BSBTWK502 Project Portfolio

August 31, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 3 of 18


Table Of Contents Secton 1: Esablish a eam performance plan


Secton 2: Develop and faciliae eam cohesion


Secton 3: Liaise wih sakeholders


© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 4 of 18


Suden name:

Manvir singh



Dae: Business his assessmen is based on: Team his assessmen is based on: Documenaton reviewed as preparaton:

© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 4 of 18


Secon 1: Establish a team performance plan Team Name:

Develop adminisratve sysem

My role in a team is to check the performance of system and I have Wha will your role in he eam three team members to develop a administrative system: be and who are your eam 1. rohit : rohit hit has been een wor worki kin ng in th this is co com mpan any y fo forr si six x members? mont mo nths hs,H ,His is main main ro role le is to co comm mmun unic icat ate e wi with th di diff ffer eren entt language people(customer, business organization). State their roles in the team

and provide a short descripon.

2. ozzy ozzy:: ozzy ha has s just joine joined d as a develo develop p adminis administrati trative ve system, system, he is trying to learn new techniques and testing new method. So her main role is to learn new method for upcoming future and plan accordingly for the benefit of an organization which may lead to a huge sales for the company. 3. Jin Jinia ia.. Her main ro role le is to assist assist the IT team for for progra programm mming ing with his views and ideas for the company and maintain a good relation with public as he has his own good experience in it.

Provide an overview of he purpose of he eam in line wih organisatonal objectves.

i is a new business ha requires a new adminisratve sysem.

Worlducation is a social enterprise that makes tablet computers for pupils in elementary school. It also has a software development staff that is competitive. What distinguishes Worlducation from their competitors is their goal of a future in which every kid learns to read and write — a world free of illiteracy. Worlducation began in 2016, and by the end of 2019, they had sold over 35,000 tablets to over 550 schools in 23 countries, collecting revenue from both hardware and software subscriptions. 1. Increase Increase your your produc productt or service's service's market market share. ... 2. Provide Provide oppo opportuni rtunities ties for for teams to improv improvee their their leadership skills. ... 3. Reduce Reduce employee employee turnover turnover and and increase increase satisfaction. satisfaction. ... 4. Reach Reach out out to more more commu communit nity y member members. s. ... ... 5. Mainta Maintain in or or incre increase ase prof profits. its. ...

© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 5 of 18


6. Streng Strengthe then n custom customer er servic service. e.

What is the team seeking to accomplish? 

Build the brand name in market, etc. Maintain relation with customers.

Team manager responsibilites Planning and coordinating administrative procedures and systems and devising ways to streamline processes. processes . Recruiting Recruiting   and training personnel and allocate responsibilities and office space.  Assessing staff performa performance nce and provide provide coaching coaching and guidance guidance to ensure maximum efficiency.

What is the role of a manager or team leader? 

Team asks

What are the main tasks and acvies the team needs to do? 

What input was received from the stakeholder/s?

 A manager manager has autho authority rity and acc accountabili ountability, ty, they're responsible responsible for strategising and overseeing. Team leaders are responsible for communicating the strategy and guiding the team towards targets.. targets  Administrative tasks are duties  Administrative duties related related to maintaining an office setting.. These duties vary widely from workplace to workplace but setting most often include tasks such as scheduling appointments, answering phones, greeting visitors, and maintaining organized file systems for the organization.

The stakeholders want to achieve their long-term plan which is developing developing a business-to-consumer business-to-consumer strategy (B2C).

Providegmentoring employees by holding a team  buildin  building session tto o to getnew to know on onee another another. . © MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 6 of 18


What input was received from your team member?

You want to improve your skills.

© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 7 of 18


Team member asks and KPI’s

The business requires a system that is both efficient and cost-effective, as well as a trial version. The new system should be able to increase efficiency, remove needless emails and files, and, most importantly, efficiently connect teams from different places. These can be resolved that by putting infor place a systemproblems that provides a platform is suited everyone.

How did you decide which task to assign to each team member? 

What are the melines for compleng each task? 

As a eam leader you have o decide he asks are assign o which eam member according o heir qualicaton, basic knowledge o handle a projec and heir experience maer also o assign hem dutes.

6 monh is deadline o develop a overall adminisratve sysem and tmelines also provided o eam members according o he deadline for he projec.

Seng KPI’s

 Revenue growth.  Revenue per client.  Profit margin.  Client retention rate.   Customer satisfaction.

Outline the key performance

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) refer o a se of quantable

indicators for each task.

measuremens. They used o progress gauge a company's overall longerm performance by are measuring hrough daa. ... More executves are asking adminisratve assisans o identfy KPIs for heir role.

Supportng he members of a eam o achieve expeced performance oucomes.

1. Work Worklo load ad staff staff ratio ratio.. 2. Staff turnover turnover rate rate (This (This can be measured measured by % of vacant vacant  positions – or more interestingly – % of employees employees with the organization 1 year or less.) 3. Staff Staff mora morale le (usu (usuall ally y from from surv surveys eys)) 4. Percen Percentt o off sstaff taff fully fully trained trained..

© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 8 of 18


 A  A ach:

Link o business websie Abou page or corporae

brochure ha summarises wha he business does OR Simulaton Pack if using case sudy

Team Performance Plan ☐

Slides, visual aids or video clips

© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 9 of 18



Measure Your Progress.

Step by Step Plan

Due Date

Break down each objecve into clear and ordered steps which need to be taken to achieve the objecve that you have set.

