BSBSUS601 Lead Corporate Social Responsibility: Task Summary

October 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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BSBSUS601 Lead corporate social responsibility Task 2 – Wrien Report

Task summary is to be completed using the case study as simulated work environment. This This assessment assessment task requires the student to develop a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy using the case study provided and a Corporate Social Responsibility Review of an organisaon he or she is familiar with.

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Access to textbooks/other learning materials

Access to Canvas

Computer with Microso Oce and internet access

Timing 

Your assessor will advise you of the due date of this assessment via Canvas.

Submit 

This completed workbook.

Assessment criteria For your performance to be deemed sasfactory in this assessment task, you must sasfactorily address all the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not sasfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.

Re-submission opportunities You be provided feedbackthe on requirements your performance by part the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you havewill sasfactorily addressed of each of this task. If any parts of the task are not sasfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you wrien feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate sasfactory sasfactory performance. Re-assessment aempt(s) aempt(s) will be arranged at a later me and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to aempng this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when aempng any part of the assessment.

IH Sydney Training Services Pty Ltd RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS Code: 02623G


Assessment Cover Sheet

Candidate name: Candidate ID

Trainer’s Name:

Date Submied: Candidate I declare that: declaraon: I have read and understood all the informaon provided in relaon to  the assessment requirements to complete this unit, the instrucons and the purpose and processes of undertaking this assessment task  This assessment is my own work and where other’s works or ideas have been used, I have appropriately referenced or acknowledged them  I understand that plagiarism is a serious oence that may lead to disciplinary acon. Candidate signature:



 Task 2 – Wrien Report

Part A – Corporate Social Responsibility Policy In this task, you need to create a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy using the case study and template provided. In your Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, you need to detail the following: 1. Describe Describe by qualifying qualifying and quanfyi quanfying ng the drivers drivers for corporate corporate social social responsibil responsibility ity 2. List the current current benets benets of, and barriers barriers to, corpora corporate te social responsi responsibili bility ty for the organ organisa isaon on 3. Legislaon Legislaon,, regulaon, regulaon, standards standards and organisao organisaonal nal policy aecng aecng corporate corporate social social responsibility analysis in relaon to ABC Corporaon 4. List future future opportuni opportunies es for social socially ly responsible responsible pracc pracces es for ABC Corpora Corporaon on 5. List the the key stakeholde stakeholders rs for organisa organisaona onall corporate corporate social social responsibili responsibility ty 6. Strategie Strategiess on how to engage with stakehold stakeholders ers to develop develop corporate corporate social social responsibilit responsibility y objecves and policy 7. Change Change management management provisions provisions for corporate corporate social social responsibil responsibility ity strat strategy egy for ABC Corporaon Corporaon 8. Social Social responsibili responsibility ty strategy strategy into required required organisaona organisaonall systems, procedure proceduress and processes processes 9. Describe Describe the procedure proceduress you will in preparing preparing and distr distribun ibung g documentao documentaon n regarding regarding corporate social responsibility strategy  (Approximately 500 words) Case Study

You have just been hired as the new Innovaon Manager of ABC Corporaon. You have been tasked to create a Social Responsibility Policy for ABC Corporaon. The corporaon aims to go green in the next 3 months and perform paperless transacons starng 1 August 2021.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Describe by qualifying and quanfying the drivers for corporate social responsibility

As a form of self-regulaon, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to voluntary business, social and environmental acons to correctly interact with the natural environment and stakeholders. In the CSR literature, several approaches have been idened to measure CSR. However, most of the previous studies used four methods extensively in order to measure CSR, which are the disclosure method, forced-choice quesonnaire surveys, reputaonal indices or scales, and single dimension-based measure. 3|Page


the key drivers for rms becoming more socially responsible are: 

Government legislaon.

customers’ expectaons of rms.

consumer lobby groups.

the extent of costs involved.

the type of industry in which they operate.

the potenal for compeve advantage.

top-level corporate culture.

