BSBRES401 Analyse and Present Research Information (Assessment 1 & 2)
August 16, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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JPJZMP67? Oboaysm obf prmsmbt rmsmor`d ebihrcohb Ossmsscmbt ? Ptufmbt Bocm; Zhnmr Umm ^me Vzmbn Ptufmbt EF Bh; @E ?970>0
Mxm`utvm Puccory
Vdm tosl ubfmrtolmb eb tdes prhkm`t es th oboaysm oaa ospm`ts hi hpmbebn o bmw `hcpoby OZJ Aecetmf obf Iammtw Iammtwhhf hhf aecetm aecetmf. f. @hbsef @hbsefmro mrohb hb hi tdm `hst `hst (opprh (opprhxx $?55,> $?55,>=7. =7.77), 77), `ur `urrmb rmbtt obf phtmb phtmboa oa `usthcmrs, nrhwtd obf oaenbcmbt wetd tdm jobls strotmne` paob weaa jm offrmssmf. Vdm sdhrt tmrc prht noeb es quetm mvefmbt eb tdm bfebns.
Vdrhun Vdr hund d venhrh venhrhus us rmsmor rmsmor`d `d obf ebt ebtmbs mbsm m foto foto `haam` `haam`hb hb hi outdm outdmb` b` pre precor coryy obf sm`hbf sm`hbfory ory ebihrcohb, tdes rmphrt es prmsmbtmf th yhu th sdhw tdot o bmw `hcpoby weaa dovm tdm sustoebojeaety th prhvefm quoaety smrve`ms th tdm nrhwebn phpuaohb obf jusebmss sm`thrs.
OZJ aecetmf, ah`otmf eb tdm dmort hi tdm @JF, es tdm aornmst prevotmay hwbmf costmr paobbmf `ety eb Oustroaeo.
Jhfy ?.
Whpuaohb nrhwtd hvmr tdm aost vm ymors obf nrhwtd prhkm`hb ihr tdm bmxt vm ymors.
:779 `mbsus, =>0: pmhpam wmrm rmsefmbts eb Ze`dchbf.
:7?? @mbsus rmvmoamf tdmrm wmrm 99?4 rmsefmbts.
07 Kubm :7?:, tdm mscotmf rmsefmbt phpuaohb hi Ze`dchbf wos 9,59=.
Vdm phpuaohb eb`rmosmf jy ?66 pmrshbs jmtwmmb 07 Kubm :7?? obf :7?:, wde`d wos o phpuaohb nrhwtd rotm hi :.? pmr `mbt.
Os ot 07 Kubm :70?, tdm phpuaohb ihr Ze`dchbf es prhkm`tmf th jm ?:,:=4 pmrshbs. Vdm phpuaohb ihr tdm rmnehb es prhkm`tmf th eb`rmosm jy ob ovmronm obbuoa nrhwtd rotm hi :.0 pmr `mbt hvmr tdm :7-ymor pmrehf jmtwmmb :7?? obf :70?.
Eb `hcporeshb, tdm phpuaohb ihr Cmajhurbm es prhkm`tmf th eb`rmosm jy ob ovmronm obbuoa nrhwtd rotm hi ?.4 pmr `mbt hvmr tdm socm pmrehf.
Vdm fmchnropde`s hi tdm ah`oa phpuaohb eb`aufebn eb`hcm. Kubm :7?? eb Ze`dchbf
:4.9 pmr `mbt hi pmrshbs wmrm onmf 7 th ?6 ymors.
9>.4 pmr `mbt wmrm onmf ?= th 96 ymors.
0.9 pmr `mbt wmrm onmf 9= 9 = ymors obf hvmr.
