Buti - Regs QB

July 22, 2016 | Author: topgun320 | Category: N/A
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Buti - Regs QB...


liVg. Cdc S. K. Buti [retd] 011 - 25291846, !VI -- 9711133034



L Threshold/ Displaced threshold lights are...­

A] Whi.te / Green


c1 Green/ White

2. Aeronautical iniormation of shorter nature is contained in Al~P bl..AIC c] Operations manual "\ \~


3. An a c accident is notified to OGCA a] If a c All Up Weight is more than 5700 Kgs . bJ If a c is carrying passengers. . ~Il a c accidents must be reported to DGCA.

dl Only if a c accident occurs in the air.

4. Aircraft intending to fly in formation a] Can fly onl}' under IFR Hight plan bJ Can fly only after OCCA permission ~~an fly with prior arrangement with ATC.

dl Can fly only in uncontrolleo airspace .

5. Two red balls hoisted on a mast near the signal area means a] Aerodrome is closed due to bad weather.. b] Aerodrome closed due to extreme danger. c] All a c to land and return to Apron. .~lider flying is in progress.

6. A red flag hoisted on ATC building of uncontrolled aerodrome means a] Aerodrome under enemy attack, all aircraft are to divert. bj AJI a c to land immediately due to bad weather. $g"Iider flying in progress over aerodrome 7. An a c ()J1 which Navigation Lights have not been fitted. ~tCan not fly at nightb] Cannot fly at all

cl Cannol fly without DGCApermission. 3. When two a c are on converging or crossing tracks and there is a risk of collision

aJ A small a c like Chipmunk or Cessna will give way to bigger a c. like Boeing. ,blPo1Nered a c will give way to Gliders. ~clIf both a c are powered, the a c which has other a c on its right gives way to that a c.. ~oth 'b' & 'c' are correct. J I.

A horizontal white dum.bbell displayed in signal area means a1 Aerodrome closed permanently ~ . ~ll a~ to land, takeoff on runway and taxi on taxi-tracks only. cJ Aircraft to land on runway but may taxi on grass.

O. A horizontal white dumbbell with black bars marked perpendicular to shaft on circular portion of umbbell means that . . y;tS\ircraft to land on runway only but may use areas olher than runway or taxi track for other manoeuvres e.g. taxiing etc. b] Aircraft m.ay land on rumvay or taxi track. cj Runway is closed for repairs fg Cdr, S. K. Bu ti [ Retd J rnob -97 jj 133034, 25291846




Wg. Cdr. S. K. Buti [retd] 011- 25291846, M -- 9711133034 11.

Ahorizontal red square panel with-YBefore take dff or immediately after take off as per [ocal procedures

c1 Only after takeoff at 1000 feet agl

186]. T M A is

a] Terminal Maintenance Area where a c are parked for routine maintenance

...ltTerminal Control Area at .the confluence of A TS routes in the vicinity of one or more major aerodromes c1 Area control from ground level to a specified height 187]. A Public transport ac flying more than 20 nm a way from coast will carry .PfLife jackets for every person on board

b] Life jackets for only aircrew

c1 Sufficient number of life jackets provided total.A U W of the a c is not exceeded

188]:Unless authorized flights are not permitted within --- NMs of International Border.

A] 15 Krns )*'15 NMs c] 10 NMs

189]. Route Navigation and transit charges for a c over-flying are levied on the basis of

. a1 Flight time J)}~Max All Up Weight of a c. c] Number of passengers




190]. Which of the following in respect of renewal of an alrcrew license are correct , a1 A license expired for a period of2 years but not exceeding 3years can be renewed by passing tests of skill and Air Regulations test bl A license expired for more than 3 years can be renewed by passing all tests prescribed for the license c1 A license expired for more than4 years can not be renewed ~th a & b above are correct 1911. I CAO annex dealing with Personailicensing is

AJ Annex 10 bl Annex 2 Annex 1


192]. Transition altitude is calculated by . ~dding 1000 feet to highest obstacle within 25 Nms or 1500feet above aerodrome elevation or 4,000 feet whichever is greater. b1Adding 1500 feet to highest obstacle in control zone c] Adding 1000 feet to Highest obstacle within 25 Nm of aerodrome. 1931 . Mathura Refinery is ---a} Danger Area

bI Restricted Area

. 1941 Met Minima's are approved by alOperator 6GCA Wg Cdr, S. K. Buti [RetdJ mob -9711133034, 25291846

prProhibited Area clAM

Wg. Cdr. S. K. Buti [retd] 011 - 25291846, M -- 9711133034

i 95] . Medical exa~Jnation of a 28yrs old ATPL holder is held every ------ months

A] 12


c] 24


196 A CPL holder can fly as pic of an ac with AUW upto and below

A] 1500 kgs only ".>rs700 kgs ' c] No restriction

197. Cabin crew are carried in ac on the basis of.

A] VIPs on board .JW'Aircraft seating capacity. C] Passengers on board

198. Navigator is carried on a
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