Buku Saku

October 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Sujl syudur dagoilrot Yugoh \ohe Mogo Aso otos saeofo rogmot-Hyo saglheeo NQDQ [ODQ ILONAY [ODQ ILONAYA[ A[ MAFFLY MAFFLYQ[ Q[ iopot iopot tarsusu tarsusuh h glhee glheeoo safasol safasol . Yliod Yliod fupo fupo doml doml jueo jueo mahe ma heuk ukop opdo doh h no nohy hyod od tarl tarlmo modo dosl slg g otos otos da darjo rjosom somoo io iorl rl pl plgo god d da dafb fbmp mpbd bd ; yo yohe he tafog tafog  nadarjomo iaheoh nold uhtud mahyafasoldoh mahyafasoldoh lhl iaheoh nold. Ioh Io h go goro ropo poh h do doml ml sambe sambeoo nu nudu du sodu sodu lh lhll io iopo pott maho mahomn mnog og pa pahe heato atogu guoh oh io ioh h  paheofomoh noel poro pamnoko, Qhtud da iapohhyo iopot mamparnoldl nahtud moupuh mahomnog lsl nudu sodu oeor mahjoil fanlg nold foel. Doraho Dora ho datarn datarnoto otosoh soh paheat paheatogu oguoh oh moupuh moupuh paheof paheofomo omoh h doml, doml, Doml Doml yodlh yodlh moslg moslg  nohyod daduroheoh iofom nudu sodu lhl, Bfag doraho ltu doml soheot mahegoropdoh soroh ioh drltld yohe mamnoheuh iorl pamnoko iaml dasampurhooh modofog lhl. Iamldloh, sambeo nudu sodu lhl iopot narmoh`oot. Yarlmo doslg.

Sofohedo ^oyo, ?5 Oeustus >3>3




DOYO SAHEOHYO^ ..........................................................................................................l ........................................................................................................l IO@YO^ L[L.......................................................................................................................> NON L DBH[AS YAB^L...................................................................................................;

Ia`lhlsl.................................................................................................................................; Dfosl`ldosl............................................................................................................................; Atlbfbel.................................................................................................................................9 Eajofo...................................................................................................................................1 NON LL YA^OSL ILONAYA[ MAFFLYQ[......................................................................0

YA^OSL HBH@O^MODBFBEL........................................................................................0 Sarahkohooh Modohoh.........................................................................................................0 Fotlgoh Josmohl...................................................................................................................5 YA^OSL @O^MODBFBEL.................................................................................................5 Lhsuflh..................................................................................................................................5 Bnot Ohtlilonatld Brof.........................................................................................................< IO@YO^ SQ[YODO.......................................................................................................?<



IA@LHL[L Ilonatas oiofog suotu pahyodlt doraho tunug tliod mompu maheahiofldoh jumfog eufo, otou oto u efudbs efudbsoo iofom iofom oflroh oflroh iorog. iorog. Lhl mahyan mahyanondo ondoh h glpare glparefl fldaml damlo, o, suotu suotu daoiooh daoiooh eufo eufo iorog yohe tlheelhyo suiog mamnogoyodoh ([atlonuil, >337).

DFO[L@LDO[L ?. IM Yl Ylpa L

Soio Ilonatas tlpa L tariopot tariopot datliod mompuoh mompuoh pohdraos pohdraos mahegoslfd mahegoslfdoh oh lhsuflh lhsuflh do dora raho ho go gohku hkurh rhyo yo sa saff-sa saff na nato to pufou pufou fo fohea hearg rgohs ohs.. Iof Iofom om go goff lh lhll mahl mahlmn mnuf ufdo doh h glparefldamlo puoso ioh glparefldamlo pbst prohilof (Kbrwlh, >333). Iahe Ia heoh oh tlhee tlheelh lhyo yo dbhsa dbhsaht htro rosl sl efud efudbs bsoo io iofo fom m ioro iorog, g, modo modo od odoh oh muhku muhkuff efudbsurlo (efudbso iofom iorog) ioh adsdrasl lhl odoh ilsartol paheafuoroh kolroh ioh afad afadtr trbf bflt lt yohe yohe na narf rfan anlg lgoh oh (ilu (ilura rasl slss bs bsmb mbtl tlk) k) sa sagl glhee heeoo posla poslah h odoh odoh maheo maheofo foml ml  pahlhedotoh iofom nardamlg (pbflurlo) ioh roso gous (pbflilpslo) (Kbrwlh, >333). Ia`aslahsl lhsuflh jueo maheeoheeu matonbflsma prbtalh ioh famod saglheeo tarjoil pahuruhoh narot noioh odoh muhkuf eajofo pahlhedotoh safaro modoh (pbfl`oelo). Odlnot Odl not yohe folh folh yoltu yoltu tarjoi tarjoilhy lhyoo prbsas prbsas efl efldbea dbeahbf hbflsl lslss (pamak (pamakogo ogoh h efudbs efudbsoo yohe yohe ilslmpoh) ilsl mpoh) ioh efudbeabhasl efudbeabhaslss tohpo gomnotoh saglheeo saglheeo a`adhyo a`adhyo narupo pamakogoh famod ioh tarjoil pahlhedotoh datbh yoheiopot maheeoheeu dasalmnoheoh osom noso ioh moheorog tarjoilhyo datboslibsls (Kbrwlh, >333). >. IM Yl Ylpa LL LL

Yariopo Yar iopott iuo mosofo mosofog g utomo utomo poio IM Ylpa Ylpa LL yoltu yoltu raslst raslstahs ahsll lhsufl lhsuflh h ioh eoheeuoh eoheeuo h sadrasl sadrasl lhsuflh. Hbrmofhyo lhsuflh lhsuflh odoh nardoltoh poio rasaptbr rasaptbr durohe ioh masdlp mas dlpuh uh doior doior lhsufl lhsuflh h tlheel tlheel iofom iofom iorog iorog tat tatop op sojo sojo efudbs efudbsoo tl tliod iod iopot iopot mosud  mosud  daiofom saf saglheeo saf odoh daduroheoh efudbso (Kbrwlh, >333).


