctly from the PCF_UNITS_ MAP_TXT file.  Materials  Diameter and Wall Thickness  Corrosion Allowance and Fluid Density  Operating Conditions (Temperature and Pressures) also are translated. The following attributes transfer correctly from the PCF_RES_MAP.TXT file.  Restraints The following attributes transfer correctly from the PCF_SIF_MAP.TXT file.  Tees convert with the correct SIFs – in this case a Welding Tee and a Weldolet. Besides supports/restraints, boundary conditions such as equipment connections are also transferred. (In this example, all three nozzle connections are set.) You can easily change these to thermal displacements. Weights of in-line components, insulation thickness and density, all material properties, and Allowable Stress information transfer correctly. Line numbers are assigned according to the name of the PCF file.

CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces In this example, the output displays the applicable CAESAR II warnings, which are informational only.  Phantom components (PCF items marked as CONTINUATION or STATUS DOTTED or MATERIAL LIST EXCLUDE) are ignored during the conversion process.  Tee components are modeled using the thickness of the matching pipe.  Node Numbering preferences (start node and increment) are based on the Node Numbering Increment set in the active CAESAR II Configuration file.

Add PCF Files to Conversion List Select PCF(s) for conversion. You can also select a text file (*.txt) that contains a list of PCFs.

Remove PCF Files from Conversion List Remove selected PCF(s) from the Conversion List pane.

Convert selected files into CAESAR II format

Initiates the conversion process to convert a PCF(s) to a standard CAESAR II piping input file.

Condense Rigids Instructs the software to combine rigids that connect to each other into a single element. This indicates whether these items should be condensed/merged into adjacent elements. For example, a valve with adjacent gaskets and flanges would be combined into a single rigid element. If activated, then elements are condensed/merged unless there is a valid reason not to (change of cross section, change of operating conditions, restraint at the location, and so forth). The default value is TRUE.

Condense Tees When set to TRUE, this directive instructs the software NOT to treat tees as three elements but instead condense them to a single node. The SIF is applied at the tee node. The use of the three elements allows pipe properties of the tee to differ from the attached piping. The default value is TRUE.

Condense Elbows Controls whether the software treats elbows as two designated elements. When set to TRUE, this directive instructs the software NOT to treat elbows as two designated elements. Rather, it is condensed into its adjacent elements for each direction in which the elbow travels. The default value is TRUE.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

Use Pipe Materials Only Instructs the software to apply pipe materials only as defined by the PCF COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE3 identifiers. Activating this option replaces the material of various components (elbows, valves, flanges, reducers, tees, and so forth) with the appropriate piping material, where possible, leading to a much more homogenous CAESAR II model. Matching components to their corresponding piping material is done by assembling a matrix of Pipe Spec/diameter combinations, based the available data transmitted in the PCF. Where an exact match is available, the material substitution is made. Where piping materials are available for the Pipe Spec but not the diameter, a match is made to the closest diameter. Where no piping material is available for the Pipe Spec, the component material is retained. For example, A106 Grade B would be applied but A234 Grade WPB would be ignored. If you choose to condense Rigids, Tees, or Elbows, set Use Pipe Materials Only to TRUE.

Combine PCF Files Converts and combines PCFs in the dialog box into a single CAESAR II model. You are prompted for the name of the combined CAESAR II file. When you merge multiple PCFs into a single CAESAR II model using Combine PCF Files, line numbers are assigned based on the originating PCF name.

Model Rotation The rotation of the +X-axis of the CAESAR II model should be rotated about the vertical axis away from the PCF's East compass point. The default setting is zero, which imposes no rotation. Select +90 to rotate the model a positive 90-degrees. Select -90 to rotate the model a negative 90-degrees. Z can also be vertical based on special execution setting. Alternatively, you can rotate the model after importing it to CAESAR II. Use the Rotate command on the Block Operations toolbar.

Diameter Limit Use this to exclude the processing of small pipes, such as vents and drains, by specifying the size (nominal diameter) below which pipes will be ignored. Enter a diameter limit of -1.000 to include all pipe sizes that you want to import into CAESAR II.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

Material Number Select the CAESAR II material to be assigned to components which do not have the material attribute explicitly set otherwise. The default is low carbon steel (material number 1).

Pipe Schedule/Wall Thickness Select the default schedule of the pipe to be used in case the wall thickness of the pipe cannot be determined from the PCF.

PRO-ISO Provides a one-way transfer of the geometry data from PRO-ISO to CAESAR II. The geometry data consists of the pipe lengths, diameters, thicknesses, connectivities, and node numbers. You must add all nodal specific quantities (restraints, loads, and displacements, for example) to the CAESAR II input file in the usual manner. Select Tools > External Interfaces > PRO-ISO and enter the name of the PRO-ISO neutral file. After you specify the name of the file (without an extension), the transfer process occurs, and the interface prompts for another neutral file name. This process continues until you have completed the transfer. The neutral files generated by the interface have the suffixes .PI1 and .PI2. The neutral files read by the interface must be generated by the PRO-ISO application. Details of this step can be found in the PRO-ISO documentation. The PRO-ISO neutral files must be transferred into the CAESAR II directory so that they are available to the interface. The interface reads the PRO-ISO neutral files and generates the CAESAR II input file and a log file of the transfer process. Check the data in both the CAESAR II input file and the log file for consistency and any assumptions made by the interface. The data transferred (and the data structure) is described below. In the first file, a record is required for each piece of pipe in the system. A "pipe" in this sense is an entity between two nodes, which could be a pipe or a rigid element. There are 12 values per entry and all values must be specified. Field 1 - ELMT

Enter the pipe element number, which may correspond to an entry in the second file. This is also the pipe/element number in the model. These values must be sequential from 1.

Field 2 - N1

Enter the From node number (for example, the starting node for the element). These values must be greater than zero and less than 32000.

Field 3 - N2

Enter the To node number (for example, the ending node for the element). These values must be greater than zero and less than 32000.

Field 4 - DX

Enter the Delta X dimension for the element. This is the distance between N1 and N2 in the X direction.

Field 5 - DY

Enter the Delta Y dimension for the element. This is the distance between N1 and N2 in the Y direction. In CAESAR II, Y is vertical.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces


Field 6 - DZ

Enter the Delta Z dimension for the element. This is the distance between N1 and N2 in the Z direction.

Field 7 - DIAM

Enter the outer pipe diameter.

Field 8 - THK

Enter the pipe wall thickness.

Field 9 - ANCH

Indicate a restraint (support) indicator flag. If ANCH is 1, then there is a restraint on N1. If ANCH is 2, then there is a restraint on N2. The type of restraint can be obtained from the second file.

Field 10 - BND

Indicate the presence of a bend at the N2 end of the element. If BND is 1, there is a bend at N2. If BND is 0, this is a straight pipe.

Field 11 - BRAD

Specify the bend radius if the bend is not a long radius bend.

Field 12 - RIGD

Indicate the current element is a rigid element. The weight of the element can be obtained from the second file. Records in the second file are only necessary when additional data is required. This means there is always a record in the second file for pipe element #1 (this could be the only entry in the file). Additional entries contain some type of data change normally duplicated forward by CAESAR II.

Field 1 - ELMT

Enter the pipe element number, which corresponds to an entry in the first file. This is also a pipe/element number in the model. These numbers are sequential from 1.

Field 2 - TEMP1

Enter the operating temperature for load case 1. This is found by scanning the PRO-ISO data for the maximum temperature.

Field 3 PRESS1

Enter the operating pressure for load case 1. This is found by scanning the PRO-ISO data for the maximum pressure.

Field 4 RGDWGT

Enter the weight of rigid elements. This entry is only required if the "RIGID" flag was set in the first file.

Field 5 TEEFLG

Enter one of the following values to indicate the "TEE" type: 1 - reinforced 2 - unreinforced 3 - welding tee 4 - sweepolet 5 - weldolet 6 - extruded welding tee

CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces Field 6 RESTYP

Enter one of the following values to indicate the restraint (support) type indicator: 0 - anchor 1 - double acting X 2 - double acting Y 3 - double acting Z 4 - double acting RX 5 - double acting RY 6 - double acting RZ

Field 7 - RINFO1 Enter the restraint stiffness. Field 8 - RINFO2 Enter the restraint gap Field 9 - RINFO3 Enter the restraint friction coefficient. Field 10 - MATID Enter the CAESAR II material ID value. If the coefficient of expansion is to be changed, it must be entered in the Temperature field above (Field 2). Field 11 - EMOD Enter the Young‘s modulus value. Field 12 - POIS

Enter the Poisson‘s ratio value.

Field 13 GAMMA

Enter the weight density of the material.

Field 14 INSTHK

Enter the insulation thickness.

Field 15 INSWGT

Enter the weight density of the insulation material.

Field 16 FLDWGT

Enter the weight density of the pipe contents (fluid).

Field 17 TEENOD

Enter the element node number where there is a tee.

Field 18


Field 19


Field 20


CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

PRO-ISO Example Transfer Listed below are example neutral files produced by the PRO-ISO interface. The field width for each value is actually 13 characters. The figures in this section have been compressed for the documentation.

As the interface runs, the system displays status messages. After the transfer is complete, you can review the .LOG file generated. An example log file is shown below. *** CAESAR II / ADEV Geometry Translator *** ADEV data as read in for GEOMETRY file: TEST1.PI1 PROPERTY file: TEST1.PI2 Starting read of CAD neutral files. CAD geometry successfully read. CAD properties successfully read. *** C A E S A R I I INTERPRETED GEOMETRY DATA ***


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces *** C A E S A R II INTERPRETED PROPERTY DATA *** Part 1

*** C A E S A R II INTERPRETED PROPERTY DATA *** Part 2 Data transferred to CAESAR II array structures. The CAESAR II job file name is: TEST1._A Starting generation of CAESAR II input file for: 15 Elements 2 Bends 1 Rigids 5 Restraints Conversion of data to CAESAR II completed.

Check the PRO-ISO/CAESAR II Data Transfer You must verify the resulting CAESAR II input file. 1. Review the log file to see if any errors or warnings were generated. (The .LOG file is a standard ASCII text file that can be printed or scanned read using any standard text editor.)

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces 2. Enter the input mode of the interface and plot the model. The CAESAR II plot for the example transfer file (see PRO-ISO Example Transfer (on page 1032)) is shown in the figure below.

LIQT Reads the output file generated by LIQT, extracts the information needed, and generates the response spectra. The LIQT interface generates CAESAR II dynamic input data files containing response spectra for input files. The spectra input files contain the dynamic pipe forces. These time history loads are determined by the Stoner Associates, Inc. (SAI) LIQT package from pressure transient loading. Then, the generated response spectrum files can be used for the dynamic analysis in CAESAR II.

Technical Discussion of LIQT Interface Normal piping system operating procedures such as pump start-up and shutdown, valve closure, and unexpected events such as power failure, may produce unsteady pressure-flow conditions. A piping system with rapid pressure-flow variations must be carefully designed to prevent devastating results. The SAI LIQT package performs the analysis and simulation of the unsteady flow situations for a particular liquid piping system, and generates the piping load time histories for the pressure transient of this particular liquid piping system. In the dynamic analysis module of CAESAR II, a response spectrum can be generated from the input of time history pulse. However, there are typically too many data points from a time history analysis for you to manually input the data into CAESAR II. The LIQT interface bridges the gap between the SAI LIQT package and the CAESAR II dynamic analysis module. After the time history loads have been generated by the SAI LIQT package, the CAESAR II LIQT Interface extracts the dynamic pipe forces from the LIQT generated file, and computes the


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces response spectrum. Afterward, the response spectrum can be used as the DLF curve for the dynamic analysis in CAESAR II. The response spectrum is a plot giving the maximum response of all possible linear one-degree of freedom systems because of a given input, which is a force. The abscissa of the spectrum is the frequency axis, and the ordinate is the maximum response such as the dynamic load factor (DLF). The DLF is the ratio of the dynamic deflection at any time to the deflection which would have resulted from the static application of the load. In cases where the applied load is not constant, the maximum load that occurs at any time during the period of interest is taken. The dynamic load factor is non-dimensional and independent of the magnitude of load. The following examples illustrate the characteristics of the DLF curve in terms of the magnitude and the duration of the load.

How to Use the LIQT Interface When you reach the LIQT interface, enter the following input to process the LIQT data:  LIQT output file name. (This file is generated by SAI‘s LIQT package with extension .FRC)  Names of LIQT nodes identifying pipes for which response spectra are to be generated.  Corresponding CAESAR II node numbers for the LIQT pipes.  Maximum number of points on each generated response spectrum curve.  Frequency cut-off value. After the proper input data is acquired, the LIQT interface module starts the data transfer. During the computation, you can monitor the process status. Click Cancel at any time to stop the computation. The resulting force spectrum files (DLF curves) are written to the CAESAR II data directory during the computation phase of the software. The names of generated force spectrum files have the following format: L*.DLF where "*" is the user CAESAR II node number in the piping model that corresponds to the equivalent LIQT pipe name. When all computations have completed, you are returned to the CAESAR II Main menu.

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External Interfaces

Example 1 Find the DLF response spectrum of the trapezoidal pulse loads shown in the following figure.


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External Interfaces Solution: The response spectra generated from all four pulse loads are identical, as displayed below.

The result shows that the DLF curve is independent of the magnitude of the pulse load.

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External Interfaces

Example 2 Find the response spectrum of the following trapezoidal pulse loads.


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External Interfaces

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External Interfaces Solution: The plotted results displayed below shows that the longer the duration of the force, the higher the DLF. The triangular pulse, which has a duration of zero, generates the lowest DLF curve.

AFT IMPULSE Generates CAESAR II dynamic input data files containing response spectra. Response spectra input files contain dynamic pipe forces. These time history loads are determined from pressure transient loading by the AFT Impulse software. CAESAR II reads the output file generated by AFT Impulse, extracts the information needed, and generates the response spectra. The generated response spectrum files can then be used for the dynamic analysis in CAESAR II.

How to Use the AFT IMPULSE Interface 1. Click Tools > External Interfaces > AFT IMPULSE from the Main menu. The AFT IMPULSE dialog box displays. 2. Enter the following inputs to process the AFT IMPULSE data:  AFT IMPULSE output file name. (This file is generated by AFT IMPULSE with extension .FRC.)  Names of AFT IMPULSE pipes for which response spectra are to be generated  Corresponding CAESAR II node numbers for the AFT IMPULSE pipes  Maximum number of points on each generated response spectrum curve  Frequency cut-off value The data transfer begins. During the computation, you can monitor the process status. 3. Click Cancel at any time to stop the computation.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces The resulting force spectrum files (DLF curves) are written to the CAESAR II data directory during the computation phase of the transfer. The names of generated force spectrum files have the following format: P*.DLF where "*" is your CAESAR II node number in the piping model that corresponds to the equivalent AFT IMPULSE pipe name. The AFT IMPULSE interface creates a complete CAESAR II Dynamic Input file including spectrum definition, force sets, load cases, and combination load cases. The resulting input file is ready to be run, or you can further modify it. When all computations have completed, the CAESAR II Main menu displays.

PIPENET Generates CAESAR II dynamic input data files containing response spectra. Response spectra input files contain dynamic pipe forces. These time history loads are determined from pressure transient loading by the Sunrise System's PIPENET package. The PIPENET interface reads the output file generated by PIPENET, extracts the information needed, and generates the response spectra. The generated response spectrum files can then be used for the dynamic analysis in CAESAR II.

Technical Discussion of the PIPENET Interface Normal piping system operating procedures such as pump start-up and shutdown, valve closure, and unexpected events such as power failure, may produce unsteady pressure-flow conditions. A piping system with rapid pressure-flow variations must be carefully designed to prevent devastating results. PIPENET performs the analysis and simulation of the unsteady flow situations for a particular liquid piping system, and generates the piping load time histories for the pressure transient of this particular liquid piping system. In the dynamic analysis module of CAESAR II, a response spectrum can be generated from the input of time history pulse. However, there are typically too many data points from a time history analysis to manually input the data into CAESAR II. The CAESAR II PIPENET Transfer Interface bridges the gap between PIPENET and the CAESAR II dynamic analysis module. After the time history loads have been generated by PIPENET, the CAESAR II PIPENET Interface extracts the dynamic pipe forces from the PIPENET generated file, and computes the response spectrum. Afterward, the response spectrum can be used as the DLF curve for the dynamic analysis in CAESAR II. The response spectrum is a plot giving the maximum response of all possible linear, one-degree of freedom systems because of a given input, which is a force. The abscissa of the spectrum is the frequency axis, and the ordinate is the maximum response, such as dynamic load factor (DLF). The DLF is the ratio of the dynamic deflection at any time to the deflection that would have resulted from the static application of the load. In cases where the applied load is not constant, the maximum load, which occurs at any time during the period of interest, is taken. The dynamic load factor is non-dimensional and independent of the magnitude of load.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

How to Use the CAESAR II / PIPENET Interface 1. Click Tools > External Interfaces > PIPENET from the Main menu. The PIPENET dialog box displays. 2. Enter the following inputs to process the PIPENET data:  PIPENET output file name. (This file is generated by Sunrise System's PIPENET package with extension .FRC.)  Names of PIPENET pipes for which response spectra are to be generated  Corresponding CAESAR II node numbers for the PIPENET pipes  Maximum number of points on each generated response spectrum curve  Frequency cut-off value The data transfer begins. During the computation, you can monitor the process status. 3. Click Cancel at any time to stop the computation. The resulting force spectrum files (DLF curves) are written to the CAESAR II data directory during the computation phase of the transfer. The names of generated force spectrum files have the following format: P*.DLF where "*" is your CAESAR II node number in the piping model that corresponds to the equivalent PIPENET pipe name. The PIPENET interface creates a complete CAESAR II Dynamic Input file including spectrum definition, force sets, load cases, and combination load cases. The resulting input file is ready to be run, or you can further modify it. When all computations have completed, the CAESAR II Main menu displays.

