BUS15 Assessment Simulated Business - BBQfun (1)

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Business plan sample...


Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

BBQfun (simulated business)

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 1 f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

%able f &ntents & ntents Chapter 1 – Business plan (excerpt)........................................................ (excerpt)........................................................2 2 Chapter 2 – Organisational chart and management manage ment profles....................3 Chapter 3 – Management responsibilities...................... responsibilities................................................ ..........................  Chapter  – Budget summar!..................... summar!............................... ............................................. ..................................." " Chapter " – Operational plan...................... plan................................ ..................... ................................... ........................ # Chapter # – $escription o% operations.......... operations .................... ..................... ..................... .......................& .............& Chapter ' – Organisational ris register........................... register...................................... ...................... ...........1 1 Chapter *– Mareting plan...................... plan................................ ..................... ..................... .......................... ................ 12 Chapter & – +ales and mareting polic!............................. polic!.................................................2 ....................2 Chapter 1 – BB,%un -riac! -olic!................... -olic!.............................. .................................... .........................2# 2# Chapter 11 – /nti0discrimination polic!.................................................3 Chapter 12 – -rocurement polic! and procedures.......................... procedures..................................31 ........31 Chapter 13 – ist o% preapproed suppliers..................... suppliers................................ .......................3# ............3#

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age ' f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

%able f &ntents & ntents Chapter 1 – Business plan (excerpt)........................................................ (excerpt)........................................................2 2 Chapter 2 – Organisational chart and management manage ment profles....................3 Chapter 3 – Management responsibilities...................... responsibilities................................................ ..........................  Chapter  – Budget summar!..................... summar!............................... ............................................. ..................................." " Chapter " – Operational plan...................... plan................................ ..................... ................................... ........................ # Chapter # – $escription o% operations.......... operations .................... ..................... ..................... .......................& .............& Chapter ' – Organisational ris register........................... register...................................... ...................... ...........1 1 Chapter *– Mareting plan...................... plan................................ ..................... ..................... .......................... ................ 12 Chapter & – +ales and mareting polic!............................. polic!.................................................2 ....................2 Chapter 1 – BB,%un -riac! -olic!................... -olic!.............................. .................................... .........................2# 2# Chapter 11 – /nti0discrimination polic!.................................................3 Chapter 12 – -rocurement polic! and procedures.......................... procedures..................................31 ........31 Chapter 13 – ist o% preapproed suppliers..................... suppliers................................ .......................3# ............3#

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age ' f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

a!ter 1 * Business !lan (e+&er!t)

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age # f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

,rm BBQfun business !lan ,- '01'.1# Abut BBQfun BB,%un as established in 2& b! current CO4 -at -at Mi%sud. BB,%un o5ers an extensie product range4 incorporating both local and imported goods. +ince 214 the increasingl! competitie retail enironment4 technological change4 changes in consumer bu!ing patterns and consumer confdence has led to disappointing sales. 6oeer4 BB,%un intends to return to health! sales o% 711 million milli on in 212 through building on its organisational strengths4 through targeted mareting strategies aimed at e! segments and through exploiting mareting opportunities. Currentl!4 BB,%un operates to stores4 one in Brisbane (8enmore)4 and one on the 9old Coast. BB,%un is seeing business and mareting opportunities that could lead to interstate or national expansion i% iable and scalable.

Missin  ;o proide our customers ith great alue outdoor li%est!le li%est!le :  ;o products and second0to0none customer serice.

/isin  ;o be4 ithin fe !ears4 south east ,ueenslandualit! products and >ualit! customer

serice : supporting people to per%orm ia training and per%ormance


BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age  f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

a!ter ' * 4rganisatinal &art and management !r8les BBQfun rganisatinal &art

Bard f 2ire&trs and (34 -at Mi%sud

()ief ,inan&ial 45&er ?i@ Mehra

67 Manager 1es 9oodale

4!eratins General Manager 8im Chen

Manager Marketing +am 1ee

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtuniti es

Assessment Materials

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtuniti es

Manager Brisbane -at +2eene!

Manager Gld (ast /lex Mitchell

"age 5 f #$

BBQfun (simulated business)

"age $ f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtuniti es

Assessment Materials

"age $ f #$

BBQfun (simulated business)

a!ter # * Management res!nsibilities "at Mifsud9 34 -at is responsible %or oring ith the Board o% $irectors to oersee the business4 set oerall strategic directions4 manage ris4 and authorise l arge fnancial transactions.

7i: Mera9 ief ,inan&ial 4&er ?i@ is responsible %or preparing >uarterl! fnancial statements and oerall budgeting. ?i@ is also responsible %or oerseeing budgets %or cost centres and indiidual proAects. /t completion o% fnancial >uarters and at the end o% proAects4 ?i@ is responsible %or ieing budget ariation reports and incorporating in%ormation into fnancial statements and fnancial proAections.

