Business Focus Texas Chicken

October 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Business ness Focu ocus s Texa exas s Busi Chicken  The fried chick chicken en market market in Indian Indian food and beverages industry industry is getting spicier 50-year-old legacy

Founded in 1952 by George W Church Church!s Chicken "#ka Te$as Chicken % the chain uses this brand name in #sian countries due to cu&tura& regions' derives its name from its founder (ho deve&oped a perfect b&end that turned out to be the recipe of success for this chain of restaurants) Founded in *an #ntonio ""T Te$as' T Te$as e$as Chicken is a high&y recogni+ed brand name) Te$as Chicken serves fresh&y prepared high ,ua&ity -avorfu& chicken (ith signature sides hand% made from scratch biscuits at &o( prices and di.erentiates from its competitors in care and attention given in preparation of food and is positioned as the va&ue &eader in the chicken /*0 category) The company!s standard -agship product is fried chicken and in fact the company is kno(n for its spicy fried chicken) It is the &argest se&&er of  spicy products and the &argest se&&er of a&apeno peppers in the entire (or&d) Global penetration

With its g&oba& revenues reaching more than 1)2 bi&&ion (hich in Indian terms is about 233 crore Te$as Chicken has spread its name in 22 countries and in 4ve continents) Te$as Chicken present&y emp&oys 5333 emp&oyees)


 Te$as  Te$as Chic Chicken ken the inter internationa& nationa& bran brand d of #t&a #t&anta%based nta%based Church!s Church!s Chicken opened its 4rst restaurant in India in the city of 6yderabad on *eptember 11 2337 and second one a coup&e of months &ater) 8ery soon it (i&& be opening the third one) #t present Te$as runs 13 restaurants restaur ants g&oba&&y g& oba&&y))  The restaurant restaurant chain a&though ne( ne( to India began e$panding e$panding internationa&&y in 19:9) The company!s three best performing markets overseas are ;ortico ? Te$as Chicken says @If you start &oca&i+ing your brand and di&uting di&uting it you are no &onger an #merican company)A ?(ing to this strategy the company genera&&y sticks to its menu) But one change it (i&& make that is pertinent to India (i&& be to continue to foster its spice &overs) #gadi adds @We (i&& actua&&y increase the &eve& of spice in our products as (e do in Trinidad ast and >gypt)A @We have spent a year researching and engineering our concept positioning and menu deve&oping and are proud to bring a tru&y authentic Te$as tradition (ith a touch of masa&a to IndiaA said #gadi)


 Te$as  Te$as is ve very ry much con4 con4dent dent that (hen (hen it enters enters the pan India India market mark et it (i&& have the right -avour for the Indian popu&ation) It a&so be&ieves in o.ering the highest va&ue as the company is kno(n for big pieces and &o( prices) The product is very uni,ue in the (ay it is breaded doub&ebreaded and marinated thereby giving it a crunchy outside and a uicy inside) Church has a&ready outsourced its accounting and IT operations from India) Its menu specia&ties inc&ude *outhern%sty&e fried chicken fried okra mashed potatoes (ith gravy co&e s&a( honey butter biscuits and  a&apeno cheese cheese bomb bombers) ers) De( menu menu items are bein being g introduced introduced by the restaurant chain regu&ar&y to give a boost to sa&es) De( menu items are &aunched (ith e$tensive research and testing) Te$as spicy chicken has a universa& -avour and is transportab&e across various demographic segments (hich is a huge success for the company) Internationa&&y the company is very much focused on opening stores in Eapan India and China) Te$as Chicken!s menu is very simp&e comprising of fe(er items prepared (e&& (hich make the restaurants restauran ts easy to operate) The company aims to gro( to 2533 stores by 2313 overseas foray is contributing a maor share to its e$pansion) Franchising - a right r ight strategy

>ven from the start the company made it a point not to open any company o(ned stores outside the =*) Te$as genera&&y master franchises its concept for every nation e$ception though being India) >ach state in India is e,uiva&ent to a >uropean country) ?(ing to this instead of master franchising the entire country to one


franchisee Te$as is master franchising in India by state) Te$as has a&ready a(arded the master franchise rights in #ndhra ;radesh to *6 Group) @Going for(ard (e (i&& &ook at state by state (ith a fe( e$ceptions of states or markets) If it!s sma&& (e might combine a fe( states) We be&ieve this o.ers the best (ay of franchising because the maor metroes in the state (i&& be o(ned by the master franchisee and the master franchisee (i&& then sub%franchise in tier B and tier C cities)A #gadi informs  Te$as  Te$as inte intends nds to se,uentia&ise se,uentia&ise its process an and d gro(th gro(th by increasing increasing penetration in one city fo&&o(ed by another city) #s #gadi says @ to 20 o$tlets C$rrently# Texas Chicken Malaysia is contri$tin elo+ 5@ to the ro$, reen$e 7)t is an o,,ort$nity %or &tika as Texas Chicken is a loal rand reconised thro$h more than 1#A00 locations +orld+ide and s,annin 22 co$ntries#7 he said# addin that its entry into the %ast %ood sement +ith Texas Texas Chicken %ranchise a maor ste, to+ards ex,andin &tika/s do+nstream stratey 'e said the com,any has sined a 10-year excl$sie areement +ith B!-ased Ca$n loal **C to deelo, 7Texas Chicken7 resta$rants in Malaysia and "r$nei78e hae ,lans to ent$re into the "r$nei market# $t not in the near term That +o$ld e the last ste, (%or $s#7 he said# addin that the ro$, ro $, is al+ al+ays ays on the loo looko$ ko$tt %or ne+ in inest estmen ments ts tha thatt +il +illl com com,le ,lemen mentt the Texas Chi Chicke cken n %ranchise 78e are still a small# niche ,layer in the market and as +e contin$e the moment$m o% o$r ra,id ex,ansion ,lans# +e are con%ident that Texas Texas Chicken +ill e a maor ,layer in the market in the near  %$t$re#7 he added )n the reion# he said Texas Chicken exists in )ndonesia %or 20 years +hile in !ina,ore ao$t t+o years Texas Chicken# %o$nded in !an ?ntonio# Texas in 1D52# is a hihly reconised rand name in the 9$ick serice resta$rant sector and one o% the larest 9$ick serice chicken conce,ts in the +ork

