Building Trans Human Immortals

August 22, 2018 | Author: BOTH HORSE AND RIDER | Category: Nature
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Note: There were two states of this. II had 22 pages. These are presently on view. Hybrid Age, C. S. Lewis, Kafka, Swi...


Building TransHuman TransHuman Immortals Revised

AE Reiff 


The Transgenic Immortal

It's probably a designated strategy that transmortals put up Ray Kurzweil to be their spokesman so they will not be taken seriously. When PBS last showed him on Charlie Rose he Rose he spoke o singularity as though it were an e!pression o the inormation age and that the "demo#ratizing" te#hnologies o #ell phones and $a#ebook would pre%ent it being used or tyranny be#ause o "the wisdom o #rowds." But singularity is o the &BRI( )*+ where )*+ where human organs are grown in pigs and pigs and dinosaurs are re#onstituted rom ,- million year old () stored in their bones. *RI te#hnology/ #onsidered a antasy to the #ulture/ is a serious eort o go%ernment and business not only to remake dinosaurs but to  pair all kinds o human and animal animal genes or human human enhan#ement as well as parading nanobots in Kurzweil's in  Kurzweil's brain. brain. Hybrid Age

It is in the interest o transmortals transmortals that we we be lulled to sleep while while they a#hie%e singularity/ singularity/ all in a week it is said/ trillions and trillions o brain #ells #oming #oming on line in an an instant. )s with with the geneti# engineering o the singing mouse there mouse there will be no demo#ra#y o #hoi#e. 0his is #alled "the moral tragedy o not  building god/" 1&ugo de *aris. BBC &orizon/ &uman23.-4456.734 &uman23.-4456.734 56839:. &ugo de *aris/ Ray Kurzweil8 &uman 3.- gi%es 3.-  gi%es the most salient e%iden#e o dis#arnate entity/ that being that "the brain did not need the body anymore." ;BBC. 368e#t human brain #ells and () into the mi#e at Stanord until Stanord  until the transgeni# myth is e!ploded that "human cells had no apparent impact on the animals' behavior." That was six years years ago, as was was the beginning awareness awareness of prion contamination whi#h began en#ephalopathi en#ephalopathies es in  in mad #ow. While &ugo de *aris is building this brain/ his #ons#ien#e makes him warn us we will #ome to a bad end 10he 1 0he )rtile#t War :. :. I the

)rtile#t wars howe%er  wars  howe%er  they #ome to pass will #ement an unpre#edented unity o  the #ultures o humans. ?uslims/ Christians/ @ews/ &indus/ Buddhists o e%ery #ontinent unite to sa%e the earth or the one spe#ies that has  probable #ause not to ha%e it sa%ed sin#e its s#ientists ha%e #ontinually in%ited outsiders/ the *ood People )liens./ to take it o%er anyway. *ary S#hwartz o )SA wants to take his Sophia Pro>e#t into dialogue with the non human de#eased or any dis#arnate beings he #an ind/ e%en i it means . Ron &ubbard #hanneling )leister  Crowley right Crowley  right out o the plutonian labs o C. S. ewis' (e%ine (e%ine.. ;)pologies or >u!taposing the #ontent neutral standard with these  poles.= C. S. ewis oresaw all this i#tionally in That Hideous Strength with its deta#hed head. 0he names are not the same/ but the  permutation o business business and a#ademe a#ademe with mad mad s#ientists su#h as as


the @)SDS o the Pentagon/ Pentagon/ who game planned 2ietnam in the Pentagon papers/ will ha%e perpetuated syntheti# telekinesis/ super soldiers merging with animals to gain new modes o per#eption/ remote a##ess brain wa%es in new designer #hildren. )s the )meri#ans ra#e the Chinese to preser%e humanity by altering it/ &ugo de *aris is hard at work in Eiamen 1now retired retired:: and i#k Bostrom at D!ord. oti#e their a#ial similarityF similarityF Pere#tionists Pere#tionists think they #ame to the wrong planet. +%olution was ine until they superseded it themsel%es. *od was ine until superseded by the world brain. brain. 0his is not the the World Brain Bra in o &. *. Wells that was as mu#h ballyhooed as pre#ursor o the Internet as C. S. ewis'  Hideous Strength Strength and the Abolition of Man are o the transmortal. &. *. WellsG WellsG book o that title should alert us to the propheti# nature o some writers/ Wells o the Internet and C. S. ewis o the 0ransmortal/ better pre#ursors o their kind than 0eilhard de Chardin in The Future of Man 17He#ted with human brain #ells is #ells  is no longer a mouse. 0he #harm o Kaka's story is the #harm o the mouse spirit/ sullied now with the human genome. aws to prote#t nati%e spe#ies are not enor#ed. ?ark the rhetori#al nature o the Jdebate that Jdebate  that s#ientists want on animals with human genes. What they want is unding and permission rom authorities to #reate Ja mouse that #an speak/ a monkey with (ownGs Syndrome/ dogs with human hands or eet. &uman makeo%er o the world in 0he &ybrid )ge is more than geno#ide/ it is an unbelie%ed destru#tion o all lie. ot that it isn't #ou#hed in the #oziest o terms o little robots and robots and promises o  pere#t health health and e%ery utopian out#ome. ot ot that it isn't amazingly attra#ti%e to ups#ale te#h grads who see it as a means o ad%an#ing toward both the identity they la#k in their amorphous  beings as mu#h as the pre#eding pre#eding generation sought to to be inan#ial inan#ial #ounselors and mortgage brokers. 0hese are the mortgage brokers o the new human bubble. 0he &ybrid )ge e%ent is a true ABA


reality / entertaining to wat#h while the or#es o manipulation pull reality/ the wool o%er the eyes o newbies to the earth e%ent/ %iz./ #ollege kids/ who while they think they are important or being on the #utting edge/ are on the #utting board and while they think they will be treated like this are instead going to be treated like this. this. Severed Head

So i you think youGd like to be part dog or plant/ said this way so the &ybrids #an &ybrids #an easily dismiss it/ think irst how mu#h artii#ial intelligen#e needs you on#e it has e!#eeded your #apa#ity by the


trillion trillion. 0hese blindnesses #ome rom the dead #ons#iousness that pretends that to be human is something beside its #ulture. )s i to be anything is to be what it is not. Wat#hing this do#umentary o the arrested de%elopment o 0eren#e ?#Kenna who will always be a youth/ he a#hie%ed this by dying at e#t. 0hat 0hat is why the predominant metaphor o this mo%ement o the hybrid age is that o the Severed Head/ a dis#onne#t/ urged on by greed/ inno%ation. But more/ at least least a##ording to to their own sour#es. sour#es. Superman/ Batman/ 0he *reen &ornet indi#ate how long these things ha%e been aborning and it is ob%ious that the idea begins in the Pop ?ind long beore the te#hnology e!ists. 0his either is e!plained by the sub#ons#ious imagination or the #ons#ious manipulation o the human by or#es already already greater than it than it will be greater than itsel in Singularity/ 3-5
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