Bujías de Precalentamiento

December 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Mufâcs il [rlgcoldtcbnldte [rlgcoldtcbnldte.. Lo ocs bãqundcs, ld egcsnedls ls dlglscrne gcoldtcr prlvncbldtl gnlrtcs pcrtls cdtls il pedlr oc bãqundc ld bcrghc, oe bcs geböd ls gcoldtcr lo cglntl il oumrngcgn÷d e il oes inspesntnves hnirãuonges. Lste sl oejrc gcsn snlbprl c trcvîs il gcoldtcierls loîgtrnges tlrbestctcies cgepocies tlrbestctcies  cgepocies c ocs pcrtls ld gulstn÷d. [crc lo ndtlrîs il lstc pãjndc lstes inspesntnves sed gcoldtcierls loîgtrnges y de mufâcs il prlgcoldtcbnldte. Ocs mufâcs il prlgcoldtcbnldte e mufâcs ndgcdilsgldtls sed inspesntnves ietcies il udc rlsnstldgnc loîgtrngc y cggnedcies ilsil oc oocvl ilo ldgldinie, qul sl utnonzcd pcrc `cgnontcr lo crrcdqul ld `râe il oes beterls il gebmustn÷d ndtlrdc, ndtlrdc , lsplgncobldtl oes Inlslo. Inlslo. Lstcs mufâcs snrvld pcrc preiugnr ud pudte ndgcdilsgldtl (e buy gconldtl) ildtre clreseo ilo gebmustnmol gebmustnmol il oc gãbcrc il gebmustn÷d, gebmustn÷d, qul ls cogcdzcie per lo clreseo  ndylgtcie. Co ldtrcr ld gedtcgte pcrtl ilo clreseo ged oc zedc gconldtl il oc mufâc il pr prlg lgco cold ldtc tcbn bnld ldte te,, lo ge gebm bmus ustn tnmo mol l sl lvcp lvcper erc c l nd`o nd`ocb cbc, c, prei preiug ugnl nldi die e lo crrcdqul ilo beter  cud ld gedingnedls il mcfcs tlbplrcturcs. Cingnedcobldtl c lste, oes bctlrncols bctlrncols il qul lstãd hlghcs lstcs mufâcs tnldld ld su gebpesngn÷d gctcoâtnge semrl  semrl lo preglse il nrnine qul tnldld ud l`lgte gctcoâtnge lolbldtes gebe poctnde  lolbldtes poctnde e nrnine qul gebmustn÷d. \dc vlz preiugnie lo crrcdqul, y udes sljudies ilspuîs, sl rltnrc oc gerrnldtl loîg loîgtr trng ngc c il oc mufâ mufâc c co de slr slr dlgl dlglsc scrn rnc c su `udg `udgn÷ n÷d d yc qul qul oc gãbc gãbcrc rc il ge gebm bmus ustn tn÷d ÷d sl hc gc gcol oldt dtci cie e ge gebe be pcrc pcrc prei preiug ugnr nr oc cute cute nd`o nd`ocb cbcg cgn÷ n÷d d ilo ilo gebmustnmol snd cyuic. Ilmnie Ilmn ie c oc dctu dcturco rcolz lzc c il ocs gãbcr gãbcrcs cs il ndylgg ndylggn÷ n÷d d inrlg inrlgtc, tc, ls lstcs tcs mufâcs mufâcs il prlgcoldtcbnldte gebödbldtl de sed dlglscrncs ld oes beterls prevnstes il lstl tnpe il gãbcrc, bnldtrcs qul ld oes beterls ged ndylggn÷d slpcrcic sl gedvnlrtld ld ud inspesnt inspesntnve nve ndinspl ndinspldscm dscmol ol pcrc jcrcdt jcrcdtnzcr nzcr ud crrcdqu crrcdqul l sljure sljure ld teics teics gedingnedls. Hcy ies tnpes mãsnges il mufâcs il prlgcoldtcbnldte6 3. Il rlsnstldgnc rlsnstldgnc loîgtrngc loîgtrngc ilsduic ilsduic utnonzcics utnonzcics trcingnedcobldtl. trcingnedcobldtl. =. Il rlsnstldgnc loîgtrngc pretljnic qul sl hcd ndtreiugnie rlgnldtlbldtl.

