C57.104-2019 IEEE Guide For The Interpretation of Gases Generated in Mineral Oil-Immersed Transformers

July 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download C57.104-2019 IEEE Guide For The Interpretation of Gases Generated in Mineral Oil-Immersed Transformers...



HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtcthaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs 

[akhbty  HBBB ^awbr cfe Bfbrmy [akhbty 

   [    E    W    C    E    F    C    U    [

Ebvblapbe gy tob  tob  Urcfsjaribrs Kaiihttbb  Kaiihttbb 

HBBB [te K2=.3>5℧-7>38 (Wbvhshaf aj HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>>?)

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.


HBBB [te K2=.3>5℧-7>38 (Wbvhshaf aj HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>>?)

HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtcthaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Ebvblapbe gy tob

Urcfsjaribrs Kaiihttbb aj tob

HBBB ^awbr cfe Bfbrmy [akhbty  Cppravbe 3; Dufb 7>38

HBBB [C [tcfecres Gacre

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  


Cgstrckt4  Ebtchlbe prakbeurbs jar hftbrprbthfm Ehssalvbe Mcs Cfclyshs rbsults crb ebskrhgbe hf Cgstrckt4  tohs muheb. Uob eakuibft ebtchls4 3) Avbrvhbw aj mcs mbfbrcthaf hf trcfsjaribr cfe EMC prakbss0 7) Uob purpasb cfe cpplhkcthaf aj EMC0 ;) EMC quclhty vbrhjhkcthaf cfe EMC lhihtcthafs0 5) EMC hftbrprbtcthaf cfe faris0 2) Jcult typb ebjhfhthafs cfe hebfthjhkcthaf0 :) Kcsb stuehbs cfe hftbrprbtcthaf bxciplb. Uob hftbft hs ta pravheb tob apbrctar whto usbjul hfjaricthaf kafkbrfhfm tob sbrvhkbcghlhty aj tob bquhpibft. Cf bxtbfshvb ghglhamrcpoy af mcs bvaluthaf, ebtbkthaf, cfe hftbrprbtcthaf hs hfkluebe. @bywares4 EMC, @bywares4  EMC, mcs cfclyshs, HBBB K2=.3>5℧, ihfbrcl ahl, ihfbrcl ahl-hiibrsbe trcfsjaribrs, trcfsjaribrs

  Uob Hfsthtutb aj Blbktrhkcl cfe Blbktrafhks Bfmhfbbrs, Hfk. ; ^cr` Cvbfub, Fbw Xar`, FX 3>>3:-288=, R[C Kapyrhmot © 7>38 gy Uob Hfsthtutb aj Blbktrhkcl cfe Blbktrafhks Bfmhfbbrs, Hfk.  Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe. ^uglhsobe ^uglhsobe 3 Favbigbr 7>38. ^rhftbe hf tob Rfhtbe Rfhtbe [tctbs aj Cibrhkc. HBBB hs c rbmhstbrbe trcebicr` hf tob R.[. ^ctbft & Urcebicr` Ajjhkb, awfbe gy Uob H fsthtutb aj Blbktrhkcl cfe Blbktrafhks Bfmhfbbrs, Hfkarparctbe. ^EJ4 ^rhft4

H[GF 8=?-3-2>55-28=;->  8=?-3-2>55-28=;->  H[GF  8=?-3-2>55-28=5-= H[GF 8=?-3-2>55-28=5-=  

[UE7;=2:   [UE7;=2: [UE^E7;=2:  [UE^E7;=2: 

HBBB praohghts ehskrhihfcthaf, ocrcssibft, cfe gullyhfm. .  Jar iarb hfjaricthaf, vhsht  ottp4//www.hbbb.arm/wbg/cgautus/wocths/palhkhbs/p8-7:.otil  Fa pcrt aj tohs puglhkcthaf icy gb rbpraeukbe hf cfy jari, hf cf blbktrafhk rbtrhbvcl systbi ar atobrwhsb, whtoaut tob prhar wrhttbf pbrihsshaf aj tob puglhsobr.


Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  


Hipartcft Fathkbs cfe Ehsklchibrs Kafkbrfhfm HBBB [tcfecres Eakuibfts HBBB eakuibfts crb iceb cvchlcglb jar usb sugdbkt ta hipartcft fathkbs cfe lbmcl ehsklchibrs. Uobsb fathkbs cfe ehsklchibrs, ar c rbjbrbfkb ta tohs pcmb, cppbcr hf cll stcfecres cfe icy gb jaufe ufebr tob obcehfm “Hipartcft Fathkbs cfe Ehsklchibrs Kafkbrfhfm HBBB [tcfecres Eakuibfts.’ Uoby kcf clsa gb klchibrs.otil..  agtchfbe af rbqubst jrai HBBB ar vhbwbe ct  ct ottp4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/hpr/ehs ottp4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/hpr/ehsklchibrs.otil

Fathkb cfe Ehsklchibr aj Lhcghlhty Kafkbrfhfm tob Rsb aj HBBB [tcfecres Eakuibfts HBBB [tcfecres eakuibfts (stcfecres, rbkaiibfebe prckthkbs, cfe muhebs), gato jull-usb cfe trhcl-usb, crb ebvblapbe whtohf HBBB [akhbthbs cfe tob [tcfecres Kaarehfcthfm Kaiihttbbs aj tob HBBB [tcfecres Cssakhcthaf (“HBBB-[C’) [tcfecres Gacre. HBBB (“tob Hfsthtutb’) ebvblaps hts stcfecres toraumo c kafsbfsus ebvblapibft prakbss, cppravbe gy tob Cibrhkcf Fcthafcl [tcfecres Hfsthtutb (“CF[H’), wohko  grhfms tambtobr valuftbbrs rbprbsbfthfm vcrhbe vhbwpahfts cfe hftbrbsts ta ckohbvb tob jhfcl praeukt. HBBB  [tcfecres crb eakuibfts ebvblapbe toraumo skhbfthjhk, ckcebihk, cfe hfeustry-gcsbe tbkofhkcl war`hfm mraups. Zaluftbbrs hf HBBB war`hfm mraups crb fat fbkbsscrhly ibigbrs aj tob Hfsthtutb cfe pcrthkhpctb whtoaut kaipbfscthaf jrai HBBB. ]ohlb HBBB ceihfhstbrs tob prakbss cfe bstcglhsobs rulbs ta praiatb jchrfbss hf tob kafsbfsus ebvblapibft prakbss, HBBB eabs fat hfebpbfebftly bvcluctb, tbst, ar vbrhjy tob ckkurcky aj cfy aj tob hfjaricthaf ar tob saufefbss aj cfy duemibfts kaftchfbe hf hts stcfecres. HBBB [tcfecres ea fat mucrcftbb ar bfsurb scjbty, sbkurhty, obclto, ar bfvhrafibftcl pratbkthaf, ar bfsurb cmchfst hftbrjbrbfkb whto ar jrai ebvhkbs cfe ar fbtwar`s. Hiplbibftbrs cfe usbrs aj scjbty, HBBB [tcfecres eakuibfts crb rbspafshglb jar atobr ebtbrihfhfm kaiplyhfm whto cll cppraprhctb sbkurhty, bfvhrafibftcl, obclto, cfe hftbrjbrbfkb pratbkthaf prckthkbs cfe cll cpplhkcglb lcws cfe rbmulcthafs. HBBB eabs fat wcrrcft ar rbprbsbft tob ckkurcky ar kaftbft aj tob ictbrhcl kaftchfbe hf hts stcfecres, cfe bxprbssly ehsklchis cll wcrrcfthbs (bxprbss, hiplhbe cfe stctutary) fat hfkluebe hf tohs ar cfy atobr eakuibft rblcthfm ta tob stcfecre, hfkluehfm, gut fat lhihtbe ta, tob wcrrcfthbs aj4 ibrkocftcghlhty0 jhtfbss jar c pcrthkulcr purpasb0 faf-hfjrhfmbibft0 cfe quclhty, ckkurcky, bjjbkthvbfbss, kurrbfky, ar kaiplbtbfbss aj ictbrhcl. Hf ceehthaf, HBBB ehsklchis cfy cfe cll kafehthafs rblcthfm ta4 rbsults0 cfe war`icflh`b bjjart. HBBB stcfecres eakuibfts crb supplhbe “C[ H[’ cfe “]HUO CLL JCRLU[.’ Rsb aj cf HBBB stcfecre hs woally valuftcry. Uob bxhstbfkb aj cf HBBB stcfecre eabs fat hiply toct tobrb crb fa atobr wcys ta praeukb, tbst, ibcsurb, purkocsb, icr`bt, ar pravheb atobr maaes cfe sbrvhkbs rblctbe ta tob skapb aj tob HBBB stcfecre. Jurtobriarb, tob vhbwpahft bxprbssbe ct tob thib c stcfecre hs cppravbe cfe hssube hs sugdbkt ta kocfmb graumot cgaut toraumo ebvblapibfts hf tob stctb aj tob crt cfe kaiibfts rbkbhvbe jrai usbrs aj tob stcfecre. Hf puglhsohfm cfe ic`hfm hts stcfecres cvchlcglb, HBBB hs fat summbsthfm ar rbfebrhfm prajbsshafcl ar atobr sbrvhkbs jar, ar af gboclj aj, cfy pbrsaf ar bfthty far hs HBBB ufebrtc`hfm ta pbrjari cfy euty awbe a wbe gy cfy atobr pbrsaf ar bfthty ta cfatobr. Cfy pbrsaf uthlhzhfm cfy HBBB [tcfecres eakuibft, soaule rbly upaf ohs ar obr awf hfebpbfebft duemibft hf tob bxbrkhsb aj rbcsafcglb kcrb hf cfy mhvbf khrkuistcfkbs ar, cs cppraprhctb, sbb` tob cevhkb aj c kaipbtbft prajbsshafcl hf ebtbrihfhfm tob cppraprhctbfbss aj c mhvbf HBBB stcfecre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


Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

Urcfslcthafs Uob HBBB kafsbfsus ebvblapibft prakbss hfvalvbs tob rbvhbw aj eakuibfts hf Bfmlhso afly. Hf tob bvbft toct cf HBBB stcfecre hs trcfslctbe, afly tob Bfmlhso vbrshaf puglhsobe gy HBBB soaule gb kafshebrbe tob cppravbe HBBB stcfecre.

Ajjhkhcl stctbibfts C stctbibft,Icfucl wrhttbfsocll wrhttbf ar arcl, toct hs fat prakbssbe prakbssb e hf ckkarecfkb whto tob HBBBaj [C[tcfecres Apbrcthafs fat gb kafshebrbe ar hfjbrrbe ta gb tob ajjhkhcl pashthaf HBBB ar cfy Gacre aj hts kaiihttbbs cfe socll fat gb kafshebrbe ta gb, ar gb rblhbe upaf cs, c jaricl pashthaf aj HBBB. Ct lbkturbs, syipashc, sbihfcrs, ar beukcthafcl kaursbs, cf hfehvheucl prbsbfthfm hfjaricthaf af HBBB stcfecres socll ic`b ht klbcr toct ohs ar obr vhbws soaule gb kafshebrbe tob pbrsafcl vhbws aj toct hfehvheucl rctobr tocf tob jaricl pashthaf aj HBBB.

Kaiibfts af stcfecres Kaiibfts jar rbvhshaf aj HBBB [tcfecres eakuibfts crb wblkaib jrai cfy hftbrbstbe pcrty, rbmcrelbss aj ibigbrsohp cjjhlhcthaf whto HBBB. Oawbvbr, HBBB eabs fat pravheb kafsulthfm hfjaricthaf ar cevhkb  pbrtchfhfm ta HBBB [tcfecres eakuibfts. [ummbsthafs jar kocfmbs hf eakuibfts soaule gb hf tob jari aj c  prapasbe kocfmb aj tbxt, tambtobr whto cppraprhctb supparthfm supparthfm kaiibfts. [hfkb HBBB stcfecres rbprbsbft c kafsbfsus aj kafkbrfbe hftbrbsts, ht hs hipartcft toct cfy rbspafsbs ta kaiibfts cfe qubsthafs clsa rbkbhvb tob kafkurrbfkb aj c gclcfkb aj hftbrbsts. Jar tohs rbcsaf, HBBB cfe tob ibigbrs aj hts sakhbthbs cfe [tcfecres Kaarehfcthfm Kaiihttbbs crb fat cglb ta pravheb cf hfstcft rbspafsb ta kaiibfts ar qubsthafs bxkbpt hf toasb kcsbs wobrb tob icttbr ocs prbvhausly gbbf ceerbssbe. Jar tob scib rbcsaf, HBBB eabs fat rbspafe ta hftbrprbtcthaf rbqubsts. Cfy pbrsaf woa waule lh`b ta pcrthkhpctb hf rbvhshafs ta cf HBBB stcfecre hs wblkaib ta dahf tob rblbvcft HBBB war`hfm mraup. Kaiibfts af stcfecres soaule gb sugihttbe ta tob jallawhfm ceerbss4 [bkrbtcry, HBBB [C [tcfecres Gacre 552 Oabs Lcfb ^hskctcwcy, FD >??25 R[C

Lcws cfe rbmulcthafs Rsbrs aj HBBB [tcfecres eakuibfts soaule kafsult cll cpplhkcglb lcws cfe rbmulcthafs. Kaiplhcfkb whto tob pravhshafs aj cfy HBBB [tcfecres eakuibft eabs fat hiply kaiplhcfkb ta cfy cpplhkcglb rbmulctary rbquhrbibfts. Hiplbibftbrs aj tob stcfecre crb rbspafshglb jar agsbrvhfm ar rbjbrrhfm ta tob cpplhkcglb rbmulctary rbquhrbibfts. rbquhrbibfts. HBBB eabs fat, gy tob puglhkcthaf aj hts stcfecres, hftbfe ta urmb ckthaf toct hs fat hf kaiplhcfkb whto cpplhkcglb lcws, cfe tobsb eakuibfts icy fat gb kafstrube cs eahfm sa.

Kapyrhmots  HBBB ercjt cfe cppravbe stcfecres crb kapyrhmotbe gy HBBB ufebr R.[. cfe hftbrfcthafcl kapyrhmot lcws. Uoby crb iceb cvchlcglb gy HBBB cfe crb ceaptbe jar c wheb vcrhbty aj gato puglhk cfe prhvctb usbs. Uobsb hfklueb gato usb, gy rbjbrbfkb, hf lcws cfe rbmulcthafs, cfe usb hf prhvctb sblj-rbmulcthaf, stcfecrehzcthaf, cfe tob praiathaf aj bfmhfbbrhfm prckthkbs cfe ibtoaes. Gy ic`hfm tobsb eakuibfts cvchlcglb jar usb cfe ceapthaf gy puglhk cutoarhthbs cfe prhvctb usbrs, HBBB eabs fat wchvb cfy rhmots hf kapyrhmot ta tob eakuibfts.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  


^oatakaphbs [ugdbkt ta pcyibft aj tob cppraprhctb jbb, HBBB whll mrcft usbrs c lhihtbe, faf-bxklushvb lhkbfsb ta  poatakapy parthafs aj cfy hfehvheucl stcfecre jar kaipcfy ar armcfhzcthafcl hftbrfcl usb ar hfehvheucl, faf-kaiibrkhcl usb afly. Ua crrcfmb jar pcyibft aj lhkbfshfm jbbs, plbcsb kaftckt Kapyrhmot Klbcrcfkb Kbftbr, Kustaibr [brvhkb, 777 Wasbwaae Erhvb, Ecfvbrs, IC >387; R[C0 +3 8=? =2> ?5>>. ^brihsshaf ta poatakapy parthafs aj cfy hfehvheucl stcfecre jar beukcthafcl klcssraai usb kcf clsa gb agtchfbe toraumo tob Kapyrhmot Klbcrcfkb Kbftbr.

Rpecthfm aj HBBB [tcfecres eakuibfts Rsbrs aj HBBB [tcfecres eakuibfts soaule gb cwcrb toct tobsb eakuibfts icy gb supbrsbebe ct cfy thib  gy tob hssucfkb aj fbw behthafs behthafs ar icy gb cibfebe jrai thib ta thib toraumo tob tob hssucfkb aj cibfeibfts, cibfeibfts, karrhmbfec, ar brrctc. C kurrbft HBBB eakuibft ct cfy pahft hf thib kafshsts aj tob kurrbft behthaf aj tob eakuibft tambtobr whto cfy cibfeibfts, karrhmbfec, ar brrctc tobf hf bjjbkt. Bvbry HBBB stcfecre hs sugdbktbe ta rbvhbw ct lbcst bvbry tbf ybcrs. ]obf c eakuibft hs iarb tocf tbf ybcrs ale cfe ocs fat ufebrmafb c rbvhshaf prakbss, ht hs rbcsafcglb ta kafklueb toct hts kaftbfts, cltoaumo sthll aj saib vclub, ea fat woally rbjlbkt tob prbsbft stctb aj tob crt. Rsbrs crb kcuthafbe ta kobk` ta ebtbrihfb toct toby ocvb tob lctbst behthaf aj cfy HBBB stcfecre. Hf arebr ta ebtbrihfb wobtobr c mhvbf eakuibft hs tob kurrbft behthaf cfe wobtobr ht ocs gbbf cibfebe toraumo tob hssucfkb aj cibfeibfts, karrhmbfec, ar brrctc, vhsht HBBB _plarb ct  ct   ottp4//hbbbxplarb.hbbb.arm/  ottp4//hbbbxplarb.hbbb.arm/  ar kaftckt HBBB ct tob ceerbss ceerbss lhstbe prbvhausly. prbvhausly. Jar iarb hfjaricthaf hfjaricthaf cgaut tob HBBB [Car HBBB‘s stcfecres ebvblapibft prakbss, prakbss, vhsht tob HBBB [C]bgshtb ct  ct ottp4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm. ottp4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm. 

Brrctc Brrctc, hj cfy, jar cll HBBB stcfecres stcfecres kcf gb ckkbssbe af tob HBBB [C]bgshtb ct tob tob jallawhfm RWL4  RWL4  ottp4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/jhfest ottp4//stcfecre s.hbbb.arm/jhfestes/brrctc/hfebx. es/brrctc/hfebx.otil otil..  Rsbrs crb bfkaurcmbe ta kobk` tohs RWL jar brrctc  pbrhaehkclly.

^ctbfts  Cttbfthaf hs kcllbe ta tob passhghlhty toct hiplbibftcthaf aj tohs stcfecre icy rbquhrb usb aj sugdbkt icttbr kavbrbe gy pctbft rhmots. Gy puglhkcthaf aj tohs stcfecre, fa pashthaf hs tc`bf gy tob HBBB whto rbspbkt ta tob bxhstbfkb ar vclhehty aj cfy pctbft rhmots hf kaffbkthaf tobrbwhto. Hj c pctbft oalebr ar pctbft cpplhkcft ocs jhlbe c stctbibft aj cssurcfkb vhc cf Ckkbptbe Lbttbr aj Cssurcfkb, tobf tob stctbibft hs lhstbe af tob ottp4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/cgaut/scs bbb.arm/cgaut/scsg/pctkai/pctbfts. g/pctkai/pctbfts.otil otil..  Lbttbrs aj Cssurcfkb icy HBBB [C]bgshtb ct ottp4//stcfecres.h hfehkctb wobtobr tob [ugihttbr hs whllhfm ar ufwhllhfm ta mrcft lhkbfsbs ufebr pctbft rhmots whtoaut kaipbfscthaf ar ufebr rbcsafcglb rctbs, whto rbcsafcglb tbris cfe kafehthafs toct crb ebiafstrcgly jrbb aj cfy ufjchr ehskrhihfcthaf ta cpplhkcfts ebshrhfm ta agtchf suko lhkbfsbs. Bssbfthcl ^ctbft Klchis icy bxhst jar wohko c Lbttbr aj Cssurcfkb ocs fat gbbf rbkbhvbe. Uob HBBB hs fat rbspafshglb jar hebfthjyhfm Bssbfthcl ^ctbft Klchis jar wohko c lhkbfsb icy gb rbquhrbe, jar kafeukthfm hfquhrhbs hfta tob lbmcl vclhehty ar skapb aj ^ctbfts Klchis, ar ebtbrihfhfm wobtobr cfy lhkbfshfm tbris ar kafehthafs pravhebe hf kaffbkthaf whto sugihsshaf aj c Lbttbr aj Cssurcfkb, hj cfy, ar hf cfy lhkbfshfm cmrbbibfts crb rbcsafcglb ar faf-ehskrhihfctary. Rsbrs aj tohs stcfecre crb bxprbssly cevhsbe toct ebtbrihfcthaf aj tob vclhehty aj cfy pctbft rhmots, cfe tob rhs` aj hfjrhfmbibft aj suko rhmots, hs bfthrbly tobhr awf rbspafshghlhty. Jurtobr hfjaricthaf icy gb agtchfbe jrai tob HBBB [tcfecres Cssakhcthaf.


Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  


^crthkhpcfts Ct tob thib tohs HBBB muheb wcs kaiplbtbe, tob Hfsulcthfm Jluhes  EMC EMC Muheb ]ar`hfm Mraup oce tob jallawhfm ibigbrsohp4 Klcueb Gbcukobihf, Kochr   Eaf ^lctts cfe Faricf C. Jhble, Zhkb Kochrs [uscf IkFblly, [bkrbtcry 

]hllhci Gabttmbr ^cul Gaicf [tbpocf Grcubr Ducf Kcstbllcfas Dafctocf Kobctoci Iuociice Clh Icsaae Kobbic Luhz Kobhi Lcrry Korhstaeaulau K. Klchr Klchgarfb ^cul Kax Daof Krausb Jrcf` Ecihka [tbpocfhb Ebfzbr ^cul Eallajj Eaf Earrhs Lbb Eaylb Dcibs Eu`cri Ihkobl Euvcl Dcibs Jchrrhs Wambr Jbftaf Icrkas Jbrrbhrc Mbarmb Jarrbst Mbarmb Jrhipafm Wchfbr Jratskobr [ocwf Mclgrchto

Dcibs Mcrefbr Dbjjrby Malcrz Ecvhe Ocfsaf Wambr Ocybs Uocfm Oakocfo Daof Daof Crvhf Dasoh Tcf @hpcrhzas`h Ihkocbl Lcu @uicr Icfh Ubrbfkb Icrthf Eaumlcs IkKullaumo Dcibs IkHvbr Oclh Ialbs`h Bihlha Iarclbs-Kruz Dbrry Iurpoy Ecvhe Iurrcy ^cul Iusohll Clh Fcebrhcf Dab Fhis Dcyib Fufbs Dr. Crtura Fufbz ^aarvh ^ctbl  Fhkoalcs ^brdcfh` Grcfhihr ^btashk Askcr ^hfaf

Uoaics ^rbvast Daof ^rubftb Dhiiy Wcska Wagbrt Wcsar Dbjjrby Wcy [katt Wbbe Albm Wahzicf Ihk`bl [cce ^umczobftoh [blvcrcd Icr` [obi-Uav Whkocre [hiafbllh [cfdhg [ai Grhcf [pcrlhfm @bvhf [ullhvcf Kocrlbs [wbbtsbr Dcibs Uoaipsaf Wagbrt Uoaipsaf Clwyf Zcfebr]clt Ihkobl Zbhllbttb Ecvhe ]cllcko Bvcffb ]cfm Ecfhbl ]bybr Urbftaf ]hllhcis Ebcffc ]aaes @wcsh Xbgaco

  Hf ceehthaf, tob jallawhfm ibigbrs ocvb pcrthkhpctbe hf gcllat rbsaluthaf4 ^cul Gaicf

Ihkobl Euvcl

Dbrry Iurpoy

Iuociice Luhz Kobhi Clh Icsaae Kobbic Eaf Earrhs Dcibs Eu`cri

Icrkas Jbrrbhrc @uicr Icfh Oclh Ialbs`h

Crtura UoaicsFufbz ^rbvast Grhcf [pcrlhfm Ecvhe ]cllcko

Uob jallawhfm ibigbrs aj tob hfehvheucl gcllathfm kaiihttbb vatbe af tohs muheb. Gcllatbrs icy ocvb vatbe jar cppravcl, ehscppravcl, ar cgstbfthaf. [clbicf Clhgocy Ucuohe Ocqub Cfscrh [tbpobf Cftasz Eafcle Cybrs ^btbr Gclic Uoaics Gcrfbs Gcrry Gbcstbr

Bfrhqub Gbtcfkaurt ]cllckb Ghfebr Uoaics Ghsoap Uoaics Glck`gurf ]hllhci Glabtob ]hllhci Gabttmbr ^cul Gaicf

Ebibtrha Gukcfbm Dr. Uoaics Kcllsbf ^cul Kcrehfcl Ducf Kcstbllcfas Eafcle Kobrry Ihkocbl Kohrhka @urt Klbibftb

Wagbrt Gbcvbrs ].D. (Ghll) Gbrmicf

[tbpocf Mustcva Grcubr Grufblla

Krchm Kalapy [tbpobf Kafrce


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  


Dbrry Kar`rcf Daof Krausb ]hllchi Ecravfy Mlbff Ecvhs [tbpocfhb Ebfzbr [katt Ehmgy Ehbtbr Eaofcl Mcry Eaffbr Dcibs Eu`cri

Eafcle Lciaftcmfb Gbfdcihf Lcfz Ihkocbl Lcuxicf Clb`scfer Lbvhf ]bhduf Lh Uoaics Lufequhst @uicr Icfh Whkocre Icrb` D. Ebffhs Icrlaw

Ecfhbl [cghf Ehfbso [cf`crc`urup Ecfhbl [cubr Waebrhk` [culs Gcrthbf [cyama [tbpobf [korabebr Bwcle [kowbhmbr Obikocferc [obrtu`eb [urbso [orhicvlb

Eafcle Euff Dcibs Jchrrhs Darmb Jbrfcfebz Ecobr  Faricf C. Jhble Ouma Jlarbs Dasbpo Jaleh Mbarmb Jarrbst Grukb Jarsyto Mbarmb Jrhipafm Wagbrt Mcfsbr Beucrea Mcrkhc Wcishs Mhrmhs Dclcl Maocrh Bewhf Maaewhf Dcibs Mrcoci ]hllhci Mrhbsck`br Wcfecll Mravbs

Lbb Icttobws Aicr Iczzafh Dcibs IkGrheb ]hllhci IkGrheb Icr` IkFclly [uscf IkFblly Kocrlbs Ik[ocfb Dasbpo Iblcfsaf Ecfhbl Iul`by Dbrry Iurpoy Ecvhe Iurrcy ^cul Iusohll Clh Fcebrhcf Dcoraih @.W.I. Fchr Crtour Fbugcubr Dab Fhis Larrchfb ^ceebf

Oybafm [hi Whkocre [hiafbllh Dbrry [ihto Mcry [iullhf [tbvb [fyebr [cfdhg [ai Grhcf [pcrlhfm Uoaics [phtzbr Krchm [thbmbibhbr Mcry [tabetbr Cllcf [t ^btbr Kocrlbs [wbbtsbr [usihtoc Ucrlcpclly Be UbFybfouhs Ducf Uohbrry Dcibs Uoaipsaf Ihkocbl Uoaipsaf

[che Daof Ockohkoh Ocrlby Wambr Ocybs Uocfm Oakocfo ]brfbr Oablzl ^ohlhp Oap`hfsaf Whkocre Dck`saf Daof Daof Lcszla @cecr Hffakbft @ciwc Daof @cy ^btbr @blly Mcbl @bffbey [obleaf @bffbey Hsheara @brszbfgcui Mcry @hfm Dcibs @hffby

Gcfsh Eohru ^ctbl ^ctbl ^culbttb ^cyfb ^awbll Grhcf ^bffy Oawcre ^bfrasb Korhstapobr ^btralc Rma ^havcf Eaf ^lctts Clvcra ^arthlla Gbrtrcfe ^aulhf Uai ^rbvast Dhiiy Wcska Lc`soicf Wcut Uhiatoy Kocrlbs Wcyiafe [katt Wbbe Dbcf-Korhstapob Whgaue Daocffbs Whk`icff

Wagbrt Uoaipsaf Wycf Uoaipsaf Dcibs Zcf Eb Lhmt Clwyf Zcf Ebr]clt Dcsaf Zcrfbll Mbrcle Zcumof Wambr Zbrealhf Daof Zbrmhs Dcfb Zbrfbr Larbf ]cmbfccr Ecvhe ]cl`br Ecvhe ]cllckb Ecvhe ]cllcko Ochjbh ]cfm Ecfhbl ]cre Dab ]ctsaf @bffbto ]ohtb

Tcf Cxbl@hpcrhzas`h @rcbibr Clbxcfebr @rcbtmb  Fbhl @rcfhko Dhi @ulkohs`y Daof Lck`by

Daof EhbmaWacko Wagclhfa Albm Wahzicf Taltcf Waicf Waerhma Wafkoh Wycfeh Wycfeh

Ebcffc ]aaes Luhs Tcigrcfa [ohgca Tocfm ^btbr Toca Lba Thgbrt ]clebicr Thaib` 



Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  


]obf tob HBBB [C [tcfecres Gacre cppravbe tohs muheb af 3; Dufb 7>38, ht oce tob jallawhfm ibigbrsohp4 Mcru Oajjicf, Kochr   Ube Gursb, Zhkb Kochr   Dbcf-^ohlhppb Jcurb, ^cst Kochr   @afstcfthfas @crckoclhas, [bkrbtcry 

Icscyu`h [tbpobf E.Crhyasoh Eu`bs D. Urcvhs Mrhjjhto Muhea Ohbrtz Korhstbl Ouftbr Dasbpo L. @abpjhfmbr* Uoaics @asoy Daof E. @ulhk`

Ecvhe Lcw DasbpoD.Lbvy Oawcre Lh _hcaouh Lhu @bvhf Lu Eclbbp Iaolc Cferbw Iylbs

Cffbttb Wbhlly Earatoy E. [tcflby [oc ]bh ^ohl ]bffglai ^ohlhp ]hfstaf Oawcre ]aljicf Jbfm ]u Dhfmyh Toau

*Ibigbr Bibrhtus


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  


Hftraeukthaf Uohs hftraeukthaf hs fat pcrt aj HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38, HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtcthaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs.

HBBB [te K2=.3>5℧-3883 wcs ajjhkhclly whtoercwf gy HBBB gcsbe af rbkaiibfecthaf gy tob Urcfsjaribrs Kaiihttbb aj tob HBBB ^awbr cfe Bfbrmy [akhbty ct tob bfe aj 7>>2. HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>>? wcs hssube whto ihfar kocfmbs ta ceerbss saib aj tob iast prbsshfm hssubs hebfthjhbe jrai tob 3883 vbrshaf (suko cs karrbkthfm typas, jcktucl brrars, cfe tob vclubs lhstbe hf Ucglb 3 aj tob 3883 vbrshaf aj tob muheb) jar usb gy tob hfeustry. Rpaf puglhkcthaf aj tob 7>>? eakuibft, tob war`hfm mraup hiibehctbly gbmcf tob prakbss aj jurtobr rbvhshaf ta tob muheb ta rbjlbkt ceehthafcl cevcfkbs hf kurrbft `fawlbemb cfe trbfes, cfe ta hfkarparctb rblbvcft cfe fbw ictbrhcl prbsbftbe eurhfm sbvbrcl ibbthfms aj gato tob HBBB [te K2=.3>5 ]ar`hfm Mraup Ucs` Jarkb (]M UJ) lbcebrs cfe mbfbrcl HBBB Urcfsjaribr Kaiihttbb ibbthfms. Hf ceehthaf, rbsults jrai tob cfclyshs aj iarb tocf c ihllhaf phbkbs aj lcgarctary EMC ectc ocs rbsultbe hf rbvhshaf aj sbvbrcl tcglbs hf tohs muheb. Kocfmbs hf tohs rbvhsbe muheb crb cs jallaws4  

Cll klcusbs rbvhbwbe cfe upectbe.


Wbeukthaf aj  Ucglb   Ucglb 3 jrai jaur kafehthafs ta torbb EMC stctus gcsbe af 8>to cfe 82to pbrkbfthlb vclubs.


Iaehjhkcthaf aj  Ucglb  Ucglb 3 ta hfklueb sbvbrcl sugkctbmarhbs cfe splht gbtwbbf gbtwbbf Ucglb  Ucglb 3 (8>to pbrkbfthlb) cfe Ucglb cfe  Ucglb 7 (82to pbrkbfthlb) gcsbe af rbsults aj c lcrmb stcthsthkcl stuey (Cffbx C). C).


Wbiavcl aj UKM cfe UEKM hftbrprbtcthaf cfe cssakhctbe cssakhctbe Ucglb  Ucglb 7 cfe Ucglb cfe Ucglb ;.  ;. 


Hftraeukthaf aj ebltc cfe rctb tcglbs4 Ucglb tcglbs4 Ucglb ; cfe Ucglb cfe Ucglb 5.  5. 


 Fbw hftbrprbtcthaf hftbrprbtcthaf jlawkocrt cfe ibtoaealamy ibtoaealamy whto hllustrcthvb hllustrcthvb bxciplbs bxciplbs (Cffbx G). G).


Rpectbe jcult ebjhfhthafs hf Cffbx hf Cffbx K.  K. 


Hftraeukthaf aj tob Euvcl Urhcfmlb cfe pbftcmaf hftbrprbtcthafs ibtoaes hf hf :.7  :.7 cfe hf Cffbx hf Cffbx E cfe rbiavcl aj tob Eabrfbfgbrm cfe `by mcs ibtoaealamy jrai ichf tbxt.


Ceehthaf aj kcsb stuehbs hf Cffbx hf  Cffbx B.  B. 


Ceehthaf aj Fariclhzbe Bfbrmy Hftbfshty (FBH) ibtoaealamy hf Cffbx hf Cffbx J.  J.    ^rbsbrvcthaf aj eblbtbe ictbrhcl whto ohstarhkcl vclubs hf Cffbx hf Cffbx M.  M.   

Cf upectbe ghglhamrcpoy hf Cffbx hf Cffbx O.  O. 

HBBB [tcfecres eawflaces cfe bxbkutcglb jhlbs Jhlbs crb cvchlcglb hf tob HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 ehrbktary lakctbe ct4 ct4  ottps4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/eawflaces. ottps4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/eawflaces. 

Ck`fawlbemibfts ^brihsshafs ocvb gbbf mrcftbe cs jallaws4 Ictbrhcl rbprhftbe whto pbrihsshaf jrai Uob Ocrtjare [tbci Gahlbr Hfspbkthaf cfe Hfsurcfkb Kaipcfy, “UAMC® ^rbsbftcthaf0 Kcsb [tuey Wbvhbw’ © 7>37.’


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  


Kaftbfts 3. Avbrvhbw ............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ .................... ...... 37 37   3.3 [kapb ........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ .................... ...... 3; 3;   3.7 ^urpasb ........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ................. ... 3; 3;   3.; Lhihtcthafs ta usb aj tohs eakuibft............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ................ 3; 3;   3.5 ]are uscmb ............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................ ........... 32  7. Faricthvb rbjbrbfkbs........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ................. ... 32 32   ;. Ebjhfhthafs, ckrafyis, cfe cggrbvhcthafs ....................................... ..................................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ................ 3: 3:   ;.3 Ebjhfhthafs .......................... ........................................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. 3: 3:   ;.7 Ckrafyis cfe cggrbvhcthafs ...................................... .................................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ................ 3= 3=   5. Uob fcturb, purpasb, cfe cpplhkcthaf aj ehssalvbe-mcs cfclyshs .................... .................................. ............................ ............................ ................ 3? 3?   5.3 Uob fcturb aj ehssalvbe-mcs cfclyshs ........................................ ...................................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ................ 3? 3?   5.7 Uob purpasb aj EMC ........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................ .......... 7> 7>   5.; Uob cpplhkcthaf aj EMC .......................... ........................................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ .................... ...... 7> 7>   5.5 EMC sciplhfm kaftbxt ................................... ................................................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. 77 77   5.2 ^rakbeurbs jar agtchfhfm sciplbs jrai tob trcfsjaribr jar lcgarctary cfclyshs ....................... ............................... ........ 7; 7;   2. EMC ectc hftbrprbtcthaf .................................... .................................................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ................. ... 75  2.3 Ectc quclhty rbvhbw ......................... ....................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ................ 75 75   2.7 Wblhcghlhty aj EMC rbsults .......................... ........................................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ................. ... 7: 7:   2.; Kaftbxt aj EMC ectc hftbrprbtcthaf............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ................ 7? 7?   2.5 [blbkthfm faris vclubs ........................................ ...................................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ...................... ........ ;> ;>   :. [ummbstbe hftbrprbtcthaf prakbeurbs jar EMC rbsults ....................... ..................................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. ;7 ;7   :.3 Mbfbrcl ........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ................. ... ;7 ;7   :.7 Jcult typb hebfthjhkcthaf jrai EMC rbsults ......................... ....................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ .................... ...... 5> 5>   Cffbx C (hfjaricthvb) (hfjaricthvb) Ectc rbsbcrko cfe jhfehfms ........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ................. ... 5; 5;   C.3 Ectc kallbkthaf cfe prbpcrcthaf ............................... ............................................. ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... .................. .... 5; 5;   C.7 Ectcsbt kocrcktbrhsthks............... kocrcktbrhsthks............................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ .................... ...... 52 52   C.; Juturb war`............................... ............................................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ .................... ...... 58 58   Cffbx G (hfjaricthvb) EMC ectc   tob cfe rctbusb aj mcs lbvblfaris kocfmb ........................... ......................................... .................... ...... 2> G.3 Hipckt aj EMC lhihtcthafs afBvclucthfm tob sblbkthaf aj rctb ..................................... ....................... ........................... ............. 2> 2>    G.7 Bxciplb 3 .......................... ........................................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. 27 27   G.; Bxciplb 7 .......................... ........................................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. 22 22   G.5 Bxciplb ; .......................... ........................................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. 2= 2=   G.2 Mbfbrcl cpplhkcthaf .......................... ........................................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. 2? 2?   Cffbx K (hfjaricthvb) Uyphkcl jcults........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ......................... ........... 28 28   K.3 Uob shx gcshk typbs aj jcults ................ .............................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................ ........... 28 28   K.7 Ceehthafcl sug-typbs aj jcults ............................. ........................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ...................... ........ 28 28   Cffbx E (hfjaricthvb) Jcult hebfthjhkcthaf ibtoaes ............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. :3 :3   E.3 @by Mcs ibtoae ............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ................ :3 :3   E.7 Eabrfbfgurm Wcthas ibtoae .................................... .................................................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ................. ... :3 :3   E.; Euvcl ^bftcmaf 3 ibtoae ................ .............................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. :7 :7   E.5 Euvcl Euvcl ^bftcmaf Urhcfmlbs 73,ibtoae 5 cfe 2................ ............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. :; E.2 ..ibtoaes ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. := :=   3>

Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  


E.: Ihxturbs aj jcults .................... .................................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ...................... ........ :? :?   E.= ]obf ta usb tob Euvcl ^bftcmafs cfe Urhcfmlbs............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................ ...................... ........ :? :?   E.? Hftbrprbtcthaf aj KA cfe KA7 ............. ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................ .......... :8 :8   E.8 Atobr usbjul mcs rcthas jar jcult hebfthjhkcthaf .............................. ............................................ ............................ ........................... ........................ ........... :8 :8   Cffbx B (hfjaricthvb) Kcsb stuehbs ........................ ...................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ................ => =>   B.3 Rfhftbfthafcl karb mraufe ....................... ..................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ .................... ...... => =>   B.7 LZ kaffbkthafs hssubs ........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ...................... ........ =7 =7   B.; Eb-bfbrmhzbe Hftbrfcl trcfsjaribr crkhfm(EBUK) kcusbs rblcy pratbkthvb kaffbkthaf ckthaf ................ .............................. ............................ ............................ .................... ....... =2 B.5 tcp kocfmbr ohmo rbshstcfkb ............................ .............. ............................ ............................ ............... == ==   B.2 Gra`bf kaffbktar af jusb oalebr........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ .................... ...... =? =?   Cffbx J (hfjaricthvb) Bvclucthaf aj jcult sbvbrhty―cltbrfcthvb ibtoae ......... ....................... ............................ ............................ ................ ?3 ?3   Cffbx M (hfjaricthvb) (hfjaricthvb) Ohstarhkcl ictbrhcl............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ................ ?5 ?5   M.3 (5) Mbfbrcl tobary .......................... ........................................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ................ ?5 ?5   M.7 (:.;) Ebtbrihfhfm tob mcs spckb cfe ehssalvbe mcs-hf-ahl bquhvclbfts............................ .......................................... .................. .... ?2 ?2   M.; (:.2.3) Ebtbrihfhfm tob trcfsjaribr kafehthaf cfe apbrcthfm prakbeurb uthlhzhfm UKM hf tob mcs spckb ........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. ?: ?:   M.5 (:.=.3) Bvclucthaf aj passhglb jcult typb gy tob Eabrfbfgurm Wctha ibtoae ............................ .................................... ........ ?= ?=   M.2 (=) Hfstruibfts jar ebtbkthfm cfe ebtbrihfhfm tob ciauft aj ehssalvbe mcsbs prbsbft..................... ..................... ?8 ?8   Cffbx O (hfjaricthvb) Ghglhamrcpoy ...................................... .................................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. 8> 8>     O.3 Ebtbkthaf Mcs bvaluthaf .......................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ...................... ........ 83 8>  O.7 cfe........................................ hftbrprbtcthaf........................... ............. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. 83 


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.


HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtcthaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

3. Avbrvhbw Avbr tob ybcrs, shfkb trcfsjaribr ehssalvbe-mcs cfclyshs (EMC) wcs jhrst usbe hf tob 38:>s, ckkuiulctbe bxpbrhbfkb cfe fbw tbkofalamy ocvb lbe ta shmfhjhkcft hipravbibfts. Mcs jaricthaf  prakbssbs cfe sbvbrhty cssbssibft crb faw gbttbr ufebrstaae. Kocrt-gcsbe ibtoaes cfe slheb rulbs ocvb  gbbf rbplckbe gy iaebrf kaiputbr-gcsbe tbkofalamhbs toct grhfm hipravbe kaiiufhkcthafs, ectc icfcmbibft, mrcpohkcl cfe kaiputcthafcl ches, cfclyshs, cfe blbktrafhk rbparts. Hfstruibft tbkofalamy ocs cevcfkbe mrbctly, pravhehfm gbttbr lcgarctary hfstruibfts, cs wbll cs jhble-partcglb mcs cfclyzbrs cfe af-lhfb mcs iafhtars. Uob jufecibftcl purpasb aj EMC hs ta ehskrhihfctb gbtwbbf faricl cfe cgfaricl kafehthafs. Iarb spbkhjhkclly, EMC chis ta pravheb c rblhcglb rblhcglb cfe bkafaihkcl ibtoae aj ebtbkth ebtbkthfm fm jcults, wohko icy  prbsbft ufckkbptcglb passhghlhty aj ecicmb ar fbcr-tbri jchlurb. Hf trcfsjaribrs, c jcult hs rbvbclbe  gy tob praeukthaf aj fbw mcsbs. Hf icfy kcsbs, ckthvb jcults mbfbrctb mcsbs ct suko c ohmo rctb toct ebtbkthaf cfe cssbssibft ea fat rbquhrb jhfbssb. Af tob atobr ocfe, tob mcsbs mbfbrctbe gy c sugtlb, hfkhphbft, ar hftbrihttbft jcult kcf saibthibs gb ehjjhkult ta ehsthfmuhso ehsthfmuhso jrai tob gck`mraufe aj rbsheucl mcsbs clrbcey prbsbft hf tob trcfsjaribr eurhfm “faricl’ apbrcthaf. Uohs shtucthaf kcf crhsb  gbkcusb aj faricl vcrhcthafs hf mcs kafkbftrcthafs eub ta lace cfe bfvhrafibftcl kafehthafs0 ufcvahecglb rcfeai “fahsb’ jrai ibcsurbibft ufkbrtchfty (ibtoae (ibtoae rbpbctcghlhty rbpbctcghlhty cfe rbpraeukhghlht rbpraeukhghlhty), y), cs wbll cs ectc quclhty hssubs crhshfm jrai paar sciplhfm tbkofhqub, bxpasurb aj sciplbs ta chr, ar ihslcgblhfm aj sciplbs. Cs whto cfy ebkhshaf prakbss gcsbe af ectc sugdbkt ta “rcfeai’ hftbrjbrbfkb, c ibtoae iust gb ebvblapbe ta ihfhihzb tob fuigbr aj jclsb pashthvbs wohlb clsa ihfhihzhfm tob fuigbr aj jclsb fbmcthvbs, h.b., jchlurbs ta ebtbkt rbcl cgfariclhthbs. EMC hs afb aj tob iast whebly usbe ehcmfasthk taals jar trcfsjaribr kafehthaf cssbssibft  gbkcusb bxpbrhbfkb ocs pravbf ht ta gb cf bjjbkthvb bjjbkthvb taal. Bvbf sa, EMC ocs lhihtcthafs toct wcrrcft saib prbkcuthafs hf hftbrprbtcthaf, suko cs4  

[ciplbs kcf gb hfkarrbktly kallbktbe, hebfthjhbe, ar prakbssbe. Uob vbrckhty aj ehssalvbe mcs ectc soaule gb kobk`be gbjarb rbibehcl ar bibrmbfky ckthaf hs ufebrtc`bf (h.b., c kafjhricthaf sciplb).


Rfusucl kcusbs aj mcs jaricthaf kcf ihsehrbkt EMC ehcmfashs. Jar bxciplb, wobf c pcttbrf kafshstbft whto “strcy mcsshfm’ hs agsbrvbe, tob passhghlhty aj toct bxplcfcthaf soaule gb kcrbjully kafshebrbe gbjarb jurtobr ckthaf hs tc`bf.

37  Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs


Mcs kafkbftrcthafs clafb crb fat c sujjhkhbft hfehkctar aj trcfsjaribr kafehthaf. Cf ufebrstcfehfm aj oaw tob mcsbs wbrb praeukbe, cfe ct woct rctbs, hs usuclly fbbebe jar duemhfm tob shmfhjhkcfkb aj tob mcsbs jaufe hf c sciplb.


Iulthplb pobfaibfc akkurrhfm shiultcfbausly, ar ct ehjjbrbft thibs, kcf kafjusb cfclyshs. Bxcihfcthaf aj kocfmbs hf mcs kafkbftrcthafs oblps ta rbvbcl tob ckthvb prakbssbs.


Wctbs cfe ckkblbrcthafs aj mcs jaricthaf pravheb tob gbst gcshs jar bvclucthfm prakbss ebvblapibft,  gut prapbr ebtbrihfcthaf aj mcs jaricthaf rctbs cfe ckkblbrcthafs rbquhrbs sbvbrcl ibcsurbibfts

avbr thib.   Kocrcktbrhzhfm tob rctb cfe pcttbrf aj mcs m cs jaricthaf hs fat clwcys sujjhkhbft ta hebfthjy tob arhmhf aj mcs mbfbrcthaf. Kaipcrhsaf whto ohstarhkcl hfjaricthaf, hfeustry trbfes, cfe eakuibftbe kcsb ohstarhbs kcf gb oblpjul. Ceehthafcl ehcmfasthk taals, suko cs af-lhfb cfe ajj-lhfb blbktrhkcl, ibkocfhkcl ar ckausthk tbsthfm, hftbrfcl hfspbkthaf cfe atobr hfsulcthfm lhquhe tbsthfm, icy gb fbbebe. Uohs muheb hs gcsbe af tob kallbkthvb bxpbrhbfkb aj tob hfeustry hf ushfm tob strbfmtos aj EMC cfe icfcmhfm hts lhihtcthafs ta ebtbkt cgfaricl mcs jaricthaf, hebfthjy hts iast pragcglb kcusbs, cfe jallaw hts ebvblapibft ta cssbss tob sbvbrhty aj c ebvblaphfm cgfariclhty.

3.3 [kapb

Uohs muheb cpplhbs ta ihfbrcl ahl-hiibrsbe trcfsjaribrs cfe ceerbssbs4 c) 

Uob tobary aj kaigusthglb mcs mbfbrcthaf hf c trcfsjaribr

 g)  Uob hftbrprbtcthaf aj mcs cfclyshs k) 

[ummbstbe apbrcthfm prakbeurbs

e)  Zcrhaus ehcmfasthk tbkofhqubs, suko cs @by Mcsbs, Wambrs Wcthas, Euvcl Urhcfmlb, cfe atobr ibtoaes b) 

Kcsb stuehbs cfe bxciplbs


Bvclucthaf krhtbrhc cfe muheblhfbs

m)  C ghglhamrcpoy aj rblctbe lhtbrcturb 3.7 ^urpasb

Uob purpasb aj tohs eakuibft hs ta pravheb c muheb jar bvclucthfm ehssalvbe mcsbs cfclyshs rbsults jrai ihfbrcl ahl-hiibrsbe trcfsjaribrs trcfsjaribrs ushfm stcthsthkcl gcsbe cfclythkcl taals cfe jcult hftbrprbtcthaf hftbrprbtcthaf ibtoaes.

3.; Lhihtcthafs ta usb aj tohs eakuibft

Uohs muheb hs cpplhkcglb ta ihfbrcl ahl-hiibrsbe trcfsjaribrs cfe rbcktars aj cll typbs, shzbs, valtcmb klcssbs, kafstrukthaf, cfe uscmbs, bxkbpt toasb bxkluebe hf 3.;. hf 3.;.   Uohs muheb hs fat cpplhkcglb ta EMC sciplbs tc`bf eurhfm jcktary tbsthfm. Jar EMC sciplbs tc`bf eurhfm jcktary tbipbrcturb rhsb tbsts, rbjbr ta HBBB [te K2=.3;>℧ PG3>2Y. K2=.3;>℧  PG3>2Y. 3 


 Uob fuigbrs hf grck`bts karrbspafe ta toasb aj tob ghglhamrcpoy hf Cffbx hf Cffbx O. O.  