Madohlsma lhlfog yohe ildotodoh sanoeol raslstahsl lhsuflh. Qhtud maheotosl raslstahsl lhsuflh ioh mahkaeog tarnahtudhyo efudbso iofom iorog yohe narfanlgoh modo gorus tariopot pahlhedotoh jumfog lhsuflh yohe ilsadrasldoh. Homuh iamldloh  jldo saf-saf nato tliod mompu mahelmnohelhyo modo doior efudbso odoh mahlhedot ioh tarjoilfog IM tlpa LL (Kbrwlh, >333). ;. Ilonatas Ilonatas Maffltu Maffltuss Easto Eastoslbh slbhof of

Ilonatas Ilona tas maffltus maffltus eastoslbhof eastoslbhof oiofog oiofog daoioooh daoioooh ilonatas ilonatas yohe tlmnuf tlmnuf safomo safomo moso dagomlfoh, ioh nlosohyo narfohesuhe gohyo samahtoro. Daoiooh lhl tarjoil doraho  pamnahtudoh gbrmbh poio lnu gomlf yohe mahyanondoh raslstahsl lhsuflh (Yohiro, >337).

AYLBFBEL Sahyanon ilonatas maffltus sompol sadorohe nafum ildatogul iaheoh postl tatopl umumhyo ildatogul doraho daduroheoh lhsuflh oiofog pahyanon utomo ioh `odtbr garailtar mamaeohe  parohoh pahtlhe. ?. IM tl tlpa ?

[arlhe [arlh e tarjoil poio uslo sanafum ;3 toguh. Nlosohyo jueo ilsanut ilsanut Juvahlffa Juvahlffa Ilonatas, Ilonatas, yohe eoheeuoh lhl iltohiol iaheoh oiohyo glparefldamlo (mahlhedothyo doior eufo iorog) (Nora&[uzohha,>33>). @odtbr eahatld eahatld ioh flheduheoh flheduheoh marupodoh marupodoh `odtbr pahkatus IM tlpa ?. Bfag doraho ltu lhsliah fanlg tlheel otou oiohyo lh`adsl vlrus (iorl flheduheoh) mlsofhyo kbxsokdlavlrus N ioh straptbkbkkus saglheeo paheorug flheduheoh ilparkoyo mampuhyol parohoh iofom tarjoilhyo IM ( Nora & [uzohha, >33>). Plrus otou mldrbbreohlsma mldrbbreohlsma odoh mahyarohe mahyarohe pufou ‛ pufou foheargohs foheargohs pohdra pohdraos, os, yohe mamnuot daglfoheoh prbiudsl lhsuflh. Iopot pufo odlnot raspbh outblmmuha, ilmoho ohtlnbiy sahilrl odoh mahyarohe saf noto pohdraos. @odtbr garailtar, jueo ilparkoyo mamolhdoh paroh muhkufhyo pahyodlt lhl (Nora & [uzohha, >33>). >. IM tl tlpa >

Plrus ioh dumoh faudbs faudbslt lt ohtleah tliod hompod mamolhdoh mamolhdoh paroh tarjoilhyo tarjoilhyo IM tlpa >. @odtbr garailtar mamolhdoh paroh yohe soheot nasor. ^lsat mafopbrdoh nogwo bnasltos sofog sof og sotu sotu `odtbr `odtbr iatarmlh iatarmlhoh oh tarjoi tarjoilhy lhyoo IM tlpa tlpa > sadlto sadltorr 73% dflah IM tlpa tlpa > oiofog oiofog


daeamu dae amudoh. doh. Bvarwal Bvarwalegt egt mamnut mamnutugdo ugdoh h nohyod nohyod lhsufl lhsuflh h uhtud uhtud matonbf matonbfls lsma. ma. Yarjoi Yarjoilhy lhyoo glparefldamlo ilsoot pohdraos tliod kudup mahegoslfdoh lhsuflh sasuol danutugoh tunug otou soot jumfog rasaptbr lhsuflh mahuruh otou maheofoml eoheeuoh. @odtbr rasldb iopot iljumpol  poio dflah iaheoh rlwoyot dafuoreo mahiarlto IM oiofog rasldb yohe nasor. Sahkaeogoh utomo IM tlpa > oiofog mampartogohdoh narot noioh liaof. Sahkaeogoh saduhiar narupo  prberom pahuruhoh narot noioh, bfog roeo ioh ilat. Bfag doraho IM tliod safofu iopot ilkaeog ilk aeog modo modo sanold sanoldhyo hyo suiog suiog iliata iliatadsl dsl poio togop togop owof owof tohio-t tohio-tohio ohio otou otou eajofo eajofo yohe iltamudoh iltam udoh oiofog daeamudoh, parosooh gous yohe narfanlgoh, narfanlgoh, fopor fopor,, ilurasls ilurasls ioh daglfoheoh daglfoheoh  narot noioh, noyl foglr fanlg iorl narot noioh hbrmof, mamlfldl rlwoyot dafuoreo IM, uslo ilotos 93 toguh, nlfo iltamudoh pahlhedotoh eufo iorog ( Nora & [uzohha, >33>).

