Byol Meridians - Body Meridians

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!!Om Sachiyay Maata Namah!!

Self Urine Therapy, Shivambu, Accupressure, Sujok, Accupunture, Triorigin, Meridians, Yoga, Ayurveda, Meditation, Five Elements of Life, Aura, Chakra, Magnet Therapy, Colour Therapy, Seeds Therapy, Qi, Tao, Energy Flow, EAV, Electro Accupunture by Dr.Voll, Healing, WheatGrass, NLP, Graviola & Paw Paw Fruits, Gerson Therapy for Cancer, Reflexology, Auriculo Therapy, PanchKarma, Solar Healing or Sun Gazing, ElectroMagnetic Radiation, Distilled Water.

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2 of 31 ,Alternative Medicine, Self Urine Therapy, Shivambu, Accupressure, Sujok, Accupunture, Triorigin, Meridians, Yoga, Ayurveda, Meditation, Five Elements of Life, Aura, Chakra, Magnet Therapy, Colour Therapy, Seeds Therapy, Qi, Tao, Energy Flow, EAV, Electro Accupunture by Dr.Voll, Healing, WheatGrass, NLP, Graviola & Paw Paw Fruits, Gerson, Reflexology, Auriculo Therapy, PanchKarma, ElectroMagnetic Radiation, Distilled Water. Kolkata, WB / India [email protected] Follow us: Home About Urine Therapy Introduction Urine Test Scientific Information How to take Urine Therapy Common Questions Urine Therapy By: Natural Healing by Sunil Munot UT BY COEN VAN DER KROON UT BY MARTHA CHRISTY UT BY MARTIN J LARA UT BY SWAMI SATYANANDA SARASWATI UT BY DEVENDRA VORA, M.D. UT by Mike Crowley UT By Renee Sunsprit UT BY NATALIA PERERA UT BY FLORA PESCHEK-BÖHMER PH.D., UT BY BIOMEDX UT BY DR.G.K.THAKKAR - SHIVAMBU GITA UT BY SHIRLEYSWELLNESSCAFE.COM UT BY JOHN F. KELLY UT BY AHMEN HEAVEN UT BY AGAMA YOGA UT BY WALTER LAST

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The Meridians of the Body Our body has an energetic aspect, which the Chinese discovered over 3,000 years ago. It flows through 02-01-2016 21:19 ,Alternative Medicine, Self Urine Therapy, Shivamb...

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certain channels in the body and relates to all regions and organs of the body. This channel system, called meridians, distributes Qi (energy) throughout the entire body.

Each of the 12 meridian has a direction of flow and they flow into one another. Keeping these lines/channels open is essential for healthy living. This wave of energy goes though each meridian for 2 hours in specific cycles (as shown below), completing a 24 hour cycle every day.

There are 12 primary channels Six yang and six yin – each yin forms a pair with its yang Stomach meridian (yang) – flows to the Spleen meridian (yin) Heart meridian (yin) – flows to the Small Intestine meridian (yang) Bladder meridian (yang) – flows to the Kidney meridian (yin) Pericardium meridian (yin) – Flows to Triple Warmer meridian (yang) Gallbladder meridian (yang) – Flows to the Liver meridian (yin) Lung meridian (yin) – flows to the Large Intestine meridian (yang) Governing Vessel – flows to the Conception Vessel

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Diet, trauma, and emotions can have a profound impact on the meridians. It is necessary to release disturbed/excess energy from these channels. There are 8 secondary channels which help connect the primary meridians. There are also 15 more channels which help communication between the channels, 12 tendon muscle channels, and many more smaller channels that run on the surface and help Qi and blood circulate. On every channel, there are points where Qi is brought to the surface and these points can be used to help regulate the flow of Qi within the body. On the 14 main channels, there are 361 points. If you include all the other channels, there are over 2000.