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Uohs muheb hs fat cpplhkcglb ta lace tcp kocfmbrs (LUK) cfe ta trcfsjaribrs whto ichf tcf` hfsulcthfm lhquhe hf kaftckt whto LUK hfsulcthfm lhquhe, jar bxciplb, c kaiiaf bxpcfshaf tcf` (rbjbrs iastly ta hf-tcf` typb LUKs) ar kaiiaf chr spckb hfsheb tob bxpcfshaf tcf`. Lace Ucp Kocfmbr EMC, hs kavbrbe gy HBBB [te K2=.3;8 ℧ PG3>:Y.  PG3>:Y.   Uohs muheb hs fat cpplhkcglb ta trcfsjaribrs ushfm cfy hfsulcthfm lhquhe atobr tocf ihfbrcl ahl. Urcfsjaribrs ushfm cf bstbr-gcsbe lhquhe, crb kavbrbe gy HBBB [te K2=.322℧ PG3>8Y.  PG3>8Y.  Urcfsjaribrs ushfm shlhkafb lhquhe, crb kavbrbe gy HBBB [te K2=.35:℧ PG3>=Y. K2=.35:℧ PG3>=Y.   Uob usbr aj tohs muheb iust kafshebr tob hftbrfcl kaipafbfts aj tob trcfsjaribr wobf koaashfm ta cpply tob muheb ta spbkhjhk trcfsjaribr typbs suko cs whfe turghfb trcfsjaribrs ar fbtwar` trcfsjaribrs. [uko trcfsjaribrs icy ocvb cuxhlhcry kaipafbfts suko cs lace grbc` swhtkobs (cs cf bxciplb) hiibrsbe hf tob scib ahl cs tob trcfsjaribr htsblj. Cs suko c kaipafbft praeukbs cf blbktrhkcl crk cfe kaigusthglb mcsbs cs c faricl pcrt aj hts apbrcthaf, tob usbr aj tohs muheb iust kafshebr tob passhghlhthbs toct4  

Uob trcfsjaribr ahl EMC rbsults icy gb cliast bfthrbly c rbsult aj swhtko apbrcthaf, cfe fat cf ckkurctb rbjlbkthaf aj tob obclto aj tob trcfsjaribr htsblj.


Uob mcsbs praeukbe gy tob swhtko apbrcthaf icy gb iuko mrbctbr tocf tob mcsbs praeukbe gy tob trcfsjaribr htsblj, cfe tobrbjarb icy ics` cfy praglbis cssakhctbe whto tob trcfsjaribr toct ihmot atobrwhsb gb ebtbktcglb vhc EMC hftbrprbtcthaf.

 Fatb toct tob hfhthcl cfclyshs aj tob ectc rbkbhvbe hf prbpcrcthaf aj tohs muheb klbcrly hfehkctbe toct EMC E MC rbsults trcfsjaribrs hebfthjhbe cs whfe turghfb ar ohmobr fbtwar` trcfsjaribrs oce bxkbsshvbly blbvctbe typhkcl jrai vclubs, hf saib kcsb twa arebrs aj icmfhtueb toct tob rbst aj ajtbf tob EMC ectcgcsb. Uobrb wcs fa hfjaricthaf ta hfehkctb hj tob trcfsjaribrs wbrb obcltoy ar ufebr bxtrbib ehstrbss. Uobrbjarb, tob EMC ectc sugsbt jrai whfe turghfb cfe fbtwar` trcfsjaribrs wcs fat hfkluebe hf tob stuey ta agtchf tob faris usbe hf tohs muheb. Kafsbqubftly, hj tob usbr aj tohs muheb cpplhbs tob faris prbsbftbe obrbhf ta suko trcfsjaribr typbs, tob rbsult icy ajtbf gb ohmo EMC stctus lbvbls. Hf tob kcsb aj whfe turghfb trcfsjaribrs hf pcrthkulcr, toby ocvb spbkhcl apbrcthfm kafehthafs hf toct toby crb klasbly kaffbktbe ta pawbr blbktrafhks cfe ocvb jrbqubftly cfe whebly jluktucthfm laces. [aib aj tob bcrlhbr mbfbrcthaf ebshmfs aj tobsb trcfsjaribrs wbrb fat cebquctbly ragust jar suko apbrcthfm kafehthafs, cfe obfkb tob ajtbf blbvctbe mcs vclubs crb sbbf. Jar jurtobr hfshmot hfta whfe turghfb trcfsjaribr ebshmf cfe tobhr pcrthkulcr EMC hssubs, rbjbr ta “]hfe ^awbr Urcfsjaribr Ebshmf’ PG3>7Y Ebshmf’ PG3>7Y cfe “Rfusucl EMC rbsults hf whfe turghfb trcfsjaribrs’ PG378Y. trcfsjaribrs’ PG378Y.   [ciplhfm aj trcfsjaribr hfsulcthfm lhquhe jar EMC soaule gb eafb gy suhtcgly trchfbe pbrsaffbl jallawhfm 7

stcfecre prakbeurbs suko cs ckkarehfm C[UI E87;.  Uob ibcsurbibft kafkbftrcthafs gb pbrjaribe  gy cf cfclythkcl lcgarctary ta tob ibtoaes ebjhfbeajhfmcs C[UI E;:37, arsoaule gy suhtcgly trchfbe  pbrsaffbl ushfm c partcglb hfstruibft, hfstruibft, ar gy c suhtcgly suhtcgly kaffbktbe af-lhfb af-lhfb iafhtarhfm ebvhkb. ebvhkb. Uob hftbrprbtcthaf aj EMC ectc soaule gb pbrjaribe gy c suhtcgly trchfbe cfe bxpbrhbfkbe pbrsaf. Kaiputbr cfclyshs aj tob EMC rbsults whto taals suko cs sprbcesobbts, ectcgcsbs, cfclythkcl sajtwcrb, ar ichftbfcfkb icfcmbibft systbis, kcf gb usbe wobf bvclucthfm tob obclto cfe kafehthaf aj c trcfsjaribr. Cfy atobr rblbvcft hfjaricthaf, suko cs trcfsjaribr fcibplctb, jcktary tbst rbparts, apbrcthafcl cfe ichftbfcfkb rbkares, hf sbrvhkb tbst rbsults cfe bfvhrafibftcl kafehthafs, soaule clsa gb kafshebrbe hf suko bvclucthaf. Cf cmmrbmctb aj cll cvchlcglb hfjaricthaf hs mbfbrclly kafshebrbe tob apthicl cppracko wobf c ebtchlbe hftbrprbtcthaf hs rbquhrbe. Uob fcturb aj tob hftbrprbtcthaf clsa ebpbfes upaf tob kaftbxt ar cpplhkcthaf aj tob EMC. Jar vcrhaus rbcsafs, saib aj wohko crb bxplchfbe hf tohs muheb, EMC rbsults kcf saibthibs gb hfebtbrihfctb ar ihslbcehfm, cfe saibthibs EMC kcf jchl ta ebtbkt ar hebfthjy c jcult toct icy gb prbsbft. 7

 Hfjaricthaf af rbjbrbfkbs kcf gb jaufe hf Klcusb 7. Klcusb 7.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Ercsthk ar kastly ibcsurbs soaule fat gb tc`bf gcsbe af EMC rbsults clafb, pcrthkulcrly fat af cf hfehvheucl, hsalctbe EMC sciplb, whtoaut kafjhricthaf gy ceehthafcl EMC rbsults cfe/ar atobr tbsts suko cs blbktrhkcl pbrjaricfkb tbsts, bxpbrt kafsultcthaf, cfe eub rbmcre ta lakcl apbrcthfm kafehthafs, rbquhrbibfts, cfe scjbty hssubs. Ht soaule clsa gb fatbe toct EMC hs c ebtbkthaf cfe ehcmfasthk taal, fat c  prbehkthvb tbkofhqub. Ht kcf afly ebtbkt cf bxhsthfm ar pcst kafehthaf cfe ocs fa kcpcghlhty ta “prbehkt’ cfy juturb kafehthaf. Oawbvbr, wobf c kafehthaf bxhsts, EMC kcf gb usbe ta trck` cfe bvcluctb hts bvaluthaf avbr thib.

3.5 ]are uscmb

Uob ware socll  hfehkctbs  hfehkctbs icfectary rbquhrbibfts strhktly strhktly ta gb jallawbe hf arebr ta kafjari ta tob stcfecre cfe jrai wohko fa ebvhcthaf hs pbrihttbe (socll bqucls hs rbquhrbe ta). ;,5   Uob ware  soaule  hfehkctbs   hfehkctbs toct ciafm sbvbrcl passhghlhthbs afb hs rbkaiibfebe cs pcrthkulcrly suhtcglb, whtoaut ibfthafhfm ar bxkluehfm atobrs0 ar toct c kbrtchf kaursb aj ckthaf hs prbjbrrbe gut fat fbkbsscrhly rbquhrbe (soaule bqucls hs rbkaiibfebe toct). Uob ware icy  hs usbe ta hfehkctb c kaursb aj ckthaf pbrihsshglb whtohf tob lhihts aj tob stcfecre (icy bqucls hs pbrihttbe ta). Uob ware kcf hs usbe jar stctbibfts aj passhghlhty cfe kcpcghlhty, wobtobr ictbrhcl, poyshkcl, ar kcuscl (kcf bqucls hs cglb ta).

7. Faricthvb rbjbrbfkbs Uob jallawhfm rbjbrbfkbe eakuibfts crb hfehspbfscglb jar tob cpplhkcthaf aj tohs eakuibft (h.b., toby iust  gb ufebrstaae cfe usbe, sa bcko rbjbrbfkbe eakuibft hs khtbe hf hf tbxt cfe hts rblcthafsohp rblcthafsohp ta tohs eakuibft hs bxplchfbe). Jar ectbe rbjbrbfkbs, afly tob behthaf khtbe cpplhbs. Jar ufectbe rbjbrbfkbs, tob lctbst behthaf aj tob rbjbrbfkbe eakuibft (hfkluehfm cfy cibfeibfts ar karrhmbfec) cpplhbs. C[UI E87;, [tcfecre ^rckthkbs jar [ciplhfm Blbktrhkcl Hfsulcthfm Lhquhes. 2  C[UI E;:37, [tcfecre Ubst Ibtoae jar Cfclyshs aj Mcsbs Ehssalvbe hf Blbktrhkcl Hfsulcthfm Ahl gy Mcs Koraictamrcpoy. HBK :>2:=, Ahl-jhllbe blbktrhkcl bquhpibft  [ciplhfm aj mcsbs cfe aj ahl jar cfclyshs aj jrbb cfe ehssalvbe mcsbs  Muhecfkb. Muhecfkb.  :  HBBB [te K2=.8;℧, HBBB Muheb jar Hfstcllcthaf cfe Ichftbfcfkb aj Lhquhe-Hiibrsbe ^awbr Urcfsjaribrs.  =, ?  HBBB [te K2=.35;℧, HBBB Muheb jar Cpplhkcthaf jar Iafhtarhfm Bquhpibft ta Lhquhe-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs cfe Kaipafbfts.


 Uob usb aj tob ware iust  hs   hs ebprbkctbe cfe kcffat gb usbe wobf stcthfm icfectary rbquhrbibfts, iust  hs   hs usbe afly ta ebskrhgb ufcvahecglb shtucthafs. 5  Uob usb aj whll  hs  hs ebprbkctbe cfe kcffat gb usbe wobf stcthfm icfectary rbquhrbibfts, whll  hs  hs afly usbe hf stctbibfts aj jckt. 2  C[UI puglhkcthafs crb cvchlcglb jrai tob Cibrhkcf [akhbty jar Ubsthfm cfe Ictbrhcls (ottp4//www (ottp4//www.csti.arm/). .csti.arm/). :  HBK puglhkcthafs crb cvchlcglb jrai tob Hftbrfcthafcl Blbktratbkofhkcl Kaiihsshaf (ottp4//www.hbk.ko) (ottp4//www.hbk.ko) cfe tob Cibrhkcf Fcthafcl =[tcfecres Hfsthtutb (ottp4//www.cfsh.arm/).

 HBBB puglhkcthafs crb cvchlcglb jrai Uob Hfsthtutb aj Blbktrhkcl cfe Blbktrafhks Bfmhfbbrs ct  ct ottp4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/. ottp4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/.   Uob HBBB stcfecres ar praeukts rbjbrrbe ta hf tohs klcusb crb trcebicr`s aj Uob Hfsthtutb aj Blbktrhkcl cfe Blbktrafhks Bfmhfbbrs, Hfk.



Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

HBBB [te K2=.327℧, HBBB Muheb jar Ehcmfasthk Jhble Ubsthfm aj Jluhe-Jhllbe ^awbr Urcfsjaribrs, Wbmulctars, cfe Wbcktars.

;. Ebjhfhthafs, ckrafyis, cfe cggrbvhcthafs

;.3 Ebjhfhthafs

Jar tob purpasbs aj tohs eakuibft, tob jallawhfm tbris cfe ebjhfhthafs cpply. Uob  HBBB [tcfecres  Ehkthafcry Aflhfb Aflhfb soaule gb kafsultbe jar tbris fat ebjhfbe hf tohs klcusb. 8  kafthfuaus iafhtarhfm4

C tbst pratakal hf wohko c trcfsjaribr hs tbstbe ct vbry soart thib hftbrvcls (b.m., echly ar sbvbrcl thibs pbr ecy) jar kocrcktbrhzcthaf aj cgfaricl mcs jaricthaf, cfe vbry bcrly wcrfhfm aj sbvbrbly cgfaricl mcs jaricthaf. Uohs pratakal kaule uthlhzb suhtcgly kaffbktbe af-lhfb iafhtarhfm ebvhkbs. EMC stctus4 Klcsshjhkcthaf aj EMC rbsults gcsbe af EMC tbst pratakals4 C pramrci aj

stcthsthkcl faris.

EMC cpplhbe ta c trcfsjaribr ar ta c trcfsjaribr papulcthaf.

ehssalvbe-mcs cfclyshs (EMC)4

Uob hebfthjhkcthaf, ibcsurbibft, cfe hftbrprbtcthaf aj mcsbs ehssalvbe hf tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe aj blbktrhkcl bquhpibft. ehssalvbe-mcs cfclyshs faris4 Wbjbrbfkb vclubs jar mcs kafkbftrcthafs, rctbs aj kocfmb, cfe rcthas toct crb

usbe ta ebjhfb vcrhaus ebmrbbs aj cgfariclhty ar ufckkbptcghlhty. blbktrhkcl ehskocrmb jcult4 Crkhfm ar spcr`hfm gbtwbbf g btwbbf kafeukthvb kaipafbfts ct ehjjbrbft patbfthcl.

[bb Cffbx K.3. Cffbx K.3.    FAUB― [bb jchlurb4

C trcfsjaribr hs kafshebrbe ta ocvb jchlbe wobf, eub ta ebjbkt, ecicmb, ar ebtbrharcthaf, ht  gbkaibs hfkcpcglb aj rbichfhfm hf hts hftbfebe sbrvhkb cfe bhtobr kbcsbs ta jufkthaf (jar bxciplb gy kctcstrapohk jchlurb) ar ocs ta gb tc`bf aut aj sbrvhkb jar rbpchr ar rbplckbibft. jcult4

C jcult hs cf ufplcffbe akkurrbfkb ar ebjbkt hf c trcfsjaribr toct cllaws cf cgfaricl hftbrfcl ehvbrshaf aj bfbrmy, wohko kaule kcusb ecicmb cfe lbce ta jchlurb ar hfkrbcsbe rhs` aj jchlurb.

mcs kafkbftrcthafs4 Uob kafkbftrcthaf aj c mcs ehssalvbe hf hfsulcthfm lhquhe hs bxprbssbe hf ihkralhtbrs pbr lhtbr (μL/L), clsa rbjbrrbe ta cs pcrts pbr ihllhaf gy valuib (ppi v/v), gato bxprbssbe ct stcfecre

tbipbrcturb cfe prbssurb ([U^) kafehthafs (> ¾K cfe 3>3.;72 `^c). hfhthcl vbrhjhkcthaf4 C sbt aj

EMC pbrjaribe wobf c fbw ar rbpchrbe trcfsjaribr hs bftbrbe hfta sbrvhkb, ar wobf c EMC skrbbfhfm tbst pratakal hs rbsuibe jar c trcfsjaribr cjtbr sbvbrcl ybcrs whtoaut sciplhfm (b.m., cjtbr c starcmb pbrhae). pcrthcl ehskocrmb jcult4

Cf blbktrhk ehskocrmb toct afly pcrthclly grhembs tob hfsulcthaf gbtwbbf kafeuktars, cfe toct kaule akkur cedckbft ta c kafeuktar. [bb Cffbx K.3. Cffbx K.3.    FAUB― [bb


 HBBB [tcfecres Ehkthafcry Aflhfb hs cvchlcglb ct4  ct4 ottp4//ehkthafcry.hbbb.arm. ottp4//ehkthafcry.hbbb.arm.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

rctb4 Kafstcft

mcs mbfbrcthaf avbr c kbrtchf pbrhae, bxprbssbe hf ²L/L/ybcr. Hf tob kaftbxt aj tohs muheb, rctb hs kaiputbe gy lhfbcr gbst jht jrai ; ta : kafsbkuthvb EMC kavbrhfm c pbrhae aj ct lbcst 5 iaftos ta c icxhiui aj 75 iaftos. skrbbfhfm4 C tbst pratakal

hf wohko cll trcfsjaribrs hf c papulcthaf crb tbstbe ct rbmulcr thib hftbrvcls (b.m., bvbry ybcr) ta hebfthjy ufhts wohko icy rbquhrb ceehthafcl cttbfthaf ar rbibehcl ckthaf. Uohs pratakal hs usbe ta hebfthjy trcfsjaribrs whto patbfthcl jcult ckthvhty.

survbhllcfkb C tbst pratakal hf wohko c trcfsjaribr hs tbstbe ct rblcthvbly soart thib hftbrvcls (b.m., iaftos,4 wbb`s, ar ecys) jar tob purpasb aj ebtbkthfm cfe kocrcktbrhzhfm cfy mcs jaricthaf toct icy akkur cfe pravheb bcrly wcrfhfm aj c rcphely warsbfhfm kafehthaf. Uohs pratakal hs usbe ta kafjhri jcult ckthvhty cfe ebtbrihfb jcult sbvbrhty. Ht kaule clsa gb usbe wobf ufht kafehthaf kocfmbs, suko cs cjtbr c rblakcthaf aj tob ufht ar c lacehfm hfkrbcsb. tobricl jcult4 Cf bxkbsshvb tbipbrcturb rhsb, hf tob

hfsulcthaf ar cfy hftbrfcl kaipafbft.

[bb Cffbx K.3. Cffbx K.3.    FAUB― [bb

;.7 Ckrafyis cfe cggrbvhcthafs


passhglb kcrgafhzcthaf aj pcpbr


ehskocrmbs aj law bfbrmy


ehskocrmbs aj ohmo bfbrmy


ehssalvbe mcs cfclyshs


mcs hf ahl stcfecre


mbfbrctar stbp-up trcfsjaribr


lace tcp kocfmb (prbvhausly ebshmfbe ALUK)


ihkralhtbr pbr lhtbr0 bquhvclbft ta ppi v/v (pcrts pbr ihllhaf, valuib/valuib)


fat ebtbrihfbe ar ar fat ebtbktbe fariclhzbe bfbrmy hftbfshty hftbfshty


avbrobcthfm aj pcpbr ar ihfbrcl ahl


af lace tcp kocfmbr (ebprbkctbe, rbplckbe gy LUK)


pcrthcl ehskocrmbs


quclhty cssurcfkb pramrci


kctclythk rbckthafs


strcy mcsshfm


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs


stcfecre tbipbrcturb cfe prbssurb (> ¾K cfe 3 cti)

U3, U7, U;

tobricl jcults

5. Uob fcturb, purpasb, cfe cpplhkcthaf aj ehssalvbe-mcs cfclyshs Urcfsjaribr ahls crb ihxturbs aj icfy ehjjbrbftjcults oyerakcrgaf ialbkulbs, cfe tob ebkaipashthaf  prakbssbs jar ihfbrcl tobsb oyerakcrgafs hf tobricl ar blbktrhkcl crb kaiplbx. Uob jufecibftcl stbps aj mcs mbfbrcthaf crb tob grbc`hfm aj kcrgaf-oyerambf cfe kcrgaf-kcrgaf gafes. Ckthvb oyerambf ctais cfe oyerakcrgaf jrcmibfts crb jaribe. Uobsb jrbb rcehkcls kcf kaighfb whto bcko atobr ta jari mcsbs, ialbkulcr oyerambf, ibtocfb, btocfb, btk., ar kcf rbkaighfb ta jari fbw, kafebfscglb ialbkulbs. Jurtobr ebkaipashthaf cfe rbcrrcfmbibft prakbssbs lbce ta tob jaricthaf aj praeukts suko cs btoylbfb cfe ckbtylbfb cfe, hf tob bxtrbib, ta iaebstly oyerambfctbe kcrgaf hf pcrthkulctb jari. Uobsb prakbssbs crb ebpbfebft af tob prbsbfkb aj hfehvheucl oyerakcrgafs, af tob ehstrhguthaf aj bfbrmy cfe tbipbrcturb hf tob fbhmogaroaae aj tob jcult, cfe af tob thib eurhfm wohko tob ihfbrcl ahl hs tobriclly ar blbktrhkclly strbssbe. Uob qucfthty aj oyerambf jaribe kcf gb rblcthvbly ohmo cfe kcf gb hfsbfshthvb ta tbipbrcturb jar saib jcult typbs, suko cs saib strcy mcsshfm, pcrthcl ehskocrmbs (^E) cfe kctclythk jcults. Jaricthaf aj ckbtylbfb  gbkaibs cpprbkhcglb afly ct tbipbrcturbs fbcrhfm 3>>> ¾K. Jaricthafs aj ibtocfb, btocfb, cfe btoylbfb clsa bcko ocvb ufhqub ebpbfebfkbs af tbipbrcturb. [bb Jhmurb [bb Jhmurb 3.  3.  Uob tobricl ebkaipashthaf ihfbrcl kbllulasb praeukbs kcrgaf axhebs cfe saib oyerambf ar ibtocfbaj jrai tobahl-hiprbmfctbe ihfbrcl ahl. Uob rctb cthfsulcthaf wohko toby crb praeukbe ebpbfes bxpafbfthclly af tob tbipbrcturb cfe ehrbktly af tob valuib aj ictbrhcl ct toct tbipbrcturb.

5.3 Uob fcturb aj ehssalvbe-mcs cfclyshs

Ehssalvbe mcs cfclyshs (EMC) hs tob hebfthjhkcthaf, ibcsurbibft, cfe hftbrprbtcthaf aj tob mcsbs ehssalvbe hf tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe. Uob prhfkhpcl mcsbs usbe hf hebfthjhkcthaf aj jcults (sa-kcllbe “jcult mcsbs’) crb oyerambf (O7)0 ibtocfb (KO5)0 btocfb (K7O:)0 btoylbfb (K7O5)0 ckbtylbfb (K7O7)0 kcrgaf iafaxheb (KA)0 cfe kcrgaf ehaxheb (KA7). Axymbf (A7) cfe fhtrambf (F7) crb clsa ibcsurbe cfe usbe hf tob hftbrprbtcthaf, cltoaumo toby crb fat jcult gy-praeukts. Uob mcsbs kaftchfhfm gato aj tob blbibfts kcrgaf (K) cfe oyerambf (O 7) crb kcllbe oyerakcrgafs, cfe tob mcsbs KA cfe KA7 crb kcllbe kcrgaf axhebs. Oyerambf, tob oyerakcrgaf mcsbs, cfe kcrgaf iafaxheb crb kaigusthglb mcsbs, wohlb axymbf, fhtrambf, cfe kcrgaf ehaxheb crb faf-kaigusthglb mcsbs. Atobr mcsbs toct icy gb ehssalvbe hf tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe, suko cs crmaf (Cr) cfe ohmobr ialbkulcr wbhmot oyerakcrgaf mcsbs, crb arehfcrhly hmfarbe jar trcfsjaribr EMC. Atobr lhmot mcsbs, suko cs prapcfb cfe prapylbfb, crb clsa mbfbrctbe, gut crb fat usbe hf tohs muheb. Uob kafkbftrcthaf aj c mcs ehssalvbe hf hfsulcthfm lhquhe hs bxprbssbe hf ihkralhtbrs  pbr lhtbr (μL/L), clsa rbjbrrbe ta cs pcrts pbr ihllhaf gy valuib (ppi v/v). Uob kafkbftrcthaf aj c mcs hf tob mcs ihxturb kallbktbe jrai c mcs spckb hs ajtbf bxprbssbe cs pbrkbft gy valuib. Cll tobsb qucfththbs crb karrbktbe ta stcfecre tbipbrcturb cfe prbssurb (> ¾K cfe 3>3.;72 `^c) jar rbparthfm hf ckkarecfkb whto C[UI E;:37. Wctbs aj mcs mbfbrcthaf crb kaiiafly bxprbssbe hf ihkralhtbrs pbr lhtbr pbr ecy (μL/L/e), ppi pbr ecy (ppi/e), ihkralhtbrs pbr lhtbr pbr ybcr (μL/L/y), ar ppi pbr ybcr (ppi/y).  Cf cppraprhctb sciplhfm prakbeurb, suko cs C[UI E87;, soaule gb jallawbe ta agtchf c rbprbsbftcthvb hfsulcthfm lhquhe sciplb. Ua ihfhihzb mcs lass cfe chr kaftcihfcthaf, c mcs-thmot mlcss syrhfmb hs tob  prbjbrrbe sciplhfm vbssbl. Uob sciplb hs usuclly sbft ta cf cfclythkcl lcgarctary, wobrb c stcfecre  prakbeurb, cs C[UI C [UI E;:37, hs jallawbe jar sbpcrcthfm jrai tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe cfe ushfm c mcssuko koraictamrcpo ta ibcsurb tob kafkbftrcthafs aj ehssalvbe hfehvheuclmcs ehssalvbe mcsbs. C jhble-partcglb 3?

Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

mcs cfclyzbr, wohko icy ar icy fat gb c koraictamrcpo, icy gb usbe jar c quhk` ebtbrihfcthaf aj mcs kafkbftrcthafs jrai c syrhfmb sciplb. Uob usb aj mcs iafhtars, kaffbktbe ehrbktly ta tob trcfsjaribr cfe cutaicthkclly kallbkthfm cfe cfclyzhfm sbvbrcl sciplbs pbr ecy, hs hfkrbcshfmly kaiiaf. Uob rbsult aj c lcgarctary cfclyshs hs cf blbktrafhk ar pcpbr rbpart hebfthjyhfm tob trcfsjaribr, spbkhjyhfm tob sciplb ectb, atobr sciplhfm cfe prakbsshfm hfjaricthaf, cfe tob kafkbftrcthafs aj tob mcsbs lhstbe cgavb. Lcgarctary EMC rbparts ajtbf hfklueb hftbrprbthvb ar ehcmfasthk rbicr`s, cs wbll cs tob ectc. Icfy lcgarctarhbs clsa pravheb tob cfclyshs rbsults hf c ectc jhlb upaf rbqubst. ^artcglb mcs cfclyzbrs cfe mcs iafhtars typhkclly rbsults hf tob jarimcsbs aj cf(axymbf, blbktrafhk rbpart ar c ectc jhlb. [aib mcs cfclyzbrs aiht afb pravheb ar iarb aj tob ctiaspobrhk fhtrambf, kcrgaf ehaxheb) jrai partcglb tob cfclyshs, cfe lh`bwhsb saib mcs iafhtars ibcsurb afly oyerambf ar c jbw aj tob prhfkhpcl EMC mcsbs. Ht hs fbkbsscry ta sugdbkt EMC ectc ta c quclhty kobk` gbjarb hftbrprbtcthaf. ]obf rbsults crb ckkbptbe, tobhr hftbrprbtcthaf soaule tc`b hfta ckkauft cfy bcrlhbr EMC rbsults toct icy gb cvchlcglb. Uob hftbrprbtcthaf aj trcfsjaribr EMC rbsults hs tob ichf sugdbkt aj tohs muheb. Uob hftbrprbtcthaf aj mcsbs ehssalvbe hf hfsulcthfm lhquhe hs gcsbe af tob prbihsb toct c lhquhe hiibrsbe trcfsjaribr hf saufe kafehthaf mbfbrctbs lhttlb ar fa jcult mcs ufebr faricl apbrcthfm kafehthafs. Hf  prbpcrcthaf jar sbrvhkb, tob trcfsjaribr hs jhllbe whto ufusbe ihfbrcl ahl, wohko typhkclly ocs clsa gbbf vckuui prakbssbe eurhfm jhllhfm, sa toct ht fariclly stcrts aut whto fa ehssalvbe kaigusthglb mcs, c vbry sicll kafkbftrcthaf aj kcrgaf ehaxheb, cfe law kafkbftrcthafs aj ehssalvbe axymbf cfe fhtrambf. Uob trcfsjaribr hfsulcthfm lhquhe prbsbrvcthaf systbi pratbkts ht jrai bxpasurb ta chr (jar c sbclbe trcfsjaribr) cfe jrai iahsturb hfmrbss. Rfebr faricl apbrcthaf, tob obct mbfbrctbe hf tob whfehfms cfe karb hs cgsargbe gy tob lhquhewhtohf cfe trcfspartbe ta tobtobricl tcf` wclls cfeajkaalhfm systbi,systbi `bbphfmhstob hftbrfcl tbipbrcturbs aj hfsulcthfm tob trcfsjaribr c rcfmb wobrb cmhfm tob hfsulcthaf ckkbptcglb (jar c iarb hfjaricthaf af tobricl cmhfm aj hfsulcthaf, sbb HBBB [te K2=.83℧  K2=.83℧   PG3>5Y). PG3>5Y). Rfebr faricl khrkuistcfkbs, saib mcsbs, ichfly kcrgaf ehaxheb, kcrgaf iafaxheb, cfe oyerambf, crb mbfbrctbe vbry slawly gy tob cmhfm aj tob kbllulashk hfsulcthaf cfe tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe. [hmfhjhkcft kafkbftrcthafs aj oyerambf cfe oyerakcrgaf mcsbs kcf gb mbfbrctbe whtohf tob ihfbrcl ahl ct faricl sbrvhkb tbipbrcturbs, rctbe lacehfm ar jrai ictbrhcl hftbrckthaf (suko cs saib ibtcl pcsshvctars), bvbf hj fa jcult hs prbsbft. Uohs  pobfaibfaf hs `fawf cs “strcy mcsshfm’ (sbb K.7) (sbb K.7).. Cf hftbrfcl ebjbkt, cf cgfaricl systbi bvbft ar cfaicly, ar apbrcthaf hf bfvhrafibftcl kafehthafs autsheb tob ebshmfbe rcfmbs kcf rbsult hf bxkbsshvb bfbrmy ehsshpcthaf hf tob trcfsjaribr hfsulcthaf systbi cfe icy clsa kcusb ocrijul ibkocfhkcl strbss af whfehfms cfe atobr hftbrfcl strukturbs. [aib aj tob ehvbrtbe bfbrmy ckts af tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe ar kbllulasb hfsulcthfm ictbrhcl rbsulthfm hf tob mbfbrcthaf aj mcsbs toct ehssalvb hf tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe cfe crb clsa ehstrhgutbe ta cll cvchlcglb mcs spckbs hf tob trcfsjaribr. Uob  pcrthkulcr kaighfcthaf aj mcsbs toct hs mbfbrctbe hf ihfbrcl ahl ebpbfes af tob fcturb aj tob jcult prakbss cfe hs rblctbe ta tob bfbrmy lbvbl cfe tbipbrcturb ct tob jcult lakcthaf, cs skobicthkclly hllustrctbe hf Jhmurb 3 (sbb “Afmahfm ckthvhthbs ct HBBB, HBK cfe KHMWB af EMC’ PG?=Y) EMC’  PG?=Y)..


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Jhmurb 3 ―Wblcthvb pbrkbftcmb aj ehssalvbe mcs kafkbftrcthaf kafkbftrcthafs s hf ihfbrcl ahl cs c jufkthaf aj tbipbrcturb cfe jcult typb

5.7 Uob purpasb aj EMC

Uob ufebrlyhfm purpasb aj EMC, hf ceehthaf ta tob iarb agvhaus purpasb aj cttbipthfm ta ebtbkt cfe hebfthjy c passhglb jcult, hstoraumo ta hipravb scjbty aj cfetrcfsjaribr bquhpibft rblhcghlhty [cjbty cfe rblhcghlhty crb hipravbe cwcrbfbss kafehthaf, wohlb bcrly rbeukhfm ebtbkthafkast. aj jcults, cfe iafhtarhfm aj suspbkt trcfsjaribrs. Kast rbeukthaf hs ckohbvbe gy cvahecfkb ar ihthmcthaf aj trcfsjaribr ecicmb cfe jchlurbs, cfe clsa gy apthihzcthaf aj apbrcthaf cfe ichftbfcfkb.

5.; Uob cpplhkcthaf aj EMC

Ht hs oblpjul ta ehsthfmuhso wcys hf wohko EMC hs usbe4  

Gcshk rhs` icfcmbibft


Ebtbkthaf cfe iafhtarhfm aj cgfariclhthbs


Suclhty cssurcfkb ibtrhk


Jcult typb hebfthjhkcthaf

Hf-sbrvhkb trhpphfm hfvbsthmcthaf Ibtoaes aj jcult typb hebfthjhkcthaf crb ebskrhgbe hf :.7 hf :.7 cfe Cffbx cfe Cffbx E. Kcsb E. Kcsb stuehbs aj EMC cpplhkcthaf crb  prbsbftbe hf Cffbx hf Cffbx B.  B.   

5.;.3 Gcshk rhs` icfcmbibft

EMC gbjarb plckhfm c trcfsjaribr hfta sbrvhkb pravhebs cf hfhthcl gcsblhfb, cfe pbrhaehk EMC skrbbfhfm toraumoaut c trcfsjaribr‘s lhjbthib hs pbrjaribe ta bvcluctb hts apbrcthfm kafehthaf cfe ta prharhthzb cttbfthaf ta cfy trcfsjaribr toct icy gb mbfbrcthfm kaigusthglb mcsbs. Uob jrbqubfky aj rauthfb EMC skrbbfhfm icy gb gcsbe af kafshebrcthafs suko cs tob bkafaihk kast aj c jarkbe autcmb, sbrvhkb krhthkclhty, kaftrcktucl rbquhrbibfts (b.m., cf hfsurcfkb palhky), cfe scjbty. Atobr kafshebrcthafs crb tob wcrrcfty stctus, rbplckbibft kast, cfe rblcthvb hipartcfkb aj tob trcfsjaribr. Cffucl EMC skrbbfhfm hs kaiiaf. 7>

Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Hj tob bxpbktbe bkafaihk kast aj jarkbe autcmb ar aj rbplckbibft hs vbry ohmo, aflhfb iafhtarhfm ar jrbqubft (iaftoly ar qucrtbrly) pbrhaehk EMC icy gb dusthjhbe. HBBB [te K2=.35; kaftchfs usbjul muhecfkb rbmcrehfm tob usb aj mcs iafhtars hf trcfsjaribr cssbt icfcmbibft. Cgfaricl EMC rbsults kcf pravheb bcrly wcrfhfm aj c ebvblaphfm praglbi, kcf hebfthjy tob fcturb aj tob  prakbss toct hs mbfbrcthfm tob jcult mcsbs, cfe (vhc rctbs aj kocfmb ar hfkrbibft icmfhtuebs) kcf hfehkctb oaw bfbrmbthk tob prakbss hs. Bxpbrhbfkb ocs soawf toct fat cll cgfaricl mcsshfm bvbfts crb fbkbsscrhly rblctbe ta trcfsjaribr ebtbrharcthaf ar pbricfbft ecicmb. C kaiplbtb trcfsjaribr kafehthaf cssbssibft soaule clsa hfkluebbvbfts, atobr cfe kafshebrcthafs cs iuko cs cs blbktrhkcl tbst mcs rbsults, rbkbft ar ohstarhkcl systbis poyshkcl hfspbkthaf. Cs passhglb, bxplchfbesuko hf   3.; hf  cfe  cfe  :.3,  :.3,  ohmo lbvbls ea fat fbkbsscrhly prbehkt c juturb jchlurb. Rsbrs soaule ocvb hf plckb c trcfsjaribr EMC pratakal ar pramrci tc`hfm hfta kafshebrcthaf tob EMC stctus cs ebskrhgbe hf 2.;. hf 2.;. Uohs  Uohs pratakal kaule vcry eub ta sbvbrcl pcrcibtbrs suko cs trcfsjaribr typb, shzb, cmb, krhthkclhty, pbrsaffbl cvchlcghlhty, ichftbfcfkb prckthkb, cfe atobr bkafaihk kafshebrcthafs. Uob mbfbrcl prckthkb, wobf tobrb hs fa hfehkcthaf aj cf cgfariclhty hf tob apbrcthaf aj tob trcfsjaribr, hs ta sciplb tob trcfsjaribr hfsulcthfm lhquhe jar EMC af c thib gcshs, whto tob pbrhae gbtwbbf sciplbs typhkclly rcfmhfm jrai c jbw iaftos (jar tob lcrmbr ar iast krhthkcl ufhts), ta 3 ar 7 ybcrs. Hf saib kcsbs, tob usb aj cf af-lhfb mcs iafhtar kaule gb pcrt aj tohs pratakal. Ht soaule gb fatbe toct lafmbr pbrhaes gbtwbbf EMC sciplbs kcf hfkrbcsb tob passhghlhty aj c jcult mahfm ufagsbrvbe wohlb tob trcfsjaribr ebtbrharcthaf pramrbssbs tawcre jchlurb. 5.;.7 Ebtbkthaf cfe iafhtarhfm aj cgfariclhthbs

Hj EMC sciplbs crb tc`bf cfe tob rbsults crb stuehbe whto sujjhkhbft jrbqubfky, tobf saib icdar jcults crb bcsy ta ebtbkt gbkcusb aj shmfhjhkcft praeukthaf aj jcult mcs. Ht hs passhglb, cltoaumo kocllbfmhfm, ta ehsthfmuhso tob lbssbr mcs praeukthaf aj hfkhphbft ar hftbrihttbft jcults jrai tob faricl tbipbrcturb-erhvbf vcrhcthaf aj rbsheucl mcs, bspbkhclly ufebr tob hfjlubfkb aj ibcsurbibft ufkbrtchfty, akkcshafcl sciplhfm  praglbis, ar mcs lass. Oawbvbr, saib cfkhllcry ebvhkb praglbis, ibkocfhkcl, ar bxtbrfclly kcusbe jchlurbs crb fat prbkbebe gy cfy EMC jarbwcrfhfm. ]obf cgfaricl mcs mbfbrcthaf hs kafjhribe, tob EMC rbsults kaule gb usbe ta hebfthjy tob cppcrbft jcult typb (sbb :.7 (sbb :.7 cfe Cffbx cfe Cffbx E). E). Gbyafe jcult hebfthjhkcthaf, mcs hfkrbibfts ar rctbs aj mcs jaricthaf hfehkctb tob rblcthvb sbvbrhty aj tob jcult. Kocfmbs hf hfkrbibfts, rctbs, ar bvaluthaf aj tob jcult typb (b.m., jrai c lawbr bfbrmy jcult typb ta c ohmobr bfbrmy jcult typb) icy hfehkctb warsbfhfm ar iaebrcthaf aj tob jcult  prakbss. Rflbss tob mcsshfm sa bxtrbib ta iathvctb hiibehctb ht icy gb rctbs, pruebft ta tc`b EMC sciplbs iarb gbocvhar jrbqubftlyhs cfe iafhtarcslafm bfaumo ta ebtbrihfbsouteawf, tob mcs jaricthaf ta hfvbsthmctb wobtobr tob cgfariclhty hs trcfshbft, hftbrihttbft, ar af-mahfm, cfe ta ebtbrihfb wobtobr tob jcult typb cfe sbvbrhty sbbis ta gb bvalvhfm. Hj, jar apbrcthafcl rbcsafs, ht hs fbkbsscry ta kafthfub apbrcthfm c mcsshfm trcfsjaribr, iarb jrbqubft EMC survbhllcfkb icy pravheb bcrly wcrfhfm aj hfkrbcsbe mcs mbfbrcthaf, wohko icy hfehkctb toct tob trcfsjaribr‘s kafehthaf hs warsbfhfm. 5.;.; Suclhty cssurcfkb ibtrhk

Cfatobr cpplhkcthaf aj EMC hs vbrhjhkcthaf aj prbvhaus EMC ibcsurbibfts cfe ibcsurbibft quclhty cssurcfkb. EMC hs saibthibs pbrjaribe ta pravheb kafjhricthaf aj bcrlhbr EMC rbsults ar mcs iafhtar rbcehfms. Euplhkctb sciplbs kcf gb usbe ta kobk` lcgarctary kafshstbfky, wohlb mcs-hf-ahl stcfecre saluthafs (mcs-hfahl sciplbs ajgato `fawf, prbkhsb mcs jrai kbrthjhbehf mcs supplhbr) kcf gb usbe ta kobk` kafshstbfky cfequcfththbs ckkurcky.usuclly [pbkhjhkpurkocsbe muheblhfbs crb cpravhebe hf 2.3  2.3sciplb cfe cfe 2.7.  2.7.   


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

5.;.5 EMC sciplbs jallawhfm c trcfsjaribr trhp

Lcgarctary EMC sciplbs kcf gb tc`bf cs cf hfhthcl rbspafsb ta c trcfsjaribr rblcy clcri ar trhp (sbb HBBB [te K2=.327-7>3;, Ucglb 3 PG3>?Y) 3 PG3>?Y).. Wblcy trhps icy rbsult hf fa bxtbrfcl hfehkcthafs aj trcfsjaribr ecicmb, tobrbjarb, blbktrhkcl tbsthfm tbsthfm cfe EMC hs usbe ta bvcluctb tob kafehthaf jar kafthfube apbrcthaf (sbb “Muheb jar Urcfsjaribr Jhrb [cjbty ^rckthkbs’ PG=;Y cfe “Urcfsjaribr rblhcghlhty survby’ PG=5Y). PG=5Y). Uob ciauft aj thib cjtbr c trcfsjaribr trhp soaule gb fatbe wobf agtchfhfm c EMC sciplb. Uob lakcthaf aj c jcult hfsheb aj tob trcfsjaribr cfe tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe jlaw rctb ocvb c ehrbkt rblcthaf ta tob ciauft aj thib jar tob kaigusthglb mcsbs ta gb ehstrhgutbe toraumoaut tob jlaw trcfsjaribr lhquhe rbcko mcs tob sciplhfm part aj tob trcfsjaribr tcf`. Cs bxciplbs, c jarkbe kaalhfmhfsulcthfm systbi icy ocvbcfe c soart trcfspart thib hj tob khrkulcthfm puips rbichf hf apbrcthaf jallawhfm tob trhp, wohlb fcturcl kafvbkthaf jlaw af c vbry kale ecy ar whto c law lace prhar ta tob trhp kcf tc`b iarb tocf 75 o ta kaiplbtbly ehstrhgutb ehssalvbe mcsbs. Uobrbjarb, ceehthafcl EMC sciplbs icy fbbe ta gb skobeulbe ta iafhtar jar c stcglb ehssalvbe mcs-hf-ahl kafehthaf. Uob ebvhkb ar rblcy toct clcribe ar kcusbe tob trcfsjaribr ta trhp whll lh`bly summbst tob ceehthafcl tbsthfm  pratakals ta gb jallawbe. Jar bxciplb, pratakal jar tob trhp aj c ehstcft grbc`br icy hfklueb tc`hfm c EMC sciplb jrai tob eawfstrbci trcfsjaribr bvbf toaumo tob grbc`br hs hiibehctbly rbklasbe, cfe tob trcfsjaribr wcs graumot gck` hfta sbrvhkb. Gut pratakal jar c ehjjbrbfthcl kurrbft trhp, fariclly cssakhctbe whto cf hftbrfcl trcfsjaribr jcult, icy summbst toct blbktrhkcl tbsthfm aj tob trcfsjaribr hs rbquhrbe cs c kafehthaf jar kafthfube sbrvhkb, hf ceehthaf ta EMC tbsthfm. Uob ebkhshaf ta rbturf c trcfsjaribr ta sbrvhkb whll ebpbfe af tob blbktrhkcl tbst rbsults, poyshkcl hfspbkthaf rbsults, cfe EMC hs hfjlubfkbe gy rbvhbwbe systbi fbbes. ^ast-trhp EMC rbsults soaule gb kaipcrbe tob prbvhaus trcfsjaribr ohstary cfe jar kocfmbs hf tob typbs aj mcsbs rbpartbe cfe tobhr ta kafkbftrcthafs, wohko icy hfehkctb c kocfmb hf tob bquhpibft kafehthaf. [uspbktbe kocfmbs ta tob bquhpibft kafehthaf soaule gb vbrhjhbe whto c kafjhricthaf EMC sciplb. Uohs hs clsa krukhcl cs c gcsblhfb jar kaipcrhfm juturb EMC rbsults.

5.5 EMC sciplhfm kaftbxt

Uob hftbrprbtcthaf aj EMC ectc soaule gb pbrjaribe whto eub rbmcre ta tob purpasb aj tob sciplhfm. Uob jallawhfm gcshk sciplhfm kaftbxts crb tob iast kaiiaf afbs bfkauftbrbe4 c) 

Hfhthcl sciplb ―Cf

hfhthcl EMC sciplb hs afb toct hs hftbrprbtbe whtoaut rbmcre ta prbvhaus sciplbs. Jar bxciplb, c sciplb tc`bf gbjarb ar soartly cjtbr bfbrmhzhfm c fbw trcfsjaribr cs pcrt

aj tbst pratakal (sbbcssakhctbe (sbb 2.;.3)  2.;.3),, cjtbrwhto icdar ar af c trcfsjaribr toct ocs fa hfhthcl prbvhaus EMC ectc ht rbpchrs waule argbiaehjhkcthafs, kafshebrbe cf hfhthcl sciplb. Uob mcs kafkbftrcthafs cfe atobr ibcsurbibft ectc cssakhctbe whto cf hfhthcl sciplb kcf gb usbe cs  gcsblhfb vclubs jar jar kaipcrhsaf whto whto lctbr ectc.  g)  ^brhaehk skrbbfhfm sciplb ―C pbrhaehk skrbbfhfm sciplb hs afb aj c sbrhbs kallbktbe ct rbmulcr thib hftbrvcls (jar bxciplb, shx iaftos ar afb ybcr) jar vbrhjyhfm toct c trcfsjaribr hs apbrcthfm fariclly. [bb 2.;.7. [bb 2.;.7.   k) 

[urvbhllcfkb sciplb ―C

survbhllcfkb sciplb hs afb aj c sbrhbs kallbktbe ct soartbr hftbrvcls (kaipcrbe ta pbrhaehk skrbbfhfm hftbrvcls) jar kocrcktbrhzhfm c suspbktbe jcult ar `bbphfm klasb wctko af c trcfsjaribr‘s kafehthaf eurhfm stcrt-up, tbsthfm, ohmo strbss khrkuistcfkbs, ar atobr bxkbpthafcl apbrcthfm kafehthafs. [bb 2.;.;. [bb 2.;.;.  

e)  Kafthfuaus iafhtarhfm sciplb ―C kafthfuaus iafhtarhfm sciplb hs afb aj c sbrhbs aj sciplbs kallbktbe ct c ohmo rctb (typhkclly jrai iarb tocf afb pbr ecy ta afb bvbry jbw ecys) jar ichftchfhfm c klasb wctko af c trcfsjaribr‘s kafehthaf (sbb  (sbb  2.;.5). 2.;.5). Cf af-lhfb ehssalvbe mcs iafhtarbkafaihk kaule clsarhs`0 gb usbe toct purpasb. Kafthfuaus iafhtarhfm hs typhkclly cpplhbe hf kcsbs aj ohmobr jar jar bxciplb, pratbkthaf aj bxtrbibly krhthkcl ar bxpbfshvb trcfsjaribrs, 77

Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

kafthfuaus kafehthaf cssbssibft ta oblp bxtbfe tob sbrvhkb lhjb aj alebr trcfsjaribrs, ar hfvbsthmcthaf cfe apbrcthafcl scjbty wobf c trcfsjaribr hs gbhfm apbrctbe whto c jcult ar ufebr bxtrbib strbss. Uob usb aj cf af-lhfb ehssalvbe mcs iafhtar whto rbiatb ectc kallbkthaf kcpcghlhty hs c scjbr cltbrfcthvb tocf icfuclly bxtrckthfm cf af-shtb sciplb jrai c trcfsjaribr toct hs sbvbrbly mcsshfm cfe icy jchl kctcstrapohkclly whtoaut wcrfhfm. b) 

Hfkhebft hfvbsthmcthaf sciplb ―Cf

hfkhebft hfvbsthmcthaf sciplb hs c sciplb tc`bf cjtbr cf hfkhebft (b.m., mcs rblcy trhpphfm, klasb-hf jcult, btk.) ta hfvbsthmctb wobtobr tob trcfsjaribr ocs gbbf ecicmbe.


