Building utilities Reviewer

March 14, 2017 | Author: Louie Xannel Medina | Category: N/A
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UTILITIES PLUMBING QUESTION 1 A unit used for measuring the probable demand for water by a plumbing fixture, or the probable discharge of liquid waste from the fixture. 2 A fixture unit is equivalent to___ gallons per minute. 3 It is also equivalent to ___ cubic feet per minute.

ANSWER KEY fixture unit 7-1/2 1

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Fixture unit of a: Water closet Slop sink Residential sink Floor drain Bathtub Kitchen sink Laundry tub Roof drain Lavatory Shower bath Hotel/public sink

6 units 3 units 2-1/2 units 1 unit 2 units 2 units 2 units 1 unit 1 unit 2 units 2 units

15 16 17 18 19 20

Pipe sizes for water supply: Sill cocks Hot water boiler Laundry trays Bathtub Lavatories Water closet tank

1/2" diam. 1/2" diam. 1/2" diam. 1/2" diam. 3/8" diam. 3/8" diam.

21 Minimum size of water seal for each fixture trap? 22 Maximum distance of vent from trap seal?

Materials used in Plumbing installations: 23 Conveniently installed for bldgs less than 25 storeys high. 24 Made of alloy of cast iron & silicon, for laboratories/industries. 25 26 27 28 29

Type of cast iron pipe usually used for bldg installation. Type of cast iron pipe used for underground installation. Type of pipe that has the same property as that of concrete. Type of pipe recommended for house sewer & septic tank installation. Made of alloy of zinc & copper.

Plumbing Ventilation 30 Value of atmospheric pressure at sea level.

31 32 33 34 35 36

Types of vents: Also known as a back vent, which serves a single trap Portion of the soil stack above the highest installed fixture branch. Portion of the vent pipe system which ventilates two fixture traps. It eliminates minus & plus pressures. Installation common to barber shops & hospital surgical rooms. Used for underground public rest rooms.

2" 5 ft. horizontally developed length

Cast Iron pipe Acid Resistant cast iron pipe SV type XV type Asbestos pipe Bituminous fiber Brass pipe

65.47 newtons

Individual vent Main soil & waste vent Unit vent Relief vent Looped vent Utility vent

37 A conduit used to convey foul odor from fixture or room. Scientific Terms used in water supply & heat systems 38 What will result if water at high speed is suddenly stopped or slowed? 39 A column of water exerts a pressure of _______ regardless of the diameter of the column. 40 Pressure exerted by water at rest. 41 Pressure forcing a steam of water gas/steam through an opening. 42 Refers to the pressure range measured over a period of 24 hours. 43 Pressure over & above the manufacturer's rating that will overtax equip't. 44 Maximum or minimum pressures at w/c proper functioning can be determined. Valves: 45 A valve best suited for main supply lines & pump lines where operation is very frequent. 46 A valve actuated by a stem screw & hand wheel suited for installation that calls for throttling. 47 A valve where its main function is to check or prevent reversal of flow in the line, principally used in industrial pipings. 48 A valve operating in the same manner of the globe valve, used in making 90 degree turn in a line, thus, reducing the number of joints. 49 A valve located at the lower end of the pump and used mainly to prevent loss of priming of the pump. 50 A valve used on water systems, heating systems, compressed air lines & other pipe lines with excessive pressure. 51 Type of globe valve w/c has wide bearing surfaces, produces good resistance to the cutting effect of scale, dirt & other foreign matters. 52 Type of globe valve w/c has a pressure tight bearing between the disc & the seat, recommended for cold & any temperature service. 53 Type of globe valve used for different services such as oil, gasoline, steam, hot or cold water, can be turned over or removed without removing the valve. 54 Type of gate valve w/c is used where the stem must be installed pointing downward. 55 Type of gate valve used in cold & sewage disposal installations, its parellel faces drop in a vertical position & are forced apart by the disc spreader. Water service fittings & devices: 56 It serves as a control stop for the water service, it also serves as a shut off for disconnection of service. 57 Installed between the curb & the sidewalk line, functions as a control stop for service between the cub & the building, a shut off for the building in case the basement becomes flooded, a control valve in case the building is not used in winter time.

