Business News Digital Health Advanced Worksheet 731523
August 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Business News Digital Health Advanced Worksheet 731523...
KPROF@RR F@TR H@RRGFR Codotmh cgbtgrs mr` dgofd dhgkmh =
Tmri`r m.
Bgipmfo`s emv` k``f usofd t`befghgdy tg oiprgv` bustgi`r s`rvob`s mfc teos ofbhuc`s usofd codotmh tgghs temt bmf bgiiufobmt` wote bustgi`rs of phmb` gj m euimf r`pr`s`ftmtov`. Emv` ygu `v`r us`c m s`rvob` hol` teos7 Temt wms te` `xp`ro`fb` hol`7 Temt mr` te` imof ossu`s wote mutgimt`c MO r`spgfc`rs7
L`y wgrcs m.
Johh te` s`ft`fb`s wote wgrcs mfc perms`s jrgi te` t`xt. Se` pmrmdrmpe fuik`rs mr` dov`f tg e`hp ygu. =.
Se` us` gj bgiput`r t`befghgdy tg iml` bgiput`rs mfc gte`r imbeof`s teofl mfc cg teofds
gf te`or gwf (=) Sergude te` us` gj
, te` jmst jggc r`stmurmft ems
k``f mkh` tg c`v`hgp m juhhy mutgimt`c smh`s s`rvob`, mfc bustgi`rs oft`rmbt wote m codotmh r`pr`s`ftmtov` gf m sbr``f. sbr``f. ;.
Se` s`rvob`s temt hggl mjt`r p`gph`‟s e`mhte (;) Se` bguftry ems mf mcvmfb`c s`rvob` wote eode qumhoty bhofobs mfc egspotmhs hgbmt`c of `v`ry r`dogf. r`dogf.
Qo`b`s gj sgjtwmr` temt mr` c`sodf`c tg cg m pmrtobuhmr ngk, `sp`bomhhy gf` temt p`gph` us` gf m igkoh` c`vob` (3) Se` kusof`ss emc k`duf igvofd mwmy jrgi pmp`r pukhobmtogfs mfc c`v`hgpofd igr`
, mhhgwofd te`or bustgi`rs tg oft`rmbt wote te` bgft`ft mfc
bgiiufobmt` bgiiufobm t` wote te` wrot`rs. wrot`rs. 3.
Se` bgipmfy‟s imof gjb`s mr` kms`c te`r` (3) Se` dhgkmh domft stohh gp`rmt`s jrgi ots rst gjb`s of Rmf Co`dg, kut ot ems k``f
c ` b f m v c M
of F`w _grl sofb` ;115 .
Sg dg strmodet jrgi m ngk tg gr pgsotogf temt wms hgw`r of stmtus temf sgi`gf`‟s tg gf` temt os eode`r temf te`ors (0) Semfls tg m bgikofmtogf gj c`t`riofmtogf mfc hubl, se` wms mkh` tg jrgi m drmcumt` pgsotogf tg s`fogr imfmd`i`ft .
Bemfdofd te` bgrpgrmt` oimd` gj m bgipmfy sg temt bgfsui`rs r`bgdfos` m f`w oc`ftoty gr imngr bemfd` (:) Se`y egp` temt
mfc ofv`sotofd of eodehy-slohh`c eodehy-slohh`c stmjj wohh
`fmkh` te`i tg wof kmbl te`or bustgi`rs. bustgi`rs. Qukhose`c ky Imbiohhmf @cubmtogf Htc. © Imbiohhmf @cubmtogf Hoiot`c, ;1;=.
• H @ C K @ M C Q O H G M S @ G O F T @ K R G B G C S T @ E G K G I • Q B M F J [
M bgiput`r prgdrmi c`sodf`c tg soiuhmt` bgfv`rsmtogf wote euimf us`rs, `sp`bomhhy gv`r te` oft`rf`t (4) E` emc k``f tryofd tg bgftmbt te` bgipmfy mhh cmy, kut te`y emcf‟t suppho`c m t`h`pegf` fuik`r jgr bustgi`r s`rvob` gf te`or w`ksot`, mfc te` wms ufe`hpjuh mfc hmbl`c oftuotogf. oftuotogf.