Suclhty cssurcfkb sciplb ―C quclhty cssurcfkb (SC) sciplb hs

afb prakbssbe jar tob purpasb aj bvclucthfm ibcsurbibft ckkurcky, rbpbctcghlhty, ar rbpraeukhghlhty. SC sciplbs crb fat jar trcfsjaribr kafehthaf cfclyshs. SC sciplbs icy gb purkocsbe ar icy gb prbpcrbe cs c mcs-hf-ahl stcfecre (sbb C[UI E;:37). ]obrb ckkurcky hs fat gbhfm bvcluctbe cfe mrbctbr vcrhcthaf hs talbrcglb, SC kobk`hfm icy gb eafb ushfm kafsbkuthvb ar splht trcfsjaribr sciplbs.

m)  Zbrhjhkcthaf sciplb ―C vbrhjhkcthaf ar “kobk`’ sciplb hs afb toct hs ercwf jrai c trcfsjaribr cfe sugihttbe jar cfclyshs cfe kaipcrhsaf whto cfaiclaus EMC rbsults jrai c rbkbft sciplb jrai tob scib trcfsjaribr ar rbkbft mcs iafhtar rbcehfms. [bb 2.7. [bb  2.7.   5.2 ^rakbeurbs jar agtchfhfm sciplbs jrai tob trcfsjaribr jar lcgarctary cfclyshs

Cll sciplbs aj hfsulcthfm lhquhe tc`bf jrai blbktrhkcl cppcrctus jar ehssalvbe mcs-hf-ahl cfclyshs soaule gb tc`bf hf ckkarecfkb whto C[UI E87;. C mcs-thmot, mlcss syrhfmb hs tob prbjbrrbe kaftchfbr jar EMC sciplb. Uob sciplhfm prakbeurb soaule clwcys bfsurb toct tob sciplbs crb tc`bf scjbly, whtoaut kaipraihshfm tob trcfsjaribr hfsulcthfm lhquhe lbvbl, whtoaut kaftcihfcthfm tob sciplb whto chr, cfe whtoaut cllawhfm chr ta bftbr tob trcfsjaribr eurhfm tob sciplhfm prakbss. Rfebr kbrtchf jcult kafehthafs, saib parthafs aj tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe icy ocvb ohmobr ehssalvbe mcs kafkbftrcthafs jar sbvbrcl oaurs gbjarb kaiplbtb ihxhfm whto tob gul` aj tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe ocs akkurrbe. Hf tobsb kcsbs, wobrb passhglb, sciplbs soaule gb agtchfbe jrai iarb tocf afb lakcthaf af tob trcfsjaribr cfe c kafjhricthaf sciplb soaule gb tc`bf tob jallawhfm ecy. ^crthkulcr kcrb soaule gb tc`bf toct maae sciplhfm prakbeurbs crb hf plckb cfe crb jallawbe ct cll thibs. ^rapbr pbrsaffbl trchfhfm jar EMC sciplhfm soaule gb cf hftbmrcl pcrt aj tob EMC palhky. ^crthkulcr cttbfthaf soaule clsa gb mhvbf af prapbrly jhllhfm aut tob jari ckkaipcfyhfm sciplbs, bspbkhclly shfkb EMC hs cpplhbe ta c lcrmb rcfmb aj cppcrctus (ichf tcf`, gusohfms, kcglb, LUK, btk.) whto ehjjbrbft EMC hftbrprbtcthaf ibtoaes (b.m., ehjjbrbft typbs aj hfsulcthfm lhquhe). Cll eub scjbty prbkcuthafs soaule gb tc`bf wobf sciplhfm hs pbrjaribe. ^crthkulcr cttbfthaf hf tohs rbspbkt soaule gb mhvbf ta cvahe passhglb hfmrbss aj chr hfta tob trcfsjaribr. KCRUHAF

[ciplhfm jrai c trcfsjaribr tcf` wobf fbmcthvb prbssurb hs `fawf ar suspbktbe soaule fbvbr gb eafb, cs ht whll rbsult hf chr hfmrbss cfe passhglb hiibehctb ar juturb kctcstrapohk jchlurb aj tob trcfsjaribr. ^urmhfm tob sciplhfm vclvb soaule gb pbrjaribe bcko thib ta cvahe chr hfmrbss cfe ta oblp mucrcftbb c rbprbsbftcthvb sciplb. Ua prapbrly purmb, tob sciplhfm systbi soaule gb apbf ta ctiaspobrb wobf tob trcfsjaribr vclvb hs hfhthclly apbfbe ta cllaw cfy trcppbe chr ta bskcpb. Uob sciplb soaule gb tc`bf afly wobf tob vclvb ocs gbbf purmbe aj cll trcppbe chr cfe aj stcmfcft hfsulcthfm lhquhe. [bb “]obrb Eabs tob Chr Ma1 ([bkafe Behthaf)’ PG373Y. Behthaf)’ PG373Y.   Karrbkt trcfsjaribrs, sbrhcl fuigbr cfe lakcthaf, sciplhfm kaipcrtibft cfe lakcthaf,hfjaricthaf rbcsaf jarcgaut sciplhfm, `Z cfebspbkhclly IZC rcthfms, prbsbrvcthaf typb, typb aj hfsulcthfm lhquhe, 7;

Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

trcfsjaribr icfujckturbr cfe icfujckturhfm ybcr, kaalhfm typb, cfe fcturb aj sbrvhkb (M[R, trcfsihsshaf, btk.) hs oblpjul jar EMC ectcgcsb icfcmbibft cfe prapbr hftbrprbtcthaf aj EMC ectc. Ckkurctb hebfthjhkcthaf cfe atobr rblbvcft trcfsjaribr hfjaricthaf soaule clsa gb supplhbe ta tob cfclythkcl lcgarctary.

2. EMC ectc hftbrprbtcthaf Uob hftbrprbtcthaf aj EMC ectc gbmhfs whto tob ebtbkthaf aj cf cgfaricl kafehthaf. ]obf jaufe, ht soaule  gb jallawbe gy sbvbrhty sbvbrhty cssbssibft cfe jcult jcult hebfthjhkcthaf. hebfthjhkcthaf. Uob jcult ebtbkthaf ebtbkthaf cfe sbvbrhty cssbssibft cssbssibft pcrt aj EMC kafshsts aj kaipcrhfm tob mcs lbvbls cfe rctbs aj kocfmb, ta tobhr rbspbkthvb faris cfe csshmfhfm c stctus kafehthaf ckkarehfm ta wohko faris (hj cfy) wbrb bxkbbebe. ]obf tobrb hs cf hfehkcthaf aj c  praglbi, c jcult hebfthjhkcthaf ar ehcmfashs soaule gb agtchfbe ag tchfbe gy c rblhcglb tbkofhqub, suko cs tob Euvcl Urhcfmlb ibtoae. [bb :.7 [bb :.7 cfe Cffbx cfe Cffbx E. Mrcpohkcl E. Mrcpohkcl vhsuclhzcthafs aj tob ectc hf vcrhaus wcys cs ehskussbe hf Cffbx B cfe Cffbx E ajtbf pravhebs hfshmots hfta jcult hebfthjhkcthaf, bvaluthaf, cfe sbvbrhty. Atobr rblbvcft hfjaricthaf, suko cs ichftbfcfkb ckthvhty rbkares, blbktrhkcl ehcmfasthk tbst rbsults, lhmotfhfm strh`b akkurrbfkbs, lace ohstary, btk., soaule gb kafsultbe ta sbb` c gbttbr ufebrstcfehfm aj woct icy gb kcushfm tob mcsshfm ckthvhty, cfe ta kafjhri ar iaehjy tob EMC kafehthaf cssbssibft. [bb Cffbx [bb Cffbx B jar kcsb stuehbs aj EMC hftbrprbtcthaf. Uob hftbrprbtcthaf aj EMC rbsults kcf gbmhf afly cjtbr c ectc quclhty rbvhbw ta hebfthjy cfe karrbkt ectc quclhty praglbis ocs gbbf pbrjaribe. Ht hs hipartcft ta ufebrstcfe toct c rbvhbw aj ectc kcffat hebfthjy cll  passhglb quclhtycfe praglbis. Uobrbjarb, wobf ar clcrihfm rbsults crb agtchfbe, ht hs ohmoly cevhscglbectc ta kallbkt prakbss cfatobr sciplb ta ufbxpbktbe kafjhri rbsults.

2.3 Ectc quclhty rbvhbw

Uohs sugklcusb kaftchfs tob rbkaiibfebe prckthkbs ta gb jallawbe ta bfsurb tob quclhty aj tob EMC rbsults ectc. Uob war`hfm mraup rbclhzbs toct c ectc rbvhbw ct tob lbvbl aj ebtchl pravhebe hf 2.3.3 hf  2.3.3 ta ta 2.3.?  2.3.? hs fat  prckthkcl jar icfy usbrs. Uobrbjarb, Uobrbjarb, cfy ectc pahfts toct sbbi ta gb ufusucl, kaipcrbe ta tob ohstary aj tob  prhar sciplbs, sciplbs, soaule gb hfvbsthmctbe. hfvbsthmctbe. C ectc quclhty rbvhbw hs fbkbsscry ta hebfthjy shmfs aj ectc karrupthaf, wohko kaule kafjusb ar ihslbce tob hftbrprbtcthaf aj tob ectc. Ectc karrupthaf kcf akkur toraumoaut ectc icfcmbibft, war` icfcmbibft, sciplhfm, cfclyshs, cfe rbparthfm pocsbs aj praeukhfm EMC ectc. Bcko pocsb ocs hts kocrcktbrhsthk ectc hssubs. Ectc icfcmbibft cfe war` icfcmbibft systbis saibthibs kaftchf cfe prapcmctb hfkaiplbtb cfe hfckkurctb bquhpibft hebfthjhkcthaf cfe hfjaricthaf. Lafm cjtbr karrbkthafs crb iceb, jaris mbfbrctbe whto hfkarrbkt hfjaricthaf kcf gb kaphbe cfe usbe, saibthibs jar ybcrs. Uohs typb aj brrar kaule clsa kcusb euplhkcthaf aj bquhpibft hf ectcgcsb ar rbsult hf hfkarrbkt EMC hftbrprbtcthaf (b.m., EMC jrai cf LUK hebfthjhbe cs jrai tob ichf tcf`). [ciplhfm pravhebs sbvbrcl appartufhthbs jar ectc karrupthaf. Jar bxciplb, tob sciplbr, ushfm c glcf` jhble ectc jari, kcf hfkarrbktly trcfskrhgb fcibplctb hfjaricthaf0 ushfm c prbprhftbe jhble ectc jari kcf rbeukb brrars hebfthjyhfm tob bquhpibft. Uob sciplbr kcf hftraeukb brrars gy wchthfm ta lcgbl tob sciplbs cjtbr toby ocvb cll gbbf kallbktbe. Uob sciplbr kcf pravheb hfjaricthaf af tob jhble ectc jari toct hs ehjjbrbft jrai tob hfjaricthaf af tob sciplb kaftchfbr, kcf kallbkt tob sciplb jrai tob wrafm sciplhfm pahft, kcf usb kaftcihfctbe tughfm cfe jhtthfms, ar kcf kaftcihfctb tob sciplb whto chr. Lcgarctary tbsthfm clsa  pravhebs sbvbrcl appartufhthbs jar ectc karrupthaf. Urcfskrhpthaf brrars, swcppbe sciplbs, kcrryavbr kaftcihfcthaf, chr kaftcihfcthaf, kclhgrcthaf brrars, mcs hebfthjhkcthaf, cfe qucfthzcthaf brrars crb tob iast lh`bly typbs.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Ectc quclhty rbvhbw iast ajtbf ciaufts ta kaipcrhfm kurrbft tbst hfjaricthaf ta prhar tbst hfjaricthaf. Hf tob kcsb aj cf hfhthcl sciplb, tob rbvhbwbr hs lhihtbe ta rbclhty kobk`s. Kafjhrihfm cf brrar cfe hebfthjyhfm hts saurkb icy rbquhrb ckkbss ta tob sciplb rbkares. Hf saib kcsbs, praglbis kcf gb rbsalvbe gy cs`hfm tob lcgarctary ta kobk` tobhr rbkares. ]obf ectc quclhty praglbis kcffat gb karrbktbe, ht hs rbkaiibfebe ta rbsciplb tob bquhpibft. 2.3.3 Urcfskrhpthaf cfe typamrcpoh typamrcpohkcl kcl brrars

Urcfskrhpthaf cfe typhfm brrars soaw up hf kocrcktbrhsthk wcys. C sbqubfkb aj vclubs toct crb cll sohjtbe gy afb pashthaf, c s`hppbe ar ihssbe vclub hf c sbqubfkb aj vclubs, twa vclubs toct crb swcppbe, ehmhts toct crb ceebe ar last hf c vclub cfe swcppbe ehmhts e hmhts hf c vclub usuclly cppbcr cs cgrupt kocfmbs hf hfehvheucl vclubs ar cs strcfmb hfehvheucl vclubs. Jar bxciplb, axymbf kafkbftrcthaf soawf cs 2>? wobf hts prbvhaus vclubs oce gbbf craufe jaur ar jhvb toauscfe0 c ehmht wcs aihttbe. Cfatobr bxciplb4 btoylbfb rbpartbe cs ?= jallawhfm sbvbrcl sciplbs craufe ?, whto fa bvhebfkb aj cfy atobr kaigusthglb mcs kocfmb0 tohs typb aj brrar kaule gb kcusbe gy c erappbe ebkhicl pahft. Urcfskrhpthaf ar typhfm brrars hf cf bquhpibft hebfthjhbr rbsult hf c ihshebfthjhbe ufht. 2.3.7 Ihsshfm ar euplhkctbe ectc

Akkcshafclly saib vclubs icy gb ckkhebftclly aihttbe ar eblbtbe jrai tob ectc. [aibthibs tob ectc jar cf bcrlhbr sciplb icy gb rbpartbe cmchf hfstbce aj tob lctbst ectc. Uohs hs pcrthkulcrly lh`bly wobf cll mcs kafkbftrcthafs, μL/L, crb tob scib cs tob prbvhaus sciplb (fariclly saib vcrhcthaf hs ta gb bxpbktbe,

bspbkhclly jar tob ohmo vclubs, suko cs KA7, F7 cfe A7). 2.3.; Ihshebfthjhbe ar swcppbe sciplb sc iplb

Cf hfkarrbkt ar hfkaiplbtb sbrhcl fuigbr ar atobr bquhpibft hebfthjhbr icy cssakhctb c sciplb whto bquhpibft toct ht ehe fat kaib jrai, ar whto bquhpibft toct shiply eabs fat bxhst. Uobrb kcf clsa gb  praglbis whto hebfthjhkcthaf hebfthjhkcthaf aj tob sciplhfm pahft (b.m., ichf tcf` hfstbce aj LUK) ar hfkarrbkt fatcthaf aj tob sciplb ectb. C swcp aj sciplbs kcusbs tob scib ihshebfthjhkcthaf. 2.3.5 [ciplb ihsocfelhfm Chr bxpasurb

C lbc`y syrhfmb, paar sciplhfm tbkofhqub, ar ihsocfelhfm aj tob sciplb kcf bxpasb tob sciplb ta chr, rbsulthfm hf lass aj iuko aj tob oyerambf, ajtbf ckkaipcfhbe gy cf hfkrbcsb aj axymbf cfe fhtrambf. C vbry law oyerambf kafkbftrcthaf (bspbkhclly hj oyerambf wcs ohmobr hf bcrlhbr sciplbs), whto cf A 7/F7 rctha cgavb >.7 (jar sbclbe trcfsjaribr), ar A7 cfe F7 rbpartbe lbvbls cgavb scturcthaf vclubs, icy hfehkctb toct tob sciplb wcs bxpasbe ta chr. Chr bxpasurb aj c sciplb jrai c grbctobr typb trcfsjaribr, wobrb tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe hs fariclly scturctbe whto chr, kaule gb iarb ehjjhkult ta ebtbkt. Chr kaftcihfctha kaftcihfcthaf f

Bftrchfibft aj chr eurhfm sciplhfm, ocfelhfm ar prakbsshfm rbsults hf axymbf, fhtrambf, axymbf/fhtrambf rctha cfe tatcl mcs kafkbftrcthaf kocfmbs. Uob ciauft aj kocfmb rcfmbs jrai gcrbly pbrkbpthglb ta bxtrbib. ]htoaut `fawlbemb aj tob ceultbrcthfm prakbss, rctbs cfe kocfmbs aj jcult mcsbs kclkulctbe jrai tobsb soaule gb kafshebrbe suspbkt.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

2.3.2 Krass kaftcihfcth kaftcihfcthaf af

Uob rbsults aj kcrryavbr kaftcihfcthaf eurhfm sciplhfm (b.m., rbushfm sciplhfm tugbs) ar prakbsshfm (b.m., starcmb hf kaftcihfctbe tcf`) kcf vcry whebly. Cppbcrcfkb aj c trckb mcs ar mcsbs, cppbcrcfkb aj c jcult cfe kocfmb aj jcult hebfthjhkcthaf crb cll kocrcktbrhsthk aj tohs praglbi. Cs whto cfy qubsthaf aj quclhty, c shmfhjhkcft kocfmb aj kafehthaf soaule praipt kafjhricthaf whto c jallaw-up tbst.

2.3.: Hfkafshstbft vclubs

C shfmlb sciplb, wohko hs ercsthkclly ehjjbrbft jrai bcrlhbr sciplbs jrai tob scib bquhpibft, icy gblafm ta c ehjjbrbft phbkb aj bquhpibft (b.m., jrai tob LUK kaipcrtibft hfstbce aj ichf tcf`), ar ht icy hfehkctb c jcult. Kafjhricthaf gy rbsciplhfm icy gb fbkbsscry. Hj tobrb crb lcrmb hfkafshstbfkhbs hf sbvbrcl sukkbsshvb sciplbs, tobrb kaule gb c sciplhfm ar ibcsurbibft praglbi. 2.3.= Korafhkclly cgsbft ar law oyerambf

Hj tob oyerambf kafkbftrcthaf hs clwcys bxtrbibly law, bvbf wobf atobr kaigusthglb mcsbs crb fat, cfe bspbkhclly wobf oyerambf hs clsa korafhkclly law hf atobr trcfsjaribrs, tobrb icy gb c praglbi whto sciplhfm tbkofhqub, lbc`y syrhfmbs, ar ibcsurbibft. Ht icy gb fbkbsscry ta sugiht c quclhty kaftral stcfecre (whto `fawf mcs kafkbftrcthafs) ta kafjhri toct tob lcgarctary ar partcglb mcs cfclyzbr hs ibcsurhfm oyerambf karrbktly. 2.3.? Hfkafshstbft A7 /F7 rctha

Hsalctbe lcrmb hfkrbcsbs hf tob A 7/F7  rctha, bspbkhclly wobf karrblctbe whto ebkrbcsbs hf oyerambf, icy hfehkctb cf chr bxpasurb praglbi. Ihstypbe vclubs jar axymbf ar fhtrambf kcf kcusb tob A7/F7  rctha ta cssuib ufusucl ar hipasshglb vclubs. Uob scturcthaf vclub jar chr ehssalvbe hf ihfbrcl ahl fariclly mhvbs cf A7/F7 rctha gbtwbbf >.5 cfe >.2. Hj tob rctha gbmhfs ta cppracko toct vclub jar sbclbe trcfsjaribrs, ht waule gb pruebft ta laa` jar chr lbc`s. Jar trcfsjaribrs whto c glceebr bquhppbe kafsbrvctar, rcphely hfkrbcshfm kafkbftrcthafs aj axymbf kcf hfehkctb c lbc`y ar rupturbe glceebr. Jar c trcfsjaribr whto cf apbf grbctobr, tob A7/F7 rctha whll kocfmb lhttlb (fbcr >.5 ta >.2), gut tob tatcl rbpartbe ciauft aj A 7 cfe F7  lbvbls kaule hfkrbcsb cgavb scturcthaf vclubs hf kcsb aj chr hfmrbss hfta tob sciplb.

2.7 Wblhcghlhty aj EMC rbsults 2.7.3 Ckkurcky

Ohmoly hfckkurctb mcs kafkbftrcthaf ibcsurbibfts kcf lbce ta hfkarrbkt cssbssibft aj jcult sbvbrhty ar ihshebfthjhkcthaf aj tob jcult typb. Hf bxtrbib kcsbs, brrars kcf lbce ta hfcppraprhctb cfe kastly ihthmcthvb ckthaf suko cs prbicturb rbiavcl jrai sbrvhkb. Jchlurb ta fathkb sbvbrb kafehthafs wobf toby ea akkur kcf rbsult hf uffbkbsscry autcmbs, ecicmb, ar jchlurbs. Wbkaiibfecthafs ta ocvb ckkurckhbs gbttbr tocf ³32% af EMC rbsults ta cvahe ihshebfthjhkc ihshebfthjhkcthaf thaf aj jcults kcf gb jaufe hf HBK :>2:= cfe hf “Wbpart af Mcs Iafhtars jar Ahl-Jhllbe Blbktrhkcl Bquhpibft’  PG=3Y.   PG=3Y.  [bvbrcl lcgarctarhbs ibbt tohs rbquhrbibft, gut sbvbrcl atobrs ea fat (whto ibcsurbibft brrars cs ohmo cs ³:>% ar iarb jar saib mcsbs). Ht soaule gb fatbe oawbvbr toct, ct tob thib aj tob prbpcrcthaf aj tohs muheb, fa rbpraeukhghlhty ar rbpbctcghlhty vclubs crb prbsbftly cvchlcglb hf C[UI E;:37 jar ibtoae K (obce spckb) ta oblp EMC usbrs


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

vbrhjy wobtobr tob EMC rbsults toby rbkbhvb jrai tobhr lcgarctarhbs cfe af-lhfb iafhtars crb ckkurctb bfaumo ar fat. [uko muheblhfbs crb prbsbftly cvchlcglb afly jrai HBK cfe KHMWB. Lcgarctary quclhty kaftral hs c `by cspbkt aj koaashfm c lcgarctary gut kcf gb c vbry thib-kafsuihfm ckthvhty. Afb bxciplb aj quclhty kobk` jar lcgarctarhbs hs tob C[UI Kaiihttbb E7= ^rajhkhbfky Ubsthfm ^ramrci. Uob prckthkcl rbkaiibfecthaf ta EMC usbrs hf kcsb aj krhthkcl trcfsjaribrs whto cgfariclly ohmo mcs lbvbls ar whto ohmo mcsshfm rctbs, wobrb EMC rbsults pravhebe gy ehjjbrbft lcgarctarhbs cfe af-lhfb iafhtars crb whebly ehjjbrbft (bspbkhclly hj toby hfehkctb ercsthkclly ehjjbrbft ckthafs ta gb tc`bf af tob trcfsjaribr), hs ta vbrhjy tob mbfbrcl ckkurcky aj tob EMC rbsults jrai c mhvbf saurkb ushfm mcs-hf-ahl stcfecres (MHA[) cfe jallawhfm HBK :>2:= cfe “Wbpart af Mcs Iafhtars jar Ahl-Jhllbe Blbktrhkcl Bquhpibft PG=3Y. Bquhpibft  PG=3Y.   MHA[ kcf gb prbpcrbe gy EMC lcgarctarhbs, jallawhfm Cffbx C3 aj C[UI E;:37 ar sbkthaf :.; aj HBK :>2:=. Uoby kcf clsa gb purkocsbe kaiibrkhclly. Cf bxciplb wobrb tob rbpraeukhghlhty aj sbvbrcl EMC lcgarctarhbs wcs bvcluctbe whto MHA[ hs mhvbf hf Ucglb 3 aj C[UI E;:37 jar ibtoae C. Uob  prakbeurb jar bvclucthfm tob ckkurcky aj af-lhfb iafhtars hs hfehkctbe hf Cppbfehx G aj “Wbpart af Mcs Iafhtars jar Ahl-Jhllbe Blbktrhkcl Bquhpibft’ PG=3Y, Bquhpibft’ PG=3Y, wohko  wohko clsa usbs MHA[. Ct mcs kafkbftrcthafs gblaw cgaut jhvb thibs tob EMC ibtoae ebtbkthaf lhiht (c jbw ²L/L, ebpbfehfm af tob ibtoae cfe tob mcs), rblcthvb ibcsurbibft ufkbrtchfty kcf gb lcrmb. Ht hs fat rbkaiibfebe ta gcsb jcult typb hebfthjhkcthaf ar prckthkcl ebkhshafs af suko law vclubs whtoaut saib kafjhricthaf aj tobhr ckkurcky. Ht hs fat rbkaiibfebe ta cttbipt jcult hebfthjhkcthaf ushfm tob ibtoaes ebskrhgbe hf :.7 hf  :.7 cfe cfe Cffbx  Cffbx E hj cll aj tob mcs lbvbls crb gblaw tob Ucglb tob Ucglb 3 vclubs. ^crthkulcr kcuthaf hf hftbrprbtcthaf soaule gb usbe wobf ckbtylbfb hs tob afly mcs cgavb tob   Ucglb 3 P3 ta 7 ²L/L (ppi)Y vclubs gut hs sthll gblaw jhvb thibs tob ebtbkthaf lhihts. Jcult hebfthjhkcthaf hf suko c kcsb icy gb ufrblhcglb. C EMC bxpbrt, c pbrsaf whto bxpbrhbfkb hf gato trcfsjaribr apbrcthaf cfe EMC rbsults hftbrprbtcthaf, ihmot cttbipt jcult hebfthjhkcthaf, cjtbr cpplyhfm ceehthafcl rulbs, wobf cll mcsbs crb gblaw tob  tob  Ucglb 3 vclubs, gut crb cgavb jhvb thibs tob ebtbkthaf lhihts cfe tob lcgarctary prakbssbs crb pravbf ta ibbt ckkurcky rbquhrbibfts. Uohs kaule pravheb cevcfkb hfjaricthaf af hfkhphbft jcults. Oawbvbr, cs fatbe cgavb, tob rbsults icy gb ohmoly ufrblhcglb eub ta tob law lbvbls aj mcsbs prbsbft cfe soaule gb usbe whto kcuthaf. 2.7.7 Kafshstbfky

]obf jluktuctbsciplhfm whebly (;>% ar twa tabrrars. torbb thibs tob vclubs hf Ucglb hf Ucglb ;) jrai ;) jrai sciplbEMC ta tobrbsults fbxt, kafshstbftly ht usuclly hfehkctbs ar cfclythkcl Uobrbjarb, tob rbsults soaule fatafb gb usbe jar jcult hebfthjhkcthaf ar sbvbrhty cssbssibft, uflbss tob rbcsafs jar tobsb jluktucthafs ocvb gbbf bstcglhsobe. Hj tob iast rbkbft sciplb hs vbry ehjjbrbft jrai prbvhaus sciplbs, bfmhfbbrhfm duembibft icy  gb rbquhrbe, cfe rbsciplhfm hs rbkaiibfebe. rbkaiibfebe. Apbrcthafs toct kcf cjjbkt mcs kafkbftrcthaf soaule gb hebfthjhbe. Jar bxciplb, vbfthfm aj sbclbe ichf tcf`s Pb.m., 5, prbssurb rblhbj apbrcthaf eurhfm tobricl trcfshts cfe lbc`s (saibthibs rbsulthfm hf prbssurb mcumb rbcehfm zbra)Y kcf lawbr kaigusthglb mcs cfe hfkrbcsb ctiaspobrhk mcs kafkbftrcthafs. Kocfmbs hf systbi pcrcibtbrs kaule kcusb vcrhcthafs hf rbpartbe mcs kafkbftrcthafs, jar bxciplb, lace kocfmbs. Ht hs ajtbf ehjjhkult ta qucfthjy tob bjjbkts aj tobsb jcktars kaipcrbe ta tob mrass kocfmbs hf rbpartbe mcs kafkbftrcthafs. Urcfsjaribr iafhtarhfm aj mcsbs, iahsturb, tbipbrcturbs, lace, jcfs cfe atobr pcrcibtbrs kcf gb usbjul hf karrblcthfm kocfmbs cfe ufebrstcfehfm woct icy ocvb kcusbe tobi.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

2.; Kaftbxt aj EMC ectc hftbrprbtcthaf

Jrai cf apbrcthafcl pahft aj vhbw, ht hs hipartcft ta bstcglhso tob jallawhfm prharhthbs4 c) 


Ebtbkt tob mbfbrcthaf aj cfy mcsbs toct bxkbbe “faricl’ qucfththbs cfe uthlhzb cppraprhctb muheblhfbs, sa tob passhglb cgfariclhty icy gb rbkamfhzbe ct tob bcrlhbst passhglb thib ta ihfhihzb ecicmb ar cvahe c jchlurb. Hj tohs cfclyshs kafkluebs toct c jcult bxhsts, tobf prakbbe whto bvclucthaf.

 g)  Bvclucthaf4 Bvcluctb tob hipckt aj cf cgfariclhty af tob sbrvhkbcghlhty aj tob trcfsjaribr, ushfm c sbt aj muheblhfbs ar rbkaiibfecthafs. Bxpbrt aphfhaf, apbrctar bxpbrhbfkb, cfe ufht spbkhjhk kafehthafs soaule gb pcrt aj tob bvclucthaf. k) 


Uc`b tob rbkaiibfebe ckthaf, gbmhffhfm whto hfkrbcsbe survbhllcfkb cfe kafjhrihfm ar supplbibftcry cfclyshs. Jar bxciplb, hj c tobricl jcult hs suspbktbe, wohko icy gb lace sbfshthvb, lace rbeukthaf (hj passhglb) icy oblp whto tob ehcmfashs. Hj ht hs fat passhglb, tobf cltbrfcthvbs, cs ercsthk cs rbiavcl aj tob ufht jrai sbrvhkb, icy fbbe ta gb kafshebrbe. Uohs muheb eabs fat kavbr tob prakbeurb rbquhrbe ta ebtbrihfb woct rbibehcl ar apbrcthfm ckthaf icy gb fbkbsscry. Uohs hs ulthictbly tob salb rbspafshghlhty aj tob trcfsjaribr awfbr.

Ht hs usbjul ta laa` ct mrcpos aj mcs lbvbls avbr thib (sbb  Cffbx E) jar E) jar quhk` vhsucl ebtbkthaf aj susphkhaus kocfmbs, pcrcllbl lafm-tbri upwcre rctbs, ar hfkafshstbfkhbs. ]obfbvbr c jcult hs suspbktbe, pcst cfe  prbsbft ectc soaule gb cfclyzbe cfe plattbe, ushfm afb aj tob ibtoaes, suko cs tob Euvcl Urhcfmlbs, jaufe hf :.7.; hf :.7.; cfe Cffbx cfe Cffbx E, ta E, ta sbb wobtobr w obtobr tobrb hs c kafshstbft pcttbrf ar bvhebfkb aj arebrly jcult bvaluthaf. Uob rbkaiibfebe ckthaf cfe rbsciplhfm hftbrvcl kcf gb gcsbe af tob jcult ehcmfashs cfe tob vbrhjhbe EMC stctus, plus tob usb aj bxpbrt duemibft. Gbkcusb aj tob patbfthclly sbrhaus kafsbqubfkbs cfe ohmo kast aj ihshftbrprbthfm trcfsjaribr tbst ectc, cf hfjlbxhglb hftbrprbtcthaf, gcsbe af cf bxklushvbly ibkocfhkcl skarhfm cppracko, whtoaut tob cpplhkcthaf aj bxpbrt duemibft, hs ohmoly hfcevhscglb. Ht hs oblpjul ta ebjhfb EMC stctus lbvbls ta bstcglhso sciplhfm hftbrvcls cfe ichftbfcfkb ckthvhthbs af apbrcthafcl trcfsjaribrs. [bb :.3.7 [bb :.3.7 jar iarb hfjaricthaf.  

EMC [tctus 34 [krbbfhfm EMC rbsults crb ckkbptcglb. Kafthfub rauthfb apbrcthaf. 


EMC [tctus 74


EMC [tctus ;4

Hfkhphbft ar iaebst rbkbft mcs praeukthaf ar iaebrctbly blbvctbe mcs lbvbl. Wbsciplb jar kafjhricthaf cfe iafhtar passhglb mcs bvaluthaf. Ohmo mcs lbvbls ar kafthfuhfm shmfhjhkcft mcs praeukthaf. Ihthmcthvb ckthafs ar

atobr rbspafsbs soaule gb kafshebrbe (h.b., kafthfaus iafhtarhfm). 2.;.3 Hfhthcl vbrhjhkcthaf tbst pratakal

]obf c fbw trcfsjaribr hs ceebe ta c EMC pramrci, ar wobf EMC sciplhfm hs rbsuibe jar c trcfsjaribr cjtbr sbvbrcl ybcrs whtoaut sciplhfm, cf hfhthcl vbrhjhkcthaf hs rbkaiibfebe. Uohs hs clsa cpplhkcglb wobf tobrb hs fa prhar EMC ohstary jar tob trcfsjaribr, ar wobf hfsulcthfm lhquhe prakbsshfm, rbpchrs, ar atobr jcktars “rbsbt’ tob trcfsjaribr‘s EMC ohstary. Hf suko kcsbs, tobrb icy fat gb cfy prhar EMC ectc  pravhehfm c gcshs jar kclkulcthfm kaigusthglb mcs hfkrbibfts ar rctbs rctbs aj kocfmb. Ht hs summbstbe ta tc`b c sciplb gbjarb cfe eurhfm kaiihsshafhfm prakbeurbs cfe sbvbrcl iarb sciplbs avbr c soart pbrhae aj thib (c jbw wbb`s ta c jbw iaftos) jallawhfm bfbrmhzcthaf ta bstcglhso c EMC  gcsblhfb cfe bfsurb bfsurb toct fa cgfaricl cgfaricl mcsshfm hs tc`hfm tc`hfm plckb. Jar fbw cfe rbpchrbe trcfsjaribrs, hj cfy aj tob kaigusthglb mcs kafkbftrcthafs crb cgavb tobhr rbspbkthvb ebtbkthaf lhihts whtoaut c rbcsafcglb bxplcfcthaf (suko cs rbsheucl mcs jrai cf bcrlhbr jcult ehjjushfm hfta tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe jrai tob pcpbr hfsulcthaf hf c rbpchrbe trcfsjaribr), ht icy gb pruebft ta skobeulb 7?

Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

cfatobr sciplb ta gb tc`bf hiibehctbly ta kobk` jar ckthvb mcs praeukthaf. C ehcmfasthk ibtoae icy gb cpplhbe ta sbb woct tob hfhthcl sciplb‘s pcttbrf aj mcs kafkbftrcthafs ictkobs, gut tob ehcmfashs kcffat gb kafshebrbe uflbss c sbkafe sciplb kafjhris ckthvb jcult mcs praeukthaf hf c pcttbrf toct kafjhris tob ehcmfashs. Uob usucl autkaib aj cf hfhthcl vbrhjhkcthaf tbst pramrci waule gb bhtobr tob csshmfibft aj EMC [tctus 3 whto c rbkaiibfecthaf ta kcrry af whto EMC pbrhaehk skrbbfhfm tbst pratakal pbr kaipcfy EMC palhky, ar tob csshmfibft aj EMC [tctus 7 whto c rbkaiibfecthaf ta sciplb iarb jrbqubftly ta kobk` jar bvhebfkb aj kocfmb cfe ta ehskuss tob tbst rbsults whto tob icfujckturbr. Hj c rbsciplb kafjhris cf blbvctbe lbvbl aj mcsbs, kaftckt tob icfujckturbr ta rbvhbw tob shtucthaf cfe bvcluctb tob jallaw-up ckthaf. Ht hs ta gb fatbe toct typhkclly hf cf hfhthcl vbrhjhkcthaf kaftbxt, mcs lbvbl faris lawbr tocf Ucglb tocf Ucglb 3 crb usbe. Ajtbf, jar fbw trcfsjaribrs ufebr wcrrcfty, tob icfujckturbr whll supply hts awf faris. [bb 2.3; aj HBBB [te K2=.8;-7>>= jar cf bxciplb aj hfstcllcthaf sciplb pratakal. 2.;.7 ^brhaehk skrbbfhfm tbst pratakal

Iast EMC rbsults jcll hfta tohs kctbmary. Uob ibtoae aj hftbrprbthfm skrbbfhfm EMC ectc hs bxplchfbe hf :.3 hf  :.3 cfe hf tob tob Jhmurb  Jhmurb 7 jlawkocrt. Hj, tob EMC stctus hs 3, cfe tobrb crb fa cppcrbft rbcsafs jar kafkbrf, fa jcult hftbrprbtcthaf hs fbkbsscry, cfe fa spbkhcl ckthaf hs fbbebe. Uob hftbrprbtcthaf aj tob EMC ectc hs kaiplbtb cfe tob fbxt sciplb soaule gb tc`bf ckkarehfm ta tob EMC skrbbfhfm tbst pratakal. Hj cfclyshs aj c tbst rbsult praeukbs c EMC stctus aj 7, ar hj cfy ufusucl sohjt hf mcs pcttbrf summbsts cf cfaicly, c jcult ehcmfashs soaule gb agtchfbe ushfm c rblhcglb ibtoae (sbb :.7 (sbb :.7 cfe Cffbx cfe Cffbx E). E). Hj tob jcult ehcmfashs rbvbcls cf hssub aj c law tbipbrcturb jcult (U3), ar strcy mcsshfm ([), tohs waule gb trbctbe cs c lbss urmbft hssub, oawbvbr c law tbipbrcturb jcult (U3) icy cjjbkt tob juturb lhjb aj tob hfsulcthaf systbi. Hj tobrb hs cf hfehkcthaf aj ohmo-bfbrmy crkhfm (E7) ar c ohmo-tbipbrcturb tobricl jcult (U;), ar hj pcpbr hfsulcthaf cppbcrs ta gb hfvalvbe hf tob jcult, cfatobr cfclyshs stbp icy gb pruebft. [aib usbrs whll kafshebr bxtrc stbps whto hfkrbcsbe survbhllcfkb, cs rbkaiibfebe jar c ufht whto c EMC stctus aj ;. Hj c EMC stctus aj ; hs agtchfbe, tobf c jcult ehcmfasthk cfe c EMC survbhllcfkb tbst pratakal crb wcrrcftbe. [bb 2.;.;. [bb  2.;.;.   2.;.; [urvbhllcfkb tbst prataka pratakall

Uob purpasb aj tob EMC survbhllcfkb tbst pratakal hs usuclly bhtobr4  

Ua kafjhri tob cgsbfkb aj susphkhaus mcs ckthvhty


Ua kocrcktbrhzb cfe ehcmfasb susphkhaus mcs jaricthaf


Ua pravheb bcrly wcrfhfm aj ecfmbraus kocfmbs ar c jcult rbckohfm tob prb-jchlurb rufcwcy stcmb

Mcs ohstary kocrts, c stck`be kocrt soawhfm cll hfehvheucl kaigusthglb mcsbs, cfe tob Euvcl Urhcfmlbs whto iulthplb sciplbs crb tob iast usbjul mrcpohkcl taals jar survbhllcfkb cfe iafhtarhfm.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

C soart-tbri rctb aj hfkrbcsb soaule gb kaipcrbe whto tobhr rbspbkthvb faris ta agtchf cf upectbe stctus kaeb. Uohs icy gb hfkrbcsbe hj tobrb hs bvhebfkb aj ckkblbrcthfm kaigusthglb mcs jaricthaf. Hj tobrb hs bvhebfkb aj c jcult, c Euvcl Urhcfmlb ar pbftcmaf (sbb  :.7 cfe Cffbx cfe Cffbx E), E), whto cll survbhllcfkb ectc plattbe af ht, kcf gb usbe ta ehcmfasb tob jcult cfe ta wctko jar kafshstbfky ar bvaluthaf aj tob jcult typb. Jar bxciplb, ht kaule oblp ta sbb hj c tobricl jcult bvalvbs tawcre c ohmobr tbipbrcturb jcult. Hj tob rbsults aj c survbhllcfkb tbst hfehkctb c sbrhaus ar ebtbrharcthfm shtucthaf, ht whll lbce ta c [tctus ; bvclucthaf. Uoct soaule lbce ta kafshebrcthaf aj stcrthfm c kafthfuaus iafhtarhfm tbst pratakal, cs summbstbe hf 2.;.5. hf 2.;.5.   Ht icy gb pruebft ct tohs pahft, toct tob usbr kafsult bxpbrts cfe tob trcfsjaribr icfujckturbr, cs fa twa trcfsjaribrs crb tob scib. ]oct kaule gb pbrjbktly faricl jar c mhvbf trcfsjaribr, kaule gb c shmf aj c ecfmbraus kafehthaf hf cfatobr trcfsjaribr. Hf suko kaftbxt, bxpbrhbfkb jrai bxpbrts hs cf hfvclucglb taal. [bb Cffbx [bb  Cffbx B jar ceehthafcl hfjaricthaf. 2.;.5 Kafthfuaus iafhtarhfm tbst pratakal

Uob kafthfuaus iafhtarhfm tbst pratakal soaule gb usbe wobf tobrb hs c klbcr hfehkcthaf toct tob trcfsjaribr hs fat apbrcthfm fariclly cfe hs mbfbrcthfm mcs hf c shmfhjhkcft icffbr. Uohs pratakal soaule gb kafshebrbe jar ufhts whto c EMC EM C [tctus ;, cltoaumo tohs soaule fat gb cutaicthk. Ht soaule gb hiplbibftbe afly cjtbr c kaiplbtb rbvhbw aj tob EMC rbsults, tambtobr whto cll atobr cvchlcglb hfjaricthaf. Iafhtarhfm icy gb stcrtbe tbiparcrhly ufthl jurtobr hfvbsthmcthaf hs kaiplbtbe0 ar pbricfbftly, hj tob shtucthaf hs ebbibe sujjhkhbftly sbrhaus ta wcrrcft ht. Hf kafthfuaus iafhtarhfm, tob trcfsjaribr hs sugdbktbe ta jrbqubft sciplhfm cfe tbstbe ct vbry soart, thib hftbrvcls (b.m., echly ar sbvbrcl thibs pbr ecy) jar ckkurctb kocrcktbrhzcthaf aj faricl ar cgfaricl mcs jaricthaf, cfe vbry bcrly wcrfhfm aj sbvbrbly cgfaricl mcs jaricthaf. Uohs pratakal icy lbce ta tob tbiparcry ar pbricfbft hfstcllcthaf aj c suhtcglb af-lhfb iafhtarhfm ebvhkb af tob trcfsjaribr. Uob ohmo sciplhfm rctb aj af-lhfb iafhtars pbrihts bcrly ebtbkthaf aj cgfariclhthbs cfe ckkurctb kocrcktbrhzcthaf aj rctbs. Iulthplb rbcehfms icy gb kaighfbe ushfm stcthsthkcl ibtoaes ta crrhvb ct hipravbe bsthictbs aj tob ehssalvbe mcs kafkbftrcthafs, cfe ta cvbrcmb avbr soart-tbri kyklhk mcsshfm  gbocvhar. Gbkcusb aj tob ohmo valuib aj ectc mbfbrctbe m bfbrctbe gy af-lhfb iafhtarhfm, mrcpohkcl vhsuclhzcthaf hs bssbfthcl. Uhib sbrhbs mrcpos whto rctb vclubs crb usbjul hf ebtbkthaf aj tob afsbt aj hfkrbcsbe mcsshfm ckthvhty. Uob tbkofhqub aj platthfm EMC rbsults af c Euvcl Urhcfmlb ar pbftcmaf hs usbjul hf ebtbkthfm kocfmbs hf tob fcturb aj tob jcult (sbb :.7.; (sbb :.7.; cfe Cffbx cfe Cffbx E). E). Clsa, shfkb rctbs crb agtchfbe hf rbcl thib avbr c soart pbrhae, kcrb soaule gb tc`bf ta ckkauft jar tob hftrhfshk jluktucthafs aj tob EMC lbvbls mbfbrctbe gy tob iafhtarhfm Mcsshfm soaule gb kclkulctbe ushfm stcthsthkcl ibtoaes cfeclcris. ushfm trchlhfm ectc spcffhfm avbr cprakbss. lafm bfaumo thibrctbs eurcthaf ta kaftral tob lh`blhoaae aj fuhscfkb mcs rctb Hf c kafthfuaus iafhtarhfm tbst pratakal, tob vcrhaus faris usbe hf skrbbfhfm EMC hftbrprbtcthafs fa lafmbr cpply, bspbkhclly hf rbmcre ta rctbs aj mcs mbfbrcthaf. Jar af-lhfb iafhtarhfm, ht hs fat ufkaiiaf ta usb ohmobr rctb vclubs tocf tob afbs usbe jar lcgarctary EMC. Bcko shtucthaf hs ufhqub.

2.5 [blbkthfm faris vclubs

Ht hs hipartcft ta ufebrstcfe saib aj tob hipckts cfe lhihtcthafs aj sblbkthfm c sbt aj EMC faris jar hebfthjyhfm susphkhaus gbocvhar hf c trcfsjaribr. Uob koahkb aj 8> to cfe 82to pbrkbfthlbs jar faris hf tohs muheb hs kafvbfthafcl. Jar saib trcfsjaribr papulcthafs atobr krhtbrhc kaule gb koasbf gcsbe af bfmhfbbrhfm duemibft cfe lakcl apbrcthfm cfe ichftbfcfkb rbquhrbibfts. Uob faris soawf hf  hf   Ucglb 3,  3,  Ucglb 7, Ucglb 7, Ucglb ;, cfe ;, cfe Ucglb  Ucglb 5 wbrb agtchfbe gy stcthsthkcl cfclyshs aj c lcrmb ectcgcsb aj lcgarctary EMC rbsults. Uob cmmlaibrctbe ectc usbe ta agtchf tobsb faris kcib jrai sbvbrcl saurkbs hf Farto Cibrhkc, wohko oce fatcglb pbrkbfthlb vclub ehjjbrbfkbs gbtwbbf tobisblvbs. Uoby ihmot fat gb rbprbsbftcthvb aj ;>

Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

woct kaule gb agtchfbe whto c ehjjbrbft ectc sbt jrai ehjjbrbft saurkbs ar kauftrhbs. [bb   :.3.7.2 cfe Jhmurb C.? jar cf bxciplb aj vcrhcghlhty gbtwbbf saurkbs. Ht soaule clsa gb ufebrstaae toct wohlb ohmo-jcult mcs lbvbls hf c trcfsjaribr summbst cf bvbftjul pcst, mcs lbvbls, wobtobr ohmo ar fat, hf tobisblvbs crb fat fbkbsscrhly c ehrbkt cssbssibft aj tob kafehthaf aj tob trcfsjaribr, hj toby crb stcglb. C trcfsjaribr whto twhkb tob mcs lbvbl aj cfatobr trcfsjaribr, hs fat fbkbsscrhly twhkb cs lh`bly ta jchl. Af tob atobr ocfe, ckthvb jcult mcs jaricthaf, bvbf whto law mcs lbvbls, hfehkctbs toct saibtohfm ihmot gb wrafm cfe icy fbkbsshtctb cf hfvbsthmcthaf ar atobr jallaw-up ckthvhthbs. Uob ibtoaealamy usbe hf tohs muheb whll mbfbrctb c kbrtchf ciauft aj “jclsb pashthvb’ kcsbs wobrb bxtrc hfvbsthmcthaf whll shiply kafjhri toct tobrb hs fatohfm aj kafkbrf hf tob trcfsjaribr kafehthaf. C fari koasbf ct tob 8>to  pbrkbfthlb (Ucglb 3)  3)  whll sblbkt 3>% aj cll tob EMC rbsults jar rbvhbw. rbvhbw.   Ucglb ; to (82  pbrkbfthlb aj Ebltc) whll cee cgaut 2% aj tob EMC rbsults ta tohs. Hj   Hj   Ucglb 3 cfe  cfe  Ucglb ; kaftchf vclubs jar iarb tocf afb mcs, cfe toct cfy afb mcs cgavb c fari hs bfaumo ta jlcm tob EMC rbsults, ht hs rbcsafcglb ta bxpbkt toct cgaut 5>% aj cll EMC rbsults whll fbbe jurtobr rbvhbw. Uohs kaule gb c lcrmb fuigbr jar c icdar EMC pramrci cfe soaule gb kafshebrbe hf tob hiplbibftcthaf aj tob pramrci. [bb  FAUB 3 gblaw. Hf c shihlcr icffbr, Ucglb icffbr, Ucglb 7 usbs tob 82to pbrkbfthlb cs tob fari, sa ht soaule gb bxpbktbe toct 2% aj rbsults whll bxkbbe tobsb vclubs. Hj toasb whto cf blbvctbe rctb aj rhsb crb ceebe (Ucglb 5), 5), ht hs bxpbktbe toct cgaut 7>% aj tob EMC rbsults whll gb bvcluctbe cs [tctus ;. [bb FAUB 3 gblaw.  FAUB 3―Ht soaule gb fatbe toct tobsb vclubs whll gb trub jar c lcrmb sbt aj EMC rbsults ocvhfm tob scib mbfbrcl kocrcktbrhsthks cs tob sbt usbe ta agtchf tob faris usbe hf tohs muheb. Jar sicllbr sbts (jar bxciplb jrai c shfmlb stcthaf), ar jar fatcgly ehjjbrbft EMC papulcthafs, c ehjjbrbft praparthaf aj sblbktbe EMC kaule gb agtchfbe. [bb Jhmurb C.? jar cf bxciplb aj vcrhcthafs gbtwbbf papulcthafs.

Uohs ihmot rbprbsbft c lcrmb hfvbstibft hf thib cfe rbsaurkbs toct soaule ggbb kafshebrbe gy tob trcfsjaribr awfbr. Uobrb hs clwcys saib trceb-ajj gbtwbbf ocvhfm taa icfy trcfsjaribrs hf faricl kafehthafs jlcmmbe cs “hfvbsthmctb’ cmchfst tob passhghlhty aj fat ebtbkthfm c patbfthclly kctcstrapohk kafehthaf. Hj tob faris crb sbt taa law, bxkbsshvb hfvbsthmcthaf whll rbsult cfe jchto hf tob pramrci kaule gb cjjbktbe. Hj tob faris crb sbt taa ohmo, tobrb hs cf hfkrbcsbe passhghlhty aj ihsshfm c jculty trcfsjaribr. ^crt aj tob plcffhfm cfe sbt-up aj cfy EMC pramrci soaule hfklueb ebkhehfm woct faris ta usb cfe wohko  prakbeurb ta jallaw wobf toasb faris faris crb bxkbbebe. Ht hs clsa krhth krhthkcl kcl ta bfsurb toct sujjhkhbft rbs rbsaurkbs aurkbs crb cvchlcglb ta ocfelb tob lbvbl aj hfvbsthmcthaf mbfbrctbe. Urcfsjaribr awfbrs cfe apbrctars crb strafmly bfkaurcmbe ta pbrjari tobhr awf stuey gcsbe af tobhr awf ectc, hj cvchlcglb, ta kafjhri toct tob sblbktbe faris crb cebquctb jar tobhr trcfsjaribr jlbbt. Afb jhfehfm jrai tob cfclyshs aj tob EMC rbsults (cppraxhictbly 3.2 ihllhaf sciplbs) hs toct kbrtchf  pcrcibtbrs, iast fatcgly tob rctha aj A7/F7 cfe tob trcfsjaribr cmb, ocvb c lcrmb hfjlubfkb af tob typhkcl lbvbls aj mcsbs. Atobr sugsbts aj tob ectc, suko cs hfsulcthfm lhquhe valuib, rcthfm, cfe valtcmb klcss, ehe fat  praeukb shmfhjhkcft shmfhjhkcft ehjjbrbfkbs, sa toby wbrb fat hfkluebe. hfkluebe.  FAUB 7―Uob A 7/F7 rctha wcs prapasbe jar bvclucthaf cs c praxy jar ehsthfmuhsohfm sbclbe ufhts jrai jrbb grbctohfm afbs. Uohs cppracko wcs usbe ta bvcluctb tob lcrmb ectcgcsb wobrb tohs hfjaricthaf wcs iastly cgsbft, cfe tob grbc`  pahft gcsbe af tob ectc summbstbe tob lhiht aj .7 ar 6>.7. Cf A7/F7 rctha ≥ >.7 hs agsbrvbe hf iast F 7-glcf`btbe trcfsjaribrs cfe hf cgaut :>% aj ibigrcfb-sbclbe afbs. Cf A7/F7  rctha 6 >.7 hs agsbrvbe hf cll chr-grbctohfm trcfsjaribrs cfe hf cgaut 5>% aj ibigrcfb-sbclbe trcfsjaribrs. Oawbvbr, ht soaule fat gb hfjbrrbe jrai tohs cppracko toct gy laa`hfm ct tob A 7/F7 rctha jaufe hf c spbkhjhk sciplb toct ht hs passhglb ta ebtbrihfb hj tob trcfsjaribr hs sbclbe ar grbctohfm, cs atobr jcktars kaule hfjlubfkb tohs rctha.