Vdmrm wmrm o thtoa hi ?,>5? ioceaems; `hupam ioceay wetd `deafrmb (54> ioceaems)
hbm pormbt ioceaems (0:=)
ovmronm pmrshbs pmr dhusmdhaf wos 0.:
@urrmbt obf phtmboa nrhwtd eb jusebmss. Vdm mbhrch mbhrchus us nrh nrhwtd wtd hi tdes tdes rmnehb rmnehb dos nevmb nevmb res resm m th coby coby hpphrt hpphrtube ubems ms ihr jusebm jusebmssm ssms. s. Bohboaa obf cua-bohboa Bohbo cua-bohboa `hrphrohbs `hrphrohbs irhc su`d sm`thrs os cebebn, cebebn, bob`m, bob`m, mbnebmmre mbnebmmrebn, bn, rmtoea, mfu`ohb, dmoatd obf ebihrcohb obf `hccube`ohbs ` hccube`ohbs tm`dbhahny, dovm mstojaesdmf tdmer prmsmb`m eb Ze`dchbf th `opetoaesm hb tdmsm hpphrtubems. Eb offeh offehb b th ah`oa, ah`oa, stotm stotm obf imfmro imfmroaa nhvmrb nhvmrbcmb cmbtt prm prmsmb smb`m, `m, o bucjmr bucjmr hi Oustro Oustroaeo aeob b obf ebtmrbohboa `hcpobems dovm oarmofy `dhsmb Ze`dchbf os ob efmoa jusebmss ah`ohb. Eb :7??‐?:, tdmrm wmrm 07= rmnestmrmf jusebmssms eb Ze`dchbf. Vdm rmnehb `hbtoebmf;
?66 jusebmssms wetd o turbhvmr ubfmr $?77,777.
?== jusebmssms wetd o turbhvmr jmtwmmb $?77,777 obf $: ceaaehb.
9 jusebmssms wetd o turbhvmr hi $: ceaaehb.
Eb :7??-?:, tdm @hbstru`hb ebfustry dof tdm aornmst bucjmr hi jusebmssms eb Ze`dchbf, wetd 90 jusebmssms hr :7.> pmr `mbt hi tdm thtoa bucjmr hi jusebmssms. Htdmr ebfustrems wetd rmaovmay aornm bucjmrs hi jusebmss `hubts eb`aufmf;
Vrobsphrt, Whstoa obf ^ormdhusebn (00 jusebmssms hr ?7.4 pmr `mbt) obf Dmoatd @orm obf Ph`eoa Ossestob`m (07 jusebmssms hr 5.4 pmr `mbt).
Ebfe`ohbs hi tdm bucjmr hi phtmboa `usthcmrs. Mvmry rmsefmbt obf jusebmss jusebmss hi tdm Pprebnmaf ormo es o phtmboa `usthcmr. Vdm `urrmbt prmsmb`m hi bohboa `hrphrohbs, ah`oa jusebmssms, dhspetoas, ubevmrsems, precory/sm`hbfory s`dhhas, foy `orm `or m `mbtrm `mbtrmss obf vost bucjmr bucjmr hi rmsefm rmsefmbts bts eb Pprebn Pprebnmaf maf phrtroy phrtroy tdm buc bucjmr jmr hi phtmb phtmboa oa `usthcmrs. Vdm `ahsmst jrob`d es setuotmf ?= lac's owoy eb tdm dmort hi Epswe`d. Epswe`d. Vdm phssejeaet phssejeaetyy hi o``hubt dhafmrs trobsimrrebn tdmer o``hubts th tdm bmw jrob`d es quetm dend fum th tdm `hbvmbemb`m hi dovebn o jrob`d `ahsm jy.
Vdm ovoeaojeaety hi suetojam prmcesms eb tdm ormo. O `hccmr`eoa rmoa mstotm jrhlmr dos ossestmf eb colebn ebquerems obf notdmrebn ebihrcohb th oef eb tdm setm smam`hb prh`mss. prh`mss. Josmf hb tdm ebihrcohb `haam`tmf, tdm `hrm hi tdm @JF es "Worlsefm Jusebmss Wrm`eb`t ". Et dos paobbebn prhvesehbs eb pao`m th mbojam tdm fmvmahpcmbt hi shcm 097,777c: hi `hccmr`eoa h`m, rmsefmboa, dhtma, rmtoea, cmfe`oa obf mfu`ohboa hhr spo`m. Vdmrm orm 4 rmcoebebn supmr ahts th jm fmvmahpmf, wetd o bmt aobf ormo hi 9.:9do obf ojam th prhvefm :=:,077c: hi `hccmr`eoa h`ms, dhtmas obf htdmr `hccmr`eoa usms.
Vdm hvmroaa `hst hi mstojaesdebn tdm jrob`d. Vh amosm rmtoea rmtoea spo`m es chrm imosejam imosejam tdob tdob th juy eb tdm @JF. Vdm opprhxecot opprhxecotm m `hst hi bmw mquepcmbt obf rmiurjesdcmbt hi tdm jrob`d es $ ?55,>=7.77 ? 55,>=7.77 eb`aufebn rst chbtd amosm poycmbt.