Pipeplus Reads a Pipeplus neutral file (.pnf suffix), and translates it into a CAESAR II model.

How to Use the Pipeplus Interface 1. Click Tools > Eternal Interfaces > Pipeplus.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces The Pipeplus Interface dialog box displays.

2. Enter the name of the target neutral file. If needed, use the Browse button to locate the neutral file on your hard disk. 3. Enter the CAESAR II Starting Node Number. The default value is 10. 4. Enter the CAESAR II Node Number Increment. The default value is 10. 5. Select the Model Orientation by clicking either the Y axis or Z axis radio button. CAESAR II assumes the units of the data in the neutral file match the units designated in the CAESAR II configuration file. The CAESAR II input file is created in the same directory as the Pipeplus neutral file. 6. Click OK to begin translation of the data. The CAESAR II input file is created in the same directory as the Pipeplus neutral file. 7. Review the Pipeplus Interface dialog box with the updated information:  Log File Warnings: Number of warnings/problems encountered.  Current Units File: Units file that was used for translation and stored in the CAESAR II input file.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces 

The name and location of the CAESAR II input file.

The log file name is the name of the neutral file with .LOG suffix. This file contains general information about the translation process, including:  The number of lines in the neutral file  The number of CAESAR II elements that were created  Any warning or error messages  Node Association table that relates the Pipeplus node names to the corresponding CAESAR II node numbers. 8. Compare the CAESAR II input model with the Pipeplus model.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces a. View the CAESAR II model in the Classic Piping Input dialog box or in the 3D Graphics pane.

b. View the Pipeplus view of this same model in the Pipeplus software.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces An example of the Pipeplus model is shown below.

FlowMaster Generates CAESAR II dynamic input data files containing response spectra. Response spectra input files contain dynamic pipe forces. These time history loads are determined from pressure transient loading by the FlowMaster package. The FlowMaster interface reads the output file generated by FlowMaster, extracts the information needed, and generates the response spectra. The generated response spectrum files can then be used for the dynamic analysis in CAESAR II.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces

How to Use the Flowmaster Interface 1. Click Tools > External Interfaces > Flowmaster from the Main menu. The Flowmaster dialog box displays. 2. Enter the following inputs to process the Flowmaster data:  Flowmaster output file name. (This file is generated by Flowmaster with extension .FRC.)  Names of Flowmaster pipes for which response spectra are to be generated  Corresponding CAESAR II node numbers for the Flowmaster pipes  Maximum number of points on each generated response spectrum curve  Frequency cut-off value The data transfer begins. During the computation, you can monitor the process status. 3. Click Cancel at any time to stop the computation. The resulting force spectrum files (DLF curves) are written to the CAESAR II data directory during the computation phase of the transfer. The names of generated force spectrum files have the following format: P*.DLF where "*" is your CAESAR II node number in the piping model that corresponds to the equivalent Flowmaster pipe name. The Flowmaster interface creates a complete CAESAR II Dynamic Input file including spectrum definition, force sets, load cases, and combination load cases. The resulting input file is ready to be run, or you can further modify it. When all computations have completed, the CAESAR II Main menu displays.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces


CAESAR II User's Guide


Data Export to ODBC Compliant Databases CAESAR II permits the export of the analysis results to ODBC-compliant databases. ODBC is a programming interface that enables applications to access data in database management systems that use Structured Query Language (SQL) as a data access standard. CAESAR II uses two drivers supplied by Microsoft to communicate with the Access database or Excel spreadsheet. These drivers are installed by default when either of the two products is set up on a system.

DSN Setup To use the CAESAR II data export facility, you need to set up two Data Source Names (DSNs) on the system. DSNs contain information regarding where the database resides on the computer and how to communicate with (what driver to use, for example). CAESAR II has capabilities to export data to either an Access database or an Excel spreadsheet. Therefore, you need two DSNs set up to allow use of this feature. The names of these two DSNs are fixed (read-only) by ICAS. The CAESAR II installation program is designed to set up these DSNs automatically. However, in the event that the DSNs are not set up, follow the procedure below.

Setting Up the Data Source Name: 1. From the Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel. 2. Double-click ODBC Data Sources, and click User DSN. 3. Click Add. The system displays a dialog box similar to the figure below.

Follow steps 4 through 7 for Microsoft Access DSN Setup ONLY. Skip to step 9 for Microsoft Excel DSN Setup. [no info for Excel DSN setup - missing]

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces 4. Select the Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb), and click Finish. The system displays a dialog box similar to the one below. You are prompted to select your database.

The data source name must be the C2_OUT_ACCESS. The description is an optional field, and can hold any description information. 5. Enter the Data Source Name and the Description. Click Select to select the CAESAR II template database. CAESAR II is supplied with a template database that contains the structure to hold data exported from the program. For Microsoft Access, this file is named caesarII.mdb and is present in the system directory of your CAESAR II installation directory. 6. Select the file, and click OK.


CAESAR II User's Guide

External Interfaces The system returns you to the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup dialog box.

7. Click OK. The C2_OUT_ACCESS has been added to list of available user DSNs.

You have now successfully completed the Access DSN setup. This above process needs to be performed only once per computer.

CAESAR II User's Guide


External Interfaces

Controlling the Data Export The CAESAR II data export is controlled using the Setup/Configuration module. By default, data export is disabled. You must run Configure/Setup to enable ODBC data export.

Setting Up the ODBC Data Export 1. Click Tools > Configure/Setup. The CAESAR II Configuration Editor window displays. 2. Click Database Definitions. 3. Set Enable Data Export to ODBC Compliant Databases to True. 4. On ODBC Database File Name, click Browse and then type the name of your database. CAESAR II copies the template database to the specified directory and names the database as specified. 5. The Append re-runs to existing data configuration setting is optional. If set as False (the default setting), re-runs of the same job overwrite any existing data for the same job in the database/spreadsheet. If you set this option to True, then re-runs add or append data from the new runs to the database/spreadsheet. Click Save and Exit

to save changes to the configuration.

As in previous versions of CAESAR II, the configuration file applies to all CAESAR II jobs present in that directory. Similarly, the external database/spreadsheet specified in one configuration file applies to all jobs present in that directory.


CAESAR II User's Guide


File Sets This chapter discusses two sets of files: the files that CAESAR II delivers to your computer during installation, and the files that CAESAR II creates for a particular job.

In This Section CAESAR II File Guide .................................................................... 1053 Required Program Files ................................................................. 1054 Required Error Data Files .............................................................. 1055 Required Data Sets ....................................................................... 1056 Required Printer/Listing Files......................................................... 1058 Dynamics Files .............................................................................. 1060 Auxiliary Sets ................................................................................. 1060 Structural Data Files ...................................................................... 1061 Example Files ................................................................................ 1061 External Interface Files .................................................................. 1062 CAESAR II Operational (Job) Data ............................................... 1063

CAESAR II File Guide Approximately 60 MB of free disk space is required for a complete installation of the software. If your hard drive has limited free space, you may have to manually delete files from your hard disk before installing a new version of CAESAR II. If you are storing data files in your CAESAR II installation folder, archive them before you begin the file deletion process. If you are performing a partial installation, verify that the folder is clean before you start; if this folder is not clean, the mixing of software versions may generate CRC errors during installation and can adversely impact performance. If you have adequate space on your hard drive, the new software data files will overwrite the data files from the previous version. Some files, such as the material database file, change from year to year, and may have to be deleted manually to maximize disk space. After a successful installation of the software, the following folder structure will exist on the hard drive, assuming that you have named the installation folder caesar and the data directory caesar data. \caesar

Main program files


Adobe Reader installation file


HASP device drivers and instructions


CAESAR II online documentation

\caesar data\examples

Example jobs

\caesar data\lib_i

CADWorx library file in Imperial units

\caesar data\lib_m

CADWorx library file in Metric units



CAESAR II User's Guide


File Sets \caesar data\Spec

CADWorx specification files

\caesar\ssidrv \caesar data\system

program data file templates and libraries

As the hard drive reaches its storage capacity, disk access can slow considerably. Intergraph CAS recommends that you periodically use the File > Clean Up Files command to perform general hard disk housekeeping tasks such as deleting scratch files and old job files.

Required Program Files Required Program Filename



Help file for dynamic input and load case editor


Help file for dynamic input and load case editor


Static load cases/dynamic input program file


Build changes announcement program file


Main Menu program file


Input conversion to new units program file


Help file


Help index file


Configuration program file


Buried pipe modeler


CRC check program file


Element generator


English units file


Generic expansion joint header file


Generic FRP header file


Input echo setup/Neutral file program file


In-core solution module program file


Miscellaneous help file


Miscellaneous help file


Output processor help file


Output processor help file


Millimeter units file


Out-of-core solution module program file


Static force/stress computation program file


CAESAR II User's Guide

File Sets Required Program Filename



Static output processor


Piping error checker


Piping input module


Input list/echo generation program file


SI units file


Batch stream processor program file


Start-up Tip-of-the-Day program file


Parameter definition file TUV.fil


Generic valve/flange header file


CRC check data file

Required Error Data Files Error Data Filename



Error explanation text


Error index file


Error explanation text


Error index file


Error explanation text


Error index file


Error explanation text


Error index file


Error explanation text


Error index file


Error explanation text


Error index file


Error explanation text


Error index file


Error reporting program

CAESAR II User's Guide


File Sets

Required Data Sets Data Set Filename



Material fatigue curve


Material fatigue curve


Material fatigue curve


Material fatigue curve


Material fatigue curve


Batch file to switch to Access 2000


Batch file to switch to Access 97


FRP data


Anvil hanger data


ANSI pipe sizes


API650 chart data


Stoomwezen approval certificate


Basic engineering hanger data


Bergen Power hanger data


BHEL hanger data


Material database editor


FRP data


Access template file


Access 97 database template


Access 2000 database template


Excel template file


Capitol hanger data


Carpenter & Paterson hanger data


China Power hanger data


Supplied material database


Batch file for compressed input listing


Batch file for column oriented input listings


Comet hanger data


Crane valve/flange database


Crane valve/flange header file


DIN pipe sizes


English units template


CAESAR II User's Guide

File Sets Data Set Filename



Flexidir hanger data


Flexonics/Pathway Bellows expansion joint database


Flexonics/Pathway Bellows header file


Fronek hanger data


Generic valve/flange database


Generic valve/flange header file


Witzenmann hanger data


Witzenmann angular expansion joint database


Witzenmann angular expansion joint header file


Witzenmann axial expansion joint database


Witzenmann axial expansion joint header file


Witzenmann lateral expansion joint database


Witzenmann lateral expansion joint header file


Inoflex hanger data


IWK angular expansion joint database


IWK angular expansion joint header file


IWK axial expansion joint database


IWK axial expansion joint header file


IWK lateral expansion joint database


IWK lateral expansion joint header file


JIS pipe sizes


Lisega hanger data


ASME Sect VIII material database


Millimeter units template


Mitsubishi hanger data


Myatt hanger data


Myricks hanger data


DLL registration batch file


NHK hanger data


Valve/flange database (no flanges)


Valve/flange header file (no flanges)


NPS hanger data


Dynamic report header template


Intergraph PDS material mapping file

CAESAR II User's Guide


File Sets Data Set Filename



Intergraph PDS pipe sizes


Power piping hanger data


Printer formatting string file


PSC hanger data


Pipe Supports USA data


PTP hanger data


PTP large expansion joint database


PTP large expansion joint header file


PTP small expansion joint database


PTP small expansion joint header file


Quality Pipe Supports data


Sanwa Tekki hanger data


Techno Industries hanger data


Yamashita hanger data

Required Printer/Listing Files Printer/ Listing Filename



CRC check data file


Dynamic output report headers file


Piping input title page template file


Piping input resource file


Compressed formatting for allowable stresses


Formatting for TD/12 allowables


Formatting for API 650


Alternate formatting for API 650 nozzles


Compressed formatting for bends


Formatting for PD5500 nozzles


Alternate formatting for PD5500 nozzles


Compressed formatting for control parameters


Compressed formatting for coordinates


Compressed formatting for displacements


Compressed formatting for elements, layout 1


Compressed formatting for elements, layout 2


Compressed formatting for elements, layout 3


CAESAR II User's Guide

File Sets Printer/ Listing Filename



Compressed formatting for elements, layout 4


Compressed formatting for elements, layout 5


Element formatting for TD/12


Compressed formatting for expansion joints


Compressed formatting for forces


Compressed formatting for spring hangers


Listing setup file


Compressed formatting for materials


Compressed formatting for nozzles


Compressed formatting for offsets


Compressed formatting for rigid elements


Alternate formatting for rigids


Compressed formatting for setup parameters


Compressed formatting for SIFs & tees


Compressed formatting for title page


Compressed formatting for uniform loads


Compressed formatting for units


Compressed formatting for wind shape factors


Column oriented formatting for allow\-able stresses


Column oriented formatting for bends


Column oriented formatting for dis\-placements


Column oriented formatting for elements


Column oriented formatting for expansion joints


Column oriented formatting for forces


Column oriented formatting for spring hangers


Column oriented formatting for materials


Column oriented formatting for nozzles


Column oriented formatting for offsets


Column oriented formatting for rigid elements


Column oriented formatting for SIFs & tees


Column oriented formatting for restraints


Column oriented formatting for uniform loads

CAESAR II User's Guide


File Sets Printer/ Listing Filename



Column oriented formatting for wind shape factors

Dynamics Files Dynamics Filename



Dynamic setup/Harmonic Solution


Dynamic input screen data


Dynamic force/stress computation pro\-gram file


Dynamic output reporting program file


Graphics animation program file


Dynamic input example data


Eigen solution program file

Auxiliary Sets Auxillary Set Filename



Accounting report generator


Large print program file


Material Database Editor program file


EXE file scanner


DLL baseline information


DLL version scanner program file


DLL data list


Help file


Help file index


Units generation program file


ASME material database


SIF, WRC297, B31G, Flange program file


Help file


Help file index


DLL registration batch file


Equipment analysis program file


WRC107 program file


ASME UCS-66 chart data


WRC107 chart data


CAESAR II User's Guide

File Sets

Structural Data Files Structural Data Filename



AISC unit check program file


1977 AISC steel database


1989 AISC steel database


AISC program help file


Help index file


1990 Australian steel database


Structural input program file


Help file for structural input


Help file for structural input


1991 German steel database


Help file for structural input


1990 Korean structural database


1990 South African structural database


United Kingdom structural database

Example Files Example Filename



DLF file for HAMMER job


DLF file for HAMMER job


Dynamic input example


Dynamic input example


Static load case data


Dynamic input example


Dynamic input example


Static load case data


Structural input for CRYISM job


Static load case data


Structural input example


Dynamic input example

CAESAR II User's Guide


File Sets Example Filename



Dynamic input example


Dynamic input example, NRC benchmark


Jacketed pipe example input


Static load case data


Dynamic input example, NRC benchmark


Dynamic input example, NRC benchmark


Static load case data


Omega loop example input


Static load case data


DLF file for RELIEF job


Dynamic input example


Relief Valve example input


Static load case data


Dynamic input example, harmonic


Dynamic input example, harmonic


Dynamic input example, harmonic

External Interface Files External Interface Filename



AutoCad DXF generator program file


PRO-ISO interface program file


Autoplant interface program file


Generic neutral file interface program file


AutoCad DXF template file


LIQT interface program file


PIPENET interface program file


PipePlus interface program file

C2VUECONVERTER.EXE Converts Smart 3D view to a CAESAR II view CADPIP.EXE

CADPIPE interface program file


Imports Smart 3D views


ComputerVision interface program file


Data export wizard help file


CAESAR II User's Guide

File Sets External Interface Filename



Data export wizard program file


Intergraph interface program file


Isomet interface program file


Autocad node display routine


PCF interface program file


Supports DLL for PCF interface


Supports DLL for PCF interface

CAESAR II Operational (Job) Data During the input/analysis/output phases of operation, CAESAR II creates a number of job-specific data files. Some of these data files are used solely by CAESAR II, while others contain either input or output data. This section defines the files that you will most likely encounter, their purpose, and whether they are important for archiving purposes. In most cases, the job files listed below are only exposed, or visible, on the machine when a job is active. When a job is not active, all of its files are compressed into either a C2 archive (for piping) or a C2S archive (for structural). 

In the following list, an asterisk (*) after the file extension indicates that it should be saved to archive input data. A double asterisk (**) indicates the file should be saved to archive output data. Not every file listed may be present for a given job. The presence of a file is dependent upon what analysis has been run.

Static Input Files ._A *

User-defined spreadsheet input data.

._J *

Load case data.

Dynamic Input File ._7 *

User-defined dynamic input data.

Structural Input File .STR * User-defined structural input data.

Soil Input File .SOI * User-defined soil property data.

Scratch Files ._B -

Nodal boundary condition file created by the piping error checker and used by the analysis modules.

CAESAR II User's Guide


File Sets ._C

Element properties file created by the piping error checker and used by the analysis modules.


Nodal coordinate file created by the piping error checker and used by the analysis modules.


Job control information created by the piping error checker and used by the analysis modules.


Element connectivity file created by the piping error checker and used by the analysis modules.


Structural geometry file used with piping preprocessor.


Scratch file.


Scratch file.


Scratch file with intermediate hanger data.


Scratch file.


Geometric data file created for input into AUTOCAD.


Harmonic components for animation.


Harmonic solution frequency and phase data.


Intermediate harmonic data file.


Animation output data file from time history analysis.

Listing Files .MSG

Secondary output file with intermediate computation data.


Data listing file


Data listing file


Buried modeler error check file.

Output Files ._M ** Intermediate output file that contains data generated by the piping error checker and load case setup modules. Static output data file. ._P ** Actual harmonic displacement data. ._Q ** Dynamic output data file. ._S ** Time history output data file. ._T **


CAESAR II User's Guide

File Sets .OUT

User-generated output (text) data file.


Intermediate eigenvalue output file.


Intermediate eigenvector output file.

.OTL **

Input/Output QA sequencing data file.

