Cabin Crew Secrets

April 12, 2017 | Author: Valentin Vali | Category: N/A
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Cabin Crew Secrets v1.3 Ex-Cabin Crew Spills The Exact Interview Answers So You Can Sashay Your Way Through the Interviews In One Sitting


The work of a cabin crew member is more than just a mere job; it is a lifestyle. You get to travel around the world and stay in lavish hotels during your break, and it’s only normal for you to spend weekends in the most beautiful spots in the world. It is no wonder that cabin crew positions have become among the most sought-after in the world, and I will no longer be surprised if you are dreaming to be one too. But to become a cabin crew member is not easy. Like many other application procedures, you will have to go through a series of tests in order to qualify for the job. However, there is nothing to be afraid about when aspiring to become a flight steward or stewardess; the only secret to getting the job is by being prepared from day one. This book does not offer secrets to ensure your acceptance towards becoming a cabin crew member; it serves as a practical guide for you to go through the cabin crew application process. This book directs you to the areas which you have to work on in order to successfully pass each stage of the cabin crew application process. The whole cabin crew application process is truly a challenge, but by being prepared for it, there is no test that you cannot pass. It will only be a matter of time before you find yourself flying from one country to another, living the job of your dreams.

Phases of Cabin Crew Interviews

Like other job applications, cabin crew interviews consist of different phases. I suppose you are not aware of this yet, but if there’s one thing you need to know, it’s that these phases will give you a feeling of fulfillment each time you pass and succeed to the next stage. In this chapter, the different phases or stages of cabin crew interviews will be laid out for you to study. This will serve as your map in going through the ins and outs of the whole cabin crew application process, which is very essential mainly because you can’t just afford to get lost along the way. Cabin crew interviews tend to be tricky, in the sense that you don’t know when you are graded. Well, during each phase, you are graded, thus you have keep up with your composure at all times. You may be bringing your best foot forward during each phase, but a single, unprecedented mistake may cost you to lose your game. One thing you must understand in cabin crew interviews is that the airline is not only looking for pretty faces, pleasing personalities or intellectual minds. You don’t have to be all that, too. What they are looking for are individuals who are able to provide comfort and security to their audiences even at just the first glance. Think of it this way: if you’re an airline passenger, what do you expect from your flight stewardess or steward? You’re not really aiming for them to be good-looking; you want them to be caring and attentive to your needs during the whole flight. Of course, if you want to be a cabin crew member, you should very well understand these needs. Once you are fully able to understand how your audiences expect from you, then that will be the first step towards readiness. Everything else will come naturally along the way.

Local Airline or Foreign Airline?

Most individuals who are interested in becoming cabin crew members usually look at different options. Some of them prefer to apply at the most convenient airline companies available-which are of course, the local airlines. Meanwhile, there are also those who aspire to work for foreign airline companies because of the bigger salary and better traveling options. However, it is expected that the standards for foreign airline companies are way higher than that of local airlines. So, where do you plan to apply?

Trademark logos of different airlines from around the world.

Almost all airline companies from around the world follow the basic phases in cabin crew interviews, thus you do have to research on what these are. This is quite understandable because airline companies have their own specific needs, and most of them represent their home countries; once you start working for these companies, you will also serve as the ambassador of the countries which they hail from.

Thus, don’t get surprised if ever you are not picked to work as a flight steward or stewardess for a foreign airline; applicants who come from their home country will carry the greater advantageunless otherwise you are able to meet or even surpass the standards set for you. But you can also get have a good chance of getting accepted to a foreign airline company if you are well-rounded. Airline companies look for cabin crew members who are able to work with all sorts of people, those who can build rapport with their passengers with even just a few words. At times, even if you are a foreign stewardess, you can still keep up with your passengers especially when you are well-versed with their culture. One thing to remember when applying to become a cabin crew member is that LOOKS DO NOT COME FIRST. You are not graded based on your looks alone; your ability to care for passengers, work with the whole cabin crew, decisiveness, practicality and common sense, and as well as physical wellness all play a vital role in building the cabin crew member that you’ve always wanted to be. The phases of cabin crew interviews are usually divided into 5 and 6 parts, depending on the airline company’s requirements. Nevertheless, you must prepare for all these tests physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Phase 1: Initial Interview For most of you who are going to apply for a cabin crew position, the phase that will make you most tense is the initial interview. Yes, the first leg of the cabin crew interview proves to be the scariest, as you don’t really know what to expect from this meeting. Another thing that increases the tension in the initial interview is the intimidation factor. When you show up for your scheduled appointment, you will meet up with your competitors, and all of them are eyeing for the same position as yours. But that’s not always the reality during the initial interview. In most airlines, such as the Singapore Airlines, initial interviews are held on a per batch basis. You will not meet up with