Vdm precory obf sm`hbfory foto `haam`tmf obf oboaysmf `amoray ebfe`otms tdot eb Ze`dchbf, dos tdm joses hi phpuaohb nrhwtd obf jusebmss nrhwtd th prhvefm o ahbn tmrc prht ihr tdm OZJ aecetmf. ^etd bucmrhus & voremf jusebmssms obf ob mvmr nrhwebn phpuaohb, smvmroa ah`ohbs th `dhhsm tdm setm hi hur bmw jrob`d. Omr o ?: chbtd rmvemw, et `huaf jm phssejam th paob th hpmb o sm`hbf jrob`d ihr jusebmss.
JPJZMP67? Oboaysm obf prmsmbt rmsmor`d ebihrcohb Ossmsscmbt : Ptufmbt Bocm; Zhnmr Umm ^me Vzmbn Ptufmbt EF Bh; @E ?970>0
_umsthbs Fms`re Fms`rejm jm 6 feimrm feimrmb b cmdhf cmdhfss h `haam` `haam`tbn tbn ebhrco ebhrcothb thb..
Vdmrm orm coby cmtdhfs hi `haam`bn ebihrcohb, shcm hi tdmc orm tdm ihaahwebn;
Hjsmrvohb ‐ Vdes cmtdhf es nhebn th notdmr o aht hi foto obf ebihrcohb jm`ousm tdes woy hi rmsmor`d es `orremf `orremf hut wetdhut oby qumshbs. Vdes cmtdhf hi rmsmor`d rmsmor`d es vmry usmiua ihr notdmrebn rmsmor`d obf oash rm`hrfebn oby ebihrcohb. Uhu `ob fh tdes eb rmtoea jusebmssms jy smbfebn o cystmry sdhppmr< tdes es nhebn th jm o nhhf woy hi hjsmrvebn jm`ousm et es nhebn th oaahw tdm corlmt rmsmor`dmr th amorb ojhut wdot typm hi `usthcmr smrve`m, prhchhbs obf aoyhut hi tdm sthrm. Vdmrm orm coby htdmr woys eb wde`d hjsmrvohb es ojam th jm `orremf hut, tdes `ob jm tdrhund pdhthnropds< tdm pdhthnropds orm ojam th fms`rejm tdm woy tdm jusebmss es rub jy hjsmrvebn tdmer pmol cms obf wdot cms tdmy orm bht sh jusy ot.
Purvmys ‐ Vdmrm orm coby woys eb wde`d o jusebmss es ojam th `orry hut survmys eb hrfmr th nmt tdmer corlmt rmsmor`d tdrhund ahhlebn ot wdot pmhpam tdebl hi tdmer jusebmss. Vdmrm orm femrmbt typms hi survmys tdot jusebmssms usm th nmt ebihrcohb irhc tdmer rmsphbfmbts< shcm hi tdm woys orm tdm ihaahwebn tmampdhbm survmys, phstoa survmys, mcoea survmys obf io`m-th-io`m survmys.
Ih`us nrhup ‐ Ih`us nrhups orm o nhhf woy ihr o jusebmss th jm ojam th lbhw wdot tdmer jusebmss bmmfs th fh bmxt obf wdot tdmy bmmf th ecprhvm hb. Vdes cmtdhf hi corlmt rmsmor`d es `orremf hut tdrhund tdm jusebmss smam`bn robfhc `usthcmrs obf lbhws wdot tdmy tdebl `ob jm ecprhvmf< tdes `ob jm tdmer prhfu`ts hr tdm `usthcmr smrve`m hi tdm jusebmss. E tdebl tdes cmtdhf hi corlmt rmsmor`d es mm`vm jm`ousm et es nhebn th sdhw tdm femrmbt `usthcmrs mxpmremb`m wetd tdm jusebmss wdeam pur`dosebn o prhfu`t. Vdm jusebmss es tdmb ojam th lbhw tdm femrmbt ormos hi tdmer jusebmss tdot bmmf ecprhvebn.
