Burlington 4

December 23, 2016 | Author: Tudor Ana | Category: N/A
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I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You You must use between three and six words, including the word given.

1. Alice didn't want to go to the shops with her friends that aturda!. FEEL Alice didn"t feel li#e going shopping with her friends that aturda!. $. %aving an argument about the referee's decision would be a waste of time. POINT &here's no point in( arguing about the referee's dec ision. ). I hope !ou bro#e m! computer b! accident* BETTER You had better better not have bro#en bro#en m! comp uter on purpose* purpo se* +. After telling telling us about the hotel, ho tel, ax described the resort to us. WENT ax told us about the hotel h otel and went on to give a description of the resort. -. anessa anessa was ta#en on b! a big law firm as soon as she graduated. LANDED /n graduation, anessa anessa landed a 0ob with a big law firm. . I thin# we should consider the plan's advantages and disadvantages before deciding. PROS I thin# we should weigh up the pros and the cons of the plan before deciding. 2. 3u! made absolutel! sure nothing would go wrong when he planned the expedition. CHANCE 3u! left left nothing nothing to chance chance when whe n he planned planne d the expediti expe dition. on. 4. &here are twice as man! women as men wor#ing here. OUTNUMBER  5emale members of staff outnumber male members of( staff b! two to one. 6. 7hen the! started their tre#, the! had no idea how bad the weather would become. OUTSET 8obod! reali9ed reali9ed at the outset of their tre# how bad the weather weather would would become. become. 1:. 7as 7as the e;uipment e; uipment chec#ed ch ec#ed before before the! left< PRIOR  Did an!one chec# the e;uipment prior to departure< 11. According to the board, the compan! has to save mone! if it is to survive. CUTBACKS &he board has announced that the compan! needs to ma#e cutbac#s in order to survive. 1$. I #now it was a waste of mone! = don't ma#e me feel worse about it* SALT I #now it it was a waste of mone! = there's no need to rub salt in the wound b! reminding reminding me*

II. Circle the correct answer. an swer. 1. 7ould the plan involve our investing a great deal of mone! < a. to be investing b. our investing c. us to invest d. we investing $. urel! the professor wouldn't be so cruel as to fail ever!one in the class* a. too cruel to fail b. enough cruel to fail c. so cruel failing d. so cruel as to fail ). ! doctor sa!s there's nothing else I can do about m! asthma. o, I'm going to tr! consulting a specialist. a. tr! consulting b. tr! to be consulting c. tr! having consulted d. tr! and consulting +. onia onia made a rough rough guess guess as to how how much much the wedding wed ding would woul d cost. cost . a. remote b. dull c. cross d. rough -. I'll never forgive his telling me so man! lies. a. his telling me b. for telling c. to be told d. him to tell me . I am sometimes indiscreet but I don't mean to gossip. a. indiscreet b. insistent c. intentional d. inconsolable 2. >eople came from far and wide to ta#e part in the peace demonstration in 7ashington. a. round and round b. out and about c. there and bac# d. far and wide

4. A few people on the committee supported the proposal but the! were outvoted b! those against it. a. outvoted b. overestimated c. overstaffed d. outweighed 6. &he researchers reali9ed the! were on the wrong trac# and had to change the focus of th eir experiment. a. in the footsteps b. ahead of schedule c. on the wrong trac# d. off the beaten trac#   1:. %ordes of tourists come here ever! summer. a. &rains b. %ordes c. ?oards d. Crews 11. &here is a well=mar#ed trail up the side of the mountain. a. terrain b. trail c. trip d. tre#   1$. A group from m! college is about to embar# on an exped ition to c limb ount @verest. a. steer b. set foot c. embar# d. outset

III. ead the text below and decide which answer best fits each space. 1. 5re!a tar# 146)=166)( was an extraordinar! woman who ventured into remote areas where few @uropeans had ever set foot. ?orn in >aris, brought up in Ital!, and educated in Bondon, she was alread! multilingual before deciding to learn Arabic at the age of ):. h e travelled extensivel! through 3reece, Ital! and C!prus. a. wide b. outward c. far d. remote a. set b. put c. got d. placed a. multipurpose b. outsmarted c. overvalued d. multilingual a. broadl! b. extensivel! c. deliberatel! d. privatel! $. he led expeditions into the most dangerous areas and succeeded despite the ris#s she was even thrown into a militar! prison on one occasion(. a. destinations b. explorations c. operations d. expeditions ). During her travels, she completed a tre# across the alle! of the Assassins, famous not onl! for its rough terrain but also for its murderous inhabitants. a. turn b. trac# c. tre# d. transfer   a. terrain b. itinerar! c. scener! d. stopover   +. he died at the age of 1::, outliving most women of her generation in more wa!s than one. a. outnumbering b. outliving c. outsta!ing d. outweighing -. &ourism is now one of the largest industries in the world, and is the main source of income in man! countries. nfortunatel!, a /IB( countr!side, or are !ou loo#ing for a far= flung 5BI83( corner of the world< +. 7e offer a range of all= inclusive I8CBD@( pac#ages at the most competitive C/>@&@( prices on the mar#et.