EAJOFO ?. [arl [arlhe he da dasa samu muto toh h >. Duflt Duflt taro taroso so ta tano noff ;. Noioh Noioh taro taroso so po pohos hos 9. Noioh Noioh sarlhe sarlhe hyarl hyarl doyod doyod tartus tartusud ud jorum jorum 1. Muiog Muiog mah maheo eoht htud ud ioh ioh fafog fafog 0. [ar [arlhe lhe dr drom 5. Saheflg Saheflgoto otoh h mahj mahjoil oil ronuh ronuh 7. Eolrog Eolrog sads sadsuof uof mahu mahuruh ruh iros irostl tlss ) Srbtalh Srbtalh sanohyod sanohyod ?3 ‛ ?1 % ;) Famod Famod sanohy sanohyod od >3 ‛ >1 % Jumfog dofbrl ilsasuoldoh iaheoh partumnugoh, stotus elzl, umur, strass odut ioh daeloto daelotoh h josmoh josmohl. l. Qhtud Qhtud dapaht dapahtlhe lheoh oh dflhld dflhld prodtl prodtls, s, pahaht pahahtuoh uoh jumfog jumfog dofbrl dofbrl ilpodol rumus Nrbko yoltu Norot Noioh Liaof = (YN-?33)-?3%, saglheeo iliopotdoh : ?) Narot noioh noioh durohe durohe = 6 ) Narot noioh noioh hbrmof hbrmof = 3% iorl iorl NN Liaof. Liaof. Jumfog dofbrl yohe ilparfudoh ilgltuhe iorl NN Liaof ildofl dafanlgoh dofbrl  nosof yoltu uhtud fodl-fodl ;3 ddof/de NN, ioh wohlto >1 ddof/de NN, damuiloh iltomnog uhtud danutugoh dofbrl odtlvltos (?3-;3% uhtud padarjo narot). Dbradsl stotus elzl (eamud ildurohel, durus iltomnog) ioh dofbrl uhtud mahegoiopl strass odut sasuol iaheoh danutugoh. Modohoh Modoho h sajumfog sajumfog dofbrl dofbrl targltuhe targltuhe iaheoh dbmpbslsl tarsanut ilotos ilnoel iofom nanaropo pbrsl yoltu : ?) Modohoh poel sanohyod sanohyod >3% >3% >) Modohoh slohe sanohyod sanohyod ;3% ;) Modohoh sbra sanohyod sanohyod >1% 9) >-; pbrsl modohoh modohoh rlheoh sanohyod sanohyod ?3-?1 % ilohtorohyo ilohtorohyo (Lwoh (Lwoh [, >3?3).


Fotlgoh Josmohl Ilohjurdoh fotlgoh josmohl sakoro tarotur (;-9 dofl samlheeu) safomo durohe fanlg ;3 mahlt yohe ilsasuoldoh iaheoh damompuoh ioh dbhilsl pahyodlt pahyarto (Lwoh [, >3?3). [anoeol kbhtbg bfog roeo rlheoh oiofog narjofoh dodl nloso safomo ;3 mahlt, bfagroeo saiohe narjofoh kapot safomo >3 mahlt ioh bfog roeo narot jbeelhe (Lwoh [, >3?3).

YA^OSL @O^MODBFBEL Lhsuflh Lhsuflh oiofog gbrmbh yohe ilgoslfdoh iorl saf ξ pohdraos iofom maraspbh efudbso. Lhsuflh marupodoh pbflpaptlio yohe tarilrl iorl 1? osom omlhb tarsusuh iofom > rohtol, rohtol O tarilrl iorl >? osom omlhb ioh rohtol N tarilrl iorl ;3 osom omlhb. Lhsu Lhsufl flh h mamp mampuh uhyo yoll pa paro roh h yo yohe he so sohe heot ot pa paht htlh lhe e io ioh h fu fuos os io iofo fom m pa pahe heah ahio iofl floh oh matonbflsma, a`ad darjo lhsuflh oiofog mamnohtu trohspbrt efudbso iorl iorog da iofom saf. Mokom-mokom sailooh lhsuflh: o. Lhsuflh Lhsuflh darjo darjo slhedo slhedott

[ailooh [ailoo h lhl tarilrl iorl lhsuflh lhsuflh tuheeof tuheeof nloso, nloso, mufol darjohy darjohyoo noru sasuiog sataheog  jom (lhjadsl sundutoh), kbhtbg: Oktropli, Pafbsuflh, Gumuflh ^aeufor. n. Lhsuflh Lhsuflh darjo darjo pohjoh pohjohe e (fbhe-oktlhe)

[ailooh lhsuflh lhl nadarjo iaheoh koro mamparsuflt ioyo foruthyo il kolroh jorlheoh ioh mahego mahegomno mnott rasbrp rasbrpslh slhyo yo iorl iorl tampot tampot lhj lhjads adsll da iofom iofom iorog. iorog. Mat Matbio bio yohe yohe ileuhodoh oiofog mahkompurdoh lhsuflh iaheoh prbtalh otou sahe otou maheunog  nahtud `lsldhyo, kbhtbg: Mbhbtori Gumoh.


k. Lhsuflh Lhsuflh darjo darjo saiohe saiohe (mailum-oktlhe)

[ailooh lhsuflh lhl johedo wodtu a`adhyo iopot ilvorlosldoh iaheoh mahkompurdoh  nanaropo nahtud lhsuflh iaheoh fomo darjo narfolhoh, kbhtbg: kb htbg: Mlxtori ;3 GM (Yjoy ioh ^ogorijo, >33>). [a [ako koro ro da dasa safu furu rugoh goh sa sano nohyo hyod d >3 >3-> ->1% 1% posla poslah h IM tl tlpa pa > da damu muil iloh oh odoh odoh mamarfudoh lhsuflh uhtud maheahiofldoh doior efudbso ioroghyo. Qhtud poslah yohe suiog tliod iopot ildahiofldoh doior efudbso ioroghyo iaheoh dbmnlhosl mat`brmlh io ioh h su suf` f`bhl bhlfu fura rao, o, fo fohed hedog og sa safo fohj hjut uthyo hyo yohe yohe muhe muhedl dlh h il ilna narl rldoh doh oiofo oiofog g lh lhsu sufl flh h (Uospoijl, >3?3). Lhildosl pahebnotoh iaheoh lhsuflh oiofog : o.