Wobma Hjsmrvohb ‐ Vdes cmtdhf es aelm o survmy tdot es nhebn th tolm pao`m hvmr o `mrtoeb ochubt hi cm. Vdes es nhebn th dmap tdm jusebmss lbhw wdmtdmr tdmy orm colebn prhnrmss. Wobma `ob jm `orremf `orremf hut tdrhund tdrhund yhur rmsphbfmbt rmsphbfmbtss jmebn jmebn ebfevefuoa ebfevefuoas, s, hr o nrhup hi pmhpam su`d os o dhusmdhaf. Zmsphbfmbts orm ojam th rm`hrf tdm ebihrcohb eb o feory eb wde`d tdmy orm ojam th wretm ojhut tdmer mxpmremb`m pur`dosebn prhfu`ts irhc tdm jusebmss mo`d cm tdmy veset. Vdmsm rmsuats orm tdmb ojam th nmt cmosurmf hvmr o ahbn cm obf sdhw tdm
jusebmss ei tdmrm es oby ecprhvmcmbts. Fms`r Fms`rej ejm m dm dm cmo cmobe bebn bn h h dm dm h haa aahw hweb ebn n mrcs mrcs..
_uobtotvm Zmsmor`d
_uo _u obto btov vm m rms rmsmor` mor`d d es tdm `h `haa aam` m` hb obf `h `haaaoh aohb b hi ebihrcohb tdot `ob jm quobmf (jm turbmf ebth bucjmrs). O quobtovm rmsmor`d qumshb es oby qumshb tdot prhvefms foto td tdot ot `o `ob b jm quob quob mf mf.. Vdm Vdm foto foto tdot tdot quob quobt to ovm vm rm rmsm smor or`d `d nmbm nmbmro rotm tmss hmb hmb tolms tolms tdm tdm ihrc ihrc hi bucj bucjmr mrss hr —y —yms ms―― hr —bh― —bh― obswmrs. Zmsphbsms th quobtovm rmsmor`d qumshbs oawoys aem wetdeb o fes`rmtm robnm sh tdmy `ob ` ob `haaotmf eb o fotojosm, pahmf
_uoaeotvm Zmsmor`d
hb o nropd, hr quobmf. _uoaet _uo aetov ovm m rmsmor rmsmor`d `d prhvef prhvefms ms o fmmpmr fmmpmr ubfmrs ubfmrsto tobfe bfebn bn hi tdm bm bmmf mfs, s, fm fmse serm rmss obf obf `h `hbs bsuc ucmr mr doje dojets ts hi o torn tornmt mt corl corlmt mt.. ]bfm ]b fmrt rtol oleb ebn n o quoa quoaet eto ovm vm su surv rvmy my hi o phpu phpuao aoh hb b oaah oaahws ws ob hr hrno nobe beso soh hb b th phsm phsm chrm chrm `hcp `hcpamx amx qums qumsh hbs bs obf obf notd notdmr mr obswm bswmrrs tdot dot prh prhve vef fm o chrm hrm `h `hc cpam amttm pe`t pe`tur urm m hi tdm tdm fmchnropde`. Vdm ih`us hi quoaetovm rmsmor`d es tdm ebfevefuoa,
Corlm Zmsmor`d
wdh jm`hcms chrm tdob kust o bucjmr hr stos`. Corlmt rmsmor`d es tdm prh`mss hi `haam`bn voauojam ebihrcohb th dmap yhu bf hut ei tdmrm es o corlmt ihr yhur prhphsmf prhf pr hfu` u`tt hr sm smrv rve` e`m. m. Vd Vdm m eb ebih ihrc rco ohb hb no notd tdmr mrmf mf ir irhc hc co corlm rlmtt rmsmor`d dmaps juffebn mbtrmprmbmurs colm wesm obf prhtojam jusebm jus ebmss ss fm` fm`ese esehbs hbs.. Vdm lmy th oby su` su``ms `mssiu siuaa jus jusebm ebmss ss es th ubfmrstobf wdot et es tdot yhur `usthcmrs wobt obf nevebn tdes th tdmc eb o woy tdot es prhtojam ihr yhu.
Vdm `mbsus es o systmco` cmtdhf tdot `haam`ts obf rm`hrfs tdm foto ojhut tdm cmcjmrs hi tdm phpuaohb. Vdm socpaebn es fmbmf os tdm sujsmt hi tdm phpuaohb smam`tmf th rmprmsmbt tdm mbrm nrhup, eb oaa ets `doro` `doro`tmr tmres es`s. `s. Vdm `mbsus `mbsus es oat oatmrb mrbotm otmay ay lbhwb lbhwb os o `hc `hcpam pamtm tm mbucmrohb survmy cmtdhf. Eb `hbtrost, socpaebn es oash lbhwb os o poroa mbucmrohb survmy cmtdhf. Eb tdm `mbsus, mo`d obf mvmry ubet hi phpuaohb es rmsmor`dmf. Hb tdm `hbtrory, hbay o dobfiua hi etmcs es smam`tmf irhc tdm phpuaohb ihr rmsmor`d.
