By Way of Deception - BrassTacks Policy paper on Indian False flag operations

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By Way of Deception Indian False Flag Ops & Propaganda War against Pakistan

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India’s False Flage Operations Against Pakistan

Research and Analysis By: Shahzad Masood Roomi Edited By: Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid , Suleman Hassan Title Designed By : Waqar Ahmed Siddiqui Designed By : Shahzad Masood Roomi

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1971: Ganga Plane Hijacking 1971:Secession of East Pakistan 1984: Siachen Conflict

11 13 24

Post 9/11 Terrorism in India 2001: Attack on Indian Parliament 2006-2008: Malegaon and Samjhauta Express Blasts 2008: Mumbai Attacks

29 33 35

Saffron Terrorism: From Convictions to Confessions Recent Revelations Why Saffron Terror is an Overwhelming Threat to World Peace? Role of Pakistani Media Lessons Learned Recommendations

60 66 67 68 69

By Way of Deception

Prologue “All warfare is based on deception” (Sun Tzu) “The essence of lying is in deception, not in words” (John Ruskin) In strategic communities it is widely believed that Chankaya Kautilya is the founding father of Indian foreign policy. In his book, Arthaashastra, he mentioned three types of wars; 1.

Open war: This kind of war is T declared against a specific country or a nation.


A 'Secret War': This war entails threats and terrorist attacks from one front and aggression from another front. India is effectively pursuing this dictum. India is actively involved in Afghanistan making things worse for Pakistan in Baluchistan and FATA. On the other hand, it is practicing its Cold Start Doctrine on eastern border to coerce Pakistan. We are now facing two front war dilemmas from Eastern and Western borders.


“Undeclared War: This includes secret agents, religion or superstition, media warfare, propaganda and even using women as weapons against the enemies”. Kautilya preferred such model of warfare in his six fold policy as it allows accomplishing the strategic ends without firing a single bullet. India has already waged this war against Pakistan on diplomatic and media fronts. This is the most obnoxious feature of India’s coercive diplomacy against Pakistan and is the central part of larger multifaceted 4GW being waged by India.

Pakistan is not the only country being attacked by India’s undeclared wars. India is also involved in the malicious activities against other neighbouring countries including Sri Lanka (supporting Hindu Tamil Tigers), Nepal (supporting Maoists Separatists) and Bangladesh (supporting Shanti Bahini in Chittagong hills, previously also supporting Mukti Bahni in 1971 to break off Pakistan’s Eastern wing to create Bangladesh). All these malevolent activities suggest that India is keenly following the Kautilya’s policy to intimidate its neighbours. The critical question here is how India is able to support her undeclared war against Pakistan and more importantly what is the sociological, psychological, economic, and political explanation for this alleged war against Pakistan. Is it real? Or is it an excuse which Pakistan always seeks to cover her own “ineptness”? In order to find the answers to these very relevant and important questions one has to understand the political landscape, foreign policy and social fabric which are all based on principles set by Chankaya Kautilya. After Muslim invasions of Indian subcontinent about 1300 years ago, the local Hindu society was converted into a completely heterogeneous society on religious and cultural bases. Not to mention, that the ethnic and linguistic diversity was also increased. Chankaya’s philosophy gave birth to Hindutva, an ideological force to motivate Hindu communities to bring Muslim rule to an end. This is why Hindus became the natural allies to the British after the fall of the Muslim rule in 1857. It was only at that time when world witnessed the phenomenon of communal riots between Hindus and Muslims. Though Muslims were the primary victim of the rage and venom of Hindu Brahmin class, the venom also extended to lower caste Hindus and other religious minorities as well, which was so pitiless that even Ghandi was


By Way of Deception

BrassTacks Policy Papers forced to state that;

"It is a matter of deep humiliation to confess that we are a house divided against itself that we Hindus and Mussulmans are flying at one another. It is a matter of still deeper humiliation that we Hindus regard several million of our own kith and kin as too degraded even for our touch." (M.K. Gandhi's address to the US through Columbia Broadcasting System in 1930s) Such discrimination, as noted by Gandhi himself, forced many Dalits to convert to Islam, in the hope of gaining some social standing in the society that refused to consider them human even. But the VHP led Hindu right took this to be an unforgivable sin. To abandon their religion and that too for Islam has outraged the hardliners to the core. The VHP saw this as a serious threat to its notion of Hinduism. Creation of Pakistan was yet another setback for the right wing Hindu extremist factions of Indian society which considered the division of Indian subcontinent as an unthinkable phenomenon. Today, unknown to the world, this terrorism breeding fascist ideology is taking decisive control over the largest “democracy” of the world, posing an existential threat to the region as well as to the world at large. Under the façade of secularism, driven by extreme sentiments of hatred and a desire for revenge for being ruled-over for a thousand years initially by Muslims and lately by the British Empire, the Hindu Brahmin radicals in India are inflaming the religious passions of the masses to a mad frenzy and spreading the cancerous ideology to the Indian establishment as well as the armed forces with a fierce desire to take control of the military and nuclear weapons in order to wage a decisive and total war for “Akhand Bharat” or greater India. The Brahmins plan to extend its boundaries from Malaysia to Kabul. It is Pakistan that remains the first and the most formidable hurdle in this envisioned Hindu Zionist expansion. Pakistan fights not just for its own identity, ideology and geography but also for the entire civilized world against this creeping but invisible threat. This historical background of this Hindu Zionist threat provides the answers to the questions with regard to Hindutva and its penetration into Indian state organs like military and foreign office. This report is an attempt to highlight some selected cases of India’s Hindutva inspired coercive diplomacy towards Pakistan. This study would analyse the extent to which Indian state has been infested with communal hatred and violent politics of religious disrespect and intolerance. This historical context is crucial to understand the bilateral history of the two countries, as the Hindutva’s ideology is not an internal matter of the Indian state anymore, it also has larger and graver regional repercussions.

to declare Pakistan a terrorism sponsoring state. Although nothing could be proved against the Pakistani security agencies but India kept maligning Pakistan at every global forum with the effective deployment of propaganda warfare. On the other hand, the Pakistani foreign office as well as the artificially installed “democratic” governments failed miserably in countering Indian onslaught at all international and bilateral levels. The entire Indian diplomatic maneuvering against Pakistan was an endeavor to conceal the internal home grown terror inspired by the centuries old Hindutva ideology, which vows to turn India into a united state inhabited only by the Hindus. Where all minorities would be converted either to Hinduism or forced to exist as second-class citizens within India, the pinnacle of this vision is to undo the division of Indian subcontinent by reviving the dream of Greater India. . To achieve this dream, deceptions and false flag operations are being used by the Indian establishment. India achieved a major victory in 1971, through a sinister covert war, succeeded in dismembering Pakistan. Through her successful diplomacy and shrewd media onslaught, India was able to spread despondency, hostility, confusion and disinformation in East Pakistani Bengalis towards West Pakistan. This antagonized the Bengali majority against non-Bengali factions within East Pakistan. The sheer mismanagement of the ruling elite of Pakistan at that time had its own share in furthering the crisis, but now it has been proved by many international and even Indian historians and researchers that it was the Indian government and the Indian secret service (RAW) which actually hatched the conspiracy, in collaboration with former Soviet Union, to secede East Pakistan. Now we examine the nature of Indian covert and undeclared war against Pakistan by analyzing the Indian false flag and deceptive operations carried out by the various Indian governments. But on a larger scope, it is an attempt to uncover the nexus between right-wing Hindu extremists, Indian political elite and their military establishment which is a clear and present danger to the regional stability and peace. *******************


India’s Undeclared Wars: In 2001, India launched a ruthless media and diplomatic offense against Pakistan after the attacks on Indian parliament building in the aftermath of 9/11 when Pakistan was already under tremendous international pressure. This resulted in an eye-ball to eye-ball military standoff between Pakistani and Indian forces. Though the tensions were finally subdued after 11 months of intense diplomacy, but Indian propaganda campaign against Pakistan continued. From 2006 onwards, the terror activities increased on Indian soil and all those attacks were blamed on Pakistan. This offense gained aggressive momentum after the Mumbai attacks in 2008, with ISI and Pakistan army being the primary targets of Indian campaigns. India has been desperately trying to implicate the Pakistani security agencies in these attacks since 26/11 in order



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BrassTacks Policy Papers

India’s False Flag Operations against Pakistan 1971: Ganga Plane Hijacking

Bhat's JKNLF. Qureshi first worked for India from Kashmir. He was given a job with the BSF and posted at the Jammu airport and then at the Srinagar airport." 3. In 2005, Colonel (Dr) Anil Athale (retd) former Joint Director of War History in Indian Ministry of Defence confirmed the involvement of Indian BSF in the entire episode of Ganga hijacking.

“Nearer home, many remember the hijacking of the Indian Airlines Fokker Friendship aircraft Ganga in the early 1971. The aircraft was hijacked by two Kashmiris, Butt and Hashim Qureshi. One of them was a Border Security Force man. The Pakistanis fell into the trap, hailed them as heroes and burnt the aircraft. This gave India the excuse to ban over flights by Pakistani aircraft, which had a significant impact on situation in erstwhile East Pakistan, now Bangladesh.”

False Flag Operation: On 30 January 1971 an Indian Airlines Fokker F27 Friendship aircraft named Ganga was hijacked by two Kashmiri militants, Hashim Qureshi and his cousin Ashraf Butt, and was flown to Lahore, Pakistan, where the passengers and crew were released and plane was set on fire on 1 February 1971.

Indian Claim and reaction: India blamed Pakistani ISI for this hijacking and used this incident as an excuse to block over flights by Pakistani air planes, cutting the air links between East and West Pakistan. This ban had a critical impact in moving troops from West to East Pakistan in run up to Pakistan Army’s operation against Mukti Bauhinia in March 1971, and later, on the final outcome of December 1971 war.

Facts stated by Indian / International investigators: 1. In 2005, Hashim Qureshi gave the following statement in the court which proved that at the time of Hijacking he was a sub-inspector of the Indian Border Security Forces (BSF):

"I was arrested, I told them (Indian BSF) the story. They said, you can work with us, just point out the potential hijackers at the airport. I agreed. They released me. They gave me a fake appointment letter that said I was a subinspector in BSF battalion 102, based in Bangalore," read Qureshi's statement. 2. But years before the confession of Qureshi, Indian writer of the book “Samba Spy Case”, B.M Sinha had unveiled the Indian conspiracy in the entire Ganga Plane hijacking episode and the ulterior motives behind this false flag operation as well;

4. Alistair Lamb quoted by Praveen Swami on Page 116 on his book titled “India, Pakistan and the Secret Jihad: The Covert War in Kashmir, 1947-2004”,

“Nonetheless, writing a decade after Sinha, the historian Alistair Lamb arrived at much the same conclusions. “The Pakistani authorities”, he claimed, “extremely suspicious of the motives behind the hijacking, though public opinion obliged them to act with considerable circumspection.” Among the reasons for these suspicions was that the hijackers were “armed with toy weapons”, that “the passengers were either Indian service personnel in mufti or their families”, and that the Fokker Friendship, “was the oldest of its type” in the Indian Airlines fleet and could be “expended”. Lamb asserted that while Hashim Qureshi had indeed been a genuine NLF operative, he was recruited by the BSF in July 1970. By Lamb’s account, Hashim Qureshi was used to monitor Kashmiri visitor to the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi, and then “became involved in the scheme to hijack an Indian aircraft being considered by Indian Intelligence in Srinagar where it was seen to be a ‘disinformation’ device of great promise”.

"The transporting of troops to East Pakistan had to be suspended on some ground to save Mujib's movement for Bangladesh...Indian government made desperate efforts. It first contacted Mujib and apprised him of Yahya Khan's real purpose of holding prolonged talks with him. But, Mujib ignored warnings and left New Delhi with no option, but to prepare another plan to check inundation of Pakistani forces in Dhaka. Qureshi was sent to PoK to collect information about Mohammad Maqbool



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Asoka Raina in book “Inside RAW: The Story of India’s Secret Service” wrote:

Questions which were never asked: ♦♦ Why on earth, ISI would endanger East Pakistan’s defense by hijacking an Indian plane and providing Indians with an excuse to ban over flight over India at a time when an insurgency had built up in East Pakistan? ♦♦ Why would they use an old plane which had been retired from active service for this hijacking?

1971: Secession of East Pakistan Indian Claims and Propaganda: 1. India asked Pakistan to control the situation in East Pakistan as “millions” of refugees and “victims” of Pakistan army were pouring into Indian Bengal which was burdening the Indian economy. 2. Pakistan Army was committing “atrocities” against citizens of East Pakistan. India had no role in creating civil unrest there. 3. Pakistan never listened to Indian concern and continued with “genocide” of Bengalis and “killed 3 million Bengalis” till Dec. 1971. 4. Pakistan Army “raped thousands of Bengali women”. 5. India attacked East Pakistan in “retaliation” of Pakistan Air force preemptive strikes on more than a dozen Indian airfield from West Pakistan (i.e. Operation Ghangiz Khan).

Below are few facts about Indian covert war in East Pakistan revealed by India’s own media persons or officials. RAW’s involvement in creating East Pakistan crisis: The Illustrated Weekly of India (1923-93), had posted an article, titled “The Spymaster” in its December 23, 1984 edition, which stated:

“One of the most glorious chapters in the history of RAW was the operation leading to the creation of Bangladesh. That country would never have been born but for the operation carried out by RAW for several years before the Indian Army action. The first meeting between IB operatives and Sheikh Mujib had taken place as early as 1963, and after RAW was set up in 1968, it anticipated virtually every major military and political development that took place in what was then East Pakistan during a meeting in India with Mrs. Gandhi, at which the master spy (Kao) was also present, Mujib’s successor, Zia-ur-Rahman is reported to have remarked: ‘This man (Kao) knows more about my country than I do.’”