Reflexology, acupressure, acupuncture, laser, and massage are methods used to keep these channels open. These methods are still used today in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The methods share a similar concept – use pressure points on the body’s meridians to open them up, relieve stress, and let the body’s natural healing ability take place. Reflexology is used through the feet, hands, and sometimes the ears. Acupressure and acupuncture are similar; acupuncture uses needles, acupressure uses fingertips to apply pressure or to tap the points along the meridian. They were developed in Asia over 3,000 years ago – Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine), which is said to be the oldest medical textbook in the world. Below is a breakdown of each of the meridians and what they are capable of healing when clear. Stomach meridian Spleen meridian Heart meridian Small Intestine meridian Urinary Bladder meridian Kidney meridian Pericardium meridian Triple Warmer meridian Gallbladder meridian Liver meridian Lung meridian Large Intestine meridian Governing Vessel Conception Vessel

Stomach Meridian

The stomach meridian starts at ST1, between the lower eyelid and the eye socket, and runs down the face and loops up to the forehead. At ST8, it backtracks down across the shoulderblade, down the ribs, along the stomach, and then down the leg ending at ST45, the outside edge of the second toe.

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ST1 – Redness, swelling and pain of the eye, night blindness, twitching of the eyelids ST2 – Myopia, corneal opacity, redness, itching and pain of the eye, twitching of the eyelids ST3 – Facial paralysis, twitching of the eyelids, epistaxis, toothache, swelling of the lips and cheek ST4 – Twitching of the eyelids, twitching of the corner of the mouth ST5 – Swelling of the cheek, toothache ST6 – Swelling of the cheek, toothache in the lower jaw ST7 – Deafness, tinnitus, nasal congestion ST8 – Headache, dizziness and blurring vision ST9 – Sore throat, scrofula, goiter, asthma, hemoptysis ST10 – Sore throat, cough and asthma ST11 – Chest congestion, cough and asthma, dyspnea ST12 – ST16 – Cough, asthma, sore throat, ST18 – Chest pain, cough and asthma ST19 – ST21 – Gastric pain, vomiting ST22 – Abdominal distention and pain, borborygmus, diarrhea ST23 – Psychosis, irritability, protruding tongue ST24 – Manic psychosis, vomiting, protruding tongue, stiff tongue ST25 – Abdominal distention, borborygmus, pain around the umbilicus, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, irregular menstruation ST26 – Abdominal pain, hernia ST27 – Lower abdominal distention and pain ST28 – Lower abdominal distention, infertility, hernia, constipation

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ST29 – Irregular menstruation, hernia, abdominal pain ST30 – Hernia, irregular menstruation, irritability, impotence ST31 – Muscular atrophy, weakness, numbness and pain of lower extremities, coldness and pain of the lower back and knee ST32 – Paralysis or weakness of the lower extremities, coldness and pain of the lower back and knee ST33 – Coldness and pain of the lower extremities and knee, limitation of the lower extremities, hernia, abdominal distention and pain ST34 – Acute gastric pain, swelling and pain of the knee joint, weakness of the lower extremities ST35 – Swelling and pain of the knee joint ST36 – Gastric pain, vomiting, dysphagia, abdominal distention, borborygmus, diarrhea, indigestion, dysentery, constipation, abdominal pain, palpitation, shortness of breath, poor appetite, lassitude, dizziness, insomnia, cough and asthma, pain in the knee joint ST37 – Acute appendicitis, abdominal pain, borborygmus, constipation, diarrhea, muscular atrophy, weakness, numbness and pain of the lower extremities ST38 – Coldness, pain, and weakness of the shoulder, muscular atrophy, weakness, numbness and pain of the lower extremities, swelling of the foot, spasm ST39 – Lower abdominal pain, pain in the lower back referring to pain in the testicles, diarrhea, dysentery, muscular atrophy, weakness, numbness and pain of the lower extremities ST40 – Cough, excessive phlegm, asthma, psychosis, headache, dizziness, paralysis or weakness of the lower extremities ST41 – Pain of the ankle joint, weakness and muscular atrophy, numbness and pain of the lower extremities, headache, dizziness, manic psychosis, abdominal distention, constipation ST42 – Gastric pain, abdominal distention, swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot, swelling of the face, toothache, deviation of the mouth and eye ST43 – Myasthenia of the upper eyelid and difficulty opening the eyes, facial and general edema, swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot ST44 – Toothache in the upper jaw, sore throat, wry mouth, epistaxis, abdominal distention, constipation, gastric pain, swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot ST45 – Swelling of the face, toothache, sore throat, epistaxis, nightmare, manic psychosis

Spleen meridian

The spleen meridian starts at SP1, which is on the outside corner of the big toe nail. It continues down the edge of the foot to SP4 and then up the leg to SP6, SP9 and SP10. The meridian continues up the groin and ends at SP21.