Kim en9 4!eratins General Manager 8im is responsible %or the da!0to0da! running o% the compan!. 8im oersees the coordination o% all operations. 8im is responsible %or sponsoring proAects hich a5ect operations o% the organisation as a hole. 8im ors ith the 6? manager to coordinate s!stems and proAects to

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

a!ter # * Management res!nsibilities "at Mifsud9 34 -at is responsible %or oring ith the Board o% $irectors to oersee the business4 set oerall strategic directions4 manage ris4 and authorise l arge fnancial transactions.

7i: Mera9 ief ,inan&ial 4&er ?i@ is responsible %or preparing >uarterl! fnancial statements and oerall budgeting. ?i@ is also responsible %or oerseeing budgets %or cost centres and indiidual proAects. /t completion o% fnancial >uarters and at the end o% proAects4 ?i@ is responsible %or ieing budget ariation reports and incorporating in%ormation into fnancial statements and fnancial proAections.

Kim en9 4!eratins General Manager 8im is responsible %or the da!0to0da! running o% the compan!. 8im oersees the coordination o% all operations. 8im is responsible %or sponsoring proAects hich a5ect operations o% the organisation as a hole. 8im ors ith the 6? manager to coordinate s!stems and proAects to achiee compan!0ide s!nerg!.

;es Gdale9 6uman 7esur&es (67) Manager es is responsible %or the productie capacit! and el%are o% people at BB,%un. ith the Operations 9eneral Manager4 es ors to co0ordinate proAects and management s!stems such as per%ormance management4 recruitment4 and induction.

Sam ;ee9 Marketing Manager +am is responsible %or the management o% all aspects o% mareting. +am manages the actiities o% the mareting team.

"at Suipment that is depreciated.

ODce supplies



-rinting and stationer!4 postage4 amenities.


+ales training= leadership4 6+4 ethicalG legal training.

%tal 3+!enses


et !r8t


Het income be%ore tax.

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age @ f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

a!ter 5 * 4!eratinal !lan BBQfun 4!eratinal !lan (summary) ,- '01'.'01# 4bCe&tives= 1

ngaging ith customers through promotion and maret research.

"erfrman&e measures : Completion o%

maretGmareting research. : Completion o% customer

%asks= : Conduct o% >uarterl! sure!s on customer

satis%action. : aluation o% maret and mareting data to

determine mareting opportunities.

sure!s. : Completion o% reports to

identi%! mareting opportunities.

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age  f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

BBQfun 4!eratinal !lan (summary) ,- '01'.'01# 4bCe&tives= 2

Building reputation %or >ualit! products and >ualit! customer serice. : ?aise

organisational profle b! 2F. : mproe client

satis%action per%ormance b! 2"F.

"erfrman&e measures : -ercentage o% brand

recognition in sought0a%ter categories in periodic customer sure!s. : -ercentage o% customers

ith positie ie o% organisational responsieness4 innoation4 >ualit!4 ethics4 sa%et!.

%asks= : /udit o% supplier >ualit!. : ?egular contact ith suppliers. : nestigate resourcing needs= people4 products. : Iulfl resourcing and distribution needs in

accordance ith policies and procedures. : Maintenance o% enterprise resource management

(?M)4 point o% sale (-O+) and customer relationship management (C?M) s!stems.

: Humber o% customer

complaints. : $elier! times. : Humber o% returned items.

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 10 f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

BBQfun 4!eratinal !lan (summary) ,- '01'.'01# 4bCe&tives= 2

"erfrman&e measures

Building reputation %or >ualit! products and >ualit! customer serice. : ?aise


: -ercentage o% brand

: /udit o% supplier >ualit!.

recognition in sought0a%ter categories in periodic customer sure!s.

: ?egular contact ith suppliers. : nestigate resourcing needs= people4 products. : Iulfl resourcing and distribution needs in

: -ercentage o% customers

organisational profle b! 2F.

accordance ith policies and procedures.

ith positie ie o% organisational responsieness4 innoation4 >ualit!4 ethics4 sa%et!.

: mproe client

satis%action per%ormance b! 2"F.

: Maintenance o% enterprise resource management

(?M)4 point o% sale (-O+) and customer relationship management (C?M) s!stems.

: Humber o% customer

complaints. : $elier! times. : Humber o% returned items.

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 10 f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

BBQfun 4!eratinal !lan (summary) ,- '01'.'01# 4bCe&tives= 3

"erfrman&e measures


+upporting people to : Humbers o% inAuries (;arget: ?esearch e5ectieness o% possible incenties %or= per%orm ia training J ). sa%e or achieementE health! li%est!le. and per%ormance : : Humbers o% absentees ngage orers ith strategic goals o% business management. (;arget J K3F o% total hours). and support pro%essional deelopment in line ith strategic goals. (;argets to be set b! indiidual : /nti0discrimination managers). complaints (;argetJ). : Management engagement ith emplo!ees to : -ercentage completion o% achiee greater bu! in o% organisational goals. per%ormance plans and : per%ormance management nclude explanation o% ho actiities or ith process. organisational strategic goals in all communications to internal personnel. : Humbers o% coaching : sessions completed. ?egular coaching. :

Humbers o% operational – :  ;raining needs anal!sis and training (leadership4 related training programs 6+4 ethicalGlegal training). completed. : +trategic goals included in induction program. :

mplo!ee incenties %or per%ormance in all areas releant to operational and strategic goals.

