Bujinkan Dictionary (alpha 1)
March 26, 2017 | Author: goonmaster | Category: N/A
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======Bujinkan Dictionary====== -------The sources used to compile this are:----------------------Stick Fighting: Techniques of Self-Defense - Masaaki Hatsumi -The Way of the Ninja: Secret Techniques - Masaaki Hatsumi -and the website: budotaijutsu.co.uk -----------------------------------------------------------------1 age=from ageru, to lift or raise, elevate 2 age uke=in karate, a rising block 3 ankoku toshinjutsu=techniques for seeing in the darkness 4 arashi=storm 5 arashi=storm 6 aruki=walk 7 asagasumi=kyusho (morning mist), just under chin (or the chin itself) 8 ashiko=spiked foot bands, see also shuko 9 ashikubi=ankle 10 ashi=leg 11 ashi=leg; foot 12 ate=blow, strike 13 atemi=a strike to setup a technique 14 atsu=press 15 atto=press down 16 awase=(from awaseru) to meet together 17 benkei=inside the shinbone 18 boku=tree 19 bo=stick 20 bo=stick, especially six-foot staff 21 budoka=martial artist 22 budo=martial arts 23 bufu=martial arts 24 bugeisha=martial artist 25 bujinkan=Maasaki Hatsumiâ s training group 26 bujutsu=martial arts 27 bushido=way of the warrior 28 bushi=samurai 29 butsumetsu=3rd rib down, more commonly called floating rib 30 chi=earth 31 chimon=geography 32 cho ho=espionage 33 chudan=middle level 34 chu=middle 35 chunin=historically, a mid-level (organiser) ninja agent; see also jonin and genin 36 dai=big 37 daijodan=high sword stance 38 daikomyo=in buddhism, it is the big bright light of buddha. in ninjutsu, it is the illumination from the inside to the outside. this can be experienced as the light of your heart on the physical plane. see also shikin haramitsu daik omyo. 39 dai=large, big, great 40 daimon=kyusho (big gate), middle of shoulder joint 41 daisho=pair of swords worn in the belt 42 daito=large sword, worn blade facing up 43 daito=long sword (katana or tachi) 44 dakentaijutsu=striking (punching and kicking) methods of ninjutsu 45 dan=lit. step; indicates level above black belt 46 den=legend, tradition 47 densho=transmission scrolls or manuscripts, see also makimono 48 densho=written transmission
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
do=i) motion; change; ii) path, road, way; iii) the trunk of the body do jime=torso choke, done with scissoring of body with legs dojo cho=leader or head of a dojo dojo=lit. way place; a training hall dojo=place for training in the arts dokkotsu=kyusho (single bone), adam's apple doko=angry tiger doko no kamae=angry tiger defensive stance dome=(from tomeru) to stop dome=from tomeru, to stop don ton jutsu=earth concealment techniques dori=from toru, to seize, capture; also tori dori=(from toru) to seize or catch dori=(from toru) to sieze or to catch dori=take; also bird do=the trunk of the body eda=branch edo=1600-1868 period; also old name for Tokyo empi=elbow eri=lapel; collar fudo=immobility fudo ken=clenched fist fudoshin=immovable spirit fudoza=immovable seat fu=i) negation; ii) wind fukiya=blowguns fuko=crouching tiger fukuro shinai=bamboo training sword covered in leather furi=to swing futari dori=dual catch, held by two opponents fu=wind gaeri=return gaeshi=(from kaesu) to turn over or throw gaeshi=(from kaesu) to turn over or throw gaeshi=from kaesu, to turn over, roll, throw, counter-attack; also kaesh
i 84 gake=hook; also kagi and kake 85 gakure=from kakureru, to hide, disappear 86 ganbette=keep going; persevere 87 ganmen=the face 88 ganseki=a rock 89 ganseki=a rock 90 garami=from karamu, to entangle, entwine 91 garami=(from karamu) to entangle or entwine 92 gari=(from karu) to reap 93 gari=from karu, to reap 94 gassho no kamae=greeting stance 95 gata=form 96 gata=i) one; ii) style, type, pattern 97 gatame=(from katameru) to tighten 98 gatame=(from katameru) to tighten 99 gatame=from katameru, to tighten; also katame 100 gawa=side 101 gedan=lower level 102 ge=low 103 genin=historically, a low-level (operative)ninja agent; see also chunin and jonin 104 genjutsu=arts of illusion 105 geri=from keru, to kick; see keri 106 geta=clogs
