CA 7 Cheat Sheet

February 17, 2017 | Author: mfeld1952 | Category: N/A
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Title: CA7 Commands and Explanations /CLOSE - Close logged-on terminal /CLOSE,T=termid - Close terminal by ID /DISPLAY,ST=JCL - Display all region data sets /DISPLAY,ST=KEY - Display all PF keys /DISPLAY,T=ALL - Display all terminals /LOGON MASTER - Logon as master console /OPEN,T=termind - Open terminal /PF##,M=(ca7 command) - Setup PF key /RESET,T=termid - Reset terminal /SHUTDOWN,Z3 - Shutdown region /START,T=termid - Start terminal /STOP,T=termid - Stop terminal /WTO,MSG=messagetext - Send message to the master console ADDRQ,JOB=##,DEPJOB=xxxx - Add a job dependency ADDRQ,JOB=##,USR=xxxxxx - Add a user requirement CANCEL,JOB=###,REASON=PERSE,FORCE=YES - Cancel job from schedule** **use job number to cancel specific job, jobname will cancel all jobs with same name. DEMAND,JOB=jobname - Schedule a job to run DEMANDH,JOB=jobname - Force or demand in job on hold DEMANDH,JOB=xxxx,SET=NTR - Demand job and bypass triggering DEMANDH,JOB=xxxx,SET=SKP - Demand job and skip next scheduled run DEMANDH,JOB=xxx,SCHID=## - Demand job with schid FSTRUC,JOB=xxxx,SCHID=## - Display all jobs triggered by this job JOBCONN - Put job on hold that has not scanned in yet. HOLD,Q=RDY - Prevents CA7 from releasing jobs from the ready queue HOLD,Q=REQ - Prevents CA7 from releasing jobs from the request queue JOB,jobname - Database update screen for a job LQ - Display the list queues, includes: request, ready, active and abend queues LACT - Display jobs that are active LACT,SEQ=JOB - List active jobs in jobname order LIST - List jobs that require restart LJCL,JOB=jobname - List the master JCL from the database LJCL,JOB=jobname,JCLIB### - Display the JCL for the job LJOB,JOB=xxxxx,LIST=ALL - List all jobs dependent on this job LJOB,JOB=jobname,LIST=TRIG - Display a job and what it triggers or is triggered by LJOB,JOB=jobname,LIST=RQMT - Display a job showing requirements LPRRN,JOB=jobname - List the last run of the job LQ,JOB=jobname - List a job and its unmet requirements LQ,ST=RSTR - List jobs with an abnormal status LQ,ST=LATE,JOB=* - List late jobs in job name order LQ,ST=LATE,LIST=RQMT - List late jobs and include the requirements LQ,ST=LATE,SEQ=DOTM - List late jobs in due out order LRDY - List jobs in ready queue


- List reason jobs are in ready queue - Display the request queue - Display the system log for the day - List prose (restart) instructions - List run history for last 5 days - List job schedule and calendar - List steps of job and if CA11 will allow you to restart in particular step - List work load balancing - Requeue job into request queue - Releases ready queue held previously - Releases request queue held previously. - Start CA7 from the MVS console (P330) - Display scan times - Reset the scan time to 16:00 - List jobs waiting to execute - Edit jobs with prefix of BJ - Job requirements screen - Job restart screen - Queue record information screen - Edit work load balancing

#### = job number jobname = name of job XXXX = job name Explanations To log onto CA-7 1. From ISFP menu type E.7, then 7 for CA-7 Product Job Scheduling which takes you to the CA-7 Primary Option Menu. 2. Type 1 for Onlines which takes you to the CA-7 title screen. At this screen you can (a)press enter for next menu to select a help tutorial or (b) type a top line command. Note. Commands commonly require the first character(s) to identify the screen you want to be viewing. Example: LQ takes you to the list queue or XQ takes you to the execute queue. String commands together to receive specific information, XQ,job=jobname. The screen identifier must be entered in conjunction with all commands. Jobname or job number may be used to display information. Retype command (or at least first character) to refresh screen.

PSI Production Scheduling Interface This is another way for us to view some of the queues. We can only VIEW the CA7 jobs, we cannot RESTART jobs from here. Before using PSI you need to set your ID's up for access. Log onto your system and type E.7.P. From here go to option S - System Authority, then type an A for add requirement type *ALL . This will bring you to the Authorization Screen. Here you should have the following information at the bottom, SYSTEM NAME



CA-7 Commands Previous Runs of Jobs lprrn,job=jobname Displays in and out times and status of last run only

Group or system name ljob,job=jobname Displays basic job information including date and time of last run, elaspe time (elaptm), group or system name used to find SE information. ljob,job=jobname,list=all provided

Then press enter, this will show job specific information if any has been

Determining Who Placed a Job on Hold XQ,JOB=Jobname Type H next to job. This will show who put the job on Hold.

Placing a Job on Hold To hold abended job or job in request queue. Type XQ takes you to the CA-7 Queue Maintenance (XQJ arranges jobs in alphabetic order). Choose H from function menu on the right and type in front of desired job. Then fill out the panel (like ControlM).

