Cae - Key - Test 4 PDF

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_• Test 4






Read through the whole tex textt first to get a general idea 01 what the writer is



15 minutes

You are going to read three extracts which are all concerned in some way with alternative health therapies. For questions 1- 6 , choose the answer (A, B , C or D) which yoa think fits best according to the text.

saying. The

question sometimes asks about the writer 's general attitude/opinion/tone.





, (

e ~ . r{Jj V ( tI. jJ

Chapter One Call me a traditionalist traditionalist but t h e f alternative therapies had always eluded

wonders for his wife. With more than a little scepticism, I was persuaded to give it a go.

me; however, years of unsuccessfully trying to stop smoking and the advent of a

The address I was given proved to be a smal, terraced house on .8-E linfully

f ) son had made me realise that a stand needed to be made and hard decisions

stteet;o>When en high stteet;o>Wh doo r opened after my rather door . eta rap , my feelings were hard to a. Short, overover-ffeelings and under shaven, this was not how I had imagined an acupuncturist and considering the fact that it was the middle of the afternoon, the

taken. It

)Jt t 44 ;H«

wa zt


the new arrival; I'd done some h ca lculations and the sum total of money spent, not only on the cigarettes themselves but also the patches

and gums that almost inevitably had proven useless, had all the appearance of a minor king's ransom. Strictly spe his wasn't what hurt, it was the shee waste that made me strlTclaerwithShame:- A friend of a friend had recommended acupuncture as it had, apparently, worked


~ v e n t i o n a t


pyjamas did seem a little out of place. 2 suddenly felt that this wasn't the man for $) me but as I turned to beat the hastiest of retreats, I thought of my son. So, steeling myself for the worst, worst , I crossed the threshold.

1 In the first paragraph, the writer tells us that when he was trying to give up smoking, A he became p r o g r e s ~ j v e l y disheartened about his chances of success. B he was e m b r r ~ d t hat h e was finding it so hard. he reached a point when he knew r e ~ c t was needed. t.L-( 0 / o he was more concerned about t h e cost of hi h is habit than anything else



What affect did the sight of the acupuncturist have have on the writer? A It made hi h im reali real i se how desperate he was. It made hi h im relu rel u ctant to keep his appointment. V




C It caused him to leave his house immediately. o It caused him to ab an don some of his doubt.



C o l o u r 'Therapy::

We ird o r Wond Won d erful?

I must confess to some tImidity as I knock on Pauline Wills's door. Colour therapy. thera py. I think thi nk:: she coul could d well be She may well insist that I wear only flame red, or paint my kitchen green . The calm, middle aged woman who

greets me, however however,, does not look

crazed . As she sits me down in her crazed. neutrally decorated therapy room I reaUse she's alreadv got me pegged. pegged . ·Colour therapy. therapy. · she tells me sternlv. -is about the properties of light It is not about pigment.· It isn t then. about


paint your lounge? No. it's about energy energy:: colour is the visible part o f the electromagnetic spectrum .· This means that it it''s somewhere between radio waves and X-rays . Apparently, Hippocrates.. Parace Hippocrates Paracelsus lsus and the ancient Egyptians all used colour for healing. healing . I m no physicist, but there could be more to colour than meets the eye eye.. a u l i ~ rubs my feet asking sensitive questiions about my life and health quest health.. Before long. I'm dying to unburden YOU

myself o f every worry I've ever had. had .



She ' s seen this before. before . Physical ailments ailments.. she believes. are rooted in emotional ones . And over her twenty odd years as an alternative therapist Pauline has become an excellent counsellor. counsellor. I honestly can't say whether colour therapy is effective or no t. Pauline takes a plastic implement tha t looks like the injecting aevice from Star Trek . She fits an orange filter onto i t. switches it on and holds it to the side o f my foot. Finally, she suffuses y feet with orange

then blue light from two large lamps. lamps. ge neral a 1 ove overr well well-- being being.. This is for gen If you're not persuaded by colour therapy it's worth remembering that often hospitals treat Jaundiced premature babies with blue light (it destroys the excess bilirubin that the immature liver can't remove). So if you ' re willing to believe that other colours can do similar things, an and do n't mind having your feet rubbed, then colour therapy could do you the world of good . Apart from anything else Pauline Is a wo nd er ful liste listen n er.