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SP21 – Aching and weakness of the limbs SP20 – cough SP19 and SP 18- Pain in the chest SP17 – Pain in the chest, hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting, jaundice SP16 – Abdominal pain SP15 – Diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain SP14 and SP13 – Diarrhea, constipation, hernia SP12 – constipation (also uses ST25), hernia, abdominal pain SP11 – Inguinal region pain SP10 – period pain, gynecological problems, menstruation problems, eczema SP9 – used for knee pain along with ST35, incontinence of urine, diarrhea, jaundice, SP8 – Abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysuria, edema, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, spermatorrhea, impotence, lumbar pain, epistaxis SP7 – Abdominal distention, numbness of the lower extremities SP6 – Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia, premature ejaculation, pain in the penis, hernia, testicular atrophy, abdominal distention, diarrhea, paralysis of the foot, muscular pain, diseases of

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the skin, urticaria, insomnia, headache, dizziness SP5 – Pain in the foot and ankle, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, constipation SP4 – Used for vomiting, along with CV17, CV10, ST36, and PC6, gastric pain, diarrhea, bloody stools, chest congestion, irregular menstruation SP3 – Gastric pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea SP2 – Gastric pain, constipation SP1 – Menorrhagia, bloody stools, psychosis, nightmares Heart meridian

The heart meridian starts in the center of the armpit to HT3, just inside the elbow, and ends on HT9, the inside edge of the little finger (bottom corner of nail).

HT3, HT7 – used to treat anxiety, stress, and emotional problems like fear. HT7 also helps with insomnia.

HT1 – Chest congestion, shortness of breath, emotional problems HT2, HT3, HT 4 – Cardiac pain, sudden loss of voice. HT5 – Sudden loss of voice, stiffness of the tongue, palpitation HT6 – Cardiac pain, fever and night sweat, HT7 – Amnesia, cardiac pain, palpitations, irritability, chest pain HT8 – Pruritus, chest pain HT9 – Palpitation, cardiac pain, pain in the chest

Small Intestine meridian The spleen meridian starts at SP1, which is on the outside corner of the big toe nail. It continues down the edge of the foot to SP4 and then up the leg to SP6, SP9 and SP10. The meridian continues up the groin and ends at SP21.

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Small Intestine Meridian 02-01-2016 21:19 ,Alternative Medicine, Self Urine Therapy, Shivamb...

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The small intestine meridian starts at SI1, the edge of the little finger, at the base of the nail, then continues up the arm and zigzags on the shoulder blade, then comes across the face to SI19, next to the ear.

SI19 – Tinnitus, deafness, otorrhea, toothache SI18 – Wry face, twitching of eyelids, facial paralysis, toothache SI17 – Tinnitus, deafness, sore throat SI16 – sore throat, sudden loss of voice, pain and rigidity of the neck, tinnitus, deafness SI15 – Cough, asthma, hemoptysis, pain in the shoulder and back SI14 – Pain in the shoulder and back, suddenly stiff neck SI13 – Pain in the shoulder and scapular region SI12 – Pain in the neck, shoulder and scapular region, aching and numbness of the upper extremities SI11 – Pain in the shoulder and arm, asthma, acute mastitis SI10 – Pain in the shoulder and arm, scrofula SI9 – Pain in the shoulder and arm, scrofula, tinnitus SI8 – Pain in the elbow and arm, toothache, epilepsy SI7 – Weakness of the joints, aching and dysfunction of the elbow, warts SI6 – Blurring of the vision, aching of the shoulder, back, elbow and arm, acute lumbar pain SI5 – Neck pain, pain of the hand and wrist SI4 – Jaundice, diabetes, pain in the lumbar and leg, contracture of the fingers, pain in the wrist, weakness to hold things in the hand, pain and rigidity of the head and neck, tinnitus, conjunctivitis SI3 – Pain and rigidity of the head and neck, malaria, pain in the lumbar and sacrum, acute spasm in the finger, elbow and arm, manic psychosis, epilepsy, deafness, eye congestion SI2 – Numbness of the fingers, fever, headache, tinnitus, scanty, dark urine SI1 – Loss of consciousness, headache, insufficient lactation, acute mastitis, sore throat, conjunctivitis, headache