over a hundred applicants during the first day; in most cases you will only have to face five or seven applicants. If you are called upon for the initial interview, you will be set in a room together with five to eight aspiring cabin crew members. Your seats are arranged in a semi-circle manner, and you will be facing two to three panelists from the airline company. Hence, the competition is just you against 5 to 8 applicants, and not a hundred. That alone is already a sign of relief to your end. You will actually be surprised with the questions to be thrown at you by the interview panelists. This is because while all the applicants are tense and nervous with the questions to be asked to them, the enquiries are rather friendly, engaging and random. In short, these questions are used only to gauge how you present yourself both physically and vocally. You may be asked about your favorite things, most memorable flying experience, or what makes you smile; you don’t have to expect much from these questions, as all you have to do is answer them with ease. Objective in the Initial Interview: DECENT SELF-PRESENTATION, CONFIDENCE There are two things that you need to establish during the initial interview phase, and these are decent self-presentation and confidence. In decent self-presentation, you should be able to look good in front of your panelists and fellow applicants. You don’t have to be very pretty or stunning; you may have a plain face but if you present yourself properly groomed and neatly dressed, then you can score good points during this phase. Aside from looking good and decent, you must able be able to step up with confidence. In order to look good, you should also feel good about yourself and your aspirations towards becoming a cabin crew member. Through confidence you will be able to answer the questions thrown at you with ease, something that is always necessary in the work of a cabin crew member. The initial interview phase doesn’t last long; at most you will be spending an hour during this process. After the interview the airline company will give you call on whether you passed or failed.

When you pass the initial interview, you will also be given instructions for the second phase of the cabin crew interview, and you should start preparing by then. However, if you fail the initial test, don’t be discouraged; learn from your mistakes and move forward to other cabin crew openings in different airline companies. You may find your luck there. Tips to Remember during Phase 1 of the Cabin Crew Interview: 1. Dress up nicely. You don’t have to dress to kill. Just come to the interview wearing decent, smart casual to business casual attire. This way you can attract immediate respect from your co-applicants and interview panelists. 2. Groom up properly. As much as possible, do not wear too much makeup. Just put on what’s right to enhance your features and match your outfit. 3. Smile. Yes, smile. Put on a smile throughout the whole interview process, so that you can achieve an image that is friendly and accommodating. 4. Listen to the question asked before answering it. One reason why most applicants stutter during the interview is because they hurry in answering the question, to the point that they didn’t really understand what the question was in the first place. Give yourself time to listen to the question then answer it casually. After all, these are only random questions used by the panelists to get to know you more.

Phase 2: Physical Check Did I say that looks are not everything in cabin crew interviews? Yes, that is true. But there is also a physical examination check which proves to be highly essential in becoming a cabin crew member. As you read on this phase, you will understand why. Most airline companies conduct two rounds of physical check, or specifically, skin check. Skin checking is very important because it serves as a basis of cleanliness and decency on the part of the cabin crew member. It’s not really about having clear, radiant skin; skin checking involves inspection of items such as tattoos, scars, and other unsightly marks.