Mufâcs il rlsnstldgnc ilsduic



Oc `njurc 3 bulstrc udc goãsngc mufâc il prlgcoldtcbnldte ged oc rlsnstldgnc loîgtrngc ilsduic. Ld ud gulrpe il cglre prevnste cglre prevnste il udc resgc pcrc slr ndstcocic ld lo beter, tco y gebe jcseondc,, sl geoegc cnsocic il gulrpe, oe hcgl oc mufâc il ldgldinie il ldgldinie il oes beterls il jcseondc y ld su gldtre, ud gediugter qul tlrbndc ld lo lxtrlbe nd`lrner ld udc rlsnstldgnc loîgtrngc il jrulse cocbmrl ld `erbc il ocze. Lo etre lxtrlbe il oc rlsnstldgnc sl gedlgtc co gulrpe il cglre y ged looe c tnlrrc.   Lstl gediugter gediugter gldtrco gldtrco tlrbndc tlrbndc ld lo lxtrlbe lxtrlbe suplrner suplrner ld ud plrde plrde resgcie resgcie pcrc gedlgtcr lo gcmol il conbldtcgn÷d. Lo inspesntnve tnldl su`ngnldtl oedjntui gebe pcrc qul oc rlsnstldgnc loîgtrngc (ocze) ooljul co ndtlrner il oc gãbcrc il gebmustn÷d, y lo plrde il gedlxn÷d lstî ld lo lxtlrner ilo beter, co cogcdgl ilo gcmol il conbldtcgn÷d. Oc rlsnstldgnc loîgtrngc lstc gedstrunic il colcgnedls bltãongcs colcgnedls bltãongcs buy rlsnstldtls co cbmnld cbm nldtl tl co cotcb tcbldt ldtl l gerre gerresnv snve e il oc gãbcr gãbcrc c il gebmu gebmustn stn÷d ÷d,, y c oc lresn lresn÷d ÷d qul qul preiugld oes jcsls il oc gebmustn÷d pcrc oejrcr udc udc ocrjc vnic ötno. Gucdie sl vc c pedlr ld bcrghc lo beter `râe, prnblre sl gedlgtc oc gerrnldtl il @njurc 3 cgubuocierls c  c oc mufâc lo tnlbpe su`ngnldtl pcrc qul lo ocze ndtlrner sl oc mctlrâc il cgubuocierls gconldtl co refe ndgcdil ndgcdilsgldtl, sgldtl, uscdie udc pesngn÷d co l`lgte il oc oocvl il ldgldinie ldgldinie ilo beter. \dc vlz trcdsgurrnie trcdsgurrnie lsl tnlbpe, sl jnrc oc oocvl il ldgldinie c oc pesngn÷d il crrcdqul, ged ged lstl gcbmne sl preiugld ies l`lgtes1 sl conbldtc lo beter il crrcdqul pcrc crrcdqul  pcrc hcglr jnrcr lo beter il gebmustn÷d y, sl rltnrc oc gerrnldtl gerrnldtl c oc mufâc. Oc jrcd bcsc ilo jrulse cocbmrl il oc rlsnstldgnc oc bcdtnldl gconldtl udes sljudies ilspu ils puîs îs il rl rltnr tnrcr crol ol oc gerrn gerrnld ldtl, tl, ged ged oe qul qul sl jcrcd jcrcdtnz tnzc c qul qul cojud cojudes es gngoes gngoes il ndylggn÷d pestlrnerls co crrcdqul sl preiuzgcd ged l`ngnldgnc . Ld lo beter peon-gnoâdirnge hcy udc mufâc il prlgcoldtcbnldte per gcic gnondire y etrc qul qu l sn snrv rvl l ge gebe be tl tlst stnj nje, e, co cogc cogcdg dgl l il oc vnst vnstc c ilo ilo ge gedi diug ugte terr ld lo tcmo tcmolr lre e il ndstrubldtes. Gebe teics ocs mufâcs sed njucols, emslrvcdie lo geoer il oc mufâc tlstnje, gediugter scmlr ld qul bebldte ocs qullolstãd geoegcics ld oes gnondires lo lstãd c muldcpeirã tlbplrcturc pcrc preglilr c ndtldtcr crrcdqul.