“The involvement of RAW in East Pakistan is said to date from the 1960s, when RAW promoted dissatisfaction against Pakistan in East Pakistan, including funding Mujibur Rahman’s general election in 1970 and providing training and arming the Mukti Bauhinia. Indian intelligence agencies were involved in East Pakistan now, Bangladesh, beginning, in the early 1960’s. Its operatives were in touch with Sheikh Mujib for quite some time. Sheikh Mujib went to Agartala in 1965. The famous Agartala case was unearthed in 1967. In fact, the main purpose of raising RAW in 1968 was to organize covert operations in East Pakistan. As early as 1968, RAW was given a green light to begin mobilizing all its resources for the impending surgical intervention in erstwhile East Pakistan. When in July 1971 General Manekshaw told Prime Minister Indira Gandhi that the army would not be ready until December to intervene in Bangladesh, she quickly turned to RAW for help. RAW was ready. Its officers used Bengali refugees to set up the guerilla force Mukti Bauhinia. Using, this outfit as a cover, the Indian military sneaked deep into Bangladesh. The story of Mukti Bauhinia and R.A.W.’s role in its creation and training is now well known. RAW never concealed its Bangladesh operations.” On “Genocide” of Bengalis and “atrocities” committed by Pakistan Army Proof of mass slaughter, genocide and rape of nearly a Million Pakistani Muslims at the hands of Indian RAW backed Mukti Bauhinia militants during the separation of East Pakistan. (A complete book with evidences) doc/24561659/Blood-and-Tears On the following pages, one can see the real tragedy which transpired after the fall of Dhaka on 16th December 1971. These gruesome atrocities were blamed on Pakistan army but the facts revealed later, exposed the real culprits – the Indian trained Mukti-Bauhinia.


By Way of Deception

BrassTacks Policy Papers Scenes of Mukti Bahini’s Slaughter in Dacca On December 18, 1971, Indian trained Mukti Bahini killers setup a human abatteir in Dacca’s Race Course. Below, Left picture shows a Bihari victim grabbed by Mukti Bahini killers, begging for mercy. Right pic shows uniformed killer puffing cigarette to singe the eye of the terrified pery. Eye-gouing and burning the skin of victims was a favourite torture method of the rebels.

As the victime did not die in a single bayonet, another Mukti Bahini killer plunged his bayonet into the withing Bihari’s chest. Dead bodies of Bihari and Bengali victims lie strewn over the execution ground as Mukti Bahini killers and their accompilices watch butchery with sadist pleasure.

Having singed the eyes of the Bihari victime, Mukti Bahini killers bayonet their capitves to death. The gory drama in the human abattoir was continued for hours. Dacca was under the Indian Army’s occupation when the Mukti Bahini salughtered the innocents.



By Way of Deception

BrassTacks Policy Papers Even Indian researchers have proved that the stories of mass genocide by Pakistan army were just part of India’s vicious media campaign against Pakistan. Purpose was obvious; to isolate and malign Pakistan in comity of nations.

The truth about the Jessore massacre The Telegraph, Calcutta, India Sunday, March 19, 2006

The massacre may have been genocide, but it wasn’t committed by the Pakistan army. The dead men were non-Bengali residents of Jessore, butchered in broad daylight by Bengali nationalists, reports Sarmila Bose The bodies lie strewn on the ground. All are adult men, in civilian clothes. A uniformed man with a rifle slung on his back is seen on the right. A smattering of onlookers stand around, a few appear to be working, perhaps to remove the bodies. BITTER TRUTH: Civilians massacred in Jessore in 1971 ' but by whom'

The caption of the photo is just as grim as its content: ‘April 2, 1971: Genocide by the Pakistan Occupation Force at Jessore.’ It is in a book printed by Bangladeshis trying to commemorate the victims of their liberation war. It is a familiar scene. There are many grisly photographs of dead bodies from 1971, published in books, newspapers and websites.

RECOGNITION DENIED: Father and son killed in Dhaka in 1971

Reading another book on the 1971 war, there was that photograph again ‘ taken from a slightly different angle, but the bodies and the scene of the massacre were the same. But wait a minute! The caption here reads: ‘The bodies of businessmen murdered by rebels in Jessore city.’

The alternative caption is in The East Pakistan Tragedy, by L.F. Rushbrook Williams, written in 1971 before the independence of Bangladesh. Rushbrook Williams is strongly in favor of the Pakistan government and highly critical of the Awami League. However, he was a fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, had served in academia and government in India, and with the BBC and The Times. There was no reason to think he would willfully mislabel a photo of a massacre. And so, in a bitter war where so many bodies had remained unclaimed, here is a set of murdered men whose bodies are claimed by both sides of the conflict! Who were these men’ And who killed them’ It turns out that the massacre in Jessore may have been genocide, but it wasn’t committed by the Pakistan army. The dead men were non-Bengali residents of Jessore, butchered in broad daylight by Bengali nationalists.


It is but one incident, but illustrative of the emerging reality that the conflict in 1971 in East Pakistan was a lot messier than most have been led to believe. Pakistan’s military regime did try to crush the Bengali rebellion by force, and many Bengalis did die for the cause of Bangladesh’s independence. Yet, not every allegation hurled against the Pakistan army was true, while many crimes committed in the name of Bengali nationalism remain concealed. Once one took a second look, some of the Jessore bodies are dressed in salwar kameez ‘ an indication that they were West Pakistanis or ‘Biharis’, the non-Bengali East Pakistanis who had migrated from northern India. As accounts from the involved parties ‘ Pakistan, Bangladesh and India ‘ tend to be highly partisan, it was best to search for foreign eye witnesses, if any. My search took me to newspaper archives from 35 years ago. The New York Times carried the photo on April 3, 1971, captioned: ‘East Pakistani civilians, said to have been slain by government soldiers, lie in Jessore square before burial.’ The Washington Post carried it too, right under its masthead: ‘The bodies of civilians who East Pakistani sources said were massacred by the Pakistani army lie in the streets of Jessore.’ “East Pakistani sources said”, and without further investigation, these august newspapers printed the photo. In fact, if the Americans had read The Times of London of April 2 and Sunday Times of April 4 or talked to their British colleagues, they would have had a better idea of what was happening in Jessore. In a front-page lead article on April 2 entitled ‘Mass Slaughter of Punjabis in East Bengal,’ The Times war correspondent Nicholas Tomalin wrote an eye-witness account of how he and a team from the BBC program Panorama saw Bengali troops and civilians march 11 Punjabi civilians to the market place in Jessore where they were then massacred. “Before we were forced to leave by threatening supporters of Shaikh Mujib,” wrote Tomalin, “we saw another 40 Punjabi “spies” being taken towards the killing ground’” Tomalin followed up on April 4 in Sunday Times with a detailed description of the “mid-day murder” of Punjabis by Bengalis, along with two photos ‘ one of the Punjabi civilians with their hands bound at the Jessore headquarters of the East Pakistan Rifles (a Bengal formation which had mutinied and was fighting on the side of the rebels), and another of their dead bodies lying in the square. He wrote how the Bengali perpetrators tried to deceive them and threatened them, forcing them to leave. As other accounts also testify, the Bengali “irregulars” were the only ones in central Jessore that day, as the Pakistan government forces had retired to their cantonment. Though the military action had started in Dhaka on March 25 night, most of East Pakistan was still out of the government’s control. Like many other places, “local followers of Sheikh Mujib were in control” in Jessore at that time. Many foreign media reported the killings and counterkillings unleashed by the bloody civil war, in which the army tried to crush the Bengali rebels and Bengali nationalists murdered non-Bengali civilians. Tomalin records the local Bengalis’ claim that the government soldiers had been shooting earlier and he was shown other bodies of people allegedly killed by army firing. But the massacre of the Punjabi civilians by Bengalis was an event he witnessed himself. Tomalin


By Way of Deception

BrassTacks Policy Papers was killed while covering the Yom Kippur war of 1973, but his eye-witness accounts solves the mystery of the bodies of Jessore. There were, of course, genuine Bengali civilian victims of the Pakistan army during 1971. Chandhan Sur and his infant son were killed on March 26 along with a dozen other men in Shankharipara, a Hindu area in Dhaka. The surviving members of the Sur family and other residents of Shankharipara recounted to me the dreadful events of that day. Amar, the elder son of the dead man, gave me a photo of his father and brother’s bodies, which he said he had come upon at a Calcutta studio while a refugee in India. The photo shows a man’s body lying on his back, clad in a lungi, with the infant near his feet. Amar Sur’s anguish about the death of his father and brother (he lost a sister in another shooting incident) at the hands of the Pakistan army is matched by his bitterness about their plight in independent Bangladesh. They may be the children of a ‘shaheed,’ but their home was declared ‘vested property’ by the Bangladesh government, he said, in spite of documents showing that it belonged to his father. Even the Awami League ‘ support for whom had cost this Hindu locality so many lives in 1971 ‘ did nothing to redress this when they formed the government. In the book 1971: documents on crimes against humanity committed by Pakistan army and their agents in Bangladesh during 1971, published by the Liberation War Museum, Dhaka, I came across the same photo of the Sur father and son’s dead bodies. It is printed twice, one a close-up of the child only, with the caption: ‘Innocent women were raped and then killed along with their children by the barbarous Pakistan Army’. Foreigners might just have mistaken the ‘lungi’ worn by Sur for a ‘saree’, but surely Bangladeshis can tell a man in a ‘lungi’ when they see one! And why present the same ‘body’ twice’ The contradictory claims on the photos of the dead of 1971 reveal in part the difficulty of recording a messy war, but also illustrate vividly what happens when political motives corrupt the cause of justice and humanity. The political need to spin a neat story of Pakistani attackers and Bengali victims made the Bengali perpetrators of the massacre of Punjabi civilians in Jessore conceal their crime and blame the army. The New York Times and The Washington Post “bought” that story too. The media’s reputation is salvaged in this case by the evenhanded eye-witness reports of Tomalin in The Times and Sunday Times. As for the hapless Chandhan Sur and his infant son, the political temptation to smear the enemy to the maximum by accusing him of raping and killing women led to Bangladeshi nationalists denying their own martyrs their rightful recognition. In both cases, the true victims ‘Punjabis and Bengalis, Hindus and Muslims ‘ were cast aside, their suffering hijacked, by political motivations of others that victimized them a second time around.

Brad K. Blitz, Maureen Lynch, in their book “Statelessness and Citizenship: A comparative Study on the Benefits of Nationality (Page 119)” has revealed the following via Anthony Mascarenhas, regarding the killings of Non-Bengalis by Indian trained Mukti Bahni.

“Let the words of Anthony Mascarenhas, whose vigorous condemnation of the Pakistan democide in East Pakistan established his credentials, speak to this: ‘Thousands of families of unfortunate Muslims, many of them refugees from Bihar who chose Pakistan at the time of the partition riots in 1947, were mercilessly wiped out. Women were raped, or had their breasts torn out with specially fashioned knives. Children did not escape the horror: the lucky ones were killed with their parents; but many thousands of others must go through what life remains for them with eyes gouged out and limbs amputated. More than 20,000 bodies of non-Bengalis have been found in the main towns, such as Chittagong, Khulna and Jessore. The real toll, I was told everywhere in East Bengal, may have been as high as 100,000, for thousands of non-Bengalis have vanished without a trace. The Government of Pakistan has let the world know about that first horror. What it has suppressed is the second and worse horror which followed when its own army took over the killing. West Pakistan officials privately calculate that altogether both sides have killed 250,000 people.’” Sarmila Bose, Indian researcher and author of book Dead Reckoning: in one of her article “Myth-busting the Bangladesh war of 1971”, described the dominant narrative created by India and the Bengalis as exaggerated, fabricated and distorted.

“As soon as I started to do systematic research on the 1971 war, I found that there was a problem with the story which I had grown up believing: from the evidence that emanated from the memories of all sides at the ground level, significant parts of the “dominant narrative” seem not to have been true. Many “facts” had been exaggerated, fabricated, distorted or concealed. Many people in responsible positions had repeated unsupported assertions without a thought; some people seemed to know that the nationalist mythologies were false and yet had done nothing to inform the public. I had thought I would be chronicling the details of the story of 1971 with which I had been brought up, but I found instead that there was a different story to be told.”



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BrassTacks Policy Papers In her book, on page 178, she wrote following about the alleged genocide of 3 million Bengalis by Pakistan army in East Pakistan.

“On the basis of the claims made by the two sides of the Pakistani civil war, therefore, we are left with a range of war dead between 26,000, the figure based on situation reports of the Pakistan Army submitted to the Pakistani inquiry commission, and the Bangladeshi / Indian claim of three million, based on – nothing. A meaningless range by any standards, it is rendered farcical by the elimination of the three million figure as an assertion without any accountable basis.”

Binalaksmi Nepram, also unearthed the RAW’s involvement in Bangladesh in post 1971 era. This involvement was to keep the Bangladeshi forces busy in their internal turmoil and keep the border areas volatile (just like prevailing situation in FATA areas of Pakistan due to RAW’s operations from Afghanistan).

“In 1975, the RAW was instructed to assist the Chakma rebels with arms, supplies, bases and training. Training was conducted in the border camps in Tripura but specialized training was imparted at Chakrata near Dehra Doon. Shantu Larma’s Shanti Bahini members were flown to Chakrata and then sent back to Tripura to infiltrate into Chittagong Hill Tracts. A RAW office and its operatives at Agartala monitored the progress of the trainees. In 1976, the Shanti Bahini launched its first attack on the Bangladesh force. A new insurgency had been born and India’s secret war in the hills of Bangladesh had begun.” South Asia’s Fractured Frontier, Binalaksmi Nepram, Mittal Publishers, New Delhi, 2002, pp-153.