.WRN Model warning messages from the error checker.

CAESAR II User's Guide


File Sets


CAESAR II User's Guide


Update History The lists on the following pages detail the functional updates made to CAESAR II by version number. These lists correspond to the major releases of the software and do not reflect items such as minor releases (1.0P, 2.1D); re-publication of the User Guide, or additional new modules released to aid customers between updates.

In This Appendix CAESAR II Initial Capabilities (12/84) ........................................... 1068 CAESAR II Version 1.1S Features (2/86) ...................................... 1068 CAESAR II Version 2.0A Features (10/86) .................................... 1068 CAESAR II Version 2.1C Features (6/87) ..................................... 1069 CAESAR II Version 2.2B Features (9/88) ...................................... 1070 CAESAR II Version 3.0 Features (4/90) ........................................ 1070 CAESAR II Version 3.1 Features (11/90) ...................................... 1071 CAESAR II Version 3.15 Features (9/91) ...................................... 1071 CAESAR II Version 3.16 Features (12/91) .................................... 1073 CAESAR II Version 3.17 Features (3/92) ...................................... 1073 CAESAR II Version 3.18 Features (9/92) ...................................... 1074 CAESAR II Version 3.19 Features (3/93) ...................................... 1075 CAESAR II Version 3.20 Features (10/93) .................................... 1076 CAESAR II Version 3.21 Changes and Enhancements (7/94)...... 1077 CAESAR II Version 3.22 Changes & Enhancements (4/95) ......... 1078 CAESAR II Version 3.23 Changes (3/96) ...................................... 1079 CAESAR II Version 3.24 Changes & Enhancements (3/97) ......... 1080 CAESAR II Version 4.00 Changes and Enhancements (1/98)...... 1082 CAESAR II Version 4.10 Changes and Enhancements (1/99)...... 1082 CAESAR II Version 4.20 Changes and Enhancements (2/00)...... 1082 CAESAR II Version 4.30 Changes and Enhancements (3/01)...... 1083 CAESAR II Version 4.40 Changes and Enhancements (5/02)...... 1083 CAESAR II Version 4.50 Changes and Enhancements (11/03).... 1084 CAESAR II Version 5.00 Changes and Enhancements (11/05).... 1085 CAESAR II Version 5.10 Changes and Enhancements ( 9/07)..... 1085 CAESAR II Version 5.20 Changes and Enhancements (4/09)...... 1086 CAESAR II Version 5.30 Changes and Enhancements (11/10).... 1087 CAESAR II Version 5.31 Changes and Enhancements (5/12)...... 1088

CAESAR II User's Guide


Update History

CAESAR II Initial Capabilities (12/84)           

Input data spreadsheets featuring data duplication to the next pipe element Vessel local Flexibility Calculations Multiple load case spring hanger design Algebraic load case combinations Nonlinear restraints with gaps, friction, 2-node, and skewed options Zero or finite length expansion joints with ―Tension Only‖ tie-bars Built-in database of pipe materials and properties B31 code compliance reports Static and dynamic capabilities, including animated mode shape plots Extensive input/output graphics Pressure effects on bends, including consideration of circular or slightly oval cross-sections

CAESAR II Version 1.1S Features (2/86)               

Help Windows AutoCAD Interface HP Plotter Interface Batch Execution Opinion Accounting System File Handler Spooled Input Listings Uniform Load in G‘s Liberal Code Stress Allowable Cursor Pad and Function Key Implementation in Input Spreadsheets Plot Menu Single Keystroke Access Stainless Steel Pipe Schedules Direct Input of Specific Gravity Bourdon Pressure Options Hanger Control Spreadsheet Updates

CAESAR II Version 2.0A Features (10/86)  


AISC Structural Steel Database with over 800 different structural steel cross-sections. Keyword/Batch Structural Steel Preprocessor - Provides the same quality CAESAR II graphics with structural steel volume plots, interactive error checking, extensive interactive help, and is fully compatible with CAESAR II piping models. High Resolution Graphics - EGA support for monochrome and 640x350, 16 color mode. Tecmar Graphics Master support for monochrome and 640x200, 16 color mode. Hercules support for monochrome 720x348 mode. Graphics - Added Pan and Range options. Improved zooming, stresses and displaced shapes in color, hidden lines removed from volume plots, and pipe and structure plotted together. 3D-Graph - Added an option to plot stresses for all nodes for all load cases on the same plot.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Update History   

    

Simultaneous Use Of Two Screens - Supports one monochrome screen and another for graphics. WRC 107 Stress Calculations. Units - Use English and SI standard options, or define your own set of unit constants and labels. Output may be generated in multiple unit sets, and input files may be converted from one unit set to another. Wind Load Calculations - According to ANSI A58.1-1982, or you can input your own velocity or pressure versus elevation tables. Pipe/structure ―include‖ Option - Piping input from one file may be included in another with a given node and rotational offset. Quick Natural Frequency Range Calculations - Computes the number of natural frequencies in any user given range in the amount of time needed to do a single static solution. High Resolution Hardcopy Printer Plots. Setup file options - You can set the following CAESAR II execution parameters:  Graphics hardware configurations.  Colors for over 27 different plotted items.  B3.1 reduced intersection options.  Plot/Geometry connection through CNodes options.  Corroded cross section stress calculation options.  Minimum and Maximum allowed bend angle options.  Occasional load factors.  Loop closure tolerance.

CAESAR II Version 2.1C Features (6/87)                

Uniform and Independent support shock spectrum capability. Force Spectrum Dynamic Analysis of Fluid Waterhammer. Force Spectrum Dynamic Analysis of Relief Loads. Force Spectrum Dynamic Analysis of Wind Gust Loads. Fluid Mechanics Analysis of Gas or Liquid open vent relief system. Includes vent stack sizing, thrust, and pressure rise computations. NRC Dynamics Benchmarks for: NUREG/CR-1677, BNL-NUREG-51267, Vol. I, 1980; and NUREG/CR-1677, BNL-NUREG-51267, Vol. II, 1985. Dynamic Friction modeling based on static load case results. Eleven pre-defined shock spectra including all Reg. Guide 1.60 spectra and the El Centro North-South component spectra. Improved Harmonic Analysis including the effect of phased loading relationships. This analysis allows the modeling of eccentrically loaded rotating equipment. Improved dynamic output processor, includes user-defined headings and comments. Animated static and dynamic solutions with structural members and hidden line volume plots. Improved EIGENSOLVER many times faster than earlier algorithms, with automatic out-of-core solution mode. Updated Static Analysis Load Case Processor. New Friction Algorithm with interactive control during solution of nonlinear restraints. Improved Output file handling of various solution methods. Ability to abort any function at any time during a session using the key.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Update History  

New keydisk memory protection scheme. Hardware/Software QA capability for analysis verification.

CAESAR II Version 2.2B Features (9/88) 

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Large Rotation Supports - Allows large rotation supports to be handled properly, by computing the support forces in all three global directions. Rod and Chain hanger supports can now be modeled. Nonlinear Out-of-Core Solver - This new solver increases the range of problems CAESAR II can solve by allowing nonlinear solutions to be performed on the hard disk. This capability is necessary when a job is too large to be solved in memory. Friction Report - Friction is a non-conservative force, and CAESAR II treats it as such. The restraint reports now show restraint loads due to friction for each load case. New External Interface Hooks - A new interface module allows smooth interface to data conversion modules between CAESAR II and other programs such as AutoCAD. A new AutoCAD DXF interface is provided, and two thirds of the part vendors have completed interfaces from their AutoCAD ISO packages to CAESAR II. ASCII Editor - Due to an overwhelming need and subsequent lack of easy to use system editors, a standalone ASCII editor is provided. This editor easily modifies files such as AUTOEXE.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, and SETUP.CII. 2D XY Engineering Plotting Program - Standalone plotting software that allows you to plot engineering data such as CAESAR II spectrum files. This software plots any real data arranged in columns. Valve & Flange Database - The addition of a valve and flange database enables you to define or select the specific rigid element to insert into the piping system. The database is constructed to allow you to add or modify entries. Dynamic Restart - The most time consuming part of a dynamic analysis is the Eigensolution. This feature allows a job to be restarted and use a previous Eigensolution. WRC Updates - The latest edition (1979) of the WRC107 bulletin has been incorporated. Input Title Page - An optional title page has been added to the input module. You can now define a title page of up to 19 lines which is stored with the input. Expansion Joint Rating Program - This standalone software allows you to compute the compression of each expansion joint corrugation and the compression of the joint as a whole. These values can then be compared to manufacturer‘s recommendations for joint acceptance.

CAESAR II Version 3.0 Features (4/90)         


VGA Graphics support on input. Interactive (immediate) rotation of the input graphics image. Updated graphics user interface. Optional WRC 329 implementation of new stress intensification factors for intersections. Optional ASME Class 1 flexibility calculations for reduced intersections. Optional WRC 329 fixed to B31.1 and B31.3 piping code equations. Piping codes - B31.4, B31.8, ASME Sect III Class NC and ND, CAN Z184 and Z183, Swedish Power Methods 1 and 2, BS806. Updated SIF library to include welded joints and Bonney Forge fittings. New scrolling help screens.

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Editing list features, including rotate and duplicate of total or partial models Updated WRC 107 table limit check. AISC member check. Wind load calculations on structural members. Additional stress equation control using the SETUP file. Numerical sensitivity checks in both the in-core and out-of-core solvers. Automatic expansion joint modeler using manufacturers database. Additional restraint types including bottomed-out spring hangers and bi-linear soil springs.

CAESAR II Version 3.1 Features (11/90) Graphical Updates   

Instantaneous center-of-rotation calculation. Element Highlight. Element Range.

Rotating Equipment Report Updates   

API 610 7th Edition Addition. SI/User Units. HEI Additions.

WRC 107 Updates  

Simplified input. WRC 297 stress calculations.

Miscellaneous Modifications      

Screen data presentation changes. Direct control jumping between executables. Increased number of allowed software designed hangers. Additional spring hanger design options. Database updates include additional spring hanger tables. Soil Modeler for Buried Pipe.

CAESAR II Version 3.15 Features (9/91) The installation software uses the file compression routines from PKWARE. This significantly reduces the number of diskettes distributed and the time needed to install the CAESAR II package.

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Flange Leakage and Stress Calculations Elastic models of the annular plate, gasket and bolts predict the relative degrees of gasket deformation leading to a leaking joint. Stress calculations in accordance with ASME Sect. VIII Div. 1 are also provided for comparison.

WRC 297 Local Stress Calculations This bulletin supplements WRC 107, addition to computing stresses in the nozzle as well as the vessel.

Stress Intensification Factor Scratchpad The new module shows the effects of the various code options available in CAESAR II, and illustrates the relationship between the various interpretations. WRC 329 SIF options are included. SIFs for stanchions on elbows are also computed.

Miscellaneous       


A pen plotting program (PENPLT) plots up to 2500 element models (LARGE Includes) on the screen or on an HPGL compatible hardware device. The static output processor has been updated to support VGA graphics and to provide screen dumps to HP Laser Jet Series II compatible printers. Updated SYSCHK program now checks that SHARE is loaded when necessary. Missing coprocessor is also immediately reported. Updated PLTS now allow you to save labels, scaling information, and file names during plotting sessions. Updated ROT (rotating equipment program) provides additional code interpretations for the HEI bulletin. The BIGPRT (large job printing program) has been expanded to handle even larger jobs and to provide a local element report. As of Version 3.15, CAESAR II uses ESL devices to authorize access to the software. The ESLs are more stable than the previously used keydisk and provide additional client information to the software. Additional information on the ESLs can be found in the update pages for the User Manual. The first access of Version 3.15 will cause the ESL activation code to prompt for the keydisks (both unlimited and limited). Both keydisks must be available to properly activate the ESL. A printer setup program (PRSET) is provided to adjust the number of lines per logical page for dot matrix printers, useful for page lengths longer than 11 inches.

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CAESAR II Version 3.16 Features (12/91) 

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The internal file maintenance utility has been completely rewritten. The new file handler provides the same capabilities as the previous file handler but with faster response times. Additionally, the new file handler is compatible with disk partitions larger than 32 Mbytes, and manipulates the data files created by Versions 3.xx of CAESAR II. A configuration program has been added to CAESAR II to allow you to modify the SETUP.CII file from spreadsheets. The configuration program also includes the standard COADE help interface to facilitate setting the directives. The structural programs (C2S and AISC) have been revised to access either the 1977 AISC database or the 1989 AISC database. Additionally, the AISC program has been updated to perform the unity checks (code compliance) using the 1989 code which includes the methodology for checking single angles. The equipment module (ROT) has been enhanced to handle vertical in-line pumps for API-610, 7th Edition. The Stoomwezen 1989 (Dutch) piping code has been added. Three additional spring hanger tables have been added (Basic Engineering, Capitol Pipe Supports, Piping Services Company). The editors found in the structural preprocessor, the ASCII file editor, and the piping preprocessor title page have been modified to allow the insertion and deletion of single characters. Appropriate screen instructions are provided where necessary. An automatic loop closure command has been added to the piping preprocessor. A jacketed pipe example has been included in the documentation. The input file for this example is included in the EXAMPLES set on the distribution diskettes. Updated moduli of elasticity for default CAESAR II materials based on 1990 code revisions.

CAESAR II Version 3.17 Features (3/92)  

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Support of DOS environments now available in CAESAR II. This allows you to run the software from various subdirectories on the hard disk other than the installation directory. Facilities have been provided to enable you to modify the default colors used throughout CAESAR II. Four predefined sets of text colors are provided as well as the ability to modify whichever set is currently selected. The Utilities menu has been expanded to include all of the secondary CAESAR II processors. Help has been added for the Input graphics, the Pen Plot graphics, and WRC 107. A new online error processor has been incorporated. This enables the software to provide an explanation of the cause of many fatal error messages, as opposed to the display of only the error number. The file handler has been modified to allow the manual entry of a new job name. The input piping preprocessor now includes a material number (21) for User Defined Materials. The Static and Dynamic Output menus have been modified to allow you to return directly to the input, or in the case of the dynamics output, to invoke the animation module directly. Graphics for flange selection and output have been added to the ASME Flange modules. Input and output file sequencing are checked to aid in Quality Assurance, insuring that the current input file produced the current output file. Input Echo reports are also possible from the static output processor.

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CAESAR II Version 3.18 Features (9/92) Codes and Databases    

The Canadian codes Z183 and Z184 have been revised according to the 1990/1992 publications. The Italian spring hanger manufacturer INOFLEX has been added. The Database option of the configuration program now allows you to set the Valve and Flange database. Additionally a database excluding flanges (NOFLANGE) is included. The Material Database used for the Flange Stress/Leakage module has been updated. The new database includes all changes from the ASME Sect VIII, Division 1, A91 Addenda, the materials are listed in code order, and the number of materials has increased from 450 to 1100. The structural modules C2S and AISC have been updated to work with the German structural steel library.

Interfaces Added  

A new neutral file interface is provided which allows a two way transfer of data between the CAESAR II input file and an ASCII text file. An interface is provided between Stoner‘s LIQT program and the dynamic modules of CAESAR II. This interface enables dynamic pipe forces from a time domain analysis to be used in the generation of a force spectrum.

Miscellaneous Changes 

The static stress summary report has been modified so that the maximum code stress percent is reported, not the maximum code stress.  A miscellaneous option has been added to the configuration program. This option allows various options, including the specification of the ANSI, JIS, or DIN piping specifications. Other options available from the Miscellaneous menu are:  Intro/Exit Screens (On/Off) - This option can be used to disable the display of the initial entry screen and the final exit screen.  Yes/No Prompts (On/Off) - This option can be used to disable the yes/no/are_you_sure prompts.  Output Reports by Load Case (Yes/No) - By default, CAESAR II produces static output reports by load case. This option can be used to generate the same reports by subject.  Displacement Report Node Sort (Yes/No) - This option can be used to disable the nodal sorting of the static displacement report.  The file handler has been modified to enable directory and disk drive selection and logging. You also have control of the initial display of the file names. This allows you to set the sort order as well as the single/multi-column display presentation.  A file verification routine has been added to check the installation of CAESAR II. This aids in detecting software corruption due to hard disk defects and viruses.  A new report has been added to the static output menu. This enables you to obtain a ―local force/moment‖ report for the elements in the system.  A 32 bit version of the dynamic summation module is provided for large dynamic analysis. This module requires at least a 386 processor.  The animation module has been modified to provide hard copy output of the mode shapes.


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CAESAR II Version 3.19 Features (3/93) 

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Batch Stream Processor - A new processor has been included which allows multiple jobs (up to 12) to be run in series, without intervention. The jobs can be static analysis, dynamic analysis, or both. Expansion Joint Database - The Pathway Bellows expansion joint database has been updated. The new database includes two additional pressure classes and diameters out to 144 inches. A new expansion joint database from RM Engineered Products has been added for this release. Input Echo - The input echo processor has been modified so that the input echo precedes the output data. Additionally, the intermediate data generated by the error checker now appears in this listing. B31G - The B31G criteria for the remaining strength of corroded pipelines has been incorporated. This module includes the original B31G criteria as well as several of the modified methods discussed in the Battelle project. Output Processor - A new report has been added to the output processor which generates a Restraint Summary report. This summary details all the loads for all selected load cases for each restraint in the model. Thermal Bowing - The effects of thermal bowing on horizontal pipes can be analyzed. By specifying the thermal gradient between the bottom and the top of the pipe, CAESAR II computes the loads induced and include them with the thermal loads. 32 Bit Modules - All of the dynamic modules have been moved from the 16 bit mode to the 32 bit mode. Additionally, the animation program now supports EGA and VGA display modes. Title Page Template - A user-configurable ASCII text file can now be used as a title page template. Interface Updates - The CAESAR II data matrix interface and the Autoplant interface have both been updated to use the currently active units file. The ComputerVision interface has been updated to handle ―tube‖ type piping. Expansion Joint Rating - The expansion joint rating module, ERATE, has been moved into the ―Miscellaneous Module‖, facilitating input through the standard spreadsheets. Refractory Lining - The computation modules of CAESAR II have been modified to accept a negative value of insulation thickness. If a negative thickness is encountered, the software assumes the insulation is refractory lining (inside the pipe). Minimum Required Thickness - The piping error checker now makes the ―minimum required thickness‖ computation according to B31.1, 104.1. This information is reported for each pipe in the listing of intermediate data (See item 3 above). Spring Hanger Tables - The E. Myatt & Co. spring hanger table has been added. ESL Updates - All of the code used to access the ESLs has been updated to allow access to the 50 and 66 Mhz CPUs. Missing Mass - The dynamics modules can consider missing mass effects in the spectrum solutions. Seismic Anchor Movements - The dynamics modules allows the specification of seismic anchor movements for independent support motion analysis. RCC-M - The French piping code RCC-M, Section C has been incorporated. Languages - The input and dynamic output supports English, French, and Spanish language headings. Language dependent files can be activated with the appropriate command line

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switch on the INSTALL directive. For example, INSTALL /S installs any Spanish specific files. PCX Files - All of the graphics modules have been modified to allow the images to be saved to disk files in PCX format. This enables these images to be brought into word processing and desktop publishing systems.