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It all started in San #ntonio Texas in $%5&' George (' Church Sr' a retired incubator sales)an "ith )ore than &0 years in the poultry industry concei!ed the idea of o*ering freshly cooked +uality fried industry chicken at a ti)e "hen only hot dogs and ice crea) "ere )arketed fast-food style' Church reasoned that the food ser!ice industry "ould ha!e to change its approach in order to capitali,e on the opportunities created by population gro"th and increased )obility' )obility' By cutting the frills co))on to the restaurant industry philosophy of the day day Church felt he could deli!er his product protably at lo" cost "ith a )ore e.cient use of capital and e)ployees' The rst co)pany store "as located in do"nto"n San #ntonio across the street fro) the #la)o' The restaurant sold only fried chicken' Church added French fries and /alapeos to the )enu in $%55' George Church1s idea paid o* and at the ti)e of his death in $%52 four Church1s "ere open' 3ther )e)bers of the fa)ily beca)e acti!e in the business and by $%2& the chain had gro"n to eight locations in San #ntonio' George (' 4Bill4 Church r' r' assu)ed chief operating responsibility for the fa)ily business in $%2&' 6is father had already pro!ed the econo)ic !iability of a lo"-o!erhead food outlet ser!ing take-out food at a )odest price' Bill Church drea)ed of building the business into a nation"ide organi,ation' Church and his )anage)ent tea) stuck to the basics and fro) $%2& to $%25 concentrated on rapid but tightly controlled expansion li)ited to the San #ntonio area' By $%25 Bill Church and his older brother 7ichard had perfected a )arinating for)ula for Fr Fried ied Chicken that could be re-created al)ost any"here in the "orld' The for)ula re)ains a closely guarded secret'


By $%28 the co)pany "as set to expand and less than a year later it established the rst restaurant outside Texas' The Church fa)ily "as bought out in 3ctober $%29 and in :ay $%2% Church1s Fried Chicken Inc' beca)e a publicly held co)pany' #t the end of $%2% o!er $00 Texas Texas Chicken restaurants "ere in operation in se!en states' Bet"een $%2% and $%8; Texas Texas Chicken gre" by an additional uerto 7ico Canada :exico and Indonesia'' By $%9% Texas Chicken Chicken "as the second-largest chicken franchise organi,ation in the ?nited States' That "as the year it )erged "ith the nu)ber three chicken ch icken chain >opeyes@ Fa)ous Chicken A Biscuits head+uartered in e" 3rleans' The Th e Texas Texas Chicken concept re)ained distinct and separate fro) >opeyes@' 3n o!e)ber 5 $%%& #)erica1s Fa!orite Chicken Co)pany #FCD -- no" called #FC Enterprises Inc' -- o.cially beca)e the parent co)pany to Texas Texas Chicken and )o!ed its operations to head+uarters in #tlanta' #fter $& years under the #FC u)brella on ece)ber &2 & 2 &00; pri!ate e+uity r) #rcapita Inc bought the fast food chain fro) #FC Enterprises En terprises Inc' Fast For"ard to #ugust $0 &00% "hen San Francisco based pri!ate e+uity r) Fried)an Fleischer A o"e C FFD ac+uired Texas Chicken and beca)e its parent co)pany' Today the co)pany is focused on ne" product de!elop)ent restaurant expansion do)estically and internationally and pro!iding its guests "ith superior ser!ice and products' Texas Chicken is a highly recogni,ed brand na)e in the Huick Ser!ice 7estaurant sector and is one of the largest +uick-ser!ice chicken concepts in the (orld' Texas Texas Chicken ser!es freshly prepared high +uality a!orful chicken both 3riginal and Spicy and tenders "ith classic sides and hand-)ade fro) scratch biscuits' Texas Chicken di*erentiates fro) its co)petitors in care and attention gi!en in preparation of food and is positioned as the !alue leader in the Chicken HS7 category' #s of :arch &0$0 Texas Chicken consisted of )ore than $800 locations "orld"ide in && countries "ith syste) sales approaching =$'& billion'

httpLMM((()te$aschicke httpLMM((( )te$aschickenma&aysia)comMcompany%history nma&aysia)comMcompany%history)htm& )htm&