What does the colour therapist realise about the writer upon meeting her? She has misconceptions about cok>ur therapy. B She feels apprehensive about the meeting . C She is is unconvinced of the val value of colour therapy. therapy. o She has low expectations 01 the meeting. -


In 4




Iout the p""""",,

t was great to see paintings which which I d

only seen in books before.

lle mt

loads.. I ll definitely go again loads againll

Write your letter . You d o not need to Include postal addresses. addresses.









Write an answer to one of the of the questi ons 2-5 in this part. part. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.

Information leaflets need an appropriate


layout. They should

be eye-catching

You are a member of your university orientation committee. You have been asked to write an inform tion le flet describing a selection of leisure facilities available at your university. You should give a brief description of each club outline their mai n activities activities nd give ny other information you think is relevant to new students.


reader-friendly. The information needs

Write the text for your leaflet.

10 be presented

clearly_ Headings nd sub-headings should be included.

Use a direct nd friendly style.


There have been a number of complaints recently from students living on you r college campus. They complain of littering on the campus as well as graffiti on buildings and other cases of vandalism. The students have held a meeting to discuss ways of improving the situation. You have been asked to write a report for the college princip principal al outlining the problem and suggesting ways of improving the situatio situation. n. Write your report.

The Tourist Information Board is publishing some new material to encourage more tourists to visit your country this year and is asking for articles persuading tourists to visit your area. Write your rticle  giving some background information about your area describing two of your favourite local tourist spots and explaining why tourists might enjoy visiting your area. Write your article.

Answer one of the following two questions based on one of the book s you have read. read. a) Your teacher has asked you to write an ess y saying which character in the book you find most interesting. You should describe this character and say why you think he or she is the most interesting character in the story.

b) A bookshop website has invited its readers to send in a review of a book. You decide to write a review one of the books you have read briefly outlining the plot and saying whether or not you recommend it to other reade readers rs and why.




1 hour)





For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A. B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning 0).

Make sure the word

you choose fits the style of the text, which may be formal or fairly informal.

0 A says

LIO--- -I



B does



© delivers



,I-,==--O-,=' '-'I


· . an d th e marketmg · elivers t he scene,   llre m, m, a manager stan ds up and O) ................... ................................. .............. a speech au Plcture listen liste n (1) ..... /1 . .hk er speak is here to stay and the Internet has (11) ..... //l1.. .kf . ttd . 1. its part in providing a wealth of newYl cabulary. We can now 'down load' (share ideas) «: ith cotf co tfeagues, eagues, make 'guesstimates' or if all else (12) ............ l . { ............................., experience a 'hard·drive 'h ard·drive crash cras h' (nervous breakdown). Don't fee feell downhearted if mosf b f this goes over ove r your head. t is estimated that 20% of people who use jargon don't know what it means either. .


1 A precisely


® attentively

C accurately

D conscientiously

2 A walks

B strolls

C races


B thinking

C imagining

D reflecting

4 @ clue

B hint

C idea

D indication

5 A Inquiry

B Examination

C Study



6 A feeling 7

A mixed

8 A elimination 9


A sizeable

® regard


A taken


A falls

® impression B caught

B prevention B elevated B mention B run @ fails

C sense

© bound © exclusion C inflated C note

© played

C breaks

@ wanders

@ Research D effect D made

D separation

® extensive D observe D done D goes



Test 4 P

RT 2






For questions 13-27, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

There may be more than one correct








answer, but do not write more than one word in each gap.

i ridging

the Gap Gap_ _ _ C NI Y 1/, o r l . ...