. ead the text below and thin# of the word wh ich best fits each gap. se onl! one word in each gap. If !ou have ever participated in a school sports da!, !ou ma! have memories either 1( of triumph, if !ou crossed the line in front of the others, or of the embarrassment of being $( made to run a race !ou had no chance of winning. &!picall!, sports da!s consist of )( series of races and the children spend +( most of the da! standing around with little nothing -( to do except wait for their race. ore recentl!, however, attempts have ( been made to ma#e sports da!s more about ta#ing 2( part than timing. &his means introducing events that which 4( re;uire problem=solving and teamwor#. tudents who are not sports= minded are activel! involved in setting up 6( the events and recording the results. &his wa! ever!one is 1:( rewarded for their participation. &o 11( ma#e it fun, primar! school children might get stic#ers = a  proven wa! of motivating !oung children. &he need to encourage schoolchildren to participate in 1$( sport is urgent = there is now little less 1)( time for ph!sical education in the school curriculum and if sport is not compulsor!, students tend to drop out 1+( of these lessons in their earl! teens. @ducators ho pe that  promoting the fun side of sport for 1-( all will benefit ever!one in the long run.

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given.

1. Alice didn't want to go to the shops with her friends that aturda!. FEEL Alice EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE shopping with her friends that aturda!. $. %aving an argument about the referee's decision would be a waste of time. POINT &here's no EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEthe referee's decision. ). I hope !ou bro#e m! computer b! accident* BETTER You EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE m! computer on purpose* +. After telling us about the hotel, ax described the resort to us. WENT ax told us about the hotel and EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEa description of the resort. -. anessa was ta#en on b! a big law firm as soon as she graduated. LANDED /n graduation, anessa EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEwith a big law firm. . I thin# we should consider the plan's advantages and disadvantages before deciding. PROS I thin# we should weigh up EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE of the plan before deciding. 2. 3u! made absolutel! sure nothing would go wrong when he planned the expedition. CHANCE 3u! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE when he planned the expedition. 4. &here are twice as man! women as men wor#ing here. OUTNUMBER  5emale members of staff EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEto one. 6. 7hen the! started their tre#, the! had no idea how bad the weather would become. OUTSET 8obod! reali9ed EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEhow bad the weather would become. 1:. 7as the e;uipment chec#ed before the! left< PRIOR  Did an!one EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE departure< 11. According to the board, the compan! has to save mone! if it is to survive. CUTBACKS &he board has announced that the compan! needs EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEin order to survive. 1$. I #now it was a waste of mone! = don't ma#e me feel worse about it* SALT I #now it was a waste of mone! = there's no need to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEb! reminding me*

II. Circle the correct answer. 1. 7ould the plan involve EEEEEEEa great deal of mone!< a. to be investing b. our investing c. us to invest d. we investing $. urel! the professor wouldn't be EEEEEEEever!one in the class* a. too cruel to fail b. enough cruel to fail c. so cruel failing d. so cruel as to fail ). ! doctor sa!s there's nothing else I can do about m! asthma. o, I'm going to EEEEEEEa specialist. a. tr! consulting b. tr! to be consulting c. tr! having consulted d. tr! and consulting +. onia made a EEEEEEE guess as to how much the wedd ing woul d c ost. a. remote b. dull c. cross d. rough -. I'll never forgive EEEEEEEso man! lies. a. his telling me b. for telling c. to be told d. him to tell me . I am sometimes EEEEEEE but I don't mean to gossip. a. indiscreet b. insistent c. intentional d. inconsolable 2. >eople came from EEEEEEEto ta#e part in the peace demonstration in 7ashington. a. round and round b. out and about c. there and bac# d. far and wide

4. A few people on the committee supported the proposal but the! were EEEEEEE b! those against it. a. outvoted b. overestimated c. overstaffed d. outweighed 6. &he researchers reali9ed the! were EEEEEEEand had to change the focus of their experiment. a. in the footsteps b. ahead of schedule c. on the wrong trac# d. off the beaten trac#   1:. EEEEEEE of tourists come here ever! summer. a. &rains b. %ordes c. ?oards d. Crews 11. &here is a well=mar#ed EEEEEEE up the side of the mountain. a. terrain b. trail c. trip d. tre#   1$. A group from m! college is about to EEEEEEE on an exped ition to climb ount @verest. a. steer b. set foot c. embar# d. outset

