Burlington 4 ESO

April 1, 2017 | Author: Beatriz Arguedas | Category: N/A
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Repaso de Inglés de 4 ESO...


Present Simple / Present Continuous A Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

meet 1 Stan and I ...................... (meet) our friends at football practice twice a week. 2 That jacket ...................... (look) great. 3 Brian ....................... (watch) television every evening. 4 We usually ...................... (do) our homework together. 5 Tom and Mark ...................... (not want) to go to the museum. 6 ...................... Peter ...................... (wash) the car on Sundays? B Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

aren’t working 1 They ...................................... (not work) on their computer at the moment. 2

...................... Brenda ...................... (take) her sister to the park now?

3 Jill ...................................... (not write) an e-mail right now. 4

...................... you ...................... (sit) in the classroom now?

5 Don’t make a noise! The teacher ...................................... (speak) now. 6 Mary ...................................... (travel) home at the moment. C Choose the correct time expression. 1 Christmas is in December every year / now. 2 I am playing soccer every Thursday / tonight. 3 Does Mike visit his grandmother every week / this week? 4 I always walk to school to school today / on Tuesdays. 5 We are learning about the Internet every day / today. 6 That band is playing my favourite song at the moment / on Sundays. D Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

want 1 Jane and her team ...................................... (want) to win the gym competition today. 2 ...................... you usually ...................... (work) on Saturdays? 3 Bill ...................................... (write) a book report at the moment. 4 Robert often ...................................... (study) in the evening. 5 ...................... you ...................... (look) for information on the Internet now? 6 I ...................................... (not know) anything about the theatre.

Past Simple / Past Continuous, used to A Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

rode 1 Peter ...................... (ride) his bicycle to school yesterday. 2 Mum ...................... (play) tennis yesterday. 3 I ...................... (forget) to do my homework last night. 4 Gina ...................................... (not clean) her room last week. 5 My grandparents ...................... (not travel) to London a month ago. 6 What ...................... you ...................... (drink) after the game? B Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

was writing 1 The reporter ...................................... (write) an article while the photographers ...................................... (take) pictures. 2 The pupils ...................................... (not study) for a test. They ...................................... (make) a poster. 3

......................you ...................... (ride) your horse at 4 o’clock yesterday?

4 We ...................................... (sit) at our desks when the bell rang. 5 My brother ...................................... (not wash) the dishes when Mum came home. He ...................................... (sleep)! 6

...................... it ...................... (snow) when you left the house?

C Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

was writing delivered 1 I ...................................... (write) an e-mail to Tom when the postman ...................................... (deliver) his letter! 2 When I ...................................... (leave) home yesterday, some dogs ...................................... (sit) near the front gate. 3 John ...................................... (not swim) at four o’clock. He ...................................... (play) football. 4 Bob ...................................... (lie) in the garden when it ...................................... (start) to rain. 5 As I ...................................... (put) the baby to bed, the phone ...................................... (ring). 6 What .................. you .................. (do) when Dan ...................................... (fall)? D Complete the sentences with used to and the verbs in brackets.

used to wear 1 When Grandma was a girl, she ...................................... (wear) long dresses. 2 Ron ...................................... (not like) swimming, but now he swims every day. 3 Before Steven’s accident, he ...................................... (work) in a factory. 4 Where ...................... you ...................... (go) to school when you were young? 5 What music ...................... teenagers ...................... (listen) to in the 1950s? 6 A hundred years ago, people ...................................... (not travel) in aeroplanes.

First Conditional A Match A to B to form sentences. A


1 If you study hard,

...... a

you will burn yourself.

2 If she doesn’t tidy her room,

...... b

she won’t go out.

3 Unless you wake up on time,

...... c

if you drive too fast.

4 If you touch the hot stove,

...... d

you’ll miss the bus to town.

5 You will be cold

1 e .....

you will do well at school.

6 A policeman will stop you

...... f

unless you put on a coat.