You re just (0) . ... ~ P . ~ Y L ....

to finish seh

or university, or


you ve se ed U ) .... ' . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ .... a job that j ust isn t doing it for you yo u - now what?

oomin ing Do you step straight (14) ........ 9f.1. g ........ the Some big decisions are loom ........9f.1. conveyor belt of more academic education? Do you plunge headlong into a career career

for-life? Perhaps you re not quite prepared to go down that road just (15) .........

Y ~ t

, or at least (16) .........m?t


Finishing school is a unique time (17) ........ ..In .......... anyone s life life.. Optio ns are virtually limitless and responsibilities are relatively few (18) .... ..... .IJ#. ........ far between. It s the perfect time (19) ........ .......... J9

pursue those things you ve

always wanted to do. You could travel, learn another language, do conservation work, or teach in another country. (20) ........ ~ ~


possibilities are endless.

Every year, more and more people are deciding that the conveyor belt is not (21) ......... 1.9. .

them, including (22) ....... n ~ ~ y . ....... people who are already

23) ..........9.r . ......... it Instead, they are are opting to (24) ....... ~ ~ ~

........ life experience

out f or themselves themselves,, to do some exploring, gain a (25) ........ and find (26) .........

some time

where the ir interests lie. lie. They re deciding to take a gap

year and discover for themselves (27) ........ . ~ ~ t

really matters matters and where their

true place in the worl d will be.









For questions 28-37, read the text below. below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that frts in the gap In the same line . There is an example at the

When you have finished, read through the text with the words

beginning 0).


inserted, to see if it makes sense





l:.E r

00 bears hibernate? Although this question may never have

occurred to you, it is a subject of 0) scientists. 28) ....... I : H ~ J 1 m ~ J i g D . _ e d.uc o


. ~ . ~ ~ L

among is characterised by the

of body tempe temperatu rature re to almost O· C, as

well as a much slower heartbeat and 30) ......... b r e a1hillg rate. Bears have the second of

t h es e


characteristics, having a

heartrate that slows less than half its normal rate during their

31) ......  Q l m a l c   their body temP0f81ure undergoes relatively 32) ....

. .However. H owever.

prolonged period of wint'

changes dur ing this time, dropping

are more (33)




l - ~

: ~ I ~



~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : :



however. hold the

....... ; ? ' U ~ t 35) that be rs do in fact hibernate. They point out that their massive bodies do not lose as much 36) .............. ~ ~ L


qegrees. Also, bears

from their sleeping

~ U y .


; ; r

u s t

i19mfl..C g 11.L . i19mfl


as the much smaller bodies of fellow


hibernators. and that is why their body temperature remains 37)

y . r J { ; l J . ~ r . C . ~

I J . r . ~ ~ f r ;

~ U y

high. Whether bears are really

hibernating or not. however, one thing is for sure -


bears will

continue to sleep away the winter.



Test 4

PART 4 For q ue uestions stions 38-42 th ink of one word on o n ly which whic h can be use us ed appropri appropriat ate e ly in all thre three

E x a m


senten sente nces. Her e is a n exampl examp le (0) .

The words bef be fore or after the gap

o She commented that it was about .......

she started hel he lping more around

f r J . ~

t h e house. Peo ple's eat eat in g habits have d rasticall y chan chan ge ged d ove overr ....

w il l usually tell y o u if the wor wo rd you are loo ki ng for is part of an exprress exp essiion.

We took

to st op and admi adm ire th the e view on o n o ur journey.

t m . ~




m . ~



38 All the toys in i n the shop are made individuall individua lly y by ....   . ~ m



Sarra h pr o m ised her mo ther t h at she wo u ld g ive h e r a ... . lJJW ct Sa

. with the

ho usework aft afte er schoo l

The Th e stud stud ent nts s ha have ve been told that they mu mus st

~ n C

in their essays e ssays by


Friday. Fri day.

39 Why don 't we go for a

~ f '

along the coast this afternoon?