To view job status (hold/non hold) from XQ screen Type U in the function column in front of the job. Or type LQ,job=jobname to see job requirements.

To Demand in (or force in) a job on Hold

Use top line command demandh,job=jobname. Then to release job from hold status go to XQ screen and place an R in front of the job. May include schid or other options in the demand command, see commands list.

Editing Executable JCL XQ takes you to the "CA-7 Queue Maintenance" screen, locate job, type E in command column to edit QJCL, make changes, PF3 to backout and save.

Restart of a Job (rerun) XQ takes you to the "CA-7 Queue Maintenance" screen, from function menu on the right type F for restart in front of desired job. Complete screen information by typing in a REASON and by placing an X in desired field. Place an X in front of CA-11 Restart/Rerun. Complete Reason field on top line, and START field with JS.PS and then press enter. Pseudo field is used to restart with no data set maintenance Additional options on this screen includes: resubmit for production (rerun from the top), force complete

Restart of Job in next step (by passing abending step) Same as restarting of a job but must complete additional fields on Restart screen. LRTCD is use to indicate the abending step. = field is completed with abending return code. Complete JS.PS with next step to be run.

Delete a job from CA-7 (cancel) Top line command: cancel,j=####,force=yes,reason=perse. Should use job number because if there are duplicate jobnames, all jobs will be canceled.

Force complete a job From XQ screen select job and then type F beside desired job, and complete next screen with REASON code, and indicate type of action using an X.

Late jobs To check the system for late jobs type the following top of the line command: LQ,job=*,st=late

Adding job dependencies Type ADDRQ,job=##,depjob=jobname This command makes "jobname" a prerequisites for "###" Can also issue user requirements by replacing depjob with usr

Viewing SYSOUT for a Job Use WSF2 / SAM

Removing in-conditions from a Job To Display Predecessors Type XQ,job=jobname, after locating job, choose X form Function Menu at right side of screen. Complete the operation by typing X under the F in command column which will post that specific in condition.

Check for Abends E.7.7 then 1 for onlines. At command line type LQ which will take you to list queue screen. This will display all jobs and their status. Another top line command is LQ,ST=RSTR which is show only abended jobs.

Zooming a Job Only command similar in CA-7 is: LQ,job=jobname, this will show a specific job and why the job is waiting to run. L,JOB,JOB=Jobname,List=* (List ALL(*) will list DD Information) List



Table of contents 1. Intro to CA-7 ……………………………………1 2. Authorization ……………………………………2 3. Getting into basic CA-7 / PSI ……………………3 4. Viewing the jobs in the queue ……………………4 5. How to view a job’s requirements ………………6 6. How to put a job on hold …………………………7 7. Take a job off of hold / posting a user requirement ………………9 8. How to identify jobs stuck in ready queue …………11 9. How to rezoom or reset a zoom error, also long term overrides ……………………12 10. Viewing abends jobs ………………………………15 11. Edit JCL for abended jobs …………………………17 12. Restarting a job / forcing a job complete …………19 13. Requeue a job (stuck in READY Queue) …………20 14. Demanding a job (FORCE) …………………………21 15. One time scheduling changes to jobs not in queues 22 16. Appendix A Quick reference sheet ………………23 17. Appendix B Cheat sheet basic & advanced ……24

INTRO. TO CA-7. CA-7 is the Computer Associates scheduling product. It works quite differently from Control-M, so there will be quite a learning curve in using CA-7. As opposed to Control-M, CA-7 is a very command oriented system, that relies heavily on the use of queues.. Let’s explain the bare essentials of the queues. Load Schedule Scan Demanded jobs

REQUEST QUEUE request to run job has been made


READY QUEUE waiting for initiators/drives



A schedule scan job wakes up every hour, and forecasts what jobs it thinks will run in the next 2 1/2 hours. This timing is a SAIPC option. These jobs are put in the request queue. When the requirements are met the job will go to the ready queue, and then the active queue. Abended jobs will return to the request queue. Completed jobs will pass through the request queue on their way to the prior run log. Jobs are either Scheduled in by time, or are triggered by a completed job. Either way, additional requirement can exist. For example Job A, is scheduled in for 2300 hours. When Job A finished, it Triggers Job B to start. But if Job B has a requirement of Job C then it will not start until Job C is finished. Before the jobs even get to CA-7‘s control they are intercepted by ZOOM. This is an EDS utility that resolves all parms. The parms are defined as anything that has the format of “ |S001|” or “|Z001|”. If the ZOOM fails and the Parm is not resolved then the job is put in the request Queue with a ‘zoom failed’ message. Resolving this error is covered inside.

AUTHORIZATION Do once and forget. From TSO type E.7;P;S. (Don’t ask why, just do it.) You should get the screen below. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------------------------------ Authorization List ----------COMMAND ===> A Line Commands: D Delete System Name


Primary Commands: A Add System Name

System Name Privilege ---------------------------------------------------------------------------******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

Type an ‘A’ in the command line.Then hit enter. The screen below should appear. ---------------------------- Add Privilege Request ---------------------------COMMAND ===> System Name ===>


Press ENTER to add request

Enter END to cancel and exit

Type in the system name (‘MSS6HAMM’). Enter. you should return to the previous screen,but with updates. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------------------------------ Authorization List -------------- ADD COMPLETED COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE Line Commands: D Delete System Name

Primary Commands: A Add System Name

System Name Privilege ---------------------------------------------------------------------------_ MSS6HAMM READ,WRITE ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

Currently you only have authorization to Model Office.