CAESAR II Version 3.20 Features (10/93)  

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A completely new documentation set accompanies this release. This documentation consists of: a User Guide, an Applications Guide, and a Technical Reference Guide. The static in-core and out-of-core solvers have been converted to run in 32 bit protect mode utilizing extended memory. Solution times for large jobs have been cut by an order of magnitude. The Static Output processor has been converted to run in 32-bit protect mode utilizing extended memory. Both the Static and Dynamic Output processors now have the capability to generate ASCII disk files on any drive or directory (using the COADE file manager) on the computer. Additionally, a table of contents summarizing the output is generated for printer and disk devices. The Dynamic Output processor now includes titles and page numbers (similar to statics), and provides input echo (both system and dynamic) abilities. Modal time history analysis has been added. This includes output report review and animated response review. Standard spectrum analysis now includes modal components for displacements. Additionally displacement information is now available for static-dynamic combinations. The Included Mass Report has been clarified and modified to include the active mass in each of the global directions. The percent of the force included/added is now based on a vector sum rather than an absolute sum. The ZPA used in the missing force correction can now be controlled via the configuration file. You can specify that the ZPA be based on the last extracted mode or the last spectrum value. The static load case array space has been increased by a factor of 5, allowing more flexibility in static load case setup. API 650 nozzle flexibilities, according to the ninth edition, July 1993. Checks for allowable loads on Fired Heater Tubes according to API-560 have been added. As an option, you can consider the effects of pressure stiffening on straight pipes. Three additional spring hanger tables: Sinopec (China), BHEL (India), and Flexider (Italy). The Australian structural steel shape database has been added. The ASME material database has been updated to reflect the 1992 Code addendum. The printer testing routines have been completely rewritten. Additionally, output can be directed to any LPT port. The ability to configure the printer, either dot matrix or laser jet. This is implemented through a text file containing the printer formatting codes which you can modify. Password protection for input data files, to prevent modification of completed projects. All of the screens in the piping preprocessor (except for the main spreadsheet) are now supported in Spanish and French. Input/Output file time/date sequencing checks have been added to the dynamics modules. The Break command in the piping input processor has been modified to accept input in feet-inch units instead of only feet. This should allow compound entries in any units system.

CAESAR II User's Guide

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CAESAR II Version 3.21 Changes and Enhancements (7/94) Most of the CAESAR II executable modules have been converted from Microsoft 16 bit FORTRAN to WATCOM 32 bit FORTRAN. This has reduced the low DOS RAM requirements of the software from 577k to 475k. The modules converted to 32 bit operation for Version 3.21 are summarized below:  Static Stress Computation Module (1)  Piping, Buried & Structural Steel Input Modules (3)  Piping Error Checker (1)  Load Case & Dynamic Input Module (1)  All CAD interfaces (8)  Neutral File interfaces (2) The software now supports an ESL from a new vendor. This provides CAESAR II with full networking abilities. The software first checks for a local ESL (from either vendor), then for a network ESL. Toward the support for network operations, the data files which are not job specific are now assumed to be located in a SYSTEM subdirectory underneath the CAESAR II installation directory. These data files include: the input listing formatting files (*.INP), the accounting data files, the printer formatting file, the file handler template file, and the various header files. The common factor among all of these files is that they are specific to a company installation, not a particular data directory. Up until Version 3.21, these data files were manipulated by the software (or sometimes directly by you) in the installation directory. However, many network installations ―write protect‖ their installation directories, making modifications to these files impossible. These files are placed in a SYSTEM subdirectory to which you should be given complete access. CAESAR II Version 3.21 is capable of running on a local machine (with either vendor‘s local ESL) or on a network (with the network ESL). The changes made to the software enable the same version to be run under these various configurations.  Added additional spring hanger manufacturer has been added, Carpenter & Paterson, UK.  The UBC (Uniform Building Code) earthquake spectra have been added.  The B31.5 piping code has been added.  The piping code addenda have been reviewed and any necessary changes made to the software. The addenda include revisions for: ASCE #7, B31.1, B31.8, ASME NC, and ASME ND.  The SIF scratch-pad from the Miscellaneous processor (Option C of the Main Menu) has been incorporated into the piping preprocessor. This processor includes all of the supported piping codes (not just B31.1 and B31.3 as before) and all of the fittings. Additionally, any changes made to the scratch-pad data can optionally be transferred directly to the main CAESAR II data spreadsheets.  Additional changes to the input piping preprocessor include the following: 

problem size is now dependent on the amount of free extended memory - the old limit of 400 elements is now upwards of 8,000 elements

graphics menus automatically turned off for hard copies

optional node number display for supports, anchors, hangers, and nozzles

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function key map shown on main spreadsheet

 auxiliary input spreadsheets support help The accounting system has been completely rewritten. This provides a more streamlined interface. Additionally, accounting statistics are now recorded from the stress computation modules (previous versions only recorded the actual matrix decomposition times). The API-617 and NEMA-SM23 reports have been overhauled so that the code compliance when using non-English units systems is consistent. The new Flange Rigidity factor from ASME Section VIII has been added. A new loader (C2.EXE) has replaced the original one (C2.COM). This new loader performs initial startup checks, with diagnostic reporting if necessary, and enables error processing from the Main Menu. The configuration program has been modified to track changes. If you attempt to [Esc] out after making changes, you are warned that the changes will not be saved. A graphics viewer has been added to the file manager. This enables rapid model plotting directly from the file manager of the Main Menu. Additional directives are available to disable the generation of the Table of Contents page, and disable the display of the spreadsheet function key mapping.

CAESAR II Version 3.22 Changes & Enhancements (4/95)                


The Harmonic solver has been updated to provide damping. Harmonic analysis can now include or exclude damping as you deem necessary. The following codes have been reviewed (and any necessary changes made) for compliance to the latest editions: B31.1, B31.3, B31.4, B31.5, B31.8, NC, ND, and BS-806. The following additional piping codes have been added: RCCM-D, CODETI, and TBK 5-6. Center of Gravity calculations have been added with results displayed in the error checker. A Bill of Materials report has been added. Yield criterion stresses can be computed as either Von Mises or as 3D Maximum Shear Stress intensity. Hoop Stress can be computed based on Outer Diameter, Inner Diameter, Mean Diameter, or Lame‘s equation. The spring hanger design spreadsheet has been modified to default to a 25% load variation. In addition, the actual hanger load variation now appears in the hanger output reports. A new command (WIND) has been added to the structural steel preprocessor. This allows selective wind loading on an element by element basis. A new key-combination Alt-D is available in the input processor to compute the distance between two nodes. User-specified coordinates for up to 30 nodes are saved in the input file. The input title page has been expanded from 19 to 60 lines. Automatic node numbering abilities have been added to the spreadsheets of the main piping input module Expansion Joint databases from IWK (Germany) are provided. Expansion Joint database from Senior Flexonics is provided. MISC converted to 32 bit operations. This module provides the SIF, Flange, WRC297, B31G, and expansion joint rating computations.

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ROT converted to 32 bit operations. This module provides the equipment calculations for NEMA, API, and HEI. General revisions made for more consistent input screens and help messages. A new report option (in static output) is available to review the miscellaneous computations made by the error checker. This report includes: SIFs and flexibility factors, pipe properties, nozzle flexibility data, wind data, CG data, and the bill of materials report. The Intergraph Interface has been improved. The interface now transfers the temperature/pressure pairs. Additionally, if a material mapping file is present, material data can be set correctly by CAESAR II. The CADPIPE Interface has been updated in accordance with CADPIPE Version 4.0. The Restraint Summary in the static output processor has been modified to include the translational displacements of the restrained nodes. The output processors (static and dynamic) have been modified to allow you to change the name of the disk output file if necessary. Additionally, modifications have been made so that only a single output device can be enabled. All language files have been translated into German. Use ―INSTALL /G‖ to acquire the German files. A new control F8 at the output menu level allows switching jobs without returning to the Main menu.

CAESAR II Version 3.23 Changes (3/96) The following items have been completed for the 3.23 release:  Mouse support has been added to most modules.  The German piping code, FBDR, has been added.  Major improvements to FRP (fiber reinforced plastic) stress calculations. This includes the BS 7159 code and guidelines set forth by FRP manufacturers.  A bi-directional link to CADWorx/Plant (COADE‘s Piping CAD system) has been added.  The WRC107 module has been redesigned to incorporate multiple load cases and perform the ASME Division 2 Stress Intensity Summation, all in one step.  An interface to Sunrise System‘s PIPENET program has been developed.  The South African structural steel tables are being added.  Two new spring hanger manufacturer‘s tables have been added; Comet (UK), and Witzenmann (Germany).  Two new commands have been added to the structural preprocessor: UNIT, and GLOAD.  The CADPIPE interface has been updated to comply with the new release (Version 4.1) of CADPIPE.  Additional modifications have been made to the Intergraph interface.  The low DOS RAM requirement has been reduced to 420 Kbytes.  The equipment module has been updated to reflect the 1995 edition of API-617.  The following U.S. piping codes have been updated according to recent editions: B31.3 (1995)

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CAESAR II Version 3.24 Changes & Enhancements (3/97) 


Multiple (3) displacement/force/uniform load vectors have been added. These load cases, called D1/D2/D3 and F1/F2/F3, may be toggled on the input plot by continuing to press F3 and F5 (displacements cycle through D1, D2, D3, and then off). The naming of these load cases has also required the renaming of the CAESAR II load combination terms – D1, F1, S1, etc. must now be called DS1, FR1, and ST1. All hanger loads and cold spring forces (from materials 18 and 19) are still combined into load case F1 for consistency with previous versions of CAESAR II. A material database for piping properties and allowable stresses for many of the piping codes supported by CAESAR II has been implemented. This is invoked by pressing [ALT M] on the main CAESAR II input spreadsheet (also at the list option and on the WRC 297 nozzle flexibility spreadsheet). After bringing up the list of materials, a material name can be typed in; matching records are then displayed for selection. Allowable stresses are updated automatically whenever temperatures, materials, and/or piping codes change. Database management is provided from the Utilities option of the main menu. You can edit COADE provided materials or add your own. Material parameters can be provided for code 0 (represents generic values for any non-specified code) or for specific codes. It is recommended, due to future implementation plans, that metals be assigned identification numbers between 100 and 699. FRP materials receive numbers between 700 and 999. Selection of FRP materials from the material database does not currently activate the orthotropic material model in CAESAR II. This must still be done through the use of material 20 (see item 6 concerning this below). Eight-character job names are now supported. Input files are identified by extension ._A, output files by extension ._P, ._S, and so on. Existing files are automatically recognized and converted to their new format. (See related item 16 below.) Modifications have been made to allow multiple users working from the same network data directory through the environment variable COADE_USER. This environment variable should be set to a unique 3 character combination, such as the initials, for each user working in the common directory. Implementation can be done by adding to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file a line such as: SET COADE_USER=TVL CAESAR II‘s Valve and Flange database now incorporates data files from CADWorx/Plant. This change provides four advantages:  Component weights and lengths are more accurate, as well as traceable to specific catalogs, standards, and so on.  Weights and lengths are provided for more components than were previously available in the CRANE or GENERIC databases.  Because CADWorx/Plant data files are text files, you can easily edit or add components.  If you also have CADWorx/Plant on your computer, the two programs share the same data files and project specs, enhancing the performance of the bi-directional interface. Gaskets are included for flanged items, so a better fit is provided between the CADWorx/Plant and CAESAR II models.

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You can now set default values for FRP (material 20) parameters through the configuration/setup. These default parameters can be read automatically from manufacturers data files by toggling through the list of available files, and then pressing [ALT-U] (for Update) on the selected vendor file. Vendor files are recognized by their .FRP extensions; because these are text files, you can create them easily yourself, or vendors may distribute them to their customers. The UKOOA (United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association) piping code for FRP piping has been added. The Z183 and Z184 piping codes have been replaced with the Z662 code, which has been expanded to consider calculation of stresses in restrained piping. The ASCE #7 wind code has been updated to the 1995 edition. The API-610 code in the equipment module has been updated to the 8th edition. ASME Section VIII Division 2 stress indices and WRC-107 SIF (kn, kb) values have been incorporated into the WRC-107 module. The Relief Load Synthesis dynamics module now supports metric (or custom) units. A number of configuration file default values have been revised in order to improve calculated results or software performance: Changed





















Four new directives added to the configuration file. SYSTEM_DIRECTORY_NAME—User defined, defaults to SYSTEM. You can now maintain multiple system directories for different projects) UNITS_FILE_NAME—User-selected from list. Current units are now set through the configuration/setup, not through the units option of the main menu. BS_7159_PRESSURE_STIFFENING—Design strain or Actual Pressure. FRP_PROPERTY_DATA_FILE—User-selected from list. The configuration file can also be password protected in the Installation Directory. This prevents modification of all Computation and Stress Control directives. Subsequent use of the configuration module prevents modification of these directives, unless the password is known. Colors, printer settings, and so on can still be changed without the password. CAESAR II has been modified to accept an optional job name (including full drive and path data) as an argument. The software switches to the appropriate drive and directory, opens the specified job, and goes into input bypassing the Main Menu. This allows the definition of ._A files as CAESAR II input files under Windows 95 and subsequent double clicking on the file name in a Windows/95 explorer window to start the input processor on the picked job file. This also allows CAESAR II to be spawned from other programs, right into a job. Modifications to CAD interfaces: Intergraph and CADPIPE. All necessary routines have been checked and modified where appropriate to address the Year 2000 issue. A Korean structural steel shape library has been added.

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A new spring hanger table has been added (SARAFTHI). PD-5500 nozzle flexibilities have been incorporated to complement the WRC-297 and API 650 nozzle connections.

CAESAR II Version 4.00 Changes and Enhancements (1/98) The CAESAR II Version 4.00 release is a major program rewrite making it compatible with Windows 95/NT (version 4.0) operating systems. Minimal functionality enhancements were included in order to make CAESAR II input files interchangeable between Version 4.00 and CAESAR II Version 3.24, the last DOS-based version. Specific new features include:  Simultaneous review of graphics and spreadsheet.  Addition of rendering and wireframe graphics in plot mode.  The ability to turn off subsequent occurrences of an error type in the piping error checker.  The ability to extract loads directly from a piping output file for inclusion in the WRC 107 and rotating equipment modules.  Addition of bend mid-point modes (indicated by angle ―M‖) which allow you to designate the mid-point of the bend without knowing the included angle.  Ability to review 132-column reports on screen.

CAESAR II Version 4.10 Changes and Enhancements (1/99)            

9 temperatures, 9 pressures, 9 displacement sets, and 9 force/moment sets. Finalization of TD/12 piping code. Fatigue capabilities including cumulative damage. Increase in number of load cases to 99. Reactivation of the input LIST facilities. Printing capabilities for graphical renderings. Saving graphics images to BMP files. Online User and Quick Reference Guide in PDF format. Update of piping codes (CODETI, NC, ND, B31.1, B31.3). Addition of results filters to output reports. Update of the Technical Reference Manual to reflect Windows version of CAESAR II. Variability of mill tolerance on an element-by-element basis.

CAESAR II Version 4.20 Changes and Enhancements (2/00)     


New Input Graphics - utilizes a true 3D library, enabling graphic element selection. New local coordinate element input and specification. Completely revised material database, including Code updates. Optional static output in ODBC compliant database format. Hydrodynamic loading for offshore applications. This includes the Airy, Stokes 5th, and Stream Function wave theories, as well as Linear and Power Law current profiles.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Update History         

Wind analysis expanded to handle up to 4 wind load cases. New piping codes: B31.4 Chapter IX, B31.8 Chapter VIII, and DNV (ASD). A wave scratchpad - see the recommended theory graphically, or plot the particle data for the specified wave. Updated piping codes: B31.1, B31.3, B31.4, ASME NC, and ASME ND. Automatic Dynamic DLF Plotting. Witzenmann expansion joint databases. As a result of the merger between Senior Flexonics and Pathway Bellows, a new expansion joint database replaces the two previous individual databases. A new spring hanger vendor (Myricks) is provided. PCF Interface.

CAESAR II Version 4.30 Changes and Enhancements (3/01) 

          

New Static Load Case Builder / Editor. Allows multiplication factors on load components plus additional combination methods (SRSS, Algebraic, ABS, Min, Max, Signed Min, Signed Max, and Scalar). Z-Up - Build or review models with Z as the vertical axis instead of Y. Switch between Y and Z up automatically. New undo/redo ability in the piping input module. Piping input can be sent to ODBC database. A new data export wizard is provided to selectively target input or output data for ODBC export. All modules support optional output directly to MS-Word. Updated piping codes: B31.1, B31.3, B31.4, ASME NC, and ASME ND. User control over the auto-save feature implemented. Improvements to the 3D graphics (job specific configuration, additional data display). Added graphics to the WRC 107 Module to show loads and orientation. Added a new Code Compliance report to the static output processor. Spring hanger design expanded from 3 to 9 operating cases.