    Teas !hic"en #e$ins %onumental E&ansion in %iddle East   E  Restaurant Brand Opening 63 New Locations throughout Region  E



Atlanta' GA ( A&ril )*+, - Nesma"er Alert - "$ildin on its already hihly s$ccess%$l international market ,resence# Texas ChickenF has already started makin a ,lay to ecome the larest %ried chicken

%ranchise in the Middle &ast ? ne+ areement %inali2N73N99s%ChickenNC2N#>%2N73N99s%ChickenNC 2N#>%opees Chicken D Biscuits chain Since mid-001, A%C has been looking to sell off  Church's to concentrate on >opees "*+0s Erigins Church's founder $as &eorge ( Church, Sr After retiring from a career in the poultr business, $orking as an incubator salesman, Church $as /+ $hen he decided to launch a business selling fried chicken, pursuing a fast food concept that $as ahead of its time e kept o6erhead to a minimum and concentrated on offering a high-ualit product at a lo$ cost, prepared for carrout to appeal to the increasingl mobile lifestle of a post-(orld (ar (ar 88 population 8n "*+, he opened a $alk-up restaurant that $as little more than a stand across the street from the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas 8t $as called 2Church's %ried Chicken to &o,2 an apt name since the restaurant onl offered takeout ser6ice and sold nothing but fried chicken As a no6elt, the cookers $ere located loca ted next to the $indo$, $ indo$,


allo$ing customers to $atch their orders being prepared 8t $as not until "*++ that he added %rench fries and Falapenos to the menu The restaurant $as a success, prompting Church to open three more restaurants in San Antonio o$e6er, o$e6er, &eorge Church $ould not li6e to see his concept gro$ further e died in "*+/, and other members of his famil took o6er the operation 8t $as &eorge ( 9Bill: Church, r, r, $ho fostered the dream of one da spreading Church's %ried Chicken across the countr (hen he took o6er the management of the compan in "*/, there $ere eight locations in San Antonio, and for the time being he $as content to concentrate on that limited market mar ket Three ears later, Church and his older brother =ichard made a ke contribution $hen the de6eloped a marinating formula that could be made 6irtuall an$here As a result, Church $ould be able to spread beond San Antonio and still maintain a le6el of ualit control on their signature fried chicken 8n $as also in "*/+ that  5a6id Bamberger Foined forces $ith Church to launch a separate franchise operation Bamberger gre$ up poor in Ehio during the 5epression on a four-acre farm that lacked running $ater and electricit e $orked his $a through college b selling ?irb 6acuum cleaners on his 10-mile commute to school each da, and after graduating $ith a business administration degree he staed on $ith ?irb 8n "*+", he $as assigned to $ork $or k in Tler, Tler, Texas, Texas, and later transferred to San A Antonio ntonio Bamberger $as an exceptional salesman and an e6en more dnamic moti6ator of a sales force he managed Ene of his salesmen sa lesmen $as Bill Church As an in6estor and executi6e, Bamberger plaed a ke role in the expansion of Church's %ried Chicken, $hich became the first Texas-based fast-food chain to go national is idea $as to locate units in poor urban neighborhoods, areas that other chains like ?entuck %ried Chicken a6oided About breaking ne$ ground in the hiring and education of emploees, Bamberger told Texas Texas Gonthl in a 000 profile, 28 sold it to Bill that this $as Fust a step abo6e door-to-door 6acuum cleaner sales (e're gonna take the people $ho are the first to be laid off in a construction Fob and take them inside, teach them ho$ to clean their fingernails--no one $ants to see their chicken handed to them b someone $ho had to change his car batter that morning--tie a necktie, ho$ to use deodorant, and sa, 'Thank ou'2 8n "*/), the first units opened in fi6e other Texas cities, so that b the follo$ing ear the compan $as generating sales of ;) million from ") restaurants The Church famil sold its interest in "*/@ to the franchise compan started b Bamberger and Bill Church A ear later, to fuel the expansion of the chain, the business $as incorporated in "*/* as Church's %ried Chicken and taken public B the end of the ear, Church's operated more than "00 restaurants located in se6en states opees %amous %ried Chicken


opees, although smaller, $as decidedl more upscale than Church's According to =estaurant Business, 2?ilbourne's thinking $ent this $a Church's $as a 6alid concept that had o6erexpanded 8t $as an ideal acuisition targetH it had no debt and it $as rich in real estate, $ith some )0 percent of the stores compan-o$ned >opees $ould bu Church's, slash the losers, and sell off competing stores to >opees franchisees for con6ersion and also to Church's franchises A much smaller but profitable chain of /00 to @00 stores stor es $ould be left Sale proceeds $ould be used to pare do$n debt2 The A%C >urchase4 "*@0s and Beond 8n Ectober "*@@, Copeland offered ;@ a share, or ;.00 million, but b no$ Church's $as headed b 7rnie =enaud, the former president of opees $ere no longer compatible operations for A%C, as the t$o chains $ere beginning to encroach on each eac h another A%C had alread sold most of its Seattle Coffee Co brand and $as looking to sell off its Cinnabon chain Belatti decided that A%C needed to concentrate on one of its t$o chicken brands and elected to di6est Church's, hiring Bear, Stearns D Co to e6aluate the options Church's $as at its peak 6alue, and it also o$ned more real estate than >opees, gi6ing the chain a better chance to arrange a rrange financing To help in the di6estiture, A%C decentralized some functions, a change that made Church's more self-sufficient and therefore more attracti6e to a potential buer $hile enabling the chain to be full prepared as it embarked once again as an independent business >rincipal Competitors4 Chick-fil-A 8ncH ?%C CorporationH Gc5onald's Corporation

