Staff Warrior/Samurai Martial artist Organisation created Hatsumi sensei Kyusho
Chi Chi no kata Chi Ryaku No Maki Chu Gaeshi Chu kansetsu Ori Chu kansetsu uchigawa Chudan no kamae
地 地の型 地略の巻 宙返り 中関節折 中関節中側 中段の構
Earth Earth form The Principles of Earth Type of roll Knee break Kyusho Sword kamae
Daijodan Dai Katana Densho Do Doton
大上段 大刀 地 地 地遁
Sword kamae Large type of sword Book of techinques Earth Earth escapes
Ganseki Kata Gedan Uke
巌石投 下段受け
Same as Ganseki Nage Low block
Bujinkan Lincoln Dojo (UK)
Bujinkan A-Z Terminology
Goton no Ton Gata Gyaku Gyaku Te Dori Gyaku Te Take Ori Gyaku Ude Shimeru
梧遁の遁型 逆 逆手捕 逆手竹折 逆腕締め
Five methods of excaping Lock/reverse Reverse hand capture Reverse hand Take Ori Reverse arm constriction, same as Musha Dori
Hadome Hatsumi Masaaki
歯止 初見良昭
Henka Hicho Hidari Hiden Hiza gyaku dori Hiza Ori Honshu (Torite) Goho
変化 飛蔦 左 秘伝 膝逆捕 膝折 本手基本五法
Kyusho Headmaster fo the Bujinkan Dojo Creator of the TCJRNM Variation Leaping Left Secret transmission Knee lock and capture Knee break Second level of the Kihon Happo Kyusho - star
Ichi no Kamae
Same as Ichimonji no kamae
Jakkin Jin Ryaku No Maki Jodan Kiri Jodan no kamae Jodan Tsuki Juji
弱筋 人略の巻 上段切 上段の構 上段付 十字
Kyusho The Principles of Man Cut down with the sword Sword kamae Upper punch/thrust Ten cuts
Ka Kaiten Katana Katate Katate gyaku nage Katate Nage Ken Kiai Kihon Happo Kinteki Koe Koho kaiten Kosshi Kihon Sanpo
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