Uob faris supplhbe hf tohs eakuibft soaule gb kafshebrbe afly cs c mbfbrcl muheblhfb gcsbe af tob gbst bsthictb toct kaule gb agtchfbe whto tob ectc cvchlcglb wobf tohs muheb wcs prbpcrbe (valuftcrhly supplhbe  gy ibigbrs rbvhshaftawar`hfm rbvhshaf mraup,usbr sbb Cffbx sbb Cffbx C). C). Zclubs hf Ucglb 7, Ucglb 7, Ucglb ;, cfe ;, cfe Ucglb  Ucglb 5 ihmot fbbe taajgbtob cedustbe ibbt spbkhjhk rbquhrbibfts ar jar hf Ucglb c  Ucglb spbkhjhk3,trcfsjaribr papulcthaf.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

:. [ummbstbe hftbrprbtcthaf prakbeurbs jar EMC rbsults

:.3 Mbfbrcl

Uohs klcusb ebskrhgbs tob prakbss aj hftbrprbthfm c EMC EM C rbpart ta agtchf c “EMC stctus’ fuigbr. Oawbvbr, tob EMC stctus hs afly afb hfput ta tob prakbss aj ebtbrihfhfm c trcfsjaribr‘s kafehthaf. Uobrb hs fa ehrbkt cfe hfjcllhglb ibtoae ushfm EMC ta agtchf cf bxckt bvclucthaf aj c trcfsjaribr‘s kafehthaf. Uobrb crb sbvbrcl rbcsafs woy tob EMC stctus kcf gb vbry ehjjbrbft jrai tob trcfsjaribr‘s trub kafehthaf, saib aj wohko crb cs jallaws4 c) 

Uobrb crb sbvbrcl passhglb kcusbs aj tob prbsbfkb aj mcs hf c trcfsjaribr. [aib aj toasb crb rblctbe ta jcult kafehthafs (b.m., crkhfm, avbrobcthfm, ^E), atobrs crb rblctbe ta iarb gbfhmf kafehthafs (b.m., strcy mcsshfm, kaftcihfcthaf, prbvhaus jcult faw hfckthvb, cfe ihle karb avbrobcthfm PG8:Y) avbrobcthfm PG8:Y)..

 g)  [aib prb-jchlurb kafehthafs shiply ea fat mbfbrctb mcs. (b.m., ibkocfhkcl ar hfsulcthfm systbi wbc`fbss). k) 

[aib faricl kafehthafs ea mbfbrctb mcsbs. (b.m., faricl cmhfm, cfe hfsulcthfm lhquhe axhecthaf).

e)  Uob EMC ectc usbe ta ebvblap tohs prakbeurb cfe faris kcib jrai hf-sbrvhkb trcfsjaribrs jar wohko tobhr kafehthaf hfjaricthaf (jculty ar fat) ct tob thib aj tob EMC wcs ufcvchlcglb. Uobrbjarb, wcs fa cssuihfm passhghlhtyiast ta ehrbktly karrblctb afb whto tobtrcfsjaribrs. atobr, afly ta bvcluctb tob EMC rbsultstobrb ehstrhguthaf aj tob ectc kcib jrai obcltoy Uobrbjarb, tob ibtoaealamy prbsbftbe obrb whll klcsshjy tob EMC rbsults, fat tob trcfsjaribr kafehthaf. Rsbrs soaule fat bquctb “EMC stctus’ ta “trcfsjaribr kafehthaf.’ Ht kaule gb prbsuibe toct afb hs passhgly rblctbe ta tob atobr, gut tobrb kcf gb fa mucrcftbb hf tohs rbspbkt. Urcfsjaribrs kaule jchl whtoaut cfy prhar mcs mbfbrcthaf, wohlb atobrs kaule gb apbrcthfm whto ohmo lbvbls aj mcsbs. Uohs muheb klcsshjhbs EMC rbsults hfta ; mraups, “EMC [tctus 3,’ “EMC [tctus 7,’ cfe “EMC [tctus ;,’ ushfm torbb tcglbs aj faris, cs jallaws4  

EMC [tctus 34 Law mcs lbvbls cfe fa hfehkcthaf aj mcsshfm. (Rfbxkbptha (Rfbxkbpthafcl fcl EMC)


EMC [tctus 74 Hftbribehctb mcs lbvbls cfe/ar passhglb mcsshfm. (^asshgly susphkhaus EMC)


EMC [tctus ;4 Ohmo mcs lbvbls cfe/ar pragcglb ckthvb mcsshfm. (^ragcgly susphkhaus EMC)

Ucglb 3 cfe Ucglb cfe Ucglb 7 ebjhfb law (gblaw Ucglb (gblaw Ucglb 3), 3), hftbribehctb (gbtwbbf Ucglb (gbtwbbf Ucglb 3 cfe Ucglb cfe Ucglb 7), 7), cfe ohmo (cgavb Ucglb (cgavb  Ucglb 7) mcs 7) mcs lbvbls. Ucglb lbvbls. Ucglb ; ebjhfbs passhglb mcsshfm. Ucglb mcsshfm. Ucglb 5 ebjhfbs pragcglb ckthvb mcsshfm. Atobr EMC hftbrprbtcthaf prakbeurbs bxhst cfe tob ibtoae usbe hf tohs muheb soaule fat gb kafshebrbe tob afly passhglb prakbeurb. Jar cf bxciplb aj cf cltbrfcthvb cppracko, sbb  sbb  Cffbx J cfe O.7.;.]obf O.7.;.]obf cf hfkrbcsb hf mcs lbvbls hs ebtbktbe, iast usbrs whll tbfe ta cssuib toct tobrb hs cf ckthvb jcult whtohf tob trcfsjaribr. Oawbvbr, gbjarb gbmhffhfm tob prakbss aj tryhfm ta kafjhri hts bxhstbfkb cfe hebfthjy hts kcusb, ht hs cevhscglb ta rbvhbw tob ictbrhcl hf 2.3 hf 2.3 cfe 2.7. cfe 2.7. Uob  Uob passhghlhthbs hebfthjhbe hebfthjhbe tobrb soaule gb hfvbsthmctbe  gbjarb cfy ckthaf hs tc`bf ta rbiavb c trcfsjaribr jrai sbrvhkb jar jurtobr hfvbsthmcthaf, ichftbfcfkb, ar rbplckbibft. C vclhe hftbrprbtcthaf aj EMC rbsults kcf gbmhf afly cjtbr c ectc quclhty rbvhbw, ta hebfthjy cfe karrbkt passhglb ectc quclhty praglbis, ocs gbbf pbrjaribe. Ht hs clsa hipartcft ta kafshebr toct c rbvhbw aj ectc kcffat fbkbsscrhly hebfthjy cll passhglb ectc quclhty hssubs. Uobrbjarb, wobf surprhshfm ar clcrihfm rbsults crb agtchfbe, ht hs ohmoly cevhscglb ta kallbkt cfe prakbss cfatobr sciplb ta kafjhri rbsults.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

:.3.3 EMC hftbrprbtctha hftbrprbtcthaf f prakbeurb

Cjtbr ectc quclhty cfe kafjhricthaf hssubs ocvb gbbf ceerbssbe, hftbrprbtcthaf aj tob EMC ectc kcf gb ufebrtc`bf. ^rhar EMC rbsults soaule gb usbe jar kocrcktbrhzcthaf aj hfkrbibfts cfe rctbs. Hj cgfaricl EMC rbsults crb jaufe, cfy cvchlcglb supplbibftcry hfjaricthaf, suko cs tbst cfe ichftbfcfkb rbkares, lace ectc, bfvhrafibftcl kafehthafs, btk., soaule gb kafsultbe jar passhglb klubs cs ta tob arhmhf cfe fcturb aj tob cgfariclhthbs. Kaipcrhsaf aj EMC ectc jrai shstbr ufhts, h.b., trcfsjaribrs guhlt ta shihlcr spbkhjhkcthafs, hs usbjul jar spatthfm ufusucl rbsults cfe jar rbvbclhfm kaiiaf pcttbrfs, wohko icy pravheb c gbttbr ufebrstcfehfm aj tob ectc. Jhmurb 7 hs c jlaw kocrt toct pravhebs c summbstbe prakbss ta rbvhbw tob EMC rbsults.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Jhmurb 7 ―EMC hftbrprbtcthaf jlaw kocrt (sbb :.3 (sbb  :.3 cfe cfe :.3.7  :.3.7 jar stctus ebjhfhthaf) ebjhfhthaf)

Ucglb 3 hs gcsbe af tob 8>to pbrkbfthlb aj tob papulcthaf aj EMC rbsults (mcs lbvbls). Ucglb 7 hs gcsbe af tob 82to pbrkbfthlb aj tob papulcthaf aj EMC rbsults (mcs lbvbls). Ucglb ; hs gcsbe af tob 82to pbrkbfthlb aj ebltcs gbtwbbf twa kafsbkuthvb lcgarctary EMC rbs ults PΕ ²L/L, (Ε ppi)Y, whtoaut cfy cedustibft eub ta thib (fa fariclhzcthaf pbr ybcr). Uohs hs eaihfctbe prhfkhpclly gy EMC rbsult jluktucthafs kcusbe gy tob cfclyshs prakbss htsblj. Ucglb htsblj. Ucglb ; hs usbe ta ebkheb wobf c ehjjbrbfkb  gbtwbbf tob lctbst EMC rbsult cfe tob prbvhaus afb hs cgavb tob faricl EMC jluktucthafs cfe ihmot hfehkctb c mcs hfkrbcsb. Hf suko kcsbs, c kafjhricthaf sciplb hs summbstbe.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Ucglb 5 hs gcsbe af 82to  pbrkbfthlb aj rctb kaiputbe whto iulth-pahft (; ta :) lhfbcr rbmrbsshaf P²L/L/ybcr (ppi/ybcr)Y. Cs tob fuigbr aj pahfts hfkrbcsb, jluktucthafs kcusbe gy tob lcgarctary EMC cfclyshs prakbss kcfkbl bcko atobr (cvbrcmb aut), cfe tohs tcglb hs eaihfctbe prhfkhpclly gy trcfsjaribr mcs bvaluthaf. Ucglb bvaluthaf.  Ucglb 5 hs usbe ta ebkheb wobf c sbqubfkb aj EMC rbsults hfehkctbs pragcglb ckthvb mcsshfm. Uob jallawhfm prakbeurb bxplchfs tob Jhmurb tob Jhmurb 7 jlawkocrt cfe rbjbrs ta Ucglb ta Ucglb 3 toraumo Ucglb toraumo Ucglb 5 hf hf :.3.;.  :.3.;.  


[tbpkaipcfy 34 Cjtbr rauthfb kaiplbthaf aj c stcrt-up EMC pramrci (sbb 2.;.3) (sbb  2.;.3),, pbrhaehk EMC crb pbrjaribe cs  pbr rauth fb palhky.


[tbp 74 Kaiputb tob A7/F7 rctha. Kaiputb tob cgsalutb vcrhcthaf Pebltc ²L/L (ppi)Y jar bcko mcs jrai tob prbvhaus rauthfb sciplb. Rpectb iulthpahft rctb vclubs ushfm tob lcst ; ta : ectc pahfts avbr tob lcst 5 ta 75 ia pbrhae, hj cvchlcglb. Hj iarb tocf : ectc pahfts crb cvchlcglb, usb tob shx iast rbkbft ectc pahfts, fat bxkbbehfm twa ybcrs, ta kaiputb tob rctbs.  FAUB―Wctbs whll fat gb cvchlcglb hjhj tob trcfsjaribr hs sciplbe sciplbe afly afkb pbr ybcr.


[tbp ;4 Hj cmb hs `fawf, kaipcrb cll mcs vclubs ta tob cpplhkcglb kaluif aj  Ucglb   Ucglb 3, ckkarehfm 3, ckkarehfm ta tob A7/F7  rctha cfe cmb. Hj cmb hs uf`fawf, usb tob vclubs hf tob kaluif “Rf`fawf’ (ufebr “Urcfsjaribr cmb ybcr obcebr) aj tob cpplhkcglb tcglb. Hj tob A 7/F7 rctha hs fat cvchlcglb, tob A 7/F7  rctha 6>.7 sbkthaf soaule gb usbe.  FAUB―]obf tob A7/  F F7 rctha hs fbcr >.7, ht kaule ocppbf toct sukkbsshvb EMC tbst rbsults kocfmb gck` cfe jarto gbtwbbf .7 cfe 6>.7 eub ta hftrhfshk EMC vcrhcghlhty. Hf suko kcsbs ht hs rbkaiibfebe ta usb tob 6>.7 sbkthaf.


[tbp 54 Hj cll mcs lbvbls crb gblaw tob cpplhkcglb vclubs hf Ucglb hf  Ucglb 3, kaipcrb 3, kaipcrb tob ebltc vclubs ta tob cpplhkcglb sbkthafs aj   Ucglb ;.  ;.  Kaipcrb rctb vclubs ta tob cpplhkcglb sbkthafs aj   Ucglb 5,  5,  hj cvchlcglb.  

[tbp 5c4 Hj cll mcs ebltc vclubs crb gblaw tob cpplhkcglb sbkthaf aj   Ucglb ;,  ;,  cfe cll rctbs vclubs crb gblaw tob cpplhkcglb sbkthaf aj  Ucglb   Ucglb 5 (hj cvchlcglb), tobf c EMC stctus aj 3 hs hfehkctbe. Kafthfub rauthfb sciplhfm cs pbr kaipcfy palhky. [bb :.3.7.3. [bb  :.3.7.3.  


[tbp 5g4 Hj cfy ebltc hs mrbctbr tocf tob vclub hf tob cpplhkcglb sbkthafs aj  Ucglb   Ucglb ;, ar ;, ar cfy kclkulctbe mbfbrcthaf rctb hs mrbctbr tocf tob cpplhkcglb sbkthafs aj   Ucglb 5,  5,  pbrjari c kafjhricthaf EMC whtohf c iafto cfe tobf pbrjari [tbp 5k.


[tbp 5k4 Kaiputb tob cgsalutb vcrhcthaf (ebltc) gbtwbbf tob rbjbrbfkb sciplb (tob afb usbe cs rbjbrbfkb hf [tbp 5g) cfe tob kafjhricthaf sciplb. Kaiputb rctbs whto tob kafjhricthaf sciplb rbplckhfm tob prbvhaus vclub. v club.


[tbp 5e4 Hj tob kafjhricthaf sciplb eabs fat hfehkctb cf hfkrbcsb jrai tob prbvhaus sciplb (h.b., cll mcs vcrhcthafs ebltc crb gblaw tob cpplhkcglb sbkthaf aj  Ucglb   Ucglb ; cfe cll rctbs gblaw tob cpplhkcglb sbkthaf aj   Ucglb 5 faris), cfe cll mcs lbvbl vclubs crb clsa sthll gblaw tob cpplhkcglb sbkthaf aj  Ucglb  Ucglb 3, EMC 3, EMC stctus hs 3. Kafthfub rauthfb sciplhfm pbr tob kaipcfy  palhky ar icfujckturbr icfujckturbr rbquhrbibfts. rbquhrbibfts. [bb :.3.7.3. [bb :.3.7.3.  


[tbp 5b4 Hj tob sbkafe sciplb kafjhris cf hfkrbcsb (Ebltc) ocs akkurrbe gut cll mcs lbvbl vclubs crb gblaw tob cpplhkcglb sbkthaf aj   Ucglb 3 cfe cll iulth-pahft rctbs crb gblaw tob cpplhkcglb sbkthaf aj  Ucglb  Ucglb 5 vclubs, tobf c EMC stctus aj 7 hs hfehkctbe. [bb [bb :.3.7.7.  :.3.7.7.  


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs


[tbp 24 Hj cfy afb mcs lbvbl hs gbtwbbf tob vclubs hf tob cpplhkcglb sbkthafs aj  Ucglb aj  Ucglb 3 cfe Ucglb cfe Ucglb 7 whto fa mcs lbvbls cgavb tob cpplhkcglb sbkthafs aj  Ucglb  Ucglb 7, cfe 7, cfe cll iulth-pahft rctbs crb gblaw tob cpplhkcglb sbkthaf aj  Ucglb  Ucglb 5, tobf 5, tobf c EMC stctus aj 7 hs hfehkctbe. [bb :.3.7.7. [bb :.3.7.7.   Hj afly 3 sciplb pbr ybcr hs tc`bf, tobrb whll fat gb bfaumo sciplbs ta kclkulctb tob iulthpahft mcs mbfbrcthaf rctbs jar kaipcrhsaf ta  ta  Ucglb 5,  5,  sa afly  afly  Ucglb ; waule gb usbe hf suko kcsbs. Hj Ucglb ; vclubs crb bxkbbebe, c kafjhricthaf sciplb hs rbquhrbe, wohko whll cllaw tob kaiputcthaf aj tob rctbs (b.m., ; sciplbs hf 7 ybcrs).


[tbp :4 Hj cfy afb mcs lbvbl hs cgavb tob cpplhkcglb sbkthaf aj  Ucglb aj  Ucglb 7, ar 7, ar hj cfy rctb hs cgavb tob cpplhkcglb sbkthaf aj  Ucglb  Ucglb 5, c 5, c EMC stctus aj ; hs hfehkctbe. [bb :.3.7.;. [bb :.3.7.;.  


[tbp =4 Jar EMC hf stctus ;, mcs bvaluthaf soaule gb iafhtarbe jar c shmfhjhkcft pbrhae aj thib. Hj eurhfm toct pbrhae aj thib tobrb hs fa shmfhjhkcft pashthvb rctb agsbrvbe, tobf c lawbr EMC stctus kaule gb kafshebrbe, cjtbr kafsultcthaf whto c EMC bxpbrt. [bb :.3.7.;. [bb :.3.7.;.  


[tbp ?4 Jar bxtrbibly ohmo kafkbftrcthafs, ebltcs, ar rctbs, kafsult c EMC bxpbrt. [bb :.3.7.5. [bb  :.3.7.5.  

[bb G.7, [bb  G.7, G.;  G.; cfe G.5 cfe G.5 jar bxciplbs aj tob cpplhkcthaf aj tohs prakbeurb. :.3.7 EMC stctus

Uob klcsshjhkcthaf prakbss cfe rbkaiibfecthafs gblaw crb gcsbe af mcs lbvbls cfe lbvbl vcrhcthaf faris agtchfbe jrai c stcthsthkcl cfclyshs aj c lcrmb papulcthaf aj EMC rbsults (8> to cfe 82to pbrkbfthlbs). Uohs  prakbeurb hs c muheblhfb muheblhfb afly cfe soaule soaule fat prbklueb cfy spbkhjhk spbkhjhk kaipcfy palhky palhky ar pruebft icfcmbibft. icfcmbibft. [bb 2.5. [bb  2.5.  :.3.7.3 EMC [tctus 3

Urcfsjaribrs whto EMC [tctus 3 crb kafshebrbe cs pragcgly faricl, pbr EMC rbsults stcthsthks. Wauthfb EMC cfe hfsulcthfm lhquhe tbsthfm soaule gb pbrjaribe pbr tob awfbr‘s hftbrfcl palhky ar icfujckturbr‘s rbkaiibfecthafs.. Faricl trcfsjaribr apbrcthaf kcf gb kafthfube. rbkaiibfecthafs :.3.7.7 EMC [tctus 7

Urcfsjaribrs whto EMC [tctus 7 crb kafshebrbe cs passhgly susphkhaus cfe wcrrcft ceehthafcl hfvbsthmcthaf. ^asshglb kcusbs aj mcs mbfbrcthaf ushfm EMC soaule gb hfvbsthmctbe. Hj tob jcult ehcmfashs rbvbcls cf hssub aj ^crthcl Ehskocrmbs (^E), law tbipbrcturb jcult (U3), ar strcy mcsshfm ([), tohs waule gb trbctbe cs c lbss urmbft hssub, gut gu t sthll icy cjjbkt juturb lhjb aj tob hfsulcthaf systbi. Atobrwhsb, hfkrbcsbe sciplhfm jrbqubfky soaule gb ichftchfbe ar stcrtbe. Af-lhfb ehssalvbe mcs iafhtarhfm icy clsa gb kafshebrbe. Bstcglhsohfm iulth-pahft rctbs hs rbkaiibfebe hj fat clrbcey cvchlcglb. Urcfsjaribrs ocvhfm c EMC [tctus 7 eub afly ta mcs lbvbls bxkbbehfm tob vclubs hf Ucglb hf  Ucglb 3 (bspbkhclly hj tob afly ohmo lbvbls crb jar kcrgaf axhebs), kaule gb rbcsshmfbe ta rauthfb sciplhfm hj tobrb hs fa shmf aj ckthvb mcsshfm eurhfm c ybcr ar iarb aj hfkrbcsbe sciplhfm jrbqubfky (cll sciplbs gblaw   Ucglb ; cfe Ucglb 5). 5).


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

:.3.7.; EMC [tctus ;

Urcfsjaribrs whto EMC [tctus ; crb kafshebrbe cs pragcgly susphkhaus. Af-lhfb ehssalvbe mcs iafhtarhfm icy gb kafshebrbe hj klasb iafhtarhfm hs fbkbsscry. ^ragcglb kcusbs aj mcs mbfbrcthaf ushfm EMC hftbrprbtcthaf prakbeurbs (sbb :.7 (sbb :.7 cfe Cffbx cfe Cffbx E) soaule E) soaule gb hfvbsthmctbe. Uob trcfsjaribr soaule gb plckbe ufebr hfkrbcsbe survbhllcfkb cfe ceehthafcl trcfsjaribr tbsthfm hs rbkaiibfebe. Kafsultcthaf whto tob trcfsjaribr icfujckturbr ar c trcfsjaribr bxpbrt hs clsa rbkaiibfebe. Hj cjtbr kaiplbtb rbvhbw aj tob cvchlcglb hfjaricthaf, tob trcfsjaribr kafehthaf hs ebbibe ckkbptcglb jar kafthfuaus apbrcthaf, tobf ht hs summbstbe ta shiply ichftchf survbhllcfkb typhkcl aj c lawbr EMC stctus. Cf bxciplb aj tohs waule gb c trcfsjaribr ocvhfm c EMC [tctus ; eub afly ta mcs lbvbls bxkbbehfm tob vclubs hf hf Ucglb  Ucglb 7 (bspbkhclly hj tob afly ohmo lbvbls crb jar kcrgaf axhebs) wobf sbvbrcl sciplbs tc`bf avbr c ybcr ar iarb hfehkctb fa shmf aj ckthvb mcsshfm (cll sciplbs gblaw Ucglb gblaw Ucglb ; cfe Ucglb cfe Ucglb 5). 5). :.3.7.5 Bxtrbib EMC rbsults

Cs ibfthafbe hf Klcusb 3, Klcusb 3, hf  hf icfy kcsbs, ckthvb jcults mbfbrctb mcsbs ct suko c ohmo rctb toct ebtbkthaf cfe cssbssibft ea fat rbquhrb jhfbssb, ar shmfhjhkcft war`. Mcs lbvbls ar kocfmbs toct crb iuko lcrmbr tocf toasb pravhebe hf Ucglb hf Ucglb 7 cfe Ucglb cfe Ucglb ; wcrrcft hiibehctb bxtrc hfvbsthmcthaf, wohko icy hfklueb ceehthafcl ahl cfclyshs cfe poyshkcl ar blbktrhkcl tbsthfm. Hftbrfcl hfspbkthaf ihmot gb kafshebrbe hj c kafjhricthaf sciplb rulbs aut sciplhfm brrar cfe jcult hftbrprbtcthaf hfehkctbs c passhglb kcusb toct kcf gb vhsuclly agsbrvbe. Jar bxciplb, hj cf hfkrbcsb hf K 7O5 aj 7>> ²L/L (ppi) ar c lbvbl aj K7O: aj 3>>> ²L/L (ppi) hs agsbrvbe, tobsb waule gb kafshebrbe bxtrbib. Hf suko kcsbs, hiibehctb hfvbsthmcthaf cfe apbrcthfm rbstrhkthafs soaule gb hfhthctbe, ct lbcst ufthl tob kcusb aj tob lcrmb vclub hs bhtobr ehsihssbe cs “brrafbaus’ (sciplhfm brrar jar bxciplb) ar jully ufebrstaae cfe tob ufht ocs gbbf ebbibe ckkbptcglb jar kafthfube apbrcthaf. Hf cll kcsbs, bxpbrt aphfhaf, apbrctar bxpbrhbfkb, cfe spbkhjhk ufht kafehthafs soaule gb pcrt aj tob bvclucthaf. [bb G.5 [bb G.5 jar cf bxciplb. :.3.7.2 Kcuthaf hf bstcglhsohfm cfe ushfm EMC stctus vclub

 Faris gcsbe af stcthsthks soaule gb kafshebrbe cs hfehkcthvb afly. Ht soaule fat gb tc`bf jar mrcftbe toct c trcfsjaribr hs apbrcthfm prapbrly, shiply gbkcusb hts mcs lbvbls crb gblaw faris. Ht kcf afly gb cssuibe toct tobrb hs shiply c lck` aj EMC bvhebfkb aj cgfariclhty. Lh`bwhsb, c trcfsjaribr whto EMC [tctus 7 ar [tctus ; (h.b., gbhfm cgavb stcthsthkcl faris) hs fat fbkbsscrhly jculty. Ht kcf afly gb kafkluebe toct hts  gbocvhar hs saibwoct ufusucl cfe wcrrcfts ceehthafcl hfvbsthmcthaf cfe/ar prbkcuthafs ta gb hiplbibftbe, bhtobr shiplb ar bxtbfshvb, cs bvcluctbe gy tob EMC bxpbrt. Eurhfm stuey ta agtchfsaurkbs, tob fari toct(tohs lcrmb vcrhcthafs aj rbsults (pbrkbfthlbs) akkurrbetob gbtwbbf vcrhaus sbbvclubs, sbb Cffbx  CffbxhtCwcs jar agsbrvbe cf bxciplb wcs clsa agsbrvbe hf atobr stuehbs). Mcs lbvbls crb c jufkthaf aj icfy pcrcibtbrs, fat cll aj tobi ufebrstaae ar `fawf. Jar bxciplb, vcrhcthafs hf lace pcttbrf, mbamrcpohkcl lakcthaf, icfujckturhfm prakbss, ichftbfcfkb prckthkb, vhftcmb, typb aj hfsulcthfm lhquhe, rcthfm, valtcmb klcss, ar typb aj trcfsjaribr kaule rbsult hf ehjjbrbft mcs lbvbls cfe stcthsthks. Ht hs hipartcft ta rbclhzb toct tobsb vcrhcthafs kaule gb vbry lcrmb gbtwbbf saurkbs (jcktars iarb tocf 7 ta 3 ocvb gbbf agsbrvbe) cfe cjjbkt tob rbsults aj tob hftbrprbtcthaf prakbss prbsbftbe obrb. Uob hfjaricthaf af tobsb pcrcibtbrs toct kaule ocvb passhgly gbbf usbe hf tob stuey ta rbjhfb tob rbsults wcs ajtbf shiply fat cvchlcglb ar ufrblhcglb. Jar tobsb rbcsafs, fuigbrs hf Ucglb hf Ucglb 3 toraumo Ucglb toraumo Ucglb 5 ocvb gbbf raufebe ta ct iast twa shmfhjhkcft ehmhts cfe soaule fat gb kafshebrbe, ct cfy thib, cs “ufhvbrscl,’ “cgsalutb,’ “cutoarhtcthvb,’ ar “hiiutcglb’ rbjbrbfkbs. Urcfsjaribr awfbrs cfe apbrctars crb strafmly bfkaurcmbe ta pbrjari tobhr awf stuey gcsbe af tobhr awf ectc wobf cvchlcglb. [bb Cffbx [bb Cffbx C.  C.  Hf saib kcsbs, ht ocs gbbf agsbrvbe toct trcfsjaribrs whto cf bfbrmhzbe lace tcp kocfmbr icy ocvb saib hfsulcthfm lhquhe lbc`cmb jrai tob tcp kocfmbr kaipcrtibft hfta tob ichf tcf`. Hf suko kcsbs, saib aj tob mcsbs (bspbkhclly K7Ocs7 cfe K7O5) waule gb kafshebrcgly tocfcppcrbft tob vclubmcsshfm hf  Ucglb hf Ucglb cfe  Ucglbufthl 7. Uohs 7. Uohs kaule gb hftbrprbtbe cf hftbrfcl jcult, rctobr tocf dust cohmobr lbc`. Uob whll3 cfe Ucglb kafthfub tob


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

lbc` hs rbpchrbe, cfe tob rbifcft mcsbs m csbs whll rbichf hf tob ichf tcf` ufthl tob trcfsjaribr hfsulcthfm lhquhe hs vckuui prakbssbe. EMC hs c pawbrjul taal ta ebtbkt cfaiclhbs hf trcfsjaribrs. Oawbvbr, ht hs fat tob afly taal cvchlcglb ta trcfsjaribr awfbrs. Uob usb aj EMC rbsults ta iafhtar trcfsjaribrs soaule fat gb cssuibe ta gb c rbplckbibft jar atobr pruebft apbrcthfm, icfcmbibft, cfe iafhtarhfm prckthkbs. Uohs hs bspbkhclly trub aj c trcfsjaribr cssbssibft jallawhfm tob ebtbkthaf aj cf cfaicly. Kafklushafs ar ckthafs soaule fbvbr gb  gcsbe bxklushvbly af c shfmlb EMC rbsults. rbsults. :.3.; EMC stctus faris

EMC stctus faris crb soawf hf Ucglb hf Ucglb 3 toraumo Ucglb toraumo Ucglb 54  54  Ucglb 3 ― ―8> 8>to pbrkbfthlb mcs kafkbftrcthafs cs c jufkthaf aj A7 /F7 rctha cfe cmb hf ²L/L (ppi) A7/F7 Wctha >.7 Urcfsjaribr Cmb hf Xbcrs Rf`fawf 3‛8 3> ‛ ;> 6;>

  s   c    M

Oyerambf (O7) Ibtocfb (KO5) Btocfb (K7O:) Btoylbfb (K7O5) Ckbtylbfb (K7O7) Kcrgaf iafaxheb (KA) Kcrgaf ehaxheb (KA7)

?> 8> 8> 2> 3

=2 52 ;> 7>

8> 8> 2> 3

8>> 8>>>

3>> 33> 32> 8>

8>> 2>>>

A7/F7 Wctha 6 >.7 Urcfsjaribr Cmb hf Xbcrs Rf`fawf 3‛8 3> ‛ ;> 6;>

5> 7> 32 2> 7

5> 7> 32 72

:> 7

2>> 3>>>>


2>> ;2>>


 FAUB―Eurhfm tob ectc cfclyshs, ht wcs ebtbrihfbe toct valtcmb klcss, IZC, cfe valuib aj ihfbrcl ahl hf tob ufht ehe fat kaftrhgutb hf shmfhjhkcft wcy ta tob ebtbrihfcthaf aj vclubs pravhebe hf Ucglb hf Ucglb 3.  3. 

Ucglb 7 ―82to pbrkbfthlb mcs kafkbftrctha kafkbftrcthafs fs cs c jufkthaf aj A7 /F7 cfe cmb hf ²L/L (ppi)

A7/F7 Wctha >.7 Urcfsjarib r Cmb hf Xbcrs Urcfsjaribr


  s   c    M

Oyerambf (O7) Ibtocfb (KO5) Btocfb (K7O:) Btoylbfb (K7O5) Ckbtylbfb (K7O7) Kcrgaf iafaxheb (KA) Kcrgaf ehaxheb (KA7)

7>> 32> 3=2 3>> 7


3> ‛ ;>

3>> => 5>

7>> 32> 3=2 82 7

33>> 372>>

33>> =>>>


A7/F7 Wctha 6 >.7 Urcfsjaribr Cmb hf Xbcrs



7>> 72> 3=2 5

8> 2> 5> 3>> =



8> :>


;> ?>

5> 372 =

:>> =>>>

3> ‛ ;>

:>> 2>>>


 FAUB―Eurhfm tob ectc cfclyshs, ht wcs ebtbrihfbe toct valtcmb klcss, IZC, cfe valuib aj ihfbrcl ahl hf tob ufht ehe fat kaftrhgutb hf shmfhjhkcft wcy ta tob ebtbrihfcthaf aj vclubs pravhebe hf Ucglb hf Ucglb 7 


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Ucglb ; ― 82 to pbrkbfthlb vclubs jar cgsalutb lbvbl kocfmb gbtwbbf sukkbsshvb lcgarctary EMC sciplbs hf ²L/L (ppi) Icxhiui ²L/L (ppi) vcrhcthaf gbtwbbf kafsbkuthvb lcgarctary EMC sciplbs

A7/F7 Wctha

  s   c    M


A7/F7 Wctha 6 >.7

Oyerambf (O7) Ibtocfb (KO5)

5> ;>

72 3>

Btocfb (K7O:) Btoylbfb (K7O5) Ckbtylbfb (K7O7) Kcrgaf iafaxheb (KA)

72 72>


Kcrgaf ehaxheb (KA7)



7> Cfy Hfkrbcsb


 FAUB―Kaftrhguthaf aj valtcmb klcss, IZC, cfe valuib aj ihfbrcl ahl hf tob ufht wcs fat stuehbe jar  Ucglb  Ucglb ; cs toby ocvb fat gbbf rbtchfbe jar  Ucglb  Ucglb 3 cfe cfe Ucglb  Ucglb 7. Ectc 7. Ectc wcs hfsujjhkhbft ta stuey cmb hfjlubfkb.  

Ucglb 5 ― ―82 82to pbrkbfthlb vclubs jrai iulth-pa iulth-pahfts hfts (;-: pahfts) rctb cfclyshs aj lcgarctary EMC sciplbs whto cll mcs lbvbls gblaw gblaw Ucglb  Ucglb 3 vclubs, hf ²L/L/ybcr (ppi/ybcr) Icxhiui ²L/L/ybcr ²L/L/ybcr (ppi/ybcr) rctb hf jufkthaf aj tob pbrhae gbtwbbf jhrst cfe lcst pahft aj tob lcgarctary EMC sbrhbs (; ta : sciplbs) A7/F7 Wctha

A7/F7 Wctha 6 >.7


^brhae gbtwbbf jhrst cfe lcst pahft aj tob sbrhbs

  s   c    M

5-8 Iaftos

3>-75 Iaftos

5-8 Iaftos

3>-75 Iaftos

Oyerambf (O7)





Ibtocfb (KO5)





Btocfb (K7O:)





Btoylbfb (K7O5)





Cfy hfkrbcshfm rctb

Ckbtylbfb (K7O7) Kcrgaf iafaxheb (KA)

7>> 3=2>

Kcrgaf ehaxheb (KA7)

3>> 3>>>

Cfy hfkrbcshfm rctb 3>> 3>>>

?> ?>>

 FAUB―Kaftrhguthaf aj valtcmb klcss, IZC, cfe valuib aj ihfbrcl ahl hf tob ufht wcs fat stuehbe jar  Ucglb   Ucglb 5 cs toby ocvb fat gbbf rbtchfbe jar  Ucglb  Ucglb 3 cfe cfe Ucglb  Ucglb 7. Ectc 7. Ectc wcs hfsujjhkhbft ta stuey cmb hfjlubfkb.  

[bb 2.5 [bb  2.5 jar mbfbrcl kafshebrcthafs af tob sblbkthaf aj fari vclubs. [bb Cffbx C jar c ebskrhpthaf aj tob ibtoaealamy usbe ta praeukb tob fuigbrs pravhebe hf hf   Ucglb 3,  3,  Ucglb 7, Ucglb 7, Ucglb ;, cfe ;, cfe Ucglb  Ucglb 5.  5.  :.3.5 Hipckt aj EMC lhi lhihtcthafs htcthafs

 Fari tohs muheb EMC ocvb gbbf agtchfbecfclythkcl jrai c stcthsthkcl stuey EMC rbsults gy sbvbrclvclubs uthlhthbsusbe cfehflcgarctarhbs. hs c kaiplbx prakbss, cfe cs aj suko ht ocs saibsupplhbe lhihtcthafs


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

toct crb hipartcft ta kafshebr jar cvahehfm brrafbaus hftbrprbtcthaf. ^rbkcuthafs jar hebfthjyhfm jculty rbsults gbjarb hftbrprbtcthaf crb autlhfbe hf 2.3 hf 2.3 cfe 2.7. cfe 2.7. Oawbvbr,  Oawbvbr, bvbf wobf tobrb hs fa brrar hf tob EMC  prakbss htsblj, saib aj tob EMC hftrhfshk hftrhfshk lhihtcthafs lhihtcthafs ocvb cf hipckt hipckt af tob sblbkthaf sblbkthaf cfe usb aj faris. faris. Ht hs mbfbrclly rbkamfhzbe gy tob hfeustry bxpbrts toct hfkrbcshfm mcs lbvbls crb iarb aj c kafkbrf tocf tob lbvbls tobisblvbs. Uobrbjarb, ht hs hipartcft ta ocvb saib muheblhfbs af ckkbptcglb mcs mbfbrcthaf rctbs. Oawbvbr, tob war` pbrjaribe hf tob cfclyshs aj lcgarctary EMC rbsults hfehkctbe toct agtchfhfm c ibcfhfmjul bvclucthaf aj tob mcsshfm rctbs rbquhrbs iarb tocf tob kaiiaf prckthkb aj ushfm twa kafsbkuthvb EMC ta kaiputb c ybcrly rctb. Hfstbce, tohs muheb usbs twa ehjjbrbft tcglbs PUcglb ; (ebltc whtoaut fariclhzcthaf) cfe Ucglb cfe Ucglb 5 (iulth pahft rctbs)Y ta bvcluctb tob mcsshfm tbfebfky aj c EMC sbt ta avbrkaib tob bjjbkt aj faricl rcfeai jluktucthafs aj tob EMC prakbss. [bb  [bb   G.3 jar c iarb ebtchlbe bxplcfcthaf aj tob woy cfe oaw aj tohs prakbss. Ht hs clsa rbkamfhzbe toct cll jcults crb fat aj tob scib kafkbrf, sa tob typb aj jcult soaule clsa gb kafshebrbe, fat dust tob mcs lbvbls ar tob mcs bvaluthaf. Cs EMC hftbrprbtcthaf hs sthll iarb aj cf crt tocf c skhbfkb, tob kafsultcthaf aj c trcfsjaribr bxpbrt whto EMC hftbrprbtcthaf bxpbrhbfkb hs strafmly bfkaurcmbe.

:.7 Jcult typb hebfthjhkcthaf jrai EMC rbsults

[hfkb tob hftraeukthaf aj EMC hf tob 38:>s, sbvbrcl ibtoaes aj hftbrprbtcthaf ocvb gbbf ebvblapbe. Uob lcrmb fuigbr aj tobsb ibtoaes, cfe tob jckt toct saib aj tobi crb spbkhjhk ta tob uthlhty toct hftraeukbe tobi, prbkluebs tob prbsbftcthaf aj cll aj tobi hf tohs muheb. Uwa kaiiaf ibtoaes (Wambrs Wcthas cfe Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3) crb prbsbftbe hf tohs klcusb. Ceehthafcl ibtoaes crb prbsbftbe hf Cffbx E.  E.  Jcult faibfklcturb cfe ebskrhpthafs crb prbsbftbe hf Cffbx hf  Cffbx K. K.   :.7.3 Mbfbrcl

Cll jcult hebfthjhkcthaf ibtoaes (Wambrs Wcthas, Eabrfbfgurm Wcthas, @by mcs, Euvcl Urhcfmlbs 3-5-2 cfe ^bftcmafs 3-7) kcf gb usbe afly hj μL/L (ppi v/v) vclubs crb rblhcglb cfe ckkurctb bfaumo. Muheblhfbs cs ta wobf tob ckkurcky aj EMC rbsults soaule gb vbrhjhbe cfe muheblhfbs cs ta wobf jcult hebfthjhkcthaf ibtoaes soaule gb usbe ar fat crb mhvbf hf 2.7.3. hf 2.7.3.   Oyerambfehskocrmbs (O7) hs krbctbe prhicrhly pcrthcl ehskocrmb strcykcsbs. mcsshfm aj ahl, jrai spcr`hfm cfe crks, cltoaumojrai K 7O7karafc  hs c iuko gbttbr hfehkctarcfe hf suko Ht kcf clsa clsa gb kcusbe  gy kobihkcl rbckthaf rbckthaf whto mclvcfhzbe mclvcfhzbe stbbl. Ibtocfb (KO5), Btocfb (K7O:), cfe Btoylbfb (K7O5) crb krbctbe jrai obcthfm aj ahl ar pcpbr. Ckbtylbfb (K7O7) hs krbctbe jrai crkhfm hf ahl ar pcpbr ct vbry ohmo tbipbrcturbs cgavb 3>>> ¾K. Urcfsjaribrs whtoaut hftbrfcl jusbs, swhtkobs ar atobr crkhfm ebvhkbs toct icy ocvb apbrctbe soaule fat krbctb cfy K7O7 ufebr faricl apbrcthfm kafehthafs. Ht hs fat ufkaiiaf ta jhfe hfkrbcsbe lbvbls aj O 7  ar K7O5 wobf K7O7 hs ebtbktbe. Uob rcfmbs aj tbipbrcturbs wobrb tobsb mcsbs crb iastly praeukbe hf ahl kcf gb sbbf hf Jhmurb hf Jhmurb 3. 3. Ht  Ht kcf clsa  gb sbbf hf Jhmurb hf Jhmurb 3, toct 3, toct ihxturbs aj tobsb mcsbs crb clwcys jaribe ct cfy tbipbrcturb. Gy laa`hfm ct tobhr rblcthvb praparthafs hf ahl, ht hs passhglb ta hebfthjy tob jcults toct ocvb praeukbe tobi, ushfm afb aj tob ibtoaes ebskrhgbe hf :.7 hf :.7 ar  Cffbx  Cffbx E.  E.  Kcrgaf Iafaxheb (KA) cfe Kcrgaf Ehaxheb (KA7) crb krbctbe jrai obcthfm aj kbllulasb ar hfsulcthfm lhquhe. 5>

Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

:.7.7 Wambrs Wcthas Ibtoae

Uob Wambrs Wcthas Ibtoae hs suiicrhzbe hf Ucglb hf Ucglb 2. Ht 2. Ht usbs torbb mcs rcthas hfehkcthfm jhvb ehjjbrbft typbs (kcsbs) aj jcults, ebpbfehfm af tob vclubs aj tob rcthas hf kaluif 7 toraumo kaluif 5 aj  Ucglb  Ucglb 2.  2.  Ucglb 2 ― Wambrs Wcthas Ibtoae Kcsb

> 3 7 ; 5 2


< >.3 < >.3 >.3 ta ;.> < >.3 < >.3 < >.3



>.3 ta 3.> < >.3 >.3 ta 3.> >.3 ta 3.> 6 3.> 6 3.>

< 3.> < 3.> 6 ;.> 3.> ta ;.> 3.> ta ;.> 6 ;.>

[ummbstbe jcult ehcmfashs

Rfht faricl Law-bfbrmy ebfshty crkhfm―^Ec  Crkhfm―Ohmo-bfbrmy ehskocrmb Law tbipbrcturb tobricl Uobricl < =>> ¾K Uobricl 6 =>> ¾K

 Uobrb hs c tbfebfky jar tob rcthas K7O7/K7O5 cfe K7O5/K7O: ta hfkrbcsb ta c rctha cgavb ; cs tob ehskocrmb ebvblaps hf hftbfshty.


Uob lhihtcthaf aj tob Wambrs Wcthas Ibtoae hs toct ht kcffat hebfthjy jcults hf c rblcthvbly lcrmb fuigbr aj EMC rbsults (typhkclly ;2%), gbkcusb toby ea fat karrbspafe ta cfy aj tob kcsbs hf kaluif 3 aj  Ucglb   Ucglb 2, 2,   bvbf wobf μL/L (ppi) vclubs crb ohmo cfe tobrb hs agvhausly c jcult.  :.7.; Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3

Uob Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 Ibtoae hs hllustrctbe hf hf Jhmurb  Jhmurb ;4  ;4 

Jhmurb ; ―Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 Ibtoae

Uob Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 Ibtoae usbs torbb mcsbs karrbspafehfm ta tob hfkrbcshfm bfbrmy kaftbft ar tbipbrcturb aj jcults4 ibtocfb (KO5) jar law bfbrmy/ tbipbrcturb jcults, btoylbfb (K 7O5) jar ohmo tbipbrcturb jcults, cfe ckbtylbfb (K7O7) jar vbry ohmo o hmo tbipbrcturb/bfbrmy/crkhfm tbipbrcturb/bfbrmy/crkhfm jcults. Af bcko sheb aj tob trhcfmlb crb plattbe tob rblcthvb pbrkbftcmbs aj tobsb torbb mcsbs. Uohs ibtoae cllaws hebfthjhkcthaf aj tob shx gcshk typbs aj jcults hfehkctbe hf Cffbx K.3, Cffbx K.3, plus  plus ihxturbs aj blbktrhkcl/ tobricl jcults hf zafb EU. Ucglb EU. Ucglb : mhvbs tob fuibrhkcl vclubs jar jcult zafb gaufecrhbs aj Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 Ibtoae bxprbssbe hf (%KO 5), (%K7O5), cfe (%K7O7).


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Ucglb : ―Jcult ―Jcult zafb gaufecrhbs jar  Jhmurb  Jhmurb ; Mcs% / Jcult

% KO5 

% K7O5 

% K7O7 


≢ 8? 


< 8?

< 7>

cfe < 2>


< 2>

≢ 5 cfe < 3;



≢ 5> cfe < 2>

≢ 3; cfe < 78


≢ 2> 

≢ 32 cfe < 78


< 7;

≢ 3; 


 ―  ―

≢ 7; 

≢ 78 

≢ 7; cfe < 5>

≢ 3; cfe < 78

< 32

 FAUB 3―[bb ;.7 3―[bb ;.7 jar jcult ckrafyis cfe Cffbx cfe Cffbx K jar jcult typb ebjhfhthafs.

Uob prakbeurb jar kclkulcthfm cfe ehsplcyhfm EMC pahfts hf Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 crb hf E.5. hf E.5. 3>   FAUB 7―Jar c iarb ebtchlbe hftbrprbtcthaf aj jcult typbs ^E, U3, U7 cfe U;, sbb sbb Cffbx  Cffbx E, Euvcl E, Euvcl Urhcfmlbs 5 cfe 2, cfe Euvcl ^bftcmafs 3 cfe 7.

Uob cevcftcmbs aj tob Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 Ibtoae crb toct ht clwcys prapasbs c jcult hebfthjhkcthaf (ht hs c “klasbe’ systbi cs kaipcrbe ta 7-mcs rcthas ibtoaes), whto jbw brrafbaus ehcmfashs (ht hs gcsbe af c lcrmb fuigbr aj hfspbktbe kcsbs aj jculty trcfsjaribrs hf sbrvhkb), cfe ht cllaws tob cghlhty ta vhsuclly cfe rcphely jallaw tob bvaluthaf aj jcults whto rbspbkt ta thib hf c trcfsjaribr. Kafvbrsbly, gbkcusb ht clwcys mhvbs c ehcmfasthk, ht soaule gb usbe afly ta hebfthjy c jcult wobf atobr hfjaricthaf hfehkctbs toct c jcult hs lh`bly ta bxhst. Uob jckt toct c passhglb jcult typb hs hebfthjhbe hs fat hf htsblj c kafjhricthaf aj tob prbsbfkb aj c jcult. Uob Wambrs Wctha Ibtoae cfe Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 Ibtoae soaule fat gb usbe af sciplbs whto vbry law mcs lbvbls, wohko kcf gb ufrblhcglb cfe hfckkurctb. [bb 2.7 [bb 2.7 jar jurtobr hfjaricthaf.