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 11 f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

BBQfun 4!eratinal !lan (summary) ,- '01'.'01# 4bCe&tives= 3

"erfrman&e measures


+upporting people to : Humbers o% inAuries (;arget: ?esearch e5ectieness o% possible incenties %or= per%orm ia training J ). sa%e or achieementE health! li%est!le. and per%ormance : : Humbers o% absentees ngage orers ith strategic goals o% business management. (;arget J K3F o% total hours). and support pro%essional deelopment in line ith strategic goals. (;argets to be set b! indiidual : /nti0discrimination managers). complaints (;argetJ). : Management engagement ith emplo!ees to : -ercentage completion o% achiee greater bu! in o% organisational goals. per%ormance plans and : per%ormance management nclude explanation o% ho actiities or ith process. organisational strategic goals in all communications to internal personnel. : Humbers o% coaching : sessions completed. ?egular coaching. :

Humbers o% operational – :  ;raining needs anal!sis and training (leadership4 related training programs 6+4 ethicalGlegal training). completed. : +trategic goals included in induction program. :

mplo!ee incenties %or per%ormance in all areas releant to operational and strategic goals.

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 11 f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

BBQfun 4!eratinal !lan (summary) ,- '01'.'01# 4bCe&tives= 

?educe direct and indirect costs o% operations

"erfrman&e measures :

ncreasing s ales reenue

9eneral ledger accountsE : fnancial statements= :




cost o% agent serices


consultanc! %ees


astage and associated expenses.


xpense target J 74**4'1




CO9+ target J 7"4*&4

9eneral ledger accountsE fnancial statements=


?enegotiate ith suppliers. ?esearch potential ne suppliers. ?esearch ne distribution possibilities such as e0 commerceGdelier!.


Management engagement ith emplo!ees to achiee greater emplo!ee support o% organisational goals.


9reater use b! managers o% budgets to encourage restraint.


9reater %ocus on budget restraint in management o% proAectsGactiities.


nentor! management through ?M to reduce oerstocing and ris associated ith storage.


ncenties (as part o% managerGemplo!ee per%ormance management and bonus s!stem).


Mareting campaigns.


+ales training %or oor sta5.

?eenue target J 711 million -roft target J 714'&242*#

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 1' f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

BBQfun 4!eratinal !lan (summary) ,- '01'.'01# 4bCe&tives= 

"erfrman&e measures

?educe direct and indirect costs o% operations


9eneral ledger accountsE : fnancial statements= :




cost o% agent serices


consultanc! %ees


astage and associated expenses.


xpense target J 74**4'1




ncreasing s ales reenue

CO9+ target J 7"4*&4

9eneral ledger accountsE fnancial statements=


?enegotiate ith suppliers. ?esearch potential ne suppliers. ?esearch ne distribution possibilities such as e0 commerceGdelier!.


Management engagement ith emplo!ees to achiee greater emplo!ee support o% organisational goals.


9reater use b! managers o% budgets to encourage restraint.


9reater %ocus on budget restraint in management o% proAectsGactiities.


nentor! management through ?M to reduce oerstocing and ris associated ith storage.


ncenties (as part o% managerGemplo!ee per%ormance management and bonus s!stem).


Mareting campaigns.


+ales training %or oor sta5.

?eenue target J 711 million -roft target J 714'&242*#

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 1' f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

a!ter $ * 2es&ri!tin f !eratins Brisbane= 6ead &e : ocation= 8enmore. : +i@e= 1"4 s>uare metres ("F arehouse4 "F displa! area).

arehouse area used at "F o% capacit!4 but poorl! confgured to accommodate hea! increase in distribution traDc. : mplo!ees=

L 3 %ull time and casual sales and customer serice people4 chec0 out sta5 trained in use o% -O+ (integrated ith ?M and C?M so%tare s!stem) L senior management team (") N 1 store manager L  sales team leaders L 1 delier! truc drier L 1 arehouse orer. : arge me@@anine oDce space (used to be occupied b! online retailer4

currentl! subdiided and occupied b! management team). oading ba! ith large capacit! (most o% area incorporated into

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

a!ter $ * 2es&ri!tin f !eratins Brisbane= 6ead &e : ocation= 8enmore. : +i@e= 1"4 s>uare metres ("F arehouse4 "F displa! area).

arehouse area used at "F o% capacit!4 but poorl! confgured to accommodate hea! increase in distribution traDc. : mplo!ees=

L 3 %ull time and casual sales and customer serice people4 chec0 out sta5 trained in use o% -O+ (integrated ith ?M and C?M so%tare s!stem) L senior management team (") N 1 store manager L  sales team leaders L 1 delier! truc drier L 1 arehouse orer. : arge me@@anine oDce space (used to be occupied b! online retailer4

currentl! subdiided and occupied b! management team). : oading ba! ith large capacit! (most o% area incorporated into

customer displa! area4 could be easil! and cheapl! reconfgured to accommodate extra distribution).

