Buzz Marketing: Presented By: Wail ZAHIR

December 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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B UZZ MARKE T I NG Presented by : Wail ZAHIR


an: Pl I. Introduction: What is Buzz Marketing ? II. Buzz or ru rumors: What’s the diference ? III. Steps III. Steps of laun launchi ching ng a WOM WOM;; IV.. Vec IV ecto tors rs;; V. Buzz concept:  Buzz !fline  VI VI.. Co Conc nclu lusi sion on

 Buzz !nline


WBuzz ha ti sB z zMa ke t i n g? Marketing isu the "ractise !#r creating a talk •

ar!und a "r!duct$ser%ice$c!&"any !r brand' It is !ne !# the &!st "!(er#ul #!rces in the &arket"lace' W)M is &!re credible$ it reaches &!re "e!"le$#aster$ than ad%ertising !r e%en Intern Internet' et'


umor: what ’ st he Buzzorr di ffer enc e? •

Ru&!r: in!#r&ati!n (ith an unkn!(n !r hidden !rigin (hich "r!"agate largely (ith!ut being checked' Buzz: * Buzz:  *alking alking (ith!ut an inter&ediary$ inter&ediary$ !r ad%ertising'

A ru&!r is a +sub,ect- (hile buzz is a +&ean-'


St e psofl a unc hi nga WOM

Identi#y key "ers!ns t! in.uence !nes in their c!&&unities /al!rize th!se "ers!ns thr!ugh a "ers!nal e0"erience e0"erie nce (ith .atting their eg! in a &anner t! &ake the& i&"atient t! unleash the &essage 1nc!urage br!adcasting !# this e0"erience #eding the %ect!rs (ithe ne( in#!r&ati!ns 2 t!!ls (hich generate a buzz efect'


Ve c t or s

It c!uld be : A net(!rk: a gr!u" !# "ers!ns c!nnected !r &aintained' •

S o c i a l Ne t wo r k

P r o f e s s i o n a l Ne t wo r k

Vi r t u a l Ne t wo r k

F a mi l i a l Ne t wo r k


34 *h *he e 5un unat atic ic 6ri ring nge: e: 7alled Inn!%at!rs t!!$ th!se "ers!ns are : ))"en&inded8 )

Able t! acce"t ne( ideas'

94 Al"has:  *hey are are al(ays searching searching #!r n!%elty$ n!%elty$ they’re they’re attracted by risks'


4 B11;:  *hey are are the c!re c!re !# Buzz' Bees can talk ab!ut their e0"eriences$ disc!%eries disc!%eries and share the& (ith !thers' "ers!ns it has a sn!( ball efect less in#!r&ati!n #ade natural naturally ly'' =4 5aggards:  *hey are are hanging t! the traditi!nal traditi!nal things and they aren’t interested in n!%elty'


Buz zConc e pt 5ike any ad%ertising c!&"aing$ buzz c!&"aign 5ike has an idea #!rce: 6irstly$ this idea #!rce &ust res"!nd t! an unc!nsci!us !r e0"ressed need sec!ndly it has t! be attrati%e and !riginal t! cause attenti!n$ trigger a need' At this stage (e can talk ab!ut buzz !n and !fline' •


Offl i nebuz z •

It’s technics and %ari!us t!!ls as &ailing$ sa&"ling$ e%ent$ street and "artenering'  *hey key key ele&ent in the !fline buzz is the the c!ntact and the relati!n bet(een %ect!rs and "r!duct'

All the %ect!r has t! i s s"eaking is "r!duct$ the idea$ thed!$ ser%ice : that’sab!ut buzz'the


n l i n e b u z z O Als! called %iral &ark &arketing: eting: technics !# buzz %ia

internet (hich hel"s s"eading lastly ideas$ ne(s$ internet "r!ducts )nline buzz has t! (ays t! s"read an idea : 3' nl nleas eash h a #unny #unny !r ast!n ast!nish ishing ing &es &essag sage e (hich (hich circulate #astly' •

9' In% In%ite ite iinte ntern rnaut auts s by a h!!d h!!d t! t! %isit %isit a (ebs (ebsite ite (here they are asked t! subscribe t! be "art !# the c!&"aing'


Co n c l u s i o n Buzz (!rks as a &arketing t!!l because indi%iduals in s!cial settings are easier t! trust than !rganizati!ns that &ay be "ercei%ed t! ha%e %ested interests in "r!&!ting their "r!ducts and@!r ser%ices' Inter"ers!nal c!&&unicati!n has been sh!(n t! be &!re efecti%e in in.uencing c!nsu&ers’ "urchasing decisi!ns than ad%ertising al!ne and the t(! c!&bined ha%e the greatest "!(er'

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