107 gikan=regard for justice 108 gi=martial arts uniform 109 giri=i) duty; obligation; ii) to cut, also kiri 110 godai=lit. big five; refers to five elements; see also gogyo 111 goe=voice; tone 112 go=five 113 gogyo=five principles; also refers to five elements, earth, water, fires , air and void 114 gojo gyoku=principle of five feelings and desires 115 gokui=hidden; secret 116 gokuraku=paradise 117 gomen nasai=excuse me, i'm sorry 118 go no sen=seizing the initiative at the moment the opponent attacks 119 gorin=kyusho (five rings), around the stomach 120 goroshi=from korosu, to kill 121 gotonpo=five element concealing and escaping methods 122 gyaku jime=reverse choke 123 gyaku=reverse 124 gyaku=reverse; also joint lock 125 gyaku=reverse; opposite; inverted 126 gyoku=gem, jewel; testicles 127 hachi=eight 128 hachimaki=white cotton headband 129 hadome=kyusho (pallet), one inch below ear, end of toothline 130 haibu yori=from behind 131 hai=yes 132 hajime=start 133 hajutsu=escaping techniques 134 hakama=formal divided skirt; wide legged pants 135 hanbojutsu=stick fighting techniques 136 hanbo=lit. half-staff; stick (usually 3 feet) 137 hanbo=three-foot staff 138 hane age=jump up, spring up 139 hane goshi=in judo, spring hip throw 140 hane=i) from haneru, to leap, spring up; ii) wing 141 hane maki komi=in judo, winding hip throw 142 han=half 143 hanmi=in aikido, half-forward stance; similar to taijutsu's ichimonji 144 happa=eight leaves, clapping the ears 145 happa ken=open-handed strike 146 happo=eight sides; in all directions 147 happo hiken=eight methods of secret swords 148 happo shuriken=eight pointed throwing blades 149 harai=from harau, to sweep; also barai 150 harai goshi=sweeping hip throw 151 haramitsu=also known in sanskript as paramita which is buddha's satori o r a permanent state of spiritual awakening that transcends the limitations of li fe and death. the general idea behind the 6 paramita is freedom from bearing gru dges, pain, jealousy and building a relationship with the world outside of yours elf. see also shikin haramitsu daikomyo. 152 hashigo yari=a ladder spear 153 hasso=to attack 154 heiho=martial principles, military strategy 155 henka=variation 156 henso jutsu=disguise and impersonation techniques 157 hicho=flying bird 158 hicho=flying bird 159 hicho no kamae=crane defensive stance 160 hidari=left 161 hiden=concealed, secret; also gokui
162 hiden=secret transmission 163 hiji ate=elbow strike, also shuki ken 164 hiji=elbow 165 hiji=elbow, also empi 166 hiji ori=elbow break 167 hiken juroppo=sixteen secret fist methods of ninjutsu 168 hiki=(from hiku) to pull 169 hiki=from hiku, to pull 170 hira=flat 171 hira=flat, even, level 172 hira no kamae=one-line receiving stance 173 hira shuriken=flat blades 174 hiryuran=kyusho (flying dragon confuser), eyeballs 175 hi=secret 176 hishi=dried water chestnuts used as caltrops 177 hiso ken=secret spear fist 178 hi=to fly 179 hodoki=get loose, get untied, escape 180 hoi=encircling;binding; securing 181 ho=i) used to express concept of the buddhist darma (law/truth); methods , ii) direction, way, rule; also po 182 hojojutsu=binding techniques; using a cord to restrain prisoners 183 hoko=encircling tiger 184 hoko no kamae=encircling tiger receiving stance 185 hon gamae=basic set-up position 186 hon gyaku=base reversal to the wrist 187 hon jime=basic choke 188 hontai=i) main body; ii) morality 189 hon=true or principal or main or regular 190 hon=true; principal; main; foundation 