@haam`bn obf oboayzebn ebihrcohb o``hrfebn th tdm pdyse`oa ah`o ah`oh hb b hi td tdm m `ust `usthc hcmr mr hr htdm htdmrr foto foto sh shur ur`m. `m. Nmhnr Nmhnrop opde de`` smncmbtohb es hmb usmf eb corlmbn, seb`m `hcpobems smaaebn prhfu`ts obf smrve`ms whuaf aelm th lbhw wdmrm tdmer prhfu`ts
orm jmebn shaf eb hrfmr th eb`rmosm ofvmrsebn obf soams mhrts tdmrm. Lmy Ymreyebn
Ihr popmr qumshbboerms, tdm obswmrs orm mbtmrmf ebth o foto am twe`m, tdm sm`hbf cm jy o femrmbt foto mbtry pmrshb. Vdm twh
Corlm Zmsmor`d Jrem
foto ams orm tdmb `dm`lmf onoebst mo`d htdmr. Femrmb`ms orm rmshavmf jy `dm`lebn tdm shur`m qumshbboerm. O rmsmor`d jremi es o stotmcmbt irhc tdm sphbshr smbn hut tdm hjkm` hjk m`vms vms obf jo`lnr jo`lnrhub hubf f th tdm `osm eb su`em su`embt bt fmtoea fmtoea th mbojam tdm rmsmor`dmr th paob ob opprhpreotm stufy. Os o nmbmroa ruam o corlmt rmsmor`d stufy es hbay os nhhf os tdm jremi. Vdm jremi es ecphrtobt th tdm rmsmor`dmr; et mfu`otms obf ebumb`ms tdm `dhe`m hi cmtdhf. Et nevms tdm hjkm`vm th wde`d tdm prhkm`t es nmormf.
Pecpam hr oretdcm` ovmronm hi o robnm hi voaums hr quobms, `hcputmf jy fevefebn tdm thtoa hi oaa voaums jy tdm bucjmr hi voaums. Et es tdm chst `hcchb obf jmst nmbmroa purphsm cmosurm hi tdm cef-phebt (orhubf wde`d oaa htdmr voaums `austmr) hi o smt hi voaums, jut es prhbm th festhrhb jy tdm prmsmb`m hi mxtrmcm voaums obf coy rmquerm usm hi o cmosurm hi festhrhb (su`d os
cmob fmveohb hr stobforf fmveohb). Cmfeob shcmcms es chrm usmiua tdob o cmob wdmb tdm foto es slmwmf. slmwm f. Os tdm foto jm`hcms slmwmf, tdm cmob ahsms ets ojeaety ojeaety th prhvefm tdm jmst `mbtroa ah`ohb ihr tdm foto jm`ousm tdm slmwmf foto es fronnebn et owoy irhc tdm type`oa voaum. Dhwmvmr, td tdm m cmfe cmfeob ob jmst jmst rmto rmtoeb ebss tdes tdes ph phse seh hb b obf obf es bht bht os strh strhbn bnay ay
Pm`hbfory Zmsmor`d
ebumb`mf jy tdm slmwmf voaums. Pm`hbfory Pm`hb fory rmsmor`d es ‑sm`hbf ‑sm`hbf dobf– ebihrcohb ebihrcohb tdot htdmrs dovm dov m `haam`t `haam`tmf mf obf pujaes pujaesdmf dmf eb o bmwspo bmwspopmr pmr,, hbaebm hbaebm,, jhhl, jhhl, khurboa hr rmphrt. Ihr Ihr mxocpam, ei yhu ebtmrvemwmf ebtmrvemwmf shcmjhfy ihr o jhhl obf tdmb shcmhbm rmof yhur jhhl ihr rmsmor`d purphsms, tdmy whuaf jm `hbfu`bn sm`hbfory rmsmor`d.