Current benets of, and barriers to, corporate social responsibility for the organisaon

Firm-specic barriers are micro factors that are heterogeneous and their impact on CSR implementaon could vary among individual rms. To some extent, these barriers can be inuenced, controlled, and managed by a rm through change management and transformaon of organizaonal culture and leadership. 

Lack of Resources The lack of resources, including nances, human capital, knowledge, and experse, has been reported to be a common barrier to CSR implementaon. In fact, for eecve implementaon of CSR in shipping, large amount of resources is required.

Lack of Strategic Vision The lack of strategic vision is oen aributed to the lack of top management commitment.

Lack of Measurement Systems Measurement systems are required to quanfy the benets for implemenng CSR. Subsequently, they serve as a useful tool for the evaluaon e valuaon and control of CSR performances, and as a basis for rewards.

Legislaon, regulaon, standards

It is therefore imperave to be able to idenfy such acvity 4|Page


and organisaonal policy aecng

and we take the view that there are three basic principles

corporate social responsibility

which together comprise all CSR acvity.


These are: 




Being a socially responsible establishment can bolster a company's image and build its brand. Social responsibility empowers employees to leverage the corporate resources at their disposal to do good. Formal corporate social responsibility programs can boost employee morale and lead to greater producvity in the workforce.

Future opportunies for socially responsible pracces

CSR issues are expected to remain the same, though the performance bar will connuously be raised. The environment, poverty and social exclusion and governance, ethics, transparency and accountability are expected to be the dominant future CSR issues. Specically, the issues of the environment, human rights, corrupon, employee and community relaons, philanthropy and product quality will be the focus as they pertain to internaonal laws, customs, and global business pracces and societal impact.

key stakeholders for organisaonal corporate social responsibility

A person, group, or organizaon that has direct or indirect stake in an organizaon because it can aect or be aected by the organizaon’s acons, objecves, and policies. Key stakeholders in a business organizaon include creditors, customers, directors, employees, government (and its agencies), owners (shareholders), suppliers, unions, and the community from which the business draws its resources. Although stake-holding is usually self-legimizing (those who  judge themselves to be stakeholders stakeholders are stakeholder), stakeholder), all stakeholders are not the same and dierent stakeholders are entled to dierent consideraons.

Strategies on how to engage with stakeholders to develop corporate 5|Page


social responsibility objecves and

Praccal implicaons - Managers can adopt a stakeholder-


inuenced CSR strategy to generate strong corporate reputaon to improve business performance. Regulatory controls of CSR messages could reduce or eliminate inaccurate and misleading informaon among public. Corporate social responsibility includes the responsible business organizaon with respect to stakeholders (shareholders, employees, customers, and suppliers), the business relaonship with the state (local and naonal) instuons and standards, the business as a responsible member of society in which it operates.

Change management provisions for corporate social responsibility strategy

While there are many ways leaders can manage change, some of the best change management strategies include planning, transparency and honesty, communicaon, and employee parcipaon.

Social responsibility strategy into required organisaonal systems, procedures and processes

Corporate social responsibility is tradionally broken into four categories: environmental, philanthropic, ethical, and economic responsibility.

Procedures you will in preparing

Determine what makes your company unique.

Look at the gold standards for guidelines.

Engage employees.

Consider health and safety.

Dra it.

Brand it.

Establish metrics.

Treat the program like a course of study and create a

and distribung documentaon regarding corporate social responsibility strategy


Part B – Corporate Social Responsibility Review 6|Page


Choose an organisaon that you are familiar with to be the subject of this task. You need to develop a Corporate Social Responsibility Review of its operaons for the past 12 months. In your review, make sure to detail the following: 1. Procedures Procedures you followed followed to conduct conduct the review review of corporate corporate social social responsibil responsibility ity integ integrao raon n with all its stakeholders.

Build our strategy around our company's core competencies. CSR can be both a risk migaon strategy and an opportunity-seeking strategy strategy,, and leaders should look for the ‘sweet spot’ within their organizaons.