If you are a fan of skin art and have some printed on your own birthday suit, then these can be a hindrance to your dream of becoming a cabin crew member. This is mainly because tattoos, as well as piercings, are very unsightly and perceive an image of violence and non-conformity. You might be thought to be someone who is undisciplined, unreliable and simply dirty if you are found to have tattoos and piercings. However, there are some marks and piercings that may be exempted during the test. If your tattoos are placed in the areas which are usually hidden under your clothes, such as those in the belly, back or ankle, then you might be able to pass the test. Tattoos which are not so large may also be admitted, depending on the airline company that you plan to work in. Meanwhile, when it comes to piercings, airline establishments have much stringent rules. For one, only female cabin crew members are allowed piercings, but only on the ears. Males meanwhile are required to remove their ear piercings in order to be admitted to cabin crew positions. Those however that have more piercings in different parts of the body are usually disqualified from the test. Aside from tattoos and piercings, airline companies are also strict when it comes to marks and scars. If you happen to have visible scars or birthmarks in the lower arms, legs and hands, then it is best to have them properly concealed or remove before applying for the job. Small scars and marks may be permitted, though, as long as you know how to further reduce their visibility through makeup. What if you have scars in the face or eyebrows? If these scars are small, or if they can be hidden by means of makeup, then you’re good. However, these also contribute to negative points in your overall scorecard.

But if you think that you are capable of passing the skin test, then you should also take into consideration your height and weight. Most airline companies follow the same criteria when it comes to judging the height and weight requirements of their cabin crew applicants, and you must be able to meet these standards in order to pass the test. The skin check is also divided into two different stages. After the initial skin check, you will have to go through a more intense skin inspection. In this stage you will be asked to enter a room filled with fluorescent light so that the checker will be able to see your dark spots. These include areas such as neck, elbows, and knees. Your teeth will also be checked to see if they are white enough, while your skin will also be inspected for big, open pores that may reduce your overall look. Male cabin crew members must be at least 165cm in height, while female cabin crew members should be at least 158cm in height. The ideal body mass index is between 18 and 22. If your BMI range is more than the required levels, then it is best that you cut down on food intake in order to meet the ideal range before your physical check appointment. Meanwhile, if you are under the ideal BMI range, you may want to eat a heavy breakfast and drink lots of water on the day before your interview to boost your weight. However, there is one simple way in which you can boost your points in this round of the cabin crew interview. Since beauty is very relative depending on the inspector, you must complement your looks with a very pleasing personality. Yes, it is very important that you become friendly in this phase, not only to the person who will inspect your skin, but as well as to your co-applicants. This is mainly because being friendly means you have a vibrant character and that you can be relied on especially when it comes to handling passengers on the plane. You must learn how to wear an untainted smile at all times, so that you will be able to attract more positive vibes during this phase. A lot of cabin crew members who happen to have visible marks or dark spots were able to pass this phase because of their pleasing personality, and you may use the same trick to increase your score as well.

Phase 3: Playing the Game Cabin crew interviews are not all serious; in fact there are phases where you can have fun (and of course, these are also graded). In Phase 3 of cabin crew interviews, you will be subject to playing a game together with your coapplicants. Games vary depending on your handler, but they usually serve to test your memory, social engagement, teamwork capabilities and communication skills. The goal of the game is not for you to win, however. The main objective your handlers will check is how you were able to exhibit the skills that they are looking for in cabin crew members. While it is good that you put your best foot forward during this phase, it is also important that you have fun in the games you will play. Having fun is the only way that you will be able to open up your innate skills, and limiting yourself may only result to limited points as well. If you have good communication skills and you know how be a team player, then you will definitely pass this test with flying colors. Tips to Remember during Phase 3: 1. Have fun with the game. 2. Enjoy the company of your co-applicants. 3. Do not focus on the winning; set your eye on how to get the goals with your team. 4. Be nice, always keep that smile on your face. 5. Ask questions in case there are instructions you do not understand. This means you are attentive and that you want everything to go as planned. 6. Converse with your team. It’s a game of teamwork and unity; you will not be able to succeed if you do things by yourself, and this attitude can also affect the progress of your whole team.