Mufâcs il rlsnstldgnc gumnlrtc


Ocs mufâcs il prlgcoldtcbnldte ged oc rlsnstldgnc gumnlrtc sed udc blferc tlgdeo÷jngc il oc mufâc trcingnedco plre su `udgn÷d mãsngc ls oc bnsbc. Oc `njurc = bulstrc oc nbcjld il udc mufâc il prlgcoldtcbnldte ilo tnpe il rlsnstldgnc gumnlrtc il bcdlrc qul pulild vlrsl ocs pcrtls ndtlrnerls. Oc in`lrldgnc prndgnpco ged oc mufâc trcingnedco ls qul oc rlsnstldgnc loîgtrngc lstã gedstntunic gedstntunic il ies pcrtls, ls il cocbmrl bcs `nde y lstã ls tã gumn gumnlr lrtc tc ged ged udc udc `udi `udic c rls rlsnstl nstldt dtl l co cbmn cbmnld ldtl tl pcrc pcrc pretljlroc. Ld lstcs mufâcs, oc rlsnstldgnc gcoldtcierc lstã `erbcic per ies rlsnstl rls nstldgnc dgncs s loîgtrn loîgtrngcs gcs gedlgtc gedlgtcics ics ld slrnl, slrnl, udc qul `udgnedc `udgnedc gebe lolbldte gcol`cgter, il rlsnstldgnc gcsn gedstcdtl ged oc tlbplrcturc, tlbplrct urc, y oc etrc gebe lolbldte rljuocier rljuocier il oc gerrnldtl yc qul lstã hlghc hlghc il ud bctlrnco bctlrnco qul cubldtc cubldtc detcmol detcmolbldt bldtl l oc rl rlsn snst stld ldgn gnc c loîg loîgtr trng ngc c ge ged d lo ndgr ndgrlb lbld ldte te il oc tlbp tlbplr lrct ctur urc. c. Gebe Ge be oc rlsnst rlsnstld ldgnc gnc gcol` gcol`cg cgter terc c ls il cocbm cocbmrl rl buy `nde, `nde, su ndlrgnc tîrbngc ls mcfc y sl gconldtc buy rãpnicbldtl ged plonjre il cvlr cvlrâc âc sn de `u `ulr lrc c perqu erqul l gebu gebudn dngc gc lo gcoe gcoerr c oc etrc etrc rlsnst rls nstld ldgnc gnc gedlg gedlgtc tcic ic c looc looc ld slrnl slrnl,, lstc lstc öotnb öotnbc c cubld cubldtc tc rãpnicbldtl rãpnicbl dtl oc rlsnstldgnc loîgtrngc y onbntc oc gerrnldtl gerrnldtl c ud vcoer  sl slju jure re pcrc pcrc oc ocs s ies, ies, per per oe qul qul oc tlbp tlbplr lrct ctur urc c `ndc `ndcoo quli qulic c @njurc = onbntcic. Oc `udic pretlgterc lstã rlooldc il ud bctlrnco ld peove (÷xnie il bcjdlsne bcjdlsne)) muld muld gedi gediug ugte terr il gcoe gcoer, r, per oe qul qul lo gcoe gcoer  r  jldlrcie jldlrci e sl trcds`nlrl trcds`nlrl rãpnicbldtl c ocs pcrlil pcrlils s bltãongcs il oc `udic udic te terrdãdi dãdie esl ndgc ndgcdi dil lsgldtl ld peges ges sljudie udies s. Ld oes vlhâguoes ged lstes tnpes il mufâcs, oe bcs geböd ls qul lo tlstnje ld lo tcmolre il ndstrubldtes slc udc oãbpcrc il cvnse. Lo rãpnie gcoldtcbnldte il lstcs mufâcs y lo ilscrreooe cgtuco il oes gebpedldtls loîgtrnges y lolgtr÷dnges hc plrbntnie qul lstl tnpe il mufâcs `udgnedld il bcdlrc cutebãtngc snd oc ndtlrvldgn÷d cuteb÷vnols. ilo `njurc ged7ibulstrc ugter ld nbcjld cojuderlco s ilbudc eiloil es lstcs il mufâcs. cuteb÷vnols . Oc udc

@njurc 7 Gcuscs il `cooe 3. Oc prndgnp prndgnpco co gcusc gcusc il `cooe il lstcs lstcs mufâcs ls qul sl qu qulild lild ge gedlg dlgtcic tcics sc oc gerrnldtl ged lo beter ld `udgnedcbnldte, lo gcoer il oc gebmustn÷d sl cjrljc co jldlrcie per oc lolgtrngnici per oe qul oc tlbplrcturc pulil ooljcr c preiugnr oc `usn÷d ilo bctlrnco il oc rlsnstldgnc.


=. Gebe Gebe lstcs lstcs mufâcs mufâcs lstãd lstãd sebltn sebltnic ics s c oes jcsls jcsls lresn lresnves ves,, gerres gerresnve nves s l ndgcd ndgcdils ilsgl gldtl dtls s il oc gebmu gebmustn stn÷d ÷d su vnic, vnic, cudq cudqul ul ocrjc ocrjc,, pulil pulil vlrsl vlrsl c`lgtcic per lolbldtes degnves il gebmustnmols il bcoc gconici e ged gedtcbndcdtls ndcilgucies. Incjd÷stnge Ls buy `ãgno `ãgno incjd incjdes estng tngcr cr sn udc udc mufâc mufâc il prlgc prlgcold oldtcb tcbnld nldte te `udgn `udgnedc edc e de. de. Lstes inspesntnves tnldld ld jldlrco ud vcoer mcfe il rlsnstldgnc loîgtrngc, per oe qul udc snbpol oãbpcrc il ocs uscics ld lo cuteb÷vno, geoegcic ld slrnl ged lo gcmol il oc mufâc gerrlspedinldtl ldgldilrã sn oc mufâc lstã muldc y de oe hcrã sn lstc cvlrncic.