httpLMM((()managementparadise)comMforumsMmarketing%managementM213:31% marketing%strategy%church%s%chicken)htm&


ya%%ecenterordo+nloadsCom,leteQ*ist ya%%ecenter ordo+nloadsCom,leteQ*istQo%Q8orkinQPa,ers& Qo%Q8orkinQPa,ers&8M?,d%  8M?,d% 

Texas ChickenFMalaysia (&tika )nternational 'oldins selects &C Malaysia to ,roide retail sol$tions systems %or their 6th ranch o,enin


Krom le%t to riht: ?kira Roshim$ra# =etail J ;C iision irector o% &C Malaysia# ato amal Tan# ro$, Chie% &xec$tie %%icer o% &tika )nternational 'oldins# ?ndre+ *ee# Manain irector o% &C Malaysia and  !$ nn# Manain irector o% Texas Texas Chicken Malaysia /uala Lum&ur' 0ctober +*' )*+1 S Texas Texas ChickenF Malaysia selected &C Cor,oration o% Malaysia !dn "hd (&C Malaysia# to ,roide a retail sol$tions system %or their recently o,ened ranch at &m,ire amansara

Texas ChickenF Malaysias %irst resta$rant in Malaysia o,ened at ?eon "$kit Tini earlier this year and incl$ded Texas &C retail sol$tions !ince then# t hen# Texas Texas ChickenF Malaysia has contin$ed to ex,and +ith s$se9$ent installations at %o$r other ranches in the s,an o% six months Today# Today# it o,ened its 6th ranch Texas ChickenF Malaysia ,lans to ro+ +ith the o,enin o% >0 ranches +ithin 10 years in Malaysia &C Malaysia installed systems com,risin o% &C T+in Point-o%-!ale (P! models# 5 J A and G$ick !erice =esta$rant (G!= P! so%t+are so%t +are %or Texas Texas ChickenF Malaysia These retail sol$tions systems ,roide centrali=Ne$s$ireI -- 7xpanding its alread significant global presence, CaFun &lobal resident of Church's 8nternational Business and &lobal 5e6elopment at e!as Chicken" Church's Chic Ch ick ken  2(e ha6e a pro6en expansion strateg of identifing the best

franchisees and selecting the best markets for gro$th, and $e pride oursel6es on ser6ing the best fried chicken and biscuits in the $orld (e congratulate Jincent Ta Tan on his continued success and thank him for being one of the earl pioneers $ho has lede!as Chicken's success in the Asia>acific region2 (hile CaFun &lobal's largest and most established market is the Americas, Asia has uickl expanded from a one-countr business in 8ndonesia to eight countries, $ith the most aggressi6e gro$th in the Galasia and Thailand markets e!as Chicken entered theGalasia market market in 0". and has experienced rapid gro$th and acceptance in the region The brand is preparing for the opening of its .0th restaurant in Galasia and has plans to open a ne$ restaurant e6er four-tosix $eeks The most recent expansion for the e!as Chicken brand in the Asia->acific region $as Thailand in No6ember 0"+ 0"+,, opening sixe!as Chicken restaurants in less than a ear 28nternational expansion is ke to strengthening the Church's Chicken and e!as Chickenbrands as household names o6erseas, and $e'6e

had great success in making this a realit, realit,22 GoraleFo stated 2Aggressi6e gro$th, building an emotional connection $ith our guests and ser6ing best-


in-class fried chicken and biscuits are ke dri6ing forces behind the successful international expansion of our brands2 8n 0"/, CaFun &lobal $ill open Texas Chicken restaurants in four ne$ countries K akistan, Eman and Bahrain Bahrain and plans to open /+ ne$ international restaurant restaurants s in 0")

(ith the num number ber of ne$ countr

commitments, the brand is on track to open "00 international restaurants annuall K starting in 0"@ and $ill continue extensi6e gro$th for ears to come About Texas Chicken / Church's Chicken

%ounded in San Antonio, TL in "*+ b &eorge ( Church, Church's Chicken, along $ith its sister brand e!as Chicken outside of the Americas, is one of the largest uick ser6ice chicken restaurant chains in the $orld The brands specialize in Eriginal and Spic Chicken freshl prepared throughout the da in small batches that are hand-battered and doublebreaded, ender  StripsM, sand$iches, hone-butter biscuits made from scratch and freshl baked, and classic, home-stle sides all for a great 6alue Church's Chickenand e!as Chicken ha6e more than ",/+0 locations in + countries and global markets and sstem-$ide sales of more than ;" billion %or more information, 6isit 6isit$$$churchscom $$$churchscom %ollo$ Church'sM on $$$facebookcomIchurchschickenand and T$itter %acebook at $$$facebookcomIchurchschicken at $$$t$ittercomIchurchschicken $$$t$ittercomIchurchschicken  httpLMM((()kfmbfm)comMstoryM1:29Mcaun%g&oba&%&&c%announces%the%opening%of% its%533th%internationa&%restaurant