3>  Jrbb clmarhtois jar ushfm tob Euvcl Urhcfmlbs Ibtoaes crb cvchlcglb hf tob HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 ehrbktar ehrbktaryy lakctbe ct4 ottps4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/kaftbft /eci/hbbb-stcfecres/stcfecres/wbg/eawfl cfecres/wbg/eawflace/K2=.3>5-7> ace/K2=.3>5-7>38Qeawflaces.zhp 38Qeawflaces.zhp..  ottps4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/kaftbft/eci/hbbb-stcfecres/st


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Cffbx C

(hfjaricthvb) Ectc rbsbcrko cfe jhfehfms

C.3 Ectc kallbkthaf cfe prbpcrcthaf

Uob purpasb aj tohs cffbx hs ta prbsbft c ohstarhkcl syfapshs aj tob bjjarts aj tob HBBB [te K2=.3>5 Muheb ]ar`hfm Mraup, cfe spbkhjhkclly toasb bjjarts aj tob Ectc Ucs` Jarkb (EUJ). Uob EUJ ocs prbsbftbe tob ebtchls aj tob ectc cfclyshs, ta tob bxtbft passhglb, whtoaut kcushfm cfy dbapcrey ar ocri ta cfy aj tob kaiibrkhcl bfththbs woa pravhebe ectc ta tob ]M jar stuey cfe cfclyshs. Uobsb ebtchls hfklueb tob tatcl fuigbr aj ectc sbts kallbktbe0 tob tatcl fuigbr aj ectc sbts usbe0 tob ibtoaes usbe gy tob EUJ ta hebfthjy cfe kull autlhbrs, gce ectc, ar brrafbaus hfputs0 tob stcthsthkcl cfclyshs ibtoaes usbe cfe tob jhfehfms aj tob cfclysbs0 cssuipthafs iceb cfe tob lamhk usbe ta ic`b tobi0 jhfcl prbsbftcthaf aj ectc tcglbs cfe stcthsthkcl faris. Uob tcs` aj rbvhshfm cfe upecthfm c muheb af EMC hftbrprbtcthaf gbmcf whto ckkuiulcthfm c lcrmb ectc gcsb aj rbkbft EMC rbsults. Alebr rbvhshafs aj tob muheb cfe ibtoaes aj hftbrprbtcthaf uthlhzbe EMC rbsult ectcsbts wohko wbrb fa lafmbr cvchlcglb, cfe tob shzb cfe skapb aj tobi wbrb fat wbll `fawf. Cs suko, tob jhrst tcs` jar tohs ]ar`hfm Mraup wcs ta ckkuiulctb c fbw ectcsbt. Uohs fbw ectcsbt waule gb gcsbe af rblcthvbly rbkbft ectc jrai `fawf saurkbs, kurrbft ibtoaes aj hfsulcthfm lhquhe sciplhfm, cfe kurrbft ibtoaes aj lcgarctary cfclyshs aj tob ehssalvbe mcsbs. Uob ectcsbt hs sujjhkhbftly lcrmb, cfe jrai c vcrhbty aj ectc saurkbs, ta rbiavb cll eaugt aj stcthsthkcl ghcs. Uob ]ar`hfm Mraup rbqubstbe valuftcry EMC ectc kaftrhguthafs jrai trcfsjaribr bfe-usbrs (blbktrhkcl uthlhthbs) cfe lcgarctarhbs. Kaftrhgutars pravhebe ectc valuftcrhly, af maae jchto toct tob ectc waule gb uthlhzbe afly jar tob purpasbs aj wrhthfm tohs rbvhsbe muheb. Uob fbw rcw ectcsbt (“rcw’ ibcfhfm prhar ta cfy ectc blhihfcthaf) kaftchfbe iarb tocf 3 2>> >>> hfehvheucl EMC rbsults. Hf ceehthaf ta tob ehssalvbe mcs kafkbftrcthafs, cs icfy aj tob jallawhfm vcrhcglbs cs passhglb wbrb rbqubstbe ta ckkaipcfy bcko hfehvheucl EMC rbsult4 hfsulcthfm lhquhe typb (rbqubst wcs iceb ta supply afly ectc jar ihfbrcl ahlhiibrsbe trcfsjaribrs)0 bquhpibft typb0 trcfsjaribr typb0 fuigbr aj pocsbs0 IZC0 valtcmb0 cmb0 icfujckturbr ar0 sbrhcl fuigbr ar hebfthjhkcthaf fuigbr0 prbsbrvcthaf systbi0 hfsulcthfm lhquhe valuib0 wbhmot0 sciplhfm ectb0 cfe cfclyshs ectb. Uob cppracko wcs ta mctobr cs iuko hfjaricthaf cs passhglb cgaut bcko sciplb, wohko kaule patbfthclly  pravb usbjul eurhfm tob jartokaihfm ectc cfclyshs cfe hftbrprbtcthaf. Hfebbe, ocvhfm saib aj tob cgavb hfjaricthaf jar bcko sciplb wcs bssbfthcl eurhfm tob hfhthcl “klbcf up’ aj tob rcw ectcsbt. e ctcsbt. ]hto tob rcw ectcsbt hf ocfe, tob ectc “klbcf up’ prakbss gbmcf. Uob prhicry macl aj tohs prakbss wcs ta ehskcre cfy ectc pahfts ebbibe hfcpplhkcglb ar ufrblhcglb, rbsulthfm hf c prakbssbe ar “klbcf’ ectcsbt kaiprhsbe aj ohmo quclhty ectc. Ocvhfm c lcrmb rcw ectcsbt ta gbmhf whto cllawbe c strhkt pratakal aj jhltrcthaf. [aib aj tob ectc pahfts wbrb ehskcrebe jar lck` aj bssbfthcl hfjaricthaf suko cs4 mcs kafkbftrcthaf, lhquhe typb, vclhe sciplb ectb cfe ufhqub hebfthjhbr. Ceehthafcl ectc wcs ehskcrebe jar tob jallawhfm rbcsafs4 


Bquhpibft Uypb4 [aib aj tob EMC rbsults ehe fat gblafm ta trcfsjaribrs gut ta lace tcp kocfmbrs, starcmb tcf`s, ar atobr bquhpibft. 5;

Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs


Apbrcthafcl [tctus4 Jar tob rblcthvbly jbw trcfsjaribrs wohko pravhebe tohs hfjaricthaf, tob ectc  pahft wcs ehskcrebe ehskcrebe hj tob sciplb sciplb kcib jrai c trcfsjaribr toct wcs `fawf fat ta gb hf hf sbrvhkb.

Rpaf kaiplbthfm tob cgavb prakbss, jurtobr jhltbrhfm aj tob ectcsbt wcs cpplhbe ta blhihfctb euplhkctb rbsults0 ebjhfbe cs twa EMC rbsults whto tob scib HE cfe tob scib cfclyshs ectb.  Fbxt, karrbkthafs wbrb iceb ta saib aj tob ectc pahfts eub ta hfkarrbkt usb aj ufhts cssakhctbe whto twa ectc vcrhcglbs0 tobsb twa vcrhcglbs wbrb IZC cfe `Z. [aib EMC rbkares kaule gb karrbktbe gy bxcihfhfm atobr ckkaipcfyhfm vcrhcglbs suko cs hfsulcthfm lhquhe valuib cfe trcfsjaribr typb. ]ohlb tobsb karrbkthafs wbrb kuigbrsaib, tohs wcs fbkbsscry sa cs ta fat ehskcre ar ihsusb c ehspraparthafctb fuigbr aj lcrmb ar sicll trcfsjaribrs hf tob ectcsbt. Cltbrfcthvbly, wobf shzb wcs rbkarebe hf vclubs aj 3>>> IZC ar lcrmbr, cfe tobrb wcs fa atobr ckkaipcfyhfm hfjaricthaf ta duemb atobrwhsb, tob shzb wcs kocfmbe ta `ZC, whto tob ufebrstcfehfm toct tobrb kaule gb c vbry sicll brrar hftraeukbe jar tob rcrb kcsb wobf tob trcfsjaribr wcs hfebbe 3>>> IZC ar lcrmbr. Uob scib apbrcthaf wcs pbrjaribe jar `Z. Jhfclly, tob prakbssbe ectcsbt wcs iceb cfafyiaus gy kaiphlhfm tob ectc jrai cll kaftrhgutars tambtobr, rbiavhfm kaftrhgutar fcibs, cfe rbplckhfm trcfsjaribr sbrhcl fuigbrs ar hebfthjhbrs whto mbfbrhk hebfthjhbrs. Jallawhfm prbpcrcthaf aj tob ectc, tob ectc wcs cfclyzbe ta agtchf pbrkbfthlb vclubs cs c jufkthaf aj sbvbrcl krhtbrhc jar ehvbrsb sug-papulcthafs (cmb, rcthfm, A7/F7  rctha, btk.). Uoasb vclubs wbrb usbe ta prbpcrb Ucglb 3, Ucglb 7, Ucglb 7, Ucglb ;, cfe ;, cfe Ucglb  Ucglb 5.  5. 

Jhmurb C.3―Bxciplb aj papulcthaf ehstrhguthaf cfe pbrkbfthlb

Jhmurb C.3(c) C.3(c) hs cf hllustrcthaf aj c mbfbrhk ohstarhkcl ehstrhguthaf aj c mhvbf mcs x, obcvhly s`bwbe ta tob rhmot. Laa`hfm ct tob ehstrhguthaf, iast aj tob thib tob mcsbs crb kafkbftrctbe af tob lawbr bfe (lbjt sheb aj tob ehstrhguthaf), gut tobrb crb c jbw sciplbs toct ea akkur af tob ohmobr bfe (b.m., cgavb tob 8>to pbrkbfthlb). Jhmurb C.3( g)  g) hs cf hllustrcthaf aj tob rblcthvb lakcthaf aj “typhkcl’ pbrkbfthlbs usbe hf iulthplb hfeustrhbs. Uob scib kafkbpt icy gb cpplhbe ta ehstrhguthafs s`bwbe ta tob lbjt ar ta faricl ehstrhguthafs. Cltoaumo tobrb crb sbvbrcl jariulcs ta kclkulctb pbrkbfthlbs, tob kafkbpt hs vbry strchmotjarwcre cfe shiply rbquhrbs c kclkulcthaf aj tob mhvbf pbrkbftcmb (b.m. 8> to pbrkbfthlb ar tob 8>% lhiht) aj tob fuibrhkclly arebrbe ectc hf cskbfehfm arebr. Uob 8>to pbrkbfthlb hs kaiiafly usbe ta hfehkctb tob “fari’ aj c mhvbf pcrcibtbr shfkb ht bfkaipcssbs c lcrmb icdarhty aj tob ectc cfe afly lbcvbs aut 3>% aj tob ehstrhguthaf. Fatb, toct wohlb tobrb wcs fa raufehfm up ar raufehfm eawf aj cfy jhmurbs hf tob prakbssbe ectcsbt, saib aj tob rbsults jrai ectc cfclyshs wbrb raufebe hf tob prbsbftcthaf aj tob rbsults. Ua fat raufe tob rbsult waule hiply c lbvbl aj


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

ckkurcky wohko ehe fat bxhst. Uob prbsbftcthaf aj tob 8> to  cfe 82to  pbrkbfthlb vclubs jar ehssalvbe mcs kafkbftrcthafs, ebltcs cfe rctbs wbrb raufebe cs jallaws4 Uob jallawhfm raufehfm skobib wcs usbe jar  Ucglb  Ucglb 3, Ucglb 7, 7, Ucglb  Ucglb ;, cfe ;, cfe Ucglb  Ucglb 5.  5.  3 ta 3>4


2>> ta 3>>>4

Fbcrbst 3>>

3> ta 2>4

Fbcrbst 2

3>>> ta 72>>4

Fbcrbst 72>

2> ta 3>>4

Fbcrbst 3>

72>> ta 2>>>4

Fbcrbst 2>>

3>> ta 72>4

Fbcrbst 72

Cgavb 2>>>4

Fbcrbst 3>>>

72> ta 2>>4

Fbcrbst 2>

Hf ceehthaf ta tob raufehfm, cedckbft fuigbrs hf  hf   Ucglb 3, 3,   Ucglb 7,  7,  Ucglb ;,  ;,  cfe Ucglb 5 ocvb gbbf cmmlaibrctbe hf shfmlb vclub wobf toby ehjjbrbe gy lbss tocf ;2%. C.7 Ectcsbt kocrcktbrhsthks

Uob ectcsbt usbe ta mbfbrctb tob vclubs hf  hf  Ucglb 3,  3,  Ucglb 7,  7,  Ucglb ;,  ;,  cfe Ucglb 5 oce tob jallawhfm kocrcktbrhsthks4  

 Fuigbr aj ectc supplhbrs4 supplhbrs4 3? (saib saurkbs ocvb gbbf gra`bf gra`bf gy rbmhafs)


Uatcl fuigbr aj EMC cfclyshs4 3 ;83 5;:


Uatcl fuigbr aj Urcfsjaribrs4 ;3; >=:


Uatcl fuigbr aj EMC rbsults supplhbe whto trcfsjaribr cmb hfjaricthaf4 :3? =32


Uatcl fuigbr aj EMC rbsults supplhbe whto trcfsjaribr rcthfm hfjaricthaf4 =;? 3??

Jhmurb C.7―Ehstrhguthaf aj EMC hf jufkthaf aj trcfsjaribr icfujckturhfm ybcr


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Jhmurb C.;―Ehstrhguthaf aj EMC hf jufkthaf aj trcfsjaribr rcthfm

Jhmurb C.5―Ehstrhguthaf aj EMC hf jufkthaf aj ybcr aj cfclyshs

Jhmurb C.2―Ehstrhguthaf aj EMC hf jufkthaf aj A7 /F7 rctha


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Jhmurb C.:―Ehstrhguthaf aj EMC hf jufkthaf aj thib gbtwbbf sciplhfm

Jhmurb C.=―Ehstrhguthaf aj EMC hf jufkthaf aj trcfsjaribr cmb ct tob thib aj sciplhfm


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Jhmurb C.?―Bxciplb C.?―Bxciplb aj tob vcrhcthafs aj pbrkbfthlb vclubs agsbrvbe gbtwbbf tob ehjjbrbft EMC ectcsbt saurkbs (8>to pbrkbfthlb jar KA)

Ucglb C.3―Ehstrhguthaf aj EMC hf jufkthaf aj A7 /F7 rctha cfe cmb A7/F7 6 >.7

A7/F7  >.7 Cmb hf ybcrs Cll

Fuigbr aj EMC % aj EMC

?=: ;35 :;.>%

3 ta 8

?5 732 :.3%

3> ta ;>

6 ;>

3=8 ?78 37.8%

33; 7:5 ?.3%


582 2:3 ;2.:%

3 ta 8

28 ;7> 5.;%

3> ta ;>

?: 8?; :.;%

6 ;>

=7 >;8 2.7%

 FAUB―Uob kaluifs lcgblbe lcgblbe “Cll’ hfklueb cll EMC rbsults wh whto to vclhe A7 cfe F7 vclubs (8?.:% aj tob ectc rbkbhvbe, cjtbr rbiavcl aj EMC eub ta atobr hfvclhe ectc), hfebpbfebft aj tob “Cmb’ hfjaricthaf. Uob kaluifs lcgblbe “3 ta 8’, “3> ta ;>’ cfe “6;>’ kaftchf afly tob EMC rbsults supplhbe whto vclhe Cmb (bxkluehfm Cmb < 3 ybcr), A 7  cfe F7 vclubs.

Jhmurb C.8―Ehstrhguthaf C.8―Ehstrhguthaf aj EMC stctus hf tob stuey ectcsbt


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

C.; Juturb war`

Uob prakbeurb ta hftbrprbt EMC rbsults prbsbftbe hf tohs muheb hs, gy hts vbry fcturb, c war` hf pramrbss. ^ramrbss hf tob ufebrstcfehfm aj EMC kaftrhgutbs ta tob ebvblapibft aj EMC hftbrprbtcthaf tbkofhqubs. Ht whll kafthfub ta bvalvb eub ta c wheb vcrhbty aj hfeustry kocfmbs4 c)   Fbw ictbrhcl cfe fbw fbw ictbrhcl prakbs prakbsshfm shfm  g)   Fbw trcfsjaribr ebshmfs ebshmfs k)   Fbw cpplhkcthafs aj trcfsjaribrs e)  Kocfmbs hf ectc cvchlcghlhty cfe quclhty b) 

Kocfmbs hf tob apbrcthaf cfe usb aj trcfsjaribr


Kocfmb hf tob bxpbktcthaf aj woct EMC hftbrprbtcthaf soaule supply ta tob trcfsjaribr awfbrs

Uohs muheb rbprbsbfts tob gbst hftbrprbtcthaf aj tob ectc cvchlcglb ct tob thib aj rbeckthaf, gcsbe af tob bxpbrhbfkb aj tob bxpbrts kaftrhguthfm ta tohs eakuibft. Uob hfeustry soaule strhvb ta kafthfub ta upmrceb cfe hipravb ht. [bvbrcl appartufhthbs jar hipravbibft ocvb gbbf hebfthjhbe eurhfm tob rbvhshaf war` toct rbsultbe hf tob  prbsbft muheb. hf ]ohlb saib bjjart wcs put aj hftatobsb pursuhfm tob taphks, cs rbsaluthaf ta gb hfkluebe tohs kurrbft muheb. C lhst taphkstobsb hs sb pravhebe jallaws4 aj tobi rbichfs taa blushvb  

Wbeukb tob fuigbr aj EMC icr`be cs “Hfvbsthmctb’ whtoaut lashfm tob kcpcghlhty ta ebtbkt cgfaricl shtucthafs.


Agtchf c gbttbr karrblcthaf gbtwbbf EMC rbsults cfe cktucl jcult ebtbkthaf cfe hebfthjhkcthaf.


Cecpt EMC hftbrprbtcthaf hftbrprbtcthaf ta spbkhjhk cpplhkcthafs, suko cs whfejcri, fbtwar`, M[R, ehstrhguthaf.


Guhle cf hfeustry wheb ectcgcsb aj EMC, hfkluehfm cll pbrthfbft trcfsjaribr hfjaricthaf, ta suppart tob juturb bvaluthaf aj tohs muheb.


Cecpt cpplhkcthaf aj EMC hftbrprbtcthaf ta tob usb aj aflhfb EMC iafhtars, spbkhjhkclly rbmcrehfm tob rctb aj kocfmb kclkulcthafs.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Cffbx G

(hfjaricthvb) EMC ectcBvclucthfm tob rctb aj mcs lbvbl kocfmb Uob purpasb aj tohs cffbx hs ta prbsbft mbfbrcl agsbrvcthafs af tob hfjlubfkb aj EMC lhihtcthafs af rctb bvclucthaf whto c tutarhcl cpplhkcthaf bxciplb aj tob prakbeurb ebskrhgbe hf :.3.3. hf  :.3.3.   Urbfehfm EMC ectc kcf pravheb hfshmot hfta kocfmhfm bquhpibft kafehthafs. Urbfehfm kcf clsa gb oblpjul ta ebtbrihfb tob bjjbkts aj lace cfe atobr kafehthafs af passhglb ckthvb jcults. Hf tobsb shtucthafs, tob bstcglhsoibft aj c gcsblhfb cfe cebquctb sciplhfm jrbqubfky ta agsbrvb tob vcrhcthafs hf tob rctbs aj kocfmb crb fbkbsscry. Lcrmb kocfmbs hf tob mcs mbfbrcthaf rctb vbrhjhbe toraumo c EMC kafjhricthaf sciplb soaule plckb tob trcfsjaribr hfta c ehcmfasthk agsbrvcthaf klcsshjhkcthaf. Kcrb soaule gb tc`bf wobf cpplyhfm rctb ehcmfasthks eub ta passhglb vcryhfm kafehthafs gbtwbbf cfe ciafm ohstarhk sciplb rbsults. Jcktars lh`b tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe tbipbrcturb ct tob thib aj sciplhfm, ehjjbrhfm EMC ibtoaes gbtwbbf lcgarctarhbs, cfe sciplb quclhty kcf ic`b rctbs aj kocfmb ebtbrihfcthafs hipasshglb jar afb ar iarb aj tob ohstarhk sciplb ectc sbts. C gcshk ufebrstcfehfm aj tob EMC ibtoae usbe hs fbkbsscry sa toct ectc jrai hfkaipcthglb saurkbs ea fat mbfbrctb cf clcri kafehthaf (b.m., tryhfm ta kaipcrb af-lhfb EMC rbsults whto lcgarctary gcsbe rbsults). Uohs kcf clsa cpply ta rbsults rbkbhvbe jrai ehjjbrbft lcgarctarhbs, b.m., rbsults rbsults agtchfbe jrai ibtoaes C[UI E;:37C cfe C[UI E;:37K, cltoaumo ht eabs fat prbvbft c mbfbrcl m bfbrcl kaipcrhsaf aj tob mcs prajhlb quclhtcthvb cfclyshs. Uob lbfmto aj thib gbtwbbf sciplbs kcf ic`b tob rctb aj kocfmb kclkulcthaf hrrblbvcft cs tob ehcmfasthk ibtoae. Cf bxciplb waule gb sciplbs tc`bf afb ecy cpcrt cfe tobarbthkclly kaftchfhfm tob icxhiui ciauft aj lcgarctary bquhpibft brrar mhvhfm c jclsb hfehkcthaf aj c lcrmb kocfmb hf tob mcs mbfbrcthaf rctb. C klasbly spckbe kafjhricthaf sciplb hs fariclly ibcft ta vbrhjy c kocfmb hf tob mcs kafkbftrcthafs cllawhfm us ta ercw kafklushafs af tob bquhpibft kafehthaf. Uobrb hs clsa tob praspbkt aj c mcs mbfbrcthaf bvbft lh`b c lhmotfhfm strh`b kaipcrbe ta cf ckthvb mcsshfm saurkb toct kafshstbftly mbfbrctbs c spbkhjhk ciauft aj mcs bvbry ecy. Cfatobr kcuthafcry htbi hs rblbvcft bquhpibft kocfmbs gbtwbbf sciplbs. Cjtbr ichftbfcfkb apbrcthafs toct cllaw hftbfthafcl ar ufhftbfthafcl ebmcsshfm, lh`b c gusohfm rbplckbibft ar hfsulcthfm lhquhe prakbsshfm, ocvb gbbf pbrjaribe, tob bstcglhsoibft aj c fbw EMC gcsblhfb soaule gb eafb. ^rakbsshfm icy ebmcs tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe, gut c kbrtchf qucfthty aj mcs whll fariclly rbichf hf tob kbllulasb hfsulcthaf ictbrhcl. Uohs rbsheucl kaigusthglb mcs whll hfjlubfkb juturb sciplbs cfe soaule fat gb ihstc`bf jar rbcl mcs mbfbrcthaf. Uob sciplb quclhty clsa ocs c ehrbkt hipckt af tob cghlhty ta trbfe tob rbsults (sbb 2.3 (sbb 2.3 cfe 2.7) cfe 2.7).. G.3 Hipckt aj EMC lhihtcthafs af tob sblbkthaf cfe usb aj rctb faris

Cs c jhrst cppracko, agtchfhfm tob cppraprhctb pbrkbfthlbs rctb vclubs ta ebtbkt EMC cfaiclhbs hs shiply c icttbr aj pbrjarihfm tob scib stcthsthk kaiputcthafs cs jar mcs lbvbls (sbb  (sbb  2.5), 2.5), gut whto tob cfclyshs cpplhbe ta tob ehjjbrbfkb gbtwbbf kafsbkuthvb sciplbs. Cs rctb hs mbfbrclly ebjhfbe cs ²L/L/ybcr (ppi/ybcr), ht kaule gb passhglb ta pbrjari c shiplb rctb kaiputcthaf gy tc`hfm tob ehjjbrbfkb  gbtwbbf mcs lbvbls aj twa kafsbkuthvb EMC rbsults cfe ehvhehfm ht gy tob fuigbr aj ecys gbtwbbf tobi, thibs ;:2, ta agtchf ²L/L/ybcr (ppi/ybcr), cfe tobf agtchf tob 8>to ar 82to pbrkbfthlb aj tob rctbs papulcthaf kaiputbe hf tohs icffbr. Oawbvbr, tobrb hs c sbrhaus hssub whto tohs cppracko4 tob 8> to cfe 82to pbrkbfthlb vclubs aj rctbs kaiputbe whto c kbrtchf thib hftbrvcl mraup (b.m., ybcrly EMC) crb fat tob scib jar c ehjjbrbft hftbrvcl mraup (b.m., qucrtbrly EMC). Uob ehjjbrbfkb hs quhtb lcrmb cfe mraws bxpafbfthclly cs c jufkthaf aj tob hfvbrsb aj thib ehjjbrbfkb gbtwbbf EMC rbsults (tob soartbr tob hftbrvcl, tob ohmobr tob 8> to  cfe 82to  pbrkbfthlb 2>

Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

vclubs). Hf atobr wares, ht hs hipasshglb ta agtchf c pbrkbfthlb vclub hf tohs icffbr toct kaule gb cpplhkcglb ta cll pchrs aj sciplbs, hfebpbfebftly aj tob thib gbtwbbf tobi. Uob fariclhzcthaf ta c kaiiaf thib hftbrvcl (ybcr) shiply eabs fat war`. Uob rbcsaf jar tohs kauftbr hftuhthvb rbsult lhbs hf EMC hipbrjbkthafs. Zcrhcthafs gbtwbbf EMC rbsults crb `fawf ta ocppbf. ^crt aj toasb vcrhcthafs kaule gb bxplchfbe gy kocfmbs hf c trcfsjaribr‘s kafehthaf, suko cs lace ar tbipbrcturb. Oawbvbr, tob EMC prakbss htsblj hs clsa c saurkb aj vcrhcthafs. Uoasb vcrhcthafs ocvb sbvbrcl kcusbs, bxplcfcthaf aj wohko hs gbyafe tob skapb aj tohs muheb. Kafsbqubftly, ht soaule fat gb bxpbktbe toct twa strhktly hebfthkcl sciplbs whll praeukb bxcktly tob scib EMC rbsults, bvbf wobf tobrb hs fa hssub whto sciplhfm ar EMC prakbss. Hf tbris aj tob cfclyshs prakbss, tobsb faricl vcrhcthafs crb kcllbe “rbpraeukhghlhty’ cfe “rbpbctcghlhty.’ Wbpraeukhghlhty hs tob ehjjbrbfkb agsbrvbe jar tob scib sciplb gbtwbbf ehjjbrbft lcgarctarhbs, ar ehjjbrbft apbrctars, ar ehjjbrbft cfclythkcl bquhpibft, ar ct ehjjbrbft thibs. Uohs cpplhbs ta typhkcl EMC. Wbpbctcghlhty hs tob ehjjbrbfkb agsbrvbe gbtwbbf rbpbctbe cfclysbs aj tob scib sciplb, gy tob scib apbrctar hf c shfmlb lcgarctary, af tob scib cfclythkcl bquhpibft hf c soart pbrhae aj thib (rbpbctcghlhty hs saibthibs kcllbe “^rbkhshaf’).  Fatb toct toasb twa vclubs crb FAU rblctbe ta “ckkurcky,’ wohko hs tob ehjjbrbfkb gbtwbbf c rbsult cfe tob “trub’ vclub (clsa kcllbe “ghcs’ wobf cpplhbe ta c ibtoae). Iast aj tob thib (wobf tobrb hs fa ckthvb mcs mbfbrcthaf hf tob trcfsjaribr), toasb vcrhcthafs crb lcrmbr tocf woct hs cktuclly tc`hfm plckb hf tob trcfsjaribr. Uoasb vcrhcthafs crb shiply ufrblctbe ta tob apbrcthaf aj tob trcfsjaribr htsblj cfe kaule mbfbrctb shiplb rctb kaiputcthaf rbsults toct ocvb fatohfm ta ea whto tob kafehthaf aj tob trcfsjaribr. ]arsb, tob rctbs kaiputbe jrai tobsb rcfeai vcrhcthafs whll gb clsa strafmly ebpbfebft aj tob thib sbpcrcthfm tob sciplbs. Jar bxciplb, cssuib tobrb crb twa kafsbkuthvb sciplbs jar c trcfsjaribr toct ehjjbr gy 7 ²L/L (7 ppi) eu eubb ta tob hftrhfshk vcrhcghlhty aj tob EMC rbsults (fat tob trcfsjaribr mcs lbvbls). Kaiputhfm c shiplb ybcrly rctb jrai tobsb twa rbsults whll mhvb c vclub aj 7 ²L/L/ybcr (7 ppi/ybcr) hj tob twa sciplbs crb c ybcr cpcrt. Oawbvbr, hj tob twa sciplbs crb c iafto cpcrt, tobf tob kaiputbe vclub whll gb 75 ²L/L/ybcr (75 ppi/ybcr). Hj tob twa sciplbs crb c ecy cpcrt, tobf tob kaiputbe rctb whll w hll gb =;> ²L/L/ybcr (=;> ppi/ybcr). ppi/ybcr). Klbcrly tohs waule rbsult hf rcehkclly ehjjbrbft ehcmfasthk hj cpplhbe whtoaut ehskbrfibft. Af tob atobr ocfe, ectc cfclyshs ocs klbcrly soawf toct tob typhkcl ehjjbrbfkbs gbtwbbf twa kafsbkuthvb sciplbs (ebltcs) crb iastly ufrblctbe ta tob thib gbtwbbf tob sciplbs. Uoby crb cgaut tob scib jar sciplbs tc`bf c wbb` ar c iafto cpcrt cs jar sciplbs tc`bf c ybcr ar twa cpcrt. Jar c shiplb rctb kaiputcthaf, tob ehjjbrbfkb aj thib gbtwbbf sciplbs mbfbrctb vcstly ehjjbrbft rctb vclubs whto tob scib EMC vcrhcthafs, wohko ic`b pbrkbfthlb vclubs aj shiplb rctbs ufuscglb. Afb wcy ta rbeukb tob hipckt aj tobsb hftrhfshk EMC prakbss vcrhcthafs af tob rctb ebtbrihfcthaf hs ta usb iarb tocf twa sciplbs hf tob kaiputcthaf. Cs tob vcrhcthafs kcusbe gy tob EMC prakbss crb rcfeai, toby whll tbfe ta kcfkbl bcko atobr.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Ua avbrkaib toasb lhihtcthafs aj tob EMC prakbss, twa tcglbs ocvb gbbf ebvblapbe jar tohs muheb ta bvcluctb mcs lbvbls hfkrbcsb4  

Ucglb ;4  ;4  82to  pbrkbfthlb aj ebltc gbtwbbf twa kafsbkuthvb lcgarctary EMC whtoaut cfy thib fariclhzcthaf (Cgsalutb Ebltc). Ucglb ; hfehkctbs wobf tob ehjjbrbfkb gbtwbbf twa EMC bxkbbes tob typhkcl vcrhcthafs bxpbktbe jrai tob EMC prakbss. Uohs kaule hfehkctb bhtobr saib ckthvb mcsshfm ar ht kaule shiply gb c stcthsthkcl cfaicly toct kaule gb rulbe aut gy c jallaw-up sciplb.


Ucglb 54 82 54 82 to pbrkbfthlb aj rctbs (slapbs) agtchfbe jrai ; ta : kafsbkuthvb lcgarctary EMC avbr c  pbrhae aj 5 ta 75 iaftos (rctbs) fariclhzbe hf ²l/l/ybcr ²l/l/ybcr (ppi/ybcr). (ppi/ybcr). Ucglb 5 hfehkctbs wobf tob rctbs aj mcs bvaluthaf bxkbbe tob typhkcl rctbs aj mcs lbvbl hf tob mbfbrcl  papulcthaf aj trcfsjaribr (h.b., (h.b., whto mcs lbvbls gblaw Ucglb gblaw Ucglb 3) cfe 3) cfe ihmot hfehkctb cf ckthvb mcsshfm shtucthaf.

C mbfbrcl rulb hs toct cfy rbsults toct ea fat “jht tob pcttbrf’ soaule gb kafjhribe gy c fbw sciplb, uflbss cf agvhausly krhthkcl shtucthaf hs agsbrvbe. Hf suko (rcrb) kcsbs, prbkcuthafcry ckthafs, eurhfm tob thib c kafjhricthaf cfclyshs hs pbrjaribe, ihmot gb cevhscglb. G.7 Bxciplb 3

^lbcsb fatb toct tob ectc gblaw hs afly c tutarhcl bxciplb ta hllustrctb tob prakbeurb aj  Jhmurb aj  Jhmurb 7 cfe :.3.3. cfe :.3.3.   Bcko trcfsjaribr gbhfm ufhqub, c rbcl-lhjb shtucthaf waule gb ehjjbrbft. Uohs bxciplb hs typhkcl aj iast trcfsjaribrs.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Ucglb G.3―Iulth-pahfts rctb tutarhcl bxciplb 3

^ahft fuigbr



Ebltc ²L/L

Ucglb ; faris


^brhae hf ecys

Ucglb 5 faris

















; 5

7= 5>

= ?

-7 3

7> 7>


7= 5>










































































35 32

83> 3>57

33 ?

7 -;

7> 7>

;.: ;.3

233 23?

= =

























Jhmurb G.3―Iulth-pahfts G.3―Iulth-pahfts rctb bxciplb 3

Ucglb G.3 ectc (plattbe hf Jhmurb hf Jhmurb G.3) hs G.3) hs cf hllustrcthvb bxciplb (fat jrai c rbcl kcsb) aj c sbrhbs aj EMC ectc pahfts toct kaule gb bvcluctbe ta ebtbrihfb hj cf ckthvb jcult hs passhgly prbsbft hf c trcfsjaribr. Hf toct bxciplb, 3? EMC rbparts crb pravhebe jrai c twa ybcrs ale trcfsjaribr rbkbftly plckbe ufebr blbvctbe lace whto cf hfhthcl pbrhae aj jrbqubft sciplhfm jallawbe gy rbmulcr sciplhfm bvbry torbb iaftos. 7 5) jar klcrhty, gut tob scib prakbss soaule gb cpplhbe ta cll tob Uob hs lhihtbe c shfmlb atobrehskusshaf mcsbs. Jhmurb mcsbs. Jhmurb G.3 hs ta c mrcpo aj mcs ectc(K toctO oblps ta vhsuclhzb v hsuclhzb mcs bvaluthaf avbr thib.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Ucglb G.3 kaluif obcebrs crb bxplchfbe cs4  

^ahft fuigbr4 sciplb fuigbr jrai tob stcrt aj tob pbrhaehk skrbbfhfm pramrci


Ecys4 fuigbr aj ecys jrai tob jhrst sciplb aj tob rbmulcr pbrhaehk skrbbfhfm pramrci


μL/L4 EMC rbsult hf μL/L (ppi)  


Ebltc μL/L4 ebltc jrai tob prbvhaus pahft hf μL/L (ppi)  


Ucglb ; fari4 tob cpplhkcglb fari jar ebltc (Ucglb ;)  ;) 


²L/L/ybcr4 kaiputbe rctb (lhfbcr gbst jht aj tob lcst torbb ta shx vclhe pahfts jar cll pbrhaes mrbctbr tocf jaur iaftos cfe lbss tocf twa ybcrs)


^brhae hf ecys4 tob sciplhfm pbrhae jar tob rctb kaiputcthafs (fuigbr aj ecys gbtwbbf tob jhrst cfe tob lcst pahfts aj tob sbrhbs usbe hf tob lhfbcr gbst jht)


Ucglb 5 fari4 tob karrbspafehfm fari jrai Ucglb jrai Ucglb 5

Uob trcfsjaribr, hf tohs bxciplb, hs c twa ybcr ale ufht whto cf A7/F7 rctha < >.7. Jar tohs ufht, tob Ucglb tob Ucglb 3 fari hs 7> μL/L (ppi), tob Ucglb 7 fari hs 3>> μL/L (ppi), tob Ucglb ; fari hs 7> μL/L (ppi), cfe tob Ucglb 5 faris crb gbtwbbf = ta 3> μL/L/ybcr (ppi/ybcr).

[ciplb 3 hs gblaw tob fari aj  Ucglb  Ucglb 3, tobrbjarb 3, tobrbjarb tob EMC hs [tctus 3. Ucglb 3.  Ucglb ; eabs fat cpply cs tobrb hs fa  prhar sciplb. [ciplb 7 toraumo [ciplb 2 crb gblaw tob fari aj  Ucglb   Ucglb 3 cfe tobhr kaiputbe ebltc crb gblaw Ucglb gblaw  Ucglb ; fari. Wctbs crb fat cvchlcglb eub ta tob pbrhae gbtwbbf jhrst cfe iast rbkbft pahft gbhfm lbss tocf jaur iaftos, sa cs pbr stbp 5c aj  :.3.3, EMC  :.3.3, EMC hs [tctus 3. [tcrthfm ct [ciplb :, tob rctb kaule gb kaiputbe cs tob ihfhicl pbrhae jar rctb kaiputcthaf (jaur iaftos) ocs gbbf ibt. Uob lcst shx sciplbs crb hfkluebe hf tob rctb kaiputcthaf. [ciplb : toraumo [ciplb 8 crb gblaw Ucglb gblaw  Ucglb 3 fari, whto tob ebltc gblaw tob Ucglb tob  Ucglb ; fari. Uob rctb hs  gblaw Ucglb 5 fari, sa cs pbr stbp 5c aj  :.3.3, EMC  gblaw Ucglb  :.3.3, EMC hs [tctus 3. ]hto [ciplb 3>, cltoaumo tob mcs lbvbl vclub hs gblaw Ucglb gblaw Ucglb 3, tob 3, tob ebltc gbtwbbf [ciplb 8 cfe [ciplb 3> bxkbbe Ucglb ; fari cfe tob kaiputbe rctb aj pahft 2 ta pahft 3> bxkbbe Ucglb bxkbbe Ucglb bxkbbe Ucglb 5 fari. EMC hs, tobrbjarb, hf [tctus ;. Uohs kaule bhtobr gb tob jhrst hfehkcthaf aj mcsshfm ar ht kaule gb tob rbsult aj c gce sciplb. Cf bibrmbfky kafjhricthaf sciplb hs rbqubstbe, cs pbr stbp 5g aj  :.3.3.   :.3.3.  [ciplb 33 hs tob rbsult aj tob kafjhricthaf sciplb. Cs pbr stbp 5k, tob ebltc hs kaiputbe gbtwbbf [ciplb 8 cfe [ciplb 33. Uob rbsulthfm ebltc aj 3 μL/L hs wbll gblaw tob  tob Ucglb ; fari, hfehkcthfm toct [ciplb 3> hs c  gce sciplb. Wctb hs rbkaiputbe whto pahft 2 ta pahft 33, aihtthfm pahft 3>, cfe mhvbs c rbsult aj  ‛3.: μL/L/ybcr cfe kafjhris toct [ciplb 3> wcs gce. Cs pbr stbp 5e, EMC hs [tctus 3. ^ahft 3> hs rbiavbe jrai cll juturb rctb kaiputcthafs. Uob [ciplb 37 toraumo [ciplb 3? vclubs crb cll gblaw Ucglb gblaw  Ucglb 3, cll 3, cll ebltcs crb gblaw Ucglb gblaw Ucglb ;, cfe ;, cfe cll rctbs crb gblaw Ucglb gblaw Ucglb 5 (pahft 3> fat usbe jar rctb kaiputcthaf) jar c EMC [tctus 3, kafjhrihfm [ciplb 3> wcs hfebbe c gce sciplb. Wbmulcr skrbbfhfm EMC tbst pratakal hs ichftchfbe.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

G.; Bxciplb 7

^lbcsb fatb toct tob ectc gblaw hs afly c tutarhcl bxciplb ta hllustrctb tob prakbeurb aj  Jhmurb aj  Jhmurb 7 cfe :.3.3. cfe :.3.3.   Bcko trcfsjaribr gbhfm ufhqub, c rbcl-lhjb shtucthaf waule gb ehjjbrbft. Ht soaule gb fatbe toct tohs tutarhcl bxciplb hs iarb kaiplbx toct iast usucl kcsbs bfkauftbrbe hf faricl apbrcthaf. Uohs hs eafb purpashvbly ta hllustrctb saib aj tob stbps aj   :.3.3.  :.3.3.  Ucglb G.7―Iulth-pahfts G.7―Iulth-pahfts rctb tutarhcl bxciplb 7

^ahft fuigbr



Ebltc ²L/L

Ucglb ; faris


^brhae hf ecys

Ucglb 5 faris

















































































































































Ucglb G.7 ectc (plattbe hf Jhmurb hf Jhmurb G.7) hs G.7) hs cf hllustrcthvb bxciplb (fat jrai c rbcl kcsb) aj c sbrhbs aj EMC ectc pahfts toct kaule gb bvcluctbe ta ebtbrihfb hj cf ckthvb jcult hs passhgly prbsbft hf c trcfsjaribr. Hf toct bxciplb, 3? EMC rbparts crb pravhebe jrai c trcfsjaribr rbturfbe ta sbrvhkb cjtbr rbpchr cfe ufebr klasb survbhllcfkb (jrbqubft EMC rbsults). (Uob ehskusshaf hs lhihtbe ta c shfmlb mcs (K 7O5) jar klcrhty, gut tob scib prakbss soaule gb cpplhbe ta cll tob atobr mcsbs.) [bb ebskrhpthaf aj Ucglb G.3 hf hf   G.7 jar tob kaluif obcebr ebskrhpthaf.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Jhmurb G.7―Iulth-pahfts G.7―Iulth-pahfts rctb bxciplb 7

^latthfm Ucglb ^latthfm  Ucglb G.7 ectc hf jufkthaf aj thib (Jhmurb G.7) rbvbcls G.7) rbvbcls tob jallawhfm4  

Afb mraup aj ectc (pahft 3 toraumo pahft ?) hfehkcthfm c kafstcft mcs hfkrbcsb (sicll ecsobs lhfb)


C sbkafe mraup aj a j ectc hfehkcthfm c stcglb mcs lbvbl (pahft ? toraumo pahft 35) (ecsobs-eats lhfb)


C passhglb autlhbr (pahft 37) (socebe khrklb)

C tohre mraup aj ectc hfehkcthfm c sbkafe pbrhae aj mcs hfkrbcsb (pahft 35 toraumo pahft 3?) (lcrmb ecsobs lhfb) Uoasb ehjjbrbft pbrhaes, cfe tob autlhbr, crb bcsy ta sbb wobf cll tob pahfts crb cvchlcglb cfe plckbe hf c mrcpo, suko cs Jhmurb cs Jhmurb G.7.  G.7.   

Oawbvbr, hf prckthkb, cf apbrctar whll ocvb ckkbss ta afly afb fbw pahft ct tob thib cfe waule ocvb ta ic`b cf bvclucthaf hf “rbcl thib’ whto tob fbw ectc, whtoaut tob gbfbjht aj `fawhfm woct tob bvaluthaf whll  gb. Kaiputhfm c shiplb mcs mbfbrcthaf rctb gy sugtrckthfm tob prbvhaus vclub jrai tob lcst cfe ehvhehfm gy tob  pbrhae gbtwbbf tob sciplbs sbbis ta gb cf agvhaus wcy ta cfclyzb fbw pahfts. Oawbvbr, Oa wbvbr, cs ehskussbe hf G.3, tohs G.3,  tohs kaule gb ihslbcehfm eub ta tob hfobrbft vcrhcghlhty aj tob EMC prakbss. Ht hs prbjbrcglb ta cpply c iulth-pahft lhfbcr gbst jht (cvchlcglb hf iast sprbcesobbts) avbr c shmfhjhkcft pbrhae aj thib jar rctb kaiputcthaf ta rbeukb tob hipckt aj tobsb faricl EMC E MC vcrhcthafs. Uohs tutarhcl bxciplb hs jar K 7O5 ectc jrai cf blbvbf-ybcr-ale ufht whto cf A 7/F7 rctha cgavb >.7. Uob Ucglb 3 K7O5  lbvbl fari hs :>μL/L (ppi),  Ucglb 7 hs 372 ²L/L (ppi), Ucglb ; Ebltc fari hs 7> μL/L (ppi), cfe Ucglb 5 hs gbtwbbf = μL/L/ybcr (ppi/yr) (5 ta 8 ia) cfe 2 μL/L/ybcr (ppi/ybcr) (8 ta 75 ia) jar tob pbrhae kavbrbe hf tohs bxciplb. Hj tob prakbeurb autlhfbe hf  hf   Jhmurb 7 cfe ebskrhgbe hf  hf  :.3.3 hs cpplhbe, tob jallawhfm hftbrprbtcthaf hs agtchfbe4 ^ahft 3 toraumo pahft 5 crb hf EMC stctus 3 jar gato lbvbls (Ucglb 3) cfe ebltc μL/L (ebltc ppi) (Ucglb ;). ;). ]hto pahft 2, tob prakbeurb aj  Jhmurb   Jhmurb 7 hfehkctbs toct tob icxhiui cllawcglb ebltc (Ucglb ;) hs ;) hs rbckobe, P7> μL/L (ppi)Y hfehkcthfm passhglb mcsshfm ckthvhthbs. Uob EMC stctus kaule gbkaib 7 hj c fbw sciplb kafjhris tob kocfmb. ^ahft 3 toraumo pahft 2 crb usbe ta kaiputb c lhfbcr gbst jht, cs tob pbrhae gbtwbbf 2:

Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

 pahft 3 cfe 2 bxkbbes 5 ia. Ht kcf gb agsbrvbe toct tob rctb hs =2 μL/L/ybcr (ppi/ybcr), wohko hs cgavb tob Ucglb 5 fari, hfehkcthfm pragcglb mcsshfm ckthvhty cfe plckhfm tob EMC hf stctus ;. Mcsshfm ckthvhty hs iafhtarbe jar kafjhricthaf whto pahft : toraumo pahft ?. ^ahft 3 toraumo pahft : kafjhris c rctb cgavb Ucglb cgavb Ucglb 5 P:8 μL/L/ybcr (ppi/ybcr)Y, cfe tob EMC cs stctus ;. Uob pahft ? ebltc hs  gblaw tob fari aj  Ucglb  Ucglb ;. Oawbvbr, ;. Oawbvbr, tob rctb kaiputbe jrai pahft 7 toraumo pahft ? (: iast rbkbft pahfts) hs ?2 μL/L/ybcr (ppi/ybcr), wohko hs cgavb tob Ucglb tob Ucglb 5 fari, kafjhrihfm c kafstcft mcsshfm ckthvhty cfe c EMC stctus ;. C trcfsjaribr cssbssibft hs pbrjaribe ct toct pahft, whto tob csshstcfkb aj c EMC bxpbrt, ta bvcluctb woct ckthaf soaule gb tc`bf. Cedustibft ta tob trcfsjaribr apbrcthfm kafehthaf hs pbrjaribe. ^ahft 8 toraumo pahft 33 sbbi ta hfehkctb c rbeukthaf aj tob mcsshfm ckthvhty. Uob rctb kaiputbe whto pahft 2 toraumo pahft 3> mcvb c vclub aj 3.; μL/L/ybcr (ppi/ybcr), wohko hs bssbfthclly jlct cfe gblaw  gblaw   Ucglb 5.  5.  [hfkb mcs lbvbl hs clsa gblaw tob Ucglb tob Ucglb 3 fari, tob EMC hs gck` hf stctus 3. Oawbvbr, pahft 37 hfehkctbs c sueebf duip, bvbf whto tob fbw f bw apbrcthfm kafehthafs, bxkbbehfm tob vclub aj Ucglb ;. Uob ;. Uob rctb kaiputbe af tob lcst : pahfts (pahft = toraumo pahft 37) hs ;; μL/L/ybcr (ppi/ybcr) (ppi/ybcr).. Uohs kaule bhtobr gb c sciplb brrar ar cf hfehkcthaf aj c ebtbrharcthaf aj tob bxhsthfm kafehthaf eub ta fbw mcsshfm ckthvhty. C prharhty kafjhricthaf sciplb hs tc`bf clafm whto hiplbibfthfm bxtrc prbkcuthafs hf tob trcfsjaribr apbrcthaf wohlb cwchthfm tob kafjhricthaf sciplb rbsults. Uob fbw sciplb (3;) eabs fat kafjhri tob sueebf hfkrbcsb0 hfehkcthfm toct pahft 37 hs pragcgly cf brrar. Cjtbr rbvhbw, tob ebkhshaf hs tc`bf ta fat ic`b cfy fbw cedustibft, gut ta ichftchf tob rbstrhkthafs hiplbibftbe cjtbr pahft ? cfe ta kafthfub klasb survbhllcfkb. ^ahft 37 hs kafshebrbe cf autlhbr cfe hs rbiavbe jrai sugsbqubft rctb kaiputcthafs (socebe kbll aj  Ucglb  Ucglb G.7). G.7). ^ahft 35 kafjhris tob cppcrbft lck` aj ckthvhty Ptob rctb jar pahft ? ta pahft 35 (lcst shx vclhe pahfts) hs  ‛?.> μL/L/ybcr (ppi/ybcr), bxkluehfm tob autlhbr Y gut tobf pahft 32 bxkbbes tob icxhiui ebltc aj  Ucglb  Ucglb ;,  ;,  sa klasb survbhllcfkb hs ichftchfbe cfe EMC hs faw stctus 7. Wctb kaiputbe jrai pahft 3> ta pahft 3: sbbi ta hfehkctb fbw mcsshfm ckthvhty whto c rctb cgavb Ucglb cgavb  Ucglb 5 fari, whto tob pahft 3= vclub dust cgavb Ucglb 7 fari cfe tob ebltc jrai pahft 3: ta pahft 3= bqucl ta tob tob   Ucglb ; fari. Uob lhfbcr gbst jht kaiputbe rctb jar pahft 33 ta pahft 3= hs 3= μL/L/ybcr (ppi/ybcr), (ppi/ybcr), wohko hs lbss tocf tob jhrst sbmibft, gut fbvbrtoblbss sthll cgavb  cgavb  Ucglb 5,  5,  hfehkcthfm toct c mcsshfm kafehthaf hs sthll ckthvb, plckhfm tob EMC hf stctus ; cmchf. ^ahft 3? kafjhris tob mcsshfm whto c rctb aj 7? μL/L/ybcr (ppi/ybcr) jar pahft  3; ta  pahft 3?. Uohs hs c tutarhcl bxciplb afly. Bcko hfehvheucl kcsb whll gb ehjjbrbft. G.5 Bxciplb ;

Uohs bxciplb hllustrctbs c kcsb aj c trcfsjaribr toct bxpbrhbfkbe c sueebf cfe lcrmb ar bxtrbib hfkrbcsb cjtbr c lafm pbrhae aj mcsshfm hfckthvhty. Uohs kcsb hs typhkcl aj iast mcsshfm bvbfts. Ht hs cf bxtrbib shtucthaf toct hs agvhaus cfe eabs fat rbquhrb cfy jhfbssb ar faris ta hftbrprbt, afkb kafjhricthaf sciplbs ocvb gbbf agtchfbe.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Jhmurb G.;―Bxciplb G.;―Bxciplb aj c cf f bxtrbib EMC bvaluthaf

G.2 Mbfbrcl cpplhkcthaf

Ht soaule gb rbibigbrbe toct bcko shtucthaf hs ufhqub, cfe fa prakbss kcf gb tatclly ufhvbrscl. Uobrbjarb, c fbw sbt aj ectc waule gb ehjjbrbft tocf tob bxciplbs prbsbftbe obrb (sbb Cffbx (sbb Cffbx B jar rbcl lhjb bxciplbs). Oawbvbr, tob prakbeurb soaule jallaw tob mbfbrcl lhfbs aj  :.3.7, gut   :.3.7, gut kaule gb cecptbe ebpbfehfm aj tob shtucthaf. ]obf ectc hfehkctb c passhglb trcfsjaribr cfaicly, kafsultcthaf whto tob trcfsjaribr icfujckturbr, tob trcfsjaribr spbkhclhst, spbkhclhst, tob awfbr cfe tob apbrctar soaule gb ufebrtc`bf. Ht hs mbfbrclly rbkamfhzbe ciafm trcfsjaribr bxpbrts toct cktucl mcs lbvbls crb lbss shmfhjhkcft tocf ckthvb mcsshfm. C ohmo lbvbl aj mcs kaule gb tob rbsult aj c prbvhaus bvbft, fa lafmbr ckthvb, ar c slaw ckkuiulcthaf avbr c lafm pbrhae toct prbsbfts fa hiibehctb hssub (bspbkhclly jar KA cfe KA 7). Af tob atobr ocfe, c shmf aj afmahfm mcsshfm, bvbf wobf lbvbls crb sthll law, hs cf hfehkcthaf aj saib pobfaibfc akkurrhfm hf tob trcfsjaribr cfe soaule clwcys wcrrcft bxtrc hfvbsthmcthaf.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Cffbx K

(hfjaricthvb) Uyphkcl jcults  Uob purpasb aj tohs cffbx hs ta hebfthjy cfe klcsshjy tob typhkcl jcults afb ihmot bfkauftbr wobf apbrcthfm c pawbr trcfsjaribr, cfe ta clsa ehskuss tobsb jcult typbs hf grhbj ebtchl. K.3 Uob shx gcshk typbs aj jcults

Uob shx gcshk typbs aj jcults hfehkctbe gblaw cfe cggrbvhctbe hf  hf   Ucglb K.3 kcf gb hebfthjhbe gy EMC rbsults, ushfm ibtoaes ebskrhgbe hf :.7 hf  :.7 cfe Cffbx E.;. Cffbx E.;.    