Ylrbetlrcpnc pcrc lo inîslo Lo "bndute il blintcgn÷d" tâpnge ilo beter inîslo, ls ilgnr lo tnlbpe il lsplrc ld pesngn÷d il prlgcoldtcbnldte cdtls il ndtldtcr lo crrcdqul, ls gesc ilo pcscie. Gebe bãxnbe cherc pulil hcmocrsl il lsgcses sljudies il lsplrc, de bãs il gndge. Oc gebmndcgn÷d ilo snstlbc il prlgcoldtcbnldte prlgcoldtcbnldte il gedtreo lolgtr÷dnge ged ocs mufâcs suplr rãpnics hc hlghe qul lo inîslo sl cglrqul ud pcse bãs co beter c dc`tc.   Yeicv Ye icvâc, âc, y pcrc pcrc bughe bughes s gediu gediugt gterl erls s il cute cuteb÷v b÷vnol nols s ged ged beterl beterls s inîsl inîslo, o, lo crrcdqul ld `râe per oc bcócdc gebnldzc ged udc gertc plre beolstc lsplrc.

Oc nbprlsnedcdtl oocbc qul sl preiugl ld lo böotnpol il cibnsn÷d jldlrcic per oc mufâc il oocbc, qul sl cgtnvc ld oes crrcdquls ged lo beter "gedjlocie".   Lstes 3; c 7; sljudies il prlgcoldtcbnldte rlsuotcd ndlvntcmols pcrc ud jrcd döblre il beterls il lstl tnpe. [uls lo `udgnedcbnldte ged ged cuten cutenjdn jdngn gn÷d ÷d lx lxnj njl l qul ld oc gãbcr gãbcrc c il gebmustn÷d nbplrld tlbplrcturcs gedsnilrcmolbldtl lolvcics (ldtrl :;; y >;; jrcies gldtâjrcies), qul de ld


teies oes inîslo y c gucoqunlr tlbplrcturc lxtlrner pulild cogcdzcrsl yc trcs oes prnblres jnres ilo beter il crrcdqul. Oc guopc il qul oes beterls inîslo slcd tcd "plrlzeses" per oc bcócdc ls ctrnmunmol ld prnblr oujcr c oc mcfc tlbplrcturc ilo cnrl lxtlrner cspnrcie, qul s÷oe pulil gcoldtcrsl su`ngnldtlbldtl iurcdtl oc sljudic gcrrlrc ilo gngoe sn sl hc loljnie udc rlocgn÷d il gebprlsn÷d rloctnvcbldtl lolvcic pcrc lo beter. [lre icie qul, ld ndtlrîs il ud `udgnedcbnldte `udgnedcbnldte bãs sucvl, ld cojudes beterls inîslo oc gebpr ebprls lsn÷ n÷d d ls rloc rloctn tnvc vcbl bldt dtl l mcfc mcfc,, oes oes preyl reylgt gtns nstc tcs s hcd hcd il rlgur lgurrn rnrr c oes snstlbcs il cyuic pcrc lo crrcdqul. Ld oc bcyerâc il oes gcses, pcrc lo crrcdqul ld `râe sl utnonzcd gebe l`ngnldtls `uldtls il gcoer ocs oocbcics mufâcs il ndgcdilsgldgnc, qul sed gcoldtcics c trcvîs il oc ndstcocgn÷d loîgtrngc ilo vlhâguoe. Lstcs mufâcs sl umngcd ld oc tcpc il gnondires y sl preylgtcd hcgnc lo ndtlrner il oc gãbcrc il gebmustn÷d. \mngcgn÷d \mngcgn ÷d il oc mufâc mufâc il prlgcol prlgcoldtcb dtcbnld nldte te inîslo ld ud beter il ndylggn÷d inrlgtc6 3. ndylgt ndy lgter1 er1 =. mufâc mufâc il prlgc prlgcol oldtc dtcbnl bnldt dte1 e1 7. gãbc gãbcrc rc il ge gebm bmus ustn tn÷d ÷d prcg prcgtn tngc gcic ic ld oc gcmlzc ilo pnst÷d. Lo prlgcNldtcbnldte trcingnedco Bughe Bug hes s beterl beterls s il vnlfc vnlfc jldlr jldlrcg cgn÷d n÷d vcd vcd prevnstes il mufâcs il `nocbldte ndgcdilsgldtl, guyc l`ngnldgnc hc qulicie ilbestrcic iurcdtl iîgcics y guye insló ins lóe e cpldcs cpldcs hc gcbm gcbmnci ncie e ged lo tnlbpe tnlbpe.. Cilbã Cilbãs s hcd hcd rlsu rlsuotc otcie ie slr udc udc seougn÷d buy lged÷bngc. Ld lstl snstlbc, gebe lolbldte gcol`cgter sl utnonzc ud `nocbldte ndgcdilsgldtl qul pldltrc inrlgtcbldtl ld oc gãbcrc il gebmustn÷d (gãbcrc il prlgebmustn÷d). Wnd lbmcrje, gucdie oc tlbplrcturc ilo cnrl cspnrcie ls buy mcfc, oc mufâc il `nocbldte ndgcdilsgldtl gedvldgnedco dlglsntc ud ocrje tnlbpe il prlgcoldtcbnldte, qul ooljc c slr il 7; sljudies. Lstcs mufâcs sl ged ge dlgt lgtcd ld ud gnrg nrgunte nte ld slrnl, eplrcr y, sn udc ocs`cooc, ilfcd ilbãil s.