191 hoshi=kyusho (star), nerve point near armpit 192 hoshi shita=zawa mind, heart; will, intention - kyusho (under the stars) , elbow joint 193 ho=way or rule 194 iaido=way of sword-drawing 195 iaijutsu=sword-drawing techniques 196 ichimonji no kamae=one-line defensive stance 197 ichimonji=the character for one in japanese, left to right 198 ichimonji=the character for the number 1 in japanese 199 ichi=one 200 igadama=spiked iron or steel balls used as caltrops 201 iie=no 202 inashi gata=form of skillfully avoiding and upsetting opponent's attack 203 in=kyusho (shadow), xiphoid bone 204 inpo=the art of hiding 205 inton=concealment and camouflage 206 iri=(from hairu) to enter 207 iri=from hairu, to enter 208 irimi=entering, moving in 209 itaken=broad blades 210 itami jime=painful choke 211 itami=pain 212 itto=sword 213 jakkotsu/jakkin=kyusho (weak bone/weak muscle), upper arm between bone a nd bicep 214 jigoku=hell 215 jihi no kokoro=benevolent heart 216 jime=(from shimeru) to constrict or wring 217 jime=from shimeru, to tighten or constrict; also shime 218 jinbujin fusatsu=god's rule for bujin not to kill people
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jinchu=kyusho (center of man), base of the nose jin=man, low jodan=upper level jo=i) medium length stick (usually 4 feet); ii) top jo-wan=upper arm jowan=uppper arm jujiro=kyusho (crossroads), front of shoulder juji=ten syllables jumonji no kamae=cross offensive stance jumonji=the character for ten in japanese, a cross junan taiso=taijutsu conditioning exercises juppo sessho=contact in ten directions ju=soft jutaijutsu=grappling techniques; throws, locks, chokes and holds ju-tai-jutsu=soft body techniques ju=ten ju=ten jutsu=techniques jutsu=techniques; art jutte=single-tined truncheon kaeri=return kaeshi=(from kaesu) to turn over or throw kaeshi=(from kaesu) to turn over or throw kaeshi=from kaesu, turn over, throw, counter-attack; also gaeshi kaeshi waza=counter techniques ka=fire kagi=hook, also kake kaiten=rolling kake=hook; also kagi and gake kakitsubo=kyusho (side bowl), hollow area of armpits kaku=angle; horn, knee kakushi buki=hidden weapons, refers to all small weapons that can be hid
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kakushi geri=sweeping, cresent kick kamae=stance kamae=stance or posture kamae=stance, posture kami yari=sickle spear kamiza=gods; shrine honoring the spirits kansetsu geri=in karate, knee-joint kick kansetsu=joints; used with techniques to describe dislocating kappi=lively jump karamu=to entangle, entwine karamu=to entangle or entwine karate=lit. empty hand, or china hand; a martial art that stresses punch kicking techniques kashira=head kasumi=kyusho (fog, mist), temple kasumi=the temple at the side of the head kata=form kataginu=stiff sleeveless robe for samurai on ceremonial occasions kataginu=stiff sleeveless robe for samurai on ceremonial occasions kata=i) one; ii) style, type, pattern iii) pre-arranged forms katame=(from katameru) to tighten katame=(from katameru) to tighten katame=from katameru, to tighten; also gatame katana=sword kata=one katate dori kubijime=single-hand neck choke katate=one hand
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kawa=side ken=i) fist; ii) sword kenkotsu=kyusho (healthy bone), 4 points on skull around tenkotsu ken no michi=the way of the sword kenshi=expert swordsman keppan=blood oath made when entering a ryu keri=from keru, to kick; see geri kiai=a focused shout to disrupt the opponent kiaijutsu=techniques of kiai kihon=basic, fundamental ki=i) rise; ii) spirit, mind, heart, soul kikaku ken=kyusho (demon horns fist), head butt; also zu tsuki ki ken=spirit fist kime=focus, both physical and mental kimon=kyusho (monster gate), chest muscle kimono=traditional japanese