B Complete the sentences with if or unless.

unless you are ready soon. 1 I’m going to leave without you ...................... 2 We’ll buy that shirt for Jill’s birthday ...................... it isn’t too expensive. 3 ...................... I get a lift, I won’t go to the party. 4 ...................... you aren’t careful, you will get into trouble. 5 ...................... I see that new book in the shop, I’ll buy it for you. 6 Don’t see that film ...................... you like horror films. C Complete the sentences with the First Conditional. Use the verbs in brackets.

come 1 If you ...................... (come) home late, I will be angry. 2 If I find my bus ticket, I ...................... (go) to town with you. 3 We will go on a picnic this weekend unless the weather ...................... (be) bad. 4 You’ll get a sunburn if you ...................... (not stay) in the shade. 5 Robert ...................... (meet) us at the restaurant if he finishes work on time. 6 The party will be in the garden unless it ...................... (rain). D Complete the sentences with the First Conditional. Use the verbs in brackets.

has will drive (drive) us to the cinema if he ...................... 1 My big brother ...................... (have) time. 2 If someone ...................... (offer) you a summer job, what ...................... you ...................... (do)? 3 Unless you ...................... (say) “sorry”, he ...................... (not be) your friend. 4 Jenny ...................... (not eat) supper if she ...................... (eat) all that ice cream. 5 The food ...................... (not be) ready before the guests ...................... (arrive). 6 If my sister ...................... (do) well in her exams, she ...................... (go) to university.

Present Perfect A Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect form of the verbs below. read

not rain


not see


not start

haven’t seen 1 Tom looks different. I ...................................... him for years. 2

...................................... you ...................................... this book before?

3 We’re not late for the lesson. It ...................................... yet. 4 I can’t find Kim. ...................................... she already ...................................... the party? 5 My essay is nearly finished. I ...................................... four pages so far. 6 The grass is very dry. It ...................................... for a long time. B Choose the correct answer. 1 We have owned our holiday home for / since three years. 2 I have never / ever been to Sweden. 3 Tom has worked in this office for / since three years. 4 Barbie hasn’t bought Jill’s birthday present yet / recently. 5 I haven’t been to the beach since / for last summer. 6 Have you been here since / for a long time? 7 Have you ever / never seen a giraffe? 8 I have ever / always had long hair. C Choose the correct verb. 1 We arrived / have arrived an hour ago. 2 He has been / was here since 5 am. 3 We have heard / heard a wonderful concert last night. 4

Did you visit / Have you visited the Rock Museum yet?

5 Jane has read / read many books lately. 6 Tom has gone / went to Rio last year. 7 When have you left / did you leave the party? 8 We have seen / saw this programme many times before. D Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Present Perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

buried has 1 The dog ...................... already ...................... (bury) the bone in the garden. 2 Look at that! The children ...................................... (make) a big snowman. 3 I was tired, so I ...................................... (sleep) late last Saturday morning. 4 How long ...................... you ...................... (have) this puppy? 5 I ...................................... (speak) to my friends on the phone last night. 6

...................... you ...................... (see) my pen? I can’t find it.

7 He spoke so fast. I ...................................... (not understand) him. 8 Colin ...................................... (never break) any windows with his soccer ball.

Future A Complete the sentences. Use will or won’t and the verbs below. open






will be 1 Put on a sweater or you ...................................... cold. 2 Andy ...................... probably ...................... the prize. 3 Don’t ask Andrew. He ...................................... the answer. 4 Let’s have a party. We ...................................... fun. 5

...................... you ...................... the window, please? It’s very hot in here.

6 There are no clouds in the sky. It ...................................... today, I don’t think. B Complete the sentences with be going to and the verbs in brackets.

am going to paint (paint) my room red. 1 I bought some paint yesterday and I ...................................... 2 I ...................................... (not go out) tonight. I ...................................... (stay) at home and study. 3 What ...................... you ...................... (do) at the weekend? 4

...................... you ...................... (use) your bike this afternoon? I want to borrow it.