Urinary Bladder meridian

The urinary bladder meridian

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UB1 – Blurring of vision, myopia, night blindness, color b lindness UB2 – Pain in the supraorbital region, blurring of vision, redness, swelling and pain of the eye UB3 – Headache, vertigo, nasal congestion UB4 – Headache, nasal congestion, epistaxis, blurring of vision UB5 – Headache, dizziness UB6 – Blurring of vision, dizziness UB7 – Nasal congestion, nasal polyps, nasal ulcers, rhinorrhea, epistaxis, headache, dizziness UB8 – Blurring of vision, tinnitus UB9 – Headache and neck pain, blurring of vision, nasal congestion UB10 – dizziness, headache, neck stiffness, pain in the shoulder and back UB11 – Bone disease, fever, cough, headache, nasal congestion UB12 – Common cold, cough, fever, headache, neck stiffness, pain in the chest and back UB13 – Fever, cough, hemoptysis, night sweating, nasal congestion UB14 – Cardiac pain, palpitation, cough, chest congestion, toothache UB15 – Cardiac pain, palpitation, chest congestion, shortness of breath, insomnia, cough UB16 – Cardiac pain, chest congestion, gastric pain, abdominal pain, cough, asthma UB17 – Acute epigastric pain, hiccup, dysphagia, blood in the stools, cough, asthma, UB18 – Eye diseases, vomiting, back pain UB19 – Jaundice, bitter taste in mouth, fever

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UB20 – Abdominal distention, jaundice, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, blood in the stools UB21 – Vomiting, abdominal distention, borborygmus UB22 – Abdominal distention, borborygmus, diarrhea, dysentery, weak knees UB23 – Impotence, lower back pain, irregular menstruation, deafness, tinnitus, cough, asthma UB24 – Abdominal distention, borborygmus UB25 – Abdominal distention, diarrhea, constipation, bleeding hemorrhoids, lumbar pain UB26 – Pain in the lumbosacral region, abdominal distention, diarrhea, frequent urination UB27 – Pain in the lumbosacral region and knees, urinary problems, lower abdominal distention and pain UB28 – Stiffness and pain of the lower back, leg pain, diarrhea, urinary problems, constipation UB29 – Diarrhea, hernia, lower back pain and stiffness UB30 – Irregular menstruation, hernia UB31 – Irregular menstruation, impotence, constipation UB32 – Irregular menstruation, pain, weakness, and numbness of the lower extremities UB33 – Irregular menstruation, constipation, diarrhea UB34 – Lower abdominal pain UB35 – Incontinence of feces, diarrhea, blood in the stools, hemorrhoids, impotence UB36 – Pain in the lumbar, hemorrhoids UB37 – Lumbar pain, pain, numbness and weakness of the lower extremities UB39 – Stiffness and pain of waist, lower abdominal distention UB40 – Lumbar pain, spasm and weakness of the lower extremities, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea UB41 – Rigidity and pain of the neck, spasm of the shoulder and back, numbness of the elbow and arm UB42 – Cough, asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, neck stiffness, pain in the shoulder and back UB43 – Pulmonary tuberculosis, cough, asthma, poor appetite, loose stools, emaciation and weakness, aching pain in the shoulder and back UB44 – Cardiac pain, palpitations, insomnia, chest congestion, cough, asthma UB45 – Cough, asthma, pain of the shoulder and back UB46 – Stiffness and pain of the back UB47 – Chest congestion and hypochondrium, vomiting, diarrhea, back pain UB48 – Jaundice, abdominal pain, borborygmus, diarrhea, diabetes UB49 – Abdominal distention, borborygmus, vomiting, diarrhea. UB50 – Abdominal distention, infantile dyspepsia, edema UB51 – Abdominal pain, constipation, abdominal mass, breast disease UB52 – Impotence, lumbar stiffness and pain UB53 – Lumbar pain, abdominal distention UB54 – Muscular atrophy, pain, numbness and motor impairment of the lower extremities, hemorrhoids UB55 – Lumbar stiffness and pain, pain, numbness and weakness of the lower extremities, hernia UB56 – Hemorrhoids UB57 – Hemorrhoids, constipation UB58 – Headache, dizziness, pain and weakness of the lumbar and leg, hemorrhoids UB59 – Headache, heavy sensation of the head, pain, numbness and weakness of the lower extremities, swelling and pain of the external malleolus UB60 – Acute lumbar pain, swelling and pain of the heel, difficult labor, headache, neck stiffness, dizziness UB61 – Pain, numbness and weakness of the lower extremities UB62 – Epilepsy, manic psychosis, insomnia, headache, neck rigidity, pain of the lumbar and leg UB63 – Manic psychosis, epilepsy, infantile convulsion, headache, lumbar pain, pain, numbness and weakness of the lower extremities, pain in the external malleolus UB64 – Headache, neck rigidity UB65 – Manic psychosis, headache, neck rigidity, pain of the lumbar and leg UB66 – Headache, neck rigidity, dizziness, psychosis UB67 – Difficult labor, headache, eye pain, nasal congestion