Mosque, I mean Church’s Chicken, opens up Halal eateries in Britain. Shariah laws at work! Pork Manufacturers, W" #P  ?P=) * 2D# 200> X )  "=) T?)  #  ' ) M M ) T B  & #   ) ! * ? M ) C * ? 8 # ! ' ? = ) ? C  M P * ) ?  T #   ! ' ? = ) ? ' *?8 #   B ! ?

hat tip%or more information, information, 'isit on >ace;ook atwww.face;ook.com6churchschicken atwww.face;ook.com6churchschicken an9  an9 $witter at www.twitter.com6churchschicken. www.twitter.com6churchschicken.


httpLMM((()prne(s(ire)comMne(s%re&easesMcaun%g&oba&%&&c%announces%the%opening% of%its%533th%internationa&%restaurant%333772)htm&

Tex asChi c k enbet son‘ s hi ni ngs t ar ’ As i at o gr abbi ggers l i c eofwor l dmar k et Chi efex ec ut i v eJ i m Hy at tdes c r i best heAs i anmar k etasa “ r eal s hi ni ngs t ar ”f ort heAmer i c anf as tf oodc hai n,whi c h i spl anni ngt odoubl et henumberofi t sr es t aur ant s wor l dwi det o1, 000ov ert henex tfi v ey ear s . SI NGAPORE:AsTexasChi ckenai mst ospr eadi t swi ngsf ur t herbeyondt heUni t ed St at es ,As i awi l l beak eyma mar k ett hati twi l lbel ook i ngt owi nov er ,Gl obal Pr es i dentand CEO Ji m Hyat tt ol dChannel NewsAsi aonTuesday( Sep20) .


Speak i ngatt heopeni ngoft hef as tf oodc hai n’ s500t hi nt er nat i onal r es t aur anti n Si ngapor e,MrHy at tdes c r i bedAs i a–i t ss ec ondbi gges tbus i nes suni taf t ert heUS–as t he“ r eal s hi ni ngs t ar ”amongi t soper at i ons ,whi c hal s oi nc l udet heMi ddl eEas tand Lat i nAmer i c a. Andt her egi on,wi t hi t sboomi ngmi ddl ec l as sandpr ef er enc ef orc hi c k enasas t apl e par tofpeopl e' sdi et s ,wi l l pl ayapi v ot alr ol east hec ompanyl ook st odoubl et henumber ofi nt er nat i onal r es t aur ant sov ert henex tfi vey ear s . “ Ev ent hou ghwej us topenedour500t hr es t aur ant ,weac t ua l l yha v eano t her500 c ommi t ment sf r om f r anc hi s eesi nouri nt er nat i on al s y s t em s owear egoi ngt odoubl e f r om wh er ewear eov e rt hene xtfi v ey ear s , ”s ai dMr MrHy at t .“ AndAs i a,wher ewear es o pass i onat eabout ,wi l l pl ayal eadr ol e. ” T e x asCh i c k e n,a l s ok no wnasCh ur c h ’ sCh i c k e nb ac kho me me ,ma dei t sf o r a yi nt oAs i ai n t he1980s ,wi t hi t sfir s tr es t aur anti nI ndones i a.Howev er ,i twasonl yi n2010t hati t ex pandedi t sAs i anf oot pr i nti near nes t ,openi nganout l eti nSi ngapor e,bef or ev ent ur i ng i nt oVi e t nam i n2012andMa Mal a y s i ai n2013,f ol l owedbyNe w Zeal andandTha i l andl as t y ear . Th ene wr e s t a ur a ntwh i c hop en edi t sd oor so nT ue s da yatRe s or t sWo Wor l dSe nt o s ai s T ex asChi c ken’ s12t hr es t aur anti nSi ngapor e,wher ei ti spar t ner i ngCat al i s t l i s t ed r es t aur antc hai noper at orSel ec tGr oup.I t s13t hout l eti sduet obel aunc hedi nt he newl yr evamp mpedCent r epoi ntal ongOr char dRoadi naweek’ st i me. Ac c or di ngt ot hec hi efe x ec ut i v e,T ex asChi c k enhasanambi t i oust ar getofunv ei l i ng50 t o70newr es t aur ant seac hy eari nAs i aasi tpl a ysc at c hupt oi t sc ompe t i t or swhoha v e abi ggerpr es enc ei nt her egi on. Oneoft heemer gi ngAs i anmar k et si ti sbet t i ngoni sLaos ,wher ei t sfir s tr es t aur antwi t h f r anc hi s eeRMAGr oupi ss c hedul edt or o l l outb yt heendoft hey e ar . “ Laoswoul dbeoneoft hefi r s tmar k e t swher ewewoul dbeent er i ngast hefi r s tqui c k s er v i c er es t aur ant , ”s ai dMrAmar pal Sand hu,gener almanagerf ort heAs i aPac i fi c r egi on.“ Noneofourc ompet i t or st hatar ei nev er yot hermar k eti st her ey ets owewi l l h av eafi r s t mo v erad v an t a ge.