[a [amu muoo pahia pahiarl rlto to IM IM iorl iorl sat satlo lop p umur umur (nol (nold d LIIM LIIM mou moupu puh h IM YLS YLSA A >) iof iofom om daoiooh datboslibsls otou parhog mosud daiofom datboslibsls (Nora & [uzohha,


>33>). IM iaheoh dagomlfoh/ IM eastoslbhof yohe tliod tardahiofl iaheoh ilat (parahkohooh modohoh) (Nora & [uzohha, >33>).


IM yohe yohe tliod tliod nargos nargoslf lf ildafb ildafbfo fo iaheo iaheoh h bnot bnot glpb glpbefl efldam damld ld brof brof ibsl` ibsl` modslm modslmof. of. Ibsls Ibs ls lhsufl lhsuflh h brof brof otou otou suhtld suhtldoh oh ilmufo ilmufoll iaheoh iaheoh ibsls ibsls rahiog rahiog ioh ilhold ilholddoh doh  parfogoh ‛ fogoh sasuol iaheoh goslf efudbso iorog poslah. Nlfo suf`bhyfurao otou mat`br mat `brmlh mlh tafog tafog iltarl iltarlmo mo sompol sompol ibsls ibsls modslm modslmof of tat tatopl opl tliod tliod tar tarkopo kopoll sosoro sosoroh h efudbso iorog modo ilohjurdoh paheeuhooh dbmnlhosl suf`bhyfurao ioh lhsuflh (Nora & [uzohha, >33>).









mahiopotdoh goslf yohe modslmof. Aiudotbr noel poslah ilonatas yoltu pahilildoh ioh pafotlgoh pafotlgoh maheahol maheahol paheatoguoh paheatoguoh ioh dataromplfo dataromplfoh h yohe nartujuoh mahuhjohe  parunogoh parlfodu uhtud mahlhedotdoh pamogomoh poslah odoh pahyodlthyo, yohe ilparfudoh uhtud mahkopol daoiooh sagot yohe bptlmof. Sahyasuoloh daoiooh  psldbfbeld duofl`os gliup yohe fanlg nold. Aiudosl Aiu dosl marupodoh noeloh lhtaerof iorl osugoh daparowotoh ilonatas (Nora & [uzohha, >33>). Lhsuflh Lhsuf lh ilnarldoh sanoeol sanoeol bnot IM tlpa ?. Ioh ileuhodoh ileuhodoh poio IM tlpa > poio dbhilsl dgusus, yoltu :


o. Nlfo Nlfo narmok narmokom om jahls jahls BGB tafog tafog ileuhod ileuhodoh oh som sompol pol ibsls modslmu modslmum, m, tat tatopl opl eufo iorog tliod tardahiofl, bnot ileohtl lhsuflh.  n. Lhsuflh nlosohyo ilnarldoh sanoeol bnot partomo poio ilonatlsl yohe poio wodtu iotohe narbnot, narot noiohhyo tafog turuh irostls iofom woDtu slhedot iaheoh eufo iorog yohe tlheel. k. Lhsufl Lhsuflh h nlosoh nlosohyo yo jueo jueo ilnarl ilnarldoh doh poio sasabroh sasabrohe e ilonat ilonatlsl lsl yohe mahiar mahiarlto lto lh`ads lh`adsll ganot otou mahjofohl bparosl nasor. i. Soio dbmpfldosl dbmpfldosl sapartl sapartl eoeof elhjof, elhjof, eoeof gotl, gotl, ioh eoeof johtuhe yohe narot. narot.

[uhtldoh ?x/gorl Lhsuflh fbhe oktlhe

[uhtldoh >x/gorl [uhtldoh ;x/gorl Lhsuflh kompuroh iorl lhsuflh Lhsuflh darjo darjo




darjo (ilsuhtlddoh ½ jom sanafum

saiohe (pramlxai) (Mlxtori, mod modoh) oh) (Oktro (Oktropli pli,, gumufl gumuflh h hbvbmlx, gumofbe mlx) Lhsufl Lhs uflh h lhtarm lhtarmail ailota ota oktlhe oktlhe..

^) Lhsuflh darjo suparkapot (`ost

Iopo Io pott jueo jueo > do dofl fl pa parr gorl. gorl.

ok oktl tlhe) he)il ilsu suht htld lddo doh h

(kbhtbg : Lhsufotori, gumuflh

sanafu san afum m modoh. modoh. (Gumof (Gumofbe, be,

 H) Lhsu Lh sufl flh h no noso sof, f, lhsu lhsufl flh h yo yohe he


sa saea earo ro

 nadarjo tarus maharus safomo >9 joh joh io ioh h do doio iorh rhyo yo ta tato top p sapoh ohjjohe


(Fohtu htus,

favamlr) Sahahtuoh ibsls lhsuflh : 3,1 uhlt x NN. 03 % lhsuflh prohilof (^opli Lhsuflh), 93% lhsuflh  nosof (gumuflh H).