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Kidney meridian

The kidney meridian starts on the sole of the foot at KD1 (in the ball of the foot below the second and third toes). It then wraps around the ankle to the knee and then up the torso to KD27 (lower edge of shoulder blade).

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KD27 – KD22 – Cough, asthma, chest pain, Vomiting KD21 – KD14 – Abdominal pain and distention, vomiting, diarrhea KD13 and KD5/KD2 – irregular menstruation, diarrhea KD12 – Impotence KD11 – Lower abdominal distention and pain KD10 – Impotence, hernia KD9 – Psychosis, hernia KD8 – Irregular menstruation, constipation KD7 – Edema, abdominal distention, diarrhea KD6 – Dry throat, constipation, retention of urine, eye disorders KD4 – Retention of urine KD3 – Impotence, ankle pain, frequent need to urinate, deafness, tinnitus, irregular menstruation, lumbar pain, headache, dizziness, blurring of vision, cough, asthma, diabetes, insomnia KD1 – Kidney disorders (with GB25), loss of consciousness, headache, pain of the neck, dizziness, infantile convulsion, manic psychosis, nausea, vomiting

Pericardium meridian

The pericardium meridian starts at PC1 (half an inch outside of the nipple), travels down to PC3 and PC4, and ends on PC9 (center of the tip of the middle finger). PC6 – Used with ST36 and CV12 for vomiting, nausea, and travel sickness. Press with a circular motion

PC1 – Laryngitis, mastitis, pain in the hypochondrium, breast feeding problems, cough, chest congestion PC2 and PC3 – Cardiac pain, cough, gastric pain PC4 – Spirit disorders, cardiac pain, palpitation, epilepsy PC5 – Cardiac pain, palpitation, gastric pain, vomiting, malaria

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PC6 – nervousness, stress, poor memory, insomnia, chest congestion, epilepsy, vomiting, depression, dizziness PC7 – Cardiac pain, palpitation, gastric pain, vomiting PC8 – Aphtha PC9 – Coma, heat stroke, cardiac pain, irritability, stiffness

Triple Warmer / Heater meridian Triple Burner Meridian The triple burner meridian starts at TH1, on the outside edge of the ring finger, across the back of the hand, then up the back of the arm, crosses the ear and ends on the outside edge of the eyebrow.

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TH23 – Redness, swelling and pain of the eye, twitching of the eyelid TH22 – Headache, tinnitus TH21 – Tinnitus, deafness, otitis media TH20 – Mumps, neck rigidity TH19 and TH18- Headache, tinnitus, deafness TH17 – Tinnitus, deafness TH16 – Headache, neck rigidity, eye pain, deafness TH15 – Pain of the shoulder and arm, acute neck rigidity TH14 – Pain and limitation of the shoulder and arm TH13 – Spasm and pain of the upper extemities TH12 – Headache, neck rigidity, pain of the shoulder and back TH11 – Headache, yellowness of the eyes, pain of the upper extremities TH10 and TH9 – Migraine, deafness TH8 and TH7 – Deafness, sudden loss of voice TH6 – Constipation, deafness, tinnitus TH5 – Headache, redness, swelling and pain of the eye, tinnitus, deafness TH4 – Diabetes, malaria, deafness TH3 – Headache, redness of the eye, tinnitus, deafness, sore throat, pain in the scapular region, pain of the leg, fingers unable to extend TH2 – Malaria, sore throat, headache, redness of the eye, deafness TH1 – Sore throat, headache, redness of the eye, deafness

Gallbladder meridian Gallbladder Meridian The gall bladder meridian begins at GB1, at the edge of the eye socket, down to the base of the ear, up the side of the skull, down and then back up to the forehead. From there it goes back down to the base of the skull, down the side of the chest, past the hip bone, and then to the final point, GB44.

