MEDICAL - DENTA DENTAL MISSION ACTION PLAN OB-MM-2014-11 Beneficiary Communiy! "enera# O$%eci&e! Dae an' Time of Me'ica#-Dena# Mi((ion!
Barangay Baranga y Taloto, Taloto, Tagbilaran Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Me'ica#-Dena# Mi((ion Sie! De(cri)ion of *e Beneficiary Communiy!
Taloto 4lementary chool, Tagbilaran City, Bohol
No+ of Tar,e Beneficiarie(!
Ciaion of Nee'(!
Provide holistic care services with excellence and fairness to the earthqake victims, s!ecifically the families, to the sb"ect sites. #$ %ovember &'#(, )*'' am to +*'' !m #. e!art e!artre re for for -iss -ission ion ite ite** *+' *+' am &. 0rri 0rriva val* l* )*'' )*'' am +. 1ngres 1ngress*) s*)*'# *'# am to ')*+' ')*+' am (. 2elcoming 2elcoming and and 0dmin 0dmin 1nform 1nformation* ation* ')*+# am am to ')*($ ')*($ am $. 3iving 3iving of of ervic ervices* es* ')*( ')*($ $ am to +*'' +*'' !m !m . 4gre 4gress ss** '+*' '+*'# # !m to to (*'' (*'' !m !m ). e!art e!artre re for for Ta Tagbilar gbilaran* an* (*'# (*'# !m
Taloto is a Barangay in the City of Tagbilaran. 1t is a!!roximately for kilometers away from the city. There are a!!roximately )''' residents of the Barangay. The Barangay was visited by a !rivate gro! last march &'#( who !rovided &'' !atients with dental care consisting of tooth extraction, cleaning and dental filling. &$'5-edical $'5 ental 4xtractions $''56ealth Promotion '''5 Blood Ty!ing Ty!ing '''5 Blood gar Testing ring the oclar visit and field assessment in the two commnities last %ovember &'#(, the following were the findings of the team* •
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O)eraion P#an!
Common medical com!laints by the residents are cogh, colds and fever. there were also re!orts on high blood !ressre 7common among adlts and older !eo!le8. Common among children are tonsillitis and dental cavities. There were also cases of amoebiasis among children. There are ## nderweight children 7age ranging from #59 months8. :+ school children children are nderweight. There are : overweight children7age ranging &5#months8.
The relief mission will com!ose of five service areas with their res!ective ervice Team Coordinators* #. -edica -edicall Check5 Check5! ! c/o ;ayc ;aycee ee Pedral Pedralba ba &. ental ental Chec Check5 k5! ! c/o c/o 2inona 2inona Baq Baqial ial •
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