Indian involvement in Bangladesh – post 1971 Mohammad Zainul Abedin in “RAW and Bangladesh” wrote:

“RAW retained a keen interest in Bangladesh even after its independence. RAW was involved in training of Chakma tribes and Shanti Bahini, who carried out subversive activities in Bangladesh. It also unleashed a well-organized plan of psychological warfare, created polarization among the armed forces, propagated false allegations of the use of Bangladesh territory by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency, created dissension among the political parties and religious sects, controlled the media, denied the use of river waters, and propped up a host of disputes in order to keep Bangladesh under constant political and socio-economic pressure.”


“The RAW was involved in training rebels of Chakma tribes and Shanti Bahini to carry out subversive activities in Bangladesh.” RAW’s role in Furthering India’s Foreign Policy, The New Nation, Dhaka, 31 August 1994.


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BrassTacks Policy Papers Questions which were never asked: ♦♦Who trained and armed Mukti-Bahini? ♦♦Who gave India the license to invade Pakistan using NSVAs (Non-State Violent Actors?) ♦♦India was involved in creating crisis of East Pakistan through Agartala Conspiracy. Why is

India not declared as terrorist state for its role in brutalities carried out by Indian army and its trained Mukti Bahini? ♦♦Pakistan army was trying to keep the state of Pakistan intact. If, in its line of duty, collateral

damage happened, how can it be termed as brutal genocide?

♦♦Why must Pakistan army make an apology for something (the genocide) which never really


♦♦If Pakistan really was oppressing East Pakistan by using its share of resources, then why

hasn’t Bangladesh become a prosperous state during the last 42 years?

♦♦People who sided with Pakistan army were doing their moral and national duty of defend-

ing their homeland along with their armed forces. How can it be a crime and why is Bangladeshi government persecuting them now?

♦♦If Mujib was so popular a leader, why was he killed by his fellow Bengali men in Bangladeshi


♦♦If India helped Bengalis in their “war of freedom”, why is it is not letting the Bangladeshis

govern themselves? Why is there constant Indian meddling in Bangladesh?

1984 Siachen Conflict Apparently, the Siachen crisis, just like Kashmir, is the result of uncompleted border demarcation between the two nations but the expansionist motives of India are the core reason behind this problem. This is why India is reluctant to implement the 1989 agreement.

Indian Claims: The Indian claim is that the line should follow the ridgeline of the Saltoro Range which actually runs in a North Westerly direction instead of going to North as stated in 1949 Karachi Agreement. Indian Army launched Operation Meghdoot only after Pakistan tried to capture the Siachen through a military action in 1982-83.

Facts: 1. Indians claimed that this is universally applicable watershed principle for settling border disputes. But this should have been mentioned in the agreement between the two parties which was not there in Karachi agreement or even in the 1989 agreement hence Pakistan has legitimate claim over the Siachen glacier and Saltoro Range. 2. Lt. Gen. M. L. Chibber, under whose command Operation Meghdoot was launched, confessed in his article “Siachen – An Untold Story. A personal account” published in Indian Defence Weekly Jan 1990 that it was 1978 when Indian army’s Western Command started planning of this operation. In his own words, general was worried that US tourism department map showed Siachen as part of Pakistan.

“In 1978, when I was DMO, we got information about a foreign expedition from the Pakistan side visiting the Siachen Glacier. The Line of Control terminates at NJ9842. The Glaciers are not demarcated. We sent a patrol next year and it was confirmed that Japanese expeditions has visited the Siachen Glacier. So routine patrolling started. This should give the readers a real background of what happened in 1982-83. It will show that India did not act unilaterally.” “An Interview with Padma Bhushan Lt Gen (Retd) Dr M.L Chibber” 3. Col. Narendra Kumar “bull” is credited by India for the “historic victory” over Saltoro ridgeline in Operation Maghdoot during April 1984. Actually he was the one who initiated the war on the glacier and turned it into the world’s highest battlefield. The accounts of his patrols, since 1978 to 1983, are more revealing about Indian aggression and illegal occupation.

“We found labels from tin cans and cigarette packs with Pakistani names, German and Japanese equipment. It was this that convinced the government of India that Pakistan



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BrassTacks Policy Papers was going where it should not have been.” No such evidence was ever shown to anybody in the world. What Kumar found on the glacier was normal garbage stuff which any mountaineering team would leave behind. But more interestingly, he never found a human on the Siachen which actually is enough to destroy the entire Indian propaganda that it was Pakistan Army who militarized the glacier.

Siachen has been shown as part of Pakistan in many of international world atlases like UN Defence Mapping Agency (DMA), Historical Atlas of South Asia by Chicago University, Britannica Atlas, National Geographic Society of World Atlas and Times World Atlas.

“There wasn’t a soul there. There was so much to climb—so many uncharted high peaks! And those pinnacles—rock pinnacles going straight up! And small glacial streams—so blue and so cold! The view from Sia Kangri looking down on the Siachen was such a beautiful sight. Just like a great white snake… going, going, going. I have never seen anything so white and so wide.” “The Coldest War” By Kevin Fedarko

The map of China-India border (western sector) available at Wikipedia shows Karakorum Pass as Pakistan’s most North-eastern point



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BrassTacks Policy Papers Questions which were never asked: ♦♦ If Indian army has reservations over expeditions going from Pakistani side after seeking NOC from Pakistani government, why didn’t they activate any diplomatic channel to resolve the matters amicably? ♦♦ If Pakistan’s intentions were to start a war on Siachen, why did Pakistan call back the team of SSG commandos deployed there in 1982; two years before Indian reached there?

Post 9/11 Terrorism in India Post 9/11 terrorism in India exposes the cloak and dagger nexus of Indian political elite, Hindutva terrorism and Indian intelligence. This explains how India’s political Brahmin elite, with the help of Indian intelligence using Hindu militant outfits like RSS, has been orchestrating plots of fake terrorism within India in order to meet its ulterior designs of establishing regional hegemony and control over local politics by keeping the masses in perpetual state of fear and panic. After every terrorist attack on Indian soil, the Indian government accused Pakistan and ISI as being the perpetrators. This served two interests of Indian political elite. On the local level, they gained sympathy and popular support while on the regional level it helped them in their pursuits to damage the credibility of both Pakistan and ISI. But what was revealed after the investigations carried out by India’s own top officials put India governments in serious crisis. The investigations began to expose the real culprits and their violent Hindutva ideology.

Incidents: 2001 Attack on Indian Parliament: On December 13, 2001, terrorists attacked the Indian parliament building, killing 15 people and many being injured. Kashmiri youth and ISI were blamed instantly by Indian government and media. 2002 Gujarat Riots: Pakistan was accused for flaming the religious hatred among Indian masses which led to massacre of thousands of Indian Muslims. 2006 Malegaon Bomb Blasts A series of bomb blasts took place on September 8, 2006 in Malegaon, a town in the Nashik district of the Indian state of Maharashtra, located at some 290 km to the northeast of state capital Mumbai. The explosions, which caused the deaths of at least 37 people and injured over 125 more, took place in a Muslim cemetery, adjacent to a mosque, at around 13:15 local time after Friday prayers on the Shab-eBara’at holy day. Most of the victims were Indian Muslims. Pakistan based Kashmiri freedom fighters and ISI were blamed along with local Muslims by the Indian media and officials.

2007 Samjhauta Express: 69 Pakistanis were burnt alive after being stranded in a blazed train traveling from India to Pakistan on February 18, 2007. Train caught fire after two blasts in two carriages filled with passengers. Indian media accused Pakistani ISI and LeT for these attacks.



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BrassTacks Policy Papers 2008 Malegaon Bomb Blasts (Western India Bombing): 3 bombs exploded in the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra killing 8 persons and injuring 80 people. Two bombs went off in Malegaon, Maharashtra, which killed 7 people while another blast in Modasa, Gujarat resulted in the death of 1 person.

Earlier in the day, in a significant development, Pakistan High Commissioner Ashraf Jehangir Qazi was on Friday summoned by Foreign Secretary Chokila Iyer and made out a demarche setting out the three demands, which included stopping of the activities of the two organizations.”

2008 Mumbai Attacks 26/11: 168 people lost their lives in terrorist attacks on multiple landmark locations in Mumbai including Taj Hotel and Hotel Oberai. Terrorists kept the city hostage for almost 60 hours. Pakistan based LeT and ISI officials were accused for this carnage both by Indian government and media. Indian media started to accuse ISI even before the entire episode was over and a “Pakistani terrorist” was caught alive by Indian police. **************************** Let’s look at some facts revealed afterwards, exposing the evil nexus of Indian political elite and Indian intelligence establishment.

2001:Attack on Indian Parliament

These attacks on Indian parliament brought Pakistan and India on the brink of another armed clash between two nuclear armed countries. India mobilized its forces by launching operation Parakaram, the largest military deployment in the region since 1971. A ruthless clash of arch rivals was imminent but eventually avoided by courtesy to Pakistan’s policy shift towards its support to Kashmiri freedom fighters. This decision of Islamabad actually helped India in her attempts to convert LoC into a permanent border by fencing it. Later it became clear that operation Parakaram was part of Indian coercive diplomacy which put Pakistan on the back foot on diplomatic and media fronts. Post 9/11 scenario also helped India here. But this left many questions on the incident of terrorists’ attack on Indian parliament which triggered this string of events. In 2004, Musharraf government announced a unilateral ceasefire across the LoC and number of Kashmiri freedom fighter groups were declared outlaw. These steps of Musharraf regime actually not only vindicate Indian allegations against Pakistan but seriously dented Pakistan’s case on Kashmir as well.

Blame was put on Pakistan. Pakistani high commissioner was summoned by the Indian government and India demanded Pakistan to stop the activities of LeT and JeM, and arrest the organisations’ leaders. Furthermore Pakistan was asked to curb the financial assets and the groups’ access to these assets.

Parliament attack: Advani points towards neighboring country In an obvious reference to Pakistan, Home Minister Lal Kishenchand Advani on Friday said clues pointed to a neighboring country in Thursday’s attack on Parliament House. “We have received some clues about yesterday’s incident, which shows that a neighboring country, and some terrorist organisations active there are behind it,” Advani said at a function in New Delhi.

Govt. blames LeT for Parliament attack, asks Pak to restrain terrorist outfits, December 14, 2001

“The government on Friday blamed the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Tayiba for Thursday’s terrorist attack on the Parliament House complex saying it has ‘credible evidence’ and formally asked Islamabad to arrest the leadership of LeT and another militant outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad and freeze the organisations’ assets. However, the Lashkar-e-Tayiba denied any involvement in the incident.


Parliament attack had brought India, Pak on brink of another war Times of India, Feb 10, 2013,

NEW DELHI: The 2001 Parliament attack triggered the biggest ever peace time mobilisation of the Indian military, bringing India and Pakistan close to war and finally resulting in the


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BrassTacks Policy Papers historic Islamabad statement in 2004 that saw Pakistan promising not to let its soil be used for terrorism against India.

Operation Parakram was part of coercive diplomacy: BJP Times of India, Feb. 24 2009

NEW DELHI: In an apparent rebuff to senior party leader Jaswant Singh, who had distanced himself from Operation Parakram last week, BJP on Monday said that the operation was part of “coercive diplomacy” without which Pakistan would not have signed the January 2004 accord. “I can say that the January 6, 2004, accord with Pakistan would not have taken place without Operation Parakram,” BJP leader Yashwant Sinha told journalists after an expert level meeting on foreign policy at Leader of Opposition L K Advani’s residence. Epilogue: Taking full advantage of weak Pakistani position, India launched an even more ruthless 4th generation war against Pakistan during 2005. Numbers of illegal hydro power projects were initiated in Indian occupied Kashmir along with negative propaganda on media front. On diplomatic level, India launched a campaign against Pakistan as being a non-serious state in combating global terrorism. Since the last 8 years, India with the active support and backing of the US has been waging this ruthless multifaceted war against Pakistan in order to further its strategic interests in the region. Using false flag terrorism has been the focal point of Indian strategy of coercive diplomacy and media assault. Recently, renowned Indian political researcher Arundhati Roy raised following questions about terrorist attacks on Indian parliament building which are very relevant and without answering them, this case cannot be closed regardless of the fact that Indian government has already hanged an innocent Kashmiri for these attacks and has closed the case. ♦♦ Months before the Attack on Parliament, both the government and the police had been saying that Parliament could be attacked. On December 12, 2001, at an informal meeting the Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee warned about an imminent attack on the Parliament. On December 13Parliament was attacked. Given that there was an ‘improved security drill’, how did a car bomb packed with explosives, enter the parliament complex? ♦♦ Within days of the Attack, the Special Cell of Delhi Police said it was a meticulously planned joint operation of Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e- Taiba . They said the attack was led by a man called ‘Mohammad’ who was also involved in the hijacking of IC-814 in 1998. (This was later refuted


by the CBI.) None of this was ever proved in court. What evidence did the Special Cell have for its claim? ♦♦ The entire attack was recorded live on Close Circuit TV (CCTV). Congress Party MP Kapil Sibal demanded in Parliament that the CCTV recording be shown to the members. He was supported by the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, Najma Heptullah, who said that there was confusion about the details of the event. The chief whip of the Congress Party, Priyaranjan Dasmunshi, said, ‘I counted six men getting out of the car. But only five were killed. The close circuit TV camera recording clearly showed the six men.’ If Dasmunshi was right, why did the police say that there were only five people in the car? Who was the sixth person? Where is he now? Why was the CCTV recording not produced by the prosecution as evidence in the trial? Why it was not released for public viewing? ♦♦ Why was Parliament adjourned after some of these questions were raised? ♦♦ A few days after 13 December, the government declared that it had ‘incontrovertible evidence’ of Pakistan’s involvement in the attack, and announced a massive mobilization of almost half a million soldiers to the Indo-Pakistan border. The subcontinent was pushed to the brink of nuclear war. Apart from Afzal’s ‘confession’, extracted under torture (and later set aside by the Supreme Court), what was the ‘incontrovertible evidence’? ♦♦ Is it true that the military mobilization to the Pakistan border had begun long before the 13 December Attack? ♦♦ How much did this military standoff, which lasted for nearly a year, cost? How many soldiers died in the process? How many soldiers and civilians died because of mishandled landmines, and how many peasants lost their homes and land because trucks and tanks were rolling through their villages, and landmines were being planted in their fields? ♦♦ In a criminal investigation it is vital for the police to show how the evidence gathered at the scene of the attack led them to the accused. How did the police reach Mohammad Afzal? The Special Cell says S.A.R. Geelani led them to Afzal. But the message to look out for Afzal was actually flashed to the Srinagar Police before Geelani was arrested. So how did the Special Cell connect Afzal to the 13 December Attack? ♦♦ The courts acknowledge that Afzal was a surrendered militant who was in regular contact with the security forces, particularly the Special Task Force (STF) of Jammu & Kashmir Police. How do the security forces explain that a person under their surveillance was able to conspire in a major militant operation? ♦♦ Is it plausible that organizations like Lashkar-e- Taiba or Jaish-e-Mohammed would rely on a person who had been in and out of STF torture chambers, and was under constant police surveillance, as the principal link for a major operation? ♦♦ In his statement before the court, Afzal says that he was introduced to ‘Mohammed’ and instructed to take him to Delhi by a man called Tariq, who was working with the STF. Tariq was named in the police charge sheet. Who is Tariq and where is he now? ♦♦ On December 19, 2001, six days after the Parliament Attack, Police Commissioner, Thane (Maharashtra), S.M. Shangari identified one of the attackers killed in the Parliament Attack as Mohammad