PLUMBING DEFINITIONS 58 A physical separation , which may be a low inlet into the indirect waste receptor from the fixture, appliance or device indirectly connected. 59 The flow of water or other liquids, mixture or substances into the distributing pipes of a potable water supply from any source other than its intended source. 60 Backflow preventer. 61 Also known as an individual vent. 62 A type of pipe connection in which a ball-shaped end is held in a cup-like shell

Local vent

Water hammering 0.43 psi Static pressure Service pressure Normal pressure Excess pressure Critical pressure

Gate valve Globe valve Check valve Angle valve Foot valve Safety valve Plug type disc valve Conventional disc valve Composition disc valve Wedged shaped or tapered disc Double disc valve

Corporation stop

Curb stop

Airbreak Backflow Check valve Back vent

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

97 98 99 100

and allows movement in every direction. A series of 2 or more similar adjacent fixtures. The enlarged portion of a pipe to receive another end of a pipe. Synonymous with faucet, cock, tap, or plug. A fixture used for washing the middle part of the body, aso called a "sitz" bath. A pipe flange that is not drilled for bolt holes. A flange that closes the end of a pipe, no opening for the passage of liquid/gas. A controlled outlet of a pipeline to discharge liquid or detritus. Any part of the piping system other than a main, riser or stack. A horizontal vent connecting one or more individual vertical back vents with the vent stack or stack vent. That part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system w/c receives the discharge from soil, waste & other drainage pipes inside the walls of the bldg & conveys it to the building sewer beginning 0.6 meter outside the bldg wall. That portion of an underground system, w/c cannot drain by gravity into the building sewer. Plugging an opening with oakum, lead or other materials that are pounded into the annular space. Also, the material pounded into the annular opening. A fitting, screwed or caulked over the end of a pipe for closing the pipe end. A fitting that is inside threaded , used to join outside threaded pipes. A fitting that is threaded all throughout. A fitting used for closing an end of an inside threaded pipe. A fitting used for common vents. A device designed & installed to separate & retain deleterious, hazardous or undesirable matters from normal wastes & permits normal sewage or liquid wastes to discharge into the disposal terminal by gravity. An arrangement of venting so installed that one vent pipe will serve 2 traps. A vertical pipe to convey rainwater. A pipe fitting w/ adjacent reverse bends & shaped like the letter "S". A metallic sleeve, caulked or joined to an opening in a pipe, into which a plug is screwed that can be removed for cleaning or examining the interior of a pipe. An interceptor of at least 3 cubic meters capacity to serve one or more fixtures and which is remotely located. A device designed to retain grease from one to a minimum of four fixtures. Any and all liquid or water-borne wastes from industrial or commercial processes, except domestic sewage. A condition contrary to sanitary principles or injurious to health. The lowest portion of the interior part of any pipe or conduit that is not vertical. A cesspool that is not watertight. Water satisfactory for drinking, culinary and domestic purposes. An outhouse or structure used for the deposition of excrement. A pit beneath a privy where excrement collects. Also known as a back vent. The vertical distance between the dip & the crown weir of a trap. A watertight receptacle which receives the discharge odf a sanitary plumbing system or part thereof, to retain solids, digest organic matter through a period of detention & to allow the liquids to discharge into the soil outside of the tank. Also known as a backflow preventer. Any pipe or fitting installed in such a way that it forms an angle of not more than forty-five (45) degrees with the vertical line. Normal water pressure is measured at ____. High water pressure is measured at ____.

Ball joint Battery of fixtures Bell or Hub Bibb Bidet Blank flange Blind flange Blow-off Branch Branch vent

Building drain Building subdrain Caulking Cap Coupling Close nipple Plug Double sanitary wye Clarifier or interceptor Common vent Conductor/downspout Double-bend fitting Ferrule Grease interceptor Grease trap Industrial waste Insanitary Invert Leaching cesspool Potable water Privy Privy vault Revent pipe Seal

Septic tank Vacuum breaker Vertical pipe 80 psi 160 psi

ELECTRICAL QUESTION Definition of terms: 1 An electric phenomena, manifestations. 2 An electric path composed of a conductor, or of several conductors & conducting electric devices joined together through w/c an electric current flows when the path is complete & an EMF is applied. 3 The force w/c causes the movement of electricity in a conductor. 4 A circuit connected to form a continuous path from the source of current back to the same point. 5 A circuit in which conducting elements are disconnected as to prevent the flow of electricity. 6 A condition resulting from bridging any part of a circuit w/ a conductor of a very low resistance. 7 The basic unit of electric current. 8 The flow of electric current in a circuit. 9 The current carrying capacity of a wire or cable expressed in amperes. 10 When a circuit is divided into two or more branches, each branch transmitting part of the current. The conductor of each branch taken separately. 11 Ohm's Law is formulated by ___________? 12 Formula for Ohm's Law? 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Unit of EMF, measure of the pressure or force w/c keeps electricity in motion. Measure of the power consumed. A machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. A machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. An overcurrent protective device consisting of a metal strip, ribbon or wire w/c is designed to open an electric circuit. A cable provided with a metal wrapping usually steel wires or tapes, for the purposes of mechanical protection. A surge of unidirectional polarity. A cable designed for service underwater. A luminous discharge due to ionization of the air surrounding a conductor caused voltage of gradient.