(PSI is an EDS supplemental upgrade to CA-7)

The Production Scheduling Interface (PSI) is a TSO ISPF application that provides the user with standard interface to the production environment. PSI provides an interface to CA-7 that lets a user determine the status of a job, change the status of a job, and display information about a job. PSI also interfaces with the EDS product Zparm and Override Options Manager (ZOOM). ZOOM was developed to handle EDS' need to process ZPARMs, SPARMs, and overrides. PSI provides the functions to maintain the ZPARMs and overrides to be processed for a job by ZOOM. All PSI access is controlled by CA-7 system ID. Rules must be written to let a user access jobs within a particular system ID. Two types of authority, READ and WRITE, are allowed. In general, READ authority lets a user display information about a job, and WRITE authority lets a user alter the status or definition of a job. Due to security concerns, the TSO commands HOLD, SUSPEND, TSO, BR, and ED are disabled in PSI. A. type in ‘E.7’ on the TSO command line. Enter. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ISPF Primary Option Menu Option ===> E.7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 A C E L S U 11

Settings View Edit Utilities Foreground Batch Command Dialog Test IBM Products Account Apps Changes EDS Apps Local Apps SAM User Apps Workplace

Terminal and user parameters Display source data or listings Create or change source data Perform utility functions Interactive language processing Submit job for language processing Enter TSO or Workstation commands Perform dialog testing IBM program development products Display Account Applications Display Summary of Changes EDS Corporate Applications Display IPC Local Applications System Activity Manager Display User Applications ISPF Object/Action Workplace

Enter X to Terminate using log/list defaults

User ID . : Time. . . : Terminal. : Screen. . : Language. : Appl ID . : TSO logon : TSO prefix: System ID : MVS acct. : Release . :


The menu below should appear. ‘7’ will get you into the CA-7 product. ‘P’ will get you into PSI. ------------------------OPTION ===>

Scheduling Products MENU


Select Product: 7 11 P J OC



Production Job Scheduling Production Job Restart Production Scheduling Interface Production Job Reporting On-Call Support Application



- Return to Previous Menu

Enter END to Exit

UserID Date Julian Time Terminal


BZWDF1 98/04/20 98.110 07:58 3278

2. VIEWING THE JOBS IN THE QUEUE. Every hour CA-7 will wake up and determine what work will be worked on in the next 2 1/2 hours. Get to the Scheduling Menu as in number 1 above. Put a ‘P’ in the MENU command line. Hit Enter ------------------------OPTION ===> P

Scheduling Products MENU


Select Product: 7 11 P J OC



Production Job Scheduling Production Job Restart Production Scheduling Interface Production Job Reporting On-Call Support Application



- Return to Previous Menu

UserID Date Julian Time Terminal


BZWDF1 98/04/20 98.110 08:04 3278

Enter END to Exit

This will bring up the screen below. Fill in the ’Job Name’ and ‘System Name’ as needed. Please note that if the ‘System Name’ field is left blank, or is ‘*” then a plethora(many) of ACF2 violations will take place behind the scenes as CA-7 will attempt to get you into systems where you don’t belong. This will cause your manager grief. Select option ‘1’. Enter. ----------------------- Production Scheduling Interface ----------------------OPTION ===> 1 04/20/1998 - 08:09 Julian Date: 1998.110 Job Name ===> MSS6* System Name ===> MSS6HAMM 1 2 3


Queue Activity - Request, Ready, and Active queue information - Production abends, fails, errors, and requeues - Prior Run queue information

4 5


Data Base Activity - SPARM/ZPARM/Override JCL Resolution - ZPARMs, overrides, resdates, job requests, user




Special Activity Browse CA7 on-line log Add, delete, and list system ID authority Display information about PSI V4.1 Terminate this session

This screen will appear. -------------------------------- Queue Display ----------- NO RECORDS SELECTED COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE Job Name ===> MSS6* Queue ===> * Line Commands: A Add requirement S Display requirements

System Name ===> MSS6HAMM Status ===> * B Browse JCL Z Reset ZOOM error

R Refresh queue JCL

System CA-7 Schd Entry Start Start Job Name Name Num ID Que Late Job Status Mode Date Time --------------------------------------------------------------------------->

The screen above lists all the jobs that CA-7 thinks will be running in the next 2 1/2 hours. From this screen we can check requirements, put jobs on hold, free them. (more on these options later).

