CAESAR-II Output Report

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CAESAR-II Output Report...


Custom Output Reports in CAESAR II

Nigel Marsh Chief Pipe Stress Analysis Engineer Worley Parsons Australia

Custom Output Reports in CAESAR II

Content 

CAESAR II Output Module

Building Custom Reports

Sharing Custom Reports

Typical Custom Reports

Other Output Module Features

Custom Output Reports in CAESAR II

Content 

CAESAR II Output Module

Building Custom Reports

Sharing Custom Reports

Typical Custom Reports

Other Output Module Features

CAESAR II Output Module

Standard reports can not be modified

Custom reports are stored in system folder and available for all models

CAESAR II Output Module Types of output reports 



Code compliance

Nozzle check

CAESAR II Output Module 

Individual 

Each load case reported separately

CAESAR II Output Module Types of output reports 

Summary 

Loads cases together for each node

CAESAR II Output Module Types of output reports 

Code compliance 

Code compliance statement

Loads cases together for each node

CAESAR II Output Module Types of output reports 

Nozzle check

Building Custom Reports 

Custom reports tool bar 

Report Template Editor 


Settings Preview


Report Name

Report Settings

Summary line

Print node on each line

Report Settings

Print node on each line

Summary line - off 

Output Data

Click on to open / close

Output Data

 Available output data

Output Data

Position in report

Decimal places

Sorts data - ascending - descending

Custom name

Column width 0 removes column -1 default width

Precision based on units displayed Label used in unit conversion

Output Data

Combine output types

e.g.. Displacements and Restraints

Standard report at template

Standard report at template

Standard report at template

Sharing Custom Reports

Exported into file test.C2RPT

Standardise on projects / company

Typical Custom Reports

Displacement summary

Typical Custom Reports

Flange summary

Typical Custom Reports

Local restraint summary

Custom Reports



Filter on Node number 

Node filter not applied to stress summary


Filter options

Fields; Within result type; eg - Displacements or - Restraints

Classes; Between result types; eg - between Displacements and Restraints in the extended results summary


Filter on result value

Filters 

Use Line number to filter out boundary conditions


Filter on restraint CNode

Exclude soil restraints

Using Labels

Using Labels


Sort results

Double click on column heading

Element Listing 

Element listing controlled by ELEMENT.INP

ELEMENT#.INP are templates that can be used

Other reports have INP files P1=‘:6:4


6 digits before decimal place 4 digits after decimal place

Summary 

Custom reports saves time

Custom reports improves accuracy

Share custom reports

Other Output Features

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