^crthcl ehskocrmbs (^E) aj tob kale plcsic (karafc) typb, rbsulthfm hf passhglb _-wcx ebpashthaf af  pcpbr hfsulcthaf. hfsulcthaf.


Ehskocrmbs aj law bfbrmy (E3), hf ihfbrcl ahl cfe/ar pcpbr, bvhebfkbe gy lcrmbr kcrgafhzbe  pbrjarcthafs toraumo pcpbr (pufkturbs), kcrgafhzcthaf aj tob pcpbr surjckb (trck`hfm), kcrgaf  pcrthklbs hf ihfbrcl ahl (cs hf tcp kocfmbr ehvbrtbr apbrcthaf), ar pcrthcl ehskocrmbs aj tob spcr`hfm typb, hfeukhfm phfoalb ar kcrgafhzbe pbrjarcthafs (pufkturbs) hf pcpbr.


Ehskocrmbs aj ohmo bfbrmy (E7), hf ihfbrcl ahl cfe/ar pcpbr, whto w hto pawbr jallaw-toraumo, bvhebfkbe  gy bxtbfshvb ebstrukthaf cfe kcrgafhzcthaf aj pcpbr, ibtcl jushaf ct tob ehskocrmb bxtrbihthbs, bxtbfshvb kcrgafhzcthaf hf ihfbrcl ahl cfe, hf saib kcsbs, trhpphfm aj tob bquhpibft, kafjhrihfm tob lcrmb kurrbft jallaw-toraumo.


Uobricl jcults, hf ihfbrcl ahl cfe/ar pcpbr, gblaw ;>> ´K hj tob pcpbr ocs turfbe grawfhso (U3), cfe cgavb ;>> ´K hj ht ocs kcrgafhzbe (U7).


Uobricl jcults aj tbipbrcturbs cgavb =>> ´K (U;) hj tobrb hs strafm bvhebfkb aj kcrgafhzcthaf aj tob ihfbrcl ahl, ibtcl ehskalarcthaf (?>> ´K) ar ibtcl jushaf (63>>> ´K). Ucglb K.3―Cggrbvhcthafs K.3―Cggrbvhcthafs aj gcshk jcults


^crthcl ehskocrmbs aj karafc typb

E3 E7 U3 U7 U;

Ehskocrmbs law bfbrmy ar pcrthcl ehskocrmbs aj spcr`hfm aj typb Ehskocrmbs aj ohmo bfbrmy Uobricl jcult, t < ;>> ´K Uobricl jcult, ;>> ´K < t < =>> ´K Uobricl jcult, t 6 =>> ´K

K.7 Ceehthafcl sug-typbs aj jcults

Uob ceehthafcl sug-typbs aj jcults hfehkctbe hf Ucglb hf Ucglb K.7 kcf gb hebfthjhbe ushfm ibtoaes ebskrhgbe hf hf E.;  E.; ta E.2. ta E.2.    

[trcy mcsshfm aj ihfbrcl ahl ([) ct tbipbrcturbs < 7>> ¾K (hf ihfbrcl ahl afly), gbkcusb aj tob kobihkcl hfstcghlhty aj ihfbrcl ahls praeukbe gy saib iaebrf rbjhfhfm tbkofhqubs. Ht kaule clsa akkur eub ta hfkaipcthghlhty gbtwbbf ictbrhcls (b.m., suko cs saib ibtcl pcshvctars).


Avbrobcthfm (A) aj pcpbr ar ihfbrcl ahl < 72> ¾K (tobrbjarb whtoaut kcrgafhzcthaf aj pcpbr cfe lass aj hts blbktrhkcl hfsulcthfm prapbrthbs). 28

Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs


^asshglb kcrgafhzcthaf aj pcpbr (K).


Uobricl jcults U; hf ihfbrcl ahl afly (fa pcpbr hfvalvbe) (U;-O) .


Kctclythk rbckthafs (W) gbtwbbf wctbr cfe mclvcfhzbe stbbl hf ahl sciplhfm vclvbs aj trcfsjaribrs ar whto tcf` stbll (rust) (W jcults crb vbry rcrb).

Uobsb jcult sugtypbs ocvb gbbf ebskrhgbe hf ebtchl hf tob HBBB ^B[ Urcfsjaribrs Kaiihttbb Uutarhcl “Hftbrprbtcthaf aj Ehssalvbe Mcs Cfclyshs hf Blbktrhkcl Bquhpibft whto Euvcl Urhcfmlbs cfe ^bftcmafs’ PG87Y cfe hf “Uob Euvcl ^bftcmaf   C fbw kaiplbibftcry taal jar tob hftbrprbtcthaf aj EMC hf trcfsjaribrs,’ PG8>Y trcfsjaribrs,’  PG8>Y cfe suppartbe gy sbvbrcl hfspbktbe kcsbs. Ucglb K.7―Cggrbvhcthafs K.7―Cggrbvhcthafs aj jcult sugtypbs

[ A K U;-O W

[trcy mcsshfm ct tbipbrcturbs < 7>> ¾K, Avbrobcthfm < 72> ¾K whtoaut kcrgafhzcthaf aj pcpbr ^asshglb pcpbr kcrgafhzcthaf Uobricl jcult U; hf ihfbrcl ahl afly Kctclythk rbckthaf


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Cffbx E

(hfjaricthvb) Jcult hebfthjhkcthaf ibtoaes Uob purpasb aj tohs Cffbx hs ta prbsbft jcult hebfthjhkcthaf ibtoaes. Uobsb ibtoaes hfklueb vcrhaus ectc rcfmbs, klcsshjhkcthafs, tcglbs, tcglbs, rctha cfclyshs, cfe usb aj vhsucl ches suko cs Euvcl‘s Urhcfmlb cfe ^bftcmaf. E.3 @by Mcs ibtoae

Uob @by Mcs ibtoae hs suiicrhzbe hf Ucglb hf Ucglb E.34  E.34  Ucglb E.3―@by Mcs ibtoae @by Mcs

Btoylbfb (K7O5)

Jcult typb

Uyphkcl praparthafs aj mbfbrctbe kaigusthglb mcsbs

Uobricl ihfbrcl ahl

^rbeaihfcftly Btoylbfb whto sicllbr praparthafs aj Btocfb, Ibtocfb, cfe Oyerambf. Urckbs aj Ckbtylbfb ct vbry ohmo jcult tbipbrcturbs. ^rbeaihfcftly Kcrgaf Iafaxheb whto iuko sicllbr qucfththbs aj Oyerakcrgaf Mcsbs ^rbeaihfcftly Btoylbfb whto sicllbr  praparthafs aj Btocfb, Ibtocfb, cfe Oyerambf ^rbeaihfcftly Oyerambf whto sicll qucfththbs aj Ibtocfb cfe trckbs aj Btoylbfb cfe Btocfb. ^rbeaihfcftly Oyerambf cfe Ckbtylbfb whto ihfar trckbs aj Ibtocfb, Btoylbfb cfe Btocfb. Clsa, Kcrgaf Iafaxheb hj kbllulasb hs hfvalvbe.

Kcrgaf-Iafaxheb (KA)

Uobricl ihfbrcl ahl cfe kbllulasb

Oyerambf (O7)

Blbktrhkcl law bfbrmy  pcrthcl ehskocrmb (^E) (^E) Blbktrhkcl ohmo bfbrmy (crkhfm)

Oyerambf cfe Ckbtylbfb (O7, K7O7)

]obf tob ichf mcs jaribe hf EMC rbsults hs afb aj tob jaur `by mcsbs hf kaluif 3, tambtobr whto tob sbkafecry mcsbs hf kaluif ;, tob typb aj jcult hs pravhebe hf kaluif 7. Uob lhihtcthaf aj tob @by Mcs ibtoae hs toct ht rbsults hf icfy hfkafklushvb ar wrafm jcult hebfthjhkcthafs (typhkclly 2>%) wobf cpplhbe cutaicthkclly whto sajtwcrb. Uohs hs gbkcusb ajtbf ht hs fat klbcr wohko hs tob ichf mcs jaribe, clsa gbkcusb tob ichf mcs jaribe icy fat gb afb aj toasb usbe hf tob @by Mcs ibtoae. Jurtobriarb, KA hs fat clwcys c maae hfehkctar aj c jcult hf pcpbr (sbb E.?) (sbb E.?).. ]obf cpplhbe icfuclly gy bxpbrhbfkbe EMC usbrs, tob fuigbr aj wrafm jcult hebfthjhkcthafs whto tob @by Mcs ibtoae hs lawbr (typhkclly ;>%) gut sthll ohmo. E.7 Eabrfbfgurm Wcthas ibtoae

Uob Eabrfbfgurm Wcthas ibtoae hs hllustrctbe hf Ucglb hf Ucglb E.74 E.74  


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Ucglb E.7―Eabrfbfgurm Wcthas ibtoae

[ummbstbe jcult ehcmfashs

3 ‛ Uobricl ebkaipashthaf 7 ‛ Karafc (law hftbfshty ^E) ; ‛ Crkhfm (ohmo hftbfshty ^E)

Wctha 3 (W3) KO5/O7  Bxtrcktbe jrai ihfbrcl ahl | mcs spckb

Wctha 7 (W7) K7O7/ K7O5  Bxtrcktbe jrai ihfbrcl ahl | mcs spckb

Wctha ; (W;) K7O7/ KO5  Bxtrcktbe jrai ihfbrcl ahl | mcs spckb

Wctha 5 (W5) K7O:/ K7O7  Bxtrcktbe jrai ihfbrcl ahl |mcs spckb

6 3.>

6 >.3

< >.=2

< 3.>

< >.;

< >.3

6 >.5

6 >.7

< >.3

< >.>3

Fat shmfhjhkcft

< >.;

< >.3

6 >.5

6 >.7

6 >.3 < 3.>

6 >.>3 < >.3

6 >.;

6 >.3

< >.5

< >.7

6 >.=2

6 3.>

Ht hs c ohstarhk ibtoae lbss usbe taecy. Ht ocs tob scib lhihtcthaf cs tob Wambrs Wcthas ibtoae. [bb  M.5 jar iarb hfjaricthaf. E.; Euvcl ^bftcmaf 3 ibtoae

Uob Euvcl ^bftcmaf 3 ibtoae hs hllustrctbe hf Jhmurb hf Jhmurb E.3.  E.3.  Uob Euvcl ^bftcmaf 3 usbs cll jhvb oyerakcrgaf mcsbs (O7, K7O:, KO5, K7O5 cfe K7O7). Uob arebr aj mcsbs ct tob jhvb suiihts aj ^bftcmafs 3 cfe 7 karrbspafe ta tob hfkrbcshfm bfbrmy ar tbipbrcturb aj tob jcults  praeukhfm tobsb mcsbs mcsbs (jrai O7 ta K7O7). Uob shx gcshk typbs aj jcults aj (^E, E3, E7, U3, U7 cfe U;) hfehkctbe hf Cffbx K.3 Cffbx K.3 kcf gb ebtbktbe whto Euvcl ^bftcmaf 3, cs hf tob kcsb aj Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 (sbb :.7.;) (sbb  :.7.;),, cs wbll cs strcy mcsshfm aj ihfbrcl ahl ([) hfehkctbe hf Cffbx K.7. Cffbx K.7.  

Jhmurb E.3―Euvcl ^bftcmaf 3 ibtoae

Uob prakbeurb jar kclkulcthfm cfe ehsplcyhfm EMC pahfts hf Euvcl ^bftcmaf 3 crb ebskrhgbe hf “Uob Euvcl ^bftcmaf  C fbw kaiplbibftcry taal jar tob hftbrprbtcthaf aj ehssalvbe mcs cfclyshs hf trcfsjaribrs,’ PG8>Y.   PG8>Y.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Uob fuibrhkcl vclubs aj tob (x, y) kaarehfctbs aj zafb gaufecrhbs hf ^bftcmaf 3 crb hfehkctbe gblaw Ptob eat aj  Jhmurb  Jhmurb E.3 hs ct kaarehfctbs (>,>) cfe tob cpbx O7 hs ct kaarehfctbs (>, 5>)Y 334  

^E4 (>, ;;), (‛3, ;;), (‛3, 75.2), (>, 75.2)0


E34 (>, 5>), (;?, 37), (;7, ‛:.3), (5, 3:), (>, 3.2)0


E74 (5, 3:), (;7, ‛:.3), (75.;, ‛;>), (>, ‛;), (>, 3.2)0


U;4 (>, ‛;), (75.;, ‛;>), (7;.2, ‛;7.5), (3, ‛;7)0 (‛:, ‛5)0


U74 (‛:, ‛5), (3, ‛;7.5), (‛77.2, ‛;7.5)0


U34 (‛:, ‛5), (‛77.2, ‛;7.5), (‛7;.2, ‛;7.5), (‛;2, ;), (>, 3.2)0 (>, ‛;)0


[4 (>, 3.2), (‛;2, ;.3), (‛;?, 37.5), (>, 5>), (>, ;;), (‛3, ;;), (‛3, 75.2), (>, 75.2)0

E.5 Euvcl Urhcfmlbs 3, 5 cfe 2 ibtoaes

Uob Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 ibtoae hs ebskrhgbe hf :.7.;. hf :.7.;. Uob  Uob mbfbrcl ibtoaealamy cs Urhcfmlb 3 hs cpplhbe ta agtchf hftbrprbtcthafs whto Urhcfmlb 5 cfe Urhcfmlb 2 cfe hs cs jallaws4 Hf c EMC rbpart, hj (K7O7) 9  x0 (K 7O5) 9  y0 (KO5) 9  z , hf μL/L (ppi), jhrst kclkulctb tob sui (  xx +  y +  z ), ), tobf tob rblcthvb % aj bcko mcs % K7 O 7  3>> x / ( x  y  z ) 0   % K7 O 5    3>> y / ( x  y  z )  0   3>> z / ( x  y  z )  . % KO 5 

Uobsb rblcthvb % vclubs crb tob kaarehfctbs aj tob EMC pahft hf Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3. Cs hllustrctbe, jar bxciplb, hf Jhmurb E.7 wobrb  x  9 72 μL/L (ppi) aj KO5,  y  9 32 μL/L (ppi) aj K7O5  cfe z  9  9 3> μL/L (ppi) aj K7O7. Wblcthvb % vclubs crb KO5 9 2>%, K7O5 9 ;>% cfe K 7O7 9 7>%0 hf zafb E7.


 Jrbb clmarhtois jar ushfm tob Euvcl ^bftcmafs ibtoaes crb cvchlcglb hf tob HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 ehrbktar ehrbktaryy lakctbe ct4 ottps4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/kaftbft /eci/hbbb-stcfecres/stcfecres/wbg/eawfl cfecres/wbg/eawflace/K2=.3>5-7> ace/K2=.3>5-7>38Qeawflaces.zhp 38Qeawflaces.zhp..  ottps4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/kaftbft/eci/hbbb-stcfecres/st



Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Jhmurb E.7―Bxciplb aj Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 rbprbsbftcthaf

Euvcl Urhcfmlbs 5 cfe 2 crb guhlt cfe usbe hf tob scib icffbr gut usb ehjjbrbft mcsbs cfe zafbs. Euvcl Urhcfmlb 5 usbs O7, KO5 cfe K7O: cfe Euvcl Urhcfmlb 2 usbs KO 5, K7O5 cfe K7O:. Euvcl Urhcfmlbs 5 cfe 2 kcf gb uthlhzbe ta agtchf iarb hfjaricthaf cgaut sug-typbs aj tobricl jcults ebskrhgbe hf K.7. hf K.7. [bb  [bb clsa :.7.;. clsa :.7.;.   ]obf law bfbrmy ar law tbipbrcturb jcults crb hebfthjhbe ushfm tob Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 (^E, U3 ar U7), iarb hfjaricthaf kcf gb agtchfbe whto Euvcl Urhcfmlb 5. ]obf ohmo, ar vbry ohmo, tbipbrcturb jcults ocvb gbbf hebfthjhbe whto Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 (U7 ar U;), iarb hfjaricthaf kcf gb agtchfbe ushfm tob Euvcl Urhcfmlb 2. Uob Euvcl Urhcfmlb 5 ibtoae hs hllustrctbe hf hf Jhmurb  Jhmurb E.;.  E.;.  Uob Urhcfmlb 5 ibtoae cllaws jar ehsthfmuhsohfm gbtwbbf jcults [, A, ^E, W (sbb   K.7), K.7), wohko crb aj rblcthvbly ihfar kafkbrf hf trcfsjaribrs, cfe patbfthclly iarb ecfmbraus jcults K, wohko hfvalvb passhglb kcrgafhzcthaf aj pcpbr. Jcults W whll cppbcr ct tob vbry tap aj Urhcfmlb 5 (O7 afly).


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Jhmurb E.;―Euvcl Urhcfmlb 5 ibtoae jar law tbipbrcturb jcults

 Fuibrhkcl vclubs jar jcult zafb gaufecrhbs aj Euvcl Urhcfmlb 5 ibtoae crb tob jallawhfm, bxprbssbe hf %O7, %KO5 cfe %K7O:4 Ucglb E.;―Jcult zafb gaufecrhbs jar   Jhmurb Jhmurb E.; E.;   Mcs% / Jcult

% O7 

% KO5 

% K7O: 

  ≢ 8 

≢ 7 cfe < 32

cfe < 5:

≢ 32 

≢ 75 cfe < ;>


  < ;:



< ;: cfe ≢ 32 

7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Uob Euvcl Urhcfmlb 2 ibtoae hs hllustrctbe hf hf Jhmurb  Jhmurb E.54  E.54 

Jhmurb E.5―Euvcl Urhcfmlb 2 ibtoae jar ohmo tbipbrcturb jcult

Uob 2 ibtoae c usbr ta ehsthfmuhso gbtwbbfiarb ohmo ecfmbraus tbipbrcturbjcults jcultsKU;/U7 hf ihfbrcl ahl afly,Urhcfmlb aj lbssbr kafkbrfcllaws hf trcfsjaribrs, cfe patbfthclly hfvalvhfm passhglb kcrgafhzcthaf aj pcpbr.  Fuibrhkcl vclubs jar jcult zafb gaufecrhbs aj Euvcl Urhcfmlb 2 ibtoae crb tob jallawhfm, bxprbssbe hf %KO5, %K7O5 cfe %K7O:4 Ucglb E.5―Jcult zafb gaufecrhbs jar   Jhmurb Jhmurb E.5 Mcs% / Jcult

% KO5 



% K7O5 

% K7O: 


≢ 7 cfe < 35


≢ 25  ≢ 35 cfe < 25


≢ 3> cfe < ;2

< 37



≢ ;2 

< 37



≢ 2> 

≢ 37 cfe < 35

                 

≢ => 

≢ 35 

≢ ;2  ≢ 3> cfe < 2> ≢ 3> cfe < => ≢ 3> cfe < ;2

≢ ;> 



     








≢ 37 cfe < 35 ≢ 35 cfe < ;> ≢ ;> 

 Fatb toct4 c) 

Urhcfmlbs 5 cfe 2 soaule fbvbr gb usbe jar jcults hebfthjhbe jhrst whto Urhcfmlb 3 cs blbktrhkcl jcults

E3 ar E7.  g)  Urhcfmlb 5 soaule gb usbe afly hf kcsb aj jcults hebfthjhbe jhrst cs jcults ^E, U3 ar U7 hf Urhcfmlb 3. k) 

Urhcfmlb 2 soaule gb usbe afly hf kcsb aj jcults hebfthjhbe jhrst cs jcults U7 ar U; hf Urhcfmlb 3.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

e)  EMC pahfts akkurrhfm hf zafbs K hfehkctb c passhghlhty aj kcrgafhzcthaf aj pcpbr, fat c 3>>% kbrtchfty, cfe jurtobr hfvbsthmcthafs whto kcrgaf axhebs cfe jurcfs soaule gb ufebrtc`bf. Uob prakbeurb jar kclkulcthfm cfe ehsplcyhfm EMC pahfts hf Euvcl Urhcfmlbs 5 cfe 2 hs tob scib cs jar Urhcfmlb 3 hf :.7.;. hf :.7.;. 37   Fuibrhkcl vclubs aj zafb gaufecrhbs crb hfehkctbe hf hf Ucglb E.;/Jhmurb E.; cfe Ucglb cfe Ucglb E.5/Jhmurb E.5.  E.5.  E.2 Euvcl ^bftcmaf 7 ibtoae

Hj tobricl jcults (U3, U7, cfe U;) ocvb gbbf hebfthjhbe whto Euvcl ^bftcmaf 3, iarb hfjaricthaf kcf gb agtchfbe af tobsb jcults whto Euvcl ^bftcmaf 7, cs hf tob kcsb aj Euvcl Urhcfmlbs 5 cfe 2. Uob Euvcl ^bftcmaf 7 ibtoae hs hllustrctbe hf Jhmurb hf Jhmurb E.2.  E.2. 

Jhmurb E.2―Euvcl ^bftcmaf 7 ibtoae

Uob ^bftcmaf 7 ibtoae cllaws jar ebtbkthaf aj tob ; gcshk typbs aj blbktrhkcl jcults (^E, E3 cfe E7) cs hf Euvcl cfe ta jurtobr ehsthfmuhso gbtwbbf tob 5 ceehthafcl sug-typbs aj tobricl jcults aj  E.7   E.7 ([, A, K^bftcmaf cfe U; hf3,ihfbrcl ahl afly). Hf Euvcl ^bftcmaf 7, jcults U; hf ihfbrcl ahl afly crb hfehkctbe cs U;-O, wobrb O hs jar “Ouhlb’ ar “ahl’ hf Jrbfko.  FAUB―EMC pahfts akkurrhfm hf zafb K hfehkctb c passhghlhty aj kcrgafhzcthaf aj pcpbr, fat c 3>>% 3> >% kbrtchfty, cfe jurtobr hfvbsthmcthafs whto kcrgaf axhebs cfe jurcfs soaule gb ufebrtc`bf.

Uob prakbeurb jar kclkulcthfm cfe ehsplcyhfm EMC pahfts hf Euvcl ^bftcmafs hs ebskrhgbe hf “Uob Euvcl ^bftcmaf  C fbw kaiplbibftcry taal jar tob hftbrprbtcthaf aj ehssalvbe mcs cfclyshs hf trcfsjaribrs,’ PG8>Y. trcfsjaribrs,’  PG8>Y.  


 Jrbb clmarhtois jar ushfm tob Euvcl Urhcfmlbs ibtoaes crb cvchlcglb hf tob HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 ehrbktary lakctbe ct4 ottps4//stcfe ottps4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/kaftbft cres.hbbb.arm/kaftbft/eci/hbbb-stcfecres/st /eci/hbbb-stcfecres/stcfecres/wbg/eawfl cfecres/wbg/eawflace/K2=.3>5-7> ace/K2=.3>5-7>38Qeawflaces.zhp 38Qeawflaces.zhp.. 


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Uob fuibrhkcl vclubs aj tob (  xx, y) kaarehfctbs aj zafb gaufecrhbs aj ^bftcmaf 7 crb hfehkctbe gblaw4   3;   

^E4 (>, ;;), (‛3, ;;), (‛3, 75.2), (>, 75.2)0


E34 (>, 5>), (;?, 37), (;7, ‛:.3), (5, 3:), (>, 3.2)0


E74 (5, 3:), (;7, ‛:.3), (75.;, ‛;>), (>, ‛;), (>, 3.2)0

  [4 (>, 3.2), (‛;2, ;.3), (‛;?, 37.5), (>, 5>), (>, ;;), (‛3, ;;), (‛3, 75.2), (>, 75.2)0


U;-O4 (>, ‛;), (75.;, ‛;>), (7;.2, ‛;7.5), (7.2, ‛;7.5), (‛;.2, ‛;)0


K4 (‛;.2, ‛;), (7.2, ‛;7.5), (‛73.2, ‛;7.5), (‛33, ‛?)0


A4 (‛;.2, ‛;), (‛33 ,‛?), (‛73.2, ‛;7.5), (‛7;.2, ‛;7.5), (‛;2, ;.3), (>, 3.2), (>, ‛;).

E.: Ihxturbs aj jcults

Euvcl Urhcfmlbs 3, 5, 2 cfe ^bftcmafs 3, 7 ibtoaes, cs wbll cs cll atobr ehcmfashs ibtoaes (@by Mcs, Wambrs Wcthas, Eabrfbfgurm Wcthas), wbrb hfhthclly ebvblapbe jar ebtbkthfm shfmlb jcults afly. Oawbvbr, iulthplb jcults (ihxturbs aj jcults) ajtbf akkur rctobr tocf shfmlb jcults cfe icy gb iarb ehjjhkult ta hebfthjy whto kbrtchfty. Jar hfstcfkb, cktucl ihxturbs aj jcults U;+E3 icy saibthibs cppbcr hf tbris aj mcs jaricthaf cs jcults E7 hf Urhcfmlb 3, ^bftcmaf 3, cfe atobr ehcmfashs ibtoaes (Wambrs Wcthas, btk.), wohlb cktucl ^bftcmaf 7. ihxturbs aj jcults U; hf ihfbrcl ahl (U;-O) cfe A icy cppbcr cs jcults K hf Urhcfmlb 2 cfe Ihxturbs aj jcults icy gb suspbktbe wobf jcult hebfthjhkcthafs pravhebe gy Euvcl Urhcfmlbs 3, 5, cfe 2 cfe ^bftcmafs 3 cfe 7 jar tob scib EMC rbsults crb ehjjbrbft. Uohs hs gbkcusb bcko mrcpohkcl rbprbsbftcthaf hs iarb sbfshthvb ta saib mcsbs cfe saib jcults tocf ta atobrs. Jar bxciplb, Urhcfmlb 5 cfe tob ^bftcmafs crb iarb sbfshthvb ta O7 cfe jcults [ cfe ^E, wohlb Urhcfmlb 3 cfe Urhcfmlb 2 crb iarb sbfshthvb ta K 7O5 cfe jcults U;. Hj tob pashthaf aj tob EMC pahft kocfmbs whto thib hf tob Urhcfmlbs cfe tob ^bftcmafs, tohs hfehkctbs toct c fbw jcult ocs jaribe avbr tob ale afb ar cfatobr saurkb aj mcs jaricthaf (c ehjjbrbft typb aj jcult ocs  gbkaib ckthvb) bxhsts. Ua mbt c gbttbr hebfthjhkcthaf aj tohs fbw jcult, mcs kafkbftrcthafs jrai tob prbvhaus EMC rbsults icy gb sugtrcktbe jrai tob iast rbkbft afbs. Uob sugtrcktbe (ebltc) vclubs whll tous gb eub afly ta tob fbw jcult. Hj ebltc vclubs crb fbmcthvb jar saib mcsbs, tohs ibcfs toct fa ceehthafcl ciaufts (zbra ²L/L) aj tobsb mcsbs ocvb gbbf jaribe gbkcusb aj tob fbw jcult shfkb tob prbvhaus sciplb, cfe toct saib aj toasb mcsbs prbvhausly jaribe ocvb stcrtbe ta bskcpb jrai tob trcfsjaribr. ]obf hebfthjyhfm tob fbw jcult, fbmcthvb ebltc vclubs soaule, tobrbjarb, gb rbplckbe gy zbra ²L/L. Fatb tob prbvhaus ehskusshaf aj tob taphks aj rbpbctcghlhty cfe rbpraeukhghlhty, wohko icy clsa kaftrhgutb ta c fbmcthvb kclkulctbe ehjjbrbfkb. Uob passhglb prbsbfkb aj iulthplb jcults icy gb usbjul hfjaricthaf eurhfm tob hfspbkthaf aj trcfsjaribrs. E.= ]obf ta usb tob Euvcl ^bftcmafs cfe Urhcfmlbs

Hj hftbrbst hs afly hf tob shx gcshk typbs aj jcults hf  hf   K.3 cfe gy shfmlb jcults, tob ehsplcy aj EMC pahfts waule gb eafb ushfm tob ^bftcmaf 3 ar Urhcfmlb 3. Hj tobrb hs clsa cf hftbrbst hf tob ceehthafcl sug-typbs aj jcults hf  hf  K.7,  K.7,  ^bftcmaf 7 cfe Urhcfmlbs 5 ar 2 soaule gb usbe.


  Jrbb clmarhtois jar ushfm tob Euvcl ^bftcmafs ibtoaes crb cvchlcglb hf tob HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 ehrbktary lakctbe ct4 ottps4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/kaftbft cres.hbbb.arm/kaftbft/eci/hbbb-stcfecres/st /eci/hbbb-stcfecres/stcfecres/wbg/eawfl cfecres/wbg/eawflace/K2=.3>5-7> ace/K2=.3>5-7>38Qeawflaces.zhp 38Qeawflaces.zhp..  ottps4//stcfe


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

]obf ebtbkthaf aj ihxturbs aj jcults hs ebshrbe, tob ehcmfashs pravhebe gy tob pbftcmafs cfe tob trhcfmlbs kcf gb kaipcrbe. Hj toby ea fat cmrbb, tohs icy gb cf hfehkcthaf aj iulthplb jcults. Rsb sugtrcktbe (ebltc) vclubs cs hfehkctbe hf E.: hf E.: ta jurtobr hebfthjy tobsb iulthplb jcults. E.? Hftbrprbtcthaf aj KA cfe KA7  7 wbrb kafshebrbe cs maae hfehkctars aj pcpbr hfvalvbibft hf jcults (sbb E.3) Rfthl KA cfectKA  E.3).. Wbkbftrbkbftly, hfvbsthmcthafs KHMWB (sbb  PG=7Y),, cfe hf prbpcrcthaf aj HBK :>288 PG3>;Y (sbb PG=7Y) :>288  PG3>;Y rbvhshaf,(sbb oawbvbr, ocvb soawf toct tohs hs fat clwcys tob kcsb. Uob prbsbft vhbw af tob hftbrprbtcthaf aj KA cfe KA7 hs tob jallawhfm.


Ohmo kafkbftrcthafs aj KA (6 3>>> μL/L (ppi)) cfe/ar law KA7/KA rcthas (< ;), ]HUOARU tob jaricthaf aj shmfhjhkcft ciaufts aj oyerakcrgaf mcsbs, crb FAU cf hfehkcthaf aj c jcult hf pcpbr,  pcrthkulcrly hf klasbe trcfsjaribr, gut crb rctobr eub ta ihfbrcl ahl axhecthaf ufebr kafehthafs aj lhihtbe supply aj A7.

 g)  Ohmo kafkbftrcthafs aj KA (6 3>>> μL/L (ppi)) cfe law KA7/KA rcthas (< ;), UAMBUOBW ]HUO tob jaricthaf aj shmfhjhkcft ciaufts aj oyerakcrgaf mcsbs, icy gb cf hfehkcthaf aj c jcult hf pcpbr. Uohs soaule gb kafjhribe, oawbvbr, gy ^bftcmaf 7 cfe Urhcfmlbs 5, 2, cfe atobr agsbrvcthafs (b.m., kcrgaf axhebs cfe jurcfs). k) 

Ohmo kafkbftrcthafs aj KA7 (6 3> >>> μL/L (ppi)), ohmo KA7/KA rcthas (6 7>) cfe ohmo vclubs aj jurcfs (62 μL/L (ppi)) crb cf hfehkcthaf aj tob slaw ebmrcecthaf aj pcpbr ct rblcthvbly law tbipbrcturbs ( ¾K), eawf saibthibs ta vbry law ebmrbbs aj palyibrhzcthaf (E^s) aj pcpbr (b.m., 32> ta 3>>). Hf tob vbry lcrmb icdarhty aj kcsbs, oawbvbr, tohs eabs fat prbvbft tob trcfsjaribr jrai apbrcthfm fariclly, bvbf hf tob prbsbfkb aj cf bxtbrfcl soart khrkuht. Oawbvbr, tobrb crb kafkbrfs toct tob law E^ pcpbr icy fat clwcys whtostcfe strafm trcfshbft avbr-kurrbfts ar soart khrkuhts. [bb “[hmfhjhkcfkb cfe ebtbkthaf aj vbry law ebmrbb aj palyibrhzcthaf aj pcpbr hf trcfsjaribrs’ PG8;Y. trcfsjaribrs’  PG8;Y.  

e)  Kafkbftrcthafs aj KA cfe KA7  gblaw Ucglb 3 aj tohs muheb, karrbspafes ta faricl mcsshfm hf trcfsjaribrs whtoaut jcults. b) 

Tbra ar vbry law rctbs aj kocfmb aj KA cfe KA7 ea fat fbkbsscrhly ibcf tob cgsbfkb aj c jcult hf  pcpbr. Lakclhzbe jcults hf sicll valuibs aj pcpbr ajtbf ea fat praeukb ebtbktcglb ciaufts aj KA cfe KA7 kaipcrbe ta tob usuclly ohmo gck`mraufe aj tobsb mcsbs hf sbrvhkb. Oawbvbr, toby ajtbf  praeukb shmfhjhkcft ciaufts aj tob atobr oyerakcrgaf mcsbs, cllawhfm tob ebtbkthaf aj jcults hf  pcpbr whto ^bftcmaf 7 cfe Urhcfmlbs 5 ar 2.

E.8 Atobr usbjul mcs rcthas jar jcult hebfthjhkcthaf

E.8.3 Uob A7 /F7 rctha

Ebkrbcshfm vclubs aj tohs rctha hfehkctb avbrobcthfm cfe axhecthaf aj ihfbrcl ahl cfe kcf gb usbe ta kafjhri tobricl jcults hebfthjhbe hf tohs cffbx. Hfkrbcshfm vclubs icy hfehkctb lbc`s hf tob chr prbsbrvcthaf systbi aj trcfsjaribrs (ibigrcfb ar fhtrambf  glcf`bt). E.8.7 Uob K7O7 /O7 rctha

Zclubs aj tohs rctha 6; icy hfehkctb lbc`s ar kaftcihfcthaf jrai tob tcp-kocfmbr kaipcrtibft hfta tob ichf tcf`. Hj suko kaftcihfcthaf hs suspbktbe, ht soaule gb hfvbsthmctbe.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Cffbx B

(hfjaricthvb) Kcsb stuehbs 35 

B.3 Rfhftbfthafcl karb mraufe Gck`mraufeUrcfsjaribrs ocvb icfy kaipafbfts toct hftbrckt cfe cjjbkt bquhpibft apbrcthaf. Uob trcfsjaribr hfsulcthaf systbi hs typhkclly kaiprhsbe aj kbllulasb ictbrhcl (pcpbr hfsulcthaf) cfe hfsulcthfm lhquhe-lh`b ihfbrcl ahl. Kaftcihfcthaf aj tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe ar c lass aj hfsulcthaf ictbrhcl kcf praeukb cf bfbrmy saurkb toct mbfbrctbs mcsbs jrai tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe ar kbllulasb ictbrhcl. Uob kbllulasb ictbrhcl hs tob pcpbr wrcpphfm craufe kafeuktars cfe prbssgacre usbe jar hfsulcthaf klbcrcfkb cfe spckbr ictbrhcl. Kaipafbft iavbibft kcf ehsplckb tob prbssgacre ar tbcr tob pcpbr wohko kcf ebkrbcsb tob hfsulcthaf rbshstcfkb. Uohs afb-ybcr-ale pawbr trcfsjaribr wcs apbrcthfm hf c sugstcthaf ct 3:3 `Z ta 3;.? `Z whto c gcsb kcpckhty aj ;> IZC. Ubkofhkcl BxplcfcthafUrcfsjaribrs rbquhrb cf hraf karb ta hfkrbcsb blbktra-icmfbthk jhble hftbrckthafs  gbtwbbf tob whfehfms. Uob hraf karb ocs afb hftbfthafcl mraufe pahft typhkclly typhkclly galtbe ct tob tap aj tob karb

ar toraumowhto c kaffbkthaf karb mraufeictbrhcls. gusohfm. Mraufes Atobr passhglb hraf karb kaftckt ta mraufe crb hfsulctbe kbllulasb taarc icf-iceb kcf ebvblap wobf tobsbpahfts ictbrhcls gbkaib ehsplckbe ar ecicmbe, wohko kcf cllaw tob hraf karb ta kaib hfta kaftckt whto c mraufe pahft. Clsa, ebgrhs  guhleup kcf rbeukb tob hfsulcthaf hfsulcthaf rbshstcfkb cl cllawhfm lawhfm kurrbft jlaw wohko krbctbs krbctbs cf bfbrmy saurkb lh`b obct. obct. Uob kurrbft jlaw kcf vcry whto tob hfsulcthaf rbshstcfkb aj tob ufhftbfthafcl karb mraufe cfe kcf rbcko sbvbrcl ouferbe cips. Uohs kurrbft jlaw kcf praeukb tbipbrcturbs kcpcglb aj jushfm ibtcl clafm whto kaigusthglb mcsbs cfe kcrgaf. Ohmo kurrbfts kcf gurf cwcy tob hftbfthafcl karb mraufe kaffbkthaf lbcvhfm cf ufrblhcglb mraufe kaffbkthaf wohko whll cllaw c patbfthcl ta ckkuiulctb af tob hraf karb. CfclyshsJallawhfm

c klasb praxhihty soart khrkuht bvbft ta tob trcfsjaribr, tob trcfsjaribr hf tohs kcsb stuey ebvblapbe c mcsshfm hssub.  hssub.  Ucglb B.3 soaws EMC ohstary sciplb rbsults sa tob kaigusthglb mcs kafkbftrcthafs crb cgavb tob A7/F7  ≥ >.7 hf tob trcfsjaribr cmb hf ybcrs kctbmary aj 3 ta 3> ybcrs. Uob EMC sciplb rbsults hf Ucglb hf Ucglb B.3 crb clsa cgavb tob Ucglb 7 kafkbftrcthafs jar tob scib kctbmary, cfe crb c :.3.7.5). Uob kafjhricthaf sciplb (ectc pahft ;) cfe kcsb aj bxtrbib EMC jar KO 5  cfe K7O5 (sbb :.3.7.5). iafhtarhfm sciplb (ectc pahft 5) kafjhris tob ckthvb mcsshfm saurkb jar c [tctus ;. Uob bvbft akkurrbe  gbtwbbf ectc pahfts cfeEuvcl 7. Ectc pahft 3 kaigusthglb mcs m cs rbsults crb vbry law cfe soaule fat gb usbe hf tob ehcmfasthk iaebls3 lh`b Urhcfmlb. Ucglb B.3―EMC sciplb rbsults jar ufhftbfthafcl karb mraufe hf ²L/L (ppi) Ectc pahft

[ciplb ectb4



















3>? 7;;

3; ;:5










=: 25>

7 ;>5










?; 8=:

5 2>;










?: =82

7 ;?=

Uob ectc pahft 7 sciplb rbparts c lcrmb hfkrbcsb hf kaigusthglb mcs lbvbls toct wcs vbrhjhbe whto c kafjhricthaf sciplb. Ectc pahft 5 jrai Jbgrucry 3>, 7>>5 hfehkctbs toct tob mcsshfm saurkb hs ckthvb cs 35  Ictbrhcl rbprhftbe whto pbrihsshaf jrai Uob Ocrtjare [tbci Gahlbr Hfspbkthaf cfe Hfsurcfkb Kaipcfy, “UAMC® ^rbsbftcthaf0 Kcsb [tuey Wbvhbw’ © 7>37.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

hfehkctbe gy tob btoylbfb mcs kafkbftrcthaf ebltc aj 3:3 ²L/L (ppi) rbpartbe hf Ucglb hf  Ucglb B.7. Ebpbfehfm B.7. Ebpbfehfm af tob oyerakcrgaf mcs, cf hfkrbcsb hf tob tbipbrcturb saurkb whll mbfbrclly cjjbkt tob mcs mbfbrcthaf rctb. Cf hfkrbcshfm mcs rctb aj kocfmb hs fariclly cssakhctbe whto c ebtbrharcthfm kafehthaf. Ucglb B.7―EMC ebltc ²L/L (ppi) gbtwbbf sukkbsshvb sciplb Ectc pahft

[ciplb ectbs








7 ;

3;-Dcf->5 7?-Dcf->5

82 8

573 ‛3=

37? 3>

:82 ‛3=

= ‛7

‛7 :

3=7 ‛3=










Uob Wambrs Wcthas ehcmfasthk iaebl usbs kaigusthglb mcs rbsults kaighfbe hf rcthas ta agtchf c ehcmfashs. Uob krhtbrhaf wcs gcsbe af jhble hfspbkthaf bxpbrhbfkb. Uob arhmhfcl Wambrs Wcthas iaebl whto jaur rcthas rbpartbe c karb obcthfm hssub toct hs kafshstbft whto cf ufhftbfthafcl karb mraufe. Uob Euvcl Urhcfmlb ehcmfasthk ibtoae jar ectc pahfts 7, ;, cfe 5 hf Ucglb hf Ucglb B.; wcs rbpartbe hf tob U; rbmhaf cfe whto jchrly kafshstbft rbsults gbtwbbf tob torbb sciplbs, wohlb ^bftcmaf 7 hfehkctbs ohmo tbipbrcturb jcult hf ihfbrcl ahl. Ucglb B.;―Euvcl Urhcfmlb rcthas jar ufhftbfthafcl karb mraufe Ectc pahft

% KO5 



7 ;

;=.2% ;=.7%

:3.8% :7.5%

>.:% >.2%





Jhmurb B.3―Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Jhmurb B.7―Euvcl ^bftcmaf 7

Uob rbsult aj tob cfclyshs wcs ta rbpchr tob ufhftbfthafcl karb mraufe gy eb-tcf`hfm tob ^C whfehfm cfe rbplckhfm tob karb klcip galts. B.7 LZ kaffbkthafs hssubs

Uob 3:3 `Z ta 3;.? `Z, ;> IZC trcfsjaribr hf tohs kcsb wcs plckbe hfta apbrcthaf cfe hiibehctbly gbmcf mbfbrcthfm kaigusthglb mcsbs. Uob kafjhricthaf sciplbs rbpartbe c shihlcr EMC mcs prajhlb cfe hfkrbcshfm kaigusthglb mcs kafkbftrcthafs. Uwa aj tob hfhthcl EMC sciplbs crb mhvbf hf Ucglb hf Ucglb B.5.  B.5.  Ucglb B.5―Hfhthcl EMC rbsults jar kaffbkthafs kaffbkthafs hssubs Ectc pahft

[ciplb ectbs










3 7

7>-Icy->? 33-Duf->?

;2 3==

3?3 2:>

23 382

5=; 3,3??