Types of Cables: 22 A fabricated assembly of insulated conductors enclosed in flexible metal sheath. 23 A factory assembled cable of one or more conductors each individually insulated & enclosed in a metal sheath of interlocking tape of a smooth or corrugated tube. 24 A factory assembled of one or more conductors insulated w/ a highly compressed refractory mineral insulation enclosed in a liquid & gas tight continuous copper sheath. Used for servicce feeders or branch circuit. 25 A factory assembled 2 or more insulated conductors, used specifically for one or two famliy dwellings not exceeding 3 storey buildings. 26 A moisture resistant cable used for underground connections including direct burial in the ground as feeder or branch circuit. 27 A factory assembled 2 or more insulated conductors w/ or w/o associated bare or covered grounding under a metallic sheath. Used for installation in cable trays, raceways. 28 Used for general purpose such as appliance branch circuits. 29 An assembly of parallel conductors formed integrally with an insulating material web designed specifically for field installation in metal surface or raceways. 30 This type of cable is used in hazardous locations & in cable trays or in raceways.

ANSWER KEY Electricity

Electric circuit Electromotive force Closed circuit Open circuit Short circuit Amperes Amperage Ampacity Shunt George Simon Ohm I (current flow) = V (EMF)/R (resistance) Voltage Watt Generator Motor Fuse Armored cable Impulse Submarine cable Corona

Armored cable (AC) Metal clad cable (MC)

Mineral Insulated (MI) Non-metallic Sheathed Cable (NM) Underground Feeder & Branch Circuit (UF) Power and Control Tray Cable (TC) Flat Conductor Cable (FCC) Flat Cable Assemblies (FC) Shielded Non-Metallic Sheathed Cable (SNM)

Electrical & Mechanical terms: The heat production expressed as calories per square meter of body surface. Exposing a substance, or area to air circulation Device for measuring quality (of moisture content) of steam or other vapor. Any absorbent or absorber liquid or solid that will remove waste or water vapor from a material. 35 Transfer of heat by motion of the particles of the heated substance itself. 31 32 33 34

Metabolism Aeration Calorimeter Desiccant Convection

MECHANICAL QUESTION 1 A piping system that contains water under pressure at all times for immediate release through sprinklers. 2 A piping system that contains air (may be nitrogen) under pressure, used where piping is subject to freezing. 3 A standpipe system used by firefighters to connect hoses to buildings. 4 A standpipe system where pipes are filled with water permanently connected to public/private water mains. Kinds of pump: 5 Most common type of pump 250 GPM min. capacity single or muti-stage. 6 Pump used to minimize wear on the fire pump resulting from unnecessary operations. 7 A pump consisting of a piston travelling up & down w/ in a cylinder w/c is connected w/ a pipe down the source, it is manually operated. 8 Used to deliver water at a point higher than the position of the pump itself. 9 A pump possessing moving parts (impellar & blades) w/ valves revolving around an axis. 10 Includes all pumps in w/c the piston moves either horizontal or vertical. Refrigeration & Air-conditioning: 11 Temperature of air for cooling. 12 Air movement w/ in living zone. 13 Minimum height above FFL of a refrigerant piping crossing a passageway in a building. 14 Height of a window type ACU from ground level. 15 1 ton of refrigeration (TR) 16 1 HP/hr. 17 1 KWhr. 18 1 person seated at rest

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Conveying systems: Escalator speed in actual practice. Minimum speed for escalator. Maximum speed for escalator. Minimum width for an escalator. Maximum width for an escalator. Minimum thread width for an escalator. Maximum thread width for an escalator. Thread depth for an escalator. Thread rise for an escalator. Maximum horizontal inclination of a moving walk. Maximum verical inclination of a moving ramp.