Phase 4: One-on-One Interview In the fourth phase of the cabin crew interview, you will be subject to a one-on-one panel discussion with a representative of the airline company you’re applying at. This is one of the phases in which you have to be serious, a direct contrast to that of Phase 3. In the one-on-one interview, you will be tested with your oral communication skills and language proficiency. There’s nothing much to worry about the one-on-one interview though. True, it can be tense, but since you’ve already passed the first three phases you wouldn’t find it as difficult as you expected. In fact, if you are already comfortable with the interview process, this phase becomes totally easy. One thing to practice for the one-on-one interview is your English pronunciation. In this phase you are gauged on how well you can communicate in the English language. You should then practice reading English sentences aloud so you can enunciate on every word and see how you can improve on them. In the one-on-one interview, you will be asked to read a paragraph aloud, and during this test you must be able to control the tone of your voice, pronounce each word correctly and follow the appropriate punctuations in the sentences. If you find it difficult stop during commas, question marks, exclamation points or periods, then you definitely have to practice at home first. Aside from your English proficiency, your confidence will also be put to a test. You will be asked to tell more things about yourself, and during this test you must be able to convey your thoughts orally using a clear voice with little or no stammering. Uttering syllables such as “uh,” “err,” and “ahmm..” will be tallied and deducted to your overall score during this phase. The one-on-one interview also has a Q&A portion, and the questions here are pretty much straightforward. These are merely questions in which you have to provide a direct answer and an explanation for it, or at least a description of the answers you’ve given. Questions are also random, thus you not only have to be prepared mentally, but emotionally as well. Tips to use during the One-on-One Interview: 1. Practice reading at home.

2. Read aloud in front of the mirror. This way you can see yourself reading and you get to know in which areas you can improve on before the scheduled interview. 3. Practice speaking in English with your colleagues and friends. This increases your confidence in using the English language on a regular basis. 4. Learn to relax during interviews. Find out what gets you relaxed so you can reduce your stutters and jitters once you are in your interview appointment. Phase 5: The Swim Test This phase is not always present in all cabin crew interviews, but it is best that you are prepared for it. Cabin crew members not only serve as flight attendants; they also act as life savers during emergencies and unforeseen events. At any rate, this phase will prove to be highly useful once you become a full-fledged cabin crew member. One important skill cabin crew members must possess is being able to swim. This is because during emergency situations, flight attendants may have to jump off the plane in case it proceeds to a water landing. Indeed there are life vests and jackets, but the ability to swim will make cabin crew members more capable of assisting their passengers to safety. If the airline company in which you applied in has the swim test, don’t worry. Being able to swim is definitely a plus factor, but it is not a requirement. This test is used for a variety of reasons, such as gauging your logical reasoning and decisiveness, confidence during unexpected situations, and as well as conducting another physical check. In the swim test, you will be taken to a mock up aircraft that is situated just above a swimming pool. You will be asked to jump off the aircraft door and onto the pool, and you have to swim towards the banks. The distance between the banks and the aircraft is around 8 to 10 meters, and you will be provided with a life vest so that you can swim towards the banks. The goal here is to see your confidence in such situations, and as well as your physical capacities when it comes to stressful times.

And yes, when you take the swim test, you will have to jump in full makeup and uniform. This makes the challenge more difficult, because the cabin crew uniform can be heavy once soaked in water. It is important to take this phase as a challenge in which you can have fun with the excitement. Fainting or getting too nervous during the process may result to a losing potential, even if you have already passed the previous phases.

Tips to Remember during the Swim Test 1. Maintain your composure. Try to avoid getting too emotional during the test as this gives you negative points. 2. When the proctor says jump, just jump. Hesitating will only make you feel more scared. 3. Practice swimming before the day of the swimming test. This gives you a feel of the waters. 4. Try to swim with full makeup and clothing on so you know what to expect during the swim test.

Phase 6: Meeting with the Management Phase 6 is probably the most intimidating phase of the whole cabin crew interview process. Yes, once you’ve surpassed all the previous phases, you will be able to meet up with the management team of the airline company you’ve applied in. This is the final stage of the cabin crew interview, where your knowledge about the airline company will be put to a test. This is the phase in which you have to study the most, though, because panelists will be asking a lot of specific questions that you have to answer if not correctly, logically. The management interview consists of a panel of interviewers from the airline management team. The questions that they will ask you range from different subjects, thus you have to be prepared for them. Since you will be flying in the skies once you’re accepted for this job, you should be well-versed not only in English but as well as in global news, current events and international politics. There are times that knowledge in these areas are able to provide security to your passengers, as you know how to keep them calm while all the hoopla is going on. It is also likely that you encounter passengers who are leaving their own countries for good, and tensions may arise if they become subject to politically sensitive discussions while on the plane.