Gld ast !eratin : ocation= ?obina. : +i@e= 124 s>uare metres ("F arehouse4 "F displa! area).

arehouse area used at "F o% capacit!4 but poorl! confgured to accommodate hea! increase in distribution traDc. : mplo!ees=

L 3 %ull0time and casual sales and customer serice people4 chec0 out sta5 trained in use o% -O+ (integrated ith ?M and C?M so%tare s!stem) L 1 store manager L 3 sales team leaders L 1 delier! truc drier L 1 arehouse orer. : arge me@@anine open0plan oDce space ith separate access

(currentl! rented out to telemareting compan!).

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 1# f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

: ots o% spare oDce space. : oading ba! ith large capacit!.

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 1 f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

a!ter > * 4rganisatinal risk register BBQfun 7isk register ,- '01'.'01# Identi8ed risk

"rbabil ity


urrent &ntrls

,uture a&tins

Iailure to identi%! changes in maretGexternal enironment and deelop appropriate strategies.



: /ppropriate

: ndustr!

Iailure to ade>uatel! train emplo!ees in line ith mareting strategies.


Iailure to reise operations and resourcing in accordance ith mareting strategies.



Iailure to ensure productGcustomer serice >ualit! in eent o% reised operations through training4 retraining4 etc.



Iailure to recruit >ualifed salesGcustomer serice sta5 due to increased competition in south east ,ueensland.


Iailure to realise reenue gains due to poor consumer confdence.


Iailure to meet creditor obligations %rom poor cash o (due to popularit! o% fnancing).



insurances held and coerage reieed annuall!. : Managers

encouraged and incentiised to %ollo per%ormance management polic!. : mplo!ee

per%ormance plans align ith business plan and six0 monthl! reie process in place.



: -roAect to raise

aareness o% anti0 discrimination4 6+ and other legislationG codes


benchmaring in all areas o% organisational per%ormance. : ?eie o%

maretingG operational planning. : ?eie o% online

presence4 possible ecommerce opportunities. : /lthough stores

hae capacit! %or tice current stoc leels4 a big increase in olume ill re>uire reconfguration o% space.

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 15 f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

BBQfun 7isk register ,- '01'.'01# Identi8ed risk

"rbabil ity


urrent &ntrls

o% conduct among sta5.

,uture a&tins

: /lthough stores

hae oDce space4 %or online sales sta54 space currentl! being rented to third part!.

BBQfun 7isk register ,- '01'.'01# Identi8ed risk

"rbabil ity


urrent &ntrls

,uture a&tins

Competition (both brics and mortar and online) a5ecting proft margins and maret share.



: /ppropriate 6?

: C?M and ?-

nade>uate insurance coer= freE the%t.



Hon0compliance on anti0discrimination.



-oor organisational cultureE lo leel o% sta5 engagement and morale.



oss o% noledge and capabilit! through departing sta5.



Iailure to meet or health and sa%et! (6+)



policies and procedures in place. ncluded in emplo!ee induction its. •

6+ management s!stem in place.

so%tare ma! need to be reconfgured to accommodate increased distribution. : ?eie priac!


BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 1$ f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

BBQfun 7isk register ,- '01'.'01# Identi8ed risk

"rbabil ity


urrent &ntrls

o% conduct among sta5.

,uture a&tins

: /lthough stores

hae oDce space4 %or online sales sta54 space currentl! being rented to third part!.

BBQfun 7isk register ,- '01'.'01# Identi8ed risk

"rbabil ity


urrent &ntrls

,uture a&tins

Competition (both brics and mortar and online) a5ecting proft margins and maret share.



: /ppropriate 6?

: C?M and ?-

nade>uate insurance coer= freE the%t.



Hon0compliance on anti0discrimination.



-oor organisational cultureE lo leel o% sta5 engagement and morale.



oss o% noledge and capabilit! through departing sta5.



Iailure to meet or health and sa%et! (6+)



policies and procedures in place. ncluded in emplo!ee induction its. •

6+ management s!stem in place.

so%tare ma! need to be reconfgured to accommodate increased distribution. : ?eie priac!


BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 1$ f #$

Assessment Materials

re>uirementsGother legal re>uirements %or mareting o% products and serices.

BBQfun (simulated business)


BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 1> f #$

Assessment Materials

re>uirementsGother legal re>uirements %or mareting o% products and serices.

BBQfun (simulated business)


BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 1> f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

a!ter @* Marketing !lan D "lease nte= /s part o% !our assessment4 !ou ill need to update mareting in%ormation %or the !ear 212. ou need to consider updating in%ormation here !ou see the %olloing= te= n%ormation needs to be updated %or the present !ear.