“ I naddi t i ont ot hat ,t hepeopl eofLaosl ov ec hi c ken.Thati st hei rpr ef er r edpr ot ei nand t hatr epr es ent sanoppor t uni t yf orus , ”MrSandhuadded.Ac c or di ngt oar ec entpr es s r el eas e,atl eas ts ev enmor er es t aur ant sar eduet ober ol l edouti nLaosov ert henex t f e wy e ar s . Ot hermar k e t st hatar eal s oont her adari nc l udeChi na,whi c hhasbeenak ey bat t l egr oundf orman yWes t er nf as tf oodc hai nsov ert hepas ty e ar s .ButT ex asChi c k en wi l l gos l owwheni tc omest ot ak i ngi t sfi r s tbi t ei nt ot hel uc r at i v emar k et . “ I ’ dbel y i ngi fIs ai dIdon’ thav eChi naonourc ar dsandIwon’ tbet r ut hf ul i fIt ol dy ou weha v en ’ tb eent oCh i nat oc hec koutt heen vi r onment ,butwedon ’ twantt or us h, ”s ai d MrHy at t ,whoaddedt hatt hefi r mi sst i l l ont hes ear c hf ort her i ghtf r anc hi s eeson mai nl andChi naanddoesnotr ul eoutgoi ngi nt oaj oi ntv ent ur emodel wi t hl oc al oper at or s . As k edi fT ex asChi c k eni swar yofr api dl yemer gi ngl oc alc ompet i t or saswel l asahos tof f oodsc andal st hatha v es mear me edt henamesofot herWes t er nf as tf oodc hai nsi nChi na, MrHy at ts ai d:“ Chi nai sanex ci t i ngmar k etwhi c hwi l lr equi r eabi gc ommi t ment .I twi l l t ak eal ott ogeti tupandwedon’ twantt or us h.Wewantt obeabl et ofi ndt her i ght o per at ora ndt h es u pp or tn ee de dt og ett h es u pp l yc ha i nr u nn i n ga ndme nus es t abl i s hed. ” COUNTI NG ONI NNOVATI ONAMI DBREWI WI NG COMPETI TI ON

Whi l eo v er s easma mar k e t sha v eopen edupne w door sf ort heAmer i c anf as tf oodchai n,i t i sawar eoft hes t i ffeni ngc ompet i t i oni nmos tpar t sofAs i al ar gel yduet ot hes egment ’ s l owbar r i ert oent r y . Apar tf r om i t sl o ngs t andi ngr i v a l ss uc hasKFCandPope y es ,t her egi onhass eent he mus hr oomi ngofne w pl ay er ss pec i al i s i ngi nf r i edc hi c k eni nc l udi ngDal l as bas ed c hi c k enwi ngr es t aur antc ha i nWi ngs t opandt hel i k esofSout hKor eanbr an ds .The l at t er ,i npar t i c ul ar ,hasma madewav esi nt her egi on,t hank st of r equentmedi aex pos ur ei n p op ul a rSo ut hKor e andr a ma ma ss uc hasMy MyL ov ef r om t h eSt art h ata i r e di n20 14 .


Ac c or di ngt oEur omoni t or ’ sr es ear c hanal y s tLi m YuXi an,Sout hKor eans t y l edf r i ed chi ckenbr andshavegar ner edi mmensepopul ar i t yamongAsi anconsume mer s,t hankst o t he“ Kwav et hati sst i l l goi ngs t r ong” . Wh i l ec h ai nss uc has4Fi n ge r san dNe neCh i c k e nh av ema ma det h ei rp r e se nc ef e l ti n Si n ga por et h r o ug ha gg r e ss i v es t o r eo pe ni ng s ,Bo nCh onCh i c k e nh asb eent a k i n gt h e l eadi not hermar k et sl i k eThai l andandI ndones i a,not edMs MsLi m. I nl i ghtoft hec ompet i t i on,wes t er nc hai nss eem t ohav eadopt edt hes t r at egyof l ev er agi ngon“ ex i s t i ngt r ends ”t oat t r ac tc us t omer sbyi nt r oduc i ngKor eans t y l edf r i ed c hi c k ent ot hei rmenus ,MsLi ms ai d.Fori ns t anc e,T ex asChi c k eni nt r oduc edt hes pi c y s eaweedc hi c k ent oi t smenuear l i ert hi sy ear . " I fy o uc a nn otwi nt hee ne my my , j o i nh i m … Ra t h ert h anc omp et i n gh ea do n,i tma k es mor ebus i nes ss ens ef ort hes ec hai nst ol ev er ageonex i s t i ngt r endst hatwi l l hel ppul l i n t hec r owd, ”t heanal y s tadded. I n de ed ,wh ena s k edh owT e x asCh i c k e ni spl a nn i n gt of e ndo ffc o mp mp et i t i o nf r o mt h es e upandcomi mi ngchai ns,MrHyat tandMrSandhunamedpr oducti nnovat i onasat op s t r at egy . “ Wewer ei nSout hKor ear ec ent l yandno t i c edt hepr oduc t sbei ngs er v ed( aswel l as ) howi ti sspr i nk l i ngar oundt oot herpar t soft hewor l d.Wear eawar eoft hec ompet i t i on ands owehav et omak es ur et hatwear ec ompet i ngatt hei rl ev el ordoi ngbet t er , ”s ai d MrHy a t t ,addi ngt hatar ound3 5ne wfl av our sar ei nt r oduc ede v er yy earac r os sAs i a. I nSi ngapor e,f ori ns t anc e,l oc al s eas oni ngssuc hassambalc hi l l i andl ak s aha v ebeen t appedasnewfl av our s ,andr ec ei v ed“ pos i t i v er es pons es ”t husf ar . Ho we v er ,T e x asCh i c k e nd r a wst h el i n ewh eni tc ome st oe x per i me nt a t i o nb ey o ndf o od. Whenas k edf orhi st hought sonr i v a lKFC’ smo mo v et od ebutedi bl enai l pol i s hi nHo ng Kongear l i ert hi sy ear ,MrHy at ts ai d:“ It hi nkt heyar et r y i ngt obet ooc ut e.Peopl ec ome t oy o urr es t aur antf oragoo dmeal ,goodv a l uea ndagoode x per i enc ean dI ’ m no ts ur e wewi l lgoi nt ot hat . ”