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BrassTacks Policy Papers Yasin Fateh Mohammed (alias Abu Hamza) of the Lashkar-e-Taiba , who had been arrested in Mumbai in November 2000, and immediately handed over to the J&K Police. He gave detailed descriptions to support his statement. If Police Commissioner Shangari was right, how did Mohammad Yasin, a man in the custody of the J&K Police, end up participating in the Parliament Attack? If he was wrong, where is Mohammad Yasin now? ♦♦ Why is it that we still don’t know who the five ‘terrorists’ killed in the Parliament Attack were?

2006-07:Malegaon and Samjhauta Express Blasts With the immediate release of sketches of the suspects, it seemed that the Indians had it all figured out. For Pakistan it was nothing more than a feeling of déjà vu; India is known to have a history of blaming Pakistan and ISI for the smallest of occurrences in India, hardly ever backing it up with any credible evidence. And so when in 2006 Malegaon, a town in the Nashik district of the Indian state of Maharashtra, located at some 290 km to the northeast of state capital Mumbai, was rattled by a series of bombings, the blame was put on groups having links with Pakistan and Bangladesh. Similarly, when in 2008, Malegaon was once again rocked by series of blasts the Maharashtra Police blamed the Student Islamic Movement of India, further linking them to Lashkar-e-Taiba and in turn the ISI. But no one in India was ready to face what investigations in these incidents unearthed. An evil nexus of Indian IB, political elite and violent Hindutva ideology!

FACTS: After six years of the Samjhauta Express and five years after Malegaon incidents, India’s strategy has blown in her face. India has been crying foul and blaming Pakistan for every terror act taking place in India, without conducting any investigations; same being the case with the cold-blooded killing of over 60 Pakistanis in the Samjhauta Express blasts that have now been proven to be an act of terrorism by the Indian Saffron brigade. The investigations of Malegaon blasts and Samjhauta Express bombings began to unearth the hidden hands of real perpetrators behind these heinous incidents. These investigations disturbed and panicked lots of powerful circles within India including mainstream political parties like BJP and RSS.

Hindu group behind Malegaon blast: Police October 22 - Oct 23 2008,

The Maharashtra police are said to have cracked the September 29 bomb blasts in Malegaon and Modasa town in neighboring Gujarat saying these were allegedly carried out by the Hindu Jagran Manch, an Indore-based Hindu extremist group known to have links to the BJP’s student wing, Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP). The key suspects are being questioned, top Maharashtra Police sources have told The Indian Express.



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BrassTacks Policy Papers The arrest of the Hindu perpetrator caused a serious crisis for the rightwing hardcore Hindu political parties like BJP and RSS as these arrests were made just weeks before assembly elections in key Indian states.

29th September 2008: 3 bombs exploded in the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra of India killing 8 persons and injuring 80. Two bombs went off in Malegaon, Maharashtra, which killed seven people while another blast in Modasa, Gujarat resulted in the death of one person.

Arrests of 'Hindu terrorists' embarrasses BJP

22nd October 2008: According to Indian media, Police fixed responsibility of September bombing on BJP's student wing, Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP).

Hindustan Times, October 28, 2008

With assembly elections in key states only weeks away, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is feeling embarrassed after the arrest of a Hindu woman activist on charges of plotting bombings directed at Muslims in two states. At least one senior BJP leader admitted to journalists but off the record that Thakur's arrest in Indore in Madhya Pradesh Oct 24 was not something anyone could be proud of. "It is embarrassing for us, particularly because elections are so near," the leader said. The ABVP is ideologically knit with the BJP. Article1-347669.aspx

2008:Mumbai Attacks 26/11 It is also an interesting fact that by October 2008 the investigations on 2006 and 2008 blasts of Malegaon, Samjhauta Express bombing and various other incidents had exposed the Hindu terror networks operating inside India. Some very powerful circles within the Indian state were not happy with the investigations done by ATS, particularly after January 2008, since the time Hemant Karkare took charge of Malegaon blasts.

November 12th, 2008, (Wednesday): New Delhi/Mumbai Self-styled spiritual guru Dayanand Pandey alias Swami Amritanand Dev was arrested by Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) in Kanpur in connection with the September 29 Malegaon bomb blast. November 13th, 2008 (Thursday): New Delhi: Gujarat Police arrested a woman for the first time in a case related to the 2002 Gujarat riots. Gita Rathod has been arrested for her role in the infamous Naroda Patia riots of 2002. She was arrested by a Special Investigation Team (SIT). November 14th 2008: Media reported arrest of Lt Col Purohit and his confession regarding provision of IED for bombing Samjhauta Express train and Malegaon blasts. November 15th 2008: Indian media was littered with news of more arrests of Hindu terrorists in connection with bomb blasts in India. Media reported “Hindu extremists involved in Malegaon blasts may also be behind Ajmer and Samjhauta Express blasts, sources have told NDTV. They say Aseemanand, Dayanand and Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur met at Shabari Kumbh at Dangs. The group then began to meet regularly to plan attacks. Police also suspected that the group could be behind the Ajmer dargah blast in February 2007. The man who planted Ajmer bomb was killed by the group. They may also be behind Samjhauta Express blast, sources say. Leaders of mainstream Hindutva groups were aware of their activities, they add. The development comes even as Lt Colonel Prasad Purohit, the first serving Indian Army officer to be held in a terror-related case, has reportedly confessed to his role in the Malegaon blast during his narco-analysis test in Bangalore.”

By October 2008, ATS has traced a well-entrenched nexus of Hindu militant outfits and their links with the Indian intelligence and military. It was revealed that serving as well as ex-military officers were part of this nexus. On 26th November 2008, 168 people were killed in horrible terrorist attacks on multiple locations in India’s financial capital Mumbai. Today, this incident is seen as a separate case of Pakistsani/ISI sponsored terrorism in India, but below mentioned facts proves that it was indeed an inside job and among other obvious reasons these attacks were particularly launched to eliminate Karkare to stop the ATS investigations about Saffron Terrorism in India. Hindutva Terror Nexus of Indian Army officers - Uncovered by ATS under Karkare

FACTS: Timeline and Link with 2008 blasts in Malegaon: There is a very definite timeline of events which led to Mumbai drama. Indian Zionists were under severe pressure as their cadre was being arrested by ATS Chief Karkare and the fascists had to retaliate in quick time before more of their top leaders were arrested.


November 24th 2008: Pune: An anonymous caller, who used a public call office, to contact the Pune police, threatened to blow up the residence of Mumbai Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) Chief Hemant Karkare "within a couple of days", a top official confirmed today (November 26th) November 27th 2008: Karkare was killed during Mumbai shootout by unknown gunmen at Cama


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BrassTacks Policy Papers Hospital. Sources close to Indian intelligence and investigators claim that Karkare was killed by a 9mm bullet weapons which are used by Indian police. Who was not happy with Malegaon and Samjhauta Express investigations? In the back drop of this timeline, it becomes pertinent to see which factions of Indian society were disturbed by the revealing investigations of unfortunate incidents of 2006 and 2008 Malegaon and 2007 Samjhauta Express Bombings. Undoubtedly, rightwing Hindu factions and political parties were not amused by the investigations carried out by ATS. Not only that, Mumbai ATS chief, Hemant Karkare, main protagonist in Mumbai episode received death threats as well. In this connection, a detailed report was published by daily Indian Express which makes a very thought provoking read. Unfortunately, after the Mumbai carnage, no one raised any questions about the threats Karkare was receiving after he began to expose Hindutva terror links and Indian propaganda against Pakistan by probing earlier terror incidents in India.

Karkare’s response to a death threat: A ‘smiley’ Indian Express, Thu Nov 27 2008 By Y P Rajesh : Mumbai,

The last days of Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) chief Hemant Karkare were probably some of the busiest in his 26-year career in the Indian Police Service (IPS), and apparently tormented as well. The ATS believed it had cracked the September 29 Malegaon bomb blast case, and about a month ago arrested Hindu extremists in a breakthrough that shocked the nation and added a new twist to the entire discourse on terror and religion. But as the probe unraveled the alleged plot and the role of some Hindu leaders, the case got caught in the politics of terror and the ATS was at the centre of charges that it was being used as a tool to target the Sangh Parivar amid allegations of illegal detention and torture by some of the 11 arrested for the blast. The BJP, RSS and VHP leaders, among others from the Hindu nationalist brigade, accused the ATS of being on a witch-hunt, with some even demanding that ATS officers be subjected to a narco-analysis to establish their motives. No less a leader than the BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate, L K Advani, had demanded a change in the ATS team and a judicial inquiry into the torture allegations made by


Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, a key suspect in the Malegaon case. The Shiv Sena too had come out in support of the suspects and on Wednesday had threatened in its mouthpiece Saamna that it would publish the names of some ATS officers and shame them as it said they had tortured the Malegaon suspects. That Karkare was affected by this was apparent when we met at his office on Tuesday to get an update on the probe, less than 36 hours before he was killed. The Indian Express has decided to break the confidence of what was an off-the-record conversation in an attempt to highlight the anguish of the investigators over the currents in which the Malegaon probe was getting caught as well as the larger debate over the politics of terror. “I don’t know why this case has become so political,” was one of Karkare’s first comments. “The pressure is tremendous and I am wondering how to extricate it from all the politics.” Was the pressure telling on the investigation, what with someone who could be the next prime minister of the country questioning the credibility of the ATS? “Of course,” was the answer. “We are being very very careful. In fact, when we want to question a suspect and if he or she has any Hindutvawadi connections, we make sure once, twice, thrice, that we have enough reason and evidence to even question. Normally it is not like that. We are able to freely question anyone we suspect.” “In fact, immediately after the blast I had visited Malegaon along with the Deputy Chief Minister and other officials and witnessed the anger of the locals who shouted some slogans,” Karkare said. “After that I told my men that we have to pursue this case very objectively and not start with assumptions that people of this community or that community could be responsible.” Originally from Madhya Pradesh, Karkare studied mechanical engineering in Nagpur and worked at the National Productivity Council and Hindustan Lever before making it to the IPS in 1982. Known to be an upright officer who served in the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) as well as the Indian mission in Vienna, Austria, as a counselor, Karkare did not hide his love for Mumbai or his discomfort with the predominantly political-bureaucratic culture of Delhi where he was posted. During a stint in the Chandrapur forests near Nagpur in 1991 to fight Naxalites, he took an interest in driftwood, discovered artistic shapes in them and converted them into wooden sculptures, making about 150 of them over a two-year period. Talking to the media about sensitive cases such as Malegaon could prove to be a double-edged sword, he had said as we parted, adding that he would like us to meet informally once a month so that he could learn the ways of the media. His last visuals as seen on TV showed him working with his men near the VT station, the target of one of the attacks, although it is perplexing at this point in time why such a senior officer ended up getting exposed to a brazen terrorist attack. Initially, he was shown wearing a shoddy helmet normally seen used by constables during riots. A little later, a policeman lowers a flimsy


BrassTacks Policy Papers bulletproof vest over his shoulders, one that was obviously of little protection when those fatal shots were fired at him. The previous evening, hours after our meeting, TV channels had ‘breaking news’ that he had received a fresh death threat from some unidentified caller, apparently in connection with the Malegaon probe. An Indian Express reporter SMSed him asking him if this was true or if he had anything to say. His reply: just a smiley.

It is also a noteworthy fact that Karkare’s wife refused to accept compensation for death of her husband. Her family also stood by her side as every member of the family was aware of the threats which Karkare was receiving just days before he was killed in mysterious circumstances during the attacks on Mumbai.


Many Indian researchers and investigative journalists did raise some very critical and relevant questions regarding these high profile terror attacks back in 2008 as well. But the Indian establishment and government never bothered to answer these questions and tried to hide behind the fog of deception and propaganda against ISI and Pakistan. Saffron Band wearing terrorists: Notice the yellow wrist band, a Hindu sign. He is too calm casual for an outsider attacker on a rampage. They had consumed alcohol and beer before embarking on killing spree!

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BrassTacks Policy Papers Mumbai an Inside Job: It is not the first time that Indian establishment and the government has been under the scrutiny for its alleged role in Mumbai attacks or covering them in order to protect Hidutva nexus. There has been concern over the role of India’s homegrown terrorist networks in Mumbai carnage since the unfortunate day of 26/11/2008.