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GB1 – Headache, redness swelling and pain of the eye, glaucoma GB2 – Tinnitus, deafness, GB3 and GB4 – Migraine, tinnitus, deafness GB5 and GB6- Migraine, redness, swelling and pain of the eye GB7 – Headache GB8 – Migraine, vertigo, vomiting GB9, GB10, and GB11 – Headache, deafness, tinnitus GB12 – Headache, stiffness and pain of the neck, toothache, ear problems, GB13 – Headache, dizziness GB14 – Facial paralysis, eye problems, ptosis of the lower eyelid, difficulty in closing eyes, blurring of vision, eye pain, forehead pain, vertigo GB15 – Headache, nasal congestion, dizziness GB16 – Blurring of vision, glaucoma, redness, swelling and pain of the eye, headache, nasal congestion, swelling of facial region

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GB17 and GB18 – Headache, dizziness, acute stiffness of the lips, toothache GB19 – Headache, dizziness, rigidity and pain of the neck, psychosis, epilepsy GB20 – Common cold, nasal congestion, headache, redness, swelling and pain of the eye GB21 – Dizziness, headache, rigidity and pain of the neck, limitation of the upper extremities GB22 and GB23 – Chest congestion, pain in the hypochondrium GB24 – Swelling and pain in the hypochondrium GB25 – Urinary retention or pain and difficulty with passing urine, kidney problems, edema, lumbar pain GB26 – Abdominal pain, amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, hernia, pain in the lumbar GB27 and GB28- Abdominal pain, hernia, constipation GB29 – GB32 – Lumbar pain, weakness, numbness and pain of the lower extremities GB33 – Coldness and pain of the knee, spasm of the tendons in the popliteal fossa GB34 – Hemiplegia, constipation, pain of the shoulder, weakness, numbness and pain of the lower extremities, swelling and pain of the knee GB35 and GB36 – Distention and fullness of the chest and hypochondrium, weakness, numbness and pain of the lower extremities GB37 – Eye pain, night blindness, blurring of vision, weakness, numbness and pain of the lower extremities GB38 – Migraine, pain of the outer canthus, swelling and pain in the axillary region GB39 – Hemiplegia, rigidity and pain of the neck, weakness, numbness and pain of the lower extremities GB40 – Distention and pain in the chest, weakness, numbness and pain of the lower extremities GB41 – Migraine, redness and pain of the eye, pain in the hypochondrium, spasm and pain of the foot and toe, GB42 – Headache, eye pain, tinnitus, deafness GB43 – Headache, dizziness, redness, swelling and pain of the eye, tinnitus, deafness GB44 – Migraine, redness and pain of the eye, pain in the hypochondrium, tinnitus, deafness Liver meridian Liver Meridian The liver meridian starts on the inside edge of the big toe at LV1, and then runs up the leg to the ribs, ending at LV14 (below the nipple).

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LV14 – Depression LV13 – Diarrhea, abdominal mass LV12 – Hernia, abdominal pain, pain in the external genitalia LV11 – Irregular menstruation LV10 – Lower abdominal pain LV9 – Lumbosacral pain, lower abdominal pain LV8 – used with UB27 and UB 28 are effective for cystitis and problems with urination. Lower abdominal pain, pain in the external genitalia LV7 – knee pain LV6 – Abdominal pain, diarrhea, hernia LV5 – Persistent erection, irregular menstruation LV4 – Hernia, abdominal pain LV3 – Headache, vertigo, redness, depression, weakness, numbness, hernia LV2 – travel sickness, swelling and pain of the eye, glaucoma, insomnia, painful urination LV1 – headache, used with GV20, GB21, UB10, SI1, LI4. Hernia, epilepsy Lung meridian Lung meridian starts at LU1, below the middle of the collar bone.