Aside from politics, news and current affairs, you must likewise be knowledgeable in the company profile and organizational hierarchy of the airline you’re applying at. Of course, you have to know the heads of management, different department personnel and chiefs of the airline company, as you will be corresponding with them from time to time once you’re hired for the job. In the management interview, the main thing that you must be able to show is the feeling of being relaxed. Never show that you are nervous, as this will only result to your stuttering and stammering during the whole interview process. Being relaxed will also give your interviewers the impression that you can handle all the challenges that will come once they decide to hire you as a cabin crew member. Tips to Remember during the Management Interview: 1. Read/watch the news. They offer vital information that you can use during the interview. 2. Answer questions with eye contact. This gives the impression that you are sure and serious with your answers. 3. Do not slouch. This will make you look sloppy and more uncomfortable. 4. Answer with a smile, just like the way you are enjoying a typical chat. 5. Speak naturally and refrain from stuttering. If in case you’re still thinking of an answer, breathe then exhale together with your response. 6. Do not make unnecessary movements, such as fidgeting. They will distract your interviewers as well as yourself. 7. Show your interest with what they are saying by nodding. 8. Have fun during the interview process. Once you’re done with the final phase of the cabin crew interview, you can take a deep sigh of relief. All you have to do next is to wait for a call from the airline company on whether you are accepted for the job or not. There is a 95% chance that you are already hired once you get to the management interview, but it’s always best not to keep all your hopes up. Just pray for the best.

Uniform Fitting Stage When you have already passed the six crucial phases of the cabin crew interview process, then you will have to come back to the airline company to go through another series of tests. Don’t worry; they no longer involve interviews-these tests are used to see how good you look once you all dressed up for the cabin crew job.

The first test involves the uniform fitting test. In this stage you will be asked to wear the airline’s cabin crew uniform and do your best walk. The uniform depends on the airline company you’re applying at; some airlines offer more contemporary uniform styles, while there are also those that consist of traditional styles, like that in Singapore Airlines and Malaysia Airlines, where female flight attendants wear the kebaya, as well as in Thai Airways where their flight attendants are also subject to wearing traditional Thai outfits. When doing the walk with the cabin crew uniform, you don’t have to strut your feet and walk like a supermodel. All you have to do is walk properly on a straight line in order for the management to see your posture. As much as possible, do not walk fast, just follow your natural pace and enjoy your time under the spotlight.

This is where your body mass index becomes important. The uniforms in which you are subject to wear are tailor-made; they were handed down by former cabin crew members or those who were promoted to higher positions. These uniforms are already made to their sizes, thus it is best that you are able to fit in them during this stage. If your BMI is within the ideal 18-22 range, you will easily find a uniform that fits. You can also choose at which uniform you look best once you do the walk. During this stage, you will also undergo another round of skin check, similar to that of Phase 2. In this stage the management will search for more dark spots which tend to be visible once you’re on uniform.

The Medical Review Stage The final stage in the post-cabin crew interview process is the medical review. This is the comprehensive physical and medical fitness test, where you have to undergo a vision test, hearing test, color-blind test, and X-ray examinations. The important thing in this stage is that you are physically and medically fit. Of course if you are found out to have an underlying illness, you may have to defer from the cabin crew position until such time that you are cleared of your condition. The medical review is important because this ensures that you can provide all out safety and security to the passengers on the plane by not being a carrier of any kind of contagious medical condition. The medical review is just a simple process, and chances are, you will pass it with flying colors, so don’t worry too much!

How to Prepare for the Cabin Crew Interview

One thing that sets cabin crew interviews than that of other typical job interviews is the fact that you have to impress your panelists, handlers and co-applicants at first sight. This takes a lot of practice and preparation, not only in terms of knowledge and techniques but as well as in the way you dress and carry yourself. You may not have the brains or the best looks, but if you are able to attract the attention of your future bosses by means of your charm and pleasing personality, then you can stand a good chance and become a full-fledged cabin crew member. In this chapter you will be given your ultimate cheat sheet for cabin crew interviews. In the previous pages I introduced you to how the cabin crew application process works, and this time you get to know how to go around them without losing hand of your ball. The elements of passing cabin crew interviews are pretty much basic, and what you must do is how to use them effectively.