Se` prgb`ss gj c`bocofd weobe p`gph` of m egspotmh c`pmrti`ft seguhc d`t i`cobmh tr`mti`ft rst, mbbgrcofd tg egw s`rogus te`or bgfcotogf os (4) Se` e`mhte r`duhmtgr qu`stogf`c te` egspotmh‟s oft`droty, stmtofd temt ot seguhc k` gjj`rofd m jmor
s`rvob` rmte`r temf
progrotosofd pmto`fts kms`c kms`c gf te` bgst bgst gj tr`mti`ft m mfc fc m c`sor` jgr prgt . ?.
Kmsob, fgt c`tmoh`c gr c`v`hgp`c (5) Eos `mrhy c`sodfs mr` of`xpr`ssov` mfc , prgvofd temt eos `iphgyi`ft mt te` jmseogf egus` `xpgs`c eoi tg kghc`r po`b`s mfc wms te` bmtmhyst jgr igr` `hmkgrmt` c`sodfs. c`sodfs .
=1. Qo`b`s gj pmp`r temt m cgbtgr dov`s ygu temt smys wemt typ`s gj i`cobof` ygu f``c (==) Qmto`fts bmf i``t wote te` cgbtgr gfhof`, r`b`ov` m comdfgsos mfc te`f mrrmfd` tg pobl up te`or mt te` bhgs`st pemrimby . ==. [`cubtogfs of te` bgst gj imlofd mfc s`hhofd prgcubts temt mr` imc` pgssokh` k`bmus` m kusof`ss os v`ry hmrd` (=2) Se`y emc k``f r`mpofd te` k`f`ts gj te`or
usofd te`
prgts tg kggst kggst kusof`ss drgwte drgwte jurte`r mfc mhhgw te` bgrpgrmtogf bgrpgrmtogf tg gp`f gjb`s gjb`s of te` Jmr Jmr @mst . =;. Se` sbo`ftob stucy gj ofj`btogus cos`ms`s mfc te`or bmus`s (=0) C`spot` te` r`bruoti`ft gj te` wgrhc‟s `xp`rts of
te`r` mr` stohh imngr eurch`s tg mccr`ss of te`
gw gj i`cobmh suppho`s mfc c`hmys mhgfd imngr trmc` rgut`s temt bguhc cosrupt te` prgcubtogf gj vmbbof`s. vmbbof`s.
c ` b f m v c M
Qukhose`c ky Imbiohhmf @cubmtogf Htc. © Imbiohhmf @cubmtogf Hoiot`c, ;1;=.
• H @ C K M C @ Q O H G M S @ G O F T @ K R G B G C S T @ E G K G I • Q B M F J [
[wmfcm v`ftur` t`sts codotmh e`mhte pgt`ftomh of c`v`hgpofd wgrhc
= Te`f Kmkyhgf, m PL-kms`c codotmh e`mhte drgup, k`dmf gp`rmtogfs of [wmfcm of ;1=:, te`r` wms mhr`mcy strgfd oft`r`st of te` us` gj mrtobomh oft`hhod`fb` tg oiprgv` te` bguftry‟s i`cobmh syst`i. ; Kmkyhgf‟s t`h`i`cobof` s`rvob` ems sofb` r`dost`r`c ;i us`rs mbrgss te` Mjrobmf fmtogf mfc emfch`s 2,011 cmohy bgfsuhtmtogfs. Kut ots prgdr`ss eodehodets te` bgfstrmofts mfc c`kmt`s mrgufc f`w t`befghgdy `v`f ms iuhtoph` prgvoc`rs `xpmfc te` us` gj codotmh e`mhtebmr` mrgufc te` wgrhc. 2 Teoh` codotmh tgghs bmf pgt`ftomhhy suppgrt igr` p`gph` mjjgrcmkhy mfc `jbo`fthy of str`tbe`c e`mhtebmr` syst`is, brotobs emv` rmos`c bgfb`rfs mkgut uf`qumh mbb`ss mfc smy temt bhmois mkgut codotmh tgghs sube ms MO bmf k` gv`reyp`c gv`reyp`c mfc mfc ufprgv`f ufprgv`f.. 3 Iohhogfs gj pmto`fts of ofcustromhos`c fmtogfs mhr`mcy us` gfhof` i`cobmh s`rvob`s mfc mpps, mfc bgipmfo`s mr` hgglofd jurte`r m`hc jgr drgwte. Kmkyhgf os sbmhofd up ots gp`rmtogfs of Mjrobm, Msom mfc Hmtof Mi`robm, weoh` rovmh Mcm E`mhte, e`mcqumrt`r`c of D`rimfy, D`rimfy, os `xpmfcofd of Smfzmfom. 0 ‘Se`s` bguftro`s emv` mf gppgrtufoty tg h`mpjrgd mfc fgt iml` te` smi` iostml`s gj gur \e`mhteY syst`is br`mt`c gv`r m bguph` gj b`fturo`s,’ smys Mho Qmrsm, Kmkyhgf‟s jgufc`r, jgufc`r, r`j`rrofd tg te` mkohoty tg tmrd`t pr`v`ftogf rmte`r temf bgsthy tr`mti`fts. ‘Se`y bmf jgbus gf l``pofd te`or p`gph` e`mhtey, e`mhtey, rmte`r temf ofv`stofd of soblf`ss.’
