Bustamante vs. Rosel
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Bustmante vs. Rosel
November 29, 1999 1999 | Pardo, J. | Obligatory force between parties; What may not be stiplated PETITIONER: Natalia Bustamante RESPONDENT: Sps. Rodito F. Rosel and Norma Rosel Natalia !stamante !stamante and her hsband hsband "already "already deceased# deceased# entered entered into a loan agreement agreement with the $ps% &osel% &osel% 'ccording 'ccording to their their SUMMAR: Natalia agreement, shold Natalia fail to pay the loan, the sposes will have the option to by the land owned by Natalia, which was designated as collateral% collateral% When the loan was abot to matre, the sposes told Natalia that they wold li(e to by the lot instead% Natalia refsed, and the sposes refsed to accept her payment for the loan% &)* rled in favor of Natalia% *' rled in favor of the sposes% $* initially rled in favor of the sposes, citing that contracts have the force of law between contracting parties% +n Natalias -&, however, the $* fond that the stiplation providing for an option to b y is void for being a pactm commissorim, which is proscribed by law nder 'rticle 2.//, in relation to 'rticle 10.% DO!TRINE: )he general rle is contracts have the force of law between contracting parties, and that parties are free to establish stiplations, clases, terms, and conditions as they may deem convenient% One of the eceptions is when the stiplation is contrary to law, which in this case, was a pactum commissorium. 'ccording 'ccording to 'rticle 'rticle 2.//, 3)he creditor cannot appropriate appropriate the things things given by way of pledge pledge or motgage, motgage, or dispose of them% 'ny stiplation to the contrary is nll and void%4
FA!TS: 1% Norm Normaa &ose &osell ente entere red d into into a loan loan agreem agreemen entt with with Natal Natalia ia !stamante and her late hsband, +smael *% !stamante% )he foll follow owin ing g are are the the term termss and and cond condit itio ions ns of the the loan loan agreement5 a% Nata Natali liaa will will borrow borrow the the sm of P1.., P1..,.. ... . from the the $ps% &osel% )his will be given in a period of 2 years, conted from Mar"# $% $&'(, with an interest of 1/6 per annm% b% Natalia, as registered owner of a parcel of land, will se 7. s8are meters as collateral for payment of the debt% c% +n the event event that that Natal Natalia ia fails fails to pay pay, the spos sposes es &osel will have the option to by or prchase the collat collatera erall for a total total consid considera eratio tion n of P2..,. P2..,..., .., inclsive of the borrowed amont and interest therein% 2% When When the the loa loan n was was abo abott to mat matr ree on Mar"# $% $&'&% the spo spose sess &ose &osell prop propos osed ed to by by at the the pre prese sett pric pricee of P2..,..., the 7. s8% m% parcel of land sed as collateral% 0% Natalia Natalia refse refsed d to sell sell and re8es re8ested ted for for an etens etension ion of time to pay the loan% loan% $he also offer offered ed to sell sell to respon responden dents ts another residential lot located at &oad 2., Pro:ect /, e% On Mar"# Mar"# $% $&'&% Natalia tendered payment of the loan to the sposes, bt the latter refsed to accept it, and insisted that Natalia sign a prepared deed of absolte sale of the collateral% % On ?ebr ?ebra ary ry 2/, 199. 199.,, the spos sposes es file filed d with with the &)* &)* of e0 P1>0,. ,... .. with with the the *ity *ity )reas )reasre rer% r% )he )he spose sposess also also consig consigned ned the amon amontt of P=7,>..% "!ecase they really, really wanted to by the land designated as collateralA# /% &)* &)* rle rled d in in favo favorr of of Nata Natalia lia%% 9% *' reversed reversed and set set aside aside the &)* &)* rling rling,, re8iring re8iring Natali Nataliaa to eecte a deed of sale in favor of the sposes and to
accept the amont consigned by the sposes% 1.% )he $* already already had a decision, denying denying Natalias Natalias petition petition on the grond that there was no reversible error on the part of the *' in ordering the eection of the necessary deed of sale in conformity with the stiplated agreement% +t arged that the "ontra"t is t#e la) *et)een t#e parties. 11% 11% Natalia Natalia filed filed a motion for reconsid reconsiderati eration% on% ISSUE+S: 1% WBN Natal Natalia ia failed failed to to loan loan at its its matri matrity ty date date NO NO 2% WBN WBN the the stip stipl lat atio ion n in the the loan loan cont contra ract ct was was vali valid d and and enforceable NO RU,IN-: ?ormer rling set aside, -& C&'N)DE% RATIO: 1% )he sale sale of the colla collateral teral was an an obligati obligation on with with a sspens sspensive ive condition% +t was dependent pon the happening of an event F Natalias Natalias failre to pay the loan% $ince Natalia had the capacity to pay, tendered and even consigned the amont, the sposes did not have the right to demand flfillment of the petitioners obligation to deliver the collateral% )he *ort also too( note of the fact that the consideration of P2..,... was was inad inade8 e8a ate te for for a 7. s8%m s8%m%% prop proper erty ty loca locate ted d at *ongressional 've%, *% 2% While While it is tre tre that that a contrac contractt has the forc forcee of law betw between een the contracting parties and mst be complied with in good faith, faith, there there are certain eceptions eceptions as provided provided in 'rticl 'rticlee 10.5 those that are contrary to law, morals, good cstoms, pblic order, order, or pblic policy% 0% )he )he cor cortt fon fond d that that the stip stipla lati tion on in the the cont contra ract ct "$DD "$DD GNED GNED&H &H+N +NDE DE P'&) I1 O? ?'*)$# *)$# was was a pa"tum "ommissorium, whic which h is prosc proscri ribe bed d by law ARTI!,E /0''1. )he )he foll follow owin ing g are are the the elem elemen ents ts of a pact pactm m commissorim5 a# )her )heree sho shold ld be a prop proper erty ty mortg mortgag aged ed by way way of secrity for the payment of the principal obligation% b# )here shold be a stiplation for atomatic appropriation by the creditor of the thing mortgaged in case of nonpayment of the principal obligation within the stiplated period% =% )he stiplation was declared void, and Natalia is nder no obligation to give the land designated as collateral becase she was able to pay the debt%
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