In`lrldtls mufâcs il prlgcoldtcbnldte pcrc inst in stnd ndte tes s tn tnp pes il udni udnici cils ls inîslo.   Bcyer rldinbnldte Oc mufâc il ndgcdilsgldgnc il lspnjc e il tume, gedlgtcic ld ud gnrgunte loîgtrnge ld pcrcoloe (sn udc `cooc, snjuld trcmcfcdie ocs ilbãs), sl prlsldt÷ gebe udc cotlrdctnvc c oc


seougn÷d cdtlrner seougn÷d cdtlrnerbldt bldtl l ilsgrntc ilsgrntc,, y `ul inslóci inslócic c lsplgnc lsplgncobld obldtl tl pcrc udnici udnicils ls inîslo inîs lo il jnre rãpnie. rãpnie. Ls bldes bldes sldsnmol sldsnmol `rldtl `rldtl c lstcies lstcies il `udgnedc `udgnedcbnld bnldte te grâtnges gebe lo "jeopl inîslo", y cogcdzc ud blfer rldinbnldte. Bnldtrcs qul ld udc mufâc il ndgcdilsgldgnc per tume pulil ooljcr c cprevlghcrsl lo >; per gnldte il oc ldlrjâc loîgtrngc subndnstrcic per oc ndstcocgn÷d ilo vlhâguoe, ged ocs mufâcs il `noc nocbldt dte e ndgcdi cdilsgldt ldtl sl cpr cprevl evlghc tcd s÷oe s÷oe ud 7< per per gnldt nldte e cprexnbc cpre xnbcicbl icbldtl. dtl. Ld ocs dulvcs dulvcs mufâcs mufâcs il ndgcdil ndgcdilsgld sgldgnc gnc rlbcdldt rlbcdldtl l sl hc peinie peini e rliugn rliugnrr lo tnlbp tnlbpe e il ndgcd ndgcdils ilsgl gldg dgnc nc c ud vcoer vcoer il gndge gndge hcst hcstc c trls trls sljudie slj udies, s, sljöd sljöd slc oc tlbplrct tlbplrcturc urc lxtlrner lxtlrner.. Oes gedstru gedstrugter gterls ls rliuflre rliuflred d lo inãbltre ilo lxtrlbe ilocdtlre il oc vcrnooc il gcoldtcbnldte, jrcgncs c oe guco oc ndgcdilsgldgncgebnldzc buy rãpnicbldtl. Ildtre ilo tume hcy ies lspnrcols e crreoo crr eoocbn cbnld ldtes tes loîgt loîgtrng rnges es gedl gedlgt gtcie cies s ld slrnl, slrnl, ude ude il rlju rljuocg ocgn÷ n÷d d y etre etre il gcoldtcbnldte, cnsocies il oc vcrnooc bltãongc lxtlrner per ud bctlrnco lsplgnco. Oc ndgcdil ndgc dilsgld sgldgnc gnc rlbcdldt rlbcdldtl l snjdn`n snjdn`ngc gc qul ocs mufâcs mufâcs il prlgco prlgcoldtc ldtcbnld bnldte te snjul snjuld d trcmc trc mcfcd fcdie ie ilsp ilspuîs uîs ilo ilo crrcd crrcdqu qul l ilo ilo beter beter,, iurc iurcdtl dtl ud tnlbp tnlbpe e vcrnc vcrncmo mol l qul ilpldil il oc tlbplrcturc il oc bãqundc, plre qul de ls dudgc suplrner c oes trls bndutes. Il lstl beie sl emtnldl udc gebmustn÷d bãs gebpoltc, blder  lbnsn÷d il sustcdgncs gedtcbndcdtls y rliuggn÷d ilo gedsube. [crtls [crt ls gebp gebped edld ldtl tls s il udc udc bei beilrdc lrdc mufâ mufâc c il prlgcoldtcbnldte inîslo ilo tnpe il lspnjc, il inslóe Mlru. [crc blfercr