1E03+e&utive Summary= BB,%un as established in 2& b! its current CO4 -at Mi%sud. BB,%un o5ers an extensie product range4 incorporating both local and imported goods. BB,%un steadil! increased maret share and proftabilit! to 21 hen sales peaed at 71 million. +ince 214 the increasingl! competitie retail enironment4 technological change4 changes in consumer bu!ing patterns and confdence has led to disappointing sales. 6oeer4 BB,%un intends to return to health! sales o% 711 million in 212 through building on its organisational strengths. Organisational strengths ill be built through targeted mareting strategies aimed at e! segments and through exploiting mareting opportunities.

'E0Situatin Analysis= BB,%un sees its moderate pricing4 extensie and high0>ualit! product

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

a!ter @* Marketing !lan D "lease nte= /s part o% !our assessment4 !ou ill need to update mareting in%ormation %or the !ear 212. ou need to consider updating in%ormation here !ou see the %olloing= te= n%ormation needs to be updated %or the present !ear.

1E03+e&utive Summary= BB,%un as established in 2& b! its current CO4 -at Mi%sud. BB,%un o5ers an extensie product range4 incorporating both local and imported goods. BB,%un steadil! increased maret share and proftabilit! to 21 hen sales peaed at 71 million. +ince 214 the increasingl! competitie retail enironment4 technological change4 changes in consumer bu!ing patterns and confdence has led to disappointing sales. 6oeer4 BB,%un intends to return to health! sales o% 711 million in 212 through building on its organisational strengths. Organisational strengths ill be built through targeted mareting strategies aimed at e! segments and through exploiting mareting opportunities.

'E0Situatin Analysis= BB,%un sees its moderate pricing4 extensie and high0>ualit! product range4 great customer serice4 and product guarantees as e! o5erings to gain traction ith a maret dominated b! lo0>ualit! proiders.  ;he basic maret need is %or >ualit!4 %ashionable and uni>ue outdoor li%est!le items that %ulfl the house0proud needs o% our target maret.

'E1 Market summary BB,%un uses maret data %rom arious sources4 including priate sources and /B+ statistical data to better understand potential customers4 their specifc needs4 and ho BB,%un can better communicate ith them.

Market &ara&teristi&s  ;he profle %or the potential BB,%un maret consists o% the %olloing geographic and demographic characteristics.

te= n%ormation needs to be updated %or the present !ear. :

L L L :

Oerie +outheast ,ueensland area= high population groth o% "F per !ear ne homes and renoated homes groing %rom a base o% "4 per !ear lo unemplo!ment o% .'F. 9eographic=

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 1@ f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)


our immediate geographic target is the area o% Brisbane ith a population o% 244


a 3 m geographic area is the aerage store maret %ootprint


the total targeted population is estimated at "4.




male and %emale


ages 2–"


high percentage o% !oung pro%essionals ho or in the central business district


high percentage hae completed undergraduateGpostgraduate stud!


an aerage household income o% oer 7'4.

Market needs te= n%ormation needs to be erifed %or the present !ear. : +election – a ide choice o% options. : /ccessibilit! – the customer needs eas! access to the store ith

minimal inconenience. : Customer serice – the customer needs expert customer serice to

help sort through choices. : Competitie pricing – the customer needs all productsGserices to be

competitiel! priced relatie to comparable high0end outdoor li%est!le options o5ered b! competitors. : Ilexible pa!ment – the customer needs easil! managed pa!ment

plan. : ,ualit! guarantees – the customer re>uires three !ear product

guarantees (as o5ered b! most competitors).

Market trends  ;he maret trend %or outdoor li%est!le stores is headed toard a more sophisticated and in%ormed customer. Outdoor li%est!les customers are becoming more sophisticated in a number o% di5erent a!s= : tem >ualit! – the pre%erence %or high >ualit! items is increasing as

customers are learning to appreciate the >ualit! di5erences. : Pni>ue – our patrons appreciate the opportunit! to include outdoor

li%est!les in their home that stand out %rom the mass0produced and lo0>ualit! items. : +election – people are demanding a larger selection o% choicesE the!

are no longer accepting a limited o5er in outdoor li%est!les.

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 1 f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

Market grualit! imports

ith the high alue o% the /ustralian dollar : the mareting b! popular ;Q li%est!le programmes.

3&nmy te= n%ormation needs to be updated %or the present !ear. /t present4 the real estate maret in south east ,ueensland continues to rise in price4 and ith it the disposable income o% the population. Based on economic %orecasts4 BB,%un assumes that interest rates ill remain stead! and ill hae little to no a5ect on disposable income. ;he same assumption is made about emplo!ment leels4 here BB,%un assumes that unemplo!ment leels remain the same at approximatel! F.