Bnot Ohtlilonatld Brof Bnot-bnot Bnotbnot ohtlilonatld ohtlilonatld brof iltujudoh uhtud mamnoh mamnohtu tu pahoheohoh pahoheohoh poslah ilonatas maffltus maff ltus tlpa >. @ormodbtar @ormodbtaropl opl ohtlilonatl ohtlilonatld d brof iopot ilfodudoh ilfodudoh iaheoh maheeuhodoh sotu jahls bnot otou dbmnlhosl iorl iuo jahls bnot (Iltjah Nlho @ormosl ioh Ofdas, >331).

o. Ebfbheo Ebfbheoh h [uf`bh [uf`bhlfur lfurao ao


Madohlsma darjo :

Ebfbheoh Ebfbhe oh bnot lhl nadarjo nadarjo iaheoh mahstlmufosl mahstlmufosl saf-saf saf-saf nato il pufou foheargohs foheargohs iofom pohdraos uhtud mamprbiudsl mamprbiudsl fanlg nohyod lhsuflh. Sahuruhoh doior efudbso efudbso iorog yohe tarjoil satafog pamnarloh sahyowo-sahyowo suf`bhyfurao ilsanon ils anondoh doh bfag bfag parohes parohesoheo oheoh h sadras sadrasll lhsufl lhsuflh h bfag bfag dafahj dafahjor or pohdra pohdraos. os. Bno Bnott ebfbheoh lhl marupodoh plflgoh uhtud ilonatas iawoso noru iaheoh narot noioh hbrmof ioh durohe sarto tliod parhog maheofoml datboslibsls sanafumhyo (Iltjah Nlho @ormosl ioh Ofdas, >331). 

Kbhtbg Bnot :

Ybfnut Ybf nutoml omli i (^ostl (^ostlhbh) hbh),, Dfbrpr Dfbrprbpom bpomlio lio (Ilonl (Ilonlhas hasa), a), Efldozl Efldozlio io (Iloml (Ilomlkrb krbh), h), Eflmaplrl Eflm aplrlio io (Omoryf) (Omoryf),, Eflnahdfom Eflnahdfomli li (Iobhlf, (Iobhlf, Auefukbh), Auefukbh), Eflplzlio Eflplzlio (Ofilon, Eflnlhasa), Efldlibh (Efurahbrm).

[uf`bhlfurao eaharosl partomo o) Ybfn Ybfnut utom omli li 

Madohlsma darjo : Ilonsbrnsl iaheoh nold tatopl kapot ilmatonbflsma iofom gotl. Moso darjohyo rafotl`  slhedot slh edot,, iaheoh iaheoh wodtu wodtu porug porug aflmlh aflmlhosl osl 9-1 jom (Dotzu (Dotzuhe, he, >33>). >33>). Iofom Iofom iorog iorog tbfn tbfnut utom omli li ta tarl rldo dott prbt prbtal alh h pfos pfosmo mo.. Il iofom iofom gotl gotl bnot bnot lh lhll il iluno unog g mahj mahjoi oill dornbdsltbfnutomli ioh iladsdrasl mafoful elhjof (Gohibdb ioh [ugortb, ? ii ? e. Ibsls ilotos > e/gorl

ilpardlrodoh tod oio euhohyo.


n) Df Dfbr brpr prbp bpom omli li 

Madohlsma darjo : kapot ilsarop bfag usus, 53-73% ilmatonbflsma il iofom gotl ioh matonbflthyo kapot iladsdrasl iladsdrasl mafoful mafoful elhjof. elhjof. Iofom iorog tarldot tarldot ofnumlh, ofnumlh, moso porug dlro-dlro dlro-dlro ;0 jom saglheeo a`adhyo moslg tarflgot nanaropo gorl satafog pahebnotoh ilgahtldoh (Gohibdb ioh [ugortb, ?13 3 me, me, pahia pahiarl rlto to fa fanl nlg g tuo tuo il ilmu mufo foll ia iahe heoh oh ibsls ibsls ?3 ?333-?> ?>1 1 me, me,  pamaflgorooh, pahiarlto sataheog umur iofom daoiooh sataheog porog, nlosohyo kudup >13 me4 ilonatas fanlg rlheoh mamnutugdoh ?33 me otou fanlg daklf

k) Ybfoz ozo omlia 

Madohlsma darjo : Ilsaro Ils arop p fanlg fanlg fomnot fomnot il usus usus iorlpo iorlpoio io suf`bh suf`bhlfu lfurao rao fol folhhyo hhyo ioh a`adhy a`adhyoo poio poio efudbso iorog tliod saearo tompod iofom nanaropo jom satafog pamnarloh. Uodtu  porughyo sadltor 5 jom (Dotzuhe, >33>).

Lhildosl : IM tlpa >

A`ad somplhe : ?. Gl Glpb pbef efld ldam amlo lo,r ,rao aods dsll of ofar arel el,, na naro rott noioh noioh,, ibs ibsls ls yo yohe he na narg rgun unuhe uheoh oh iaheo iaheoh h daholdoh EL, raodsl iluratld rlheoh poio tbfozomlia.

>. Muhedlh mahbrbhe muhkufhyo raodsl EL yohe marueldoh


Ibsls : ?. Ibsls Ibsls owof : ?33->1 ?33->13 3 me/gor me/gorll mafofu mafofull mufut mufut par brof), brof), sagorl sagorl ? dofl dofl iaheoh iaheoh soropoh >. Ylhedotdoh Ylhedotdoh ibsls iaheoh iaheoh daholdoh daholdoh ?33->13me/gorl ?33->13me/gorl poio jorod jorod mlheeuoh ;. Ibsls 8 133 me/gorl me/gorl gorus gorus ilnarldoh ilnarldoh iaheoh > ibsls ibsls tarnoel tarnoel 9. Ibsls modslmum modslmum : ? er/ibsls er/ibsls


[uf`bhlfurao eaharosl daiuo o) Ef Efln lnurl urli i (eflna (eflnahd hdfom fomli li)) 