3. HOW TO VIEW A JOB’S REQUIREMENTS From the ‘QUEUE DISPLAY’ screen in number 2 above, put a ‘S’ in the job line. Enter. -------------------------------- Queue Display ----------- NO RECORDS SELECTED COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE Job Name ===> MSS6* Queue ===> * Line Commands: A Add requirement S Display requirements

System Name ===> MSS6HAMM Status ===> * B Browse JCL Z Reset ZOOM error

R Refresh queue JCL

System CA-7 Schd Entry Start Start Job Name Name Num ID Que Late Job Status Mode Date Time --------------------------------------------------------------------------> S MSS6BD10 MSS6HAMM 9999 030 REQ NO WAIT TIME SSCN 98.110 12:00 ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

The screen below should appear. --------------------------- Job Requirements Display -------- ROW 1 TO 1 OF 1 COMMAND ====> SCROLL ====> PAGE Job Name ===> MSS6BD10 CA-7 Number ===> 9999 Outstanding Requirements:

System Name ===> MSS6HAMM Schedule ID ===> 030


Line Commands: P Post requirement Post Type Neg Requirement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------_ NO TIME NO WAITING FOR SUBMIT TIME 12:00 ON 98.110 ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************

Note the requirement Type field above. This job is waiting on a ‘TIME’ requirement. Other requirement types would be ‘USER’ and ‘JDEP’ . A ‘USER’ requirement is roughly equivalent to an SE hold, and ‘JDEP’, or job dependancy, is like an in-condition. The Post field indicates whether that requirement has been met or not. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ONLY REQUIREMENT THAT AN SE CAN ADD OR POST IS A USER TYPE REQUIREMENT.

4. HOW TO PUT A JOB ON HOLD In CA-7 putting a job on hold is done by adding a User requirement. From the ‘QUEUE DISPLAY’ screen in number 2 above, put an ‘A’ in the job line. Enter. *********************** QUEUE DISPLAY ************************ COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE Job Name ===> MSS6* System Name ===> MSS6HAMM Queue ===> * Status ===> * Line Commands: A Add requirement S Display requirements

B Browse JCL Z Reset ZOOM error

R Refresh queue JCL


CA-7 Schd Entry Start Start Job Name Name Num ID Que Late Job Status Mode Date Time --------------------------------------------------------------------------> A MSS6XXXX MSS6HAMM 8885 030 REQ NO WAIT TIME SSCN 97.195 13:00 ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************

The screen below should appear. Fill in your information and hit enter. ----------------------------- Add User Requirement ---------------------------COMMAND ===> Job Name ===> MSS6BD10 CA-7 Number ===> 9999 User Name


User Phone

===> 972 604 2431

Requirement ===> test hold

System Name ===> MSS6HAMM Schedule ID ===> 030

I will release

Press ENTER to add requirement Enter END to cancel add and exit ***********************************************************************

The User requirement has now been added.

If you wish to review your user requirement (hold), follow the procedures in number 3 above. You should find that the hold has been added as a requirement, as below. --------------------------- Job Requirements Display -------- ROW 1 TO 5 OF 5 COMMAND ====> SCROLL ====> PAGE Job Name ===> MSS6BD10 CA-7 Number ===> 8914 Outstanding Requirements:

System Name ===> MSS6HAMM Schedule ID ===> 030 0005

Line Commands: P Post requirement Post Type Neg Requirement ----------------------------------------------------------------------------_ NO TIME NO WAITING FOR SUBMIT TIME 15:10 ON 97.195. _ NO USER NO TEST HOLD I WILL RELEASE JMEADOR 972 604 2431 _ NO JDEP NO MSS6BD10 _ NO JDEP NO MSS6BD23 _ NO JDEP NO MSS6BD25 ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ******************************

5. TAKE A JOB OFF OF HOLD/ POSTING A USER REQUIREMENT Posting a user requirement: effectively removes it. It is simular to ‘freeing’ in Control-M. View the requirements as in number 3 above. Put a ‘P’ in the requirements line. --------------------------- Job Requirements Display -------- ROW 1 TO 5 OF 5 COMMAND ====> SCROLL ====> PAGE Job Name ===> MSS6BD10 CA-7 Number ===> 8914 Outstanding Requirements:

System Name ===> MSS6HAMM Schedule ID ===> 030 0005

Line Commands: P Post requirement Post Type Neg Requirement ----------------------------------------------------------------------------_ NO TIME NO WAITING FOR SUBMIT TIME 15:10 ON 97.195. P NO USER NO TEST HOLD I WILL RELEASE JMEADOR 972 604 2431 _ NO JDEP NO MSS6BD10 _ NO JDEP NO MSS6BD23 _ NO JDEP NO MSS6BD25 ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ******************************

This should bring you to the comfirmation screen. Enter to confirm. ------------------------ Post Requirement Confirmation -----------------------COMMAND ====> Job Name ===> MSS6BD10 CA-7 Number ===> 8914

System Name ===> MSS6HAMM Schedule ID ===> 030

Request Type ===> USER Negative

===> NO



SE Name


SE Phone

===> 972 604 2431

Press ENTER to post requirement

The requirement is now posted ( fulfilled)


Enter END to cancel post and exit

View the requirements again, as per Number 3 above. The Post field for the user requirement should now be YES. Please note again that the only requirement that SE s can add or post are USER requirements. You must contact Batch Scheduling or the cycle monitor to add or post TIME or JDEP requirements.