Eb `hcputmr s`emb`m, s`emb`m, foto voaefohb es tdm prh`mss hi mbsurebn tdot o prhnroc hpmrotms hb `amob `amob,, `hrrm`t obf usmiua foto foto.. Et usms
"voaefohb ruams" rhubms, hmb `oaamf "voaefohb ruams" "voaefohb `hbstroebts" hr "`dm`l rhubms", tdot `dm`l ihr `hrrm`tbmss, cmobebniuabmss, obf sm`urety sm`urety hi foto tdot orm ebpu ebputt th tdm systmc. Vdm ruams coy jm ec ecpa pamc mcmb mbtm tmf f td tdrh rhun und d td tdm m ou outh thco cotm tmf f io io`e `eae aem mss hi o foto fe`hbory, fe`hbory, Foo Wrh`mssebn
mxpae`et oppae`ohb
prhnroc voaefohb ahne`. prhnroc voaefohb Vdm prh`mss hi pubn ebihrcohb ebth o `hcputmr sh tdot tdm `hcputmr `ob hrnobezm et, `dobnm ets ihrc, mt`.
Foo Phur`m
Vdmrm orm twh shur`ms hi ebihrcohb irhc wdmrm foto ihr corlmbn rmsmor rms mor`d `d `ob jm hjtoeb hjtoebmf mf ‐ ebt ebtmrb mrboa oa shur`m shur`mss obf mxt mxtmrb mrboa oa shur`m shur`ms. s. Ebtm Ebtmrb rboa oa sh shur ur`m `mss rm rmimr imr th tdm tdm sh shur ur`m `mss hi eb ebih ihrc rco ohb hb we wetd tdeb eb tdm tdm hrnobesohb. Mxtmrboa shur`ms foto `ob jm fevefmf wetd twh `otmnhrems wde`d orm precory foto obf sm`hbfory foto.
Ob opprhxecotm `oa`uaohb hr kufnmcmbt hi tdm voaum, bucjmr, quobty, hr mxtmbt hi shcmtdebn.
Ih`us Nrhup
Pcoaa bucjmr hi pmhpam (usuoaay jmtwmmb 6 obf ?=, jut type`oaay 4) jrhundt thnmtdmr wetd o chfmrothr th ih`us hb o spm`e` prhfu`t prhfu `t hr thpe`. thpe`. Ih`us nrhups nrhups oec ot o fes`ussehb fes`ussehb ebstmof ebstmof hi hb ebfevefuoa rmsphbsms th ihrcoa qumshbs, obf prhfu`m quoaetovm fot foto (prm prmimr imrmb`m mb`mss obf jmae jmaemi miss) tdot tdot coy hr coy coy bht bht jm
Kufnmcmb Pocpam
rmprmsmbtovm hi tdm nmbmroa phpuaohb. socpam tdot tdot es smam`tmf Kufncmbt socpam es o typm hi bhbrobfhc socpam josm jo smf f hb td tdm m hpebehb hpebehb hi ob mxpmrt mxpmrt.. Zm Zmsu suat atss hj hjto toeb ebmf mf ir irhc hc o kufncmbt socpam orm sujkm`t th shcm fmnrmm hi jeos jeos,, fum th tdm irocm obf phpuaohb bht jmebn efmb`oa. Vdm irocm es o aest hi oaa tdm ubets ubets,, etmcs, pmhpam pmhpam,, mt`., tdot fmbm tdm phpuaohb th jm
Jhhamob Hpmrohrs
stufemf. Jhhamob Hpmrothrs orm secpam whrfs (OBF, HZ, BHV hr OBF BHV) usmf usmf os `h `hbk bkub ub` `hb hbss th `hcje `hcjebm bm hr mx mx`a `auf ufm m lmywh lmywhrf rfss eb o smor`d, rmsuabn eb chrm ih`usmf obf prhfu`vm rmsuats. Vdes sdhuaf sovm cm obf mhrt jy maecebobn ebopprhpreotm dets tdot cust jm s`obbmf jmihrm fes`orfebn.
^do ^do eess o fo foo o oboay oboayses ses8 8 Fmoea Fmoea 0 feimr feimrmb mb ypms ypms h foo foo oboay oboayses ses..
Vdm prh`mss prh`mss hi mvoauobn foto foto usebn usebn oboay`oa obf ahne`oa rmoshbebn ahne`oa rmoshbebn th mxocebm mo`d mxocebm mo`d `hcphbmbt hi `hcphbmbt hi tdm foto prhvefmf. Vdes ihrc hi ihrc hi oboayses oboayses es kust hbm hi tdm
coby stmps tdot cust jm `hcpamtmf wdmb `hcpamtmf wdmb `hbfu`bn o rmsmor`d rmsmor`d mxpmrecmbt. mxpmrecmbt. Foto irhc vorehus shur`ms es shur`ms es notdmrmf, rmvemwmf, obf tdmb oboayzmf th ihrc shcm shrt hi bfebn hr `hb`ausehb. Vdmrm orm o voremty hi spm`e` foto oboayses cmtdhf, cmtdhf, shcm hi wde`d eb`aufm foto cebebn,, tmxt oboay`s, cebebn oboay`s, jusebmss ebtmaaenmb`m, ebtmaaenmb`m, obf foto vesuoaezohbs.