Madohlsma darjo : Dgoslot glpbefldamlshyo yohe dlro-dlro ?33 dofl fanlg duot iorlpoio tbfnutomlio. [arlhe dofl ompug ilmoho bnot-bnot folh tliod a`adtl` foel, rlsldb glpbefldamlo jueo fanlg nasor ioh sarlhe tarjoil. Sbfo darjohyo narfolhoh iaheoh suf`bhlfurao yohe folh yoltu iaheoh slhefa-ibsa iaheoh slhefa-ibsa poel  poel gorl mompu mahstlmufosl sadrasl lhsuflh poio satlop  pamosudoh efudbso (safomo modoh) (Yjoy ioh ^ogorijo, >33>). Bnot lhl ilmato ilm atonbf nbflsm lsmaa il gotl, gotl, gohyo gohyo >?% matonb matonbflt flt iladra iladrasl sl mafofu mafofull urlh urlh ioh slsohy slsohyoo iladsdrasl mafoful ampaiu ioh elhjof (Gohibdb ioh [ugortb, ?-9 jom, 33>).V

Lhildosl : Qhtud dbhtrbf glpareflsamlo ioh slmptbmotbfbel ildoltdoh iaheoh glpareflsamlo  poio poslah iaheoh slonatas maffltus tlpa >.

Dbhtrolhildosl : Glparsahsltlvltos, ilonatas tlpa L ioh lhsu`lslahsl gotl ioh elhjof yohe porog.

A`ad somplhe : Glpbeflsaml Glpbef lsamlo, o, arupsl arupsl mudbdutls, mudbdutls, eoheeuoh sofuroh sofuroh karho, eoheeuoh gotl, raodsl gamotbfbel.

Ibsls : Ibsls owof: 1 me sagorl safoel soropoh4 poslah earlotrld4 1 me sagorl4 paheoturoh ibsls gahiodhyo ilsartol iaheoh ujl fonbrotbrlum uhtud paheahiofloh eflsamlo

k) Eflm Eflmap aplr lrli liaa 

Madohlsma darjo: iopot mahkopol pahuruhoh efudbso iorog iaheoh ibsls poflhe rahiog iorl samuo sahyowo suf`bhlfurao. Ibsls tuheeof nasor ? me tarnudtl a`adtl` ioh ibsls gorloh modslmof yohe ilohjurdoh oiofog 7 me. Eflmaplrlia mampuhyo wodtu porug 1 jom


ioh ilmato ilmatonbf nbflsm lsmaa sakoro sakoro fahedo fahedop p bfag bfag gotl gotl mahjoi mahjoill prbiud prbiud yohe yohe tl tliod iod odtl`  odtl`  (Dotzuhe, >33>). 

Lhildosl : Ilonatas maffltus tlpa >.

Dbhtrolhildosl : Ilonatas maffltus tareohtuhe lhsuflh tlpa L, ilonatld datboibsls, pradbmo otou dbmo ilonatas, glparsahsltlvltos targoiop eflmaplrlio, suf`bhlfurao folh, suf`bhomlio folh4 wohlto gomlf ioh mahyusul.

A`ad somplhe : Glpbefldamlo, eoheeuoh paheflgotoh

Ibsls : Ibsl Ib slss owof owof:: ?x sa sagor gorll ? me4 me4 pa pahl hlhe hedo doto toh h ib ibsl slss ta tare reoht ohtuhe uhe doior doior eufo eufo io ioro rog g  pahiarlto

n. Ebfb Ebfbhe heoh oh Nleu Nleuoh ohli lio o

Ebfbheoh lhl yohe tarsailo oiofog mat`brmlh, o) mat`b `brrmlh 

madohlsma madohl sma darjo : mahuruhdoh mahuruhdoh efudbso iorog mafof mafoful ul paheorughyo paheorughyo targoiop darjo lhsuflh poio tlhedot safufor ioh mahuruhdoh prbiudsl eufo gotl. Mat`brmlh jueo maha ma hado doh h ho`su ho`su modo modoh h glhe glheeo eo na naro rott no noioh ioh tl tlio iod d mahl mahlhed hedot ot,, sa sagl glhe heeo eo fo foyo yod  d  ilnarldoh poio pahiarlto yohe bvarwalegt (Iltjah Nlho @ormosl ioh Ofdas, >331).

Lhildosl: Yaropl ilonatas ilonatas brohe iawoso yohe tliod tardbhtrbf tardbhtrbf iaheoh mamuosdoh mamuosdoh bfag ilat ioh bnot folh, pahebnotoh utomo ioh tomnogoh, pahebnotoh tuheeof otou dbmnlhosl iaheoh lhsuflh otou suf`bhlfurao .

Dbhtrolhildosl: Dbmo ilonatld ioh datboslibsl datboslibsls, s, eoheeuoh eoheeuoh `uhesl elhjof yohe sarlus, sarlus, pahyodlt pahyodlt gotl drbhls, daeoeofoh johtuhe, mlbdorilof lh`ord, ofdbgbflsm, daoiooh pahyodlt drbhld 


otou odut nardoltoh iaheoh glpbdslo jorlheoh, daoiooh nargunuheoh iaheoh fodtot oslibsls, oslib sls, glparsahslt glparsahsltlvlt lvltos os targoiop targoiop nleuohlio, nleuohlio, dbmpfldosl dbmpfldosl odut ilonatas ilonatas maffltus maffltus ilmoho lhsuflh tliod iopot ilnarldoh, rlwoyot oslibsls. 