ANSWER KEY Wet pipe system Dry pipe system Dry standpipe Wet standpipe

Horizontal split case pump Jockey pump Lift pump Force pump Centrifugal pump Reciprocating pump

64 F - 74 F 4.57 - 7.60 MPM 2.30 mts. 2.13 mts. 12,000 BTU/hr. 2,544 BTU 3,413 BTU 330 BTU (ave.)

125 FPM 90 FPM 120 FPM 0.80 m. 1.20 m. 0.60 m. 1.00 m. 0.40 m. 0.20 m. 5 degrees 15 degrees

30 Registers calls & governs response of elevator (s) to them. 31 Are fastened to car frame & counter weight at top & bottom. 32 That portion of a hoistway extending below the level of the bottom landing to provide for over-travel & clearance & for parts w/c require space below the bottom limit of car travel. 33 A device to absorb impact of car or counterweight at the lower limits of travel. It stops car & if required, counterweight in case of emergency by actuating safety. 34 Gives stability in governor ropes. 35 Central column where the steps of a circular staircase wind.

Control panel Guide shoes

Pit Suffer Governor Tension sheave Newel


6 7 8 9 10

QUESTION Unit of luminous intensity. Unit of luminous flux or quantity of light. Unit used to measure the density of luminous flux. It produces discomfort & interference of vision. Unit of luminaire or brightness. Light levels: Casual visual tasks, card playing, conversation, television, listening to music. Easy reading, sewing, knitting, house cleaning. Reading newspapers, doing kitchen & laundry work, typing. Prolonged reading, machine sewing, hobbies, homework. prolonged detailed tasks such as fine sewing, reading fine print, drafting.

Acoustics terminologies: 11 A physical disturbance (cyclic motion) in the atmosphere when the sound 12 generated by vibrating objects or alteration or pulsation of pressure capable of being detected by ear. 13 Formula for coefficient of absortion. 14 Delayed reflection of sound w/c is heard a fraction of a second after the direction sound, relative to time & distance. 15 Repetition of reflected sound due to parallel walls. 16 A reflection of sound along a curved surface from a source near the surface. 17 The simplest kind of sound because it is composed entirely of sound waves of a single frequency. The magnitude of sound: 18 Expressed in watts, describes the energy of the sound source. 19 A dimensionless unit for expressing the ratio of two numerical values on a logarithmic scale. 20 The designation in decibels of the ratio of two sound powers. 21 The fraction of incident sound energy that is absorbed by a surface. 22 The arithmetic average of the absorption coefficients at 250, 500, 1000, 2000 & 4000 cycles per second (cps). 23 A room characterized by large amounts of absorption. 24 A room characterized by very small amounts of absorption. 25 The persistence of sound.

ANSWER KEY Candela or candlepower Lumen Footcandle (fc) Glare Foot lambert

10-20 fc 20-30 fc 30-50 fc 50-70 fc 70-200 fc

Sound Ia (absorbed energy)/ Ii (incident energy) Echo Flutter Creep Pure tone

Sound power (W) Decibels (db) Sound power level (PWL) Sound-absorption coefficient Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) Dead room Live room Reverberation


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

QUESTION Minimum sizes of traps & cleanouts: Bathtubs Bath shower Sitz bath Foot bath Bidet Combination fixture Floor drains Fountain cupsidor Sink, large hotel or public Sink, dishwasher Sink, slop w/ trap combined Laundry trays Sink, kitchen residence Sink, pantry or bar Sink, hotel for public Sink, slopsink, ordinary Urinal, lip Urinal, through Urinal, pedestal Urinal, stall Wash basin Water closet Color coding of pipings: Steam division high pressure exhaust system Water division fresh water, low pressure fresh water, high pressure saltwater piping Oil division delivery discharge Pneumatic division all piping Gas division all piping Fuel Oil division all piping Refrigerating division pipes fittings

ANSWER KEY 1-1/2" diam. 2" diam. 1-1/2" diam. 1-1/2" diam. 1-1/2" diam. 1-1/2" diam. 2" diam. 1-1/4" diam. 2" diam. 1-1/4" diam. 3" diam. 1-1/2" diam. 1-1/2" diam. 1-1/4" diam. 2" diam. 2" diam. 1-1/2" diam. 2" diam. 3" diam. 2" diam. 1-1/4" diam. 3" diam.

white buff blue blue green brass/bronze yellow gray black black black black


6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

QUESTION Any act that would remove or neutralize a fire hazard. Any material or mixture consisting of a fuel & oxidizer used to set off explosives. Any liquid having a flash point at or above 37.8 deg. C (100 deg. F) Any liquid w/c causes fire when in contact w/ organic matter or w/ certain chemicals.