dress kinketsu=kyusho (forbidden opening), sternum kiriage=rising cut; cutting upwards kiri=i) from kiru, to cut; ii) mist, fog; i ii) neck kiten ken=sword hand strike, also shuto ken ko ashi=small steps for walking through foliage and water kobudo=ancient martial ways kocho=butterfly kocho=butterfly kodachi=short sword koe=kyusho (voice), hollow area of hip bones kogoroshi=killing the child, pinky break koho geri=back kick koho=rear, back ko=i) child; ii) hook, barb; i ii) small; iv) tiger kokoro=spirit, heart, mind; also shin koku=empty space koku=empty space kokyu=breath, breathing kongo ken=hammer fist koppo=bone koppo=bone arts; or finer points of an art koppo=i) bone; ii) secret koppojutsu=bone-breaking techniques koppo ken=thumb knuckle strike koroshi=from korosu, to kill koryu=classical or old tradition kosei=kyusho (tiger force), testicles, also suzu kosei no kamae=tiger offensive stance koshi=hip, loin koshi=hip or loin koshijutsu=organ and muscle strikes koshitsubo=kyusho (hip bowl), middle or inside ridge of hip bone kossi=bones & fingers kote gaeshi=outside wrist turn, also omote gyaku kote=wrist kote=wrist kote=wrist kotsu=bone kotsu=bone kubi=neck kubisuji=nape of neck kubi ura jime=rear neck choke kudaki=from kudaku, to break, smash, shatter kudaki=(from kudaku) to crush or smash or shatter
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kuden=oral teachings kuden=oral transmission ku=i) air, sky; emptiness; void; ii) nine kujiki=(from kujiku) to wrench or sprain kujiki=from kujiku, to wrench, sprain kuji kiri=used by ancient ninjas to channel energy kuji=nine signs; mudra used in esoteric buddhism kuji=nine syllables kukan=space kuki=air, formless energy kumitachi=sword practice with a partner kumiuchi=grappling, close fighting kumo bashigo=spider ladder kumo=cloud kumon=chest ku=nine kunoichi=female ninja kuruma=vehicle, ride kusari dogu=chain weapons kusari fundo=weighted chain kusarigama=chain and sickle kusarigama=sickle and chain kuzushi=from kuzusu, to break; in budo, to break the balance of an oppon
ent 360 kuzushi=(from kuzusu) to break or to break balance 361 kyojitsu=falsehood and truth, ie. deception, feinting 362 kyojitsu=falsehood and truth or deception and feinting 363 kyo & jitsu=falsehood & truth 364 kyojitsu tenkan ho=theory of alternating appearences of reality 365 kyokei=kyusho (strong tendons), top of the foot just above the toes 366 kyoketsu shoge=hooked blade weapon with weighted chain or cord attached 367 kyokotsu=the sternum, breastbone 368 kyokotsu=the sternum or breastbone 369 kyoku=emptiness 370 kyoman=observation and perception 371 kyomon=religious teachings 372 kyonin no jutsu=taking advantage of fears and superstitions 373 kyo=unpreparedness; false 374 kyudo=way of the bow, modern japanese archery 375 kyusho=painful spot 376 kyusho=vital or pressure points, weak points 377 kyu=student grade below black belt 378 ma ai=combative engagement distance between two opponents 379 mae=forward direction 380 mae=front 381 mae geri=front kick 382 mae no sen=taking the initiative, attacking the instant the opponent thi nks about it 383 makikomi=(from makikomu) to enfold 384 makikomi=from makikomu, to enfold 385 makimono=scroll 386 makimono=scrolls, ancient manuscripts, see also densho 387 maki=winding, wrapping; scrolls 388 mata=inner part of the thigh 389 matte=from matsu, wait 390 matzukaza=kyusho (pinetree wind), just above and below the ends of the c lavicles 391 mawashi=(from mawasu) to rotate 392 mawashi=from mawasu, to rotate 393 mawashi geri=round kick
