BSNL_PM_UM_07_Shut down_Mai nt enance_Pr oces s_V2. 0
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OVERVIEW Process 3'er'iew8 Shutdown 5aintenance 9he Shutdown 5aintenance &rocess sha consist o the oowin$ 5a+or acti'ities8 1. !aise Shutdown notification to noti: the res&onsie Maintenance de&art5ent 5ain wor* centre. Notiication detais are sent to concerned authorit: (%&&ro'a %uthorit:) or a&&ro'a. Shutdown notiication wi e raised or on: those +os or which "ui&5entSite Location Shutdown are re"uired or carr:in$ out the Maintenance %cti'ities. 2. 9he concerned authorit: wi a&&ro'ere+ect the notiication. -. a&&ro'ed; 5aintenance wor* can co55ence on the notiication. n case !e+ected; Shutdown is canceed. . Concerned %uthorit: can orward the notiication; in case urther a&&ro'a is re"uired. #. n case certain detais need to e added or considered; the concerned authorit: can reer the notiication ac* to the initiator. . !ecei&t o Shutdown Notiications : res&onsie Maintenance de&tt. o &riorit: 5a: e decided ased on the re"uire5ent. 7. Notiication release (Put in process) : 5aintenance de&t. once a&&ro'ed. ?. Creation o Shutdown Maintenance order : 5aint. /e&tt. i 5ateria or e@terna ser'ice (contractua +o) is needed to carr: out the 5aintenance. Pannin$ Pannin$ Pannin$ Pannin$
BSNL_PM_UM_07_Shut down_Mai nt enance_Pr oces s_V2. 0
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1) Create Notification (Request Shuto!n) Purpose Use this &rocedure to ta*e care o Shutdown Maintenance. !aise a notification of t"pe #$% Shuto!n Maint& nter a rie descri&tion o
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