5 Here are the plans. First, we ...................................... (meet) at Helen’s house, then we ...................................... (see) a film. C Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verbs below. watch






”I can’t meet you until Saturday because I’m very busy this week. On Monday, my mum is going 1 ...................................... to the theatre and I 2 ...................................... at home with my little sister. On Tuesday afternoon, I 3 ...................................... basketball. On Wednesday afternoon, my friends and I 4 ...................................... for a test. On Thursday afternoon, I 5 ...................................... a haircut. On Friday afternoon, I 6 ...................................... my favourite TV programme.” D Complete the passage about Nick’s holiday with the words below. flying








am I 1 ......................... going to visit my brother in America next week. We 2 ......................... going to drive in his jeep and we aren’t going to 3 ......................... until we arrive at Disneyland. We are 4 ......................... to go on all the rides there and we are going to 5 ......................... hot dogs, hamburgers, ice cream and popcorn! I am 6 ......................... to California on Sunday night and my brother is 7 ......................... me on Monday morning at the airport. It 8 ......................... be fantastic!

something / someone / anything / anyone, subject/object questions A Match each A to B. A


1 Do you want something to eat?

...... a

Yes, I know someone in London.

2 Did you eat anything tasty in Italy?

1 b ......

No, thanks. I don’t want anything.

3 Do you know anybody who lives in England?

...... c

Yes, we ate pizza every day.

4 Have you bought any winter clothes?

...... d

Yes, I bought some sweaters last week.

B Choose the correct answer. 1 Hurry up! ...... is coming. a Anyone

b Someone

2 It was dark outside. I couldn’t see ...... . a anything

b something

3 I would like ...... to eat. a anything

b something

5 I can’t buy a CD today. I haven’t got ...... money. a some

b any

6 The children are bored. They haven’t got ...... to do. a anything

b something

4 Is there ...... on the bus? a anyone

b someone

C Complete the sentences. Use something, anything, someone or anyone.

something good to eat. 1 We need ......................

4 Can I help ...................... ?

2 We haven’t got ...................... to drink.

5 Have you got ...................... to give to me?

3 Let’s buy ...................... for Alan.

6 ...................... stole my bicycle.

D Write questions for the sentences. Use the bold words to help you.

What did you play? 1 ......................................................................... I played basketball. 2 ......................................................................... We saw Big Ben last year. 3 ......................................................................... Mary has lost her bag.

4 ......................................................................... The baby drank all the milk. 5 ......................................................................... Saul bought the blue pen. 6 ......................................................................... Tina has got a new bicycle.

E Put the words in the correct order. 1 ate / who / the / chocolate / ?

Who ate the chocolate? ................................................................................

2 Jim / what / the / in / done / has / garden / ?


3 holiday / last year / on / went / who / ?


4 bought / they / have / what / ?


5 who / they / call / did / ?


6 Sue / yesterday / did / what / play / ?


Reported Speech A Change the sentences to reported speech by putting the verbs in bold into the correct tense.

lived 1 ”I live near Oxford Street,“ she said. She said that she ...................... near Oxford Street. 2 ”They are going to a club,“ said Tom. Tom said that they ...................... to a club. 3 ”It will snow,“ said Mum. Mum said that it ...................... snow. 4 ”Gran bakes delicious cakes,“ said Jane. Jane said that Gran ...................... delicious cakes. 5 ”I can meet you for lunch,” said Karen. Karen said that she ...................... meet me for lunch. B Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 ”These are my favourite flowers,“ said Aunt Jean.

her those Aunt Jean said that ...................... were ...................... favourite flowers. 2 ”Ken can show this video tomorrow,“ Mum told Ann. Mum told Ann that Ken could show ...................... video ...................... . 3 ”I am watching TV now,“ said Helen. Helen said that ...................... was watching TV ...................... . 4 ”We are going to Switzerland for our holiday next year,“ said Sheila. Sheila said that ...................... were going to Switzerland for ...................... holiday ...................... . 5 “We’ll clean the kitchen tonight,“ said John. John said that ...................... would clean the kitchen ...................... . C Write the following sentences in reported speech. 1 “I will help you choose a new game for your computer,” said Bill.

Bill said that he would help me choose a new game for my computer. .............................................................................................................................................................. 2 “I am doing my homework for tomorrow,” said Molly. .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 “Many students are feeling ill,” said George. .............................................................................................................................................................. 4 “I must phone my mother now,” said Gail. .............................................................................................................................................................. 5 “We can save this forest,” said the firemen. .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 “I like fish and chips,” said David. .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 ”Do you like hamburgers?“ Tony asked Jill. .............................................................................................................................................................. 8 ”Why is the baby crying?” asked the boy. ..............................................................................................................................................................

Second Conditional A Match A and B to form sentences. A


1 Diana wouldn’t go out

...... a

I would have more time to go out.