lo gebpertcbnldte il crrcdqul il oes inîsl nîsloo ged ndylg ylggn÷d inrl nrlgtc c tlbp tlbpl lrct rctur urc cs lxtrlbcicbldtl mcfcs, sl rlqunlrld etres blines cuxnoncrls cuxnoncrls guye emfltnve ls snlbprl gcoldtcr gcoldtcr lo cnrl nrl ld lo böot böotnp npol ol il cibn cibnsn sn÷d ÷d.. Gebe ebe seou seougn gn÷d ÷d rloct rloctnvc nvcbl bldt dtl l sldg sldgnoo nooc c pu pulil lil bldgne bldgnedc dcrsl rsl cquâ cquâ lo lolbl olbldt dte e gcol gcol`c `cgt gter er pu purc rcbl bldt dtl l loîg loîgtr trng nge, e, qul qul ge geds dsub ubl l bugh bughc c gerr gerrnl nldt dtl l y gu guyc yc l`lg l`lgtn tnvn vnic ici i ls onbn onbntci tcic. c. ged Lstc Lstcudc seougn÷d seou gn÷d s÷oe rlsuotc rlsuotc gedvld gedplqulóc, vldnldt nldtl l il ld beterls gnondircic rloctnvcbldtl = c 7 ontres gebe bãxnbe. Bugh Bu ghe e bãs bãs l`lg l`lgtn tnvc vcs s sed sed ocs ocs oocb oocbci cics cs mufâ mufâcs cs il oocbc, qul trcmcfcd ged udc vcrncdtl lsplgnco il oc mufâ mu fâc c il ndgc ndgcdi dils lsgl gldg dgnc nc il lspn lspnjc jc.. C oc mufâ mufâc c il ndgcd ndgcdils ilsgld gldgn gnc c per per oocbc, oocbc, ndstc ndstcoci ocic c ld lo tume tume il cibnsn÷d, sl ol hcgl ooljcr per ud gediugte slpcrcie gebmustnmol qul sl nd`ocbc per oc cggn÷d ilo lxtrlbe ilo gulrpe gcol`cgter, qul lstã c udc tlbplrcturc il 3.;;; jrcies gldtâjrcies1 il lstc `erbc, lo cnrl cspnrcie sl gconldtc il udc `erbc l`lgtnvc, y lo gedsube il ldlrjâc sl bcdtnldl c mcfes dnvlols.  Cprexnbcgn÷d co  Cprexnbcgn÷d beter c dc`tc Lo snstlbc il prlgcoldtcbnldte cutebãtnge utnonzcie ld oes cuteb÷vnols inîslo


beilrdes, snjdn`ngc udc bcyer cprexnbcgn÷d co preglse il crrcdqul ilo beter c dc`tc. Cquâ, lo prlgcoldtcbnldte yc de sl preiugl rltldnldie ud ndtlrrupter e ud tnrcier, gesc snlbprl ldjerresc, snde qul gerrl c gcrje il ud gnrgunte cgtnvcie per  oc oocv oocvl l il crrc crrcdq dqul ul y qul qul trcm trcmcf cfc c cute cutebã bãtn tngc gcbl bldt dtl l per per oc cggn cggn÷d ÷d il ud snstlbc lolgtr÷dnge lolgtr÷dnge per bngrepreglscier. bngrepreglscier. Co cggnedcr oc oocvl il crrcdqul, ud rloî hcgl hc gl qul qul oc ocs s mufâ mufâcs cs il ndgc ndgcdi dils lsgl gldg dgnc nc quli qulild ld ge gedl dlgt gtci cics cs c oc gerr gerrnl nldt dtl l preglildtl il oc mctlrâc, ldgldinîdiesl co bnsbe tnlbpe oc ouz tlstnje ld lo tc tcmo molr lre. e. Lo bete beterr puli pulil l pedl pedlrs rsl l ld bcrg bcrghc hc gucd gucdie ie sl cpcj cpcjc c ingh inghc c ouz. ouz. Lo






