1. INTRODUCTION (1 HR) Need for and overview of, legal aspects of business; some case laws 2. INDIAN CONTRACT ACT, 1872 (2 HRS) Introduction; offer and acceptance; essentials of a valid contract; performance of contract; breach of contracts and remedies available; quasi contracts. 3. SALE OF GOODS ACT, 1930 (2 HRS) Sale and agreement to sell; conditions and warranties; doctrine of Caveat Emptor; unpaid seller rights; auction sales. 4. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT ACT, 1881 (2 HRS) Meaning of negotiability; types of negotiable instruments; bills of exchange, cheques, promissory notes; holder and holder in due course. 5. CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT, 1986 (1 HR) Meaning of a consumer and seller; unfair and restrictive trade practices; redressal mechanism 6. NEWER AREAS OF BUSINESS LEGISLATIONS (2 HRS) Cyber laws; IPRs; Environmental laws; RTI BASIC TEXTS • Business Legislation for management (by) M.C Kuchhal & Deepa Prakash (Vikas: Latest Edition) • Legal Aspects of Business (by) Akhileshwar Pathak (TMH: Latest Edition)
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