III. ead the text below and decide which answer best fits each space. 1. 5re!a tar# 146)=166)( was an extraordinar! woman who ventured into EEEEEEE areas where few @uropeans had ever set foot. ?orn in >aris, brought up in Ital!, and educated in Bondon, she was alread!  EEEEEEE before deciding to learn Arabic at the age of ):. he traveled EEEEEEE through 3reece, Ital! and C!prus. a. wide b. outward c. far d. remote a. set b. put c. got d. placed a. multipurpose b. outsmarted c. overvalued d. multilingual a. broadl! b. extensivel! c. deliberatel! d. privatel! $. he led EEEEEEE into the most dangerous areas and succeeded despite the ris#s she was even thrown into a militar! prison on one occasion(. a. destinations b. explorations c. operations d. expeditions ). During her travels, she completed a EEEEEEE across the alle! of the Assassins, famous not onl! for its rough EEEEEEE but also for its murderous inhabitants. a. turn b. trac# c. tre# d. transfer   a. terrain b. itinerar! c. scener! d. stopover   +. he died at the age of 1::, EEEEEEE most women of her generation in more wa!s than one. a. outnumbering b. outliving c. outsta!ing d. outweighing -. &ourism is now one of the largest industries in the world, and is the main source of income in man! countries. nfortunatel!, EEEEEEEdevelopment has come at a price. &he construction of facilities to cater to the needs of EEEEEEE of visitors has led to the EEEEEEE of natural habitats. a. a b. more c. this d. their   a. hordes b. herds c. plent! d. boo#ings a . washout b. destruction c. interference d. de0ection . Air travel to EEEEEEE places results in huge amounts of carbon emissions which contribute to global warming. a. roundabout b. long=term c. far=flung d. high=fl!ing

2. &he ma0orit! of holida!ma#ers are EEEEEEE of or unconcerned about such issues, but fortunatel! there are  EEEEEEEwho would rather travel with a clear  EEEEEEE. 5or EEEEEEEtravelers, there is now an alternative to  EEEEEEEtourism, #nown as ecotourism or sustainable travel. &he! choose their EEEEEEE carefull!, and tr! to ma#e sure that their visit will have onl! a minimal EEEEEEE on the env ironment. a . alarmed b. dissimilar c. unaware d. uncaring a. them b. also c. however d. those a. conscience b. attitude c. permission d. posture a. other b. these c. rough d. the a . hospitable b. conventional c. pea# d. such a. deadlines b. destinations c. traveling d. terrain a. infection b. affect c. effect d. ob0ect 4. @co=sensitive travel can have across=the= EEEEEEEbenefits for the environment. a. pac# b. board c. area d. land

I. se the words given in capitals at the end of some lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. 1. 7e are the onl! tour EEEEEEE />@A&@( that cater for the discerning traveler. $. /ur designed tours will ta#e !ou off the EEEEEEE ?@A&( trac# to learn a bit more, to experience a bit more and to prove that travel reall! does EEEEEEE ?/AD( the mind. ). Do !ou prefer the peace and tran;uilit! of EEEEEEE >/IB( countr!side, or are !ou loo#ing for a far=  EEEEEEE 5BI83( corner of the world< +. 7e offer a range of all= EEEEEEE I8CBD@( pac#ages at the most EEEEEEE C/>@&@( prices on the mar#et.

. ead the text below and thin# of the word wh ich best fits each gap. se onl! one word in each gap. If !ou have ever participated in a school sports da!, !ou ma! have memories EEEEEEE 1( of triumph, if !ou crossed the line in front of the others, or of the embarrassment of EEEEEEE $( made to run a race !ou had no chance of winning. &!picall!, sports da!s consist EEEEEEE )( series of races and the children EEEEEEE +( most of the da! standing around with EEEEEEE -( to do except wait for their race. ore recentl!, however, attempts EEEEEEE ( been made to ma#e sports da!s more about EEEEEEE 2( part than timing. &his means introducing events EEEEEEE 4( re;uire problem=solving and teamwor#. tdents who are not sports=minded are activel! involved in setting EEEEEEE 6( the events and recording the results. &his wa! ever!one  EEEEEEE 1:( rewarded for their participation. EEEEEEE 11( ma#e it fun, primar! school children might get stic#ers = a proven wa! of motivating !oung children. &he need to encourage schoolchildren to  participate EEEEEEE 1$( sport is urgent = there is now EEEEEEE 1)( time for ph!sical education in the school curriculum and if sport is not compulsor!, students tend to drop EEEEEEE 1+( of these lessons in their ear teens. @ducators hope that promoting the fun side of sport EEEEEEE 1-( all will benefit ever!one in the long run.

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