Mumbai Terrorists Were Aided By Indian Authorities Paul Joseph Watson Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Numerous disturbing details now strongly indicate that the terrorists who indiscriminately slaughtered nearly 200 people in Mumbai were aided by some elements of the Indian security apparatus responsible for protecting the city. Marathi language speaking terrorists: Within 15 minutes of the attacks, three top Police officers from the anti-Terror squad were shot by the attackers. Those three officers were the ones who were investigating the case against Indian Military Intelligence for their involvement in domestic terrorism. (Cases related to Samjhauta Express and Malegaon Bombing which are examined later in this report). The Terrorists who killed the Police officers were speaking Marathi, a local Hindu language.

Mumbai attack: Terrorists spoke Marathi? 29 November 2008

Mumbai: It is somehow surprising to learn that the terrorists in Cama hospital in Mumbai were fluently speaking Marathi. The terrorists who are said to have fired in Cama hospital talked to an employee clad in civil dress in Marathi, reports a Marathi daily ‘Maharashtra Times’. The newspaper said the terrorists who targeted ATS chief Hemant Karkare, police commissioner Ashok Kamte and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar were speaking Marathi fluently. The newspaper claims the terrorists having fired at two watchmen in uniform asked the other beside them on gunpoint in Marathi, ‘You are here an employee?’ The employee caught the legs of the terrorist and said, ‘I am not working here. My wife has suffered from heart attack and I have come here to admit her.’ The terrorist asked him again in Marathi, ‘You are speaking true or false?’ The employee answered, ‘No, by God I am speaking true.’ On this the terrorist let him go.

The Role of Indian Police during the carnage:


Mumbai photographer: I wish I’d had a gun, not a camera. Armed police would not fire back. Saturday, 29 November 2008 Jerome Taylor talks to the photographer whose picture went around the world A gunman walks at the Chatrapathi Sivaji Terminal railway station in Mumbai, India, Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2008. Teams of gunmen stormed luxury hotels, a popular restaurant, hospitals and a crowded train station in coordinated attacks across India’s financial capital, killing people, taking Westerners hostage and leaving parts of the city under siege Thursday, police said. A group of suspected Muslim militants claimed responsibility. AP It is the photograph that has dominated the world’s front pages, casting an astonishing light on the fresh-faced killers who brought terror to the heart of India’s most vibrant city. Now it can be revealed how the astonishing picture came to be taken by a newspaper photographer who hid inside a train carriage as gunfire erupted all around him. Sebastian D’Souza, a picture editor at the Mumbai Mirror, whose offices are just opposite the city’s Chhatrapati Shivaji station, heard the gunfire erupt and ran towards the terminus. “I ran into the first carriage of one of the trains on the platform to try and get a shot but couldn’t get a good angle, so I moved to the second carriage and waited for the gunmen to walk by,” he said. “They were shooting from waist height and fired at anything that moved. I briefly had time to take a couple of frames using a telephoto lens. I think they saw me taking photographs but they didn’t seem to care.” The gunmen were terrifyingly professional, making sure at least one of them was able to fire their rifle while the other reloaded. By the time he managed to capture the killer on camera, Mr D’Souza had already seen two gunmen calmly stroll across the station concourse shooting both civilians and policemen, many of whom, he said, were armed but did not fire back. “I first saw the gunmen outside the station,” Mr D’Souza said. “With their rucksacks and Western clothes they looked like backpackers, not terrorists, but they were very heavily armed and clearly knew how to use their rifles. “Towards the station entrance, there are a number of bookshops and one of the bookstore owners was trying to close his shop,” he recalled. “The gunmen opened fire and the shopkeeper fell down.” But what angered Mr D’Souza almost as much were the masses of armed police hiding in the area who simply refused to shoot back.”There were armed policemen hiding all around the station but none of them did anything,” he said. “At one point, I ran up to them and told them to use their weapons. I said, ‘Shoot them, they’re sitting ducks!’ but they just didn’t shoot back.” As the gunmen fired at policemen taking cover across the street, Mr D’Souza realised a train was pulling into the station unaware of the horror within. “I couldn’t believe it. We rushed to the platform and told everyone to head towards the back of the station. Those who were older and couldn’t run, we told them to stay put.” The militants returned inside the station and headed towards a rear exit towards Chowpatty Beach. Mr D’Souza added: “I told some policemen the gunmen had moved towards the rear of the station but they refused to follow them. What is the point if having policemen with guns if they refuse to use them? I only wish I had a gun rather than a camera.”


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BrassTacks Policy Papers Anglo-Israeli-American Connections: Many international and Indian commentators have created this artificial terrorism inside India and have professed this phenomenon as a device to break Pakistan and create many smaller countries. Once they are done with it God forbid, they can achieve their ultimate objective of achieving the Anglo-Indian-Israel-American nexus strategically. It will eliminate India’s arch rival and thus enabling him to establish complete hegemony in entire Southeast Asia from Burma to Afghanistan and even beyond encompassing Central Asia in its fold of influence as well. Nuclear capability of Pakistan is the main cause of concern for the Americans and Israelis. Dismembered Pakistan would certainly have no nuclear capability. Encircling China by establishing a long term strong strategic footprint in Afghanistan is one of the strategic objectives of America for the 21st century. Pakistan, being a strategic ally of China, is a major stumbling block in fulfillment of this US dream. It is in this backdrop that the analysis of terrorism in India and its links with Anglo-Israel-American strategic interests must be taken seriously. Many renowned international analysts examined Mumbai carnage through the lens of long term strategic planning of India with the active help of US/Israel in order to undermine and decimate the state of Pakistan. *********************

Mumbai Terror Attack: Further Evidence of the Anglo-USAMossad-RSS Nexus By Amaresh Misra, 03 December, 2008 Now who has the last laugh? That is the question; I only have pity for those who cannot see reality and who were so glib to buy into what the media and political troubleshooters were saying about the Mumbai terrorist attacks. Consider this: As a BBC report notes, at least some of the Mumbai attackers were not Indian and certainly not Muslim.Pappu Mishra, a cafe proprietor at the gothic Victorian Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus railway station, described “two sprightly young men dressed in black” with AK47s who were “foreign looking, fair skinned.”Gaffar Abdul Amir, an Iraqi tourist from Baghdad, saw at least two men who started the firing outside the Leopold Cafe. “They did not look Indian, they looked foreign. One of them, I thought, had blonde hair. The other had a punkish hairstyle. They were neatly dressed,” Amir told the BBC. According to Andrew G. Marshall, the ISI “has long been referred to as Pakistan’s ‘secret government’ or ‘shadow state.’ It’s long-standing ties and reliance upon American and British intelligence have not let up, therefore actions taken by the ISI should be viewed in the context of being a Central Asian outpost of Anglo-American covert intelligence operations.”The presence of “foreign looking, fair skinned” commandos who calmly gunned down dozens of people after drinking a few beers indicates that the Mumbai attacks were likely the work of


the Anglo-American covert intelligence operatives, not indigenous Indian Muslims or for that matter Arab al-Qaeda terrorists. The attacks prepare the ground for the break-up of Pakistan and the furtherance of destabilizing terrorism in the Middle East and Asia. The Mumbai attacks had little to do with India or the relationship between Muslim Pakistanis and Hindu Indians.”Pakistan’s position as a strategic focal point cannot be underestimated. It borders India, Afghanistan, China and Iran,” concludes Marshall. “Destabilizing and ultimately breaking Pakistan up into several countries or regions will naturally spread chaos and destabilization into neighboring countries. This is also true of Iraq on the other side of Iran, as the AngloAmerican have undertaken, primarily through Iraq, a strategy of balkanizing the entire Middle East in a new imperial project.” (See Marshall’s Divide and Conquer: The Anglo-American Imperial Project.) Now I ask specifically: WHO HAS EGG ON THE FACE? MY DETRACTORS OR ME? Andrew Marshall is a respected author; he is clearly saying here that terrorists looked like Anglo-American covert operatives and that the entire Mumbai operation was an attempt by Anglo-American forces to destabilize India and push it further into the Israel-US orbit. Marshall also says that Americans are keen to dismember Pakistan--it is clear that in this project, America needs India as a firm ally--it cannot afford Indo-Pak friendship at least on a long-term basis. The Mumbai attack thus was multi-layered--and one of the reasons could be to warn India that the Anglo-American elite has the power to penetrate India, with the help of its own people. Clearly, the attackers would not have come from the sea route without some kind of a connivance of Gujarat and Maharashtra Governments with the terrorists, and the connivance of RSS type Hindutva elements as I will prove later in the piece. This afore-mentioned report appeared on the BBC, a news agency which pro-west, Muslimhaters and all NRIs love to see. NOW I ASK THESE PEOPLE: why are you adopting double standards? Now a BBC report is inconvenient because it militates against your idea of what happened in Mumbai? Even the Indian Government is aware of this reality. That is why it is not issuing statements in a hurry and that is why the kind of Islamophobia seen earlier after Bomb Blasts is not being seen now. A second report is more shocking--some news channels captured it but then it went off air: One Police officer who encountered the gunmen as they entered the Jewish Center (Nariman House) said the attackers were white. “I went into the building late last night” he said. “I got a shock because they were white. I was expecting them to look like us. They fired three shots. I fired 10 back”. The Nariman House affair brings the Mossad angle to the fore. Two of the `hostages’ killed in the Nariman House were identified as Rabbi Gabriel Holtzberg and his wife Rivka. They ran the center as spokespersons of the Chabad Lubavitch movement. Now the Chabad movement is one of the many sects within Israel and Judaism. But of late it has come under the Zionist influence. Now what is Zionism? A brief digression would suffice: Zionism is the political ideology of racist Jews, just like Hindutva is the political ideology of a section of `race conscious’ Hindus. Just as a majority of Sanatani Hindus have opposed


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BrassTacks Policy Papers Hindutva, a majority of Jews oppose Zionism and its fascist-anti-religious tone. In opposition to the teachings of Judaism, the orthodox Jew religion, Zionists want to dominate the world; they see the `Jewish race’ as the most important, almost divine, race in the world. Zionists are opposed to democracy and even the concept of nationhood. Zionists believe in creating murder and mayhem as a matter of policy. In America, Zionists have entered into an alliance with the American elites--the White-AngloSaxon Protestant (WASP) forces--which rule America. The reasons for this alliance lie in the way the Zionist agenda matches with that of the American corporate and WASP elite and is beyond the scope of this article. People who do not understand Zionism will never be able to understand what happened in Mumbai. Back to members of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement killed at Nariman House--people have asked how come the Rabbi and his wife were killed if Mossad is involved in the Mumbai terror attack? The answer to this is being forwarded by Jewish anti-Zionist websites. They also detail the sectarian history of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement: The attack on Mumbai spotlights the ultra-orthodox (haredi) Chabad-Lubavitch community and its international outreach network. When Chabad outreach (keruv) started in the 1950s, it seemed rather intellectually dishonest because the organization used nostalgia for a neverexistent Jewish past as a hook to enmesh secular or secularized Jews in ultra-orthodox (haredi) practice as hozrim bitshuvah (returnees, sometimes improperly called baalei tshuvah), but on the whole the activity was mostly harmless in contrast with current Chabad activities, which long ago crossed the border into dangerous territory. As the Lubavitcher organization has become larger and wealthier -- partially because mobilization for keruv has brought large contributions, members have shown a propensity for corruption. Yet, the Lubavitchers have worked closely with Jewish racists like Lawrence Summers and Alan Dershowitz in the ongoing attempt to control discourse on American campuses. The wealthy Russian Lubavitcher hozer bitshuvah Lev Leviev openly supports Zionist terrorism and settlement building in the Palestinan occupied territories. Possibly because of Leviev ChabadLubavitch has openly become involved in Putin’s struggles with Russian Jewish oligarchs. Still, there is an even more sinister aspect to the Lubavitcher organization. Because Lubavitcher outreach offices are located in some of the most important political, corporate and university centers throughout the world, the Lubavitchers have put together a network that is incomparable for corporate and international espionage as well as for the secret exchange of information. Because Chabad Houses could potentially act as safe houses, where there would be no record of a person’s stay. Most people do not take the Lubavitchers seriously, but I have visited Chabad houses and encountered senior Israeli government or military officials (and probably intelligence agents). One can easily imagine that Neocon intelligentsia trying to develop a relationship with Hindutva intelligentsia or politicians might have used the Chabad Nariman House as a


meeting place. Here a Jew is saying that he has visited Chabad houses and that he has seen covert operations going on and the involvement of senior Government and military officials of Israel. This Jew writer is also talking openly about a Neo-Con-Chabad-Hindutva tie-up! The Jew writer mentions the Mossad involvement in Chabad Houses: Because the Lubavitchers provide an unconditional welcome to all Jews in the hope of bringing them closer to the Lubavitcher way of life, the Lubavitchers have been open to potential subversion by Israeli intelligence organizations. Mossad and Shin Bet found it quite easy to penetrate the haredi community during the Yossele Affair. Jewish politics has often involved infiltration and subversion of one political group by another. The David Project Israel Advocacy organization has used its educational programs as a means to infiltrate more mainstream Jewish communal organizations with radical Islamophobes and Jabotinskian Zionists. To Zionize haredi groups that practice outreach, the Israeli government need only give encouragement to Zionistically indoctrinated Hebrew-speaking young people to participate in outreach programs, and in a few years the targeted haredi community is thoroughly enmeshed in Zionist thinking while Israeli intelligence organizations have a new crop of saya`nim in place ready to serve in Zionist covert operations. What is a sayanim? Go to the link and it states that “Sayanim (Hebrew: “helpers”) is a term used to describe Jews living outside Israel who volunteer to provide assistance to the Mossad.[1] This assistance includes facilitating medical care, money, logistics, and even overt intelligence gathering, yet sayanim are only paid for their expenses. No official number is known, but estimates put the number of sayanim in the thousands. The existence of this large body of volunteers is one reason why the Mossad operates with fewer case officers than fellow intelligence agencies” Now back to the link chabad-lubavitch-dangerous-game.html From which I was quoting the Jewish writer originally. He says that the Lubavitcher shluchim (outreach emissaries) Gavriel Noach and Rivka Holtzberg fit the `sayanim’ profile to a “T” -especially Rivkah. So the two people killed in Nariman House fit the Sayanim that is Jews outside Israel who volunteer to provide assistance to Mossad, profile! NOW WHAT OTHER PROOF DO YOU WANT? The Jewish writer of the afore-mentioned link himself asks the question: WOULD MOSSAD HAVE KILLED THE RABBI AND HIS WIFE IN NARIMAN HOUSE? AND HE PROVIDES THE ANSWER:


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BrassTacks Policy Papers Zionists have always used dead Jews to build sympathy for Zionist goals and as cover for Zionist crimes against humanity. Ben-Gurion explicitly stated that he would sacrifice German Jewish children for the sake of Zionism while the Zionist leadership probably learned the benefit of sacrificing Zionist operatives from the 1946 Kielce Pogrom. In this incident (Jewish) Soviet and Zionist agents probably worked together to make sure that surviving Polish Jews chose emigration to Palestine over a return to Poland. Because the Kielce Zionist recruiters were killed during the pogrom, the events leading up to the pogrom was rendered forever unobtainable. Some reports of the Mumbai attack indicate that the Holtzbergs rented space to the attack planners over the past few months and thereby helped make the operation far more effective. An opportunity to interrogate the Holtzbergs would have helped investigators immensely. Another piece of massive evidence: In a telephone interview with CBC News from outside the Center (Nariman House), freelance journalists Arun Asthana said that there are reports that some of the militants had stayed at a guest house there (Nariman House) for upto 15 days before the attack. “They had a huge mass of ammunition, arms and food there”, Asthana said. Now other reports have also confirmed that a huge mass of food was ordered by the residents of the Nariman House. This food was enough for 30-40 people for several days. Why was this amount of food ordered? Also why was Nariman House not assaulted till the very last? A Gujarati Hindu resident of Mumbai came onto TV on CNN-IBN to say at around 3.30 AM or so, that for two months suspicious activities were going in Nariman House. A lot of foreigners were seen coming in and going out. This matter was reported to the Police. But no one took action. The CNN-IBN did not repeat the news; then it was only when the common people of Mumbai threatened to storm the Nariman House the NSG commandos were moved in--why this delay in assaulting Nariman House when only two terrorists were holed in there? This is sheer official complicity and nothing else--AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE WHOLE NARIMAN HOUSE AFFAIR IS A MUST. Then it was reported that “somehow surprising to learn that the terrorists in Cama hospital in Mumbai were fluently speaking Marathi. The terrorists who are said to have fired in Cama hospital talked to an employee clad in civil dress in Marathi, reports a Marathi daily ‘Maharashtra Times’. The newspaper said the terrorists who targeted ATS chief Hemant Karkare, police commissioner Ashok Kamte and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar were speaking Marathi fluently. The newspaper claims the terrorists having fired at two watchmen in uniform asked the other beside them on gunpoint in Marathi, ‘You are here an employee?’ The employee caught the legs of the terrorist and said, ‘I am not working here. My wife has suffered from heart attack and I have come here to admit her.’ The terrorist asked him again in Marathi, ‘You are speaking


true or false?’ The employee answered, ‘No, by God I am speaking true.’ On this the terrorist let him go. NOW WHAT DO WE MAKE OF THAT? Another report says that traditional Jews of Mumbai who have migrated to Israel speak fluent Marathi and are known to have been recruited by Mossad! The death of Hemant Karkare remains a mystery. All official versions are contradictory: some say he was killed near CST, some that he died near Cama hospital, some near Metro cinema, and some that he was killed while in a Police jeep. Also, where did the bullet hit him? Some say on the neck and some near the heart. Karkare was shown on TV wearing a bullet proof vest--he could not have been shot in neck in that case, unless there was a sniper waiting for him. Also if he was shot near heart, then when did he take out his vest? No one has even bothered to answer this question. Also, another facet is coming to light: that Karkare was killed near Cama--but Kaamte and Salaskar in the Metro shootout! Intelligent people--what do you have to say now? It is becoming obvious that... 1. Several terrorists might have been white 2. Were they International mercenaries? If yes, then from which country? Who collected them? It is well known that Mossad and CIA have several mercenary organizations, including so-called Jihadi ones on their list. They create Jihad and manipulate Muslims disaffected by the Islamophobia in the world. Some of them might have been used in the Mumbai attack. But why were they carrying American, British, Mauritian and Malaysian passports? 3. Who were the Marathi speaking Karkare killers? The lane next to the Cama Hospital is a deserted one--it goes straight to the backyard of the Mumbai CID Headquarters. Anonymous sources in the Police have revealed that Karkare was taken there, by a joint team of anti-Karkare, pro-Hindutva Mumbai Police officers, and Chota Rajan men. Now Karkare was opposed to Chota Rajan. Salaskar was anti-Pradeep Sharma, another Mumbai senior Police officer now in jail, for working as Rajan’s shooter. So the Marathi speaking terrorists could either have been Jews with some connection to Mumbai--or hired killers of the Hindutva brigade or men of Chota Rajan. 4. It seems that several things went on simultaneously--the Mahrashtra Chief Minister Vilas Rao Deshmukh was in Kerala when the Mumbai attack began at 9.30 PM on 26th November. Then by 11PM Deshmukh had informed the Home Minister Shivraj Patil--the latter has started proceedings to send the NSG Commandos. So Deshmukh knew about what was happening by 11PM--then why was there no Mumbai Police on various locations between 9.30 and 1am, the time when Karkare arrived? The Mumbai ATS is a separate organization. it does not lead the Mumbai Police. So the 40,000 strong Mumbai Police was absent from the scene of action between 11pm to 1am and then Karkare arrived and he was killed along with his men! Isn’t there something fishy here? Obviously the Mumbai Police was kept deliberately away between 11pm and 1am, the time period when terrorists were killing people


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BrassTacks Policy Papers merrily. Then Karkare must have been told--and he went there expecting Mumbai police personals to be there--but there were none or only a few! And he was killed! *************************

The Attack on Mumbai “The Incident in Mumbai is a mercenary attack... Very well planned.” Maloy Krishna DHAR, former director of Intelligence Bureau to Tehelka. by Amaresh Misra, December 9 2008

Doubts and People Some people have raised doubts about the ‘theory’ I am circulating supposedly on the net. They have every right to question and doubt anyone and anything. After all doubt is the mother of all kinds of right thinking. I have received dead threats, hate mails–but more, I have received praises for courage and conviction. *************************** Another analysis by Amreish Misra appeared in 2010 after the involvement of a US based Pakistani Richard Headley was unearthed by the US authorities. It is interesting to note that unlike India which never allowed Pakistani investigators access to Ajmal Kassab, the US gave the Indian intelligence complete access to Richard Headly. This analysis also shed light on the state of Indian Intelligence Bureau (IB) in context of its role in promoting communal riots and hatred within Indian society. The Indian Intelligence Bureau (IB) intervened in the ATS’s investigations in 2008 when, under Karkare’s command, during a narco-analysis test Col Purohit confessed to having supplied the RDX used in Samjhauta Express blasts. It was the same IB that briefed the Indian PM that the Pakistani ISI had carried out these blasts. No inquiry was ever launched in order to probe as to why the IB wanted to derail Karkare’s investigations? One possible reason might be the unchallenged powers the IB enjoys along with the close links it has with the Indian PM’s office. Former Maharashtra police chief, S.M. Mushrif in his book “Who Killed Karkare?” also hinted at a “power establishment” running Delhi’s day to day business instead of the Indian PM or Congress.

Headley Saga: Mumbai attack was a joint IB-CIAMossad-RSS project By Amaresh Misra The Milli Gazette, 28 March 2010 With the row over India getting access to David Headley growing acrimonious each day, the CIA’s double agent saga seems all set to open up a can of incredible worms. First, the case unmasks the pro-US face of the Indian English media. When the Headley saga first came to light, Vir Sanghavi of the Hindustan Times carried an editorial piece claiming


that if ‘Headley is CIA, and knew about 26/11, the CIA knew about the attack.’ In other words, Sanghavi accepted the ‘conspiracy theory’–which in the eyes of the English media was ‘peddled’ by Aziz Burney and this author during the terrible aftermath of 26/11–that the event was a CIA/Mossad/RSS/ISI plot. In November-December 2008, Vir Sanghavi and his cohorts in the English media attacked both Aziz Burney and this author for spelling forth the ‘conspiracy theory’. Then after Headley’s name surfaced, they changed tune, without of course admitting their debt to Mr. Burney or this author. The fact of the matter is that in the 2009 Parliamentary elections, the English media was all set to project Lal Krishna Advani as India’s next Prime Minister. It was the feverish anti-RSS, antiMossad work done by Aziz Burney and this author that went a long way in ensuring the victory of Congress and secular forces. Now when the CIA hand behind 26/11 is slowly being unraveled, the English media is seeing red. It is again trying to portray Headley merely as a Lashkar operative, severing thus his links with the CIA. This highlights the second point, that basically Headley and the CIA cannot be de-linked. Thank God the government of India put into place the NIA, a new National Investigative Agency. The NIA was set up, as the IB and other Indian agencies, especially the IB, had not only gone anti-Muslim-they had gone anti-India. This was proved in the case of Azamgarh boys picked up in and around the Batla House encounter on various bomb blasts charges. Most of the boys were products not of madarsas, but modern schools. They were youngsters in their teens; they had made a mark for themselves in professional courses and were holding jobs in the new, professional sector of the economy. When Shri Digvijay Singh, the General Secretary AICC and the most secular leader of the India, went to Sanjarpur (under the banner of Anti-Communal Front) in Azamgarh to find out the facts for himself, he was shocked to find that Zeeshan, a boy from Azamgarh who on the fateful day of the Batala House encounter was giving his exams, had more than 50 cases slapped over him in more than three states–which meant that his parents could go on fighting cases for more than 100 years and yet Zeeshan would be in jail. There are dozens and hundreds of Zeeshans from Azamgarh and other districts of UP, Gujarat and Maharashtra languishing in various Indian jails on unsubstantiated charges. This in fact is India’s Guantanamo Bay story–that right here in the world’s largest democracy the Indian security services like the IB have secret detention and torture centers where innocent Muslim youths are tortured and put to death. The IB today has been infiltrated heavily by RSS, Mossad and CIA. In fact, this one agency is an anti-national agency—it is obstructing the work of NIA and secular Indians like Shri Digvijay Singh. Soon, in India’s interest, the IB will have to be closed down. All its communal officers will be hunted down and tried in a court of just law. The IB knew about Headley—this is proved by the fact that the SIM cards used by the


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BrassTacks Policy Papers ten 26/11 terrorists were purchased by an Intelligence Bureau (India) (IB) informer. Till date, the investigations into the 26/11 case, which the IB is handling, have been unable to state as to how the ten terrorists got hold of the SIM cards.

removed from his post in the wake of the attack on Mumbai (but who was restored after the 2009 assembly elections), made amazing statements ‘that those who take the name of Hindu organizations in the Pune blasts will be punished’!

The State IB chief of Maharashtra told a very senior Mumbai Police Officer just after 26/11 that he was ‘entirely in the dark about 26/11 investigations as Delhi (meaning the chief IB office) was handling it’. Basic information about 26/11 was not shared with secular Indian officers. The Headley lead would never have come to the fore had the NIA not stepped in.

How can a Home Minister make such a statement? Now we hear that Rakesh Maria, a notorious anti-Muslim officer, with pro-Israeli links, a man who has killed and tortured innocents, has been made the new ATS chief and Raguvanshi has been promoted! Secular organizations in Maharashtra were demanding that Raghuvanshi be removed and that an honest, secular officer be made the ATS chief so that Hemant Karkare’s seminal work in cracking the shell of Hindutva communalism could be promoted!.

IB training criminals [read here Charge-sheet against IB] Now comes the news that the IB has set-up training camps in Gorakhpur, where it trains criminals–and then uses them to kill Muslim under-trials. The name of Chota Rajan is used as a convenient scapegoat. It is in this manner that dozens of accused in the 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts, several other such accused in other cases, Muslim businessmen and men of influence have been eliminated on a systematic basis in Maharashtra. The latest in the long list of victims killed allegedly by IB is Shahid Azmi, the lawyer defending the accused of the 2006 Mumbai train blasts. Shahid had hit upon evidence which proved the innocence of the accused-and that is why he was bumped off, again by criminals with Nepal–Gorakhpur links! In fact, the state of Maharashtra holds the dubious distinction of almost institutionalizing the extra-judicial killing of Muslim youth and personalities. Headley was in India months and years before the 26/11 attack; he even surveyed Pune where a blast took place as late as February 2010. It beats one’s imagination as to how the IB did not know about Headley and his movements. There can only be two scenarios: that the IB is totally incompetent–or that the IB is heavily infiltrated by CIA and Mossad: the agency knew about 26/11 and did nothing to stop it.