Recognize issues that maer to our customers. Consumers are rewarding socially responsible companies through brand loyalty, making donaons to charies corporaons support, and purchasing products that provide a social benet.

Develop CSR iniaves that make our employees proud. Strategic companies are also using CSR programs to protect and grow their biggest asset—their employees. “Being a good employer has always served businesses well in terms of recruitment and retenon, now those pracces can also yield broader posive business benets,”

Measure the ROI of our CSR eorts for the C-suite and our investors. i nvestors. Evaluang CSR programs can be overwhelming, especially when iniaves can span many dierent departments such as human resources, markeng, sustainability and compliance.

Expand our company’s denion of CSR. Tradionally, good corporate cizenship was dened by annual giving programs, cause markeng campaigns, and eorts aimed at reducing environmental resources.

Be prepared for rapid response to current events and social movements. CSR programs have the potenal to bring value to business and society, but only if done well. By aligning corporate cizenship eorts with revenue-generang acvies, you can ensure your CSR program is strategic and sustainable.

2. Strategie Strategiess you used to evaluate evaluate corpor corporate ate social social responsibil responsibility ity against against organisao organisaonal nal sustainability objecves 7|Page


“There’s no true set of universally understood or valued criteria on how CSR programs are measured,” 

Transparency on progress towards communicated goals

Strategic alignment between a company’s services and their CSR work

Buy-in from senior leadership

Demonstrated understanding of the issues being addressed by organizaons

Community assessment such as formal or informal evaluaon e valuaon of an organizaon’s CSR work by members of the community being served

While there’s no unied standard for measurement of CSR campaigns (in part because the work is so dierent from context to context), there are few industry-standard tools out there: 

Communi Com munityMa tyMark rk : A top measurement tool for community involvement

GRI : The rst  rst global standards for sustainability reporng

SA SASB SB : Measuring the nancial  nancial impacts of sustainability

B Corp Cor p cerca cer caon on : For aligning company pracces to an array of CSR goals

UN Framew Fr amework orkss: Global compacts such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals that guide countries and organizaons towards greater sustainability and corporate

responsibility. 

Internaonal Interna onal Labor Organizaon Organizao n supplier frameworks framework s: For companies interested in

ensuring human rights within the supply chain

3. List of your recommen recommended ded improvemen improvements ts to corporate corporate social social responsibil responsibility ity policy policy and pracces pracces

Align with our mission and values

There are a multude of ways to give back and parcipate in our community. If wedon’t know where to start, look for opportunies that align with our mission and values. 2. Align with our business service

Do what you do best as a company and leverage our core business service or product in a socially responsible context.

3. Go green

There might be everyday changes that can reduce the environmental impact of our workplace, 8|Page


such as recycling programs, waste reducon, and energy e nergy conservaon. To maximize the eecveness of these eorts, we need buy-in and parcipaon from employees, so make it fun and accessible by featuring an “environmental p of a month.” 4. Mobilize employees through a commiee

Chances are there are some employees in our company who are parcularly passionate about social responsibility. Because this is an ongoing project, creang a commiee that focuses on these eorts will ensure that our company takes acon regularly. Further, a commiee is a great way to engage employees through their interests. 5. Volunteering as a team building acvity

Volunteering together can be a great team building acvity. Consider establishing a regular schedule for volunteer events with our team or department. Some organizaons even set aside a certain amount of hours each quarter for osite volunteer acvies. Keep in mind that some nonprot organizaons require special clearance forms or addional training, so be sure to plan these group events far in advance. 6. Create a dialogue Regularly educate employees on our social responsibility program and why it’s important to

our company. Include an overview in training and communicate how employees can parcipate. Just like with other culture programs we implement, use surveys to gather feedback from employees and crowdsource ideas for future programs.

End of Assessment

Congratulaons, Congratula ons, you have completed this assessment task. task. Please ensure all quesons are answered and upload the following: 

This completed workbook


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