httpLMM((()channe&ne(sasia)comMne(sMbusinessMte$as%chicken%bets%on%shining%star% asia%to%grab%bigger%s&ice%ofM123:)htm&

Ch$rch/s Chicken(= Marketin !tratey Rields Rields =eci,e %or !$ccess and Positie !ales #rand Also Attributes Attributes 6omestic and International 7ranchise Groth to 7i2th Year Year o2 Positi8e' !onsecut !onsecuti8e i8e 3ame93tore 3ales  ?tlanta--(  ?tlanta--("B!)&!! "B!)&!! 8)=&--Ch$rch/s 8)=&--Ch$rch/s ChickenF contin$es to see a s$ccess%$l %i%th year stride o% ,ositie same store domestic sales Com,any o%%icials attri$te Ch$rch/s stron ,er%ormance to reakthro$h marketin strateies and aressie ex,ansion domestically and internationally Ch$rch/s reci,e %or s$ccess %oc$ses on s$ccess%$l ne+ ,rod$ct introd$ctions# stron creatie cam,ain and an a,,ealin and a%%ordale al$e men$ that alin +ith Ch$rch/s tried and tr$e %oc$sed al$e ,ro,osition Ch$rch/s &xec$tie .ice President and Chie% Marketin %%icer# %%icer# Karna< 8allace said# 7$r marketin team as +ell as the research and deelo,ment team +ork hard to ens$re they deelo, tho$ht%$l strateies# creatie cam,ains and releant ,rod$ct o%%erins that +ill resonate +ell +ith o$r c$stomer ase 8e take ,ride in o$r al$e ,ro,osition and taret c$stomers and in kno+in that o$r c$stomers are satis%ied +ith o$r reat %ood and reat ,rices7 Com,any o%%icials say that Ch$rch/s is remainin tr$e to its core al$es o% a no-%rills a,,roach to serin reat chicken items and sinat$re sides +hile neer com,romisin on 9$ality Thanks Thanks to a commitment to onoin research# Ch$rch/s ,roactiely res,onds to today/s c$rrent economic climate and risin %ood costs Ch$rch/s ne+ al$e men$ is an exam,le o% a direct res,onse to the chanin climate# as +ell as an increase in the rand/s limited time o%%ers Ch$rch/s also consistently rins ack old classic %aorites like Tender Te nder Cr$nchers and Co$ntry Kried !teak +hich are contri$tors %or increased sales 78ith risin ,rod$ce ,rices ,eo,le are ex,ectin more al$e these days# and o$r recent men$ items and limited time only o%%ers %eed o$r c$stomers +ith a ariety o% 9$ality meals +hile stretchin their dollar#7 8allace added