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LU7 – good point to press for common colds (GV16 and SJ5 may also be used) – press for 2-3 minutes several times a day. LU1, LU2, LU9 – Used to relieve coughing (press for 2-3 minutes with small stirring action), with CV17, and PC3 LU1, LU2 – Used after an Asthma attack with points LV14, UB13, and CV17. LU5, LU10, LU11 – used for sore throat (knocking method works best) – up to one minute, used with LI2 and KD6 LU1, LU2 – Cough, asthma, wheezing, chest pain, shoulder and back pain LU3 – Nosebleed, cough, asthma, depression, dizziness, forgetfulness LU4 – cough, asthma, irritability, congestion, nausea LU5 – cough, asthma, hemoptysis chest congestion, sore throat, acute abdominal pain with vomiting and diarrhea LU6 – Acute hemoptysis, bleeding hemorrhoids, epistaxis, cough and asthma, sore throat LU7 – Migraines, neck stiffness, toothache, sore throat, cough, asthma, nasal problems, genitourinary and gynecological problems LU8 – cough, asthma, chest pain, sore throat LU9 – cough with lots of phlegm, asthma, vascular problems, headache, weakness of the lower extremities LU10 – Asthma, sore throat, fever, hoarseness, cough, hemoptysis LU11 – Sore throat, cough, epistaxis, fever

Large Intestine meridian The large intestine meridian starts at LI1 at the edge of the index finger, moves to the outside of the hand, along the edge of the arm, up the arm to the outside edge of the shoulder blade, and finally ends at LI20, the groove level with midpoint of the wing of the nose.

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LI20 and LI19 – Nasal congestion LI18 – Hiccups, Paralysis of the upper extremity, pain and limitation of the shoulder, Sore throat LI17 – Sudden loss of voice, sore throat LI16 – Pain of the shoulder and back, motor impairment of the upper extremities LI15 – Paralysis of the upper extremities, pain and motor impairment of the shoulder LI14 – Diseases of the eye: photophobia, burning pain, feeling of heaviness, redness, swelling and pain, diminishing vision, difficulty in differentiation of colors LI13 – Spasm and pain of the elbow and arm LI12 – Aching, numbness and spasm of the elbow and arm LI11 – Fever, sore throat, malaria, pain and motor impairment of the shoulder/elbow, swelling and pain of the knee, headache, dizziness, redness, swelling and pain of the eye, blurring vision, toothache LI10 – Abdominal pain, diarrhea, paralysis of the upper extremities LI9 – Hemiplegia, aching of the shoulder and arm, numbness of the hand and arm LI8 – Abdominal distention, abdominal pain, pain in the elbow and arm LI7 – Acute abdominal pain, borborygmus, aching shoulders and back LI6 – Dental cavities, deafness, facial paralysis LI5 – Frontal headache, congestion, swelling and pain of the eye, toothache LI4 – Diseases of the head and face: i.e. external pathogenic headache and bodyache, dizziness, congestion, swelling and pain of the eye, gastric pain, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery LI3 – Toothache, sore throat, fever, redness and swelling of fingers and dorsum of the hand LI2 – Toothache, sore throat, redness and pain of the eye LI1 – Sore throat, toothache, numbness at tip of index finger, deafness

Governing Vessel The governing vessel runs from the bottom of the spine to the crown of the head and then down to the front of the face where the gum meets the upper lip.

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GV28 – Acute lumbar pain, bleeding hemorrhoids, hemorrhoid pain GV27 – Psychosis GV26 – Heatstroke, coma, mental disorders, psychosis, epilepsy GV25 – Loss of consciousness, blurring of vision GV24 – Insomnia, palpitations, epilepsy, headache, vertigo GV23 – Headache, eye pain, nasal congestion and sinusitis (with UB20). GV22 – Headache, vertigo GV21 – Headache, vertigo GV20 – Vertigo, dizziness, insomnia, headache (with GB21, UB10, SI1, LI4, and LV1). GV19 – Headache, vertigo, psychosis, epilepsy GV18 – Headache, vertigo, psychosis, epilepsy GV17 – Dizziness, neck rigidity, epilepsy GV16 – Neck pain and rigidity, common colds (with SJ5), vertigo, sore throat 02-01-2016 21:19 ,Alternative Medicine, Self Urine Therapy, Shivamb...