CAESAR II Version 4.40 Changes and Enhancements (5/02)    

 

Revised piping codes: B31.3, B31.4, B31.5, B31.8, ASME NC, ASME ND. Added the B31.11 piping code. Added an alpha-numeric node label option to the piping input module. Expanded Static Load case options: (1) added load components H, CS, HP, and WW (hanger loads, cold spring, hydro pressure, and weight filled with water, respectively), (2) added HYDRO stress type, (3) added option to set snubber and hanger status on a load case basis, (4) provided ability to scale friction factor on a load case basis. Added automatic generation of a hydrotest load case (WW+HP, HYD stress type, and spring hangers locked), triggered by the presence of a non-zero HP. Updated the 3D input graphics as well as partial implementation in the static output processor, including the Element Viewer.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Update History  

       

   

Updated the spring hanger design algorithm to provide the option to iterate the Operating for Hanger Travel load case to include the stiffness of the selected hanger. Added new configuration options for the following:  Ambient temperature.  Default friction coefficient. If this value is nonzero, it automatically gets applied to new translational restraints.  Liberal stress allowable.  Stress stiffening.  Bourdon settings.  How to handle B16.9 welding tee and sweepolet SIFs in B31.3. Added two new spring manufacturers' tables Pipe Supports USA and Quality Pipe Supports. Added the ability to define the flexibility factor on bends. Piping and structural files now support long file names. These files may be located in any directory path. The number of included structural files has been expanded from 10 to 20. Results of the Hanger Design Cases are now optionally viewable in the Static Output Processor. To use this option, set status to KEEP in the Load Case Options. Added the ability to filter static Restraint reports by CNODE status. Added a new warning report to the static output. Added a dirty flag to the piping input preprocessor and the configuration modules. Attempting to exit these processors without saving changes produces a warning message. Added the ability to detect the differences between material data in the input file and that in the material database (including missing user-materials). This feature offers you the opportunity to use the original data. Reviewed/updated the minimum wall computation for all piping codes for straight pipe. Added a field for specifying Marine Growth Density to the Wind/Wave dialog box. Updated API-661 to 4th Edition. Added the ability to save static load case data without running the job.

CAESAR II Version 4.50 Changes and Enhancements (11/03)    

   


Revised material database for B31.1 A2001 changes. Added Reducer element. Improved interaction and error reporting in static load case editor. Improved graphics changes include:  A walk-through option is available.  The static output processor can now produce colored stress plots of the piping system.  A graphical find (zoom to) option has been added.  Instant use of graphics, even before drawing is completed.  Recitable restraint/hanger symbols. Added Spectrum wizard for the generation of earthquake and relief valve spectra. Revised codes: B31.1, B31.4, ASME NC, ASME ND, IGE/TD/12, API-610. Included additional FRP data files. The static output processor remembers all user settings, such as filters, labels, and report size.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Update History        

Added dynamic help system for piping & structural input and configuration. Added automatic acquisition of website software updates. Combined WRC-107/297 module for local stress calculations. Redesigned the structural steel interface for easier operation. Implemented a new job wizard for the creation of structural steel input models. Modified to allow multiple instances of CAESAR II to run. Implemented Load Case Template for recommending static load cases. Modified to allow access to the output for expired date or run limited ESL.

CAESAR II Version 5.00 Changes and Enhancements (11/05)           

 

Added the following new piping codes: EN-13480, GPTC/192, Z662 Ch 11. Revised, due to code changes, the following piping codes: B31.1, B31.3, B31.5, B31.8, B31.11, ASME NC, ASME ND, CODETI, TBK 5-6. Updated API-610 codes and standards. Added Ameron Bondstrand, and Conely FRP Pipe Specification files. Added Binder (UK) and PiHASA (Spain) Spring Hanger tables. Added Structural Steel databases from India and Japan. Renamed all references to ―Grinnell‖ to ―Anvil‖. Added the capability to perform dynamic analysis optionally using a consistent mass matrix. This obviates the need to re-mesh the model for better mass distribution. Added the capability to perform an analysis using the hot material elastic modulus. Enhanced the static output processor to provide you with the ability to create custom, reusable reports. Revised the piping input processor to provide a combined view showing both the graphics and the spreadsheet. The new piping input processor has integrated the Piping Error Checker, and access to the configuration module has been provided. For debugging and problem solving, relevant sections of the spreadsheet can be torn off and placed on the graphics pane, allowing the spreadsheet to be hidden for larger graphics display. Additionally, sections of the model can be graphically selected and then modified. Updated the Intergraph and PCF interfaces. Added an Isogen export facility allowing the creation of Isogen stress isometrics.

CAESAR II Version 5.10 Changes and Enhancements (9/07)  

Added flange rating evaluation per B16.5 and NC-3658. Graphics Improvements:  Improved graphics rendering speed proved by 20% to 50% depending on the job.  Added additional controls to view corrosion and densities.  Added the ability to import an Autocad (CADWorx) model directly into the piping input, to provide visualization of supporting steel, vessels and other equipment. Static Output Processor Improvements:  Reduced report generation times by 70% or better.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Update History 

            

Added Presentation in tabbed window to allow viewing multiple reports, and immediate switching between reports.  Added ability to select Individual items from the Miscellaneous Report.  Added ability to zoom reports and individually direct to an output device using a context menu.  Added ability to import and export custom report templates. Static Load Case Editor Enhancements  Added In-Line Flange Evaluation at the load case level.  Added the ability to alter the occasional load multiplier on a per load case basis.  Added the ability to import static load case data from different jobs.  Added the ability to copy wind and wave vectors. Added user control over whether or not insulation should be considered in hydro test cases. Added PD-8010 Part 1 and Part 2 piping code. Revised the following piping codes due to code changes: B31.1, B31.3, B31.4, Z662, EN-13480. Added support for B31.3 Section 319.2.3(c), allowing axial stress to be included in the Expansion Code Stress. Revised API-661 to 6th Edition. Revised Wind and Seismic load calculations to ASCE #7 2005. Added a number of European materials to the material database. Updated stainless steel pipe specification data per B36.19M. Updated DIN pipe size specification to comply with EN-10220 (seamless) instead of DIN-2458 (welded). Added Chinese structural steel and expansion joint databases. Added spring hanger data from Gradior Power, (Czech Republic). Updated the flange material database per ASME Sect VIII Div 1, 2007 Edition. Updated the Inoflex Spring Hanger data.

CAESAR II Version 5.20 Changes and Enhancements (4/09)          


Added ISO-14692 Code for FRP systems. Added a Loop Optimization Wizard to assist in expansion loop design. Added the American LifeLines Alliance as a second soil stiffness method to the Buried Pipe Modeler. Added the Mexican Seismic Code to the Dynamic Input module for the automatic generation of response spectra. Added a static seismic wizard to assist in computing G factors for ASCE, NBC, and CFE. Added additional wind codes (10) to the Static Load setup. Raised the permitted number of static load cases from 99 to 999. Modified the valve/flange insertion routine to cut back the straight pipe length if necessary. Added a number of lists to the Piping Input Spreadsheet to assist with input specification. These lists appear on the bend radius and insulation density fields. Streamlined Spring Hanger Table definition through the addition of three checkboxes for cold load design, extended range springs, and centered hot load.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Update History      

Flange Symbols are now drawn on the piping elements if flange ratings have been requested. Revised the following piping codes have been revised due to code changes: B31.1, B31.8, GPTC/Z380, ASME NC, ASME ND. Moved user-writeable subdirectories from below \caesarii to the %allusersprofile‖ area. Added automatic e-mail generation for technical support issues. Improved the File Open dialog box to permit the roll-back to earlier revisions of the (piping) input. Added a new export to MS Excel option for Static Output data. This is raw data only to improve export speed.

CAESAR II Version 5.30 Changes and Enhancements (11/10)              

 

Added the B31.9 piping. Updated the following piping codes: RCCM-C, RCCM-D, ASME-NC, ASME-ND, GPTC/Z380, Z662, B31.1, B31.3, EN-13480 (2010 Draft). Added the ability to visually show on the Static Output menu which load cases have passed or failed. Added the spring hanger databases for PSS (Germany) and Seonghwa (Korea). Added structural tubing shapes to the AISC Structural database. Added a new restraint report showing reactions in local element coordinates. Added additional flexibility with user material databases through user named files. Added the ability to have user configurable nozzle limits. Added insulation, cladding & refractory specifications Improved the uniform load to display G‘s or force/length in same job Improved the displacement import/export facility. Improved the PCF interface. Improved the WRC module. Added graphics/modeling/Interfacing improvements:  Improved the Valve/Flange database option to keep 3 elements  Added the ability to automatically generate Flange ―G‖ values  Added the ability to specify optional ―spring hanger hardware weight‖.  Added the ability to automatically included API-650 nozzle displacement values in the model.  Added the ability to plot Spectra and Time Histories in dynamics.  Added line number specification and manipulation. Added the ability to add or reassign key strokes. Improved the CAESAR II documentation search capabilities by adding a combined PDF Search.

CAESAR II User's Guide


Update History

CAESAR II Version 5.31 Changes and Enhancements (5/12)      


Enhanced and improved the Smart 3D to CAESAR II interface (PCF). Introduced a faster, interactive, on-demand and flexible PCF interface, called Advanced PCF (APCF) Import, into the Piping Input processor. Enhanced the CAESAR II Data Export Wizard to support ODBC Microsoft Access format, which facilitates round-trip results to S3D and SPR. Added new element order commands for block operations: Invert and Change Sequence. Added usability improvements to reduce user input and editing time, including the use of line numbers to block select elements. Improved many Isogen-related issues.

CAESAR II User's Guide

Index % % of Iterations Per Shift Before Orthogonalization • 602

1 1, 2, ... 9 for Partial Factor for Temperature (A1) • 189

3 3D Graphics Configuration • 308 3D Modeler • 305

4 4 View • 296, 525

A About the CAESAR II Documentation • 22 Absolute Method • 595 Access Protected Data • 87 Account Numbers Tab • 899 Accounting • 895 Accounting System Activation • 897 Activate Accounting Tab • 898 Activate Bourdon Effects • 257 Active Boundary Conditions • 643 Actual Stress Settings • 68 Add a new material to the database • 910 Add custom annotations for elemental features • 653 Add custom annotations for nodal features • 651 Add F/A in Stresses • 82 Add input feature information • 648 Add output feature information • 650 Add PCF Files to Conversion List • 1027 Add Pressure Thrust Force • 761 Add Torsion in SL Stress • 82 Added Mass Coefficient, Ca • 170 Adding annotations for input features • 665 Adding annotations for output features • 666 Adding custom annotations • 667 Advanced Options • 61 Advanced PCF Import (APCF) • 262 Advanced Settings • 77 Advanced Tab • 599

CAESAR II User's Guide

AFT IMPULSE • 1040 After the Current Element • 358 Airy Wave Theory Implementation • 789 AISC 1977 Database • 395 AISC 1989 Database • 400 al(01) • 187 al(11) • 187 al(21) • 187 all • 364 All Cases Corroded • 83 all stiffness • 364 Allow Short Range Springs • 142, 231 Allow Sidesway • 726 Allow User's SIF at Bend • 83 Allowable Load Variation (%) • 141, 231 Allowable Stress • 171, 909 Allowable Stress (ISO 14692) • 186 Allowable Stress Increase Factor • 725 Allowables • 722 Allowables Input Export Option SHARED • 956 Alpha • 111 ALPHA - ADHESION FACTOR • 424 Alpha [x] • 382 Alpha Tolerance • 45 Alternate CAESAR II Distributed Data Path • 50 Always Use System Colors • 70 Always Use System Fonts • 70 Ambient Temperature • 259, 472 American Lifelines Alliance Soil Model • 419 Analysis Menu • 36 Analysis Results • 625 Analysis Type (Harmonic/Spectrum/Modes/Range/Time Hist) • 573 Analyze Specified Jobs • 900 Anchor • 133 Anchor CNode • 63 Anchor Movement • 554 Anchors • 63, 288, 519 angle • 374, 377 Angle • 104, 373 Animation of Dynamic Results – Harmonic • 645 Animation of Dynamic Results – Time History • 645 Animation of Dynamic Results –Modal/Spectrum • 645


Index Animation of Static Results Displacements • 644 Annotation Text • 69 API 560 (Fired Heaters for General Refinery Services) • 761 API 560 Input Data Tab • 763 API 610 (Centrifugal Pumps) • 736 API 617 (Centrifugal Compressors) • 745 API 617 Input Tab • 746 API 650 • 153 API 661 (Air Cooled Heat Exchangers) • 753 API650 Nozzle Input Export Option SHARED • 958 Append Reruns to Existing Data • 53 Appendix P - OPE Allowable Reduction • 185 Applicable Piping Code • 906 Applicable Wave Theory Determination • 788 Applications Using Global and Local Coordinates • 886 Apply a Template • 661 Apply Para 319.2.3(c) Saxial • 78 Applying a template • 673 Archive • 200 area • 383 As/Nz 1170 2002 Options • 476 ASCE Example Problem • 236 ASCE Static Seismic Wizard • 234 ASCE7 • 607 ASME III Subsections NC and ND • 852 ASME NC/ND 3673.2(b)-1 Note 3 • 119 ASME NC-3658.3 Calculation Method for B16.5 Flanged Joints with High Strength Bolting • 767 ASME Section VIII Division 2-Elastic Nozzle Comprehensive Analysis (pre-2007) • 797 ASME Section VIII Division 2-Elastic Nozzle Simplified Analysis pre-2007 • 801 At End of Model • 359 At Node • 248 Australian 1990 Database • 406 Auto Node Number Increment • 59 Autosave Time Interval • 73 Auxiliary Element Data • 918 Auxiliary Sets • 1060 Available Commands • 198, 507 Available Expansion Joint End-Types • 227 Available Space • 228 Available Space (neg. for can) • 140


Axial Force • 709 Axial Member Force • 729 Axial Modulus of Elasticity • 55 Axial Strain Hoop Stress (Ea/Eh*Vh/a) • 55 Axis Mode • 70

B B2 • 118 B31.1 • 842 B31.1 (1967) • 861 B31.1 Appendix II (Safety Valve) Force Response Spectrum • 611 B31.1 Reduced Z Fix • 80 B31.1/B31.3 Verified Welding and Contour Tees • 80 B31.11 • 851 B31.3 • 844 B31.3 Code-Specific Settings • 78 B31.4 • 845 B31.4 Chapter IX • 847 B31.5 • 848 B31.8 • 848 B31.8 Chapter VIII • 850 B31.9 Notes • 851 Back View • 295, 524 Background Colors • 62 Backplane Culling • 61 Bandwidth Optimizer Options • 261 Base Hoop Stress On (ID/OD/Mean/ Lamé) • 83 Basepoint Node Number • 742 Basic Element Data • 916 Basic Operation • 28 Basic Soil Modeler Dialog Box • 423 Basic Wind Speed • 466 Batch Output File • 930 Batch Run • 200 Batch Stream Processing • 900 Beams • 386 Before Current Element • 358 Bellows Application Notes • 228 Bellows Stiffness Properties • 108 Bend Angle (Degrees) • 686 Bend Axial Shape • 47 Bend Cost Factor • 249 Bend Length Attachment Percent • 58 Bend Radius • 685 Bend Stress Intensification Factors • 682 Bend Tab • 684 Bending Coefficient • 726 Bending Moment • 710 Bends • 58, 103

CAESAR II User's Guide

Index Bends Input Export Option - SHARED • 949 Beta • 475 Block Operations • 205 Bolt Allowable @ Ambient Temperature • 708 Bolt Allowable @ Design Temperature • 708 Bolt Allowable Stress Multiplier • 709 Bolt Area (Ab) • 162 Bolt Diameter • 700 Bolt Initial Tightening Stress • 700 Bolt Material • 707 Bolt Tightening Stress Notes • 700 Bolts and Gasket Tab • 699 Bottom • 62 Bottom View • 295, 525 Boundary Conditions • 131 Bounding - Box from Selection • 322 Bounding Volume Height • 323 Bounding Volume - Depth • 323 Bounding Volume - Width • 323 boxH • 384 boxW • 384 Braces • 388 Branch Error and Coordinate Prompts • 257 Branch Largest Diameter at Intersection • 680 Branch Pipe Outside Diameter • 680 Branch Pipe Wall Thickness • 680 Brazil NBR 6123 Options • 473 Break • 213 Browse • 988 BS 7159 • 868 BS 7159 Pressure Stiffening • 56 BS5500 Nozzle Input Export Option SHARED • 959 BS-6399-97 Options • 477 BS806 • 857 Building Load Cases • 33 Building Static Load Cases • 440 Buried Pipe Example • 430 Buried Pipe Modeler • 411 Buried Pipe Modeler Window • 413 by • 360, 363, 378

C C - SOIL COHESION OF BACKFILL • 424 CADPIPE • 975 CADPIPE Example Transfer • 977 CADPIPE LOG File Discussion • 982 CAESAR II Basic Model • 418 CAESAR II Configuration • 288