But Rakesh Maria is even worse than Raghuvanshi. It seems that the NCP in Maharashtra has taken a clear anti-Congress, anti-national line. RR Patil, who is a third grade, uncouth, thoroughly communal, NCP leader should be removed from his post. The Maharashtra chief minister should act, because if the NIA gets access to Headley, the latter’s links with Hindutva organizations–and the whole RSS-Mossad-CIA-ISI-IB nexus–will be exposed. This nexus is working overtime to destabilize the Congress government and undo the commendable work done by the party under the secular leadership of Sonia Gandhi. Amaresh Misra is a famed historian and chief of the Anti-Communal Front of the All India Congress Committee (AICC) ***********************

This places the IB at par with Headley, as executioners of 26/11 and mass murderers. There can be no other honest conclusion. Headley holds the key to the fact that 26/11 was not just a mere Lashkar operation–that it was a joint Mossad-CIA operation, conducted with possible ISI and RSS help. If the charge-sheet against Raj Kumar Purohit and Sadhvi Pragya, accused in the Malegaon and other blasts, is read, it is clear that there was always some sort of collusion between the RSS and the ISI. The so-called nationalists, the Hindutva forces, took money to the tune of crores of rupees from the ISI! The IB knows about this transaction but is keeping quiet! The Headley saga has links to Abhinav Bharat and pro-Hindutva terror groups. The proHindutva terror groups are widely believed to be behind the Pune blasts where a combination of RDX and Ammonium Nitrate was used. Right after the visit of Shri Digvijay Singh to Maharashtra in February 2010, the state home secretary spoke of the possibility of the involvement of Hindutva groups in the Pune blasts. Other officers, including the ATS chief Raghuvanshi, purported to be an RSS/opportunist also spoke of this possibility. But then RR Patil, the Maharashtra Home Minister whose role during 26/11 was disastrous and who was



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Saffron Terrorism: From Convictions to Confession!

In August 2010, former Indian home minister Chidambaram warned the policy chiefs of the country against the threat of ‘Saffron Terrorism’. This warning was the first confession by such a high level Indian official about the existence of a homegrown Saffron Terror network on Indian soil.

Chidambaram warns against ‘saffron terror’ New Delhi, August 25, 2010

Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram on Wednesday cautioned the chiefs of State police forces, security and intelligence officials against continuing attempts to infiltrate militants into India as well as the recently uncovered phenomenon of “saffron terrorism”. “There is no letup in the attempts to radicalize young men and women in India. Besides, there is the recently uncovered phenomenon of saffron terrorism that has been implicated in many bomb blasts of the past. My advice to you is that we must remain ever vigilant and continue to build, at the Central and State levels, our capacity in counter-terrorism,” he told top police and security officers ece?css=print This startling revelation by Indian home minister sparked a lot of hue and cry in Indian media and political circles. Even a law suit was filed and admitted by the court over the remarks on former Indian Home minister about existing of Saffron Terror.

Defamation suit against P Chidambaram for ‘saffron terror’ remark Monday, Aug 30, 2010, 22:38 IST | Place: Ahmedabad | Agency: PTI

One Swami Nijanand Tirth has contended in his complaint that action should be taken against Chidambaram as he has hurt the sentiments of Hindu saints by using the term ‘saffron terrorism’. A defamation suit was filed today against Union home minister P Chidambaram for his ‘saffron terrorism’ remark. One Swami Nijanand Tirth of Patan district has filed the defamation complaint under IPC Sections 499 and 500 (defamation) in the court of metropolitan magistrate GC Gamit.

He said saffron color is symbol of Hindu religion and saints across the country wear attire of the same color. Tirth also said saffron was symbol of peace, sacrifice and God and those trying to demean it should be punished. The court has admitted Tirth’s complaint and would hear the case on September 6. But despite this litigation against him and his difference with the UPA government on the same issue, Mr. Chidambaram stood by his earlier remarks.

I’ve no patent on ‘saffron terror’: Chidambaram Last Updated: Wednesday, September 01, 2010, 20:57

New Delhi: Despite being ticked off by the Congress, Home Minister P Chidambaram on Wednesday stood by his “saffron terror” remark but clarified that party’s view is supreme and that it has no difference of opinion with the government. Answering to questions posed by the media during his monthly report presentation, Chidambaram pointed out that he is not the first one to use the phrase “saffron terror” as it has been used a number of times by others, including by some other ministers of the UPA government. “I cannot claim patent on the phrase,” Chidambaram quipped. “The message is that the right wing fundamentalists are suspected to be behind some bomb blasts. Saffron terror ensured that the message is not lost,” he pointed out. Playing down the perceived difference ….. The fog of doubts and confusion over this heated debate about involvement of Hindu rightwing political parties and organizations was cleared in 2011 when in a revealing development a confession by 2006 Malegaon bombing accused, Swami Aseemanand (also known as Naba Kumar) was surfaced. This confession led to a greater exposé of entire ring of India’s home grown terrorism but the most shocking aspect of this disclosure was the hidden links of Indian political elite, Hindutva ideology and elements of Indian military establishment including both retired and active service officers.

Tirth has contended in his complaint that action should be taken against Chidambaram as he has hurt the sentiments of Hindu saints by using the term ‘saffron terrorism’.




INDRESH KUMAR, a member of the RSS Central Committee. Three accused, Swami Aseemanand, Lokesh Sharma and Shivam Dhakad, and one witness, Bharat Riteshwar, have stated before the CBI that Indresh had mentored and financed the RSS pracharaks behind Malegaon, Samjhauta Express, Ajmer and Mecca Masjid terror strikes.

SWAMI ASEEMANAND, the head of the RSS-affiliated Van Vasi Kalyan Ashram, Shabri Dham in Dangs, Gujarat. He has confessed to playing the role of an ideologue to the terrorists. Besides presiding over terror meetings held in Dangs and Valsad in Gujarat, he also selected Malgeaon, Ajmer Sharif and Hyderabad as terror targets.

SUNIL JOSHI, a former RSS pracharak of Mhow district. He was expelled from the RSS after being accused in the murder of two Congress activists in Madhya Pradesh in 2006. Along with a few RSS pracharaks and Hindu radicals from Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Jammu and Jharkhand, he formed an inter-state terror infrastructure.

BHARAT RATESWAR ALIAS BHARATBHAI, the head of Sri Vivekananda Kendra Sansthan in Valsad district, Gujarat. As a close associate of Aseemanand, he participated in several terror meetings held at his residence and also at Shabri Dham ashram. He also travelled with Joshi to Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh providing logistics for the blasts.

YOGI ADITYANATH, BJP MP from Gorakhpur. He was contacted by Aseemanand to provide funds for terrorist activities. Joshi held a hush-hush meeting with him at his Gorakhpur residence in 2006, at the time when the conspiracy to carry out multiple blasts was underway. According to Aseemanand, he didn’t give much support. But he continues to be under suspicion.

DR ASHOK VARSHNAY, RSS prant pracharak of Kanpur. He sheltered key terror accused and RSS pracharak Devendra Gupta at Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram and Vishwa Mangal Gau Gram Yatra in Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh, while Gupta was on the run. Varshnay has told investigators that he had shielded Gupta at the behest of Indresh Kumar.

SANDEEP DANGE, a senior RSS pracharak from Shajapur district near Indore. Along with Joshi and Ramchandra Kalsangra, he was a key figure in the long running conspiracy to bomb Muslim places of worship and Muslim neigbourhoods. He is currently absconding.

RAM CHANDRA KALSANGRA ALIAS RAMJI, an RSS pracharak from Madhya Pradesh. He carried out terror strikes in different places between December 2002 and 29 September 2008 (when bombs went off simultaneously in Malegaon and Modasa). He has been absconding since October 2008.

SHIVAM DHAKHAD, an RSS activist and associate of accused Joshi and Ramji Kalsangra. Along with other RSS pracharaks, he allegedly took training in bomb-making in 2005. He also did the reconnaissance of Aligarh Muslim University and residence of Justice UC Banerjee (chairman of the Godhra commission) for terror strikes.

LT COL SHRIKANT PUROHIT, a founding member of terror outfit Abhinav Bharat. He was posted with the military intelligence unit at Nashik. He allegedly tried to draft in other army officers in his terror outfit. He is accused of supplying RDX for the 2008 Malegaon blasts.

DEVENDRA GUPTA, the RSS vibhag pracharak of Muzaffarnagar, Bihar. He provided logistics to Joshi, Kalsangra and Dange for terror strikes. He also harboured Kalsangra and Dange in RSS offices while they were on the run

LOKESH SHARMA, an RSS worker and close associate of Joshi, Dange and Kalsangra. He purchased the two Nokia handsets that were used to trigger the bombs at Mecca Masjid and Ajmer Sharif.

By Way of Deception

BrassTacks Policy Papers Swami Aseemanand’s confession reveals Hindutva terror activities The Hindu, Jan 8, 2011 By Vinay Kumar

Swami Aseemanand, a key figure in the Hindutva terror network, who was arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) from Haridwar in November, has admitted to having planned terror attacks on Ajmer Sharif, Mecca Masjid, Malegaon and the Samjhauta Express. In his confession, recorded under Section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code before Metropolitan Magistrate Deepak Dabas at Tis Hazari courts on December 18, the arrested Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leader confessed that he and other Hindu activists were involved in bombings at Muslim religious places because they wanted to answer every Islamist terror act with “a bomb for bomb’’ policy.

Addressing the AICC session on the final day of the chintan shivir here, Mr. Shinde said investigations revealed that the BJP and the RSS were conducting training camps to spread terrorism. “We have to take these facts seriously and remain alert.” ece After the Indian government established NIA as a new premier investigation agency, the role of Indian IB was reduced which allowed the secular minded officers to unearth more links between Saffron bands and Indian IB. According to reports coming from Indian media, for the first time, an Indian state government is planning to ban one of the Hindu militant outfits for its role in Saffron Terrorism and communal riots in Indian society. Chidambaram is not the only one who accepted the Saffron Terror as a real threat to India’s internal security. Current home minister Sushilkumar Shinde stated the facts more categorically exposing the links between India’s Hindu Brahmin elite and communal terrorist outfits like RSS

India’s Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde says BJP, RSS run terrorist camps Jitender Singh

Jaipur: Indian Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde on Sunday accused BJP and RSS of conducting ‘terror training’ camps to spread saffron terrorism in the country. “Reports have come during investigation that BJP and RSS conduct terror training camps to spread terrorism…Bombs were planted in Samjhauta express, Mecca Masjid and also a blast was carried out in Malegaon.  “We will have to think about it seriously and will have to remain alert,” Press Trust of India quoted him as saying at the AICC meeting ….

Shinde blasts BJP, RSS for “inciting Hindu terror”

Maharashtra government moves to ban Abhinav Bharat

Jaipur, January 20, 2013

Bharti Jain, TNN Feb 27, 2013, 12.02 AM IST

Taking on the BJP and its ideological mentor, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Union Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde on Sunday claimed that the two were promoting “Hindu terrorism” through their training camps. But the government was keeping a strict vigil on the terror activities of the two organisations, he said.


NEW DELHI: Maharashtra government has initiated proceedings to ban Abhinav Bharat, the radical Hindutva outfit accused of launching bomb attacks at Mecca Masjid, Malegaon, Samjhauta Express and Ajmer Sharif. Sources in the home ministry here told TOI that the Maharashtra government has referred


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BrassTacks Policy Papers the file — seeking to ban Abhinav Bharat — to the Centre for its views. The Centre has forwarded the file to the National Investigation Agency (NIA), which is looking into many cases of terror allegedly involving Abhinav Bharat, for its comments. State government will take the call on outlawing Abhinav Bharat — not to be confused with a prominent NGO that bears a similar moniker — under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) after getting inputs from the Centre.

2006 Malegaon blasts: National Investigation Agency files charge sheet against four arrested accused

RECENT REVELATIONS Indian Government Involvement in attacks on Indian Parliament and 26/11 Mumbai carnage On July 14th 2013, Times of India reported;

“A former home ministry officer has alleged that a member of the CBI-SIT team had accused incumbent governments of “orchestrating” the terror attack on Parliament and the 26/11 carnage in Mumbai.”

NDTV, May 22, 2013

Reported by Rashmi Rajput (With inputs from agencies), Edited by Amit Chaturvedi Mumbai: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has filed a charge sheet against four people who have been arrested in connection with the 2006 Malegaon blasts. The NIA has named Lokesh Sharma, Dhan Singh, Rajendra Chaudhary and Manohar Narwaria in its charge sheet. The multiple bomb explosions in Malegaon, a communally-sensitive town in Nashik district of Maharashtra, had occurred near a mosque on September 8, 2006, killing 37 people and injuring over 100 …. The NIA cracked the case with the arrest of six activists of the right-wing Hindu groups. Lokesh Sharma and Devender Gupta, former members of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), were the first to be arrested in the case. Two others, Sandeep V Dange and Ramchandra Kalsangra, are absconding. According to the investigators another key accused Sunil Joshi was gunned down by his associates in December2007 following some differences. Malegaon had seen another terror attack in 2008 allegedly by right-wing Hindu groups. Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur and former Lt Col Srikanth Purohit were arrested in connection with the incident. Recent revelations and confessions of Hindutva terrorists have weakened the Indian case over Mumbai as well. The RSS linked terrorists are exposing new dimensions of multiple terrorist attacks being carried out on the Indian soil by the Saffron brigade since the last 4 years. At present, the Saffron brigade is the most instrumental asset of the Indian government being used in her 4th generation warfare against Pakistan.


Similarly, on 17th July 2013, the Hindu published a detail report on the same matter. It confirms the Times of India and also shed light on ensuing panic in Indian government over these shocking revelations about high profile terrorism in India;

“In his letter, Mr. Mani, who signed affidavits on behalf of his Ministry in the Ishrat Jahan case, has complained about pressure being put on him by senior IPS officer Satish Verma


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BrassTacks Policy Papers to implicate the IB in the drafting of a key affidavit. He added that Mr. Verma also believed the attacks on Parliament in 2001 and Mumbai in 2008 were set up “with the objective of strengthening the counter terror legislation.” It further states that;

“The way the Pakistani media has blown up this news, it is just matter of days before the Pakistan government again denies any role of Pakistani elements in the 26/11 Mumbai carnage,” a senior Home Ministry official told The Hindu. “The IB-CBI tussle may hurt us badly,” he added. Though Home has yet to receive any letter or document from Mr. Mani, who has since shifted to another ministry, it may order a probe into the entire episode.”