c ` b f m v c M
: Jrgi eos PL kms`, we`r` Kmkyhgf ems bgftrmbt`c wote te` FER, Ir Qmrsm mdr``c tg hmufbe of [wmfcm – r`krmfcofd ufc`r te` fmi` gj ‘Kmkyh’ – mjt`r i``tofd wote Qmuh Lmdmi`, te` bguftry‟s pr`soc`ft. Semt h`c tg m =1-y`mr bgftrmbt wote te` dgv`rfi`ft mfc te` hgbmh e`mhte ofsurmfb` syst`i. ‘Ot emc m simhh pgpuhmtogf \=;.0iY mfc mf `x`butov` temt wgrls,’ e` smys. ‘T` w`r` poblofd up sgi`teofd w` bguhc emfch`.’ 4 Mt te` stmrt gj ;1=5, Kmkyh mffgufb`c mffgufb`c ‘te` rst `v`r juhhy codotmh e`mhtebmr` s`rvob` of `mst Mjrobm usofd mrtobomh oft`hhod`fb`’. Se` s`rvob` wguhc ofbhuc` m
bemtkgt ‘tg tml` te` pgw`r gj m cgbtgr‟s krmof mfc put ot gf m igkoh` pegf` jgr i`cobmh mcvob` mfc tromd`’. 5 Of r`mhoty, te` syst`i r`imofs m igr` rucoi`ftmry jgri gj t`h`i`cobof`, wote phmfs tg t`st MO gv`r te` bgiofd igftes. ? Se` `jj`btov`f`ss gj Kmkyhgf‟s syst`i of te` PL ems r`b`ov`c iox`c r`vo`ws. M r`b`ft stucy ky r`s`mrbe`rs mt Q`ffsyhvmfom Rtmt` Pfov`rsoty bgfbhuc`c temt gfhof` syiptgi be`bl`rs ‘hmbl te` jufbtogfs tg suppgrt te` wegh` comdfgstob prgb`ss gj mf gjof` i`cobmh vosot’, wote gjt`f hoiot`c ho iot`c sbgp` mfc jgbus gf pmrtobuhmr cos`ms`s. Pfov`rsoty gj Re`j`hc of te` =1 Mbmc`iobs mt te` Pfov`rsoty PL wrgt` of m r`vo`w gj codotmh syiptgi be`bl`rs dhgkmhhy temt te`y mr` us`c proimrohy ky ygufd`r, igr` `cubmt`c p`gph` mfc te`r` os hotth` `voc`fb` gj egw jmr i`cobmh mcvob` os tml`f up. == Reovgf Kymiulmim, Kmkyh‟s beo`j `x`butov`, smys j`w p`gph` of [wmfcm gwf simrtpegf`s (te` s`rvob` os mhsg c`sodf`c jgr kmsob igkoh` pegf`s, usofd t`xt i`ssmd`s mfc vgob` bmhhs). Ofst`mc gj usofd kgts tg comdfgs` syiptgis, igst p`gph` t`xt m r`qu`st jgr t`h`pegf` mppgofti`fts. Furs`s bmhh kmbl mfc trmfsj`r te`i, pmto`fts tg cgbtgrs jgr bgfsuhtmtogfs. Te`f f`b`ssmry f`b`ssmry, r`b`ov` m bgc` jgr jghhgw-up pr`sbroptogfs gr hmkgrmtgry t`sts. =; ‘T` tml` gut p`gph` jrgi te` syst`i temt codotmh e`mhte bmf emfch`,’ smys Is Kymiulmim. Se` k`f`ts ofbhuc` swojt`r mfc `mso`r mbb`ss tg cgbtgrs, `v`f of r`igt` mr`ms, r`cub`c toi` wmotofd of bhofobs mfc dr`mt`r provmby. Cmhk`rd, m =2 Mf `vmhumtogf gj Kmkyh of ;1=5 ky Cmhk`rd, bgfsuhtmfby,, bgfbhuc`c ot emc sbgp` tg but bgsts, bgfsuhtmfby ofbhucofd tergude te` c`v`hgpi`ft gj igr` `jbo`ft `h`btrgfob e`mhte r`bgrcs. Jgr fgw, smys Is Kymiulmim, te` bgipmfy jmb`s `xtrm bgsts ms ot s``ls tg dmof `bgfgio`s gj sbmh` jrgi ots dhgkmh syst`is, ofbhucofd m r`quor`i`ft tg stgr` mhh ots cmtm gf m hgbmh bhguc s`rv`r egst`c of [wmfcm.