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GV15 – Emotional disturbance, deafness, neck rigidity GV14 – Malaria, hectic fever, and night sweats, aversion to cold, common cold, redness, swelling and pain of the eye, neck rigidity and pain, cough GV13 – Headache, stiffness of the back GV12 – Cough, asthma, back stiffness and pain GV11 – Cardiac pain, insomnia, poor memory, coughing, choking GV10 – Gastric pain, cough, asthma, stiffness and pain of the back GV9 – Gastric pain, jaundice, back pain GV8 – Epilepsy, stiffness of the back, gastric pain GV7 – Jaundice, hiccup, vomiting, distention of the abdomen GV6 – Diarrhea, jaundice, hemorrhoids GV5 – Stiffness and pain of the lumbar, diarrhea, abdominal pain GV4 – Impotence, irregular menstruation, diarrhea GV3 – Irregular menstruation, numbness and weakness of the lower extremities GV2 – Mania, epilepsy, hemorrhoids, stiffness and pain of the lumbar region, pain, numbness and weakness of the lower extremities, irregular menstruation GV1 – Diarrhea, blood in the stools, constipation, hemorrhoids, prolapse of the rectum, epilepsy

Conception Vessel The conception vessel runs from the perineum to the center of the groove below the lip.

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CV24 – Swelling and pain of the gums, epilepsy CV23 – Sudden hoarseness of the voice, difficulty in swallowing CV22 – Cough, asthma, chest pain, sore throat CV21, CV20, CV19, and CV18 – Cough, asthma, chest pain, sore throat CV17 – Asthma (used with LU1, LU2, LV14, and UB13), vomiting, coughs, cardiac pain, palpitations CV16 – Cardiac pain, vomiting CV15 – Depression, epilepsy, chest pain CV14 – Palpitations, psychosis, epilepsy, gastric pain, vomiting CV13 – Gastric pain, vomiting, epilepsy CV12 – Vomiting (used with ST36 and PC6), diarrhea, cough, jaundice, insomnia CV11 – Gastric pain, vomiting, anorexia, CV10 – diarrhea, hiccup CV9 – Edema, retention of urine, abdominal pain, diarrhea CV8 – Indigestion and flatulence used with UB21 and KD14. Coldness of the four extremities, diarrhea CV7 – Hernia, abdominal pain, irregular menstruation CV6 – Abdominal pain, diarrhea (used with LU5 and ST25), constipation, impotence, irregular menstruation, fatigue CV5 – Dysuria, hernia, abdominal pain, diarrhea CV4 – Impotence, period pain, diarrhea, retention of urine, infertility, fatigue (used with ST36) CV3 and CV2 – Impotence, irregular menstruation CV1 – Constipation, incontinence of feces and urine, hemorrhoids, psychosis

Additionally, each organ is regulated and nourished by one of the Twelve Major Meridians. The 12 meridians are broken down into 5 primary categories – earth, fire, metal, water, and wood. Each of the six pairs of organs are governed by one of the Five Elemental Energies: Earth – Stomach/Spleen Fire – Heart/Small Intestine Water – Bladder/Kidney Wood- Gallbladder/Liver Metal – Lung/Large Intestine The picture below shows how each organ flows into the next and how they are all related and dependent on each other.

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The content of this Web Site merely should be considered as information or suggestion only. Please do not follow blindly what I say here. Assume your own responsibility for whatever action you take in your life. The healing power and strength has got to emerge from your own determination and commitment within and not from outside.

Nothing stated here should be considered as medical advice for dealing with a given problem. You should consult your health care professional for individual guidance for specific health problems. This web site is simply a collection of information in the public domain, and presented strictly for informational and educational use only. No claims whatsoever can be made as to the specific benefits accruing from the use of urine therapy or any other therapy mentioned here. Anyone with knowledge of additional information on urine therapy or any other therapy is highly encouraged to e-mail that information so that it can be shared with others who may be interested. Alternative Medicine. All rights reserved for all well Wishers and users Web Hosting by Yahoo! ,Alternative Medicine, Self Urine Therapy, Shivambu, Accupressure, Sujok, Accupunture, Triorigin, Meridians, Yoga, Ayurveda, Meditation, Five Elements of Life, Aura, Chakra, Magnet Therapy, Colour Therapy, Seeds Therapy, Qi, Tao, Energy Flow, EAV, Electro Accupunture by Dr.Voll, Healing, WheatGrass, NLP, Graviola & Paw Paw Fruits, Gerson, Reflexology, Auriculo Therapy, PanchKarma, ElectroMagnetic Radiation, Distilled Water. Kolkata, WB / India [email protected] Follow us: close

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