"liti&al te= n%ormation needs to be updated %or the present !ear. Irom research carried out4 BB,%un identifed that the present 9oernment %ocus and emphasis in %uture legislatie direction ill be about groth and productiit!4 hich BB,%un sees as a positie %or their business model.  ;here is also a strong push %or enironmentall! sound business practices and harmonised 6+ legislation. BB,%un4 as a business operating in /ustralia4 ill abide b! the la in all its dealings and compl! ith all legislation that impact on its business actiities.

'E' SF4% analysis  ;he %olloing +O; (strengths4 eanesses4 opportunities and threats) anal!sis captures the e! strengths and eanesses ithin the compan!4 and describes the opportunities and threats %acing BB,%un.

Strengts :

xcellent customer serice emplo!ees ho are highl! silled and noledgeable about outdoor li%est!les.


?etail space that is bright4 %unctional and engaging to customers.


6igh customer lo!alt! among repeat customers.


/ssortment o% products that exceed competitor o5erings in >ualit!4 range and accessibilit!.

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age '0 f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

Feaknesses :

/ limited mareting budget to deelop brand aareness.


Ho online profle.  ;he struggle to continuall! manage cash o and proftabilit! due to=



high marginal costs and expenses


repa!ment plans taen out b! our customers.

4!!rtunities te= n%ormation needs to be updated %or the present !ear. :

/ groing maret in a high groth area ith a signifcant percentage o% the target maret still not aare o% BB,%un alue proposition.


ncreasing sales opportunities outside o% our store locations – south east ,ueensland. 9roing opportunit! %or online sales.


%reats te= n%ormation needs to be updated %or the present !ear. • •

o0cost competition. Competition %rom national chains moing into the Brisbane maret4 potentiall! through online sales. / possible slump in the econom! reducing customerRs disposable income spent on outdoor li%est!les.

'E# m!etitin te= n%ormation needs to be updated %or the present !ear. Ior the purposes o% assessment4 named competitors are presumed to exist4 although other competition ma! be identifed.

atinal &m!etitin :  ;he ard= has a limited selection but signifcant depth. /ll /ustralian

made. Ho signifcant mareting or promotion. ;he price point is high4 but the >ualit! o% products is >uite good. Hot in south east ,ueensland. Considering e0commerce options. Considered potential treat %or entering maret through e0commerce because o% large distribution netor : BB,ualit!. +trong in the BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age '1 f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

replacement segment rather than ne and re%urbished dellings. 9aining strength in Brisbane maret. Considering e0commerce options.

;&al &m!etitin : /ll independents. ;hese stores are oned b! indiidual oner

operators. ?anges ar! according to oner pre%erences. ;here are er! %e imports. Mostl! retailing /ustralian manu%actured goods. Collectiel! their aerage item sale price is 72"4 the! hae a maret share o% *F4 and are groing at about *F per !ear. One important source o% maret research is competitie anal!sis. BB,%un management continuall! isit local outdoor li%est!le stores %or competitie anal!sis4 proiding BB,%un ith timel! in%ormation regarding other storeualit!4 and uni>ue outdoor li%est!le retailer. +outh east ,ueensland consumers ho appreciate high0>ualit! and uni>ueness ill recognise the alue and uni>ue o5erings proided b! BB,%un. BB,%unualit! and uni>ue. t o5ers the Shouse proud< customer a di5erent option %rom the cheap mass produced products prealent in the maret. +erice – BB,%un o5er the onl! three0!ear guarantee in the maret. Our eas! pa! pa!ment scheme is Aust hat our mortgage pa!ing customers elcome. Our experienced sta5 can assist ith product noledge second to none in the industr!.

B! o5ering a superior serice in range and uni>ueness4 BB,%un ill excel relatie to the competition and achiee our mareting obAecties.

E$ Strategy !yramids te= /lthough fnancial obAecties ma! not change4 mareting obAecties and aspects o% the mareting mix such as promotion ma! need to be reised a%ter assessment o% mareting opportunities. Iinancial obAecties %or the 212 fnancial !ear are= : / double digit groth rate %or each %uture !ear. : ?educe the oerhead per store through disciplined management o%

expenses. : Continue increase our gross proft margins.

Our mareting obAecties complement and support fnancial obAecties= : ncrease our lo!alt! customers list %rom 14 to 1#4. : stablish brand recognition in south east ,ueensland so that at least

to in three people recognise our brand in a random sure! taen in 1* months time.  ;he oerriding strateg! is to position BB,%un as the premier outdoor li%est!les store in the south0east ,ueensland area4 to command a maAorit! o% the maret share ithin fe !ears. ;he mareting strateg! ill see to frst create customer aareness regarding their serices o5ered4 deelop that customer base4 and or toard building customer lo!alt! and re%errals.  ;he strateg! ill be reected in our promotional materials aimed at target segments. ;he message that BB,%un ill see to communicate is that BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age '$ f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

BB,%un o5ers the idest4 most exotic4 eas! access outdoor li%est!le products in Brisbane. ;his message ill be communicated through a ariet! o% methods. ;he frst ill be direct mail. ;he direct mail campaign ill be a a! to communicate directl! ith the consumer. BB,%un ill also use ads and inserts in Bri@@! maga@ine. BB,%un also beliee that the local patrons %ar pre%er to receie in%ormation %rom the store ia !ers in the letterbox.