Qukhose`c ky Imbiohhmf @cubmtogf Htc. © Imbiohhmf @cubmtogf Hoiot`c, ;1;=.
Bgftofu`c gf f`xt pmd`
• H @ C K M C @ Q O H G M S @ G O F R T @ K G B G C S @ T E G K G I • Q B M F J [
=3 Cmhk`rd wmrf`c gj m ‘shodethy ofbr`ms`c rosl gj jrmuc tergude jmhs` oip`rsgfmtogf’ ky bmhh`rs usofd Kmkyh, bgipmr`c wote jmb`-tg-jmb` bgfsuhtmtogfs. Ot mhsg eodehodet`c te` f``c tg mcnust syiptgi-be`b syiptgi-be`blofd lofd mhdgroteis tg ‘hgbmh e`mhte mfc cos`ms` pmtt`rfs mfc tg hmfdumd` mfc bgiiufobmtogf prmbtob`s’.
=4 Iube gj te` mfmhysos of te` `hc os jufc`c ky te` bgipmfo`s te`is`hv`s mfc fgt pukhose`c of p``r-r`vo`w`c ngurfmhs. Ot os hoiot`c of sbgp`, wote todet r`strobtogfs gf te` i`cobmh bgfcotogfs `xmiof`c, mfc gjt`f prgvoc`s fg bgipmrosgf wote rovmh prgcubts gr te` fmh gutbgi`s jgr pmto`fts.
Mzmczgy, dhgkmh e`mhte ofotomtov`s h`mc jgr Kmkyh‟s =0 Eohm Mzmczgy, bgip`totgr Mcm, smys us` gj hgbmh e`mhte ofjgrimtogf mfc hmfdumd`s os brotobmh jgr mhdgrotei mbburmby. ‘Hgbmh `poc`ioghgdy os bgr`. _gu f``c r`dogf-sp`bob ofboc`fb` mfc pr`vmh`fb` jgr mf gptoios`c cos`ms` igc`h,’ se` smys.
=5 Emiose Jrms`r, m r`s`mrbe`r mt Krgwf Pfov`rsoty‟s B`ft`r jgr Kogi`cobmh Ofjgrimtobs of te` PR, r`b`fthy bg-mutegr`c mf mss`ssi`ft, kmbl`c ky Mcm, gj cojj`r`ft syiptgi be`bl`rs. be`bl`rs. E` smys te`r` os m f``c jgr igr` syst`imtob ofc`p`fc`ft `vmhumtogfs mfc bh`mr`r r`quor`i`fts ky i`cobmh r`duhmtgrs jgr cmtm.
=: Kmkyhgf‟s Ir Qmrsm, weg smys Kmkyh coc fgt ofotomhhy bgipoh` sube [wmfcm-sp`bob cmtm jgr ots syst`i, bmutogfs> ‘Q`gph` mr` eypofd MO gjt`f k`bmus` te`y wmft tg d`t fmfb`. Se` r`mhoty os w` mr` of cmy gf`. Ot‟s r`mhhy of `mrhy ofjmfby. ofjmfby. MO wohh utt`rhy gutp`rjgri
=? ‘Ot‟s m kot brmzy fg gf` ems jufc`c m hmrd`-sbmh` stucy,’ stucy ,’ e` smys. ‘O fc teos emrc tg squmr` wote te` fuik`r gj pmto`fts usofd codotmh tgghs. Oj ygu emv` tgg eode s`fsotovoty, s`fsotovoty, ygu bguhc gv`rwe`hi te` e`mhte s`rvob`. M dggc syst`i bguhc iml` m kod cojj`r`fb`,
gur wohc`st oimdofmtogfs of y`mrs tg bgi` mfc utt`rhy cosmppgoft us of te` segrt t`ri.’
kut m pggr syst`i h`mv`s p`gph` v`ry vuhf`rmkh`, wotegut m smj`ty f`t mfc fgt d`ttofd mbb`ss uftoh ot‟s tgg hmt`.’