2 She would help you

...... b

unless you paid them.

3 If he were rich,

...... c

I would tell you.

4 If Sam helped me with the housework,

...... d

he would travel around the world.

5 The boys wouldn’t wash the car

...... e

if you asked her.

6 If I knew the answer,

1 f ......

if it rained.

B Choose the correct verb. 1 If the cat jumped onto the table, it ate / would eat the food. 2 If Timmy weren’t ill, he would go / went to school. 3 I would stay / stayed at home, if I were you. 4 Grandpa would wake up / won’t wake up if you made a noise. 5 She would come if we would invite / invited her. 6 If a fire would start / started, I would call for help. C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Second Conditional.

would visit had 1 I ...................................... (visit) you more often if I ...................... (have) the time. 2 If Debbie ...................................... (know) about the programme, she ...................................... (watch) it. 3 I ...................................... (not go) there if I ...................................... (be) you. 4 ...................... you ...................................... (buy) those shoes if you ...................................... (have) enough money? 5 Laura ...................................... (come) with us if you ...................................... (ask) her. 6 What ...................... you ...................... (do) if you ...................................... (win) the lottery? D Put the words in the correct order to make sentences using the Second Conditional. 1 buy that dress / I / if / you / to Jane’s party / wear it

If I bought that dress, would you wear ........................................................................ it to Jane’s party? ........................................................................ 2 if / would not wear that shirt / I / I / were you ........................................................................ 3 hurried / you / if / you / wouldn’t be late for school ........................................................................

4 we / exercised / we / would be fitter / if / more often ........................................................................ 5 I / would not speak to you again / you / if / broke our date ........................................................................

Comparison of Adjectives A Choose the correct word. 1 Larry is the taller / tallest boy in the class.

6 Edna is the thin / thinnest girl I know.

2 The United States of America is bigger / the biggest than Greece.

7 Our song was the good / best one in the competition.

3 John is the faster / fastest runner in the school.

8 This hotel is modern / more modern than that one.

4 That is the interesting / most interesting book in the library.

9 The city is noisier / the noisiest than the country.

5 Roberta and Tim are the same age. Roberta is as old / older as Tim.

10 Jim’s room and Mark’s room are both messy. Jim’s room is as messy / messier as Mark’s.

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

the hottest (hot) season in the year. Spring and autumn are ............................... 1 Summer is ............................... (cool) summer. Winter is ............................... (cold) season. 2 The red shirt is expensive. It is ............................... (expensive) shirt in the shop. The green shirt is ............................... (nice) as the pink shirt. 3 My sister is ............................... (tall) as my mum. My brother is ............................... (short) person in my family. 4 I think that elephants are ............................... (fat) animals and that monkeys are ............................... (funny) animals in the zoo. Hippos are ............................... (ugly) elephants, but snakes are ............................... (ugly) animals of all. 5 I think Saturday is ............................... (good) day of the week and Monday is ............................... (bad) day of the week. What do you think? C Complete the sentences with too or enough.

too 1 This shirt is ...................... small for me. I can’t move my arms! 2 I wasn’t listening carefully ...................... to what she said. 3 We came ...................... late and missed the bus. 4 There isn’t ...................... food in the fridge, so let’s eat out tonight! 5 This radio costs ...................... much money. I won’t buy it! 6 My jeans aren’t long ...................... . I can’t wear them. 7 The sun is ...................... hot. Let’s go inside now. 8 She isn’t tall ...................... to reach the shelf.

Modals A Match A to B. A


1 Cigarettes damage your health.

...... a Should I buy her a present?

2 Ron’s bus is leaving soon.

...... b Do I have to go to school today?

3 It’s a secret.

1 c You shouldn’t smoke. ......

4 It’s Sunday tomorrow.

...... d He must go now.

5 It’s Kate’s birthday tomorrow.

...... e We don’t have to wake up early.

6 I don’t feel well.

...... f You mustn’t tell anyone!

B Write sentences about what people should or shouldn’t do in the countryside. Use the words below. the flowers the gates fires the farm animals the countryside clean on the path

walk keep pick disturb close light


People should walk on the path. ......................................................................











1 You shouldn’t / may not eat so much meat.


Must / May we leave so soon?