Dress to Kill vs. Dress to Impress As I’ve mentioned in the first part of this book, it is important that you come to the interview looking decent and well-groomed. Of course you want to earn points of respect, and you will never be able to achieve those points in this superficial world. Hence, make it a point to look at the very least, clean and neat. Some applicants however take this to the extremes and come to cabin crew interviews in outfits that not only make them look decent, but rather arrogant. Well, there is nothing wrong with the “dress to kill” strategy, but it doesn’t always work for everybody. Besides, it’s

unnecessary to “dress to kill” because first of all, you’re not going to a party, but to a job interview. There are also some applicants who take job interviews in a very casual perspective, and while they have superiority complex in terms of the looks and brains, they tend to pull their points down by wearing casual outfits, i.e. jeans. Wearing jeans or denims as well as plain shirts is always a no-no in cabin crew interviews. This is because these outfits show that you are not serious with your application and are just there to hang around. Is this your purpose in coming to scheduled cabin crew appointment? Of course, not. So what should you wear in a cabin crew interview? For ladies, it is best to come to the interview wearing smart-looking outfits, such as a blouse-and-skirt combo or blouse-andslacks attire. You have to show that you have a good sense of formality, but at the same time comfortable with the way you dress. Men meanwhile can go with the buttoned polo shirts matched with slacks as well. They can provide a better accent by wearing a tie too. As for the footwear, it is best to go with leather shoes; ladies may want to wear shoes with at least 2-inch heels, so that their figure would be able to stand out during the interview process. There is no general rule when it comes to color schemes of the outfit that you are going to wear for the cabin crew interview. However, it is best to go with the basic blacks and whites, as well as earth colors and deep blue shades, as these colors attract more formality and corporate style, as compared to pinks and yellows that are more blinding to the eyes (but if you can actually carry these colors, then why not?).

As much as possible have your outfits pressed and ironed so that you will be able to look totally presentable during the interview process. Crumpled shirts, crinkles and lines found in your outfit are also checked by some airline management personnel, and they use these to judge your ability to become a cabin crew member, so you better watch out.

Physical Fitness One primary requirement in order to be qualified as a cabin crew member is that you should be physically fit. This not only means that you’re healthy, but that you are clean and free of underlying health conditions that may affect your performance once you’re on the job. Airline companies are very much particular when it comes to checking the health requirements of their employees, most particularly with their flight attendants. This is because they don’t want to cause health risks while on the plane. It is much easier to spread a disease in the aircraft because it is a closed environment; a simple sneeze may lead to a flu outbreak within a matter of hours. Physical fitness is part of airline security, as of course, you don’t want to put the lives of your passengers in danger. Hence, before applying for a cabin crew position, you must first undergo a medical examination. A medical examination is performed in hospitals, diagnostic clinics and other health care facilities. You will be checked by a physician, undergo an X-ray examination, and have your blood, urine and fecal samples inspected. Your medical history will also be studied to ensure that you are free of any type of illness that may affect your work as a cabin crew member. If you have been diagnosed with tuberculosis or upper respiratory tract infection, then you might as well defer your application for the meantime until you have gained full recovery. Aside from the medical examination, it might also help if you have your teeth checked by a dentist. Airline companies are also very strict when it comes to the teeth of their flight attendants, and you might be disqualified if you have tarnished teeth. Your chances of being accepted for the job are also lower if you have missing or damaged teeth. If you are really decided to become a

cabin crew member but have bad teeth, it is best that you have them corrected first before submitting your application.

General Knowledge When it comes to preparing your brains for a cabin crew interview, the first thing you should work on is your knowledge in general information. You must be well-versed in at least today’s pop culture and current affairs, as these will most likely be tackled during your interview sessions. Topics range between light and funny topics to serious conversations, thus you should be ready for whatever question that will be thrown at you. It is best that you start reading newspapers from cover-to-cover, as from newspapers you can broaden your knowledge with what’s happening in the world today. You might also want to watch news programs as they offer up-to-date information that you may use during your interview.