I paid them more than I expected; they Sorry bu but th is m usic is goin goi n g to

me mad

:J.t: .I(~

40 The Th e teach eache er waited for th t h e class to ....... ~

a hard bargain

( ' r ~

down before she began the


lesson. It to o k Ann Anna a a few month months s to I d like to .....  


. ~


. ~ f

l ~

into in to

he r

n ew school. new

my account, account , pleas e

/ Jam es leaned ov over er to to It was j ust g etti ettin n g ...... ~ g . I J . L


the ca ndl ndle e o n the tabl e o ut si de as Ju Jun n e left the th e h o use to g o to wo rk

that morning.

Ji9 0L

New evidence came to

in the case after mo nths of

in ves vestt ig igation ation..

42 The news reporter The Th e f ore st fire He

; . 9 . '

~ . t : ~ ~

t ; ? ~ ~ t ~ ~

9 . '

~ . t : ~ ~

t h e st story fr f rom start to finish.

an area of nearl early y five squ square are miles

his face with his scarf t o p ro tect h im se sellf fr f rom th e icy wi w ind.








For questions 43·50 complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given . You must use between

Look at the word given and run through different

ways in which it can be used 10 see if any of these uses will fit.

three and six words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

o He always gives the impression that he s very confident. CROSS

He always .............. ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............... very confident.






0 =

well as burning bu rning the st eaks, I also overcooked the potatoes





9.': y. .

: J .

~ I P ~ m J

but I also overcooked the potatoes.

~ ~ ~ ~

. J . ~

44 The novelist is just about to sign a million pound contract. VERGE

The novelist is

y . ~ r 9 ~


~ / g D / I ] 9 .

....... a million pound cont contract. ract.

45 Steve s parents were not surprised by his exam results results.. C ME

Steve s test results ............... ~ m . ~

his parents.

J ? r { ~ ~ J q

46 Because it s raining so heavily, the match will have to be cancelled. VIEW



..~~¥' . 9 . U f . 1 .



. ' ( y J ~ l r J

......... the match will have to



47 My girlfriend doesn t really want us to go out ton tonight. ight. R THER

My girtfriend

............. .....






( ~

..g; .(O ..........   .

go out tonight.

48 I could couldn n t write write the report because my laptop craShed. PREVENTED

I ...

p . r . ~ y . ~ J . ~ ~ p .

t r . q m .

w . r . W n g

... the report because my lapt laptop op crashed.

49 The police arrested the man because they suspected he had carried out

several burglaries in the th e area. SUSPICION

A man was arrested in the area.


r . ' . . ~ y ~ p . ~ l . 9 . n . q f . . ~ ~ r . t y m

g , H L

several burglaries

50 Bill didn didn t t think that Michael could fi fix x his car.

ABILITY Billl d idn t think that Michael ......... Bil ...............

: J . ~ ~ f J h ~

P H ~ w . J q J ~ ~

his car.



Test 4



x a m ~

Approximately 40 minutes)

You will hear three different extracts extracts.. For questions 11-6 6, choose the answer (A. B f C) which you think fits best according to what you hear hear.. There are tw questions for each extract.

Make sure you take full advantage of the preparation time by reading through each question and thinking about the situation you are about to hear.

EXTRACT 1 You he ar an interview with advertising executive JamB JamBS S Alexander. Alexander.

1 Why does James compare himself to a car? A to demonstrate how he channelled his energy B to explain how he changed his attitude C to emphasise the fast pace of his life 2


Looking back, how does James see his first job? job? A as a lucky break B as a necessary hardship C as a waste of time




le I




le I

EXTRACT 2 You hear two friends talking about a sailing trip. How did the girl persuade her brother to go on the trip?

A She promised him that the trip would be short. B She assured him that he would enjoy himseH. C She convinced him that it would do him good. 4

What mistake did the girl and her brother make? listen n to the weather foreca forecast. st. A They didn t liste B They didn t thoroughly check the boat. C They steered the boat incorrectly.