--------------------------- Job Requirements Display -------- ROW 1 TO 5 OF 5 COMMAND ====> SCROLL ====> PAGE Job Name ===> MSS6BD10 CA-7 Number ===> 8914 Outstanding Requirements:

System Name ===> MSS6HAMM Schedule ID ===> 030 0004

Line Commands: P Post requirement Post Type Neg Requirement -----------------------------------------------------------------------_ NO TIME NO WAITING FOR SUBMIT TIME 15:10 ON 97.195. _ NO JDEP NO MSS6BD10 _ NO JDEP NO MSS6BD23 _ NO JDEP NO MSS6BD25 _ YES USER NO TEST HOLD- I WILL RELEASE JMEADOR 972 604 2431 ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *************************

6. HOW IDENTIFY JOBS STUCK IN READY QUEUE From the ‘QUEUE DISPLAY’ screen in number 2 above. -------------------------------- Queue Display --------------- Row 1 to 2 of 2 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE Job Name ===> MSS6* Queue ===> * Line Commands: A Add requirement S Display requirements

System Name ===> MSS6HAMM Status ===> * B Browse JCL Z Reset ZOOM error

R Refresh queue JCL

System CA-7 Schd Entry Start Start Job Name Name Num ID Que Late Job Status Mode Date Time --------------------------------------------------------------------------> _ MSS6BD10 MSS6HAMM 9026 001 RDY NO READY TO RUN DMND 98.013 07:32 _ MSS6BD23 MSS6HAMM 8809 032 REQ YES ABENDED TRIG 98.013 07:31 ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

There are only two cases where you will see jobs in the READY (RDY) queue. The first, and more common, case is where a job is ready to run but it is waiting for an initiator from the system. A job in this case usually stays in the READY queue for only a few moments. Looking in SAM and seeing that the job is waiting for an initiator is the easiest way to verify that there is no problem with the job. The second case for a job in the READY queue is where the job was submitted for batch, but a sever JCL error occurred before any processing CPU was used. A restart step not found, would be a good example of this. A JOB STUCK IN THE READY QUEUE WILL REQUIRE SE INTERVENTION. Resolution will be discussed later.



From the ‘QUEUE DISPLAY’ screen in number 2 above, you may encounter this situation. -------------------------------- Queue Display --------------- Row 1 to 2 of 2 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> Job Name ===> MSS6* Queue ===> * Line Commands: A Add requirement S Display requirements

System Name ===> MSS6HAMM Status ===> * B Browse JCL Z Reset ZOOM error

R Refresh queue JCL

System CA-7 Schd Entry Start Start Job Name Name Num ID Que Late Job Status Mode Date Time --------------------------------------------------------------------------> B MSS6BD10 MSS6HAMM 9146 001 REQ NO Z-JCL FAIL TRIG 00.000 00:00 _ MSS6BD23 MSS6HAMM 8809 032 REQ YES ABENDED TRIG 98.013 08:25 ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

This job had an unresolvable parameter. Either the JCL was updated, or a long term overide was added incorrectly. This is a PSI failure, so the JCL never got to CA-7. The best short-term solution to running the job now is to create or fix the PSI override, and manually resolve the parms. However, a permanent solution must done. First, find out why the PSI bombed. Put ‘B’ on the line command. Enter. BROWSE -- PSYS3.WAZMA.ZOOMJCL(Z0003081) ------------ Line 00000000 Col 001 080 COMMAND ===> f '//* w' SCROLL ===> PAGE ********************************* Top of Data ******************************** //MSS6BS10 JOB (BSGAB4,WCBS),'TRAINING JOB 2 ', // CLASS=H, // MSGCLASS=Y START=JS010.PS030 //* RESDATE=01/13/1998 BIAS INIDICATOR IS -1 //*IN=01/13/1998,OUT=01/14/1998,SE=MYNAME 00010001 //* //*LOGONID MSS6BD1 ** ACF2 LOGONID ** //* /*JOBPARM RESAFF=D2M1 //* //NONPRINT OUTPUT DEST=NONPRINT, et cetera

You will bring up the JCL. search the JCL for the error messages by entering “F ‘//* W’ “. Enter.

// DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(TRK,(0),RLSE) //SYSIN DD DSN=PWCBS.HRBCH.SYSIN(RB2IRERR), // DISP=(SHR,KEEP,KEEP) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //* //* // PEND * SYSTEM GENERATED * //JS010 EXEC WCBSTST2,PARM='|SZZZ|' //* WAZ4101E - SPARM CONTAINS INVALID CHARACTERS. // ******************************** Bottom of Data ******************************

In this example the date Parm ‘SZZZ’ couldn’t be found. Since we have found the specific problem we can fix it. Hit PF3, to bring you to the Production Scheduling interface as in number 2 above. Put in option ‘5’. Enter. ----------------------- Production Scheduling Interface ----------------------OPTION ===> 5 01/13/1998 - 08:36 Julian Date: 1998.013 Job Name ===> MSS6* System Name ===> MSS6HAMM 1 2 3


Queue Activity - Request, Ready, and Active queue information - Production abends, fails, errors, and requeues - Prior Run queue information

4 5


Data Base Activity - SPARM/ZPARM/Override JCL Resolution - ZPARMs, overrides, resdates, job requests, rqmts