394 mawatte=turn around 395 me=eye 396 meijin=master 397 menbu=kyusho, the face or forehead area 398 menkyo kaiden=full proficiency certificate 399 menkyo=license, teacher's certificate 400 men=the face 401 men uchi=a strike to the head 402 metsubushi=blinding powder 403 metsubushi=blinding substances; smoke, sand, pepper, etc. 404 mi=body, person; also tai 405 michi=path or way, also do 406 migi=right 407 mikkyo=i) esoteric buddhism; ii) secret doctrines 408 mimi=ear 409 mitsukudaki=three kiai's in ninjutsu to break the opponent's chance, his techniques and finally his body 410 nagare=flow 411 nagashi=flow 412 nage=(from nageru) to throw 413 nage=from nageru, to throw 414 nage=throw 415 naginata=halbard, long pole with curved blade on the end 416 naname=diagonal direction 417 naname=diagonal direction, oblique 418 nana=seven; also shichi 419 nashi=none 420 neko ashi dachi=in karate, cat leg stance 421 neko te=finger-tip weapons of steel for kunoichi 422 nihogiri=cutting in two directions 423 nin=i) endurance, perseverance, forebearance; ii) stealth, secretiveness , concealment; also shinobi 424 ninja juhachikei=eighteen levels of ninja training 425 ninja ken=short sword used by ninja, also shinobi gatana 426 ninja=person who does nin 427 ninja=shadow warrior 428 ninjutsu=the techniques/ways of nin 429 nin=perseverance; also subterfuge 430 ninpo ikkan=may ninpo be our primary inspiration 431 ninpo mikkyo=secret knowledge of ninpo 432 ninpo sanjurokkei=36 ninpo skills combining eighteen samurai and eightee n ninja skills 433 ninpo=the higher order of ninjutsu 434 ninpo=the techniques/ways of nin 435 nitto=two swords 436 ni=two 437 no=(posessive particle) of 438 no=possessive particle, of 439 nuki ashi=sweeping step ninja use in walking 440 obi=belt 441 o=big or great 442 odachi=long sword 443 okuden=inner or hidden teachings 444 o=large, big, great 445 omote=front 446 omote=outside; front; obvious 447 omote sokugyaku geri=inside-edge foot kick 448 omote=the outside 449 onibi no jutsu=art of the demon fire 450 oni=devil
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oni=devil, demon, monster onshinjutsu=hiding techniques, art of invisibility ori=(from oru) to break ori=from oru, to break osae=(from osaeru) to press down osae=from osaeru, to press down, immobilize osae waza=pinning or immobilization techniques o sensei=great teacher, honorific oshigiri=a push cut, type of cutting action used with sword o-soto gari=major outer reaping throw osoto gari=major outer reaping throw osoto guruma=major outer wheel throw oten=in taijutsu, a cartwheel otoshi=(from otosu) to drop otoshi=from otosu, to drop oyagoroshi=killing the parent, thumb break po=way or rule rai=thunder randori=free response training; sparring ransetsu=blizzard, snowstorm rei=bow, salute ritsudo=rhythm rokushaku bo=six foot staff roku=six ryaku=abridgment; outline ryo=both ryo=both; two ryomune dori=two handed chest grab ryote=two hands ryoude jime=two-arm choke or constriction ryu=dragon ryufu=(willow wind), windpipe ryuha=used synonymously with ryu ryu=i) dragon; ii) school, tradition ryuka=(dragon under), the calves; also yaku ryumon=(dragon gate), hollow point in bones of shoulder ryu=school or style of martial arts ryu=style or tradition sain=kyusho (left passivity), below left eye; see also yuin sakki=intuition of an attack, perception of an aggressive thought or int
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sankaku jime=triangular choke sanshin dachi=in karate, hour-glass stance sanshin no kata=in taijutsu, spirit of three hearts practice forms sanshin=three hearts or heart of three san=three satori=enlightenment saya=sword scabbard seigan no kamae=see ichimonji no kamae seishin tanren=spiritual forging seishin teki kyoyo=spiritual refinement seitaku=(starry mud), hollow area in elbow joints seiza=formal seated posture sempai=senior student senban=flat throwing plates senban=type of shuriken sen=initiative; also 1000 senkoku jidai=warring states period sennin=mystic sen no sen=seizing the initiative as soon as the opponent begins his att