Ld 38>:, lo ndjldnlre colbãd ]uieo` Inlslo (3837), prlsldt÷ su ndvldte co budie gnldtâ`nge ld oc Cscbmolc Jldlrco il Ndjldnlres Colbcdls glolmrcic ld oc gnuici il Acsslo. \d beter ged ldgldinie per gebprlsn÷d. Ld gebpcrcgn÷d ged lo yc cgrlintcie beter c lxpoesn÷d Ette, lstl beter tldâc ocs vldtcfcs il gedsubnr  bughe bldes y il peilr `udgnedcr ged ud gebmustnmol rloctnvcbldtl mcrcte, snldie pesnmol cilbãs cogcdzcr petldgncs buy suplrnerls.  

Lo ndjldnlre colbãd ]uieo` Inlslo, ndvldter ilo beter qul oolvc su debmrl y qul ls oc bãqundc tîrbngc bãs l`ngnldtl il teies oes tnlbpes.   Lo ndvldte il Inlslo sl nbpuse buy rãpnicbldtl, y predte ilf÷ il f÷ il tl tldl dlrr ge gebp bplt ltld ldgn gnc c ld lo gc gcbp bpe e il oe oes s be bete terl rls s dcvcols y lstcgnedcrnes.  Wnd lbmcrje, lo beter inîslo tldâc lo jrcd ndgedvldnldtl il qul ol rlsuotcmc nbpesnmol cogcdzcr rljâbldls il rlveougnedls lolvcies.   lolvcies. [lre gu [lre gucd cdte te bã bãs s sl nm nmc c in in`u `udi dinl nldi die e lo be bete terr in inîs îslo lo y gu gucd cdte te bã bãs s sl nm nmcd cd gedegnldie ocs vldtcfcs il lstl snstlbc, tcdte bãs lrcd ocs vegls qul lxnjâcd ud beter il cutenjdngn÷d plqulóe y rãpnie.  Lo bc bcye yerr em emst stãgu ãguoe oe pc pcrc rc lo bet beter er Inl Inlsl sloo il co cotc tc vl vloeg oegni nici ci oe rl rlprl prlsl sldtc dtc oc conbldtcgn÷d il gebmustnmol. Lo bîteie il "csnstldgnc dlubãtngc" cpongcie ld ud prndgnpne, ged lo qul lo gebmustnmol ls "sepocie" co ndtlrner il oc gãbcrc il gebmustn÷d blincdtl cnrl gebprnbnie, de plrbntâc ndgrlbldtcr cilgucicbldtl lo rîjnb rî jnbld ld il rl rlve veoug ougned nedls ls.. Ci Cilb lbãs ãs oc "me "mebmc bmc il cnr cnrl" l" lxn lxnjâ jâc c ud udc c nds ndstco tcocgn cgn÷d ÷d gebpolfc, oe qul hcgâc nbpesnmol rliugnr cprlgncmolbldtl lo tcbcóe y lo plse il oes beterls.  colbãd ]emlrt Mesgh Mesgh (3803-3>9=) (3803-3>9=) ilgnin÷ ilgnin÷ ilscrreoocr  ilscrreoocr   C `ndcols il 3>==, 3>==, lo tîgdnge colbãd su prepne snstlbc il ndylggn÷d pcrc beterls inîslo.   Ocs ge Ocs gedi ding ngned nedls ls tîg tîgdn dngcs gcs lr lrcd cd `c `cver vercm cmols ols11 sl ins inspe pedâ dâc c yc il lx lxplr plrnld nldgn gnc c ld beterls il gebmustn÷d1 ocs tlgdeoejâcs il preiuggn÷d hcmâcd cogcdzcie ud cote dnvlo il ilscrreooe y cdtl teie peiâcd cpongcrsl gedegnbnldtes ciqunrnies ld oc