CAESAR II User's Guide

CAESAR II Configuration File Generation • 41 CAESAR II Data Matrix • 929 CAESAR II Dialog Box • 465 CAESAR II Fatal Error Processing • 900 CAESAR II File Guide • 1053 CAESAR II Initial Capabilities (12/84) • 1068 CAESAR II Input and Output Files Dialog Box • 933 CAESAR II Input Export Options Dialog Box • 934 CAESAR II Local Coordinate Definitions • 884 CAESAR II Neutral File • 914 CAESAR II Operational (Job) Data • 1063 CAESAR II Output Report Options Dialog Box • 963 CAESAR II Version 1.1S Features (2/86) • 1068 CAESAR II Version 2.0A Features (10/86) • 1068 CAESAR II Version 2.1C Features (6/87) • 1069 CAESAR II Version 2.2B Features (9/88) • 1070 CAESAR II Version 3.0 Features (4/90) • 1070 CAESAR II Version 3.1 Features (11/90) • 1071 CAESAR II Version 3.15 Features (9/91) • 1071 CAESAR II Version 3.16 Features (12/91) • 1073 CAESAR II Version 3.17 Features (3/92) • 1073 CAESAR II Version 3.18 Features (9/92) • 1074 CAESAR II Version 3.19 Features (3/93) • 1075 CAESAR II Version 3.20 Features (10/93) • 1076 CAESAR II Version 3.21 Changes and Enhancements (7/94) • 1077 CAESAR II Version 3.22 Changes & Enhancements (4/95) • 1078 CAESAR II Version 3.23 Changes (3/96) • 1079 CAESAR II Version 3.24 Changes & Enhancements (3/97) • 1080 CAESAR II Version 4.00 Changes and Enhancements (1/98) • 1082


Index CAESAR II Version 4.10 Changes and Enhancements (1/99) • 1082 CAESAR II Version 4.20 Changes and Enhancements (2/00) • 1082 CAESAR II Version 4.30 Changes and Enhancements (3/01) • 1083 CAESAR II Version 4.40 Changes and Enhancements (5/02) • 1083 CAESAR II Version 4.50 Changes and Enhancements (11/03) • 1084 CAESAR II Version 5.00 Changes and Enhancements (11/05) • 1085 CAESAR II Version 5.10 Changes and Enhancements ( 9/07) • 1085 CAESAR II Version 5.20 Changes and Enhancements (4/09) • 1086 CAESAR II Version 5.30 Changes and Enhancements (11/10) • 1087 CAESAR II Version 5.31 Changes and Enhancements (5/12) • 1088 Calculate Actual Cold Loads • 230 Calculation of Fatigue Stresses • 817 CANADIAN Z662 • 855 Centerline Direction Cosine X • 741 Centerline Direction Cosine Z • 741 CFE Diseno por Sismo • 609 CFE Sismo Example Problem • 238 CFE Sismo Static Seismic Wizard • 237 Change Model Units • 904 Change Password • 87 Change Sequence • 211 Changing the Model Display • 310 Check the PRO-ISO/CAESAR II Data Transfer • 1033 Checking the CADPIPE/CAESAR II Data Transfer • 985 Chemical Resistance (A2) • 190 Clad Thk • 196 Cladding Density • 197, 292, 523 Cladding Thickness • 292, 523 Class 1 Branch Flexibilities • 775 Class 1 Branch Flexibility • 77 Classic Piping Input Dialog Box • 90 Close Loop • 203 Closely Spaced Mode Criteria/Time History Time Step (ms) • 586 CNode • 132, 138, 571 Code • 172 Code Compliance Considerations • 837 Code Compliance Report • 498 Code Options (B31.1 & B31.8) • 118 Code-Specific Notes • 842 Code-Specific Settings • 79


CODETI • 864 Coefficient of Friction (Mu) • 45 Cold Elastic Modulus • 907 Cold Spring • 768 Columns • 390 Combination Method • 461 Combine PCF Files • 287, 1028 Comma Separated Value Format • 299 Commands Menu • 359 Comment • 393 Comparison Method • 164 Compass • 290, 520 Component Amplification Factor [Rp] (NBC) • 240 Component Amplification Factor ap (ASCE) • 236 Component Colors • 62 Component Elevation Ratio [hx/hn] (NBC) • 240 Component Elevation Ratio z/h (ASCE) • 236 Component Force Amp. Factor [Ar] (NBC) • 240 Component Information • 102 Composition/Type • 186 Compress CAESAR II Files • 75 Computational Control • 43 Computed Mass Flow Rate • 623 Computed Mass Flowrate (Vent Gas) • 620 Conclusion • 837 Condense Elbows • 286, 1027 Condense Rigids • 286, 1027 Condense Tees • 1027 Configuration and Environment • 41 Configure annotation preferences • 655 Configure isometric drawing split points • 656 Configuring annotation preferences • 669 Connect Geometry Through CNodes • 59 Constant Effort Support • 774 Constant Effort Support Load • 148 Continue • 202 Control Information • 915 Control Parameters Tab • 571 Controlling Results • 456 Controlling the Data Export • 1052 Convergence Tolerances • 43 Convert selected files into CAESAR II format • 1027 Coordinates • 721 Copy • 202 Copy Environmental Loading Data Dialog Box • 465, 479

CAESAR II User's Guide

Index Copy Wave Vector • 479 Copy Wind Vector • 465 Corrosion • 98, 291, 521 Cos X & Y • 734 Covers • 229 Create a drawing using a new style • 659 Create a drawing using an existing style • 659 Create a drawing using the default style • 658 Create a new job • 28 Create a new job file • 357 Create a New Units File • 903 Create and save an annotation template • 661 Create Loop on Element • 248 Create Spring Load Cases • 774 Create/Review Units • 902 Creating a drawing using the default style • 663 Creating a template • 671 Creating the .FAT Files • 816 Crest Distance • 467 CROTCH R • 116 Culling Maximum Extent • 62 Cumulative Usage • 638 Cumulative Usage Report • 499 Current Data • 794 Current Profile Type • 479 Current Table Depth • 482 Current Table Velocity • 482 Custom Reports Toolbar • 511 Cut • 202 Cycle Stress Table • 186 Cyclic Service (A3) • 190

D Damping (DSRSS) (ratio of critical) • 587 Data Export to ODBC Compliant Databases • 1049 Data Export Wizard • 931 Data Modification and Details • 990 Data Tab • 715 Database Definitions • 49 Databases • 49 Decomposition Singularity Tolerance • 44, 600 Default • 392 Default Operator • 65 Default Piping Code • 83 Default Projection Mode • 65 Default Render Mode • 65 Default Rotational Restraint Stiffness • 45

CAESAR II User's Guide

Default Spring Hanger Table • 50 Default Translational Restraint Stiffness • 46 Default View • 65 Define a cross-section • 358 Define Jobs to Run • 900 Defining a Model • 881 Definition of a Load Case • 452 Delete • 202, 207 Delete a material from the database • 911 Delete Custom Report Template • 515 Deltas • 92 dens • 382 Densities • 194 Density • 482, 907 Description of Alternate Simplified ASME Section VIII Division 2 Elastic Nozzle Analysis pre-2007 • 800 Design (Button) • 250 Design Data • 138 Design Factor (S) • 716 Design Pressure • 709, 715, 760 Design Temperature • 682, 707 Design Wind Speed • 467 Det Norske Veritas (DNV) • 871 DFac • 181 Diagnostics Menu • 38 Diameter • 96 Diameter 2 • 110 Diameter Limit • 287, 1028 Diameters • 290, 521 Dim S3D/SPR Model • 323 Dir. • 553 Direction • 542, 544, 557, 569, 570 Direction Cosines • 95, 480 Directional Combination Method (SRSS/ABS) • 598 Directive Builder • 603 Disable • 73 Disable ANSI B16.5 Check • 710 Disable Graphic Tooltip Bubble • 65 Disable Leakage Calculations • 710 Disable Stress Calculations • 710 Disable Undo/Redo Ability • 73 Discharge • 742 Discharge Nozzle Nominal Diameter • 742 Discharge Nozzle Tab • 744, 749 Discharge Nozzle Type • 742 Displaced Shape • 68 Displacement • 544 Displacement File Formats • 298 Displacement Reports Output Report Option - SHARED • 969


Index Displacement Reports Sorted by Nodes • 74 Displacements • 158, 289, 488, 519, 633 Displacements and Rotations • 721 Displacements Input Export Option SHARED • 953 Displacements Toolbar • 509 Displaying Displacements, Forces, Uniform Loads, and Wind/Wave Loads • 313 Distance • 204 Distance from Crest to Site • 467 Distance to Opposite Stiffener • 152, 158 Distance to Stiffener or Head • 152, 157 DLF/Spectrum Generator • 605 Do/r3 • 123 Does the Vent Pipe have an Umbrella Fitting (Y/N) • 615 Double Angle Spacing • 729 Double Sum Method • 594 dP - YIELD DISP FACTOR, LAT, MAX MULTIPLE OF D • 424 dQd - YIELD DISP FACTOR, DOWN, MULTIPLE OF D • 424 dQu - YIELD DISP FACTOR, UP, MAX MULTIPLE OF D • 424 dQu - YIELD DISP FACTOR, UPWARD, MULTIPLE of H • 425 Drag Coefficient, Cd • 170 Draw Cube • 249 DSN Setup • 1049 dT - YIELD DISP FACTOR, AXIAL • 425 Duplicate • 202, 208 DX • 93, 735, 743, 744 dx, dy, dz • 362, 372 DY • 93, 735, 743, 745 Dynamic Analysis • 527 Dynamic Analysis Workflow • 533 Dynamic Example Input Text • 73 Dynamic Input • 642 Dynamic Loads in Piping Systems • 527 Dynamic Output Animation Window • 643 Dynamic Output Processing • 629 Dynamic Output Window • 629 Dynamics Files • 1060 DZ • 93, 735, 744, 745

E Earthquake Response Spectrum Analysis • 537 Edim • 371 Edit a material in the database • 911 Edit Custom Report Template • 514 Edit Dynamic Load Cases • 213


Edit Menu • 202 Edit Static Load Cases • 213 Editing Wave Case • 479 Editing Wind Case • 465 Eff • 179 Eff, Cf, z • 907 Effective Diameter • 721 Effective Gasket Modulus • 701 Effective ID • 109, 771 EFill • 366 EGen • 368 Eh / Ea • 908 Eh/Ea • 189 Elastic Analyses of Shells near Nozzles Using WRC 107 • 799 Elastic Modulus • 463, 687, 909 Elbow Stiffening Elastic Modulus • 463 Elbow Stiffening Pressure • 463 Elem • 365 Element or Component Factor [Cp] (NBC) • 240 Element/Node/Stress/Restraint Load Component • 248 Elements Input Export Option SHARED • 947 Elevation • 785 EN-13480 • 872 EN-13480 - Use In-Plane/Out-Plane SIF • 80 Enable Advanced Element Sort • 989 Enable Autosave • 73 Enable Data Export to ODBC-Compliant Databases • 53 Ending Frequency • 539 Enter a Report Title • 631 Enter Pulse Data • 612 Enter the Name of the Input File to Convert • 904 Enter the Name of the Output File (Optional) • 905 Enter the Name of the Units File to Use • 905 Enter/Edit Spectrum Data • 604 Environment Menu • 250 Equipment Centerline • 747 Equipment Component and Compliance • 675 Equipment Input Export Options SHARED • 962 Equipment Reports Output Report Option SHARED • 974 Error Check • 200 Error Checking • 437

CAESAR II User's Guide

Index Error Code Statements • 981 ESL Menu • 38 Estimated Number of Significant Figures in Eigenvalues • 600 Evaluating Vessel Stresses • 797 Event Viewer Dialog Box • 526 Example • 362, 364, 367, 370, 373 Example 1 • 1036 Example 2 • 1038 Example Files • 1061 Example Neutral File from PDS • 991 Example Output - Gas Relief Load Synthesis • 619 Example Output - Liquid Relief Load Synthesis • 623 Example Problem Multiple Load - Case Spring - Hanger Design • 144 Examples • 375, 377, 378, 380, 386, 388, 390, 392, 549, 557, 560, 565 Excitation Frequencies Tab • 538 Exclude F2 from UKOOA Bending Stress • 57 Execution of Static Analysis • 450 Existing File to Start From • 903 Exit • 202 Exp. Coeff. • 909 Expansion Joint • 220 Expansion Joint Design Notes • 224 Expansion Joint Modeler - Expansion Joint Database • 223 Expansion Joint Modeler - From / To Nodes • 223 Expansion Joint Modeler - Hinge/Pin Axis • 223 Expansion Joint Modeler - Modeler Results • 224 Expansion Joint Modeler - Overall Length • 223 Expansion Joint Modeler - Tie Bar Plane • 223 Expansion Joint Modeler Notes • 224 Expansion Joint Rating • 717 Expansion Joint Styles • 225 Expansion Joints • 51, 63, 108, 290, 521, 770 Expansion Joints Input Export Option SHARED • 950 Export Custom Report • 515 Export Output Data Also • 934 Exporting Displacements to a File • 301 External Interface Files • 1062 External Interfaces • 913

CAESAR II User's Guide

Extraction Nozzle #1 Tab • 750 Extraction Nozzle #2 Tab • 752 Extrusion Crotch Radius • 681

F F - COATING FACTOR • 427 F1, F2, ... F9 • 176 Fac • 181 FAC • 908 Facing Column • 705 Facing Sketch • 705 Factor • 553, 565 Factor for Allowables • 748 Factor for Table 4 Allowables • 743 Factor of Safety (FS) • 716 Fatal Error Message • 438 Fatigue Analysis of Piping Systems • 807 Fatigue Analysis Using CAESAR II • 806 Fatigue Basics • 806 Fatigue Capabilities in Dynamic Analysis • 815 Fatigue Class • 130 Fatigue Curves • 185 FDBR • 866 Ferritic Material • 682 Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) • 193 File Menu • 35, 198 File Name • 987 File Sets • 1053 FILLET • 116 Filter Out Elements Whose Diameter is Less Than • 988 Filter Reports • 485 Find • 203 Finite Length Expansion Joints • 108 First Element • 212 First Mode Period (CFE) • 238 Fitting Thickness • 105 Fix • 362 Fixed Format • 298 Fixed Size Restraint Size • 70 Flange • 63 Flange Allowable @ Ambient Temperature • 708 Flange Allowable @ Design Temperature • 707 Flange Allowable @ Stress Multiplier • 709 Flange Analysis Temperature • 464 Flange Check • 289, 519 Flange Checks • 160 Flange Class • 696 Flange Class/Grade • 161 Flange Face ID or Lapjt Cnt ID • 698


Index Flange Face OD or Lapjt Cnt • 698 Flange Grade • 696 Flange Inside Diameter (B) • 697 Flange Leakage and Stress Calculations • 1072 Flange Leakage/Stress Calculations • 694 Flange Material • 707 Flange Modulus of Elasticity @ Ambient • 708 Flange Modulus of Elasticity @ Design • 708 Flange Outside Diameter (A) • 697 Flange Rating • 710 Flange Reports • 493 Flange Tab • 696 Flange Thickness (t) • 698 Flange Type • 696 Flange Yield Strength, SYC, SY1-SY9 • 162 Flanges Input Export Option SHARED • 961 Flaw Length • 715 Flexible Joint Length • 721 FlowMaster • 1046 Fluid Bulk Modulus • 618 Fluid Density • 98, 291, 522 Fluid Density (Specific Gravity) • 618 Fluid Height • 154 Fluid SG • 154 Fluid Weight in Rigid Elements • 766 Force • 541, 556, 612 Force Black and White Printing • 66 Force Consistent Bend Materials • 989 Force Orthogonalization After Convergence (Y/N) • 602 Force Set # • 555, 557 Force Sets Tab • 555 Forces • 289, 520 Forces - Moments • 165 Forces Moments Input Export Option SHARED • 954 Forces on Nozzle • 744, 745 Forces/Moments • 166 Forces/Stresses • 637 Form Factor Qa • 726 Free Code • 147 Free End Connections - FREE • 384 Free Restraint at Node • 146 Free Surface Elevation • 481 Frequency Array Spaces • 602 Frequency Cutoff (HZ) • 585 Frequently Asked Questions • 893 FRICT. ANGLE • 427 Friction Angle Variation • 44


FRICTION COEFFICIENT • 427 Friction Multiplier • 463 Friction Normal Force Variation • 44 Friction Slide Multiplier • 44 Friction Stiffness • 44 from • 360, 361, 363, 365, 366, 368, 371, 375, 376, 378, 379, 385 From • 92 From Node • 414 From, To, Both • 160 From/To End Mesh • 415 Front View • 295, 524 FRP Alpha (xe-06) • 55 FRP Analysis Using CAESAR II • 831 FRP Coef. of Thermal Expansion (x 1,000,000 ) • 259 FRP Density • 55 FRP Laminate Type • 55, 260 FRP Pipe Properties • 54 FRP Property Data File • 56 FRP Ratio of Shear Modulus/Emod Axial • 260 Ftg Ro • 116 Full Load • 321 fx, fy, fz • 378

G g • 382 GAMMA - DRY SOIL DENSITY • 425 GAMMA PRIME - EFFECTIVE SOIL DENSITY • 426 Gap • 135 Gas Constant (R) • 615 Gasket Diameter, G / Bolt Circle • 161 Gasket Inner Diameter • 701 Gasket Outer Diameter • 701 Gasket Seating Stress • 703 General Comments on Configuration Settings' Effect on Piping Code Calculations • 838 General Computed Results • 499 General Notes • 981 General Settings • 82 Generate Spectrum • 613 Generate Stress Isometrics Overview • 647 genInc • 369 genIncTo • 369 genLast • 369 Geometry • 720 Geometry Definitions • 57 German 1991 Database • 405 Getting Started • 27 Gimbal • 226

CAESAR II User's Guide

Index GLoads • 380 Global • 203 Global Element Forces • 495 Global Force FX • 736 Global Force FY • 736 Global Force FZ • 736 Global Force Reports Output Report Option - SHARED • 970 Global Forces • 635 Global Input • 724 Global Moment MX • 736 Global Moment MY • 736 Global Moment MZ • 736 GPTC/Z380 • 872 Graphic Settings • 60 Graphical Output • 516 Grouping Method • 593 Grow Toolbar • 509 Guide • 133