India Times also cover the story of RVS Mani’s letter about Indian false flag terrorism to malign Pakistan on diplomatic and media fronts.

“NEW DELHI: In what is certain to escalate the already vicious fight between the CBI and the IB over the Ishrat Jahan "fake encounter case", a former home ministry officer has alleged that a member of the CBI-SIT team had accused incumbent governments of "orchestrating" the terror attack on Parliament and the 26/11 carnage in Mumbai.”

Daily Bhaskar in its main headline said;


“Indian govt ordered attacks on Parliament House and later 26/11 to strengthen anti-terror law”.


By Way of Deception

BrassTacks Policy Papers On 15th July 2013, Daily Nagaland Post also reported the story titled ‘Govt behind Parl attack, 26/11: Ishrat probe officer’. An excerpt is given below;

“R V S Mani, who as home ministry under-secretary signed the affidavits submitted in court in the alleged encounter case, has said that Satish Verma, until recently a part of the CBISIT probe team, told him that both the terror attacks were set up “with the objective of strengthening the counter-terror legislation (sic)”. Mani has said that Verma “...narrated that the 13.12. 2001(attack on Parliament) was followed by Pota (Prevention of Terrorist Activities Act) and 26/11 2008 (terrorists’ siege of Mumbai) was followed by amendment to the UAPA (Unlawful Activities Prevention Act).” TIzOA%3D%3D-mmzQCTb5C34%3D These shocking revelations, has shown the cracks in the entire Indian story about 26/11. Voices are being raised within India and abroad demanding Indian government to come clean on incidents like Parliament attack and 26/11.


Indian PM urged to come clean on Parliament, Mumbai attacks Kashmir Media Service

Birmingham, July 20 (KMS): The Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK leaders presented a memorandum to the Indian Assistant High Commissioner in Birmingham for the Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh, urging him to come clear on the recent revelation by a former officer of Indian Home Ministry that the government of India itself orchestrated the Parliament and Mumbai attacks to strengthen the counter-terror legislations. The Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK President, Mohammad Ghalib, Secretary General, Mufti Abdul Majeed, Raja Fahim Kayani, Mohammad Suleman, Hafiz Mohammad Idrees and Alama Bostan Qadri presented the memorandum to the Indian Assistant High Commissioner.


By Way of Deception

BrassTacks Policy Papers The memorandum said that Kashmiri youth, Muhammad Afzal Guru was illegally executed in the New Delhi’s Tihar jail in connection with the Parliament attack case and his body was also not handed over to his family for proper burial.

Why Saffron terror is an overwhelming threat to world peace?

It deplored that the Indian Supreme Court in its verdict had said: “The collective conscience of the society will be satisfied only if the death penalty was awarded to Afzal Guru.” It said, democrats and human rights activists had long argued that Afzal Guru was convicted of a crime he did not commit.

Relentless efforts are being made to secure Pakistani nuclear arsenal under the propaganda that “it can fall into the wrong hands”. The Pakistan army, government, nuclear command authority and every other noticeable public office has made it clear over and over again that no such threat exists for the Pakistani nuclear weapons but the media trial of the Pakistani strategic assets continues to date. Ironically what the international media turns a blind eye to; is how the saffron terror has penetrated into the files and ranks of the Indian military.

The memorandum maintained that many pleas were made on his behalf over the years since his conviction and sentence but were ignored by India. It demanded a thorough inquiry into the Parliament and Mumbai attacks in which at least two innocent individuals were executed and their families deprived of their loved ones. It also demanded the handing over of mortal remains of Muhammad Afzal Guru to his family. Pakistan also asked for a clarification from the Indian authorities on the statement of RVS Mani. This was a serious crisis for Indian establishment and government. Though a few days after these revelations, Mr. RVS Mani took his statement back saying that he was misquoted and never said that the Indian government was involved in terrorist attacks of 2001 and 2011. It is rather interesting fact that his new stance changes nothing because in all above mentioned statements, he was quoting another official who was part of the team probing into these incidents i.e. Mr. Satish Verma, who is not ready to talk to media on this matter. It is noteworthy that why Mr. Verma hasn’t denied what Mr. Mani attributed to him? So, it will be interesting to see if Indian government or judiciary would ever call him for questioning in this connection or will the matters be put under the rug once again and dance of the devil will continue?

During investigations, Col. Purohit was recorded on tape as saying, “We are all on the same plane – Hindu Rashtra (nation)”. He goes on to claim, “General J.J. Singh (Indian army chief until 2007) is with us”. This statement, even if remotely true, should have sent the alarm bells ringing across the globe. But it seems as if some powerful circles within the international establishment are impetuously determined to build a case against the Pakistani nuclear weapons while ignoring a much real and immediate threat of Indian nuclear weapons falling in the hands of the saffron terror network. The Saffron brigades’ access to the office of the Indian Army Chief ascertained that the long-term peace prospects in the region have been endangered immensely. Civilian governments, throughout its history have governed India while the armed forces have been sidelined in many issues including its nuclear arsenal, which are under the control of the civilian government more than the Indian army. Now, with top ranking Indian army officials having links with hardliner Hindu politicians, who are fanatics and running suicide training camps, it is feared that the Indian nuclear assets may slip into the hands of the Saffron brigade that has been ruthlessly massacring Christians, Muslims and Dalits in India. Since the last many years, the US has been trying to bring Pakistan and India to the negotiation table and reconcile the two archrivals in order to bring peace in the region in particular and the world in general. Since both India and Pakistan are nuclear powers and worsening of relations between them can trigger a deadly nuclear war which can not only affect the region but the entire world. According to the US defence secretary, Robert Gates, terrorist outfits on both the sides are a big hurdle in the way of normalization of relations between the two countries. But Mr. Gates failed to see what both countries were doing in this regard. Pakistan has banned all such groups, frozen their bank accounts and declared them terror outfits but the situation on the Indian side is alarming where the Hindu terror groups are roaming freely, enjoying power and sabotaging every peace effort initiated by Pakistan. It is Pakistan’s diplomatic failure as well as the skilful efficacy of the Indian propaganda team that even the US State Department was made to call the Samjhauta Express attack a joint operation of the LeT and HUJI. While the Pakistani embassy in Washington was issuing visas to mercenaries, without taking clearance from Pakistani intelligence agencies and bypassing the Interior Ministry. The Indians were launching a combined diplomatic offensive to turn the



By Way of Deception

BrassTacks Policy Papers heat against the Pakistani nuclear program using the possibility of terror groups (read Indian proxies, TTP/ LeJ) taking over the country’s nuclear arsenal.

Lesson Learned

Pakistan will have to fight the Saffron terror with full force on all axes - military, diplomatic, media and the political spheres. The Indian government and state institutions are already compromised to a great extent. No one knows how deep the rabbit hole goes. Even if Pakistan wants to avoid a high intensity military showdown, the war would be brought to the Pakistani State. In fact, Pakistan has already been dragged into a high intensity war within its own borders through a cunning manoeuvre of the Hindu State by exploiting the Afghan turmoil in order to wage multiple religious and secular insurgencies.

From the revelation of this report, it is prudent to draw some hardnosed lessons before any remedial measures can be suggested.

Now the only option left for Pakistan is to fight back, equally ruthlessly and fiercely on all available battlefronts to blunt the aggressive Indian offensive driven by the Saffron fascists. It is a question of existence, dignity and honour for the Pakistani State and Society and not a matter of choice.

Role of Pakistani media Media was never developed as a state ins titution to protect Pakistani interests on global transmission air waves. Media house licensing was done without contemplating its implications. Cross media licensing is discouraged across the world but in Pakistan this practice enabled certain media house with foreign funding and deep pockets to monopolize the common man’s view on various national and international matters related to Pakistan. It also helped foreign powers to further their agenda in Pakistan through print and electronic media through massive funding and manipulations of few large media houses who were given license for both types of media. Thus major private Pakistani media groups have now become a source of spreading confusion, despondency and anarchy in the society even engulfing differences between armed forces and common man via intentional disinformation it is propagating. Pakistani media never raised critical questions viz-a-viz Indian role in maligning Pakistan while debating on the issues pertaining to our image in international community. Recently it has been revealed how certain media houses (like Geo / Jang Group) are taking heavy funding from foreign governments in order to launch number of campaigns which are aimed to build certain narratives within Pakistani society regarding the critical national values and matters like Two Nation Theory, Ideology of Pakistan, Pakistan Armed forces, Pakistan-India relations etc. The job of such media houses has become easier as there are no strict regulatory measures emplaced to check these developments.

♦♦ India is a rouge nuclear state that has endangered global peace. On at least two occasions, India put the entire region on the brink of a nuclear conflict. Pakistan’s FO and media has also failed to warn the world about saffron terrorism influenced by a violent and aggressive Hidutva ideology according to which every non-Hindu from subcontinent must be removed in order to make it a pure Hindu state in the world. In this backdrop, it is essential that in our media debates and conducts intellectual discourses where India must remain an enemy state. At least till the issues like Kashmir and water are solved. ♦♦ India always exploits Pakistan’s disoriented foreign policy towards India. There is no policy cohesion among various national security institutes of Pakistan. This impedes the efforts to formulate a counter strategy on media and diplomatic fronts and launch an unequivocal and firm response to deter Indian propaganda. On diplomatic front, Pakistan will have to be a guardian of its own national interests. Until and unless these are defined clearly, the state would not be able to accomplish this critical task. ♦♦ Pakistan will have to fill the dangerous void in its response stratagem by addressing the grand strategic failure and loopholes. Absence of strict media control on critical issues pertaining to national security is among such loopholes. It is high time that the state addresses this issue by taking all the involved stakeholders in confidence. Checks on foreign funding of various private media houses must also be emplaced and this must be done on priority basis.

Among many others, it is also a grand strategic level failure of the state that today Pakistan has no media policy to forcefully present Pakistan’s narrative on terrorist incidents taking place in India and their root causes which are also within Indian state. Throughout history, Pakistani governments have failed miserably to implement its own media laws partly due to the vested interests of certain individuals. The channels and the media houses which implicated Pakistan in Mumbai attacks are still running without any inquiry on their role in damaging Pakistani interests. In any other country, such media outlet would have been dealt with firmly and would have been punished. Similarly, Pakistani media never raised any questions on the threats like Hindutva and Saffron Terrorism, the two threats which have been realized even by Indian politicians. On the diplomatic front, the gravity of Pakistan’s failure to present its narrative is more profound. Pakistan has been taking a defensive position on all the issue of terrorism particularly terror attacks which took place in India. This provides Indians with the opportunity to launch a massive propaganda and diplomatic offensive to exert their narratives which were later in almost all the cases proved wrong by their own officials



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BrassTacks Policy Papers

Pakistan initiatives like "Aman Ki Asha", must be banned completely.

Recommendations It must be recognized that the country is in a state of war – under attack on all axes – while the regime remains part of the problem and not the solution. Civil courts and media managing organizations have collapsed or have been compromised in this 4th GW by the hostile assets.

1. Information management and psychological warfare weapons must be treated as a strategic force by the national security managers and armed forces. It is absolutely critical and essential for national survival that now a Joint Information Warfare Command be created in JSHQ to launch a counter attack professionally and lethally in this ruthless war. The existing departments of ISPR and Information Ministry are too disoriented and worthless to be of any use - in fact they only give a false sense of security which is lethal in the present war situation. A professional and patriotic Information Warfare Command would set the priorities right, analyze the threats and develop the response.

7. All foreign stake holders, especially Indian stake holders in Pakistani media must be eliminated forcefully. The cross media ownership must be eliminated too. Media laws and regulations must be redefined as per the needs of national security. Foreign intervention and investments in Pakistani media is a sensitive security issue and must be dealt with accordingly. 8. Pakistan’s Islamic ideology, the Islamic image of its founding fathers and Two-Nation Theory must be jealously guarded and any criticism on the creation of Pakistan, its ideology and the Islamic ethos of its founding fathers must be declared a criminal offence. In many western countries even doubting or challenging the holocaust is a criminal offence. The same precedence can be taken to protect our ideological foundations. 9. Iqbal is the visionary and the man of destiny for this nation. His thought and ideas must be upheld and further transferred to the next generation using the most modern technology 10. Urdu language must also be, protected and promoted in media and in our educational institutes starting from basic level to the very advanced levels.. All schools where Urdu is not given strong priority and not treated with respect must be severely punished and reprimanded. Roman Urdu must be made a crime in advertisements and correspondence.

2. The most critical and positive element is that the creation of such a powerful and effective Command for Psy-Ops does not need huge financial or administrative infrastructure and overheads but only a team of fanatically patriotic, visionary and professional main stream and social media analysts and psychologists who would analyze the global threats to Pakistan and develop recommendations. They also need to facilitate the implementation and compliance of effective policies to govern the information streams and media directions through various national media outlets and organizations. One single Command centre HQ alone can fight this battle if it has the right authority, power and dedication to achieve the mission. 3. The known “media insurgents” and hostile psy-ops assets must be treated at par with the terrorists, traitors, insurgents and suicide bombers. Just as elimination of terrorists is being carried out in FATA, Swat and the rest of the country, in the same way arrests and military court trials of these fifth columnists must also be conducted. 4. Pakistan needs a strong media policy under the present national security environment and this must be ruthlessly implemented. The nonsense notion of “freedom of press” must be discarded at once and a firm ideological sense of direction must be given to the media, advertising agencies and the education institutions to support the armed forces in this war. 5. All Indian contents must be banned immediately from the Pakistani media, newspapers and advertisements. This Indian artillery has done more damage to Pakistani minds and souls than the insurgencies they have supported. If we do not curb the subversion and blackmailing of the hostile and fifth column media in this war of survival then the nation would have to pay a bloody price which could even be in the form of its freedom. 6. All anti-Pakistan organizations like SAFMA (which is active in spreading propaganda against Pakistani defence and ideology and advocates free borders with our arch enemy India) and all anti-



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