A`ad somplhe : A`ad somplhe narsl`ot ravarslnfa poio sofuroh karho tarmosud ohbradslo, eoheeuoh  parut, muof, muhtog, roso fbeom poio mufut ioh ilora. Iopot mahyanondoh oslibsls fodtot tatopl damotloh odlnot lhsliah lhl fanlg rahiog ?3 - ?1 dofl iorl `ah`brmlh ioh fanlg








eflnah eflnahdfom dfomli/ li/suf suf`bhl `bhlfur furao. ao. Dosus Dosus oslibs oslibsls ls fodtot fodtot iopot iopot ilnotl ilnotl iaheoh iaheoh hotrlu hotrlum m  nldbrnbhot. Dosus lhilvliuof iaheoh mat`brmlh oiofog ohamlo maeofbnfostld,  phaumbhltls, vosdufltls. 

Ibsls : ; x sagorl ? tonfat otou > x sagorl ? tonfat `brta

k. Ebfbh Ebfbheo eoh h Yloz Ylozbfl bflilh ilhil ilbh bh 

Madohlsma darjo: Ebfbheoh bnot lhl nadarjo iaheoh pahuruhoh doior efudbso ioh lhsuflh iaheoh jofoh mahlhedotdoh dapadooh noel lhsuflh iorl btbt, jorlheoh famod ioh gotl, sanoeol a`ad a`adhy hyoo pa pahya hyaro ropo poh h efud efudbs bsoo da io iofo fom m jo jorl rlheo heoh h fa famo mod d io ioh h bt btbt bt ma mahl hlhed hedot ot.. Ylozbflilhilbh ilgoropdoh iopot fanlg tapot nadarjo poio sosoroh dafolhoh yoltu raslstahsl lhsuflh tohpo mahyanondoh glpbefldamlo ioh jueo tliod mahyanondoh dafafogoh saf ξ pohdraos.

Kbhtbg: Slbefltozbha, Yrbefltozbh.

o) Slbe Slbeffltoz ltozbh bhaa 

Lhildosl: Glparefldamlo

Dbhtrolhildosl: Glparsahsltlvltos targoiop plbefltozbh

A`ad somplhe :


Qiam, Qia m, sodlt sodlt dapofo dapofo,, glpbef glpbeflda ldaml mlo, o, mlofel mlofelo, o, `orlhe `orlhelt ltls, ls, slhusl slhusltls tls,, eoheeuoh eoheeuoh elel, elel, lh`adsl sofuroh parhoposoh otos. 

Sarlhe Sar lheoto otoh h : Gahtld Gahtldoh oh taropl taropl jldo jldo iltamu iltamudoh doh eoheeuo eoheeuoh h gotl, gotl, eoheeuoh eoheeuoh johtuh johtuhe, e, dagomlfoh.

Lhtarodsl : Of Ofbvo bvort rtos ostl tlh h

io ioh h

da datb tbdb dbho hozbf zbf

mamp mampahe aheor orugl ugl

pl plbe befl flto tozb zbh h

io ioh h

pl plbe befl flto tozbh zbh

mampaheorugl otbrvostotlh, mliozbfom, hl`ailplha, dbhtrosapsl brof. 

Ibsls : ? ii ?1-;3 me o.k otou p.k.

i. Ebfbheo Ebfbheoh h Lhglnlt Lhglnltbr br Of`o Of`o Efudbsl Efudbsliosa iosa 

Madohlsma Madohl sma darjo: ebfbheoh Bnot lhl nadarjo nadarjo sakoro sakoro dbmpatltl` dbmpatltl` mahegomnot darjo ah ahzl zlm m efudb efudbsl slio iosa sa of of`o `o il io iofo fom m so sofu furo roh h ka karh rhoo sa sagl glhe heeo eo io iopot pot mahur mahuruhd uhdoh oh glparefldamlo pbstprohirlof. Bnot lhl nadarjo il fumah usus ioh tliod mahyanondoh glpbefldamlo ioh jueo tliod narpaheorug poio doior lhsuflh.

Kbhtbg: Okornbsa

Lhildosl: Yaropl pahomnog uhtud ilat pahiarlto p ahiarlto ilonatas maffltus

Dbhtrolhildosl: Glpars Glp arsahs ahslt ltlvl lvltos tos,, eoheeus eoheeush h lhtast lhtastlho lhoff drbhls drbhls nardol nardoltoh toh iaheoh iaheoh onsbrn onsbrnsl sl ioh  pahkarhooh, eoheeuoh elhjof narot, dagomlfoh ioh fodtosl.

Sargotloh: Sahledotoh ahzlm gotl

A`ad somplhe : Eoheeuoh pahkarhooh sapartl damnuhe, ilora, hyarl sofuroh karho.

Ibsls :


Yareohtuhe raspbh poslah, nlosohyo ilowofl ihaeoh 13 me damuiloh iltlhedotdoh glheeo ?33->33 me, ; x sagorl ibsls opot iltlhedotoh satafog 9-7 mlheeu.



Kbhtbg [ahyowo

Madohlsma Darjo

A`ad [omplhe



Eflnahdfomlio Eflplzlio Efldozlio Eflmaplrlio Efldulibh





Yuruhoh @ahlfofohlh Hotaeflhlia

M ahlhedotdoh lhsuflh




Nadarjo fohesuhe poio gotl, Housao, muhtog, doiohemahuruhdoh prbiudsl efudbso gotl. doiohe ilora ioh iopot mahyanondoh oslibsls fodtot



^aslefltozbha Yrbefltozbha Slbefltozbha

Mahlhedotdoh dapadooh tunu targoiopEoheeuoh sofuroh pahkarhooh. lhsu lh sufl flh. h. Na Nard rdol olto toh h ia iahe heoh oh SS SSO^ O^\ \ (Sarbx (Sa rbxlsb lsbma ma Srb Srbfl` fl`arot arotbr br Okt Oktlvo lvotai tai ^akapt ^ak aptbr br Eom Eommo) mo) il btb btbt, t, jor jorlhe lheoh oh famod fam od uht uhtud ud mah mahuru uruhdo hdoh h ras raslst lstahs ahsll lhsuflh