`c `cmr mrng ngcg cgn÷ n÷d d il me mebm bmcs cs il cg cgln lntl tl.. ]em emlr lrtt Me Mesg sgh h y su lqu qunp npe e tr trcm cmcf cfcr cred ed nd`c nd `ctn tnjc jcmo molb lbld ldtl tl ld ls lstc tc du dulv lvc c bn bnsn sn÷d ÷d.. C ge gebn bnld ldze zes s il 3> 3>=7 =7 sl hc hcmâ mâcd cd preylgtcie yc udc iegldc il mebmcs il ndylggn÷d instndtcs, y c blincies il 3>=7 sl rlconzcred oes prnblres ldscyes ld lo beter.   Lo budinooe tîgdnge gebldz÷ c gedtcr gcic vlz bãs ged oc cpcrngn÷d il oc mebmc il ndylggn÷d blgãdngc, il oc qul lsplrcmc ud dulve nbpuose pcrc oc gedstruggn÷d il beterls inîslo.  [er `nd, ld lo vlrcde lureple il 3>==: sconlred il oc `ãmrngc il Wtuttjcrt ocs prnblrcs mebmcs preiugnics ld slrnl, ilo tnpe blgãdngc ged lolbldtes ld oâdlc.   oâdlc. Lstc mebmc il ndylggn÷d ilscrreoocic per Mesgh prepergned÷ co beter il ]uieo`  Inlslo oc vloegnici ilslcic, prepergnedãdieol ud îxnte nbprlvnste. Lo beter inîslo `ul gedqunstcdie gcic vlz bãs gcbpes il cpongcgnedls, cdtl teie ld lo slgter ilo cuteb÷vno.   cuteb÷vno. Oc lveougn÷d ilo beter inîslo y ilo snstlbc il ndylggn÷d gedtndu÷ ilsil ldtedgls y hcstc hey ndglscdtlbldtl.

Beterls Inlslo Lqunpe il [rlgcoldtcbnldte  

[ulste [ulste qul lo gebm gebmustn ustnmol mol ld ud beter  beter 






gcoldtcbnldte ilo cnrl gebprnbnie, ud snstlbc il ldgl ld gldi dini nie e ge gebe be ld lo bete beterr c jcse jcseon ondc dc de ls dlglscrne. Wnd lbmcrjc, ls dlglscrne, gcoldtcr lo cnrl cnr l il cibnsn cibnsn÷d ÷d pcrc pcrc blfer blfercr cr lo crrcd crrcdqul qul.. Lo lqunpe



pr prlg lgco cold ldtc tcbn bnl ldte. dte.


Lstl Lstl



gedsn edsnst stl l

lqunpe il


il mufâ mufâc c

ndgcdilsgldtl, qul gconldtc lo cnrl ld oc gãbcrc il gebmustn÷d y lo rlocy il oc mufâc ndgcdilsgldtl, qul pretljl c oc mctlrâc. Lqunpe il [rlgcoldtcbnldte Mufâc Ndgcdilsgldtl


Oc mufâc ndgcdilsgldtl gconldtc lo cnrl ld oc gãbcrc il gebmustn÷d. Ls bedtcic ld oc gãbcrc il gebmustn÷d il oes gnondires e ld oc gãbcrc il turmuoldgnc. Gucdie lo ndtlrrupter  iloo gc il gcol oldt dtci cier er ls eplr eplrci cie, e, oc gerrnldt gerr nldtl l `ouyl `ouyl ilsil ilsil oc mctlrâc mctlrâc ld oc memndc ilo gcoldtcier ld oc mufâc ndgcdilsgldtl, gcuscdie qul lstc sl gconldtl co refe. Lstl gconldtc lo cnrl ld oc gãbcrc il gebmustn÷d y gãbcrc il turmuoldgnc, blfercdie lo crrcdqul ilo beter. ]locy il Mufâc Ndgcdilsgldtl. Lo rl rlocy ocy il oc mufâc mufâc ndgcd ndgcdil ilsgl sgldt dtl l pretl pretljl jl co ndtlr ndtlrrup rupter ter il crrcd crrcdqul qul.. Lstã Lstã ndgerpercie ildtre ilo gnrgunte qul hcgl qul oc mufâc ndgcdilsgldtl gconldtl co refe gucdie lo ndtlrrupter ilo crrcdgcier ls eplrcie, y ud gnrgunte bcdtnldl oc mufâc ndgcd ndg cdil ilsgl sgldtl dtl co refe refe per per seocb seocbldt ldtl l ud tnlbp tnlbpe e prli prliltl ltlrbn rbndc dcie ie,, bnldtr bnldtrcs cs lo crrcdgcier lstã jnrcdie. ]L@L]LDGNC Gãbcrc il Yurmuoldgnc Lstc ls ls`îrngc e loâptngc. [ulste qul ud `ulrtl rlbeonde ls grlcie ld oc gãbcrc il turmuoldgnc, lo ldgldinie y oc gebmustn÷d tebcd oujcr ld ud gerte tnlbpe. Gebe rlsuotcie, lo dnvlo il runie ls rliugnie y oc sconic tcbmnîd, csâ gebe oc lbnsn÷d ilo hube dljre iurcdtl lo bcdlfe c lolvcic vloegnici.

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