Special Activity Browse CA7 on-line log Add, delete, and list system ID authority Display information about PSI V4.1 Terminate this session

You will get the screen below. use option ‘6’. Enter ------------------------ PSI CA-7 Data Base Maintenance ----------------------OPTION ===> 6 Job Name ===> MSS6*

System Name ===> MSS6HAMM

1 2 3 4 5 6

USER RQMTS - Add, delete, and list user requirements. JOB SCHEDULING - Add, delete, update, and list job requests. ZPARM/OVERRIDE - Update and list ZPARM and override flags. ZPARM VALUE - Add, delete, update, and list ZPARMs. RESOLUTION DATE - Add, delete, update and list resolution dates. OVERRIDE EDIT - Edit or browse override and reset override flag. Enter END command to terminate function

The screen below should appear. put an ‘S’ by the correct system name. Enter. --------------------------- Override Selection List ---------- Row 1 to 1 of 1 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE Job Name ===> MSS6*

System Name ===> MSS6HAMM

Line Commands: S Select Override Library System Name Override Library --------------------------------------------------------------------------S MSS6HAMM PMSS6.HAMLIB.OVERRIDE ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

The srceen below should appear. If the job name appears on the line, put an ‘E’ on the line and enter. Otherwise put ‘A WCBSXXXX’ on the command line and enter. ----------------------------- List Override Member ----COMMAND ===> A MSS6XXXXXX


Override Library ===> PMASS6.HAMLIB.OVERRIDE Line Commands: B Browse Override D Delete Override

E Edit Override

Primary Commands: A Add Override Member

Name Created Changed Time User ID --------------------------------------------------------------------------_ MSS6BD10 01/13/1998 01/13/1998 07:26 BZWDF1 _ MSS6BD23 01/02/1998 01/02/1998 14:15 BZWDF1 ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

A TSO edit screen will appear. Copy in JCL if needed. Fix the JCL by manually resolving the date parameters. Date parameters are considered any item between bars, ‘|’. Examples are |S001| and |zwtw|. Add the first line as below. Use cycle Date. PF3 to exit. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------EDIT PWCBS.HRBSC.OVERRIDE(WCBSTST2) - 01.00 Columns 00001 00072 Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR ****** ***************************** Top of Data ***************************** 000100 //*in=mm/dd/yyyy,out=mm/dd/yyyy,se=myname 000110 //WCBSTST2 JOB (BSGAB4,WCBS),'TRAINING JOB 2 ', 000200 // CLASS=H, 000300 // MSGCLASS=Y START=JS010.PS030 000400 //* 000500 et c.

You have entered the override. We now have to apply it. Get back to the ‘QUEUE DISPLAY’ screen as in number 2 above. Put a ‘Z’ in the job line. Enter. PSI will bring in the override and send the JCL onto CA-7. -------------------------------- Queue Display --------------- Row 1 to 2 of 2 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE Job Name ===> MSS6* Queue ===> * Line Commands: A Add requirement S Display requirements

System Name ===> MSS6HAMM Status ===> * B Browse JCL Z Reset ZOOM error

R Refresh queue JCL

System CA-7 Schd Entry Start Start Job Name Name Num ID Que Late Job Status Mode Date Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------> Z MSS6BD10 MSS6HAMM 9146 001 REQ YES Z-JCL FAIL TRIG 00.000 00:00 _ MSS6BD23 MSS6HAMM 8809 032 REQ YES ABENDED TRIG 98.013 08:37 ******************************* Bottom of data ******************************

8. VIEWING ABENDED JOBS This only lists the jobs. No action can be done from this screen. Select ‘P’ in the MENU command line. Enter. ------------------------OPTION ===> P

Scheduling Products MENU


Select Product: 7 11 P J OC



Production Job Scheduling Production Job Restart Production Scheduling Interface Production Job Reporting On-Call Support Application



- Return to Previous Menu

UserID - BZWDF1 Date - 98/04/21 Julian - 98.111 Time - 14:57 Terminal - 3278

Enter END to Exit

This will bring up the screen below. Fill in the ’Job Name’ and ‘System Name’ as needed. Select option ‘2’. Enter. ----------------------- Production Scheduling Interface ---------------------OPTION ===> 2 7/14/1997 - 11:00 Julian Date: 1997.195 Job Name ===> MSS6* System Name ===> MSS6HAMM Queue Activity - Request, Ready, and Active queue information - Production abends, fails, errors, and requeues - Prior Run queue information

1 2 3


4 5




Data Base Activity - SPARM/ZPARM/Override JCL Resolution - ZPARMs, overrides, resdates, job requests, rqmts Activity - Browse CA7 on-line log - Add, delete, and list system ID authority - Display information about PSI V4.1 - Terminate this session

This screen will appear . -------------------------------- ABEND Display -------------- ROW 1 TO 1 OF 1 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE Job Name ===> MSS6* Abend Code ===> *

System Name ===> MSS6HAMM

System CA-7 Schd Abend Due Due Job Name Name Num ID Que Code Step Error Date Time -----------------------------------------------------------------------------> MSS6BD10 MSS6HAMM 8920 001 REQ U2400 NPS020 97.195 13:33 ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************

As stated before this screen is for viewing only, we can’t fix the job here.