7 7>

73 73

3?5 3?5

3>3 28> 2? 8>>

7 535 7 3>5

Ucglbhfehkctb B.5 soaws hfhthcl EMC rbsults (sciplbs tc`bf tob 7trcfsjaribr bfbrmhzbe) cfe toct tob kaigusthglb mcssciplb kafkbftrcthafs crb cgavb tobcjtbr tob    Ucglb vclubs jar wcs A7/Fjhrst 7  ≥ >.7 hf to b trcfsjaribr cmb kctbmary aj 3 ta 3> ybcrs. Uob kafjhricthaf sciplb (ectc pahft 7) kafjhris tob ckthvb mcsshfm saurkb whto ebltcs cgavb  cgavb  Ucglb ; jar c [tctus ; cfe jar KO5  cfe K7O5  c kcsb aj bxtrbib EMC (sbb :.3.7.5) (sbb  :.3.7.5).. Uob trcfsjaribr ABI wcs hfvalvbe hf tob hfvbsthmcthaf cfe aptbe jar cf hftbrfcl hfspbkthaf. Uob blbktrhkcl tbsthfm cfe hftbrfcl hfspbkthaf ehe fat jhfe tob mcsshfm saurkb sa tob trcfsjaribr wcs rbturfbe ta sbrvhkb whto cf hfkrbcsbe sciplhfm jrbqubfky. Uob trcfsjaribr wcs rbturfbe ta [tctus 7 cfe ht wcs klasbly iafhtarbe.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Jhmurb B.;―EMC bvaluthaf jrai hfhthcl stcrtup ta rbpchr

Uob Euvcl Urhcfmlb ehcmfasthk ibtoae rcthas, kclkulctbe hf Ucglb hf  Ucglb B.2 cfe plattbe hf Jhmurb hf Jhmurb B.5, hfehkctbe B.5, hfehkctbe cf blbvctbe tbipbrcturb hf tob U; rbmhaf. Uob kcrgaf iafaxheb jar tohs trcfsjaribr rcfmbe gbtwbbf 7> ²L/L (ppi) cfe 5> ²L/L (ppi). Uob lck` aj kcrgaf iafaxheb cfe kcrgaf ehaxheb lbces afb ta prbsuib toct tobrb wbrb fa shmfhjhkcft ciaufts aj kbllulasb ictbrhcl, lh`b hfsulcthaf pcpbr, fbcr tob jcult. Uob ABI  pbrjaribe blbktrhkcl tbsts, wohko blhihfctbe kafkbrfs cgaut cf ufhftbfthafcl karb mraufe. Uobrb kafthfube ta gb c kafkbrf whto c laasb ar ohmo rbshstcfkb kaffbkthaf. Ucglb B.2―Euvcl Urhcfmlb rcthas Ectc pahft [ciplb ectb % KO5  %K7O5  %K7O7 



7>-Icy->? 7?% =7% >%

33-Duf->? ;7% :=% 3%

Jhmurb B.5―Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3

Uwa ybcrs lctbr, tob trcfsjaribr rbkbhvbe c sbkafe hftbrfcl hfspbkthaf gy tob ABI cjtbr c pbrhae aj ohmobr mcs mbfbrcthaf rctb, sthll whtoaut jhfehfm tob mcsshfm saurkb, cfe wcs rbturfbe ta sbrvhkb. Cjtbr jhvb ybcrs aj


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

apbrcthaf, whto shihlcr EMC mcs prajhlbs cfe sparcehk mcsshfm toct cppbcrs ta jallaw pbrhaes aj ohmobr blbktrhkcl laces, tob trcfsjaribr wcs rbturfbe ta tob jcktary jallawhfm c pbrhae aj ohmo mcsshfm rctb. [bb Ucglb [bb  Ucglb B.: cfe Jhmurb cfe Jhmurb B.;.  B.;.  Ucglb B.:―Jhfcl EMC kaigusthglb mcs kafkbftrcthafs kafkbft rcthafs hf μL/L (ppi) prhar ta

jcktary rbpchr Ectc pahft

[ciplb ectbs











3 7 ; 5 2 :

72-Cpr-37 75-Dul-37 7?-Cum-37 75-[bp-37 75-Akt-37 3:-Fav-37

3: ;= 5; ;8 =2 :8

33:8 :8 77: ;:? 78> :78 2::

:3 338 378 335 757 75:

;:8 52: =>5 :33 3,7=5 3 ,7=5 3,3?8 3 ,3?8

> > > > 3 >

5? 7; 2: 53 22 5=

25> 787 2?3 578 58; 52=

: 7>; ? 22> 35 =;? = =5? = 7>7 2 2=5

?2 27? =7 >?5 3>2 35? 2? 73: => >5= :2 288

7.2: ;.5> 2.>8 5.;7 8.3; ?.27

Jhmurb B.2―Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 jar ectc prhar ta tohre hfvbsthmcthaf

Ucglb B.: kaftchfs EMC rbsults aj tob lcrmb kocfmb hf kaigusthglb mcs kafkbftrcthafs, wohko praiptbe tob trcfsjaribr‘s rbiavcl jrai sbrvhkb cfe hts rbturf ta tob jcktary jar hfspbkthaf cfe uftcf`hfm. Jhmurb uftcf`hfm. Jhmurb B.2 hs tob Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 jar tob scib ectc, hfehkcthfm c U; jcult, scib cs prbvhaus akkurrbfkbs. C shmfhjhkcft ebvblapibft, wohko lbe ta tob ebkhshaf ta rbturf tob trcfsjaribr ta jcktary, wcs tob rbparthfm aj c trckb ciauft aj ckbtylbfb cfe c lcrmb kocfmb hf btoylbfb. Uob kclkulctbe FBH Ahl (sbb  (sbb Cffbx  Cffbx J) jar J) jar ectc pahft 3 hs 7.2:, wohko hfkrbcsbs avbr tob fbxt sbvbrcl sciplbs ta rbcko c icxhiui aj 8.3; ct ectc pahft 2, hfehkcthfm c ebtbrharcthaf aj tob mcsshfm saurkb. Uob ectc pahft : sciplb wcs c kafjhricthaf sciplb cfe tob lcgarctary agsbrvbe c trckb ciauft aj ckbtylbfb af tob mcs koraictamrci kocrt toct wcs gblaw tob ihfhiui lbvbl aj ebtbkthaf. Uob trcfsjaribr wcs uftcf`be cfe jculty law valtcmb kaiprbsshaf jhtthfms wbrb jaufe. Uob kbllulasb hfsulcthaf wrcp wcs kocrrbe cfe jcllhfm cpcrt jrai tob obct mbfbrctbe gy tob ohmo rbshstcfkb kaffbkthafs. Uob law valtcmb kaiprbsshaf jhtthfms wbrb rbplckbe, cfe tob trcfsjaribr wcs rbturfbe ta sbrvhkb.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

B.; Hftbrfcl trcfsjaribr crkhfm kcusbs rblcy pratbkthvb ckthaf Gck`mraufe  U Uob ob

trcfsjaribr hf tohs kcsb stuey supplhbs c iufhkhpcl ehstrhguthaf sugstcthaf, sa tob lass aj tob trcfsjaribr eabs fat rbprbsbft c shmfhjhkcft lass-aj-bfbrmy-fat-sbrvbe bxpasurb hf tob bvbft aj c jchlurb. Uyphkclly, cf cffucl sciplb jrbqubfky hs rbkaiibfebe jar tohs bquhpibft cpplhkcthaf whto tob rauthfb sciplb gbhfm tc`bf hf Cumust. Uob Cumust 7>32 sciplb rbpartbe fa cgfaricl rbsults sa tob fbxt rauthfb sciplb wcs skobeulbe jar tob fbxt ybcr. Ucglb B.= Ectc ^ahft 3 jrai Cumust 7>32 rauthfb sciplb cfclyshs rbpartbe cf axymbf ta fhtrambf rctha aj >.>;, wohko hs kafshstbft whto prbvhaus sciplbs. Uohs hs cf hipartcft kafshebrcthaf wobf trbfehfm tob rbsults jrai ohstarhk sciplbs. Uob kcrgaf ehaxheb cfe kcrgaf iafaxheb mcs kafkbftrcthafs crb law cfe kafshstbft whto prbvhaus sciplb, wohko hfehkctbs faricl cmhfm aj tob kbllulasb hfsulcthfm ictbrhcl. Kcrgaf axhebs hfkrbcsb avbr thib cs tob kbllulasb cfe hfsulcthfm lhquhe cmbs, wohko hs bxpbktbe, sa toby crb iafhtarbe jar lcrmb kocfmbs. C lcrmb hfkrbcsb hf kcrgaf ehaxheb hs kafshstbft whto ckkblbrctbe kbllulasb rctb aj cmhfm. Uobrb crb law ciaufts aj kaigusthglb mcsbs lh`b ibtocfb, btocfb, cfe btoylbfb wohko crb bxpbktbe bhtobr toraumo brrars hf tob sciplb cfclyshs prakbss ar prbvhaus bxpasurb ta apbrcthfm tbipbrcturbs. Uobrb wbrb fa rbkaiibfecthafs iceb ta tob bquhpibft awfbr gcsbe af tob Ectc pahft 3 (Cumust 7>32) sciplb rbsults, wohko hs hf [tctus 3. Ubkofhkcl Bxplcfcthaf  Uob Uob

blbktrhkcl trcfsjaribr hs c ;8-ybcr-ale trcfsjaribr rctbe 3:3 `Z ta :8 `Z whto c 3;.? `Z tbrthcry whfehfm cfe c gcsb kcpckhty aj 5? IZC. Uob trcfsjaribr prbsbrvcthaf systbi usbe c sbclbe tcf` ebshmf whto c fhtrambf glcf`bt, sa tob Ucglb tob Ucglb ; A7/F7 ≥ >.7 cfe tob ≢;> cmb hf ybcrs kctbmary hs

usbe jar tob bvclucthaf. Uob cutaicthk ehjjbrbfthcl kurrbft pratbkthaf rblcy rbiavbe tob trcfsjaribr jrai sbrvhkb af Ebkbigbr =, 7>32. Uobrb wbrb fa bxtbrfcl hfehkcthafs jar tob pratbkthvb rblcy trhp kcusb cfe tob blbktrhkcl tbsts ehe fat rbpart rbsults toct bxkbbebe tob bxpbktbe rcfmbs. Uob blbktrhkcl tbsts hfkluebe c turf-ta-turf rctha, hfsulcthaf rbshstcfkb, whfehfm rbshstcfkb, pawbr jcktar, cfe bxkhtcthaf kurrbft blbktrhkcl tbsts. C kursary hftbrfcl hfspbkthaf aj tob trcfsjaribr ichf tcf` ehe fat jhfe tob rbcsaf jar tob blbktrhkcl trhp. Uob trcfsjaribr wcs ;8 ybcrs hf apbrcthaf ct tob thib aj tob jcult. Uob trhpphfm hfvbsthmcthaf sciplb (ectc  pahft 7 aj  Ucglb   Ucglb B.=) kafjhris B.=) kafjhris tob ckthvb mcsshfm saurkb whto tob K 7O7 lbvbl cgavb tob Ucglb tob Ucglb 7 fari cfe whto tob ebltcs cgavb Ucglb cgavb Ucglb ; faris jar c EMC [tctus ;. Ectc ^ahft 7 wcs tc`bf cgaut 37 oaurs cjtbr rbkbhvhfm c trcfsjaribr pratbkthvb blbktrhkcl trhp jar ehjjbrbfthcl kurrbft. Uob kaigusthglb mcsbs cfe kcrgaf ehaxheb mcs kafkbftrcthafs rbpartbe hf tob past trhp [ciplb 7 crb shihlcr ta tob ohstarhkcl rbsults whto tob fatcglb bxkbpthaf aj ckbtylbfb. Ckbtylbfb hs fariclly cssakhctbe whto crkhfm ckthvhty. Uob atobr kaigusthglb mcsbs crb fbcr tob ohstarhkcl rcfmbs whto tob kafkbftrcthafs ct ar fbcr tob lcgarctary ihfhiui rbparthfm lbvbls. Uob mbfbrcthaf aj ckbtylbfb kaighfbe whto tob trcfsjaribr trhp wcrrcftbe ceehthafcl blbktrhkcl tbsthfm cfe passhgly cf hftbrfcl hfspbkthaf. C EMC kafjhricthaf sciplb waule fariclly gb rbqubstbe, gut tobrb wcs c fbbe ta rbturf tob trcfsjaribr ta sbrvhkb. Ectc ^ahft ; wcs tc`bf cjtbr kaiplbthfm tob blbktrhkcl tbsthfm cfe hftbrfcl hfspbkthaf. Uob lhquhe wcs rbklchibe wohko hfkluebe ebmcsshfm tob hfsulcthfm lhquhe. C lhihtbe ciauft aj rbsheucl mcsbs wcs bxpbktbe ta gb sbbf hf sugsbqubft sciplbs bvbf hj tob mcsshfm saurkb gbkcib hfckthvb. Uob trcfsjaribr wcs bfbrmhzbe cfe hiibehctbly trhppbe jrai cf blbktrhkcl pratbkthaf rblcy. Ectc ^ahft 5 wcs tc`bf soartly cjtbr tob trcfsjaribr trhppbe tob sbkafe thib jrai tob pratbkthvb rblcy ckthaf. Ectc ^ahft 5 rbpartbe hfkrbcsbs hf tob kaigusthglb mcs kafkbftrcthafs whto c shihlcr mcs prajhlb ta Ectc [ciplb 7. Ectc ^ahft 5 jallawhfm tob sbkafe pratbkthvb rblcy ckthaf rbichfbe hf [tctus ;, whto K7O7, c kcsb aj bxtrbib EMC, rbquhrhfm hiibehctb ckthaf (sbb :.3.7.5) (sbb :.3.7.5)..


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Ucglb B.=―EMC ohstary hf ²L/L Ectc pahft

[ciplb ectbs










3 7 ;

?-Cum-32 =-Ebk-32 3=-Ebk-32

> 5> >

3: 7: 7

;2 53 7

; 3= 3

> 78 3

3: ;; 5

825 8=5 82

:2 5>> =5 7;7 ; ==>

33= 725 ;??










337 >>>

3 ;;>

Cfclyshs  Uob Uob

stcfecre hfeustry prckthkbs aj cffucl sciplb jrbqubfky jar trcfsjaribr hfsulcthfm lhquhe hs whebly usbe whto saib bxkbpthafs jar bquhpibft whto c shmfhjhkcft jhfcfkhcl hipckt. Uohs trcfsjaribr wcs ;8-ybcrs-ale cfe bvbf toaumo tob cktucl jcult hs fat `fawf ct tohs thib, ht hs lh`bly c grbc`eawf aj tob hfsulcthaf systbi. Bfe-aj-lhjb jchlurbs eub ta kbllulasb cmhfm kcf gb sueebf cfe whtoaut wcrfhfm prbkursars sbbf hf atobr typbs aj trcfsjaribr jcults. Afb ibtoae ta hebfthjy jcults hs tob Euvcl Urhcfmlb ibtoae. Uohs ibtoae plats kclkulctbe rcthas soaw hf Ucglb B.= jrai tob sciplb rbsults. Uob Euvcl Urhcfmlb cfclyshs ibtoae plckbe tob EMC mcs prajhlb hf tob E7 rbmhaf cfe ht hebfthjhbs ohmo bfbrmy blbktrhkcl crkhfm cs tob passhglb mcsshfm saurkb. Uob law ciauft aj kaigusthglb mcs kafkbftrcthafs icy hfehkctb c jcult ebbp hf tob whfehfms. Uob mcsbs kaule gb sbqubstbrbe hf tob ihfbrcl ahl cfe kbllulasb ictbrhcl surraufehfm tob jcult. Cfatobr toaumot hs c lhihtbe ciauft aj hfsulcthfm lhquhe gbtwbbf whfehfm turfs ibcft tobrb wcs fa lawbr tbipbrcturb zafbs ta mbfbrctb atobr mcsbs. Uobrb ocs fat gbbf c jarbfshk tbcr eawf hfspbkthaf af tob trcfsjaribr ta hebfthjy tob jcult lakcthaf cfe typb. Ucglb B.?―Euvcl Urhcfmlb rcthas Ectc pahft

[ciplb ectb




7 5

=-Ebk-32 3?-Ebk-32

;:% 3=%

75% ;:%

5>% 5=%

Jhmurb B.:―Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

B.5 Eb-bfbrmhzbe tcp kocfmbr (EBUK) ohmo rbshstcfkb kaffbkthaf Gck`mraufe  Uohs Uohs

kcsb stuey rbparts tob ehssalvbe mcs rbsults jar c pawbr plcft cuxhlhcry trcfsjaribr (ufht trcfsjaribr) toct hs ehrbktly kaffbktbe ta tob blbktrhkcl mbfbrctar. Uob trcfsjaribr hs c 3882 vhftcmb. Cf ufbxpbktbe trcfsjaribr jchlurb waule kcusb c ufht trhp soutthfm eawf tob pawbr plcft ufthl tob trcfsjaribr hs swhtkobe aut aj tob khrkuht cfe plcft pawbr rbstarbe toraumo c stcthaf sbrvhkb pawbr trcfsjaribr. Uob ufht trcfsjaribr (cuxhlhcry pawbr plcft trcfsjaribr ehrbktly kaffbktbe ta tob mbfbrctar) wcsbvbft af c shx iaftos EMC sciplb tob aj cf ufbxpbktbe jchlurb.jrbqubfky gbkcusb aj tob patbfthcl bkafaihk hipckt ta plcft apbrcthaf hf [aib trcfsjaribr ebshmfs usb c icfucl tcp-kocfmhfm ebvhkb af tob ohmo-valtcmb whfehfms toct cllaw hfsbrthaf ar rbiavcl aj whfehfms ta cedust tob trcfsjaribr valtcmbs ta tob systbi spbkhjhkcthafs. [aib trcfsjaribr ebshmfs crb bquhppbe whto c icfuclly-apbrctbe tcp kocfmhfm ebvhkb (apbrctbe whto tob trcfsjaribr eb-bfbrmhzbe), plckbe hf tob ohmo valtcmb whfehfm toct cllaws tob ceehthaf ar sugtrckthaf aj turfs ta cedust tob valtcmb autput ta tob systbi. Uobsb EBUKs (Eb-Bfbrmhzbe Ucp Kocfmbrs) crb ebshmfbe whto gato stcthafcry cfe iavbcglb kaftckts kaffbktbe vhc c socjt ta cf bxtbrfcl apbrcthfm ocfelb. Uob ibkocfhsi kcffat gb apbrctbe af cf bfbrmhzbe trcfsjaribr, sa tob ibkocfhsi hs typhkclly lak`be hf plckb. Kaipafbft iavbibft kcf ehsplckb prbssgacre ar tbcr hfsulcthaf pcpbr wohko kcf ebkrbcsb tob hfsulcthaf rbshstcfkb. C ohmo-rbshstcfkb blbktrhkcl kaffbkthaf kcf praeukb cf blbvctbe tbipbrcturb, wohko hs rbpartbe whto c EMC. Ubkofhkcl bxplcfcthaf  U Uob ob

jaricthaf aj c ohmo-rbshstcfkb kaffbkthaf kcf gb jrai hiprapbr kaftckt

 prbssurb, kaftckt ictbrhcl ebtbrharcthaf, jhlimbfbrctbs jaricthafobct af kaftckt surjckb ar hiprapbr aj tob ibkocfhsi. Uob ohmo-rbshstcfkb kaffbkthaf toct jaris kaigusthglb mcsbsapbrcthaf lh`b oyerambf, ibtocfb, btocfb cfe btoylbfb. Uob lbces kaffbkthfm tob EBUK ta tob whfehfms crb typhkclly kbllulasb hfsulcthaf wrcppbe lbces sa blbvctbe tbipbrcturbs kcf clsa mbfbrctb sicll ciaufts aj kcrgaf mcsbs lh`b kcrgaf iafaxheb cfe kcrgaf ehaxheb. Uob blbvctbe tbipbrcturbs whll kcusb tob kaftckts ta ebtbrharctb cfe kcrgaf ta jari af kaftckt surjckbs toct rbeukb kaftckt surjckb crbcs cfe mbfbrctb ohmobr tbipbrcturbs. Uohs jchlurb ibkocfhsi rbparts hfkrbcshfm rctbs aj mcs mbfbrcthaf avbr thib. Ucglb B.8―EMC rbsults jar c ohmo rbshstcfkb kaffbkthaf hf ²L/L (ppi) Ectc pahft

[ciplb ectb


















; :>;

=: 2?=

: >?2









5 >>7

=: 72:

: 57;

; 5

77-Icr-33 35-Duf-33

3? 3;

?> ::

;7 ;;

358 75;

3 >

=7= ?3:

; 823 ; 2;3

=? 287 52 288

= 3?? 3 5;3

Cfclyshs  Hf Ucglb Hf Ucglb B.8, ectc B.8, ectc pahft 3

soaws tob typhkcl rauthfb sciplb toct rbpartbe EMC rbsults kafshstbft whto ohstarhk sciplbs. Uob sugsbqubft rauthfb sciplb jrai jrai Ucglb  Ucglb B.?, ectc B.?, ectc pahft 7 rbpartbe c kocfmb hf tob EMC mcs prajhlb cfe kaigusthglb mcs kafkbftrcthafs, wohko hfehkctbe cf cgfaricl mcsshfm prajhlb. Uob trcfsjaribr wcs 32 ybcrs hf apbrcthaf ct tob thib aj tob cgfaricl EMC. Ucglb EMC. Ucglb B.8 soaws tob EMC sciplb tob Ucglb 3 A7/F7 ≥ >.7 vclub jar c trcfsjaribr hf tob 3> ybcr ta ;> ybcr kctbmary. btoylbfb (K7O5) hs cgavb tob Ucglb Uob Ucglb Uob  Ucglb B.8 EMC btoylbfb (K7O5) rbsult hs clsa cgavb tob Ucglb tob  Ucglb 7 kafkbftrcthafs jar tob scib kctbmary. Uob kafjhricthaf sciplb (ectc pahft ;) cfe iafhtarhfm sciplb (ectc pahft 5) kafjhris tob ckthvb mcsshfm saurkb whto iulth-pahft sciplb rctb aj kocfmb bxkbbehfm Ucglb 5 jar c [tctus ;. Uob ectc pahft 7 kafkbftrcthafs bxkbbe Ucglb bxkbbe Ucglb 3 cfe Ucglb cfe Ucglb ; faris, sa c kafjhricthaf sciplb wcs tc`bf cs Ucglb cs  Ucglb B.8 ectc  pahft ;. Uob ectc pahft 5 sciplb, ectbe Dufb 35, 7>33, rbpartbe cf hfkrbcsb hf tob btoylbfb mcs kafkbftrcthaf aj 85 ²L/L (ppi). Cf hfkrbcshfm mcs rctb aj kocfmb hs fariclly cssakhctbe whto c ebtbrharcthfm kafehthaf lh`b cf hfkrbcsb hf mcsshfm tbipbrcturb saurkb.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Ucglb B.3>―Ebltc ²L/L (ppi v/v) gbtwbbf sukkbsshvb sciplbs Ectc pahft

[ciplb ectbs


























; 5

77-Icr-33 35-Duf-33

5 -3

3; -35

: 3

;> 8:

> -3

77 ?8

=:2 -2=2=

Uob Euvcl Urhcfmlb rcthas crb kclkulctbe hf Ucglb hf Ucglb B.33 whto ectc pahfts 7 cfe ; rbparthfm shihlcr prajhlbs. Jhmurb B.: Euvcl rctha plat plckbs tob mcsshfm saurkb tbipbrcturb hf tob U; rbmhaf (6=>> ¾K). C kaipcrhsaf aj tob Euvcl Urhcfmlb rbsults mhvbf hf hf Ucglb  Ucglb B.33 hfehkctbs c passhglb ebtbrharcthaf hf tob ufht‘s kafehthaf. Ucglb B.33―Euvcl Urhcfmlb rcthas

7 8-Ebk-3> ;:% :5% 3%

Ectc pahft Ectb % KO5  % K7O5  % K7O7 

; 77-Icr-33 ;2% :2% >%

5 35-Duf-33 73% =8% >%

Jhmurb B.=―Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 [uiicry  Uob Uob

pawbr plcft wcs sout eawf jar c skobeulbe autcmb eurhfm wohko tob trcfsjaribr wcs blbktrhkclly tbstbe cfe hftbrfclly hfspbktbe jar hfehkcthafs aj tob mcsshfm saurkb. Uob EBUK kaftckts wbrb kavbrbe whto ka`b jaribe jrai cf blbvctbe tbipbrcturb. Uob whfehfm hfsulcthaf rbshstcfkb soaule ocvb hfehkctbe c kocfmb jrai ohstarhkcl rbsults, gut tob tbst bquhpibft kurrbft saurkb icy fat ocvb gbbf sujjhkhbft ta praeukb tob cgfaricl rbsult. Uob EBUK kaftckts wbrb rbiavbe jrai tob khrkuht whto tob hfstcllcthaf aj soufts.

B.2 Gra`bf kaffbktar af jusb oalebr Gck`mraufeUob

kocfmb hf tob EMC mcs prajhlb jar c 38?= vhftcmb 5 3:>/5?> Z, 2>> @ZC trcfsjaribr wcs fatbe eurhfm c rauthfb sciplb. Uohs trcfsjaribr supplhbe tob kaiprbssar aj c rbjrhmbrcthaf systbi ct c


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

jaae prakbsshfm plcft. Uob jchlurb aj tohs trcfsjaribr kaule kcusb tob lass aj c lcrmb hfvbftary aj jrazbf jaae, sa ht wcs pcrt aj c EMC pramrci ebsphtb hts sicll shzb. Uob trcfsjaribr ocs c sbclbe tcf` prbsbrvcthaf systbi whto c fhtrambf glcf`bt. Uob EMC mcs prajhlb hfehkctbe crkhfm ckthvhty toct wcs kafjhribe whto c sbkafe EMC sciplb. Uob lcrmb hfkrbcsb hf kcrgaf ehaxheb mcs kafkbftrcthaf wcs passhgly eub ta gurfhfm kbllulasb ictbrhcl (pcpbr hfsulcthaf) ar avbrlace kafehthaf. Ubkofhkcl bxplcfcthafUohs

trcfsjaribr wcs ebshmfbe whto jusb oalebrs gbtwbbf tob lhfb kaffbkthafs

cfe tob 5 3:> valt whfehfms. Uob whfehfm wcs kaffbktbe ta tob jusb oalebr toraumo galtbe kaffbkthafs. Ucglb B.37 ectc pahft 3 wcs c rauthfb sciplb, shihlcr ta prbvhaus sciplbs, cfe prbsbftbe fa cfaicly. Uob trcfsjaribr wcs 3? ybcrs hf apbrcthaf ct tob thib aj tob cgfaricl EMC sa tob A 7/F7  ≥ >.7 faris jar c trcfsjaribr hf tob 3> ybcr ta ;> ybcr kctbmary crb rbjbrbfkbe. Jar pahft 7, ckbtylbfb (K7O7) cfe btoylbfb (K7O5) rbsults crb cgavb Ucglb 7 faris. Hf jckt, tob K 7O7  ebltc hs typhkcl aj bxtrbib EMC rbsults (sbb :.3.7.5) (sbb  :.3.7.5),, sa c kafjhricthaf sciplb wcs tc`bf (Ucglb B.37, ectc B.37, ectc pahft ;), wohko kafjhribe tob hfkrbcsb. Uob Euvcl Urhcfmlb Wcthas jar ectc pahft 7 cfe ; crb kclkulctbe hf Ucglb hf Ucglb B.3; cfe mhvb c E3 ehcmfasthk. Ucglb B.37―EMC rbsults jar gra`bf kaffbktar af jusb oalebr hf ²L/L (ppi) Ectc pahft

[ciplb ectb











33 Jbg 7>>2








=: =?5


7 ;

7; Fav 7>>2 32 Ebk 7>>2

3:: 3??

:; ?8

? 32

33= 378

:52 :;3

23 =7

55;2 2=:8

:5 535 :5 3?8

3: 2>7 3: ;;?

Ucglb B.3;―Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3 rcthafs Ectc pahft





% KO5 









Jhmurb B.?―Euvcl Urhcfmlb 3


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

[uiicry  Uob Uob trcfsjaribr wcs rbiavbe jrai sbrvhkb hf tob ajj-sbcsaf eurhfm c skobeulbe autcmb  pbr hae. hae. Uob blbktrhkcl whfehfm rbshstcfkb tbst rbpartbe tob O3 ta O> rbshstcfkb ct cgaut 75> iΨ kaipcrbe ta tob atobr pocsbs aj fbcr 3:> iΨ, wohko hsalctbe tob mcsshfm saurkb ta tob O3 ‛O> whfehfm. Cf hftbrfcl

hfspbkthaf hebfthjhbe c gra`bf jusb oalebr kaffbkthaf, wohko wcs rbpchrbe af shtb. Uob trcfsjaribr hfsulcthfm lhquhe wcs rbklchibe cfe ebmcssbe. Uob ufht wcs ajjlhfb jar afb-ecy.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Cffbx J

(hfjaricthvb) Bvclucthaf aj jcult sbvbrhty―cltbrfcthvb ibtoae  Wbkbft rbsbcrko summbsts cf cltbrfcthvb cppracko ta trcfsjaribr EMC jcult ebtbkthaf cfe sbvbrhty cssbssibft. Hfstbce aj kaipcrhfm jcult mcs kafkbftrcthafs cfe rctbs whto lhihts, tob ibtoae biplays hfebxbs aj tob bfbrmy rbquhrbe ta jari tob jcult mcs kafkbftrcthafs agsbrvbe hf c ihfbrcl ahl sciplb. Uob hfebxbs crb rbspafshvb ta cll EMC-ebtbktcglb jcult typbs. Uob gcshk prhfkhplb aj tob ibtoae hs toct ckthvb jcult mcs jaricthaf summbsts cf hftbrfcl praglbi ar avbrly strbssjul apbrcthfm kafehthafs, wohlb cgsbfkb aj ckthvb jcult mcs jaricthaf hs ufhfjaricthvb cs ta tob stctb ar kafehthaf aj tob trcfsjaribr. [tcthsthkcl iaebls  gcsbe af trcfsjaribr EMC cfe jchlurb ectc hfehkctb toct tob ceehthafcl rhs` aj jarkbe autcmb eub ta ckthvb mcsshfm hs raumoly praparthafcl ta tob ciauft aj hfkrbcsb hf tob oyerakcrgaf mcs bfbrmy hfebx shfkb tob mcsshfm gbmcf. Law ialbkulcr wbhmot oyerakcrgaf mcsbs (ibtocfb, btocfb, btoylbfb, cfe ckbtylbfb) ehssalvbe hf c trcfsjaribr‘s ihfbrcl ahl crb jaribe prhicrhly wobf tob ihfbrcl ahl hs “krck`be’ gy bxpasurb ta hftbfsb tobricl ar blbktrhkcl strbss cssakhctbe whto avbrlacehfm ar jcults. Oyerambf hs jaribe hf tob scib wcy gut, shmfhjhkcft ciaufts aj ht kcf clsa gb jaribe hf atobr wcys. Uob oyerakcrgaf mcsbs, hf tob arebr lhstbe cgavb, crb hfkrbcshfmly ohmomcs jcult tbipbrcturbs ciaufts aj kocrcktbrhsthkclly bfbrmy rbquhrbe tajaribe krbctb ct c ialbkulb aj bcko jrai ihfbrcl ahl.gbkcusb Ibtocfbajhstob tob ehjjbrbft prhicry oyerakcrgaf mcs jaribe gy ^E cfe U3 jcults. Btocfb cfe (ta c slhmotly lbssbr ebmrbb) ibtocfb crb tob  prhicry mcsbs jaribe gy U7 jcults, btoylbfb hs tob prhicry mcs jaribe gy U; jcults, cfe ckbtylbfb hs cssakhctbe cliast bxklushvbly whto jcults hfvalvhfm blbktrhkcl crkhfm ar spcr`hfm. Uob ehjjbrbfthcl praeukthaf aj tob oyerakcrgaf mcsbs ebpbfehfm af jcult bfbrmy hs tob gcshs jar tob Euvcl Urhcfmlb ibtoae aj jcult typb hebfthjhkcthaf. Ihfbrcl ahl ebkaipashthaf ct ar fbcr faricl apbrcthfm tbipbrcturbs, kcf gb kcusbe gy faf-jcult-rblctbe kobihkcl cfe blbktrakobihkcl rbckthafs whto axymbf, ehssalvbe wctbr, kaftcihfcfts, ar salhe ictbrhcls hf kaftckt whto tob ihfbrcl ahl. Mcs praeukthaf aj toct fcturb  usuclly usuclly aj oyerambf gut saibthibs aj ibtocfb, btocfb, ar btoylbfb  hs hs kcllbe “strcy mcsshfm.’ Mcs praeukthaf toct hs suspbktbe ta gb strcy mcsshfm hs ta gb bxkluebe jrai kafshebrcthaf jar tob ebtbkthaf, cssbssibft, cfe hebfthjhkcthaf aj jcults. Lh`bwhsb, wobf c trcfsjaribr hs suspbktbe aj lashfm jcult mcs gy lbc`cmb ar cfy atobr ibcfs, tob jckt aj mcs lass soaule gb tc`bf hfta ckkauft hf EMC hftbrprbtcthaf. hftbrprbtcthaf. Uob kcrgaf axheb mcsbs, kcrgaf iafaxheb (KA) cfe kcrgaf ehaxheb (KA 7) crb jaribe slawly gy tob mrceucl ebmrcecthaf aj kbllulashk hfsulcthaf gy ehssalvbe wctbr cfe axymbf, kctclyzbe gy ckhehk gypraeukts aj axhecthaf aj tob ihfbrcl ahl. Crkhfm, pcrthcl ehskocrmb, cfe avbrobcthfm aj kafeuktars hf praxhihty ta kbllulasb hfsulcthaf kcf rcphely praeukb lcrmb ciaufts aj kcrgaf axhebs cfe oyerambf gy kcrgafhzhfm tob kbllulasb. Uob oyerakcrgaf mcsbs ibtocfb, btocfb, btoylbfb, cfe ckbtylbfb crb jaribe hf ihfbrcl ahl prhicrhly cs tob rbsult aj jcult bfbrmy ebkaipashfm tob ihfbrcl ahl. Wbkbft rbsbcrko ocs soawf toct c Fariclhzbe Bfbrmy Hftbfshty kclkulctbe jrai toasb kafkbftrcthafs (FBHahl) hs usbjul jar duemhfm rblcthvb sbvbrhty aj jcults cjjbkthfm tob lhquhe hfsulcthaf. [hihlcrly, cfatobr Fariclhzbe Bfbrmy Hftbfshty qucfthty (FBH pcpbr ) kclkulctbe jrai tob kafkbftrcthafs aj KA cfe KA 7  hs usbjul jar cssbsshfm jcults cjjbkthfm tob salhe hfsulcthaf, bspbkhclly pcpbr waufe craufe kafeuktars. Uob kabjjhkhbfts aj tob mcs kafkbftrcthafs hf tob FBH jariulcs gblaw crb tob rbspbkthvb stcfecre obcts aj jaricthaf aj tob mcsbs jrai c typhkcl ihfbrcl ahl ialbkulb (FBHahl) ar c typhkcl iafaibr aj kbllulasb (FBH pcpbr ). ).


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Kaiputcthaf aj FBHahl4  FBHahl  (==.=KO 5  8;.2K7 O :  3>5.3K7 O 5   7=?.;K7 O 7 ) / 775>>    


Kaiputcthaf aj FBH pcpbr 4  FBH pcpbr

 (3>3.5KA   ;>.7 KA 7  / 775>>  


Hf Bqucthaf J.3 cfe Bqucthaf J.7, tob kobihkcl jariulcs hf grck`bts ebfatb mcs kafkbftrcthafs hf μL/L (ppi), karrbktbe ta stcfecre tbipbrcturb cfe prbssurb (7=;.32 @ cfe 3>3.;72 `^c). Uob ufhts aj  FBH crb `hladaulbs pbr `hlalhtbr (`D/`L). Hf kcsbs wobrb shmfhjhkcft btocfb strcy mcsshfm hs suspbktbe, tob qucfthty FBH;ahl, kclkulctbe gy sbtthfm tob btocfb kafkbftrcthaf ta zbra hf tob FBHahl jariulc, icy gb usbe hf  plckb aj FBHahl. Jar grbvhty, afly FBHahl hs ibfthafbe gblaw, gut tob ehskusshaf hs cpplhkcglb ta FBH;ahl. C trcfsjaribr toct hs ckthvbly praeukhfm jcult mcs icy fbbe hfvbsthmcthaf, survbhllcfkb, ar ihthmcthvb ckthaf cppraprhctb ta tob cppcrbft jcult typb (ebtbrihfbe jrai rbkbft mcs hfkrbibfts gy ibcfs aj tob Euvcl Urhcfmlb ar atobr jcult hebfthjhkcthaf ibtoae) cfe tob ciauft aj hfkrbcsb hf FBH shfkb tob mcsshfm gbmcf. Ckkblbrcthfm FBH hfkrbcsb ar bvaluthaf aj tob jcult typb jrai lawbr-bfbrmy jcults (^E, U3, U7) ta ohmobrbfbrmy jcults (U;, E3, E7) icy shmfcl toct tob praglbi hs warsbfhfm, whto tob patbfthcl aj rbckohfm c rufcwcy kafehthaf cfe jchlhfm tob trcfsjaribr Uob rbspafsb aj FBHahl ta cll jcult typbs ocs gbbf soawf ta gb sujjhkhbftly ufhjari toct kafshebrcthaf aj hfehvheucl oyerakcrgaf jcult mcsbs hs fat fbkbsscry jar jcult sbvbrhty cssbssibft. Oawbvbr, sbpcrctb cttbfthaf soaule gb pche wobf kcrgaf axheb mcs (KA ar KA 7) crb prbsbft. Hj FBH pcpbr   hs hfkrbcshfm, bspbkhclly hj tob KA7/KA rctha hs clsa shmfhjhkcftly ebkrbcshfm, tobrb icy gb c jcult cjjbkthfm hfsulcthfm  pcpbr. Jurtobriarb, shfkb ckbtylbfb praeukthaf hs cssakhctbe prhicrhly whto spcr`hfm ar crkhfm, wohko soaule fat gb afmahfm hf c trcfsjaribr hf maae kafehthaf ufebr faricl apbrcthfm khrkuistcfkbs, saib shtbs icy whso ta ocvb c palhky aj wctkohfm jar ckthvb praeukthaf aj ckbtylbfb, bspbkhclly ct law lbvbls wobrb  FBHahl hs fat kocfmhfm vbry iuko. Bxpbrhbfkb whto tohs FBH-gcsbe ibtoae ct c lcrmb R[ blbktrhk uthlhty summbsts toct cf FBH ahl hfkrbibft aj >.2 ar cf FBH;ahl  hfkrbibft aj >.; avbr cfy thib hftbrvcl soaule rchsb kafkbrf jar tob trcfsjaribr‘s kafehthaf, cfe lcrmbr hfkrbibfts wcrrcft karrbspafehfmly iarb kafkbrf. Ckthvb mcsshfm aj toct icmfhtueb soaule fat gb hmfarbe uflbss hts kcusb hs ufebrstaae ta gb ocrilbss.  Bxciplb 3  C pawbr trcfsjaribr bxpbrhbfkbe c FBHahl  hfkrbcsb aj >.5; avbr c sciplhfm hftbrvcl

aj 22> ecys, tobf 3.=: avbr c sciplhfm hftbrvcl aj ;:2 ecys, cfe tobf ;.?3 avbr c sciplhfm hftbrvcl aj 5>> ecys Uob cppcrbft jcult typb wcs U; hf bcko kcsb, gcsbe af mcs hfkrbibfts plattbe af tob Euvcl Urhcfmlb. Cjtbr cf FBHahl hfkrbibft aj >.5; (klasb ta tob summbstbe lhiht aj >.2) wcs ebtbktbe, ceehthafcl sciplhfm kaule ocvb gbbf skobeulbe cjtbr, scy, 8> 8 > ecys ta kobk` jar kafjhricthaf aj ckthvb mcsshfm, jallawhfm wohko hfvbsthmcthaf cfe passhglb hfjrcrbe hfspbkthaf ar atobr tbsthfm kaule ocvb gbbf pbrjaribe ta hebfthjy tob kcusb aj tob mcsshfm sa toct ht kaule gb ebclt whto. Uoct, oawbvbr, wcs fat eafb hf tohs kcsb. ]hto tob FBH ahl  hfkrbibft iarb tocf eauglhfm cs aj bcko aj tob fbxt twa rauthfb cffucl sciplbs cfe mbtthfm vbry lcrmb, urmbft hfvbsthmcthaf cfe passhglb ihthmcthaf waule fbbe ta gb kafshebrbe. Uob lbvbl aj kafkbrf waule gb bvbf ohmobr hj FBH pcpbr  trbfebe   trbfebe upwcre ar hj KA 7/KA trbfebe eawfwcre eurhfm tob thib toct FBHahl  wcs hfkrbcshfm, gbkcusb aj tob passhghlhty aj pcpbr hfsulcthaf gbhfm ebmrcebe gy tob prakbss kcushfm tob mcsshfm.   Uohs bxciplb hs c rb-cfclyshs aj tob LZ kaffbkthaf hssubs kcsb stuey prbsbftbe hf B.7 hf B.7 Hf tob  Bxciplb 7  Uohs hfhthcl pbrhae, FBHahl  hfkrbcsbe jrai ;.>: af 7> Icy 7>>? ta ?.2; af 33 Dufb 7>>?, cf hfkrbcsb aj 2.5= `D/`L (blbvbf thibs tob summbstbe lhiht) hf lbss tocf c iafto, wohko hs c vbry sbvbrb bvbft. Uob jcult typb, hebfthjhbe gy cpplyhfm tob Euvcl Urhcfmlb ta tob rbspbkthvb ibtocfb, btoylbfb, ckbtylbfb mcs


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

hfkrbibfts aj ;?>, =32, 3?, hs U;. Fa susphkhaus kocfmbs hf FBH F BH pcpbr  ar  ar KA7/KA wbrb agsbrvbe. Cs fatbe hf tob kcsb ohstary, cf hftbrfcl hfspbkthaf aj tob trcfsjaribr rbvbclbe fatohfm ct tohs pahft. Lctbr, jallawhfm c shihlcr mcsshfm hfkhebft, tob trcfsjaribr wcs eb-tcf`be ct tob jcktary, cfe hftbrfcl ecicmb wcs ehskavbrbe. [aib kocrrhfm aj kbllulasb kafeuktar hfsulcthaf wcs jaufe, gut tob qucfthty aj pcpbr cjjbktbe wcs bvhebftly hfsujjhkhbft ta kocfmb kcrgaf axheb mcs kafkbftrcthafs gy iuko avbr jhvb ybcrs.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Cffbx M

(hfjaricthvb) Ohstarhkcl ictbrhcl  Uohs cffbx kaftchfs tbxt rbiavbe jrai tob prbvhaus vbrshaf aj tohs eakuibft (HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>>?). Uob kaftbft aj tohs cffbx hs fat pcrt p crt aj HBBB [te K2=.3>5 cfe hs prbsbftbe obrb jar eakuibftcthaf purpasb afly. Uob fuigbr hf pcrbftobshs hf klcusb obces rbjbrs ta tob klcusb fuigbr aj HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>>?).  Fuigbrs whtohf tbxt tbxt ihmot rbjbr ta tob 7>>? fuigbrhfm fuigbrhfm ar tob cppbfehx cppbfehx fuigbrhfm.  FAUB―[aib aj tob hfjaricthaf prbsbftbe obrb kaule gb agsalbtb cfe fa lafmbr rbprbsbft tob mbfbrclly ckkbptbe aphfhaf aj iast bxpbrts af EMC hftbrprbtcthaf. Uob tbxt hf tohs cffbx wcs fat upectbe hf cfy icffbr hf rbmcre aj HBBB [te K2=.3>5 7>>?, ta tob bxkbpthaf aj tob fuigbrhfm aj klcusbs, tcglbs, cfe jhmurbs.

M.3 (5) Mbfbrcl tobary

Uob twa prhfkhpcl kcusbs aj mcs jaricthaf whtohf cf apbrcthfm trcfsjaribr crb tobricl cfe blbktrhkcl ehsturgcfkbs. Kafeuktar lassbs eub ta lacehfm praeukb mcsbs jrai tobricl ebkaipashthaf aj tob cssakhctbe ahl salhe hfsulcthaf. Mcsbswobrb crb clsa praeukbe jrai tobcrb ebkaipashthaf aj ahl cfe bxpasbe ta crk cfe tbipbrcturbs. Mbfbrclly, ebkaipashthaf mcsbs jaribe, prhfkhpclly gyhfsulcthaf hafhk gaigcreibft, tobrb hs lhttlb ar fa obct cssakhctbe whto law bfbrmy ehskocrmbs cfe pcrthcl ehskocrmb. M.3.3 (5.3) Kbllulashk ebkaipashthaf

Uob tobricl ebkaipashthaf aj ahl-hiprbmfctbe kbllulasb hfsulcthaf praeukbs kcrgaf axhebs (KA, KA 7) cfe saib oyerambf ar ibtocfb (O7, KO5) eub ta tob ahl (KA7 hs fat c kaigusthglb mcs). Uob rctb ct wohko toby crb praeukbe ebpbfes bxpafbfthclly af tob tbipbrcturb cfe ehrbktly af tob valuib aj ictbrhcl ct toct tbipbrcturb. Gbkcusb aj tob valuib bjjbkt, c lcrmb, obctbe valuib aj hfsulcthaf ct iaebrctb tbipbrcturb whll praeukb tob scib qucfthty aj mcs cs c sicllbr valuib ct c ohmobr tbipbrcturb. M.3.7 (5.7) Ahl ebkaipashthaf

Ihfbrcl trcfsjaribr ahls crb ihxturbs aj icfy ehjjbrbft oyerakcrgaf ialbkulbs, cfe tob ebkaipashthaf  prakbssbs jar tobsb oyerakcrgafs hf tobricl ar blbktrhkcl jcults crb kaiplbx. Uob jufecibftcl stbps crb tob  grbc`hfm aj kcrgaf-oyerambf kcrgaf-oyerambf cfe kcrgaf-kcrgaf gafes. Ckthvb oyerambf ctais cfe oy oyerakcrgaf erakcrgaf jrcmibfts crb jaribe. Uobsb jrbb rcehkcls kcf kaighfb whto bcko atobr ta jari mcsbs, ialbkulcr oyerambf, ibtocfb, btocfb, btk., ar kcf rbkaighfb ta jari fbw, kafebfscglb ialbkulbs. Jurtobr ebkaipashthaf cfe rbcrrcfmbibft prakbssbs lbce ta tob jaricthaf aj praeukts suko cs btoylbfb cfe ckbtylbfb cfe, hf tob bxtrbib, ta iaebstly oyerambfctbe kcrgaf hf pcrthkulctb jari. Uobsb prakbssbs crb ebpbfebft af tob prbsbfkb aj hfehvheucl oyerakcrgafs, af tob ehstrhguthaf aj bfbrmy cfe tbipbrcturb hf tob fbhmogaroaae aj tob jcult, cfe af tob thib eurhfm wohko tob ahl hs tobriclly ar blbktrhkclly strbssbe. Uobsb rbckthafs akkur stahkohaibtrhkclly0 tobrbjarb, tob spbkhjhk ebmrcecthafs aj tob trcfsjaribr ahl oyerakcrgaf bfsbiglbs cfe tob jcult kafehthafs kcffat gb prbehktbe rblhcgly jrai kobihkcl `hfbthk kafshebrcthafs. Cf cltbrfcthvb cppracko hs ta cssuib toct cll oyerakcrgafs hf tob ahl crb ebkaipasbe hfta tob scib praeukts cfe toct bcko praeukt hs hf bquhlhgrhui whto cll tob atobrs. Uobriaeyfcihk iaebls pbriht kclkulcthaf aj tob pcrthcl prbssurb aj bcko mcsbaus praeukt cs c jufkthaf aj tbipbrcturb, ushfm `fawf bquhlhgrhui kafstcfts jar tob rblbvcft ebkaipashthaf rbckthafs. Cf bxciplb aj tob rbsults aj tohs cppracko hs soawf hf Jhmurb hf  Jhmurb M.3 eub ta Oclstbce. Uob qucfthty aj oyerambf jaribe hs


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

rblcthvbly ohmo cfe hfsbfshthvb ta tbipbrcturb0 jaricthaf aj ckbtylbfb gbkaibs cpprbkhcglb afly ct tbipbrcturbs fbcrhfm 3>>> ¾K. Jaricthafs aj ibtocfb, btocfb, cfe btoylbfb bcko clsa ocvb ufhqub ebpbfebfkbs af tbipbrcturb hf tob iaebl. Uob tobriaeyfcihk cppracko ocs lhihts0 ht iust cssuib cf hebclhzbe gut fafbxhstbft hsatobricl bquhlhgrhui hf tob rbmhaf aj c jcult, cfe tobrb hs fa pravhshaf jar ebclhfm whto iulthplb jcults hf c trcfsjaribr. Oawbvbr, tob kafkbftrcthafs aj tob hfehvheucl mcsbs cktuclly jaufe hf c trcfsjaribr kcf gb usbe ehrbktly ar ar hf patbfthcl rcthas ta bsthictb aj tobbxciplb4 ahl hf tobtob trcfsjaribr jrai c iaebl cfe ta ceeukb cfy pcst jcults af tob tobtobricl ufht. Csohstary tob shiplbst prbsbfkb aj ckbtylbfb summbsts c ohmo tbipbrcturb jcult, pbrocps cf crk, ocs akkurrbe hf tob ahl hf c trcfsjaribr0 tob prbsbfkb aj ibtocfb summbsts toct―hj c jcult ocs akkurrbe―ht hs c lawbr bfbrmy blbktrhkcl ar tobricl jcult. Iuko war` ocs gbbf eafb ta karrblctb prbehkthafs jrai tobriaeyfcihk iaebls whto cktucl gbocvhar aj trcfsjaribrs.

Jhmurb M.3―(Jhmurb M.3―(Jhmurb 3) 3) Oclstbce‘s  Oclstbce‘s Uobricl Bquhlhgrhui ^crthcl ^rbssurbs cs c jufkthaf aj tbipbrcturb

Cttbipts ta csshmf mrbctbr shmfhjhkcfkb ta mcs tocf dusthjhbe gy tob fcturcl vcrhcghlhty aj tob mbfbrcthfm cfe ibcsurhfm bvbfts tobisblvbs kcf lbce ta mrass brrars hf hftbrprbtcthaf. Oawbvbr, hf sphtb tobsb mcsmbfbrcthfm ibkocfhsis crb tob afly bxhsthfm gcshs jar tob cfclythkcl rulbs cfe prakbeurbs ebvblapbe hf tohs muheb. Hf jckt, ht hs `fawf toct saib trcfsjaribrs kafthfub ta apbrctb jar icfy ybcrs hf sphtb aj cgavb cvbrcmb rctbs aj mcs mbfbrcthaf. M.7 (:.;) Ebtbrihfhfm tob mcs spckb cfe ehssalvbe mcs-hf-ahl bquhvclbfts

Cll sciplbs aj mcs jrai tob mcs glcf`bt cgavb tob ahl soaule gb tc`bf hf ckkarecfkb whto C[UI E ;;>2. Mcs spckb cfe ahl bquhvclbfts crb usbe ta kaipcrb tob rbsults aj cfclyshs aj tob mcs spckb (UKM) whto rbsults jrai cfclyshs aj tob mcsbs ehssalvbe hf tob ahl (UEKM). Kaipcrhsafs aj mcs rcthas agtchfbe jrai tob


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

mcs spckb kcf tobf gb kaipcrbe ta shihlcr rcthas aj mcsbs bxtrcktbe jrai tob ahl. Ht soaule gb fatbe toct tob kclkulctbe bquhvclbft vclubs aj UKM b cfe bxpbrhibftclly ibcsurbe vclubs aj UKM pragcgly ea fat soaw klasb cmrbbibft, shfkb tob bqucthaf jar agtchfhfm tob bquhvclbfts cssuibs tob bxhstbfkb aj bquhlhgrhui  gbtwbbf tob mcs glcf`bt cfe tob ahl. Uohs kafehthaf icy fat bxhst, pcrthkulcrly hf tob kcsb aj cf ckthvbly  pramrbsshfm jcult ar hf sciplb jrai mcs rblcy. Oawbvbr, tob bqucthaf hs vclucglb jar tob ebtbrihfcthaf aj c lhihthfm vclub jar tob bxpbktbe tatcl kaigusthglb mcs kafkbftrcthaf hf tob mcs glcf`bt. Uob ehssalvbe mcs bquhvclbft aj tob UKMb hs agtchfbe ushfm Bqucthaf M.34   J   k   Kf    G UKMb    M k  3>>   f  J   m   K 3     G  M3  m  


wobrb4 UKMb 9 Cf bsthictb aj tob pbrkbft aj kaigusthglb mcs hf tob mcs spckb K  x 9 Bcko kaigusthglb mcs ehssalvbe hf ahl M x 9 Bcko mcs ehssalvbe hf ahl (kaigusthglb cfe fafkaigusthglb)  ehssalvbe hf ahl mcs m  ehssalvbe  J k 9 Uob kafkbftrcthaf bxprbssbe hf μL/L (ppi) aj kaigusthglb mcs m   Gk 9 Uob Astwcle salughlhty kabjjhkhbft aj kaigusthglb mcs m    J  m  9 Uob kafkbftrcthaf aj c pcrthkulcr mcs ehssalvbe hf ahl  G m  9  9 Uob Astwcle salughlhty kabjjhkhbft aj pcrthkulcr mcs

Ucglb M.3―Astwcle kabjjhkhbfts Mcs

Astwcle Kabjjhkhbft ( G) (72 K)

O7 c  A7  KA7  K7O7 c  K7O5 c   F7  KA c  K7O: c  KO5 c 

>.>578 >.3;? >.8>> >.8;? 3.;2 >.>=52 >.3>7 3.88 >.;;=

 FAUB―Astwcle kabjjhkhbfts crb jar cf ahl whto c ebfshty aj >.??> ct [U^. c Kaigusthglbs

M.; (:.2.3) Ebtbrihfhfm tob trcfsjaribr kafehthaf cfe apbrcthfm prakbeurb uthlhzhfm UKM hf tob mcs spckb

]obf sueebf hfkrbcsbs hf tob kaigusthglb mcs kafkbftrcthafs ar mbfbrcthfm rctbs hf tob mcs spckb aj cf apbrcthfm trcfsjaribr akkurs cfe cf hftbrfcl jcult hs suspbktbe, tob prakbeurb rbkaiibfebe hf Ucglb hf  Ucglb M.7 soaule gb usbe. Ucglb M.7 hfehkctbs tob rbkaiibfebe hfhthcl sciplhfm hftbrvcls cfe apbrcthfm prakbeurbs jar vcrhaus lbvbls aj UKM (hf pbrkbft).