2 We should / may go to the party. I’m not sure.

5 I feel ill. I couldn’t / may not go out.

3 You could / should be careful when you lift heavy things!

6 I can’t / mustn’t hear you. Speak louder, please.

C Choose the correct word.

D Complete the sentences with the modals below. can






have to

could 1 Grandad, ...................... you ride a bicycle when you were my age? 2 We ...................... sleep because of the noise. 3 You ...................... touch that plate! You’ll burn your hand. 4 Our class didn’t ...................... do any homework yesterday. Our teacher was ill. 5 Peter ...................... go on the school trip. He hasn’t decided yet. 6

...................... you help me with my homework, please?

7 Laura ...................... go to a doctor. She’s not feeling well. 8 Cars ...................... stop when the traffic lights are red.


Passive – present / past A Write sentences with words from each column. A



The thieves

are sold

at the disco.


were seen

in the accident.


was hurt

near the boat.


were driven

at the supermarket.

Rap music

is played

to the police station.

thieves were driven to the police station. 1 The ........................................................................

4 ........................................................................

2 .........................................................................

5 ........................................................................

3 .........................................................................

B Complete the sentences with the Present Simple Passive form of the verbs in brackets.

is called 1 My cat ............................... (call) Ginger. 2 ............................... the instructions ............................... (write) in English? 3 This beach ............................... (keep) very clean. 4 Uniforms ............................... (not wear) at our school. 5 The dog ............................... (feed) at 8 o’clock every morning. C Write sentences in the Past Simple Passive form.

David was chosen for the team last week. 1 David / choose / for the team / last week .......................................................................................... 2 money / steal / from the safe / last night .......................................................................................... 3 my grandparents / teach / French / at school .................................................................................... 4 the classroom / paint / yesterday ...................................................................................................... 5 we / wake up / very early / this morning ............................................................................................ 6 the people / take / to hospital ............................................................................................................ D Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Past Simple Passive form of the verbs in brackets.

is cleaned 1 The house ............................... (clean) once a week. 2 The burglary ............................... (report) to the police last week. 3 ............................... tea ............................... (grow) in China? 4 Those walls ............................... (not paint) last year. 5 I lost my purse in the shopping centre. It ............................... (not find) until yesterday. 6 When ............................... your car ............................... (steal) ? 7 New medicines ............................... (discover) every day.

Relative Clauses A Complete the sentences with who or which.

who 1 The policeman ............................... gave us directions was very helpful. 2 The advice ............................... you gave me was useful. 3 Where is the bus ............................... goes to town? 4 Do you know the people ............................... live in the new house? 5 Do you remember the name of the book ............................... Mary told us about? 6 Here’s the boy ............................... broke your window. B Choose the correct answer. 1 This is the house where / that Jack built for his family. 2 That is the river that / where they caught the poisoned fish. 3 This is the camera that / whose I borrowed from George. 4 That is the man which / whose car is parked in our drive. 5 Football is a game which / where people play all over the world. 6 Have you seen the place which / where the accident happened? C Match A to B to make sentences. A


1 A biography is a book

..... a

whose paintings are very famous.

2 A vegetarian is someone

1 b .....

which is about someone’s life.


..... c

that tells us the temperature of a person or place.

4 Vincent Van Gogh was a painter

..... d

who doesn’t eat meat.

5 A thermometer is an instrument

..... e

whose CDs are sold all over the world.

6 Crete is a mountainous island

..... f

where exhibitions are held.

7 Madonna is a singer

..... g

whose ancient civilization is of great interest.

8 The Tower of London was a prison

..... h

where many people were held and later killed.

A museum is a place

D Complete the sentences using relative pronouns.

Titanic is one of my favourite films. It is about a young man named Jack who Dawson, 1 ............................... was on the ship Titanic when it sank. In the film, Jack is sailing to America, 2 ............................... he plans to start a new life. On the ship he meets Rose, 3 ............................... is very beautiful. She is unhappy because her mother wants her to marry a man 4 ............................... she doesn’t love. Jack and Rose fall in love. In the middle of the ocean, the ship hits an iceberg 5 ............................... makes a hole in its side. Jack and Rose fight for their lives as the ship begins to sink. Jack died, but Rose survives.

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