E> Marketing mi+ te= /spects o% the mareting mix such as promotion ma! need to be reised a%ter assessment o% mareting opportunities. BB,%unualit!4 it ill not be cheap. e emphasise alue oer price and bac this up ith a three !ear guarantee. : $istribution – BB,%un products ill be distributed through to retail

stores hich customers can access easil! ia the large car paring arrangements. : /dertising and promotion – the most success%ul adertising ill be

ads and inserts in the Bri@@! as ell as a -? campaign o% in%ormational articles and reies also ithin the Bri@@!. -romotions ill tae the %orm o% in0store entertainment and competitions ith pri@es to exotic oerseas destinations. +ocial media is considered not iable or practical considering lo participation among targeted segments. : Customer +erice – BB,%unuired to complete a pre0emplo!ment health >uestionnaire. ou ma! also be ased to undergo a pre0emplo!ment medical assessment. % !ou re%use to proide an! o% the in%ormation re>uested b! BB,%un4 or to consent to the disclosure o% the results o% !our medical assessment to BB,%un4 e ma! be unable to consider !our application.

>E Is te !ersnal infrmatin uer!4 to proide and maret our serices to !ou or as otherise alloed or re>uired b! la. Ior the same purposes4 BB,%un ma! share !our in%ormation ith other members o% the BB,%un strategic partners (including companies ho are located outside /ustralia) and their respectie serice proiders4 agents and contractors. % e do this4 e re>uire these parties to protect !our in%ormation in the same a! e do.

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age #$ f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

hen !ou isit this ebsite or donload in%ormation %rom it4 our internet serice proider (+-) maes a record o% !our isit and records the %olloing in%ormation= : !our internet address : !our domain name4 i% applicable : date and time o% !our isit to the ebsite.

Our +- also collects in%ormation such as the pages our users access4 the documents the! donload4 lins %rom other sites the! %ollo to reach our ebsite4 and the t!pe o% broser the! use. 6oeer4 this in%ormation is anon!mous and is onl! used to statistical and ebsite deelopment purposes. e use a ariet! o% ph!sical and electronic securit! measures4 including restricting ph!sical access to our oDces4 frealls and secure databases to eep personal in%ormation secure %rom unauthorised use4 loss or disclosure. 6oeer4 !ou should eep in mind that the internet is not a secure enironment. % !ou use the internet to send us an! in%ormation4 including !our email address4 it is sent at !our on ris.  ou hae a right o% access to personal in%ormation e hold about !ou in certain circumstances. % e den! !our re>uest %or access e ill tell !ou h!.

10E Jse f &kies / cooie is a small message gien to !our eb broser b! our eb serer.  ;he broser stores the message in a text fle4 and the message is then sent bac to the serer each time the broser re>uests a page %rom the serer. BB,%un maes limited use o% cooies on their ebsite. Cooies are used to measure usage sessions accuratel!4 to gain a clear picture o% hich areas o% the ebsite attract traDc and to improe the %unctionalit! o% our ebsite. hen cooies are used on this ebsite4 the! are used to store in%ormation relating to !our isit such as a uni>ue identifer4 or a alue to indicate hether !ou hae seen a eb page. e use session (not permanent) cooies. ;he! are used to distinguish !our internet broser %rom the thousands o% other brosers. ;his ebsite ill not store personal in%ormation such as email addresses or other details in a cooie. Most internet brosers are set up to accept cooies. % !ou do not ish to receie cooies4 !ou ma! be able to change the settings o% !our broser to re%use all cooies or to noti%! !ou each time a cooie is sent to !our computer4 giing !ou the choice hether to accept it or not.

11E ustmer servi&e satisfa&tin data n accordance ith compan! polic! all olunteered customer serice data ill be treated in the strictest o% confdence. Ho data ill be gien to third BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age #> f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

parties except to adance the cause o% improed customer serice. Ho in%ormation ill be used to maret additional products or serices or be gien to third parties %or this purpose. /ll customer data ill be stored securel! as per compan! record0eeping polic!.

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age #@ f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

a!ter 11 * Antidis&riminatin !li&y BBQfun antidis&riminatin !li&y "ur!se

 ;he purpose o% this polic! is to ensure transactions ith clients4 tenants and other emplo!ees is handled %airl! and transparentl! and in accordance ith organisational and legal re>uirements. 9enerall! it is unla%ul to discriminate on the basis o% the %olloing 1# characteristics= : sex : relationship status : pregnanc! : parental status : breast%eeding : age : race : impairment : religious belie% or

religious actiit!


: political belie% or

actiit! : trade union actiit! : la%ul sexual actiit! : gender identit! : sexualit! : %amil! responsibilities : association ith4 or

relation to4 a person identifed on the basis o% the aboe.