EXTRACT 3 You hear an interview with a product designer Paul Roberts. 5

What does Paul aim to do when designing new products? A to take inspiration from others successful designs B to ensure his designs reflect who he is C to come up with original designs

6 What does Paul find most rewarding about exhibiting his work? A meeting the challenge of putting an exhibition together B seeing first hand the reactions of the public to his work C realising that there is a demand for his products

16 I S








Always make sure

You will hear part of a radio programme about genetically modified food. For questions 7-14 complete the sentences.

that your answer fits grammatically and makes sense

uropeans have a o) L ________


I L ~ l a t t i t u d e


towards genetically modified food.

At present. acres o f genetically modified c r ops in the USA number



By the year 2100 the majority wi ll



be genetical genetically ly modified.

___ _s l________o_n__w_l_d p_l__


_n_e_m -p_o  y m__n_ __________ __________ l1_1_0

O n ly L

l1_9 J1


s considered

a more pressing

issue than GM foods by residents o f some nations.

Allergic reactions are caused by a small n um ber o f




in foods.

T h is co uld be avoided through

the prod UCL.

Weeds m ay be able to r es ist


clear) clea r) labell ing



Geneticall y modifi ed plants a re on l y different in t hat t h ey better display

the) qualities

4 th a t humans cons consid id er im po r ta nt .



---:;; ;-4 ;-4 PART 3






Narrow down your

You will hear part of a radio interview in which an actor, actor , Harry Jones, Jones, is talking about his career. For questions 15-20 15-20,, choose the answer A , e , C or 0 which fits best according to what you hear.


L11 : :: ;1

choices after listening for the first time.

15 How does Harry view the media attention he is receiving? @ He sees it as a temporary intrusion. S He sees it as being beneficial to his career career.. C He sees it as a tiring distraction. o He sees it as a measure of his success. 16

What did Harry find difficult about his latest lates t role? @ having to learn a new skill B adapting to the demanding schedule C working with a large number of people o wearing awkward costumes and heavy make-up

17 Harry attributes much of the criticism of his perfonnance in his new role to the fact that A he is older than his character is supposed to be. e he was relatively unknown before he was given the part.

© viewers need time to get used to him playing the role.

D the actor who played his character previously was very different.

18 What did Harry appreciate about wo rkin rking g in the theatre? A working nearer to home @ having time for famil family y holid holidays ays C going on tour D having a shorter wor i ng day 19 What does Harry belie believe ve would he lp him to become a film producer? A his contacts in the film industry @ his reputation as an actor C his increasing increasing knowledg e of the film business o his experience of producing in theatre 20

Why does Harry want to combine producing and acting? A He wants to enjoy the advantages of both careers. B He believes he would enjoy the variety. C He thinks he is equally gifted at both. @ He believes this is the best way to become better at both.







When listening for

You will hear five short extracts in which students are talking abo ul their academic lif life. e. While you listen you must complete bo t h tasks .

the second time complete the

answers you missed as we ll as confirming the

answers you completed during the first listening.


For questions 2 1·25 1·25   choose from the list A-H the sub subjject each st st ud ent is studyi studyin n g. A



Psychollogy Psycho




urnalism alism Jo urn

E Economics F



Information technology


Fashion design

Speaker 1



Speaker 2


22 23

Speaker 3 Speaker 4



Speaker 5




For qu q u estions 26 26--3 0   choose from the list A-H w h at aspect of th eir studies each

speaker focuses on A

improving thei the i r general general caree careerr prospects


an area of wea kness that he/s he/sh he nee ds to work on


their en thusiasm for th the subject


theiir reasons for choosing the choosin g the cou rse

esponsibilitt ies E lea rning to j uggle various responsibili F

enjoying enjoyin g the st udent lif lifesty estylle


the different pressures of th thei r course

H ge tti ttin ng the ir work no t iced by ot oth hers


Speaker 1


Speaker 2



Speaker 3



Speaker 4



Speaker 5


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