Company Study How well do you know the airline company you’re applying at? Of course, when you are going to apply as a cabin crew member, you should also do a research on the airline company you’re going to. “When was Qatar Airways first established?” This is an utterly simple question, but if you didn’t even visit the airline’s website before making an application, then you will definitely not be accepted for the position. You can’t just get hired by your looks alone; the company will also train you in becoming a cabin crew member, but when it comes to learning about the company background, you should the research on your own. It is best that you take a day or two researching on the different airline companies around the globe. Read on their profiles, histories and present performances in the industry. Get to know the key people behind the company operations for each airline, so that at least you can come up with

a good conversation with your panelists during the interview. Knowing the company background also increases your confidence, as you have the answer to their questions.

How well do your know yourself? During the cabin crew interview process, you will have to introduce yourself in different styles and manners. Thus, it is best that you already know yourself before heading to the interview, so that you will not mumble or stutter once you are asked to introduce yourself in front of the panelists and your co-applicants. A lot of applicants have failed the initial interview phase because they were not able to introduce themselves properly and confidently. Yes, take the time to reflect and get to know yourself better, so that you can face your cabin crew interviewers with untainted pride and confidence.

Cabin Crew Interview Bloopers: The Taboos and Mistakes You Should Avoid

It is quite normal for us to make mistakes during a job interview. Well, we’re only human. And bloopers take place even in cabin crew interviews. But of course, you have to minimize these errors as they may lead to negative points in your scorecard, and your chances of getting hired might be drastically lowered. This chapter gives you a rundown of the mistakes that you should avoid during the cabin crew interview process. By absorbing these points you will be able to play your game better, and further increase your chances of getting hired.

NEVER Come Unprepared Coming unprepared is the most risky thing that you’re going to do during a cabin crew interview. This is actually synonymous to suicide, as you will do nothing but embarrass yourself in front of your interviewers and your co-applicants. What’s the point of reading through this book if you are coming to the interview unprepared anyway, right? Being prepared is your best tool in the cabin crew interview process. You may not look as pretty or handsome-or even as smart as your competitors, but if you are prepared for the challenge, you might just surpass them easily.

NO SCRIPTS, Please! Another mistake most cabin crew interview applicants commit is that they sound too rehearsed. True, you should study for the interview, but you don’t have to follow a script verbatim. Memorizing your lines can be of disadvantage on your end, because: 1. Your answers are limited with the items you memorized.

2. You have no room for creativity. 3. You are always tense and anticipating for questions related to the things you’ve memorized. 4. You cannot be yourself, thus you will look wooden and cold. Your interviewers would like to know more of the real you, thus there is no need to memorize your lines and actions once you’re up to face them. Just be yourself, and have fun during each challenge.

Do NOT be Arrogant While confidence is important in the cabin crew interview, you should know how to control your self-esteem and not transform it into arrogance. During the interview appointments, you will always stumble upon applicants who are so into themselves to the point that they start to be annoying not only to others, but to the interview handlers and panelists. Being arrogant doesn’t always mean you have something to brag; most times you only boast about yourself in order to hide your weaknesses, which will show up once you’re put under the spotlight. Thus, it is much wiser to keep quiet and smile. Rather than being arrogant, you may want to change tactics and instead make friends. Befriend your co-applicants not only to ditch information from them, but also for you to create a more comfortable atmosphere and reduce the tension in the interview process. This will actually help a lot because once you start talking you no longer feel the pressure as you’re just like conversing with your friends or people you are comfortable with.

Arrogance may also lead you to show off negative attitudes and mannerisms. While you are indeed smart and well-dressed, being arrogant will also make you look snobbish, unapproachable and impolite, and airline personnel do not want that. If you want to be a cabin crew member, it is important that you are able to imbibe a pleasing personality, in which you can reach out to others without putting much effort. NEVER Argue with your Interviewer During interviews, it is an advantage if you can speak your mind naturally, but not to the point that you will wage a war of words against your interviewer. You don’t have to defend your answers to the death, as this is not a debate. Once you’ve stated your point, then that’s it. Your interviewers are just checking how well you can stand by your thoughts and ideas without actually looking your cool. Remember, you’re applying for a job that entails customer empathy. If you happen to be an irate flight attendant, then you will be easily fired from your job.