ack 510 sensei=one who is born before or gone before, teacher 511 sensei=teacher 512 seoi=(from seou) to carry on oneâ s back 513 seoi=(from seou) to carry on oneâ s back 514 seoi=to carry on one's back; also zeoi 515 setsu=snow 516 shaken=throwing stars 517 shako ken=shrimp fist, claw strike 518 shibari=(from shibaru) to tie 519 shibari=from shibaru, to tie 520 shichibatsu=kyusho (seven draws), side of hip 521 shichi=seven; also nana 522 shi=finger; four; also yon 523 shihan=senior instructor 524 shiho tobi=4 directional leaping 525 shikan ken=extended knuckle fist 526 shikin haramitsu daikomyo=every experience in life is sacred and holds t he possibility of showing the universal truth or enlightenment we seek. 527 shikin=sensation of harmony perceived by the sense of hearing and heart 528 shikko=a method of walking on the knees 529 shikomi zue=a sword cane 530 shikoro=thin bladed tools and saws 531 shikotzu=kyusho (phalanx), crutch-like area of the thumb 532 shime=(from shimeru) to constrict or wring 533 shime=from shimeru, to tighten, constrict; also jime 534 shimeru=to constrict or wring 535 shinai=split bamboo practice sword 536 shinchu=kyusho (center of the heart), middle of the chest 537 shin=heart, mind, spirit 538 shinken gata=gata true or real combat training 539 shinobi aruki=ninja walking 540 shinobi=expert in gathering information, spy; also ninja 541 shinobi gatana=see ninja ken 542 shinobi ho=the art of stealth 543 shinobi iri=stealth and entering methods 544 shinobi juhappan=eighteen ninja skills 545 shinobi no mono=person who does nin 546 shinobi no mono=shadow warriors 547 shinobi=perseverance; also subterfuge 548 shinobi zue=hollow canes with concealed chain or blades 549 shinto=concussion or shock or impact 550 shinto hiho=secret teachings of shinto 551 shishin ken=little needle strike 552 shitan ken=fingertip strike 553 shita=under, below 554 shito ken=thumb strike, also boshi ken 555 shizen ken=the body as a natural weapon 556 shizen=natural 557 shizen no kamae=natural receiving stance 558 shomen=the front 559 shoshin no kamae=stance of the first body 560 shoten no jutsu=climbing to the heavens (tree climbing) 561 shoto=short sword 562 shugyo=severe training 563 shu=hand; arm 564 shuki ken=elbow strike, also hiji ate 565 shuko=hand claws, see also ashiko 566 shumon=spiritual, religious gate 567 shuriken=throwing blades
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shuriken=throwing blades, stars shuto ken=sword hand strike, also kiten ken sode=sleeve sojutsu=the art of fighting with a spear soke=head of a family; grandmaster soke=head of the school sokkei=groin sokki ken=knee strike sokkotsu=instep sokkotsu=instep sokugyaku geri=toe kick sokuho geri=sideways kick sokuho kaiten=sideways roll sokuho tobi=sideways leap sokuto geri=sword foot; kick with edge of the foot sokuya=horizontal heel kick sokuyaku geri=dancing foot kick; basic heel kick soto=outer soto=outside suigetsu=kyusho (moon on the water), solar plexus suigetsu=solar plexus suihei=horizontal sui ren=water training sui=water; also mizu suki=opening in opponent sutemi=sacrifice, self-abandonment suwari waza=seated techniques suwatte=sit down suzu=kyusho (bell), testicles suzuzue=priests ring topped walking staff tabi=split-toed footwear tabi=traditional split toe footwear tachi=i) sword; ii) standing; also dachi tachi waza=standing techniques tai=big tai=body taiboku=big tree taihenjutsu=body movement techniques; rolling, leaping, tumbling tai=i) large, big, great; ii) the body tai-jutsu=body techniques taijutsu=the art of moving the body; the basis of all fighting arts tai ken=the body fist taisabaki=natural body movement techniques; body evasion taisuru=to face, confront; be opposite takagi=tall tree, large tree take=bamboo take=bamboo taki=waterfall tameshi giri=test cutting tanden=abdomen, two fingers below navel; also hara tanto=knife taoshi=(from taosu) to throw down taoshi=from taosu, to throw down tatami=a straw mat tawara=straw rice bale te=hand te=hand teisoku=sole of the foot teki=enemy tekubi=wrist