9. EDIT JCL FOR ABENDED JOBS. For this action we need to get to the CA-7 system instead of the PSI system. Get to the Scheduling Product menu as in step number 1 above. Select option ‘7’. Enter. The screen below should appear. ------------------------OPTION ===> 1



0 1


- Specify CA-7/TSO-ISPF PF keys - CA-7/TSO-ISPF Terminal Session - UID Resource =>



- Terminate CA-7/TSO-ISPF Interface


- BZWDF1 - BZWDF1 - 13:57 97/07/14 - CA7

Enter END command to terminate CA-7/TSO-ISPF.

Select option ‘1’. Enter. The screen below should appear. Note: from TSO the command E.7;7;1 will also bring us here.

MENU -----------------------------ELECTRONIC DATA SYSTEMS------------------------CA-7.023 LOGON ACCEPTED, PRESS ENTER FOR MENU OR ENTER COMMAND






DATE : 97.195 TIME : 13:58:16 LEVEL : V3L2 (9610)

77777777777 77777777777 7777 7777 7777 7777 7777 7777


All CA-7 commands can be entered from this screen. All further CA-7 commands will assume that we have gotten to this point. On the command line overwrite the word ‘Menu’ with the command ‘XQ,JOB=WCBS*’. Enter. The screen below should appear. ----------------F-JOBNAME--CA7# E MSS6BD10 8920 MSS6BD23 8929 MSS6BD24 8912 MSS6BD25 8913 MSS6BD26 8914




-97.195 / 13:58:55 ENTER A COMMAND ON THE TOP LINE

If you notice the list of functions to the right above you will see that we could also use this panel to hold and release (free) jobs. Or to view their requirements. However the PSI panels listed in numbers 3, 4 and 5 above are clearer and easier to use. Use them until you are very familiar with CA-7. Select ‘E’ in the function field next to the job you wish to edit. Enter. The JCL will appear in a normal TSO edit mode, as below. Edit the JCL as you normally would.

EDIT ----- SYS97195.T135925.RA000.TWCJPCM.CA7EDIT.H01 ------- COLUMNS 001 072 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ****************************** ==MSG> IF DATA IS SAVED, A CA7 SR WILL BE EXECUTED 000001 //WCBSTST1 JOB (BSGAB4,WCBS),'TRAINING JOB 1 ', 000002 // CLASS=H, 000003 // MSGCLASS=Y START=JS10.PSXXX 000004 //* 000005 //*LOGONID WCBSRBM ** ACF2 LOGONID ** 000006 //* 000007 /*JOBPARM SYSAFF=ANY 000008 //* 000009 //NONPRINT OUTPUT DEST=NONPRINT, 000010 // CLASS=*, 000011 // FORMS=STD, 000012 // ROOM=SCHD, 000013 // JESDS=ALL, 000014 // DEFAULT=Y 000015 //* 000016 //*UCC7RESTART UCC7 000017 //WCBSTST1 PROC PARM20I='0001', 000018 // PARM20D='0001' MSS6HAMM Selection type: CA-7 Data Base ===> NO (YES,NO)

or Data Set Name ===> PWCBS.HRBCH.JCLPDS Resolution information: Due Date ===> 06/24/1997(MM/DD/YYYY) SCHID ===> 030 (001 - 255) ZPARM/SPARMs ===> YES (YES,NO, or ASIS) Overrides ===> YES (YES,NO, or ASIS) Job Names: 1) MSS6BD10 2) ________ 3) ________ 4) ________ 5) ________ 6) ________ 7) ________ 8) ________ 9) ________ 10) ________ Once all field are complete hit enter. Other helpful items. Please contact me to get JCL for jobs to run these commands in a BATCH environment. Library ‘SYS3.WASMA.DATEVAR’ will show the values for every valid Sparm for any day this year. Library ‘SYSREAD.CA7.INFO’ has various information about CA-7 and the conversion. Member ’SYS4.ACCOUNT.FORECAST(ALLJOBS)’ contains facts about every job that will run in SAIPC1A between 0759 this morning and 0759 tomorrow morning.




COMMAND COMMAND FORMATS demand,job=jobname,schid=nnn demand,job=jobname,schid=nnn,time=hhmm



fjob,sys=systemid,from=(mmddyy,hhmm),to=(mmddyy,hhmm) NOTE: You can also use job=jobname in place of the sys=systemid. (i.e. job=msp3*) DOES NOT SHOW OTHER (INDIRECT REQUIREMENTS !! fjob,sys=systemid,from=(mmddyy,hhmm),to=(mmddyy,hhmm), seq=job Fjob,sys=systemid,span=nn