 ;he scope o% this polic! coers all emplo!ees and contractors o% BB,%un.


+pecifc procedures %or the implementation o% this polic! are proided in emplo!ee induction its.

7es!nsibi lity

?esponsibilit! %or the implementation o% this polic! rests ith all emplo!ees4 contractors and management o% BB,%un.

7elevant legislatin 9 et&E

● Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth) ●  Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Queensland) ●  A$e Discrimination Act !!% (Cwlth) ●  Australian &uman 'i$hts Commission Act 198

(Cwlth) ● Disaility Discrimination Act 199 (Cwlth) ● 'acial Discrimination Act 19*+ (Cwlth) : "e, Discrimination Act 198% (Cwlth)


#G212 – ?i@ Mehra4 CIO

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age # f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)


BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 0 f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

a!ter 1' * "r&urement !li&y and !r&edures BBQfun !r&urement !li&y "ur!se

 ;he purpose o% this polic! is to ensure the ac>uisition o% resources is carried out consistentl!4 %airl! and transparentl! and in accordance ith organisational re>uirements.


 ;he scope o% this polic! coers the purchasing and ac>uisition o% resources b! emplo!ees and contractors o% BB,%un.


+pecifc principles %or the implementation o% this polic! are aailable belo.

7es!nsibi lity

?esponsibilit! %or the implementation o% this polic! rests ith emplo!ees and management o% BB,%un ith responsibilit! %or purchasing resources.

7elevant legislatin et&E

● Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth) ●  Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Queensland) ●  Australian "ecurities and .nvestments Commission

 Act !!1 (Cwlth) ● Corporations Act !!1 (Cwlth) ●  A /ew 0a, "ystem (oods and "ervices 0a,

 Administration) Act 1999 (Cwlth) ●  A /ew 0a, "ystem (oods and "ervices 0a,) Act

1999 (Cwlth) ● .ncome 0a, Assessment Act 199* (Cwlth) : 2air 3or4 Act !!9 (Cwlth)

J!dated. autrised

#G212 – ?i@ Mehra4 CIO

"rin&i!les gverning !r&urement !r&ess 1E "rbity and eti&al beaviur  ;he principle o% probit! and ethical behaiour goerns the conduct o% all procurement actiities. mplo!ees ho hae authorit! to procure goods and serices must compl! ith the standards o% integrit!4 probit!4 pro%essional conduct and ethical behaiour. mplo!ees or directors must BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 1 f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

not see to beneft %rom supplier practices that ma! be dishonest or unethical.

'E /alue fr mney Qalue %or mone! is the core principle underpinning procurement. Contracted organisations must be cost e5ectie and eDcient in the use o% resources hilst upholding the highest standards o% probit! and integrit!. n general4 a competitie process carried out in an open4 obAectie and transparent manner can achiee best alue %or mone! in procurement.

#E ndis&riminatin  ;his procurement polic! is non0discriminator!. /ll potential contracted suppliers should hae the same opportunities to compete %or business and must be treated e>uitabl! based on their suitabilit! %or the intended purpose.

E 7isk management ?is management inoles the s!stematic identifcation4 anal!sis4 treatment and4 here possible4 the implementation o% appropriate ris mitigation strategies. t is integral to eDcienc! and e5ectieness to proactiel! identi%!4 ealuate4 and manage riss arising out o% procurement related actiities. ;he riss associated ith procurement actiit! must be managed in accordance ith the organisationualifed %or a

particular product or serice (this ma! be appropriate %or specialised re>uirements in marets here there is a limited number o% suppliers or serice proiders) : an initation to tender to organisations on BB,%unuisite competenc!.

1E 7esults f tendering !r&ess /ll tender respondents should be in%ormed in riting o% the result o% a tendering process immediatel! a%ter a contract has been aarded.

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age  f #$

Assessment Materials

BBQfun (simulated business)

Summary f !r&urement !li&y delegatins "ur&ase amunt

7eOuired number f Outes


34 and ne dire&tr

/uthorit! to sign  ;o or more contracts %or competitie products and >uotes %or serices oer contracts oer 7'"4. 7'"4.

$etailed serices contract re>uired.


/uthorit! to sign  ;o or more contracts %or competitie products and >uotes. serices up to 7'"4.

$etailed serices contract re>uired %or contracts oer 724.

General managers

/uthorit! to sign contracts %or products and serices under 734.

One or more competitie >uotes pre%erred.

-roided the! are ithin the approed budget and consistent ith businessGoperatio nal and strategic planning.


/uthorit! to sign contracts %or products and serices under 714.

One or more competitie >uotes pre%erred.

Iollo BB,%un purchasing procedures.

ntra&trs and e+ternal &nsultants

Ho authorit!

One or more competitie >uotes pre%erred.

Contractors and external consultants must %ollo BB,%un purchasing procedures and must see approal %or purchases %rom person holding releant authorit!.

2elegated autrity nly trug 34

Must use pre%erred suppliers list.

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing !!rtunities "age 5 f #$

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