628 ten chi jin=heaven earth man 629 ten=from tenjiro, to revolve, rotate - heaven, sky; top 630 tengu=goblin known for its martial skills; said to be half man, half cro w 631 tengu=mythical winged creature 632 tenmon=i) meteorology; ii) kyusho (heavenly gate) ridge of the eye socke t 633 tento=kyusho (heavenly head), soft point on the head 634 tessen=iron fan 635 tetsubushi=metal caltrops 636 tetsui=iron hammer 637 tetsu=iron 638 tetsuzan=iron mountain 639 tobi=jump 640 tobi keri=leaping kick 641 tobi=leaping 642 todi=(from toru) to seize or catch 643 togakure=one of the 9 ryu from mt. togakushi 644 to=i) and; ii) door; i ii) drop, fell; iv) head; v) sword 645 toki=kyusho, instep 646 tomeru=to stop 647 tomeru=to stop 648 tomoe=huge comma, comma-patterned tile 649 tomoe=huge comma or comma-patterned tile 650 tomoe nage=throwing in a big circle 651 tomoe nage=throwing in a big circle or stomach throw 652 ton=escape 653 tori=(from toru) to sieze or to catch 654 tori=i) from toru, to seize, catch; also dori; ii) the one who exeutes t echiques in training 655 tori=take; also bird 656 totoku hiyashi=avoiding shuriken blades 657 tsuba=handguard on the sword 658 tsugi bune=collapsible boat 659 tsuke=from tsukeru, to attach, fix 660 tsuke=(from tsukeru) to attatch or fix 661 tsuki=(from tsuku) to thrust 662 tsuki=from tsuku, to thrust 663 tsuki otosu=to strike down 664 tsuki otosu=to strike down 665 tsure=(from tsureru) to take along with one 666 tsure=from tsureru, to take someone along with oneself 667 uchi=(from utsu) to strike 668 uchi gake=take down using the legs 669 uchi=i) inside; ii) from utsu, to attack, defeat, destroy, conquer; a st rike 670 uchi mata=attack the inside of the thigh 671 ude=arm 672 ude=arm 673 uke=i) from ukeru, to receive; ii) attacker in training (receiver of the technique) iii) block as in jodan uke 674 ukemi=receiving with the body; rolling or falling so as to avoid injury 675 uke nagashi=parrying 676 uke=receive 677 uko=anatomical term for the nerve at the side of the neck 678 ura=back 679 ura=inside 680 ura=inside; reverse 681 ura kimon=kyusho (inner demon gate), ribs under pectoral muscle (btwn 4+ 5 ribs)
682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721
ura uchi=backfist strike ushiro=rear, back ushiro=rear or back or rear direction wakarimasu=i understand waki=the side or lateral wakizashi=short sword waza=technique waza=techniques yaku=kyusho (press), the calves; also ryuka yamabushi=mountain warrior priest yame=stop yamikeigo=ninja practice in the dark yari=spear yoi=ready yojutsu=supernatural tricks yoko aruki=sideways walking yoko geri=side kick yokomen=the side of the head yoko=side yoko=side yoko=side, horizontal yon=four; also shi yoroi=japanese armor - kumiuchi battlefield grappling in armor yoshin=raising spirit, raising heart yubi=finger yugasumi=kyusho (evening mist), hollow point behind ear yuin=kyusho (right passivity), below right eye; see also sain yumi=bow in archery zanshin=remaining spirit; relaxed awareness after completing a oano zarei=traditional seated bow zen=i) front; ii) philosophy based on meditation and buddhist principles zenkutsu dachi=in karate, forward stance zenpo=forward direction zenpo kaiten=forward roll zen-wan=forearm zenwan=forearm zeoi=(from seou) to carry on oneâ s back zeoi=(from seou) to carry on oneâ s back zeoi=from seou, to carry on ones' back zu tsuki=head butt, also kikaku ken
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