Lhglnltbr efudbsliosa

Okornbsa Mlefltbf

Mahego Mahe gomn mnot ot darj da rjoo ahzl ah zlmm-ah ahzl zlm mDoiohe-doiohe ilora.  pahkarhooh yohe mahkarho dornbgliro dornb glirot, t, saglh saglheeo eeo mamp mamparfomn arfomnot ot onsbrpsl efudbso daiofom iorog


Marohesohe sadrasl lhsuflh il dafahjor Eo Eohe heeu euoh oh so sof. f. Ka Karh rhoo (m (muo uof, f,  pohdraos, saglheeo gohyo a`adtl` poioilo ilora, ra, sod sodlt lt par parut) ut),, Eoh Eoheeu eeuoh oh  pahiarlto ilonatas yohe saf-saf ξ-susu susuhoh hoh syor syoro` o` puso pusott (vart (vartleb, leb,  pohdraos moslg nar`uhesl nar`uhesl nold   nlheuhe, otodslo). Glpbefldamlo  jldo ibsls tliod tapot otou ilat tarfofu datot. Marohesohe sadrasl lhsuflh il dafahjor Dafugoh   sofuroh karho  pohdraos slhtasls ioh sadraslDafug Dafugoh lh`adsl sl sofu sofuroh roh ho`os otos. oh lh`ad

Mokom-mokom jahls kbhtbg bnot yohe oio ilposoroh

Ebfbheoh Bnot [uf`bhlfurao

Homo Eaharld Dfbrprbpomli Eflnahdfomli Eflqulibha Efldfozlio

Homo Ioeohe Ilonahasa Iobhlf, auefukbh Efurahbrm Ilomlkrbh

Ibsls >13-133 me >,1-?1 me ;3-?>3 me 93-;>3 me

Sonrld   p`lzar   lhib`ormo Nbagrlhear lheafgalm -


mlhlilon, eflkbtrbf

>,1->3 me



omoryf Efukbpgoea , ilonax

?-7 me


3,1-; me


E fukbnoy [torflx hbvbhbrm Oktbs ovohilo

1 3-033 mme e ?73-193 3,1-?0 me ?1-;3 me 9-7 me



Nleuohlias ofpgo efukbsliosa lmaefltlhlias hglnltbr


Odornbsa  Hotaeflhlias ^apoeflhlias tlozbflilhailbhas SLBefltozbha rbslefltozbha

[mltgdflha Nakdgom



Omarlkoh Ilonatas Ossbklotlbh. >3??. Iloehbsls ohi Kfossl`lkotlbh b` Ilonatas Maffltus.  Ilonatas Kora, Kora, Pbfuma ;9, [upfamah ?. Q[O : Omarlkoh Ilonatas Ossbklotlbh Iapdas ^L. >331. Sgormokautlkof >331. Sgormokautlkof Kora Qhtud Sahyodlt Ilonatas Mafltus. Mafltus. Jodorto: IASDA[ ^L Srlka, O.[ ohi Ulfsbh, F.M. >330. Sotb`lslbfbel >330.  Sotb`lslbfbel Dbhsap Dflhls ioh Srbsas Sahyodlt . Ailsl 0. Jodorto: AEK Surhom Sur homoso osorl, rl, A., Sbarwoh Sbarwohtbr tbrb, b, N. >3??. >3??. Ilonat Ilonatas as Mlffl Mlffltus tus Iaheoh Iaheoh Sahyodl Sahyodltt Drbhls Drbhls..  Mojofog Dasagotoh Sgorrmo Maildo. Pbf ; (?) : >50->7? Yjoy, Yoh Gboh ioh Dlroho ^ogorijo. >335. Bnot-Bnot Sahtlhe, Dgoslot, Saheeuhooh, ioh  A`ad-A`ad [omplhyo Ailsl PL . Jodorto: SY Afax Mailo Dbmputlhib Yrlpfltt, K.F., ^aoshar, K.O., Lsfay, U.F., >331, Ilonatas Maffltus, ,  ,   Lh Lh  : Ilplrb, J.Y., Uaffs, N.E., Yofnart, ^.F., \aa, E.K., Motzda, E.^., Sbsay, F.M., (Ais).. Sgormokbtgaropy O Sotgbpgyslbfbelk Opprbokg, (Ais) Opprbokg, 0tg ai., Haw \brd: MkErow Glff Kbmpohlas. Uofdar, ^., ohi Aiwori. >33;. Kflhlkof Sgormoky ohi Ygaropautlks. Ygaropautlks . Kgurklff Flvlhestbha. Uospoijl, [orwbhb. >331. Sartohyooh >331. Sartohyooh Soslah ioh Jowonohhyo Yahtohe Ilonatas. Jodorto : Nofol Saharnlt @ofdutos Daibdtaroh Qhlvarsltos Lhibhaslo. Uospo ospoij ijll. >330 >330..  Ilonatas Mafltus: Opodog ltu2. ltu2. Jo Jodo dort rto: o: Nofo Nofoll Sahar Saharnl nltt @oduf @odufto toss Daibdtaroh Qhlvarsltos Lhibhaslo [maftzar, [uzohha K, Nrahio E nora, Nudu Ojor Daparowotoh Maildof Naiog Nruhhar & [uiiortg Ailsl 7 Pbf > oflg nogoso G. \. Duhkoro, Ohiry Gortbhb, Mbhlko Astar, \osmlh oslg, Jodorto : AEK, >33>. Orjotmb Yjbdrbhaebrb. Sahotofodsohooh Ilonatas Mafltus Yarpoiu.Kat >. Jodorto : Nofol Saharnlt @DQL, >33>

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