NEVER Trash Talk Your Former Employer Of course, it cannot be avoided that during cabin crew interviews you will have talk about your former job. The airline company would like to know how well you fared in your past employment service, as this will be considered in deciding whether you are qualified to become a cabin crew member or not. You may want to give general details about your former employer, and as well share some of your best memories your previous company. If in case your interviewer asks why you left, you can just say that you’re looking for greener pastures, and that you would like to try something new for a change. There’s no need to trash out your former employer even if you parted ways in bad terms.

STOP that Incessant Lying Are you the type who weaves stories just to impress others, especially when it comes to interviews? Then better cut that habit when applying for a cabin crew position. This is because you never know what the panelists would ask you; if you start answering their questions with lies, then you will have to stand by your lies until the end of the whole interview process. It can be very difficult to keep track of your lies, and sooner or later you will stumble and fall once a tricky question hits your way. And once this happens, you’re out. So yes, when answering interview questions, just give your best, truthful shots. When you really don’t know the answer then tell them truth. Being honest pays a lot, and you can even score good points for simply being real.

NEVER be Late for Interviews! Finally, you should not be late when coming to interview sessions. The tardiness that you show by coming late will reflect on your overall score, and it will also affect the impression of your

interviewers. If you are late for the interview, you are not only regarded to be tardy, but as well as unreliable when it comes to real work. As much as possible, come to the airline office (or wherever is the venue of the cabin crew interview) thirty minutes before your scheduled appointment, so you can be given priority by your interviewers and not miss out on the lessons, announcements and perks that might be given out by the company before the start of the cabin crew interview.

Just keep in mind these major no-nos and follow the tips stated in this book and you’re all set. Good luck in your cabin crew interview!

The Cheat Sheet: Common Cabin Crew Interview Questions for You to Review

To further help you prepare for your cabin crew interview, here is the list of most common cabin crew interviews that you may encounter. While not all of them will come up during the actual interview, it is best that you prepare for answers for each question-you’ll never know what the panelists may throw at you. 1. Tell us about yourself? 2. Why do you want to join us? 3. What would you like to do in five years' time ? 4. Do you prefer working with others or alone? 5. What are your biggest accomplishments? 6. What are your favorite subjects? 7. Why should we hire you? 8. What are your hobbies? 9. What is the worst feedback you have ever got? 10. What is the most difficult situation you have faced? 11.How do you measure talent? 12.How do/would you optimize performance and lift standards in a team? 13.Have you ever dealt with a customer making an unrealistic demand? 14.How would you respond if you were offered the job? 15.What would you do if you had to deal with an angry customer? 16.What will you bring to the job/company if we employ you? 17.Tell me about the culture at your last company/employer. 18.Tell me about your life at College or University (or even your time in your previous job). 19.What do you want to be doing in 2/5/10 years time? Or: Where do you want to be in 2/5/10 years time? 20.What is your ideal job?

21.What did you achieve in your last job? 22.What are your strengths? 23.What are your weaknesses? 24.Tell me about something recently that really annoyed you. 25.Give me an example of when you've produced some poor work and how you've dealt with it. 26.How do you plan and organize your work? 27.How many hours a week do you work/prefer to work? 28.Do you make mistakes? 29.What do you know about our company? 30.Why do you want to leave this job after only four months? 31.What do you think the employee's responsibilities are to the company? 32.Why do you want to change jobs? 33. How would you handle a drunk passenger. 34. Would you seat an incapacitated person in an exit row if the passenger wanted to move to that seat. 35. Would you seat a child in an exit row. 36. Would you ever upgrade a person for first class and if so, for what reasons. 37. How would you handle an upset passenger., or an angry passenger. 38. Would you accept a tip? What would you do if someone asked for your phone number? 39. Why do you think some passengers take their frustrations out on cabin crew, even though the cabin crew is trying to help them? 40. What would you do if you saw one of your colleagues being deliberately rude to a passenger? 41. What would you do if a commercially important passenger complained that another commercially important passenger is snoring too loudly behind him? 42. If, for example, there are 60 children on the flight, but you only have 40 toys. How would you deal with this situation? 43. What would you do if the seat belt signs were on and the aircraft is about to take off, but a passenger insist that he has to kneel down to conduct his prayer due to religious reasons?

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