H H - BURIED DEPTH TO TOP OF PIPE • 427 Hand Lay • 189 Hanger CNode • 63 Hanger Default Restraint Stiffness • 46 Hanger Design Control Data • 229 Hanger Hardware Weight • 143 Hanger Reports Output Report Option SHARED • 973 Hanger Sizing Algorithm • 772 Hanger Stiffness • 462 Hanger Table • 138, 232 Hanger Table with Text • 501 Hangers • 63, 137, 289, 519 Hangers Input Export Option SHARED • 959 Harmonic • 529, 626 Harmonic Analysis • 536, 573 Harmonic Displacements Tab • 543 Harmonic Forces Tab • 540 Header Pipe Outside Diameter • 680 Header Pipe Wall Thickness • 680 Heat Exchange Institute • 758 HEI Nozzle • 760 Height of Hill or Escarpment • 467 Height of the Windward Face • 469 Help Menu • 38 Help Screens and Units • 91 Hide Overlapping Text • 70 Highlighting Graphics • 311 Hill Type • 467 Hinged • 226

CAESAR II User's Guide

hl(11) • 187 hl(21) • 187 Horizontal Thermal Bowing Tolerance • 59 How to Use the Advanced PCF Import (APCF) • 284 How to Use the AFT IMPULSE Interface • 1040 How to Use the CAESAR II / PIPENET Interface • 1042 How to Use The Flowmaster Interface • 1047 How to Use the LIQT Interface • 1035 How to Use the PCF Interface • 1023 How to Use the Pipeplus Interface • 1042 HPGSL • 872 Hub Length • 699 Hydrodynamic (Wave and Current) Loading • 785

I IBC • 609 ID Manifold Piping • 618 ID of Relief Valve Orifice • 614 ID of Relief Valve Piping • 615 ID of Vent Stack Piping • 615 ID Relief Exit Piping • 618 ID Relief Orifice or Rupture Disk Opening • 617 ID Supply Header • 618 Idle Processing Count • 66 IGE/TD/12 • 870 IGE\TD\12 Reference • 126 IGE\TD\12 Requirements • 122 Ignore B31.3 Wc Factor • 80 Ignore Spring Hanger Stiffness • 47 Implement Appendix P • 79 Implementation of Macro-Level Analysis for Piping Systems • 826 Import Custom Report • 515 Import Load Cases • 459 Import/Export Displacements Dialog Box • 297 Import/Export Displacements from File • 297 Importance Factor • 466, 607, 608 Importance Factor I (ASCE) • 235 Importance Factor IE (NBC) • 240 Importing Displacements from a File • 301 Impulse • 531 in G's, in F/L • 168 In-And Out-Of-Plane Fixity Coefficients Ky And Kz • 728 inc • 361, 367, 369, 372, 375, 376, 379, 385


Index Include Additional Bend Nodes • 989 Include Insulation in Hydrotest • 47 Include Missing Mass Components • 595 Include Piping Input Files • 261 Include Pseudostatic (Anchor Movement) Components (Y/N) • 595 Include Spring Stiffness in Hanger OPE Travel Cases • 47 Included Mass Data • 641 Including Structural Input Files • 262 Including the Spring Hanger Stiffness in the Design Algorithm • 775 Inclusion of Missing Mass Correction • 801 incmatId • 372 incMatId • 367, 370 Incore Numerical Check • 47 Increase Factor • 610 Increase Factor (CFE) • 238 Increment • 204, 286, 539, 542, 545, 554, 988 Increments • 569 incSecId • 372 incTo • 367, 369, 372, 375, 377, 379, 385 Inlet Nozzle Node Number • 756 Inlet Nozzle Nominal Diameter • 756 Inlet Nozzle Tab • 756 In-Line Flange Evaluation • 767 In-Plane • 729, 730 In-Plane Bending Moment • 729 Input Specifying Hydrodynamic Parameters in CAESAR II • 793 Input Data Tab • 740, 755 Input Echo • 502 Input Items • 59, 72 Input Items Optionally Effecting SIF Calculations • 113 Input Items Optionally Effecting SIF Calculations For ISO 14692 • 119 Input Menu • 36 Input Spreadsheet Defaults • 45 insecid • 367 inSecId • 370 Insert • 202 Insert Menu • 358 Insul Thk • 196 Insul/Cladding Unit Weight • 197 Insul/Cladding Unit Wt. • 293, 523 Insulation Density • 196, 292, 523 Insulation Thickness • 292, 523 Insulation Weight on Rigid Elements • 766 Intergraph CADWorx Plant • 975


Intergraph Data After Bend Modifications • 1003 Intergraph Data After Element Sort • 998 Intergraph Data After TEE/Cross Modifications • 999 Intergraph Data After Valve Modifications • 1000 Intergraph PDS • 986 Intergraph Smart 3D PCF • 986 Intersection Crotch Radius • 681 Intersection Crotch Thickness • 681 Intersection Stress Intensification Factors • 676 Intersection Type • 679 Introduction • 21 Invert • 210 IS-875 Options • 474 ISO-14692 • 872

J Jacobi Sweep Tolerance • 600 JPI • 873

K K2 • 135 Kellogg Equivalent Pressure Method • 767 K-Factor • 107 Kinematic Viscosity • 481 KO - COEFFICIENT OF PRESSURE AT REST • 428 Korean 1990 Database • 408 Ksd • 181

L L1/Lb • 125 Laminate Type • 908 Large End Hub Thickness • 699 last • 361, 367, 369, 372, 375, 377, 379, 385 Last Element • 212 Leak Pressure Ratio • 701 Left-side View • 295, 525 Legend Text • 69 Length • 95, 290, 521 Length of Manifold Piping • 618 Length of Relief Exit Piping • 618 Length of the Vent Stack • 615 Liberal Stress Allowable • 258 Lift Coefficient, Cl • 170 LIM • 133 Limiting the Display • 315

CAESAR II User's Guide

Index Line Number • 197 Line Numbers • 250 Line Temperature • 614 Liners • 229 LIQT • 1034 List • 204 List Options • 394 Load • 377 Load Case • 565 Load Case (for Design) • 247 Load Case Editor Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) • 457 Load Case Name • 460, 517 Load Case Options Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) • 459 Load Case Report • 500 Load Case Template • 51 Load Cases • 458 Load Cases with Hanger Design • 441 Load Cases with Pitch and Roll • 442 Load Cases with Thermal Displacements • 442 Load Cases with Thermal Displacements and Settlement • 442 Load Cycles • 459, 540 Load Duration (DSRSS) (sec) • 587 Load S3D/SPR Dialog Box • 320 Load S3D/SPR Model • 319 Loading Conditions • 165 Loads Defined in Input • 457 Loads Tab • 709 Local Coordinates • 874 Local Element Forces • 495 Local Force Report Output Report Option SHARED • 971 Local Forces • 634 Local Member Data Tab • 727 Loop Closure Tolerance • 60 Loop Optimization Wizard Overview • 247 Loop Type • 248 Lumped Masses Tab • 568 lxx • 383 lyy • 383

M Macro-Level Analysis • 825 Main Menu • 34 Major Direction • 249 Major Direction Available Space • 250 Manipulating the Toolbar • 311 Mapped MCESRA at One Second (S1) • 608

CAESAR II User's Guide

Mapped MCESRA at Short Periods (Ss) • 608 Marine Growth • 170 Marine Growth Density • 170 Marker Color • 64 Marker Options • 64 Marker Size • 64 Mass • 569 Mass Model • 642 Mass Model (LUMPED/ CONSISTENT) • 598 Mass Participation Factors • 638 Material • 171, 291, 522 Material Allowable Stress • 760 Material Data Tab • 707 Material Database • 905 Material Elastic Properties • 192 Material Number • 287, 1029 Material Properties • 54, 192 Material Specified Minimum Yield • 715 Material Yield Strength • 715, 725, 729, 760 Materials • 170, 228 matId • 365, 367, 369, 381 matID • 372 MatId • 381 Max. Mapped Res. Acc. Ss (ASCE) • 236 Max. No. of Eigenvalues Calculated • 583 Max. Stress • 247 Maximum Allowable Bend Angle • 58 Maximum Allowed Travel Limit • 142, 232 Maximum Anchor Node • 988 Maximum Desired Unity Check • 727 Maximum Longitudinal Moment • 761 Maximum Radial Force • 761 Maximum Stress Versus Extracted Loads • 805 Maximum Table Frequency • 611 Measurement Increment • 715 Measurements Tab • 716 Member End Node • 727 Member Start Node • 727 Member Type • 728 Memory Allocated (Mb) • 76 Mexico 1993 Options • 470 Micro-Level Analysis • 819 -Mill Tol % • 98 Mini-Level Analysis • 823 Minimum Allowable Bend Angle • 58 Minimum Anchor Node • 988 Minimum Angle to Adjacent Bend • 59 Minimum Desired Unity Check • 726 Minimum Temperature Curve (A-D) • 907 Minimum Wall Mill Tolerance (%) • 46


Index Mini-windows • 297 Minor Direction • 250 Minor Direction Available Space • 250 Miscellaneous • 47, 1072 Miscellaneous Data • 503 Miscellaneous Data Group #1 • 925 Miscellaneous Options • 64, 72 Miscellaneous Processors • 895 Missing Mass Combination Method (SRSS/ABS) • 597 Missing Mass ZPA • 48 Miter Points • 105 Modal • 625 Modal Analysis • 536 Modal Combination Method (Group/10%/DSRSS/ABS/SRSS) • 592 mode • 387, 389, 391 Model an underground piping system • 429 Model Error Checking • 32 Model Menu • 213 Model Modifications for Dynamic Analysis • 533 Model Rotation • 287, 989, 1028 Model Setup using the Structural Steel Wizard • 357 Model TEES as 3 Elements • 989 Modeling Friction Effects • 778 Modes Mass Normalized • 640 Modes Unity Normalized • 640 Moments on Nozzle • 744, 745 Move Geometry • 317 Movement Capability • 228 Moving elements • 317 Mu • 136 Multiple Load Case Design Option • 143 Multiple Load Case Design Options • 234 mx, my, mz • 378

N name • 383 Name • 92, 547, 906 Natural Frequencies • 640 Navigating the Classic Piping Input Dialog Box using the Function Keys • 91 NAVY 505 • 856 NBC Example • 241 NBC Importance Factor • 469 NBC Static Seismic Wizard • 239 NEMA Input Data Tab • 734 NEMA SM23 (Steam Turbines) • 730 NEMA Turbine Example • 732 Neutral File Insulation Units • 990 Neutral File Weight Units • 989


New • 35, 198 New Custom Report Template • 513 New Job Ambient Temperature • 46 New Job Bourdon Pressure • 46 New Job Liberal Expansion Stress Allowable • 84 New Password • 87 New Units File Name • 904 Next Element • 212 NFill • 360 NGen • 360 No RTF/WLT in Reduced Fitting SIFs • 80 No. Hangers at Location • 142 No. of Hanger - Design Operating Load Cases • 230 No. of Iterations Per Shift (0 - Pgm computed) • 601 No. to Converge Before Shift Allowed (0 Not Used) • 601 Nodal Coordinate Data • 929 Node • 105, 114, 122, 132, 138, 159, 164, 166, 359, 557, 570 Node Name • 517 node number • 359 Node Number • 747 Node Number for • 721 Node Numbers • 91, 290, 521 Node Text • 69 nodeInc • 361 Nominal Diameter • 747 Nonlinear Code Compliance • 779 Northeast ISO View • 296, 525 Northwest ISO View • 296, 525 Norwegian (TBK 5-6) • 865 Note Message • 439 Notes on Occasional Load Cases • 781 Nozzle Check • 289, 520 Nozzle Check Report • 493 Nozzle Diameter • 735 Nozzle Flexibility • 289, 519 Nozzle Height • 154 Nozzle Lmt Check • 163 Nozzle Node • 151, 153, 156 Nozzle Number • 734 Nozzle Outer Diameter • 151, 154, 157 Nozzle Outside Diameter • 760 Nozzle Type • 735 Nozzle Wall Thickness • 151, 154 Nozzles • 63, 148 Nubbin Width or Ring • 705 Number • 906 Number of Bolts • 700 Number of Convolutions • 721

CAESAR II User's Guide

Index Number of Cuts • 686 Number of Flanges (Laminate Type for BS7159 & UKOOA) • 686 Number of Points • 611

O Occ Load Factor • 464 Occasional Load Factor • 81 Ocean Currents • 790 Ocean Wave Particulars • 787 ODBC Compliant Database Name • 54 ODBC Settings • 53 Off • 170 Offsets • 94 Offsets Input Export Option SHARED • 956 On Element • 248 On Screen • 512 Open • 35, 198 Open a Job • 631 Open CADWorx Model • 199 Opening an existing CAESAR II file • 663 Opening Time • 611 Operating Conditions • 99 Operating Load (Total at Loc.) • 142 Optimal Frame Rate • 66 Optimization Type • 247 Optimization Wizard • 241 Options Menu • 288, 512 Ordinate • 604 Ordinate Interpol • 549 Ordinate Type • 548 Orient • 376 Orifice Flow Conditions/Exit Pipe End Flow Conditions/Manifold Pipe End Flow Conditions • 624 Other Global Coordinate Systems • 875 Other Notes on Hanger Sizing • 775 Outlet Nozzle Node Number • 756 Outlet Nozzle Nominal Diameter • 756 Outlet Nozzle Tab • 757 Out-of-Plane • 730 Out-of-Plane Bending Moment • 729 Output Colors • 67 Output Items • 74 Output Menu • 37 Output Reports by Load Case • 74 Output Status • 460 Output Table of Contents • 74 Output Text • 69 Output Type • 460 Output Viewer Wizard • 504 Outside Diameter • 688

CAESAR II User's Guide


P Pad Thickness • 681 Pad Thk • 116 Parameters for Degrees of Freedom • 385, 387, 389, 391 Partial Load • 321 Paste • 202 PCF • 1009 PCF Interface Custom Attributes • 270, 1010 PCF Material Mapping • 272, 1012 PCF Restraint Mapping • 273, 1013 PCF Stress Intensification Factor Mapping • 281, 1021 PCF Unit Mapping • 271, 1010 PD 5500 • 156 Percent Stress Settings • 68 Phase • 542, 544 Phase Angle • 481 Pipe Density • 98, 291, 522 Pipe Nominal Diameter • 715 Pipe Outside Diameter • 685 Pipe Schedule/Wall Thickness • 287, 1029 Pipe Sizes • 95 Pipe Stress Analysis Coordinate Systems • 878 Pipe Stress Analysis of FRP Piping • 818 Pipe Surface Condition • 473 Pipe Wall Thickness • 715 Pipeline Remaining Strength Calculations (B31G) • 712 PIPENET • 1041 Pipeplus • 1042 Pipes • 63 Piping Code ID • 679, 684 Piping Codes • 291, 522 Piping Element Data • 796 Piping Input generation • 29 Piping Input Reference • 89 Piping Size Specification • 51 Plate • 227 Plot Options Menu • 518 Plot View Menu • 524 pois • 382 Poisson's Ratio • 907 Post-Selection Load Case (Optional) – Setting the Actual Installed (Cold) Load • 773 Practical Applications • 831


Index Predefined Hanger Data • 147 Pre-Selection Load Case 2 – Setting Hanger Deflection through the Operating Case • 773 Pressure (abs) • 614 Pressure (Design Strain for BS 7159 & UKOOA) • 686 Pressure Rating • 228 Pressure Stiffening • 687 Pressure Variation in EXP Case • 81 Pressures • 101, 293, 524 Previous Element • 212 Pricing Factors Tab • 898 Print • 200 Print Alphas and Pipe Properties • 257 Print Forces on Rigids and Expansion Joints • 256 Print Preview • 200 Print Setup • 200 Printing or Saving Reports to File Notes • 486 PRO-ISO • 1029 PRO-ISO Example Transfer • 1032 Prompted Autosave • 74 Propagate Properties • 99, 193, 197 Providing Wave Data • 450 Providing Wind Data • 448 Pseudostatic (Anchor Movement) Comb. Method (SRSS/ABS) • 597 Pseudo-Static Hydrodynamic Loading • 788 Pvar • 184

Q Qs • 188 Quick XML Export • 934

R r • 188 R1 • 111 r1/Tc/Lh • 125 R2 • 111 r2/rc • 124 Radius • 104 Random • 529 Range • 288, 519, 604 Range Interpol • 549 Range Type • 548 Ratio of Gas Specific Heats (k) • 615 Ratio Shear Modulus Elastic Modulus • 56 RCC-M Subsection C and D • 863 Read from File • 161, 165, 186


Recent Piping Files • 201 Recent Structural Files • 201 Recommend • 459 Recommended Load Cases • 446 Recommended Load Cases Dialog box • 459 Recommended Load Cases for Hanger Selection • 447 Redo • 212 Reduced Intersection • 81 Reducer • 109 Reducers Input Export Option SHARED • 960 Ref Vector X, Y, Z • 165 Ref. Wind Velocity [Vb,0] • 469 Reference Wind Pressure • 468 References • 796, 837 Refract Density • 195 Refract Thk • 195 Refractory Density • 292, 522 Refractory Thickness • 292, 522 Re-Import • 321 Reinforcing on Shell (1) or Nozzle (2) • 154 Relief Load Synthesis • 613 Relief Load Synthesis for Gases Greater Than 15 psig • 614 Relief Load Synthesis for Liquids • 617 Relief Load Synthesis Results • 646 Relief Loads and Water Hammer/Slug Flow Spectra Analysis • 537 Relief Valve or Rupture Disk • 617 Remove HA Elements • 988 Remove Password • 88 Remove PCF Files from Conversion List • 1027 Rendered Mode Text Always Visible • 69 Renumber • 208 Report Options • 487 Report Template Editor • 505 Report Types • 633 Reports Navigation Toolbar • 511 Reports Tab • 899 Required Data Sets • 1056 Required Error Data Files • 1055 Required Printer/Listing Files • 1058 Required Program Files • 1054 Reset • 295, 524 Reset Default Custom Report Templates • 515 Reset Toolbar Layout • 296 Reset View on Refresh • 288 Resetting Loads on Existing Spring Hangers • 148