SL ©Se` Jofmfbomh Soi`s Soi`s Mhh rodets mr` r`s`rv`c. Mrtobh`s mr` r`pukhose`c r`pukhose` c jrgi te` Jofmfbomh Soi`s
c ` b f m v c M
Qukhose`c ky Imbiohhmf @cubmtogf Htc. © Imbiohhmf @cubmtogf Hoiot`c, ;1;=.
• H @ C K @ O M M C G Q F H G R O S @ B T K C G @ S G @ I T G K E G • Q B M F J [
Pfc`rstmfcofd te` mrtobh` m.
[`mc te` s`ft`fb`s. C`boc` oj te`y mr` Sru` gr Jmhs`. Bgrr`bt te` jmhs` stmt`i`fts. =.
Kmkyhgf k`dmf gp`rmtofd of Smfzmfom Smfzmfom of ;1=5 ufc`r te` krmfc Kmkyh mfc ot prgvoc`s p`gph` wote woc`r mbb`ss tg i`cobmh s`rvob`s.
Brotobs mr` wgrro`c temt codotmh tgghs prgvoc` uf`qumh mbb`ss mfc teofl temt mrtobomh oft`hhod`fb` os fgt ms r`homkh` ms ot‟s bhmoi`c tg k`.
Swg i`cobmh s`rvob`s prgvoc`rs mr` `xpmfcofd of f`w r`dogfs, ofbhucofd Mjrobm, Msom mfc Hmtof Hmtof Mi`robm. Mi`robm.
Mcm E`mhte ems m hgfd-t`ri bgftrmbt wote te` dgv`rfi`ft mfc oft`rfmtogfmh e`mhte ofsurmfb` prgvoc`rs of [wmfcm.
0. Mbmc`iobs mt mt te` Pfov`rsoty gj Re`j`hc Re`j`hc jgufc jgufc temt te` gf gfhof` hof` syiptgi be`bl`rs be`bl`rs hmbl prgp`r jufbtogf tg suppgrt gjof` i`cobmh mppgofti`fts. :.
J`w p`gph` gwf simrtpegf`s of [wmfcm mfc igst us` Kmkyh‟s kmsob jufbtogfmhoty tg s`fc mppgofti`ft r`qu`sts of t`xt i`ssmd`s.
Kmkyh bguhc bgst buts ky c`v`hgpofd igr` `jbo`ft `h`btrgfob e`mhte r`bgrcs.
Pfc`rstmfcofd te` wmy temt cos`ms` spr`mcs tergude hgbmh bgiiufoto`s os `ss`ftomh of gjj`rofd m r`dogf-sp`bob r`dogf-sp`bo b s`rvob`s igc`h mfc sg os ufc`rstmfcofd hgbmh hmfdumd`.
Mfmhytobmh of ofjgrimtogf jgrimtogf mkgut te` te`s` s` lofcs g gjj i`cobmh s`rvob`s os u usumhhy sumhhy prgvoc`c prgvoc`c ky te` bgipmfo`s te`is`hv`s mfc hmbls r`duhmtgry gv`rsodet.
=1. M dggc syst`i wohh emv` m kod oipmbt, kut m pggr syst`i wohh stohh emv` sgi` oipmbt jgr r`cub`c bgst.
Kusof`ss hmfdumd` ‒ wgrcs mfc perms`s jgr prgb`ss`s mfc mbtogfs m.
c ` b f m v c M
Imtbe te` wgrcs tg iml` wgrcs mfc perms`s jgr `xpr`ssofd prgb`ss`s mfc mbtogfs. =.
4. poblofd
jurte`r m`hc
Qukhose`c ky Imbiohhmf @cubmtogf Htc. © Imbiohhmf @cubmtogf Hoiot`c, ;1;=.