Person (s) respon Date by which sible each step  for should be comple completed. ng each step.

Track weekly progress with a show-andtell.


Determining and reporting on task, activity, and project progress.

Provides the organization with a clear and effective guide for making decisions.

Establish Your Vision, Mission, and Overarching Goals.

Vision statement.

Decisions made are properly aligned.


Compleon notes

Market manag er  Market



manag er 

measured successfully.


Gener  al manag er 


Gener  al manag er 


Gener  al manag er 

Improve communication efficiency by using a new administrative system

Offer our customers the lowest possible prices.


Gener  al manag er 

Record the average time of finishing tasks when using the new system.


Sales manag er 

Collect history data about task finishing time.


Sales manag er 

Compare the difference to see if there is a improvement.


Goals are achieved

Sales manag er 

© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 10 of 18


Promote virtual communication.


Sales manag er 

Communicat on is improved.

Secon 2: Develop and facilitate team cohesion Complee his secton aer  he  he meetng. Policies and procedures

must reflect on their procedure development process, which may include assessing appropriate templates and styles, legal issues (e.g. privacy), and integration with other rules relating to meetings, ethics, innovation, and other topics. defines the system and assigns workers to carry out the system's operations), also known as process procedures (provides the instructions for performing the specific tasks needed to complete the processes).

How did you develop/ modify the Internet Use Policy? 

• Check to see if the policies and procedures being developed are viable.

• Make it simple for employees to get in touch with you.

• Establish acceptance deadlines for each policy and  process.

• Determine the most effective method for evaluating your employees' understanding of policies and  procedures.  procedure s.

© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 11 of 18


Develop eam cohesion

What were the communicaon skills you applied when giving

I communicaed in a positve manner. I began by highlightng he eam members' srenghs and praising hem for he work hey had compleed.

 feedback?  I was quie deailed in my feedback o he sa, and I used he employee progress satstcs.

What are the issues, concerns, problems highlighted? 

How did you help team members idenfy issues? 

How did you apply your

The following are some of the concerns and issues that have been raised: • Less site visitors as a result of low rankings. • There isn't a proper finance plan in place for a CRM.

I help them in identifying issues by breaking down material, soliciting input from clients, and receiving comments from co - workers. And Helped to secure additional funding for the implementation of the new CRM (help desk function).

I gave them the skills and resources they needed to complete their tasks.

 problem-solving skills? 

Then, throughinassisting in the creation of an environment which they may easily accept responsibility for their decisions and actions.

How did you encouraging team members to take

Roles, Responsibilities, and Objectives must be communicated.

responsibility for team acvies? 

Faciliae eamwork

How did you adapt your

I practised active listening and confirmed that I'd heard them by summarising what they'd just said to you by

© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 12 of 18


 personal communicaon communicaon style to build posive working relaonships? 

communicating with my team efficiently and getting  back to them, che checking cking th thee accurac accuracy y of the information information,, responding to them with good feedback, and asking questions.

Model desired behaviour and  pracces

I approached them with a laid-back attitude and broke the ice by thanking them for a recent contribution.

Expect them to inquire about specifics.

• accepting responsibility for tasks; meeting deadlines; sharing information; applying feedback, and so forth. During meetings, information is shared. Promoe collaboraton Encourage and foster shared understanding of purpose, roles and responsibilies

Defining a unified purpose and using collaboration tools to demonstrate desired behaviour and practises

Complee his secton aer  he  he brainsorming session. Develop a process for addressing concerns.

1. Determine the problem 2. Make a list of everyone's interests.

What were your ideas? 

3. Make a list of viable options.

4. Choose a solution that satisfies everyone's needs.

Outline the process

The brainstorming session was to discuss a procedure for dealing

you developed  © MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 13 of 18


What brainstorming and group

with any issues that arose. For any worries, I've employed fast ideation as a brainstorming tool.

leadership techniques did you use? 

As their team leader, I used this strategy to have everyone write down their ideas in a specific amount of time. Everyone's ideas were reviewed and critiqued before settling on a solution that everyone could agree on.

Aach: Inerne Usage Policy and procedures


Secon 3: Liaise with stakeholders

Communicatn g wih line managemen

You can use this space to  plan your ideas if you like but you must include the emails as aachments Creae your © MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 14 of 18


email o your line manager. Include:

What were the issues?  What soluons are you  proposing? 

Creae an email o your eam. Include:

What was the decision line management informed you of?  © MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 15 of 18


When will this change occur?  How will it aect the team?  Aach o your porolio.

Liaising wih sakeholders

How can a

Regular meetings with stakeholders can help an administrator establish open communication methods with partners.

manager establish open

• Being open and honest.

communicaon  processes with stakeholders? 

· Address problems head-on.

• Being open to new experiences.

• Getting to know them on a more personal level.

What unresolved

Opportunities are squandered.

© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 16 of 18


issues, concerns and  problems needs to be communicated to stakeholders?  Applying

Sakeholders advised ha employees receive specialised raining in order o learn


how o sell online.

What feedback  did you receive  from the

The sales manager will look for appropriae rainings and he fees associaed wih hem.


How did you address their concerns? 


Presenaton slides  

Email o line manager Aach:

Email o eam


☐ ☐

© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491G Head Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email : training@milcom. [email protected] Project Portfolio Student for BSBTWK502| v 1.0 | Last reviewed: May 2021 | Not controlled when printed Page 17 of 18

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