A vertical panel of non-combustible or fire resistive materials attached to & extending below the bottom chord of the roof trusses, to divide the underside of the roof into separate compartments so that heat & smoke will be directed upwards to a roof vent. Descriptive of any material w/c by its nature or as a result of its reaction w/ other elements produces a rapid drop in temperature of the immediate surroundings. A normally open device installed inside an air duct system w/c automatically closes to restrict the passage of smoke or fire. An exteremely hot luminous bridge formed by the passage of an electric current across a space between two conductors or terminals due to the incandescence of the conducting vapor. A hot piece or lump that remains after a material has partially burned, and is still oxidizing w/o the manifestation of flames. The portion of a roadway or public waythat should be kept opened & unobstructed at all times for the expedient operations of fire fighting units. The minimum temperature at w/c any material give off vapor in sufficient concentration to form an ignitable mixture w/ air. A process where a piece of metal is heated prior to changing its shape or dimensions. A kind of stable explosive compound w/c explodes by percussion. A rocket or liquid propellant w/c consist of combinations of fuels & oxidizers w/c ignite spontaneously on contact w/ each other. A piece of metal or an electrical conductor used to bypass a safety device in an electrical system. A strong oxidizing organic compound w/c releases oxygen readily. Descriptive of any substance that ignites spontaneously when exposed to air. Melting or fusing of metallic ores or compounds so as to separate impurities from pure metals.

ANSWER KEY Abatement Blasting agent Combustible liquid Corrosive liquid

Curtain board Cryogenic Damper

Electric arc Ember Fire lane Flash point Forging Fulminate Hypergolic fuel Jumper Organic peroxide Pyrophonic Smelting

PLUMBING MINIMUM PLUMBING FACILITIES Water Closets Type of building or occupancy (fixtures per person) Dwellings a) Single dwelling 1 per dwelling b) Multiple dwelling or 1 per dwelling or department apartment unit Schools a) Elementary

b) Secondary

c) Colleges, Universities, Adult centers, etc.

Office or Public Buildings

Office or Public Buildings (for employee use)

Male Female 1:1-20 1:1-20 2:21-50 2:21-50 over 50, add 1 fixture for each additional 50 persons Male 1 per 30

Female 1 per 25

Male 1 per 40

Female 1 per 30

Male Female 1:1-100 1:1-200 2:101-200 2:201-400 3:201-400 3:401-750 over 55, add 1 fixture for each additional 500 males and 2 for each 55 females

Male Female 1:1-15 1:1-15 2:16-35 2:16-35 3:36-55 3:36-55 over 55, add 1 fixture for each additional 40 persons


Lavatories (fixtures per person) 1 per dwelling 1 per dwelling or apartment unit

1 per 75

Bathtubs or Showers (fixtures per person)

Drinking fountains

1 per dwelling 1 per dwelling or apartment unit

Male Female 1:1-150 1:1-25 2:26-50 2:26-50 over 50, add 1 fixture for each additional 50 persons

1 per 75

1 per 35

Male 1 per 35

Female 1 per 35

1 per 75

1 per 35

Male 1 per 40

Female 1 per 30

1 per 75

1:1-100 2:101-200 3:201-400 4:401-600 over 600, add 1 per each addt'l 300 males

0:1-9 1:10-50 add 1 fixture per each additional 50 males

Male Female 1:1-200 1:1-200 2:201-400 2:201-400 3:401-750 3:401-750 over 750, add 1 fixture for each additional 500 persons 1 per 75

Male 1 per 40

Female 1 per 40

1 per 75

Assembly places Theaters & Auditoriums (for public use)

Dormitories School or Labor

Industrial & Commercial

Male 1:1-100 2:101-200 3:201-400

Female 3:1-50 4:51-100 8:101-200 11:201-400 over 400, add 1 fixture per each addt'l 500 males & 2 per each 300 females.

Male Female 1 per 10 1 per 8 add 1 fixture for each addt'l 25 males (over 10) & 1 for each addt'l 20 females (over 8) Male Female 1:1-10 1:1-10 2:11-25 2:11-25 3:26-50 3:26-50 4:51-75 4:51-75 5:76-100 5:76-100 over 100, add 1 fixture for each additional 30 persons

Male Female 1:1-100 1:1-200 1:1-200 2:101-200 2:201-400 2:201-400 3:201-400 3:401-750 3:401-750 4:401-600 over 600, add over 750, add 1 fixture for 1 fixture per each additional 500 each addt'l persons 500 males

1 per 25 Male Female over 150, add 1 1 per 12 1 per 12 fixture for each over 150, add 1 fixture for additional 50 each addt'l 20 males & 1 for males for each 15 addt'l females

1 per 75

1 per 8

Male Female 1 shower for each 15 up to 100, 1 per 10 persons persons exposed to excessive heat or to over 100, 1 per 15 persons skin contamination with poisonous, infectious, or irritating material 1 per 75

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