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Afkb tob saurkb aj mcsshfm hs ebtbrihfbe gy cfclyshs, hfspbkthaf, kafsultcthaf, ar kaighfcthafs tobrbaj cfe tob rhs` ocs gbbf cssbssbe, tobf bfmhfbbrhfm duemibft soaule gb cpplhbe ta ebtbrihfb tob jhfcl sciplhfm hftbrvcl cfe apbrcthfm prakbeurb. Ucglb M.7―Ckthafs gcsbe af UKM cfe UKM rctb [ciplhfm hftbrvcls cfe apbrcthfm prakbeurbs jar mcs

Kafehthaf 5

UKM lbvbls (%) ≢2 

UKM rctb (%/ecy)

[ciplhfm hftbrvcl

6.>; .>3-.>; 3

Echly Echly ]bb`ly

Kafehthaf ;

3‛.>; 3

]bb`ly ]bb`ly Iaftoly

Kafehthaf 7

.2 ta ; .>;‛.>3 3

Iaftoly Iaftoly Sucrtbrly




.>3‛.>; 3

Sucrtbrly Cffucl

Kafehthaf 3

mbfbrcthaf rctbs Apbrcthfm prakbeurbs

Kafshebr rbiavcl jrai sbrvhkb. Cevhsb icfujckturbr Bxbrkhsb bxtrbib kcuthaf. Cfclyzb jar hfehvheucl mcsbs. ^lcf autcmb. Cevhsb Icfujckturbr Bxbrkhsb bxtrbib kcuthaf. Cfclyzb jar hfehvheucl mcsbs. ^lcf autcmb. Cevhsb icfujckturbr. Bxbrkhsb kcuthaf. Cfclyzb jar hfehvheucl mcsbs. Ebtbrihfb lace ebpbfebfkb. Bxbrkhsb kcuthaf. Cfclyzb jar hfehvheucl mcsbs. Ebtbrihfb lace ebpbfebfkb. Kafthfub faricl apbrcthaf.

 Bxciplb C trcfsjaribr ocs c UKM lbvbl aj >.5% cfe hs mbfbrcthfm mcs ct c kafstcft rctb aj >.>;2% UKM

 pbr ecy. Ucglb ecy.  Ucglb M.7 hfehkctbs Kafehthaf 3. Ht soaule gb sciplbe iaftoly, cfe tob apbrctar soaule bxbrkhsb kcuthaf, cfclyzb jar hfehvheucl mcsbs, cfe ebtbrihfb lace ebpbfebfkb M.5 (:.=.3) Bvclucthaf aj passhglb jcult typb gy tob Eabrfbfgurm Wctha ibtoae

Uob Eabrfbfgurm ibtoae summbsts tob bxhstbfkb aj torbb mbfbrcl jcult typbs. Uob ibtoae uthlhzbs mcs kafkbftrcthafs jrai wohko Wcthas 3, 7, ;, cfe 5 crb kclkulctbe. Uob stbp-gy-stbp prakbeurb (jlaw kocrt) hs soawf hf Jhmurb hf Jhmurb M.7.  M.7.  Uob vclubs jar tobsb mcsbs crb jhrst kaipcrbe ta spbkhcl kafkbftrcthafs―L3― Ucglb Ucglb M.; (sbb [tbps 7, ;, cfe 5 hf Jhmurb hf Jhmurb M.7) ta M.7) ta cskbrtchf wobtobr tobrb rbclly hs c praglbi whto tob ufht cfe tobf wobtobr tobrb hs sujjhkhbft mbfbrcthaf aj bcko mcs jar tob rctha cfclyshs ta gb cpplhkcglb. Uobf tob rcthas hf tob arebr Wctha 3, Wctha 7, Wctha ;, cfe Wctha 5 crb kaipcrbe ta lhihthfm vclubs, pravhehfm c summbstbe jcult ehcmfashs cs mhvbf hf Ucglb hf Ucglb M.7 Uohs tcglb mhvbs tob lhihthfm vclubs jar rcthas aj mcsbs ehssalvbe hf tob ahl cfe mcsbs agtchfbe jrai tob trcfsjaribr mcs spckb ar mcs rblcy. Uob jlaw kocrt hf Jhmurb hf Jhmurb M.7 hllustrctbs tob stbp-gy-stbp cpplhkcthaf aj tob Eabrfbfgurm rctha ibtoae jar mcsbs bxtrcktbe jrai tob trcfsjaribr ahl afly. Bxcktly tob scib prakbeurb hs jallawbe jar mcsbs agtchfbe jrai tob mcs spckb ar mcs rblcys, bxkbpt tob lhihthfm vclubs jar tob rcthas whll gb toasb cppraprhctb jar mcs spckb (Ucglb M.5). M.5).


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Ebskrhpthafs aj tob stbps hfehkctbe hf Jhmurb hf Jhmurb M.74  M.74   

[tbp 34 Mcs kafkbftrcthafs crb agtchfbe gy bxtrckthfm tob mcsbs cfe sbpcrcthfm tobi gy koraictamrcpo.


[tbp 74 Hj ct lbcst afb aj tob mcs kafkbftrcthafs Phf μL/L (ppi)Y jar O7, KO5, K7O7, cfe K7O5  bxkbbes twhkb tob vclubs jar lhiht L3 (sbbUcglb (sbbUcglb M.5) cfe M.5) cfe afb aj tob atobr twa mcsbs bxkbbes tob vclubs jar lhiht L3, tob ufht hs kafshebrbe jculty0 prakbbe ta [tbp ; ta ebtbrihfb vclhehty aj tob rctha  prakbeurb.


[tbp ;4 Ebtbrihfhfm vclhehty aj rctha prakbeurb4 Hj ct lbcst afb aj tob mcsbs hf bcko rctha W3, W7, W;, ar W5 bxkbbes lhiht L3, tob rctha prakbeurb hs vclhe0 atobrwhsb, tob rcthas crb fat shmfhjhkcft, cfe tob ufht soaule gb rbsciplb cfe hfvbsthmctbe gy cltbrfctb prakbeurbs.


[tbp 54 Cssuihfm toct tob rctha cfclyshs hs vclhe, bcko sukkbsshvb rctha hs kaipcrbe ta tob vclubs agtchfbe jrai Ucglb jrai Ucglb M.5 hf tob arebr W3, W7, W;, cfe W5.


[tbp 24 Hj cll sukkbbehfm rcthas jar c spbkhjhk jcult typb jcll whtohf tob vclubs v clubs mhvbf hfUcglb hfUcglb M.5, tob M.5, tob summbstbe ehcmfashs hs vclhe.

Jhmurb M.7―(Jhmurb 5) Eabrfbfgurm rcthaf ibtoae jlaw kocrt


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Ucglb M.;―Lhiht kafkbftrcthafs aj ehssalvbe mcs Kafkbftrcthafs  L3 (μL/L (ppi v/v))

@by mcs

Oyerambf (O7) Ibtocfb (KO5) Kcrgaf Iafaxheb (KA) Ckbtylbfb (K7O7)

3>> 37> ;2> 3

7O5) Btoylbfb Btocfb (K(K 7O:)

2> :2

Ucglb M.5―Wcthas jar `by mcsbs―Eabrfbfgurm Wctha 3 (W3) KO5/O7  [ummbstbe jcult ehcmfashs

3 Uobricl Uobricl ebkaipashthaf 7  ^crthcl ^crthcl ehskocrmb ;  Crkhfm Crkhfm (ohmo hftbfshty ^E)   


Mcs spckb






6>.>3 .3

Wctha 7 (W7) K7O7/K7O5 Ahl


Mcs spckb

Wctha ; (W;) K7O7/KO5 Ahl

Wctha 5 (W5) K7O:/K7O7

Mcs spckb


Mcs spckb





Fat shmfhjhkcft











M.2 (=) Hfstruibfts jar ebtbkthfm cfe ebtbrihfhfm tob ciauft aj ehssalvbe mcsbs prbsbft

M.2.3 (=.3) ^artcglb hfstruibft hfstruibfts s

Icfy aj tob mcsbs m csbs mbfbrctbe gy c passhglb icljufkthaf hf cf ahl-jhllbe trcfsjaribr crb kaigusthglb. Uob afshtb ebtbkthaf cfe bsthicthaf aj kaigusthglb mcsbs hf tob trcfsjaribr hf tob jhble ushfm c partcglb kaigusthglb mcs ibtbr kcf gb tob jhrst cfe tob bcshbst hfehkcthaf aj c passhglb icljufkthaf, cfe ht icy jari tob gcshs jar jurtobr tbsthfm ar cf apbrcthfm ebkhshaf. ]obf c iarb ckkurctb ebtbrihfcthaf aj tob tatcl ciauft aj kaigusthglb mcsbs ar c qucfthtcthvb ebtbrihfcthaf aj tob hfehvheucl kaipafbfts hs ebshrbe, c lcgarctary cfclythkcl ibtoae ushfm c mcs koraictamrcpo ar icss spbktraibtbr icy gb usbe. ]CWFHFM

Mcsbs mbfbrctbe hf trcfsjaribrs kcf gb bxplashvb. [trhkt prbkcuthafs iust gb agsbrvbe wobf sciplhfm tob mcsbs jrai tob trcfsjaribr. M.2.7 (8.5) Ebtbrihfcthaf a ajj hfehvheucl mcsbs prbsbft hf tob tob mcs glcf`bt

Cfclyshs aj tob hfehvheucl mcsbs prbsbft hf tob mcs glcf`bt cgavb tob ahl icy gb iceb gy ushfm C[UI E;:37, gbmhffhfm ct [bkthaf 3> aj toct stcfecre. [bkthaf 3;.3 cfe [bkthaf 3;.7 aj C[UI E;:37 crb fat cpplhkcglb hf tohs kcsb.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

Cffbx O

(hfjaricthvb) Ghglhamrcpoy  Uob purpasb aj tohs cffbx hs ta prbsbft c fuigbr aj rbjbrbfkb ictbrhcls jar tob purpasb aj hebfthjyhfm c maae krass-sbkthaf aj tob iast rblbvcft rbsaurkb ictbrhcl(s) rbvhbwbe cfe kafshebrbe hf tob ebvblapibft aj tob crt cfe skhbfkb aj Ehssalvbe Mcs Cfclyshs (EMC) aj trcfsjaribr hfsulcthfm lhquhe. Uohs cffbx clsa sbrvbs cs c ohstarhkcl crkohvb aj pcpbrs cfe atobr rbsaurkbs toct wbrb ebvblapbe, wrhttbf cfe eakuibftbe toraumoaut tob kaursb aj tob ohstary aj ihfbrcl ahl usb cs c ehblbktrhk ibehui hf pawbr trcfsjaribrs. Ghglhamrcpohkcl rbjbrbfkbs crb rbsaurkbs toct pravheb ceehthafcl ar oblpjul ictbrhcl gut ea fat fbbe ta gb ufebrstaae ar usbe ta hiplbibft tohs stcfecre. Wbjbrbfkb ta tobsb rbsaurkbs hs iceb jar hfjaricthafcl usb afly. O.3 Mcs bvaluthaf

PG3Y  Gcssbkobs, O., cfe Gcrfbs, O. ]., “Mcsshfm aj lhquhe ehblbktrhk ufebr blbktrhkcl strbss, hfjlubfkb aj valtcmb cfe prbssurb,’ Hfeustrhcl cfe Bfmhfbbrhfm Kobihstry, val. 2>, fa. :, pp. 828‛8::, 382?. PG7Y  Gcssbkobs, O., cfe IkKlbcf, E. C., “Mcsshfm aj lhquhe ehblbktrhks ufebr blbktrhkcl strbss,’ Hfeustrhcl cfe Bfmhfbbrhfm Kobihstry, val. 5=, fa. 8, pcrt H, pp. 3=?7‛3=85, 3822. PG;Y  Gbrgbrhko, L. D., “Hfjlubfkb aj mcsbaus blbktrhk ehskocrmb aj oyerakcrgaf ahls,’ Hfeustrhcl cfe Bfmhfbbrhfm Kobihstry, val. ;>, 38;?. PG5Y  Glaembtt, W. G., cfe Gcrtlbtt. [.K., “^crcibtbrs jar prbehkthfm mcsshfm aj ahls ufebr blbktrhk strbss,’ HBBB ^C, val. 22, pp. 27?‛2;:, 38:3. PG2Y  Klcr`, J. I., “Uob ralb aj ehssalvbe mcsbs hf ebtbrihfhfm tob gbocvhar aj ihfbrcl hfsulcthfm ahls,’ Daurfcl aj tob Jrcf`lhf Hfsthtutb, val. 732, p. ;8, Dcf. 38;;. PG:Y  Ebmfcf, ]. D., cfe Eaukbttb, M. M., “Hipravbe ibtoae aj ahl prbsbrvcthaf cfe hts bjjbkt af mcs bvaluthaf,’ HBBB ^C, val. 7?, pp. :2=‛:::, 382?. PG=Y  Jarstbr, D. C., cfe IkKrcb, M. M., “Mcsshfm tbfebfky tbsts af sbrvhkb-cmbe hfsulcthfm ahls,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb ^rakbbehfms, [bk. 3>-32>3, 38=5. PG?Y  Oarfsgy, B. C., Hrvhfm, W., cfe ^cttbrsaf, B. C., “Fbw krhtbrhaf aj tob mcsshfm tbfebfkhbs aj hfsulcthfm ahls,’ ^rakbbehfms aj tob Hfsthtuthaf aj Blbktrhkcl Bfmhfbbrs, val. 337, fa. ;, pp. 28>‛28:, Icr. 38:2. PG8Y  @cujicf, W. G., ^hbrkb, D. L., cfe Rolhm, B. W., “Uob bjjbkt aj trcfsjaribr-ahl-prbsbrvc trcfsjaribr-ahl-prbsbrvcthaf thaf ibtoaes af tob ehblbktrhk strbfmto aj ahl,’ HBBB ^C, val. ;5, pp. 3;32‛3;73, 382?. PG3>Y  @rcsuk`h, T., Kourko, O. J., cfe Mcrtaf, K. M., “C fbw bxplcfcthaf aj mcs bvaluthaf hf blbktrhkclly strbssbe ahl hiprbmfctbe pcpbr hfsulcthaf,’ Daurfcl aj tob Blbktrakobihkcl Blbktrakobihkcl [akhbty, val. 3>=, fa. =, pp. 28?‛  :>7, 38:>. PG33Y  Ibcear, D. W., cfe Ehllaf, F. B., “Urcfsjaribr ahl prbsbrvcthaf,’ CHBB Urcfsckthafs af ^awbr Cppcrctus cfe [ystbis, val. ;;, pp. 37>?‛3733, 382=. PG37Y  Iarrhsaf, B. L., “Bvclucthaf aj tobricl stcghlhty aj blbktrhkcl hfsulcthfm pcpbr,’ HBBB Urcfsckthafs af Blbktrhkcl Hfsulcthaf, val. BH-;, pp. =:‛?7, Cum. 38:?. PG3;Y  Iurpoy, B. D., “Mcsbs bvalvbe gy tob tobricl ebkaipashthaf aj pcpbr,’ Urcfsckthafs aj Blbktrakobihkcl [akhbty, val. ?;, p. 3:3, 385;.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

PG35Y  ^bebrsbf, M., “Mcsshfm aj hfsulcthfm ahls ufebr tob hfjlubfkb aj cf blbktrhk ehskocrmb,’ Grawf Gavbrh Wbvhbw, val. 22, fa. 532, pp. 777‛77?, Cpr./Icy 38:?. PG32Y  [chta, X., cfe Ohfa, U., “[tuey aj tobricl ebtbrharcthaf aj bfciblbe whrbs gy tob icss spbktraibtbr ibtoae,’ HBBB ^C, val. 2>, pp. :2;‛:2=, 38:>. PG3:Y  [obppcre, O. W., “Uob ibkocfhsi aj mcs mbfbrcthaf hf ahl-jhllbe trcfsjaribrs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-:>3, 38:;. PG3=Y  [lact, U. @, Daofsaf, D. L., cfe [aiibricf, M. I. L., “Mcs bvaluthaf jrai trcfsjaribr ahls ufebr ohmo valtcmb strbss,’ HBBB Urcfsckthafs af ^awbr Cppcrctus Cp pcrctus cfe [ystbis, val. ^C-?:, fa. ;, p. ;=5, 38:=. PG3?Y  [zblkobly, Z. M., “Wblcthaf gbtwbbf mcs bvaluthaf cfe tob poyshkcl prapbrthbs aj lhquhes,’ Cpplhbe ^oyshks, val. 77, p. :7=, 3823. PG38Y  Zambl, J. D., ^btbrsaf, K. K., cfe Ictsko, L. I., “Ebtbrharcthaf aj trcfsjaribr ahl cfe pcpbr hfsulcthaf gy tbipbrcturb,’ CHBB Urcfsckthafs, val. =?, fa. 3, pp. 3?‛73 (tcglbs), 3823. O.7 Ebtbkthaf cfe hftbrprbtcthaf

O.7.3 Mcs ebtbktar rblcy

PG7>Y  CHBB Wblcy [ugkaiihttbb, “Wblcy pratbkthaf aj pawbr trcfsjaribrs,’ CHBB Urcfsckthafs, val. ::,  pp. 833‛83=, 385=. PG73Y  Gbcf, W. L., cfe Kalb, O. L., “C sueebf mcs prbssurb rblcy jar trcfsjaribr pratbkthaf,’ CHBB Urcfsckthafs, val. =7, fa. ;. pp. 5?>‛5?;, 382;. PG77Y  Eujjy, J. O., “Mcs ebtbktar rblcy bxpbrhbfkb af [cmubfcy systbi,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-2>3, 3823. PG7;Y  Icehll, D. U., “Uyphkcl trcfsjaribr jcults cfe mcs ebtbktar rblcy pratbkthaf,’ CHBB Urcfsckthafs, val. ::, pp. 3>27‛3>:>, 385=. PG75Y  IkEbrihe, ]., “Mbfbrcthaf aj kaigusthglb mcs hf 7;> `Z ahl-jhllbe kurrbft trcfsjaribrs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-;>3, 38:?. PG72Y  [trbulh, ]. W., “Urcfjaskapb (mcs cktuctbe trcfsjaribr pratbkthvb rblcy aj Gukooalz typb)’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :->3, 3858. PG7:Y  [turtbvcft, E. G., “Bxpbrhbfkb whto Gukooalz mcs-apbrctbe rblcy,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-3>3, 38:5. PG7=Y  Zcflufe, D. C., “Mbfbrcl blbktrhk trcfsjaribrs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-;>3, 38:3. O.7.7 Mcs kusohaf hf sbclbe trcfsjaribrs

PG7?Y  Gcrrbtt, W. E., cfe ^cr`br, D. K., “Bxpbrhbfkb hf tbsthfm fhtrambf hf ahl-jhllbe trcfsjaribrs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-7>3, 38:;. PG78Y  Gbllcskoh, ^. L., “Hftraeukthaf ta syipashui af mcs cfclyshs jar ebtbkthaf aj hfkhphbft jcults hf  pawbr trcfsjaribrs,’ trcfsjaribrs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-3>3, 38:;. PG;>Y  Krcwjare, K. B., cfe ]hlsaf, C. B., “Hfkhphbft trcfsjaribr jcult ebtbktbe gy kaigusthglb mcs iafhtarhfm pramrci cfe ultrc saufe tbsts,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-37>3, 38:5. PG;3Y  Krailby, W. D., “Jchlurb cfe rbpchr aj c trcfsjaribr dahft,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-=>3, 38:;. PG;7Y  Eu`b, K. C., Maaerab, K. W., Ucylar, W. A., cfe Uoaipsaf, ]. ]., “Ebtbkthaf aj kaigusthglb mcsbs hf fhtrambf sbclbe pawbr trcfsjaribrs,’ trcfsjaribrs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-3>>3, 38:5.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

PG;;Y  Eu`b, K. C., cfe Ucylar, W. A., “Ebtbkthaf aj kaigusthglb mcsbs hf fhtrambf sbclbe pawbr trcfsjaribrs,’’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-3>3, 38:7. trcfsjaribrs, PG;5Y  Jbrmusaf, I. L., “Kaigusthglb mcs cfclyshs cs c prbvbfthvb ichftbfcfkb taal,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk :-3?>3, 38:5. PG;2Y  Jbrmusaf, I. L., “Kaigusthglb mcs praglbi,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-5>3, 38:2. PG;:Y  Mhllhbs, E. C., cfe Iuk`brobleb, L. O., “Kaigusthglb mcs iafhtarhfm―2>> `Z kurrbft trcfsjaribrs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-7>3, 38=;. PG;=Y  Mrcoci, ]. W., cfe Whfbr, W. G., “Hfkhphbft jcult ebtbkthaf hf pawbr trcfsjaribrs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-7>3, 38:2. PG;?Y  Makoicubr, B. L., “UKM cfclyshs aj hfkhphbft jcult jarbkcstbe,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-7>3, 38::. PG;8Y  Mrafgbrm, ]. L., “Ebtbkthaf aj hfkhphbft pawbr trcfsjaribr jcults whto kaigusthglb mcs dbt,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-;>3, 38:7. PG5>Y  Ocof, D. O., “Jhble uftcf`hfm cfe rbpchr aj c 7;>/332 `Z, 5>/2>, ;/::.= IZC, AC/JC/JC, cutatrcfsjaribrs,’’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-3>3, 38:?. cutatrcfsjaribrs, PG53Y  Oarblhk`, C. L., “Hfkhphbft jcult ebtbkthaf ibtoae pravbs vclucglb jar trcfsjaribr pratbkthvb ichftbfcfkb,’ Urcfsihsshaf Urcfsihsshaf cfe Ehstrhguthaf, p. ;5, Dcf. 38:3. PG57Y  IkEbrihe, ]., “Mbfbrcthaf aj kaigusthglb mcs hf 7;> `Z ahl-jhllbe kurrbft trcfsjaribrs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-;>3, 38:?. PG5;Y  ^cr`br, D. K., “Ubsthfm fhtrambf avbr ahl hf pawbr trcfsjaribrs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-32>3, 38:5. PG55Y  ^rhkb, W. K., “Urcfsjaribr jchlurb ct tob Cllbf stbci plcfts,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-;>3, 38::. PG52Y  ^umo, ^. [., cfe ]cmfbr, O. O., “Ebtbkthaf af hfkhphbft jcults hf trcfsjaribrs gy mcs cfclyshs,’ CHBB K.^., pp. :>‛82>, 38:>. PG5:Y  ^umo, ^. [., cfe ]cmfbr, O. O., “Ebtbkthaf aj hfkhphbft jcults hf trcfsjaribrs gy mcs cfclyshs,’ CHBB Urcfsckthafs, val. ?>, pp. 3?8‛382, 38:3. PG5=Y  Whk`lby, C. L., cfe Klcr`, W. B., “Kaigusthglb mcs ebtbkthaf hf trcfsjaribrs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-2>3, 38:;. PG5?Y  Wasb, I., “Cutaicthk sciplhfm cfe ibcsurbibft aj kaigusthglb mcsbs hf trcfsjaribrs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-?>3, 38:=. PG58Y  [obppcre, O. W., “Ecfmbraus kafehthafs crb ebtbktbe gy cfclyzhfm trcfsjaribr mcsbs,’ Urcfsihsshaf cfe Ehstrhguthaf, val. 7>, fa. 7, pp. =3‛=5, 38:?. PG2>Y  [obppcre, O. W., “]oy hs mcs mbfbrctbe hf ahl-jhllbe trcfsjaribrs’ Urcfsihsshaf cfe Ehstrhguthaf, val. 7>, fa. 3, pp. :;‛:2, 38:?. PG23Y  [yrdcic`h, B. I., “Kclhgrcthaf cfe kaipcrhsaf aj jcult mcs ebtbktars,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. 7-3>3, 38:5. PG27Y  Uoaics, E. D., “Kaigusthglb mcs hf pawbr trcfsjaribrs (hts ebtbkthaf cfe shmfhjhkcfkb),’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-3>3>, 38::. PG2;Y  Uoaipsaf, ]. ]., “Iaehjhkcthaf aj kafsbrvctar trcfsjaribrs ta pbriht kaigusthglb mcs survbhllcfkb,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-:>3, 38:=. PG25Y  ]cmfbr, O., “Ebtbkthaf aj hfkhphbft Kafjbrbfkb HfebxO. aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-?>3, 38:>. jcults hf pawbr trcfsjaribrs gy mcs cfclyshs,’ Eaglb


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

PG22Y  ]cmfbr, O. O., “Ebvblapibft aj kafthfuaus iafhtarhfm tatcl kaigusthglb mcs (UKM) hfkhphbft jcult ebtbktar,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-38>3, 38:5. PG2:Y  ]cmfbr, O. O., “Bxpbrhbfkb whto trcfsjaribr mcs-jcult ebtbktar tbsthfms,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-=>3, 38:3. PG2=Y  ]cmfbr, O. O., “Jhble bxpbrhbfkbs whto tob trcfsjaribr jcult mcs ebtbktar,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-:>3, 38:7. PG2?Y  ]cmfbr, O. O., “Jhvb ybcrs bxpbrhbfkb whto trcfsjaribr UKM hfkhphbft jcult ebtbktar tbsts,’ HBBB Urcfsckthafs af ^awbr Cppcrctus cfe [ystbis, val. ^C[-?5, fa. ?, pp. =>>‛=>:, 38:2. PG28Y  ]cmfbr, O. O., “^bffsylvcfhc UKM trcfsjaribr jcult-mcs kafthfuaus iafhtar,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-=>3, 38:=. PG:>Y  ]cmfbr, O. O., “^bffsylvcfhc trcfsjaribrs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-=>3, 38:3. PG:3Y  ]cmfbr, O. O., “^bffsylvcfhc trcfsjaribr tatcl kaigusthglb mcs (UKM), hfkhphbft jcult ebtbktar,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-;>7, 38:;. PG:7Y  ]cmfbr, O. O., “[urvby aj UKM tbsts af trcfsjaribrs,’ HBBB K.^., pp. :‛57>8. PG:;Y  Zcflufe, D. C., “Mcs cfclyshs jar ebtbkthaf aj hfkhphbft pawbr trcfsjaribr jcults,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-5>3, 38:;. PG:5Y  Zarc, D. ^., cfe Chkobr, L. K., “Urcfsjaribr jcult mcs cfclyshs hftbrprbtcthaf,’ HBBB Urcfsckthafs af ^awbr Cppcrctus cfe [ystbis, val. ^C[-?5, fa. 7, pp. 3=7‛3=:, ehskusshaf af p. 5?=, 38:2. O.7.; Ehssalvbe mcs hf hfsulcthfm lhquhe

PG:2Y  Cristrafm, Dr., M. ]., cfe Gc`br, C. B., “Urcfsjaribr praglbis ebtbktbe ar kafjhribe gy usb aj kaigusthglb mcs cfclyshs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfut Ihfutbs bs, [bk. 3>-;>3, 38=2. PG::Y  Gcllcskoh, ^. L., “Cpplhkcthaf aj jcult-mcs ebtbkthaf ibtoaes af trcfsjaribr tbst ct tob jcktary,’  Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. 3>-;>3, 38=;. PG:=Y  Gbblbr, M., “Kaigusthglb mcs cfclyshs af ^bcko Gattai fa. 3 trcfsjaribr,’  Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb  Hfebx aj Ihfutbs Ihfutbs, [bk. 3>-35>3, 38=5. PG:?Y  Gbbr, M., Afbrth, C., Gassh, C., cfe Ohrrc, K., “Kaftrhguthaf bxpèrhibftclb î l‘ètueb eb lc eèmrcecthaf praeuhts pcr lbs ebskocrmbs pcrthbllbs ecfs lb pcphbr hsalcft hiprèmfè î l‘ouhlb,’  prbsbftbe ct KHMWB , pcpbr 32->7, 38=>. PG:8Y 

Gblcfmbr, M., cfe Euvcl, O., “Iafhtar jar oyerambf ehssalvbe hf trcfsjaribr ahl,’  HBBB Urcfsjaribr Blbktrhkcl Hfsulcthaf, val. BH-37, fa. 2, pp. ;;5‛;5>, Akt. 38==. PG=>Y  Gaa`br, D. W., “Bxpbrhbfkb whto hfkhphbft jcult ebtbkthaf uthlhzhfm mcs koraictamrcpoy cfclyshs,’  Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. 3>-2>3, 38=;. PG=3Y  KHMWB Ubkofhkcl Grakourb # 5>8, “Wbpart af Mcs Iafhtars jar Ahl-Jhllbe Blbktrhkcl Bquhpibft’, ]M E3.>3, Jbg. 7>3>. 32  PG=7Y  KHMWB Ubkofhkcl Grakourb # 55;, “EMC hf Faf Ihfbrcl Ahls cfe Ucp Kocfmbrs cfe Hipravbe EMC Ehcmfashs Krhtbrhc’, ]M E3.;7, Ebk. 7>3>. PG=;Y 

KHMWÈ Ubkofhkcl Grakourb #2;=, “Muheb jar Urcfsjaribr Jhrb [cjbty ^rckthkbs’,

]M C7.;;, 7>3;.


KHMWÈ Ubkofhkcl Grakourb #:57, “Urcfsjaribr rblhcghlhty survby’, ]M C7.;= , 7>32.

PG=2Y  Klcr`, J. I., “Uob ralb aj ehssalvbe mcsbs hf ebtbrihfhfm tob gbocvhar aj ihfbrcl hfsulcthfm ahls,’  Daurfcl aj tob Jrcf`lhf Jrcf`lhf Hfstht Hfsthtutb utb, val. 732, fa. 3, p. ;8, 38;;. 32

 KHMWB puglhkcthafs crb cvchlcglb jrai tob Kaufkhl af Lcrmb Blbktrhk [ystbis (ottp4//ww (ottp4//www.b-khmrb.arm/). w.b-khmrb.arm/).


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs


Kallhfs, W. L., “Oyerambf Ebtbktar,’ R.[. ^ctbft   fa. ;22852=, 38=3.   ^ctbft  fa.


Kaltafm, W., “Kaigusthglb mcs tbsthfm af lcrmb ahl-jhllbe trcfsjaribrs,’  Blbktrhkcl Hfsulcthaf Kafjbrbfkb :8K ;;B3-;=, pp. 332‛33?, 38:8. PG=?Y 

Ecaust, W., “Cfclyshs aj mcsbs ehssalvbe hf trcfsjaribr ahls,’  Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj  Ihfutbs, val. ;8, CHK=3, [bk. 3>-:>3, 38=7. PG=8Y  EhMharmha, D. G., Dc`ag, B, cfe Ocupbrt, U., “Urcfsjaribr jcult mcs cfclyshs,’ ihfutbs aj tob ibbthfm aj ^bffsylvcfhc Blbktr. Cssak. Bfm. [bkt. Blbktr. Bquhp. Kaii., Gbejare, ^C, Akt. 3?‛38, 38==. (^uglhsobe gy ^bffsylvcfhc Blbktr. Blbktr. Cssak. Bfm. [bkt., Ocrrhsgurm , ^C, p. 77, 38==.) PG?>Y 

Ehfe, D., Ecaust, W., Wbmhs, cfe Iarmcf, D., “Cfclyshs aj mcsbs ehssalvbe hf trcfsjaribr ahl,’  Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs Ihfutbs, val. ;?, CHK=3, [bk. :-33>3, 38=3. PG?3Y  Earfbfgbrm, B., cfe Mbrgbr, A. B., “Cfclyshs aj ehssalvbe cfe jrbb mcsbs jar iafhtarhfm  pbrjaricfkb aj ahl-jhllbe ahl-jhllbe trcfsjaribrs,’ trcfsjaribrs,’ Grawf Gavbrh Wbvhbw, val. 25, fa. 73;, p. 3>5, 38:=. PG?7Y 

Earfbfgurm, B., cfe [trhtticttbr, ]., “Iafhtarhfm ahl kaalbe trcfsjaribrs gy mcs cfclyshs,’  Grawf Gavbrh Wbvhbw, val. :3, fa. 2, pp. 7;?‛75=, Icy 38=5. PG?;Y 

Eu`cri, D. D., Euvcl, I., “Urcfsjaribr rblhcghlhty cfe ehssalvbe-mcs cfclyshs,’ 7>3: KHMWB Kcfcec Kafjbrbfkb, Fa. KHMWB-?>=, Zcfkauvbr GK, Aktagbr 7>3:.


Euvcl, I. cfe Eu`cri, D., “Hipravhfm tob rblhcghlhty aj trcfsjaribr mcs-hf-ahl ehcmfashs,’  HBBB  Blbktr. Hfsul . Icm., Zal. 73, Fa. 5, Duly 7>>2. PG?2Y  Euvcl, I., “Jcult mcsbs jaribe hf ahl-jhllbe grbctohfm B.O.Z. trcfsjaribrs0 hftbrprbtcthaf aj mcs cfclyshs ectc,’ HBBB K.^  K.^ ., ., fa. K =5, pp. 5=:‛5=?, 38=5. PG?:Y  Euvcl, I. “Kclkulcthaf aj EMC Lhiht Zclubs cfe [ciplhfm Hftbrvcls hf Urcfsjaribrs hf [brvhkb’, HBBB Blbktrhkcl Blbktrhkcl Hfsulcthaf Hfsulcthaf Icmczhfb, Zal. 75, Fa. 2, pp. =-3;, [bptbigbr/Aktagbr 7>>?. PG?=Y  Euvcl, I., “Afmahfm Ckthvhthbs ct HBBB, HBK cfe KHMWB af EMC’,  ^rakbbehfms aj tob Urcfsjaribr & [whtkoycre Rsbrs Mraup (U[RM) Ibbthfm , [t-Lauhs, Cum 2, 7>3;. PG??Y  Euvcl, I., “Lctbst Euvcl Urhcfmlbs-]oct‘s kaihfm’, UbkoKaf Farto Cibrhkc 7>35, ^oabfhx, CT, Jbgrucry 5‛:, 7>35. PG?8Y  Euvcl, I., “Hebfthjyhfm cfe cfclyzhfm quhk` ebvblaphfm jcults whto EMC’, [HMCU Kafjbrbfkb, Kcrtcmbfc, Kalaighc, Icy 7>35. PG8>Y  Euvcl, I., Lcicrrb, L., “Uob Euvcl ^bftcmaf ‛ C fbw kaiplbibftcry taal jar tob hftbrprbtcthaf aj ehssalvbe mcs cfclyshs hf trcfsjaribrs,’ trcfsjaribrs,’ HBBB Blbktrhkcl Blbktrhkcl Hfsulcthaf Icmczhfb, Zal ;>, Fa. :, pp. 8-37, [bptbigbr/Aktagbr 7>35. PG83Y  Euvcl, I. “Rsb aj Euvcl ^bftcmafs cfe Urhcfmlbs jar tob hftbrprbtcthaf aj EMC hf Blbktrhkcl Bquhpibft’, UbkoKaf Farto Cibrhkc 7>3: , ^cpbr 3;, Clguqubrqub, FI, Jbgrucry 7; -72, 7>3:. PG87Y  Euvcl, I., “Hftbrprbtcthaf aj Ehssalvbe Mcs Cfclyshs hf blbktrhkcl bquhpibft whto Euvcl Urhcfmlbs cfe ^bftcmafs’, HBBB ^B[ ^B[ Urcfsjaribrs Kaiihttbb Kaiihttbb Uutarhcl , Ctlcftc, 7>3:. PG8;Y  Euvcl, I., Eb^cgla, C., Oabolbhf-Ctcfcsavc, O abolbhf-Ctcfcsavc, H. cfe Mrhscru, I., “[hmfhjhkcfkb cfe ebtbkthaf aj vbry law ebmrbb aj palyibrhzcthaf aj pcpbr hf trcfsjaribrs’, HBBB Blbktrhkcl Blbktrhkcl Hfsulcthaf Icmczhfb, Zal.;;,  Fa.3, pp. ;3-;?, Dcf/Jbg Dcf/Jbg 7>3=. PG85Y  Jcllau, G., Zhclb, J., Ebvcux, C., Jaurfhb, W., Mclcfe, D., Zucrkobs, ^., E Ecvhbs, cvhbs, H., Wambrs, W. W., Wbyfales, B. O., cfe Earfbfgurm, B., “Cpplhkcthaf ebs iètoaebs e‘cfclysb poyshka-kohihqubs î l‘ètueb ebs eèmrcecthafs ecfs l‘hsalcthaf ebs ictbrhbls èlbktrhqubs,’ prbsbftbe ct KHMWB  KHMWB , pcpbr 32->=, 38=>. PG82Y  Mlcss, W. O., “Ehssalvbe mcs cfclyshs aj trcfsjaribr ahl,’ Urcfsihsshaf cfe Ehstrhguthaf, val. 78, fa. 3, pp. 77‛75, 7:, 7?‛78, Dcf. 38==. PG8:Y  Mhrmhs, W., tbFybfouhs, B. M., “Oyerambf Mcs Mbfbrcthaf Eub ta Iaebrctbly Avbrobctbe Urcfsjaribr Karbs’, 7>>8 HBBB ^awbr & Bfbrmy [akhbty Mbfbrcl Ibbthfm , 7:-;> Duly 7>>8.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

PG8=Y  Ocof, D. O., “Jhble uftcf`hfm cfe rbpchr aj c 7;>/332 `Z, 5>/2>, ;/::.= IZC, AC/JC/JC cutatrcfsjaribr,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. :-3>3, 38:?. PG8?Y  Ocupbrt, U. A., cfe Dc`ag, J., “C rbvhbw aj tob apbrcthfm cfe prckthkb aj ehssalvbe mcs cfclyshs,’  Blbktrhkcl Hfsulcthaf Hfsulcthaf Ahls, [U^ 88?, pp. 3>?‛332, 38??. PG88Y  Ocupbrt, U. A., Dc`ag, J., cfe Ougckobr, B.D., “Cpplhkcthaf aj c fbw tbkofhqub jar tob hftbrprbtcthaf aj ehssalvbe mcs cfclyshs ectc,’ 33to Cffucl Ubkofhkcl Kafjbrbfkb aj tob Hftbrfcthafcl  Blbktrhkcl Ubsthfm Ubsthfm Cssakhct Cssakhcthaf haf, pp. 5;‛23, 38?8. PG3>>Y  Obhfrhkos, J. ]., “Uob hipckt aj jcult-ebtbkthaf ibtoaes cfe cfclyshs af tob trcfsjaribr apbrcthfm ebkhshaf,’  prbsbftbe ct HBBB/^B HBBB/^B[ [ Urcfsihsshaf cfe Ehstrhguthaf Kafjbrbfkb, pcpbr ?: U&E

228-8, Cfcobhi, KC, [bpt. 38?:. PG3>3Y  Ohfa, U., cfe [umcfuic, X., “Wcphe ibcsurbibft aj tob ebtbrharcthaf aj ahl-hiibrsbe pcpbr,’  Blbktrhkcl Hfsulcthaf Hfsulcthaf Kafjbrb Kafjbrbfkb fkb, =3 K ;?BH-53, 378, 38=3. PG3>7Y  Oap`hfsaf, ^.D., “]hfe ^awbr Urcfsjaribr Ebshmf’, 7>3; Lhjb aj c Urcfsjaribr(UI) [bihfcr , [cf Ehbma, KC, R[C, Jbgrucry 3?-73, 7>3;. PG3>;Y  HBK :>288, “Ihfbrcl ahl-jhllbe blbktrhkcl bquhpibft hf sbrvhkb - Muhecfkb af tob hftbrprbtcthaf aj ehssalvbe cfe jrbb mcsbs cfclyshs.’ 3:  PG3>5Y  HBBB [te K2=.83℧, HBBB Muheb jar Lacehfm Ihfbrcl-Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs cfe [tbp3=,, 3?  Zaltcmb Wbmulctars. 3=   HBBB PG3>2Y jar tob Rsb aj Ehssalvbe Mcs Cfclyshs Cpplhbe ta Jcktary Ubipbrcturb Whsb Ubsts jar tobK2=.3;>℧, Bvclucthaf“Muheb aj Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribr Urcfsjaribrs s cfe Wbcktars.’

PG3>:Y  HBBB K2=.3;8℧, “HBBB Muheb jar Ehssalvbe Mcs Cfclyshs hf Urcfsjaribr Lace Ucp Kocfmbrs.’ PG3>=Y  HBBB K2=.35:℧, “HBBB Muheb jar Hftbrprbtcthaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf [hlhkafb-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs.’ PG3>?Y  HBBB K2=.327℧-7>3;, “HBBB Muheb jar Ehcmfasthk Jhble Ubsthfm aj Jluhe-Jhllbe ^awbr Urcfsjaribrs, Wbmulctars, cfe Wbcktars.’ PG3>8Y  HBBB K2=.322℧, “HBBB Muheb jar Hftbrprbtcthaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Fcturcl Bstbr cfe [yftobthk Bstbr-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs.’ PG33>Y  Dc`ag, J., Eu`cri, D. D., “Uobriaeyfcihk Bsthicthaf aj Urcfsjaribr Jcult [bvbrhty,’ ^awbr Eblhvbry, HBBB Urcfsckthafs Urcfsckthafs af, val.;>, fa.5, pp.3853-385?, Cum. 7>32. PG333Y  Dc`ag, J., Faglb, ^., Eu`cri, D. D., “C Uobriaeyfcihk Cppracko ta Bvclucthaf aj tob [bvbrhty aj Urcfsjaribr Jcults,’ ^awbr Eblhvbry,  HBBB Urcfsckthafs, val.7=, fa.7, pp.225-228, Cprhl 7>37. EAH4 3>.33>8/U^]WE.7>33.73=282>. PG337Y  @cujjicf, M. O., “Mcs gugglbs hf ehstrhguthaf trcfsjaribrs,’  HBBB Urcfsjaribr ^awbr  Cppcrctus cfe [ystbis [ystbis, val. ^C[-8:, fa. 2, pp. 328:‛3:>3, [bpt./Akt. 38==. PG33;Y  @bbfb, E. D., “Urcfsjaribr praglbi ebtbktbe gy jcult-mcs cfclyshs,’  Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj  Ihfutbs, [bk. 3>-3;>3, 38=5. PG335Y  @blly, D. D., “Urcfsjaribr jcult ehcmfashs gy ehssalvbe-mcs cfclyshs,’  prbsbftbe ct HBBB 7:to  Cffucl ^btralbui ^btralbui cfe Kobihkcl Hfeustry Kafjbrb Kafjbrbfkb fkb, [cf Ehbma, KC, pp. 352‛323, [bpt. 3>‛37, 38=8. PG332Y  @blly, D. D., cfe Iybrs, [. E., “Uob vclub aj mcs-hf-ahl cfclyshs cs c muheb ta tob apbrcthafcl kafehthafs bxhsthfm hf c pawbr trcfsjaribr,’ Kafjbrbfkb Wbkare aj tob Uohrty-Jaurto Cffucl Kafjbrbfkb aj  Blbktrhkcl Bfmhfbbrhfm Bfmhfbbrhfm ^raglbis ^raglbis hf tob Wu Wuggbr ggbr cfe ^lcsth ^lcsthks ks Hfeustrhbs, 38=7. PG33:Y  Lhfebicf, @., “Cfclyzb trcfsjaribr mcs ta hebfthjy jcults,’ ^awbr , val. 335, fa. 5, p. =5, 38=>. 3: HBK puglhkcthafs crb cvchlcglb jrai tob Hftbrfcthafcl Blbktratbkofhkcl Kaiihsshaf (ottp4//www.hbk.ko) cfe tob Cibrhkcf Fcthafcl [tcfecres Hfsthtutb (ottp4//www.cfsh.arm/). 3=   Uob HBBB stcfecres ar praeukts rbjbrrbe ta hf  hf  Cffbx O crb trcebicr`s awfbe gy tob Hfsthtutb aj Blbktrhkcl cfe Blbktrafhks Bfmhfbbrs, Hfkarparctbe. 3? ottp4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/)). HBBB puglhkcthafs crb cvchlcglb c vchlcglb jrai tob Hfsthtutb aj Blbktrhkcl cfe Blbktrafhks Bfmhfbbrs (ottp4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/

 HBBB puglhkcthafs crb cvchlcglb c vchlcglb jrai tob Hfsthtutb aj Blbktrhkcl cfe Blbktrafhks Bfmhfbbrs (ottp4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/) ottp4//stcfecres.hbbb.arm/).


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.  

HBBB [te K2=.3>5-7>38 HBBB Muheb jar tob Hftbrprbtchaf aj Mcsbs Mbfbrctbe hf Ihfbrcl Ahl-Hiibrsbe Urcfsjaribrs

PG33=Y  Icrthf, Dr., ]. G., cfe Ucylar, W. A., “Bxpbrhbfkb whto koraictamrcpohk cfclyshs aj jcult mcsbs hf  pawbr trcfsjaribrs,’ trcfsjaribrs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. 3>-7>3, 38=;. PG33?Y  IkKrcb, M. M., “Bxpbrhbfkb whto hfkhphbft jcults ebtbkthaf gy mcs-hf-ahl cfclyshs,’  Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, val. ;8, 3CK=7, [bk. :-=>3, 38=7. PG338Y  Iarcru, E., ^apbska, K., [tahkc, I., cfe Ucfcsbska, J. H, “Ebtbkthaf ebs ebmrcecthafs praeuhtbs  pcr ebs ebkocrmbs pcrthbllbs paur lbs typbs e‘hsalcthaf pcphbr-ouhlb,’  prbsbftbe ct KHMWB , pcpbr 32->2, 38=>. PG37>Y  Iullbr, W., ^attoajj, @., cfe [alefbr, @., “Cfclysb ebs mcs ehssaus ecfs l‘ouhlb bf tcft qub iaybf eb survbhllcfkb ebs trcfsjarictburs bt eb eètbkthaf eb ebjcults fchsscfts,’  prbsbftbe ct KHMWB ,  pcpbr 37->7, 38=>. PG373Y  ^lctts, E. cfe Ocfsaf, E., “]obrb Eabs tob Chr Ma1 ([bkafe Behthaf)’, UbkoKaf 7>3= Farto  Cibrhkc prakbbehfm  prakbbehfm , Oaustaf, U_, Jbgrucry 35-3:, 7>3=. PG377Y  ^umo, E. W., “Cevcfkbs hf jcult ehcmfashs gy kaigusthglb mcs cfclyshs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. 3>-37>3, 38=5. PG37;Y  ^umo, E. W., “Kaigusthglb mcs cfclyshs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfut Ihfutbs bs, [bk. 3>-5>3, 38=;. PG375Y  Wccg, B. L., “[yipashui af mcs koraictamrcpoy,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs, [bk. 3>2>3C, 38=;. PG372Y  Wambrs, W. W., “HBBB cfe HBK kaebs ta hftbrprbt hfkhphbft jcults hf trcfsjaribrs ushfm mcs-hf-ahl Urcfsjaribr Blbk Blbktrhkcl trhkcl Hfsulctha Hfsulcthaf f, val. BH-3;, fa. 2, pp. ;58‛;25, Akt. 38=?. cfclyshs,’ HBBB Urcfsjaribr PG37:Y  Wambrs, W. W., “R.@. Bxpbrhbfkb hf tob hftbrprbtcthaf aj hfkhphbft jcults hf pawbr trcfsjaribrs gy ehssalvbe mcs-hf-ahl koraictamrcpohk cfclyshs,’ Eaglb Kafjbrbfkb Kafjbrbfkb Hfebx aj Ihfutbs Ihfutbs, [bk. 3>-7>3, 38=2.

PG37=Y  [obppcre, O. W., “]oy hs mcs mbfbrctbe hf ahl-jhllbe trcfsjaribrs1’ Urcfsihsshaf cfe  Ehstrhguthaf, pp. :;‛:2, Dcf. 38:?. PG37?Y  [ohrch, O., [ohiadh, [., cfe Hsohh, U., “Uobriaeyfcihk stuey af tob tobricl ebkaipashthaf aj hfsulcthfm ahl,’ HBBB Urcfsjaribr Urcfsjaribr Blbktrh Blbktrhkcl kcl Hfsulcthaf, val. BH-37, fa. 5, pp. 7=7‛7?>, Cum. 38==. PG378Y  [hfmo, ^., Glck`gurf, U., “Rfusucl EMC rbsults hf whfe turghfb trcfsjaribrs’,  ^rakbbehfms aj UbkoKaf, Custrclhc-Fbw Tbblcfe 7>3?, [yefby, 3: ta 3? Cprhl 7>3?. PG3;>Y  [tcii, O., cfe [koulzb, ]., “Ebtbrharcthaf aj hfsulctars kafshsthfm aj pcpbr-ahl lcybrs cfe hts stuey gy mcs koraictamrcpoy,’ prbsbftbe ct KHMWB  KHMWB , pcpbr 37-35, 38:?. PG3;3Y  [trai, W., cfe Uc`cocsoh, [., “Cfclyshs aj jcult mcsbs hf trcfsjaribr ahl gy hipravbe ibtoae aj mcs koraictamrcpoy,’ Aftcrha Wbsbcrko Sucrtbrly, [bkafe qucrtbr, pp. 73‛72, 38:?. PG3;7Y  Usu`ha`c, O., [umcwcrc, @, Iarh, B., Ou`uiarh, [., cfe [c`ch, [., “Fbw cppcrctus jar ebtbkthfm O(7), KA, cfe KO(5) ehssalvbe hf trcfsjaribr ahl,’ HBBB Urcfsckthafs Urcfsckthafs af Blbktrhkcl Hfsulcthaf Hfsulcthaf, val. BH-3?, fa. 5, pp. 5>8‛538, Cum. 38?;. PG3;;Y  ]hlputtb, W., “Kaftrhguthaf î l‘ètueb eb l‘èvaluthaf eb mcs ecfs lbs hsalcfts lhquhebs bt salhebs sauihs î l‘ckthaf eb kaftrchftbs èlbktrhqubs,’ prbsbftbe ct KHMWB  KHMWB , pcpbr 32->;. PG3;5Y  Xcicec, O., Faiurc, X., @ctcyic, X., Hsohh, U., Hiciurc, A., cfe Hsukohycic, @., “Cutaicthk jhble iafhtarhfm aj ehssalvbe mcs hf trcfsjaribr ahl,’  HBBB Urcfsjaribr ^awbr Cppcrctus cfe [ystbis, val. ^C[-3>>, fa. 5, pp. 32;?‛3255, Cpr. 38?3. PG3;2Y  Xcica`, I., bt cl., “MHA cfclysbr (cuta-cfclysbr jar mcsbs hf ahl),’  Judh Blbktr. Wbv. (Dcpcf), val. 38, fa. 7, pp. ?;‛?:, 38=;.


Kapyrhmot © 7>38 HBBB. Cll rhmots rbsbrvbe.

Cutoarhzbe lhkbfsbe usb lhihtbe ta4 Fcthafcl Mrhe Karparcthaf aj tob ^ohlhpphfbs. Eawflacebe Eawflacebe af Dcfucry >?,7>7> ct >542?4;5 RUK jrai HBBB _plarb. Wbstrhkthafs cpply.



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