• H @ C K @ M C Q O H G M S @ G O F T @ K R G B G C S T @ E G K G I • Q B M F J [
k. Bgiph`t` te` s`ft`fb`s wote te` wgrcs mfc perms`s. Te`f T`hse `fvorgfi`ftmh mrbeot`bt, Mf`urof Eude`s, mfc Rbgttose `fvorgfi`ftmh sbo`ftost, Nmi`s Segims, bgikof`c jgrb`s tg c`v`hgp dr``f urkmf egusofd prgn`bt Of Khggi, te`y emc fg oc`m egw quoblhy ot wguhc tml` gjj. Ot k`dmf mjt`r mf oc`m spmrl`c of te` iofcs gj te` Gxjgrc drmcumt`s weg emc k``f r`mcofd mrtobh`s of m (=) ngurfmh temt prgvoc`c f`w `voc`fb` gj te` pgsotov` oipmbt urkmf jmris bmf emv` gf pghhutogf. Jmst-jgrwmrc sox y`mrs mfc te` pmor emv` c`hov`r`c egusofd prgn`bts mbrgss te` PL mfc Mi`robm, mfc fgw te`y mr` (;) mt gppgrtufoto`s of Rgute Mi`robm. Gv`r te` hmst j`w y`mrs, te` PL-kms`c bgipmfy ems `stmkhose`c m strgfd pr`s`fb` of Q`ru, (2) vmhumkh` c`v`hgpi`ft spmb` of te` b`ftr` gj Hoim. Se` bgst-`jj`btov` egusofd ems `fmkh`c te` Q`ruvomf dgv`rfi`ft tg c`v`hgp egusofd wote Of Khggi jgr tegs` gf hgw`r ofbgi`s, gp`fofd up m iube woc`r imrl`t mfc `fsurofd eode (3) . gj prgp`rto`s. Rofb` ots `stmkhosei`ft, te` `bg-jro`fchy c`v`hgpi`ft of te` b`ftr` gj Hoim ems `fmkh`c imfy r`soc`fts tg jmb` te` pghhutogf bemhh`fd`s e`mc-gf. Osmk`hhm K`fsgf os m ngurfmhost cgbui`ftofd te` c`v`hgpi`ft gj dr``f-hovofd ofotomtov`s, mfc se` wms gf sot` we`f te` rst jgufcmtogfs w`r` hmoc tohh te` fmh rggj dmrc`f wms ofstmhh`c. Re` r`turf`c tg te` urkmf vohhmd` `mrho`r teos y`mr jgr m (0)
oft`rvo`w wote te` r`soc`fts.
Re` wms ufsurpros`c tg fc temt te`y emc imc` dr`mt prgdr`ss, sgi`teofd te`y emc k``f bgiiott`c tg cgofd. Se` r`soc`fts emc wgrl`c wote Of Khggi tg kuohc mf urkmf jmri usofd te` mt rggv`s gj te`or egi`s tg br`mt` rggj-tgp dmrc`fs kurstofd wote jr`se jruot mfc v`d`tmkh`s. Seos os e`hpofd te`i tg iml` m pgsotov` oipmbt gf te` bmrkgf jggtproft gj te` boty, krofdofd dr``f r`sgurb`s tg te` b`ftr` gj Hoim‟s igst pghhut`c r`dogf. Osmk`hhm wohh k` r`h`msofd m s`ro`s gj mrtobh`s (:) . wote sgi` gj te` r`soc`fts. Re` egp`s ot wohh dov` e`r r`mc`rs m sp`bomh ofsodet oftg te` hov`s gj te` p`gph` mt te` e`mrt gj te` prgn`bt. Re` phmfs tg l``p jghhgwofd Mf`urof mfc Nmi`s‟ prgdr`ss wote Of Khggi ms te`y bgftofu` (4) of Rgute Mi`robm, wote m f`w c`v`hgpi`ft phmff`c jgr Qmrmdumy of te` sprofd.
Kusof`ss Hmfdumd` ‒ wgrcs wote pr`x`s gv`r - mfc gut eyp`
m. Bgiph`t` te` s`ft`fb`s wote te` bgrr`bt jgri gj te` wgrcs usofd te` pr`x gv`r - gr gut -. -.
c ` b f m v c M
=. Re` wms mffgy`c temt se` emc jmhh`f jgr te` , k`ho`vofd temt eos hmt`st r`h`ms` wms wgrte te` igf`y, we`f ot wms nust r`bybh`c mcvob` jrgi eos rst kggl. ;.
Se` h`dmby sgjtwmr` wms `xp`bt`c tg te` f`w prgcubt, kut wote pggr r`vo`ws cgiofmtofd gf sgbomh i`com mfc smh`s crgppofd, ot s``i`c igr` hol`hy wote `v`ry pmssofd cmy.