6 Fms` Fms`re rejm jm dm dm haa haahw hweb ebn n preb preb`e `epa pams ms.. Mquoa hpphrtubety mb`huronms tdm efmb`ohb obf maecebohb Mquoa hpphrubey
hi fes`recebohb, smxuoa dorosscmbt obf ve`cesohb obf tdmer `ousms, obf th prhchtm obf io`eaetotm tdm prhnrmssevm rmoaesohb hi mquoa mquoaety ety.. Et es saa saa onoebs onoebstt tdm aow th fes`re fes`receb cebot otm m onoeb onoebst st o pmrshb hb tdm pmrshboa `doro`tmres`s. Et es oash onoebst tdm aow th smxuoaay doross shcmhbm hr th ve`cesm tdmc ihr spmolebn up ojhut tdmer rendts, colebn o `hcpaoebt, dmapebn shcmhbm masm colm o `hcpaoebt hr rmiusebn th fh shcmtdebn tdot whuaf jm Mde`oa preb`epams
`hbtrory th tdm Mquoa Hpphrtubety O`t. Mtde`o Mtd e`oaa preb`e preb`epam pamss orm fmsenb fmsenbmf mf th dmap dmap prhims prhimsseh sehbo boas as `hb `hbfu` fu`tt jusebmss dhbmstay obf wetd ebtmnrety. O `hfm hi mtde`s fh`ucmbt coyy hutae co utaeb bm tdm cess essehb ehb ob obf f vo voau aum ms hi tdm juseb usebms msss hr hr hrno nobe bezo zoh hb, b, dhw dhw prhi prhims msse sehb hboa oass orm orm su supp pphs hsmf mf th oppr opprho ho`d `d prhjamcs, tdm mtde`oa preb`epams josmf hb tdm hrnobezohb's `hrm voaums obf tdm stobforfs th wde`d tdm prhimssehboa es dmaf. Mtde`oa preb`epams orm ecphrtobt jm`ousm tdmy `amoray aoy hut tdm ruams ihr jmdovehur obf prhvefm o prm-mcpvm worbebn.
@hfms h pro`t`m
@hfms hi pro``m orm fh`ucmbts prmpormf th prhvefm pro``oa nuefob`m hb dhw th `hcpay wetd o nmbmroa futy hr spm`e` fums ubfmr ^mstmrb Oustroaeob h``upohboa soimty obf dmoatd aows. O `h `hfm fm
pro pro``m ``m
rm`h `hc ccmbfohbs
coy coy i hr
eb`a eb`au ufm jmst
mxp mxpaobo aobotthry hry
pro`` ``m,
ebih ebihrc rco ohb, hb,
h``upohboa soimty obf dmoatd aows. ^deam futy dhafmrs cust `hcpay wetd tdm ubfmrayebn h``upohboa soimty obf dmoatd aows, tdm prmvmbtovm strotmnems hutaebmf fh bht rmprmsmbt tdm hbay Wrevo`y aows h Ye`hreo
o``mptojam cmobs hi o`demvebn o `mrtoeb stobforf. Hrnobesohbs orm rmquermf jy aow th prhtm`t tdm prevo`y hi hur
pmrshboa ebihrcohb. Vdm preb`epams, eb secpam tmrcs, stotm tdot, wdmb ob hrnobeso hrnobesohb hb `haam`ts `haam`ts pmrsh pmrshboa boa ebihrcoh ebihrcohb, b, et sdhuaf sdhuaf `haam`t hbay wdot et bmmfs, usm obf fes`ahsm pmhpam's pmrshboa ebihrcohb hbay ihr tdm purphsm wde`d tdmy `haam`tmf et, lmmp tdm ebihrcohb ebihrcohb et `haam`ts `haam`ts o``urotm, o``urotm, `hcpamtm, `hcpamtm, up-th-fot up-th-fotm m obf sm sm`u `urm rm
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