?o'ernment regulations Inflation 6anufacturing technolog! Aging of the population Societ!8s gro(ing interest in e4ercise
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Difficult "#$: 3 % Sho( ho( trends in the macroen'ironment can shape the nature of competition in an industr! NAT: AA+S# &eflecti'e Thin0ing n'ironmental Influence -: Application 79. #e'erage ma0ers are finding that (ater sales are increasing due to consumers8 preferences for health! drin0s. hich part of the macroen'ironment does this representE a. conomic forces b. Demographic forces c. mbr!onic forces d. Political forces e. Social forces ANS: PTS: 1 DIF: Difficult "#$: 3 % Sho( ho( trends in the macroen'ironment can shape the nature of competition in an industr! NAT: AA+S# &eflecti'e Thin0ing n'ironmental Influence -: Application 7. The le'el of industr! demand a. has little effect on competition in the industr!. b. is one of the determinants of the intensit! of ri'alr! in the industr!. c. increases as the number of customers gro(s. d. is influenced b! ban0ruptc! regulations. e. all of these. ANS: PTS: 1 DIF: 6oderate "#$: 1 % &e'ie( the primar! techni)ue used to anal!*e competition in an industr! en'ironment: the +ompetiti'e Forces model NAT: AA+S# Anal!tic n'ironmental Influence -: +omprehension 7
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