COMMAND RESULTS job is entered in the request queue in ca-7 with the assigned schid. job is entered in the request queue in ca-7 with the assigned schid and a requirement of the assigned submit time (the time parameter assigns a submit time to the job which then becomes a job requirement. If the time parameter is not used with the demand command, then the job enters the request queue with no assigned submit time even if the job has a pre-defined submit time on its normal schedule.) job enters into the request queue on hold. When you use this command format, a screen will come up asking for required information (i.e. your name, phone number, reason for putting job on hold) This command will schedule a job in ca-7’s request queue and all requirements will be ignored, triggering will be by-passed, and no post-processing will occur which means no prior run record will be created. Using the ‘SET=NTR’ parameter is like running a job outside of ca-7 but still have the batch processing authorization. the systemid needs to be replaced by a valid ca-7 systemid (i.e. mss3hamp); the date and time needs to be supplied for both the from and to parameters. This is the command that is used to forecast the jobs that will run during the dates and times specified. You can do forecasts on cycles for an entire year’s worth of dates providing that the calendars have been built for that year. same information as above but with the addition of ‘seq=job’ the results will be forecasted in jobname sequence. The default forecast is in time sequence. this command will provide a forecast of what will run for the specified systemid for the supplied span time interval. In other words, fjob,sys=mss3hamp,span=24 would show you what would run for the nationwide production cycle from midnight




Fqjob,sys=systemid,span=nn,seq=job Fqjob,sys=systemid,from=(mmddyy,hhmm),to=(mmddyy,hhmm)






Lact Lact,job=jobname (you can also specify sys=systemid where systemid is replaced by the userid for the cycle; instead of specifying a specific job) Lact,job=*,st=late





to midnight for today’s date. Without a specified date, the assumed date is today date. This command will forecast what remains to run for the specified systemid based upon what is currently in ca-7’s request queue at the current time. For example, if during the night you wanted to take a snapshot of what remains to run for a particular cycle, you would want to issue this command for the systemid of that cycle and supply the time span interval to be forecasted. (i.e. fqjob,sys=mss3hamp,span=8) would show you what remains to run for the nationwide production cycle for the next 8 hours from the current time. This command will produce the same results only in jobname sequence because you are using the ‘seq=job’ parameter. This command will show you what will run for the specified systemid for the period of time specified based upon what jobs are currently in ca-7 queues. You can also use the ‘seq=job’ parameter with this command format. this command will show you how the job gets into the system. For example, if a job msp3db10 is triggered in somewhere in the cycle and you want to see how that sequence looked, you can issue this command and it will show you a ‘reverse jobflow’ (reverse trigger flow) this will show you the reverse jobflow for the specified job and schid. shows how the specified job (currently in ca-7’s queue got in the system today (shows a reverse trigger based upon the job in record that is currently in ca-7’s queue. This command shows you all jobs that are currently running in the operating system for which you are authorized to view. This command shows all jobs running with the specified jobname (you can use masking and ‘*’ is the masking character Shows you all active jobs with a late status which simple means that they missed their calculated due out tiime as defined by ca-7. There are various values for the st option and they are found on page 2-188 of the CA-7 3.2 MVS Commands Guide


Shows you the jcl for any job defined to ca-7 and the library where the jcl was found. Shows how the job is defined in ca-7. This command shows any schedules, triggers, follow-ons, requirements, or conflicts that the specified job has. Shows only what this job will wait on. Once again, this information is from the ca-7 database. It is NOT listing how the job appears in the request queue right now if, indeed the job is in the request queue. Shows only the jobs that are dependent on the completion of the specified job. Shows only the scheduling information for the specified job.


Shows only the user requirements information


Shows all the triggering information pertaining to the specified job (what job will trigger this one and what this job triggers) Shows virtual resource requirements only (this is conflict information; in other words, it shows the jobs that cannot run with the specified due to contention problems)






Shows information about the last successful completion of the specified job. There is only ONE prior run record for any given job providing that the job has run successfully at least one time in ca-7.






Shows all the jobs in ca-7 primary queues (request, ready, and active) for which you have authorization. You can use the ST parameter with this command as well. Show all the jobs in ca-7 which whose job records currently reside in ca-7’s ready queue. Jobs should not be in the queue for very long (maybe a couple of seconds). If they stay in this queue for an excessive period of time, there may be a syntax error pertaining to the jobcard. Check the output queue in SAM. More than likely, the job will show as awaiting print. Select the output and you will see the errror. You can use the ST parameter with this command as well. Shows all jobs waiting in ca-7’s request queue. Jobs will be displayed in this queue if they are abended or waiting on requirements. These requirements must be satisfied before the job can be submitted for execution. You can use the ST parameter with this command, too.


Lschd,job=jobname,list=schd Lschd,job=jobname,list=cals









This command will list all the schedule information from the ca-7 database for the specified job. Shows a month-by-month calendar using the schedule data selected. This command is valid only for jobs with resolved scheduled; in other words, the jobs must have a defined schedule or must be scheduled jobs. An example of this type of job is any DA00 job. This command will display a month-by-month schedule day calendar for one schedule ID specified by the ‘nnn’ value. Again, this command is only valid for jobs where the schids are defined (i.e. DA00). This command will display a month-by-month calendar for each schedule ID. Again, this command is only valid for jobs where the schids are defined (i.e. DA00). Puts job back in ca-7’s request queue. Usually used when a job is sitting in the RDY queue due to a jcl syntax error on the jobcard. Places job on hold. Use this command only when the job is in ca-7’s request queue. This will keep the job from being submitted after all its requirements have been satisfied. Removes the job from ‘hold’ status

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