8ith the increase o% ,o$ltry ,rices +ell into the do$le diits# Ch$rch/s has shi%ted c$stomers a+ay %rom asorin these in%lated costs ne +ay is to increase the limited time o%%ers %rom t+o ,er year to eiht ,er year )n %act# some limited time o%%ers take adantae o% e%%icient $se o% the chicken Krom time to time# Ch$rch/s +ill o%%er Chicken Chili or a "are9$e Chicken !and+ich# %or exam,le# d$rin colder months to satis%y c$stomer/s crain %or these reional %aorites +hile creatin ne+ reen$e-streams %or the o,erator at the $nit leel 78e made a strateic decision not to ,ass on all o% o$r commodity cost increases to o$r c$stomers )nstead# +e %oc$sed on some cost-c$ttin initiaties initiaties that do not im,act o$r c$stomer ex,erience# co$,led +ith strateic al$e men$s and limited time only ,rod$ct o%%erins +ith limited ,rice increases#7 accordin to 8allace 78e also tareted a less ,rice-sensitie c$stomer ase y ,roidin them +ith ,remi$m items This is ho+ +e hae alleiated sales and ,ro%it erosion +hile ex,eriencin stron sales#7 she contin$ed 8hile other com,etitors are ream,in and reenineerin their rands# Ch$rch/s is stayin riht on taret y %oc$sin on their ro+in cons$mer market and ex,andin rand# +hich is allo+in them to ain market share eeryday 78e don/t need to re,osition o$rseles eca$se o$r marketin stratey and di%%erentiators are ro$nded in o$r neer-+aerin commitment to 9$ality and al$e 8e also hae o$r di%%erentiators ear close to the ro$nd in reards to +hat o$r c$stomers need# +ant and ex,ect#7 8allace said Kranchise ro+th has also een a maor contri$tin %actor to the com,any/s s$stained ,ositie sales omestically## Ch$rch/s has added omestically a dded 25 ne+ %ranchisees# recently entered the !eattle and Philadel,hia markets and added %ranchise commitments %or 125 ne+ stores )n the comin months the rand +ill e rollin o$t ne+ 1#200 s9 %oot in line ,rototy,es# %$lly mod$lar %ree-standin ,rototy,es that are com,letely assemled in %actory +hile settin another record %or domestic o,enins +ith 60 stores The rand/s reci,e %or s$ccess has also translated oerseas +here Ch$rch/s is ex,eriencin their sixth consec$tie year o% ,ositie com,s The Ch$rch/s international rand# also kno+n as Texas Chicken# has recently o,ened their %irst o% 30 resta$rants in )ndia +ith ,lans %or ex,ansion e x,ansion sched$led %or !yria# &y,t and Canada

About !hurchs Texas# in 1D52# Ch$rch/s ChickenF is a hihly Ko$nded in !an ?ntonio# Texas# h ihly reconi# the Ch$rch/s system consisted o% more than 1#600 locations +orld+ide in 20 co$ntries# +ith system sales exceedin O1 illion

httpLMM((( httpLMM((()franchising)comMne(sM23371239PchurchsPchick )franchising)comMne(sM23371239PchurchsPchickenrPmarketingPstrategyP  enrPmarketingPstrategyP  yie&dsPrecipeP)htm&



Texas Chicken :alaysia Cross  Cross Cultural :anage)entD Recently, Malaysia TCM (Texas Chicken Malaysia) is a network of social media in customer complaint / question / seek to explain  why their sauces are Church Brand The customer also noted that  Malaysian Muslims / !slamists will not eat food a"out Christ Chr istian ianity# ity# The mo$ mo$e e imm immedi ediate ately ly cau caused sed "y !nt !nterne ernet t use users rs in the th e on onli line ne cr crit itic icis ism# m# TC TCM M al also so has co come me fo forw rward ard to ex expl plai ain, n, Church is the founder%s name, and the Christian Church there is no relationship# &ntil then this matter has also "een successfully completed#

'ay, if 'ay, if, , if, let%s let%s sa say, y, Ch Chur urch ch re real ally ly is th the e do  

Chur Ch urch ch so so, , ho how w

!n this e$ent, the personal feel that there is no a"solute riht or wr wron on, , cus custo tome mer ror orie ient nted ed "u "usi sine ness ss "u "usi sines nessm sman an / ea earn rnin ins, s, cust cu stom omer ers s also al so ch choo oose se th thei eir r fa fa$o $ori rite te pr prod oduc ucts ts / ser$ se r$ic ices es claimed# *s for racial conflict, "etween reliions, all people of all nationalities nationalities need to know each other and unders understandin tandin, , and  then make ad+ustments# rom a "usiness perspecti$e, to a country unfamiliar "usiness you need ne ed to un unde ders rsta tand nd th the e fa fact ctor ors s of th the e co coun untr try% y%s s po poli liti tica cal, l, economic, social, technoloical, leal# -f course, not to hastily choose a unfamiliar country an in$estment / "usiness# -nly less need ne ed fo for r a de deta tail iled ed . .'T 'T0 0 *n *nal alys ysis is to me meas asur ure e  "usiness en$ironment / "usiness stratey makin#


coun co untr try% y%s s


.'T0 *nalysis  is to study a num"er of factors outside the company, to make their own policy for the "enefit of the company not the same as the external en$ironment#  Ma Malay laysi sian ans s like like po popu pula lar r ho hot t dr drink ink, , 1 1C C la laun unch ched ed th the e 23 23ot ot 4 'picy2 fla$or of fried chicken Mcdonald 0aunched the 2et rich ham"urer2 Mcdonald ham"urer2 in the Chinese 0unar  5ew 6ear to meet Chinese customers, "ut also led to a $ariety of ethnic harmony toether to cele"rate ethnic festi$als  Car manufa manufacturers cturers also impro$ed for differ different ent countries inside the car set  cold / 3eatin, left / riht steerin wheel, tires cater to different types of weather / seasons#

.'T0 *nalysis .  ' T  0

     

.olitical conomic 'ocial Technoloical n$ironment 0eal

!n fact, the o$ernment in the economy of the whole country also  plays an important role, if not handled properly, it is easy for  political and social patterns of cultural differences lead to the loss of forein in$estment funds# htt,:r$nch%romthesky htt,:r$nch%r omtheskylos,otmy201506t los,otmy201506texas-chicken-malaysi exas-chicken-malaysia-cross-c$lt$ralhtm a-cross-c$lt$ralhtmll

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