CAESAR II User's Guide

Index Resize Members Whose Unity Check Value Is . . . • 726 Response Factor R (ASCE) • 235 Response Modification R • 609 Restore Previous Anchor Size • 66 Restore Previous Hanger Size • 66 Restore Previous Operator • 66 Restore Previous Projection Mode • 67 Restore Previous Render Mode • 67 Restore Previous Restraint Size • 67 Restore Previous View • 67 Restrained Piping per B31.8 • 185 Restrained Weight Case • 772 Restraint CNode • 63 Restraint Codes • 951 Restraint Data in Local Element Coordinates • 892 Restraint Helix is a Line • 71 Restraint Report - In Local Element Coordinates • 490 Restraint Reports Output Report Option SHARED • 969 Restraint Summary • 492 Restraints • 63, 131, 288, 489, 519, 633 Restraints Input Export Option SHARED • 951 Restraints Toolbar • 509 Resultant Force and Moment Multiplier • 756 Return to Input • 517 Re-use Last Eigensolution (Frequencies and Mode Shapes) • 591 Review Error Report • 296 Review Existing Units File • 902 Review SIFs at Bend Nodes • 253 Review SIFs at Intersection Nodes • 250 Review Static Results • 296 Review Units • 213 Right-side View • 295, 525 Rigid • 107 Rigid Element Application • 765 Rigid Support Displacement Criteria • 141, 231 Rigid Weight • 765 Rigids • 64 Rigids Input Export Option - SHARED • 950 Rod Increment (Degrees) • 45 Rod Tolerance (Degrees) • 45 Rotate • 207 Roughness Factor • 469 rp/do • 124 Run a static analysis • 33 rx • 364

CAESAR II User's Guide

RX (cosx, cosy, cosz) or RX (vecx, vecy, vecz) • 134 rx stiffness • 364 RX, RY, or RZ • 133 ry • 364 ry stiffness • 364 rz • 364 rz stiffness • 364

S S3D Graphics Environment Dialog Box • 324 S3D/SPR Import View • 319 S3D/SPR Visibility Options • 324 Sa(0.2) (NBC) • 240 Sample Input • 331 Save • 199 Save Animation to File • 644 Save As • 199 Save as Graphics Image • 199 Saving an Image for Later Presentation • 315 SC • 173 Seam Welded • 97, 686 Seam-Welded • 107 Seawater Data • 795 secId • 365, 367, 369 secID • 372 SecId • 382 Section 1 - Entity Information • 983 Section 2-Segment Information • 983 Section 3-Final CAESAR II Data • 984 section Id • 383 Seismic Coefficient Ca • 607 Seismic Coefficient Cv • 607 Seismic Wizard • 234 Seismic Zone • 610 Seismic Zone (CFE) • 238 Select a file • 321 Select a units file • 357 Select a vertical axis • 357 Select CAESAR II File • 933 Select Data Export Output File • 934 Select Load Jobs and Load Case • 736 Select material properties • 357 Select the model definition method • 358 Select Wind Code or Profile • 465 Send Reports to Microsoft Word • 632 Set Default Data Directory • 35 Set Displacement Vector • 155 Set Project Information • 654 Set Report Font • 512 Set Sustained SIF Multiplier • 79


Index Set/Change Password • 87 Settings • 56 SH1, SH2, ... SH9 • 175 Shadow Mode • 71 shape • 379 Shell Outside Diameter • 760 Shell Thickness • 760 Should CAESAR II Size the Vent Stack (Y/N) • 617 Show Bounding Box • 71 Show Informational Messages • 287 Show/Hide S3D/SPR Model • 323 SIF (i) • 115 SIF (o) • 115 SIF Scratchpad • 121 SIFs & Tees • 112 SIFs and Stresses • 76 SIFs Tees Input Export Option SHARED • 957 SIFs/Tees • 64 Silhouette Mode Text Always Visible • 69 Site Class (ASCE) • 236 Site Class (NBC) • 240 Site Coefficient Fa • 608 Site Coefficient Fv • 608 Slipon • 227 Small End Hub Thickness • 698 Smooth Transitions • 71 Snubbers Active • 462 Snubbers Tab • 570 Software Revision Procedures • 23 Software Support/User Assistance • 22 SOIL DENSITY • 428 Soil Model No. • 414 Soil Model Type and Classification • 423 Soil Models • 417 Soil Type • 610 Soil Type (CFE) • 238 South African 1992 Database • 408 Southeast ISO View • 295, 525 Southwest ISO View • 295, 525 Spatial Combination Method (SRSS/ABS) • 592 Spatial or Modal Combination First • 591 Special Execution Parameters • 256 Specify Revision Number • 933 Spectrum • 627 Spectrum Analysis • 577 Spectrum Name • 605 Spectrum Type • 606 Spectrum/Time History Definitions Tab • 546


Spectrum/Time History Load Cases Tab • 550 Spectrum/Time History Profile • 552 Spring Design Requirements • 772 Spring Forces • 228 Spring Rate • 147 Square Root of the Sum of the Squares Method • 594 Standard Toolbar • 508 Start Node • 286, 542, 545, 554, 988 Starting CAESAR II • 27 Starting Frequency • 539 Starting Point X • 323 Starting Point Y • 323 Starting Point Z • 323 Static Analysis • 437 Static Analysis Dialog Box • 456 Static Analysis Fatigue Example • 808 Static Analysis Overview • 437 Static Load Case Editor • 439 Static Load Case for Nonlinear Restraint Status • 582 Static Load Cases Output Report Options SHARED • 968 Static Output Processor • 483 Static Output Review • 33 Static Seismic Inertial Loads • 782 Static Seismic Load Cases • 443 Static/Dynamic Combinations Tab • 564 Status • 212 Status Tab • 900 Steel • 64 Stif • 136 Stiffness • 570 Stiffness Factor for Friction • 583 STOKES 5th Order Wave Theory Implementation • 789 Stoomwezen • 862 Stop Node • 542, 545, 554, 569 Stream Function Order • 480 Stream Function Wave Theory Implementation • 790 Stress Concentration Factor • 688 Stress Concentration Factors • 130 Stress Concentrations and Intensification • 688 Stress Index - Axial (Ia) • 115 Stress Index - Torsion (It) • 115 Stress Intensification Factor Scratchpad • 1072 Stress Intensification Factors Details • 119 Stress Isometric Tutorials • 662

CAESAR II User's Guide

Index Stress Reduction Factors Cmy and Cmz • 725 Stress Reports Output Report Option SHARED • 972 Stress Summary • 497 Stress Types • 458 Stresses • 496, 636 Stresses Toolbar • 510 Structural Classification • 466 Structural Code • 725 Structural Damping Coef. • 466 Structural Data Files • 1061 Structural Database • 51 Structural Databases • 395 Structural Group • 610 Structural Steel Checks - AISC • 722 Structural Steel Example #1 • 331 Structural Steel Example #2 • 341 Structural Steel Example #3 • 350 Structural Steel Graphics • 329 Structural Steel Modeler • 325 Structure Group (CFE) • 238 Structure Natural Frequency, f (Hz) • 467 Sturm Sequence Check on Computed Eigenvalues • 598 Subspace Size (0-Not Used) • 600 Suction Nozzle Node Number • 742 Suction Nozzle Nominal Diameter • 742 Suction Nozzle Tab • 743, 748 Suction Nozzle Type • 742 Summary Report • 300 Supply Header Pipe Wall Thickness • 618 Supply Press. (abs) • 617 Surface Velocity • 480 SUS Case Sh • 463 Sustained Stresses and Nonlinear Restraints • 779 Swedish Method 1 and 2 • 859 Sy • 179 SY (c) • 181 SY1, SY2, ... SY9 • 176 SYa • 181 System Design Factor • 191 System Level Items • 75

T T/Th/T'b • 123 Table 4 Force and Moment Multiplier • 756 Tank Coefficient of Thermal Expansion • 155 Tank Modulus of Elasticity • 155 Tank Node (optional) • 154 Tank Outer Diameter • 154

CAESAR II User's Guide

Tank Wall Thickness • 154 Target Stress • 247 TD/12 Modulus Correction • 186 Te/Tb • 124 Technical Discussion of LIQT Interface • 1034 Technical Discussion of the PIPENET Interface • 1041 Technical Discussions • 765 Technical Notes on CAESAR II Hydrodynamic Loading • 790 Tees • 290, 521 Temperature • 908 Temperature Change • 155 TEMPERATURE CHANGE • 428 Temperature-Pressure Table • 162 Temperatures • 100, 293, 523 Ten Percent Method • 593 Terrain Roughness Category • 472 Text Options • 69 The Dynamic Analysis Window • 535 The Right Hand Rule • 876 The Structural Modeler Window • 356 Theoretical Cold (Installation) Load • 148 Thermal Bowing Delta Temperature • 258 Thermal Expansion • 101 THERMAL EXPANSION COEFFICIENT • 428 Thermal Factor (k) • 191 Thermodynamic Entropy Limit/Subsonic Vent Exit Limit • 621 Thickness 2 • 110 Thrust at the End of the Exit Piping • 623 Thrust at the End of the Manifold Piping • 623 Thrust at the Vent Pipe Exit • 620 Thrust at Valve Pipe/Vent Pipe Interface • 620 Tied • 226 Time • 612 Time History • 580, 627 Time History Analysis • 538 Time History Animation • 75 Title Input Export Option - SHARED • 962 Title Lines • 517 Title Page • 229 to • 360, 361, 363, 365, 366, 368, 372, 375, 376, 378, 379, 385 To • 92 To Node • 414 Toggle Graphics Update • 295 Toolbars • 293 Tools Menu • 37, 296


Index Top • 62 Top View • 295, 524 torsion • 383 Torsional Spring Rates • 223 Total Wind Height • 473 Transforming from Global to Local • 892 Transient Pressure Rise on Valve Closing • 621, 623 Transient Pressure Rise on Valve Opening • 621, 623 Trunnion Tab • 687 Tube Axial Force • 763 Tube Bundle Direction • 756 Tube Horizontal Moment • 764 Tube Horizontal Shear Force • 763 Tube Node Number • 763 Tube Nominal Diameter • 763 Tube Torsional Moment • 764 Tube Vertical Moment • 764 Tube Vertical Shear Force • 763 T-UNIV • 227 Tutorial A - Creating a stress isometric drawing using the default drawing style • 662 Tutorial B - Adding annotations for Input and Output features • 665 Tutorial C - Adding custom annotations and configure annotations preferences • 667 Tutorial D - Creating and applying a stress iso template • 671 Type • 104, 114, 123, 132

U UBC • 606 UBC Options • 468 UK 1993 Database • 410 UKOOA • 869 Ult Tensile Stress • 909 Ultimate Axial Load • 416 Ultimate Downward Load • 417 Ultimate Lateral Load • 416 Ultimate Upward Load • 416 Uncompressed Gasket Thickness • 701 Underlying Theory • 818 Understanding Jobs • 28 Undo • 212 UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH • 428 Unif • 374 Uniform Load in G's • 259 Uniform Load Input Export Option SHARED • 954 Uniform Loads • 166, 289, 520 Unit • 394


Units Conversion Data • 928 Units File Name • 51 Units File Operations • 901 Unsupported Axial Length • 728 Unsupported Length (In-Plane Bending) • 728 Unsupported Length (Out-Of-Plane Bending) • 728 Untied • 225 Update History • 1067 Updates and License Types • 25 Use Background Color • 62 Use Culling Frustrum • 62 Use Fixed Size Restraints • 71 Use FRP Flexibilities • 57 Use FRP SIF • 57 Use Model Bounding Box • 322 Use Out-of-Core Eigensolver (Y/N) • 602 Use PD/4t • 84 Use Pipe Materials Only • 286, 1028 Use Pressure Stiffening on Bends • 48 Use Schneider • 78 Use SL Formulation Para 320 (2010) • 79 Use System Units • 934 Use WRC 329 • 78 User Defined Time History Waveform • 611 User ID • 76 User Material Database File Name • 52 User Wind Profile • 465 User-Defined • 383 User-Defined Axial Stif • 416 User-Defined Downward Stif • 417 User-Defined Lateral • 415 User-Defined SIFs Anywhere in the Piping System • 119 User-Defined Upward Stif • 416 Using Local Coordinates • 883 Using Microsoft Excel • 513 Using Microsoft Word • 513 UTS (c) • 181 UTS1, UTS2, ... UTS9 • 176 UTSa • 181 U-UNIV • 226 ux, uy, uz • 375

V Valve • 216 Valve Orifice Gas Conditions/Vent Pipe Exit Gas Conditions/Subsonic Velocity Gas Conditions • 622 Valve/Flange Data File Location • 53 Valves and Flanges • 53 Vector 1, Vector 2, ... Vector 9 • 159, 166

CAESAR II User's Guide

Index Vector 1, Vector 2, Vector 3 • 168 Version and Job Title Information • 915 Vertical • 393 Vertical In-Line Pumps • 740 Vessel Centerline Direction Cosine VX, VY, VZ • 152, 158 Vessel Material (Optional) • 152, 158 Vessel Node (Optional) • 151, 157 Vessel Outer Diameter • 151, 157 Vessel Pad Thickness • 152, 157 Vessel Temperature (Optional) • 152, 158 Vessel Type - Cylinder (0) or Sphere (1) • 157 Vessel Wall Thickness • 151, 157 Video Driver • 67 View Animations • 516 View Load Cases • 632 View Menu • 38, 293, 507 View Reports • 632 View/Edit File • 904 Visibility % • 71 Visual Options • 70

W Walking Through the Model • 316 Wall Thickness • 291, 521, 688 Wall Thickness of Attached Pipe • 685 Wall Thickness of Bend • 685 Warning Message • 438 Warning Messages • 299 Warnings • 503 Water Depth • 480 Wave Data • 794 Wave Direction Cosines • 481 Wave Height • 480 Wave Kinematics Factor • 481 Wave Loads • 169 Wave Loads Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box • 479 Wave Period • 480 Wave Phase Option • 481 Wave Theory • 480 B1 • 117 WELD (D) • 116 Weld ID • 117, 130 Weld Strength Reduction Factor (W) • 909 Weld Type • 681 Welded • 227 What's New in CAESAR II • 17 WI Factor • 98 Width to Height Ratio • 249 Wind / Wave Loads • 168 Wind Direction Specification • 465

CAESAR II User's Guide

Wind Exposure • 466 Wind Loads • 169, 378, 783 Wind Loads Tab (Static Analysis Dialog Box) • 465 Wind Shape Factor • 169 Wind Wave Input Export Option SHARED • 955 Wind/Wave • 290, 520 +Mill Tol % • 98 Wl for Bends • 107 WN • 227 Work with Reports • 484 WR297 Nozzle Input Export Option SHARED • 957 WRC 107 Stress Summations • 692 WRC 107/297 Vessel/Nozzle Stresses • 689 WRC 297 • 149 WRC 297 Local Stress Calculations • 1072 WRC Bulletin 107(537) • 691 WRC Bulletin 297 • 693 WRC-107 Interpolation Method • 48 WRC-107(537) Version • 48 Wt/Sch • 97

X x • 363 X (cosx, cosy, cosz) or X (vecx, vecy, vecz) • 133 X Distance to Discharge • 749 X Distance to Extraction Nozzle #1 • 751 X Distance to Extraction Nozzle #2 • 752 X Distance to Suction • 748 X Force Acting on Discharge Nozzle • 750 X Force Acting on Suction Nozzle • 748 X Force Acting on the Extraction Nozzle • 751, 752 X Force Applied to Inlet Nozzle • 757 X Force Applied to Outlet Nozzle • 758 X Moment Acting on Discharge Nozzle • 750 X Moment Acting on Suction Nozzle • 749 X Moment Acting on the Extraction Nozzle • 751, 753 X Moment Applied to Inlet Nozzle • 757 X Moment Applied to Outlet Nozzle • 758 x stiffness • 363 X, Y, or Z • 133 x, y, z • 359 X2, Y2, Z2 • 134 XROD (COSX, COSY, COSZ) or XROD (VECX, VECY, VECZ) • 134 XROD, YROD, ZROD • 133


Index XSNB, YSNB, ZSNB • 134 XSPR, YSPR, ZSPR • 134

Y y • 363 Y Distance From Header Center to Nozzle Face • 758 Y Distance from Nozzle Face to Header Center • 757 Y Distance to Discharge • 749 Y Distance to Extraction Nozzle #1 • 751 Y Distance to Extraction Nozzle #2 • 752 Y Distance to Suction • 748 Y Force Acting on Discharge Nozzle • 750 Y Force Acting on Suction Nozzle • 748 Y Force Acting on the Extraction Nozzle • 751 Y Force Applied to Inlet Nozzle • 757 Y Force Applied to Outlet Nozzle • 758 Y Moment Acting on Discharge Nozzle • 750 Y Moment Acting on Extraction Nozzle • 752 Y Moment Acting on suction Nozzle • 749 Y Moment Acting on the Extraction Nozzle • 751, 753 Y Moment Applied to Inlet Nozzle • 757 Y Moment Applied to Outlet Nozzle • 758 y stiffness • 363 YIELD DISPLACEMENT FACTOR • 428 Yield Stress • 909 Yield Stress Criterion • 85 ym • 382 Young‘s Modulus • 725 Young's Modulus • 729 ys • 382

Z Moment Acting on the Extraction Nozzle • 751, 753 Z Moment Applied to Inlet Nozzle • 757 Z Moment Applied to Suction Nozzle • 758 z stiffness • 363 Z-Axis Vertical • 60, 260, 734 Zero Length Expansion Joints • 108 ZPA (Reg. Guide 1.60/UBC - g's) # Time History Output Cases • 588

Z z • 363 Z Axis Up • 721 Z Distance to Discharge • 750 Z Distance to Extraction Nozzle #1 • 751 Z Distance to Extraction Nozzle #2 • 752 Z Distance to Suction • 748 Z Force Acting on Discharge Nozzle • 750 Z Force Acting on Suction Nozzle • 749 Z Force Acting on the Extraction Nozzle • 751, 752 Z Force Applied to Inlet Nozzle • 757 Z Force Applied to Outlet Nozzle • 758 Z Moment Acting on Suction Nozzle • 749


CAESAR II User's Guide

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