Se` bgft`stmfts bgft`stmft s mr` pott`c mdmofst `mbe gte`r, bgiph`tofd bemhh`fdofd tmsls `v`ry w``l mfc moiofd tg te`or p``rs tg wof te` proz`.
Se` i``tofd
, bmusofd Igemii`c tg ioss eos odet.
Qukhose`c ky Imbiohhmf @cubmtogf Htc. © Imbiohhmf @cubmtogf Hoiot`c, ;1;=.
• H @ C K @ M C Q O H G M S @ G O F T @ K R G B G C S T @ E G K G I • Q B M F J [
Cosbussogf qu`stogfs •
Egw bguhc te` h`v`h gj s`rvob` k`tw``f m pmto`ft mfc m bemtkgt mfc m pmto`ft mfc m euimf i`cobmh prgj`ssogfmh cojj`r7 Bguhc gf` gutp`rjgri te` gte`r mfc egw7
Teobe lofcs gj p`gph` iodet k`f`t igst jrgi `mso`r mbb`ss tg i`cobmh mppgofti`fts mfc egw wguhc te`y k`f`t7
Egw bmf ufc`rstmfcofd te` hgbmh hmfdumd` gj te` pmto`fts e`hp prgvoc`rs tg gjj`r k`tt`r i`cobmh s`rvob`s7
Toc`r kusof`ss te`i` ‒ mcmptofd t`befghgdy m.
Tgrl of pmors. Beggs` M gr K mfc r`mc te` rgh` phmy bmrcs k`hgw. Sml` Sml` 0 iofut`s tg pr`pmr` oc`ms gf wemt tg smy tg ygur pmrtf`r. Se`f, eghc m =1-iofut` cosbussogf. M> M> _gu _gu mr` m s`fogr smh`s `x`butov` gj m t`befghgdy bgipmfy temt ems c`sodf`c m f`w bemtkgt j`mtur` jgr w`ksot`s. Se` bemtkgt bmf gjj`r mcvob` mfc fc l`y ofjgrimtogf jgr bustgi`rs. Se` mcvob` ot bmf gjj`r os c`tmoh`c, mfc te` bemtkgt wohh msl qu`stogfs tg d`t mf oc`m gj te` bustgi`rs‟ p`rsgfmhoty mfc us` temt ofjgrimtogf tg ofu`fb` ots sudd`stogfs. _gu teofl te` jufbtogfmhoty bguhc wgrl w`hh jgr egt`hs mfc eghocmy r`sgrts. _gu mr` i``tofd wote te` B@G gj m jmiohy r`sgrt bemof tg cosbuss mcmptofd te` sgjtwmr` jgr te`or r`sgrts. Q`rsumc` te` B@G temt ygur prgcubt os te` k`st gf te` imrl`t mfc `xphmof egw ygu bmf mcmpt te` bemtkgt tg t wote te`or bgipmfy. K> K> _gu _gu mr` te` B@G gj m jmiohy r`sgrt bemof mfc ygu wmft tg oiprgv` ygur w`ksot` tg gjj`r bustgi`rs mutgimt`c bustgi`r s`rvob` jgr kmsob `fquoro`s. Egw`v`r, ygu emv` e`mrc temt imfy bgip`totgrs emv` emc prgkh`is wote te` jufbtogfmhoty gj t`befghgdy hol` bemtkgts mfc ygu wmft tg iml` sur` ygu ofv`st of c`v`hgpi`fts temt mr` wgrteweoh`. _gu mr` i``tofd wote m s`fogr smh`s `x`butov` gj m t`befghgdy bgipmfy temt ems c`sodf`c m f`w bemtkgt mfc teofls ot wohh wgrl w`hh ms m j`mtur` mcmpt`c jgr ygur bemof‟s w`ksot`. Bgiiufobmt` ygur bgfb`rfs mkgut te` t`befghgdy mfc host`f tg wemt te`y emv` tg smy k`jgr` c`bocofd we`te`r tg kuy te` prgcubt.
c ` b f m v c M
Qukhose`c ky Imbiohhmf @cubmtogf Htc. © Imbiohhmf @cubmtogf Hoiot`c, ;1;=.
• H @ C K @ M C Q O H G M S @ G O F T @ K R G B G C S T @ E G K G I • Q B M F J [
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